#but it also feels rude to be overly formal if they prefer to use first names
imustbenuts · 5 days
nuts reading trigun in japanese 3 - "weirdo" and vash's pronoun switching
disclaimer: my jp reading posts are all for triangulation purposes and nothing else. scanlating mangas is tough work. @-@ i know this.
the word 'weirdo' in 2024 english carries connotations of neutral-bad or positive depending on the context of the speaker. depending on how one curates their internet space, weirdo often leans more positively with the same meaning as eccentric, but not always.
however, but in JP, "weird" is more specific and often negative. there's the well known, hentai 変態 (ie. deviant, pervert, freak, extremely negative in tone), and in this case, kimochi warui 気持ち悪い (gross, off-putting, bad vibes). eccentrics are more as 変人 henjin and carries a more neutral tone.
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in this panel here papa nebreska uses 気持ち悪い in katakana キモチワルイ in reaction to vash busting his ass saving people and putting out of harms' way. vash's vibes are so off putting to this wanted man he's actually creeped out.
this is particularly interesting to me bc the english translation didn't end up portraying how utterly weird vash's mindset is fully. it wasnt until wolfwood points out how flawed vash's pacifist mindset do i get a proper frame of reference of norms in this world, but i might be having skill issues in english comprehension. ;w;
Pronoun switching
quick. 俺 Ore! 僕 Boku! 私 Watashi! they all mean "I", and there's 2 spectrum of expressions going on here thats commonly believed. 1st being Masculinity to Femininity. what's the 2nd?
the answer is... Rudeness/Assertiveness to Politeness. and gosh does vash switch a lot between Boku and Ore in the first 4 chapters of this manga lmao.
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(to be clear, while i am aware of trans hc thats very popular in the fandom, im not at all diminishing or talking about gender expression specifically. im talking about what vash is presenting himself as in context.)
so to perhaps oversimplify this, in JP the idea of politeness and hierarchy is so super duper important, its very built into the language itself. and Japanese is a very high context language. if someone of a higher or equal standing uses "Ore", its totally fine. but if someone of a lower standing uses "Ore", they've committed a social faux pas.
as an obvious example, if a fresh new employee approaches his Boss with "Ore", he's potentially getting dressing down in the company. maybe in front of his coworkers. if this employee forgoes polite speech (keigo) and uses a too Assertive and Casual speech, they've Really Fucked Up and are one foot out the door.
this is also tied up in gender to some extent, hence why girls using Ore is incredibly uncommon, but guys would use Watashi in certain contexts such as talking to their Boss. (woo woo the forces of hierarchy/patriarchy... or something.)
so. vash switches his pronouns for the same effect. when he uses Ore, he's making himself sound more assertive and confident. when he uses Boku, he's often making himself sound less threatening, smaller, open, and trying to avoid conflict.
sound familiar?
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bc if you translated all of that into a character design instead of relying on just jp pronouns, we'd get TriStamp Vash.
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slight spoilers, but this is even true in one of the tensest moments between vash and wolfwood, where the latter provokes vash and tears into his pacifism ideology. vash sticks with boku in this scene as he says his piece.
if he ever uses watashi, it's bc he wants to be polite straight out of the gate with an air of formality. (this is japanese manners and the proper approach to talking to strangers. mainly to get a feel for each others standing without offense until context changes.)
i also wanna point out maybe something obvious here but.
real life pronoun switching in japanese is a COMMON thing. no one ever really sticks to 1 pronoun bc of Good Manners and the aforementioned hierarchical systems in place. it is only mostly in anime/manga and video games where characters overly prefer 1 due to this being a good shorthand for characterization. this being how rude or polite they are, and in some cases, Gender.
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quick question for anyone who sees this who goes to college or has insight:
how do I address faculty in emails if they haven’t explicitly told me? I typically go with “Professor (lastname)” unless the have some other title (Dr., etc.), but how about academic advisors and so on? If they sign off emails with only their first name, is it safe to address them by their first name?
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greekbros · 4 years
"greek-Bros: Character headcanons
He loves anything with any level of alcohol in it and his favorite is obviously wine. However, because of his godly abilities, he functions the in the same way a saltwater fish wood if you placed it in a tank of freshwater. only instead of dying instantly, he just slowly loses his powers and becomes dangerously close to being a mortal. So he usually keeps a supply of wine with him at all costs, and it really doesn't have to be his own wine, it could be any form of alcoholic beverage as long as he consumes it.
He has a mane of curly thick dark hair that accidentally acts like a pocket dimension. he can store something in there, completely forget it and then when he remembers it he can take it out with ease. nobody really cares about how he's able to do this except Athena, she hates it when Dionysus does this and it confounds her to no end, nobody really knows why she hates it but it's speculated that she just doesn't like his chaotic nature.
True to his wild natural look, he actually has two pairs of horns; curled ram horns and long bull horns. He has no memory of it he purposefully grew these horns himself or they may have resulted in his consumption of his wine....but he doesn't care find it to be more of an excuse to adorn his head with more interesting things he finds.
He doesn't have eccentric tastes per se but he does enjoy interesting looking jewelry, placing random objects in his hair and like his brother Apollo enjoys wearing whatever the hell he wants to wear. It doesn't matter if it's a woman's dress or overly ornate armor for no other purpose than to just wear it. The function of the clothing does not concern him, as long as it looks nice on him.
He's very simple god....in the same way your stoner friend is simple, he's is early philosophical for a guy has type and often times you'll see him do weird things that in reality actually have some serious purpose. For example you would pile small stones to form a tower only to have accidentally created the druidic tradition of establishing a location. Another good example would be him having decompulsive need to pile pine cones, according to him he's still trying to figure out what would be the purpose of this but he found out that pine cones are extremely flammable thus perfect as kindling.
He consistently smells of merlot and sweat, it's not that he isn't clean, it's just that with his consistent consumption of his own wine, he doesn't sweat normally anymore... He literally sweats wine thus occasionally giving his skin a pinkish tan hue occasionally, when he bathes his skin goes back to a normal olive-ish tan.
Although he's extremely lazy in some cases, people wipl often mistake him for being soft or weak, it has been noted that in terms of strength he has rivaled both Aries and Heracles in some bizarre manner. nobody really knows if this could have anything to do with his previous incarnation of being a very powerful entity of chaos or if it's just his god-given abilities.
Unlike his fellow gods, he loves being around mortals. He enjoys their nuanced lives and daily endeavors and tries his very best to keep everyone happy.
He's primarily a "good vibes" man 95% of the time and tries to keep the peace, but that doesn't stop him from either justifyingly getting angry or sitting back and watch the drama unfold without his assistant. You also kick your ass and he will do it again if he needs to.
His primary circle of friends/family are Apollo, Hermes, Heracles, Hypnos, Artemis, several nyphs and satyrs, Kale (Delphi's only competent broker/financial expert) and whom ever he can befriend. His secondary basically consists of everyone else whom I've not mentioned.
His wine can actually physically change you with prolonged consumption but with varying results. Many of his leopards for example, have obtained a pinkish, purple hue from drinking the wine dionysus has made for them especially, prolonging their life spans, raising their IQs a little and making them more docile.
On the topic of wine, Dionysus has made several different wines with different properties. He's made wine that acts very closely to a truth serum, a wine that can heal/cure nearly everything, a wine specifically for bacchanals and festivals, wine that actually doesn't effect small kids (for safety reasons) and a wine that can do miscellaneous things.
He's into everything in terms of entertainment, he's surprisingly very cultured in spite of his perceived persona as "the god of drunkards and heathens". So in truth there's never a dull moment with him.
The best to describe him is "a semi-chaotic force of existential calm". He's so chill about so many things, one can mistake this for being aloof or uncaring, but don't worry he's got your back.
He has a list of "dislikes"; he recently has a burning dislike of Romans, drinking water, entitled rude people (because you can be entitled but ultimately unaware of it in an ignorant way), having to do the same task over and over again, being sober (because he believes being drunk keeps something inside him at bay) and frogs....he finds frog to be extremely unreasonable in conversation.
In a more sensual sense, he's up for everything asking as it's not painful or would end in a possible bad way. This explains why he tries his best to stay away from Aphrodite as much as he can help himself.
He doesn't hate Ares, he just finds Ares to be a little too aggressive when it comes to the concept of fun.
He has 0 idea about the existence of some older members of the family, such as Eris for example. He literally has no idea he's not the only agent of chaos in Greece.
He had formed a secret "Drunkard's Society", it consists of other deities from around the world whose specialties occasionally revolve around making alcoholic beverages... if anyone asks yes Jesus (yes he's canon in greek-Bros as the son of "A God" of which no one really knows who) is part of the club by default for some reason sine he used his abilities to make wine. There's very little rules for the club, the only rule is that if possible, bring drinks.
Although he primarily is Pansexual, he is in an very open marriage with Ariadne. Being his only functional braincell, Ariadne is the one who keeps him grounded when making certain decisions, she pretty much completes him in the sense of companionship. She's also pretty compatible with his personality given her upbringing, in spite of her upbringing as a royal, she's always been more carefree and empathetic with her subjects. Plus she doesn't object to most of what Dionysus does but she knows when to step in as his partner on more serious matters. Deep down, Dionysus believes that Ariadne is the second reason why he's still alive. His first being "because my dad mpreg'ed me into existence".
He may or may not be aware of his previous incarnations, he gets weird dreams that feels very violent and feverish at times of a stress filled day. He knows he isn't like the other Olympic gods in many ways.
His seat in Olympia was gifted to him by his aunt Hestia. Hestia, being the oldest child of "The Big 6", felt it was time for her to "retire" from being part of the Olympic gods, no one really understood why she made this decision but she was extremely happy to give the seat dionysus as she personally felt he had a "certain spark" that felt was appropriate as her successor. He too, has no idea why he was given this gift but he assumes that if Hestia felt it was appropriate than it was.
Out of all the olympians, he has made friends with the most deities outside of Greece, second place would be Hermes and third would be Ares.
Unlike dionysus, he's extremely calculative, considerably well sorted and more formal. There's always a visible method to what he does and everything has a scientific explanation, in contrast to dionysus's unpredictable meme energy.
He has a bizzarly faire complexion with literally no flaws and his skin almost glows with warmth. His blond hair has been known to also glow depending on the light. His eye color is the same shade as the sky with white pupils, but when it's night time his usually white pupil turns into the normal black, representing the passing of the daytime. The same thing happens to Artemis.
Being the god of the arts and sciences, he loves to educate people. Delos (his home island) is home to one of the best schools of thought in all of Greece.
His first passion of playing the lyre and it still is to this day, if he wasn't the god of the sun, he'd be the god of music.
He puts this persona of "the perfect guy" to mostly everyone he knows, with the exception of Hermes and Dionysus who pretty much know he's a big sensitive softy.
He's an extremely beautiful man with perfect mesomorphic body. He has very gentle mannerisms with a contrasting burning and passionate reaction to anything that could anger him. Pretty much, he's the embodiment of the sun, beautiful, giving, warm but he will burn you.
His personal tastes are similar to dionysus's in terms of preference of clothing. Anything goes and when he looks fashionable in anything, he especially loves wearing lose dresses because he feels the most comfortable in it. He barely sees a reason to assume clothing can be specific to gender norms, as long as it does its function, it suits him pretty well. To him, clothing is clothing.
He's one of the best chariot riders in Olympus, rivalling Triton and occasionally Hades.
He's pan/bisexual to put it best, but he seems to have an easier time forming lasting relationships with men than he does with his female relationships, as evident his mythos. He's not very sure why, and he desires to get better at it considering he actually has the most children in the pantheon.
He's an extremely loving father to his offspring, he's taught most of his children in the ways of art and sciences but is always surprised to see them flourish with their own specific passions and talents.
He thought Orpheus would be the son who's take his place if anything were to happen to him....until he was killed and sent to the underworld. Apollo still mourns for his son's death and doesn't blame Dionysus or his maenads. He believed that Orpheus's was too powerful, even for him
He chooses his lovers, not the other way around. It's an unfortunate trait he inherited from Zeus and it probably is the main factor in why he has such a difficult time with having female companions.
He literally knows about almost everything on almost every subject.
Like Ariadne, he's Dionysus's other braincell. Because of this, the two seem to have an ongoing battle of ideologies that grew into an extremely friendly rivalry to see who can get the most apostles and followers. There's no competitive energy between them, it just feels like a huge game to them.
His circle of friends oddly enough don't stop at Hermes and Dionysus, along with Artemis, his lovers and his muses, it seems Apollo has a surprisingly small circle of friends out of the "the bois". Inspite of his more intellectual relationship with Athena as a fellow scholar and "thinking person", he doesn't necessarily consider her an ally. In fact he actually has a very interesting list of possible foes that are mostly other members of the family. His number one rival however seems to be Eros, who has repeatedly caused him grief in the past, he's probably the second factor as to why he has such a complicated relationship with female companions.
He's a very accommodated individual, it baffles him till this day as to why his twin finds more comfort being in the outdoors than in Olympus, seeing how both of them were raised the same way. He doesn't like being dirty or getting too dirty, he's a bit if an introvert most of the time.
His favorite foods is anything grown under the sun. The only thing "fermented in the dark" he would ever consume is Dionysus's wine, which outside of ambrosia, is the only drink he trusts other than his own.
It may not look like it but he's actually a serious fighter. Especially loves using his bow and arrow and trains alongside with his twin sister.
Give me look pretty, but he will still kick your ass if you deserve it.... Or not he could just simply incinerate you out of existence. In terms of powers, out of the trio he actually does overpower them through natural force than anything.
His Muse's basically are a mixture between his group of female friends and essentially sisters by covenant. He's only had one relationship with one of the muses but outside of that he has NEVER once thought of any of them as calcubines. He will retaliate if anyone assumes otherwise, the reason being is because he would never harm or have any intentions of hurting any of his muses. They see him as a brotherly figure and teacher of the arts, NOT as a master.
He's the one god in the family who's decided to make his life a lot more harder by having more hats to wear. He ironically likes it because it always makes him feel "closer to normal".
He's the hardest working of the trio, the only other individuals who works as hard as him is Hestia, Hephaestus and Hades.
Simultaneously, he loves lounging around eating his favorite snack, high energy foods. Bread, surgery fruits, nuts, anything to use to help his caloric intake for his long days of running.
He's literally fast enough to travel forward and back in time. At first, he was just found it strange when he would mention someone, it would be either in past tense or no body would have known who they were. After he found out that he was literally running forwards and back in time, he's been carefully pacing himself.
His favorite thing to do is observe anything really, especially loves seeing what happens after he effects something. For example, he could miss place a cup for no reason other than to see what will happen next.
Although being older than Dionysus, he's the shortest and "youngest looking" of the trio. His youthful complexion however has a dismal purpose. He notices that mortals find him a lot more approachable then the other gods. He primarily looks like a young lab in between the ages of 19 in comparison to Apollo's late 20 something and Dionysus's mid 20 something with a positive youthful disposition, the reason why is because in his "real" form, he actually is taller, pushing to late 20's to early 30's, has a little bit of facial hair, facially stern looking face of some hardened by life and overall "intimidating", not in an Ares sort of way....more like as if you can't really read what's on his mind. This may actually have something to do with the fact his speed could have actually been something he inherited from grandfather, Chronos. He hates his original body and does everything in his power to avoid showing even Apollo and Dionysus this version of himself.
He bisexual with a preference for women. He loves to experiment but that's when he gets in the most trouble. A great example would be the primary reason why his sort of least favorite son, Pan, is the way he is.... because he actually mated with a woman....in the form of a goat, since then, he has had to keep on eye on Pan due to his pension for causing problems....the bad kinds. His favorite children are Hermaphrodite and Hermanubis, he believes they're both his best out comes and both children have the best qualities of both parents.
He's extremely terrible at coming up with names for his children.
He dangerously takes more after his grandfather than he does Zeus physically and powerwise. Due to his incredible speed, his connection to everything from the underworld, to the intricate influences he has on mortal life, and even the fact he actually feels time catching up with him when he over runs, Zeus feared that his father's dark influence was on Hermes and protected him as much as possible from the scrutiny of his other siblings. This fed the fear that Hermes was to be the son to overthrow Zeus....until Apollo became Hermes's closest brother and friend and until Dionysus came along and basically padded the weird "dark prophecy" down to a grinding hult. Since then, Hermes secretly is forever in dept to both brothers for essentially proving everyone else's assumption of his dark nature wrong.
He has an extremely interesting relationship with his demigod brothers like Heracles and Perseus, with a lot of convincing, Hermes was able to get both Demigods to be considered full fledged gods by Zeus's blessings. Since Demigods age far more slower than normal mortals, unless consecrated into Olympus by Zeus, Hermes always consolidates his demi-siblings since he knows unlike the Gods, they will too one day die. He just really didn't want to lose his favorite half-brothers.
Out of the trio, he's seen the most shit. He's seen painful and peaceful deaths. Being a psychopomp isn't all fun and games unfortunately, it's the equivalent of being a doctor in terms of emotional disturbance. He does find it comforting that the only people who completely and fully comprehend what he internally goes through is Thanatos, Hypnos, Charon and Hades. All four of which constantly consolidate him on how he feels and that it's ok to go through the motions of what they call "indiscriminate mourning", a feeling of constent mourning for those who have no relevance to him but which one constantly feels empathy. In a dark humorous way, a demon in Tartarus suggested to remove his "empathy" to ease his suffering but Hermes refused because he'd rather have it than feel nothing.
Being the god of deception, he actually hides his insecurities and personal on-goings extremely well. He knows what's important is the present of things, he's seen death (literally and the god) and has seen what life has to offer. It's not going to stop him from having the best time with his brothers. Lucky for him, he tends to forget he's pretending and goes on as best as he wants to.
He loves animals. He's especially sympathetic to turtles and tortoises, he absolutely admires them for just being such a slow animal who can also be close to home. He recently discovered sloths in the continent that will soon be discovered as South America, and is completely enchanted by their slowness. He also loves 'racing' with faster animals like horses and antelope.
He is the only living being Cerberus let's through in and out of the underworld. Mostly because Cerberus never seems to catch him, thus the beast doesn't really bother, plus Hermes always brings treats for him so that helps.
The wings on his helmet are emotive when active and melds into the metal when inactive. Being the most 'human' of the trio, he can slip into a crowd unnoticed.
Out of the trio he seems the most normative, being more down to earth like Artemis. However he doesn't show the same amount of contempt for the pampered life of a god as much as Artemis does, he's comfortable where ever.
Like Dionysus, he has a very wide range of companions, friends and allies. he doesn't have a lot of enemies that he can name but he does have a bit of a complicated relationship with Ares. He doesn't really hate Ares, but he does enjoy occasionally making a fool out of him. Ares in truth doesn't mind this considering Hermes did save him from some Giants who put them in an urn....is early enough it's not that he's indebted, it's just that when he threatens to kill her is it really isn't anything.
Hermes enjoys antagonizing people isn't very fond of. Hera specifically, he tries to find every way to anger her as much as possible. Even if it results at some else's expense.
He can and will, consentingly fuck your wife. And he would do it again.
Juxtaposed to his complicated and emotionally heavy job as a psychopomp, he's an absolute funnyman. It even borders on 'Bugs Bunny' like antics.
