#but i'm reminded of sayori from ddlc
beevean · 1 year
It's great how you can already get an idea of a character's personality just from the little details of where they live:
Both Misato and Rei's apartments are a total mess but with the former's you can see that it's actually a nice place but Misato simply can't be arsed to clean it, pointing to a very messy, chaotic personality that really doesn't suit someone who is supposed to watch over a kid
Rei's on the other hand is small,barely decorated, mostly only has the bare essentials and she even leaves the door open, pointing to Rei having a very detatched and uncaring attitude to her own livelihood and sense of self worth, like she just keeps on living because she has to not because she wants to.
The visuals in NGE are a masterpiece in artstyle, scenes set up, and visual storytelling such as these details :)
Misato's... lifestyle screams to me "depressed person trying way too hard to put on a cheerful façade". She eats nothing but junkfood and drinks cans and cans of beer? She constantly oversleeps? She lets Shinji do most of the housework? There is laziness, and then there's depression. And this is Evangelion :^)
Rei's apartment isn't even barely decorated: it looks like it's falling apart. There is absolutely zero care put into it. It's the same care Rei has towards herself.
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strobichie · 1 year
just sae.
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♡⸝⸝ summary: poor you decided to replay ddlc, but something seems wrong... why is monika sae?
little note: bachira is sayori, rin is natsuki, and isagi is yuri!!
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your perspective:
i had recently gotten a new computer, there are so many things i still need to work with and customise to my liking.
so, to cure my boredom, i'm installing ddlc again and replaying it!
my favourite character is natsuki, i absolutely loved how adorable and relatable she just is. she reminded me of one of the kids i babysat.
after installing the win files i extracted them all and started the game up, as usual, i see the 4 dokis on the main screen on startup.
i entered my name of choice and started the game ---
wait, bachira??? FROM BLUE LOCK??
why was he sayori? not gonna lie, his sprites are really cute, but how..??
i re-checked the website i downloaded the game from but it displayed the 4 dokis there and there was nothing wrong..
huh, why am i being scared?
i should be grateful, honestly.
i've been blessed by the gods above!! for once i'm fucking lucky!
no way was i gonna pass up the opportunity to interact with my favourite anime characters especially since they somehow ended up in my favourite childhood game..!
i wonder who natsuki, yuri, and monika would be, though?
this is interesting! as i progress even more reading the dialogues and clicking on the chat box, after a few minutes of suffering i finally got to the literature club with bachira!
"seriously, a girl? way to be a killjoy." rin... RIN?!?!?!?!?!
wait.. could that mean ---
i hope monika is kaiser or even better, anri..!!
gosh this got me feelin' so giddy and chipper in the early fucking morning..
i skipped a few of the dialogues, and abruptly stopped when a certain person came into view.
...sae? really?
what an eyesore. i hate sae, of all people, why sae?
sure he was similar to monika, but only in appearance. kaiser or anri could have been able to fulfill this role.
i sighed in annoyance, at least i have rin and the others...
i continuously skipped many dialogues and had finally gotten to the part where sayori, or in this situation bachira, hangs himself..
right, this was a horror game after all. did i really forget about the main plot?
i stared at the screen with an obvious frown. rin and isagi are next..
and the person behind all this was saeshit. ugh, seriously... well, good thing i can just delete his files at any given time.
progressing through the story even further, i got a special poem and cringed at the 'drawing'. it was bachira hanging in a humorous manner.
this was unfortunate.
i clicked on the chat box endlessly, wanting to speedrun to the moments of all my favourite characters deaths..
seeing rin crack his neck and isagi stab himself looking like a crazed maniac broke my heart. good things don't last.. this will probably be the last time i'll ever be able to play this version of the game.
then, here sae was, fuck was he smiling for?
"let me take a quick one of rin's cupcakes, these such are really good for a brother so shitty and nasty." i scoffed and gritted my teeth in anger, sae was clearly the asshole in their brother-ship.
i was met face-to-face with sae, i pursed my lips and stared at my computer screen.
"it's nice to talk to you even if it's by a dialogue box." is this even real?
"i know that you're thinking: is this legitimate? to answer your question, yes it is. i became self aware after everything in that god damn manga and anime called blue lock, i felt sick and tired of not being able to show up in the manga after a long period of time. somehow, i found a way to break the barrier between the fictional animanga world and reality as you call it." that was a mouthful. he was pretty talkative now. my burning hatred for sae cooled down a bit as he spoke more ---
"i found this 'cutesy romance horror' game and it had all the things i needed in order to cross over to the real world. this version of the game only exists on your desktop, {user}. is {user} even your name? are you even a girl?" he shot me a confused expression.
"honestly, i don't care anymore. even i started falling in love with you. i thought i wasn't capable of love, just like the original character monika, i fell in love with you." this sent a shiver down my spine, i sweat-dropped and continued reading his dialogues.
"you read that right, i love you. even if i'm not real, i love you. i won't ever let you leave me. i'll kill you even if you think of it." he coldly stated and i opened my file explorer, ready to delete his character file --- huh.. why couldn't i delete it?
"i'm disappointed, why would you wanna try to delete me? i love you, you should be grateful i love you." but i hated sae, i hate him!
"i've been practicing for a while, i think i can finally break the laws of physics and rules of nature between our worlds." uhm, does he even know what the fuck's he saying?
