#but i'm still in season 2 and i vaguely remember stuff from later seasons but not in great detail
pigtailedgirl · 6 months
Now I'm curious how you got into due south originally, if you feel like explaining :)
Sure! It's nothing too exciting I guess, but my Dueser origins begin as a wee girl. I know my family must have vaguely watched it because I remember the image of All The Queen's Horses mountie chase pre-dates my series watch beginnings. I know my grandma later confessed as I had it on tv one summer that she watched it. Cause cute Benton Fraser lol.
But real seeing and watch began with a random catch of Free Willie one morning on the Showcase Network. Thank you kindly Showcase.
Yeah, I caught it one morning and stayed to watch because I think I vaguely recognized it, and just fell in love with it's charm and wit and Fraser and Ray. It was the first episode so great timing too. And they had it schedule set to air one episode in the morning, the same at night, five days a week. Perfect for catching up.
Promos were hilarious too. I should see if any are online.
Oh, and it was original edit, so it had extra scenes like the different Victoria's Secret ones.
So I caught up on the series quick. Also, what I think really cemented my season 1 and 2 love was they played that set for months at least before switching to the 3/4 season. That highlighted the difference in tone to my POV too I think, and it's why I kinda view them apart still.
But I really got to experience show first this way.
I think I found fandom when starting Livejournal same time the show hit resurgence there. And I happily caught the tail end of Yahoo Groups so got to back read fan stuff there. Missed most of Ray Wars. Yay. There was the 2000's snippets, but everyone was so fun at content creation and love, that was the best take-aways. It made for a great time. I participated in a watch-along! A big highlight of fannishness for me! That's when I saw The Pilot. Or my fav was squeeing about Pizza and Promises.
Just, some of the many wonderful fans like Nina_DS and movies_michelle and duenorthlaurie for episode discussion, and Sdwolfpup, Belmanoir, Aingeal8C as content creators, or Scotchsour, and Lozenger8 who made some banging icons....Truly, there were so many wonderful people, I couldn't even name them all. Due South provided so many wonderful glimpses of other fans to share with. LJ friends were so lovely.
I fell out in LJ world strangely cause I felt kinda outside the fandom wave as it crested I think, not shipping F/K or really loving those seasons as much. And just personally felt not into fannishness as whole after awhile. It's a me thing across everything, not just Due South. I took an internet break for a long time. I still watched the series on tv, with Showcase and TV Tropolis and DejaView lol, and by then DVD often. Along with new TV of course, although not much cause Tumblr me is not too different from old LJ me. Still kept an eye of forums, sometimes, or such, cause I love discussion as you can see by my screeds versus tech/creative skills, but not actively or with comment.
I return cause, I don't know, seeing people express love for the series again is hitting a happy place of nostaglia I think. I had a rough bout with real-life and comfort fannish stuff is reminding life was full of small good moments. The joy of the endearing nature of the show and the spirit of love for it in the fandom is proof of stuff enduring. Joy that it's still on rebranded Showcase here on the weekends lol, even if you never know which season.
And a new vidder made a wonderful F/V fanvid that, timing again as I hit Tumblr, I stumbled into, and just had me crying when I watched at the beauty and love I remembered in the pair. It spoke to my love of them so hard I think it jolted me into thinking hell yea that love deserves happy expression, I can do it too maybe. Sadly they took it down, but yeah, that was the spark, and that's me fannish story.
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cellsshapedlikestars · 2 months
What fandoms/pairings did you get into before Jonsa? Or the first work/story that made you discover fanfic?
Just randomly sharing, broke my phone other day and looking for my downloaded fanfics made me look even further back.
😭 Final Fantasy VIII rpg game was 25 years ago and beloved fanfics of it published 20 years ago (still there in internet).
Also realized my love for broody, sulky male protagonists with angry chip in their shoulders and female characters that receive hate just bc they’re “princess”-y, “damsel-in-distress” not-the-strongest type was there too. (Prob started it.)
(we def share a ship preference for broody/princess lol)
It's been so long, I can't remember how I found fanfic. Probably in my Sailor Moon phase (elementary school-ish) because I absolutely wrote Sailor Moon fanfic. (I never posted it online or showed anyone, though. I can distinctly remember writing a Sailor Pluto fic where she's still alive after all the other sailors are killed, and she just stands there as the keeper of time waiting sad and alone for millennia for them to be reincarnated. Really fun and chill story, 12 year old me!) I can't remember any fics specifically that I read, though there was this website that used to MST3K "bad" Sailor Moon fanfics, and I remember reading a lot of those. I didn't ship anyone in Sailor Moon.
If you want to know about any prior ships/fics I wrote, below the cut!
Considering how much media I have consumed over the years, I don't tend to ship very hard. I tend to go with what the piece of media tells me the ships are tbh. Jonsa is the first that wasn't canon.
The first fandom I had a ship for, and the first fandom I actively remember reading fic for. I was big into Miroku/Sango. Never wrote anything for that, though.
Harry Potter
I did vaguely ship Harry/Ginny while the books were coming out, and even wrote a few chapters of an alternate book 2. That was on ff.net and is probably purged at this point. I could not tell you what my username or the fic title were lol.
Later, I dipped my toe into the Marauders/Jily fandom, but never went all out, because by that time, I'd become disillusioned with Harry Potter. Every once in a while, I'll go read a Jily fic.
While this is my favorite show, I didn't ship too much. I kinda shipped Buffy/Spike (have thoughts on it now) and also Angel/Cordelia. I never read nor wrote fic for either of these pairings.
Veronica Mars
Veronica/Logan. Read some fic, never wrote anything.
I wrote a one shot for Sid/Cassie. Posted on my old livejournal and now re-posted to an alternate ao3 account. I don't hate it. I'd probably change some things if I were writing it now, but I think it's pretty solid.
(No, I just re-read it and it's very solid. Kinda proud of this one)
I am SO embarrassed to say this, but I wrote a Rachel/Puck one-shot after the episode where they decide to date because they're both hot and Jewish. It wasn't a super shippy fic and mostly centered around him telling Rachel Quinn's baby was his. I stopped watching Glee after the first season lol and did not repost that fic from my livejournal to ao3. It can die on livejournal.
Carla/Samuel!! LOVE me some poor boy/rich girl dynamics. I got really into them and even read some fic, though there wasn't much out there. Never wrote anything. Have debated writing a Jonsa Elite AU
The Other Fandom
Now. I have hinted in the past that I used to be in another fandom that I wrote fic for.
Oh, the OC. You held my heart for so many years (well. 2 years). I wrote so much fic for you (mostly in the first year, kinda fell off and did more experimental stuff in the second).
That fandom was the O.C.
I'm kind of afraid to say the pairing, because there's only 1215 OC fics total on ao3, and for my pairing is not one of the popular ones, and I wrote about a quarter of those, so I feel like you could find my alt account pretty easily...
I dunno. I'm a little embarrassed about some of the fic I wrote back then. Some of it is SO unnecessarily dramatic (AND IN FIRST PERSON. I HATE FIRST PERSON POV!!). I also wrote a wild amount of smut for someone who didn't really know what the fuck she was talking about lmaooo. I've spoken a lot about how skittish I am about writing smut now, but as a teenager I was cranking that shit out. (ok I actually just looked and it's only 5 explicit fics, but still. That's about 1/5 of the fics I wrote)
I'm probably making too much out of it, because there are some fics I'm proud of, but enough that I'm embarrassed by that I have yet to be able to publicly say what my apt account is
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bugheadchemistry · 1 year
People keep saying that BA ia endgame bc of stuff Lilly or Ras or whoever hinted but ..... If they implied anything else Barchies would throw the biggest tantrum we've ever seen lmao
They don't want to risk their current viewer base ditching them so early in the final season. They want to squeeze every Barchie tweet out of this that they can for promo. I have no idea who will be endgame but I DO know that if it's not Barchie, the last thing anyone working on the show is going to do is imply that this early lmao
I know they feel rly confident right now, but they need to remember Ras wants views, and the Barchies are easy views and promo atm. But I think they also know if they bring back older, more popular ships that could also make them BANK later lol so at the end of the day, it'll be what they think will get the most views/money I think.
