#but i guess i'll get around to it eventually
jadeylovesmarvelxo · 4 hours
Eddie is in the middle of his biggest campaign yet, meanwhile you're sick and while out for errands you end up running into your ex.
Slight Dom vibes from Eddie. Older Eddie x reader (Eddie is 42, reader is late twenties) protective Eddie. 18+
"The campaign is the biggest one I've planned yet and all the guys are excited for it. I'll be m.i.a for a little while so try and behave while I'm gone" you sprawl across his bed and love the way his eyes darken at the sight of your naked body.
"I guess. It's more fun when I misbehave though" you reply impishly and that makes Eddie smirk just a little bit.
Sweetheart are you going to be good for me or not?" Eddie asks patiently while you pout and settle back on the bed.
"Maybe" you shrug and Eddie shakes his head torn between adoration for you and exasperation. He leans down to kiss you, loses himself in the sensation for a moment or two.
He can't get enough of kissing you, he can't get enough of feeling your body pressed against his and watching you come undone. He can't get enough of spending time with you and being with him.
He's never felt like this before until you, just so full of love and adoration. For the first time in his life he's actually considering postponing a campaign but eventually the little nagging voice inside of his head (that sounds suspiciously like Dustin) forces him out the door.
"If you need anything then you call me, okay princess?" you nod along but he knows you would never interrupt a campaign, "I mean if baby anything at all" he's still hesitant to leave but you practically push him out the door.
"Go or we all know Dustin will be here in seconds if You're even a little bit late" he scoffs but knows you're not wrong. The little butthead would send the cavalry.
With I love yous exchanged he's then out of the door and on his way to the campaign.
You were planning to hit the bookstore in town and then heading to Family Video for a movie to watch while Eddie was gone.
His campaigns were meticulously planned out and you knew this session could last most of the afternoon and some of the night.
It was so hot to watch Eddie when he was so passionate about things he loved and you had even sat in on a campaign or two, made up a character and genuinely enjoyed playing with Eddie and his friends.
Truly it would have been nice to join him today but you had been feeling out of sorts since last night and Eddie refused to get you any more sick, he had gently ordered you to rest up as much as possible and call him on the landline the minute you felt worse.
It took long enough to even get him out of the door to even go to campaign so there was no way you were interrupting him after he had spent so much time on it, you had your movies, medicine and a new book, along with soup and hot cocoa. You would be fine.
The fresh air helped and it was always lovely to see Hawkins in the fall, the gorgeous oranges, rust and golden hues of the trees, the chill in the air and Halloween decorations dotted around the town.
Your peace ends up interrupted by a very unwelcome figure. Your ex. Alastair.
"Has the freak left you all alone today?" You ignore Alastair and walk past him. God what did you see in that asshole? It was only a couple of months but you should have seen that he was a douchebag from the start.
Thankfully you had dumped him and moved on. You had found Eddie who treated you like a queen, who adored you and loved you so much.
"I'm talking to you. Stupid bitch" Alastair snarls and he grabs your arm. The violent tug makes you lose your balance and you stumble.
"Let of me" you snap and his face turns puce but before he can do anything else someone blocks him from your view.
"Clear off dickhead" its Steve and he's glaring at Alastair whose face drains of colour.
"You know I'm glad it's that freak who has you now. At some point he will get sick of your bullshit as well" he snarls and walks away.
You're teary and just want to go home. The glow of your perfect morning with Eddie is long gone.
"You okay?" Steve asks kindly and you nod still feeling shaky. You're furious that Alastair has ruined your day and gotten under your skin again, tears of fury blur your vision and Steve softens.
"Come on. I'll walk you home"
When you head back to Eddie's trailer your head is pounding and Alastair's words play on your mind. It was no good giving that assholes opinions the time of day, the thing is he always managed to say things that got under your skin or that he knew would hurt the most.
It was hard to ignore him and even though you shake up you still refuse to call Eddie. In all honesty you were nervous to say anything about this. He was so protective of you that you worried he would actually knock Alastair out for grabbing you like that.
You didn't want Eddie in trouble so you resolved to keep quiet. Though if Alastair came near you again you were absolutely kicking him in his tiny little balls.
You had been strangely quiet since Eddie had arrived back home, usually you were slightly mischievous, chatty and would tell him all about your day. He told you all about the campaign and how well it had gone, you seemed genuinely excited but there was still something bugging you that Eddie couldn't figure out.
Were you still feeling sick?
"Eddie, do you get sick of me sometimes?" the question hangs in the air and Eddie gapes, what? Where the fuck was this coming from?
"Of course not sweetheart. Why would you ever think that?" You shake your head and cuddle up close to him. He held you tightly, trying to soothe away what was worrying you. What happened from this morning to now?
"No reason, I just wondered that's all" he frowns and holds you closer to him, determined to let you know how much you mean to him.
"I love you sweetheart. I could never get sick of you. Please never think like that because it will never happen" the words seem to relax you but Eddie is still suspicious about why those thoughts were even on your mind.
He's determined to find out and he doesn't have to wait very long.
Steve visits that afternoon and Eddie's worries deepen when he asks if you're okay after yesterday.
"What happened yesterday?" he knew there was something that was bothering you. He should have pressed a little bit more last night but he knew you would tell him in time. He's anxious now that it's something really bad.
It must be judging from your question last night, something had put those thoughts on your mind and now he was closer to finding out what.
Steve frowns. "Did she not tell you that dickhead of an ex was hounding her?" Eddie freezes and shakes his head.
