#but i was freaking out in my dream because i suddenly woke up and i had no idea what was going on
cryptoseraphim · 2 years
Had a dream and now I am very... Very depressed
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httpsserene · 5 days
Speaking of Mr. Daniel, we all know that he injured himself a while ago. How about the reader faking an orgasm because she doesn’t want to tire or injure him? Daniel frowns immediately upon noticing, but the nurse kicks you out because it’s past hours, and he's longing for the reader. He tries to grab the reader to come back but winces in pain, proving the reader's point. Your pleasure is extremely important to him so he’ll stop functioning if you said otherwise.
𝖍𝖙𝖙𝖕𝖘𝖘𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖊'𝖘 2𝕶 𝕾𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖑 | 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕯𝖆𝖓𝖎𝖊𝖑 𝕽𝖎𝖈𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖗𝖉𝖔 𝕰𝖉𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓
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𝐄𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐝𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞: 𝐆𝐚𝐬𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭, 𝐆𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐤𝐞𝐞𝐩, 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐛𝐨𝐬𝐬
Summary: When Daniel isn’t feeling well, it’s no hardship for her to take of him. Except this time, he broke his hand and is proceeding to be an absolute nightmare to take care of. They haven’t had sex since before the accident in Zandvoort because she’s afraid that somehow she’ll end up aggravating his injury. Daniel, however, has convinced himself that he only exists to bring her pleasure. So, she comes up with a plan to soothe his service dom tendencies. Enter, Operation Fake Orgasm. How hard can it be? Spoiler alert: she’s a terrible actress. Pairing: daniel ricciardo x fem!black-coded!reader(her skintone isn't referenced but she has braids.) Content Warning: 18+ only. mdni. explicit sexual content. orgasm/delay denial. hurt/comfort. caretaking. servicedom!daniel. discussion of pain medication, injuries, and hospitals. dom/sub undertones. sub/shy!reader. praise kink mentioned. sensual beard shaving (it's hot). wet dreams. somnophilia. safe, sane, and consensual. oral sex (m and f receiving). vaginal sex. fake orgasm. mentioned multiple orgasms. Word Count: 3.6k words
Author's Notes: if the tags scare you, i promise it's not that bad!
secondly, thank you for the patience concerning the delay. my sister is doing a lot better now! she had an allergic reaction to pollen; she inhaled so much that her lungs freaked the fuck out on her, and i was in the hospital from 9am-9pm all day. finally got back home so i'm posting it, way late, but at least it's on the same day.
to make up for it, even though my lil sis was nearly taken out by the environment (i'm joking i love her i'm just being a big sister rn), i am releasing episode four on friday! and episode five on either tuesday or wednesday next week!
i hope you all like this episode xxx
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The sound of bedsheets ruffling contrasts with the monotonous beeps of the heart monitor filling the sterile hospital room; the noise is more than enough to have you snapping your head away from your phone to look at your boyfriend. Daniel’s awake and he meets your eyes with a soft groan. You coo at him softly, squeezing his hand gently as he reorients himself.
“What time ‘st?” Daniel croaks out. You cringe at the sound of his dry speech and quickly hand him the glass of water resting at his bedside.
“It’s getting late, baby,” you hum, not failing to notice the slight wince he does when his cast knocks against the bed rail, “I sent Michael back to the hotel not too long ago, around 7. Charles, Lando, Max, and Oscar came and kept me company while you were in surgery. Oscar, I think, was pretty shaken up still—to me, I could tell he felt a little guilty that you’re here with a broken hand and he’s as right rain—so, maybe when you’re more clear-headed you can reach out to him. Yuki and Michael were here the first time you woke up. Still, you were so high on your pain medication cocktail, that I think you were hearing colors and seeing sounds,” you break from your ramble, suddenly standing and reaching over the bed to press the call button, remembering the nurse told you to alert her as soon as he woke again.
“Yes?” Daniel offers, unsure of how to respond to the edge in your tone, “I’m feeling better by the way—.”
A hysterical giggle slips from your lips, and you can see the regret wash over his face when you meet his eyes with a crazed look, “Forgive me, for not asking how you were feeling right away Daniel. It’s almost like, my brain isn’t working properly because I’m fucking worried about you. Yeah? I watched you crash into the barriers, and I heard you in pain—I called everyone on your team to get updates and nobody answered! So, I got on the next flight to Zandvoort after Michael finally texted me with updates, with no luggage, just my phone and a change of clothes—so forgive me, for not checking in on you right away, after you didn’t call me once,” you blink rapidly and Daniel softens, clearly it was a terrible time to deflect with humor, he just hates to see you worry about him, that’s why he avoided calling. He’s usually the one taking care of you.
“A-are you feeling better, though?” you ask shakily, deflating quickly at the sight of his warm brown eyes, “You’re going to set off every metal detector for the foreseeable future.”
“It’s like a 6 out 10 on the pain scale—”
“That’s what I’m here for,” the nurse interrupts in accented English, smiling at the two of you briefly before she moves to Daniel’s side and catching him up on the outcome of the surgery and discussing pain medication. 
“Visiting hours ended an hour ago,” the nurse speaks to you directly, “Did nobody come to escort you out?”
You shake your head in surprise, the time on your phone reads 9 PM—you have no recollection of time passing that quickly since Michael left. Gathering your few belongings, you lean down to kiss Daniel gently, “Be good for the doctors and nurses, Danny. I’ll be back in the morning, okay?”
“No, what—she can’t stay?” Daniel begs the nurse, and she frowns at him apologetically.
Ruffling his hair, you continue, “It’s not her fault—she’s just doing her job. And, we’re besties now,” Daniel stares at you confused, “She’s been coming to check up on me the entire time you decided to cosplay Sleeping Beauty so if you decide to be difficult overnight, she will not hesitate to snitch on you to me. Understand?”
Daniel swallows before nodding jerkily, “Can I have another kiss?”
It’s an easy ask for you to fulfill; but as your lips barely brush his, Daniel hisses out in pain. He tried to use his left hand to pull you closer to him, obviously aggravating the injury. You exclaim worriedly and he tries to pretend that the flare of pain wasn’t that severe. But, as the nurse reassures you that the pain meds will kick in and he’ll go right to sleep, you’ve already decided: that hand will never be in a situation that causes Daniel unnecessary pain again. 
You tell Daniel that same sentence on the flight back to Monaco. He assumed that meant you’d force him to wear a sling or have it constantly cushioned and elevated (which you did anyway). However, he should’ve asked you to elaborate because he was completely blindsided to learn that you really meant all situations. 
You may have gone overboard the first week. You’re well aware that his hand is the only broken thing on his body, but you pamper him as if he’s bedridden with the most severe flu seen in the last century. You cook and order him hearty meals, you have alarms set for when he needs to take his medication, you shower with him to make sure he doesn’t wet his cast—where nothing sexual happens, you killed the vibe the first time he insinuated shower sex in conversation, mentioning the statistics of shower-related deaths—you quickly fulfill all of his requests, even if it’s sitting through a movie you find tasteless; yet, you refuse to fulfill one: sex. 
The doctor pulled you aside while Daniel was getting dressed to be discharged and told you to make sure he’s very careful with his arm, slow and controlled movements only, nothing abrupt. 
And, if there’s one word to describe Daniel during sex, it would probably be abrupt. 
He can’t keep his hands off of you when he’s uninjured. From your first time with Daniel, he showed and proved just how much your pleasure is important to him—he made sure that you understood that he lives and breathes to make you satisfied. But, you also know that he’d ignore his pain if it meant he was making you feel good; and, that’s not something you can risk, not with an injury that could affect his career if it doesn’t heal properly. 
You’ve reiterated that to him multiple times when Daniel tries to deepen kisses, hoping you’ll forget about your stupid sex ban and let him make you feel good. He’s not used to going this long without making sure you’re sexually satisfied. You don’t even allow him to guide you through masturbation, because you know you won’t be satisfied with it even if you get off—it’ll only lead to you falling into his lap begging for more. 
On the eighth day, you’re sitting in Daniel’s lap on the couch, rubbing ointment into the bruises left by the seatbelts of the car. You thought he was focused on watching the entire Dutch Grand Prix he missed out on, not thinking much of how he’s toying with the length of your braids with his uninjured hand. 
You think nothing of the soft sighs, moans, and groans he’s letting out of his mouth as you lightly massage him. All of these noises are common reactions to a sensation that feels good. It sucks that they happen to sound very similar to the moans Daniel makes when he initially fucks into you. You’re just a girl with needs that Daniel never fails to take care of; you’re not used to this, for the same reason Daniel can’t understand why you won’t let him get you off. 
Then, Daniel gasps out a soft ‘fuck’ that has no reason to be sounding that lustful and you start to squirm in his lap. You mindlessly continue to massage him, not exactly proud of the way you continue to strain your ears to hear his noises—and on one particular shift of your hips, you brush across his hard-on that wasn’t there a few minutes ago, and automatically fly off his lap.
In the frantic movement, Daniel tried to use both of his hands to keep you in his lap, irritating his broken hand. You flutter around him worriedly, your words a mix of chastising and displeasure. You don’t hesitate to say that this is exactly why the sex ban is in place (Daniel pleaded that it was a fluke, but you’re not eager to put that to the test).
Three days pass before Daniel deems you relaxed enough to have another attempt at seducing you into an orgasm or two. He approached you in the evening after you had watched him like a hawk as he took his pain medication. He wants you to shave his beard. It’s grown out some since he hasn’t shaved in a week or so. You’re not a professional beard shaver or anything, but you can imagine it’s difficult to shave your face with one hand. And of course, you’d jump at any opportunity to help out your boyfriend and allow him to relax and look pretty. After an unnecessarily long tutorial, Daniel pretends to have 100% faith in your skills and lets you take the first swipe across his cheek. You painstakingly use slow movements and light pressure, not forgetting to pull his skin tight with your other hand and clean the razor off with every stroke. You feel him tense underneath you as you ready to attempt shaving along his jawline. 
Pulling back at the last second, you make to smack his shoulder before hesitating and pinching him instead (it’s his left arm, you don’t want to jostle his cast resting on the bathroom vanity), ignoring his yelp you nag him, “Well, don’t act like I’m about to gouge your throat out or anything! I can feel you freeze up underneath me—it’s not like I want to cut you. I already have to stare at your ugly face every day, I don’t want to make it worse.”
Daniel pretends to be offended at your attack and the two of you bicker back and forth before settling down. The fake roast session calmed Daniel enough that when you brought the razor to his jaw, he remained relaxed. 
You smoothly shave the small area of skin and turn to clean the razor when Daniel speaks softly, “You’re so good,” a slight pause follows, “at this.” 
The praise tingles down your spine and you think nothing of it. Except, it continues. With nearly every swipe along his jaw, he continues to murmur praise with lidded eyes and an alluring tone. Whispers along the lines of ‘good girl,’ ‘just like that,’ ‘you’re so sweet to me,’ and paired with his stare dancing across your face, you dread the moment you finish shaving him. As your razor ventures down his throat, the air grows thick with intimacy. It’s the result of your boyfriend trusting you to repeatedly brush a blade along his throat and your unfortunate kink for praise and acts of service. With the last brush of the razor, you gently set it down on the vanity, exchanging it for cloth you wet with hot water. Ringing it out thoroughly, you gently begin to wipe Daniel’s face avoiding eye contact. When you swipe around his lips, you get distracted by their flushed color, a result of when Daniel bit his lip to make the skin underneath taut for you to shave. His tongue slips out to wet them and you can’t help but smash your lips to his.
It feels euphoric. You’re kissing him frantically, moaning into his mouth without inhibition, and you can feel him laugh as he struggles to match your desperate pace. His hand squeezes at your waist, anchoring you yet furthering your desperation at the strong grip as you try to climb him like a tree, tugging at his hair, shirt, pants, anything you can reach. At this point, Daniel would’ve had a hand in your hair, tugging at your scalp sharply a couple of times to rein you in and move you to his rhythm. You’re a little lost at the missing sensation and you pull away to pout at Daniel like you always do when he spends too much time teasing you.
It takes one look at his blown pupils, smug smile, and heaving chest before it jogs your memory. You step backward quickly to put space between you guys, raising a hand when you see him open his mouth, knowing he’s only going to convince you to get naked for him.
“I’m going to bed,” you state with a pointed finger, “You, are going to get in the shower, with cold water, and think about what you did wrong. And! You will not wake me up for sex.”
Daniel’s face falls, and you can tell he expected you to break, “Wait—you don’t let me shower by myself, what if I fall?”
