#but if's a blog i don't usually see post that stuff i more inclined to view it
jellyjam · 1 year
i have "cannibal" filtered so whenever someone on my dash rbs a post from that cannibalchicken blog it gets blocked😭
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lesbosisle · 4 months
Tips on spotting Palestinian aid scams + more
Turn on timestamps, if the account is a day old but they have reblogged tons of stuff be suspicious
If the name they claim to be and the name of their PayPal account aren't the same
If their username appears to be an autogenerated list of random words (ex: persongarden, jollyduckdetective, sotyphoondelusion)
A lot much all of these scams will use diabetes as the reason for why they need money, specifically the medication Humalog
Don't trust blogs just because they say they are verified, often times they will say VERIFIED POST and then don't specify who they are verified by
If you are suspicious just dm them and kindly ask some questions. After a couple minutes they will usually get very defensive and block you.
Verified posts usually have a GoFundMe. If you get an ask saying they are vetted and just have a PayPal, be suspicious.
I hope this is self explanatory but if someone asks/has an option to send your credit card information over email DO NOT DO THIS. This is how people get their credit card hacked.
In general I'd say assume any mutual aid asks you get are a scam to be safe, research them and if it turns out to not be a scam, donate!
Reblogs/replies missing on their post - if you go to their replies section and it looks like this start asking questions.
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If you have verified that a blogger is a scam please report their account on Tumblr and PayPal.
Some other scam busting blogs I'd recommend following are mysillypoker, kyra45, mangocheesecakes, and neechees.
#vee's scamlist is the tag for my posts about scammers. I also tag the usernames of these accounts so feel free to search for a username to see if I have a post about them.
So you donated money to a scammer via PayPal.
First of all, don't beat yourself up, it's frustrating but these people prey on our generosity and emotions. Secondly, it is important to note that PayPal encrypts your debit/credit card information, however the scammer will be able to see your name and email address. Unfortunately donations on PayPal are not refundable, however you may be able to contact your bank to get your money back. Here is PayPal's article with information about donations and what information is shared.
Verified Ways to Donate
Now this is not to say that every mutual aid post you come across is a scam! Please still donate to verified people in need and charities!
Instead of giving your hard earned money to random blogs who might be scammers donate to:
Here is a list of verified fundraisers by el-shab-hussein, they vet fundraisers
Ways you go help Palestine, both directly and indirectly here
Places you can donate to Gaza directly here
Doctors Without Borders (they provide medical care to many impoverished and war torn countries not just Palestine)
If you feel inclined to, reblog this post to spread more awareness and stop this disgusting practice. Feel free to send asks if you're wondering if someone is a scammer, but do read this post first.
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peachjagiya · 2 months
I'll preface by saying I'm a jikooker but I felt inclined to scroll your blog for a bit since you said you're pro jimin and I just love to see it. I've seen too many solo stan taekookers who slander jimin and it's just horrible. Okay so from what I've seen you seem to just go along with whatever taekook anons send you, I hardly see you disagreeing with them. So I found it hard to get a read of your opinions. Unless you're choosing to only publish the anons you agree with? Anyway do you really think jikookers should all just deactivate because our ship was "debunked" lol? Just as you have found food to fuel your ship in the new conent, so have jikookers... right? Lmfao at the end of the day as long as we have something to talk about we will keep blogging/tweeting... You and an anon on your blog have acknowledged that apparently jikookers focus more on the big physical gestures and taekookers focus more on the other stuff. So....... both our ships are alive cuz we have something to feed on that's all lol. You probably shouldn't seethe about jikookers still being around even though our ship has "already been debunked" supposedly nor is there reason to feed those types of anons. It's unnecessary negativity for your blogspace. Anyway I'm not particularly pressed I'll forget I sent this ask in an hour. I saw that ask and thought it was funny. Food for thought. See ya
I post all asks from TKKrs.
If I disagree, I will say I disagree and I absolutely have done this. Often it will be when I think a TKK moment has been overblown.
I also feel like I give pretty long responses to make my feelings clear. I'm kind of confused that you haven't seen those? I wasn't so wordy yesterday because I was out but usually I present my thoughts quite candidly I think.
Seething is a weird word. I don't really care what you guys do with your blogs and I'm certainly not calling for you to deactivate. Maybe I didn't make it clear but my only interaction with JKKrs is when you come to my blog with essays about why I'm wrong and why Tae is a liar and birthdays etc.
So let's make it entirely clear: do what you like in your spaces. I'm not going to be in them.
But the ferocity with which some of you come into TKK spaces is particularly egregious if it's going to consist of the same tired arguments that are now disproved, debunked and discredited. That's MY standing. Do what you will in your space but if you're coming to me with clout chaser Tae or Jikook as a couple, I'm gonna be more confused than ever now.
Edit to add: I literally wrote this in a post -
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Admittedly I was being rude but I literally said "let them live" and "as long as they don't bring that nonsense here".
Wheres the call to deactivate, please?
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itsclydebitches · 1 year
Haha, I explicitly don't tag my rwby critique posts as RWDE because I know people will just block or insult me without even reading what I wrote
Honestly? Valid choice. I've gone on record about my own choice to tag for both "RWBY" and "RWDE," but to be frank I think "RWDE" is a borderline useless tag. RWDE folks have never agreed on what should go in there. Non-RWDE folks have definitely never agreed on what should go in there. It was created as an absurd way to divide the fandom between (incredibly subjective) Good Content and Bad Content, with the result that this actively undermines the purpose of posting on tumblr: for new people to see your stuff. Most of us recently saw that post with someone understandably asking what in the world RWDE was... as well as some of the top answers that provided an incredibly biased, borderline lying definition. Unlike something like "RWBY Critical" that both tells newcomers what it is and does so in a neutral way (these are posts that are critical of RWBY and the tag itself gives no indication as to whether that's a good or bad thing), "RWDE" is nonsensical to anyone not already in the know and is a RWBY-fied version of a very negative word: "rude." Despite most of us embracing that, it's still a tag designed to turn newcomers off.
