#but i have so many unfinished gen one
wszczebrzyszynie · 1 year
Anymore space mining au stuff ?
Space mining occupies my brain so there is a lot of concepts but most of it is unfinished. Will probably post a lot of art related to it in the week. All i have to offer for now is an unfinished goal/relationship chart? Not sure how to call it but it exists. Doesnt include all characters and information... so all the additional things are below! Under the read more thing
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Grian, Jimmy and Pearl are all from earth and were raised together. Pearl and Grian have a rival-like relationship but in a friendly, more sibling like way. Their main point of rivarly is their bounties... theyre both happy with their lifestyles now even if they were forced into crime by their less than ideal situation on their home planet. Grian used to be a small theif with a passion for explosives before he and Scar joined forces. In true post space colonial story fashion earth is a destroyed hellhole. Jimmy is the only one out of the three that managed to not go into crime; instead he led a pretty uneventful life. he became a space miner somewhere in the solar system. Married scott (who lives and works on a space station) somewhere down the line. All went well until he accidentialy discovered the presence of sculk, shutting the mine down. It would be okay if the same exact situation didnt happen again... and again. After divorce he went through a late 20s middle age crisis and started a ranch on a planet no one really heard about. Pearl and Grian both visit him from time to time
Scar used to be a bounty hunter. Not an independent one like etho is; instead scar was assigned the jobs he had to do by higher ups... More like a cop. It was a generally miserable experience for many reasons, so he left for crime quite easily. Him leaving also fixed his relationship with Cub a significant amount; the two are really close as theyre both next generation vex (which is an illegal genetic modification; next gen means they were not modified themselves, but they parents were. Their existence is therefore not illegal but undesirable and it was something scar had to deal with while being a bounty hunter a lot) and therefore treat each other like family a bit.
Joel and lizzie are married and space pirates. Both of them want to be treated more seriously, but Joel especially needs to be noticed by etho. Lizzie just accepted that.
Cleo and bdubs used to work together for a stupid amount of time; mostly doing all kinds of jobs no one wanted to do. Everything went well until bdubs got caught by etho and went to actual prison for a while. The prison itself wasnt what changed him; he became absolutely fascinsted with etho instead, leaving his old life behind and becoming a bounty hunter. Cleo obviously holds a grudge... so much so that despite focusing more on sculpting she still finds time to mess with Bdubs plans every now and then
And Etho is mostly focused on finally catching Pearl and hiding the fact that hes an animal modification (done against his will). Kitty ...
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soft5ku11 · 1 year
Soft5ku11 D15c0rd Server (+ Masterpost)
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Disclaimer: No extreme sizes, vore, scat & piss (etc), mpreg or kink content depicting minors is allowed. 18+ ONLY.
Wix sucks. I'm looking to find an alternative that I don't have to pay for but for now, use the archive feature on my blog! I'll try to post NSFW art on Bluesky if it can't go on my blog here.
{you are here right now! good job!}
Slowly becoming my secondary place for sharing my art online. It might not have as many features as Twitter currently does, but at least you can see people's likes. It'll surpass Twitter eventually, trust me - the beta is also no longer closed so you don't need an invite link to sign up!
I don't post on PF because there's nobody there ._. Just in case of posers though, I have an account.
I only have one fic as of July 2023, but I might post more in the future.
twitter. (tomato tomato)
All I do on twitter is complain and retweet things. Follow me there if u want that I guess... (Just make a Bluesky account its not owned and flooded by idiots.)
I may not do everything left in the suggestion box, but I will see it. The more detail, the better!
This post will update if/when I have new socials or links to other sites to share.
#my art - Original art made by me
#soft5ku11 speaking - Off-topic stuff, you can filter this if you're only here for the art
#soft5ku11 asks - Any inbox asks I reply to
#soft5ku11 headcanons Headcanons posts, usually alongside the asks tag
#soft5ku11 gamedev - Posts about the development of my still-unnamed game concept
#soft5ku11 WIP - Screenshots of unfinished artwork
#soft5ku11 commissions - Commission posts, artworks, and updates
Character tags will be abbreviated to three characters, eg my Guzma tag is "#gzm tag".
(Feel free to filter these tags if and as you see fit)
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whimsicalpoet44 · 2 years
Astro Observations # 4
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🌟 Every Sagittarius I've ever met was very good at sports regarding the legs. Particularly soccer, skating, and running. For some reason, they also tend to be strong swimmers.
🌟 People with major Aries and Libra placements together tend to be a walking contradiction. They can simultaneously become enraged while also keeping a leash on their anger at the same time. They're also easily excitable. I love them.
🌟 Chiron in Virgo individuals often are forced to confront their biggest wounds or their health will suffer.
🌟 Gemini stelliums will often hyper-fixate on certain people, but do a terrible job expressing how much those people mean to them. Some will feel loved and others will feel discarded, leading to an abundance of confusion to the stellium individual. It's because they struggle with affection and communicating their intentions with the people around them.
🌟 Uranus in the 1st house | Aquarius risings | 11th House Suns will often manage many of the same struggles throughout their lives. They will be forced to break the societal norm and make their own way in life. It's likely an extremely painful, but transformative experience.
🌟 Capricorn Venus individuals love to express their love through gifts, but not in the way you think. Many interpret that showing love through gifts is because the person doesn't know how to express their emotions adequately. Cap Venus individuals do it because they genuinely care about the person and like to take a practical approach to affection. They want to care for their needs + give them the things they won't buy for themselves. It's a genuine act of love.
🌟 Pisces | 12th House placements can see how everyone affects the world. They understand their impact. They know how much one sentence can genuinely change a person's life and throw them on a completely different trajectory. (i.e. a cashier talking to someone about dinosaurs could peak a child's interest. That child then goes home, googles dinosaurs and becomes obsessed. They later become a paleontologist. That never would've happened if they hadn't heard the cashier say what they said).
☀️ Having your South Node in someone's 12th House indicates unfinished business from a past life. Deep and intricate life changes occur here. Often times, it can end badly, but the person learns what they need to in order to advance forward in life. If the 12th house individual is receptive to the south node individual, they can end up life long friends or have a fondness for each other.
🌟 If your romantic relationship isn't working out with someone, but you have 11th house synastry, it could indicate you're both better friends. If both parties are open to attempting a friendship, it could be a lifelong connection for both of you.
🌟 The reason so many millennials/gen z have issues with relationships is because a lot of them have their Chiron in Libra. This indicates wounds pertaining to relationships. (hence, the toxic dating culture we see among these individuals)
🌟 Individuals with a lot of Scorpio placements tend to struggle with being vulnerable. It often puts them in position where they MUST make a choice - will they embody the magnificence of Scorpio or will they embody every toxic stereotype we know about Scorpio. (obviously, not everyone with Scorpio placements experience this, but the ones with heavy heavy placements)
🌟 North Node in Leo in the 1st House individuals often gain fame just for being who they are.
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viridian-house · 2 months
Do you have any favorite naruto fics you’d recommend? Any pairing, complete or not, on-hiatus, gen, oneshots, anything is fine lol
I was legitimately just pruning my bookmarks the other day!! thank you so much for asking.
I don't read too much fanfic these days, and I'm picky when I do--only about grammar/punctuation and immersion though. I ship a LOT of stuff (I guess The Youth would call me a proshipper) and although I never read darkfic, I don't shy away from weirder kinks and unhealthy relationship stuff.
categorizing by pairing, if applicable. some of them are smutty, and please note that the first 3 come from FFN which doesn't have a tagging system, but there is some SA CW I'll give in advance.
KAKASAKU | my first OTP! formative fics that totally reshaped my understanding of what fanfiction could be, and how well-written chemistry can make it or break it
HOUSE OF CROWS is the quintessential kakasaku fanfic. it was written during shippuden and so is canon divergent because of that, but also tells a comprehensive story of its own right that is intriguing and well planned. excellent characterization and world building. leaves me gutted in the best way on my yearly reread.
DUTY BEFORE HONOR is another silvershine classic. I don't reread is as often as House of Crows but they are just about equal in quality. again, the chemistry between them is off the charts, and the world feels so alive.
WILL OF FIRE for me is up there with House of Crows in being essential kakasaku reading. cynchick is a multisaku champion and a wonderful storyteller. the stakes in this one are stressful, the romance tense and believable, and we once again get lovely world building and great chemistry.