I also just think with all the universe hopping and time line changing, and then choosing to do BA during that, is a BAD sign for them lol it feels like they're going to switch things up at the end and if Barchie was going to be endgame for sure, I don't think they would get this much content this soon. I could always be wrong, but I just think Ras is 100% using Barchies atm bc they're ravenous and LOUD so its good to get tweets about them going and stuff. Long story short, they probably should consider the fact that if anyone implied anything BESIDES Barchie endgame, they'd all mass exodus out of the viewer base lol they're gunna keep them on the hook but that doesn't mean they'll get what they want at the end. I don't think Ras is loyal to them in any way, and if he IS a fan of the comics at all - he knows Archie literally never chooses Betty EVER lol
Also the whole Tabitha guardian angel thing feels like an easy cop out for that relationship - she's not of this world or has a bigger purpose or whatever and won't end up with anyone from the show lol they've done a poor job incorporating her organically into the cast people had already been watching for years so I'm thinking she won't be there when things wrap up. Her being a literal angel feels far too convenient lol
Only time will tell, but they're much more confident then I think they should be. If I was them, I'd be skeptical and anxious. I think they'll likely slowly hint at other ships in hoping of luring back more of the old fan base over the season before the Barchies foam at the mouth and jump ship - so that they wont lose out on viewer numbers. Will that work? Probably not lmao but I still don't think BAs are going to get the perfect happily ever after they've invisioned
Whew! There’s a lot to unpack here. I will do my best to respond and try to make sense. 😂 I’m just going to go paragraph by paragraph.
1. It’s been said multiple times, by myself and others, that RAS never confirms anything. He’s always vague and misleading so as not to give anything away (which I’m of the opinion now that he actually doesn’t know where they are going with anything which is why the show became such a dumpster fire 🤷🏼‍♀️). It’s already been established that Lili never confirmed anything either. I’m convinced that BAs just don’t know the definition of that word.
2. I’m curious to know who the viewer base is now. They lost the BHs and VAs for sure. Casual viewers ditched because the storylines were so far out there that “jumping the shark” is too kind of a phrase to use at this point. Is it just BAs? If so, that would explain why the ratings are so low. Turns out, there are not as many BA fans as they BAs would want us to believe.
3. I am honestly baffled by how sure BAs are that they are going to get everything they have ever wanted when these writers have proven that they will screw anyone over just for drama. That overconfidence is really going to bite them in the ass one of these days (and hopefully soon!).
4. Yeah, the BA storylines in seasons 5 & 6 were nothing to write home about. I mean, yeah BA hooked up a lot but where was the romance? There wasn’t any. Didn’t they also go for a long stretch of episodes without interacting at all? And didn’t Betty kill Archie twice in the multi-verse? I just don’t get what there was to like about any of it, and if I were a BA I would be pissed.
5. Yeah, I don’t know what to say about Tabitha. By the time she joined the show, I had already stopped watching.
6. I would be absolutely shocked if they gained back any of the viewership they lost. It’s too late and too many bridges have been burned.
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Going to copy Aster a bit here and introduce myself officially since I think ur super cool!
I’m Eren, i first watched LR when I was younger when it sort of first came out but I didn’t officially start getting into the fandom until about two years ago. My blog is pretty new though and I think I’ve only been posting about LR for roughly six months but I’m not quite sure. I’m part of the Donald Davenport hate group (lol) where we bully the evil little man (his character, not the actor obviously) which you will understand the more you watch the show.
Also, welcome to our cult, dude. You’re going to love it here. If anyone gives you any shit, dm me and I’ll help out in any way I can. All my mutuals are super nice (mostly all LR blogs) so I can give you some recommendations on blogs to follow if you would like. Are you comfortable with headcanons being sent in? If so, what sort of hc content are you comfortable with just so I know. Much love <3
Haha, thanks for thinking I'm cool! :] I was 10 when Lab Rats came out but quite honestly I don't really remember if I actually watched an episode. I have a terrible memory, especially with my childhood, but I think I can vaguely remember watching maybe an episode or two of Lab Rats back then, but yet again maybe I was just remembering all the bumpers/promos and commercials so I really can't remember if I ever watched an episode. I had begun to watch the video Keyan Carlile did on the show back in March before I decided "Hey, this seems interesting and somewhat nostalgic, I'll glance around the characters and plot for a bit" and then here I am a few months later with a blog lol for it.
Donald definitely won't be getting a "Dad of the Year" (or I guess "uncle") trophy anytime soon, that's all that I know so far but I already don't like his vibes. Some of his aspects remind me of Reginald from The Umbrella Academy, two asshole fathers with superpowered children that they mistreat. I'm loving all of the characters so far *cough cough* not you Donald *cough cough* and I have to say that Leo and Chase (I guess Spike too since my blog url is dedicated to him lol) are my favorites. And the humor of the show, as stupid and cheesy as it can be at times, still manages to make me laugh. It's very fun watching this show, it's kind of like reliving my childhood even though I'm not sure if I ever truly watched the show, but from the era of tv I remember best!
Another fun part about watching tv for me is noticing small details and writing my thoughts down, so I have about two notes worth of my thoughts and things I have noticed on my phone that I'll eventually start posting on here, and that's only for season one. At the same time it takes me about 2 hours to get through one episode when I have to pause to write stuff down and rewind a scene over and over so I'm also annoying myself when doing this
I'm feeling welcomed and comfortable in this fandom so far which is always the best when joining a new one! And I will gladly take blog recommendations. I'm fine with hearing headcanons, I would just personally request not to hear any that involve sexual or romantic situations since that kind of stuff makes me feel uncomfortable. Otherwise anything else for any characters I will gladly hear! I'm sure once I get deeper into the show I'll start rattling off my own 🙂
I really appreciate you stopping by and leaving this message, thank you!! 💖
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sleepyowlwrites · 2 years
Sleepy! :D :D Happy STS! I have two questions for you!
I know you don't really plan too much, but I gotta ask, partly out of curiosity and partly because I'm totally down for tips: how do you keep track of all the details concerning all your OCs? How do you build each of their storylines and flesh them out so well? (Also, do you keep notes in docs just for OCs, or do you just sort of keep details about them spread across posts? Like, in general, how does your track-keeping work?)
Feel free to ignore this one if you prefer keeping your original fic and fanfic separately, but you mentioned Power Rangers fic?? 8) Which seasons and what about? (Miiiiight secretly be trash for specific seasons myself, haha.)
oh breezy. you're such a treasure. I love you.
question 1: I have a few methods and they all work together in a chaotic way.
first of all, I have a really good visual memory. when I combine visual and kinesthetic together by typing down information, I can keep it in my brain pretty easily. I also combine the rubber duck method and explain my character facts and arcs to my purple walls and whatever actor has been in whatever thing I've most recently watched. sometimes my mom, but she can't remember whatever I told her last time, so it's not super helpful. I also tell writeblr friends, like you, or Dreamy when she's like "Sleepy don't you have any new tidbits for me about Jet pretty please" and I'm like "I guess I can come up with something" and then I remember even more.
second, I use scrivener, and whatever info I come up with either during ask games or randomly, I just stick it in the folder for that. youth story, anxiety story and rain story have their own docs. summon, magick and city are all in another doc (but this hnnnng...might change soon) and there are folders inside folders. here is the current state of affairs:
Tumblr media
I don't always label everything the same, but I could, if I took the time.
third, I sometimes write up character stats by hand to help with memory, too, and sometimes write down ideas or snatches of scenes or sketch maps and stuff. writing and typing have there own spaces in the brain, apparently, so they sit different. in my current writing journal, I have a whole bunch of summon story notes, meta-portal character stats, scenes from youth story, poetry that I was writing from memory, and random sentences.