So how is anyone supposed to find like-minded community members when our main tag doesn't follow any other tagging conventions, is framed as a negative from the get-go, and polite questions are immediately met with the more intense fans painting the worst picture possible? That was always the point. RWDE isn't "We just want you to have your own space where we don't have to engage" it's "We want to make this as difficult as possible so eventually you'll just leave." So... yeah. I use it because I know it will hit an already established core group actively looking for the kind of content I write, but I 100% understand you and others going, "Why would I use that? The fandom has been trained to block on sight. That's not going to help other people see my work on the Let Other People See My Work site."
I think I've said this before, but I want to do a version of those wine social experiments. You know the ones where they take super duper cheap wine, stick a fancy label on it, tell people it's the Most Expensive Vintage Ever, and watch them wax poetic on how absolutely stunning the taste is? Give RWBY fans a post without tags/blog name (or, to follow the pattern, with misleading tags/blog names), watch as many people agree with the points made -- or at least consider them seriously -- and then go, "Aha! This was a RWDE post all along!" Like any fandom under the sun you'll never have people agreeing on criticism and there will always be individuals who can't stand a word said against the show... but I guarantee if you removed the bias associated with RWDE you'd get a lot more fans who are RWDE.
Also, side-note, gotta love that I make a post talking about how fans are too inclined to attack critics than engage with what they're saying or simply ignore their stuff... and what's at the top of my inbox but someone calling me a piece of shit and accusing me of stuff I've never ever done (harassing the creators, misusing Monty's name -- the usual accusations that, as I said, fans pick up and repeat ad nauseam without thinking through whether they're accurate).
Me: Hey, don't send people insults, baseless accusations, and death threats because you disagree over the quality of a show
Anons: [Immediately send insults, baseless accusations, and death threats for the sin of telling them not to do that]
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artificial-absinthe · 3 months
I wanted to give my point of view as someone who enjoys fem!Megs.
It's true, a lot of content made is ooc and people having fun making up things. We should have came up with a tag a while ago, it just didn't seem like a big deal at the time. I can't speak for all of them but we genuinely didn't mean to cause this much trouble.
I personally jumped in the bandwagon to try and express certain parts of myself that I was never able to explore freely but that would be too much stuff you probably don't care about.
I don't mind using a new tag/another tag at all and im sure others don't mind too. I think the main issue came from your wording of the request and the way you have been responding. 
As someone who has difficulty understanding tones of sentences you're words were (to me) snobbish and rude.
I know you hate it but please try to understand some people might misunderstand you. The way youve been speaking about the issue made it look like it was an absolute stain and abomination to fandom culture.
Another thing I would like to say is that yes, there is a lot of ooc stuff. I can't control the number of time people post. But some people have completely normal AU/headcanons where everything is the same except Megatron is female.
Some of them only use the character as a placeholder or a doll to represent certain things. Should it be tagged as ooc? Yes. Absolutely. But please try to understand that based on some of your replies, not everyone will take it kindly. You've given some people a bad "attitude" despite giving suggestions such as blocking blogs and tags.
It's true, some anons are rude and infuriating but don't forget to try and see other's perspectives.
Im sorry this is just a messy ramble, I only wanted to share my perspective/opinion on the situation.
Actually, I modulated the words to be polite. I'm quite sure I do not insulted anyone, nor even placed adjectives on the trend, or anything of the like. I do find it odd that people agreeing with me don't think I'm being aggressive, while those who like the trend perceive me as rude and snobbish.
Perhaps it's only my way of speaking, I'm not cute nor try to be it. I'll let you know that I'm not the kind of person who places emoticon hearts all over to make the post seem friendly. It might also seem as a disposition to read things in bad faith, or the unwillingness to accept arguments or disagreement when the one disagreeing does not constantly apologizes for disagreeing. This is actually my politeness. If we were face to face you'll perhaps be able to see that. Usually, writing comes across the way the reader is more inclined to interpret it in this cases. I'm absolutely insufferable when I'm aggressive, I recognize that (which I'm not being right now nor in any of my responses). I'm just not your kind of creature/person, I assume.
And yes, as I said many times by now, whatever the reason to be on some kind of content, fun, trend, etc, whoever enjoys it will do and is free to do whatever they like. By all means, do it. Just be aware that not everyone likes it and there's nothing horrifying on people trying to avoid that thing while making use of a function that exist exactly for this reason.
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endogenicredstar · 7 months
Hello, and welcome one and all to my little patch of peace! My name is Sylum and I'm what is known as fictionkin. Now, I'm sure you're wondering: "what the hell is fictionkin? A fictionkin is someone that either psychologically, or spiritually believes that they are, or were, a fictional character or species. In my case, I'm purely the psychological kind. Though I am inclined to believe in past lives, I don't have memories of anything regarding my kintype. Kin of the spiritual kind have memories of their past lives as those characters or as that species. Whereas psychological kin do not. Or at least, from what I've experienced.
Below the cut, is everything you need to know about me! Please feel free to read on if you'd like!
So, what is my kintype specifically? Primarily, I'm fictionkin. More specifically, my kintype is a Buma. Not many people know this species by name, which is a crying shame. If you were to peruse the character notes of Red XIII from Final Fantasy 7, you would see that name. At some point, they would have implemented the species as a whole, by name, in the game. However, they opted not to. So, the name is forever drowned in obscurity. But, at least I know the name for them now.
Going into even more specifics, I am what I refer to as the Icicle Region Variant. The Icicle Buma is, funnily enough, something of my creation. They have thick fur to help save off the cold, and large paws to help them navigate the deep snow drifts of the north. They have long, sharp canines, like a Smilodon, and a downward curved snout, like a bull terrier. The males have thick, shaggy manes and Norse inspired braids. The females are maneless and don't have braids. Regardless of gender, the icicle variant is larger than the cosmo Canyon variant. They're sturdier built, and are capable of climbing steep rock faces. They're heavily muscled frame is quite terrifying when you see them at a distance. They're silhouette can strike fear into the hearts of even the toughest of SOLDIERs. Despite their intimidating appearance, they're actually quite gentle. They have been known to aid lost travelers, and aid in nursing the sick. They know the icicle region like the back of their paws, and are able to lead hikers to the safety of civilization with ease. Like their Canyon born brothers and sisters, they are capable of human reasoning and speech. However, some really aren't keen on talking. They live in a tight-knit tribe, but they will allow others to leave to explore the world and gain knowledge. Other than that, they're usually very elusive-- they will only be found if they want to be. Put enough about the primary. Let's talk about my secondary type.
