#but if thats the way of the world and its souls then i must have left 1000 kisses on the spot of their tummy with a heart shaped birthmark
loveydoveysuggests · 10 months
my lover ran me a bath recently. they sat by the tub, did my hair, and watched tv with me while i relaxed. then when we got out, they rubbed moisturizer on my entire body. im not much of a believer in higher powers, but if i were, i'd think maybe whatever's in charge is pleased with me, and that the heaven so many pine for after life was in the bathroom of my apartment this whole time.
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ancientgoddessofegypt · 5 months
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Hello! Decided to dedicate this observation list to some pretty sensitive placements. If you have any of these placements or know someone that do, I hope you enjoy the list I've created !
Neptune 7th house people have a urgency to help others. Their compassionate healers who walk out into the world and people grasp on to their presence not knowing the reason why. In due time, they'll recognize that neptune 7th house person spirit is like no others. They have this Mother Theresa spirit to them. Very honest and vulnerable to the ones they love, they can almost certainly have a few tricksters walk amongst their path. Although they are incredibly sweet, they're discernment levels are to the T. Its unfortunate when they don't use it, they just want to see the good in you. They have a dreamy like quality to their presence that others notice right away. Captivating, but mysterious. People have no idea what they're getting into when being with them, but they know if they don't act right the cosmic forces in these people don't mind a cute lil revenge. ;)
Moon in Pisces see the beauty in everything. And it reflects back into their beautiful spirits. They're okay with being misunderstood, its just their empathetic bodies take on so many unwanted reactions and energy it's hard for them to feel accepted. They have a honest approach with life, and try their best not to belittle others with this truth. Their honest with themselves however can sugarcoat the truth a little to put less pressure on their wounds and others. therapeutic souls, they naturally attract others to tell them their deepest thoughts. It purifies them. Just being able to converse with moon pisces babes cleanses their auras and makes the skeletons feel a lil dance inside. No more hiding in their, they can take off their masks with them. Moon pisces babes can also be a little too generous with their funds, do not allow others sob stories to be the reason your wallets are being sucked dry. Tell them no. Boundaries are important with this group.
Venus in Pisces have this dreamy, ethereal nature to them its like a fairytale. Their desires tend to realize itself in practical realities more often then they think. When around others, they are like a dream come true. They have unreal personalities.Their gift in this lifetime is to share the joy and beauty of the inner child. They have a love for the universe and in return the universe gives them more than what they could of asked for. It's a beautiful placement. Venus in pisces must be careful because they attract a lot of narcissists in their corner. The narcs can see their beauty, power, and light and know that it can benefit them. Be smart about who you allow into your temple. You are literally a walking God/Goddess.
Mercury in the 1st House ; Believe it or not they have an innocence to them thats hard to ignore. Their like a youthful little child that never grows old. Their charm is impeccable. They can be little tricksters but in a way that it oozes a beautiful quality to it. Its funny. You can talk to them about anything and you can feel your mind soar because your mind gets to expand itself when your with them. They show you the way to relax and just be in the moment. Their a gift to this world when they're just being themselves.
Moon in the 3rd ; Natural healers. They connect with the community in a way that touches every soul they come in contact with. Very empathetic and need more alone time than most. They have to discern people way more than they would like. No matter how stand-offish they can appear, they still have a regal, likeable nature to them that attracts people like flies. We can naturally feel the sweetness off of them no matter what. Boundaries are something that's difficult for this placement, as their auric fields process information when they're not asking for it.
MOON IN THE 1ST are very likeable and are naturally open individuals. They can be secretive, but that mysterious charm is what pulls in others truest feelings towards them. People who do this to them just have a knowing that they will take what they say and not throw it in their face. They have a naturally sensitive personality so they can push others away easily. Its not by force it's just the way things flow. People with this placement can actually be pretty popular. Its the sweetness we feel off of them, and we just want more of it!
Neptune in the 3rd ; Its their voice. Their voice can soothe people. Its meditation for the spirit. They should consider doing asmr or even meditation videos using their voice! Oracles who learn to trust their gut at a young age, they use this gift to help guide others. They are attracted to the unknown, but this darkness is filled with so much light deep inside. The things that scare us can easily be heavenly to them. They walked that path in order to fight the light. It's just what they do.
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weepingstars07 · 1 month
Death Watch Jango and Sith Concubine Obi Wan Au
Also known as another au i can’t be bothered writing but would love to read
So instead of Jango being found by Jaster, Death Watch manage to catch up to him while the True Mandalorians go in guns blazing and rescue Arla.
Jango and Arla are kind of role swapped with Jango as Tor’s adoptive son, favourite assassin and all round punching bag.
Arla on the other hand is adopted by Jaster and believes her little brother burnt to death in the fields of their own family farm. This and the murder of her parents leads to serious anger issues that lead on to a level of violence that puts her slightly at odds with the true Mandalorians. This isn’t to say they hate each other though, she still considers Jaster her father and jaster consider her his daughter. Arla does eventually end up splitting ways with them going off to find her own way in the galaxy.
This world’s Obi wan never escaped Bandomeer and ended up sold further into slavery until Darth Plagueis finds and buys him for Sheev ( i dont think the timeline works out but oh well, wibbly wobbly timey wimey).
Plagueis predicts that Palpatine and Obi wan will be the Chosen one’s parents. (The force actually meant parental figures but sith have never been very good listeners). Obi Wan as a stewjoni is able to get pregnant but has only had miscarriages and still births much to Palpatine’s endless frustration. Eventually he decides Plagueis must have been mocking him and this is only reinforced when he finds a small slave boy named Anakin with the force presence of twin suns. He decides this boy must be the true chosen one and makes him his apprentice. He does not realise how close his concubine and Apprentice become other the years until it’s too late. Anakin does still consider Palpatine a fatherly figure to him but in an an even more twisted way than canon while Obi wan is still his BrotherDad figure.
Obi Wan and Jango meet when they’re both about 18 or 19, after Tor teams up with Palpatine (or more accurately gets himself manipulated into becoming Palpatine’s puppet). Obi wan is used by Palpatine to keep any eye on his Mandalore project which is quite frustrating to him as it means being seperated from anakin.
The boys end up forming a strange sort of bond when realising how badly treated the other his. Its not until Jango is handed the prototype for a clone army made in his image under sith/mandalorian control that he decides enough is enough. In the dead of night he steals the prototype, who he names Boba, from the Kaminoan labs and knocks Obi Wan out and steals him too.
Jango decides that he’s going to stop the cloning project before he has an army of enslaved ade on his hands, maybe kill Tor and then run off into the sunset with Obi Wan and their new child.
Obi Wan’s reaction is along the lines of ‘wtf, your going to get us both killed’ but as the concept of freedom comes closer and closer he agrees on the condition they figure out how to steal Anakin too, difficult because Obi Wan doesn’t actually know what facility they are usually held in.
With a plan now prepared the two set out to conquer evil and live out their happy ever after on some tropical paradise far away from the mandalorians or Sith.
However they what they don’t realise is that be some will of the force the first planet they land on they accidentally bump into a Jedi shadow. Maybe its Tholme or Feemor or someone completely unknown but they are pretty quick to notice Obi Wan looks a lot like the Initiate that disappeared a few year ago become of Yoda’s (however well intended) meddling. This sparks a Jedi manhunt to find this lost soul who they believe has been enslaved by a Mandalorian.
Jaster and the True Mandalorians are running around the galaxy trying to get more info on this army that Tor is apparently building. Arla is reunited with them and agrees to help out.
And …. Thats all I’ve got for now.
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cartoonrival · 7 months
HEY YOU Hit me with some Julie Su propoganda cuz I'm mostly lukewarm on her character and don't know all that much about her.
OK OK ... well baseline info she's the daughter of dark legion general luger, and half sister of lien-da and kragok, who are twins and both high ranking legion soldiers. when their mother (merin-da) died and luger remarried, ld and kragok hated his new wife (julie-su's mother) (mari-su) so bad they orchestrated her death, info which was they kept on the DL for a long time until js eventually found out about it. memory situation, js is raised by other folks who actually love her and doesn't learn who her blood family is until later. she joins knuckles because she feels inexplicably drawn to him (soul touch) (echidna soulmates) so she defects from the legion to join the chaotix. the soul touch thing sucks and i hate it but this is how it goes. ill talk about my au version of her at the end lol bc things ive built on top of canon are part of the reason why shes one of my fave charas in the series lul
ANYWHO i honestly find it pretty frustrating when people talk about js as just being pink knuckles, shoehorned into the story to give knuckles an obligatory girlfriend, because it really demonstrates that they like. weren't paying a lick of attention to anything because she genuinely has a LOT of personality but since people just go in anticipating anything penders touched to suck they don't even bother to think about her for longer than half a second.
js fills a niche that, imo, could always use filling, especially with regards to girl characters, which is to say shes a well meaning asshole. shes incredibly blunt, she's pessimistic (immediately assumes knuckles must be dead when enerjak returns and they cant find him, tells knuckles not to search a fallen ship that his mother was on because shes probably dead and she doesnt think he'd want to see that). shes terrible at handling interpersonal conflict (knuckles confesses to her that he feels guilty and stressed over all the pressure put on him as guardian and she scolds him and says "this isn't just about you", which results in a minor shouting match when she really had zero intention of starting an argument), she's almost constantly beefing with vector (tbf its because hes sexist he refuses to see past her history as a member of the dark legion). these might suond like cons but i love characters like this LOL and they fit especially well in archie where people love to get mad at each other and make dumb mistakes and it just feels very genuine and interesting and endearing to me. shes rough and difficult but she's also DEEPLY loyal. she'd die for knuckles and the chaotix and the way she interacts with them always makes me soooo ........ im just gonna give some examples i can find.
