#but in the second lesson after making us read from the textbook she made us write. this woman
crescentmp3 · 2 years
also hi i live
#yeah sorry </3 i went dead asleep for a bit and then played mortal kombat really really hard#hmm what part did i leave it at? oh! i was nightwolf and was about to fight.. cyrax?? i think? yeah..#also theres been two other earthquakes over at hatay. not feeling amazing#i think a tsunami warning just came but i dont know‚ heard from mom#they're also saying an earthquake will hit istanbul#frankly not excited! to be quite honest! btw!#anywho. today was the first day of school after the mourning break for the earthquakes#was pretty fine‚ got to see my close friends again#which one of Allah's creations on His beautiful earth decided to put chemistry and history#back to back#first four classes#on MONDAY#should hit their toe on furniture twice as many times as usual. i think#but other than that! doing great#god my hatred for the two classes isn't even about the subjects themselves.#my chemistry teacher ms. deniz (feels weird to not add hoca after that..) is a nice teacher#BUT! insufferable lessons when its in the morning first thing#at least i comprehend what shes saying. my history teacher ms. eylem? ohoho#thankfully she spent the first lesson talking with us about the mourning period and fearmongering#but in the second lesson after making us read from the textbook she made us write. this woman#you'll be writing the first word and shes already on the third sentence. ma'am please </3#we are not cyborgs!! we don't have enhanced abilities for fine motor skills!!#im not raiden mgr:r!! or raiden mortal kombat for that matter but hes not relevant#but yes. normal day for the most part#♚ — rambling !
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crawlspacefics · 7 months
The perspective of Makoami as parents is still something I absolutely adore, so that leads me to ask. What kind of mother do you think Ami would be when paired with Mako?
Who's the 'fun' mom? Who's the mom Miki would be more likely to show a failed grade? Or the mom who would reinforce more etiquette? Or watch a TV show with him?
I'd just love to hear more about them, you don't have to answer those questions to a tea.
Love your stuff as always 💖
Thank you.
Thank you for asking! I always like to talk about my girls and how I see their lives playing out. 😁
I think Ami and Makoto have a really good balance as parents. Makoto takes the stricter role, but just because I think she'd choose to be a stay-at-home parent so she's with him the most. Plus, she's going to wind up with a 7-year-old, a toddler, and an infant. She needs a schedule and some order just to keep her sanity! 🤣 But where Makoto teaches Miki how to bake or tend a garden, Ami teaches him why it works like that. Makoto teaches him to block when he takes a swing, Ami teaches him the physics behind the moves. Makoto keeps the homework schedule, but Ami helps answer the hard questions. Ami may even bring in the whiteboard (one for each kid as they get old enough to write) so they can leave messages for each other like she did with her mom.
Ami is definitely the more lenient parent in this scenario. I think it would come partly from her feeling some guilt for being away so much with work, and partly from her never wanting Miki to feel like the odd child out after the other two (who are biologically related to Ami and look A LOT like her mom's side of the family) come along. So when Makoto is making him eat all his vegetables, Ami is secretly passing him pieces of chocolate under the table. Ami probably also has a really hard time letting the timer run when he's in time-out. Miki's eyes may be blue, but he looks like a tiny Makoto and when he pouts at her... he just has her totally wrapped around his pinky finger. Makoto teases her about this. LOL. In Miki's early years, reading time is probably Ami's textbooks. But when he gets a little older, she's going to teach him the absolute joy of reading a novel in a bubble bath. They go used book shopping together so if he drops them in the water, he doesn't feel as bad about it.
Makoto isn't all rules and vegetables, though! She's always going to be a bit nervous when she doesn't have her eyes on Miki, but she isn't a helicopter parent. She teaches him to be independent while watching from just enough distance that she can easily intervene. She makes sure the kids wash their feet and stick to bedtime, but she also gets down on the floor and pretends to be the monster so they can play Sailor Senshi in the costumes she made for them. When Miki asks how his baby brother got there, Makoto happily hands him off to Ami so she can pull out "the book" and stumble 😳 through the biology lessons. But the second he turns 13, Makoto pulls out the box of condoms and the cucumber for the practical lessons, because while she will NEVER use the word mistake where Miki is concerned, she wants him to be better prepared than she was.
But don't forget the others! There's a bit of communal raising of children going on here. Miki wants to know how to talk to a girl? He contemplates Uncle Haruka but quickly realizes Aunt Minako is the best source. First time he's embarrassed by a bad grade? Aunt Usagi, because she makes him feel better and then drags him home to Ami and just lays it out like it's no big deal. Not like that one time Usagi got a 22 on her math test, and if Ami could help her fix that enough to pass entrance exams, she can fix Miki's 63 no problem! He wants to go to the anime convention with his friends? Go see Aunt Rei for the latest fandom cosplay trends! She'll hook him and his friends up with the best group cosplay ideas and make sure they have exactly what they need for autographs.
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chiiyuuvv · 9 months
This is so wholesome yall made me smile while writing :")
2k words (took me 3 days to write)
@yzerpoz , @cake1box , @Impuvritxes , @yuniniverse
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5:32 PM
A hum leaves your lips as you flip to the next page of your textbook, your pen beating against your cheek as you twittle with it, learning the new lesson. Your old school didnt offer these types of assignments, your mind overwhelmed with the new information you've never seen before. Your legs kick up to spin around in your brand new armchair, trying to get your mind flowing, thinking.. something. You agree with the green haired boy from a few hours prior, chemistry was hard.
Your mind pushed to the rim, your eyes flying everywhere else but your huge textbook that sits in the center of your work table. You take in the series of boxes sitting against your closet, a mental reminder to finish unpacking your things, your new dressers looking lonesome without some clothes stuffed into it.
You still needed to decide where you were going to place all of your decorations, your walls broad compared to your old room, clean with so much space to put everything you could ever desire. Maybe you were going to finally hang up that poster that just sits at the side of your bed, or even a new rug to accompany the cold wooden floors; you werent very sure what you were going to do to make use of your time, your head resting on your chair as you take another spin to clear your mind.
Rubbing your eyes, you think back to the boy from a few hours ago, a smile tugging at your lips. Where was he anyway? You didnt know much but you were sure of one thing: that he was going to be a good friend. Although he seemed intimidating from the start, he offered such a gentle smile that washed away all of your fears, a personality so bright and welcoming that it made you want to come out of your shell. Wonders that man did.
And it seemed like the universe could read your mind, the doorbell ringing a few seconds after. Luckly, you could see who the person was by the windows that were placed on the sides of your room, your feet having a mind of their own as they jump out of your chair and parade down the steps of your stairs. "I got it, mom!" You shout, finding the said woman with a phone prompted against her shoulder, a thumbs up sent your way as she continues to ramble on the phone.
You unlock the door slowly, your eyes peeking through the crack to find the boy you were just thinking about nervously ruffling his hair, his fingers tapping against a glass container that sits in his hands as he looks around the area. "Hi." Your voice was smaller than you hoped, his head snapping to your direction as you widen the door, revealing yourself in some comfy shorts and a random shirt. "Hi." He replies, a grin on his lips as he takes in the sight of you. You looked cute.
"What are you doing here?" You ask, playing with the ends of your oversized shirt. "I wanted to talk to you- my mom made some cookies." The boy rambles, his arms extended to pass you the glass tray that was in his hands.
"Wait, im confused." You wave around your finger, a teasing smile on your lips as your eyesbrow raised. "You wanted to talk? Or did you just come to deliver some cookies?"
"Both." You share a laugh, sumins cheeks turning pink as he looks down, staring at his shoes. "Can I.. come in?" He looks up, you could see the shyness in his eyes as you nod.
"I dunno, can you?" Your teasing didnt work out the way you thought it would, a confused expression on the male. "You can come in, im just joking." You chuckle awkwardly, the boys lips forming into an 'o'
"Lemme take you to my room." You nod at sumin, leading him up the flight of stairs and to your slightly messy area, your feet pushing a random sock to the side as you sit him on your bed. "I'll take these," you take the glass of cookies out of sumins hands, "and ill be right back!" You shout hurriedly, going down the stairs again and towards your kitchen, sitting the cookies on the counter and alerting your mom who was at the door.
Sumin notices how similar your rooms were as he waits for your return, your beds aligned the same direction, a worktable to the left of it, and your windows facing each other. He couldnt help but daydream about his future days, waking up in the mornings and looking out his window to find you offering a small smile and wave. His heart pumps with excitement; hes always wanted a neighbor that he could befriend, tired of some snot nosed little kid or cranky person in their forties. He finally found someone that was the same age as him, even in the same class. He felt lucky.
Sitting crisscrossed, he hums to himself. His fingers drumming his thighs as he continues to look around your room, taking in your boxes filled with your belongings. Maybe he could come over tomorrow some time and help you unpack, use that as an excuse to hang out, wanting to use every opportunity he could to learn more about you. He felt curious, could you blame him?
And that curiousness had a mind of its own, sumin getting up from your bed and to the array of boxes that sat in a perfectly straight line in the corner of your room, by your closet. He felt bad for snooping around, breaking a basic rule of privacy and maybe even your trust. But he just couldnt help it. He needed to know everything.. like right now.
An open box brings his attention, the back of what seems like a poster sticking out. And without second thought he takes it, a gasp leaving his lips as he analyzes the picture. It was one of his favorite bands, posing at a skateboard park. Wait a second, you were a fan??
The band was like anything ordinary, the lead singer accompanied with his guitar and the second singer that was female, another female on the keyboard and the last male on the drums. Although they didnt do much, they still managed to win the hearts of many, releasing their new album and announcing their long list of concerts. Turns out they were visiting your city, sumin already buying his ticket and fortunately he bought another one just so his friend could bail out on him. Maybe he could take you with him? Only to hang out, of course.  
"I see you've found my poster. Not to steal it, I hope." Sumin lets out a shriek, a jump leaving his body as he spins around, finding you leaning against your door frame, a foot tapping on the floor. "I can explain!! I just-"
"Wait.. you're a fan too?" You stop him, your eyes lighting up as you clap with excitement. Its not everyday you find someone with the same musical interest as you. "Yeah.." Sumin stands up from his previous sitting position, his back straight and cheeks pink from the scare, still trying to calm his nerves.
"I'm sorry for looking through your things, by the way." His head falls down in disappointment and embarrassment, his fingers playing with each other as he waits for you to kick him out in disgust.
But you dont. When you begin to laugh, sumin nervously brings his head up, a small grin stretching onto his lips at the sound of your sweet laughter. "No, no." You catch your breath, waving your hands in the air. "Its quite alright actually." Your smile makes sumins heart skip a beat.
"Oh." He says, his smile getting wider. "So um.." he scratches the back of his neck, "how did you get to know them?"
You sit on the floor in front of sumin, making yourself comfortable as you ramble about how they appeared on an ad from a tv show you watched from a year ago, their captivating performance catching your attention that you wanted to learn more about them, making yourself a fan.
"If you dont mind me asking, what show were you watching?" The green haired boy curiously asks, his body leaning against his hands that were prompted behind him. "Oh!" Your eyes light up again, telling the boy the show title.
"Wait.. you watch that too?!" Sumin sits up, leaning to your direction with amusement. First you like the same band, then you watch the same show.. what kind of luck was that?!
The show youve been watching, a reality show, just earned a new season. "Oh my god, jessica is so stupid." Sumin remarks as you begin to ramble about the show, a sigh leaving lips as he shakes his head.
"I know! Johnny clearly wants her yet shes going after kyle.. that doesnt even like her if i should mention!"
"Johnny's good looking too.."
"Yeah, wait- you like johnny??" You send sumin a look, wiggling your eyebrows.
"What, no!! I don't!! Stop looking at me I dont!!" He covers your eyes, a laughing leaving your lips. "What i mean is that i wanna work out like him, you know?"
"Mhm sure.. I'll still support either way." Sumin scoffs, leaning his head against the floor as he rolls his eyes. "I dont like you.." he mumbles against his arm, earning another laugh from you.
"We'd definitely have to watch it together some time." You say, calming yourself from your previous laugh, watching out of the corner of your eye at how sumin sits up, his ears perked like a dogs when he hears your words. "Yeah?" His smile grows.
"Yeah." You nod, smiling back at the boy. "What day are you fre-"
"Im so sorry." Sumin apologizes at the sudden noise that cuts off your sentence, fishing through his pockets to find his phone that was chiming, a message from his mother that askes him to come home for dinner. "I gotta go." You could hear the disappointment in the latters voice, his smiling dropping when he realizes that he has to leave your presence. But theres always tomorrow, right? He tries to reassure himself, brushing off his knees and getting up on his feet.
You follow suit, your chuckle fading as you lead him downstairs and to your front door. "Hey." You stop him, a hand patting his shoulder while the other unlocks the knob. "I had some real fun back there. Never thought I'd meet someone that likes the same things as me." You admit, trying your best to change sumins frown into a smile. It works.
"Yeah, me either," He replies, scratching the back of his nape. "Oh!" His eyes widen, his pointer finger in the air as he remembers something. "The band, im sure you know about the concert right? I have an extra ticket and im not sure what to do with it, but since you're a fan too.. maybe you could come with me?" He offers a small smile, his hands stuffed into his pockets as he hopes he gets your approval.
"Oh.. are you asking me on a date?" You tease.
"I mean.. i wouldnt mind you know," he shrugs, sharing a laugh. It felt like sumins head was spinning, his heart skipping beats at your smile, your laughter.. it made him want to cherish little moments like this. But wasnt it a little weird; you've only met earlier today, your second time talking. Why did he feel this way? What was he feeling??
"I'd love to go." Your words break him out of his trance, a stupid smile unconsciously stretching sumins lips.
"Great, I'll see you tomorrow?" He winks, opening the door and letting himself out when you nod. He turns around once to wave which you happily reciprocate, then another time when he reaches his home that was beside yours, his smile getting impossibly bigger by the second. You wave again, a giggle leaving your lips at his silliness as you close your door, your back resting against it as a sigh leaves your lips. Today was a good day.
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spiderxling · 2 years
Alright, so. Peter was realizing a few things today. The first— he was terrible at time management. It wasn’t exactly a new discovery but it was a lesson he never seemed to learn. Did he know he had plans today? Yes. Did he still somehow manage to run late, even though he had it in mind since the moment he woke up? Also yes.
The second— he was really rusty at making friends. There was a gut-wrenching panic that set in almost instantly when he looked at the time and saw he should have left his apartment five minutes ago. As a result of said panic, he scooped up his homework before grabbing his phone to text Felicia that he would be there soon. The apology was riddled with typos but he was worried that these five precious minutes would make her realize her mistake, and never want to see him again.
The last time he had actually made friends was with Ned and MJ. And really, what did even do to gain their friendship? Nothing. It honestly felt like dumb luck that they stuck around him long enough to be tricked into liking him. But the truth? No one understood him like they did. Now that they weren’t in the picture anymore, Peter floundered when it came to any sort of interaction. It was all awkward and anxious and too many words falling out of his mouth that he couldn’t stop, and it was usually met with short answers and expressions that silently begged him to let them leave.
Needless to say, when Felicia asked him if he wanted to get lunch sometime it took a minute to sink in. There were a few people at ESU he was friendly with but holy shit she actually was asking to hang out with me?! Peter barely used his phone for things other than mindlessly reading through emails, or listening to police scanners. When he realized he had gotten a text, he figured it was one of his lab partners asking about the due date for the fifth time. He almost ignored it. But now he was glad he didn’t.
When Peter finally swung open the door to the little cafe, an already dramatic entrance made worse by the sharp twang of the bell, he was panting. Technically he had made really good time— this place was a frequent of his, after all. He knew how to get there without even trying. But he was still feeling terrible about running late, so when he noticed Felicia he hastily made his way over and apologized yet again.
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“I really hope you weren’t waiting long.” Peter was starting to catch his breath as he set down the messy pile of textbooks and paper on the table (because why would he think to put it all in a bag to make his life easier, right?). He stood there for a few seconds, straightening out the pile the best he could before giving up and plopping into the seat across from her. “Hi. Sorry. I’ve got stuff due tomorrow and I guess I lost track of time. So this is— well, I just figured I would bring it to work on since I didn’t know how long we would be here. How are you? Do you want to order something yet? I’m starving.”
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hangesangel · 3 years
I cannot stop thinking about Yelena that knows you have a massive crush on her, and she is lowkey teasing you by staring at you for too long or brushing her hand over your own, maybe even flirting with you to get you all shy and quiet 💕 pleassse a fluffy one shot with this Yelena 😭💓✨
OMGGG hiii Azelma <33 IM SO SORRY this was late,,, ran into some health issues but! one Yelena one shot coming RIGHT UP ☝🏼
- OKAY SO, this is absolutely the cutest thing and honestly i wanted to write a couple of things/head canons before— and pls when i was reading your description and imagining it, deadass got me like: 
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- bc i would love to ASSUME, that i can see right past Yelena’s games, but nahhhh Yelena’s too clever to let you get a read on her.
- she stops, retreats, and starts acting different. To the point of making you think you’re a fool for taking it too far. or thinking it had a deeper meaning. making you blush and avoid eye contact.
- she knows you are into her(she’s into you as well, if not more), and has to make you fall into her grasp.
- But it isn’t too far, it’s exactly where she wants ya. Bc you could be looking away, or at a textbook(a school/college setting for this would be perfect for Yelena, especially for your Yandere!Yelena, Azelma ;)
- And when you’re too busy looking over the chapter in the textbook, she’d just probably lightly place her hand over your own thats holding the side of the page, to get your attention, but her words are all related to whatever convo you’re having.
- literally making you go insane on the inside. HEHEE anyways so heres the senario!!!! (sorry this is a lot!)
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(i didn’t know what to title this, don’t judge me pls )
Genre: fluff
yelena x reader
Summary: even though the end of the semester is still weeks and weeks away, you were struggling so much with current piled up assignments. It was so much you decided to schedule and meet up with a tutor. Attending one of the largest universities in your city, your tutor could’ve been anyone. So then, little did you expect your classmate to walk in-
- Groaning, and getting more frustrated by the minute, as you were trying to understand the formulas to solve the algebra problems, for your current lesson.
At some point your back was starting to kill you and ache more, from being hunched over, this past half hour. You really were starting to regret the college life, not because of how fun college can sometimes be, or how many benefits you have as a student. But because of the never ending unexpected piled up work that you end up with, the moment you look away for three seconds. Though at least this semester you were able to get out of your comfort zone, slightly and make some friends, which made you look more forward to going to your classes. 
Although teacher wise, you had luck on your side this time, since they’re pretty flexible and understanding. It was the course work that, overtime made your brain utterly stop functioning while doing it. At some point it became a rather, rapid habit for you to use excuses for going to cafes, or libraries, in order to “study”. In reality you’d have the assignment open but it ever barley gets any progress. And that was the routine, for two months later.
Not even your friends could’ve been able to help you now, and you didn’t wanna pressure them more, so you applied for a meeting with a tutor. This time you made sure to understand and put more effort, in make up for the other times you’ve neglected your assignments. Had already gone into the schools system to check what time worked for you and which tutor was available, and then after setting it up to be in person, you now wait. However, there was one other thing lately that had made you look even MORE forward to one of your classes, was a crush you had grew later for your classmate and seat mate, yelena. 
Yelena had always caught your attention. But at the time, it wasn’t enough for you to feel things and to turn you into a heat packet whenever you’d see or talk to her.
Her calm and quiet demeanor, put you under such a spell, it felt like you had to reflect her behavior. Or hide away every time she’d look straight at you, and stare your outfit, down and back up. You absolutely pool into a heated mess and all  her silent flirting made you wanna close off, and hide. Though, you never did, you weren’t so gushing over her that you were blind to her games. You knew exactly what she was doing, and most times you did fall for those games, but you’d do it all over again if it meant spending more time and getting her attention.
Now, here you sit and finally feel the slight uncomfortableness creep in slowly, from smiling for too long. You sit up in your seat, and fix yourself to for more comfort. As looking up in realization, that your tutor still hasn’t arrived and the cafe room you rented for the day is almost up if they don’t come any sooner.
“damn... where are they”, slightly whispering, when you’ve picked up your phone to check the time and open it up. Might as well allow it to entertain you, as you dread these passing minutes. Some part of you thinks you should just collect yourself, give up and just ‘treat yourself’ again. The thought of a delicious meal, with a donut after it was slowly possessing you to act upon the idea. But the other half of you wants to stay, and get some help so you can pass and move on.
But you didn’t need to dread for any longer. Not when, you barely see a figure from the windows, pass next to and pause at the door handle. When the door handle creates it’s own alarm for you to feel relief that the tutor had shown up. Closing the door behind them and settling in, at the same time you, bend to the side at your bag  to get some notes and your assignment. 
“Sorry, i’m late, had a talk with the professor after class.”
You forgive them, and bite down your frustration at them for being a bit late. however, then it all completely flushes away and your frustration turns your blood cold upon, your brain clicking together at who just possibly walked in by the sound of their voice.
“Yelena....!” your voice utterly exposing a bit fear, as you’ve turned to make sure your ears weren’t playing tricks on you. Her light chuckle, at your reaction, reminded you to collect yourself. Yelena seated herself, “Yea! it’s me, Y/N.” looking away to the other side, with a grin and quickly, she pulled out her own laptop on the table in front.
“why? did ya miss me?..” 
automatically turning your head away to the side, with a pfft, to scratch the side of your head. Yelena knew how to pull your strings, how to play with your physical and emotional state just by a single glance. But of course, you aren’t oblivious, you can read exactly what those looks were saying with those eyes.
That’s why you try your hardest to somehow not fall for her games, or at least take control,
“please.. how would i miss you..” mumbling the last part. 
“hmm? you said something?” Not even bothering to look up at you, making you think you were able to get away with that. It was hard for you however, to do that, not when you’ve started to crush hard on her.
Stressfully you take your bottled drink and gulping some of it down, “No, i was just not expecting you to be my tutor, is all.”, not noticing Yelena’s pause in her searchings on her notes, just to slowly look up at you with a smirk but slight jealousy brewing inside. 
“Of course,” Her statement halting to pull her chair closer to you, “i’m your tutor for today, and i’m guessing you must be failing if you need my help.” And here the cycle started, however you were to taken back by her comment, to register how close you both are at the corner of the table, and her forearm touching your own.
“huh?! i’m NOT failing...”, the heat in your face from the physical contact fillling in, “i just couldn’t understand this section, and needed a tutor”, confessing as you turn your head away all shy and offended.
Looking then down and grabbing your pencil to point and to start discussing with Yelena, what you needed help with. You needed to distract yourself and you won’t know how long you’ll last, with your personal bubble constantly being poked at. Quick witted, she takes notice of this and plays along, but doesn’t stop.
Not when everytime she had you peek over at her own notes, she wouldn’t just be nice and give them to you to let you read it over. But rather, make you slightly bend over the table, with your knees still bent, as she stares you and all over your body. Taking a deep breath and then half assed giving you “mmm”, or “yeah, that’s correct”, whenever you ask about something, as if mentally still tutoring you and not at all in her own world sometimes.
After an hour passing, of what should’ve been mainly studying. Turned out to be some studying, teasing, lots of laughing, and you ending up with a cramp in your cheeks. This session, with being able to have time to spend with Yelena is not something you were trade. Feeling far more drawn to her, and got to understand her better. From both ends what started as small verbal battles, the tension turned into a more comfy, relaxed and almost loving atmosphere. 
You’ve both taken breaks now, hand in phone, scrolling thru it as you both laugh at what you find and send it to each other,
(did i mention you exchanged numbers.......)
Finally, the tall blonde taking a deep breath, and sitting up with a suggestion in mind. Almost allowing temptation to take over her, and almost grabbing your hand in hers, she hesitates, enclosing her fingers back to her palm and pull it back. You look over with your eyes still glued to your screen, “Yelena, whats up?”, “you okay?”, sitting up as well and matching her position, as you try to scan whats on her mind, and curiously tilting your head to the right.
She looks at the walls digital timer, and then down at her watch on her left writs, “our time for this room is almost over..” the tone in her sentence, displaying disappointment, as her last words fade quietly. “yeah.. it is.” agreeing before upon continuing,
“Thank you for your help today... though i know we didn’t do much of our assignments or study, but i think i’ve got the hang of it now!” as you looked over the papers in front of you as if to remind you to what had happened as you confessed your words, and ending it with a genuine smile.
Yelena already slightly smiling, but then returning back your big smile, when she looks up to lock her eyes with yours. Suddenly, that flustered feeling creeped in quickly, and you look down out of shyness. Breathing in, “Y/n..”, eyes widening at the gesture of her calling for your name. It does something to you, makes you feel more than just special, especially special to her.
“yea..?” you still avoid contact but respond. She lowers her head hoping it would get you to meet her eyes but for probably, the first time, she failed.
“well... i was just thinking if you’d like to hang out somewhere...after this” Yelena, might’ve failed the first silent gesture, but certainly her verbal proposal halted your actions and you looked up at her in slight awe, but more shocked. “are you serious?”, trying to mask your excited shock as much as possible before continuing, “i mean... where would we go?”, other than the request shocking you, you’re surprised by Yelena’s calmness, she hasn’t teased you in minutes. 
Some part of you hopes Yelena will ask for a small date, or at least hinting at that. Yelena looks around a little and thinks
Before allowing her to respond, you speaking getting her attention, and suggest, “maybe we can go to that cute cafe at the corner, and get something to eat? i am hungry, how about yourself?” asking and curiously waiting for her answer.
Her ears perking at the idea, “A cute cafe at the streets corner...? you mean that couples’ cafe?” Yelena selectively dragging her words, as you nod and respond “yes! that one!”
Although Yelena’s behavior took you back once again, because sure it was a “couples’ cafe”, because to your local UNI, it’s common people go on dates there and even couples hang round there oftenly
But, for you, it was your favorite cafe because it was also a “nature” cafe. The delicious scent of coffee and food, along with the aromatherapy the workers apply there, and the best part was they had two cats that roamed the cafe. It had became your comfort place over time.
  Pursing her lips inwardly together, the muscles creating a small, tiny smile, Yelena looks to the side and regains herself. To look back and say “aahh.. Y/n so you did you wanna go on a date with me?” She laughs a little cooing at you, and continues, “....our sweet, innocent Y/n, why didn’t you just ask me out?”, “instead of just teasing me and beating around the bush?”
