#but if you're also struggling with positivity and motivation i hope this helps you too
studentbyday · 4 months
cheap and easy ways to romanticize your life ~it's about the little things~
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˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ speak to yourself lovingly. you have the potential to be your best cheerleader because your mind is the only one you can read. when you find yourself feeling down bc of automatic negative thoughts, try to think of something about the situation that is genuinely good, however small it may feel. on a similar note, every night, try to come with at least 3 good things that happened or that you felt that day. they don't have to be big things. even just the absence of smth negative is a positive. (this is still taking sm practice after getting stuck in a pessimistic habit and struggling to keep myself accountable to change it, but it's so worth it, i promise. 🥲)
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˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ start your day with music that puts you in the mood to...well, start your day. | personal favorites 🥰 morning coffee lofi • happy morning jazz • cozy jazz for when you don't want to think about anything
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˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ get cozy. 🧣 hold something soft. 🧸 savor that texture, that comfort.
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˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ forest bathing 🌲🥰 look out your window or better yet, step outside. breathe the air. get some sunlight. look at the sky. the clouds. trees. stars and moon. all the colors. all the shapes. listen for birdsong. the crunching of snow or grass under your feet. isn't it wonderful that we get to experience all this? when i'm feeling lonely and i step outside and look for any sign of nature, i realize just how much i'm not alone and there is good in the world.
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˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ set up a nice ambience. there are many for free online that can sound as real and comforting as you want them to be for the days when indoors studying or what have you. study with me videos have literally tricked my brain into feeling like studying even if it's really just pseudo-external accountability (i can never wake up to watch them live lol).
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˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ you are worth taking care of. so take care of yourself. start with smth really really small like leaving a glass of water by your bedside to drink first thing after waking up. then gradually add in slightly bigger things as you feel ready like taking care of your hair (literally did not know about proper washing technique until i watched this 😵) and skin (bare minimum: cleanser, sunscreen, and moisturizer), getting enough sleep, and exercising. "true self-care is not salt baths and chocolate cake, it is making the choice to build a life you don’t need to regularly escape from."
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Hi if requests are still open could I ask for nsfw headcanons for Erwin, Levi and Hange? Thanks so much in advance 😊🩵
Yaaaaay, veteran trio sure thing :)
Disclaimer: I use they/them pronouns for Hanji and since this request is NSFW in nature also AFAB language/terms will also be used for them. And Levi’s portion goes into the expected heavy shit about his childhood and Underground. ...Erwin’s I just... idk. Wrote with my dick I guess 🧍🏻‍♂️
Gender neutral reader (no pronouns used) with AFAB or AMAB anatomy depending on reader's choice since both options are lightly given. Hope that makes sense.
NSFW contents under the cut 😉
Erwin Smith
Dear Reader, I want you to look me directly in the eyes and try to tell me this man doesn't have a big dick - trick question you can't. The man is big all over. But he's very polite about it, not one to brag but it does bring a warm smile to his face to see your eyes practically pop out of your head the first time you're down on your knees, crouched down in front of the chair to his desk, mouth already watering as you quickly undo his belt and unzip him to be able to pull him out - only to go eyes owl wide when it nearly smacks you in the face. It takes a lot from him not to chuckle out when your hand goes to hesitantly wrap around it - only for you to flinch back when it twitches hello in your grasp, he finds it very cute actually.
Hairy chest. That's all. Actually no - hairy everything. It's great.
He is loud very loud - Erwin’s a loud man in general, kind of has to be when he's been in a military superior position for good portion of his life. But it didn't come up from that, no, Erwin’s always been loud when it comes to 'entertaining' lovers - even since he younger, if Erwin Smith is having sex everyone will know it, does not help he's a screamer (Nile and Mike have always teased him about it) but he sees no shame in it - just proof his lover(s) made him feel good and wears it like a badge of honor. And don't think he's alone in this, he will make damn well sure you're just as satisfied until your lungs go sore.
But if you are embarrassed of having people give you awkward looks afterwards, the solution is actually very simple: gag him. It could be with anything really; your underwear, your fingers, your hands around his thick neck, your hole/cock, get really creative with it :) And if you want yourself to not be heard, just tell him I'm sure he can think of some naughty ideas too.
Erwin has... complicated issues with relationships, both being Commander and focusing on attaining his dream he'd rather not be tied down to a serious relationship, but he has no issue with a friends with benefits type situation - stress relief. God does he need stress relief. However, if you are in a serious relationship with him then it's clear you're obviously very special to him - which also complicates things. For one I see him refusing to date a civilian so you have to be in the Survey Corps and fully understand what that means, to fully understand the 'delicate your hearts' oath and fully know damn well either of you could die at any time each time you step outside the Walls. Plus Erwin has a lot - and I mean a lot of enemies, you being someone someone so dear and close to him makes you a number one target and he knows that, he struggles with that, however it's a good motivator in a way; keeps him more focused and on guard, it makes him more careful, it makes him gather more and more blackmail on certain people if needed. That being said, the sex between you and him if you're dating - or hell married - is full blown romantic.
Don't get me wrong, he'll still blow your back out if you ask, but most of the times when you both find the time to sink to each other's touch it's with this air of gentleness Erwin has honestly never experienced with another partner, even Marie. You're... something special to him. Maybe it's because unlike past romantic interests - both men and women - you actually understand what's going on inside his head, you get how important his dreams are, you get his guilt, you actually know the... unspeakable wonder (beside all the titan killing fellow comrades thing) of what it's like outside the Walls. Freedom.
His kisses are so gentle yet grounded, he makes sure to kiss every inch of your body while muttering all sorts of praise and adoration with his lips pressed up against your skin so you can feel his words.
His big, thick fingers work open your hole/pump around your cock with steady rhythm as he takes you on his bed. He loves feeling your hands spring up and encourage his actions by messing up his normally perfect stylized hair and turning it into a complete blonde mess.
Loves hearing you, your voice sounds like absolute heaven to him if there is one and your voice crying out his name over and over and over and over and over again as he makes you come with nothing but his fingers/hand never fails to briefly send him there each time.
When he's inside you he can't help but feel overwhelmed, you're so warm and tight hugging your walls around him and if you're smaller than him he will never fail to tell you how seeing his cock not even able to completely enter all the way inside without the tip of his cock already pressed to deep that his head is rubbing at the deepest part it can go without you completely breaking entirely. If you're around the same size or maybe even a little bigger, then it's still the same, it brings a wide stupid grin on his face to look back as he has your legs tossed back and you're on your back you taking his prick all the way up to his base, balls resting comfortably against your ass. He feels ecstasy when he can start fucking deep into you.
When I said loud, I mean loud-loud. And if you're more than just an occasional fuck? Double that by like - twenty. He will vocalize each and every single thing he's feeling and is on his mind as he pounds into you. The headboard? Is banging against the wall so loud that Cadets two floors down in the Mess Hall can hear it and could mistake it for Wall Rose getting breached. It's an absolute miracle that shit hasn't split in two yet and especially with how one of Erwin’s hands clutches down onto it to keep himself grounded as he fucks you, moaning and groaning your name and all sorts of curses so loud that Levi’s viciously kicking the wall down the hall in his own office just as loud to tell you two to shut the fuck up but neither of you can hear it as you're so fucking lost in one another.
Call him Commander in bed. Do it. That twenty will turn into a hundred so fucking fast, not as fast as Erwin rearranges you to turn around - front facing the bedroom door - and straddling his hips with your back to him and your arms are held behind your back as he roughly bounces you on his lap. Everyone in this damn building and outside it will know what you're doing.
I mentioned his hairy chest? Yeah, well that adds a nice friction on your back and his chest is so plump you can lay back in them almost like pillows. Meaty, hairy, pillows. It's nice. They jiggle underneath you btw.
When he comes it's like a geyser going off inside you - literally. He'll fill you so full and your ears will practically ring from how loud he'll scream unless you quickly muffle his mouth up with your own or something, if not... well, everyone already knows what you've been doing at this point. If not? They certainly do now. But you try not to think about it, watching the flood of come pouring out of your when his cock slips out and staining both your and his thighs and the bedsheets.
Erwin acts practically drunk in the afterglow, his words are slurred and he has this wide toothy smile on his face you can't help but to kiss. This is the true stress relief. Here, his thoughts are the furthest from everything; the Walls, the titans, the Government, the Crown, the maybe-possible-if-his-father's-right people living outside the Walls... his dream... all of it. This is one few times he can completely distract himself away from all of it. He isn't Erwin Smith, Commander of the Survey Corps and accidental murder of his father - he's just... Erwin. And he's with you, just you - not Squad Leader (Name) (Surname). Just you, (Name). Nothing outside this very room matters, just laying in each other's arms and taking in the glow of being with one another. Knowing damn well you'll have to remember and face it all once you leave here.
But it's fine. He wouldn't be with you nor you would him if you didn't know that, if you didn't want to fight back against everything that be - if you didn't want Erwin’s dream to come true. And everyday, bit by bit you make further strides for that dream, together. You’ll reclaim Wall Maria, capture outside the Walls, beat the titans, learn the truth of what's to know about them. And see that thing mentioned in one of Erwin’s forbidden hidden books his father left... what was it again? Oh yeah, the sea. The ocean.
You two will see that together. You promised one another. No matter what.
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Levi Ackerman
Right off the bat it should be stated: Levi has a complicated relationship with sex - it should be obvious, given how he grew up. Where he grew up. What his mother did for a living, and... he very much grew up aware of what she did. It's not just sex either, relationships, dating as a whole he's... complicated with.
Two things: Levi doesn't do causal flings, he doesn't do causal relationships. If he's with you in the first place it's because he loves you. If he didn't he wouldn't be with you and it's that simple, he's doesn't vocalize it much - he has... issues with words, serious, emotion-y words - but if you're with him at all romantically in the first place you already know him fluently enough to understand that. He doesn't have to say "I love you," very often - you already know he does, and when he actually does voice it, it's always at the absolute most vulnerable positions he can be to show you how much he genuinely means it.
Trust is important to him. Very important. He loves you, he wouldn't be with you if he didn't as we already established that. Sex? Completely different ball park. If he wants to he sexually active with you it is beyond trust with him. It's beyond just trusting his own life in your hands, it's beyond letting you handle his old knives, it's beyond trusting you enough to tell you horror stories of how he grew up, it's beyond telling you just how close Farlan and Isabel were to him that they were practically siblings to him, it's beyond telling you about Kenny and how for the longest time and still sometimes that it fucks him up to think... he knew his mother - doesn't know how, the bastard always refused to ever tell him, and then just one day for no fucking reason just... walked out. Walked out without a word or anything. Left him to barely survive down there on his own until Farlan and Isabel. How for years... he was convinced the bastard might be his father. Because what else could he be? Visiting and knowing his dead mother by name - her actual name - and picking Levi up and saving him when he was on the brink of starvation, if Kenny hadn't arrived when he did then... he might've very well been dead by the next day. It's just... or it was hard to think up any other possible explanation but this MP killing bastard being his dad. But now, he isn't sure - nowadays doesn't really care to find out, hell the bastard could be rotting in a ditch for all he cares. He's never told another soul that - just you. Between you and him there's something deeper than trust.
Now, I know a lot of other headcanons tend to make Levi out to be this super dom sexy sex sex man or whatever, but no. He has no fucking experience whatsoever, until he made this connection with you he absolutely refused to - always thinking about that sunk look in his mother's eyes after dealt with clients and how she'd fake the warmth in them to hide the hurt when Levi would be let back in the room by one of her lady 'work friends' and she'd talk to him so lovingly and sweetly... until she got another knock on the door and he'd have to leave again. That sunken look in her eyes immediately returning and even as a kid he'd want to attack the bastards he knew was the cause of her hurt. And that's how he seen sex for the longest time, didn't fucking help with all the degenerates pigs Underground. He can count on both hands and toes and it still not be enough how how many fucking pigs he's had to gut for staring at Isabel the wrong gross way - a child. Still makes him sick. All these years later. So he's stayed away from it. Fought against it, even up against the absolute worst the Underground had to offer.
However, the longest he'd had bad associations with it, but... with you it's different. You're different, different than a lot of people and that's because of the beyond trust thing. He can be different around you - not the smartass, foul mouthed, titan killing machine people know him as now, he can be... vulnerable, alone with you - and he wants to be. He really does, he loves you afterall and... he wants to give himself to you, completely, because that's how special you are but...
It's stupid, he tells himself - he's a grown man, he's in his late twenties right now, acting and beating himself up in such a childish way over a natural thing. What's wrong with him? But it's you to calm him down, telling him you don't have to do anything and that you're content just the way things are between the two of you now. That you didn't need to go further - ever if he wished, that you love him no matter what. But the thing is... he wants to. There's just this - this mental block he can't seem to get across, no matter how hard he tried. Humanity's strongest? Or whatever it is they're calling him now? Scared of what? He scolds himself. Losing his virginity? The two of you share a bed together to sleep in - this shouldn't - shouldn't - shit. But... you look at him. The two of you sit together on the bed and you look up/down/straight forward at him (depending on your height) and he just... feels at ease, he remembers why he loves and beyond trusts you in the first place, that everything's fine, everything will be fine as he puts a hand to your cheek, rubbing his thumb over your bottom lip as he gives a steady nod and melts his lips with yours.
That being all said, yeah, Levi’s a virgin. He doesn't really have all that much idea of what he's doing, just goes by his gut and will rely on you to actively tell him what to do, what you want, and how you want it. But Levi - being the prodigy in every new skill he learns, doesn't take long for things to start clicking together in place. Half in hour and your virgin lover you'd think was actually a sex deity in human form - things just... click for him in that odd way it does for him learning new things (weird fucking Ackerman genes in work in real time, actually)
Insane head-game. Think he mouth I'd just good for crass insults and shit jokes? Nope, but honestly that should be expected. After the first few experimental pokes and licks around, enough to get a good idea of how to get you going, will his mouth latch onto and kiss, bite, and suck around the opening to your wet hole then stuck fucking his tongue deep inside and thrusting in all the sweet places/or mark fondle your balls with his mouth before working up your shaft kissing your head before absolutely deepthroating and going to town on you - no gag reflex, shocker. He loves the way you taste and can go on and on and make you come again, and again, and again, and again repeatedly until you loose your mind or voice. Or both.
