#but if i couldn’t i think i would try to punch it or stick my arm into its mouth as far as possible
t4tstarvingdog · 2 years
what if a bear saw you and it started coming at you WHAT DK YOU DOOOOO THATS SO SCARY
:( i would give it a little kiss
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eiightysixbaby · 6 months
begging for some more older! eddie maybe us out late at a bar let’s have him be jealous and mean😈😈
ohhhhh bestie I can do that 👀
18+ only!!! allusions to smut, mean eddie but he’s just worried about you, jealous eddie, mentions of reader drinking alcohol
Eddie spots you the second he enters the bar. The whole place is sleazy, shitty music blaring in his ears as he pushes through the inebriated crowds. He can feel his boots sticking to the floor as he walks and the air feels thick with the heat radiating off of these strangers’ bodies.
You’re leaning against the bar, your elbows propped up on the probably-filthy countertop as you chat with the bartender. You flip your hair slightly, shifting your weight where you stand and wobbling slightly in your high heels. Definitely tipsy.
Your skirt is obscenely short, and the problem Eddie has with this is that you’re wearing it now, in front of these other men, when you blew him off.
Unable to get ahold of you, he’d been an anxious mess at home. He knew you were going out with friends but you’d promised you’d be at his place by 10. It’s 12:15.
His jaw clenches when he doesn’t see a single one of your friends around, and the way the bartender keeps smiling at you makes him want to punch the guy’s teeth in. He stomps up behind you, a firm hand gripping your arm and turning you to face him. Your eyes widen in surprise when you see him, the anger in his face. You’d fucked up, letting your phone die and not getting in touch with him. Staying out later than you’d said you would.
“I think you’re done here,” he says, and it’s not a question or a request or a joke. It’s a command, an order. You are done here, and we’re going the fuck home.
“Eddie-ee,” you hiccup, trying to keep some composure but failing with the alcohol in your system.
“You’re fucking wasted. Are you fucking kidding me, honey? It’s nearly half past midnight and I haven’t heard a thing from you.” His voice is firm, gruff as he tightens his grip on your arm.
“Is there a problem here?” the bartender asks, and Eddie seriously contemplates the consequences of beating this guy’s ass.
“Yeah, you. She’s not interested, pal. And she’s certainly not going home with you tonight,” he barks, yanking you away before the nuisance can respond.
“I’m sorry, Ed, my phone—”
“It died, right? Because you didn’t charge it even though I asked you to fucking charge it before you left,” he grits, and you look down at the floor in shame. He asked you one simple thing, and you neglected to do it. You won’t say it, but he has every right to be upset.
“I’m sorry,” you squeak, barely loud enough for him to hear.
“Do you have any idea how worried I was!? When I couldn’t get ahold of you? Knowing you were out drinking?” Eddie asks, guilt clawing at your insides.
He shoves open the door to the bar, ushering you out into the parking lot. You shiver at the chill in the air, far colder out than it had been when you’d arrived.
“Nothing bad happened, Ed, I’m fine,” you stress, but he’s having none of it.
“But it could have!” he barks, his voice stern and louder than he usually ever speaks to you. “Sure looked like you were having fun entertaining that bartender,” he scoffs.
You grimace, suddenly sobering up rapidly. You hadn’t been flirting with the guy, but it couldn’t have looked good from Eddie’s perspective. You do tend to get overly friendly when you drink, talkative and chipper.
“We were just talking, I had ordered a drink!” is what comes out of your mouth, for reasons unbeknownst to you. You’d meant to quell his suspicions, but instead you sound petulant and defensive.
“Just fucking talking,” he chuckles, albeit humorlessly. “Don’t think he thought you were just talking, sweets.”
He opens the passenger door of his vehicle, slamming it behind you after you get in. The way he forces the key into the ignition and peels out of the parking lot makes your stomach churn. You make it to his place in record timing, the entire ride silent. He doesn’t open the door this time, or help you out of the car. Your feet ache in your heels and your hands wring together as you walk to his front door.
“I’m sorry, Eddie,” you say meekly, standing helplessly in his living room as he regards you out of his peripheral.
You see the way his jaw clenches and unclenches, and he brings one hand up to rub at his chin, the gray and brown scruff that litters the skin.
“You had me worried fucking sick,” he says, emphasizing this. He walks toward you until the backs of your thighs are hitting the arm of the couch. “I need you to follow rules, baby. All I asked was that you charge your phone,” his eyes don’t look away from yours for even a second, making sure you’re listening.
You nod, feeling the heat that radiates off of his body. He smells like his cologne and a hint of tobacco, a scent so familiar and comforting to you. You wonder why you’d wanted to go out tonight at all, when he’s been here all along.
He steps even closer, resting a hand on your hip possessively. “And don’t even think about chatting up anymore bartenders,” he warns, his mouth hovering beside your ear. “Got it?” His voice is gruff, sending a shiver down your spine.
“I won’t,” you agree, knees nearly buckling when an index finger reaches out to stroke your cheek.
“That’s a good girl,” he says. “Now why don’t you take these clothes off and go get on the bed for me, pretty girl. Gotta remind you who you belong to.”
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occamstfs · 7 months
No Need to Pledge, Just Drink.
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Thanks for the Warm Response! Here's a shorter piece - Occam
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It’s definitely not normal that they invited me to this party. It was a direct invite too, obviously. I wouldn’t show up unless someone explicitly asked. From what I understand frat parties don’t usually have a guest list, but I am not one to just wander in. 
Judging by how unpleasant this is so far I’m starting to think I shouldn’t have accepted Derek’s invitation at all. I start to look around for the nearest exits which is when Derek finally shows his face, approaching me with two drinks in hand.
“Sup bruh! I’m so stoked you could make it! This party is gonna be absolutely killer soon so I hope you can stick around!”
“Ah, well I was-”
“I brought you a little drink broski! I know shit like this isn’t your cup of tea so I figured you’d take the assist, this stuff’ll loosen you right up.”
I take the cup from him and just avoid wretching from fumes of alcohol coming from the cup now in my hand. I assumed it was just a beer but it looks like some horrible mixed drink.
“It’s Everclear and Hawaiian Punch bro! As soon as you get past the first taste you barely notice the burn!”
He continues to stand there as I fail to brainstorm a way out of at least trying this. I see a potted plant across the room and know my next move. I’ll give the drink one chance to get Derek off my back and dump it as soon as he turns his.
It’s honestly not as bad as I thought it would be, it doesn’t even seem alcoholic actually? It’s just sweet? Almost to a sickly degree. I don’t really taste the punch either, it's just… 
I start to take another sip before noticing that impossibly, my cup is already empty. I only took a sip though? Something, something is not right. I start to freeze up before Derek starts shaking me, his hand holding a second cup of the punch high above his head shouting, “Brooo! You just demolished that! Fuck! I’ve gotta see that again!” He shoves the second cup into my hand and begins to push his way back towards the punch bowl “Everyone outta the way! This nerd has got to have more to drink!”
I watch him longer than I should have, dumbfounded holding this drink that I didn’t want. Don’t want? My vision gets blurry as I watch him maneuver his massive body through the crowd. Woah, I guess this is what alcohol does? I feel myself start to grin watching him struggle to fill a two-liter with whatever that punch is. Jungle juice? Oh Shit? Is he bringing that to me? 
The DJ switches playlists and I feel excitement quickly start to build in my chest. I fuckin’ love this song! I start to inch towards the crowd before I’m elbowed in the face and my glasses fall directly into my cup.
“Hey dude! I need those to fuc- I need those to see” I instinctively shout as I look to see my glasses just peeking out of my cup. Before picking them out though, I notice that my vision is actually better now? Which briefly starts to set my veins afire once more, why have I been going to a fucking optometrist for years I start to think, clenching my jaw before I look closer into my cup.
This alcohol must really be getting to me or Derek is pulling another prank on me or something. My hair looks so stupid up like that. I start to move my hand to fix it before seeing my arm reflected. 
Or is that even my arm? It shouldn’t be? It’s the size of my head. I shouldn't be able to life something that size if I wanted to. I need to get some fresh air, or just some quiet space. I need to get out. I need-
“Party king coming through! Sorry bro I couldn’t get the bottle to fuckin work so I hope two more cups will do” I see two cups clenched in massive hairy, may as well be, paws starting to pass back through the dance floor. My own hand flexes and I drop my drink, spilling it all over my shoes as I bolt to find a bathroom. Cheers of “Party Foul” ring out as I dash, completely ditching my glasses without a second thought.
I weasel my way through the crowd feeling less agile than usual. Finding it much easier to shove these pipsqueaks out of the way than to squeeze between them before I find peace in the second floor restroom, miraculously without a line outside. I don’t question why I suddenly know the layout of this house as I slam the door and take a deep breath. Music still comes through the door as I reach for the light and prepare to look in the mirror.
The haircut was the least of my concerns. I look like a beast as I start to hyperventilate. I feel the music outside the room quicken matching my heartbeat, my newly 20/20 eyes stare into themselves as they turn from blue to a deep brown and visibly lose acuity. I feel my biceps pressing against the sleeves of my t-shirt narrowly avoiding a deliberate flex to rip the shirt apart. 
I notice a stink other than jungle juice coming up from my feet as I feel them beginning to push against the tongue of my shoe. I collapse to the floor and quickly struggle to untie my laces before squeezing my feet out. Immediately apparent are drastically rattier socks than I remember putting on to get ready for this party. Full of holes and stains, I dread knowing whose socks these are and what is happening before recognizing them as my own. Or really they could be any of my bros socks but who cares.
As soon as this thought pushes its way into my head a pit drops into my stomach. I am an only child, I don’t have any bros, or well, I have a house full of bros now right? Getting up off the floor I again glance into the mirror. My jaw is wider, my stubble itches but just like it always does, right? I put my face in my hands creating enough strain in my small shirt to force a tear down the back. Why am I wearing such tiny tiny clothes anyway? Must be Derek hazing me again huh. I think holding in a guffaw, I wonder how he got me in these?
I tear the rest of my shirt away before doing the same to my pants which is when I learn that I have apparently been going commando this whole time. Now free of these nerdy-ass clothes I flex in the mirror. Pecs popping like always, my bros always say the hair hides my pump but who cares bro I want to look like a man. I briefly shake my cock at myself in the mirror smirking and see laid out behind me are a change of clothes that Derek must have laid out for me. 
There are a pair of slides, some athletic shorts and a massive stringer that says “Party Prince” Bro! He must have made us matching shirts! 
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I quickly start to change to match with my Bro and see cologne on the counter. I’m sure bro won't mind if I use it. Each spritz I feel myself fill out my tank even more, veins beginning to peak out down my arms and my package becomes even harder to miss in my shorts. I do a few more poses in the mirror before hearing a knock at the bathroom door.
“Bro you in there? The party’s dying without you bro!”
Hearing my big bros’ cry for help I get my head in the game. I’ve got to bring it tonight. I kick the locked door open, completely shattering the door frame as I cry out- “Who’s ready to drink tonight,” tossing the awaiting cup of jungle juice into the air over the crowd.
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i’ll do anything
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a/n: tysm to the anon who sent this request. i’ve been so keen to write it. i love a super menacing reader, i think its so funny to write them.
pairing: sabrina carpenter x reader
warnings: smut!!!, physical violence (not to either of the main characters), public sex, cursing, thigh grinding, finger riding, nipple play.
you & sabrina decided to go out for dinner somewhere close to your apartment. you both had busy days and had no time or energy to cook.
you two were the it-couple of the century but you didn’t show yourselves much, valuing the privacy of your own home since you two were in the limelight so much.
due to this circumstance, you had your fair share of paparazzi follow you around when you did show your face.
when you two left the restaurant, there was a flood of paparazzi snapping photos of the two of you.
you were annoyed, you had a long day and you didn’t need any more of this. she was pouting, she clearly had just as shitty of a day as you. you gripped her hand and pulled her towards your car, trying to make a clear path for the two of you. you didn’t have security, it was just the two of you.
you snapped when you saw one of them shove sabrina, trying to get a picture. that was your girl, he had no right. in a fit of rage, you grabbed his camera and smashed it to bits. you followed by throwing a punch at him, your fist colliding with his face in no time.
sabrina jumped, shocked by your actions. she wasn’t afraid of you, she knew you were just protecting her. however, that protectiveness you were displaying, the furrow of your eyebrow, the hardening of your jaw… it was doing something to her.
“fuck off! or i’ll snap you in half!” you turned and told off a different man who was snapping photos of you breaking the camera.
the anger in your voice, the gritting of your teeth, it was beginning to get all too much for her. her thighs started to rub together as a last minute effort to contain the wetness pooling at her core.
you tugged her towards the car, opening the passenger seat for her. despite your anger, you were still polite, and that spurred her on even further. she was looking at you with bedroom eyes that were incredibly hard to miss. you leaned down to the seat and buckled her seatbelt for her, kissing her cheek in the process. she almost moaned just from that.
“glad you’re okay, baby.” you mumbled. you pulled away and shut the door, making your way to the driver’s seat.
you hopped in and buckled your seatbelt. you started the car and waited a couple of seconds.
“thank you for sticking up for me.” she said as you put the car into gear. she knew she couldn’t wait. she put the car back in park just as you were about to go. “now i need you to fuck me.”
you turned to her with wide eyes as you both undid your seatbelts. you had no idea you would get this reaction out of her. you reclined your seat, trying to move over to the back but she took that opportunity to straddle you in the driver’s seat.
“oh… you’re needy, needy.” you said, smiling as you felt her wetness on your stomach. you sat up and your fingers met her panties, circling the fabric. “sooo wet. did i really make you feel like this?” you asked, curiosity peaking.
the thought of the two of you getting caught was turning you on even further. the crowd of paparazzi just dispersed not even five minutes ago, you were sure some of them were lurking.
she nodded and bit down on her lip, her eyes fluttering shut as your fingers worked their magic. “mmhm… so hot seeing you angry…” she mumbled as you pulled her hips down to meet your thigh. she gasped, flinching a little bit. you loved getting a rise out of her.
“who’s my pretty girl?” you asked her, slowly moving her hips to grind on your thigh at a dreadfully slow pace.
