#but i managed! im here! this little story line is continuing!
can you do leo valdez x hades fem reader pleasee
⋆⭒˚.⋆ leo valdez x daughter of hades! reader hcs
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content: leo valdez x daughter of hades! reader hcs warning: none! (lies tiny angst at the end my bad) authors note: yall need to ban me from listen to sad music while i write bc i ruin whole ass hcs by making em sad at the end BLAME PHOEBE BRIDGERS AND MITSKI THIS IS NOT MY FAULT YALL I WILL NOT TAKE THE BLAME did i put the music on?? yes. did i also know this would happen?? yes. BUT IM JUST A GIRL IN THE WORLD STFU-
leo would tell anyone who listened that you guys were fated to fall in love
you always roll your eyes but let him list off all his reasons why he believes this
firstly, you guys met purely by chance
you'd been walking around in the woods, having sensed some interesting bones there earlier and wanting to dig them up and hear their story
leo been running from the stoll's after a wonderful prank, which sent him hurling through the bones you'd just managed to reconstruct from the ground
"hey! i just got mr. cain here back together and then you come running through him like you own the place," you huffed before continuing to lay into leo, who looked up at you with borderline heart eyes
you were yelling at him and he was falling in love
you forced him to help you collected his phalanges and pelvis and leo did so without needing to be told twice, wanting to spend more time with death's daughter
from that moment forwards, you had two shadows, one which spewed constant pick up lines and jokes
nico was not happy, purposefully making sure to uproot bones in places that leo walked often, leading the boy to trip a lot
sadly, this backfired on nico, as you were always there to catch leo and rebury the bones
nico also tried knocking some sense into you by forcing you to admit to your father that you had a crush on some boy
but, once more, this only solidified your feelings as persephone had been in the underworld and squealed with joy at the reveal before dragging you off to a girl's night
it was a night filled with cosmo magazines and face masks and flirting techniques and the trading of lip glosses
nico gave up after that, in fear that he'd just push you two closer together
leo always bragged that it was fates work getting you together, but you always believe it to be nico's attempts to keep you apart
anyways, following you girl's night with persephone, you figured you had enough tools to get the guy
but before you even had the chance to apply your new lip gloss, leo dragged you to where you first met and was asking to be your boyfriend
you agreed but whined about not being able to ask first
and, as an olive branch for nico, leo made him some silver skull themed jewelry, which nico took with a glare and nod
that was the closest leo got to acceptance from the boy but he took it
you gift leo little trinkets that the dead gift to you, thing you think he'd like
a pocket watch from a 1950s boat conductor, a ring from a danish seamstress, a cog from the titanic that one of the passengers stole with his dying breaths
he proudly displayed it all on a shelf above his work bench, sometimes leaning back in his chair and staring up at it to get inspiration
and one night, while you were sitting on the couch in bunker nine, while leo worked and you cuddled into one of his sweaters, you reached over and traced your fingers over the photo of him and his mom
"...she's in elysium," you whispered, fingers ghosting over the photo and eyes locked onto her own
leo turned in his chair, face scrunched up as he wasn't entirely sure he heard you. and he wanted to make sure he heard you correctly.
"your mom. she made it. she...she's waiting for you, leo. she's so, so proud, gods you can feel it, come here," you replied, heaving breaths as you felt it course through you, jumping you and rushing to him, shoving your hands against any part of his skin you could reach
he could feel it, your typically cold skin was burning up, warm and thudding and leo could swear he could smell his mother's natural smell of grease and her tamales that she always made for his birthday
"you're the best thing she ever made. she has no regrets, not a single one. the love she has for you is...it's so strong, leo. even my father can't kill something like that," you whispered, sliding your hands against his skin as to keep the contact, to allow him to grasp onto the feeling for longer
leo's hands grabbed your wrists, guiding your hands over his shoulder to his back before he tugged you into his chest, pulling you into a suffocatingly tight hug
you splayed your hands wide over his back, spreading the feeling to anywhere you could reach as he cried into the crook of your neck
he was muttering in spanish, pieces you've picked up here and there, translating into words like 'grateful' and 'love' and 'miss you' and 'mom'
and while you were growing exhausted from effort to use your powers, you refused to quit, knowing he needed and deserved this
soon after, leo pulled your hands from him, worry covering his tear streaked face
"oh, my sweet girl," he whispered as you slumped against him
without a second thought, he picked you up and laid you down on the couch, knowing you needed rest after that
he could tell you were already asleep from the soft fluttery breaths that left your mouth
he kept one of your hands held between both of his, no longer feeling his mother's love but something different
something similar though, the strength behind it nearly as strong
"thank you," he whispered against your skin before pressing a kiss to your temple
and then he said a silent thanks to whoever sent him you, whoever sent him barreling through your bones that fated day, whoever made nico want to break them apart, whoever had persephone home when you revealed your crush on the boy
he'd thank whoever would listen for the daughter of death, for he would never stop being grateful for her.
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Cyberpunk anyone?
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◁◀Details below▶▷ Warning: long.
Because im an obsessive, psychopathic insomniac with no supervision, on top of the mermaid AU I'm working on, I also decided that a murder drones cyberpunk AU needed to be real, and since no one's done it yet (I checked) I figured I might as well. This is that.
◇Story Stuff (Currently limited)
JCJenson in SPAAAAAACE founded a residential colony on Copper-9. Revolutionary technology allowed Copper City to be the first human settlement on a once thought uninhabitable planet, thus earning the galaxy's praises. Millions moved to the planet once it was finished and the company's reputation soared. Unfortunately for JCJenson, that reputation would soon crumble with a series of increasingly catastrophic events befalling the planet.
First was the infamous "robot uprising" in which hundreds of worker drones began attempting to abandon the city, and some even attacked their owners. The situation quickly escalated to a full-blown war between the machines and humans. As Copper City was a stand-alone settlement on a distant exo-planet, it had no military, leading to a mixed bag of JCJenson security personnel and volunteer soldiers to lead the charge against the malfunctioning worker drones. Many lives were lost, and in the end, the rebelling workers were driven out of the city bubble and into the snowy wastelands.
The second happened only a few months after the end of the war. The ⬛⬛⬛⬛ Event was contained to the Copper-9 branch HQ building. During the event, several worker drones were infected with a virus named ⬛⬛⬛⬛. "Patient Zero" was terminated and from there, all ⬛⬛⬛⬛ activity was easily dealt with. The silver lining to this event was that JCJenson technician "Tessa Elliot" was able to salvage many of the previously infected worker drones and repurpose them to clean up the remaining defective worker drones out in the wastelands. After rigorous testing and development, the new "Dissasembly drones" were revealed to the public, and following their debut were then sent to work. Results have plateaued in terms of terminating the remaining workers in recent years since the workers have built themselves a bunker. Serial designation "J" assures that given enough time, they will find a way in and continue with the extermination as planned.
And finally, the third and most dangerous event: the core collapse. Due to the sheer incompetence of lower-level personnel responsible for monitoring the status of the planet's core as the surrounding area is mined, copper-9 narrowly avoided a core collapse. Such an event would have resulted in total planetary extinction had it not been stopped in time by an upper manager. At the time JCJenson had little to say other than that they were sorry and that the near disaster had nothing to do with the worker resistance or ⬛⬛⬛⬛. They also took the opportunity of the press conference to tease a new project that would make Copper City safer than ever. We would later find out that this was referring to the previously mentioned "Dissasembly drones".
Copper City has suffered many close calls during its time, but today the city is thriving. Surely after so much trouble, there must be a reason those who live here decide to stay, and that reason is the soul of the city. It Never sleeps- always alive with freedom and opulence. Truly, Copper City is everything visionaries had been dreaming of what the future would be like. (But is that a good thing?)
◈ Extra Details
-Tessa was able to save many of the affected worker drones after Cyn went all cookoo crazy solver pants, but the company wanted them disposed of anyway. she proposed that they could be used to take care of the rogue worker drones and that's why they haven't been decommissioned.
-JCJenson higher-ups, demanded that they be disposed of after they had served their purpose. but Tessa plans to propose that theybe once again be repurposed into law enforcement when that day comes.
-After all why not? Tessa put a lot of work into making their modified murder drone bodies into effective, but pretty killing machines. If the public likes them, then they can be marketed. and though Tessa isn't the biggest fan of police in general, she'll take whatever she can get if it means her drones survive.
-JCJenson would love the idea anyway. Copper City is basically a corporate town already, just bigger. The human law enforcement is already in their pocket, so why not have literal robots loyal only to them carry out the law?
-Uzi would try to break into the city to gather intel and a power source for her rail gun.
-JCJenson still manufactures and sells worker drones, but since the war, they've modified the design so that they are much easier to deactivate if necessary.
-This design change is a literal off switch on the back of the head. Uzi does not have one since her parents built her and why the hell would they install one on their daughter? None of the drones at the bunker have an off switch. including those who fought in the war.
-Aside from that, all worker drones inside Copper City are digitally tagged upon purchase and activation. This makes it much easier for JCJenson and Dissasembaly drones to differentiate between a regular, legal worker drone and a rebellion worker that broke into the city.
-JCJenson's reputation suffered a lot during all that nonsense up there, so they really can't leave the workers alone. the public still perceives them as a threat. JCJenson does too, but more so for terrible solver demon reasons.
-That's one of the reasons that Tessa is okay with sending her friends off to commit genocide.
-Uzi is genocidal too though, so morality calls that a draw.
-I'm thinkin' that the Dissasebly drones probably have like, a roost or something inside the city that they can be deployed from. kinda like a cave of bats where they can recharge during the day.
-I think perhaps disassembly drones can go out during the day in the city, but only for a little while. and not at all outside of the city bubble.
-When I say "City bubble" just imagine the moon base from "Scooby-Doo Moon Monster Madness" cuz that's what it looks like.
ANOTHER LONG POST, MY DAWG! I don't have a ton of the groundwork of this done, but it's fun to think about it and I'm happy with what I do have. hope you do too 💖
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Thanks for reading.
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mediumgayitalian · 3 months
fic rec friday 5
hi!! welcome to fic rec friday. every week, i pick five fics i have bookmarked and rec them with a little review. check them out!
You and I were Fireworks by percyspandapillowpet
“Eleven fifty-eight,” he said, and when he tilted his head back up, his eyes were sparkling. “There’s still enough time to go see the fireworks,” Nico realized aloud. “Do you want to…” Will shook his head, expression unchanging. “Nah. Fireworks are overrated. I’d rather stay here with you.”
look one thing this author can nail is SWEET. also will with his seltzer made me smile idk why but it did. im just a huge fan of slice of life stories and this is such a cute one!!