ITAKISA | a pairing near and dear to me, because men who do everything wrong are so deeply relatable. they both know they don't deserve anything good ever again but they found each other!!!! ARE YOU GUYS SEEING THIS--
A SHARK HIDDEN INN THE LEAVES doesn't have my favorite version of Kisame, but he's plenty close enough. it's a lengthy oneshot that got me into certain *ahem* kinks. it is a very fun and wild fic that is entirely self-aware of how absurd it's being, and manages to have nothing but sincerity at the same time (and I highly recommend the author's other stories as well)
AN ORCHESTRA PLAYING ON, INSANE is a modern AU (extremely rare in my bookmarks) that absolutely tore my heart out. god is it SO much to ask for these losers to be happy?! yes, it is, and I love every moment of it
MADAMITO | a rarepair I am SUCH a sucker for that has some of the most talented authors writing for it. lots of them have ot3 elements between them and hashirama, often angsty, but stuff like that is part of the appeal for me, lol
A HANDFUL OF SKY is an unfinished fic that I genuinely think about like once a week. if it ever updates then I will be over the moon. technically hashimadamito but it hadn't quite gotten there yet
LIKE ALTARS is just such a beautiful piece of writing, mostly on madara. it is everything, that is all
BLOOD AND RIVER WATER is more mito-centric but has one of my favorite madaras of all time
YOURS ARE RATTLED BONES is another short, mito-centric but gut-wrenching piece featuring the opposite type of madara from the last one
OTHER | character-centric stuff that isn't necessarily shippy but also doesn't have a very "gen" vibe either?
A SERPENT IN THE RICE is a little series about orochimaru that makes me feel so so so many things. highly recommended
HERETIC is such a love letter to kushina, and kurama too. cannot stress enough how much I adore this one
there's a few others that I probably won't link on tumblr, mostly unhealthy and/or "problematic" smut hhfhdj but maybe I'll make a public rec list on ao3 for these different categories and stuff like that.
but yeah that's pretty much it!!! I know it's not a huge list with a lot of variety but it's what I've enjoyed over the last 15+ years in the naruto fandom.
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spoofymcgee · 3 months
BNHA Fic Rec List
finally getting around to putting one of these together because i'm in another bnha phase and tearing through all my bookmarks.
Painappuru by Icka M Chif
3k, Erasermic, Fluff and Humor
this fic comes with an excellent podfic by sisi_rambles
The first time Shōta wakes up with a hangover, he finds himself in bed, with Hizashi wrapped around him, and a pineapple.
This becomes something of a habit.
Not all secondary quirks are battle applicable. Or easy to explain.
Rec: this is an incredibly cracky erasermic fic where aizawa has a secondary quirk that lets him summon present mic and also a variable number of pineapples by getting drunk and falling asleep. one of my all-time favorites, and i especially love the secondary quirk bit because that's one of my favorite tropes.
Impressionable by Thealmostrhetoricalquestion
5.3k, Gen, Aizawa Shouta & Yamada Hizashi & Iida Tensei
really anything Thealmostrhetoricalquestion writes is just overall excellent, so if you're looking for an incredible writer with a wide variety go check them out.
Aizawa spits out a mouthful of hair and says, “Give me coffee, and fuck off.”
There’s a tiny gasp from the doorway. Tensei is fast as a whip when he turns and stares, wide-eyed, at the very small figure of his younger brother outlined by the hallway light. He’s got pyjamas on, fancy silk things, and he’s holding, of all things, a clipboard. Aizawa squints. He’s pretty sure the kid isn’t even ten yet, although he can’t be sure, because the Iida’s seem naturally gangly, and he’s never been very good with kids. How do you measure them? They don't seem to come with a scale.
“You shouldn’t be saying words like that,” Iida says very sternly. “I’m impressionable.”
Rec: this has so many crunchy character dynamics and i love it so much. this is one of my favorite gen pairings and i always love the premise of iida having known aizawa through his brother before ua.
"Average Person Gets Kidnapped 3 Times A Year" Factoid Actually Just Statistical Error by ohshiddlesticks
4.6k, Bakugou & Midoriya
another author whose fics are all on my metaphorical bookshelf. excellent writing and a hilarious premise.
"Midoriya Izuku just sort of assumed that everyone else got kidnapped at least once a year, and his once-or-twice-a-month ordeals were just a little bit more than normal."
Bakugou gets kidnapped, and Izuku is surprised that nobody else knows what to do. It's a normal childhood occurrence, right?
Rec: the crunchiest dynamic between bakugou and midoriya. i live for them being absolutely wild together and this fic delivers.
i have been in love with love (and the idea of something binding us together) by Drhair76
6.3k, Gen, Midoriya & Class 1-A
there will also be a gen category on this list because i'm a slut for good gen fics, but this is just cracky enough i'm putting it here.
"So we're gonna just not acknowledge the fact that you yanked Todoroki from the other side of the couch with only a thought?" Shinsou asks, eyebrow raising.
"Shinsou," Todoroki says, cutting Midoriya off, "we're sleeping. Go find your own Midoriya to bother."
or, Midoriya develops a latent quirk that pulls people he has an mutual affection for towards him with just a thought. Class 1A thinks it's cute. Midoriya does not.
Rec: absolutely delightful character dynamics, a tiny bit of heartwrenching angst and a lovely happy ending. i might have to draw the scene of all might being yanked across the cafeteria to hold midoriya.
It's Not Gay If It's The Homies by palant1r
23k, mostly gen, all different dynamics in Class 1-A and 1-B
one of the funniest things i've ever read. technically unfinished but each character mostly stands by itself so not really.
When Hizashi tells Midoriya that "kissing the homies goodnight" is an American tradition, Shota figures it's nothing more than an unfunny joke, and the whole thing will end there.
It doesn't. Because Midoriya has a lot of homies, and he wants them all to feel loved.
Rec: the premise of this is incredible and all the dynamics are just delightful. has iida/bakugou which is one of my favorite rarepairs, but most of the focus of the fic is platonic relationships. so many fun headcanons, too.
top koalaty romance by curovogel
5k (with a 3k sequel), Bakugou/Todoroki, Animal Transformation
if you read one thing on this list make it this.
Bakugou wakes up to find his husband is different. Japan watches.
The koala smacks its lips together loudly and impatiently claps its paws together.
dance to be seen by IHaveNothingToDo
Yup, Katsuki thinks as he rolls his eyes, it’s Todoroki alright.
Rec: this is maybe actually the funniest thing i've read in my whole life. the dynamic between bakugou and todoroki is perfectly written as is bakugou's character and i just love all of it.
dance to be seen by IHaveNothingToDo
1.7k, Hagakure-centric
this fic is one of the most beautiful things i've ever read.
Hagakure Toru is invisible. She is invisible in among the bright minds of her class and she is invisible now.
She will be invisible later
Now, she is awake, staring at the ceiling of her bedroom. She has a chem lab in the morning, a gymnastics meet in the afternoon, and two quizzes in between. Most of the girls on her floor have already gone to bed. Most of the girls on her floor have taken someone to bed
Toru swipes at her tears and sits up.
She stands up, stretching the ache of loneliness out of her muscles, and reaches into her closet. She moves by texture, letting her hands decide what should go with what. It’s comfortable here in the dark, no one can see her and no one can see anyone else.
Her hands find the slick surface of what she knows to be a holographic skirt. She grips it, debating. It’s a skirt for dancing, for heavy music and for dark rooms.
She pulls it out.
Rec: i don't actually have words for how much i love this fic. hagakure is such an underrated character and this author writes her so well. the fic itself is like poetry, or being in a crush of people you love, or like the stitch in your side when you're with a friend and you can't stop laughing.
problem child, golden boy by laurenshappenstobemyhusbad
4.6k, Aizawa & Bakugou, Class 1-A As Family
read. this. please for the love of god, i promise it is so good. also go read everything else by this author.
"Katsuki, have you taken your meds today? You know you have to take them with breakfast, go do that."
"Katsuki, I know you haven't been doing your sign language practice. Stop groveling, I'll have Present Mic help you with it."
"Katsuki, it's three in the morning, go to sleep. There's cinnamon tea in the kettle, take some for yourself, then go to bed."
The response was always the same: a grunt, a muttered expletive, and then compliance. The compliance part was what made class 1-A lose their shit every time.
OR: It was common knowledge in the UA dorms that Bakugou Katsuki answered to only one human, and his name was Aizawa Shouta.
Rec: the CRUNCHIEST character dynamic between bakugou and aizawa. the entire class is baffled by it and it's so funny and so sweet. also full of a bunch of delightful headcanons.
Katsuki and Izuku's Excellent Adventure(s) by pepperfield
13k (with two sequels that are 40k together), Bakugou & Midoriya, Post-Canon
i honestly think this is my new favorite. i read the whole series in a day last week and i can't stop thinking about it.
“Karaoke, Kacchan.” Deku slams his palms on the table, fire in his eyes. “I need a rematch.”
“Abso-fucking-lutely not.”
With his boyfriend out of town and the crime rate up, Bakugou hasn't been having a great week. Deku does his best to make things worse.
(Friendship sure is beautiful.)
Rec: i've said it before and i'll say it again but if nothing else read this for the dynamic between bakugou and midoriya because it's just so, so good. this author has such an incredible take on them, and draws the rest of class 1-a into it in the most fun way.
imprint by wonhaebunny
4.9k, bakugou & eri, bakugou & midoriya
i'm limiting myself to one fic by each author otherwise this fic would be 90% wonhaebunny's fics. go check the rest out, please.
Katsuki handles Eri with far more ease than an only child has any business possessing. Shouta observes.
Or: Bakugou Katsuki may not have grown up with any younger siblings, but he did grow up with a Deku. It amounts to about the same.
