#but imma try and send some stuff today
mellosdrawings · 3 months
*waves and beams exhaustedly but no less genuine* hi! Just wanted to take a moment and let you know that you're art makes me very happy. I do sincerely hope it makes you happy as well and just know you are doing outstanding work.
(I'm kinda feral over how you draw both Azul and Jamil. They are so cute and handsome as well as Jamil's pretty hair.)
I was curious, I saw some people requesting stuff but didn't really see you saying you are taking any, but if you are and don't mind, I would really, really, really love to see Silver x Leona with Silver sleeping sitting up and Leona with his head in his lap (or as an alternative, them both sleeping prone <bed, ground, whatever, the surface is not important> and Leona <the important part> is absolutely using Silver as a body pillow. Just as long as this is a request you'd feel like doing. Don't feel obligated. :D
Finally, because I saw some of your art today and I've been having a bad day—your art made me feel quite a bit better in general, so i wanted to thank you for sharing your gorgeous art with us. Sending you epic vibes and setting the intention that your day as well as your week is productive but not stressful and your weekend is absolutely rejuvenating. Have yourself a fabulous day!~ 💜💜💜
Oooooh a long ask! Ok, Imma try to answer in order not to miss anything.
First, thanks so much for reaching out! I was having a terrible night and you made it better, you have no idea how much it means to me! I'm super happy you like my little nonsense, I hope you'll keep appreciating!
I can't say I take requests, but I also can't say I don't take requests, so really you and others can shoot your shots! At best I'm gonna draw it, at worst I'll kindly decline or keep the request in my inbox until I feel like doing it. The thing is, I can't really "open" requests since my doing them vary a lot depending on my health, so I'd need to open/close it every other day and it'd be a hassle for everybody. Just ask, you lose nothing by doing it, I swear I don't bite <3
Now, for our favorite sleepy boys-
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-looks like Silver attracted a whole other kind of animal this time.
(Once again, thank you so much for the kind message, I'm literally glowing despite today being a bad day, and the request was too cute for me not to take forty minutes to do it <3)
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delulu-with-wandanat · 11 months
ok sooo- reader comes home from school with a pet frog and it causes chaos around the household??? And it jumps in the food that Wanda’s making and jumps on Nats keyboard and makes her send a ton of weird stuff in an email 🤭 but then Wanda and Nat tell the reader that they have to put the frog back outside?
THIS IS SO ADORBSS PLEASE- Ok ok I'm really sorry it took SO long, I just recently have much more free time in my hand. I hope you like it!
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Reader Description: 14 Years old, Wandanat's Child <3, gender neutral pronouns.
Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x Wanda Maximoff
Summary: Wanda and Natasha's child is an animal lover. They have the tendency to bring home whatever stray they find, today was no different. They brought home a damn frog.
School was typical, you learn stuff, got in one ear and left on the other. Y/n couldn't wait to get back home. As they were walking home from school, they noticed a little pond. In it was an adorable looking frog just chilling on the leaves.
"Hello you!" They approached the frog slowly, careful not to scare it off. Gently, they bent down to offer their hand and the frog immediately jumps on as if it knows they'll be safe with them.
"Imma call you, Julio." They gently hid the frog in their bag, putting it on top of all the books so it doesn't gets squashed.
In the kitchen of the Romanoff-Maximoff household, two women were enjoying each other's company. One of them was baking, the other was typing an email.
The timer on the oven went on, Wanda bent down to pull out the tray of cookies she was baking. She put it on the counter and suddenly felt a hand encircling her waist. "Is this your way of charming me so I would let you have the first bite?"
"Is it working?" Natasha asked while nuzzling her nose against her wife's neck, Wanda giggled at the action.
"It is, but it's fresh out of the oven. You will have to wait." Wanda said while leaning her body against Natasha's. Her wife whined while resting her chin on Wanda's shoulder.
"Can't I try it now? It smells so good." It was adorable how different the infamous Black Widow is at home with her loved ones.
Wanda rolled her eyes playfully and turned around to face her, "Patience, my love."
Natasha stared at her with a look that could only be describe as pure love, "Alright. For now then can I get a kiss instead?"
Wanda laughs but leans in anyway to sealed their lips. The two women kissed slowly, there was no rush, and it was full of love. Her hand reached up to circle itself around the former spy's shoulder while Natasha's hand pulled her closer by the waist.
The two Avengers had officially retired, Wanda was first to leave the Avengers. Few years later, Natasha followed suit. They both wanted to focus more on raising their family and be there as much for Y/n, their now 14 year old bundle of joy. Natasha she still helps the Avengers a little, honestly it's hard for that woman to just sit back and relax. However she has taken a more of a 'strategic' position you could say, she's mostly working at home and almost never on the field.
Wanda however, opted to leave that superhero life completely. Catching up on everything she had always wishes to do, while also being a full-time mom. Life is perfect for them.
The two pulled away and rested their foreheads together, Natasha started to sway her slowly while humming some tune. "This is nice."
Wanda had a smile on her face as she was gently being held by her wife, she then recognized the tune Natasha was humming. "The song we played at our wedding?"
"Mmmhmm." Natasha pulled back to look at her wife lovingly. Despite them being together for such a long time, Natasha couldn't help but fall in love all over again for the woman in front of her. Natasha leaned in to kiss the slope of Wanda's nose.
"I love you, Natty."
Natasha laughs slightly at the nickname. She remembered all those years ago she almost shipped Wanda to another country just for calling her Nat. "I love you too, so much." Natasha gave her another kiss, "More than I could ever express with words."
She poured all her love into the kiss, the immense feelings she had for this woman. Natasha would go hell and back for her, and Wanda would do the same. If needed, Wanda would destroy the multiverse just for her. They love they shared was something no one could ever match.
"I'm home!!" A voice was heard followed by the sound of their front door closing.
The two woman smiled hearing their bundle of joy home safe. Wanda, the ever so loving mom, was the first to greet them. "Welcome home darling! How was school?" She asked as Y/n entered the kitchen.
"Hi mama!" Y/n said while hugging Wanda, "School was just school." They moved across the kitchen and hugged their other mom, "I got into the softball team though!"
Natasha gave her a kiss on top of their head, "Well done my darling cub! I'm so proud of you."
Y/n sniffed the air and smelled their mother's baking, "MMMMM" their eyes darted quickly to the tray of cookies on the counter. "I want one!" They tried to take one but their mother quickly stood between between Y/n and the cookies with her hand on her hips.
"Nu uh!" Wanda exclaimed, "Did you get the thing I asked you?"
"What thing?" Her child looked at her, confused. Wanda merely raised an eyebrow, "Ohhhhh... Ughhh fine, I'll be right back." They quickly grabbed their wallet from their backpack, leaving it open on the countertop beside Natasha's laptop, and went back out to buy the eggs their mother had requested.
"You know if you need it that badly, I could've gone out and get it for you." Natasha said while leaning against the counter with her infamous smirk.
"And you say I spoil them too much?"
Natasha chuckles and moved to stand beside her wife who was now preparing to chop some onions. "It's almost time to do some groceries shopping anyway, if anything, I'm spoiling my beautiful wife."
"Mmmm, what would I do without you?" Wanda said while giving her a kiss.
"What are we cooking next, Malysh?"
"Well, there's this recipe I've been wanting to try. And-" As the two woman chatter, unbeknownst to them, Julio the frog had popped out of it's prison. Hopping out of the bag, Julio took in its surroundings.
What a weird place?
Decide is not necessarily the right term, but the frog jumped onto Natasha's laptop. Causing the random keys to be pressed, it continued its journey around the surface before it decided to hop across.
Natasha suddenly felt a notification on her phone, she checked it and her eyes narrows in confusion. "What the hell?" She quickly went back to her laptop to check on the email she was writing, "Why did it sent??"
Hearing her wife's frustration, Wanda glanced at Natasha. "What's the matter?"
Natasha cursed under her breath, "I need to check my laptop for virus. It's opening a bunch of weird apps, and sending gibberish emails."
Wanda's face scrunched up in confusion, "I thought SHIELD would provide you with top of the line anti-virus software?"
"Precisely my point, if it's a virus, whoever it is they're up to no good."
While Natasha did her thing, Julio manages to reach Wanda's prepped ingredients. Wanda however was still focused on Natasha, feeling a slight anxiety that someone something might be trying to attack them.
"Find anything?" Wanda asked.
Natasha's eyes was still fixated on the laptop, "No, I can't find any trace leading to them. They're sloppy, but good."
Meanwhile the culprit was still hopping around the kitchen counter, "Well maybe you should call-" Wanda's sentence was cut off with a yelp, hearing her wife's sudden squeal, Natasha glanced in her direction.
"What, what's wrong?"
"Ew! shoo- SHOO!!" Wanda yelled in disgust, "No- NO get away from there!" Natasha was quick to be at her side to asses the situation.
"Honey, what are you-"
"Ge- GET THE FROG!" Natasha quickly saw it and almost burst out laughing.
"Lyubov, It's just a-"
"Tasha, get the damn frog before I make you sleep on the couch!" Wanda said strictly, Natasha quickly obliged, she darted forward but Julio continued to hop around. "Don't let it touch my cookies!"
Natasha manages to pull the trays of cookies away before the tiny frog could jump on it. However despite the tray having some time to cool down, after holding it for a while Natasha's hand started to burn. "Ouch!" She hastily dropped it on the kitchen island.
"Tasha, TASHA!!!" Wanda squealed as she kept an eagle eye on the frog. Watching it continue to hop around like nothing matters.
"Honey, relax I got it." Natasha tried to calm her down and tried to move swiftly to catch the frog. But damn, the fucker was too good. Even for the Black Widow.
It took them a few minutes to finally catch the culprit. It was mostly spent on Wanda pointing and shouting, while Natasha tries to figure out a way to catch the little bastard. Julio was now trapped inside a container box, yet this son of a bitch is just chilling there as if nothing happened.
"What's... going on??" They heard a voice asked, the two mothers glanced at their child who was was standing on the entrance of the kitchen holding a carton of eggs.
Natasha let out a long breath, "We're alright honey, just a little kitchen accident."
Y/n's face quickly twisted into concern, "Are you guys hurt?"
"No, Detka, it's not that. There was a frog."
Y/n snorted, "A frog?" then realization hit them. Y/n quickly moved to check their bag whilst putting down the carton of eggs on the countertop. Surely enough, Julio was gone.
Natasha, knowing her own child, quickly pieced the puzzle. "Detka... Explanation, now." She said while crossing her arms.
"Hehe, Julio caused this little incident?"
"Christ you even gave it a name-" Natasha rubbed her temple, she loved their child. But holyshit, a damn frog?
"Y/n, you can't just keep bringing animals here!" Wanda scolded them.
"But it looked so adorable!"
"Detka..." Natasha sighed, "Put this frog outside please."
"But Momm-"
"No buts!" Natasha said strictly, Y/n begrudgingly approached the trapped Julio. Who is still sitting calmly, slimy bastard. They carefully slipped the cover underneath it to carry the little frog outside.
"And you're going back to the grocery store after this." Wanda said.
"Why didn't you just text me the extra things you needed?"
"I initially didn't need it until your little friend here decided to jump on my food."
Y/n sheepishly smiled, "Hehe, love you mama." They put on an innocent face.
Wanda sighed, she really can't stay mad at them. "I love you too. Now get that frog out."
Y/n walked out to the backyard while mumbling, "This frog has a name..."
Once Y/n was out of earshot, the two mothers stared at one another and laughed softly. Truth to be told they found the whole thing amusing.
"I think it's time we consider getting them a pet to take care of." Natasha said.
"Are you sure they're responsible enough for that?"
Natasha shrugged, "Only one way to find out. Beside, I'd rather have them being too busy taking care of a pet than suddenly bringing home a bunch of cockroach."
Wanda shivers at the mention of that, "I see your point."
They glanced outside the window to see Y/n ever so gently letting the frog out of the container. It seems like they're... talking to it. Wanda wrapped an arm around Natasha's waist and leaned her head on her shoulder. "It's so adorable how gentle they are with it."
"'This 'it' has a name, y'know?" Natasha joked slightly, Wanda pinched her wife's side causing Natasha to jump a little. But they both had a huge smile plastered on their face.
Natasha wraps her arms around Wanda as well, making Wanda nestle to her even more. "I guess a little puppy doesn't sound so bad."
"Mhmmm..." Natasha hummed in agreement. "Or a cat."
Looks like there will be a new addition to the Romanoff-Maximoff family.
Here you go! I hope you liked it, im so sorry it took so long to make :( But I love writing about Wandanat x Child!Reader, it brings me so much comfort!!!!
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queenendless · 1 year
❤️‍🩹 Period (Adult!Gojo Satoru x Fem!Reader) ❤️‍🩹
A/N: So much chaos happened at home last Friday in tune with my time of the month. Things are better now. And today's newest episode ... oh God. Next week and beyond is gonna crush my soul.
Ergo writing self indulgent comfort fics to quell the soul. Just period stuff, fluff, comfort, basically Gojo being the #1 boyfriend/husbando~
All credit to characters and image below goes to Gege sensei. PLEASE DON'T STEAL OR COPY MY WORK, RATHER LIKE AND REBLOG. I hope you enjoy.
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Menstrual cycles are quite the monthly hassle.
The first day came today.
Curled up on the couch, trying to relax despite the mixed emotions coursing through your hormonal state when your phone pinged about a notification.
You could imagine his cheery, upbeat voice singing it out loud that made you smile at least at the thought of it.
(Missions are done! Errands done! Souvenir shopping time~! Ya want anything?)
You whined weakly as your hand clutched your now swollen tummy.
(Can you pick up some pads and or tampons and pain relievers on the way back?)
(Mother nature calling?)
(KK. Imma get the munchies. Sweet? Salty?)
You texted him your preferences.
You smiled, sending him one more message.
After being gone for 10 days straight, you couldn't wait to see him again.
After changing in the bathroom, you had closed the door behind yourself when you felt a familiar cursed presence appear behind the front door of your shared apartment, followed by the clacking sound of dress boots being taken off.
"Y/n~! I'm home~!"
The boosted hormonal wave crashing into you had you tearing up at the sight of your blindfolded giant sorcerer lover before barreling over into a tight bear hug.
"Oya oya~ What is this~?" Gojo lifted you up under your arms, bringing your blubbering face right in front of his, teeth gleaming in that smug ass smile. "My sweet angel is shedding tears for me~? Oh I'm flattered~!"
You wacked your fists and feet into him — though Infinity was making sure they did not connect. "You can go off on your ego boost after I lay down, god damn Toru!"
Gojo's enriching deep chuckle left you fuzzy as he carried you up in one arm, waving his bag of goodies in your face. "Okie dokie!" He plopped you down on the couch, dropping the bag in your lap, then dipped his head down. "Time for kissies~!"
His deep smooch was smothering – in a sweet laced good way.
"Gojo," His giant hands cradled your face, tilting you as he kissed you from a different angle, making it very difficult to focus. "Uh–!" His many tender pecks peppered many times on your lips, feeling his warm breath brush your moistness. "My heating pad." You giggled as his lips wandered to your cheek, then your neck, your mental processing faltering from his insisting distracing lips. "Please?"
His disappointed whine dispersed as your hands ruffled his propped up spiky snow white hair, kissing his cheek. "Alright alright." His exasperated sigh was betrayed by his mirthful expression as he pecked your nose then stalked off to your shared bedroom, startling you from his shouting voice down the hall. "Uh sweetie?! The battery in this is dead!"
You swore under your breath, whimpering as a finicky upset kiddie from the cramps, before pulling a small capped bottle of Ibuprofen out of the bag. "Could you go out and buy a replacement?" You asked as you downed two small capsules with water from your water bottle.
"Hmm … I could … OR!"
Feeling tall lean firmness behind you made you nearly flail off the couch hard, caught by those dark blue sleeved arms of his.
"Toru! One of these days, warping is gonna give me a heart attack, I swear to God!"
"Unless it's by a Death Note, I think not."
"God." You grumbled as he snatched your small Roku control before turning on the big HD TV as you rummaged out a small package of your munchies. "What about my heating pa – ?"
