#but i guess they wanted someone scary to pit against her
eldritch-araneae · 10 months
Okay I really want exploration fanfics with Bumblebee and Maltos. Maybe aftermath where Twitch would talk to Bee about all shit that happened since out of all cybertronian adults she's closest to him.
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silantryoo · 1 year
BONUS [ RP STONT ] — confessions of an idiot (irl)
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miny/n's 100 day anniversary for their... 'relationship'.
WARNINGS ; low self-esteem, fluff, gay ppl being gay
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y/n liked minji. a lot.
she liked the way her eyes turned into crescents when she smiled, and the way she whined whenever the older girl teased her too much. she liked the lingering smell of pine whenever the younger idol hugged her, or the way minji's arms felt like home.
but like many things, minji came with flaws. one of which being her choice in movies (if you could even call it a 'movie').
y/n cuddled into minji, rolling her eyes once the main lead of the 'kissing booth' entered the frame.
she could feel minji tense up against her, making the older girl frown. how was minji attracted to someone named 'noah'?
grumbling, y/n found herself pulling away from minji. "he's not even that cute."
"huh?" minji's head snapped towards her, trying to pull the other girl closer. truth be told, minji hadn't been focusing on the movie at all. her brain was scattered everywhere, going through all the things that danielle, haerin, and hanni had helped the older girl plan. "what are we talking about?"
y/n fought back a blush, resting her head onto minji's shoulder. "that noah guy."
"oh." minji looked at y/n, and she felt like she was gonna explode. "i guess so."
y/n hummed, focusing on the movie in front of her and minji wanted nothing more than to kiss the girl in front of her, watching as the light from the tv made the older girl's eyes sparkle. the younger girl felt herself smile. the idol didn't know how she managed to find y/n, but she couldn't help but thank the universe for leading her to the girl.
minji wondered if this was what love felt like.
"minji," y/n whispered, the credits rolling as the younger traced her side profile with her eyes. "can i tell you something?"
"yeah." minji said, her voice barely a whisper. "yeah, of course."
"you're a great person." y/n smiled at the girl, eyes full of warmth. "but that movie was ass."
minji leaned back, pouting slightly.
"it was not!"
y/n bit back a smile. she didn't understand how minji could be so adorable without trying.
"it was. the entire concept of the movie was unrealistic," y/n explained, choosing to ignore the way minji rolled her eyes (because why did y/n care about realism when one of her favorite movies were barbie and the nutcracker?) "and why would they ride a motorcycle out in the rain? why was that other guy–"
"his name was lee." minji grumbled, and y/n struggled to not kiss the idol right there.
"why was lee so possessive of her, anyways?"
minji squinted her eyes, not noticing the smile that y/n was giving her. "didn't you say kazuha-sunbaenim was possessive of you too?"
"i mean, yeah," y/n nodded, her cheeks hurting. "but she'd never prevent me from dating you."
minji's eyes widened. she swore her heart stopped beating at that very moment.
"for example!" y/n rushed, not realizing her tongue has slipped. "i mean."
minji nodded, biting the side of her cheek. her heart was beating erratically, and she suddenly found herself relating to every love song that was ever made.
"you're lucky you're cute, kim minji." y/n whispered, the lights still dimmed from the movie. minji was sure she was going to explode any moment now. "why do you like it so much anyway?"
y/n watched as the younger girl looked around, almost as if she was looking for an excuse to avoid the question.
minji locked eyes with her, and the younger idol sighed.
"it, um..." minji could feel her cheeks burning red. "it reminds me of us."
y/n squinted. "like the main girl and the guy with the last name with the first name?"
minji shook her head. "i meant elle and noah."
"am i noah..?" y/n couldn't help but frown. "he's crazy and insane! is that how you see me?!"
y/n could feel a pit of guilt brewing in her stomach. from what she noticed, he was overbearing, sometimes even borderline scary. even though he had the right idea, it never made up for the fact that he scared y/n.
y/n didn't want to be like her dad.
"no! of course not!" minji shook her head, her eyes widening. "it's embarrassing."
"it can't be worse than being compared to that guy," y/n grumbled, minji wrapping her arm around her waist.
"they're like us." minji whispered, ignoring the glance that y/n sent her. "they kinda hated each other at first but he ends up making elle the happiest. he makes her comfortable, like nothing matters. that's how you make me feel."
the older girl looked at her, watching as minji waited for a response, eyes anticipating a response. if y/n didn't know any better, it was almost as if minji had confessed her undying love to her.
"oh." y/n pushed down a giggle. "okay."
"he's nice to look at, too." minji muttered, turning back to the tv as she searched for another movie to watch.
y/n rolled her eyes before looking back at the girl, a sly smile on her face.
"kim minji, are you saying i'm nice to look at?"
she was going to die today, and it would be y/n's fault.
"oh my god, kim minji..." y/n couldn't stop herself from giggling, hitting minji's arm lightly. minji suddenly felt conscious about the space in between them. "if you wanted to ask me out, you should've just told me."
y/n knew that minji would only see her words as a joke, but she couldn't help but mean it. sometimes, like right now, y/n wished she would just tell minji, even if it meant ruining their friendship.
"unnie, please." minji struggled to get out, the words nearly getting caught in her throat.
"you're so cute." y/n sighed, resting her head on the taller girl's broad shoulders.
the two scrolled through multiple movies, sitting in silence and basking in the presence of each other.
y/n hummed, listening to minji as she muttered the synopsis of each movie they passed, and she was glad she was in the same universe as kim minji.
"did you like my gift?" y/n asked, minji's eyes furrowing as she quickly skipped the horror section.
"yeah." minji nodded, sighing as she put the remote down. "i should've gotten you something, too."
"it's okay." y/n shook her head. as long as minji was around, that would be enough for her. "i just wanted to get you something this time. you always take good care of me, even though i'm the older one."
"i like taking care of you." minji's hand flinched as she looked at y/n's hand near her thigh. "you deserve it."
"i believe you." y/n said truthfully, grabbing the younger girl's hand with a squeeze. "i like taking care of you, too."
minji looked y/n straight in the eyes. a million thoughts ran through the older idol's mind, every single one being about the girl in front of her.
kim minji was everything y/n had ever wanted, and y/n hoped that minji felt the same way about her.
y/n could feel her heart in her ears.
minji tilted her head. "yeah, unnie?"
the room filled with y/n's voice... coming from minji's phone,
the older girl glanced at the phone as minji scrambled to find it, cursing at herself for letting hanni touch it.
"is that..."
"no, it's not!"
minji was going to kill hanni the next time she saw her.
"that is my voice!" y/n sucked in her laughter. minji was clearly embarrassed, and the older girl didn't want to make her feel worse.
"wait," y/n paused, her voice in the background slightly distracting her. "are you getting me another cake?"
"what? no?" minji lied, her face stoic. y/n continued to stare at her. "okay, maybe. how'd you know?"
"you did it last time." y/n looked at the floor, minji's phone under the table. it wouldn't hurt to tease the younger girl a little more. "are you gonna turn my voice off or–"
minji groaned, shutting it off before standing up.
"i'll be right back."
"do you need help?" y/n asked, standing up with her.
"no!" minji panicked. she needed to revise what she was going to say in her head. "i'm okay!"
"are you sure?" y/n asked, her grin turning sinister. "i can always use my voice to–"
"unnie!" minji covered her face.
"sorry!" y/n giggled, sitting on the ground as she smiled at the taller girl. "you're so fun to tease, kim minji."
minji took a deep breath, and y/n couldn't help but feel bad. the younger girl was bright red. y/n was sure she was gonna die from overheating if she kept going.
"i'll be right back."
y/n nodded, watching as minji walked down the hall.
"don't make me wait too long, kim minji."
"i won't." minji smiled like it meant something more. "i promise."
minji entered her room, leaving the idol in the dark.
as she heard the door click, it took everything in y/n to not scream. her heart was about to burst, and it was minji's fault. y/n didn't understand how she could feel so intensely for someone she hated months before.
minji was someone she hated. she was someone who reminded y/n about her shortcomings. y/n was never pretty enough, never consistent enough. she was never minji. every time younger girl took a breath, it was a punch to her gut. she would never be someone like minji, and she used to hate it.
but she didn't need to be minji, she just needed to be herself and slowly, that was becoming enough for her.
(she had told chaewon the same thing earlier that day, and the older girl cried so hard that she had almost puked.)
she knew there was a chance that minji didn't like her. she was kim minji, after all. she deserved the world, and more. y/n knew she could give it to the girl if minji would let her, but sometimes it didn't work out that way.
y/n wanted nothing more than to love kim minji the way that she felt loved by her.
"god, i'm losing my mind." y/n whispered, staring at the moon through the curtain.
minji could feel her hands shaking under the cake as y/n turned around, the entire room dark except for the candles and the moonlight.
y/n smiled. "minji."
"happy 100th anniversary." the younger girl whispered, setting the cake down slowly. she could feel her nerves slowly starting to creep up. "sorry i took so long, i couldn't find the candles."
liar, minji thought to herself, you rehearsed in front of the mirror the entire time.
"don't worry." y/n looked at minji, and minji swore to herself that she wasn't going to back out now. "at least you're back."
"wait," y/n took a closer look at the desert in front of her. in the corner, two macaroons were stacked on top of each other, one a brown bear and the other a wide-eyed puppy. "is this supposed to be us?"
"yeah." minji could feel her chest swelling up in pride as she took a picture of y/n inspecting the cake. "sorry if it looks off. haerin tried to eat the one that looked like me."
"it's okay, i love it." y/n never felt more seen in her life. "it's perfect."
minji couldn't stop looking at y/n as took pictures of the cake, happiness radiating from her body. the younger girl smiled, moving to sit next to y/n.
"make a wish, unnie." minji whispered.
y/n turned her head. "do it with me."
"but it's your cake?"
"but it's our anniversary."
minji smiled, and she was sure that y/n could see right through her. "are you sure?"
"yeah." there weren't many moments in life when y/n was 100% confident in her decisions, but she's never been more sure until now. "i'm sure."
the room turned silent. both looked at the candles, reliving every single thing that lead up to this moment. minji could feel her stomach churning, the adrenaline rush making her sigh loudly.
i hope to make her this happy forever, the two thought.
closing their eyes, they prayed for their wishes to come true.
"happy anniversary, minji." y/n slowly opened her eyes, her eyes finding minji immediately, the moon framing the younger girl's face perfectly.
it was now or never.
"happy anniversary, unnie."
y/n bumped her arm as she leaned forward, squinting as she tried to find the mini-thems. "i wonder what the macaroons taste like."
y/n took a closer look. the bear had the same eyes as minji, and the dog had the same smile as her. "it looks like us!"
"unnie." minji tugged on y/n's arm.
y/n turned to sit back down, worry evident all over her face.
her eyebrows furrowed. "what's wron–"
"promise to not talk until i'm done?" minji breathed out. "please."
y/n nodded.
"when i first met you, you were sitting next to yunjin-unnie." minji smiled at the ground, her hands fidgeting as she tried to calm herself down. "you were eating a sandwich, laughing at one of the stupid jokes she made. you were wearing sweats and an oversized shirt that looked like a souvenir from australia. i remember you looking over at me, and you smiled. you hated me after that class, and i didn't see you smile again."
y/n nodded, remembering that day clearly. before, she had considered it the day that her life was ruined. now, she couldn't help but thank hybe for leading her to minji.
"i would see you in the halls between practices, or out with the other trainees and i hated it." minji looked up, the words caught in her throat as y/n listened to every word the girl said. she cleared her throat. "i hated how you avoided me. i hated how you glared at me whenever i was near you.
"i think what i hated the most was that i couldn't make you smile again."
minji watched as y/n's eyes softened, and suddenly minji forgot all the words she had rehearsed a mere ten minutes ago.
but she couldn't stop now.
"i'm not good with words." minji shook her head, y/n nodding along with a teasing smile. "i'm not someone who knows what they're feeling in the moment, but i know that when you smile at me, or when you're near me, i feel..." minji felt love. she was sure of it. (but not now. not yet.) "and maybe you won't believe me, but i can feel it whenever i'm around you. unnie, you make me feel so many things that i don't even understand."
"i like you, unnie."
suddenly, it was as if the world became quiet.
y/n didn't know what to do. all she knew was minji was in front of her, her eyes sparkling like first day they met. the moon painted her face, and y/n was sure that she's never seen anything more beautiful than kim minji in that exact moment.
"please say something." minji muttered, y/n's eyes staring right at hers. "i feel like i'm about to die."
"are you done?"
y/n liked minji a lot. her bad movie taste, her over-the-top planning, the way she cared for her, the way she made her feel like she was enough.
"i think s–"
y/n leaned forward, her lips suddenly on minji's as her hand found its way to the side of the taller girl's neck. minji's eyes widened for a moment before her entire body relaxed.
the warmth of minji's lips made y/n smile against the girl's. kissing minji felt exactly how y/n felt around her.
minji was comfort in every single way.
y/n pulled back, her face flushed as minji blinked her eyes open, not a single thought behind the girl's eyes.
"you're so cute when you're nervous, kim minji." y/n whispered, stroking the side of minji's neck with her thumb. "i like you too. i'm sorry for hating you. i promise i'll smile for you more, okay?"
minji nodded lightly, before leaning in this time, wanting to taste y/n once more. y/n giggled at her eagerness, feeling minji's arm wrap around her waist.
y/n could get addicted to this.
pulling back slightly, her face still close to the other girl, y/n muttered against her mouth. "does this mean we're really dating?"
y/n felt minji tense up, her arms dropping from her sides.
"oh my god." minji covered her face, finally realizing what happened.
she had kissed kim y/n. no, kim y/n kissed her. kim y/n liked her back. the girl that was in front of her under the dim lights of her living room, face tinged red liked her back and kissed her. they were dating.
oh my god, minji touched her mouth, her eyes on y/n. oh my fucking god.
minji stood up stiffly.
"i'll be right back." minji managed to squeak out, her voice shaking and her face burning.
"minji, where are you going?" y/n watched as minji walked into the closest room, hearing a loud squeal after the door clicked shut.
y/n was losing her mind, but god, she liked kim minji so much.
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pluppsauthor · 15 days
OC Interview
Thanks to @themboty, @phoenixradiant, and @sunglasses-in-the-bentley for the tags! I'm not sure who to do this time around, we got a three part special this time. Anyway I will do... let me get a wheel Bene (Wounded Reflection), Akita, and David (both Hellfire)! (cw: swears)
Are you named after anyone?
"No. I asked my father what my name meant once. He shrugged and said it was a name. No deeper meaning." "No. Never heard of anyone with the same name as me." "Am I named after someone? ...I mean, it's a common name--not here, but just... generally. Can't really ask anyone so I don't know."
When was the last time you cried?
*deep sigh* "When my father died." "I don't know, and I don't really care. Why would I keep track of when I cry?" "Well, funny story, it was right after I almost died. When I was a given a second chance to live, I cried. But then I learned of the curse I had just taken on to be given such life. Then that joy turned to regret."
Do you have kids?
"No... although sometimes I wished I had chosen to start a family rather than fall into that pit of revenge." *Laughs* "How old do you think I am? At least you don't think I'm a kid." "Nah, not really interested in that stuff. Settling down ain't my style. I like travelling, I like doing things that having a family might... impede or make unavailable."
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
"No." "I don't think I know what that means, so... maybe." "Haha, yeah."
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
"Their aura. Not only can it inform me of their Frequency, should they posses one. But, it can gives a vague read on their strength and vitality. It's a good thing to know I think." "How easy it would be to pickpocket them. Also if I can outrun them." *sigh* "I'm not sure... I tend to assume the worst in people, so I guess I try to gauge if they have ill intentions."
What’s your eye colour?
"Brown." "I've only seen it in the reflections of broken shards of glass. It's dark, so maybe brown." "Grey. Although I SWEAR they look blue under the right light."
Scary movies or happy endings?
"Movies? I'm not sure I've heard of that. So I guess a happy ending." "What? I don't care for stories." "Oh, that's a good one. I've been somewhere where they have a theatre. Not for plays, but for reels. Honestly, I don't think their too impressive, from an enjoyment perspective. But I do like scary stories, so I'll go with that."
Any special talents?
"Excluding my Frequency, no. However, due to the effects of my Frequency I am fairly resilient against the cold. More than the average person at least." "It isn't a special talent, but people underestimate me. A real talent is I can create energy from my hands. Not a single person has expected that, scares people off of me too." "Oh, where do I begin? I have a lot of tricks I know. Sleight of hand, misdirection, illusions, that sort of thing. I'm also very lucky, or at least that's what I say. In truth, I have a sort of sixth sense of certain things. It allows me to cheat at most games of chance. Don't tell anyone that, or else I'll probably be banned from every gambling bar I visit."
Where were you born?
"Shadecross. It's a... connecting town. Brings in a lot of trade. Try not to go there much, brings back bad memories." "Redwick. Awful place. Nobody cares for you there, they beat the downcast and feed off misery." "Leeside. Shithole of a place, I'll be honest. Not worth going back."
Do you have any pets?
"No. Vesa has a cat and I was with her for some time. But I'm not any more, and I still wouldn't consider that my pet." "No, it's another mouth to feed. It's already enough to feed myself, why would I take on another creature to care for?" "No, but I kind of want one! I think I travel too much, though. Plus, it's kind of hard to find the time to care for an animal, at least for me."
What sort of sports do you play?
"I'm not the biggest fan of sports. Me, my brother, and Ollie used to play outside a lot as kids, but not really sports." "None." "I know I said Leeside's a shithole--and it is!--but the people there are great. The kids I grew up used to play a bunch of games and sports. I think all of the names were made up so I don't know what they were."
How tall are you?
"178 centimetres." "Are you making fun of me? You better not be... *sigh* ...anyway, I don't know exact numbers. a little bit under 170 centimetres I think. Maybe 167, I don't remember." "Uh, I think it was... 180?? Centimetres, of course."
What was your favourite subject in school?
"My father taught me everything, Shadecross still doesn't have a school." *chuckles* "Are you assuming I went to school? I wouldn't be scrounging for scraps if I did." "Leeside didn't have one, a school that is. But now I'm doing a lot of learning and stuff myself. I think one thing I've enjoyed to some extent was learning a language so, whatever that field is called."
What is your dream job?
"I don't have one. I think I'd either like to keep doing what I'm doing or retire and only do what I have to. I'm not one for professions like learning a craft." "Not being homeless, I know that's not a job. I survive for myself I don't care for anything like money, it only serves as a way to get what I need." "Honestly, I don't have one. I'd rather make my money gambling then work a day in my life."
Missed doing these, I want to do more about the Hellfire cast. I love those funny little gremlins so much. Anyway, onto tags!