Rec: the premise of this is so delightful, and the way bakugou handles eri is so funny and sweet. i don't have much to say because the fic speaks for itself.
Sunlit Snowflakes by thatgirl_youknowtheone
6.9k, Dabi & Todoroki Rei, Character-centric
part of a currently updating series, some of the most interesting (and fucking delightful) takes on their characters i've ever seen.
Dabi pulled out the old wilted rindous and laid them down beside the vase before carefully passing the fresh flowers from one hand to the other, shifting his grip on the windowsill, leaving his body vulnerable to the unforgiving laws of gravity for a brief moment.
He tucked the flowers into the vase and gave the still figure on the bed one last glance before getting ready to shimmy back across the ledge.
He had just shuffled away from the window when fingers as cold as his own suddenly wrapped around his wrist. He spun his head so fast he nearly lost his balance, but the grip on his wrist kept him steady against the wall.
Steely grey eyes latched onto his as Rei Todoroki leaned halfway out the window, holding onto him tight.
Rec: this is a little. idk if darker is the right word? than most fics on this list, for reasons that are central to the way the characters are written and also make it so, so good. both of them are unhinged for excellent reasons and i can't wait to see where the series goes.
butterfly skies by ashenice
5.8k (part one of a 34k series), Hawks & Midoriya, Humor
ashenice is also one of my favorite authors, and this series in particular is just so, so good.
"Are you sure you're quirkless?" Keigo asked bluntly.
"Yes? I mean why?" Green Hair's eyes went wide. "Do you think I have a quirk?"
"Yes." Keigo said dryly. "Either extreme luck or extremely shitty luck. I haven't decided which of the two it is yet."
(Keigo meets a very interesting kid who can't seem to stop getting in trouble.)
Rec: this fic has such a perfect dynamic between midoriya and hawks, and an absolutely delightful and sneaky take on midoriya's character in particular.
Toolbelt by LadyLiterature
4.3k, Midoriya & Snipe, Quirkless Midoriya
ooooooo this fic is just so good, please read it.
The first thing Snipe tells him, once he commits to taking the bean sprout under his wing, is the truth about his quirk, True Target. Specifically, he tells the kid it’s fake and that he doesn’t and never had a quirk to begin with.
The first thing Snipe tells him, is that he’s just like him.
Rec: i'm not the biggest fan of this trope but i love the way it examines it without throwing any other characters under the bus. the little details and pieces are also so delightful.
Bunny Kick Your Teeth Out by Oceanbreeze7
9.1k, Bakugou & Miruko, Internship Fic
i actually cannot describe how good this is. has a fun 16k sequel post-canon which is just as stupidly gold.
“Oi, Deku!” Bakugou shouted, eyes meeting startled green. “How often do fucking heroes contact students for internships?”
Deku looked startled, floundering a tad under the attention. “I- uh- never?”
“Huh,” Bakugou said, reading over the letter again.
“What?” Kirishima gaped. “Did a hero mail you a letter?”
Bakugou rolled his eyes. “Fuck no. I think that bitch Miruko-whatever sent me a fucking death threat and her number.”
Rec: this fic has everything. ass-kicking, miruko being the most badass hero every, fucking delightful character dynamics, and anything else you could dream of.
backbone by kuragay
6.2k, Midoriya & Aizawa, Hurt/Comfort, Character-centric
actually indescribable. so good, hurts in the best way, very cathartic.
Izuku wakes up in the hospital, the ceiling so familiar that it’s almost comforting, but when he turns to the side, it’s to Aizawa’s disappointed face, and the momentary comfort is quickly stripped away.
“You can’t keep doing this,” his former teacher says, his eyes tired and his long, dark hair limp. “Please.”
It’s the ‘please’ that does it, Izuku thinks.
Izuku grows his hair out, grows his self-worth out, and learns to rely on others.
Rec: i don't have the words. this fic made me cry, the details like his hair and his dynamic with bakugou had me putting it down to take deep breaths, and it changed my brain chemistry a little bit.
you've made me a home by periapsis
3.3k, Slice of Life, Post-Canon, Character-centric
i spent three hours hunting this fic down so i could reread it and it's just as good as i remembered.
After graduation, Shōto tentatively helps his mother move into a new house but finds his way home all the same (ft. Midoriya Izuku and Midoriya Inko).
Rec: i swear, this is the most beautiful fic i've ever read. the imagery is so evocative, the character dynamics made me want to cry, and the way it talks about todoroki is just. i don't even have words for it.
could i but teach the hundredth part by terra_incognita
5.1k, All Might & Class 1-A, Post-Canon
i need to give this a reread. it's so delightful.
Ito Matsu knows three things about her neighbor, Mr. Yagi: he's very skinny, he's very kind, and he has enough children to overthrow the Japanese government.
All Might is retired, but his former students keep coming up with reasons to visit.
Rec: it's not fresh in my memory but i loved this fic so much the first time i read it. the writing is so lovely and the way all might is written makes me so happy.
journey to the past by aloneintherain
44.8k, Midoriya & Class 1-A, Time Travel
no clue how i made it this far on the list without a fic by aloneintherain. hands down one of the best bnha authors.
Izuku is five years old the first time he's saved by heroes. He's an instant fan of the woman in pink with her cheerful smile and the man with his ice powers and fine-boned features, even if they both refuse to tell him their names.
For most of his life, Izuku has been the centre of villain attacks, but he has never been injured. Every time, he's saved by bright, unknown heroes—heroes who smile at Izuku, and ruffle his hair or ply him with hugs, and seem mesmerised by how small he is.
Heroes that the rest of the world doesn't believe exists.
(Time-travelling Class 1-A AU)
Rec: it's been a hot minute since i read it but the dynamic between midoriya and all of his classmates is so excellently written, and the premise is just delightful.
Once More unto the Breach by nivo
5.4k (with a 1.2k sequel), Bakugou-centric, Permanent Injury
oh the characterization in this is so, so good.
When life gives you lemons, remind it that you have nitroglycerin. Poor fucker never stood a chance.
Rec: i love the way bakugou's internal monologue and interpretation is written in this and all the different relationships he has with the different characters, especially uraraka.
the ground my feet won't reach by wonhaebunny
3.3k, Bakugou/Iida
breaking my rule here because this fic is so fucking good and everyone needs to read it
Iida’s frozen in action, arms suspended comically in the air in the middle of one of his characteristic chopping motions. His eyes are wide, laser-focused on the glasses in Katsuki’s hands, and he’s turned a peculiar shade of red.
“Dude,” Kirishima says, concerned. “I think you broke him.”
Rec: i love literally everything about this fic. it lives rent free in my brain 24/7. the descriptions of iida, the relationship between bakugou and his dad, everything. god. read this, please.
wanna put my tender heart in a blender by lexlex
15.7k, Bakugou/Todoroki, Future Fic
i am THE head advocate for very long oneshots and this is one of the best ones i've ever read.
Todoroki won’t eat anything peach flavored and likes his water exactly room temperature. He won’t let Katsuki make their tea because “he does it wrong” even though he does it absolutely right. He once made Katsuki listen to voice recordings of one of his cats meowing at different times of the day to “see if she sounded more melancholy earlier in the morning.” For being like, kind of jacked, his hips and shoulders and elbows are bony as fuck. He, as a rule, has to sleep on the right side of the bed or he can’t sleep at all. Katsuki fucking hates him.
And now previously empty corners of his brain are filled with all of this dumb shit about stupid Todoroki and he has to cart it around all the fuckin’ time.
Rec: this fic has everything. the dynamic between bakugou and midoriya is so fucking funny, all the headcanons are delightful, and overall everything about it is just the best.
when the sea rises to meet us by aloera
8.7k, Hagakure/Mina, Mermaid AU
look when i say that this fic is goals and also the actual sweetest thing i've ever read i am not kidding.
Tooru was right. Mina fits in her arms just right, snug like a hermit crab in its perfect shell.
Safe here, Tooru’s mind says, something proud rising in her chest. Safer than the ship. Safer than the rest of the sea. Safest here. Safest with me.
“I’m going to get you to land,” Tooru promises.
Mina is looking at her, eyes glassy and unfocused. “Beautiful,” she breathes. Her eyelids flutter shut.
Pointy-toothed, glowy-eyed, terrifying-looking mermaid Tooru rescues sailor Mina and wrestles with the idea that this romance can't be anything but temporary.
Rec: we all know that aloera is one of the best bnha authors ever (and if you don't go discover that rn, you're welcome) and this fic in particular is one of my favorites because. well. lesbian mermaid au. need i say more. but i will, because the characterization is impeccable and i would kill for the worldbuilding.
wish our secrets farewell by mallsthemyth
1k, Asui/Uraraka, Before The Final Battle
god. GOD. i don't even have words.
She wants to take Ochako on a date. She wants to spend time with her. Tsu wants.
Rec: this fic is maybe the most heartbreaking, hopeful thing i've ever read. it's a gut punch of emotion and so fucking sweet and it's part of a whole series i need to read but the first one just knocked my lights out and i haven't yet.
i was busy thinking 'bout... by crossroadswrite
3.4k, Midoriya/Several People, Bi Disaster Midoriya
i don't know if this technically counts as romance but midoriya is just me to a t in this fic so i had to put it.