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(knuckles is on the phone with her)
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^ this was the genuine conclusion of an argument they had and im obsessed with it because both of them suck with emotions so they both give the worlds strangest apology and know that the other means it and they move on. plus putting her arm in front of SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG while theyre confronting eggman even after watching him CHAOS BLAST, primarily because she feels like this is more her fight than his (its about knuckles).
theres def more and i could find them if i was more on top of archie but unfortunately im #narutopilled rn. BUT ANYWAYS. shes just a very fun character with a messy personality and fun interactions and she loves her buddies sm even tho she bickers with them. shes just very special. she fits well with knuckles in a way that makes their relationship actually feel plausible instead of just forcing him to have a girlfriend (tho ofc the writing is fumbled sometimes like. ITS ARCHIE. bffr. but thats the case with literally everything ever in archie so you take what you can and its amazing). also see below. BASED AS FUCKKKKKKK
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and ill discuss my au briefly bc u r asking me my opinion on js and that does play a large role in how i feel abt her, but rly im just expanding on elements of her story that werent discussed as fully as i wouldve liked. her relationship with lien-da is obviously BAD in canon, but theres not a lot of time spent lingering on precisely how lien-da and kragok feel about julie-su as the product of their fathers second marriage to a woman they KILLED because they hated her so much. ive also given her much more internal strife over turning away from the legion, originally joining the chaotix planning to betray them from the inside then being slowly convinced to join them for real after realizing how much she'd been brainwashed by the legion and what its like to have people who truly love and care about you. her story as someone who is trying to find herself outside of her history as a child soldier is something that TOTALLY deserves to be expanded on and its a bit sad that it wasnt explored. but i mean really im not changing her actual PERSONALITY at all because as i discussed shes oozing with it.... im honestly never going to make the full comic i wanted to so at some point im just going to compile all the lore and concept art and stuff into one big post to share. but thats like a spoiler free taste.
she also has a gun. which is fucking awesome because not enough sonic characters have guns. people make shadow the guy with a gun but he hasnt been seen with one since shth. hello....
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pen-observing · 2 years
synopsis: all obey me characters + poems that describe your love.
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LUCIFER +  “if you forget me” by Pablo Neruda.
lucifer wants you to know one thing - for perhaps his whole life - he has felt that something was missing. holiness and rebellion are two sides he tampered with and in them both, and even with every step he has taken to live - something was missing. you. with all of his choices, you melt into everything. he notices it all. you are the fire and the red branch and he must be the ash. you are in everything and everything carries him to you. yet, he has lost so many things already and he knows that humans are fickle creatures. when he is alone, he can’t help but think of the darker what ifs. still, he wants you to be free. lucifer lets you decide. but just know, that if you go against the darker voices in his mind - if you choose to remember him and love him (the same way he has already decided to do with you) - he will never truly be ash. the two of you would be destiny that burns forever. 
‘my love feeds on your love, beloved, and as long as you live it will be in your arms without leaving mine.’
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MAMMON +  “how do I love thee” by Elizabeth Browning.
It would seem that Mammon has been counting the ways he loves you since the first day he met you. yes, since the very first day. he knows that he is full of flaws but the love in him remains holy. perhaps thats from the times he was an angel, because since then and forever forth he has imagined love to be the same way. he has dreamed of loving someone in day and night, in righteousness and praise and greed even. his soul dances around you; if he could - he would place it in your hands and watch it glow. he loves with passion and grief and warmth and selflessness and he would, after everything, pray to God for you. mammon would bend the knee to that extent if you wanted him too. he is just thankful that after everything - after almost losing love itself and falling - the concept of love has not changed; and it now carries your name.
‘i love thee freely, as men strive for right. i love thee purely, as they turn from praise. i love thee with the passion put to use in my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.’
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LEVIATHAN + “somewhere i have never travelled, gladly beyond” by E.E. Cummings
Levi is aware of how silly it sounds to say that he loves adventure when others know his habits. but he truly loves it. the adrenaline and the heroism, and the tales and connections of all those legends - but out of them all, knowing you has been the biggest adventure of his life. he wasn’t expecting you or seeking you out when you first arrived but, over time, the seasons of nature changed and you stayed the same. sometimes you are too near and he is stuck between wondering why and pulling you even closer. his love is definitely a quiet one but it is steady - it brings balance. the answer always seems to be you. protecting you in his own way and letting you gently recognize all of his layers - its all so intimate. his love is deeper than anything else. whatever you say, he is willing to do. and he finds that in perceiving the world with you - that love unlocks more charm and power than ever before. 
‘somewhere i have never travelled, gladly beyond any experience, your eyes have their silence: in your most frail gesture are things which enclose me, or which i cannot touch because they are too near’
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SATAN + “i dreamed i forgot” by Leila Chatti
many would describe that before satan came to be - all he had was dreams. he lived in them, through the eyes and the body and the wings of the man with whom he shares a complex relationship with. that is why he hates dreams that feel like prophecies. he knew his flaws oh so well, and he knew you too - so for a while he refused to admit to love. but dreaming of you means remembering you. dreaming of you means loving you. he always dedicates words to you. he was a fool when standing before you. he wanted so badly to cherish but while working on himself he doubted that he was capable of such a thing. but through dreaming of you and through watching you - he knew that denying love was impossible. satan’s love feels like a rush after the calm. it feels like he always calls out to you. now when he dreams that you forgot him, or that he forgot you, all he has to do is hear you sleeping peacefully next to him. satan wants to thank you a thousand times over. 
‘i dreamed i forgot you but to dream you was remembering. i have words for you only, a linguistic fidelity.’
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ASMODEUS + “don’t go far off” by Pablo Neruda
Asmo felt like he, for the first time in his life, had to beg someone to love him. when met with you and your eyes - the inner workings of his doubt started to make him realise just how love stood high above infatuation and lust. asmo would wait for you no matter how long it took. he would wait for you in empty stations and parking lots or his heart would be lost otherwise. you ground him when your arm is wrapped around his. he wouldn’t say he is begging for your love but he is begging to be close to you.’ stand together and don’t go off too far in this love so that you look like a stranger’. ‘love me as much as i love you’. ‘home is the place both of us step in’ - he feels like he shines most naturally when your attention is the only one that matters.
‘don't leave me, even for an hour, because then the little drops of anguish will all run together, the smoke that roams looking for a home will drift into me, choking my lost heart.’
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BEELZEBUB + “i thank you” by Henry Timrod + “cottages” by M.A. + “aubade” by Amber Flora Thomas (i couldn’t decide on just one for him leave me be. the last one is erotic.)
with Beel love has always existed in its simplest nature. you were drawn to one another the same way the sun replaces the moon. but that is usually what happens to love that starts as a close friendship. as admiration. beel has thanked you so many times before he confessed. he has always felt that love towards you but actually noticing what it was just took him a bit longer. but does it really matter when he continued to treat you the same way? his love is always patient and kind and calm like the gentle wind. his love is always a ‘thank you’ and ‘lets build a home together’. ‘lets be at peace and let me bring you flowers’. ‘let us eat at this table together. i will bring a vase and you put the flowers in. i will kiss you and you kiss me back.’ it is so, so simple and thats what makes it truly wonderful. 
‘what not, do I see, when I see any rendition of your existence? you reinstated the dream in me; its sparkling collective of wishes’
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BELPHEGOR + “to you” by Frank O’Hara
he knew that he loved you because the stars seemed to spell it out for him. he knew that he loved you because his love found rivers and mountains and sunsets and sunrises in your being and in your eyes. his love continues to turn you into stories connected to him because it doesn’t let you go. you chose each other and you continue to stay together. consistency. before he met you, he found comfort in the stars but true happiness was only found when he held you under them - when he talked to you. ‘i will always love you’ slips off from his tongue so easily when he sees you. you two build love, like architects do, and then you showcase it to the rest of the world. 
‘what is more beautiful than night and someone in your arms that’s what we love about art it seems to prefer us and stays’
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DIAVOLO + “be arrogant” by Mahmoud Darwish
Diavolo has always seen you as someone so magical that you simply had to be hiding in everything. no, rather, everything was hiding in you. Sometimes he still blurs that line but he doesn’t mind - you’re that special that both of them are true. so, what he wants his love to convey is that you should always feel what he thinks of you. for a long time he has been the one with the biggest distance than the rest - almost unreachable. but even then. even while you were not aware - you remained the one he loved. yes, you are everything to him - a human, a lover, an angel, that special someone he loses his arrogance for. his love makes him feel small when he stands next to you. he loves comparing you to the earth itself - full of hope and possibility and too good to be true because he has lived so long yet it is your existence that truly shines. 
‘no matter your distance from me. you will remain an angel in my eyes and flesh. you will remain as our love wills to see you.’