Gently tagging (np) @mk-writes-stuff, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @kbwritesstuff, @illarian-rambling, @theeccentricraven, @tildeathiwillwrite, and open tag for anyone that wants to hop in! ❤
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birdlungg · 2 years
Billy Hargrove x #9!Reader
Chapter 10: There's Something Wrong with Stevie
@7minutes-tomidnight @jaziscool Thanks for reading!
Jane is angry. They won, why was he sending her away? Because he thought she couldn’t take care of herself?
She sits fuming as Mike tries to comfort her. “It’s only California. It’s not like you’re going to another country, right?” 
Jane stands up so suddenly that her chair is pushed over behind her. “But I don’t WANT to go to California!” The sudden sound makes everyone look up at her. She struggles to hold in her tears as she starts feeling overwhelmed. 
“I think it’s a good idea.” You say from where you appeared on the stairs. The group jumps at the intrusion, still not used to how you can appear out of nowhere. Even Billy, (as tough as he likes to act) is startled a bit and turns to face you as you lean against the banister with your arms crossed.
“I know you’re upset, but I think time away from Hawkins will be good for you.” You say sadly. Jane gapes at you in disbelief. 
“You’re supposed to be on my side!” She has angry tears running down her face now and stomps to where you're standing on the stairs. She looks like she wants to say something else, but quickly realizes she’s being watched by everyone in the basement. She runs up the rest of the stairs in embarrassment and quickly disappears from view. 
You sigh and step down onto the floor next to Billy. “I know you guys think this is sudden, but I truly think this is a good decision.” You tell them. Mike grunt in frustration and follows Jane up to the first floor, sidestepping you and Billy on the way. The group murmurs amongst themselves and you run your hands tiredly down your face. “This is not how this was supposed to go…” You mutter to yourself. You suddenly realize that it’s Billy you’re standing next to and flash him a quizzical smile. 
“Hey, I didn’t expect to see you here. Did Max ask you to tag along?” He’d been staring at you awkwardly and snapped out of his trance when you spoke. 
“Uh - yeah, she said something about me being involved now and said I should probably come with.” You nod and look out at the others as they start to get up to filter outside. Steve will surely take Dustin and Lucas home while Jonathon will take Will. You collapse heavily on a recliner as they start leaving muttering goodbyes as they go. 
You glare at Steve as he stares at your boobs on the way by, and you both miss the way Billy does as well. Nancy follows Jonathon up, leaving you, Billy, and Max alone. “And then there were three.” You say although it's not really directed at anyone. You turn to Max sitting on the couch opposite you and ask, “how are you holding up?” For some reason, you feel awfully protective of her, even though you haven’t interacted much. 
Max shrugs, feigning indifference even though she’s scared of the changes Jane’s move will bring. “Fine, I guess." She plays with the tips of her fire-red hair awkwardly as you all sit in silence.
You’re hit with a wave of… unease suddenly. It starts in the pit of your stomach and you feel as though someone has dumped a bucket of ice water over your head. You blanch, and bring a hand up to your temple, trying to rub the feeling away. Max seems to notice something is wrong.
“Hey, are you ok?” She asks, drawing Billy’s attention. He notes that you seem to have lost color in your face and moves closer to you both as Max leans forward to look at you.
You try to smile reassuringly at her. “Yeah, just a headache, I’m good.” You know what’s coming, and want to try to make it back to your hotel room before it happens in front of them. It can be scary for someone watching, and they’ve already been through enough. You stand from the chair, and it’s like all the oxygen has been pulled from the room. Max and Billy watch as your eyes roll into the back of your head and you lose your balance. 
Billy moves quickly, catching you before you hit the ground with one arm around your waist. “Lydia? Hey, Lydia, wake up?” Billy says urgently, shaking you gently. Max is watching in horror as he tries to get you to wake up, to no avail. “Max! Don’t just stand there! Get some fucking help!” He yells at her. He moves you onto the couch carefully as Max snaps up from her seat.
“Jane! Mike! Someone!” She screams. She doesn’t know what's going on and is terrified. Is it the flayer again? There’s a sound from upstairs as Mike, Jane, and Nancy hurry their way downstairs. 
“What is going on?” Nancy asks as she comes down the stairs first. Her eyes widen as she sees Billy crouching next to the couch as he tries to wake you up. “She collapsed. I don’t know what happened. One second she was talking and the next…” Billy isn’t able to finish his sentence as he stands and backs up to make room for Nancy. Jane tries to rush over to your side, but Mike grabs her first, trying to keep her back in case something happens. 
“She’s in The Void.” Jane realizes. Mike looks at her curiously as Nancy puts the back of her hand on your forehead. 
“She’s burning up. Mike, go grab a bowl of cold water and a washcloth.” Nancy tells him over her shoulder. He releases Jane and makes his way back upstairs to grab the items, while Jane joins Nancy on the floor next to you. Jane grabs your hand in hers firmly, and as soon as she makes contact the lights in the basement start to pulsate. They get brighter, and then dim, and then got brighter again. 
“Jane, what is wrong with her?” Nancy asks. “She’s in The Void… That’s how she sees the future. I didn’t realize that she didn’t do it on purpose.” Jane responds. Billy runs his hands through his hair worriedly as he paces the basement floor and Max is almost at the point of tears. The lights brighten again, this time so bright that everyone has to shield their eyes. Your body contorts, back arching as your mouth opens in a silent scream. Some of the lightbulbs overhead burst with a loud pop, and Jane and Max scream in fright. 
You sit up suddenly, gasping for breath as you look around the room frightfully, as if unaware of where you are. 
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tiredcowpoke · 2 years
TITLE: Regarding the Sinclairs [4] PAIRING: Arthur Morgan/Fem!Reader REQUEST: Unprompted. BLURB: You had always assumed the stories of time travel in your family were just that. Stories. At worst, maybe an inside joke. However, your world starts to shift when your grandfather leaves his home to you in his will. The old Sinclair house, one that has been passed down for generations. Taking up the task of moving into and upgrading the home, a man dressed like he just stepped out of a western arrives, unconscious, on your porch with a letter in his hand. WARNINGS: Mentions of abuse and stalking, but nothing graphic. NOTES: Here is the most recent chapter! Hope you all enjoy.
You let out a small sigh through your nose as you settled into one of the chairs that had been set up around the fire pit.
It hadn’t been lit and you didn’t have any wood for it yet, but it was still early enough in the evening that you didn’t have to worry about night falling too quickly. As much as you knew they just wanted to make sure you would be fine up here, being pulled every which way by your parents left you pretty damn glad to have a moment to soak in the last of the day’s warmth and breathe for a minute.
Honestly, you weren’t sure how Arthur was doing with everything still. Your father had taken to him pretty quick, but your mother regarded him with a curious and somewhat guarded look. You prayed she wouldn’t say anything or that she caught on to who he really was. Yet, you figured her reaction would be much more than a few side-long glances if she knew.
So, once you had broken off to be on your own after the quick dinner the four of you had, it didn’t surprise you to see your mother slipping out the back door to make her way toward the vacant chair next to you.
“Everything good?”
“Oh, yeah,” she replied with a light wave, “You know your father would talk the ear off anybody who gives him the time of day. Your roommate is taking it pretty well.”
“From the outside, maybe.” Poor guy. Last thing you wanted was to overwhelm him with your father, but it wasn’t like you had much of a choice on when everything played out. Arthur had been dumped into your backyard.
“Speaking of your roommate…” your mother started, “You know I would never judge you from moving on from your last relationship, so if you’re using that as an excuse to not have to say it–”
“What?” you interrupted, furrowing your brow, “No. No, it’s not like that at all. Arthur’s really just a roommate. His…last living situation fell out from under him and I guess…I don’t know. Maybe I just wanted some company up here. There’s nothing going on between us.”
“Well, if you’re so sure,” your mother relented. You could tell by her tone that she didn’t know if she believed that, but she wasn’t going to keep insisting about something romantic between you and Arthur. Which was a bit of a relief, honestly. “It’s just…well, you know he used to live in Valentine and I was thinking maybe you wanted someone here to…”
“He moved a while ago,” you replied, feeling a squeeze in your gut at the mention of your previous boyfriend. “I don’t think he still lives in Valentine. Last I heard he moved in with another girl, so…”
You felt bad for whoever fell for his tricks, honestly. You had been wrapped up in that and it had taken a solid year before you stopped getting messages, phone calls whenever he’d end up switching his number. And the packages that had been sent to your apartment. The fact that you were moving back out here and the fact that he used to live in Valentine wasn’t lost on you. He was a scary bastard and you could only hope he had missed the memo that you were nearby.
“I would still consider the restraining order,” your mother replied, making you rub your hand against your mouth somewhat.
“I’ll think about it, but I don’t know if it would be able to stop him. He’s not afraid to get arrested, as I’m sure you remember…”
“I didn’t mean to dig up bad memories, but with Arthur here I just hope that if he is around he doesn’t–”
Someone clearing their throat from the backdoor made you both jump, Arthur standing somewhat awkwardly on the porch as he gestured somewhat back toward the house.
“Don’t want to interrupt, but ‘fraid your husband’s really wantin’ to get back to the hotel…”
“Of course he is,” your mother said around a small sigh, raising from her chair, “That man would time the end of the world if he could.”
You stood up with her, trying not to rub at the back of your neck. You were hoping he didn’t overhear much of that, considering you sprang all of this on his second day into a new era and now there was your personal baggage that very may come back around to him. Honestly, you would have ran for the hills in his position, and a part of you wouldn’t blame him if he did. Still, you followed your mother back into the house where your father was waiting, saying his goodbyes and pulling you in for a hug.
Originally, you figured they would sleep in the guest bedroom but with Arthur here, they had insisted on staying in the motel in Strawberry. It was a nice place, at least. Pricey for the historical value, but you had relented easily enough given the stress of the situation.
Though, once the front door was shut, it was Arthur who let out a heavy sigh.
“Hope ya don’t take this the wrong way,” he started, “but I was startin’ to think your pa would never close his mouth.”
Despite the insult, you couldn’t help the laugh that escaped you as you gave him a friendly pat on the shoulder.
“You never grew up with him. I’ve been on road trips with the man,” you replied, “I’m…uh, I’m sorry about all of that. I hadn’t been expecting…well, this whole situation.”
“Neither did I,” Arthur replied, “Ain’t exactly somethin’ you can expect.”
You nodded in agreement, tucking your hands in your pockets as you glanced down at the floor for a moment before speaking up again.
“So, how much did you overhear out near the fire pit?”
“More than I should’ve,” Arthur said, waving a hand somewhat, “I can forget I heard anythin’.”
“Well, I don’t know,” you said, “Living with me, I figure you should probably know some things about me.”
“Sure. Whatever you want to tell me.”
“So…I had a really bad relationship a couple years ago,” you began, shifting awkwardly where you stood, “I’ll spare you the details for now, but I ended up having to break it off with this guy and he got…really possessive. To a rather scary level. I ended up having to move to a completely different state and he still managed to harass me there and eventually my parents. He used to live in Valentine, a town near here. I heard he moved away a couple years ago, so I figure it won’t be too much of a problem, but…”
“I…think I understand,” Arthur replied, “If this feller’s moved away, you figure you’re safe?”
“I can’t say for sure,” you replied, “That’s why it’s important you know, because even with you just staying here with me, he’s going to assume that we are romantically involved and it’ll set him off.”
“I see…” Arthur replied, still sounding like he was confused but he at least seemed to grasp why you wanted him to know. You shook your head lightly, rubbing at the back of your head.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t want to put my own issues on top of everything, but it’s something you should know.”
“Well, now I do,” Arthur said, “Long as you think it ain’t an issue right now…guess we’ll have to deal with it as it comes up.”
“If it does, yeah,” you replied, “Who knows, maybe he’s actually managed to move on. I can only hope. Though…yeah. I have to have breakfast with my parents tomorrow. You’re welcome to join if you want, but after that…well, I’ll see what I can get sorted for that trip up to Beaver Hollow.”
“I’d appreciate that, but if you got too much goin’ on…”
“No,” you insisted, “if you think it’ll help you, I’ll take you there. That’s more important than whatever old relationship drama I’ve got going on.”
In all honesty, you just wanted to focus on getting that set up and just get your mind off the whirlwind of the last couple days. Thinking too much about the idea of your old boyfriend still lingering around was too much to process at the moment.
You really wanted to go for a swim.
Thankfully, after your parents’ visit had ended, nothing too eventful happened for a couple days. Which allowed you to research a couple things about heading up to Beaver Hollow. The website told you what you had been expecting (outside of the fact that it hadn’t looked to have been updated since the mid-2000s.) General pass to the site, the cave tour, and the hike to Arthur’s grave. As much as you were tempted to show him some pictures, you figured it was best to let him approach it on his own terms and so far he seemed like he wanted to see it in-person.
There was also the fact that you’ll probably have to spend two nights there, given the drive. That was also an issue: the drive. You knew Arthur had robbed trains before, so you figured you could assume he had some idea on how they worked. However, cars were different. You weren’t sure how he’d handle that, so you figured getting a motel for the both of you instead of overwhelming him with that and his grave on the same day.
It was odd, having to take into account the idea that Arthur might not take well to being inside a car.
Still, waiting on the room booking confirmation and admission to the site with that on your mind, mixed with the particularly hot evening, it was getting a little too much.
Grabbing some swimwear and a towel from the bathroom, you lingered in the hallway a moment before glancing toward the guest bedroom that Arthur had now been staying in.
You could see him partly laying on the bed from the open door, book open on his lap. As you approached somewhat, you noticed it was one of your grandfather’s old crime novels. You actually had found some of Jack Marston’s novels, but those remained untouched in the bedside table. You knew better than to ask about that.
“Hey,” you greeted, knocking somewhat on the open door to catch his attention, “I’m going to the lake. It’s not much of a walk from here, if you want to come.”
“What for?”
“A swim?” you replied around a small chuckle, “It’s not exactly a boating place.”
“Guess it wouldn’t hurt,” Arthur replied, closing the book as he shifted to get up off the bed.
Offering him a quick smile, you gestured toward the dresser. “I think there’s some old swim trunks in there. They might fit you.”
“Swim trunks?”
“Oh, uh…like swimwear?”
Still no recognition.
“It’s like clothing you wear to swim,” you explained, walking over to the dresser yourself before you dug around for the shorts you were talking about. “They’re like pants, but cut off above the knees.”
“The hell you need special clothes to swim in for?”
“It’s a modesty thing. Somewhat,” you said, pulling out the shorts and held them out to him. “Plus, it’s easier to swim in than jeans and a shirt.”
Seemingly accepting that explanation, he took the swimwear from you before you headed downstairs and started to make your way toward the lake. The area out here seemed at least relatively untouched outside of the dirt road and some scattered houses like your own. Really, you hadn’t been to that lake in years. You were interested in seeing how it changed. Your cousins used to spend your days in the summers swimming around in it, as much as the walk back always tracked mud into the house. (It was also the same lake that you broke your arm at, too, but that wasn’t exactly a memory you wanted to revisit.)
“Y’know, there used to be some good fishin’ out this way,” Arthur commented after a couple minutes, making you glance over your shoulder at him somewhat.
“Yeah, I heard that too. I don’t know how many fish there are these days, but I remember seeing a couple swimming around when I was a kid.”
“I caught this bass out here once, too,” Arthur said, “Huge thing. Size of a damn child.”
As recognition settled, you couldn’t help but do a bit of a double take as the surprise was hard to keep from your expression.
“You caught that fish?” you asked, pausing in your walk somewhat, “I’ve seen pictures of it. My grandfather used to always mention it when we’d go see this little museum in town. I thought it was caught by that…Gill guy?”
“Jeremy Gill?” Arthur asked around a scoff, “No, I did all his fishin’ for him. At least, them legends he took credit for.”
“There’s books about Gill,” you said around an almost disbelieving laugh, “I mean, I don’t know who reads them but he’s a name in the fishing world.”
“Guess it’s better he gets the credit for that than me,” Arthur continued around a shrug as you turned to continue your walk, shaking your head.
“I…guess I’ll have to take your word for that,” you said around another light chuckle, “I really shouldn’t. I know a couple professors who would scold me for that, but…well, this isn’t exactly a normal situation.”
“Certainly ain’t.”
You two continued on to the small lake, secluded by some trees. Thankfully, it seemed like you two were the only ones there that evening. It was a bit of a surprise, considering the heat. Though, you knew Strawberry’s population was pretty small. Some farming families that worked in Valentine, some retired people living out of the odd vacation home. And you.
Though, as you got ready to get into the water, you were all that more aware of how the standards of modesty had changed for Arthur. You weren’t sure what he did to swim in his time, but you knew your swimsuit showed more skin than you were sure was acceptable back in the 1800s. Still, you just got into the water, wading somewhat on your back as you looked back at Arthur.
“Just wear the shorts, don’t worry about the shirt,” you said, trying not to chuckle at the look he tossed at you, “or you can wear the shirt. I just don’t want you shivering on the way back up to the house because you don’t have any dry clothing. I’ll avert my eyes, if you want.”
“All of this is just so complicated for swimmin’,” Arthur said, but started to take off his clothes.
Despite the light teasing and him not stating if he cared if your eyes were on him, you still looked away. You floated on your back, eyes turned up toward the sky as the evening sun set the area alight in oranges and dark blues. It was beautiful, but there was something warm sitting in your gut too. As stressful as everything was, it was kind of nice to let loose a bit.
Give Arthur an impression that you weren’t as uptight as you were sure you had been coming across as.
Though, you did found yourself glancing back once Arthur was in the water, letting out a bit of a hiss.
“Y’sure you don’t want the extra clothin’? Water’s damn cold.”
“It’s colder having to sit in soaked clothes.”
“Ain’t that bad.”
“You are so hung up on the clothes,” you said around a laugh, earning a small huff from him as he mirrored your position as you returned to floating on your back.
“I ain’t swam like this since I was young,” Arthur commented after a few moments, “Not since I was teachin’ John how to swim. Well–tried.”
Arthur made a noise of agreement as you turned that over in your head. It was still strange to hear him refer to those historical figures as if they were personal friends–to him they were, you supposed. You were sure it was odd for him to hear you talk about them like people in some distant past. In the moment, you caught a bit of a glimpse of how isolating this whole thing must have felt for him.
Still, you didn’t want to let that thought ruin the moment. So, you let a small grin cross your face.
“I’m still grappling with how you shattered Jeremy Gill’s image in my mind.”
“He weren’t much of someone to idolize,” Arthur replied around a small chuckle, “I’d like to see what they say ‘bout him in that museum you mentioned. It’s probably bullshit.”
“I wouldn’t say that too loudly in front of the serious fishermen around here,” you replied.
“I’ll make sure to keep that in mind.”