He wonders at times if this is divine retribution for something he did. Is it punishment? Is he being punished with pretty boys who can snap him in half? Is that it? Or is this a reward perhaps? Can you call being tormented by handsome boys a reward? Probably.
(or: local bi boy too gay for this, more at eleven.)
Rec: this is just midoriya being a bi disaster about everyone and appreciating how pretty and smart and capable and strong all of his friends and classmates are, and i love it so much.
Peachy Keen by Thealmostrhetoricalquestion
3.4k, Bakugou/Midoriya, Post-Canon, Slice of Life
breaking my own rule again to yell about how good this fic is.
Rec: i'm a sucker for a well-written dynamic between midoriya and bakugou and this has that and also everything else i could ever want.
In which there are not-so-secret plans, birthday hand-holding, and Katsuki reminisces over how quiet and peaceful things were when he wasn't dating a giant nerd.
It’s still early, even after the long drive, and some stalls are still setting up. Deku eventually forgives him for his earlier comment, and he brightens up as they traipse around the market, bobbing along like a cheerful green balloon. Usually Katsuki would have a plan in mind, a mental route already mapped out, but he’s strangely alright with browsing for the moment.
Until Deku opens his big mouth.
“Hypothetically, if I knew about something nice that was going to happen at some point in the very near future, would you want me to tell you or let it be a surprise?”
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alwaysakin · 5 months
Favourite MCU Fic Recs
I'm not nearly as much as an MCU expert as I am a Buffy expert, but here are my favorite MCU fics!
Gen Fics
All The Leaves Are Brown (And the sky is gray) by AvocadoLove - the Winter Soldier kills Howard and Maria Stark... And then raises their young son. This is absolutely incredible, and Bucky & Tony's father / son relationship is so bittersweet.
Minor Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Mentioned Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes.
built from scraps by robinbuckley - Tony Stark snaps. Peter Parker (and MJ!) does not. This fic is absolutely incredible! Pepper, Morgan & Peter's family relationship is amazing, and their grief over Tony, May, and all their friends is wonderful. MJ and Peter's romance, and his friendships with Harley Keener and Nat are great. Oh, and Tony turns out to be Peter's bio dad. READ THIS.
Minor MJ/Peter Parker, and Pepper Potts/Tony Stark.
Things I Almost Remember by IcedAquarius - probably the most interesting Tony is Peter's bio dad fic, purely because Tony doesn't know. More angsty than most fic I read - and be warned: it hasn't been updated in a while. Ned, MJ, and Helen Cho are standouts!
Minor Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, and future MJ/Peter Parker.
The Second Hand Unwinds by The Party Prince - Mobius gives Loki the chance to go anywhere. He visits his brother post Infinity War. A short one shot, and so sad and wonderful.
Love is Pain (Well, Darling, Let's Hurt Tonight) by OverlyObsessed223 - a crossover with the X-Men movies, where X-Men Peter and MCU Wanda can feel each other's pain. A bittersweet look at sibling relationships. Slightly more X-Men focused.
RECOIL by VulpeculaAnser - a season 1 rewrite of Agents of Shield, focusing heavily on Daisy and the trauma that would ensue if she got her powers earlier. Focuses on the found family relationship of the team. Tragically unfinished.
Cool Meta and Multimedia Fics
20 Celebrities Who Could Totally Be Daredevil by RosaLui - formatted like a buzzfeed article. Short, meta, and hilarious!
Steve Rogers at 100: Celebrating Captain America on Film by many - a hilarious historical archive of Captain America movies. Absolutely loved all the historical references. Minor Steve/Bucky.
Best Stucky Fics
What I'm Looking For by TessaBennet - a long, sprawling series of stories that rewrites all of the MCU with a Stucky focus. If you have to read one fanfic on this list, this is the one for you. It fixes canon in so many ways, and completely changed the ways I view many characters for the better (especially Natasha, Sam, and Wanda). The second fic, focusing on WW2, and the 6th (on the events up to/Civil War) are by far the best, but every fic in this series is incredible. Seriously. Read it.
Don't Ask by AnnaFugazzi -a WW2 Steve and Bucky have a secret relationship, and are found out. Realistic and HEARTBREAKING consequences ensue. Ends on a bittersweet note, and is amazing. Be warned - the sequels get much darker and deal with non/con. Personally, I stop reading here.
A Long Winter by dropdeaddream and WhatAreFears - A Stucky fic looking at what would happen if Steve didn't go into the ice, but Bucky was still the Winter Soldier. Steve and Peggy's relationship, and the Howlies, are written so well.
despite the threatening sky and shuddering earth (they remained) by praximeter - The Winter Soldier's mask doesn't come off - a slow burn that delves into the torture Bucky endured and the slow realization about who he is on Steve's part. Very dark.
Never Like This by RobinWood - another slowburn Winter Soldier identity reveal fic. This one in particular writes the whole avengers team so well, especially Tony and his reaction to his parents dying.
Time Travel and Other Fic-It Fics
the reactions of a dead man by agloeian - it's down to Loki to arrange things to stop Thanos. Some really funny bits, and a good look at the limits of what can be changed with time travel. The Loki & Strange relationship is great.
god loves everybody, don't remind me by napricot - Erik Killmonger gets stuck in a time loop. He learns the meaning of family along the way. The author writes Erik so well!
Bringing Him Home by sancuary_for_all - A post No-Way-Home fix it. Ned and MJ have gaps in their memory. Eventually, they piece things together. Really sweet Peter/MJ relationship.
If I Could Start Again by Taarko - at the end of Infinity War, Thor is sent back in time. The amount of lore in this fic is incredible! And the characterization of Thor, Loki, and Valkyrie is great! Very Asgard focused and goes deep into their history.
Relationships: Valkyrie/Loki, Betty Ross/Bruce Banner.
Fics With OCs (That Are Actually Good)
The Wyvern by emmamagnetised - Tony has a younger sister, who is in the car with their parents and is taken by Hydra. The trial of the Wyvern arc is wonderful and sold me on this. It's loooong, be warned. A Bucky Barnes/OC fic.
The Siren by emmamagnetised - a WW2 story about a spy for the Allies in Nazi Germany - who is a childhood friend of Steve and Bucky. Cute relationship between her and Steve.
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hingabee · 5 months
top 10 ds9 fan fics you've written, ranked?
oh boy... thats difficult but im gonna try 1) our painting ripens red (ff, kira/ziyal. kind of character analysis) 2) if you stay you can't go wrong (mm, mmf, martok/julian, sirella/martok/julian. first part of a trilogy, im counting the other two parts with this one) 3) I Can't Help Myself (Sugar Pie, Honey Bunch) (mm, garak/bashir. still unfinished food and self image focused fic) 4) as long as you are here and now (mm, garak/bashir. originally written in german and i actually prefer the german version to the english translation ha) 5) Dr. Bashir I Presume, Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying And Love the Fuck Form (mm, garak/bashir. collab with PunishedPyotr. crack treated seriously) 6) sledgehammer (mm, garak/hans jordt, garak/bashir. loosely based on beta canon stitch in time. baby garak backstory) 7) Red (gen, ezri&garak. postcanon speculation) 8) Hunger (gen, ziyal backstory on dozaria) 9) bad case of loving you (mm, unrequited alexander/julian. puppy love crush fic) 10) From Andor With Love (mm, garak/bashir. another PunishedPyotr collab. spy drama set in andorian space.) obv theres the ageswap series Does Your Mother Know too but thats a whole 500k word series so i have a hard time picking a favourite installment. its such a fun project tho so i dont want to not mention it i dont actually have that many standalone ds9 fics... i think once i finally finish my mirror ziyal fic (its like 75% done...) that one will probably become a personal favourite too :-3 thank you for the ask!
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elias-rights · 6 months
any fic recs? 🙏
A few! I'm not sure what you're looking for, so I put in a bit of everything. Most of them are fairly old because I haven't been keeping up with the fanfic scene.
-> Jonah-centric Gen Fics
all praise! he's found the awful truth! by foreverthyme — A character study of a young Jonah's development into an avatar. It is a must-read for me. 9K.
Identities of Silence by theatredelabsurde — An exploration of Jonah's character and his relationship with Jonathan Fanshawe as an existentialist tragedy set after his first bodyhop (with flashbacks). Read it for a fantastic grasp on his character and a really interesting take on the themes of the podcast. While you're at it check out everything else the author has written. 35K.
Cathexis by Alias — If you're interested in the topic of Jonah and free will, you need to read this. Short but juicy, and delightfully immersive by way of the (as the tags put it) Period-Appropriate Sentence Structure. 2K.
-> Jonelias
a heavenly madness by roundthedecay — I will never get tired of recommending this fic. It is a perfect, self-contained story about Jon falling in love with the historical Jonah, all under the guidance of Elias. 8K.
man without the eyes that gave us the moon by murph_y — Jon meets Elias in his dreams during the apocalypse. Featuring: Elias's excellent ability to make the other party in a conversation seem like they're the unreasonable one. One WORLD'S SHITTIEST BOSS mug. And not nearly as many laughs as the previous point would imply. 2K.
