#but im mushy for steve
mysticmunson · 2 years
elora, steve harrington is so boyfriend. i’m losing my mind over this you don’t understand.
hi autumn my love.
he is so boyfriend, like boyfriend shaped completely.
during the holidays, he would match ugly sweaters with you to make you laugh. would make hot chocolate, but insist it had to be made with milk because "babe, it's sacrilegious to make it with water, i'm a man of dignity."
and because of his head getting hit during upside down stuff, sometimes the christmas lights are a bit too bright for him, so you buy the muted tone ones for your apartment and making sure all the decor isn't too vibrant.
making christmas cookies with the kids, younger and teens, at his house since you noticed most of their families weren't very close and didn't do things like this. they would say 'ew' every time you guys kissed with dustin throwing flour on steve, making his chase him around.
but steve loves when you guys just sit on the couch, cuddled up with a classic movie on and the fireplace lit. if he felt you shiver at all, he'd get you fuzzy socks, a blanket, or a sweater to make sure you were extra comfortable.
hes so boyfriend.
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heydocpotts · 2 months
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thank you to augustasands on kofi for your donation! ❤️
✨buy me a coffee?☕️✨
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steveshairychest · 2 years
Steve doesn't flinch when a punch is being thrown his way. He's used to violence. Used to the sting of a fist against his cheek or a knee in his ribs. Used to the uncomfortable pain of a black eye or a broken nose. What he isn't used to is gentleness. He flinches the first time Eddie reaches out and brushes hair out of his face, and flinches again when Eddie cautiously threads his fingers with Steve's at the movies.
Eddie thinks it's because of him. He thinks Steve doesn't like him, doesn't like touching him or being around him. He says so after Steve nearly jumped through the roof of the car after Eddie put his hand on Steve's thigh. "Do you not like me anymore?" He asks quietly, insecurity bleeding into every word as he avoids Steve's eyes.
Steve shakes his head quickly and takes Eddie's hand in his own, unsure of how to make things right. "No, I'm just, uhm, still getting used to how gentle you are. It's not a bad thing! I love it. It's just a little overwhelming for a guy like me."
"A guy like you?" Eddie raises an eyebrow in question.
"I haven't always been a good guy." He says after a moment, and Eddie squeezes Steve's hand in comfort. Steve doesn't flinch this time. "I used to start fights for no reason. I would pick on kids that are just like Dustin and Mike and You. I-I wasn't a nice guy. I was a dick. I just feel like I don't deserve to be handled so gently, so softly." It hurts to say it out loud. The truth makes him feel sick to the stomach, it makes him want to run and hide from himself.
He hates who he used to be.
"You really were kind of a dick." Eddie laughs.
Steve smiles sadly and sinks back into the car seat. "I know." He knows it's the truth, but it still hurts to hear Eddie agree.
"But -" Eddie turns around in the seat and scoots as close to him as he can in the cramped front seat of Steve's car. "You've changed so much, Steve. You're not that guy anymore. I'm proud of you for acknowledging that what you did was wrong. Yes, you used to beat people up and start fights for no reason, but look at you now, sitting outside the arcade waiting for the gaggle of children that you've literally fought monsters for."
"You're a good guy, Steve." Eddie leans in close and whispers, "You're actually kind of a loser now."
Steve feels like he's going to cry. Eddie's too good for him, even if he did just call him a loser. "Hope you don't mind having a loser as a boyfriend."
Eddie leans over the centre console and kisses him softly and sweetly. "Nope, don't mind one bit. As long as you don't mind having a freak for a boyfriend, we're all good."
Steve laughs and leans back to admire the man who's changed his life for the better; the man he loves. "Hmm, I don't know... I saw you eat a whole packet of cheese yesterday."
"I was hungry!"
"I was cooking dinner! Plus, you're lactose intolerant."
"So, you're saying you don't date lactose intolerant people?"
"Yep, sorry, babe."
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missjashin · 1 year
El hasn't seen that many movies due to her childhood and that includes children movies. So the kids, especially the girls are now trying to help her "catch up", wanting to show her their favorite childhood movies. And for some reason they gotta do this at Steve's house. Because apparently he has the best equipment for movie nights and he works at the Family Video so he can also get them the movies they don't have in their collections. So yeah, Steve gets it and he doesn't really mind. If the boys (and Erica) can have their DnD nights at his house, the girls can have their little movie nights too.
And it's not like Steve has seen most of these movies either. Some of them for sure but if they go into like princess or cutesy movie territory then that's all new to him. It's not like his dad ever let him watch anything too "girly", so more often than not he finds himself watching those movies with the same wonderment as El. Even when he totally planned to do something else meanwhile the movie plays, he ends up sitting with them through most of them. Enjoys them even. When your own love life is (presumably) a mess you, as a hopeless romantic, can at least enjoy some fairytale love stories.
The only minor problem with all this.. Is the songs. They get stuck on Steve's head with such a ease he ends up singing and humming them more than he would like to admit. If only the stuff at school had stuck that easy..