My secondary type is shapeshifter. More specifically, a Paleo shapeshifter. Often favoring the intimidating, vicious therapods, I can, within myself, transform into prehistoric life. This includes but isn't limited to: dinosaurs, marine reptiles, and Pleistocene mammals. The primary for my take when I feel like a shapeshifter is a Tyrannosaurus Rex, or an Achillobator.
Now that all of the important information is out of the way, let's get to the other, less important stuff.
Please be aware that this is a secondary blog! Because of this, I can't follow anyone in return. Please don't be offended that I don't follow back.
I am 29 years old, so if you are under the age of 18 and uncomfortable with following an adult, that I'm afraid you'll have to leave. Thank you for stopping by, though!
I believe that's it for my little introduction! Thank you all so very much for reading! I hope to update this blog a lot in the coming days. Until my next post, I'll see you around!
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sprite-periodt · 2 years
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~Welcome to my blog!!~✨😝
It's not much but we're here and we're queer can I get an amen? Hehe
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Howdy there I'm Sprite!! I’m 20 =w= 👍🏾. I’m a lee-leaning switch. Credit to my dear silly friend making me discover this earlier in the year. Continue for the good stuff I suppose
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❗☝🏾Things you should know about me☝🏾❗️
✗ Sprire is the nickname I gave myself here. If we become friends though I will be more than comfy with telling you my actual name and nicknames. Nicknames give me serotonin🥰
✗ Not currently in a relationship but please do not come in my dms being sexual. And don’t try to flirt either. I don’t know you like that. I will not answer and you‘ll probably be blocked if I feel like it.
✗ I am African American!! I am a firm believer in BLM and will not tolerate racism of blacks or other people of color on my blog. You will be blocked~
✗ I will also not tolerate hate or out of pocketness in the tickle community. It’s been nasty out here!! Please respect others and show basic fucking human decency. We’re more than lees, lers, or switches. Have some fucking class
✗ I am neurodivergent applause /wry. Severe clinical depression, anxiety disorder, and possible AuDHD. So please be patient with me when it comes to things. Also please don't get offended by inconsistent replies or even too consistent ones. I can go from overwhelmed to excited to talk just as fast if I think you’re really cool. Just let me know if that or anything really makes you uncomfy. I want my friends to be ok.
And I have moments where I seem dry and or get nv. Please don’t take it personal. It’s probably not you.
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❗Some things you should know about this blog!!❗
✗ Do Not. send me asks about drama that has nothing the fuck to do with me. It’s overwhelming and pisses me off because of what I have going on in my own life as well as my undying care for a lot of my friends. Most here included. This is why my anons are off. You will be blocked otherwise.
✗ Yes this is for the most part, a tickle blog so if you're not into this wonderful interest then you are more than inclined to leave!
✗ This blog is mostly SFW and will probably always be that way. Very rarely will you see an NSFW post but those are always tagged when it happens anyway. Aside from that I post topics that could be triggering sometimes(in a neurodivergent sense) so beware. ⚠️
✗ And on that topic regardless of the fact that this blog is mostly SFW, minors aren’t allowed here. I’ll let a like slide and ofc I can’t stop you but DO NOT follow me. DO NOT comment under my posts. And DO NOT DM me. Got it?
✗ Racists, homophobes and just any lgbtqa+ hate in general, Trump supporters, pro Israel, fat phobics, ableists, terfs, misogynists, straight up dicks. Get the fuck off my blog. Even if you don’t think you’re any of these things(because people usually don’t) you can’t fucking hide <3.
✗ Anyone way older than me, like twice my age, don’t follow or DM please.
✗ Otherwise DMs are always welcome. I'm more than happy to make a new friend!! I’m just hella shy. My social anxiety isn’t fun. It would be very encouraged to get to know me first before actual teases/tickle talk though thanks.
✗ Asks are also welcome! Please send them!! It could be literally about anything(that does not include rudeness and hate as well as the first bullet point under this section) It makes my heart happy when I get them ehe.
✗ Teases are welcome over asks as well ofc
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And now that that stuffs outta the way here are some facts about me!
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。˚✐~
⋆☾ ⋆ I’m a self taught artist and I've been drawing for as long as I can remember although I'm always going through the largest art block ever and draw very rarely at the moment. I think getting a drawing tablet would fix me😜
⋆☾ ⋆ I write sometimes but that’s less frequent than it used to be
/)/) (\(\
( . .) (. . )
( づ🏳️‍🌈⊂ )
⋆☾ ⋆ I’m bi(sexual)(romantic) and also oriental aroace but in a gray way LMAO. I’m also a demigirl enby who’s transneutral basically.
📺₊ ⊹𖦹 ׂ ⋆☆๋࣭ ⭑
⋆☾ ⋆ I watch anime! Some of my favs are Akame ga kill(manga is way better tho), Attack on Titan, My Hero Academia, Demon slayer, Yugioh, Haikyuu, and Black butler
⋆☾ ⋆ Fav shows: Law and Order SVU, Miraculous Ladybug, Steven Universe, Teen Titans, Grimm, ATLA and LOK, The Nanny
I’m also slowly kinda rewatching criminal minds and slowly watching Rizzoli and Isles (Just something about crime shows that are just mMM y'know???).
⋆☾ ⋆ Avid Smosh enjoyer
⋆☾ ⋆ I love horror movies like a lot lmao. My go to’s are usually paranormal types. The conjuring series has my heart. Psychological horrors are amazing too tho (cough cough Midsommar and Pearl)
⋆☾ ⋆ I love Disney!! Favorite Disney movie is probably the little mermaid just because of nostalgia.
⋆☾ ⋆ I’m like really into the mcu. Fav avengers was always Black Widow, Iron Man, and Spiderman. Yelena and Kate are part of the obsession too now. I’m not caught up yet because I took a long break but I’m getting there.