  At this point you were beyond baffled, and frozen at her comment, and teasing remarks. If anything she was playing around with you. You would’ve kept your likeness towards her as closed off as possible. Not ever thinking they’d have an interest in you.
The past small, but lingering time you spent with her, maybe even start to consider getting close. At the same time keeping a distance so she wouldn’t notice. Oh, but as the universe saw this and pushed Yelena to your game. As you’ve started to calm down from the shock and back to reality. You see Yelena almost rushly collecting her stuff and to get up out of her seat afterwards.
“so? what do you say?” the question turning your attention to her, still stunned. “oh!, oh yeah,” agreeing and suddenly your body is functioning again, and even without your own control. Gathering your stuff along with her. wanting to say something, to add on unneeded context, “i don’t have much plans for today, at all so, i’m down..” , finally cleaning everything up. Picking up your backpack to swing it to your back, as you’ve continued talking, “It’s a really pretty cafe! i think you’ll love it there!” walking around the table to meet where Yelena had waited for you at the door. Finishing off with giving up, a smile at her, and she too returns the expression with adoreness in her eyes as she looks down.
Yelena, had never shown it but deep down loved hearing you talk, especially when you forgot yourself  and just kept rambling. Absolutely her favorite thing.
“mmhm,”, “c’mon, i’ll drive us there too.” she offers, right before opening the door. 
You won’t understand how fast you got to this point, but you’re not complaining. In fact, your even thanking the universe, you feel like a hyper, excited child on the inside. 
also smth else i wanna add, i saw that audio from tiktok that goes
    “you left your diary at my house.”
“and i read those pages- you really love me... baby”
this really was Yelena x Reader, in this.
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badboyjuyeon · 3 years
me plus you
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Pairing: Eric x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 4.6k
Summary: You have to tutor Eric in calculus, but you’re struggling in calculus and Eric doesn’t actually need help.
This was not happening. You rubbed your eyes again as if that was going to change the 0/100 that you received from missing your latest calculus quiz. It didn’t matter how many A’s you got in your past quizzes, a zero would definitely damage your grade. You shoved the test in your bag and made your way towards the teacher’s desk. 
“I missed yesterday’s class so I had no idea that I missed this quiz. Is there any way that I can make this up?” You asked your teacher, hoping that she might spare some pity and excuse this quiz. This was out of character for a straight-A student like yourself and you knew that she had a soft spot towards you. 
“Unfortunately, it was a unit quiz and you missed it. If you read the syllabus, it explicitly states that there are no make-up opportunities...” She began in a stern voice which eventually turned softer when she noticed the panicked look on your face. “...But knowing how you have always done well in this class, I would be willing to offer extra credit if you join the tutoring center.” 
“Consider it done!” You gave your best fake smile as you tried not to think of all the free time you were about to lose. It was your fault, after all, for sleeping in on the day you knew you would have the quiz. Maybe you turned off your alarm because you were struggling in the last few classes and scared to receive a failing grade. Maybe you closed your eyes for “five more minutes” because you didn’t know how to ask for help since you’ve never needed to before. 
As you turned to leave, you noticed Eric Sohn push his way from the back of the classroom. He avoided eye contact with the teacher as if that would make him invisible.
“Eric I would like to meet with you.” Your teacher called out to him as he had one foot out of the doorway. 
“Aww man, I was so close to escaping.” He muttered under his breath. You bit back a smile at his comment and watched him step back into the classroom. You brushed past him as you left to go sign up for the tutoring center. Eric envied you for being able to walk free, while he was going to be stuck getting yelled at. 
“Eric, you’ve been failing all of the recent quizzes. I spoke with your coach and we agreed that you can’t play on the team unless your grades improve.” She shook her head in disappointment. 
Eric could not believe what he was hearing. All his practice would have gone towards nothing. He could feel his dreams of becoming a professional baseball player slip away, all because of this one stupid class. “I promise I’ll do better on the next one, just please let me stay on the team.” 
Your teacher sighed, “You said that the last time. You still haven’t taken up my recommendation of going to the tutoring center. Another peer might be able to help you better. If your next few grades improve after tutoring, then we’ll talk.” 
Eric headed towards the library during his lunch period, which he never would have done under any other circumstance. He preferred to be outside playing basketball with his friends than being cooped up in the library. After signing his name, he sat down on an empty table and waited to be assigned to a tutor. When he tried to look for another familiar name on the tutor list, he noticed yours scribbled neatly with your perfect font-like handwriting. You’ve probably never failed a quiz in your life, let alone the past few quizzes. Eric groaned. How did he let himself slip up in this class? He had a pretty high GPA, but this class was dragging it down from its highest potential. 
He flipped through the notebook he dedicated to calculus and was met with empty pages. If only he didn’t stay up late studying for his other classes, he would have been able to pay attention during this class. But resting his eyes always seemed like a much better option. 
“Eric? Hi, I’ll be your new calc tutor.” Eric looked up to see you pull out the seat across from him. He let out a sigh of relief because you were not a complete stranger and you always got the highest grades. He would be back on the team in no time. He shot you a smile and his eyes formed crescent moons.
You returned his smile but it was only momentary, and it left as quickly as it came. “Can I tell you a secret?” You fidgeted with your fingers. 
Eric was unsure of what to make of your sudden question. He nodded his head to encourage you to continue. 
“I have no idea what’s going on in class.” You admitted to him, though this was not something you told anyone else. 
Eric let out a laugh, you had to be joking. “Don’t you need an A in this class to be a tutor?” 
“Yeah, I just always get my work done on time. My grade doesn’t reflect my understanding of the material but how well I can cheat on all of my assignments.” Upon seeing his confused face, you chose to elaborate. “I usually use photomath, that’s the only way I’ve been passing.” 
Eric’s mouth parted in shock. Why didn’t he think of using that app himself? He also couldn’t believe that you were struggling in that class. “Then I’m not crazy, she just really can’t teach. That’s why I haven’t been understanding anything.” 
“It’s not you, it’s her.” You assured him. “But can I still ‘tutor’ you because that would be the only way to make up for my last quiz?” You hoped that your desperation wasn’t too obvious. 
Eric studied your face, he never had any chance to talk to you this long. Your features were tainted with stress. He could tell that your grades mattered and that he was the only person that could help you. It wouldn’t hurt to spend a little time outside of class with you, it’s not like he had baseball practice to take away his free time. 
“Sure, I’m going to need these lessons to explain why I’m suddenly going to do amazing in this class after I start using photomath.” 
Your face lit up when you heard him accept and it was enough to ensure that he made the right choice. 
“How bad did you do on the last quiz?” Eric still couldn’t believe that you were not the nerd that he thought you were. Teachers always used your work for examples of model work and that was the only impression he had of you prior to this tutor session.
“I got a 0 because I missed class that day.” You looked away in embarrassment. The bright red 0 was still easily visible on your crumpled-up test. 
Eric placed his test marked with 65/100 next to yours. “Well I didn’t pass even though I was in class, so we can try to work on it together.”
You flipped to the chapter that the quiz was on and turned the textbook sideways so that he could also see. The library was mainly empty save for you two because the weather was nice and everyone would much rather go outside for lunch. Your table was positioned right near the window, and Eric had the perfect view of all of his friends playing baseball on the school field. He could have been there if he didn’t slack off this bad. 
No matter how many times you read the page, you still couldn’t quite get the concept down. No other class had you stuck like this one. While you were stuck rereading, Eric started attempting the first problem on his quiz. He finished in a matter of seconds and you took out photomath, a calculator app that solves literally everything, to check if it’s the same answer. 
You couldn’t hide the look of shock on your face when the answer on your screen matched the one on his paper. “Eric I didn’t know that you were a genius. You have to teach me how to do this.” 
Eric’s face also matched yours as he was also surprised at himself. He never even thought to attempt the problems before. 
“I don’t really know what I did.” He confessed but tried to walk you through his thought process. Hearing him explain the steps allowed you to think of the problem in an entirely different way and it was the only thing you needed to understand how to solve it. Your face still expressed the initial shock, but now you felt more impressed than surprised. 
Eric laughed at the irony, here he was tutoring you instead of the other way around. “I’ll have you know that just because I’m a sports guy doesn’t mean that I’m an airhead.” 
“And having A’s doesn’t exactly mean that I’m a nerd. I knew you weren’t an airhead, but sleeping during class didn’t exactly make you look the smartest.” You teased him, before asking him the real question that was plaguing your mind. “You picked it up so quickly, why did you fail the last few quizzes?” 
He switched his gaze from the paper to look straight into your eyes. “Honestly, I didn’t have any motivation to actually do the quizzes. I thought that I was screwed since I kept sleeping during class. And I have to sacrifice some classes to do better in the rest.” He answered, before moving on to the next problem. 
With him facing towards the paper, you took note of his perfect side profile. His eyebrows were furrowed as he thought about how to solve the question. Wow, his jawline was sharp and you were getting sidetracked.
Using his method, you were able to breeze through the problems. You were the type of student to follow the book, word for word, while Eric was the opposite. He was carefree and just did what he felt like, and it worked. You would’ve never thought to experiment like he did but it was exactly what you needed to do. 
“Wait I don’t get how to do these last few problems.” He interrupted you from your thoughts and you leaned closer to get a better view of the problem. You checked the steps to solve the problem from photomath and figured out how to solve it. 
While you were explaining the problem to him, Eric suddenly became aware of the short proximity between the two of you. His eyes traced your features and they subconsciously drifted towards your lips. He wondered whether they felt as soft as they looked, in a totally platonic way, of course. He shook his head to clear his thoughts. 
“That’s why you use this- Eric? Were you even listening?” You turned to face him after he stopped being responsive. Eric felt the blood rush to his cheeks. He quickly scanned the paper and pretended that he was paying attention all along. “Yeah I was listening, I understand it.” 
You spent the rest of the period working together to get through the quiz. You two were in your own world and you wouldn’t have noticed how much time went by if the library didn’t become loud, signaling the end of the period, as students transitioned between classes. The period never felt this short. 
“We are quite the team,” Eric said as you packed up your things. 
“Surprisingly, we are. Let’s meet up again at the same time next week.” You waved at him and rushed to get to your next class. 
“See you in class.” Eric watched as you left the library and looked forward to the next time he would see you.
Upon entering calculus class the next day, Eric searched for your face. He found you sitting in your usual seat near the window. Your head was down on the desk, unaware that he was approaching you. 
“Is this seat taken?” You lifted your head to see Eric gesturing to the seat next to you. You shook your head, confused as to why he decided to sit next to you instead of the back of the classroom. 
You didn’t have to worry about saving a seat for a friend because calculus was the one class that you didn’t share with any friends. You didn’t realize it until now but none of the boys you saw Eric hang out with were in this class either. At least you two would have each other now.
“Isn’t it easier to sleep in the back of the classroom?” You questioned.
“It is, but it's easier to cheat- I mean learn next to you.” He said with a cheeky grin. 
Your teacher walked in, cutting off your small talk. 
You took out your calculus textbook and notebook while you waited for the teacher to begin. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Eric scribble something on the last page of his notebook. When the teacher turned around to write on the chalkboard, he slid his notebook over to you and tapped you. 
i forgot my textbook in my locker, can i look over on yours? 
You pushed your textbook towards him and positioned it in between you two. He mouthed a quick “thanks.” 
Your teacher began explaining the new concept and you almost forgot about Eric’s presence next to you as you copied down everything that was on the board. 
“Wait, is that a four or a nine?” You whispered, trying to decipher the messy handwriting. When you heard no response from Eric, you turned to look at him for the first time since class had started. Eric’s head was resting on the palm of his hand and his eyes were closed shut. He did not just leave you to fend for yourself. You nudged his hand and his head fell onto the desk with a loud thud. 
Your teacher briefly turned around to call out whoever was interrupting her lesson but you resumed writing and Eric pretended to read the textbook page extremely closely. After she faced the board again, Eric raised his eyebrows at you, as if to ask why you disrupted his sleep. Not wanting to draw attention again, you passed him a note.
pay attention if you want the teacher to like you, trust me it works.
easier said than done, teacher’s pet.
Eric waited for you to read his note before he stuck his tongue out at you. 
You were going to deny being the teacher’s pet when you were interrupted by Hyunjae, who sat on your other side. “Can you help me with number 1?”
“Uh sure.” You responded, despite wanting to work with Eric. You glanced back at Eric, but he began working on the new problem set by himself. 
Though Eric’s eyes were focused on the paper in front of him, his ears couldn’t help but listen to your conversation with Hyunjae.  
“You’re a lifesaver, thank you so much. Can I pay you back with bubble tea after school?” Hyunjae gave you a flirtatious smile. 
Eric’s grip on his pen tightened. He convinced himself that he was only annoyed because he didn’t know how to solve the problem.
“I would never say no to free bubble tea.” You checked to see if Eric was listening from your peripheral vision once again, but he seemed to be disinterested. You weren’t sure why you kept looking back at Eric, maybe you wanted to see if he would object. Or maybe you wanted him to object. But he made no such move to stop you. 
Hyunjae beamed. “Great, let’s meet up after class. And maybe we can study for the next test together?”
You narrowed your eyes at him. “Were you just trying to bribe me with bubble tea?”
Eric’s head was facing downwards as he tried to hide his feelings of betrayal. The nerve Hyunjae had to steal his study partner. 
“And if I was?” Hyunjae challenged.
“That was a smart way to bribe me, you might not even need to study with how smart you are.” You answered. 
Eric slammed his pen down, causing you and Hyunjae to look at him. 
“Oops, it slipped.” He blurted, feeling satisfied because he interrupted Hyunjae. 
The bell rang and you rushed to copy down the homework into your planner. 
“Do you want to work on the homework together?” Eric suggested while packing up his things. “I didn’t know how to do the third set of problems.” He added in, hoping that it would convince you to work together. 
“I don’t know, I’m in high demand these days. Everyone wants to study with me.” You flaunted. Of course you would study with him, you just wanted to make him work for it. Eric rushed to follow you out of the classroom.
“Pretty please.” He pouted and gave you puppy eyes. You snorted at his attempt of acting cute, which he didn’t even need to do since he was naturally cute. 
“Okay fine, but only if you stop doing that hideous face.” You stopped to open your locker. 
Eric leaned on the locker next to yours and crossed his arms. “No one can resist this sexy face.” 
“Yeah okay.” You replied in a sarcastic tone, though you secretly agreed with him. You took a pen out of your locker and grabbed his hand. Eric held his breath and watched to see what you would do next. You wrote your phone number on the palm of his hand. “Text me. Or facetime me, whatever works for you.” You shut your locker and headed to your next class.
Eric stared at your number on his hand and smiled to himself, his heart still racing from when you touched him. 
While you walked away, you felt proud that you were able to pull that move off. But then the color drained from your face. You never said what time. The power rested entirely on Eric and when he decided to contact you. That means that you would have to wait and possibly be camera-ready all day. 
As soon as Eric got home from school, he entered your phone number and saved your contact. He wondered whether he would seem too eager if he texted you right away. You were probably still studying with Hyunjae. Eric scoffed as he thought about how Hyunjae was there instead of him. 
You stared at the black screen on your phone. Tapping on it for the millionth time, the screen read 8:15 pm. Why didn’t you specify a time? You dived for your phone every time you saw your phone light up with a notification. 
Was he even going to facetime you? You glanced around your room in horror. You weren’t able to fix it when you rushed out of the house this morning. You could not let Eric see this mess. You got to work fixing your room while you waited for him to text you. Hearing the familiar vibration, you reached for your phone, hoping it wasn’t another spam email. 
hey, it’s eric. are you free to ft and work on the hw rn? 
Eric sent the text and threw his phone on the bed. He had spent 15 minutes debating whether his text was too casual. Hugging his pillow, he anxiously waited for you to respond. 
yea i’m free
You checked your room once again to see if anything was out of place. Then you saw your reflection in the mirror. You were so caught up in fixing your room, you forgot to fix your appearance. You quickly applied something on your lips so you wouldn’t look too bad. 
After sitting down in front of a lamp so you would have optimal lighting, you picked up his facetime call. 
“Hey.” You felt your breath hitch in your throat. His hair was still wet from the shower he took just earlier. You didn’t think it was possible for him to get any hotter. 
“So how was your date with Hyunjae.” He didn’t even try to hide the bitterness in his tone. Wow, real smooth Eric. He should’ve waited a bit longer to bring it up, but he couldn’t help it. 
You laughed at his choice of a conversation starter. “It wasn’t a date, and it was actually very fun. Maybe I need to start charging you for my services. I’ll only accept payment with bubble tea from now on.” 
“Spending quality time with me is your payment.” He replied with a smug look on his face.
You shook your head. “That is not enough, I fear.” 
Eric crossed his arms and tried to look offended. “I’ll hang up right now then.” 
“Need I remind you that you were the one that begged me to help you today?” You spoke matter-of-factly. “But if you must leave, go. I’m very busy you know.” 
“Busy studying with other guys? I thought we had something special.” He dramatically clutched his heart. 
“You wish, you are yet another one of my side hoes.” 
“Your main hoe being boba?” He raised an eyebrow.
You paused to think of a witty response. “It seems you are more interested in my love life than those calculus problems you needed help with.” 
“Those problems can wait.” He shrugged his shoulders. 
“Fine, how about this? For every problem you get correct, you can ask me a question and I’ll answer it honestly.” You proposed. 
Eric smiled widely. “I like how you think. And what happens if I get them wrong?” 
“Then I get to ask you a question.” You replied. 
“You won’t be able to ask me any questions.” His cockiness was apparent from how confidently he spoke. “The first solution is 5.” 
Checking the answer to the first problem, you confirmed that it was 5.
“Since this is about your love life, do you have a boyfriend?” He asked, desperately wanting you to say no. 
“Wouldn’t you like to know? Yes, I do have one.” You watched for Eric’s reaction. Eric’s smile dropped for a split second as he registered what you said. 
“Oh really? Who? Do I know him?” He interrogated, completely dropping his previous act. 
You felt amused watching him squirm. “That’s three other problems you have to get right.” 
To your surprise, Eric continued to get the next three problems correct.
“So who is your boyfriend?” He phrased carefully.
“Hyunjae.” You said with a straight face.
Eric’s eyes grew 10 times the size they were. “Really?”
“Nah, I’m just playing. I don’t have a boyfriend.” You finally revealed the truth. 
That definitely made Eric happier than he’d like to admit. 
“You just made me waste two questions.” He emphasized by holding up two fingers. 
“Did you even need help with those problems Eric?” 
“Yes...but I figured them all out while you were flirting with Hyunjae.” He looked away from the screen. 
“I was not flirting with Hyunjae.” You lied. You did flirt a little, but that was only because you wanted to see if Eric got jealous. 
Eric rolled his eyes, not believing you. “Sure you weren’t.” 
“You have not seen me flirt, believe me, you would know.” You told him honestly. If you were going to flirt with anyone, it would be him. 
Eric’s smile returned once again. “I look forward to seeing that.” 
You and Eric fell into a routine where you met up every week to study calculus. And then facetimed after school. And then texted at night. You would work together during class, and Eric would get annoyed every time Hyunjae tried to join. 
You and Eric were prepared for the next calculus quiz and your efforts paid off. As soon as Eric got his quiz back, his first thought was to see the look on your face when he told you his grade.
At the end of class, Eric proudly dangled his quiz in front of your face, he couldn’t contain the smile on his face. 
You saw a large A on the top of the first page and you pulled him into a hug. Before you could regret acting so spontaneously, Eric hugged you back just as tightly. This was the first time you both hugged, but it felt so comforting and you didn’t want to let go. “Wow I’m so proud of you, I can’t believe you’re scoring higher than me.” You said when you finally pulled away.
“I’m coming for your throne.” Eric winked at you.
After consistently doing well in the classwork, Eric realized that he didn’t need help anymore. The tutoring sessions eventually became an excuse to meet you. 
Eric pointed at a problem, his eyes trained on yours, “Can you explain this to me?” 
“Eric, you literally taught me how to solve this.” You giggled.
“Oh, did I? Um...well I forgot. Explain it to me again?” You could never resist Eric’s puppy-dog eyes. The more time you spent with him, the more you realized how cute he was. 
“Graph this equation.” Eric had randomly said one day while you were studying at the library. 
You stared at the equation he wrote and looked back at him with confusion. “How is this relevant to calculus?”
“Just do it.” He whined. 
You reached for your graphing calculator and entered the equation. 
Staring at the shape the equation produced, you were pleasantly surprised to see that it resembled...“A heart?” 
You looked up to see Eric grinning from ear-to-ear, clearly proud that he was able to find this equation.
“Very cute Eric. This is why you urgently needed to meet up today?” You raised an eyebrow. 
“Yeah, that and I needed to talk to you about something else. My coach told me that the improvement in my grades is enough for me to rejoin the team.” Eric started, unsure of whether he should tell you that he didn’t need tutoring anymore. 
“Oh really? That’s great news!” You kept your eyes focused on the paper. You knew that him joining the team would mean your tutoring sessions would have to come to an end soon. “I’m guessing you won’t have time to study anymore.”
Eric knew that he wanted to see you every day, but he didn’t want to pretend that he only wanted to meet you under the pretense of studying. He took a deep breath before speaking. You brought your eyes to meet his when you realized that something must have been up. Eric was never quiet for this long. 
“I was wondering if you wanted to continue meeting up outside of school hours, just us two,” Eric asked hesitantly, waiting for your response. 
Your eyes widened. Was he asking you out? It’s not a complete reach because you two have been spending a lot of time “studying.” You were afraid that you were taking his words in the wrong way. “You want to study outside?” 
“Oh...no, no studying. It would just be us meeting up outside, no calculus.” He looked at the floor. 
“Eric Sohn, are you asking me out on a date?” You asked him. 
“Only if you’re comfortable with that. I’ve liked you for a while and I didn’t really need help anymore but I still want to see you often. I understand if you don-”
You cut off his rambling with a kiss. You resisted the urge to laugh at how red his ears were when you pulled away. “I like you too. Finally you can buy me my long-deserved boba.” 
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fort-cozy-mcblanket · 2 years
Happy Shamy Anniversary!
I hope no one minds me jumping in on this tradition, but I love Shamy so much. I had only just created this blog when it was happening last year and I had nothing prepared, so I wanted to make sure I didn’t miss it this time around. Please enjoy this small fic. :)
This is also available on FF.Net and AO3 with additional notes, if anyone prefers.
"'In order to describe the motion of an object, you must first be able to describe its position—where it is at any particular time. More precisely, you need to specify its position relative to a convenient reference frame. Earth is often used . . .'"
Amy felt her eyes grow heavy as she listened to Sheldon read from the textbook in his lap. She was stretched out on her back on the couch and he was sitting on the floor facing her, his head resting against the swell of her belly. This was their nightly routine ever since her 24th week of pregnancy. Amy didn't quite think the Introduction to Physics textbook was appropriate reading material for their developing child, but Sheldon insisted it was never too early and offered to alternate with Introductory Biology every other day, so she allowed it.
She knew Sheldon was aware that babies typically can't hear voices until around 27 weeks, but she also knew Sheldon did not think of their baby as typical. His frequent use of the phrase "the world's first pure-bred Homo Novus" was evidence of that. But that aside, Sheldon was an excellent father-to-be, so much so that their friends had taken notice too. He attended every doctor visit, massaged every ache, and managed to hold back his complaints when she developed a craving for Greek food. Amy wanted for nothing, and it was the first time she could remember Penny and Bernadette being visibly jealous of her relationship. It almost made her regret turning him down when he wanted to make a baby with her a few years prior. So if doing these readings early made Sheldon happy, she was willing to go along with it. Even if the baby couldn't actually hear yet, it was nice to just spend time together. Plus, seeing her husband willingly sit on the floor like this was its own novelty.
"Amy, wake up, you're missing some good stuff here."
"I don't need to learn introductory physics, Sheldon," she answered without opening her eyes. "I won the Nobel Prize in physics."
"But you're setting a bad example for our child, dozing off during a lesson," he said, which made her crack open one eye. He was still in the same position, his cheek pressed against her stomach, like he was attempting to nuzzle their unborn baby. Any retort she had died on her tongue at the sight. Instead, Amy reached out to him and caressed the side of his face briefly.
"Keep reading," she told him, "there's still a lot left of this chapter." Sheldon held her gaze for a few more seconds before complying.
"'Although displacement is described in terms of direction, distance is not. Distance is defined to be the magnitude or size of displacement . . .'"
It wasn't long before her eyelids were drooping again. The combination of pregnancy, a full work shift, and years of training herself to fall asleep to Sheldon's physics somniloquy was hard to fight. But before her husband could scold her again, someone else shocked her awake.
The baby kicked.
Sheldon sat up straight, the physics book forgotten. Wide blue eyes met wide green eyes.
"Was that-?"
"Has that happened before?"
"I don't think so."
Amy shifted up on the couch to sit up against the arm and Sheldon followed her movement. They both placed their hands on her stomach and held their breath, waiting to feel their baby move again.
"Try reading more," Amy said after several seconds passed. Sheldon was clearly reluctant to let go to pick up the book, but somehow managed to do it with one hand.
"'Displacement is an example of a vector quantity. Distance is an example of a scalar quantity. A vector is any quantity with-'"
His reading was interrupted by another kick.
"Fascinating," he remarked, his eyes now riveted to her stomach, watching the movements as well as feeling them. But Amy couldn't stop watching him, couldn't help but recall that extremely hazy memory from several years ago, when the two of them were on her couch and he said the same thing after their first kiss. How far they had come.
When the baby stilled again, Sheldon grinned back at her for a moment before leaning up and meeting her in a sweet kiss.
"Can you believe it?" she asked once they parted.
"I know," he said in the same amazed tone she used. "Our baby is going to be a physicist!"
Her smile faltered. For a moment she was tempted to snap back that perhaps their baby chose this moment to start kicking as a way to get him to stop talking about physics, not as a sign of approval, but now he was stroking her belly with such a tender look in his eyes, once again she couldn't bring herself to say it. Besides, she had felt a slight fluttering in her abdomen at work earlier when she was looking at some brain scan results. At the time she had dismissed it as slight digestive distress, but perhaps it was something more. Not that she would tell Sheldon that either.
Don't worry, Little One, she sent her thoughts inward. We'll support you no matter what field of study you choose. But maybe try to steer clear of geology.
End Notes:
Excerpts taken from College Physics, which you can access for free at . A very big thanks to them as I have literally never had a physics textbook in my possession.