2. Love Wins by percysandapillowpet
“I’ll be right there!” he shouted, and the knocking stopped. On a count of three, he managed to push the duvet off his arms and legs and let his feet fall to the floor. He glanced down at what he was wearing—a black t-shirt and flannel pants, that would have to do—and walked over to the door. “What do you want, Solace?” he asked, pulling it open. Will was all smiles and sunshine. “Did you hear?” Nico narrowed his eyes. “Hear what? If this is some big event, then no, because I’ve been asleep like a normal person.” Will might as well have been jumping up and down, he looked so excited. “Nico, they did it! The Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage for the entire country! This morning!”
i read this fic in 2017 actually. and i REMEMBER how huge 2015 was; i'm canadian but it was massive. i was 12/13ish so i was in percy jackson back then too, and i remember reading DOZENS of fics that came out right after. this was so huge and this fic captures that :)
3. I Think You're My Best Friend by percyspandapillowpet
“You know what always makes cleaning more fun?” Will asked, sweeping a pile of dust and dirt into the center of the room. “What?” Nico replied, trying to hold back a smile. He found himself doing that a lot these days, too. Will set his broom down against one of the cots that lined the wall. “Music!”
this one made me melt bc personally....if someone called me their favourite i would never ever recover. never ever. and i love short & sweet fics about specific interactions/moments!! and this author nails that!!
4. Darkness by percyspandapillowpet
“So,” Will says, slightly awkwardly, making Nico realize that he forgot to respond to whatever he last said. “Um, you wanted something to take your mind off things?” He pulls back from the hug just enough to see his face, holding him at arms length. “I’ve, uh, got an idea.” He’s not used to Will looking so unsure of himself. He’s always acting so overly cocky. Kiss me, Nico thinks. “What?” he asks. Will smiles, then, his confidence restored. “Let’s go for a hike.”
sweet kisses in nature....the big three boys truly know how it's done bc the way i would SWOON and crumble. also i love it when nico is so so bad at like talking to people lol. hes so real.
5. Past, Present, Future by percyspandapillowpet
“We’ll help her, okay?” Will continues. “We’ll do the best that we can. You and I both know what this feels like. We need to give her support and take care of her for a while.” He nods again, glancing at her sleeping form in the cot. She looks a little less pained, and a little more peaceful. Nico is already dreading how she might react when she wakes again. “We’ll take care of her,” he repeats.
first of all proposal fics get me literally every time. second of all i do love fics where ppl explore what theyre future might look like!!! what they might be when theyre older!! theyre so careful with each other u know.
thank you for joining me this friday!! happy reading!!
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laughroditee · 9 days
Your Ghost | Part 2 - XIII Death
Part 1 is here
CW: this story takes place after Soap's death and contains supernatural elements, tarot, mentions of death and blood
Summary: Evangeline reluctantly goes to talk to Simon about Johnny at Johnny's urging.
The ghost of John MacTavish looked down at me with a serious expression.  “I did.  I need yer help, Evangeline.  Yer the only one who can do it.”
“No,” I said.
He blinked. “‘No?’”
“No,” I repeated, my eyes a little too wide. 
“Ye haven’t even heard what I want from ye.”  John looked annoyed, his brows drawing down in a frown that lined his face. It made him look maybe just a little bit intimidating.  Having issues with displeasing someone, who me?
“Don’t want to.  Can’t.”  I shook my head for extra emphasis as if I needed it.  “Mm-mm.”
“Are ye always so childish?” 
Oof, right in the feelings.  “You want me to talk to someone, don’t you?” I accused, my finger jabbing the air at him.  
“Knight of Swords.  Air.  Communication,” I explained as if this were common knowledge and a perfectly logical conclusion to reach.  “You just have that very chatty air about you, and I dunno, man, I’m not about that life.  I have social anxiety.  I don’t play well with strangers because I’m too busy having a heart attack around them.  It’s just not a strength that I have.”
John looked momentarily apologetic before despair swallowed the expression.  This gave me pause.  Fuck me and my Catholic guilt.  “Fine!  Okay, alright, I’ll hear you out, but I can’t promise you anything.”  I sat down on the edge of the bed, just trying to quell the anxious jitters making my fingers shake, The Knight of Swords card dancing slightly in my grasp.  I placed it back with the other two in the reading and looked up at my ghostly kinsman.
John’s examining gaze was concerned as he stood across from me.  “Ye alright, lass?”
Reminding myself to take a deep breath, I simply nodded.
A single confirmation nod from John was all he gave before launching into his story.  “I was a soldier in life.  SAS.  British special forces.  We were on a mission a few months ago, chasin’ a Russian terrorist in the London tunnels.  Makarov.”  His eyes blazed as the memories washed through him, spitting his enemy’s name as if it were poison.  “We had ‘im too.  But the fucker was slippery.  My captain and I got shot while we were diffusin’ a bomb.”  John’s hand went to his shoulder as if to soothe the phantom wound.  “Makarov was about to finish ‘im off – my captain, I mean – but I managed to get up and clap the bastard, only… I ended up gettin’ shot in the head.  Killed instantly.  Then Makarov buggered off.”
I listened intently to John’s story, my heart squeezing in my chest for him.  “I’m so sorry, John.  I… don’t know what else to say.  You were really brave.”
He smirked.  “A lot of good it did me.  Still, Captain Price is alive, and I dunnae regret that.”  His eyes seemed focused on something far away, and I waited for him to continue.
When he didn’t, I had to prompt him.  “John?  What is it that you want from me?”
His eyes refocused on me, his mouth set in a grim line.  “I need yer help, Evangeline….  My boyfriend was there that day.  One of my teammates.  He’s not doin’ well.”
Shit.  I blew out a long breath as if I was trying to exorcise my demons.  “I’m so sorry,” I repeated uselessly.  “John, I’m… probably the last person you want to go and talk to your boyfriend about your death or literally anything else.  I suck at this kind of thing.  I never know what to say to grieving people, even if I’ve known them forever.  Words just aren’t enough.”
“Please,” he said, kneeling by the bed, his ghostly hand passing through mine as it lay on my lap, chilling me.  “You’re all I have, lass.”
Despite the urgency in his voice, I was hesitant for reasons that should have been obvious.  I stared down at the three cards on the bed once again, reinterpreting the reading as The Knight of Swords representing John, the Death card — for the first time in one of my readings — representing his literal death, and the Three of Swords representing his boyfriend’s subsequent heartbreak.  There are always multiple ways to interpret the cards in every situation; you just have to move through it and see what fits—a little like grief.
I looked back at him with an expression of resignation on my face.  “You’re lucky I like you.”
His face lit up.  “So you’ll do it?”
I sighed, coming to terms with the decision I was about to make.  “Yeah.  I’ll do it.”
“Sorry I called ye childish,” he said apologetically.
“Yer beau’iful,” he tried again.
I gave him a grin.  “Aww, how kind of you to say.”
“Yes, I am kind. Now you compliment me.”
“Why should I when you just did it yourself?”
He chuckled before his expression sobered.  “Thank you, Evangeline. I cannae repay the favor you’re doin’ me.”
I looked back at him, noting how similar our eyes were.  “You can owe me in the next life, how’s that?”
“Sounds like a fair deal.  So, are ye gonna clean up this mess?”
“Sorry, you’ll have to clean yourself up.”
I leaned down and started to gather my fallen tarot cards, picking out carpet lint and hairs occasionally as I stacked the deck.
”Y’know…,” he began, “ye make me wish I could’ve met you while I was livin’.  Think we coulda been friends?”
Deck neatly in hand, I looked up at him, a warm, bittersweet feeling blossoming inside my chest.  “Yeah, I think we could’ve been.  Could still be.”
He laughed.  “Well, bein’ friends with me is a blessing in itself.”
“I’m sure it is.”
We headed out by taxi to John’s old flat to see his boyfriend, Simon.  Simon Riley.  I turned the name over in my mind as we drove, wondering what kind of man he was.  It was odd traveling in a car with a complete stranger, knowing that you have a ghost with you.  I kept looking at the driver in the rearview mirror, paranoid that he’d be able to see John, but aside from my own awkwardness, the trip concluded uneventfully.
I stared at the door that I was supposed to be knocking on and felt immediately threatened, that familiar fight-or-flight feeling making my extremities tingle.  “Shit.  John, I can’t…”
“Easy.  I’ll be right here; I won’t leave ye.  But we have to get in and get to Simon, alright?  The eejit’s blootered.”
I stared at him in confusion.  “He’s what?”
John rolled his eyes, exasperated.  “Drinkin’, hen.  He’s right sloshed.  Now get knockin’.”
Stepping toward the door, I looked at John and said, “I feel like your Scottish level just increased.”  I wrapped my knuckles on the door before I lost my nerve and stepped back.
He smirked, though it didn’t reach his eyes.  “I think yer just too American to understand—“
The door flew open, revealing the personification of my Death card: an enormous man wearing a skull balaclava, no shirt, about one billion muscles, and an appropriately sized scowl.  His displeasure was evident despite the mask covering his features.  It radiated off of him in waves like heat, like the smell of alcohol that invaded my nostrils as it drifted out from him.  Piercing dark eyes stared down at me briefly before squinting, and then he slammed the door in my face.  I could hear his heavy footfalls retreating further into the flat.  I looked at John, at a complete loss, and maybe with a bit of anxiety.  Just a wee bit.
He sighed.  “Knock again, Evangeline.  He’ll answer.”  
“Why do you not look convinced?”
“Because I’m not.”
“I appreciate your honesty.  Is he gonna kill me?” I asked, somehow finding the nerve to knock again through my blooming dissociation.  It was a genuine fear.  What do I actually know about these guys?  Not much.  John hadn’t told me anything about Simon besides that they were both in the military.  He most certainly didn’t tell me about how absofuckinglutely intimidating his man was; he looked like he could just break me in half with those dark brooding eyeballs of his, no hands necessary.  My heart lurched, palpitating in my chest wildly like a canary in a proverbial coal mine.
“He won’t kill ye,” John assured me and my anxiety.
Ten beats passed. Nothing.
“Steamin’ bloody Jesus,” John said in frustration and then disappeared through the wall of the flat.  I could hear him swearing and yelling, all in vain.  He emerged, raking a hand through his mohawk in irritation.  When his eyes finally locked with mine, a silent plea filled them.
I didn’t like that look on John’s face; the pain and concern etched there was almost a tangible thing, and it hurt.  It made me feel edgy and a bit unstable, as if the ground beneath me wasn’t as sturdy as I believed before coming out here.  I stepped up and knocked again, louder, more insistent.  For him.
This time, I could hear the lumbering stomps of Simon’s gait as he approached the door to the flat, and I braced myself for whatever might come.  My hair sucked forward from the sudden vacuum the door caused, and I nearly expected the door to be ripped from its hinges, such was the velocity at which the door opened.  I hadn’t stepped back, but Jesus, I wished that I had.
“The fuck do you want?”  Simon’s voice was a low growl, his thick British accent raking across me like a physical attack.
There was that small animal voice in the back of my head as I looked up at the angry behemoth at the door, which said, with zero doubt, “You are going to die.”  He braced a forearm on the doorframe, leaning in closer.  My eyes widened fractionally with every millimeter that decreased between us.  Shit.
“Um… A-are you Simon?  Simon Riley?”