“me… i’m your pretty girl.” she said, whimpering at how slow you were going. “stop teasinggg…” she said, prolonging her consonants.
“i’m not teasing, darling. you’re just so fucking needy.”
you grabbed her jaw in your hand, making her turn to look outside the car.
“look, you couldn’t even wait to get back home before needing me to fuck you dumb.” you said, growling under your breath. “such a good little slut for me.”
“yeah… yeah…” she said, under her breath, her eyes shut. “i’m your little slut. i love being your slut.” you could tell she was already sensitive, perhaps the overwhelming amount of arousal from earlier pushed her along further than you thought.
you raised your calf so your thigh pressed even harder against her core. you saw the wet patch start to form as she got herself off on the fabric of your pants. she gripped your shoulders, her acrylics digging into your shirt.
“mmph, fuck.” she said, leaning down to bury her face into your neck. “wanna cum, wanna cum for you.” she said, muffled.
“you cum when i tell you.” you said, yanking her hair back so she was sitting back up again. but you pulled her closer, placing your forehead against hers. “how bad do you want it?”
“so bad… so so bad… need to cum all over you.” she said, forcing her eyes open to make eye contact with you.
“you want me to let you cum?”
“please, pretty please. i’ll do anything.” she said, nodding.
you lifted the front of her skirt, pressing your thumb down on her clit every time she grinded towards you. she grunted softly as her clit hit your thumb every single time.
“you can cum, princess.” you nodded at her.
her breath started to hitch as her moans started to increase in pitch and frequency. she jolted as she finished all over your thigh, crying out a high pitched moan, her eyes squeezed shut.
you sighed, smiling at your work.
you fell back into the seat but pulled her along with you, capturing her lips in a forceful kiss. you pulled her upwards a little bit, lifting the skirt she was wearing so her entire ass was on display to the world.
“this is what you get. the world is gonna see just how desperate you are for me.” you laughed at the state of her. she was on your chest, her hands at your shoulders, her arousal dripping onto your bare stomach. you were suddenly pushing her panties down until they were at her knees.
you wrapped your arm around the back of her thigh, running a finger along her slit while nursing her cheek, pressing kisses to it as her eyes fluttered shut again.
her breath quivered as she tried to speak. “you’re just so hot… wanna ride your fingers.”
you figured you could do that.
“okay, baby. i’ll give you that.” you cooed. “but just you know.” you gripped her cheeks again. “it’s only cause i’m letting you have it.”
she nodded out of desperation.
you moved your hand to sit between the two of you, pushing her panties to the side once more. her mouth dropped open when you inserted a finger into her, quickly following up with a second one.
she moved her hips up and down, riding her fingers like her life depended on it. her hips bounced, raising up then slamming down on your lap.
you reached up to grope one of her tits, pulling her shirt down as you did. you toyed with the nipple, twisting it in between her fingers. you saw goosebumps travel across her chest along with a red blush.
you sat back up and took her other boob into your mouth, biting down on the nipple while you continued to play with the other one.
sabrina put her hands on the back of your head, pushing your face further into the soft pillow of her breast. you groaned softly, feeling the warmth of her chest.
she continued to get herself off on your fingers. you noticed her pace got sloppy when she started to fall back down harder after lifting herself up, you decided to help her out by pumping your fingers in and out of her.
“yes… yes. just like that.” she eventually had to stop lifting herself up, her legs starting to get tired. you continued to finger her, curling your fingers inside of her which got her thighs shaking.
you pulled your mouth away from her tit with a ‘pop!’ noise.
“you gonna cum again for me?” you asked, flashing her a cheeky and toothy smile.
“yes… keep going, i’m gonna… gonna cu—“ she couldn’t even finish her sentence before she reached her climax and was leaking all over your fingers. she cried your name out, pushing her body into yours.
she fell into your chest, you wrapped your arm around her back to hug her. your face softened a little bit when you saw her flushed and fucked out.
“good girl, that’s my good girl.” you comforted her. she whined softly, kissing you weakly.
“you need to stop getting angry, it makes me horny.” she coughed out, her throat was dry from her mouth hanging open so much.
“you understand that i will keep getting angry if it means we get to do this more?”
“please please please, don’t.”
the next day when you two woke up. both your phones had blown up overnight.
you woke sabrina up after checking the reason why.
a photo of sabrina flushed out against your chest, panting while her skirt rode up enough to see her panties, had gone viral.
she covered her face in embarrassment as you laughed at her.
“fuckin’ paparazzi.”
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anxiousnerdwritings · 9 months
I can totally imagine that, after getting absolutely no where, Jokerized!twin darling just has an Azula-level breakdown. Especially if the Batfam or God forbid Damian somehow manages to subdue the unpredictable mess. There's no way that Twin!Reader doesn't resent Damian to a degree, especially after everything he put them through... so seeing his twin brother not only be accepted but also find a family that was willing to have him? While Twin!Darling was just used and abused in some shape or form? Absolutely breaking down!
Twin!Reader wholeheartedly holds an immense amount of resentment towards both Damian and Talia. I really like the idea that Twin!Reader was more akin to being that of a normal child born outside of a family full of assassins than to acting like one who was. Like, Twin!Reader was on par with Damian when it came to the proficiency of their training but the mentality just wasn’t there for them. They couldn’t just aimlessly kill, they couldn’t just walk away with someone’s blood on them and not feel something. Not only that, they just weren’t emotionless to any degree like how their mother and brother so easily were. They laughed, they cried, they felt fear, they felt hurt. Like, I’ve had this scenario in my head for a bit of there being a thunderstorm or a blizzard and Twin!Reader seeking out Damian because they’re scared, they sneak into his room and they just want comfort. They just want to be together with their twin brother in their moment of need. And Damian begrudgingly allows it cause they won’t go away no matter what he says but he still makes comments about how weak they are for something as ridiculous as a storm to have them acting like this and that the Reader better be out before mother finds out. I especially like this kind of scenario being what Twin!Reader holds onto when they need something no the better side to look back on. It didn’t happen often, nor did it come without berating, but there were a few moments that Twin!Reader had with Damian that they’ve held onto, that they’ve cherished.
I also really like the idea of Talia having tried to kill Twin!Reader behind Ra’s back, leaving them for dead only for them to survive and that’s where we go from there. I think it really adds to the whole familial betrayal thing and gives more to the Reader eventually going off the rails, especially as they’re in search of somewhere to belong, for someone who willingly and genuinely wants them for them. It makes it even more of a surprise and gut punch respectively for Damian, Talia, and Ra’s when the Reader pops back up. Especially, after being Jokerized.
All their life, Twin!Reader as been used and abused in some way, shape, or form. And even after being Jokerized that’s all they’re met with. Even if it isn’t to the same extent it was with Talia and Damian, these new people the Reader is trying to find belonging in all have ulterior motives. They want to use the Reader against Batman (or one of the other main people the Reader’s been associated with), they want something to have and hold over Batman’s (or whoever else’s) head. That’s all it is, at least in the beginning. Eventually these people do come to have some amount of care for the Reader but by then it’s too late and the Reader is in the wind and on to the next one.
I do really love the idea of Damian and Twin!Reader sharing their love for animals. I especially love the thought of the Reader’s first pet/companion being a hyena Joker and Harley (probably just Harley) gifted them after their initiation into the Clown Family. That hyena would mean the absolute world to the Reader, as far as the Reader was concerned it was their first friend and the first thing that ever stayed around for them. Wherever the Reader went, so did it. I love the thought of the hyena being protective of the Reader, sticking close to them for both security and comfort. The hyena very quickly becomes the only thing that Twin!Reader truly cares about anymore. Not to mention, there’s no doubt that after everything Twin!Reader’s been through before and after being Jokerized they have constant nightmares, even some night terrors, and the only one there for them is their loyal hyena. It’s there to curl around them protectively, to give them a warmth they’re not used to and a sense of being looked over that they’ve never felt before. I can even see the hyena bringing the Reader snacks to remind them to eat and take care of themself.
I can really see the Jokerized!Twin!Reader being thrown into an all out breakdown if their hyena died, especially if it died protecting them (whether from the batfamily or some rogue rando). That was their only friend, the only thing that truly ever cared about them and now they had nothing anymore. They had no one. They were lost all over again. If any of the batfamily members had anything to do with the Reader’s precious hyena’s death there would never be any forgiveness. If someone else were the reason for the hyena’s death than the Reader wouldn’t think twice about killing them and getting revenge for their beloved companion. Either way, no matter who caused the Reader’s hyena’s death I can see the batfamily all trying to subdue them from enacting any revenge on whoever. No matter how feral and berserk the Reader is in the moment, no matter how hard they fight, how hard they hit, I see Bruce, Jason and Damian especially not letting go of them. They hold the Reader the entire time, unrelenting in their grasp no matter how hurt they get in the process. If the Reader is as unrelenting as they are then they’ll have to knock them out. From there the family will take Jokerized!Twin!Reader home, where they’ll be safer, where the family can watch over and be there for them.
After their breakdown, there is no way in hell, Damian and Bruce especially will be able to go on with the Reader not being with them. Seeing how absolutely destroyed they’ve become, how much of a broken husk they’ve been turned into after everything they’ve been through, Damian and Bruce can’t allow anything more to happen to their sibling/child. No matter what it takes, how long it takes, Damian and Bruce aren’t giving up on Jokerized!Twin!Reader. They will save them, they will put them back together again. They will be the family that the Reader should have had all along.
God forbid if Ra’s was there to see his precious grandchild breakdown like that in front of him. Damian and Bruce be damned, he’s taking them home with him and Talia will be thoroughly dealt with for her part in all of this, in destroying his pride and joy.
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theemporium · 10 months
Hello my dear!!! So - I know your requests are closed for now, but I just had to tell you I am OBSESSED with your Danny Ric x Sunshine series, and I had a thought for once they’re open again… I know that Sunshine isn’t famous or anything, but what if she dated someone who was/is before she started dating Danny (ex. Joe Jonas)? Like maybe they were childhood sweethearts or something, and her ex shows up at the Miami GP as a musical guest or something and Danny goes FERAL and protective of Sunshine? I just think it would be so cute and fluffy 😍🥰
you are a cutie🥹thank you for requesting!!! i changed it a wee bit but i hope you enjoy! and sorry for making you wait so long🫶🏽
It wasn’t unusual for there to be famous faces dotted around the garage during the race weekend. 
Daniel was used to it and, if he was being completely honest, he enjoyed it. He enjoyed seeing familiar faces around the paddock, talking and chatting with them and meeting new and old fans alike. He was a social butterfly and he thrived in these situations, even if some drivers found it a little distracting or stressful when they were trying to get on with their jobs. Usually, Daniel loved it.
Except when these celebrities couldn’t seem to catch the hint.
You were gorgeous. Hell, in the eyes of Daniel, you were the prettiest human to ever walk the goddamn Earth. He was obsessed with you. He worshipped the ground you walked on. You were his sun and his life revolved around you and your love. He pinched himself every day that you chose to be with him, to love him, to be his forever partner. 
However, it seemed one of Red Bull’s recent garage guests didn’t seem to catch the hint that you were not single nor were you ready to mingle.
If he was being honest, he didn’t know who the guy was. He had heard from a few team members that he was some big, upcoming actor that most of the world was going crazy for but Daniel didn’t care. He didn’t care if the man was the biggest name in the world. He was going after Daniel’s girl and he didn’t like that one bit. 
Most guests tended to stick to their guided tours or near the back so they were out of the team’s way, yet this actor seemed to have gravitated towards you. He had been blatant in his attempts with flirting and chatting with you, going as far as leaning on the table you were currently working on until it became near impossible to continue with your job. He could see the discomfort in your face, could see the way you were getting progressively more annoyed and, despite knowing you could handle yourself, the last thing he wanted was you to be on the frog page after punching the douche in the face (even if it would've been well-deserved in his eyes).
“Got a problem here, mate?” 
The man—his name was on the tip of his tongue but he couldn’t bring himself to care to remember—turned away from you to look at the approaching driver. “Hey, Daniel, right? Huge fan. You’ve got a great team here.”
“Yeah, the best of the best,” Daniel said as he slided in behind you, his hand resting on your shoulder as your body relaxed under his touch. “Sunshine here has the best brain you could ask for in Formula One.”
The man’s gaze slid back down to you, his lips twitching upwards in what you assumed was meant to be a charming smile. “So, your name is Sunshine?”
You opened your mouth to reply, but Daniel beat you to it.
“Ha no, I can call her Sunshine,” he said with a massive smile on your face, one that would leave the people around you and out of ear shot to believe this was a happy conversation. “You can mind your own fucking business.”
The man’s face immediately soured. “Excuse me?”
“You’re a guest, courtesy of Red Bull, and that is the only reason I’m not dragging your sorry ass out of the paddock,” Daniel continued, stepping a little closer so you were leaning back against him. “Now, you can leave now or you can sit in the back of the garage like a good dog and leave my girl alone to do her work. What’s it gonna be?”
“You can’t talk to me like that,” he insisted with a scoff. “Do you know who I am?”
“No, but I don’t really care. You’re on my turf right now, and what I say goes. If I don’t want you here, you’ll be gone with a snap of my fingers.” Daniel stated so casually, like his whole body wasn’t humming with the desire to just punch the guy in the face. “Piss off now.”
You had barely waited until he was gone before you spun around in your seat, looking up at him with an amused smile. “Are you taking lessons from Max or something? That felt very Mad Max-coded.”
Daniel rolled his eyes. “I was teaching him a lesson.” 
“No, you were jealous and it was hot,” you corrected with a grin as you reached towards him, your arms winding around his torso. “But thank you. I was two seconds away from throwing my laptop at his head.”
He laughed as he leaned down, hands gently holding your hair back as he kissed you. “Always here to be your knight in shining armour, Sunshine.”
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inuyashaluver · 10 months
giggles - alessia russo
alessia russo x reader
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description: in which you and your girlfriend love to giggle at anything and everything
warnings: nothing but a bit of swearing- very fluffy
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you and your girlfriend, alessia had a habit of giggling with each other, leaving the people around you in the dark - mostly in a confused state because no one understood what both of you were giggling about.
you two made each other laugh frequently. you had the exact same humour and often knew exactly what the other was thinking and feeling. making both of you insufferable during team talks when both of you would attempt to hold in your laughs while lightly slapping each other to stop you from laughing.