You turn and leave the room, “It would be divine intervention. Karma, for trying to get me to break my rule.”
Daniel doesn’t wake you when he slips into bed, but you lose the benefit of going to sleep early when you jolt awake before sunrise. Your mouth is dry and your panties are embarrassingly wet. You can’t recall a single detail of your dream. Still, your legs are trembling at whatever scenario your brain decided to torment you with. 
Fuck it. Or fuck him, literally.
That makes sense. You’re going to ride Daniel, it’s the perfect position to make sure he doesn’t move his arm. You work him up beforehand so hopefully he won’t last as long; Daniel has unparalleled stamina usually, but with you constantly denying him for a while…he may wind up quicker. As soon as he cums, you’ll fake yours as well—because he’s only pleased if you're satisfied, otherwise he’ll attempt a round two. It’s that easy, right? You turn on your side and stare at Daniel, his face relaxed as he sleeps. Your synapses start firing as the plan comes to life. The two of you have discussed somnophilia, more on you as the receiving party. Daniel, of course, offered himself to you on a silver platter—any taste of you using him to get off? That’s always going to be a yes from him. So, yes. It is that easy.
You pull the duvet down to the edge of the bed and quietly shift to hover over Daniel’s thighs, never more thankful that he decided to wear only briefs to bed. And that he’s already half-hard; you’re extremely happy that the two of you don’t have a hand on how creative your dreams can get. He doesn’t shift when you pull his cock from underneath his briefs, carefully dragging them
down just enough to not be a bother. He stays under as you get him hard, it only takes a few strokes and some teasing along a vein on the underside. You rise slightly, sucking on two of your fingers before bringing them to rest along your entrance. It’s an annoying experience, you can’t remember the last time you had to stretch yourself out—Daniel’s spoiled you. The feeling of your fingers inside of you is underwhelming, the slight tinge of pleasure would be multiplied if it were him instead but; this is not for you. You are simply performing tonight.
You slide your fingers out and decide on getting Daniel as close to the edge as you can before he wakes up. You lean down to mouth at the head of his cock, knowing it’s incredibly sensitive and the sensation pushes him to the edge quicker than anything else. It can’t be more than a couple of strained minutes—your eyes and ears peeled to make sure you don’t miss any signs of Daniel starting to awaken. Thankfully, you feel him start to pulse along your tongue, a sure sign that he’s getting there.
You pull off, taking a second to breathe as you rest your head on his hip. With one last reassuring exhale, you move to straddle him, one hand underneath you to guide his length to your pussy. The second his head pops into you, you let out a pitiful whimper, eyelids fluttering shut, and your legs begin trembling again. Another realization hits you as you struggle to silently take all of Daniel.
You can’t recall a single time Daniel had forced you to be quiet. He’s always trying to make you scream his name. If he needs to hide your noises he muffles them with a hand over your mouth or his fingers in your mouth. Naturally, you use his tricks and do the same. With two of your fingers shoved in your mouth, you quiet your sounds as your ass meets your (somehow still) sleeping boyfriend's thighs. It feels like he’s in your throat; you know that no matter how long it takes you to make him cum, you’re going to be aching tomorrow. You begin to grind against him, whimpering softened around your digits. You slowly increase your rhythm up to a bounce, doing your best to squeeze around him—Daniel has mentioned before that he can’t resist cumming when you feel like you're trying to keep him inside of you and never let him pull out.
It must work because suddenly Daniel’s hips rock up into yours, and he’s awake with a singular breathy moan of, “Yes—oh, I thought I was still dreaming.”
You laugh airily, letting your spit-slicken fingers fall from your mouth and drop to press against your clit (you’re not actually, you’ve missed it by a mile but it’s all about convincing Daniel), avoiding meeting his eyes knowing Danny will assume it’s under the pretense of you being shy (once again, yes you are incredibly mortified, but you know he’ll be able to tell that you're faking this in a split second).
“H-how long,” Daniel moans out crackly, his abdomen contracting underneath you, “Have you been at this? ‘Gonna make me cum already.”
You nod frantically, moaning out loudly as if you’re on the edge as well. Daniel gets his feet planted and thrusts up into you forcefully enough that your moans turn real. Throwing your head back so he doesn’t see your face in case it gives you away, you continue to moan out exaggeratedly as you feel him cum inside you, pitching your voice and shuddering as if you released as well.
“What the fuck was that?” Daniel commands quietly.
You slump forward, sliding off his softening length and nuzzling into his neck to pretend like you didn’t hear him and to hide. He lets you avoid answering the first time he asks. He takes his good hand and fists his hand in the braids along the nape of your neck and tightens his grasp enough to get you to gasp.
“Mhm. When you cum, baby,” he starts softly, “That’s the quietest you ever get during sex. Usually, it’s because you choke on your breath, even though I remind you to breathe through it every time. You do this cute little thing where you try to slam your thighs shut around me, it doesn’t matter if it’s my hand, my head, or my hips, you try to crush me. It’s also one of the only times during sex when you make eye contact with me on your own, well depending on what position I have you in. I won’t repeat myself.”
You mumble into his chest fitfully before sitting up, “I didn’t want you to hurt your hand, okay? That’s all. During sex, you can never stop touching me and I was afraid that somehow you’d treat your hand a little too roughly and then, boom, you’ll never drive a Formula One car again—”
“Calm down, babe,” Daniel soothes you, bringing his right hand to massage your hip, “I think you’ve overdramatized my injury in your head a little bit. Firstly, I don’t even care if my hand suddenly fell off—genuinely, never deprive me of making you feel good. That hurts me more than my hand aches. Secondly, this entire time I didn’t even move my left hand off the bed. See?”
You look down at his hand and nod once. This entire time you enforced a needless sex ban when you could’ve been riding a high every day.
“Now, if you could be kind enough to let me restore my ego,” Daniel taps you on the ass so you rise to kneel over him, “C’mere and sit on my face.”
You hesitate, the thought of pretending to deny him crosses your mind, but you already shorted yourself of one orgasm tonight. That’s how you find yourself riding Daniel’s face, embarrassingly almost losing control of your legs at the first knock of his nose against your clit. Your boyfriend has mastered the skill of eating pussy and that’s why you feel no shame in just how quickly a few targeted thrusts of his tongue and the pressure of his nose have you shattering apart above him. And as Daniel said, you do choke on your breath as you climax, your legs tighten around his head as well—and you don’t have the strength to be humiliated at how he knows your body better than yourself.
Daniel guides you off his mouth and lays you down by his side only using the uninjured arm, and the care and strength behind that movement sends you shaking again through the aftershock and come down. 
Daniel coaxes you onto your back and nudges your legs open to slide in between them. He trails the fingers of his right hand across your fluttering folds, before spreading you open with two fingers, enamored at the way your relaxed entrance winks at him. 
“You can give me one or two more right? I think you need a reminder of how much I thrive off of making you feel good, pretty girl. Let’s see how many more I can get out of you before the sunrise.”
taglist: @saintslewis @cherry2stems @lorrari @inloveallthetime @mindless-rock @biancathecool @barnestatic @my-ylenia @katekipshidze @darleneslane @lovingaphroditesworld @smoothopz @vetteltea @tallrock35 @iloveyou3000morgan @smartstupyd @spideybv28 @lh383 @loomiscorpse @hiireadstuff @namgification @gg-trini @whatamidoingwithmylife-ramdom @multi-fandom-rando @sweatrevenge5436-blog @bokutos-babyowl @oliviah-25 @landoslutmeout @love-simon
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© httpsserene 2023
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gnxosblog · 4 months
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Wet dream
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 ༄ 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭, 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐣𝐨𝐛, 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐩 𝐢𝐧 𝐯.
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 ☙ 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐬𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐰 𝐮𝐩 𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫. 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐲 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐬.
You are staying over at your best friend Matt’s house. You guys already watched two movies and while the third movie was on you fell asleep.
Matt’s pov
I watch the movie on the screen and look beside me, y/n is still asleep. She fell asleep like half an hour ago. She looks very peaceful when she sleeps. I already lowered the tv volume because I didn’t wanna wake her up. Suddenly I hear sounds coming from y/n’s mouth. At first I thought she was having a nightmare so I laid my hand on her arm.
I quickly removed my hand when she started calling my name. “Matt omg please.” She said. She moaned in her sleep, calling my name. “Yes Matt mmh.” I noticed some tension between my legs. She’s my best friend why is she dreaming about me like that. Why is she saying my name like that. Before I knew it I was hard. Oh shit.
Y/n pov
I woke up and it instantly hit me. I was in Matt’s bedroom and I just had a wet dream about him. “You had a nice dream?” I suddenly hear Matt asking. Oh god. I felt my face turning red and I still had not faced him. I just couldn’t. I pushed my head into the pillow out of embarrassment. “You don’t have to feel ashamed.” I hear Matt saying. “Di- did I say anything?” I ask. “Uhm well yes.” “Oh no” I groan. “Do you get those kinda dreams more often?” Matt asks. “Matt!” “Sorry, I’m just curious.” He says. Why was he curious, why wasn’t he weirded out, why? I finally sat up and faced him. “Why are you curious?” I ask. “Because I get them too.” Matt answers. Oh. my. gosh. Why did that turn me on. I knew Matt could see that I was shocked. “Did you like the dream?” Matt asks. “Uhm, well-.” I couldn’t say anything. Yes Matt I fucking loved it and I wished it was real. “I take that as a yes.” Matt scoffs. I turn my head away and blush. “What happened in the dream?” “Matt I- it’s to weird to say.” “Why don’t you show it then.” I turn my head and look at him with shock. I feel tension in between my legs as I look at him and think about what he just said. “Uhm I- wha- do-.” God I can’t get a word out of my mind. Matt laughs. “You don’t have to be so nervous, nothing has to change.” “Nothing has to change?” Matt we’ve been best friends since kindergarten I grew up with you and now you want me to have sex with you.” Suddenly I could speak, I slapped my hands on my mouth. “So that’s what happened in your dream?” Why did he keep saying such stuff I almost couldn’t resist the tension anymore. “It’s that what you want?” Matt asks.
God why did he say that. I looked him in the eyes once more before I smacked my lips into his. The kiss was so fucking hot I only felt myself getting wetter and wetter. Before I knew it I was freaking soaking wet. He pulled me onto his lap and I adjusted myself so I sat comfortable. “Oh god y/n why you’re moving like that.” Matt says. A small grin appeared on my face. I knew exactly what I was doing. He pulled my shirt over my head revealing my white lacy bra. He touched my bra softly. “Can I?” He asks. I nod. Why was he such a gentleman. He took off my bra revealing me. He kissed my neck and trailed down to my lower stomach. He was now at my waistband. He looked up once again waiting for confirmation. I nodded again. He pulled down my pants leaving me in only my underwear. I was already soaking through my underwear. “God you’re so wet, all for me.” He looked up again. “Fucking do whatever you want Matt.” I say. He smiles as he pulls down my underwear.
I was now completely naked and he was still fully clothed. I felt safe with him tho. Before I knew it he had one hand on my clit and the other one on my left boob. I moaned as he touched me. “You like this?” Matt asks. “Ye- yes I do.” I say trying to catch my breath. He kissed me on the lips again slipping his tongue in. “Matt.” I say. “Yes y/n.” He says. “Please fuck me, hard.” I say desperately for his dick. “Okay if you want me to.” He says. I pull off his shirt revealing his chest. Omg so hot. My hands trail all around his upper body. “You like it?” He asks. I look him in the eyes. “Gosh yes, I’ve been wanting to do this for so long.” It just slipped out of your mouth but it was the truth. “Me too.” He says. God why was he so hot. He pulled down his pants revealing his hard one in his boxer. “Wow that’s big.” I slap my hand on my mouth. Oh my gosh that just flipped out. “He looks up at me and smiles. “You never had this size before?” “N-no.” I answer still feeling a bit ashamed of what I just said. He was still my best friend. “Spit.” he suddenly says pulling his hand in front of my mouth. I do as he says en he starts jerking himself off. “Let me do it.” I say. He grins. “Okay, be my guest.” “Spit.” I say. He spits on my hand and I reach out to his dick. I have had sex with three people before but never this big and never this close to me. I start jerking him off as he moans. “Oh god y/n you have magic hands.” Matt says. I let a big smile onto my face. My thumb is circling around his tip. “Can I please fuck you now.” He asks.