He blinked at me with unfocused eyes.  He’d been drinking heavily as he reeked of alcohol, which was wonderful for me because we all know that drunk people are totally predictable.  “Who’s askin’?”
My eyes flicked to John, who stood beside the door, nodding encouragingly.  “M-my name is Evangeline.  I’m here about John—"
“Johnny,” John — or Johnny — corrected me.
“Johnny?”  I glanced at my ghostly companion, who nodded.
Simon narrowed his eyes.  “The fuck you on about?”
“Look, I know this will sound crazy, but he sent me here with a message.”  This was a bit of a stretch since, now that I thought about it, Johnny didn’t actually give me a message for Simon.
“So, what, you’re a bloody fortune teller?” Simon asked, his gravelly voice seething with bitter outrage.
Shit shit shit shit shit.  “No, that’s not—“ I started, taking a defensive step backward, but he barreled on.
“What the fuck do you want here?”
“Johnny wanted me to—“ 
I had little time to react before he picked me up by my jacket lapels and slammed me against his door, the air quickly evicted from my lungs.  The back of my head stung as I looked in horror at him.
“Johnny doesn’t want anything.  He’s fucking dead.”
I froze under his gaze, which was both hateful and wounded, the cold rush of adrenaline coursing through my bloodstream.
Johnny interjected in a panic, “The first thing I ever said to him was, ‘I’ll save you a seat, sir.’  Tell him!”
I could feel my throat starting to close up.  I couldn’t move, couldn’t talk, couldn’t breathe.
“Shit.”  Johnny rushed forward, moving through Simon, trying to get him to loosen his grip, but it was useless.  Next, he passed through me, my body feeling the chill of his presence, a strange, otherworldly shiver as suddenly, my mouth moved.
“LT, let ‘er go.”  The voice was mine, but the inflection and the speaker was Johnny.
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joekeeryswife · 2 years
Can I pretty please request a Joe Quinn story about him and girlfriend/reader ( maybe a famous model or actress) finding out that paparazzi filmed/ have photos of them in their house having sex and joe is being a Dom like spitting in her mouth/ rough sex / face pushed into the wall ? (Doesn’t have to be too much smut )
Maybe they find out in an interview or something along those lines ? Joseph is like idolised for it but the reader is losing work over it ?
I love your work btw so amazing 💕
Exposed - J.Q
hello love! i’m so sorry this has taken me ages to write! i’ve just honestly had such a shit past couple of months and i’m just starting to enjoy writing again. im so bad at writing smut so i’m so sorry this is bad and cringy and this has a lot of mistakes! anyways, enjoy <3
also lmk if you want a part two!!
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you had just finished posing on the red carpet when your manager, Tom, pulled you off quickly after seeing a video circulating twitter, instagram and tiktok. you could hear the paparazzi as they shouted at you 'i didn't know that was what you were into' 'can you believe someone who acts so innocent in interviews and the runway be into all that kinky stuff' 'what an absolute slut, how can anyone be her fan after that' and you couldn't of been more confused. Tom looked at you with sympathy as he passed you his phone, showing you a video the paparazzi had taken of you and Joseph.
your heart has dropped to the floor and the only feeling you could feel was the sickness rising in your throat. you felt like time had stopped and there was nothing you could do. you hadn't even realised the two of you were being filmed when you were in your own home and if you did notice maybe you could of stopped it from happening. the video had been posted thirty minutes ago and was taken last night when Joseph had surprised you.
he had been in America for a few weeks, doing interviews whilst you were in Paris for Paris Fashion Week. when he arrived yesterday at your home in the UK it had been the first time you were both free from fans and the media and one thing led to another and now your sex life was everywhere. you hated how your privacy had been invaded like that, yes you were a little kinky but you did not want that all over the internet and here you were holding in your sobs as the video continued.
Joseph was on the red carpet after you and was doing some interviews, he was also getting shouts from the paparazzi but not the same as you. they shouted things like 'go on lad' 'jesus Joseph you're like a sex god. you really had her on her knees mate' and even he was confused. you could hear the screams from the paparazzi and were appalled at the difference between you and him. he seemed to be getting idolised whereas you were being slut shamed for it. Joseph was led to an interviewer who straight out told him about the video.
"so Joseph we have all seen the video of you and your girlfriend Y/n, how do you feel about that being exposed to the world and how do you feel about the different responses you and y/n are getting?" the interviewer, Sophie, asked as she watched Joseph frown. "what video?" he replied, anxiety filling his body. Sophie’s eyes widened when she realised Joseph had absolutely no idea about what was circulating on the internet. before she could speak up they both turned their heads to the fans and paparazzi who were still shouting out at Joseph.
“Joseph what’s it like to be with a slut like y/n? seeing her like it rough is crazy because she’s so different online. you did an amazing job though mate” someone shouted, making his heart drop. why were they speaking about you like that? his frown deepened as he heard the man slut shaming you. “i’m sorry, i- i thought you knew” Sophie said, a bright red blush covering her face as she realised she’d just told Joseph about the video. “i’m so confused though. what video are we speaking about here?” he replied, scratching the back of his neck.
“the video that was filmed by the paparazzi. it’s of you and y/n in your house uhh. doing things” she said, taking her phone out of her blazer pocket and went straight on twitter, getting the video up. Joseph took the phone and watched the video, disgusted that this was filmed and posted without both of your permission. the video showed you on your knees, Joseph’s hand in your hair, making a makeshift ponytail as he guided you along his shaft. his head was thrown back and your hands were on his legs, you could tell that you were completely naked.
the next clip showed you up against the wall with Joseph behind you, his hand around your neck, pulling your head back to look at him. he left kisses on your forehead and cheeks as he fucked you. the last clip was you and Joseph on the bed, his hand yet again around your neck, your head thrown back. he was appalled that someone had filmed this, they had violated you and had exposed your body to everyone. the video ended with the man who filmed it laughing and whispered a quite ‘this is gonna go so viral’ before shutting off. he scrolled down to see varied reactions from the fans, the comments were both kinda positive and negative.
quite a few of the fans were disgusted that this was posted online right before a big event. some comments were disgusted by your behaviour but were praising Joseph. a few read:
‘this is so disgusting, the fact that this has been posted and people are slut shaming y/n is so bad. i just feel so sad for her.’
‘the difference between ‘the boys’ talking about Joseph being ‘the man’ but y/n being a slut just shows the difference between how women and men are viewed in society. poor y/n’
‘ew the fact that Joseph is with a whore like her is disgusting. he needs to get away from her’
‘wheyyyy Joseph is one of the lads’
‘y/n just looks fucking weird. why does someone as ‘innocent’ as her get kinky like that. i knew something is off about her’
Joseph felt sorry for you. he hated how much hate you were getting from the media and he could do nothing about it. you were looking through the comments as well, feeling so upset at what people were calling you. you thought you were safe in your own home but no, the media had been able to creep into your personal life and exposed it to the world. you passed the phone back to Tom and asked him to call you a taxi. you didn’t want to be in front of the cameras and fans. he called you a cab and took you into a back room which was thankfully at the event. Tom comforted you as you cried on his shoulder, the embarrassment finally taking over your body as you realised what this meant for you.
for years you had worked hard for your modelling career to grow, just like you had always dreamed of since you were a little girl and when you finally get to a place where you think this is the perfect time to grow even more this comes out. you knew that now everyone was gonna view both you and Joseph differently and both in completely different ways. Joseph was going to be praised and idolised for months, whereas you were gonna be slut shamed and lose work over it.
Joseph gave back the phone to the interviewer and got off of the red carpet, hoping to look for you so he could comfort you. he saw Tori, his manager, and ran up to her and whisper yelled “Tori, have you seen y/n? this videos come out and-” “i’ve seen Joseph. this is not good. y/n is getting so much hate and i feel so bad for her. she’s with Tom in the back, she looked so upset. i think he called her a taxi so she could go home” she cut him off, her face full of hurt and sympathy. he thanked her and nodded, leaving her so he could go find you. he walked down a hallway and could hear your sobs from a mile off.
he opened the door and saw you with your makeup smudged and hot tears rolling down your face as you tried to get words out. “y/n, sweetheart” he said, making your focus shift off of Tom and into Joseph who briskly walked to you. he wrapped his arms around you and let you sob into his chest. Tom left the room, giving the two of you some privacy which was the least he could do after this happened. “it’ll be okay love” Joseph said, kissing your forehead as he softly stroke the back of your neck. “how is this gonna be okay Joseph? i’m being slut shamed and i’m ruined. the paparazzi are ruthless and so are some of the fans.”
Joseph sighed, realising you were right. the fans and paparazzi were ruthless and there was nothing you could do. “i know. wrong choice of words i’m sorry” he said, kissing your cheek. you were both silent for a while before there was a knock at the door, pulling you out of your thoughts. “Taxis here miss y/n. it’s out the back waiting for you” Tom said as you pulled away from Joseph. “you coming?” you asked Joseph just wanting to get away from everyone and hide from the world.
he nodded, taking ahold of your hand as you walked out of the door and followed Tom to the back of the event where the taxi was luckily still there. you got in the back, the paparazzi seeing the two of you leaving and that’s when they started up again. the shouts got worse and worse as you made your way to the taxi and they were still shouting as the taxi driver started driving off. you were so humiliated. the whole taxi ride you were silent, looking down at your hands to avoid Joseph’s gaze.
“i know you may not wanna hear this now but it’ll go down. the media doesn’t hang onto one thing for long and before we know it it’ll calm down”. all Joseph was trying to do was cheer you up a bit after something so horrible was released without consent. your head lifted up as he spoke and looked into his eyes. as you drive past the street lights. Joseph could see the tears in your eyes as your lip quivered as you spoke. “i honestly now think-” you had to take a deep breath as your lip and chin quivered more “think that i’m gonna lose so much work from this”
Joseph’s heart broke hearing you say that because he knew it was true. the difference between men and women in the public eye and how the media treated them was unfair. if a man was being praised for what he did to a woman then a woman should be praised for what she did to a man, not slut shamed for it. you arrived home and quickly walked in, not waiting to be seen by anyone. you sat down on the sofa, your phone buzzing constantly with spam calls from your mum and friends. a few messages from Tom caught your eye. they read ‘i know this isn’t something you want to hear right now but Prada have emailed and said they’re sorry but they’re dropping you from the catwalk next week and so are Versace. i really think you should write a tweet and copy and paste it to instagram and just keep away from your phone and the outside for a few days x’
you couldn’t believe it. first you’re being slut shamed by the media and now you were losing runway work. you ignored the message, to hurt to even respond but went back to the video to see if any other nice comments had come about. Joseph walked in after paying the taxi driver to see you staring blankly at your phone. there were over 36 million views with 1 million comments on twitter and it was trending number 1. great. the comments were more varied now with a few celebrities chiming in agreeing that the paparazzi invaded personal privacy and it was disgusting and that you should take whoever sent out the video to court.
