#frankly not excited! to be quite honest! btw!
crescentmp3 · 2 years
also hi i live
#yeah sorry </3 i went dead asleep for a bit and then played mortal kombat really really hard#hmm what part did i leave it at? oh! i was nightwolf and was about to fight.. cyrax?? i think? yeah..#also theres been two other earthquakes over at hatay. not feeling amazing#i think a tsunami warning just came but i dont know‚ heard from mom#they're also saying an earthquake will hit istanbul#frankly not excited! to be quite honest! btw!#anywho. today was the first day of school after the mourning break for the earthquakes#was pretty fine‚ got to see my close friends again#which one of Allah's creations on His beautiful earth decided to put chemistry and history#back to back#first four classes#on MONDAY#should hit their toe on furniture twice as many times as usual. i think#but other than that! doing great#god my hatred for the two classes isn't even about the subjects themselves.#my chemistry teacher ms. deniz (feels weird to not add hoca after that..) is a nice teacher#BUT! insufferable lessons when its in the morning first thing#at least i comprehend what shes saying. my history teacher ms. eylem? ohoho#thankfully she spent the first lesson talking with us about the mourning period and fearmongering#but in the second lesson after making us read from the textbook she made us write. this woman#you'll be writing the first word and shes already on the third sentence. ma'am please </3#we are not cyborgs!! we don't have enhanced abilities for fine motor skills!!#im not raiden mgr:r!! or raiden mortal kombat for that matter but hes not relevant#but yes. normal day for the most part#♚ — rambling !
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somesoups · 5 months
imma be completely honest, i just checked out the watchertv website and i can absolutely see why they were so excited for it - without context, it looks so cool and i would be SO proud of them cos that's huge you know? and i can absolutely see how this has been something they've been aiming for (i remember both ryan & shane talking about how it's been their dream to create high-quality, tv-level productions at various points in time).
but as many have said, a huge issue was perhaps in the execution. assuming this was a set-in-stone end goal for them, much could still have been done to transition the audience gradually to this new platform. ofc, i acknowledge that hindsight is 20/20 but, well. i have to admit that some aspects of how this was executed were indeed quite tone-deaf.
THAT BEING SAID, while i absolutely understand that this tone-deafness could have been extremely hurtful, using this situation as an opportunity to be racist, to attack steven's religion, or to harrass their partners on their socials is completely out of line. this whole fiasco has revealed a startling & upsetting amount of toxicity that is colouring the entire fandom in a really bad light.
also, while i understand that steven being the sole CEO position does make him more responsible over such business decisions, i truly do not think that the "steven is the only villian, he's threatening R&S with a gun" narrative is warranted. as mentioned above, R&S have both expressed their dreams of making high-quality productions (nothing wrong with that btw) and they're also both still the co-founders & main faces of the platform. there's a much higher likelihood that they were both on board with this, and pinning all the blame on steven like this to protect and coddle your 'faves' is frankly a little embarrassing.
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mlmxreader · 26 days
On A Break
okay, so, it's been a few days since I've been away, and I'm gonna explain as best as I can whilst also trying to prevent certain types from jumping down my fucking throat over it. I've tried breaking it up as much as I can for the sake of accessibility, but if it isn't perfect, then I do apologise and will fix any issues.
Disheartened & Unsure
So, like, part of the reason why I'm taking a break at the moment is because, quite honestly, I'm disheartened. Every time I log onto this app and I check my inbox, it's the same old story: a few requests and maybe, like, one decent person who's actually given me any interaction on my fics. (and that's if I'm lucky!) It's starting to feel like a massive waste of time, if I'm honest.
I hate coming on here and immediately thinking "well, that's shit" and then feeling like shit myself. I hate looking at my fics & my prompt lists (all stuff I do NOT get paid to post, btw! I do it in my own free time!) and then feeling like they're not good enough, which means I'm not good enough.
I mean, for fuck's sake, I set up a poll to ask my readers if they wanted to have a day where nothing but smut was posted - they said yes, and I was SO EXCITED. Until two weeks later, when the novelty wore off and no one had requested anything since the first time.
I make prompt lists so that people don't HAVE to think out fully detailed fics to request, I make them long and with different types of prompts so that people can pick and choose, mix and match - people stopped requesting by August, even when I made a new one and reblogged it as much as possible so that those with timezone differences can have a chance.
It's disheartening.
As it stands, I'm still very disheartened. Like, incredibly so, and I don't really wanna come back except to bang out the six (6) requests I have in my inbox atm. And that'll, at max, take me a day or two to get thru and finish off - so, then what?
I mean, the only reason I have this blog is to take & posts requests and to, yknow, actually interact w people who enjoy them - if I'm not getting that, why should I stick around? What is my purpose for being here and for logging on?
"Write For Yourself" Discourse
It's bullshit. I'm sick of hearing it time and time again when I explain that, actually, I already DO! I've written just as many fics for myself as what I post on here - I just don't SHARE many of them. So, if I WANTED to, I could easily keep everything to & for my eyes and maybe the eyes of a few trusted friends.
Which would then mean that this blog becomes, frankly, redundant. I'm tired and sick of the discourse whenever I fucking say this. I'm not explaining it any more - if people don't request & don't interact, then my blog will not exist. It's that simple.
Call me ungrateful, call me a bastard, I don't care. Those are my reasons, and I reserve the right to not say anything further about the topic. Bring this discourse into my inbox, and I'm pressing the block button.
Undetermined Time for a Break
I'll be honest: I'm not sure how long I'll be on a break for. I'll post writing if it gets requested, but I'm not promising anything & I'm not remaking a new prompt list.
I just don't have it in me anymore, and frankly, I'm tired of feeling like shit whenever I log on & look at how things are going.
I'm tired. I'm so fucking tired. So I'm taking a step back - ofc I'll check in occasionally (like I did today), see what's happening. But my presence is going to be heavily minimalised until the time comes when I feel like I'm, basically, appreciated and WANTED enough to make a full come back.
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xlovely-daydreamsx · 4 years
an angel on my shoulder and the devil in my heart (yandere!hawks x reader) ch3
Summary: You train a bit with Hawks and ask some serious questions.
Warnings: Yandere, stalking, ns///fw-ish, more tags to be added
Note: thank you all SO much for the love and support on this fic! i’ll try to keep updates pretty regular. btw, this one is a bit longer than usual, so i hope you enjoy :)
Chapter 2 here!
This is so awkward, you think as you ride the elevator with Hawks, your back pressed against the corner. He looks at you, slightly bemused.
"Be honest," he says, pulling himself back together and giving you one of his signature smiles, "were you a fan of me before this?"
"Of course," you don't even have to think about it, "isn't every hero student a fan of yours?" His spot on the leaderboard paired with his constant publicity in magazines and news, it's hard not to find yourself interested by him. Hawks laughs, unamused.
"As if," he stares down at you, his gaze shifting over you like a machine reading a barcode, "but why do you say that?"
"Isn't it obvious? You're the number three hero for a reason, and it's not just because of your good looks."
"You think I'm good looking?" He smirks and you wave it off, cursing the heat you feel on your face.
"You know what I mean; you've got your persona down pact. Teenage girls like you because you're pretty, teenage boys like you because of your quirk," he tilts his eyebrow at you but you avert your gaze, "the adults like you because you tell the truth, even if it hurts," you finally look him in the eye, "and anyone who says they don't like you is just afraid because you say exactly what they're thinking when they'd rather ignore it." He looks almost... shocked. He knew you were good, or at least that you had the potential to be, but he realizes now that maybe you're a bit smarter than he gave you credit for in the first place.
He takes a step forward, and another, and another until he's in your space, too close for comfort and too precise to overlook as an accident.
"You really know me, kid," he says, and you're almost tired of how many times his breath against your skin has made you shiver, "but what do you think that persona covers up?" He asks. Your breath is caught in your throat- he looks scary. His eyes are big, pupils blown wide as he stares down at you, that grin of his turned into a smirk as he watches you flinch back slightly. He's intimidating, that much you're sure of, but you can't understand why a thing like that would make your stomach flip like it does or ignite a flame somewhere deep inside you, an itch you can't scratch.
Either way, you really have no idea how to respond to his question. When he's Hawks, he's straightforward but witty, charming yet provocative. You can't pin him down as one thing and he doesn't play one role more than the other. He rocks the boat, but just enough to let in a bit of water, remind the people of the ocean underneath, but why? Who is he when he isn't being a hero?
Thankfully, you don't have to answer him. The door to the elevator pings and they slide open, letting Hawks step away from you and out the door, presumably leaving behind whatever the hell that conversation was as well. You follow him wordlessly, obediently.
"This is one of the training floors in this facility," he gestures to the room around you. It's a basement leveled floor, so any light in the room comes from the overbearing white light of the LEDs above you. Two of the walls consist solely of mirrors, while the others house practice weapons, benches, and informational posters. The floors are tile, almost completely masked by padded mats. The whole room looks so pristine, you wonder if it's ever been used.
"Does anybody else even work here?" You finally ask. You've been in the building for almost a half an hour and you've only seen a single person other than Hawks. Floor after floor of office space, yet not a single desk or work station was taken by a person. Frankly, it's unsettling. Hawks just laughs.
"Of course they do, (Y/N); I just gave them the day off," his brow furrows in annoyance, like it's such a stupid question for you to ask.
"Why?" You don't bother to call out the casual use of your first name.
"Didn't want anyone getting in our way on your first day." He shrugs. "This doesn't really matter though, does it? We're wasting training time." You know Hawks is right; there's no reason for you to be upset by that- he just wanted you to have an easy first day. So why do you feel so unsettled?
Hawks sends you away to change into your hero costume, taking a seat on the bench as he waits for your return. Oh, how he'd love to accompany you, slowly slide your uniform off of your perfect body, let his hands caress your smooth skin. And your feathers- immaculate little things- soft as cotton and silky smooth, perfect for running his hands through. Of course he noticed the way it made you shake, your breath coming out in shallow puffs as you tried to stay calm. Really, you should just give in to him; he knows you must have a crush on him, what, with that speech you gave him in the elevator practically professing your love for him. 
Would you like him, he wonders, if you knew the real him? Hawks would never think the things Keigo does, would never watch you through your window or follow you home. But isn't it endearing to know how much he cares about you? Would you think so? He really just wants what's best for you, and the best thing for you is to be by his side.
This isn't really like him, though- he's never latched on to someone quite like he has with you, but you're special, he rationalizes; you're kindred spirits, his angelic pair, his soulmate. Your gold and white wings were crafted by God to carry you to him and no further. You're not Icarus, no, your wings won't melt away, but if you fly too far away from home, away from Hawks, they certainly might break. Or, at least, he'll have to break them for you.
"Hawks- uh, Mr. Hawks?" Your timid voice pulls him away from his thoughts. You're standing in the doorway, arms crossed over your chest, and Hawks can't help but give you a once-over. Your hero outfit is a bit odd, in his opinion- it's more stylized than most he's seen. Your top consists of what looks like a golden breastplate, and your shoulder pads, elbow pads, and knee pads are all fashioned in the same greek armor style. Underneath your armor top is a white tunic, which moves downward towards your skirt and cuts off in the back, leaving the front a bit shorter than the rest. Your legs are protected by a chainmail pair of leggings. On the top of your head rests a golden laurel wreath, with a white wing protruding from each side. 
Cute, cute, cute, Hawks thinks to himself, a smile back on his face, my own little greek goddess.
"I'd tell you it's just Hawks, but hearing you stumble around 'mister hawks' is almost too entertaining to pass up." You have the audacity to look annoyed at him; it's hardly intimidating, "hey, if it's that upsetting, you could always call me Keigo." His smug face stares up at you from its place rested in his hands and you scoff.
"Thanks, but I like to keep the professional titles for at least a day."
He shrugs, "your loss," and stands up from his bench. "I think we should spar first, just to give me an idea of your skill." He wrings his neck and stretches out his shoulders, giving them a little shake.
"Sounds good to-" your cut off as a red feather whizzes past your face and you duck to the ground. It lodges itself neatly into the wall behind you. "Are you kidding me?"
"What? I said we're sparring." Okay, maybe it's because he's a little upset you won't call him Keigo, but he did technically give you a warning.
"That could've hit me!" You reply as you push yourself back up and into a fighting stance.
"Yeah, but it didn't," another feather shoots past you and you easily move out of the way, circling Hawks, "and do you think a villain is gonna give you a heads up? No," another, and then another feather and you barrel roll, one of them narrowly missing your face, "so now you're more prepared! You should be thanking me."
"I think you talk too much," you reply simply. You move up into a crouch and push forward, aiming to get close enough to at least get a hit on Hawks. He watches you, slightly bemused and launches another feather, this one sticking into the ground and effectively pinning your skirt, pulling you face forward into the floor with your own momentum. Two more lodge themselves into the sides of your hero suit, keeping you against the ground.
"Well I think," You can hear the smirk in his voice as he comes and nudges you with his foot, "that I just kicked your ass in three seconds.”
"Definitely not one of my best matches," you agree, and he lets up his feathers. 
My poor hero suit, you sigh as you eye the holes, big enough to fit you hand through. Only one day as an intern and you'll already need a patch job.
"I can't say I'm impressed," Hawks offers you a hand and pulls you to your feet, "but I didn't expect you to do well." He laughs at your indignant 'hey,' and continues. "C'mon, you couldn't have thought you'd win against Japan's best hero."
"I didn't know I was fighting All Might." 
"Yeah, yeah," he waves you off. "Do you only fight hand-to-hand?" You nod.
"My quirk isn't built for offense like yours is." Hawks looks you up and down, a hand on his chin as he contemplates.
"Have you considered using a support weapon?" Your eyes go wide. That's actually really smart. "I could talk to our support department about getting something together for you..." he pauses again, thinking, but exclaims, "I can get you a sword and train you; we'll be one of those dynamic duos!" He grabs you by the shoulders and shakes. He wants you to be as excited as he is, wants you to at least smile for god's sake. If you've got wings on your back, his sword by your side, and his agency under your belt, there'll be no mistaking who you belong to.
"I'm not sure I'd be any good at that," you look to the ground, a stray hand coming to nervously scratch at your neck. 
"With me as your teacher? You'll be an ace," his hands don't move from their place on your shoulders and he gives them a possessive squeeze, "plus, it'll match your costume."
"...I guess I can try it, then," you comply and he beams, white teeth shining brighter than the sun. You know you'll make a fool out of yourself, you're certain of it, but the way he looks at you makes you feel like it might not matter how bad you are; he'll help you through it. You can't stop yourself from smiling back; you think you made the right decision choosing Hawks as your mentor.
You spend the rest of the afternoon practicing hand-to-hand combat, having your ass thoroughly kicked by Hawks every time. Every time you thought you might beat him, you ended up face first on the mat, Hawks sitting on your back and pinning your arm. 'I win again' he whispered, a little too close for comfort before letting go and helping you up. By the time Hawks elected that you had been beat enough, the sun was already down outside.
"Let me walk you home," Hawks holds the big glass door open for you as you exit, the lights flickering off inside and obscuring his face, "it's a gentleman's duty." You let out a chuckle.
"I don't wanna trouble you-" he raises a hand to silence you.
"It's really no trouble at all, kid," you feel like the conversation is over- Hawks has already made up his mind; he's going to walk you home.
“...alright, then,” you compromise again, following him like a dog down the road.
The streetlights illuminate the both of you as you stroll down the empty roads, your voices carrying in the silence of the night. Hawks has elected this as no-work time, so he asks you silly questions about yourself: what's your favorite color, favorite food, things like that. He seems happy to get to know you, and indulges your own questions about his interests.
He likes when you smile, he decides, as you laugh at one of his jokes. Whenever you notice him staring, you cover your mouth, but your laugh is so pretty and genuine; he can't understand why you would be embarrassed by it. Although, he can't help the twinge in his gut that wants you to save your smiles and your laugh just for him, or the anger that bubbles up when he thinks of someone else getting to see you like this, lit up by the yellow glow of the streetlights. So pretty and all his.
He says goodnight to you at the door, waving to you like he won't be outside your window for the rest of the night.
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writeyouin · 4 years
It says asks are closed, but your recent post said they're open? If they are closed, that's fine, sorry to bother. Love your stuff btw! What if LL crew were temporarily turned human. The human liason helps them adjust (even if this is just for a while-they hope) and since it's Christmas, they decide to make everyone a traditional Christmas dinner (or as close to it as they can...) Who actually helps in the kitchen, who's more of a hindrance, and who sneaks food when they think no one's looking?
Transformers MTMTE/LL Reader Insert – For Just One Day
A/N – This one was tricky, trying to fit everyone in.
Warnings – Very Mild NSFW
Rating – T
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It started with a stupid bet that the crew wouldn’t last a day as humans. To be honest, you forgot even making the bet with Brainstorm, but apparently those were your exact words, and now he hadn’t just turned himself human, but the entirety of the Lost Light. Fortunately, the effects of Brainstorm’s device were only going to last a day. Unfortunately, the day it took place was Christmas. Now, you not only had a million questions to answer about being human, but you also had to cook a Christmas dinner for everyone because Swerve had given the idea to Rodimus and it had spread like wildfire.
“Okay,” You said, tying back your hair and putting on an apron, mildly anxious now that everyone was looking to you for a Christmas feast. “I’m going to need help in the kitchen, if anyone will volunteer.”
Ultra Magnus nodded. He had just finished making a pamphlet for the bots who were struggling with their humanity. “I shall organise a cooking party,” he said, and with that, he was organising groups of bots who had volunteered into those willing to cook meat and those who weren’t.
Soon, you were left with a group of around thirty volunteers, looking to you for instructions. Among them were Rung, Ten, Swerve, Nautica and Cyclonus. You started by showing the group how to prepare the vegetables, setting off a production line. Rung was very attentive to his carrots, though having more experience on model ships, he was paying far too much attention to detail and was very slow with his work. Upon watching Ten, who was much faster, you decided to partner the two up to make up for Rung’s lack of speed.
Whilst trying to give instructions to some other bots, you found Swerve watching you dreamily, rather than preparing his items. When you went over to him, he blushed and started talking a million miles an hour, soon becoming more of a hindrance than a help, though you humoured him, since it came from a good place.
“You can keep yapping, as long as you get back to work, instead of staring at me,” You winked.