⋆☾ ⋆ Favorite movie is probably Anastasia. 👑
˙✧˖°👟 ༘ ⋆。˚🎧
⋆☾ ⋆ My favorite sport happens to be volleyball ehe 🏐
‧₊˚📚✩ ₊˚🎧⊹♡
⋆☾ ⋆ I love to read although because of my mental illnesses it's been really hard to. I've read a lot of Sonic Comics tho! And I'm slowly getting into Manhwa. Gimmie book recs!!
⋆☾ ⋆ I have 2 cats!! I love my brats 🐈 🐈‍⬛
⋆☾ ⋆ As a friend has told me, I'm a cat person who's good with dogs! Hehe and I just love animals in general!
▶︎ •၊၊||၊|။||||။၊|။•✩♬
⋆☾ ⋆ I literally listen to literally all kinds of music but my favorite genres are most types of rock tbh, R&B, theater(not much), pop(preferably kinda??old hits),the occasional anime osts and oldies. Love me some oldies. Whatchu know about Lionel Richie and Whitney Houston and Luther Vandross?!?! O and Kpop ehe
⋆☾ ⋆ Speaking of kpop, the bands I really love right now are Mamamoo, Stray Kids, BTS and Ateez!! (If you wanna know my bias's send me an ask or dm hehe😉)
⋆☾ ⋆ Piggybacking on that I have literally been utterly and completely obsessed with Mamamoo for 4? 5?? years now. They make me so happy!!! I could talk about them all day if comfortable!! Aaand!! I went to their concert on tour!!!!!
⋆☾ ⋆ I play the drums! And also just a tad of piano. I sing sometimes. No I can't read sheet music because everytime I teach myself I forger ✩♬₊˚.
⋆☾ ⋆ My favorite food is literally just anything Asian
૮₍ᐢ •˕• ᐢ₎ა
⋆☾ ⋆ I love stuffed animals!! I have a bunch and want more
✩°。 ⋆⸜ 🕹️👾✮
⋆☾ ⋆ I am a gamer!! I have a switch. At the moment I play splatoon 2(and now 3 :D), Mario Kart 8 deluxe, and animal crossing the most! Just recently got back into Fortnite. I also have a ps3 and I played the entirety of Destiny on it and I can say it's really one of my fav games. I've also played a little Black Ops 3 hehe. I have some games on steam that I like to play. I’ve been meaning to mod my 3ds as well. Manifesting a PS5 soon 🤲🏾
༘⋆₊ ⊹★🔭๋࣭ ⭑⋆。˚
⋆☾ ⋆ I'm a straight up space nerd if you don’t know already. Please go stargazing with me🥺
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Annnd now some tickle related facts about me 👉🏾👈🏾
𓆩 I have never been tickled by anyone in the community to get the real experience yknow? And I’ve never been properly tickled too long either
𓆩 I believe as a lee I'm very very shy hehe
𓆩 Heavy heavyyyyy on the lee leaning LMAO
𓆩 Also probably a very shy ler lol. Buttt I’ve been told I get very teasy sometimes so that’s a thought <3
𓆩 I like to think I have a general idea where all my spots are but part of me isn't sure if I have more and just how ticklish all of them truly are
𓆩 I can tickle myself
𓆩 Lee moods get feral with this one
𓆩 If it's tickle related I will blush very very easily so have fun with that lmao
𓆩 Love love love to tease when I’m in the mood. Love making people happy and blushy because it makes me happy and blushy hehe
𓆩 I’ve been told I have a nice smile and laugh. I don’t agree but I’m not saying you couldn’t force me to /hj
𓆩 If you ask me what gets me I’ll probably tell you. So don’t be shy to make me shy hehe
𓆩 I happen to have an outie. It seems like not a lot of people in the community have outies or want to tickle people with outies tho and tbh it's one of the main things on my body that I'm insecure about but that's a conversation for another day ahaha
𓆩 As far as I know I think my hands, neck, tummy, and back are melt spots. Or,,,,whatever,,,,,,,,
𓆩 I have never ever gotten a raspberry. I know it's a crime.
If you read all this thank you. Imagine me giving you a squish. I hope you enjoy your stay💙
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ceoandslutler · 1 year
welcome to my blog - started 13/04/23
hello, i'm sayé (pronounced SAA-YEAH) or just sy (pronounced SIGH), this blog is a space where i muse all about sebastian and o!ciel from kuroshitsuji/black butler and share all my other silly lil thoughts about the kuro world, i usually do not interact with people first unless they seem nice (courtesy of online social anxiety and fear of 🐜s) so i will probs rarely/possibly never reblog random stuff unless i have something substantial to add (srry i can't tag that well and don't want to dilute my stuff and also i have autism brain lol so if my blog's not neat, i will literally DIE). also feel free to send me an ask/message, i will probably respond (90% of the time, teehee) but tbh it's like poking a dead person with a stick and seeing if they're alive.
this is just a place for me to share my musings about my fav evil boys and share writing if i ever get around to doing it, also this blog is not for minors, stay out, minors/-18!!!
also i am evidently a proshipper, antis shoo!!
i write, do edits (occasionally), cannot draw for the life of me and love love love sebaciel with a passion with an incline to sub bottom sebs (he's just so babygirl to me, i'm sorry).
RESOURCES FOR FIC WRITERS: • what fics sebaciel nation like to see | more coming soon
MY FICS: Stained Wedding Sheets | more coming soon
tags listed below
as promised, tags to navigate through the swamp this blog will become:
#symuses - for all my random little thoughts, fic/au ideas, hcs etc
#syanalyses - for when i read the manga for the trillionth time
#sywrites - for when/if i post fanfics
#sybitches - for when i complain
#syshitposts - for shitposts (obviously)
#syedits - if i do any manga editing (rare)
#sydraws - won't happen but just in case (extra rare!!)
alternative links:
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yikes-ajax · 11 months
Yikes! No blog intro? No longer!