“okay, girls, it’s time to start getting serious, competition is getting closer and closer and I don’t want anyone half-assing around, got it?” your captain leah says, eyes darting around the room, a stern gaze prominent on her face.
“aye aye, captain!” a couple people say at the same time, causing you to giggle.
one thing about you that everyone knows - once you start laughing, it’s pretty hard to stop. you have a habit of remembering jokes and just giggling to yourself. this was one of your girlfriend’s favourite traits about you.
alessia looked down at you beside her, smiling full of adoration as she watched you trying to contain your laughs. you were covering your mouth and clutching your stomach but you couldn’t stop giggling. and much to alessia’s amusement, she started giggling at you. you look up at her with glossy eyes and a bright smile and as soon as you make eye contact, both of you are giggling profusely, looking down at the floor and lightly shoving each other.
everyone in the room turned to look at you and your girlfriend. both of you couldn’t stop giggling, fake looks of unamusement were plastered around the room.
you get confused by the silence and look up to see everyone looking at you and leah glaring. you quickly slap alessia’s arm and you both finally stop. but not without looking at each other with bright grins, alessia loops her arm with yours and pulls you into her side. another giggle slipping from your lips as alessia leans down to whisper in your ear,
“shh, baby, leah will kill us, be a good girl and be quiet for me?” she moves away from your ear, fully focused on leah now. you face burned bright in crimson, you then focus your attention on leah also.
as training progressed, you and alessia moved off to your respective best friends, ella and maya. you and maya were jogging in front of ella and alessia during a team run, both of you catching up with what was going on in your lives - she was man-u while you were at arsenal.
maya was telling you about the time her and ella couldn’t get a high five with each other, describing how they both got confused and just couldn’t get it right. you were both giggling like school girls. alessia perked up at hearing your giggles, watching you in front of her struggling to breathe because maya kept adding to her words - making you laugh more.
“what do you think I should do, less?” no response, “less?” alessia was smiling watching the both of you, when she didn’t reply to ella’s question, ella followed her gaze to you and maya, watching you both giggling.
“oh my god, she’s infected you”
she punches alessia on the arm, hard.
“ow! tooney! what the fuck!” she rubs the spot on her arm before punching her back,
“what are you on about?” alessia questions,
“your girlfriend infected you with the giggles! simp!” ella sticks sticks her tongue out and runs towards you, hoisting you over her shoulder and running away.
you squeal as ella runs around the pitch, everyone laughing as you pass them with alessia hot on your trail. ella looked back to see if alessia was near and as she does, she trips over her own feet and both of you fall to the ground.
you burst out in a fit of giggles, finding the whole situation funny but also remembering maya’s story as well as the situation from the team talk. alessia ran up to you, cradling your face whilst kneeling in front of you.
“you alright, baby?” alessia’s face full of worry disappears as she watches you giggling and smiling at her, nodding your head. once she knew you were okay, she directed all her attention on ella, jumping on top of her and play fighting.
all three of you end up on the floor laughing as maya pulls you up one by one. the giggles were truly infectious.
you all had down time now, choosing to put on a movie while the entire team is in the room, either watching or engaging in small chatter. you and alessia end up sat across opposite sides of the room, both of you on bean bags with your respective best friends.
message from: lessi bear ❤️
hey, baby
message from: my baby girl ❤️
hiya, baby!
you look up from your phone to see her grinning at you, she sends a wink to you and nods her head. both maya and ella were too engrossed in the movie, as well as their phones, both of you couldn’t get made fun of. yet.
message from lessi bear ❤️
aside from being sexy, what do you do for a living?
your eyes widen with a grin, you shake your head at your phone screen, knowing alessia is looking at you across the room.
message from: my baby girl ❤️
oh my god, lessi baby
you know what I do for a living, silly
alessia giggles at her phone,
message from: lessi bear ❤️
cheeky girl
aren’t you tired?
message from: my baby girl ❤️
nah not really, baby
training wasn’t too bad
are you?
message from: lessi bear ❤️
no no, baby, not at all, I have good stamina
wink wink
you must be pretty tired from running through my mind all day
my brave girl
so strong
you cover your face with your hand, your giggling fit starting immediately at alessia’s pick up lines. maya looks over at you with a smile,
“(y/n/n), this movie isn’t that funny come on” she shares a giggle with you, you shake your head in response
“I know, mai” you couldn’t stop giggling, that’s when maya saw you glancing at alessia, who was also having her own giggling fit, watching you with a bright grin.
“oh my god! tooney!” maya yells, ella looks up from her phone and spots you giggling while alessia next to her is struggling to breathe while laughing too hard.
“they’re doing it again!” maya exclaims, this catches the attention of the room, everyone watching you and alessia having another one of your giggling fits, confused how both of you are laughing when you’re not even looking at each other.
“I love you but you can go to your girlfriend now and giggle all you want” you laugh as maya picks you up and takes you over to alessia, dropping you on her lap as she grabs ella to take your former spot.
“hi, baby” alessia whispers, looking right into your eyes, her cheeks lightly flushing pink.
“this is your fault, lessi, look at them now” you point over at maya and ella, both of them mocking you, sending kissy faces at you
“let them baby, they’re jealous”, you look at alessia with a grin before moving to place a sweet kiss on her lips. before she could deepen the kiss, you move to pepper kisses all over her face, both of you giggling with love at each other.
“hey! give me a proper kiss” she pouts at you, lightly pinching your thigh, you happily oblige, both of you engaging in a longer kiss this time, keeping it tame for the sake of your friends and teammates.
she moves to whisper in your ear again, “it was my plan all along for us to end up like this you know”
you shake your head lightly at her again,
“baby, we could have just sat next to each other”
“but it wouldn’t be that fun would it? you love my pick up lines” she places a kiss on your nose, smiling when you lightly crinkle it,
“do I need to remind you, you’ve already picked me up? we’ve been dating for 3 years, love”
“don’t be a buzzkill, lovie!” she gasps as you place a quick kiss on her lips again, moving to rest your head in her neck.
both of you spent the rest of your free time, sharing funny pictures, videos and words. both of you in fits of giggles. you and alessia lie on the bean bag together, the team watching you two, just enjoying each other during the stressful time of competition - happy that both of you have a support system that you both deserve.
⋆ ★ ⋆ ★ ⋆ ★ ⋆ ★ ⋆
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liked by mayaletissier and 44,232 others
ellatoone: these two are chronic gigglers, how do you laugh that much?
view all comments
alessiarusso99: she’s really cute and funny
↳ yourname: alessia is really cute and funny and pretty, how can I not giggle around her tooney?
↳ alessiarusso99: my pretty girl
↳ ellatoone: you two make me sick
↳ mayaletissier: ditto
↳ yourname: you love us!
↳ mayaletissier: maybe
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chibieggplant · 6 months
Confessions with Penguin
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My boy Penguin doesn’t get enough love. No warnings just banter and fluff.
You sat eating your lunch watching your other crew mates converse and joke with each other when suddenly you were jolted out of your little world feeling a nudge on your shoulder.
“Hey! I told you to stop doing that” You grumble as you rub your arm.
"What, this?" Penguin nudges your shoulder again as he takes the seat next to you.
You swipe his hat from his head in retaliation as he sits down.
"Hey, give that back!" he protests with a smile as he tries to grab his hat back.
“Nuh uh!” you pull the hat down snug on your head sticking your tongue out him.
Penguin lets out an exasperated sigh. "Fine, but can I at least get my hat back after lunch?" He didn’t take his hat off…ever, but he couldn’t deny you did look pretty cute in it so he would make an exception.
“You’ll get it back when you promise to stop nudging me”
"Fine, fine. I swear I won't nudge you again" He said, crossing his fingers behind his back.
“Do you think I’m an idiot? That wasn’t a proper promise” you smirk adjusting his hat on your head proudly.
"What do you want from me? Blood?" he says in a pouty voice, crossing his arms.
“Yeah! I want you to make a solom vow”
"You're impossible" he rolled his eyes as he nudged you again.
“And you’re annoying” you say with a smile not really meaning it.
"Shut up" he said playfully, punching you in the arm lightly this time.
“Point proven” you laugh punching his arm back.
"Oh, you wanna go?" he asked playfully, pretending to throw a punch your way.
“You’re the one who punched me first!”
"But it was just a light punch, not like yours, you nearly took my arm off!” he says dramatically, feigning an exaggerated expression of pain.
“I’m sure you’ll survive” you chuckled rolling your eyes.
"No, no I’m pretty sure i’m dying." he says dramatically again, grabbing his arm in ‘pain’.
“Well can you die quietly then please?” You smile as you go back to eating your lunch.
"Well, thanks for your concern. My final seconds on Earth and you can't even show a little sympathy for your favourite crew member" he said with a fake sad expression.
“I’ll make sure to put on your tombstone that you went out from a light punch to the arm” you deadpanned.
"Make sure it's carved in marble too” he said sarcastically with a dramatic flourish.
“You’ll get a wooden cross at best” you chuckled.
"It better be mahogany at the very least”
“I’m sure I can find some nice looking sticks outside”
"They have to be the perfect length, not too short but not too long either. Oh, and make sure the shape is nice and straight, no twisted branches"
“I’ll do my best…just for you” you smile as you throw a french fry in your mouth trying not to laugh.
"Thank you for doing the bare minimum" he said, faking a dramatic sigh before shoving a handful of fries into his mouth.
“What happened to ‘my final seconds on earth’? Shouldn’t you be dead by now?” you smirked. “I’m pretty sure dead guys don’t steal other people’s food”
He tried hard not to laugh, his lips twitching. “I'm fighting for my life here”
“Shut up” You smile throwing a french fry at him.
He catches the fry in his hand and pops it into his mouth. “So rude, even in my dying moments”
“You’re insufferable” you smile shaking your head.
"But you still like me, right?" he said leaning on the table.
“Someone has to” you shrug.
"Oh, please, you secretly have a huge crush on me” he teased, batting his eyelashes.
“You wish” you grin throwing another french fry at him.
He quickly catches the fry again in his hand and eats it. "Don't even try to deny it. We've been friends forever, there's no way you're not in love with me"
“By that logic that means you’re in love with me too” You smirk before quickly realising what you just said…did you just admit to being in love with him?
It takes him a second but then his eyes widened in realisation. Was that an actual slip-up? Did his crew mate, his crush, actually just admit she felt the same way?
“W-wait…what did you just say?”
You looked away suddenly, your eyes fixating on an empty spot across the room. You could feel yourself starting to flush. Had you really just admitted your feelings to him?
You try to backtrack quickly “N-no y-you- I mean…like as a friend…” but you just end up fumbling your words.
He noticed how your words faltered and caught onto the way your cheeks blushed red. Were you just messing around with him?
“No, no, hold on a second. Back up. What did you just say?”
You looked away, embarrassed. “I-it was j-just a joke. I wasn't being serious, really”
His eyes were on your every move. He saw your blush grow deeper, your eyes darting across the room. In that moment, he knew your words had been genuine, not just a funny joke.
“You're lying”
You stayed silent for a few moments, hesitating to respond. Your heart raced as you realised he had read you like a book.
"It was just... I... I just meant by your logic that would mean you’re in love with me…too” You said the last word so quiet that you’d be surprised if he heard it.
A hint of a smile appeared on his face. He couldn't believe it. Did he actually hear what he thought he had? He knew he wasn't imagining things when you started stumbling over you words. He knew you felt the same way as he did. Now he just needed to confirm the answer.
“Say it again”
“S-say what?” The blush across your cheeks refused to leave your face as you still couldn’t bring yourself to make eye contact with him.
He leaned slightly closer to you, lowering his voice so that it could only reach her ears.
“Say that you're in love with me…”
You looked at him through the corner of her eye, completely shaken up by this whole situation.
“D-do you really want me to say it?”
He took your face in his hands so that your eyes met. You shivered at the touch of his hands, a wave of butterflies washing over you as you felt his eyes gazing into yours. Your heart was racing, pounding rapidly in your chest but what you didn’t know was his heart was also beating just as fast.
“Just say it…please”
Your words were breathless, barely even a whisper. “I-I’m... in love with you”
A smile spread across his face as he brushed his thumb over your cheek. He could barely believe this moment was actually happening, that the person he had loved for so long also shared those feelings with him. He wanted to kiss you, to hold you forever. But he knew he needed to hold back, he didn't want to rush anything…not yet anyway.
“Well look at that, here I was thinking I was the only one...”
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ourfleur · 5 months
「Better Than the Rest」 [Johnny Cage x Fem Reader]
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Summary: Johnny allowing you to live with him after coming home from Outworld was a blessing and a curse. You loved it, but… you couldn’t ignore the problematic way your body felt when you looked at him. Stick to friendly flirting and fucking other people, for now…
Tags: johnny cage x fem reader, smut, pwp, masturbation, pet names, blowjob, friends to lovers, johnny being a cocky asshole (i say with love)
An: okay guys my bad for not posting forever… lets pretend something tragic happened to me so i have an excuse
follow my ao3
It had been about a month since you moved in with Johnny. After you both returned from Outworld you didn’t really have a place to stay anymore, and like the “gentleman” he is, he offered you his guest room.
Throughout the month you had been there the two of you became best friends, you pretty much shared everything with him and he did the same with you. But recently being divorced and now rooming with a very… attractive woman, things were hard for him. He couldn’t help but stare at you, cherish every time you touched him, or think about the sounds you made when you worked out late at night when he was trying to sleep. Everything you did replayed in Johnny's mind constantly.
And things weren't much different for you. Johnny was a dickhead but he was also a very charming, funny, attractive dickhead. You hadn’t laughed more in your life until you met Johnny. You also happened to not be able to take your eyes off him, your mind even started wandering to Johnny while you were touching yourself. You thought about it a lot, would he be gentle? rough? Would he whimper? moan? You couldn’t fight these thoughts. Of course they started plaguing you at the worst moments.