"Shit no, she looked like she wanted to tell me something all night but kept closing up. I should have known it would be something to do with him" he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath to control his anger.
Not that he was angry at you, no way. However he was angry at your ex and his inability to leave you alone. Anytime Alastair saw you it caused him to act like a complete dick, he's pretty sure the guy must naturally be an ass or he didn't like the fact that you dumped his ass.
Either way Eddie wasn't going to let the little fucker away with hurting you. He thanks Steve for telling him and for being there for you, even though he wishes he could have been there himself.
He doubts very much your ex would have said anything when he was around and was one of those people who liked to get their targets on their own.
Once Steve leaves you arrive back home shortly after, you kiss his cheek and take your bag full of groceries into the kitchen.
Eddie follows you and wraps his arms around your waist while trailing soft kisses over your neck.
"Hey princess, Steve came over today to ask how you were after yesterday" you stiffen for a few seconds but relax when he soothes you.
"That was sweet of him. I guess he told you what happened with Alastair? I've been meaning to tell you, it's just trying to find the right words but yeah he was his usual self and he grabbed me..." You turn to him but he's extremely quiet.
You must notice the dangerous glint in his eyes because you cup his cheek and reassure him that you're fine and everything is okay.
Eddie holds you close and kisses you, he's fuming that your ex dared put his hands on you and you quietly tell him the rest of what happened and by the end of it he's pissed.
"I love you so much sweetheart, so fucking much and if that asshole bothers you again then I swear I'll knock his teeth out" he seethes and you shake your head not wanting that to happen.
"I love you Eddie and I don't want you in trouble for that asshole" you rest your head on his chest and he strokes your hair.
"Oh I won't get into shit but he might" he mutters and plans to have a word with your shitty ex. There was no way that douchebag was getting away with hurting you.
"Eddie" you warn him and sigh when you get one of his charming smiles in return.
"I promise you princess that I won't harm a hair on his head even if he deserves it" Eddie vows and you nod believing him. Whatever he had planned though would likely be something Alastair would never forget.
Funnily enough Alistair doesn't bother you again and when you ask Eddie about it he simply says they had a little chat.
Knowing how protective Eddie is you can just imagine how that went. It must have been something that got through to him because in the rare times you did see Alistair out and about in town, his eyes would widen and he'd rush away clutching his privates and letting out a squeal.
"Eddie what the hell did you do?" you ask torn between amusement and exasperation.
"I just told him to leave my girl alone or he'd maybe be an appendage less" he shrugs innocently. "No one tries to hurt you and gets away with it" he kisses your forehead and you stifle a smile as the two of you head back home.
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blueishspace · 2 days
Looped Sun 13
Loop #397
Jimmy: You know what? I'm not going to lose this time around.
Scott: Oh?
Jimmy: I'm going to win this time. I'm going to be the winner of third life.
Scott: Why not? I can help if you want.
Jimmy: This will be amazing.
Jimmy: This isn't amazing.
Scott: Oh Jimmy, you know this is how Third Life ends, I wasn't going to die before seeing you win.
Jimmy: I know... but I don't want to...
Scott: It's ok Jimmy, this is just a game after all.
Jimmy:... Alright.
Loop #399
Mumbo: ... Grian, why did I found an egg under my bed covers.
Grian: I don't know what you mean.
Mumbo: Grian!
Grian: Maybe It's yours, maybe you can lay eggs in this loop.
Mumbo: ... Can I? ... Wait no, you are trying to distract me!
Grian: What? Me??? Noo.
Mumbo: That's definitely a lie.
Loop #407
Scar: Oh! Jimmy, Jimmy, come here!
Jimmy: Deputy, what's going on?
Scar: You haven't seen my theme park yet have you?
Jimmy: Do you have one?
Scar: Oh yes, come with me.
Jimmy: This is... wow. How long did this take?
Scar: Like 200 loops.
Jimmy: This is insane! This is like, as big as a server! How???
Scar: Lots of effort!
Jimmy: You got a Tumble Town inspired section?
Scar: Of course! I am the deputy after all!
Jimmy: Can we go?
Scar: Oh yes! Just remember to keep all limbs inside the minecart!
Loop #418
Grian had woken up in a gray world... He could see people and trees and animals but everything was some shade of gray. He wondered around a bit and noticed a blur, a person in a cloak running into the woods... So of course they followed them.
Grian: Hello? ... Hey? Mysterious person-
Suddenly there was a blade to his neck, a person in a cloak and hat holding it to him.
Grian: Well, that's not nice.
???: Who are you!?! I have never seen you before!
Grian: Grian, and you?
???: I... It doesn't make sense, I gave never seen you before... why did the script change?
Grian: Script... is time reapeating for you?
The stranger took a step back, face shocked.
???: How!?
Grian: I am in the same position, now I ask again. Who are you?
Siffrin: Call me Siffrin...he/they
Siffrin: I just escaped one timeloop and now I'm stuck in a different one!?!
Grian: I... I'm not the best person to explain probably but you aren't alone.
Siffrin: I'm not?
Grian: Eventually other people will start looping with you, the closer to you the likelier.
Siffrin: ...
Grian: So, can I join your little party for this?
Siffrin: I can try to convince the others but I don't... I Don't want to go into the house again.
Grian: Oh, that, don't worry I'll deal with the king myself.
Siffrin: Are you sure?
Odile: What do you mean the king disappeared and everyone was freed!??
