#but i was also thinking about jensen mentioning how he called kripke
lightofraye · 17 days
Debunking Nonsense Against Jared
There's apparently some crap about Jared that is just absolute nonsense. Full of lies and bullshit.
It'd be one thing if people just didn't like him. It happens. Not everyone is likeable. You're not expected to like him. But don't pull up lies to explain why you don't like him. Especially when they've been debunked again and again and again.
1. The "racist" tattoo. Y'all, this is nonsense. It's been debunked over and over and over. It's not a racist tattoo. For one, it's lacking the logo of "Come and take it", which would make it a racist tattoo. But a lone star above a cannon does not a racist tattoo make.
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Jared is a proud Texan. He also donates to many a charity and organization that help people, speaking out about them often. Not to mention, prior to pro-gun rights appropriating the symbol and logo, it stood for a proud history in Texas. Jared would've known.
So how about instead of focusing on a mere tattoo, come up with more proof that Jared is a racist? Hmm?
Besides, if you're mad at Jared's tattoo, are you then mad at Jensen's t-shirt, which did show the saying as well?
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2. Fighting with fans online. Oh come on. Misha's done it. (Misha's done worse, in fact.) Danneel's done it. Jared doing it does not a bad person make. And I don't think he's done it in a long time.
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And of course, people will go "Danneel was hitting back!" And? What's the difference? Jared was hitting back too. Danneel went a step farther most of the time, siccing her followers on them, threatening them with Clif, even ran crying to Clif because people were being "mean".
3. RE: Prequelgate. Give me a fucking break! Jared was right to be upset! He called and texted Jensen for hours before he gave up and responded to that tweet about The Winchesters announcement. Jensen also lied about not being allowed cellphones on The Boys set. When they weren't filming, they were allowed. (Of course they can't have their cellphones on their person during filming, unless it suited the scene!) Besides all that, Jared honestly didn't know about it! Kripke was even shocked when he learned Jared didn't know! Supernatural and its legacy is as much Jared's as it was Jensen's! The whole freakin' industry gave Jensen a massive side-eye for his unprofessional behavior. Kevin Smith, a man who has directed, written, and acted in the industry, thought it was uncool. Also, Jared wasn't drunk.
4. Supposed bully accusations. I'd need to see more of this to believe it, but outside of occasionally putting Misha in his bullshit place, I've never heard of Jared bullying anyone. Everyone he's worked with has sung his praises. The only one who hasn't is Misha and that's because Jared won't let Misha put him down. And in fact, has had to step in to stop Misha from torturing Jensen. So fuck off with your noise.
5. His fanbase. Is he now responsible for his fanbase? I never knew that. What about Misha's fanbase sending Jensen death threats for denouncing Destiel? Has Misha ever stopped that? What about AAs hoping for Jared to suicide after Walker was cancelled?
6. What about Genevieve? Oh come on! Do I like that Gen is featuring the kids a lot? Myself, no. But if Jared was truly bothered by it, I'm sure he would've spoken to Genevieve. And Gen isn't any different than many other mommy influencers. I'm not keen on exploiting the kids like that, but would you say the same about Danneel abruptly grabbing the kids at Wales Comic Con and dragging them out for a photo op? All because she had no one in line for her autographs and desperate for attention?
7. Jared's Hair. Apparently there are some claiming Jared had gotten hair plugs. My response to that is: So what? Misha's had plastic surgery (trust me, it's obvious--his eyes and clearly lip fillers). Danneel's had worse--her hair is fried, bad extensions, plastic surgery galore that has ruined her hair line because of facelifts, fillers, Botox, and breast implants (twice!). Jensen's likely had a bit of work too.
So. Fucking. What. About Jared's hair?
Come up with truthful reasons to hate Jared, hmm? Not bullshit.
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queermania · 1 year
I have a real question that I promise I'm not trying to start shit. Just really wanna know your thoughts. Do you think Jensen wants them to make destiel canon or Dean queer?
ummmm.... maybe? my honest answer is that i don't know. i have a lot of different thoughts that add up to a certain conclusion but it ultimately means nothing because i don't know him and i have no idea what he's thinking about anything.
my general speculation (based on nothing but vibes and an unnecessarily large wealth of spn knowledge) is that if kripke had come to him some time during the first three seasons and said, "hey we wanna make dean [insert flavor of queer here]" jensen would've been like "cool, boss, just tell me what you need me to do."
(after s3, i think the only flavor of queer that was even remotely an option was bisexual so that's what i'm using from here on out. however, i do still believe in my heart that dean is gay, for the record <3)
i think if any of the show runners or writers tried to make dean explicitly bisexual (with or without the inclusion of destiel) during s4 through about s10, jensen would've done it because he's a professional, but i also think he would've pushed back on it at least a little, for a variety of reasons.
i think starting around s11 all the way to the finale, he would've been fully on board with explicitly canon destiel, if the writers made that call.
and then that brings us to now and what happens going forward, because that's the real question. i do still believe that if it's out of his control, he will do whatever the people in charge want him to do. but i don't think that particular decision is out of his control anymore. so?
so what i know is that in the past he's said that dean is straight and that destiel isn't a thing, canonically. and he's never said the opposite (outside of the whole "it's a story and it can be whatever you want it to be" type rhetoric).
however. i also know that he was fully on board with the confession and that he was trying to get the rights to supernatural before it was even over because he already knew he wasn't satisfied with the way it was going to end. that tells me that he's always fully planned on the confession being resolved in some way. there are, broadly speaking, only two ways to resolve it:
1. dean doesn't reciprocate.
2. dean does reciprocate.
the thing i'm stuck on is: what does the show even look like going forward if dean doesn't reciprocate? i can't imagine jensen thinks that would go over well. i am generally of the opinion that our part of the fandom vastly overestimates how much of the audience we actually make up, but i just don't believe that after all of this *gestures broadly at the last however many years* he could possibly think that's satisfying. because what happens? dean says "thanks but no thanks" and then... they just pretend like it never happened? dean gets a female love interest? cas stays in heaven as an angel with jack and dean goes back to earth and has a human life without the family he chose over his father? what is the point of it all?
like, i just don't see a way to go forward without dean reciprocating that doesn't feel empty and unsatisfying and depressing for everybody (apart from another relatively small faction of the audience who are going to be unhappy with literally anything that isn't just sam and dean and nobody else anyway).
not to mention, there's no way jensen's not aware of the cultural impact of destiel and the confession at this point.
also, jensen suffers from terminal dean-girlism. he wants that germophobe to be happy. all roads lead to a certain conclusion. but again, i don't actually know.
(also just to be clear i believe dean already is subtextually queer and destiel is reciprocated and nothing you say will change that for me because i watched the show. i have the receipts.)
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leounderthemoon · 8 months
This is in answer to some anons I got and some of the comments.
I do not blame Jared. I don’t think he did anything wrong. 
I do not “absolve” Jensen. I don’t think he did anything wrong either.
I believe Jared was upset. He wanted to be a part of the prequel. He was upset that Robbie changed the premise to not include Sam. He was probably upset that Jensen decided to go ahead with it after the leak, instead of waiting until Jared could be a part of it. He may have understood why the timing had to shift, but that doesn’t mean that he wouldn’t be upset. 
As far as apologizing, if Jared said they talked it out, and everything is ok, then yes, I am “assuming” Jensen apologized, because I believe Jared. 
The following paragraph from my last post mentions how they all had to make up a story, (meaning lying) about the hows and whys. The bold parts are the “make up a story.”
“Once this narrative that Jared was not ever involved and would not appear in it was latched on to, all of them had to run with it. Jensen apologized for not telling Jared. He said he was superstitious. He wanted to tell Jared, but he didn’t have his phone. That he was on set. That Jared couldn’t participate because he was busy. Etc. etc.”
For those of you saying “Well Kripke was there on set with a phone!”  Does anyone really know if Kripke was on set or if he was LA? I don’t know, it doesn’t really matter.
Full disclosure, I don’t know how Hollywood, or network TV, or anything works.  I’m not in that field. If you are, great. But, I do know that everything depends on the pertinent contract. Jared’s contract with CBS may (or may not) allow cameos on any other show, on any network. His contract may (or may not) allow him to be involved in the development of another show on any network. I don’t know.
About the re-watch show with Daneel, wasn't that just something to pass the time during lock down? It was also before they officially formed Chaos Machine? Also, which Zoom call, and when?
As for “implying” an “assuming,” aren’t all of us doing that? Unless someone has spoken with Jared and/or Jensen, and they have actually said something, no one knows anything.  My theory is full of just as many holes as anyone else’s.
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J2 Main Panel Phoenixcon 2022
The very first thing that Jared says is "ladies and gentlemen, look at this handsome fella" I can't with how much he loves his husband ❤️
During the Gold panel there was a fan from Surprise, Arizona and during this one Jared brings it up and that he had just learned about this place so the crowd starts telling them some of the more unique names Arizona locations have like Christmas, Nowhere, Why- the boys are confused but amused 😂
Jensen says they're there to answer all of the fan's questions by which he means probably twelve, and I'm mentioning this because I have done enough of these Main panel posts to tell y'all he is correct. On average the boy's main panel consists of 12 to 14 questions.
You know when you throw something against the wall to see what sticks? That's Jared saying 'why' at random times to see what joke lands (cause they were told there's a place called Why in Arizona) and Jensen says he's gonna keep saying it until he gets everyone to laugh to which Jared says that he swears it gets funnier and Jensen goes "it doesn't. but to him it does!" It's cute but also very husband-ish.
Let's get into the questions, first up: Who would they say is better at rock, paper, scissors? Only one way to find out and that is to actually play the game. The first time they both get rock, the second Jensen gets scissors and Jared paper so Jensen wins. x
How did Jensen feel going from a protagonist in spn to an antagonist in The Boys?
Jensen says "what are you talking about? Soldier Boy was a good guy." He forgets who it was, he thinks it might have been Lee Marvin who was asked once a long time ago why he always played bad guys and his response was "I've never played a bad guy in my life". The antagonist is the hero in their own story which is what Soldier Boy is and Homelander is, they don't see themselves as the bad guy they think they're the good guy. In their mind they're right and everybody else is wrong. So, he just tried to follow that path and make Soldier Boy be like 'of course I'm right' and an unapologetic know-it-all, and doing that was a lot of fun. That people say it's always good playing the bad guy but he thinks the reason you're able to have fun with it is because you're doing what your character thinks is right but you know it's not.
The fan had mentioned that they only watched the show so they could see Jensen's season. Jared said he only watched to see Jensen's butt- sir you are so flirty today!
Anyways, Jensen hopes they enjoyed the show, says he's been a fan long before he got the phone call from Kripke. He thinks it's wildly entertaining but also incredibly smart, and to be able to live 15yrs in a world Kripke created and then go and play in another world that he is owning and operating Jensen will forever answer that call.
Fan also says that they're only watching Big Sky for Jensen, and Jared pats Jensen's arm and tells the fan to keep an eye open for the jacket that Jensen is wearing which is when Jensen reveals that he just walked off set with the jacket on Friday. That the wardrobe department is probably wondering where it went, and we'll see him wearing the jacket in the 11th episode. No thoughts, just these two being husbands. okay, maybe some thoughts cause it's such a little thing but the fact that Jared knows where the jacket comes from and the story, and that it's something Jensen's character wears in a future episode it's kinda domestic like of course he knows where Jensen got his jacket, of course, he knows that his husband just walked off with it, of course, he knows little details. x
What is some advice they would give their younger self?
Jared replies that he thinks everything you do in life has a trade-off, there's no such thing as a win-win. For instance, when he was growing up he was very task-oriented, if he had a goal he was gonna reach it and it's great he loves where he is now and he loves meeting people that are passionate about a project that he is passionate about as well but that meant he skipped a lot of stuff he didn't go to homecoming, had to miss prom cause he was doing debate or drama practice. He's proud of it but everything has a trade-off so he would tell his younger self to try to be present in the moment as much as possible and understand that nothing comes for free which sounds like it's bad but it's actually wonderful. And then as you grow up and get married and have kids those friends who aren't married with children and wanna go to parties and stuff you don't see them as much but you have your spouse and then you have kids and you end up seeing a lot of people who your kids are friends with their parents so everything kind of gets set in a certain direction and it's a wonderful part of life you learn a lot about yourself. But he would tell his high school self, or college aged self, to try to remain present as much as he can but it's difficult.
