#but i wanted to get it done so i'd stop fussing over it
wittlesissyb4by · 1 month
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"Jesus christ you stink." Brad said as he strode past.
I'd been playing with the blocks on the floor, like I'd been told. I tried to stay quiet, to not put up a fuss, to garner as little attention as possible, but there was no escaping nature when it called.
I'd learn to do it discreetly. It's sad that I even have to say that. Hey, guess what I can do! I can poop in my pampers without alerting anyone else in the house!
The problem is I have to wear it afterwards. Carry it around with me when I'm done, feel the warmth mush into my backside as it slowly cools down.
"Turn around." Brad ordered. I whimpered as I obeyed, scooching on my knees to present him with my plump pamper.
You want to know one of the most humiliating things in the world? Having to sit there and suck on a pacifier while your best friend pulls back the waistband of your diaper and checks for poop.
"Quite the load in there, pipsqueak!" he chuckles, giving me a swift kick in my bum. "Did someone have an accident?"
"Yes..." I whimpered. Denying it or playing dumb would only make things worse.
"Yes Daddy."
"Yes Daddy!" I hate that he makes me call him that. We used to get into all sorts of shit together. Now I guess I'm the only one.
I heard him bend down behind me, he pressed his hand in between my legs, mushing the mess into me and rubbing the entirety of defiled diaper back and forth. "Tell Daddy what you did in your diaper."
"I went poo poo's in my diaper, Daddy!" I whimpered. My cock was screaming inside of the cage he put it in.
"Louder! I want the neighbors to hear you!"
"I WENT POO POO'S IN MY DIAPER DADDY! I WENT POO POO'S IN MY DIAPER DADDY!" I repeated it over and over while he wriggled my pampers until he was satisfied.
"Good little bitch." He laughed, standing up once more. "Now crawl in there and ask your wife to change you. I gotta warn you, though, she may be exhausted from the pounding I just gave her."
It was probably true. I could hear her wailing and moaning from the bedroom over the sounds of hips clapping against each other.
I hung my head turned onto my hands and knees. Preparing for my walk--or crawl--of shame.
"Uh uh uh! Not so fast!" Brad tutted, wagging a finger at me.
I stopped, looking up at him, wondering what I did wrong this time.
"Aren't you forgetting something?" he asked with a wicked grin. I racked my brain for what it could be, but then his hands gripped his own waistband, and dropped his boxers to the floor, his much superior dick bobbing before me. "I think you need to thank me for allowing you to get changed. Tell me if you can taste your wife's juices on my cock!"
Photo credit goes to @Toddlerjay on twitter
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 3 months
I'm aware this is random timing but I've wanted to analyze this scene ever since I saw it and I was rewatching the Frontiers cutscenes so I decided "why not now" lol
This scene right here.
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First of all, I'd like to say that Sonic & Tails's interactions throughout this entire game are IMMACULATE. And while I've seen some people complain that Tails "wasn't concerned enough" at the fact that Sonic was so clearly sick, this scene begs to differ.
It also shows, in both a good way and a sad way, how well Tails knows his big brother.
The entire time before, Sonic's been (for the mostpart) going around with a front. Pretending he's fine and brushing aside everyone's worries about him to turn the focus instead on THEM and THEIR problems, not his. ESPECIALLY with Tails. And this little fox knows probably better than anyone that Sonic doesn't like it when people fuss over him. So he's been playing along. Doing his part, doing the best he could in his digitized state, staying busy and all the jazz.
And sure, a couple times before this, Sonic was acting more tired than usual around Tails, but Tails didn't point it out. And he still doesn't point it out here, but his expression and body language say it all.
Now the corruption's getting worse, and Tails is just about done pretending along with Sonic that everything's fine. This time, unlike the last two times when Sonic had defeated a Titan when Super Sonic had flown down to find Amy and Knuckles, Tails is the one who runs to find him afterward.
He's clearly very worried, especially when Sonic barely acknowledges his presence and is really just doing his best not to keel over at this point. Tails reaches out in a vain attempt to touch him — whether to comfort him or help him up, I'm not sure — but still cannot touch him at all for obvious reasons. He pulls back and just watches him intently with this deeply sad, almost regretful look on his face. The End starts talking again and Sonic lifts his head a little to listen, while Tails just quietly shakes his head as he looks at him. As if he's saying, "Please don't do more, please just take a rest, I want you to be okay." 😢 Or it could just as easily be a sad sort of understanding, a resignation to what Sonic does, like, "I want you to rest, we both know you need it, but I know you, I know you'd sooner run yourself to death before you let us stay trapped any longer. And I can't do anything to stop you." 💔
And then, after having his fists clenched in obvious distress, Tails tries to reach out again, one more time. Almost unconsciously, as Sonic looks up to where the voice is coming from. Almost like he does want to stop him. He opens his mouth for a moment, too, like he wants to say something, but bites it back at the last second.
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Then he pulls away again. His face is nothing but sadness and worry. Sonic tries making a quip at The End's new instructions, but he's still so clearly exhausted.
It's also interesting how Sonic won't look at Tails this whole scene, until Tails asks in that tiny, scared voice, "Sonic?" and he stands up, tells him to hang tight, reassure him they're almost done. Trying so hard to play the part of strong older brother even here, when Tails can so easily see how sick he is. 😔
Their dynamic will always be so fascinating and sweet to me. Even in these darker, more painful moments, the familial love they have for each other is beautiful. 💙💛💔
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slvt4em1lyprenti2s · 1 year
First day
Originally posted on my Wattpad @MayaBishop_is_myWife
Alex Vause x reader
!!TW: mention of murder and vague drug mention!!
Work count:: 1.2k (not proof read)
Alex POV: (Alex and Piper aren't together in this)
I walked into the cafeteria and joined the que to get lunch, another day of sloppy something, mashed potatoes and corn on the cob. Yum, I can't complain though because it's better than nothing and if I do complain Red will starve me out. Brushing off hat thought, I get my food and saunter over to a table with some of my friends on it, Morello, Chapman and Nicky.  I take a seat and listen in on their conversation. 
Nicky - "No c'mon, she's hot."
Piper - "I agree, I mean have you seen her. The eyes, hair the hair!" dragging out the r sound at the end as if to make a point.
Alex - "Who you talking about?"
Nicky - "That new girl that showed up in the van this morning, she's very good lookin' although she's been crying in the bathroom since she got here so maybe not the most stable girl in here."
Morello - "There's worse trust me, and besides why are you all getting so worked up about this? Yeah she's nice to look at but what if she has someone outside of here? You know, like a boyfriend or girlfriend or someone, she might even be married for all you know?"
Nicky - "Yeah but you said it, she's nice to look at tuts, she's gunna be getting looks from all over. If she stops crying of course."
At this point my interest was piqued and I wanted to see what all the fuss was about so once I'd sat, had a tal and eaten my food I was going to go find this mystery girl and find out if they're actually telling the truth.
Y/n POV:
I can't believe I actually did that. I killed her. I killed my own mother. I keep telling myself it was the only way out but everytime I think about it the guilt and self resentment creeps back in. My mum had munchausen by proxy and she made me believe I was sick and could walk or do practically anything by myself. I really didn't see any other way out so, one night I just did it. Obviously I feel terrible and wish I'd never done it but, there really was no other way out. Anyway, it's done now and I'm in jail, thankfully not maximum security because people could see my side of the story and saw I wasn't just a cold-blooded killer. 
I've been at Litchfield a little over 5 hours now and as soon as I was allowed to go off and do my thing, I went straight for the bathroom and I've been crying ever since. Somehow, I managed to get the only stall with a door so thankfully people can't just watch me cry, hear me yes but watch, no.
All day people have been staring and I don't know why. Maybe they think I'm fucked up for what I did or something. I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I hear a soft knock on the door. 
Alex - "Hey, you okay in there? Stupid question I know because well, you're crying but I still feel like I have to ask."
I bite my lip and sigh before responding, I didn't expect anyone to actually care.
Y/n -  "Uhm- yeah, I guess I'm okay. Not my ideal situation but you know, life goes on."
Alex - "Yeah well you got that one right."
After that a not awkward but not totally comfortable silence fell over us. I slowly stood up and unlocked the door. I stepped out and tried to dry my face from the copious amount of tears I'd shead in the past hours of being here. Instantly this woman picked up on it and gently held my face in one hand and helped me wipe my tears with the other.
Alex - "You'll be okay, I'm going to be brutally honest with you, the first few days are actual hell, you'll miss everything and everyone but, I'll be here is you ever want to talk about it okay? Oh, and I'm Alex by the way, but everyone calls me Vause, it's my last name." 
I smiled at Alex and nodded my head a small thank you leaving my lips. She pulled me into her embrace and held me tight. 
Alex - "You know, they were right."
I was confused because I had not a single idea what she was going on about. So, I pulled my head slightly away from her shoulder and looked at her.
Y/n - "What do you mean? Who's right?"
Alex - "Oh just my friends, they said some stiff about how you were really good looking and what not."
You felt a blush creep across my face as you looked into her gorgeous green eyes only now just realising after looking a her properly just how beautiful she really was. A sly smirk found it's way onto her lips before she spoke again. 
Alex - "Hey, don't get all shy on me now."
A she said that her hand found it's way to my waist as she pulled me closer again. Whilst she trailed her other hand up my body and hooked a finger around my chin so I'd look her in the eyes.
Y/n - "You really mean it?"
Alex - "Of course I do, I mean I've known you what, like 2 minutes and I'm already calling you beautiful I think that speaks for itself ." 
I giggle a bit and looked down in an attempt to hide my flustered face yet again, knowing she was right. I looked her in the eyes again only to see her eyes had never left me and she had a wide smile of her face. 
Alex POV:
I looked down slightly because I was a bit taller than her and just marvelled at this gorgeous girl in front of me she had glowing y/h/c hair and shining y/e/c eyes, her smile could light up a room and her laugh was so fucking adorable. Normally, I'm not the one to fall over small stuff like this but she was different,  I don't know why, she just was.
She looked me back in the eyes and I couldn't help myself anymore, I leaned in and captured her lips in mine. They fit together like puzzle pieces. Her hand found their way into my hair while mine rested on the small of her back keeping her safe in my arms. I swiped my tongue over her bottom lip asking for entrance and she happily agreed. She tugged on my hair a little so in return I grazed my teeth over her bottom lip and she let out a small breathy moan which was almost silent but, I could still hear it. We broke away for ir and as soon as we separated we crashed our lips back together hungrily. She was almost as addictive as some of the things women in the jail used to do. 
Just as things were getting heated someone burts into the bathroom.
We both untangled ourselves from each other and apologised. As he left I whispered in her ear. 
Y/n POV:
Alex - "He won't catch us tonight sweetheart don't worry. I'll have you all to myself, I'll make you feel better."
She then gave me a final eck on the lips and walked out the bathroom. Oh man, I was not going to get much sleep on my first night in prison.
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cookie-crumblr · 11 months
Hype Train!
F! Streamer Reader x M!Yandere Streamer OC
Part 8~
His Info: 📹✨
Part: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
CW: !F reader, use of she/her when referring to reader, reader has a vagina, YANDERE, pet names (pretty, pretty girl, my girl, good girl, ) WHOLE PART IS SMUTT, NSFW, p in v, creampie, oral on f, giving safe words, use of toys, shiabari, bondage, ball gag, blindfold, overstim(a lil?), squirting, flogging, not use of safe word-but like teaching when to use one, and some sweet aftercare!, fingering, shorter part
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He slams his hips into your ass with loud slaps over and over, your whole body lurching forward every time. He holds your body tightly against his by the ropes he tied in knots all over your pretty body.
“P-please! Harder!!! Ah!! Jas-perrrr! Harder!!! HARDER!!!!” You cry out like your life depends on this one moment.
“Y/N! F-fuck!! Y/N,” He pulls you further up by those ropes like you’re a puppet and grabs your collared throat with his other, choking you enough to bring you to that precipice you already love dancing on with him.
The resounding slapping of his pelvis against your skin is already so loud in the night, you’re glad you’re not in your old apartment where everyone would be hearing not only that, but both of your desperate howling.
“AHHH!!!!” You feel his cum finally splash deep into your womb, instantly filling you up. “Jas—per!!! Mmmm!!!”
“Cum on me again, pretty!” He thrusts harder and harder still, lifting your body higher over and over again.
The ropes burn and the pain mixes so deliciously with the intense pleasure leaving you delirious as you cum another time, your spasms milk him dry.
His dick twitches inside you.
You relax completely and catch your breath, while he still holds you up by the rope.
“J-jasper, th-that was—”
“After what you did, Y/N, I’m not even close to being done with you.” He nuzzles your neck and nips your ear.
You shiver, your eyes widening.
You hadn’t known at the time what you were getting yourself into, “I’m gonna devour you, Y/N. You’re never leavin my sight again.” He had said to you while you gazed up at him, wide eyed, from under the desk. His hand caressing your chin. If you had a tail it would have been wagging, you felt so proud. You did so good!
Back to right now, and his teeth and snakebites are grazing your skin, raising goosebumps in their wake.
“You better be ready for more, pretty~”
“Wha—?” Before you can ask, your abruptly flipped onto your back. Your tied arms behind you are making your back arch in this position. “J-Jas—”
“I told you before we left, pretty girl. There's no way I'd be done with you yet.” He starts putting pillows under your ass, lifting up your lower half using the ropes that surround both sides of your glistening pussy.
The pressure around the outside of your lips squeezing them together makes you shake and whine.
“Just relax f’me. Im not gonna check in much t’day.”
“Kay,” you nod. It's so pleasant how comfortable he makes you.
He grabs a ball gag and a blindfold out of his bedside table.
Carefully he puts them on you, “Open up, pretty,” You shudder and do just that.
He’s fussing over you and making sure your hair’s not caught in anything. Then he fixes the rest of your hair from sticking to your skin and having gone under the rope from the last few sessions.
Once your blind, and he’s pulled away, you hear a *click* like a button being pressed.
Nothing happens and you relax, not even having realized that you even tensed up.
He chuckles, “Good girl, now if you want me to actually stop, say some kind of random food, like pineapple, or avocado. Got it? i’ll hear it through that gag, don’t worry, pretty.”
“mmhmmf,” You nod. At first you think it sounds silly, but then you realize how much power he’s giving you in your physically powerless state.
Your belly feels all fluttery, you’re already more than hot and bothered all over again.
You wiggle your hips a little against the restraints.
“Aw, such a good girl f’me”
A long second of nothing happens and the anticipation swells inside of you until, *Thwap!*
A few leather strands lightly slap your thigh, He slowly drags it across your leg. It tickles, “Mmff!” You smile, and bend weird against the ropes.
“You like that, pretty? want me to hit ya harder?”
“Mmmff hmff!” you nod.
He’s smiling and admiring your beautiful body, he cant wait to leave marks all over you.
He waits another long second before smacking you with it again, this time harder, still not enough to actually hurt you, but it stings. You wiggle and moan against the gag. Another smack with it, harder and in the same spot, before he moves and smacks your other thigh.
After a couple more hits, both your thighs are hot, you think hes going to hit you again until you feel the strands lightly glide between your folds. You convulse as you come again. "MMMM!!!! ASERRR" His name around that gag makes his dick twitch and hit his own thigh.
He didn't think he'd be getting hard again so soon after cumming three times already.
It fills with more blood still as he thinks about filling you up with even more cum. "Fffuck, pretty, you're too good f'me, im gettin' hard again jus lookin at ya"
You smile and wiggle more, trying to entice him. He already was, but now he's just plain mesmerized.
You don't even register the click before you feel him pop something not too big inside you.
You feel a new stinging as the flog is guided through the air right down onto your tender cunt. “Mmmm!! mm!!” He hits right over your opening again.
Then he leans down to suck your hardened clit, his tongue expertly flicking you as he does. It's TOO much! you shake your head violently, screaming around the little red ball.
"let it out f'me, pretty~" he turns up the vibration.