Swerve, feeling suddenly very nervous looked around for something to distract you, although it was too late for you not to have noticed his blatant ogling. “Ugh, I- I- I- FLOUR FIGHT!”
He threw a fistful of flour at your face. You coughed and spluttered, raising a bemused eyebrow once you were okay.
“I-Uh-I-” Swerve babbled, wondering why he hadn’t just got back to work when you had called him out.
“I’ll let that one go, but I’m gonna get you back later,” You deadpanned, smiling only when your back was turned and he couldn’t see you; it would be fun to watch him panic for a while.
You walked on, stopping when you found Nautica stirring an empty pot, whilst watching Brainstorm and Perceptor dreamily. You had a feeling that she had volunteered for the cooking before she realised that they were going to be running various experiments on the now-human crew. You stopped to look at the pair of arguing scientists.
“It is not a contest,” Perceptor sniffed drily.
Brainstorm wrapped an arm around him, “Everything is a contest, Percy. If it wasn’t, existence would be futile. So, you in or not?”
“Most definitely not. I am here to research the human mechanics that you have so hastily created, not compete over who can do the most experiments before the day is up.”
“Ah, classic Percy, that’s the fighting talk I love. We’ll tally the scores at sundown.”
Turning your attention back to Nautica, you knew she wouldn’t abandon the work she had promised to do, even if she didn’t realise that she wasn’t actually doing it.
“You should go with them,” You told her.
“Hm? Me? Oh, no, I couldn’t. I’m supposed to be here,” Nautica smiled bashfully when she realised that she had been stirring the wrong pot and the cocktail sauce was still just a batch of raw ingredients.
“Nautica, you’re supposed to be having a good time. Go nuts, run some experiments. Christmas is all about having fun, after all.”
Nautica chewed her lip, considering it.
You pushed her towards the exit, “Go!”
With that, Nautica gave you a quick hug and ran excitedly out, leaving you to get back to checking on everybody else. On her way out, you saw Megatron standing awkwardly in the doorway. From the disturbed look on his face, it occurred to you that nobody had told him what was going on and he had only just figured it out upon seeing everyone else.
You approached him, “Hey Megatron… It was Brainstorm-”
“So I gathered,” He replied gruffly. “Please can you inform me how long this is to last.”
“Around twenty-four hours.”
“I see. Then I shall remain in my hab-suite until it is over.”
“Wait,” You grabbed his arm. “We’re um, celebrating a human holiday, if you want to join us.”
“Please (Y/N), do not pity me. You know I have no place among my peers during celebrations.”
“Megatron, I will only pity you if you leave. Come on, you should be among your friends, and don’t say you don’t have any ‘cos that is utter rubbish. So, as your friend, I am ordering you to get over to your other friend, Rung and help him with those potatoes.”
Megatron stared at you, dumbfounded. If he didn’t have so much respect for you, he would have left to hide away until this was all over. As it was, he simply nodded and joined Rung, who immediately struck up a friendly conversation.
‘Right,’ You thought to yourself, ready to get back to work until you saw Tailgate hanging out near Cyclonus, about to pop some raw bacon in his mouth.
“NO,” You ran over picking him up. “PUT THE BACON DOWN.”
“WHAT? WHY?” Tailgate whined. “You didn’t yell at Ravage when he stole the eggnog.”
“He did what?” Sure enough, when you looked around, the eggnog was gone without a trace; how Tailgate had seen him take it was beyond you.
“(Y/N), I just wanna taste Cyclonus’ cooking. Pleeeeeease.”
“Tailgate, I get that you’re excited, but Cyclonus is on meat duty, ‘kay. Meat can make humans really, really sick if we eat it raw. I’m just doing this so you don’t get ill. So, I’ll say it again. Put the bacon down.”
“Do as (s)he says,” Cyclonus added, without even looking up from his cooking station.
Huffily, Tailgate put the bacon back onto the counter and you let him go. “If you want everything so perfect, you better check the dessert station,” he huffed.
You were puzzled for a moment, but you decided to do what he said, heading over to the dessert section.
“Oh, come on,” You groaned, upon seeing Rodimus remoulding all the gingerbread men into gingerbread Rodimus stars.
“Hey (Y/N)!” Rodimus grinned, trying to hide his artwork behind his back. You had been far too occupied to notice, but Rodimus had already been kicked out of the kitchen by various other members of the crew no less than seven times for causing havoc wherever he went. Quite frankly, he didn’t want to be kicked out again; it was getting harder and harder to sneak back in.
“Really? You couldn’t leave the gingerbread men alone?”
“(Y/N),” Rodimus put a hand over his heart. “I, for one, am disgusted that you would allow us to take part in an act that encourages cannibalism. I mean, eating fake humans is the first step towards eating real humans, and I will not stand for it.”
“Ugh, where the hell is the dessert team?” You asked frustratedly, looking around for any sane bot.
“Oh, them? Well, they chased after Riptide who stole all those little pastry things to eat. Then when they came back, Rewind and Chromedome had stolen all the chocolate.”
“Why would they do that?”
“They heard something about chocolate being an aphrodisiac, so they took it and went away to canoodle.”
“Then what happened?”
“Then Drift came to try some stuff.”
“Drift, really?” You said, surprise colouring your tone.
“Yeah, don’t tell him I told you, but he has kind of a thing about watching organics eat, so he stole some food to get into his kink state. Anyway, that was when the dessert team abandoned base and went to play twister. By the way, super-fun game. Anyway, that brings us to this point, when I’m your only hope for saving dessert, thus saving Christmas.”
You rubbed the back of your neck tiredly, “Fine… Do whatever the hell you want to the gingerbread. Just make sure to cook it afterwards. I left the instructions on the datapad there.”
“You got it,” Rodimus winked. “This is gonna be the best dessert ever.”
Finally, you were free to get back to work, and with only a few more problems, dinner was served. You and a few others volunteered to take food to those who had decided to quarantine themselves. Your first stop was Whirl’s hab-suite. Quite frankly, you were surprised that Whirl hadn’t come out to make mischief when everything started.
You knocked on his door, “Whirl, sweetie, you in there?”
“GO AWAY, MEATBAG!” He roared from inside.
“Hey, are you okay?”
You didn’t really understand what Whirl’s problem was, so you just left the food outside his door, telling him what you had done before leaving. Whirl didn’t go to collect the food. How could he, when he had a problem of this nature? As it turned out, something had gone wrong with Whirl’s transformation, so instead of his usual holoform, he looked entirely different. He was a grown man in a leather jacket, with fairly good looks. The problem was that without his interface panel or his usual feminine form, he couldn’t hide his arousal for you. As such, he had vowed not to come out until everything was back to normal.
Where others were saying Merry Christmas, all Whirl could think was ‘Bah, humbug.’
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vampiricfairy · 4 years
I Never Told You What I Do For A Living
Chapter 2
Word Count: 1851
Pairing: Jonathan Harker x Reader
Warnings: none
A/N: Updates will be probably very inconsistent? Anyway, have fun. Also btw you're pansexual, ahaha.
"Y/N, wake up! It’s past 1 pm.”
You groaned and sat up, “what is it..?” You asked groggily.
“When did you go to sleep?!”
“Around.. 1 am? I don’t see why you care Zoe..” You said and slipped out of bed.
“I know it’s hard when your parents are barely around, but you really need to practice being responsible. Also put your slippers on before you catch a cold, I brought you coffee.” Your aunt, well Zoe Van Helsing said before she disappeared again.
You sighed as you shuffled into the bathroom and washed your face. You looked at your reflection still feeling a bit tired, you got into the shower.
While showering you thought of what happened yesterday, trying to process what happened. After that you dried your hair and put on an oversized t-shirt before walking downstairs to the kitchen, where you sat on a chair opposed to Zoe.
“How did you sleep?” Zoe asked, as she looked through various letters, files and everything. It confused you, if you were being honest. Why did your aunt come here, with so much stuff. You did like Zoe a lot, she was pretty nice to you and quite cool actually.
“Had some weird dreams but otherwise it was.. Alright. How’s work?” You asked her, yawning as you took a sip of your now cold coffee.
“Could be better, the thing I had been working on for so long failed. Remember Count Dracula? He is out of his cell and he has a lawyer. It also seems like there is another vampire that is.. Running around freely. In fact he was Dracula’s solicitor, Jonathan Harker-“ Zoe stopped talking when she noticed that you were choking on your coffee.
You swallowed as you coughed a little, “I’m great- I’m good please-please just continue talking-“ You had a small brain malfunction there. You were praying Zoe wasn’t catching on by now.
“You’re acting a little weird.. Anything happen last night?” She raised an eyebrow.
“Nope, nothing. I was at home and watched movies, then I went to bed-.” You clearly lied.
“My point is, I don’t want you wandering alone around at night. It’s dangerous, if Dracula finds out we have the same bloodline he is going to come after you. It’s best if you stay inside as soon as it gets dark.” Zoe explained with a stern voice.
“What about Jonathan Harker though?” You asked, maybe it wasn’t smart but you still did it. You were burning with interest for the vampire.
“Jonathan Harker is harmless but he is still a vampire.. Meaning he may not intend to hurt anyone but he can’t control himself around blood.”
“Got it..” You smiled sweetly, exactly knowing what you were going to do.
“Why do you seem so happy? Come on Y/N, something’s definitely up. You’re not a movie watcher anyway.” Zoe said.
“What-? No, I always liked watching movies!! I- I un watched SAW I.” You said, well more stammered.
“You know you can tell me if something happened, I’ll make sure there are people around you who can protect you.” Zoe tried to remind you.
“No, no. I’m fine!” You finished drinking your coffee and yawned again. “I’m going shopping later with my friends, I’ll try to be back before sundown.” You lied, again.
“Well, alright. You have fun- I’ll probably come over when I’m done with work. Take care.” Zoe then walked out of your apartment and you walked back upstairs to your room and took your phone.
J.H.: Good morning, dear.
Sent at 6:24 am
You chuckled to yourself as you typed a message.
Me: Good Morning?
Me: Wanna meet later??
You then checked your social medias, before walking back downstairs. You were still slightly tired, so you decided to take a quick nap. A quick nap seemed to have turned into a pretty long one and so you found yourself waking up in the dark, you flipped on the light and checked your phone messages.
J.H: If you insist, then sure. What time?
Me: 8:30pm?
It was 7:15 now, which meant you had enough time to get ready.
J.H: I’ll be there.
With that you walked into your room and put on a black dress, fishnet thighs and a jean jacket. You put on a light makeup and curled your hair. You walked back downstairs into the kitchen where you drank a glass of water.
Knock, knock, knock.
You cautiously walked to the door and opened it.
“Good evening, darling.” Jonathan said, even smiling a little.
“Evening- I haven’t put on my shoes yet! Wait, you want to come in?” You asked him as you stepped aside.
Johnathan hesitated as he watched you put on your shoes, “are you sure?”
You shrugged. “Sort of, look I know what you are but frankly I think you wouldn’t hurt me. I mean why? There’s nothing beneficial about me- unless you want my blood. But even that, I really don’t mind.” You said, as you tied your shoes.
Jonathan stepped inside, “that’s odd. People back in my days would have panicked by now-“
“Please stop saying “people in my days” or “back in my days” it makes you sound like my grandpa!” You said jokingly.
Jonathan chuckled, confused. “Alright, then.”
“Also I would like you to come anytime you please but don’t come when my aunt is here- I’m not supposed to be outside and especially not with you.” You took your keys, Jonathan and you stepped outside.
“You should really be staying at home then, it is not safe outside anyway. Yes, I am able to protect you but.. Not as much as you think. Dracula is much more experienced and stronger than me!” Jonathan said with a worried expression.
“I have garlic with me and a cross chain in my purse- I doubt he can do much now, hmm. I also won’t hesitate to use it on you, should you try anything!” You said and chuckled.
“I won’t hurt you.. I can’t.” He said, a sad smile on his face.
“What’s that about?” You asked.
“Nothing- I just can’t bring myself to kill a young lady-“
“Sounds fair!! I wouldn’t spill holy water on you either!” You said.
“Van Helsing?” Jonathan asked, sighing slightly.
“That noticeable? Just my mothers side-“ You said.
“So that is why he is after you-“ Jonathan said, sighing.
“He is after m-????? Why is he after me??? What would he want from me? My knowledge of My Chemical Romance lyrics???” You were slightly confused. “Wait, how do you even know that he is after me?”
“He tried to choke you, remember? He was about to drink your blood, if I hadn’t appeared you.. You would probably be almost undead by now.”
“Sucks for me.” You stated plainly.
“I don’t understand how you can’t worry about such things.”
“First of all, you are with me. Second of all, I am safe as fuck. Third of all, I want to kick the fucker that killed a family member of mine in the pp, really badly. Again. Smash his intestines too. Also being a vampire sounds really cool.”
Jonathan seemed confused by your language. “As fuck? Pp?” He repeated.
Your brain had a small malfunction there. How were you gonna explain a gentleman all that, a gentleman not from your century. “As fuck? It’s when you want to do something really bad or something is really great- or something is really bad. Like I’ll tell my friends “It’s cold as fuck” and they’ll understand it as “it’s extremely cold, I’m dying.” A pp is.. That thing you have.” Maybe you should have worded it better.
“What thing?” Asked Jonathan dumbfounded.
“The thing you masturbate with-“ you said plainly.
“I- just google it please.”
“I will- I’m sorry darling, I’m still getting accustomed to the new age.” Jonathan smiled awkwardly.
“Nah, it’s okay. Now that you’re getting accustomed to the new age- can you drink energy drink?”
Jonathan had declined your energy drink offer, but there you were with your white Monster.. Hoping to not spill anything of it again.
“It’s getting late.. Darling, you have to go home. It’s not safe for you outside.” Jonathan said.
“You’re kinda right.. Wait, you are extremely right- Zoe said she’ll come by. Oh fuck. She already is off work- help.”
“I think I can help-“ he pulled you in his cold embrace, “don’t let go alright-“ with that he sprinted off.
You couldn’t comprehend his vampire super speed very well, you closed your eyes because it made your head hurt. “Thank you..” You said, still a bit dizzy.
“No problem- get inside now. Good night, dear. Rest well.”
“Good n-“ he was already gone and you pouted as you walked inside and closed the door, walking upstairs to your apartment you pulled out your phone.
You walked upstairs and entered your apartment.. Yawning. You flopped on the couch and died inside a little.
15 minutes later the door opened.
“Hey, Y/N- are you alright? You’re not crying over.. Her, are you?” Zoe asked as she walked into the apartment holding a bag.
“Huh? Oh- no I just fell asleep with my make up on I guess.. Actually she said she wanted to contact again but I’m not completely sure whether I should talk to her or not- what’s in the bag?” You asked.
“Dinner and yes.. Think about it but remember there’s millions of others out there.” Zoe tried to remind you as you sighed.
“I will- what’s for dinner?” You asked, realizing you hadn’t really eaten all day.
“I got Chinese take out-“ Zoe said with a smile.
“Sounds good..” You said on a kitchen chair as you watched Zoe getting out plates and spoons. “I’m tired..” You said.
“You’re always tired, that’s nothing new.”
“Well, yes.. But I have a questionnn!!” You said and smiled sheepishly.
“What is it?”
“Could you take me with you to your work??” You asked, looking like an excited child.
“Do you have a death wish?” Zoe remarked.
“At times, yes. But if I’m dead I don’t have to write that French exam, everything has it’s pro’s and cons!” You said.
“Yes, but the cons here would be, you’d be dead.”
“Cool right?”
“You’re impossible.. Depends, I may think about it.” Zoe said.
“But after my 18th birthday- I want to live for a couple months until I turn 18!” You smirked.
“That actually sounds fair-“
“What would I have to do??”
“Hush, I don’t know yet! You’re so impatient and curious, you really need to work on that.” Zoe remarked as you rolled your eyes.
“Nope, I refuse!” You said, smiling sheepishly.
“I hope that the people you’ll date are going to have strong nerves.” Zoe said as she put some of the take out on your plate.
“Ouuchhhh!” You laughed before taking bite of a spring roll.
You woke up the next morning, realizing you must have fallen asleep. Upon sitting up you noticed.. Blood on your window? With blood smeared written was:
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im0mega · 5 years
Hello! I don't know if your asks are open for requests but I REALLY need a hc about era 4 ghouls with kids (or kits? idk). Sorry if this sounds silly but it's something I'd really like to read! 👀 Thank you in advance! I really love your blog! 🖤 (my ghost blog is haresisxdea btw, this is my main)
Hey! Thank you so much for your ask. This really made me happy (and frankly pretty nervous, as it is my first proper hc ask. But I’ll try and give my best.)
The Ghouls with Children
(I wasn’t sure if you meant their own kids or generally children, so I went with kids in general. I hope that’s okay?)
Aether is great with kids. In general he is the one taking responsibilities. I mean, lets be honest, hes already taking care of his children (read: the Ghouls and Copia) on tour anyways. Hes super gentle with kids, making sure they know to come to him for advice, a hug, help with their homework or a broken toy.
He also quite likes teaching kids new things. Be it riding a bike or baking a cake, if hes got time he will gladly spend an afternoon with them, resulting in selfmade- chocolate cake (“Look what I made!” – “Yes you did. That’s De-li-cious!”) and a completely destroyed kitchen. Hes also the kinda guy that will absolutely adore every drawing the kids show him (“Did you draw that? Thats amazing!”).
Wanna play board games on end? Then Rain is the ghoul youre looking for. Hes extremely sweet with kids. If its human kids hes sometimes a bit insecure (because humans tend to be confusing). He also gets excited about things together with the kids. What a cool blue rock you found! Yes, Elsa (frozen) is great! Lego technik? Sure, show him what you built and he’ll gush over it in absolute astonishment. Hes up for most of the ideas kids have, be it an invite to a tea party or a soccer match.
Speaking of: if youre looking for a ghoul that will play just about any sports with the kids, then Swiss is your man. Be it soccer, hide and seek, catch, basketball or that one game that the kids have just made up the rules for. Hes in! 
Our favourite thot is the kinda guy that always takes kids seriously and he would never talk down on them. He could also be seen giving kids piggy back rides, telling scary stories (not too scary of course) or jokes and bringing ice cream for everyone (His fellow ghouls included! Dewdrop insists on it).