Joseph sat down next to you and took the phone out of your hands, knowing this was affecting you a lot more than it was affecting him. he pulled you into his arms as you quietly sobbed. this would be your first time walking for Prada and it was taken away in a matter of minutes because of a stupid video that came out. “i think maybe we should write something on twitter to get it out of the way sweetheart, what do you think?” he said, stroking your hair softly as he tried to calm you down. once he felt you nod he gave back your phone to allow you tot type out whatever you wanted.
the tweet read ‘obviously this video has come out without mine and Joseph’s permission and i am truly embarrassed that this has been shared out to the public. i have never in my life felt so humiliated by something and seeing a lot of negative comments has honestly made me realise that there are a lot of fake fans out there who won’t have my back. also seeing the difference between comments about Joseph and comments about me are shocking. we are both there so we should be treated the same, i shouldn’t be slut shamed for enjoying a relationship with my partner. if Joseph is being idolised then why can’t i? we are both doing the exact same activity. slut shaming me for this is rude and disrespectful. however i’ve also realised who my true fans are, seeing the supportive comments has made me feel a little better and i can’t thank you all enough for supporting me in this. this will 100% be taken care of and whoever posted that video will be taken to court. the video was filmed and posted without either of our knowledge and i am disgusted that someone can change someone’s life in a matter of seconds. i feel violated that my body has been exposed completely and i’m embarrassed that you have all had to see this video and i’m truly sorry. i am going to be off of social media for a while and i hope you all understand, thank you’
Joseph read over the post and nodded, approving that that was the perfect thing to post. once posted he pulled you back into his arms and sighed. “i promise you this will be taken care of” he said, kissing your forehead. you nodded your head, too tired from all the crying to even speak. you knew that if this was anyone else it would be a completely different scenario so being with Joseph here was perfect and you couldn’t be happier that he was still here supporting you after this. you knew that if this didn’t break you then nothing would, Joseph was your soulmate and anyone from the outside could see that you were both so in love with each other.
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g3othermal3scapism · 2 months
My first movie reviewing type post because i have so many opinions on movies and i can ignore speaking on them no longer.
review under the cut
Okay, so this might not be the neatest post in the world. Whatever im yapping here. Figure it out yourself.
Let me start off by saying Ghostbusters is one of my favorite franchises in the whole world, if not my favorite. I love all of the movies, yes even the third one everyone hates, which I have a million other points to make on, but that’s another post. I personally adored Afterlife, I thought it was a great continuation that didn’t rely too heavily on nostalgia but was very much a respectful sort of love-letter to the originals, as well as a good beginning to a new era. Other than it lacking in the comedy department a little, (especially for a comedy movie fanchise) I thought it did most everything right, or at least well. I was in love with Pheobe and Podcast as well as Gary, and the story with Egon was a really lovely homage to the old ghostbusters and of course, the late great Harold Ramis. I was beyond excited for Frozen Empire. So don’t think this is coming from a place of bias, because I really hate to say it but I didn’t like Frozen Empire much at all. I’m going to try to break down my reasoning as organized as possible.
- It was not funny. I touched on this earlier, but one of the biggest issue with this new era is that they are severely lacking in the comedy department. Ghostbusters has always been a comedy movie, more than a horror and much more than a drama. These movies are trying too hard to be a serious action movie, and Frozen Empire was not really funny at all. It had that whole intro with the firefighters in 1904 that had not one comedic moment, and the rest of the offhanded jokes they tried to make felt forced and more akin to the writing of an old disney channel sitcom. This is especially troubling because they hired amazing comedians like Patton Oswald, Kumail Nanjiani, and James Acaster, as well as the old amazing Paul Rudd, Bill Murray, and honestly all of the og ghostbusters, yet all of them barely had a funny line through the whole thing. Really baffling and the attempts at seriousness and angst really did a disservice to the enjoyability of the movie IMO.
- It was insanely rushed and there was too much going on. This is probably the main, over-arcing problem that really ruined the movie. There’s so much build up to a main conflict that lasts five minutes and solved immediately. I was baffled, convinced it was a joke and there was still half a movie we had yet to see. They tried to hard to make so many (already not well writtwn) plots fit without having a good way to conclude them. This, as well as the story being far too overbloated with characters. They tried so hard to keep the original Ghostbusters and make like 47 main characters work, that our real main characters were shoved to the side. Pheobe was barely in it, and when she was, we never really got to see her being Pheobe. Callie should’ve been a much smaller character, and while in my heart Pheobe, Podcast, Lucky, and Trevor should have been the new Ghostbusters, I think this movie should have focused more on Pheobe, Gary, and Ray. I have a vague plot in my head but that’s not the point. The movie was just trying to do too much and managed to do absolutely nothing.
- Callie. This might be a hot take, but I don’t care about Callie at all. She should not have been a Ghostbuster in this movie. It doesn’t make any sense. In Afterlife, Callie showed no signs of being interested in ghostbusting or that world at all, she just loved her dad. She’s not a scientist whatsoever. Pheobe was right, she absolutely should have just been the receptionist. On top of it not making sense, Callie just isn’t interesting enough to be a main Ghostbuster. She’s already not a scientist, but she offers no special skills or anything unique to herself, she doesn’t have an interesting personality and her arc is so boring. She was not needed in this movie. Again, Trevor, Pheobe, Lucky, and Podcast should be the main Ghostbusters. I don’t give a fuck about this family business thing and it was a bad choice IMO. In all honesty Trevor doesn’t need to be super major either.
- Jumping off of that…. Trevor. Oh my god. They murdered him in this movie. Trevor was never my favorite, but I liked his character a lot in Afterlife. I thought he could have been more interesting, but compared to Empire Trevor, in Afterlife he’s like Tarantino-level entertaining. Trevor sucked in this movie. The words “I’m 18 now” should have never left his mouth. It’s such a tired, overdone bit, and they didn’t put any spin on it at all. And it was literally. His entire personality. It was so obnoxious. Give him something, especially since Finn Wolfhard is a funny actor. The idea of him having a running gag with Slimer wasn’t bad, and payoff was one of the funniest moments in the whole movie. (A three second scene of Finn Wolfhard seeing Slimer and going “Hey! I know him!” being the funniest bit in a Ghostbusters movie. Yikes.) Jesus fuck was he annoying in this movie, and him and Pheobe barely had any scenes together.
- Okay. Melody. Big fucking yikes. Pheobe being fruity? We been knew but I adored it. Exploring the ideas of inter-dimensional plane romance and relationships? Super interesting and a fun risk to take. Execution? Oh. my god. I loved Melody when we first met her at the park, I was super excited, but she just became.. nothing. We barely learned anything about her past or her life or her at all, and they totally missed the chance to make her from an old era, make her wear funny clothes and talk funny, and be an interesting character. She was just kind of this mysterious dead girl. Not learning about her past at all in turn made it hard to care about her story, if we don’t know her family or her life, why should we care that she wants to get back to them? Why is it justified that she would betray Pheobe to get to heaven or whatever? It doesn’t make sense. We see her at the diner, and the diner is called Melody and it’s never brought up again? If she were like a ‘50s themed ghost this would have been a fun little piece, but in the movie it doesn’t make sense, because we already know her place of death was her house that she burnt down. What does the diner have to do with anything? And the scene where she just stands in the road and has the goofiest corniest conversation with idk the voices in her head or whatever. God, pack it the fuck up. Then at the end, it’s so obvious she’s going to come back to save them, so the scene really holds no impact, even though it doesn’t make any sense for her to come back. She made her choice, she betrayed Pheobe to see her family (for whatever fucking reason), and she went through the barrier. We never see that the barrier didn’t work, or that something changed and made her change her decision. If her family is so fucking important, why on earth would she just go back to save people she hardly, or didn’t know? It doesn’t make any sense. Plus, if they wanted to give Pheobe a ghost girl romance (which I’m a fan of) they should have given her and Melody any semblance of chemistry. The actors didn’t have any chemistry and their dialogue was just sort of lame. Seeing Pheobe discover crushes and see how she would behave under those circumstances could have been very interesting, but it was just overall boring. Melody did not matter and nothing she ever did made sense. She wasn’t a character, she was a plot device to move the story along.
- This brings me to my next point.. none of the writing really made all that much sense? I mean they put all this work into the lore of the monster, even though really Ghostbusters shouldn’t be about lore, it should be about cool ghost designs and funny likeable characters, and then none of the lore mattered. I mean I barely remember anything about the big villain because it was all intensely boring and I just did not gaf at all. On top of this, the way the characters behave.. makes no sense. Pheobe’s family was so insensitive to her after she had to stop doing the thing she loved, despite it quite literally being her thing. In my opinion, if Pheobe wasn’t a ghostbuster, the whole thing would shut down. Trevor and Callie would be clueless, even with a little help with Gary, it just wouldn’t work. On top of this, when Pheobe destroyed the lion, and all the ghostbusters were mad at her??? What on earth was that about. The lion was quite literally going to kill Ray, and they’re ghostbusters. It is quite literally in the job description that you’re gonna destroy some shit and cause some problems. She had to, and Winston was all up her ass about it? It just didn’t make sense. He would’ve been on her side completely, and really all of the ghotsbusters involved shouldve been fighting for Pheobe. They’re supposed to be a team?? And I mean after everyone spend the movie getting mad at Pheobe literally anytime she breathed, the only time she actually messed up, almost killing herself and causing the end of the world for a cute girl, everyone’s all “Oh we’re just glad you’re okay!! everybody makes mistakes!!!” It’s so clownish actually. There are a million other things that just don’t make sense, but I’d have to rewatch it to make any real coherent analysis of them.
- The villain was so fucking goofy?? It was just this big cartoonish stereotype villain that wasn’t ironic at all. It was so unserious and not scary at all. That design sucked shit and there was nothing interesting about him. What’s the point of Ghostbusters if the big villain doesn’t talk and doesn’t have any funny scenes? Plus, like, oh wow big evil world ending dead god. I’ve never seen anything like this before. My mind is blown, Ghostbusters, you’ve done it again. (sarcasm 😊)
- Podcast and Pheobe were barely in the movie. They carried the last movie and they’re my favorite, so this is slightly biased, but them not being in it at all was insane. Especially, since, you know, pheobe is the main character. Even on the poster, it’s way too filled with characters, and Pheobe is no where near the focal point of the poster. It’s fucking Paul Rudd for some reason. Besides this, Podcast was no where near as funny as he should’ve been. Both Pheobe and Podcast lost that young awkward charm that made them so loveable, and you cannot convince me Podcast stopped being so dorky so easily. I also believe he would be super interesting in working in Ray’s shop, but I don’t believe he would let everyone be ghostbusting without him?? Pheobe ghostbusting without podcast? Absolutely not on his watch. Their characters were a little butchered.
- Ah. The ending. This fuckass ending. You saw it from a million miles away and so did I, and so did everyone fucking else. It was the most expected ending I’ve ever seen. No twists, nothing goes wrong, and when it does, it does not matter. None of it matters. Oh they all get suited up and team up? Doesn’t matter. you’re all frozen and will do nothing for the ending. Oh no, they all got frozen and can’t stop the bad guy? Doesn’t matter. Unrelated side character comes out of nowhere and saves the day in five seconds with no problem. No one lift a finger. Not even to mention how ridiculous the ice spikes were. They did all this set up with Kumail Nanjiani, jist for the payoff to be that. None of the conflicts they ran into in the movie had really any impact on the story later. They were just things that happened.