Jensen shares a story about Jared. The first couple of seasons of spn were a big shock to Jared's system. Jensen had already been working in Van and kind of knew the drill so he adjusted a little quicker than Jared did, Jared had a tough time settling into the fact that this was his life now and he was missing his friends in LA and his family in Texas and went to Jensen emotional several times to open up to him about this 🥺😭
And Jensen thinks if Jared could go back to talk to that version of himself he would tell him what he just told the fan which is you're missing what's outside the window right now because you got your head in your hands. And even though his life never went back to that- something they talk about is how they pressed pause in 2005 in LA with their lives and they never pressed unpause their lives just completely changed. They moved to Van, lived there for 15yrs and it set them on a whole different course.
The road is very long, the journey is very long. Don't sweat the small stuff, and you might just be able to take more in than if you keep your eyes shut. x
While working on spn were they offered any other roles they wish they would have taken?
Jared jokes Soldier Boy, then says that's two different answers and that he's gonna let Jensen answer for himself even though he knows his answer. Yes, he was offered other roles, movies, and bits here and there but no, he's not upset that he didn't accept any of them. When you're shooting a tv show you're pretty much busy from July to April so they're like 'hey there are these young guys on a tv show we'd love them in a movie and there are 4 or 5 shooting during the summer that they'd be great for' and he and Jensen did that between seasons 3 and 4, they had two months off due to the writer's strike so they figured it was kind of like a hiatus so they could go ahead and work in the summer. Great time shooting the film, an awful time going from shooting the movie to Van to shoot for another 9 months, so it helped him understand the value of his time and what his time is worth as well as about his own mental health and being able to wind down before running another marathon. So he doesn't regret passing on any other offers.
Jensen says he doesn’t regret not being able to do anything that was a possibility, he does wish he could have made it happen but he's not sad that it didn't; there was definitely a movie he was in talks about and trading e-mails and calls with the director but he wasn't available at the time so the train stopped there but had he been available he would have had to jump through a lot of hoops. He had a really good shot, and it's a movie he really likes so every time he watches it he thinks how fun it would have been to have been a part of that at this point the crowd asks him what movie it was and I wanna know what would have happened if Jared had said no. Because before Jensen reveals what movie he was talking about he turns towards Jared to see if Jared thinks he should say what movie it was, and it's only after Jared says yeah that he reveals that it was Deadpool. Sir, if your husband had said no would you not have shared the name of the movie?
Anyways, he says it was probably a good thing because his ex-girlfriend was on there so it probably would have been awkward. But it would have been cool. x
Do they listen to any Latin songs that make them wanna get up and dance? Daddy Yankee, Selena, Bad Bunny? The question was in English but it may as well have been French with how confused Jensen is; Jared has listened to Selena cause growing up in San Antonio she was on the radio quite a bit, so he has heard El Chico del Apartamento 512 more times than he can count. Says Daddy Yankee is badass, Luis Fonsi- you know them from Despacito don't you mi amor?
Jensen is still kind of confused and struggling to think of a song, Jared mentions Despacito...Jensen says that's Justin Bieber. *takes a deep breath* Jensen I love you but if you had said that in front of my Puerto Rican ass you would have discovered the power of la chancla. Despacito existed and was a hit before JB's pasty ass was ever put in the remix.
He can't resist cranking up La Bamba when it comes on the radio, he got to work with Lou Diamond Phillips and he thinks he's awesome and did an amazing job in the Ritchie Valens role. Jared mentions Feliz Navidad, and Jensen says that he knows for a fact Jared loves Livin' La Vida Loca. x
They ask the fan if they have any recommendations and she says Daddy Yankee. I somehow can't imagine these men listening to reguetón. But if they ever decide to check out Bad Bunny, I highly encourage watching his music video for his song El Apagón. And actually y'all should go watch that too, I'll even provide a link, put on closed captioning if needed. El Apagón.
Who is their favorite person in the entire cast to work with? Jensen says it would be hard to pick one, that there was a reason the show lasted as long as it did and it's because he was clearly Jared's favorite 😆 Then jokes his favorite was Rob Benedict.
Jared answers that obviously he and Jensen saw so much of each other over 15yrs that if they didn't greatly enjoy working together they wouldn't be there right now but that it was very fun to meet his now wife, and mother of his kids on set. And if she happens to watch a youtube video of this question and he doesn't say her, he's gonna be in deep trouble, sleeping outside at which Jensen goes 'oh, yeah sister Jo'. Do I even have to say it at this point? 🤨
What do they do to keep their friendship close?
Jensen says you're looking at it. Jared jokes avoid each other as much as possible.
Jared says one of the things he has learned now as a 40yr old husband and father who has met a lot of people is that when you're really close to somebody you don't have to call each other every day. His brother who is one of his best friends lives 10 minutes away, they'll go 6 weeks without texting each other but when they see each other it's like no time has passed. He thinks with friends that you go through a lot with you can pick up where you left off. They both have three kids of their own, and Jensen is in a different state currently but when they get the chance to get together and download it's kinda like 'see ya when i see ya'. He knows Jensen has his back and vice versa.
Jensen says when you spend as much time together as they have, you cover a lot of topics and subjects and know where each other stands on just about everything so there are long stretches where they aren't getting face time and it's like 'bro, I have so much to tell you!' And he thinks it will always be like that, it's just easy. And in fact, it's like that with the rest of the cast, they all have lives, and different jobs but when they come together to do cons it's like getting the band back together. Or, he and Jared will just wave at each other at drop-off.
Jared thinks it goes back to what they were saying earlier about being present, he's always felt this way about himself and he sees it with Jensen as well the thing that Jensen mentioned in the Gold panel about how to be an actor when they call action nothing else can exist, you have to be present you can't be thinking about the bill you forgot to pay, you have to be there at the moment and that's how they live their life. So it never feels like ' man, why didn't he call me?' it's like 'oh I know what he would have said if I said hey I have this problem'. So he knows what Jensen would say so when he's with him he doesn't have to talk about dumb shit. They can call each other whenever and they have and will continue but they also know how busy each other is.
Jensen adds this is also something they're very used to, they've lived pretty much their entire adult life being out on the road being away from loved ones, having long distances between a lot of the relationships whether family, friends, girlfriends, spouse. So, it's something that they're very familiar with, it's very normal for them to go long stretches without seeing someone they hold so dear. But at the same time it's like Jared said, right now he's right there; that his wife and kids are at a monster truck rally and he'd love to be there but he's not because he's loving being there at the con. And that's just what it is, they've got no problem with it, he's got no problem with it, that's just their lives, their normal. x
Now y'all know I got thoughts! I find the progression of their answer so interesting, it's like seeing the door turn to glass but being left translucent. They start off by trying to make it sound like they don't see each other that much because they're really busy and they don't feel like they gotta contact each other about the small stuff but on two separate, recent, occasions they indicated differently. When Jared was on the GG podcast he mentioned he had been texting Jensen about an app Jensen knew about that would let Jared stream tv in his trailer. And during an interview, Jensen said he and Jared talk quite a bit and that producing has opened up a whole other part of their lives and given them a whole new set of topics to talk about and spitball with each other. And of course, there's Jensen's mention of the school drop-off, the kids go to school together, both these men have talked about going to parent teacher-meetings.
So they're obviously trying to downplay things. And then! Then Mr. Ackles decides to point out one little thing, and this is when the door turns translucent, he points out that they're used to having to be away from loved ones, and having to go long stretches of time from someone they hold so dear. And when talking about long distances between relationships after mentioning family and friends he pauses and then stumbles to girlfriend and spouse. Interesting he would say girlfriend and spouse instead of just saying wife or just saying spouse, makes one wonder what word his brain was throwing at him when he paused....perhaps one that starts with h and ends with d 🤔
In conclusion/read between the lines translation: they love each other but they know their chosen career means they can't see each other every day, and that's okay they know they each have work responsibilities it sucks but it's also normal for them to have to go through long periods of time apart, and they both accept that. they keep in contact as much as they can with their schedules and when they get the opportunity to be together in person they are 100% present in the moment, enjoying it, and loving it. It's all very healthy, committed, secure, long-term relationship ❤️
Continuing on, what’s the best time of year to go visit Austin? Both boys answer either Fall or Spring. Summer gets really hot, and Winter can be hit or miss. So, October/November or April/May, maybe even March.
I just have to say that Winter in Central Texas is only hit or miss if you don't suffer from pollen allergies because if you do it's a miss. Because they have a bunch of cedar and juniper trees and those little bastards release their pollen in Winter so if you have pollen allergies get ready to not be able to breathe and have your ass kicked by Cedar Fever. Sincerely, someone who had their ass kicked by Cedar Fever. x
Is there a story arc that they were disappointed got cut off?
Jensen says they were actually quite a lot, his top two are Michael, he wishes he could have played that a little longer, and Purgatory.
Jared says he would have liked to see more of Sam as a father but they didn't have a lot of time left in the episode. He had a fun time when Sam is realizing that he has powers and so do others that's something he really liked a lot, he loved playing Gadreel but that's something he got to do for a while, and he too wishes we had seen more Michael.
Then the boys get all confused because Jensen thinks Jared didn't know that he'd be playing Gadreel from the very beginning but Jared tells him he did, but Jensen is still confused and Jared's like "Jared knew, Sam didn't, you did" then he pauses cause he's getting confused too; then Jensen starts wondering if he's mixing up what happened in the show for reality then Jared tells him that what they didn't know was Gadreel/Ezekiel's motivations or why he was an angel on the run but he knew he was playing an angel and so Jensen's like 'maybe that's it'. Then he says he missed his nap 😂
Then Jared starts to say that Tahmoh played Gadreel before he did but a fan tells him it was the other way around that Tahmoh had to watch Jared's reel to play it but Jared remembers Tahmoh on set watching him but Tahmoh always tells the story that he had to base his performance off of what Jared had done. Jared says he'll have to verify cause now he's curious. Then he says that storyline was a lot of fun and starts to say it was s12 and the fan says 9. Jensen is just confused and says he doesn't remember shit, to which Jared says Jensen needs his nap. Jensen starts to joke around that he's grumpy and he's tired- and Jared jumps in to say "and handsome" 😂
If they could do an spn movie what characters would they like to see come back or what story would they like to tell?
Jared says there are so many stories they could tell, and hopefully will, and there are a lot of characters they'd like to see come back. Charlie, Garth, Ash, Alistair- Jensen says he would like to go toe to toe with Alistair again, that he was awesome. x
The next fan brings up the s1 spn commercials and how incestuous they were 💀 They don't actually say they were incestuous what they say is that they look at those commercials now and are like "why is it sexual? isn't it brothers?" The best part about it is the boy's reactions, especially Jensen's, cause they're just nodding and laughing like "yeah 😏"
Anyways, the question is for Jensen and it's basically what are the twins up to cause they're very rarely posted. Jensen says that he and Jared have talked about this since they both have 3 kids- and Jared goes "I didn't do two at once though" to which Jensen replies "listen, I didn't plan it!". He continues, saying, that he was good after one. That they made the perfect one, why risk again, why roll the dice. Then D told him she wanted 4 or 5, and his reaction to that was that she better find someone else to help her there but after a tedious negotiation - his words not mine! - he agreed to one more, just one more that's it and then two came out. Sir, of all the ways you could have worded this. These men have made comments like this before, they haven't really bothered to make it a secret that the last kiddos were not in the original plans but it's been a while since one of them has been so emphatic about it.