"i'll see you soon, goodbye {name}. i love you." HOW DID HE GET MY NAME? DID HE HACK INTO MY COMPUTER BECAUSE WHAT THE FUCK..?!?!?!
i was scared shitless, jesus christ, just what did he mean by all that? i force shut down my computer and rolled to my bed covering myself in my blankets. time to go back to sleep after that eventful experience.
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short little fic, should i make a part two?
finally made a part 2!
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heartbeatbookclub · 8 months
I think it's sorta weird how the Protagonist (MC, Y/N, Stinky, whatever you wanna call him) is treated within the context of DDLC's meta.
That sentence came out weird. What I mean is that on terms of DDLC playing with the 4th wall (in other words, on terms of its actual existence as a visual novel in universe), the nature of the Protagonist's...well, entire existence, is up in the air.
Dan Salvato literally stated that he doesn't actually see him as a character in the same way as the girls. He's a "blank slate that says whatever is convenient." In a different statement, he's described as the "nameless, faceless self-insert character that you find so commonly in romance games", which I think is a good way of putting it. It's a good way of justifying why he kinda...sucks, because he's meant to be a typical VN protagonist. He's shallow, and responds with little more than what makes sense in context, because he doesn't have much character on his own, which is what makes him pretty bad at dealing with delicate issues like with Sayori.
In DDLC+ (spoilers, I guess?), it's a little bit vague about it, but in one of the mails, it states that Monika has literally "manufactured" a new character to "force interaction between her and the user". This character is heavily implied to be the Protagonist of the main DDLC visual novel that we know, and he is, as stated, noticeably absent from the Side Stories, because Monika didn't actively create him to be there.
Except...he isn't.
He doesn't physically appear, but in Trust, though he's obviously not mentioned by name, it's implied that he does exist, because when asked to act like a "normal person" responding to the Literature Club, she imitates a friend of hers who says "Literature is stuuupid. I'm joining the Anime Club."
...Remind you of a certain someone?
I feel like I'm overexplaining this, but my point is, it suggests that the Protagonist as a character isn't just something Monika invented out of thin air, or at least he's heavily implied not to be.
I think there's a larger conversation on the vague way the game itself treats the world outside of what is defined within the limited scope of Doki Doki Literature Club. Fans have filled gaps of different characters and events, but it's important to acknowledge that they're gaps filled by fanon, not canon. I think those gaps are left very intentionally empty, mostly to play into the conceit of the world, being that literally nothing actually exists outside of its boundaries, because it's a visual novel. It's a limited, constricted reality, where things are implied to exist outside it, but they actually don't.
In other words, Monika did apparently generate all that makes up the Protagonist as a character and vehicle for the player in the main game, based off the limited concept implied by their interaction in the Side Story. Or, rather, probably by something else, since the side stories are inherently a "Control Simulation" where Monika doesn't have any sense of meta awareness. It's a prequel set before the main story, but...well, if you really think about it, it's implied to tie into the main story, but they don't directly link up, do they? If it's not explicitly shown on screen in the main line Doki Doki Literature Club, did it even happen?
Either way, the Protagonist is a character independent of Monika's creation, he's just given absolutely nothing, and technically doesn't even exist outside of what's implied of him. Technically, the character Monika creates as a vehicle for the Player has no real relation to him, outside of being Sayori's friend and wanting to join the Anime Club. Or, depending on your view, he does! Since he's the literal manifestation of that character concept where it didn't exist previously, it's fair to say that he is that character given life!
I don't know, I think it's just kinda fascinating in context. I don't really like a lot of the extra lore surrounding the whole thing in +, but there are plenty of interesting things like this which have been given just enough flavor to be interesting.
Obviously I don't think this means the Protagonist is a complete non-character and any & all fan interpretations of him should be defenestrated (quite the opposite actually, reality can be whatever you want, I have a few concepts with him floating around my head which I find fun to play with), but I think this sort of thing is probably important to keep in mind on terms of actual investigations of canon.
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cat-and-fox-hub · 9 months
Alliance DDLC AU!
Made by Cat, aka Researcher Serif
(TW: suicide, death)
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Welcome, one an’ all to our DDLC AU ft. @cosmica-galaxy's Alliance bois! this has been stewing for a while but I finally done it!
Since the Bois tend to go in trios, I added a two special guests; Veteran & Brown-Coated Cameraman!
Veteran here has a platonic/familial relationship with the Literature Club's resident human, you! But, when it comes to you, dear Viewer, it's another story altogether~.
Brown-coated Cameraman is also like Veteran in terms of relationship with you but also you as well.
Anywaes, I do hope you enjoy!
(Sorry in advance if the format is janky, I'm still experimenting styles for my writing.)
[Close ups and extra commentary below!]
As a forewarning, I will being using -dere typings, a suffix to that derives from the Japanese onomatopoeia 'deredere' meaning 'lovey dovey' to describe characters that express their affection in different ways, or on different levels, for their personalities with a summarized explanation of what the -dere type is given.
(Also keep in mind that while they take the roles of the DDLC girls, their personality don't exactly match with them. They more take some aspects from them into their base personalities, which has been ever so lovely provided by Rus.)
The Main Trio! Took some finagling around to put them in roles I think was most suited for them but I decided on this!
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ღ⊱ | Sayori!Cameron |
His base personality is a Dereyandere, mostly a Deredere, a sweet and happy-go-lucky energetic type character, with hints of non-violent Yandere, an obsessive and lovesick character willing to go varying (usually extreme) lengths for their perceived beloved
In this AU, he's more ditzy than his base self and that's pretty much it. Not much change here really.