Speaking of which, Dewdrop usually states that he “hates children” but for some reason they love him. And its not hard to see why. Where Dew goes, cool things happen. The problem is: when Dewdrop is being feral on his own, he can take the responsibilities. Even when he crosses them, he always knows his limits. Kids… don’t. Which means he has to take responsibility for them too. And that’s fine for an hour or two, but long term? Hell no. 
Having said that he will be up for some shenanigans with the kids, once they’ve talked him round (depending on his mood. Theres also days where its best to keep kids away from Dew entirely.)
On the contrary, Mountain doesn’t actually hate children. He just doesn’t get them and hes extremely awkward around them. It will take him quite a while to warm up with kids. 
Once he does, he is a very patient ghoul. You know that game where kids keep asking “Why?” for an undisclosed amount of time? He will play that game with them on end but in the process dropping so much cool knowledge on them that eventually it turns into an actual conversation. Hes also a pretty great keeper at soccer and fairly good at basketball so if Rain and Swiss invite him to join a game, hes in. Due to him being Mountain, sometimes kids fall asleep on him and he once again gets extremely awkward. Its like when a cat falls asleep on you and you cant move? That’s Mountain with a sleeping kid on his lap.
Cirrus doesn’t really like children. Shes not in any way mean to them or anything but she just doesn’t want to be around them for longer than necessary. She also cant see herself ever having children of her own. Now Cumulus on the other hand thinks kids are generally cute. She turns full big-sister-mood and shes very fun to be around. Shes pretty decent at drawing and sketching and she will gladly help a kid with that. If theyre human kids, she’ll be very curious about them. 
I hope these were okay? :) 
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kast43 · 5 years
How The Arcana Characters treat a Sick MC
[I kinda got bored and felt like writing some DONT SUE ME...feedback much appreciated btw :D]
+Asra+ -He would be on his way back home from a trip -lets call it...shared empathy 😉 -Asra himself had felt quite sluggish for a few days now, but could not determine what it was. -No fever, no nausea, muscles sore? -He opened the door to the shop, "MC I am home!" He called. -Saw MC about dosed off on the work table when they suddenly shot up. "Oh, welcome back! How was your trip?" MC asked. -Frankly Asra would instantly worry hearing the fatigue in their voice [ya know...does not want a repeat] -Without much words Asra came up to MC and took their face in his hands. -MC was burning up! -"MC, are you feeling well? You have a fever..." Asra slid one hand down to there shoulder. -Asra carefully studied MC...especially their eyes as the responded. -"oh...its nothing. I am just a bit tired is all. We got a little busy while you were away..." -if guilt could stab someone, Asra would have been stabbed in the heart. -"MC, you really should not take on more than you can handle." Asra would then realize why he felt sluggish for days. "...have you gotten any sleep?" -MC just gave a sheepish smile "Yes~" they responded...or lied. -Asra was in the perfect balance of panic, worry, guilt and frustration. -"why did you open the shop? You need to get some rest." Asra stated, now beginning to guide MC up to the bedroom. -"Im fine i swear!" MC began to protest until they suddenly stopped to hold the counter, loosing balance. -"...have you eatten today?" Asra asked knowing the answer already. -Again with the sheepish grin, "i might have forgotten..." -this was the last straw for Asra, how could he allow MC to take such poor care of themselves. -"the shop is going to be closed today. You are going to get some rest. I wont take no for an answer" he stated, almost picking MC up. -if he succeeded then he would feel MC go softly limp in his arms. "I...but...there is still too much to do..." was all the protest MC could muster up. -"it can all wait, your health comes first..." he stated softly as he carried MC to bed. -he offered to make his special sleep aid tea, even went to go get some fresh pumpkin bread to go with it. -as stubborn as MC is, they really could not argue with Asra, just accepted and took on some paperwork when he was not paying attention -Asra knew this...made the tea a bit strong. -in the time that Asra watched MC finish her tea and bread, walk down to lock up the shop and come back, MC had passed out. -Asra took all of the "hidden" paper work and set it to the side, but not his worry. -if available he called Julian. -Julian eased his mind, was not the plague. -MC just worked themselves into severe fatigue. -Asra was so relieved and yet he felt guilty for leaving MC like this. -looks like Julian helped himself to the tea. -Julian is now passed out on the couch, Asra shrugs. It probably was for the better. -when MC finally woke up, Asra had made their favorite meal so they would eat. -MC got a good laugh when seeing Julian on the couch, now sprawled out. -when Asra nursed MC back to health he would promise to never leave them alone again. -if he had to go out, he would take MC with him. Even to the store. -Asra just wants MC to take better care of themselves,  and will become fiercely protective of that for the rest of his life.
×Julian× -being a doctor he would have noticed small signs right away. -MC suddenly didn't feel like eating. -strike 1 -it was the night of the week they took a date to the Rowdy Raven. -MC didn't really want to go, felt too tired to go. -strike 2 buddy -however MC was oddly persistent in Julian going...alone. -"you have had a rough week, and you have been looking forward to this" mc said -"darling you have been working hard this week also. If anyone needs a release it would be you" Julian replied. -after much debate Julian said he would go to please MC. -he did go, but after about an hour or so he didn't feel 'it'. -no matter how many salty bitters he drank there was still a chunk of his night missing. -he would staggerly head back home, excited to be reunited with the love of his life. -"DID YOU MISS ME DARLING? I MISSED YOU" he drunkenly declared -odd, MC was not in bed...or in the living room...the hunt begins. -he froze when he heard a familiar sound of vomiting coming from the kitchen. -surely MC didn't ditch him to work more? -he staggered to the kitchen and saw MC hunched over the sink. [Lets say they tried to eat and it suddenly came back up?] -does not matter how many bitters this man had, he sobered up immediately and practically ran to MC. -Julian went to aid the best he could, holding MC's hair, rubbing their back, ect. -MC is mortified, they didn't want to be seen like this, especially in front of Julian. -"my dearest MC I see this all the time. The one who should be ashamed is me for not noticing sooner." -after MC was sure they were finished vomiting, Julian carried [yes, as dramatic as he could be] MC to bed. -Julian would refuse to leave MC's side the entire time they had the flu. -need a bucket? He had one ready. -needed to go to the bathroom? He carried them. -if not for the crow summoning Portia he probably would not eat if MC didn't. -MC would refuse cuddles, sad Julian is sad. -"you are gonna get sick too" -"i happen to know that the only cure for flu is cuddles" -"...not leeches?" -"surprisingly not...didn't work well last time i tried that" -Small conversation cheered MC up. -Portia dragged Julian away while MC slept so he could eat and sleep himself...unwillingly of course -eventually MC would be on the road to recovery -Julian asked for some famous home made soup from Mazelinka...for MC of course. -because of all the rejected cuddles it would not be surprising if Julian ended up with the flu next -that’s when MC repaid all the love and care given to them...minus the cuddle attempts... -Julian would no doubt enjoy cuddles -can you say never ending flu? -Poor Portia taking care of 2 sick idiots forever [jk MC is not that dumb]
=Nadia= -lets be honest, Nadia probably knew MC was sick before they did. -one morning Nadia woke up around the same time she always did. -always before MC, but not like this. -something was off and Nadia knew the moment she sat down for breakfast. -would send Portia to wake MC as usual... -Portia came back with an odd look -"Mistress, I think MC is a bit under the weather..." -"What makes you think that?" Nadia asked...as if she didn't know -"Well, they look...rough. I mean a touch pale...dark circles under their eyes" Portia mimicked as she spoke “When I left the room I heard them coughing too” -Nadia nodded -Big sneeze coming From down the hall -as if on Que, here comes MC, just as described. -"Good morning " MC spoke, voice very nasally. -Sniffles, hard for Nadia to not find it adorable -MC sat down next to Nadia, rubbing her temple -Nadia recognized that gesture -"MC, are you feeling alright?" -"yeah, just didn't sleep well last night" MC tried to lie, Nadia knew better -turns away to cough -"seems more than that" Nadia stated while placing her hand on MC's forehead. -as expected, a fever. -Nadia slid closer to MC "MC dear why don’t you take the day off...get some rest." -we all know that was in fact not a question, nor a suggestion. -"i cant do that, i have to help you with the dinner" -as if by coincidence the both of them had been planning a big family/friends dinner...being held tonight -Nadia felt partly to blame for putting stress on MC, causing this -"do you think anyone wants you to go to dinner if you are sick?" -"well....no..i guess not-" sneeze, sniff "but you don't need to take this on your own. Let me help..." -"you can help me by going back to bed." -"Nadia...its just a cold i have worked through much worse" -this was Nadia's trigger -"what you have done in the past is behind you. You are my partner now...there is absolutely no need for you to be working under stress.." Nadia stood, coming even closer to MC - Nadia's intimidation tactics too strong for the weak and frail MC -"if it will ease your mind..." Nadia took up MC's arm and began to guide MC to her chambers "I will enlist some help." -MC was personally tucked into Nadia's bed, very little protest. -with a kiss to on the forehead MC finally felt relaxed enough to close their eyes
-”If you need help, please come and get me” MC asked
-”That won’t be necessary, love” Nadia responded
-"...don’t stress yourself out either, or you will get sick too" -Nadia felt so warm hearing MC give their blessing. -Summons both Julian and Asra to the palace, between them and Portia they knock out all the preparations needed -Julian would check MC every now and then, Asra also would share tea with them while the day drew long -Not surprisingly MC's most frequent visitor was Nadia. -Nadia would come up for a moments rest, to ask for a small opinions, or just to see them. -Nadia would make MC her first priority, no matter what -eventually the time would come for the dinner, Nadia cleaned herself up and MC wished her luck. -hours later, late into the night Nadia could not go back to her chambers fast enough...MC had not made a request from Nadia or Portia the entire time so she was a bit worried. -Came into the room to see MC had been asleep, tea cup half finished next to them -Nadia spent a moment just watching MC sleep peacefully before finally hopping into bed with them, Nadia got to be the big spoon -MC's fever was bad, but they were so warm...Nadia fell right to sleep after -the next day was defiantly a 'sick day' for the both of them *wink*
<Muriel> -oh boy [this just seems mean 😢] -[i go easy i swear] -Being that living life off the land can be hard at times...MC would often go too hard. -Muriel would see it, but he knew MC was very independent. A quality he admired -until today -he was careful not to wake MC because they had been working so hard -goes out to get fire wood, comes back to see MC woke up -"sorry...did i wake you?" He asked as he went to set the fire wood down...no response -he looked up to MC to see she was still rubbing the sleep out of their eyes but...more than usual. -"no...i just...my eyes feel like they are burning..." continues to itch. -bless this poor boy, scares easily when it comes to things like this -gets up and goes to MC, takes their hands away from their eyes -"let me see..." he already sees their eyes are puffy and swollen. -mc tried to open them...struggle. -a slow panic sets in -Muriel guides MC to a stream to wash their face -when finally able to open their eyes, he panics more -beet red, swollen eyes look back at him -"...whats wrong?" Goes to scratch more -pANIC -quickly picks MC up and runs to the magic shop -shows Asra....PANIC -calls Julian...MC is so confused -"thankfully, not the plague...looks like a standard case of pink eye to me...MC, do you know of anything that might have caused this??" -MC had to think...wait.... -"oh...the other day i did manage to get some dirt caught in my eye...it was after we cleaned out the birds nest from the chimney" -"been itching this whole time?" -".....yes?" -Muriel didn't know who to be upset with more -himself because he let MC get sick -or MC for not being more careful -Asra made some medicine and cream for treatment -Julian put on a thick blindfold to stop itching -at first Muriel didnt want to take MC back, might make it worse -MC insisted on going -ever see a large man hold a small magicians hand to guide them home? -eventually they get back home -Muriel forces MC to stay put in bed until they were better -"MC, you have to stop itching or you won’t heal" -"but it itchessss" -Inanna would lay by MC's side, even if Muriel got upset with her -MC can’t scratch her eyes if they are petting a puppy! -muriel would have to do all of the chores...he didnt mind tho -Made her meals, gave them water when they asked -at nap time, Muriel would catch himself watching MC sleep -if MC caught him, then he turned blush red, stumbled on his words and then go outside... -"MC....I.....think I left the river running, be right back"
-MC could not see so they were just confused -secretly liked taking care of MC for once, would never admit it -eventually MC would get better -Muriel would be more protective of the chores MC does [or even allowed to]
°Portia° -Portia would have known about most things about MC -late night conversations lead to a conversation about allergies -MC had mentioned that they were allergic to some things but never told Portia exactly what -from then on Portia would pay closer attention to what was around MC -she would have never thought about bug bites -Portia was working in the palace, MC was in the garden at the cottage -Portia came back at her usual time after serving Nadia dinner -"I’m home!" Portia announced in her usual bouncy personality -MC was already in the bed, covered from head to toe -"MC? Are you cold?" Portia came up and sat beside them in bed. -"n-not exactly" they managed to pipe out, shivering a bit -Portia was a bit confused, worry edging its way in -"i don’t want to alarm you...but i think I’m having an allergic reaction.." MC came out of their covers to look at Portia -MC was sweating, eyes a bit puffy -Portia's worst fear, she had not prepared anything for this situation -"WHAT?? How? When?" Portia began to nervously pace in front of the bed. -MC laughed a bit weakly, could not help but find her panic cute -this snapped Portia out of her panic, a quick self face slap -"What do i need to do?" She asked going back to MC, determination in her eyes -"back at my shop...i have some medicine...its on the top shelf above the stove. It’s a purple vial..." -"You want me to get it? And leave you alone?" Portia did not like this plan. Why would MC leave such an important thing at home???? -"Im not alone" MC said, just then Faust popped up from her hiding place by MC's neck -"Bite" Faust popped up. -Portia didn't understand, sudden snake? was that Asra's pet or something? -Portia was not sure about this, but no time to hesitate -She ran as fast as she could to the shop. -it was unlocked?? -Thank GOD Asra was home -"MC....reaction....swelling...." she managed to communicate just enough for Asra to react. -grabbed the medicine and they both ran out the door. -by the time they got to the cottage MC was sitting upright against the bed railing -Portia quickly went to check if they were still awake while Asra went to work trying to find the source, peeling blankets back -MC was a bit surprised by the sudden coldness, but looked up with a grin at Portia, then Asra
-”Hello master...” MC sheepishly greeted Asra
-”Hello MC” Asra chuckled a bit as he worked
-”It happened again...”
-”I see that...” -"Here MC, drink this" she slowly fed the medicine to MC. -medicine worked its magic quickly, knocking MC out cold -"there it is..." Asra spoke up, showing a spot on MC's leg -Portia was a bit applauded at the swollen discolored patch on their skin -"what is that???" Portia asked surprised, yet fascinated -Asra took his hands and placed them over the area -"looks like a spider bite" he spoke as magic flowed thru his hands -"MC got bit by a spider???" Scared, she asked "is...is it poison???" -Asra shook his head calmly -"i thought they would have told you, they are allergic to some bug bites...spiders are the worst for them." -Portia was shook -She knew bugs could be poisonous but...just bites alone can take MC out??? -Asra took his hands away, bite area mostly healed, just rash-like -Asra then tucked MC into bed, gave Portia a care plan, then left promising to come back -Portia fell asleep just watching after MC sleeping -Next morning, Portia woke up for work, asked Nadia for the day off -Nadia agreed, understandingly -spent most of the day poking fun at MC -MC would be sore all over, waking up with the worst headache -Portia, as instructed, would have some pain medicine on hand -"Who would have thought that your one weakness was a spider!" she joked as she made breakfast -MC laughed, then moaned out of pain -"Sorry hun" Portia chuckled -MC would not want to eat anything, but Portia would still make sure they were hydrated -Asra would visit to drop off some potions and herbs -Asra also preformed an spell that repelled bugs from ever coming into the garden, same spell he used at the shop [without telling of course]
-Portia would just sit in the bed next to MC, keeping their spirit up with talking and playing games
-MC would let Portia read to them, soothed them into naps  -Once MC had made a full recovery Portia would limit their time in the garden....forever
~Lucio~ -[now if you think for one moment that i trust this SOB, not knowing his whole 'route' then you have another thing coming] -[there is not enough evidence to prove to me that he had redeeming qualities, HOWEVER does not mean he is incapable of caring for something other than himself]
-[is he worth redemption? who knows?] -[so....here is a loose def of a head cannon] -in a perfect world, no one around Lucio would ever get sick again -although MC broke that plague curse a while back...does not make them immune to sickness -in that same perfect world, Lucio would know how to take care of something as simple as a cold -this was not that perfect world -Since it is Lucio, he would not notice the signs, only notice MC's absence from his side -"Where is MC?" He would ask[order] a servant. -Lucio didn't get results he wanted, Melchio would trot their way to the breakfast table, nudge Lucio's leg -he would give a loving pet, but where is Mercedes? - Melchio, as if knowing, would get Lucio to follow him up to MC's bedroom -Mercedes would be sitting at the closed door, waiting for MC. -"Has MC not gotten up yet?" Lucio grumpily opened the door, without knocking. -sure enough MC would be sitting on the edge of the bed, head in hands but jumped up when Lucio busted in -"MC? You are late." Lucio announced as the dogs walked in and formed a protective circle around MC -"oh...sorry. i didn't realize the time..." MC weakly spoke, petting the dogs as they stood up -"I would hope that today of all days you would not be late." He spoke up, getting closer -see, today was the start of Masquerade! Lucio, Nadia and MC worked hard to plan this for months. [Imma just make up that Nadia is Countess and she made MC and Lucio nobles *shrug* more a reward for MC and Punishment for Lucio?] -"Right, i know" MC would smile through the fatigue and start for the closet, only to wobble a bit. -Lucio would go to catch/support MC, "What is the matter with you?" He asked in a less grumpy, more concerned tone [really only MC could tell that] -MC was warm....warmer than usual.  Like, hot...but in the wrong way. -"Oh...i uh...didn't sleep that well...i think i am coming down with something..." MC didn't want to admit it, but no way for Lucio to know unless outright telling him [a touch dense when it comes to others] -"something....like?" It didn't really occur to Lucio until a thunderous cough came out of MC’s mouth. -it finally clicks, Lucio panics not really knowing how to take care of a sickness [cant blame him, everyone who ever got sick around him he killed or died] -"Lucio? Are you okay?" MC would ask as he pretty much picks them up, throws them on the bed and runs out the door. -NADIA TO THE RESCUE -Normally a plead for help from Lucio would fall on deaf ears...but MC was sick so she let it go. -Nadia would personally visit MC and make sure they got tucked into bed, reassuring MC that they could handle the Masquerade without them -Lucio would follow like a lost puppy -whichever servant was tasked with taking care of MC [hopefully but unluckily its Portia], Lucio would follow them and at least make sure MC was treated like the Angel on Earth they were -"Is that lentil soup?? MC's favorite it tomato bisk!" -"What are you doing? How does that help?" Lucio would come across as annoying or even pressing but he was honestly trying to learn. -at some point he would be the one taking up the food/snack/medicine/drink because the servant would let him, to """ease Lucio's mind""" -He would visit....at least every 5 mins, on another planet of feelings with each visit -Visit 34 "How could you get sick on MY birthday party week??" -Visit 77 "MC listen, as long as you are not dying...then its fine" -Visit 106 "MC YOU WORKED TOO HARD NOW LOOK WHAT YOU DID" -Visit 126 "MC...is....is this my fault?" -MC can't get enough sleep, but is too kind to tell Lucio to stop -THAT IS what Arsa and Julian are for! -They would not have been there if MC was not sick...otherwise avoiding Lucio like....the plague XD [okay, ill go home] -"Lucio, MC needs rest or they wont get any better" Julian face palmed as he scolded Lucio, on his way for the 178th visit -"Don't you literally have ANYTHING better to do than bother MC?" Asra spat when Lucio had his hand on the doorknob.