You feel a pull on the ropes around your thighs, squeezing your abused lips together as he sucks your clit again. mixed with the vibration inside you, you feel so overwhelmed.
“Mm onna!!!!! aserrrrr!!!” You pant, and yell.
“C’mon, pretty, you can do it,” His words are sloppy as his tongue laps under your hood.
You release a torrent of juices, you didn’t even know was possible. “Such a good girl—”
The feeling of releasing that way is unlike anything you’ve ever felt.
As soon as you do and you’re panting so very heavily, he removes the vibrator and the gag, you cough and shake. You didn’t really notice your legs until just now.
He knows you didn’t say a safe word, but something looks off.
“J-jasper, my legs are cr-cramping”
His eyes widen a little, and his heart hurts, he reaches back into that drawer and pulls a knife out.
In two smooth motions your binds are all cut.
Next his body is wrapped around yours, and he’s massaging your calves, “Y’know you can use safe words for leg cramps too, sweet girl,” He peppers some loving kisses to your face, “You were tied up li’that for a while…”
“I didn’t think about it… o-or notice” You giggle through the pain, focusing on his soft hands. “Thanks s’much Jasper, I’m sor-“
“No need, pretty, think ya can walk to the bathroom w’ me”
Your legs feel better after he rubbed them, they feel a little like solid rocks now though, but you think you can!
“You’re so cute, do you even know you make a face when you’re feelin’ determined?” He pokes your cute cheek.
Your face warms a little, how this man makes you feel all these kinds of things is beyond you.
He slings your arm around him testing if your able to walk, and you seem pretty good, just a slight hobble… Might not even be from the cramping. He can’t help but smile.
“Good job pretty, you’re doin so good,”
The en-suite isn’t too far, and he sets you down on a poofy stool near the tub. You stretch your legs, he was careful with you to not cut off any blood flow, so you’re thankfully not numb anywhere.
You’re usually dehydrated and get cramps like these sometimes anyway. Probably the combination of the bend and the constant curling of your toes.
As soon as the water warms he helps you into the tub, then climbs in behind you.
Warm arms wrap around you, and for a while you both just relax like that. He eventually moves first leaning back against the tub.
You lean back into him and snuggle into his chest. “Pretty~ Ya gonna fall’sleep before you can wash li’this,”
He reaches over for a loofa and dips it in the water.
“here, pretty girl, lemme…”
He starts with just scribing in gentle circles down your arms, then your legs. He gets to your neck, kissing every spot before he cleans it.
The loofa tickles as he runs it up your sides. He uses one hand to fondle you, caressing up your belly, then gently cups your tit. The loofa travels down between your legs, and his fingers up. He tweaks your nipple, and blows a puff at your ear lobe.
He forgoes the loofa and dips a finger into you, you lean back and widen your legs until one is hooked over the tubs edge.
“Good girl, such a good girl f’me” His other hand trails your arm, and finds your hand to hold.
“I love you, Y/N, s’much…” a soft kiss to your neck, “I jus’ wanna spoil you…” another kiss, under your jaw this time, and he caresses your hand with his own. “I wanna protect you…” A longer kiss this time, “mmm, protect you from everything, even your past.”
“Ahhhmmm!” You clasp your hand around the one of his that’s between your legs, pressing it harder to you so he stops as you come again.
“So pretty~” he purrs.
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kate-inhaler-1975 · 10 months
Under The Mistletoe 💋// dad!matty x Reader
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Twelve days of Christmas - Day 3 ✨️
A/N : Finally doing a Christmas prompt 😭😭. Thank you to the incredible @abiiors for the effort you've put in creating these prompt ideas xx. (BTW, this is a part of the dad!matty universe, which I need to make a masterlist for)
C/W : none!!
*Rosie is about a year old in this*
"Just a little bit more to the left please, baby." I tried to direct Matty as he tried his best to perfectly align our stockings along the staircase.
I could hear the light sigh leave his lips and could picture the rolling of his eyes as his arms began to get tired from holding them up for so long.
Rosie, who was sat on my hip, copied her dad's dramatic sigh. Making me roll my own eyes jokingly.
"See what you've done! She's going to be as sassy as you if you aren't careful." I warned him, giving his butt a cheeky slap, making him flip up his middle finger in reply.
"Watch it." I mumbled, lingering beside him as he finally hung Rosie's stocking in the perfect spot beside his own one and mine.
"Ah Ha! Look at that. Perfection!" Matty stumbled down off the small ladder, standing back to admire his work and placing a kiss on top of Rosie's head.
"It's perfect. Thank you, my love." I smiled, leaning towards him so I could place a kiss on his lips.
"Dada" Rosie cooed in awe at Matty. Her pacifier falling out of her mouth and onto the floor, arms wide open for him to take her into his warm embrace.
"Oh, that is my favourite sound in the world! 'Ello, my darlin" Matty was quick to take her out of my arms when I passed her over, rocking her from side to side as her small hands cupped the side of his face.
"Dada! Dada!" She repeated excitedly, slapping her hands against his face.
"Ah! Don't slap, please. Gentle hands" I laughed, rubbing her back softly, her hands returning back to my face.
"You are just the best girl, aren't you! Oh, love, can you go get the camera from upstairs? I want to take pictures of you and Rosie." Matty asked sweetly. His shaking hands that held Rosie close to him catching my eyes immediately.
"Yeah, sure. But, are you alright? Your hands are shaking." I removed Rosie's hands from my face, concern washing over me.
"Huh? I'm fine! Guess it's just the adrenaline of Christmas, I suppose." He shrugged, letting out a chuckle that could only be described as nervous laughter.
"Ehhh, okay. If you say so."
I quickly turned and made my way up the stairs to get the camera from our bedroom.
I could feel Matty's eyes follow my every move until I was out of sight, making me feel slightly nervous.
All I could hear from upstairs was the noises of Rosie fussing and low mumbles coming from Matty as he tried to shush her. The two of them still clearly hanging by the stairs.
The sudden silence in the house didn't go unnoticed to me. Silence in our house was always a complete rarity, but it's especially rare now that we have a one year old.
"Matty! Is everything alright down there!?" I called down to him while rummaging through the top drawer of his bedside table for the camera.
No reply.
"Matty!? Sweetheart!? Is Rosie okay!?" I called louder this time, hoping he'd catch me calling Rosie's name and assume I was asking after her.
But the only thing I got was a loud and guttural screech from Rosie, which was an answer I suppose.
"Ah! Gotcha." I spoke to myself as I came across the retro camera.
"Took me a minute, but I found it." I announced while jogging down the stairs.
I stopped at the bottom step, confused as to where my two loves had gone, but the baby babbling noises coming from the living room reassured me they hadn't suddenly left the house.
"What are you two doing?....oh!" I spoke in surprise, looking at Rosie scooting on her bum across the floor, wearing a Christmas jumper she wasn't wearing when I'd left the room.
"Look at you, my gorgeous girl! Did Daddy put a Christmas jumper on you, huh?" I sat down immediately on the floor right in front of her, my hand gently caressing the top of her head while I stared at her in admiration.
Her big brown eyes looked up into mine, a wide smile showing her two bottom front teeth that were coming in.
I couldn't help but laugh at her gummy smile. Her smile, her eyes, her little rambles and her baby giggles totally intoxicating.
She had me and Matty wrapped around her little finger since day one. She was our special gift all year round.
"Now, should we go see where your daddy has gone off to?" I huffed as I got up off the floor, lifting her up with me and my eyes noticing the words on her jumper.
"Dada! Dada!" She screeched, pointing over my shoulder, but my eyes were fixed on her jumper. Trying to keep her as still as I possibly could so I could put the words together.
"Mummy, will you marry my daddy?" It read.
Without turning around, my brain filled with zero thoughts and words unable to leave my mouth, I put Rosie in her little play chair. Quickly strapping her in and planting a kiss on her rosy chubby cheek.
"Matty. If I turn around and you're behind me on one knee I swear to god I'll go feral." I warned, my voice quivering with emotion.
"Just turn around, darling."
So I did, slowly, not believing any of this was real, but there he was. Completely real, and human, on one knee under the mistletoe in the doorway of the double doors that led into the kitchen.
"Matty, I-"
"No, let me speak." He interrupted. Knowing I was about to go into a rant that would make zero sense in my emotional state.
I nodded yes, allowing him to go ahead and speak. My hands clasping over my mouth to shut myself up, tears already streaming down my face.
"Okay....Y/N, I've thought of multiple ways I could've done this. I could've taken you somewhere fancy on a romantic getaway, just the two of us. Or loads of lights and fireworks and candles, but I know you. All those fancy proposals aren't you. So that's why I did it here. Just me, you, and Rosie."
It was like on queue Rosie giggled, her feet kicking like crazy in her little moving seat.
"For the last six years you have given me everything. A life, a home, a beautiful baby. I know I'm not the easiest person to love, I really know that, but somehow you've managed to put up with all of my problem's and make them your own, and that to me is true love. So please, Y/N L/N, will you marry me?"
"Are you being serious? You want to marry me?" I whispered in disbelief. A part of me not being able to comprehend that someone wants to marry me.
Someone wants to be with me forever.
"Why would I joke about this. I've never been so sure of anything in my life."
Matty brought the neck of his jumper up to his face, wiping away the stray tears that streamed down his face.
The ring sat so elegantly in the opened black velvet ring box. The opal diamond, which is Rosie's birthstone, shone beautifully from a mile away.
"Matty....I....oh god." I sobbed happily into my hands. Continuously shaking my head in disbelief.
"You don't have to say yes, we can just forget about it if it isn't what you wa-"
"No! No, no, this is what I want. I want to marry you. I'd marry you tomorrow, I'd marry you next week, I'll marry you whenever. Jesus Christ, yes, yes Matty Healy I will be your wife whenever you want me to be!" I sobbed, running over to him and engulfing him in the biggest hug that I knocked him over.
The two of us crying and giggling on the floor, the ring still safely in his hand, thank god.
Matty wrapped his left arm around my waist, sitting the two of us up that I was straddling his lap.
"So....can I put the ring on you? Just to make it official?" He smiled widely. Eyes squinting and teeth showing.
"Yes. Yes. Yes." I spoke excitedly. Each yes being punctuated by a passionate kiss.
With his still shaky hands, he slipped the beautiful gold and opal ring onto my ring finger. My heart skipping a beat from a touch so soft and loving.
He brought the hand up to his lips, kissing the ring keeping his eyes on mine.
"Just the three of us future Y/N Healy."
"Just the three of us Matthew Timothy Healy."
Matty looked up above us, noticing the mistletoe that hung.
"Would you look at that. Ever thought you'd get proposed to under the mistletoe when we hung it up last night?" He smirked, his eyes watching my every move as I quickly got up to get Rosie.
"If you'd told me six years ago when I met you outside a pub in Manchester that you'd be the person I'd love for the rest of my life, I would've believed you." I smiled wholeheartedly, returning back to the floor with Rosie sitting on my lap.
"What? Really?" Matty was totally shocked by my words. Not expecting me to say that I knew he'd be the one.
"From the minute you asked me if I had a spare cigarette and I turned around to face you, there was no way I was letting go of you. Loving someone has never been easier. Falling in love with you and Rosie has been the easiest thing I've ever done in my entire life, and everyday I fall more and more in love."
"Stop it, darling. You're gonna make me cry again." Matty huffed, looking up at the ceiling to try and stop himself from crying.
"I think someone else is going to start crying if you don't give her her first kiss under the mistletoe." I chuckled, letting go of a squirming Rosie so she could go back to clinging onto her dad.
"Uh oh, we can't have little miss RoRo crying. Isn't that right, petal?" He tickled her chubby baby belly, making her roar out a laugh that had me and Matty laughing along with her.
Just the three of us. Under the mistletoe. My heart has never been so happy.
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mcflymemes · 1 year
PROMPTS FROM THE PARENT TRAP *  assorted dialogue taken from the script, adjust as necessary
we've got a big, big day ahead of us.
now the question is, how do i get it out?
you must be new.
i would say you need some serious help.
now that's my kind of woman.
we traveled six thousand miles for... this?
it's rather picturesque, wouldn't you say?
i'll be fine. see you in eight weeks.
i'm positive i'd remember you.
sorry, wish i could, but i'm allergic.
sure. i'll take a whack at it.
why's everyone staring?
want me to deck her for you?
i'm so tired. i'm crawling back into bed and sleeping until lunch.
save yourself the aggravation. it's really disgusting.
you'll thank us for this. you'll see.
i feel so bad for you.
any of your pictures ruined?
i love oreos. at home, i eat them with peanut butter.
most people find that totally disgusting.
it's scary the way nobody stays together anymore.
will you stop thinking about your stomach at a time like this?
oh man, this is beyond coincidence. this is beyond imagination.
this is so freaky.
if you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
that's the way true love works. history's filled with stories of lovers parted by some silly misunderstanding.
i have a brilliant, beyond brilliant idea.
oh, right. sorry, i'm just a little nervous.
you sure you know what you're doing?
oh god, i hope she likes me. please like me.
you look fantastic. what did you do to your hair?
i just love how everyone drives on the wrong side here.
now you're even talking like an american.
i'm making a memory.
i can't believe it's you.
i'm sorry, it's just... i've missed you so much.
can you believe it? it seems like it's been forever.
i didn't realize you were so beautiful.
i found a stowaway in your suitcase.
can't you manage without me?
you don't think it's too over-the-top?
come on, let's see what all the fuss is about...
i like things exactly the way they are, thank you.
now let's see what disaster awaits us.
you can't avoid the subject forever.
we kind of hit it off immediately.
i knew you were going to ask me all these questions one day.
it just didn't work out.
get into these arms, you little punk.
what happened to you? something's changed. did you get taller?
now you sound like your old self.
i made cornbread and chili.
i'm just so happy to be home.
i can't put my finger on it, but something about you has definitely changed.
when you're done, come on down. there's someone i want you to meet.
sorry, did i get you wet?
somebody grab that, please.
we've got a major problem.
are you nuts?
this is an emergency.
you've got to get back here to help me.
there's something really important i want to talk to you about.
you do an absolutely marvelous british accent.
i'm trying to tell you something!
why's everybody acting so nutty around here?
i'm afraid you're kind of missing the point.
let's discuss this calmly and rationally...
you are unbelievably out of line.
this is fantastic wine, by the way.
are you okay? would you like me to come with you?
why didn't you tell me it was you all along?
i've never been so happy in my entire life.
i'm in such major trouble here.
you're perfect for each other.
may your life be far less complicated than mine.
i can't believe it. you haven't changed at all.
i think i have to get dressed for dinner.
sometime, if we're ever really alone, maybe we could talk about... what happened between us.
you didn't come after me.
it's the wine we drank at our wedding. i now have every bottle ever made.
can we open one?
you're the only one i'd drink it with.
you don't always have to be so brave, you know.
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somer-writes · 8 months
Very Important Question- How much drinks does it take to get Twi drunk? I personally think he could have quite a few before getting tipsy- but I'd think it would be hilarious if he was a lightweight. XD I can just imagine Wars teasing him into getting another drink after Twi's only gotten one, but then Wars is like- oh fuck that didn't go down well- once Twi is drunk silly. I think his accent would get so strong when he's drunk and no one would be able to comprehend what he's saying.
I hc that fado distills poison and has been letting twi have some for YEARS lmao like maybe just a little sip here or there before but now that he’s all grown up they drink together on clear nights and stargaze. Maybe rusl partakes sometimes too and so do jaggle, sera, and bo. Also I think auru does the same and that’s what twi drinks at Telmas.
so I think twi handles his liquor actually v good but funnily enough only drinks actual swill. He doesn’t like beer or wine. He drinks like pure lighter fluid and wars detests it and time is concerned at what he’s done to his liver XD
I think wars is super into girly drinks and wines but will have an ale just for the simplicity. Time prefers milk but will drink beer (very slowly).
twilight carries a bottle of fado special and nips it just for like minor pains when he doesn’t want to cause a fuss over a wound. I think wind and/or legend are always trying to get some when they see it out and twilight is both opposed to it but will let them choke on a teensy little sip if he’s not the only adult around (as long as they don’t snitch)
drunk Twi is super huggy and they cannot understand his accent. He will stop for cats and cry about them.