You stopped speaking, shuddering as his giant hand slid underneath the hem of your top, resting on your bulging tummy, rubbing his fingers soothingly slowly around your bulge.
"You were saying?" His sultry voice purred in your ear.
You shakily breathed at how hot he sounded.
You felt yourself melting against him, his skin being more than enough to chase the discomfort away. "I never thought I'd find a blindfolded giant so hot." You shyly, shamelessly admitted.
"And you're my warm marshmallow." Gojo laughed.
You rolled your eyes, grinning as you ripped the bag open, offering some of it to him behind you, knowing whatever you ate he'd want as well. "Stuff that mouth of yours already, you goof."
His delighted hum, nuzzling his head atop yours, cradling your belly softly, it all relaxed your hormonally effed up nerves.
Binging Netflix, eating some snacks, cuddling on the couch, this is what you missed.
Gojo especially missed this.
For even the strongest sorcerer of the modern age was also the loneliest man there ever was. Exorcizing curses, flipping off the stingy higher ups, watching his students progress from afar, so much done and yet he would stay restless until he felt you in his arms again.
Chewing on more munchies by the handful, he felt your form laxing. Looking down, vocally aweing at the sight of your open mouthed self, your form slowly and softly rising then descending as you breathed, nodding off in the middle of watch time.
He knew these monthly visits from Mother Nature meant you'd be more moody, more drained, so a relaxed sleeping Y/n was the better outcome to receive.
Even in this corrupted present world, he hoped his students, friends and allies would one day be at his level to help him bring down the current world and make it anew. Better for the good souls out there.
Especially for the one that's been filling the emptiness left inside him the most.
Lowering down the volume, he set the remote aside on the coffee table before the couch, watching as you mumble slurry discontent at having his hands leave you.
Gojo Satoru. Your resident heating pad. Noted.
Wiping his hand with some stray napkins you left on the table then leaving the opened half empty snack bag there as well, he turned you carefully on your side so your front would mesh with his, absorbing his warmth into you, the pinched frown on your face melting into that smile he adores so much, nuzzling your cheek into his jacketed chest.
Sliding his hands beneath the hem again, he began rubbing circles in your back, eating up the sight of the shivers your dreaming self gave off, firmly kissing the side of your head as he became lost in your scent.
Lost in this slice of heaven as the troubles of his life and the rest of this world seemed to wash away, he drifted off to nap-ville only to meet you there himself, murmuring words to imprint his biggest constant thought in all your time spent apart.
"I missed you too."
Ah, it's good to be home.
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yanderelmk · 1 year
It's my birthday today 😊🎂
How do various yanderes celebrate their darling's birthday?
Oh my gosh happy birthday!! :D For the sake of not running out of space Imma group this together: ☀️MONKEY MEN🌑: They tried to make you a birthday cake...thing is neither of them know how to bake. They had to set their bitterness aside (or- well, they tried to) and the result was Wukong trying to distract you while Macaque scrambled around trying to find you something, even sending out his clones so he could sweep multiple stores at once (while pocketing a few shiny things for himself b/c mfer is a magpie). 🚦TRAFFIC LIGHT TRIO🚦: Mei got you a gift weeks in advance, she stays on top of birthdays. Same for Red Son! MK however didn't remember until the night before because ADHD is a bitch, but he likely ended up drawing a bunch of pictures of you, him, Red Son, and Mei. Mei also has a cake ready b/c she's The Best Ever. The trio's general vibe is just "BFFs 5ever because it's longer than 4" and everyone they care about is given the same treatment. 📖FREE NOODLES🍜: Pigsy is gonna be cookin' up a whole-ass STORM!! All of your favorite foods will be made, and breakfast is definitely served in bed. Dinner's gonna be a whole feast with the cake made extra special. Tang's the type of guy that follows "It's your birthday, so whatever you say goes!" He'll be fully open to trying out something new, and his gift is going to relate to a really niche subject that he knows you absolutely adore. It's likely he's done research to make sure he got the gift just right! 🕷️SPIDER DEMONS🕸️: These four are so wild it's funny. Spider Queen probably used her silk to make you a really fancy outfit, Syntax (who had your birthday set up as a reminder on his phone) probably is gonna give you some kind of drone that can help you out with mundane stuff (you get to name it). Goliath tried to make something, but whatever it is it's gonna be messy...he did his best. Huntsman? Deadass he probably went to go hunt your favorite animal so he could stuff it. If your favorite animal isn't in the area or it's a fictional one catch this extra-ass motherfucker carving a big-ass statue of it.
They had these gifts prepared. They knew your birthday was coming. They still all forgot until the actual day/the night before, for various reasons. Hey, at least the gifts are well-made. ☠️BONE DUO👻: Both the Lady Bone Demon and the Mayor are going to appear on your doorstep at midnight. They have a full day planned with ways to celebrate your birthday and 'no' is not an option. You will be spoiled!! The Mayor's got enough money to take you out in style, probably in his limo to fancy restaurants, most likely one of those rotating ones. The gifts will be exactly what you need, even if you didn't know you needed it yet. Even if it seems odd at first, best to just go along with it. 🪷CELESTIAL SQUAD🌙: Chang'e has a gigantic cake prepared, most likely one layer for each year of your life. She's been working on this for forever!! Nezha helped her prepare a big party on the moon for you. Both of them are likely to gift you presents of Celestial origins (blessed jewelry that protects you from demonic possession, or a very rare book). They might have lost count of their own ages, but they understand how important birthdays are to some people. 🦁THE🐘BROTHERHOOD🦅: They're completely unfamiliar with how mortals celebrate birthdays, but they're going to do their best. Cake? OK sure they can make one (it looks god awful). Presents? Surely any mortal would appreciate dangerous weapons and armor (it's horribly wrapped)! With the whole "listen to the birthday person" thing they might take it too literally. Like if you say "Let's hit the road" they are going to demolish that goddamn road b/c you said to and are the birthday person. Your wishes must be followed. They're trying they really are.
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paytato435 · 9 months
Snapper and Stinkpot Character Ref: Casey Junior!
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Oh look, the main character appeared! Info dump about Casey under the cut!
Casey Jones Junior - 16, he/him
Birthday: November 23rd (Sagittarius)
Casey is trying his best to adjust to his new life after stopping the Krang invasion, but he has a few wrinkles to iron out before he can sleep soundly at night. Most notably, he hasn’t told his family that he’s also a mutant turtle, and now he’s been blackmailed. Yikes! Wait why would he hide that, that’s so cool?
Some head canons I have about Casey for this au: Knows sign language! Donnie is the only other turtle proficient with it in the family, but maybe it will be useful somehow? Casey also has a bad habit of confusing the younger turtles with their future counterparts, and is often disappointed by the way they act or their lack of experience in dangerous situations.
Despite all his troubles, Casey puts his family before everything else, and would do anything to keep them safe and happy.
Songs that remind me of Casey: Tomorrow Comes Today by Gorillaz (I’m very funny), Break Stuff by Limp Bizkit, and Cover of Me by SUGR?
Casey’s design: Imma be honest, his apocalypse outfit in the movie is trash, I only kept the parts I really liked; his knee pads, hockey stick chainsaw, and face mask. Coming from such a dangerous upbringing, I figured he probably has the scars to show for it, and pretty early in the story it’s established he has a hard time looking at the scars on his legs. So unless it’s otherwise stated, this boy wears leggings under his shorts, lmao. Of course he rocks the man bun occasionally, and even a ponytail in my sidewalk comic. He’s a practical boy. <3
The jersey is a reference to Leo, who also has his own #1 jersey. Gave it longer sleeves to be more hockey/ football shaped over the basketball cut tho. I had an earlier design with him in a tank top and I just don’t vibe with it that much now. His number is 6 because 4 turtles + April + Casey jr. = 6. Finally, we have his red boots. I stole them from Deku in MHA, and they look fucking good on his turtle form, which I will be posting very soon!
And uhh, just in case the totally normal jpeg above isn’t working for you, here’s the picture again. I don’t know why it would be broken but like, idk… I just feel like things haven’t been appearing the way I thought they should lately 🤷‍♀️
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P.S. if anyone knows if there are any references for human feet in Rise please let me know or send me some because I totally just threw those piggies out there and had no intention of looking for something so suspiciously specific. 😳
Masterpost Turtle Casey? Angel’s Reference sheet! Sunshine's reference sheet!
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moononastring · 2 years
Spirit Meets the Bones XXI
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Find it all here.
Genre: Angst/Romance/Drama Please note: There will be heavy subjects discussed that may be triggering. Author's Note: I know this has taken a little long so I hope you enjoy this long one! I sincerely appreciate every single one of you ♥️ Feedback is always welcome and very encouraging :)
Tagging: @santababysteve | @nina-zcnik | @vanserrass | @climb-the-mountian| @positivewitch | @ladyelain | @helion-ism | @readthelastpaage | @lord-lochan | @spinachtz | @elizab3th-grace | @ladystarrynight | @daily-dose-of-sass | @highlady-fireheart | @carnythian | @theviewfromtheotherside | @lovedbyth3sun | @carolynmezzosoprano | @thedarkinmansfield | @moonfawnx | @imma-too-many-fandoms | @x-soladosisfacitvenenum-x | @krem-does-stuff | @that-golden-lyre | @cynicalpotato95 | @lattristanketcup | @tiny-dragon-lover | @runningwiththeoceans | @nightchanges20 | @sweet-but-stormy | @deedz-thrillerkilller16 | @illyrianshadowhunter | @this-is-rochelle | @thewilderheart | @yourlocalbookwhore | @applestrudeldoo | @comingupbexx | @foxybananaaaz | @weesablackbeak |
Something was wrong. 
Iris had started to sense it not too long after Eris had left, a sense of unease worked its way through her chest and twisted in her gut.  She tried to brush off the worry — today had been a whirlwind and Finn showing up suddenly was probably adding to the stress she was already feeling. Eris would be fine. He should be fine. Even if he was taking longer than she expected. 
She let herself focus on other things while she waited, mindlessly tidying the room, washing up for bed, and lastly, actually choosing something she deemed indecent to wear to bed.
It was a beautiful olive-green gown, the material satin with lace trimmings that seemed to have been made for her, hugging her body in a way she knew would send her husband into a nice little spiral. Or, at least she hoped it would. It was also much shorter than she’d ever worn around Eris, barely reaching her midthigh and that — well, that made her a little more nervous than she’d like to be.
It was just skin after all. She’d gradually been showing him a little skin with each new set but never…never this much. Iris flushed deeply and then frowned at her reflection.
“Get over yourself.” she mumbled. “It’s not like you don’t want him to touch you.” 
Because she did. If his kisses were any indication, Eris would likely be the death of her, and that had her feeling very nervous. But she had a nice long robe that would make her feel more secure. At least until they talked and she got answers to her questions. 
Today had been challenging in its own way but this moment, choosing to be just a little more intimate with him…this was for her. For the way he had been making her feel the past few weeks. For the way his eyes always watched her with just a little hunger and a whole lot of amusement. 
But mostly…for the way his voice had dropped when he had made his request earlier. He had asked so politely. It would be bad manners to refuse. 
If he’d just hurry up and come back already.
Iris had been standing in front of the vanity, fidgeting slightly with the thin strap of her nightgown when a sharp tug to her ribcage had her freezing. A gasp left her lips as she steadied herself and the dread she had been trying to keep at bay came back in full force. She felt panicked. She felt — she felt pain.
Something was wrong and she didn’t understand what that was. That — that tug.
With shaking hands, she quickly slipped the robe over her gown and tied it firmly, rushing to her door and yanking it open. 
She staggered to a halt in the doorway when one of Eris’s commanders turned to face her and she blinked in surprise. 
“Oren?” she asked and straightened. “What’s going on? Why are you here?”
The general took a moment to scan the hall, empty aside the two of them then took a small step towards her and gave her a tight smile. “His Royal Highness, Prince Eris wished for you to have some additional protection at this time.” Oren said calmly but Iris’s heart stuttered in her chest. She didn’t miss the usage of the formal title, especially when Oren and Eris were friends and that never happened between them.
“Where is he?” she demanded. “He was supposed to be meeting with Finn earlier. Has something happened?”
The tight smile remained on Oren’s face.  “The High Lord requested him earlier. He sent me here before he went.”
Iris inhaled sharply, her grip tightening on the doorframe as another sense of unease washed over her. “I knew something was wrong.” she said quietly and Oren narrowed his eyes at her.
“What do you mean?”
“Something is wrong. I can feel it.” Iris said and rubbed a hand to her forehead. “I’m going to change then go find —”
“I can’t let you leave.” Oren stated and Iris froze.
“Excuse me?”
Oren winced and Iris cocked a brow as he took a breath. “I am under orders to watch over you.” he said more gently. “Until he returns from his meeting with the High Lord.”
“He’s never had someone stand guard when he meets with the High Lord.” she said quietly and again, she felt that flutter of panic, and Oren’s lip thinned. 
“It seems, the High Lord is angrier than usual.”
Iris bit her lip and then let out a breath. He was angry with Eris and Iris knew without a doubt, it had to be because of her. Because of her horrible father. “Fuck.” she mumbled and Oren gestured gently to the room behind her. 
“I suggest you wait inside.”
“How am I supposed to wait when I know that —” she began then cut herself off in frustration, knowing she couldn’t say anything about the High Lord that wouldn’t get back to him. “How can I just wait when I’m telling you I can sense something is wrong!”
Oren gave her a look she didn’t quite understand then again, gently said, “I know it might be hard to wait but it’s better for you and him to stay here. He’ll worry about you less.”
Worry about her. As if she cared about herself at this moment. Knowing what she knew about Beron, she wouldn’t be surprised if he was tearing into Eris for not beating Iris alongside her father. She ran a hand through her hair and bit her lip, holding back a string of curses. 
The High Lord needed Eris. Surely, he wouldn’t do anything — but Iris immediately shook her head. The High Lord would do whatever he wanted to his son. 
And she could do nothing to protect him. 
Shame and anger coiled in her stomach and Iris wished there was more she could do — anything she could do other than sit here and wait.
She glanced at the commander once more who only gave her a nod. She sighed.
“You don’t have to wait outside. I’ll be fine.” she said quietly. “No one can come in here without my permission.”
Oren gave her a small smile. “I know. But I am loyal to one male and one male only,” he said. “And I will do as he requested of me.”
Iris watched Oren carefully. So he knew all about Eris and the way things were with the High Lord. He’d also been a friend and commander of his for so long…but she had to ask, “Why?”
The corner of the commander’s mouth shifted up. “Because I see what he’s been trying to do. And I believe in him,” he said then gestured with his chin behind her again. “I’ll be here if you need anything until he returns.”
Knowing she’d been dismissed, Iris turned to go back into her rooms. Oren had distracted her briefly but as she slowly shut the door, her hands started to shake again. She couldn’t help the guilt threatening to consume her, couldn't help the twist in her gut. How long would Beron keep his son? What would he do to him?
Her eyes flickered to the grandfather clock sitting in the corner of their living space and she frowned. It was already so late in the evening. How much longer would this meeting take?
But an hour went by. Then several more. 
And Iris spent the time pacing around their room, fighting back her anxiety and holding herself back from running past Oren and finding her husband herself. 
She had been seated, curled up on their bed trying and failing to distract herself when she heard the familiar thud of their door closing and leaped to her feet.
“You took so long! I started to think —” Iris started but the rest of the words died in her throat at the sight of Eris in front of her. 
Heat filled the room almost immediately as Iris halted a few feet away from him. 
Her husband stood before her and Iris wasn’t sure where to look. At the now tattered jacket somehow still on his body. Or at the blood dripping from him. Or his hair that now barely reached the nape of his neck. She couldn’t stop staring, her heart rate increasing at the cold detachment on his face and the dead look in his eyes that set her on edge. 
Iris tried to swallow, to hold back the horror and panic going through her body, to calm her shaking hands.
“What — what happened?” she asked carefully, taking a step closer to him. Eris’s gaze dropped to her feet and the step she took closer to him then back up to her face. 
A beat of silence passed. Then another. Eris watched her, barely blinking and Iris didn’t dare move or say anything more as her fingers curled into the fabric of her robe. 
