#but if they're going to stoop this low to someone i love why should i be the better person? why should i have to be nice to them?
ahgasegotarmy116 · 10 months
The Art of Etiquette Part 2 | Jeon Jungkook
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Summary: You try to back out on being a debutant so you can stop taking lessons with Mr. Jeon but your mother is going to do everything she can to make you follow through Paring: f!reader x Etiquette instructor Jungkook Word Count: 2k~ Warnings: Like one cuss word but thats about it lol a/n: Let me know how you guys are liking this! I was planning on posting this later but I wanted to see if posting around this time would be better :) p.s. roughly edited lol
"Mom! Mom! Where are you?" I yell as soon as I get home. "I'm right here so please stop yelling, you know that there is no yelling in this household" she scolds. "Okay, then why did you yell at me when I got a bad grade on my midterm paper?" I throw in her face. "Watch your tone y/n I am still your mother" she retorts. "Now what is it?" she says quickly turning the conversation back to it's intended course. 
"I can't do this" I say and start making my way to the living room with her soon trailing behind. "Do what?" she sighs once we've both sat down. "This whole debutante thing, it's not for me" I say hoping it would pacify her but knowing for a fact that would never happen. "You're doing it!" she says, wanting to end the conversation already. 
"No I'm not!" I argue back "I'm not cut out for this thing. This life of high society and playing nice with strangers, pretending like you actually care about what they're talking about. I just can't pretend to be someone I'm not" I explain but unfortunately she'll have none of it. "Did something happen at your lessons today?" she asks, hoping to find the cause of my anxieties.
"Nothing happened" I huff, standing up and making my way to my room. "Obviously something happened since you always seem to have something to say about everything even at the most inopportune times" she says, obviously exacerbated by the memories. "Are you talking about the time I added staying alive to the set list at grandpa's funeral?" I question chuckling at the memory. 
"See this is exactly why you need those lessons. It's time to grow up, and if you're not ready to do that yet then I'll just have you get a job and start paying your own tuition so you can learn on your own what it means to be an adult" she threatens. "James said that he would pay for my tuition if I decided I wanted to go back to college. You can't take that away from me!" I argue and stop in my tracks, surprised and upset that she would even stoop that low. 
"Since you still feel the need to whine over small sacrifices such as these then it looks like we should probably start giving you some more responsibilities so you will grow up. Just take the damn lessons y/n, it would really make your father and I happy if we could introduce you to everyone properly" she explains softening her tone towards the end.
"But he-" I start, wanting to tell her what my instructor made me do but we're cut off by the sound of James getting home. "How are my two lovely ladies doing?" he asks while giving my mother a kiss on her temple. "Oh we're fine, y/n was just telling me how much she enjoyed her first lesson right?" she says giving me a stern face, daring me to say otherwise.
"Oh yeah they were great Mr. Jeon seems like a very nice man" I say giving him a half smile, forcing the answer out of myself. I hate lying to him, especially since he's been nothing but nice to me so far. A lot nicer than my mother that's for sure, so I would hate to mess things up with him. 
"Well that's great news! Especially since he called me just now and asked if you would like to take more lessons with him. It seems like he's taken a special interest in you and wants to really make sure you're set up for success. Would that be something that you would like?" he asks, thankfully leaving the decision up to me but with the glare my mother is giving me it seems like from her point of view there's only one obvious answer for this question.
"That works for me. Whatever you both think would be best is be fine by me" I say, doing my very best to sound as genuine as possible even though I'm dying inside. 
"Wonderful! He's asked if we could do three days of etiquette and two days of dance lessons during the week and on days closer to events we should do dance lessons on the weekend before the event as well. That schedule work out alright for you?" he asks while taking out his phone to no doubt sending a message to Matthew to contact Mr. Jeon tomorrow morning so he's prepared for my newly scheduled lessons as well.
"Yes that's fine but where will I be taking my dance lessons?" I question now confused as to why Mr. Jeon would speak to James about them as well. "Oh I didn't tell you?" he's your dance instructor as well" James says and leaves to his office to take a phone call. 
"No fucking way am I dancing with that man" I say turning back to my mother once he's out of earshot. "Did he do something that made you feel uncomfortable?" she asks, just now deciding to finally ask why I didn't want to take the lessons. "No he's just a dick" I huff, crossing my arms over my chest.
"Really, that's the reason? What did you expect? He's meant to teach you to act like a lady and let's be honest, a nice sweet approach isn't going to work on you" she says and makes her way to who knows where, to do who knows what. With how big this house is it could honestly be anything. 
"So is he hot?" Jesse asks, clearly interested in how things went yesterday. "I mean I guess but he's too rude for me to even begin to pay attention to that" I huff, frustrated at the thought of him alone. "What's his name?" he asks, taking out his phone to look him up.
"I don't remember but his last name is Jeon" I say taking a bite out of my sandwich. "J-o-h-n?" he questions, confused at the unusual surname. "No J-e-o-n. I'm pretty sure he's Korean" I say and slide over to his side to see what he can dig up on him.
"Jeon Private Etiquette Tutor" he types in and hits enter. "Woah" both of us say, seeing how many articles and pictures of him with actors, CEOs and public figures. "This guy must be loaded" Jesse says, clearly stunned at who he's worked with. "And he's hot! Damn girl you really won if this Jungkook guy wants to see you five times a week" he says and keeps on clicking through everything he can get him hands on about him. "And seven days a week when there's some stupid event I have to go to" I groan just thinking about how many hours of my life I'm going to waste with him. 
"He's only 27, I wonder if he's single" Jesse says winking at me. "For me or for you because you can have him" I scoff making him laugh. "No take backs! Well, unless he's straight. Then you can have him back. No matter how heartbreaking that might be" he says, wiping away fake tears. "Sorry to break it to you babe but he probably wouldn't go for either of us" I say placing a hand on his shoulder and getting up to leave.
"Hey! Where are you going? We don't start class for another half an hour" he yells after me. "I gotta go change since he wants me to be 'dressed like a lady' when I come and I won't have time after class" I yell turning to face him as I walk backward for a second. "Alright, have fun Barbie" he yells as I get further away to which I respond with a shake of my head as I make my way over to my car. 
"Acceptable" he says taking in my form. "Although the hem is far too short" he says looking down at my legs again before looking back up and making eye contact with me. "It was all I could find on such short notice" I explain but unfortunately he isn't satisfied with my answer. 
"Excuses will get you no where, you either do it or you don't. I'm sure you could have put in a little more effort into finding something more suitable if you had tried. Let's remedy the situation by the next class shall we?" he finishes off sarcastically before turning his back to me and walking over to the sound system in the corner of the room and I take the chance to stick my tongue out at him in retaliation. 
"You do you realize there are mirrors in this room correct?" he asks, clearly not amused with what he had seen me doing. "My apologies Mr. Jeon" I settle on, not bothering to give an excuse this time. "But are you really?" he asks, walking back towards me slowly, his voice an octave lower, catching me off guard. "N-no" I answer truthfully, nervous with the way he stalks towards me with clear displeasure enveloping his entire existence. 
He leans towards me talking directly into my ear, clearly using tactics to show his dominance over the situation. "Let us be honest with each other then. It would be a waste of both of our time if we were to do otherwise" he say sending shivers down my spine and I hate that it's something I couldn't have controlled even if I wanted to. "Is that clear?" he asks, his warm breath hitting my neck making my mind feel clouded, leaving me confused on how to respond to him leaving me only being able to nod in response.
"Good" he says leaning back, giving what I had hoped for was a little more room to breathe. "Next time use your words" he says tilting my chin up just as he had done at my last lesson. "Yes Mr. Jeon" I say quietly, leaving him satisfied with my cooperation and straightening back up to go back to what he had been working on.
'What the fuck was that? What the fuck was that? What THE FUCK was that?' I ask myself over and over and over again. I'm startled out of my circular train of thought and am met with what I can assume is some sort of waltz music running through the twin speakers on either side of the wall that the sound system is placed against. 
"I can't dance" I voice out, sticking to my word and answering the question before he bothered to ask. "I thought as much, ballroom dancing is a lost art amongst the youth of your generation" he says adjusting a few more things before coming back over to me. 
"You speak of my generation as if it was much younger in comparison to yours" I respond crossing my arms over my chest in defiance. "Were you perhaps curious enough to inquire about me?" he asks finally turning around to face me, making his way back over to me as he had done before, having caught me red handed leaving me changing my position, holding my hands together and having them rest against my thighs.
"I had just assumed based off of how youthful you look" I respond, giving him a forced compliment, not wanting to admit to what I had done. Well, really what Jesse had done but again he would see right through me. "Haven't we agreed to be honest with each other?" he questions reaching his hand out and easily pulling my hands apart. Placing one of mine on his shoulder and the other held in his hand, leaving his free one to rest on my waist. 
"Do as I say and hopefully we'll come out of this without any injuries" he says practically daring me to make a mistake. "But of course" I say and straighten my posture to match his and follow his lead as best as I can. 
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A Dumb Doll After All
(TW: Angst material includes suicidal thoughts. DO NOT READ, IF NOT COMFORTABLE WITH SUCH TOPICS!!!)