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BARBATOS + “sorting laundry” by Elisavietta Ritchie (actually made me cry while thinking of barbatos)
his love is unable to control the way you overflow into everything. into his dreams, his fantasies, his hopes and his hands. he has done ‘mundane’ chores for centuries and when they’re connected to you - they become his place of unravelling. he wonders how you have come to be folded into his life. all these ‘silly’ things are actually stories. when you got so emotional over the washing machine eating your favorite sock and when he gifted you these flowers that you liked so much that magic simply had to be used to keep them forever. you keep overflowing into everything. into public and private displays of love, into his constant thoughts. He doesn’t even dare to imagine what would happen if suddenly one day - you decided to leave him. he never lets you fold your own laundry. something about this act makes him so emotional that you can’t help but give in to his sincere eyes.
‘well washed dollars, legal tender for all debts public and private, intact despite agitation;
and, gleaming in the maelstrom, one bright dime, broken necklace of good gold
you brought from Kuwait, the strangely tailored shirt left by a former lover...’
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SIMEON + “being to timelessness as it’s to time’ by E.E. Cummings
simeon knows that time matters in all things and its his tendency to always wonder about it while he loves. since time exists in all things that means that his love does too. in the air, the ocean, the land. in the places so many people cannot reach. he knows that lovers suffer but his suffering is rather sweet - its not tangible; it is simply worry for you. simeon will stand in front of anyone who asks - and if someone deems his holy love as anything but true - he won’t remain quiet. when your fingertips brush he is overjoyed. his love finds immense joy in all things that come back to you. this love has no fear. this love knows just what to say. it doesn’t matter what sages have to say; it only matters when you speak. 
‘love is the voice under all silences, the hope which has no opposite in fear; the strength so strong mere force is feebleness: the truth more first than sun more last than star’
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SOLOMON + “poem for haruko” by June Jordan (big thanks to @gatchagay​ that is the biggest solomon lover i know. i just couldn't find the perfect poem for him and they helped me)
when he walks from a simple grocery run to the place he calls home, solomon can’t help but wonder about his long life. you are definitely inside this home - if your form wasn’t sitting on the sofa that is already 3 years old then it would just be a simple house he holds no fondness for. because of you - so much has happened. the reason solomon never thought just one place could hold all of his love and sadness and happiness - is because he never had anyone to share those things with. he has witnessed the world change but his love for you just keeps blooming as it always has. that is the natural tendency. and when he comes inside, you hold his hand and he can’t help but bloom all over. plenty would describe him as fickle but he only dedicates himself to that which is truly worth it. you, this home, and the fact that your trace can be felt everywhere. 
‘now I do relive an evening of retreat a bridge I left behind where all the solid heat of lust and tender trembling lay as cruel and as kind as passion spins its infinite tergiversations in between the bitter and the sweet’
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RAPHAEL + “love’s philosophy” by Percy Shelly
he has always seen holiness in everything. and there is truly nothing more holy than love. his love often feels like water - constantly wrapping around you; not changing in intensity but instead shaping to the way you need it to be. He is an angel and his love has been predestined; divine laws dictated it. Despite this, he knows that it doesn’t come without any work. His love is both an eternal attempt and admiration as well as divinely eternal. 
‘nothing in the world is single; all things by a law divine in one spirit meet and mingle. why not I with thine?—’
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THIRTEEN + “serenade” by Djuna Barnes.
for someone that is best characterzied as ‘impulsive’ you would expect the same to be the description of their love. but, thirteen fell for you impulsively and so quickly that actually wording it, actually sounding it out and allowing herself to be so vulnerable was hard. rejection would destroy her after she finally found you. she doesn’t ask you to come, she just asks you not to leave. she thinks that being, uncharacteristically, quiet about the love but expressing it as if it was actually spoken - would make your own feelings reach that cliff of impulse and it would all come crashing down. you would come right into her arms. in this love, you were the first one who had to start it by saying something - but once you did - that was everything she had been waiting for.
‘three paces in the moonlight’s glow I stand, and here within the twilight beats my heart. i’m not asking you to finish, but—to start.’
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MEPHISTOPHELES + “i am not yours” by Sara Teasdale
He belongs to one of those that refuses to admit the true reason his gaze lingers on you. one of those who feels his fingertips tremble when you stand near while he chooses words opposite of that. what good would it be to admit that he is so utterly lost in you? he has expectations placed on him - how could he get lost like a simple snowflake in the sea with a human? you are so different from him and he swears that this distance will clarify the situation but, when distant from you - he grows even more lost. his love confession came as a surprise to himself the most. it was like rushing wind. denial means nothing when love plunges so deep.
‘i am not yours, not lost in you, not lost, although I long to be lost as a candle lit at noon, lost as a snowflake in the sea.’
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a/n: if you disagree with my choice of poems *shows you the list of my classes* i major in this and you’re wrong. this was so so fun but so hard?? because not only did i not want basic ass love poems; they had to fit the characters perfectly and they had to incorporate both the good and the bad since the game makes us see so much of their flaws. AND TO ADD TO THAT - THEY HAD TO BE GENDER NEUTRAL. tf u think i am?? to allow a poem mentioning she or him to slip inside and ruin your reading experience? 
i hope you enjoyed it!! 
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mossynebula · 5 months
TRC as songs from Unreal Unearth (Hozier)
EXTREMLY long post but I think its worth reading, Buckle up!!
Ronan: (De Selby part 1)
"At last when all of the world is asleep"
"to the bliss of not knowin' yourself"
"Bhfuilis soranna sorcha Ach tagais 'nós na hoíche, Trína chéile" (You’re all bright ease But you come on like night Entangled)
Kavinsky: (De Selby part 2)
"I wanna run against the world thats turning"
"I wanna run so far, I'd beat the morning"
"I dont need to know where we begin and end"
Prokopenko: (First Time)
"And the soul, if that's what you'd call it, Uneasy ally of the body"
" And some part of me must have died, the first time that you called me baby, and some part of me came alive the first time that you called me baby"
"but fighting off like all creation, the absence of itself"
Gansey: (Francesca)
"My life was a storm since I was born"
"I'd tell them put me back in it"
"I would still be suprised I could find you Darlin', in any life"
Skovron: ( I, Carrion (Icarian))
"If the wind turns, if I hit a squall, Allow the ground to find it's brutal way to me"
"If these heights should bring my fall, Let me be your own, Icarian carrion"
" I only pray, don't fall away from me"
Jiang: (Eat Your Young)
" Let me wrap my teeth around the world"
"put in front of the table, sellin' bombs and gun"
" You can't buy this, fineness, let me see the heat get to you"
Adam and Blue: (Damage Gets Done)
" Without shame, two outfits to my name"
" I heard once, it's the comforts that make us feel numb"
" You and I had nothing to show but the best of the world in the palm of our hands"
"If the car ran, the car was enough"
" That first car was like wings on an angel"
"But I know being reckless and young, is not how the damage gets done"
Swan: (Who We Are)
"Gettin' through still has a cost"
"To hold me like water, or christ, hold me like a knife"
"Chasing someone else's dream"
Noah: (All Things End)
"If there was anyone to ever get through this life, with their heart still intact, they didn't do it right"
" All that we intend, is scrawled in sand, it slips right through our hand"
"Never watched my future darken in a single tear"
(The entire choir section)
Declan: (To someone from a warmer climate)
"Uiscefhuaraithe" (water-cooled)
"all my dreamin', is only put to shame"
"There are some things that no-one teaches you, love That God in his awful wisdom first programs in"
Matthew: (Butchered Tongue)
"As a child, it was the place names Singin' at me as the first thing How the mouth must be employed in every corner of itself To say "Appalacicola" or "Hushpukena, " like "Gweebarra" A promise softly sung of somewhere else"
"But feel at home, hearin' a music that few still understand A butchered tongue still singin' here above the ground"
"And have your guarded heart be lifted like a child up by the hand In some town that just means "Home" to them With no translator left to sound"
Lynch Brothers: (Anything But)
"I'd fit all my joys and my pleasures in one perfect day I wish I was the sunlight, just sitting on the Mississippi I'd settle for a shopping trolley in the Liffey"
"I don't wanna be anything But I would do anything just to run away I don't wanna be anything like this at all"
"Look, I wanna be loud, so loud, I'm talking seismic I wanna be soft as a single stone in a rainstick I wanna be the thunder of a hundred thousand hooves moving quick If I was a stampede, you wouldn't get a kick I wanna be the shadow when my bright future's behind me I wanna be the last thing anybody ever sees"
Fox Way: (Abstract (Psychopomp))
"The feeling came late I'm still glad I met you"
"The memory hurts But does me no harm Your hand in my pocket To keep us both warm The poor thing in the road Its eye still glistening The cold wet of your nose The Earth from a distance"
"The speed that you moved The screech of the cars The creature still moving That slowed in your arms The fear in its eyes Gone out in an instant Your tear caught the light"
Gangsey and Dream pack: (First Light)
"Your eyes open, at first a thousand miles away But turning, shoot a silver bullet point-blank range And I can scarce believe what I'm believing in Could this be how every day begins?"