And this moment was no different. You and Johnny were sparing, you had been for at least 3 hours. You had been bested by him the last 2 rounds and were beginning to get annoyed. This time was the same unfortunately. Johnny had swept your feet out from underneath you, leading to him winning. You sighed, defeated. Johnny walked over to you, a cocky stupid smile on his dumb face. “Looks like I win again, see I told you, you can’t beat the Cage.” You rolled your eyes. “You only beat me because I let you.” Bitterness in your words. You finally looked up at him, glaring. He didn’t know why but the way you looked at him from beneath him made his dick twitch a bit. He cleared his throat, then helped you up. You groaned, your muscles sore from the amount of sparing you both did.
You both made your way over to your water bottles. Johnny couldn’t tear his eyes away from you though. His throat tightening as he scanned your body, watching as a bead of sweat rolled down your breasts and then disappearing into your sports bra. The way your hair looked, dishevelled from the sparing. Johnny could feel himself getting hard from just looking at you.
“Okay, fuck. This is my last round, my muscles are so sore.” You groaned, rubbing your neck. “And this time, I will beat you!” Johnny let out an exaggerated laugh. “Oh sureeeeee you will.” You rolled your eyes again, pissed by his stupid sarcastic comment. “No I will. Trust me, I’m gonna beat you so bad you’ll be whining about it for weeks.” A smirk on your face, you were determined to win. He laughed again, getting into position. This time you wouldn’t let him best you. You went at him with full force, dodging his quick punches and landing a few of your own. After a few more minutes of you dodging and hitting him back, Johnny found an opening and was able to knock you off your feet. Immediately getting on top of you, and pinning your hands above you. “So, do you give?” You could see a smile forming as the words left his lips. “Fuck that.” before he could respond you wrapped your legs around his torso and flipped him.
You were sat on his bare stomach, your hands on his chest. Johnny couldn’t believe it, one that you beat him, and two, that you were sitting on top of him. You both stayed in the position silent for longer than you should’ve… eventually you broke the ice. “So…” you said through pants, “Do you give?” He groaned, “Fine. Whatever you win, dumb luck.” You smiled, but still didn’t move, wanting to cherish the feeling of his abs on your clothed pussy. A few seconds after you finally snapped out of it, quickly moving off him and getting up. An awkward laugh escaped your lips and you mumbled a small ‘sorry’ before walking away.
Johnny couldn’t believe what just happened, but what he did know is that he needed to take care of his little problem asap. His dick was so hard it was painful, he was even a little surprised at how you didn’t notice it while you were on top of him. You gathered up your things, turning back to Johnny. “I’m gonna go have a shower, don’t cry too hard about losing.” You giggled before turning and leaving. As soon as you got back to your room you let out a long exhale. Your panties were soaked and you were so turned on you could barely think. Grabbing a change of clothes and a towel, you left your bedroom and made your way to the bathroom.
You were so excited to not only wash off the sweat from your skin but also to get some alone time. You were so sexually pent up and you needed a release. You had been feeling like that for so long and you would often go out and find someone to hook up with, sadly none of those hookups gave you what you need. You’d often find yourself getting home from a hookup and complaining to Johnny about how mediocre it was, and wishing for someone to just fuck you right. But nevertheless that wish still hasn’t come true, so you’re left to your own devices.
You turned on the water, stripping your clothes off and stepping into the hot water. Taking in the warmth of the water, your hand made its way down to your clit. Rubbing small circles you couldn’t help but whimper. Your mind filling with images of Johnny, and thoughts of what he would do to you. Your other hand slowly entering your cunt. You tried your best to keep your moans quiet, but the more you thought about what Johnny’s dick would taste like as you fucked your face on it, what his nose would feel like on your clit as you sat on his face, what his tongue would feel like as he lapped at your folds, the more you couldn’t hold back. His name leaving your lips as you sped your fingers up. You could feel the knot forming in your stomach as you reached your orgasm. Yelling his name a bit too loud for comfort. You finished up your shower and wrapped the towel around yourself, hoping and praying Johnny didn’t hear your… exclamation.
As you leaned over the sink to start on your skin care you noticed a text on your phone. ‘Hey, u free tonight?’ It was a text from one of your former hookups. You thought about it for a second, you were still so turned on despite your shower endeavour that a one night stand might be just what you need. Sure they weren’t the best in bed but you were kind of desperate. ‘Yeah, meet you at the usual bar in an hour and a half’ You felt kind of pathetic for giving it up so easily, usually you were the type to play hard to get, but desperate times call for desperate measures.
You left the bathroom, quickly going to find Johnny to tell him you were leaving. Entering the living room you could see Johnny sat on the couch watching one of his own movies. “Hey Johnny.” His head turned to you as you spoke. He was quite the womanizer but when it came to you, you always left him speechless. His eyes glued to your barely covered figure.”Wait… are you watching your own fucking move?” You chuckled, “Yeah, I gotta make sure my performance was top tier, it’s why i’m the best” Johnny responded, the cocky tone in his voice unmistakable. “Anyways… so y’know that guy I told you about?” Johnny chuckled, “You’re gonna need to be more specific.” Your name rolling off his tongue. “Okay the one that was able to make me cum” you smiled, you were so comfortable with Johnny that telling him things like this didn’t bother you at all. For Johnny though, it was another story. He hated hearing about all the mediocre sex you were having. Often thinking about how much better he could treat you. But he is an actor so whenever you told him about your encounters he would do what he does best, act his ass off.
“Ah, gotcha.” He nodded, “So, let me guess, you need me to pick you up if anything goes wrong?” , “Bingo! Thanks so much Johnny, you’re the best!” You smiled brightly before bidding him farewell to go get ready. Johnny quickly taking in the view before you disappeared behind the walls. He sighed, thinking about you. Unbeknownst to you, Johnny had walked past the bathroom door as you yelled his name. He couldn’t believe what he heard. He needed to be sure, so even though every part of his body was telling him to move on, he pressed his ear against the door. Through it he heard many small whimpers and moans, all muffled by the sound of the water, along with you whining his name. Johnny’s lips slowly forming into a satisfied smirk, this was an ego boost beyond any other. But after hearing that, he could barely function. He was so horny he was losing it, attempting to put on a movie to distract himself from how hard he was. When he saw you though, only in a towel, leaving so little to the imagination… he knew he needed to deal with the problem you made.
He made his way to his own room. Stripping himself of his clothes, he moved to his bed. His tip leaking with precum. He brought his hand to his aching cock, stroking it slowly. Sometimes he felt like you messed with him on purpose, but this time… no way. That just made him needier. He sped up his strokes, imagining what you would look like stuffed with his dick. His head fell back, his groans becoming louder. What he would give to taste you, fuck you, love you. It was all too much, the idea of you was too much. Before he knew it, he came. Thick white ropes spilling over his abs while he groaned at the thought of you. Johnny cleaned himself up, and changed, not wanting to risk being caught by you.
You were kind of rushing to get ready, your makeup a bit messy and your hair refusing to stay in place. Sure this was a guy you’ve seen a few times but still, you wanted to look hot. You let out a frustrated groan while going through your closet. You had plenty of clothes but none of them seemed to be what you wanted, until you came across a dress you hadn’t worn in forever. Your fingers brushed along the seam of a short red dress, it was exactly what you needed. The moment you put on the dress you inspected yourself in the mirror. Black lace lining the top of the dress. It was a little short but you were only really gonna be at the bar for a little bit before you leave and get that dress stripped off of you. Not long after you grabbed some heels and your bag and were ready to go, texting your fling that you were leaving. “Okay Johnny I’m leaving! don’t have too much fun without me!” You giggled, Johnny only catching a glance at you before you were out the door.
It had been about 5 hours since you left and Johnny was so close to falling asleep. Just when his eyes closed he heard his phone ding. An annoyed ‘what’ coming out of his mouth before he turned over and checked his phone. Surprisingly it was a text from you, it wasn’t rare for you to text him to come save you in the middle of the night if a hookup had gone bad but he wasn’t expecting it tonight. Mostly because you seemed to really like this guy, and because of this Johnny felt a little happy that it didn’t go well… along with feeling some guilt over the fact he was happy you weren’t having a good time. Your text was as usual, at least for the other guys, a simple ‘come pick me up please’ along with their address.
After driving around for a little bit, trying to figure out where the fuck this guy lived, Johnny found it. Honestly the only reason he was able to was because you were standing outside the building. He pulled up to you, opening the passenger door for you. While you got in his eyes scanned you from head to toe. “Ohmygodthankyousomuchforcomingtosaveme” Your words spilled out of you faster than you could think, your mind still a little fuzzy from having a few drinks at the bar. Johnny laughed, “No problem babe.” His tone coming off more seductive than he meant. “Fuckkk” You exhaled, sliding down in the seat. “I waited outside for like 20 minutes in this stupid dress. I'm so cold.” Johnny was about to say something but before he could speak you were taking off your dress. “Woah there” His hand going to yours to stop you from taking off your clothes. “Listen I know I’m attractive but that’s no reason to take your clothes off.” His joke making you laugh. “Noo I have a change of clothes in my bag.” You explained, slurring your words a bit. “Pleaseeeee let me change, I am sooooooo cold.” You turned your head to face his, your eyes begging for him to let you change. Johnny didn’t say anything, he simply removed his hand and started driving.
There was nobody on the road that night, which was lucky for you because you could change in peace, also lucky for Johnny because focusing on not crashing was a lot easier. Johnny tried to keep his eyes on the road but he could see you in the corner of his eye. He took notice of the lingerie you were wearing underneath your dress, how little it covered. His thoughts were interrupted though. “Johnny, can you undo my bra, I can’t get it.” You whined. “Can’t you just put your clothes over it? We are gonna be home soon..” Johnny really wasn’t the type to back out of taking a girls bra off but he was really trying not to fuck things up. You groaned, “Noo I can’t wait, it’s so uncomfortable, and I need it off now, also I'm freezing here waiting.” Your pleas convincing him. Johnny pulled the car over and turned to you. His focus waning seeing you from behind, barely anything covering your body. You made a noise the moment his hands touched your cold skin, a noise that Johnny couldn’t get out of his head. The moment he unclipped it, in your slightly drunken state, you tore it off of your body, turning towards Johnny to grab your shirt. His breath hitched in his throat for a minute as you turned to him, your bare breasts on display.
“Okay thanks so much, you can continue driving now!” Your cheery tone not making the situation any easier on the poor man next to you. Johnny just tried to get home as soon as possible, because the feeling in his pants was becoming uncomfortable, especially after your took off your panties to put on your sweats. The rest of the ride was so quiet, which you thought weird, considering Johnny never shuts up. The moment you got back to his house you ran inside, almost forgetting your clothes. Johnny came in after you, exhaustion taking over his body. He didn’t even feel like going to his room, so instead he sat down on the couch, his eyes shutting slowly. But just like before, he was interrupted by you. You straddled him, leaning your head into his chest.
His eyes shot open, immediately moving them down to see what was going on. There you were, on top of him, looking up at him with puppy dog eyes. “I know you’re tired but I didn’t even get to talk about why I left!” You propped yourself up on him and started talking. “Ugh okay so basically everything was fine until he got a call from his fucking girlfriend! can you believe that?” Anger seeping from your words. Johnny was half awake and along with you on top of him, forming words was extremely hard, so he just nodded along. “So of course I go ‘What the fuck!’ and then he starts making up some stupid excuse. Ugh what a dick, I feel so bad for the girlfriend..” A pout forming on your pretty face as you stared at Johnny. “And also! I didn’t even get to finish… this is so stupid…” Your defeated tone got Johnny’s attention. His head perking up, “He didn’t even let you finish? Yeah that guy sucks.” He said, moving his hands to your waist.
“Of course the one guy that can actually make me cum has a girlfriend, is a dick who cheats on his girlfriend and doesn’t even let me orgasm the last time I see him.” You whined, unknowingly grinding down on his lap. He snapped out of his trance the second you did that, realising that if this continues he will lose his self control very very soon. “Okay gorgeous, I think it’s bedtime.” He said, trying to sit up. Your head leaned back, an annoyed sound escaping from you. Begrudgingly you stood up, missing the warmth Johnny radiated. You trudged your way to your room and fell onto your bed, not bothering to even take your makeup off before you fell asleep.
When you woke up your head was killing you, along with all of your muscles. You cursed yourself for going out after doing a hard workout and drinking. Your clothes becoming a bit too warm. You stripped off your garments, and threw on a big t shirt, too lazy to even put underwear on. As you walked into the kitchen you noticed the time, it was already 11am. You sighed, head still pounding. You felt bad for making Johnny do everything for you but also he kept agreeing so whatever, might as well ask him to make you breakfast. So you went on a search, looking everywhere in Johnny mansion for him.
After what felt like forever (5 minutes) you finally found him. “Johnny!” You exclaimed, happy to see him so you could beg him to make you food. He was in his gym, working out with his headphones in. “Johnny..?” Repeated, less excited and more confused. “Uhh Johnny..” You said once more, this time louder. It seemed that attempt worked because he immediately stopped his set and sat up. “Oh hey, sleep well miss homewreaker?” Johnny said jokingly. “Oh fuck you. I didn’t know..” , “Suree” His sarcasm annoying you. “Whatever… since you’re such an asshole to me can you at least make me breakfast… y’know as like a way to amend things.” Your face morphing into an overdramatic begging expression. “Sure, I mean what woman doesn’t want me to make them breakfast after a rough night?” Johnny said, winking after. Immediately you rolled your eyes, “Yeah yeah whatever mr bigshot, go cook me something.”
Even though you asked Johnny to cook you wouldn’t even let him crack an egg without criticizing him. “No! Johnny you are supposed to butter the pan not use oil.” Your head in your hands in annoyance. “Ugh move I will cook it myself.” You couldn’t bear to see him ruining your precious breakfast any longer. You wedged yourself in between Johnny and the stove, completely forgetting about the no underwear thing. Your bare pussy against Johnny's crotch. He pretty much turned into a mess. He fumbled backwards, making up some excuse about having a business call and rushing off to his room. Too focused on food, you didn’t even consider that to be odd.