Bookstore keeper: I don't know what to tell you, it happened in the middle of the night.
Mirabel: D-does that mean It's over? Everyone is ok?
Bookstore keeper: Looks like it.
Mira: Oh! I need to see the head housemaiden!
Odile: I can't believe this.
Scott: So when are you going to tell Siffrin that you are also looping?
Loop: When are you going to tell that watcher that you are here?
Scott: Touchè.
Loop: Of course, I'll tell them... eventually. It is much funnier this way.
Scott: Agreed.
Grian: I have a gift.
Siffrin: A gift?
Grian: You probably won't know what it is but this is a reality stone.
Siffrin: ...
Grian: You remember how to access the pocket?
Siffrin: Yeah?
Grian: Hold on to it, will you?
Loop #422
Scar: Mumbo?
Mumbo: Yeah?
Scar: I've been thinking.
Mumbo: Weird...
Scar: Wha- Hey!
Mumbo: Heh... go on.
Scar: Right, me and Grian are soulmates so much that sometimes the bond stays even if we are outside if Double Life.
Mumbo: Yes?
Scar: And you got half of Grian's soul to get cured of pigness.
Mumbo: ... Yes.
Scar: So if you and Grian share a soul then you are also soulmates right?
Mumbo: . . . I guess?
Scar: So if me and Grian are soulmates and you and Grian are soulmates then me and you are soulmates too!
Mumbo: I don't think that's how it works?
Scar: But are you sure it isn't?
Mumbo: ... Not really?
Scar: Then it totally works like that soulmate.
Mumbo: If... if you say so...soulmate.
Loop #425
Scott heard a knock...then soon after another.
Scott: Coming.
Scott: Who's there at this hour?
Tango: It's me, Tango.
Scott: Why are you here?
Tango: I wanted to say I'm...sorry for your loss.
Scott: Wha- oh, you mean Jimmy?
Tango: ... Yeah?
Scott: It's...ok, I'll deal...thank you I guess.
Tango: ...
Scott: ... Do you want anything else.
Tango: Uh... I... Have a weird question.
Scott: Go on?
Tango: Is...is time reapeatificating for you?
Scott: ...
Tango: It is isn't it!? I knew it!
Scott: Tango... out of everyone...
Tango: Yea- ...uh?
Scott: It's just... I have a lot to tell you but I can't right now.
Tango: Wait no, I need to-
Scott: It's late Tango, come back tomorrow, bye!
Scott: Why him!? Why did he have to start looping as well!?
He needed to calm himself, he couldn't act aggressively towards Tango the following morning and especially not in front of Jimmy. This was...unexpected but it was fine, he could deal with this.
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Also interested in Hollow Knight lore, @a-sociopath-do-your-research if you are willing to loredump in my askbox I will be very grateful.
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mattspopsicle · 8 hours
SUMMARY:: Chris and y/n have been friends for a few months. They met when y/n switched schools and shared a few classes with Chris. Two weeks ago they went out on a date. Ivy and Maddie, y/n's best friends, have shipped the two since they met.
Thursday, 11:45am.
"Y/n wait up.", you turn around seeing Nate, Chris's best friend walking up to you. "I'm hosting a party this saturday, I heard about you and Chris so I have to invite you. Wanna come?", he asked you. "Can I bring some friends with me?", you ask Nate. "Yeah sure. So that means you're coming?", he asks with a smile. "Yeah I'll be there.", you replied. "Great I'll have Chris send you the information.", he said as he walks off to his friends.
You walk off to the cafeteria and find Ivy and Maddie. "What was that about?", Ivy asked curiously. "I got invited to Nate's party this saturday. I'm not going if you two aren't going though.", you replied. "Oh my god we have to go, Chris is gonna be there!", Maddie replied excited. Ivy tapped your shoulder and pointed to something behind you. You turned around and saw Chris walking with Nate. "Have you two even talked after the date?", Maddie asked. "Yeah we have but it's been really awkward.", you replied. "How come? I thought you two had a great night?", Maddie asked confused. "We did I don't know why he's acting this way.", you replied looking down. "Hey it'll be alright besides he's just a boy you'll find someone that cares eventually.", Ivy said to cheer you up.
School ended and as you walked towards your car you noticed a guy leaning on the door. You recognized him immediately. "Chris?", you said as you walked closer. "Yeah I wanted to talk if you have time?", he asked as he walked closer. "Yeah I do what's up?", you replied. "Can we get in your car? I don't want anyone interrupting us.", he asked with a slight smile. "Yeah sure.", you replied as you got in the driver's seat. Chris walked over to the passenger seat and sat down. "I'm sorry for how I've been acting. It's just..", he took a deep breath and held your hand. "I've been hurt in the past and I was scared id have to go through something like that again.", he said and stared you deep into your eyes. "Id never want to hurt you Chris, if you don't want this we can move on.", you replied with a smile. "I do want this, I want us more then anything.", he said as he leaned in closer and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.
"Can I?", he asked as he looked down at your lips with a smile. "Yeah.", you replied as you leaned in and gently kissed Chris. The gentle kiss, getting intenser quickly. Your tongues exploring each other's mouths. You pulled away with a smile, "I'm glad you talked to me about this.", you said with a smile. "Me too, I need to go my friends are waiting for me.", Chris said. He kissed your cheek and waved out the window before he left. You turned your car engine on and started driving. You couldn't help but smile all the way home.
Saturday, 19:37pm.