You can't outrun your Occupation, Jonah by blue_blue_electricblue — A short Jonah character study that features a sort of might-as-well pragmatism that I very rarely get to see in fics and that rings extremely true to his character. 2K.
looking back at the thing that looks back by axisasymptotic — Elias puts a cassette inside Jon by means of DIY surgery. Body horror and extremely in-character snippy back-and-forth. 2K.
A Little Game of Cat and Mouse by Paptato — A borderline-romcom setup: Jon travels back in time to kill a young Jonah before he can cause any trouble, but the Web seemingly has no intention of letting that happen. 75K, unfinished.
-> Miscellaneous Jonah Pairings
The unironic ironic elias/reader series by blue_blue_electricblue — It's a very self-indulgent read for me that features scenarios ranging between a hanahaki AU and Elias helping the reader schedule their day. Each work is standalone and usually around 2K.
-> Non-Jonah-centric
a poison that never stung by a-m — A Melanie-centric canon divergence AU where she becomes a full Slaughter avatar. It is very good at being less lenient than most of the fandom towards her without falling into character bashing—it feels fair to her, in both ways. Also features Jon as a scapegoat. 8K.
Let me know if you need something else to scratch the itch—I have my history to look through, and I've also been meaning to read some fics I marked for later, so I could probably pull together a list twice as long given a couple of free days.
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typosandtea · 24 days
Got tagged by @irradiatedpiratebooty (Thankyou!) to post some wips…. 😅
No pressure tags for: @sirmanmister @acorncoffeeformysweetheart @charliesvarietyhour @fuzzydreamin @bokatan :]
I’ve got so many abandoned sketches / concepts and very few wips that make it past that because usually by the time I’ve hashed out the sketch I’ve figured out if I like it and if i have the ability to pull off what I am picturing yet ahahah and the ones past sketch are often abandoned for ‘I cant figure out why I don’t like this’ rip
(I’ve also tacked a half written danse fic on the bottom!)
Some active wips✨ (Danse like its 2015, silly comic based on this post, sketch of Murphy and Nathan)
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Some I’ll hopefully come back too??????????? (Tacky mug, Danse and Frankie in Far harbor (based on Night Letter by @/watchyourdigits, I paused for falloutober and never picked up again sorry :/ ), Sweetbrew fallout 76)
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Proper abandoned rip (Danse as a dnd paladin (a request that I didn’t finish since the vibes are bad, sorry @/never-gonna-danse-again :/), and a silly comic based on this screenshot of mine)
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And some writing since I’m trying to figure out how to do that yay ⤵️
(Untitled, unfinished) Danse, 2nd person, Danse is kinda oblivious, ‘How does Danse deal with loving and being truly loved by a railroad sole, even after the events of rr fallout 4.. (poorly)’
Dawes, Worwick, Brach and now Keane. All good soldiers dead too soon, too young, under your command. With a heavy heart you know now that soon you'll watch as you lose Haylen and Rhys too, before succumbing yourself to the ever growing tide of ferals that has been ebbing closer over the course of the battle, it feels like an eternity has passed since you saw Keane fall to the abominations, time seemed to have broken, though you know that its only been half an hour at most. If you survive the onslaught you'll have to organise a proper memorial.. if..
Reload. Aim. Fire. Assess the situation, update tactics. Breathe. Reload. Aim. Fire. Godless heathens! Rhys is injured! Breathe. Reload. BREATHE. Aim. Fi- Fire rains down on the ferals from outside the compound. Reload. Update tactics with Haylen, while more gunfire and another molotov begins to part the irradiated sea of scum. Aim. You catch a glimpse of them. Fire. The remaining abominations are dealt with swiftly, and while thankful for the well timed assist you can't help but to be cautious of them after all of the opposition your team has faced in the commonwealth. You ask them about themselves and they ask about you in return, thinking back you never got a straight answer out of them but no time to think about that now. Leading the way, you fill the silence with a debrief of Gladius' disastrous mission here, after all they had seemed interested in the Brotherhood, even if the sunglasses clad man with them had frowned. Arcjet brings more surprises, in both the unwelcome form of gen 1 synths, and the strangers' apparent combat effectiveness and familiarity with facing them. Between both of your combat prowess, the dilapidated laboratory is soon devoid of any synthetic 'life'.
Choosing to debrief outside you stumble through attempting to compliment their outstanding combat abilities, for a civilian. You part ways after gifting them Righteous authority and an accepted invitation to join the brotherhood, much to the dismay of their companion it seems. On the walk back to the station you realise that you feel lighter than you have in months, if just a little bit crispier too.
Months pass and things have been going well for the soldier, their already good combat skills have been steadily improving, Maxon has promoted them already! They are turning into a model knight, albeit with some unorthodox choices sometimes, but you want them to succeed you know they can!
After a particularly gruelling day of clearing out yet another super mutant nest you mutually decide to camp out in a suitably defensible old house, "you're quite the soldier" you say for not the first time, casual conversation comes easily with them, easier than it has for you in years you realise with a pang. And so you tell them about Kreig and how you are pushing them the same way he pushed you, to grow into the potential you see in them, and then you apologise. For being like Kreig, pushing too hard without explanation or reward. The soldier is silent for a while, before replying, but you see a new glimmer in their eyes, of understanding. They take first watch, and you drift off to sleep easily for the first time in recent memory.
Much progress has been made in the brotherhood's hunt for the institute, with the both or you being assigned more missions near constantly it seems someone has noticed your effectiveness as a team. You've heard whispers of rumours and caught the occasional stares drifting around the prydwen, but you pay them no mind, speculative gossip has never been of any interest to you, especially not something so obviously false as those rumours, that would be inappropriate after all. Your thoughts drift to the soldier, and realise just how much they have come to mean to you and how little you've told them anything about you, how could you have been so selfish after they have bared so much of their soul with you? Their life prewar, the death of their spouse at the hands of the cruel institute mercenary, the hunt for a way into the institute and their overwhelming fear at what they will find there. How much pressure they feel from everyone to be the perfect soldier, you sigh internally thinking about that, you owe them an apology it seems. With your mind made up now you just wait for them to return and for a suitably private moment to present itself. The opportunity arises later that day, they have just returned to the prydwen after a week away, and much to your surprise beeline straight for you with a smile before even turning in their documents or missions. They seem to be oblivious to the stares and raised eyebrows of the mess's other patrons, and a round of suitably authoritative glares ensures they will remain so. Brandis just smiles, damn him.
You warmly accept their request to join them on a routine acquisition for Haylen, but you know by now that no mission will ever be ‘routine’ with them, not that you mind the challenge. En-route to the target zone you cant stop thinking about what you are going to discuss with them, how will you open such a sensitive topic with them? Its been a substantial period of time since you’ve spoken to anyone about back then, not that you could ever forget him, after all how could you when he haunts your sleep like some sort of sorrowful spectre of loss, guilt and pain.
Lost in your ruminations as you are you nearly walk right into the Soldier as they signal ‘hold’ and ‘danger’. Snapping back to reality while cursing yourself for your inattentiveness internally, you spot the obvious threat almost immediately: a roving band of super-mutant scum and worse yet, a suicider. Outstanding. Your friend signals for stealth and for a flanking manoeuvre, you never did understand their insistence on such quiet methods when you both have access to power armour, but you’ve seen enough of their handwork enough to trust their tactics, even with their continual overestimation of your lacking stealth capabilities. As quietly and you can in full power armour you move into position on the opposite side of the pack to them, shoulder your rifle and wait for their signal. You can feel your heart rate quicken in time with the warming thrum from your charging laser rifle as the anticipation and adrenaline flips the switch to combat mode. They don’t keep you waiting long as a well placed laser volley from them sets off the unsuspecting suicider right in the middle of the pack. As the stragglers stupidly turn in the direction of the apparent danger you fire on their backs with deadly accuracy. With the element of surprise now used to its fullest, you charge into optimal combat range as one of the remaining brutes correctly picks you as the bigger threat, Good. Its better if you are the target. A few more well places shots from the both of you and its over as quickly as it started, “Outstanding!” you complement their marksmanship and tactics as they walk over. You notice of the charred abominations still writhing nearby and you put it out of its disgusting misery with a well placed stomp.