A few minutes later your food was finally done. You were famished and scarfed down your breakfast at record pace. After breakfast you decided to go around and grab all your things that you left near the door last night. When you went to grab them though, you noticed your shoes were nowhere to be found. You spent a couple minutes looking for them before you gave up. “I don’t know maybe Johnny has seen them..” You said to yourself.
As you approached Johnny’s room you heard noises, they were quiet but there. Against your better judgement, when you got to his door, you opened it. “Johnny have you seen-” Your question interrupted by him moaning your name as he touched himself. “Oh my god!” You exclaimed. “I’m so sorry!” You shielded your eyes, Johnny becoming aware of your presence and quickly throwing a blanket over himself. “Fuck uh sorry?” He said through whimpers, trying to calm down. “Were you… moaning my name?” Your question barely louder than a whisper. Johnny’s bold demeanour seemingly disappearing as the words left your mouth. He was left silent, not sure how to respond. Johnny’s self reflection quickly cut off by your laugh. You stepped closer to his bed, moving your head down to his level and looking him in the eyes. “You have no idea how long i’ve craved you.” Before he could speak you smashed your lips against his.
Your tongues entangling with each others. Subtle moans leaving both of your lips as you got on his lap. His hands falling on your ass. You intensified the kiss, biting on his lower lip, lapping at his mouth as he used his hands to move your hips back and forth over his aching cock. You broke the kiss, a string of spit connecting the two of you. You pulled your shirt off of your body, eager to get things moving. “Stand up” Your breathy voice driving Johnny crazy. You got off of him and got on your knees. “One second babe.” Johnny said while he leaned over to grab his phone. “Gotta record such a pretty view.” He said, a smug grin appearing on his face. He stood up, pointing his phone camera down at you. “Action.” You rolled your eyes at his stupid comment and then turned your focus to something much more important.
You brought Johnny’s cock to your lips, spitting onto his tip. You took your hand and wrapped it around his length, doing slow, steady strokes. Your fingers tracing his veins, looking up at him to see all his reactions.
His grunts making your pussy clench around nothing. To him you were torturing him. The pace you were going had him losing his mind. “Fuckk” His hips thrusting into your hands, trying to get more friction. “Baby I need you to go faster, please..” His begs making you smirk. “Tell me what you want.” Your seductive voice almost making Johnny buckle. “God, you’re evil y’know that?” He chuckled. “Anything, just, just go faster.” He said, exasperated.
You tilted your head to the side, “Anything?” You asked, “Fuck yes anything.” He was so desperate for you. You thought about it for a second, then moved your lips closer to his cock. Doing small licks to his head. Watching as his head fell back in pleasure. You then licked his slit, his entire body tensing up. Slowly, you moved your tongue across his entire shaft. giving extra attention to his veins, like you did with your fingers. Finally, you brought your head back to his tip, and then you slowly took his entire length into your mouth. A beautiful moan leaving Johnny’s lips. You started to move, making sure to look at the camera. Johnny could barely contain himself, hips rocking back and forth with the flow of your mouth. You could feel him twitch in your mouth, he was close. So, like an asshole, you pulled your mouth off of him when he was about to cum. His eyes shot open. “What the fuck?” He was clearly annoyed about his orgasm denial. “Johnny…” Your sensual tone reverberating in his ears. “I need your full attention for this, I need you to look at me.” He panted “Whatever you say.” You stared up at him, his cock in your hand. You opened your mouth, bringing his dick back into your mouth. You took his entire length into your mouth, getting down to the base.
Johnny was losing it. A slew of curses, moans, and your name rolled off his tongue. “Shit, thats perfect baby. Fuck you look so beautiful with my dick stuffed down your throat.” His praises making the aching between your thighs no longer able to be ignored. You started to move back and forth, your body so hungry for his praise. “Just like that… god you’re mouth is like heaven.” The rasp in his voice making you crazy. He wrapped his hand into your hair, pushing you down onto his cock. Your hands shooting to your clit, rubbing circles on the sensitive bud. Your moans felt so good around his dick and he couldn’t hold back anymore. “Fuck i’m so close.” He groaned. His hips thrusting into your mouth so faster you could barely think. He pulled you off of his dick before he came, wanting to see your pretty face covered in his cum. As he finished he moaned your name, releasing his seed onto you, covering your face in it.
“Smile for the camera baby.” Were the last words he said before Johnny stopped recording on his phone, throwing it onto a chair. You licked your lips, lapping at whatever landed there. Johnny grabbed you a towel, grabbing your chin and wiping off all his cum. The second he was done cleaning off your face you stood up, crashing your lips to his again. You pushed him back onto his bed and got on top of him, grinding your cunt against his abs. “You wanna ride me?” He questioned, his confidence returning. “Fuck yes oh my god.” You responded, so excited to finally feel him fill you. You moved yourself down and aligned yourself with his cock. As you rocked down on it you and Johnny both let out a whimper. His dick was the perfect blend of big and girthy, it stretched you in a way you’ve been longing for. You propped your hands up on his chest and started rocking back and forth, eliciting the most beautiful moans.
“No one can ever compare to this pussy.” Your name leaving Johnny’s mouth while he groaned. “You have no idea how much I wanted to do this yesterday Johnny.” You cried, riding his cock at the perfect pace. You kept the speed going up, never faltering. Johnny’s dick hitting all the right places. You were losing your mind already but when Johnny moved one of his hands to your hip and the other to your clit you couldn’t take it. His hand rubbed circles into your sensitive bud while his other was rocking your hips on his cock. You couldn’t take all the stimulation and your orgasm was close. “Johnny.. mmph I’m so, I’m so close fuck.” You could barely keep yourself upright, the pleasure taking over. “Cmon baby, cum, scream my name too, let everyone know who is making you feel this good.” Johnny’s smug voice ringing in your ears. And you listened, as the knot in your stomach came loose your mouth screamed his name, your cum coating his dick. And right after, he came, his seed filling you up, along with his moans filling your ears.
You collapsed beside Johnny, a mix of his cum and yours leaking out of you. He chuckled, words leaving his lips between gasps for air. “If I knew your pussy was that good I wouldn’t have let you leave to go fuck those losers.” You turned your face to his, pulling him into a kiss, “You don’t gotta worry anymore, this is all yours, Mr A-list.” You whispered, enjoying the calm moment. Johnny couldn’t hide his amusement, but he also couldn’t hide his need for more. He grabbed your waist and lifted you back onto his chest. “Come here, sweetheart, why don’t you sit that pretty pussy on this pretty face?” You groaned at his self centredness but still moved your hips up to his face. “You’re the most self obsessed person I’ve ever met, did you know that?” You ask, sarcasm dripping from every syllable. “Hard not to be obsessed with yourself when you are as sexy as me.” Ending his sentence with a wink. “Okay that's enough out of you.” Shutting him up with your cunt sat on his face. His nose felt heavenly on your clit but when he started licking your folds you started seeing the light.
While he ate you out he also gave himself some self love, jerking himself off. It had barely been a minute since you sat on his face but you could already feel your body going numb. The sensitivity from your last orgasm not worn off. The way his tongue lapped at your pussy had you squirming. Johnny had to use his unoccupied hand to hold you down while he sucked and licked your pussy raw. Your moans were getting out of hand, you were screaming so loud a part of you was worried the neighbours would hear. But when Johnny started moaning into your pussy you fell apart. Legs shaking and cunt clenching around his tongue. You could barely get any air in as you came undone, squirting all over his face, Johnny doing his best to catch your juices in his mouth. You pulled yourself off of him, crawling down his bed to replace his hand with yours. You listened so intently to every noise he made until he finally came, his cum falling over his chest.
Craving more of him, you bent down and ran your tongue along his abs, trying to lick up every last drop of his seed. “You’re such a whore, drinking up my cum like that.” You giggled, licking the last drop from his muscles. “You did the same thing a few minutes ago, I guess we are both whores.” Your hands rubbing at his chest. “You’re dangerous.” Johnny says, a glint in his eyes. You nod, a feeling of pride in your heart. “I’m thinking… one last round?” A playfulness in your voice. “We don’t wrap until it’s perfect baby.” Johnny’s smugness extremely apparent.
He stood up and walked towards you, leaning you back on his pillows. Johnny climbed back into the bed, sitting in between your legs. He leaned in, kissing you on the lips. Unlike the other kisses you shared this one felt different, it was less needy, more intimate. While kissing you he started pinching and squeezing your nipples, rolling them between his fingers. You moaned into his mouth, needing more. Johnny removed his lips from yours and moved them to you jaw, sucking and licking at your skin till a bruise formed. He did that all the way down, from your neck to you shoulders. Johnny stopped at your breasts though. He payed extra attention them. Using his tongue in expert ways around your nipples. You were so obsessed with the way he made you feel, no hookup had ever been like this.
By the time he reached your cunt your body was already turned to jelly. He took a hold of this length and slowly pushed it inside you. The curve of his cock hitting every sensitive spot inside you. “Ngh Johnny please..” Your begs replaying in his head. He started to move, slow and steady thrusts. Johnny went deep inside you, pulling almost all the way out before sinking back in. You were a mess, the erotic sounds of your rendezvous making anyone who might walk by walk a little faster. His pace was so slow, but even thrust was sending you over the edge. The louder you got the harder Johnny would go. It was slow and rough, neither of you able to form any words due to the feeling bubbling to the top. Johnny got slightly faster and his movements became more sloppy, you knew he was close, and so were you. “Johnny, please, I need to cum.” You pleaded with him, your entire body was shaking, ready for release. All he had to do was utter three words and your became a shaking mess underneath him. “Cum for me.”
Johnny pulled out of you, the way your cunt squeezed him when you came was too much. A couple of strokes and he came on your pussy. He fell to your side. All was quiet except for your breaths. You were the first to speak, “I hate you and you fucking cocky attitude but god do you have the skills to act like that.” You both laughed, “Fuck you’re so amazing, I wish I got a piece of that sooner.” An annoyed sigh left your lips, “Sure, whatever, now go be a gentleman or whatever and get me a cloth so I can clean up the mess you made.” He smiled and leaned in to kiss you, “Yes ma’am.”
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xxblairexxss · 1 year
Pairing : Charles Leclerc x reader
Theme : Fluff
In which you asked your boyfriend to try your cooking but ended up giving him a trauma.
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“Charles! Can you come here for a second?”
You gave the soup one final stir before turning the stove to a medium heat. You could hear your boyfriend’s steps as he made his way to you. Charles had always been so excited to try your cooking. Whenever you called him while you were in the kitchen, he knew it had something to do with the food. Sometimes he would give it a compliment before he even tasted it, claiming that you could never make anything tastes bad.
“It smells so good, baby!”
“You should try it first! I’m not sure about this one.” You lifted a spoonful of the potato leek soup up to your lips to cool it down before feeding it to Charles.
“You are a good cook, baby. Everything you make tastes good.”
“Stop with the compliment! Taste it first.”
Unknown to him, you had actually dissolved an amount of salt in the spoonful of soup before you fed him. You couldn’t even swallow the soup when you gave it a taste earlier so surely, Charles would spit it out in an instant too, right? Unless if he wanted to be a good boyfriend.
“Is it still hot?”
“No, I cooled it down already.” You saw Charles opened his mouth and consumed the soup with no second thoughts.
You could see him trying so hard to control his facial expression but few of the attempts went down the drain as you saw his brows furrowed when he turned his face away.
“Did it taste really bad….?”
Charles remained silent but his face was still contorted, looking as if he was in a great affliction as he immediately went to get himself a glass of water and gurgled on it before chugging it down.
“How rude?! Did you really have to do that?”
“Do what?”
“That! You freaking gurgled the water! Did you think I would miss that?”
He placed the mug away and wiped on his mouth before shrugging his shoulders at you. “I didn’t do anything.”
“Oh, you liar!”
“Have you tasted it?” He cocked his brow in a jaunty way and pointed at the soup.
“Yeah, obviously I tasted it first.”
“And you didn’t feel like you have to wash your throat?”
“No, it was fine to me.”
“Are we talking about the same dish?”
You rolled your eyes to his question and dipped the ladle into the pot to fill up your spoon with the soup and swallowed it.
“Wait, you gonna die!” Charles stepped closer and was going to pull the spoon away before you could taste it but you were faster.
“You sure love to overreact, silly!”
“How are you fine?!” He cried out when your face didn’t contorted in the same way he did.
“Because it tasted fine to me! Here, give it another taste.” You used the ladle to refill the spoon and handed it to him but he stepped away. Not in disgust but in fear.
You were going to laugh at his reaction because it was so adorable but you hold it in and scowled at him defiantly. “Charles Leclerc. Why are you acting as if I’m poisoning you?”
“No, I’m not. I’m just…full.”
“All of sudden?” You bursted out laughing but he didn’t find it funny so he was just looking at you in disbelief.
“I don’t think it’s funny, baby. It tasted like something I have never tasted before. I don’t think anyone can messed up their cooking to that extend even with eyes at the back of their head. I’m not joking.” He took the spoon away from you so you could stop shoving it in his mouth.
“I’m sorry, honey. It was the salt!” You cackled with laughter and pinched on his cheek.
“It was the what?”
“The salt! I put tons of it on purpose to see how far you would go to take care of my feelings. Turned out you didn’t even care.” You jutted out your lower lips and punched him on his chest.
“Ow!” Charles winced and took your hand in his to plant a kiss on your palm. “I’m sorry, baby. I tried to control my expression but I could feel myself getting light-headed and I thought I was gonna faint so I lost control of my body.”
“Excuses, excuses.” You playfully sticked your tongue out at him and gave his chest another punch.
“It was the truth!”
“Give it another taste, honey! No more salt this time I promise.”
“No, I’ll pass. I think you might just gave me a trauma.”
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ladykailitha · 8 months
Staking My Claim Part 3
Hey, guys! We're back!
Part 1 Part 2
We finally get the lowdown on what happened. Otherwise known as don't mess with Jeff.
Robin freaks out.
And Gareth is loaded. Or at least his parents are. ;)
I'm also going to try tagging the untaggables separate and see if you can't get you lovelies tagged.