"Which dress should I wear?", you asked Ivy and Maddie. "Definitely the red one.", Maddie said with a smile. "It'll make Chris's jaw drop for real.", Ivy said with a small giggle. "I'm definitely gonna have drinks tonight so at least one of you needs to stay sober to drive us back here.", Ivy said as she put her phone down. "I'll stay sober, I'm not really in the mood to drink we have school monday.", Maddie said as she stood up and brushed her hair. "I don't know if I'll drink.", you said as you walked over to Ivy. "Can you zip the back?", you asked her as you turned around. "Till how late is the party?", Maddie asked as she put her earrings in. "I don't know but we shouldn't leave too late.", you replied. "I'll just drag you two out of there I guess.", Maddie said with a laugh.
A few hours later Maddie drove you three to Nate's house. You walked inside and hung your jacket. "I spy a guy named Chris with a jaw dropped.", Ivy whispered into your ear. "Shut up.", you said with a laugh as you walked over to Chris. "Wow you look amazing.", he said as he bit his bottom lip. "So do you.", you replied with a smile. "Wanna get a drink?", he asked as he held your hand. "Sure.", you replied.
Throughout the night you played some games and kissed Chris a few times. About an hour into the party you were already wasted. "Chris can we go sit outside? I'm dizzy.", you asked Chris. "Yes of course.", he replied as he stood up and put his arm around you. You sat down on the little staircase in front of Nate's door. "You want a cig?", Chris asked you. "We can share one?", you suggested. "Whatever you want princess.", he replied with a smile. He lit up a cig and started smoking. You rested your head on Chris's shoulder. You two were both wasted. "Stay here I need to throw up.", Chris said as he quickly ran to a bush. You laughed as he ran away. He came back with a disgusted look. "Wanna go get some water?", you asked Chris as he stood in front of you. "Yeah.", he replied and walked you two back inside.
A while later you and Chris were making out on the couch. Chris patted his lap, signaling you to sit on it. You got on top of his lap and continued kissing him. Chris gripped your ass with his hands, making you moan quietly. You started grinding on his lap slowly, making him groan. Chris pulled away and whispered into your ear, "How about we finish this later?" he looked back at you and pulled a strand of hair behind your ear. "Alright.", you replied as you gave him a kiss on his forehead and sat down next to him again.
The party had been going on for a few hours and people started leaving. "You wanna come home with me? Matt's about to pick me up.", Chris asked you. "Well I would but I'm having a sleepover with Maddie and Ivy so.", you replied. "Just ask them if they're good with it.", Chris replied with a smile. "Fine.", you said as you searched for Maddie and Ivy. You were taking Chris with you, holding his hand as you were leading the way. You saw Maddie and Ivy and walked up to them. "Y/n we were so worried about you where have you been?", Maddie asked. "I've been with Chris also we were wondering if it's okay if I sleep at his place tonight.", you replied with a smile. "I don't know it's my responsibility to take care of you.", Maddie replied. "Please mads I'll be fine.", you replied staring at Maddie with puppy eyes. "Fine just text me when you get there.", Maddie replied. "Thank you mads!", you happily replied and gave Maddie a hug. "Alright we're leaving have fun tonight.", Maddie said as she took Ivy's hand and walked off. Chris and you waited for Matt to arrive and pick you two up. "He's here.", Chris said as he took your hand and walked over to Nate. He said bye to everyone before leaving and leading us to Matt's car. "I didn't know you were bringing y/n home?", Matt said as you got in the car. "It isn't your business.", Chris replied.
You got out the car and hele Chris's hand. "I assume she'll be sleeping in your room?", Matt asked with a smirk. "If she wants too.", Chris replied. "So princess where do you wanna sleep?", Chris asked you with a smile. "I don't mind as long as I get to sleep.", you replied with a laugh. "Alright come with me.", Chris said as he took your hand and walked you to his room. "You tired?", Chris asked as he closed the door. "Not really I'm still drunk as fuck.", you replied as you sat down on his bed. "So.. do you wanna finish where we left off?", he asked as he walked over to you. You looked up at Chris's face and bit your lips. "Yes.", you replied with a slight smile. Chris pushed you on your back and leaned over you. He took off his belt and kissed your neck roughly. "Fuck chris.", you whisper as your eyes roll back. Chris continued placing kisses all over your neck. "Wanna take this dress off princess?", he said as he stared you deep into your eyes. Without thinking you immediately took off your dress, leaving you in your bra and panties. "So fucking sexy.", Chris said before continuing kissing your collarbone. Soft moans left your mouth as he continued placing kisses. He moved down and started kissing your tits. Your breathing became heavy and your moans got louder each time. Chris took off his shirt and pants, leaving him in his underwear. "You wanna do this?", Chris asked with a smirk. "Yes, please.", you replied instantly.
Chris took off your bra and panties, and his underwear. His hard cock made you gulp of it's length. "I'm not sure if it'll fit Chris..", you said as you looked back at his face. "We'll find out.", Chris said as he spread your legs open. He slowly started thrusting his dick inside of you. "Fuck.", you screamed out. "Shh Matt and Nick are home.", he said as he kissed your lips. His speed started going up leading you to moan more. "You feel so good princess.", Chris said as he played with your tits. Chris started thrusting his dick at full speed inside of you. Your moans turned into screams. "RIGHT THERE.", you screamed out as your eyes rolled to the back of your head. "Fuck.", Chris groaned as he cummed inside of you. "That was so good.", you say out of breath. "Your turn.", Chris said as he winked.