Want to play with his insecurities? Not maliciously of course, but in universe I think Levi’s thought of as """"""""ugly"""""" and if that's the case you can imagine what types of disgusting shit people has called/said to him. He doesn't mind or care, especially these days as he's older but... call him handsome, or gorgeous and Levi’s a really pale guy, even if he's been above ground a couple years he's still wasn't born a 'sun-walker' so when he blushes it practically dyes his entire face and goes all the way up to his ears. It's cute. Even more cute when he growls, frowns, and scowls as he tries to hide it and distract you by suddenly entering you - which breaks the facade almost immediately as he goes wide eyed and nearly out of breath as he feels you around him. You overwhelm him, he burries himself in your neck not to let himself bottom out. His chest rocks with each breath and he's quick to litter your neck and collar in bites.
Hope you like it here, virgin or not with that Ackerman stamina you're going to be here awhile as he absolutely rocks your world. For hours and hours on end until the both of you are drenched in sweat and the wall has a crack in it from the bed moving.
Very quiet - nearly silent actually except for the occasional gritted curse and heavy breathing. But the longer you go on the more comfortable he actually gets making noise; moans, grunts, and punched out intakes of your name.
He'll fuck you until your legs go numb, wrapped around his hips and encouraging every thrust he gives you and you'll come over and over until you're light headed, bit with him there seems to be no end in sight as he onyx colored hair swoops down and dances with each and every single one of his movements as he looks down almost dazed at you.
Tell him out loud you love him and he'll come on spot.
Silvery grays practically roll back inside of his head when he hits his release and he'll be louder than anything he's been all night before finally his body gives out and collapses on top of you. Wide pleased smile on his face that's for no one inside these entire damn Walls or below ground to see - accept for you. It's only for you. This all is only for you.
After falling unconscious for about forty seconds Levi wakes back up with his normal expected demeanor, this time he just lies there in your arms and presses himself lazily in your neck. When he speaks it's slightly muffled, but it's fine. You ask him if he had a good time - which he tells you is a stupid question and should be obvious, getting a light laugh out of you as you go to comb through his sweaty hair.
He makes it very clear later that this isn't a regular thing, a once maybe a month type thing until... he gets a better understanding with it. "Shit takes time, you know." And you agree, telling him to take all the time he needs which he just lies there for another lingering moments before pushing himself up and pushing his lips to your own.
A bath sounds good now.
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Hanji Zoë
Doesn't really have that much experience, WAY too invested in their work to really have had the time. But! That doesn't mean they're not ready and willing to learn - very opposite in fact, honestly. They are absolutely over the MOON when you come out and say you want to fuck them! They get so excited that they rush off into whatever direction of the nearest library to learn and come up with ideas of what to do with you that they sort of leave you there behind in dust 😅 but not to worry, Moblit's there (somewhat very embarrassed to walk in on this exchange) but he promises you that your Squad Leader means well they're just... you know, eccentric.
Books on sexuality and other ""taboo"" stuff of that nature are looked down upon in the higher society of the Walls, but they're not that hard to find if you know where to look, and luckily Hanji knows where a bunch of them are - in fact they know a lot of libraries have them in a 'secret' section - but pulling a few strings and hinting at knowing about a married librarian's affair with a nurse down the street Hanji is able to gather a bunch of books to bring back to Headquarters! They spend all next and the next few days looking over them, reading them cover to cover - only having to explain to Nanaba once who came to visit their office and curiously had picked up one, only to immediately set it back down when seeing the one of the crude sexual diagrams drawn inside before immediately excusing herself.
So, with all this learning and newly attained precious knowledge and a bit of self discovery, turns out Hanji Zoë is a kinky mother fucker. They excitedly jot down all sorts of things that catch their interest, said list turns several pages long that when shown and told about your eyes nearly bug out of your head. Your face turns scorched hot as you tell your lover that maybe best for now just to... narrow it down to three things, then the both of you could talk and work up to it.
And that's where it stays for a couple of weeks, nothing really happens and things go on as normal, until one day when you're at the Superiors table in the Mess Hall as Erwin draws on and on about Banquet plans - AKA 'entertaining' and kissing ass to the nobles and the Brass to beg for funding for the next expedition outside Wall Maria - to you, Levi, Nanaba, and Mike, until suddenly Hanji comes springing down the hall and grabs your arm and pulls you completely off the bench seat to where you fall on your ass.
"Sorry-important-titan-research-matters-need-to-borrow-(Name)-bye!" And they drag you off, your ass still on the floor. Leaving everyone else at that table speechless.
You're about to scold your lover the moment you get inside the door, now at your feet, and your just about to until Hanji pushes you back against the wood in a feverish kiss that leaves you breathless. When they pull away they have a wide shit eating grin on their face. Okay. You're much calmer now. You let yourself be dragged across the small office and shoved onto the bed tucked in the corner - Hanji gives you a wink and excitedly goes for a couple boxes at their desk, handing them to you for you to open.
Rope. A... harness looking thing that looks like... underwear? With an odd hoop in the middle. And... a large phallic shaped object that makes your eyes go shot wide. Okay, you tell yourself. This must be their three.
"Two actually," They correct you without you even having to say it out loud. "-this is three." Without much effort they start pulling off their uniform to reveal the pretty white laced lingerie they have on that makes you go entirely speechless. They push their glasses up further on their nose with a head tilt. "You like?" You nod without even feeling yourself do so. "Good." You... didn't know to whether be scared or aroused at that glint in their eyes.
You're naked and tied up from post to post with the red velvety rope as your lover straddles you and map out every part of your body with their hands, committing each bump, scar, and curve to memory. Hanji looks at you with this inquisitive look in their eyes - the same look they get during one of their experiments but yet, it's almost different than that, or is it? They touch you and look back up to your face for a reaction, they like watching you squirm but not be able to do anything with your limbs tied and can only whimper and moan for them, they like that very much actually. You can't touch them either, as they straddle you your hips do buck into them - getting a gasp out of them but with their hands suddenly around your neck they scold you with a pointed wagging finger. "Bad, naughty."
Their hips starts grounding into you as they begin touching themselves with only you helpless to watch their hand disappear down lace panties and start working themselves over, making sure to make plenty of noises you can hear until suddenly their slick hand is shoved into your mouth and you're ordered to suck, which you do until they're roughly yanked out be replaced but their breathless kiss instead - tasting their own arousal off you. Then they get an idea.
With a wide smile off their face do they maneuver around the bed to where they're above you and moves the panties aside for you to eat at them as they sit on your face. They hum and moan out all sorts of praises as they let you know how good of a job your doing eating out their pussy like it was your last meal, and since Hanji wants to be the dominant party here, they're not afraid to order you around a bit - reminding you that they are your Squad Leader and you should address them as so. So get ready to add "Yes, Squad Leader," to each and every you say tonight :)
For being so good, they give you a reward: while you continue to eat them out, they'll bend slightly over, spread you legs slightly apart to comfortly position themselves to eat out your hole/or gag around your cock, all nice and good for their beloved favorite squad member until you both come at least a couple times each, and if you're to type to get overstimulated, they'll reassure how well you're doing and tell you in the softest voice they can: "One more, just one more." until you come again.
Once you're done with that and Hanji wobbles off the bed, legs shaking, as they go to gather the harness and dick shaped object off the floor. They slip off the lingerie panties and stuff them in your mouth with a; "Hold these, please." As your lover then boucy legs each of their legs through the leg-holes and carefully latches each strap - only pausing when they look over and realized they forgot the dick. Oopsie. Fix that.
With it finally on they kneel back on top the bed, untying yours legs and arms and rubbing each appendage carefully, muttering to ask if you're okay in your ear - you nod. Now, it doesn't matter to Hanji how big or small you are. You are going on their lap - no matter how maybe ridiculous you maybe might look, you are straddled their hips at your sex is rubbed against their fake dick. But of course, you're not getting it first without begging for it, or beg for it enough for your lover's liking.
When it's in and your hips are encouraged by Hanji's hands at your hips to start bouncing on it, at your own pace at the start, until a sudden slap to your ass encourages you go faster and you make a noise - muffled by the panties still in your mouth - to your lover's shit eating grinned delight as they start thrusting their hips to meet the back or your thighs in wet snaps.
Hanji absolutely loves having their chest marked up, after ripping the underwear from out of your mouth they'll hold your head to bite at their breasts that gets them to toss their head back in a satisfied hum.
Eventually, will push you to your back and start pounding away at you in their own pace, committing every sound you make to memory and drinking in every call of their name like they were on the brink of dehydration and bit by bit more they push you to the absolute edge - until you nearly scream out your climax, for it to be quickly smoothed by their lips and a tight fist wadded in your hair.
Both of you are jelly boned by the time your finished, completely naked now up in each other's arms and honestly half asleep. That is until you chuckle, nuzzling your face in the crook of your love's neck. "I think that might've been just a tad more than three things," you tell them, which they shrug. "What can I say? I got creative in the moment, you know - there's a ton of things in those books! Maybe some stuff you'll like-" You wave it off with a yawn.
"Maybe later. Nap time now," You can't help the amused smile. "-Squad Leader."
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casual-tarot · 1 year
Pick a Pile: People's First Impression of you
NOTE: These are from other people's perspective, not necessarily what you think of yourself. ALSO, these are mostly just quick thoughts, impressions, not a full fledged reading.
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Pile 1
You come off as very ambitious, probably a very work oriented person. They think you're hardworking and probably assume you're financially well off. They also assume you help your coworkers out a lot
Someone who looks like they can have a good time. Someone who, from across the room, is always smiling or making other people laugh.
Fiercely kind, someone who isn't afraid to speak up when something is wrong but usually never in an aggressive way.
People may look at you as a motherly figure(regardless of gender) in that you will guide others and lend a shoulder when you can.
Leader type, especially when it comes to work and your career.
Inspirational at times, someone who can get those around you motivated for anything. Work keeps coming to mind so this likely has to do with your career, but that's not the case for everyone.
A go getter, someone who just goes for what they want to achieve, little to no hesitation.
A planner, you may seem like someone who will just go for things but they don't see you as incompetent or foolish. People clock you as someone who doesn't hesitate to get what you want, but always has a plan for it, even if you never speak that plan out loud.
Very just and fair, unlikely to have bias or to let bias get in the way of any matter
Someone who can see right through people
I'm getting the vibe that some people may see you as manipulative, like your ability to clock people is used for evil lol, these impressions likely come from negative/jealous people so pay them no mind
Someone bright and sunny, kind
I think people think you're especially soft with your lover(s), maybe they see you with friends/partners/family from afar and see how gentle and kind you are to them, and assume it means that you are a very loving and thoughtful partner. I'm hearing/seeing Hand cupping/caressing cheek.
I think some people daydream about being your partner, they see your gentle touch from afar and wish it was them you were touching.
Someone who is very romantic. Like, rose petals on the bed or fancy dinner romantic. Some people just assume you're gentle nature translates to a super stereotypically romantic partner.
Someone who doesn't really care about or notice anyone's opinions about you, they think you go with the flow and don't let others thoughts bug you.
(Note: I hope that last part is true for you Pile 1, cause I get that vibe too! lol)
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Pile 2
Immediately I get the vibe that people see you as incredibly kind at first glance. Maybe a bit Motherly? Even if you don't identify as a female. Someone who understands your emotional state well
Someone who is very in tune with their intuition and subconscious. People probably see you as wise when they first see/meet you. You've got that airy peaceful look on your face.
Some people see you as stressed, someone who struggles because you put to much on your plate. Maybe from a distance, they see you take on task after task, favor after favor, and imagine that it must be stressful to have that all on your shoulders. I'm also seeing "commissions" so maybe you're an artist of some sort. This may or not be true, but others see it that way.
Despite the above point, I do think people see you as content. Someone happy with their life, who sees the positives in everything and rarely complains.
People see you as very creative and passionate. Maybe some of you create and sell things as your job, like an etsy shop for example. They see this and imagine you are incredibly talented and ambitious, willing to start a business all on your own. For those that don't have a career like that, they still see you as ambitious, a go getter of sorts.
A good work life balance. Maybe others see that, despite being a hard worker, you always make time for yourself and loved ones.
You have a keen eye, people think you can see things that others would normally pass by. They also think you're a great judge of character, that can see through someone in and instant. I'm imagining you meeting someone for the first time and clocking their intentions right away, and closing yourself off to them, only offering a polite smile and conversation. And then likely talking to them as little as possible. There are people that hate this because they know they can't manipulate you as easily.
I think you mirror others in a sense? Like, if someone is a bad person, you make them see that without ever having to say anything. They realize they're being cruel to you because you don't submit to them all while smiling kindly at them. It makes them understand that their actions are wrong. Some people see and hate this and will actively avoid you.
People assume you are at peace with yourself and your life.
People see you as successful, incredibly so. Whatever you've got going on for your career and in your life, people see and think you have it good. You come across as someone who is well put together in life. I'm thinking white picket fence, even if that's not necessarily the life you have. They see you as someone who imbodies that term. I'm seeing someone who gets out of their car with a bag of groceries, someone who seems to have that stress free and successful life others want.
A lot of people look up to you because of the above reason, you inspire them to believe in themselves and get to the point you have gotten too.
(A note for this Pile that I keep hearing, you're doing good! Your doing so well! Keep it up!)
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Pile 3
Immediately hearing "a romantic" so maybe you're a romantic at heart or a hopeless romantic. People see you as someone who dreams of meeting "the one" and loves love.
People see you as very passionate, both in the 18+ sense AND the ambitious sense.
On the note of 18+ people see you and think you're extremely attractive, they see you as someone "hot" with a "rocking bod" lol. I think people are intimidated by this sometimes. You seem like a very sensual person to others.
People also find your ambition incredibly attractive, it doesnt have to be in the romantic sense either. Some people see your ambition and passion and just deeply admire it.
Ambitious and goal oriented, people assume you take great pride in your job/creative work and assume you have a sort of plan of action.
Despite that, people don't think you're necessarily in it for the money, they assume it's just a bonus for you lol. You may come across as very humble.
A jack of all trades
A ray of light, a beckon of hope. Maybe you're an optimist or you just come off that way, but people tend to look to you for positivity, mostly in a work environment. They assume you'll be kind in anything you have to say, even if it's bad news.
I think some people assume that, secretly, you must be struggling. "You hide it well but, I know you well." Is what I'm hearing. Not they necessarily think they know you, just that they get the vibe that no one can be that successful/happy without some sort of tragic background.
I'm getting the vibe that some of the more negative/jealous types might feel that your positivity is all an act.