Slowly and without saying a word, Eris gestured to his body, to the state he was in, and Iris tried to keep her expression from falling, tried to curb the slight panic clogging in her throat. Once again, Eris only glanced down then back up at her but this time, she saw wildfire in his eyes. The room’s temperature spiked and Iris felt her chest tighten as anger surged around them. 
Eris wasn’t angry, no. He was seething. Fuming.
He took a step towards her and her heart started to beat frantically at the flame that had started to lick at his heels. 
“Eris,” she started gently. “Tell me what happened.”
The Prince of Autumn cocked his head as his wild eyes watched her and Iris knew whatever had happened, whatever the High Lord had done to him, it was bad enough that Eris had gone someplace far, far away. And her Eris was not back yet. 
His eyes narrowed on her and Iris couldn’t find it in her to say anything more, her body tensing instead. She wanted him to say something, anything to fill the silence, where the only sound she could hear was the frantic beating of her heart. Her husband had not returned as he had left and she wasn’t sure if he fully would. She wasn’t sure what to do with herself that would help him, that would ease whatever was going through his mind right now.
It was as she opened her mouth once more that Eris moved, taking one step towards her and Iris paused. She willed herself not to flinch as his hands lowered from behind his back and knew Eris had clocked the movement. His hands wouldn’t hurt her but it still didn’t stop her from watching them carefully.
They watched each other silently. 
And Eris wanted to reply to her question, to speak, but he was having a hard time trying not to vomit. He was having a hard time trying to remember how to breathe properly. He had lost consciousness at some point enduring his father’s wrath and had woken up to find himself laying in his own blood. He didn’t remember being untied, and he didn’t know how much time had passed, but he knew he needed to check on his mother. He needed to get back to his wife. 
So Eris had forced himself to stand on trembling legs, his wits barely about him. He forced himself to leave the throne room and muster what will he had left to winnow in front of his parent’s chambers. And Eris had waited, barely able to stand as his blood dripped from him to hear something, anything to indicate that his mother was alright. But Eris had heard nothing and he didn’t know if the deafening silence was worse than the cries of pain he had expected. Only when black dots began to line his vision had he finally forced himself to winnow once more to his own door. 
He had waved off an alarmed Oren and allowed himself a moment to compose himself before walking in and standing as he stood now.
And he really, really wanted to hurl his guts because Iris was looking at him in a way he wasn’t used to in a moment like this. No one usually saw him like this. He mostly let himself go numb during his father’s unleashing and then, only when he was alone, did Eris let his anger consume him. But he had already been teetering on the edge today and he was no longer alone. 
Iris said nothing as he stood there, only watching him with a level of concern that made his chest feel tight. She cared. She cared about what happened to him. She was not his father and she was not looking at him with anything but genuine concern and everything in him recoiled at the fact that she had to see him this way at all. That his father had put him in this position, to look weak and it made him so angry that Eris went momentarily blind with rage. 
He forced himself to swallow and then do it again before he could unlock his jaw enough to speak.
“My father,” he began in a voice that wasn’t quite his and the flames licking his heels spiked up. “Wanted to give me a new look.” He held up a bloodied fist. “He suggested I choke you with what was left of this.”
Iris dropped her gaze to his hand holding — clutching strands of hair that was — she looked up at his face again then back down to his hand. 
“Oh gods.” she mumbled and her heart sank to the pits of her stomach. What had the High Lord done to him? Or rather, what hadn’t the High Lord done to him? Iris took another hesitant step toward him and started to say, “Let me —” 
But immediately, Eris held his other hand, stopping her in place and Iris fell silent. His eyes didn’t leave the hand holding the strands of his hair.
He finally glanced up at her, that wildfire in his eyes. “I told him to fuck off, of course.” he continued. “He didn’t take that well.” His gaze dropped again and Iris’s eyes followed to where a few drops of blood had dripped by his feet. She couldn’t even tell where it was coming from. “He didn’t take many things well during our conversation.”
“Conversation.” she repeated faintly and her face fell at the way his own hands had started to shake. “The state that you’re in is the result of a conversation.”
Eris fell silent again, blinking down at his trembling hands. A part of him wished he’d evaporate, simply melt into the floor and cease to exist. Maybe then he wouldn’t feel this way. Maybe then he wouldn’t have to think about how much this family had been through and how much more they’d have to suffer until his fucken father died. Maybe then he wouldn't have to worry about his wife being another body for his father to beat down. 
Maybe then —
He looked up at her gentle calling, so unlike the voice of his father who had spent the past few hours breaking him. The way she looked at him made him want to collapse.
He was bleeding and broken and there was no logical reason for it other than his father was a monster.
“How — how did you even walk the halls like this?” she finally asked and couldn’t help how choked her voice sounded, couldn’t help that she had to keep breaking his silence. Her own hands were shaking as she moved closer to him. “Let me help you — let me see wherever you’re bleeding from.”
Eris shook his head and tried to breathe. She cared and it was too much for him. He couldn’t do this now — he needed more time.
But even if he wanted to, that thread at his ribcage forced him to stay where he was. How could it not when he looked at her and it steadied him? That thread that had dragged him back here, to this room. That thread was the reason he hadn’t let his fire consume him.
It took him another moment to speak, his eyes unblinking as he watched her. “I shouldn’t be able to winnow directly in the House but stubborn as I am,” he said with a hoarse laugh and swayed slightly. “I can bend the magic to my will.” He pointed a bloody finger at her. “I think it has to do with you.”
This rooted Iris to where she stood. “With me?” she repeated in a whisper. 
“With you.” he confirmed and lowered a trembling hand to his side, his eyes unfocused. “I had to come back to you. You were waiting for me.”
Iris’s mouth trembled and she tried to swallow back the cascade of emotions surging through her body at his words. “What can I do?” she pleaded. “What do you need right now to make this moment easier?”
“What do I need.” he repeated and his eyes fell back to his hands. Iris watched his grip tighten until a flame burst in his fist and what was left of his hair was no more. Eris shook his head again, his chest rising and falling as he tried to breathe. Her face fell as he backed a step from her, both fists aflame now. “You shouldn’t be near me right now.” he said and his gaze flickered up, his wild eyes watching her. “I — I am not — I don’t —”
What was left of her battered heart broke further. He was physically standing before her but Iris could see the struggle in his eyes to connect to their reality.  She wanted to reach him. She needed to reach him and remind him, that he was hers and she would take care of him the way he took care of her.
“It’s okay.” she said as gently as possible and slowly reached out a hand. “Let me help you.”
“Don’t.” Eris snarled so viciously that Iris couldn’t stop the flinch this time, yanking her hand back immediately. 
A thick silence filled the room once more and Iris watched her husband’s chest rise and fall, his breathing starting to turn shallow, those wild eyes watching her in an almost pained resolve at her reaction.
“You flinched from me.” he said, the words barely distinguishable.
Iris swallowed and she hid her trembling hands in the folds of her robe. “It’s alright.” she said softly and saw the way he shuddered at the two words. “You — you surprised me. That’s all.” 
He took a step towards her and Iris froze, waiting as he breathed more deeply, the flame licking his body seeming to flare and then shrink with each breath. “I’m — I’m sorry.” he said, his voice guttural. “I need — I — I need —”
“You need a moment.” she said as his body shook and she fought every instinct to reach out again. She — she wanted to hold him, needed to. But he wasn’t there yet. He was still finding his way back to himself. So she tried to reassure him from their six feet of distance. “That’s alright. Why don’t you go change?”
He nodded and blinked at her, his gaze still unfocused. “Shower.”
“Okay.” she said and nodded carefully. “I’ll — I’ll ask for some tea.”
But her husband just stared at her. “Don’t go anywhere.”
“I won’t.”
“Stay.” he said then repeated, “Don't go anywhere.”
Iris gave him a tentative smile, trying and failing to hide how deep her worry ran. She tightened her grip on her robe so she wouldn’t reach out to him again. “I’m not going anywhere, Eris. I’ll be right here when you’re done.”
She watched him as he watched her and again felt that tug in her ribcage that she didn’t understand as Eris swallowed hard then slowly, as if he was forcing himself to, he walked away from her and into their bathroom.
The door shut behind him and Iris’s face fell. How badly had that…conversation gone? She had no doubt her own father had played a part in it after the way Eris had humiliated him but to what extent? How many more gifts had Beron given Eris? Letting out a shaky breath, her eyes fell to the drops of blood that had left a trail behind him.
An icy rage blinded her momentarily and Iris wanted nothing more than to find the High Lord and stab him violently until he choked on his own blood. Until he had enough wounds to make up for the ones he put on his son even if it would never be enough. The world would be a better place when the time came and he was gone. 
The sound of the water running had her blinking back to reality and Iris forced herself to snap into action and move. 
It didn’t slip her mind that earlier in the day, their situations had been the opposite and Iris wanted nothing more than to erase the anger and the shame that tied both of them to shitty fathers. 
She knew Eris was…not himself yet. She knew he needed a way back and Iris needed to believe that there was a way out of this — this darkness they were surrounded in. There had to be. 
No one deserved to live like this and as she wiped away any signs of his bleeding heart, Iris knew she would give him whatever he needed. Anything that would be a bright light for him on an otherwise dark night. So she had the tea tray ready with a bottle of hard liquor seated right next to it. Most importantly, she had tried to discreetly have her healing salves ready in the event he felt comfortable enough for her to touch him. 
She waited, too restless to sit, and paced between the sitting table and hovering by the door of the bathroom, listening in case — Iris wasn’t sure in case of what but was sure she wanted to be close by. 
Iris had just moved away from the door again when it finally opened and she immediately turned to find Eris standing in his sleeping attire. She tried not to frown at the way his body was still tense and her eyes roamed his face.
“I have the tea.” she said quietly. “And um, alcohol.”
The corner of his mouth ticked up a millimeter before his expression shifted to the blank one she hated and he walked over to her, stopping a few feet away.
She waited, letting him take his time as he glanced down at his feet and then back up at her, his anger still lingering around him.
He watched her, his hands at his sides. “I made you flinch away from me.”
“You were angry.” she said simply. 
“I would never harm you, Iris.” 
His tone offered no argument and the corner of her own mouth curled up. Anger towards her had typically only meant one thing but she knew, deep in her weary bones, that Eris would never hurt her. 
So Iris took a step closer to him and made sure she met his gaze as she replied in a tone that also offered no argument, “I know.” she said. “Your anger wasn’t towards me.”
His nostrils flared at the reminder and Iris almost regretted saying anything but then he took another step closer to her. “No. It wasn’t,” he said and Iris let her gaze drop to his hands that were clenching and unclenching at his sides. “After…events like this, I usually…am alone. To process.”
The words, the resignation in them, made her ache. Iris wondered how many times he’d had to process alone, with no one to share this burden with.
She looked up again and took one more step toward him as she slowly held out her hands. “Well, you’re not alone anymore,” she said quietly and watch as his gaze dropped to her open hands. “I’m here.”
“Yes, you are.” he said so softly and Iris felt her heart twist. It took him a moment and she felt his hesitation, as if afraid to touch her but she waited. She waited as he clenched and then unclenched his hands once more before he slid his hands into hers. 
“I’m here to listen if you want to talk about it,” she said as softly as he had spoken. “If not, I’m still here.”
His grip on her hands had tightened and she watched as his breath quickened for a moment, working his jaw. “I will. I have to,” he said hoarsely. “Or I will lose my mind.”
“Okay.” she simply said even as her chest tightened at the slight tremble in his hands. “I can’t have you losing your mind over anything except me, can I now?”
Eris tried to give her a smile but it turned more into a grimace and Iris gave him a small smile of her own, wanting to bring him some sense of ease. She glanced down at their intertwined hands and let her thumb caress the back of his hand gently. “I don’t think I ever actually told you but…” she met his gaze. “I like how your hands feel holding mine. I have since that day I met the puppies for the first time and you told me I have lovely hands.”
She watched the Prince of Autumn shudder at the words and it took him another moment before he could answer her. “Not puppies,” he said and Iris couldn’t help her small smile, especially as he continued in words so quiet, she almost missed them. “I like how your hands feel in mine too.” 
“Smart male.” she said and again, the corner of his mouth lifted but this time, it remained curled up, and again, Iris couldn't stop staring at him. He may look a little different with the sloppy cut he had been given but it didn’t change the feeling that was spreading in her chest. She loved it when he smiled, especially if she was the reason. She liked his wicked mouth too much. 
Iris made to move towards the table but Eris’s grip tightened on her and she turned to find his expression tense, his body rigid.
“Don’t go.”
“I’m only getting you a drink.” she said gently and Eris swallowed then gave a small nod and squeezed her hands once more before reluctantly letting go. Iris couldn't help the way she softened at the way he watched her, as though she was his tether to his way home. 
How many times had he needed someone but had suffered alone? How many times had she been in the same scenario? It made her wonder how often had they shared a moment like this in their separate lives…two sides of the same miserable fucken coin indeed.
The thought exhausted her and with a swallow, Iris pulled away to turn to the table, feeling his eyes on her. As if she’d disappear if he blinked. She opted for the alcohol and filled both teacups to the brim. She may have the power to heal but with wounds that ran as deep as her husband’s…she wasn’t sure if she would be enough. 
She carefully handed him his teacup and stood opposite him as they glanced at one another. 
They did so much watching one another. So much observing. They exchanged so much without saying a word and Iris wondered if he could hear the way her blood was pumping so loudly in her ears. If he knew she could hear the rapid beating of his heart. 
She gestured with her chin. “Drink.”
He glanced down at the cup in his hand and then looked up with a quirked brow. “This isn’t tea.”
“I think we need something a little stronger tonight.” she said gently and Eris gave her a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes before lifting the cup in a mock salute and knocking it back. 
Iris switched their cups and handed him hers with a small smile at the dry chuckle that escaped him before he drank it as well. But her expression immediately fell as his body gave a shudder followed by a small grunt of pain and Iris’s grip tightened on her cup.
“I’m sorry.” she whispered and the apology seemed to dim any momentary lightness Eris had experienced. 
“For what.” he said dryly. 
“For whatever happened. For all of it.” she continued and Iris tried not to fidget beneath his gaze. “For anything that I might’ve had to do with it.”
Eris stared at her in silence, his expression tight, and the only sound in the room was the tapping of his fingers against his cup. What seemed like a lifetime later, he reached out to take the empty teacup from her hands and turned from her to place them back on the table.
He stood like this for several quiet moments and it made Iris tense again, wondering if he needed more time. If she should’ve backed off and let him be alone. Even if that was the last thing she wanted to do. She wanted —
“You know, my father wanted you with me for this little meeting.” Eris finally said and Iris blinked. 
Eris turned to face her again and leaned against the table. She didn’t miss the way, a second later, he moved a slight inch to avoid his back making contact. 
“You see,” he began and glanced down at his hands. “He found out about my little encounter with your father and didn’t quite like that.” His hands slowly clenched into fists as he spoke. “The High Lord wanted you on your knees apologizing to your father. At your father’s request, of course.”
“What?” she croaked.
“But my father also wanted me to apologize to your father for beating him. Because I did it for you,” he said and then gave her a dry smile. “And well, the High Lord can’t have his son beating people for his wife now, can he? The only person the High Lord’s son should be beating is his own wife.”
Iris’s fingers dug into the folds of her robe as anger and shame washed over her once more. For the audacity of her father and the cruelty of his. 
“He doesn’t deserve an apology,” she said through clenched teeth. “He deserves death.”
“I agree.” Eris said and he slowly made his way over to her, the room heating again with each step. “Which is why my father tied me to a flogging pole and whipped me within an inch of my life. Because I told him that my wife apologizes to no one and I certainly do not apologize to anyone either, especially filth.” he snarled softly and straightened with an angry wince. “So do me a favor? Do not apologize for their choices ever again. My wife doesn’t apologize for things she had no hand in.”
Horror slammed into her as she stared at Eris, fully engulfed in his own flame. At the way he had so casually admitted what his father had done.
“He — he whipped you?” she whispered and watched his body tense again, the temperature in the room spiking once more. 
“Yes. But before that, I broke both of your father’s legs and his face again.” he said and Iris saw his fists clench again. “So that makes us somewhat even.”