“Oh god yes.” I answer desperately to feel him inside. He pushes me flat on my back as he lines up. Slowly he goes in. I moan as I adjust to his size. “God so tight.” He groans. He slowly pulls in and out. “Please Matt fuck me hard.” He starts to go faster. Holy shit this feels magical. I throw my head back “yeah Matt just like that.” I say. “God you’re so beautiful begging like that.” He says. He is pounding deep inside and he definitely fucks hard. He groans. “Oh god y/n you’re making me feel so good.” He hits my g-spot. “Yeah right there.” I moan. “Y/n I’m almost there, omg you’re so perfect.” He says. His words do something to me. “Omg Matt I- I’m co-.” I can’t even finish my sentence as I come right on his dick. He finishes right after me. He grabs my hand tight. “Wow that felt good.” He says. “Yeah wow.” I say. We’re both still catching our breaths. We’ve both never fucked like this before. He pulls out of me and collapses beside me. I lay on his chest. “Should’ve done this much sooner.” He says. I agree and kiss him on the lips. He kisses me back. Time to get you cleaned up. “All because of my wet dream.” I say. “Yeah that stupid wet dream.” He says. I push his shoulder. “Oh shut up.” We both start laughing.
A/n 🝮 my second story ever omg. I hope you liked it. Leave feedback!!! Lmk some ideas for stories. Thanks for reading♥︎
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My favorite headcanon ever is that Steve is lying in bed, and he rolls over into a pair of comforting arms. He sighs, snuggling into a cool but rather comfy chest. Their skin a welcome presence against his warm cheek. Steve blinks rapidly. Wait a minute. He looks up to find Eddie sleeping in his bed.
"Eddie?! Didn't you die?!" Steve asked.
"Huh. . .? Oh, yeah, I got better. Go back to sleep, baby," Eddie said.
Steve stared at him for a minute before laying his head back down. Yeah, he had to be dreaming. It was such a nice dream. Steve curled a hand tightly around Eddie's hip and fell back asleep.
In the morning, Robin had biked over to Steve’s house, wondering why the hell her best friend wasn't answering his phone. She used her key and went in, lumbering up the stairs to Steve’s room. She opened the door to find him fast asleep, in the arms of Eddie Munson. Robin shrieked.
"Oh my God! Eddie, didn't you die?!" Robin exclaimed.
"Ugh, why does everyone keep asking me that?" Eddie asked.
"Maybe because you died?!" Robin yelled.
"Oh, yeah."
"Shit!" Steve yelled, finally waking up. "It wasn't a dream."
"Hi, baby," Eddie said, sweetly, as he cupped his face and gave him a kiss. "You want pancakes? I'm going to make us some pancakes."
He got out of bed and moved past Robin out the door. Robin looked at her friend, stunned.
"He just kissed you."
"Yeah, I was there."
"Have you - have you guys done that before?"
"Ah. Maybe he thinks this is a dream. Let's ask him," Robin said.
They wandered into the kitchen where Eddie was digging through his cabinets. Steve realized Eddie was wearing his old gym clothes and was now wearing one of his mother's clips to hold his hair up.
"Eddie? Do you think this is a dream?" Robin asked.
"No. . . Do you?" Eddie asked.
"You died, Eddie. Now you're standing in my kitchen acting like it's no big deal and then you kissed me! You kissed me, Eddie," Steve said.
"Shit. You have every right to punch me for that!" Eddie exclaimed and turned to face him, fully panicking. "I came back, man. I crawled out that hellhole myself, and I'm not sure how. . . I mean, I think I might be a vampire. Anyway, I got out of there and I all I could think about was you, Steve. That was my first thought. . . Well, not without wondering if Dustin was okay, though. I checked on him first, and then I came here to you. You were already asleep, and so I took a shower. Sorry, man, I borrowed your clothes. Anyway. I looked at you, and you looked so beautiful that I couldn't help but think about all the opportunities that I could have lost with you, and my only thought was how much I just wanted to sleep next him and hold him. You can totally hit me because I totally deserve it. I just didn't want to die again without knowing what it was like to kiss you," Eddie rambled on.
Steve moved towards him and cupped his face.
"Eddie, is it really you?" Steve asked.
Steve leaned forward and kissed him. Eddie whimpered against his mouth and melted into the kiss. He wrapped his arms around Steve's neck, pulling him tightly against him. Steve picked him up and placed him on the counter, stepping in between his legs. Eddie wrapped his legs around him in a tight grip as Steve deepened the kiss.
"Are we just going to ignore the fact that he said he's a vampire? . . .Okay. Fine. I'm still here!" Robin exclaimed.
Suddenly, there came a pounding on the door, startling everyone. Dustin's voice floated through the door.
"Steve! I'm freaking out! Last night, I woke up, and I saw Eddie staring at me through my window! I assumed that I was dreaming, but I went outside this morning, and there were a set of footprints and his bandana, which I am sure we left with him in the Upside Down. . .Steve, I think Eddie might be alive!"
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lovely-showtimes · 7 months
out on the balcony . . . ♡
characters - tsukasa, emu, nene, rui.
type - scenario.
contains - gn reader. reader having a nightmare while at a sleepover with wxs and is pretty freaked out by it, but no details of it are specified. reader is stated to be a big fan of jellyfish in rui's so i'm very sorry if you do not like them!
a/n - haven't been having the best of times lately, so i decided to write this. based on a daydream i've been having w/ these 4 ever since i got into project sekai pretty much. enjoy <3
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You jolt awake in the middle of the night, your heart pounding in your chest. Your sweaty palms desperately grip your blanket as you try to make sense of where you are and what's real.
That... That was a dream, right? You think, exhaling deeply. I'm... I'm not in there. I'm with my friends now.
Quietly as possible, you roll onto your side to look at the other four. They're all fast asleep, snoring peacefully (some of them louder than others). Somehow, knowing that they're here beside you calms you a little.
But this living room, despite being massive, still felt way too stuffy to you. Making sure to not awaken your friends, you carefully get up and stumble away.
Emu's house was definitely way too large, and even though you've been here a couple times before, you still felt utterly lost. After blankly wandering about for a few moments, you finally manage to find a balcony overlooking the city.
The cool night air hits your face as you step out onto the balcony. It's a little chilly to be out here in only your pajamas, but you don't care about that right now.
Looking up, you can see the stars twinkling high above in the sky. There's something grounding about watching them like this, and you can forget about your nightmare for a while.
You're not sure how long you're out there, it feels like hours and minutes at the same time. Soon enough, however, you hear someone softly call your name from behind. You turn around and...
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You're suddenly met with the warmth of a blanket wrapping around your shoulders, immediately causing you to feel warm and snug.
"You're going to catch a cold if you stay out here like this," Tsukasa lightly scolds you. "It's important that you stay healthy! I would hate for you to become sick."
You stare at him blankly for a few moments, shocked to even see him here in the first place (how does he not get lost in Emu's labyrinth of a house??), before realising you should probably say something.
"Um, thanks." You smile awkwardly, holding onto the blanket to make sure it doesn't fall off of you. "Do you just... carry a blanket around with you?"
Tsukasa chuckles lightly and shakes his head. "No, no. When you got up to leave, you accidentally nudged my arm a bit and woke me up. I thought you were just getting a glass of water or something, but you didn't come back for ages so I decided to come find you!"
Tsukasa folds his arms and frowns. "But then I found you out here, and... Listen, if you want some time alone, that's fine! I'll go back to the others! I just didn't want you to be cold, because I could see you shivering..."
You didn't realise you had been that cold in the first place. You barely noticed the cold, you'd been so wrapped up in your own thoughts.
"I'd actually quite like it if you stayed out here with me, if that's okay." You speak softly, gaze averted in embarrassment. It's such a simple request, but for some reason, you feel guilty asking for it.
"Of course that's okay!" Tsukasa declares, placing his hands on his hips with a grin. "I'd be more than happy to stay out here with you for however long you want!"
He strides over and leans on the balcony beside you. You both stand in silence for a few moments, and you wonder if you should say something. Do I tell him about the nightmare? Maybe it's best if I just keep it in...
You glance at him out of the corner of your eye, only to notice him staring up at the night sky above. He has a small, content smile on his face as he gazes upwards.
He looks so much calmer than usual. You didn't know he liked stars so much.
Without thinking, you shuffle over and lean your head on his shoulder. Somehow, he feels softer and warmer than the blanket swaddling you.
"Hm?" Tsukasa turns to you in surprise, before he soon relaxes again and wraps his arm around your shoulder, bringing you in close.
A sigh of relief escapes your lips as you relax against him. Being in his presence like this is making you feel so much more at ease than before. Your eyes begin to droop closed as the two of you stand together, your nightmare long forgotten.
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"Oh, Emu. Hi."
The short pink-haired girl stands in the entryway, her head tilted to the left ever-so-slightly. She bounces on her feet ever-so-slightly as she rushes to you, skidding to a halt in front of the railing.
"You're awake!" She exclaims, wide eyes studying you carefully. "Aren't you super sleepy right now?"
"Not really." A yawn cuts in between your words, as if to prove you wrong. "I can't sleep."
Emu stays silent for a few moments. You feel like her bright pink eyes are going to stare right into your mind and pluck out your secrets for all to see.
"Okay. I'll wait until you're tired, then." Her forearms come up to rest on the railing, on which she rests her head.
You open your mouth to object, to tell her that it's fine and she should just go back to bed, but you realise you want her company. You turn to face the view once again.
The two of you stay silent for a while. It's not usually like this with Emu - she's always quite talkative. But right now, she's not saying a thing.
She's probably just tired, you reason with yourself. I doubt she's used to being up this late, unlike... some other people I know.
That's when she speaks up again to prove you wrong. You really feel like she's reading your mind or something.
"Do you wanna see something cool?"
You turn your head slightly. "Uh, sure. What is it?"
"Follow me!" Emu beams and takes your hand, leading you off the balcony.
You have to follow her for quite a while. You don't think you'll ever get used to this place, and you have to wonder if Emu ever feels lost in it herself.
Eventually, she starts leading you up some stairs into what appeared to be an attic. Emu hops up some precarious-looking stairs and opens a small window to the roof. She grins, beckoning you over.
"E-Emu, is this safe...?" You question, feeling apprehensive as you cautiously climb the stairs.
She nods enthusiastically. "Don't worry! I've done this plenty of times! You'll be just fine~!"
You don't have a choice except to trust her. You carefully climb the stairs and look through the window, where Emu has climbed through.
You're at a fairly high point of Emu's home, although not quite the highest. You're on a flat roof, with walls surrounding it so that neither of you would accidentally fall off.
"Oh," you murmur, climbing out and standing on the roof beside her.
Emu collapses on a couple pillows and blankets she has positioned on the roof and smiles at you invitingly. "Come sit!"
You take a seat beside her as she lays down and points at the sky. "Look! You can see the stars super well!"
Upon lying down as well, you realise she's right. The stars look even more beautiful from up here, and you love it.
"I wish I knew more stuff about stars," Emu sighs. "One of my friends loves them! I like listening to her talk, but she has such a calming voice that it makes me sleepy..."
You glance at her out of the corner of your eye. "I know a few constellations, if you'd like to learn, maybe?"
Emu's eyes sparkle in joy. "Yes, yes!! I'd love that!!"
You smile softly, before turning your attention to the sky and pointing. "Okay, see those up there? That's Ursa Minor..."
As you start to talk about the different constellations in the sky, Emu's gaze briefly wanders to you, and the content smile on your face.
They don't look so sad anymore, she thinks gleefully as she turns her attention back to the sky.
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"Nene? What are you doing awake?"
The green-haired girl hesitates in the doorway, as if she's thinking carefully.
"I could ask you the same thing," she responds. "I just got up to get some water. Why are you out here?"
You feel pretty reluctant to tell her about your nightmare. It sounds embarrassing in your head to tell someone you had a nightmare, as if you were a child. You grow uncomfortable as your gaze drifts to your feet.
"...Can't sleep." Is what comes out of your mouth.
"So, you had a nightmare." Nene cuts in immediately, as if seeing right through you.
You clear your throat in embarrassment and turn away. You didn't expect her to figure it out so quickly. Was it that obvious?
Nene takes a couple steps closer. "Usually whenever I have a nightmare, I like to play some games for a while before I go back to sleep. It helps me get my mind off of it."
You glance back at her, brow furrowed slightly. "Don't you only play those violent shooter games? Wouldn't that just make it worse?"
"N-No," she splutters, cheeks tinged pink, "I-I don't just play those! I play some other things too..."
You can't resist the urge to smile at her embarrassment, which causes her to glare at you and huff.
"Do you want to play a game with me or not?" She demands.
You laugh slightly and nod. "Yes, I'd love to. Thank you, Nene."