Leader type.
Very zen, some people assume you do yoga or something lol
I think some people might assume you do prayers? Not necessarily to the Christian God(though maybe you do) but maybe towards other deities. You may come off as a bit witchy lol.
A hard worker.
Someone who stays late in the office, or who works on a project late into the night. They assume you'll work day and night to finish your assignments.
There are some people that assume you're greedy. People get a general vibe of success off of you. Some of them assume that you must have a lot of money and that wanting to keep that close to your chest is just a part of that. It's a 50/50 on if they think this is a negative trait or not, depends on the person lol.
You probably have money put away for a rainy day.
"The world is at your fingertips."
Kind and friendly.
Vain. Some people see your success and assume you're cocky and full of yourself.
Confident. I think that's the overall vibe I get, someone who is confident in themselves and their work. Someone that doesn't care what other people think, and a lot of people admire this, though it definitely makes other jealous.
(A note for this Pile that I'm hearing: you do you! Don't listen to what other people say, don't worry about their first and lasting impressions. Live for yourself and keep doing what you're doing!)
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devilanon · 1 year
A request for a nsfw alphabet for ghost (or any/rest of them up too you) 👀 that size kink drabble lives in my head rent free btw you write him so damn well 😣🥲
hi hi :-) thanks! ghost for now, and gaz as well because i have garrick brainrot [nsfw below cut]
Aftercare = (what they’re like after sex) If he's post-subbing, he's the most needy fucker alive. All over you, despite how sweaty he is, plastering himself to your chest for a bit of cuddling as the little spoon. Dom Ghost will provide aftercare if you're actually in a relationship, but if it's just a quick fuck he's gone after a bare minimum check-in with you to make sure nothing's broken. But if he does have feelings for you, he's drowning you in praise, kissing lightly over the bites and bruises left in his wake, helping you sit up against his sturdy chest, bringing a bottle of water to your lips. B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s) Simon Riley has a huge fat fucking uncut dick, and that's just the truth. He likes seeing you struggle to take all of it, splitting you open on his cock. He's also an ass man. Loves to watch your cheeks bounce when he fucks you from behind, ripple when he spanks you, loves burying his face in your ass to eat you out.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically) Do not let this man fuck you raw he is fertile.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs) He's an exhibitionist, and he definitely wants everyone else on base to know who's fucking you and just how well he's doing it. He'll start groping you in risky high-traffic areas hoping someone sees. Swears up and down he had no idea anyone was coming down the hall.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?) Ghost fucks. There's no way Ghost doesn't fuck. This man has been whored out in like 80% of the countries he's been stationed in. He's great at mindless, meaningless, rough sex, but it's difficult for him to be slower, gentler, to stay present when he's actually making love and not just fucking. He tries, though, bless him.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying) Doggy. Like I said. Ass man. He will bend you over just about any surface if you let him.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.) He's pretty serious aside from the occasional snide remark. When he sets himself to a task he wants to carry it out as well as he can. This extends to fucking you silly.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.) He has a shortly cropped blond happy trail. I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect) He's... not great at intimacy, but he makes an effort, if he's having sex with someone he harbors an emotional connection with. His dirty talk is softer, he's a bit gentler, less rough around the edges.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon) He has a pretty high sex drive and usually masturbates just to sate it, rather than to sit down and enjoy himself. He rarely uses pornographic material, just fucks quickly into his hand replaying some memory.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks) Exhibitionism, as mentioned. Pet play, d/s, anything with power and control dynamics essentially. He likes to be on both ends of the spectrum. Humiliation, degradation, etc. Again, giving and receiving. Body worship (on him, but he'll do it for you as well). Size kink. L = Location  Anywhere he can get away with it, really.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going) He enjoys the concept of both dominance and exerting his will over you, and the release that comes from submitting to another person and allowing them to take the reigns. He really just teters back and forth between the two depending on his his self esteem is doing that day.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs) Simon Riley will not fuck you if you're even a bit tipsy or inebriated. Hard no.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.) This man loves to eat ass. He also loves to shove his dick as far down your throat as he can and hold you there until you're bucking against him for air.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.) Rough, though not necessarily fast. If he's feeling particularly worked up or mean sex can definitely turn into an endurance test he knows you'll lose. Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.) Simon wants to fuck you as often as he can, whenever he can, wherever he can. On a roadtrip? His hand is down your pants while he drives. Doing laundry? Lifting you up onto the dryer. In the hallway? Broom closet looks very inviting, wouldn't you say?
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.) He's open to a fair amount of things, if not out of interest, just to try them and know whether or not it does anything for him. S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?) He's a military man. He's extremely physically fit. If you let him, he'll fuck you until he physically can't anymore. Regardless of how quickly he might cum. He'll just use his fingers or his mouth until he's hard again.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?) He'll never admit it, but he does get jealous of inanimate objects for making you cum. Why not him? He can do it ten times better and faster. Watch.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease) Don't edge him, it won't work. He's bigger, stronger, and has more stamina than you, and he's stubborn as hell. You, though? If you let him, he'll make you beg for it. He'll edge you until you cry. He's also prone to trying to fluster you whenever he can, especially in front of other people, grabbing your hips to move you aside, brushing against your ass when he passes you in a tight space, things like that.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.) He's fairly quiet, especially if he's subbing. He'll groan, but it will be rare. He does enjoy a fair bit of dirty talk though. W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character) Wants to fuck his cum into you and then force you to walk around base leaking into your underwear. :-)
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes) Here to preach Chunky Simon RIley gospel. He has abs but they're under a layer of fat on his tummy. You can't see them unless he flexes. He has fat fucking tits. Big enough to grope. Has a pudgy little pubic mound. His arms and thighs are fucking huge. Big fat breeder balls. Has a light dusting of hair on his chest, and is fuzzy from the waist down.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?) High, man.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards) You will never catch Ghost sleeping after fucking you. He barely sleeps as it is. He'll just sit with you until you're asleep or ready to do something else.
Aftercare = (what they’re like after sex) He needs it. He's a sensitive boy, honestly, and if you just up and leave after having sex it's definitely going to hurt his feelings. He wants to pepper kisses all over you and snuggle. And maybe grind on you a little bit while doing so.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s) Gaz has nice, dexterous hands that can and will pull amazing sounds out of you when he's playing with you. This man fingers like no one's business. He's fairly attentive and will catch any noises or expressions you make while he's learning what you like, so he can do it more efficiently next time. He likes to watch your face when he fucks you, or when you fuck him. Your expressions do a lot for him.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically) He wants to come on your face. He'll beg for it, even. He wants to mark you anywhere, coming on your ass, your tits, your tummy, but your face is his go-to spot.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs) He's thought about stealing your underwear from the laundry room on base, when you leave it out. He wouldn't. Especially if you're not dating. It's just a thought. But he… looks. For a while. Especially if it's some lacy thing. Thinks about holding it in his hand while he's fucking his fist. Then goes about his day, chiding himself a bit.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?) Mildly? I feel like Gaz maybe got around when he was younger but has kind of slowed down, and he's even a bit ashamed of his fuckboy phase. He's seeking more of an emotional connection now instead of flings.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying) Facefucking is high up there. He also likes missionary so he can watch your expression change into something fuzzy and fucked-out.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.) He's definitely always smiling when he fucks you, right up until he's about to come. Whether or not it's a smirk or a goofy grin depends on what you're doing and the mood. He'll also tease and rib you lightly, especially if you're babbling nonsense after he's pushed you particularly hard and made you come several times.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.) I headcanon Gaz as being fairly smooth? I honestly don't know why.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect) Gaz is sweet. He's one to break out pet names, compliments, occasionally praise; I don't think he has a lot of casual sex, so making love is more of a common occurrence than just fucking.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon) Gaz definitely has a folder on his phone of dirty pictures of his S/O that he pulls up when he's getting off. He prefers sex, but will look at images of you if you're not accessible at the moment. He'll send you images of him fucking his hand, sound clips if he's feeling particularly devious. If you let him take videos of you giving head or fucking him for use while he's away, he'll be very, very grateful.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks) Marking (with cum, but he'll leave hickies as well). Overstim. He likes to fuck you until you're unintelligible, then keep going beyond that, if you'll let him. Grinding / outercourse / thigh fucking. Service domming.
L = Location  He's not too adventurous, anywhere private.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going) Gaz just wants to make you feel good, honestly. You getting off gets him off.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs) Getting super rough, mean, or degrading doesn't do anything for him. Not only is he disinterested in it, it's counterproductive to what actually gives him pleasure, even if you ask for it.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.) Gaz loves eat out for dinner :-) He'll keep going until you're squirming away from him and begging him to give you a break. Tonguefucking is a favorite. He likes fucking your face, making it sloppy and watching the drool run down your chin onto your chest. Bonus points if you wear makeup and he gets to ruin it. Bonus bonus points if you have to walk somewhere with that ruined makeup.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.) It depends on his mood; he's normally pretty slow in the interest of being thorough and making you come as hard as you can, as many times as he can make you.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.) He's indifferent to it. It doesn't give him as much time as he'd like to unravel you, but if you propose it he's certainly not going to turn you down.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.) Gaz is fairly open to trying new things, but if it skeeves him out even a little bit he's unwilling to try it.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?) Multiple rounds are a given fucking this man. He wants you fucked stupid. He wants you braindead and drooling. He wants you unintelligible on his dick. He will buy a cock ring for the sole purpose of fucking you longer so he can watch your eyes roll back and jaw go slack as you come for the umpteenth time.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?) Gaz is fairly open to using toys; again, big fan of service domming, so he enjoys doing whatever he can to make you feel good. He would also enjoy leaving something inside of you while you run errands or do chores, just as a way to mark you, claim you without actually touching you.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease) He's not a super big fan of it; why edge you when he can make you come, and then make you come again? He doesn't hold out well if you tease him, either. The moment you flirt with him, brush up against him or make a suggestive statement, he's ready to go.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.) Gaz is very vocal, and he's not shy about it either. He's a whiner, making high pitched breathy sounds, and he's also prone to babbling in your ear when he's close to coming; "Hot, wet, tight, so good for me baby."
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character) Crier. Not in an emotional sense, but if he comes particularly hard he's thanking you and tears are rolling down his face.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes) This man is cut. He has the "otter" build, slim, lean and strong. Veiny arms. Definitely has abs. Cum gutters. His dick is long and curved upward. Average thickness. His balls hang. Good for slapping against your clit when he fucks you from behind.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?) Gaz wants to fuck, man. Not so much that it's a constant thought of his, but he's easily swayed into being in the mood.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards) Sex doesn't knock him out, but he'll fall asleep cuddling you afterwards. (He talks in his sleep.)
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libelelle · 1 year
OBLIGATORY DISCLAIMER. my opinion on Silver is by no means the single correct one nor do i think it should be, do what you do idc. we're all here throwing him at a wall repeatedly for fun
Ok so. whats the point i wanted to make. oh yeah right
his character is so interesting this is a character for sure. im screaming and crying etc etc. the unfortunate part is NO ONE GETS HIM. i see a lot of interpretations that cherry pick his personality and experiences and it just! isnt it! he is a complicated character!
trying to simplify him down to 🥺innocent soft boi🥺 doesn't work, not only cause you're ignoring his DEBUT GAME (NEVER FORGET HE TRIED KILLING SONIC) but also because you just disconnected him from his entire backstory and motivations. i see people making Silver into a "cinnamon roll" guy and it always makes me grimace because... do you know WHY he is clueless. do you know why he doesn't get things or is too trusting or this or that. its because he grew up in the apocalypse alone. he hasn't experienced anything normal or healthy in his entire life. and since these traits, which are used to make him into the innocent cinnamon roll, are a result of growing up in a very abnormal environment, are symptoms of having never been in social situations and never had a normal day-to-day life. this means you can't ignore the OTHER characteristics that result from it. by this i mean hes very independent, very stubborn and aggressively mean (i recommend watching any of Silvers interactions in the Rivals games. he is extremely confrontational and a very good example of the kind of behaviour i'm talking about). but since this doesn't fit the bill for the character that you want him to be, you remove the context. him being clueless has nothing to do with his background. hes anxious cause hes a smol bean, not because hes been drowning in responsibility and trauma for as long as hes been alive. hes kind because hes innocent, not because he chose to be despite it all
"but linnea! what about IDW! hes very innocent in that!" INCORRECT BUZZER. IDW is not the same. i'll admit, the writing isn't always what i want or expect for Silver, but there's something important for you to note here
Silver is ✨Recovering✨
from my perspective at least. what i see is Silver, who has actively been working together with other people for MONTHS. he has friends, a support net, as well as hobbies. these are things he didn't have before, and being with these people, in both calm and hard times, helped him. So what we are seeing isn't the trauma responses, we're seeing the result of being acclimatized into a healthier and safer position. that's why there's a change in behaviour. this doesn't mean hes a soft boy now. AGAIN hes complicated. be careful not to boil him down to a single trait. in IDW we still see moments where he experiences difficulties because of his past. examples include when he met Whisper, Failed Social Interaction and said this:
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he struggles with boundaries! of course he does! he's still getting the hang of being around people
then also recently when he came to help Sonic in 58:
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he is struggling!! with nothing to focus on! his default is fight fight save the future fight!! he's not used to normal life and that makes him anxious and frustrated, unable to focus on things he cares about, as we see in the future growth comic in the 2022 annual
there are likely more examples but idc. need to finish this post. continuing, Silver is complicated, meaning that even when he is aggressive and tunnel visioning on a task, he has more going on. one thing i fucking lovee LOVE love about Silver is that he has hope. fuck if i were him i think i'd have given up. THOSE horrors? every day? no thanks
Silver feels anguish and frustration and fear. this being said even at his angstiest moments he has hope. you cannot look me in the eye and tell me that Silver fought through every horrible disaster, coming back to a newly devastated world every time and decided to continue with no hope for a better future. he is determined and he has hope, even if he has to fight tooth and nail for it. Usually when i think about Silver and his odd optimism, i go back to '06, when he's having his moral crisis over killing sonic.
"To kill someone to save the world... is that really the right thing to do?"
it would've been understandable if he decided it was the right thing to do, even if sonic was someone who was kind and loved, because that's just how bad the world is. maybe its just me, but the way this thought broke through in spite of his bull headed focus on destroying the iblis trigger speaks to me about his nature as a person. even coming from the bleak world he came from and even with the tunnel vision he had, he still considered this one persons life to be important too.
he is, at heart, a very gentle and kind person. he is, at heart, someone who is strong and who wants to help others. a version of Silver that is sad all the time, unable to see the good in the world (a phenomena i don't see much of thankfully) isn't true to Silver as a character because its missing that core trait to his character, that he wants to help because he cares.
