#but i have like- various aus that i have to show to the world LMAO
mintsuwu · 8 months
Are you familiar with the How to Train Your Dragon series? Since Fidget has a busted wing and Olivia's dad is a very skilled toy/robot maker he might be able to create a contraption for him to be able to fly. Fidget would let Olivia fly on his back.
Yes, I am! I'm really glad that you asked me this because I have wondered about it for a while now and even tried to incorporate a thing as such in a future design for him. I only had the idea of Dawson patching the wing for now as he is a surgeon and stuff, but I also really really love the contraption idea!!!
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These designs for adult Olivia and Fidget are a little old though, I plan on changing Fidget's peg leg to a metallic one like the one he has in his Lorcana card.
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And I also have an idea that these two become investigators like Basil and Dawson when they grow up, but I need to finish the concepts of their villains/rivals!! Which I hope it can be soon enough.
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jkmyluv · 10 months
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Pairing : Boxer jk × Female reader
Genre : Established relationship, Boxer au
Summary : Spending the whole day going on various dates with your boyfriend, starting from amusement parks to trying sushi for the first time with your boyfriend.
Warnings : Female reader, Butt taps, KISSES, a few suggestive comments but no actual smut, making out, shy reader and jk, Reader hates sushi (sorry if u don't lmao), cringe couple shit.
The bright light shines down on your and your boyfriends face as you struggle to get into your boyfriends car. "Need help getting your cute ass in there?" He asks causing you to groan, "Its all your fault jeon, shut up" you speak up glaring at him.
He feigns innocence and teasingly replies while holding his chest pretending to be hurt, "baby it was not me who was whining yesterday night to go faster"
"Its not my fault my boyfriend doesn't know how to fuck properly that I have to beg him to do the bare minimum" you look up at him with a teasing glint but immediately regret it when you see his dark gaze.
"And thats why you squirted three times yesterday, was yesterday not enough brat?", causing you to immediately smile and peck his cheek,
"I'm just kidddinngggg jungkook, don't be mean and start the car, I wanna go ride all the rides and don't be scared ill protect you",
causing jungkook to scoff, "Lets see whose the one who ends up crying like a baby". The car ride is pretty silent except for jungkook singing and cursing at people for not driving properly.
"You're so handsome" causing jungkook to look away from you and blush "get down baby we're here"
Here you were standing in the line for about 40 mins to get on the ferris wheel, because according to jungkook its very romantic, "jungkook i can't do it please, its so hot i can't even stand" you say while taking heavy breathes causing jungkook to look at you while rasing his eyebrows, his hands grip your waist and pulls you closer, " If u wanted me to carry you so badly, all u could've done is asked instead of whining" he smirks and abruptly lifts you up causing you to yell at him.
"Jungkook are you dumb, put me down there are kids here, put me down you idi-mmph"
You feel jungkooks lip press onto yours harshly and his hands grip you tightly in his arms, you start feeling all giddy inside until u feel him pull away and lick a stripe up your cheeks. "JUNGKOOK YOU'RE DISGUSTING"
Jungkook puts you down and back hugs you so that you won't be able to hit him, "baby thats just how I show i love you, and u smelled so good" causing you to admit your Defeat.
The sun starts setting down and jungkook decides that its time to picnic in the park,so you and you're beloved boxer boyfriend sit on the mat that you layed out.
You both were lying on your stomach and facing each other, jungkook had one of his hands on your hips holding your long flowy skirt down, and your hands were caressing his eyebrows, eyes, his scar, his lips, as you lean to Peck his lips.
"Did I tell you, you look really pretty today and the skirt looks really good on you"
"You did" , "nothing wrong with saying it again, you're so pretty, the prettiest and the cutest, even though we argue like kids sometimes, but that's something I wouldn't change for the world." This makes you tear up a but as jungkook was never really someone who spoke his feelings, you push his chest and make him lay on his back and lay on top of him with only your lower body on the mat and your upper bodies pressed together, you start pecking all over his face and whisper lovingly " i love you so much jungkook, you're so cute, the cutest cutie pie"
causing jungkook to groan, "I'm not cute baby, way to ruin the moment" causing you to giggle, "just like how your hard on is ruining the moment by poking my stomach, can't even be romantic with my boyfriend" you huff and lay down on your side facing away from him pretending to be mad.
Jungkook pinches your hips, "cmon turn around" and you don't.
But jungkook takes this as a perfect opportunity to hit your butt, the sound of his hands hitting your butt echoes through your ears as you yelp and bring your hands to cover your rear. "Stop that jeon, it hurts" making jungkook coo and rub your butt and he proceeds to pat it, " there you go all better or do u want me to kiss it better?"
"Talk to me when your hard on is gone", you say.
Jungkook sighs and lifts your head and slides it onto his arm, as a pillow and hugs your waist from behind. "What are you doing" , "spooning my baby, what can I do when my girlfriends being all cute and sexy, ofcourse I'm gonna get hard" you blush as you feel his hard on on your back.
You turn around in his arm and wrap your arms around his neck, making him wrap his arms around your waist, you both smile at each other and you slowly inch closer, you feel his breath on you're lips and you pull him closer and press your lips on his, his hands immediately grip you tighter and pull you closer causing you to whimper. Jungkook groans at that and pushes his tounge inside your mouth roughly and grips your chin to pull you even more closer, making you pull away from the absence of air, whimpering. But you have no time to catch your breath as a pair of lips proceeds to press itself on your lips and jungkooks hand pulls you even more closer, you try pushing him away by his chest, but he doesn't even budge.
"I c-cant breathe m-mphh* resulting in jungkook to finally pull away and giggle.
All this loving peace lasts for a moment until we see an old couple walking up to us yelling about public indecency causing you to freak out and get up and trying to make jungkook get up, "jungkook come on let's run", "baby tf are they gonna do, let them fucking come ill take care of them, don't be scared"
"JUNGKOOK IF YOU DONT GET UP RIGHT NOW I SWEAR IM GONNA CRY" this threat results in jungkook complying as you both hold each others hands and make a run for it as the old couples curses slowly dissappear into thin air and the only thing that's audible is the laughter that vibrates off of your chest, and the pure love you have for each other, at this moment you silently look up at jungkook and admire him and you realize how lucky you are to have a man like him.
"Stop looking at me like that if you don't want me to eat you", "you know what I'm hungry jungkook". After a back and forth argument of where to eat, you both decide to eat at this sushi place, as you told you're boyfriend you've never had sushi.
"Come on baby order anything you want, I'll pay" causing you to giggle "ofc sugar daddy"
"I can be your daddy if you like"
"JUNGKOOK", "I'm sorry"
You regret this, you can't eat it, you feel like throwing up, "it tastes so bad, how do people eat this?" Causing jungkook to act like he was offended "how dare you say that to my baby, she tastes so good, baby you don't have to eat it, order something else If you want"
That night when you had food poisoning, jungkook was the one who held your hair back when you threw up, he was the one who made sure you fell asleep with no discomfort, he made sure to stay awake to ensure you don't wake up in the middle of the night due to discomfort, he was the one who made sure you were warm and comfortable, he was the one who loved you, he was the one who put up with your tantrums, he was the one who let's you cuddle him every night even though he pretends to hate it, he is the one who always offers a shoulder to cry on or put your legs on.
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hugemilkshake · 5 months
I love a lot of those ideas...and actually now got ideas for a part 2:
Imagine if the ancients visit y/n after a while of y/n just staying mostly in bed...and it's so they can dote on y/n too and make sure they are relaxed and happy and can imagine a little add on if you want...based off the "freshly baked cookie" part...
Like at one point dark enchantress shows up and ancients prepare to fight buuuut turns out she isn't here to cause stress for y/n by causing a war...she is here to help y/n learn to walk! Like she is holding y/n up and letting go so y/n slowly learns to stand and when they get the hang of it...they make a fun game to make sure y/n is having fun and happy while learning to walk (and so various cookies can have a chance to hug y/n...you'll understand why when I say game. Also it's so cookies can show their love for y/n and vent out a little of their competition through a fun game...aaaand remind themselves to keep their fight for y/n on the down low because...again want y/n to feel safe and happy.)