The Soldier shows you the location Haylen specified on their pip-boy, its just on the other side of this small commercial district, if the mission goes smoothly you could be back on the prydwen by nightfall, sharing a whisky to chase away the taste of messes’ latest attempt at dinner. You both freeze as you hear the distinctive sound of laser fire nearby, one look and you both move towards the commotion weapons hot. At the first sign of creepy plastic and blue lasers you charge with an “AD VICTORIAM!” but you barely get a round in before mini-gun fire tears through the remaining machines. After ensuring that they were in the clear you join the soldier as they approach the heavily armed newcomer. You meet the strangers glare with a level one of your own, before they can say anything your friend asks what they are doing here, “kicking ass, though it looks like HQ messed up scheduling again” the stranger answers. Ah this must be one of their minutemen acquaintances, you had heard they were getting more active lately, and poor organisation is expected from the civilian militia. The strangely dressed silver haired minuteman explains that the subway has been overrun with gen 1 synths, your friend offers to help, “it would be an Honor to assist in exterminating these abominations” you agree, though this earns you a strange look from the minuteman. No matter. Unbeknownst to you the Soldier and the minuteman share a significant look behind your back. No pathetic synths stand a chance against the three of you as heavily armoured as you all are, you briefly considered extending the minuteman an invitation to join the brotherhood, though you reconsider when they lament the ‘deaths’ of the machines, such a naive outlook would never be allowed to continue in the brotherhood, don't they know how dangerous synths are? With the battle dust settled, “damn!, you’re one ass-kicking angel of death” the stranger compliments your friend as you all backtrack to leave the dingy subway, “agreed, outstanding work as always” you contribute, they are positively beaming at the combined praise. The minutemen leaves with more crude but positive words, its good to see that the minutemen have at least some capable fighters on their side, it is a noble cause.
The target artifact is soon acquired with minor resistance from some more mutants, but the hour is too late to return to the prydwen now. They suggest that a settlement nearby will be a safe place to camp for the night, you agree, and privately hope that the arrangements will be secluded enough for the difficult conversation you have planned. A short walk in the dark later and you both arrive at the small nursery and are immediately accosted by a group of hysterical settlers. Eventually the soldier calms them down enough to learn the location of the kidnapped one, an older man. The mutants are just across the road as it turns out, why on earth they have tolerated living a stones throw from these monstrosities for so long is a mystery, but at least the proximity makes for a brutally quick rescue, you both use the night to you advantage and the monsters are dead before they can even take up arms. The man is injured so you carry him, trusting your friend to have your backs on the way back to the settlement. You mentally resolve to make significant note of how much mutant and synth activity there is in this region in the next mission report. With the settler returned, sustenance and a semi-secure place to set up camp for the night acquired (to be continued oops, 1/4 affinity talks written, the 4th being romance dialog)
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limpwristdyke · 2 years
wondering if you’d be willing to share some of your favorite j7 fics?
First of all I’m sorry it took me this long to answer u and secondly THANK u for this opportunity to dump some of my faves on you! 💕 Also I wanted to reread all of these before rec’ing for fun & so I could say better what I MEAN about them but alas I’m gonna have to mostly go off my memory & vibes. Also lol I’m getting so distracted off looking for more old fics so I’m just gonna send tweet so I don’t spend another week adding to this but ofc there are so many greats & if I think of other faves I’ll lyk!
I’m gonna err toward some pre-ao3 fics—there's such a little something about the older gems, I don't know what it is but it’s like its own universe and the lighting’s just a little different over there. 
The Oracle by nejvit oracle: nejvit
When I found this fic I felt like I’d fallen thru a dimension like, This story’s been here all this time!?! and became obsessed w finding more older J/7 fics. I immediately read everything else by nejvit after this one; recommend the rest but this one’s the best IMO.
The Rod and the Staff by Trekintandem 
Get in gays its biblical allusions + queer desire! The writing is so !! trekintandem is so good at envisioning and describing the sort of awkward/easy, casual/weighty conversations they like to/ought to have w each other & showing their little gears turning as they try to figure out what they’re trying to say & why. Also recommend Propriety and Desire—SUCH a sexy little vibe for them. Ok also read the same spot twice (post endgame) ! 
Not just strip poker by pinkrabbitproductions
A romp & a treat! Also tbh a fave of Seven’s responses to questions of power. (Also may be worth mentioning that I think the title sorta misrepresents the vibe, to me anyway) 
Rules of the Game by Bailey B.
A post-endgame treat for the pygmalion girlies (gn)!!!! + something I love where Janeway distances herself from Seven thinking it’s The Right Thing To Do but it is actually fucked up & hurtful & she has to get right with herself! But most importantly it’s the Vibes for me.
Journey’s End by iheartjaneway
Another post endgame—I haven’t read this one in years but rabidly searched the internet (in vain) for more of their fics so I know I had a great time.
Before the Beginning: Jackie Kennedy
Another one I need to reread but it’s another one for the ~vibes. & some of these scenes of the Voyager crew in San Francisco are canon to me. …oh no I think this is another one where Janeway avoids Seven out of her misguided martyr complex no one look at me!!!!! Well,
The Once and Future by awomannotagirl
Powerful, life-changing, show-stopping!!! I wish I could eat this fic. Also post endgame. (& imo SUCH a good take on Janeway’s background; canon To Me.) 
wild geese by problematick 
I haven’t watched Picard and one of the reasons I may never is because I KNOW I’ll be disappointed that it is not THIS FIC which is everything!! + Seven, & Kathryn, & Seven’s name?? Delicious!
Violence and Variations by kesdax 
This one's a gen series with a j7 storyline; imo it’s like watching an arc of perfect Seven-centric Voyager eps. Like Voyager should’ve made these eps fr!! Fair warning it’s currently an unfinished series!
Hypnobyl’s Love is Blind (care-taking Seven in the Seven-most way!) & Necessary Sacrifices (fake marriage away mission!!) ok & Coya Anochta Zab (another post-endgame...)
Baby Demon by Boadicea and Kelly
A rare Relativity story! I love the idea of these two in time travel situations together. I wanna call this fic atmospheric, I think that's the main thing that's stuck with me.
Crossing the Line by FaustianAspirant
A post Dark Frontier scene. This is thee j7 pretext dialogue/scenario to me!!! (SPOILER/fair warning u might not like where/how it ends up but IMO worth it regardless.)
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alliluyevas · 8 months
Fic Author Interview (meme)
I was tagged by the lovely @heckofabecca. Thanks, Becca :)
1- How many works do you have on AO3?
71...I honestly was a bit surprised it was that many. I guess I've had that account a while and it adds up! Almost all of them are oneshots, though.
2- What's your total AO3 word count?
3- What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
They're all ATLA, which makes sense when you think about it. ATLA is probably the second-biggest fandom I've written for other than ASOIAF, but ASOIAF is so big it's sometimes hard to get noticed. That being said, when I sort by hits, three of the top five are ASOIAF so I guess more people are reading those and not liking them. It probably helps that my top-kudos ATLA fics are all Zuko-centric and he's one of the most popular ATLA characters in fic whereas I think the ASOIAF topics I focus on are perhaps a bit more niche.
tongued with fire (728 kudos)
i got soul, but i'm not a soldier (714 kudos)
cold fire (655 kudos)
we die with the dying; we are born with the dead (597)
the sword and the pen (577 kudos)
4- Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to! I'll respond to all comments on recently published fic (unless it's a hate comment, which I delete) and for older works I try to respond, especially if it's a substantive comment. I like to engage with readers, especially since I tend to write a lot of really niche fandoms and it's nice to connect with other fans.
5- What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
probably either another atla fic that's set right after ursa leaves zuko and azula behind or this big love fic which has an ending that is... not necessarily angsty for the narrator but super bleak in context.
6- What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
I don't typically write fluffy romantic fic (I usually do more bittersweet gen focused on family relationships) but I did when I participated in the Jaime/Brienne ship exchange a few times and this bakery-themed modern AU is probably my fluffiest/happiest ending. Exchanges are kind of fun because this is very much the type of fic I would not have ever written on my own.
7- Do you write crossovers?
I have not!
8- Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yes, lol. My Lannister twins genderswap fic was very controversial among a certain subset of fans who vocally disagreed with my characterization (I will sum this up as them basically believing that genderswapped Jaime would just be canon Cersei which...lol). That's the only fic I've ever got hate comments on, though I did get a really bizarre comment back in ninth grade on FF.net before I migrated to ao3 where the person enjoyed the fic but also used the comment to grandstand against abortion, a topic that in no way was mentioned in my fic. Sir This Is A Wendy's.
9- Do you write smut?
I do write sex scenes but I wouldn't describe them as smut because they're non-explicit and mostly like fade to black stuff.
10- Have you ever had a fic stolen?
11- Have you ever had a fic translated?
I think someone asked if they could translate one of my fics into another language but it was years ago and I don't remember if they did it or not or which fic it was or even which language it was.
12- Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes, my first ever fic! Me and my best friend wrote it in sixth grade and it's an unfinished sequel to Ivanhoe. We never published it, though. It's really, really bad lol.
13- What's your all-time favorite ship?
Tony and Carmela Soprano. sorry. Not ship in the fandom sense but...relationship of all time. (I honestly tend to write for canon pairings that I want to build on, anyway). In the traditional sense of "wanting them to get together in canon", probably Jaime/Brienne.
14- What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
I honestly don't really have a lot of published WIPs, because I tend to do oneshots and if they're not ready they're just not published. Right now I do have a two-chapter Greek mythology/Iliad retelling I wrote in high school that is absolutely never going to get updated ever, but frankly I don't feel particularly strongly about finishing that. I did have an actual multichapter WIP with the Lannister genderswap fic that I really felt bad about not working on, but I finally finished it!