"The sky set to burst The gold and the rust The colour erupts You filling my cup The sun coming up
Like I lived my whole life Before the first light"
"One bright morning goes so easy Darkness always finds you either way It creeps into the corners as the moment fades A voice your body jumps to calling out your name But after this I'm never gonna be the same And I am never going back again"
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shivroy · 1 year
being a diehard shiv fan has worked out so well for me like it is still sort of surprising that she IS my fav fav fav because given what i know about myself i guess i wouldn't expect to love her? but maybe it's because she is SO MUCH more than an archetype. shes like a WORLD to me, as is every other main character (except greg lol), and i think that must have been what drew me in, purely how COMPLETE a character she is. the nuance, the erratic but ultimately entirely comprehensible and painful ways she responds to the fucked way she's treated - she is an abused person, and acting on her abuse - AND, thus, the totally fucked way she treats others. the way she perpetuates everything, the way she can't help it. the facial expressions sarah dances through just ACHE with what's going on inside her, every thought she leaves unsaid, and god does she bite her tongue often but you can feel how she feels through the screen every time. i really do feel like shiv as a character doesn't say a tenth of what she's thinking, but because of the lone fact of her being a woman, shes STILL treated, likeee, "shiv and her big mouth over here!!" but thats compounded with the fact that she is actually verbally clumsy. shes SILLY. she says things that are SILLY and REDUCTIVE and i love her. GOD!!! think about all the rants the brothers spout, at length, uninterrupted, and yes their dad hurt them just as bad but with shiv its "stop buzzing in my fucking ear". it hurts so much. she's got to put that hurt somewhere. jesus i love her. but anyways i think i would have expected to fall totally in love with roman given the fictional Dudes i have loved in the past and my propensity towards little weasels but 1. shiv got in first 2. i think now that i really know him as a character roman is just fundamentally too sad for me to like pour my soul into. just too crushing. roman Understanders who really Understand what makes him tick are so brave, i think the whole of his life is genuinely just too upsetting for me, and shivs is too, absolutely, but idk. she is fucking UNDENIABLE to me
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not-goldy · 7 months
Not to ruin the mood, I love Jimin so so so so much. But it just hurts my soul to see him with Taemin a known colorist 😭 I would like to know how others are feeling
That's alright you already killed the mood sis💀
But let's tak about it.
When my sister first moved to Seoul all she did was complain about the people over there. They were mean and rude and racist, colorist, texturists, homophobic you name it.
A few years later, she'd be the one to lecture you about cultural relativism and how some things have been so normalized in those parts of the world that she can't tell anymore if they do all those things to be mean or their just being Koreans.
I had a Nigerian friend too (not trying to come for my Omo Niaja people😩) who'd bleached her skin so much she was near passing as white- save for her under eyes knees, elbow, and knuckles. She was giving real life kunfu panda.
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I thought it was strange she'd do that and I complained to my other friend about it and he said, well what's wrong with being light skinned? I am light skinned. Do you think being darker makes you better than I am?
Imagine my shock and surprise😲
It occurred to me then how light skinned blacks also experience discrimination from the black community as well as nonblacks because they are perceived as not "black enough"
Colorism is insidious and prevalent even in media as light skinned black brothers are often overlooked for most roles and when they have to be casted at all they are cast in limited roles. Think Duke of Hastings and Bridgerton and all the roles dark skinned black actors fill as opposed to the light skinned poc actors on TV.
You can be black but will still not be black enough because you speak or sound a certain way, you'd hear you're "pretending to be black" you're pretending to be white, you're "an oreo" as if there's a proper and standard way of being black.
Black people are not monoliths. We come in all shades of black and from various cultures.
But Colorism is the cousin of racism and like racism it can be perpetuated by our own people- sneezing at Chris Brown. Goofy fella that one.
I am not going to defend Taemin.
I know his culture puts him at a disadvantage and exposes him to so many normalized behaviors that outside his culture is and would be construed as perpetuating oppression.
Kpop idols do undergo training and are educated on issues of racism and misogyny and other harmful practices indulged in innocuously. A little bit of self awareness will go a long way.
As long as he acknowledges this challenge, practices mindfulness and is ready to apologize for his actions and most importantly take steps not to repeate them I think he can be forgiven and shouldn't necessarily be "cancelled" for minor infractions.
The internet elves can be so sensitive at times💀
There's this concept in law called the principle of proportionality which is just common sense for the punishment must fit the crime.
You don't cut off people, or deplatform them for harms they've caused negligently unintentionally. Thats toxic and unlawful and extreme, cruel and unusual punishment- hate the crime and not the person as they say.
Saying all this to say, I, Jimin and others can love Taemin, be his friend and still condemn oppression in its various forms.
Expecting Jimin to cut off his closet friend, alienate him and ostracize him for his media blunders that aren't a true reflection of who he is at his core is toxic. True friends don't act like that. Let's be real.
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kayssweetdreams · 11 hours
The Perfect Finale Ch70
Yin stared in shock at the glowing Yang, who stared at him with a unreadable expression.
He shouted. Yang however gave a gentle smile back. "Oh Yin...a maestro never truly leaves Wonderworld..." she said, before giving a small snap. Suddenly, and without warning, the heart of Wonderworld reacted, and shot a blinding beam at Yin, making him scream in pain. Once it stopped, Yin looked smaller. He still towered over the town, but he was a more..."managable" size.
However, Yin wasn't going to just take it in stride. Locking his eyes to Yang, he unleashed some of his own power on her
He roared, creating an energy beam. Yang however just smiled and flew out of the way, gently grasping Kaylo's hand and pulling her along as well. The two of them then flew back to where the other human turned maestros were. "I can't hold this form forever. So I must inform you while I can. Maestros do have weaknesses. And Yin is no different. His power relies on the feeling of hopelessness. And everything he has done so far has been done to invoke that feeling." Yang explained.
It suddenly made sense. Kidnapping Kaylo the first time, returning to Wonderworld, his whole "Project X". "But should someone not lose hope, should they hold on to that small glimmer of faith. Yin's power will waver." Yang informed. "So...All we have to do is just not feel hopeless? That will fix this entire mess?" Eis asked with a raised eyebrow "Not just that. You have to SHOW him that it's not hopeless. Show Yin that even in the darkest of hours, there is still a ray of light." The former maestro said, a small sparkle appearing in her own eyes.
However, the ground rumbled again. Yin was getting angry. "I can buy you a little extra time to come up with a plan. But once I vanish, it will be up to you to finish Yin." Yang explained, as two orbs of blue appeared. She then shot up into the air, and narrowed her eyes at the red maestro. "Yin. I'm only going to say this once: It's not too late to stop this madness and right your wrongs. You were Banished from Wonderworld because you wanted control of something that isn't meant for one. But you can still redeem yourself and stop this insanity." Yang said, her voice pleading to him.
However, Yin wasn't interested. Nothing was going to stand in his way. Not now. Not the replacements. Not the false maestros. Not even Yang's own soul that was supposed to be one with the Wonderworld by now.
He bellowed. Yang, while saddened by the revelation, narrowed her eyes and the orbs in her hands grew brighter.
"If this is what its come to." She whispered "So be it."
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d-nessi · 1 year
<3 ONLY US <3
I really tried hard to put a lot of sweets, fluff and flirty things in. also a bit of drama (rly just a bit)
minimum of swearing.
Wordcount: 2k
proofread?: not really
as always I'm german so I hope my English is not that boring <333
the title of this chapter is the name of the song bella sang together with jacob fawler <333 I LOVE HER VOICE WHEN SHE SINGS!!! >__<
(this is not my video on yt :) )
also I use HE/SHE (just because I forget sometimes and also love using all)
and I can`t find if skipper is male/female so I tried to avoid the pronouns.
summary: You just want to enjoy the time until bella have to leave but things changes fast!
so fast you can`t even realize what just happen with both of you. time runs out too fast and things gonna be flirty and heating up your both blood more and more.
pairing: Bella Ramsey x FemReader
A bark comes from the other side of a door. Not any door….BELLAS door. yes I meet her at her Home.
The door opens and a little barking dog runns all around me excited to meet me. As soon as Bellas voice echoed in my ears skipper just sits beside her while she gets prepared for the walk.
"morning", bella says and put on the leash on skipper. "good morning" I greet her.
"isnt it a bit too cold outside for shorts?" I look at her with worries in my eyes. "its ok. I`m often outside, got an active immunsystem" he giggles proudly as we all start to walk into the beautiful world that is surrounded by huge trees, mountains and a small and absolutely clear river.
I look at skipper and smile. "I saw the post of yours on Insta. it is awesome that you adopted skipper."
"yeah skipper was on set and I instantly fell in love with the little cutie" she says happy while taking out the ball, throws it after making skipper off the leash.
"You both are such cuties" realizing I wasn't thinking I grab a stone and just throw it into the river while she looks like she's frozen for a moment with a noticable blush. Im moving on and can feel her gaze on me. Bellas heart starts to race and she tries to find the right words. "Y/N…What is this betwe---"
the mobile of her interrups suddenly the sentence I really wanted to hear.
"Ramsey hello?…….ah..yeah just go ahead…..no…sounds interresting…" that was a total lie. I can clearly see something is burden him.
"but how early?………in 2 days!?" he seems to getting really nervous.
"yes….no there is no problem. Will be there then…it`s still calgary?…ok yes thank you and see you there. bye" she puts her mobile back in her pocked obviously stressed out with a sad face.