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lepusrufus · 3 years
Double edged scalpel ch. 7
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Ch.1 ch.2 ch.3 ch.4 ch.5 ch.6
Summary: in which Cassandra gets bullied and other sappy shenanigans
"Oh Nicole dear, so happy to see you again!" Duke's voice was cheerful as ever, tone masterfully crafted over years of being a businessman.
Nicole, taking small steps inside the ornate and now full of items room, greeted him with uncharacteristic giddiness.
"Duke! How's business?"
"Same as always, I'll be heading to Beneviento later tonight to deliver some tools for her," he took a long drag of his cigar and, noticing green eyes scanning over multiple items and said, "I also have your order."
With a childish grin on her face, she approached him, hands shuffling inside the small bag attached to her belt that all staff members had. She pulled out the money owed for her package and, in return, the Duke placed a decently sized box in her arms. With an oof she shifted it in a less precarious position, it's heavy contents seeming to plot against her small frame.
"Unfortunately I can't stay, duty calls. But thank you Duke."
"No worries, I do understand that your employers can be quite," he took another drag of his cigar, looking for the right word. "...demanding"
Nicole chuckled. That was one way to put it.
"Well until next time dear. Or if you find yourself in need of something else, I'll be here until six."
She was only wearing a long white towel when she heard a knock on the door. Assuming it was another maid, or even Anita inquiring about whether or not she'd be joining the rest of them for dinner, she opened the door just a crack.
It was a surprise to see none other than Cassandra standing there, her elegant frame in odd contrast with the modest corridor. She flung the door open, letting the brunette inside and took a quick glance down the hall, making sure no maid was on the floor after fainting due to fright.
"What are you doing here?"
"Aw, are you not happy to see me?" She was pouting, but her tone was joking.
Nicole rolled her eyes, but the small smile on her lips betrayed that she was indeed happy to see her. Cassandra only laughed instead, a beautiful melodious laugh, so unlike the dark cackles heard by prisoners down in the dungeons.
"Just sit down, I need to get dressed," Nicole pointed to the bed before moving to the small dresser and pulling out a clean uniform.
Cassandra went to sit on the slightly disheveled bed, eyes following the redhead's form as she let the towel drop to her feet and started to put on the various layers of her uniform. Then golden eyes darted to the box sitting on the bed. The tape sealing it had been cut not long after Nicole brought it back to her room to make sure all its contents made it safely. Not that she didn't trust the Duke, but postal service was postal service.
"What's this?" Cassandra inquired, trying to read the label but having no success as it had been scribbled over with a marker.
Nicole stilled for a moment, hands frozen on her white button up. She cleared her throat and shyly admitted:
"Actually that's for you. Do open it if you want."
Cassandra's eyes widened, a faint blush appearing on her cheeks. The gesture had really caught her off guard. She gingerly lifted the lid, inspecting it's contents for a moment and then hummed.
"And here I was thinking you like my hair. With how much you love to pull on it and all that."
Nicole, now fully clothed and sporting a deep blush, marched to her and plucked the two boxes of red hair dye from gloved hands. She placed them on her nightstand and, with her voice just slightly more high pitched, she turned to the brunette.
"Those are mine, I meant the rest of it." And, after a chuckle, "I mean have you seen my roots? They're horrible!"
Cassandra only gave her a deadpan look and, after a long moment, said: "I think your hair is beautiful."
She didn't wait for a reply, not that it would be anything more than a stammered mumble of course. Instead she chuckled and returned her attention to the box. She examined the rest of its contents and then gingerly lifted one of the few tomes inside. The cover was glossy and malleable, it's pages shiny and with a distinct typography smell to it. It was so unlike her other books, it's pristine white state making it feel extremely out of place in the castle. She glanced at Nicole inquisitively.
"I do appreciate the gift, don't misunderstand me, but surely you know there's a small bookshop's worth of medical books in this castle."
"With all due respect, from what I've seen most of them are at least somewhat outdated. Interesting, yes, but I thought you'd like to learn something more...modern." Then she pulled out another book. "This is the same one I used while studying forensic pathology. It would make teaching you some things easier. Uh… assuming you want that."
Nicole averted her gaze, suddenly unsure of the usefulness of her gift. Cassandra however grabbed her chin between two fingers and pulled her gaze back on her. She smiled, finding the shy demeanor beyond endearing.
"I'd love that."
A small smile appeared on thin lips and Nicole leaned in to kiss Cassandra. It was soft and short, but no less intimate than the deep kisses they shared so many times in Cassandra's bed.
They had to go anyway.
Let's go to the library, Cassandra said. It'll be empty, she said.
When Cassandra swung open the intricate door, only to find the other two sisters lounging on one of the couches, it's not like they could do a one eighty and leave the room. That would've been both impolite and highly suspicious.
Instead, Cassandra grabbed her arm protectively and led them to the reading spot farthest from the other two. They placed one of the textbooks on the small desk and Cassandra took out a notebook. This would've been a lot more fruitful with an actual body on hand, but there were still a couple days until the human flesh supply had to be replenished and Cassandra was beyond eager to start on some things. So, for now, they had to settle for theory alone.
It took all of five minutes for the other two sisters to make their way to their desk. Daniela had a giddy yet curious expression on her face, while Bela seemed as unreadable as ever, if not for a glint in her eyes that betrayed her interest.
"Whatcha dooooing?" Came Daniela's voice, who cocked her head not unlike a curious puppy would while looking at the book's contents.
"Working," Cassandra replied, a slight growl accompanying her words.
"Could've fooled me," Bela spoke from behind the youngest sister, eyeing the hand protectively placed on Nicole's waist.
Cassandra snapped her eyes at the blonde, looking ready to throw her notebook at her head but Bela ignored her sister's ire and addressed Nicole instead.
"What are you studying?"
"I uh- just some basic anatomy concepts. Thought it would be a good idea to start with the things that the older books in the castle don't cover."
Bela only hummed, grabbed an ornate chair nearby, and plopped herself at the desk, opposite from the pair. Daniela mimicked her sister, but instead chose to sit down right by Nicole on the small couch. It took more willpower than she would admit not to glue herself to Cassandra's side when Daniela's face came uncomfortably close so she could look over the book's diagrams. She stood still as a statue though. After a couple seconds of silence and Nicole trying to figure out what she was supposed to do, Daniela drew her head back, looking at her with what was possibly the most serious expression she had seen on the youngest sister.
"You do realize we're not going to hurt you right? How could we lay a finger on our dear sister's lover hmm?"
Nicole's breath caught in her throat. She wasn't sure if it was due to the word used to describe her or how Daniela apparently knew that she was utterly terrified of her. Cassandra sighed beside her and, seeming to at least partially read Nicole's thoughts, clarified:
"Your heartbeat."
Oh. Yeah. Yeah her heart was beating a million miles an hour. And apparently the other three vampiric occupants of the room were able to hear it loud and clear. It did very little to ease her mind.
"Please do calm down, it feels like someone is having drumming lessons. Bad ones," Bela complained, head resting in one of her hands like she was already bored.
"Then shove a sock in your ears," Cassandra snapped.
Bela simply leaned back in her seat and stretched her arms above her head. "And risk not hearing my beloved sisters sing along to some pop song?"
Cassandra shut her mouth, a blush now slowly spreading across her cheeks while Daniela burst out into laughter. Even Nicole couldn't help betraying the brunette and letting out a giggle.
"I didn't know you could sing."
"I can't."
"Au contraire dear Cassie! Should I remind you of the last time Dragostea din tei came on the radio? The pathos!" Daniela reached over Nicole's lap to lightly shake her sister's knee through her giggles.
Cassandra only let out a long groan, face now hidden in her palms. "I hate you both."
"Mhm, we love you too," came Bela's reply, accompanied by a chuckle.
Nicole couldn't keep a small laugh while she snaked her arm behind the brunette to show some form of support against the merciless assailants. Maybe not a complete betrayal.
The scene really had something deep within her heart aching beautifully. It reminded her of the countless times she and Alex would mercilessly tease each other, but still have each other's backs through thick and thin. And for this familiarity to come from people that any sane person would consider bloodthirsty monsters? Hell, maybe they should start considering her a monster too, for the only word she could use to describe them in that moment was endearing.
"So," Bela lightly clapped her gloved hands. "Now that your pulse isn't giving me a headache anymore, what are we doing?"
She had a confident smirk on her face, but her eyes betrayed curiosity. Same for Daniela and, although mixed with a hint of annoyance, Cassandra. She opened the book in front of her, one of general human anatomy, and decided that the digestive system would be a good enough starting point.
Their little impromptu lesson didn't last more than two hours. Two hours that proved to Nicole just how oddly human all three sisters can be. Of course she had gotten familiar with Cassandra, intimately so, but the other two still felt like two looming monsters hiding in the shadows. At least up until now.
Bela seemed oddly intrigued by Nicole's explanation, although unlike Cassandra, she seemed to view it more like a story than anything. Daniela seemed slightly more interested, asking questions here and there and even starting to giggle like a middle schooler when they got to the rectum section. That got an eye roll from the other two. Nicole just laughed, finally understanding Mrs Hawkins, her private biology teacher from before she was allowed to step foot in any public school.
After they were done, Bela simply stood up and bid them good night. Danila instead excitedly proposed the skeletal system for next time and picked up the books she abandoned earlier. Then, with a small tower of tomes she went through a door tucked at the very back of the room. Her study, Cassandra had pointed out as they made their way out of the library.
"I didn't know your sisters were interested in medicine too." Nicole kept her voice low, almost as if talking too loudly would disturb the shadowy hallways.
"More or less. Daniela likes it and has a bit of hands-on practice but she has her nose in romance novels more often than not. Bela finds it interesting but botany is what she really loves. That and classic lit." She added the last part with a grimace and Nicole had to wonder which author had offended her personally.
Before she could continue that train of thought though, her gaze moved to the windows, the cloudless sky beyond thick glass panels full of twinkling stars. Her mind kept going back to a few hours earlier and at what Daniela had said. Lover. Did Cassandra truly see her as one or was the youngest sister just being her over the top self. Did she see Cassandra this way? Nicole had not allowed herself to dwell on that up until now, the idea that the brunette saw her as more than an over glorified lab partner with whom she occasionally scratched an itch seemed almost laughable. But the small gestures of affection shown in ways Cassandra seemed to know best were undeniably there. And the familiar flutter in her chest at each of said gestures was also undeniably there.
"What's wrong?"
Cassandra's voice, accompanied by the slight echo through the empty hallway, snapped Nicole out of her thoughts.
"Oh um- nothing." She sounded as convincing as someone trying to sell you a fork while showing you a spoon.
And Cassandra didn't seem to buy it. She moved in front of the redhead, walking backwards with no concern over possible furniture to collide into along the way.
"You always get this… face when something's bothering you."
"I do not-" the indignation in her tone was weak, little more than an attempt to change the subject.
"Mhmm you do. You normally look focused. Kind of like, if someone tried to scare you by throwing an eyeball at you, you'd laugh." She would. "Now? Now you look like a rabbit that has no time to run and is just laying low hoping whatever's hunting it passes by."
Nicole shut up for a moment, only looking at the brunette in front of her incredulously. Maybe she was far more attentive than she gave her credit for.
"Uh. Just thinking." At a raised dark eyebrow, the no shit went unsaid, so Nicole tried to elaborate. "About earlier. When we were with your sisters and Daniela uh- Daniela called me your lover."
Saying that the words felt awkward on her tongue was close to the year's biggest understatement. It felt like pulling out teeth would be an easier task. Nicole had never been good with her words, having learned since childhood to keep her mouth shut. But the fact that Cassandra seemed to share her struggle brought some semblance of comfort.
"And?" As if they were talking about the weather.
"And… was she right in describing me as such?"
She couldn't help a small gulp when the brunette stopped walking, looking at her with a frown. Any sane person would be at the very least somewhat afraid in this situation. Sanity however was scarce these days as Nicole was afraid, though not of the bodily harm that may come from her inquiry, but rather of Cassandra's answer.
"Nicole, your tongue has been in my mouth." Amongst many other places.
The redhead's cheeks turned a slight shade of crimson and she mumbled for an answer. She wasn't sure how to tell her that sleeping together did not automatically make them lovers. But then again, Cassandra's thoughts remained a mystery more than anything.
Thankfully the brunette took the metaphorical reins of the conversation and stepped forward. She wrapped her hands around Nicole's arms, gentler than one would imagine possible from her, and bent down to whisper no more than an inch away from her ear.
"I'll have you know, I'm not particularly fond of letting anyone I don't deem important touch me. Especially not the way you do."
The words made something flutter in Nicole's chest, an unfamiliar and comforting warmth. Said warmth got chipped away at the slightest bit when Cassandra pulled back to look her in the eyes.
"Should I take it that it's not mutual then?" Cassandra's tone was nonchalant, almost as if she didn't truly care about the answer. She could keep doing whatever she wanted either way, afterall who was going to stop her? But to someone who got familiar with all her small quirks and habits, the waver in her voice was more than clear.
"No." The world slipped from her lips with no hesitation.
No hesitation, because the more she thought about it, and she didn't need to think a lot mind you, the more Nicole realized that she couldn't remember a time when she felt the way she did here. Sure the initial threat of death looming over her head was anything but pleasant, but once that melted into affection and nights spent in Cassandra's arms the thought of leaving didn't as much as graze her mind.
"No, no. It is," she repeated, more certainty making its way into her tone.
At that Cassandra smiled. A small, almost shy one would say if they knew her well enough, smile. Her shoulders seemed to lose some of their tension when she leaned down again, her lips stopping not even an inch away. Nicole wasted no time leaning forward, their mouths meeting in a kiss that mixed softness and need beautifully. Their lips slid against each other until, surprisingly, it was Cassandra to pull back and sigh.
"Come sleep, we have some cutting up to do in the morning."
Nicole frowned. "Tomorrow? Wasn't that supposed to be due in a few days?"
A devilish grin appeared on black lips, fangs shimmering ominously in the low light. "Bela caught a foolish man-thing sneaking around the forest on the castle grounds. She's really excited to turn this one into a nice steak."
The redhead only let out an oh in acknowledgement. Foolish indeed. At least they could finally put into practice a few autopsy tricks Nicole had been itching to show her.
She let herself be guided back to Cassandra's chambers and into her bed, that she had grown intimately familiar with. The last thing she felt before falling asleep was the brunette's cool skin, pressed against her own. A welcomed comfort among the myriad of soft pillows that surrounded them. Nicole wondered briefly if being undead meant it was hard to keep yourself warm, but the thought quickly slipped away as she fell into a dreamless sleep.
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missymurphy1985 · 3 years
The Lesson
After breaking up with your long-term boyfriend, you finally found the courage to enrol at university, studying Modern Theatre. Your life now taking an unexpected detour to its original plan of marriage, babies, settling down. This is going to be an interesting year.
Tag List (message me to be added): @queenshelby @peakyscillian @ntmynouis @margoo0 @cloudofdisney
Warnings - smut / teacher.student relationship
Main Characters - Cillian Murphy (he's 35 and single for the purpose of this fic, no children)
"Hey!!! Over here!!" You heard Sarah, your best friend, shouting from the other side of the hall and made your way over.
"Thank god, I was starting to think I'd gone to the wrong place! This place is huge!!" You laughed as you hugged each other. Your bag slung over your shoulder, you linked arms with Sarah with your other arm as you made your way down to the Lecture Theatre.
"So how are you feeling?" Sarah asked.
"Nervous! I never, in a million years, thought I'd be doing this! I feel so old!" You laughed. At 26, you were easily the oldest student here, but Sarah laughed your worries away.
"Trust me, you're not. Once they revealed who the teacher was going to be this semester, a fair few extra people signed up to do that course y/n!" You looked at her confused.
"What, Mr Allen?? He's about 75 isn't he?" Sarah laughed again and left you at the door to your classroom, making her way to her own Design Studio at the bottom of the corridor to teach her own class.
"You'll see when you get inside!" She called behind her, smiling.
You took your seats near the front of the room, looking behind you you could see a gaggle of ladies in the back corner, all of them easily over the age of 40 with no clear interest at all in the subject at hand. They were all giggling like children.. this was going to be fun, you thought, rolling your eyes. Turning back round, you caught a glimpse of a dark haired man making his way through the door at the back of the room. As he made his way to the desk in the centre of the stage area in front of the students, you couldn't help but gasp a little. Jesus he was cute....
The ladies at the back squealed in delight and the man rolled his eyes.
"Right then, let's make a few things clear from the off shall we folks?" He spoke, his Irish accent booming through the auditorium. Everyone fell silent.
"I have a passion for the arts - I've been involved with them since I was 19. I'm here to teach you all I've learned over the last 16years and I plan on teaching it to like minded, dedicated people. People who want to make a career out of the beauty that is theatre. Those of you here simply to catch a glimpse of anything OTHER than a teacher doing his job, the doors at the back of the room." He stood still, leaning against the desk. The gasp at the back of the room was so loud, you couldn't help but giggle a little. Busted ladies. They all whispered to each other, a few of them glaring in the man's direction as they made their way to the back of the room. Slowly but surely, a few others also left sheepishly, men included, and you couldn't help but notice the man smiling a little underneath his floppy brown hair and round glasses. Who was this man??
"Now that's taken care of, I'm hoping I'm left with students that are here to learn the theatre and nothing else..." He paused, looking round the room. His eyes met yours and he paused for a second, raising his eyebrow slightly. You were now the oldest in the room, and you felt even more out of place. You kept a straight face, and maintained the eye contact with him. He wasn't bullying YOU out of here, you didn't care who he THOUGHT he was.
"Right... Well we'd better get going then!" His demeanour changed, he smiled broadly clapping his hands together. "My name's Cillian Murphy - please for the love of God call me Cillian... Mr Murphy is my Dad and I'm not quite ready for that level of old yet." A few chuckles in the room - that tension was gone. "This isn't the first time I've done a class like this, and I've had to evict people part way through for.. ah.. shall we say inappropriate behaviour. Wanted to nip that in the bud from the offset, so I apologise to you all now for the way the class started. Now, do you all have the textbooks the school sent out last month? Let's start on page 35 shall we?" The class, including you, opened the books in unison to find the chapter on Lighting and Sound. Cillian glanced back over at you, a look of uncertainty on his face. You could feel him staring, but refused to look up at him.
"So how are your classes going y/n?" Your mum walked into your apartment to find you studying, book one side, laptop the other and you making notes in the middle of your desk in the corner of the room. You'd given her a key a month prior so she could let your dog, Juno, out during the day while you were at uni.
"It's hard work! I had no idea there was so much to learn about the theatre, they make it look so easy!!"
Your mum laughed and went to the kitchen to put the kettle on for you both. Kicking back, you allowed yourself a break after 3 hours studying and met your mum at the small breakfast bar.
"I hear you have a new teacher too? Cillian Murphy?"
"Yeah, he's amazing! He's been there and done it all mum, the stories he tells are fascinating!"
"You know who he is, right?" You did know. You'd googled him when you got home after that first lesson. Pretty big hot shot actor, but you weren't bothered. He seemed pretty down to earth and normal to you.
"Yep I know - you'd never think it though, he's so... Normal I guess?"
"Cute too."
"Mother! Behave!" You both giggled. You couldn't deny he was very attractive though - but you could tell he was a professional. No way had he even looked at you that way - in fact you were convinced he thought you were there purely for him, rather than the course, so you were even more determined to pass this semester with flying colours to prove a point.
The following weeks were filled with more information than you could get your head around. You hated to admit it, but you were struggling to keep up. You hated admitting defeat, but you were really starting to wonder if you could carry on at this pace. Your work was starting to slip, and Cillian had noticed it too, much to your dismay. He'd called a 1-2-1 with you this afternoon, and you were convinced he was going to pull you from the course. You knocked on the door of his office, the defeat written all over your face.
"Come in y/n.."
"Hi.." you tried to smile as you sat across from him. He had your latest piece of coursework in front of him on the desk and he was leaning back in the chair, eyeing you through the rims of his round glasses. Standing up, he made his was over to the drinks cabinet in the corner of the room and pulled out a bottle of Irish Whiskey. You watched him, silently, as he put two glasses on the desk.
"Shouldn't be drinking this during the day, but felt the need. Want one?" You smiled, nodding your head.
"Conversation is clearly not going to be a fun one, no?"
"What makes you say that? I'm just lightening the mood y/n, you walked in here looking like you were going to either cry or knock me out!" He laughed, and offered you the glass. You took it, and sat it in your hands. Your fingers connected and you forced down a gasp at the contact. You'd refused to show him any kind of attraction but it was difficult while he was sat so close to you.
"Listen, I know I'm falling behind Cillian, I'll make it up I promise -"
"Stop. It's okay. Yes, your marks are dropping slightly, but not by much, okay? I'm seeing real potential in you. I invited you here to talk to you about some extra classes to help bump you back to where you need to be. What do you say?" He took a sip of the whiskey and so did you. Relief washing through you as the warm liquid fell down your throat. Hopefully it hid the blush in your cheeks.
"Um.. wow... Okay.. yeah! That'd be great, thank you!" He smiled again. God that smile... Stop it y/n.. he's your teacher, stop.. he sat back down at his desk and handed you a book.
"Great! I've put my phone number on the inside cover. Have a read of this, and call me when you're done. I think you'll like it." You took the book and smiled. A history of Modern Theatre. You agreed, definitely an interesting read.
"Is it classed as 'appropriate' for a teacher to give a student his phone number, Cillian?" You smirked, referring to his opening outburst on that first day. He chuckled.
"Maybe not, but I'm not a teacher, I'm an actor helping out the local university for a semester while the actual teacher takes a leave of absence." You'd heard Mr Allen had fallen ill, Cillian was just a temporary stand in for three months. Nothing permanent. "I have a new job starting in January, I'll be done here by Christmas." You couldn't help but feel a bit sad at the thought of him not being around anymore. Without admitting it, you'd looked forward to seeing him every day in class. He stood again, and raised his glass in a toast. You raised yours.
"What are we drinking to?"
"You. We're drinking to you y/n. I'm telling you, I'm seeing some real potential with you - you're going far, just need to focus more on the content, that's all." You blushed again.. was that the reason you were distracted? Him? Maybe. "Meet me back here tonight, around 4:30? Should be done with marking by then, we can make a start?" You agreed, a nervous knot forming in your stomach.
You'd been having your 1-2-1 meetings with Cillian for more than a month now, and your marks were certainly improving. You had finished the book he gave you, but you hadn't plucked up the courage to text him yet. Watching TV alone in your apartment one evening, you downed your third glass of wine and picked up your phone. He wouldn't have given you the number if he didn't expect you to use it, come on y/n...
"Hey Cillian? Just letting you know I finished the book. Really good read, thank you! I'll have it back with you in the morning. And thank you for spending time with me helping to improve my marks too, it's really helped. Y/n x" pressing send, you cursed yourself, why the hell did you put a X at the end!!! You cursed again when it was delivered... Then again when its status changed to 'read'... Oh crap... A reply.
"Glad you liked it! It's been a pleasure, you're doing a great job! Cx." He put one on his text too... Come on y/n, you're not a teenager anymore, get a grip of yourself!!! Your phone pinged again.
"Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow xx" 2 kisses? Ping.. "Maybe we can finish more than your coursework.x" What did that mean? Was he flirting with you?
"What did you have in mind? X"
"There's still half a bottle of whiskey in the cupboard, shame to let it go to waste X"
"I don't think you'd be able to keep up with me Cillian 😉" you typed, feeling a bit braver.
"Challenge accepted y/n. I'll see you tomorrow afternoon X" you knew his stint at the university was coming to a close, was he flirting with you?
You knocked Cillian's office door at 4:30 sharp, knowing how much of a stickler he was for punctuality. You felt nervous, after your texts last night you didn't know what to expect - was he flirting or were you just overthinking it? The door opened, and he stood aside to welcome you in, a smile on his face as he greeted you.
"Good to see you y/n, come on in!" He walked to the cabinet in the corner. "I never turn down a challenge, you in?" You smiled, nodding, as he poured two glasses.
"Good job I left the car at home this morning," you chuckled as he brought his glass to meet yours. Both of you sinking it down in one, you grimaced as the liquid slipped down your throat and he took the glass from you to pour another.
"We'll take this one a bit slower y/n, what do you say?" His eyes darkened slightly, the alcohol clearly having an effect. You couldn't help the warm feeling running through your groin as he licked his lips to clear them of the whiskey remnants that sat on them.
"Whatever you say sir.." he glanced up at you as you said 'sir', and leaned against the desk.
"Sir? Since when did you call me sir?" He tilted his head back slightly, glass swirling in his hand. You sipped your drink and stood to face him, confidence growing. You could see his attraction towards you, and you decided to go with it.
"Since you decided to try and seduce your student... Sir." He swallowed hard, the game clearly up, watching you take a step towards him. Your bodies inches apart, he brought his hand up to rest on your hip, pulling you that little bit closer.
"Probably shouldn't have put kisses on a text to your teacher, then, should you.."
"Probably shouldn't have given me your phone number then, should you.." the air was hot now, your bodies touching gently, your breathing becoming deeper. You brought your hands to his chest, over his shoulders, and he quickly spun you round so you were now sat on his desk. His lips found yours and he ground his hips against your core, your legs parted allowing him access, skirt hitched up to your waist.
"I've wanted you since that first day... Fuck y/n you're beautiful... Sexy... Smart..." He kissed your neck between each word, breathing becoming hot and heavy. Suddenly stopping, he kissed your lips before making his way to the door, turning the key in the lock, before coming back to finish what you started. Unbuttoning your blouse and opening it, his hand snaked around your breasts, underneath the black lace bra. Groaning slightly, he moved his hands lower, down your abdomen.
"Leave as much on as possible... I'm taking you on this desk, right now.. you okay with that?"
"Like I said sir, I don't know if you'll be able to keep up with me.." your leg pushed him away slightly as you stood up, pushing him against the wall. You sank to your knees, taking his trousers and boxer shorts down with them, his cock springing up, twitching, begging for attention. Gasping, he watched you lick a circle around the swollen head, down the shaft, before taking one of his balls into your mouth and sucking lightly. His hand in your hair now, pulling it gently as he groaned. You continued teasing him with your tongue, before taking the tip of his cock into your mouth, giving it a hard suck, releasing it with a pop, sending his head back against the wall.