I think wars is a terrible drunk. I think he’s sassy and tries to fight and will refuse to drink water. He will also point out everyone’s little insecurities as “not being mean but you’d look so much better if”
Times been drunk once and all he did was tell malon he was spoken for by his beautiful most gorgeous redheaded wife and pass out
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valtsv · 2 years
we want to know about your near death experiences, please tell us of your near death experiences
erm. gonna put them under a cut in case it's too much for anyone lol (since it's kinda personal, i'm not going to pull my punches in describing how i felt, and i know not everyone's comfortable with discussions of death and near-death)
- took nearly 3 days to be born because my mom refused a cesarean and was nearly a month premature. don't know if this one counts because i was a baby but apparently they were pretty worried about my chances of survival towards the end and when i was born i was sickly and in a lot of pain for months.
- fell down the stairs multiple times when i was a kid, suffered several concussions and fractures and developed vertigo that gave me a phobia of heights i eventually grew out of. again not sure if this counts since i barely remember it but i do remember the feeling of cracking my head once and boy it's not fun. it's like cracking an egg but the egg is your skull. also remember having a lot of dreams of jumping off the top of the stairs and my consciousness separating from my body and watching it fall because of this.
- nearly drowned because i swam too far out to sea on holiday and got caught up in a massive tidal wave (it was the baltic sea in poland, on a very windy day, and i was 8 years old and an idiot). i'd just accepted that i was going to die stuck in this current i couldn't escape and given up on being afraid, embracing the cold dark tidal embrace of death, when the wave very gently set me down in the shallows and i was so at peace that i almost forgot to sit up and breathe. left a big impression in me. i did not tell my parents what happened because i was okay with it and didn't want to upset them or deal with them fussing over me or giving me hell for taking stupid risks when i didn't need it.
- got hit by a car on my bike and flipped over the hood. was fine except for bruises and scrapes but while in the air briefly freaked out and thought i could see a halo of fire around the driver's head (probably the sun shining through the rear window).
- nearly died of dehydration while infected with a very nasty bout of flu that kept me in bed for 2 months straight. i passed out on the floor of my kitchen while trying to lift a cup to pour myself a drink and would have probably at the very least ended up with severe complications if my cat hadn't wailed over my body until my mom woke up and found me lying there. while passed out i had this horrible nightmare that i was god reincarnated in a mortal body and got really upset because i didn't want to be responsible for the entirety of humanity because it was too much and i was only 15. was extremely relieved when my mom revived me and explained that i was just really fucking sick. ended up in hospital with an iv in my arm to prevent my body from shutting down on itself until the flu burned out enough for my own organs to stop fighting me.
- tombstoned off the lighthouse in the bay with some sort of friends and very fucking narrowly missed a shelf of rock that would have shattered me to pieces if i hadn't twisted out of the way moments earlier. as it rushed towards me i very much saw my life up to that point flash before my eyes and was really disappointed by how little i'd done with it. didn't actually do much about it for a while though because i was a depressed unmedicated teenager in a bad living situation. pretty sure that kid would be amazed by how far i've come since then though.
- pretty sure i only survived a bus crash because moments before it happened i felt this urge to stand up and did. if i hadn't my head would have gone through this metal bar on top of the seats and my neck probably would have been broken.
- got lost in a woodland area by google maps once and got so dehydrated from the heat and blood loss (due to trying to cut through thorn bushes when i got desperate enough to get scared) that i started hallucinating this shimmery figure i couldn't look at directly following me and chasing me every time i started to give up (somehow i just knew that letting them touch me would be very bad, but they didn't feel malevolent? i was scared but i didn't get the impression that they wanted to hurt me, just that it would be a consequence of letting them touch me). got rescued because i screamed so loud that some passing hikers heard and went in and pulled me out of there. again not sure if this one counts as near death but i was wandering in there for hours and felt like i was going to die.
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saintsir4n · 10 months
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BRIAN was trying to help Letty. When everyone found out, it didn't go down well. Dom thought it was a lie at first and it ended up in a fight that Carson had to stop. Their feud was cut short when they had to get shit done. Braga kept gunning for them. Dom got shot, well grazed but that didn't stop Mia and Keelie from fussing over him. Carson grilled him and ranted about wearing a bulletproof vest but he was in too much pain to listen.
The days were getting more dangerous.
Carson fought one of Braga's men alongside Brian who was almost taken out and it terrified her. First Dom and now Brian could've been next. Every time she tried thinking about anything else she was reminded of what happened to Jesse.
She walked past the garage filled with the guys. They saw the worry on her face but she ignored them all.
Keelie begrudgingly let Brian follow her into the kitchen.
"You okay?" he asked, seeing her lean against the counter, staring out the window.
She sighed, turning around to face him, "You can't seem to stay away can you?"
"I wanted to check on you," he explained, readjusting his hoodie.
"So you and Dom made up?" she deflected.
A smile briefly graced his face, "I guess."
"Like some married couple," she muttered, fumbling with her hands.
"You did always say we had a bromance," he said, coming closer.
She hummed, "Got that right."
"You get a lotta things right."
She frowned, "No, no I didn't." I was wrong about you. That went without saying.
"You didn't answer my question," he pressed, worried about her.
"Why do you care if I'm okay?" Her face scrunched up, "It's been years Brian."
"Yeah, it has. But I haven't stopped caring. when you left town I was a mess. In Miami, I begged Suki to tell me where you were, just to see if you were okay," he now towered over her, caging her in against the counter like he did all those years ago. Brian knew what he was doing and she couldn't help but let it happen. "I haven't stopped caring about you because I haven't stopped loving you."
Tears pooled in her brown pools, "Don't say that."
His hands reached to cup her cheeks, "You love me too. I know you're still in love with me, and If you weren't, you would've let me take that bullet today. You didn't. You saved me when one of Braga's men tried taking me out." He could've died today. They both could've died today. Every second counted, every moment mattered. And he couldn't allow her to slip through his fingers like she did before. He needed her. "Just when I thought I couldn't love you anymore, Sonny."
"I told you what I'd do if you called me that," she mumbled, leaning into his touch.
"Want me to go and get my badge?" She couldn't help but laugh at that. "I think it's in the middle of some Ocean. I don't know."
"Really?" She asked quietly, heart beating out of her chest as their fronts pressed against each other.
"Should've seen me throw that thing like some pitcher for the mets," he kept joking.
Carson tried hiding her smile, but he could see straight through her.
"You've aged, you know that, right?" It was her turn to joke, but they both knew she was being serious.
His hair was shorter than ever. A few lines creased his forehead. But to her, he still looked fine as hell. After all, he was 30.
"Yeah, you haven't," he smiled, shocked that she still looked the same after 5 years.
"Obviously," She paused, "Your eyes have stayed the same. Still beady and shit."
"Beady?" he grinned, rubbing his thumbs over her cheeks, "I thought you said I was a pretty boy."
"Maybe, huh?" he was leaning in, closer and closer. "We're pretty people."
"We are."
"Especially you," he whispered, tipping her head up, so their lips almost touched.
"You got that right," she murmured, "but there's something you need to know," he nodded, trailing his hands over her arms and down to the hem of her shirt. "You know that present you got me, the ornament thing? I dashed it out the window when I left LA."
Her confession didn't stop him from pulling off his hoodie.
"I'll get you another one," he promised, kicking the door shut and dragging a chair under the handle.
She gasped when returned to her and his lips peppered over her neck, “You’ll get me another one?”
“You’re gonna get me more?” She panted, letting him lift up her shirt.
“And more,” he nodded, pulling his shirt over his head, “and more and more.”
Her arms finally snaked around his shoulder, pulling him into a feverish kiss that both of them had been waiting for, yearning for. Years of love, hatred and wanting poured between them. It was hot and sloppy and they didn't stop. They couldn't stop.
Clothes dropped to the floor, and shoes were kicked to the side before he picked her up and set her on the counter, grinding against her.
"Fuck," she moaned when his fingers moved to pleasure her, nipping at her thighs and pushing aside her thong. She whimpered at his touch. He didn't care for silencing her. He wanted to hear more. She shifted forwards at the feeling of him pinching her clit. "God, don't stop."
"Wasn't planning on it," His eyes hooded when her back arched, letting a finger slip through her core. His pace sped up, drawing more delicious noises from her lips. "Look at me," his demand forced her fluttering eyes open, "That's it, look at me," he added another finger, basking in the arousal dripping between her thighs.
"More," she pleaded.
"More?" His mocked, pulling his hand away. Whining, she pouted with glossy eyes. "You'll get what you want, baby."
The pet name swelled her heart.
But the sight of him pulling down his boxers and feeling of him unclipping her bra made her spread her shaky legs.
Brian couldn't take his eyes off of her.
"Look at me like that, and I'll have the whole house hearing us."
"It's too late for that, Sonny," he chuckled, pulling her in for another kiss, moaning against her lips when she reached for his dick and lined him up against her, "You don't know what you do to me." With one deep thrust, she whimpered, and he grunted against her. "You're so beautiful. Fuck I love you," Words spewed out of his mouth before he could think. "So tight," he didn't pick up the pace, he was slow and passionate.
Her nails dug into his back as his head dropped into the crook of her neck, sucking and nipping against her skin.
His hands hooked around her thighs and angled her up, making his movements deeper. He couldn't stop, her moans fuelled him.
"Baby," he rasped, voice thick and breathy, it managed to turn her on even more, "You're close," he could feel it. "Let go," his thrusts were getting sloppier.
A minute passed and the pair were a panting mess, Brian had spilt into her without regret. Cresent-shaped marks dotted around his back and bruises scattered over her chest and neck.
"Claiming your territory huh?" she jested, to which he laughed at. "I love you," she admitted for the first time, taking him by surprise. "I'm still in love with you."
Their lips met once again in a gentle kiss.
"I love you," he repeated over and over again.
And just when he was about to clean her up, the door rattled, but the chair prevented whoever was in the other side from opening it.
"If I see a white ass or pale cheek when I get in, someone is getting shot," they heard Keelie scream, making them both laugh.
sometimes when i write smut i cringe myself out but tell me your thoughts on sonny and brian making up.
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buckybarnesisdaddy · 6 months
Fun Times & Thin Walls
Summary: Peter shows you around the compound and the team find out that Hydra has grown more than anyone thought. Bucky and you take every moment to get reacquainted.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Rating: Mature 18+
Warnings: Sexual jokes, sexual innuendoes, and smut (Not too graphic yet.)
A/N: I combined two chapters so this one was longer. 🥰
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*You and Peter are outside*
Peter- Well, I've showed you just about everything...except one thing. I saved the best for last. *Peter had the biggest smile on his face*
*15 Minutes later*
*You and Peter come crashing to the ground and roll. Thankfully the couch broke your fall and Peter landed on his feet.*
Y/N- okay that was AMAZING!!
Peter- See what I mean!?!? And Tony says swinging from the rafters is dangerous. *You and Peter laugh*
Y/N- Thanks Peter.. that was a lot of fun! *You give Peter a hug and you start to walk away*
Peter- Hey want to see something else..
Y/N- Sure! *Peter leads you downstairs into a big room. Lights come on as you walk in. You realize it's Tony's workshop* Wow, this is so cool, but are you sure it's okay for us to be in here. *Peter smiles and leans in closer as he whispers*
Peter- Yeah, it's totally fine.
Tony- Actually it's not *Tony appears between you and Peter. You and Peter jump and yell because you thought you were alone* but I needed to talk to you anyway so whatever, follow me! *Tony rolls away and heads back to the group. You and Peter follow him. You and Peter catch up to Tony and follow him into the conference room.*
Tony- okay now that everyone is here we can start. *You go stand next to Bucky and he notices you have a cut on your arm from where you and Peter fell earlier.*
Bucky- what happened?!? *He holds your arm and looks you over. You look and laugh a little.*
Y/N- oh I didn't even notice! It's nothing! I must have scratched it when me a Peter fell. *You brush off his concern.*
Bucky- fell?? From where? *He raises his voice slightly*
Y/N- The rafters. *You answer, not knowing the chaos you would cause. Everyone expresses their concern*
Bucky- excuse me?!? *He looks you over from head to toe, checking your eyes and fussing over you. You laugh and push him off a little.*
Y/N- We were swinging from the rafters using his Web- *You see Peter motioning you to stop talking, he groans as Tony whips his head around to Peter.*
Tony- you were what?!? Kid how many times have I told you this isn't a jungle gym. One wrong placed web could bring this whole place down. You've lost your web privileges for a week! Hand them over! *Peter sighs and tosses his web shooters over to Tony.*
Peter- you know you've already taken them away 3 times this week and I just keep making more.
Tony- Fine make it two weeks *you laugh to yourself as Bucky continues to look at your cut*
Bucky- this is pretty bad, y/n. W need to get this fixed. *Thor looks over your shoulder.*
Thor- I agree with metal arm. *You turn around and toss Thor an annoyed glance. Someone walks in behind you all*
Clint- ahh she's survived worse. *He stands there, arms crossed and just smiling. You beam and walk over, giving Clint a hug*
Y/N- hey old man! How are you?!? *Clint laughs and hugs you back.*
Clint- Hey! You might want to look at who your boyfriend is before you start calling me an old man.
Bucky- Hey Clint * He smiles and shakes Clint’s hand*
Clint- Got a call from Nat and Tony asking me to come in, so what's up? *Tony clears his throat loudly, everyone glances at him*
Tony- Now that the groundings, punishments, and reunions are done can we get back to the reason I called this meeting, yes? *He looks at everyone and nods* Awesome! *A map pops up with at least 50 red dots all over the world. You sigh and Bucky squeezes your shoulders*
Y/N- Hydra?
Tony- yes and I'd say last night was a pretty good indication they want you back or dead. *Steve moves closer*
Wanda- So we take them all down before they can get Y/N. *She looks at you and you smile*
Thor- Just like before. *Thor agrees*
Sam- except this time we will have two people who know Hydra inside and out. *Steve shakes his head and stands up.*
Steve- No, there is no way y/n is about to go walk into a Hydra camp. The whole point of her being with us is for them to not know where she is. We don't need to parade her around for the world to see. *You glance at Steve and you start to speak when Nat speaks up.*
Nat- But she could be useful Steve- *Nat start to explain and Bucky cuts her off*
Bucky- yeah until they get her, then what?! I'm not kidding when I say she could make what I do look like child's play. *Bucky exclaims*
Peter- but you said for yourself she's fine- *Peter tries to chime in*
Clint- she still needs to stay safe. *Clint says finally*
Y/N- can I speak?!? *You say in outburst and everyone looks at you*
Tony-you have the floor Chai *He motions for you to fall and you roll your eyes as you smile*
Y/N- Look considering what happened last night I think I need to lay low for a while- *The guys interrupt you, directing their words to the ladies and Sam.*
Bucky/Steve/Tony- See, thank you! That's what I'm saying! Voice of reason. *You cut them off and shoot a glare their way.*
Y/N- not forever though. We should let last nights events settle and then I can join in the fight.
Nat/Wanda/Sam- Sounds good! We will need you! Awesome! *Tony rolls closer to Clint*
Tony- and that's why you are here Barton. We will be down one man for awhile so we will need you.
Clint- okay *He nods and grabs his bag.*
Steve- Alright, suit up. We leave in 20 minutes. *Bucky looks at you then looks at the cut on your arm again. You caress his face.*
Y/N- You know I've been through a lot worse. *Bucky knows you are referring to your fall from the plane and he can’t help but glare at you for bringing that up again.*
Bucky- don't remind me *He grumbles and he pulls you in close and kisses you* let's go clean this up.
Y/N- Yes Sir * you say in a mocking tone. You add a little salute for good measure. Bucky smirks before he laughs and throws you over his shoulder, he walks to his room. Steve sees and yells after him down the hall*
Steve- Buck! You don't have time for that! *Bucky just laughs and kicks open his door. Steve sends Peter to find Bucky. As he is walking into Bucky's room he hears you and Bucky in the bathroom.*
-Ouch Bucky!