So when it's DnD night and he is prepping some snacks for the party (he tries to make them eat something healthy too with varied success) and if Eddie shows up little early and catches him singing "Some day my prince will come" and scares him shitless when he turns around and sees him leaning on the door frame with shit eating grin, that's just gonna stay between them right? And if the "sorry, I guess I'm the wrong kind of prince here" doesn't sit quite right in his mind, that's something to figure out later, right?
He tells Eddie to shut up and throws a dish towel at him, which he dodges with annoying ease. And when he walks up to Steve, starts singing something that Steve soon enough recognizes as one other princess movie song and then makes Steve dance with him, twirling him around the kitchen until he is giggling and starts singing along, only stopping when they hear the doorbell ring.. When he whispers to Eddie he is ridiculous but still feeds him a strawberry from the cutting board he was using to prep the snacks, before heading to open the door. Yeah that's all gonna be packed into the messy love life category of his brain and to be figured out later, definitely.
And this all definitely increases the usage of "princess" and princess themed nicknames Eddie keeps throwing at him. Steve hates that he doesn't really hate it.
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stevebabey · 2 years
another one! 📽 📽
imagine it’s summer and it’s hot and the sun is so toasty on your skin and steve feels restless and spontaneous so he suggests you go on a drive so you pack some driving snacks and hit the road. it somehow ends with you and steve at lovers lake (or a less traumatic lake for him poor lad lol) and y’all go for a dip, in your underwear or maybe, ya know, a lil skinny dipping shenanigans are in your future 😉 *in the summertime by mungo jerry plays*
okay ily ruby have fun and again congrats girl!!! xoxo
mmmmm we all deserve summertime steve for fuckin real obsessed with the vibes you have created in the studio today maddie ur brain so delicio 🌊 yet again, i cannot shut up for the life of me <3 i want to go swchimming w him so bad fr he’s such a summer bf
it’ll have been one of those sweltering nights where even the sheets feel too much and come morning, not one ounce of you wants to stay in bed and cuddle like you normally do because it’s stinkin’ hot and you’re fairly certain steve is already sweating lightly just pressed next to you— you tell him as much when he tries to sleepily cuddle you in closer, giving him a pout and a “s’too warm, stevie :(“ and steve can’t even disagree, he’s burning up in the heat of the sun through your windows - but there’s also a glimpse of blue blue sky stretching out endlessly, which means opportunity !
so he flops back, relents the space and stares at the ceiling while u stare at him, just observing him lovingly, counting every mole <3 he takes a minute of quiet contemplation, during which your back manages to get completely heated, pressed against the mattress, and you’re bout to complain bout it again when he blows a raspberry and turns his head to face you. “d’ya wanna go for a drive? :) nd maybe a swim?” and god, if that doesn’t sound like heaven- you’re nodding along before you even open your mouth but also, u gotta check in with him “you sure ya wanna swim, stevie?” and his eyes search your face for a moment, thinking about it properly, before he nods, a grateful smile pulling at his lips, “yeah, honey, we’ll drive outta hawkins to find a good spot- sound okay?”
overtop your swimsuit, you pick a nice pair of daisy-dukes that definitely catch steve’s eye for an extra second and you grin, having to shoo him into getting ready— and you meet him down in his car, rolling the windows down to combat the sun that’s letting out blistering hot heatwaves, making u long for a popsicle or anything icy really. steve’s out a couple minutes later, two towels over his shoulders and a— you sit up a bit straighter, spotting the picnic basket in his hands!!! he calls forward as he opens the trunk to put stuff in, “i thought we could have some snacks! make a lil picnic date of it!” and you chest bursts with warmth and love for him and you literally can’t say anything except, “you’re sorta incredible, steve harrington” and it’s just the thing to say to get that flushed colour on his cheeks that has nothing to do with the heat and all to do with what you do to him.
driving along, you desperately wish you had a camera if only to capture the image of steve beside you, windows down, the breeze ruffling his hair and the collar of his shirt which is unbuttoned dangerously low. you can see the thatch of chest hair against his tan chest, his collarbones that are honestly begging for a lovebite or maybe ten, those classic cool glasses sitting on the bridge of his nose. you’re fairly certain you could look at him like this for hours- and he seems to return the sentiment fully, spending the drive torn between glancing at you in the passenger seat — one hand curled over your thigh, fingers drumming, and a happy grin on his face — and his eyes on the open road that takes you out of hawkins. the warm wind whips in through the windows and blankets you both in the glow of summer :)
steve ends up finding a nice swimming hole, 20 minutes out of hawkins, that’s part of one big river winding through the countryside. it’s busy, people swarming around the water like ants to honey, but that’s to be expected in the the heat of summer. you nd steve both instinctively steer clear of the crowd, wandering further up stream to see if you can find a sweet lil bay for just the two of you— and you manage to find another sweet lil spot that’s empty besides from you two and steve declares himself king of the beach, planting the picnic basket like a flag.