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iconsumeheadcanons · 4 years
persona characters autism headcanons!
hi im autistic and i started my day with sun so now im !!!!!!!!! some of these headcanons are from elsewhere on tumbr, but i dont know where :(((  so i am hoping someone out there knows that n that everybody knows that i love them <3
(also go check out mollypaup and i think hypeswap if you havent already! they post some good stuff autism+adhd hc too!!! i think.. oh! and thieves-in-the-palace!!!)
there was some artwork from someone on tublr..where they pointed out that he doesnt really talk outside the metaverse so--hes hyperverbal as joker and just near nonverbal as akiren
he stims ALL THE TIME. that phone thing, the pencil thing, the little tappy tap of his foot, pulling at his bangs when hes embarrassed/smug. someone get him a fidget spinner. he’ll prob learn to do tricks with it
he probably sucks at focusing in class, like i know its just the game design but hes always surprised out of his daily “star out the window at the nearby office building” when his teachers ask him questions
mona mentions when the pt is at Wilton for the first time (after they run into shido) that joker eats like shit, and that could have multiple causes at the start of the story of course, but when i first played i thought that joker was a picky eater and that the variety (and amount of food) at the buffet would be an Ordeal...
tho mona makes that comment bc joker looked pale after having a little ptsd moment from shidos voice, but i didnt know that the first time i played
maybe when joker makes a face at ryuji putting so much ginger in his gyudon? joker probably does not like pickled ginger lol
his favortive foods are all spicy, which is why the curry he makes for his friends is always ‘overly spicy’, and why kasumi makes him a curry bento and joker kept going “...?” .... “....?!”
overly reflective glasses have been a great plus for him bc now he never has to make real eye contact every again!
mona Soft. play with Ann hair. maybe Braid. nice
puns (Gorou the Goroumet)
he has so many options to be straight up rude sometimes in game. he probably no clue on his own, which is why he defaults to Not Talking. people probably mention his constant scary face, which is just him being nonexpressive, squinting at all the fucking bright lights, and Tired
executive function who? we do everything last minute folks
high pain tolerance, which is why he was the kid that was always climbing trees in elementary school to get basketballs unstuck from the branches
his sixth sense lets him see treasure and possible places to climb/crawl bc 1. Shiny? Steal it. Steal it Now. and 2. Could i fit in that? Time to Find Out
probalby a bit of a klepto too oops. he’ll return it tho!! but he has to do it dramatically or he’ll die
cant sit properly to save his life
smells and touch are Great, they can keep him grounded when his brain goes off to police or dead rivals or guilt or
if a friend hung out with him and gave him total reigns of the agenda, he would choose to nap on the floor while his friend does something off to the side quietly
hyperfocuses on handy tasks (i.e. lockpicks, coffee brewing, cleaning, his part time jobs) and some things like movies and books. everything else is a tossup
his (normal) navigation app is his most used app bc he still doesnt know where hes going, even though he only goes to the same few places in the city
hates being sweaty, literally cannot stand it. probably double exhausted during the summer
but Needs Compression so hes often Struggling
paraphrase from p5d “i have no motor skills so i cant play rhythm games :(” need i say more? (i will regardless)
echolalia all the time, from anime, memes, the PT
those headphones she wears all the time? noise cancelling ear protectors babey
only talks about her interests, “normal” talking is Not Easy, but she is still communicative w others despite her worries. shes not “hard to understand” at all but she feels the anxiety nonetheless
only talks informally, cannot talk ‘politely’ with out imitating someone around her
shes had meltdowns and anxiety attacks in game :( i relate so hard
Technology. thats it
def had an egypt phase that pops up every few months. probably came from yu-gi-oh
has Immune to Bright Lights buff.  joker is very jealous
“Time to make like a tree and leave!” and 30 other iterations
video game metaphors are the only ones that makes sense to her
probably relates hard to robot characters in anime for their general androgyny and confusion about human emotions and connections
probably gets told that shes “too smart to be on the spectrum” by teachers >:( she fails their classes on purpose
wakaba’s autistic too that just how it is
the Connection that she establishes with Joker is so Warm. my life goals include adopting an older brother like futaba has lsdkfjslkfj
also eater of 5 foods only, i mean, she brings cup ramen to the beach. i just really admire her...
hides in small spaces for comfort
doesnt she have like uhhhhh hyperthymesia or something like that?
his entire social link is learning how humans work, which i relate
talks seriously all the time
“sarcasm? who is that? are you saying I was sarcastic?...how?”
cant remember to take care of his body, and madarame did not help with that either
lot of uncomfortable staring, hes overdoing the eye contact thingy
infodumps all the time, doesnt know hes doing it
needs a lot of support even if he doesnt think he deserves it. no one ever complains about helping him out tho
visual stims my friends
he didnt know that you could look up pictures on the internet but he does know you can stream live videos of waterfalls and fluffy animales!!
I am certainly in the mood
for something salty today.
he and joker are scared of math. numbers do not interact
Yusuke, futaba, and akiren are a trio and i know this bc their first day of non-thievery interacts is Akiren clearing Futabas room w/o permission, futaba hyperfocusing on destroying medjed, and yusuke rearranging futabas figurines so they are more visually appealing
morgana is a support friend for all of them bc igor knows they need it
yes, he mostly wears gray semi formal clothes bc parents tell him to, no, he will not changes this
Schedule or Death
“sorry, could you repeat that?” “huh? oh yeah, i was saying that--” “yeah that’d be cool.”
cats, fishing, he just likes to be quiet. you can literally spend a day at the beach just to think if you want, and that is what yu want
has a lot of scripts for things (of which he shares with nanako!) but if he runs out he just stops talking..
inaba is a godsend bc its so fucking quiet and warm
he Yearns to hold his friends hands, but he shies away from a lot of touch (excepting yosuke, teddie, and nanako)
Cooking and Cleaning makes the world better. he and joker vibe together with this
unlike akiren, he strong arms any executive dysfunction into Be Productive or Else. his punishment is feeling the pure anxiety of having to make up for ‘lost time’. (another symptom of his workaholic parents)
writes everything down, notes are very neat, has pages dedicated for bad doodles when hes not feeling his usual Super Classroom Focus
Cannot handle secondhand embarrassment (most often caused by yosuke) and will quietly slip away to random cats or origami folding
hungry, crunch crunch folks. probably needs chewelry bc he used to chew on his shirt collars when he was younger.
cleans up after everyone in the food court, constantly worries about them accidently hurting themselves. likely spends half of group conversations watching peoples hands
he canonically eats expired food, nanako plz help your brother
really clumsy, but people only notice after they decide that he is a cool person
video games are too chaotic for him
exhausted every night from the pure amount of masking he does, if a friend spends the night (or is like yosuke) they will know his more comfortable weirdo self (tho everyone knows hes a weirdo eventually)
hyperempathetic, sometimes just understands animals and children better than peeople his age or older
her jokes
she and souji get in ‘trouble’ together, she and joker commit crimes together
she and chie have to coordinate outfits, its important
actually understands metaphors, but does not understand people
like me, had no clue that creepy kid was flirting with her
she is very angry when she has meltdowns that might involve slamming doors and shouting. her parents call these ‘tantrums’ and ‘unfitting for a polite daughter’ but really thats because her meltdowns tend to be caused by arguments w her family after a long day of school and TV world traipsing
the metronome meme, except hers goes between Loudest Person in the Room to Quietest Pin Drop in the Planet. she is completely unaware of this
her atmosphere brightens when chie appears. that is not only the lesbian energy within her, but also because chie is like her Favorite Person
Cannot wear Pants. No (tho she wants to try it! but she puts them on and her soul instantly squashes)
happy flappy lesbian! watch out!
the pouty face. all the time lskdfjlasdkf
hes really snappy sometimes and i love that for him. he and akechi should fight just to see what would happen (please read Bang Bang Shoot Shoot on AO3)
“do not touch me or my hat, thank you”
no one has ever seen him shutdown and no one ever will (except for his grandpa)(and kanji)(and rise)
probably likes certain food textures and will stand for nothing less, probably feels embarrassed about his preferences with friends
constantly jumps between ‘everybody hates me so i should act like them so they dont hate me’ to ‘i refuse to be anything but very comfortable as myself, and i dont care that im making you upset sir’
he and souji are the king and queen of subtle stims, but for unhappy reasons :(
does not make jokes. cannot joke around. understand? yes, do? no.
loose clothes are the only good clothes, but all tags and obtrusive seams will be obliterated by kanji tatsumi
not very empathetic so he probably comes off as an asshole to strangers (like when he throws away his classmates confession letters without reading them) but he tries so hard to sound comforting when his buds are struggling.
his understanding of others emotions/reactions come from his learning as a detective, which seems cold+clinical to others, especially compared to souji, whos completely unexpressive but very introverted people person
big personality!! very people-oriented!! koromaru and her are buddies!! when shes having a real bad time, shes very quiet and expressions turn off
interrupts herself in the middle of conversations all the time. no one knows where shes coming from. her brains is thousands of km ahead of her body
bouncey legs, swingin arms, twirlly skirt, little somersaults! when will she stop? never!
very obvious music stims with her hands and arms! people are like “oh there she goes! happy as usual!” shes listening to minatos heavy metal playlist
switches from exhausted to excited within milliseconds. no one can predict, not even her
SEES has to ask her for context all the time cuz she’ll just continue shit from 2 weeks ago without warning
professionals will assume shes very childish bc of how chipper she is, but she is beyond mature for her age and only feels comfortable enough to have serious conversations if a person has proved themself able to handle it
collects every little thing. her room is a mess and she has to get rid of most of it every time she moves :(
hates cleaning! smells bad, feels bad hhhhhgggg
dont let mitsuru-senpai see her bedroom
gets lost in the middle of conversations with others bc shes thinking about a story connected to one(1) word that was said earlier
 no sense of time and place, she just sees her friends and goes “ah, this is the right place, then” but junpei and akihiko are also lost so now theyre all screwed
no talkies, no walkies
his story in the movies is him literally learning how to function around people he cares for
doesnt get jokes, expressions, body language, empathy, subtlety, metaphors, physical contact, or eye contact. aigis is probably the only person he truly understands right away
he is still nice to people because he doesnt see a reason not to be, but also he has very limited energy so only his senpai and old people get his most polite-kindnesses
cannot describe feelings for the life of him. the team wont know hes injured or sick until hes passed out
everything is too loud, time to drown it out with my loud ass music
rocking and chewing stims, ryoji is the first person to point him out for these subtle stims (not accusingly of course, just general pure curiosity and love for the uniqueness of humanity)
likes to cover his face with whatever is available, lives like a bat in a dark dry cave
will wear anything that has pockets and his blue/gray/black palette
sleepy at all times bc he never has much energy
when he was younger he probably needed a lot of support, especially after his parents died, because he wouldnt communicate like a neurotypical and would shutdown for hours in the middle of school without warning. probably missed a lot of lessons and field trips out of pure overstimulation
eating at all times. no preference, just whatevers closest
his meltdowns probalby include humming whining noises and curling up in a ball, which makes people want to touch him, but that is the LAST thing he wants. put a blanket on him! play some music! do not talk and do not expect him to speak
aigis is the only person who can touch him normally bc her hands are cold and he likes cold
never nude, feels mmmmmmmmm without clothes and probalby wears a full robe in the hotsprings
will not do things that take more than one step w/o someone else walking him thru it, which Same
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3rdgymbros · 4 years
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𝓑𝓲𝓸𝓰𝓻𝓪𝓹𝓱𝓲𝓬𝓪𝓵 𝓘𝓷𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓶𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷
Name: Rosamond Khan
Nicknames: None
Name meaning: Derived from the Germanic elements hros "horse" and mund "protection".
Gender: Female
Birthday: 20 February
Star Sign: Pisces
Height: 152 cm
Weight: 45 kg
Age: 16
Eye Colour: Green
Hair Colour: Black
Homeland: The Land of Flowers
Family: Mother, father
Quote: “They told me that I was not made for war; so now, I will have to find my own path.”
𝓝𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 𝓡𝓪𝓿𝓮𝓷 𝓒𝓸𝓵𝓵𝓮𝓰𝓮 𝓢𝓬𝓱𝓸𝓸𝓵 𝓕𝓲𝓵𝓮
Dorm: Khan Zhao ( a fandorm created by @conquer-the-raven​ )
School Year: First
Class: 1-D, Student 12
Occupation: Student
Club: Horseback Riding Club
Best Subject: PE
𝓕𝓾𝓷 𝓕𝓪𝓬𝓽𝓼
Inspired by: Khan from Mulan
Dominant hand: Right
Favourite Colours: Blue, green
Favourite Food: Fruits, vegetables
Least Favourite Food: Meat
Likes: Flowers, brewing tea, cold things on hot days and hot things on cold days, baths, early mornings, birdsong, comfortable silences, romance (movies and novels)
Dislikes: Loud noises (she startles easily when she hears them), butterflies, fireworks, sudden movements
Hobbies and Talents: Pressing flowers, baking, horse riding, hiking, camping, exploring, gardening, swimming, making flower crowns
Special Skills: Flower arranging, flower languages, running, archery, knife-throwing, hand to hand combat
𝓟𝓱𝔂𝓼𝓲𝓬𝓪𝓵 𝓕𝓮𝓪𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓮𝓼
Appearance: Rosamond has long black hair, parted to the left. Her hair is wavy, and falls to the small of her back. Parts of her hair are pulled back, away from her face, and are held back in place by a bright red hair ribbon. Her eyes are bright green, and she has a very slender physique, with a modest bust.
Style: She has a very formal and girlish style of dressing, and her clothes are normally in muted shades. Examples of her outfits can be found here and here.
Makeup: Very light eye makeup. Usually seen with red lip tint.
Voice actress: Kudou Haruka
Personality: A serious and fussy girl, Rosamond rarely diverts from a stern expression. Far too serious for her own good, she often seems somewhat cold and intimidating because of her stoic nature, in which she displays a strict emotion most of the time. She tends to stubbornly deny liking or being fond of certain things, and also denies smiling or laughing, if she’s caught making such gestures. She also has a blunt side to her personality and can come across as cold or condescending.
Rosamond is fairly stiff and sharp, and is highly stubborn when trying to do what she believes is best for others. She is polite and very formal, and addresses upperclassmen as “senpai”, and her peers by their last names. She does not look kindly upon nicknames, but tolerates them when given by people she is close to. She is prone to making snide or rude remarks when annoyed and angered, or if she feels that people are not performing up to their standards.
She can be kind and caring as well, but doesn’t flaunt that side of her, nor does she draw attention to it. Kind acts are done by Rosamond in secret and usually without being asked, such as by turning on the lights when someone is reading, or setting a plate of fresh-cut fruits down for them after they’ve been studying for a while.
Alignment: Neutral Good
Strengths: Persistent, loyal, caring, reserved, self-reliant, independent, solemn, diligent, level-headed
Flaws: Haughty, prim, stubborn, overly-serious, feisty, prideful, distant, sharp-tongued, a perfectionist
The Khan family have been soldiers and warriors guarding the Land of Flowers for generations, and to the Khan family, being called to serve is the highest honour. Rosamond was expected to follow in their footsteps as well, and she would train diligently, determined to make her family proud. However, no matter how hard she trained, she would never be able to meet the high standards and expectations imposed by her father, a fact which still pains her, as she wants nothing more than to be acknowledged by her family. Her inferiority and lack of self-confidence would further be emphasised when her magic developed, further proving that she was not made for war, as her father had told her, his words cruelly ringing out in her head.
Rosamond would later enroll in Night Raven College, and would be surprised, and a tad upset when the mirror placed her in Khan Zhao, as the atmosphere reminded her a little too much of home. At first, she is reluctant to interact with her dorm mates, and is even more reluctant to ask for their help, but slowly, after getting to know them, Rosamond tries to act more kindly to her dorm mates and tries to get to know them more.
Rosamond’s magic is plant and flower-based and is suited more for support and recovery. Her current goal is training until she can master attack spells. She views her magic as being a source of shame to her family, and rarely uses it if she can avoid it.
Healing Cradle, Balm of Gilead: The user summons a plant called the balm of gilead, and uses them to form a spherical cradle around the user or another target. The user is able to generate multiple cradles to heal multiple people at once. However, each cradle can only contain a single person. One of the disadvantages of the spell is the requirement of the user or anyone to stay within the cradle for a period of time until the injuries are healed. During this time, they are defenceless against any attacks. The spell has been proven to be quite powerful as it can heal someone from dying of a critical injury in a short time.
Healing Shower of Apple Blossoms: The user grows a tree, and by standing under the falling blossoms, the user and the targets are able to be healed of their injuries. However, the spell takes a considerable amount of time to heal injuries and is unsuitable to be used for critical and life-threatening injuries.
Cherry Blossom Blizzard: The user generates a large amount of cherry blossoms that can obscure the vision of enemies on the battlefield.
Thorns of The Briar Rose: The user conjures vines with thorned roses, forming a barrier that can protect or confine people.
Unique Magic: The Dark Side of The Moon. Invoking her unique magic casts a shadow around the target, and whoever steps into the shadow will have their five senses (sight, taste, hearing, feeling and smell) cut off.
- Rosamond prefers tea to coffee, but has to add at least three cubes of sugar into her tea. She also enjoys drinking bubble tea, and frequently tries new flavours.
- She wears combat boots, and keeps knives tucked away in them, just in case.
- Rosamond has a pet dog, but had to leave him at home.
- Rosamond is a skilled rider, who loves to ride. Her riding is the one thing that her father could not find fault with.
- She wakes up at five every morning to train.
- Rosamond gets cold easily, and suffers most during winter. She rarely leaves the dorm without being bundled up in a heavy jacket.
- Although her best subject is PE, she maintains A grades in her other subjects as well.
- Her favourite fruits are apples.
- Her favourite dessert is tanghulu.
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gayllamafromspace · 4 years
Embrace Your Chaos
(Tissaia De Vries/Reader)
Chapter 7: It's HIGH Time We Made A Friend
It's been weeks since I had last spoken to Tissaia, or rather, since she had spoken to me. I can't say I expected any less. It had become apparent that after our 4 days together, she wanted nothing to do with me. Nothing can be done about that, and nothing will be. She has chosen to still resent me for my mistake, and I don't blame her. So, I avoided her too, as I am now… sitting alone in the dining hall. When I say I'm avoiding her, what I really mean is that I am sitting alone at the table closest to the hall's door. And watching her, can't forget that detail. Not in a creepy way! I'm just occasionally observing what's going on with the other 7 girls. Which, I'd learned their names, through a very embarrassing lesson from the Rectoress. The lesson itself was meant to have been taught on the first day, but the rectoress decided to postpone. The Rectoress's decision to do so made the other girls very irritated with me. To say the least.
There is of course Tissaia, who I am all too familiar with. She was one of the 4 that was actually capable of lifting the rock, while using the flower as a conduit. I had been tempted to make a snarky comment about our time together not being entirely useless, but I decided against it. She hates me enough as it is, I don't think damaging her precious ego would do much good. One of the other girls, who took longer, but was quick to follow mine and Tissaia's lead, is named Margarita. She has lovely blonde hair, and strikingly blue eyes, almost the same shade as Tissaia's, but not nearly as beautiful… is what I would say, if me and said blue eyed brunette weren't currently at odds. Have I made my point? I'm pretty sure I have. Anyways, Margarita - or as she prefers to be called - Rita, is a very interesting character. She clearly has no shame, and somehow she's managed not to make all of the girls hate her. Despite her garish and quite childish behavior. She is actually one of the only girls that hasn't decided that I am a bane of the earth, which I am grateful for.
Roan, with her pale yellowish skin and who's hair is straighter than the stick up Tissaia's ass, has a very unfortunate case of air headedness. She cannot take hints for the life of her, and it is almost intriguing the amount of idiotic blabbering that can come from her before Annita (another one of the girls) covers her mouth. Annita, as previously mentioned, is the sound control of the group over yonder. Her skin is a lovely shade of chocolatey brown, and I would find her effortlessly attractive if it wasn't for her tendency to make the most overly expressive and revolving faces on the continent. Her smile is too wide and very clearly forced, her lips peel back from her teeth a horrifying amount when she does. She has some semblance of intelligence, but her constant need to sneer and wrinkle her nose at the mere sight of me is ridiculous. She does have pretty eyes though, a nice hazel color, leaning more toward brown than green. Her hair is short, nearly to her scalp, and it's black like Roan's.