-To avoid any more nagging he stopped...going into the room at least -Finally it was time to start the Masquerade, so Lucio decided it was time to forget about MC and get ready to party! -Except...he could not forget about MC -From the life of the party->Quiet party goer-> sad puppy -"I wanted MC to see this...." -would eventually just wait outside MC's door most of the night -On the bright side everyone else had a blast without Lucio HAHA -Eventually just sneaks into MC’s room and stayed so no one would catch him. -"I know....I will be quiet..." he whispered to the dogs as he quietly went to the corner and sat in the armchair. -the most quiet anyone has ever seen him -Eventually MC would start to feel better...he would ask if they would go to at least 1 party room before the Masquerade was over -Hand in Hand, Lucio would parade a very tired looking MC to his favorite room -#caught by Asra, MC is taken back to room for more rest -Sad Lucio is sad -After being grounded by Asra and being forced to rest, MC would be feeling better in no time -Lucio would become more protective about what MC when it came to parties because he does not want MC to miss any more of his parties
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swanhookheart · 5 years
Stranger Things 3 Review
This post will contain spoilers for Stranger Things season 3, so if you haven’t finished the season, please do so before reading. You’ve been warned!
Stranger Things has lost its touch.
I can’t put it any more simply than that. This season was, quite frankly, bad. Bad. Really bad. 
Below, I will do my best to succinctly outline why I think that is. I’m not going to write up a whole long report, I just want to give some bullet points while it’s still fresh. Being that it’s fresh, this’ll be on the raw, unedited side of things (as most of my posts are, let’s be honest). 
Billy. He died before he had a proper arc. Yeah, the whole season has been “about” him. But virtually none of that was actually him. We knew he was an asshole to pretty much everybody around him, liked to work out, and was happy one time on the beach. Okay, great? We hardly got to know the guy before the show offed him, though (and btw, what a Snape-like death... the guy’s a dick for his entire adult life, and I’m just supposed to buy his Big Sacrifice™ there at the end??? *sigh*). His entire purpose in the series was just... that. For me, it didn’t carry as much weight as it could have. He wasn’t a particularly dynamic character, so it didn’t hit as hard as it was probably intended to. 
Omniscience. The characters this season seemed to know everything, right from the go. There was no puzzle to solve, no “oh shit, no way!” moment, no real conspiracy to unravel. The monster’s back. The gate’s open again. It’s under the mall. It’s the Russians. I cannot say there was a single point this season during which anything even remotely surprising happened. Everything was just kind of obvious. To the characters, to the audience (except Planck’s Constant, whatever the fuck that is), none of it was new. It was predictable and stale.
Gross-outs = cop-outs. I’m used to being creeped out and seeing a little bit of gross stuff on the show, but we got two close-ups of vomit, several dozen exploding corpses, several more corpses being fried alive on-screen, and Jonathan full-on reaching inside Eleven’s leg. I’m likely missing some stuff in there, but the point still stands. According to Stephen King, revulsion is the lowest level of horror. When a film (or television show, in this case) doesn’t have anything of substance to share with its audience, resort to grossing them out! I really got the sense that, if I took out the “ewww” factor, there was nothing much of value that this season contributed to the series as a whole. At least, nothing it hadn’t already explored. 
Political statements aren’t their thing. Kline’s carnival... I watch shows like Stranger Things to get away from the constant onslaught of political news that makes me want to scream. Kline’s sign was nearly identical to Trump’s campaign signs. Kline was a Russian puppet. Kline spent boatloads of taxpayer money on an Independence Day celebration nobody really asked for. There were some references to the current administration that much of Twitter seems to have noticed, and I guess that was the showrunners trying to say something political. Don’t get me wrong, I’m team #resistance. But it felt really on the nose, and this is coming from someone who usually enjoys those sorts of things either in comedies or dystopian dramas like THT, where it matches the mood and theme of the show. This just didn’t feel like the time or place. 
Been there, done that. Season 2 managed to be fresh, fun, and even more exciting than the first, if I’m honest (though nothing will ever compare to that classic holiday light scene... just the way of the world). It brought in the concept of the Mind Flayer being able to have satellites. It introduced the “hive mind” concept of the monster. This season... Same monster, same antics, but this time with a side order of guts and snot! There were new things brought to the table last season, like other psychic kids, Eleven/Jane’s backstory, some history on the program, etc. But this season it was more of the same. 
No payoff. I sat through an entire eight hours’ worth of meh (at best) television only to watch my favorite character (Hop, def not BIlly) be killed off, the gang split up, and absolutely nobody left better off as a result of any of this. Ffs, if you told me I’d feel this shitty at the end of the season, I’d have been first in line to let the fleshy gut squid suck my face off. I mean, did the writers suffer a collective aneurysm, orr??? I kept waiting for the season to get good and then it just got so. much. worse. Everyone’s dead, everyone’s apart, everything’s gone to shit. The end. 🤗 This ending wasn’t consistent with the endings of the last two seasons, and for a series finale (I’m assuming this is the series finale because there’s nowhere to go from here; also, David Harbour being gone will leave a gaping void in the show...) that definitely wasn’t a strong way to end things. 
This season lacked all of the charm of the previous two seasons, imho. As far as disappointing seasons of amazing television series go, I think Stranger Things 3 is second only to Game of Thrones season 8. Yep, I said that. 
2/5 stars, if only for the fact that I loved the cinematography and set design. 
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venusparker · 7 years
billet-doux↬ p.p
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prompt: peter was never quite good at saying words, so he doubts he’s any better at writing them.
warnings: prepare for the fluff and cuteness overload. i’m in that kind of mood. also super long btw. (and i did not reread this that well so if there’s typos i’m sorry)
notes: hope you all like this because i’ve been thinking of writing a more peter centric, less reader type of fic. also i’ve been wanting to write a lovey dovey one. i’m thinking of writing some more ned leeds stuff as well so if you guys have any ideas, just send them in!
The words repeated in Peter Parker’s head like an echo, his focus varying between the miscellaneous thoughts in his head and the piece of crumpled notebook paper on his desk. The paper was free of lettering, but covered with ink stains and crinkles from the sweat he has mustered up the minute he got the idiotic idea in the first place. A billet-doux—what was he thinking writing you a love letter? Really, he wasn’t sure. The particles of dust in the sun floated down as he stared hopelessly and aimlessly in front of him, eyes almost pitiful. Peter had never been a good writer, nor did he think he could sum up how much he cared about you on only a single mere sheet of paper, a paper whose college-ruled lines were incapable of capturing all the love a boy his age could feel about someone as breathtaking and as quiescent as you. A fool he was, frankly, thinking that just because he had heard the words in class, or that because the one time he would decide to do something even slightly out of spontaneity, it would work out seemingly.
Then again, this is the constant cycle, the same speech he tells himself everyday–or at least nearly, practically, overwhelmingly everyday–before he once again strings together the words and expressions and phrases that could even come close to describing the levels of anxiety and longing you filled him with. In his head, it was romantic and everything you ever wanted, with no awkward pauses in between paragraphs with commas in places where commas didn't belong and crossed out adjectives that sounded more as though they were written by someone who was five, not fifteen. In reality, when he'd reread everything, he was a sappy writer. Sappier than he wanted to be; but he couldn't help it. He really wasn't all that good with saying the words he wanted, so he doubted he was any better at writing them. Eventually, the paper––another one of many––would become a filled up, scribbled upon letter, with his messy, scrawled handwriting curving his y's and making it possible to see a slur within his s's. And, just as eventually, he'd stash the letter away in the same place he stashed all the other ones, and it wasn't that shocking to know that they were in an old folder that he once used for AP US History when he had been more focused on school and less on superhero-ing.
It wouldn't be surprising to know that he doesn't keep the letter that far from his suit.
Today, the letter had been longer than the others. Most of them had started out the same way, reminiscing how adorable you looked, or how hilarious he finds your quick wit and clever comebacks towards Michelle whenever you two went at it in class. He would know, considering he was sitting next to you for all of it, everyday, ever since he started high school. But today, he truly went all out. One of his tawny eyes closed in concentration, mouth pursed, head tilting slightly while reading it all over, and wondering, wondering, wondering: why couldn't he just say this all to you out loud?
He thinks it's just because it's easier for him to script all these emotions down and never show them, or at least have the guarantee of his voice not being shaky or breaking, than to have the rejection from you. Aunt May had found them once, much to the red-faced and flustered Peter's dismay, when she was cleaning his room after the umpteenth he said he'd clean it but didn't. She had reached under his bed to grab old and dirty laundry, when instead her hand had found the letters, and after that Peter had moved them and made a reminder to lock his door. That still didn’t stop May from bringing up every chance she got.
“You should show them to [Y/N]!” She had advised once before, preparing some cauliflower in a stove pot. He only responded with a curt sigh and a shrug.
He didn’t think he’d ever show them to you. Especially not this one, the one that truthfully portrayed what he thought about you and how much he liked you, how much he wanted to spend most of his time with you.
––It’s day three hundred and seventy-eight since I’ve been best friends with you. Is it weird that I counted? It probably is, but you know me and I know you. So, I know that you know how weird I already tend to be. Besides the point—what I wanted to say was that, today had to be the most mesmerized I have ever been with you. Is that cliché? I know it is. But even though you always say you hate cliches, deep down you love them, because who doesn’t love clichés?
He wants to cringe at his own words, but instead he finds his lips curling into a grin, a grin holding back the burst of happiness that exploads within him at the mere mention of you.
[Y/N]...you’re, well, awesome everything to me such a great person, honestly. This is the sixth love letter I’ve written which is so dorky. I’m supposed to be a badass, remember? I’m Spider-Man! And incredibly cute. Why am I writing a love letter? Why have I written six of them? Because to be fair, I’m scared of you. You’re scary and intimidating, even though you don’t think you are. But what I want to say is, I’ve loved you every minute of every day or every month I’ve known you. It’s like no matter how hard I try to get you out of my head It’s no good.
Do you have any idea how much I wanna grab your face and kiss you on the goddamned mouth? With consent, of course. I’d always ask first. But you know that. I know I do. I do, I do, I do. I want to do everything with you. I want to visit bookshops with you—
He stops reading the letter and closes his eyes for a moment, only to open them a moment later when he receives a call from you. The ringtone is different because you asked him to change it, considerably because yodeling was never a good choice for a ringtone anyway, and you never understood why he was the way he was. His eyes flicker to the last line of the letter before answering your call.
I want to wish I could tell you this in person.
Peter enjoys writing about you, if he’s being honest with himself. It’s easier than drawing, which is the route most people takes, including Michelle. Sometimes, if Michelle is feeling less cynical than usual, she’ll give him a peak of a sketch of whichever boy or girl or whoever she liked that present week. The detail encapsulated with each line of lead interested Peter, but he wasn’t good at drawing pictures. He was good at taking them. But he already has quite a few of you, and they’re all hung up around his desk or strewn somewhere around his room where it seems messy but it’s just the way Peter likes things to be. He always somehow finds where everything is, including that one picture of the two of you at Coney Island that is currently shelf hopping around his room (and by currently, he means continuously).
He also likes writing about you because it makes it easier to pretend and make you the main character of the cheesy John Hughes movie he’s piecing together in his head whenever he sees you. He doesn’t expect anything from you. He just likes thinking about you. In his sentences and paragraphs, you were never a doubtless fantasy object—Peter had more respect for women and men and people than that—but it allowed him to imagine that somewhere there was a universe in which he had even a sliver of confidence buried deep within his gut that could someday push him into confessing all that he felt for you.
“And what are you thinking about, Mr. Parker,” you teased, interrupting him as he glanced up and grinned as you came into his field of view. His mouth also let out a sigh that was breathey and he licked his lips that were being nipped at by the cold New York air.
“You know...stuff.”
He said it in a way that sounded like him, which never really made sense to anyone but you two. Peter always sounded excited or nervous or innocent without intending to and he often hated it. The response only resulted in you lifting a brow as you sat next to him on the roof of his apartment building.
“Stuff...right. Is Tony Stark working you too hard? I’m sure there’s only so much web you can create on the daily,” You mutter, partly to yourself, but Peter still shoots you a look and nudges you gently with his elbow. “What? Am I wrong?”
”No, you’re ridiculous is what you are,” He retorts, rolling his eyes. His lips still threaten to split into a smile. ”I’m not thinking about that stuff.”
“Peter, would it kill you to be less vague? You’re really killing it with this superhero thing, aren’t you? You could use more descriptive nouns, you know.”
“Trust me, I have,” He starts, but he catches himself.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You ask him, but he doesn’t reply, he just stares intently at his backpack (his new and last one, according to Aunt May who was at her wits end with Peter’s ongoing backpack crisis). He had brought it up here to do some of his homework and focus, mainly because May was doing yoga and watching a workout DVD and he couldn’t handle all the noise. But he also brought along his second secret (six second secrets to be precise), in case inspiration struck, only to have you arrive unannounced ten minutes later. Big mistake.
He grabs his backpack, which was still severely unzipped and open, and tries to hoist it up on his shoulders, but you grab it.
“Pete, what’s up?” Peter doesn’t like when you worry about him, because it only reminds him of how much he really likes you. And how much he probably shouldn’t. Ned told him that the lines between your friendship were already blurred, but that just made Peter want to repaint it.
He’s awkward and he’s a gigantic dork, but around you he doesn’t find it a problem. When his feelings surface, that all changes.
“I gotta take care of––“
“Let me guess: stuff,” you finish for him, grabbing his backpack suddenly, spinning around to investigate it’s contents. “Whatever you’re worried about is in here!”
“Ever heard of privacy, [Y/N]? Come on, giveee,” he panics and whines, immediately grabbing for his bag. He’s careful and it’s only causing him to fail at taking it back. But he knows it better than disregarding his super strength and potetionally needing to ask May for another backpack. Or hurting you.
Almost certain you’ll find nothing, you start huff, until your eyes land on a stray piece of paper. It has Peter’s handwriting on it, his unmistakable and familiar handwriting, and you pull it out and hold it up triumphantly after skimming through the first lines.
“That’s what’s bothering you! You like someone!” You’re dodging his hands, and for a superhero, Peter’s never felt so slow. “Who is it? Can I read it?”
Deep down, it hurts to know that Peter likes someone. Your best friend. But you knew that the person must’ve been special for him to write about them. You knew Peter, and he never wrote unless it was occasionally for the school newspaper.
“No!” Peter snatches it from your hands, but you tumble forward, latching onto his arm as the both of you fell on your backs.
“Give it to me! Peter!”
Thus began the wrestling match. Peter had always, always known how competive you were, and determined, and he fondly remembered how you almost cried when he threw you the blue shell in Mario Cart. (You didn’t talk to him for three days.) He thought of taunting you lightly, with scattered of words of what, you want this letter? or sorry, i don’t know what you’re talking about, but figured they would only fuel your eagerness even more and he also knew how stubborn you were. And so, he resorted in hiding the letter behind his back as you leaped onto him, again and again, the both of you grabbing onto each other’s limbs and the thin piece of paper.
“Ha,” you yelled, finally sitting on his chest, holding the paper up high as you scanned a few sentences.
A few sentences was enough to see your name. Your name, written around like ink blots after words like beautiful and amazing, and around the crossed out errors and the small doodles he had taken the liberty of adding. Peter had only shouted, “[Y/N] don’t forget that we are on the roof and I will not hesitate to push you off!” as a joke, but gone increasingly quiet at the sight of the letter finally being in your hands.
That was all you had to say, mainly because you hadn’t thought of anything else clever enough. Peter chewed his lip nervously underneath you and ran a hand through his hair, mumbling an apology.
"I know, it’s dumb. But could you give it back? I’d rather not face rejection with you also reading it. That’s too embarrassing.”
“Peter, I-I don’t know what to say.”
“Maybe you should try writing a letter.”
You smacked him lightly on the chest and got off him, helping him up. He may have tried to be sarcastic with you, but he was an open book. The nervousness and anxiousness was plastered all over his face like freckles, and his lips parted as he tried to steady his breathing. He fiddled with the hem of his dark blue physics-pun t-shirt and rocked back and forth on the balls of his feet.
“So...so do you like it?” He has said it so softly, you could have mistaken it for a gust of wind. Peter had thought about every scenario, every worst case scenario in his head and it was as if a nightmare was currently happening. Well, minus the gigantic spider (he knows, ironic isn’t it?).
“Yea,” you croaked, voice and throat suddenly dry. You cleared it and continued. “Yes. I mean, Peter, why didn’t you just tell me?”
“Because I didn’t want to. I like you, a lot. But I can’t just go up to you and spill it all out of mouth like slobber. That’s why I wrote some of those.”
“Woah, woah, some? There’s more?”
Peter groaned and wished that he had the superpower of teleporting to anywhere but here. “I’m going to stop talking now.”
“Pete, you do realize I need to read them all right? Now that I know they exist,” you told him, following him as he tried to turn away from you to hide how ashamed he was.