She quickly turns around and heads back into the home. She's back soon enough, holding two handheld game consoles - yours and hers - as well as a blanket. She sits down on the ground, before tilting her head up to you.
"C'mon. Sit."
You sit beside her, pulling one end of the blanket around you as Nene takes the other half. You had just realised how cold you were, so you lean against her as you boot up the console.
"So, what do you wanna play?" You ask softly.
Silence. You thought maybe Nene was just thinking about it, but she's just not responding.
She clears her throat as you prompt her. You catch a glimpse of her red face out of the corner of your eye. "Sorry. Um, I bought this game recently, and I think you told me you liked it...?"
You scan her screen quickly and sit up, beaming. "Oh, that's one of my favorite games!! I'd never thought you'd play it, because it's not really your style. Thank you, Nene!"
She hides her face in her hair as you speak so you don't see how red she's getting. Nene boots up the game as she speaks. "No... No problem, I guess."
You beam and continue resting your head on her shoulder as you open the game as well, eager to play it with your friend.
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You come face-to-face with Rui, who's watching you with an odd expression. He's smiling as usual, but you can sense some concern in his gaze.
He walks over and leans on the railing beside you, before tilting his head in curiosity.
"Didn't expect you to still be awake at this hour," he comments casually. "What brings you out here?"
You look away, clutching the railing a little more tightly and bowing your head slightly. "Can't sleep."
"Are you sure? That's all?" Rui further prods, leaning his head on his arms. You feel like his piercing yellow eyes have already seen all your secrets, somehow.
You look away. "...Yeah. That's all."
You know that he knows you're lying, his soft "I see" after you speak tells you that much. You just can't bring yourself to talk about it right now.
You tilt your head down to stare at your hands. You're clinging to the railing so tightly that it's starting to hurt your hands, and you didn't even realise til now. You release your death grip, but continue resting your hands on it.
Suddenly, you hear something... mechanical? It sounds as if something is moving. You glance over to see some kind of contraption balancing on the railing. Instinctively, you put your hand around it, stopping it from falling off the railing just in case that would happen.
"R-Rui?!" You snap your head around to stare in bewilderment at the inventor. "You can't just put these guys on such precarious areas! What if it falls off and gets damaged?"
He only laughs at your fretting. "Its legs can stick to any surface it likes. Don't worry."
As if to prove this, the robot walks around the railing, hanging on underneath for a few moments before walking back up again. It beeps at you proudly.
You reluctantly remove your hands. "...Fine. What does it do, anyway?"
Rui pouts at you in the saddest way he can. "Ah, is walking around and sticking to surfaces not enough...? Don't you love him the way he is?"
The robot lets out a few small, sad beeps. Before you can respond to his antics, Rui's signature smile returns like it never left.
"Anyways, yes. It can create small projections in the air. For example..."
On queue, the circular top of the robot lights up, and a couple butterflies appear in the air, flying around without a care in the world. It was surprisingly realistic, enough that you were almost convinced that there were butterflies in front of you.
"...Woah." You breathe, watching in awe. "You made this?"
Rui nods, smiling warmly as the projections change - this time to a bird flying through the sky.
"You got its movements down so well," you murmur. You carefully reach out to brush your finger against it, but of course, it just goes right through. It is a projection, after all.
It lastly switches to a projection of jellyfish slowly floating through water, which makes you really excited. You love jellyfish, after all! They're just so pretty, and seeing them in front of you like this brings you so much joy. Even if it isn't real.
Rui chuckles at the way your eyes light up. "I had a feeling you'd like that one." He grins and leans his head on his hand as he continues watching you.
"And hey, you're not so down anymore, are you?"
You halt immediately, realising he's completely right. You'd totally forgotten about your nightmare thanks to Rui's little contraption.
"Yeah. Thanks." You offer him a small smile. "If you have them with you, could I see more of your robots?"
Rui's eyes flash with glee at being asked a question like that. "Why yes, of course! I'd be very glad to show you some more!"
He cups his hands and moves closer to you, where you can see a large variety of contraptions, way more than anyone would normally need to take anywhere.
Dumbfounded, you turn your gaze to him. "You seriously took all of these here?"
Rui shrugs, as if it's a normal occurrence for him. "I just enjoy being prepared. Now, look here. First, this one can bring small objects to you if you ask..."
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creedslove · 4 months
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Post outbreak!Ghost!Joel Miller x f!reader
A/N: besties, I put a Joel poster up my wall and I was in hopes of having filthy, dirty, obscene and explicit dreams of him, and yet, I had this sad dream about our favorite old man :( it was such an emotional and sad dream I woke up with my heart breaking for him 🥺💔
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"Baby girl, please, talk to me... Why don't you talk to me? Why won't you even look at me, tell what I've done, I apologize, please just forgive me and look at me"
• Joel begged you, he walked towards you but you turned away from him, as you shook your head and cried. He was so confused at everything that was happening, it was like one day he left for patrol and when he came back nothing was ever the same
• he didn't understand why people simply ignored him, why they didn't look at him nor talked to him, but it didn't actually bother Joel that much, not when it was everyone else, but the moment you also didn't pay attention to him? that concerned and hurt him
• to make things worse, what disturbed him the most was that you wouldn't stop crying and he couldn't find out why because you ignored him, he was so confused, it pained him to be treated like that, he wanted to hold you, kiss you, make love to you, but how could he approach you if you wouldn't let him to
• time also confused him, he remembered waking up one morning and went on patrol, then he was ambushed by a group of people and this girl hit him on the head, and for a moment, he thought he would die, but suddenly he opened his eyes, looked around and everything seemed the same, he ran his hand through his hair and there was no blood, his head didn't hurt, so he figured the attack wasn't even that bad or maybe, just maybe he'd hallucinated the whole thing?! Or he got way too drunk with Tommy to remember?
• he remembered getting up and walking back home, things seemed so different and yet so familiar and he wasn't really sure, it took him very long for him to reach home, but he wouldn't really be able to tell, only when he got home and saw you crying was that he began freaking out for real
• Joel was so angry with that situation, he hated being ignored, especially when he knew there was something wrong with you, he tried calling you, drawing your attention, but only when he raised his voice and screamed at you, a lightbulb exploded out of nowhere making you jump and look around startled
"if only you were still here..."
• he heard you whisper and another wave of tears came crashing down your face, breaking his heart once more; when he was about to try and get your attention one more time, he saw you got up, putting on your jacket and leaving home. He didn't think twice, he stood up immediately and followed you, frowning the moment he saw the snowflakes falling all around you, he didn't remember the weather being that cold, he was almost sure it was still fall when he left
• when you got into the graveyard he was taken by some kind of anxiety, a deep fear Joel couldn't necessarily explain, but the moment you stood in front of one tombstone, was that he was paralyzed with shock and pain
• that was what it said; the way you fell into your knees and cried in front of it, the way your fingertips traced the letters that formed his name as your body shook lightly from the cold and your cries and how Joel's tortured spirit watched you, how he still not believing what was happening and a part of him hoping it was just one sick twisted prank tried placing his hand on your shoulder, but you didn't even react to it
"please, look at me, I'm right here, this must be a mistake, a joke, a cruel prank... I'm here, your Joel, I'm fine, I'm not dead, please sweetheart, just look at me"
• he pleaded but his words were nothing more than just ghostly whispers, just like he was now. After a few minutes, you dried your tears, sniffing and taking a deep breath
"I love you, Joel, I always will, I love you very much"
• you professed your love once more, and knew it was time to go back, you didn't want to live a life without Joel anymore and yet, you couldn't give up, not when you had come so far
• your life without him was empty but as the weeks turned into months, you managed to pretend you were doing better in front of other people, and yet, every night before bed you spilled tears on your pillow and as for Joel, it took him a long time to accept he was gone and he was nothing more than just a ghost, and even if he saw the light and he could swear he heard Sarah's voice calling him, he still couldn't move on, not yet, so he would sit by your bed and touch you gently, in his ghostly touch, until he saw you had finally stopped crying and drifted off to sleep
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egcdeath · 11 months
Hi! If you are not comfortable with this request then I totally understand but what about a Joel x reader where he has a nightmare that he can’t snap out of and he accidentally hurts the reader (like he grabs onto her and won’t let go) and the reader is okay but Joel freaks out and tries to break things off and its hurt with a lot of fluff. Thanks!
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pairing: joel miller x reader
summary: joel gives you both a scare when he wakes up hurting you in his sleep.
word count: 1.3k
warnings: full disclaimer: joel chokes the reader in his sleep. brief violence (unintentional), angst, hurt/comfort, fluff, established relationship
author’s note: this is a little darker than what i usually write, and it’s a little different from your request. i still hope that you enjoy <3 i’m also still taking drabble requests for any pedro pascal character!!
Twenty years ago you stopped dreaming.
Then, you finally found a safe haven in Jackson, Wyoming. Slowly but surely, you regained the ability to hold onto your dreams, building beautiful worlds in your mind and being able to recall them hours after you dreamt them. 
You didn’t always have the best dreams, but you were having one now; a pleasant dream taking place in the stream that you and Joel often stopped to take baths in on your smuggling runs. You lounged out on a familiar rock, basking in the sun while Joel cleaned himself diligently just a few feet away. You listened to the soft rustling of the leaves from the trees above you, then the song of chirping birds. You were at peace in a way you hadn’t known was possible since the world ended—but that peace didn’t last long. 
You couldn’t be sure how, but you’d fallen off of your rock and into the water, where the current had suddenly picked up. You began to bob above and below the water rapidly, choking as you fought to stay above it. But it was too late. Your nose and lungs were filled with water, the liquid burning you the more that you coughed. Your arms flailed as you desperately tried to swim, but it was clearly no use.
You woke up with a gasp, then shot up as you coughed violently—the same way you’d been coughing in your dream. You instinctually brought your hands up to your throat as you coughed, the scratching pain almost unbearable. Your heart and mind were racing, so much so that you’d completely missed the horrified look on the face of the man in bed beside you, or the way that he seemed to be paralyzed in his position. 
“Fuck, are you alright?” he finally said after your coughing had subsided. 
“Yeah, it was just a bad dream,” you dismissed, finally looking back at Joel, who still seemed a bit off. “Could you grab me a glass of water?”
“Of course,” he said, his voice a little flatter than usual. He still got up, still made the floorboards creak as he walked down the stairs, and still came back with a distinctly guilty look on his face. 
“Honey, are you okay?” you asked once he sat down, looking like he was in a state of pure shock. 
Joel seemed to gather himself, he took a few deep breaths, attempted to adjust his slumped shoulders, but still looked down and away—notably not at you.
“I think we should break up,” he said quickly and quietly.
“What?” you gasped, in complete and utter disbelief of what he’d just said to you. “Because I disturbed your fucking beauty sleep by coughing? I mean, what the fuck, Joel. I’ve done way worse shit than cough around you!”
“No, because I was choking you. In my sleep. That’s why you woke up coughing. I’m so sorry,” his voice slightly broke as he admitted what had happened.
“…What?” you were in disbelief, but your hand raised to your neck to feel it once more. Without the abrupt shock of waking up from a nightmare, you were now able to feel the warmth that had obviously come from an injury from an outside source. 
“I can’t… I don’t want to be a danger to you in your sleep. Maybe we should go to the infirmary too. But I can’t have you with me if I’m going to accidentally kill you in my sleep.”
You attempted to look into his eyes, but he looked distant and far away, clearly more shaken up by this whole ordeal than you were—which meant a lot, considering that you were already quite shaken up. 
“I can probably wait until the morning. I feel… alright. What happened?”
“I was dreaming and you and I were on patrol, a clicker came out of nowhere and grabbed you and you’re just screaming and wailing and it’s the most horrific sound I’ve ever heard,” he stops himself to gulp, to calm down a bit, and you gently reach out to touch his arm. Joel rejects your sensitivity, clearly feeling like he doesn’t deserve any sort of empathy in the moment. “So I come up behind it and grab it, like I’ve done a million times before, and its face slowly starts to warp into your face, and then I just abruptly woke up, and saw me choking you. I don’t- I don’t actually know how long it was going on. So maybe we really do need to go to the infirmary.”
The plea in his face told you that it was likely better to go than to sit here and argue about going. At the very least, it would give Joel the peace of mind to know that you weren’t as injured as he thought you might be. 
The two of you walked over to the infirmary in your pajamas, your house slippers becoming outdoor slippers as you drug them through the snowy ground. On your short walk over, Joel rejected every single advance you attempted; he wouldn’t hold your hand, he wouldn’t let you wrap yourself around his arm, and he wouldn’t even let you rest your hand on his back. For all you knew, he completely believed that it was over between the two of you. 