Then there's Sanota and Veblen. Sanota has auburn hair and brown eyes, her features are soft and round, but her personality is the complete opposite. She's a bitch, from the way she walks to the way she talks, it just screams, "I thrive off of the tears of children." I had attempted to help her during the rock lifting lesson, but she was having none of it. As a result, a few of her fingers withered and died on her left hand. It was truly horrifying. Her once pale skin had turned a disgusting murky gray and black, and I don't think she'll ever be able to use those fingers again. The point is though, she is so rude and unaccepting of help from anyone, that it's self-destructive. Quite literally. I would almost feel bad for her, if she wasn't so cruel to me, and poor Veblen.
She is younger than me by about 2 years, being around 14. She is actually a very sweet girl, she's quiet and respectful. But she worships the ground that Sanota walks on. Sanota is very rude to her, calls her names, pushes her around. Veblen had actually tried to talk to me once and Sonata was quick to grab her by her light brown hair and drag her away. The girl was on the verge of tears. But with Sanota's cruelty, she also gets protection. From what? Well, that would be from Tissaia's annoyance, Rita's bad habits, Roan's idiotic choices of coversation, and Annita's terrifying facial expressions. To Veblen, Sonata is a new older sister and guardian angel - obviously - to literally anybody else, Sanota is using her for menial tasks and as a servant. It's infuriating, but I can understand why. The Rectoress gives us a LOT of pointless work and stuff that really could be avoided, but the rest of us suck it up and just do it. Not push it on a weaker, easily manipulated, child. Well… she's not a child, but my point still stands!
Finally, there's Lida. Lida is huge, I mean, HUGE. She's around five foot ten and her body is just muscle. If it weren't for her shoulder length blonde hair and shockingly feminine voice, I would think she was some sort of unisex goddess. She has been surprisingly open about her life, she was raised on a farm and her mother died before she could bear any sons. Her father was so in love with his deceased wife that he couldn't remarry and try for one, so he raised his daughter like he would have raised his son. The result is mouth wateringly delicious, but she's not really my type. Very attractive in her own right, but just not for me. Maybe if I get on her good side, she could help me get a little more fit? Highly unlikely. She's a follower, and as a follower, she's going to follow the rest of the girls in hating me. Which, I don't really care anymore, I've got me.
It's lonely, I can pretend all I like, but it sucks. The only person who's actually bothered to spend the faintest bit of time on me since the situation Tissaia ended was Gwendolyn. The servant woman. She's very sweet, and has been very supportive. A part of me wants to wish and hope that she is secretly my aunt and that she can whisk me away from this place forever. That is impossible, so outrageously optimistic that it almost makes me want to cry in frustration. Despite this though, she has been a beacon of light over the past few weeks, and I couldn't be more thankful. It's actually because of her, that what I lack in friends my age, I have gained friends her age. Much of the staff knows me by name, and occasionally I'll be visited by the odd maid who was passing by, or a cook who wanted me to try a new recipe of theirs. The company has been tremendous, but lacking. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy talking to them all and learning about their lives and stories of adventure from the few that have actually been out on the world to explore. But I want to bond with someone my age, and not for diplomatic reasons like I had before coming to Aretuza. So that I can genuinely enjoy the time I spend with another person, so we can cause trouble and talk about the people we like. Someone I could come out too if I trust them enough.
I thought I could get that from Tissaia, but she clearly has other plans. I'm hoping she forgets about my sexuality, I should have lied. I would have lied, if I'd known this is how we would end up. Me sitting at a table as far away from her, her new friends, and everyone else in the Hal as possible. While I watch her laugh from afar, and Margarita gets out of her seat with her tray and leaves the table, walking over towards me. Wait a minute! Why is she coming over here? Did she see me starring, am I about to get yelled at? I wasn't trying to stare, I was just… yes I was staring, but it wasn't in a bad way. I'm an idiot, what should I do? She's almost here. Fuck, damn it. I'm looking down, I'm going to look down at my tray and pick at my food while I wait for the ensuing lecture.
But it never comes. I see her place her tray down right in front of me and plop downright there. Timidly, I look up. Never being this close to her before, I suddenly notice so much. Her eyes are nothing like Tissaia's, actually, they're so much brighter and filled with mischief. Tissaia's eyes are more gray in comparison, not like it matters. Margarita's nose is ever so slightly crooked toward the left, and her lips are full. She is very attractive, shockingly so. On her plump lips, is a grin riddled with trouble and, surprisingly, friendliness. She doesn't seem all too abashed by my observation of her, she actually seems to be thriving off the attention, which is interesting. She, obviously, had no problem sizing me up too, and it's when her grin widens that our akward and strange silence is finally interrupted.
"So, (Y/N), are you having fun over here by yourself?" She says, taking a bite of the food on her plate. I hesitate, suspicious of her reasons for being over here.
"No, actually. It's quite boring." I say, looking around the hall. The girls at Margarita's former table are all looking over at us with confused faces, and I must say, I am just as confused. My confusion of course is dissipated when she speaks again.
"It can't be more boring than over there. They keep yapping about how the Rectoress is so powerful and assignments blah blah blah." She says emphasizing her words by waving her fork around. "You though," She points the fork at me.
"You seem like much more entertaining company to keep." She finishes her sentence by stabbing a piece of her pork and bringing it to her mouth to chew slowly. I had long since finished my food, but my glass was still half full, so I took a sip before answering. The juice inside is tart and dries my mouth some once I've swallowed it. Very disappointing.
"And what makes you think that, Margarita Laux-Antille." I say, opting to use her full name for formal and intimidation purposes. She swallows her bite of pork before giving me a devilish smirk. She places down her fork and puts her elbows on the table, folding her hands together under her chin.
"I know a fellow troublemaker when I see one, and seeing as how Tissaia has expressed a LOT about how much of one you are, I think you and I will get along perfectly." She says. Well… guess there's no arguing against that. I was about to try, but before I could open my mouth, she reached her hand out for me to shake.
"Just call me Rita, there's no need for all that fancy shit, especially since we're now friends." She says as I take her hand and shake it. I look her in the eye with my brows furrowed.
"I never said we were friends." I said, a bit of amusement playing on her face and mine. She stands up, smiling down at me.
"Maybe not yet…" she says cryptidly, "meet me in my room in 2 hours. It's the room at the end of your hall." And with that, she leaves the dinning hall and leaves me alone to my thoughts. I'm smiling, I know I am. Have I really just made a friend? Perhaps. She showed no intention of hurting me, so meeting her later shouldn't be too bad of a plan right? I will of course tell Gwen, for safety reasons, if she doesn't see me in the morning to help with breakfast she'll need to come looking. I know she will, she cares about me. If things do go wrong and it is a trap, then I can just run out and hide in my room for the rest of the night.otherwise, things should be nice and calm.
Things were certainly NOT calm. Not in the slightest. Upon arriving at her room, I was very quickly greeted with smoke and the undeniable scent of alcohol. Why? Well because miss Margarita Laux-Antille was smoking a blunt of unknown origin and had a bottle of wine held firm in her hand. She clearly had just begun… whatever this is. But, I at least knew that she wasn't trying to kill me. On purpose. I lasted maybe 2 minutes before the temptation to join her was too much, she was incredibly adamant about me joining her in her little party, and who am I to decline. So, the night went from confusing to so irrevocably clear that I feel like an idiot for questioning her intentions before. The other girls, teacher's pets and people pleasers that they are, had refused to join Rita in her fun multiple times. That's ridiculous! Who in their right mind would give up the chance to get high out of your mind and three sheets to the wind with this complete wack job? Rita is a riot. She is completely unabashed by literally everything, she doesn't give a damn, and her sense of humor is absolutely filthy. She is the BEST person you could ever get into trouble with.
So much so, that maybe one joint and four swigs of wine in, and I'm agreeing to steal a frog from one of the many classrooms and put the little fucker in Roan's room. That task was not so horrible. Finding out where the frogs were was a problem, me and Rita had to drunkenly wonder about for hours trying to find out which room they were in. Everything was moving and all the rooms started to look the same. By some miracle, no one was patrolling this hall, for now anyway. Being drunk and completely dumbasses at the moment, we'd forgotten to close all of the doors that we opened. We don't care, we have a goal. At one point Rita had tugged on my dress and drug me into one of the rooms. It was decidedly NOT a classroom. It was a winery, how did we find it? We shall never know, but, it's location is now burned within our brains and we shall forever find it from this day forth.
The room in itself is massive, wall to wall are shelves of unopened bottles of wine and other random alcohols that are placed in some sort of order. That order does not matter to us intoxicated teenagers, because we are drunk… and teenagers. It's not rocket science the point is, we have been introduced to a treasure trove of liquid courage, and the first thing we're going to do is steal as much as we possibly can and hide it everywhere. So, our side quest begins. Take as much rum, brandy, wine, jack, scotch, vodka, and whatever else is in there and carry it in our skirts like kangaroo pouches. Our legs are indecently exposed, and we do not care, we have loot. Said loot is loud, which of course means that we should shush it. Shushing is actually more loud and pointless, but we do it anyway. Why? Because our new babies are being loud and they need to shut up. They do not shut up, not until we have all but one bottle each of it. Out of maybe 20 bottles, 2 are unhidden.
It is at this point that we have finally found the classrooms. So, after deciding to hide the last two bottles in my room tomorrow, we go and save a frog from it's doom. A very magical doom. Said frog is a grayish brown color and very cute. It's eyes are gold. He has been dictated a boy by Rita dearest, and his name is now Fredrick. Fredrick the frog, who will soon be acquainted with Roan. Roan, with her black hair and eyes. Roan, who talks too much and gets on Rita's nerves. Roan, who has insulted Tissaia on multiple occasions unknowingly.
"Roan did what!?" I whisper-yell at Rita. Rita, is amused, her face cracking into a manic and almost teasing grin.
"Yeah (Y/N)," she says smoothly, wrapping an arm around me and leaning against my shoulder, my already imparted balance worsening with her added weight and swaying. I asked her what Roan said, ignoring the slight tremor of anger I feel. It's nothing, I'm just mad that I wasn't the one who did it.
"Oh, Roan told her that she was an…. Uptight hormonal mess, " Rita hesitates, trying to remember through her haze. "With a serious neatness problem?" She is clearly unsure of her answer, but I have to laugh. The insult itself was funny, but clearly not meant as an insult. It was an observation that Roan, being her, couldn't keep to herself. My laughter is quickly joined by Rita's, both of us covering each other's mouths and shushing one another.We are nearly to Roan's room, the familiar hall with all of our rooms just around the next corner.
"Tissaia must have been mad," I said, chuckling lightly. Rita looks at me like I'm an idiot, I probably am.
"Mad? She wasn't just mad. She was livid, she stormed out of the hall without a word to anyone, it was fantastic…. But disappointing, Roan needs to shut up." She says, round the corner with me and starting to lead the way to Roan's room.
"Well, maybe sir Fredrick the fierce can teach her some manners?" I offer, looking down at Fredrick and letting him softly on his head. Rita shakes her head and stops in front of a door, slowly opening it. I frown, knowing that now I must let my dear friend Fredrick the frog go. Telling him goodbye, I hand him reluctantly to Rita. She goes into the room, leaving me to do a horrible job to keep a lookout.
Roan was fast asleep of course, because no one is supposed to be awake. Me and Rita giggle as quietly as possible while leaving Roan's room. The deed has been done, and what a wonderful morning it is. It's maybe…. Two in the morning? It's hard to keep track of time. They get caught of course, but by one of my servant friends, they look at the two of us, smile, wink, and carry on their way. The rest of the short trek to Rita's room is excruciatingly difficult because of the swaying, leaning, stumbling, and quiet chuckling we're doing.
When we have finally made it back to Rita's room, it's like the floodgates have been busted open, because the second that door closed we were on the floor laughing like buffoons. Rita, who has decided the night is not yet over, takes yet another swig of wine and passes it to me. It's warm, and grape flavored. I can understand why people would drink wine all the time at dinner parties, it's a delight! The way it makes you feel is amazing. I'm happy and everything is so funny, my eyes are kind of tired, but I'm not sleepy. I crawl over to Rita and grab her hand, grinning like an idiot.
"You are… my best friend…" I say, slurring slightly and shaking my head. Rita rolls over on top of me and hugs me, nuzzling into my chest. Her hair tickles my nose, so I blow it outta my face and wrap my arms around her.
"Besties… let's give those girls hell… hm?" She says drowsily, looking up at me and blinking slowly. With an unreasonably loud laugh and a dopey grin, I nod in agreement. She lays her head back down, sprawled on top of me. She's not exactly light, but I don't feel like moving her, so I let her lie there. Eventually she starts to snore, it's annoying, but I'm too drunk to care. So, not so long after her, I slowly begin to drift off… so begins the most chaotic and troublesome friendship in all of Aretuza. The Rectoress wanted chaos… well, here it is.
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stacijya · 4 years
K personality break down!
I spent way too much time on this but here we go! (am willing to do other idols as well)
K has such a strong personality. To me its a beautiful thing. I think he is passionate, kind, hard working, and exudes natural confidence that I find very magnetic. However, I can see how some people may misunderstand that. So, in response to some “fans” who seem to not understand this beautiful creature for all his complexity and nuances, and armed with the information available on his profile, have researched and put together a breakdown of the facets of his personality. 
(disclaimer, I cannot pretend to know K on a personal level. I used parts of articles and descriptions that I thought best described his interactions within ILAND and that could be supported by i-cam footage or clips from the actual show.) 
Zodiac: Ox (1997)
Much like the image of an Ox, people born in this year tend to be persistent, honest, and straightforward. They are “talent leaders with strong faith, and strong devotion to work. They are contemplative before taking actions, not easily affected by the surroundings but just follow their concept and ability.” (travelchinaguide.com)
This is most likely where K gets the image of being arrogant or  stubborn. While this might be the undercurrent, I think the other facets of his personality are more often highlighted. Mind you Jungkook, Jaehyun, Cha Eunwoo, Mingyu, and Yugyeom are all Ox’s as well. These people hardly strike me as arrogant now, though I can see their stubborness and devotion (all positive ways). 
Blood Type: A
K, according to his profile, is blood type A which is often described as sensitive, passionate, clever, loyal, calm, consistent, and perfectionist. However type A’s can also be stubborn and overly sensitive. Generally, type A’s are stoic, majestic  and confident, three qualities that can often be misinterpreted as intimidating or rude when in actuality they are very sensitive and caring as well. 
Star Sign: Libra-Scorpio cusp
Libras are known for their flirtatious magnetism while scorpios are known for passion and power. This article sums it up pretty perfectly so I’ll just post a screenshot: 
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Libra-scorpio cusps are also known for their fierce loyalty to friends and family. They would willingly sacrifice themselves for their people. They are a combo of water and air which means they blend together the free spirited nature of an air sign with the calm and honest nature of a water sign. Sometimes their honesty can get away from them however and they have to take care not to hurt anyone with their words. 
K is an ENFP, also known as the Campaigner or the Creative Idealist. They move through the world in a way that draws natural attention. They have a wonderful knack for dividing work from play. They are driven idealists while working but passionate free spirits in their down time. 
Function stacks: extroverted intuition, introverted feeling, extroverted thinking, and introverted sensing. (Look up cognitive functions and function stacks if you need more context). This is also known as NeFi types which prioritize extroverted intuition and introverted feeling. 
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ENFPs are passionate, motivating, and versatile. Their primary function is extroverted intuition which means they pull meaning and draw connections out of the social world (relationships and interactions). They then use those meanings to better understand people, their motivations, and their true intentions(Fi). ENFx’s highly value genuine and honest people who don’t have ulterior motives or forced personas. They are very open and honest and expect the same returned to them. 
Also, ENFP’s are very creative, independent people who struggle to work within rigid structures and hierarchies. They hate being micromanaged and would prefer to have the time and space to do the work. Too much micromanagement can cause stress in an ENFP which often leads them to neglect their personal health and happiness. They tend to give more than others are able to reciprocate. 
But above all, ENFPs are kind. They “are very emotional and sensitive, and when they step on someones toes, they both feel it.” (16 personalities). They love open communication and want to listen as well. They really believe that everyone should take the time to recognize and express their emotions. 
Age Hierarchy in Japan vs Korea:
(I am not Korean or Japanese so I looked up scholarly articles to help me with this section. But, for context, I have been to both countries) 
In broad terms, Korea and Japan both have a system of age hierarchy that stems from Confucianism. The general idea is that older people, or people in positions of power, are to be highly respected by the younger generation or my subordinates. However, Japan and Korea have different interpretations of this ideal. 
The Japanese version is focused on “Senpai-Kohai” (student teacher) relationship. This is expressed in many contexts even outside of school. The idea is that the older generation is responsible for teaching the younger generation manners and skills. The Younger generation is expected to listen and learn all the lessons of their teacher or mentor. These roles aren’t always associated with age however. In fact, in recent years, the younger generations, especially in work places, have somewhat turned their backs on the idea that an older colleague is deserving of more honor simply because of their age. In some instances, Kohais will fake their respect for their senpais. Many companies have been forced to abandon this ideal all together, promoting and giving raises to workers who are more skilled rather than workers who are older, thus abandoning age in their hierarchy of honor. 
In Korea, however, the ideals of an age hierarchy are intenched much deeper in the culture. The age hierarchy is encouraged by confucianism but enforced by language and military culture. The korean language is organized around the idea of informal and formal speech in reference to someones age. One of the first questions asked in a conversation with a new person is “what is your age?” This established the social context and solidifies they type of speech a person must use. Older people must be spoken to with formal speech unless they give express permission otherwise. This is also enforced by military culture and the concepts of hoobae (subordinate) and sunbae (older/more experienced person). These roles have specific social expectations attached to them and carry significant weight. 
Physical Appearance
K is physically intimidating, no denying that. He’s tall, athletically built, outwardly confident, and mature. He shows his emotions plainly on his face and takes up a lot of space with his body and energy. His presence is felt regardless of where he is in a room. 
How it all works together
K is a wonderful person, but he has many aspects about his personality, culture, and appearance that can be misinterpreted as intimidating. Again, not only is he physically dominate in the space, his libra-scorpio cusp trait also make him ooze enigmatic appeal,  and his ENFP fills him with passion and drive. He dislikes hierarchy yet must work within a very hierarchical system and culture. He is the oldest among people much younger than him. He’s attempting to use his NeFi personality to create open bonds with many people who are afraid to share their feelings with him. He doesn’t speak enough Korean to fully express his emotions despite that being a fundamental part of his personality. 
K is enigmatic and mysterious with a combination of traits that are easily misunderstood. Every person, regardless of their personality, can grow and work through weaknesses, but, please be kind to them on their journey. We are all humans who must grow and learn as we develop and we can only hope that grace is granted to us as well. So give K grace as he learns to adapt to his surrounding, just as we gave grace to Heeseung, Jay, Niki, and all the others. 
I hope fans of K appreciate him even more and I hope those who doubt him can be more understanding of his perspective. Spread love not hate! 
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matteredloyaltyaa · 5 years
repost , don’t reblog ! tag 10 ! good luck !