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woogly-boogly · 1 year
tagged by @radellama for 15 questions so here we go
1 - are you named after anyone?
no but apparently a portion of my extended family didn’t think much of it at the time and it had to grow on them
2 - when was the last time you cried?
i’d been in a weird headspace for like a week where i knew i needed to cry but couldn’t, and then i watched gotg3 and it was super emotional but i didn’t even cry during that. the a few hours later two of my housemates said something that hurt my feelings and that was the last straw so i went to my room and finally broke and then just kept crying because i kept thinking about how emotional the movie was. i’ve cried once or twice since then but can’t remember why
3 - do you have kids?
4 - do you use sarcasm a lot?
yeah but not in the way sassy teen movie characters use it. like rads said, it’s more towards extreme hyperbole. it’s a different flavour.
5 - what sports do/have you played?
swimming, tennis and soccer when i was a kid, and volleyball when i was 11-18. i miss volleyball. never basketball because i fucking hate basketball. loved space jam though.
6 - what’s the first thing you notice about people?
how they look. sometimes i see someone and go “damn his shirt is great”, other times i’ll go “woah she’s cute as hell i wish i was her”. when you work in customer service you tend to do a bit of people watching from the counter so yeah visual aesthetic
7 - eye colour?
8 - scary movies or happy endings?
i haven’t seen a lot of scary movies, but they’re usually fun. the thing is there’s so many different types of movies i’ve seen that just happen to have happy endings that it’s weird to compare that to a genre. it’s kinda like asking someone to choose between jazz music or songs with a fade out ending. like… there’s no real reason to pit these against each other and it’s not balanced
9 - any special talents?
i don’t think i’m good enough at anything to call it a talent but if you asked some of my friends or family they could probably pick something out.
10 - where were you born?
11 - what are your hobbies?
gaming’s been the top one since i moved out, but i do still indulge in creative stuff every now and then. drawing, music etc. but i need to get back into writing, and also video editing. that’s fun and i don’t do enough of it. also reading but the house i live in is a shit reading environment so i haven’t done that in ages.
12 - do you have any pets?
not right now. my childhood dog died in 2021 and we’ve had 2 dogs in the house i currently live in but neither of them are in the house anymore.
13 - how tall are you?
14 - favourite subject in school?
outdoor ed. i love camping and rock climbing and kayaking and all that (i just don’t do it very often) so in high school i loved the camps my outdoor ed class would take. skiing on snowy mountains, white water rafting, hiking in rocky mountains and cliffs, it was so fucking fun. made a lot of really awesome memories with a lot of guys i wouldn’t normally have spent time with otherwise. i miss those times.
15 - dream job?
it used to be author. i do still want to write and publish at least ONE book, but i want to do more than that. i want to make movies with my friends, but my thoughts on what part i’ll play in it is a lot more vague than it used to be. acting, directing, i don’t really know. as long as it’s with my friends i guess i’ll roll with it. i don’t know what i really want, but i don’t want a career path that pigeonholes me into just one creative outlet forever.
i have 2 mutuals on this app and rads is one and he tagged the other in his post so this thread ends here lmao
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collecting-stories · 2 years
Touron - Rafe Cameron
Request: could i request a rafe blurb ? like maybe he's jealous bc some guy keeps hitting on his gf but it's not in a creepy possessive way?? sorry if that's too vague and no worries if you don't wanna write it! ily
A/N: I wasn’t sure how to do jealous without being creepy lol so hopefully this works. Tried not to make it verbatim the JJ one I wrote.
Outer Banks Masterlist
✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰
“How are you not losing it right now man?” Topper asked, eyeing the touron that was leaning back against the balcony railing, very obviously trying his hardest to show off while you stood next to him, beer in hand and arms crossed.
Not ten minutes earlier you’d been sitting on Rafe’s lap, arm around his shoulders as you pretended to listen to some story Kelce was telling about a hook-up the weekend before. In all honesty you were distracted, both by your boyfriend’s newly bleached hair and by his hand on your hip, fingers tangling themselves in the string that tied off your bottoms. You weren’t too fond of pool parties, only because you always ended up stuck in your wet bathing suit, sitting around someone’s fire pit and listening to your boyfriend bullshit with his friends while they smoked.
Which was exactly what was happening. You were happy Rafe kicked the coke, who wouldn’t be, but the cigarettes were less than appealing. “I swear to god if you blow smoke in my face one more time,” you threatened, glaring at Rafe when he purposely exhaled in your direction, the smoke from his cigarette making you cough. “Jerk,” you huffed.
“What’re you gonna do about it?” He challenged.
You leaned in closer to him, holding his chin in your hand, “find a different boyfriend,” you replied, simply.
“You don’t think I can?”
“I don’t think you will.” Rafe clarified.
You raised your eyebrows, eyes widening for a moment as if you were questioning the statement, before leaning forward and kissing him. Smokey and alcoholic, Rafe tasted exactly like you knew he would and, as much as you didn’t love the cigarettes, you would’ve kept kissing him but you had a mission in mind. So you stood up, making a show of fixing your bathing suit before walking off into the party. If you’d looked back you would’ve seen Rafe lean back against the couch with an amused smile on his face.
It hadn’t been all that hard to find some random touron that didn’t know Rafe was your boyfriend and didn’t know anyone to tell him better. Some Virginian on vacation with his cousin’s family, who really liked the grateful dead and boasted about his parent’s willingness to let him delay school for a year.
“When I tore my ACL we really thought that was it, ya know…like I was just thinking, there goes my future. But now I’m like, ‘so much of my future was what other people wanted’, you know?” The accident was apparently a hot topic for him and he hadn’t picked up on your disinterest yet.
“Sounds really scary though,” you replied, for lack of anything else to say.
He’d supplied you with a beer but neither of you had drifted far from the drinks, a good vantage point because you could see Rafe just over his shoulder. Rafe who looked like he was genuinely enjoying the show.
You shifted your beer to your free hand, unlocking your phone and texting while the touron continued explaining his enlightened path. When Rafe looked away from whatever Topper was complaining about to meet your eyes you glanced down at your phone and then back to him, a silent ‘look at your texts’.
-get me out of here-
Your boyfriend looked ridiculously amused as he texted you back and you could practically guess what it said before you looked.
-but you and your new boyfriend look like you’re having such a good time-
-fuck you-
“Forreal man, he’s all over her. If it was me, I’d be beating his ass right now.” Topper was still going next to him, more engrossed with the whole thing that he was.
Rafe almost wanted to scoff at the idea of Topper beating anyone’s ass, “Chill out.” He urged, stubbing out his cigarette and finally getting up, heading over to rescue you from the situation you’d created for yourself.
He took his time weaving through the crowd, stopping at random points when someone said hi to him or asked what he was up to, always with the same answer, “looking for my girlfriend”. A few people even mentioned the touron ‘bothering’ you at the mention of your name, casting a look to the drinks. Most kooks were well aware that you were dating Rafe; if there was a hierarchy on Figure Eight, the Cameron’s were on top. Their business was everyone else’s business and most everyone you partied with was used to Rafe hanging by your side, even before you got together.
“Yo, there you are,” came up behind the touron, voice unnecessarily loud, startling the guy as he spun around. You could tell, in the split second before he turned away from you to look at your boyfriend, that he was confused.
“Sorry, you are?”
You rolled your eyes at the bravado, as if he was going to succeed in telling Rafe off for interrupting his conversation.
“Rafe Cameron,” he introduced as he moved passed the touron and came over to stand beside you, throwing his arm over your shoulder, “thanks man, for keeping my girlfriend company. I got it from here though.”
“We were just talking,” you said it as if interrupting you was a common occurrence and Rafe met your eyes, raising an eyebrow in question. You called him all the way over here and you were gonna give him a hard time about it.
“Yeah, I got two eyes, I can see that.” He replied, “come on, let’s go.”
“I was talking to someone.”
Rafe put on the jealous boyfriend act well, most of it nothing but a game though there was always that tiny part of him that really did get jealous. Especially when you were talking to tourons at parties with nothing but a bathing suit on. One that your Deadhead had obviously noticed and taken a liking to. “And not we’re leaving.”
“Hey man, I don’t think she wants to leave.”
“You don’t think so? Well you’ve spent what, all of ten seconds with her? So you should definitely know right.” Rafe mocked.
“She didn’t even finish her drink.”
“Sorry,” you apologized to the touron, trying your hardest not to look at your boyfriend as he took the cup out of your hand and downed the rest of your drink. “I really have to go.”
“Seriously? You’re gonna leave just cause your jealous boyfriend embarrasses you?”
“Is that what I’m doing?” Rafe asked, looking down at you. He was wearing the same self-assured smirk he’d had when he first noticed you talking to the other guy.
“I really have to go,” you replied, looking as apologetic as you could muster.
“Your loss,” the guy spat as Rafe pulled you away, back through the crowd until you found an empty bedroom to duck into.
The minute the door closed Rafe dropped onto the bed, laying there on his back and pulling a joint out of his pocket. You’d rolled some the night before and he’d stuffed them in an old altoid container that he took from Wheezie’s room, lighter shoved in among them.
“You know you’re still an asshole right?” You commented, “this doesn’t change anything.”
“You begging for me to swoop in and rescue you from some harmless touron doesn’t change the fact that you were gonna prove you could find a different boyfriend?” He questioned, “sure…guess you just prefer assholes then.”
“I think swoop in and rescue is a little farfetched.” You replied, walking over to the bed and standing between his legs. He was still laying down, smoke blowing into the air as he exhaled.
“You’re the one who asked me to play jealous boyfriend,” he sat up, leaning over to sit the joint in the ashtray on the nightstand. Hands free, he placed them on the backs of your thighs.
“Well sue me, sometimes I like thinking you could get jealous over me.” You replied. Rafe was the picture of calm when you were at parties. A bonfire on the beach, a kegger at someone’s house, it didn’t matter what you wore or who you talked to, he went unbothered the entire time. Usually you didn’t even care, it wasn’t like you were all that interested in talking to anyone else and all the outfits you wore were really to get his attention, but every once in a while you had that nagging feeling that he didn’t ‘react the way he was supposed to’. Usually it was because of something someone said. Scarlett, just last week, had mentioned that ‘maybe Rafe wasn’t really interested in you at all’ since he seemed so disinterested at parties.
“I get jealous,” Rafe confirms, hands traveling up to your hips. “When you ‘grabbed lunch’ with Topper last week-“
“You went fishing with Ward!”
“And?” He stressed, “I don’t care about some touron that I know you don’t give a shit about but baby, I get jealous every time I don’t get to spend time with you and someone else does.”
You couldn’t stop yourself from smiling down at him, “looks like we both got our way then,” you replied, moving your hands from their resting spot on his shoulders up to his face, tilting it back so he was looking up at you, “you’ve got me alone.”
“Don’t I know it.”
Taglist: @maybankbby @alanniys @stylesyourmine @nicolee-anne @dudenhaaa27 @alexoberlinluthor @luversgirl @lemur46 @mariahlaufeyson @beth-gallagher22 @swagmoneydrew @xivilivix @americaarse @scenesofobx @pankowsfruitsnacks @alexademiesluvr @butterflymoons @maneskindiva @allisonxmcu @milkiane @inwonderlandwritemealetter @phxntom-2021 @iamasimpingh0e @aureamelendez @unbelievablystillafangirl @nicolee-anne @caitlyn-winchester @truewdw1 @randomwriter1021 @my-baexht-ls 
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boytouya · 3 years
babe,,, I’m gonna need some more dilf reader x dabi of dabi taking the children to school when reader is too sleepy to
𝙂𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙣 𝙇𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩
a/n: i did not mean to make this lowkey angsty , i can rewrite it if you want it to go differently! i wanna note that the kids were not scared of dabi because he’s abusive or anything, they’ve just never met someone like him before.
Warning: Parenting, slight angst/ hurt/comfort, very vague mentions/hints of endeavor’s parenting
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“Didn’t know you drive, D.” Your daughter steals the passenger's seat next to Dabi before your son can, shimmying into the seat and kicking her feet against the bottom of the dashboard. She has an adorable speech impediment, it’s nearly impossible for him to deny her. Usually Dabi drives his motorcycle to and from your apartment, but he couldn’t take two kids to school like that. That would be dangerous. Bad-ass, but dangerous. He taps his fingers against the steering wheel, looking for buckled seat belts before he shifts gears and pulls out of his parking space.
“I’ll have to take you out on my motorcycle sometime,” Dabi responds, looking straight ahead as he presses gently on the gas pedal and turns on the radio. He can practically feel the excitement dancing in the air. “Your dad let you listen to this kinda music?”
Your son perks up (Dabi can see him through the rear view mirror) with an enthusiastic shake to his head. Dabi can guess what he says before it even comes out. He knows these kids like the back of his hand, and he considers taking that wrong turn through an alleyway was the best decision of his life. Something about them is almost uncanny to you, he wonders if it’s just their eyes. But that’s not entirely it. You’re all so pure hearted.
“We can listen to anything cause you’re cool, right D?” That makes Dabi raise his eyebrows.
“You could say that.” He sounds smug, laughing quietly to himself as he turns up the volume. He has to remind himself not to run red lights, not to speed up or play footsie with police cars driving by. He pulls his hood over his head just in case. He can’t risk anything with your kids. One day he wants them to be his kids too. At a red light he twirls his engagement ring around his finger.
“I wish Daddy was here...He lets us get donuts before school.”
“No he doesn’t, liar!”
“Yes he does!”
“Watch it.” Dabi looks through the rear view mirror and then straight ahead, his polished nails digging into the steering wheel. He forgets he’s dealing with kids sometimes, so he has a few slip ups. A few years ago he wouldn’t have even considered kids people, let alone drive them to school. He didn’t even know he was capable of feeling emotions like love so strongly! He was fueled by hate, and as much as it burned his insides it would never compare to the warmth you made him feel; your family made him feel. They don’t cower in fear like they used to, and Dabi doesn’t know how to apologize. That or he’s tired of apologizing. But he knows you all understand, so he tries to compensate. “I’ll get you donuts if you do good today.”
There’s a small hand on his within a few seconds, and he nearly crashes the car at the sight of it. Your daughter is staring right at him, her uncomfortably warm hand resting on his as he drives.
“Daddy says you get angry sometimes but you don’t mean it,” Kids are never this cute. There’s no way you managed to raise them like that. Maybe it’s cute because it’s coming from her, but she’s just as unfiltered as other kids her age. “You used to be kinda scary sometimes but we still love you, D.”
He doesn’t want to be scary. He wants to be the best dad he can be. He wants to make them happy and hear them laugh. He wants to unconditionally love and be unconditionally loved back.
A small thumb runs across his cheek.
“Um, you’re bleeding.” Your son observes, sounding slightly concerned.
Dabi moved his hand to ruffle the hair of the two children beside and behind him. They love him. They love him. It sinks in and creates a pit in his stomach. It’s only ever full when he’s around you and your family. The second you leave it’s empty again. The car slows as it pulls into the drop off lane of the elementary school.
“I love you too,” Their faces noticeably brighten. They scramble to collect their belongings and lunch boxes, but manage to grab everything and head out the car. “Have a good day at school.”
The car doors are shut just after Dabi’s ears pick up the sound of your children talking, their voices creating a mutual agreement as they say, “I wanna walk next time so we can hold hands! I wish D can be our dad too.”
Dabi’s excitement almost ignites your steering wheel.
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multiplefandomsblog · 3 years
Nagito, Kokichi and Gundham with a s/o who wears a mask
Desc; S/o is insecure of a large scar on her eye, so they cover it with a prosthetic mask. But someone snatches it off their face. >:(
Btw!!! If you have insecurities about past scars, remember that Nagito, Gundham and Kokichi will always love you no matter what! As well as the other characters from danganronpa >:3 remember to love yourself and all your scars, because you are truly beautiful! And you can’t say otherwise! ùwú
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Warnings; tw; insults based off looks/scars, cussing, threatening, very very few sexual comments(there’s like 1)
You were walking around the beach with Nagito, hand in hand. You two conversed about random topics, though Nagito mostly talked about hope obviously. As you two talked, you didn’t notice a certain pig-tailed girl make her way towards you. The both of you being too entranced by the other.
As you turned your head to see Hiyoko charging towards you, you were too slow to avoid her gremlin-like hands, Hiyoko was able to snatch your mask off. Your eyes widened in shock at the feeling of your mask being removed, but before you could even feel the air hit your face, Nagito acted quickly. 
He hastily brought you into a hug, gently pressing your face against his shoulder, shielding your scar from view. Personally, Nagito adored your scar, for he loved every part of you.
Despite all his countless compliments and sentiments, he knew how insecure you still were. So he did what he needed to do, for your sake. Feeling a warmth engulf your heart, you teared up at Nagito’s actions. You truly appreciated him.
You stood there in Nagito’s embrace, the embarrassment finally hitting you like a brick shortly after. Oh how you were glad Nagito was there. Nagito curled his arm protectively around your body, “Not cool, Hiyoko-san. What a terrible act of despair.” He shook his head and sighed from disappointment,
“Well it’s okay, your talent isn’t completely wasted. Because you can become a wonderful sacrifice for the other ultimates! Don’t you think?” Nagito spoke with sickly sweet tone, his words becoming louder and more crazed with time. He looked directly into Hiyoko’s panic-stricken irises with his swirled ones as he grinned.
“W-what are you saying? If you’re threatening m-me, I’ll tell the others!” Nagito nodded his head with an inappropriately cheerful smile, “Go ahead! Tell them what you did!” Nagito giggled maniacally, successfully scaring her away. She made a sound of frustration before skittering away like a cockroach. 
Hearing Hiyoko’s footsteps fade away, you slowly relaxed into Nagito’s protective embrace. Nagito slowly calmed down from his previous state as well, relieved that the rat was gone.
He didn’t let go of you until he realized what he was doing, “M-my hope! I’m so sorry, I know you probably didn’t want to hug trash like me-” He tried pulling away but you shoved his body back towards you. “... Thank you.” He let out a small squeak before hesitantly hugging you back. 
He brought his hands up to cup your face, seeing your face properly without your mask. Your eyes widened as you struggled to hide your face from his gaze. But before you could move away he kissed your scar multiple times, leaving you in a daze.
Your face got redder with every kiss he gave you, eventually he stopped right before your lips. “I love every single part of you, especially your scars, so don’t hide them from me.” And he leaned in.
You and Kokichi were playing hide & seek in the school—of course—after an abundant amount of pleading on Kokichi’s side. As soon as you heard Kokichi holler out a, “Ten!”
You started sprinting to the other side of the school; You see, you take hide & seek games very seriously. Well, you decided you’d take hide & seek games seriously ever since Kokichi said that, and I quote, “If you lose, you have to show me your face!”
Why did you take the bet, you ask? Because Kokichi also said, “But if I lose, I’ll wear a maid dress for a week!” And you needed to see him in that dress. So you ran like hell, on your way to the lockers in one of the classrooms. As you ran down the hall, you accidentally bumped into Miu. 
“Hey! Watch it, you piss stained deformed pig!” She yelled out, taking a step back, you looked at her with confusion and anger. “Bitch, excuse-” You cut yourself off as you felt her snatch your mask off your face. “W-what the hell!?”