the heat is infinitely worse out of the car, without any wind to cool you off, and the trickling sounds of the river might be your greatest temptation, besides your boyfriend who’s wasted no time in tugging his shirt up and over his head. the sight of him in just those small swimming shorts, tan hairy thighs on display, might just rival the river for your attention. the water in the river moves about sluggishly, swirling around itself in a syrupy motion, and you know it’s about to be the best cool off of your life- you follow steve’s motions and shed off your shorts and shirt in record speed
steve’s already waiting for you in the shallows, water sloshing around his ankles noisily, and looking back at you he can’t resist the urge to let a little whistle when you drop your shorts — it earns him an endeared eye-roll that only makes his grin a little wider, his hand planting on his hips, “just enjoying the view, don’t mind me” so you take that as your cue to take off, feet splashing in the shallow water and you’re diving in without a moments hesitation— it’s freezing and the sensation of it zings every nerve til you’re unable to do anything but grin and curse when you come up because fuck, it’s cold. it’s fantastically cold.
steve’s still waiting in the shallows, that familiar smitten expression on his face as he watches you gasp at the temperature change and push back your soaked hair from your face, spin to look for him and grin wider when he comes into view. you paddle back in his direction, shaking off the droplets that collect at your chin. your feet find the bottom of the riverbed and you stand, against the push of the river, and hold out your hands for him, trying to coax him in to join you in the deeper parts of the river. because you know, it’s always a bit hard after everything, entering water again — you can still see the twisted up skin that stretches up his sides, faded with time, but a memory etched into his skin all the same.
steve takes a step out towards you, then another, then pauses and his eyes scour the water all around you— his expression already falling away to concern. you can sense his mothering sense rising up and try to quell it before he can voice any anxieties, “eyes on me, stevie” you say, with a wry grin and make grabby hands at him, encouraging him more- you can see the quick inhale he does before he pushes forward, eyes focused on you, your loving grin, your inviting hands, and he doesn’t stop til he can grab them with his own. you’re pushing off the riverbed instantly, legs up and around his waist and shifting so your hands circle around his neck, sweet murmurs about how you’re proud of him til steve is warm enough in the face that he simply has to dunk to both of you, his mischievous grin giving you warning just a second too late
you’re gasping, coughing just a bit when he pulls you both back up and you smack him in the chest— “you bastard! you- i can’t believe you—“ and when he sinks his knees a little deeper, you change your tone quick, clambering closer to him, “don’t you dare, steve, i swear, if you want remain in a loving relationship you will—” “gimme a kiss,” he interrupts and your head snaps from watching the cool water swirl around you to his face and he’s grinning, completely serious, his hands on your waist pulling you closer til he’s nosing along the damp plane of your neck, mumbling into it “kiss or get dunked. that’s the deal, sweetheart,” and then he presses a hot kiss under your jaw and pulls back to wait for you to make a decision. you sigh real heavy like it’s a chore, hanging your head back as you pretend to think about it with a loud “hmmmm” til you’re about sure he’s gonna dunk you again. your thighs tighten and you pull yourself up with your grip around his neck and give him exactly what he asked for :) then u guys eat ur picnic and it’s the perfect lil summertime date :) this is too long my god
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magniloquent-raven · 1 year
its midnight and im sleeby but i finished this thing i started scribbling out this afternoon based on @harringroveera 's post that i couldnt get outta my brain
i think i might have angsted it up a little cuz i can't help myself but its still cute so. pls enjoy
Billy's not super clear on where he is right now.
There are people everywhere. Yelling. Laughing. Music plays over a big fancy sound system. There's a blurry blue light glowing through glass sliding doors that he's been staring at for a little while 'cause it's…pretty. Twinkly and stuff. 
He's too many drinks past a good buzz, that much he's sure of. His head feels. Floaty. And heavy. And if he tries to move the room starts to spin. 
Whatever he's sitting on is comfy though. Soft. Softer than his damn mattress with that broken spring that's always stabbing him in the ribs. 
He's tired. Really tired.
Feels like he hasn't slept in months.
To his left a girl starts squealing as her boyfriend grabs her around the waist, to his right a speaker vibrates against the wall, buzzing to the beat of a deep bassline. Everything sounds far away, though. White noise blending together while the edges of his vision go fuzzy and faded.
He feels his head tip, just a little, and then—
With a sharp inhale he jolts, blinks, glancing around blearily at a silent, empty room.
It's still dark out. The blue glow still shimmers at him through glass. A lamp lights the room he's in. Everything's…shapes. Colours. His brain is still mushy.
He blinks a couple more times. His eyes are dry. Wobbly. All the shapes are wobbly.
"Hey, man, party's over." A voice startles him. He tries to look around, but it fucking hurts, and moving his head is so much work. Whatever, it's a nice voice. Way nicer than the jarring silence. 