TAGGED. I stole it. TAGGING. Go for it. lol
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FULL NAME : Arthur M/organ NICKNAME : A handful. English, Cowboy/Cowpoke, Black Lung, etc. Common aliases are Tacitus Kilgore and Arthur Callahan. AGE : 36. BIRTHDAY : January 25th, 1836. ETHNIC GROUP : Caucasian. NATIONALITY : American. LANGUAGE / S : English, primarily. Knew a handful of Welsh thanks to his father, but it’s faded with disuse.  SEXUAL ORIENTATION : Bisexual, somewhat closeted.  ROMANTIC ORIENTATION : Biromantic, somewhat closeted. RELATIONSHIP STATUS : Verse dependent, single-ship with @notanoutlaw in most. CLASS : Lower/working HOME TOWN / AREA : Arthur just mentions he was born “up north”, I headcanon around the Oregon area, possibly California due to his mother’s favorite flower, but it’s uncertain. Though, the place he laments the most about is New Austin, or “out west”.   CURRENT HOME : Transitory, he moves with the gang.  PROFESSION : Outlaw, occasional bounty hunter.
PHYSICAL. HAIR : Light brown, dark blonde in some lights. EYES : Unique eye colour, blue-grey-sorta hazel.  NOSE : Average, dimpled. Scarred from fighting and getting it broken a couple times.  FACE : Somewhat sharp features in the brow and cheekbones, square jaw.  LIPS : Full, can be dry/chapped.  COMPLEXION : Somewhat clear? Hard to tell. Dry, dirt spattered sometimes.  BLEMISHES : Uncertain. SCARS : A handful. Most notable are the one he has on his chin that is most visible with shorter facial hair, one across his nose, and the one left on his shoulder by the O’Driscolls in chapter 3.  TATTOOS : N/A HEIGHT : 6′0, possibly 6′1 WEIGHT : Uncertain, fluctuates.  BUILD : Stocky, broad shouldered and he can be fairly intimidating, especially when his weight is about average or above.  FEATURES : Look above? ALLERGIES : N/A USUAL HAIR STYLE : Right parted, about 3-5 in length. Though, for people who don’t know the system--fairly short, tufts out around his ears and may reach the back of his neck before he cuts it again. USUAL FACE LOOK : Expression wise, his kind of got a resting irritated face, sometimes bored. Rarely clean shaven unless he has to be, usually keeps a fair amount of stubble.  USUAL CLOTHING : I change him too much to say. Tends to keep his heavy navy blue winter jacket, jeans/ranch pants, some sort of button up shirt, and sometimes his tan leather jacket. Tends to keep his hat, however, unless he needs to go without. 
PSYCHOLOGY. FEAR / S : Arthur has a mild one of change. He’s adaptable but he’s very sentimental and nostalgic, he will miss “old ways” and previous places. There’s also losing his usefulness, disappointing those who depend on him (much as he will get defensive when it happens). Post-Guarma, he does develop a fear of drowning. It won’t keep him from swimming, but getting swept or held underwater may cause some panic. Post-game au, he does fear about getting sick again and actively avoids doctors.  ASPIRATION / S : Uncertain, just wants to get out of the mess he’s in and eventually just wants a calm existence somewhere. However, once he’s diagnosed with TB, his main goal is getting those who want/will listen to him out of the gang as it starts to fall down. POSITIVE TRAITS : Caring, compassionate (to people he knows, might not be clear on first impression), intelligent (much as he may say the opposite and isn’t exactly book smart), observational, brave, humorous (in certain situations and may be a cover sometimes), friendly (somewhat, changes as he ages), artistic, creative, loyal, etc. NEGATIVE TRAITS : Violent, murderer (doesn’t do it without reason but he knows he’s killed more than he certainly should), defensive, (passive) aggressive, sarcastic, depressive, self-deprecating, selfish, rude (sometimes intentional, sometimes not), conflicted, stubborn, reckless (sometimes, has mellowed out with age but it’s still there), self destructive (sometimes), money-driven (not always a flaw but he’s easily swayed by money). MBTI : ISFJ-T - Turbulent Defender  ZODIAC : Aquarius  TEMPERAMENT : Phlegmatic-Melancholic ANIMALS : I’m not going to take the quiz because the game is very heavy handed with the whitetail buck motif for high honor Arthur. lol VICE HABIT / S : Smoking, drinking, etc. FAITH : Non-religious. GHOSTS ? : Generally, the existence of ghosts isn’t something he completely writes off after he’s witnessed the few in the game, but he’s also hard pressed to admit to believing in them outright. AFTERLIFE ? : Not in any sort of defined sense. He’ll often say he doesn’t believe in one or it won’t be a nice one for him if there is, but he finds himself nervous about the subject once he gets sick.  REINCARNATION ? : He doesn’t know enough about it. ALIENS ? : Not really? Doesn’t really know he’s looking at a UFO when he sees it. POLITICAL ALIGNMENT : Don’t start. ECONOMIC PREFERENCE : Uncertain. SOCIOPOLITICAL POSITION : Uncertain. EDUCATION LEVEL : Does not have a formal education on even the basic levels (primary, high school, etc), however Hosea and Dutch have taught him to read and write and he’s learned a handful of things when it comes to survival and his lifestyle. However, he’s not exactly book smart or the “book learnin’ type”. 
FAMILY. FATHER : Lyle M/organ, deceased. MOTHER : Beatrice M/organ, deceased. SIBLINGS : No blood related, but considers John as one along with a couple other members of camp. EXTENDED FAMILY : He has a few uncles, aunts, and cousins, but he’s not in touch. Issac, his son, and his mother, Eliza, who are both deceased. Mary L/inton/Gillis, ex-fiance. (Cain Kennedy, lover - @notanoutlaw) NAME MEANING / S : Arthur - English, “noble, courageous”, Morgan - (and I’m going against what’s been said in fandom) - Celtic/Welsh surname, comes from Old Welsh name Morcant - “mor” as “sea” and “cant” as “circle”.    HISTORICAL CONNECTION ? : Uncertain in the game, but it’s been pointed out about King Arthur and also Morgan le Fay, which highlights his struggle with good vs evil themes in his character. 
FAVOURITES. BOOK : Uncertain, mostly non-fiction. MOVIE : -- 5 SONGS : -- DEITY : Doesn’t know enough to give a favorite. HOLIDAY : Christmas, in a way. Not quite for the religious context, but he enjoys the hunting and cooking the gang does to celebrate, singing and talking over fires. He remembers it vividly when he was younger, so it’s stuck with him. MONTH : April-May. SEASON : late spring, early summer. PLACE : He likes most places in wilderness, give him something with a view and he’s good. WEATHER : Sunny, average weather. Not too hot, not too cold. SOUND : Rain, birds, etc. SCENT / S : Again, rain, campfires, etc. TASTE / S : Prefers savory over sweet.   FEEL / S : Weightlessness in his limbs once he’s able to sit/lay down after a long day, fingers in his hair, etc. ANIMAL / S : Horses, dogs, cats, animals. NUMBER : He hasn’t given it much thought. COLOUR : Blues, greens, deeper colours.
EXTRA. TALENTS : Sharpshooting, Arthur’s got impeccable aim and speed when using guns, there’s also his drawing, he’s getting fairly good at tracking, etc. BAD AT : Admitting to mistakes, expressing himself emotionally, adhering to rules, anything overly scientific, etc. TURN ONS : Sense of humor, confidence or self-assurance, kindness and/or compassion, dark hair, etc. TURN OFFS : Hypocrisy (much as he suffers from that himself), cockiness (has a limit before confidence becomes a turn off), excessive or needless cruelty, etc. HOBBIES : Drawing, writing in his journal, hunting, wandering around/sight seeing, etc. TROPES : Anti-Hero/Anti-Villain,The Atoner, The Big Guy, Jerk with a Heart of Gold, Obfuscating Stupidity, etc. AESTHETIC TAGS : Horses, old west, deserts, nature, gun slinging, writing, drawing, photography, etc. 
FC INFO. MAIN FC / S : R/oger Clark, mainly in game icons so I haven’t found a need for one. ALT FC / S : -- OLDER FC / S : -- YOUNGER FC / S : -- VOICE CLAIM / S : R/oger Clark GENDERBENT FC / S :
MUN QUESTIONS. Q1 : if you could write your character your way in their own movie , what would it be called , what style would it be filmed in , and what would it be about ? A1 : I actually REALLY enjoy the game’s story line, much as I feel the redemption through death is overplayed and not as deep as people make it out to be. I’d find a way to subvert that or some alternative, but idk. I like the game’s story. lol
Q2 : what would their soundtrack / score sound like ? A2 : Western-y. IDK? The game’s soundtrack is actually really good too so.  Q3 : why did you start writing this character ? A3 : I love his development and progression as a character, and even with the trailers where he seemed no more than an angry outlaw there was a part of me that was still “hmm” about writing him. Ultimately, he’s grown to mean a lot to me and I really enjoy writing for him on this blog.  Q4 : what first attracted you to this character ? A4: As mentioned above, Arthur probably has one of the best character progressions I’ve seen in a while imo. Even in the beginning, I went in under the impression that I’d be playing as this outlaw so the violence and gruffness wasn’t too much of a surprise, much as I wasn’t too attached until later chapters in the game because of this. However, as I spent more time playing as him and reading his journal, seeing how he interacts with strangers and people he loves, he has some depth to him and some deep rooted flaws and insecurities that are played very well in the game. He’s probably one of the few character deaths I’ve cried over. lol Q5 : describe the biggest thing you dislike about your muse. A5 : I have to be truthful, Arthur’s an asshole. lol I didn’t like and still don’t like him from Colter into Horseshoe in behavior and personality, much as it’s lessened from my first play of the game because I know what happens to him and how he grows. However, while he’s not blind to himself and how he acts, he doesn’t think for himself really. Even if he hates debt collecting, he does it for the gang and even tells Strauss he does it for pleasure at a point (sarcastic or not, considering they are talking about Thomas, a man trying to raise money for charity while suffering poverty himself on top of having TB), he does whatever Dutch tells him, among many other things. It’s not until later in the game that the theme of grasping redemption comes into play, and he starts to act and think for himself a little more once things start to spiral. As much as I love him with all my heart, Arthur’s got some deep flaws that are hard to ignore.   Q6 : what do you have in common with your muse ? A6 : HHHhh. I’d say we suffer from similar self-esteem issues, not just in body image but morality of character (much as his are way more complicated than mine jaksfha), we also have a similar sense of humor...Yeah, idk. I’m attached to him as a character and I can relate to him in certain ways, but it’s hard to pinpoint.  Q7 : how does your muse feel about you ? A7 : Idk, he’s pixels? Though, for the sake of a fun answer, I genuinely don’t know? We can be fairly similar in mannerisms and thought process (at points), but I have no idea if we’d actually get along if by some universe rip we were able to meet.  Q8 : what characters does your muse have interesting interactions with ? A8: I don’t want to get specific, I interact with a lot of interesting characters. Anybody who’s put me out of a comfort zone or forced me to look at Arthur in the different way has definitely stood out. Q9 : what gives you inspiration to write your muse ? A9 : The game itself is a good source, I enjoy putting up lets plays of it in the background sometimes if I’m struggling or just need something that isn’t music. I get more muse putting together blog playlists than playing them, but there’s that, too. Also generally plotting or talking about him can pull some to the forefront. Q10 : how long did this take you to complete ? A10 : An hour or so, I think?
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cariosum · 5 years
✏ x 5 !! topics: food, music, social thoughts ( like how they think about how some people act, ect ), literacy, && how about... uhm... style of dress !!
send ✏ for a headcanon // accepting // thank u !! goodness i have rambled. the long one is first! the others are shorter and behind the cut but hey put the in depth-ish shit first yknow
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LITERACY. Alter can read, but often dislikes to. Documents that are long expanses of text or that have some kind of plot are very difficult for him to follow because he has trouble paying attention or remembering things that aren’t objectively important. He tends to lose his place in text easily, slipping over chunks of text without realizing, forgetting where he’s at, losing track of what the sentence he just read said, etc. Understandably, it’s a lot of work for him to read much of anything that doesn’t have large line breaks.
It’s much easier for Alter to read things that are bullet-pointed lists or short notes. His own diary is written in this style, largely bullet points and drawings with accompanying notes as to what the drawing is and why its subject is important to remember, rather than linear sentences about his day.
If someone reads to him, he’s better at remembering it (providing he finds it important, still), and even if he doesn’t find it important, he tends to like listening to the cadence of someone else’s voice. He’s the type to prefer audiobooks if there’s something he feels like reading. As such, if you try to give him a document and say “read it, it’s important”, he’ll either demand a verbal summary or ignore the document entirely because he knows it’s a waste of effort/energy to try and slog through a paper he’s not going to remember any of.
MUSIC. Alter doesn’t often listen to music, because it is one of many things he’s usually too apathetic to seek out. However, when he does bother having an opinion, he tends to prefer songs with a heavy bass line or synth use. He’s not really picky in terms of genre or content otherwise, though. Sometimes, when his tinninitus acts up, he’ll listen to music to distract himself from it/drown it out. That’s usually the only time he actively goes and seeks out music, though.
FOOD. Alter is beginning to get rather irritated with people often offering him food or bringing it up to him. He does what he can to remind people he doesn’t eat, doesn’t cook, and doesn’t want to do either, and yet people keep giving him food or asking him to cook. It irritates him mostly because it reminds him that he is still seen and will be seen as bargain bin sad Emiya rather than a different individual, and he is still the Inferior Emiya.... and also it’s a goddamn waste of food. That takes work to get, and there’s actual humans living in Chaldea! Give them the food, stop wasting it on people who gain nothing from eating (huffy Alter noises at the waste of food).
SOCIAL MORES. Alter understands proper social interactions, but that does not mean he feels like following its rules. He comes off as very cold, very blunt, and pretty rude just because he finds being polite usually a waste of time. He will be nice if he needs to lull someone into liking him, and he’s more likely to be polite when he’s tired. People who are overly formal to the point of not directly delivering information annoy him greatly.
Because he doesn’t bother with a lot of social niceties, Emiya comes across as a lot more angry and callous than he actually is. He is rather angry and callous, but usually not as much as he acts. It just serves to keep people from wanting to hang around and playact nice with him, which Emiya is all for discouraging.
DRESS. Alter, when told to blend in with human society and not wear his Servant garb, has exactly two modes of dress: ‘mobster in the 20s attending a highbrow formal event’, and ‘a thrift store exploded and coated some poor man in hoodies three sizes too big for him’. There is absolutely no in between. When he’s going out and actually doing things he tends to wear button-ups and suits, all fitted and made of nice fabric, and then spend his down time in three jackets, none of which fit, and sweatpants tucked into military boots. Alter is an enigma. (This also applies largely to his humanverse.) He’s either unnervingly well dressed or looks like a fabric monster pulled from a gutter. 
In all styles of clothing, Alter prefers dark colours with yellow or red accents. All of his modern (re: not his Servant garb) clothing has space for gun holsters and probably a knife or three.
His Servant outfit falls under the ‘fitted’ category, and upon inspection the fabric it’s made from is very high quality and remarkably durable, even if the coat-tail-thing is getting worse for wear around the bottom by his final ascension. That part he just can’t be arsed to care about. It’s the default outfit, so he’s just gotten used to it and become rather apathetic about its upkeep when it tends to regenerate much like everything else on his saint graph.
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jacensolodjo · 6 years
A Guide to Legally Changing Your Name in the State of Texas
(Warning: long post as putting any of it under the cut could be a hassle. Note this is mainly written for trans folks but applies to anyone wishing to change their name for any reason save for marriage/divorce. Marriage/divorce name changes are a completely different process that will not be touched on here. This process is also only for legal adults, not minors. Minors also have a different process that won’t be touched on here.)
What you’ll need: 
Petition to Change the Name of an Adult
Order Changing the Name of Adult
Fingerprint card
(Optional) Statement of Inability to Afford Payment of Court Costs (You will additionally need proof you can’t afford the filing fee/court costs such as your statement from social security disability or welfare. Be sure to ask ahead of time what the cost will be so you can decide if you can save up for it or just go ahead and fill out the statement.) I know the next line probably can look like a lot of money too so keep that in mind when figuring out whether you can pay the court costs. None of those costs can be waived, only court which can cost more than $100
Money for the Adult Name Change Kit (~$3), money for the Notary (~$6), money to make copies (~$0.25c/per page), money for parking (varies wildly and depends entirely on where you need to go), money for fingerprint card (~$20) as well as sending in your fingerprint card to the DPS if you are required to do so for a criminal background check (see below), money for filing the petition (unless you cannot afford to and if so see step 4). Debit will be preferred except for filing the petition. But cash is accepted (but ask beforehand if you’re unsure which would be best). 
Proof of your identity (driver’s license, military ID, passport, or any other state issued identification. If you are unsure if what you have will suffice for identification, you can always ask the clerk.)
What to do:
1a) Find out whether you need to go to the county clerk or the district clerk. This can vary. Usually it will be the district, county tends to only be for marriage license changes. Go there to get your ‘name change kit’. This kit will go into far more detail than me as well as the fact that some information here might go out of date between now and when you start the process yourself. This is why I constantly will remind you to ask someone if you’re going about things the right way. 
1b) You can print out the forms by going to texaslawhelp.org and finding the “Automated Online Interview for Adult Name Change”. You will then print it out. You will still need to make copies but not just yet!! (see below)
2) Fill out your court forms. Pay special attention to ALL of the instructions. They will go into more detail than me. This is just a general guide to get you where you need to go. No official during any of the process will fill it out for you. If you need help filling it out, ask a friend or family member. Be aware there is one part of the form that you MUST NOT fill out until you are before the notary and likewise there is another part that you MUST NOT fill out because it is for the Judge. 
3)  Get your filled out forms to the notary public. In all likelihood, the notary will either be in the same building or nearby. You will have to pay for your papers to be notarized (see above)
4) Only after your forms have been notarized do you go make copies. The number of copies MIGHT vary, but commonly it’ll be two copies. You will also need to make the same number of copies of the Statement of Inability to Afford Payment of Court Costs if applicable.
5a) Time to get your fingers dirty! You need to get a specific fingerprint card made by either the Department of Public Safety (DPS) or the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI). You can get your fingerprints done generally at a police station or you can make an appointment with IDENTOGO. Feel free to ask the clerk or the DPS which is your best option. Remember: Be sure to bring money for the service (~$20). The packet will go into deeper detail about this part such as what all needs to be sent in/attached to the card as well as WHERE to send it.
5b) Make copies of your fingerprint card. Ask how many (it is likely to be the same number as the copies of your forms).
6a) If you are an ex-convict (and hopefully not a sex offender), you will need paperwork showing you were pardoned or it has been 2 years or more since you were discharged and/or completed probation. This paperwork will then be labeled ‘Exhibit’. The packet will go into more detail about this part. 
6b) You might be required to get a background check for any criminal activity. If this is the case, you must mail your fingerprint card to the DPS with a file-stamped copy of your petition. There will be a fee (DPS charges $15 for the background check, FBI charges $12). They will then send the results directly ahead to court for you. Check the DPS website for more about this. 
7) File your ever growing stack of paperwork with the county where you live. You can e-file all of it except your fingerprint card. That you will have to take with you to court. Be ready to pay a fee that feels larger than strictly necessary. Be prepared to pay using a money order or similar instead of cash or a debit card. Again: ask before getting there!! 
8) Ready for court? Contact the district clerk’s office to find out how to get an uncontested hearing for an adult name change. Depending on county, you will be given an appointment time or you can simply do a walk-in. Calling ahead should always be your first priority regardless of which way you can do it (in case of closures etc.,)
9a) Time to go to court! DUN DUN. Haul along your Order Changing the Name of an Adult already filled out save for the part where the judge does their thing, a file-stamped copy of your petition to change your name, along with any exhibits (see step 6a and 6b), fingerprint card (unless you did step 6b), proof of ID (see above in ‘what you will need’), payment for filing the petition. 