-oh sorry *Bucky laughs* I thought you were ready
-does it hurt
-yeah *you laugh* but in a good way! *you kiss him and then gasp.* Whoa that's really deep.
-well, I gotta get in there *Bucky laughs again and you let out a scream. Peter is absolutely traumatized by what he has heard but he knows Steve is serious about the jet leaving any minute. So he knows he has to interrupt.*
Peter- Um guys, *his voice cracks* Steve said it's really time to go. *The bathroom door swings open and Bucky walks out. He smiles and pats his shoulder.*
Bucky- Hey could you finish up in here? Thanks kid *Peter peaks in and looks at you. He realizes Bucky was helping you clean up your cut and he can’t help but exclaim.*
Peter- oh thank God! *You look up at peter*
Y/N- what was that Peter? *You look up at him.*
Peter- oh nothing! *He blushes* Nothing. Okay let's bandage this and you should be good to go. *Peter bandages your arm while blushing the whole time. You watch him and smile as he works.*
Y/N- Thanks Peter you're the best! *You give him a kiss on the cheek* oh by the way, we knew you were outside the door. *you wink at him and walk away. Peter groans and then laughs. You and Peter get to the Jet just in time. As Peter walks on you can see Bucky and Steve teasing him about what just happened in the Bathroom. You yell to Bucky and Steve*
Y/N- Play nice!! *Bucky and Steve look at each other and then look at you*
Bucky/Steve- We always do! *The door to the jet closes and they fly away.*
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*For the next 3 months while you are laying low the Avengers go on mission after mission. They take down one Hydra base after another. When they get home you always have a little celebration for them and when you and Bucky are alone you two always have a little special celebration of your own.*
Y/N- Lock the door *you say breathlessly as Bucky rips off your clothes*
Bucky- Too many clothes *Bucky picks you up and takes you to the bed. He kisses you all over and makes his way down your stomach. He takes extra time in between your legs. He is the definition of a tease, it has been 3 weeks since you had seen him last and he wants to savor every moment of this reunion.*
Bucky- Tell me what you want. *he says as he is still pleasuring you with his mouth. Your arch of the bed and moan between breaths*
Y/N- I. want. you! *Everything he is doing feels so good it's hard for you to speak, he smiles. Bucky kisses his way up your body till he gets to your lips*
Bucky- I can do tha- *You cut him off*
Y/N- in the shower. *You smirk against his lips and Bucky looks at you with a devilish grin*
Bucky- as you wish *Bucky picks you up from the bed and takes you to the bathroom. The room was filled with steam in a mater of minutes. The water hadn't been turned on yet. He sets you on the counter while he turns on the water. Bucky comes back and picks you up, carry’s you into the shower. The water was freezing at first but it quickly heated up. He used everything he could think of to pleasure you, his hands, his mouth, himself. Even the detachable shower head and you came every. single. time. You tried to return the favor but he wouldn't let you. Bucky kept saying he wasn't finished with you yet. God you loved this man so much, by the time Bucky was done with you the water was freezing again. You don’t care, you have Bucky and that's all that matters. Bucky helps dry you off and get ready for bed. And you need the help, your legs are so shaky you can hardly stand.*
*Bucky has a soft side that very few people know about but when you two are alone he always lets his guard down for you. You are laying in bed and Bucky has his arms around your waist*
Bucky- I just wish we could end all the fighting. I know I am no longer the Winter Soldier but sometimes when I fight I can feel him trying to break free. *Bucky stops talking, you turn over to look at him and even in the dark you can tell he is crying. You snuggle into his chest and run your hands over his back just the way he likes.*
Y/N- Bucky I understand and it's okay. I feel the same way about Odette. We can get through this together. *you look up and kiss Bucky* You are no longer the Winter Soldier, He is gone, just keep reminding yourself of that.
Bucky- Well, *he gives you another devilish grin* he's not completely gone. *He smirks and rolls over on top of you, kissing you. He looks at you with a killer smirk as he grinds a little against you.* Ready to Comply, Soldier? *You giggle and even though you start to ache for him at the sound of his voice and that phrase you know you both needed to sleep*
Y/N- I just complied for the last 2 hours, so let's just sleep. *Bucky laughs and leans in to kiss you but stops and gets very serious for a moment*
Bucky- I love you so much, Y/N. I don't know what I would do without you. *He brushes his thumb across your lips.*
Y/N- I love you too, Bucky. *He kisses you and then settles back down behind you. You both snuggle in and go to sleep*
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*The next morning you are so sore. Bucky teases you about it before he picks you up and carries you downstairs to get breakfast. He puts you down right outside the kitchen door and you hear Tony talking to Sam, Steve, and Nat.*
Tony- I knew I should have splurged for the sound proofing in every room. *He rubs his temples*
Sam- For real man, *Sam groans* like damn we get it you're really into each other but I don't need to know when you're actually into each other. *Nat gasps and wacks his arm.*
Nat- Eww Sam, we knew what you meant you didn't have to- *Sam turns on Nat*
Sam- oh don't even get me started on you two *Sam points to Nat and Steve.* Steve's all "I can do this all day", ya nasty! *Nat rolls her eyes and Steve blushes. Tony groans as he looks up to the sky*
Tony- I just hope Peter and Morgan were asleep by the time they started- god, the nightmares those kid would have. *Peter shouts from the other room*
Peter- I wasn't! And I wouldn't call them nightmares. *you and Bucky look at each other and try not to laugh. He motions to you to head back upstairs and you shake you head. You walk right into the kitchen with no shame*
Y/N- Hey guys! How did everyone sleep last night? *you grab an apple and walk towards Bucky* I know I was exhausted and super sore *You give Bucky a love tap on his butt and a wink as you walk back out of the room. Bucky lightly laughs and turns to look at you and you leave. He then looks at everyone*
Bucky- we will keep it down next time. *He starts to leave the room when Tony calls after him*
Tony- that's all I ask, think of the children Barnes, the children! *Peter shouts from the other room again*
Peter- This child will sleep with earplugs so go crazy. *Everyone busts out laughing, Tony rolls his eyes. Bucky just shrugs.*
Tag list: @cadencejames87 @hisredheadedgoddess28 @jessieasher1616 @janineb86 @cjand10 @anastasiamariebarnes @slytherinqueen4life @theinheriteddutchess
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yzeltia · 18 hours
FFXIVwrite2024 22. Convergence
Characters: V'anille Tia, Wuk Lamat, V'mauhli, Krile Baldesion, Alisaie Leveilleur, V'tenpe Tia, Bakool Ja Ja, Galool Ja, Koana, Mewazunte, Zereel Ja, The Citizens of Tural, U'rahn Nuhn Expansion: Dawntrail (Spoilers for Level 99) Rating: G Summary: V'anille and Koana finally say the words. Notes: Thank you @dapperpea for the prompt! Dialogue used from Level 99 Quests
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“Ooooh! You’re so beautiful Anille! Koana will be stunned,” Lamaty’li let out, eyes wide as V’anille looked at himself in the mirror, his mother settling in his circlet atop his head.
“Agreed. You look lovely. All eyes will be on you,” Krile added.
He flushed lightly, turning to look over his shoulder at his soon to be sister-in-law before grabbing at his robes. “Thank you Lamaty’i. Krile…Though, don’t you think this might be inappropriate with everything going on?” he asked, attention drifting out the window where only days ago had Alexandrian ships threatening their advance in the sky, thinking on the night they’d started to become a family.
“Zoaal Ja had become unimaginably powerful. It was only with  Anille's help that we managed to defeat him. And now I have a responsibility to the people of Alexandria. And above all to Gulool Ja,” Lamaty’i said as V’anille followed her, Koana’s hand bumping into his own now though unable to commit to taking it. Gulool Ja looked up to Lamaty’i, letting out a little surprised gasp as she turned and beamed at him. I promised, didn't I? I wanted us to become family. And it isn't only out of obligation. Since I've gotten to know you, I've come to really like you.”
Gulool Ja smiled back, nodding at his aunt. “Right.”
“You too Anille! After everything we’ve been through, we’re already as good as family,” she sang, reaching out to put his hand into Koana’s.
“What!?” Koana let out while Lamaty’i raised her brows at him with a mischievous grin.
“What do you mean, “what”? The more family you have, the merrier, don’t you think? Come on, let’s head to the barrack,” Lamaty’i laughed while winking at V’anille. “Like Papa did by taking us in, I want to make my family bigger! You wouldn't mind some extra family too, right, Anille?”
Koana let out a sigh, squeezing V’anille’s hand lightly before turning to the give him a small smile before turning as Gulool Ja stopped in front of them to look up at them. “I'd like to be family with you too, V’anille.”
“I’d like that too,” V’anille responded in turn before gesturing up toward Lamaty’i as she strode ahead.
“This is the perfect time! It will be good to raise Tuliyollal’s spirits and ensure everyone in Tural can celebrate and go home with full bellies,” Lamaty’i sang.
“Lamaty’i has the right of it. Sometimes a large celebration is just what a city needs after a tragic event. Something to lift people’s spirits and unify them,” V’mahuli said, putting her hand on her son’s shoulder. “Everything you do now will be in the scope of Tural. The people love their regency here. They will share in your happiness and sorrows just as have done theirs since you’ve arrived.”
“All of…Tural. How many people did you invite Lamaty’i!?” V’anille asked, turning swiftly towards her.
“Well, everyone!” Lamaty’i laughed as V’anille stumbled then took a seat again, looking rather pale.
Alisaie lounged in her chair, fussing with her dress before sitting up to look at Lamaty’i. “This does seem well timed. On the precipice of us pursuing Sphene and in the wake of Zoraal Ja’s defeat. This isn’t just for Tural is it? Koana is rather practical.”
“What? He’d never do that to Anille! He loves him with all his heart. In fact when I want to stop him talking about Sharlayan and I ask about Anille so he’ll get flustered and stop talking to let my ears rest,” Lamaty’i said, getting a laugh out of V’mahuli.
“Well, it wouldn’t be fair to say this wedding was wholly his idea,” V’anille reminded her, finding the strength to sit back up again.
V’anille held himself as he looked out toward the sea, the sun setting on the horizon. 
“Begging your pardon, Anille, but might I have a moment ere setting forth? In private,” Koana asked before jumping as Lamaty’i patted his back.
“Oh! Are you going to give him the the thing,” Lamaty’i asked eagerly.
Koana’s ears flattened before he straightened up, face slightly flushed. “Yes, I had thought to save it for later, but in light of these recent developments, I feel now is the time. As Lamaty’i says…I have something for you. Please come with me to Bayside Bevy.”
V’anille swallowed then followed, heart racing as Koana offered his hand as they made their way down the steps toward the shopping district. Lamaty’i followed, escorting Gulool Ja behind her. “Hehe, I hope you like it,” she taunted while her nephew looked around all the shops in awe.
“Are these all shops? It’s so different from Solution Nine,” the boy marveled. 
“Most of them are. If you see something you want I’ll see if I can get it for you,” V’anille offered with a little smile, getting an wide eyed smile from Gulool Ja as his head swiveled about to see if there might be something he’d like.
“Aw. That’s so sweet,” Lamaty’i said, “Isn’t Anille sweet, Koana?”
“Yes,” Koana answered briskly before stopping in front of a stall tended to by an older Tonawantan man. “This is it Anille. Tuliyollal is safe in no small part due to your valor. As a token of our appreciation, I have commissioned special equipment for you and the Scions. While it is inadequate as an expression of gratitude, I pray it will serve you well in your coming mission.”
“It apparently incorporates foreign technology. Leave it to Koana to request such a thing, eh,” Lamaty’i laughed, patting Anille’s back.
Koana pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “Mewazunte yonder has the equipment in his keeping. Just say the word, and he will bring it out.”
“Thank you, Koana,” V’anille said with a small smile, turning as Lamaty’i made a noise of disapproval.
“Surely you’re not going to leave it at that,”she protested.
“I don’t know what you mean,” Koana said, keeping his gaze elsewhere.
“What about the ring!? I thought you were giving him the ring,” Lamaty’i said, stamping her foot as he tail gave a little flail.
Koana looked down, eyes wide as his cheeks tinted from embarrassment. V’anille staggered himself, hand over his mouth as he too felt blood rush to his face. “A ring?”
“Yeah. He had it specially made with the same sort of jewel he used for my own. Yours has a much deeper meaning though I think. C’mon Koana! You made it this far,” Lamaty’i said, moving behind her brother to give him a push toward V’anille.
Koana stumbled from the push before pushing his glasses back up on his face again, avoiding V’anille’s nervous gaze. “It’s as Lamaty’i said. I have commissioned a ring for you. I had intended to give it to you after the ascension ceremony; however, at the time I did not think I would be elevated to that of the Vow of Reason. Then with everything that came after there was never a good time…and with you pursuing Sphene it still feels like this comes at the wrong moment,” he started, eyes flitting back toward his sister briefly before lowering onto one knee. “Yet this is the moment we have. Anille, you traveled the salt to be reunited with me and made my home and family yours. I am not well versed in matters of the heart, but I do know that my life has only been richer with you in it and that I could not bear having a sea between us again. If you will have me, I would pledge to stay by your side and ne’er part again.”
Anille swallowed, turning Mewazunte as he brought out a small box with an emerald ring. “Koana…of course I will…”
“You didn’t Lamaty’i,” Alisaie laughed out.
“Well, I was just trying to help. Koana was going to do it eventually,” Lamaty’i protested. “I mean, Anille is already family. This is just going to be a party for it and gives him a fancy title. We’ll call him The Reason’s Promised, or something.”
V’anille laughed too then stood back up. “I don’t need a title. I am just happy to be accepted.”
Krile smiled, swinging her legs on her chair before climbing up on it to pour them some champagne. “Well, I think it’s a lovely story and one that is very apt for our Dawnservants. Come, let’s have a drink before the event starts.”
V’anille nodded, striding over in his robes to take a flute and down it before perking his ears right before a knock sounded out. Turning, he watched as the door opened, his father striding in followed by Bakool Ja Ja.
 “Anille! Son, you’re beautiful,” V’tenpe breathed out, the gruff looking man’s eyes watering at the sight. 
“Now don’t you start. You’ll have the entire wedding to be a mess,” V’mahuli sighed, handing her husband a flute of champagne.
“Um. Here. I saw these flowers growing by a cenote and my mom helped me make them into a corsage,” Might said, approaching Wuk Lamat.
“ I thought they’d suit you,” Mystic added, handing Lamaty’i a box that held a glowing blue flower and ribbon inside.
“Oh! It’s so pretty! Thank you Bakool Ja Ja,” she said, clawing open the box then fitting the corsage around her wrist.
Bakool Ja Ja nodded and rubbed the back of Might’s head as he recoiled bashfully, trying not to take up too much space as he watched Lamaty’i happily show off the flower to her friends. 
“Well, we came to get this half of the party to let them know everything is ready down below,” V’tenpe said, moving back toward the door.
“My dad is performing the ceremony,” Bakool Ja Ja chimed in.
“That he is. Let’s get everyone to overlook and get ready for the ceremony. Anille, I’ll come get you in just a moment,” V’entepe instructed, ushering the party out the door leaving Anille alone.
Taking a breath, V’anille wandered to where the champagne was to pour himself another glass, downing it quickly before shuddering. His life had changed so fast, and everything seemed so precarious for all of it. Now, with Koana ahead waiting for him, it seemed like it had all meant to be and that worrying about whether the other would accept him or not had been entirely silly.
He looked at himself in the mirror, touching his chest before looking through the reflection as his father walked in and shut the door. 
“You ready Anille,” he asked.
“Yes, father,” V’anille answered, turning and coming to his side.
“I hope you don’t mind but I gave Koana the present I intended for you,” V’tenpe said, leading his son out of the room and into the hall. “I intended to give it to you but I think it suited him a bit more.”