Wait, why's the party over. He doesn't want the party to be over.
He wrinkles his nose. "Nooo…" 
"...Yeessss." There's a pause. "Everyone is gone, dude."
"No." Billy rubs his eyes. The chair is still so comfy. He sinks further into it, unwilling to move. "You're here."
"It's my house. I'm allowed to stay." The voice sounds amused. There's some rustling behind Billy. Plastic crinkling. Maybe. Something being moved around. "Why are you even here, anyways?" 
Hazy memories jumble together. A flask of vodka in his pocket, slipped under itchy robes. Sitting two heads away from Steve Harrington, sneaking glances between barely concealed shots. A droning speech. Another droning speech. Neil's solemn face in a crowd, watching him walk across the stage to shake hands with…the guy. The. Whatever.  
Some girl digging her talons into his arm after he slipped away from Neil's attempts to maintain a public image by acting like he gave a shit about his son's accomplishments. Beer and cheap tequila and shitty music blurring into each other as he gets dragged around like a trophy dangling off the elbow of whichever nameless girl claimed him for the night.
"Graduated," he says, picking at a sticky spot on the thigh of his jeans. Pinching the fabric isn't doing anything but he can't stop prodding. 
"Yeah, I know, with honors. Congrats." There's a huff. A silence. "Doesn't explain why you're here though." Footsteps, sneakers on linoleum, tap tap tap, meandering around whatever room is at his back. Glass bottles getting moved around. It's sort of soothing to listen to someone move around their house without any reason to be keeping track of their movements.
Well, unless…
Billy's stomach flips, and his chest goes tight. "You're not gonna kick me out are you?" he asks, his voice small. He feels sick, saying it. Thinking about it. He doesn't want to be anywhere else. This house smells sweet under the stink of spilled beer and leftover perfume. And he likes this chair.
The movement behind him stops for a second. "...Nnno?"
He breathes. Relaxing into velvety upholstery. "'Kay." 
"You sure you don't have anywhere to be? Family waiting up? Girlfriend expecting a midnight rendezvous?" 
Billy snorts. "No one gives a shit where I am." 
Neil will care tomorrow when Billy makes him look bad by pulling up hungover and in yesterday's clothes, but that's a problem for tomorrow. He won't be waiting up for him, worrying about Billy's safety or whatever.
A glass bottle clinks against something. "What about your sister?"
"Pfff…" He snickers, and gives his head a tiny shake. The movement makes everything spinny for a second and he has to pause to swallow bile. The sour taste on his tongue feels appropriate. And gross. "I fucked up. Everything. Beat the shit outta her friend. She's prolly hoping I don' come home at all. Ever."
Another glass bottle gets set down, slower this time. Carefully. "...This friend of hers…"
"Steve," Billy sighs. His eyes fall shut and he leans back into a cushioned headrest. His insides do the stupid fluttery thing they always do when he thinks about Steve. Steve and his stupid kissable face. 
"It was pretty dumb of him to pick a fight with you, huh," the voice says wryly. 
"Mnh…I guess." There's a soft snort behind him. But something prickles at Billy. Guilt, maybe. It's uncomfortable. He chews his lip as his eyes start to burn. "Nah. No. Whole thing was my fault. All my fault. S'always my fault." 
Saying it doesn't make it feel better.
"What do you mean?" There's sounds anymore. Just the voice, and Billy's heartbeat in his ears.
"It's…" Billy swipes at his eyes with the back of his hand. "It's a secret."
"I'm good at keeping those."
"You can't tell him."
"...I definitely will not tell him."
Billy hums. "He's real pretty, y'know."
"So I've been told, but what—"
"No, he's…he's so pretty. Like, I can't believe it sometimes, and I just wanna. Do something about it. All the time. But it hurts. Hurts so bad, and it's not supposed to, so I had to—I had to…I just got so mad. And I had to prove I didn't wanna kiss him, but I do. 'Cause I like him so much. Too much."
The silence is back. Ringing in Billy's ears. He sniffles quietly. 
"Please don't tell him. Or anyone."
There's a strained pause. Billy fidgets, his insides twisting into knots. 
"I promise." The voice is so gentle, and it makes Billy's eyes sting again. He blinks away tears and listens to more bottles being moved. Plastic cups hitting plastic bags. Sneakers against linoleum, and hardwood, and carpet. And after a while, "You're not gonna spend all night in the chair, are you?"
"You said—"
"I'm not kicking you out, I just meant. There's a guest bed, man," 
Sunlight hits Billy directly in the face and he rolls over, groaning. 
The motion makes his stomach lurch, but he buries his face in…pillowcase. Unfamiliar pillowcase. Smells like honeysuckle and clean air and it's softer than any bedding he's ever touched. 
His legs are tangled in sheets just as sweet-smelling and finely woven, and his guts give another heave as he realizes he's only wearing briefs. 
Did…did he fuck someone last night?