“Stop,” he whined, visibly pouting. “Just forget it, okay? This was so stupid.”
You stopped him from walking off, pressing your hand to his chest. Giving him a small smile, you pressed a kiss to his cheek, and you swore you felt him melt into your hand as it stayed there, caressing his face. It felt strange to some extent, holding your best friend the way you were, but nothing felt different. Well, not too different, not really. Sure, there was a little awkward tension now that the proclamations of love this boy had for you in paper had been read by your own eyes, now raveling around the nerves in your head—but this was the kid you knew inside and out.
If anything had changed in your friendship, relationship, whatever you and Peter had—it felt good, right.
“You don’t have to show me them if you don’t want to. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, and if I did, I’m sorry. But if it makes you feel better, I like you too. You big nerd. And that love letter? Really sweet.”
“You really liked it?” He mutters, eyes finally meeting yours, the glint in them almost sheepish. “You’re not just saying that?”
Eyes locked, you had no hesitation in your answer as you stare in wonder at the boy in front of you, hopeful, passionate—your idiot.
“No,” you whispered. “I’m not just saying that.”
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dearmyblank · 7 years
An honest letter
Hi P, It's P. I saw that your last name changed again on Facebook, and am assuming that means your marriage is over. As complicated as my feelings are and have been for you over the years, and frankly as much as I didn't particularly love your husband (at least according to his online presence, which is probably a bit unfair), I am sorry to hear that you're losing the family you'd started to build. I imagine that it's all the harder raising a child through this turmoil - and because I'm being honest, I both feel bad for you and feel a singular anger that you brought your child into such an unstable household to begin with. Will he/she see their father? Will you be able to hold off bitterness for your child's sake? Will he? You may wonder where this is all coming from, and why, when I stopped talking and disappeared, I still know this quickly when your Facebook name changes. Well, for better or for worse (probably worse), you have remained at the forefront of my mind. I check on you, sometimes missing you, sometimes wishing you ill, sometimes wanting to reach out, and simultaneously hoping that you have indeed forgotten me, that you won't suddenly show up and destroy my world as I know you could. In many ways my weird obsession with you is self-destructive. So the truth. When we first met, I wasn't yet 21 and you were part of the gaggle of older people, adults, who generally welcomed me in. I thought of you as a distant acquaintance-friend mostly. Over the summer working together we got closer, and I developed feelings. I'm sure you knew; in any event, you fanned the flames. When our jobs ended, you and I talked every. single. day. We went to movies together when I came home; M even asked me once if it was a date. I said no - I'm a terrible liar. Hence the cutting off contact, btw - but more on that later. When I came home from college on Winter Break, after our jobs ended, I was so excited to see you. Our constant chatting, and the things you sometimes said, made me believe I might actually have found something with you. You did make comments about others hitting on you and how you could never date them because they were too young - I'm guessing that was intentional. I decided not to hear you. When you invited me to your apartment for a movie and drinking, I shaved - just in case. Even as you told me the story of how you'd just had a male friend stay with you who wanted more, and how you'd just ruined your laptop because a glass of water tipped over onto it while you were hooking up with a trans guy on your bed - these all chipped away, they did, and I don't know why that wasn't enough to tell me that you'd hurt me. Even if you kissed me, even if you fucked me, you would hurt me. I was too young and without confidence, inexperienced and reveling in the thrill of my body when we spoke, touched; I didn't think beyond, I barely believed the now. So when I arrived at your apartment that night, I wondered what would happen. You told me to have a second glass of wine, I should stay the night. We talked, sang, laughed, were so loud; I loved you. I loved you. And as we talked drunkenly into the night, you about your ex-girlfriend, me nodding sympathetically (and even now it pains me to think about how much I was willing to give up) - she called. Your ex. You took the call. You were gone a very long time. I was too drunk to leave; I didn't know what to do. I watched The Nanny on TV. I wondered if I should call my friends in town. But what would you think? Then, hours later, or at least that's how I remember it, you returned, sat next to me on the couch, and said, "I think we're engaged." You had this proud look on your face, like you felt so much better than everyone else. Like you wanted to laugh because you were so desirable. You began to relay the details of the whole conversation you'd just had. And I'm not lying when I say that a switch flipped right then, right there. Whatever spell or trance I'd been under broke immediately. I had two thoughts which instantly broke free from wherever I'd been chaining them inside myself: 1) I was in love with someone, a person you'd created, but that person wasn't you; and 2) I really wanted to leave. I remember thinking about how you'd told me you'd been an amazing fencer in high school, and almost made it to the Olympics. You told me, over and over, how much people wanted you and couldn't have you. You told me, in so many words, that you were cool, that you were smart. That I should feel so special that you talked to me, joked with me, sent me songs. But as you gloated that, yet again, you were desired, I saw that you were not the person you'd told me you were. So I finally fell asleep on the couch; the next day was New Years Eve. I had to drive to my aunt's, two hours away, to get my jacket which I'd left at her house the week before. My ID was in the pocket, and I was newly 21. I had plans to go out. I got halfway out of state before pulling over and throwing up. Purple wine. Purple puke. Purple hangover. There's a reason this feels like the end of the story, because really, it is. We continued to talk a bit, see each other, be friends. But I never felt that way about you again. In fact, I barely felt that we remained close friends as time went by; many months passed in between contact. That was ok; I had new friends, a new life. Time went on. If I'd been smarter, more mature, I think eventually even our friendship would have just petered out. But I met a girl. I didn't obsess over her immediately; she was open, communicative, nice. We went out. She was safe. And then I learned that she hadn't even been quite so open to begin with - it turned out that she was weird! And funny! And cozy and warm and her silhouette against the bedroom wall at night was almost perfect. And suddenly I cared quite a bit about keeping her. I knew I wasn't her first - she told me all of her history, probably too much in retrospect. I didn't want her to flee, or I guess not "flee", but think I was too young, inexperienced, lame. So I told her the story - of my "ex", and how she'd gotten engaged to someone else right in front of me. She said she hated you. We bonded. When she learned that we still talked, were friends, she didn't really say it made her uncomfortable. But I knew two things: 1) it would be an issue at some point if I didn't stop talking to you, and 2) that you would keep being you, sucking me into the feeding of your ego, lightly flirting. And I honestly didn't think you'd really care. So I unfriended you on Facebook. And BAM! I got a message from you so quickly, asking why we weren't Facebook friends anymore. Requesting to be friends again. Lightning fast. Confusing. When I told my girl, she reiterated that we could still be friends; but I was growing more and more uncomfortable with a "friendship" of hers at the same time. Granted, she talked to this friend a lot, he manipulated her quite well, and he had slept with her multiple times, while she was drunk and quite depressed and unhealthy, even though he knew she was gay. I maintain that my reasons were legitimate there. But it impacted the equation concerning remaining friends with you. You've continued to reach out over the years, not sure what happened. I've never really known what to say. You've fallen off my radar and gone back on, time and again. I will probably always think of you. But the girl I talked about? She's now my wife, and she and our child are everything. So I'll never be able to risk it. This is a long way of saying hello, and I hope you and your kid are ok. That you'll be ok. I'd likely be there for you if I could. But I never want you to contact me again. I'll be checking for messages every day, regardless. Your friend, P
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tenscupcake · 7 years
tenth doctor adventures: vol. 2... my thoughts!!!!
basically, i think this is going to be a live-blog of sorts... i’ve got notepad open and i’m going to write stuff down as i listen and probably go back and add in some more in-depth commentary where i feel it’s warranted... here we go!
infamy of the zaross.
okay, right off the bat the theme song made me very emotional and long intensely for the days when i loved this show and got super stoked about watching. i mean the thrill running through my veins at this song man… god i miss it.
totally loved the beginning... it was a much-welcome interaction with jackie. and i loved her sticking up for rose from marge... god what an unpleasant woman
“flash mob?” lolol the doctor still proficient in pop culture slang i see
“well, i am that good” yes you are 😄
the taRDIS sounds ❤️❤️❤️
jackie doesn’t back down from these brutes at all it’s very IC
“stitch this” C L A S S I C 👍🏻
i love when the doctor is so angry he /almost/ appears calm it’s frightening as ever and i can picture it so well. i think they really did justice to how his rage tends to manifest
“we save planets, the three of us” w2g jackie
“the tall skinny thing” (in reference to the doctor) lmao
i like how rose played a huge part in saving the day in this story, and that they didn’t relegate her to a supporting role, or worse - a helpless one. that was one of my major concerns about these audios if i’m honest. it was a relief!
“oh you’ve got guns do you? i’ve got a screwdriver” - frankly amazing
i love rose’s speech to jess. just goes to show how far she’s come bc i think she used to feel similarly when we met her back in s1, you know?
“who just saved the world - karen or jess?” rose slayin’ it again! i also like how they didn’t put arbitrary family relationships on a pedestal in this story. that was one thing that annoyed me about the end of the idiot’s lantern, and i think a common thread that seems to run throughout dw.
“i’ve got the tardis. i’ve got you! (THERE WAS EMPHASIS HERE NO ONE CAN CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE) what else does a wandering time lord need?” YES THIS IS THE CONTENT I AM HERE FOR
“who wants to watch a tv series about me?” HAH!!! cheesy but i DO NOT CARE I LOVE IT
overall, i enjoyed this story a lot! i feel they kept everyone in character and i can’t recall anything cringe-worthy or that i wish they’d done differently. what a pleasant surprise! 😍
the sword of the chevalier.
rose still wandering off after all this time lol
“we were having a lovely day out, i was hoping for ice cream” how utterly domestic i love it
has the doctor been listening to too much sia btw??? he won’t shut up about that chandelier lol
“you little devil” admittedly at first i didn’t know WHAT she had possibly put on to make him say this, but in retrospect knowing it was ACTUALLY a devil costume i still feel like this was 100% meant as a double entendre the way it was delivered (thank you david)... they’re def gonna be roleplaying later
his name is LUIGI in this little scenario WHY omg
honestly i’m sorta bummed we didn’t get to hear ten attempt to sing
the doctor munching on sandwiches at such an inopportune time lol so typical
protective!ten is back with his angry growling voice and i am here for it
“you try and put a price on life you only expose how worthless you are” good line doc damn
“i’m not one for killing blows” no you aren’t bb and it’s why i adore you
when they addressed him as their ‘master’ and he was like ‘that’s more like it’ all seductive like ngl i sort of got off on that whole interaction 😂 i love it when the doctor gets to acknowledge and capitalize on his power for a second 🔥
“tell rose how good i am with a sword” ok at first i was like man he’s still constantly and desperately seeking rose’s approval i see and that was thrilling enough in itself BUT THEN IT GOT EVEN MORE RIDICULOUS
“about 30 seconds of good” - ROSE TLYER
this is what they acted like isn’t it???
(also ten you gotta step up your endurance game bro 😂😂😂)
my only true issue with this story was i felt like they didn’t handle the ambiguously transgender character with as much sensitivity as i might like? but i also don’t feel qualified to offer an opinion here, i’d be interested to hear what any trans listeners out there thought.
aside from this, overall i still thought it a solid episode that felt pretty authentically rtd who. and it was just as vivid and easy to picture as the first story. made me feel like i was watching a bonus episode of season 2, which is quite a feat i think. i am getting sooooo nostalgic the longer i sit here listening. i miss these two so much.
cold vengeance.
they were going to go skiing and i am so disappointed they didn’t get to their intended destination bc if that ain’t the start to a glorious christmas fanfic idk what is
“me? guess? never. it’s always informed deduction.” too true 😂
losing the tardis... ah, classic ten/rose
i don’t think i’ll ever get tired of hearing david say ‘i’m the doctor’ (and lbr i don’t think he will either)
i love that there are scottish characters in this ❤️
“you believe you can give me (long pompous title here) an ultimatum?” “yes, i do” slay ‘em, babe
“i’m a time lord, and you do not want to get on the wrong side of me!” there it is again 🔥
“one chance, that’s all rose tyler ever needs.”
i do love that rose once again saved herself (with help) they really didn’t fall back on the ‘doctor has to save the helpless human companion’ trope in these stories and i am grateful for that, it was another one of my fears going in
“i was planning to come back” “yeah right, that’s what you always say” well, that stung 😟
“i’m not going anywhere without rose” that’s my boy 👌🏻
“nobody is expendable!” 🙌🏻
callum’s (sp?) mom seems strangely un-bothered by her son dying? or is that just me
“you don’t know what real honor and sacrifice mean. take it from someone who does” CHILLS
“after this, can we go somewhere warm?” did anyone else hear this with a 😏 ? or am i just still flying on the high of the last super-suggestive conversation?
another great story!
this whole experience was so much better than i anticipated. i had some characterization issues with volume one. the experience wasn’t quite as immersive as i was expecting; it did feel disconnected from ten’s original run in a way that’s hard to pin down. so i came into volume two quite worried the same would apply here, and it’d only be worse since this is OUR SHIP, the couple that means more than literally any other couple in all of fiction to our little fandom sect. any damage done to them was bound to leave scars, since all the lines were being read in their proper voices. i was so worried that they would mess up one or both of their characterization, or throw in something gross like a moffat casanova trope.
and i am SO GLAD THEY DIDN’T. i feel like they did my fave characters justice this round and david and billie simply NAILED their performances despite it being like ten years since they last played these characters opposite one another... i am simply floating on happiness right now.
i won’t lie and say i wasn’t wishing for more shippy tsr style dialogue b/w them, but we did get a few, and i think nothing but fanfic could ever satisfy me in that respect, probably ;) so i let them off the hook for that.
as long as they continue in this vein...
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chocobroobsession · 7 years
Just a Taste
Author’s Note: In honor of Friday the 13th and the Halloween season, I give you, Vampire!Ignis! I know, I’m not the first to think of it, nor will I be the last, but this is just my smutty take on it. Vampires are my favorite mythical creatures, after all, and Ignis is my favorite chocobro, so it was inevitable. Think of this as a Monster AU. There are mentions of the other guys as well, along with what creatures they are..but it’s mainly a vampire!Ignis x fem!reader fic. Word count: 8930. BTW, I guess a trigger warning would be blood? Not blood play, just...vampire feeding, I guess...
You hadn’t seen Ignis Scientia in months. One day he was at work, and the next day he wasn’t. Your boss explained that Prince Noctis had some urgent business to attend to outside of Insomnia and his advisor, shield, and best friend were to accompany him. No one was sure just how long the group would be absent, but the King of Lucis was adamant that the Prince was well taken care of and that the business they had was important and that they would all return safely in time. As suspicious as it seemed, you had no reason to question your king, and so you had no choice but to move forward.
You had worked in the Citadel since graduation. You were one of the junior members of the Council, training up to be a full-fledged member in a few years. This meant that you crossed paths with the Prince’s advisor quite often, seeing as how he attended most Council meetings in his charge’s place. You had initially just exchanged pleasantries, but eventually, the two of you struck up a friendship. Ignis was intelligent, handsome, and witty, but most only saw him as the stoic glorified nanny to Prince Noctis. You, however, always knew better. He easily (and most likely unintentionally) charmed you with his intellect and humor, and you counted yourself one of the few to be on the receiving end of his heart-melting smiles. And his eyes…oh, Astrals, his eyes! Those emerald pools could drown you with one look, but the way they reflected such joy when he spoke to you or smiled at you…you were a goner.
Ignis kept his private life, well, private, and so you never knew if he actually already had a significant other, but that didn’t stop you from dreaming that one day you could be lucky enough to be on the receiving end of his affections. Just when you had finally worked up the nerve to confess your feelings to him, he vanished. All courage went down the drain then, and heartbroken, you resumed your normal life of work, dreaming of the day you would see Ignis again, hoping that you’d have the chance to try again.
So when he randomly showed up at your door one night, you couldn’t help but be completely shocked and totally smitten with him all over again. You had been curled up on your couch, engrossed in a fantasy novel when the doorbell chimed. One look at the clock on the wall to your left told you this was no ordinary visitor. No one, salesperson, chocobo scout, or friend dropping by your part of town, would ever show up at such a late hour. You cautiously snuck to the doorway to peer through the peephole. You could barely make out a tall, lanky shape standing just on the edge of the light cast out by your porch light. Your hand automatically reached for the baseball bat you had propped up against your umbrella stand. You hadn’t played ball in years, but your dad had always suggested you keep it handy in case of an unwanted visitor. The door stayed locked whether you were home or away, so you knew this visitor couldn’t easily force their way in. You hesitantly called out, “Who’s there?”
You saw the visitor flinch at the sound of your voice. “Y/N?” they questioned, before quickly clamping a hand over their mouth. Before they could turn to go, you quickly unlatched the door and threw it open. You knew that voice instantly and all fears were cast aside the moment it pricked your ears. “Ignis!?”
He froze. He had been in the process of turning around, as if to flee quickly before you stopped him dead in his tracks. You couldn’t believe it. It had been months since you saw him, and yet here he stood at your very door. You let your excitement cloud your sense of judgment initially before reason finally caught up to you. You had started to step across the threshold, one arm outstretched towards the man when you stopped. “Wait. Ignis, why are you here? Aren’t you supposed to be away on business with Prince Noctis? Or did you just come back?” So many questions swam around in your mind as you gaped at the man hidden in the shadows. It finally hit you that something was off about him, and fear gripped you, causing your flesh to break out into goose bumps and the hairs on the back of your neck to stand on end. Something about this situation was very, very wrong.
Ignis remained in the shadows, but turned his body to face you. You could make out his face, but only just so. It was definitely him, but something seemed different, though you weren’t sure how. He was dressed in his typical black pants, boots, and purple dress shirt, sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His usual driving gloves were absent, and you couldn’t stop yourself from admiring the veins and muscles in his hands and forearms as he brought one hand up to rub at his forehead.
“Y/N, I apologize. I thought this house belonged to someone else. I’m so sorry I disturbed you. I’ll just be on my way,” he wearily explained before turning away from you once more.
“Wait!” You lunged at him then, ignoring every red flag that your brain threw at you, and wrapped your fingers around his wrist. Though you had never really touched him before, any accidental brushes or bumps against him were always warm and welcomed. His wrist, however, was like ice despite the hot summer night. You gasped and quickly released your grip, taking a step back into the light of your porch. Something wasn’t right. “Ignis, what’s wrong? What happened to you? Why are you here?” Your heart was racing. Adrenaline was commanding you to run back in the house but something else was keeping you rooted to the spot. Was that curiosity or just plain stupidity? You weren’t really sure at the moment, but you were confused. You were in love with this man, but why should he suddenly be here, right in front of you?