I chose him because his cheerful and jealous pouty nature just reminds me of Sayori and his yan side reminds me of the Act 4 ending should you choose to delete Monika's file resulting in Sayori becoming the Club President.
ღ⊱ | Yuri!Vee |
His personality is a Kuutsundere, mostly a Kuudere, a calm, and collected character type that usually appears stoic in nature, with hints of Tsundere, a prideful character that seems/acts harsh on the outside but is softer on the inside
In this AU, he's a bit shy and into strange literature like Yuri but no less stoic and mature like his base self
He also adopted the yandere tendencies, obsession with knives, and 'testing' them on himself as Yuri does when his personality values are tampered with
ღ⊱ | Natsuki!DJ |
His base personality is a Deredere with go-with-the-flow/chill vibes from my observations
In this AU, he's a bit more exasperated and possessive than his base self. He's still the chill and happy-go-lucky unit we all know but just a bit more mellow in the way he gets a little more defensive about his feelings towards you, both to you and those that seem to like you too
Basically, Nastuki's tsundereness somewhat cancels out his more joyfully energetic side a tad
Initially, he was in Sayori's role before I started swapping with Cameron for a while. They were going back and forth roles the entire time lol
I was nearly done with drawing this when I realize he'd probably be a bit better as Sayori, but again, I was almost finished so we get this!
( _-ヮ-;)\
ღ⊱ | Monika!Veteran |
His base personality is serious and fatherly-inclined. He doesn't really align to any -dere types but if we were to stick to the whole -dere personality typing, the closest -dere type he'd be is a Jendere, a calm, gentlemanly, and distinguished character type.
There's more terms that attach itself to it like strict, fatherly, kind, and/or elegant which is why I thought this was the closest -dere typing for him
In this AU, he has more yandere tendencies that manifest in a similar way to that of Monika's own tendencies, just in a more guilty, conducted way seeing as he's the eldest, their senior, and shouldn't be causing the destabilization and deaths of his younger, junior club members because his deep love for you.
He's also younger in this AU considering DDLC's setting but that still doesn't offset the DILF vibes he got goin on lol
ღ⊱ | You've achieved the Bad Endings! |
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ღ⊱ | Sayori!Cameron | "It's, what do you call it, just a little rain cloud! I-I'm fine! Promise!" ღ⊱ | Yuri!Vee | "What to do for my core that flutters when our gazes meet? Ah! I-I apologize, I said too much..." ღ⊱ | Natsuki!DJ | "Whatever's on your mind, I'm sure it was nothing!"
Hey! You there, looking at the screen! You seemed quite startled when things didn't seem like what they were at first. Especially since you exited so suddenly.
Monika!Veteran's been... watching, among other things. He's been waiting for quite a while for you to return so he's just a bit... antsy, to say the least, so please, don't be too alarmed looking at him!
But, your back! So all is good! And now, without the others in the way...
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ღ⊱ | Monika!Veteran | "Let us spend the rest of our eternity together. What do you say? Just the two of us?"
Veteran likes to pat his child our resident human like any good dad senior he is!
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The Main Trio giving you some well deserved affection! Veteran seems to have his Dad Instincts™ involuntarily flare up at this though...
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And of course, to top it all off, we have a Bonus Alt! AU ft. Rus' Mimic Trio and special guest, Brown-coated Cameraman!
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ღ⊱ | Sayori!Pal |
His base personality is a Deredere to the max. A chipper and friendly guy to literally everyone he meets
In this Alt AU, his personality hasn't changed much from his base one, really. The only difference is him being a tad clumsy and a bit more somber at certain times, which is from Sayori's clumsy demeanor and depression.
ღ⊱ | Yuri!Buddy |
His personality is a Kuuyandere, majorly a Kuudere with hints of non-violent Yandere
In this Alt AU, he's quieter than his base self and a bit more maniac in his yandere tendencies when his personality values are tampered like Yuri's in DDLC.
He's also has a bit of shyness in the form of hand fidgeting from Yuri's own habit.
ღ⊱ | Natsuki!Fiend |
His base personality is a Kuutsunyandere, mostly a Kuutsundere with hints of non-violent Yandere
In this Alt AU, his tsundere side is a bit more prominent. Still a smug bastard, he's much more susceptible to getting flustered by things that involve his emotions due to Natsuki's influence
ღ⊱ | Monika!Brown-Coated Cameraman |
His base personality is a Megadere, a Deredere whose love is more obsessive and fangirlish in nature, which is rather obvious to everyone else, and sometimes, the love interest themselves
In this AU, his personality is more that of a Yeredere's, similar to a Megadere but even more crazy and obsessive like that of a sweeter, mostly non-violent Yandere which comes from Monika's own yandereness
He also very much leans into Monika's 'why can't I just be the one for once?' as a person who has very strong feelings of love and longing slapped in him
He just loves you so much. Won't you stay with him? Forever?
Check out my main blog: @researcher-serif
Here's my NSFW blog if that tickles your fancy: @grandfather-of-sin
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amemberoftheosc · 7 days
Thoughts on TPOT 13
I thought it was a really great episode and I was glad to see all the character development and interactions that they had! It was silly and stuff and I liked that I think they did my favorite characters pretty well and the character arcs are going well!
[Spoilers ahead!]