He was definitely drunk enough to do something that stupid, if the cottonmouth and pounding headache are any indication, but he doesn't fucking remember. Which would normally be a blessing, except he usually doesn't stay the goddamn night. 
Is he going to have some girl hanging all over him for the first couple weeks of summer? Until he can figure out how to ditch her without making it look like he's too eager to.
Or maybe he'll stick around for a little while, this bed is actually ridiculous. He might be able to fake his way through one shitty summer fling if it means sleeping like a goddamn king. There are like, five pillows, and it feels like he's laying on a cloud. 
He nuzzles deeper into the pillowcase. Smells nice too.
His memories of the previous day mostly stop around Tammy Whatsherface dragging him away for a graduation afterparty. Maybe he shouldn't have started drinking at noon. 
Christ, he's not even sure how he got here, or where his car is. 
Or where here is.
It's one of the Loch Nora houses, probably. Nowhere else would have sheets like this.
Eventually he drags himself, reluctantly, out of bed. And immediately tastes bile.
Which is. Bad. 
Being upright is bad. 
And he doesn't know where the nearest toilet is. Which could be extremely bad. Girls whose carpets you puke on don't invite you back to sleep in their nice guest rooms.
So, he's very slow and careful about pulling his jeans on. And he makes sure to pause when he starts to feel clammy, sitting on the floor to stop his head spinning. 
It takes him forever to get mostly dressed, jeans and an undershirt are enough. He can't find his button-up and socks require too much bending down, which his dehydrated brain does not appreciate. 
Peeking out into the nondescript hall doesn't provide any more answers about whose house this is. It's all shiny boring expensive decor and not a single person in sight.
Oh, looks like there's a bathroom at the end of the hallway though, good. 
He beelines for the sweet promise of a place to piss and rinse out his mouth, shuffling past a couple closed doors, listening for any signs of life and hearing nothing, until he shoulders his way into the bathroom and freezes in his tracks, because—
"Hey, uh. You're awake." Steve Harrington blinks at him, standing in front of a plain oval mirror, hairbrush in hand. Which he obviously hasn't used yet, because the bedhead he's sporting is kind of hilarious. It's all fluff in every direction. Billy wants to run his hands through it. 
Worse, though, is the fact that he's bare chested, wearing an unzipped hoodie and soft plaid pants, with all that fucking chest hair, and he's looking at Billy with a curious expression that isn't remotely like any way he's ever looked at Billy before and this is…all very, very strange.
So, obviously Billy's theory about what happened last night was wrong. He's not even back to square one, he has less than no idea what the fuck is happening.
"...Yes," Billy responds after a beat too long. 
Very smooth.
The corner of Steve's mouth twitches. There's something soft and warm about the amusement twinkling in his eyes and it's making Billy itch. 
"I think I'm gonna puke."
Steve snorts, and drops his hairbrush on the vanity. "Right, I'll get out of your way then." He sidles past Billy, far too close, patting his shoulder as he passes. Which does not help when he's just barely keeping his shit together.
His footsteps fade down the hallway at Billy's back. And Billy doesn't move. 
What the actual fuck.
He slams the bathroom door shut behind him, and leans his forehead against it, trying to breathe slowly through his nose. 
They didn't have sex last night. There's no way. He did not fuck Steve Harrington.
He couldn't have. Steve would never…
He's not…
That's just. Not what happened. Because that would never happen. 
It kind of looks like that's what happened, but it's not. 
He sits on the floor, head in his hands. And breathes. 
It's unclear how long he stays curled up on cold tile. Long enough that his legs start to feel stiff. Nothing about last night comes back to him. He sighs.
And gets up.
And splashes some water on his face. Drinks a little from the tap. Uses some of the mouthwash he digs out from under the counter. Takes a piss.
He's still unsteady. His temples throb if he moves too quickly. But he feels a little less like roadkill.
Steve waves at him when he spots him coming down the stairs. Waggles his fingers in the air, like they're best buds and this situation isn't the most surreal thing to happen to them since the Byers' weirdly trashed living room.
Billy rubs the back of his neck. "...Hey."
Steve pulls out two mugs, one of his thumbs stuck through a hole in the cuff of his sleeve. There's sunlight warming the honey-coloured highlights in his hair.
Yeah, no, this is definitely more fucked up than finding Max in a random house with a busted window and shitty drawings everywhere.
He might actually have lost his mind.
"What the fuck happened last night?" He blurts, his cheeks hot, fingers jittery. He shoves his hands in his pockets, fists balled up against his thighs.
Steve glances at him out of the corner of his eye. "Ah, figures you don't remember."
"Don't remember what?"
"You were pretty out of it."
"Yeah, thanks, I know that part."
Steve snorts, grabbing more things out of cupboards. Billy's paying more attention to his hands than what's in them. "You didn't want to leave, so I let you sleep upstairs."
"You didn't say, just said you didn't have anywhere else to be."
