#but if you need help with the puppies
blueribbs · 8 months
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doggy bridget
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phoenixcatch7 · 1 year
In love with the idea of captain marvel being Billy's imaginary friend. Like, it'd be so easy. Early depictions had them as almost fully separate people sometimes, like one soul with two minds, rather than just two filters like we mostly see now.
But imagine a Billy down on his luck, hurt and hiding from police and criminals alike, daydreaming the hours away as children do, taking inspiration from all the superheroes rising to fame, making little stories to play out his dreams of saving the world with a generic action doll he found while dumpster diving once. Most of the paint's rubbed off.
Red's his favourite colour, his comfiest jumper is a bright ruby even after all the grime and washes. Gold, too, it's shiny and warmer than silver! A hero cape is a must, big and eye catching! And he can fly, of course, like superman, and in his daydreams, when he's sore and frustrated after a long day's grind, his superhero is smart enough and knows all the right words to get the bullies to stop without resorting to fighting.
His superhero fantasy is one he spends a lot of time on, the first one he goes for when struggling to sleep at night, and he can picture it so clearly. Captain marvel is big and bright and kind, strong enough to lift the boxes for the old lady up the road who's moving all by himself, fast enough to catch Jamie who fell out of the tree on Saturday and broke his leg and couldn't come to class for weeks. He appears at the entrance to alleys when Billy is cornered, he steps up behind to cover for him when he gets caught shoplifting, he sits at the bus stop with him when it's pouring rain and the right bus doesn't seem to be coming.
And then the wizard comes, or rather whisks him away, and like a magician from a fairytale breathes life into his imaginary friend until Billy feels thrice his size and a million times more invincible.
From then on, captain marvel is a real hero, just like Billy is a real boy, and as one they save the whole city, and then the whole world, and get cats down from trees and help Mrs Victoria move the last of her boxes and she gives them a pinch in the cheek and cookies for the road and sometimes it hurts but it's so much better than he imagined.
#dc comics#captain marvel#dc captain marvel#shazam#billy batson#imaginary friend#imaginary friend au#Billy's great because you can give him the most buck wild adventures with the most self indulgent plots and it makes perfect sense#Batman and superman are out here having mental health crisis no.528 and marvels away having dance offs with gnomes#Billy would fit perfectly into gravity falls he really would#Anyway imaginary friend au is near and dear because it encapsulates that sort of safe fantasy for change and companion ship#And a protective imaginary friend brought to life is going to be just a fascinating character no matter what#And it's the perfect cover for non imaginary cap anyway. Why does he prioritise this kid over everything despite having never mentioned him#Imaginary friends always have to care for their creator! But you can't expect an imaginary friend to do your taxes!#Why is cap so eternally kind and bubbly and a bit childish? That's because his creator is a kid! Duh!#This particular imaginary friend just so happens to have encountered magic and is now real enough to play basketball with asteroids.#He's strong enough to match superman but it's fine he's got a child's heart and an unending protectiveness for humanity.#Just don't try anything with the kid or you're toast.#I love the jl needing to save/help Billy in some way and cap; who's practically the jls puppy mascot at this point#Is just shamelessly and unrepentantly possessive of Billy while being openly wrapped around his finger. Number one fan#Like 'he's the specialist boy and if you don't clap for him I'm going to blow this whole building up' type#Have you read Split on ao3 it's like that. Cap is the most unaffiliated person on the team and then bam Billy is number 1 priority 100%#Go read split if you haven't 10/10#Like it never crosses caps mind to hinder or harm Billy he is Devoted. Platonic God/worshipper except the deity in question is an 11yo#And the worshipper is the closest thing to a deity without being one you can get in dc.#But like a healthy relationship lmao.#It's a soul deep claim with total freedom on both sides and they teach each other love and they're the same person#AUGH
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detectiveforfree · 2 years
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whats the point of being a baby/teenage costumed superhero if u?? cant have fun on one day when wearing costumes?? is a requirment????
also extra barry&hal, before i realized that barry is canonically pouty when his sidekick is stolen by green lantern lol
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poison-into-positivity · 10 months
while we’re all predicting how Ed and/or Stede will propose, may I submit:
Both Ed and Stede have individually decided they want to do some sort of over-the-top production for the proposal (Stede because he enjoys it, Ed because he knows Stede will enjoy it) and they both, unknowingly, plan it for the same day.
And, I cannot stress this enough, the entire crew needs to be involved.
I want half of them helping Ed plan his proposal and the other half helping Stede. I want Oluwande to try and distract Ed while Stede is setting stuff up, meanwhile Fang and Frenchie are searching high and low for Ed because they need his guidance in how to prepare. I want Pete helping Ed and Lucius helping Stede, but both of them only refer to it as “the proposal” to one another so they falsely believe they’re talking about the same one and everything gets all mixed up. I want Jim and Archie to row to shore to find party supplies and decorations for Ed, and run into Olu and Zheng who are doing the same for Stede, and both pairs are overly suspicious and secretive for no reason. I want every part of Ed’s plan to be somehow undermined or ruined because of Stede’s plan, and vice versa.
I need it to be ridiculous, because that’s them. I need it to be an absolute disaster where neither of them actually gets to ask. I need it to end in a quiet, intimate conversation, and a “of course I’ll marry you, you nut.”
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bookrat · 2 months
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Sale post! Very sorry for the photo quality on some of these, I can attempt to take more if you're interested in a piece and ask for different angles/lighting.