What's UP my DUDES, it's time to sit the FUCK up (seriously, straighten your back you animal) and LISTEN UP. I am the MOST disinteresting person you will EVER meet and yet here we are. My name is AJ or sometimes Roary (if you know you know, hey besties) and have the stupidest cat ever and that's IT. But to fill the void in my metaphorical and dead heart, and really just to appease my need to feel special, here's the basics.
This bitch is:
- An adult (aka throwing more temper tantrums than I did as a kid)
- Bisexual
- Genderfluid, literally any pronouns are fine (just nothing dehumanizing, if you care)
- American (insert sigh here)
- Disabled (mobility and neurological)
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Under the cut is just some extra info if you really feel like boring yourselves ↓
Nitty Gritty
For those who care about the details for some reason??
- I alternate between canes, crutches, and a wheelchair (my dad once called my car a medical store) so when I make stupid jokes about being crippled or shit it's because I'm disabled and don't know how to cope
- You don't need my health records (I am a simp for my neurologist and don't need your opinions from five minutes of searching google), but what I occasionally talk about and am comfortable sharing is that I have functional neurological disorder (fnd), non-epileptic seizures (thanks fnd), poor mobility (thanks again fnd), and so... So many mental issues, as you can probably guess, such as PTSD, the spicy kind of depression that needs 3 different meds to stabilize, a sensory processing disorder I was diagnosed with so long ago I don't remember the name of (is that mental or physical??), and other bullshit
- I've got severe social anxiety but I'm trying my best to get out of my shell, so don't hesitate to interact, just forgive my rambling and nervousness
- Surprise, surprise, I have dissociative identity disorder (did), and yes, I'm traumagenic if you really must use such stupid terms. I don't give a fuck about dumb syscourse, I think endos are offensive af but what do I know, I can't even parallel park and know how to stay in my own lane. I've been in the DID community, you can probably guess who I was if you do enough digging but I have no interest in revisiting that side of the Internet, it is the most toxic community I have ever seen
- I sometimes go dark, but I'm fine, I'm likely just busy or obsessed with a video game and my queue has ran out
Current interests (stuff I post in-between cat pics when I feel inclined): Critical role / dnd, star wars, crochet
Video games: Ark: survival evolved, star wars criminals, Minecraft teehee, Red dead redemption (1 and 2, yeehaw), skyrim
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Rosie (the reject) and PJ (the pacifist turned genocidal but still total baby)
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Rue (the mean ass) and Allie (the bottom of the food chain that is in perpetual fear, but hey, she has an extra toe so that's cool)
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Meadow (weapon of mass destruction)
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And me, AJ (the bitchass blog runner you'll hopefully never see the face of)
Do not interact:
My neighbors cat 😤😡🖕😾
Encouraged to interact:
Aliens, goblins, werewolves (hey mamas 😎), marine biologists, people who ever feel like a plastic bag drifting through the wind, little guys, little clown guys (THIS IS A SAFE SPACE FOR CLOWNS, I REPEAT, SILLY LITTLE GUYS ARE WELCOME!!), those discontent with their mortal flesh and wish to break to endless spiral of human destruction, little meow meows, anarchists, Dr. Gregory House (please fix me sir), that one hot chick from that one show I watched that one time, DILFS PLEASE, and stupid little fdufcking.. stupid little bitches
All in all,
I'm just here to have a good time and bring some laughter to anyone who wants it. My favorite thing to do is laugh and crack jokes, and if I can make someone else laugh with me, then my purpose here on earth is done. Though, I have a very dry and sarcastic humor that I know can sometimes be hard to read, so please just understand that I'm usually just playing around! I promise I'm not as mean as I seem!
You don't need to worry about anything upsetting here, I try not to post or reblog anything that could dampen someone's day, because not only are y'all here to escape, I am too. This blog will always be safe, I have no interest in discourse, don't care about a DNI, and rarely bother checking who follows me unless you're talking to me. Anonymous asks are on for fellow socially anxious lurkers that wanna talk, but be warned— don't diss my cat 👹
Thanks y'all, love you guys. Stay safe and sleep well ❤️
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mistofstars · 2 years
Hey man, how did you know you were ace? I’m not sure how I feel at the moment - is it my anxiety that’s stopping me from having a relationship, or is it that I just can’t see myself having sex? Do I not see myself having sex because I have major self love problems and can’t see anyone loving me? Am I anxious about it because I don’t want it? I am so confused about what I feel. Any suggestions for figuring it out?
Uff not sure if I'm the best person to ask that, anon, but I'll try to answer.
Some options to get a good idea is
- follow ace blogs on Tumblr and what they post about (especially the memes were enlightening for me 😂)
- there are ace / aero tests online
- but in the end it's important how *you* feel about the term and its definition (there's even more detailed definitions but for me ace fits fine). If you read it and think, yeah, this sounds like me, it's probably true
Some of the signs I figured I was ace (and also very late, I'm in my 30ies and I didn't know of the term until a few years ago!)
I can imagine doing lots of things / hobbies rather than having a relationship
I very much like to be on my own and am not looking for "another half"
I don't have problem with intimacy and can have sex, but I don't *need* sex with another person. I could happily live until the end of my days without having sex with another person.
In my teenager years, everyone was starting relationships but I wasn't interested in them. I rather read fanfiction or made music, anything else. They called me a late bloomer lol but I just wasn't interested. I felt like something was wrong with me
A handful of people fell in love with me and I just couldn't reciprocate and it made me feel like, again, it was my fault, that I should be able to love them back and have these romantic feelings
Started a relationship and had sex because I felt this was society's expectation of me. No one ever told me it's okay to not be with someone!
I never understood people lusting after one another. Like, their urge. I don't have that.
Same goes for celebrity crushes. I don't have them in the "normal" way that I find someone hot and want to do the dirty with them.
My celebrity crushes are like I find someone aesthetically pleasing, beautiful in a "this is a perfectly shaped human being" way. And it's not their muscles or biceps or whatever people find "sexy", it's more about their character and behavior, their beard perhaps, the way their eyes glow, the love they show for someone else. This is what my celebrity crushes look like
You could show me 1000 men and I might find maybe 2 of them attractive. Because I'm not attracted to anybody 😂
Shipping fictional (and real) people because I love their love. But I don't want to be intimate with them 😂
Also, and my psychology friend voiced something like this too, I'm female and I mostly ship male / male, and we think that is because it's as far away from my own biology as possible.