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Sorry, peeps, for this once again: @tatsuhikoshibusawa @oscarsgallery @soonyouwillgo @city-of-c0rpses @tired-sayaka-ada @respiratory-kristem @skycasino-manager
I never thought I was stoop this low. Yet here I am. Standing by the railing of a busy bridge. The water is far down below from here I stand. It looks inviting, sparkling in the moonlight. Telling me to join it despite not knowing how to swim.
It would be nice to stand on the railing. Just to see what happens. Perhaps no one will stop me. Perhaps I can join the water and it's never ending depths.
Why am I even here again? What even is the point of this life anyways? After all, all I do is constantly make mistake after mistake. No one would want me around for that.
I can't even tell what's real to me anymore. Who's lying, who isn't. Who to trust and believe. It's all so confusing and it feels like I'm forced to pick a side all for what?! For some stupid argument that I wasn't apart of to begin with?!
I lost probably one of my few friends gone forever because I chose wrong. Now he hates me, and so does everyone else who he has told about me. No apology would fix this now.
He's so lucky. He has a lovely supporting family and group of friends to comfort him. Yet I'm practically left with no one. Sure I may have master, but everyone else I'm not so sure. They're all either acquaintances or a friend of master.
There is no family for me. Nor is there friends for me either. Just me left with my thoughts, back into this delusional head space that I find comfort in. But who can blame them for avoiding me?
After all I'm just some dumb doll who will blindly listen to others within second thought. Something to play with but you don't call it a friend. Who would even befriend a doll? It's just a object.
I guess that's what I am this entire time. Some little object that people will turn a blind eye to. Even if it disappeared forever.
If that's what I am then I don't want to continue living like this. Everything now wouldn't matter because I'll just be replaced by a real human. One that can actually think for themselves and do something good for once. One who would make them smile and create fond memories to look back on.
I don't want to be this object anymore. This isn't the freedom I wanted. Why can they have it but not I? What did I do to deserve this unfair suffering?! Tell me why! TELL ME! SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME!
The water looks extra pretty tonight. Maybe I should have a dip in it. Perhaps it will comfort me if I sank.
Just sink and drown. Go ahead and jump. In a blink of an eye, I will be gone. They won't remember about me anyway. They won't notice if I disappeared for good. Just one foot on the railing.....
Snap out of it Cooper! What am I doing?! I can't do this. I promised to Yoko I would return, I can't fail on a child's promise. What sort of human am I if I can't even keep up a little promise?! WHAT AM I DOING ANYMORE?!
Please........I'm scared.......
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thatsnotmygunflash · 1 year
Rules: Pick any ten of your fics, scroll roughly to the midpoint, pick a line (or three) and share it. Then tag ten people.
Not tagged and not going to tag, just saw it and thought it would be fun. I am going to do my WIPs to give you guys some teasers of what's cooking. If you like any of them let me know and maybe I'll pour some love into them.
1. A Brighter Future
"Why don’t you like them?”
“How could you be so careless Barry? How could you get into bed with a criminal? A murderer? I raised you better than this! No son of mine would ever stoop this low-” Barry shut his eyes tight to try and push away the illusion Sophia was conjuring from his emotions, tears starting to fall from his eyes when Iris’ heartbroken voice joined in with Joe’s disgusted one.
“He’s dead because of you! It should have been you! I lost the man I was going to marry for a future I don’t even want! I wish I’d never met you Barry Allen!”
“Soph-Soph, please stop.”
2. Cause Maybe You're That Thing I Need To Save Me
"Cisco and Lisa-they're engaged now and they were going through a bunch of the Rouge's abandoned safehouse and Cisco-he found an old sweater of yours and he vibed you. He said you were alive but we weren't sure so we uh-went looking. It took a few months but we finally got a lead and I sped here as quickly as I could to see if it was really true and it is! You're alive! The Legends are going to be so exciting to know you survived! Wait, how did you survive?"
"You can't tell anyone I'm alive Barry, you weren't meant to know I was alive. No one is supposed to know."
"But why? Are you retired now or something?"
"I am actually, so having trouble magnets like yourself show up on my doorstep isn't exactly my idea of a good time. You need to leave and tell your friends at STAR Labs that this was a dead end. No one can know I'm alive, and I'm not above killing you to keep it that way."
3. For Better Or For Worse
“Look,” Laurel sighed heavily, lacing her fingers together over the table as she met Len’s cold stare head on. “I don’t know all the details-yet-but your husband is a very resourceful and connected man, whether he realizes it fully or not. He said part of your vows was to get Mick Rory and you out of here. That’s what I’m here to do, if you want the specifics to how exactly we’re going to pull it off I suggest you ask the mastermind behind all of this craziness.”
“If you think it’s so crazy, why help?”
“Because people's lives are at risk and Barry’s not wrong, if anyone can pull something like this off it’s you and him. Quiet the power couple you two are, honestly. Besides, I’ve never met a person who could say no to that boy’s sweet face. Isn’t that why you agreed?”
4. Got A Lot Of Sins, But You're My Favorite
"So," Angie spoke up from behind the register, leaning her chin on the palm of her hand as she smirked wickedly at Len. "When were you going to tell me you had a crush on the Flash?"
"I don't. I just threatened to kill him-he stole my gun!"
"Yes, and he also looked like he wanted to kiss you senseless while you were pointing said gun in his pretty face."
5. I'd Cross Galaxies To Find You
Waking up next to a crying baby and someone sleeply pushing at his bare shoulder had Barry freezing in terror, not wanting to know how he would die next in this world.
“Baby, baby-go get Nora,”
“Our daughter, Nora, you know the one you begged my sister to carry for us, the daughter who won’t sleep through the night because she isn’t being rocked at superspeed because her father spoils her rotten. Ring any bells?”
6. It's The Second Glances That Ties Your Hands
"What are you doing here, Len?"
"Well, let's just say my lady and your lord don't really get on–she's cleaning house now that she's free of the Time Masters. Speedsters mucking up the timeline were at the top of her priority list."
"You're here for me?"
7. Love Me Silently
"So help me-you are not proposing to me right now Barry Allen-so think before those next words come out of your mouth."
"See! You want the big grand gesture and a huge wedding to show me off! You want to marry me! He said you'd say no, he said you weren't the type-"
"He's a worried father, Scarlet, I'm not surprised.” Len muttered as he pulled the younger man into his arms, one hand rubbing soothingly over his back while the other cupped his neck lovingly. “Look, I don't want to be the reason you never talk to your foster father again-"
8. You Need To Allow Me To Help
“Did you hear that, Cisco? That dying whale noise? I think it was the last shred of my dignity being forcibly removed from my body, so if you’ll excuse me I’m just going to go drown myself in the boy’s bathrooms—” Barry muttered in panicked embarrassment, rushing off down the hall almost too quickly to see, ignoring his friends calling his name to get him to stop.
“Go after him, you idiot,” Mick huffed, pushing Len forcefully in the direction Barry had disappeared.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Len answered slowly, his jaw set in a tense line and his eyes hardening over with realization.
9. You Got This Heaven In Your Eyes
'Keep up the exceptional work, Barry Allen, Central City is lucky to have you on their side. -L.S.'
"What's it say?" Eddie questioned, trying to peek over Barry's shoulder to get a look at the snow-white card, his eyes widening comically when he caught sight of the message.
"Uh-to keep up the good work," Barry muttered in confusion, his eyes drifting from the elegant handwriting to the memorising bouquet, not knowing what to think.
"You ruined the guy's fifteen year long not guilty streak and he tells you to keep up the good work?"
"This is weird, right?"
10. Side Effects May Include
“It’s complicated, okay! I don’t know how it works. I just know when I’m not here-near you-it's like there's this overwhelming need to run as fast as I can to this-this pull. It never stops, not unless I wake up with you, when I’m near you-it’s like everything freezes.” Barry takes one look at Len’s face and lets out a drawn-out whine.
“Shut up okay, I know you want to make a joke-but it does! It’s like for the first time since I got my powers I can just stand still or sleep since that’s never exactly come easy for me-”
“Do you have a point Barry?”
“The point is for whatever reason my subconscious is latching onto you. Whenever I’m awake I feel this pull like I’m meant to be running somewhere, but I haven’t had the time to really figure out what it means when I’ve been running around stopping bombs and searching for evidence to get my dad out of jail while also trying and failing to stop the man who really killed my mother! I’ve been dealing with a lot lately okay-I barely sleep more than a few hours a week if I even manage that-and every time I do fall asleep I wake up next to you! I’m having these bizarre dreams you keep popping up in and all I want is to sleep for more than an hour at a time!”
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danpuff-ao3 · 2 years
🔪 A headcanon relating to fighting/violence, for narcissa and for any of the other Black cousins, please?
Oooh hello how fun! Thanks for asking!
Let's see...
🔪 A headcanon relating to fighting/violence
The Black Sisters
Bellatrix: she is going to wreck your life, holy jesus. I am 100% convinced she's a Scorpio Sun - Aries Moon. (I'm even contemplating a Scorpio or Aries Rising, too; just full Martian energy.) Fully aggressive and chaotic. (Okay maybe Scorpio Rising and maybe all her inner planets in Sagittarius, so she's all SCALDING HOT WATER baby.) (Lord I am itching to do her birth chart now oh god.) Anyway, part of it is just having so much going on inside of her. A lot of emotion and energy with nowhere to go really. And being raised by the Blacks, and learning all manner of dark arts and sordid family history. Then being someone who is very dedicated, as well, and often feeling the need to find "purpose" for her rage. So really willing to get her hands dirty for a cause, and in defense of those she loves. But also needing to do it in style, and with skill, to do her name proud. Part of it is willing to go to war for who she loves and what matters to her, and part of it is very indulgent and really craving a good opportunity to lash out and get creative.