After waking up the receptionist at the desk who was lightly snoozing, you were able to see the doctor who seemed just as tired. After a few rounds of testing, she decided that you were good to go—though you’d already suspected that was the case. 
Once you arrived back at your home, Joel made a beeline to the couch, where it seemed he was dead set on staying for the rest of the night. 
“I’ll talk to Tommy about which buildings are vacant, and be out of your hair as soon as possible,” he told you in a matter-of-fact tone.
“Don’t you want to talk things out first?” you pleaded.
“There’s nothing to talk about. You’re not safe around me,” he dismissed, trying to be as firm in his words as possible as you sat down next to him on the couch. 
“I am safe around you, Joel. Do you know how many times you’ve saved me? Do I need to remind you of those smugglers who tried to keep me hostage?” you hoped that the mention of the memory would do some work in taking Joel down memory lane, to one of the many times in your lives where he’d come to your rescue. 
“I mean, yes, you did choke me in our sleep. That’s terrifying, obviously, but I love you. I can just sleep in the guest bedroom from now on,” you insisted, setting a hand on his knee that he finally accepted without trying to flinch away. “We both have a lot to work through. I’m not just gonna abandon you,” you insisted. 
“How am I ever gonna trust myself again?” Joel murmured, looking up to the ceiling to avoid eye contact with you. 
“Joel, you were asleep,” you pushed, “and for all intents and purposes, you were trying to save me in your dream. And the doctor was pretty unfazed by my injury. I believe her exact words were, ‘It looks fine to me.’”
“Our doctor was half asleep,” Joel halfheartedly argued. 
“Well, true… but I feel fine. And nothing has changed between us. Other than the fact that I think it’s probably time we both start seeing the therapist.”
Joel finally began to look like he believed what he was saying. Of course you didn’t want to be attacked in your sleep, but you knew that it was never his intention to hurt you. Obviously, it would take a bit of time and separation to make sure that he could get his sleeping habits in check, but you weren’t lying when you promised him all of those years ago that you would be with him every step of the way. 
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male-body-swap-lover · 6 months
Time Travel Christmas
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My name is Roger Braddock the 3rd. It sounds fancier than it is. You are all probably thinking I look fancy too. It’s 2023, but I’ve always enjoyed everything from the 1950’s, at least the positive things. With a name like Roger, it was bound to happen. I love the fashion, the music, the movies. I hate the social injustices. It is especially hard because I am gay, but the decade is just alluring to me. Yes, I do smoke occasionally too. I know it’s bad, but it is a guilty pleasure. It’s Christmas Eve and tomorrow I am getting together with my family, including my grandfather, who’s prime was the 1950’s and 1960’s. Grandma is gone, but he is still trucking along. It would have been nice to know him when he was younger. I’d get to spend more time with the man I admire, and get to enjoy the 50’s. Well, time travel isn’t real, so that’s not going to happen. I’ll just enjoy time with him now.
The next morning, I woke up and I was in a chair for some reason. I know I went to sleep in my bed last night. That’s strange. Wait, why do I have clothes on. As I looked around, I realized this wasn’t my bedroom. It looked like something right out of a Sears catalog from the 1950’s. Am I dreaming? I walked to the full-length mirror and suddenly stopped, with a look of shock.
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This wasn’t my body. These weren’t my clothes. I started freaking out and looked over to the dresser and saw a calendar. It said 1958. I ran to the window and looked outside. It looked like a scene right out of the movies from the 1950’s. There were Christmas decorations up too. Did I somehow end up back in time on Christmas 1958? I walked back to the mirror and examined my body closer. I was handsome. I was tall. I had nice bone structure. There is something familiar about the face. I turned and looked at this man’s wedding photo which was also on the dresser. Then it hit me. I was my grandfather when he was younger. I’m Roger Braddock the 1st!
Holy Shit!
Somehow my wish came true. I will be able to get to know my grandfather when he was younger in a time period I love. Just I am now my grandfather. How is this even possible?
“Honey, are you almost ready. My family is arriving.”
That’s my grandmother! Wait a minute, that’s my wife! I look at the window and see that some family is arriving. We must be hosting Christmas. I scramble and grab a tie and put it on. Guess it’s showtime.
I go downstairs. It’s my grandparents house, or I guess my house now. It looks so much nicer. There’s my wife. She is so beautiful. I feel my dick get hard just looking at her. Guess I am straight, or at least this body is straight.
“Daddy, Daddy!”
My god, it’s my aunt Carol and Aunt Alice. They’re so young. My grandmother looks so young. This is crazy. I start to greet the relatives and we start opening gifts. I light up a cigarette. I guess this will be more acceptable now. My new wife hands me a baby to hold. Oh my god! It’s my father! That’s right, he was born in 1958. This must be his first Christmas. This is crazy.
“Roger, pose with the girls so I can take your photo,” my wife says. We pose and she takes the photo. There I am with my two daughters and my son, who is named after me.
I guess I am stuck here living my grandfather’s life. My wish came true. I hope I can pull this off. I wonder if I will ever return to my old life. Here’s hoping I don’t mess up the future too much!
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jiliansky-blog · 7 months
In the dark. Chapter 1. Unexpected guest
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Pairing: Morpheus x FemaleReader
Rating: PG
Words: 2000
Summary: One night Morpheus come to you with an unxpected offer. You didn't realize it will change your life forever.
Everything started with a strange feeling of someone’s presence in your room. If you read some mystery stories or watch horror movies, it wouldn’t be a surprise. But you didn't, and so you woke up. And it seemed that in your room was some strange figure, clothed in darkness.
“Who is there?” you asked.
“Don’t be scared”, you heard the deep, velvety voice say.
And you do feel a little bit scared. Someone was in your room! How did he even get here? And who the hell was he?
“Who are you?” you asked. “What do you want?”
“My name is Morpheus”, he replied. “I’m the King of Dreams”.
“Is this a dream inside the dream?” you asked.
“No”, he said, sitting in your chair.
You still can’t see him as tough. You only see his silhouette.
“I need your help”, he said suddenly. “With a personal matter”.
“Oh?” you asked, surprised. “How can I help you?”
“I need to spend some time in your company”, Morpheus said. “But you can’t see me yet. As a reward, you can come to my castle in the Dreaming and spend time there. I know you love to read, so you can read books in my library”.
“That is a very generous offer”, you admitted.
“Indeed”, the man said. “So, what is your answer?”
“Alright, I will help you”, you replied. “My name is Y\N”.
“I know your name”, he said. “I know that you love reading and believe in magic. That is why I chose you”.
“Because I’m not going to freak out?” you smiled.
“Exactly”, it seemed, as he smiled.
“Okay, then let’s talk while you are here”, you suggested. “Because it’s creepy a little bit to sit in silence in the darkness”.
“You shouldn’t do this”, he replied.
“I know, but I would like to, if you don’t mind”, you said.
“Very well”, he said. “I suppose it won’t harm to talk until you fall asleep again”.
“You said about the Dreaming…” you said. “Is it your kingdom?”
“It is”, he replied. "Also, it’s a place where you wonder while asleep. Your mind creates your own place, and I create dreams and nightmares”.
“But if I can wonder there in sleep”, you said.
“I know what you are thinking”, Morpheus replied. “You can’t go to my castle without my permission. And now you have it, if you want it”.
“I want”, you said. “I didn’t even know there was another world, when you can go while you're sleeping. Is it beautiful?”
“It is”, he replied. “Now you need to sleep, little dreamer. And you can see it yourself”.
He did something, and you felt that you were falling asleep.
And you woke up in the library. The biggest library you have ever seen. And there, the woman with dark skin and pointed ears meets you.
“Hello, Y\N”, the woman said. “My name is Lucienne. I’m the librarian of the Dreaming. Lord Morpheus said, "You can visit us”.
“Oh, is he here?” you asked.
“No, he is quite busy at the moment”, she answered, smiling apologetically.
“I see, I can’t see him here too”, you admitted.
“Unfortunately not”, she replied. “But you can find here a book for your liking. There are all the published and unpublished books”.
“Unpublished?” you asked.
“Yes”, she smiled. “Books that existed in the writer’s mind”.
“That’s interesting”, you admitted. “For I have a few unfinished books in my memory. And you are sure that you are okay with that?”
“Yes”, she nodded. “But you can’t bring it to the Waking world”.
“Oh, I see”, you smiled. “That’s okay”.
And you read for a while. Even though Morpheus told you that you could walk through the castle and find its whereabouts, you feel uneasy about going outside the library. And when you woke up in the morning, you remembered everything, but you saw no signs of Morpheus. So maybe it was a really realistic dream after all.
Except it wasn’t a dream. Morpheus appeared in your bedroom the next night. You just felt his presence again.
“I almost began to think that you were a dream”, you admitted.
“Nothing is just a dream”, he replied. “Did you enjoy my library?”
“It’s so great!” you said. “So many books! I’m so grateful that you allowed me to read books there! It’s very kind of you”.
“Lucienne said that you didn’t leave the library”, he said. “Why?”
“I felt it was wrong to just walk around”, you replied. “I know you can’t meet me there either. But I just decided that it would be better to stay in a library”.
“So you want someone to escort you”, he admitted.
“Well”, you said. «Can I go everywhere?”
“And tried not to enter the beach or my room”, he said.
“I will try”, you promised. “Even though I don’t know how to get there. So where are you when you are hiding from me”.
“I’m not hiding from you”, he said. “And I highly recommend you look for me”.
“I won’t, I promise”, you said. “Just curious”.
“It’s time for you to sleep”, he said, and you fell asleep again.
And you appeared in the library again. Lucien smiled at you this time too.
“Welcome back, Y\N”, she said.
“Hello”, you replied. “I suppose Morpheus wasn’t in the mood for talking”.
“Yes, he is not as chatty as his raven said”, she admitted. “It will take some time for him to open up, and only if he likes you”.
“I’m still a little bit surprised that he chose me as his companion”, you noticed.
“So are we”, suddenly the talking raven appeared in the library.
“Wow, you talk”, you said, surprised.
“Let me introduce you, Matthew,”, Lucienne said. “He is Lord Morpheus’ raven, and he will be your guide for today”.
“Oh, so he took my desire to be guided seriously”, you noticed.
“He takes everything seriously”, the bird said. “Nice to meet you, though. But it is quite a nice task, so I’m not complaining. Are you ready to go?”
“I suppose so”, you nodded,
And the two of you left the library. The bird was chatty. He was a human before he died and became a raven.
“So I was surprised that he decided to believe in humans, which were completely unknown to him”, he admitted. “He had never done this before”.
“He made this decision because I believe in magic and won’t freak out when he appears in the room”, you explained.
“He told you that?” he asked.
“Yes”, you said.
“I am surprised that he actually told you something”, he said. “He is always so mysterious and moody. And he doesn’t speak much”.
“Oh yes, I noticed”, you smiled. “But I think it’s actually taking him a lot of time for him to open up and talk to someone”.
“Lucienne said that too”, he agreed.
“Can you tell me about him?” you asked.
“Well, as I said, he is mysterious, but I think he is a little bit depressed”, Matthew replied. “He needs a psychologist, if you ask me”.
"Why is he being depressed?” you asked.
“He is not very good at other emotions”, he said.
You didn’t know what to think. But you were sure Morpheus wasn’t bad. He had never touched you or done anything except put you to sleep. But you thought the reason he picked you was that he was lonely. That is why he has no one to ask for this favor from.
The castle was bigger inside than outside. There were a lot of empty rooms. It looked like Morpheus had hidden everything from you.
“What are you doing anyway in the dark?” Matthew asked.
“Nothing”, you shrugged. “He just sits in front, and sometimes he answers my questions. Or put me to sleep”.
“And no kissing or, you know, sex?” he asked.
"Oh, my god, it was only two nights”, you sighed.
“I don’t know”, he said. “I heard that he is quite romantic. Maybe he will charm you later”.
“I don’t think so”, you replied.
Your next stop was the garden and the whereabouts of the castle. Everything was so wonderful, like something from some fantasy or fairy tale book.
“Wow, it’s really an existing place”, you admitted.
“Of course”, said the raven. “The boss would be offended if you kept thinking that it was unreal”.
“I suppose I’m lucky to be here”, you smiled.
“Indeed you are”, suddenly the man with a pumpkin head appeared.
“Well, hello”, you said, surprised.
“Hi!” he said. “I’m Mervin. The groundskeeper of the Dreaming! And are you Morpheus' new paramour?”