@redfreckledwolf, @mira-jadeamethyst, @itsall-taken, @emly03, @rozzieroos
He hurried over to the phone and called Family Video.
“Hello, thank you for calling Family Video,” the soft female voice said. “How can I help you?”
“Robin!” he cried again. “I’m so sorry!”
“Steve!” Robin shrieked. “Where have you been? Are you okay? You’re not in the hospital or jail are you? What happened?”
“I’m not in jail or the hospital,” he assured her. Eddie huffed out a laugh. He whirled around to stick his tongue out at him. “I’m okay. I’m still in Indy. I just landed at some friendly metalheads’ apartment.”
“Wait...” Robin said. “Those friendly metalheads wouldn’t happen to include one Eddie Munson, would it?”
Steve looked over at said metalhead and turned away to hide his blush. “Maybe,” he mumbled into the phone.
“Hell yeah!” she crowed. “Now tell me what happened now!”
Steve pressed his lips together. “Um...to be honest...I’m not one hundred percent sure I know what happened last night. Like I remember bits and pieces, but it all kinda blurs together.”
Eddie walked over and pointed to the phone. “May I?”
Steve nodded and hand it to him.
“Robin?” Eddie asked. “This is Eddie Munson.”
“Hello, Eddie,” she said coolly. “Would you like to explain why my best friend isn’t, I don’t know, home?”
“I would love you to tell you that story if it’s okay with Steve finding out by me telling you?” Eddie questioned, looking over at Steve.
He shrugged and waved his hand for him to go ahead.
“He’s says it’s fine,” Eddie said.
“Noted,” Robin said. “Now spill.”
So Eddie did. He told her about the sleazeball at the bar who wouldn’t take no for an answer. About his daring rescue of pretending to be his boyfriend.
Steve blushed when he heard Robin go, “Awww,” at that.
Eddie grinned at him. Then he launched into the actual fucking rescue. It turned out that Mr. Persistent bumped into Steve to lace his drink with a drug to knock him out.
Steve’s eyes went wide. “He did what now?”
Eddie hummed. “Yeah...it was this whole thing. Jeff even got to punch the guy in the nose. I think the bartender has a crush on him now.”
Steve’s eyebrows went up. The bartender was a thirty something Asian dude with tattoos and piercings. But he supposed it made sense, considering the bar’s general attitude toward that specific portion of the population.
“At least he’ll get free drinks for life, right?” Robin said with a chuckle.
“That’s certainly one way to look at it,” Eddie agreed. “So yeah, this dude bumps into Steve and suddenly our friend is getting tipsy, fast. And I’ve been at many a rager to ply my wares, there was no way Keg King Steve was drunk after two beers, a margarita, and a half of a Cosmo.” The half a Cosmo was from sharing with Gareth.
Steve blushed. He wasn’t proud of those wild days in high school, but it probably saved his life in this case.
“Yeah...” Robin agreed. “I’ve seen him drink men under the table who were bigger and had been drinking longer.”
Eddie nodded even though she couldn’t seen him, but Steve could.
“Then the asshole comes over and starts flirting with Steve again, trying to draw him away,” he continued. “That’s when we really got that Steve wasn’t acting normal. So Brian steps in and tells asshole to leave him alone. But this guy has gone past persistent and into full creep territory.”
“Eww...” Robin hissed. “How did Jeff get his punch in?”
Eddie chuckled. “That’s honestly the best part, so Brian and Gareth take Steve out to my van and I go and get the bouncer. We come back and asshole is trying to get past Jeff to make his escape. So he takes a swing at Jeffy.”
“Bad idea, I’m guessing?” she said with a hint of laughter in her voice.
Steve tilted his head in interest and Eddie fought down a smile.
“Jeff’s dad is a former boxer who taught him how to fight to make the bullies leave him alone.”
Steve’s eyes go wide and Robin said, “Oooh. Please tell me he laid this asshole out! Please!”
“Dude stiffened like a board and went straight down,” Eddie confirmed. “The only downside is that they couldn’t prove anything, so he just got tossed out, but make no mistake, they’ll make sure spread the word around the other gay bars about this guy.”
“That’s good,” Robin agreed.
Steve wandered back over to his food, safe in the knowledge that he was in safe hands.
Jeff and Brian were at the counter grabbing their breakfast so Steve joined them. Coffee was was doled out by Eddie a few moments later.
Creamer, milk, and sugar were placed next to the coffee pot.
“Robin says not worry about coming into work,” Eddie murmured to Steve. “She said she would tell Keith you have the stomach flu. Which according to her will get you at least three days off.”
“That’s pretty impressive,” Brian said. “I don’t think there is anything I could tell my boss short of being in the hospital that would get me even a couple of hours off.”
Steve laughed. “Keith has a weak stomach. You just mention vomiting and the dude turns green.”
“Handy that,” Eddie said with a smile.
“It’s very handy when you’re out drinking and drink too much,” Steve said with a shrug.
“I’ll say,” Jeff said. “I’m just glad we were there, man.”
Steve blushed. “Yeah, me too.”
He dug into his food and was happy to note that while it didn’t necessarily ease the queasiness in his stomach, it didn’t make him want to throw it all back up, either.
He cleared his plate.
“So this is what’s going to happen, Stevie,” Eddie said as he cleaned up the pans from breakfast, “you are going to stay here until I am sure one hundred percent that you won’t throw up on the three hour journey back to Hawkins.”
Steve opened his mouth to argue, but he couldn’t. Right now nothing was coming up, but put him in a moving vehicle and he couldn’t say for sure that breakfast wouldn’t come right back up.
He nodded.
“I gave Robin the address so she’ll be stopping by after she gets off work,” Eddie continued. “I recommend that you get so actual rest, she seems like she’s a lot without her worrying about you, I can only imagine what she’s like when she is.”
Steve blushed.
“We’re going to all stay here,” Gareth said. “At least for one more day. I talked to my mom about it and she would rather pay more for utilities this month then worry about Steve getting worse.”
The other boys nodded their agreement, while Steve blinked at him in confusion.
“What now?”
“You do realize I live in Loch Nora, right?” Gareth asked, raising an eyebrow.
Steve shook his head. “My parents were very much exclusionists, dude. I only got to hang out with people that they deemed acceptable. Nicole, Carol, Tommy H. If they thought they weren’t in the right trade or held more liberal views, they weren’t worthy to interact with their son.”
Gareth blinked. “Fuck, that must have been lonely.”
He ducked his head and half shrugged.
“Anyway,” Gareth continued into the now deafening silence. “They pay for this apartment in the city for when we play gigs or need a place to crash after a night of drinking.”
Steve frowned. “You’re not eighteen yet, though, right?”
“No,” Gareth said with a laugh. “But my parents trust these guys to keep me safe.”
Steve thought about Dustin and his mom. That despite all the things that Steve had gotten up to in his high school career that she still trusted him to take care of her baby.
“Yeah,” he said fondly. “I can see that.”
Eddie came over to the other side of the counter. “Come on, up you get. You’ll be sleeping in my room.”
Steve’s eyes widened. “How many rooms does this place have?”
“Three,” Jeff said. “Brian shares with Gareth, but Eddie and I get our own rooms.”
“That’s because you’re both sluts,” Brian said rolling his eyes, “and me and Gareth don’t want to be kicked out of our rooms when you bring someone home.”
Steve laughed. “Yeah, okay. That’s fair.”
“I’ll give you the tour when I steer you back to my room,” Eddie promised.
Steve nodded and allowed himself to be lead back through the apartment and back to the bedroom.
Eddie tucked him back in and put a garbage can next to the bed. “I’ll be out in the front room, holler if you need me.”
Steve nodded and let himself drift off to sleep.
Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Yeah, I'm sorry, I doubt even a middle class family would buy their very young son (if we hold to the belief that Gareth is OG drummer and was in the talent show with Eddie and Chrissy, putting Eddie in 8th grade, Chrissy in 6th, that would make Gareth in 5th grade) a drum kit.
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @goodolefashionedloverboi @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @emly03 @bookworm0690 @itsall-taken @vecnuthy @bookbinderbitch @redfreckledwolf @littlewildflowerkitten @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1 @scheodingers-muppet @mira-jadeamethyst @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @genderless-spoon @anne-bennett-cosplayer @irregular-child @lololol-1234 @r0binscript @monsterloverforhire @mugloversonly @live-the-fangirl-life @f0xxyb0xxes @lublix @breealtair @croatoan-like-its-hot @confuseddisastertm @dissociatingdemon @sleepdeprivedflower @thedragonsaunt @jamieweasley13 @hellfireone @dragonmama76
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charmsponies · 10 days
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🩷💚 Custom Fizzy Takara Doll 💚🩷
Created using the 3d model made by Otteroflore!
Wip description and pics below the cut ^^
So I am a COMPLETE AND TOTAL NOOB when it comes to technology. and I made a lot of mistakes trying to print this Fizzy due to my own incompetence and also everyone online assuming you already kinda know something about 3d printing if you own a printer. We recieved a 3d printer as a gift and I knew Nothing about it so I reallly struggled trying to figure it out. Also my computer is ancient and had to download a like 5 year old out of date version of a 3d printing program (cura) to even get it to work. took an entire week and several failed tries T-T
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FINALLY we got an attempt that was salvageable! And had to rip out all of the support beams from it. But even then there were some major mistakes:
It did not print hollow. Nobody online explained that if you want it to be hollow it wasn’t enough that the model itself had hollow parts, you have to turn off a hole setting in cura and mess with the infill or something
For some reason the bodies were Very Fucked Up? The middle and sides printed Weirdly to where, once the supports were all removed, They had no sides/shoulders. Wuh oh.
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The way I combatted this was by taking extra filament plastic and a soldering iron gun to weald it on and do literal plastic surgery.
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(A before and after) it looks like complete ass and is a little janky but. please be kind to her it was a major operation 😭😭😭
Then sanded things down a bit more. I know people say to sand it down until you can’t see the lines anymore but im an impatient motherfucker and only had a little bit of sandpaper so :P
Then it was painting time! Used my own fizzy to color match, painted her green with a white nose and a milkshake cutiemark. I also glued stick on gems into her eye sockets
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Then the hairing! Used a sewing needle heated up with a lighter to easily poke holes into her skull! The lovely user minticat on Mlptp provided great reference images of what a takara’s hair length and hair holes look like, so I did my best to mimic that
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Her hair is the closest color matches for fizzy that Shimmerlocks had: Cotton Candy pink, Angel white, Heart Throb 2.0 pink and Gusty green. Now the head isnt actually all that hollow (I hollowed it out best I could with my soldering iron but still not the best) so I couldn’t use the usual hairing method where you punch the hair in and then glue it from inside. I realized I needed to attach glue to the hair itself and then get it into the holes.
At first I was too much of a scardey cat to use my actual hairing needle in fear it would break on the plastic, so I tried a very infuriating method of putting glue on hair strands and painstakingly trying to push them into the holes with a pin. This was awful. I quickly gave up, braved up and grabbed my rehairing needle. Punched the hair in after applying glue to the hair, and it worked out surprisingly well!
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All that was left was to 1) String the doll using elastic bands to tie the legs and arms into place but still make sure they were moveable. 2) GENTLY trim, wash and style the hair (using buggys special method of getting tiny curly curls. 3) Figure out the head
I originally wanted to make a neckplug for her out of clay as you see here but it didnt work too well. The plastic of the doll is much harder than the clay and it kept breaking after trying to put the head on. So I accepted I would have to glue the head on in place (It cant turn, unlike the arms and legs 😔) You can also see i used some clay to patch up a crack in the plastic that formed (which I had to paint over again)
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FINAL STEP was making the dress!!! I forgot to take ANY pictures of that ùwú Not that pictures would be useful to you guys as I kinds fuckin winged it and made up a pattern as I went. I think its adorable, but in the future I would make it a little bigger (the back doesnt fit quite right). Maybe if theres interest I’ll fix up the pattern so its better and share another doll dress tutorial with the class? 😳 sound off in the comments below haha
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ghostingcrows · 1 year
I used to talk about this a lot but 
IDW Prowl is probably one of the most complex characters in the comics and I absolutely hate it when hes reduced down to “the asshole character”
Cause like
Yeah sure hes got a bit of a stick up his ass
But I feel like people just end there analysis of him there
Has he committed a lot of war crimes and done unethical stuff
But so has literally EVERYONE else in this universe
Starscream is literally the pinnacle of war crimes
The comics make a point calling out even Optimus for his questionable actions and orders during the war with the Dinobots saying he makes them do the dirty work for him
Megatron literally commits genocide and yet his story ends with an alternate version of him going free and exploring the universe with the LL
The literal war lord was treated better and is looked upon more positively than Prowl and I think it just came down to how fucked Prowl got by the writers
Because while Megatrons redemption was all in your face and you got a shit ton of flashbacks that try to justify the eventual atrocities he would commit you don’t get that with Prowl
Even when Prowl is absolutely in the right you constantly have it disregarded by characters making jokes about him overreacting (being mad OP is sending the space tyrant away with free reign of his own ship isn’t overreacting btw-) and as such you start to think of him as a genuinely irrational character when hes not
Prowl is bad at keeping the relationships he forms yes 
But he is not always at fault for that
While his relationship with CD ended poorly Chromedome is also shown to be kinda of a dick sometimes and commits his fair share of fucked up things such as when he literally ATTACKS PROWL AND FORCES HIS WAY INTO HIS MIND TO PROTECT HIMSELF FROM THE CONSEQUENCE OF HIS ACTIONS WHEN PROWL THREATENS TO TELL REWIND ABOUT THE SHITTY STUFF HE DID IN HIS PAST
This leads to Prowls inevitable snowball out of control when this attack leads to an opening for Bombshell (I think its been a while since I read the comics) to use his tech to mind control him forcing him into combining with the contructicons
Something we learn is an immensely intimate thing with their minds being kinda melded 
This was something Prowl did not want 
And when all was said and done and he was calmed down he still had to live with that gesalt he was forced into with them following him around like fanboys
Nobody ever even really stopped to check in on him 
And as such he understandable went a little bit insane
He had just faced an immensely traumatic invasion of his body and mind and on top of stress form feeling like everything was out of his control and like he couldn’t stop the bad things from happening alongside bitter emotions being brought back up with a return visit to Earth and reunion with spike AND the fact that he feels like Optimus doesn’t trust him and like hes just letting Starscream do whatever he want (something that understandably freaks him out seeing as how he spent 4 million years fighting Starscream) he just kinda snaps
He trys to destroy the space bridge so that no one else can leave or get through and so he can regain some semblance of control
Is it wrong
But he was not in a good state of mind and no one was helping him at all 
And immediately following his arrest afterward Prowl is confronted by OP who is supposed to be his friend and when Prowl doesn’t say the right things to him to placate him Optimus’ response is to punch him out a window and beat the shit out of him
And not being given any room to breath this is immediately follow up my him getting kidnapped by Tarantulas who is very obviously an impactful and negative part of his past
Prowl just has bad event, one after the other, happen to him over and over again and not only does no one check up on him afterwards to see if hes okay but everyone actively makes fun of him for being understandable unstable
Prowl is a fucking tragedy and not many people seem to be able to see beyond what characters in the comics think of him
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viennajoell · 1 year
Piece by piece
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Notes: inspired by piece by piece by Kelly Clarkson
I never thought I would get in another relationship after my last.