He climbed into his bed and got down. You sat on top of his dick, slowly sliding it in. "Fuck.", Chris groaned in a deep tone. You slowly started riding him, his hands still playing with your tits. You sped up, moaning countlessly. Chris's hands gripped his blanket. You started riding Chris full speed. You were both moaning loud. "I'm close.", Chris said as he shut his eyes closed. "Me too.", you said out of breath. You both came at the same time. "That was so good.", Chris said as he rolled you next to him.
You were cuddling up together for a while. "Wanna go sleep? It's getting late baby.", Chris said as he continued playing with your hair. "Alright.", you replied. your cheeks flushed red when Chris called you baby. "Here you can sleep in this.", Chris said as he tossed over a tshirt. You put the tshirt on and got into his bed. "Goodnight love.", you said as you kissed Chris's cheek. "Goodnight princess.", Chris replied as he got on his stomach. You both fell asleep immediately.
You woke up, confused. You looked around and noticed Chris next to you. You got out of his bed, realizing you weren't wearing any underwear and all your clothes were on the floor. "Fuck..", you said as you started searching everywhere for a wrapper. "What are you doing?", Chris said as he slowly sat up. "Did we have sex?", you asked nervously. "Looks like we did.", he replied with a smirk. "Chris I'm not on the pill please tell me you used a condom.", you replied getting anxious. "Fuck I don't know.", he replied as he got up and started looking with you. After searching his room for a good 20 minutes you were sure, he didn't use a condom. "Chris this is really bad.", you said as you started crying. "Shh baby it's okay come here.", Chris said as he pulled you into a hug. "It'll be okay.", he said as he kissed your head. "I hope so.", you replied wiping your tears away. "How did we end up like this..."
Heyy! I hope you enjoyed reading! This was my first story so I don't know if it was the best but I tried <3
:: @sturnrm @sturnsxplr-25
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keeps-ache · 1 year
WAIT. my art so cool actually
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all-that-jazz-93 · 2 months
There are plenty of shows I don't watch because I'm just not interested. But on the other hand, there are also a lot of shows I don't watch because I know I'd get way too into them, and I just don't have the time
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sysig · 3 days
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Yeah of course I’m still thinking about plushies, what else (Patreon)
Most specifically thinking about magnets again - there’s the obvious of putting it in their hands so they can hold hands!
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Of course if they’re on the same side i.e. right hand gets south polarity, left gets north, they’d only be able to hold opposite hands, so no handshakes (but I think that’s fine personally haha)
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But on top of hands they could also have magnets behind their mouth! Kiss-magnets! My only real concern is the fabric pulling and developing kiss-wrinkles from being pressed against each other haha
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They’d also be able to giggle with their palms to their mouths hehe, how cute! It’d depend on their kiss polarity
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Which would of course depend on ship compatibility! Max has to be able to kiss Dex and Caleb, so if that makes it that Caleb and Dex can’t kiss, I mean that’s just an unfortunate side effect haha
#Doodles#SCII#Helix#Max Vyer#Dexter Favin#ZEX#And kinda-sorta Caleb under the cut - mostly construction speculations#Gah I want themst as plushies so baaaad#Baby steps thataway - I'm still unsure with the fabric I'm using but everything testing! Every little step forward!#Just the thought of getting to play with them hehe ♪#Also personally-funny haha - that black shirt has a gold zipper pocket on the front so it's a little like VUX medals to me hehe#Fun fun#I'll get to play with them eventually!!! I will!#Until then the speculations are still enjoyable :) About the different accessories to have on offer hehe#Since they'd have static faces what would be a good way to imply sleepies? Too scary to be tucked in with wide eyes lol#A sleep mask makes him look sleepy <3 I wonder what his PJs are like :0 Even when I drew him wandering around at night#I still defaulted to his usual shirt style but I've seen him in a T shirt! :0 Comfy cozy#Guess it depends on the season as well haha tho I imagine the Vyer estate has central air hmmm#Anyhow lol - poor ZEX! It'd be too easy to cover his plushie in stitches to denote Them and his MU and everything :')#I also like the idea of little velcro/magnetic accessories to attach to the face - so like he has the empty socket and a little patch aw#Would like very much to try dry-dying(?) his hair with the green tips as well - like putting that plush-blush on the cheeks but hair instead#It should be possible right!#Speculating hair shapes for Max - I think bangs embroidered right to the face are very cool! But I like the idea of flipping his bangs up#Not like Super long to give him an emo fringe or anything lol but just enough to cover like his upper lash line :)#Attachment parts are interesting for sure - almost gotta make like a wig-style design to go over his head! :0#But imagining the final version with him so cute and self-pleased and squishy and throwable haha <3 He's too cute!#All the stuff under the cut is fairly well-contained explained I think haha#Looks strange in a kind of x-ray breakdown but hopefully it'd be invisible once they're constructed! No weird pulling hopefully hopefully#Sure doesn't make polyships any easier sheesh - what if I want them all to kiss! What if I want them to kiss everyone!!!#Magnets and their binary polarity smh just gotta invent a dual-attraction haha
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obessivedork · 7 months
Something I've discovered about myself recently is that there's nothing I love more in a game than being able to be a two-timing spy. Asher wants me to support his slavery empire? You got it bro >:) NCR thinks we're friends because I killed a handful of ants for them? Totally >:) Caesar wants me to blow up the bunker underneath his feet? Sure man, I've got you covered >:) Brotherhood of Steel (FO4 flavour) wants me to work with them? Of course! >:) Nuka World raiders? Yeah buddy, I'll help you guys get back on track >:) Institute expects me to like them and join? Naturally >:)
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goldensunset · 8 months
(should really start focusing on school and creative works and perhaps job stuff) i can't decide whether i wanna replay a game or play a new one next
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kittlyns · 19 days
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I'm knitting again haha
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theokusgallery · 29 days
I see it now! I was literally reading and listening about their relationship in your podcast! i really thought that Statice and Nick DESPISE eachother. This AU is interesting, I love it vry vry much. Im not fond of it at first because I can't really Imagine Basil. Basil doing all of that stuff. because he's my favorite character(and I can't really see him being like that). But I eventually learnt to separate them and sees Nick as his own character. Like an actual oc(Still sees him a little bit as Basil if you understand what I mean)( can't wait when Sunny's other friend gets revealed or maybe the parents. *Maybe* they're not that important to the story but the CURIOSITY IS TOO STRONG AND SORRY FOR YAPPING HSJSKAK IT MUST BE TIRING TO ANSWER ANY OF MY QUESTIONS I WON'T DO THAT AGAIN)(Also excuse my grammar also, english is not my first language 😣)
-Anon from the previous previous post.