“Eris…” She couldn’t think of anything else to say. How can he ask her not to apologize when she was the reason he was hurt? When it was because of her father that he had been pulled so far away from himself.
And she hated how it fell silent between them again. She hated that he felt this way. That he was made to be feeling this level of anger and despair. As if every word that fell from his mouth took too much effort, too much work. 
Iris hadn’t realized how desperately she wanted to make him feel better. To bring back that stupid smirk she pretended to hate so much. She wanted to —
“Don’t look at me like that.” he said so tiredly and it made her ache. With a shake of his head and a deep breath, his flame went out, and he turned away from her, moving towards their bed. 
But Iris froze and every single thought emptied from her head. 
With his back to her, Eris’s shirt had clung to his skin and tiny beads of blood peppered the white shirt. 
He looked over his shoulder, meeting her horrified gaze, and immediately looked away from her, his shoulders tensing as he lowered himself to sit at the edge of the bed.
“Eris, you’re bleeding again.” 
“I know.” he managed then rubbed a hand down his face. “Just please stop looking at me like that.”
Iris bit the inside of her mouth, outraged on his behalf and hating that he felt embarrassed by any of it. She willed herself to breathe. One breath in, one breath out. They couldn’t catch a break. A small dosage of time where they could just be. Where everything between them didn’t have to get so fucken hard the moment they found a little ease.
“Look at you like what?” she finally said and made her way over to him. She sank down next to him and knew her expression gave away the panic she was trying to control. “Like I’m disgusted with what happened to you? Like I’m horrified  that your father hurt you because of me and my piece of shit father?” 
She stared at him then waved a hand helplessly. “How else am I supposed to look at my husband who left me in one way then came back another?” she added softly. “How else am I supposed to look when I want to help you so badly but I’m unsure how?”
Iris watched his throat bob as he swallowed. “Careful, wife. You sound like you care about me.” he said and Iris let out a huff of frustration then glared at him. 
“I do care, you stupid bastard.” she muttered, flushing deeply and the dead look in his eyes was given a short reprieve when he gave her a small smile. 
“That’s good to know.” he said and then fell silent, the weight of this whole day and what was left unsaid suffocating. 
And as Iris watched him, she was hit by the need to kiss him. The need to run her hands down his arms and chest and scarred back that she wanted to help him heal and then kiss better. She wanted anything but whatever this heaviness was, anything but that awful expression on his face. Her eyes scanned his slightly ruffled hair and how tired his eyes were and her frown deepened.
Slowly, she reached out a hand to gently touch his face, giving him all the time in the world to push her hand away if he desired. But he didn’t and Iris turned his head so he’d face her and his exhaustion slammed into her.
“What happened was not acceptable.” she whispered. “And for that, I am sorry that it happened to you. Because you don’t deserve it. You didn’t do anything wrong and he had no right to treat you that way.” 
Eris scoffed faintly but swallowed before closing his eyes and hesitated for a heartbeat then nuzzled gently into her hand. He hated how desperately he needed the softness of her touch. How badly he wanted to be soothed. She was here and even if he felt like death itself, she was here. “No one deserves what he delivers.” he finally said quietly. “But we still take it.” 
“You should not have to.” 
“No.” he said and straightened with a grimace, taking her hand in his hand. He let his thumb caress her palm as he added, “None of us should have to.”
“Please let me look at your back,” she whispered but he shook his head, his thumb still rubbing her hand gently. Whether it was to soothe him or to soothe her, she wasn’t sure. "Please. Let me heal it."
A muscle in his jaw flexed and Iris had to remind herself that his anger wasn't at her.
“I can heal it myself,” he replied but not unkindly. “I’m choosing not to at the moment.”
“Pain is good. It keeps the memory fresh.”
Once again, the room heated at the words and Iris’s body went rigid. He was so angry and gods, she knew that anger. She had tasted the humiliation he felt. And she knew without question that beneath that anger was so much sadness. So much exhaustion. So much…yearning. For more. For different.
For love. For some sense of normalcy in a fucked up home that showed them no mercy. 
Iris could practically hear his mind whirling and it pulled at her heart because she had started to understand him in a way very few people did. Slowly, she reached out once more and gently forced him to meet her gaze.
“There is no part of you that deserves pain like this, Eris.” she said firmly and hated the way she could see his disbelief, as though it wasn’t true. 
Eris’s eyes fluttered closed at the words, a muscle flexing in his jaw. “How do you know that? That I don’t deserve pain? I’ve made bad choices. I’ve had to do bad things.”
She shook her head. “Making bad decisions and being forced to do bad things doesn’t make you a bad person. You’ve had to carry so much…give yourself some room.” she said and then added quietly, “Unburden yourself with me. Let me help you.”
Eris met her gaze and she watched the internal struggle in his eyes as he worked his jaw. Finally, he said, “There’s too much. It’s a lot.”
“I know. You were ready to tell me earlier. So tell me now.” she encouraged calmly. “You told me you wanted to know the side of me I didn’t like anyone seeing. That you wanted to see.” She squeezed his hand. “Well, I want to know too. I want to see.”
Eris seemed to pause and then his gaze hardened as he straightened. “Iris,” he began and her brows furrowed at the urgency in his tone. “You have to understand whatever I tell you, it has been kept a secret in order for us to survive. I do not trust anyone as much as I’m allowing myself to trust you. Don’t — don’t make me regret it.” 
She tilted her head and watched him for a quiet minute. “Have I ever given you a reason not to trust me?”
“No.” he said and swallowed. “But when you’ve been living in a pit of snakes for so long, you’re never sure which one will bite. Things have changed between us but…I have this doubt in the back of my mind that you’ll take anything I say and give it to the highest bidder to get out of this marriage and run.” He paused for a moment and licked his lips. “I wouldn’t blame you.”
She watched him quietly again and it made her chest tighten that even after things had shifted between them, this still worried him. So Iris swallowed and decided to be honest as well.
“And despite the changes between us…I still fear that someday you’ll realize you could beat the living shit out of me every single day and no matter how much I can defend myself, you’ll still overpower me.” she replied. “But I have not seen anything from you that would truly have me succumb to that doubt. Have you seen anything from me to feed into those doubts?”
He paused but Iris didn’t fail to notice how his thumb was back to caressing her hand softly, almost as a way to calm himself down. 
“No.” he said after a moment. “You’re my wife and my friend and my — you’re many things. I — I trust you.” 
“Good. Because I trust you too.” she whispered. “I’ve trusted you not to hurt me and you haven’t.” 
He shook his head and held up her hand in his. “It is my job to protect you. These fists will fight for you.”
Iris couldn’t help the small smile that bloomed on her face or the way her heart swelled at the words. “And I am grateful for that.” she said. “But then who protects you?”
His mouth curled into a tired smile and he sighed. “Apparently, it’s my wife with her healer's hands.”
Iris gave him a pointed look then gestured to his shirt with her chin. “Then let these hands help you.” 
Eris tensed and his grip tightened on his wife’s hands. He wasn’t used to anyone being near him whenever this happened. Wasn’t used to anyone seeing any of his scars, much less fresh ones.
But this was Iris. His wife. His mate. And he wanted her hands to touch him. To fit all of his pain in the palm of her lovely hands and wipe it away. 
Eris didn’t let himself overthink it as he finally released her hand from his and only hesitated for a moment before he pulled his shirt over his head, tossing it to the ground. He knew Iris hadn’t meant to make a noise but the sharp intake of breath that slipped from her mouth had him digging his hands into his thighs, tensing even further. He would not overthink it. His shirt was already off and she’d seen his scars before…even if his back had never looked this bad.
“Quite a masterpiece my father made, didn't he?” he mused quietly then dared to glance over his shoulder to find Iris’s face flushed in anger, her eyes locked on his back.
The High Lord had avoided his face, of course. He only left bruises where others couldn’t see and had certainly not held back. He knew the scars would line his back, the back of his upper arms, and his neck. He didn’t want to think about his hair and how his father had deliberately kept it down so it would stick in his wounds and make the sting worse.
“Do you think, if I didn’t want your wife here, she wouldn’t be?” his father had whispered to him after the first crack of the whip. “Do you think I couldn’t have her in your position right now if I didn’t want to?”
Eris’s blood had boiled at the mere thought of Iris being subjected to any of this but he kept his mouth shut. He had endured. 
“You’ve gotten too bold, son. You’ve forgotten yourself.”
He had indeed. Eris had forgotten how his father liked to play. But Beron had reminded him over and over again exactly what happens to those who cross the High Lord. Eris had forced his body to shut down and closed off his mind until his father was finished. The only thoughts he allowed himself were of Iris waiting for him.
“I look forward to the day his blood fills these halls.” she muttered. “He deserves nothing but a brutal and painful death.”
The corner of Eris’s mouth curled up. “Bloodthirsty, are you?”
“I am your wife.” she said with a pointed look and a small chuckle escaped him despite how wretched he felt. 
Yes, she was. His lovely little wife.
“Tell me, how pretty do you think your lovely little Iris would look bleeding all over the throne room floor?” his father had whispered. 
His magic had recoiled violently at his father’s threats. Eris had nearly choked on the taste of ash in his mouth.
“I could make you watch. Or…have you be the one to make her bleed. What do you think, son?”
He blinked himself back into reality to find his fists had burst into flame again and Iris watched him patiently. Eris hadn’t even seen or heard her bring a small bowl with a towel and salves, resting them on the nightstand beside them. He cleared his throat and flexed his hands to calm down. “Hm?”
“I need to start cleaning the wounds and wanted to make sure it’s still alright for me to touch you.” she asked and Eris felt himself nearly break at the question.
He forced himself to take a steadying breath and hoped she didn’t see the slight tremble in his hands when he rubbed his forehead. “Yes.” he said. “It’s always alright for you to touch me.” 
She gently squeezed his arm at the words and he tried to hold back the shudder. He wasn’t used to anyone taking care of him. He could heal himself just fine but his wife wanted to help him. His mate wanting to touch him made a world of a difference and Eris knew the thread that he was holding on to was on its last legs. He had to get everything off his chest, all the burdens he carried.
Iris guided him to sit at the corner of the bed and turn his back to her, working in silence at first and Eris forced himself to relax as she gently dipped his head forward and began cleaning with a soft cloth. This was not his father putting his hands on him, it was his Iris. Her lovely, lovely hands soothed the broken pieces of him. She touched him with featherlike movements and the way his body was reacting to the softness of her hands alarmed him.
This was pathetic. He was pathetic. 
“Does this…has this happened often?” Iris asked into the silence of their room. “I know you have older scars.”
The cloth slid against the nape of his neck and Eris breathed in deeply through his nose, digging his fingers into his thighs. He knew without looking at his wife, that Iris had picked up on it and her touch had gotten even gentler. “You remember when I told you earlier about the High Lord and his ways?” He began tightly and Iris hummed in response. “He leads with fear and a very heavy hand. And I use the term leads very loosely.” 
Eris forced himself to swallow as Iris began to pat his back dry and continued.
“He changed Under the Mountain. He was always rough around the edges but…that time awakened a side of my father that he has not returned from. We all did what we had to do to survive those fifty years but he…he became more vicious.” he said quietly. “Prior to that, he lashed out a lot and his fists spoke before his mouth ever did but it wasn’t consistent. You weren’t sure what would trigger him. The flogging is saved for special occasions, when we really piss him off.” Eris couldn’t look at her as he added, “The first time he used it was on my mother. He made my brothers and I all watch.”
Iris froze behind him, hand in midair as revulsion coursed through her.
“It was after Lucien was born.” Eris said, his voice carefully void of emotion. “We were all locked in place by his magic and had to watch her bleed. We had to listen to her scream and could do nothing. None of us were really the same after that, especially my mother.”
“Why?” Iris managed to choke out and Eris looked over his shoulder at his wife.
“Monsters don’t need reasons but…” he turned away again and with his voice barely above a whisper said, “My mother had an affair and my father found out. Lucien…is not my father’s son.”
Iris blinked rapidly. “W-what?”
“My mother met a male that she fell in love with before she met my father but her family decided power was more important than their daughter’s happiness and married her off to my father anyway,” he said, his voice dull as he glanced at his wife again before his gaze dropped to his hands. “Their relationship was…a checkbox that was fulfilled. And things were fine. Until they weren’t.”
Iris forced herself to move, to place the cloth down on the nightstand and pick up the salves instead. “What happened?” she asked as she sat behind him once more. 
Eris tensed as she began to apply the ointment, forcing himself to breathe through his nose again and calm his thoughts. “The male she loved saved her during the first war and they reconnected.” he continued. “Then the affair began on and off for years. Until my father found out after Lucien was born and nothing about her was the same afterward.”
Iris bit her lip, trying to hold back the nausea she was feeling as tension lined Eris’s back again, his shoulders stiff. “My mother was so full of light and love. A firecracker with magic that almost rivaled my father’s. She was…happy until that day.” Eris said and dread filled Iris’s chest when Eris pulled away to meet her gaze. “After he was done spilling her blood in the throne room that day, he took her away and they were gone for days. We did not know where they went or what he did to her then but when they came back, no fire was left in the Lady of Autumn. Nothing of who my mother had been was left.”
Iris’s heart was nearly beating out of her chest as the room heated once more. She watched Eris’s knuckles turn white from how hard he was clenching them. “Later on, after my mother remembered how to speak and to look at me without flinching,” he growled softly and Iris’s heart shattered further. “She told me everything. About her affair. About what happened. That he had used her fire against her. That he beat her and hurt her, and burned her so badly, he made her fear the fire that made her who she was. She is terrified of it because of how badly he made it hurt.” He let out a breath full of rage. “Since then he has never stopped belittling her and breaking her down. Hasn’t stopped doing everything he can to make her small and weak and prey.”
“And I hate him.” he snarled darkly and Iris felt the bed heat below her as she looked over at Eris, his eyes ablaze. “I hate him with every atom in my body. I loathe him and loathe the life he has forced us to live. I cannot stand the sight of him or the sound of his voice or feeling his eyes on me. I hate that he even breathes the same air as my mother. I hate that he uses my mother against my brothers and me.” Iris watched his shoulders rise and fall as he took shallow breaths. “But most of all, I hate that he’s still alive when his final breathes are a symphony I have been waiting to hear for years.”
Iris blinked and in the next moment, their whole chamber was in flames.
She gasped, her hands dropping to her lap as fire covered every inch of their room. She looked to Eris who had his eyes closed, his head tilted as frustration dripped from every inch of him. Her eyes turned to scan the room, feeling the heat and smelling the smoke. Though none of the flames touched her body, Eris was completely aflame.
“We survived fifty years of darkness beneath that fucken mountain for the nightmare to continue within this forest. He is a plague and the dream of his death is the only thing that keeps me going.”
Silence fell between them as Iris watched his fire burn throughout the room. She wondered what would happen if he did let it melt everything away. What would happen when he eventually unleashed?
“Does he know?” Iris finally asked. “That you have all this inside you?”
“He knows. Everyone knows. I will be the next High Lord.” Eris said quietly. “My power has been brewing for years and everyone can sense it. I have all this rage and all this fire but I’ve had to hold back.” He ran his tongue over his teeth. “His death has always been marked for my mother and until she is ready to get out, we cannot make a move. We endure and play my father’s games…but every now and then, I need to let it out.”
And with those words, the flames flickered out in the room. Iris’s eyes surveyed everything and found...nothing was damaged. Nothing ruined — only a lingering smell of smoke.
Turning back to him, Iris found him staring at her, smoke coming off him in waves at what remained of his rage. He blinked at her, his expression blank as his exhaustion stared back at her. 
“Did I frighten you?” he asked quietly as she watched him. “I’ve shown you quite a bit of my dark side lately.” 
But Iris was not frightened. Not in the least. She felt — she felt seen.
She shook her head and stood carefully, returning the healing ointments to the small table beside them. How did she explain to him that there was nothing frightening about what he said? That all she felt was understood? 
Finding her way back next to him, Iris sat with little space between them and color bloomed on her face when Eris’s eyes dipped to the inch between their bodies. She let her hand slide up and gently, with a tenderness she knew they both needed, let her finger delicately trace his face.
“I’m not afraid,” she said and then let her finger continue to slide up, gently musing the hair she knew he would later mourn. “I am only enraged for you.”