“What was it,” V’anille asked, letting his ears twitch as the sound of music echoed toward them.
“Your grandfather’s pocket chronometer. You never held much interest in it and it seemed to fit the lad’s aesthetic. If you’re fussed about it he’ll be more than happy to give it to you.”
V’anille shook his head. “No, that’s a perfect gift for him…thank you dad.”
“Heh. No need to thank me. I was actually caught up in the moment. He offered to help your mother and I get settled in Shaaloni. Asked if we’d help them build up their railways and teach folks engineering and combustion. If your mother is up for it too, we’ll be moving, settling down nearby to keep an eye on y’all.”
“Really!? That would be amazing,” V’anille breathed out before hugging his dad tight.
“Oh good! I was worried you’d be horrified by the prospect of us hovering around. Though, it’d kill me to cross the street from our future grandkids. Gulool Ja too, he’s the best little assistant now. Keeps me flushed in electrope,” he hummed.
“Grandkids. I think you’re getting ahead of yourself,” V’anille breathed out.
“Well, you’re going to adopt right? Koana seemed to like the idea.”
V’anille held his breath a moment then shook it off, rounding the corner to find his friends and family lined up and waiting for him. Koana stood in the middle, dressed up in a white suit and smiling softly in his direction before looking down as Gulool Ja tugged the hem of his jacket and handed him the rings a bit prematurely.
There was a brief hesitation from V’anille, not that he didn’t want to go forward, but that he was finding himself on the verge of tears. He wandered forward with his father, getting a kiss on the top of his ear from the man before having his hand placed in Koana’s hand while Zereel Ja cleared his throat and began to speak.
V’anille couldn’t concentrate on the words, lost in Koana’s violet eyes as he smiled softly at him. He nearly forgot to breathe as they stood their hand in hand in front of their loved ones, uniting two halves of Hydaelyn somehow in the process. Koana smiled then brushed his hand through V’anille’s hair as it came to give him to say his vows.
“It is no secret that I went to Sharlayan and fell in love; however, I had not expected to do so beyond their culture and technology. Anille, you crossed The Salt to be at my side, and when I foolishly refused you, you joined my beloved sister in her bid and stayed loyal to her. Even when I realized the errors of my ways, your loyalty to my family outweighed your need to be reunited. It was then I realized you were the one to be by my side,” Koana said before his eyes widened, “And it’s at this moment, I realized I’ve never said it aloud. Anille, I love you.”
V’anille laughed lightly, tears rolling down his face as he squeezed on Koana’s hand. “Did we really get all the way here before saying it? I love you Koana, and Tural. When I came here I was so afraid…but as soon as Lamaty’i figured out how I felt I immediately had a sister and partner in crime. I’m standing here with you, the love of my life, because of her…You so often ask for us who travel with her to take care of her, but, today I’m going to make my vow not to you, but her.”
V’anille turned, smiling as he reached out to take Lamaty’i’s hand. “Lamaty’i, I promise to love and protect your brother for as long as I live. To make sure he doesn’t get lost in his work and takes breaks. To always stand by him and support him.”
Lamaty’i snuffled as tears and mucus ran down her face. “Anille,” she whined before pulling him into a tight hug, cracking his back a bit as she choked out a sob.
Koana watched, letting out an amused laugh then shook his head. “Lamaty’i, may I have my fiance back?”
“Right. Yes, sorry,” Lamaty’i apologized, releasing V’anille.
Zereel Ja cleared his throat. “Well, if you’re finished. I decree that what has been converged here never be torn asunder. I present to Tural, the Vow of Reason and his Promised. You may now kiss.”
Koana smiled then put his arm around V’anille’s back leaning in to kiss him as their friends and family cheered. A chorus of cheers came down below, Tural erupting into cheers before singing out “So smile and let the rainbow sing!”
V’anille smiled, moving to the railing to wave down at the people below, Koana holding his waist as he let tears of joy run down his face, soon joined by Lamaty’i and the rest. Turning, he held onto Koana, looking up at him. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” Koana cooed, leaning in to kiss V’anille again.
U’rahn blinked as he held Nyx and Erenville’s hands, listening to the people sing below as the people cheered and sang. “Huh. They really like that song here.”
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aroyaltailor · 16 days
semi-hiatus (vent warning)
Currently failing Spanish 102 and things are not getting better. In a move that I'm sure will surprise none of those who follow this blog, I am going to be taking a hiatus from any writing. Yes, another break! Another hiatus, putting off work on this blog and leaving the replies I owe to rot in my drafts. The words simply do not come out of me, and I'm still struggling with perfectionism that blocks any genuine attempts at getting anything done. I basically have to learn the entirety of Spanish, or at least the relevant information for the class, because if I fail I won't be able to graduate this semester.
It's the same damn thing every time. I've submitted a request for the counseling service provided by my college, but they have a two week waiting period due to the huge influx of students needing mental health help these days. I genuinely believe that I've reached a point where I need professional help with my writing, and that I have somekind of OCD that prevents me from simply writing the first draft without needlessly fussing over every word.
I really didn't want to have to make this post. I was holding on to the hope that things would be alright. I was hoping that everything would be okay. That I'd be able to create legitimate routines, learn how to comprehend Spanish, and that I would be able to have the time to sit back and focus and work on building this blog.
The first exam of the class is next Tuesday, September 10th. I won't lie, I'm basically spiraling at this point. Self-care is at a total minimum, and I haven't really been taking care of my health either. I'm not eating much, both out of lack of hunger and the simple fact that my household doesn't have any food available. Today alone, I've been slouched over the table in the upstairs study rooms of my college, staring at this damned screen all day. Suicidal thoughts, a bit of self-harm with a pen, it feels just as bad as organic chemistry. And the genuine possibility that I might be kicked out the house if I fail Spanish 102 isn't helping matters. I don't really have anyone to talk to either, not in-person at least. Not really even online either, but that's probably too jaded for me to say. Doubt anyone will even read this, but that understandable I guess. Everyone has their own problems, so many people do, and they can't pause and stop when they have their own concerns to deal with, especially for someone that hasn't really produced anything.
Let's just say it isn't getting better. It's not. It's getting worse. I can't be on here as much as I want to, and I'm beginning to think that I've been damaged permanently by what happened to me. My dad had lung cancer, I did everything I could, but that's all I can say about it. Even just typing that sentence has me bawling now.
I'll either pass Spanish 102 this semester or I won't. If I don't, I definitely won't take it well. I'm sorry for everything I've said about how I'd made progress, or that I'd be around to do replies only to post nothing at all. I'm not doing well and haven't been for awhile.
Hopefully things will get better. But then again, I've said that before haven't I? Time will tell. I'm sorry to everyone for the times I've wasted their time with starters or replies I haven't responded to yet. Blog isn't even finished yet, but if I pass I'll try. I promise I'll try.
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madraleen · 7 months
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Moriarty the Patriot - Ryōsuke Takeuchi & Hikaru Miyoshi Chapters 65-76 : A heavily ship-oriented commentary.
-louis thanking william for choosing to live, he's so sweet
-aw lil louis hugging his brother
-the three brothers are together again :')
-i don't recall seeing louis this peaceful ever before, as now that william and albert are returned
-i feel like i'm reading a prolonged happy epilogue and i'm alright with that
-why is albert's and mycroft's reunion so soft omg
-erm? bond/mrs hudson, y/y? THIS IS SO WHOLESOME I SHIP IT
-i love smiling william. i really do love smiling william, i smile along with him
-ah, sunshine billy!
-louis pretty much loves everyone on this dinner for helping his brother
-i'm really happy for louis, he looks so content
-ASFDKM, WILLIAM "I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH MYSELF BUT I KNOW I ENJOYED BEING WITH YOU." finally william is also reciting his wedding vows. he opened up his heart to sherlock (or rather, sherlock barged his way in it) and now the world suddenly looks beautiful, yes.
-aw will bb cries :(
-oh. liam and sherly lived in brooklyn. *steve/bucky flashbacks*
-the amazing thing is that neither sherlock nor liam make a fuss about others commenting on their relationship, ever. they're like, "yeah, i simp for this bitch, and?"
-"sherly." i'm sorry, i'll stop making a note of it, but... it comes so casually now. "sherly" :')
-aww, william crying at being thanked by the girlie
-argh william and sherly separately staring at the fire and worrying for one another
-one liam was indeed more troublesome than 100 soldiers, but this is such a cute comment, sherlock, shut up
-fucking william, literally a knight on a white horse
-that one time holmes and moriarty were in a western
-oh i'd say william's body is done recuperating, sherlock. you missed that action hero entrance
-i can't wait to see sherly's face when he sees liam. okay yeah i saw it, it's predictably soft. he's falling in love all over again
-sherly be like "i've dragged that man back from death kicking and screaming and nursed him until he couldn't take it anymore, YOU AIN'T SHOOTING HIM!"
-"why did you come," asks sherlock, with a grin up to his ears
-LIAM WANTS THEM TO LIVE TOGETHER, SHARE THEIR WORRIES TOGETHER, HELP ME! me? help sherly, is he okay, is he fainting right about now?
-it had been a long while since liam looked like a kitten
-LMFAO EVEN BILLY CALLED THEM WEDDING VOWS HELP. and literally no one contradicts him. 
-seeing the gang react to sherlock's story like we just did is hilarious
-william had been looking for moran but he was too good at hiding? hilarious.
-hahaha the entire gang will be working together for mi6, nice. this feels like a "and they all lived happily ever after” fanfic in the best way
-we interrupt for a "moran becomes a cooking show judge" interlude
-OKAY, the happiest of endings! i'm glad!
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bi-bard · 2 years
Welcome Home - Carmen "Carmy" Berzatto Imagine (The Bear)
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Title: Welcome Home
Pairing: Carmen "Carmy" Berzatto X Reader
Word Count: 1,260 words
Warning(s): mention of past arguments
Summary: An old childhood "friend" stops by the restaurant to see Carmy. The pair reminisce over not only the past of their community, but also their personal past together.
Author's Note: I just thought this was kinda cute.
"Oh, look at you!"
I let out a laugh as my mom pulled me into a hug. She started fussing about me. My hair and my skin and my clothes. All loving, just concerned.
"Mom, Mom," I said, leaning back from her. "Let me get inside before you give me a lecture."
She stepped back.
I set my bag in my old room and sat down on the couch with her. She was a bit of a gossip, so I was happy to sit with her and listen to any news that I hadn't heard about.
She had been rambling on and on about anything and everything before she said something that truly caught my attention.
"Oh, and Carmen took over Michael's old place."
"I didn't know Carmy even came home. I thought he was at some big-time restaurant."
"He was! All of us were shocked that he came back."
I nodded. "Wow."
"You should go visit."
"Mom, I don't think he wants to see me."
"It's been a long time, sweetheart," she insisted. "You don't know how he feels. It's worth a try."
I let out a sigh.
"You're in my house, you have to visit."
My mouth fell open as she stood up and walked away. "Mom! That's unfair!"
"I'm a mom, that's my job!"
I rolled my eyes and leaned back into the couch cushion.
That's what led to me walking up to The Beef. I took a deep breath before pulling the door open. I immediately was met by yelling and arguing. I chuckled. Felt familiar.
"No fucking way!"
I looked at the counter as Richie rounded the other side.
"Hi, Richie- holy shit!"
He pulled me into a tight hug before I could process what was happening. I laughed and hugged him back.
"How are you," I asked.
"Look around," he replied as he stepped back. I just nodded. "Hey, Carmy! Come here!"
"Richie, I'm a little busy to deal with whatever bullshit- holy crap."
"Hey, Carmy," I chuckled at the shocked look on his face.
"Hey," he replied.
"Well, come here," I motioned for him to walk over. He let out a shocked laugh before coming over to hug me. Richie walked away as he did. "I heard about Michael. I'm so sorry."
"Thanks," he stepped back.
"God, you look exhausted," I muttered, cupping the side of his face. I always worried about him.
"You're such a sweet-talker," he replied.
I chuckled. "Sorry."
"It's alright," he waved it off. A crash in the kitchen seemed to get his attention. "I... I'm a bit busy right now but come back tonight. At closing. I'll make you something. We can... catch up."
"I'd like that," I nodded. There was another crash. "Please go make sure someone doesn't burn the place down."
"I'm gonna do my best!"
I chuckled as he ran into the kitchen.
"God, you two really just picked up right where you left off," Richie commented.
I froze for a moment before shaking my head. "Yeah, whatever. See you around, Richie!"
"Welcome home, (Y/n)!"
It was pretty late when I made it back to the restaurant. I was alright with that though.
It was already empty, but I could hear someone moving around in the back.
His head popped through the window in the wall. I almost chuckled at him.
"Take a seat anywhere, I'm almost done."
I gave him a thumbs-up before sitting down at one of the tables.
He walked out with two plates a little while later. He grinned at me as he set them both down.
"I could make you something better but... y'know," Carmy motioned at the restaurant.
"I'm sure it's great," I replied. He nodded and sat down. "This place looks exactly how I remember it."
"Haven't had the fund to fix it up," he shrugged. "How've you been? Big fancy school treat you well?"
I nodded. "Yeah. I've been lucky. What about you? Teasing me about my big fancy school, but last time I checked, you had some fancy-pants cooking job."
"Yeah," he scratched the back of his neck. "I left that gig to take over this place."
"Was the fancy place like Hell's Kitchen?"
A laugh escaped him. "Not nearly as fun."
I smiled.
"Still more fun than this."
"You just need to find your rhythm," I insisted. "It's been a while, Carmy. Just need to readjust."
"I need to get this place out of the gutter."
"You've got a good foundation," I looked around. "I've missed this place."
I looked back at him. "Excuse me?"
He didn't respond. I scoffed.
"You look at this place and see everything wrong, right," I asked. He nodded. "And yeah, sure. Some of it could be improved. But this place isn't meant for some fancy experience. It's meant to be comfortable. A place for people from the community to feel like they're part of the family. Trying to turn it into anything else is gonna sink it."
"You know so much about the restaurant business because..."
"Because I know the people here," I replied. "I know you. And Richie and the crew. And I knew Michael. Despite everything that was wrong about this place, it was good. And you may not see it that way anymore, or maybe you never did, but that's what a lot of those people see."
Carmy just chuckled at me.
He leaned forward on the table. A smirk pulled on his lips. It felt like a silent challenge. A challenge for what, I wasn't sure. I just leaned on the table to mimic him. He chuckled at me.
"I did miss you," he muttered. "And all your rambling."
I rolled my eyes before grinning at him. "I missed you too."
"It sounds dumb, but... you made a lot of shit easier for me. I- uh- I missed having you around, even if we didn't end on the best terms."
I felt my heart sink a bit as I thought of the last time that we saw each other. I was meant to follow him, but when I got a fantastic scholarship, I couldn't do it.
It had been a long night of yelling about broken promises and our futures. It hadn't ended well. The sound of the door slamming behind me would still ring in my ears from time to time. I had so many 'what if's' about that night.
"You could've called."
"Would you have answered," he asked, tilting his head down.
I reached over and tilted his chin back up. I grinned before leaning over to press my lips to his. It was only a matter of seconds before I leaned back again. I relaxed into my chair, biting my lip when I saw the stunned look on his face.
"Yes," I nodded.
He slowly leaned back again. "That wasn't fair."
"What wasn't fair?"
"Kissing me like that," he explained. "Distracting."
I scoffed. "You didn't like it?"
"That's the problem," he pointed out. "I've missed it. I've thought about it. Teasing me with it isn't fair."
"I wasn't trying to tease you."
He rolled his eyes.
"Come and kiss me again if you missed it so bad," I leaned forward again. "You really believe that I haven't missed kissing you too?"
He froze for a moment. I raised an eyebrow at him.
"Carmy...," I dragged out his name a bit.
"Shut up," he mumbled, pecking my lips again. "Welcome home."
"You too."
He grinned at me before looking down for a moment.
This trip home was definitely worth it.