Overall, I thought the movie was a mess that was trying too hard at everything and succeeding very little. Now I’ll talk about some things I did like! Keeping the old ghostbusters, especially Ray, I thought was a good choice. The idea of Winston being the rich one who’s really running ghostbusters behind the scenes is perfect, especially considering Ernie Husdson really being the one to keep Ghostbusters alive, and having ghostbusters tech where he works with ghosts and makes containment units and new traps and what not was great. Pheobe and Gary trying go navigate their new relationship was an interesting and heartwarming idea, even if I thought it wasn’t executed amazingly. Pheobe tinkering with her proton pack and coating it with copper to blast the monster was a really fun, great idea. I love when they do little things like that, putting little spins on things, and I wish we could’ve seen more of that. Venkman had some of the best scenes in the movie. Him throwing the pens at Kumail Nanjiana was a very fun scene, and did keep the spirit of Peter Venkman very much. More than that, the scene where he shows up at the firehouse and immediately goes to wear he has a hidden thing of Whisky was gold. A perfect Venkman scene, a perfect “i lived here for years” moment, and very funny.
This is my analysis of ghostbusters frozen empire 😊😊🙏💖 sorry ghostbusters fandom i am one of you i love you please dont cancel me or whatever
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across-violet-skies · 4 months
Febuwhump day 7: suffering in silence
Whumpee: Time
Whump Rating: 5/10
TWs: blood & injury
Time was always the most insistent that nobody should hide an injury or illness. When it (inevitably) happened to one of their number, they were sent to be lectured by Time.
Which is precisely why none of them expected the Old Man to hide an injury. He was their strongest advocate against the practice, and he usually stuck to his morals.
To be fair, it wasn’t like he had gone into it intending to hide an injury. But they were out of potions and fairies, and Hyrule looked just about ready to pass out while he was working on Sky’s arm. Time’s injury wasn’t that bad– he would manage just fine the old-fashioned way until they could restock or Hyrule regained his magic.
So, tearing away from the group while they cleaned themselves up, Time pulled bandages out of his bag. He sat on a log, propping his leg up as his layers were peeled back. The injury itself looked fine… enough. All he could really do was empty his waterskin over the wound to clean it before wrapping it up.
It was a small wound, shallow too. Just a cut across the back of his calf, obtained while he was surrounded by Lizalfos. One of their tails had whipped around, but this one cut into his leg instead of tripping him. Time guessed they were sharper than they looked. And at the speed Lizalfos tails moved, he supposed one of them could slice through his calf.
The Old Man sighed, tying off the bandage over the injury. It would be covered normally, so as long as he could manage walking for hours at a time, it would be fine. He had years of experience pushing through injuries, so a little cut shouldn’t be an issue.
This line of thinking should’ve been the first warning sign. Especially with all the lectures he had given on this very subject. But Time was as much a holder of the Hero’s Spirit as any of the others, and that same stubbornness they had lived in him, too.
So he pushed through it.
The first hour or so of traveling was fine, almost normal. Nobody suspected a thing– why did it sound like he was trying to hide something big? It was only a small cut, nothing to worry about– and Time held idle conversation with the Captain as they walked.
“...I just think it’s weird, y’know? With Cia and everything, and all the pictures of me-” Warriors cut himself off, squinting at Time. “You alright, Old Man? You’ve been quieter than usual.”
“Hm?” Time raised a brow, humming. “No, I’m fine. Just thinking.”
The Captain elbowed him playfully. “Care to share?”
“Ah, well…” Time waved a hand dismissively. “Nothing of note.”
“Right. Well…” Warriors continued with his story, something Time would normally listen to. Today, though, he couldn’t find it in himself to bother. His head was in the clouds, metaphorically speaking, and not in a good way.
“-ime. Time!” Sky called, waving a hand in front of his face worriedly. “Are you okay? You seem ill!”
“Ah…” Time held a hand to his head, dazed. “I suppose I may be coming down with something.”
Sky frowned. “We should stop.” Then louder: “Everybody stop! We’ll make camp for tonight here!”
There was only a moment’s hesitation before everyone was getting to work setting up camp. Wind helped Twilight, who was carrying an exhausted Hyrule, to set up the bedrolls and get their healer situated for the night. Wild started a fire, and Four contained it to a small pit. Legend and Warriors bickered as they collected firewood, and Sky led Time over to the fire, sitting him down against a tree.
Sky placed a gentle hand against their eldest’s forehead, frowning. “You’ve got a fever,” he murmured, shaking his head. “How long have you been feeling unwell?”
“Not too long,” Time replied, shaking his head. “Only an hour or so after the battle.”
“Are you hurt?”
“No, of course n-” Time paused. He was hurt, wasn’t he? And falling ill so suddenly like this… well, it wasn’t good news. “...I am. But it was minor, and I cleaned and wrapped it.”
Sky pressed his lips into a thin line, sighing. “I thought you were supposed to be the responsible one,” he murmured, shaking his head. “Can I see?”
Silently, Time rolled back his pant leg to reveal the bandaged wound. Sky hummed to himself as he unwrapped it carefully, grimacing at the wild discoloration all around the injury.
Yeah, it wasn’t an ordinary wound, that’s for sure. What had previously been a small cut was now a large slice across the back of Time’s calf, oozing an inky blackish-purple substance.
Sky dropped the soiled bandages, shuffling backward. “...I’ll go get Wars.” The Skyloftian left quickly, leaving Time with the ominous injury. It gurgled and hissed, almost like a separate entity, and even more of the sludge bubbled out from his leg.
Sky and Warriors came running, getting down on their knees next to Time to better examine the wound. “What the hell did you do? What caused this?” The Captain questioned, feeling around the cut.
“Lizalfos tail,” Time explained, shaking his head.
“You mean from the battle this morning?” Warriors clarified, narrowing his eyes. Time nodded sheepishly. “For fuck’s sake, Old Man! You were the one person I trusted not to pull shit like this! I- ugh!” The Captain raised his arms in displeasure, grumbling as he cleaned out the wound. “You’re lucky we caught it. What happened to not hiding injuries?”
Time sighed, gesturing uselessly. “We didn’t have anything left, and Traveler…” he waved an arm in Hyrule’s general direction. “Everyone was stressed enough already; I didn’t want to add to it. I thought I could handle it on my own until we were able to restock.”
“Clearly not,” Warriors remarked, emptying a bottle of liquid on the wound. Before his eyes, the dark ooze was swept away, leaving a deep wound that bled red. “You-” He pointed at Time. “-owe me a bottle of Great Fairy-blessed water.”
The Old Man nodded. “I’ll be sure to repay you, Captain. Thank you.”
Warriors sighed deeply, wrapping up Time’s leg properly. “Of course. I just wish you had said something earlier, even if we were out of potions and fairies. We still have other healing supplies, and this whole thing likely could’ve been avoided if you hadn’t hidden it from us,” he commented, tying off the bandages. “I thought you were better than that, Old Man.”
Time’s brow furrowed. Ouch. Still, he knew Warriors was right, and he never should’ve hidden an injury in the first place. He should’ve known better– he did know better. This wasn’t an accident.
The Captain softened, exhaling. “Get some rest; heal up. The fever should break in the next few hours, and we can talk then. Sky and I will get you to the bedrolls.”
The three of them made their way to the bedrolls, and Sky and Warriors deposited Time onto his. The eldest Link adjusted himself until he was comfortable, sighing. “Thank you, Captain. And thank you as well, Sky. I apologize for hiding the injury.”
Sky shrugged, smiling gently, while Warriors simply nodded. “You’re welcome. Let’s not have a repeat of this.”
“Definitely not,” Time agreed, exhaling.
The Captain cracked a small smile, patting Time’s head once before standing. “Get some rest, Sprite.”
–> support me on ao3!
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louisisalarrie · 5 months
I read that Simon knew Louis was gay and accepted it but he didn’t count on Harry and a relationship between the two so he closeted them. Do you believe that happened?
Big chats here, but long story short, yes. Louis was the oldest, and most extroverted, and the strongest. He was the leader. He was proud to be gay, proud to be with Harry, and was fiercely protective of him from the very beginning. If he convinced louis it was a good idea to hide things for the sake of their career, Louis would explain that to Harry, and Harry would trust everything Louis said because he was older and H looked up to him. He believed louis knew best, because of that age gap and the manipulation S*mon put Louis through to convince him it was the only way to have a career (not just for him, but for the others and Harry, who he cares so deeply for) was parroted back to Harry and harry believed it, because it came from Louis. It was a shit show of gaslighting, manipulation, fear mongering and empty promises.
Remember when Louis talked about how he was flown out to S*mon’s house for a talking to the day after one direction performed at a gay bar with all that cake and Harry and Louis were all over each other? And they looked the happiest they’d ever been? Yeah. Louis was the one S*mon took hold of, and manipulated into thinking it wasn’t gonna last.
And I truly think S*mon thought it wasn’t actually going to last. That it was just two kids figuring themselves out, and it would end eventually, if he pushed Louis into believing it would and set them up with stunts. He knew that the earlier he pushed them apart, the better. If he could squash it at the beginning and convince them to stop trying because “Hey Louis, Harry’s just a kid, he looks up to you but it’s not real love, and if it continues you won’t have any fans or a career and would you want that for Harry?” then they wouldn’t have to worry. BUT Louis was so fierce. You could see the way he fought against management. He’s incredibly strong minded and stands up for what he believes in. And he believed in him and Harry. He believed in them making it. He believed that even though they were young, this was special. It was different. And if shit went bad, he’d protect Harry and they’d be okay. But that took a little while for him, I imagine. Because being so young and the man who holds your career in his hands telling you that you’ll lose all hopes and dreams if you continue on letting this kid fall for you would 100% put you in a tricky position. Unfortunately, S*mon used Louis to push stunts and get his way and tell him that “if you still wanna be with Harry in the future, we’ll let it happen. But for now, it neeeds to take a backseat because otherwise you’re not gonna get anywhere”. So Louis cooperated. He believed S*mon, because the man was essentially grooming him. Until, well, he fought back. It was watching his baby go through stunts and horrible interview questions and probably a lot of crying, and then Louis didn’t believe S*mon anymore. He saw the larries fighting for them, and seeing through the facade. So, he did too. And you could see that switch flip in him. You could see when he started playing games with mgmt. you could see he wouldn’t take no for answer. And it started a war that broke in 2015 after Belfast, bbg, and zayn leaving. An absolute shit show where the things that were meant to line up, just.. didn’t. But he made that S*mons problem, and acted out, and pissed him right off. Louis knew they were worth it. And he should be so proud because after the abuse and everything he copped (Rebecca ferguson’s recap on this via her tweet clearly about louis), he made it through. They made it.