fourth, I have character tags, and if I've put any kind of details about a certain character in a post, I'll tag it accordingly. we all know tumblr's searching function is bunk, but if I click the tag c: zan, then I will see all the posts that relate specifically to him. I just detailed a bunch of stuff about Moss for Dreamy, and tagged the ask so I can find it again when I'm trying to remember if I ever told anyone that Moss likes to do crossword puzzles.
fifth, there is no fifth. my main method is the first one. I just retain information the best if I repeat it to myself out loud and then also write it down. so that's what I do. same as at work. if I want to remember something, I repeat it out loud several times and then also sometimes write it down on my hand for later.
you gotta find what your learning type is and allow yourself to find methods that utilize and benefit from it. I'll never be able to glean information from audiobooks or podcasts, but I can watch video essays and learn a lot. because I'm visual, and secondarily kinesthetic, so I work with that. do what works for you!
question 2:
I had planned on writing for all the episodes that were most beloved to me in a whole bunch of series, but ultimately, the only fic I've written to vague conclusion (it's still unfinished at 7K) is for Power Rangers Samurai. I wrote it out of frustration and spite because I was so underwhelmed with the writing of that season/set of seasons. also I don't think Mike was anyone's favorite character but he was mine, so I did my usual "insert oc to make canon characters confront their feelings" thing but I don't think I'll ever finish this one. I'd like to get around to writing stuff for the other series like Ninja Storm, RPM, Wild Force, Dino Charge and Time Force. nothing can make me write fix-it fic for Mystic Force, though. even the franchise refuses. we've done dinosaurs FOUR TIMES NOW and we still can't get a magic power ranger do-over.
my favorite series is RPM, if you're curious. wait, not only do I have to write the mercenary wip for you, but I have to write power rangers fic for you??
I'd do it, though. you know I would. do you know? I'm am externally motivated. if I want to be internally motivated, I have to create external stimuli. that could be you.
oof, why do I have so many stories? the people who can write one thing at a time are champions of this sport.
thanks for dropping by, Breezy! take some waffles to go!
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scattered-winter · 2 years
this got really long but I’ve been thinking about the superhero genre and how the themes that usually go with that are inverted and reflected in bnha and how fuckin fascinating that is?!?!? like!
technically it still falls within the parameters of the genre in that it has superheroes who fight villains, but it’s twisting and flipping things on its head and making it so different than most of the other superhero media. the biggest thing is that superheroes are so integrated into society that they’re a part of the government. they’re an actual profession that requires certification and licensing and a whole assload of paperwork to be “legal.” but the interesting thing is that traditionally, the superhero genre is defined by vigilantism: forgoing laws in favor of the greater good; the “good guys” in the story break the law and go against authority (like the police) to help people in ways that nobody else can. and in bnha, with the acceptance of heroes in modern society, that aspect of the genre just casts more light on the society as a whole because the superheroes started as vigilantes but as time went on they were slowly accepted by laws and the government. and now, if a well-meaning but unlicensed hero started capturing villains and doing what the original heroes did, the pros would take him down. their ancestors and predecessors were vigilantes, but now they’re the farthest thing from it. maybe they mean well and are genuinely trying to do their jobs right and protect people, but the fact remains that if the heroes from both time periods were brought face to face, they’d likely be on opposite sides.
and hero killer: stain adds an ENTIRE new strain of thinking into the mix! he’s a mass murderer who specifically targets pro heroes, but there’s more to that. he isn’t targeting and slaughtering them at random, he’s specifically sifting through their ranks and weeding out the ones he believes to be unworthy. this is so interesting to me because stain holds everyone to a high standard of heroism. he believes heroes shouldn’t be paid for their work, or made to be celebrities. he thinks they should be more like the original superheroes were: vigilantes who do what they do to protect people, not for a paycheck. and I find myself agreeing with him!
positions of power have always attracted the people who most want to abuse that power, and I can’t see any reason why this would be different. in fact, the allure of being able to use their powers almost indiscriminately and not be questioned would probably, in my mind, make the hero profession even worse. maybe the pro hero origins started out in the right place, but now I feel like it has the potential to become a bigger and even more dangerous police force. the fact that the “force” of heroes are broken up into individual agencies probably helps keep corruption from the whole, but I’m positive there would be entire agencies that are corrupted.
and the ranking system!!!!! I understand why it’s a thing because internet society is just Like That, but I can’t deny that the ranking system also has a lot of potential to create the “fake heroes” stain hates so much. endeavor is actually a perfect example of this! he’s trying so hard to be the highest ranking hero that he goes to extremes to ensure that. and when it becomes clear that he’ll never surpass all might, he starts setting plans into place to have his kids surpass him. it isn’t even about being #1 for him anymore, it’s about having someone surpass all might, and having that someone be directly connected to him so he still gets some of the glory. I highly, highly doubt endeavor is the only one, because that society puts so much importance on the ranking system and how other heroes measure up to each other.
all that said, hero killer: stain is also interesting because at his core he’s what the superhero genre is usually about: he’s a vigilante. obviously I don’t condone what he does, because we know he’s killed/incapacitated many heroes who, despite what he thought of them, were actually very good at their jobs and were in the profession because they genuinely wanted to be there. and also ya know mass murder isn’t great. but despite all that I think stain’s character is so fascinating because the arguments he raises are all valid ones. in that society, what’s to stop all might from beating down on the very people he’s supposed to protect? what’s to stop endeavor from unleashing his flames on a peaceful protest? we know there are laws in place to prevent that, and we also know that all might would never do something like that, and even endeavor probably wouldn’t, but what if they got an order from the government? hero agencies answer to the government of their country so what if they were ordered to do things like that? some heroes would refuse, I think, but not all of them. and even if they weren’t ordered by the government, there’s still nothing to stop them from brutality! all might is so astronomically powerful, it’d take an entire agency of pro heroes to take him down in his prime. maybe even more. if that guy decided to throw his weight around and abuse his power, who’d be able to stop him??
I just *clenches fist* the superhero genre is already so fascinating and bnha just makes it even deeper
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darkocarina · 4 years
#vent#I always get worried before my birthday because something always ruins it and leaves me crying for 3+ hours#this year I'm p sure my parents are gonna say or do something fucked up#the soft start to birthday bad luck was yesterday when my parents wanted to know what I wanted and I said pizza and then they got a Hawaiia#like sure I ate a slice but like I'm allergic to it and it made my stomach churn for a few hours#today we went to walmart and they told me to pick something out and I wanted a skate tool but they no have and couldnt think of other thing#plus like theres a whole stress from being so behind right before finals#plus were on lockdown so its gonna be bad#my expectations were so low I wanted to make myself a flan but I'm too depressed to do that so the next step lower is to buy a snack-cake..#...and they were out of the snack-cake I like (lil debbie birthday-cake bars)#on my birthday I'll probably have to do a 2-3 hour call for a school group project due that night :(#the only thing I'm vaguely hopeful for is a possible bon fire with 3-6 friends or so#I'm still mad about the store not having debbie birthday cake bars tho#the worst is reminiscing on the younger birthdays I had and not remembering any good ones#for my quinceñera I had arcade & dinner with friends but I felt left out and I got yelled at later bc I stuck a wafer in my cake#when i turned 16 my brother completely forgot my birthday and that made me really sad#when i turned 18 i felt kinda ignored again and it was really stressful to organize and i was on edge bc of home stuff all day#when i turned 17 i was preoccupied with testing season#idk birthdays make me feel really anxious since I'm p much always bracing for it to go worse than last year#yeah i really regret my quince actually... i should have stayed in to wallow it would have gone better
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daggerlove · 3 years
The online fretting at them not discussing anything related to S2 is making me a little sad. Nobody knows what's going to happen next season, but I the creative team 100% knows that the Twitter teens are a minority. A sucky minority, sure, but a minority. If Marvel listened to Twitter stans, Steve and Bucky would be canon and Wanda would have been written out 3 movies ago lol
Under read more bc this got too long, sorry.