"is everything ok? something happen?" I make my way to her as close as I can. "that was Neil Druckman….He asked if I could come sooner as he is currently casting a lot of people for Season 2 including the cast for Dina and he would like me to be there to make sure there is chemistry between me and the Dina cast."
Dont be a dick right now I thought to myself and put on the best fakesmile ever. "but that sounds good! Thats the best way to make this show even better." I pretend but yeah truly that wasn't a lie. "When earlier you must leave? in a week?" I don't realize how serious things getting right now.
"2 days…." she says in a frustrating way and grabs skippers leash only to move on quietly. "Bella…there will be friends on set right? pedro and all the new friends you gonna meet!
"I'll be gone for like 1 or 2 years. yeah great I mean....shit I cant believe this is happening!" she starts to arguing with a face as if Lady Mormont itself wanna cut your head of. Scary and so cute at the same time.
"But this is your chance to make it big again! what the hell is your problem!?" honestly right now Im really confused. She looks at me and I can feel my soul leaving my body.
"BUT you're not with me!"
oh…wait what? She looks at me like a puppy who got lost. "you're a really good friend and sometimes on set it's so boring. most of the time they want to do their work and after that Im in my hotelroom…just me." I am not shure if this is the true reason like…come on they seem to have so much fun on set.
Bu…did….did she just friendzoned me?
I could work from my Laptop I thought to myself and took a deep breath. "well how get we gonna managing this? in 2 days? I need to do some things that's left" I start
"I will talk to my manager and fix everything if you want" she looks at skipper who's just sitting beside her trying to comfort her. "that's huge bella" I admit but smile slightly at her."
"well ok so than lets start and get ready for the flight" I say calm and she smiles so bright even the sun seems dark. I look deep in her eyes and a red shade on her cheeks find its way.
Our way seperate after the walk and I manage to get work and flight together. There's only one problem………
Again a knock on the door. Skipper barks again and the door swings open.
"hey aaaah….." staying here infront of my future wife with all my luggage. "the flight is in two days Y/N" obviously looking confused.
" yeah there is only one thing. I gave notice of my apartment for a whole year, but that counts from today and not just in 2 days.
Now I'm standing here and wanted to ask you if I could sleep at your home." She laughs and let me in. "It's not very big and I only have one bed but I just sleep on the couch" she says while showing me around. "No no, I sleep on the couch, no problem." I just wave with my hands.
Looking to her there is this feeling again. I'm slowly but surely becoming aware of what it means to have this tingling sensation. it drives me crazy and the thought of being close to her is almost painful. I don't know where I stand with her anymore but definitely not in the 'come on let's cuddle zone'.
She just want to be friends with me. I hate my fucking feelings and I try my best to ignore.
I already thought she might feel the same but I was so wrong….so fucking wrong it makes me sick. Sometimes I wish I have a Damon that could just stop feeling any emotions but I just watched to much vampire diaries.
"it's late, I make some dinner and go shower. if you want we can watch a movie later." she grabs some ingredients in her kitchen.
"sounds good! You need a hand for something?"
"no it's ok. if you want you can shower first", he looks to me with a questioning face and I agreed.
"you have a towel? or is it enough to come out of the shower completely naked?" I simply ask cought him offguard looking completely blushing at all my words. here we go I can't stop teasing him.
While I'm in the shower I thought deeply about telling her how I feel. I just can't go with her and not even touch her for once. Being in love with someone you can't have is pure agony.
"smells good" I come out of the shower and really thought about to just tease her more and changing my clothes in front of her. I smirk and was about to drop my towel when she immediatly turns arround and disappears into the bathroom.
I giggle and take a bowl of food eating and waiting for her to come out. After 30 minutes I started to worry and went to the door.
"Bella are you ok?" I carefully listened to what she is saying. "Yes, everything is fine," she conveyed to me. Lie…….. and I didn't know that because she's sitting in the shower letting the water run over her the whole time. Bella was confused and she is more than aware of what is happening here. Too shy to admit what she's feeling, she prefers to swallow all the great feelings and hope it goes away. funny because that's absolutely hopeless. it's getting worse, more and also….she friendzoned me."shit…." she mumblet.
I make myself comfortable on the couch and wait impatiently when she finally comes out in an oversized hoodie and shorts. She gives me a nervous smile and sits on her bed with her bowl.
"ok movie..any favorite you want to watch?" I ask and wait for her to awnser. "I'v never watched Jurassic Park so why not this?" she ask and I agree.
I start the movie and make myself comfortable on her bed beside her ignoring my heartbeat that just dance like a fire in the wind. Bella looks to the TV and follows the story.
I lay back with my Hands behind my Head. Jeeeeezz I can feel the Air is getting more intense and I don't blame it cause hell there is sitting an absolutely beautiful guuurl beside me not knowing what I feel, not knowing that my heart gets electrocuted by her smile. I coul'd just take her face in my hands and kiss her blessed soul out of her.
I didn't even realize that my eyes only watching him. Studying every corner of his face and hell this is painfull when you can't do the things you really wan't to do. Thoughts are buzzing in my head that even scare me.
She's been looking at me…the whole time and I'm so preoccupied I don't even realize it. My heart is literally jumping and my whole body can't take the tension anymore.
"Don't you want to finish your question from the day before?" I say without averting my eyes.
"I already did…" she whispers as if trying with all her might to keep up the lie but failing.
"than say it…again" I come closer like I want to intimidate her.
She blushes and I can clearly hear her breath goes wild. I already know the answer and still words wouldn't be enough for me. The gap between us is getting smaller and smaller so that I can feel her breath on my lips when suddenly her mobile rings. AGAIN ..I swear that thing has something against us.
She completely shreeks up and takes her phone. She answers with a trembling voice. "H… hello? No, Mom, you're not disturbing me right now." Her face turned bright red, first looking at me and than very quickly to her lap. She can brush her mum off while I got up in time to have a drink. crap…. I just thought silently. It's getting late now, so I decide to lie down on the couch and turn off the TV.
"good night Y/N" she lays down in her bed and it's like I can hear still her breath.
As if the breathing almost becomes a whimper. I wake up and see that it is totally dark outside. a look at the clock tells me that it's already 2:42am. The whimper comes from Bella's direction so I just turn around again. Is she crying? I startle immediately and walk carefully to her bed. There she lies… curled up and asleep. She must be having a nightmare.
"No…" I only hear a very low murmur. Enough of that…. I just snuggle up with her under the covers behind her back. An arm wraps around her as I snuggle my face in her hair. She smells so good I have to keep my thoughts to myself. She feels me and startles, turning to me out of breath but hiding her face on my neck.
In the corner of my eye I can see that she is quite red with slight tears in her eyes. I just smile, caress her cheek and literally feel my heart want to erupt. I give her a hint of a kiss on the cheek and close my eyes as I wait for her breathing to become more regular.
There's only us…only you and me I thought smiling and fell asleep together with her in my arms.
WOOP WOOP that was soooo freak'n cute to write and that's just the beginning <333 there will be more Chapter and next chapter is getting moooore snuggle loveydovey <333 :P
For more Chapters, stories and more just look at my Masterlist ♡
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All About The Trines Pt. 1 : Sun's Rising
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Alright, so today's focus is about the beautiful trines in astrology.
Whether its in the natal chart, synastry, or even a transit. Trines are very interesting associations that connect the planets together. It is a natural force that takes just a tiny bit of effort, but once you get a taste of it, you gotta pull its string a little. Just so you can get more of it. When you do this, it'll become a stronger sensation. And it will mean much more throughout your lifetime (natal) if you play your cards right.
So whatever planets you have trine in your chart, also look to the houses. Because it shows that the energies of these houses blend together to create something natural, powerful, and authentic.
So, here is a few observations I have on some trines. This'll be part 1 because there is so many, but if you feel I missed yours or your just interested in learning different trines in any chart, feel free to let me know and I can add it in pt.2.
So you ready? Lets ride.
Sun trine Moon
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To have this in a natal chart shows theres a compassionate nature that comes out of the individual. They have a creative force that is authentic, yet inspirational. Interesting, but very divine. You attract people like honey, and your words fuel the gates to return to heaven. I mean that seriously. Its a beautiful placement overall. It has this flow that is strong, yet soft. Blissful, yet hard to come by. These people seem to be protected by a hidden force that is deeply felt. Like their connected to the archangels or something. A sun trine moon individual must weave their power in order to get into their bag. In order to truly capture this, they must allow their souls to express itself freely. And whatever feelings come out of the surface is what they should allow to flow through air, and allow others to flow with its being.
Sun trine Jupiter
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A person with this special persona is up for a real treat. Lucky experiences can take shape in the houses these two planets are in. They change abruptly, thats jupiters domain. This release they feel comes from the brain, and out into the world. The body holds onto this magic, and awaits for it turns to absorb any more of it that they can get. This is so that when the time is right, they can create realities out of thin air. And have a magical race into the sunset. Lol. its a one of a kind placement.
So lets get serious for a bit, sun trine jupiter placements have a knack for picking up on the finest lines of social stimulation. So much so, they tend to get into fortunate experiences every chance they get. They know to take a chance and to allow things to come in when need be. Optimistic nature is a given, so they dont work to hard to get what they need/want. This might be different if Jupiter is in retrograde, as time and time again it will show a different discretion. Hoping for something different and not getting the results (we will talk about retrograde planets in aspects later). Overall, this placement is a natural force of divine intervention, and a worthy placement to have when you're feeling good & lucky.