"Fuck... Take it y/n.. take it down..." You smiled, before sinking your mouth over his cock, all the way down the back of your throat, groaning into it sending shockwaves through him.
"Lets see how much you can take..." You sucked harder, not giving him time to react. Moving your head quickly up and down his shaft, you felt your core begin to leak, you'd never felt as turned on in your life as you did right now. You felt his legs start to shake...
"Yes.. fuck yes... Feels so good baby... Suck it... Harder.. god fuck yes..." His balls tightened, you could feel him trying to pull back but you held him firm with your hands on his hips, willing him to empty into you. "I'm gonna... You might... Jesus.... Fuck...." He came hard, gripping your hair for support as he came hard, you felt his cum shoot in the back of your throat and swallowed as much as you could, some of it spilling down your chin. You pulled your mouth away, holding your mouth slightly open so he could see his cum on your tongue before swallowing it back down.
"That was... My god... Fuck y/n..."
"Oh you will sir, you definitely will. I'm not done with you yet.." you stood up and sat back on the desk, legs parted again to reveal your core to him, completely bare. He didn't see you remove your underwear while you were sucking him, but he wasn't complaining. Gathering himself, he moved to stand between your legs and pulled your lips to his, kissing you passionately, tasting a little of himself in the process and feeling surprisingly aroused from it. He moved his mouth down to your core, running his tongue along your open slot painfully slowly.
"Cillian... Please... Need to cum...."
"You will, baby, oh you will..." You moved your hands to his soft, floppy hair and pulled his face where you needed it. He loved you taking control and took your clit with his tongue, pressing it, rolling it around his tongue as he felt you begin to shake. You lifted a leg onto the desk to give him better access, and he inserted two fingers inside you, tipping them up to meet your g spot deep inside, emitting a sharp cry from you as you three your head back.
"Yes!!! Oh god yes... Right there... Fuck!!" Your hips were involuntarily rolling against his face now, riding his tongue as he brought you more pleasure than you thought was possible. Within minutes, your orgasm was building, and sensing it, he pumped his fingers harder against that one spot that was making you see stars. Three pumps and you came hard against his face, liquid flowing from you like a waterfall, hitting the floor underneath you as you screamed Cillians name. He leaned back on his ankles, watching you coming undone, smiling. Once you'd caught your breath, your eyes fell onto his his.
"Feeling proud of yourself there Mr Murphy?" You smiled. He stood between your thighs again.
"Extremely. But I'm not done with you yet. Turn around y/n." His blue eyes darker now. Your core throbbed, knowing what was coming. Standing up, turning round, you bent over his desk, his hands parting your legs. Taking a condom from his bag behind him, you heard the packet rip open and you rotated your hips, teasing him. He groaned deeply as he started to push his length into you, inch by inch.
"Ohh... Oh god..." You weren't ready for his size, you legs parting as much as possible. Inch by inch he pushed, allowing you to adjust, before bottoming out, his balls resting near your still throbbing clit.
"I'm gonna fuck you hard against this desk, y/n... You're gonna take every thrust like the good girl you are..." You bucked your hips up and he responded by pulling his cock nearly out, and thrusting back in powerfully enough to make you scream his name. Picking up the pace, he leaned over to grab your hair in his hand, giving it a sharp tug as he thrust into you from behind over and over, relentlessly.
"Harder... Cillian harder!!! Fucking... Oh god yes!!!" Loving the sound of your cries and the feel of your pussy contracting around his cock, he knew you were close to another orgasm.
"Rub yourself... Rub your clit baby, make yourself cum for me..." You reached a hand round to your core and found that bundle of nerves. Circling it hard, your orgasm built up again and you swore you saw stars.
"Good girl.... That's it baby... Let it go, I've got you... Let it go...." That was all you needed to hear. You came hard, and he couldn't hold back once he felt your walls contracting round him. "I'm... Oh y/n yes... Yes!" He stilled, you felt his cock pulsate, filling the condom. Both of you breathless, he fell forwards resting against your back.
He pulled out gently, pulling the condom off and disposing of it in the bin, he chuckled slightly.
"Remind me to empty the bin before we leave... I don't think the cleaner will expect to see that in there in the morning!" You laughed too, standing up to face him.
"That was incredible... Just amazing..." You rested your head against his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around your waist, kissing your hair gently.
"I enjoyed that too y/n.. and I'd really like to see you again, if you'll let me?"
"I'd like that..." You smiled. You'd convinced yourself if anything happened it would probably be a one time thing, I mean he was a famous actor, what would he want with you? You had no illusions going into this.
"My teaching finishes here in 2 weeks - what do you say I take you out for dinner when it's done?"
"Sounds like a plan Cillian. But am I supposed to stay away until then?"
"Definitely not, y/n, we've still got a few 1-2-1 sessions to squeeze in before I leave..." He leaned down to kiss you, pushing you back against the desk again. His erection pressing against your core again. "It would appear I'm able to keep up after all y/n..."
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otonymous · 4 years
Glutton For Your Flavour (Obey Me: Beelzebub - NSFW)
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Description: You’re about to become Beel’s next meal Warnings: NSFW/18+: Explicit/graphic language — reader discretion is advised.  Spoilers for Lesson 5 of MS (hard).  Please note potential trigger warnings: dub-con (as an inadvertent result of somnambulism), cunnilingus in two flavours (soft and rough), squirting and overstimulation, slight size kink, very faint hints of tetraphilia, blink-and-you’ll-miss-it blasphemy, slight fear (monstrous descriptions) Word Count: ~2900 words (~14 mins of smut & shenanigans) Author’s Notes:  My very first fic for the Obey Me fandom!  I know I’m late to the party, but I’ve recently started playing this game and the story and its characters are so amusing I had to write about it.  This piece may not be to everyone’s taste, so please, please, please note the potential trigger warnings listed above and skip if it’s not your cup of tea.  That being said, hope you all enjoy the read! 💕😆
“Bad luck to be sharing a room with Beel, but what can ya do after he destroyed yours while destroying the kitchen, and all for a dumb custard!  Be careful — he might mistake you for a snack and eat ya in the middle of the night, hahaha!”
The scene fragments, Mammon’s face wavering as his voice grows faint, consciousness seeping into dark corners like sunlight cutting through fog.  And when you open your eyes, you can’t quite place where you are for a moment, straddling the line between dreamscape and reality.
You sigh.  There it was again, the sensation so pleasant it had roused you from the deepest slumber.
Further blinking off the haze of sleep, you take in your surroundings: a large bed lying empty across from yours in a room almost cavernous in size and just as dark save for a candle burning low on a desk, the glow of its flame orange like the hair that was currently brushing soft against your inner thighs—
“So tasty…not…enough…need more…want to…eat…zzz….”
Eyes still closed, the demon’s face is shiny even in the dark, slick from cheek to chin with what must’ve been a copious amount of his saliva and your arousal, you blush to realize.  And when he doesn’t budge even after a swift kick to the face, you are ashamed to find the Lord of Flies’ show of strength sending yet another throb to your already pulsing clit.
He does wake though, Beelzebub’s amethyst eyes opening wide before he falls backwards onto the cold stone floor to realize what he had inadvertently done in his sleep.  And as the always-famished sixth born looks from the shredded remnants of your panties to the pool of wetness on the sheets where his chin had rested, he becomes even more tongue-tied than usual.
“I…uh…I’m sorry!  I didn’t mean to…I dreamt I smelled something delicious and I was so hungry…and somehow I’m here, on the floor…I don’t even know…I-I’m so sorry!”
His cheeks grow so flushed they remind you of the red spider sandwiches he packed away during dinner, stuffing them two by two into his mouth until Satan smacked his hand away for trying to take more from his plate.  The expression on his face is so full of remorse that even if you were angry, you’d be inclined to forgive the demon who was currently grovelling at the foot of your bed, swearing he would hand himself over to Lucifer and Diavolo first thing in the morning to be strung up and hung upside down for a fortnight, even (gulp) forgoing food for a day or two.
“Beelzebub…Beel…BEEL!”  You shout, interrupting his self-inflicted tirade.  “It’s okay, you didn’t mean it.  You were sleepwalking.  You don’t have to go to Lucifer and Diavolo about this.”
“No, I have to.  My behaviour was inexcusable—”
“BEEL!  Let’s…just…try to go back to sleep, okay?  We have our midterm in Devildom law tomorrow morning and I really don’t feel like failing just because I didn’t get enough shut eye.  So please, can we just pretend like this didn’t happen?”
Those orange brows are still furrowed when Beel finally lifts his head and nods.  But then his gaze is falling again on the wet sheets and the shiver than runs through that larger-than-life body seems to send another wave of anxiety through the demon.  He makes a mad dash for the door, murmuring something about getting a snack from the kitchen and “you can have the room tonight” before it slams shut behind him.
He doesn’t return for the rest of the night.
The exam was so disastrous even Mammon didn’t bother sneaking another peek at your paper after the first two questions.  And even if you had somehow managed to get back to sleep after last night’s ordeal, it wouldn’t have changed the fact that you were still distracted by the memory of Beel’s mouth on your pussy:
His long tongue, serpentine as it delved deep between swollen folds to taste you with gusto.  
The way he rolled your clit between those plush, soft lips before sucking it into his hot mouth, over and over again.  
The throbbing between your legs that refused to cease long after the Avatar of Gluttony had left the room you were temporarily sharing, sleep only forthcoming once you had succumbed and reached beneath the sheets to finish the job he had started, your moans licentious even to your ears as you pretended your fingers were his.
It was a pale imitation, of course.  That much you could see for yourself, stealing a glance at Beel seated two rows down — quill twirling between long, dexterous digits when he wasn’t putting ink to parchment.
But those gigantic hands were just a small part of what made Beel demonically attractive, as if the word “small” could be applied to him at all: tall and built, there were times when even you envied the ease with which he maintained that perfect physique despite his penchant for shovelling enough food to feed all three realms into his mouth on the regular.
The same mouth which brought you so much pleasure the night before.
Clearing your throat, you pretend not to see the smirk that spreads across Asmo’s delicate face, hoping the lusty demon sitting just to your left wouldn’t pick up on the very secret thoughts you were having about his brother.
[Private Chatroom]: Satan, Levi, Mammon, Asmo
Satan: This is going to sound crazy, but doesn’t it seem like Beel’s…hungrier than usual?  Is that even possible?
Levi: OMFG!  You should’ve seen the state of the kitchen this morning after Beel decided to camp out there overnight!  It was a total war zone, like that epic battle scene in Vol. 5 of TSL lololol.  Soooo good XDDDDD
Mammon:  Hey!  He’s gonna eat us outta house and home at this rate!  Shouldn’t we stop him?
Satan: You do it, Mammon.  Aren’t you always saying that there’s nothing The Great Mammon can’t do?
Mammon: …..
Asmo: Please, as if anyone — angel or demon — could come between Beel and a meal.  
Satan: Why was he camping out there in the first place?  Was there something wrong with his room?  I don’t remember him complaining about anything since he got shacked up with the exchange student.
Levi: Not like he could, seeing as it was his fault to begin with and a direct order from Lucifer.
Asmo: Maybe we should ask her.  I’m sure she knows something about what’s inciting his hunger judging by the way she kept staring at him in class today fufufu 😏  She almost failed her midterm because of it, isn’t that right, Mammon?
Mammon: ‼️‼️
[Mammon has left the chat]
Levi: He is sooooo transparent LMFAOOOO
Pressing a hand to your mouth, you try to contain your shock at the sight that greets you when you peek around the corner into the kitchen:
Curved, ebony horns sitting majestically atop a head of disheveled orange hair.  Thick, corded muscles that ripple across a broad back — readily apparently because the creature bent over a mountain of food on the ground was wearing nothing but a pair of pyjama bottoms, loose and slung so low over narrow hips that the sharp V defining his groin is visible even from the distance at which you stood.  
Because this wasn’t quite what you were expecting to find when you made your way to the kitchen in the middle of the night to search for Beel, thinking to approach him about the peculiarity of his recent behaviour: the way he now ate constantly and was less satiated than before, the fact that he seemed to be going out of his way to avoid you even though you shared a room.
In fact, he hadn’t said so much as another word to you after he gave you two dozen of his prized custards the morning after the incident, apologizing again until you had to be the one to make him swear he wouldn’t breathe a word of it to Lucifer.  The demon even made a beeline for the door as soon as he saw you emerge from the bathroom tonight, fresh from a shower.
It wasn’t hard to guess where he was headed.
Even still, you tried to focus on your textbook, reading the same line over and over again as you waited for Beel to return so you could have a proper conversation with the demon you made a pact with.  And when you could wait no longer, you made your way towards his favourite room in the House of Lamentation — silently, so as not to draw the attention of the eldest sibling.
But the growls coming from the direction of the open fridge this time sounded like Cerberus himself, enough so that you find yourself rooted to the ground, unable to take another step forwards or back.  
You had never seen Beel like this before, tearing into whatever he could get his hands on with a savagery that made your heart stop.  Teeth, lips and tongue devoured without second thought in a way that was simultaneously terrifying and…
Suddenly, he stills, throwing his head back to sniff the air once…twice…and in a flash, he is upon you, towering over your head as he rises to full height — bigger and taller and much more intimidating than you’ve ever seen him before.
You should have been scared.  Any person in their right mind would have if they found themselves cornered by a demon of Beelzebub’s calibre.  But the hands that balled into trembling fists at his sides made you feel oddly secure, your deepest instincts telling you that not all was as it seemed.
“You need to leave.  Now…please.”
“What’s going on with you, Beel?  I just want to help—”  You reach for his arm.  He jumps back as if burned.
“I SAID YOU NEED TO LEAVE!  I-I…can’t hold back…for…much longer!”
Handsome face screwed up as if in pain, Beel turns to put as much distance as possible between the two of you, squatting on his haunches with his head in his hands when he murmurs:
“I…I don’t know what’s going on with me.  This has never happened before.  I’m hungrier than I’ve ever been.  I eat and eat and eat and it still isn't enough.  The last time I felt satisfied was when…when…”
His voice dies down to a whisper.
“…when I tasted you.”
Putting out a hand, you steady yourself against the wall, knees suddenly weak at Beelzebub’s admission.  Or perhaps it was due to relief, the tension that had been steadily building in your strained relationship with the demon released to know that you weren’t the only one who desired to revisit that night’s events.
So you gather your courage, stepping softly towards the demon who crouched on the ground next to the lit fireplace, the heat radiating from the hearth warming the flesh you had deliberately left bare when you lift the hem of your night gown to expose yourself to Beel.
“What are you doing?!  I told you, I can barely hold back—”
“Then don’t.  I don’t mind, Beel.  I…I like it too.”
Amethyst eyes darken as they look up into yours, orange flames reflecting off pupils blown wide.  And when he speaks next, the deepness of his voice echoes in your body, as if its source were to be found within your own soul.
“Ask and ye shall receive.  I won’t touch you until you do.”
Nipples hardening beneath your gown, the rush of heat that floods your core makes you shudder when you say,
“Please, Beelzebub…I want you to eat my pussy.”
Back hitting solid wood, you barely have time to gasp before you are pulled to the edge of a long table in the centre of the kitchen, a long tongue running up the insides of each thigh in turn before they’re propped up onto broad shoulders, Beel’s breath blowing hot on the space in between.
“I’m sorry, but I don’t think I can hold back.  I’m just…so famished, so desperate to taste you again—”
His words cut off in a low growl as he presses his lips to your folds, saliva dripping from his mouth mixing with the juices that already painted a glistening sheen on pink flesh.  You fight to bite back a moan at the vehemence of his hunger, the sheer greed of his tongue — flicking at your clit until your back arched off the table, heralding the arrival of the cream that leaked only to be swept up by Beel licking from end to end of that swollen seam.  And when that still wasn’t enough, you nearly swooned to feel that serpentine tongue penetrate, reaching depths that surely only a demon would be able to achieve as Beel sought out more of your flavour.
He buries his face deeper into your pussy, nose nudging your clit as arousal smeared over the entirely of his visage.  The vibrations of his voice further stimulates your locus of pleasure, punctuating the lewd, wet sounds when he says:
“You smell so delicious.  All the time.  And tonight, when you stepped out of the shower…I couldn’t take it, not with the way your scent flooded my senses.  I had to leave or else…this would happen.”
“Oh Beel…you should’ve told me sooner.”  
Mind lost in a haze of lust and body boneless from riding out wave after climatic wave, you reach down a trembling hand without thinking, fingers innocently tracing along the smooth ridges of the onyx horns that lay against your abdomen.
Suddenly, his breath hitches at your touch and the Sixth Prince of Hell is throwing his head back, eyes squeezed shut and mouth open in a moan loud and deep enough to reverberate off stone walls, clattering stacks of dishes in cupboards and making you come once more — legs convulsing upon his shoulders as you feel a preponderance of fluid gush forth from your body right into Beel’s waiting mouth.
The pleasure was such that you’ve never known before, so good that surely, it must be bad in some way, shape or form.  But you hadn’t the energy to ponder further.  
No, the only thing you’re aware of when your vision goes black is that Beel’s mouth is still on you, feasting upon a pussy that continued to respond to the teasing movements of his lips and tongue even as you ceased to think.
Cheddar.  Pickles.  Ketchup and mustard.
The smell is what rouses you, but nothing could’ve prepared you for what you saw when you awoke in your own bed: mountains of cheeseburgers arranged on platters filling up every available surface in the room you shared with Beel.
“You can sleep for longer if you want.  I told Lucifer you’d be skipping class today because you’re not feeling well.  Are you…feeling well?”
Beelzebub lifts his head from where it’d been resting at the side of your bed, the rest of his body laid out on the floor as if he were guarding you like an oversized dog.  Those puppy dog eyes, full of concern, didn’t help his case either.
“I’m fine, Beel.  Better than fine, actually.  I feel fantastic!”  You smile, moving to sit up in bed.  The demon springs from the ground, putting an arm around your shoulders to help prop you up, and your heart can’t help but warm at how protective he was being.
He breathes, relief flooding those handsome features.  “I’m glad.  I was afraid I lost control last night and had to carry you back.  You were just…so tasty and…satisfying…”  
Those amethyst eyes glint as they travel to the apex of your thighs, and all of a sudden, he is grabbing at those human world cheeseburgers, shoving them into his mouth two at a time.
“Have some,” he says between bites.  “They’re my favourite and I thought you might like them too.  Besides, you need to eat if you’re gonna keep up your energy.”
You reach towards the nearest platter, taking one for yourself.  “Energy for what?”
Beel looks at you, expression completely serious when he says, “For the next round tonight.”
Thank you so much for reading!  Check out more of my work here! 📚
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carewyncromwell · 2 years
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“It's a beautiful lie: It's a perfect denial -- Such a beautiful lie to believe in... So beautiful, beautiful, it makes me -- Oh! Everyone's looking at me -- I'm running around in circles --  A quiet desperation's building higher: I've got to remember this is just a game... So beautiful, beautiful...”
~“A Beautiful Lie” by 30 Seconds to Mars
Mia had always had faith in the Ministry of Magic. She really hadn’t ever been the sort to actively act out against authority, even back at school, and she generally believed that most of those who’d reached a position of authority in the Wizarding World wanted to do sincere good for their constituents. But as 1995 wore on, even Mia had to admit that Florean had had a point, that the information put out by the Daily Prophet (and by extension the Ministry of Magic) didn’t always make sense.
For one, there was Florean’s first-hand testimony regarding Harry Potter’s character. If he was truly as modest and unassuming as he’d seemed when Florean had meant him, then why was he suddenly so seemingly obsessed with getting attention? Even the quotes credited to him by Rita Skeeter in the old articles Mia had managed to scrounge up from her coverage of the Triwizard Tournament -- in retrospect -- seemed oddly theatrical. Mia had certainly never encountered a teenage boy who would admit to crying about his dead parents at night, let alone to a complete stranger.
If Olin or Skylar ever rambled about crying themselves to sleep every night, I’d be convinced they’d taken a Babbling Beverage, Mia thought to herself, thinking of her sister Tia’s two young sons. After getting chucked in the head with a miscast Confundus Charm. 
Then there was the arrest of Stugis Podmore. Mia hadn’t known the man very well at all, but according to Tia’s husband, Dirk Cresswell, he was a rather stoic, but dutiful man who’d never once been in any trouble with Law Enforcement before. Tia herself had remarked on how when she’d once had Sturgis over for tea, the man had caught Skylar in the act of trying to serve him tea in a nose-biting teacup, but merely patted the boy on the head and told him to stay out of trouble. Even Florean had had nothing but nice things to say about Sturgis -- his grandfather was apparently on very good terms with the Podmores, given their respected position in multiple departments of the Ministry. By all accounts, a man like that would have no reason at all to try to break into the Department of Mysteries -- and yet for some reason, he apparently had. Was it because he’d been framed? Or...
Then there was the troubling letters Mia received from Olin. The older of her two nephews had just started his fourth year at Hogwarts (Skylar was set to start in the fall of ‘96), but the teenager still dutifully wrote to both his mother and his favorite aunt, so as to keep them in the loop of the goings-on at school. His letters to his mother were often idealized and rosy -- with his witty, firebrand aunt, he felt more comfortable venting his frustrations. In the past the Ravenclaw boy had frequently complained to Mia about his previous Defense Against the Dark Arts professors (except for Professor Lupin -- Olin had loved him), but the stories he sent along about Cornelius Fudge’s hand-picked candidate, Dolores Umbridge, made Mia cringe. 
I had my first Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson with Professor Umbridge today. I hate to pass judgment on someone so quickly, but...I really don’t like her. At all. I’m hoping we get to do more in our next class.
Tuesday marked yet another awful class with her Royal Toadliness, Professor Umbridge. I swear, I can’t help but feel like she’s here to watch us, more than teach us.
As for Defense Against the Dark Arts -- it’s just painful, Aunt Mia. Every class period, we do nothing but read from our textbooks, while Professor Umbridge sits behind her desk the whole time, just staring at us. Normally I wouldn’t mind reading, of course, but these textbooks are so dull! There’s so much prattling-on about how to be a ‘fine, upstanding wizard’ and ‘promote proper magical safety’ and such, and absolutely nothing practical whatsoever! No charts, no diagrams of spell movements, nothing actually useful -- just Wilbert Slinkhard talking down and lecturing us through the page like we’re a bunch of misbehaving kids! I’ve never been so frightfully bored in all my life! 
In other news, Professor Umbridge has now been named Hogwarts’s new “High Inquisitor,” which is basically a professor whose only job is to pick apart every other professor at school. The idea that a teacher as dreadful as Umbridge is taking pot shots at the likes of Professor Flitwick is just insulting. 
In regard to what Mum and Dad have heard about Umbridge -- that’s utter rubbish! I don’t know who this Percy Weasley bloke has been talking to, but Umbridge is hardly an ‘unqualified success!’ Just about everybody dreads going to her class -- the only ones who don’t are probably the fifth year Slytherins, since they get to watch her smack Potter around. I even saw him leaving detention with her the other night, holding his right hand, which looked like it was bleeding! I really hope it was nothing she did...but I hate the fact that I even have to wonder that!
P.S. This morning Filch stopped me, saying that he'd gotten a tip that I was trying to order some contraband goods from Zonko’s, and confiscated this letter, so as to bring it to Umbridge to look over. Fortunately Professor Flitwick stepped in when I chased after him, demanding he give me my letter back, and I was able to send this in peace. 
I am beside myself! In Defense Against the Dark Arts today, Umbridge remarked that we haven’t any competent Defense Against the Dark Arts teachers, aside from her. When I rose my hand and immediately brought up Professor Lupin, she shut me down, calling him a ‘dangerous half-breed’ and saying that no one of ‘that sort’ is safe around children! Ginny Weasley snapped that she would take Professor Lupin’s ‘sort’ of teaching over hers and ended up getting detention for it, but I quite agreed with her. I don’t care that Professor Lupin was a werewolf -- he was a wonderful teacher, and the fact that him being a werewolf is all Umbridge cares about...UGH! It’s disgusting!
Umbridge is being rotten, as per usual. With this new Decree she’s put up, she’s banned all Hogwarts clubs, teams, and organizations unless they get her explicit approval! Sure, the Dragon Club’s been able to reopen again, no problem, but I heard that she almost didn’t let the Gryffindor Quidditch team reform until Professor McGonagall put her foot down. I mean, sure, it’s not my house team, but if Gryffindor wasn’t allowed to play, that would completely ruin the Quidditch Cup for everyone! And it was clearly all just because Umbridge doesn’t like Potter, the Gryffindor Seeker.
Honestly, all I’m hoping is that Father Christmas leaves a bucketful of coal in Umbridge’s stocking this year. And a letter firing her once and for all.
What worried Mia more than anything else, though, happened right after the New Year. 
The mass Azkaban breakout in January 1996 was the worst in the wizard prison’s history, up until that point. Not only did it result in ten prisoners escaping, but these prisoners were all ex-Death Eaters who’d been placed in some of the highest security cells in Azkaban: Augustus Rookwood -- Antonin Dolohov -- even Rabastian, Rodolphus, and Bellatrix Lestrange. Cornelius Fudge had told the Prophet that the Ministry suspected Sirius Black’s involvement, which Mia had to grant could be true...but she remembered that Barty Crouch Jr. -- who had originally been arrested and imprisoned for what happened to the Longbottoms, along with the Lestranges -- had been captured and his soul sucked out by a dementor, right after the Triwizard Tournament. At the time, it was supposed that he’d gone mad, acting like he was working for his old master even after he was long dead. But now...thinking of that and Sirius Black’s own unexplained escape from Azkaban, alongside these news stories of dangerous Death Eaters suddenly walking free...Mia couldn’t help but wonder if Florean had been right, to compare Fudge’s behavior to those of Ministers Fawley and Jenkins. 
“I hate to question the Minister,” Mia told her sister Tia over tea one January afternoon, “especially when I’m sure he’s doing his best...but it just seems...well, suspicious. I can’t be the only one who sees it.”
Tia put down her teacup in her lap, her green eyes (very similar to her sisters) drawn down to the gray liquid within as she considered this.
“It is troubling,” she said quietly. 
Her sweet, level voice was much more measured and methodical than Mia’s -- as if she weighed each word very carefully. 