Yeah, I'm sorry but the doom and gloom discourse that happened yesterday's so ridiculous. I worked 11 hours yesterday, was exhausted beyond words, still excited for the panel even though I was aware we're likely not getting anything new bc that's how Marvel rolls and then to see people freaking out over something so meaningless was both confusing and annoying.
I thought it was pretty obvious the RTS twitter was posting only a few quick bits and pieces from an overall 1+ hour long panel. And people completely lost their shit over the lack of content and thought that short thread was it, when in fact...there's so much more stuff and we're getting it soon.
People freaked out over Sophia only answering two questions in that thread, but then it was later revealed she was actively engaging with conversation the entire time and she wasn't ignored at all.
People freaked out bc apparently they didn't talk about Sylki and it's all doom now, but then it turned out they actually did talk about the ship lol
So...I truly don't get some ppl sometimes.
The event in itself focused mostly on writing, casting, random bts stuff, y'kno, pretty much the same old thing. I've said it before on Twitter but I'm still waiting for someone to mention He Who Remains/Kang or talk about that character in these new interviews, but it's unlikely to happen until promo for S2 and/or Quantumania starts. They basically haven't mentioned him at all in months. And he and the mere implications of his character and are enormous and huge deal for both Marvel and the show and no one's discussing him in interviews. Does that mean the character is dropped, erased, gone?
Like, it's pretty obvious that there's a clear set of stuff they're allowed to say at these interviews. The fact that they're not even discussing their own characters that much should be a clear sign that there's no deeper meaning to this, other than studio mandates, to keep stuff as vague as possible and focus on other things.
We won't learn new important things about season 2 at these events. We will learn that through casting, extras casting, bts info, potential pap photos and eventually whatever they decide to show us via promo footage.
And yeah, the crew definitely knows twitter is a minority lol. Even Eric called it an echo chamber months ago.
It's amusing that they think Marvel listens to what stans have to say because...nothing could be farther from the truth.
If Marvel listened to stans Stucky and all similar popular fanon ships would be canon. Steve's ending would be different. Tony wouldn't have died. Loki wouldn't have died. Natasha wouldn't have died. Characters would have vastly different arcs.
I remember people disliked Ragnarok bc they changed Loki and Thor's characters too much and they made petitions, hate tagged Taika, argued with fans who loved Ragnarok and thought it was great and what did Marvel do? Instead of catering to the demands of people who wanted Loki and Thor to revert back to their old personalities, they did the exact opposite and made sure Loki and Thor got stuck with that characterization for good, because it worked, the general fans and the public loved it.
Marvel caters sometimes by giving the fans some ripped-straight-from-comics refs or quotes, "avengers assemble" and similar stuff but catering to them on a larger level, one that affects the plot and the project's overall story? lol no
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goodgaymckay · 3 years
I would like to hear your list of Lyle Rath things that make you sad/makes him hot 👀 I'm very new to oneyplays stuff and I've taken a liking to the lad
there’s a lot of weird crossovers it’s up to you to decide what’s sexy and what’s upsetting:
- he described himself as rogue-like, which according to him means he looks dangerous, like he might steal from your house if you leave him alone and like he carries a weapon at all times. Now that might be a red flag, but I like red flags (source: animal punch fun with shippedge)
- back in like 2012 he used to like. Hardly shower and idk that’s both kinda sad and kinda hot (source: swaggalaggin)
- he’s said he’s not gay and has set many boundaries for what he considers too gay, he would break these boundaries (with Kyle and Phil specifically) all the time. (Source: exstream, it’s all overwatch now, squeeg the friendship hammer, gay science, swaggalaggin)
- on the topic of not being gay: he’s made sure to make people aware if he was gay he’d be a top, unless it was with Phil after a few years he said he would and I quote “take turnsies“ with Phil (source: it’s all overwatch now, squeeg the friendship hammer, swaggalaggin)
- Phil is the other host of swaggalaggin his podcast from 2012/2013 and season 2 got privated during the unlisted video purge
- he can’t cry, his dad used to laugh at him when he cried as a kid so now he vomits whenever he like. Needs to cry. (source: talked about in swaggalaggin s2 I could source this if HE UNPRIVATED IT)
- for a long time he couldn’t keep any weight on, he can now though and by god does he looks good with it (source: swaggalaggin seasons 1 and 2)
- in his final lootcrate video the implication was that he doesn’t regularly kill people, which is an odd implication for someone that jokes so much about killing people (this doesn’t need sourced it’s not really info)
- Kyle is a childhood friend of his :)! He also edits for oneyplays (he’s CameraColossus) and you can hear them talking about being gay little high school/middle school friends in Lyle’s ex-stream, and if the vod is still up his latest stream postgame recharge (sources provided within info)
- there’s a playlist of his twitch streams that have been saved, it’s titled Lyle mcdouchebag streams and the best ones are overplayed, super gash smashers, back with the boys, squeeg the friendship hammer and it’s all overwatch now (source: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL68_BxAB-jz70Zt1KL-gnQJRj3oVF9RIT )
- he likes to make a lot of jokes about being sexually attracted to corpses, as far back as 2012, including in episode 5 of swaggalaggin where they show genuine legitimate gore for about a minute and another episode before it where Lyle said he freaked out his tattoo artist by asking if a girl that got killed recently‘s body was still there because the girl was hot (source: swaggalaggin season 1)
- has said the phrase “when I’m at my most suicidal” unironically (source: overplayed)
- he’s half Puerto-Rican and at one point called himself “the freakin Rican” during an episode of squeeg so just remember that and keep it in your heart (source: squeeg, I can’t find the video but he also said it when playing Star Wars game where you are storm trooper with someone)
- bonus Kyle info because he’s packaged in: Kyle has a vague attraction to men (this is not a joke) (source: back with the boys)
- there are multiple videos Lyle‘s made where he either kills other people or himself (source: MOTEW unchartable, the last lootcrate video, pregame discharge, probably more I’m forgetting)
- this isn’t info but I think about it a lot: he’s vaguely implied self harm a couple times but never outright said it, don’t take this is as fact I just wanted to mention it (source: swaggalaggin s1 for the most part)
- was somewhat of an alcoholic through like 2011-2016-ish (source: ex-stream, swaggalaggin s1/2)
- for a hot minute, Phil assumes because he lived on mashed up oranges and vodka for a few days, he would cum black, which means there was likely blood in his cum (source: swaggalaggin episode 1 season 1)
- he used to live in a slightly renovated auto garage! He didn’t have a proper door and outside of his garage door was a gate, it was rat infested and this is where he one hit killed that rat with a belt buckle, he sent a picture of said murder to Zach, they discuss this in the (switch) Luigi’s mansion series (source: swaggalaggin and Luigi’s mansion 3)
- his dad hit him, he doesn’t view this as that bad of a thing, he thinks if he didn’t he wouldn’t have turned out funny (source: super gash smashers)
- has a habit of talking about fucking clones of himself, a common theme in pregame discharge specifically (it crops up in other places too) (source: pregame discharge, exstream, oneyplays)
- he said he has a type for short and thicc girls with a sense of humour, Monica his girlfriend fits into this type very well (source: it’s all overwatch now)
that’s all that’s off the top of my head right now but I could probably dump more here later
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Apartment AU Masterpost:
-Everyone lives in an apartment complex.
-Xisuma as landlord? Or just a really well looked up to person in the complex. Whichever works for you!
-Pranks all the time. Everyone's constantly pranking each other.
-Everyone has 'normal people jobs.' Perhaps Joe is an English teacher? (Cleo's also a teacher. (Irl.) Omg, what if they teach at the same school?) Maybe Bdubs is a professional interior designer? Maybe Cub builds computers? Go nuts, get creative.