(the aura I felt after asking that is unimaginable. I used to be so shy to ask anything on people's blog so Im a *bit* proud of my confidence!)
Oh I see !!
Yeah Nick is... more or less an OC, he's got very little to do with Basil now. I refuse to cut of all ties to OMORI/Basil because it's very important to his origins and taking that from him would be taking out a lot of how I personally see him, but, well... He wasn't exactly based off of normal in-game Basil, either, so it makes sense that he's very different. He looks different, acts different, has a different family, age, personality, story, nationality even, different interests... He's like, 70% OC and 30% OMORI AU. Basil is also my favorite character, and that's not how I see him at all either.
I understand why you thought Statice and Nick hated each other — to be fair, there aren't a lot of people who don't hate Nick, lol. Being around him and knowing why he is the way he is makes it easier to love him, though.
#also no parents are important to the story — in nick and statice's case their abscence is what counts even#so i dont think they'll ever even get introduced#i'll do something about the third friend eventually when i'm motivated enough but tbh--#--that plotline is one of the earliest things i worked out about the AU back when it was really just an outlet for venting#so it's not very detailed. i have a very good idea of the events but. yeah since it was for vent purposes and im better now--#--i guess i dont. really want to think about it anymore. lots of things have changed in my brain since november...#i like playing with arsenic and sunny like dolls. it's less about having a concrete storyline and more about playing around with dynamics.#i've always been a slice-of-life person and this is no exception... i'd rather just take snippets of their lives to think about#i like the more mundane aspects. i like putting them in different circumstances and seeing how they'd act#but i'm not super interested in making this a very structured thing with a beginning then story then ending#this au is very personal to me so i guess i like thinking about it and explaining things about it more than i like. making Content for it#there's a difference between Content im giving people and what i do with that AU. so it doesnt end up looking very logical or structured#and it's hard to understand some things if you're from the outside looking in (like statice and nick's relationship for instance)#most of the characterization and info is hidden away in discord chats. sorry everyone#btw ! PLEASE dont be afraid to send more asks i LOVE getting asks like you wouldnt believe#you're not annoying for asking about things i promise !!!!#i love talking about them ! so much !!!#if someone gives me an occasion to talk about them i will NEVER SHUT UP (as im sure you've come to realize by now)#i love asks !!!!!#arsenic#rant#ask#anon
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paigemathews · 2 years
Time for another Paige powers post! (Also, this is over two thousand words and I didn’t really know where to cut it, so I didn’t. I am very sorry.) According to canon, there’s a couple of different factors going on with witches’ past lives and their current powers. 
You typically have the same powerset across lives. (Piper with molecular-based powers; Prue and Paige with telekinesis; Phoebe with psychic powers.)
The choices you make and the way that you use your powers, however, dictate the strength, advancements, or devolvement that your next life’s powers will take.
If you misuse your powers, you’ll lose them in your next life. If you use them well, they’ll grow.
P. Russell misused her pyrokinesis, but didn’t really misuse her divinization. When she reincarnated into Phoebe Halliwell, she lost her pyrokinesis but gained premonitions instead.
P. Baxter didn’t misuse her power of molecular deceleration in her lifetime. When she reincarnated as Piper Halliwell, it evolved into molecular immobilization.
Either way, we never see a witch outright all lose their magical abilities between lifetimes, even if they misuse them.
Now onto Paige. Obviously, Miss Paige was the Evil Enchantress, who had telekinesis (that Paige retained) and Conjuring the Elements. In A Knight to Remember, we really only see the Evil Enchantress use: telekinesis, aerokinesis, and electrokinesis. Considering Paige’s apartment was on fire, she also presumably used pyrokinesis. Even if Paige lost the powers that the Evil Enchantress misused, that still leaves cryokinesis, geokinesis, and hydrokinesis that she could have displayed. So some thoughts on the possibilities.
Paige gets cryokinesis, which actually might be one of my favorites. We already saw a link between cryokinesis and telekinesis with P. Bowen’s past life, so it makes sense. Plus, the angst potential for Paige getting a power from Prue’s past life? Prue was supposed to eventually gain it again, but instead Paige gets it. Also, cryokinesis is so cool and I wanted to see more of it.