“...Dirk has said that people are starting to whisper at work. Apparently there have been multiple cases of people receiving letters or packages through Owl Post that have already been crudely opened by persons unknown. Some cases have been traced back to open investigations by the Auror Department, but others...well, no warrant has been linked to them. Some think it could be the Department of Mysteries at work, but others worry it’s someone within the Ministry who doesn’t want to be identified, for whatever reason. Some of those letters have even come from Hogwarts that way.”
“Olin said something about Umbridge telling Filch to bring him a letter he’d written,” Mia recalled. 
Tia was startled. “What?”
“Apparently Umbridge had heard a rumor that he was ordering some kind of contraband and had asked to look over Olin’s letter to me. Fortunately Professor Flitwick stepped in before either Filch or Umbridge could read it or Olin could get in any trouble.”
Tia smiled softly, clearly relieved. “Thank the stars for Filius -- he always was so good at bringing the temperature down...” 
Her demure, lady-like face then gained a much more solemn expression. “...Oh, but that couldn’t be true, could it? If any of those opened letters were read by Dolores Umbridge -- think of what a violation of trust that would be. Among our government officials -- our student’s teachers...”
Mia’s lips knit together tightly. “...I know. Surely the Ministry could claim they have good cause, to enact such awful measures -- normally I’d be tempted to think so...but what cause could there be, if our World is not in active danger? If everything is fine, as the Minister claims?”
“Could it be because of the break-out that they’re so alarmed?” Tia pondered. “Everyone’s been so shaken by that -- I’m sure the Minister must be too...”
“But that stuff had to be going on before Tuesday, for Dirk’s coworkers to be so concerned,” said Mia. 
She put her own cup of hot water and lemon (her usual substitute for tea) down on her sister’s parlor table, her posture visibly restless. 
“Tia,” Mia said slowly, “a few months ago, Florean expressed some concerns that the Prophet might be...well, not telling the whole story.”
Tia raised her eyebrows in surprise. “What do you mean? You mean, on purpose?”
“No. At least Florean didn’t think so...”
Mia told her everything Florean had said about Harry Potter and how it didn’t match up with the Prophet’s depiction of him, as well as how Olin’s accounts about Dolores Umbridge didn’t gel with the Prophet’s view either. 
“It just doesn’t add up,” said Mia. “Harry Potter can’t simultaneously be quiet, modest, grateful, and kind and obnoxious, arrogant, deceptive, and attention-seeking. Dolores Umbridge can’t be ‘revolutionizing education’ while doing nothing but sitting in her classroom watching her students read and refusing to teach them any actual spellwork at the same time.”
She crossed her arms. 
“Florean didn’t think the Daily Prophet was getting things wrong on purpose, but I’m...I’m not so sure. It almost feels like the Prophet isn’t writing what’s true -- but rather writing good or bad about people solely based on who agrees with Fudge and who doesn’t.”
Her pink lips twisted into a troubled frown, Tia put down her own cup of tea and reached out to take hold of her sister’s arm. 
“Do you really think it’s as bad as that, Mia?” she asked softly. 
Mia looked down. “I don’t want to think so, but...”
Her eyes welled up with anxiety as she looked back up at Tia.
“Tia, if it is true, then how do we believe anything they write? How do we believe the Ministry has things under control, or that Hogwarts is in good hands? How do we know...?”
How do we know You-Know-Who isn’t really back...?
She choked on the end of the question, unable to finish. 
Tia squeezed her sister’s arm gently.
“Maybe we should talk to Callie about this,” she suggested. “She works for the WWN -- maybe she’ll have heard something...”
“All of Callie’s ‘interviews’ are utter fluff -- what good could come of that?” Mia muttered. 
“Not all of them,” Tia pointed out. “Remember, she had Jacob Cromwell on about the Chamber of Secrets, several years back...”
Mia scowled. Jacob Cromwell’s name was like an irritable fly, continuously getting in her face. 
Tia offered her younger sister a softer smile.
“Mia...I know you and Callie don’t always get on, and I know you’re still mad about her giving Jacob Cromwell a second chance...but family comes first. I know you believe this as much as anyone.”
She gave her arm another light squeeze.
“We have to find out the truth from somewhere,” Tia said earnestly. “Maybe Callie will have heard something through the grapevine of where to get actual information, about these goings-on. If something is happening, behind the scenes...” her eyes darkened with anxiety, “...then Dirk and I have to make preparations -- to protect the boys.”
“We’d all have to make preparations,” Mia agreed. 
Dad wouldn’t be in any fit state to fight off anyone who might be a threat. If these Death Eaters on the loose are running wild...
Mia exhaled softly through her nose. 
“Okay, I’ll ask her.”
Hopefully she’ll refrain from gushing even more about Jacob Cromwell within my earshot.
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weelittleweasley · 4 years
guitar lesson (f.w.)
prompt: the band that the weasley siblings had formed brought new excitement to hogwarts. new music, new 
pairing: guitarist!fred weasley x fem! reader
warnings: language, allusions to sex (for like one second)
word count: 4.7k
a/n: this is literally just pure fluff. pure cute musical fluff.
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George groaned and halted his drumming, “Bloody hell, Ronald, it’s not that hard to get the chord progression right after the third time drilling the song!” he cried out before tucking a drumstick behind his ear. “We go from G to B minor to E minor back to B minor. What is so hard about that?” he scolds his brother who just rolls his eyes. “Do we want to get this right or not?” George looks to the rest of the band comprised of his other siblings.
Ron just retorted simply, “It’s the first time we’ve ran this song in weeks, George. Everyone is rusty. Just give it a rest. We’ll get it right next go. Besides, aren’t we due for a five?” he looks to his sister who gives him eager eyes and a nod, signaling they were in desperate need of a break. 
George scoffs at his younger brother and says, “No, you’ll get it right the next go. Which starts now. Ginny, from the chorus. Fred, keep the chords crunchy, it sounds better that way. Ron, don’t fuck it up. Ready?” George directs the band as they all sigh. 
They had only been in band practice for an hour and a half and George was already making it a living hell. Sure, it was his idea to form a band and it seemed like a great idea. It was a way to spend more time together, to make music, to meet new people, and blow off some steam. If anything, Fred was the first one to jump on the offer. He knew that it would be a way for his family to bond, but also a way for him to show off his guitar skills that he had been honing for the past few years. Fred had once said, “Ladies love musicians. Especially the guitarists.”
But now it seemed like the band, which once was a low-key, stress free environment has changed wildly. Almost overnight things took a rapid 360. George had managed to book a gig for their band, The Burrow Bangers, at Three Broomsticks for the next weekend. George had convinced Madam Rosmerta to let them have the whole building for the evening for the gig if they promised to bring in the people. Which would not be a problem. Students were itching to see the band of siblings play. But this meant high stakes for the Weasleys. A real gig, paying them real money, to play real music. All they had ever done before was fuck around and play random music that they thought was funny. But this? This was all very new and very different than what they were used to.
With a few strikes of his drumsticks, George yelled out, “A 1, 2, 3, 4!” And the band swelled with music, George keeping rhythm on the drum kit, Fred wailing on his guitar, Ron strumming on the bass, and Ginny belting into the mic.
“She’s a Killer Queen, gunpowder, gelatine, Dynamite with a laser beam. Guaranteed to blow your mind; anytime...” Ginny belted into the mic, her alto voice resonating throughout the room of requirement as Ron and Fred stared at each other, wondering when they would get a break. Fred looked concerned at Ginny who's voice was obviously getting tired from belting for an hour and a half with no water or bathroom break.
Fred drops his guitar and speaks, “Hold on, hold on!” The band fades slowly before George throws up his hands in protest, asking why they stopped. “Do you not hear Ginny’s voice? She’s tired. We’re all tired, Georgie. We’ve been working non-stop for next week’s gig. I don’t think a ten minute break is gonna kill us,” he protests.
George rolls his eyes, “None of you are taking this seriously. We are getting paid for this. People are coming to watch us. Don’t you wanna be decent?” George rises from his seat, searching the eyes of his siblings for some agreement. 
Instead, he’s met with concerned eyes and tired expressions. Ginny looked absolutely exhausted, Fred looked exasperated, and Ron was flat out fed up. But all were equally concerned as to why their brother was so gassed up over this gig. George sighs, “I-” Fred gives him a sympathetic smile. “Of course, we wanna be good, Georgie. But we need to balance things out. Let’s all take a break for a while. Reconvene tonight after some much needed rest and we’ll talk details of rehearsals then. Good?”
Ron eagerly nods his head before slipping the bass off from around his body. Ginny turns off the mic and starts out with Ron, talks of what was for dinner in the Great Hall. Fred approaches his twin and places a hand on his shoulder. “What’s bugging you?” he asks, knowing that this behavior wasn’t typical for George. It wasn’t like George to get serious all of a sudden and push everyone to work without a break. Something was up and Fred could read it all over his brother’s face. 
Defeated, George sighs. “I don’t know, Fred. I guess I’m getting myself all worked up because I invited Angelina to the show and I wanted to ask to be my girlfriend and I guess I just want things to be perfect for her in a way.” Fred gives his brother a knowing look, wiggling his eyebrows. “Oh, shut it, you dickhead,” George laughs, pushing his brother’s shoulder. “You’d do the same if you fancied someone,” he teases Fred as his twin shrugs. “Freddie...you don’t mean to tell me no girl has walked up to you and has told you how hot it was that you played lead guitar in Hogwarts’ premiere band?” he teases.
Fred laughs, “Can’t say anyone has...yet.”
This makes George laugh and shake his brother’s shoulders. “That’s the spirit,” George slings his arm over Fred’s shoulder. The two twins carry back their band equipment as they make their way to the Gryffindor common room. “Seriously, Freddie, I bet I can set you up with one of Angie’s friends. I’ll tell Angie to bring her to the show and she can see just how sexy you look fingering those strings,” George alludes as Fred chuckles. 
“Nah, mate, I don’t wanna just have a set up of a date. I want to naturally meet a girl, you know?” Fred tells his twin as George rolls his eyes. Fred was always a hopeless romantic deep down. Although he had some flings in the past and had his fun with shagging a few girls casually here and there, Fred was looking for something more serious now. Someone he could connect with. “I’m not expecting for the perfect girl to be right around the corner, Georgie, but I’m not expecting her to be a-”
Fred stops mid sentence as he feels his body collide with another body as they walk around the corner of the hallway, making Fred and the person he had bumped into stumble back a bit. “Godric, I’m so sorry, I wasn’t pay attention to where I was going,” Fred looks around at the sheet music that was now cast about the floor. “Did I make you drop anything?” Fred asks, now looking up at a pair of eyes that made his heart skip a beat.
There you stood, a little flustered, in a hurry on your way to the library. You were late for a study group with some of your friends from your Charms class and it would be your third time late this week. If you were late again, they would surely give you shit for it. But as you took in who was causing you to run late, you suddenly didn’t mind. “Uh,” you gulp, “I’m alright, don’t worry. I should have watched where I was going. Now I’ve made quite the mess, haven’t I?” you lightly laugh as you crouch down to help him pick up the miscellaneous pieces of sheet music.
Fred joins you on the floor, picking up the scattered sheets. “It’s equally our mess,” Fred gives you a soft smile as you blush lightly. 
Fred looks up at George who wiggles his brows as if to say Oh La-La! before he winks at his brother. “Oh, hey (Y/N),” George speaks before continuing to walk down the hallway, giving his dear twin some privacy. Fred shoot his brother a look to say, Mate, what the fuck? 
“Hey, Georgie,” you laugh. The two of you continue to pick up the pieces of parchment as you inspect the scribbling on them to be the treble clef. “You’re a musician?” you ask him, referring to the sheets. Fred nods. “What instrument?”
“Guitar,” Fred beams as you widen your eyes and nod. “I’m actually in a band with George and my other siblings,” he tells you. “I didn’t know you were friends with George.”
You hand him a small pile of sheet music before you both rise to your feet. “Yeah, George and I have been friends for a little while. I helped tutor him in Divinations class,” you tell Fred who nods. Fred mentally yells that he wishes George would have told him that he was friends with an absolute stunner of a girl. “I didn’t know that you and George were in a band. That’s really cool,” you tell Fred with a smile.
As you stand before Fred Weasley, you hope he doesn’t know how flustered you were. You had always seen him in the halls with George and admired how charming and handsome he was from a far, but never said anything to him. You could have easily told George that you had a thing for his twin, but you were far too nervous to act on your little crush. You clutched your textbooks closer to your chest as Fred fixed the strap of his guitar on his chest, muscles flexing underneath his shirt as your eyes darting to watch them tug against the thin shirt material. 
Fred spoke, “We started the band a couple of months ago. So it’s a pretty recent development.”
You nod your head and awkwardly stand before him before realizing that you were just staring at Fred’s face, admiring how his lips curled into a little smirk when he looked at you. Clearing your throat, you breathe, “Wicked.” Fred chuckles. “I’ve always been fascinated by musicians. I wanted to teach myself how to play guitar, but I’ve never gotten around to it,” you word vomit, instantly regretting the words coming out of your mouth. Damn it, (Y/N), you might as well just tell him your life story, you think to yourself. 
With a cheeky smile, you watch Fred’s face light up. “I could teach you,” he suggest as your eyes widen. Fred immediately back pedals. “If you want! I mean, Godric knows that you are probably very busy, but if you ever wanted an instructor, I wouldn’t mind giving you lessons,” he retorts as you can’t help but have a lazy smile appear on your lips. Fred’s heart skips another beat as he gulps. “That’s only if you’d like me to teach you, (Y/N).”
The way he spoke your name made your stomach erupt with butterflies. His voice was like honey as words parted from his lips, the sweetest sounds you have ever heard. You watched his eyes as they looked into yours, monitoring how you reacted to his proposal. 
Guitar lessons with Fred Weasley? You would have to be mental if you said no. With a meek smile and you reply, “You really don’t have to, Fred.”
“I want to,” he jumps before clearing his throat, realizing how quickly he answered, making you giggle as Fred blushes a deep red that matched his hair. “I would like to teach you, (Y/N).”
With a nod, you say, “I’d like you to teach me.” 
Fred smiles widely. “Wicked,” he breathes out as you look away from his gaze to hide your rosy cheeks. “Just one catch,” he smirks as you furrow your brows. “You have to come to our show next week. At Three Broomsticks. And bring friends.”
Extending your hand, you tease him, “You’ve got a deal.” Fred shakes your hand firmly as you laugh. “I’ll see you around, Fred.”
You start down the opposite direction before Fred calls out. “First lesson is on Thursday! 4pm sharp,” Fred says as you flip around to look at him. “Tardiness is not tolerated,” he winks at you as you roll your eyes before walking away to the library.
As you walked down the corridors, you could help but smile to yourself. Your cheeks tingled from your large grin as you toyed with the edges of your books. The thought of Fred Weasley’s hands guiding yours as he taught you how to play guitar made your heart giddy. You nibbled on your bottom lip at the thought that danced around your head. Suddenly, you didn’t care how late you were to this study group.
Thursday rolled around slowly, but surely and Fred was checking himself out in the mirror, combing his fingers through his red hair, brushing the pieces out of his face. He nervously looked at himself in the mirror. Should he have shaved? Was he wearing too much cologne? Should he brush his teeth for a third time?
He frantically ran around his dormitory room, thinking he should change his shirt again. Maybe you liked the color green better than blue. As if the color of his shirt would determine the outcome of this lesson/date. Fred didn’t even know if he could count this as a date. 
George tapped out rhythms on his bed frame, watching Fred change his shirt for the fourth time as he shook his head. “Freddie, mate, are you really sweating that much?” he laughed.
Fred shot his twin a dirty look. “No,” he spat. “I just...I like the green better than the blue,” he lied, pulling the green shirt over his head and down his torso. Fred darted to his bed and grabbed his guitar and checked the time on his watch. He had ten minutes. “Good Godric,” he huffed.
“You alright? Haven’t seen you this shaken up since the time you thought you ate puking pastilles before your O.W.L.s,” George laughed as he tapped away on his bed frame. 
Fred nervously tapped on his thighs, “I’m fine, George. I, uh, I’m giving (Y/N) a guitar lesson today,” he reveals to his twin who's eyes widen and chuckles, “It’s just a lesson. Nothing else. But I’m bloody nervous about it.”
Sitting up, George speaks, “You got nothing to worry about, mate.” He walks over to Fred and places reassuring hands on Fred’s shoulders. “(Y/N)s a great girl. She’s sweet and funny and proper fit,” George raises his brows as Fred groans. “I’m teasing you, Freddie, calm down. You’ve got nothing to lose. Now get down there and make her swoon.”
Fred was never nervous for dates or flirting with girls. All of that stuff came naturally to him. But for some reason the thought of you was enough to make his stomach do somersaults. The palms of his hands got sweaty when your name was spoken. There was something about you that made Fred Weasley lose his senses and that was hard to do. 
Shaking it off, Fred huffs and leaves the dormitory making his way down to the common room. With each step he descended, his heart beat harder and faster against his rib cage. As he came down the stairs, your figure came into view which only made Fred’s mouth dry with anxiousness and excitement. He took a deep breath in and exhaled in attempt to calm himself down. I got this, she’s just a girl, he thought to himself. “4:00 on the dot,” Fred speaks, getting your attention, causing you to turn around to face him with a smile on your lips. “Very punctual, (Y/L/N).”
You take a good look at Fred and think about how effortlessly good he looked. Hunter green t-shirt hung on his tall frame perfectly as he walked over to where you sat on the couch, acoustic guitar in his hands. “Not to toot my own horn, but I was here at 3:55, Weasley,” you joke as he smiles. “Early is on time and on time is late.”
Fred chuckles, “In that case, pardon me for my tardiness. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive someone as foolish as me.”
His smile made your heart flutter and you couldn’t help but smile back at him. His joy was infectious. How could someone be so addictive? “Hmmm,” you pretend to think, “You’re lucky I’m such a kind and forgiving person.”
Fred places a hand over his heart and feigns relief. “Thank Merlin,” he fans himself as you chuckle. “Alright. You ready to get started?” he asks as you nod your head. “Brilliant, let’s start with the basics...”
After an hour of trial and error, you had managed to learned some chord progressions and strumming techniques from Fred. You had to give it to him; he was a great teacher. He was patient and smart and knowledgable. Not to mention, you loved listening to him talk about music and how passionate he was about playing. When he talked, he spoke with so much heart and life, it made you gently smile as you watched how animated he became. Fred Weasley really was one of a kind. 
You were nearing the end of your lesson as Fred showed you how to play an F chord on the guitar. “Best chord,” he spoke as you looked at him quizzically. “F is for Fred, keep up (Y/N),” he teases making you scoff. 
He explained the finger placements as you struggled to get it just right. “Wait, my second finger goes where?” you ask again as Fred points to the third string. You adjust and strum as an off-key chord resonates. “Now, that can’t be right,” you laugh as Fred shakes his head.
Fred gets up and moves from the chair in front of you to the seat next to you on the couch. He looks at you and asks, “May I?” He gestures to placing his hand on yours as you shake your head.
Gently, Fred places his hand on yours that holds the neck of the guitar as the other hand rests on your other elbow. Having his body is such close proximity to yours made your breath hitch in your throat as you felt his chest press against your back. Fred’s fingers adjust your placement carefully as if you were made of glass, trying his hardest not to make you break into a thousand bits. “This finger goes on the third string and this one stays on the second,” he lowly instructs. “And now, strum,” he speaks, a smile in his voice.
And so you do, a soft F chord playing as the strings underneath your fingertips hum sweetly. You two let the sound ring a little bit, either one of you not daring to breathe, scared to say or do anything. Just the position that you were in, his hands on yours, his chin resting near your shoulder, your back pressed against his chest. You gulped and exhaled softly. “Pretty,” you smiled.
Fred chuckled softly. “Yes, you are,” he spoke making your heart stop, wondering if he had just spoken those words. 
You turn to face him, a questioning look in your eyes as Fred allows a small smirk to dance on his lips. Cheeky bastard, you think to yourself as you smile at him. 
The two of you remain in this position, looking into each other’s eyes for a moment. Fred’s eyes were a rich brown, like pools of chocolate melting under the summer sun. His eyes were full of playfulness and cheer which made joy course through your veins. Fred Weasley was special. 
You didn’t even realize that he was leaning in until his forehead was pressed against yours and you connected the gap between you two, connecting your lips in a gentle kiss. As you kissed, he inhaled deeply, cupping your cheek with his hand, bringing you closer to him. His hands were calloused from the guitar strings as they pressed against your soft cheek. You pressed your lips onto his harder as Fred smiled gently into the kiss, enjoying every moment. You were first to pull away, but it didn’t last long, Fred’s lips following yours for another kiss as you giggled lightly. His lips were soft and tasted of sweet cinnamon and you wanted more, like your own drug. 
Fred gently pulled away before speaking, “I have a confession.” You hum in response. “I was planning on kissing you this whole time. I was just trying to find a good excuse to sit next to you,” he confessed.
You smiled involuntarily and laughed. “I believe that,” you speak before placing another kiss to his lips quickly. “I also have a confession,” you bite your lip as Fred looks at you confused. 
Scooting back a little, you cradle the guitar in your grasp before skillfully strumming a combination of chords that could be recognized as the beginning chords of I’m Looking Through You by The Beatles. Fred’s mouth goes agape and eyes wide as you play better than he could ever. “I lied about not knowing how to play the guitar,” you laughed. “I’ve known how to play since I was ten. I just wanted an excuse to see you again.”
Fred shakes his head in disbelief. “You sneak!” he exclaims. “A woman after my own heart,” he jokes as you laugh before he kisses your cheek. “Well, I guess you don’t need anymore lesson from a git like me. But I still think you should hold up your end of the deal,” he squeezes your hand.
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world, Weasley,” you smile. “Although, I will be coyly judging your skills from the audience.”
Fred laughs, “I’m sure you will be, darling.”
After days of rehearsing and planning and scheduling and rehearsing some more, the gig at the Three Broomsticks rolled around. Ginny had managed to convinced the entirety of the Hogwarts quidditch league to come out which already filled the Three Broomsticks at half capacity. But getting more people to come wasn’t a problem. The promise of good music and Butterbeer was enough to have swarms of students flow into the small building. 
The Three Broomsticks was soon teeming with people, chatting and drinking and laughing. The energy was high and the Weasleys could feel it from their make shift backstage (which was quite literally a curtain that Ron managed to pin up). 
However, this meant that expectations were high which in turn made the band exceptionally nervous. Ginny nervously danced around, doing lip trills to warm up her voice as Ron tuned the bass. George sat at his drumming seat and ran over rhythms in his head, Fred pacing back and forth, biting on his nails.
You shuffled through the audience and found Harry and Hermione sitting at a table in the front as you approached them. You could hear Hermione gush about how hard Ron has been practicing for the gig, a rosy hue forming on her cheeks as Harry poked at her crush. As you approach, Hermione notices you and beams, “(Y/N)! Hi! Are you excited for the concert? You know Ron is playing bass?”
Harry rolls his eyes, “Did you know Hermione has a big, fat cru-”
“Shut it, Harry,” Hermione quickly snaps as you laugh. “Anyway, what’s up?”
You smile, “Do you know if Fred is with the others still? I know he was nervous about tonight and I just wanna make sure he’s doing alright.”
Harry looks at Hermione and then back at you. “Yeah, he’s back with the others,” he says as you nod, leaving. But before you can leave, Harry stops you, “Wait, hold on, I didn’t know that you and Fred were....” he looks for the words.
“We’re not officially together, but we’ve been seeing each other,” you confess with a smile. Hermione gives you a teasing glance as she sips on her Butterbeer and Harry nudges her with an ooh. “Oh please. You think you two are slick? Everyone knows Harry fancies Ginny and Hermione is practically head over heels for Ronald,” you teases as they both wear bright red cheeks. “Mhm, that’s what I thought,” you laugh. “I’ll see you both in a minute.” You make your way to the back of the Three Broomsticks, behind the curtain to find a nervous band of siblings. Ginny catches your glances first and a smirk comes onto her lips. “Oh, Freddie,” she sing songs. “You have a guest.”
Fred turns around to face you and relief washes over his face as your heart skips a beat. Fred looked good sporting dark wash jeans and a black henley. Simple, but Godric, it was enough to make you swoon. Fred grabbed your hand and walked you over to the corner for a little more privacy. “I’m glad to see your face,” he spoke before bending down to press a sweet kiss to your lips.
“I told you I wouldn’t miss it,” you squeeze his hand. “How are you feeling?”
He shrugs and gives you an awkward smile as you blurt out a laugh. “I don’t know,” he joins in. “Nervous? Excited? Weird? All three?” 
You reach up and brush his hair out of his face as he relaxes under your touch. Just the simple gesture was enough to calm him down instantly. “It’s alright to feel like that. You are gonna be bloody brilliant. All of you,” you tell him sincerely. “You’ve been working so hard and you are all so talented. You’re gonna knock the audience’s socks off. I have no doubt in my mind,” you encourage him.
Fred smiles and without another word, he pulls you in by your waist to press your lips to his. You wrap your arms around his neck as you kiss him sweetly. His lips are pressed against yours firmly, but sweetly with passion. His touch was enough to make your head reel. Fred pulls away and presses his forehead against yours, “I’m playing for you tonight. And only you.”
Your heart skips a beat as you smile, staring into his eyes with so much adoration. It had only been a week and a half since you had started seeing each other, but you couldn’t help but have the overwhelming feeling that Fred was the one for you. He was everything you could ever ask for. Charming, kind, handsome, funny, witty. Fred Weasley was it. 
“And I’ll be cheering you on the whole time,” you tell him, extending your pinky finger to him as he loops his with yours. The two of you press kisses to your thumbs, making it a pinky promise. “Now, go get ‘em, tiger,” you encourage him. As you walk away, Fred taps you bum playfully as you scurry away, back into the audience with Harry and Hermione. 
The three of you buzz about the band and the atmosphere, sipping on Butterbeer before suddenly the audience starts wildly cheering. You turn your attention to the make-shift stage and see the Weasleys all enter. You immediately start clapping and cheering for the band as Ginny speaks into the mic. “Hello, Hogsmeade!” she laughs as the crowd cheers louder. “We are the Burrow Bangers and tonight we’ve got quite the show for you all!” she exclaims as the audience claps and shouts out. You look over at Harry and a wide grin is plastered on his face. “So, without further ado...”
“1, 2, 3, 4!” George bangs on his drumsticks before 80s rock blares through the small inn, the crowd immediately cheering and dancing the sound of the music.