Regarding reading / writing, it's more about non-sexual intimacy for me (even though sex creates intimacy too, don't get me wrong!) like hand-holding, cuddling, forehead kisses and embraces. I live for that stuff
That said, being asexual doesn't mean that you don't crave intimacy with someone else. I do. I would murder for a good embrace
Some people can be happy in a relationship and br asexual. As long as both (or how many people you want in a relationship) are fine with the lack of sexual actions and nobody feels forced or inclined to do something, that's good!
I just know for me that it would be difficult to find someone who would be fine with this, as it is currently in our society and the usual sex drive of men (Sorry for that big bucket but that is my experience)
And I know I have such a self-sacrificing nature (cough, people pleaser, cough) that I rather stay away from relationships now before I return to the vicious cycle "let's have sex, because I read once a week is normal / mandatory". No way, José
Anon, I just want to ensure you to take your time and don't force yourself to anything
Do what feels right for you
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queerdeerskates · 2 years
Skating journal 3/4/23
Okay so clearly the daily journal thing is not gonna happen, but I do want to keep using this blog more, so I'm gonna try and just sort of post updates whenever.
I've been skating mostly at the park recently! I got some new stuff in, including 99a Park Flow wheels and some super cute mini Heartstopper toe stops from Grindstone <3
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They're adorable and they match my skates sooooooooo well. Shoutouts to my sibling for pickingg the color. I haven't actually gotten to skate on 'em yet (they just arrived today!) but I'm really looking forward to it :)
I've been improving my park skills a lot lately! I'm becoming more confident in my plate stalls (from flat ground). I can also 180 off a block, and even 180 from a toe-stop stall on the transition. I was feeling a little wobbly a couple sessions ago, so I tightened my trucks a quarter-turn. I'm feeling much more stable now, but it's a very noticeable difference when I'm trying to build momentum. I might fiddle with them a bit more to try and find a middle ground, but I think mostly I'll benefit from just building leg strength. One thing I will say is that this setup isn't ideal for dancing. The way I have everything set up, my boots are pretty close to the ground, so toe work is pretty tough. I was hoping the mini stoppers would be an improvement there, but they're actually the same depth as regular stops, just a smaller circumference. I'm TRYING to save money and not buy a dedicated dance setup... but it's sooo tempting, especially knowing that a bunch of skates are on sale right now.
But I've saved the most exciting news for last! I've been really struggling with inclines basically since I started park skating, and I haven't had much opportunity to improve at them because of the way my usual park is set up. Last Thursday I trekked out to a slightly further away park where the equipment wasn't sandwiched between big drop-ins. I'd only been there once before and it was crowded then, plus I was new to skateparks, so I hadn't gotten to do much. When I went on Thursday it was much emptier. There were a good number of banks, and I was able to go down some of them! It was very scary, but facing my fears is part of why I want to skate. I managed to stay upright and everything! I wasn't brave enough to try the higher or steeper banks, or any transition ramps, but I'm proud of myself for the progress I did make. I'm going to try and go there more often, hopefully at times when it's not too crowded. I'm pretty happy with how I've been progressing lately - I'm trying to keep my expectations relatively low, so I don't get discouraged when I hit the next plateau, but I'm really enjoying the progress I'm seeing now.
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saetoru · 2 years
ok since the entire dash is on about reblogging n stuff i think i'll leave my two cents bc we all know i can never not give my two cents sdjshdgf
anyway i think reblogging has two main purposes—at least to me—and that is either sharing something you enjoyed to the rest of your followers to help spread it, or to leave feedback / comments to express that you enjoyed it.
if you are a blog with a following, as in a blog such as my own, where thousands of people follow you and are likely to see your posts on dash, you should feel inclined to drop a reblog of content you enjoy or content of a mutual that you see to boost it. that doesn't necessarily mean you have to reblog everything you see on dash, but writers tend to have much larger followings in comparison to readers, so if you are a writer who for the most part does not reblog other writing, you are a LARGE part of the problem. and "i don't read as often as i write" is not an excuse bc i don't read that often either, and i do usually prefer ao3 over tumblr if i do read, but i try to reblog what i stumble across on dash to offer a work some more exposure. and while we're on the topic, i think "fic rec blogs" essentially kill the purpose of reblogs because your followers are on your MAIN BLOG not your fic rec side blog. lets all be honest no one ever really follows rec blogs and you are essentially sharing your work to nobody. tbh tagging ur reblogs will organize them just as fine as having them on a separate blog, so kindly consider sharing works to your main blog with ur following and not one that is close to empty.
if you're a reader with a blog with little to no following, i think tbh leaving a comment can be just as good as reblogging. i know there are a lot of readers on here who basically have no followers and don't see the point in sharing a work onto an empty blog, or if they do have followers its friends who they don't want to see the things they read, so i get it, sometimes you'd rather not reblog. but leaving a comment on a post instead of reblogging onto your blog is also a great option—and tbh, i think that serves the same purpose if you don't have people to rly share the posts to. the main point is that if you enjoy a work, leaving a comment here or there—whether thru a reblog or on the post itself—can go a long way for a writer, more than you think !! liking and moving on does little to indicate you've enjoyed something since a lot of ppl just like posts to save something for later, but if you take the time to leave comments on the post or thru the tags, you can really help a writer find the motivation to produce more content. please also kindly kill all mentality that being a writing blog has to tie a blog to being only writing—that is very unfair to a writer's personal interests and passions and ultimately reduces them as someone you only think of as a means of entertainment rather than an individual who shares work out of passion for their hobby.
the moral of the story is reblogging is important, especially if you have a decent following, but at the very least leaving a comment can be nice. being offered a form of feedback is the reason why writers share their writing, not why they write.
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your-pal-smoochins · 2 years
--Mood Tracker Moved and multiplied!--
This post will just be something explaining this blog a bit in case you don't read the bio first, for some reason. Plus some stuff I didn't put there.