It continues, he says the kids will ask him all the time who his favorite is and he tells them JJ but that he's able to get away with saying that because he tells them it's because he's known her longer. That doesn't make it better, buddy. Then, when he says that, Arrow usually goes and draws him something very mean like him falling down a well. But that the twins are amazing, and they've been waiting till they got a little older to put things out but also he has pictures or little videos that he thinks he'd like to share but then the parent part of him is like "don't put too much of your kids out there, reserve some of that stuff for yourself" so he holds off and tries to keep some of those memories his. I'm not gonna say a word.
Jared decides to share that his favorite is O but it's because she's had the least time to piss him off. To which Jensen pitches in that knowing O he's pretty sure she's pissed him off more than the boys combined. Also, O and Zeppelin are in the same class, they (the school) were smart to separate Arrow and O cause the world ends when those two unite. x
If they could have their character sit down with their kids what would they hope Sam and Dean would teach them? Jensen answers mechanics. Cars these days are not really mechanically friendly to people who wanna tinker, they're mostly computers so it's a good thing he does have a 1967 Chevy Impala, he wishes Dean would come and teach him what he's looking at; Jared says all 3 of his kids are starting to learn to read or read better, and he heard a great quote the other day that he loved and had never heard before about the importance of getting kids reading: "at some point in your life you're learning to read from then on you're reading to learn". When everyone was at home stuck during the pandemic he was still traveling it was just in the pages of a book, he was still learning and meeting new people so he'd be like Sammy go put 'em in a library and just teach them how to read better.
Jensen then asks Jared what would he want Dean to teach his kids? Jared jokes and says that he would warn Dean to stay away from O. Then he says that his brother and he have this, Jensen and he have this, Sam and Dean have this and that's the shared loyalty and sacrifice. He starts to say "our boys" then corrects himself to "my boys", yeah I heard that slip, Jared.
Continuing, they're 8 and 10 and go between being best of friends to mortal enemies and he was the same with his brother but growing up, and like someone had asked earlier what they would say to their younger self, to nurture those relationships and friendships, and some people are close with their family and others aren't so close with their blood family but they have found family meanwhile they'll talk to the boys when they get in small arguments and let them know how lucky they are that they have a built-in best friend. Nurture that, go play, go get in trouble together, and have each other's back, and that's something Dean had in spades.
He asks Jensen in turn what would he have Sam teach his kids? Diet. Jensen can't get his kids to eat vegetables. For Halloween, he and Jared did the switch witch so the kids got to pick 10 pieces of candy, two per day, and then the rest of the candy would be left out by the front door and then the next morning there would be some toys. x
Last question! Are Jensen and Steve thinking about going out on tour or doing more concerts? Jensen doesn't know. They are wrapping up the third album they're hoping it'll be out by the end of the year, maybe in January, but he doesn't know if they'll do other shows. They don't currently have any plans to but sometimes after you get one under your belt it's hard to stop there so he's hopeful they'll do more shows. x
J2 Main Panel Phoenixcon 2022
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jarpadswalker · 1 year
Also I don't think Jensen was planning TW before or after SPN ended. They were thinking of reunion two or 5 years down the line but definitely not TW. TW born out of desperation.
I'm not sure where you are getting this because we know from Jensen himself that it was planned before SPN even finished filming the final season? We know this because we know that while they were filming the final season Jensen called Kripke to ask permission to use the SPN IP for TW and that is when he asked him about work and TB. We know this timeline from multiple people including both Jensen and Kripke. The phone call happened during the COVID break during s15 filming (aka before the last two eps filmed). That's how we know that he was already planning to make TW and went to work with Jared every day for at least 2 weeks (they had two eps left to film per the timeline from Jensen and Kripke) and lied to his face (lie of omission) and didn't mention anything to him even though TW was actively underway bts the scenes during that time.
Well, I stand corrected ....But then that is even worse as it means he is the worst producer and storyteller. I mean, if he had been planning it since 2020 and this is the shit that came up with, then he should just stop and give the CM production to someone who can do justice. He is definitely not a storyteller. He doesn't know market or casting or even the basic scripting and production duties.
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hologramcowboy · 1 year
“So I started to kind of dive into just reading accounts of other people’s PTSD, whether it was from trauma, from an accident, or whether it was war related, or whether it was child abuse related. And, it seems so specific and so tailored to that individual, that I felt like, I would just be mirroring somebody else’s PTSD, if I kind of read into it too much. So I backed away from diving too deep into that research and just kind of read and had conversations with Kripke. Read the backstory on Soldier Boy, obviously, knowing where he was coming from knowing what he had gone through. You know, he’s somebody who deals with things much differently than someone in today’s society. And it wasn’t something that existed in his era. It wasn’t something that they talked about in his era. So he just muscled up and just dealt with it. That was something that I think was a really interesting dialogue on what we all currently know as PTSD. And I love the fact that they call it shell shock, you know, that it didn’t really have a name. Much like the term anxiety. That doesn’t exist in his world. He’s like, No, you mean you’re scared. And I wanted to bring that kind of gruff, almost uneducated version of it to the character.”
I know you've mentioned Jensen not doing much research into his character's, and it sounds like here, he did attempt to do some research into Soldier Boy and his backstory, but I get the impression that he started doing the research, realized it was too hard, and basically said 'whatever, Kripke will tell me what to do'. At least, that's how it feels based on the lack of emotional gravitas I felt from his portrayal of Solider Boy. It makes me wish that Kripke hadn't fought so hard for him and that Amazon and Sony went with one of the other names they were considering. I can only imagine how good it could have been with a different actor.
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To answer your question, an actor playing an idea of a character is never, ever the right way to create a good performance. This is what Jensen did. It stuck because he was dynamic but aside from this he diluted 99% of who Soldier Boy is because he was in his head and not truly living the part. Jensen has an idea of what other actors do so he tries to mimic that, that is also not so efficient. This is a classic case of someone's looks and charisma overtaking the performance itself. People ignored the lack of dimension because they were enthralled by the idea of SB and Jensen is fairly dynamic in some moments. But his performance could have been sooo much more. I saw online that people are saying his team submitted him for an Emmy nomination( for those that didn't know, that is how you get considered for a nomination, by first entering). I doubt he will make it into a full nomination given his performance but that is all relative to what the performances are like overall. I don't think submitting him with this performance was a smart move but, who knows, I might be proven wrong.
I am more focused on him landing or self producing a groundbreaking role but, to do that, he needs to up his performances. He's special in his own way but he is very far from A list level. Compare the stiffness and lack of realness of SB to Homelander or to the lead of the series. Even there the difference is quite noticeable. He does have an iconic face though and can be very dynamic and connected when he chooses to be, he just needs more dedication to this craft and understanding it rather than vying for fame and making counterintuitive moves casting as well as producing and submission wise.
Thank you for the beautiful ask! 💖💖💖
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mattzerella-sticks · 2 years
Not to post about the Supernatural finale again but I find it hilarious that we've gone through so many different attempts of watching them trying to salvage and explain away what did air when in truth the finale was bad and there is no defending it and that's what we want to hear and also I'm glad that that what they tried to make the end of the story is very much not the actual end of the story.
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justjensenanddean · 2 years
Jensen Ackles | Toronto Convention (July 31, 2022)
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Jensen mentions he had a wardrobe malfunction, his shirt fell off... the denim one he's wearing is his favorite, that's why he wears it a lot.  
Jensen spent most of last year in Toronto because of "The Boys" and it's awesome to be back.
Which Tim Burton movie Jensen would be in? Nightmare Before Christmas, it's one of his daughter's favorite movies.
On Supernatural, the only time Jensen would sit down in the hair department chair, was to get a trim, to do his hair he would just walk up, grab some hair paste or whatever and style his hair, it took less than 20 seconds, not that it takes much longer now to style his hair.
jensen just said he might chop his hair off sooner or later, everyone said no and he was like “maybe i’ll grow it out then idk!” #SPNTOR (x)
“Can you brush your hair too much?” Audience screams YES! “Things I don’t know because I don’t brush my hair!” - @JensenAckles (x)
Jensen says that The Boys is a hell lot of fun, the show is amazing, the cast is great. 
Showing up on his first day of filming, being butt ass naked for your entire cast and crew, nothing between all of these new faces but a sock, that's humbling.
About the Soldier Boy scene that was changed: Jensen can't tell what it is, but the scene aired, he called to discuss this scene with Kripke, it wasn't like, “man, I've got a problem with this from a creative standpoint” or anything, it was more like, logistics, and he said, from a logistical standpoint, maybe we should change some things, and Kripke laughed at Jensen, and then he was like, "did I find your line?" and Jensen was like "No", because once Kripke finds your line, he rides it, that's the reason why Laz gets blasted with all kinds of different fluids, it's because Laz hates it, and Kripke thinks it's hysterical and will get real reactions from Laz as Mother's Milk, so in Herogasm, when Termite walks by and he's just like "WHAT THE F... JUST", that was a real reaction, that was Laz... Jensen mentions he loves Laz, he's the greatest.
Jensen was very careful with how he approached this with Kripke, he was like, "I'm not saying I have an issue, I'm saying, can we try to tweak a few things?" and Kripke was like, "Nah, we will just get rid of the whole bit", but Jensen thought they shouldn't get rid of the whole bit, because it's valid from character standpoint but also for entertainment standpoint, they should just tweak a few things, and then instantly Kripke was coming up with even funnier ideas than what was written originally in the script, Jensen thinks it turned out to be better than what it was, but it was because Jensen was going "I'm not gonna fucking do that."
Audience member: “In my next life I want you to be one of my youthful mistakes.” @JensenAckles: “Why wait until then?” Y’all, this crowd is THIRSTY! (x)
You've got to play villains and heroes, which do you prefer? Like, you are Batman and Red Hood, which do you prefer? They are both very fun to do. Being the bad guy or being a villain certainly allows for a little bit more exploration outside of what your normal person is, he thinks it's fun stepping outside of the box, but then playing a hero is also very satisfying as well, he grew up, and he imagine many people grew up looking up to these heroic characters and aspiring to be something like that. So to get to put that suit on, that persona on, and bringing that to life, in front of an audience, is really fun, he loves what he does.
In 30 years, Jensen doesn't know if there's a role or even a type of role that he's hoping to be playing, at that age, his only hope is that he still is sharp mentally and capable physically as he is now, to allow him to play these in depth characters and nuanced storylines... somebody just recently asked, man, you've been working like crazy, Jensen mentions he's flying tomorrow to West Coast to do a movie, and then flying directly to Big Sky, someone told him, "What are you doing man, slow down" and Jensen just realized that a busy Jensen is a happy Jensen, he really truly enjoys being on set, being on stage is what he does, it's his craft. He hopes he can still do that in a level that fulfills him and fills him creatively as it does now when he is in his 70's.
Jensen's old stunt double on Supernatural (Jesse), will double stunt him on the next Tuesday on this movie he is filming.
How hard it was to leave Dean behind to go into his next role: Jensen had very discerning eyes on him, Kripke, who knows him and was very precise about what he wanted, but he also knew Dean very well, and Philip Sgriccia, on set producer director who worked on SPN for about 13 years, so he also knew Dean very well, having them put a pressure on Jensen to not fall into the comfortable role of Dean Winchester that you are super familiar with because you have been doing it for so long, fight the urge to rely on that as a crutch, and really dive into something that is new and unique, and find inspiration somewhere completely different, so Jensen as consciously making effort to stay away from Dean.
Funny Jensen story. Got a car when he was 15 and had to wait to drive it until 16. One day, his parents weren't home, he drove it anyway. Father noticed it, b/c he wrote down the mileage. Jensen drove 82 miles that day. (x)
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mishasminions · 4 years
The Last Time I’ll Write a Long Post About Supernatural (15x18-15x20)
[15x20 Speculation + evidence at the bottom]
First off, I just wanna come clean and say, after all these years, I still think they should’ve ended at Season 5.
If you’re going to come at me with “Then why’d you stick around to watch it if you didn’t like it?”, your question is immature, and the answer is simple: I just want to know what happens next (I also love the main characters and their actors too). You can watch a show and still think it’s shit.