Please dress nicely. Nothing too formal but don’t wear hats, shorts, or tank tops/sleeveless shirts, or excessive amounts of jewelry etc., Don’t wear anything distracting (like overly bright colors). You will not be able to bring your children. Only you and possibly another adult who is helping you. Ask about who you can bring with you (if anyone) into the courtroom itself. Keep all cell phones dark, silent, and out of sight (sorry couldn’t resist that reference). No food/drinks unless a medical condition requires (but be sure to ask regardless or at least let them know why you are breaking this rule!). If you have a service animal, let the clerk know ahead of time.
What to do in the courtroom: When your assigned courtroom is open, head on in and let the clerk know you are there. Be polite, stand (if able) when the judge enters and leaves the courtroom. Stand (if able) when the judge calls on you to speak. Your case is only one of many on the docket on any given day so prepare to be there for a while! If you must take a potty break (or get something to drink/eat/do medical related things) you must tell the clerk. Don’t just slip away without a word as it is not only rude but if you are called you will miss your chance and likely have to restart the process.
9b)  You will be required to be sworn in to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. The judge may ask you, under oath, if you are changing your name for shifty reasons (trying to wriggle out of a debt or avoid criminal prosecution for example). You may be asked questions as to why you are requesting the name change in particular. Some will require you to read a ‘script of testimony’. Do a search for ‘prove up testimony’ for more information. Referring to the judge as “Your Honor” isn’t just a tv thing. Do not interrupt the judge mid-sentence, wait until you are sure they are done speaking to respond. Give verbal ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answers. Body language will not work. Unless you are mute/nonverbal and/or deaf/HoH, etc., If this is so, be sure the clerk knows before hand as they may require scheduling an interpreter for Sign Language and whatnot. It is okay if you don’t understand a question but don’t try to answer it anyways! Tell the truth. You don’t understand. If you don’t know an answer, tell the truth that you don’t know.  If you are not confident about your English, ask beforehand what the options are. 
10) Judge said ‘okay dokie!”? Time to file that puppy with the clerk. You may be able to do it right there in the court room or you can get directions on how to get to the clerk’s office. You will then need to get copies of the Order for any and all places you will need to change your name with (driver’s license, social security, bank account, passport, voter registration are the big ones but then there’s probably Paypal and Facebook, rental agreements, mortgages, car registration, insurance as well as medical offices). If you forget one you can get more but you will have to do so with the clerk. No making copies on your own. They need to be certified. 
Note: It is highly unlikely the judge will say ‘no’. Bear in mind however that it IS a possibility for a number of reasons. But do not let horror stories of trans people going through this process affect you/scare you and especially don’t let it color your responses to the judge or anyone else involved in this process. There are options if the judge says no. Ask the clerk the procedure for a ‘no’ response.
11) Everything filed and the change has been made official? CONGRATS! Enjoy your new legal name. 
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Business Contexts
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Samovar et al. (2016) defines business protocols as forms of behavior such as establishing initial contact, greeting conventions, personal appearance, gift giving, and communication improprieties. All of these factors vary widely across cultures. 
Some of the common or expected business greeting behaviors in Greece are a lack of punctuality and maintain eye-contact as well as physical contact (Business Culture, 2019). The Business Culture (2019) website explains that Greeks tend to be late for appointments and therefore treat the process of making appointments as a courtesy rather than a necessity. Additionally, Greeks prefer face-to-face business conversations since they are a very loving culture. That is why eye-contact and physical touch can help build strong business relationships. 
 Business Culture (2019) explains that Greeks aim to make strong, long-lasting business connections. Therefore, if a business colleague expresses interest in Greek culture, it is viewed as a sign of respect and can benefit the relationship. In other words, discussing the culture itself is a very appropriate conversation topic for Greek business meetings. As for attire, Business Culture (2019) states that there is no specific dress code, but that it is advisable to dress conservatively. Specifically, men should wear a dark colored suit and women should be dressed in a professional outfit, also in dark colors. The website goes on to say that in the summer when it is very hot in Greece, these preferences change and become more flexible. However, attire plays a large role in first impressions in Greece and should be thought about considerably. 
 Gift-giving in Greece is viewed as a kind gesture. However, the gift should not be overly-priced in order to avoid making the recipient feel incapable of returning the favor. Business Culture (2019) states that gifts are not essential to business meetings, but a small gift during the holidays can go a long way. Some examples of gifts to bring to a business meeting include a nice bottle of liquor or wine, office accessories, and fine chocolate. 
 According to Samovar et al. (2016), most U.S. business cultures are relaxed and informal. This is similar to Greek business meetings, however, since culture is such an important part of Greek business, an American who knows nothing of Greek culture may come off as rude. It is crucial for an American traveling internationally for business to understand the culture of the country they are going to and show their appreciation. Greeks have a much more loving culture than what we have here in the U.S. By that I mean, while Greeks encourage physical touch, the U.S., especially after a pandemic, is not used to being so close to strangers. If an American goes into a business meeting and seemingly avoids physical interaction, their Greek counterparts may view them as stand-offish. 
 Lastly, the punctuality both when arriving to the meeting and during the meeting is much more flexible in Greece than it is here. Americans are used to arriving for business meetings on time, if not early. Greeks are perfectly okay starting after the initial time given. Additionally, Business Culture (2019) says that agendas and structures are typically only used for formal meetings. An American may grow frustrated if they are unable to accomplish everything they need to during their business meeting.  
For starters, I would explain that punctuality is more important here than it is in Greece and that being late may come off as rude to the people you are meeting with. As for attitudes toward work, this varies greatly across the workplace in America. However, with that being said, whether you hate your job or love it, it is always important to show respect to your superiors and do the work assigned to you. Otherwise, they may find themselves fired quicker than they expected. I would also suggest that he learns English if he does not already know it. Greeks are much more forgiving when it comes to language barriers than Americans are. While Greeks are willing to learn new languages, Americans tend to shy away from them. Lastly, as described by Samovar et al. (2016), I would ensure the new employee knows to steer away from conversations related to salary, age, weight, etc. While Greeks are more open and personal, many Americans get offended when it comes to topics of this sort. 
Business communication. Business Culture. (2013, October 21). Retrieved March 27, 2022, from https://businessculture.org/southern-europe/business-culture-in-greece/business-communication-in-greece/ 
Samovar, L. A., Porter, R. E., McDaniel, E. R., Roy, C. S. (2016). Communication Between Cultures, 9th Edition. [VitalSource Bookshelf 10.0.2]. Retrieved from vbk://9781305888067
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wwjpabc · 4 years
Cross- Cultural Tourism
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Philippines / Filipinos 
The Filipino Core Concepts are Hospitality, Hiya, Modesty, Courtesy, Warmth, Respect, Kapwa, and Fatalism.
The Philippines, located between the South China Sea and the Philippine Sea, contains a diver set of landscapes, languages and cultures. Various countries such as Spain, China and the United States – have interacted with and impacted Filipino culture. A sense of national identity and pride emerged out of struggles for Philippine independence. However, loyalties remain foremost with one's family and place of birth. Fundamental values such as fellowship, respect and acceptance are found throughout the culture, wit many Filipinos displaying an arming and hospitable demeanour.
Greetings – how one greets determined by the age and relationship of the people. When greeting strangers, a sot handshake accompanied by a smile is common among men. Among women, a smile and a hand wave is the usual greeting. Close friends and family may accompany a handshake with a pat on the back. Females may hug and kiss to greet each other. Typically, people greet each other by saying, "kamusta kayo? (how are you? – in English). 
Mano - the familiar gesture used to greet is known as "mano," often referred to as "bless" in English. Mano performed as a sign of respect towards elders. A way of accepting a blessing from the elder. It is usually done towards those who are older by two generations or more. 
Religion – the Philippines is unique among its neighbours in the South East Asian region in the majority of Filipino identify as Christian (92.5%). More specifically, 82.9% of the population identifies as Catholic, 2.8% identify as Evangelical Christian, 2.3% identify as Iglesia ni Cristo, and 4.5% identify with some other Christian denomination. Of the remaining population, 5.0% identify as Muslim, 1.8% identify with some other religion, 0.6% were unspecified, and 0.6% identify with no religion. The Catholic Church and state officially separated in the 1990s, yet Catholicism still plays a prominent role in political and societal affairs.
Family – Considered to be the foundation of social life for most Filipinos. The nuclear family is the core family unit; however, bonds are often tight-knit among extended family members. Indeed, people may be encouraged to have a relationship with aunts and uncles that is just as strong as their parents' relationship. Close familial relationships often go beyond one's genetic connections or bloodlines to incorporate distant relatives, close neighbours, or friends.
Etiquette – Filipinos tend to dress modestly, especially when in public. It is expected that the elderly and those of higher social status are treated with respect. Given large family sizes and typically small living quarters, Filipinos are generally not demanding of privacy. Within one family, possessions typically thought to be communal and shared. It is expected to be open about one's possessions and space. Many Filipinos avoid blasphemy and cursing, as it may cause themselves to lose face. Filipinos typically have a relaxed approach towards timekeeping and punctuality. It is common for Filipinos to arrive an hour or two hours after the designated time. Commonly referred to as "Filipino time." However, Filipinos ill observe punctuality in a formal context such as essential business meetings, appointments or when visiting the doctor 
Do's and Don'ts 
Do – observe hierarchical relations determined by age and status. Showing respect is a core part of Filipino culture and is often demonstrated through speech. Showing an interest in the wellbeing of the Filipino counterpart's family. In the Philippines, a family is an essential component of an individual's life. Acknowledge the counterpart's education English proficiency. Many Filipinos are fluent in English. Avoid talking to them in overly simplified English, as this may be interpreted as patronizing. Smile when meeting people. Filipinos are renowned for being joyful people who try to show warmth where they can. Compliment people's efforts and hospitality. For Filipinos, hospitality is an essential component of interaction, and they will often go to extreme lengths to be hospitable to their company.
Don'ts – Approach questions about income, the standard of living or things that would often be considered personal in Australia with sensitivity. These topics are not always welcomed in a discussion. However, it is not uncommon for Filipinos to ask questions relating to age, work, and education level to ensure they address correctly in future interactions. Avoid directly criticizing the Philippine as a country. May not be well received, and criticisms from a foreigner may be interpreted as an insult. Do not publicly display signs of anger, raising voice or shouting in front of those older or superior. Any confrontational or aggressive behaviour may bring hiya/shame or embarrassment, tarnishing reputation. Try not to be offended. Filipino counterpart makes frank comments about people's body shape.
Communication – Filipinos will try to express their opinions and ideas diplomatically and with humility to avoid appearing arrogant. The tone of voice varies widely by language, dialect and religion. 
  Iran/ Iranian 
The Iranian core concepts are Intellect, Politeness, Achievement, Technology, Respect, Theology, Dignity and Humbleness
The Islamic Republic of Iran is a Middle Eastern nation located at the crossroads between Arab and Central Asia. While it borders seven different countries, the Iranian people do not seem to affiliate themselves with the Arab world nor share many commonalities with those in South/Central Asia. The distinctive Persian identity engenders a strong sense of pride and belonging among its people. Indeed, one commonly hears Iranians calling themselves "Persian" as they often prefer to be associated with the historical empire. Iranian culture and people have a history of being one of the most progressive in the Middle East. Iranians can often recount the country's legacy and heritage in detail. 
Greetings – generally expected that the person with the lower status greets the other individual first. It is polite to offer a greeting first to indicate consider counterpart to be a higher status regardless of actual status relative to another person. Use a person's title and last name when greeting them until they indicate that it is okay to call on a first-name basis. Men should be formally dressed as "agha" and women as "Khanom," followed by their surname. A title can use to address a person by their first name. It indicates a more acquainted relationship and still giving respect. The Persian word "Salam" means "Hello." Greetings may involve a handshake with the right hand only. Men and women generally will not shake hands unless the female outstretches her hand first, and the man is willing to reciprocate the gesture. Iranian men commonly greet women by placing their hand over their heart and nodding/bowing gently. This greeting may also be used with other people whom they perceive are unaccustomed to being touched. 
Religion - It is estimated that 99.4% of the Iranian population identifies as Muslim, the majority being Shi'a Muslim. Iran is the only Muslim country to declare itself officially Shi'ite. A minority of around 5-10% of the population identify as Sunni Muslims. Within the Shi'a branch of Islam, there are different sects. The biggest is the Twelver Shi'a sect; however, some Iranians are also Ismaili Shi'a Muslims.
Family – in Iran, people generally feel able to relax their moral codes of behaviour and reveal the private side of their life when surrounded by people from their inner circle. These are primarily their family members and close friends. One usually turns immediately to the family for assistance and may tell their problems and issues only to their family members. Individuals then keep any information surrounding troubles within the family circle away from public knowledge. It ensures that the household's name is not implicated with trouble, and their honour is protected. Families are also usually the basis for people's social and business networks. These relationships can provide support, guidance, employment opportunities or help navigating bureaucracies. 
Etiquette – when someone offers something, refuse it initially out of politeness before accepting. It is not polite to put feet on the table. Burping and sniffing in front of others is considered rude. One should not touch people of the opposite gender unless they are very close family or friends. Conservative Iranian men may find it particularly dishonourable and disrespectful to inquire about their female family members unless they know the family or person well. If a woman in Iran, it can be a good idea to wait for a male accompaniment to introduce to another man before engaging with him. If a man, wait for an Iranian woman to initiate a handshake or conversation before doing so. Respect a Shi'a Muslim's religious duty to pray three times a day but note that many Iranians do not observe this. Some religious Iranians observe a separation between the function of the hands. This custom is tied to Islamic principles that prescribe the left hand should be used for the removal of dirt and cleaning. It should not be used for functions such as waving, eating, or offering items. Therefore, one should gesture, touch people, or offer items using both hands together. Using the one hand alone can seem too informal, but if doing so, use the right. It is common for Iranians to be late. It can be a good idea to allow more time for an arrangement or meeting with an Iranian that normally would as their hospitality and communication style also means engagements often take longer. 
Do's and Don'ts 
Do's – Acknowledge the achievements of Iran and the county's cultural heritage. Showing an understanding of Iran's culture and history, they will likely be impressed. Take care not to give the impression that assumes the Wet to be superior. Iranians are likely to respond differently if they feel that someone has an elitist understanding of the Middle East. Respect an Iranians' intelligence of they show evidence of higher education. An Iranian in Australia is likely very educated and technically trained. Many hold one or multiple university degrees. Make sure actions and words correspond. Iranians may notice if someone is hypocritical or contradict. Remain humble about success and achievements. In Iran, people generally tone down their success and self-deprecate out of politeness. Respect an Iranian's privacy. Please avoid asking questions that could compromise their discretion. Someone can expect an urban and educated Iranian to now quite a lot about the acultural background and Australia. They are generally very well informed about the world.
Don'ts – do not confuse Persians with Arabs. It is a quick way to annoy Iranians and indicates that someone is poorly informed about the Middle East. Avoid assuming that all Iranians are Muslims because they come from an Islamic Middle Eastern country – many are not. Do not criticize an Iranian for the actions of their government. Doing so is insensitive, considering that many Iranians in Australia have faced persecution by the authoritarian regime. Do not blame the Iranian government's restrictions and exclusions on Islam. The situation is more complicated than that, and most Iranians recognize the current Islamic political culture to be different from their interpretations of the region. Avoid mentioning divisive topics between the West and Iran. If someone must do so, make sure it is in a sensitive way that does not disparage an Iranian counterpart. Avoid talking down to an Iranian for having a low English skill or if they cannot understand deep concepts. It is good to talk slower if English is their second language, but they may find it patronizing if they notice someone over-simplify them. Avoid telling dirty jokes or jokes that are at the expense of someone else. It is unintelligent humour. Depending on the situation, do not take an Iranian too seriously if they talk down about themselves or make a grand gesture to put someone before them. It is usually done out of taarof (politeness) and is a tokenistic gesture.
Communication – Iranians tend to be quite indirect in their communication. They generally look towards non-verbal cues and speak figuratively to make a point. It has the purpose of avoiding embarrassment or offence and respecting the other person in the conversation. If someone needs clarification on what is said, it can check several times and ask open-ended questions. It is typical for the conversation to drawn out as people take time to reach a full understanding.
 India/ Indian
The Indian core concepts are Diversity, Pride, Innovativeness, Adaptability, Harmony, Modesty, Light-heartedness
India is home to over a billion people, accommodating incredible cultural diversity between languages, geographic regions, religious traditions and social stratifications. In recognition of this broad demographic diversity, the following descriptions do not represent every Indian person. However, some common themes and principles contribute to the values, attitudes, beliefs and norms of the dominant society. Generally speaking, Indians tend to have a strong sense of pride in their culture's distinctiveness and diversity. For example, the country's agricultural expansions and technological advancements in infrastructure, science and engineering are sources of pride. Moreover, a considerable amount of pride stems from India's rich artistic cultural exports of music, fine arts, literature and spirituality (especially yoga).
Greetings – In many parts of India and during formal occasions, it is common for people to greet the traditional Hindu greeting of "Namaste" ('I greet the divine within you'). A nod of the head accompanies this, a bow depending on the person's status. When greeting, a familiar gesture is pressing the palms together with the fingertips facing upwards (in a prayer position). A slight bow sometimes accompanies this greeting. Verbal greetings vary between regions and also differ depending on people's relationships. For example, a standard Gujarati greeting is "Kem Cho" ('How are you?'). Muslims may greet by shaking their counterpart's hand, accompanied by the phrase, "Salaam." It is generally appropriate for men and women to shake hands. However, it is advisable to wait for a woman to extend her hand first. Some Muslim or Hindu men and women may not wish to touch a person of the opposite gender. Avoid greeting someone with a hug or a kiss unless they know the person well. Indians expect people to greet the eldest or most senior person first. When greeting elders, some Indians may reach down and touch the ground or the elder's feet as a sign of respect. It is advisable to address people by their title and last name until they have indicated that they may move on to a first-name basis. It is common to add the gender-neutral honorific suffix '-Ji' onto a first name to show respect towards a person, a group of inanimate objects (for example, 'Madhavji').
Religion - Indian census indicated that 79.8% of Indians identified as Hindu, 14.2% identified as Muslim and 2.3% identified as Christian. A further 1.7% of the population identified as Sikh, 0.7% identified as Buddhist and 0.37% identified as Jain. Due to the massive population size of India, religious minorities still represent a significant number of people.
Family - The family is an important institution that plays a central role in most Indians' lives. As a collectivistic society, Indians often emphasize loyalty and interdependence. The interests of the family usually take priority over those of the individual, and decisions affecting one's personal life – such as marriage and career paths – are generally made in consultation with one's family. People tend to act in the best interest of their family's reputation, as an individual may impact the entire family's perception by their community.
Etiquette - Feet, thought to be the 'dirtiest' part of the body. The soles of one's feet should never p at another person, towards a temple or point towards a deity. Sit in a way that avoids this. The top of the head is an essential part of the human body. To touch someone on the top of their head is considered rude and insensitive. It is especially the case with babies, children, elderly, religious leaders, or deities statues. To show the utmost respect towards a religious leader, the statue of a deity or an elder, one will touch the person's feet or the statue. Never sit higher than an elder. If they are seated on the floor, they should also sit on the floor to avoid being higher than them. Objects generally passed with one's right hand or both hands. The left hand is thought to be reserved for cleaning, and the left hand alone should never use to pass an object. Indians typically have a relaxed approach to timekeeping and punctuality. It is common for people to arrive at events 30 minutes to an hour after the designated time. However, Indians will usually observe punctuality in a formal context such as virtual business meetings, appointments, or visiting a doctor.