Andromeda: probably pretty dangerous in her younger years. Following her big sister's lead for a time. Learning dark magic from her parents. Raised as a proper Black. A Pisces, I think, with all that watery emotion in her, but a fair bit of earth, too, I think. So pretty steady and grounded compared to Bella. Which makes her more dangerous, even if she doesn't lash out as often. She comes to value control and restraint as she grows. She's willing to duel or fully throw down if necessary, but if it's not necessary, why bother? Then, I imagine, once she marries Ted, she sees more value in learning Muggle things, and perhaps picks up Muggle self-defense. She and Ted an go on date nights and it won't be up to Ted to defend his lady's honor, oh no. Andromeda can handle herself, wand or not. (Also lowkey love the idea of Andromeda defending Ted's honor, more than the other way around.) (Gives a creep an extra sucker punch for implying Ted's unmanly.)
Narcissa: oh Cissy? Violence? No, she's a proper lady! She would never stoop so low. Besides, why would she even need to resort to spells or, heaven forbid, Muggle brawling? Her cutting remarks are much more useful, really. And if they're too stupid to be properly offended by her clever retorts, well...Rumors work just as well. Ruining one's reputation does plenty damage, yes? And she has enough connections to ruin one's life other ways. If it's absolutely essential to physically detain one's enemies, Narcissa can easily dispense someone else to do her dirty work. Or a well-placed poison, if she's left to her own devices. And should it become critical...she's better trained and better skilled than anyone might expect. But she'll do her damnedest to keep that a secret. A lady doesn't curse and tell, after all.
The Black Brothers
Sirius: This boy is Scorpio Sun, Sagittarius Moon, Aries Rising. He's a mess. (I love him.) (Also: Sag Mercury + Scorpio Mars??) (Mars as the chart ruler AND it's domicile????) (Send help, Sirius is about to wreck someone.) Anyway, he's far too aggressive and clever, especially in his younger years. Grew up learning all manner of dark and taboo things from his family, I expect. Very proud. Very smart. But also: very rebellious. The Sagittarius bits feel very cause-driven, so he's a rebel looking for a cause I think. Very reckless and temperamental. Ready to lash out at the smallest thing, and he always thinks it's righteous (which is the worst part.) Not only does he know all sorts of magic from being raised a Black, but probably learning all sorts of Muggle fighting tricks to better hone his skills and as an act of rebellion against his family. Probably quick to throw away his wand (if it felt safe enough) to show off just how good he is. "I don't even need magic to best you!" Probably reigned in a fair bit as he got older, partly out of maturity and partly out of being image-conscious. But still quick to arm himself and throw himself into the fray when given a chance.
Regulus: He's more like his cousin Cissy, I think. Not one gravitated towards violence, but knowledgeable enough to defend himself and others, and ready to step up if needed. Perhaps fascinated by the use of Dark magic, but not driven by it. He doesn't really feel the need to dominate, outside of a sense of family or house pride. He cares more about outsmarting his foes rather than getting them on the ground. A Cancer like Narcissa, too, so very moody and wary and nurturing and compassionate. More likely to jump to his own defense, or in defense of loved ones. In defense of his home. But that's just it, it's defensive not offensive at all. He looks for other ways of getting what he wants or needs. Very clever, tactical, manipulative. Drawn more to potions and poisons, or even magic like Legilimency or Imperius more than anything painful and violent. But when push comes to shove, he has enough force in him and drive in him to make things happen. And I think that, should he hurt someone in defense of family (or lovers) he would feel a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.
Headcanon Ask Game
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daisyvisions · 1 year
I just wanted to say there there is no shame in being yourself — and especially not in being a genuine version of yourself. If people have an issue with you expressing yourself naturally, then that is fully on them — not you.
I know that you can't easily control the way that others words or actions affect you, but I want you to know that you shouldn't feel ashamed of being you. And I definitely agree with the statement that was already made about you not needing to downplay your feelings about this, either.
Downplaying your feelings about this only gives satisfaction to the people who are antagonizing you. You are allowed to feel what you feel, and there is no shame in feeling what you feel. If they need to stoop so low to insult others that they're going after someone for simply expressing emotions(?), then they're likely just miserable and not worth any credit you give them — so try not to let them win, if you can help it.
Expressing yourself naturally is always best, and you should never feel ashamed of showing your emotions. You are a human being, not a tool or a robot. You have feelings and you are allowed to share them. You are not harming anyone, so why should it matter to them how you express yourself?
Take all of the time you need to think about it and work on an outcome for yourself, but remember that you are loved and appreciated by way more people for being you just the way that you are. 💜
I love and appreciate you and if you ever need to talk my DMs are always open. Even if I don't know how to respond sometimes, or if I can't necessarily relate to a situation, or you just need someone to listen— I will always be open to you sending me a message! Any time you need. 💜
Take care of yourself, Daisy. If you have close friends you can reach out to as well, do that. If you can confide in your boyfriend, then do that. Never feel guilty about needing help sometimes — no matter what form that help is in. 💜
If someone responds by making you feel bad or guilty about asking them for help, then reconsider your relationship with them. It's not my place to dictate your actions, but this is a strong suggestion.
🥺 thank you so much lovi, I'll take your words to mind whenever I feel down or when a situation like this happens again 😔 thank you for being there even if we just met here! and likewise, my DM's are open for anything! I might not respond on time but I do my best! 💕
Take care of yourself too! and I'll definitely do the same 🥰
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enderwalk · 2 years
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once again forcing myself to be so normal on this fucking website
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not-delicious-milk · 4 years
yo I'm gonna be a coward. I've read fan fiction since middle school, and during that time I've read some truly cursed things. I personally have tried to avoid reading mentor/student relationships cause they squik me the f out. But I've always been more treat the immortals like they are their apparent physical age for shipping. So people trying to lewd the pre pubescent with the excuse that they're immortal are obviously full of shit. pt 1.
pt.2 but shipping like Rukia/ Ichigo is fine cause they're the same apparent physical age and act with about the same lvl of maturity. While shipping him with Yoruichi would be sketch. So full disclosure I don't ship Sukuna and Megumi, I don't really see them having chemistry, and no one has written anything good enough to change my mind. But it doesn't freak me out like Megumi and Gojo. Would you be willing to write why you don't consider the vampire rule to apply here?
i’m not completely familiar with the vampire rule, but i would assume you mean that apparent age trumps actual age when it lines up with mental and emotional development?
personally, i’m not a huge fan of that train of thought -- i agree that it’s important to consider mental age when it comes to immortals or very, very old entities, but actual age is still important. and that’s because of the whole reason why big age gaps are fucked up, i.e an imbalance of power that can easily be exploited. adults have more experience, influence, and physical maturity than children or teens do, which they can leverage to groom or abuse a younger partner. as much as i will admit to not hating twilight that much (breaking dawn made me want to give myself a lobotomy though) and honestly sort of liking the trope of “human girl in love with an ancient supernatural being” or any variants of that, there’s an important distinction that needs to be made with it so it’s not awful.
the answer has little to do with mental age. it has to do with power dynamics.
for a vampire romance (which i’m just going to use as a general term for these sorts of relationships) it is absolutely necessary for there to be some caveat in place to prevent the supernatural party from just taking advantage of the mortal one. usually we don’t even think about that when reading or watching vampire romances, because how could such a charming creature of the night stoop so low? 
but it’s important to note that vampires, in gothic literature, existed to fulfill a very specific role. the repressed victorians loved incorporating taboo subjects into their stories, for the steamy scenes i guess, but couldn’t easily do so within the confines of proper literature. one of those taboo subjects was r*pe, which they both found very hot in a forbidden sort of way and longed to explore in their writing without societal backlash, and if you cast an eye upon dracula or carmilla it’s quite easy to guess where those subjects ended up. 
so, for a proper vampire romance, it can’t just end in a straight up kidnapping or taking by force, both because that would be narratively uninteresting and morally corrupt. sometimes there’s a supernatural reason for it, like a protection that the mortal party has to prevent the immortal one from abusing their powers. for example, bella in twilight is immune to telepathy and later develops a shield power against all vampire powers, preventing edward from being able to take advantage of her or invade her privacy any more than he was already doing, fuck you stephanie meyer. sometimes the mortal party has a power of their own that, while relatively useless in situations where the immortal one can swoop in and save them dramatically, is very useful against said immortal party for whatever reason. for example, kagome’s status as the reincarnation of the priestess migoriko would theoretically prevent inuyasha from harming her; in a more explicit example, nanami from kamisama kiss holds absolute divine control over tomoe and could order him to stop if ever he tried anything she didn’t like. although there’s an age gap in those stories, it doesn’t feel like it, not just because of the immortal party’s mental age but because of their inability to take advantage of said gap.
can you see where this is going? 
megumi/gojo is absolutely foul -- there’s the grooming aspect, the fact gojo knew megumi when he was five and practically raised him as a father, and the implicit power imbalance of a teacher/student relationship. there’s no question as to why it’s so repulsive to think about.