Sun trine Mars
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There energy is always up for the challenge. Their honestly gifted in areas where their soul can jump into high intensity inducing things. Their energy is powerful, strong and vital. And this type of placement needs more time and structure than any other. It is because this placement needs time to focus its energy onto something, as martians typically need to put themselves on overdrive to use up some of that intensity they have in their bodies. Their expression (sun) ties real well with the bold like persona (mars) of an individual who knows what they want. These people are pretty confident naturally, and need no ones help on getting to what they desire. Although it would be nice, these placements typically know their way around. Because it is a trine, its flow and force is deeply penetrating. I would say this makes them more well liked but it isn't true. Martians tend to be unlikeable due to unconfident people or others not being able to catch the flow they have and tame it. Its inspirational by nature because it uses its force to capture an authentic moment that describes who they are. Their just naturally equipped to due dangerous things, or things people are too scared to do and shy away from, This is what makes them sexy. If you have this placement or anyone with it, please tell them to try new things that dare them to go above and beyond. You dont know what'll make of it, thats the surprise all along. It's truly a one of its kind.
Sun trine Pluto
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Ah, the gift that keeps on giving. Here, I believe this placement can be very authorative. It has a special quality to it where people who heal others can weave their ability to make amends with the psyche and what wounds they've been carrying around for some time, and open up to a higher awakening so that their souls can meet a new cycle they've been dreaming of for a while.
These individuals have what it takes to move on from cycles that no longer serve them. Their energy is built on capturing the moment to when it times to breathe their last, they are transforming into the next big thing. Every single time. It's like the butterfly effect but in human form. Its capable of treating others in a way that reflects back into their inner circle. That domain they keep their hidden selves in up until they meet a sun/pluto individual. You make them wonder what its like to live on the other side. On edge. On an emotional rollercoaster, but the one that shares its joy and authenticity at the end of the ride. It makes you wonder, what are they truly hiding? Because they make themselves look so well put together after everything done.
Sun trine Saturn
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Structure & Foundation is a karmic blessing for them. They do have a gift inside of them that helps them get through the day. They understand that things really don't come as hard, but as easy as people say. I love this placement simply because there is a sense of maturity already present in the individual, that they don't need to oversell it and potentially lose their childhood. They kind of know what they want and what they have to do to get it respectfully so they can grow into that thing they are looking into. It's like a person who is consciously aware they're like a 'tree', one that grows with time and can't be rushed.. so their patience for things is really top tier (unless they have other placements with mars that say otherwise). They naturally carry a sense of wisdom that is given to them by birth, and they tend to know what their talking about early on. Even if they haven't gone thru it themselves. Great and carrying personas and could be like teachers even at a young age. A wonderful placement to catch in the chart.
Sun trine Neptune
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Oh my gawd. These wonderful placement holders have a GIFT from God. Naturally empathetic, intuitive, and can really see into the soul. Their so talented in what they do and what they come up with and they intrigue people (like their sun/uranus buddies) in a propelling way. They are the light that the world needs when things get to ugly, to dark, to serious. They connect to the ethers in a way that others may have forgotten, or have never knew before. The way sun trine neptune can pick up on energies before it shows up in the room, or the way they are able to read other people and understand the differences between them and others makes them likeable and rejected by society at the same time. Like I said, they can be pretty interesting. But there connection to the stars is unmatched.
Sun trine Uranus
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Compelling natures. Quick-witted. And has a looooooad of information in those brains that can't go unnoticed. Literal geniuses in those little bodies of theirs. Their intellectual but their force is so much more than that. You can't keep up with them. Their literally 20 years away while everyone is trying to catch up. Make fun of them now, copy them later. It's the usual. They know they shock the world, but do they care? Not exactly. There is an innate understanding on how the world works, and their rebellion is far past the way society moves. They're just different, theres nothing for them to prove. They ease into this as they age as well.
Sun trine North Node
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Rahu has its mark here.. Very interesting considering that their mortal enemies. In a trine its no different. These two have a fiery nature when together. So a person with this in a natal chart have a drive that is incapable of stopping any time soon. There destiny wants it, but do they need it? They have to go with the flow, which is incredibly interesting because trines work that way. But with rahu against the sun? Whew. They got some work to do. If it’s talent you wanna see, then with this placement you just might get it. You gotta work hard at it though because rahu isn’t letting up lol.
Sun trine South Node
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Beneficial factors play here because ketu is sweetened with the suns magic. Your souls purpose becomes a factor in a way that you aren't creating anything out of thin air, it just comes to you. Your soul's spirit was ready to take on the mission since the day you was born. So you're capable of anything. You just have to wait for the right time, because it's divine intervention that takes the cake here.
I hope you guys enjoyed this small interp on the trines connecting to the sun! Beautiful placements.
Also if anyone was wondering, the sun cannot trine venus and mercury since they can't be no more than two signs away from each other. Hope that helps.
Anyways, if you have any questions feel free to ask in the comments!
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not-souleaterpost · 1 month
Not going back on my word, just forgot to post a dump of "ENTP Crona" stuff I planed to just post all at once in a year, but after trying to stop doing stuff like that, I just thought I post what I had and be done with it.
, the thing even I don't really find funny, but I think I have to do it to get it out and book end it. A lot of it isn't really funny, some of it may sound a bit edgy or abrasive, but it's just in good fun, still putting it under the "keep reading thing" because of the amount and shittyness of the "content" Enjoy or yeah...sorry
ENTP Crona experiencing a soul rejection, screaming in agony because of not being able to deal with figuring out if "video games are art" or "video games aren't art" is the more contrarian oppinion at the moment
ENTP Crona reading shizophrenia symptoms on google "Wow, he is literally me"
ENTP Crona fleeing into the desert, going down a hole to cry
Ragnarok "Wait, the cow already killed Medusa a year ago, why we doing this bitch shit again?"
ENTP Crona "I posted a deliberately controversial and edgy meme into the group chat again, when they all see it, I wont be able to deal with how angry everyone will be..."
Soul: "You cant just nonstop spam shit on the internet, people will think you don't have a life"
ENTP Crona: "But I kinda don't..."
Soul: "Still writting on every single subject for 10 hours straight must be tiring and exhaustive, take a break"
ENTP Crona: "But I wrote everything in the last 5 minutes
Soul: "Heh, dont like partys either? Guess reading the room can be stressful even for somebody as cool as me sometimes-"
ENTP Crona "No, I can read it just fine, just then choose to say the thing that sets the roof on fire and regret it five seconds later.
ENTP Crona trying to figure out if Maka subscribes to the theory that Holden is a child abuser himself in "The Catcher in the Rye", only if yes, to arguee that not even the creep teacher was one and it is a misreading, and its actually about idk, read it in school so cant even come up with an explantion.
ENTP Crona trying to cheer up a crying Maka, after she got made fun of for liking bad music by Soul
"No, I like Speeding bullet 2 heaven too! Well except the Beavis and Butthead skits, even I am not that contrarian"
ENTP Crona curled up in the corner of the dark dungeon, not able to face the world, cause liking Ringo Star is to mainstream now but changing to hating him is just too painful...
ENTP Crona after everyone gets confronted with their lives just being fiction
"Well actually I prefere the anime ending"
But after mostly everyone agrees
"But, actually the manga works in a certain way afterall-"
ENTP Crona during the anime only scene where Maka and Crona talk about Maka's mom - its the same scene lol, remember those 4th wall breaking snide comments Crona barely managed to not blabber out loud lol
ENTP Crona "Marvel movies were allways bad"
Marie "Oh you aren't dumb and incompetent!"
ENTP Crona "Why did it took me 8 hours to put together the IKEA table?"
Marie "Oh dont be to hard on yourself, screwing in the table legs upside down could happen to anybody!"
Maka confronting Medusa: I'm here to save ENTP Crona and Mary!
Medusa: Nah, they both are still stuck in the maze going in circles
ENTP Crona after a tourist asks for directions in Death City: "I'll be honest, even though I am living here for years now, I myself cant deal finding my home without google maps"
ENTP Crona "I'm the Joker, baby! (Jared Leto version)"
ENTP Crona "-oh so a glorbo, or smol bean, cinamon bun is a charachter like Paulie from the Sopranos!"
ENTP Crona after trying to read "Finnegans Wake" "Damn, thats how high I still have to climb..."
ENTP Crona watching X:RA "Wow, I actually get 90 percent of the wordplay! This show is great!"
MGMT Patty : "Time to pretend..."
*ENTP Crona visualising all the different ways to take out and kill the people around*
Ragnarok "And I thought I was the psychopath! We aren't even eating souls anymore, whats guipi wrong with you?
ENTP "Grocery shopping is boring and I thought about the 3 different storys I'll never write down enough for one hour..."
ENTP Crona "-and that's why the metodology that is used to diagnose diseases by only relying on a checklist of data points that may have many different origin points is flawed
Stein "I am the doctor with 10 years experience, take your antibiotics prescription and get out!"
Stein, litting a cigarete after ENTP Crona goes out after apologising "Damn, the kid may be right, shit..."