The game? A play obstacle course where each cookie is a 'check point' where y/n simply has to walk up to them and give them a hug before going onto the next cookie...and like the cookies are cheering them on "come on y/n! You can do it!" Ofcourse having some cookies nearby so if y/n starts to stumble, they can rush up to y/n like "hey hey its ok its ok...you're ok, we are here for you!"
And can imagine at the end, the cookies are all super proud of y/n lol!
Oooor maybe you can make up you're own 'y/n learns to walk' game where cookies can be more...competitive...buuut ofcourse maybe they mask it behind playful banter and so on so y/n doesn't feel the stress of having cookies fight over them lol!
Sorry if I'm being too descriptive or if I Sounded weird or anything lol! Just got thoughts flowing lmao!
Enjoy the milkshake! Don’t worry about sounding too descriptive, it’s actually more helpful for me since I don’t have to think of a plot- also dark enchantress might be ooc
How do you walk?
Part 1, part 3
Self aware AU
“ … and that’s when Blackberry Cookie came over to calm down Onion Cookie! After that everything was fine!”
You rested in the bed as Gingerbrave talked about recent events, this was a weekly occurrence, you didn’t hate it! But you wished you could walk around and talk to more cookie besides Gingerbrave, Strawberry, Wizard Or Custard lll…
Gingerbrave got up to leave before saying one last thing “Oh and one last thing before I leave! The ancient Cookies are going to be visiting! They might come see you to try and help you with your problem”
Huh… that was new… some cookies who might be able to help you out… only issue was that these cookies are some of the strongest in this game, or well this world you should say. So you were nervous about that.
A week went by the ancient cookie finally arrived in the cookie kingdom
You were nervous, an even a little scared
I mean these cookies could kill you if desired.
And you couldn’t even walk! So you couldn’t do anything against them!
When the ancients arrived, Pure Vanilla was the first to come into the room, along with Gingerbrave.
Dark Cacao and Golden Cheese came in next, followed by White Lily and Hollyberry.
Gingerbrave introduced you since you couldn’t talk
Now the vibe was meant to be nice and friendly, but it just wasn’t
It was VERY awkward
Now all the ancients had different opinions on you
Pure Vanilla wanted to help you get better since you literally couldn’t do anything but you couldn’t talk so he didn’t want to overstep any boundaries
Hollyberry wanted to lighten up you mood, so she told jokes and it worked for a little bit
Dark Cacao was very unsure of what to think about you. He’s not good with stuff like this
Golden Cheese was a bit like Hollyberry in a way but her jokes didn’t land that much
White Lily was very fascinated by your predicament. She has studied cookies for a while and has never seen something like this happen before
And Gingerbrave was there to have things to a bit more smoothly.
But in the end you guys didn’t get anything done. You couldn’t talk so it was to be expected.
The ancients bid you a farewell and left along with Gingerbrave
You were now alone…
It was the dead of night and you were reading since you were so used to staying up late and not sleeping, it was something you were working on.
But unlike all the other nights, everything felt off. Like there was a lurking darkness around you, it kinda give you anxiety.
No… not kinda…
It did give you anxiety.
You were reading when you heard your door open, and you saw a figure that resembled White Lily
You greeted her…. At least you thought you greeted White Lily…
When the figure responded, if definitely didn’t sound like White Lily
The figure stepped into the light and you froze in fear
Dark Enchantress was right in front of you
Now you were used to stressful situations but this was different
You were actively in danger.
You were going to scream before the sorceress shushed you
“Don’t scream. Im not going to hurt someone as pathetic as you.”
Ouch… but you weren’t in danger so that was good..?
Dark Enchantress told you that you needed to get up and walk. And without warning she pulled you up and got you to balance yourself
“Your not going to survive if you keep being babied by cookies. Now I’m going to leave you. Next time I see you, you better be able to walk”
And just like that she left.
You were left confused and started
And needless to say the next day Strawberry Cookie came into the room she had a heart attack since you were standing.
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doodle-girl · 3 months
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*cracks knuckles* Okay folks (@arkaix)
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DOAI Possum Ramble 2 Electric Boogaloo: The Office
So basically if you already got what’s to know about the Modern Prometheus AU, then you most likely know about the whole “Lankmann feeling the eyes of the writers of this AU”/“If Pastra isn’t writing this story, then who is?” thing. Well, as shown in the last coupla reblogs of this thread, one idea is that we (the DOAI tumblr fandom) are basically all doing our fandom craziness in some kinda big office setting where we’re able to peer into the AUs we make via eyes, those eyes appearing somewhere in the world when we’re observing.
Cut to like an hour or smth later after @corrupteddoodles and I went ham in dms about worldbuilding >:]
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Welcome to the DOAIblr Offices; where your ideas become a reality outside this one™️ (art and caption by @corrupteddoodles )
So basically what’s to know is that the inside of the building itself doesnt really follow the rules of reality all too much, it’s just doing it’s own thing to go along with our own craziness. Each member of DOAIblr has their own hallway of sorts, representing ourselves as creators. Some people’ve already started designing their own hallways!! Each hallway has doors (number of doors varying per person) leading towards different office spaces (which will be talked about a bit more later) representing the AUs we’ve created. If an AU has multiple creators, the door will manifest in several hallways.
The Sitcom AU door is pretty much a wildcard and is basically in everyone’s hallway, as that doesn’t really have a “creator” and is a big hodgepodge of everyone’s ideas and stuff (@purplechaosguardian sparked the original idea for it but being completely honest this au doesnt truly “belong” to one or a few people, it’s kind of a big group effort). It might as well be its own hallway with how absolutely huge it is.
I like to imagine that if an AU isn’t revealed to the public just yet (i.e @blazefirefox ‘s swap au as seen in her hallway), then to anyone who isn’t a creator the door kinda looks like what a door in Encanto looks like before a Madrigal kid gets their gift, if you’ve seen that movie. To a non-creator, it’s basically a regular door radiating with creative energy, if you listen closely you can hear small barely intelligible whispers of lore and ideas. Until it’s revealed to the public, only the creator(s) can see what the door really looks like, and only the creator(s) can get into it.
Getting into the offices themselves, the insides are basically amalgamations of different elements of the AUs themselves, all of them having different sheets inside for character refs and character sheets and lore and etc etc. For some decor examples, the inside of the Williams Foundation AU office would most likely be bathed in green and have various gadgets and etc for sciencey stuff™️. The Ragstra’s Show AU office would most likely resemble the backstage of a theater, with some mannequins/dolls and thread strung about.
What’s important to note is that each and every office has an Orb™️ in the center, representing the AU itself. The orb in the sitcom au basically takes up half the room with how big it is. (One thing to note: the orb for the Modern Prometheus AU starts to crack once Lankmann realizes the 4th wall/the writers)
The orb also acts as a way to “observe” and peer into the AU, said observing being how the eyes manifest into the world of the AU. Of course, the eyes shouldn’t be visible to the characters of the AU. *casually uses this as an opportunity to show off some of my own wip eye designs* *I plan to do more but this is what I did so far lmao*
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These are all based on respective sonas/representative ocs ahehe (Idk what color the Tigera eyes would be but the Ark eyes are supposed to be teal lmao I just pulled it from a wip sketch) (Also purplechaosguardian doesnt have a sona iirc so in my mind theyre just Big Fuckin Purple Eyes heh)
Also this isn’t necessarily worldbuilding important but I think it’s fun to note: A potential scenario in the Modern Prometheus AU where someone accidentally no-clips out of the office and into the AU since the fourth wall is already breaking and someone has to come get them so there’s no more existential crises lmao
Aaaaaaaand that’s all I can think of for now!! As you can see we have once again spiralled into infinity with an idea and had a blast with it the whole way through :] 👍 This idea is definitely still in development and open to all to add ideas to, of course, as has been this whole thing for a while hehe <3 The possum is done with it’s screaming for now and shall be here if you need it again later o7
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izzyspussy · 25 days
and now for more of the exact same thing.
late s3 canon divergence au in which we all live in a world of sunshine and daisies where mickey is allowed to a) be more three dimensional and b) have positive character development that isn't directly connected to his relationship with ian and also it happens when i say it does even though it's kind of really unrealistic and probably slightly ooc but again it's a world of sunshine and daisies and also it's been literally a full ten years since i've so much as heard his voice. cough.