A heartbeat passed then Eris shuddered beneath her touch, a sigh of relief fluttering through the whole room and Iris couldn’t help the urge to lean in and kiss him. She did so tenderly, a caress of a kiss that Eris sighed into.
He couldn’t bring himself to touch her yet, to wrap arms around her when he was still so furious He allowed himself to trace the material of her robe beneath his fingers instead. 
“I told you there was so much to tell you.” Eris said quietly and Iris pulled her hand away to rest in his empty one, the corner of her mouth curling up.
“And I told you I want to know.” she replied. “So tell me.”
Though exhaustion had melted his bones, Eris knew he needed to keep talking. He needed to get this all off his chest. And then he hoped he’d get to spend the rest of the night kissing her. 
Eris forced himself to breathe deeply and slowly rolled his shoulders back, the tightness of his skin as it healed fueling his anger. “My brothers and I excel in pretending to hate each other and pretending we want to kill each other.” Eris glanced at Iris. “We each control a territory and let my father believe what he sees about where our loyalty lies but do what we can to keep our lives moving. The two brothers who tried to kill Lucien after Jesminda were the two that were most like my father. The rest of us were not sorry to see them go.” 
Iris watched him curiously. “Your brothers…they are not as terrible as I’m supposed to believe, are they?”
“I personally think they’re all piles of shit but no, they’re not.” Eris said and the corner of his mouth ticked up at Iris’s expression. “We’re not close but we have an understanding. They’re …trying to survive.”
Iris nodded slowly, her eyes falling to her hands in his and the way his thumb was still caressing her palms. “Do your brothers know about Lucien?”
Eris pursed his lips before answering. “My mother…preferred for everyone’s sake, they stay in the dark about it for as long as possible but they needed to know. We had to be on the same page for her sake. So with her permission, I told them. But the only people in this court who know Lucien is not a Vanserra aside from my parents are my three brothers.” he said and met her gaze. “And now you.”
Iris nodded slowly, a strange sense of pride filling her chest that Eris was sharing with her. That he trusted her when he trusted very few. She felt that strange tug in her ribcage once more.
“Things are never truly what they seem with you Vanserra clan, is it?” she said with a small huff of laughter and Eris couldn’t help but scoff.
“Nothing is ever what it seems,” he said. “Except my father. He’s always been a piece of shit.”
Iris chuckled and she couldn’t quite place the emotions she felt as she watched him. She saw the exhaustion, the heavyweight suffocating him. She hadn’t forgotten when he told her how often he mediated between his parents. How many times he’d had to do it for others as well? How often had he been the one to catch the brunt of his father’s wrath? 
Eris shifted next to her and it made her focus on him once more, his expression tight and she braced herself for whatever he would say next. 
“Lucien’s father is also why he and Elain live in the Day Court.” Eris said slowly. “Courtesy of the High Lord.”
Iris blinked rapidly. “Oh.”
Eris nodded and waited for a heartbeat as it clicked for Iris. 
“Helion?” Iris’s shocked whisper had the corner of Eris’s mouth curl up before it fell once more.
“The High Lord of the Day Court is my brother’s father, yes.” Eris began then swallowed hard before continuing, “He is also…my mother’s mate.”
Iris’s shocked silence filled the room. “Oh gods.”
Everything suddenly made so much sense to Iris. The High Lord’s contempt towards Lady Enya. His reaction whenever Lucien was brought up. 
“Oh gods.” she said again and Eris’s mouth went into a thin line. “How did your father find out?”
“When Lucien was born…no one thought anything of it. He looked like any other baby.” Eris said quietly. “Until one day…he started to glow whenever he laughed. Or whenever he was fussy. It didn’t take my father long to figure it out after that. Everything went downhill from there.” He looked down at their hands. “My mother…she only ever stayed for her sons. So we wouldn’t be left completely at his mercy growing up. And my father knew this. He spared no chance in breaking us all down for her choice.”
“That’s why your father did what he did to Lucien.” Iris said and Eris nodded solemnly.
“Once he knew Lucien wasn’t his, it wasn’t hard for him to differentiate his treatment. He hated looking at him. Hated speaking to him. My father couldn’t outright disown him because it would bring questions and you want the High Lord to admit his wife had an affair? And birthed a son from another High Lord? He would never.” Eris said, scowling. “He knew he could treat my mother the way he does because she broke it off with Helion. For us. For Helion. So there wouldn’t be some kind of crisis between the two courts. She’s been suffering so others won’t.”
Eris swallowed then looked at Iris. “They’re mates.” he whispered. “And he let her go because she chose us. She chose her children. But she always wanted him and he always wanted her.” Eris’s eyes fell down to their joined hands, his shoulders dropping. “He has never stopped loving her. Helion may pretend he hasn’t been waiting for her all these years with his dalliances and carefree attitude but he will always wait for her. Even when he doesn't want to.”
Iris’s heart broke for Lady Enya and for the High Lord she didn’t know. It broke for the son who knew everything and had to watch his mother fade away and his father become a monster.
“That must’ve been so hard for your mother.” she said quietly. “After all these years…” Iris shook her head. “When did Lucien find out? And Helion?”
“A few years ago.” Eris continued with a sigh. “After the war, something…something in my mother changed. Maybe it was the war or maybe her capacity of dealing with my father had finally reached its limits or maybe she realized her sons had only suffered watching her suffer and she was done waiting but…” He shook his head. “I saw a small spark of who she was return and she decided she wanted Lucien to know.”
Iris scrunched up her nose then shook her head.“I’m sure that went well.” 
“Considering I had to be the one to tell him because he wouldn’t set foot here? It went great.” Eris said with a snort so like his usual self that Iris couldn't help the small smile. “My mother wrote him a letter. And I had to watch Lucien have a fucken meltdown once he read it.”
Iris shook her head again. “You can’t blame him, Eris. He endured all that he did with a piece of shit that wasn’t even his father.” she said and squeezed Eris’s hand. “Who knows what kind of life he would’ve had if he had known about Helion sooner. I’m sure it was hard for you both.”
“It wasn’t as hard as the time I had to be the one to tell Helion.” 
Iris’s brows went up but she held off on saying a word as Eris’s shoulder tensed again. He had been sharing with her so easily, so openly, she didn’t want to say anything to have him shut down. 
“What happened?” she asked quietly and Eris sighed.
“I told you how my mother started to…come back to us.” Eris said and Iris nodded. “Well. Lucien wasn’t the only one she wrote a letter to.”
Eris shifted, running a hand through his hair while his other hand stayed wrapped in hers. “I didn’t read it, of course, but I know she told him. And I know she told Lucien that she’d let Helion know but it was up to the two of them to connect if they wanted to,” he said quietly. “She hoped they would but didn’t want to push it. She felt awful enough to have hidden it all these years and then to not be able to tell them herself…” Eris fell silent with a grimace. His mother’s face had rarely been dry from how often she cried those days.  
“How did Helion take it?” Iris asked softly.
“I have never seen someone breakdown the way the High Lord of Day did that day.” Eris shook his head again with a frown. “I think he was already at a breaking point and that was a final straw. It was messy. For Lucien. For Helion. For my mother.” he said. “There was a lot of resentment. A lot of anger. A lot of hurt. Especially because my mother can’t speak to either of them in person…she dropped this tragic surprise on them and essentially put them in a position to deal with it without her.” Eris waved a hand. “Even if it’s not by choice, it…was hard for everyone.”
“Including you, I’m sure,” she said and squeezed his hand again. “Being the in-between.”
“I was more worried my father would find out again. What would he do to her this time if he found out she’d reached out to the one male she never stopped loving?” he said quietly then shrugged with a deep sigh. “But they have a code. She writes him letters and he replies.” 
Iris felt emotion swell in her at the Lady of Autumn and the love she never stopped holding on to. “The letters she writes to Lucien include a letter for Helion, don’t they?”
Eris let out a harsh laugh. “It’s reckless after all these years but...I see her face every time she hands me a letter and whenever he sends one back. I’ve watched her wait and suffer for all these years so she could find her way back to herself. And Helion…” His expression was tight as he continued. “He would worship the ground she walks on. He would give her everything that she’s ever wanted and a life that she deserves but we have had to watch her stay here because of us. We had to watch her die little by little each year and could do nothing.” His voice broke at the final word and Eris forced himself to swallow before continuing. “He is a better male than I could ever be. Because if my mate was suffering the way my mother has, I wouldn’t have left a person alive. I would’ve razed the whole fucken continent. I don’t know how he did it. How he still does it after they’ve reconnected.”
It took a moment for Eris to be able to continue. He sighed. “Helion has always been respectful of her choice. Even when he resented it. Even when he hated it.” he said. “Their bond…I don’t think it was ever really rejected because deep down, neither of them wanted that. I think it’s just been strained all these years.”
“And now here they are…” Iris mused quietly, her mind drifting to the conversation she had with Elain earlier. “A mating bond so strong even years apart couldn’t diminish how right it is. It’s a beautiful thing for those lucky enough to find it.”
Eris tensed at her words, his heart skipping a beat. Would she still feel this way about him when he told her? Would she consider herself lucky knowing the kind of shit he had to deal with? He rubbed a trembling hand over his face and continued. 
“My mother is ready to leave. I’m just waiting on when,” he murmured. “I’ve been helping her reconnect with her magic and it’s making her stronger, but it’s been hard when she’s so fucken terrified of it.” Iris squeezed his hand and he offered her a thin smile. “She’s been always scared to leave us but my brothers and I can handle the fallout now. We couldn’t before but we will now. We want her to get the fuck out of here. We’ve had enough and she’s most definitely had enough.”
“And you’re all…fine with her going to the Day Court?” Iris asked quietly.
“Yes. A part of me will always resent Helion the way I sometimes resent my mother for all these years of having to deal with this. Even if the fault ultimately always lies with my father.” Eris said tightly. “This could end very badly but once Helion claims her publicly as his mate, my father will have to let her go.”
“Will he, though?” Iris asked, unease creeping in her chest. “What if he invokes the Blood Duel?”
Iris felt the shift in his mood at her question and watched him carefully as he slid his hand from hers and stood. His shoulders tensed even further and all at once, Iris felt the room heat up once more and her stomach dropped as he ran both hands through his hair, his breathing turning shallow again.
“He won’t have a fucken choice. A mating bond trumps everything else.” he growled softly. “But if Beron invokes the blood duel, I can promise that it will only end in agony for him. I will do everything I can to ensure it, even if means handing Helion the spear to plant in his chest myself. I will do anything. Anything to have him gone and be rid of this misery. I just need him gone without trying to take my mother with him.”
“You said your mother wants the killing blow.” Iris said carefully and she saw his fists clench. “Will that…be possible?”
“She will be ready for it regardless, but we will have to see how the events unfold.” he said in a strained voice. “Helion has enough pent-up rage in him towards my father that I wouldn’t be surprised if he killed him with one well-aimed blow.”
Iris opened her mouth but Eris resumed pacing with another shake of his head and continued.
“Elain’s visions keep telling me that pieces are moving and all we can do is be prepared for whatever is coming next,” he said. “The problem is there are too many things out of my control. There are too many pieces on the fucken chess board and I am — I am going to lose my fucken mind if things keep piling up.” 
Iris watched as he took another breath and fisted then flexed his hands. “You don’t have to handle all this alone.” she said and stood, watching the grimace he made at her words. “You can’t stay like this when you have people willing to help you.”
“The more people that help me, the more people get hurt.” Eris snapped and Iris frowned at his tone as he kept pacing. “I can’t — I can’t keep letting that happen.”
“Eris,” she chided gently. “You can’t stop —”
But Eris let out a snarl and Iris blinked to find him aflame once more.
“Don’t.” he said. “I can’t stop because the next person that he’ll hurt if I let one thing slip is you and that will bring hell upon us all.” His snarl shook the room and Iris felt herself tense. “Because if my father touches you. If he so much as looks at you wrong, I will kill him and probably get killed in the process and then everything we’ve been enduring for years will go up in flames from my stupidity.”
Iris’s face flushed. The anger and shame she had felt earlier had found its way again and the feeling seeped down her body as he stood across from her. “I’m not asking you to kill your father for me, Eris. I’m asking you to ease some of the things you’re carrying so you don’t keep doing this to yourself.” she snapped. “You’re lashing out at me right now while all I’m trying to do is understand what happened with you and find a way to help.” 
Eris was breathing hard once more and she braced herself as he walked over to her, his body burning. His hand curled around the nape of her neck and he pulled her flush against him. “I know you’re trying to understand and I’m trying to help you understand how fucked up this all is and how much I have hated every single thing about myself and my life for the longest time. That I have always been a thing my father uses to punish everyone for everything because I can’t stomach him doing it to anyone else.” He took a breath as Iris placed a hand gently on his chest, blinking rapidly. “The only reason my father isn’t dead yet is because I need to make sure it’s a fight I can win. Because if I die, then everyone else is left dealing with him. My mother. My brothers. You.”
His grip tightened on her as he continued, his tone almost frantic. “I’m telling you all these things so you understand that I am fucked terrified of what comes next because things have changed for me and the stakes are even higher and now I am a thing that has someone to leave behind. Someone who will be brutally hurt just because you’re linked to me in a way no one else will ever be.” he said as his wild eyes locked on her wide ones. “I have laid down everything at your feet. All of my armor. Everything that I am and you want to know why? You asked me what changed earlier. What happened to me.”
“Eris, you need to breathe,” she said even as her heart rate went wild, a hand clenching his arm. “I want you to tell me but I need you to breathe.”
But Eris shook his head and before Iris could open her mouth to say anything else, his expression fell and the grip on the back of her neck tightened once more. “You.” his whisper broken and his eyes watched her wildly, wrapping her in his arm as his flame licked every inch of her. He held her to him tightly, as if afraid she would disappear and slip through his trembling fingers. “You. You. Tell me you see it. Tell me you fucken feel it.”
Iris stared at him. She stared and stared and stared and that feeling, that tug she had felt in her ribcage earlier, seemed to intensify. What he was saying — what he was insinuating. It had crossed her mind only briefly, for one hopeful moment earlier, and yet — here he was, saying — he was saying —
Something had been different since that kiss. Something had been different about him since the moment she met him. 
“I — I felt you.” Iris found herself saying then swallowed. “When you were gone and took long. I don’t know how else to describe it but…I felt you.”
“You did?” he asked, nodding. “And what did it feel like?”
“A tug.” she said slowly. “Right in my ribcage. I feel it right now.”
Eris laughed a hollow laugh as he watched her beautiful face, her expression shifting as her mind processed what he was saying. 
And Iris blinked. “I kissed you.”
“You did.”
“And everything — it felt so right.”
“You said things were always intense between us.” he said quickly. “That we couldn’t fight the pull we felt towards each other despite the way our relationship started.”
“You kissed me.” he said almost desperately. “And every single thing in my life suddenly made sense. Every part of me made of stone suddenly became covered in you. Like ivy, wrapping its way around me whether I liked it or not. It was something I had never thought would be mine or something I deserved and yet somehow, this is happening. This is real.” 
Iris felt her body start to tremble at his words, the feeling inside her chest unfurling as every moment they had shared together flashed through her mind. Nothing about their relationship had made sense and yet, the two of them seemed to have been destined to find each other. Everything about them, Eris and Iris, fit together like puzzle pieces they hadn’t known were missing. She hadn’t been able to stop him from planting roots within every part of her mind and body, long before she realized what was happening — even when she had wanted nothing to do with him. 
He had always been hers and she, his.
Iris stared into his eyes, watching the hope mingle with the desperation he felt, and her hands slacked at her sides. She had spent her life adrift. Alone. She had spent her life barely mattering to anyone at all. Forgotten. And now, in a twist of fate, Iris had found something she hadn’t realized she was even worthy of.
Eris Vanserra had appeared in her life and what she had assumed would be a walk to the gallows, a nightmare like the one he had just returned from, was anything but. He was anything but.
He was her beginning, her middle, and would be her forever. 
They had both been lost only to be found within one another, the red string of fate guiding their path. 
“This is real.” she finally said and Eris nodded, his gaze never leaving hers.
“This is fucken real.” he said hoarsely. “This is very fucken real.”