Call me a clown, but despite all the disappointment and trust issues that this show has given me, I would still look forward to the day where it might just turn itself around and bring back the quality it once had, or realize the potential of each story it was trying to tell, or at the very least, do justice by my favorite ship.
Never happened.
They’ve had a few good episodes here and there. I can’t imagine the SPN Universe without The Man Who Would Be King, The French Mistake, and Scoobynatural. Seasons 6-10 were enjoyable at times. I blocked out most of 7 & 11-15. 
If you’ve been following this blog since its heydays in 2010-2014, you’d know I’d try my best to defend Destiel and this show’s decisions regarding it no matter what.
Because you know what, as a CONCEPT, this show is good. If you take a look at all the worlds its storylines have birthed in fanfiction/fanworks, you’d see how much Supernatural has wasted its own story arcs. The writing got shittier as each season progressed, and they’ve obviously given up in production as well because the quality in the execution has noticeably gone down too, but if you take a step back and take a look at the bigger picture, you’ll see that this show still tries to make sense of itself.
[If you’re still following this post, please bear with me, I know this is long, but I just want you to understand how jaded and pessimistic I am with regards to this show, so maybe you can buy into whatever hopeful thing I’m about to say later on.]
Never in my wildest dreams did I think that they would give us Castiel’s “I love you” speech. To the point where, if I weren’t so desperate for it, I would argue that it was completely out of character for him to word vomit the way he did (but I’m not gonna diss on that right now because I’ll take what I can get).
I’ve valued every meaningful and obscure exchange that Dean and Cas have had in the earlier seasons, and I was willing to accept their relationship as just that--undefined, without any clear boundaries as to what they really are. And I think that was beautiful on its own.
But now, they’ve chosen to define it.
After they’ve driven every possible wedge between Dean and Castiel in seasons 11-15, to try to explain away their feelings as something they offer to a collective.
Dean can’t mourn and pray for JUST Cas, he has to mourn and pray for EVERYBODY--even Crowley, even some chick he just met, because god forbid he cries about just the guy who has given up everything for him--that would be “too homo”.
They’ve even set Cas on a path to abrupt fatherhood just so he can care about something other than Dean. Make it seem as if Dean wasn’t his purpose through and through.
And after all these years of this stupid show trying to deny it, they choose to acknowledge it at the worst possible circumstance, at a time where they’ve been so far apart, that it seems so foreign for them to suddenly come together.
But here we are. And they’ve chosen to tell us.
Chosen to tell us that everything that Castiel has done leading up to his death, he has done it because he was IN LOVE WITH DEAN WINCHESTER.
Chosen to tell us that BEING WITH DEAN WINCHESTER is something that CAS WANTS BUT KNOWS HE CAN’T HAVE.
And they’ve also chosen to tell us nothing about how Dean feels.
Sure, finding out your angel made a deal, the stipulations of said deal, his newfound happiness philosophy, his long-winded monologue of why he loves you and why you’re worthy of his love, and to top it all off he tells you that being in love with you is enough to make him happy while he subtly hints that he’s always wanted to be WITH you romantically, was a lot to process in the 5 minutes after you’ve just had an existential crisis.
It’s whatever, right? Let’s culminate 11 years worth of tension and feelings in 5 minutes. Let’s waste the entire episode with cringey expository dialogue, and irrelevant sequences. The whole season was a waste anyway.
You know what Supernatural? FUCK YOU FOR THAT. They deserved better. WE deserve better.
And I would love nothing more than to hurl every possible insult your way,
But for the last time, I’m going to HOPE that you’re finally going to try to make it better for the fans that stuck by you all these years.
No more baiting new viewers, no more placating casual viewers, no more excuses. 15 years. Bring it home for the people who have actually been around.
There’s two ways this series is gonna end. Horribly or Spectacularly.
First let’s all take into consideration what Andrew Dabb says about it:
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So, let’s start with
In this scenario, Misha is telling the truth about his last day of filming being 15x18. His “camping trip” during the last few days of filming 15x20, was actually a camping trip. He doesn’t go to Vancouver to shoot.
Jensen wasn’t “being careful” during the zoom interviews that it was just him and Jared quarantining for the shoot, it really was just him and Jared (althought most of these were done pre 15x19) Supernatural isn’t smart enough to do misleading PR, and they’re once again oblivious to the potential of their own story.
Misha hasn’t posted a “Goodbye Castiel” tweet because he’s probably saving it for last episode or he forgot because it was overshadowed by the Destiel trend that night.
So what we get is:
Sam and Dean are on the road again, up against the monster of the week. Only their world no longer has actual Supernatural beings anymore, so the monsters they’re fighting are humans.
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Humans end up killing the Winchesters (despite having gone up against literally every powerful being imaginable INCLUDING God himself). Dean and Sam end up in heaven and relive their greatest hits.
Meanwhile, Castiel rots in The Empty because he died after realizing that he was happy and gay. Jack doesn’t bother rescuing him—his surrogate dad, the guy who made this specific deal to spare him—even though it was so easy for him get Cas in and out of The Empty when he had a fraction of the power that he has now.
Dean never speaks of Castiel’s confession because despite all the hints of a profound bond in the earlier seasons, and the fact that Dean has never cared for anyone (who isn’t his actual brother) as immensely as he does Cas, Supernatural just can’t have its main macho character be “suddenly bisexual” because that would hurt the male ego or some shit.
His heaven would probably be living happily ever after with his family. “Family” meaning Mary and John Winchester--two of the shittiest parents ever (but they’re not going to include them in this episode like they were supposed to because of Covid) and Sam.
Sam also gets a dog. As usual.
I wouldn’t put it past Supernatural to do this. After everything they’ve pulled, this would be right up their alley. I actually expect this ending.
Anyway, onto the next possible ending
In this scenario, Supernatural tries to stick the landing, and Jensen’s whole “It didn’t sit well with me at first, but then I took a step back after talking to Kripke, and realized that I had to view it from an audience perspective, I am now really excited about it” (DC Con 2019) anecdote about his thoughts on the final episodes, were actually about Dean potentially ending up with Cas. (Which would totally make sense because Jensen at first didn’t see Dean as anything but hetero, but as of late, he has been throwing in Destiel jokes of his own, so he seems to have warmed up to the idea)
Backed with Misha’s tidbit (DLConline 2020) that he and Jensen had conversations about Destiel, and that they wouldn’t have gone through with it if Jensen wasn’t onboard with it, but Jensen didn’t push back at all. (Why would they need to check with Jensen if it was just Cas going all in?)
Robert Berens (writer of 15x18) also wrote the script at the beginning of Season 15, but made Misha privy to the concept a year prior (Season 14), so they went into this season knowing about Destiel going canon.
This one’s a reach, but this scenario also supposes that Misha was lying about his whereabouts during the filming of the final episode, and him saying that 15x18 was his last episode is part of the diversion to avoid taking away from the weight of Castiel’s death.
And that Supernatural is actually self-aware of its own material (similar to how they have wrapped things up in the past—lots of expository dialogue, poor execution, but fulfills the story arc)
Since Season 15 is basically a Meta Season (Chuck/God as a writer, pretentiously calling out how he created the worlds, its characters, and basically invalidating the past 14 seasons), and 15x19 is supposedly the finale for Season 15, written by two of the worst Supernatural writers, Brad Buckner and Eugenie Ross-Leming (Bob Singer’s wife), then we can assume that 15x19 is where the shitty writers kill themselves--as Chuck, of course.
So we get a badly written episode that produces a bad ending, or as Becky put it, “All action, and no Cas”
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So we get the bad writers season ending at 15x19.
And 15x20 is where Sam and Dean write their own stories, and where the cast had a hand in pitching ideas for it.
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Dabb has mentioned that 15x20 (Act Two) is a SERIES finale, where they try to resolve the characters’ journeys.
Because as everyone has acknowledged, Supernatural isn’t about the story, it’s about the characters.
So here’s what we can get out of it:
With no more Supernatural beings left to fight, Sam and Dean are in a stalemate. They’ve resigned themselves to fighting to the bitter end, but the “end” has passed, and they’re still standing.
So they try to figure out who they are now, and what they want out of the life they still have.
Sam still wants a normal apple pie life. Before Dean dragged him out of college to go hunting with him, he had a whole life planned out for him. Become a lawyer, settle down with a nice girl, and get a dog. He gave all that up because they had work to do, but now the work is finished, he can finally go back to wanting that for himself again.
Dean finally realizes his self-worth after Cas saves him again. His prayer to Cas in purgatory may have helped him come to terms with his anger, but the whole “you’ve done everything you did for love” speech finally put him in his place, and he learns not to hate himself anymore.
But of course, he cannot fully reconcile with himself if he doesn’t get Cas back, and tell him how he feels.
Because Dean actually wants something for himself this time. Something he knows he can finally have if he can just salvage it.
So maybe this time around, with the help of Jack (off-screen), Dean saves Cas. Grips him tight and raises him from perdition.
They bypass The Empty deal by turning Cas human, and he lives the rest of his days with Dean.
Dean and Cas know they deserve to be saved, and they know that they deserve to be happy.
(Wishful thinking, maybe they kiss a little)
I’m just saying, there’s NO WAY that they’d have Cas go through that whole rushed speech, if they weren’t going to do anything about it later on.
But again, after 10 years of disappointment, I wouldn’t put it past Supernatural to pat themselves on the back and say, “Okay, we sort of gave them what they wanted. We’re good now”
If that’s the case, Supernatural, I’m sorry I wasted my time on you.
Here’s to hoping 🤡
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beaudeanw · 4 years
Soldier Boy- What can we expect?
- Possible spoilers ahead
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Gif credit : @justjensenanddean
The Boys S3 will have Jensen Ackles as Soldier Boy - A Captain America-esque Supe, also known as the original superhero.
In the comic books, there are three versions of Soldier Boy. Ackles will be playing the first one. According to Eric Kripke, Soldier Boy is like the Homelander before Homelander. He has a similar kind of ambition & ego. It will just come in a different way.
He was a leader of the Team Payback - a Parody of The Avengers.
In the show, Soldier boy was the only one to ever exist.
Soldier Boy as a Character
As said above, Soldier Boy is touted to be very powerful. His powers are almost on the same level as Homelander.
According to a recent q&a with Kripke, he mentioned that Homelander will be threatened by Soldier Boy. Soldier Boy is said to be very Charming and Funny.
He will have this charisma that attracts the public towards him. As mentioned in the first episode of The Boys Season 2, Soldier Boy killed Nazis by a huge amount and he helped the Allies win the World War 2 against Germany. After that he went on to become a movie star and a huge mainstay of American culture.
During the course of S2 we saw some Easter eggs like his movie posters on the wall. Kripke compared his character to somewhat like John Wayne. If you google search John Wayne, you will get to know that he was conservative, racist, homophobic etc. John Wayne although famous for playing Soldiers in cinema, never served in WW2. He also had a complicated relationship with women.
Soldier Boy might take some similar route considering the fact that he is in fact from the 1940s. The q&a mentioned that he will be involved in a lot of Sex, Violence & Swears. Needless to say, soldier boy can totally be a. One of the 2018 tweets of Kripke said that Soldier Boy was involved in drugs & stuff. This might also be a part of his personality.
Since it's also said to be a parody of Cap America, Soldier Boy a complete anti-thesis of what former stands for. Cap America is sort of a moral, altruistic, kind & good superhero. Soldier Boy might be completely opposite. That he has no shame in hurting people & possesses no morals in order to get his work done & his ambition fulfilled. He can be the reason for the war crimes that America did after the WW2.
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How the character might fit in S3
Now The Boys Season 2 ended with Stormfront becoming Stump-front. We have Homelander who got blackmailed by Queen Maeve with the footage from the airplane back from S1. We have Starlight & A- Train back in the Seven. However, the most important part is how both Vought & Homelander are completely screwed in the public eye. As we know in S2, Homelander was getting boo-ed by the public for indulging in war crimes. Now Stormfront's Nazi reveal should have some serious repercussions. The public people might boycott Vought because of their alleged ties with a literal Nazi. Homelander might not get the same love & respect in the public because he had love affair with her. We also have a Federal Bureau of Supe Affairs to keep Vought into check by Victoria Neumann, who is also a supe but thats not the point. The point is Vought needs a good PR to get themselves out of this mess.