uh so. yeah. late s3 canon divergence au in which mickey fights with ian about how unfair ian is being re: terry + svetlana + mickey staying closeted-ish + etc. idr the order of things but lets just say for the concept's sake that the divergence happens before the whole ian: you love me -> mickey: kicks him in the face thing because. *megamind voice* listen i don't really know where to go with that.
anyway so mickey tells ian to shut up and listen for once in his fucking life and then goes tf off about how marrying svetlana, claiming yevgeny, and staying closeted-ish (for now) is The Right Thing To Do, for various reasons. his own safety first, which it's pretty fucked up for ian to seemingly not care about, and ian's safety too, which is possibly even more fucked up for ian to seemingly not care about.
and then we have like four(?) options going from there.
so option 1 mickey's like: and also hey, he said he wanted to make sure mickey was okay but then three fucking seconds later started berating him. yeah, mickey was being stubborn and cold or whatever but jesus christ. and on that note, why was it so easy for ian to Be There for mandy when this happened to her but not mickey?? and then ian maybe is like that's not the same/that's not what happened (because it really seemed like he didn't realize that. it is the same and that is what happened. and like lmfao from later stuff in the show that we will simply pretend to have not seen, i know that's mainly because the fucking writers don't realize it is the same and that is what happened, and you know what they probably would not give a shit even if they did LOL. but i'm not bitter about it or anything. and since i'm ascribing to murder in real life death of the author here, we're going full watson here and. ian doesn't Get It because lots of people don't - obviously lmao - but he will!!!)
anyway so mickey is visibly devastated by ian saying this, and then he's bitter (just like meeee- wait i mean-) and laughs without humor about how ian is such a hypocrite. about how oh saint ian doesn't have any internalized homophobia. and ian is like what the fuck does that have to do with fucking anything, and mickey tells him oh nothing of course mickey is just talking shit like always since he's sooooo morally inferior and/or stupid and he definitely doesn't understand any of this. but hey! just as a totally unrelated thought experiment, why doesn't ian picture it with lip in his place and mandy in mickey's and with a male whore instead and just see what he thinks is so different/what he thinks happened then. and ian does and mickey sees in his face that he's realized, but he still wants to know. so he asks again why ian cares about mandy more than him. and ian is like well first of all i definitely do not care about mandy more than you and second we should talk apparently talk about this for real for real let's go upstairs for some privacy. and they do and it doesn't solve everything but by god does it help.
okay well that one's not really about anything being The Right Thing To Do, but you know. it's important to me! like i totally get that ian was going through multiple crises at the same time and dealing with the same traumatic event as mickey and also having an actual legitimate clinical mental break and experiencing a state of mind he had never dealt with before. it's not his fault. BUT. even tho it wasn't his fault he was still being completely unfair and none of any of that was mickey's fault either and it always bothered me that only ian ever got to be angry about it. but i digress.
now back to actually the sunshine and daisies unrealistic positive character development (but honestly like........ not really THAT unrealistic. To Me. like the only really unrealistic part is for mickey to be like. Informed enough for this. i think. but like. maturity and self awareness and honesty and courage and a moral code, all that is just maybe a little bit early to arrive here. i think it's an optimistic but not completely unbelievable divergence is what i'm saying! anyway).
so option 2A is like: instead of talking about What Happened and how much ian does or doesn't care, mickey starts talking about The Baby (who at this point is of course not born and i think probably too early along to be gendered let alone named). he's like what do you want me to do man. be just like your piece of shit parents and just abandon this kid because i don't want it? you want to be with a guy like that? and ian's like well it's probably not even yours, considering all the Factors. just get a paternity test and then you're off the hook. and mickey says, "don't be a fucking hypocrite, ian clayton gallagher." and ian's like damn. i want to but i absolutely cannot argue with that huh.
option 2B is more hurt/comfort than that and it goes: mickey starts talking about The Baby. and he's the one to point out it's probably not technically His or whatever. but. the chances that it's still a milkovich are. basically 100. and he points out if he marries svetlana, and he's on the birth certificate, and all around is legally the kid's FatherTM, then terry can't get his fucking hands on it. mickey has full parental rights. he couldn't completely keep the kid safe from terry, not without causing everybody - including the baby - a whole lot more danger right now, but he'd have so much more power to protect it than he otherwise would. he could make sure terry can't be next of kin if something happens to svet and mickey. he could make sure teachers and doctors and whoever else know not to leave the kid in terry's "care". even if terry himself changes his tune later for whatever fucking reason, if svet and/or mickey piss him off and he tries to take their kid away as punishment, or if he just fucking decides he wants another victim/pawn, or whatEVER, and he's the one to demand a paternity test, or if any other random john does, even if it ends up legally documented somewhere that mickey isn't the biological father as long as he and svet are The Parents from the start he would still retain custody and parental rights.
so. mickey marries svetlana. he's put on the birth certificate. he is legally the baby's father until such time as he and/or svetlana decide otherwise and a judge agrees. svetlana gets a marriage visa or green card or whatever the fuck and is now a legal resident. they stay married long enough for her to get naturalized as a us citizen. they get divorced, mickey no-contest hands over full custody to her, she moves to fucking socal or some shit and they never ever ever ever have to fucking see each other again. all her problems are solved, and none of the horrible shit terry put the rest of them through ever has to happen to the baby.
he can't let terry have the baby, mickey says. he can't. it's not fair, he says. it's not right. nobody deserves to be terry milkovich's kid. and sure mickey doesn't want it. he doesn't want to have to sleep next to his- you know, and no doubt svet doesn't want to have to do that either. but even though the baby may or may not be a result of. That. it didn't do it. it didn't do anything. it's just a baby. and mickey's voice is all raised - he's angry, he's scared, he's fucking righteous about this. it's just a fucking baby! its only fucking crime is being born wrong!
and. well. that kinda takes the fucking wind right out of ian's sails. mostly cuz it sucks all the air out of the room altogether. and mickey realizes too, right after he's said that, why he's so. uh. passionate about this. i mean not all the way, or just... he doesn't want to look directly at that yet. but ian can see it on his face that deep down he knows. ian can see it on mickey's face that what sounded like to him is exactly what it was. and maybe he breathes out the softest italicized oh (non-romantic) that has ever been spoken while mickey cringes a little bit and looks away, looks down, ducks his head enough to hide his face, enough to muffle his voice slightly against his own chest. he mumbles, "it's not his fault." he whispers, "he can't help it."
and what thee fuck is ian going to say to that? no? no, i won't support you protecting an innocent kid out of the long-buried goodness of your heart that i always knew was there and reparent yourself in the process? no, i refuse to be involved with you while you make an agonizing sacrifice in the name of kindness and healing, the way i've been demanding you do in my favor for months? no of course not.
but wait hang on i can fix this with the romantically-tinted option 2C, which goes like: mickey says he can't back out, he can't come out. he has to do this. and ian rolls his eyes or scoffs or both or gives mickey the fucking chin or whatever he does to indicate he thinks the reason mickey "has" to do this is because mickey's a fucking pussy and the only other option is to stand up to his dad. and mickey snaps that actually he has more than one (1) fucking motivation dickhead. and ian challenges him, all oh yeah like what. and mickey gets nice and right up in ian's face and gives him the fucking rundown.
i'm doing this because of you, he says. and ian scoffs again of course, but this time mickey just ignores him and steams right on. he says i'm doing this because you are. fucking self-righteous. and spiteful. and controlling. and fucking sadistic. and ian's like is this supposed to make me less pissed off. but mickey goes on. and you're kind. and generous. and god damn chivalrous, for fuck's sake. and so fucking brave. which finally shuts ian and his very, very loud facial expressions up.
so, mickey says. i know that you couldn't give less of a shit right now if svetlana has her kid taken away, gets deported directly into a russian prison, and never sees the fucking sun again in her life. maybe you even wish that on her. maybe i kind of do too. but i also know that if it hadn't happened to you, if you weren't there... if we were friends, and i didn't do this, we wouldn't be friends anymore.
he says, yeah, i love you, you love me. big fucking whoop. that happens to the fucking worst of us.
he says, i want you to like me.