"That's not what I meant." He knows exactly why he didn't want to leave. All the many reasons why he'd rather be here than under Neil's roof. Or anywhere else. What doesn't make any fucking sense is Steve accommodating him. 
Steve's eyes flicker to his again, briefly, before he turns back to the counter. When he shrugs the nonchalance seems forced. "You're a lot nicer when you're plastered."
"I…" Billy opens his mouth. Shuts it again. 
What the fuck does that mean. 
Steve fidgets with a spoon. "You got…kind of weepy, y'know."
His shoulders go tense, jagged edges of a shield around what's left of his dignity. "Fuck you, Harrington," he snaps. It's all he can muster when he doesn't know what the fuck he was crying about. Every possibility is worse than the last.
"Yeah, you wish," Steve mutters.
Billy freezes. 
And doesn't recover quick enough to hide it from Steve. Steve's eyebrows shoot up. "Holy shit, it's true isn't it?" He turns around fully, the mess he's made of the counter forgotten. 
"I—don't know what you're talking about." His stupid deer-in-the-headlights expression is mostly under control but the sudden tremble in his voice definitely fucking isn't. 
He backs away a step and then stops. Where the fuck is he going to go, he doesn't know where his car is, where his keys are, and he's fucking barefoot. Running upstairs and locking himself in Steve's bathroom seems just a little too pathetic but that doesn't mean he doesn't consider it.
Billy clenches his jaw. It makes his head pound. "What exactly did I say last night?" He grits out, crossing his arms over his chest. 
Steve eyes him. Slowly, carefully. Deliberating. He chews his bottom lip. The silence is fucking agonizing. 
"Can't tell you," he finally replies, his voice light. One corner of his mouth lifts into half a smile, and scratches his cheek. "I promised I wouldn't tell anyone."
"That's…" Billy rubs his forehead with the palm of his hand, like he's looking for the button to restart his poor, confused brain. He drops his hand, exasperated, eyebrows creeping up to his hairline. "Steve, what the fuck."
Steve cracks a full-blown grin. "I told you I'm good at keeping secrets."
"I swear to god—"
"Aw c'mon, I can't break a promise! Especially 'cause you asked so nicely. You were so polite. It was very cute."
He can't have heard that right.
Or Steve's just fucking with him. That's what's going on here. Billy let something slip last night and now Steve's holding it over his head. Because why wouldn't he, honestly. He has every reason to want to mess with Billy, and now he's got the perfect leverage.
"Billy." Steve's voice is soft, suddenly. His expression gentles, and he moves to close the gap between them. And Billy…doesn't get it. He's stalled out and stuck trying to figure out how this is gonna go wrong, how it fits into whatever prank Steve is clearly pulling.
He doesn't know what his face is doing, but he's pretty sure he's being way more readable than he'd like. 
He nearly jumps out of his skin when Steve touches him. A hand on his shoulder. A hesitant, awkward pat. Testing the waters, maybe. Trying to make sure he's real, maybe.
Is any of this real? Billy's still not convinced. He can smell Steve's shampoo and see all the little flecks of colour in his eyes and his shoulder is still burning where they made contact, but…
"I'm sorry I hurt you, y'know," Steve murmurs, his gaze dropping, hovering somewhere around Billy's crossed arms. He reaches out again, fingers grazing Billy's knuckles this time. All Billy can do is blink at him, afraid to breathe. "Doesn't have to be like that."
He tugs at Billy's hand, untucking it from the crook of his elbow, unfolding Billy's arms, and Billy lets him. One hand drops to his side and the other stays cradled in Steve's grip. He's…staring at it like he's studying for a test. Billy has no idea what's so fucking interesting, or what Steve's talking about, but he's also not bothered at this point. 
His knees feel like jello. 
"You could've just kissed me."
Billy nearly collapses. Like one of those swooning chicks in shitty romance novels. Breathless and flushed and overwhelmed. Except he just stands there like a moron, staring at Steve. And Steve's mouth.
"What?" he manages not to sound too strangled. Miraculously. 
Steve smiles at him, almost sheepishly. "You still could. I wouldn't mind."
"Yeah, I mean, if you had morning breath still it might be a different story, but…" Steve gestures vaguely, pulling Billy's hand along with him as he shrugs. 
Billy snorts.
And hey, maybe Steve is messing with him, and this will blow up in his face, but…
Well, he just really wants to kiss him before it does.
So he leans in and presses their lips together. 