Every glance. Every touch. Every moment that had angered her and made her laugh. Every moment that had made her feel. It had all been leading her here. 
It had been leading her home. 
Iris took a sharp breath and finally whispered the words, “You’re — you’re my mate.��
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ask-dcf · 3 months
More asks today!~
Hey all! Hope everyone had a great day yesterday uwu As for me today I got some personal stuff planned that I’m excited for but the good news is that we will have more asks answered today! So please be sure to send more asks everyone! Also also. Tomorrow imma be doing some stuff so I’ll try to get one ask done. But other then that things should be going smooth for a while! In any event imma get the asks ready. Much love and bless all! Take care! ^^
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gren-arlio · 1 year
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Part 3 of Waku Puyo Extras. (And a fairly big announcement for translations.)
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Ah, I'm running out of images, the Waku Puyo images, so the tride and true "Post Manga panels I do understand," got me covered. If I don't got anyone on my side, I know the Waku Puyo Manga does. Amen.
(Context for this page and a few others is Satan having a nightmare about Schezo and Arle marrying, and wakes up in a cold sweat. It's so goofy, and seems exactly like a Satan Nightmare, but the art goes hard.)
Heya, Gren here, and welcome to Part 3 of Waku Puyo Extras, the series where I find random videos about a route and go off from there because, even though I'm in the English Puyo Puyo Community Discord and have been lurking in the lore channel for like 3 years, I'm not verified yet because I'm scared to speak to the Ciel Bot. So if a mod or something SOMEHOW sees this...what're the odds for one, and two, idk we can talk via DM's or somethin' about lore.
(I really do want to speak there someday. Seems fun, I'll probably quietly add some details for this game onto specific characters pages.)
That aside, I'm here today to provide the community with more text and stuff to read.
Today's post will cover the following scraps I found while looking for stuff:
A video where Serilly appears again. Once again, Schezo and Serilly speak to each other, small but interesting.
A video that has a Rulue encounter and...that's about it. I'm really looking for scraps. Today doesn't have a whole lot.
Talk about the Manga for a bit. I plan to do this for most of the Extra Episodes, since it seems fun to do. Gonna specifically talk about Schezo and Serilly because...you know with everything going on, I think it's a nice start.
However, the scraps will become actual meals sooner or later because of two simple reasons. The first is that there's a whole video I'll translate that...has ALL 3 CHARACTERS...trading with Witch, starting next week, and that'll be Waku Puyo Extras Episode 4.
Yeah this girl really won't leave alone, its been like half a year of this stuff. Oh, what I do to translate. Oh and the video has Succubus too IG
Witch still is my 3rd favorite character though for the lunacy I've dealt with from her. Joking aside:
The REAL announcement:
About 2 weeks from now, I'll be trying my best to translate Arle's Route for this silly game.
That's right, I'm gonna do another Route that totally didn't take me 6 months to finish the main storyline. Waku Puyo Extras will still be real, trust me, but they'll be like filler episodes like in Dragon Ball, bits I release if the current video I'm translating is taking too long and/or if I just randomly feel like it. I will still also be doing minor Schezo Route stuff as well, and still take requests for all routes, so as usual, if you got a goofy screenshot to send me, DM me.
Big announcement away, it's time for the videos themselves, starting with:
Serilly Stuff:
...I did say I'm scraping for stuff. These things are so miniscule in the grand scheme that you could probably come to these posts just for the comedy act I try to put up.
The episode posted has been fully translated already, being Episode 3, for the record. Imma just translate the Serilly stuff.
But with that;
Timestamps: (...They're at the start of the video, but there's 2 different occasions, so...rip?)
Serilly 1: (0:05)
Serilly 2 (0:32)
...I wish I were kidding, it's that little. Lmao
With that out of the way, this marks the Readmore section of the post. Thanks for reading if you're not interested, and let's continue if you're enjoying this.
Serilly 1: (0:05)
This is such clean water, I can cleanse my heart there...
...Wait! What's a Dark Mage doing getting cleansed!?
Woman's Voice:
What're you doing here huffing by yourself?
Hm? I remember this voice from Water Paradise...
It's me, Serilly.
Oh, what're you doing here?
When I'm here, it feels like my mind and body are at ease.
...Yeah, seems like it.
I know, right?
(...And so, Schezo talked to Serilly for a bit.)
...I better get going.
Okay, but...come back soon!
Yeah, if I ever feel like it.
Serilly 2:
Oh! Mr. Schezo!
You're really here again!
(W-Why am I blushing!?)
(Schezo had a small chat with Serilly.)
...I'd better get going.
Okay, but...come back soon!
Yeah, if I feel like it.
Yeah, so some speech repeats itself at the end, but hey, Schezo seems to enjoy her company, a rarity nowadays. I'll go deeper when the manga portion comes up but so far, that's what you're getting.
And now, The Rulue Stuff:
This goofy video here is actually Episode 6 of the translations I've done here. I just missed a single talk coming from Schezo and Rulue. (Not even Minotauros. Guy is just nothing now.)
I'm not gonna timestamp this one because it's a SINGLE interaction at the start. I promise I'll make this up somehow.
So, with that...here's the interaction.
Rulue Interaction: (Start of the video)
Oh, you haven't given up your chase, have you?
Mind your own business. In fact, you should be the one to give up!
No more from you. That magical item will be mine.
Oh-ho-ho-ho, good luck on your wasted endeavors. (She says efforts here but...why not make her sound more sophisticated?)
That magic item will be useless for a meathead like you.
Yes, for the sake of the treasure, I cannot lose!
And...that's all for the translations. Not much, but I'll compensate with the manga.
For those who are unaware, Waku Puyo has a manga that wildly differs from the story of the game. Lot of characters got redesigns, most notably Witch, Incubus and Honey Bee have a MUCH bigger role, Lagnus is real, and tags along with Arle, (I'll talk about that next Extras Episode.) and even some new faces.
Since the 10 image limit is goofy, I'm gonna limit myself to specific things about the Manga. Plan is:
Talk about Schezo and Serilly because there seems to be a lot with them going on in Waku Puyo as a whole. I'll also mention Honey Bee too.
Lagnus tagging along with Arle, along with a couple of goofy pages I found.
Maybe Rulue's side of stuff...? This one I'm iffy on right now so currently it's in the air.
Since I'm unfortunately incredibly committed to my work, I decided to translate the Serilly section of Volume 2 and 3 of the Waku Puyo Manga. (For the most part...)
Here's how it goes.
It actually starts with Serilly hearing noises from the lower floors and becomes nervous at that fact, hoping her only friend, Satan, will come to help her. Schezo and Honey Bee (his ally who has the hots for him,) find her and realize that during the fight with Suketoudara, he said that she isn't exactly a fighter, and they should try to reason with her.
Due to the 10 image limit, I'm skipping a good amount of pages and really showing off highlights. However, I'll explain the thing entirely. Here is the Google Drive with the Manga, courteously given by Puyo Preservation.
Schezo then tries to chase her, scaring her, and he grabs her arm, which leads to this page.
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Honey Bee is pissed at the fact that they're holding hands and all that, meanwhile Schezo and Serilly are about as shocked. Serilly begins to actually sob, asking them to not bully her, while Schezo asks to give him the orb, and if she does, she won't get hurt. However, he's swinging his sword, which causes Serilly to get more nervous, leading to Schezo giving Bee his sword to not scare her off.
Surprisingly...it works. Serilly isn't as afraid as she was before, and Schezo asks if she know where the orb is, to which Serilly stutters a bit. For no reason, Honey Bee tries to threaten her, leading to Schezo hitting Bee away.
Serilly says they can't have the orb because her "friend," Satan, told her to guard it. Schezo gets mad at that, saying that a friend should be there for you, not be barking orders, and Bee herself adds onto that, saying that if he was her friend, why did he lock her in a room?
Unfortunately, Serilly says that she doesn't mind being locked here forever, as if she leaves, Satan will hate her, and she'll lose her only friend. She explains that she's never had a friend and was bullied all her life, so she doesn't want to risk it.
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Finally, Schezo has enough and says that she Satan isn't her friend, and that he manipulated her, leading to a similar case of what happening during the game...Schezo giving therapy.
Honey Bee insults Serilly AGAIN for her actions, and Serilly sobs while saying she's sorry for everything, leaving Schezo speechless after smaking Bee away. (Unfortunately, 10 image limit. Won't be seen.)
However, the 3rd picture below is when Schezo tells her to stop crying and that he'll...be her friend, if only she gives up her unhappiness, which she agrees to.
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The events are similar to the Game, even the part where Schezo thinks that he feels like he's preaching, and doesn't care if she's happy or not.
As Honey Bee basically insults her more, Suketoudara appears absolutely livid at what Schezo is doing to Serilly, and...basically tries to drown him. However, Serilly doesn't want to lose her new friend, so she rescues him, leaving Bee and Suketoudara shocked, even though Schezo had to save her too.
Leading to this.
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This beautiful artwork.
Schezo knocks out Suke for a bit, and he and Serilly look at each other, before looking away, blushing, leading Bee to get upset with both of them, saying they probably flirted in the water.
Even though Bee is pissed at how Schezo is carrying Serilly, they're both ok, but Schezo sustained a injury to his forehead, which leads to Bee comically trying to wrap band-aids around him.
Suke wakes up, saying that was the first time he ever saw Serilly help someone like that, which even she's shocked by. Bee though, says that it's natural to help someone you care for. Serilly goes up to Schezo, and gives him the key to the orbs. After that, Schezo tells Suke to bring Serilly away from the place, which angers him, but agrees to, before Schezo and Bee walk away.
However, Serilly yells at them to stop, before asking Schezo if he'll meet with her again.
Shown below is Schezo saying yes, if he ever feels like it, much to Bee's chargin, before they set for the door...which has Incubus in it.
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While it's just a section, it's a really, REALLY good section, and I feel like a writer/developer really wanted Schezo/Serilly to be real so they went all out here. And props to them, they did it well, and made some cool scenes.
With that...I believe this it the end. See you all next week.
Hope you enjoyed the show.
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emmyrosee · 2 years
hi emmy!! first off, i wanna say that i absolutely ADORE your writing and the way you interpret the characters, 11029238/10, top-tier stuff. also, i'd like to offer you a thought, a breadcrumb of an image, if you will. miya osamu in a rivals-to-lovers setting. what do you think? hope you have a great day filled with nice things!!
Oh… oh babe… whAT HAVE YOU DONE-
Also you’re the sweetest and you’re gonna make me cry so hush up before I smooch you 🥺❤️
This could work in so many settings.
But imma roll with a classic one bc I’m uncreative and love a cheesy trope 💅🏼 but if you want me to rewrite it lmk HAHAHA-
Picture it. You’re part of some petty crime gang, and you’re a late entry. He’s been there for years, ever since his brother’s the one who took off with a career in the one thing they were good at. This is his domain now; he knows you probably can’t hold your own and that you don’t deserve to be there, and rather than just expressing those thoughts, or even just dealing with them, Osamu Miya makes it his mission to make you miserable.
Cutting over you during briefings, refusing to do any sort of organization with you, taking credit for things you did on an outing, he’s an absolute worthless piece of company, and the minute you gain control you plan to send him the fuck away.
He’s old, okay, he’s been in the game far too long, and you’re sure to start letting him know that when he starts opening his mouth about your skills. It ears you both an adult version of scolding, but it doesn’t stop you.
“You want respect, you gotta earn it,” he snaps.
“Likewise, grandpa.”
And you don’t know why, but today, he’s been an absolute prick, going out of his way to ensure you are seen as a ridiculous little girl rather than any form of an actual gang member. He’s yelling, barking in your face, grabbing your arm to bring you places instead of just telling you where to go.
“Osamu. You don’t yell at someone like that,” people finally step in.
“I’m not yelling at someone,” he spits. He looks at you in disgust, “I’m yelling at her.”
And listen. You’re not one for violence, it was something that pissed the other members off. But this time, your hand reaches up to smack him hard, hard across the cheek, leaving a bright red mark in its place.
“I do not need your criticism,” you snap. “And this gang certainly does not. Need. You.”
“You don’t know the half of the shit I deal with for you-“
And again, your hands fist his collar and your shove him back into the wall, body on full adrenaline and pulsing with anger, “I don’t need your fucking pity. You are nothing to me.”
You flick him away like cigarette ashes before storming up and out of the clubhouse, slamming the door and letting the cool air of outside try to calm you down.
You could kill him. You could destroy him, and he doesn’t even care; one day, you would. You’re sure of it.
But for now, you let your exhausted legs carry you home and into your bed to try and let the chaos and fury of the day drip away.
That is, until about one am that night.
There’s a furious pounding on the door, quick and loud and it startles you fresh out of sleep, scrambling under the covers. It doesn’t stop, and you quickly grab your blade and scurry to the door, peering just enough into the peephole. “I know you’re right there,” an all too familiar voice (though it sounds nothing like him right now) calls through the door. “I just want to talk.”
“I’m armed.”
“I’m not.”
Your face drops in confusion before you open the door, and the sight before you had your breath getting caught in your throat and face paling.
“Miya…” you croak, eyes glazing up the massive frame in front of you. “What… what are you doing here?”
“I didn’t know where else to go,” he whimpers, the man audibly whimpers up at you, and your heart leaps in your chest when you look at his hands. “I couldn’t go anywhere else.”
They’re bruised, sliced up at the knuckles and torn along the bone, bleeding as he flexes them to keep them from scabbing. When you meet his eyes once again, and his face is no better, scratched and bruising and eye swollen from some form of hit.
He looks rough. Really rough.
“Good God,” you whisper in awe. “What happened?” You don’t think twice before your hand wraps around his thick wrist and gently tugs him into your place, locking the door and guiding him to the bathroom. He plops on your toilet while you gather some first-aid; he doesn’t answer you again, and you feel your nerves starting to pulse.
Silence falls on him, his eyes advert to the floor and far from you. You don’t pry, but you’re so used to him yelling at you that you don’t know how to react to his quiet.
“Hand,” you command, settling between his legs to tend to his wounds. He sighs and passes you his hands, wincing slightly when your finger presses into a wound.
“Gentle,” he mumbles, leaning his head back against the wall.
“Didnt know that word was in your vocabulary.”
“Usually ain’t.”
More silence. He whines occasionally at the stinging of peroxide, but he says nothing and you hate that. You have so many questions, so many thoughts, and he should know by now that you’re not gonna not ask them.
“Miya?” You say quietly. He grunts softly, and you give him a shaky sigh, “why… why are you such an asshole?”
“I’m a criminal who jumps men in the street when they owe us money, you’re gonna have to be a little more specific.”
“That’s not being an asshole,” you counter, wrapping a bandage around his hand. “That’s doing your job. That’s what we do.” He rolls his eyes, but you continue, “you’re an asshole to me, Miya. And… and I don’t even know what I did.”
He stays silent before retracting his hand from yours. His eyes turn towards the ceiling and he takes a sharp swallow, evident by the bobbing of his adam’s apple. You wait patiently, blinking up at him calmly, and he finally meets your gaze with a boyish glimmer past the cold, sharp pools of grey.
“Because… because you don’t belong here.”
“I’ve made my damn place very clear-“
“Shut up,” he says sharply, and while normally you’d smack him and tell him what-for, instead his vulnerability has you silent. “That’s not what I meant. I don’t care if you have your place in out gang; that’s not the fucking point.
“You shouldn’t be there,” he continues, sighing shakily. “I don’t know what brought you to us, or what you did to land yourself here, but anything else would’ve been better. People die out here; you’re too good for this shit, you deserve so much better than anything our bullshit can give you.”
“Don’t act like you know me, or understand the things I do,” you firm, and he peers at you through thick lashes. “And if I deserve so much better, why do you consistently make my life an absolute hell?”
“Because if you start to show dominance, they’re going to turn on you.” His quick answer shows he’s being genuine, and a shiver shoots down your spine. “In case you haven’t noticed, you’re the only woman in the damned gang that isn’t just an Old Lady. The minute you start getting brave, they’re gonna swallow you whole, princess.” His teeth grit, “and I’m not gonna let them do that to you.”
You cross your arms, “I can handle myself.”