he says, i'm just trying to grow the fuck up, okay? i don't want to be a fucking shallow selfish stupid god damn teenager for my entire fucking life like our piece of shit fucking parents. i want to be a man. and i- even if it's too late or this is too much, i want to be the kind of man that you would like.
so obviously ian is struck completely dumb. he just stares, wide-eyed and amazed and so absolutely wooed, while mickey finishes his fucking. grand speech. while he adds, quiet and exhausted and somewhat resigned, i'm not fucking ready, if i was ever gonna- but. it has to be done. she can't do it by herself. and there's no one else.
and. i mean really the inherent romance of "i want you to like me" and "i want to be the kind of man that you would like" would have been enough. but now here's this killer finishing move too. because you know fiona is ian's hero. and isn't that exactly what she did for all of them? with one fucking choice, mickey has already become the kind of man ian would like. and beyond! he's become the kind of man that ian respects. that ian admires.
and yeah, he'd like to still be angry. he'd like to still be exactly the selfish teenager mickey has decided he no longer is. and they are teenagers, still, so really that should be their fucking right! and also ian's fucking brain is on fire and he doesn't know what the fuck is going on!! but. well. he doesn't want it to be too late. he doesn't want this to be too much. he wants to grow up too, he's always wanted to grow up, to be a man. to be a good man. an honorable and reliable man. he doesn't want to be like- he doesn't want to be like their parents either.
and he wants mickey to like him too.
anyway. i think i'm clinically insane.
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crabbunch · 7 months
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The Witch: This timeline's this au's version of Hermitcraft season 5 (the one with the NHO and the jungle). There's lots of plants. Etho is distrustful of Bdubs. There's frog and scorpion metaphors. But also if Bdubs is careful he can give Etho his knife and let her stab him. Which is basically the same thing as the jungle eating Etho, slowly driving Bdubs insane, and then also eating Bdubs. Or was that the convex. Whatever it doesn't matter. You get the vibes.
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The Damsel: This one's based off of secret life. In stp, the damsel's whole deal is that your perceptions of her warp and twist her into something that is no longer a person. I kind of had a hard time thinking of something that fit but I eventually settled on secret life just because those tasks sure did weird things lmao am i right???? anyways this Etho seemingly says all the things she never said directly to Bdubs face and means none of them. Because she is only wish fulfillment. It's not satisfying to see the horse course leap up from the ground, no contribution from Bdubs necessary, anyways. He doesn't like this Etho.
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The Stranger: This timeline's based off of Etho's single-player world. More specifically, it's based on episode 404. Bdubs isn't supposed to be here. There's lots of Ethos. It's a sort of warped version of the true multitudes that Etho and Bdubs hold. They don't ever know each other. Bdubs isn't supposed to be on Etho's single-player world. His voice is familiar, but he's not supposed to be here.
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The Adversary: This timeline is based off of various UHCs. Etho is good at fighting, and violent, and very very hot. Most importantly, she's not really mad at Bdubs. She's just kind of bored and lonely, and when he shows up, she's READY to fight to the death with him. For like, fun. If Bdbus plays his cards right, he and Etho can fight to the death as many times as they want, respawning just to pummel each other into a bloody pulp again and again and again. Peak romance <3. His other options involve running away, not getting in the right mindset and killing Etho "permanently" or dying permanently." Grian is incredibly unimpressed by the fact that Bdubs has a crush on the VERY MURDEROUS AND BLOODTHIRSTY PRINCESS. as if he doesn't have worse taste.
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The Spectre: This one's based off of double life. Etho's kind of petty and passive aggressive but doesn't really outright make any moves against Bdubs. Bdubs acts like nothing's going on between them and like everything's the same as ever. They team up in the end, but it doesn't have time to go anywhere because they die right after that. And by die I mean Etho is swallowed up into the greater consciousnesses of Etho goddess edition and Bdubs into his own god.
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The Beast: this timeline is based off of Survival of the Fittest. Mostly because it's super duper dark down in the basement, and I think that it's a funny dig at Bdubs' terrible footage where you can see absolutely nothing. However if you think about it getting eaten by a creature so that both of she can escape the cabin only to get taken away by your greater self before you can really taste the fresh air is sort of like killing a guy's teammates and then handcuffing him to you so that you have to team. and then loosing.
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The Prisoner: This one's last life. Etho chops off her own head and trusts Bdubs to take it outside the cabin? Trusts Bdubs to believe in her? That's only one route. They can beat each other to death. They can get locked in the basement together and watch the eons pass. Idk how to explain it but this is just so last life to me. There's a fragile trust between them. It's all fun and games. They're both deadly serious. Grian is there. Head in hands.
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The Nightmare: This one's based off of Mindcrack- specifically the Death Games and a few other pranks that Etho plays on Bdubs. I think that psychological damage via seeing every single timeline ever is sort of the same thing as the obsidian coffin. Also I think that needing a guy in the back of your head to recite "heart, lung, liver, nerves" in order to stop your organs from shutting down is very early videos Bdubs.
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The Razor: This one is Hermitcraft season 8. Bdubs dies over and over and over again. Nothing he does stops it. Etho is silly and goofy and doesn't really realize the weight of the situation. "I'm going to kill you now ^_^" most etho core thing ever.
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lesbiansanemi · 1 year
Please, please, PLEASE throw us a bone and give us a little insight on what you plan to do with the whole Kyojuro/Akaza debacle in your demon slayer Au 😢
Hehe, I assume you mean in the role swap AU? But yeah, sure thing! Anything to ramble about Kyo and Akaza lmao
So, everyone has already seen their first meeting with Akaza digging up the Kamados' graves in an attempt to find out how/why they were murdered, and he got caught by Kyojuro, who was not low key at all about the fact that he knows something about Tanjiro and Nezuko, thus confirming they were both very much alive, when Akaza had been told they were both dead by Muzan (well, and Douma)
I do have to admit that Kyojuro and Akaza won't actually get another interaction until the Mugen train though.
However, as Kyojuro has already made very clear, he is going to be vehemently searching for Akaza so he can convince him to become a demon and turn on the Corps, because, well, he likes him! Tamayo has also given her blessing for this, which means Akaza is officially off limits to any Kizuki, they're not allowed to harm him in any way
On Akaza's side of things, his encounter with Kyojuro only made him more suspicious. Not only because of the vague claims of knowing what happened to the Kamados, but Tanjiro's body was missing from the grave, and the Kamados were beheaded. It obviously wasn't a demon who killed them despite what he was told. And given the fact that Kie always suspected the Corps hid something about Nezuko's "death" it doesn't take Akaza long to become suspicious of the Corps, and to start investigating the Kamado family's murders in earnest.
It eventually lands him in some deep shit with the Corps when he goes poking around some things they didn't want him to know about (namely, some stuff with a certain younger Shinazugawa bro). Akaza has always been kept on a tight leash by the Corps despite being a Hashira, and this ends with Muzan dictating every single thing he does and monitoring everything he does. But he doesn't want to waste other Hashira's time to babysit Akaza, so he eventually gets sent on the Mugen train mission with Gyutaro, Rui, and Susumaru, all of whom are tsuguko to various Hashira, so despite Akaza being ranked above them, they're expected to report back on every single thing he does and are trusted to do so considering some of their... unique circumstances
This would all be fine, but Makomo has been eating humans left and right on the Mugen train, and Tanjiro, Nezuko, and Inosuke were sent to learn hunting techniques from her.
This leads to Akaza having a confrontation with the Kamados, learning both his former students are not only alive, but are demons themselves, and are working intimately with the Kizuki. His world shatters.
And when he almost kills Makomo... she panics and calls for backup.
Considering his favorite Hashira who he's been looking for so diligently has resurfaced, Kyojuro shows up. He and Akaza get their extremely homoerotic fight scene, that mostly consists of Kyojuro begging him to become a demon, while Akaza demands to know what the Kizuki did to the Kamado sibs to make them turn out this way. The fight eventually ends with Kyojuro very obviously sparing Akaza's life, and leaving him be, though with a heavy warning that if he doesn't consider the offer to turn against the Corps, Akaza's life will be forfeit to the Kizuki soon enough.