Silver can't be one or the other. one way ignores his background and his trauma, which leaves out important parts of his personality, the other just abandons a very integral part of who he is.
the point really is to say that (slaps roof of Silver) this bad boy can fit so much layers!
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theambitiouswoman · 1 year
How do I stop feeling so ugly? I feel like my looks hold me back so much and then I just get depressed, so I look worse … it’s a never ending cycle. My lack of self esteem is ruining my life but I just don’t know how to stop.
I'm sorry you're struggling with low self-esteem. Please remember that your worth isn’t tied to your physical appearance!
I want to completely start off by saying that you’re not ugly. None of you reading this are ugly. You may feel ugly, and that’s what shows in your appearance. The universe responds to how you treat yourself. How you treat yourself is how others will perceive and treat you.
You can work on yourself from the inside out or the outside in. Let’s discuss outside in, first.
Make a list and write down what you don’t like, and what you need to do to improve or how would your ideal self look. Don’t compare yourself to other girls. Focus on just YOU. Becoming your favorite version of you and not anyone else.
The first thing I recommend is for you to start working out and eating healthy foods. This is not me saying that your body needs to look a certain way. But feeling healthy contributes to a better self esteem. Working out releases endorphins, will help you feel better about yourself internally. And if body is a goal for you, then this is something you should focus on anyway.
Proper grooming and hygiene, changing your wardrobe and figuring out which compliments your body will quickly easily make you feel prettier and look more attractive. Yes, it’s true. Looking clean and polished shows people that you care about yourself and your appearance. It also makes you look more welcoming by just those little tweaks.
I strongly recommend you start by putting in the effort with that. People will notice, and you will notice people noticing- and it will help you feel better. Your confidence shouldn’t be based on external validation- but I do think it’s a great motivator.
Remember that hating yourself is not going to make you feel better or change the way you look for the better. You have to take the initiative. You have to be tired of feeling how you feel and start making changes for YOU. You are in control. And you deserve to feel good about yourself. Don’t throw yourself a pity party. You are a strong girl. You are a brave girl. You are a capable girl. You are a beautiful girl. And you are not going to get in the way of what feels good to you or your goals because you deserve those things too!
When it comes to doing the work from the inside out.. “if you feel pretty you look pretty” start by focusing on your positive qualities: Instead of fixating on your perceived flaws, try to focus on your positive qualities. Think about your strengths, talents, and accomplishments. Make a list of all the things you like about yourself that have nothing to do with your appearance.
Take care of yourself physically and emotionally. Eat a balanced diet, exercise regularly, and get enough sleep. Treat yourself to things that make you feel good, like a bubble bath, a good book, or a movie night.
When negative thoughts about your appearance arise, try to challenge them. Ask yourself if they are based in reality or if they are just your own negative self-talk. Replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations.
I love you! I hope you realize how beautiful and deserving you are soon 🫶
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reidsdaisies · 3 months
500 followers celebration!!
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♡・𝐧𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ; 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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I reached 500 followers this week!! first of all, AAAHHHH!!!! second, thank you to everyone who’s followed and those of you who have interacted with my posts, and also who have sent in asks! it really means a lot to me. i’ve been struggling with actually finishing the works i’ve already started and getting them posted.. so maybe this will help with my motivation and whatnot (excuses, excuses 🤦‍♀️). you don’t know how much it means to me that 500 people have liked my blog and shitty little blurbs and stuck around. I took inspiration for this from golden1u5t who is doing their 2k celebration and since my milestone is lesser i did this on a slightly smaller scale and I’ve always wanted to do one of these prompt things lol i just hope people will actually send in requests 😭 if it doesn’t happen, that’s okay, i just want you guys to know i appreciate you and im trying 😭. thank you again, and now, to the main post!
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𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐲 little 𝐟𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐩!
You can send in requests for any of the characters I currently write for; Spencer Reid, Emily Prentiss, Aaron Hotchner, any other mgg characters, & Ethan Landry
If you’re nervous when it comes to sending in asks, the anon option is always turned on
You can request one prompt or multiple! You could never go wrong with a whole bouquet of roses 😏
Specify if you want fem!reader or gn!reader, sub/dom/softdom character/reader
Please make sure that when you are requesting, you have a plotline to go with the prompt of your choice. It can be a very simple plotline. Ex: 'can I order a tulip for emily prentiss with prompt 1 where reader is talking and emily is admiring them?’
I’ll continue this for 1.5 weeks until April 8th. (After the 8th I won’t be accepting anymore requests for this but I will try to finish any that I receive up until then as fast as I can) I don’t know if that’s too long I just want to make sure I have enough time to write because sometimes my brain is lacking
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Tulip – 30 fluff/sfw dialogue/action prompts
"I could listen to you all day."
“Are you blushing?”
“You’re so cute, it actually pains me.”
“Here, take my jacket.”
“You’re going to get us caught.” “Just a quick kiss, no one will see.”
“Could you maybe read me to sleep?”
“Could we maybe–uh I don’t know.. hold hands?”
“Hypothetically speaking, if I were to ask you out on a date.. would you say yes?”
“I like the sound of there being an ‘us’.”
“I think I’m in love with you. No, I know I am.”
“You’re cute when you’re jealous.”
 “Do you mind if i sleep here tonight?”
“I have to go to work.” “No, you have to stay in bed with me.”
 “I want to start a family with you.”
“I’m so lucky to have you.”
“You smell good today,” “Oh, so you’re saying I don’t smell good everyday?” “That’s not what I meant and you know it.” “I guess I just love to push your buttons.”
“Would it be alright if I borrowed your sweater? It smells like you.”
Character A bringing Character B cup of coffee because they “looked like you could use some caffeine”
Letting them cuddle up to you when they’re cold
Sleeping on their chest
Character A covering Character b with a blanket when they’ve noticed they’ve fallen asleep on the couch
Styling/playing with their hair
Hugging them at random
Fixing an article of their clothing before leaving the house
Bringing them flowers to cheer them up
Rolling over in bed, switching positions during a kiss
Good morning/good night texting
Baking together
Slow dancing in the living room
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Forget-me-not – 25 hurt/comfort dialogue prompts
“You can't scare me like that, okay?"
“You should be more careful."
“Let me help you."
"You don't have to be afraid anymore."
"You’re safe in my arms."
“Sh, sh, you're okay now."
“Just listen to the sound of my voice, okay?”
“Does that hurt?"
"You can cry, there's no shame in it."
"Stop trying to help me, it's hurting you."
“I’m trying to be strong for you.”
"It wasn't your fault."
"Don't listen to that voice inside your head, listen to mine."
"What can i do for you?”
"I would never leave you, i'm not going anywhere.
"I've got you."
"Just come here. let me hold you."
"It was just a nightmare, it's okay."
"Could you please come and get me?"
"Are you okay? don't lie."
“Hey… hey… why are you crying?”
"I'm here for you, whenever you need me."
"You're not alone."
"It really hurts."
"I'm sorry i can't take the pain away."
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Rose – 30 smut/nsfw dialogue prompts
“Wanna take this to the bed?”
“Did you just say what I think you said?”
“I've been thinking about this all day.”
“It’s too late for this” – “You don’t have to do anything, just stay laying down”
“Let me stay like this in you for a little bit.”
“Shirt on or off?”
“Fuck, I’ve never— I’ve never done this before—“ “That’s fine. We can take it slow. It’s all about you, okay?”
“I’ll talk you through it, okay?”
 “Just let me take care of you, baby.”
“Does this feel good?”
“Be good, and i'll fuck you / let you fuck me.”
 “Are you trying to turn me on right now? Because it’s working.”
“Wait! Leave that on.”
“No underwear? Did you plan this?”
“Shut up and kiss me already.”
 “Dont leave any marks.”
“Spread your legs for me.”
“You’re so beautiful all spread out like this, just for me.”
 “We’ll make it fit.”
 “Just like that, good boy/girl.”
“Fuck… you’re so good at that.”
 “Fuck- just- right there! That feels so good.”
“I don’t— I don’t think I can last any longer, fuck, please—”
 “You just can't help yourself, can you?”
 “Do i make you nervous?”
 “You act all innocent around our friends, but i know just how dirty you really are.”
“How bad do you want it?”
“Nobody can know about this, okay?”
“This is a one time thing”
“I thought you said it was a one time thing?”
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a handful of these I came up with, some are from pinterest, and the rest are from the following blogs;
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putschki1969 · 6 months
Not really an ask, but I wanted to wish you a happy new year, and use this occasion to thank you for everything you're doing for the fandom.
In 2023, I regained in motivation to truly support the girls and YK, until then I stayed in the shadow but I still followed them from appart and listened to the music casually, but when I found your blog and saw that the international fandom was active, and that it was possible for me too to engage more with the artists, I finally found my full motivation again.
Ultimately, I even decided to go to the Kajifes and planned my solo trip to Japan, you also helped me by answering some of doubts back then, maybe without you I wouldn't have gone, and truly, that trip and those concerts were a life changing experience.
I'm also working hard on my Japanese to hopefully enjoy the future events even more!
So really, thank you so much for everything! 🥰 I did saw you at the Kajifes but I didn't want to bother you, I totally understand how uncomfortable that can be and I'm also not the best at social interactions 🤭 but I really wanted you to know that your work here is priceless to me!
I wish you all the best for 2024!! 🥰
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*tears up*
Thank you so much for this kind and heartfelt message. It means the world to me that my blog helped you find motivation again. For many years, I followed Kalafina without ever having the resources, know-how or courage to support them in a more profound manner. The truth is, I have many regrets from that time so ever since their disbandment, it almost feels like I have to make up for all the things I missed out on. And I want others to know that despite many hurdles, it is not impossible for overseas fans to become more involved. Whenever I struggle with something, I try to share it on my blog so fellow fans have it at least a tiny bit easier. And of course I also make sure to talk a lot about all the positive experiences so you can rest assured that ultimately, it is worth all the trouble.
Oh wow, I am so happy for you! It sounds like you had a wonderful time🤗
Awww, sorry we missed each other😔 But I will admit that I am quite grateful that only a couple of people came up to me because I was definitely super overwhelmed by the crowds and all the noise🙈. Those who did end up saying "hi" or who happened to be around me can probably attest to the fact that I was a wreck🙃I don't even recall it being that bad for the Kalafina 10th Anniversary live but I guess a lot of time has passed since then.
Happy New Year! I hope 2024 will bring you even closer to Kalafina/YK💗
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doodlesfromthebird · 1 year
Heya I've been drawing for a few years now but I'm still learning every day and I'm more than aware of the skill gap between me and others which is fine I am willing to work hard and improve. You and your art is a really big inspiration to me and I hope to reach your level someday. Can't help however but be really demotivated and easily affected by the difference between me and others and I know I shouldn't compare myself with people who have been drawing for wayyy longer than I have. What was your experience while improving your art? Any words of wisdom from the bird? I love drawing and I don't want to lose this kind of connection to it but most of the hours I spend practising are driven by spite and hatred over my own self aaaagh is this too personal lol thank god for the anonymous option lol I LOVE YOUR ART, I look at everything your passion for art overflows through your work.
Hey, pal! It's nothing to fret over, and I'm glad you feel comfortable sharing this! I think getting all your thoughts out this way is already good way to start, and I hope that alone was able to let off some steam on the subject.
I absolutely know how this feels, and it's still something that crops up for me time to time, too! It's gotten easier to manage over the years, but there's certainly times where it's taken the wind outta my sails and sunk my energy to be creative.
I think when you're wrapped up in that headspace, the best thing to do is stop the struggle and don't try to force progress. Don't even allow yourself to problem solve, or ask anything from yourself when that cloud's over your head. There have been plenty of times where I just end up making myself feel worse by simply asking "why do I like to create in the first place?" because I'll come up with overly critical answers "well, it's the only thing I'm good at"
Wait til you've distanced yourself from that frustration, and then give yourself time to reflect. Why do you actually enjoy making art? What about your connection to your creativity is so special to you? At what point in time did you enjoy drawing the most, and why? Why do you want to improve in the first place?
It's difficult because I think it's wonderful that you're pushing yourself to improve and practice. There's been many times where I've wished I could go back in time and tell myself to get more serious about practicing sooner. However, I absolutely don't think it's worth putting strain on your connection with your creativity. I think spite can be a powerful motivator, but when it's fueled by your own dissatisfaction and hatred for your own work, it cuts off the flow of that essential part of you that loves to create for the sake of it.
Sitting down to practice is going to feel like torture, because that spark of joy just CAN'T get to ya when you're trying to appease that part of you that thinks its you're gonna get left behind if you don't work harder. Brute forcing improvement has absolutely worked for some people! But it's also completely normal for that work style to make YOU feel miserable if it's at odds with how you actually enjoy drawing.
Is this all to say that you should only try to get better when you're in LOVE with how you feel about art? Not at all! You don't have to try and add any special feelings or force positivity, you just have to remove the resistance and the burden you put on yourself as best you can.
So if I could suggest anything, as corny as it may sound: be more kind to yourself. I mean it! Make peace with where you are. Celebrate your small wins. Detach yourself from it, if nothing else. Your art isn't always going to look better than it did yesterday, but look back on your work from a year ago! If you don't like the way your art looks, that's fine! That can be 100% true and it doesn't have to be a bad thing. You're going to improve. Take inspired action and practice in a way that draws that connection you treasure with art closer to you. Spend more time listening and indulging in what the creative in you wants to do in between study sessions.
I can comfortably say that I'm at the skill level where younger me would have wanted to aspire to be at. And yet, I have MANY days where I look at my work and wished it looked like someone else's. I still stare at a blank canvas with an idea in my head and feel dejected because my skill level isn't up to par with what I want to achieve. I promise you your art has value the way it looks Right Now.
Once you give yourself that grace, you're going to start looking forward to practicing. The inspiration that'll hit is going to motivate you to try things you might never have thought you'd attempt. Once you look at your work differently, your work is going to change. That's not going to be easy at first, but you can start by just saying "I am where I am, and I'm getting ready to be even better."