Ignis hesitated; he considered fleeing as he originally intended once he realized gravity of the situation he had accidentally put himself in, but he had always cared about you, and even though your wellbeing depended on him leaving, he didn’t want it to end like this. He felt he owed you a bit of an explanation.  He sighed and angled towards you yet again. Gods, you were still as beautiful as he remembered. You hadn’t changed at all in the months he had been away. Even standing there, unsure of yourself, questions swimming in your eyes, clad in sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt, you were as radiant as ever and it killed him to think about what he was almost willing to do to you. There was no way he was going to subject you to that, now that he realized this was your residence. It was one thing to do this to a complete stranger. There was no way he would go through with this with someone he knew, especially someone he had been pining after. Remaining in the shadows, he inhaled deeply before asking, “How long have you resided in this house? As I seem to recall, you had an apartment closer to the Citadel, did you not?”
Right. You just moved in a month ago. It was silly of you to think that he was here specifically to visit you. He was gone before you even got the house. He had no way of knowing. “Yeah, I did, but when my aunt passed away nearly two months ago, she left me her house. I’ve only been here about a month. But she had lived here for years. Did you plan on visiting her? She was a florist…what business would you or the Prince, for that matter, have with a simple florist?”
Ignis knew there was no way he would be able to truly talk his way out of this. You were too sharp. That and he didn’t relish the thought of having to lie to you or manipulate your mind. He was up to his armpits in secrets these days, and frankly he was sick of it all. Conflicted as he was, perhaps he could be honest with you without you laughing in his face or trying to murder him. He knew your father had insisted you keep a baseball bat by the door for your safety, and though it wouldn’t do much good to beat him with it, he didn’t particularly want to be bludgeoned that night. Throwing all caution to the wind, he decided to give you a taste of the truth.
“Truth be told, Y/N, I didn’t know who’s house this was. I was in need of something and this was the first house I happened to come across. I offer my condolences, by the way. As I recall, you always spoke highly of your aunt and the two of you were very close. She was still rather young, however, wasn’t she?” He hadn’t realized how long it had been since he saw you last, but being in your presence was relaxing. He had missed you—your smile, the sound of your voice, the way you always stood with one hip pushed out to the side, your arms folded across your chest like you had an attitude. He wanted to draw this conversation out as long as possible before arriving at the inevitable.
You looked away, suddenly filled with emotion. You hastily wiped a stray tear away before answering. “Yeah, my aunt was my best friend. She found out she had cancer. The doctors did everything they could, but it was already at such an advanced stage when she found out. She never married nor had any kids, so she willed everything to me. I spent so much time over here growing up, I couldn’t part with it, and so I moved in. At least she’s not in pain anymore.”
“I’m sorry,” Ignis whispered. He wanted so badly to hold you, but he didn’t want to tempt himself, especially when he was so thirsty. He couldn’t bare it if he lost control for one moment.
You were temporarily distracted by memories of your aunt, but you realized something about Ignis’s story didn’t make sense. “Wait, you said you were in need of something. Ignis, are you in trouble? Can I help you? Why don’t you just come—“
“No!” he practically yelled. You flinched at his outburst. You had started to invite him in, but that was the last thing he needed. It would be all too tempting to give into his thirst in such a confined space with you. Ignis cleared his throat and spoke softly this time. “That won’t be necessary. I do not wish to intrude, especially at such a late hour. My problem will resolve itself in due time. I made an error in coming here tonight and as much as I would love to stay and catch up, I really must be going.” He was having second thoughts. There was no way he could confide in you. He cared too much about you and his thirst was growing by the minute. This whole night had been nothing but one blunder after another.
Something was definitely off. Ignis had always had an accent unlike any others you had heard, and you were easily wooed by his voice. The more he talked, however, the more it sounded like he had something in his mouth, interfering with his speech slightly. And the whole time the two of you had been standing outside, he had kept his face in the shadows, as if he was trying to conceal himself from you. Your imagination was running out of control, and yet, your flight or fight instincts were kicking in. But this was Ignis Scientia. The most brilliant man you had ever encountered. The Prince’s advisor and friend. A master strategist. What did you have to fear?
You took a step back, completely bathed in the yellow glow radiating from your porch. “Step into the light,” you dared him. Surely your mind was playing tricks on you.
As much as Ignis hated himself, he couldn’t just walk away from you. Obeying your command, he stepped forward, allowing the condemning light to wash over him as he looked you dead in the eye. You gasped aloud, taking another step backwards towards your house. He looked the same as he always did, only somehow paler, as if he hadn’t seen the sun in the entire time he was away. The green eyes you were so in love with were absent, and instead eyes black as obsidian stared back at you. He possessed hungry eyes, but not hungry with lust—the true hunger of a predator. “Ignis?”
“I told you this was a mistake,” he whispered. As he spoke, you caught a glimpse of his teeth. Fangs were present where his canine teeth used to be. This was impossible. You were tired. You had been reading a lot of fantasy novels lately. This was just your mind playing tricks on you. Right?
“This is crazy. You can’t really be…” you shook your head incredulously.
“Be what?” he raised one eyebrow. As impossible as it seemed, he was in your place four and a half months ago. He had no idea such a world existed within his own until everything went spiraling out of control. “Just say what you’re thinking. Please,” he begged. As much as it pained him, a piece of him just wanted someone to know the truth about him.
“A vampire?” You were almost too ashamed to say it. It seemed so ridiculous, and yet, you had no alternative explanation to offer.
“And we have a winner,” Ignis humorlessly laughed. “This is the part where you either run back into your house, lock the door, and pray to the Astrals for your protection, or you tell yourself you’re hallucinating or sleepwalking and you go back inside and pretend none of this ever happened. I wouldn’t blame you, either way. Both responses seem rather reasonable. I apologize for involving you in this at all. I never wished to hurt you. If you want, I could even glamour you into forgetting this entire exchange. The choice is yours, you know.”
You were speechless.  This couldn’t be happening. This wasn’t real. Had it been anyone else, you’d say it was a nightmare, but this was Ignis Scientia. The man you had harbored a crush on for over two years. As much as your logic screamed for you to get a grip on yourself, you almost couldn’t deal with the situation. Part of you wanted to laugh it off, and part of you wanted to break into a fit of hysterics. When you opened your mouth, even you didn’t know what was going to come forth.
“Oh, so you really are a vampire? And next you’re going to tell me that I don’t really know the world that I live in. There’s a whole other world out there within our own. A world full of monsters! Vampires exist! And so do other creatures!” Yep, hysteria won out. And yet you were trying to quell it with your sarcasm. Smooth move.
“Are you making fun of me?” Ignis questioned. He wasn’t really sure what reaction to expect from you, but it wasn’t this. You had always been sarcastic, but he had a feeling you were still processing this information and trying to reason with yourself.
“Me? Make fun of a vampire? No, why would I be stupid enough to do that?” You shrugged, the hysteria slowly building, causing your voice to go an octave higher. “What next? You’re going to tell me that Gladio is a werewolf and Prompto is…what, part of the Fae?” you nervously laughed.
If Ignis had the ability to blanch, he would have done so then. Instead, his eyes widened as he stared at you. For someone who couldn’t get a grip on the situation, you were surprisingly accurate in your assumptions.
You took his silence as confirmation of your suspicions. You weren’t even sure if you meant what you said, but it came out all the same. “Wait…you mean to tell me that I’m right? Does that mean more people I know are…not actual people? Oh Astrals, this is too much…” You lost it then. You became uneasy, swaying on the spot. You would have crumpled to the ground had Ignis not stepped forward and caught you, gently lowering you to sit on the porch, propping you up against one of the posts.
“That’s the type of reaction I would expect from someone who just learned about this,” he shook his head and peered down at you, pity in his blackened eyes. You looked up at him, blinking, trying to make sense of the situation.
“So you really are a vampire?” you dared to ask.
“Yes, Y/N, I really am a vampire,” he grimaced.
“Have you always been?”
“That’s what I figured. Is that really why you went away?”
“Yes. Part of the reason, anyway.”
You had so many other questions, but you didn’t know where to begin. Before you had time to ponder the situation further, Ignis suddenly spoke up. “You really should get back inside, Y/N. It’s late. I’m sure you have work tomorrow. I’d help you in myself, but I don’t think it wise. I’ve already done enough damage for one night and I don’t wish to subject you to more. Goodnight.”
“Wait! Please don’t go Ignis,” you practically begged. He hated hearing that tone from you. He didn’t wish to cause you any more distress than he already had, but there was a hurt in that voice that he couldn’t shake.
You thought a moment before everything clicked. Though you weren’t sure if any of the vampire lore you had been exposed to through literature had any truth to it, it was all you had to work with for the time being. “You can’t come in because I haven’t invited you. Is that it? That’s why you cut me off earlier when I started to ask you?”
Ignis dropped his gaze to the ground and his shoulders drooped downwards. “Yes, that is correct.”
“But why didn’t you want me to invite you in? What’s wrong with that? Especially now that I already know what you are?”
“All the more reason for you not to invite me in. At least you can rest assured that you are safe within the confines of your own home. No vampire may set foot over the threshold as long as you do not invite them in.”
You mulled over the information before speaking again. “But if you wanted to attack me, you would have done so already, correct?”
“Yes, but outside, there are other smells to distract me and to dilute yours. Inside, however…” he trailed off, not wishing to finish his thought.
“Oh.” Right. Inside the house, it would reek of your scent. And he’d be in a confined space with you. And based on what he said, he was a new vampire. Perhaps he didn’t have practiced control just yet. Still, as much as your sense of self-preservation begged you to run, the rest of you had other ideas.
“I don’t think you want to hurt me, Ignis,” you confidently declared.
“True, I do not wish to harm you,” he answered cautiously.
“So I don’t think you will, no matter how high the temptation.”
“I must say, I do not like where this is going. Perhaps this episode has caused a lapse in your judgment.”
“Perhaps,” you reasoned. “But all the same, I want an explanation. Please tell me what’s going on with you. I thought we were friends?” There were those feelings again. You never let go of liking him, and even though you should be afraid, you still wanted this man.
Ignis let out an exasperated breath. “Yes, we were friends, though I don’t see why you would wish to remain as such with the likes of me now, knowing what I have become.”
“Come inside with me. Talk to me,” you whispered.
Ignis couldn’t resist your request. Even with Noctis, Gladio, and Prompto around, he still felt quite alone throughout this entire ordeal. His desire for companionship outweighed his desire for blood at the moment, so he took you up on your offer. He offered you a hand and helped you up off the porch before leading you back inside.
Once you shut the door behind you, you grabbed his hand and led him over to the couch. The two of you sat, turning sideways, facing each other. You gestured towards him. “Tell me what happened. How you became this way.”
Ignis stared at you with pleading eyes, hoping you would understand what he had been through. What effort it cost him just to be in that room with you. Confined to that couch, staring at your pulsing veins, inhaling the perfume of your skin, resisting everything that he was in that moment. “Like you, I was unaware that such a world existed within our own. I did not learn of it until a few months back, when the incident occurred.”
He paused, checking to make sure you were still interested. You sat perfectly still, staring at him with questions in your eyes. “I didn’t know that the Amicitia bloodline consisted of a long line of werewolves. They had made a pact with the Lucian royal bloodline many, many years ago. They swore to protect them as their shields. Werewolves in their human form are larger and stronger than most humans, which makes them such better protectors than most. It made sense. The royal bloodline has their own natural magical abilities, so even though they are human, they are a step above the rest. Having werewolves on their side was quite an advantage.
“Vampires have never been part of the royal court. Niflheim has vampires within their own ranks, and so most of their kind, well, my kind, do not care for the Lucians. Other world politics still do not make sense to me. I still have much to learn, but that’s beside the point. Vampires are natural enemies of the werewolves, so that was another advantage to having them as shields in Lucis. One night, Gladio was set to guard Noctis at his apartment. King Regis never liked Noctis living outside of the Citadel, but he respected his son’s wishes to be more independent. That’s why Gladio was never too far away. But that particular night, Gladio became very ill and had to rush back to the Amicitia home. Iris was supposed to take his watch that night, but a vampire came and overpowered her. He kidnapped Noctis and made his way over the wall of Insomnia.”
You were completely invested in this story, despite knowing that the ending wasn’t going to be pleasant. “So what happened next?”
Ignis gulped. “I never knew about the Amicitias being what they were. Imagine my surprise when I made my way to Noct’s apartment only to find a young werewolf passed out inside and the place completely trashed. I summoned my daggers right away to do away with the beast, thinking it was just some overgrown wolf but it looked at me and then transformed into a battered Iris. I stood there in shock as she wheezed and tried to explain to me what happened. I didn’t have time to be horrified by what I was learning. I had to go after Noctis. I called Clarus as I made my way to the edge of the city. I drove out of the gates and must have gone many miles before getting out of my car and going out on foot.”
“How did you know where to go?” you wondered aloud.
“I didn’t. I just went into the situation blindly. I did not know a thing about tracking. I had no way of knowing where they were. I found some woods and stumbled around in there for hours in the dark, not even thinking about the daemons that might be lurking around before I came across the place where they were holding Noctis captive. There must have been about ten vampires there. I don’t know what I thought I could do. I was only a man with a set of daggers. They were full-fledged vampires. Monsters. Sadly, they had already turned Noctis into a vampire as well. I could tell by the way he hungrily stared at me from where they had him chained with silver to a tree. Turns out silver isn’t exactly tolerated by vampires or werewolves, but that’s another story for another time.
“I tried to fight them off, but it was fruitless. They had me beaten to a pulp in no time at all. Even though Noctis was thirsty and in pain, he still begged them to have mercy on my behalf. As they delivered the fatal blow, a pack of werewolves appeared—Clarus and some of his relatives. The vampires were soon vanquished, and Noctis was released, but I was a lost cause. No potion could spare my life at that time.”
Tears rolled down your cheeks as you realized what must have happened next. You hadn’t even realized you were crying until Ignis reached over to brush some of them away with a cold thumb. You shivered at his touch, but not just because of the coolness of his skin. You had always craved his touch, and in spite of all that was happening, that hunger did not cease.
“Noctis did the only thing he could think to do to save me. He changed me as well. Once the King found out, he sent us away, for our safety, and the safety of the kingdom. We needed to learn to control ourselves before we could come back. Noctis is a prince. He simply cannot just disappear. He has to come back into the public eye soon. Our nature didn’t change the pact between the royals and the Amicitias. Yes, it strains things a tad, but Gladio was determined to help us overcome this obstacle. Prompto agreed to come along as well, mainly for moral support for Noct.”
“But how does Prompto being Fae fit into all of this?” you quizzed him.
“Ah, that was just a fluke. Gladio knew from the beginning what Prompto was. He could sense it. But Prompto isn’t your typical faerie. He isn’t cruel to humans, though he is still quite the prankster, I’m afraid. He just wants to be loved, that’s all. He craves friendship, and a purpose in life. Gladio sensed no threat in him, so he allowed him to befriend Noct.”
You considered all of the information Ignis had laid out before you. “I mean, it kind of makes sense for Gladio to be a werewolf. He’s big, rough, and kinda hairy,” you giggled. “That’s why I suggested it in the first place. But I was just throwing it out there that Prompto was Fae. Shouldn’t he not look so…human?”
“Ah, well that would be his own personal kind of glamour. He uses some of his magic to hide the fact that his ears are pointy and he has this unearthly glow about him. He has other abilities as well, but again, that is another story for another time.”
Other pieces of the story were starting to come together in your mind. “You stayed away to learn to control your thirst for blood, correct?”
“Yes,” Ignis answered wearily. “What are you getting at?”
“You have to drink blood in order to survive. There is no getting around that, is there?”
“I’m afraid not.”
“So that’s why you came here tonight. You picked a random house to look for your next meal…”
“I was afraid you would arrive at that conclusion. Yes, you are quite correct. Noctis and I have improved immensely in terms of our control, but we do still have to drink blood to live.. Staying out in the country, we can get by on animal blood, but as you can clearly see, animals are not plentiful within Insomnia’s walls,” Ignis explained.
“So you came back to start making meals of people?” You were a tad horrified. If Ignis hadn’t known you, you would have been his supper…
Ignis started to reach out and reassure you, but he thought against it and dropped his hand back to his side. He didn’t want to frighten you more than he already had, but he wasn’t going to lie to you. “Once we learned more self-control, Gladio suggested we try to see if we could drink human blood without killing our victims. You see, blood is both a blessing and a curse to us. If we do not drink blood, we will perish. If we drink too much blood, however, we get violently ill. Our thirst is never fully quenched. We can only drink a little at a time. When first transformed, the bloodlust takes over and causes every feed to be a frenzy. We kill our prey and drink ourselves sick and then rise to do it all over again the next day. Only with practice did we learn to pace ourselves. We only feed when necessary and only a little at a time. Never enough to harm a person. It is still difficult to be around humans, though. Being near them for extended periods of time is equivalent to being in a kitchen, smelling warm food cooking. Eventually, you find yourself hungry, even if you were full before.”
“So, what, you just knock on doors and ask people to donate blood but you don’t specify that it’s to you and not a blood center?” you attempted to joke.
Ignis snorted. “No. As a vampire, I am able to glamour people into doing my bidding. I manipulate them into offering their blood, I drink a bit, and then I erase their memories. They wake up feeling slightly weak and they notice a bite on their body, but then they remember that it was an insect bite or they think they ran into something that punctured their skin, and then they go on about their merry way, never remembering that a vampire had them for dinner.”
You weren’t sure why you said it. It was a foolish thought, after all. But though your fears were erased as he told you his story, your attraction to him remained the same. You were alone in your house with Ignis Scientia. Yes, he was a vampire, but he was still the most handsome man, well, creature, you had ever seen. And his personality remained the same. You were still in love with this man, and you cared for him. Maybe love makes you say crazy things. “You came here because you were thirsty. You still are. That’s why your eyes are all blackened, isn’t it?”
“Regrettably, yes. I trick myself into thinking that what I do is okay if I do not know the person, but once I realized it was you who stood behind the door, I could not bring myself to ask you…” Ignis couldn’t finish his sentence. The very thought of exposing you to his monstrous nature pained him. Plus, the more he focused on his thirst, the more his fangs grew. As long as he wasn’t thirsty, they stayed retracted, but the worse it got, the more they showed.