It was great to see Firey and Leafy on their Dreamier Island! Aha, oh my gosh, it's ever dreamier than OG Dream Island! It was sad however to see that the storm that One brought to the island, perhaps a test before doing the real damage(?), kill Leafy yet somehow spare Firey And the end credit scene! He looked so sad :< Like, his head going down told it all We needed no words, he is alone and I don't know how he's supposed to get Leafy back! Is her supposed to just travel to the mainland to recover her? That sounds even more lonely than just being there on the island I hope that Leafy somehow is able to come back to him They really seemed like they were having fun together and putting the past behind them!
Now onto the meat and bones, the challenge! Sweet little challenge and I loved what they did with the dragon dodging the fireballs using that classical dodging movement! And oof! That conversation between Golf Ball and Donut? Man, they both had some good points I must say Someone has got to show Golf Ball that she needs the support of her team in order to win! Her statements about wanting victory and feeling as though her efforts are in vain are good to hear It shows that she does care, it's just she doesn't know how to show it Reminds me of Nickel from I.I before S3 and S2 ep15 came actually However, I believe she has gotten some character growth! After all, she seemed to care about finding Basket Ball and even said to her team that they should go to Basket Ball's factory, not hers! Lastly, I found Golf Ball thinking that Tennis Ball was going to save her was sweet I've been taking a liking to Tengolf and I just found that sweet of her to think Now the rejoiners! Thanks to One for making it so TWO contestants rejoin! And yippie! Pencil and Liy made it out on top and that's amazing ^^ I find them kind of like foils of each other really Because, even though Liy didn't choose to rejoin her old team, everyone on her old team is glad to see her back She is also mostly vibing and chilling with her team Meanwhile Pencil out here, getting rejected from Ice Cube and Book, getting sassy, and then putting Ice Cube's and Book's team UFE! Talk about revenge, maybe Ice Cube could learn a thing or two from Pencil Ah that reminds me, I found Ice Cube taking Book away from Pencil and stating that they would rather be on separate teams from Pencil and actually conversing with Book made me happy! Since they had a nice bond during the beginning of BFB but then eventually drifted, even into TPOT But now, they're talking again!!!
Robot Flower's arc has been something I can't recall that well but she changed a herself a little bit to be like how Flower was in BFDI and then One worsened it! Oh the mayhem and destruction And then Basket Ball agreeing to One to get Robot Flower back and Robot Flower seeing who they were on the screen, thinking: "Huh, that was me?" And then Basket Ball going: "No, that wasn't you. I missed you" And Robot Flower appreciating the sentiment The quotes aren't quite correct but I tried lol Also, side notes, Pillow locking Golf Ball and Donut outside on the hotel roof time just reminded me of a reverse Seven Minutes in Heaven lol And now it reminding me of a fic where two people get trapped in a closet so they can work out their bickering and differences (it was a DDLC fic lol, Sayori and Monika trap Natsuki and Yuri inside it if I remember correctly) When I saw the Game Cube Book picked up I was like :O I thought it was pretty cool seeing it! Also, I saw someone comment that what One wants is Two's powers, which makes sense The "not powerful enough" comment and stuff I think that's all I have for this episode and I'm glad to have done my thoughts on an OSC episode again ^^
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discrunkled-twog · 1 year
N, O, T, and V!
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
Hmm... For fandom, I will choose Undertale, because it's the one I'm probably most active in currently.
More gen stuff of Sans and Papyrus!! More "Gaster is just a goofy science guy" content!! More Sans & Alphys interactions!! More animations of funny gen stuff!!
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
Okay, Spotify shuffle, don't fail me now... Okay! (Had to skip Japanese songs and ones I wasn't familiar enough with...) Bubble Pop Electric! (by thquib, not Gwen Stefani, but I have both.)
Probably Aiura. XD
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending? 
Sans doesn't 'let Papyrus die,' he just doesn't think that you will actually kill him/ that you're strong enough to kill him
Everyone in Saiki K shops at Hot Topic.
Nendou and Akechi would be best friends if SCREEN TIME
V - Which character do you relate to most?
Hate to be cringe, but likely Sayori or Yuri from DDLC. And according to my sister, Mettaton.
Thanks for the ask! :D
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jergojackpot · 1 year
Ddlc was the BEST mascot horror game (If you could even describe it as that) that ever came out. Nothing has yet to live up to it. Poppys playtime, Tattletail, Bendy, and Fnaf all have superior gameplay and was more than just reading text, but in terms of story? Music? Characters? Art? They just don't compare. The previous games I listen just dive head first into the horror immediately putting you into a situation where you find what you're supposed to do and go from there, occasionally learning the lore of the story the dev is telling, but with ddlc it's JUST a story that involves an occasional choice. It excels in its simplicity perfectly.
And I'm not even mentioning how goddamn creepy it is. Sayoris death scene is amazing and absolutely haunting if you go into the game not knowing a thing. Giving Yuri those hyper realistic eyes were a phenomenal choice to make. It reminded me exactly how I felt when I read those lost media creepypastas. I have a LOT of thoughts about Monika and her situation that I can't possibly put into this one textpost, but she's the reason why the whole game is so perfectly scary and bittersweet.
Elaborating on what I said before, I wouldn't even call ddlc horror. It's more of a tragic love story with cosmic/existential horror elements. I'm so glad it came out at as a full release, and we weren't bombarded with sequels or delays. I don't even want a sequel. The game ended perfectly and should be left as it is
Best art, best characters, best story, best music, best indie game of the 2010s. Fnaf and undertale both had more influence on the general population, but I still think ddlc deserves more recognition than just a "yandere waifu" game
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*MC and Sayori finishing a compilation of Danganronpa deaths*
*Sayori is in tears*
MC: Sorry you got kicked in your-chick parts for almost twenty minutes straight,,,again...