And to make things even worse for Akaza... Gyutaro, Ume, Rui, and Susumaru all witnessed a Kizuki spare his life. They witnessed Akaza fail as a Hashira, as he should have killed Kyojuro, or died trying himself. Both of them walking away from that fight shouldn't have been an option, and when they report that to the Corps, the very last bit of Akaza's luck with Muzan runs out. He's as good as a dead man.
Kyojuro knows this. After all, he was a slayer himself. He knows how the Corps operates, how their punishments function. He knows Akaza won't keep his life much longer if he stays with the Corps, so then resolves to bring him to the Infinity Palace, whether Akaza is willing or not. He'll convince him to like it eventually!
The immediate aftermath of the Mugen train is where the current installment of the AU wraps up, and it will be followed by what I have lovingly titled "the renkaza interlude" in my outline document haha. It's basically focused on Akaza and Kyojuro's developing relationship after these incredibly intense two first meetings, as well as Akaza's relationship with the Kamado sibs, and Genya. On top of this, Akaza is forced to reckon with the fact that Koyuki and Keizo's deaths weren't what he once thought, leaving Kyojuro and Shinobu to help him investigate their murders, all while whispering sweet nothings about betraying the Corps that are getting harder and harder to ignore
I'm very excited for that installment, but I do have to get through shadow of sunlight first, as well as write up Akaza's backstory for how he even ended up a Hashira haha
But I do hope that was enough of a bone for you!
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aenslem · 5 months
001 Bering and Wells
when I started shipping it if I did: well, I liked them from the beginning but in 'for the team' the thought finally came to my head that 'yeah, I ship them now', that episode is everything to me <3
my thoughts: god, I have a lot of thoughts about them and I think in previous posts I did share lot of them, I really love them and they are warehouse 13 for me for real, cos without them I am not sure I would have loved the show as much as I do, their relationship is fascinating, not only with each other, but also with other characters. I wish we had more of them together on screen, I wish we had more of what actresses wanted bering and wells to be on screen, but alas, we have what we have and I am not going to complain about it :D
What makes me happy about them: that they not only change each other for the better, but also manage to complete each other, they are great team, and I also love how they are exactly what the other one wants women nowadays be like, even though HG is from the past. They wish the world was more like the other one, if it makes any sense
What makes me sad about them: that they always end up in a death situations and break my heart, honestly, stop with it. also it does make me sad that the show had no balls to make them a couple and we ended up with whatever was in the show by the end.
things done in fanfic that annoys me: I don't really read fics with them, whatever I read is not enough to decide if there is anything that annoys me.
things I look for in fanfic: I usually go for AUs, but as I said, I have not really read anything with them and was not really looking for anything specific.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:�� being on their own, like I really don't want them in any relationship, I want them to find their happiness being alone first and then find somebody, and I don't think there is anybody I would like them to end up with in the show.
My happily ever after for them: They work for warehouse and teach new agents and continue solving crimes and so on.
who is the big spoon/little spoon: somehow, I feel like Myka is a big spoon, but also a very chaotic sleeper, she is either all around HG when they wake up, or Myka is all around the bed and wakes them up lmao so Helena just tries to be a big spoon and that way she manages to catch Myka in her sleep and have some rest holding her ajkshdkajhd
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: oh, they would have long hours of debates about various topics, or solving some mysteries together
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hardlypartying · 7 months
Hello!! I love your riara fic! I never thought I would like that ship, but I love the way you write them, so I’m hooked. Read for the jjpope tag, stayed for the amazing writing (although I still love your jjpope crumbs)!
I’m so sad there are only 22 chapters, and I hope you end up writing more, but if you don’t, have you ever thought of writing more for riara in the future? 😊
Hi!! First of all, thank you so much for this message omg :’) I’m so happy that you ventured out into the world of riara, it isn’t for everyone but I like to believe there’s something compelling there! I love hearing how people are pleasantly surprised by it haha
Before I knew about any ships or anything really about obx, I would see bits and pieces of jjpope and fully thought they were together. Or at least would eventually get together because ?? The scenes ?? The pining ?? What was all that for?? There’s smth to be said about public opinion and how that mobilized j*ara to get together and they were cowards to not do anything with jjpope. Granted, like you said, my fic only has crumbs of them 😭 and I would love to write them more into the story or even do a fic for just them
We’re really nearing the end of this fic and I’m blown away by that because I’ve been writing this for a while! I’m just proud that I’ve gotten to this point where I can say that things will be wrapping things up. It’s so exciting getting to these chapters because they were the ones I knew I wanted to write when I initially thought of this fic, it’s sooooo rewarding to get them out now and have you and others comment about enjoying it!! 🫶
But with one door closing another one will inevitably open, as for Riara fics— I’ve got one I’ve been working on! However, it’s a lot different than KRCG which I intentionally kept very light and fun. This new one will be quite controversial because it’s more of a dark fic, darker than my bad habit riara fic at some points and I know that’s everyone’s major issue with riara in the first place. I’ve alluded to it in the past but it takes place in s3 when the plane goes down. Rather than Kiara getting kidnapped by Singh, she’s “rescued” by Rafe and works things to her advantage to plan an escape back to the rest of the pogues. Essentially it’s them being forced to work together since they both have leverage they’re using to be useful to the other person— they get involved in the illegal trades, there are heists, jetting off to various countries for prospective clients, black market business dealings, general politics re: the criminal underbelly of the world, etc. Almost like a mafia au but without Rafe being a suave mafiasso lmao he’s just as out of his depth as Kiara is. I’m having a lot of fun with this one since it’s fully an enemies to lovers and I really enjoy deconstructing K&R’s preconceived notions of one another bit by bit and letting them humanize each other and grapple with what morality means to them. Mainly, it’s just drammmmaaa and them being badass 🥰
I am preparing myself for this to not be as well received with everyone since it’s quite out there and includes all the typical elements of riara that people don’t like, unapologetically and leaning into it even more. But the thought popped into my mind when s3 first came out and drew said that sometimes it feels like he’s on a totally different show than the rest of the cast bc of the scenes he gets, and that never left my mind— it took me a year to plan out the plot and I have so many pages of my notebook covered in moments, plot lines, dialogue, plot twists, drama, reveals that I want to write and now it’s finally happenjng ! So I’m very stoked for it but can understand & respect that people might want to sit this one out!
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moku-youbi · 1 year
List of Current Klive Projects
So I have waaaaay too many unpublished WIPs in various stages of completion, from just plot bunnies, to complete outlines, to partial chapters, to almost completed fics, lmao. Currently my main focus has been If It's Not Love (Then It's the Bomb) with some oneshots or short multichapter fics scattered. However I've just started posting the follow-up to my Hitman Five fic (Kill Me Twice), Let Me Tear You to Pieces, which is going to be multichapter, and later this month or next month I'll be posting something else--but what that is remains up for debate, as I'm spoiled for choice on what to work on.
The question I have, I guess, is what of my 9 billion ideas sounds most appealing to others. So poll time! Here's a brief(ish) rundown of my various projects for Klive. Take a look and tell me what you'd most like to see!
*Accidental Sugar Daddy AU (~50k ish?) Season 4 AU where the rest of his siblings are making lives for themselves without their powers, but Klaus has no idea what to do with himself. Luckily for him, Five is more than happy to take care of him in the meantime. But as Five goes to more and more extravagant lengths to keep him happy, Klaus feels like he should be giving something back. And when Diego jokingly calls him Five's Sugar Baby, Klaus can't stop thinking about just how he could show his appreciation. Basically Didn't Know They Were Dating followed by Mutual Pining While Fucking, Misunderstandings, Angst, and a delightfully cheesy Happy Ending :D
*The Professional Cuddler AU (likely ~20k) - Ben is a professional cuddler who has an emergency and asks his BFF Klaus to take his appointments for him one day. Five is a maladjusted, touch-starved little psycho and his BFF Viktor buys him a session with a professional cuddler to see if it might help. *Danger Days AU (multi-chapter probably in the 75k+ range) Set in the Danger Days universe (from My Chemical Romance's album/videos/comics), Reginald rules the world and various of his adopted children run major cities. Five runs Battery City, with the Handler training his SCARECROWS. Five ends up with a new sexbot that doesn't behave like bots are supposed to, but as angry as it makes him, he's not about to return the bot... Klaus, meanwhile, is a top of the line, self-aware, true AI and secretly working with the underground, sending info back to Diego and Lila, and trying to find out where Reginald's last son, Viktor, has disappeared to.