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bomberqueen17 · 10 months
matcha top sewalong #4
ok so i was right, the sizing is bonkers. I should have cut a size 10. I did finally try the sleeve on-- just wrapped it around and tested it-- and i've got like four or five inches of ease in the sleeve, which I don't need.
So, for anyone thinking of making this pattern: The size chart is just in there for show, and means nothing. As the directions do say, to their credit, disregard that entire size chart except the shoulder measurement, and cut out the size that fits your shoulder measurement. Obviously they only put a size chart in there because one is expected, but it has no bearing on the pattern itself or like, human bodies. LOL!
So anyway here's my progress in a brief session this morning, which ended with my preliminary try-on.
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[image description: black fabric with some white interfacing showing, pinned to blue fabric in several places, with my hands holding part of it in place.]
I'd put the gathering stitches in by hand because I find that easier, and they were such short seams it was literally two minutes of sewing to do it. So then I pinned the center back, the side fronts, and then roughly measured the same distance to where the shoulder detail should start, and pinned that out.
I had help.
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[image description: my perfect adorable princess baby elderly gray cat sitting with her paws directly on the blue fabric I was working on, leaning towards me so I can't see the sewing machine.]
And then instead of putting four fucktillion pins in, I just started sewing, pulled the gathering stitches tight, shoved the gathers along until they looked even, sewed over them quick while holding the gathering thread tight, and did this between all the major landmarks until it was done. Had to go back over a bit of it to catch the shoulder detail hem properly, fussed around a bit. But it didn't take as long as I'd been afraid it would.
My help retreated slightly and grudgingly allowed me to make some progress on this.
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[image description: my perfect sweet cat sitting on the end of the sewing table, wall bedecked with spools of thread on a holder behind her, and the blue fabric pinned down more thoroughly in the foreground next to the sewing machine.]
Once I had the collar attached on one side I threw the thing over my head to see if the neck opening was wide enough and to confirm my suspicions about the enormous shoulders.
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[image description: a mirror selfie of me draped in the blue and black top, side seams open. I have a dressmaker's tape held to the point of my shoulder with the forefinger of that hand, and it is hanging down and the fabric that's meant to be the shoulder seam ends four and a half inches down on the tape.]
So if I hadn't embroidered this I'd cut four and a half inches off of the shoulder detail, and also recut it narrower, as it's far too wide AND far too long. As it is, I'll just cut to the edge of the embroidery. I'm going to unpick the edgestitching on both sides up to the collar, cut them both to the same width, and then gather the shoulder seam underneath them, then sew them back down. And then I'll put the sleeves on. I did check the sleeves though, and I could take some ease out of them too, so I'm sort of torn. I should probably just find the pattern pieces and recut the body to a smaller size, and recut the sleeve to match. But. Well truth be told I left the pattern back at my house and am at my mother-out-law's right now and don't want to trek back home to get it. It'll be fine oversized that's the aesthetic. I just can't stand having my sleeve start halfway down my arm. As it is the sleeve is halfway down my forearm if I hold the top of it against the point of my shoulder, and I'm going to have to cut it shorter. (Yes plus-sized garments need extra vertical room to go over full figures but not the sleeves my guys, my arms are not extra-long because I'm fat. OK OK OK they did not grade this pattern knowledgeably I can stop beating that dead horse and move on.)
So that's where I'm at now, I'm going to wind up with quite a different garment than the pattern envelope suggested I think. But it'll be wearable and probably quite comfortable.
The next version, I will cut a size 10, and i will make it of handkerchief linen probably, and I will follow the pattern directions more closely.
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smolwritingchick · 9 months
The Bangtan Gal Chapter 34- Let's Name It Iron Man
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Chapter Summary: Jen and Angelina get into a dispute with Amity on Instagram due to false rumors, while Jen deals with Anti fan hate comments. Jungkook gives Jennie the cutest gift for Christmas.
Warning: Language?? And a little bit of angst due to hate comments for Jennie and regarding her skin color.
I tried to make this as fluffy as possible too. A for effort. Flashbacks are in italics.
Genre: JenKook fluff! Namjoon Fluff! NamJen!
Words: 8,000+
Vexation wasn't even the word to describe how Jen felt as she sat on a lounge chair with her knees up to her chest. Sitting outside, at the poolside, the cool air caused goosebumps to rise on her skin. She was chilled but was too stubborn to go back inside.
What was the big deal?
The guy was nice. She thought he was cute and friendly. The guys were just overreacting, as usual, dimming her mood.
"I've been looking everywhere for you."
She heard a deep voice, causing her to exhale through her nose. He just had to follow her, didn't he?
"Well, you didn't need to. I'd like to be alone, can you leave?" She grumbled at Namjoon, looking straight ahead at the pool.
"No. I want to talk to you." He demanded.
"Well, I don't want to talk to you." She got off the chair, turning to face him.
"I wasn't done talking back there, now calm down and let me finish what I have to say."
"I don't want to hear it. It's the same stuff over and over again. If it's not you, it'll be Jin. Let me get to know people."
"And giving out your number to just anyone?" He scolded with irritation in his voice. She crossed her arms, turning her head to the side, stubbornly. "I would advise you to give them your Instagram or something, message on that. Not your phone. I don't want to risk it. And we wouldn't be having this conversation if you would just stop being so damn stubborn."
"Do you even understand where I'm coming from?" She argued. "I'd like to get to know people-"
"Do you understand where I am coming from?" He cut her off in English. If he was speaking in full English to her during a dispute, she knew he was upset and serious about the situation. "My point makes better sense than yours. I know you want to talk to more people and have new friends but that guy seems sketchy."
"He's not sketchy!" She exasperated 
Namjoon let out another sigh of frustration, running a hand through his hair. He had to remember that she was still a teenager and teens, well, they want to explore and live their lives to the fullest.
"He's just a sound engineer. He's nice." He heard her claim.
"That's what they all say..." He grumbled.
Scoffing at his statement, Jen shook her head in disbelief. "Wow, Joon, thanks."
"Look I am trying to-"
"No. I'm gonna go to bed. I'm done with this."
"Jennifer Walker, don't you walk away from me." He sternly called her out. If he had to go into full father mode to protect her, he'd do it.
She stopped in her tracks, taken aback at the sound of her full name. Her dad would say that if she would be disobedient or if he was serious. The sudden thought began to make her ponder about her father.
"Jennifer Walker, don't you walk away from me!"
The sound of her father's stern voice made her stop walking before she could make it up the steps. It was a Friday evening and Jen stood in front of her dad and sisters. Her sisters gave her looks of disapproval while her father said with authority, "Apologize to your sisters,"
"I didn't do anything!" She snapped.
"You broke our TV. There's legit a crack in the middle of it! We told you to stay out of our room!" Vienna argued.
"How do you even know it was me? You can buy another one!" Jen fussed. 
Okay, so maybe she was playing with a volleyball and accidentally smashed it against the TV and it fell off the table.
"Jennifer apologize." Her father ordered.
Sighing with annoyance, she murmured a "Sorry."
"Louder and say it like you mean it."
"I'm sorry I broke your TV..."
"This is coming out of your allowance." Her father informed as he walked back to the kitchen.
After hearing his statement, Jen dropped her jaw in disbelief, instantly rushing after him, ignoring her sisters' laughs. "W-wait a minute! Come on! Dad! Please don't do this!"
Although that argument was stupid and she was acting like a stubborn baby sister at the time, the flashback made her smile softly. She missed her dad. But for some reason, Namjoon would remind her of him and the sadness of missing her father would fade away. As she thought about it, she began to feel bad for acting this way towards him. 
Namjoon was right.
She turned around, bumping into his chest as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her in for a tight hug. She felt his other arm wrap around her waist.
"You are so stubborn. Just listen to me," he went back to Korean. "I just want to protect you. I'm trying my best here. I couldn't take it if anything bad happened to you. Mentally or physically. I don't want you to deal with any scandals. I want your time here in BTS and in Korea to be a fun one, with no problems. That's all I want, as we continue to work as a team."
Wrapping her arms around him, she returned the hug. "I understand...I'm sorry, Namjoon."
"Don't worry about it. Just promise me you'll be careful. And if there are any problems, I'm a phone call away."
Back in the hotel, Jen went to Tae's room as she watched him play on his phone on the bed. The others were around doing other activities and Yoongi was using the shower in the room she shared with him, Jin and Namjoon.
Taehyung instantly smiled, "Hey! You're here! Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, things are fine. I understand where he's coming from. Anyway, you need to use the bathroom? I'm about to shower. Yoongi is using ours at the moment."
Setting his phone down, Tae got off the bed, too excitedly. "Shower? Can I shower with you?"
With his question catching her off guard, Jen whipped her head to him, baffled. "E-excuse me?"
"Can we shower together?" He repeated innocently like it was no big deal.
"Uh, no Tae, what the heck?" She stared at him, raising an eyebrow.
"What? Why not, Ennie?" He whined. "I just want to shower with my friend."
"Tae, I'm a girl!"
"Girls shower and so do guys. And they can shower together. We can save water! We can help the environment."
"Lord have mercy on my soul." She murmured, walking into the bathroom.
"Wait, so is that a yes?" He asked as he took off his shirt. He stumbled into the bathroom as he began to undo his pants. Turning around, she widened her eyes, alarmed by his unpredictability.
"H-hey! No-no-no-no-no-no." She placed her hands on his chest to stop him. "Nice tummy by the way." She laughed when he giggled after she poked it. "But anyway, we cannot shower together, it'll be weird. I mean, with you and the guys it's kind of different. But I'm a girl, y'know? You never know when your weenie will appear."
"Hehehe, weenie." He giggled.
"So, I'ma need you to go back into the bedroom until I'm done showering, my good friend." She turned him around and lightly pushed him out of the room.
"Okay, maybe next time? Or the next time after that? Please? I want to shower with all my members!" He called out as she shut the door. "Jennie? Please? Give me an answer!" He whined
"40% chance." She decided to answer and turned on the shower.
"Okay! I can live with that!" Still disappointed he couldn't shower with her like he would with his hyungs. Tae went back to the bed to relax, putting back on his shirt.
Moments later, Jungkook and Jimin arrived with snacks in their hands. "Is Jennie back?" Jimin asked.
"Yeah, she's in the bathroom showering since Yoongi was using theirs in their room. I'm bummed, she wouldn't let me shower with her." Tae sighed. Before he could explain the situation, he was cut off by a loud "YAH!" from Jungkook as a pillow connected to his face. "Oof!"
"What do you mean you wanted to shower with her!?" The Maknae shouted, smothering him with a pillow.
"Do you wanna die!?" Jimin shouted, jumping on top of Taehyung. He grabbed another pillow, striking him multiple times as yells, battle cries and screams filled the room.
"The heck?" Jen murmured as she rinsed herself off. "What is going on out there!?" She shouted loud enough for them to hear.
She heard a loud yell in response. Hearing Tae groan dramatically, caused her to wonder if they were just play fighting, figuring that Jungkook and Jimin were back in the room.
After drying herself off, blow drying and moisturizing her hair, Jen walked out in her pajamas, witnessing the interesting sight. There were Jungkook and Jimin on top of Tae, in a compromising position.
"Oh, dear..." She said awkwardly, causing the three of them to stop fighting and turn their attention to her.
"Oh. Jennie, how nice of you to join us." Jimin smiled sheepishly.
"Uh, you know what, I uh, I'm gonna...go hang with Yoongi instead, so um, you guys uh...finish what you're doing." She awkwardly responded and prepared to leave the room.
"W-wait a minute, no, it's not what it looks like!" Jimin shouted over Jungkook and Tae's protests.
Back in Korea, Jen met up with Hayoon at a local coffee shop. Since Jen arrived first, she ordered herself and Hayoon large cups of hot chocolate and made herself comfortable at a booth to get started on her chemistry homework. After five minutes passed, Hayoon arrived.
Jen's mouth quirked up as she pulled her in for a big hug. "Hey, girl! Long time no see!! You dyed your hair! I like it!"
"Thanks! Preparing for that debut next year, hehe." Hayoon beamed. Her hair was previously brown and now it was dyed black. Things were coming up for her and Jen couldn't be any happier. "It has been so long! How was the MAMA Awards and Hong Kong?" She asked as she sat across from Jennie.
"Girl! Hong Kong was lit! The whole MAMA Awards was lit. It was so amazing to be on that stage and perform with Block B."
"So proud! I hope GFriend makes it there, too."
"You will. How's the debut preparation coming along?"
"Swimmingly. I believe this will be a great debut. I'll make sure to teach you our dances."
"Oh dear, isn't it a cute dance? I can't do cute dances. I like aegyo but I look awkward doing it. I'm more into the powerful, badass concepts. Like Danger."
"But you can do sexy concepts. War of Hormone was a hit."
Jen felt her face heat up at the memories of grinding against her best friend for the choreography. But the memories made her crack a smile as she took a sip of her hot chocolate, avoiding eye contact.
"I feel shy doing those sexy moves," Jen spoke, meeting her stare.
"Well, not when you're on that stage with Jungkook~." She teased with a fit of giggles.
"Oh, hush!" She laughed with her. She had to admit, that he made her feel extremely comfortable when they performed War of Hormone despite Jin going bonkers over the constant skinship. "I'm grateful my stage charisma has gotten better. I need to work on my fierce expressions but I'm satisfied at how much I've improved."
"And as for the cute dances?"
"I'm a lost cause."
"Hehehe. I could teach you our dances, one day. You up for that?"
"Get ready for me being an awkward bean. Because I just cannot. It's so hard. What did I miss in Chemistry?"
"We have a test coming up."
"Of course, we do," Jen murmured with disappointment. "Chapter 6?"
"Yes, chapter 6. Hey, is that someone's number?" Her attention peered to Jen's cup.
"Number...?" Turning her cup around, she saw a phone number, most likely written by the male barista she ordered the hot chocolates from. "Smooth."
"Are you gonna call him? Or talk to him?"
"Eh, nah. I'm flattered but I'm gonna be more cautious around stuff like this."
"Good idea. Especially with how the phone numbers of idols have been released to the public these days. It's scary."
As they began to work on the homework together, Jen felt her phone buzz. Taking it out of her bag, she stared at the notification from Angelina.
Angelina: BITCH! Did you see Amity's recent interview!? [11:00 AM]
Confused, she opened the message and saw a link to a YouTube video from the Wendy Williams YouTube channel. "Oh, here we go." She murmured as she put one earbud in, connecting it to her phone. Reading the caption, 'Amity members keep it real about working with Angelina and Jennie', Jen already knew there were going to be problems. 
And if Angelina texted her, there would be even more problems.
'Real, eh? Let's see how many lies come out of their mouths.' She thought bitterly, pressing play.
There were Hailey, Trinity and Layla sitting on the couch with Wendy as the crowd applauded.
"Okay, so I got to ask, you three recently came to Angelina's album reveal party, correct?" Wendy had asked.
"That is correct." Layla smiled.
"Were you invited?" Wendy raised a brow.
"Well, she wasn't too thrilled." Hailey shrugged.
"Yes, we're all aware of the fight between you two." Wendy pointed out.
"Yeah, but I thought as a good leader of Amity, we should come and support her. Let bygones be bygones."
Shaking her head at the stupidity coming out of Hailey's mouth, Jen thought to herself with annoyance, 'Bitch, you went there to reveal your world tour. You weren't there to support her at all. Stop trying to act like a good person. Angelina kicked your ass and you expect her to be buddy-buddy with you afterward?'
"So, you went there and saw Angelina and Jennie, two former members of Amity. So, is there any tension between you three with the two of them, since they left?" Wendy questioned.
"Oh, you already know it was. I'll be the first to say that Amity is now stronger and better than ever now that the two of them aren't a part of the group anymore." Trinity answered as the crowd, mostly filled with ladies, oohed at the sudden gossip while Wendy sipped her tea, gaining laughs from the crowd.
As she watched, Jen couldn't help but roll her eyes. Of course, they would say something like that.
"Angelina and Jennie were horrible to work with." Layla shook her head.