You yelped as you stumbled back and covered your face with your hand, “Why w-would you do that?” You stuttered out, the vulnerability of your mask off hitting you like a truck. You looked to the ground, not being able to make eye contact with your assaulter, suddenly feeling anxious.
“Why wouldn’t I? I’m sure everyone has wanted to see that gross face beneath your mask! I’d be doing them a favour!” She threw her head back, hysterically laughing at you.
You wanted so bad to knock her off her high horse, but she was still holding on to your mask. Since you’ve become overly comfortable with your mask, you weren’t able to function properly without it.
So all you could utter out was a meek, “J-just give it back.” Because of your focus on your mask, you completely forgot about the hide & seek game. Thus, forgetting that Kokichi was probably trying to find you right now.
“Whaaaaaat~? Iruma-san got to see your face before me? S/o-chaaaaaan, that’s not fair.” You shot your head up, making eye contact with a pair of familiar purple eyes. Before quickly looking back down, too ashamed to reveal your face.
Miu’s eyes darted around the room to find the source of the noise, but she couldn't find where it came from. Then, Miu suddenly tensed up, feeling Kokichi’s tight grip on her shoulder.
“Hey, hey, why don’t I rip out your eyeballs so we can say you never saw anything?” Kokichi dug his fingers into her shoulder, eerily grinning up at her. Miu winced and tried to get away from him. Seeing this, Kokichi giggled, “Nishishi!” before leaning beside her ear, “...You have 5 seconds, whore.”
Kokichi’s grin grew impossibly larger, looking as if the edges of his mouth had been split. A lewd cry came out from Miu’s mouth before she freed herself from the boy’s grip. You both watched as she ran down the hall, clutching her groin. Did... did she get aroused from that?
You looked back down and watched Kokichi’s shoes as they slowly approached you. “Hmmm, my turn! My turn!” Kokichi gripped both your wrists, pulling them away from your face. Flinching away from his gaze, you expected him to make a disgusted face or push you away but instead he said,
“Oh c’mon, you don't even look that bad! Maaaaan, I thought you’d look scary. But instead you just look perfectly fuckable! Bummer.” Kokichi huffed out defeatedly, pretending not to notice your face that was becoming redder and redder with every second. “You can’t say things l-like that so e-easily!”
Kokichi smirked at your flustered state, before putting on an innocent facade, “Hey, why are you so nervous, huh? Is it because you like me?” You perked your head up slightly from his guess in panic, oh shit he knows. “Well? Answer the question, dummy!” He playfully leaned in closer to get a reaction out of you.
He tilted his head underneath yours, trying to get you to make eye contact with him. Not being able to avoid his gaze, you shyly looked at him. He grinned when he saw your eyes lock with his, content that you finally looked at him. You flushed underneath his stare, “Ohhh I see.” He exaggerated,
“So you are in love with me.” Before you could refute, Kokichi pecked you quickly on your lips, disallowing you from saying anything else. “W-wha?” Kokichi cackled to himself before running away, “Nishishi! Start counting, S/o-Chan~!” 
 You were in the rocket punch market with Gundham, searching the aisles for freeze dried strawberries. You and Gundham wanted to get his hamsters a treat so they can, ‘rise and become the rulers of the island!‘ as the great prince of darkness said.
You looked through the candy aisle, searching for the dried fruit. While skimming your hand through the various plastic packages, you accidentally brushed your hand against Gundham’s. You both pulled away and flushed from the contact. 
You hid your blushing face in your mask, whilst he hid his in his scarf. You both apologized profusely to each other, “S-sorry! I wasn’t watching my hand and-” “S/o, you must’t apologize! It was me who was at fault.” You two kept bickering back and forth, before ultimately reaching a common ground. ‘It was the package’s fault.’ Hiyoko rolled her eyes at your disgustingly adorable ‘argument’.
You two went back to searching for the treat, stealing small glances from each other. God, you guys acted like an oblivious awkward teen couple. Hiyoko watched your dumbasses act like idiots and got sick of it, she just wanted her goddamn gummy bears.
She groaned before barging into your aisle, “You guys are so annoying! Ugh, can’t you and freak-face just go already?” You winced at the insult, feeling that deep pit of insecurity all over again. 
Hiyoko went up to you and smacked your mask off, “For fuck’s sake, why do you even like this nerd? They’re so ugly!” You scrambled to your knees to pick your mask back up. But before you could, she stepped on it.
You whimpered at the broken material, letting your hair cover your face like a curtain. You slowly stood up with one hand on your face, about to leave as Hiyoko said but Gundham quickly grabbed your wrist. 
He faced Hiyoko with a threatening aura surrounding him, “Puto vos esse molestissimos, vacca stulta.” Hiyoko looked at Gundham with scared confusion, “The fuck? A-are you cursing me?” Gundham looked at Hiyoko dead in the eyes before taking another breath, 
“Faciem durum cacantis habes, futue te ipsum!” Hiyoko slowly backed away, feeling chills run up her spine. “I just wanted some damn gummy bears!” Hiyoko wailed before turning on her heels and out the doors. 
Gundham turned to you, checking if you were okay. But instead, you stepped away from him. You didn’t want him to see your scar, you didn’t want him to think you were ugly. “Wait- I- My mask-” You choked up, feeling a panic attack bubble up from your chest.
Gundham looked at you with concern, it pained him to see you in such distress. Grabbing your shoulders, he spoke to you with a strong, confident voice, “S/o. You are the darkest light in my life, I adore every part of you. Your battle scars, your charisma, you. I love you.”
He moved your hair away from your face, and lightly kissed your scar. “Your scar proves how incredible you are, it proves you’ve fought the demons in hell! And that just makes you even more perfect.”
You smiled when you heard him call you perfect, unsure of when someone last called you that. You continued to cry harder, but instead of in pain, you cried from the overwhelming love you had for this man. 
sorry for taking long! and thank you for requesting :)
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archangelsquill · 3 years
to hell and back || damien darkblood x reader 
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pairing: damien darkblood x partner reader (gn, no y/n)
fandom: invincible
word count: 1448
summary: after omni-man flees earth and things begin to settle down, cecil feels he owes you -- the demon detective’s partner in solving crime -- a favor.
warnings: none
a/n: a sequel to this. darkblood deserves better, and by the gods, i’m giving it to him! enjoy, my fellow simps.
“If anything happens to them, on your head it will be, Cecil!”
Those were the final words of the demon as the pits of hell called him home, and as Cecil met his gaze, he knew it was no threat. It was a promise, and though he considered himself a bastard, Cecil saw no need to keep you in danger. He knew without Darkblood around, you were a target for Nolan. He’d already had security detail on you, but against Omni-Man, he knew it was useless. If he ever decided he wanted you dead, there’d be nothing stopping him.
Then, if Cecil was lucky (or maybe unlucky) to stay out of the warpath, he’d have Darkblood breathing down his neck, even with such distance between this world and his.
Sending him back to Hell wasn’t something Cecil wanted to do. It was a necessity. He owed him big time for that, and he’d start with keeping you off Nolan’s radar.
The official report was that you’d gone to stay with an imaginary Aunt Sue, somewhere in the Dakotas, but the reality was you were to be kept in the Global Defense Agency Headquarters -- well hidden, out of sight, and away from Nolan Grayson.
No one told you a thing. You’d been in your apartment, waiting for Damien to show up with those coffees he’d promised. Evidence, photos, and papers of theories and notes were scattered around the small space, occupying every inch of surface area, as you paced, a bad feeling in the pit of your stomach growing stronger and stronger the longer your demon detective was away. Something was wrong, and as Cecil Stedman appeared suddenly before you, making you jump out of your skin, you knew for sure. 
“You’re the demon’s partner, right?”
“Yeah, that’s me. I guess you’re Cecil.”
“You guess right. You need to come with us.”
“You’re not safe anymore.”
“I can’t answer your questions now. Pack a bag. You won’t be coming back for a while.”
You didn’t argue. You didn’t have a choice.
The Global Defense Agency took care of your monthly expenses while you were gone, as if that made any of this less scary or confusing. All you’d been told was Damien was back in Hell, Cecil put him there, and you were in danger.
No one told you much else. Cecil had acted civil toward you -- kind, even -- but it didn’t help. Damien was gone, it was Cecil’s fault, and life may never be normal again.
All because you two asked questions.
Because you wanted the truth.
And you both had paid the price: freedom.
Meanwhile, Omni-Man roamed free, ready to kill again.
You lost count of how long you’d been at GDA HQ when Nolan finally struck.
Initially, you’d been barred from the control room, but Cecil let you choose to watch the chaos or stay blind to it.
You choose not to watch. No one needed you to be in the room when all of the ruin, disaster, and chaos you and Damien knew would happen happened. Based on what Cecil told you after, you were glad you decided to stay out of it.
All of those innocent people, now dead. All of that destruction. All of that carnage, and for what? Omni-Man had fled.
It was for nothing.
And Debbie…
You’d offered as much comfort as you could. You knew how it felt to lose a loved one (it took all you had not to look pointedly at Cecil when you told her that) and the woman needed someone to lean on. Someone not quite so cold as Cecil.
And he’d watched you. Despite everything, you comforted Debbie and Mark, putting on a brave face as if you haven’t lost everything, too. Cecil knows you’re still hurting -- why wouldn’t you be?
Cecil was many things, and a man who paid his debts was absolutely one of them.
He’d been searching since he put Darkblood back in Hell for it: the spell to undo what he did. To summon him back. His plan was always to bring him back, if such a thing existed. He’d had his people looking for months with no luck, and he’d already given you the all clear to go home, with the promise your rent and utilities were paid for until you could get back on your feet.
Yeah. Right. How the fuck do you do that? Your partner -- not only in profession but your partner -- was gone, your office had been trashed, and your apartment felt so empty it was somehow suffocating.
For weeks after you’d returned, you’d laid on the couch, staring at the ceiling, jumping at any change in the temperature, hoping one day you’d look up and see him, only to find it was the apartment complex’s shitty circulation.
The news talked about things going back to normal, yet normal sounded like a foreign language now. How was the world supposed to be any kind of normal again?
Cecil made a few visits to check on you, but you regarded him with coldness that could rival that of Damien’s. He couldn’t blame you.
You’d lost track of the days when the sigh that escaped your lips was accompanied by a small fog. You froze, sitting up from your temporary home on the couch before exhaling again. Just to be sure.
And there it was again: the small visage of your breath indicating the decrease in temperature you’d been ignoring out of lost hope.
“Yes, amare?” the gruff baritone was music to your ears as you turned toward your kitchen. There he was: red, large, and intimidating -- yet that soft look in his gaze remained, as if no time at all had passed.
“Damien!” you leapt over the couch, nearly tumbling to the ground before two strong arms grab you, pulling you into the warmest yet coldest bear hug you’ve ever gotten.
“Sorry for delay. Had to...speak with Cecil...” he rumbles, clawed hand carding through your hair, “Need to be ‘debriefed’ but...had to see you.”
“I can tell you what you missed.” you mumble, burying your face in his arms. He pulls you tighter still, resting his chin on the top of your head.
“Later,” he says.
And for a moment -- how long, you’re not sure -- you both just sit there on the living room floor, holding each other in a silent, loving embrace. Tears stream down your face, stinging from the cold emanating from Damien. His hand moves to brush them away, and the contact makes you cry more. You missed him. It had been so long.
After what felt like forever, you part -- just enough to look at each other. He, of course, looks no different. Demons didn’t age like humans did. You, however, probably look like shit. You hadn’t looked in a mirror in forever, but you knew your hair was much longer. You hadn’t bothered to get it cut in...how long had it been? It wasn’t like you could’ve gotten it cut, anyway. The city had been rebuilding, and getting anywhere was...well, hell.
“Beautiful as the day I lost you,” he says, and your tears well up again.
“I know I look like shit, Damien,” you say, trying to laugh off the sudden absence of your grief. He smiles slightly -- a rare sight.
“To me you look like heaven, amare,” he replies.
Amare. His nickname for you. You think its Latin, but you’ve never looked into what it means. You never asked, either, assuming he’d just tell you one day.
But you almost lost him.
You couldn’t bring yourself to look into it after he was gone, and now that he was here again….you decide to ask.
“You’ve called me that since we became partners. What does it mean?”
“Supposed to be a detective.” he replies. His own attempt at a joke, you muse. You’re in no mood for it.
“Damien, please.”
He looks at you fondly, placing a kiss to your forehead.
“Love. It means love.”
You should’ve figured, yet you find yourself crying again, and his arms wrap tighter around you in a protective, loving embrace.
There was more to be said between you two. You both know it. What happened to Damien in Hell? How did everything with Nolan go down here? Now that Cecil knew how to banish and summon Damien as he pleased, what would become of your demon detective?
All need answers. Resolutions.
But not now.
Now was the time for healing: for the world, for humanity, and for you and your demon in that tiny apartment.
You had him back, and though so much hangs in the air, that was enough.
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imagine-this-fandom · 3 years
The Rescue: BNHA x Fem! Reader- Red Pitbull
the rescue intro: here
Inko led you through the store, only pausing to put Izuku back into his habitat. You followed her through the aisles of the shop, hearing the barking from the next room growing louder as you neared the door.
Inside was a wide variety of dogs. The shop was deceptively big considering its unassuming exterior. The Large room was a playroom of sorts. Almost a greeting room so people could meet the dogs in a fun and comfortable environment.
Your eyes tracked the movements of the dogs closest to you, searching for your potential new friend. There was a wide variety of dogs from young to old. Each had their own fun personality and you mused that you'd be happy taking any one of the furballs home. That is... Until you saw Enji.
You had never really been afraid of dogs, but this one... He was intimidating.
Pitbulls never really intimidated you. There were too many good ones out there for their reputation to bother you. This one however was scary looking. You didn't want to judge him right away, but he was every scary pitbull stereotype rolled into one. Rusty red fur covered the dog in patterns reminiscent of flames. White patches reinforced the flame look, snaking up his chest and up his paws like little fire boots. What caught your eyes the most was his eyes. Teal was not a color you had ever seen on a dog before, and on him, they were piercing, like the hottest center of a flame. There was an intelligence there that made you wary. Smart dogs were a handful and from the way he was looking at you and Inko, it seemed he had already made up his mind on you. His expression was pinched into as close to a scowl as his facial patterns would allow, white splotches on the ridges of his head forming eyebrows that gave the illusion of a glare.
You hoped against it, but as soon as you saw him, you knew he was the animal for you. Inko's leading grip on your wrist confirmed your suspicion, only loosening once you both stood before the muscular dog.
"(y/n), It's my pleasure to introduce you to Enji. Enji, this is (y/n). She's agreed to talk care of one of our residents here."
You watched the exchange, noting how his eyes fixed on her, his scowl deepening as she spoke. You couldn't help the giggle that slipped free, his expression was just so serious for a dog!
He whipped his head around to look at you, that ridiculous scowl still in place. He was trying his best to look intimidating and powerful, but the effect was ruined by the fact that he wasn't human. Had he been as he was before the quirk cursed him, Enji Todoroki would have been a fierce sight to behold. But now he simply looked like a pouting child throwing a tantrum, the scowl not translating right over the switch of species. His usual cold and intimidating demeanor were overshadowed by the fact that he was now just a little under two feet tall.
He watched you try to stifle your laughter, your form shaking with the effort as his expression got more and more exasperated. This was who he was expected to put up with for the rest of his time in this form? As the former number two hero, he was less than impressed. He gave a disgruntled bark, looking at Inko to ask if she was serious, but the look she gave him halted him in his tracks.
Endeavor had dealt with many villains over his hero career, but few held the kind of authority as a mother figure. She radiated sternness and he quickly understood that in this case, her word was law. She left the decision in your hands rather than his paws.
When he looked back at you, you had composed yourself again, a wide grin in the place of the wary expression you had carried upon seeing him for the first time.
"You really believe he's the one for me, Inko?" You tilted your head, examing the rather put-out-looking dog, surprising yourself with the hope that Inko would say yes. Sure he was intimidating, but that silly scowl made you smile. And pit bulls were hard to place, so it was a toss-up if he would ever get a chance like this again. You resonated with that more than you'd like to admit. Maybe it was your savior complex, but if you could help him, you wanted to. He deserved a chance.
The little fluttering hope in your chest flared happily when Inko nodded.
"I think you two will be good for each other. I trust you with him and think it's for the best."
with these words from Inko, Enji's scowl fell with a resigned huff. This would be a definite change, one he wasn't likely to enjoy. However, you were excited, and perhaps he could work with that.
You smiled softly and reached down to ruffle his ears. He was surprised by the touch but more so by the fact that it was a pleasant sensation. He quickly pulled out of your grip to grumpily sit with his back to you. He wasn't going to let you win him over so easily. He was originally the number two hero after all! His resolve was stronger than that, surely, he thought to himself.
He watched you move away to help Inko gather supplies, eyes following your every movement. You had seemed frightened at first, so he couldn't wrap his head around why you had accepted Inko's proposal. You were baffling to him, and he was determined to untangle the puzzle that was you.
Enji was confusing. He was so grumpy and far too much of a snob for a dog. You figured he was a rescue at this point. He refused to eat regular dog food, refused to sleep anywhere but a proper bed, and was intent on getting his way at all times. It was exhausting. There was a point when you almost returned him the first week, but it was also the point where you realized you didn't want him to go.
You had been walking him when a criminal attack happened just across the street. You watched in mute horror as a villain used their quirk to ransack a storefront, likely after the money in the register. You quickly turned your back on the sound of breaking glass only after affirming that someone was calling authorities. This was no place for a civilian to interfere. Enji, did not think the same way. He was tugging ferociously against the walking harness.
"Enji! We need to go, stop this!"
You tried to reign him in, but he just pulled all the harder, the woven material of the leash digging into your hands as your white knuckle grip was tested against the dog. It was a miracle he didn't pull you off your feet.
You fought against his weight to pull him away from the scene all while he barked and fought against you. Finally, you were able to pull him around a corner and away from the violence. Enji was not pleased to say the least.
How dare she, he thought, glaring at you, with as much anger as he could muster. Who were you to keep him from hero work? He growled lowly in his throat at you. He knew that if he were in his human form, his flames would be flickering dangerously.
"Now you stop that right now. We are going home, Enji. Now." You glared back, annoyed and if you were honest, a bit shaken by the event.
He turned around as if to go back, but was stopped by a sharp tug on the lead.
"No, bad dog. Heel. We are going home. You need to listen to me."
You pressed your lips into a firm line, doing your best to be as authoritative as you could, hoping he would see this as a fight not worth having. Oh, how wrong you were. With each insistent tug on the leash, he grew more irritated. It all culminated in one moment where his temper got the best of him. He wasn't used to being ordered around and he lashed out in the only way he could in this form. He bit your hand, aiming to get you to drop the leash so he could go without you.