15- What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm good with dialogue and characterization! A lot of my fic focuses on precanon/younger versions of canon characters ("flashback fic") and I think I'm pretty good at developing backstories. Also if I may say so myself, I write decent prose.
16- What are your writing weaknesses?
Plotting, which is why I tend to do shorter character-study stories. I really struggle with doing actual plotlines. (This is also a problem in my original fiction, lol. I'm always like. Okay I have these fascinating people in an interesting setting. Now what the hell are they going to do).
17- What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
If it makes sense in context, like a bilingual character, sure. I do think it should probably be written so that it's clear what is going on to readers who only know the primary language of the fic, though.
18- What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Other than the aforementioned Ivanhoe sequel, it was Harry Potter.
19- What's a fandom/ship you haven't written for yet but want to?
Can't really think of anything!
20- What's your favorite fic you've written?
I'm very proud of the Lannister genderswap fic because it's probably my most significant achievement in terms of plotting, which as I mentioned is hard for me, and I'm really happy I returned to it after over a year's hiatus and finished it! I'm also really proud of this big love fic because I appreciate the effort I put into fleshing out the characters' world (including historical research) and I think it is a really good work of character study.
Tagging @when-did-this-become-difficult @ofhouseadama and anyone else who wants to do this, I can't think of many mutuals on here whose fanfiction output I'm particularly familiar with.
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dragon--sage · 7 months
writing patterns
ty @cleric4vampire for tagging me in this!!! and i'm tagging @sillyliterature and @darethshirl (i'm so sorry i'd tag more of you but my brain is fried af. if you see this consider yourself tagged and i would love to see them if you decide to share!!)
rules: list the first line(s) of your last 10 posted fics and see if there's a pattern!
in order from newest to oldest! click the title for the link to each.
Radiant Hopeful (bg3, astarion x tav)
“Astarion, can I show you something?”
Nightswim (bg3, astarion x tav)
It was a quiet evening in camp, and Nyana was sitting a ways off from the fire, on a hollowed-out log, working on a few rather pathetic sketches of the local plant life.
Spark That Set the Pyre (bg3, astarion x tav, explicit)
Most nights, when Astarion fed off Nyana, she tried to keep her interest and involvement as prim and polite as possible.
The Chivalrous Charlatan (bg3, astarion x tav)
Astarion was going to kill the sorcerer.
Someone I Like Better (bg3, astarion x tav, explicit)
It was night and day, how completely things had changed between Astarion and Nyana, after Cazador had been finished—after the graveyard.
Sunstruck (bg3, astarion x tav)
“Pouting? Or plotting?”
Places of Oblivion (dragon age inquisition, unfinished solavellan modern au, explicit)
Ellana, usually, did not fuck with dating apps.
No Better Waste of Time (dragon age inquisition, unfinished solavellan fix-itish longfic, explicit)
In a darkened attic with a vaulted ceiling, many cobwebs, and one industrious family of rats (who liked to keep to themselves), Ellana Lavellan sat cross-legged in front of an inactive but intact eluvian, her reflection a glaring smudge in the warped surface of the silvery glass.
Her Eyes the Stars (dragon age inquisition, solavellan)
Her eyes — Void take him — he could easily spend a century trying to capture the way their startling amber color appeared in different lighting.
Etha, Ama (dragon age inquisiiton, solavellan, explicit)
It was Satinalia — Feastday.
and bonus even though it's not within the last 10 i have such a soft spot for this fic:
Cry Havoc! (dragon age inquisition, gen fic, background solavellan)
Marquise Briala and Empress Celene were clearly arguing, but Ellana Lavellan was going to interrupt them anyway.
Um these are all products of my respective hyperfixations on solavellan and tavstarion, so there's that. I see a few long ass run ons, as I expected ahahhaa, but also short, clipped ones. Only a few are in between. Some of them drop you right into the action and others are more scene-setting. The em dash (l m a o). Other than that I think I've been looking at this too long to see anything except my own questionable grammatical choices 😂
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my penchant for info dumping scene-setting run ons makes this extremely difficult but in case anyone else wants to try:
Vixstarria's additional rule: see if you can arrange the lines into a semi-coherent crackfic.
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kitsoa · 7 months
I'd love to hear about all the fanfics that inspire you / you recommend
Yeah?? You're asking? Oh boy, I am so excited to share. This is my comprehensive fanfiction recommendation/inspiration guide.
Trigun (current fixation)
Kingdom Hearts
The Legend of Zelda
Detective Conan
Danny Phantom
Chances are I have reread this stuff a few times. That's it. I love it. There are some that I have rose-tinted glasses about and I think there are a million more I just didn't list but I love fanfiction and just knowing these exist lets me work hard to indulge and enjoy on the things I love.
Trigun/ Trigun Stampede
The Second Celestial Evening series by tragic_unpaired_electron
Child of Blessing
Daughter of Eve
Season of the Witch
Multi-chapter. Complete. Gen.
A beautifully crafted series covering the complexities of Vash's place in the universe starts with a heart-tugging series covering Vash's growth into adulthood from Brad's perspective in "Child of Blessing". Then compelling and dark torture featuring ghost Tesla in "Daughter of Eve" and 'so good we had to share the fun'-- the Knives' redemption fic of all redemption fics in "Season of the Witch". Their plant biology headcanon, the masterful prose, and the vibrant character explorations are downright incredible.
Bloodletting series by tragic_unpaired_electron
The Pale Horseman
The Walls of Jericho
After Eden
Multi-Chapter. Complete. Gen.
Hands down the best Twin!Swap AU in all of Trigun fandom. It turns Nai into the most compelling, prickly, and surly protagonist. He pulls at your heartstrings and grows in ways you cannot fathom. There are twists and turns both inspired by canon and naturally spun from the various want-of-nail scenarios. Amazing headcanons and innovative and imaginative worlds and backgrounds. When I tell you that this Nai is one of my favorite characters of all time-- folks would think me blasphemous. I cannot sing the praises of this one enough. I love all their trigun work but this is my favorite. Sun, Moon, and Stars by tragic_unpaired_electron
Multi-chapter. Complete. Gen.
Tesla Lives AU with amazing character vignettes, imaginative worlds and characters and scenarios. And just an incredible message overall. If you want to chew on something by this author with a little less trauma and not as many total chapters this basically eases you into their genius. You get to really see how they roll with characterization.
the unknowable tomorrow by ScreechTheMighty
Multi-chapter. Unfinished. Gen.
Tristamp timetravel fic that turns Meryl and Wolfwood into little guardian angels to baby Vash. This makes my heart weep with fluffy feelings and emotions and the tension inherent to their being there is captivating. I love reading Vash through their perspective in this fic.
ten cent grace by fathomfive
Oneshot. Gen.
Trimax-ish. A plant sickness has Vash regress to childhood with no memories and only Wolfwood to cling to. It's such a great character retrospective and gives me feelings. Big brother Wolfwood. Strange but traumatized child Vash. It's written very well.
There are soooo many good trigun fics. I could actually keep going but I'll move on.
Kingdom Hearts
(i don't need you to) Worry for Me by Cygna_hime
Three-shot. Complete. Gen.
A freaking work of art. A Vanitas redemption story that humanizes and explores a character built on such wild extremes. Reading this made me cry. I fell absolutely in love with Vanitas and it explored the Wayfinder Trio in beautiful ways. It has great headcanons and world building. It's a rather long 3 chapters but it is an incredible ride. Islands Like Glass Towers by Organization VI
Multi-Chapter. Complete. Gen.
This is a famous and rather old fic that explores Sora's parents and it dives into the whimsical and bittersweet world Sora is to be born into. It left me feeling wistful and nostalgic and it's very hard to put into words but it's a fic about parenthood and love. It's a profound little read and I think it captures the unique magic of Kingdom Hearts in a grounded way.
IV[or]y Wall by me.... haaaa im sorry
Multi-Chapter. Incomplete. Gen.
You write what you wanna see. Self-indulgent self promo. Big ol' "Kingdom Heart 4" speculation fic that deals with Sora reverse isekai'd into the real world and having to parse what is real and what is fake and he's... really going through it. Basically a character deconstruction fic on his side. Very meta. Much suspense. I try. It's on Hiatus but you could enjoy the 29 chapters while I get ready to soft relaunch it.
The Legend of Zelda
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild by TheZedofAges
Multi-Chapter. Complete. T . f/m (Zelink)
BotW novelization that is an actual fantasy epic. It takes and develops the world and the plot into this very organic and vibrant cohesive story. Link is characterized so darn well. There are extrapolations and flourishes that suck you right in. There is a masterful use of non-chronological flashbacks and the relationship between Zelda and Link is total gravity. I read this story to my nongamer, not hip, completely clueless mother and she loved it.
Insomnia by  tikitikirevenge 
Multi-Chapter. Incomplete. T. Hiatus.