For actual usage, Paige being able to freeze demons in a very different way than Piper. Admittedly, it might be too similar to Piper’s from a narrative sense but I think that they could work around it. We didn’t see it very often, so they could expand on it. At the very least, she’d definitely would use it to freeze drinks during some of those heatwaves while Piper and Phoebe go Paige!! And she just rolls her eyes what?? 
We’re gonna skip past geokinesis for a minute, but Paige gets hydrokinesis in the season five premiere. Honestly, you can really take your pick of how she gets it, but it’d have to be a bit more of a Paige episode. 
You could have her be the one transformed into the mermaid and be able to control water. They think it’s a mermaid power until Mylie tells them its not.
Piper is drowning and Leo isn’t there, so Paige is trying to heal her but actually draws the water out of her lungs to save her.
The Sea Hag sees herself in Paige, a young hybrid witch that is undeniably othered from those who she should be able to relate to. (You can change up the backstory however you want, the one I linked is just focused on the Little Mermaid allusions.) She senses Paige’s power and wants to mentor her.
When Phoebe is fleeing, Paige can either stop her or dives in after her and finds that she can actually get there.
You could definitely do something with Paige having hydrokinesis and Patty’s death by drowning. Plus, it’d be a cool power to see utilized more. Imagine Paige draining the water out of the air to create a wave or using it to immobilize demons by bloodbending. Again, we didn’t really see a lot of it, so they could definitely expand on it!
For geokinesis, this was actually one of my least favorites but now that I’ve though about it, I think I’d vibe with it. In I Dream of Phoebe, Paige could have discovered and raised Zanbar or destroyed it, one of the two. You could also do something with earthquakes since the girls live in San Francisco. I’m gonna be honest, I’m not really sure exactly how to do this one but I definitely think that you could. 
I think that it’d be cool to connect geokinesis to phytokinesis, aka the manipulation of plants. I know that it technically isn’t included in Conjuring the Elements, but I think that it should be. She could manifest it in the beginning of season five and struggle to really do something offensive with it. She’s trying so hard, but she just sprouts a flower at a demon and he laughs while Piper just sarcastically asks if that’s it while Phoebe goes Paige! And her sisters don’t really realize that Paige is actually struggling and trying and that they hurt her feelings, so she keeps trying and finally manages to use it offensively but it still feels off somehow. And then in Lucky Charmed, her power is blooming in the leprechaun's forest which she doesn’t really realize. In Cat House, we see that the flowers and decorations and stuff in the past, especially during Piper and Leo’s wedding, are like dying during the conflict and then when they resolve it and Phoebe and Paige are leaving, we see Paige pass by or look at it and it just grows so beautiful. Which brings us to Nymphs Just Wanna Have Fun where Paige is transformed into a nymph and she actually gets to see the beauty of her power and she’s just so happy when she can love her powers instead of having to find a way to fight with them. Piper and Phoebe are trying to talk some sense into her and she finally breaks the dreamy nymph look to be upset before reverting back to that dreamy, dancing girl. Paige is ultimately the one who saves the day in the Eternal Spring by using her powers offensively and becomes a witch again to do so. Before she leaves though, one of the nymphs gently touches her arm and tells her there is power in your magic, but it is also a source of extraordinary beauty. you don’t need to only pick one. and then the sisters leave and we see in the last couple of minutes that Paige intentionally blooms flowers in the manor and gives them to her sisters, who are just happy that Paige has found that happiness in her magic.
Honestly, you could also still give her one of the powers that she did misuse and strip the others. (You could also actually give her multiple elemental powers if you wanted to. I will say that I’d prefer them not making her the Avatar just bc then it’s a matter of why does she even need the Power of Three but you still could.)
For aerokinesis, you could incorporate it into the show with how they already use it. She uses it against the Evil Enchantress, which the sisters figure is just how past lives and powers work. From there, you have two options: Leo kinda just goes 😶 that is not how that works and they figure it out there or the sisters end up traveling back in time later in the season (1920′s episode!!) and run across their past selves (also Paige’s 1920′s self!!). Phoebe tries to use her past life’s powers and it doesn’t work and their past lives are just like 🤨 it doesn’t work like that. And then they have P. Russell, before her turn, and P. Bowen (if they can get Shannen back; if not, she’s out of town for some reason or another) to help Paige learn the trigger for her aerokinesis. Also, I feel like there’d be a lot of fun plotlines because that is a big power and imagine trying to learn how to control it. Paige accidentally hurting someone with it and being afraid of it? Paige causing property damage, such as blowing all of the lights, and then a shadow demon being in the manor. Paige learns how to fly with it and offers to fly with her sisters and Phoebe is like 😬 i already learned my lesson on that one. 
Especially because it’d be such a dangerous power! Girl literally controls the wind. She could obviously use it in big showy ways, knocking a demon across the room, flying, etc. But even the more subtle ways, like creating a breeze to distract someone by making them chase down papers or bringing something to her, etc. Plus, not only does she have to grapple with it as her evil past life’s favorite power, but Shax had this power. She has the same power as the sister she never met’s murderer. Ooh, imagine if she actually learned about it early season four and Piper and Phoebe’s reactions and her knowledge of Shax and learning about her evil past life. Potential there.