It was very abusive and he left me and my child daisy.
But that’s until I met Quinn.
I ran into him at a coffee shop, literally ran into him spilling coffee all over the both of us
He gave me his number.
I was very hesitant but I texted him and we hit off pretty much right away.
After a couple dates he asked me to be his girlfriend but before I could say yes I had to tell him about daisy.
“Quinn” i say nervously. “It’s okay” he says sounding sad. “No I do but it’s just” I sigh. “It’s what?” He asks. “I have a kid” I reply. I look at his face trying to figure out what’s going on his mind. After a little bit he nods and says “okay”
“Okay?” I ask. “Okay” he nods. “I want you and your kid” he says. I swore in that moment I could cry.
“But piece by piece he collected me”
I didn’t let Quinn meet daisy for three months.
I never told him about daisy’s father either.
I just couldn’t, I was so afraid.
Eventually Quinn met daisy and ever since that day he has been her father.
“He filled the holes that you burned in me”
We took daisy to the the Hughes family lake house to meet everyone in the summer
I was very anxious but they were all so welcoming and sweet towards me and daisy.
Everything was going great until my ex, daisies father found us
I tried to keep everything quiet and very private the best I could but dating a attractive hockey player it was bound people found out.
There was a knock on the door so I go to look with daisy following right besides me.
As soon as I open the door he pins me against the wall.
Ellen comes down the stairs with pure panic in her eyes.
I give her the eyes to get daisy and thankfully she catches on and brings her upstairs.
“You think you could take my fucking daughter from me?!” He yells.
Quinn rounds the corner pushing him off of me and punching him
I didn’t stick around to see what happens after that
I run outside, trying to catch my breath.
Quinn comes out shortly after pulling me into his arms.
“Where’s daisy?” He asks. “You uhm, your mom has her” I say in between sobs.
He holds me, not asking or pushing me to say stuff until my crying begins to stop.
“Let’s go get our girl yeah?” He says giving me a soft smile. I nod and he takes me upstairs to our room where daisy was playing with Ellen.
Ellen hands her off to me, rubbing my back softly before leaving the room.
“So who was that?” Quinn asks in a very soft tone. “Daisies father” I say quietly. He nods not needing anything else to confirm his suspicions.
“I’m not going to let him touch you ever again” he kisses my forehead. “Not you or daisy” he says kissing my forehead once again.
“Piece by piece”
“He restored my faith”
“That a man can be kind”
“And a father should be great”
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Ruffling Feathers
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Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x gn!pilot!reader
Summary: "It’s not my fault that your callsign is a flightless bird, dumbass." OR You hated Rooster. And his mustache. ...Until he made it hard to.
Word Count: ~4.6k
Warnings: Enemies to lovers. Arguing. Quite a bit of swearing. Flirting. Jealousy. Depictions of a plane crash and hospital room. Some angst, some comfort, some suggestiveness, and lots of fluff.
*Reader's callsign is Spider
A/n: Guess I just love writing angry!Rooster lol. This one took me a little bit, but I'd love to hear what you think! Thank you for reading <3
Stomping through the corridor, your flight suit pushed down to your waist, you tried calculating how hard you’d have to punch Rooster to knock that ugly mustache off his face —- or at least the stupid smug grin he always wore. Maybe Cyclone would only give you a lecture since you’re doing everyone a favor by shutting Rooster up.
The pain from digging your fingernails into your palm did nothing to distract you from the anger rising through your body. Just when you’d get the fastest time on the team, there he’d be climbing from his plane with a time just barely beating yours. You’d answer one of Cyclone’s questions in class only for Rooster to correct you on the most insignificant detail — all with that shit-eating smile.
He was a careful pilot, one that didn’t always act on impulse. But he threw all of that out the window when it came to you, clogging the comms with his amused comments to throw you off concentration. You didn’t take that lying down, either. 
But today, the back-and-forth bickering came with a cost. He’d been in the middle of throwing an insult your way, even though you were on the same team, when Coyote shouted through the comms at him.
“You’re down.”
His only response came with a string of swears.
Phoenix quickly followed with, “Got you too, Spider” as she locked onto your jet too. Her words had you dropping your head back against the seat, realizing Rooster came last with you just barely above him.
All that fighting had thrown you off, making both of your flying sloppy. You told him as much on the tarmac as you both completed 100 push ups for coming out at the bottom. As a burn bled through your arms, you considered strangling Rooster. Maybe when he wasn’t looking, like in the shower. Not that you often thought of him showering.
But now, walking toward the locker room, your anger began to subside — despite the sweat dripping along the side of your face and your aching arms. But any hope for peace shattered when you rounded the corner, nearly bumping into Rooster. 
A scowl immediately overtook your expression as you stepped back, taking in his form — already clean and sweat-free. It only fueled the explosive fire inside you. “Watch where you’re going, Bradshaw,” you told him.
“You should’ve listened to that advice in the air today, sweetheart,” Rooster shot back, his gaze locked on you. He had slicked back his hair, the ends of it still dripping wet.
You crossed your arms, accidentally making your slick skin stick together. “Oh, eat shit. You sabotaged me on purpose today.”
“Oh, so trying to save your ass is sabotage now?” He lifted an eyebrow, that frustrating glint in his eyes.
“God, you just never shut up, do you? Clearly, ‘saving my ass’ didn’t work, did it? And maybe if you stopped talking for one minute, I could actually focus on flying instead of wishing my plane would ram into yours.”
“Me?” Rooster nearly shouted, his jaw ticking. He stepped just an inch closer when you nodded as if it were obvious. “You’re the one that kept saying I couldn’t fly for shit, and look who actually can’t.”
“It’s not my fault that your callsign is a flightless bird, dumbass. And that was only because you kept calling me an asshole,” you told him, now pointing a finger right into his chest.
He scoffed at you. “Oh, and I wonder why I’d ever say something like that, Spider.”
With how close his face was to yours now, you could pick out the pool of colors in his eyes or count the freckles across his tanned cheeks. And before another retort could come to mind, the sound of someone coming toward the two of you echoed from the other end of the hall.
You broke away from him, telling yourself that your quickened pulse came from how infuriated Rooster made you. “Whatever,” you muttered, sidestepping him and making the rest of the walk to the locker room, your heart in your throat the entire way.
Ripping your flight suit off and finally getting clean, even with shaky arms, you finally took a slow breath. Your fingers rubbed down your face as water from the showerhead dripped along your body. You scrubbed until your skin grew angry with you — but you just let the water wash away the day, the setbacks, and any thoughts of Rooster, promising yourself that you wouldn’t let him get the better of you again.
And you’d kept your word for a little bit, biting your tongue when he tried to get under your skin. Turning the other way when Hangman joined it to revel in the teasing. Instead, you let Phoenix rip him to shreds when they got on her nerves too. Things quieted down even — hallway spats became silent head nods as you passed one another. You’d call that a win, especially since his mouth stayed shut.
It certainly became easier to tune him out when flying, just focusing on you and the plane speeding through the air. Hangman gave an instigating laugh, but all you saw was the course to run. Breathe in, breathe out. You were a good pilot.
And when you came back down, Cyclone congratulated you on getting the fastest time of the day. You nearly waited for the inevitable “But…” that followed after Rooster, but it never came. Instead, you were met with a pat on the back from Bob and Phoenix and no extra push ups for the day. 
Your body felt lighter as you walked to the locker room, back to your room, and even all the way to The Hard Deck. Fresh and wearing clothes that actually fit well, you entered arm-in-arm with Phoenix to the bar.
You two ordered drinks, chatting with Penny as the place grew busier as the night passed along. She quickly became too distracted to keep talking, but you just sipped on your drink, enjoying the good mood. More pilots arrived, giving you the chance to talk with them in between turns at the pool table. 
Coyote even convinced Bob to a game, goading the rest of you into placing bets. The laughter and smiles between everyone brought a glow to your vision. You and Phoenix were the only ones to bet on Bob winning, but it was worth it for his wide grin.
And despite Rooster also showing up, in that horrible Hawaiian shirt of his, you still managed to avoid him and keep civil. He didn’t even try to instigate anything — though that didn’t stop you from looking away any time he caught your eyes on him. But the competitive game going on proved distraction enough.
Coming down to the final shot, the game had every pilot leaning in. Several of them threw comments out to distract Bob as he lined up his shot. But a smile broke out on your face as Bob sunk the 8 ball, beating Coyote, and leaving both of them with looks of complete disbelief. 
You threw up your hands, clapping louder than all the booing. Others eventually joined in despite their losing bets, cheering for Bob’s unexpected victory. The way Coyote shook his head had you giggling until your stomach hurt. 
You gave a congratulatory pat on Bob’s shoulder as you thanked him for the money he won you. Collecting the pool of cash along with Phoenix, you told her, “Going to head to the bar, spend my winnings on another drink.”
She gave you a smile before you weaved through the crowd. Over the cheers and music, you asked Penny for another drink as you counted up your winnings. Plenty happy with the amount, you waited, turning around and resting your body back against the bar’s edge. The bubbling warmth never left your body when you hung out like this. Though a voice to your side broke you from the moment.
“You can put that drink on my tab, actually. Thanks.”
Turning, you were met with a handsome man you hadn’t seen here before. As Penny handed you your drink, you gave her a gracious nod. 
“Thank you, um…”
“Will,” he answered for you with a smile. And he certainly did have a nice smile. “To celebrate your victory.” He nodded toward the pool table, raising a beer to your drink.
“Well, he did all the work,” you laughed, leaning forward just an inch, though it was enough to pick up on the comforting scent coming from Will. You happily took a sip along with him.
“But you were smart enough to bet on him.”
A smile broke out on your face, gesturing out a hand as you said, “See! Finally, someone recognizes my gambling prowess.”
He bit back a grin of his own as he leaned his head in closer. His finger pointed toward the pool table again as he asked, “Alright, so since you’re an expert, who’s going to win the next one?”
You felt the heat of his body radiating onto you. The waves of it proved slightly distracting as you saw Hangman and Fanboy racking up the pool balls. Still staring at them, trying to hold back the warmth rushing to your cheeks, you said, “Tall, blond one definitely. He’ll cheat if he has to.”
“Okay, I won’t be going up against him then,” he laughed.
You turned back to Will, watching him run a hand through his dark hair. Did you wish your hand was going through his hair? Probably. 
He then asked, “Since you know how to pick winners, what are the odds of you beating me in pool?”
Raising your eyebrows, you told him, “Never seen you play, but I’d have to guess that you’d sink two in before I win.”
Lifting up his hands in surrender, Will shook his head. “Fair enough. I won’t put money on the line for that game. But…” he said, dragging his eyes across you, “what are the odds, then, of me taking you out sometime?”
You tried fighting the grin etching along your face at his cheesiness, not that you minded all that much when it came with that smile. As you were about to respond, the last person you wanted to see snuggled right up to your side.
“Hey Spider, Phoenix’s been asking for you,” Rooster said. His arm rested against the bar right behind your back, the weight of it along your spine.
You looked between him and Will, your teeth grinding together. “I’m sure she can wait a minute, Bradshaw.”
“Said it was important,” he insisted, smiling the entire time at the two of you. 
“Fine,” you muttered, offering a fake grin to Rooster. “I’ll be right back,” you told Will.
You pushed past Rooster, weaving through the crowd once again with your fist clenched. Of course he had to show up. You shook your head, willing yourself to keep him from getting to you.
Back with the team, you came back to find Hangman in the lead against Fanboy and quickly returned to Phoenix.
“Hey, what’s up? What’s going on?” you asked, hoping something terrible wasn’t happening.
But she sat there, beer in hand and a wide smile until she processed your words. “Just watching them play. What’s wrong?” Her eyebrows furrowed together. “Does it have to do with that hunk chatting you up over there… Oh, where’d he go?”
Your face twisted as you turned, standing on the tips of your toes and straining your neck to see over everyone. Right where you and Will had been was now occupied by strangers, the man nowhere to be seen. But you did find Rooster as he walked back toward your team.
“No goddamn way.” You muttered it under your breath, your face dropping in disbelief. “Hold this, I’m going to kick Bradshaw’s ass,” you told Phoenix. The blood rushing through you pounded in your ears, blocking out anything she might’ve said.
“Where is he?” you asked, venom laced in your voice as you walked up to Rooster. The laidback hang of his shoulders and that dumb fucking mustache nearly made you scream your words at him.
But Rooster just raised an eyebrow at you, holding his beer. “Where’s who?”
You squeezed your eyes shut, forcing yourself to take a breath. “Will. The man I was talking with before you interrupted, remember?”
“Ah, right. He left, had to go somewhere.”
“God, Rooster. What did you say to him?” you asked, shoving a finger into his chest. “Though I don’t know why I’m asking since you’ll probably lie like you did about Phoenix.” You crossed your arms, squeezing them against your body.
Rooster sighed, bringing his beer up to his mouth to take a sip. 