Pronouns are he/him (they/them is also acceptable mainly due to apathy), and that's all I'm comfortable sharing here. About myself I mean. Well, okay, let's be honest I'll reveal more about myself the longer I'm on here that's just. How it goes. But right now that's all you need.
About the blog.
This blog is specifically for giving people dopamine through words. Or whatever chemical is the happy one. Some people get happy from smoochins, and those people can have them from me, as long as it's specifically through this medium and doesn't go into role play territory any further than just "something something smoochins". If I see someone being down in the dumps and not... In such a way that I doubt my silliness would help, I'll do my best to make them happy. If they seem really depressed, I might still try but... I'm always worried about making them hate me, or making it worse and... I'd just rather. Not. Tempt that. We'll see how brave I get, though.
About other peeps.
I'm welcoming to everyone at face value. The only people I will refuse to interact with are nsfw blogs and the several very specific groups of people that 90% of the people hate on this site to the point they have trigger tags. I'm avoiding saying them directly but i think you know exactly who you are. I also may make a DNI list at some point, if it gets rampant. Anyhow, I will look through your blog to see what you are. If I think you're one of. Those people. I won't attack you directly, no. I'll just point out what I know of you. I am not one of conflict, but if others are so inclined, I will not stop them. If you have to ask yourself if you're on my shit list, you better think hard about it, yeah?
Short version. I love most people. I will try to help you through hard times. If you're a certain type of person (hint, in case you didn't guess yet: not based on race, gender, status, or sexuality, except for your "sexuality" that is not a sexuality, you sick f@*!;$*!*) I am not going to associate with you.
That's all I got. If I'm being too incredibly vague with what I'm saying, feel free to ask. I'm being vague intentionally, but I'm fine with clearing it up if you're confused.
Oh, and I ramble a lot. Usually paragraphs at a time in one post, so... Yeah.
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Lunar Magick : Waning Gibbous Moon 🌒 in Taurus ♉♥✨❤💖😍♉♥✨
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With the Moon in Taurus we are motivated by the desire for serenity, security, peace, and comfort. The Moon is very most sensual and constant in Taurus. You may feel like you want to relax, resist change and “stop to smell the roses”. Life slows down a little, and we get comfortable. We may also be inclined to stubbornness and materialism.
Patience, diligence, perseverance and practicality are on the increase. The Moon in Taurus favours occupations which demand prolonged and persistent effort, but it is also good for complete rest in comfort and coziness. It is best to avoid undertaking anything which requires quickness, decisiveness and quick-wittedness. This Moon generally favors financial activities or applying for a loan, beginning a potentially long-term relationship, music and home decorations.
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For me, there is no season for shadow work. Although of course the colder, darker months bring forth the more obvious associations and move people to journey within, Spring and Summer call to me just as much because I know that the work never really stops. I 'keep my hand in'. I want to be practiced and ready at a moment's notice because, hell - when you catch your shadow in action and you're thrown off guard, you need to have those tools sharpened and prepared. I never want shadow work to be something that's gone rusty for me.
Sometimes we can know that shadow work is needed but feel unable to pinpoint exactly what the issue is. We just know that we feel, well, 'shadowy' about stuff. Perhaps this is you right now. Maybe you don't feel like yourself at the moment. Maybe you're making harsh judgements, feeling rejected and resentful or just finding yourself trying to please others and play up to their expectations. Maybe you're reading this blog post because you're trying to ignore the big project you keep saying you'll begin or the business you really want to start. Sometimes you get that 'not quite right' feeling but you're not sure how to describe or confirm what's going on. I think that's one of the best times to do a little shadow work journalling. Clarity knows when you're looking for it, and it often rewards your searching by showing up! (Sometimes in a very unexpected place!)
So, whether you're actively engaging in shadow work now or you feel like you need to but dunno where to begin, these challenging journal prompts are for you. (They are also for anyone who just happens to read through them and thinks one of them might be just the ticket for some random self-exploration. Go for it!)
1. How judged do you tend to feel on a daily basis? Explore how much of that perceived judgement is real and how much is imagined.
2. Take a look at the best and most enjoyable aspect of your life right now. What is your underlying fear in that area and why?
3. Write about the last time you tried to manipulate a situation to your advantage and examine how you feel about that in hindsight.
4. Describe a scenario in which you feel that competition could be healthy and productive. Then describe a scenario in which competition could be toxic and unproductive. Finally, write about your emotional response to this exercise.
5. What does it feel like to have your emotions belittled or downplayed? Be as descriptive as possible and try writing about specific examples from your own life too.
6. Pinpoint something that's really frustrating/upsetting you at the moment. Then try writing an uplifting, beautiful poem about it!
7. Write about the last time you ran away from your responsibilities. Consider why you did that and what the results were.
8. How can you begin to give other people more space and acceptance to be themselves around you?
9. Whereabouts do you tend to expect other people to conform to your beliefs? (And what scares you the most about allowing people to have their own beliefs in that area?)
10. What does the term 'superiority complex' bring to mind for you and why?
11. If you could say one thing to the person who's hurt you the most right now, what would it be and why?
12. Consider yourself at your worst - at a point where all of your most negative and disruptive traits have come to the surface. Capture that version of you in your mind. Then write a letter of love, understanding and compassion to that version of you. (For extra credit: Read the letter aloud to yourself whenever you feel like you've turned into a bit of a monster!)
13. What does the word 'punishment' make you think of right now and why?
14. Write about the different ways in which people have expressed their anger or resentment in front of you over the last few months. What do you notice about their different modes of expression for these emotions?
15. What's the one thing you know you need to do but keep avoiding? Write it down. Then write a step-by-step description of actually doing it. Include every action which would need to be involved in order to get it done. At the end of the exercise, explore how you feel.
16. When was the last time you witnessed distinctly self-destructive behaviour, either in yourself or in someone else? Describe it and the emotions you had at the time.
17. What was the last cruel thing you wanted to say to someone in order to make them feel bad about themselves or their actions? Write it down and then explore your feelings about it.
18. Whereabouts do you currently feel isolated and how are you dealing with that emotion?
19. Write about the biggest experience of loss for you so far this year.
20. What do you currently envy in someone else's life and why? (For extra credit: What kinds of emotions come up when you imagine yourself having access to the thing you envy?)