megumi/sukuna is equally repulsive, but really only when it exists in fan works. in the canon, sukuna doesn’t have the opportunity to so much as interact with megumi most of the time, let alone take advantage of him, and yuuji would stop that before it ever happened. it feels like a classic vampire romance because the power imbalance should, theoretically, be nerfed by outside circumstances. of course this isn’t the case in any sukufushi fanworks, because it would obviously be boring for sukuna to respect megumi’s boundaries and also to not date a fucking 15 year old from inside the body of another 15 year old, jesus christ. in sukufushi fanworks, which as i’ve stated is the only place sukufushi even exists, there is always something cancelling out the restraints placed on sukuna’s power, whether it be that he has his own body, takes advantage of “enchain”, is able to take control of yuuji’s body on his own, yuuji lets him out for whatever reason, it doesn’t matter. 
there’s always something like that because sukufushi doesn’t exist as a vampire romance, it exists as something more like tentacle p*rn. 
that’s not a sentence i ever thought i’d write, but i think it makes sense? it’s not supposed to be an actual relationship, it’s more like wish fulfillment for people with degradation and pain kinks. in sukufushi fan works, sukuna wields absolute power over megumi and takes full advantage of the age gap and power gap between them. just like how tentacle p*rn strips away the right to refuse in the face of absolute alien power and a language barrier that keeps consent from being withdrawn, sukufushi strips away megumi’s right to refuse in the face of absolute curse power and sukuna’s inability to take “no” for an answer. this is why all explicit sukufushi fics end with megumi being r*ped or nearly r*ped. 
please don’t ask me how i know all of this. sometimes good fanfics have sukufushi scenes in them and i have to like, scroll past the paragraphs really fast to get back to the plot. it’s just that omnipresent.
in other words, megumi/gojo is more grounded in “reality” (not the reality of a functional teacher/student relationship, but the reality of a 28 year old man really being 28 years old) and absent of vampire romance justifications for the age gap. it feels gross because it is and also because there’s no reason why it shouldn’t be.
megumi/sukuna doesn’t feel that way at first, especially if you mainly see sort of canon compliant shipping of it. it’s really common and also never commented on when people joke about sukuna having a “crush” on megumi based on his lines of dialogue when he says he’s curious about him or whatnot. that obeys vampire romance rules, so it doesn’t feel weird. sukuna really doesn’t want to kill or harm megumi because he’s important to his plans later, so that’s out. yuuji would never let sukuna touch megumi with a 10 foot pole either, so that’s out. really their only interactions are hypothetical, besides that one time in shibuya, and even then literally nothing happened. sukuna didn’t want his pawn to break yet, that’s all. even when people overanalyze it they can’t really get any farther than “looks like someone’s got a crush on fushigurooooo” because that’s the farthest it can go. 
if you start looking into sukufushi fanart or fanfics, which is about 95% of the content for sukufushi anyway because again, it’s not supported by the canon at all, vampire romance is replaced unceremoniously by tentacle p*rn. which is why i hate it so much. 
thank you for coming to my ted talk
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lady-of-the-lotus · 4 years
Fractured Ice - Ch. 6/7
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Xue Yang whisks a nihilistic Lan Xichen off on a murder roadtrip to raise Xiao Xingchen and Meng Yao from the grave. Because that will solve all of their problems, right? AU where Wei Wuxian never came to Yi City and Xue Yang is still running around post-canon disguised as Xiao Xingchen.
Chang Ping ducks his head slightly. “Of course, my good daozhang. Anything for you.”
“Anything other than putting that crazed monster in the ground, you mean.” Chang Ping blinks, his watery pink-rimmed eyes bulging even farther out of his head.
“I beg your pardon, daozhang?”
“Xue Yang. You let him go.”
XueXiao & XiYao - Rated M - Read on AO3! Tumblr: Ch. 1 Ch. 2 Ch. 3  Ch. 4 Ch. 5 Ch. 7
A bit of blood in this chapter - brief violence onscreen and a brief graphic aftermath
Ch. 6: meaner than my demons
“I need to make sure it’s truly him,” says Lan Xichen. He stares at the spirit-trapping pouch clutched in his hand. Everything is blurred but the small brown pouch, which stands out starkly in the flickering orange torchlight. “I need to—to—”
“If he’s not in there, he’ll never be, and we have to get out of here.” Xue Yang shoves the heavy stone lid back onto the sarcophagus and steers Lan Xichen out of the tomb. The rain has stopped, and the morning star twinkles brightly through a gap in the clouds. “Fun as this is, we can’t hang around here. Those guards—”
Lan Xichen doesn’t spare a glance at the Nie guards, still lying strewn around the tomb. He’s too absorbed by the spirit-trapping pouch in his hand.
The pouch is warm. Almost pulsing. The throbbing warmth seeps into his cold hands, into his veins, flooding his numbed body with pleasant heat—
“Stop here.” Xue Yang lays a hand on Lan Xichen’s arm when he doesn’t look up. “We’ll change into dry clothes, and then you can try playing Inquiry. I’ll hold him while you change.”
Lan Xichen reluctantly surrenders the spirit-trapping pouch to Xue Yang, who sits on a boulder with the pouch set carefully on his lap, both hands cupped around it to make sure it doesn’t fall. Lan Xichen transforms back into Lan Huan in record time, throwing his hair up in a sloppy knot. Then, upon reflection, he takes the time to do it up properly out of respect for the little brown pouch on Xue Yang’s lap.
He sits cross-legged on the rocky ground as Xue Yang changes. Takes out his guqin, gently plucks a few strings.
The answer is clear, a thousand times stronger than Xiao Xingchen’s agonized murmur:
Meng Yao.
A glowing warmth suffuses Lan Xichen. Meng Yao. He’s always thought of A-Yao by that name, even after he’d received his courtesy name and title. Simple Meng Yao, the man who had risked everything to shelter him when he had nothing. Not Jin Guangyao, not Lianfang-zun, but his Meng Yao, his A-Yao, soft and welcoming and warm and bashful and giving.
And then, I didn’t think you would come for me.
Of course I came for you , he responds, then puts away his guqin out of fear of what A-Yao would respond to that.
He doesn’t realize how long he’s been sitting like that, eyes closed, one hand on the guqin, the other on the pouch, until Xue Yang touches his shoulder.
“Sun’s up, Zewu-jun,” he says. “We need to put distance between us and Qinghe. Can’t bring your friend back if we’re getting dragged back to Gusu by a dozen Nie meatheads.”
Lan Xichen doesn’t bother asking where they’re going. Xue Yang’s plan has worked so far. He just follows the delinquent cultivator through the mountains. Practically floats. It’s a different kind of drifting than before, though.
He examines the sensation. It takes a while before he finally realizes that it’s happiness, of a sort.
Rule 70: Do not be overly happy.
He laughs to himself. Xue Yang shoots him a curious look but doesn’t say anything. Uncharacteristically quiet, his friend seems to be lost in his own thoughts.
They meet several Lan cultivators on the road, obviously searching for someone, but they don’t recognize Lan Xichen and Xue Yang in their peasant getups.
“They’d never imagine the great Zewu-jun, fashion icon to thousands, would stoop to this ,” says Xue Yang, flicking a finger at Lan Xichen’s ragged tunic and trousers. They’re sitting in a roadside inn, not as much as a hellhole as they would have preferred, but so far no cultivators have entered. “I do wish you were a bit shorter, though, and still had your beard. Do you think the Lans roped the Nie beefeaters in on their hunt, after all?”
“For you, perhaps, but my uncle would never allow a whisper of my defection to leave the Cloud Recesses. They're probably simply affronted by our attack on the tomb's guards, with you getting the brunt of the blame.”
Xue Yang jerks a thumb in the direction of the qiankun pouch inside Lan Xichen’s tunic. By Xue Yang’s suggestion, he’s stashed the spirit-trapping pouch safely away in the qiankun bag. “Just remember, if I go down, so does he.”
Lan Xichen frowns. “I wouldn’t abandon you.”
“Good. Remember that I have the knowledge you need.”
Lan Xichen puts down his cup of what might be actual tea this time. “I wouldn’t abandon you, whether or not that were the case.”
Xue Yang sneers. “Is that a Lan Clan rule?”
Various elements of loyalty, fidelity, and gratitude are encompassed by a good five dozen rules, but Lan Xichen chooses to ignore that. “It’s my rule. Have I ever given you reason to doubt me?”
Xue Yang shrugs, idly picks up a piece of chicken with his chopsticks, examines it as if looking for bugs. “At least not until my usefulness runs out.”
“Xue Yang—”
Xue Yang shrugs again. “Don’t worry, my friend: I will make myself indispensable for as long as possible.”
Lan Xichen wonders just how strong the wine was. Xue Yang doesn’t speak for the rest of the meal.
Despite getting no sleep the night before, Lan Xichen lies awake a long time that night. He can stay awake for days by drawing on his golden core, but he doesn’t need to tonight. His heart is beating too fast for idle slumber , mind racing.
He takes A-Yao’s spirit-trapping out of his qiankun pouch and sets it on the bed beside him at eye-level. Traces the bloody symbols with his finger. Strokes the soft black tassels.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers. His voice catches in his throat. “I never should have doubted you. I’ll bring you back. I swear I’ll bring you back…”
* * *
“Where are we going, exactly?” he finally asks Xue Yang on the fourth day. They’re walking through the trees near the main road, keeping out of sight.