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camellia-salazar · 3 years
Things I've learned from each fandom part 2.
Bunny Maloney: the fandom is mostly cursed. But there are a lot of Jean-Francois fans (of course why not?).
Bone: probably full of promising fans. Also new animated show on Netflix probably.
Camp Camp: the moment I actually realized that some shows don't make it past the forth season. Also I haven't heard from this fandom in a while so my knowledge is pretty old.
BBIEAL: this fandom lived for about a year until it was ultimately forgotten. Also princibaldi was my otp for a while and I half regret it half not.
Aggretsuko: Season four is coming up (or already is up) and people started shipping Hayda and that other dude forgot his name (give me a break, i have probably over a thousand characters from each fandom so chill).
The Outsiders: I never got to watch the movie. I was supposed to with a friend but I haven't gotten to talk to her in like three years. But the book was my middle school favorite. Sodapop is best bro. Stay gold.
DDLC: idk what I learned other than what I already know in DDLC+. I'm just a bit surprised about how Sayori told Monika about how she feels. Well, I guess it makes sense, Monika wouldn't even really know if she didn't tell her I guess. Unless she found out in the files or something like I originally thought. But I like the results instead. I just like those little side stories ngl.
There She Is!!: I still can't believe I found out about the extra part RIGHT AFTER the week ended. Since it was shown to everyone for a week and then gone forever, I was totally bummed out when I found out that I was only a day late. Smh.
Nichijou: I ligit thought it was gonna have a plot (since that every other show/anime I've watch has one I think). I was wrong, but that doesn't mean I dislike it. It was hilarious and interesting. Idk. (Didn't get to finish it tho). I also keep having to search the title up just to see how the name is spelled. Oof.
Elfin Lied: ah yes, childhood along side Soul Eater (when it comes to anime). Gory and stuff, tragic, but still pretty good. Me and my siblings remembered the "dog getting beat up by kids" bit so whenever I go to talk about it I have to remind them with that one phase. Also probably one of the reasons on how Xavier got used to gore.
Little Nightmares: ah yes, one of the fandoms that got me thinking of how I should've been into it at the time everyone else was. Same with DDLC and TF2 on that category. Everyone used to talk about rk (the runaway kid) or seven however you call him. Now no one cares for him as much as they used to. Also I love how the fandom sorta dies until the second game came out.
Among Us: the memes are a bit annoying, but at least the game is pretty cool. A lot of angst. Honestly the reason I joined this fandom was really to make an AU/crossover of Clone High and Total Drama with it. Then it turned into another AU/crossover only this time it's with more characters from other fandoms. It was epic in my mind.
My Pride: this was big until I've heard rumors about how the creator for this webseries is also transphobic. Idk if that's still happening but at that point I realized just how much drama is happening within fans and the creators of the shows/webseries/games/etc. Also a lot of love for Feather.
Why Women Kill: idek how big this fandom is or if it's alive or what not, but the show still bangs. The one and only live action show I've ever really liked. Season 2 came out and my parents and I still didn't finish it. I like the changing of the decades deal in season 1 tho.
That's it for now, reply to this whenever I miss something because some of you did that the last time and I think it's a great idea.
Part 1 Part 3
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toothzome · 2 years
Color Theory and the Cast
Color theory is even more important when it comes to a visual novel deconstruction like DDLC.
Sayori: Her hair is a light pinkish-orange, very important when one analyzes her for her love for her friends, shown through pink. Orange commonly symbolizes outgoingness, happiness, joy, and balance, all the things Sayori cares for and shows during Act 1. Her eyes being blue further compliment this; blue is a commonplace color for sensitivity, imagination, and even wisdom. Of course it's not out of place for a player (especially a first time one) to disregard that fact that Sayori is the most emotionally intelligent out of her friends. Time and time again, it is her that realizes an emotional problem among them, and solves it without jeopardizing how everyone else feels. It is her link to her emotions, particularly regarding love, that lead to her downfall. She paints herself in a orange and blue sky to hide the fact that a storm is brewing inside her.
Natsuki: It's ironic for Natsuki that pink symbolises approachability, harmony, and inner peace. It means friendship and affection as well, which is what Natuski exhibits as her best trait: her loyalty to her friends. Even in Act 2 when things are becoming tense, Natsuki tries to show how much she cares about Yuri and Monika. Her strong suit is her friends and how much they mean to each other. She is the passionate side of red, though that doesn't mean she has discarded the latter color's agitated nature. It's a shame Monika uses her love for the club to further her twisted plans.
Yuri: Purple is not a natural color found in nature. It must be bred from other colors to occur, and even those experiments have gone in totally different directions from lack of adequate information. It was a symbolist choice to make Yuri's hair purple; it showcases that she is not only a mystery, but an important one at that. Her strange behaviours are what fuel Act 2 in the first place. Yuri, the strange girl with a connection to an even stranger one, the odd one out, who hides her past and interests and true nature behind mystery, is easily foiled by Monika's overt, sympilistic nature.