If you're interested in some suggestions to maybe get in the flow, while also satisfy the brain's need for Progress when practicing just isn't hittin' right:
Challenge yourself to scribble whatever pops into your head. Anything. Maybe it's absurdly complicated! Who cares. draw The Last Supper from memory in five minutes as best you can. Draw an insane fight scene with stick figures in weird angles. Your brain is going to !!HATE!! doing it, but that's fine! It's going to force you to detach from it. Allow yourself to create something that's bad and can be thrown away right after. Don't spend more than 30 minutes on these. Take the most complicated ideas off a pedestal by just Attempting them anyway.
Challenge yourself to draw only what would appease your inner child for a full day. If you used to trace over screenshots from a tv show to insert a fan character in, DO THAT. Draw something while listening to the soundtrack of one of your favorite video games as a child. Draw an alternative book cover for one of your favorite childhood books.
Practice anatomy by turning the models your referencing from into your favorite characters.
Color/paint a scene/character by picking colors from a screenshot in a movie you really like.
put on a favorite show/movie and draw for the entire duration of an episode/movie run-time. Draw passively without the intention of showing it to anyone.
draw a bunch of large, wonky shapes that fill up the entire canvas/paper and draw mini illustrations contained within those shapes.
IF ALL ELSE FAILS!!! GO TAKE A NAP!!! :) Don't be hard on yourself for being hard on yourself, either. Allow yourself time and ease.
I hope any of this brought hope, or comfort, or even just something to consider. I'm so glad you enjoy my art!! Thank you for your kind words. You and I and everyone else are walking this same road to improvement, and even though sometimes it might not feel that way, we're ALL walking side by side. You aren't alone, friend.
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sirowsky · 1 year
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Part 29 - The Performance
Pero Tovar and Female Reader (nicknamed Bee) Modern AU
It's time to open the doors to the new shop, and while you're rediscovering your life-long passion, Pero is cogitating on several things, both good and bad.
Creator chooses not to use Warnings! This is 18+ONLY! Author's Note: Unfortunately, due to the massive decline in interest in this story, I've decided to let Part 30 be the final chapter. I simply don't have the motivation to keep it going, while dealing with real life struggles, when each chapter seems less appreciated than the former. I have loved writing this, however, and I will forever be indebted to those few of you who have stuck with me all the way. I wish that I could just sit down to write and not care if anyone reads it or not, but sadly, I'm just not that confident. But I thank you all, and I hope only good things come to you in your lives <3 Love, Jay
Word Count: 4272 Masterlist (this story) Author’s Masterlist
Link to Part 30
   Monday couldn’t come fast enough, but it also sprinted towards you way too quickly, which was stressful in a simultaneously fun and somewhat daunting way.    You were so looking forward to seeing how many people would turn up, what they’d think and how much work you’d get to do.    Obviously, you hoped that your calendar would get fully booked, but businesses like these weren’t always successful, regardless of how good the products were.
   It was a bit of a niche sort of store, and it was going to depend heavily on customer reviews and recommendations, just like your studio had, otherwise it simply wouldn’t hold people’s interests.    But you were positive. You’d done this before and you’d been very successful, so there was no reason to think that it would tank this time around.
   So, on Monday morning, you got up early, letting Pero sleep in after having been up with Mae for parts of the night.    You took her into the kitchen with you while you made scones for breakfast, using the time that they were in the oven to fix your hair and put on a touch of make-up, for the first time in about forever.
   You’d showered the previous evening and made sure that your favourite fancy clothes were clean, so by the time Pero walked into the kitchen, drawn by the smell of the bread, he was ground to a halt as soon as he saw you.
   “Ay, mi amor… You look amazing,” he murmured while his eyes trailed your form from top to bottom and back again.
   “Thank you, I feel amazing,” you chirped, making him smile.
   You had Mae in her baby stool by the island, and your happy tone seemed to register with her, because your words were closely followed by an enthusiastic half laugh, half shriek as she looked at you.
   “What’s that, Babybee? Are you happy too, sweet girl?” you playfully babbled in return, coaxing her into a full laugh.
   But then Pero’s arms encircled your waist from behind, and his lips found that spot on your neck that he loved to nuzzle, and you knew where that usually led.
   “Hey, hey, we don’t have time for that, honey,” you admonished, but your voice was too happy and your tone much too inviting for him to take that seriously.
   “I’ll be quick, I promise,” he hummed in your ear, low and sensual, knowing full well what his voice did to you.
   “You always say that, but you never are,” you tried, still entirely unconvincing.
   “I can’t help it that you enchant me whenever we make love,” he was practically purring now, while his hands were leaving hot trails on the sides of your thighs, where he was slowly pulling your skirt up.
   “Which is precisely why this is not the time. I really don’t wanna be late today,” you said, and the words were true enough that your tone got firm and decisive, making him pull back.
   He only ever pushed when he knew that you needed or wanted him to, whether you were aware of it yourself or not, and that was not the case today.
   “It is going to be a wonderful day, pintora,” he answered, back to his usual warm tone, kissing the top of your shoulder before stepping away to check the bread and pull it out of the oven.
   “Yes, it is. I’ve decided that no matter what, today is gonna be fantastic, because it’s a new beginning, for better and worse.”
   “I like this attitude,” he smiled at you, and you giddily mirrored him.
   You arrived at the shop, aptly named “Ab-Bee’s Corner”, with over thirty minutes to spare, but Abby was already there, putting the finishing touches to the décor and making sure that the display windows were clean and inviting.    As before in your studio, there were trees inside the shop, and plenty of potted flowers as well, both for the warmth that they added to the feel of the space, but also for the aesthetics.
   It had such an inviting atmosphere that even from the outside, it looked comforting and homely, more like a living room in the middle of a park, than a shop.    Another indicator of just how skilful your best friend was, and how right you’d been to offer her this collaboration, as well as trust her to get it right, almost entirely without your involvement.
   Just one of the many things that Pero loved about the relationship between you.
   “Morning, guys!” she called as you came into the shop. “I’m so excited, I’ve been here since 6am! I couldn’t sleep.”
   “Good morning. I slept surprisingly well, actually,” you answered with a grateful glance at your partner, and he smiled in return, knowing that you were referring to him getting up to take care of Mae whenever she’d stirred in the night.
   He never minded getting up to tend to her, because he was still so baffled that she was even real and that he got to have her and care for her, so he was never going to complain about what little discomforts he might have to endure for the sake of her wellbeing. Or yours, for that matter.    His love for the little girl was every bit as empowering as it was frightening, and his love for you only grew deeper every day that he got to share with you.
   “Aw, you’re so good to my best girl, Pero. To think that I ever thought you might wanna drag her into the woods and bury her,” Abby observed, having noticed the look between the two of you.
   He knew that she was saying it as a joke, but he also knew that she really had feared that something like that might happen, back in the beginning. Which, at the time, had been a perfectly reasonable fear.
   “You have good instincts, Abby. You were right to trust them, you were just also unaware of how enchanted I already was with your girl,” he offered, and she chuckled at that.
   “Good thing, too, or there would’ve been no one around to save us from asshole-Pete,” she grumbled, unable to say his name without having to fight the urge to spit on it. “And I know that an argument could be made that he might not have come after us like that if you hadn’t shown up, but really… Assholes are assholes. He would’ve done something eventually, no matter what.”
   Neither you nor your bestie were aware of what Pero had found in his apartment, because he had never seen any point in telling you that your naked body had been on display above the sicko’s bed.    It wouldn’t help you to know that, if anything, it might just make you feel uncomfortable about moving around your house in whatever attire (or lack thereof) that you might want to.
   You should be able to feel free to strut around naked in your own home, without constantly wondering if you might be the target of an unseen camera lens.    And whether Pete was still around or not, there was no telling what tricks your mind might come up with if you learned about that. You might not react much at all, but it was also possible that you’d lose that comfort completely, so your partner had made the decision that this was information that you simply had no use or need for.
   “Okay, how about we don’t ruin everyone’s good mood with a conversation about spineless and disgusting waste-products?” you chimed in after having parked a sleeping Mae in her stroller by the register.
   “We talking about Prescott?” Dean replied, coming into the store from the spacious storage room in the back.
   “Not anymore,” you happily said while dancing over to him to give him a giant hug. “Hi, dad. Thank you for being here with us today.”
   “Hey, now, Bumble, you know there’s nowhere else I’d rather be,” he warmly assured you while he held you close for a long moment. “A brought enough cookies to feed half the town.”
   “Oh, you have high hopes, I hear,” you said as you pulled back with a grin.
   “Of course. This place is wonderful, and I know that people are gonna see that.    Don’t you worry, sweetheart, you’ll be drowning in orders soon enough, mark my words.”
   “Speaking of which, we are ten minutes away from officially opening,” Abby reminded you all. “So, let’s just do one final check that all the machines and gadgets are working and that we have all the materials in place.”
   Pero kept to the side as the rest of you got busy, with the pretence of keeping an eye on Mae, but in truth, he just wanted to look at you. Because you were probably completely unaware of it yourself, but that morning, it was the old you that he was seeing.    The artist. The creator who loved nothing more than to see people’s eyes light up when you showed them the physical representations of their dreams.    You’d taken such pride in being able to do that for others, and he just hoped that this would give you the chance to earn that pride once more.
   “Alright, Beebs. You do the honours,” Abby nodded at you with a wide grin when her watch turned 09:00.
   Literally skipping with excitement, you walked to the front door and flipped the “Closed” sign to “Open”, and just like that, the shop was officially open for business.    Neither you nor Abby expected any customers to come dropping in until around lunchtime, since it was a normal Monday, and thus, a workday for most people.    However, you had all completely underestimated the tour de force that was your father on a mission.
   It took less than fifteen minutes before the first customer walked in, and behind him was ten others, all of them military men and clearly familiar with Dean.
   “Welcome, boys! Come on over here, let me introduce you to my sweet Honeybee, her partner in life, Pero, and her partner in everything else, Abby,” your dad rattled off as he pointed to each of you.
   The men politely nodded and since there were a bit too many of them for everyone to introduce themselves in return, just one of them stepped forward and shook your hand.
   “Pleasure, miss, my name is Harper. Your father and my unit have collaborated on a few operations over the years.”
   “Ah, I see. Let me guess, he called you with some BS excuse for a conversation and ended up happening to mention that his beloved only daughter was in need of assistance, not really giving you the option to say no, and suggesting that you bring as much company as you could rally?” you speculated, crossing your arms and politely smiling at the men, all of whom looked increasingly embarrassed by the second.
   Harper just stared at you while you spoke, and when you fell silent with raised brows, challenging him to tell you that you were wrong, he huffed a bemused little chuckle and turned his gaze to Dean, standing right next to you by then.
   “Yeah, this one’s definitely your offspring, sir.”
   You smiled triumphantly while your father just laughed, entirely unbothered by being caught rigging the game, probably because it didn’t matter much to him how your shop received attention, only that it did.    He knew that even if people came there just to be polite or as a favour to him, they’d still help to spread the word and put your little business on the map, and that was good enough for him.
   “Okay, well, thank you for coming and being our first visitors!” you chirped, clearly happy just to have someone to entertain. “Feel free to have a look around, each station has its own function and creative purpose, allowing us to make a variety of custom items, from embroidered caps or clothes, to specialized flower arrangements, gift cards, photographic prints on canvases and so on.”
   The men slowly began to move around the shop, familiarizing themselves with everything on offer, and in just a few minutes, you and Abby got your first orders.    One of the stations offered customers tailormade leather jackets, something that Abby had apparently casually learned how to do from an elderly gentleman that she’d been a caregiver to some years back. He’d still been working then, even at over eighty years old, and had happily shared his craft with her.
   The officers loved the idea of their own “unit-jackets”, so they all ordered the same thing: bomber style winter jackets in medium-dark brown with white wool lining. All with their respective names embroidered on the right-hand side chest, and other little details that they just liked.    And considering that this was one of the pricier things on offer, just this order alone was enough to pay a full weeks-worth of salary for the two of you.
   Since Pero was standing close to the register, he could watch up close just how happy you were to get to be of use again, to get to work and feel like you were contributing to something, even if all you’d thus far done was taken a few orders and been nice to customers.
   “You are glowing, pintora,” he hummed at you when you came to cuddle with Mae once the men had left, too full of positive energy to just stand around and wait for someone else to walk in.
   “I love this!” you excitedly chimed, while twirling slowly in circles as you tried to make your daughter laugh. “I feel like I’ve suddenly woken up from hibernation, or something.”
   But that was as much as you had time for, because then the next customers walked in, and you quickly handed Mae to him before you headed back towards the door, grinning from ear to ear.    And that was just the beginning.    Throughout the entire day, people came and went, most of whom were familiar to you, but some were complete strangers, as even out-of-towners had found their way there.
   Both you and Abby had your work cut out for you, roping in Dean to entertain customers when you couldn’t tend to them fast enough, and even Pero found himself approaching a few of them, trying to keep them in the shop so that they wouldn’t give up and leave just because the owners were busy. And to that end, Mae was like pure gold.    She enchanted everyone, and endeared her father to their eyes, despite his lacking social skills.
   All of which meant that by the time you closed for the day, nearly two hours later than intended, you’d already earned enough to keep the place running for another six months.    But you were also dead on your feet, all of you. So, you helped each other clean up and prepare for the next day, and then locked up, said goodnight and headed to your respective homes, too exhausted to even talk about the day.
   Once home, you showered while Pero made dinner and then forced you to eat before collapsing in bed, fast asleep even as your head hit the pillow.    He smiled adoringly at you, sitting on the edge of the bed and watching you sleep for a few minutes, loving how relaxed and joyful you still looked, even while unconscious.    It had been a fantastic day, in every way it could’ve been, and he was so happy for you.
   But he wasn’t quite as harmonious as you in that moment.    His mind was still partly focused on the cell, buried half a mile from Dean’s house, where Will was fighting his demons, every second of every day.    It had become so obvious during that lunch the previous week. How far he still had to go, and how much he would be struggling for a long time to come. Perhaps forever.
   You’d invited him into the house without pause, without so much as explaining yourself to your baffled father, instead just pulling out a chair and all but ordering your guest to take a seat. And he’d obeyed without question.    He’d sat there, unwilling to participate in the conversation that you’d effortlessly kept flowing, covering a dozen different topics, but absorbing the positive atmosphere and the welcoming attitude of everyone present, whether he’d wanted to or not.