You yelped sharply in pain, pulling the limb to your chest protectively, the leash forgotten on the ground. Your eyes held him in place, eyes watery with unshed tears as you looked at him in hurt disbelief. He hadn't bitten hard enough to break skin, but that did not mean you were unscathed. Angry red welts were beginning to form where his teeth had dug and scraped.
Enji felt guilt forming in the pit of his stomach, something he was not used to. The look of betrayal you were giving him made him feel off-kilter. However, he wasn't going to dwell on it
You bit your lip to keep the tears at bay before grabbing the leash off the ground with your good hand, keeping your eyes on him the whole time, watching for any sign he would attack again. Your movements were slow, cautious, and untrusting. backing up, you held the leash so the most distance was between you.
"Enji, we are going home. Now." You tried to keep your voice stern, but you winced as you heard the small warble to it from pain. He locked his limbs as the leash went taut once more. Before you could react, he grabbed the leash in his teeth and yanked it out of your hands, and raced back towards the action.
You stumbled after him, his name dying on your tongue as he stopped right in front of the villain, powerful jaws locking around the criminal's leg. It's like the scene was in slow motion for you as Enji faced the villain alone.
He dug his teeth in, determined to defeat the criminal despite his lack of quirk or usual form. His arrogance knew no bounds, but as far as he was concerned, he was just doing his job. Oh, how out of his depth he was.
The villain in question was named deathstalker. Upon one glance it would be easy to guess his quirk. Extending from his back, a tan appendage loomed above him, curled to a dangerous spike. Venom tipped and massive, the scorpion tail was a sight to behold. And right now... it was poised to strike at your dog.
Before you even knew what you were doing, your feet were tearing across the pavement. Your lungs burned with each panicked breath you sucked in, watching as the villain flung Enji away with an angry roar. You changed course to intercept him, flinging yourself over the dazed mutt just as the point of the tail struck, stabbing into your shoulder with a sickening speed.
Deathstalker had the nerve to laugh then, watching as you skidded sideways on the street, shoulder bloody and arms scrapped from your landing, but dog safely clutched to your chest.
"What are you, some kind of idiot?"
Stalking forward, he nudged your shoulder with his foot, eliciting a cry of pain as your shoulder burned.
"Hope you're proud darling, you just died for an exceptionally stupid dog."
He sneered, watching as Enji tried to wiggle free and get at him.
"Looks like he still has a death wish. What do you say, dear, shall I end his life too so he can join his dear old master? After all, he seemed pretty determined in the first place. All you did was buy him time to watch you suffer too."
He smirked and crouched next to you, his golden irises standing out against black sclera as they scanned the wound on your shoulder and shredded sleeves.
"You know sweetheart, he was going to die anyway. The stupid mutt bit me. And here I was having such a good day."
You fought the dizziness as the venom worked its way through your body, the wound radiating uncomfortable heat. You managed to look him right in those unnerving eyes, making eye contact before you took a deep breath. He might have been preparing for you to beg or plead for your life, ask for some reassurance that you weren't going to die. Instead, you inhaled before spitting in his face, eyes narrowed in anger.
Before the Deathstalker could respond, he was suspended in a forcefield as heroes dropped onto the scene. He beat angrily against his new prison as the heroes gathered around and began helping civilians.
You finally released your death grip on Enji, all the adrenaline draining out of you as the villain was moved away. You closed your eyes, not having the energy to do much but lay there.
Enji was instantly in your face as soon as he was free, examining you as best he could as he swore under his breath. All you heard was grumbling and growling from him as you lazily offered him your hand.
"I'm okay, boy. It's okay now..." Your head was fuzzy, but you weren't too concerned about that.
Enji growled at your words, knowing that Deathstalker would not have lied about the deadliness of his quirk. You needed medical attention now! He pressed himself against your side and barked, alerting the heroes to your position. He was furious, both with you and with himself, but mostly at the villain. But the anger boiling up would have to wait. He growled lowly as one of the heroes tried to shoo him away, determined to stay by your side as you were tended to. He had already failed once today, he wanted to be sure you were cared for now. Each moment you weren't seen to was one more moment that you were in danger. A danger that you had been in because of him.
You were put on a stretcher and loaded into an ambulance, Enji right by your side. He didn't usually stay with civilians after a fight, but with you, he didn't want to let you out of his sight. You were a stupid girl, charging in after him. But you had saved his life. And that rattled him.
You groaned as you awoke, hands going to scrub at your eyes after you were blinded by the white of the hospital room. As you sat and got your bearings, the events of before rushed back to you. The villain, your shoulder, and...
Your eyes widened and you frantically tried to get out of bed, the heart rate monitor going wild behind you. Luckily, a bark stopped you in your tracks. Enji had been resting to the side of your bed, not having left your side if he could help it.
Upon seeing your concern, he jumped up against the bed, front paws resting on the mattress as he scanned you to see if you were truly recovered.
Once you saw the familiar red furry head, you relaxed, a wide smile spreading across your face.
"Hey buddy, you doing okay?"
He snorted. This was coming from the girl in the hospital bed? He was fine. A little bruised from the landing, but no worse for the wear.
"You're alright? Good. Never do that again. I have half a mind to take you back to Inko for that stunt." You frowned at him for a moment before your face softened into fondness. You reached out and cupped the side of his face, thumb gently stroking the side of his head.
"You really scared me, you know? I was so worried I'd lose you."
He let himself lean into your touch, telling himself it was for your comfort, and not because he enjoyed the sensation. He watched your expression carefully, surprised by the concern and relief he found there. You truly did not regret throwing yourself into danger for him. For getting hurt for him.
"That was a stupid thing for you to do too," he said, the voice escaping him a soft bark and whine instead of the words he wished to convey.
"I'm okay Enji, really," You smiled and leaned forward, placing a kiss on his head. "My quirk protected me for the most part. Someone else's quirk can't kill me."
He tilted his head to the side, confused by your statement. The injury had seemed pretty serious to him.
"My quirk neutralizes anything deadly that comes in contact with me. Sharp objects? Those can hurt me. But the venom probably became relatively harmless after he got me. It made me dizzy and uncomfortable, but it wouldn't kill me." You sighed, scrunching your face in displeasure when you remembered the side effects of the venom.
"I'm just glad I was able to keep you safe until heroes got there."
You leaned forward and whispered to him in a conspiratorial voice.
"Ready to get out of here? Because there's no way I'm gonna stick around while doctors lecture me about being careless and compliment my stupid quirk."
You grinned as you pulled back and carefully climbed out of bed, ensuring that you weren't pulling on your IV before petting his head and leading him for the door.
It had been a few days since the incident, and Enji was starting to worry you. He was originally very pushy and confident. Determined to get his way. Now though, he was quiet and contemplative around you, no longer pushing for his way all the time. You'd never entertained the thought before, but now desperate times called for desperate measures. You were having an intervention for your dog.
That day, you got home from work, the usual tiredness pushed away by determination. Enji could see the difference and was decidedly curious. What had gotten you so worked up? It can't have been any villains as you seemed no worse for the wear. He mused that perhaps you were finally going to get another job. The one you were working at was clearly taking advantage of your good nature and hard-working spirit. Or perhaps the neighbor had finally asked you out. He snorted at the thought, amused but also a bit annoyed. His thoughts were cut short when you dropped into a sitting position right in front of him.
"Enji, you're a smart boy. I want you to listen to me."
You focused on him intently, watching as he squared his shoulders and focused on you, face all hard lines and serious fire in his eyes.
"You've been different. Ever since the villain attack, you've been treating me like glass. You're quiet, accommodating. It's weird. "
You frowned slightly.
"I want my old Enji back. You were a pain, but you were my pain. You were arrogant, sure of yourself. "
He eyed you carefully, admitting to himself that he had grown cautious around you since the attack. He knew that quirks couldn't cause lasting damage, but he wasn't going to throw your sacrifice back in your face. He respected you now. Still, you were asking for friendship, not reverence.
He was used to power being the only way to get things. Yet here you were asking for something else from him. You didn't want him to submit to you, but rather be himself as your companion. A confusing proposition, but... not one he was opposed to. He had already seen how selfless and strong you were. Perhaps he could enjoy learning more about you without the formalities he was used to.
"Hey, space cadet. Did you hear me?" You narrowed your eyes at Enji as he focused back from his thoughts. "Man, what am I doing?" You rubbed your eyes with the heels of your palms, "I must be crazy at this point."
You brought the appendages down as you heard an amused huff escape from Enji.
"Are you laughing at me now?"
You could have sworn he smirked as he barked an affirmative.
"is that so, furball?" You grinned and lunged forward, raking your fingers through his fur.
The sensation startled him and he jumped away. Oh, so that's how you wanted to play... He could oblige.
Your eyes widened as he turned back and came at you. You quickly curled up to protect yourself, squeaking as his cold nose came in contact with your side. He growled playfully and pawed at you, trying to get past your defenses.
You giggled, squirming as you tried to evade him.
"Wait, stop!"
He grinned. "You started this! Don't make this easy for me now."
You launched a sneak attack, curling your body around his head, laughing as you wrestled him to the ground and attacked him with tickles.
"I got ya! I Win!"
He managed to wriggle free eventually and lay beside you, panting, but content.
"Fine, fine, you win. Little ember. And I'll remember your words. No need to treat you carefully from now on." He rested his head on his paws as you lay beside him, face flushed from laughter as you caught your breath.
Who knew Enji had a playful side to him. Perhaps Inko had been right. You were good for each other.
Now you had your pushy bad-tempered pit bull back, and you were going to enjoy it.
Enji proved to be a bit of a jerk, but you had softened him up. He Was constantly pushing your buttons. He was in your space constantly, making sure you knew his opinions on everything. But you fought back. He knew better than to mess with you and knew you wouldn't take his bad behavior. You were determined not to let his bad behavior continue. You simply left the room if he lost his temper, and you didn't tolerate resorting to violence. He learned quickly if he wanted to get anywhere with you, he had to be calm.
He began to look forward to your company, the bickering one-sided on your end, but for him, it was exciting. You refused to back down from him and he realized he wouldn't have it any other way. Still, he did enjoy antagonizing you.
"Enji, move your fluffy butt! I have to go to work!" You struggled uselessly against him as he pinned you to the couch with his bulk. His response to your plea was to grumble and relax even further.
"You big galoot, I have to go make money, or would you rather I not feed you?" He huffed and stretched before leisurely climbing off the couch. You rolled your eyes and ruffled his ears and hopped up, brushing red fur off your uniform.
Despite the playful threat, the money issue was worrying you. Enji was a big dog, and you only wanted the best for him. That meant that he had plenty of toys, good quality food, and all the love and affection you could spare. However, money was starting to run tight. You had started to work extra hours as the weather started to get colder.
You bid Enji farewell and left for work, determined to keep up the cheerful appearance.
Enji was left to his own devices while you left. Something he was growing less and less content with. It was fun messing with you, and you didn't take any of his stubbornness. He patrolled the house, working through a training regimen he had perfected for this form. He missed his human form, but being with you made it easier. He was far too intimidating as a human. As a dog, you joked with him, teased him, coddled him, and weren't afraid to let him know when he messed up. He still cringed to think of those first weeks where he had acted like he was still the number two hero. A hero doesn't hurt innocent people, as you had shown him.
He paused by the window, noting the snowflakes coming down from the sky. It was times like these, he remembered Rei. He had been focused on the power he could gain from a union with her when he had married her. She had given him twins, but he knew that she would have moved on by now. He didn't blame her in the slightest. Still, he knew that if he ever came back to her, he'd be a different man. But he knew that he couldn't love her, not truly. The marriage was one of greed, and she would always resent him for that, and he wouldn't be able to blame her. Still, he regretted not being able to offer her his apologies in person.
Watching the snowflakes, he remembered with sharp discomfort that he had been in this form for almost a year now. How the media explained his absence was a mystery and he had tried not to focus on what he had lost. He shook himself out of his thoughts and continued his routine, making sure the apartment was in order before taking the latch of the window with his teeth and pulling it open.
He eased out the window with practiced ease and began a patrol of the area. While he admitted he couldn't be much help in this form, he still couldn't completely give up his hero work. Keeping the apartment complex safe wasn't much, but he had someone to protect here. He had memorized your schedule and noticed that you had been getting out later, so he knew he'd be able to make another circuit before he returned to greet you for the evening.
He stayed out for a couple of hours but was forced to return early as the weather worsened. The gently floating snowflakes from earlier had turned into a whirling blizzard, the icy wind biting into his small form as he made his way home. Pulling the window closed behind him, he was glad for the minimal warmth the apartment offered. One of the things he noticed in this form was the absence of heat his quirk had provided him. He quickly began to regret his foray into the winter weather as his paws ached with cold from the ice-packed into them from his dash home in the inclement weather. He closed the window as best as he could, frowning to himself as it didn't shut properly. Unfortunately, without thumbs, he couldn't fix it, so he resorted to huddling into your blankets, buried under sheets and your stupid allmight themed comforter. One that he had conveniently chewed the face off of.
In his blanket fortress, he found himself dozing, surrounded by the scent of your body wash and detergent. It was a comforting scent and he quickly fell asleep, unaware of whistling wind pushing the window open where the latch had failed to close when he returned.
Enji dreamed of being human again. He flexed his fingers experimentally, testing the sensation, one he hadn't felt in a long time. He examined his surroundings carefully, the change in perspective disorienting. It was your apartment, but it looked older, the carpet worn and more decorations faded. He picked up one of the dog toys on the floor, marveling at the difference from just earlier that day when you had encouraged him to play with it. Had that been today? It felt like a lifetime away, as dreams never do seem to keep the passage of time constant.
He set the toy down at the sound of the door, eyes widening as they caught on your form. You were shorter than him now. Considering he was 6'4" in this form, it shouldn't have surprised him. But still, it was strange looking down on you. You rolled your eyes with a playful smile and started to put your things away.
"Enji, darling, close your mouth. You'll catch flies like that." He could hear the laughter in your voice as you teased him. Darling? He hadn't heard you use that word for him before. He found he liked the way it sounded from you. Especially if it was reserved for him.
He cleared his throat and stepped forward, helping you remove your coat. His heart caught in his throat when you looked back at him with fondness. He was usually so sure of himself. But this change was strange and he found himself flustered.
"You're so quiet today, hothead." You raised an eyebrow and placed your hands on your hips eyeing him as if he was a puzzle you had most of the pieces of but were having trouble placing the last ones.
"What's wrong? Did you break something while I was out?" You gasped and pointed a finger at him accusingly. "Did you try to get rid of my Allmight stuff again? I swear Enji, I will kill you if you did."
This was too strange to be real, he told himself, watching you silently as you began muttering to yourself and throwing him confused looks. This scenario was too good to be true. He knew this deep down, but he desperately wanted it to be real. He knew he had begun to grow feelings for you, but to have them returned like this felt too alien. He instinctively knew that something was off, but he wanted to pretend, just for a little longer.
He caught your hand mid gesture and placed a gentle kiss to your fingers, a small smirk forming at your flustered silence.
"Quiet yourself little ember. I haven't done anything to your stupid merchandise."
You huffed and pulled your hand from his grip, cheeks red.
"Well then why were you so quiet, dummy?"
He tilted his head lightly, a smile forming on his lips as he stared at you, enjoying the way you refused to meet his eyes a slight pout turning your lips down.
"I missed you," he murmured, gently tilting your chin up so you were looking at him once more.
You melted against him, leaning into his touch, gently holding pressing his hand against your face with your own. He noticed with a start that your hands were cold against his. Your face too. He frowned as you shivered against his palm, eyes opening to reveal crystals forming on your lashes. The color began to drain from your face, lips going blue as you stepped away from him.
He reached towards you, but your skin stung like frost burn against his touch. He desperately tried to pull you close to him, to heat you with his quirk, but he was no longer warm himself. Your skin grew silver and icy as you tried to push him away. His vocal cords were frozen, a cold lump in his throat that refused to form your name. He was forced to watch in terror as you went see-through, body made of ice. And then you crumbled beneath his touch, ice forming cracks, and your eyes met his one last time before you shattered into glittering crystalline ice shards before him.
He woke with a start, paws flailing in panic as he was roused by a loud noise. But it wasn't ice cracking he heard, but the front door striking the wall. slipping out from the blankets, he made his way through the thin powder of snow on the floor from the open window, hurrying to the living room to meet you and make sure you were okay.
The sight that met his eyes was straight out of his dream turned nightmare. You were shivering with cold, clothes clinging to you with ice forming at the folds. Your eyelashes were dusted with snowflakes, and your face was flushed with cold.
Enji whimpered, rushing forward to examine you. You gently shooed him away, not having the energy to be more strict. The freak blizzard struck on your way home from work. As you journeyed through the snow, you had tripped. You had attempted to steady yourself against a tree, but that only caused an avalanche of the cold snow to our down on you from above, soaking you thoroughly. You had hoped to warm up when you came home, but it was just as cold inside as it was outside. The window Enji had failed to close causing the winter chill to follow you inside.
You cursed and desperately removed your soaked jacket, hanging it up before stumbling to the bathroom. A strangled sound of dispair escaped your lips as the faucets failed to work. It seems the pipes had frozen. To top it all off, the lightbulbs flicked before plunging the room into darkness. The power had been knocked out. You were out of options to warm up. You staggered out of the dark room and worked to close the window. Enji trailed behind you, his fear growing as began to look more and more like the icy girl within his dream.
Peeling your wet clothes from your body was a difficult task while you were shaking. While you struggled with the buttons, Enji rushed to your dresser, dragging out the warmest clothes he could find. He left them by your side before sitting against your legs, offering as much warmth as he could with his body, as there wasn't much else he could do. He could hear your teeth chattering now, the sharp sound deafening to him. You changed as quickly as your cold temperature allowed and crawled into your blankets.
"Enji! Up." You patted the bed urgently, holding the blanket up for him to join you.
He curled up against your side, resting his head against your chest, hoping to provide heat to your vital organs. He whimpered against your cold skin, eyes searching your face with concern. This wasn't good. He hadn't been able to save you in his nightmare, and now he was worried he was going to lose you in real life as well.
You closed your eyes and shushed him, holding him close.
"It'll be okay Enji. Just try to conserve your energy. We'll be okay."
You reassured him, but you weren't so certain. With no heating, freezing temperatures, and an already chilled body, you weren't too sure what would happen next. Still, you had Enji and that meant that you'd give him everything you could. What little body heat you had was his.
You tried to fight off sleep, knowing that you weren't supposed to rest when you were freezing. Or was that with concussions? You didn't remember. You were tired, your body shaking with cold. Enji's whimpers were a near-constant sound now. His distress worried you, but you couldn't do more than try to keep him warm at this point.
You were hovering on the edge of sleep when it happened. A quiet pop sound came from nearby and you were vaguely aware of heat beginning to surround you. The blankets were removed and a heavy weight settled around your waist, warming you with an almost uncomfortable heat. You settled into it, wondering if you were reaching hypothermia. They said that once you got really bad, your mind started tricking you into believing you were hot while you froze. Oh well, so long as Enji was warm too.