“This isn’t about handling,” he snarls, and you see him tense back up like a beast in agitation. “I don’t care if you can handle your own- hell, you probably can. But there’s a reason you and I get stuck together doing petty shit; they’re going out there. You start poking your nose in that, they’re going to snap that pretty little neck of yours.”
“Shoji wouldn’t do that-“
“Not while I’m around.” He leans back against the toilet, looking down on you. “I keep you on my leash because if he so much as looks at you I’m-“
The vein in his forehead pops out at the mere idea of you getting anything other than respect, and at the sight, you’re quick to soothe him by cupping his swollen cheek in your hand.
“Miya,” you whisper, leaning in. “I’m fine. I trust them-“
“You never asked me why I’m busted up,” he cuts, leaning his head into your cool hand. “I’ve been in this gang for six years, I don’t trust these assholes. You can’t get comfortable; it’s why I’m here.”
A warmth fills your lungs and you mewl softly at his words, rising on your haunches to be closer to him. He seems taken aback, but rather than shift back to get distance, he leans down closer in challenge.
“I don’t need you to protect me,” you reiterate, and he huffs hot air through his nose. “But… I do like the idea of you being there to keep them at bay.”
“The shit I do for you and you don’t even realize it,” he scoffs, his eyes glazing your features. “Make you un-fucking-touchable.”
“I already was.” Your hands smooth up his bulky arms, and you relish in the way he shivers. “But now, with you here,” you pant, a loving hand smoothing ip the back of his neck, pulling him close to you. “I’m invincible, Miya. I never doubted for one second that you didn’t have my back.” You giving him a reassuring, albeit playful, smirk, watching a small grin of his own spread over his face. It splits the scab that had already started to form, crimson slowly slipping from the gash and down his chin.
One of your fingertips gently trace the ripped skin, watching his blood spread under your touch, “no one’s gonna ever touch me… not when you’re around, huh?”
“You make it all worth the trouble, doll,” he rasps, his own mammoth of a hand coming up to cradle the back of your head into a kiss. He tastes like blood, like cigarettes and menthol and neon and danger and it has you a putty in his hands. Your nails scratch at the buzz of his undercut, making him shiver and growl into your mouth.
His tongue is sharp, just like his words, his lips are torn up and he kisses you like it’s a challenge he wants to win, like a starved man with a morsel of food; gnashing teeth nip at your lips and grabbing paws keep your energy electric, and damn you’ve never wanted someone more.
Hands scoop under your thighs to pull you up and onto his lap, cradling him to the porcelain of the toilet while he continues to touch. Almost as if he’s memorizing your frame. His lips start to trail down your neck, suckling hard when he finds a spot that makes you keen or gasp.
It was wild.
Much like miya osamu himself.
“Who knew you cared so much about little old me?” You tease, and you feel him smirk against your neck.
“Don’t push your luck… you’re still a little princess bitch who needs to stay in her lane.” He lifts his head from your neck to lean nose-to-nose with you.
“And I can’t wait to knock you down a peg.”
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doodlebugg16-blog · 1 year
Pretty Soul
Single Dad! Mechanic! Eddie Munson x Fem! Reader blurb
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Warnings: mentions of (y/n), cursing,  kind of slow but also straight to the point??, anxiety, stress, fluff, she/her pronouns, Eddie is mid 20s, reader is same age, slightly descriptive?, if i’m missing anything lemme know
Summary: You meet Eddie and find out he has a daughter
A/N: This is my first time writing on tumblr hehe so plz spare me. I’m back on my eddie phase (its not a phase, its a lifestyle). any tips with format and if I need to add to the warnings plz let me know. I used to write on wattpad lmfao. I'm also coming out of a writer's block ew ik. also, imma always put “18+ minors dni” so make sure to read the warnings before reading!  I honestly didn’t know how to end this—cry—I spent two days writing this while getting out of this horrid writers block. Plz send suggestions lmfao.Hope you all enjoy! <3
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You finally moved out of your parents' house. Finally. You're waitress job finally paid off. You found a trailer just far enough away from your parents to where you wouldn't run in to them often and they wouldn't bother to visit. It wasn't much but it was yours and today you were moving in.
After pulling into your makeshift driveway, you parked and sat for a second. A sigh of relief escaped as you took in your new home.
Unfortunately, you had to unload and unpack by yourself. Your parents only cared about you getting out into the world.
You huffed as you attempted to carry one of the many giant boxes out of you car. You silently thank yourself for remembering to bubble wrap almost everything. As you set down the box inside, you turn to see the sky growing darker. You furrow your brows and look at your watch.
"It's only 3..." You mumble, looking back outside. Stepping back onto the front steps, it starts to drizzle. "Shit!" You run to your car and try to assess how much you half left, just for it to start pouring. Luckily, you have the hood of your trunk for temporary cover. You had a dodge ramcharger--curtsey of your parents graduation gift. Suddenly you heard a voice approaching.
"Are you okay? Do you need help?"
You turned to find a familiar frame. The man stood tall. He had curly hair, a little below his shoulders. Big brown eyes that looked tired. You noticed his attire--dark blue coveralls. Where have I seen him before?
"I-I'm okay! I'm trying to move in my stuff. I had no idea it was going to rain." You tried to smooth out your damp hair out of your face. He gave a sweet smile and gestured towards you and your home.
“Go inside and dry off. I can get the rest for you.” His offer was hard to resist. You sighed, doing a double-take towards the car. “Are you sure?” He nodded and shooed you away.
About an hour had passed and he had finished bringing in all of your stuff. The rain had finally stopped and you had realized you hadn’t gotten his name. 
“I’m (y/n) by the way.” You extended you hand towards him as he set a small box on the kitchen counter. He chewed his lip, contemplating the handshake.
“Eddie.” He replied, deciding not to leave you hanging. You smiled and nodded. “Thank you so much for helping me out. I probably would’ve drowned out there.” You giggled, letting go of his hand. They were warm and calloused. 
“It’s no big deal. Can’t have a pretty lady drowning, now can we?” His cheeky smile made your ears heat up. “I do have to be getting back now. It was nice to meet you, (y/n)” You nodded and walked him to the door. “It was very nice meeting you, Eddie. Take care.” With that he left and you shut the door, making sure to lock it for the night. Now it was time to figure out dinner and unpack all the chaos. 
You finally plopped on you bed after setting up your room. You turned to look at your clock on the wall. 12:00 a.m.
“Gosh it’s late..” Thinking out loud, you managed to get back up and grabbed some pajamas (a baggy t-shirt and black shorts).
You couldn’t sleep. One person kept flooding your mind. Eddie. Why was he so familiar? Why was he so nice to a stranger? Why was he so damn attractive? And why did he have to be your neighbor? 
Then it dawned on you. Highschool. The freak. That damn Hellfire club. You gasped and covered your face. 
You don’t remember falling asleep but now you are woken up by the sun hitting your face. “I gotta get some curtains..” You mumbled out, trying to rub the sleep from your eyes. It was a Saturday. You had the weekend to get things functional around the house before going back to work Monday. Looking at the clock you noticed it was 6:30 a.m.. You needed coffee badly.
You got dressed for the day. Blue jeans and a tucked in t-shirt with chucks. You wore your hair down. You grabbed your bag and keys, heading out the door. 
You locked your door and turned to notice smoke next door. You recognized the curly hair and smiled. The trailers weren’t far from each other. You walked to the end of your trailer and leaned against it. Eddie sitting on his steps maybe 5ft away.
“Good morning.” He returned the comment and took another drag from his cigarette. “Listen, I- um- I’d like to repay you for helping me out yesterday. Could I invite you over for dinner tonight? Or maybe I could bring it over since I still have boxes left?” You chewed the inside of your cheek immediately. He seemed to hesitate. “You really don’t have to repay me. I was just trying to be a decent human being.” You scoffed. “Which is exactly why I have to repay you. There aren’t many decent humans left nowadays. I have to run some errands anyways.” His lip tugged at the corned as he took a final drag and put out his cigarette. “I guess you’ve got a deal pretty lady.” You smiled and nodded in approval. “How does smothered porkchops sound?” You could see his eyes light up from a mile away. “ The pretty lady can cook?!” He exclaimed, jumping off of his steps, making it to the ground. You burst out into laughter. “Of course I can cook! And you have way too much energy this early in the morning!” You tried to stifle your laughter. He scoffed and threw his hand to his chest, pretending to be stabbed in the heart. It reminded you of how he acted in school. He never cared what people thought. He was still going to be his outgoing, weird self. “This might sound weird, but i actually remember you from high school..” He sighed and glanced back at his front door. “And you still want to offer dinner and continue talking to me?” You smiled. “I wish I had the pleasure of meeting you sooner. I would always end up in the library doing volunteer work while you guys would do your little club. It was actually quite entertaining listening to your game.” He blushed, letting a laugh slip.
That’s how it was for the next couple of weeks. You would wake up early to find him on his steps smoking. You would make coffee and join him. You noticed that on weekends he would sleep in later and work longer, later shifts. You found out that he is a mechanic and that he visits his uncle on the weekends. You felt like you were finally getting to warm up and know more about Eddie, until you woke up in the middle of the night to screaming and crying at your front door.
You jolted up and ran to the front door, yanking it open. Standing in-front of you was a little girl with dark curly hair in pink footie pajamas.
“Oh honey, what’s wrong? Are you okay?” You knelt down to her level. She sniffed and hugged you, clinging for dear life. “Daddy gone!” She whined out. You furrowed your brows and stepped onto the front step, glancing around. “You can’t find daddy? Do you know where home is?” You tried to communicate as best as you could. She immediately pointed to the trailer next to yours—Eddie’s. Your eyes widened. Did Eddie have a daughter? Why have you never seen her before? Was she confused?
You lightly bounced her and and contemplated walking over there to see. “What’s your name honey?” She rubbed her eyes and looked up to you. She had to be Eddie’s. Those big brown eyes and curly hair. “Liwwy.” She replied. She seemed to be getting tired again. You hummed and held her close, walking to the bottom of the stairs. “Alright Lilly, we’re gonna go find daddy, okay?” The little girl nodded and hugged your neck tighter. Before you started walking, Eddie’s front door swung open with him barreling down—almost missing the stairs completely. “Lilly?! Where are you?!” He yelled. He then looked in your direction and noticed the small figure in your arms. He rushed over and started spewing apologies.
“I’m so sorry—she was asleep—I—showering—“
You immediately grabbed his shoulder to calm him. “Eddie, it’s okay. She ran right over. I don’t think she went anywhere else. She’s okay.” He caught his breath and nodded. He noticed Lilly was now asleep in your arms. “I’m so sorry for waking you up. I thought the door was locked. She usually goes to my room.” You shook your head and smiled. “It’s really okay. If I would’ve known, I would’ve been more vigilant for this cute escape artist.” He smiled and ran a hand through his damp hair. “I wanted to tell you..I just—“
“Honey, you don’t have to explain. I’m just glad I could help. And if you ever need help, I’m right next door. She’s always welcome and so are you.” You spoke softly as to not wake the sleeping toddler. He nodded and gave a silent ‘thank you’. You carefully handed Lilly back and bid Eddie a goodnight.
From that point forward, you and Eddie spent a lot of time together. Lilly would spend “girls nights” with you before bed. You would often make dinner for the three of you. It was blissful. Eddie finally asked you out on an official date. The two of you became inseparable, along with Lilly.
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miscling · 7 months
⁉️While you do the second portion, wear the tens unit on your dominant arm, set to a level that isn't painful, but makes controlling your muscles difficult
🗣️ You should talk about your favorite representations of hypnosis in public media
I thought it would be fun to give you a light challenge today, I hope you don't mind :)
okkay so leftt handeeed typing thnen because the tenss unit iss nott a ligyht challenge mmmm i thnk i'mma have a hard time concetrating while this sthing is rinnugn even at its lowest setting this thing is intense
soo i only got itno hypnoi recently ui dinb;t reakky have a favourute representation in mediia to speakk of shorty of like, i used to do a vampire the nmasquerade larp and that had some ind controll powers like i'm used to dnd charm effects and stuff from rpgs imm trying really hard to think but the tens unit is soo hard to concetrate through like imma be paying attention to any hypno typoe stuff i see in media from now on like it was only a couple of mnths ago i realised i could even vbe hypnostised adn it opened a lot og foors for me i love it a lot my favourite ind of mind control hypno stuff is like, succubi for sure though like you know taht its a bad idea right from the off but like, so hot you'll do anything for them because they;er just that charming and also the thinf where ouget peop,le who've just been rewwrittem like who they were might stimll be in there but also theyte' someone nbew now. i really suckk at specifc examples though my brainn memoryt i s so unrelable for stuff ike thins!
wow this is hard i hope you like th answer!
thank you for the challenge! i really had to try hard thgriygh this one!
Thank you for the ask task! (4)
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xo-lesserafim · 1 year
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sunghoon long fic
synopsis: Many generations ago, Park Sunghoon’s family were the first ever Anti-Cupid, always causing people to get their heart’s broken. The Parks have 2 rules they must always follow. 1, always stay in their disguise when around mortals, and 2, stay away from their enemies, Cupids and to never engage or worse, fall in love. On February 14, a day full of love and the day where So Y/N, the daughter of the Cupids, had her heart-broken. Having a change of heart for a bit, Sunghoon goes to comfort her, later realizing who he engaged with.
In which Anti-Cupid’s child, accidentally breaks the most important rule his family has, and instead of break a heart, fix a heart (and fall in love)
( very important note, so when i mean like staying in disguise, he has to hide his wings and stuff etc!)
cupid’s match — anti-cupid!enemy!sunghoon x fem!cupid!reader
cupid’s disclaimer — bad jokes/humor, swearing but not ( like fxck to fudge, etc) arguments more to add🤗
cupid’s allies — enhypen, 04 of Ive, Hyujin of stray kids more to add
cupids making – 082523
cupid’s words — 623 for teaser
cupid’s note — WOOO THE TEASER EVERYONE PARTY! idk when imma release the whole thing tho. But i hope soon!
Before you read, and sunghoon’s way to say love around his family is hate “ like i hate you too mom!” and you might be confused on how Sunghoon's parents fell in love if they’re anti-cupids, they broke each-other's hearts. Send an ask if you want more info
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“Sunghoon! What do I always tell you,” his mom yelled. “Always to stay in disguise around mortals, and to never engage with Cupid’s,” he replied, groaning. “Always keep it in your head dear,” Mrs. Park said, smiling. “Anyways, hurry up now, we wouldn’t want you to be late.” “Alright mom,” he said, hurrying up to get his shoes on, slowly tying them. “I’m on my way mom, I hate(love) you,” heading out the door. “Hate you too! Breaks some hearts today.”
February 14, the day he and his family hated. All the love in the air, he wanted it to burn to the ground. “Always try to discreetly ruin a confession,” he reminded himself. He could feel that this year will be the year where there will be many confessions he had to ruin.
He walked into Belift High, disgusted by all the hearts, and all the lovey-dovey stuff, he pushed through it. He noticed you, a huge Valentines enthusiast (and it was your birthday). He just ignored everyone until his best friends, Jay and Jake called for him.
“Happy Valenti-” Jake said as Sunghoon was walking to them. “No,” he replied. He hated those words. “You know how much I hate those words guys.” “If I could, I would delete those words from the dictionary!” “I would ev-.” He almost said as the bell rang. “Dang, whatever but you guys know what I would say.” He said. “Even bring them to a fire world.” Jake and Jay said in sync, walking to their classes.
Y/n’s pov.
“Finally! Class is done, and I get to ask him out!” You thought, excitedly. Hwang Hyunjin. The popular boy of grade grade no, the entire school. Today was the day where you’ll confess to him. You’ve guys grown closer from a project in a class, and you think he actually likes you! I mean you’ve seen glances, and he’s given compliments many times before! You actually think you don’t need to use your arrows or love potions!
You meet up with your friends outside. “Today’s the day huh?” Rei asks. “Obviously! I planned out how this will go. It will go perfectly!” You said excitedly. “Well good luck girl!” Wonyoung said, cheerfully. “And you have to let us know what happens.” Liz adds. “Of course, I would tell you guys everything.” You said. “Oh it’s time to meet him! I’ll see you guys later!”