   It had been a strangely cathartic moment, for all of you. But it hadn’t ended the way you’d intended or hoped.    Will hadn’t done anything bad, but when Pero had escorted him back outside and into the woods, the conversation that had taken place had been so disheartening that he hadn’t even been able to share it with you yet. Not when you were so happy.
   “She’s pretty damned amazing,” Will had started, almost mumbling for fear that the words wouldn’t be welcome.
   But Pero had merely huffed bemusedly.
   “Ay, hermano. You do not know the half of it.”
   “No, you’re right. I can see that in her. The bare minimum that she lets me see, hiding away everything else to keep from overwhelming me. And even that’s impressive.”
   “And still, you did not speak to her today. Not one word.    Why?” the Spaniard had asked with genuine curiosity.
   “You really have to ask me that?” his brother had returned, truly perplexed. “Come on, man. She’s like this… unshakeable force of nature, or something. And I’m just… a broken record, so full of scratches that I won’t even play anymore.”
   “Is that what you think she sees when she looks at you?” Pero had countered after a moment, saddened by the man’s lack of pride or hope for himself, but still determined to prove him wrong.
   “I know that she doesn’t, but that’s ju-…”
  “Don’t even try to suggest that she only sees what she wants to see,” the Spaniard had cut him off. “She is not nearly that naïve, and you know damned well that she was the only one that could get to you, specifically because she sees the real you.    Just because you no longer wish to see that person, doesn’t mean that he is not there.”
   “You’re missing the point, Tovar,” Will had grumbled, and then sighed deeply. “What I mean is that it doesn’t matter how she, or anyone, sees me, I will never heal. Not the way you both want me to.    I’m never gonna get to the point where I can sit among you and feel like I belong.”
   He’d paused and then stopped walking too, turning to face Pero before he’d continued.
   “Not too long ago, Bee sat before me and reminded me that what she was offering was a family, and that I should at least give it a chance before throwing it away.    Well, I have, and do you know what I’ve seen?” he’d challenged, and then continued without waiting for a reply. “The closest thing to perfect that might ever have existed.    So, tell me, brother… where do I fit into that?”
   He hadn’t been able to come up with an answer to that. At least, not one that would’ve added anything useful to the conversation, so they’d walked the rest of the way in silence.    Will hadn’t made any attempt to avoid going back into the bunker or his cell, although Pero hadn’t seen any reason to chain him up anymore.    And when he’d left, he’d taken a detour back to the house, needing to think.
   He’d known that you would ask if anything had happened on the walk, and while he hadn’t wanted to lie, he’d also felt certain that the truth would’ve settled like salt in an open wound for you, after all the effort and care you’d put into getting the poor man this far.    So, he’d decided to delay telling you. Not for long, he hated keeping things from you and he knew that you’d be able to tell eventually anyway.    He just wanted you to have this wonderful new chapter of your life well underway first, so that you’d have other things to focus on and distract yourself with. Then he’d tell you.
   The following morning, you woke up rested and practically chirping, waking Pero with hot kisses to his lips, cheeks, nose and forehead, until he finally started laughing at the ridiculous smacking sounds you deliberately made with each one.    He hadn’t slept much at all, between worrying about Will and tending to Mae’s little moments of unsettlement, so he was reluctant to respond at first, which only succeeded in making you double your efforts.
   “Good morning, my love. How’d you sleep?” you purred once he’d started chortling, resting your open hands over his heart and then putting your head down on top of them.
   “Uh… not that well, actually,” he admitted, knowing it would surprise you but unwilling to lie about even something that trivial, since he was already keeping shit from you.
   “Really? Why? I didn’t hear Mae-Mae once all night,” you pondered, losing some of your positive energy along the way.
   “She was probably a little over-tired. She didn’t cry or even wake, really, but she was unsettled, moving and fidgeting a lot,” he explained, all of which was true. “It went away if I held her for a bit, so I stayed there until it got better.”
   “Oh. You could’ve woken me if you were this tired, you know. I don’t mind, it’s just as much my responsibility.”
   “I know that, preciosa. But I… have a lot on my mind. I would probably not have slept either way.”
   That made you lift your head up, while a worried crease appeared between your brows, so before your happy energy had a chance to evaporate, he set about explaining the other thing that he’d been thinking about for a few days.    Or rather, the two things.
   “It’s nothing bad, quite the opposite, actually,” he smiled at you while turning on his side so that you were facing each other, and your energy quickly turned positive again.
   “Okay, I’m listening.”
   He grinned at your almost childlike joy, making you squirmy and giggly like an infatuated teenager, which was utterly adorable.
   “When I watched you in the shop, that first visit, my mind became irrevocably certain about two things concerning our future that I wish to tell you about,” he started, and you were suddenly so tense with anticipation that you couldn’t move, so he had to tease you a little bit by making you wait.
   “Well? What two things?” you demanded when he didn’t immediately continue, just like he knew you would.
   You’d never had much patience with good news, you were too drawn to and positively affected by them.    He grinned boyishly at your enthusiasm, making you wait another few seconds.    Then…
   “Firstly, I wish to tell you that I’d like to have another baby.”
   You didn’t need to say anything in response to that, because your body language was abruptly screaming at him, beaming with maternal pride and practically oozing with lust.    He had to wrap both his arms and legs around you to keep you from virtually attacking him, but you were both laughing at your sudden lack of control of yourself.
   “Wait, I have not told you the second thing yet,” he lovingly admonished you while you tried to squirm free so that you could take control and satisfy your burning craving.
   “No need, I know what it is,” you hummed against his neck, while scraping your teeth along his pulse-point, sending a flurry of heat to his groin.
   “You think so, hm?” he growled back while freeing your arms so that you could move as you pleased.
   You nodded then, meeting his eyes for one serious moment among the haze of arousal.
   “Now,” was all you said, but he knew exactly what you were referring to.
   “Will you marry me, pintora?” he asked with a soft heat churning in his chest, already knowing your answer, but also because he finally got to say those words without the joke.
   You smiled with a sparkle in your eyes that he had never seen before, mouthing “yes” because it was all you could do as your voice disappeared into the atmosphere around you.    The star which he perpetually fell for, now shining so strongly that nothing else was visible. Because that was how powerful your love was, and he never stopped being truly amazed that he had been the one to have gotten snared into your orbit.
   You still wore the necklace every single day, and now you would wear a ring too. One that he had also made himself, and not at all as recently as you might think.    Because for all the times that you’d joked about it, Pero had always known that he’d ask you for real.    You were his everything, and from the moment you’d allowed him into your life, there had never been a future without you.
   The ring was hidden away at your father’s place, though, so he couldn’t give it to you just yet. But there was no rush.    For the first time in your entire tumultuous relationship, everything was calm and good and nothing terrible was looming over you anymore. Not the Falcons or Lang, not your work or your family, not even William, because that would work out in time.
   So, he kissed you, made love to you while showering you with affection, both in words and touches, safe in the knowledge that you were his and he was yours, and nothing would ever change that.
Link to Part 30
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honeydew-sillies · 11 months
Everything you write about Omori is just so wholesome and cute, I love it so much! I’d love to see a Post-Good ending hc of Kel comforting a depressed Basil with Tickles, hugging, and cuddles, if that’s alright of course? I hope you have a wonderful night!
You're so sweet thank you so much!! And I am SO sorry this took forever I have a hard time maintaining writing motivation for long periods of time
But this is TOTALLY alright, these two are my second favorite duo after Suntan :D Also! I hc Basil as using he/they pronouns, so I switch between those when referring to him.
-Also RW Basil and Kel's dynamic <33
-I imagine that after being isolated for so long, ofc Basil is touch starved but he's also very jumpy and anxious about it, and we all know Kel is probably all over every1 all the time so! It's a slow process 
-Kel is actually surprisingly gentle (he's not as dumb as he acts), and he's the main one who slowly gets Basil more accustomed to positive physical touch
-(Also AU where everything is okay after good ending bc I SAID so !!!!)
-It mainly starts as like an arm around the shoulder, bumping shoulders or legs, ruffling hair, etc.
-As Basil gets more comfortable and confident they start initiating as well (which makes Kel so happy bc Basil has made sm progress and he's so proud of him wtf) 
-Bc Basil also has a really hard time asking for it 
-Slowly Kel kinda re-introduces tickling as a form of affection bc they all used to do it a lot when they were younger just as a form of play and whatnot and Basil was especially fond of it (mainly being on the receiving end) 
-And Basil sort of picks up on the fact that that's still one of Kel's love languages (platonic and not, they mainly see him and Hero engage in tickle fights and it makes them feel very warm bc. they really are the same kids :( ) 
-The tickling thing takes even longer but Kel notices that when Basil initiates/is more clingy he never tries to get away from Kel's mindless fidgeting with his clothes and what not (<- ADHD haver) even tho Kel notices their quiet exhales and smiles 
-Anyway they spend quite a lot of time together after Sunny moves, and naturally Basil takes a bit longer to get accustomed to Aubrey's company (but he does eventually dw)
-So Kel is his main support a lot of the time, and Polly LOVES Kel so it's never a problem when he comes over often (he gets into the habit of helping her w dinner whenever he stays late bc he is silly)
-And ofc Basil is very welcome in Kel's house, he's a bit more hesitant at first bc Kel's parents can be a lot but he loves playing w Hector and he's surprisingly good w babies 
-Ofc Basil still struggles w their mental health a LOT but they see a therapist once a week, and they're on medication that helps stabilize his moods well and let the hallucinations subside and whatnot 
-But he really isn't a fan of the dark
-Whenever the two have sleepovers they fall into the habit of falling asleep holding hands or touching somehow as a form of comfort, and Kel always tries to make sure a closet light or small lamp is on
-Nightmares also aren't rare for Basil unfortunately
-So. one of the first times comfort tickles happen is during a sleepover; they try to have them at least biweekly, switching off houses and sometimes Aubrey tags along too when she can
-The two are just relaxing together on Kel's bed, w the lights off but his bedside lamp on
-He scrolls through his phone w his arm around Basil, who has their arms wrapped around his waist and is laying their head on his chest
-Kel is just rambling about whatever, laughing at the videos and stupid memes coming up on his feed and just filling the silence in a way he knows comforts Basil
-(Forgive me but I am going to project bc I am writing most of this based off experience NNJSCS)
-Except Basil is having one of those moments where he begins to space out, dissociating somewhat but not quite
-At first Kel doesn't notice because he's used to Basil going quiet and just sort of listening
-But when he goes to glance at Basil while showing him a goofy ass photo he found, he notices their eyes have kinda glazed over and they're just staring at nothing while still laying on his chest/side 
-So he gently goes "Basil?" and they blink really fast and come back for a moment, going "O-oh, sorry."
-Kel is like "It's okay! Is... something wrong?" 
-Basil goes quiet for a moment, letting out a hum to let Kel know he heard him, and then he quietly responds "I'm... not sure. I just feel... weird."
-Kel nods and responds again with "That's okay." A tad calmer than he normally would because he knows he needs to be a bit more gentle now, "Is it bad brain stuff again?" 
-Basil nods and their eyes are still partially unfocused due to the disassociating
-He just sort of tucks his face into the crook of Kel's neck and his voice is muffled as he says "Sorry..."
-Kel sets his phone down and hugs Basil back, squeezing him for comfort
-He goes "You don't have to be sorry, Bas. Is there, uhm, anything I can do to help?"
-Basil goes quiet for a moment again, before slightly untucking his face to respond "The hugging helps…"
-So Kel just nods and keeps Basil close 
-Their positions shift a tiny bit as Kel moves from having his back to the wall to facing sideways so him and Basil are facing each other 
-He's got his arms around their waist and their arms are bent so they're pressed into his chest along w their head
-Kel has a hard time just sitting still so at first he sorta rubs comforting circles into Basil's back, but once he stops that his hands drop down and he just kinda fiddles w the edge of their pajama shirt around their lower back
-(Y'all can see where this is going)
-Everyone and their mom knows Basil is the most ticklish of the group by far like. Come on
-So he sort of starts squirming a bit and lets out a huff and at first Kel doesn't notice bc he's sorta daydreaming
-But Basil squeaks a little when Kel's fingers brush underneath his t-shirt around the sides of his back and Kel sorta snaps out of it
-Basil lets out a quiet whine bc. He's comfy and he's trying not to squirm but the feather light touches are SO bad for them
-Kel quietly (as quiet as he can be, being Kel) goes "Oh! My bad, hehe..." and stills his hands again bc he doesn't know if Basil is in the right headspace (ba dum tss) for tickling 
-But Basil buries their face even deeper into his neck (if that's even possible, and Kel can even feel how hot his face is from the blush) and mumbles out "Can you... keep, uhm- y'know..."
-Kel smiles softly and goes "Tickling you?" like as a genuine question but Basil squeaks a bit at the word bc he's a DORK. And he's feeling really soft, and wants a distraction from the nasty brain moment
-Plus the sensations are honestly kinda grounding like it sorta brings their attention back to his body 
-Anyway they nod slightly and Kel goes "Liiiike... this?" in a slightly teasy voice and lightly drags the tips of his fingers up the sides of Basil's back, making them yelp and fall into bubbly giggles 
-He lets out an embarrassed "Kel!" bc of the teasing and Kel just can't help his fond smile
-"Mmhm?" He hums softly but still teasingly, not actually expecting a response
-Basil just keeps softly tittering in response, clinging to the front of Kel’s shirt to have something to hold on to
-While they aren’t a huge squirmer (unlike Kel, who will flail and kick very hard), Basil is definitely very jumpy, and that got a lot worse after everything that happened; so try as he might, his body still isn't great at handling the sensations
-This is why they’re grateful Kel is pretty strong because he makes sure Basil doesn't accidentally leap out of his lap LMAO
-Kel just can't keep the huge dorky smile off his face bc like I mentioned before tickling is like a big love language for him he LOVES physical touch, plus being able to make the ppl he cares abt smile/laugh means so much to him 
-He tries to keep the tickling relatively tame since this is meant to help ground and relax Basil, and they've never really been a fan of rough tickles anyway (their tolerance for it is very low if at all) 
-So Kel just continues to trace random shapes and lines around Basil's lower back, sometimes straying to his sides and upper ribs which makes his giggling much louder (I'm telling you this kid is TICKLISH like all caps) 
-They don't talk much aside from Kel's occasional compliments/comments, like "Heh, I forgot how ticklish you are here!" or "Are you alright? You look like a strawberry!' 