Monika: Her brown-orange hair convinces the player that she is dependable, safe, and secure. That she is down to earth without any unworldly connections. In fact, most blow her off in Act 1--before reading her poems--as being the "generic" girl. When the twist comes that she was behind everything, it can take even players who have played multiple times off guard (I know it happened to me.) Her green eyes deceive even more; associated with growth, nature, and health, they trick the player into assuming that Monika has no bad intentions besides being mildly self aware. Her green eyes are even more fitting when one recalls a certain saying: being green with envy, a physical reminder of how she is jealous of the rest of the cast. One also remembers green being commonplace to show code/technology. It's entirely possible that Monika's eyes turned green after the "hole in the wall" incident, but that's a theory for another time.
That was all! I'm really glad these things get so much positive reception, and rest assured that I have more to talk about regarding this game!
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ambermondy · 3 years
Title: Doki Doki Connection
Pairing: Male!Monika x Fem!Reader
Wc: 1170
Art by: MisterZei
Doki Doki Connection Masterlist: 🖋
Main Masterlist: 🍫
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Chapter 4
You were uttery confused. If your memory serves you right, Monika—or in this case, Moniko—followed the script until the day of the festival where he's supposed to make a joke, which you did not appreciate, about Satori's death.
"Come sit down, Y/N! We made room for you at the table, so you can sit next to me or Moniko," said Satori with a huge smile on hs face. "I'll get the cupcakes," Satori stated in a sing-song voice.
Naruki quickly stood up from his chair. "Hey! I made them, I'll get them!" He ran to the corner of the room.
Satori laughed awkwardly. "Sorry, I got a little too excited."
Yuri then decided to spoke up. "Then, how about I make some tea as well?" He stood up and walked towards the closet.
I smiled as I watched the three. It feels so different seeing them performing the actions other than reading it from MC's perspective, and just seeing their sprites different emotions, and actions inside a screen.
You turned your head to both Satori and Moniko. Unlike what the original protagonist did, you decided to take the seat next to Moniko.
"It's surprising that you took the seat next to me," he suddenly spoke up.
You quickly turned to him. "H-huh?" You were taken aback by his statement.
He chuckled and leaned closer to you. "I said, it's surprising that you chose me."
You faked a cough and regained your composure. "I didn't know that the club president likes to flirt."
He chuckled and leaned back to his chair. "I'm not flirting," he gave you a smile. "I'm only taking back what's mine." He winked.
Your eyes widened. "What-"
"Okaaay, are you ready?" Naruki cuts your statement off while holding a tray in hand. "Ta-daa!" He cheered.
"Woah!" Satori cheered.
Naruki lifts the foil off the tray to reveal a dozen of blue, fluffy cupcakes decorated to look like little cats. The whiskers are drawn with icing, and little pieces of chocolate were used to make ears.
"So cute!" Satori reached out to get his own cupcakes.
You raised your hand and reached out to Moniko, wanting to ask more about his statement but he quickly stood up, too fast for your own taste, and stated a familiar line from the script.
"I had no idea you were so good at baking, Naruki!" He commented.
He let out a proud laugh. "Well, you know." He motioned to the cupcakes. "Just hurry and take one!"
Satori grabs one first, then Moniko followed.
"It's delicious!" A huge smile is plastered across Satori's face as he took a huge bite off his cupcake.
You stared at Moniko as his eyes lightened up when he took the first bite of his treat. You guessed that he probably knew how it tastes like the back of his hand—considering how the game loops over and over again.
"Hey." You turned your head to Naruki who has his arms crossed out, a frown visible on his lips.
"Aren't you going to eat? Don't tell me that I baked all of this for nothing?" He pointed out.
"Oh, right!" You let out a nervous chuckle. "Sorry, something's been bugging my mind since this morning. I'd love to try your cupcakes, Naruki."
He grabbed one cupcake from the tray and handed it to you. "Then go and eat it!"
You mentally rolled your eyes. "Geez, okay." Not wanting to start an early fight with the tsundere, you reached out to take one cupcake and took a bite.
And oh, gods, your mind ran out of words to describe how delicious is it. The way the game's mc describe it can't even do justice on how amazing this cupcake taste!
"I'm not gonna lie, Naruki. This is probably the best desert I've ever tasted in my entire life!" You complimented. "Thank you!"
His cheeks turned red but a proud smile is visible on his face. "W-Why are you thanking me? It's not like I-"
"Made it for me or anything?" you cut off his famous tsundere line. "Yeah, I know!" You chuckled. "It's not like you can predict who's Satori's going to bring, right?"
Naruki's face turned a darker shade of red. "I-I-" he fumbled with his words. "I'm gonna go check on Satori! Hmp!" He pouted and turned away.
You heard a snort next to you and saw Moniko looking at you with pure enthusiasm in his eyes.
"Really?" He mouthed.
You shrugged. "What? I'm only telling the truth."
"Not actually the best thing you can say," he commented.
"But still... it was a good one." You winked.
He chuckled again and pinched your nose. "Uh-huh, but you have got to say, Naruki's cupcakes are amazing."
"Yeah! He probably should join a baking show or something."
"Competition, not show," he corrected.
You rolled your eyes. "Nah, same thing."
He flicked his finger on your forehead. "They're not."
"Hey!" You caressed your forehead that was assaulted by Moniko. "I'm going to report this to the principal, you meanie!"
He laughed hard, his hand holding his stomach. You pouted at the sight of him not taking your threat into consideration.
Suddenly, a thought in your head reminded you of something. "Hey, you're still not spared of your words earlier!"
He stopped laughing, wiping a fake tear on his eyes but his huge grin is still there. "H-huh?"