“I’m not”, you said, blushing.
“She is the girl to whom he comes at night”, Matthew admitted.
“It does sound like she is a paramour”, Mervin said.
“We just talk”, you said. “And I don’t know why he does that”.
“Who knows him at all”, agreed Mervin.
And then the morning came very quickly, and in a moment, you woke up in your room. You were lying in the bed for a few minutes, thinking about Morpheus and your tour in the Dreaming. It was too good to believe, but you are not planning to doubt Morpheus anymore.
And so he appeared the next night too. And you weren’t so surprised to see him again. You were even glad.
“Are you going to visit me every night?” you asked playfully.
“Are you already getting tired of me?” he asked in return, very seriously and a little bit disappointed.
“Of course not, no”, you smiled. “It was just a clarification. You didn’t say anything about how long it would take. And also, I wanted to thank you for the guide. I met Matthew and Mervin”.
“Perhaps a month”, he said calmly. “Is it too long?”
“No”, you assured him. “It is alright”.
“Good”, Morpheus nodded.
“You still didn’t tell me anything about you”, you admitted. “We can do this since we are going to spend a month together”.
“It’s not necessary”, he replied.
“No, but it can’t hurt either”, you said. “Just don’t put me to sleep every time. I want to talk to you. Can we do this?”
“If we must”, he said.
“Well, Matthew and Mervin now think that we are a couple”, you begin.
“And why do they think that?” he asked.
“Probably because we spent nights together”, you smiled. “They don’t believe that we just talk. And by the way, your kingdom is beautiful”.
“That is not their business”, he said, a little bit coldly. “Did you talk about me with my subjects?”
“They asked what we were doing, and I said: talking”, you shrugged. “I suppose it’s not the crime. I didn’t say anything else”.
“And what do you want to do?” he asked. “Do you want our meetings to be more intimate? But still in the darkness”.
“Um, I have already told you”, you replied. You were glad that he couldn’t see that you were blushing.
“A talk can be nice for the beginning”.
“Very well”, he agreed.
“Where were you in The Dreaming last night?” you asked. “I am not going to look for you. Just curious”.
“I was working”, he replied. “I still have my responsibilities”.
“Do you like to read?” you asked.
“Yes, sometimes”, he said.
“What else do you like to do?” you asked, wishing to see him.
“I don’t know”, he replied, though.
“Really?” You were surprised. “Do you have a hobby?”
 Morpheus replied, "No. “Hobby is what humans are doing in their leisure time. I don’t have leisure time”.
“But what do you like to do?” you asked.
“I didn’t think about it”, It seemed like I heard the sigh.
“Can you read to me?” you asked suddenly.
You didn’t want to tire him out with questions and make him feel uneasy. Maybe reading is going to help him.
“What?” he asked. You heard surprise in his voice.
“Can you read me a book, please?” you repeated. “You have a beautiful voice”.
He kept silence for a minute, but then sighed again. You hoped it wasn’t irritation.
“What book do you want to listen to?” Morpheus asked.
“You can choose the book to your liking”, you replied.
And then he began to read some fairy tales. You doubt it was the story he likes. So maybe he chose the story you liked. It was sweet and thoughtful. And his voice put you to sleep as quickly as his sand.
@shadowqueen1318 @mypsychoticlove @justathirstyhoe​ @ladymoztaza @sapphireonline
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theminecraftbee · 2 years
Ren is sitting on the balcony of his seat in the crastle. His legs are hanging over the ledge, kicking down over the shopping district. It’s five am, but he’s still wearing sunglasses; that’s there dog-turned-king, Bdubs thinks, as he goes to try to figure out why on earth he’s awake so early and sitting so precariously. He never knows when a Hotguy might show up, after all, and bam! Embarrassing death message of the balcony. Or, er. When a very, very helpful advisor might sneak up on him and shove. Just a little! A friendly amount.
Ren suddenly turns to look at him and Bdubs tries to look innocent. “Hello, My King!” Bdubs says. “You’re up early today.”
“Hm,” Ren says, and he looks back out over the balcony. Bdubs squints over the shopping district, and... nope, still just a shopping district, best he can tell. Joe’s terrifying squid device is still flinging squids. Impulse’s unnecessarily massive shop is still massive. His and Scar’s beautiful shops on the street are still both beautiful and not like Aquetown. It’s the Season Nine shopping district, and it’s quiet, because it is early and the smart Hermits are asleep.
Bdubs should be asleep. He’s not, though, and when he saw Ren was awake -
“Looking out over your kingdom?” he asks.
“Mmm, yes,” Ren says. “I had a dream last night.”
“Oh? Is it of your brilliant, unimpeachable plans for the server? ‘Cause Ren, I’ve gotta say -”
“It was a strange dream,” Ren continues before Bdubs can continue speaking, and ah. There’s something odd in Ren’s voice. Bdubs quiets to let Ren talk. “I was cold - that’s one of the things I remember best. I was cold, and there was - it was blood in my eyes, and it stung, and I could barely see, because my eyes stung so badly with the blood in them.”
“Uh, well,” Bdubs says, because he has no idea what to say to something like that.
“Naturally, I panicked, and tried to figure out where it was coming from. Finally, I knocked a crown off my head, and it was covered in blood, too, and was so sharp on the top I cut myself on it. And as I was holding it in my hands, a voice like mine asked: do I know how heavy the crown is? And I couldn’t answer. I don’t know why, Bdubs, I couldn’t answer. And the voice, it asked: am I prepared to lose what only a king can lose? And I couldn’t answer that, either, and before I could figure out why I didn’t have any voice, I woke up.”
“Geez,” Bdubs says. “That’s some nightmare.”
“I know, right? Like, dude, not every crown has to be bloody,” Ren says, briefly animated, but something in him knocks him more subdued again. “Or. I think so. I just keep on thinking about how I couldn’t answer.”
“I know how I would answer,” Bdubs says boldly.
“Of course, of course,” Ren says.
“Weird freaking nightmare,” Bdubs says.
“Weird freaking nightmare,” Ren agrees. “Weird... say, Bdubs. If we were to have to fight for this. If we were - if it were less obvious to the other Hermits my fitness to be in charge of their diamonds...”
“Of course I would be by your side,” Bdubs says vehemently. “That’s how the Crastle works! I built it to protect you, you know.”
“Is it?” Ren says.
“Yep! As the local kingmaker, only I get to say who can be king, so if there were ever rebellion against you, I promise - my - I mean our power is secure!”
Ren laughs, and it’s a full-bellied thing. “Very well, Sir Bdubs. I apologize for troubling you. It’s earlier than you’d usually be awake, after all.”
“Oh, I don’t mind. I was awake anyway,” Bdubs says.
“What for?” Ren asks.
“Well, y’see, I had a dream too! It was super weird, except it sounds way less weird than yours. All I dreamed was that I came back to the crastle, but it was empty, no matter how hard I looked. And I got real scared, so I woke up! But it’s not empty, so I’m fine now.”
Ren smiles at Bdubs. “What for all of our nightmares to be so simply resolved as yours,” he says.
“Oh yeah,” Bdubs says. “Simply resolved. But, uh, say. Do you wanna watch the sunrise over the shopping district anyway? I don’t do naps so good, so I’m not going back to bed anytime soon.”
“Of course, my dude,” says Ren, and he pats a place on the balcony next to him. Bdubs sits down. He keeps on looking at Ren, though, and thinking about how people can vanish without you knowing it. Ugh. Stupid nightmares. It’s another beautiful day, after all, and Bdubs has power to deal in.
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I can’t be your friend
Pairings: Archie Andrews x reader
Warning: Angst and Fluff
Summary: You have been struggling holding back your feelings for Archie, so your easy answer as to just ignore him. But him being your bestfriend made it alittle impossible. Suddenly at school he grabbed your hand and pulled you into the music room as he asked you “why are you ignoring me?” So, what do you do?
A/N: masterpost & links are pinned on my tumblr.
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He stood there just waiting for you to say something “Please tell me” he began as he walked over to you “why are you doing this?” He asked again “I don’t get it, out of the blue you just started to ignore me completely.” He sighed “I’m not mad but I care about you, can’t you just tell me what’s wrong please?” You just stood there frozen, he noticed so he walked over to you to reassure you with hand on your shoulder. You finally woke up from the warm feeling coming from his hand, you whimpered at the first contact.
He looked confused, “please?” He whispered. Before you looked him in the eyes and prepared you mentally before you finally said: “alright, I’ll try telling you”. He half smiled before nodded “ok.” You took a deep breath “but you have to promise me not to freak out or stop being my friend” you said with a shaky voice. He looked at you with a puzzling look before he nodded “sure, of course” he waited for you to start talking.
You thought about how to start telling him about this. Maybe its good to start with the beginning? Or maybe the end? Or maybe just tell him right out what’s been going on? Or maybe you should not tell him and walk out, or just lie to keep the friendship. But you knew that you couldn’t help yourself anymore, something had to happen.
You sure as hell don’t know what but you knew that you had to come clean. You woke up from your thoughts and just looked at him, and chuckled. “Well, I don’t know how to begin, honestly” you shaked your head in frustration. “There’s so much that has happened between us and I just dont know how to talk about this without hurting you or losing you” you sighed. “Look, just tell me” he gave me a half smile, “you can trust me, we are friends” he said as he sat down on a chair.
You sighed and said “I can’t do this, I don’t want us to be friends” you finally said and chuckled over how that might have sounded “wait, what?” He looked so confused and raised up from his chair. “I can’t be friends with you any longer because” you looked at him deep into his eyes as you walked over to him and kissed him deeply, his hands grabbed your arms and then he lifted his hans to slowly cup your face.
You broke the kiss out of shock and looked at him, waiting for him to say anything but then “Y\N, listen” he sighed, and seemt to struggle with his words. You shook your head and felt your tears coming up, “I’m sorry, I knew it, I’ll Leave and pretend this never happened” you said as you begin to run out the door.
Suddenly you felt his hand stopping you from leaving. “What do you want?” You whispered, he grabbed your neck and guided you close. “This” He simply put and kissed you deeply. “I just can’t” he began as he kissed you once more, “I can’t do this if it means that I will lose you, I don’t want this to end badly and lose you” he said as he kissed you once more, you couldn’t help but chuckle and hug him tightly “I don’t want to lose you either” you whispered as you hugged him tightly and kissed him. “You smell so good” you smiled and kissed him on his cheek as he chuckled. “Lets get out of here” he said and grabbed your hand, on your way to walk out of the music room hand in hand with Archie.
You couldn’t believe it, you had dreamed about this moment for so long. Literally in your dreams, now everyone at school would know that you and Archie are dating, like you were freaking out so much. You thought you were beginning to have an anxiety attack or something, so you stopped Archie from walking out “wait” you said and began breathing deeply, counting to ten.
He looked at you and knew what was going on, he grabbed you and pulled you into a hug before he said calmly “I’m here” he said and smiled. “Do you want to talk about it or do something?” He asked. He knew about your anxiety all to well, he’s been there for you for every attack. No matter how late or early it was.
He looked at you and said “how about some takeaway at pops, go back to my house?” He asked and you finally unfroze and looked up at him. “Yes, I would love too but, listen I’m so sorry-“ you began and he kissed you before you could finish your sentence “from now on I will kiss you every time you apologise of something that’s not your fault” he said with a smile, and you giggled. “It’s just allot, that’s all” you reasured him.
He kissed you once more “I’m here” he reasured you and you nodded, “let’s go” you said to him with a grin, he kissed you once more on your cheek and said “finally” as you walked outside the classroom, everyone stood there looking at you.
He looked at you with a grin and pulled you into a half hug as he kissed you at your chin. Betty and Veronica gave you the happiest smiles and said in unison “Finally!”. At the end of the hallway he kissed you deeply for everyone to see.
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fragilecapric0rnn · 1 year
FRIENDS AU Part 2: The One Where Eddie Copes
[part one]
[cross-posted to ao3] || word count: 3.3k
Eddie doesn’t know how long it takes for his soul to return to his body. 
It left as soon as his eyes and brain fully registered that he was suddenly in the presence of his high school crush. Right here, in the flesh, sitting in the middle of his friends in The Jittery. He can’t help but consider the fact that he may have been the one to summon him with his pathetic cry for his ex-girlfriend just moments before the incident. 
The casual, ‘You remember Eddie? From high school?’ comment from Robin sucker-punched Eddie right in the chest. The eye contact and shy smile that followed nearly sent Eddie into some sort of stress-induced cardiac arrest. 