-Which of course Basil can only respond to with either higher pitched giggles, "Nohoho!"s, or a squeaky "Kel!" 
-After a little bit (they don't know how long they aren't paying attention), Basil's giggles start to taper off and Kel feels them relaxing more and more 
-So in turn he tapers off the tickling, just resting his hands on Basil's back to make sure he's okay 
-Kel goes "...Bas?" in a soft but loud enough voice, and all he gets is some sort of "Mhhh…" noise in response, so he grins, because that means Basil is like falling asleep 
-Kel removes his hands from under Basil's pajama shirt, rubbing it firmly over the fabric to make sure the tingly sensations have subsided before adjusting himself to move Basil's face off of his chest
-He feels all fuzzy when he sees Basil's super drowsy expression; they still have a small smile as they look up at him half asleep and their features aren't nearly as darkened and tense as they were before 
-Kel goes "Ready to sleep?" And Basil just responds with another sleepy noise and a nod, letting his head fall back onto Kel's chest 
-Kel adjust both of then so that they're laying down properly, making sure to bring the blanket up over them both before squeezing Basil slightly while they're cuddled together 
-He nuzzles his face in to the top of Basil's head and it doesn't take long for him to conk out 
-Basil takes a tad longer to fully fall asleep, but he listens to the sound of Kel's slowed breathing and thinks about how they can't wait to wake up tomorrow next to one of their best friends 
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chemistryread · 2 years
summary: after what happened in the upside down, things between you and eddie are weird. you’re angry with him, he’s not talking to you.
disclaimers/tags: angsty. smut. minors dni. afab!reader
a/n: reader’s view of what happened is not necessarily mine, i just wanted to write hurt/comfort. speaking of, i’m opening my requests for h/c only with eddie, robin, steve, nancy and jonathan! x readers btw (except for jancy. i’m so down for jancy h/c). send in a prompt too, if you’d like. i’m not making promises but my askbox is open :)
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It's been four days. Half of that time spent in the hospital, healing from wounds, and the other half in the police station giving statements.
You're finally home. Eddie is struggling to climb the stairs behind you.
After the earthquake, your parents were eager to leave Hawkins for however long it was necessary. When they found you in the station preparing to defend the town's number one current enemy, eyes pleading to let him stay at your place, they did not hesitate. Your parents never liked your boyfriend, or understood him, whichever. But your dad had enough faith in you to listen, and believe your side. (As far as Eddie's innocence. Upside down monsters might be too much to ask.) Still, he couldn't convince your mother to let your little sister live under the same roof as a murder suspect. You were welcome to join them at the summer house whenever, but the boy was not.
So you were sharing a living space with the Munsons, hoping people would drop their persecution for now but protecting them from any harrassment they might have gotten at the trailer park regardless.
His uncle is very thankful. In the afternoon, he leaves for work mumbling about medical bills, and your heart breaks.
With every blink, flashes of a bloodied Eddie swarm your mind.
Having to run after him, consequently not being there to stop Dustin from following both of you back through the gate. Watching a kid carry his buddy's unconscious body with tears streaming down his face and a fucked up ankle. Seeing the same kid sob uncontrollaby at your bedside in the hospital, scared to lose three friends on the same day. Holding back your own crying, reassuring him you were okay, despite every piece of your being scattering through the building in hopes of finding Eddie's room and giving him the life you had to spare.
Not unlike the past few days, your boyfriend has no words for you, walking into your bedroom and grunting with the effort to take off his jacket but otherwise quiet.
The reason behind his uncharacteristic non-verbal behavior is lost to you. Every other anxious mannerism is there, the bouncy legs and excessive rubbing of his eyes, to the point where you had to forcefully pull his hands away - when he still wouldn't say anything.
When you were finally discharged, you stopped by his room to tell him you were going with him to the police station. The lively conversation between him and Henderson cut off abruptly, he nodded, and went back to the kid.
He couldn't even look you in the eyes.
Whatever his motive was, it only fueled yours.
If he was quiet, you were ignorant.
Carrying things for him, helping him get in the car and buckle the seatbelt, sit and stand up. All of it was done with no sign of sympathy, or a single look exchanged.
You were angry. Pissed off he did what you explicitly told him not to. Don't be a hero. Furious he was so careless with himself, but also with you, Dustin and his uncle. He had you considering every possible outcome, laying in a cold room listening to your heartbeat echo from the machine and wishing to take his place. What would you do if he- if you made it and he didn't? How were you supposed to deal with your freshman friends' disappointment? You had gone through this before, you've survived this far, give someone else a chance. Save him, if you can. He put you in that position out of vanity and stubborness, a silly desire to be grandiose for real, instead of in a game. But you'd be alright if a campaign went south. You wouldn't need to miss him. He was almost gone. He made you scared, despite all the promises to never hurt you.
And after everything, he had the gall to be distant. Right next to you.
"Mind if I shower first?"
Hearing his voice in a full sentence, as you're opening the shutters, sunlight warming your face, well it's sweet relief. For a second, you have to shut your eyes and make sure you hadn't imagined Eddie survived, that he wasn't speaking to you from the skies.
Turning around, you see his uncomfortable stance, stiff in the middle of your room, cracking bandaged knuckles. With a second wave of solace, you take a seat on the edge of the bed and start untying your shoes, fingertips rubbing the dry blood on the sides. "Go ahead."
The first peaceful minutes of your week go by quickly, mind quiet for once.
"I think I might need help here." Shouted from the bathroom.
Pushing the door open, your shoulders relax thinking that at the very least he still trusted you enough to not lock it, even if not intentional.
Walking in, you see Eddie still has all of his clothes on. His head is cast down and he's in front of the mirror. The shower is off. He must've hesitaded before finding his voice and calling you.
A bothersome lump forms in your throat.
Your arm extends in front of his chest, leaning past him to turn the hot water on.
His eyes are finally tracking your movements, the recently-turned-unfamiliar feel of Eddie begging for you to look back at him making your hair stand up and your stomach turn.
You grab his hands. Delicately but not lovingly, scratches and red bandages bringing your focus back to what led to all this. Dirty rings are still in his fingers.
"They need a washing too."
There's a slight humour to his tone that you try to the best of your abilities to replicate.
"Of course."
Barely audible.
Your fingers start lifting the hem of an old gym class shirt Steve had taken to the hospital for Eddie. As soon as the wraps around his middle are visible, your heart begins racing, words spat out with impatience.
"Can you lift your arms?"
He does, groaning with the action. You're rougher than you should be, probably, wanting to get this part over with so he can rest his body again and you don't have to hear his pain.
Next, you unwrap him.
His entire upper half is bare to you now. Eyes roaming through red, purple and green-ish wounds. It's ugly. They have no place in his body.
It's too much.
Spinning around fast, your hands grab onto the sink. Finding the strengh to speak through your nausea is difficult.
"Jesus, Eddie." You sound desperately afflicted.
"It's, uhm, not that bad-"
Turning back to face him, you're winning against the tears pricking at your eyes, anger besting every other emotion.
"What the fuck were you thinking? What fucking possessed you to be so stupid and run face first into certain death?"
His entire face contorts in confusion, hand reaching for the handle and turning off the water before the steam could fog the mirror.
"I was helping. I was-"
"Nobody asked you to!"
Your eyes have found each other, at last. Locked. His are squinting, minimizing all his features into a strong expression of betrayal.
"Everyone had a role. Each part had calculated risks-"
"God, you're being methodical right now?"
"-shared tasks, divided precisely so no one would have to step out and put themselves in more danger than they had to. That's how it works, it's a team, and you fucked it because you wanted to shine!"
You're stepping forward, fingernail ghosting over his chest as you point out his mistakes.
"I can't believe you…We had a plan, those exist to have an idea of what to do. It doesn't always work out perfectly. Presented with the chance to make it work, I acted on it. It was to help, I didn't do it for me!"
He's meeting you halfway, voice higher than you had heard in the past ninety-six hours. He's breathing down on you, gesturing wildly.
"Then who was it for, Eddie?"
His look is self explanatory, he's convicted of his heroism.
"Everyone else! Steve, Wheeler and Robin. Sinclair and red. I was buying them time, so they could save everyone."
It's impressive that you managed to push down your rage in favor of a more controlled, steady tone when asking the one thing on your mind for days.
"What about me?" Eddie bites down on his tongue, with a head tilt. Your left hand also folding in itself, nails digging into your skin so you don't let your real emotions show. Not yet. "How exactly did your plan involve me?"
"You weren't supposed to follow me."
It's like a weight is lifted from his shoulders, and you realize why he hadn't been speaking to you. He was mad as well, that you'd put yourself in harm's way for him. You could've died and he would never forgive himself for that. Big round eyes tell you as much, right now.
You're not letting him clear his conscience that easily.
"Did you really think my devotion to you is so shallow I wouldn't trade my life for yours in a second? Or worse, do you think of it as lesser than your loyalty to me, therefore not worthy of a sacrifice?" Your calmness saying this scares both you and him. Not as much as your point. "Because if so, then I don't see why we should be together."
Eddie finally steps back, breathing raggedly, blinking. Seeing tears fall from cold brown eyes cause some to pool at your waterline.
"Are you breaking up with me?"
Your plan was to say yes, not string him along. He's been through enough. But now that you're here, you can't.
"I- you could have died, Eddie. We could be burying you right now." Your last word gets caught in your throat, a drop finally shedding from your eye. "Your uncle, Dustin, Mike. We could have lost you, for- for something that wasn't- because you were reckless. You didn't think of me. How am I supposed to forgive you for that?"
The veins in his neck are visible, a shaky hand running through his face and wiping his tears. The sight makes you sick.
He steps closer, trapping you against the counter with both arms.
"All I did was because of you." A pause, dark irises boring into you, desperate and vexed. "Seeing those fucking things and imagining their teeth ripping into your flesh… Well, I guess you're almost right, I didn't have to do a lot of thinking. It took me half a second to make a decision. I don't know if I had time to consider whether or not you or Dustin would come after me, or how my uncle would react if I never came back home. I just hoped you wouldn't. That I could keep the bats far away from you, no matter the cost. Because I love you so much, I don't think I could live with myself if I saw the opportunity to protect you and didn't take it."
You know he thinks this is an endearing declaration, but all it does is make you hate yourself more for everything that happened. If he had died, it would have been your fault.
Eyes tracing his injuries again, this time you choose to take it all in. These are your fault.
How can you love him and bruise him? How can he love you and almost ruin your life by leaving it altogether?
"Then aren't we selfish for sticking with each other? If that's what I do to you, and what you do to me." You risk a look at him. Pink lips are pressed into a thin line, nostrils flaring. You glance away before reaching his eyes, cowering. "You can stay here with your uncle until things die down. I'll spend the weekends with my family so I'm not in your hair the entire time and be here during the week so my mom doesn't freak out I left you alone in the h-"
Big hands grab your face, pulling your hair back so much that it hurts. Eddie bit the inside of his lips, you can taste the blood on the tip of your tongue.
You hadn't touched each other since grabbing his shoulders in the upside down, passing out from your own bites as soon as Steve's car pulled up in front of the trailer. Ever since both of you woke up, it had been nothing but avoidant eyes and cutting silence. The heat that radiates from his body is too gratifying, missed, to deny.
Eddie whispers 'please' into your mouth before sliding his tongue in between your teeth, pushing your jaw open until it pops. His voice is scratchy, plea clawing up from his insides.
Your core pulses with the need for him, taking his tongue down your throat and moving your head, trying to keep up. It's like he wants to swallow you, keep you deep within him, so you can't go anywhere.
Right hand in the back of your neck, the other pulls you by the band of your jeans away from the sink and flush to his body, carrying you backwards as he turns on the shower again.
His thumb is caressing your hip bone, pushing your tank top up little by little. When his hands finally reach your breasts, you hiss at the clammy hands and cold rings making contact with your nipples. It’s like Eddie’s were made to cup every bit of your skin.
Could you find this feeling with someone else?
Pushing him away briefly, you see a new mix of lust and anguish in his sweet brown orbits. Showing him you're just saving him from having to do all the work and exhaust his already tired body, you remove the top.
Neither of you breaks a smile. Your fate isn't decided. This isn't a 'I'm happy I got you' fuck. This is 'I love you so much it might end me'.
Neither of you knew this is what your relationship was. Didn't expect you'd ever find out. This is your way to deal with that revelation, aware it might be the last time you do so.
Eddie is quick to attach his mouth to one of your breats, first kissing down your neck and chest. You can feel his quick breaths through his nose.
Hands perfectly placed around your rib cage, fingers digging into the flesh, he's holding you. Nails begin scratching the skin, definitely marking you.
He's reached an animalistic need to either punish you for what you're trying to do to him, or assert ownership to prevent you leaving. He might not even be aware he's doing it.
When your palm flies to his hardening cock over the slacks - also lended by Steve - his movements stop, a bit of drool dripping down your chest as his mouth gapes. You can feel his soft hair tickle your face when he melts in the crook of your neck, your hand stroking him through the smooth fabric.
Posturing up, he pulls harshly on your jeans again, making a sloppy attempt to kiss you as his fingers undo the buttons.
You pull on the grimy locks, the feeling of his calloused digits slipping boldly under your panties almost frustrating.
He continues to rub your slick folds as your hands push the rest of your clothes down your legs, stopping when you need to step out of them.
Eddie holds two wet, sticky fingers up, and you freeze. "See? Love, don't tell me that's for nothing."
You can't believe he's trying to sell himself in front of you. Like you were due for a reminder.
"You don't need to do that, I know all the benefits."
Mid-sentence, his laugh interrupted you, popping the fingers inside his mouth and licking them clean, popping them out with a provocative noise.
"I'm not bragging. I'm trying to make you see how stupid you are for thinking of breaking us up."
Same thing.
Pushing your chest on his, hands tugging on his pants to get him even with your nakedness, your eyes dart between his shitty smile and suddenly confident dilated pupils. "I haven't forgiven you yet."
"Nor have I, darling." You're confused as to how he's switched from needy and pleading, to cocky. Smug smile widening when your nails dig into his ass, but faltering and showing sincerity again at his next words. "I just have nothing left to lose at this point, do I?"
His eyes are glossy before grabbing your face to kiss you again.
He finally steps into the tub, offering you a hand and guiding you with another around your waist.
Warmth washes your back before Eddie pushes you against the white pristine tiles of the wall.
In a swift move, he kneels down on the tub, hands pushing your legs apart. With the water cascading down your front, you feel his thumb press against your clit and lift your folds up, granting his tongue access.