“But you need blood to live. I have plenty of it. I wouldn’t mind if you took some of mine.”
Ignis was astonished. He didn’t want to subject you to that. He cared about you too much. What if his desire for you physically interfered with the desire for your blood? It was bad enough that he could sense your arousal. He had been oblivious to your attraction to him before. He was so caught up in worrying that you wouldn’t like him in that way hat he failed to notice you actually reciprocated his feelings. It wasn’t until he showed up at your door that night that he realized you had returned his feelings all along. He could sense it in you before the fear and confusion set in. But now, that sense of longing was back, and it terrified him. But the thirst was proving to be a driving force in his decision making as well. It had been over a week since he fed, and he knew he couldn’t hold out much longer.
“If you insist…” he reluctantly agreed. “Now that you mention it, I am rather thirsty.”
“I wouldn’t be a very good hostess if I didn’t offer you something to drink, now would I?” you smiled.
Ignis couldn’t hold back his chuckle. “I suppose you have a point.”
Your cheeks reddened as you tore your eyes away from him. “So, do you want me to just sit here and let you bite my neck, or how do you want to do this?”
The thought of being so close to you had Ignis dizzy, and that wasn’t his empty belly talking. His attraction to you was going to be the death of him. “Well, the neck is such a conspicuous place for bite marks. You once told me you hate long sleeves, so it would seem your wrist is out of the question as well. It’s easier to go for some particular veins. I’m told the thigh is the next best choice…” he coughed. He couldn’t look you in the eye. That was too intimate of a spot, and yet he couldn’t stop himself from suggesting it. What was he playing at?
Your blush deepened as crimson flooded your cheeks. “Oh,” was all you could mutter. While he had a point, you were embarrassed at the thought of Ignis seeing you without any pants on. You should be mad at him for suggesting such a thing, but instead you were turned on. You could feel your panties getting wet at the thought and you were angry with yourself. Here was a man just wanting a meal and you were trying to make it dirty. Oh boy. “Okay. Let’s do it then,” you declared. Where that surge of courage came from, you had no idea, but you boldly got up off the couch and slipped out of your sweat pants, nonchalantly tossing them aside.
Ignis stared at you incredulously. He attempted to avert his eyes from your delicious looking hips and thighs, but he was first and foremost a man. A man who hadn’t been with a woman in quite some time. A man who craved you, mind, body, and soul before he ever craved your blood. He got a grip on his inner fantasies and smirked. “I was going to suggest you change into some shorts, but I guess this is just as acceptable as well.”
You squeezed your eyes shut and smacked your forehead. “Oops. I didn’t even think about that. I’m sorry. I can go get some if you want.”
“No, it’s quite alright. Believe me, I am not complaining about the view,” he stated.
You hid your face in your hands. “Do you normally play with your food before you eat it?”
“No. Forgive me. This is new to me. I’m not used to doing this to someone I know. I’m just trying to make light of the situation.”
You asked him how he wanted to proceed, and he suggested you sit on the couch and relax. You followed orders and shakily lowered yourself onto the plush seat. Ignis removed his glasses and set them on the coffee table, then stood up and moved in front of you. Even looming over you, predatory hunger in his blackened eyes, you were still attracted to him. You shivered in anticipation of what was to come in the following moments.
He knelt down in front of you and gazed into your eyes. “Are you sure you are okay with this? Do not feel obligated just because you know I thirst.” He wanted to make sure that you were fully consenting to such a vile act. He still hadn’t fully come to terms with his new nature, but he also knew this was to be his new normal.
“Yes, I’m sure,” you breathed. “I’m all yours.” You weren’t entirely sure how you meant that last part, and Ignis wasn’t sure either, but he nodded and spread your legs slightly, eyeing your inner thigh.
“This will probably hurt only initially. The bite, that is. But if at any point you feel uncomfortable, stop me. I have enough control at this point, I can cease drinking if you wish me to,” he explained as he opened his mouth and lowered his face to your thigh.
You watched with widened eyes as his fangs made their full appearance. He sunk them deep into your flesh and you let in a sharp intake of breath. As soon as they were in you, he had pulled them out and was sucking the blood that was gushing from the punctures. His eyes were closed as he gulped down mouthfuls of your blood. You should have been frightened or repulsed, but instead you were incredibly attracted to him. The way he gripped your calf with one hand and your upper thigh with the other as he fed had butterflies doing somersaults in your stomach. You watched his Adam’s apple bob as he drank and you couldn’t help but wonder how he would taste as you trailed kisses and love bites across his own neck. And what would it feel like to have that mouth on your own…
You were quickly snapped out of your reverie when Ignis suddenly ceased his actions. You looked back down at him as he lapped at the puncture marks with his tongue. The bleeding immediately stopped, the wounds clotting over. He licked his lips and sat back on his haunches.
“That was it?” you asked, almost disappointed.
Ignis offered up a lazy grin. “What, you were expecting more pain and gore? I told you, I can only drink a little bit, otherwise I get sick. Once I am finished, my saliva has properties that cause your wound to start healing itself. I couldn’t have you bleeding all over your couch, now could I?”
“I suppose you have a point,” you agreed. Your eyes locked on his, and you noticed a change. “Hey, your eyes are turning green again!”
Ignis cocked his head to the side. “They are? I guess this means I am satiated then. I can always tell I’m past due to have a meal when my eyes stay dark. The same can be said for Noct.”
The feed was over in the blink of an eye and Ignis had retracted himself from you. His eyes were green again, his fangs were gone, and he looked as he always did. Still, that longing in your belly wasn’t going away any time soon, and you already missed the feeling of him against your bare skin.
The sexual tension between the two of you couldn’t have been more tangible. The want was detectable in your eyes and Ignis felt a hunger he hadn’t felt in ages—one that had nothing to do with blood. He leaned forward and slid a hand up your bare thigh. You shuttered, the motion causing him to hesitate. He didn’t want to give in without your permission. “Don’t stop,” you begged, your voice barely above a whisper. “I’ve always liked you Ignis. Liked you as more than a friend. I wanted to tell you for so long but never gathered up the courage to do so. Once I finally did, you disappeared. I wanted to get over you, but I couldn’t. I longed for the day you would come back, so I could tell you, but I was still afraid. And even though you’ve changed, you’re still you. And I still want you.”
Ignis’s heart swelled. You returned his affections after all. You always had. It wasn’t just the unearthly beauty of a vampire drawing you in, the way it’s meant to. He ran his other hand up your other thigh and leaned his face closer to yours. “I have liked you for quite some time as well, Y/N. That’s why I hesitated tonight, once I realized it was your home. I didn’t want to subject you to the monster I had become. I didn’t want to risk hurting or scaring you because I care too much about you. But I also hated the thought of lying to you and hurting your feelings. Vampires may be horrible creatures and they tend to use their unnatural beauty to draw in their prey, like a moth to flame, but I could sense your attraction to me before you actually saw me. I now possess heightened senses, you know. So I could smell your arousal while I was down here…” He began planting kisses up one of your thighs and you let out a moan.
“Ignis,” you whined. He rose up and crushed his lips against yours. You sighed into the kiss and he took that opportunity to fully taste you with his tongue. You tasted a hint of your own blood, but you didn’t care. You cupped his face with both hands as your tongues wrestled for dominance. He finally broke away from the kiss and resumed kissing your thighs. He was dangerously close to your sex when he ran his fingertips along the hem of your black lace panties.
“May I?” he politely inquired.
You nodded, unable to speak, so overcome with lust and emotion. He pulled them off in one fluid motion and pulled you by the hips towards the edge of the couch. He spread your legs wide and his eyes bore into yours as he lowered his mouth to clit and sucked hard on the bundle of nerves. You threw your head back in a long, drawn out moan. Hearing your obvious approval, he began licking and sucking at your clit before moving lower to plunge his tongue between your folds. You bucked your hips into his face and reached out with one hand to grip the back of his head. Your fingers tangled in his tawny locks as you ground yourself into his mouth. Ever since developing your crush on Ignis, the only pleasure you found was from your own hand or your vibrator, so this type of attention was long overdue. You hadn’t meant to hold out for him, but no one else caught your eye the way he did.
Ignis continued his ministrations for some time, and you could feel yourself reaching the cusp of your release. He focused all of his attention on your clit as he slid two fingers inside of your dripping folds, pumping them rapidly. That was enough to completely undo you. You came with a cry of his name, releasing your hold on his head and falling back against the cushions. You breathed hard for a few seconds before rising back up to peer at Ignis. His pupils were dilated and he was completely focused on you. He wiped his mouth on the back of his hand before rising up to remove the shirt you forgot you were wearing. You had also forgotten that you were braless that night as well. You were home alone reading a book, not expecting visitors, so naturally you were dressed for comfort. His eyes roamed over your breasts and he surged forward to take one in his mouth, groaning as he sucked and nipped at your rosy bud. He released you and went for the other and you moaned at the sensation. You thought you were spent from his earlier touches, but this reignited the burning desire inside of you and you wanted more of him.
When Ignis pulled away, you followed to kiss him, tasting a different part of yourself on his tongue now. You pulled him in close and began unbuttoning his shirt as you continued to kiss him. Once you had pushed the silky fabric off of his shoulders, he shucked it off and stood up. You looked up at him as he began unfastening his pants. He pulled his boxer briefs down with them and stepped out of them quickly. He offered you a hand to help you up, but instead you took one look at his hardened length and formulated a plan. With one hand on his hip and the other around his cock, you pumped him a couple of times before looking him right in the eye and taking him into your mouth. He moaned and ran his fingers through your hair, tangling them up in your tresses. He didn’t thrust into you or pull you onto him, but simply gripped you for balance as you eagerly sucked him off. You continued to pump his base, your fist meeting your lips as you bobbed your head, your mouth in tandem with your hand. You did this for a bit before releasing him with your hand and pulling him further into your mouth, nearly choking yourself on his length. Ignis groaned at the sensation. You pulled back and went to deep throat him again only to have him gently stop you with a hand on your shoulder.
“Darling, I will not last if you keep that up. Please.”
You nodded and rose from your place on the couch. You kissed him deeply as his arms wrapped around your body, his hands quickly finding your backside and giving you a squeeze. You didn’t even make a peep as he gripped the back of your thighs and hoisted you up; you just continued kissing him as if that’s all you wanted to spend the rest of your life doing. You wrapped your legs around him as he carried you off to the bedroom. How he navigated with you attached to his face, you never knew, but he found your room all the same, and lowered you to the bed.
You moved to the middle, head against the pillows, and beckoned him to join you, your finger curling at him in a “come hither” motion. He crawled onto the bed and hovered over you, planting kisses along your neck and chest. Suddenly he stopped and rose up, staring at you with fear in his eyes. You snapped out of your bliss and looked at him, face reflecting nothing but concern.
“Ignis, why’d you stop? Is something wrong?”
He looked away from you as he spoke, but when he opened his mouth, you could see why he pulled back. His fangs were once again visible. “It would seem that thirst for blood isn’t the only thing that causes my fangs to make an appearance. Apparently extreme arousal coaxes them out as well. I haven’t allowed myself such pleasures since I changed. Not even my own hand. So it’s not like I would have known this would happen. I’m terribly sorry, but I…”
You cut him off with a finger to his lips. “Shh, don’t worry about it, Ignis. The fangs don’t bother me. They’re part of who you are now. Just, try not to bite me too hard, okay? That is, if you still want to do this at all,” you looked away, wondering if he still desired you the way you did him.
Ignis still craved that part of you—to be inside of you—to feel you completely around his cock; he just didn’t want to get caught up in the moment and hurt you. “Of course I still want you. I just want to be careful with you, love,” he explained as he caressed your cheek with one hand.
“Well don’t be too careful. I’m not that fragile, Ignis. I need you,” you pleaded.
He lined himself up with your entrance and eased into you. You let in a sharp intake of breath as he filled you completely. He sat motionless for a moment, letting you get accustomed to his length. “Ignis,” you whispered.
That was all it took for him to start thrusting into you. You moaned as he set a rhythm and fucked you into the mattress. He had gripped your legs, looping his arms underneath them so he could get a better angle as he slammed into you. He hit that special spot over and over and your fingers raked over the front of his thighs as you scrambled to grip at him, at the sheets, at anything to keep you steady as he undid you. You could get fucked by Ignis all night and come a thousand times and still crave more of him. This was the best feeling you had ever experienced and you didn’t want it to end.
After a while, Ignis released your legs and leaned forward, burying his face in the crook of your neck as he picked up the pace. You could feel that tightness coiling in your belly and you knew your release was imminent. He jackhammered into you, and you could hear tiny groans slipping past his lips as he started moving more erratically, losing control of himself.
“Ignis, I’m gonna come again,” you moaned.
“Come for me, darling,” was his answer.
As if on command, you did come. You saw stars as you threw your head back in a loud moan. He chased his release soon after, coming with a roar as his bit down on your neck. You gasped but relished the feeling as he rode out his orgasm, your walls clenching around him, milking him for all he was worth. He finally collapsed on top of you, simultaneously releasing the grip his teeth had on your neck.
“Oh, Gods, I’m so sorry,” he apologized as he lapped at the puncture marks he made in your neck, staunching the blood flow.
You let out a tired laugh. “It’s okay, Ignis. Does it make me weird if I say it was kind of hot when you bit me like that?”
He chuckled against your shoulder as he rose up on his elbows to gaze into your face. “Only a little. Though I must say, I don’t want to get into a habit of doing that. I can’t have you walking around with anemia all of the time.”
You beamed at him. “So this means this isn’t a one-time thing? I was afraid you’d disappear on me again.”
Ignis shook his head and kissed the tip of your nose. “No, I do not wish for this to be a one night stand. As I’ve already stated, I do care for you. And here I thought my nature would put a damper on the relationship. I still thirst for blood, constantly, but we’ll figure out a way to make this work I swear to it.”
“Well, I can’t say I’m excited that you’re now a vampire, but I am happy that you’re alive and that you’re here with me. Does this mean all of you are back for good?”
Ignis rolled off of you and settled down beside you, pulling you in close so you were chest to chest. “Yes, we’re back. We were on our way back to the Citadel actually, but Noct suggested I feed first. I figured someone living near the wall would be a quick and easy meal, and yet look at where I ended up.” He flashed a smile, sans fangs, and still, it was the most beautiful smile you had ever witnessed. You were boneless from recent activities, and yet his smile had you weak at the knees.
“Can you go out in the sunlight?” you suddenly wondered aloud. “And do you even sleep?”
“Trying to figure out if all of the vampire lore you’ve read about is accurate or not?” he teased.
“Hey, this is a whole new territory for me. Can you blame me for being curious?” you stuck your tongue out at him.
“No, I cannot blame you. We have plenty of time to go over everything, but not tonight. Tonight, I just want to hold you and relax for the first time in months, if that’s quite alright with you. But to answer your questions first, yes, I do sleep, and yes, I can go out in the daylight, but only if I’m well fed. The sunlight isn’t entirely pleasant, but bearable. The longer I go without blood, the more sunlight bothers me.”
“Oh, well that’s good at least. It would be odd for our future king to only make public appearances at night.”
“True. While we are still figuring out how to approach this whole situation, it is nice to finally be back in Insomnia. And it’s nice to finally be with you.” He nuzzled his nose against your own and pecked your lips. “Sleep well, my love.” He leaned away to swiftly turn off the lamp, enveloping the two of you in darkness, the only light coming from the moonlight leaking through the blinds covering the window.
You yawned and nestled down against Ignis’s chest as he pulled the covers over you both. “Goodnight, Ignis.” You had no idea how it was going to work—dating a vampire, that is, but you were more than willing to go down that road and see what else this crazy world had in store for you.
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surflove808 · 7 years
RE:  Cockles, Bi!Bros, J2M, J2 over-the-top shipping bullshit.  Please read this.  Here goes....part 2.
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UPDATED 10/10/2017 for clarity and stuff.  More examples, less whiskey.  Same potty language. 
I've seen too much bullshit misinformation and conjecture out there and I can't stay silent anymore.  So... here's the promised Part 2 of my ridiculously long rant.  Again, I'm asking that whoever reads this, really reads the whole thing, and if you agree...please reblog.  Because this "issue" affects a lot more people than just these guys.  And I know it's long, but if it starts a discussion on how to treat people better and pave the way for acceptance without fear, as well as for how internet witch hunts are NOT ok, I'm hoping we're ALL for it.
Here we we go!
This statement applies to both the actors in this show, and the characters they portray:  I think we can all agree that these men are otherworldly handsome.  And I think that some of us can agree that reading fan fiction (particularly smut, in my case), is very enjoyable. I love the smut!  I'm not here to disabuse you of the notion that seeing these guys together, apart, with you, with me, with a fucking doughnut...sexually... would be seriously hot.   I'm not here to bash fan fiction.  I'm not here to poop on your fantasies or freedom of speech, either.  But I AM asking for more social responsibility.
I am also here to shut down the mentality that we own these characters and these individuals, and that it's ok to take our fantasies (because that's what they are), and try to force feed them to the general public, and even the actors and their families (some of you no-boundary having, people) as if it's ok for our uninformed opinions about the private lives of these men to be twisted and regurgitated to reflect our own desires for them, especially in a public forum.
I'm here to inject some realism.  Via real experiences.  And actual analysis that's thought-out, and based in objective reality.  If you choose to ignore that, and carry on with your fantasy in a way that's harmful?  I can't stop you.  I'm just here to provide a counterpoint and hope that it takes hold with even 1 person, and maybe that person can tell someone else...and maybe apply reverse osmosis with some of this toxic mentality that it’s “ok if you don’t actually know them”.
*Minor, basic, psychology warning*:  Repressed individuals, for example (by example, I mean this is one instance that I'm using) who are uncomfortable with their own sexuality, and are not yet ready to address/express it, have a tendency to avoid circumstances, conversations and actions that may threaten to shatter a carefully constructed facade.  They will go to great lengths to cover-up or act against any instinct that might "out" them.*  
And by repressed individuals?  That doesn't mean GAY individuals exclusively.  That means ANYONE who feels repressed by the "norms" inflicted by their family, their friends, their classmates, their upbringing, etc. But, I just don't see that with these guys. At all.  They're as comfortable with each other as you'd expect long-time collaborators and friends would be... and that should be awesome.  It should be ok.  But for some fans, it's become their job to attempt to force these actors into roles that they've written FOR them.  And that's fucked up.