Enji Cradled you close to his chest. He hadn't been prepared for the switch from dog to human, but he was beyond grateful for it. He had quickly moved you from the bed so as not to set fire to the covers as he activated his quirk. He cradled you against his chest, tucking your head against his neck, resting his chin on the top of your head as he let his quirk dance across his body at a low level.
"Hold on, little ember, you're going to be okay. Just hold on." Enji stroked his thumb against your arm, holding you close as he carefully upped the temperature slowly. He stayed awake well into the night monitoring your condition. He mentally thanked UA for their first aid and rescue classes, knowing that without them, he might have hurt you more than help.
He gently cared for you well into the night, too concerned about you to enjoy the feeling of you in his arms.
You woke to a beam of sunlight cascading from your bedroom window. You didn't open your eyes though, you were too comfortable. You felt warm and content. However, the gentle rise and fall of your bed was enough to stir confusion in your sleep-addled mind.
You blearily opened your eyes, the last remnants of sleep blurring your vision. You stared up at red fur before your brain made the correction for you. That wasn't fur. It was hair. A red beard in fact.
Adrenaline shot through your system. You weren't in bed. You were in the arms of a stranger. A very attractive built stranger, but a stranger nonetheless.
You kept your eyes on his face as you carefully tried to work yourself free, prying his fingers from your hip. You watched for any sign of wakefulness. You were almost free when you slipped up. His grip tightened as he began to rouse, eyes slowly opening to reveal the most striking shade of turquoise you'd ever seen.
Enji looked down at you through tired eyes, pleased to see that your color had returned in the night. However, the deer in the headlights look you wore didn't suit you.
"Are you feeling better?" He asked, voice rough with sleep.
You shuddered as you felt the deep sound against you.
"I feel alright, albeit confused," You spoke slowly and cautiously, eyeing the handsome stranger with apprehension.
"Who are you? Where's Enji? He wouldn't have let you in here."
Enji looked up in thought, considering his response carefully.
"Enji is not far at all, ember. He's safe. I want to assure you that you're safe too."
You couldn't help the incredulous noise that escaped you at that.
"I'm sorry, but this doesn't seem like a situation I would deem 'safe'." You mumbled.
He just smiled and shook his head in response. If he wasn't already holding you, you were concerned your knees would have given out at that smile.
"I'm here because of a quirk malfunction. One that turned me and my team into animals upon contact." He looked at you firmly, fixing you into place with his gaze, offering no chance for interruptions.
"My name is Enji Todoroki, hero name: Endeavor. And I was turned into a pit bull that was entrusted to a frankly obnoxious but kind woman. I shared her home and was quite the jerk if I'm being honest. And then, the woman saved my life after I foolishly went after a villain. She shielded me from what would have been a death blow." He looked ahead, not wanting to see her reaction to his explanation.
"She has my respect, and.... should she accept it, my heart."
He waited in silence for a few moments more before looking back at you. You blinked in shocked silence as you worked to process the information. When he opened his mouth to say more, you firmly held a finger to his lips as you worked through your thoughts.
Finally, you looked back at him and narrowed your eyes, removing your finger.
"Prove it. Prove that you're my Enji and not some creep with an insane story?"
His stomach fluttered when you referred to him as 'your' Enji. But he needed to focus.
"Well..." He shifted his hold, rubbing circles on your hip as he thought. "I bit you right before the scorpion villain fight. It was a mistake on my part, and I've wanted to apologize ever since. When you woke up in the hospital, you told me about your quirk. When you get upset, you brew your favorite hot drink and watch your favorite show, knees tucked underneath yourself on the couch. Sometimes you let me join you, leaning against your side. You always laughed when I grumbled at something the characters did, saying I was too much of a critic."
You stopped his babbling once more with a finger to the lips. He leaned forward and kissed the finger, watching as a blush spread across your face.
"So... you are telling the truth." You pulled the hand back to your chest, shoulders relaxed from their tensed state. You relaxed back against his chest before quickly leaning up and pressing a quick kiss to his lips.
"Thank you Enji, for saving me. I would have frozen." You watched as a self-satisfied smile spread over his face. he leaned down for another kiss before you stopped him with a giggle.
"Alright loverboy, that was all you're getting. First, you need clothes and then we're going to go out on a proper first date where you tell me about the human Enji."
"I'm looking forward to it." He grinned before kissing your forehead and standing, gently setting you on your feet.
The dynamic between you two was in for a change, but you looked forward to dealing with this new Enji and learning how to move forward with him in your life.
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Took You Long Enough | Charlie Gillespie
Requested by @faithiebrock01​: Can you make one where Charlie and I are best friends (who secretly like each other, but are super oblivious and everyone around us can see it) on set of JATP and we end up having to do my car crash scene where get in the car accident (because in the show I die a few weeks after they do in the show, but I did in the accident also make that my character knew them before). When the scene ends with me in the hospital bed slowly dying, Charlie runs off looking sad. He then won't come out of his trailer for anyone until I get there saying "I'll handle it" to the crew member who was previously trying. I go in lay with him on his bed and ask him what's wrong then he says "it seemed so real" while crying and I calm him down then we end up confessing love for each other and then falling asleep cuddling. My name: y/n My nicknames: sweetheart, sweetie, love, Princess, queen, angel, nugget (Or whatever you can think of.)
Pairing: Charlie Gillespie x female!reader
Warnings: Hospital scene, mention of a car crash, fluff 
Words: 2043
A/N: This was cute to write! I worked on it during an online class so I’m sorry if there’s any mistakes in there! Hope you like it!! :) 
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Four years. Four years I’ve known Charlie Gillespie. Four years of us being best friends and only now we’re colleagues too. The both of us had booked Julie and the Phantoms a couple of months ago, and we’re now spending time together every day on set. It’s also been four years of me having the biggest crush on Charlie, but I will not tell him that. It’s just going to ruin our friendship and the dynamic in our friend group on set. The cast and crew have gotten close during the process of the bootcamp and filming. They constantly tease Charlie and me for having such a close relationship and that we should just date already. Charlie had laughed it off, and so I started to do it too. “Ready to go?” Charlie asks when he picks me up from my trailer before filming. I’d just gotten back from hair and makeup, and I was rehearsing my lines in the trailer to make sure I’ve gotten it down perfectly. “Yes! Let’s go.” He links his arm in mine as we walk off, letting the silence wrap around us in comfort. “What other scenes do you have today?” I ask, wanting to occupy my mind with something other than his skin touching mine. “I got some with the boys and Madi, and tonight, we’re doing the hot dog scene.” I pout, remembering that’s the scene where he’s going to die. Fake die. But still. It’s kind of sad. “Cool,” I respond with a smile, “Was going to ask you if you wanted to go grab dinner tonight, but I guess your hotdogs are dinner.” He snickers, and I can’t help but laugh too, hiding the fact my heart is racing. To me, his laugh is the most beautiful sound in the world. “Yeah, I doubt that’s a great idea,” he replies, “But I’d love to grab lunch? What time are you on break?” I bring my schedule in front of me in my mind, trying to remember it. “I think around two? Depending on how long the hospital scene will take.” Charlie nods his head, clearly thinking about how to make it work for us to eat lunch together. “I think we’re going to do the hospital scene too, so when we wrap that, we might be able to go?” “Yeah, sounds good!” I reply and let go off his arm as we reach the other boys and Kenny, ready for the first couple scenes of the day. “We’re going to do the Now or Never scene first,” Kenny tells the boys, to which they nod. “Y/N, you can watch from the side where their best-friend-slash-manager would be.” I nod my head curtly, telling him I understand his orders. “Give it your all, Rockstar,” I say to Charlie and bump my fist against his shoulder. He simply smiles at me, that perfect, award-winning smile that makes me go weak in the knees before I head off to my spot at the side of the stage. The four boys on stage are drenched in fake sweat at the start, and then rock out so hard on the first take, real sweat starts dripping down their faces. Charlie’s hair’s sticking to his forehead and his muscles gleam and glisten with sweat. I hope the camera won’t catch me drooling over my best friend’s hotness. Charlie himself catches my eye every now and then, his mouth curling up into a smirk. “Charlie,” Kenny starts after the third take, “Can you stop looking at Y/N, please?” My cheeks heat up when Owen, Jeremy and Taylor chuckle. “I know she’s your best friend, but Luke is focused on the soundcheck, yeah?” Charlie nods his head, and I swear I saw him blushing too. “Yes, Kenny. Sorry, Kenny.” Jeremy and Owen glance at each other, exchanging a knowing look. They’ve asked me multiple times if something’s going on between Charlie and me, but I told them there wasn’t until one night, I was crying about how much I loved him, and Owen and Jeremy were there to comfort me without judgement. Now, they don’t stop teasing me relentlessly. I know I’m going to get even more teasing comments about it later. I’m not ready for that.
Once the scene’s done, the boys and I get to catering to get a snack before heading back to set for the next scenes. The ones where I die. How fun. To say I’m nervous is an understatement. I know it’s all fake and I’m not actually going to be in a car accident, but it’s still scary. The ladies from costume and makeup get me ready for the hospital scene, taping fake wires on my arms and putting one in my nose as well while I’m covered in fake bruises and band-aids. “Ready, Y/N?” Kenny asks, and I nod my head. “If the tubes ever get annoying, just tell us and we’ll take a break, okay?” I nod again and Kenny steps away and behind the camera. Charlie’s there too, watching and being the greatest moral support puppy I could ever ask for. “Season one, episode one, scene three, take one,” Jaime says, working the clapperboard, and then Kenny yells “Action!” I lie entirely still on the uncomfortable hospital bed, breathing ever so subtly, and then holding my breath a second before the loud monotone beep sounds and doctors come rushing in. “And cut!” I open my eyes to find Charlie, and when I do, I catch him walking away with his head down. My eyebrows furrow, and I want to ask someone to go and check up on him, but the makeup team has already swarmed me to touch up the makeup a little. After a few more takes, Kenny tells us we’re all good and lets us go. Once the tubes are taken out of my nose and stripped away from my arms, I hop off the bed and go to find Charlie. Michel and Soyon An are in front of his trailer, knocking on the door and yelling his name. “What’s going on?” I ask Soyon An. “I’m not sure. He just ran off set with tears in his eyes and hasn’t come out of his trailer, but we need him for a fitting for tomorrow.” Worry sets in the pit of my stomach. Why would he run off crying after watching the scene I just taped? “I’ll handle it,” I tell them with a smile. The two people from the crew I’d grown closest to, offer me a smile in return and walk off. I take a deep breath before knocking on the door softly. “Char?” Ever so carefully, I open the door to his trailer and step inside the darkened room. I almost think he’s not even in here when a sob comes from the left-hand side of the trailer. “Hey,” I coo and sit down on the edge of the bed beside his curled up body. “What’s wrong?” “It just all seemed so real…” he whispers, and sniffles. “Why, thank you,” I joke, but Charlie’s sob makes me realize this is serious. “Hey, Char… Pumpkin…” My hand reaches out for his shoulder and start circling my thumb across his bare skin. “Sit up for a second, please?” He obeys my whispers and sits upwards, so I can scoot in next to him. He rests his head on my lap, sniffles taking over. “Why did you get so upset over a scene, Pumpkin? You know that’s my job?” “I know that, Angel,” my stomach flutters at the nickname, “I just…” He sits up and turns to face me, crossing his legs, “I couldn’t help thinking ‘what if something really happens to her?’, I couldn’t stop imagining losing you and it felt terrible. I don’t ever want to live without you, Angel…” He reaches for my hand and presses a kiss to my knuckles. I can feel the tears dropping down to my skin. It breaks my heart in a thousand pieces seeing him this broken. “You’re my best friend.” Right, the friendzone. We’re still here. “I know, Pumpkin… I can’t even imagine my life without you,” I tell him honestly. “But nothing’s ever going to happen to me. Or you. You’re going to have to do a lot more to get rid of me, Char.” He chuckles lightly. I reach up to wipe his tears away with my thumbs, cupping his cheeks, and then resting my hands there as we stare at each other. The tiny beam of sunlight from the small window lights up his face enough for me to see the sparkles in his eyes. “I don’t know if this is going to change anything, Angel, but I have to tell you,” he whispers, bringing his hands up to take my wrists and removing my hands from his face. “I trust us enough for not ruining anything between us.” I furrow my eyebrows, worried about his sudden serious behavior. “I know this is going to sound crazy, but I’ve been in love with you since the first day I met you.” My breath hitches in my throat, and I wish I could say something, but my brain is not functioning correctly right now. “I never dared to say anything because I was scared something would change between us and you wouldn’t feel the same and it would make things awkward. I was scared to lose what we already have. You’re my best friend, but I am so desperately in love with you that it’s kind of embarrassing and kind of distracting me from my work, like you saw during that first scene today. I am so desperately in love with you, Y/N Y/L/N and I don’t ever want to lose you.” He looks at me with hope in his eyes. I still can’t say anything. Too much in shock over his confession. “I understand if you don’t feel the same, Angel. I just… We can forget I said anything tomorrow and just go back to—” I finally manage to move and grab his face in my hands, bringing him closer to meet me halfway for a kiss. He’s a little startled at first, but then melts into the kiss and kisses me back. “I’ve been so embarrassingly in love with you for years and I never dared to say anything either,” I tell him, his face lighting up even more. “I cried one night blabbing about how much I love you and Jere and Oh had to comfort me for hours. It’s been so painful but I’m so happy you—” he cuts me off by pressing his lips on mine again in another kiss. “Were you asking me out on a date earlier when you wanted to grab dinner together?” he asks as though the memory from this morning just flooded into his mind. “What?! No!” I reply but can’t help blushing either. Charlie raises his eyebrow at me. “Yeah, fine. It was a pathetic attempt,” I roll my eyes with an amused smile on my face. Charlie laughs whole-heartedly before leaning in to peck my lips once, twice, three times. The fourth time he captures my lips with his, it’s a deeper, more passionate kiss than the ones before. The both of us are too wrapped up into the kiss, we don’t even notice Charlie’s trailer door opening until loud cheers startle us to break apart. Jeremy and Owen are stood in the trailer, cheering and exchanging high-fives in elation. “Finally!” Owen shouts, throwing his fist up in the air. “Bro, this took you long enough.” “Yeah, I know,” Charlie replies with a smile tugging at his lips. “At least now this girl won’t come crying to us again about how much she loves you,” Jeremy exclaims, patting my head as if I’m a child. The four of us laugh, and I look at Charlie, who gives me the most tender smile. “So… When’s the wedding?” The two of us scoff, and then order the two to get out of the trailer to give us some time alone, which they give us gladly. I’ve been waiting for this moment for years, and now that it’s here, it’s more than I ever imagined.
Taglist: @hannahhistorian92 @marinettepotterandplagg​ @thequirkybookaholic @parkeret @lukeys-giggle @gingerxarmy @lovesanimals 
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wouldduskwood · 2 years
Jake's POV Descendants of Despair Part 72
As she lay against me, I cradled her, my hand still against her mouth. I hadn't intended for the action to cause any rush of emotion, but now, as she lay here in my embrace, I couldn't help but feel warmth...happiness...hope. I pressed those feelings down to the pit of my stomach.
"Can I let you go without you screaming?" my voice was unusual, thick with worry. Embarrassing. She nodded and I let my hand fall from over her mouth, caressing her cheek instead.
“Hate to break it to you Jake, you’re not as scary as you think you are.” she snickered quietly. “Oh you ain’t seen nothing yet Babe,” I replied then untangled myself, attempting to distance myself from the feelings she was stirring inside me. I looked over the edge of the building. “Well, you did well, they appear to have lost sight of you. What the hell happened?” That was good. Businesslike. Necessary.
“I don’t know. Phil was expecting me.” she muttered, frustrated...I guessed at her own lack of insight.
“Why did you leave Dan’s?” I asked with quiet anger. It had been burning in me this entire evening and I was relieved to let it out.
She appeared confused as she considered my question...as if I was missing something that was very clear to her. “You told Dan to keep an eye on me, didn’t you.” she hissed. I nodded wondering why this was such an issue.
“Of course I did, I know you can look after yourself…but if I can’t be there…I need someone to also have your back. You don’t have to do everything alone.” I watched with a small grin, hidden by my mask. I suspected that she wouldn't at all like to appear weak. My grin widened as she stood and clambered, far from the elegant movement I had come to expect from her, across the tiled roofing. It would have had me in stitches, if it hadn't been for the serious nature of the situation we were currently in.
“You need to see things from my perspective too,” I signed as she reached the opposite edge.
“I know,” she growled, then turned back to face me. “Look, I know you’re right. Let’s face it, you usually are.” she grinned wryly, causing a flush of excitement to erupt through me. “I just…I find it hard to accept help from anyone.”
I nodded and leaned against the ledge, sighing. Would life ever be normal for us? She approached hesitantly and sat near me, showing great restraint. “What next?” she groaned, rubbing her hands against her eyes. I stared at her intently, trying desperately to convey how sorry I was, not just for this current situation...but for everything. However, this was business. Feelings couldn't get in the way. Feelings would overrule logic and reasoning. 'Pull it together, Jake,' I groaned internally.
“It’s possible that Dan called Phil and asked him to keep an eye out for you. If that is the case then I am almost certain that Phil would have called Dan to let him know you were on your way back there and a bit worse for wear, alcohol wise.”
She nodded thoughtfully. “What about the people that followed me? I am fairly sure they were tailing me.” she sighed. “Though, I could be wrong.”
I groaned. I very much doubted she was wrong. She was a magnet for anything bad...including myself. “I want to hope you’re wrong but something about this still screams ‘set up’.”
“Jake. What if they’re after you?” she groaned. Once again, entirely too worried on the wrong thing. “You need to leave the area.” Holding her hands up, she cut me off before I started to argue. “I’ll be good. I’ll go back to Dan’s. You need to go somewhere safe.” Oh, she knew me so well.
“Sorry MC. This one is out of your hands. Either we both go or neither of us do.”
She stared at me properly for the first time, causing a thrill to erupt through me. Beautiful, fiercely loyal, stunningly intelligent, quick, agile...everything I could ever have wanted, in one wild package. I gritted my teeth behind the mask and forced myself to meet her gaze, determined she wouldn't get me to back down. Not this time. My resilience had begun to waiver, when we heard muted voices from below. Where the sounds in the distance were cheerful and drunk, these two were intense, clear and determined. They were foreign to me.
As I tried to make out what they were saying, I was momentarily frustrated when she spoke. “Shit,” she whispered as she yanked me away from the edge. Scrambling as quietly and quickly as she could, she made her way to the farthest side of the building. I remained hot on her tail. “We might have found out something if we stayed closer,” I whined. “No, I fucked up. They were in the bar, having a quiet meal and drinks in the corner. I took no real notice of them as they aren’t in Hannah’s age group.” That was when I realised I had screwed up too. Badly. I had seen them.