Majora's Mask Novelization! This is such a smart fic I'm always in awe as I read it. Not only does it have whipcrack good dialogue and great pacing, it's got a complex closed-time loop premise that has intersections and crosses that take tons of foresight and skill to pull off. It is just an electric read that covers the trauma of a hero out of place and a world that is crushed by oppressive fear and depression. And Tatl. Is. Just. the best.
Detective Conan
Fallout by the Silversage
Multi-Chapter. Incomplete. Hiatus. T.
... this fic. Is everything to me. What I would sell to get this thing finished. Basically, let's take the consequences of the Raven Chaser movie and kick the series into high gear toward the conclusion. Featuring intense intrigue and well-researched mystery and conspiracy. Kaito Kid being an incredible ally. The gosho boys. The Conan mystery being confronted and needled to such a satisfying degree. This fic makes me scream. I am so rabid about this fic. Sense & Sensitivity by  KosagiNoLegion 
Multi-Chapter. Complete. T
This one is also kinda old. Nature of the beast with Conan fic but like it's Psychic Detective Heiji. Which in the midst of all the 'realism' and 'science' is absolutely glorious. He's surrounded by skeptics and has to keep it secret but like it's a great time. There's another in the series from my memory.
Switched by Boogum
Multi-Chapter. Complete. Gen.
Kaito-Conan Body swap. It's got great dialogue and a fun pace. Just good ol' body swap shenanigans which are heightened by the two at the center who are great foils and have various context's to complicate things. Fun fact, I made the cover art for this one.
Danny Phantom
Yo this seres is what I like to call evergreen for me. For some reason these fics are just always in style. Always ready to be consumed.
Phantom of Truth and Shadow of a Doubt by Haiju
Multi-Chapter. Complete. T
Probably the big staple fic of this fandom. Dark, emotionally complicated. Body horror. Trauma. Danny's mom experiments on him and then we gotta pick up the pieces in the sequel. Love the ghost headcanons. It's captivating.
Candlelight by HappyLeif
Multi-Chapter. Complete. Romance. T
An AU with Danny being alone during his portal accident so he actually drifts away from his friends. This allows for a really sweet love story between Danny and Sam as they reconnect and form a friendship through his alter ego. I love outside-perspective fics and this takes that for a spin and makes a delightful romance.
Treading Water by The Full Catastrophe
Multi-Chapter. Incomplete. T
An AU where instead of ghost powers we've got Mer-Danny. It is so imaginative and fun that feels like the original show with all the great grounded drama we expect from fanfic. This is a total classic and the quintessential mer-Danny fic.
......And I could keep going. There are a few fandoms I've dabbled with reading but I'll save that. It's great to have this here in one place for me to refer back.
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thesinglesock · 2 months
ok bros I'm predicting I'll have a lot of downtime this month and I feel like funneling some of my creative energy into some (very old) unfinished writing, please help me decide
I have several unfinished fics for all of these so I'll probably have to do a follow-up poll.
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note-boom · 1 year
(abt ur tags on that fic rec list post) I'd love to know more gen bsd fics!!! if u don't mind pls make a list of them
OP, I hope you understand that you have unleashed a monster considering how many BSD fics I consumed. But that said, I'll try to keep it short and strictly gen for this ask, then just reblog with the rest (some do have implied ships, though). Most of them are just fluff and one-shots. And I haven't really read much fanfic recently, so most of these are my bookmarks from before I even really got into this blog and my memory on them might be shaky; generally, I either liked them because good writing, good characterization, good analysis, and/or it was just too funny/too interesting to not bookmark. Some might have Americanisms/Westernisms of things that probably don't really happen in Japan (probably?) and some might have slight character assassinations, but I don't think anything should be too gratuitously unforgivable. Also, all opinions are my own and do not reflect on either the writing or the author's original intent.
So under the cut are my absolute favourite of favourites.
Morning Light (18021 words) by FallenBrie (time loop, Atsushi character exploration, ADA!found family)
O expectations, stale and dismal airs, leave this body of mine! (20976 words) by aptlydapper (3 chapters, still my all-time favourite bsd fanfic for the writing and the concept and its execution, Chuuya joins the ADA basically but so much more than that to me)
Conundrum (23921 words) by AdmiralTDeVanto (hi, I love this AU so much, role-reversal where aku and atsu are the older figures and dazai and chuuya are the younger ones, some other au roleswaps happen but that's a surprise)
circle of praise (1898 words) by Oxalisalis (have a few by this author (love their works so much, they have some great BEAST things), basically compliment assault, ADA family, sweet and funny)
The Scent of Milk Tea (1343 words) by Sternstunde (Atsushi and Chuuya are housemates, neither is aware of the other's job, please let them meet in canon, 2 chapters and unfinished)
Reason To Live (1746 words) by Allwalkfree (time travel fic with a take on akutagawa's future character arc that left me DEAD, just...him being better than the people he was taught by okay? and him having a clearer picture of the stuff he went through etc)
hell is empty (all the devils are here) (1065 words) by Origamidragons (legit one of my FAVOURITE Gin character explorations, shoutout to the use of her character's irl short story)
in the end, you write your verse (6858 words) by Origamidragons (ADA and PM role swap and it's honestly SO GOOD that I desperately wish there was more of this (in a this fic is INCREDIBLE way, that is))
In The Choice, There's Peace (2561 words) by treetrunkdaddy (chill vibes, fic that explores Atsushi's character so nicely to me through how he copes with anger)
Mark of a Teacher (527 words) by Seito (Kunikida has been framed as a terrorist apparently and his students see the news headlines, it's hilarious and just fun)
A Study From Stripes (teach me to be loved again) (29684 words) by MidnighttWriter (beloved fic with beloved writing, Atsushi trauma exploration, might feel a little dark or emotional for bsd (in a different way, since BSD doesnt exactly shy away from being emotional or dark) but honestly beloved and SUCH a fascinating Atsushi character study to me)
would you believe me if i said i was blinded by the light? (1203 words) by elijay (half-blind Dazai real to me, but no its a really neat headcanon and that's all the fic is, which is all i wanted)
good bones (838 words) by Quintessence (I LOVE THIS SO MUCH, another Atsushi has a lot of trauma and the agency is flabbergasted)
5 Times Dazai Didn’t Understand Math And The 1 Time Kunikida Tried To Do Something About It (3746 words) by zededs (math is difficult, so is Dazai, Kunikida is stressed out, just a funny story)
how to get away with murder (10000 words) by magdalenes (11 chapters and unfinished, but it's SO SO good, the author is setting up the mystery so well, and it's basically just....detectives doing detective work but possibly also avoiding other detectives, more plotty than charactery)
what is a name (640 words) by Seito (guys, seriously, read this, im serious it has SUCH a good theory and the IMPLICATIONS of this to the larger bsd story????)
a secret for a secret (2302 words) by Oxalisalis (another of my FAVOURITE Gin fics, this author DELIVERED so well on their characterisation, slight canon divergence but perhaps not?)
But yeah. Because I somehow ended up opening over 130 tabs (that was after narrowing things down. i am so normal about BSD) for this ask, I'll just....reblog with more for those who are interested in gen fics. (It's why it took me a while, apologies.)
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ace-malarky · 6 months
Weekend WIP Game - Mist World Shorts
Hey y'know what, I'm going to like. make a few separate non-dated versions of this so I can have all the things? I've been working through my files etc so now they're organised better and I can see everything, so!
I'm also numbering out the scenes that are part written! so if you wanna chuck that into the mix. That is also good.
Alepir Holt (In the wake of magic coming back to Leritheyar, people finding out they are mages and werecreatures and coming together. Characters; Kaithr, Kestrel, Fin, Kane (and oh god so many more but these ones feature in the unfinished scenes)). Scenes; 3
Introduce Yourself (intro pieces for side characters in @dorksndisasters. Characters: Aster, Bituin, Citlali, Jiemba, Najm, Seren, Setareh). Scenes; 7
Mercenary Mages (a group of feral mages doing what they do best (annoy each other and become a really tight knit group). Characters; Llinos, Kaua, Jasper, Tamhas, Tadhg, Spence, Kitty). Scenes; 15
Superhero Twins (a group of uni-and-older friends with various magics that bounce around the city looking for the Crimes that brought them all together. Characters; Roxy, Clara, Cai, Oscar, Onni, Kite, Vivian, Seth, Lucy, Mint (technically a set of novels but I haven't written enough for it to merit being there rather than fun character shorts)). Scenes; 3
The Fair (a group of Welsh-inspired Fair Folk and their adopted/stolen children caught in the thros of prophecy. Characters: Brandi, Kamala, Scarlet, Gwen, Bran). Scenes; 1
The Guardians (a group of people from across the worlds all semi-dedicated to making the worlds a better place. Characters: Linus, Gen, Asin, Skilkran, Basil, Rhiannon, Razar, Akeri, Taerne). Scenes; 5
The Games
Three by Threes: For each filename you receive in your ask box, reply to the ask with 3+ NEW sentences on that WIP.
Lore Corner: Answer questions about your WIP. It can be anything from headcanons to backstory that you have for your WIP that don’t even make it into the fic. Askers - get creative with your questions!
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