*Time Travel What Ifs # 1 (multi-chapter ~25-50k) When Reginald throws Klaus out of the tunnel in season 3, he doesn't manage to die in time before the Kugelblitz gets him...and he wakes up back in the season 1 timeline, tied to a chair in Hazel and Cha-Cha's motel room. Klaus sets about fixing the timeline in a decidedly Klaus way, much to the bafflement of his siblings who wanna know what the hell happened to change their brother so dramatically overnight. (Also, Five keeps walking in on Klaus in various stages of undress. This is not essential to the plot, but I do adore it :D)
*Time Travel What Ifs #2 (probably a fairly porny oneshot ~ 10k at most??) Five's equations end him up in the mid 00s in a hot young 20-something body. 15 yo Klaus is super fucking into it, and trying to seduce Five, while Five tries to resist. He eventually fails to resist...
*Mob AU (?? 15-30K ish??) Psycho Mob Enforcer Five is the Boss's favourite, but has to leave town a while to lay low. Upon coming back and he takes a special interest in, and starts stalking, the Boss's newest sidepiece Klaus. Klaus is, predictably, super into it (and all the glorious fallout of that relationship when Five's not willing to share with anyone, boss or no...)
*Old Man Five/Hooker Klaus (25-50k) Old Man Five hops through the timeline trying to help improve his siblings' lives, even if they don't know it's him. When he gets to Klaus, he figures some money could improve his situation, but Klaus is disinclined to take money without providing services in return...Five doesn't mean to fuck his brother, but once he gets started, he's not about to stop. Klaus becomes his kept boy, and Klaus, despite the fact that he doesn't know much about his mysterious benefactor who disappears for long stretches of time, starts to fall in love. Except then Five disappears for good (after the Handler threatens to kill Klaus if Five keeps going back). Upon returning to his 13 yo body, Five doesn't want to tell Klaus the truth, assuming he'll be pissed to find out it was Five all along. But then Luther, the only one who's seen Old Five finds a photo of him in the background of some major historical event, and upon seeing it, Klaus blows up like wtf how could you not TELL ME??? and there is DRAMA and a fair amount of angst, but an eventual happy ending.
*Daemon AU (a la His Dark Materials; 10-20k ish, oneshot-ish, probably with other short one-offs in same ' verse) I have SO MANY FEELS ABOUT KLAUS' DAEMON OKAY??? And I don't want to get into them too much without being spoilery. But basically some vague timeline what timeline where they avoid the apocalypse and still have their powers and settle back into the manor. No one has seen Five's daemon since he returned to their timeline, leading his siblings to believe she must have been severed from him. No *humans* have seen her, but Klaus' daemon has, and the two of them hang out a lot. Meanwhile Klaus' daemon is as much of a mess as he is, thnks to various experiments Reggie performed, and of course the issue of what becomes of the daemon of a person who can die and return to life, when upon death, a daemon becomes Dust? Basically these two have some fucked up issues that are reflected in their daemons, which leads everyone around them to jump to conclusions. But mostly it's a really soft, romantic fic, of Five's daemon taking care of Klaus and Klaus taking care of Five, and just...lots of feels guys, okay?!
*Meet as Teens AU (25-50kish) Cancer Patient Five's family move to America for treatment. In the small town nearby, he meets Amish Klaus, who works at his family's market. Five's going through a bit of a rebellious phase (facing some really bad odds with his cancer) and Klaus lives on the fringes of his society, an outcast because of his weird abilities. Of course they gravitate towards one another, but when Five gets bad news after his most recent round of treatment, Klaus decides to visit the Girl and ask for a favour. *Commune AU (under 20k oneshot/maybe several short ~2-5k ficlets) Instead of selling Five when Reginald comes calling, Efa, whose family has a plot of land, invites other mothers of the powered children to drop off their babies if they don't want them. And if you want your baby but can't keep them because of shitty family situations, drop yourself off, too. Basically some of the moms stay and together they raise and teach and train the children together. The kids grow up happy and moderately well-adjusted and Reginald gets none of them, the dick. Five and Klaus are good friends, but then genius Five heads off to university pretty young, then a year of study abroad, and they mostly only keep in touch via mail. Five comes back from his study abroad to find Klaus has finally moved off the commune, and when he mentions not wanting to live in the dorms next semester, his mum mentions Klaus having space in his apartment. The last time Five saw him, Klaus was still that sort of wary, fluffy farm boy. But then Five walks into Klaus' gallery and both of them are all "oh no he's hot." Klaus is all cool and sexy and tattooed, and has all these friends and Five's despairing "what is he going to see in me, his square, nerdy friend." and Klaus is all, "ugh, Five is so hot and serious and he must think I'm so immature and stupid"
IDK if this will get any response whatsoever, since Klive fandom is so small, but I figured I'd try!
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yuesya · 1 year
Hello, author!
I stumble by a reddit post about OCs on JJK, and someone recommend your fic! I love every single chapter, especially the interlude, and also the fight scenes!
I have so many questions, but I know that you'll not entertain due to spoilers. Shiki's CT might still a secret, but like I imagine her CT like how Raiden Shogun obliterate La Signora into ashes.
I recently read your latest chapters, and my goodness, Geto's POV is really something. Yuzuki's POV really give us an insight on what the vassal family think about Shiki and Matsuhime's POV shows that she's really deluded that she could take Shiki down, not knowing how much it will impact on the Kamo Clan.
I'm also fascinated when reading your mini fics! Itadori meeting Shiki and thinking that she's Satoru's love child will always be funny! I kinda wonder on what Shiki feels when seeing her not-cousin being imprisoned, while most of the students have gathered around to Itadori who tells them that she's his cousin in the parallel world. Lmao, their reaction will be priceless.
Hello and thanks for reading! Glad you're enjoying the story.
Shiki's CT is still shrouded in mystery, but we'll be getting around to uncovering more of it soon. Man, I can't wait until we finally hit the canon timeline haha...
Funny how you mention Raiden Shogun and La Signora as an example because I actually understand that reference! (I was introduced to Genshin around the Windblume event this year and finished the Inazuma storyline a while back)
It's fun writing other POVs, especially because the main story itself is narrated by Shiki, so it's always nice to play around with other perspectives on the various events going on. :D
Shiki-in-canon-verse would be another fun AU to write, but unfortunately it's also highly likely to be very spoiler-y haha.
In addition to Itadori running around screaming about 'Gojo-sensei's daughter,' there would probably also be other people mistaking Shiki for an alternate female version of Satoru once the 'from another world' tidbit becomes known.
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cha-melodius · 3 months
hi! ⭐️ for love is a losing game pretty please?
HELLO I didn't mean to leave this for an entire day lol, but I've barely had a moment to breathe today and I wanted to be able to sit and think about this one.
Ok, Love is a Losing Game! So as I mention in the fic notes, I decided to write this fic after @eavos posted something in the tmfu discord server about The Queen's Gambit and how it'd make a good setting for a napollya AU. At first I didn't really think that much of it, but then I WATCHED The Queen's Gambit and the idea took hold of me like woah. Before this fic I'd written one long-form AU, and I certainly didn't expect this to become my longest ever fic, nor how MUCH I'd end up putting into it.
I've never done more research for a fic than I did for this fic. I planned it out using actual chess tournaments in the 1960s (whereupon I quickly learned just how fictional The Queen's Gambit was lol), getting into the nitty gritty of how many players and from what countries actually played them. Most of the chess games in the fic are real—I read an absurd number of tournament recaps in old archived issues of Chess Life magazine. I also got some information about grandmasters' lives and careers from various articles in there, as well as other stories online.
Illya's career wasn't really patterned off of any one player, but Napoleon's is roughly based on that of Bobby Fischer (this is one of the big reasons why, every time I think about 'filing off the serial numbers' of this fic, I reject the idea—I fear it would be written off as 'what if Bobby Fischer was gay', even when there's nothing of Fischer's personality in this). And don't get me started on the research/planning I did for the World Chess Championship at the end; I had spreadsheets to figure out the points and how to make it work out like I wanted it to.