“Look, I’ve seen him around here before. Goes home with someone different every time.”
Scoffing at him, you stared daggers through his eyes. “You’re so full of bullshit. Even if that is true, I can find that out for myself, okay? You’re not my dad or something.”
“Hey, I’m just trying to save you from getting your feelings hurt,” he said, pretending to put his hands in the air like he was innocent. “God knows how bad we’d crash and burn if your heartbroken ass did worse up there.” 
You stepped back, feeling like he knocked the air from your lungs. Pushing past him, your shoulder hitting his, you left The Hard Deck — not even to find Will. You couldn’t handle either of them right now, not when you had to deal with Rooster ruining your night while pretending to care about you.
After that, for your sake, you’d made it your mission to stay away from him as much as possible. You refused to acknowledge his comments or even look his way. Classes were quieter, and insults were no longer thrown across the halls at each other. At least you wouldn’t be misplacing your trust again.
You had other teammates you could rely on, could trust with your life. But either fate hated you or Cyclone loved drama because he paired you up with Bradley Bradshaw once again — as if the universe and the class had to have another laugh at your misery. You just nodded your head at Cyclone as he named the two of you off, standing so still as if it could help you disappear.
Talking rose again as duos came together to discuss the practice exercise. But not the two of you. Your hard stare just fixated on the horizon. Even hearing him clear his throat set your body on edge.
“I’m, uh, sorry for how last weekend went,” Rooster offered, rocking back and forth on his heels.
You fought the urge to roll your eyes, not needing it to cause a lecture from Cyclone on how to work with your teammates. Your refusal to give an answer left a space of buzzing silence, one that Rooster filled again. “Didn’t mean to sabotage it, but I’m not letting a dickhead mess with my friends, alright?”
“Friends?” you asked, finally turning to look at him. “Is that what we are, Rooster?”
“Look, we’re on a team. We watch each other’s backs.”
A scoff escaped under your breath. “Oh, like when you got the both of us killed the last time we were on a team?”
As the words left your lips, Rooster placed his hand on your shoulder. The grip made you look at him straight, the sound of everyone else drifting to the background. “I never tried to sabotage you up there. I really tried to save your life. Okay?” His fingers squeezed when you didn’t answer. “Okay?”
With scrunched eyebrows, you said, “Okay, fine. Doesn’t mean you don’t flood the comms with useless talking to distract me, though.”
As his hand dropped back to his side, he raised an eyebrow at you. “Oh, so I’m distracting to you?” And there it was, that Bradshaw smug grin back in place. A small part of you in the back of your mind, or the left side of your chest, had missed it.
You weakly pushed against his arm, shaking your head. “I’m going to rip your mustache off.”
Cyclone called you all to start the exercise, the two of you among the first up. As you walked to your jets, Rooster said, “Oh, so you’re thinking about my mustache now? I understand, she is a beauty.”
You let out a long groan while fighting back a smile, which he absolutely saw through, before pulling on your helmets. Climbing into the plane and strapping in, you let the few moments of silence before flying into the sky center yourself again — to not let Rooster, good or bad, get in your head.
It was a regular dogfighting exercise, one that’d become part of the curriculum since Maverick came through. But it’d be you and Rooster against Hangman and Payback.
In the air, before it even began, in the buzzing quiet before it all descended into chaos, Hangman flew past you much too close for comfort. It shook your jet, making you let out a long sigh. You looked to your side, watching Rooster give you a thumbs up before Cyclone appeared in the comms. 
“First team to get a lock on both members of the other team wins. That easy,” he told you all.
That easy. They were good pilots, you all were. It’d be a long fight.
Immediately, you and Rooster split off in opposite directions. He climbed higher toward Hangman as you dropped, aiming for Payback’s jet.
Payback broke left, rolling his plane to the side as he evaded you. The world around you, the wispy clouds and landscape below, blurred past. Each time you came close to locking on, he’d pitch up or hit the throttle — always keeping you just out of reach.
“Spider, Hangman’s closing in on your six,” Rooster said through the comms.
In an instant, all of your focus on trying to eliminate Payback now switched to evading in any way you could.
“Almost got you now, Spider…” you could hear Hangman say. Your jaw clenched, your muscles squeezing harder with each passing second.
Braking hard, you rolled right toward the nearby cliffs, trying to keep him from locking on. You gained altitude with the little time you had of shaking Hangman for just a second, flying back around until you saw Payback in your view again.
If you went for him, Hangman would certainly be back on you in an instant.
But Rooster’s voice hit your ears. “Go for it.”
With those three little words, you threw your trust into Rooster. You sped up, diving for Payback and leaving Rooster to cover you. And he did. Without a second thought.
“Got lock.”
“You’re down!”
Your voice mixed with Hangman’s, two simultaneous kills. Hangman left Payback at your mercy. Rooster sacrificed himself to Hangman.
“See you back at base, Spider. Give him hell,” Rooster said, his jet peeling off and heading in the opposite direction alongside Payback’s.
You pulled up, looking all around for Hangman — until he showed up on your radar just below you.
“It’s almost too easy,” he drawled with that lazy laugh. 
Hitting the brakes, you pulled behind him. Just as you angled down, close to locking on, he rolled left, pitching the plane up and trying to loop behind you.
The two of you switched back and forth, the unrelenting sun piercing through the glass. Sweat began to bead along your forehead, dripping down to your neck.
Only once you’d chased Hangman toward the cliffs did you gain any sort of hope of taking him down. His flying became just a bit more reckless, giving you a chance to counter his maneuvers. Your lock grew closer and closer to his jet, your victory on the tip of your tongue.
The lock sound began to buzz as you said, “Got y-”
Your plane shook as something rammed into your plane. Only once Hangman’s voice shouting “Bird strike!” did you register what happened. 
The damage done to your jet’s engines appeared at once, the jerking of your jet ate down to your core.
 “Left engine out,” you panted, pressing the button to cut fuel to it as you tried gaining altitude. Your body felt heavy, falling back into the seat with panicked breaths. The right engine quickly caught too, leaving your dashboard blinking every warning light it could manage. Your stomach climbed into your throat as you lost control, the plane beginning to spin out.
Your hands shakily wrapped around the ejection handle, your lungs feeling squeezed tight. Pulling as hard as you could, your seat flew from the jet. Between the jerk of your body as the parachute released and the fiery crash of your plane into the ground a few moments later, you barely saw anything before hitting the desert all too fast.
You vaguely remembered rolling, or maybe the world was spinning, before you were consumed by darkness.
In flashes of memories, you caught the intense whirring of a helicopter, vague shapes of people rushing around you, and… was that Rooster? You couldn’t be sure, not when the pain took hold of your body, pulling you down under again.
The echoing emergency alarms of your jet slowly bled into the beeping of medical machines, the light of the sun into bright fluorescents above, and the lingering voice of your team… stayed.
As your eyes fought to open, the world came into focus in bits and pieces. Your throat felt so dry and painful — but it left your mind when the aching of the rest of your body rose to the surface. The groan tumbling from your mouth only fueled the sting.
But he did help, ready at your side and telling you to take it easy.
“Hey, Spider. Slow down. Hey,” Rooster pleaded, his voice desperate against your ears. But only once his hand gingerly wrapped around yours did you finally stop fighting.
You turned to look at him, mind still fuzzy. But it wasn’t hard to focus on him, your gaze unable to rip away from the dark honey of his eyes. 
“Hi.” His whisper entwined around each curve of you, settling onto your skin like a blanket you never wanted to take off.
You grabbed the cup of water he handed you, gulping it down until it soothed your throat.
“Hi,” you finally returned, offering a slight smile. Laying back in the bed, feeling the slight pull of the tubes attached to your body, you asked, “So, what’s my damage?”
Your head lulled to the side, watching Rooster slightly relax at last. The clench of his jaw eased, his shoulders fell.
“Nothing that could stop you. Fractured bone here, internal bleeding there…” he joked, but his grin didn’t reach his eyes. “But you’re alive. You’ll be just fine.”
That eased your nagging thoughts, though you guessed he said it for himself as much as he said it for you.
You squeezed his hand, loving the weight of it on yours. “Thank you.”
He nearly rolled his eyes, as if to say that he didn’t deserve it. “For what?” he asked, the taste of bitterness dripping from his words.
“For having my back, Rooster.”
You said it like it was the most obvious thing. It was to you. Even though he didn’t always show it in the way you’d expect, or even like for that manner, he was there.
He nodded. “You’d do the same for me.”
You would. In a heartbeat.
He whispered, “We all heard you on the radio as it happened. I made them let me on the helicopter to rescue you… Thought you were gone. Couldn’t handle it.” His hand rested over his mouth, his eyes fixed on the ground.
“I’m here, okay? You said it, I’ll be just fine,” you told him, wanting to pull him in if you weren’t stuck in this bed. But then his words registered. “Wait, you forced yourself onto the rescue helicopter? Are you insane?”
You smacked his arm, scoffing at him. You teased him, but it brought a smile to his face.
“That’s what you got from that? Okay, this is the last time I admit to caring about you,” he said behind a wave of laughter bubbling out.
Though all it did was further fuel you, bringing a disbelieving look to your face. “Oh my god, Rooster. I get it now. You were totally jealous of Will.”
“Oh god, why would I be jealous of that tool?” he groaned, pulling away from you. “I think your pain meds are too strong.”
“Calling him a tool like that is such a jealous thing to say!”
“Not if he’s actually a tool.”
You brought your hands to your lap, playing with the sheet as you said, “Wow, who would’ve thought that Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw actually cared abou-”
“I know you didn’t have to do those push ups with me, Spider,” he interrupted. He looked straight at you then, not even fighting his kind smile. “That punishment was only for last place, and you didn’t get last.”
You pursed your lips, feeling a heat rise to your cheeks under his gaze. “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” you said, trying to give him an innocent look. But you did, and you knew that he had gotten last trying to save you, even when the two of you bickered, so you paid the price with him.
His eyes softened. “I think you do. And I think that you also care more than you let on.”
Goosebumps erupted across your skin as Rooster grabbed your hand again, his thumb rubbing along the backs of your fingers. You stared down at where your bodies intertwined as you asked, “Did you really wait here for me the whole time?”
He nodded, his swept-back hair falling forward. But at your growing smile, he warned, “Spider, don’t ruin this.”
“You’re just a big ol’ softy, aren’t you? If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you like like me.” You laughed despite the ache that came with it. It meant you were alive, after all.
Rubbing a hand down his face, he said, “I think that’s enough. You’ve ruined it. Happy now?”
After a comfortable silence spread through the room, just the sounds of your breathing and the machines beeping, Rooster said, “I do like you. Hope you know that.”
The flutter in your chest spread through your body, pushing the pain to the back to be replaced by a floating feeling. You didn’t think it would take so much for Rooster to admit his feelings, but you supposed it didn’t surprise you. 
He looked to you, worry etched into the curves of his face as he waited for your response. It barely looked like he breathed, sitting frozen still until you answered.
Shaking your head, you told him, “Rooster, if you don’t kiss me right now, I’m really going to rip off your mustache this time.”
A wide, toothy grin overtook his face. “There you go again about my mustache… You’re obsessed, aren’t you?” he said, his hand moving to rest on your cheek.
Rooster inched closer, careful to not put any weight on you or cause any pain. “Is this okay?” he whispered against your lips.
But impatience ran through you, making you twist your fingers into the hair at the nape of his neck and pull him against you. Melting into him, you thought this felt better than any painkillers the doctors could prescribe you. It made you dizzy and craving more, until you were broken apart by Phoenix obnoxiously clearing her throat from the doorway.
As he kissed you one more time, the rest of the world drifting away, you couldn’t quite say you hated his mustache anymore.
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Hi, I’ve been reading your fics for quite sometime now and I love them all so much. You are an incredible writer 🤍 if it is not too much can I request a Barzy or Svech whoever you prefer, being a protective bf when a stranger keeps heckling y/n at a game and won’t leave her alone even when told.
Thank you so much and loads of love 🩵
thank you SO much 🤍 i’m glad you’re enjoying my silly little stories and i love this request! let’s talk about how andrei would react ☺️
i don’t think he would really be able to notice if you’re being heckled at a hockey game since he’s on the ice, playing
but maybe you’re at a charlotte hornets game or a carolina panthers game, like how other teams’ players come to hockey games during the season
maybe andrei’s having a rough patch in his play and because you’re the girlfriend, of course it’s you’re fault
justice for jessica simpson, honestly
tony romo is such a scrub
you’re with andrei and some of the other guys and wags when it happens
“dump the dead weight, svech, maybe you’ll score a goal”
you don’t see who said it but your entire boy goes hot and then cold, embarrassed
andrei’s fingers tighten against your lower back, completely stopped in his tracks
“what the fuck?” he mutters lowly
a different voice chimes in, “yeah, she’s a distraction that we don’t need right now”
your cheeks are flushed and you know you shouldn’t be listening, that this means nothing, just a bunch of drunk middle aged men who couldn’t lace up a skate
andrei turns and he must spot the men because he’s suddenly gone from your side
you can hear him, low and threatening, “say stupid shit like that again and you’ll see how distracted i am”
they don’t take the hint and continue maligning you and blaming you for andrei’s slump
the girls are trying to pull you back to the seats but you shake your head and try to get andrei to leave it be
“don’t even look at her,” he threatens and you see his temper flare when one of them has the insane audacity to comment “is she a good lay at least?”
honestly when andrei’s fist goes flying you’re more concerned with him breaking his hand than with him getting arrested
stadium security is at the scene almost immediately, medics tending to the man and his bleeding nose and andrei and his bloody knuckles
“are you insane?” you hiss, freaking out
“they needed to learn a lesson,” he shrugs “i’d do it again”
it’s all over social media, obviously, and you need to take andrei’s phone away from him because he won’t stop defending you in the comments
it’s sweet, but you don’t need him to get in any more trouble
and you’d just like to fade into the background again
but he’s always going to stick up for you, no matter when or where
after the punch, he usually just tucks you under his arm and guides you away from the people harassing you
he keeps himself at your back like a guard, making sure no one can get near you unless you want them around
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