-Actually, screw it. Bdubs works at IKEA.
-Everyone meets up every Friday night to go to the pub or go bowling or just do something together.
-They have a discord server because of course they do.
-European Hermits are early-birds, American hermits are night-owls. (This is the only way I can think to portray timezones and waking hours when everyone's living in the same building.)
-They all still love minecraft, don't worry.
-Keralis has so many books his flat is basically a library. He lets people come in and borrow books for a small fee.
-Tinfoilchef is a bit of a shut in but everyone makes an effort to include him.
-Etho would also be a cryptid like Xisuma. Like, we've seen Xisuma's whole body other than his face but the best we know about Etho is that: 1. He exists and 2. From the, like, one single real life photo he's shared, he broke a headset. Also, 3. Allegedly, he's buff. Otherwise; Beef and Etho invite Pause (who lives elsewhere,) over at random intervals to [play ctm maps] and do god knows what. Bdoubs works at IKEA but is the person to make the room displays, y'know.
-Scar sells dice and other tabletop rpg supplies that he designs. His shop is magiccrystals. com
-Cub and Scar made business with the guy who runs the fight club. They get half of the profits and everyone’s always wondering how those two can always afford the most expensive Christmas gifts for everyone.
-Mumbo could be an engineer or work on a STEM field, and he works on some really important and impressive projects and that would explain his polish person, Exept, when it comes to helping another hermit to change a lightbulb or fix a microwave he is an absolute disaster.
-Grian owns a parrot that knows everyones' names and faces and greets them when they come in.
-Scar's apartment has a balcony filled with plants and he has to bring them inside for the winter. (I'm assuming that all 4 seasons happen) Even without the balcony plants, his place is still full of indoor plants including his favorite venus flytrap. There is always a plant knocked over from Jellie's shenanigans. Jellie is supposed to stay in his apartment, however she keeps on getting out somehow, even getting to Xisuma's apartment occasionally.
-There's a grassy patch out back that acts as a backyard, but Stress has effectively taken it over. Perfect for flowers of all colors in the spring and summer, and during the winter you KNOW she’s building an ice castle from which to throw snowball at all her friends.
-Beef and, when he’s visiting, Pause get a lot of questions about Etho (since unlike X who gets one tightlipped visitor in shape of his brother Etho gets two that are willing to be vague) however they charge a fee for people to guess. They’d never actually sell him out but the guesses are always something technical related so there’s not much of a risk, he actually works as a botanist/gardener.
-Iskall is extremely good at ice hockey and, as resident Canadians, Etho and Beef have played with him. However Iskall only knows that he’s played with Beef because both beef and etho refuse to tell him who in the rink was Etho when they played.
-The only person who’s seen Xisuma's face is Keralis.
-Nobody knows what Grian does for a job. Like, when they think they've figured it out what he does, they're thrown through a loop again because he does a lot of odd jobs. Need help with a pet? Grian can help! Rip on your clothes? Don't worry, Grian knows how to fix it! Ect.
-Grian's an assassin. Iskall will make assassin jokes and Grian, without looking up from his coffee will go: "that's not how that works!" And then go back to being quiet. Everyone's like ????
-I love the idea of Grian knowing all these cool facts and when anyone acts he says 'it's because of his job,' and they still can't figure out what he does. He keeps correcting Iskall on assassin facts but they're all just like 'oh Grian sure must love those types of movies, huh.'
-Cleo teaches Joe's kid. (That means she teaches either year 2 or year 3? // 1st grade or 2nd grade?)
-Grian's family is in the mafia but he mostly just vibes. Sure, he works with the mafia, but he keeps his regular life away from work and none of the hermits (besides False because she saved the Mafia boss) know. Imagine boss looking at False and going, 'oh hey, you're already protected.' False is confused and says 'what?' But the Mafia Boss has already left.
-Etho is always in full kakashi cosplay.
-Honorary hermits apartment au: zloy and pixl have a radio show but also act as private investigators. Falsie hires them to investigate how she got the protection of the mafia. On their investigation they start asking Elybeat (that lives on a building right next to the hermits) about weird behaviors that he might have seen. Ely just goes ‘all of what they do is weird. I’ve recorded weird stuff they say and remixed it. They though it was funny and put the remixes as their elevator music.'
-Everyone thinks Etho is an assassin, but really, he's a horticulturist/botanist. He doesn't bother to correct them cause it means he doesn't get pranked, (or, as often.) Maybe someone finds out eventually? I don't know who. Maybe Doc and they keep it hush hush cause they think it's funny or something. || Maybe Bdubs finds out, (because I think he's seen Naruto?? Swear I saw a Twitter post where he recognized a Naruto joke) and he's the only one that recognizes that Etho's dressed like Kakashi and NOT an assassin. (That's lowkey a joke though.)
-Someone warns Grian against parking euro because they think Etho's an assassin and Grian just kinda goes: "alright then." Knowing that there's no way Etho is an assassin, but also realising how the hermits view that profession, he most likely starts feeling kinda bad.
-Beef used to be a car photographer and Mumbo takes photographs as a sideline when he was in college. They would occasionally chat about their past experience in the photography field and sometimes gush about cars.
-Hermit Challenges was actually a truth or dare game among the hermits. Mumbo was basically delirious from lack of sleep to explain his absolute gremlin energy. Mumbo dares Grian to steal front doors before passing out and everyone decided that was the end of that game. No one thought Grian would do the dare. A week later, everyone but Etho and Xisuma were missing their front doors (including Grian.) He stuck them in his bathroom so no one immediately saw the doors.
-As already established, Joe constantly hangs at Keralis's library. Let's say he also has a hobby for writing, and one time he was asking to himself how *insert really specific murder scene* would work in real life. Grian or Doc then overheard him and answers him in a also very specific way, he thanks them with 0 concerns and continues with his writing.
-Etho has been an assassin but it was many years ago, and retired to care for plants. (As you do.) He got hired by The Goatfather but intentionally botched the killings because, 'hey now those two are friends >:(' He and Bdubs still have the endrod game but it involves the whole apartment building and several discord messages going "located" or "flashlight on the move.'
-Stress paints all the hermit's door and puts their names on them. (-🌿)
-The organisization Grian works for is called "The Watchers!" They text him in riddles of what his missions are. This is so that if anyone peaks at his phone, they don't understand immediately!
-What if in YHS happen because of grian family and Sam is from an other family who does not support the grain family. So grian will not bring up high school and school and when joe and Cleo talk about there student grian sometimes cringes remember what happened in high school. (-🌿)
-Grian and Mumbo's hobbits holes were two cupboards they found on their respective apartments and decided to make a room out of them and named them their hobbit holes after they found out they both had them (-🐿️)
-What if it's a really old apartment and the 'hobbit holes' actually connect to each others apartment. (-🐺)
-Mumbo has these periods when he overworks like crazy and when they're over - he sleeps for like 24-36 hours straight. Everybody knows about this and help him if he falls asleep in random plaxes around the apartment. Mumbo once fell asleep right before his door and Grian tried to help him get inside while mumbling. Guess which remix were aded to the elevator music next week.
-Whenever anyone is annoyed or upset, grian sometimes pops his head up from his book and goes "who do I need to kill?" No one takes him seriously though he *would* kill for any of his friends.
-People who have left the server work nearby but have moved to new apartments. (For example, Welsknight works at a nearby food truck) (-☘️)
-With the Grian being a spy you get several oints where he thinks he's been found out but no one puts the and two together. They're all like: "Grian just likes action movies I guess."
-Scar's "wizard robe" is a bathrobe he owns. One day he forgets to change and just walks out in a bathrobe and no pants.
-Since Cleo teaches Joe's kid, maybe that extends to all the hermits' kids? Like the ones that have them, like not at the same time but at some point you know?