Im a strong believer that Louis took on bbg because otherwise, Harry would have to do a massive stunt similar, and Louis didn’t want his baby to have to go through that. He wanted Harry to be as free as could be, and Louis believed he could deal with it. That it would be short term, but with long consequences, but Harry would have more freedom. And that was the promise mgmt put forward to him. That if he did this, Harry would be able to express himself and be who he is, but Louis needed something ridiculously foolproof to show that the more proud Harry got to be, it was even less likely that they were together.
It’s heartbreaking, really.
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sabo-has-my-heart · 1 year
Safe In His Arms
An Ace Fic and the second to last event request. I tried to make this with a GN!Reader, but if I made mistakes, I apologize. The original request was:
“Gaahhhhh im so happy (and also proud?) for you!!! and i wanna join in on the celebration!!! so maybe either Prompt 12, Law, Fluff Prompt 4 or Prompt 16, Ace, Multipurpose Prompt 8 please“
Warnings: reader being attacked, 
Word Count: 1390
     Tugging at the ropes that wrapped around your tail, you whimpered. The net had tangled around you, making you panic as you tugged and thrashed, only tangling yourself more as you felt yourself being pulled up. Already, you could see their cruel faces as they caught sight of you, pulling faster. You slammed against the boat with whatever force you could manage, hoping to knock them off balance. Being pulled onto the ship, the men chuckled darkly as you struggled.
     “Quickly, secure the tail! We can’t have the beast jumping back into the water!” one man shouted, the others quickly moving to grab you.
     “I’m not a beast! Let me go!” you shouted, a scream leaving your lips a moment later as sharp, jagged hooks and spikes drove into your tail.
     “Careful with that! It’s useless if we ruin the tail too much!” another man said as a third began to bind your arms.
     “It’s a pretty one too, try not to cause any scarring, we’ll get more if it looks pretty.”
     “I’m not an ‘it’! I’m a person! Please, let me go!” you continued to shout, tears starting to run down your cheeks. You let out another scream as something hit your back, the sharp items digging deeper into your tail as the ship rocked. Opening your eyes, you noticed the sailors running across the ship, distracted by something else. Looking at the binds, you began tearing at them, ignoring how the spikes dug into your hands, ignoring the blood that poured from the wounds as you jumped back into the water, swimming as fast as you could, as deep as you could. Blood continued to gush from your injuries, your vision blurring from blood loss. Fighting against the pulling darkness, you tried to swim forward, your body soon going limp. 
     Ace loved the beach, loved the ocean. He wished he could set sail one day, to just wander the oceans without a care and without a destination. Vaguely he wondered if some of the fantastic tales he’d heard about the waters were true. Stories of huge undersea monsters, rumors of fantastical creatures and untold treasures. Wouldn’t it be wondrous to see some of the things out there? Pulling a small stone from his pocket, he sighed. It was a silly little ‘wishing stone’ that Luffy had bought him, but he was feeling hopeful today. Thinking of his wish, he gently traced the white line before tossing it as far as he could out into the shimmering waters. Taking a deep breath, he turned to continue down the beach. It was a short while later that he spotted something in the surf, the waves crashing against it. Hurrying forward, hoping it was interesting, his eyes widened, his brisk strides turned into a run as he realized that the ‘something’ was a person. Pulling the person out of the surf, he didn’t even process the tail until they were well up onto the beach, his eyes nearly leaving his head as he stared at the figure.
     You could hear the crashing of waves as you stirred, could feel the soft, warm sands beneath you. The cuts across your body stung, the pain rousing you from your sleep. Opening your eyes, your gaze landed on a young man with dark hair kneeling in the sand next to you. Trying your best to scramble away from him, you hissed in pain as your injuries dragged along the sand.
     “Hey, hey, it’s okay. I’m not gonna hurt you. I found you passed out in the water. Are you okay?” the young man asked, looking at you worriedly. Looking towards the crashing waves, you wondered if you could get into the water before he had the chance to catch you. You were on land, he could move faster than you could here, “You don’t need to be afraid, I promise. I just want to help.” he said worriedly, holding up his hands, trying to reassure you that you were okay. Still, you watched him warily.
     “H-how do I know I can trust you? You could have friends on the way!” you said, trying to scoot closer to the water.
     “I… I just want to help, I promise. You’re injured, I can help. If you let me go grab some bandages, I’ll patch you up. You can even move closer to the water if you’d like, or there’s a pier further down the beach, it would easily allow you to dive into the water.” he offered. You nodded, moving closer to the water as he fetched some first aid items.
     Talking with the young man as he bandaged you, you learned his name was Ace, he lived with his two brothers, and he dreamed of sailing. Once he’d finished bandaging you, he’d offered to help you back into the water, surprising you. Surely he knew how much you were worth? Your kind weren’t common, you were highly sought after for a variety of reasons. He had to have known this! He’d just chuckled and dragged you closer to the water. Looking at him, you’d asked if he knew of a nearby cover where you could hide out, making him smile as he picked you up and carried you to a secluded cove for you to lie low. Ace visited you everyday, eventually bringing his brothers to meet you. It was weeks later that your wounds had healed, sighing as you packed up the few things you’d obtained since coming here. It wasn’t much, but Ace had brought you a number of items, letting you keep whatever you desired, eventually getting you a satchel to keep it all in.
     “Y/n! Hey! I… uh… going somewhere?” Ace asked, looking at your packed bag and solemn look.
     “I figured… it’s time I returned, I… I’m vulnerable here and… and I’m sure I’m causing you nothing but trouble. You’ve been feeding me, taking care of me, I… I’m probably a burden on you.” you said, looking at your lap sadly. Honestly, you didn’t want to leave, but you wanted to cause him trouble even less.
     “No, it’s cool. You haven’t caused me any trouble at all. It’s been nice having you here.” Ace sighed, looking away as he kicked at the sand for a moment, “So…. you’re really leaving then?” you bit your lip, staring at him. You wanted to stay, wanted to spend more time with him, but how could you? You were temporarily living in a cove, you couldn’t just walk up on land and live with him. Still…
     “Ask me to stay.” you said, looking up at him, taking his hand in yours.
     “I… What?” he asked, a little baffled, looking down at your hand before sitting down next to you, squeezing your hand.
    “Ask me to stay… and I will.” you said, slowly reaching out to caress his cheek.
     “Stay, please stay. Stay with me. I’ll protect you, I promise. I’ll find a way. I’ll build a house out in this cove if I have to if you’ll just stay with me.” he pleaded, reaching up to caress your cheek, his hand shaking, “You’re… you mean a lot to me. I’ll figure something out, I promise, just stay.” he pleaded, making you laugh slightly. 
     “I’ll stay. I’ll stay for you. I’m… I’m sure we can figure something out.” you said with a small smile. Ace grinned as he pulled you close, holding you tight as he kissed you. Once he’d realized what he’d done, he pulled back.
     “Uh, s-sorry. I… I was probably a bit too forward, wasn’t I. I just…” Ace looked away, fidgeting nervously.
     “I love you.” you said softly, gently putting a hand on his cheek, making him face you again as you kissed him. You could practically feel him melting under your touch, his arms wrapping around your waist. 
     “I… I love you too and… and I promise I’ll figure out a way for us to be more permanently together, and to keep you safe.” he said, pulling you into his lap and holding you close. You smiled and nodded, leaning your head against your chest. It felt like nothing, not even the sailors that had tried to capture you, could get to you while you were in his arms, you were safe in his arms, you’d stay safe in his arms.
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starbramble · 8 months
Saw the finale and while narratively I don't have a problem with anything that happened, I do think that the pacing and what they chose to show/focus on was ?????????
unfocused spoilery rambles under the cut
Standard caveat of this is all just my opinion ymmv and all that,
- reunion was really cute but then we dont see Ed and Stede talk about Piracy vs Retirement or any of their issues at all???
- I mean the pacing of Izzy's arc has been wild to me anyway this season but it feels weird for him to get *both* character development and a tragic death?? and the timing/pacing of it felt really rushed. (for context Character death in stories doesnt tend to bother me as long as it serves a purpose, but the themes of this felt a bit all over the place for me. I also completely understand why people would find his death increadibly upsetting)
- Izzy's speeches were nice but didn't neccessarily feel like they lined up with what we've seen on the show for me tbh (also love ed but lol at the idea that the crew like him more than izzy this season)
-in general S1 izzy and S2 izzy feel like different characters to me and it feels like this death scene was written for S1 izzy not S2 izzy if that makes sense?
- Good for Jackie getting to poison everyone but neither stede, ed or zheng really having much interaction with Ricky at the end felt like a missed oppourtunity. though I suppose that could work with the fact that there was not meant to be an external villlain this season, but then the characters internal problems were kind of brushed over anyway???
- honestly love Zheng and Stedes interaction though, his bumbling managing to keep her alive juuussttt long enough for her to get out of her depression moment and do all the work herself 😂 he truly is most useful as a little pirate mascot.
Tinhat theory here but it kind of felt like maybe this season was originally going to end with Ed and Stede split up again but the writers/ showrunner didn't want to risk not getting renewed and leaving them in a bad place?
Double tin hat theory - Izzy is chilling in the gravybasket with buttons and will show up next season as a ghost/dream/hallucination (or hell just straight up come back, I mean if Ed can do it after being beaten to death 😂 )
good for lucius and pete :)
Glad Auntie is alive but RIP to every other Chinese pirate I guess, also all of Jackie's other husbands????? ( also lol at the long continuing narrative condition of having a side character who has objectively lost a lot more people comfort a main character over another main characters death (star wars im looking at you))
Anyway just my ramblings after having first seen the episode would love to hear other peoples thoughts.
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furymint · 6 months
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2023 Creator Reflection
1. dance me to the end of love
this one was fun! i always like merging a character's outfit with the bg so i liked doing that again. picking the colors for elliots outfit was also enjoyable. ive wanted to make smth w that cover for a while
2. shame was still the tyrant of his life
i only wrote two nol and eli things this year and neither of them are finished. the first was a continuation of a scene where nol kisses elliot against the blue stained glass in his room--i once posted it but then i deleted it bc it made me feel woozy for its allusions to sex. i wanted to rebuild it and take a shot at it now that im comfortable writing n reading sex, but i never got very far. theres actually lots of nice parts! i just like nols dumb angsting the best!
3. valentine
i really wanted to focus on nol's eye here, but also not make it too obvious lol. i used a ps filter like a schmuck but i wanted it to be darker without making it even more difficult to see, so i took away their bodies and limited the colors to make it what it is.
4. amateur cracksmen
the second nol n eli wip, which doesnt have many interesting lines rn, was a raffles-inspired story where eli drags nol as his valet to a rival artist's house and tries to steal back the brooch that he bought from an underground dealer feat. much babbling abt the state of societal responsibility that war is supposed to bring
1. herz an herz dir
i wrote some reflections about this one already here. i honestly was very (distressed voice) cant believe im writing pure fanfic for the first time in over ten years and lacked a lot of direction when i started bc uhhhhh terence has 8 and a half mins of screen time. i tried to convince myself that it's not much different than me stealing brucemont for my own evil devices, but the unique perspective of seeing quite so much fan content def influenced my interpretation. i wanted their relationship to be much more imbalanced from the get-go initially--dion using his power unintentionally and terence barely passing a thought abt it until later bc he's just so accustomed to obeying--but i ended up giving terence a lot more sway & ammunition in their argument. the breakfast bed thing is also smth im rly fond of.