And you had to admit it. They were damn good. They were all in synch with each other and blended so well together. The Weasleys were performers no matter how much they may hate it admit it. Not to mention, Fred looked hot wailing away on his cherry red electric guitar. His fingers skillfully strummed out chords and he musically added riffs when needed which made the crowd roar. 
You were overwhelmed with pride at the boy you had taken such a keen liking to you and it was palpable. Fred would catch your eyes every now and then and drop his left eye into a wink, making you blush and cheer louder for him.
Tonight, and every night following, he played for you and you only.
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tefilovesreading · 4 years
High expectations - Alive!Luke Patterson x Reader
Pairing: Alive!Luke Patterson x Fem!Reader.
Word count: +3,4k
Warnings: meh just a few curse words, and a lot of fluff.
A/N: Because I love to push the deadlines, this is my entry/submission for @cherrymaybank​ Valentine’s Day challenge! Hope y’all like it.
Edited by: @theamazingtomholland
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I closed my locker with a little more force than needed, and I cringed at the loud noise it made on the empty halls. Most of the students already gone, just a few lingering around the school. Who wanted to spend more time than necessary in school on a Monday?
“Why are you so angry?” Luke’s voice startled me. Leaning next to my locker with a grin on his face, he handed me my water bottle, “you left it in the library.”
“Thanks,” I smiled at him and adjusted the backpack strap on my shoulder. “Are you ready to go?”
“Yeah,” he tugged on my backpack strap, making it fall down my arm, so he could snatch it and throw it over his shoulder, “I have band practice, do you wanna come?”
“I have a lot of homework, Luke,” I replied, matching his pace while we made our way out of the building and towards his car, “maybe next time.”
“You always say that but never come,” he accused me, unlocking the car and throwing our stuff in the backseat.
“It’s not my fault that you don’t do your homework,” I joked and stuck my tongue out at the shocked look he gave me.
“Oh shut up, I do my homework at night,” Luke started the car, and the careless look on his face, while he reversed the car with only one hand on the steering wheels, made the butterflies on my stomach flutter. “What are you doing on Sunday anyway?” 
“Uh, I don’t know?” I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, “should I have plans?”
“It’s Valentine’s Day,” he stated, and then the realization hit me. 
“Oh,” I murmured, “I’m just gonna stay at home. You know I’m not seeing anyone.”
“You stayed at home last year, Y/N,” he pondered without taking his gaze out of the road, “and the year before.”
“So it’s my fault I happen to be single around Valentine’s Day season?” I countered getting a little annoyed at him.
“I’m not saying that,” Luke scoffed, “I was just thinking about the fact that you’ve never celebrated the holiday.”
“It’s not a big deal,” I shrugged and looked out of the window.
It really wasn’t a big deal for me, especially since I never felt the need to spoil the people I love on a specific day because I did that all the time. And it just happened to be a coincidence that all my past relationships either ended before the holiday or started after it. Not that my relationships were even that long because somehow guys always found an excuse to dump me after a few months. And if I was being honest, I was fine with it because I didn’t like any of those guys half as much as I liked the boy sitting beside me.
“It is a big deal for me,” Luke commented as he stopped the car in front of my house, “I can’t let my favorite girl just go around life without a real experience of how you’re supposed to be treated on Valentine’s Day.” 
“So what,” I unbuckled my seatbelt and turned around to give him a stern look, “are you gonna set me up with some random dude, so I can spend Valentine’s Day with someone and not at home?”
“That’s not a bad idea,” Luke met my eyes with the biggest smile on his face as if he just had the best idea in the world, “I know you wouldn’t be comfortable around some random dude, but what if I give you the best Valentine’s Day, so you know what to expect next time you date a guy.”
As soon as those words left his mouth I felt like someone threw a bucket full of cold water over me. How could I tell him why this was the worst idea ever and that he’d only manage to hurt me because I was in love with him and fake dating him would only crush my heart? It’d be like getting to taste a piece of heaven and then being exiled. 
“Luke, I’m not sure if that’s a good idea,” I told him, feeling my throat tight out of pure nervousness.
“Why not?” he huffed and started tapping his finger on the steering wheel, “I don’t have a date either, and we’re just gonna spend the day together, we do it all the time.”
“I can’t say no, can I?”
“Not this time, babe,” he winked at me and rolled my eyes. 
“You’re a pain in the ass,” I groaned before reaching for my backpack before opening the door and getting out of the car.
“You know you love me,” I heard him say before I closed the door. And he was right. 
I waved him goodbye and opened the front door to my house, knowing that Luke wouldn’t leave until he saw me get inside. Those small gestures like waiting for me till I get inside before leaving in case I forgot my keys, or I saw something strange before going in, made me fall more each day for him. 
He didn’t have to care so much and go out of his way to help me if I needed a hand, but he did, and I couldn’t be more grateful for that. He was such a great friend and that was the only reason I kept my feelings for him a secret. I couldn’t risk losing his friendship. 
My phone vibrated in my back pocket and when I read the message I felt the blood leave my face.
Alex: what did u do??? Y/N: Nothing??? why Alex: Luke got to the studio acting like he just drank 5 red bulls Y/N: not my fault
I plopped down on my bed and grabbed the closest pillow, so I could scream in it without my neighbor thinking I was crazy. There was no way this was gonna end well for me and I knew I couldn’t make Luke change his mind.
I furrowed my eyebrows when a folded piece of paper fell to the floor as I took the textbook I needed for my next class. I picked up and put it in my back pocket, I was late for class and the last thing I needed was to risk getting detention for being late once again. 
“Just in time, mister Patterson,” I heard the teacher say, and I lifted my head to see Luke giving her one of his charming smiles and then heading to his seat right behind me. 
“You’re late,” I whispered without turning my head to see him, I knew he was listening. 
“Yeah, I know,” he murmured, and I noticed a hint of disappointment in his voice, “I was waiting for someone.”
“Oh,” I let out in a breath. That’s all I can say before the teacher starts her lesson and I decide to pay attention. After all, Luke’s the one that can get away from trouble with a smile, not me.
I shifted in my seat, bored out of my mind while the woman kept talking about how we need to use the formula written on the board when I remember the folded piece of paper tucked away in my pocket. I reached for it, trying not to let Luke see what I was doing and trying to cover it with the sleeve of my hoodie, even though he was sitting right behind me. 
The handwriting was so distinctive I knew who wrote it as soon as I read the first word on the piece of paper. And after years of deciphering his handwriting, reading the lyrics to his songs, and passing notes during class, made it so much easier to understand it. 
I was thinking of a way to start the whole Valentine’s Day plan, and I concluded that since we’re not dating, we’re gonna be celebrating the real meaning behind the holiday. And that’s love.
I fucking love you, you know that right Angel? 
You’ve been my friend for so many years and I can’t be more grateful for all the support and love you give me without thinking twice. And that you put up with my shit, I know I’m a lot.
So I promise this week is gonna be my mission to show you how grateful I am for having you in my life, starting today.
I’ll be waiting for you at the library before classes start. I got you a surprise.
-Luke aka Major pain in the ass. 
Luke was waiting for me, that’s why he was almost late for our class. And I didn’t show up because I couldn’t stop for half a minute to read the note. God, I was so dumb. He was putting so much effort into giving me the best experience, and I already messed up on day one. 
I turned around quickly, enough time to notice the frown between his eyebrows and the sad expression on his face. I wanted to bury myself. How could I be so dumb?
I traced the word Angel with my fingertip and smiled at the nickname he gave me when we were kids. Luke fell off the swing and I leaned over him to see if he was okay, just to hear him say “Am I dead or is that an angel?”. Even now I still could feel the heat rushing to my cheeks whenever I remembered how he came up with the nickname.
“Make sure you study,” the teacher warns us, “we might have a quiz in the next class.”
As soon as she said that I started shoving my things inside my backpack because I knew Luke would storm out of the classroom the second our teacher let us leave. I stood him up, and I couldn’t even imagine how hurt he felt.
“Luke wait!” I called trying to match his long strides, pushing past the students in the hallways.
“Hey,” he said, slowing down a bit but not bothering to look in my direction, “you need something?”
“Luke, I’m sorry,” I apologized, grabbing his arm to make him stop and look at me, “I didn’t read the note until a few minutes before the class finished. I’d have shown up if I read it right away.”
“If you don’t want me to do this, just say it,” Luke said, and I shook my head showing him my disagreement.
“No, I mean it,” I let my hand fall from his arm and I grabbed his hand, locking our pinkies together, “I promise.”
“Good, because you’re gonna have to wait till tomorrow for your next surprise,” he smiled and squeezed lightly our fingers before letting go.
“What about today’s surprise?” I questioned.
“It was a coffee from your favorite coffee place and some donuts,” he replied, putting his hand on the small of my back and pushing me to keep walking, “once I realized you weren’t coming I gave it to Betty. You know I hate when food goes to waste.”
“Oh, well,” I murmured slightly disappointed because I didn’t get to have my favorite coffee, but with a warm feeling inside because he remembered the place I liked even when we didn’t go together that often, “we can grab lunch off-campus, my treat.”
“But I drive, right?” 
“Unless you give me your keys and I drive,” I wiggled my eyebrows and laughed at the frightened expression on his face.
“No way, I’d like to live,” I snorted at his comment, “no offense, Angel, but you drive like shit.”
“I’m not that bad,” I complained, and I knew my cheeks were blushing.
“Sure, whatever you say, Y/N,” he laughed.
By Thursday, I had a bunch of notes sprawled in my bed, Luke’s messy handwriting bright in every single one of them. He made sure to hide a note in my locker whenever I had to change my textbooks and after the disaster that was the first note he left me, I made sure to read them as soon as I found them. Most of them were just jokes, song lyrics we both loved, but my favorites were those that had memories of moments we had lived together.
Remember the first song I learned how to play, and I was so excited to show you, and when you came over I got so nervous that I forgot not only the chords but also the lyrics, but you sat there with me and told me not to worry while I searched again for the tabs. You have so much faith in me, it really makes me want to do better. You make me better.
My chest was heavy with mixed emotions. On one side I was over the moon with every single small gift and note he gave, but I couldn’t help but dread the weekend, knowing that once Valentine’s Day is over, my bubble would burst, and I’d be left with the sour feeling of knowing how amazing Luke could be as a boyfriend but with zero chances to have him as more than a friend.
I grabbed the small gift and put it in my backpack, waiting for Luke to come and pick me up. Friday came faster than I wanted and felt my whole body tense. Valentine’s Day was two days away, and I wasn’t ready for this to end. 
“Morning, Angel,” I heard Luke say when I opened the passenger door.
“Morning, Lucas,” I said and smiled at his groan. He hated it when I called him like that.
“I brought you coffee, but you don’t deserve it,” he commented, and I looked at him with my best puppy eyes, “that’s not gonna work on me, Y/N”
“Please,” I batted my eyelashes and I swear I saw him gulp. He rolled his eyes and handed me the coffee cup he was holding, “You’re the best.”
“Of course I am,” he winked at me and started the car.
As soon as we entered the building, Luke told me he’d meet me in my locker and then left without another word.
“Where’s Luke?” Alex’s voice startled me and almost made me drop my phone.
“I don’t know, he said he’d meet me here,” I replied and furrowed my brows when he shot me a confused look, “what?”
“Nothing, I thought I’d find him here since he’s been glued to your hip this week.”
“Oh shut up,” I laughed.
“I’m gonna go and see if I can find him with Reggie,” he pointed to the hallway and I nodded, “see you in a bit.”
I checked the hour on my phone one last time and sighed when I saw a girl walking with a rose in her hand. 
“All done,” I got startled for the second time that morning and I closed my locker to see Luke standing next to me with a small box in his hand, “last gift before Valentine’s Day.”
“I got you one too,” I said with a soft smile, “you want it now?”
“Now, obviously,” he answered with a grin. 
I opened my backpack and fumbled with a few things before finding the small gift. I watched Luke’s smile widen when he saw the guitar strings pack inside.
“Did you like it?” I asked just to hear him say it because the smile on his face gave away the answer.
“And you got me new guitars picks!” I laughed when he threw his arms around me and hugged me tightly, “I love it, thank you.”
His smile was on my mind all day, I loved to see him so happy about something I gave him. Shit, I loved him and that was it.
When the last bell rang announcing the end of the school day, Luke was already waiting for me by my locker with a single rose in his hand.
“I knew you’d hate me if I made you walk around with a rose, but I still wanted to give you one,” he mentioned with a shy smile, “you didn’t tell me if you liked the gift, by the way.”
“Oh, shit,” I murmured hurrying to find the small box I put in my backpack, “I forgot to open it.”
He waited patiently for me to open the small box and I looked at him in pure confusion. I knew that was his keychain.
“I don’t understand,” I mumbled, tracing the metallic guitar pick with his initials engraved in it, a gift I gave him last Christmas.
“We’re having a movie night on Sunday,” he explained, and I could notice the nervousness in his voice, “like the old days.”
The fact that Luke was giving me the best Valentine’s Day experience without even dating, and keeping in mind the things I liked or hated, made me realize there was no way another boy would ever come close to the expectations he was setting.
When we were kids, we used to build a fort in front of the TV, so we could watch movies there, but we’d always spend too much time building the fort and by the time we were done with it, we’d be too tired to watch the movie, and that meant falling asleep within the first ten minutes of the movie. Now that we were older, I didn’t know what to expect.
That's why when I unlocked Luke’s front door on Sunday, I felt my hands trembling and my heart pounding.
“Luke?” I called out.
“Living room!” he yelled in response.
The lights were dimmed, and I smiled when I saw the fort made of blankets in the middle of the room. At least that meant we wouldn’t be passing out before the movie started.
“You ready?” he asked, and I nodded, following him and making myself comfortable between the pillows.
“You did a nice job here, Luke” I complimented, admiring the effort he put into everything to give me such a good experience.
“I think building blanket forts is my real calling,” he joked.
“Oh, you definitely got better at it,” I bantered, and he pushed me lightly.
“Shut up,” Luke chuckled and pressed play to start the movie.
I didn’t pay attention to the movie playing in front of us, too distracted by his closeness, the heat irradiating from his body making me well aware of the boy next to me. And the fact that he had one arm over my shoulders didn’t help at all.
“Can I tell you something?” I wondered while keeping my voice just above a whisper.
“Sure,” he said with his gaze fixed on the screen.
“You just set the bar way too high for the next guy I date,” I confessed hoping he’d turned around to look at me. The lights were dancing in his face, and my heart skipped a beat when I caught the glimpse of a smile on his face.
“Yeah, I guess I did,” he whispered and my breath got caught up in my throat when he turned to look at me, “but that means I’ll have to do better next year.”
I blinked once, twice, and a third time, trying to process the words that came out of his mouth. What did he say?
“What?” I blurted out. Luke pulled a strand of my hair playfully and smiled at me.
“Did you really think I’d put all this effort just because you’ve never got to celebrate Valentine’s Day before?” he questioned with a smug look on his face. I didn’t know how to respond, and he took my silence as a signal for him to keep talking, “I was hoping you’d realize by now that I want to be your next Valentine.”
“Fuck you, Luke. This isn’t funny,” I scoffed at him, not believing a single word. He was joking, right?
“You’re really slow for someone as smart as you, you know?” Luke affirmed.
I could feel his breath fanning over my face and when he noticed I didn’t move away after he traced my jaw with his thumb, he closed the distance between us. His lips soft over mine, wandering in unknown territory for both of us. Luke nibbled on my lip with a tenderness I never thought he had in him, persuading me to let him in. 
I let out a deep sigh when he pulled away and didn’t waste time pressing our lips together one more time. Hell, he could be my Valentine for the rest of our lives if he wanted to.
tagged: @chevyimpala00067 @samanthawilliamspring @searchingunderthestars @luke-patt @moneybagmgk @angisbr @happinessinthedarkesttimes @knitsessed @teti-menchon0604 @randomstuff7 @warmness0ul @merceret @headheartbellarke@cordeliascrown @crybabyddl @phantompogues @the-romanian-is-bae @doaspeggy-says​ (Send me an inbox if you wanna be tagged in my stories)
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procrastinatingnerd · 3 years
Hi everyone! So this was my first time taking part in the @osemanversebigbang but I had so much fun!! I can't wait to read everyone's entries! 💜
Title: Angel Rahimi And The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Lunch Break
Characters: Angel, Juliet, Rowan, Jimmy, Lister, Bliss, two of Angel’s future uni friends (OCs).
Spoilers? Minor spoilers of important events in “I Was Born For This”.
Word Count: 3.6k
Ships: Bicci, one joke about Juliet/Rowan.
~Joan of Arc (Probably)
“I am so fucking tired”
“Right, time’s up, put your pens down.” The exam officer says from the front of the room. I scribble one last sentence before my hand gives out, and I all but throw my pen onto the desk, sighing as dramatically as I can. This week is a fucking nightmare. Exams and assignments are the piss. Fuck uni, I’m ready to drop out. Or drop dead. Either works, honestly.
As I leave the exam hall, I walk past some people from the students’ union. They’re handing out flyers for the Christmas ball next week. My housemates are all planning on going, but my friends and I planned our present swap for that night, so we’re going to spend it eating a fuck ton of snacks and watching the cheesiest Christmas films we can find. I can’t wait, I bought them each a bag of their favourite sweets from the American candy shop, it's going to be so much fun!
But that’s next week. Right now, all I want is to sit at a table that doesn’t have an exam paper on it, and eat something very greasy and very unhealthy. There’s a pizza place just on the edge of campus, run by some of the culinary arts students, and they make the best sauce ever. It’s pretty cheap too, which makes it a favourite for most people, especially at the end of a semester, when everyone’s bank accounts are running low.
I have about an hour until I need to be back in the exam hall, so I take full advantage of the outdoor seating and collapse into a chair after ordering. My pizza is brought out to me not long after, and I breathe in the smell. Nothing has smelt more gorgeous than the slices sitting in front of me. It’s a surprisingly warm day, for December at least, and for a moment, everything feels calm. I can hear a bird singing in a tree somewhere, other students are hanging around campus, most with their noses in their phones or in textbooks, and I actually let myself relax for a bit. I’ve done all the revision I can for this next exam, and I’m in desperate need of a break. I deserve this.
I pick up my first slice of pizza, and bring it up to my mouth. As I’m about to take a bite, however, my phone rings. I put the pizza down with a sigh and answer the phone without looking at who’s calling. Mum probably sensed I wasn’t doing any work, and is calling to check up on me.
“Hello?” I say tiredly.
“Angel, hi! Is this a good time??” I grin at the sound of Juliet’s voice.
“Hell yeah, it’s a perfect time! What’s up?”
“Wait, you don’t know why I’m calling?” Juliet says hesitantly. Shit. What have I forgotten now? I know it’s not her birthday. Wait, is it mine?? I swear exams rot your brain, have I actually forgotten my own birthday?
“No…?” I ask after internally monologuing for way too long.
“Oh my god, you don’t know??” Juliet screeches in my ear, “Angel go look at your phone, it’s urgent!”
Now very concerned, I put Juliet on speaker and, for the first time all morning, actually read the notifications filling my lock screen. I open the Twitter news one, and my mouth drops open in shock.
“Holy shit.”
On my screen is a news article with a headline that reads, “THE ARK’S JIMMY KAGA-RICCI AND LISTER BIRD’S SECRET RELATIONSHIP EXPOSED”, and just below it sits a large photo of Jimmy and Lister, standing outside a pub, kissing. I don’t believe it.
“Holy fu- Hold on a second. Mate, isn’t that the pub by Piero’s house?!” I say, bringing my phone as close to my face as I can, as if that’ll help me see better. There’s a loud shuffling noise on the other end of the line, and then I hear a gasp.
“Oh my god, you’re right!” Juliet says. “Rowan said they were going on holiday, but I thought he meant abroad or something.” I smile at that. Ever since our little jaunt to Kent last summer, Juliet and I have kept in touch with the boys. We even have a group chat now; us and them and even Bliss is in it. I’m so glad we stayed friends.
At first, Rowan was really quiet, and if he did speak he and Juliet would almost always end up arguing, but they’ve been getting along quite well lately. I’m not saying I ship it or anything, I’ve learnt my lesson there, but I have to say, fangirl-to enemies-to lovers would make a wicked fanfiction trope.
“Did you see any of this coming?” Juliet continues. “Surely Jimmy would have said something to you?”
“He said he was dating someone, but didn’t want to give details because they were taking things slow. Well, that and that celebrity phone hacking scandal freaked him right the fuck out, remember?” I say.
right, he stopped talking on the group chat for like two weeks, didn’t he?” Juliet giggles back. “Well, nevertheless, I’m happy for them. They’re cute together.”
“Yeah, they are.” I grin again. “Oh my god, poor Rowan though! I’d hate to live with a couple, especially a new one! It’d be nauseating.”
“Oh I know, right? And imagine what’ll happen when they have their first fight!” Juliet gasps again. I shudder at the thought.
“I’m muting the group chat when that happens.” I joke.
“Not a bad idea.” Juliet laughs back, then pauses. “Oh, Angel, I’m sorry I’ve got the get going, but do you want to skype later?”
“Yeah, no problem! I’ve got a revision session at 6, but I should be free by 9ish?”
“Sounds perfect! See you then!” Juliet says, and with that, she’s gone, and I’m back to sitting alone with my pizza.
Jimmy and Lister. Holy shit. I don’t think anyone in the fandom saw this coming. Everything has been about Jowan, since the fandom started growing it’s the only ship that ever existed. No one bothered writing fics about any other pairings. The only Jimmy/Lister fics I ever came across were platonic ones, and even they made sure to mention Jimmy’s boyfriend Rowan.
Oh god, I hope they’re okay. The fans got so crazy when Bliss and Rowan’s relationship was exposed. Jimmy/Lister is the final nail in the Jowan coffin. Jimmy must be having the panic attack of his life! I’ve got to-
My phone rings again.
I look down at the screen, and see Jimmy’s name. I take a deep breath, and answer.
“Jimmy, hi! How are-”
“Have you seen it??”
“Oh god. This isn’t how we wanted to tell you guys.”
“You sure? Because getting caught by the national press worked so well for you last time.” I tease. Silence. Oops, probably not the best thing to remind him of right now.
“Jimmy, you still there?” I say carefully. There’s a slight rustle on his end, which means he probably just nodded. “Everything is going to be fine, I promise. The fans will move on. They already did with Jowan, right?”
“But what if something happens again? Something like-”
“It won’t. You guys have better security now, and you’re doing less public events. You’re going to be fine.” I hope and pray that I’m saying the right things. Jimmy and I have gotten close lately, but I’m nowhere near as good at helping him deal with his anxiety as Rowan and Lister are. There’s more silence, until finally, Jimmy speaks again.
“Okay. Yeah. Yeah I think you’re right. Thanks, Angel.”
“Course I’m right! If there’s one thing I know, it’s fandom drama.” Jimmy laughs, and I grin back. “And don’t forget, you���re not alone in this. This is happening to Lister too, and no doubt Rowan and Bliss will be there to help you. Just talk to them.”
“Thank you Angel, I’ll go do that now.”
“Perfect! Love you Jim, I’ll text you later.” I say, and the call ends.
He’ll be okay. He’s got too many people who love him not to be. I take another breath and put my phone down on the table. As soon as I do, however, it buzzes again, and I see Jimmy is trying to facetime me. Now very concerned, I answer it and hold the phone up so he can see my face properly.
“Jimmy, are you okay, what’s happened??” I ask anxiously, but he looks fine. He looks at me with a confused expression.
“Nothing, I’m just talking to the others, like you said.” He says. It’s only me and him on the call. I stare at him in silence for a moment.
“Jimmy, mate… I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I’m not any of them” I say slowly, and to my surprise, Jimmy laughs.
“Yeah I know, but I was kind of hoping to have you here, too, if that’s okay?” He says sheepishly. “It’s okay if you’re busy, it’s just that… I don’t know, you’re good with this stuff and you make me feel calm? Sorry, I know that’s a lot to just dump on you.” Jimmy doesn’t look at me directly, and I start to feel tears in my eyes.
“Well damn, Jim, I guess if you truly love me that much, I can stick around for a bit.” I laugh, and quickly glance at the time. “My lunch break is only halfway over, anyway, so I have plenty of time to hang out while you talk to the others.”
Jimmy seems to let out a breath, like he’d been holding it, and grins.
Just as I’m about to start talking again, I hear a ping, and Lister’s face appears on screen, followed by Rowan and Bliss.
“Hey Jimjam, you okay?” Rowan asks, looking as calm as ever. “Oh hey Angel.” He adds. I give him an awkward smile.
“Wait, Angel's here?” Bliss interrupts before Jimmy can answer. “Nice, how’s the week from hell going? Didn’t think we’d hear from you until you’d made it through.”
“Yeah it’s rough, but I’m getting there. This is a welcome distraction though.” I grin at her.
“So you’ve seen the pictures then. They look good, right?” Lister chimes in, before correcting himself. “I mean, it’s horrible they found us, fucking pricks, but you’ve got to admit we look good.”
“You can be so self-centred sometimes.” Bliss laughs.
“Come on Lister, this isn’t a joke.” Rowan chides him.
“Well, I guess he isn’t wrong..” Jimmy mumbles nervously and I see him smile a bit.
“See, Jimmy agrees with me!” Lister argues back at Rowan, who rolls his eyes.
“It’s still not something to laugh about.” Rowan says firmly. “Cecily’s already on damage control, cancelling some events, beefing up the security at others, and giving the tabloids hell. She’s also let your grandad know, Jimmy.”
“Wait, aren’t you guys all down there already?” I ask, confused.
“Nah we got back last night. That picture was taken when we went out for lunch the other day. Took their time printing it.” Lister says.
“Probably needed time to pad out their articles. Seriously, how can they write so many pages about two people dating?” Bliss adds.
“Probably whining about how Jowan is now well and truly dead.” Rowan rolls his eyes again. “Although I have to say, I’m pretty happy about that part.” I cringe slightly as he says that. I will never not regret being one of the Jowan fangirls.
“So Cecily’s already got a plan? That’s good, that’s a bit of a relief.” Jimmy speaks up, looking visibly more relaxed than he had sounded over the phone earlier.
“Yeah she’s got it sorted, so we can start planning our Christmas party!” Lister says, making the others groan.
“Lister what the hell makes you think we should be throwing a massive fucking party right now?!” Rowan says, his voice growing louder. Lister goes quiet, looking like he wants to shrink into his seat, before eventually speaking up again.