"The whole-" you copied his voice. "'I'm only taking back what's mine.' thing!" you changed back to your voice and held out a finger.
"First, that was really clichè, no kidding. I practically almost always read that line from every romance novels! If you want to win my heart, then do something original! Second, what's up with that line? There's really something going on with you..." you deducted.
You don't know why, but talking to Moniko felt so normal and comfortable that you just have the urge to open your mouth and say something. It felt so normal to the point that it became a familiar feeling the moment the two of you teased one another.
And looking from an outsider perspective... It's pretty unnerving.
Something just doesn't seemed to add up right... and it scared you.
Moniko gave you a sweet smile. "Original? You want original?" He then leaned down and whispered to your ear.
"Surely hanging out with Sayori really is original, don't you think?"
Your body ran cold at his sentence.
He said Sayori, not Satori!
Your face went pale as the both of you stared at each other, his emerald green eyes held different kind of emotions to the point that you were unable to figure out which is which.
"Y-you-" you were unable to finish you sentence when he turned around to face the rest of the club members.
"Alright, everyone! I have an idea for our club activity!" He then turned to you and winked. "But first, let's get to know our new member more."
You are so doomed.
- - -
A/N: Okay... I honestly don't know if I'm doing this right but I would like to thank everyone who keeps reading this story! If you have any concerns, opinions, or request, feel free to send a message!
Things might seemed be confusing but it'll all make sense as every chapters proceed, I've honestly already planned it out. And if you ever guessed what the plot is, then great! It's not like I'm really trying to hide this or something... Ahahaha. I honestly just wrote this story out of craving for more DDLC Boys content.
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sangonomiyashrine · 3 years
Hello there! May I have a kin assign for Literally any of your sources? :D
I'm a INFP-T, Demiflux and use She/they/nya pronouns + many more! usually described as the mom friend and therapist friend, I've been told my voice sounds calming and sleepy, as for personality i really cant say, though im definitely the kind of person who doesn't mind social interaction if it's with the right people.
I almost always get along with people, I also often experience rapid mood swings and try my best to control them. Id say im pretty kind?im a people pleaser and apologize for everything, always afraid that every little thing I do will make ssomeone leave me.
Im insecure about myself and often try to shape myself to fit the persons standards im talking too.
Im sensitive but not afraid to tell someone to go away if that makes sense, and I love getting attention (probably because I lacked it), when I get attached to someone Im willing to do anything and everything i can for them.
Some things I like are cooking / food! I plan to go to culinary school when im older, I like bunnies and all things soft and cutesy, but I also adore alt, horror, paranormal, folk lore, true crime and a lot of other things!
Aesthetics I enjoy are Softcore, Kidcore, Grunge, Angelcore, cottagecore and so many others! I like to sing and edit too, and i collect plushies. I also like to game!
My birthday is June 22nd, Im a cancer :D
you remind me of..
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I also thought of Yuri (ddlc), Rika Kim and Sakura Haruno.
Mikan Tsumiki - she's a people pleaser who apologizes much too often, hoping that others will not hate her. she's rather insecure, which leads her to try to act in a way others will like. this is what makes her so anxious and nervous in most interactions. I think that she enjoys being around the "right people" a lot though, loving kindness from others after she learns to accept it. she would do anything for these people who truly care for her. it's implied that she was greatly neglected in her childhood, which is why she is so attention-seeking (it's heavily implied she trips for attention). in her ftes, she's shown to have a strong interest in horror, and she probably likes cutesy stuff too. despite her seemingly weak nature, she is good at taking care of people who are in a more fragile state than her.
Maple - she'd probably take the role of mom friend in a group, being a kind person and a people pleaser. I can see her successfully being able to calm and be there for others. she likes to be around people, feeling pretty disappointed when she isn't given sufficient attention from others. while she's generally calm, she can lose control of her emotions easily despite trying hard not to. we can see this when ranmaru takes the id card for her and she loses her temper, but is shown feeling bad about what she has done and trying to control herself. she is very attached to midori, and willing to do a lot for him.
Sayori - I'd say she's the therapist friend in the club, always being the one to calm others, encourage others and stop disputes. she's very concerned with getting along with others, and can be very people pleasing to stop conflict and others from disliking her. in ddlc+, she shows that she can be insecure and apologetic, overworking herself due to thinking yuri was disappointed in her. due to her depression, she can experience mood swings, but she tries hard to not let it show. despite her conflict avoiding nature, she can be a little pushy if the situation calls for it.
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anothermonikan · 3 years
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I posted 20,269 times in 2021
155 posts created (1%)
20114 posts reblogged (99%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 129.8 posts.