-I don't think I saw any regarding headgames, but I could've missed it. Anyways, what if Cleo wanted to make a big Scrapbook in her free time of all her friends, so she asks everybody to try and get pictures. So the PVP heads are candid photos, and the tradeable one are like selfies or group pictures. The other heads could just be a requirement for the picture like have a sheep in the picture. And maybe she gives the winners dinner payed by her or something.
-On the head cannon that hermits that aren’t on the server work nearby, Biffa is the actual mayor.
-Are mobs (and half mobs by extension) still a thing in apartment au? Cause if not I propose that Jevin just has cloob blue dyed hair and a bunch of blue tattoos.
-XB bakes a lot and always shares the food he makes with the others. They adore his cookies. Scar really wants to make some cookies in the shapes of disney characters with him, but he's too shy to ask. (-nameless anon)
-Perhaps Mumbo and Iskall are also protected by the mafia because of grian (perhaps scar is too) They and False have a 'we are protected and have no idea why' group (-Frost Anon)
-Imagine the hermits want to throw a nice party but X and Etho were kinda like “yeah no i’ll pass” so they make it a masquerade so that they can come- and then the whole night no one knows who anyone really is, but still has a really good time.
-Grian wanted a pet parrot, but felt like he would be terrible at taking care of one so he has toy parrots instead, those that have pre made phrases and such, and he is proud of his toy parrot pets. (-🐿️)
-Xisuma hosts a podcast! That's where all of his Xisuma speaks content ends up coming from. (-🇵🇭)
-Etho has a secret food blog called "Cooking With Etho" (based on the actual cooking with Etho segment in usually his modded stuff.) He also knows that there's hermits that either: have no idea how to cook properly or can't cook real meals due to their work. To help with this, sometimes he leaves finished meals or recipes with them (outside their doors or somehow in their fridge) and no one knows who does it prompting the theory of a self care ghost haunting the building.
(All of those in red were from Anons!)
-Joe works as a LAMP Developer.
-False has an assortment of swords, knives, etc. She even had a bow! She also has a dummy to practice fighting on.
-Stress is a wedding designer. (-@the-angry-numel.)
-Iskall also works at IKEA with Bdubs. (-@mandatedempathy.)
-There's a local club that's basically fight club a few people are in. False, Iskall and a couple others are in.
-Hypno is kind of a bit of a loner. Everyone on the floor considers him a friend but he doesn't really have a best friend. He just does his own thing and people usually let him do that. He's fine with it.
-XB and Joe spend a lot of time at Keralis' library house just reading the books. Keralis usually charges every except those two because 1. They're there so often and 2. They're basically his room mates at this point. (-@tomcatacaphe.)
-Ren works at a bar as a bartender or musician. (-@friendlyneighbourhoodpieceoftrash.)
-Building on the last thing with Ren as a musician or working at a bar, he works at a bar as a server but does live music on weekends. It's the bar/pub/restaurant that the hermits sometimes hang out at together.
-I can see Grian working at a pet shop but also on the side of the mafia because of YHS. Or at least he used to be involved with the mafia.
-Beef once had to cart Etho off to the hospital for a chemical burn and explain to the other tenants that the explosion heard suspiciously close by wasn’t mafia activity. Etho is just an idiot with a hobby of making homemade fireworks.
-False is the chief of police for the town they live in. Iskall is a hired assassin who normally gets employed by the mysterious figure GOATfather. Doc is the GOATfather, head of the mafia. Falsie is trying to hunt down these two as well as any others associated with them. The nHo is part of the mafia. Falsie has no idea any of them are in the mafia and they refuse to kill her because she has become such a close friend to them.
-Maybe Grian is a spy instead of an assassin? The group the Watchers is a government policing organization bent on trying to crack down on mob activity in the area.
-The elevator music is hermitgang and remixes. -(@lookitsspacekween.)
-Zedaph is a game show host. Tango makes cartoons. (-@aphion-and-on.)
-Come on, let Iskall play ice hockey! Maybe not professionally if it doesn't work for the AU but he's v good at least. (-@automnalsaffron.)
-Grian maybe works at an animal shelter or an animal rehabilitation center. So everyone who has a pet usually comes to him for help if their pet is sick or injured. (-@vahco.)
-Grian has a safe full of guns, all the Hermits know about it but think they're fake. (-@xxpzmistxx)
-X never comes out of his room so no one’s seen his face. The only way he communicates is via text, Discord, and an intercom right by his door. He almost always gets groceries whenever the hermits are busy and therefore have no time to go out- but the hermits know he’s a real person because sometimes they hear guitar solos coming from his room.
-Hypno is a voice actor!
-Joe and Cleo often go home at the same time, and all the way it's almost always Cleo complaining about her students being bratty and the likes (Bonus points if Joe carpools with Cleo, who owns a car.)
-False unknowingly helps the boss of the mafia after seeing him wounded on a street one day, earning her their protection.
-As a callback to Season 6, Stress became a cat lady for a bit while False became a dog lady. As an added bonus: Cleo became nuts when Cub decided to gift her with spiders for her birthday or some other event.
-Mumbo still sidelines as a cameraman/film director for short documentaries and comedy sketches where he often invites Zed and his buddy Jack to act maybe?
-The first time X was proven to be an actual person was when the girls temporarily kicked the boys out to have the apartment all to themselves for a girls’ night which prompted the boys to have their own boys’ night. X was wearing his grey helmet that night so his face was still obscured tho, and from that day forward they always had a weekly girls’ night and boys’ night alternating on which group gets to have the apartment to themselves.
-False may seem like she can take a shot or two, but in reality she’s very lightweight and easily drunk, and is always the first one wasted. She becomes a flirty drunk who flirts with everyone and everything when she’s tipsy, an angry drunk the more she drinks and eventually a sad drunk before passing out. Cleo and Stress, her drinking buddies, always find amusement in this.
-As a callback to Xb living a thousand blocks away from society in s7, maybe he lives at the highest floor where not many (if not no one) occupies?
-Civil War started because they used to get groceries delivered to their doors and Grian started stealing them when they were left in the doorstep. Everyone stole each others groceries until one day they went into teamss of one side vs the other side of the corridor to the other until Grian stole so many groceries Dic was like 'Dammit!' He started going to the store to get groceries instead of getting them delivered to his door after that. (-@sayeshaa1108.)
-Regarding apartment au: Zedaph is similar to miu iruma from danganronpa: making the weirdest inventions and coaxing the other hermits into doing weird things for science. (-@oh-hecc-im-stupid.)
-Idk if Doc has a profession yet in the apartment au, but it just struck me- what if he owned a private casino?? Cause of s7? Just a thought! (-@853dragons.)
-Cleo really enjoys doing miniature diorama scenes. Like the tiny dudes from "Night at The Museum". She's like crazy good at it, and Joe will sometimes base his poems and stories off of her dioramas. Also maybe Joe has published a book of poems and short stories? (-@lynxes15.)
-Doc works as a social engineer and part time mafia boss. He rarely shows up for game nights. However, when he does, nobody else stands a chance.
-Tango, Impulse and Zedaph go over to each other's rooms so often they practically live together in an apartment room 3X bigger than everyone else.
LINK TO NEXT POST: https://hermitcraftheadcanons.tumblr.com/post/617640752709861376/apartmentau-masterpost-2-link-to-previous-the
Posts with TW:
Guns, Gangs, Getting Shot. Don't read if you can't handle this topics.
-Everyone finds out Grian is an assassin/mafia boss because someone from a different gang (*cough cough* sam gladiator *cough cough*) found out where he lives and tried to murder him. Queue epic gun fight scene. If you want some angst, Grian gets shot a couple of times in the fight but didn’t realize it because of the adrenaline and passes out. (-Anon.)
-Imagine someone like, finding Grian's guns and weapons and just being :0 and Grian is a little nervous. But then the other hermit just think the guns are cool (it's probably either etho or doc) and they're just gushing over how cool the guns are. Grian is relieved. (-Anon.)