Since this was the early days of me planning fics, I didn't have a great sense of chapters, nor did I have a very detailed outline. I'll post it here, in fact (behind a cut for spoilers, just in case).
Before I drop the rest, if anyone who's not a TMFU fan ends up reading this far, here's my tiny plea: If you love my fics, give this one a chance. You don't need to know anything about the fandom, I promise; consider it an original novel lol. But I still think this is among my best works, and it deserves to be read more than it is.
Ok, the outline. This was it—the championship, the date, very brief note about what was happening, and who won the tournament (tournaments in parentheses happened offscreen). I do not now recall what the asterisks mean lmao.
(US National Championship & Zonal, New York 1965 – Napoleon)
Hastings International Chess Congress 1966 (Jan) – Meet for the first time (Illya, Ch)*
Mar del Plata, Argentina 1966 (March) – Begin off-book games (draw, Co)
(World Chess Championship, Moscow 1966 – Illya)
Piatigorsky Cup, Santa Monica 1966 (July) – Affair begins (1–1, Illya Ch)*
Chess Olympiad, Havana 1966 (Oct) – Discovery (Soviets)
Palma de Mallorca, Spain 1966 (Nov) – Napoleon absent (Illya loses)
US Championship, New York 1966 (Dec) – Illya shows up looking for Napoleon*
Monte Carlo Tournament, Monaco 1967 (March) – Napoleon returns (Napoleon, Co)
Canadian Centennial Grand Masters Chess Tournament, Winnipeg 1967 (Oct) – Illya misses (Napoleon)*
Sousse Interzonal, Tunisia 1967 (Nov) – Napoleon wins
(Hoogovens 1968; Monte Carlo 1968; Chess Olympiad, Lugano 1968; Palma 1968)
World Chess Championship, Reykjavík 1969 (June) – Illya v. Napoleon (Napoleon)*
San Juan International Tournament, Puerto Rico 1969 (Oct) – Defection
Some of the early ones really ballooned, like Mar del Plata and the Piatigorsky Cup, because I really needed to give their relationship space to develop. And I'm so glad I did, I love all those moments and conversations they have. Sometimes I feel like I'm rushing through fics more these days, and this one was one I just allowed to grow, which is part of what makes it so delightful.
Anyway if you ever have questions about this fic please feel free to ask, I will never not want to talk about it. I love it so so much. Thank you for asking!!
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oliversrarebooks · 9 months
More world building questions lol cause they're fun to ask (and in my experience, also fun to answer)
-What other magical creatures are in this world other than vampires, witches, and fae? Are they gonna show up later in the story? How do they interact with each other and with the human world? Is this a "magical creatures secretly run the world and don't tell humans because that would be inconvenient" type of story, or a "magical creatures have to hide in the shadows to avoid being wiped out" kind of story?
-How many vampires are there? How widespread are they? Are there vampire communities or do they all live among humans like Alexander?
-What other vampire powers do they have? Can they turn into bats, fly, etc?
-Is there vampire religion? Is it structured or informal? Is it common?
-How much of vampires are science and how much is magic?
-Assuming no shortage of blood, are vampires immortal? If a child was turned, would they be a child vampire forever?
-Can/do vampires have biological families (with children from after they're turned)?
As before, no pressure to answer these lmao
Yay more questions! I hope my worldbuilding isn't too half-baked. Obviously this story is mostly focused on a narrow slice of the supernatural world.
Apart from vampires, witches (and wizards), and faefolk, there are definitely also merfolk, werewolves, and various types of ghosts and spirits. I reserve the right to include whatever supernatural creatures float my boat at the moment. None of these apart from the vampires are going to play a huge role in this story, but I might keep it in mind for spinoffs / AUs.
I think I'd classify this as more of a "secret parallel society" situation. Certainly in the past the supernatural creatures have been in danger of being wiped out, and there have also been times when supernatural creatures have hidden among humans and risen to positions of power, but for the most part, vampires and the like concern themselves with their own business.
I'm not going to put an exact number on how many vampires there are because that's how writers get into trouble. It's not like anyone's conducting a vampire census, anyway, so the number in-universe is not known. The vampire population is very small compared to the human population -- perhaps around 0.3% or so.
Vampires exist all over the world. They nearly all live in cities, because the thick population makes it easier to feed and take thralls. While vampire communities may have existed at some point, it is very much not the norm. Vampires tend to be paranoid and suspicious of other vampires, especially if there's competition for blood involved, so they do much better spread out in areas that have an ample human population. Vampires also rely on human production for most kinds of luxury and leisure goods, which is another reason why they stay near population centers.
Vampire powers -- I'll make a separate post on this.
There is no vampire religion. Vampires generally renounce all religion, although some still practice the trappings of whatever religion they had while alive, such as holiday festivities. (For example, Alexander, who was Catholic when he was human, still has a bit of affection for Christmas festivities).
Science vs. magic - let's just go with magic. There are rules behind it, but the only way vampires could work as they're laid out in this series is by magic.
Vampires are effectively immortal, and remain at the age at which they're turned forever. They are largely immune to disease and heal all wounds quickly, except for those caused by silver weapons which take much longer.
A child who is turned would be a child vampire forever. Drinking from and especially siring children is extremely taboo.
Vampires cannot have children after they've been turned, on account of being technically dead.
Thanks for asking so many questions! It's fun to consider the answers.
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cchapsticck · 3 months
20 Fic Writer Questions
@dreamwatch tagged me and I have been so slammed at work but the show is open now and am able to look at my tags.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
On this account its been Stranger Things, Baldur's Gate 3 and Critical Role - because we're sticking to a Dungeons and Dragons adjacent theme completely not on purpose.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
UNTITLED RECORDING rcd ca. 1987-1988 ANACRUSIS ca. 1987 head line sunflower broke wait, runner
5. Do you respond to comments?
I sincerely try to! I get them pretty infrequently so I'm always so tripping over myself to say something in response and surely sound like a total dipshit when I do. I know there are a few in my inbox I haven't responded to yet because work has my free time in a vice grip at the moment.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh surely dog at the door - the ending was always intended to be vague and open to interpretation but I cannot imagine any good faith interpretation to the ending is like. good. Runner up is probably of or pertaining to the body, which only takes the runner up status because its an elaboration on canon events that are objectively harrowing, versus with dog where I have engineered speculative misery for the express purpose of being miserable.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
head line, I think, is my only published fic with an unambiguously optimistic ending. I think there's been hope and happiness in my other fics, but not without caveats or as of yet unaddressed emotional complication in the futures of those stories. idk does that even make sense?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not so far as I know but who knows, maybe there are corners of the internet talking mad shit what do I know?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I have said it before and I will say it again, I feel like one of my greatest failings as a writer is my inability to write smut without cringing myself inside out. I just don't think I'm any good at it. Smut lives in my heart though.
10. Do you write crossovers?
I suppose it depends on what one's definition of a crossover is? Like where's the line between an AU and a crossover? One time I wrote a DnD ST AU that includes no established WotC DnD NPCs but all of its world building, is that a crossover? Or does a crossover only constitute as a crossover as a matter of disparate series characters interacting? I have questions.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
lmao aint no on reading my business I cannot imagine anyone would be so moved to do so
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don't believe so, but I also haven't looked into it.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I've definitely worked on collaborative projects before, they all exist in various states of planning or semi-publication or DM hollering. I enjoy it, its like playing toys with your friends.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
It really depends what I'm in the mood for? Vibes wise lol? I have a handful of ships that I constantly rotate around in my brain like a rotisserie chicken that re-enter the hyperfocus zone on a semi regular schedule. Ask my about my forevergirl ships.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
lol could be any of them tbh
16. What are your writing strengths?
lmao lol even I'm so bad at self praise this is a nightmare. I like to think I have a deft hand with character voice, I like to think my writing feels generally grounded, lived in?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I really lack rigor, I think, when it comes to writing. I get discouraged by writers block very easily, I make it very easy for myself to walk away from a project. Which, I know isn't inherently a bad thing - some things just don't work out, or you don't have the time for that kind of commitment etc - but I often feel like there is a necessary momentum that I lose that just makes my creative endeavors just stagnate and I really struggle to manufacture that momentum for myself when it starts to diminish.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I think it depends, I think there are contexts where it's appropriate and contexts where its inappropriate. For me it boils down to like, one's ability to use the language authentically and grammatically, if the language being potentially inscrutable to the reader is part of the need of the use of another language - textually, does it feel authentic to the way multi-lingual speakers communicate, etc etc etc.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I think the first fic I wrote with the intent of public consumption was KHR? I think?