“Look, it doesn’t have to be anything big, I just mean… Angel, you’re gonna be in London with Juliet, right? Come over, drag Bliss with you, Jimmy can invite his grandad, Rowan you can bring Jade, and there you go, that’s our party!”
“That’s...actually a good idea.” Rowan says, surprised.
“Yeah, that sounds like fun!” Jimmy adds.
“I’m up for it, Angel, do you think Juliet will wanna come?” Bliss says.
“Hell yeah she would, let’s do it!” I reply with a massive smile on my face. Partying with Bliss and the boys sounds like the best way to spend my Christmas London trip. I’ll make sure to tell Juliet about it when I talk to her later. As I start planning all the food I’m going to bring over, and wondering what the boys’ flat will look like at Christmas, the conversation starts up again.
“You sure you’re doing alright, Jimmy? I can come back home if you need me to.” Rowan says, focusing things on the issue at hand again.
“No no, don’t worry, stay with your family. They’d kill me if I made you miss out on spending time with them.” Jimmy jokes. “I’ve got Lister here, and Cecily’s number if I need it. My head isn’t giving me too much grief right now, anyway.”
“Wait, Lister, you’re there with him?” Bliss asks.
“Yeah, check it out!” Lister says, before picking up his phone and moving. He takes us out of what I think was his room, through a hallway and comes out into a large living room, where we can see Jimmy on a sofa looking at his phone. “Say hi to the chat, Jim!”
Everyone laughs as Jimmy gives an awkward wave to Lister’s phone. Lister then hangs up and launches himself into view of Jimmy’s screen, and the two shuffle about until they’re practically sitting on top of each other, faces
squished together so the tiny phone camera captures them both. I hate how cute they look together.
“Alright, if you’re sure, Jimmy,” Rowan says, smiling for probably the first time this whole call.
“Yeah, I’m sure.” Jimmy smiles back. “This whole situation is terrifying, and I’m more than ready to hide in my room and not see another mad fangirl for the rest of my life, but... if I did that we’d never get to hang out with Angel again.” He finishes, biting his lip as if unsure of whether or not the joke will hit.
“Uh..ouch!” I clap my hand on top of my heart dramatically and laugh, while the others join in. “I’ll have you know I’ve abandoned my fangirl ways. Mostly. Sort of. Okay, not completely but I’m not shipping real people anymore, so that’s something, right?!”
Lister is giving Jimmy a look of what I can only assume is pride for making a decent joke during a time of peak anxiety, Rowan has his head in his hands, probably contemplating his life choices now that Lister seems to be rubbing off on Jimmy, and Bliss still looks shocked that such a joke came out of Jimmy’s mouth, not Lister’s. When things calm down again, I check the time and speak up again.
“Well this has been fun Jim, but I’m afraid I have mad fangirl duties to be getting back to. Shrines to build, fanfiction to write, you know how it is.” I say sarcastically.
“Thanks again, Angel, for being here, and listening. And you’d better be right about that fandom drama.” Jimmy laughs again, although this time I see his smile falter a bit.
“Hey, look at me,” I say, moving as close to the screen as I can without squishing my face on it. “Things will settle down before you know it, in the meantime, we’re all here for you. You’re not alone in this.” Rowan and Bliss nod in agreement, and I see Lister hug Jimmy closer. Jimmy takes a breath and nods as well.
“Thanks Angel. And good luck with your exam. We’ll see you over the holidays.” He smiles.
“Yeah you got this Angel, go smash it!” Bliss chimes in, giving me a thumbs up and a grin. I say one last goodbye to them all, and hang up.
I look back down at my pizza, still uneaten. I need to stop letting myself get distracted during phone calls. I can eat and talk to my friends at the same time. I’m usually a master at it.
“Fereshteh!” I look up again. Either I’m going loony, or someone just said-
“FERESHTEH!” I turn around and see Mollie and Christina barrelling towards me, with the most excitement I’ve ever seen on a students’ face during exam season. They crash into my table and both start talking at once.
“Have you seen??”
“Did you know??”
“How long have they been together?!”
“Oh my god is this why you won’t tell us about what happened in Kent?!”
“Woah, easy on the interrogation! Seriously, you guys need to work on your interview skills.” I put my hands up in surrender and laugh. Mollie rolls her eyes at me.
“So? Did they tell you or what?” She asks again. I roll my eyes back at her.
“You know I don’t want to tell you guys anything about the boys. They trust me, and I’m not going to fuck that up because of some shit a tabloid prints.”
“How dare you appeal to our morality and ethics, we want gossip dammit!” Christina giggles, lightly banging her fist down on the table.
“Then stick to the Twitter pages.” I stick my tongue out at her. Mollie and Christina are two of my housemates, and are part of the Ark fandom. I never planned on telling them about Kent, but they figured out who I was thanks to the pictures of me and Jimmy on the train. I didn’t think you could tell it was me, but fangirls are like master detectives. They figured it out in less than a week. They haven’t told anyone though, they’re good mates.
“So how are you feeling about all of this? Whether you knew or not, having it out in the press like this is a lot to handle, especially after last time.” Mollie says, now in serious mode.
“It is a lot, definitely, but they’ll be fine. They’ve had this happen before and they know what to expect from the fans. I just wish I could be there for them.” I say, sitting back in my chair.
“I get
that, it must suck that you guys are so far apart now.” Christina chimes in.
“I mean it’s not like we ever lived close to each other before. The only reason we even crossed paths over the summer was because I was staying with a friend. But yeah, being away from them all is kind of hard sometimes.” I sigh dramatically, making Mollie and Christina grin.
“Are you going to visit them over Christmas?” Christina asks.
“I’m definitely going to visit my friend in London again, for a day or two, but I don’t know if we’ll be able to see the boys.” I quickly lie. “They cut back on public events but they’re still really busy most of the time. And this,” I gesture to my phone “definitely won’t help.”
“We’ll keep an eye on fandom updates for you, and try to shut any mentions of Jowan down,” Mollie says, reaching across the table and giving my hand a gentle squeeze. I squeeze hers back and give her a grateful smile. I mostly stopped interacting with the fandom after meeting the boys, reading fanfiction, and discussing theories with other fans just feels weird and creepy to do when the people you’re talking about are your friends. So it’s nice that I have Mollie and Christina looking out for them, and doing what I can’t. Christina has a pretty big following on Tumblr, and Mollie’s a Twitter ace, so I trust them to hold their ground with the fandom.
“Okay, you don’t have to give us any details, but genuinely, what do you think of Lister and Jimmy as a couple? Because I don’t think the fandom could handle a breakup.” Christina says after a while, making me laugh.
“Pfft, yeah I don’t think the boys could handle a breakup, either.” I smile. “But honestly? I think they’ll be good for each other. Lister is good at helping Jimmy relax and step out of his anxiety bubble, and Jimmy can help reign in Lister’s chaotic energy. Plus they’re freaking cute together, I mean just look at this picture!” I finish, gesturing dramatically to my phone again.
“They are so cute!” Mollie nods in agreement. “I’m actually shocked no one thought to ship them together before.”
“That’s the Jowan storm, for you,” Christina adds. “Can’t believe we ever shipped that.”
“So gross.” I shudder at the thought. Suddenly the alarm I’d set this morning went off, making us all jump.
“What’s that?” Mollie asks. I check the screen and practically leap out of my seat.
“Oh shit, my exam starts in 10 minutes!” I say, gathering my stuff up as quickly as I can. I say my goodbyes to Mollie and Christina and start running back across campus to the exam hall.
I make it just in time, much to the invigilator’s chagrin, check my bag in at the desk at the back of the hall, and collapse into my assigned seat. The exam starts, and it’s only when it does that my stomach reminds me that I never actually ate lunch. Shit.
I start to silently scold myself for being so stupid, when my mind starts drifting to the video chat with Jimmy and the others. He and Lister looked so comfortable with each other. Makes sense, they've known each other for so long. But even still, Jimmy looked so much happier once Lister sat down with him, and Lister himself practically seemed at home with Jimmy’s arms wrapped around him. I smile at my exam paper.
I’m so happy for them.
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marvelship-oneshots · 3 years
HI! this is my first fill for the "Snowed in" square of the Stony Trope and AU bingo by @therollingstonys hope you like it!
Where Steve goes to Tony's place to study, but it suddenly starts snowing and and they find themselves stuck in the house for the entire weekend. [3.9k words]
Steve hated everything that had something to do with math. Or science, for that matter. He was passionate about art, literature, languages and he could work his way around sports, but math, physics or biology were subjects that he couldn’t understand, no matter how much he tried to. It was not like he would need them in his future, as he decided to go to culinary school after graduating high school. But he needed the grades, unfortunately.
Steve sat in the empty study room of his school and took out of his backpack his very big algebra book. On the cover, there were a bunch of smiling students. But Steve was not smiling. He actually wanted to scream and tear apart the book just from looking at him.
He hesitated, contemplating giving up, before actually opening the book and diving into the impossibly difficult exercises.
The door of the room opened and a breathless student came running in. He hid behind Steve, sitting on the floor. It took him two seconds and Steve barely saw his face, but he could recognize him from his messy hair and his singular perfume. Cologne and cigarettes. That student was undoubtedly Tony Stark, the richest, most popular student of the school. But if asked Steve, Tony was his first, real crush.
Tony was just a sophomore and wasn't part of any sports team, but nonetheless, he was the most envied student of the school. Those who didn’t want to be with him wanted to be him. Steve was part of the first category but gave up hope a long time ago.
“Please, please, I beg of you, act like I’m not here”
Yeah, easy to say when Tony couldn’t feel Steve’s heart beating a hundred miles per hour. Or see his pale cheeks now turned red. Or the knot in his throat because that was the first time ever they were even in the same room, that they both know of.
If asked, Steve would deny that he knew exactly which was Tony’s favourite restroom, which were Tony’s least favourite classes, that he would ditch for the better part of the lesson to wander in the corridors, or which was the best table at lunch to see Tony best. Bucky, Sam and Wanda wouldn’t be of the same opinion, though.
The door opened again and Steve looked up from his textbook, watching as Clint stepped in and looked around.
“He’s not here, is he?”
Steve frowned.
“Who’s not here?”
He would have known who Clint was talking about even if Tony wasn’t hiding behind his chair.
Clint huffed and closed the door shut.
“Are they gone?” Tony asked in a whisper.
“Thank you for creating a safe place for me, man. Knowing that dum dum, they won’t be back for a while” Tony said sitting on the chair next to Steve.
Steve tried to ignore his presence and definitely not to look at him, but it became more difficult when Tony moved his chair closer to Steve’s to take a look at the book.
“Uh but that’s easy” Tony mumbled before starting to explain how to do the exercises.
Soon enough, maths started making sense for Steve.
“How do you even know this? This is senior years stuff and you’re like”
“A sophomore, yeah I know” Tony cut Steve short “I guess the genius runs in the family”
Steve scoffed, shaking his head, moving on to the next exercise.
“Can I ask you something?”
Tony nodded, without looking up.
“What was that all about?”
Tony looked up.
“Oh I asked Natasha on a date on Friday and Clint didn’t take it well”
Steve didn’t take it well either. He felt a pinch of jealousy eating his guts, but he just smiled and nodded, going back to the exercise Tony working on.
“Listen, man, if you want I can help you with all of these shit subjects” Tony said, standing up, before walking out of the study room.
“Yeah no, it’s really not necessary”
“Oh, I insist. I’ll bring my notes on Monday”
Steve rolled his eyes. That day he understood that Tony didn’t like taking a no for an answer.
“‘Right. See you on Monday then,...” Tony hesitated, completely forgetting to ask for his name.
“Oh, it’s Steve”
“Right Steve” Steve could feel the engines in Tony’s head working.
“I’m Tony, by the way”
Steve smiled. “I know”
Tony looked at Steve as if he was crazy and walked out.
“Are you for real? He introduced himself and you replied ‘I know’?” Bucky asked, a little too louder for Steve’s taste and slapping him on the back of his head.
Steve had his head buried in his arms on the table of the canteen and growled. He had slapped himself several times since that day, but he didn’t have the chance to tell his friends.
“What the hell is wrong with you man?” Sam rolled his eyes “You were supposed to say, I don’t know, nice to meet you or something, definitely not I know”
“He’s going to think I’m a weirdo. Or a stalker”
“Yes, he will dude” Wanda replied, patting on his shoulder.
“Stevie, incoming, get up” Bucky warned, seeing Tony walking towards them.
“Tell Sharon I don’t want to talk to her”
“Well, I hope you’ll want to talk to me”
Steve’s head tilted up, recognising Tony’s voice, and kicked Bucky under the table for not being too specific.
“Yeah, uhm. Sorry, hi”
Tony took something from his backpack and laid on the table an enormous folder, separated into four big sections by coloured sticky notes.
“Here, the notes I talked to you about the other day”
“You just had all of these notes laying around?”
Tony shook his head, proudly.
“Nope made them all just for you”
Steve looked at Tony and then at Bucky, hoping he could read the brunet better than he could.
“I didn’t want to bother you with notes you already had, let alone making them just for me”
“You didn’t and will never bother me, Steve-o”
Steve blushed, looking away as fast as he could”
“I’m Tony by the way. Or did you already know that too?”
Tony held out his hand to Sam, who shook it forcefully. Wanda and Bucky loudly chuckled. Steve sent a deadly stare on Wanda’s way and kicked Bucky on his ankle.
Steve took the hint when Tony sat more comfortably on the bench next to him, stealing some fries from his lunch trail, and Bucky elbowed him in the ribs, in a clear final to start a conversation.
“So… how was your date?”
“Excuse me?” Tony stopped to look at Steve with a fry still mid-air “What date?”
Steve looked at Bucky and Sam, begging to help him out, but they were both too busy staring into each other’s eyes to notice.
“Your date with Natasha”
Wanda crossed her arms in front of her, eager to see where this was going and Tony looked perplexed.
“Yeah, you know, you told me that you asked her out and your friend was mad about it”
And I was mad about it, Steve thought but didn’t add anything.
“Oh that. Ok, no, you got it all wrong”
Steve’s eyes widened.
“I did ask her out just because Barton had been talking about her forever and didn’t have the balls to do it themselves”
Steve blushed and Wanda had to turn away. If Tony hadn’t been there, she would have burst out laughing in Steve’s face, but she was a good enough friend not to embarrass him in front of his crush anymore than he already was.
“Glad we cleared that out but now I have to go. I will pick you up on Friday after school. Pack an overnight bag and your books, you're in for an intensive Stark study session” Tony declared, getting up, shoving the rest of Steve’s fries in his mouth.
“And just so you know- Tony stood beside Steve, with his hands on Steve’s broad shoulder, and whispered in his ear- I like ‘em blond, tall and oblivious”
Tony winked at Steve’s friends, who were staring at him with their mouths open, and walked away.
Steve suddenly turned red and buried his head back into his arms crossed on the table.
“What did just happened”
“Dude, I think he just asked you out AND called you oblivious” Sam replied, before the three of them burst out laughing.
Only four days passed for Friday to come, but to Steve, it felt like four years.
Steve walked out of the school, waiting for Tony in the parking lot. He leaned against a metal fence, talking to his friends.
“Oh c’mon Wanda, you’re ditching us too?” Sam whined after Wands told them she couldn't make it to their usual videogame afternoon. Steve knew why, no one in the right state of mind would want to third wheel for Sam and Bucky.
Bucky put an arm behind Sam’s back, pulling him closer to his chest.
“This means that we have the house to ourselves” he whispered loud enough for everyone to hear, before shoving his tongue into his boyfriend's mouth.
“Disgusting” Steve growled, looking away.
“Alright, I’m out of here” Wanda said, smacking a kiss on Steve’s cheek.
Bucky pulled away from the kiss and lightly hugged Wanda, before turning to Steve.
“Pot, kettle. You’re the one here with a three-days-date with mr playboy”
Steve rolled his eyes.
“He’s two years younger, Bucky. Two years”
Tony pulled up in front of the three in a bright orange AUDI and honked twice to get Steve’s attention. Steve opened the door and sat in the seat next to Tony. Before he managed to close the door, Sam and Bucky started making obscene gestures and sounds.
“Drive away, Tony, for the love of God” Steve mumbled, turning to secure the seat belt and flipping off his friends from the car window.
The car ride was silent, not out of embarrassment, but because they didn’t have anything to talk about. Maybe they would have found something of common interest if either one of them had the balls to start a conversation. Which was weird because usually, Tony couldn’t shut up to save his life.
They were going in the opposite direction from Tony’s house and Steve wanted to ask why, but he wasn’t supposed to know where Tony lived and didn’t want to look like a stalker.
Eventually, they arrived in a large private parking lot. They both jumped out of the car and took all of the bags from the car. Tony had an incredible amount of things for a two-days-steak out, and Steve offered to carry some of the bags.
“You’re my knight in shining armour” Tony said with a smile that went from ear to ear and Steve’s heart almost skipped a beat.
Then, they both walked for 15 minutes until they arrived at a luxurious cabin. Tony kicked the mat, revealing the key and opened the door, letting all of the bags fall in the middle of the big corridor.
Steve helped Tony put away the groceries after dinner and then brought out his books. Tony returned from the toilet with a box of Monopoly.
“What exactly are you doing?” Tony asked, looking at Steve and the mountain of books on the kitchen table.
“I thought we came here to stu- Steve cut himself short after seeing Tony’s expression- never mind” he finished, putting the books back in the backpack.
“Dude- Tony slammed a bottle of vodka and two shot glasses on the table- it’s Friday night. We’ll think of the shitty stuff tomorrow”
Tony laid on the table the cardboard and divided the money between the two of them.
“So. You’ve heard of Monopoly, but have you ever played drunk Monopoly?”
Steve shook his head.
“Every time you land on someone else property, you chug one shot, if you go to prison, it’s three for every turn you spend in it”
Steve’s eyes widened. That was going to be a lot of alcohol, especially for someone who hadn’t even tried beer yet. But he nodded anyway because, well, Tony.
After they finished the first round around the board, Steve threw the dice and landed on Tony’s property. Tony smirked and poured vodka in one glass and slid it to Steve. Steve looked at the glass and then at Tony, with a disgusted expression.
“Down in one sip, it’s not as bad as it seems”
Steve brought the glass closer to his nose, smelling the piercing smell of alcohol, he closed his eyes and drank in one chug. He felt like his throat was on fire, but after a couple of rounds, it was like chugging water.
They were both lightheaded and had ditched Monopoly to move to the couch. Tony was lying with his head on a cushion, with his legs on Steve’s lap. He poured some more vodka into the glasses and handed it to Steve. He held out his glass, letting them cling together.
“За здоровье” Tony said with a smile.
“What was that?” Steve asked, laughing.
“It’s Russian, it means ‘drink to health’”
Steve laughed, throwing his head back.
“I didn’t know you knew Russian”
“I don’t, this is the only thing I know. The only important thing to know actually”
They both laughed as Steve caressed Tony’s ankles.
“Tony, can I ask you something?”
Tony looked up.
“Where are your parents? I mean, aren’t they mad you’re here without them?”
Tony rolled his eyes and sat up. He took the bottle of vodka and drank directly from it.
“My parents don’t even know what grade I’m in. I’m going to bed now” he replied with harshness in his voice as he got up and walked to the bedroom, stumbling.
Way to go Steve.
The morning after Tony woke up to the smell of freshly made pancakes. He walked into the kitchen with a huge smile, inhaling the perfume. He gulped when he realised that Steve was the one flipping pancake, topless. He stopped by the door, admiring Steve’s perfect back muscles.
“I could kidnap you if it means I get to wake up like this every morning” Tony mumbled, sitting on the stool. Steve smiled, flipping the last pancake and sliding it on the plate. He put two blueberries and a slice of fried bacon to make a smiley face.
He slid the plate in front of Tony, who looked at Steve with a little smirk. Steve observed Tony’s face while he ate his pancake. It was like the tension of the night before had been drowned in their sleep.
Tony let out a loud moan and Steve almost spat his coffee. Tony noticed and chuckled.
“This is the shit, Steve-o” Tony screamed, sliding another stack of pancakes on his plate and drowning them in maple syrup.
They worked the whole day, without even feeling like time was passing. Steve was actually feeling like he was understanding something, which was really good.
After dinner, Tony brought out a poker set.
“Strip poker, you up for it?”
Steve tensed in the chair. Tony noticed and started to look for something in his pocket.
“I have something to ease the tension if you want to” he said, sliding a packet of weed through the table.
Steve’s eyes widened.
“I don’t- I don’t really feel comfortable, y’know, smoking it”
Tony put on a disappointed expression, putting it back in his pocket.
“I can bake it though” Steve winked at Tony, letting him put the bag in his hand.
Tony sat on the counter, swinging his legs as he licked every spoon Steve put down. He ground the weed and it to Steve, who mixed it with the batter before putting the brownies in the oven.
Tony sat on the counter, waiting for the brownies to be ready, swinging his legs in a very childish way, while Steve drew a little sketch of him on his notepad.
When the timer rang, Steve made sure to close his sketchbook before taking them out of the oven and cutting them into even squares. He put them on a plate before sitting at the kitchen table and starting mixing the deck.
Tony took a brownie and bit it, letting out a loud moan.
“Seriously, how do you do it?”
They were already high when they got into the real game. The first items to fall on the floor were the socks, then their sweatshirts and t-shirts, leaving Tony only with his boxers on. Steve still had his t-shirt.
Steve laid his card on the table, smirking at Tony.
“Those- he pointed at Tony’s briefs- have to go” he said smiling as he took the deck, mixing and handing out the cards, without taking his eyes off Tony. Tony took his sweet time getting up and started playing around with the elastic, getting it lower on his hips as he got in front of Steve, who tried to look at his cards, avoiding looking at Tony, sliding his underwear to his ankle, kicking them as far as possible.
Tony walked closer to Steve, tilting his head up with a finger from under his chin.
“Look at me, Steve-o”
Steve started with his mouth slightly open. Tony moved his chair, sitting on Steve’s lap, moving his hips on Steve’s. He took the cards from Steve’s hand, putting them down on the table.
“Let’s pretend- Tony slid his hands under Steve’s t-shirt- just for a second-he pulled the limbs of the white cotton up, moving his hips on Steve’s a bit more- that you lost this round, huh?”
Steve moaned and Tony managed to take the t-shirt away. He scooted back a little to admire Steve’s toned body until he fell ass fist on the floor. They both laughed and then Steve took a piece of brownie and kneeled over Tony. He spread the chocolate crumbles all over Tony’s chest. Smirking, he started hovering over Tony, before lowering his face and licking every last piece of cake from his skin. Tony gulped as he fell the little wet kisses on his stomach.
Once Steve stopped, Tony took the chance to turn the tables, pushing Steve on the floor. As he sat on his hips, Tony felt Steve growing harder under him. He started moving in circles, smirking as Steve started squirming under him.
“If-if you’re going to make me...cum- Steve panted- you can at least k-kiss me”
Tony chuckled, lowering himself over Steve’s face. He caressed his cheek with his thumb and then moved to his lips, brushing them, without asking his eyes away from Steve’s. Their lips barely touched before Tony stood up and went back to moving his hips on Steve's and chuckled when Steve tried to protest.
Tony’s movement became slower and slower until he felt Steve's underwear getting wet under him. He sped his movements until he released all over Steve’s chest.
Sunday was a normal, lazy Sunday. They cuddled on the sofa under a cosy blanket. To be honest, they didn’t even bother putting any clothes back on. They just kept doing their exercises in their birthday suits, teasing each other, but never going over small, wet kisses on their chests. At some point, Tony fell asleep on Steve’s chest and Steve did shortly after while stroking Tony’s hair.
When they woke up, it was already dark outside. During the afternoon it started snowing. They hoped it would stop by the time they had to leave. However, during their nap, it snowed even more violently and it didn’t look like it was going to stop anytime soon. The road conditions were not ideal to drive back. The only thing they could do was stay right where they were.
“You don’t mind staying here until tomorrow morning, do you?” Tony asked, playing with Steve’s hand as they were watching a movie on the sofa.
“Nope, not even a little bit” Steve mumbled, smelling Tony’s hair.
The plan was fine, if only they hadn't slept through every single one of their alarms.
Tony hit Steve with a pillow, waking him up, while he jumped around trying to slide on his jeans.
“We’re fucking stupid. So fucking stupid”
Steve yawned, stretching his arms when Tony threw a shirt on his face.
“Take only the things you need and leave everything else here, we’ll take care of that later” Tony yelled, pouring coffee in a thermos and packing in a box some cookies Steve baked in the evening.
“Go, go, go, c’mon” Tony pushed Steve out of the door and down the track.
They jumped in the car and Tony started driving it out of the parking lot, humming a rock song Steve didn’t know. Steve held the thermos close to Tony, as he sipped the hot beverage with a straw.
“Cookie” he asked right before Steve handed him one.
They pulled up by the school just in time not to be late for the first lesson. Steve kissed Tony’s cheek before turning towards his classroom.
“See ya later” Tony screamed.
“Dude, what’s that?” Bucky asked, pointing at the t-shirt Steve was wearing, once they were in the corridor, after the lesson.
“What?” He asked before looking down at it. “Oh, shit. Uhm…”
Steve scratched the back of his head, realising that the shirt was a little tight and was constricting every movement.
“It’s Tony’s. We had a uhm...a nice weekend”
Tony came up from behind him, sparking him on the butt.
“I can see that” Sam chuckled on Bucky’s shoulder.
“Is that your shirt, Steve?”
Steve blushed in response.
As the group started walking away, Steve pulled Tony into a toilet, pushing him into a stall as soon as they checked that no one was in there.
Tony locked the door.
“Uhm, I like where this is going” he said with a smirk.
“Not what you’re thinking, Tony. I just need my shirt back, I’m having almost no movement here”
Tony chuckled.
“But I like yours. It’s big and cosy and it smells like you”
Steve rolled his eyes.
“Ok, let’s make a deal. You give me my shirt back and I’ll lend you my sweatshirt”
Tony seemed to think about that for a few seconds.
“Only if I get to hold on to it as long as I want to”
Eventually, Steve, with a lot of difficulties, managed to take off Tony's shirt, handing it back to its legitimate owner. Tony was starstruck by Steve’s perfect chest, although he had been seeing a hell of a lot of it in the past couple of days. Steve pulled off his shirt from Tony and wore his.