Hearing Good Lucks and Bye’s while waving at them, you feel confident, but oh how it will go horribly wrong.
“Hyunjin!” You said waving, walking into the cute cafe you’d talk about a lot to him. “Hey YN!” He said, waving. Gosh he is so cute! “Happy Valentine's Day Hyunjin.” You said. “Happy Valentines Day YN” he replied back, smiling. “Here I got you your regular.” He said, giving you your drink. He even remembered your drink order! “Do you know why I wanted to talk to you?’ You ask. “Tell me why.” He says. “I like you Hyunjin.” Silence overcame between. “What?” He asks. “I like you Hyunjin, ever since 6th-,” “I’m sorry but I don’t feel the same.” “What?” “I like Wonyoung…” You and Silence became one person for a bit. “That’s okay!” You said,checking your phone. “Oh, um I have to go tho. But don’t worry! It's completely chill with me.” Paying for your stuff, and dashing out, running to the park nearby.
Walking nearby, Sunghoon saw you run out the cafe, curious about the recent event he ran after you. Seeing you on a bench, crying so hard, he sat by you.
“Are you okay?” Looked up at him.
“Why is he asking me if I’m okay?!”
“Why am I asking her if she’s okay?!”
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t.list : @wonfied @misokei @cherrysvng @sobun1est @sureogi
send an ask or comment to be added!
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Copyrights © 2023 xo-lesserafim. All rights reserved. do not copy, translate, or repost anything without my permission.
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themagnusbane · 2 years
GAP The Series Episode 3 Thoughts
Mon is like Imma your blushing PINK bride, and you know what? I respect that.
I should not be imagining Sam's sequined nails around my throat. I should not be imagining Sam's sequined nails around my throat. I should not be imagining Sam's sequined nails around my throat.
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3. Mon being all like "Yo. Sam. Why do you have such dark circles" is sending me!! Girl! You out-ghost-storied her the previous night. Of course her ass couldn't catch a wink of sleep. It's why she's all dressed in black today. So she can be the devil of your nightmares.
4. That choker around Sam's name is just so pretty. I don't know if I want it, or if I want her to put it on me.
5. Sam putting that statue beside her bed to ward off spirits, gives me my Christian mother putting a bible under my pillow when I tell her I have nightmares, vibes. It doesn't do shit. But it makes you think it does shit. Until you wake up screaming in the middle of the night with the realization that it didn't do shit. And considering Sam's bags underneath her eyes, clearly it didn't do shit.
6. Sam my love. There is no way the traitor is going to just confess cuz you asked. Like I know you're mommy and all. And I want to do everything you ask me to. But traitors are often made of sterner stuff unfortunately. You're going to have some to do some sleuthing to get to the bottom of this.
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7. The way Sam slowly looks up at those confessing. FUCK! Also, I have a weakness for zippers at the front of a shirt/dress. Like... They just seem right within reach. A little pull with two fingers or my teeth, and there. All naked. SAM WHY ARE YOU TEMPTING ME???? This is criminal!!
8. Mon almost spilling the beans is valid. I mean, Sam looking like THAT is all the torture I need to confess EVERYTHING I've ever done.
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9. Nails against her cheek. A gentle scrap against the side of her mouth... FUUUUUUUUCK! Sam that should be illegal! How's the poor girl meant to think straight? How am I meant to think straight!
10. Mhee is ME and I am MHEE!!! I too want to pull out their intestines and squash and smash it. How dare they sabotage Sam's business?!!! How dare they mess with Sam's happiness???? This is homophobic!!! This is bullshit!
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11. Kirk, I want to trust you. But boy, if you are the one behind the scenes trying to Sabotage Sam into marrying you, I will enter this screen and whoop your ass!
12. Ha! I called it. Kirk, you backstabbing, traitorous, gullible FOOL! Now I know Nita's hot. I mean goddamn! Put look at that mouth. Her lips are red with LIES! LIES! LIES!!!!!
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13. Look at these two idiots your honour. OMG!!! But honestly Sam, absolutely valid. I too will smack a ghost on the head with a book. Fantasy books are for reading and for defending against supernatural creatures.
14. I swear if this conversation about waterproof makeup isn't set up for Sam using some of her expensive makeup on Mon; with her looking into Mon's eyes, putting mascara on Mon as the latter looks up at her, applying lipstick and gloss to Mon's full lips, with her gaze dropping down to Mon's mouth... I WILL RIOT!!!!
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15. "Come work with me. One on One." Oh trust us Sam. She definitely wants to work with you one on one. She wants to work with you, on you, under you, behind you, in front of you... Our girl Mon is INVESTED!!!
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16. Sam being all "If you don't agree to work with me. Alone. Just you and I. and Me and You. Alone. Together. Working..." Girl. WE KNOW why you're making this request. You're not so slick!
17. Hehehehehe. No need to feel bad Sam. I too have the motormouth disease when I'm in an idyllic location with the girl I like. There's just something about the calm that has you blurting shit out before the realization hits you that your brain to mouth filter has disappeared along with your stress.
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18. Mon's "Please remember me" stare and gulp... My heart. My sweet baby. PAIIN!!!
19. Wow. Way to call out my broke ass Sam. I would hate you, if not for your adorable hot Mommy ways. Urgh! Rich people are so pretentious. You're lucky we AND Mon love your pretentious ass.
20. Every time I see Sam's grandmother, I want to forget all the home training my mama gave me and just cuss her ass out. Urgh!!!
21. Hold the fuck up! Did this WITCH of a grandmother just imply that Song got what she deserved with that accident because she didn't listen to her controlling, homophobic musty ass? Oh HELL NO! The audacity of this WITCH!
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22. All of them confessing to Sam has me CACKLING!!! But you know what? Fairs. I repeat, if it had been me in that room, I would have given up all my secrets too. The way she looked should be classified as an interrogative technique!
23. Those power shoulder pads! That walk! Sam is serving LEUKS!!!!!!!!!
24. "Bullying" "How to gain the trust of your subordinates". I love how all the titles she's coming up with are things she can't speak on cuz she IS a bully and she doesn't have the trust of her subordinates. Oh Khun Sam. You're so thick-faced. I love you though. But girl, you have ZERO self-awareness.
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25. Sam, you are NOT that slick. Mon knows, we ALL know that you want her to work at yours. Trying to spin it like Mon's the one desperate for a sleepover. Ha!
26. Mon's dad being all "you don't need to state the request my lady. Do with my daughter what you will" has me CACKLING!!!! OMG!!!! And her mother in the background giving him the thumbs up! Ggjghjghjghjgjhghj. They're like "awww shucks baby girl. You were hoping we won't let you go to stay with the right honourable lady Sam? Are you daft???"
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27. Oh God! Her dad basically outing all her secrets to Sam. I'm dead. DEAD!!!! Mon my darling. You can sink into your seat now. I'll sink along with you. THIS IS MORTIFYING. OMG!!!!
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28. Hahahaha. I love that Sammon's way of flirting is for Mon to sing horror songs until Sam's demanding that she joins her in the bath. I'm writing that down. Hehehehehe.
29. OMG!!! Isn't that the first time we're seeing Sam smile??? Look at that smile! Look at that happy face!!! And it's all thanks to Mon!!! My babies. I love them!!!
30. Sam. That lacy house coat. Yes. God. Yes. Please. God. YES!!!!
31. Ha! Busted. What do you mean she should go to sleep you besotted sap! Mon's going to figure out that the reason why you brought her to your house isn't to work at all. Hahahahaha.
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32. Sapphics matching nighties is code for one thing: "Can you feel the LOVE TONIGHTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT"
33. Gods! Sam's stare. I swear if these two don't at least kiss in this scene/tonight I will lose my shit!
34. That "Lie down, then" with the incline of her head? FUCK MY LIFE. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK.
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35. Wait. Why am I noticing that Mon still has gloss on. Mon. Your makeup's still on. Didn't you hear about not wearing makeup to bed???? Are you trying to mess up your face and Sam's sheets.... [Aaaaaaand my head just went to a totally different way they could totally mess up Sam's sheets. Hehehehehe. This is what I get for the fucking show edging us so bad. Just let them kiss already goddammit!!!]
36. Nop. Stop calling her dammit. You're getting in the way of lesbians trying to get their beauty sleep. She's not interested in your heterosexual ways.
37. Knowing what we know about Sam's grandmother and her shitty parenting, her "you are very lucky" to Mon, hits extra hard.
38. Sam's adorable pout when she thinks that Mon is laughing at her. Gah!!! She's so adorable and so cute!!!!!!
39. Two sapphics playing. Of course they're going to get themselves wet.
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40. Hands on cheek. Some eye-fucking. Both of them wet in the pool. KISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!
41. Urgh!! The writers are KILLING ME!!! Let them kiss already!!!!!! WTF???? Y'all have been edging us since episode 1!!
42. Ha! The sapphic tumble. The casual moving them around until Mon falls into Sam's arms. I LOVE IT!!!!
43. "Why is my heart beating so fast when I'm with you?" I AM DEAD! Dead and DECEASED!!!!
44. Aaaaaaaand that's where they end the episode. Motherfuckers!!!! I swear, if episode 4 doesn't start with them kissing, I AM RIOTING!!!!
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@ellaspore my fellow GAP lover, here are my thoughts on episode 3.
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channelworldbluez · 3 months
So my gf surprised me by sending some stuff to my house today, totally wasn’t expecting it until she text me “don’t go nowhere in the next 25 mins” and me being like ???? And then in 25 mins lo and behold I get a delivery lmaoo but
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When I say I was blushing!!! (And still am blushing like wtf) Babe got my favorite chocolate candy, she knows I go absolutely feral for Reese’s and Butterfingers and SHE GOT THE KING SIZES!!!!, she hooked me up with some Key Lime Pie(which I told her I never tried and she said “imma put you on”), got some dried mango perfect for Summer, SHE GOT BLACK NAIL POLSIH FOR MY EMO ASS LMAOOO, and also a face mask she got because we were talking about skin care stuff and I know she does that as part of her self care and I was like bet…uhhh can I try, I’m tryna see sum and forgot I even said that but lol she remembered.
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I’m her Stitch if you even care 🙄…..
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celestie0 · 4 months
its been forever bae i���ve missed uuu ☹️ i’ve been so busy lately i havent had time to send in my asks 😞 i’ve been thinking abt u tho 😘🤞(omg gojo is that u?? am i gojo??)
OKAY BUT BAE OH MY GODDDDD I’ve started catching feelings for one of my friends and he is literally the sweetest kindest most caring boy i’ve ever met. we’ve been friends for YEARS and he has literally NEVER hurt me. he’s the kind of person you can talk to about anything and he will literally literally not judge you no matter what ☹️whenever im with him i always feel so safe
okay so a while ago his friend who imma call J was interested in me and kept trying to flirt with me, but the guy i like (imma call him C) noticed this and he got like very protective of me. like for example he wouldn’t leave me alone with J, he’d be kinda touchy when J was around and he always made sure to keep J at a distance. One time tho J approached me when C was busy doing something and J was like saying some kinda weird creepy stuff to me so when I told C he was FURIOUS 😭 I swear he looked like he wanted to smack someone, I also found out that J was a playboy and he liked to mess with a lot of girls so I think thats why C was acting that way??
the other time was a few days ago C and I decided to hang out at a park bc it was a nice day and I decided to make a flower crown bc there were a bunch of daisies,, so I was sitting on the grass making it and C was sitting next to me watching me so I asked if he wanted one but like the boring man he is he said no 😒😒 so i picked up a daisy and tucked it behind his ear instead 😆 he wore it the entire time we were out and he even kept it ☹️ lowk felt like i was having a main character moment, LIKE IT FELT STRAIGHT OUTTA A FANFIC OR SOMETHING 😭 it felt fanfic worthy anyway 🤷‍♀️ OKAY BUT I SWEAR I CANT TELL IF HE KNOWS IN FLIRTING WITH HIM OR NOT 😭 cause like i said we’ve been friends for years so we’re just super comfortable and close with each other 😭😭
okay but enough abt C,, how’re u doing bae?? i’ve been missing u lately ☹️💗 i hope you’ve been taking care of yourself! it was pretty hot up here in norcal for this past week so I can only assume its been hot down there as well?? imma tell u bae as a city girl,, i cannot deal with hot weather. over 67° and i’m melting 😭 idk how you guys in socal do it 😭
anyway bae thats all for now,,
-🦌 anon
awwww hii my love i was thinking about you earlier last week!! so happy to see u <33
omg 🤧 C sounds soooo nice :””) he had those red flag glasses on when he was steering u clear of J but also maybe he was jealousss?? 🤔🫣🤭 also the flower thing is so adorable n you’re so right that’s like straight out of a fanfiction omggg ✋🏼😭 friends to lovers goes CRAZZYYY. if you like him bb u should tell him how u feeeeeel. i just watched ‘one day’ netflix series recently which is like friends to lovers but hella slowburn over the course of like twenty years but if there’s anything it taught me, it was to just tell ppl how u feel honestlyyy 😭😭😭 i’m rooting for you!! also is this the same guy that you were texting last time that wanted to stay awake w youuu at night?? 👁️
i’ve been doing well my love!! i just got back from a 20 mile bike ride so i’m exhausted n gonna go pass out LOL. im training to do a 100 miler w my friends in october so 😵‍💫😵‍💫 been spending sunday mornings working on rides haha. but yea im chillin im gonna hang out w my mom cuz mothers day i think her fav brunch spot is doing some 15% off mimosas thing so my brother n i are gonna take her there. YEA omg its getting hotter slowly, surprisingly this week is going to be still cold for us, tbh it’s supposed to be hotter this time of the year i’m a bit surprised by how pleasant it was when i was out riding today?? the sun only came out around 10am. shocked but i’m not complaining HAHAHA. we’re like low 70s rn and its bliss bc once summer hits i just wanna DIE. so jelly of youuu ik norcal has some wind to cut the heat too but not so much here at least not where i live since i’m more central from the beach 😭
i missed u toooo bb so nice to hear from you <333 LOVE YA HUGS N KISSES 💋 💕
- ellie 🦢
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evaxoxoblog · 7 months
Hi, it's been a bit longer than usual since my last post. The last week has been good, and I had a great time with my friends last week. I might be seeing them tomorrow but the weather looks awful so we'll see (we were planning on having a picnic).
Stuff has been a bit weird with my other friend. She says she wants space but her actions say otherwise. That's as far as I'm going to get into it, but I just know I shouldn't interact with her yet, for her sake as well as mine. All I've really thought I could do is pray that she is going to be okay soon. I'm not even religious, but if there is something that can bring her happiness across the universe or whatever, I might as well try it. I think I feel like this because, even though she has been a bit of a shit friend, I still love her so much, and I don't think I will ever stop loving her. That's just how it is.
On to a fun topic, my albums arrived today! i ordered Oddinary (skz), Easy (le sserafim) and Layover (v) two weeks ago and they got shipped on the 19th bc it was a preorder. I think I already said this.
for oddinary I got the random version and I got the red edition!!! i also pulled hyunjin (3rd time now my luck is so good wtf) and changbin, which I've been hoping for for SO long (and it's actually rlly funny bc I was talking to my friend about who I would like to pull and I said changbin- we were talking about this bc we were learning the verb conjugations for 'to pull' in french: "je voudrais tirer changbin"), and then Han's ID card (omgomgomgomgomgomgomg). I also got the Felix miniposter (aaaaaaaaa).
for easy I got the 3rd concept (the pink one, I forgot the name) which is probably my favourite :D and I pulled sakura which for some reason I knew I would get her (???)
and then for layover i pulled v (that's so crazy omg) and I got the 2nd version bc it is gorgeous and I adore it. if you are planning on getting it pls do because it is like 100000000000 x better in physical, you can just tell so much work has been put into all of it and its so lovely. there is a letter included too which is all in Korean so imma try to translate that soon (its going to take so long even with the google image translator omd) but it's such a sweet thing aaaaa.
anyway, me and my delulu ass friend have started sending each other snapchat pics "from" skz members which really really isn't helping our current condition (she's literally 'mrs bang' in my contacts) but I think chrizztopher would be proud sooo :)
x eva
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