What sucks is when, much like their onscreen counterparts, these guys can't express affection, support, physical closeness, have dinner together, laugh at the same dirty jokes, defend each other, etc.... without being put under a frigging microscope and dissected.  It breaks my heart a little bit when I start to see them pulling back and being more inhibited and defensive as a result of this BS.  Being a public figure invites a whole new level of scrutiny, and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy...some of the shit I've seen "fans" say about these guys.
And when the occasional rebel of a "fan" ignores the very limited number of things that can't be asked about anymore (**see dickheads**) at conventions, let's be honest - they are, in fact, being dickheads.  They KNOW what they're doing.  This isn't a press conference with Trump.  This is supposed to be a safe place for the actors and fans to interact about the show.  And yet.... when the occasional someone posits the very old and very, definitively answered question about Destiel - and Jensen in particular - shoots it down or tries to avoid it (and only twice that I've seen.  And very politely), suddenly, he's a homophobic asshole.  He's ALSO gay, BTW.  He just doesn't know it yet... (for those of you who take everything literally, that was sarcasm)
I'll tell you what.  He's a helluva lot nicer than I would ever be.  I'd tell the pushy shitheads that insisted on asking the same fucking DELIBERATELY INFLAMMATORY question that had already been answered, to go fuck themselves.  But Jensen hasn't done that.  Because I guess he's just a more patient person than me.  
He has been inhabiting this character for 12 years, and living with himself for much longer.  Despite that, maybe you DO know his character better than him.  Maybe YOU know him better than he knows himself.  Highly unlikely though.
The way I see it, if faced with seeing my life’s work (actor, husband, friend, father) negated and torn apart for the benefit of a few snarky gifsets, and being ambushed by inappropriate questions, after  dedicating so much of my time and energy and love towards it, I’d be pretty fucking bummed.  It'd be incredibly offensive to have someone tell me I wasn't who I said I was or not doing what I said I was doing.  Over and over and over.
 "YOU say Dean's hetero and there's no Destiel.  The writers say it.  But you're WRONG. Because reasons..."  "YOU may THINK you're fooling us with your marriage and kids, but WE know better!"  What.  The.  Fuck.  Is that all about, people??  If you're doing this, approving of this, liking posts about this?  I'm sorry to be the one to tell you... it's not cute.  It's damaging.  it's disrespectful, and you're that asshole.
I hate seeing anyone put in a position that makes them question how to go about policing their own behavior, their own truth and their own perception with regards to their **REAL** interpersonal relationships, based on the very legitimate fear that certain people won't give a second thought to making not only their life, but the lives of their families - a mockery.
For those of you who have had people snickering behind your backs or spreading gossip about you - it wasn't pleasant was it?  In WHAT situation is it ok to take your unproven hypothesis, and use it to shame, "out", poke fun at, fetishize, or attempt to force feed your theories to the world-at-large in public forums about anyone's private lives?  I really want to know. What makes this ok?
EXAMPLE TIME (using a few common examples I've seen time and time again, that people use to justify the shit that comes out of their mouths or fingertips):
1.  The male cast and their butt swatting and dick grabbing pranks that make certain, excitable people jump to conclusions: This may be just my experience, but still:  I'm a woman, and I know that my gay male friends and straight lady friends think it's not only ok, but a hoot to grab each others nethers,  brazenly flirt, and share explicit sexual info like it's NBD, primarily because we are 100% uninterested in each other, physically.  There is no perceived threat, either way, between us friends.  And no fear of rejection.  We don't view each other as potential mates.  Therefore, we're a bit more "free" with each other.
A lot of my straight guy friends that are comfortable in their own masculinity (I hate that I even have to say that), have no hang ups about swatting each other on the butt, grabbing each others dicks, performing "cup checks", etc.  *Also, see football.*  I don't know why this is a thing that they do, and I don't judge them for it.  In my observations, it's just a thing a fair amount of guys do, that they consider to be an "acceptable" display of affection among friends.  They seem to find it amusing, and frankly - it's NONE OF MY BUSINESS.  So, there's that.  Most men, (that I've known, at least), will never not be fascinated with their own junk, not to mention dicks, balls, asses and boobs in general.  I've also seen them be quite tender with, and observant of over one another when a situation arises.  You know?  Like a normal human response to someone they care about who may need some support??
And if a couple of dude friends want to act like they're 5 years old with each other, well into adulthood...I think it's rather charming, and hilarious, if I'm being honest.  I may not date men, but I absolutely adore them!  And I sure as fuck don't want to see the baby steps that they are able to take away from toxic masculinity (to quote a lovely DM I got earlier), turned against them by people who think it's ok to project their own crap on them.
2.  Sharing clothes: Again, just speaking from years of experience, and not claiming to know these guys or their reasons for (what, on 3-4 occasions, being seen with the same shirt?)... It's not just Jensen and Misha that do this, IF in fact, they do it at all.  A lot of us do this.  And if they do?  It's not a big deal, people.
I share clothes with friends for convenience and comedy's sake, quite a bit.  I own a bright orange hoodie that has been borrowed by so many friends that it's got it's own traveling backstory.   I've borrowed pants, shoes, tops, etc. on occasion, based on my immediate needs,  and vice-versa.  Especially when traveling.  Saves hassle and space to share a wardrobe, when possible.  But then, maybe Jared, Jensen and Misha do it because they are clearly boning the shit out of each other in secret.  And they're MEN.  And men can't do that without some deeper meaning ascribed to it, apparently.
**Side note:  2 weeks ago, a guy friend of mine came straight from his construction job to a bbq at my house and asked to take a shower.  But he didn't have any clean clothes of his own to change into.  As a joke - I offered him my frilliest, silkiest top.  And he LOVED it!  Wore it all night and then wore it home. Got it back, freshly laundered last week. His girlfriend (one of my best friends), especially got a kick out of it!  Lots of pics were taken and laughs were had.  But none of us even considered that this was something worth ruminating over.  It was Just. Funny.**  
Good grief...If I were subjected to the same scrutiny that these actors are, based on wardrobe swaps alone, I'd be covertly fucking or wanting to fuck 75% of my friends.  And folks, that's just not accurate.  And no, I'm not fucking the other 25%, we're just not sharing clothes.  :D
3.  Perceived jealousy: Yes, some lovers get jealous.  You know who else does?  Friends, co-workers, siblings... Does the occasional side glance from one of these men merit dissection and exposition?  Do we really have the prescient knowledge that enables us to know what these men are thinking and feeling with every glance, every movement?  I'm only asking because certain individuals seem to think that these miniscule moments are more meaningful when they can be attributed to these guys.  What makes these guys so damn special?  Sorry.... maybe I'm just jealous.  Feel free to speculate.  I really wanna know.
4.  "Longing looks", "sexy eyes", "the romantic gaze":
I'm going to tell you what I see with my own eyes, without the benefit of slowed-down gifs, conjecture, or the Cosmo Guide to Body Language and Crushes....or whatever the hell is informing opinions out there.
I'm going to focus on Jensen here because he seems to be the lynchpin that holds this whole sordid affair together.  In addition to him "eye-fucking/loving" Jared and Misha, have you also noticed the way he "gazes" at and how affectionate he is with Rob, Billy, Jim Beaver, and JDM?  If you have, you may have noticed that he has a very open, expressive face and big, gorgeous eyes.  And he seems, by all accounts, to be a very affectionate dude.  And to his credit,  despite our best efforts to call attention to every single fucking thing he does, he continues to try to be himself.  
And when he's paying attention to someone when they're speaking or performing (which is kind of a normal, respectful thing to do, as opposed to looking in boredom at the ceiling or the floor).... he seems to be 100% in the moment.  Unless he's competing to tell a story.  :D  Again...just using my eyes to observe.
He's especially oooey gooey with Rob.  Why hasn't he been linked with Rob in a torrid, secret affair?  Is Rob too short?  Not cute enough?  I wanna get to the bottom of this.  What?  Is Rob chopped liver or something??
Folks, I do the same thing.  A LOT of people do. Anyone who focuses on whoever is in front of them or next to them, really.  Or am I in the minority, in that I'm capable of holding eye contact with, and paying attention to people that I'm not attracted to when they're speaking?  If so, ya'll are some shallow fuckers.  Wait!!  Have I been eye-fucking people all along??  That would explain a lot, actually.
One buddy of mine in particular, has these big, gorgeous brown eyes and he gets this look when he's listening to people, and he looks like he's in love.  He's not.  IT'S JUST HIS FUCKING FACE.  Poor guy has gotten in some hot water over that with a few hopeful, clueless ladies thinking he was *into it* when he wasn't.
Well, you may say... WHY does Jensen always gaze that way at Jared and Misha??  (First of all - see above), but I have a theory:  Have you ever seen him do panels with anyone else?  Who are the three main characters of this show?  Who does he share all of his public appearances with, when he's not solo?  He spends the lions share of his time working on and promoting Supernatural.  Is Danneel in Supernatural?  No...she's not.  When they DO have precious little private time together, are they sitting in panels and being videotaped before a live studio audience, so that we can analyze their chemistry?  Again...NO.
I don't know what their marriage is like.  I'm gonna do the thing where I take their happiness and love at face value.  Because it's none of my damn business.  I believe what they've said and presented as a couple, because why wouldn't I?  The better question is... why wouldn't you??  What's your motivation?
Misha affection:
Misha is a bad ass.  Misha has been supported and enabled to evolve (again - going off what he's SAID in panels) Misha is not afraid of what people are gonna say about him when he wears a dress, or fakes an orgasm onstage with Jensen, kisses Jensen on the cheek, etc.   And anything that he does to convert prejudice and fear into understanding, is A-OK by me.  You can be masculine, and straight and still be open to exploration, still retain softness, and allow yourself to have your fingernails painted onstage without fear of repercussions from the peanut gallery, if you are allowed to get to that space, without people fucking with you.  I could speculate on how Jensens friendship with someone like Misha might have made it more tolerable for him to handle all the bullshit that comes his way via unfounded speculation about his sexuality, but then, I wouldn't be sticking with simple observations based on what I hear from their mouths and what I see with my eyes.  I know, it can be hard....BUT IT'S POSSIBLE, PEOPLE.
There's a reason why our behavior correlates to the fact that we share 99% of our DNA with chimpanzees (*also, see above for obsessing over our own genitalia*).  I've had frigging strangers reach over and pull lint off of me.  I had a guy on a busy NYC street try to pull a mole off my neck once, because he thought it was a tick.  I don't know what else to say.  From their own mouths, these guys have said it's a learned behavior from over a decade of checking each other before cameras roll.  But if you think it means that they're in love... well.  Ok, I guess.
"Checking in":
Again, I'm assuming and hoping all of us have at least one friend or family member that we're close to and care very much about, especially if they are, or have been, at risk.  If you think that this person is approaching an emotional cliff  (or any other kind of cliff for that matter), would you let them fall off, or would you let them know that you were there?  Via a song, a look, a call, a touch, a word, a pat on the back, etc?  
Or is that just a gay thing?
These guys don't have to give a shit about the fans, but they go above and beyond.  They're as invested in their characters as we are.  MORE so, and rightly so.  And they're dedicated and invested in their fans in a way that I've never seen before.  And just going off written and verbal accounts that I'm sure you all have been privy to as well, these particular actors go to bat for vulnerable people and at-risk people, both personally, in situations that don't involve PR, as well as outreach through their respective campaigns.  So, I respect them very much as creative entities and as people.  I think most of us do. And I'm fucking going to bat for THEM.   For those who don't, well... here's to hoping that changes.  Or that your focus does. I am guessing the average age (intellectually/emotionally/or physically) of the people who read way too much into every gesture between these actors, and FREAK OUT...is pretty young.  And I'm not saying that's a bad thing (being young, that is), but I AM saying the constant badgering of, and attempted *outing* of anyone is pretty abhorrent behavior, regardless of your maturity level.  
Again, your words matter.  They affect lives.  They affect perception.  These aren't just your private thoughts and fantasies anymore when you're making public statements on a worldwide forum/social network, and taking things way out of context to back up your ill-informed theories about people you don't even know.  And by "affect lives", I mean that these public figures have developed a thick enough skin and enough sense to largely ignore the bullshit, but they are still human beings and deserving of our respect, no?  
And by “affect lives”, I think as a society, we have a responsibility to the young men and women coming up in this world who still see -  via these kinds of posts - that despite years of slow progress, their slightest actions can still be dissected and analyzed and gossiped about, with regards to their sexuality in particular.  I think that people who like to post real accusations about real people, based on their skewed perception of these peoples interactions, in the "interest" of supporting actual LGBTQ people, are causing FAR more harm than good.
It can be destructive.  And it can be limiting to intellectual and emotional growth, at large.  And you're kidding yourselves if you think you're being "cute" and that it's harmless to ship real people to the point of harassment on a public forum.  All you're accomplishing, is showing current and future generations of kids that if they don't stick with your definition of heteronormative behavior, that you'll do the outing for them via social media. I wish certain individuals were a bit more responsible with their online musings when it comes to real people who have real families and real children who will probably stumble upon this content one day... and try to be a bit more empathetic in general.  Get out from in front of your screens and look around you and ask yourself:  How would I feel if someone posted this kind of shit about my sister?  My Mom?  My Dad?  My GF/BF/best friend without their consent??
Or is spreading malicious gossip only ok when you're not directly affected?
I'm just hoping that the people who fuck with these guys wives and make vids and publicly try to sexualize their friendships on Tumblr and elsewhere, are too young to know better.  Here's to hoping they learn better, going forward.
If you are doing this?   It's never too late to learn how to be a better human.  Find a way to indulge your theories without harassing these very decent men, and well... anyone, right??  If these guys DO in fact have any "secrets"?  They're entitled to keep them.  But the likely reality?  They're living their lives truthfully, in the face of the shitty online perpetuation of rumors, and giving us all a lesson in what it means to behave graciously under pressure and move on with kindness, when they could just as easily shut down convention filming as well as fan interaction.  Appreciate that.  And appreciate each others right to live without shame, scrutiny or unfounded speculation.
And if I missed some tags?  Please, let me know.
************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ A brief recap for those who couldn't glean this info from the body of this open letter:
I am not anti-LGBTQ, anti-Cockles, anti-J2M, anti-J2, anti-shippers.
I AM anti-harassment
And I AM anti-slanderous gossip in any form.
*******That being said*******
I am pro SPN actor, pro human, pro fandom, pro positivity
I am also pro education with regards to acceptance and tolerance, and just....basically, leaving people the fuck alone.  Especially when you do not know them.
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milatherese · 4 years
Dear My-Friend-Who-I-Am-Avoiding,
Before I begin, I would like to clarify that this can actually be directed to at least 5 people at the time of writing, but the audience for this open letter is one specific person. Read the whole letter to see if it’s you.
In the span of about 2 weeks, we went from talking quite often to rarely talking. I need space. And I know you do, too, even though you never explicitly said those words. 
Here’s why I’m avoiding you. But first, some background.
You’re someone I have been looking for for a long time – a true friend. Our meeting was definitely sent from Above and I am sure our friendship has been blessed by the Best Friend. I cannot explain how I happened to meet you, someone who has so many things in common with me. It’s like we had met a long time ago.
Everything was going so well – long and deep conversations about everything under the sun (and always G-rated, which I learned from someone else that G-rated conversations, especially those past midnight, are very rare). There never was a dull moment. Every word (and gif, meme, picture, pun etc.) was meaningful to me.
You challenged me to spread my wings and fly, even offering me a hand in doing so, should I ever need it (granted that you’re available to help). You taught me what it means to open up without being afraid of losing a friendship. You accepted me for who I am and created a safe space for me to share my true self (though not completely authentic and transparent as you’ll read later).
You also opened up to me and let me into your “inner world.” You modeled for me true trust. You showed me that trust is freeing.
I have never grown so much from a friendship and I am very grateful to God for having met you. I appreciate you. And I thank you for all of the above and for being your silly self.
But aside from the above, I feel like I owe you an explanation for trying to cut you out. (I couldn’t decide whether to tell you directly or not tell you at all so an open letter is the compromise) To be honest, I don’t want to cut you out of my life (and I don’t think – or at least I hope – you don’t want to cut me out of your life, either).
Truth is, I think I might want more out of this friendship (frankly, I’m not sure if what I’m feeling is simply excitement from this too-good-to-be-true friendship or if it’s a genuine desire for something more). I don’t know if you do, too, but I think it’s for the best that I distance myself from you, at least for some time. We’re both on the same road, but in different lanes. I don’t want to risk steering you off the road. I feel that whatever our relationship was/is could affect your journey. (btw, that very long “in-person” conversation that one night made me realize that this friendship might accidentally turn into something more) 
You also mentioned that I remind you of a friend who made a really big impact on your life (and you said it made you happy). I am okay with sort of being that friend of yours from so many years ago, but knowing that it’s still a sore subject makes me a little cautious. It seemed like the relationship you had with that person really cut deep and I don’t want to make the pain any worse for you.
So. Yeah.
If you’ve made it this far, you should know by now if this is directed to you or someone else.
So, my friend, I only have two [optional] requests.  1. It would be cool to know your thoughts on all of this / at least let me know you read this (I know, I’m contradicting myself by saying that I should distance myself from you yet also asking you to reach out). But if you don’t want to share them, that’s fine, too. 2. Please be patient with me while I figure my feelings/thoughts out because I’m confused as heck right now (I’m confusing myself the more I think about this but the more I think about this the more clarity I think I will have… does that make sense?)
I know our friendship will not be the same, especially since I just shared a truckload of my thoughts (you know I hate being inauthentic), but I hope it’ll survive whatever shipwreck it’s going through right now. 
I am sorry for anything wrong I have done on my part. Upon reflection, I may have teased a tad too much and have pushed your buttons a little bit. My apologies for my failure to realize the harm in doing that.
Well, I’m avoiding you because I need time to think and authentically discern and I think you do, too. I want you to know I am always praying for you (and your intentions) and your journey, and I hope you keep me in your prayers as well. If you ever need anything ( a n y t h i n g ) ,  I’m just a phone call away. (I really mean it, I’m not quoting Charlie Puth.)
Now, time for some milk and Oreos.
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