'How?' Jen questioned their BS. They were always lying, trying to make themselves look better.
"Yeah, they were so difficult. Angelina and her anger issues. Jennie acting like a spoiled brat. She went on a rampage when she didn't get a solo like the rest of us. She even ranted that she should've gotten it first because her singing skills were better than ours. She complained a lot." Hailey went on as the crowd disapproved.
'What the hell? I wasn't that upset. Yeah, I was bummed but I waited patiently despite not getting a solo like the rest of them. I never acted like a spoiled brat or complained, I was humbled by the opportunity of even being in the damn group. Do you understand how many girls auditioned to be a part of Amity? Don't take it for granted. Why would you lie?' Jen thought in disbelief.
First Hailey decided to learn Korean just to get back at her, and now this? But the sad thing is, people will do things or say anything to get on top these days. Jen guessed that this is how the world works now. She wouldn't be surprised if they did anything intimate behind the scenes to get what they wanted, better yet the lying. It was sad and it frustrated her.
"But honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if Jennie is only doing K-Pop to try to further her career and then if she's popular enough, which I doubt, leave them and go solo. And with Angelina, she gets around. We've seen how she was when she was back in Amity. She's crazy. I'm still surprised she got Drake on her album. I dunno about that, something seems up." Layla shrugged
Jen scoffed and shook her head. Angelina worked her ass off on her first solo album and it wasn't easy getting Drake on the album. Not to mention how much money it costs to get big rappers featured on songs.
How dare they?
They're digging themselves a grave, now.
"These fucking punk ass bitches." Jen growled and slammed her fist against the table. Hayoon flinched at the sudden sound and glanced at her with concern.
"Are you okay?" Hayoon questioned nervously.
"Amity bullcrap."
"What happened now?"
After filling her in, Jen went directly on Instagram to Hailey's page, to her recent photo of Amity posing with Wendy Williams. Scrolling down the comment section, she spotted Angelina's comment.
ItzAngelina- Lying through your teeth again I see. Got something better to do? You got A LOT of nerve to say that I of all people get around. First of all, bitch, I did NOT sleep with anybody to get where I am at today, so don't you dare try to start shit you don't know anything about. I'm NOT you.
Jen laughed at the comment, agreeing with everything she said. She knew she would probably get some heat for doing this, and exposure on K-Pop news sites but at this point, she needed to set the three of them straight.
JJennie_JW- ItzAngelina FOR REAL! Enough is enough! This isn't cute!
ItzAngelina- JJennie_JW bitch, I'm pressed! They got me fucked up! I'm not happy.
JJennie_JW- ItzAngelina you and me both, I'm tired of this.
TrinTrin- ItzAngelina JJennie_JW JEALOUS!!
JJennie_JW- TrinTrin OF WHO!? You!? April Fools was months ago!
ItzAngelina- TrinTrin You are THE LAST person I should be jealous of.
JJennie_JW- TrinTrin I highly advise you to shut your mouth because you damn sure would not even dare to say it to my face or Angelina's.
Laytastic- That moment when our careers are better than those two, and they gotta rant on social media to be relevant lol. JJennie_JW ItzAngelina
JJennie_JW- Laytastic the only thing relevant about you is the fact that you have no edges what so ever and everyone keeps making memes about it on the internet...exit stage left and take several seats...
ItzAngelina- JJennie_JW HAHAHAHA I'm deceased! Laytastic sit down before we embarrass you even more. And if I remember correctly I was blessed to have my album in the top 3 on Billboard. Where oh where is Amity's new album??
Laytastic- ItzAngelina We're working on it and it'll be #1 on billboard. Just watch!
ItzAngelina- JJennie_JW HA! I LOVE how she replies to me and not you, lol.
JJennie_JW- ItzAngelina right!!
AllHailHailey- Oh, look who is on my page...how I'm not surprised. Go bitch somewhere else.
JJennie_JW- You are the worst of all. AllHailHailey stop lying to the media. First you crash Angie's album party to reveal Amity's world tour and THEN you wanna rub your Korean skills in my face when you damn well know you said you hated it and it was a waste of time. How low can you go?
AllHailHailey- JJennie_JW blah blah blah, complain, complain. Are you done whining? If so, get the hell off my page.
ItzAngelina- AllHailHailey No, you treated the both of us like shit. We don't regret leaving and we're better off without your asses. If you do this rumor publicity stunt again for the media, you better watch your back. I am not the one
JJennie_JW- AllHailHailey TrinTrin Laytastic yeah, so shut the fuck up and choke on a dick.
"Oh, my...that got intense." Hayoon looked on at the comments.
"Been hanging around Yoongi too much." Jen shrugged with no remorse.
"I'm sure he'll be proud."
The fans in the comment section were eating it up and laughing at the comment written with laughing emojis and skulls, explaining that they were dead by the comment.
ItzAngelina- Hahahahaha JJennie_JW Finally she's awakened! I missed this side of you! And don't you feel bad about it! #ProudFriend
Putting her phone away after no one else was replying, Jen sighed in contentment. "That felt good."
"So, who is Hailey? Is she an African American such as yourself?" Hayoon asked with interest.
"She's this Hispanic girl that used to be my leader in my old group in America. I swear, she'll put herself on top before the group. The others are just too stupid to realize. She used to be nice when we all first started but then the fame got into her head. And now she is learning Korean. Mind you, she went on a full rant about how pointless it was and how stupid K-Pop is. And now I feel like she learned it to get back at me and to try to get close to BTS. I'm not having that. I don't want her around my boys. I just get bad vibes about it."
"Go with your gut. So why does she hate you and Angelina so much?"
"Sometimes people just hate on others because they're bitter. Unfortunately, people want to see others fail and want everything for themselves. It's a lot of people like that in this world...it's sad. Why can't we all just be happy and supportive of one another? Why does one have to try to sabotage someone else's success to benefit themselves?"
"Wow." She paused. "What a bitch."
Jennie choked on her drink and started laughing. She was not expecting sweet, innocent and shy Hayoon to say something like that.
Puzzled at the sudden laughing, Hayoon raised a brow. "What?"
"You just cursed."
"Oh. I guess I did. Aigo." She looked down shyly.
Going back to the YouTube video to read the comments was a mistake for Jennie as she started to get bummed out at the negative comments about her.
'I never liked Jennie in the first place. They made a mistake putting her in a K-Pop group.'
'I know, right? It's KOREAN POP for a reason. Why is an American in the group? What was Bang PD thinking?'
'Okay, but what's the problem? She knows Korean, and can sing in Korean, what's the difference? Is it her skin color? If so, that's a dumbass reason. And other nonkoreans are in K-Pop.'
'She's kind of pretty for a black girl. But we don't have to worry about her dating any of the members. They're into pale girls. We're fine!'
'Yeah, she's nowhere near their ideal type, so we still have a chance.'
'And why are fans shipping her with the members? Like no.'
'It doesn't matter if she's in BTS because the guys all like PALE girls. So, she doesn't stand a chance. No one wants to date someone with dirty skin.'
"Ouch..." Jen cringed at the comments as she felt her emotions run high. "Did you really have to say it like that?"
Yes, everyone has their preference on who they want to date and how they want their special someone to look. But did you have to call her skin dirty? There was nothing dirty about her colored skin.
'I just feel as tho it was easy for her to get there since she's American and had less training time. It's a slap in the face to see people like her be in a group where other trainees worked harder and had way more time to train. She doesn't deserve it.'
'So, what if she had less training time? Bang PD believed she was ready than the other girls who auditioned, despite them being there a little longer than her. So, complain to him. He knows damn well what he's doing, and I'm supporting Jennie no matter what. She performed way before the guys had when she was in her old group. She has the experience.'
'Okay but she doesn't even LOOK like a K-Pop idol. Visuals are everything in K-Pop. Yeah, she sings great and all but you gotta have the looks too. She's not the full package. Big Hit is wasting their time. She should go back to America while she can.'
Jen felt herself getting irate. She wasn't aware there was a certain way you had to look in this industry, the way this person commented. Yeah, she wasn't looking like Taeyeon or Beyonce but she still believed she was beautiful. She wanted to be known for her talents, not her looks or skin color.
'She doesn't even call the boys oppa. Like, why? How rude is that? She's being so disrespectful to the members for not calling them oppa. Doesn't she know the culture?'
Jen rolled her eyes. She was always respectful towards those older than her. She found it ridiculous that antis found the littlest things to complain about. She wasn't used to the word. She didn't think it was a big deal. They guys seemed perfectly fine with it, and she even called them by nicknames. They don't care if she didn't want to call them oppa. Sure they'd like to hear it when she was ready but they wouldn't pressure her.
'Her skin is just, so noticeable from the other members. Her skin looks so dirty. Why is it like that? Did she forget to shower?'
Again, with the dirty skin comments. It hurt as she felt tears of frustration appear in her eyes. What was the problem?
'Just waiting until the day she leaves. She already left one group, it should be obvious that she'll leave this one pretty soon.'
'I believe what Hailey said. I think she's just there for publicity and then once she gets popular she'll leave BTS to start solo.'
As she went on Instagram, she saw a photo of her, before and after. It was the same screenshot of her at the red-carpet event for the MAMA Awards. But the after photo had her looking lighter instead, and she looked white washed as she read the caption, 'The after photo makes her look so much prettier.'
"Damn, they really want me to leave BTS, huh?" She asked sadly. "If I was lighter or Asian or something, would they complain? Would they say these things? Will they finally look at me for what I do instead of how I look? My skin color?" She murmured. "Is this how Michelle Lee felt? Talented but faced discrimination since she's colored and Black-Korean? I hate this. It frustrates me to no end. I didn't come here to be whitewashed. I didn't come here to be judged like this because of my skin. That is friggin' disrespectful. I came here because I love this, doing this, performing with BTS, performing a genre that I love. And this is what I must deal with? I've ignored it once but now this is getting too much..."
She never knew the dislike would be this bad.
Hayoon's heart began to ache for her friend as she placed a hand on hers, smiling sympathetically.
"Please don't let it get to you. I know the comments are hurtful but please don't get discouraged. Antis are nasty people. Those aren't your fans. There's a lot of fans that love you for you. Don't forget that."
"I'll be fine, don't worry. Thanks, Hayoon."
But damn, everyone is so fixated with visuals, they forget about the talent. Why?
On December 9th, Jennie finally arrived back at the dorm after school, eagerly rushing to her room, and shutting the door.
"What's her problem?" Yoongi asked from the couch.
"J-Cole's album. It came out today." Namjoon answered.
Today was a great day for Jennie for just the simple fact that J.Cole's recently released album, 2014 Forest Hills Drive was there in her room to listen to. It had been torturous to wait until school was over but now, she could jam out in peace.
For the past few minutes, she blasted the music from her room, as Namjoon laughed. "I wouldn't go in there if I were you. She's in her chill vibe. Let her enjoy the album. I don't want her cussing anyone out for ruining her groove." He warned Jimin and Tae who were about to knock.
'J.Cole, huh?' Yoongi thought as he turned his music off his headphones to listen to the music blasting in Jen's room.
Meanwhile, Jennie, who sat on her bed, doing homework, rapped along fluently to Wet Dreamz, nodding her head back and forth.
Oh, you a pro, homie? Well, I want you to show me
My mama gone for the weekend
So Saturday, baby, we can get to freakin'"
That's when my heart start racin' and my body start sweatin'
As she tried her best to do her homework, she started to get distracted and began dancing around her room to G.O.M.D rapping along. Outside her room, Yoongi's interest sparked as he listened closely, hearing her rapping. Although he didn't understand all the English, he noticed the speed of the lyrics and heard her match it proficiently, as a smirk came across his lips.
As the next song came on, Yoongi raised a brow at the sudden bass of the instrumental from No Role Modelz. It intrigued him so much, he took his headphones off and headed to her room. There she was, with her back to him, rapping loud and proud. He glanced at the books on her bed. Shouldn't she be doing her work?
First things first: Rest in peace Uncle Phil!
For real!
You the only father that I ever knew
I get my bitch pregnant, I'mma be a better you
Prophecies that I made way back in the Ville, fulfilled
"Listen even back-OH! WHOA! Hi!" She jumped in surprise, finally noticing Yoongi by the door, watching with amusement. She quickly turned the music down and laughed nervously. "Hey, Yoongi, how are ya?"
"Huh. So, this is how you rap when you're not in the studio with me?" He teased, crossing his arms.
"Well I mean...it's J. Cole." She shrugged.
"Come meet me at the studio when you're done. We'll have a short session." He left before she could respond.
Arriving at the Big Hit building, an hour later, Jen headed right inside the studio to see Yoongi working on the computer.
"What's on the agenda, today?" She dropped down on the couch.
"Heh, you're eager."
"Well, your music infires me." She smirked and raised a brow to tease him. Yoongi rolled his eyes but couldn't help but reveal his gummy smile, chuckling at the inside joke. "Ah ha! Made you smile! You owe me smarties."
"PSSH. No, the fuck I don't..." He grumbled.
"I want you to rap my verse in Tomorrow. And as you advance, rap Namjoon's and Hobi's."
His sudden request caught her off guard as she declared, "Yoongi, you know damn well I can't rap nowhere near like you, Namjoon or Hobi."
"Yeah. I know."
"Then why are you letting me do this?"
"I know you can't rap nowhere near our level. Not yet anyway. You can't rap like us because you have your own rapping style. Just try." He tossed her a notebook and she caught it with ease. He waited for her to look over the lyrics before he put on the instrumental of Tomorrow.
When it was finally the cue to rap, she started shakily, "Gateun nal-"
Before she could go any further, Yoongi shut the music off, mentioning, "Jennie, rap like you know it."
"I-I am!"
"No, you're not. I hear the hesitation already and you're rapping too low. Rap out loud and with emotion, I can hear the monotone. You know this. Don't be uncertain. It's just me and you in here. Do it again."
Starting again, she rapped with more confidence and a steady tone. Not as hard as Yoongi but it was effective.
Gateun nal, gateun dal
24/7 maebeon banbokdoeneun mae sungan
eojungganhan nae sarm
20daeui baeksuneun naeiri duryeowo cham
utgiji eoril ttaen mwodeun ganeunghalgeora mideosseonneunde
harureul beoreo harureul saneun
ge ppadeutadan geol neukkyeosseul ttae
naenae gibuneun keonteurol biteu,
gyesokhaeseo daundoene
maeilmaeiri Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V banbokdoene
"Good. Again."
After replaying the song around ten times for her to rap his verse, they proceed to the next rap.
"Try Namjoon's." Yoongi suggested.
"He's too damn fast!"
"Did I stutter? Try it." He gestured as she sighed.
"Just don't laugh at me."
Waiting for the chorus to end, she got tongue-tied right after stuttering out, "uriga geutorok gidarin naeildo eoneusae." And threw her arms up in the air, giving up. "Hey! You said you wouldn't laugh!" She called him out as he laughed at her struggling.
"We'll get there. You'll be ready for it, one day. Your homework is to practice the three rap verses of Tomorrow. I'll let you know a few days before when our next meet up is. If you do well, you'll get smarties. If not, no smarties."
"Deal! I really appreciate you doing this for me. Thanks for being patient."
"Don't mention it. Now, onto another topic. When are you gonna DJ for me? I have a set right here. Make something. Use the other computer." He pointed out all the equipment.
She exhaled. "You always ask me!"
"Because I'm eager to see what music you can make."
"I dunno when." She shrugged.
"Why are you so nervous to show me?" He stared at her. 
She had potential. He wanted to make music with her and in the future, let her work with the rap line. Although she wasn't golden like Jungkook as a maknae, she learned quickly. It wouldn't be long before she spits fire. She had nothing to be afraid of.
"I just don't think it's a big deal, Yoongi. I feel like you'll be disappointed. You're gassing me up for nothing. I'm not a professional like you."
"Don't assume nonsense. You never know what the future may hold for your skills. Heck, maybe we could use it for a concert in a few years."