“I saw them too. When I was scanning on the camera. Shit, I need to get back to my setup. There might be more information on the recording…and I kind of left some of it in the car. Fuck. What a mess.” I hissed. I watched as the life and fight seemed to drain out of her. She sat in a stunned silence, staring into the nothingness. “MC, we need to move!” I shook her roughly and pulled her towards the edge of the building. She followed, rather clumsily. “I can’t get down easily without your guidance, do something,” I growled, shaking her frantically once more. Panic was setting in.
Part 73
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hawkinsindiana · 4 years
i want to talk about it
pairing: steve harrington x henderson!reader
word count: 2.8k
a/n: you asked for it! guess what - the anGST IS BACK!!!! i have also decided not to include gifs until we get to s3 content okay? okay. enjoy!
You think about that night often, even though there have been plenty of others like it since. It was the breath of fresh air you so desperately needed. And while your relationship with Steve has made certain aspects of your life better, not all of them are so positively affected. 
The lump that forms in your throat every time you lie to your baby brother is especially difficult to swallow. You wonder if it will get any easier. Hopefully you won’t have to keep up the charade in front of the kids for much longer.
Especially now that Mike knows, that little shit. 
It had only been four days since Steve had suggested the idea of keeping the status of your relationship a secret. Four days. You still can’t believe it. 
The group was in the middle of a rather rousing round of Monopoly; Will had just sworn never to speak with Lucas again after a painful double mortgage incident. Steve, bankrupt from Max’s hotels and exhausted by their shenanigans, decided to leave a bit early. In traditional fashion, you made sure to see him out. 
Moments after the pair of you disappeared from the room, Dustin sent the Wheeler boy to grab extra sodas from the fridge in the garage. You’re lucky Mike closed the door when he entered; no one else heard him shout in surprise when he witnessed Steve give you a quick kiss goodbye. 
Your face flushed beet red in record time. Steve could’ve sworn his heart sank to the pit of his stomach. Mike has a habit of catching him in the act.
Thankfully it didn’t take much to convince Mike not to tell the others. He could tell how much it would mean to you to keep this quiet - a part of him understands why. It also helps that the boy would never want to disappoint you. Like all of the kids, they would hate to be the cause of grief in you. 
But keeping this from your brother is the toughest part. Mike knows first hand just how much Dustin wishes you two were together. It’s unfortunate he hasn’t figured it out himself yet; Mike thinks he probably never will.
But of course, now that’s the least of your worries. 
Billy Hargrove gets bored easily; it explains much of his behavior. When something, or someone, becomes a bit too dull for his taste, he feels the need to stir the pot. You are no exception. 
You’ve learned to ignore his posse’s comments in your direction when they walk by; Tommy’s sting a bit more than the rest. Normally, you’d love to fight back and embarrass him - it’s one of Steve’s favorite things about you. But now, Billy’s involvement makes you think twice before saying anything. After what happened at the Byers’, you never know what it could be that sets him off. 
Considering what happened last week, you’re certain something similar could occur again. 
Billy cornered you at your locker, spewing his usual comments. You were unnerved by his presence but able to keep your emotions in check as he leaned in closer; it was impossible not to catch the stench of cigarette smoke off his breath as he spoke. The hand he had broken months prior twinged in pain. 
In a moment of rage fueled by your silence, Billy fisted the collar of your sweater in his fingers. The fabric tightened against your neck as he said the damning line, “I could do it again, you know.”
The delicate knit of the yarn was stretched when he finally let you go. You threw that top into the dumpster as soon as you got home. You couldn’t bear to look at it anymore.
Steve wishes that you’d let him do something about Billy; you’re too frightened about what could happen if Steve confronted him. You would never risk letting your dream become a reality.
All that kept Billy from killing Steve that night was Max, had she not intervened. You’d thank her everyday if you could. 
Even though the little moments you do get to spend with Steve help calm your mind, your experiences from November still hang over both of your consciences. Steve just tries his hardest to make sure your conversations are Upside-Down free. He wishes you both could be normal teenagers again without these traumatic experiences haunting your every move. He misses not having to worry about that.
Looking for a way to blow off some steam and relax, you suggested a horror movie marathon to the kids. Since the final semester of your senior year began, you haven’t been able to spend as much time with them as you would like.
Max’s face lit up when you mentioned the idea; Dustin scowled. He hates scary movies. It seems ironic to you considering everything the group has been through. 
After sitting through Alien, the red-headed girl’s favorite, everyone decides to take a quick break before continuing. You and Steve are goofing off with Lucas and Max in the kitchen as the microwave’s working on the popcorn. Max just smiles as she watches you two interact. 
The pair of you are approaching almost three months of your relationship. In that time, your comfort with each other has grown exponentially. While you don’t express your feelings for each other in front of the kids, it becomes very apparent to Max how drastically different your dynamic is compared to when she first met you both. 
“I’m really glad you guys were able to sort things out,” She says before grabbing another bowl from the cabinet. 
“What are you talking about?” You ask, the smile on your face drooping slightly at her words, exchanging a quick glance with Steve before speaking again, “Sort out what?” 
Lucas continues before she can, leaning back against the counter, “Just... back when you guys were fighting. It must have been for something dumb if you got over it quick.”
That has Steve’s mind spinning for the rest of the night.
In your giddy excitement with one another, you both had completely forgotten about what happened between you two that week. It all seems like background noise compared to what followed.
But whatever it was that had you angry with him, it must not have been something dumb, he thinks. Not with the way you reacted.
The kids decide to move the activities over to the Wheelers’ after finishing The Shining - and you’re thankful they do. You and Steve don’t know how much more of Dustin’s unnecessary screams you could take.
“It’s not even that scary!” Will says as he opens the front door, turning back to your brother as the rest of the kids file outside. You throw Max’s coat to her before she forgets it.
“Did we watch the same movie?” Dustin answers as he pulls his backpack over his shoulder, his face stunned as he looks between you and Steve, “And he’s the one who looks like Danny Torrance!”
“Alright, alright,” Steve grabs the door from Will and he ushers them out, “Go on, get out of here.”
Mike runs back before it’s shut, looking over his shoulder to the others to make sure he wasn’t followed. His eyes peer through the crack as he steps onto the porch, a smug grin over his features as he lowers his voice, “If you two do anything weird in there-”
“Oho, that’s enough out of you,” Steve slams the door before Mike can continue, making an effort to lock it immediately after.
Your muffled laughter reaches his ears, turning to see where you’ve disappeared behind the couch to grab a pillow you’d thrown to try and silence your brother.
“You think his antics are funny, huh?” Steve asks, placing his hands on his hips as you pop back up, your eyes sparkling, “Clearly I enjoy them much more than you do.”
“He’s lucky we haven’t killed him yet.”
You scoff lightly at him, tossing the pillow onto the couch before plopping yourself down, “You’re ridiculous, you know that?” 
Steve’s expression flattens as you look away from him, gaze not focused on anything in particular. The thoughts he’s been having about the rough patch you two experienced begin to overwhelm him. The unanswered questions regarding your aggression towards him make him anxious - Steve can’t stand it when you’re unhappy with him. 
It comes out before he can stop himself.
“You know, uh, what Max and Lucas mentioned earlier? About us?” Steve’s words make your brow furrow, confused as to why he’d bring it up. That seems like something he’d want to keep in the past, “Yeah, why?”
“I mean-” Steve exhales before sitting down next to you, his knee grazing yours, “I was mad ‘cause I thought that you’d been the reason Nancy...”
He stops for a moment, shaking the memory from his mind. He has no desire to bring his previous relationship into this one, “I don’t know, I guess you never mentioned why you were angry.” 
He just shrugs after trailing off, eyes focused on the carpet; Steve’s not able to look directly at you while he admits it, “It just doesn’t make any sense to me, that’s all.”
Your jaw clenches as you remember the cause of your anger and how it transformed you. It seems so stupid now, that his behavior towards you meant that he’d rejected your feelings. Turns out, it couldn’t have been further from the truth.
You push those thoughts away; you’re not interested in furthering the conversation any more.
“It’s not important,” You state plainly, also not able to meet his gaze, “Lucas was right, it was dumb.”
Tucking a piece of hair behind your ear, you re-adjust on the cushion, “Let’s forget about it, yeah?”
Steve shakes his head - he’s quickly growing tired of you dodging his questions, “No, I want to talk about it. I want to know.”
“Why do you care so much? It doesn’t matter anymore.”
“Because I was an asshole to you and you just…” He trails off as he leans away, arm draping over the couch, “You just took it! You accepted it like nothing had ever changed, like nothing ever happened between us.”
You huff, back pressed against the arm rest, voice quiet, “Damn right nothing ever happened.”
You freeze, surprised at your own comment. You didn’t know that you were still holding onto aggression directed at his obliviousness to your true feelings. But Steve doesn’t catch on, he only grows more concerned at your response, “What the hell are you talking about?”
You take a deep breath, thankful that he didn’t seem to understand, effectively saving your ass from whatever this revelation could’ve caused. The room is silent as you move to the edge of the seat, “Like I said. We should forget about it.”
Steve scoffs, his fingers pressed against the bridge of his nose as you stand up, “I can’t believe you’re not going to tell me.” 
You don’t turn to look at him as you take a few steps, instead opting to push both hands through your hair as you answer, “Trust me, you don’t want to know.”
“Maybe I do! What - is it so horrible that I want to know what made you mad at me?” He raises his voice and you turn towards him, desperately trying to calm your temper, “Steve-”
“So we’re keeping secrets now too, huh?” Steve says as he gets up too, arms crossed over his chest, “This whole thing’s under wraps anyways, why not bring that into the relationship? What a great idea. You’ve really outdone yourself this time, truly-”
“Oh my God, Steve-” You interrupt him, growing so impatient of him that you don’t even register what happens until it does, “Fine, you want to know?”
“I thought that Nancy told you everything! Everything about how I felt.”
Your lip gets caught between your teeth as you cast your focus to the ceiling, hating how you can never seem to keep your emotions bottled up anymore - you used to be good at that.
“I must have been more obvious than I wanted because she had figured it out. That night at Tina’s party was when she finally felt confident enough to confront me about it. And I just…” You swallow the lump in your throat as you feel the tears start to burn behind your eyes. There was a reason you wanted to keep this away from him.
“I couldn’t take it anymore. I screamed at her, Steve. I just screamed at her,” Your tone softens as you remember the words that you spit at her, guilt flooding you all over again, “I was so sick and tired of watching her pull away from you when you deserved someone who actually cared about you and I was right there! The whole fucking time!” 
“I thought that she told you about how I felt,” You mutter, shoulders slumping with embarrassment and shame, “I thought she told you and you had decided to reject me.”
Steve used to think that seeing you bloodied and beaten by Billy was the saddest he’d ever seen you. But seeing the look on your face as you realize what you’ve said - he’s not sure which one is worse. And it’s all because of him. 
He should have listened to your protests; you were right.
Steve doesn’t know what to say. 
Even though it’s only been official for a short amount of time, getting to be with you has been an absolute joy. It’s been perfect knowing that the sparks are mutual. He doesn’t think he’d be able to handle it again if they weren’t. Steve can tell there’s something different about why being with you feels so amazing and terrifying at the same time.
But the idea that you’ve kept your feelings locked away and hidden from him longer than he thought? That brings about a pain in his chest that’s greater than he’s ever had before.
“How - um, how long had it been since…” He doesn’t know how to finish - he’s not entirely sure if he wants to. He’s not sure he wants to know.
One tear hits your cheek, then another, “A year.”
Even though it’s whispered, it’s enough to make him dizzy. He sinks back onto the couch, his head in his hands as the information overwhelms him. The entire time that Nancy was lying to him, you were right by his side. 
You heard everything. 
He can’t believe that you just swallowed it - all the times that he gushed about her to your patient soul, telling you the plans on how he was going to ask her to the junior prom, mentioning how he thought she was the one for him. He can’t take it.
You still can’t look at him, it would be too much. Instead, you opt to pick at the sleeves of your hoodie, waiting for Steve to finally address what you admitted.
You grow impatient yet again, emotion scratching your throat, “Please just… say something.” 
It seems like hours pass although it couldn’t have been more than a few seconds. 
“I can’t do this,” The sound of Steve’s keys being pulled from his pocket catches your attention. Your eyes finally snap up and he’s already moving quickly to the exit, and you brush hair from your face before following him, “Where are you going?”
“I don’t-” He pauses as he pulls on the handle, briefly looking over his shoulder in your direction - still not able to directly catch sight of you, “I don’t know. I just need to think.”
The photos on the wall shake as he slams the door; you force your face into your palms. 
It’s ruined, you’re sure of it. He can’t even be in the same room as you anymore. Maybe you’re not as good at keeping secrets as you thought. 
Steve’s filled with regret as soon as his fingers leave the doorknob. What the hell is he thinking?
His mind quickly flashes back to the argument you two shared that night on the train tracks; he had forgotten all about it until now.
“You’re the one who caused this mess in the first place.”
His jaw clenches.
“This whole time, I knew you never liked her.”
His exhale stops short. 
“You feel so threatened by her that you had to do something about it!”
His stomach churns.
The thought of you interpreting those words as further evidence of his rejection completely fills him with regret.
And then Steve remembers how willing you were to separate from him - it hits him that you didn’t believe he’d ever see you as anything other than a friend. The very notion of him being aware of your feelings had you shutting yourself away from him completely.
He has to go back in. He can’t leave you to believe those things. And although he doesn’t think apologizing would be enough this time, he at least has to give it a shot. For your sake
Steve’s about to shove the door back open when it locks from the other side. You’ve accepted that he’s not coming back in. Why would he want to?
A shallow breath gets pushed through your lungs; it doesn’t help to calm you. At he sound of the engine of his car running, a whimper passes your lips. You’re certain you’ve lost him again.
taglist: @stevebabey / @mrsukai / @hannarudick / @crazycookiecrumbles / @hellisateenageheather / @alewifex / @l0ve-0f-my-life / @naomiiiiiiiiiii04 / @daddystevee / @thecaptainsgingersnap / @let-the-imaginationflow / @asianravenpuff / @im-a-stranger-thing​ / @mikariell95​ / @pilunb​ / @harringtherin​ / @royalestrellas​ / @ultrunning​ / @buggs177 / @poutfull​ / @yoheyyosup​ / @duchessdaisybat​ / @janieavalos / @sassisaluxury​ / @beththebubbly​ / @i-bitch-you-bitch​ / @captainstilinskis​ / @juliebean247​ / @im-nada / @whatabeautifulsurrender​ / @rexorangecouny​ / @pass-me-jeez-it / @ahoy-scoops-troop / @halefirewarrior​ / @jointhehunt67 / @peanutem / @ketchuplukehemmo​ / @m-a-r-i-n-t-p / @fangirl485 / @emmegirl827 / @lookalivesunshine-x​ / @elite4cekalyma​ / @marjoherbo​ / @just-my-fandom / @idumpyourgrass​ / @alafolieee​ / @mochminnie​ / @phantomalchemist​ / @dustyblueboo​ / @alonewolfsblog​ / @ggclarissa​ / @hufflepuffing-all-day-long​ / @bippityboppitybabe​ / @readinthegarden12​ / @bakugouishusbando / @stxtch72 / @random-girl-army / @wisdaemon
wow there are so many of you
if you wanna be added to the taglist (of if you’ve changed your url), just lemme know!
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captainsolare · 3 years
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Summary: In this world, you see life in shades of gray until you touch your soulmate. Bakugo has always been scared to meet that fated soulmate, but when he saves you while doing hero work, he has no choice.
Tags: gender neutral reader, warning: description of dangerous situation (hostage), soulmate AU
A/N: I always get carried away with the word count when it comes to Bakugo, he's just so interesting to write for! I hope you enjoy this, it's my first long fic in a while. This isn't a birthday fic but happy birthday Bakugo!
Bakugo hated being touched. He remembered the day exactly, he had asked his mother how she and Masaru had met. “Well, you know how you can’t see color?” He nodded, the world around him wasn’t just varying shades of gray, or so he had been told. “Well, once you meet your soulmate and touch them, the world will erupt into beautiful colors all around you, and that’s how you know they’re the one.”
Bakugo’s face scrunched up, “And then you’re stuck with them forever?” Mitsuki laughed, lightly slapping her son on the arm, “Yes, I suppose you are.”
Bakugo found the thought revolting. Would seeing the colors around him really be worth giving up the most private parts of yourself? Your fears, secrets, inner thoughts, habits? What if his soulmate was a stranger to him? What if his soulmate met him and hated him? What if his soulmate didn’t want the world around them to change and it was his fault? If he was honest with himself he didn’t know if he could handle that.
Bakugo went through his school years secretly frightened he would somehow meet his soulmate. At UA, before every combat training, he prayed his world wouldn’t change, that today would not be the day he would meet his soulmate. It never was, and as he lay in bed, he wasn’t sure whether he was relieved or disappointed.
Time passed, and here he was, a fresh-faced pro-hero, at a restaurant with his friends. Denki, Izuku, and Eijirou all had their arms wrapped around their soulmates and he found himself wondering what he looked like to them, in color. “Are you going to go out and find your soulmate soon?” Denki asked, his voice grating against his ears like sandpaper. Izuku slapped his hand, “Denki you can’t just ask people that!” Bakugo was at a loss for words, then again he hadn’t really ever told his friends the truth of why he didn’t want to. “I need some air.”
He took a sip of his drink and slammed it on the table, leaving for the relative safety of the patio. He heard footsteps behind him a few moments later and he scooted over to make room for whoever it was. A jacket was draped around his shoulders, “You forgot your jacket.” It was Kirishima, his voice unmistakable, even in the dark of the night. “Thanks.”
“Is it scary?” Bakugo asked after a while. Kirishima smiled, knowing this was his friend opening up to him. “Of course, the whole world changes around you and suddenly you have this new person you feel obligated to get to know.” Bakugo’s heart sank, it was looking more and more like it was just how he thought it would be. “But it’s worth it. You meet the person meant for you and they literally change your life. You get to see the world in a whole new way and the best part is you’re not in it alone, you have your soulmate with you, and that is a beautiful thing.”
“Does that make you feel better about it?” Bakugo nodded, the words washing over him.
“I believe you’ll meet them when you’re ready to. Don’t let Denki rush you in this.”
The pair went inside to return to their friends, but as soon as they got there a villain alert came through on their cell phones. “Crap, let’s go get suited up.”
The site was a massive building collapse, three villains were reportedly still in the area and unaccounted for. “Red Riot, can you help me move away these portions of concrete?” A hero asked, and Kirishima nodded, dashing off to go help.
Bakugo looked around for how he could help, eyes scanning for where he was most needed. There was a flash as a spotlight was illuminated and up on a nearby roof and he saw a villain holding a person dangling over the edge. He growled, what did they think this was? Some sort of theatrical production?