The Deinonychus bust is $350, it hangs out from the wall 21 inches and is 19 inches tall
Yi qi is $180, 11 inches long and 8 inches tall
Catfish is $350, 15 inches long and 17 inches tall
Tianyulong is $200, 29 inches long and 11 inches tall, the tail is poseable
Fur-bearing golden trout is $130, 12 inches long
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uncanny-tranny · 11 months
Every time I try to "tough out" my pain, I always imagine a group of scientists with the saddest expressions on their faces because they invented a way to help my suffering and I refused to use it because I didn't feel "worthy enough" and I always feel so guilty and grateful for their effort and sacrifices
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yoohyeon · 4 months
If you like my content and want to support me I have now a Ko-fi, thank you in advance of you help 🥺💖
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heytheredeann · 7 months
Today on Very Serious Spy Scenarios, imagine Illya and Napoleon at the beginning of their partnership, with Napoleon happily pushing all of Illya's buttons every five seconds to try and see what will get him punched and what not. Illya is endlessly frustrated with him, especially because he CANNOT get a rise out of him, no matter how hard he tries.
And then one day, when they are arguing, again, Illya is getting desperate to Win This and so this conversation ensues:
Illya: "What's your problem, your parents never hugged you as a child?"
Napoleon, completely unfazed: "Actually no, my father barely spoke to me and my mother lowkey disliked me, so."
Napoleon: "What?"
Illya: *getting teary-eyed*
Napoleon, now a little scared: "Peril?"
Illya: *bear hug attack*
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sergle · 1 year
Now I’m curious, what breeds are on your list?
✨Golden Retrievers✨ Pomeranians Samoyeds Rottweilers Irish red setters German Shepherd (I like the black ones) Rough Collies and Shelties Great Pyrenees Bernese Mountain Dogs Cocker Spaniels St. Bernards Borzois and probably more that I forgot to list!! These are all dogs that I Especially want to cry when I see them, and that I could see myself loving / being able to meet the particular needs of their breed. I've expanded my Range a little in the two years since I brought Hugo home, since he's taught me a lot about dogs, and I could potentially take care of a baby with very different needs from the ones that he had. I'm still by no means a dog expert but. Yanno. You learn small things over time! In the end, when I was searching for a dog a few years ago, I had a few qualifications I didn't want to budge on. I needed a dog that's trainable, but not stubborn, a dog that's gentle and considerate with my cats and my niblings, a dog that's not too reactive, a dog with soft fur, and a dog that is affectionate. So... Hugo is all of those things!!! He picks up skills quickly and listens (I gotta work on his Recall though), he takes extreme care around the cats and is so careful that he can be left alone with kittens and baby chicks, so being sat on / bothered / tugged on by small kids isn't even a challenge. He has never growled at anyone or anything in Irritation in his life. He's never bared his teeth. He doesn't bark at strangers or at odd noises, he doesn't snap as a response to being surprised. He's extremely pillowy soft, and his fur doesn't irritate my skin or pierce my clothes. He is extremely, extremely sweet and loving, frankly to the point that he would easily fall in love with a new owner if he was kidnapped lmao. You can maybe see why I like goldens so much. I got REALLY close to adopting a Pomeranian, which I'll continue to Think About, basically forever... but as someone with a predisposition for migraines, I don't want to set the dog up for failure if I'm not ready to hear bark bark bark bark bark bark bark all day. That's the ONLY downside. Maybe I invest in some noise cancelling headphones? They're beautiful dogs though, I love an animal that looks like a little rat. You ever see one of them after a bath? My god.
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sga-owns-my-soul · 4 months
sorry to everyone i tell a fic idea to that they get excited about bc i'm so bad at finishing a fic but i can offer you the start of the 8 new fics i've started this week with 0 plans on how to finish them if you would like
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tricks-n-illusions · 6 months
Inari: Little one, I’m afraid I don’t understand what you’re saying. Are you alright? Do you need help?
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The presence of a much smaller Pokemon seemed to ease his panic, however, the fox appeared a bit disappointed at this realization. Seems his questions went unheard unfortunately... He gave a sad sigh as he looked away. Though currently focused on the grass his gaze nervously shifted around, all while he searched for the proper words to communicate with the mew.
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It had been a while since he spoke Pokemon... but, It shouldn't be too hard right? After a long moment of silence, he finally gave a brave inhale as he spoke up once again.
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Even if his words were a bit rough and oddly pronounced you could understand him much better now. His ears quickly flattened once again, "I... was... asking a question?" Silas seemed a bit puzzled at the offer of help, he was unsure if he'd done something worrisome, well, apart from his initial panic. "Did I do something wrong?"
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puppydevilxd · 3 months
just woke up it’s 5am and i’m so so sleepy but i’m so wet n i wanna touch but m’too tired so i’m just pathetically rubbing my thighs together n trying so hard to hump the bed but the only thing it’s doing is teasing me….
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fairestmusesofthemall · 4 months
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"What kind of a man doesn't like puppies?!"
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adagiodummy · 8 months
Whispering soft dom praise and petting my plushes as I go to sleep because WHY is there not a man in my bed for me to adore
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For all y'all asking for Corset-Wes™... he traded in the corset and upgraded to Brasier-Wes™
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the-cookie-of-doom · 7 months
I’ve been wrist deep in so many asses today. My professional poker face is impeccable. Tried and true, baby!
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