20. Favorite fic you've written?
Hm. This answer changes from time to time depending on how I'm feeling about my work in general, but I think right now sunflower broke is holding that top slot. It got me back into writing, it made me realize how much fun writing Eddie's character was for me, the themes that sort of preoccupy me about him floated to the surface there. Just a little scratch of the surface with that one.
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microraptorreactor · 5 months
Time for random SftBT lore tidbits
Because there's so many little lore notes that didn't get included. Below cut because long!
Kaine and Kai (from chapter 15) are good friends! They worked together during V1 and proto-V2's production.
The external feathers mentioned in V1's segment in chapter 21 are a whole deal. That don't get mentioned because the only V unit who has the temperament to keep them nice and is old enough to even get them is Mirage. They grow in once a Viscera unit looses the brown markings on their internal feathers. V2 would theoretically get some around the time it enters hell, but those would get damaged or pulled off fairly quickly thanks to, you know, hell (Which is also why V1 doesn't have any during the actual game). The other problem with the external feathers is that, like real birds, Viscera units will try pulling them out if board/stressed. V1 was the worst about this since it got board easily. Feather pulling probably would have also been a problem for V2 if it had lived long enough.
Caladrius still has pilot bots! Post-war they are really more of a tourist draw, and there's only four, but BA-31 (the group) is still totally a thing. Mostly they are either used for airshows or to stand around historical societies.
On the theme of BA-31, British Pilots are one of the most common repurposed bots! But only if you're in Britain. The BA series is pretty well-liked and was a common robot to be assigned to. Which is exactly why assistant bots were based off them, lol.
Julyen Ryker and Baeri/Sleet both have British accents. Nayea has a Russian accent. Saavi and Elber are both Finnish, and Kaine and Kai are American. (Kaine has a Chicago accent, specifically. Kai has a generic Southern accent.)
Not every Earthmover agreed to Hell's request. Solar-powered Earthmovers were excluded from it, and some more strong willed blood fueled Earthmovers also refused. New Requiem and Midnight Point are not some of those Earthmovers though. Neo Eclipse was, though.
Nayea has a whole-ass backstory that was never mentioned. Mostly because halfway through writing I realized that giving any more screentime to one of the characters with an incredibly horrific (although offscreen) death was maybe a little cruel. Long story short, she was not born on New Requiem, but was brought there as a freshly-orphaned small child.
Back to Nayea's death, she's super dead lol. All the Earthmover handlers are various flavors of starved if they got trapped inside the earthmover, or mauled if they managed to get out of it. Nayea was mauled a couple days into the revolution after she wiggled out an air vent and tried to get help.
Just realized I should write out Mirage's full deal here instead of referencing the lore from the AO3 comments. Mirage IS a real person in this au, and she is Proto-V2, specifically. After Proto-V2 was killed by V1, a wad of its processors were set aside for further study. That wad of processors contained her Kernel, some (incomplete) memory banks, and a simulation processor. In Kernel mode, Mirage slowly built her own reality based off what she had been told the outside world was like (mostly through TV shows the engineers showed her). That's how S-2 exists in this world, lol.
Koda has albinism. It's not really mentioned because V2 doesn't care about appearances, but she looks mildly demonic with red eyes, pronounced eye bags, and white hair. The irony lmao.
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quills-of-freedom · 1 year
Eren Yeager relationship
Aesthetic, vibes & various
Tumblr media
Right from the get go, I’m just gonna say this; Eren is extremely misunderstood.
Yeah he’s an asshole. Yeah he may be a genocidal, suicidal maniac. But he would never and I repeat, never treat his s/o like shit as often conveyed.
Still a hot ass trope though
Eren loves and cares for his friends with his entire being. Willing to sacrifice literally everything for them. I’m not saying it’s right or justified - but it’s how it is.
Eren in his later years is quiet, brooding and always up in his own head. The only person in this world who could bring back even a spark of that blazing determination behind his eyes, would be you.
Ideal dates
Eren’s ideal date is anything quiet and away from people. He’s pretty introverted post time skip and doesn’t like to be around too many people.
Loves to lavish you with affection in his own little ways while you’re tucked up away from the world.
Stargazing. It’s his favourite thing, lying there with you in a comfortable silence, now and again sharing a deep thought or idea while lacing his fingers within yours or drawing circles on your palm.
If you’re attentive enough; lie on his chest and you’ll hear his heart rate picking up promptly.
Likes to feed you. He adores taking care of you, even if the way he does it somehow seems distant and even huffy.
Very protective of you. Both territorially and for your safety. Will ward off any unwanted attention without a second thought.
Modern AU
Not denying the fact that in a modern AU, there’s a pretty high chance of him being a total fuck boy / pussy hound.
Gamer. Possibly a streamer. Always has music playing through headphones.
Loves ordering weird coffees with the fancy names. The longest to pronounce, the better.
Is a travel guru.
Fingers girls in bathrooms at parties.
Will humble brag about it to his friends too.
But once someone catches his heart it’s a total game changer. That’s where you come in.
Will be pretty fucking confused at first. Love? What the hell is that?
But it wouldn’t take him too long to come around.
Once he does he’s constantly talking about you, buying you things - he’s not used to these feelings and the only way he knows to show that you’re special is to spoil you.
After a while and you’ve both been steady for some time, he’ll see the errors in his last ways and begin to feel guilty before he grows.
Is your pussy okay? Lmao.
Seriously though… Are you okay?
Eren is a beast in bed. Post time skip he’s brimming with confidence. Or maybe he just doesn’t care.
Possibly has memories of people having sex and picked up some stuff from them. God not his dad though. He blocks that out.
Eren is pure filth in bed. Spitting, light choking, hair pulling, spanking… You name it.
He can be tender though. If you ask it of him, letting him know you’re feeling soft today, he’ll respond well to that.
Will fuck you anywhere and everywhere. Walls, public places, the sofa, his car (modern au)
He’d even be down for eating you out in Titan form. (Hold on a minute while I readjust myself…)
Is competitive with himself. Oh he made you cum three times the other night? Well, tonight it’ll be four.
Loves to finger you. Just something about having you in the palm of his hand really gets him going. Not to mention he gets to taste you after.
Ride his face and he’ll be on his knees for you. Pull his hair? God the moan he’ll make is just… 👌
“Look at that pretty pussy stretching for me…”
“I love ruining you with my cum.”
“Good girl. That’s it…”
“mmm baby, fuck.”
“You fuck me so good”
“Ride me. There’s a good girl.”
“Lemme hear that pretty voice moan for me…”
“Does that feel good? Huh? Does my cock make you go crazy?!”
“Your cunt is so greedy… It’s trying to swallow me.”
“God you feel.so good…”
Are things you’ll usually hear during intimate times.
The risk of getting caught. He likes having risky sex in semi public locations. Makes a game of how loud he can get you to moan, knowing someone would probably hear you.
Light Degradation. When he’s in a rough mood, he doesn’t mind calling you a few names. Nothing too extreme. And if it’s not your thing, he’ll respect that boundary.
Loves a good ol’ 69. Having you on his face with your ass in view is just… *Chef’s kiss*
Speaking of ass, he loves to bend you over too, allowing himself in nice and deep with a great view and something Juicy to grab.
Afterxare with Eren isn’t anything special unfortunately. He’s another who gets sleepy after sex.
Won’t ignore you though. Often lazy pillow talk is on the cards and telling you how much you mean to him and how beautiful you are.
Will run his fingers across your scalp to soothe you.
Also will kiss any bite marks or finger bruises he’s left behind and ask if you’re okay.
Dates 10/10
Thoughtfulness 5/10
Affection 6/10
Sex 10/10
Aftercare 8/10
TLDR; He’s an ass but nowhere near as bad as he’s usually made out to be. Still would make a pretty good boyfriend.
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