“Deku, you’re good at negotiating so while you distract them I’ll go from behind.”
Deku nodded and turned his attention to the roof, “You don’t have to do this! That is an innocent person you’re holding hostage.” “I don’t care,” the villain yelled, “I need transport out of here!” “Okay, we can do that, but it’s going to take some time.”
Bakugo made his way around the building to the fire escape, it would be faster to propel himself up the building but he couldn’t risk spooking the villain while they had a hostage. Carefully but quickly he scaled the fire escape, reaching the roof in a matter of minutes. “Where’s my helicopter?!” The villain yelled, it was clear this was a desperate situation. As Bakugo crept closer a massive gust of wind picked up, causing the villain’s grip on the person to slip a little.
“Woah woah woah!” he heard Deku yell from down below, “Can you please bring the hostage back over the edge, we don’t want anyone getting hurt.” The villain suddenly dropped the person, it was unclear whether on purpose or accident, but it didn’t matter, Bakugo threw himself off the edge with his quirk, catching the person in his arms and using an arm to propel them safely to the ground below. As they landed, it was like a bomb went off, the world around him was suddenly very loud, the bright flashing lights were oppressive. In the shuffle of his delirium the person he had rescued was whisked away to an ambulance to be checked out and he was suddenly being supported by someone else.
“Katsuki, Katsuki! Hey man, are you okay?” Kirishima asked, lightly slapping his face in an attempt to bring him back to the real world. Bakugo shook his head, trying to make sense of why the world suddenly looked so different. Had Kirishima always looked like that? Was his hair so bright? Kirishima’s mind raced, he didn’t know what was happening to Bakugo, or what to do, had he been hit with some quirk?
“Take me home.”
Kirishima nodded, and helped Bakugo to his car, then drove him to his apartment. Kirishima fumbled with the keys but unlocked the door and turned on the lights. “Do you want me to stay? I can work on my paperwork here.” Bakugo barely had the energy to nod, trudging straight to the bathroom to take off his hero gear and wash this, whatever it was, away.
The shower was turned on and Bakugo stood in front of the mirror with a pit in his stomach and his eyes closed. He dreaded what he would find if he opened his eyes, no no no, this could not be happening. He opened his eyes, catching a glimpse of himself in the mirror before it was obscured by steam. The confirmation that this was really happening to him felt heavy in his chest. He had met his soulmate, and he didn’t even know their name.
He climbed in the shower not bothering to stand up and as the water dripped down his cheeks he couldn’t tell if it was the shower or the tears.
Bakugo stayed in the shower until the water turned freezing. He slowly climbed out and got dressed, then with a hand wiped away the steam. He leaned forward, taking in his reflection as it truly was.
His mother’s voice echoed in his mind.
“Your eyes are red, a deep deep red that holds fire and the warmth of the world.”
“Your hair is an ashy blond, like mine.”
Kirishima awoke with a start as the bathroom door opened. Bakugo sat next to him on the couch heavily and studied his face intently. Kirishima was tempted to ask what was going on, but decided against it, Bakugo would open up eventually. “Your hair, it’s red?”
Kirishima nodded, then his eyes widened. “Wait, do you? Can you?” Bakugo nodded, eyes downcast towards his pants, they were black, at least he thought so. “Bakugo that’s amazing!” Kirishima exclaimed, hands reaching to clasp his friend’s. “I-- I guess so.”
“So the civilian from last night?” Bakugo nodded, “I think so.”
Kirishima looked at his watch, then smiled widely. “Do you want to see something amazing?”
Katsuki was hesitant but nodded, and the pair went up on the roof. They sat down, and Kirishima told him to close his eyes.
“What are we waiting for?”
Soon, Kirishima tapped him on the shoulder, “Open your eyes.”
Katsuki couldn’t help but gasp as he opened his eyes, soft oranges and pinks and golds laid across the sky as the sun rose. “This is what a sunrise looks like?”
Kirishima nodded, “Beautiful isn’t it?”
Katsuki was breathless as he replied, “Yes, it is.”
The heroes were given the day off after the night’s events, and Kirishima made it his mission to find Bakugo’s soulmate’s identity.
Bakugo looked up as Kirishima entered the apartment. “It took some time, but I was able to find the address of the cafe your soulmate works at. Their name is (Y/N, L/N). No guarantees they’re working today, after last night’s ordeal but it won’t hurt to check it out.” He swallowed thickly as he took the note from Kirishima’s hand.
“Want me to take you?” Kirishima asked. “Yes, let me get ready.”
Katsuki looked at his wardrobe with fresh eyes. What colors look good on him? What should he wear? This was his soulmate after all, isn’t that kind of a big deal? His chest felt tight as he held up a fitted t-shirt in the mirror. “Oi Kirishima, what color is this?”
Kirishima peered around the corner, “It’s blue.”
“Blue.” Katsuki repeated, the word felt strange on his tongue.
He picked out a pair of black jeans and shoes to go with it. “Okay, let’s go.”
Kirishima drove to the coffeeshop and idled the car outside. “Thanks for this, Kirishima.”
“Of course.”
Bakugo got out of the car and paused in front of the cafe door, hands sweatier than normal, heart beating unlike it had ever before.
Waves of brown hit him as he entered the shop, it was filled with neutral tans and grays as well. A woman at the counter greeted him, “Hello! What can I get you today?” Bakugo swallowed, throat tight. “Um, hi, I’m looking for L/N Y/N?”
The woman smiled, “You must be the one, let me check in the back.”
He clenched his fists as the woman disappeared through the back curtain. In a moment he’d be able to look upon your face, the person he was supposed to spend the rest of his life with and he didn’t know if he was excited or terrified. Both, he decided, definitely both.
You ducked through the curtain slowly, he knew it was you the moment he saw the curtain move. You took a deep breath and met his gaze for the first time. Your chest was tight as you ducked around the counter to shake your soulmate’s hand, this was the man who had saved your life last night, and had quite literally brought new color into your life.
He was handsome, a bit rough around the edges maybe from what you’d heard, but he was beautiful in your eyes. Bakugo could scarcely breathe, you were breathtaking, sharper and more in focus than the rest of the world in that moment.
“Hello, it’s nice to meet you.” You said, heart pounding as he took your hand in his. “Want to grab a seat? I’ll bring us some drinks and we can chat… If you want to that is! Unless you don’t which is---” Damn, you were cute when you were flustered. He could feel himself falling already. “I do. Can you get me a black coffee?”
He grabbed the booth by the window and you returned a bit later, setting his mug down before sliding in across from him.
“Thank you for saving me last night.” You said, unsure of how to start this conversation. Bakugo nodded, “Just doing my job.”
The silence was awkward as you both took sips of your still-too hot coffees.
“This may be kind of weird but can you tell me your real name? I know your hero name but that might be a little weird to call you by considering our relationship.”
Bakugo mentally hit himself, why didn’t he introduce himself earlier? “It’s Katsuki, Katsuki Bakugo.”
“Katsuki.” You tried the name out, somehow it felt right to say. It felt as if that name had lived on the tip of your tongue your whole life, but you’d only recently been given the words to say it.
Your smiles met, “It’s nice to meet you Katsuki. I’d love to get to know you better, maybe over dinner?”
“I can certainly arrange that. You have a piece of paper and a pen?”
You nodded and pulled out a pad of paper from your apron.
He scribbled an address on it and handed it back to you. “That’s my apartment address, come at 7PM and I’ll make you the best dinner you’ve had in your life.”
You laughed, “Alright, looking forward to it.”
After a few more minutes of chatting, you escorted him to the door of the cafe. “I’ll see you tonight Y/N.” He said, lightly intertwining his pinky with yours. “See you tonight, soulmate.”
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inagetawaycarxo · 4 years
Mind Games | Spencer Reid
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❛❛ Omg Spencer and hot custome reader basically they are at halloween party and the lights go out and there is a usub is trying to play mind game with the guess and the team. Like exposing people such as the tragedies that has happened in their life ( can I request a really bad tragedy for the reader) also for people to confess their feelings .In this, spencer and the reader are married, so someone else confess their feelings for either spencer or the reader (doesn’t have to be someone on the team) Anyways, The team has to figure out who it is by the end of the night so before the unsub killed them, (you know how those scary movies are that the usub plays mind games that torture them?) Lol idk what I just said but is basically that, if you can and want. Thank you❜❜- LalyMendoza9 + ❛❛ Confessing things that the team doesn’t know, like lies, betrays, making the reader, spencer and people jealous. The confessions doesn’t even need to be true because is mind games manipulation❜❜- LalyMendoza9
 Pairings: Spencer Reid x Wife!Reader
Featuring: Spencer Reid, Y/n (Reader), JJ, Emily, Tara, Garcia, David Rossi, Luke Alvez, other agents, f/n (friends name)
Summary: A Halloween party turns into a nightmare. Can the bau find out who the unsub is?
WARNINGS: violence, fluff, angst, mind games, suppose betrayal, hurt!reader, injured!reader, idk.
Word Count: 1967
A/N: I haven’t watched cm for a long time. I decided to make the unsub y/n’s friend.
Spencer clutched your hand tightly as soon as the power shut off. leaving the bau office in complete darkness.
Spencer pulled you closer to him. As some agents and their significant others panicked. Some screaming, others having panic attacks.
“It’s going to be okay.” Spencer reassured you. as you nodded your head. Taking out your phone and turning your torch on.
Looking for your friend. Everyone else in the room either took out their phones, turning them on or the torch app, or took out lighters.
“I’m glad I’ve got all of your attention. It’s time for a little game. Time to expose all of you for the corrupt agents you are.” A distorted voice spoke, through a speaker. Everyone let out a panicked gasp or scream. While you clung onto Spencer's arm. Getting worried about your friend.
The distorted voice spoke again. This time exposing some agents past. You didn’t listen to it. To busy focusing on finding your friend.
“I can’t see f/n anywhere.” You spoke. Looking at Spencer with a concerned expression.
“Maybe, he is in the bathroom.” Spencer responded. Giving you a reassuring smile. You smiled back at him. But your mind still wasn’t at ease.
“I think, I should go look for him. Make sure he is okay.” You spoke. Letting go of Spencer. Spencer panicked. Grabbing a hold of your wrist. Giving you a pleading look. Furrowing his eyebrows.
“Don’t go, it’s dangerous.” Spencer pleaded.
Just as you were about to respond. The distorted voice said your name. making the hairs on your body stand up. Your skin crawling. Your spin tingling.
“Y/n Reid, have you told your husband what happened to you in your past? Or have you pretended like it never happened, bottle it up. It’s not healthy you know. Or do you feel like you are being a burden if you do tell him? So, you sweep it under the rug, as JJ does with her feelings for Spencer. Don’t you JJ.” The distorted voice spoke. JJ looked shocked. Shuttering on her words. While you felt like a weight was pressing against you. shallowing rapidly, as your throat felt like it was closing in. tears pricking your eyes. JJ looked away from you. Avoiding your gaze. A feeling of jealousy sparking up inside of you.
Spencer cupped the side of your face. Giving you a pleading look.
“He is just trying to get inside your head. Don’t listen to him.” Spencer reassured you. But you looked away. What they said got to you. she didn’t even deny it either.
“I have to go find, f/n. You should figure out who the unsub is before he gets bored with minds games and manipulation and starts killing people.” You spoke. Avoiding his gaze and shaking him off of you.
You quickly walked away from him and out of the room. Searching for your friend.
“F/n.” You called out. But got no response.
You were about to call out for him again but stopped yourself when you heard the distorted voice coming from a room near you. you quickly went over it peeping inside to see your friend talking into a com. You let out a loud gasp. Eyes widening fear, as he raised his head. Cupping your hands over your mouth and ducking behind the door. Your back pressed against the wall. As he turned around. Walking to the door. You slowly slid away from the door.
The door opened. Making you suck in a breath.
“Y/n.” f/n spoke. Giving you a fake smile.
“Hey, f/n, there you are.” You greeted him mustering up a smile. F/n’s fake smile dropped into a snarl. You gulped as he stalked towards you. While you backed away. But it was no use he pinned you against the wall.
“You saw me, didn’t you?” He asked.
“Saw what?” You gulped out. Playing it cool. You sneakily reached your hand into your back pocket. But f/n saw this and grabbed your wrist roughly pulling it away.
“Don’t lie, y/n, it’s unattractive.” He hissed out.
“F/n, please.” You begged him. Looking at him with pleading eyes.
“Sh, soon you will understand.” He cooed. You felt something prick your side. Making you look down to your side. Letting out a panicked gasp, as you saw a needle in you. F/n pushed the plunger into the barrel. The liquid in the barrel going to you.
“No, please.” You gasped out. Trying to push him off of you but to no avail.
“Sh...” He cooed. As the drugs took effect on you. you slumped in his grasp.
F/n smiled. Discarding the needle. Then looking around to see if the coast is clear. He picked you up. Taking you into the bathroom he was in. gently laying you on the floor. He quickly put zip ties on your hands and ankles. Binding them together.
“You’ll see, y/n. they aren’t worth your time.” F/n hummed. Stroking your hair. Taking your phone off of you and breaking it….
The team stood around the table. Garcia sitting down on the chair, her laptop on the table. While Rossi was looking out at the window. Eyes narrowed.
Spencer tried to call you again, but it went straight to voicemail.
“She’s still not picking up?” JJ asked.
“No.” Spencer mumbled. A sinking feeling forming in the pit of his stomach.
“Focus, Spencer, I’m sure she is okay.” Emily spoke.
“He obviously gets his kicks off of playing mind games and manipulating people.” Rossi spoke. Still not looking away from the window.
Emily opened her mouth to say something, but the distorted voice spoke again.
“Times running up. I’m going to start killing you one by one.” The distorted voice spoke. He was about to say more when a gasp stopped him. Gaining everyone’s attention in the room.
“He has someone already.” Emily spoke. Eyes widening.
F/n turned off the com. Well, he thought he did, but he really didn’t. Putting it down on the vanity. Turning around and walking over to you.
 “Why are you doing this?” You asked him. Giving him a sad look. The team looked at each other in panic. While Spencer felt like the walls were caving in on him.
“Don’t you get it, y/n?” He snapped. Looking at you with fury in his eyes.
“No, I don’t.” You gasped out.
“I love you, and you still choose him. I was there for you when you had that incident, he wasn’t, you haven’t even told him, and yet you still married him. He has you blinded. He and his whole team are corrupt.” He yelled.
“Please, just stop this.” You begged. Tears finning up your eyes. Your eyes suddenly wandered to a blinking red light.
“Oh, no, these people need to learn… What are you looking at?” He spoke. Eyes wandering over to what you were looking at.
“Just your confession to go to jail.”  You spoke. F/n saw a red-light blinking. Making him let out a growl.
He quickly grabbed a fistful of your hair. Yanking it up. Making you let out a whimper.
”I’m not going to jail, just so he can have you, if I can't have you then he cant.” He snarled out. Pulling out a gun and pressing the muzzle of the gun into your stomach.
“No.” You pleaded. But f/n didn’t listen to you, he pulled the trigger. You let out a blood-curdling scream. Feeling an intense amount of pain in your stomach. Spencer felt like he was going to collapse. He had to go save you.
JJ tried to comfort him, but he shook her off. Without a second thought, he rushed out of the room. Searching for you, pushing other agents aside. it wasn’t hard to find you, he could hear you crying out in pain. It broke his heart even more. F/n kept telling you to shut up.
Spencer rushed into the room making f/n lookup.
“Put the gun down.” Spencer commanded. But f/n glared at him. Shaking his head no. Pointing his gun at Spencer.
Spencer's eyes glanced towards you. His heartbreaking some more.
“Put down the gun, f/n I won't ask you again.” Spencer demanded.
“No.” F/n growled. Shaking his head from side to side. Spencer quickly tackled f/n to the ground. Both of them struggling for dominance.
Yanking the gun out of his hands and pointing it at his shoulder. Spencer pulled the trigger. Shooting f/n’s shoulder.
Spencer went over to you. picking you up bridal style and walking out of the door. Bumping into Emily, Tara, JJ, Luke and Rossi.
“He is in there. I am going to take y/n to the hospital.” Spencer spoke. Walking out of the building as best as he could.
Spencer gently put you in the passenger seat. Shutting the door. Then rushing over the driver's side. Hopping in. Putting the keys into the ignition and turning the car on. Putting the car into gear then pressing his foot on the accelerator, speeding off.
“It’s going to be okay.” He reassured you.
“I…I…Should…have…told…you. I’m sorry.” You gasped out. Eyes closing. Breathing getting swallower.
Spencer panicked. Stepping on the gas even harder.
“Stay with me. It is going to be okay.” He panicked.
“I love you.” You gasped out. Making Spencer feel like his throat was closing in on him.
Spencer felt relief as the hospital came into view. Driving into the entrance, parking in the entrance. Opening the door and rushing over to the passenger door. Opening it and taking you out. Rushing into the hospital. Leaving the car running.
“HELP! Someone, help me, my wife needs help. She’s been shot int the stomach.” Spencer pleaded.
A few nurses came over to him with a gurney. Taking you off of him and putting you on the gurney, then wheeling you off. Leaving Spencer standing there in shock. Hoping you wouldn’t die…
Spencer waited in the waiting room, for over eight hours. The rest of the team waiting with him. Trying to comfort him. Reassuring him that you are strong. That f/n is under arrest. His eyes were red and dry from crying.
“Family of Reid, Y/n Reid?” The doctor asked. Bringing Spencer out of his daydream. He stood up rushing over to the doctor.
“I’m her husband.” He spoke. The team standing up. The doctor smiled at him.
“She is stable, had a blood transfusion. You can go see her, just one at a time.” The doctor spoke. Making Spencer nod, as well as the team.
The doctor told Spencer your room number and the floor you were on. Spencer bolted off towards your room.
Breathing in deeply then out before going into the room. His hands shaking.
He opened the door. Walking in. seeing you laying there on the bed, with wires on you broke him. Spencer closed the door behind him softly. Then walked over to you. grabbing a chair and sitting down beside you. grabbing a hold of your hand. Which made your eyes flutter open.
“Hey.” Spencer cooed. Kissing your hand feverishly.
“Hi.” You whispered hoarsely.
“I am so glad you’re alive, I don’t know what I would do without you. I love you so much, and only you.” He softly spoke.
“I love you too.” You replied. Smiling at him.
“I’m sorry about f/n, I…” You apologized.
“It’s not your fault.” Spencer spoke. Giving you a reassuring smile. While you gave him a pained smile.
“I want to tell you about what happened in my past.” You spoke. Making Spencer smile.
He kissed your hand softly. Nodding his head.
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to.” He spoke softly.
“I need to.” You spoke. Spencer nodded his head.
Spencer listened intensely to what you were saying. Thumb caressing the back of your hand, as you talked…
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