Do's and Don'ts
Do's - Good conversation starters include the region counterpart from their profession, their family's wellbeing, and their given name. Treat Indian elders with visible respect. Be patient when making decisions or negotiating with the Indian counterpart. Indians tend to take their time when deliberating decisions, regardless of the urgency or importance of the decision. Try to dress conservatively and speak respectfully out of respect for Indian counterparts. Enjoy a playful and light-hearted sense of humour. Indians tend to enjoy friendly banter and light teasing. Over 93% of Indians in Australia are fluent in English, and it is common for them to have an extensive and impressive vocabulary. Communicate in a way that doesn't acknowledge this. The Indian counterpart will likely interpret this as patronizing. Try to be conscious of how gender and relationships may impact interactions. For example, some conservative
Indians may find it inappropriate to include a married woman in a conversation if her husband is present.
Don'ts - Avoid crude humour or swearing. Indians may take offence to this manner of speech quite easily.
Do not directly criticize India as a country. This form of criticism from a foreigner is usually unwelcome and may be interpreted as an insult. Avoid negative comments or criticisms about a person's ability, appearance or attributes. Such comments are often taken to heart and will give Indian counterpart the impression that someone is insensitive. Do not assume that the work ethic of Indians is more laid-back than that of Australians.
On the contrary, many Indians are very hard-working, and a significant portion of the country is highly educated. Do not directly ask someone what caste they belong to. It is more appropriate to ask about their occupation. For more information, see 'Social Structure and Stratification' in Core Concepts. Do not criticize or patronize someone for their profession or vocation. Someone's occupation is usually an essential part of one's identity. Try not to be intimidated by the process of haggling (persistent bargaining over the cost of something). For many people in India, haggling is part of daily life and often an enjoyable process. Avoid making judgements in absolute terms of right or wrong until someone clearly understands the circumstance. For many Indians, the context and situation are essential in understanding whether something is moral and just. Drawing parallels between India and other countries on the Indian subcontinent such as Pakistan or Bangladesh, may offend Indian counterparts. They are avoiding discussing tensions between Pakistan and India. It is a sensitive or heated topic for some Indians and can evoke a strong emotional response.
Communication - The communication style of Indians tends to be polite and indirect. They may try to speak appealingly to those they are not close to avoid conflict or confrontation. People often exchange opinions or viewpoints through negotiation rather than arguing that their perspective is definitively correct. This communication style can come across as ambiguous. Direct communication is reserved for relationships with a high level of trust or crucial situations. 
Refusals: Direct refusals, such as 'no,' may be too harsh and open disagreement is likely to be interpreted as hostile or aggressive. Therefore, Indians tend to give evasive refusals and indirectly express disagreement. Indians may use phrases such as 'maybe' or 'I'll do my best' to express 'no'. Moreover, 'yes' has various connotations that differ from the word's usage in English-speaking Western cultures. For example, an Indian may say 'yes' to indicate that they listen to the speaker while indicating disagreement or refusal through their body language.
 China/ Chinese 
The core concepts of Chinese are Modesty, Filial Piety, Guanxi, Interdependence, Stoicism, Face, Unity.
China is the most populous country in the world and has the second-largest land area. Its cultural influence is felt throughout the Asian region and has impacted the world on a large scale through the arts, sciences, cuisine, production, and trade. The Chinese culture has undergone a rapid and intense transformation over the past 50 years and adapts to the modern world. Due to the country's massive size and long, complicated history, it is difficult to summarize the society without running the risk of oversimplifying the culture. The nation's immense geographic and demographic size accommodates many different ethnic groups that each have distinctive dialects, customs, and traditions. It is essential to recognize this diversity, as the West perceives the Chinese as a homogeneous people.
Greetings - Handshakes are the standard, casual greeting. The grip tends to be lighter than the Western handshake and is also sustained for longer. In formal situations, people bow slightly or nod politely to greet one another formally. The bow is from the shoulders and should be greater if the person is greeting has a higher status. If seated, the Chinese will stand up out of respect when introduced to someone. Always greet those that are older are first. Use a person's family name and appropriate title to address them unless they have indicated that they can move on to addressing them on a first-name basis. Usually, only friends address one another by their given names. Nicknames are used only between very close friends or lovers. To show a high level of respect, friends might use the terms 'Lao' (old) and 'Xiao' (young) with or instead of titles. When first meeting a Chinese person in a rural area, it is common to join them for a meal. It is an old greeting that offers politeness yet does not usually transpire into an actual meal. It considers impolite to greet a friend with a comment that could be perceived to have negative connotations, such as "You look tired".
Religion - 21.9% identify with folk religion, 18.2% identify as Buddhist, 5.1% identify as Christian, and 1.8% identify as Muslim. Of the remaining population, 0.7% identify with some other tradition, less than 0.1% identify as Hindu, and less than 0.1% identify as Jewish.
Family - The family unit is one of the most central institutions. For many, their family provides them with a sense of identity and a strong network of support. In China, the family is understood mainly through Confucian thought. In Confucian thinking, the family contains the most critical relationships for individuals and forms all social organization foundations. For instance, the roles of husband and wife, parent and child, elder brother and younger brother are clearly defined. A husband/father is expected to exhibit dominance and kindness to his wife in return for obedience and love and offer guidance and protection to his children for respect and obedience.
Etiquette - Give and receive everything with two hands. Tipping is considered derogatory as it is something a superior does to an inferior. The proper decorum during interactions in China always entails showing deference to those who are older. It is expected that one bows their head slightly and speaks softly when conversing with someone elderly. The advice or opinion of the elderly should never be contested. Talking back to or refuting them is considered very rude. The Chinese are often punctual and will generally arrive at the designated time, particularly when meeting someone for the first time. Chinese people tend to attach less importance to punctuality for casual appointments or gatherings with friends or family.
Do's and don'ts
Do's - Express flattery where it is due. It will give a face to the recipient; however, they always do so with sincerity or lose face instead. Receive compliments humbly, with responses such as "Not at all" or "It was nothing". Try to keep the discussion harmonious and balanced. Be patient during a discussion, as Chinese people tend to take more time to communicate their point. They often allude to their meaning instead of getting straight to the point. Rushing them or being impatient will likely make it uncomfortable for them to communicate. When given a vague response to a question, ask it in several ways to ensure that someone has understood them correctly. 
Don'ts - Avoid boasting by mentioning qualifications or impressive achievements. Do not provoke discussion about the political status of Taiwan or Tibet. Relations with both regions are tense, and (while a person's position on these issues cannot be presumed) any suggestion that these areas do not belong to China may offend your Chinese counterpart. Try to abstain from interrupting or 'filling the silence' during a conversation. Avoid directly criticizing someone, pointing out their mistakes or giving insincere compliments. These are all actions that cause Chinese people to lose face. Do not draw on similarities between China and Japan, as these East Asian countries have distinctly different societies and cultures. Many Chinese find a blanket, uninformed comparisons to be insulting or ignorant. While it depends significantly on the relationship with the Chinese counterpart, it is best never to criticize China too heavily. Some people may openly criticize their country's social or environmental problems; however, it is good to temper their own negative opinions by expressing admiration of China's legacy. Most Chinese are very proud of their country's long history of achievements and would be offended by sharp criticism.
Communication - As an extension of the need to maintain harmonious relations, the Chinese rely heavily on indirect communication. They rely less on words and are more attentive to posture, expression, and tone of voice to draw meaning. Their speech is often ambiguous, and they may understate their point. To maintain harmony throughout the conversation, prevent a loss of face on either end of the exchange. The best way to navigate this rhetoric and find the underlying meaning is to check for clarification several times.
Refusals: A Chinese person's preoccupation with saving face and politeness means they will seldom give a direct 'no' or negative response, even when they disagree with you. Therefore, focus on hints of hesitation. Listen closely to what they say and pay careful attention to what they do not say and double-check understanding.
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3rdgymbros · 4 years
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𝓑𝓲𝓸𝓰𝓻𝓪𝓹𝓱𝓲𝓬𝓪𝓵 𝓘𝓷𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓶𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷
Name: Rosamond Khan
Nicknames: None
Name meaning: Derived from the Germanic elements hros "horse" and mund "protection".
Gender: Female
Birthday: 20 February
Star Sign: Pisces
Height: 152 cm
Weight: 45 kg
Age: 16
Eye Colour: Green
Hair Colour: Black
Homeland: The Land of Flowers
Family: Mother, father
Quote: “They told me that I was not made for war; so now, I will have to find my own path.”
𝓝𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 𝓡𝓪𝓿𝓮𝓷 𝓒𝓸𝓵𝓵𝓮𝓰𝓮 𝓢𝓬𝓱𝓸𝓸𝓵 𝓕𝓲𝓵𝓮
Dorm: Khan Zhao ( a fandorm created by @conquer-the-raven​ )
School Year: First 
Class: 1-D, Student 12
Occupation: Student
Club: Horseback Riding Club
Best Subject: PE
𝓕𝓾𝓷 𝓕𝓪𝓬𝓽𝓼
Inspired by: Khan from Mulan
Dominant hand: Right
Favourite Colours: Blue, green
Favourite Food: Fruits, vegetables
Least Favourite Food: Meat
Likes: Flowers, brewing tea, cold things on hot days and hot things on cold days, baths, early mornings, birdsong, comfortable silences, romance (movies and novels)
Dislikes: Loud noises (she startles easily when she hears them), butterflies, fireworks, sudden movements
Hobbies and Talents: Pressing flowers, baking, horse riding, hiking, camping, exploring, gardening, swimming, making flower crowns
Special Skills: Flower arranging, flower languages, running, archery, knife-throwing, hand to hand combat
𝓟𝓱𝔂𝓼𝓲𝓬𝓪𝓵 𝓕𝓮𝓪𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓮𝓼
Appearance: Rosamond has long black hair, parted to the left. Her hair is wavy, and falls to the small of her back. Parts of her hair are pulled back, away from her face, and are held back in place by a bright red hair ribbon. Her eyes are bright green, and she has a very slender physique, with a modest bust.
Style: She has a very formal and girlish style of dressing, and her clothes are normally in muted shades. Examples of her outfits can be found here and here.
Makeup: Very light eye makeup. Usually seen with red lip tint. 
Voice actress: Kudou Haruka 
Personality: A serious and fussy girl, Rosamond rarely diverts from a stern expression. Far too serious for her own good, she often seems somewhat cold and intimidating because of her stoic nature, in which she displays a strict emotion most of the time. She tends to stubbornly deny liking or being fond of certain things, and also denies smiling or laughing, if she’s caught making such gestures. She also has a blunt side to her personality and can come across as cold or condescending.
Rosamond is fairly stiff and sharp, and is highly stubborn when trying to do what she believes is best for others. She is polite and very formal, and addresses upperclassmen as “senpai”, and her peers by their last names. She does not look kindly upon nicknames, but tolerates them when given by people she is close to. She is prone to making snide or rude remarks when annoyed and angered, or if she feels that people are not performing up to their standards. 
She can be kind and caring as well, but doesn’t flaunt that side of her, nor does she draw attention to it. Kind acts are done by Rosamond in secret and usually without being asked, such as by turning on the lights when someone is reading, or setting a plate of fresh-cut fruits down for them after they’ve been studying for a while.
Alignment: Neutral Good
Strengths: Persistent, loyal, caring, reserved, self-reliant, independent, solemn, diligent, level-headed
Flaws: Haughty, prim, stubborn, overly-serious, feisty, prideful, distant, sharp-tongued, a perfectionist
The Khan family have been soldiers and warriors guarding the Land of Flowers for generations, and to the Khan family, being called to serve is the highest honour. Rosamond was expected to follow in their footsteps as well, and she would train diligently, determined to make her family proud. However, no matter how hard she trained, she would never be able to meet the high standards and expectations imposed by her father, a fact which still pains her, as she wants nothing more than to be acknowledged by her family. Her inferiority and lack of self-confidence would further be emphasised when her magic developed, further proving that she was not made for war, as her father had told her, his words cruelly ringing out in her head. 
Rosamond would later enroll in Night Raven College, and would be surprised, and a tad upset when the mirror placed her in Khan Zhao, as the atmosphere reminded her a little too much of home. At first, she is reluctant to interact with her dorm mates, and is even more reluctant to ask for their help, but slowly, after getting to know them, Rosamond tries to act more kindly to her dorm mates and tries to get to know them more. 
Rosamond’s magic is plant and flower-based and is suited more for support and recovery. Her current goal is training until she can master attack spells. She views her magic as being a source of shame to her family, and rarely uses it if she can avoid it.
Healing Cradle, Balm of Gilead: The user summons a plant called the balm of gilead, and uses them to form a spherical cradle around the user or another target. The user is able to generate multiple cradles to heal multiple people at once. However, each cradle can only contain a single person. One of the disadvantages of the spell is the requirement of the user or anyone to stay within the cradle for a period of time until the injuries are healed. During this time, they are defenceless against any attacks. The spell has been proven to be quite powerful as it can heal someone from dying of a critical injury in a short time.
Healing Shower of Apple Blossoms: The user grows a tree, and by standing under the falling blossoms, the user and the targets are able to be healed of their injuries. However, the spell takes a considerable amount of time to heal injuries and is unsuitable to be used for critical and life-threatening injuries.
Cherry Blossom Blizzard: The user generates a large amount of cherry blossoms that can obscure the vision of enemies on the battlefield.
Thorns of The Briar Rose: The user conjures vines with thorned roses, forming a barrier that can protect or confine people.
Unique Magic: The Dark Side of The Moon. Invoking her unique magic casts a shadow around the target, and whoever steps into the shadow will have their five senses (sight, taste, hearing, feeling and smell) cut off.
- Rosamond prefers tea to coffee, but has to add at least three cubes of sugar into her tea. She also enjoys drinking bubble tea, and frequently tries new flavours.
- She wears combat boots, and keeps knives tucked away in them, just in case.
- Rosamond has a pet dog, but had to leave him at home.
- Rosamond is a skilled rider, who loves to ride. Her riding is the one thing that her father could not find fault with.
- She wakes up at five every morning to train. 
- Rosamond gets cold easily, and suffers most during winter. She rarely leaves the dorm without being bundled up in a heavy jacket.
- Although her best subject is PE, she maintains A grades in her other subjects.
- Her favourite fruits are apples. 
- Her favourite dessert is tanghulu.
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feyria · 7 years
My final BNHA oc...for now
Name: Yashiru Kosenzu
Nicknames: Koko (by friends) crying healer (by students)
Hero Name:­ Healing Phoenix
Age: 34
Gender:­ Male
Sexuality:­ Pansexual
Personality:­ Yashiru has a kind side and doesn't mind helping others but he can get a bit moody if they tease him about his tears. He wouldn't hold a grudge but he definitely won't stay quiet about his displeasure. Yashiru tends to fall back on blunt speech or take on a stern attitude with just about anyone regardless of their age, believing that if someone is old enough to speak they are also old enough to know the way of the world. Even though he can be stern, he does know when to use soft words if someone is already in a very bad mood. He may even hand out treats or extra praise if he feels it will help. Because he doesn't get much sleep at night, he has moments where he may act or move a bit sluggishly or mumble but a good cup of expresso will wake him right up. He does tend to think others take advantage of him but he doesn't have low self-esteem. It's more that he wonders if he would still have the friends and position he has now if he had a different quirk. In short, he feels like his quirk gave him a huge advantage for something he always wanted to do before it manifested.
Likes:­ Miniature of just about anything which he will often collect and keep a few in his office. Yashiru likes to watch meteor showers and will tend to spend a good two or three hours outside in hopes of catching view of some before bed.
Dislikes:­ Those that act reckless just because they know they can be healed later. Heat and bright sunlight; it tends to give him headaches. Fighting and unnecessary violence.
Strengths:­ Thanks to his schooling, he has a very high intelligence level. Yashiru can remain calm while performing minor or basic surgeries and even with major surgeries, he does not feel faint or queasy.
Weaknesses:­ Because he dislikes fighting and violence, Yashiru has a very low combat level. Ironically, he is prone to headaches from minor sources like loud music or prolonged sunlight.
Appearance: Yashiru's hair is two-toned, orange at the roots and fades to yellow at the ends, his almond shaped eyes are bright blue while his skin is peachy. He stands at 6'6 giving him an average height and he weighs in at 187lbs. He has just enough muscles to not be considered scrawny and he can easily lift anything 50lbs and under. His hair reaches just to his shoulders, he keeps part of it swept to the side so it partially covers his left eye. Yashiru also has faint bags under his eyes from lack of sleep.
Standard Clothes: During work hours, Yashiru will wear a standard white doctors' coat with black slacks and a light red shirt underneath along with black dress shoes. Outside of work hours, Yashiru likes to wear blue or black jeans with button up shirts in solid colors like blue, green or black and white sneakers. He's usually always seen in his work clothing.
Costume:­ Even though he has a hero name, Yashiru doesn't actually have a hero outfit as he preferred to show up after the fighting is done to help others or even arrive at whatever hospital the injured are delivered to.
Weapons/Gadgets:­ Various vials with his tears stored inside. A small metal suitcase filled with first aid supplies, tranquillisers and EpiPens. He also carries a few flash bombs on the chance that a villain may appear after heroes think the fight is over.
Swim:­ a tight fitting, dark blue swim shirt and grey swimming trunks. He wears the shirt to help keep his body cool when out of the water.
Sleep:­ Yashiru sleeps with a robe on and boxers underneath.
Winter:­ Seems to be that one person who never feels the cold; he wears his usual jeans with button up shirts or normal t-shirts and sneakers. The only time he will actually wear a jacket is if it happens to be snowing outside and even then he'll only wear a thin black one.
Formal:­ Always freshly ironed grey suit jacket and trouser set with a light blue button up shirt underneath and black Balmoral shoes.
*Who would they?­ Fall for: Yashiru tends to be attracted to those who's interests mirror his; watching meteor showers, reading, binge watching television shows and doing arts and crafts type activities. He really likes to take care of others and is more than willing to spoil someone with affection but he also won't let himself be taken advantage of. He likes calm, cool and collected people as he himself hates dealing with drama. A person that can remain level headed in any situation sits well with him.
Befriend:­ He gets along with just about anyone so long as they aren't overly dramatic or needlessly reckless. Though, he may unconsciously gravitate towards people that are calm and quiet like himself.
Hate:­ Yashiru doesn't have a hateful bone in his body, he can't bring himself to hate anyone really. He might even help a villain out if they could somehow prove that what they're doing will actually benefit society as a whole. Even with someone that has all the traits he dislikes, the most he'll do is give them a firm lecture and maybe ignore them afterwards for a day or two. The word passive aggressive was created just for him.
Respect:­ Multitaskers- it's impressive to him that someone can get so many things done at the same time like it's nothing. Heroes like Aizawa and Recovery girl are part of his list as well because of their no nonsense attitudes and ability to get things done one way or another.
Rival:­ Currently the only person he considers a "rival" in some way is recovery girl. To him, her quirk is very powerful and has next to no drawbacks to it. There's also the fact that she's a fan favorite among everyone even when she's yelling at them.
Hobbies/Skills:­ Knitting; Yashiru normally knits baby booties and scarves. He has no children of his own, he just thinks the baby booties are cute. Currently learning Russian and Italian through Rosetta Stone and Duolingo. The guy has no type of combat skill but, unless you have a speed enhancing quirk, you will never catch him in a foot race. He's fast if he can get a solid three minutes of sprinting and can weave through a crowd like a snake. After those three minutes, he'll be plenty winded and a sitting duck for any endurance chaser.
*How they Act­ Towards Romantic Int­erests: Yashiru tries not to act any different around love interests but he has a habit of either stuttering awkwardly or rambling around them. He tries to cover it up with even more awkward coughs or silences; a light blush on his face is almost a given especially if he's caught staring. He won't ever outright confess his feelings unless someone actually asks him, then he won't deny it.
Acquaintances:­ He has a great many of these with his ability to get along with most people. Normally he initiates short convos of meaningless chatter like weather and minor events. There are times when he may invite them out for coffee or drinks.