ENTP Crona be like "Actually, I think Epstein is still alive"
ENTP Crona "Yeah Myerrs brigs and Horrorscopes are the same... Because they both actually are describing something and aren't completly wrong, if you know you know...
ENTP Crona actually getting a tatoo even though it is a stupid thing to do in general, because thats the only way to remember Maka's birthday. Cause aint nobody remembering more than 4 digits...
ENTP Crona using all experience and time to reflect, to start a dramatic uplifting speech that leads into Maka defeating the Kishin with a punch- Ah wait thats just what happened in the anime again lol
ENTP Crona: "I wore a dress for most of my life, yet that is not as embarassing as riding on an electric scooter"
ENTP Crona "Oh ofcourse I'm to scatterbrained and lazy to actually finish a webcomic, that's why I included an in universe callout by a charachter, so I will stay motivated out of spite and want of being better than those, proving the mean pixels wrong!"
ENTP Crona: -the setting being the aftermath of a nuclear testing site is a brilliant synedoche of our society pre and post world war 2, how the atomic age is nearly unrecognisable, being both so much more advanced that previous incarnations do not even look human in retrospect, while exagerating ourselfs into cartoon versions of ourselfs do to paranoia and stereotypes, shared faster and faster, that we soak up like Sponges, being the perfect worker and consumer in one - in a way thats Rock Bottom, the breakdown of communication, only restored by recognising the humanity of the other, even if they look at us with even more potent disgust than we already do.
Maka: Wait, I thought these iceberg videos were just supposed to list of fun facts and triva about Spongebob
ENTP Crona: What gave you that idea, Maka?
TERF Maka: I STILL hate J K Rowling
EC: "Borat is racist-"
M: "No the joke is that he exposes the prejudices of the common american person-"
EC "against Kazakhstanis"
M: "No no- wait... you are right..."
EC: "If MF Ghost was with the culture, it would have used Phonk instead of Eurobeat"
EC: "Where the fuck is Marioh Judah?"
*EC annoys excalibur into quitting*
EC :"Im like prince, everybody thinks In gay but actually im homophobic-"
EC: "Non-cellular phones actually had their purpose - like if somebody called them, you would either know nobody is home, or the person who answered could either inform you where the one you are calling is if you didnt reach the person or just find them - also the fact it was in the same spot ment nobody lost it and could allways find it when needed and it never ran out of battery, also-"
M: "If you don't like the phonecase I gifted you just say so...
R: "Dude, dont we still use mirrors for comunication"
EC "Think Im constrained by the limitations of canons?"
TRAD Tsubaki "Well they didn't make a sign of the cross in the church, so they kinda deserved being slayn by Ragnarok..."
M "Hey you are looking down, everything ok?
EC "Thanks for caring, but the thing is, to explain it all, all the connections and reasons and evidence would make me just look more weird and whiny, and this all, including the fact that I cant even say why I cant say without being whiny and long winged is part of it...
EC "I used trouble not descending into negative loops of self pity and disgust with myself and the world... But then I just developed a hyperfixation on not-having-hyperfixations"
???? Death: IDK
EC *reading the bible* "It even predicted people obssesing over lolcows with the whole golden calf story, damn...
EC: Rip Kissinger
EC: Slouching? No, I'm just posture-divergent
EC: I do love myself - one has to love even their biggest enemy...
EC in the future:
M: Are you really ready for children?
EC: I accidentally watched a trailer for despicable me 4, and after hearing all the pandering 80s song and repetitive family hinjix humor I just thought "Oh, how cozy would this be to watch with my Kids and Wife!"
So yeah, I CAN deal with it
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trashworldblog · 10 months
so beth good omens huh
[s1 spoilers ahead]
its really good and i have alot of emotions that i havent quite worked out yet. but heres some thoughts:
- Very Good
- this healed a part of my former catholic currently religiously traumatized soul. obviously a show like good omens would hurt some sore spots, even unintionally just due to the aesthetics, right? WRONG. i never thought id be able to watch something that has to do with religion and not feel uncomfortable. but somehow, i got through the entire first season without feeling that discomfort. maybe ive grown, maybe its the show. but the way they... did... well, everything felt so disconnected from the catholicism i grew up with.
and the show is obviously catholic (at least to my experience) everything is story book catholicism, and yet... it feels different. maybe its god being a woman of color (i believe?) adam and eve being people of color, the gay angel and demon eye fucking every so often, and the honest depiction of first testimant things being Fucked Up, even for a demon, feels so disconnected from the white washed, hateful, church i grew up with. so it didnt hurt watching it. not for a second. and that made me incredibly happy.
- the use of queen music is killing me and so fucking perfect. first of all, all bangers. obviously. its queen. second, theres something about queen, and its place in the queer community, mirroring nicely with crowley and aziraphale. i cant quite put it to words yet.
- the camera angles in heaven being incredibly uncomfortable and awkward, literally warping the angles to be gigantic monsters. if they used normal camera angles and focus lenses, heaven wouldnt look too off. empty and barren, yes, but otherwise fine. using these low or up close shots makes my neck sweat and physically want to lean away from my tv. so good!!!! immediately shows they are very much not the heros in this story. also heavan and hell wanting war so bad showed that heavan was NOT on humanity's side. they were on heavans side. it made a beautiful common enemy for aziraphale and crowley and the humans to be up against. i hope they explore aziraphale and crowley and humanity vs the afterlives in the future.
- GAY PEOPLE!!!! THEY ARE SO IN LOVE!!!! AND AFRAID!!!! i hope they use this break after saving the world and showing their people theyre invincible to holy water/ demonic fire to get together!!!! they wont but i can dream!!!
- the idea of people always watching and keeping score is so terrifying when you think about it. no wonder theyre terrified. theyre existence is to just do what angels and demons do. and they have to do that forever without break. can you imagine how exhausting that must be?
maybe for a regular demon and angel thats fine, but aziraphale and crowley are a bit more then that. theyre in a slight gray area, and it cant be easy to do ONLY holy or ONLY evil things. add on to that the horrors of being on earth for a long time. you cant get attached to much. people die, things go out of style, animals and plants go extinct, libraries and art burn, things get lost and lost media is heartbreaking.
-the actors are really good. like these mfs are in LOVE LOOK AT THEIR EYES. wow. best "im in love with you but im hiding it" eyes ive ever seen. also i need to watch the finale again to appreciate the body language used to show that theyre in swapped bodies.
- the plot is really good and interesting!! i was afraid of missing crowley and aziraphale when we switched to adam or the witch hunter or the witch but i didnt miss them most of the time! i was super intrested in how adam would turn out without crowley or aziraphale's influence. and the witch stuff was pretty interesting too! some times i got a little lost in it all and got distracted, but tbh thats the adhd experience so.
-theyre so stupid and yearning and blind to eachothers emotions i love it
conclusion: good show! i am reading alot of fanfic about it and i started a side blog to store some good omens stuff on. i enjoy this blog being my personal and watcher blog, and i kinda wanted to have a good omens layout so, sideblog! ill still reblog some good omens things here, but most of it will be over there.
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thefluxqueen · 1 year
*kicks the door down* i NEED to know more about darkwoods!Snake our timezones don’t match enough to me to play and find out for myself i NEED the c!Snake infodump pls
Why hello there Ghast :) I Have Many Thoughts thank u for asking.
okay so like
Snake originated in my old mc server, the piss pit smp, which i will henceforth refer ta as the pit for politeness sake. in that friend group i go by Snake more so my chara became c!Snake and the name carried over inta darkwoods :) on that note! their like, timeline is starting in the pit -> kaizo caverns -> darkwoods
to expand on alla that, in the pit they were a simple bird guy potion seller who was childhood friends w/ my friend's chara Bee and tormented the leader of the local city state and the server's owner/god for fun <3 Alot happened w/ the gods of the server and it ended in my friend beetle’s chara slowly destroying the integrity of the world itself in their grief, and somewhere near the end of it all when everyfin was tearin itself apart, Snake.. slipped through the cracks. not on purpose, but while everyone else had the help of another god to escape the world, Snake fell through on their lonesome. the thing about the pit is it was a server not really, ment to be left, so the world didn't really take kindly them doing so.