Soon, the mix of Eddie's familiar tongue, expert fingers and the water is making you lose your bearings.
"Eds, please, I- I need more. Or I'm gonna finish here and that's it."
Mouth finally letting go, his head is arched back, hair soaking under the stream. "Call me that again, darling, please."
It might be asking too much out of you. Maybe you should walk out of this bathroom without giving him that answer. You can't decide if it's more idiotic to leave or to stay, after your conversation. There's so much you're gonna have to go through, but is quitting really what you want?
The nickname falls from your lips.
Index and middle finger arch inside of you a few more times, your knees buckling, before he retreats and stands up.
Surprisingly, he doesn't bring back the snarky facade. His face is soft, not smiling but reassuring. 'We'll be fine.'
You go to turn around, but his hand around your wrist stops you. "It's not gonna work out that way, it's too complicated."
A tiny head shake, free hand on your jaw before kissing you gently. "I want to see you. It'll work."
His words are so caring, devoted. Honest. It makes you regret everything you said. And then you remember the moment you almost lost him for good. It's overwhelming and it brings tears to your eyes. Shaking the wrist he was holding until he lets go of the grip, your hand intertwines with his for a moment. It fits so right. You're scared to let go and lose your balance.
"Trust me." A kiss to your forehead, and he lets go first.
You watch as Eddie strokes himself, tattoos moving with him, distorting under droplets of water. You remember the taste of him, his rings tangling in your hair when he held it back as you took him. The flexing of his abdomen.
So good. You nod.
The pink head teases your entrance, and both of you groan, in synch. Your hand squeeze your boyfriend's shoulder blades, settling in.
With a hand helping him align himself, Eddie slides into you slowly.
The noise of the running shower is not enough to cover your moans. He cusses, and you bite his neck.
"Move, Eds."
At the nickname, he does.
The next few minutes, he is slamming into you as deep as he can, your hips rolling into his and each other's names being cried out.
You've set one foot on top of the edge of the tub, giving Eddie more range. Large hands help guide your hips and sink you further into him.
"Fuck, I'm close." Your hand comes down, in between your bodies, to rub your clit rapidly, driving you over the edge. Magically, he finds your spot. "Right there, that's it."
Your insides are tingling, and you feel that burning knot untie in your stomach, clenching as tight as possible around your boyfriend's girth.
Your moan reverberates off the walls, hands clumsily grabbing onto his hair. "You're so tight, love, holy shit."
Still gasping from your orgasm, a moment of clarity causes you to decite to help your dedicated lover. "Baby, it's all you. I can feel your veins, Eds, oh my God."
His left arm comes up, elbow leaning against the wall, biceps flexing and hand in a fist. You can see his struggle. His thrusts are simultaneously faster and messier. So you lean into his ear, whispering, "I want you to come inside, Eds, please."
The hand still on your hip bruises you, the other one hitting the wall as his brows furrow. One more thrust and he's a putty wreck in your ears. "Fuck, darling, I love you so much. Please. I love you."
Lazy thrusts, moving your hips along with his movement, you say it back.
Again and again.
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idk if ur gonna see this or anything but i fully relapsed pretty bad into my ed about two months ago. I've had god knows how many recoveries and relapses and I always seem to end up back in. i want out this time and i want out for good, i don't want to spend the rest of my life doing this. any advice?
Hi there, anon! I did see this. I get to everything in my askbox eventually, if it's something I'm able to put on my blog.
I'm sorry to hear you've been having so much trouble staying well. I don't know exactly what you've tried so far, but here's the advice I can give:
Are you surrounded by supportive people? If you can, find friends you trust to confide in about the issues you've been having. Think about what they can do to be supportive, whether it be reminding you to be soft about your body image or reminding you how they hope you are healthy and eating well. We all need to learn to love ourselves, but outside support from the right people can give us a big, big boost when we find ourselves needing it most. Building a support system also gives you people to reach out to when you're struggling. That can be hard and scary, but it can also be a resource.
Speaking of resources, is therapy open to you? I don't know if you're able to access therapeutic resources, but a therapist might be able to help you develop coping mechanisms for the issues you might be struggling with that keep you coming back to your ED. I'm also going to preface this next statement by saying that I am not an expert on DBT, and that what I'm going to tell you next is just something I heard during a brief overview of DBT during a training we had at work recently. However, apparently a big premise in DBT is about learning coping strategies to get through those moments of crisis we experience without resorting to the destructive impulses we may have. "Whatever you do, don't make it WORSE" is an excellent thing to remember in crisis. Sometimes you can just...do nothing, and ride out the feeling until it passes, and then work through it later. Or use a coping strategy. Once you've practiced that, maybe you can learn positive responses to your moments of crisis to help you deal with them productively. That way you may learn to better resist urges to relapse - or to pull yourself out of a lapse before it becomes a full relapse. (Be honest but kind to yourself when doing this - shame may only make the lapse worse! Those of us with EDs are often prone to using shame as a motivator, which can sometimes work well in the short term but is terrible for us in the long term.)
It's hard for me to give specific advice without knowing what your ED is like, but perhaps you can use timed reminders to hold yourself accountable to consistently practicing self care before, during, and after eating. Especially when you're going places like - out to a restaurant with friends and family, event where surprise food might be offered, holiday party, etc. Self-care can be whatever works for you - writing down positive affirmations, meditating, taking a long hot bath, taking a little walk and moving your body, gently reminding the bully in your head that what they're saying to you is not helpful to you in the long run, doing some stretches, creating some art...literally whatever self-care looks like for you, but create a self-care regimen around eating properly. Create a self-care regimen for lapses, too. Hopefully you won't need it, but understand that self-care means investing in resources and safety nets for yourself in the event that you might have a hard time, rather than punishing yourself by letting yourself fail. Think about it in advance so that you are not struggling to come up with a self-care plan when you're already in crisis: what are you going to need in order to help gently pull yourself out of a lapse? Failing is human and struggling is common in eating disorders. Learning to be kind to yourself when you fail and growing from your mistakes is a huge part of ED recovery, since we tend to be big self-punishers.
Hope this helps! You can tell me a little more about your ED for more specific advice if you want to, but you don't have to. I hope you find your way back to your own healing path, anon. <3
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rainasaurusrex · 2 years
Ways to cope with being little at work
I work retail so this will be coming from the perspective of a grocery store associate
Use an adult water bottle with a sippy spout
My favorite are Manna waterbottles but you could use any one you'd like! It's a super discreet way to satisfy oral fixation. I also find myself sucking on my tongue I have no idea if this is healthy or not, but it's how I cope with having no binki in public situations oftentimes.
Turn your tasks into a game!
I throw stock at my store and if I go little it's usually in the morning before we open while I'm just doing my own thing and don't have to deal with customers.
Play pretend you're a superhero, robot, or really strong animal while lifting heavy things. This helps me because I start to feel defeated when I go little at work like I get overwhelmed because I'm too little to handle the task at hand, so I just play pretend I'm something else and that helps keep me stable and positively motivated.
Practice your numbers, colors or shapes as you stock or do repetitive tasks. Count each type of product in your head or out loud as you put each one on the shelf. Or name the colors.
Bring comfort items
I usually have a small stuffy on my Keychain or a fidget Keychain of some kind. My friend Ladybug gave me a popit Keychain shaped like a ducky because thats what she calls me :3. And I used it so much that the pops came out. I also like little foam squishies that fit in my pocket or zipper bracelets. I got mine at the dollar store. Stuff that you can keep on you without holding it in your hand is helpful.
Bring your favorite comfort stuffie even if you can't carry it during your shift, knowing it's there to support you can be a comfort in itself. You can take it out on your breaks and get hugs and squeezes when you get the opportunity.
I know a lot of people feel embarrassed to bring stuffed animals in public but I just want to assure you it's perfectly okay to do so. It may seem a little odd to some but really all that matters is that you feel safe and secure. It actually brings joy to some of my coworkers to see me with childish things which I oftentimes bring with me to work.
Have a game plan
My final tip is to have a plan for things get sticky with your emotional states at work, and you end up feeling overwhelmed.
Step into the bathroom for a moment and breathe, say affirmations, give yourself a loving squeeze. Even if you feel like you don't have time to do so, advocate/hold space for yourself and little you. No one knows your needs better than you do and fulfilling those needs is priority.
Don't be afraid to ask for help. If you feel like a task is too much for you, speak up! Likely the manager will shift things around with job assignments to help you feel comfortable (if they are any good at their job). I struggle with this because I really don't like asking for help and most of the time if anyone asks me if I'm okay I'll say "I'm fine" either way. But I try to be transparent with how I'm feeling and what I go through so those around me can work with me rather than against me.
That is all! I hope you have a very fun day, little one 💗
Ducky 🐤
Sfw interaction only!! A kiddo runs this blog ✨️
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cosmignon · 4 months
Bit of a random ask, but you're one of the most optimistic people i've encountered on this site. I just want to know, how does one stay so positive? With everything that's going on, and the things i've seen on twitter, it's hard not to spiral into despair and helplessness.
I'm hoping that what I'm about to say can be helpful in some way! I think part of it is that I'm just kind of naturally inclined toward optimism! So turning those inclincations into actionable advice has had me typing away at this for about half an hour now haha. I truly hope it doesn't come off as anything like me saying "just be happy! just BE optimistic!" because it can be really damn hard sometimes!!
I think the thing about maintaining optimism in the face of learning about and continuously fighting against the injustice of the world is that it's a bit of an active thing that needs to be nurtured. Hope can't be conjured by waiting for it to come to you, much like an artist usually can't just wait for motivation to come to them - they have to pick up the pen and draw first.
You need to make space in your life to engage with and enjoy personal little things. That doesn't mean ignore the big problems, just remember to take care of yourself on an emotional/spiritual level by reminding yourself of the good things. I keep up with youtube videos I enjoy, I play D&D, play video games, listen to music, talk to friends, I draw, I analyse my favorite media, ect ect. If it's possible it's even nice to look into what the good news that's been coming out is like. That can be hard considering bad news is much easier to sensationalize, but that makes it worth it imo.
All of that stuff I collect and keep in my mind, so even when I'm feeling like shit it helps to have something else to anchor my feelings on for a bit.
The problems will still be there afterwards, and that sucks bc they still exist, but it's a double sided coin that also means I'm able to take the time to center myself before confronting said problems. The thing about the helplessness involved, for me at least, is that it comforts me to remember that the world is continuously spinning for better & for worse.
It also helps to like, narrow down all the bad bad things in the world and try to just focus your efforts on Just a few of them. RN as the major example I've been sharing & resharing news/links about Palestine when I can. I've donated where I can, messaged my representatives, ect. I also started doing this very tiny thing where I wear these cute little watermelon hairclips to work. That one, who knows if it even makes some kind of difference, maybe it never will, but it reinforces my own commitment to keeping the Palestinian people in my thoughts and wishing for their freedom.
another example; I picked a charity a few years ago that I believed in the cause for (funding for bailing LGBT protestors out of jail) and set up a repeating donation. It's small, like $10 a month, but seeing the notification pop up every month reminds me that even when I'm struggling to do anything else, something is happening because of me. If I ever need to cancel that donation I'll know I was able to help for years by this point, and that's satisfying in the face of helplessness.
I'll leave this off with this - I work with children, and we have a reading area with books that rotate every month based on holidays or culturally signifigant events. Starting last week the person in charge of that put in a pro-palestine children's book, and it makes me smile. It reminded me how there's people around you who are able to do little things too, not just you! The burden of fixing the world's problems or even just caring about it all at once is not just yours to bear. They'll help you too if you seek them out! None of us have to do it alone, none of us CAN do it alone! It's the group effort that gets things done!
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cafemagie-magie · 2 years
Howdy! First I just wanna say you're a really great artist, one of the best I've ever seen, and I love every single one of your LWA fanarts! And if you don't mind, I just wanted to ask how you learned to draw? I've always wanted to learn, but I'm not sure how to learn the fundamentals and progressively get better until I'm as great as someone like you. If you know any books, videos online, exercises/habits, or any resource to look up and learn how to draw and slowly get better, that'd be great!
Hi! Thank you very much, I’m touched by your kind words ^^
I give you Diakko but theyre motivation coaches to wish you the best ! Have fun with drawing, it's one of the best thing on Earth!
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It took some time to answer because I wanted to write a document with a lot of resources, so you and other fellows can use it :
To answer the first part of the question, I always loved doodling with a pencil and replicating manga panels like Dragon Ball, Naruto... also I love scientific illustration and fashion design! Never took art classes, but went to an art club in high school^^
I have a pencil and watercolour self taught art background, drew since 9 but with a lot of art breaks (the most recent one lasted 4 years because of pharmacy studies), digital art came very late when I hit 23 (January of this year, got an iPad!🥳🎂) and I learned it with the resources stated in this shared document :D
Now for the second part, let's say every artist have their own art planet, like the Little Prince 😊
You have your art home,  and realism is the house foundation to you build up other skills on it. The first skill associatied with foundation is observation : when you look at something...how does it work? Why is this moving like that? What are the simplified shapes of it? 
Near you home, you can plant your favourite artists seeds from other art planets in your own art garden to be inspired by them. They'll bloom into different flowers, scents and colors... they'll inspire your work as you progress :D it's like pretty things to admire and look up to! To keep you on the go and learn from them! (It works with the library metaphor too, like having a collection of your fav artists, subjects, reference...)
 Then you build up solid walls for your house, by learning/practicing technical things like figure drawing, life drawing, drapery... with these, you can already have a lot of fun!
Adding windows will bring you some fresh air as you'll explore colour theory, light and shadow... at this stage, traditionally or digitally, you'll be able to create really cool sketches/llustrations! You can always use references and observe them to understand the light source, a particular scenery, or some tricky anatomy position, etc...so you can incorporate it in your drawing.
Then you can make your house bigger by adding new rooms: learning how to draw specific things like detailed backrounds, animals, weapons, machinery, everything you'll be interested in...if you started with humans only for example.
Later on, you can decor your house with things like art style, aesthetics, that little somtheing that makes people recognize your works...these come naturally as you progress so dont worry too much about it!
Building a comfy house takes time but it's your home and even if there will be struggles/frustration... enjoying the process is key to a happy artist journey ^^
Hope this helped, and you can always dm for more specific things, if needed (or ask anonymously again, I’m shy so I’ll understand lol)
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