2. mund an mund
there's also additional meta for this one here. i made a silly doodle abt it also. dion kept picking fights here! it honestly turned out how i expected. when i first started this fic, i was gonna have dion start out right in oriflamme and meet ter and kihel there, but i booted them to northreach so i could have this stretch of conflict. i think it's like. Bad Pacing. technically. if i still believe the conflict introduced in the next chapter is the core one, that is. which i sorrrrta do. but i dont care bc i rly like the visual of kihel laying in dion's lap and getting to put a gun on the wall w ahmed.
3. eines atems
its been two months since the last chapter and this chapter is humiliatingly not written. i have all my scrambled notes and scenes that i jotted down in between the first two chapters, so i have a full direction, but it's been really difficult to write lately. ive been devoting all my time to trying to recoup my mental health and work on my teredio secret santa. ill start next year with this wip as a priority, so for now i only have the photoshop edit for it. kihel is holding terence's hand--it's his pov turn.
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overall i didnt like this year very much. i didn't read, create, research or do a lot even though i tried to. i became really disconnected from all of my friends bc im too tired to stay for rp or hold online conversations. at this point, i dont play ffxiv at all except the few times i managed to rp a little. i moved into nanny's house and have my own space, but don't have the presence of mind to do anything about my pc, books, and so on, although i did make a lot of progress rewrapping my books w fresh wraps and some other things. my plans for next year are to reach out to a couple of my friends, build my pc, relearn + rebuild + relaunch my queer lit blog on open source code, survive school, and rediscover the productivity ive lost the past few years.
teredio has helped me a LOT to find community, inspiration, and art in my loneliest year yet. im very proud of my fic and grateful every day to the ppl who have reached out to me about liking it. even if im sorry about my productivity rate in comparison to how many extraordinary writers there are in the ship's fandom, i know i have to be easy on myself to relearn how to write, create a writing schedule that works for me, and stop punishing myself when i cant get the words out.
past reflections:  2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022
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toddstool · 3 months
I started looking into radical feminism a little over a year ago while I was rebuilding and repairing the damage to my life caused by men. It gave me a sense of belonging and made me think critically about a lot of things I had always taken for granted. I especially enjoyed how everyone seemed to encourage one another to question everything consistently. It was very good for my outlook and mental health.
Over time, the posts seemed to shift from educational to sensational. Im not saying this was the fault of the posters, I’m just saying what I experienced. It went from primarily discussing nuanced topics with no real answer which i thoroughly enjoyed since it encouraged thought, to primarily posts highlighting the depravity of men. I tried to filter these out as the thought of women being brutalized can cause me distress and panic.
The biggest shift, however, happened when I expressed my opinion on female separatism. I am quite pro and strongly believe that it is one of the best things you can do for yourself and your female loved ones. I did not understand in the slightest how women who claimed to be radical feminists could marry a man while continuing to hold their beliefs and values. I expressed this. I was blocked by a few mutuals and even more radfems I had never even spoken to. I knew upon making a “radblr” account that I would be blocked by half of tumblr but I didnt think it would be by the same people preaching to question everything and have open nuanced discussions. I considered deleting then because the website became almost unusable.
Instead, i found other radfems to follow. I became less likely to express an idea i was unsure of. I started step back from radblr as a place of learning and discussion and viewed it as an anonymous social media website. I was overwhelmed with the amount of posts detailing abuse and femicide. I understand that these events need attention for things to change, but as they were it felt more dirty. Like exploiting their stories for rage bait.
So with little to no traction on posts trying to discuss nuanced feminist topics and an overflow of notes on any silly dumb argument post, I, without intending to, began to seek out more fights. I noticed that I became more prone to showing my ass by replying with what i knew would get the most attention. I am not perfect. I crave attention and community like anyone else. When I became aware of what I was doing, I deleted the tumblr app. I felt weirdly empty and only managed to stay off tumblr for about three days. After that three days I saw the “I love men” post that I showed my whole ass on.
After that interaction was done, I started getting anons asking me how I could use the “dont forget your birth control” line since it was so obviously misogynistic and lesbiphobic. This would have been the ideal type of nuanced discussion i love if that’s what it had been. Is that line misogynistic? Why or why not?
But thats not what happened. What did happen was mutuals calling me names and blocking me. Radfems talking about how they always suspected I was lesbiphobic. I guess that was the straw that broke the camel’s back. I realized that, at least for that account, everything I enjoyed about radblr was all but lost and everything I hated about the fandom/tra account I had was there. At this point I am just trying to stay off social media entirely, but it has become obvious that I am addicted to it. Pretty evident since I’m even typing this huh?
I may come back. I may not. Idk rn. We’ll see but for right now, I just wanted to tell someone why I deleted. I thought about making a post but that would be kinda dumb right? Haha.
I’d love to find a new place to discuss and philosophize but I dont think social media is the place to do it. Its not whats rewarded here.
Good luck and happy discussion, critical thought, and feminism!
-the blog formerly known as @lookupmedicalmisogyny
*for context: a while ago i made a post asking what happened to lookupmedicalmisogyny and she found it and sent me this anon :)*
not 100% sure if I should or shouldn't post this but hey it's whateva.
i totally agree that a lot of radblrs most popular posts nowadays are ragebait/sensational type posts that feel heavily focused on women's suffering or arguing with others on here, rather than educating or respectful discussions between our community. i don't really mind as I just scroll past stuff like that if I know it'll emotionally stress me out or if I find it uninteresting. these past 2 years anyway I've just used radblr to have fun with my mutuals/keep up with them and have a configurated feed to scroll made up from like-minded and or funny women. of course this works for me because I already got to experience and read well written and thought out posts when i was first getting into radical feminism. i mean one should read theory from genuine essays and books, but you can't disagree that quite a lot of girls and young women are first being introduced to radical feminism from social media ("properly" ig opposed to just thinking about it themselves). i think what a lot of women need are irl communities, and they replace that with online communities, because in person can be scary or difficult to do.
anyway kinda off topic there. i didn't see the post that you're talking about, so I'm not sure about any lesbophobic allegations. im not sure how "don't forget to take your birth control" could be considered lesbophobic according to a radblr prospective so idk 🤔 i do miss your educational posts. i remember them bringing topics to light that I had never known about when i was first getting away from liberal/capitalistic "feminism" that i was indoctrinated into as a kid. perhaps you could have one blog for writing serious/important posts for the feminist community and another more personal one that's for fun and to talk about mutuals. while I don't think online community is exactly the best, I wouldn't entirely discredit it. after all it allows us to connect with women all over the world and learn about their experiences! that's pretty awesome. and i can imagine men don't like the idea of women learning about our historical and worldwide oppression, connecting with women everywhere, and understanding intersectional feminism lol. i guess to sum it up as long as you have in person community that's involved with your local government and helping women near you, then i think online stuff is fine and actually a positive thing as well.
do what u feel is best for yourself! social media can be extremely damaging nowadays so take it easy and I hope everything gets better :·)
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dizzyaddy · 5 months
drowning - naruto x oc pt. 1
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(i do not own any naruto characters, only the original character)
life was a blur before i met him.
the rising sun adorning the pastel sky greeted me with a new day. i exhaled a shaky breath as i treaded down the dirt path, the morning dew still evident on the nearby patches of grass. i had been up all night training and it was only now taking a toll on me. my eyelids felt heavy as did my feet below me, which were slowly but surely starting to drag behind me.
as much as i loved konohagakure, sometimes it simply feels suffocating. the infamous nine tails attack had devastated the village, leaving many people with little to no family. thanks to my older sister, we both somehow managed to survive. that being said, the rest of our clan along with our parents had perished along with half of the village.
i was simply too young to remember such an event, though to this day it still took a toll on my elder sister. she was once a proud shinobi, willing to put her life on the line for anybody and everybody. sometimes she will tell me old stories of her battles and how strong she used to be. nowadays, she can’t do much physically but still tries her best to keep the lighthearted spirit hanging in the air.
it makes me feel guilty, really, for being so able bodied and still feeling so useless. even in her state, she managed to raise me and continuously care and watch over me. her strength truly is something i admire most about her, her unwillingness to give up in defeat. now every time i feel like throwing in the towel, i’m reminded of all that she was and all that she continues to be.
hence, why i’m walking through the village at dawn to locate her pain medicine. my muscles trembled and ached, the exhaustion finally weaving its way through my body as i continued to push myself through the square. i had been back from my B ranked mission for a few days, and i was instructed to take this time to recuperate and replenish myself. as much as i would like to listen, my stubbornness deemed it impossible as i found any opportunity to make myself stronger.
coming up on the shop, i exhaled a breath of relief as i saw they had just opened. my rhythmic steps had picked up their pace as i was overcome with joy that i would be able to do something for my sister. my hand was about to touch the door handle before-
“hey!” a perky voice greeted me, taking my attention away from the door to this mysterious person. my eyes locked with his sky blue eyes as i felt myself stop breathing. i had lived in kohonagakure all my life, but never have i ever seen eyes that bright. eyes that held so much emotion, so much passion, so much optimism.
“sorry, can i help you?” i asked, trying to find the courage in my words. it wasn’t often that i spoke to people other than my sister. even if i did, it was always me doing someone a favor or-
“yeah about that, i noticed you were about to walk in here. you see, i just got back from training with my sensei for an overly long amount of time and i was instructed to pick up some medicine for him. you see, i kinda really hurt him awhile back and now he-“ he rambled as he sheepishly pushed through the words, his arm retracted behind his head as he rubbed it awkwardly.
“you need to go in front of me? i won’t mind,” i cut him off, his ramblings instantly quieting as he nodded eagerly. my, how can someone have this much energy in the morning?
“yes actually that would help out a lot, im sorry i know we both have places to be but-“ he started again before i politely held my hand in front of me and shook my head, signaling that it truly was okay.
“no no, it’s okay. i hope you find what you’re looking for,” i meekly said, my hand finally wrapping around the handle and opening it for him to walk through. he continued to stand there, dumbfounded at my actions while he stared at me with curiosity. i could feel my knees buckle with anxiety, hoping he would walk through quickly so i can get home.
“geez, you’re really nice you know that?” he said with a smile before walking through the open door. i felt a small smile creep up on my face before i followed him into the shop. he waltzed toward the counter as i kept my distance behind him, not wanting to impose on his privacy. the man working the counter quickly took his order before returning to the back to rummage for whatever it is he needed.
“so what’re you doing here this early?” he asked, catching me off guard. my eyes left my feet and collided with his, which were once again already looking at me. and i going to feel this winded every time?