I added 280 tags in 2021
#android.txt - 119 posts
#ddlc+ spoilers - 36 posts
#deltarune - 23 posts
#ddlc - 17 posts
#deltarune chapter 2 - 16 posts
#deltarune spoilers - 16 posts
#ddlc plus spoilers - 15 posts
#doki doki literature club - 15 posts
#ddlc+ - 13 posts
#ddlc plus - 10 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#avalon is from doki-doki literature girls btw. which you should read if you've played ddlc. it is the best piece of fanwork i've ever read
My Top Posts in 2021
Higurashi tags are insufferable right now, here's you're reminder that Satoko is a traumatised child and while it doesn't excuse her actions, calling her a sociopath or/and a monster just feels wrong to me
23 notes • Posted 2021-08-28 05:06:32 GMT
It's weird how detached I feel from the mainstream DDLC fandom, because I pretty much exclusively follow queer DDLC fans it's a bit of a shock when I go to places like the DDLC subreddit or I scroll through the DDLC tags on Instagram because it feels like an entire different ecosystem compared to the queer DDLC fandom
39 notes • Posted 2021-11-25 16:35:09 GMT
Natsuri nation doesn't talk about this little interaction from plus enough
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See the full post
56 notes • Posted 2021-12-03 15:07:58 GMT
Thinking about how it's implied Natsuki and Yuri gave eachother valentines letters,,,,
99 notes • Posted 2021-09-07 21:56:49 GMT
When talking about Natsuri, I always see the Amy Loves Spiders poem and the ending of the game brought up, but we really need to talk about the beach poems more, specifically Natsuki's beach poem
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Like, no way this could be about MC, right? Not that MC doesn't have any troubles, but he never expresses that to Natsuki as far as I remember, hell, even if he did this poem wouldn't make sense for him, MC clearly doesn't dislike himself.
This poem could be about Sayori, however I'm more inclined to believe it's about Yuri because its a matching poem with Yuri and although Sayori doesn't like herself, she doesn't show that, but it's much more obvious with Yuri.
Yuri is an anxious person, she overthinks her's and others peoples actions a lot, she stopped being expressive about her interests because of what other people thought about her. This poem focuses on the writer comforting someone who has heavy thoughts and worries which has dulled their happiness and enjoyment of things.
I just think that it's very obviously not about MC and it's fuckingabshsb Gay.
This is only my opinion though, I'd love to hear other interpretations of this poem!
280 notes • Posted 2021-05-31 01:49:11 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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electro-kins · 3 years
Could I have a kin matchup for any Danganronpa game and maybe DDLC? I'm an Aquarius. I'm super awkward, and not the best when it comes to romance. With certain friends I like hugs and stuff, but with other friends I'm not. So yeah, I'm affectionate with people I'm comfortable with, and, for example, if it's cold I'll just start pressing up against them.
I'm shy when it comes to meeting people, but chill with friends and immediate family.
May or may not be a pervert hehe
Love dark humor
I have a short temper, and actually am on medication, so that's chill I guess
I'm super insecure about everything, which has led to me kinda being a bully in my head, and sorta out loud when it comes to my immediate family. I feel bad, but it's a habit that I hope I can break.
I can be obsessive about my interests so yeah
Oh I'm also lazy and a bad procrastinator
I love animals, and have 3 dogs and 3 cats who I would actually die for. Though I do have a tendency to be a pretty lazy owner, which I feel bad for, and am going to attempt to get over. And be a, y'know, good owner. I'm really bad at describing myself, so yeah that exists I guess hahahha
Um, I'm also really bad at waiting my turn(primarily when it comes to talking) cuz I'm kinda impatient. I'll just blurt something out and then apologize awkwardly cuz I'll feel bad lol
And I'm really bad about only talking about myself when it comes to conversations. Trying to get batter, and I think I have a little bit.
you kin...
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heyy, of course!! you sound just like sayori and especially kokichi, the way you type is very him lol. they'd both enjoy dark humor and animals!! sayori would be far from good at taking care of pets because of her depression but those animals would be her whole world <3 the way you mentioned being.. somewhat of a pervert reminds me of kokichi LMAO and hanako from tbhk!! tysm for the request, i hope you're happy with the results *\(^o^)/*
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sangonomiyashrine · 3 years
heya, i hope you're doing well! i saw requests were open, i was wondering if i could get a kin matchup for danganronpa, ddlc, and soul eater perhaps? i'm an enfp, enneagram type 9 ( 9w8 i believe ), socionics is IEI ( infp i think? ), ambiverted but extrovert-leaning.
from what my friends have told me and what i've seen in myself, i'm pretty creative, empathetic, bubbly, imaginative, and a little goofy and chaotic. i like talking to people but. i'm very conflict avoidant, and i kind of fail to recognize red flags due to my own idealism. i kinda fail to pay attention to my own emotional state in getting caught up in other people, as well. i'm full of all kinds of ideas for what i wanna do, and i like exploring perspectives, but i'm pretty disorganized bc of it.
thank you, and don't forget to take care of yourself, mod! make sure to hydrate if you haven't already!
I received your second ask, anon. don't worry about it, I was only giving ideas for things to add on my pinned post, none of that stuff is actually required :) you remind me of..
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I also thought of Makoto Naegi and Patty Thompson.
Yasuhiro Hagakure - he seems to be an ambivert, liking to talk to people but kind of staying in his own imagination most of the game. he's very conflict avoidant as well, but does have a more goofy and chaotic side. he is very creative and seems to be disorganized as well. he can definitely fail to realize red flags and be a bit of an idealist, seeing as though he took quite a while to realize the killing game was real. he seems like the kind of guy who is in touch with his ideas and beliefs, but not really their negative emotions. also an ENFP 9w8 as well.
Sayori - her general personality is being bubbly, creative and goofy. she is also very empathetic and conflict avoidant, always using kind words to mediate any fights that occur. she's an idealist who tends to ignore negativity (outside and inside), and can especially get caught up in others instead of paying attention to herself. she's very disorganized and despite her social demeanor, tends to like to spend time alone too.
Spirit Albarn - he strikes me as mostly goofy and chaotic. he can be very creative and empathetic when he gets more serious, though. he's not as conflict avoidant as the others, but he does tend to avoid negativity the same way. I see him as pretty imaginative and able to see many perspectives.
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