~~tag list @spreckle @growup-thatbeautiful @prettyboy-like-you @suddenlyinlove
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qprstobin · 2 years
i feel like after a while of people doubting that stobin could be as close as they are and not be dating, they start getting ridiculous with it. like robin will be denying that they are dating to one of their friends and from across the room without pause, steve will call back "babe what? but im pregnant" like they start getting so coupley with each other that honestly some of the party finally accepts that oh they really arent dating because no one could actually be that mushy. they have a very carefully constructed running joke about everyones place in their family, which kid is their favorite and least favorite, all based on things that straight up never happened that just serve to confuse the kids even more. stobin share one braincell and it goes towards being as annoying as possible
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vivaladicamillo · 1 year
asking very politely for how steve-o or bam would be dating a fem jackass member whos also just as crazy as the crew idk just silly activities
pls add whatever u like im good with everything IM JUST IN NEED OF CONTENT🙏🙏
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ok so i have no clue if u were asking for them separately or together so ima just wing it and do SOMETHING
WARNINGS: talks of drinking and drugs
well being in a relationship with this guy would be crazy
would constantly brag abt ur looks to the guys
“my girlfriend is so hot bro”
shit like that
would probably tease u abt and just poke fun of u in a playing type way
expect to be pranked at any moment
his pranks on u arent too crazy tho he doesnt want u breaking up with him now
LOTS of partying
bam is wild and carefree so probably when u guys are younger, lots of house parties that slowly turned into clubs/famous peoples parties as he got more and more popular
NEEDY 24/7
just wants u by his side just to show u off and have u near him
would write u crazy ass stunts to do
he doesnt want u getting too hurt tho
will fist fight if someone ever tries to disrespect u (man or women)
everyone KNOWS u are with him, he makes that clear
behind the scenes though, meaning when no friends or cameras are around and its just u too
hes the most mushy guy ever
just wanting to attach to u and never let go
probably would lick the side of ur face just to piss u off
expect to be at lots of skating venues and events
hey maybe he would even try to teach u how to skate
until u wipe out for the first time and hes laughing his ass off
he makes sure ur fine but he just found it funny
him is love him is life
also going to cky concerts with him
or really any concert that has a band he knows playing
he can be so mean sometimes
but he loves u
literally such a dick
but hes YOUR dick (literally)
just smack him around a bit and u will be fine 🙏
ok so he actually might be a little bit more crazy then bam
but hes more affectionate then crazy
with steve-o its a constant adventure theres infinite opportunities on what to do
he could take u out on a nice dinner date or do something extremely illegal with u and now yall are running from the cops
partying is also a constant affair with him (u have a type anon🤨)
he will bring u around show u off and brag abt how much of a amazing girl u are
always has one hand on u at all times
i feel like secretly he just loves to cuddle with u
hes just constantly put doing things so having a moment of peace with someone he loves the most makes him feel more normal
when they are filming for wild boyz i feel like he would make jeff include u in a lot of scenes
he loves giving u bear hugs just all the time
he doesnt care who is watching he loves u and he wants to show that
steve-o is a huge partier too like bam as i have said
but unlike bam with steveo it gets more intense
probably would have to clean up his messes after long nights
that means cleaning up whatever vomit, shit, piss, or drug related things left behind
i feel like living in his apartment would be an experience
just being with him in that era would be crazy
him making u a custom shirt that says to listen to his new rap album 😭
doctor steveos nurse?? yes please
in the end its always an adventure with steveo, at least u know he loves u
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familyvideostevie · 2 years
All I want do is dance with either Steve or Eddie to “I’m in Love with You”. Is that too much to ask for?
im going to take this and run with it in a direction you did NOT ask for.
going to a concert with steve (modern, i guess). first of all, he's wearing earplugs because i said so and bc you're wearing them too because you should protect your ear drums I'm serious. second of all you're kind of standing in back so you have room to dance right and like ok he knows the band a little but he's mostly going bc you asked him to and he knows you'll have fun so you get dinner before and just like meander to the venue and you guys get some drinks and you check out the merch and he buys you like a t shirt and you buy him a hat or something if he wants and you just kind of hang out in back and chat and stuff and keep checking in with each other about how you're feeling about the crowd and look he's a charismatic guy so maybe you guys are standing by the sound booth and you get to talking with some of the crew and steve has them laughing and they show you the setlist and they are real nice and you guys got there after the opener so you don't wait too long and then the main act comes on and you are having such a good time, just like, standing a little in front of steve and dancing and he's bobbing his head and smiling at you and twirls you when you want as you sing the lyrics and anytime there's a mushy lyric like "I'm in love with you" or "its not living if its not with you" (stolen from the 1975) you sing them to him and he laughs and when there's a slow song you kind of lean into him and he wraps his arms around your waist and presses your cheeks together and you sway and stuff and he takes a video of your favorite song for you because he's got steadier hands and you guys take a selfie and the crew member who was talking to you earlier is like let me take a real pic of you guys because you're so cute and then they get you the setlist from the stage bc you charmed them so much and when you and steve are walking home and leaving the venue youre hyped up and holding his hand and dancing around a little and he's just carrying the merch you bought and pleased as hell to be with you
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confield · 2 years
some REALLY GOOD albums i heard for the first time last week:
eyehategod (sludge metal you probably know them) - take as needed for pain. really really fucking good i feel stupid for not listening to eyehategod earlier. not much to say about it
tim hecker (ambient) - radio amor. very good. im not really that into tim hecker's type of floaty drawn out droney ambient but this is more along the lines of like a blurrier oval 94diskont, like cut up tape-ish sounding recordings which i really like
james ferraro (eclectic/hauntology/avant pop/fuck if i know) - skid row. james ferraro kind of went over my head when i listened to nyc hell 3 am when i was ~15 years old and that still kind of stands. i think its very cool conceptually as like a torrent of recontextualized pop culture references, the oj simpson glove sample is really funny, im not into the slow guitar singer songwriting stuff at all though. everything seemed mushy. am i missing something? THIS IS ON HERE ONLY FOR THE OJ SAMPLE
fudge tunnel (sludge/noise metal FROM THE UK INSTEAD OF THE AMERICAN SOUTH???) - hate songs in e minor. AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING. LISTEN RIGHT NOW. less nasal big black/steve albini sounding vocal delivery and processing on some parts which i found cute. YOU'RE WASTING TIME BY READING THIS GO LISTEN!!