Towards Friends/Clos­e Friends: Only Yashiru's best friends know that he likes to blurt out the random pun or two when no strangers are around, they're very bad and only serve to make him laugh. He's also more lenient with healing his reckless friends but he won't exactly be quiet about how it annoys him.
Rivals: When he hears the word rival, the only thing that comes to Yashiru's mind is someone that he wants to be like in the future. He admires them and may even be a tad jealous of whatever skill or trait they have that he eventually wants to have. His personality doesn't change too much around them, he more so finds sneaky ways to be around them a bit more often than others and takes notes for him to better himself with.
Towards Enemies:­ If he happens to not be alone against a villain, Yashiru puts up a brave front, going so far as to attack them with his numbing syringes or barbed words to distract them. If he is alone then Yashiru looks for the nearest escape route, convinced he won't stand a chance against any villain with a quirk.
Towards Iconic Figur­es: He views iconic figures as regular people with a reputation. That's not to say he's impolite, he just doesn't do anything special when talking to them or hanging out. He may offer to buy them one(1) drink but that's the most he'll do.
Meeting Strangers:­ He's friendly and has enough common decency to introduce himself and make a bit of small talk, but still falls into a comfortable silence for himself after the pleasantries are over and done with. It's not him being rude in any way, he just doesn't know anything about the other person and can't hold a conversation for his life until he finds a common interest they share.
When Facing Fears:­ Yashiru only has one reaction when it comes to fears and that's to get the hell out of dodge. He's so used to being depended on and protected because of his healing quirk that it has left him with a default mental state similar to a rabbit. The second things look dangerous for him, Yashiru flees until he's sure the villains are gone. If someone gets hurt, he can always heal them- if he gets hurt, anyone hurt after him will be in serious trouble with no way to immediately treat their wounds. He honestly hates this side of himself and has been trying to learn at least basic combat so he can protect himself as well as others around him.
In a life changing s­ituation: He tends to go through something he considers very similar to a life changing situation every few years when he decides to travel to a new area. He packs up anything that can fit in a spare suitcase, double checks that he has all his friends numbers and moves on. Yashiru does get a bit upset about it; he'll miss the people he got to know but he gets over it pretty quickly, he has all their numbers and a way to visit later.
History:­ Yashiru was raised in a modest home, both his parents were in the health care field but chose not to overly spend their money, only using enough to live comfortably. His mother was a physical therapist for retired heroes as well as rookies while his father worked in the army as a surgeon. Because of his parentage, it was no surprise that Yashiru would inherit a healing quirk. The only surprise was Yashiru's reaction to it, the tears that came about from his first healing had him believing that others would tease him relentlessly. His fears did hold true for the first few weeks of elementary school but as he and his classmates aged and many went down the path to wanting to be heroes, the teasing became praising. The praise really kicked off when it was discovered that even his tears could heal. A friend had fallen from a tree and hit their head, falling unconscious. Naturally, Yashiru had cried for he couldn't help those that couldn't speak. When his tears fell onto his friend and he saw the head wound begin to heal right before his eyes, Yashiru was shocked but pleased as well. Everyone around him said he would make an incredible hero that could keep other heroes or police members out on duty longer with his healing. It came as a shock when Yashiru rejected that idea, he was against violence even when he was younger and the thought of others basically injuring themselves on purpose all because they knew he could fix them left a bitter taste in his mouth. He would go into the health care field like his parents but he would refuse to help anyone that purposefully injured themselves with the exception of mental health patients. He believed those with mental illnesses couldn't exactly choose not to hurt themselves, the diseases messed with their coherent thinking and made them act out of order. He grew up to study at a high end medical school and spent a few hours of every night learning new languages to knock down the walls that could hinder his quirk.
Family: Haruto Kosenzu (father): his quirk allows him to stich up any wound in seconds and if the wound isn't extremely severe the stitches will heal it to near perfect level in a few hours.
Keiko Kosenzu (mother): her quirk allows her to give healing massages, they only heal sore or over extended muscles though.
Ethnicity/Nationality: fully Japanese born in Shinjuku
Fighting Style: Yashiru's fighting style is more like him trying to keep his distance from villains. He may even use a few syringes filled with numbing serum or his smoke bombs and flash grenades to escape. Outside of that, he doesn't even have basic hand to hand combat training. He can run pretty fast though and seems to like losing people by diving into areas crowded with either other people or random objects.
Habits: Coffee: Yashiru drinks so much of it that it has become a clear indicator of his health. If he doesn't have a cup in his hand, he either already finished it and is in the process of pouring another within the hour or there's something seriously wrong with him that day. He doesn't drink it just for energy, he truly enjoys the taste as a whole.
Residence: Taking after his parents, Yashiru lives in a pretty modest home. It's a small house with two bedrooms and one bathroom; the guest room is fully equipped with all of his extra medical supplies as well as his work desk where he finishes up any left over paperwork. He doesn't have a back porch but does have a foldable chair set out for when he goes out to watch the stars.
Musical Themes: Lost by BTS (the lyrics fit him well....in my head at least)
Quotes:­ "Yes, I'm crying but that happens when I heal others. If you don't want to see it again then try to be less reckless.", "Hold still and quit blubbering! I can't help you if you keep acting like you're still in diapers!", "You're all children but I'm not about to pass out candy like you're still in grade school....unless you want some- but you get those for special occasions." "We may be friends but the next time you go off trying to get killed, I'm healing you just enough to throw you in the nearest hospital. Oh, and you're paying for the bill on your own."
Quirk Name:­ Phoenix tears
Type: Emitter
Description:­ Yashiru can heal any injury or minor illness such as colds, headaches or chicken pox instantly so long as the injured is conscious and can say what needs to be healed. The only recoil Yashiru seems to have is when using his quirk, he will begin to cry (not sobbing but still awkward to some) He can't heal advanced illnesses like cancers or mental illnesses. He also can't use his quirk if he's not able to understand what the injured person is saying. While he can't use his quirk on himself, his tears also have a minor healing property that can be used on anyone including himself, however his tears take between 5 to 20 minutes to fully heal any injury on himself and it does not affect illnesses. On others, the tears take between 3 to 10 minutes to heal any injury aside from illnesses. He can store his tears in vials but they lose potency after 18 hours.
Strengths:­ The healing process takes between 10 to 20 seconds depending on how severe the wound is on others. Since it doesn't take away a person's energy or stamina, they can get right back on their feet afterwards if the wound had not caused them to go into shock beforehand. His tears can be used on those that can't communicate with him, so he saves them mainly for unconscious patients.
Weaknesses: While he can heal injuries, he and his target must be sitting still with some form of physical contact. He can't stop a person from going into shock either, even if they are healed and he can't heal fatal wounds that would kill a person in under two hours no matter how soon he gets to them (example: he could heal someone that's been, say, mauled by an animal but he can't heal a person that has been shot multiple times or stabbed in the heart/stomach.)
Main Skills: Due to the limits of his quirk, Yashiru knows a variety of languages for when he runs into foreigners. Those languages include English, Spanish, Japanese (main), Portuguese and French. He has a high level of knowledge on first aid, minor surgeries and the most common illnesses as well as signs for more serious illnesses.
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kaialone · 7 years
Yokai Watch 3 ver. 4.0 Translation
(Masterpost for my Yokai Watch translations can be found here)
This will contain spoilers for a sidequest of Yokai Watch 3 (ver. 4.0), so proceed with caution.
With that being said, this will be a translation of the entire “Yūka and the Mysterious Blue Cat” (“ユウカと不思議な青いネコ”) sidequest.
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This was a pretty fun translation to do, because we get to see a lot of different characters, and Neko II is pretty cute most of the time.
Before we get to the actual translations, I want to go over a few points that are too long to just be explained via my usual notes.
If you don't care about translation details and just want the basic gist of the quest's story, I suppose you can skip these because they're so long. But I'd still recommend reading them, personally.
First of all, in this mission we are introduced to the yokai Neko II. Just so you know, in Japanese he is a called ネコ2世/Neko-nisei which translates to "Neko the Second", and I like to spell that as "Neko II" for space, and to make the reference to Necho II clear.
Now, there is various aspects to the way Neko II speaks in Japanese that don't translate well into English, so I want to talk about them here, and explain how I am personally going to adapt them.
Overall, from what I can tell, Neko II technically has a formal way of speaking, being royalty and all. However, he also pronounces certain words in a stereotypical "baby" accent, highlighting that he is still, well, a baby. It's a sort of humorous thing, he says these big words, but also sometimes pronounces words in a baby way.
Most notably is him pronouncing "-desu" as "-dechu" and the second person pronoun "kisama" as "kichama". Swapping "s sounds" with "ch sounds" like that is a typical way to portray baby/childish speech in Japanese, but note that Neko II doesn't do this with every word. Note that him talking like this could also be a result of him talking with a pacifier in his mouth though. Both “chuchu” and “chupachupa” are onomatopoeia that can refer to sucking on a pacifier, and Neko II frequently makes those noises, at least in his audio clips.
I decided to adapt this as him sometimes replacing "r" or "l" with "w", you know, "hewwo fwiend"-style, but to stay true to how it's in Japanese, I don't have him do it with all words.
Another thing is that in Japanese there is more than one first person pronoun, and Neko II uses the first person pronoun "nekocchi" to refer to himself. However, this is actually not a pre-existing pronoun, but one made up for Neko II. It is a combination of "orecchi", an informal and masculine pronoun used by Jibanyan, and "neko", which both means "cat" and is in reference to Neko II's name.
There really is no true way to translate this into English, but note that in Japanese using one's own name as a first person pronoun, or one based on your name I suppose, is basically considered cutesy, but childish. Aside from actual children, you will mostly see young women do this, but it's kinda hit or miss when it comes to how people will take it. In Neko II's case it's likely meant to be cutesy, because he is a baby AND a cute cat.
I decided to adapt this by having Neko II refer to himself as "neko" in my translation, because it didn't feel right to just leave it out altogether.
Note though that in Japanese, people use first person pronouns a lot less, because basically, the Japanese language usually omits the subject of a sentence if it is obvious based on the context. So while he does refer to himself as “nekocchi” you won’t actually hear him say it THAT often. As a result he might possibly come across as even more childish in my translation, just keep that in mind.
Second point I want to go over is the fact that this quest features all girls of Inaho's class. And well, a detail about the protagonists' classmates in the Japanese versions of these games is that we see how the protagonists refer to them, which honorifics they use, first name or last name basis, and so on. All details that, in Japanese, give us hints of how close they are to one another.
Now, when I translate Japanese into English, I usually don't include Japanese honorifics, unless they're part of a yokai's name or something. Note that I don't believe including them is inherently bad, in fact, when it comes to subs, I usually prefer having them included, but it's just something I decided to do for my personal translations, cause they don't sound natural in English, and I do try to sound natural, to some extent.
But I can't help that if I were to not mention them at all, we kinda lose information that is being conveyed to us in Japanese, therefore I usually try to point out at least some honorifics in my translation notes.
So for this translation I will point out all honorifics and the like in my translation notes, but there is one specific detail I want to point out here. Inaho refers to all girls in her class either with the cutesy/familiar honorific "-chan" or some other form of nickname. Even those that don't do the same for her. To me this signifies how Inaho is just kinda really friendly, maybe overly so, with everyone, even if they aren't really that close.
With that, onto the translation.
I go through these scene by scene. (There will be links to watch the scenes on youtube, too.)
Bolded is the original Japanese; for reference and in case someone who is better at Japanese than I reads this, and feels like correcting something.
Bolded and italicized is my translation.
(Number) Indicates I got a specific comment to make on that part in the translation notes.
Please keep in mind that I’m a beginner when it comes to Japanese, so it’s possible that I make mistakes, too.
Accepting the Request:
Mission Description: 石ノ森ユウカさんからの依頼です。 捨てられた子ネコの 飼い主を 見つけてきてほしいとのこと。 一番のおともだちの依頼ですよ! It is a request from Miss Ishinomori Yūka. She wants you to find the owner of an abandoned kitten. A request from your best friend! (1)
Haku: 今回の依頼人は イナホさんの クラスメイトのユウカさんですね。 Our current client is Miss Yūka, Miss Inaho's classmate. (2)
Inaho: わわっ ようこそユウカちゃん! イナウサ不思議探偵社へ!! Woo, welcome, Yūka! To the InaUSA Mystery Detective Agency!! (3)
Yūka: イナホ! ほんとに探偵やってんだね〜! Inaho! So you're really being a detective! (4)
Inaho: えーっと 依頼内容は… Umm, your request was about...
Inaho: 捨てネコの飼い主になてくれる人を さがしてほしい…? You, wanting us to look for someone who can become the owner of an abandoned kitten...?
Yūka: うん ちっちゃい子ネコなんだけどね… たぶんうちで飼えないから…。 Yes, it's a very small kitten, but... I probably can't keep it at home...
Yūka: イナホが 探偵やってるって 聞いたから きてみたんだ。 Since you're a detective, I thought I could ask you, Inaho.
Yūka: 不思議な依頼ってワケでもないんだけど… 大丈夫だった…? It's not really a mysterious request though... Is that okay...?
Inaho: もちろんもちろん! ユウカちゃんの依頼なら! Oh, of course it is! It's for you, after all!
USApyon: ていうか元々うちは どんな依頼でも受けてるダニ。 And I mean, we accept pretty much any quest anyway, dani.
Inaho: で! その子ネコは どこにいるの? So! Where is this kitten?
Yūka: うちマンションの 地下駐車場にいるの。 In the basement parking lot of our apartment building.
Inaho: ユウカちゃんちは そよ風ヒルズの リリィガーデンってことだよね。 Your place is in Breezy Hills' Lilly Garden, right? (5)
Yūka: そうそう! That's right!
Yūka: あっ! また おなかすかせて 鳴いてるかもしれない…! Ah! It might be hungry and crying again...!
Yūka: ごめんイナホ! わたし 先に行って待ってるね! Sorry, Inaho! I will go ahead and wait for you there!
USApyon: ミーたちも向かうダニ! We'll head over there too, dani!
石ノ森ユウカ/Ishinomori Yūka is known as Jessica Stonewood in English.
ハク/Haku is known as Whapir in English. In Japanese, she refers to Inaho and Yūka with the respectful honorific さん/-san.
In Japanese, Inaho refers to Yūka with the familiar/cutesy honorific ちゃん/-chan.
In Japanese, Yūka refers to Inaho without adding an honorific, which is considered very rude, unless you are close friends.
The apartment building リリィガーデン/Lilly Garden is called Wisteria Gardens in English.
At the Parking Lot:
Yūka: ほら イナホ! この子が 例の子ネコだよ! Look, Inaho! This little guy is the kitten I talked about!
???: よく来たでチュね! Pweased to meet you!
Inaho: しゃべってるし 二足歩行だし おしゃぶりもしてるよ…。 It's talking, standing on two legs, and also has a pacifier...
USApyon: どう見ても妖怪ダニね。 No matter how you look at it, that's definitely a yōkai, dani.
Yūka: イナホ… なに言ってるの? Inaho... what are you talking about?
Inaho: へ!? Huh!?
USApyon: コイツ ふつうのネコに化けてるんダニ。 This guy has taken on the form of a regular cat, dani. (1)
USApyon: ふつうの人間には ただのネコにしか見えないダニよ。 To regular humans, he just looks like a normal cat.
Inaho: マジっすか…。 Seriously...
Yūka: それじゃあ イナホ! Anyway, Inaho!
Yūka: 私はこれから習い事があるから お願いできる…? I have a lesson now, so could you...?
Inaho: う… うん! まかせて ユウカちゃん! Y... yeah! Leave it to me, Yūka!
Yūka: ありがとう イナホ! それじゃあ よろしくね! Thank you, Inaho! Well then, I'm couning on you!
Inaho: …で アオニャン! 君はいったい何者なの?! ...So, Aonyan! Who the heck are you!? (2)
???: そんな一般ネコ妖怪みたいな 名前つけるなでチュ! Do not refer to neko with such a common cat yōkai name!
Neko II: ネコっちは 妖怪ネコ2世! とある王国の王子ネコでチュよ! Neko is the yōkai Neko II! The pwince cat of a certain kingdom!
USApyon: 王子ダニ? 王子が なんでこんなとこにいるダニ? A prince, dani? Why is a prince in a place like this, dani?
Neko II: 立派な王になるため試練として 人間界にきてみたっチュが… Neko has come to the human world as a twial for becoming a fine king...
Neko II: とある施設に ブチこまれて 命からがら逃げてきたんでチュニャン! Neko was sent to a certain institution, and bawely escaped with neko's life, nyan!
USApyon: …それで これから いったい どうしたいんダニ? ...In that case, what are you going to do now, dani?
Neko II: ネコっちを かくまってくれる 人間が欲しいんでチュ! Neko wishes for a human who can hide neko!
Inaho: えっと だからつまり 飼い主をさがせばいいんでしょ? Um, so basically, it's okay if we find an owner for you?
Neko II: 飼い主じゃないでチュ! ネコっちの 「お世話係」でチュ!! Not an owner! An "attendant" for neko!!
Neko II: そうでチュね… ネコっちの希望としては… That’s wight... neko hopes for...
Neko II: ネコっちを 思いっきりかわいがってくれて 甘やかしてくれそうな人で… ...Someone who wuvs and pampers neko with all her heart and...
Neko II: そして 何より キュートな女子がいいでチュね〜♡ Above all, neko would want it to be a cute girl ~♡
Inaho: 注文多っ! えらそーだなぁ〜。 So many orders! What a bossy fellow.
Neko II: この無礼もニャーー! えらそうじゃなくて えらいんでチュ! Such impertinyance! Neko is not bossy, neko is the boss! (3,4)
Inaho: あー はいはいはい…。 Ah, yeah, yeah, yeah...
Inaho: まあ 女子がいいなら まずはクラスのみんなにきいてみよーっと! Well, if you want girls, let's ask everyone from my class first!
Neko II: あっ ひとつだけ 大事なポイントがあったでチュ! Ah, there is one impowtant point!
Neko II: 「だっこ」が うまい子がいいでチュ! これだけは はずせないでチュ! Neko wants a girl that can "hug" neko well! On that alone, neko will not budge! (5)
Neko II: 「だかれごこち」をチェックして 一番うまい子にするでチュ♡ Neko will pick the girl that does the best at a "hugging-sensation" test ♡
USApyon: 飼ってもらうのに 生意気すぎるダニ…。 He's too conceited to keep him, dani...
Inaho: ま それじゃ 5年1組の女子に かったぱしから だっこしてもらいますか! Well then, let's try and have the girls of class 5-1 hug you, one after another!
USApyon: でも 他の依頼を頼んでる子は やめておいたほうがいいダニよ。 But, you shouldn't ask girls that have other requests right now, dani. 
Inaho: あー なんかアヤシまれそうだしな〜。 じゃあ ヒマそうな女子にたのも〜っと! Ah, yeah, that'd seem suspicious. So then, let's just ask those who seem to free right now!
The verb I translated as “taking on the form of” is 化ける/bakeru in Japanese, which can also be translated as “transforming” or “disguising”, and is often used to refer to yokai’s or similar beings’ ability to conceal their true form.
This name Inaho gives Neko II on the spot is derived from 青い/aoi, which means “blue”. So in English it’d be like she called him “Bluenyan” or something.
Neko II’s catchphrase is この無礼もニャ!/kono bureimonya!, with 無礼者/bureimono meaning “rude/disrepectful person/people”, and of course “nya” being added. So I decided to adapt it as “ Such impertinyance!“, in order to retain both the “nya” part and the fact that he calls them rude/disrespectful.
This is a bit of a pun. Inaho refers to Neko II as え��そう/erasō (”bossy” or “arrogant”), and he gets angry, saying he isn’t that, he is えらい/erai (”important” or “great”).