Snake ended up in Kaizo Caverns, a super hostile map i was very obsessed w/ for a while like right before joining darkwoods, so my brain was like 'hey wouldnt it be funny to connect these-' and what that lead to is me tormenting my little bird guy <33 by virtue of kaizo caverns bein in version 1.2.5 Snake's wings just, dont work and for pragmaticism he ties them together and to himself so they dont move/get in the way.
i personally played the map for like 18 somefin hours but i translated that inta Snake bein stuck in there for like, several months, dont really got a specific timespan for that
i kept a death counter while playin cause i am very much not good at video games, and those deaths + the general trials and tribulations of havin ta eat rotten flesh at several points and conserving food/resources and spending an increadibely long time traversing the caverns while on edge, all together form inta Woah This Bird's Traumatized LMAO
During those many months Snake was basically entirely isolated, Except! sometime pretty early on they found a half busted headset, which they procceded ta wear constantly but only Occationally got any sort of signal. those brief moments are how they met @kishdoodles' character redac! snake got a reprieve from the loneliness and over the months they went from strangers to friends even if it was just in snapshots, this was basically me rationalizing why kish let me immediatley move inta their house/backyard when i joined the server lmao
after snake completes kaizo caverns they like, fall Again inta darkwoods (havent really thought too hard inta that transition specifically akjwrk woo dimension travel!) and i ORIGINALLY deemed darkwoods his retirement arc after alla that shit in the caverns,,, little did i know,,,
i join darkwoods and im faffin about, live in a hole behind kish's cabin/farm, sign my soul away to @renchant and join Deep Dark Deals, yaknow, the ush. and then i decide ta make the abyss. the thing is, when i was buildin the first abyss it was completely seperate ta Snake's whole deal i was like this is just ta torment my friends its got its own personal lore but its not connected ta my guy yaknow. But Then I Built The Second One
somewhere in the process of building that i decided that oh hey, wouldnt it be cool if Snake built this one, since the whole deal w/ the abyss is that it infects people ta build other ones. and now here we are kajwekrkjewkj
Snake has been once again buried and isolated, see the lines from the book they wrote thats in the 2nd abyss: 'a person made for the sky buried over and over and over again.' 'Must be fate at this point. Rooted to the earth whether I like it or not.' ummm,,, sad! 
several consequences of the 2nd abyss is that its slowly sapping Snake's like, ability to feel emotion and kinda retaining that for itself, and 2.) since Snake went completley missing, Redac went to hunt them down and uhhhh died in the 2nd abyss! whoops! kish wrote a will for them that's at their cabin and  o guh gwe ;-; that shit makes me tear up every time i read it,,, wtf,,,, mc rp really hits diferent man.
annnd thats where we are atm! <3 in regards ta like, personality Snake is basically just me but like, a bit more abrassive/assholely id say, i once described them as 'distinguished fucked up' durin the pit days n tbh that still tracks LMAO
other miscellaneous things are that for like, each period of snake's life they have a specific tool they hold onta the most: fishing rod for the pit, sword for the caverns, axe for early darkwoods, and pickaxe for post abyss :3, snake's got a lil bee charm he useda have in his hair but moved ta his waist that like represented his childhood friend :0 ive recently decided that they also keep an old feather of redac's on the same string, and snake not havin a soul definitely has an effect on how easily the abyss infected them/fucked em up
ON LAST THING, on darkwoods, I have a habit of wearing player heads insteada a helmet cause we have that plugin that drops heads n i think its fun, and i do this Constantly enough so that you and other members have mentioned u really only see my skin’s face on heads of my own scattered around LMAO. the way i draw this is as Snake wearin hand painted masks of people’s faces <3 just girlie things
and thats basically it! i Will forget somefin n come back later but uhhh bird infodump be upon yeh :3 have some doodles: (Old doodle of pit era Snake and post abyss snake w/ a Pilot mask)
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lolexjpg · 4 months
dts s4 e1-3
e1: -OK this was my first dts epsiode EVER it is so special and nostalgic 2 me its the start of EVERYTHING i do not accept s4 slander in this house!!!!!! -daniel is SO optimistic abt mclaren thats so sad 😭😭😭😭 -i think as a first episode for me this was GREAT for setting the scene. this is the first time in the entire series where they have a dedicated segment to the team principals and their rivalries and i think that is so so so important to be able to look at it through that lense moving forward -"[bottas] was moaning and bitching like you wouldn't believe" ok whatever u say moaning and bitching multi-world champion christian horner -"toto inhereted something already well oiled" wasn't brawn/mercedes struggling till he came along or am i wrong. like he joined and a year later they won their first championship. like am i missing something -"darling, i'm not riding bottas" is such an underrated iconic dts quote -i wish i was fuckin there to see nikita crash in his first fucking lap. iconic -love it when commentators say "oh thats a reaaaally interesting strategy call" its clearly code for what the fuck are they doing -i'm so jealous of yall who got to watch this race season live this opening round is SUCH a narratively beautiful start of the season and dts captures it well!!
e2: -i've started watching this while manicly cleaning my apartment so i have nothing to say abt the beginning bit soz -max f cameo!!! v important 2 me :) -michael & daniel are so kaylor coded to me. i know some ppl are like "oh they were never friends they were just coworkers" and i'm like CLEARLY thats full of shit just bc they've fallen out doesnt mean you need to retcon the friendship they had. its sad to see when it was good bc clearly there were good parts. if only we could know -this is the danny ric girlie orgin story 2 ME LETS FUCK SHIT UP -this is such an iconic lando episode 2 me as well! "1 nill down already fuck shit fuck" thats MY baby nothing has changed clearly -"the fireworks for me?" "they can be" 🥺🥺🥺🥺 -"what if i'm just a cunt" is such an important daniel quote to me it is actually deep LISTEN. why must we be expected to be calm n collected n positive in the face of adversity. why must we put on a brave face. our negative emotions deserve to exist without defining us. ANYWAY -i never even remember what exactly happens each monaco weekend i just know that ferraris gonna shit the bed somehow -OH this episode was the FIRST time i opened ao3 carlando interact for like 10 seconds at the end of the episode and i was immediately oh theres DEFINITELY fic of them fucking. in abundance. i just know it
e3: -having season 4 be the first season i watched just permanently altered my brain chemistry the 4433 brainrot is REAL they get near eachother on track i go NUTS they are everything to me. you'd ship them too if you werent a coward -LOVE every single segment with susie. she is so wise i could listen to her narrate the whole f1 season all day -pierre still doing red bull's dirty work i see OH MY GOD HES NEVER GONNA PICK YOU -ROSCOE -unfortunately i am still and will always be a mercedes girl in my SOUL. my bad -i think lewis is taking the piss when he talks abt not being an aggressive driver. is he the /most/ aggressive driver? no. but christian is unfortunately right. also reminds me of how in the 07-08 season there was a race where he got a huge penalty bc he was "too aggressive" and there was all sorts of talk abt how he was too aggressive of a driver 🙄🙄 anyway 4433 cinematic parallels -the way ppl STILL bring this crash up gets me mad like i promise no one was trying to have a nasty crash on purpose--they just happen sometimes. no one should fault lewis for celebrating either--it was his home race and he could've easily not know and you think max would want his apologies and platitudes? NO. also currently they're both clearly not hung up on it so idk why (mostly max fans) (only some obviously) are still hung up on it. "lewis could've killed max" and max could've killed lewis in monza in that case they're fucking even let it fucking go -but there is no way that boy wasnt CONCUSSED as FUCK you can just tell with that 1000 yard stare they shouldn't have let him drive again so quickly tbh -however i DO agree w toto saying max gets away w/ driving aggressively bc most ppl will bail out and i do think that is somewhat true. not to say max is the only driver with this mindset but i do think theres some truth to that -aldskjfalksjfalksdjf im looking up articles abt the incident and this reddit thread said that alex thought the penalty was fair i am KISSING HIM on the mouth
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doctorweebmd · 5 months
so i saw you reblogging this https://www.tumblr.com/doctorweebmd/738744278835150848 (i hope the link will work?? it's the post about wanting to write soul snatching stories etc) and i wanted you to know that everything you wrote for a litany of love and loss is this to me. these two fics are some of my favorite pieces of mha fanfic and honestly count among my favorite pieces of writing of all time. they killed me dead. i left a comment but i keep thinking about it so i thought i'd reiterate because i cried my eyes out questioned my existence and dissociated for two (2) whole hours while listening to the playlist. i still listen to the playlist on the regular and think about the Themes and Execution and Story Choices and how well everything fit together and ahgghhgh. there are sentences in the first part that just. live in my head rent free. ("when i was god, i weighed the scales of the world against your continued existence, and found the answer obvious" aaaoughhhh oof i can't cope) i don't have the words but i'm so excited to read it again when it'll have settled in my mind a bit.
(and like. in general while im bad at commenting i love your writing, ive ate up everything you've written for mha and i kinda want to get into bsd just so i can read your recent pieces. so. there you go qidjkskfif i hope it's ok to send this. i'm going on anon because social anxiety is a bitch)
(╥﹏╥) i literally have tears in my eyes. honestly honestly. this is embarrassing i dont even know how to express my gratitude - i've just been sitting here trying to find a way to thank you for this without sounding insane lmao. it feels like you reached across time and space and pulled me out of a self-deprecating spiral lmao thank you so much for your kindness and for taking the time to write this like. you dont know how much it means. haha. lol?
ESPECIALLY BECAUSE THATS ONE OF MY FAVORITE LINES. Because Deku literally IS a god in the shape of a boy. He has infinite power and such a finite heart. And he loves so completely and so deeply and not only could it destroy him it could destroy EVERYTHING around him. Every time I think of Izuku growing up never having met Katsuki... just how gray the world must have looked in front of him... aldfjalksdfjlaks argh!!! don't have me thinking about it i am ON MY KNEES
and. honestly. i'm 100% there with you on the social anxiety thing. obviously i'm a huge slut for comments but still kinda struggle with leaving them which is SO HYPOCRITICAL AHHH. this is more than i could ever ask. like. i am kissing you sloppy for this. no joke i screenshot-ed this. it is in my camera roll. you are a part of me.
(also YES YES PLEASE come to the dark side. watch bsd. become mentally ill about a significantly inferiorly written this batshit anime. i'm struggling out here. its so good to be a bkdk honestly)
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