holly herndon (experimental electronic) - PROTO. i thought this was pretty silly sounding and kind of overly saccharine, overly cleanly produced in like a self-aware pastiche of pop music or something but then there was a track which sounded like a little girl saying some really fucking weird alien transhumanist bullshit and i was thoroughly freaked out. after that the entire thing got turned on its head. you basically get attacked by a swarm of eerie processed max/msp voices in the way that holly herndon is known for. very disturbing and very intriguing album. in hindsight i think the quasi pop production makes this album way more twisted than it would be if it was produced otherwise. i dont know anything that sounds like this. LISTEN
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sleepy-achilles · 1 year
Sorry I haven’t sent any asks for a few days, I’m back now :)
Could you write hbtaker being all mushy in front of some of the locker room and them being over it?
Everyone except Goldie ofc
I reckon I can give it a good shot. It is short though, I got distracted by them all being disgusted lol
Hbtaker- PDA
Shawn can't help but giggle as takers breath tickles his neck. "You need to come to visit more often" Taker murmurs. "I try" Shawn admits, tilting his head back when Taker nips at the skin. "Its difficult when your all over america" Shawn mutters. "I know. I just miss you, you know?" Taker asks sitting up. Shawn turns in his lap so he's facing him. "Awe I miss you too" Shawn smiles cupping the bigger man's face. "Dont be a dork" Taker huffs with a shy smile. Shawn just smiles before kissing the bigger man.
"Im going to be sick" hunter gags. "Dont be mean! It's sweet!" Goldust gasps. "Sweet?! I have to agree with hunter on this" Kevin frowns. "I thought you were number 1 hbtaker fan?" Scott asks. Kevin looks at him. "Yeah, when I don't have to watch them eat each others faces" Kevin huffs. "Yeah I get it. It's like watching your younger sister get a boyfriend. It's not right." Scott mutters. "Im so telling Shawn you see him as a girl" Kevin smirks.
"You're all mean. They are in love, it's sweet! Cute! Ad-" "fucking sickening" Steve grumbles as he walks past. "No! Guys no! It's adorable and I'm happy for them!" Goldust protests. "We can be happy for them and still find it gross" Scott points out. "Speak for yourself." Hunter mumbles. Kevin nudges him. "Ill never understand you losers" "us losers? You're the one who likes watching them exchange tongues." Hunter huffs. "Not like that! It's just cute that they are so comfortable and in love. I'm not a perve" goldust explains. "You are" Scott smirks. "A lust demon and a perv are two different things. You, you are a perv" goldust bites back.
"Its okay now, their gone." Kid speaks up. Everyone looks back. "Twenty it's vinces office" Kevin is quick to call. "The run down lockeroom" Scott offers. "Your both on" goldust nods.
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i’m so happy you liked it! thank you so much for reading babe and for being so sweet 🧡
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jackiedaytona · 2 years
acts of service and quality time being henry’s love language oh god im gonna cry
it works out because steve loves to express his love those ways. he makes him dinner and they eat it together while talking about their days, and henry nearly cries. this is also why henry likes when steve drives him places (like school and stuff). as much as he enjoys driving himself, the fact the steve goes out of his way to do it and spend that small amount of time with him makes him all mushy
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corrodedcoughin · 2 years
steve staying over at Eddie’s and when they wake up in the morning he watches eddie put instant coffee, sugar and milk directly into his mouth and swirling it around with hot water from the tap. steve wish he could say he’s horrified but he’s not even surprised, he just picks up a mug from the sink and let’s eddie move onto whatever his next act of terror might be
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misterknoxville · 2 years
Johnny Knoxville on Steve-O’s sobriety
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libertasis-moved · 4 years
i’ve had steve for over a week . . . and i’m really happy i did make him! he’s been nothing but fun and i’ve actually been excited to log on and do drafts and be on the dash. i just wanted to thank everyone for being here and for putting up with me, it means so much and i’m getting all mushy and might cry <3 <3
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