Enter- Soldier Boy
Now there is a common theory that Vought must have kept him in some kind of facility & have him trapped. This is a very good possibility since that will mean that he is basically has no idea about the modern world. During S2 we saw a statue of Soldier Boy which showed that he sort of died in the 80s. So it will be interesting to see how Vought brings Soldier Boy back in the public eye.
Now Soldier Boy coming back to Vought can help them with Good PR. I mean who better than a Supe who killed Nazis in WW2 can help Vought clean up the Nazi shitstorm. He is the golden boy of patriotism. He is like a blue print of how they wanted Homelander to be when they created him the lab.
Another common theory that spread which was also kind of agreed by Laz Alonso, the actor who plays Mother's milk said that only his character until now never had something personal against a supe. We also learnt sort of MM's backstory in S2 which mentioned his father working against Vought & how he fought until he died. We have an idea that there is a possibility that both Soldier Boy & his father might have existed at the same point & SB might have something to do with his dad.
This can also be the reason why he vanished in the 80s & Vought lied about his death.
This also makes sense because at the end of S2, we saw all the members of The Boys seperated. One of the major reasons why they come back together is to help MM. I mean MM has been kind of a backbone keeping all of them together. A moral conscience. He is a good friend of all. So if he is in problem, the boys will come back together to help him for a change.
I am pretty sure that with Soldier Boy we will get to learn a lot about the dirty past of Vought & metaphorically, America.
Soldier Boy and Homelander
So first of all, Ackles' Soldier Boy & Homelander didn't have any sort of sexual relations. What happened in the comics was a sexual assault. That was Solder Boy #3. That character was a bumbling idiot, subservient to Homelander who got manipulated by him. It's also not logical for the show to have that kind of relationship of SB & HL. Homelander doesn't have that kink that is shown in the comics. Also, soldier boy in the show looks like has a dominating personality as opposed to of an idiot.
What Ackles is playing is Soldier Boy #1, the one fought in WW2 & as mentioned above, he is the only one to ever exist in the world of TV Show.
However, both of these characters have a lot of similarities. They are both powerful, egotistical, narcissistic, pathetic male superheroes. The difference is the situations they will be in. Homelander is currently in a problematic situation as his issue with wanting validation are bare open. He is emotionally at its weakest point. He wants to be loved. He longs for validation from the public which Maeve uses to threaten him. As he was made in a lab, he didn't have a normal childhood. He didn't have friends or anything. However, Soldier Boy was given Compound V when he was an adult. That means he might not require the same kind of validation. He is a very self-assured man. Also, since he was around in public life for decades, he has received love for years. So he not only he is physically strong, he might be emotionally capable against Homelander.
S3 might create a problem of Power Struggle.
Homelander might struggle to keep his head strong & possibly be threatened by Soldier Boy. Since the latter seems very confident, he might be able to take his position in Vought back. In the S2 premiere, we get to see how Homelander thinks of himself as indispensable for Vought as a company & how Stan Edgar shuts him down. Now think about how Homelander will react when Vought's original golden boy comes back & takes his what he thinks is his. There is a power struggle here. It's likely that Soldier Boy might corner him because of how popular he is in the public and how Homelander wants that same love that SB is getting. S3 might present a situation in front of him when a supe who might almost be as powerful as him & emotionally stronger than him kind of threatens both his power and position.
Soldier Boy and Stormfront
Speaking of Stormfront, Eric Kripke mentioned in a TV guide article that Soldier Boy had a connection with her when she was Liberty. Now both of them were created at the same time by the same man. Liberty was married to Frederick Vought but he then joined the Allies & injected Soldier Boy with Compound V. Now they are basically two sides of the same coin.
Some of this is from articles with Kripke's description of the character, some of them are common theories that have floated around & some of it is my predictions about what direction the character's storyline can take. This is majorly based on everything I have read, heard or watched. It doesn't mean that any of it will turn out the way it's written here. But I still hope this is helpful.
Anyway, I am very excited to see Jensen in this new role. I know he will rock it and I can't wait.
Some Articles I took into consideration -
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incarnateirony · 3 years
I once had a conversation on twitter with someone who is both a J1er and a Misha anti. The discussion was about Misha's current employment status. When they claimed he was unemployed, I mentioned that just because he is not working on a TV show, does not mean he is not working. Charity (RA, GISH and others), book, supporting politicians and other stuff, but the first two were the ones they hung on to. Apparently releasing a book and doing charity work is not considered proper work for Misha since this anti has done the same. Like... Other actors have also gotten main roles and done procducing, does that mean J1 is also not having a proper job?
What baffels me is how they somehow have this NEED to make J2M lives post-SPN as some kind of a d*ick measuring contest. Like why? People can go on doing different things, be happy about it and thrive ō_ō
JESUS, NO SHIT. Not to mention, Misha IS getting all the spots and work he DOES want. Let's face it, a traveling foodie talkshow is dead ass just up the center Misha Collins' alley. Or the other stuff he's supporting. He literally COULD retire if he wanted to with the resources he has, he's just working his way. As a Misha Collins does.
Jensen is working very fucking intelligently from the long haul establishment and marketing of Chaos Machine to the Winchesters Announcement. I mean, the Bravo, You Coward night isn't something you'd expect over twitter with grown actors so they probably didn't calculate for that, but damn. Moving to Kripke's Boys wasn't just token, that was damn smart. It's everything about roles he's wanted to be. "Superhero" but that gritty shit, sure with someone he knows but it's just -- it was already big and inevitably gonna get bigger on Amazon? But he's also not tied to it forever. Which is good for his music and studio stuff. And still able to shop around for larger roles that interest him.
Jared um-- he makes cowboy cops still kind of. Not even his most ardent fans seem truly excited about it anymore, but are staying out of stubborn actor loyalty. He sells mantra. He um. #1 on the call sheet.
It's a general given that none of these guys need to rush into any specific shape or form of role to be successful.
If we want to talk "classically successful" at this point that would be Jensen with his studio positioning and other litany of media investments.
Misha on the other hand--different sort entirely. For Misha, I think his current project work is incredibly successful. At the end of the day, yes, Misha's an actor sure, but he's more of a social influencer. And I mean that in a good way. But I mean, he said he's making a talk show about... traveling around experiencing people and food and things? hELLo Misha is a free spirit and he gets to go around and talk to people and eat weird stuff as WORK? sign me up motherfucker. He still dabbles around in roles and projects, but I don't think he's legitimately shopping for major camera roles right now. Maybe the right spot one will grab him but yet again, he just got out of being tied down for 11 years. Give him an RV and a bunch of roadie food and a CAMERA.
Jared-- I dunno. Congrats. You have another lead role on the CW again. ...Good for you. ...I'm-- okay.
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msgrumpygills · 3 years
Dude we been saying but you guys dont listen.
It's obvious that Jared didn't know about any of this and was shocked by it and then had a pathetic meltdown on twitter. He even openly insulted Robbie Thompson, a writer, by calling him a coward.
It seems like Thompson, Bobo Berens, Kripke etc all knew but Jared didn't know about it, like, AT ALL??? And supposedly Jared and Jensen are ''BFF'' and ''brothers''. Lmao give me a break!!
This fall out has started way back, and I think you guys deep down know the reasons for this fall out but refuse to admit it. If Ackles family announced this project this means they have not been only thinking about it but also working on it together. With the addition and creation of Chaos Machine and their contract with WB, they have been planning this project for quite some time. Maybe even a year or so.
You guys are saying ''but Jensen told Jared about the potential SPN project before!!!!'' dude... casually mentioning doesnt mean shit. It still proves that Jensen&Danneel didnt want to include Jared at all and actually more than that even. They probably wanted him to not even hear about it. Not even learn that they have been working on this project.
In this case they have been planning and working on this project (with the creation of Chaos Machine also), then that means 'J2 fall out theory' has been going on for quite a while. Also Ackles and Pads families' fall out, and their disconnection from each other.
Not surprised. Pads have been acting quite cringe and like entitled people whom never learn or change. If I were Jensen or D, I'd want to cut them off too. Doesnt mean J2 are supposedly this two ''brothers UwU'' who care so much about each other and has been friends for years. No, shit. I've cut my ties with my parents and other friends whom I knew for more than 20 years!
It doesnt help that Pads' actions just worsen it. Jared is nothing but a man baby for not only going after Jensen but publically calling a writer coward in front of millions. Everyone is making fun of Jared now, and quite honestly he deserves it. He never changes or learns, as if he's a fucking baby or something. Dude's a middle aged man, for gods sake. Stop acting like he's a kid. He doesn't deserve pity for his incompetence and pathetic and entitled responses.
Anyways, fall out theory is real. I think there are a tons of reasons for that fall out (again, even if some of those reasons are the things you guys will never admit but...) this fallout didnt surprise me but I would be lying if I said that Jared's man child meltdown didnt catch me by surprise. All in all, what comes around goes around.
I can't speak for anyone else but to me it seems like Jared knew that there was a possibility. Jensen mentioned doing something Supernatural related that would have some of the cast on there. So Jared couldn't have been completely blindsided by it because Jensen mentioned the possibility TO HIM. As for them working on it for a long time, I'm not sure how long they've been actually working on it seriously. Jensen mentioned it at the panel, but if I understand correctly, the show is just in the early stages, so it wouldn't be something they would be working on for a year or something.
As for the families falling out, I think people have noticed the lack of "family togetherness" with them for a long time now. I know the wives sometimes comment to each other or like posts, but that's a rarity. I think there has been tension with the families since Gen blew up at Jensen and JDM even got involved. There was a reason Gen wasn't at the Morgan wedding and it wasn't because she was "watching the kids". I do agree that the Ackles' are smart for distancing themselves though because the Pads' are incapable of behaving like actual adults.
Just take a look at the difference between Jensen's social media posts and Jared's posts. Jensen has had virtually no drama, no embarrassing meltdowns or insensitive tweets. Then you get Jared who has had numerous tantrums, made some really gross comments about other people, etc. Don't even get me started on the differences in the wives either. The Ackles' are smart with PR and smart about their image and behavior. Have they made mistakes? Of course, everyone has, but not to the extent of Jared's mistakes.
Jared continues to act like an ass because no one ever holds him accountable for his actions. They just coddle him because "he's just emotional and needs to be protected" and because he has "mental illness". That's another whole thing because the fact that he's a "mental health advocate", he sure does a lot of damage by using his mental illness as a crutch to be an asshole.
The J2 fallout came as a surprise to me. Maybe I haven't been in the know for long enough though. I think they definitely weren't as close as they once were, but didn't expect a Jared Brand Twitter Fit aimed at Jensen.
Maybe this will teach Jared to think before he tweets. Maybe....
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rmcmisha2022 · 4 years
Bringing this panel back...
And going feral with commentary because I’m waiting for our school to call a snow day (slight tinhat and Cockles content)
1. Misha saying it was drawn out because WE had to wait to get back. Yes he says he had done most of his mourning before COVID but that is understandable given that his character did have a very emotional death scene then. (Also Jensen’s heart eyes during Misha being sad I can’t). Also why Castiel hair if not filming??
2. Why did Alex smile about the bridge and Jensen’s spoiler (also why did Jensen spoil?) He supposedly wasn’t there.
3. Yeah sure you didn’t change the scripts and were happy with them...we have proof you didn’t even have them fully completed at COVID time ya’ll.