Okay, but moving on from aerokinesis, electrokinesis! I always have a mixed reaction when it comes to people trying to argue that. Well, not even witchlighters but Chris specifically should have electrokinesis bc his dad was an Elder when he was conceived, but the show very well could have made that canon if they wanted to give Paige electrokinesis. (But it’s not so if anyone ends up in my inbox about Chris and being half-elder, imma lose it.) Imagine, Paige isn’t sure why she has this power that she used for evil and it turns out its because her past life combined with her current life’s whitelighter side meant that she had it, even though she shouldn’t. The juxtaposition of her evil past and her good heritage working together when no one knows if she should really have it. I mean, Paige literally nearly killed a man with her Whitelighter powers by trying to telekinetically orb that guy’s heart out of his chest, so having the ability to literally throw lightning??
But also I am obsessed with electrokinesis and I think it’s cool af. It obviously has a lot of combat uses, along with being fun to see in the everyday. Paige accidentally shocking her sisters a little bit or having to deal with the static electricity with her powers. Again, losing power in the house and having to figure it out. Cole using that to manipulate Phoebe or try to turn the sisters against Paige with that. Paige zapping people a little bit when they’re being annoying. Paige no-selling the shock cages, bc hel-lo she can simply absorb the electricity instead.
And finally! Pyrokinesis. Gonna be honest, I don’t really like the idea of Paige having pyrokinesis, it feels too connected to Phoebe. (Abi, didn’t you connect half of these powers to the other sisters anyways? Yep!) Phoebe and pyrokinesis is a thing across seasons, so if you’ve giving a sister that power full time, I just feel like it has to be Phoebe. Also, we see so many freaking beings with pyrokinesis that we really don’t need a sister to have it. It just feels boring at that point. But still! I have committed, and thus I’ll give some ideas.
Paige not knowing that pyrokinesis is associated with demons until her sisters tell her and Cole using that to cast doubt on Paige in season four instead. Paige learning how to use a power that has been used against all of them time and time again. Taking a power so deeply attached to evil and giving it to not only a good witch, but a Charmed One and a Whitelighter hybrid.
Paige’s witch and Whitelighter side combining pyrokinesis and photokinesis so that she can create light that burns. The contrast between good and evil in this new sister and if you can really trust her.
Paige bonding with Tyler Michaels over his power! She helps him realize that he is a good person and a good kid. Depending on how long she’s had her power for, she helps teach him how to control it or he shows her some tricks that he’s learned. 
We bring in witch hunters more often, maybe even as a season plot. They’re trying to burn witches and they narrowly evade them time and time again until they’re trapped and they can’t get out, but Paige controls the fire that she didn’t make and turns it against the witch hunters. Paige not being able to burn! (Paige befriending a Phoenix witch and learning about the power of a witch taking the fire that was meant to destroy them and their kind and instead making it her own source of power.)
Okay, actually, Paige with pyrokinesis is a lot more of a vibe than I thought lmao. 
But seriously, Paige with an elemental power would have been so good! She never really gained another power, but she was canonically a powerhouse in her past life. Plus, at least one of the sisters should have gotten an elemental power considering three out of four canonically had an elemental power in her past life. It doesn’t hurt that the elemental powers were so cool! But yeah, I’m back on my Paige should have had another power soapbox again! :)
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buryam-soul · 6 months
(Sinks to my knees) Where's the Sumeru Ramadhan nonsense... Where's the Sumeru Eid nonsense.... Must I do everything myself around here or am I not looking in the right places......
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it's time for another selfie-bomb! ... well, selfie, and my favorites of the newest crystals I bought
first up a pic of my new shirt and scarf; the picture doesn't do the scarf justice, it is SO shimmery and changes colors based on how the light hits it! and the shirt makes me feel like a Reaper who's undercover as a sexy maid XD
as for the crystals... bismuth first! the flash on the camera makes it look gold and almost pyrite-y, but that's just the flash being dumb, it is DEFINITELY bismuth
next is a UV-reactive crystal called yooperlite! before and after the black light shining on it. :D the picture also does not quite do the black light reveal justice... it's SO vibrant and neon under the black light, it looks like a Halloween rave!!
and, of course... my absolute FAVORITE of my new ones. the big boi. the king. the high exalted granddaddy. MY SELENITE SNAKE!!! guys this thing is gorgeous. it's also carved in such a way that I could actually use it as a charging/clearing stand for other crystals by resting them among the snake's coils. UGH I'm gonna be showing this bad boy off for months!!
I also took some pics a few days ago to post here, of me being silly with my fake 'pet' snake, so... I'll post those some other time.
today I just needed a pick me up after the last several bleh weeks, and these crystals and stuff were IT! <3 <3 <3
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soulsxng · 1 year
Not me, suddenly getting hit with a truck of a realization that pretty much a vast majority of woman that Ezra has ever really had a significant relationship with, has died/is dying in some way.
Magdalenda and Levana, his moms Nyx, his grandma Cassandra, his close friend Arilya, his close friend (Yeah, Nesa was a girl in their last life) Feriae, his close friend--
The list goes on, and I don't like it.
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piplupod · 10 months
why the hell did my molar have to go and get chipped somehow randomly (i dont know when it happened or how it happened, i just noticed it was very sharp one day earlier this year) right after i was no longer eligible for my dad's insurance that covers dental.... i am going to have to probably pay at least $200+ to get this checked and taken care of,,,, head in my hands. i swear someone up there wants me to off myself I swear to fucking god
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glass-trash-bab · 1 year
I always get the urge to post on tumblr when I'm feeling crazy. Most of the time, it's from lack of sleep.
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