“Yueyang. We’ll arrive tomorrow.”
“Yueyang?” Something faint stirs in his memory. “Isn’t that where the Chang Clan lives?”
Xue Yang bows with exaggerated deference. “Zewu-jun is wise indeed.”
Lan Xichen smiles. “Why are we going there?”
“I’ve been waiting for you to ask.”
“…and?” Dealing with Xue Yang can be maddening sometimes. His flair for the dramatic and love of bantering is at complete odds with how Lan Xichen was taught to hold a conversation.
“You’ll find out once we’re there…” He makes a face when Lan Xichen raises his eyebrows. “All right, we’re going to pay Chang Ping a visit. He has something we want.”
“Something to bring Jin Guangyao back?”
“Wise. Most wise.”
“What about your…friend?”
Xue Yang unconsciously touches his qiankun sleeve. “We’ll get there, in time. But Jin Guangyao is the key.”
“You wouldn’t do anything that might harm Jin Guangyao—”
Xue Yang’s—Xiao Xingchen’s—fine black eyes are large and deer-like. “Zewu-jun—” He stops, as if too taken aback to respond. Instead he shakes his head. “Jin Guangyao’s spirit is whole,” he explains. “Xiao Xingchen’s spirit was shattered. Different methods are needed. Your friend was immersed in demonic cultivation towards the end of this life, and had access to books he didn’t let me near.”
“You think he hid those books?”
“No, but he remembered everything he saw, and I’m certain he knows something that can help Xiao Xingchen.”
Lan Xichen wants to tell him that this is a fragile hook to be hanging his hopes on, but doesn’t dare point that out to him and let it snap. The important thing is that Xue Yang is helping him get A-Yao back. And, he tells himself, he’s not taking advantage of the delinquent cultivator. Once he has A-Yao back, he, Lan Xichen, will do everything in his power to help return Xiao Xingchen to Xue Yang. From everything he’s ever heard about the rogue cultivator, Xiao Xingchen deserves a second chance at life.
“How exactly did it happen, anyway?” Xue Yang asks.
“Did what happen?” Lan Xichen is itching to get to an inn, take out the spirit-trapping pouch, tell A-Yao that they were close, so close to bringing him back—
“Jin Guangyao’s death, of course.”
It's like Xue Yang dumped a bucket of ice water over his head. Lan Xichen doesn’t realize he’s stopped walking until Xue Yang doubles back for him.
“His death?” Lan Xichen repeats.
“I need to know these things if we’re going to bring him back. The kind of death might affect the kind of spell we use, and besides, you don’t want me saying the wrong thing once he’s back, do you? I casually mention honey and find out he died after being stung to death by a horde of angry hornets—”
“You must already know what happened.” Lan Xichen finds that his feet are moving, but it’s as if someone outside him is making him walk, talk, breathe. He’s doubly desperate to sit down and take out A-Yao, but he and Xue Yang agreed not to handle the pouches unless within the safety of a locked room.
Xue Yang trots along beside him, voice low and sympathetic. “I know this is a painful subject, Zewu-jun, and believe me when I say I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t have to, but there are too many things that can go wrong.”
“He moved.” Lan Xichen’s voice is flat and toneless. “He moved.”
“Moved to…Koi Tower?”
“Moved. I told him not to move. I warned him. I told him not to move. I warned him. I warned him. Then—then that—that bastard —”
“Nie Huaisang?”
“—he told me A-Yao had moved. Made me think A-Yao was going to hurt me, and I—I believed him. Believed A-Yao would do me harm.” Lan Xichen’s voice is so thick he can barely push the words past his lips. “I stabbed him through the heart. Straight through the heart.”
“We ought to stop back in at Qinghe when we’re done,” says Xue Yang, “and take care of that fan-waving little plum blossom.”
“I told you, we’re not killing Nie Huaisang. Or anyone.”
Xue Yang tilts his head. “You mean anyone else .”
Lan Xichen has stopped walking again. “What do you mean?”
There’s something catlike about Xue Yang that he’s never noticed before, but his companion’s voice couldn’t be softer, couldn’t be gentler, almost as if he’s impersonating Xiao Xingchen again. “Nothing, Zewu-jun,” he says, bowing. “I was just thinking of Jin Guangyao. My apologies. It was uncalled for. ”
Lan Xichen doesn’t remember much after that, too focused on the thought of what is to come. They must have had a conversation about stopping, but he can’t recall it as he later lies on his cot, stroking A-Yao’s soft warm spirit-trapping pouch. Can’t recall eating the evening meal, or coming up the stairs, or taking off his tunic or shoes or letting his hair down, but he must have at some point.
He presses his forehead to the spirit-trapping pouch on the pillow beside him. Inside is A-Yao—Meng Yao. Not Jin Guangyao. Not Lianfang-zun.
Meng Yao.
Not the man he had stabbed through the heart with twelve inches of ice-cold steel, but Meng Yao.
It takes all of his strength to turn away from the pouch and roll over onto his back, limbs filled with mortar. Who is he fooling? No matter what name A-Yao went by, all four of them were the same person.
He had killed Meng Yao. Not Jin Guangyao, not Lianfang-zun. Meng Yao.
His Meng Yao.
He’d believed everyone’s slander, he’d believed A-Yao’s own words of self-reprobation, he’d believed that A-Yao—A-Yao!—could have ever meant him harm.
“But never have I ever thought about doing you harm!”
He dreams that night of floating, not quite flying. Floating over a river of blood streaming from his sword, with A-Yao’s hat bobbing in the current.
He wakes up numb. Dresses, fixes his hair with nerveless fingers. Gets a shave. Is too nervous to eat. Doesn’t hear a word Xue Yang says as they leave the inn and head down the road towards the Chang Manor.
“I’ve been thinking,” says Xue Yang. “—Zewu-jun? Are you listening?”
With a tremendous effort, Lan Xichen turns his attention towards Xue Yang.
“I’ve been wondering if you should dress in your Zewu-jun getup, or not. I figure that—”
Lan Xichen doesn’t know how to explain that he wants to look presentable for A-Yao. He remembers how Xue Yang had put on his best clothes for Inquiry at the Cloud Recesses and hopes he’ll figure it out on his own.
Xue Yang smiles. “I understand. But on the off-chance something goes wrong, we don’t want it known that Zewu-jun was there.”
A surge of desperation. “I won’t wear my ribbon or give my real name. Although—you’re only getting in on the strength of Xiao Xingchen’s name, and the people after us know we’re traveling together.”
Xue Yang sighs. “I suppose they would have figured we came this way sooner or later, after tonight.”
“Is whatever you're planning absolutely necessary? If it will give us away…”
An odd look creeps over Xue Yang’s face. “It’s Chang Ping or nobody.” He turns away slightly. “Do what you want about your clothes.”
In the end, Lan Xichen puts on the best robes he brought, dressing while hidden in a copse of cypress trees up the road from the Chang Manor while Xue Yang puts on the green-and-white robes he arrived at the Cloud Recesses in.
They’re let into the manor soon after Xue Yang sends in Xiao Xingchen’s name. The grounds are dark and empty, very quiet and very still.
“Where is everyone?” Xue Yang asks the servant as they’re led through the courtyard into the discussion hall.
“The great Phoenix Mountain hunt, daozhang.”
The servant’s words pierce Lan Xichen’s numb shell. If Chang Ping isn’t here, their entire trip was for nothing—
“And, of course, Clan Leader Chang avoids Koi Tower as much as possible since that sickening miscarriage of justice,” says Xue Yang.
The servant ducks her head. Xue Yang winks at Lan Xichen.
He must have known Chang Ping would be mostly alone, thinks Lan Xichen, and he knows this should alarm him but he can’t bring himself to care.
“Please don’t tell anyone else about our visit,” Xue Yang tells the servant. “It is of a highly sensitive nature.”
“It’s just my husband and I right now, daozhang,” bows the servant. “Clan Leader Chang is not a fussy man.”
“Or a rich man,” says Xue Yang, glancing around the room after the servant hustles out. “This place was a lot nicer sixteen years ago.”
“What are you going to do to him, exactly?”
Xue Yang’s face is serene, but there’s something decidedly unquiet flickering in his eyes. “Nothing he doesn’t deserve.”
Lan Xichen winces. “Yes, but—”
Xue Yang unwinds the bandages covering his hand and rips off his glove with his teeth.
His left hand is a mass of scars, as if the original wounds that had once covered it had been badly infected at some point. The delicate bones along the back had healed all wrong, crooked and painful-looking. Worst of all is his little finger. It’s missing from the first joint, a ragged stump, looking as if—as if it had been bitten off with small weak teeth.
“He did this to you?”
Xue Yang is staring straight ahead. “I was seven.”
“Xue Yang, I’m—”
“Don’t.” He tugs his glove back on. “I don’t care about my hand anymore. But he’s the one responsible for Xiao Xingchen’s death—”
Chang Ping bustles in before Lan Xichen can ask questions. “Xiao Xingchen! I did not expect to see the daozhang again.” He makes ridiculously large gestures as he bows, sleeves flapping. He’s small and fat and, despite what the servant had said, quite fussy-looking. He has a rather unfortunate beard and mustache combination and reminds Lan Xichen of Wangji’s pet rabbits. “And—ah—Zewu-jun! What an unexpected honor!”