"Ha, like that'll ever happen." She shook her head. "I mean, I do want to contribute more. Singing is great but I'd like to do stuff behind the scenes."
Yoongi nodded and made a mental note of her statement. "How about this, when you're finally ready to show me, and it better be soon, I'll help you and teach you some tricks."
Smiling at his offer, she nodded in approval. "I'd like that."
"Good, I wasn't taking no for an answer."
"Blah, blah." She rolled her eyes playfully.
A week before Christmas, Jen prepared to get ready to do some last minute holiday shopping with the rest of the Maknae line. During the entire week, they finally put up the tree. Putting the tree up was a hassle. From the members getting tangled up with the lights to difficulties putting decorations around the tree to make it look organized, to Jennie arguing with the Maknae line on who should put up the star until Jin decided to put a photo of Jungkook's derp face on top of the tree, they all had fun and enjoyed a nice nap afterward.
In her room, she waited for the boys to get ready as she scrolled through her Instagram. Her timeline began to blow up as she noticed various fans screenshotting her followers list. Curious, she tapped on one of the photos to see the caption, 'OMG CHANYEOL FOLLOWED AND LIKED ONE OF JENNIE'S PHOTOS!!'
Fan comments consisted of a series of 'OMGs', 'No ways', and about a future EXO and BTS collab.
"No way, there can't be no way." She went to her notifications, scrolling to the bottom to see...
@baekhyunee_exo has now followed you
@real__pcy has now followed you
"B-bae-AHHHHHHHHH!" A high-pitched scream escaped her lips as she fell on the floor, throwing her phone up in the air.
"WHAT HAPPENED!?" Hobi and Jin barged in with brooms in their hands, while the rest of the members rushed in to see what the commotion was. 
Alarmed, Hobi kneeled on the floor to help Jen sit up. "Munchkin! Are you okay?"
"The hell is going on?" Namjoon looked around.
She grabbed onto Hobi's shirt, shaking him back and forth forcefully. "My bias just followed me and another EXO member followed me! LIFE IS GREAT! THIS IS GREAT! I'M DEAD! I'M ALIVE! I CAN DIE HAPPY!"
"I woke up for this?" Yoongi grumbled and headed back to nap, while the rest of the members were relieved it wasn't anything bad going on.
"Don't yell like that, jeesh, it's just a follow back on Instagram." Jimin sighed.
"JUST a follow back? Did you just say it's JUST a follow back? My bias and another EXO member are NOT just a follow back, Jimin." She stared at him blankly.
If looks could kill...
"Uh...I'll be in the car. We're ready to go." He awkwardly left the room.
As soon as they got in the car, Jennie had to create an Instagram video about the events that just occurred.
"So, um...Chanyeol and Baekhyun just followed your bulletproof girl...THIS-IS NOT-A DRILL! I am so happy, thank you! Please don't unfollow me after this video, I promise I'm not crazy!"
"She's lying!" Jimin shouted
"Shut up, Jimin!" She shouted while the boys giggled in the background. 
After posting the video, she's flooded with likes and comments. The comment that stood out to her was Taeil's which said,
2taeil2- How come you weren't this excited when I followed you? I'm sad.
JJennie_JW- 2taeil2 You know you'll always have a special place in my heart!! Hehe
2taeil2- Lies...all lies!
Arriving at a local Macy's, the four of them decide to split into two. Jimin and Jungkook walk off, leaving Tae and Jennie. After they were a distance away from them, Jimin couldn't hold back his eager questions.
"So...did you get it!?"
Jungkook felt him nudge him with a cheeky grin on his face. He smiled softly and nodded. "Yeah, I got it."
"Well, where is it?"
"Oh, come on, tell me the details!"
"Sometimes I wonder if I should've told you." The Maknae murmured as they explored the store with their masks on their faces.
"You gotta tell Chim Chim these things. So, how much do you think she's going to freak?"
"Uh...not sure. I just hope she likes it."
Jungkook was nervous about giving his gift to Jennie. He knew how much she wanted this gift and hoped that it was everything she hoped for.
"She will. Don't worry about that." He smiled. "It'll be cute."
Back to Jennie with Tae, they come across the perfume section. 
"This place stinks with all those combined perfume smells. That's not good." She covered her nose, walking through the displays of various perfumes.
She spotted Tae checking out the cologne that was over $100. "Ooh, I like this." He checked out one of the Gucci colognes. He stuck out his hand to grab one of them but yelped when Jen smacked his hand.
"Taehyung, you do not need to spend all that money on cologne. And half of this stuff doesn't even smell that good. Spend wisely. Now let's go search somewhere else." She grabbed him by the ear and dragged him away.
"Ow! Ow! Okay! That hurts!" He whined.
Jimin and Jungkook accidentally found themselves in the lingerie section for women. "Ooh, look at all this nice lingerie, what do you think Jungkookie?" Jimin teased as Jungkook coughed and speed walked ahead, feeling awkward.
"Hahaha! That was too easy. Hm...I wonder if a certain someone would look nice in th-"
Grabbing him in a tight headlock, Jungkook applied pressure, ignoring Jimin's strained pleas while tapping out. "What was that? Huh? Huh? Sorry, hyung, I couldn't quite get that. What?"
At the same time, Jennie happily went through the shoe section. "Oh snap, my Nikes!" She checked out the various designs of the shoes. "I dunno which ones I should get. I gotta treat myself."
"No-no-no-no-no-la-la-la-la-la, that's too expensive! You are not spending this much money on shoes." He playfully mocked her for doing the same to him. Suddenly he grabbed her by the ear and dragged her away from the shoes.
"Ow! Hey! That only applies to you! Tae, get off my ear, that hurts! Tae friggin hyung!"
Christmas Day, consisted of Jen helping Jin cook the dinner. After the food was cooked, the members finally opened their gifts. Jen was more of a giver and decided to buy a WII U and more PlayStation games, while the rest of the members randomly picked gifts under the tree, various gifts consisting of snacks, boxers, headphones and cologne.
"You brought the cologne!?" Jen shouted at Tae, staring at the Gucci cologne in Yoongi's hands.
"Hehehe, I told Jimin to pick it up for me." Tae giggled as she playfully rolled her eyes.
"Man...I wanted my Nikes." She murmured.
"Well, I'm happy to announce that your Nikes are right here, milady." Jimin happily presented the box to her. Her eyes lit up as a gasp escaped her lips.
"No way."
"Yes, way."
"Hell yeah! Thank you!" She pulled him in for a tight hug. "Get in here too." She grabbed onto Tae, squeezing them both tightly.
Pulling away, she gestured for Jungkook to come over as she grabbed a small black box from under the tree.
"Merry Christmas! Hope you like it. Consider it an add on to our friendship rings." She beamed
"I wonder what it is." He smiled with anticipation as he opened the box. It was revealed to be a chain small chain necklace with a white bunny, having JK engraved on it. "Wow. For me? It's cute."
"I'm wearing mine. See?" She revealed her necklace which was a brown bunny with JW on it. "I was like, let me buy something bunny related. We can be bunnies in crime or something. I had bunnies on my mind for a while."
"It's amazing...thank you." He pulled her in for a tight hug. "Thanks, Jennie. This really means a lot."
After the presents, they got ready for dinner. As they all sat together, Jen spoke up before they could dig in. "Can we pray for our food first?" She gained the attention of the members. "As a tradition in my house, we usually pray for our food. If it's all right with you guys. It'll be short and sweet."
"Yeah, let's do it." Jin nodded with the rest of the boys.
"Really? Okay. Let's join hands." She grabbed Jin and Jungkook's hands. Closing her eyes, she began to speak, "Heavenly Father, thank you for allowing us to be here today to live another day. I'm thrilled to still be here with these seven awesome guys as we rejoice on this special day. Let this food that Jin and I prepared nourish the body and I hope for more precious memories as a member of BTS. Thank you, and amen."
"AMEN!" She heard them shout as she let out a soft giggle at their enthusiasm.
Christmas dinner was filled with laughter and goofiness like usual when they spent time together.
Afterward, Jen watched with amusement as the guys broke into the new WII U, taking random Twitter videos to post on the BTS account. 
Meanwhile, Jungkook had broken away from the group to gather up the gift he'd been waiting to give Jennie as he set it on her bed. "Babygirl?"
"Yes?" She answered immediately, looking up to Jungkook by her doorway. 
The rest of the members stopped what they were doing as they noticed the new nickname, while Jimin smiled knowingly.
"Can we talk in your room for a sec? I have something for you." He smiled softly.
"Yeah, sure." She got up from the couch.
"What is this baby girl you speak of?" Jin spoke up, narrowing his eyes.
"Heeerrreeee we go..." Yoongi groaned while Hobi giggled.
"This better not be a War of Hormone 2.0!" Jin ranted on. "Is there something we should know!?"
"Jin, relax!" Taehyung responded with a laugh.
"Talk in the living room, not alone in the bedroom! No funny business!" Jin shouted in mother mode.
"Relax, hyung, everything is OK." Jimin tried to calm him down.
"They are teenagers. Hormonal-" Before he could go on, Jimin had covered his mouth as Jen snickered and headed into the bedroom with Jungkook.
Snatching Jimin's hand away from his mouth, Jin shouted, "Leave the door OPEN!" but got ignored as Jungkook shut the door, behind him. "What the-I said to keep the door open!" He stood up but got set back down by Jimin and Tae.
"Oh, that's a big box. What'd you get me?" She sat next to the medium sized red box on the bed, while Jungkook sat on the other side of the box.
"Gotta open it and find out. Merry Christmas." He smiled with anticipation as his heart began to race. Hoping that she liked this gift was the only thought on his mind.
Taking off the top of the box, her right hand instantly covers her mouth, covering the gasp escaping from her lips. She promptly looked up in astonishment while he grinned triumphantly at her reaction. It was adorable to see her eyes light up, like that.
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She looked back down at the box to watch the tiny Jack Russell Terrier puppy sleeping soundly before it started to wake up, yawning cutely. The puppy stretched and looked at the two of them with wonder, before cutely barking.
Jungkook picked it up from the box and handed it to her. "You like him?" He asked as it started to lick her face and nuzzle against her.
"I..." She trailed off. She couldn't speak as she held the puppy against her. Overwhelmed with happiness, she began to feel her chest tighten.
"H-hey, don't cry." He whispered softly as he wiped the tears that ran down her face with his thumb. She set the puppy down while it walked around the bed, acting hyper as the smile never left her face. "It's a boy. I named him Ironman." He teased.
"Are you kidding me?" She deadpanned until they both shared a laugh.
"What? I thought it'd be a cool name." He said, proud of the name choice.
"Nah...We should name it Captain America. Now that is a cool name."
"No." He deadpanned as she smirked.
"Uh, uh."
"Uh huh."
"Uh, uh."
"Uh huh."
"Never in a million years. How dare you?"
"How dare you? Ironman? No. Captain America, Kookie."
"There is no way we are naming him Captain America."
"Uh huh. We'll see about that, Golden Bunny." She challenged.
"We shall Miss Bangtan."
A soft chuckle escaped her lips as she turned her attention back to the puppy. "This is so special. How'd you know I wanted a puppy?"
"Well, you did say that you wanted one on Twitter." He reminded her.
"You remember that?" She stared at him in disbelief.
"Things you say don't just go in one ear and out the other. It sticks." He shrugged. "You don't know how much you're appreciated, do you?" He blurted out before looking down, embarrassed. 'Why did I have to say that? That was too much.' He mentally scolded himself.
Before he could think of something else to say, she pulled him in for a tight hug, wrapping her arms around her neck as he instantly wrapped his arms around her waist. "Thank you, Jungkook. I love this. Best gift ever."
"That makes me very happy to hear you say that. Hey uh, can I...stay in here, tonight?"
"You don't have to ask. So, do you want to stay because of me or the puppy?" She teased.
"Yeah. I just want to relax with you and the puppy."
"Okay. Fine by me."
As they both lay down on their sides, facing each other on her bed, petting and playing around with the puppy as it moved around the bed, Jen spoke up. "So, when did you get him?"
"A week after your tweet. I did some research and found a place. Told them to hold it for me after I brought him. Took him to the dorm the day before Christmas. It was a chore hiding him from the others. Only Jimin knew about it."
"You did all of that for me? I dunno how I can repay you for this. This is so sweet of you."
"I like seeing you happy. So just keep smiling for me. That's more than enough."
"You got yourself a deal."
"So, I heard about your discourse."
"What discourse?"
"Shut the fuck up and choke on a dick." He mocked her in a girly voice as she grabbed a pillow and buried her face in embarrassment.
"Oh God...why!?" She whined over his laughs. She wasn't expecting him to say all that in English. He took the pillow from her as she faced him, "I'm a bad influence...let me guess, I was in an article on AllKPOP wasn't I?"
"Mm hm~." He teased. "Miss Bangtan goes at it on Instagram with former group members. Some interesting comments you've written."
"L-look, I was emotional and Angelina wasn't any better, if she's hyped, I'm hyped."
"Hey, I'm not judging you. We all lash out and have our breaking points. To me, it looked like you needed it. Yoongi was laughing as he read your comments. He was so proud. So that's Amity?"
"That's cold of them to start false rumors. You're nothing like that. And although I haven't met your friend, I'm sure she isn't like that either."
"Hailey and her nonsense..."
"Is she pretty?" He suddenly asked.
Jen let out a sigh. "Yeah...all of them are."
She wasn't going to lie, they were all pretty. She wasn't going to call them ugly when they weren't. The only thing ugly about them was their personalities.
"Well, if you think they're pretty, then you're just as pretty. Most likely even more." He murmured as a smile came across her face. "So, Amity is having a World Tour? They're coming to Korea?"
"Yeah. I'm not thrilled."
"Why is that?" He asked as the puppy began to lay on his chest when he turned on his back with Jennie.
"I just don't feel right. I feel as though Hailey learned Korea to try to get to you guys. I'm worried, honestly."
"Should I keep my guard up?"
"That would be swell, bunny."
"I trust your judgment."
Suddenly, the puppy jumped right on Jen's face, and she shrieked in response to the sudden movement. Jungkook laughed wholeheartedly, as he watched her take the puppy off her face. 
"Not funny!" She laughed with him. 
His laugh was one of the purest things in the world.
After talking all night about various topics, Jen fell asleep with the puppy snuggled up against her, sleeping in the middle of her and Jungkook. Jungkook briefly watched her sleep with a smile before dozing off himself.
During the night, around 3AM, Jen woke up, feeling colder than usual. 
'Who the heck turned the heat off...?' She thought as she turned to see Jungkook sleeping soundly, watching his chest slowly rising up and down. 
'You know, Jungkook...I envy how cute and comfortable you look while you sleep. I'm freezing.' She thought as she resisted the urge to run a hand through his disheveled hair. She shook away the sudden thoughts as she felt confused as to why she pondered it in the first place. 'That came out of nowhere...'
Goosebumps were all over her skin from the cold as she contemplated getting another blanket despite being under the covers with Jungkook. Turning to the other side, she saw the puppy sleeping on her other side as she went to pet it gently.
She sighed and laid back down. She didn't feel like getting out of bed. She didn't feel like going through the closet to find a blanket or walking on the cold floor to turn up to heat, in the living room. Her motivation to move was not high. She'll just suffer for a few more hours. She turned her back against Jungkook, shivering again.
At the same time, Jungkook had woken up, feeling her move around, noticing her shivering every now and then.
'Is she cold?' He pondered. After watching her shiver again, his thoughts were answered. 'Should I...?' he looked at the distance between them. 
Maybe he could warm her up by spooning. But would she get upset? Take it the wrong way? Negative outcomes weighed against his positive thoughts as he worried about what her reaction might be. He didn't want her to freeze, so after thinking, he went with his gut, draping his arm around her stomach.
Jen felt his warm arm wrap around her waist and pull her back against his chest. His body heat radiated against her as a sigh of contentment escaped her lips. How was he so warm? He was like a personal heater.
Taking her sigh as a good sign, he murmured with his voice still filled with sleep, "Better?"
"Tremendously better."
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