-iJevin owns at least one gun. He's not in the mafia or a cop or anything, it's just cool and legal so he as one. He's the constant counter for the other gun owning hermits who have them for more mafia related purposes (context: jevin owns at least one gun irl) (-Anon.)
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handonhaven · 3 years
So they just realised the summary for 4x01. And it made me nervous and mad at the same time. It says that the super squad comes up with a risky plan to save Landon and Cleo. While Josie is off on a date with Finch.
Nervous bc how risky is the plan? Risky plan is a little to vague for me lol. Because that can go in so many different directions. And also bc the title is "You have to pick one this time" so does that mean that Hope will have to pick between Landon and Cleo. Bc if that is the case then I'll truly believe she'll pick Landon. And find a way to save Cleo later. Bc I can't see Hope picking Cleo over Landon not after what she did to Hope in s3. But I also feel like it can go another way. Like maybe it's not Hope making the choice(maybe Kaleb) and he has to pick, and he picks Cleo. Which would screw over not only Hope, but also Landon as well(yet again). And after what everyone else did when it came to Landon I wouldn't be surprised. But I would also be very very very mad about that bc Landon would still be suffering(I just want my baby out of pain)
Mad bc Josie is is really going off on a date when all this is going one? Instead of staying and helping with these two very big problems. 1.the malivore problem and 2 saving Landon(someone who's supposed to be her friend) and Cleo. I'm sorry I have nothing against Josie(most of the time). But with everything going on now is probably not the best time to be going on the date.
But that thing about the summary that also makes me upset as well. Is that Hope is again doing whatever she can to save the day, while other people are off doing normal teenage things.
P.s lol the summary of one episode should not drive my mind crazy as much as it does. Bc I have so many theories and what not that could happen.
It makes me nervous too, yeah “risky” definitely sounds like things could go wrong, as usual (which they probably will). As for the title, I talked about this in another post as well, but I really don’t see how Hope having to pick between Landon and Cleo would make sense? How would that even be a question for her? She’s been picking Landon and has said she’d do it all over again, so unless they made her act ooc, I have no doubt she’d pick Landon. And exactly, after all Cleo did to Hope (and Landon too) last season, why would Hope choose her over Landon? And yes, I think it would make much more sense for that line to be spoken to someone else, and you make a good point about Kaleb. Because in 3x08 when they asked him if he was gonna help save Landon, I can’t remember exactly, but it seems like he didn’t really make a clear choice? So that could make sense if he has to make a real choice this time. I even wondered if it’s being spoken to Alaric since he was sort of on the fence in 3x08 too. But it really could be anything, it may not even be about choosing between Landon and Cleo. But yeah, if it is and Kaleb or anyone else prioritizes Cleo over Landon, that could definitely screw over Landon and Hope. And yep, I also would not be surprised at all if something like that happens, in fact, I’m expecting it to. And same! I’ll be so upset if it happens as well, that’s why I’m trying to prepare myself because I’m sure we’re gonna get more of what we saw throughout season 3 with no one but Hope caring about Landon and Landon continuing to suffer as a result. I need him to be out of pain too, just let him be free already. 😭
Yeah, I’m truly not surprised about Josie going on a date in the middle of all this. I mean, both her and Lizzie did that sort of thing all throughout season 3. Playing outside in 3x01 when they knew what happened to Landon and that Hope was struggling with that. Not caring when Landon was “dead” and Hope was grieving, Josie leaving altogether and Lizzie being totally insensitive, etc. And then again with how they acted in 3x16 when Hope was off with Clarke. They’ve often been wrapped up in trivial things, like dating, while Hope and Landon are suffering, so this is nothing new. And so true, this is probably the worst time for Josie to go on a date, so that’s gonna be frustrating to watch. And once again we’ll probably be going back and forth from watching something very serious, like Hope trying to save Landon, to something insignificant in comparison, like a date. Which means we’ll end up losing screen time for the important stuff because the writers feel the need to throw in these other things at the weirdest times.
And yep, again, I’m not surprised that Hope is in this very dire situation while people who are supposed to be her friends are playing around. Both Hope and Landon deserve so much better.
But yeah, haha, I understand, it’s so hard to know where they’re gonna go with this show that it can really drive you crazy trying to figure it out!
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radiosandrecordings · 4 years
i'm still pretty new to podcasts, is there smth wrong with eos 10 or king falls am? i had them on my list bc i've heard good things but idk much about them
Ooooh boy okay so I am working off. Limited knowledge for EOS 10 since I never listened to more than a few episodes, but after asking around some friends here’s what I gathered:
I don’t have the screenshots for it since these were done via tumblr asks to the creator like 2+ years ago (if someone has them, feel free to add them on), but within the show autism is referred to as a “pretty devastating neurological disorder”. Obviously autistic fans of the show were concerned by this and reached out to the creator, and he responded Badly, something along the lines of “my brother is autistic and it ruined my family so I think there should be a cure for it”, and went on to insult autistic fans who were hurt by this, several of whom were minors.
The love interest for the main character was written out after the (second or third? My friends answering were unsure) season because the actor playing him was accused of sexual assault. Which, good that they wrote him out, but Y’know. Still in the show.
After delaying the release for a very long time, they then made the fourth season only accessible behind a paywall, and would become public after a further year.
I think there was some other stuff but that’s all I was able to gather as someone who only listened to the first few eps and saw the fallout of the rest happen second hand via pod tumblr (which was a lot smaller at the time)
As for King Falls AM, a show I really enjoyed at the time (over two years ago) and now look back on with regret:
The creators are notoriously shitty, recently coming into the spotlight again after one saw fans talking about “death of the author” in regards to the show and got very angry, not knowing what the term meant and deciding it meant they were issuing him death threats. When he vagued about this on twitter and fans tried to inform him he ignored them (possibly blocked? Not sure on that part)
Banned people from their official discord for saying stuff like ‘hey I like the show but I find (x) part offensive or think you could have done (y) better’ because ‘it’s our show and if you don’t like it stop listening’
One of the characters is named ‘Glinda the Racist Witch’. That’s the punchline. She is a witch who is racist and serves no plot purpose. This is written by two white men
Appropriation of Native American stuff (skinwalkers) and as far as I remember also having the ‘wise old native man who only exists to guide the protagonist’ trope (played by a white man)
The predatory lesbian trope, where the protag’s fiancé’s sister keeps hitting on the other protag’s girlfriend even when she knows she’s in a relationship (and presumably straight)
Just... not good at writing female characters. It got better apparently but it was a lot of ‘one female character and she’s a damsel in distress’ and then later gave the women a plot about how all the men in town were in an anti feminist cult that they got to attack, I guess for Girl Power Reasons to make up for the bad writing earlier?
Again I’m sure there’s more I don’t remember/didn’t listen to enough to hear (though I listened up to like 75) for KFAM and again if you know something specific feel free to add on.