That’s right. Chang Ping tends to avoid Cultivation Conferences, but they’d met once before at Lotus Pier.
Chang Ping seats himself on his seat of office. His eyes dart to Lan Xichen’s face, observing the lack of forehead ribbon, but he’s too polite to ask about it. “What can your humble servant do for Zewu-jun and the esteemed daozhang?”
“Funny Clan Leader Chang should ask,” says Xue Yang, calm again. He bows low. His glove is still exposed, but he’s in full Xiao Xingchen mode, down to his posture and the way he holds his head. “There is something I need.”
Chang Ping ducks his head slightly. “Of course, my good daozhang. Anything for you.”
“Anything other than putting that crazed monster in the ground, you mean.”
Chang Ping blinks, his watery pink-rimmed eyes bulging even farther out of his head. “I beg your pardon, daozhang?”
“Xue Yang. You let him go.”
Chang Ping’s obsequious smile freezes on his face. “I beg your pardon?”
Lan Xichen senses something different in Xue Yang’s voice. It’s Xiao Xingchen’s voice—there’s not a trace of Xue Yang’s teasing, overly casual tones—but there’s a harshness to it belonging to neither Xue Yang or his usual Xiao Xingchen impression. A metallic tang, a brittle bitterness.
“You let Xue Yang go,” Xue Yang repeats. He’s slowly walking— gliding —back and forth in front of Chang Ping, a leopard stalking its prey. There’s a certain poise, a slight arch to his back, a grace to his step that Xue Yang perhaps intentionally lacks when he’s not Xiao Xingchen. “And do you know what that lowlife bastard did?”
Chang Ping licks his lips nervously. “Daozhang, you know I had no choice! My clan was in ruins; I needed the Jin Clan’s support—”
Shuanghua flies through the air, plunging deep into the chair cushion beside Chang Ping’s head. “ ‘No choice’?”
Chang Ping shrinks away from the blade. “I—I had a duty to my clan!”
“What clan? They were all dead! Wiped out by that maniac!”
“Not—not all—”
Xue Yang is up on the dais, retrieving Xiao Xingchen’s sword. At Chang Ping’s words, he grabs the clan leader by the collar and throws him down the dais’ steps, floating gracefully down after him like a flower petal on the breeze.
“Do you know what that monster did?” he repeats. His foot is on Chang Ping’s bulbous Adam’s apple. “Slaughtered my partner’s entire temple, blinded him for no reason other than his own petty revenge and amusement—”
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I had a duty to my clan—”
Xue Yang stabs down with Shuanghua, skewering Chang Ping’s hand. “You wanted to be a clan leader—” He twists the blade, tearing the wound open, separating the bones in the back of the clan leader's hand.
Tears of pain stream down Chang Ping’s face. “I had to honor my father—”
“By setting free the man who exterminated his family?” Xue Yang walks around the quivering man, trailing the bloody sword tip over the stone floor with a scraping sound that sets Lan Xichen’s teeth on edge. “Not that he deserved your honor. Your father was as much a monster as Xue Yang. Chang Cian’s entire bloodline deserves to be wiped out!”
“Please! Please don’t! I did what I thought best—”
“You did what you thought best for you.” Xue Yang crouches before Chang Ping, grabs him by the throat and jerks the cowering clan leader’s head up so he’s forced to meet his eye. “You blinded my partner,” he says in a flat, toneless voice. “I gave him my own eyes, and then I met him , and because I couldn’t see I let him stay, and it’s all your fault— everything that happened; all your fault —”
Chang Ping’s face is a mask of fear and confusion. “I—I think you might have the wrong—”
“It’s all your fault, you and your whole tainted bloodline—”
Lan Xichen slips out of the room. He knows Chang Ping must be screaming, but Xue Yang obviously learned a silencing spell while at the Cloud Recesses, because Lan Xichen feels an energy barrier springing up around the room as soon as he exits and hears nothing.
The servant from earlier is waiting nearby.
“I need writing materials,” he tells her.
Bowing, she leads him to what appears to be Chang Ping’s study.
Lan Xichen settles down before the table. “Please go tell your husband to pack your bags. Return in ten minutes for the letter. Thank you.”
“I discussed it with your master. Hurry!”
She hustles out.
Lan Xichen picks up the brush and removes a folded section of paper from the carved wooden stationary box on the desk.
The letter is ready when the servant returns with her husband and a little girl, traveling packs slung over their shoulders.
“Go straight to the Cloud Recesses in Gusu. Deliver this letter to the Chief Cultivator, and the Chief Cultivator only. This letter is for Lan Qiren, and Lan Qiren only. Take this as well.” He passes them a purse full of silver pieces. “Speak to nobody along the way. Now go!”
“With all due respect, Zewu-jun, we ought to see our master first—”
“If you do not go now,” Lan Xichen says, “you will never leave this place at all.”
He doesn’t think they quite pick up on what he means, but they hurry out. He follows them, making sure they leave, waiting outside the manor as they disappear up the road leading to Yueyang.
He remains on the side of the road for a bit, breathing in the crisp night air. The stars are particularly bright tonight, the moon full. He has a sudden urge to strip off his robes, stretch out middle of the road and bathe in the starlight. Be fresh and clean and glowing when A-Yao sees him again.
His heart beats faster at the thought.
For reasons he can’t explain he feels suddenly like walking down the road, walking until his legs give out, walking off the edge of the world, leaving everything in this one behind, dissipating into a cloud of starlight.
Ridiculous. Just because he let Xue Yang execute a man who thoroughly deserved it is no reason to feel—feel unworthy of A-Yao’s return.
He turns quickly and heads back into the manor.
“A-Yao. A-Yao.” He repeats the name to himself, focusing on the word’s warmth on his lips. “A-Yao. A-Yao…”
“Not if you don’t get back in here.” Xue Yang is leaning against the door to the ancestral hall, himself again. “Where did you run off to?” He’s grinning broadly, eyes bright. Too bright. Shuanghua gleams in his hand, wet with blood. “The main event is about to begin.”
* * *
Chang Ping deserved it, Lan Xichen reminds himself. Over and over. Chang Ping deserved it. Chang Ping deserved it…
The clan leader’s naked body is hanging from ropes attached to a ceiling beam, a bucket set directly beneath his feet. The body is swaying slightly, as if Xue Yang gave it a playful push before going to wait for Lan Xichen. The corpse is a mass of pulpy red and oozing pink, exposed bone and ruptured fat and flayed muscle, an inhuman horror glistening wetly in the lamplight.
Chang Ping’s eyes are missing.
“Not bad, if I do say so myself.” Xue Yang is cleaning his blade with Chang Ping’s robes. “Considering how out of practice I am.”
“Did you have to—have to—”
“Give him the full experience?” Xue Yang laughs. His laugh is a bit too high and a bit too long. “I needed that resentful energy, my friend. Do you think I enjoyed torturing the good Chang Ping?”
Lan Xichen looks at Xue Yang’s left hand.
Xue Yang wags a finger at him. “What his father did to me had nothing to do with any of this. But believe me when I say he was just as guilty.”
“His father? I thought it was Chang Ping who…” Lan Xichen remembers what Xue Yang said about Chang Ping’s involvement in Xiao Xingchen’s death. “Never mind. What do you need the resentful energy for?”
Xue Yang points to the floor beneath the swinging corpse. Drawn in blood on the floor is a large, complicated array, with a new-looking spirit-trapping pouch near the bucket. “Three guesses. Now, I’ll be back in just a minute...Have you seen that servant woman?”
“I sent the servants away.”
The grin slips from Xue Yang’s face. “You what?”
“I sent them away.”
Xue Yang is staring fixedly at a spot just behind Lan Xichen. “And why did you do that? Pang of conscience?”
“I needed someone to deliver a letter to my brother. That’s all.”
“Suicide note?”
“Suicide is forbidden—”
Xue Yang jerks a thumb at the corpse. “So is murder.”
Lan Xichen swallows hard. “I could never do that to my family, or demean the gift of life given to me.”
Xue Yang keeps staring at that invisible spot, then bursts out laughing again. “We’ll get there eventually,” he says, shaking his head.
“What do you mean?”
Xue Yang pats his arm. “Not the suicide, my friend. Don’t worry. I want you whole and healthy. I’m talking about your sticking your nose in with the servants. It was my own fault. I thought you…ah, never mind. We have time. We have time.”
Lan Xichen moves out of arm-patting range. “Time for what?”
“Time to bring back your friend, of course .” Xue Yang sheaths Xiao Xingchen’s sword in the scabbard strapped to his back. “The pouch, please.”
“You mean—”
Xue Yang is grinning again. “I told you this would be worth it.”
Lan Xichen doesn’t remember him having said that, or given him any forewarning about what he’d done to Chang Ping, but he’s too nervous to think about it.
Xue Yang takes A-Yao’s spirit-trapping pouch from him delicately, holding it with as much care as if Xiao Xingchen himself had been inside the pouch. “Your hand.”
Lan Xichen extends his hand. Xue Yang uses his needlessly large knife to prick open the now-healed little wound he’d made back at the tomb, using his blood to create a number of talismans, which he hangs on Chang Ping’s body.