4. Dabb looks like he’s been run over by something (not commenting about his overall appearance-he just looks exhausted)
5. They filmed for nine days!? For an episode that was significantly shorter and missing shots??
6. Jared “I couldn’t be more pleased” Padalecki ladies and gentlemen
7. This is probably the most enthusiastic I’ve seen Jensen be about the finale yet it still comes with an explanation of his reservations, a “I’m too close to it”, and a lot of stuttering
8. Why was there a weird cut and no answer from Alex or Misha about their opinions on where their characters ended up?
9. Misha’s offhand “what a prick” joke when Kripke is mentioned
10. Oh Singer and his I don’t care what the fandom thinks
11. Jensen and Misha being cute. Alex being cute.
12. Jared joking they were drunk when they wrote the final scripts. I mean...also true Jared feelings?
13. Misha not actually answering the home question makes me sad
14. Women of Supernatural shout out (even though you did them so dirty in the end)
15. Misha and Jensen were texting right? Cuz they were texting.
16. It makes me so sad how much love and anticipation there was before the finale. They ruined those messages of family and helping those who had been hurting with that episode.
17. In the same vein, Jared how is it your favorite episode? How? Your tv kid has the name Dean stitched into his overalls as he runs away from your blurry wife and your party city wig.
18. And thus the sexy silence has its beginnings. Notice he says a “moment” in the finale and then says it might just be too new. Love him for saying Comic Con though.
19. Misha reiterates that his last scene was an epic ending to the character arc. It wasn’t Misha! Castiel deserved to hear he was loved! (Unless he was talking about the scene he filmed for the finale and quarantined for).
20. Misha’s ditto! Okay this turned into a Cockles post. I’m just sad.
21. “I will forever be married to the SPNFamily”. I really hope that is true and this family never dies.
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hologramcowboy · 3 years
The double standards in this fandom are disgusting. First off, it’s pretty ignorant to say that Jensen was hurt by jared over the finale when he had no say or input in it. But let’s say that’s true, do you think Jared would be afforded the same courtesy? If the finale had been the other way around, with Sam dying first, which Jensen has publicly stated multiple times was his dream ending (and that’s a whole other can of worms because there is a lot to unpack there..) and Jared was upset, do you think anyone would say that it’s ok for him to be mad at Jensen over the ending? Or would they say Jensen didn’t write it and Jared should get over it? And if you believe Jensen is doing this prequel because he wants “closure” then you haven’t been paying attention. Once again, for years Jensen has said his ideal ending was Sam dying and Dean driving off on his own. If you don’t think that he was angling for a Dean spin-off since the moment he mentioned that then I don’t know what to tell you (and how would a love story about John and Mary that will inevitably retcon a lot of canon from the legacy show give Jensen any closure???). He has been preparing to take over the spn brand (family business beer anyone?) since any hints that it was coming to an end. Unfortunately for him, with Dean dying his spin-off idea was dead in the water. So now we have this awful John and Mary prequel that he’s clinging to with his wife that he’s shoved in our faces just to lay claim to the spn brand. It wasn’t well though out, or even well planned when the announcement dropped. And even now with the pilot pickup we still only have the exact same one line summary of the show. Now let’s flip this - Jared is the one who decides to do this prequel, he’s the one who calls kripke during lockdown and starts it in motion, he’s the one who goes back to set with Jensen and works with him every day filming the final two episodes and never mentions it. He’s the one who waits til 2 minutes before Jensen’s new show airs and drops the news. Jensen is the one doing damage control even though he was the one that was hurt. Jared never comes out and says anything other than an ever changing story that still keeps the blame off himself. Goes on a podcast and says that he messed up (kinda) but Jensen should have called (even though he says Jensen did text him and there are supposedly no phones on set even though we know that’s a lie). Let’s just say that all of prequel-gate plays out the same just with the roles reversed. How many people do you think would rush to defend Jared in that scenario? How many of you same people screaming about how Jared reacted would be completely understanding if it had been Jensen? I’m going to lowball it at about 90%. You all want to claim Jensen is a professional then go around screaming that he only did what he did because he was hurt and mad. Does that sound professional to anyone? You claim to be mad at jared for throwing a “tantrum” on twitter (two tweets does not a tantrum make. You want to look at twitter tantrums I have a certain kween you can look at) but excuse what Jensen did as basically a long drawn out and petty tantrum because let’s face it, ‘he was mad and was acting out because of it’ is basically the definition of a tantrum. Jared had a moment of hurt and anger and yes, he expressed that publicly, but he also came back and asked people to not get angry on his behalf. He also did clean up for both him and Jensen when he didn’t have to. You anon, and others, are saying that jensen was so mad about something that happened well over a year before and was still acting out because of it and has yet to actually do anything to clear it up. But sure, that’s ok because he’s the “king”. Do you know how childish this all sounds??
Sadly, I don't think they know how immature it all sounds.
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dwimpala-67 · 3 years
Whatever Happens....
My two cents on the whole Prequel-Gate ...
Warning: The opinions expressed are purely personal and have no bearing on any person and if they do it’s merely coincidental and are without intention. If you choose to read this, it’s solely at your own risk and the writer is not responsible for any consequences thereof.
Jared and Jensen have been at the heart of Supernatural for past fifteen years. J2 - along with the show have been the source of joy for everyone in the fandom.  We’ve seen them grow up, seen their friendship evolve and seen the way they interact with each other. We fell in love with them, with the beautiful friendship they share, and their compassion and empathy and strength and understanding. These two beautiful individuals weaved their way into our hearts. Somehow, they’ve become a part of our lives. And we trusted them, like we do with any individual that is close to us in real life.
The end of Supernatural was bitter sweet for many of us, especially the J2 shippers. We could see our beloved show being ruined and we all thoughts perhaps, it was time to end it but secretly still wanted a miracle to happen and the story line to be back to its true canonical nature without the OOC story line that was being fed to us. Then came the announcement that Supernatural would end with season 15. Even if we knew the it was inevitable, it was still a shock. We have a saying back in my culture: “Whatever has a beginning, has to have an ultimate end.” And true to that, it was time for Supernatural to end. It doesn’t mean we had to be happy about it. After all, this was the show that meant a lot, personally to many of us.  To see it coming to an end was painful, shocking, even heartbreaking. But we accepted it eventually because life must go on.
With end of the show, we had to accept another reality. To watch our lovely pair - Jared and Jensen- go their separate ways. For 15 years, there never has been a moment where J2 weren’t in each other’s pockets. We saw them refusing to acknowledge personal space, saw them making heart eyes at each other, saw them going on dinner and lunch dates, saw them living together, getting married the same year, saw them grow their family together, saw them living in Austin together, saw them doing campaigns together, saw them golfing together, saw them being there for each other, making each other smile, saw them having each other’s back. We practically saw their love blossoming - for some it was a unique friendship and for some it was more than that. I don’t mean to point anyone out here, but the bottom line is that everyone of the J2 fans saw an ideal relationship between two people we loved the most. We choose to believe in what we saw.  And for us to suddenly see them being away form each other was hard to digest. It still is!
But we chose to believe everything was good, because we believed what our eyes saw. The way Jared and Jensen talked about each other in interviews even after the finale, the way they spoke at the virtual conventions, the way they interacted on social media and even the few instances of fans seeing Jared in Colorado exactly the time it was Jensen’s birthday, the way Jared knew about Jensen’s Soldier Boy suit before anyone else, and I could mention countless such instances that made us believe that the relationship these two idiots share was special and perfect. The kinda thing that can be called “made for each other.”
One fine day, we came to know not everything was as we believed it to be. It turned out Jensen did something by not telling Jared anything about it when the latter has been an integral part of the original concept. Everyone was beyond shocked. Each one of us felt betrayed, angered, pained at the way our beloved pair had a public fallout. Some chose to take sides and some decided to leave the fandom while others decided to be angry and disappointed in Jensen. There was despair all around and no one knew what was going on behind the closed doors. The only thing we knew was Jared was hurt and Jensen was the reason behind it.
I won’t go into the what, why and how of the whole fiasco, because by now, everyone has their own theories as answers to these questions. I have mine too. I see these theories as some sort of “justification” from our side to make sense of the situation. It’s not wrong because we’re searching for answers. We’re also searching for answers we will never get. (Unless either of the J’s decide to speak on it.) But there are a few questions that I feel are important to be addressed.
Do we have the right to feel angry and hurt over the issue? Absolutely Yes.
Do we have the right to take sides? Of course.
Are our feelings of hurt and pain that we resonated with Jared valid? Hell yes.
Everyone has a coping mechanism and the initial emotions or reactions were absolutely valid. However, it’s what happened later that has me thinking.
1. Do we have the right to know what happened behind the scenes? Probably but we would never. There lies the uncertain feeling of “how should I proceed from here?” and “How do I feel about it?”
2. Do we have the right to demand an explanation or an apology from Jensen? Absolutely no.
3. Do we have the right to throw vile words at/abuse the people involved? Hell no.
I would like to look at the whole thing in perspective. This has affected many of us and perhaps woken us up with a hard slap of reality.
For all of the 15 years, we’ve been fed with the “happy couple” image and for us, maybe the boys became the image of the “perfect couple with no issues” and when there was a very public spat between the two, there was a serious damage to our perception. This is where people didn’t know how to react. Many spoke out their emotions clearly, many were sad, confused and scared and many decided to be bitter. Few decided to leave I have no problem with it, I don’t judge, as I said earlier everyone has their own coping mechanism.
I feel like the issue is, as fans we are here to celebrate and have fun and not become entitled to know the truth or demand answers from the celebrities. Sometimes we forget entitlement is a delusion based on self centeredness. The demand to know what happened or the demand for Jensen to apologize in a particular manner cannot be the way we deal with the situation.
We need to consider the fact that the people we idealize, in this case J2, are also that - “people” or “Humans” to be more precise. Humans make mistakes. Just like we do in our everyday life. the problem with celebrities is, anything they do feels like “more than life” size. Even a small compliment makes us go “aww” and a disagreement/misunderstanding makes us go “Omg! They’re enemies.” It’s normal reaction because we hold them in the highest regard like “celebs/fan favs can do no wrong.” So, when this happened with J2 everyone had a reaction like this was the end or it has ruined it for me, or I’m done with this fandom. There were also a few reactions like anger and entitled demands. I always say false sense of entitlement always brings you doom rather than happiness.
The fact remains, Jensen disappointed all of us. A huge blow was dealt to the “happy couple” image and we all were left floundering. I was observing the reactions and I suddenly realized I’m far too much invested into the lives of two actors whose lives are already complicated. I mean, after the entire chaos, I too felt sad, angry and disappointed. It was upsetting me more that it should. Fandom is a space where I come to escape from real life. But if Fandom starts affecting my real life so bad as to make me upset, I felt like there’s something wrong. It shouldn’t be the reverse of what I would rather have the fandom to be, which is a happy place or the place where I go too relive my stress. And if the apparent relationship status of two actors affects me this much, it’s time to take a step back, evaluate and then proceed.
the other day, I was reading a twitter thread full of theories and according to the fans who was right and who was wrong and etc, etc, etc. I found, it shouldn’t matter to me to judge who was right and who was wrong. I’m in no position to judge who felt what, because in no way am I the party involved in the conflict. It’s a conflict between J2, who had some issues obviously and they manages to talk about it and even let us know that they are good. Now, I personally, felt like if the J’s claim they’re alright, then why should I doubt or even theorize about how their friendship has taken a toll. If someone tells me they’re fine, I usually believe them to be fine, unless I see something contrary to the fact. In this case, either of the J’s didn’t comment further on the matter and just as I was watching everyone calm down, other elements decided to jump into the muddy waters and splatter it everywhere.
The interesting thing about Kripke’s tweet was “assumption.” This word “assumption” is a very interesting word and has the capacity to blow up even the most calming waters. So, Kripke assumed, and then based on Kripke’s assumption, everyone else assumed. I’m just pointing out what happened, in no way am I justifying any of the J’s behavior. Just a thought. So assuming Kripke was right we assumed Jensen deliberately kept Jared out of the project and the issue escalated even more. Everyone was jumping the gun and then as miraculously Kripke has tweeted, he also deleted those tweets. Then came the damage control.
When Jensen and Jared had tweeted about the “truce” I thought the matter was supposed to be put to rest. Perhaps Kripke deleting the tweets and then Jensen going back to promoting his prequel was their way of brushing off the conflict and focusing more on what was more important to them: The Winchesters prequel. Another theory to add to the already existing million ones..lol.