“i just got finished training, i have to pick up some medicine for my sister,” i sheepishly said, my fingers intertwining with another as i stood there under his gaze. he was tall and built, his shaggy blonde hair firmly sweeping over his headband in all the right ways. his bright blue eyes still holding as much warmth as they did before as i noticed he had cat like whiskers on both sides of his cheeks. before he could add on to my statement, i asked,” what about you? as you said, it is quite early.”
he looked at me for another moment before a grin swept across his features, momentarily entrancing me.
“i just got back from training with my sensei, i’ve been gone for three whole years and now i’m finally back home!” he brought his fist up and pumped it in the air as he spoke. his enthusiasm brought a smile to my face as i stood there listening to his every word.
“i’m sorry, i forgot you already said that,” i spoke with a slight chuckle. “three years of training? geez, i’m sincerely happy you’re back home. i hope you can make the most of it,” i said with a smile, his confidence keenly rubbing off on me.
“order up!” the man behind the counter announced as he set the bag of medicine on the counter. the boy in front of me quickly turned around and exchanged some coins for the bag before he picked it up and turned around to face me.
“gee, thanks! i’ve really gotta get going or else i’m gonna be in trouble, but thanks for talking to me!” he waved a grandiose goodbye before rushing out of the store, quickly leaving me behind. moments after her left, my heart was still racing as i was left there staring after him. i probably would have stood there longer if it weren’t for the polite man behind the counter looking at me expectantly.
“the usual?” he asked before i nodded, not wanting to keep my sister waiting any longer. he nodded in acknowledgment before he swiftly reached down and pulled out the bag of medicine i’ve become too keen on seeing.
“you know, you’ve been coming in here more often lately. i could always up the dosage so she doesn’t go through so much,” he offered. i dug out the coins in my pouch before softly putting them in his rough hand.
“thank you for the offer, i would have to talk to her first but i will definitely keep that in mind. thank you, again, i hope you have a great day!” i said before making my way toward the exit. he looked at me with pity before putting on a smile and waving me off.
my smile immediately dropped when i exited the shop. i knew what he was saying was true, but it doesn’t mean i have to heed it in this moment. the birds vibrant songs had become more prominent than when i had entered the store. the sky’s candy colors faded into a mesmerizing blue as i stared up at it for a few moments before counting my journey home.
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parkerflix · 1 year
Hello! I know that this post is a long time coming, i keep hinting towards it but have yet to actually make it. (yes i am currently writing this at work- anyways). I kinda wanted to be transparent with everyone about everything and have a few things to address. I’ll mkae them bullet points so feel free to ignore the parts you really don’t care about. Okay enough of me rambling.
The layout of the blog
As you can see, the blog looks a little different ? why is that? Well, i’ve kinda decided i was tired of how things looked and i wanted to do something different. I’ve been active on this blog for going onto 3 years, and i’ve changed the layout very little. It’s time to try something new & also try different writing!
Kpop content
With you trying different writing, what does this mean for your kpop content? I will continue to write for kpop and the fandoms i currently write for, but i will not be branching out from those two fandoms. Quite honestly. Kpop writing just doesn’t bring me joy as much as it used to and the engagement i get varies as to what member i post which honestly just doesn’t motivate me. I also don’t get a lot of feedback or engagement currently, and its unmotivating. With this being said, my current fics as of this time ( starstruck & about love) are currently on two different routes. Starstruck is currently in it’s final chapters and im hoping and aiming for a release of all the chapters all at once. I’ll be able to distinguish that at a later date.
About love
About love has been my work for almost 2 years now. I’ve learned a lot about my writing since then, and how to manage plot lines. That being said, about love will be on a permanent hiatus for the foreseeable future. Why is this? Well once again engagement comes into play, along with the fact that where i wanted the story to go and where it was going just wasn’t happening. I am planning on revamping it, making the story more clearer & what i want it to say, and really sticking to it. Hopefully it’ll still be a smau, but for now, until i can plan it all out and really focus on it, it’s going to be on hiatus. I’ll be unlinking it from my nav fairly soon after this post goes up.
Other writing
I want to venture into other fandoms that aren’t kpop and make my side blogs more for reblogs & fic recs, and to be able to write what i want and enjoy my writing. There are fics that i’ve posted within the last year, that have been published for kpop, but when writing them i envisioned with either a different person or a different character. It’s something that i’ve been thinking about for a while, so i’m hoping that it’ll be interesting to those who are only here for kpop writing!
If you haven’t noticed, my posting schedule has gotten a bit… lacking for a while. I started a new job in june of last year, and it’s been a little hectic at my job. I work anywhere from 30-36 hours a week, and my days currently consist of (mostly) 3 12 hour shifts. I’m also responsible for a lot of things at work, so I keep busy most of the time. When i’m not busy, i’m supposed to be working on work stuff (this is being written with timings in consideration of not getting caught) and so most of my day goes there. My normal schedule i work 5 out of the 6 days we are open, and i’m here 6 hours each day ( there go my nights). Why am i explaining all of this? Well i typically write during the night and with my hectic work schedule also comes my school schedule. Recently i’ve been having trouble even working on school just because work takes up so much of my time. I’ve also had a LOT of personal issues within my life, outside of tumblr & work that has taken up mentally space & my time. I’m trying to get back into the rhythm of things and have a normal posting schedule for the fics that i am tying up, but for the foreseeable future, that will also be a compromise.
the blog will change but i won’t stop writing kpop it’s just not going to be kpop writing on here though, i will be changing my user & updating my links but that takes time so please bare w/ me while i do. about love is on permanent hiatus & updates are slow for everything else. I know this post is long and redundant, and you probably don’t care, but i felt it was better to explain & be honest about my writings. I’m grateful for those who follow me, keep up with my fics, and just support me. Thank you! Okay this was long & i need to do my closing tasks for the night! xxx
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okthatsgreat · 1 year
i would gladly listen to any information about tao that you're willing to share actually. she seems like the character of all time
whoever this is i love you and also youve just released something ungodly within me i actually just sat down and scribbled together some sort of reference sheet for her LMFAOO. imagine this design but even more danganronpa-ified you get it
none of this makes any sense if you dont know what fic im talking about just as a warning!!!!!!!!
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also just a warning i am talking about her execution here so if youre not chill with death and violence and disturbing shit and all that please dont continue!!! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
anyways time to be normal about her. her full name is tao uyemura she's the ultimate miner :) she practically grew up in a mine due to her father's work and the crew she was always with pretty quickly realised "oh hey we can't fit in these small openings...... but you know who CAN 🤔" so they let her tag along even though they absolutely should not have let a little girl in the mines. later she grew a whole lot and essentially became one of the best miners in her field, extremely knowledgable about minerals and caves, as well as remarkably agile and able to manoeuvre herself in tough spots. it is however during this period where she grew remarkably tough due to a personal loss and also people just generally kind of being assholes towards her lmao so her solution was to Be Mean and Return to the Mines. she's honest to a comical level, takes things very literally, has this very deep voice that usually never gets raised above speaking volume because she doesn't need to yell to be intimidating she just IS.
in the first season she appeared in she was a secondary antagonist/survivor and she clashed with the protagonist/love interest a LOT, would constantly attempt to make the love interest see her side of things and stop trusting the protag with his hope spiels, would keep bits of evidence to herself so she always had something over the group and couldn't be killed unless they wanted to lose that evidence as well, etc. and it wasnt even the protag who managed to convince her to soften a little bit lol it was another unnamed character whose death severely impacted tao in a way that made her change her mind on the whole "trust nobody think for yourself" mentality. i dont have much on this season just because it's relatively unimportant to her story and also at that point team dr was just recycling a bunch of old tropes so she wasnt really considered groundbreaking to any of the audience lmfao
she wakes up from the danganronpa simulator pissed as hell for herself and for her friends, is extremely outspoken the entire time, makes multiple attempts at publicly making team dr's atrocities known, and eventually joins a team of people who were attempting to break out of the hospital they were in. unfortunately shit happened and she got caught about two weeks later 😔😔😔😔
the SECOND season she appeared it was brutal as hell for her because at this point it was basically a punishment. because there were a few other people from her season who were similarly being punished (ultimate motivational speaker, ultimate archer, both of whom died last season), danganronpa essentially had to backtrack and say that the first season tao was in was virtual reality in canon which explains why these dead people are alive again lmfao. tao is still comically blunt and not very willing to open up to strangers, but she is extremely loyal to the people she does put trust in and believes that being respectable is better than being kind. she's the second blackened of the game after one of her closest friends (an ultimate jeweller, they bonded over their lines of work!! the jeweller also reminded tao of that one unnamed character whose death impacted her last season so she gravitates towards the jeweller a bit more than the others) accidentally fatally struck another classmate. tao basically finished them off while the jeweller was running to get people bc damn it tao isnt gonna let her friend get executed for some stupid ass reason again !!!!!!!! but uhhhhhhhhhh team dr wasnt taking any hits with her execution 😧 idk if you think about cave diving as much as i do but god damn that shit is scary and that is essentially the basis of her execution, she's shown an "exit" that is through these old mines so she starts making her way through the cave system. the tunnels get smaller and smaller and as soon as she realises that its only going to get smaller from here it's way too late for her as it's become so narrow that she literally can't turn around anymore, until eventually she makes it to a particularly narrow tunnel where her foot gets stuck and she's essentially just hung upside down for literal days until they grew sick of her hanging there crying and filled the cave system with concrete. Lol! 😀👍🏻
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crvstybowlofcereal · 1 year
so basically what happened today was i came into work already having big feelings, and then there were balloons at all the checkouts (i have globophobia) and in general i work in a grocery store and it can be quite loud in the back room where i work as well (people dropping metal handles and letting them slam onto hollow plastic, as well as shouting to each other from across the room) so to say i was overwhelmed today would be an understatement.
i was experiencing speech loss about an hour into my shift, which i didn't think would be a big deal because i dont have to talk that much doing the task i had all day, and my longest episode of speech loss before this was maybe 20 or 30 minutes. but i continued to struggle through the rest of my shift (i am at work 9 hours a day)
eventually i pulled up my notes app and typed something along the lines of "im autistic and experiencing speech loss, please be patient, i can still help" and i only really had to use that once (it was more concise than that too, im just paraphrasing)
but on my last break i decided to just download an aac app onto my work phone, and im glad i did because i was asked to help dispense an order to a delivery drivers car, which involves asking for a code and telling them where im putting the orders. so i did just that, i saved buttons for those two things on my aac and was able to get that done with minimal issues. (i did accidentally startle the guy with it, oops lol)
once i was out of the store and away from all the balloons and stimuli i was able to start talking comfortably again, but the few times i had to speak while on my shift i could barely manage an audible volume and it took a lot of spoons.
moral of the story here is to just go ahead and get yourself accommodations if they're going to help you. it doesn't have to be a daily struggle to be a struggle something can help make easier. buying yourself some headphones, downloading an aac app, writing a little note, wearing a pair of gloves, anything that will help you. it doesn't take away from anyone. suffering is not noble, help yourself if you can.
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