Also I’m not dunking on people who listen to either of these shows because I know a lot of people listen despite it’s flaws and are very aware of them, but just some info for people like anon who don’t know and intend to listen
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real-faker · 8 years
Ack sorry about sending another pitch question (I know you said something about people sending those) but you mentioned you pitched a show twice, and since I'm a creeper, I read the tags and you said the pitch wasn't how we'd think they'd be; how were they, then, out of curiosity? If I ever pitch a show, in your position, what should I expect? What exactly happened? Sorry for asking all these questions; you've been my inspiration for a while and I hope I can pitch my own show someday!! Thank you
Oh no, that’s fine!  I don’t mind telling my experience with it, and I’ve even given pitching tips before, but this post is about the extent of my knowledge.  (You can also just search my blog for “pitch”, ‘cause I’ve reblogged stuff from other people that actually KNOW what they’re talking about, haha)  I just don’t want people under the impression that I’m super experienced with it, or that I’ve ever pitched to a big deal network or producer.  I absolutely haven’t.  I have exactly 2 pitching experiences.  The first one was a few years ago at an event in Nashville called “Film-Com”, which is an annual trade show/expo event for financing and distributing filmmaking projects.  Basically you get a booth, and you set up in this convention center with all these other aspiring creators (filmmakers, documentary people, a few video game/new media folks, all sorts), and they’ve invited a WHOLE SWATH of producers and industry professionals to come mull around the show floor with you so you can make connections and get your product out there EAT FREE MEALS and then idk, maybe fuckin’ walk around a bit and look at your dumb shitty projects if they fuckin’ feel like it but they probably wont, so what ends up happening is all the creators just walk around and look at each others’ shit, which for me—being the only animator there—means that a bunch of other jack-knobs who have some vague idea for a shitty cartoon end up giving me THEIR card so that maybe in the future I can work on THEIR dumbfuck ideas.ANYWAY, to get to the point, they selected certain projects and scheduled them to actually go up and pitch in front of a whole room full of producers.  This happened over the course of the whole day, so I suspect the reason none of the producers were walking around interacting with people is ‘cause they were stuck in a room all day hearing 30 different suck-ass pitches and when it was all said and done they were probably exhausted.  I was scheduled as the last pitch of the day.  I enter the room and wait patiently; the person before me is running about 10 minutes over their allotted time.  I scan the room… everyone is MISERABLE.  They’re anxious, they’re uninterested, they’re sighing… the main guy who’s sort of monitoring the whole thing is pinching his brow and trying his best to keep up the pretense of politeness in telling the current pitcher to wrap it up.  NONE of these people want to be here anymore.  It seems like everyone’s spent the whole day “warming ‘em up” for me, but now they’re all sweaty and miserable, so I can either go up there and give another mediocre pitch, OR I can go up there and try my goddamn hardest to make them laugh. 
I go up on stage, just IMMEDIATELY force myself to get over any fears I have, and I pitch W2H.  I screen a short mock trailer I made (no way I’d force them to sit through that whole fucking thing), and it’s sort of like a fever dream, because I can see all of the life returning to their faces, they’re WAY into it, I’m doing fucking GREAT somehow, despite literally zero experience… and when it was all said and done, it became abundantly clear that even though they all LOVED it, not a single one of them could help me.  None of them were animation producers.  None of them KNEW animation producers.  One guy suggested I go into comics, because “comics get turned into film and tv shows all the time”.  I just had the PERFECT fucking pitch, and I pitched to people who couldn’t fucking help me.  As I was leaving, many of them came up to me and actually thanked me for sending them off for the day on a good note.  There was a big dinner at like, the fucking Governers’ mansion or something that night, and again, some of them were coming up to me and thanking me, wishing me the best and all that.  I guess if nothing else, I learned what I’m capable of.
The second pitch was an ACTUAL disaster.  When I’d first graduated I thought I could pitch W2H to Frederator, ‘cause it seemed like a good fit.  They told me (understandably) that they couldn’t reverse-engineer a show from something I’d already produced, and also that it was inappropriate (despite having a show at the time called “SuperFuckers”, but whatever; language and subject matter are different things).  Later on I got an email from them, saying that someone in their office was familiar with my work, and they invited me to come pitch them something that wasn’t W2H.  They also said that I was free to swing by their office any time, even “just to hang out”, and that if I had any questions “whether it be pitching or where to get the best burgers in Burbank”, to hit them up.  How friendly!  How perfect!  I was JUST about to move out to L.A., so I started working on this idea tentatively called “Gayliens”.  I swung by their office once, you know, just to pop in, like they said; thought I’d make myself known or whatever.  They looked at me like I was nuts.  They still invited me in and we chatted for a bit about the history of early Disney studios, but when they asked why I was there, and I reminded them about the email they’d sent, they seemed to have no idea what I was talking about.  I told them I was working on a pitch for them and that I’d be in touch so we could schedule something.  When I finally finished putting my pitch together, I went in for a meeting with them.  It was just 2 folks, we were in like a board meeting-type room (which I imagine is probably standard).  They made some small talk with me first, which I’m sure was an attempt to loosen us all up a bit and set the mood, but all of their questions really caught me off guard.  (I guess they asked where I was working, and when I told them I didn’t have a studio job, they asked how I was making money, and I’m sure it wasn’t meant to put me in an awkward position, but people asking me how I make money literally ALWAYS puts me in an awkward position, because my income sources are scattered and weird.  Try explaining how youtube ad revenue works to your social services worker, it’s a blast.) SO okay, I let myself get tripped up a bit.  I go on with the pitch; they don’t really want me to pitch the concept, they just have me show them my storyboards and read through the whole thing.  They’re DEAD silent the whole time.  I can’t get a read on them at all.  When it’s over, they ask me some more questions that trip me up.  Some of them are 100% my fault; they asked for a title, and I wasn’t ready to say “Oh, it’s tentatively called GAYLIENS,” out loud to people who I couldn’t get a read from.  
It’s all kind of a blur, but the few topics of discussion I remember them bringing up were that “the storyboards look almost TOO good”, like it was TOO polished or well-developed (which is sort of a backhanded compliment I guess???), because see, “when they made Adventure Time… blah blah blah it just started off as this loose idea, and once they were a season or so into it, they started expanding on the universe and developing the characters a little bit more…” — AS IF ANYONE doesn’t understand why AT got so popular???  You don’t have to TELL ME, I WAS WATCHING IT, I FUCKING KNOW.  No one gave a shit about AT until they got Rebecca Sugar and all these talented writers working on it a couple seasons in, and doing all this character-heavy shit.  I tried to present them with something that had all that character shit baked into it already, ‘cause I knew they were gonna’ use AT as an example.  But it seemed like they’re not looking for something that’s already developed with it’s own voice or sensibility, they’re looking for a vague idea that they can mold into something as they go.  
They also told me–and I still can’t get over this–that they’re looking for “”””””characters that people will want to cosplay as””””””, which is funny to me for a plethora of reasons; namely that they have no way of knowing that PEOPLE DO COSPLAY AS MY CHARACTERS, but also that I spent half of my time in college working on ridiculous magical girl Adventure Time crossover group cosplays (don’t fuckin’ laugh) like trust me I’m ALARMINGLY familiar with cosplay, and ALSO, that looking for a new property with the guidelines that it should be “the next big thing that some fucking nerds will dress up as at comic con” just seems like such an out-of-touch-but-trying-to-be-hip, capitalize-on your-fandom-doing-all-the-legwork-for-you, fucking executive thing to say.  I know I sound like a whiny art school kid saying that but my animation instructor was so anti-establishment, and I carry a lot of that with me still, and something about that statement–insignificant as it may be–kind of epitomizes how I feel about the industry?  It’s a hard thing to explain. I walked out of that pitch with my mind feeling like TV static.  My friends were waiting for me next door at a bakery and they were super excited, asking me how it went, and I was just like “I mean… BAD, for sure, but I don’t know where to even start.”  Hahaha.  I don’t know.  It just seems like everyone wants to play gatekeeper I guess.  They want This Thing™, but it can’t be too This Thing™.  They want the thing to have A Fandom™, but they don’t really understand fandom ‘cause they don’t participate in fandom.  They want Your Idea™ but they want to make it Their Idea™.  I don’t know.  I’m just angry and bitter and that’s my experience with pitching.  Admittedly some of what went wrong in these pitches was my fault, or there were circumstances beyond my control, and regardless of how that pitch went, I don’t actually dislike Frederator (I’m on their youtube network), and Fred Seibert has actually done a ton of iconic shit.I don’t think I’ve ever AIRED MY GRIEVANCES in such great detail before, but there you have it.  If you want some tips on pitching, you can check out the links I provided at the beginning of the post; there’s tons of people out there who actually know their shit too, and they’d probably give more proactive advice.  I don’t know if this helps at all, but hopefully you can glean something from it!  That’s just my limited experience with it.  Haha.  Good luck!  
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