Does this mean we should be hateful and abusive towards Jensen? No.
Our feelings of disappointment are valid but it doesn’t mean I have aright to be abusive at Jensen. No matter how he acted nothing gives me the right to throw abuse at anyone unless I’m the one who’s directly involved in the conflict. They way I see it, as a fan, I was hurt and caught off guard but I am in no position to judge either Jensen or Jared, especially when they say they’re alright. I decide to trust them. I choose to trust them, just I chose to decide they were the made for each other friends in the past.
There’s this another saying that I remember “To Err is human, to forgive is Divine.” It’s not as if either of the J’s have been flawless as a person. Everyone has some shortcomings and so do they. As a fan, I need to find the same level of “acceptance” that I do when I’m in the similar situation in real life. As a fan I need to accept that Jared and Jensen too are going to have some issues going ahead in life. Just because they are actors doesn’t mean there won’t be miscommunication or misunderstanding. They’re not perfect. They are bound to make mistakes. Just think that because this was a very public fallout, we came to know about the disagreement, try to think that in past 15 years how many times did the J’s had these disagreements and had to deal with them without telling us? No matter how huge fan you are, no one can ever claim that they now what goes behind the scenes in the celeb’s lives and same goes with J2.
We know what kinda place Hollywood is, and the J2 tinhats already have theories about bearding and stuff, and yet the J’s have remained positive throughout. There must have been contracts and papers and the “powers that be” who are involved in regulating their lives. It’s one of the many countless possibilities. We don’t know many things about their lives (even we’d like to claim otherwise). The information we get is just a 0.01% of what actually is happening. All we do is “assume” on the basis of their SM interaction or the way J2 appear in public. It’s all imagery.
They’ve been a source for inspiration for many. So, a public fallout doesn’t mean we should overlook the past. But we choose to look at it in a way that is suitable to us. Again, there’s nothing wrong with that. If some of us feel like siding with Jared, it’s all good and if some of us feel like siding with Jensen, it’s all good. It’s their personal opinion and no one has the right to judge them or call them out for that.
For me, I’ve come to a conclusion that the secured bubble that I was living in has finally burst and given me a chance to look at things objectively. No matter what happens in future, I’m here to stay as long as I enjoy the fandom. If I let it affect me more than is plausible, perhaps then it’s time for me to rethink about the power I give the Fandom over me. Because it’s my choice. I alone have the choice to either let the negativity affect me or see the positive side. There’s a saying that goes, “You yourself alone are your own enemy and your true friend. The choice is yours.”
If J2 claim to be alright with each other, then I choose to believe them. Reason is simple. Because it helps me find some peace. It helps me cool down my emotions and helps me go back to enjoying the little things in fandom that bring me happiness.
 Don’t get upset with people and solutions because both are powerless without your reactions.
Let the drama continue....
After this, if you fell like unfollowing me, the door is always open.
In the end, whatever happens, happens for good. If it’s meant to be, then I’ll be the happiest and if it’s not, well, it’s beyond my control.
I love them both.
Peace and Love.
- A J2 fan.
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idreamofplaid · 4 years
Married in Austin
Square Filled: Woke Up Married for @spnfluffbingo ; Free Space for @spngenrebingo ; Austin, Texas for @spndeanbingo
Characters: Jensen x Reader; Jared; Kim, Brianna, and Ruth mentioned
Rating: M
Summary: The reader wakes up to find herself living a dream.
Word Count: 4398
A/N: Beta’d by the in all ways wonderful @dean-winchesters-bacon . Thank you Kat! This is Part I of three parts.
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It was the biggest diamond ring you’d ever seen in person that wasn’t inside a case in a jewelry store, and it was sitting on your finger. If that wasn’t enough to have your heart pounding nearly out of your chest, there was a gold band sitting next to it. You stared at the two rings, couldn’t tear your eyes from them. They were gorgeous, exactly what you would have wanted. You just wished you knew how they got there.
You pulled the gray down filled comforter covering Jensen’s California King sized bed around your naked body. It didn’t surprise you that you’d spent the night; you had been spending a lot of nights at Jensen’s house lately. You remembered the party. You had planned it with him, looked forward to it for weeks. It was your big debut in his world in a way. You had met some of his friends from Supernatural due to the conventions you’d been to over the months you’d been together. The plan had been to invite all his friends from the show as well as his local Austin friends that he knew from his brewery business, his involvement in local music festivals, and even some he’d known since high school.
You remembered Jensen playing the guitar, and you remembered him singing to you. It was a song from his latest album, a song he had written for you. Since Supernatural had wrapped, he’d devoted his time to music and directing. So far he had enjoyed his time away from being in front of the camera. That would be changing soon when the announcement came about a new project he had in the works with Kripke that would push him back into the bright lights. For the time being, it had given your relationship time to develop without the pressure of so much publicity. 
The memory of his voice from last night, the way he sang to you, the way he could make you feel like the only person in a room calmed you a little. It always did when you could feel the anxiety bubbling up inside you. When you actually heard his voice calling your name, it had the opposite effect for once. “Y/N, babe are you up?”
When Jensen came through the door, he was breathtaking just like he always was in your opinion. He was wearing one of those Henleys that Dean had so rarely worn, much to the chagrin of many fans. It clearly defined the muscles in his shoulders, chest, and arms. Your eyes were fixed on him while he walked across the room and sat down next to you, leaning in for a kiss. “How’s my beautiful wife this morning?”
You were still holding the comforter next to you like he’d never seen you naked before. He looked at your hands clutching the covers to your body and back to your face. “Y/N, is everything okay? What is it, baby?”
You feebly held up your hand with the new rings on it. Then your eyes landed on Jensen’s hand. There was a thick gold band there too. You picked up his hand and ran your fingers over his ring. “Jensen, are we...did we...get married?” You felt stupid asking because all the evidence was there.
Jensen was silent, then finally asked, “You don’t remember?”
You let go of his hand and sat back, shaking your head. “I remember you singing.” Your eyes were wide, searching Jensen’s. “We had a wedding?”
Jensen took your hands in his and started to rub his thumb over your knuckles.”We had a party; our friends were here, and I proposed to you.”
You started to shake your head harder. “I don’t��”
Jensen stopped moving his thumb. “You had two drinks last night. That’s it. That’s never made you drunk before, especially not so drunk that you don’t remember anything.”
You brought your newly wedded, ring laden finger to your mouth and started to nibble at your fingertip. “I took one of my anxiety pills last night because I was nervous about making a good impression for your friends. It must have interacted with the alcohol.” You looked around the room, over the bed and back to him. “I don’t remember you proposing to me. You proposed to me, and we got married the same night? How? I don’t remember any of it.” Your eyes started to fill with tears.
Jensen took you into his arms, turned so his back was against the headboard, and settled your head on his shoulder. “Shh, baby. We don’t have to stay married if you don’t want to. You were so happy; I thought it was what you wanted too. I didn’t know how out of it you were; I should have. I’m sorry.”
You raised your head quickly.  “Please don’t say you’re sorry. I do want to be married to you. I just want to know how it happened.”
Jensen guided your head back down to his shoulder. “I’ll tell you. I’ll tell you all of it.” He stroked your hair and told you, “Breathe with me, okay?” You adjusted your breathing to the steady rhythm of his, and it calmed you.
Jensen held your head in his hand and started to tell the story. “I had planned this big, surprise proposal for you. Jared has been listening to me go on about it for weeks now.” Jensen chuckled and kissed your temple then went on. “I told you I had gotten you an early birthday present, and I gave you the envelope. You were so excited when you opened it and saw the plane tickets.”
You raised your head again. “You got me plane tickets? A trip?”
“Yeah. It was going to be a destination wedding. I had the ring in my pocket. It was in one of those fancy little boxes. I got down on one knee, opened it up and asked you to marry me.” Jensen laughed. “You dropped the tickets and started crying right there. After I put the ring on your finger, I stood up and held you until you stopped crying.” He ran his fingers through your hair. “You also did maybe say you love me once or twice.”
You whispered, “I wish I remembered.” Then your voice got even quieter. “I don’t even remember marrying you. How did it happen?”
“I was still holding you, even after your tears went away. I think we started swaying in each other’s arms; I just didn’t want to let you go,” he sighed, and it was a contented sound. “Rob started playing some music, and we started dancing. After a couple of minutes, I don’t know who it was, Briana maybe. Someone said, ‘Why are you waiting? Why don’t you get married now?’”
He rested his chin on top of your head and continued with the story. “We looked at each other, and I saw it in your eyes. We were thinking the same thing. That the destination wedding I had planned would be a great honeymoon. My friend Eric is a judge here in Austin. I’ve known him since high school, and he agreed to marry us.”
You tilted your head up to look at him. “What was the ceremony like?”
Jensen rubbed his hand soothingly down your back. “Tell you what. You want to take a little nap with me, then we’ll watch it together? Jared filmed the whole thing on his phone. I’ll ask him to send it to me. We can have our own private ceremony right here.”
Jensen knew how to bring you back from the edge of a downward spiral. Maybe it came from years of helping his best friend deal with depression and anxiety; he invariably knew how to make you feel better, no matter the circumstances. It also had a lot to do with how attentive he was with you; Jensen noticed everything.
You nodded against his shoulder. “Yeah. I want to see it with you.”
Jensen tipped your chin up with his finger so you were looking at him. “Rest first.” Then, he placed a gentle kiss on your lips.
Reluctantly, you pulled yourself away from the snug place he had created for you, cuddled next to him. “I’ll be right back.” You stopped on your way to the bathroom to grab a tank top and some panties from the drawer that was “yours” at his house. You stood staring at them in your hands for a couple of seconds because it hit you that all the drawers were yours now.
When you returned, Jensen was stripped down to his underwear. He was wearing black boxer briefs that you loved to see on him, no doubt he remembered that too. The covers were thrown back, and he was waiting for you to join him. You crawled in beside him;  he settled the bedding over you and opened his arms, beckoning you to him. You took your place, curling into his side, your head on his chest.
You opened your eyes a couple of hours later and had a momentary surge of panic when Jensen wasn’t next to you, until he opened the door carrying a champagne flute filled with what looked like strawberry yogurt. He handed it to you with a smile. “Just like a fancy hotel.” With his other hand, he brought a spoon from behind his back with a flourish. He dipped it into the yogurt and brought the spoon to your mouth. You opened your mouth so Jensen could feed you. It was, indeed, strawberry. You let the sweet, tangy taste cover your tongue, and Jensen stuck the spoon into the remaining yogurt. “Breakfast first, then we watch our wedding together.”
You couldn’t resist feeding Jensen a couple of spoonfuls of your yogurt, joking with him that he needed breakfast too. Really, you wanted the intimacy and simplicity of the moment. When the last bite was gone, Jensen put the glass and spoon on the bedside table and picked up his phone. He moved his fingers over the screen. When he found what he was looking for, he asked, “Are you ready?”
You looked at him for the longest time, not answering. The first thing you said wasn’t an answer, but instead, “Kiss me, Jensen.” He closed his eyes as his face moved in closer to yours, and when your lips met; your eyes were closed too. You were completely focused on his kiss, lost in it. He could ground your world; Jensen was your world.
When he broke the kiss, his fingers were lightly stroking your cheek. “I love you, Y/N.”
You slowly opened your eyes. “I love you too. I’m ready now.”
The two of you snuggled under the covers together and propped yourselves up against a massive number of pillows on the bed. Jensen held up the phone so you could watch last night’s events together. The first thing you saw was Jensen waving his hand at the camera. “C’mon, Jay. Get that thing out of my face. I’m nervous enough already.”
Jared’s voice answered. “This is for history. It’s the story of you and Y/N.” He centered the camera on Jensen’s face again. “Tell her what you’re thinking right now, but remember your kids will watch this one day.”