21. At the top of a blank page write the following words, 'My insecurity is my teacher.' Then fill the page up with your responses to this sentence - whatever comes to mind, honey!
22. What does it feel like to be completely discouraged by someone's words? Be descriptive and consider writing about personal experiences of this in your own life.
23. Why is it sometimes difficult to tell the difference between someone saying something intentionally mean and someone just saying something accidentally thoughtless?
24. What does the term 'constructive criticism' make you think of and why?
25. Which emotion do you tend to deal with in unhelpful/destructive ways? Write about the way you usually deal with this troublesome emotion. Then write about what your life might be like if you dealt with it differently.
Keep in mind that these journal prompts are designed to be ball-busters. I like to create journalling tools which feel like a little bit of an uphill bike ride with an increasingly steep incline, so feel free to dip in and out, stop on the side of the road for a rest or take things slowly. These prompts are not designed to be done in rigid order or completed in their entirety either. Feel free to select a couple and see how you get along. No pressure. If you're even considering one of these prompts as an exercise, that means you're showing up in a big, bold way and, baby - I salute that shit, for real!
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Okay so legit
Do you think Mammon would steal from Mc? Ik it's kind of a popular hc, I don't know if he's actually done it, I'm not that far, but honestly I don't think he would
Like Beel even calls him out on it, saying that Mammon couldn't steal from Mc
Mammon is digging through Mc's things, and Beel interrupts him because he wants to eat Mc's hidden snacks. Mammon says he's going to sell Mc's uniform, to which Beel says "whatever, I know you're not gonna do it" Mammon is confused, so Beel continues and in short says "you're all talk, you know you'd never sell Mc's uniforms no matter how you claim" to which Mammon replies with his usual tsundere stuff, claiming he doesn't care about some random human
So to me that just reads as Mammon not wanting to sell Mc's stuff
Also this all happened in Lesson 4-A, one of those "locked" chapters or whatever they're called
He definitely 100% would not steal from MC and that's actually canon.
Like you said in the lesson 4 locked chapter Beel says Mammon is only snooping around MC's things cause he likes them and wants to find out more about them and not because he's actually planning on stealing and selling their things like Mammon claims. And after Mammon, Beel is probably the most emotionally intelligent of the brothers so I'm more inclined to believe Beel here.
And this was very early on in MC & Mammon's relationship (be it platonic or romantic), they were barely friends and he still wasn't willing to steal from them.
As S1 goes on the two of them only grow closer and (mild spoilers from here on out) by S2 & S3, a lot of Mammon's tsundere habits have been dropped.
You'll actually find that later on in S1 and then in multiple chats and devilgrams Mammon actually goes out of his way to buy things for MC - things I need to add that MC never asks for. He sees them looking at something they like and he buys it for them and half the time these things are pretty expensive. I actually can't count the number of times he's done something like this. And it's also a common theme with Mammon that whenever he buys something for MC he always does so with money he earned through honest methods/actual jobs.
He'll later go to say (once in S2 and then in S3) that he cares about MC way more than he does money or material possessions.
Actual content/evidence from the game shows that he actually cares about his brothers and even Simeon and Luke and his human foster kid more than he does about money considering we've seen him choose their happiness over money at least once.
Overall, Mammon's the personification of Greed, yes. But he does a pretty shit job at it when he has to choose between actual Greed and the people he loves. His love for MC wins out over his Greed in every single occasion - big or small. His love for the others wins out over Greed when there's something important/big happening.
I genuinely didn't know it was a popular hc cause canon has contradicted it on multiple occasions?
Gonna post the screenshot of this ask on @still-a-morosexual-help with the answer too cause this blog doesn't show up in the tags :(
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ener-chi · 3 years
Hello, I really admire your blog it feels like a safe place and I also love your posts. If it’s alright with you I would like to request a reading. My question is what path should I take in order to develop/improve myself more. I’m a female and my name is aarya k. My zodiac sun sign is Taurus (sidereal). I have dark brown straight hair, short in height and I usually wear glasses. Thank you so much I really appreciate your time and energy and hope you enjoy your day.
Hi Aarya!
Oh my gosh, thank you so much! I try and make my blog a nice little nook of the internet; I'm glad that you are enjoying it!
I feel your energy... It's very lovely! It reminds me of... Hazelnut. I am genuinely unsure of how to describe your energy... Not a bad thing... It's just hard to put words to feelings sometimes. She is so nice... You are a thinker... You have an awareness that others typically don't... Hmm... I'm seeing her... Like... Hm how to describe this... She is holding a notebook and pen... Maybe it's a planner... The place is white... Almost like a classroom... It might be her bedroom?? I'm loving the aesthetic actually...
Her energy is... Very clean... Soft... Very sturdy... Her ways and opinions are very dug into the ground... She is firm in her ways... But... Can move when she wants to... And when she does... It is graceful... Kind of like... Reminds me of Toph earth-bending...
Anyways... Alright... The matter at hand...
There is no one set Path for self-improvement and development... Every Path... Every direction... Does this... Even if it does not seem that way... You are always growing... Always improving... Always learning...
This need... This feeling... To improve and better yourself... Why do you feel this way?? Hm...
I'm feeling emotional... There is some stuff underneath... That she does a good job of keeping down... That nags... Insecurities... Feelings of self-worth... But this need is not all driven by bad things. She also has this genuine desire, this curiosity... Hm... I see now...
You are trying to decide which Path is best for you, based on what will be best for you. This will not work. No. Like I said earlier, it doesn't matter what Path you take - you are always learning, always growing, always becoming a better version of yourself. I encourage you to try and not act from this place - instead acting from your heart, your gut, your intuition.
I smile. You have... Wonderful energy and desires and emotions at your heart center. Things that you want to do, to pursue. Don't silence them in the name of self-betterment. In my experience, those emotions, desires, dreams - are more important than anything else that you could do. Pay attention to, listen, and follow them; if you do, you will not be disappointed by the Path you find yourself on.
Thanks for the ask! I hope this resonates! Don't forget to leave feedback, and a tip if you feel so inclined and are able!
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