Then he picks up the new spirit-trapping pouch from the floor and takes a curved, palm-sized chunk of black-and-gray metal out of his sleeve. He grips it in the same hand as the new spirit-trapping pouch and A-Yao’s pouch, black smoke pouring off the metal piece and curling around the pouches.
Lan Xichen’s eyes widen. “That’s—”
Xue Yang puts a playful finger to his lips. “We know what it is.”
“Don’t worry. I don’t use it often enough to go the way of Wen Ruohan or Wei Wuxian. I don’t want to lose my mind any more than the next person wants me to.”
“Do you want me to continue or not?”
Lan Xichen ducks his head and steps back.
The black smoke twines around Xue Yang’s fingers. He sends the chunk of metal at the body, drawing a rapid-fire sequence of glowing red symbols in the air, then opens the new spirit-trapping pouch.
A blast of resentful energy escapes the bag, so potent that Lan Xichen is sent flying across the room. So Xue Yang had trapped Chang Ping’s resentful energy in the new pouch—
Xue Yang reaches for the metal, releasing a second burst of dark energy so powerful that Lan Xichen loses consciousness.
He awakens almost immediately. Sits up and looks around, heart beating wildly.
Xue Yang is kneeling before Chang Ping’s body, not in an act of contrition but as if using the…the chunk of metal had taken more out of him than expected.
But Lan Xichen barely notices him. His eyes are riveted on the naked, shivering figure lying curled up inside the array.
Lan Xichen rises, trembling, and takes a few shaky steps towards the small white figure.
Up Next: The final chapter! Things come to a head.
Or: The night sky sure is pretty and stars are cool.
Chapter 7
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lihikainanea · 4 years
bill and tiger out to dinner with friends and one of their pals invites a guy to join them that they think tiger would be interested in, so not to be rude because the guy is nice, tiger spends basically the entire night chatting with him and it fucks with bill's head - and maybe the guy grills bill about tiger because he knows they're bff's which just makes it so much worse for him, so when they get home that night tiger takes charge and shows bill that she's only got eyes for him
God I love this for so many reasons and please sit down while I tell you ALL OF THEM.
Look, tiger’s a social bean, alright? Bill knows how charismatic she is, how intriguing her natural curiosity is, how she genuinely likes meeting new people and learning about them. That’s kind of how he got hooked when they first met, you know?
And unlike Friend-Boy, this dude is genuinely nice. He’s open and friendly, not threatening in the least, and he’s showing an interest in every conversation. He’s chatting up the whole table, and much to Bill’s chagrin this dude is actually pretty interesting and tiger is getting rather invested in his stories--and to Bill’s utter horror, she’s laughing like a maniac. One of her deep, gasping gut laughs that he loves so much, but he loves them when he’s the source of them. Another dude making tiger laugh like that kind of gets his blood boiling.
So maybe he excuses himself for a minute, under the guise of going to get another round of drinks and one of the girls at the table--the girl who brought the dude--gets up to help. And when they’re out of earshot, she grabs onto his arm excitedly.
“I knew they’d hit it off!” she says, and Bill just looks at her and quirks a brow.
“He’s for her,” she said, “But I didn’t tell her that because she always gets weird about it. But isn’t he perfect?”
Bill wants to grab this girl by the shoulders, shake the hell out of her, shriek at her that she’s out of her goddamn mind. But instead, you know--he takes the high road. Kind of.
“If he’s so perfect why don’t you date him,” he grumbles petulantly. 
“You don’t like him?” she looks worried, “You have to like him. She won’t date anybody that you don’t like.”
Bill doesn’t say anything, just orders another round for the table, swipes his credit card, and goes to sit down. When he gets back to the table, tiger is really guffawing at something this dude said--slapping her knee, doubled over, wheezing in laughter and Bill can’t help it-- when he sits down, he just slings an arm loosely over tiger’s shoulders. It’s a tad possessive, a tad challenging to the dude in that weird bro code way, but it kind of flies over tiger’s head--because she’s just having a really good night, in good company. And Bill would never fault her for that, he knows she can be a real social butterfly when she wants to be, and this dude genuinely is nice. He’s just a lot easier to like if he’s, you know...far away from tiger.
And I kind of low key love if tiger really is just sort of oblivious to it all. Tiger has no idea that this dude was brought for her, has no idea that their group of friends are just watching them and smiling. So maybe on the walk home--it’s a warm spring night and the bar they went to isn’t far from her place so they decided to walk--maybe she loops her arm around Bill’s, snuggles into his side a bit.
“He was nice,” she says, and he stiffens a little. But maybe she misreads it, and her protective side flairs up a bit. “But I wish they would have warned us. I know you get a little edgy if there’s a new person in the group.”
And Bill’s heart melts a little, because it’s true. The last few times a friend has brought a friend, somehow it always ends up with candid photos of Bill all over social media the next day. He appreciates a bit of a head’s up if someone new is coming along.
“No,” he says childishly, “I get edgy when our friends blatantly try to set you up.”
Tiger stops dead in her tracks, pulls on his arm to stop him too. Bill just sighs, and when she opens her mouth to protest he just places his hand over it.
“He was for you, tiger,” he says, “She brought him for you.”
His hand covers basically half of her face, but she quirks a brow.
“She thought you two would hit it off, and you did.”
Tiger’s pretty surprised, because it honestly never even occurred to her. And Bill’s not angry, but his ego is a tad deflated and she knows she has some damage control to do. So when they reach her apartment, she walks up the first few steps and turns to him--she’s eye-level with him this way, and she just cups his face and pulls him in for a deep kiss. They both get just the slightest thrill when they’re able to show affection in public, and even if tiger’s front stoop isn’t necessarily public it’s still one hell of a kiss and anybody could drive by or walk by at any time.
“I didn’t realize bud,” she mumbles to him when she pulls away, “I’m sorry.”
“Are you?” he challenges. And it’s playful, a little daring, but it’s also his way of asking for what he wants. A little reassurance, a bit of an ego boost, from his girl.
“I am,” she catches on, and gives him a devilish smirk, “But looks like I might have to show you how sorry I am.”
Listen man, listen. Bill is the one who can’t walk the next day, the one who feels like he got hit by a small but incredibly forceful truck. He’s covered in hickeys and bite marks and every muscle in his body hurts, groaning as she gently kisses his jaw to wake him up.
“If you want coffee,” he grumbles, “Maybe you should have thought of that before you broke my fucking back last night.”
“Coffee’s on the night stand already bud,” she nuzzles his cheek with her nose. And I’ll bet, the little devil--I’ll bet she reaches over him a bit, for the precise reason that by doing so she’s not only able to get the mug, but it also shoves a tata in his face. And Bill? Bill loves tatas in his face, especially in the morning when he’s sore as hell and got so much good lovin’ last night. And sure enough, tiger goes to take a sip of her coffee and she feels it--the small grumble, a pair of warm lips wrapping around a nipple as he snuggles further into her chest.
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ourwannabewriter · 4 years
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BNHA Hogwarts AU [ imagine where Deku first develops feelings for you! ]
|| Gryffindor Izuku x Reader ||
Deku was a Squib, as he failed to produce or show any signs of magical abilities, much to the sadness of his mother.
Of course, All Might somehow manages to pass on his magical abilities onto Deku.
"Yer a Wizard, Deku!"
Thus, Deku successfully manages to be enrolled into Hogwarts, recieving his letter just in time.
It's at Platform 9 and ¾ where he first meets Ochacho, who wingardium leviosa's his ass to stop him and all of his luggage from falling.
"I used a spell on you, I hope you don't mind!"
"N-No! Of course not!"
Once he boards the train, he eventually comes across Ochaco sitting in one of the many cabins.
"Oh! You're the boy from earlier! Come and sit with us!"
"This is Iida Tenya and (Y/n) (L/n)!" She says cheerfully, gesturing to both of you as she dutifully introduces her new friends.
"It's nice to meet you!" You tell him, grinning from ear to ear.
Deku can't help but notice how cute you are in that very moment, perhaps it's then that he slowly begins to develop feelings, but it's not until after he gets sorted into Gryffindor and gets bullied by Bakugou for it that he falls hard.
"How the fuck did a squib like you get into the same house as me, huh?!"
Naturally, you step up to defend your newfound friend.
If you're in either Slytherin or Ravenclaw:
"Squib? Are you really going so far as to insult our school by suggesting that they're sending squibs invitations now? Pfft. You really do prove that empty vessels make the most sound. Oof And to think you're going so far as to stoop so low ― resorting to bullying someone of your own? You sure have a lot of nerve, it's too bad you lack Gryffindor's better qualities."
...Or Gryffindor or Hufflepuff:
"Deku's not a squib! He's clearly in the same school as you, wearing the same robes of red. The reason he received a letter in the first place is because the school recognized that he had magical abilities! Whether you recognize that or not is entirely up to you, but you should at least show common decency to someone in the same House as you! How can you even think of mistreating someone belonging to your own House?!"
Of course, this doesn't sway Bakugou in the slightest.
"Tch. I'll never accept that wimp as a Gryffindor!"
"Then you're not fit to wear those robes."oof 2x
Deku finds himself admiring you and your courage to defend him, and thanks you profusely for it. "Thanks for that, (Y/n)...but why wou-"
"Shhh. You're my friend, and I'll fight anyone that dares to even think of hurting my friends."
Deku mistakes it for admiration at first, but nope. It's love. Hopeless, puppy-eyed love.