For a second, it looked like Jensen was going to fire back with some smart remark, but he stopped. His mouth softened first, his lips coming together, then his eyes filled with that far away look he got when he was withdrawing into the deepest part of himself where he kept his most private and treasured feelings. “Y/N, I love you. You’ve made me happy again, and I am so scared right now. Scared that I won’t be able to give you that kind of happiness back.” Jensen was silent for a minute, then he waved his hand good naturedly at Jared with a smile. “Now, get that thing away from me.”
You brushed tears from your eyes, and Jensen pressed pause so he could do it for you. “Hey, honey, it’s okay.”
“You were scared? Of not making me happy?” His thumb was still resting lightly on your cheekbone, and you put your hand over his. “You do. You make me happier than I’ve ever been.”
His eyes were a warm, deep crystal jade, and they were filled with more love than you had ever hoped to see returned to you. “I come with a lot of strings attached, strings that can be really hard to deal with.”
“So do I, Jensen, and you’re still here.” He smiled, kissed you, and pressed play again.
The next scene was near the pool where the caterers had set up tables laden with party finger foods as well as heartier fare. This was Texas, so brisket was a must at a gathering like this. Large potted plants and strings of twinkle lights had been added to the already gorgeous and immaculate landscaping.
All the new friends you’d made since you’d been with Jensen were gathered around, and he was sitting on a stool with his guitar propped on his thigh. You were standing beside him, and he was singing “The Man I’m Meant to Be”. It was the song he had written for you. 
This was the part of the night you remembered. He looked at you as he sang the last line. You are the one who changed me. He played the last chords to loud applause, and when he got up, put the guitar down, and kissed you; the applause got even louder. 
Jensen stood holding your arms and looking deeply into your eyes for a couple of seconds before he lowered himself down to one knee. He took that box he’d told you about from his pocket, looked up at you, and slowly opened it. “Y/N, it’s just like I said in the song. You’ve changed my life; you’ve changed me, made me better than who I was before I met you. I hope I can give you back just part of that and make you happy for the rest of your life. Would you let me try? Will you marry me?”
Your hands were cupped over your mouth and nose as you listened to him, your breath coming in deep gasps. Finally, you reached out to him, one hand still covering your face. He took your hand in his, still holding up the ring box in his other. “Jensen, I...I...Yes, I want to marry you.” He let go of your hand so he could take the ring from the box and slip it onto your finger. Then he stood and circled his arms around you, making the two of you an island in this group of people. 
You wished you could remember how that had felt. 
The video kept playing, and you heard the voice Jensen had mentioned. It sounded more like Kim to you than Briana, but the words clearly were, “Why don’t you just get married now?” 
You saw the way you and Jensen stopped and looked at each other. It was just like something out of a movie. The way he looked at you was making you feel butterflies gently stirring in your stomach right now. “What do you think? I can’t imagine anything better than not spending another day without you as my wife.”
You nodded and answered, “Let’s do it.” The smile on your face was so radiant, you almost didn’t recognize yourself. 
In the next scene, you were standing with Jensen in front of a man who must be his high school friend Eric, the judge. Jared was at Jensen’s side so it was unclear who was doing the filming now. Ruth had taken the place next to you to serve as your maid of honor. She had been so warm and welcoming to you when you had first shown up on the set of Supernatural in its last year. You’d quickly formed a friendship, and you couldn’t help but notice the subtle flirting that was going on between her and Jared, so this was probably also your way of giving them a nudge. 
There was no rehearsal, no weeks of shopping for the perfect dress, picking out the flowers that expressed just the right sentiment, choosing colors, selecting a menu, planning a guest list. Your wedding dress was the dress you’d chosen for the party. It was a blue, off the shoulder style with loose sleeves that fell just beneath your elbows trimmed in a wide ruffle. It made you think of the poem your grandmother used to tell you when you were a little girl. Married in blue, your love is true. Jensen’s shirt was blue too, such a deep navy it was almost black. It was one of your favorite colors on him, and he looked absolutely breathtaking. 
There had been no time to learn the traditional vows, not that you and Jensen would have said them anyway. There wasn’t much time to even think about writing your own, so everything you said to each other came from the heart. Jensen talked about the way you inspired him to always be better because that was what he saw in you, beauty that radiated from the inside, grace, kindness, and hope. He talked about how much you had given him, how much you brought to his life and made it richer.
The things he’d said to you were so beautiful. How could you have said anything that compared to that? What if you had said was unremarkable, ordinary? You moved in closer to him, and Jensen tightened his arm around you. Your hands were in his, and your voice sounded strong and sure when you started to talk. “Jensen, you are more than anything I ever dreamed of. You are incredible in every way. Talented, thoughtful, intelligent, handsome, and bigger than life. You’ve given a part of yourself to so many people, encouraged them, made them laugh, made them believe in themselves. You’ve changed more people than you even realize, but you are still so humble. I can’t quite comprehend you; you are that amazing and rare, but I do know how much I love you. I’ll be the best wife I can be for you. I promise.”
You finished talking, and Jensen leaned down to kiss your cheek. Then you put rings on each other as an outward symbol of your bond. Jensen had bought yours with your engagement ring as a set. That much was obvious when you looked down at your hand, but when Ruth gave you the ring for Jensen; you had no idea where it came from. You hadn’t bought him a ring. You turned to him, and he stopped the video. “Jensen, where did I get your ring?”
Jensen looked down at his hand and chuckled. “Jared had it. I mean he was still wearing it because he forgot to take it off after filming that day. Thank God, Walker is a grief stricken widower who refuses to stop wearing his wedding ring. I told him he’s not getting it back.”
Jensen’s ring was a prop. “Is it real? I mean is it actual gold?”
“I seriously doubt it; props usually aren’t that valuable. Could be though. Real stuff lasts longer.” He noticed you nibbling at your bottom lip. “Hey, it’s perfect. It tells the world I’m yours. You can get me whatever kind of ring you want, but for right now I’m wearing this one so everyone knows I’m your husband.”
“I want you to have something real. You should have a real ring.” 
He kissed you gently, just barely pushing his tongue into your mouth and letting it circle yours softly. “I have you.”
The rest of the video showed your first kiss as a married couple, the presentation of Jensen and Y/N Ackles to your assembled friends, and your first dance as husband and wife. There wasn’t a cake, so you fed each other chocolate covered strawberries. Your bouquet consisted of a floral arrangement taken from one the vases with the sash from Felicia’s dress tied around it. Your aim was good, and Ruth caught your bouquet just as you intended. That was the last of the video, and Jensen turned it off.
He put the phone on the table and turned to you to take you full into his arms. He kissed your mouth first and then left a long line of kisses along your jaw up to ear. He gently nibbled at the lobe. “Do you feel married now?”
“Jensen, what about last night? We made love, didn’t we?” He let go of your ear and sighed. “Tell me.”
“Yes, we did.” He threaded his fingers through yours to hold your hand. “It was amazing, everything it should be. Except that you don’t remember it.” He brought your hand to his lips and kissed it. I’ll make it up to you.” He shook his head. I should have known. I should have known something was off with you.”
“Don’t say that.” You ran the back of your hand along his jaw that was beginning to show the first signs of a shadow of scruff. “I wouldn’t change anything because then we wouldn’t be married right now.” Jensen examined your eyes for evidence of truth. He was satisfied with what he saw there because he smiled. “I do remember flashes of being here with you, in this bed.” The reality of the situation settled over your again, and you changed your wording. “Our bed.” 
You slid down under the sheets and tugged gently on his hand so he’d join you. “I remember you kissing me, and feeling safe. You were on top of me, and I can remember feeling wanted, loved, and safe.” He was on his side looking at you and listening to every word intently. “Jensen, I know everybody makes a big deal out of the wedding night, but could we have a wedding morning?”
He raised up and positioned himself over you, his face just inches from yours. “You can have anything you want, Mrs. Ackles.” He lowered himself that last short distance to your mouth. Your lips parted for him, and his tongue slowly explored your mouth. You circled one arm around his neck, fingers reaching up to feel the hair just above the nape of his neck. He was in no hurry, like you had forever. Jensen kissed you until your lips were pink and a little swollen from his attention.
Your lips weren’t the only ones that bore the evidence of your kissing. His lips were even fuller, even more enticing than they usually were. You lightly touched his bottom one, running your fingertip across it. “I want you, Jensen. Show me everything you did last night.” 
He caressed your body, worshipped it. He kissed all the places that made you shiver and tingle, tasted you, watched you come undone, sighed and groaned at the feel of your mouth on him, filled you, and made you cry out for more. 
Jensen. It was the only thought your mind was capable of having.
He held you in his arms after he had thoroughly loved you. His kisses were soft on your temple and your cheek. He whispered all the words in your ear that a bride should hear. He told you how beautiful you were, how much he loved you. Jensen told you he would always take care of you, and he told you he had never been so happy. He talked about the future you would have together. 
It was after he made a comment about wanting to know every single one of your dreams that you asked him if you could see the plane tickets. He knew traveling and seeing the world was one of your dreams. Jensen opened the drawer in the table on his side of the bed and pulled them out. He handed them down to you, and you glanced down to read the destination. Florence. He was taking you to Italy. “Oh, Jensen.” 
A smile crossed his face as he watched your reaction. “Will you marry me again there? You can have any kind of wedding you want, a wedding you’ll remember for the rest of your life.”
“You are perfect, Jensen Ackles, you know that?” His hair was a little longer on top now that he wasn’t Dean, and you ran your fingers through it. “I would love to do that.” You let yourself enjoy this moment in your husband’s arms, imagining the life you would have together. The sheer depth of the hope and possibility you were feeling could only be diminished by one thing, and that thing reared its ugly head. 
You had to let your family know you were married. Considering your mother’s reaction when she first found out you were dating Jensen that wasn’t something you were looking forward to doing. You could hear her words in your head now when you had shared your excitement about your new relationship with her. “Y/N, what are you thinking? Are you ready to be dragged through the tabloids?” It didn’t matter to her when you tried to explain that Jensen stayed out of the tabloids.
Her next attack had been about his past and how you could never be compatible with him. “You’re only twenty-nine years old, Y/N. He’s just playing with you. He’s at a totally different place in his life. He has an ex wife, don’t even get me started with all the problems that could cause, and three children. Do you actually think he’ll want more?” You’d listened, not even defending yourself, just like you had when you were a little girl. Saying you had a complicated relationship with your mother would be a polite understatement.
Jensen noticed the change in your mood. “What is it, sweetheart?” 
“Nothing. I’m just going to have to tell my family about this, about us being married, and I’m not looking forward to it, especially the conversation with my mom.” You refused to let her invade this most private space between the two of you. You’d deal with the family drama later. Right now you were going to enjoy the love this incredible man had brought into your life. 
Everything: @gambitwinchester @princessmisery666 @onethirstyunicorn @peridottea91 @logical-princey @emilyshurley @beenlovingromansincedayoneish @fangirlxwritesx67 @waywardbaby @atc74 @ledzeppelinsbonzo @shaniquacynthia @mariekoukie6661 @tumbler-tidbits @67-chevy-baby @fandom-princess-forevermore @terrarium-jpeg @emoryhemsworth @crashdevlin @heycasbutt @jules-1999 @mrsdeannafuckingwinchester @cosicas-cuquis @sammyimpala-67 @queenoftheunderdark @dean-winchesters-bacon @mrs-meghan-winchester @timelordy-fangirl2 @sweetness47 @hobby27 @awesomesusiebstuff @kickingitwithkirk @becs-bunker @sandlee44 @supernaturalgrandma @lonewolf471 @sea040561 @dawnie1988 @volleyballer519 @outcastedangel @kdfrqqg @lizette50 @daisymoder72 @sorenmarie87 @winchesterxfamilybusiness @deansotherotherblog 
Dean/Jensen: @deansyahtzee @flamencodiva @deanwinchesterswitch @feelmyroarrrr @sammit-janet​ @focusonspn​ @akshi8278​ @ladywinchester1967​ @sgarrett49​ @wingedcatninja​ @coffee-obsessed-writer​ @adoptdontshoppets​ @ellewritesfix05​ 
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