He hardly registers the barely coherent story that Steve is trying to tell. Eddie watches him bring a glass of water to his mouth with shaky hands and tries not to stare at his lips. 
“I’m confused.” Jonathan says as Eddie starts to regain consciousness.  
Memories of his repressed gay awakening circa-1985 come flooding back with a vengeance. Sitting in the bleachers during gym class, watching this same guy flick off his t-shirt, dripping in sweat, shit-talking his opponents, shoving them around a little too rough for a gym class game of basketball. 
He adjusts how he’s sitting in the chair, right now, in 1993. Beating away the thoughts from the Ghost of Horny Moments Past, pushing away the potential for any unexplainable chubs as he tries to sit and listen to the man himself ramble about God-knows-what, soaking wet like a pathetic little kitten in the coffee shop. 
He’s going to throw up. 
Or pass out. 
Possibly both.
Thankfully, everyone’s attention is on the runaway bride, too distracted to notice that he’s in crisis. 
“It makes perfect sense to me.” Argyle shrugs, handing Steve a giant ceramic cup. 
“Just run it by us one more time.” 
Steve takes a comically large sip from his mug, holds the coffee in his cheeks, making them puff out and Eddie is convinced that this is some sort of punishment for all of his mistakes. 
“You know, they always told me that cold feet are normal. That’s what they all say about  getting married, that you get cold feet. Well, I realized when I woke up this morning, after having a very vivid and intense dream about Harrison Ford, that maybe my feet were never really that warm to begin with, ya know?” 
Everyone is nodding, as if they do know. Nancy has her eyebrows knitted together, Robin looks a bit too amused, Jonathan looks confused, and Argyle is casually dipping his tea bag into his mug, like this is a normal thing unfolding in front of them.
“Look, I was in a frat in college. I am very comfortable with my sexuality or whatever and I didn’t let the dream sway any decision making at that moment.”
Eddie resists the urge to ask him what exactly this sexuality is. 
“So it wasn’t Harrison…” Nancy presses, her hand motioning as if to say, 'Please continue this batshit story.'
“It wasn’t him,” He takes a sip from his mug, the rest of the group inches closer. “It happened about 10 minutes later, when Lola was knocking on my door, standing there in tears.”
“Fuck,” Robin drags out the word, Jonathan lets out a low whistle.
“Turns out, she also had lukewarm feet throughout most of our relationship. She wanted to call it off. And that’s when I knew we had to. Because any normal fiance would’ve freaked the fuck out, right? Would’ve started begging or pleading or yelling or something! But I had nothing. Nothing but relief.” 
The collective air in the room deflates. 
“So, we devised a plan. We’d both get ready, business as usual. And I’d be the one to sneak out of the bathroom window in the groom’s suite. Before we realized it was on the second story of the hotel.” 
He shrugs, as Eddie studies his attire a little closer, seeing he does have twigs and a smattering of leaves on his now-discarded jacket.
“Steve, I know you’re vulnerable and whatever,” Robin says, pausing when Nancy smacks her arm. “But, why here? Why us?” Motioning between her and Nancy.
He chuckles, eyes now looking down into his cup. Eddie can't help but stare at this very odd man sitting in front of him.
“I don’t know. I guess it was mostly because I knew you lived in the city. But there’s another part of me that knew you’d understand. You were one of the only people I’ve ever met that tried understanding me for me. Not what you wanted me to be.” 
And that's, wow. Why on Earth would he say something like that? Now Eddie has to cope with the fact that not only is this dude still hot, he sounds sweet as hell. 
“C’mon, let’s get you up to the apartment.” 
He can’t cope. 
“Mom, you’re gonna need to stop crying or hand the phone back to dad.” Steve pleads. He's been on the phone for about an hour at this point, everyone else scattered around Nancy's apartment, listening.
Eddie, most of the shock worn off by now, is sitting at Nancy’s kitchen table, eating a pie straight from the tin and unable to tear his eyes away from the train wreck that is Steve Harrington, still in his damp clothes, but stripped down to an undershirt and the tux pants and no shoes or socks.
Watches him keep tugging hard at his hair every time a muffled yell comes out of the phone, loud enough for everyone in the room to hear. 
No wonder this guy ran away. 
Robin sits backwards on the chair next to Eddie’s as Steve stumbles out of the window onto the terrace, where the rain has somewhat let up.  
“Do you think he’s gay?” He asks as soon as Steve is fully outside. 
“Definitely not straight." Robin plucks the fork from Eddie's hand.
Jonathan shrugs, sighing as he finally sets the change of clothes down on the table and takes a seat.. He has been holding a change of clothes from his apartment in his hands for at least a half hour, waiting for Steve to get off the phone with his parents. 
"I mean, who talks about Harrison Ford in the same breaths as explaining why you ran away from your wedding?” He says, stealing the fork from Robin. 
“I never think about Harrison Ford unless I’m watching him on tv. And even then I barely think about him.” 
“Does that answer your question?” 
Before Eddie can say, not really, his thoughts are interrupted by a commotion coming from the other side of the room where the bedroom doors are closed.
Nancy comes out of the spare room, curly hair frizzier than it had been on the way up the stairs from the coffee shop, rubbing her temples and pulling on her face as she joins the group in the living room. 
“Are they still arguing?” She asks, craning her neck to get a better look at him out on the terrace. He’s still gesturing wildly, doing a lot more yelling. 
“I think so?” Robin turns her head like a confused dog, watching him gesture wildly with his free hand. 
“One minute he’s telling his dad that he doesn’t want to live like him and then it sounds like his mom is crying, I think he talked to his old nanny at one point?” 
“His parents sound like a mess.” Eddie says, earning three different versions of a 'no-duh' look from his friends.
“Have you seen the apple? What kinda tree do you think it fell from?” Jonathan says, passing the fork back to Eddie, which is then snatched away by Nancy. She takes the pie tin from them, putting it back in the fridge. 
They can hear the window opening and Steve falling back inside, silent cursing to himself. 
“No dad, you listen!” All their heads snap in the direction of Steve. Once again, soaking wet. His face is red, his already big hair standing up in every direction, and an insane look on his eyes.
Are his pupils dilated?
“Fine! I don’t care, I don’t care anymore! Cut me off! I don’t care! You know what,” Steve struggles to get his wallet out of his pocket, pauses and just throws the wallet across the room. Muffled yelling comes from the phone. “I'm snapping my credit cards right fucking now!" 
"I’ll stay here, with Nancy and Robin and you can take that inheritance and shove it up your ass!” Steve hangs up the phone and throws it onto the loveseat next to him. 
No one moves. No one speaks. The air is still, but only for a moment.
“I think this is where the sitcom audience would clap.” Eddie forgot Argyle has been laying down on the couch this entire time. Steve’s red face suddenly looks sickly pale. 
"I think I'm gonna be sick."
Jonathan and Nancy hop up from their spots, Robin hands him a brown paper bag, and they guide him to the couch. Eddie watches this all unfold, lingering in the background. Not one for comfort, especially being the king of mommy and daddy issues, without the complicated mess of being a trust fund baby, he has nothing helpful to add. 
“It’s gonna be okay, just try taking deep breaths.” 
Steve nods, the paper bag inflating and deflating slower, but still rather fast. 
“Would it help if I sang a song?” 
The bag inflates and deflates even slower, everyone just sort of stares at Argyle. 
“Don’t worry, about a thing, because every little thing, is gonna be alright.” Steve slowly brings the paper bag down, rests his hand on Argyle’s forearm.  
“I think I’m okay now, thank you.” He visibly winces at the lackluster Bob Marley
“Don’t mention it, mon.” 
For some godforsaken reason, Steve looks right at Eddie as they make the same face, an eyebrow hiked up to their hairlines, the physical embodiment of a scoff without actually scoffing. All while making eye contact with each other. 
Eddie looks away quickly, jumping out of the chair so fast that it scrapes against the floor, startling everyone in the room. 
“What am I gonna do?” He sounds panicked. 
“We’re gonna help you figure it out,” Jonathan says, sat on the coffee table across from him. 
“You can stay here with me, Jonathan and Robin live across the hall, it’ll be fun.” Nancy is patting his arm. 
“But what about money? I have none of that!” 
“There are these things called jobs,” Eddie says, Nancy snaps her head around and damn-near snarls at him. Steve’s brown paper bag is back to inflating and deflating. 
The phone rings, saving Eddie from immediate doom via-Nancy Wheeler. 
Nancy looks at the time and is now the one to get up from her seat next to Steve like something bit her on the ass.
“Shit! Shit shit shit!”
“What's with all the shit, Wheeler?” Eddie asks, Nancy flipping him off as the phone continues to ring in her hand.
“I forgot to call Frank and cancel.”
“Who’s Frank?” 
“My date,” she says, immediately sending Eddie a scrunched up face and mouthing sorry.  
“Wait wait wait, Frank? As in, Frank the Creepy Paper Salesman?” Robin hops over the backside of the couch, falling into Nancy. The phone stops ringing. Nancy takes a deep breath, closing her eyes and looking up at the ceiling.
Creepy was a generous assessment of the piece of work that is Frank. Asking Nancy on dates ever since she started working at The Times, stopping by the office ad nauseam, so much so, he has become a regular fixture in the lore surrounding Nancy's office.
“Yes, that Frank.” 
“Is the dating well running that dry Nance? So dry you finally said yes to Frank the creepy paper salesman?” 
“Listen, he caught me in a momentary lapse of judgment.”
“Were you conscious during this lapse?” 
"Fully, I just. It's been a while since I'd been on a date and my mom would not stop pestering me about it on the phone literal minutes, seconds even, before Frank showed up to talk to my boss. So, when he did his usual creep routine of asking me out, I said yes."
“Was he as surprised as we are?” Eddie asks, Nancy nods, wincing. 
"And are you regretting the yes?"
The phone is ringing again. 
“Hello,” she answers, sounding like she has a congested nose. “Hi Frank, yeah, I’m not feeling that well. Yeah, maybe we can postpone. I’ll call you, yeah.” 
“I’m sorry Nancy, I know this was kinda my fault.” Steve’s voice continues to be muffled by the bag. 
“I can’t believe you thought I’d be upset about you going out with Frank the Creep.” Eddie sits back down in the kitchen chair. Is he really that fragile? Can his friends really not share their downfalls with him like they used to? 
“I don’t know! You freaked when Robin went on a date with Tam-” 
“Aht! Aht!” Robin waves her hands in the air, almost elbowing Steve. “We are not talking about my dating life. I am striking this down immediately!” 
“Point still stands, then. You’re still very upset about Michelle.” And the sound of her name feels like a cartoon anvil dropping inside of his stomach, dropping and dropping. 
“We are not gonna talk about Michelle right now.” He deadpans. 
“Who’s Michelle?” Steve asks, paper bag back in front of his face, inflating and deflating as he speaks.  All of the air has been kicked out of Eddie’s lungs. 
“Eddie’s ex,” Argyle whispers loudly, with no effort made to keep Eddie from hearing him. 
“We are not talking about Michelle right now!” Eddie yells. Everyone goes quiet. 
“Right now we are going to focus on getting Steve to stop breathing into a paper fucking bag!” 
To which they all look over at Steve, who is staring at everyone with wide eyes and the bag no longer dramatically inflating and deflating, just held to his mouth as he stares around the room. 
“I’m actually starting to feel a little better.” He says, into the bag. Inflating and deflating. 
Across the hall, Eddie has his feet kicked up on Jonathan and Robin’s couch, hands linked and resting on his stomach. His head in Robin’s lap and his feet on Jonthan’s lap, staring up at the ceiling where he can see a spaghetti stain splattered across the asbestos pattern. 
Jeopardy is playing in the background but none of them are paying attention. Argyle is sat on the floor, head close to Eddie’s as they all pass around a joint. 
“So, you let her take the TV, the bedroom set, and the living room set. What do you even have left at your place?” 
“Pots and pans?” 
“Dude,” Argyle blows a ring of smoke in the air. “That is so not cool.” He passes Eddie the joint.
“I felt bad. It’s my fault we’re in this situation.” 
“There are no faults, and yet you’re still punishing yourself.” Jonathan says, eyes glued to the TV, a familiar spacey look on his face. 
Argyle checks his watch and gets up from the floor, patting around his pockets. 
“Looks like it’s time for me to head out, Aunt Miriam is making midnight spaghetti and I wanna get there before her boyfriend eats all the garlic bread.” 
“Midnight spaghetti?” and “Your great aunt has a boyfriend?” are asked by Eddie and Robin respectively at the same time. 
“See ya man,” Jonathan yells as the door shuts behind him. 