Once Tony was dressed, Steve went to open the door of the stall but Tony's hand grabbed his wrist, pulling Steve closer to him. He stood on his tiptoes, bringing their lips together.
Steve took Tony by his hips and let Tony cup his face, going deeper into the kiss.
“We’re ok, aren’t we” Steve asked, opening the little door and walking out.
“More than ok” Tony replied, taking Steve’s hand and making their way down the corridor.
130 notes · View notes
lottiebagley · 4 years
You belong with me- Oliver Wood
You're on the phone with your girlfriend She's upset, she's going off about something that you said 'Cause she doesn't get your humour like I do.
"She's infuriating," Oliver complains, throwing the quaffle just a little too hard at his best friend. She was a chaser and the pair often did drills even when practice was long over, it helped Oli calm down and being utterly enamoured with the boy she happily stayed behind, wanting to be around him.
"She's your girlfriend Oli," She reminds, tossing the quaffle back and smirking when in his distracted state he almost doesn't catch it
"I know that, and I really do like her. It's just hard, we don't have much in common," He admits with a sigh.
"But she's beautiful and..." she trails off, no matter how supportive she tries to be she doesn't really have any more positives to say about his girlfriend Harriet. Harriet was truly beautiful, the year above and a Ravenclaw. She had longs legs and perfect skin and golden curls.
Other than that she was kind of a bitch.
She knew she was beautiful and it was the only personality she really had. She was rude and harsh, often make snide remarks and overall a typical bitchy mean girl. If she didn't like someone she wasn't secret about it and as her boyfriends best friend who just so happened to be a girl, the Gryffindor was becoming the victim of most of this.
Oliver, of course, would never have stood for this, he simply didn't know. It was little comments that went over his head and remarks when he wasn't around, it was looks he was too busy to notice and it was slowly but surely pushing her further and further away.
"She just doesn't ever take anything as a joke,"
"She's just got a different sense of humour than you Oli, don't worry, with time you will grow and adapt to each others humour," she tries her hardest to smile and Oliver seems not to notice how upset she is. He nods sending her a smile that melts her heart feel like it's squeezing in her chest.
"You're right, you always are. I'm going to go find her and see if she wants to study. D'ya wanna come?"
"No. Thanks. I should go and find George, I promised I'd help him with some potions homework," she excuses herself far too quickly, turning on her heel and heading up towards the castle without him despite the fact they're both going. Leaving Oliver wondering why he feels so jealous that she is spending her evening with their teammate that she was undeniably close with.
I'm in the room, it's a typical Tuesday night. I'm listening to the kind of music she doesn't like. And she'll never know your story like I do.
"You okay?" it's George's voice that seems to almost wake her up as she sits, pushing cereal around a bowl with her spoon.
"Do you think he notices?" she questions, George lets out a sigh, looking down the table at where Oliver is eating breakfast and chatting with Harriet, his eyes trained on her smile.
"He's stupid,"
"Y'know we haven't had breakfast together in three weeks. Lunch and dinner never mattered, we always ate with our group of friends. But breakfast, every morning since first year we got breakfast together and no one else comes, it's just us," She speaks in a tone that makes it clear to the ginger boy in front of her, the only one who knows of her feelings for her best friend, that her heart is slowly breaking.
"I'm sure he notices," George sighs, giving her shoulder a rub
"I don't know if that's better or worse," The girl admits, watching subtly as Oliver presses a kiss to his girlfriend's lips. "I'm going to class, I'll see you around George," she announces, standing from her seat and leaving towards her first class of the day even though it doesn't start for another 45 minutes. A feeling like she could be sick just sat the thought of him and her.
She doesn't know that Oliver immediately notices her leaving, to him it feels like the whole room feels a little colder, a little darker, like the sun itself just disappeared. He was almost used to the feeling, it meant she had gone. He looks up, noticing the bowl of cereal he had watched her pour 5 minutes before was untouched, grabbing an apple and throwing it into his bag to give her second period when he knew she'd be starving. His concern for only getting worse when she never shows to the lesson.
But she wears short skirts I wear T-shirts She's cheer captain And I'm on the bleachers Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find That what you're looking for has been here the whole time.
Oliver wasn't expecting her to show to practice that night, she hadn't eaten breakfast, she hadn't shown to any classes that he shared with her and she wasn't at lunch. He assumed she was ill, planning on checking on her after practise, he'd been busy with Harriet all day and hadn't had a chance to run to her dorm. So, he's mildly confused as she approaches the pitch, dressed in her quidditch robes and chatting happily to Angelina who was walking by her side.
"Hey love," he greets with a smile
"That is most definitely not me," Angelina smirks, slipping away to give the pair a moment of peace and privacy.
"Where were you all day?" he questions
"I just wasn't feeling great," she shrugs, in reality she had been avoiding classes shared with Oliver, the thought of him and Harriet a little too much to bare. She'd only come to practise because she thought she might get a minute alone with her best friend, desperate for his company, feeling further from him than she ever had before.
A quick glance around told her she wouldn't get this. Harriet is sat with her friends, dressed in a skimpy top and short skirt and clearly trying not to freeze. A dark and dirty glare aimed at the girl talking to her boyfriend. Making the girl feel uncomfortable and want to leave and be with anyone other than Oliver, after all she would never hear the end of it if she was with him too long.
"So, are you feeling better?" he questions gently, reaching a hand out to see if she feels warm. He tries to ignore the pang of hurt in his chest when she ducks away from his touch, shooting him a tight lipped smile.
"I feel fine now, so no need to go easy on me or anything," she informs attempting to make a joke but he can tell something is wrong with her, he just has no idea that it is him. She's walking away in the direction of Harry who is calling her over before he can question her any further.
The hour long practice feels off to Oliver. She plays well but she hardly looks at him. Only speaks to him when spoken to and only about quidditch. That would be fine if it was how she was with everyone, perhaps having a bad day or just tired but with every other player on the team she's her normal charming self.
His plan to catch her after practice is shoved aside when Harriet comes over and by the time Oliver can ask her to give him a minute before they go to his captain's office, his best friend is walking with the twins back up to the castle. With a sigh, Oliver decides to drop the whole thing, maybe tomorrow would be back to normal.
If you could see That I'm the one Who understands you. Been here all along. So, why can't you see You belong with me, You belong with me.
It kind of does fall back to normal. He watches her eat breakfast with their friend group and she's smiling and laughing, enjoying her waffles. He enters the Charms class room to see her talking happily with the Hufflepuff girl who sits behind them. Maybe it really was just an off day.
The slither of hope drops when her entire vibe changes as he drops into the seat next to her. There's no friendly hug good morning. There's no questions about how he slept and his day so far. A simple 'Hi Oli' before she's suddenly more interested in a Charms textbook than he's ever seen her before. Throughout the day and their shared classes he slowly manages to get through to her. From no chitchat to talks of quidditch to more personal chatter to their normal selves. Joking and laughing and utterly invested in the other.
She almost feels like this whole weird phase is over and everything is going to go back to normal, but when normally they would go and hang out with their friends in the common room after dinner he is heading to take Harriet to the astronomy tower and she's once again reminded that her best friend is slowly slipping away from her. That one normal day isn't going to replace the 4 months he's been drifting further and further away.
Oliver feels like his chest is on fire when he returns to the common room. She is no longer surrounded by their friend group. Instead she is sat with George, her head on his shoulder as he reads quietly to her by the fireplace. It wasn't long ago that it would be Oliver she would fall asleep in's arms and force to read to her, she would claim that she just loved his accent to guilt trip him into doing it and he would do it every time just to see her bright grin.
He tries to convince himself that the raging jealousy in his chest isn't that George and her may like each other. No. The jealousy he feels is because his best friend is doing best friend things, their things specifically, with someone other than him. He had Harriet. He was happy with Harriet. It just didn't help that the person she always seemed to be around now was tall and funny and good at quidditch and kind. It didn't help that they shared so many qualities because it made him feel like she could find a new Oliver and he knew he could never find someone who even compared to her. That is why he is jealous, he forces himself to say it in his head a few times to convince himself.
In reality nothing was going on between George and the girl. They had always been close friends, Oliver just never noticed how much time they spent together cause he was usually there too.
Walk in the streets with you in your worn-out jeans I can't help thinking this is how it ought to be. Laughing on a park bench thinking to myself, "Hey, isn't this easy?"
When word reached Oliver, through Percy Weasley of all people, which only rubbed salt in the wound, that she had gone on a date with Christian Ward, a boy from the year above, he couldn't help the spark of jealousy. He wondered why she hadn't even bothered to tell him, until he realised that they barely even saw each other anymore aside from in class.
So, when he saw her sat alone in the courtyard, nose in a book and enjoying the quiet he couldn't help himself from going over. He was only there because he was supposed to be meeting Harriet there but she was nowhere to be seen so he figured he had a minute.
"Hey angel," He doesn't quite understand why it hurts so much that she doesn't look up. Before now, if he called a pet name across a busy hall she would always look up, knowing it was meant for her, he supposed it was because recently they hadn't been and it hurt to know that the habit had been dropped from her life so quickly. Yes. That's what hurt. Not that he knew it was his fault. Not the thought of the first few times she would have turned around with that beautiful smile ready to greet him only to see his arms wrapped around someone else.
"Hey, I'm talking to you," he speaks gently, nudging her knee with his as he sits down next to her. He wonders why she springs away from his touch, not knowing about the threats and comments his own girlfriend had made towards her.
"Hi Oli," her smile doesn't reach her eyes
"What are you reading?"
"Little women," she shrugs with a small smile
"I've seen you read that book a thousand times and I have been forced to read it to you at least twenty," he teases
"It's a classic!" she defends. He knew the real reason it was a favourite of hers was that her and her sister used to read it together when they were kids. "Besides, you're attempt at doing voices was pretty incredible," she smirks, he laughs at the memory, speaking in a high pitched girly voice. He'd been trying to cheer her up after a hard day and he'd never heard her laugh as hard.
"I can't help being so masculine," he defends through a chuckle, thinking when she giggles that he couldn't remember the last time he was the reason behind her laughter. "So, heard you went out with Christian?" he question casually
"How'd you hear about that?" she asks, tilting her head to the side in curiosity making Oliver's heart melt.
"Percy," he shrugs. He doesn't say that Percy had told him when he was purposely pissing the prefect off, more as a way to get him to shut up than as friendly gossip. He also didn't feel like sharing that it had immediately worked.
"I forgot they do prefect rounds together," she comments
"How was it?" he questions
"Awful," she admits, he gives her a look of pity as she continues "He was just so stiff and the whole thing was awkward and it just felt so hard to talk to him," she admits. She doesn't add that it was the opposite of when she spent time with Oliver and everything felt so natural.
"When it's the right lad it'll be good and you will feel so at ease from that first moment that you will just know," Oliver comforts
"Is that what it's like with Harriet?" she questions. He feels uncomfortable.  When he had offered that advice his mind hadn't been on Harriet, it had been on her, on how natural it was with her. It shouldn't have been, they were best friend but they were nothing more and he needed to remember that.
"It could be, in the future," he settles for his response even though it's a lie. "Listen, angel, I know that recently I-" he's cut off by a sickly sweet voice.
"Baby, are you ready?" Harriet is calling from across the courtyard. He sighs, wanting to talk to his best friend and apologise for how shit of a best friend he had been recently.
"Go, it's fine. We can talk whenever," the girl assures. Oliver nods, giving her a smile and walking off to his girlfriend, stealing one last look at the girl on the bench, the setting sun creating a golden glow that made her seem so angelic he could have melted on the spot.
And you've got a smile That could light up this whole town. I haven't seen it in a while Since she brought you down. You say you're fine I know you better than that. Hey, what you doing with a girl like that?
"Is it just me or does Oli seem off recently?" she ponders the question to Ally and Josh, their friend groups only couple. Ally was her closest friend besides Oliver and had her suspicions the girl may be head over heels for the boy.
"How so?" Josh asks, looking up from the open potions text book in front of him
"Just quiet and I don't know how to explain it just not himself," she shrugs
"He's been normal with me," Josh shrugs, thinking for a second "A little quiet I guess but normal on a whole,"
"Right," she nods, so it really was just her.
"You are stupid Josh,"  Ally comments, laughing when he jokingly grabs his chest like she just stabbed him "He has been completely off, he barely cracks jokes anymore and he's stopped being stupidly cocky, he practices quidditch less and he is never smiling. Like ever,"
"Do you think it's about Harriet?" she asks the question timidly, what if everyone else thought they were a happy couple and it was just her undeniable jealousy.
"Nah, no one is depressed because they are dating a girl that fit. I mean have you se-" He cuts himself off when Ally shoot him a pointed look "Like me I would never be depressed over a girl because you, my love, are so incredibly beautiful," he clearly misread the look that screamed shut up, not realising Ally was trying to silence him because she could see her friend sinking slowly into herself.
"Maybe it's about how he is never with his best friend anymore," Ally smiles gently
"What do you mean?"
"Just that you guys have kind of drifted a little, that's probably what's getting him down," Ally explains.
It was true, they barely spoke anymore and although the girl cared so much for Oliver she was more than a little annoyed. What started with a small distance was becoming a great gaping hole and he barely bothered to notice it. He'd slowly began to drop her, sitting with different friends in classes,  speeding away from practice rather than staying late with her, not showing up for their Tuesday evening study sessions, not talking to her between classes, their best friend breakfasts, as Oliver used to call them with a stupidly wide grin, were a thing of ancient history.
She was annoyed. Annoyed that there was no doubt in her mind Harriet told him to distance himself from her. Annoyed that having been best friends for 6 years he was so ready to just toss her aside.
"That was his choice," The girl snaps, letting out a sigh "Sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you. I've got to go, I have practice," she explains, standing up and grabbing her quidditch kit bag from the ground.
She wears high heels, I wear sneakers. She's cheer captain, And I'm on the bleachers. Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find That what you're looking for has been here the whole time.
"Hey! Wait up!" Oli's voice is calling and she knows it's directed at her. Straight after practice he had retired into his captain office and so she had taken her time in the locker room, not in a rush to escape the area for once as Harriet was no where in sight so she finally took the time to tidy her locker up a little. The twins had offered to wait but she insisted she was fine. Leaving her the only person here, the only person he could be talking to.
"Hi," she speaks quietly, a layer of nerves that she had never felt around the boy in front of her. Every single bone in her body wanted to ask him to hold her. Life without him felt so much harder and she was tired. she needed him but she felt like she couldn't even ask anymore.
"You were great out there," he praises
"Oh, thanks. I've been a little off my game recently, sorry about that,"
"Hey, you have always played exceptionally well. I'd have said something if I thought you weren't"
"You don't really say anything to me anymore Oliver," he cringes a little, she hadn't called him Oliver ever. Not when he blew a potion up in her face and left her with a large burn there for a month. Not when he threw a quaffle too hard at her and knocked her unconscious. Not when they were so angry at each other they were both screaming. The distance between them had never been so clear.
"Look, I know that I have been a really, really, shit best friend. Recently, I haven't prioritised us and I should, I always should, because you are the person I trust the most on this planet and I know this isn't ever going to make up for the last 6 months. I know nothing I can say will make all of it go away but I miss you, I really miss you, and I hate not having you around and please, please just come back to me," He almost looks like he's going to cry and without a second thought she flings her arms around him, he lets out a sigh of relief, feeling every muscle in his body relax for the first time in months as he wraps his arms around her, holding her head to his chest and breathing in her scent.
After a minute or two she lets go, pulling away from him again.
"So, do you wanna do some extra practice?" he questions with a grin, she beams, ready to nod and finally spend some time with her best friend.
But then she notices it. The door swings open and he tenses up, a look of pure horror on his face, spinning around as quick as possible only relaxing when he sees Harry in the door way.
"Sorry to interrupt, I forgot my school bag," He informs, grabbing the bag from the bench and leaving again.
A tense silence fills the room. Oliver turns back round, maybe she didn't notice. Maybe she wouldn't be mad.
"You thought it was Harriet?"
"No. No you thought it was Harriet and I saw the look in your eyes. You were terrified she would see you talking to me. It's the same look as when she walks into the great hall and you were with our friend group even if you've ignored me the whole time. It's the reason I can under perform at practice and you say nothing cause she's watching, and don't lie cause George and I threw a practice just to see what happened and you shouted at him but me, nothing,"
"Of course you were doing it with him," he regrets the comment the minute he says it when she scoffs.
"I would forgive you for a lot Oliver. I really would, but I refuse to be your dirty little secret," She turns on her heel and storms away, leaving the boy staring after her and wondering how he would ever repair this.
If you could see That I'm the one Who understands you, Been here all along. So, why can't you see You belong with me.
Oliver's hand hammers on her dorm door, he hadn't seen her over the weekend, he assumed she was avoiding him, but with the news he just heard nothing was stopping him from speaking to her.
"One minute!" she calls out. Oliver ignores the way his heart swells at the sound of her voice.
She pulls the door open, clearly fresh from a shower, her hair still damp and only clad in a large tshirt and some sports shorts.
"What do you want?" She demands, arms crossed over her chest and a scowl on her face. He pushes past her into the dorm, closing the door behind him.
"You quit the quidditch team," He tries to remain calm, not wanting to scream at her
"I did," she nods
"You didn't just quit, you broke protocol and went straight to the head of house rather than speaking to your captain,"
"Yeah, well my captain looks like he's been hit by a truck whenever he's seen in my general vicinity in public," she retorts
"Why the fuck would you quit the team?" He's furious, more at the fact he was loosing her than actually at her
"Because I can't be around you!" she shouts, unable to keep her temper down
"What are you talking about?" he questions, his heart sinking in his chest
"It kills me! Being around you physically hurts. Just seeing you creates this pain in my chest like I can't breathe. Seeing you so fine without me kills me Oliver! You were supposed to be my best friend and now you don't even look at me. You left me. I can't breathe because I don't have you anymore and you just seem so fine and it hurts, it really hurts!" She has tears streaming down her face as she shouts but she doesn't seem to care, he'd seen her in a worse state.
"What makes you think I'm so fine?" he demands
"If you weren't fine. If you felt even half as shit as I do then you wouldn't do it. You wouldn't ignore me."
"I have a girlfriend and I am trying to make it work and she doesn't like the way we are together. I'm saving my relationship you would do the same!"
"No! When I date a boy if he questions us for a second, if he asks me to distance myself from you I drop him. I drop him because I don't ever drop you. I couldn't do to you what you have done to me,"  Oliver's heart hurts because he knows that she's right. What he has done is the complete wrong thing.
"Rejoin the quidditch team. You love playing quidditch. Please, please don't let me ruin that for you,"
"I love quidditch, it's fun and exciting and it makes me feel free. But I only ever joined the team because you asked me to try out with you. I love quidditch because it was time we spent together,"
"You are making a mistake,"
"I can't be there. I can't be around you anymore because it hurts me too much. So, captain, respectfully I quit the team, if you are wondering I think you should put Katie Bell on in my place, she's you best alternate by a mile and she works hard. Now, please leave me alone,"
Standing by and waiting at your backdoor. All this time how could you not know, baby? You belong with me, You belong with me.
"I hate Oliver Wood," Fred grumbles, dropping into the seat next to the girl in the common room. She's sat in her workout clothes, planning on going for a jog but had got distracted by her a conversation with Ally who returned to her essay at Fred's arrival.
"Why?" she questions, turning to the ginger boy who is covered in mud and slightly sweaty, clearly fresh from his quidditch practice.
"He's even worse now you're gone. He made us do fitness drills for 45 minutes, I'm sorry what sane person asks someone to do burpees and run laps for 45 minutes. And he's so aggressive, I mean shouts at everyone. All the time. Seriously, poor Harry's glasses fell off and you'd think the boy murdered Oliver's mother. He's in a foul mood," Fred complains.
She can't help but feel a little bad, she knew Oliver like the back of her hand. If he was upset rather than processing it he would simply try to ignore it. He would take his anger out on others.
"Chin up, he'll get better," she smiles, patting Fred's shoulder before leaving the common room.
She exits the castle into the warm evening, summer truly beginning.  She starts jogging her usual route and if she had thought for even a second she wouldn't have. She would have turned left in the direction of the greenhouses and not right, in the direction of the quidditch pitch. She could have guessed he would be there, if he was as frustrated as Fred claimed it's the only place he would be.
She sees him and her heart breaks a little. He's alone. Beating a bludger around, something he doesn't need to practice, as he never needs to do it, but often does when he wants to relieve some anger.
He sees her, jogging the route they've ran together a hundred times. Her hair thrown back and her sports shorts poking out of the baggy t-shirt she is wearing. Distracted looking at her and not thinking about the bludger racing towards him.
"Oli, duck!" she shouts, he reacts quickly, plummeting to the ground at her demand, hearing the whizz of a bludger snipping past him, it would have hit him in the head if she hadn't warned him. He lets out a sigh, looking up to thank her to see she's turned around and is sprinting off towards the castle. He could cry, watching his best friend so desperate to escape his company.
Oh, I remember you driving to my house In the middle of the night. I'm the one who makes you laugh When you know you're 'bout to cry. I know your favourite songs, And you tell me about your dreams. Think I know where you belong, Think I know it's with me.
It's two weeks later when they next see each other. Oliver knocks on the door to the 6th year girls dorms, cringing a little when it's pulled open by Ally.
"What do you want?" Ally demands, closing the door behind her so the girl can't hear.
"Is she here?"
"No. Your precious girlfriend is in her own dorm,"
"You know that's not who I mean," Oliver sighs, it's only then that Ally notices his eyes look a little red and puffy.
"Fine, but if she tells you to leave you do so instantly," Ally sighs, feeling bad and knowing they both wanted each other back. Oliver nods and pushes through the door as Ally leaves.
"Who was it?" The girl questions, not turning around from her desk
"Uh, me," he's nervous. She turns around an angry look on her face but softens when she immediately notices that he is on the brink of tears.
"Oli, what happened?" she questions, standing from her desk and approaching him tentatively, leaving a respectful distance between them.
"Well," he sighs, "I had a fight with Harriet. She always said she didn't like us being friends and all and I should have stopped her right there, but, it's just that I really thought I liked her and I didn't want to ruin it and she never actually spoke badly of you. But then today she started talking about you and she was so rude and I just, I couldn't handle it, so I snapped and shouted at her and, well, I don't think I have a girlfriend anymore,"
She sighs, not really sure what to say. Yes, he had defended her but now he was crying over loosing Harriet.
"Look, Oli, don't get too upset. Go and apologise and she'll be stupid not to take you back,"
"I'm not upset, I feel like I can breathe for the first time in nearly 7 months,"
"Then why are you crying?" She asks, sitting down on her bed and patting the spot next to her. He sits immediately.
"Because I hate myself. I treated the most important person in my life like absolute shit and now I'm running back to you and it's not fair on you. I hate that I hurt you, god I'd kill someone for hurting you as badly as I did,"
"It's okay," she sighs, reaching out to grab his slightly trembling hand. He uses his other hand to roughly wipe his tears from his cheeks.
"No. No it's not. Shout at me or slap me or ignore me," he demands
"Honestly Oli, I just want my best friend back," she admits.
"I'm still you best friend?" he questions timidly
"You're stuck with me Wood," she grins
"I wouldn't have it any other way," he admits, opening his arms out and unable to stop himself from smiling when she climbs into them.
"If anyone asks-"
"You didn't cry," she finishes, he laughs at how well she knows him. "Wouldn't want anyone questioning how strong and manly you are," she teases
Can't you see That I'm the one Who understands you? Been here all along. So, why can't you see You belong with me.
They lay on her bed. Oliver on his side to face her and her head turned to look at him properly, catching up on everything they missed in each other's lives.
"So, what's going on with you and George?" Oliver questions
"What are you talking about?"
"You guys are dating now," he shrugs, trying not to seem jealous. She bursts out laughing, making Oliver look at her in confusion.
"Where in the world did you get that?"
"Fred told me after practice," he seems truly baffled, only getting more confused when she laughed more.
"We aren't dating. Fred was annoyed at all the fitness drills and was trying to piss you off as revenge,"
"So you guys aren't even like seeing each other?"
"Oli, he is two years younger than us, obviously I am not seeing George," she laughs a little and he realises the relief he feels is because he is utterly and completely in love with his best friend. The realisation hitting him like a truck.
"About practice, you going to come back because we need you at this game against Slytherin on Saturday or we will lose?"
"I'd be honoured," she grins.
Standing by and waiting at your backdoor. All this time how could you not know, baby? You belong with me, You belong with me. You belong with me.
Oliver has his arm wrapped around his best friend's shoulder, two weeks later when he sees Harriet for the first time since the break up. He immediately tenses when he hears her let out a snicker.
"It's embarrassing really that she took him back," Harriet speaks snidely to her friends.
"What did you just say?" Oliver demands, spinning around to face her.
"Leave it Oli," the girl attempts to pull her best friend away but he doesn't listen.
"She is pathetic. You were so whipped you dropped your own best friend and the minute we break up she just takes you back into her life like nothing happened,"
"Well, if she's pathetic what does that make you given that you were so jealous of her," Oliver snaps, his voice low.
"If you think for a second I was jealous of her than you're fucking stupid,"
"Harriet, the whole school knows you were,"
"Why would I ever be jealous of that?" she questions, her eyes looking the girl up and down
"Because she is 10 times the person you will ever be. Because she is kind and funny and smart and beautiful. Because you can't hold a fucking candle to her!" Oliver shouts, aware of the crowd watching them.
"She is pathetic and desperate,"
Oliver doesn't react in the way she expects. She expects him to shout an insult and storm away tugging her along with him.
Instead he pulls her flush against his chest and slams his lips to her. He kisses hard, pulling her impossibly close to him and putting every ounce of love he feels for her into it. She kisses back, melting at his touch and certain if it wasn't for his hands holding her up her legs would give way.
She pulls away breathless and vaguely hears the Weasley twins starting out some loud chants and cheers but her entire mind is focused on Oliver.
"An interesting way to get her to shut up,"
"Well, I've been meaning to kiss you for a while so I figured two birds one stone,"
"So it wasn't just to get her to shut up?" she questions, seemingly insecure and shy.
"No, it was more because I've been in love with you for years and I never realised" he grins
"What a happy coincidence that I'm in love with you too," she smiles
"How could you not be?" he teases, smirking when she wraps her arms round his neck and tugs him down so his lips are on hers once more.
Have you ever thought just maybe You belong with me? You belong with me.
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