He adores you. Everything about you, from the way your eyes light up whenever you're passionately talking about something, or how you actually stop and listen to him and his over analysis on new Quiddtich strategies, and how you validate his feelings and don't make fun of him for it all the time.
So yeah, he notices almost everything about you.
He could go on and on about you, honestly.
...He doesn't actually manage to gather the courage to confess to you until you're halfway through or in your final year together at Hogwarts, though.
And the only reason he confesses is because he just couldn't keep it in anymore.
And so he blurted it out. All of it.
Not to you, of course ― it was meant for someone else's ears.
...And you just so happened to overhear it.
"Me?! But all this time I thought you liked Ochaco!"
"N-No! It's always been you, (Y/n) ― since the very start!"
Deku looks forlorn for a moment, all until you walk up to him and gently clasp his hands in yours.
"...But, the truth is, it's always been you, too."
Deku looked shell-shocked. Had he heard you right? It was impossible! How could you like someone like him?
His mind was overthinking everything, failing to process what you had actually said ― he just couldn't believe it.
Leaning forward, you pressed your forehead against his, and his thoughts went silent.
"And it'll always be you."
This is the first time I'm doing something like this. I hope you enjoyed it! <3 nobody asked for it, but here you go!
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humaudrey · 5 years
TheThings is back on their bullshit
Anyone know how to delete a YouTube video from someone else's channel (or just their entire channel all together) because...
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I don't even have the words!!!!
Once again, your girl watches one of their videos (several times unfortunately to really analyze this ish) so y'all don't have to and let me tell you, this one is 1,000,000x more infuriating than the one when they belittled Uma to lift Mal and make her better in comparison (link to my post on that here).
I've been recommended this video so many times since the trailers for D3 dropped and when I saw the title, I KNEW I was gonna hate it and low and behold, I DID!
So let's go over their "5 Signs on why Audrey is the real threat", shall we?
#1. Audrey's Outburst
So, their first piece of evidence as to why Audrey's the unfathomable dark force (their exact words) is because of the fact that Audrey yelled no as Ben proposed to Mal, "ruining their beautiful moment". They then explain that it would be "natural for Audrey to be jealous since she is Ben's ex-girlfriend", being perfect okay with the ugly "black, bitter, ex-girlfriend" trope that many have loved to stick onto her in their fanfics (I see y'all 👀), and then compares that moment to when Ben asked Mal to be his date for coronation in D1, stating that she didn't react so strongly before, so why now? EXCUSE ME?! Our girl left the Tourney Field crying that her BOYFRIEND had serenaded another girl with a love song, and not a single person ran after her. She had every reason to be upset then, too. Who's to even say why Audrey's saying no? It could be a terrible misdirect on the trailer's part. The theory that Audrey's possessed is swirling around everywhere, maybe it had already begun to take effect, which is why she's "acting so strangely". D3 hasn't even been released and they're already villainizing her. Figures.
They also use the typical argument that Audrey's into titles and she wants what Mal has, and that she didn't want Chad because he was merely a prince.
She doesn't want Chad because CHAD CHARMING IS A MANIPULATIVE TOOL! Ask Evie! Chad only thinks that being king would get Audrey's attention. You wanna talk about jealousy? Titles? If ant character is jealous of anyone's titles, it's Chad freaking Charming, not Audrey.
#2. The Crown
An obvious piece of evidence is the fact that "Audrey" steals the Queen's crown and Maleficent's scepter from the museum. Whatever, right? They assume that Audrey's faking her slumber when the sleeping spell hits, giving her an alibi. They then have the FREAKING AUDACITY to say that AUDREY, a non magical princess, who has been so anti-magic since D1 (with a grandmother who she loves dearly, that's triggered by the mention of said spells and curses), was the cause of the curse. Their evidence? Well, her family's VERY familiar with it, so it makes sense, right?
Audrey has NO magic whatsoever!!! Did they forget that? The only reason her family is "so familiar" with the sleeping spell is because THEY ARE VICTIMS OF SAID SLEEPING SPELL!!!! And it's not like she could cast it, because, again, AUDREY HAS NO MAGIC!! If anyone is familiar with a sleeping spell, it's Mal. After all, she almost put Evie under just so she could grab her mother's specter from her.
How dare you take an Innocent family's trauma and turn it around to make them the bad guys?
#3. The Scepter
They continue to say that "Audrey" is to blame for the sleeping spell, rather than Celia, Hades, or Uma because "Audrey" has the specter. And immediately, they suggest that maybe Audrey's not working only. You wanna bet who they hinted Audrey was cooperating with?
If you guessed Uma, you'd be correct. All because Uma's seen laughing in her teaser. WHAT?! So, not only do you attempt to take Audrey's entire character and drag it through the mud, you take ANOTHER black girl's name that you've already tried to ruin and tarnish and say they're working together because they're BITTER?
They end their third sign with the line "We knew Audrey was a mean girl, but we didn't think she'd stoop so low".
The meanest thing Audrey has ever done INTENTIONALLY, was 1.) Tell Evie that she and her family don't have a royal status in Auradon (to which, she is technically correct) and 2.) Tell Mal that she and Ben wouldn't last because she's "the bad girl infatuation".
Jane should be branded the mean girl because she turns on the one girl that helped her with her rise to popularity (which, granted, was for malicious INTENTIONS and caused EVEN MORE self esteem issues by degrading her).
MAL should be branded the mean girl, if anyone! She's:
Dumped rotten shrimp on her former best friend because she laughed at her
Forced a guy to throw a party since his mother was away, knowing that his abusive mother wouldn't be okay with it
Then locked a girl in a closet full of BEAR TRAPS at said party all because she wasn't invited to her birthday party when they were SIX YEARS OLD
Dumped lye on another former best friend's hair because she DIDN'T WANT TO BE COMPARED TO HER
Told another girl that all she had going for her was her personality, so she needed the wand to make herself pretty
Let's see a video ranking Mal's top five worst moments, huh? There's plenty of those to use for a freaking video.
#4. It's All About Mal (sounds like D3)
They start this point off with: "Audrey has beef with Mal".
They use the fact that Mal stole her boyfriend and her title and their families history with one another, so Audrey has this motivation to ACT OUT AGAINST HER ENTIRE COUNTRY? Not buying it! I won't buy it, especially since both parties seemed to have made amends at the end of D1 when Mal silently curtsies as a lame form of an apology that Audrey gracefully accepts anyway like the future Queen of Auroria would. Audrey's even seen bowing willingly at the end of Set It Off, and is even cheering and dancing with her friends as Mal and Ben share their moment under the fireworks, so clearly, Audrey's not broken up about it in the slightest.
They propose a theory that Audrey's absence in D2 is because she's planning her revenge in Sherwood Forest, and that she doesn't have car troubles because "Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather should be more than capable of handling it, so she's only calling Chad to help her plot her scheme.
Whatever they're smoking, I want it.
Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather can't help Audrey with her car troubles because of the MAGIC BAN!! They needed Chad to help with her car.
And I HIGHLY DOUBT that Disney would plan something so carefully since the entire series is branded with plot holes and inconsistencies anyway, so... 🐸☕
#5. Face Off Time
Their final point states that Mal has to face off against the enemy and they use the first teaser of dragon-Mal blowing fire at "Audrey" on top of the castle, and the card at the end that says "betrayal", that Audrey has betrayed all of Auradon. And since Mal only turns into a dragon against SERIOUS ENEMIES LIKE UMA IN D2, Audrey has to be a REAL THREAT.
Thank God they're probably not making a D4, because if they continue this trend of WOC wronged by Mal as the villain, I'd be scared for Evie...
So, in their words, Audrey and Uma, two of the few black girls in the entire franchise who have every God given right not to like/trust Mal, are Mal's MOST SERIOUS rivals, as if Hades doesn't at ALL pose a threat to Auradon. No, Audrey is So mUcH MOre THreATEninG thAN ThE GOD OF THE UNDERWORLD, SO SHE MUST BE STOPPED!!!
I see you, TheThings, and if I didn't despise your channel before, I hate it that much more now after enduring 5 minutes of hell with you guys.
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Like, just say you're racist and GO! Audrey's clearly influenced by some magical being, whether it be Hades (WHO WE SEE DOING SOME KIND OF MAGICAL RITUAL WITH HER AND HIS EMBER IN A TRAILER, BUT I GUESS THEY CHOSE TO IGNORE IT FOR SOME REASON 🐸☕), Dr. Facilier, Celia, or maybe even Maleficent. Your reasons for making Audrey the villain are pathetic, and I wish I could block a YouTube Channel so I would NEVER see another video from your channel ever again.
I'm so sick of how "mean" brown girls are treated in media AND fandoms. Why does Audrey get all of his libel while Mal gets away with EVERYTHING? Why are the Cheryl Blossoms, the Quinn Fabrays, the Kitty Wildes, and every other mean girl that Emma Roberts has ever played are so praised and are instant fan favorites while the Josie McCoys, the Santana Lopezes, and the Brees are seen as the bullies when, at the end of the day, they're both different sides of the same damn coin?
And if you don't see a problem with this, then, newsflash, you are the problem!
So, I end my rant with this:
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And a short tag list containing: @amityravenclawelf and @coco-rena because I know these two are looking forward to this!
Have a wonderful day everyone!
And I apologize for the typos but I was HEATED!!
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