Robin knocks on Eddie’s head lightly before pushing him off of her, stretching and yawning as she stands. 
“I’m gonna go raid Nance’s for some more beers,” He swings he feet off of Jonathan’s lap and stretches. 
“I’ll get your pillow and blankey situated,” Robin says. Eddie half turns to send her a salute before shutting the door, opening the one across the hall almost in one fell swoop. 
He doesn’t expect to see Steve still up, sitting at the same kitchen chair he spent most of the afternoon and evening in. Most of the color returned to face, a glass of wine and an open bottle on the table. 
“Hey,” He says, curious and careful
“Hi.” Steve smiles warmly at him, gesturing the bottle at him, Eddie takes it as an invitation. 
“You alright?” He grabs a wine glass from Nancy’s hanging glass rack. 
“Yeah, couldn’t sleep.” 
“Why? A lot on your mind?” Eddie takes the seat across form him. 
“You’re funny,” Steve fills Eddie’s glass. “I remember you being kinda funny in high school.” To that, Eddie fakes a dagger to the heart, startling Steve a bit, who is looking at Eddie with the same type of amusement that everyone looked at him with a few hours ago. 
“If seventeen-year-old-me heard you say that you remembered me at all from high school, there’d be an Eddie shaped hole in that door.” Eddie takes a swig from his wine, thanking whoever is in charge of the universe that it's red wine, giving him an explanation for the blush already blooming on his face. Well, a better explanation than a cute guy laughing at his silly jokes. 
“Of course I remember you, how could I forget all those lunchtime sermons about how cool and different you were and how lame and boring the rest of us were.” Steve says, not hiding how much it he seems to enjoy that the little walk down memory lane has started to make Eddie visibly cringe.
“Don’t remind me of that,” Eddie groans into his glass. 
“You seem a lot softer now.” 
Eddie drags his eyes up from where they were studying the knick in the the wood on the table, meeting Steve’s gaze. 
“You caught me at a soft time in my life, Harrington.”
“Right,” Steve leans back in his chair, brings his own glass to his lips, pausing to take a sip. “Your ex.” 
“Yep, my ex.” 
“Did she just, totally break your heart?” He asks, throwing Eddie off guard a bit. He didn't expect Steve to be so forward with his nosiness. Kinda respects it. 
“No, it was more like. I broke my own heart.” 
“What does that even mean?” 
He looks at Steve. Really looks at him, and can almost see the kindness actually spilling out of those pretty brown eyes, how he came to Robin and Nancy specifically to help him out, knowing that they would. 
“It means, I realized that she’s not really my type after all. After eight years together, I finally realized that I am g-” he clears his throat. 
“That I’m gay. No matter how much I love her, no amount is going to change the fact that I wasted both of our time.” 
Eddie can’t bear to look up at Steve, but feels his eyes on him. 
The glug glug sound of wine pouring out of the bottle breaks the silence, Eddie finally looks up. 
“You need it more than I do,” Steve says, taking a swig from the bottle, tipping it over the table to show that it’s now empty. 
This makes Eddie laugh. A full belly laugh that seems to be contagious, as Steve’s now laughing, a snort escaping his nose and mouth, making the two laugh even harder. 
“You guys, seriously?” Nancy comes out of her room, robe on and rollers in her hair. “Some of us have to work in the morning!” 
“Sorry Nance, we’ll keep it down.” 
She looks at them, her face softens with look of mild bewilderment. Stands there for a few seconds longer than she otherwise would’ve, before wordlessly going back into her bedroom. 
“That reminds me, I need to get one of those.” Steve says as her door clicks shut. 
“One of what?” 
“A job, or something.” 
“I can put a good word in for you at a few places.” He says, taking a big gulp from the very full wine glass. 
“Thanks, Eddie.” 
He can’t help but think maybe, just maybe, he will be able to cope with Steve being around. 
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legacyshenanigans · 3 months
My fella just came downstairs and we were talking about something and then he said
"By the way, I forgot to ask this morning! Did you have a bad dream last night?"
And I was like
"I actually can't remember what I dreamt about last night, why?"
And he then told me I was yelling in my sleep, and it woke him up, but he didn't wanna wake me because you're not supposed to rip people out of their sleep like that, and he didn't wanna scare me even more by suddenly waking me. So he just kinda stayed awake facing me until I stopped, and he said after like 2 minutes I calmed down, so he went back to sleep 😅
I was like "Sorry I woke you" and he said "Its OK, I've heard you laugh and mumble in your sleep, but I've never heard you yell like that before, you sounded REALLY freaked out and I didnt really know what to do"
So that was weird to hear I guess? 🤣
I honestly can't even remember, must have been fuckin GRIM though, whatever it was.
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auraworkshop · 3 months
This isn't really a void success story. But this morning I decided to attempt to get into the void through lucid dream. Because I've been having them for some time now and idk why I've never rlly tried to take advantage of that. So I was halfway into a lucid dream when I suddenly reminded myself to close my eyes in my dream. When I closed my eyes in my dream I immediately got pulled and everything went black, it was pure black. Then I remember saying "yes I finally did it" but once I had that realization I started to roll around. I was just rolling around but I was still floating and everything was still black. I also couldn't feel anything, not even my bed and I took note of that while it was happening. My heart was also beating super fast but my chest didn't hurt. At this point I was freaking out and I felt like I was fighting and I was still seeing black until I was then lucid dreaming again. I was then able to wake up. When I woke up I didn't recognize where I was even tho it was my same bedroom. Not only that but I felt strange and like I had just seen something traumatizing. After a few seconds my senses came back, but my head hurts a lot and I suffer from anxiety so I felt anxious. Now idk what to do because I still feel the wierd symptoms and my anxiety is also going off on me. It feels like that took a toll on my body. Even if I attempt to enter the void before sleeping, I noticed that it some how triggers my anxiety. Sorry for the long ask but I'm really confused on what I should do.
First of all, don't be so hard on yourself. You experienced void but you were not yet ready for it and that is why you had a negative experience, you felt anxious and traumatized because your subconscious mind has created fear in you, which you have subconsciously manifested.
But nothing to worry too much about. When something like this happens, don't immediately go into fear and anxiety. Just tell yourself that you are safe and that you are okay, and after that just move on and don't bring it up. Just let it go with ease. It is over and done with, now you just need to move on. The anxiety and other symptoms you are feeling are just temporary and will go away.
You are much more powerful than your fear, you just need to remember that ! 🤍
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charlottesuzee · 1 year
Your Song (One Piece x Black!GN!Reader)
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Blackleg Sanji
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- My Cherie Amour by Stevie Wonder
- It describes how he felt when he first met you, immediately swooning over you and begging to be noticed by you. He wanted to touch you, hug you, kiss you, love you. And he wanted you to do the same to him, so, there, he began planning ways to pursue you because he had to have you. He had fallen head over heels in love for you.
- "My Cherie amour, lovely as a summer day
My Cherie amour, distant as the milky way
My Cherie amour, pretty little one that I adore."
Trafalgar Law
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- Grace by Jeff Buckley
- It describes how he doesn't fear death or any other hardships because he knows that you love him and he loves you and that love fuels him to keep going. Even if he dropped dead suddenly, he wouldn't be afraid, he'd die happy, knowing that he had someone in his life who loved him and cherished their moments together. He doesn't feel bad about his own mortality, since he has your love.
- "And I feel them drown my name
So easy to know and forget with this kiss
I'm not afraid to go but it goes so slow."
Charlotte Katakuri
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- Never Was A Love Like Mine by Gale Garnett and Maury Laws
- He's never loved anyone as much as he loved you. You accepted him, loved him despite his scars, something his own family failed to do. He knows its wrong, but he puts you on such a higher pedestal than he does his family, because you love him, despite his 'flaws'. You don't care about his scarred mouth, you don't care that he likes to lay down from time to time, you don't care that he likes to gorge himself on donuts. He can put down the wall of perfection he built for himself and be his true self around you. Which is why he loves you more than anything and clings to you, hoping that you'll always stay true to him.
- "Tell me a thousand times each day
You've never been loved this way
Swear to me you'll never roam dear
Promise me you'll stay at home dear."
Eustass Kid
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- Burn by The Cure
- Kid's heart burns for you. He feels antsy and irritated when you're not near him, making the fire in his heart burn stronger. He yearns for you, screams for you, craves for you, burns for you, because his love for you is that strong. When he's with you, his heart is engulfed in flame, with a fire that burns only for you, a flame that will never be put out.
- "Every night I burn
Every night I scream your name
Every night I burn
Every night the dreams the same."
Roronoa Zoro
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- No One Knows by Queens of The Stone Age
- When Zoro realized that he was in love with you, it hit him like a truck. Sure, you two were already dating by then, but he was just going off of vibes, he didn't know if what he felt was really love. Until he found himself feeling other things. He felt jealousy whenever Sanji swooned over you, he felt pride whenever you kissed him after winning a fight, he felt peace whenever he woke up to your face. When he realized his emotions started switching up whenever you were around, It freaked him the hell out at first, because no one should have this much power over him and he didn't know what you were doing to him. Until it hit him right on his stupid mossy head. He was in love with you.
- "Oh what you do to me
No one knows
And I realize you're mine
Indeed a fool am I
And I realize you're mine
Indeed a fool am I."
Monkey D Luffy
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- Many Different Worlds by Von Smith
- Luffy loves to cheer you on and see you surpass your limits the more you're on this journey with him and the same goes for when you cheer him on and you're there to see him surpass his limits and get stronger. He lives on your love and support, and with it, he feels as if nothing can truly stop him, not in this world or the next. You've truly changed each other for the better and you wouldn't know how to continue on without each other. Even if you could, would you really want to ?
- "Don't give up my love
It's you I'm thinking of
So please don't turn away and leave me all alone
You've changed my life it's true
You've helped to see me through
I don't know what I'd do
Now that I've been thrown
Into many different worlds."
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- Lovesong by The Cure
- Killer turns into a different person when he's alone with you. He feels comfortable with you seeing his true self, his self without the mask. He feels like he can be his real self with you, now that there's no insecurity or fear of judgement holding him back. You make him feel like he's at home, like he's safe, and that's what he truly loves about you.
"Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am free again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am clean again
However far away
I will always love you
However long I stay
I will always love you
Whatever words I say
I will always love you
I will always love you."
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adrianasunderworld · 2 years
Papa Crewel au, where instead of Yuu getting aged down in a lab accident, it's Crewel. He moves the students out of the way in time before the bubbling cauldron can do anything, but that made the concoction get on him instead. Now he's suddenly seventeen again.
Everyone is freaking out. Yuu is asking him if he's okay. Crewel feels fine, though admittedly, the potion fucked with his memory a bit. He's vaguely aware that something has gone wrong, he knows that he knows these people, but all the details are fuzzy. His adult life feels like a dream, because mentally he's back where he was all those years ago. When he asks if Crowley is going to call his mother, or tried to walk back to his old dorm, he had to be reminded that he wasn't a student anymore.
Yuu, not knowing what else to do, brought him back to Ramshackle. It felt odd, being the one to look after Crewel for a change.
"Can you please call me by my name? It feels weird to be called Crewel or professor."
Divus took a bit to adjust. But old habits died hard. Yuu had explained to him their family like relationship, and Divus went from a father figure to acting like an older brother rather fast. He didn't have to go to class, but he still went with Yuu. He ate lunch with them and their friends. Even did Magicam photoshoots at Caters suggestion.
Divus was just as much of a troublemaker then as the boys are now. Except now he had a car and less sense of responsibility. Divus drove the gang into town for an impromptu beach trip.
"I don't know about this." Jack said.
"I'm a professor aren't I?" Divus replied. "So we aren't breaking any rules because you have my permission to be here."
Trein was extra annoyed. He thought he was done when Divus had graduated. But nope. Here he was with his smart ass mouth again.
Divus fatherly instincts had turned into that of a protective brother. He enjoyed teasing Yuu. But when it came down to other students bothering them, he was absolutely ready to fight someone. Yuu had acquired a new guard dog with Divus following them around. Yuu had to admit though: it was starting to get annoying. Especially when they returned from one of their night chats with Malleus, and over the breakfast table the next morning casually asked, "So was that your boyfriend sneaking in the garden last night?"
It was a couple weeks of this before Divus woke up in his guest room of Ramshackle. He looked in the mirror to find he was back to normal. Yuu was surprised to find him in the dorms kitchen making breakfast, an adult once more. They hugged him, feeling relieved.
It was a fun romp to be a teenager again, but it reminded him how much he did not miss highschool.
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