What I translated as “hug” here is だっこ/dakko in Japanese, which can be translated as “hug”, but it also refers to picking up and holding someone, especially babies, or in this case a cat.
Aside from herself and Yūka, there are 10 girls in Inaho’s class, and at this point you have to go to them and try them out, so to speak.
Note that you can talk to them in any order you want, but, as USApyon implies, I believe you can’t try ones that are involved with on-going quests.
Talking to Minami:
Minami: ヤッホー イナホちゃん! Yahoo, Inaho! (1)
Inaho: これはこれは… 運動神経バツグンの スポーツ少女 みなみちゃん! Well, well... It's the outstandingly athletic sports girl, Minami! (2)
Minami: あっ 子ネコじゃん! かわいいー! Ah, it’s a kitten! So cute!
Inaho: ねぇねぇ みなみちゃん! この子ネコ だっこしてみてくれない? Hey, Minami! You wanna try hugging this kitten?
Minami: よーし! 任せて! ギューッてしてあげるよ! Alright! Leave it to me! I'll hug it tight!
Minami: ふふっ やっぱ動物っていいね!! Hehe, animals are really great!!
Neko II: スポーツ少女だけに ちょっと豪快な抱き方でチュね…。 It’s a somewhat lively way of hugging, like one would expect fwom a sports girl...
Neko II: いつかボールみたいに 投げられそうで怖いでチュ…。 Neko's wowwied she might throw neko like a ball one day...
Inaho: あはは! さすがにそれはないっしょ! Ahaha! She wouldn't!
In Japanese, Minami uses ちゃん/-chan when referring to Inaho.
In Japanese Inaho refers to her as みなみちゃん/Minami-chan. Her full name is 桐谷みなみ/Kiritani Minami.
Talking to Akira:
Akira: あー! イナホちゃん! Ah! Inaho! (1)
Inaho: クラスの男子にも負けないくらい 元気なおてんば少女 あきらちゃん! The energetic tomboy that can't be beaten, even by the boys of the class, Akira! (2)
Akira: …って あれ!?? ネコだ! なんでなんで!? ...wait, what!?? It's a cat! Why's that!?
Inaho: あきらちゃん ワケは聞かずに この子を だっこしてあげてくんない!? Akira, don't ask why, but how about you try hugging it!?
Akira: えっ! いいの!? やったぁー!! What? Can I!? Hooray!!
Akira: はー! ネコってあったかいんだね! Hah! It's warm!
Neko II: う〜ん だきかたが ちょっと雑でチュねぇ…。 Hmmm, that hugging method was somewhat sloppy...
Neko II: 元気があるのはいいことでチュが 女の子らしさも みがいてほしいでチュね。 It is a good that she’s enewgetic, but neko would want her to refine her girliness as well.
USApyon: イナホにも 言ってやってほしいダニ。 I'd like you to say that to Inaho as well, dani.
In Japanese, Akira uses ちゃん/-chan when referring to Inaho.
In Japanese Inaho refers to her as あきらちゃん/Akira-chan. Her full name is 三浦あきら/Miura Akira.
Talking to Koyomi:
Koyomi: こんにちは イナホちゃん。 Good afternoon, Inaho. (1)
Inaho: 「5年1組の母」こと 占いが得意なこよみちゃん!! The "mother of class 5-1", and a skilled fortune teller, Koyomi!! (2)
Koyomi: あら… この子ネコ… 大変だったわね… Oh... this kitten... it had it rough, no...?
USApyon: なっ なんかもう いろいろ見抜かれちゃってるダニ!? S-Somehow she already figured out a lot, dani!?
Inaho: でも ちょうどいいや! この子のこと だっこしてもらえる? But that's perfect! Could you hug it?
Koyomi: ええ もちろん。 Yes, of course.
Koyomi: 抱いてあげる ほらおいで。 こわがらないで。 Come here, I'll hug you. There, there, don't be scared.
Koyomi: うんうん なるほどね…。 Ah yes, I see...
Neko II: ふんふん… なかなか やさしいだっこでチュね。 Hmmm... This was quite a gentle hug.
Neko II: ただ 何もかも見透かされそうで ちょっと こわいでチュ…。 However, the way she seems to see though everything is a bit scawy...
Inaho: げっ もしかしてワタシも なんか見透かされてたりする!? Ack, maybe she's seeing through something about me too!?
In Japanese, Koyomi uses ちゃん/-chan when referring to Inaho.
In Japanese Inaho refers to her as こよみちゃん/Koyomi-chan. Her full name is 占部こよみ/Urabe Koyomi.
Talking to Yōko:
Yōko: あ〜 イナホちゃんだ〜。 Ah, it's Inaho~ (1)
Inaho: この子は 癒し系少女で 超絶ドジっ子の ようこちゃん! This is the soothing girl, the transcendant ditz, Yōko! (2)
Yōko: うわぁ〜 にゃんこだぁ〜。 Uwahhh, it's a kitty~
Inaho: ようこちゃん! よかったら だっこしてあげてよ! Yōko! You can hug it if you want!
Yōko: わぁ いいのぉ〜? おいでおいで〜。 Whoa, really~? Come here, come here~
Yōko: にゃ〜ん。 ふふふ〜 にゃ〜。 Meoooow. Hehehe~ Meow~
Neko II: なかなか こなれてるでチュね。 この子は ネコ好きにちがいないでチュ。 Vewy effowtlessly. This girl must love cats.
Neko II: ただ ドジっ子みたいでチュから だっこ中に転ばないか不安でチュね。 However, since she seems ditzy, neko wowwies she might fall over while hugging neko.
Inaho: まぁそれは… あるかも。 Well, that... might happen.
In Japanese, Yōko uses ちゃん/-chan when referring to Inaho.
In Japanese Inaho refers to her as ようこちゃん/Yōko-chan. Her full name is 森野葉子/Morino Yōko.
Talking to Chinamin (1):
Chinamin: あら イナホさん。 そちらの子ネコは でょうしたの? Oh, Inaho. What's with that kitten? (2)
Inaho: まぁまぁ くわしい話は置いといて… お願い! この子をだっこしてあげて! Well, let's just leave the details aside... Please! Hug this kitten!
Chinamin: だっこ… ですって? Did you say... hug it?
Chinamin: ふふ ネコの正しい抱き方情報も ばっちり調べてあるわ! Hehe, I've intensively studied the correct way to hug a cat, too!
Chinamin: まかせてちょうだい! Just leave it to me!
Chinamin: ふふ 手慣れてるでしょ? ほら子ネコもこんなに喜んでる! Hehe, quite skillful, no? Look, the kitten is so happy, too!
Neko II: う〜ん この子 口は達者でチュが イマイチな だっこでチュねぇ…。 Hmm, this girl has a way with words, but her hug is not quite good enough...
Neko II: まだまだ お子チャマの ちんちくりんでチュ。 She is still pwetty short, just like a child.
USApyon: イナホみたいなもんダニね。 Just like Inaho, dani.
In Japanese Inaho refers to her with the nickname ちなみん/Chinanim. Her full name is 堀田ちなみ/Horido Chinami.
In Japanese, she uses さん/-san when referring to Inaho.
After trying 5 Girls:
Inaho: はぁ〜 まだ誰にするか 決めらんないのぉ〜? *Sigh* You still can't decide on anyone?
Inaho: …ていうか理想 高すぎない? ...I mean, aren't you setting the bar too high?
USApyon: 文句ばっか言ってるダニ。 All you do is complain, dani.
Neko II: 当たり前でチュニャ��! ネコっちは 王様でチュから! Of couwse, nyan! Neko is a king, after all!
Inaho: うちのクラスの女子は あと5人いるけど… どうしようっか? There's still 5 more girls in my class, but... what now?
USApyon: もう このへんで やめてもいいんじゃないダニ? Can't we just stop here already, dani?
Neko II: な… 何言ってるんでチュか!?? Wha... What are you saying!??
Inaho: う〜ん… そうだね〜 飽きたらユウカちゃんとこにもどろっと! Hmmm... Yeah, you're right. Let's go back to Yūka if we get tired!
USApyon: そよ風ヒルズの リリィガーデンだったダニね。 She was at Lilly Garden in Breezy Hills right, dani?
USApyon: どうせ誰でも文句つけるだけダニ。 いいタイミングで きりあげるダニ。 He complains about everyone anyway, dani. It's good timing for finishing this up, dani.
Neko II: この無礼もニャー!! もっとマジメにやるでチュ!! Such impertinyance!! Take this more sewiously!!
At this point, you can return to Yūka at any point if you wish, or continue to try out the remaining girls, if you want to see the interactions with them.
Talking to Anna:
Anna: あれ イナホちゃんじゃん。 Oh, it's Inaho. (1)
Inaho: 5年1組のギャル代表! アネゴ肌の アンナちゃん!! Class 5-1's Gyaru representative! The dependable big sis, Anna!! (2, 3)
Anna: その子ネコ どうしたの? What's with that kitten?
Inaho: アンナちゃん! 何も言わず この子をだっこして! Anna! Don't ask any questions and hug this kitten!
Anna: えっ?? うん まぁいいけど…。 Huh?? Well, okay, I guess...
Anna: ふふ かわいいじゃん。 Hehe, what a cutie.
Neko II: ギャルっぽかったから警戒したでチュが 以外に上手でチュね。 Neko was wawy because she is gyaru-like, but she is supwisingly good.
Neko II: でも見た目は やっぱり ちょっと警戒しちゃうでチュ。 But her look still makes neko slightly wawy.
Inaho: えー! アンナちゃんになら ワタシが飼われたいくらいだよ! What!? If it were me, I'd like to be kept by Anna!
In Japanese, Anna uses ちゃん/-chan when referring to Inaho.
In Japanese, Inaho refers to her as アンナちゃん/Anna-chan. Her full name is 渋谷アンナ/Shibuya Anna.
I’m no expert, but “Gyaru” is a Japanese subculture/fashion movement with many variants. The most unifying factor among them are eccentric fashionable clothes, heavy use of make-up, and hair that’s usually dyed/bleached brown or blonde.
Talking to Kanacchi:
Kanacchi: わっ…! きゃわ……! Ahh...! Cute...!
Inaho: おや! カナっち どしたの? Oh? What's wrong, Kanacchi? (1)
Kanacchi: べ… べつに…。 It... It's nothing...
Inaho: あのさ! 当然なんだけど この子ネコ だっこしてあげてくれない? Say! Long story short, do you want to hug this kitten?
Kanacchi: いいの!?? Can I!??
Kanacchi: …じゃなくて べつに いいけど。 ... I mean, I don't care either way.
Kanacchi: はぁ……。 Haah...
Neko II: クールな子かと思ってたら なんかギュッと強くだきしめられたでチュよ。 Just as neko thought she was a cool girl, she hugged neko vewy tightly.
Neko II: それに… 妙に目輝かせてるでチュ… 身の危険を感じるでチュ…! Moreover... There is a stwange glow in her eyes... Neko fears for neko's well-being...!
USApyon: たしかに かなり視線が熱いダニね…。 It is a rather passionate gaze, dani...
In Japanese, Inaho refers to her with the nickname カナっち/Kanacchi. Her full name is 大山可南子/Ōyama Kanako.
Talking to Jun (1):
Jun: あら? イナホさんじゃない! Oh? Well, if it isn't Inaho! (2)
Jun: 私に 何の用かしら? Do you need something from me?
Inaho: え〜っと… 突然なんだけど… Uhhh... This is kinda sudden, but...
Inaho: この子ネコを だっこしてみてくれたりしない? Would you try hugging this kitten?
Jun: だっこ…? Hug it...?
Jun: いいけど… 服が汚れたら 弁償してもらいますからね! Very well, but... should my clothes get dirty I will have you compensate for it!
Jun: この服 あなたが行くような 庶民のお店のものじゃないんだから。 I'll have you know, these clothes are not from common people stores like you go to. (3)
Jun: ふん お洋服が汚れなくてよかったわ。 Hmph, I'm glad my clothes didn't get dirty.
Neko II: フツーなだっこでチュ。 とっても庶民的でチュね。 An average hug. Much like a commoner.
Neko II: こんな無理してる庶民は ネコっちに 似合わないでチュ。 Such an twyhawd commoner does not suit neko. (4)
USApyon: たしかに かなり無理してそうダニ…。 Well, it's true that she's a tryhard, dani...
In Japanese, Inaho refers to her with the nickname じゅんちゃん/Jun-chan. Her full name is 羽沢順子/Hazawa Junko.
In Japanese, she uses さん/-san when referring to Inaho.
What I translated as “common people” here is 庶民/shomin in Japanese, which can be translated as “commoners”, “ordinary people”, or “the general public” and the like.
Talking to Mā:
Mā: あら イナホさん。 Oh, Inaho. (1)
Mā: …って あなた! ここは 博物館ですわよ!? ...Hang on, you! This is a museum!?
Mā: ペットは禁止よ 禁止! まったくこれだから庶民は! Pets are not allowed here, got it? Not allowed! Seriously, that is just so typical of common people!
Inaho: あはは… ごめんごめん! 一瞬で終わるから! Ahaha... sorry 'bout that! I'll be gone in a minute!
Inaho: まーちゃん! この子ネコ だっこして! Mā! Hug this kitten! (2)
Mā: いきなり なんですの!? What's this now, all of a sudden!?
Mā: ま… まぁ べつに いいですけど…。 W... Well, it's alright, I guess...
Mā: はい だっこしたわよ。 これで満足かしら? There, I hugged it. Are you happy now?
Neko II: …この子 なんでこんなに へんな見栄張ってるんでチュか? ...Why is this girl such a weiwd show-off?
Neko II: 庶民なだっこでチュね。 ネコっちにはふさわしくないでチュ。 It was a common people-hug. She does not suit neko.
Inaho: 「庶民なだっこ」って何!? What's a "common people-hug"!?
In Japanese, she uses さん/-san when referring to Inaho.
In Japanese, Inaho refers to her with the nickname まーちゃん/Mā-chan. Her full name is 百舌昌子/Mozu Masako.
Talking to Kirara:
Kirara: あ イナホさん! Ah, Inaho! (1)
Kirara: あら かわいい子ネコ! イナホさんのおうちの子なの? Oh my, what a cute kitten! Is it from your house, Inaho?
Inaho: えーっと 話すと長くなるんだけど… とりあえず… Uhh, it's a long story... Anway...
Inaho: キララちゃん お願い! この子を だっこしてみてくれない? Please, Kirara! Could you try hugging it? (2)
Kirara: ええ よろこんで! Yes, I'd be happy to!
Kirara: だけど私… だっこなんてしたことないから うまくできるかしら…? Though... I've never done this before, so I don't know if I'll do it right...?
Kirara: ふふ かわいい子ネコ。 だっこさせてくれて ありがとう! Hehe, such a cute kitten. Thank you for letting me hug it!
Neko II: パーフェクトでチュ! She's pewfect!
Neko II: 超絶セレブの お嬢様なんて ネコっちにピッタリでチュ! An outstanding, wealthy young lady like this is just pewfect for neko!
Neko II: だっこが 超絶ヘタクソなのを除けば パーフェクトでチュ! 超絶おしいでチュ! She is pewfect, save for that absolutely crappy hug of hers! An outstanding shame!
Inaho: キララちゃんもダメなの〜? これ以上リッチな子はいないよ!? Kirara is no good either? But there's no richer girls than her!?
In Japanese, Kirara uses さん/-san when referring to Inaho.
In Japanese, Inaho refers to her as キララちゃん/Kirara-chan. Her full name is 星風キララ/Hoshikaze Kirara. In English, she is known as Crystal Starr.
After Having tried all 10 Girls:
Inaho: これで 5年1組の女子全員に だっこされたワケですが… Now all girls of Class 5-1 have hugged you, but...
Inaho: …いかがでした? ...How were they?
Neko II: うーーーん… ビミョーでチュね。 Hmmmmm... Not that gweat.
Neko II: 惜しい子は いたんでチュが… どうも しっくりこないでチュ。 Some girls were close... but none of them matched.
USApyon: ぜいたくなやつダニ…。 What an extravagant guy, dani...
Inaho: あ じゃあさ! ワタシもだっこしてみよっか? Ah, in that case! Should I try hugging you, too?
USApyon: ダニ!? Dani!?
Neko II: いや 遠慮しとくでチュ。 それだけは ないでチュ。 No, neko would rather not. Anything but that.
Inaho: ちょっ…!! まだ だっこしてないんだけど!? Hang on...!! I haven't even hugged you yet!?
Neko II: ないでチュ。 Anything but.
Inaho: ま… まぁいったんユウカちゃんに話して 作戦ねりなおしかなー。 W... Well, let's go talk to Yūka and restrategize, I guess.
USApyon: あの子の家は リリィガーデンだったダニね。 Her house was at Lilly Garden, dani.
USApyon: 行ってみるダニ! Let's go, dani!
Back at Yūka's place:
Yūka: あっ イナホ! 飼い主ん もう見つかった…? Ah, Inaho! Have you found an owner yet...?
Inaho: あ それが まだなんだよね〜 これから誰にしようかな〜 なんて…。 Ah, no, not yet. Figuring out who we should pick is kinda...
Yūka: ほっ… よかった〜……。 Oh... That's a relief...
Inaho: …ほっ? ...Oh?
Yūka: あのね やっぱり… どうしてもきになっちゃって……。 Well, you see... I just couldn't get it off my mind after all...
Yūka: 私 お母さんにお願いして 飼わせてもらおうと思うの…! I think I will ask my mother if I can keep it...!
Inaho: えっ! で でも飼い主には「条件」が…。 What? B-but... there are "requirements" for the owner...
Yūka: 条件? Requirements?
Inaho: えーっと一回 この子ネコ だっこしてみてほしいんだけど… Umm, I'd like you to try hugging the kitten, but...
Yūka: …え? うん わかった。 ...What? Alright, sure.
Neko II: この「だかれごこち」…!! これでチュよ! 求めていたのは!! This "hugging-sensation"...!! This is it! This is what neko was looking for!!
Neko II: それに この人間… そんなに ネコっちのことを慕って…… Moreover, this human... yearned for neko so vewy much...
Neko II: この想い… 王族ならば こたえてやらないといけないでチュ!! Those feelings... As royalty, neko has to answer to them!!
Neko II: 運命の相手は 最初から近くにいたんでチュね…。 Neko's fated other was this close fwom the vewy beginning...
Inaho: ええっ! ワタシの苦労は!? Whaaat!? Then what about my hard work!?
Yūka: じゃあ 私 お母さんに話してくる! Alright, I'll go talk to my mother, then!
Nyanpachi-sensei: 王子! ようやく見つけたですニャン! Prince! I've finally found you, nyan! (1)
Neko II: せ… 先生でチュか!? S... Sensei!?
USApyon: 先生… ダニ? Sensei...dani?
Nyanpachi-sensei: ネコ2世くんは 立派な王様になるために 私のクラスで お勉強してたんですニャン。 Neko II has been studying in my class in order to become a fine king, nyan. (2)
Inaho: ええっ! 「とある施設」って ニャンパチ先生のクラスのこと!? Whaaat!?  So, that "certain institution" was Nyanpachi-sensei's class!?
Nyanpachi-sensei: 勉強は 立派な王様になるためには かかせないことですニャン。 If you are to become a fine king, studying is indispensable, nyan.
Nyanpachi-sensei: わかったら 教室にもどりますニャン。 もう逃げださないことニャンよ! If you understand this, return to the classroom, nyan. Please do nyot run away again, nyan!
Neko II: せ 先生! 聞いてほしいでチュ! S-sensei! Pwease listen to neko!
Neko II: ネコっち どうしても 一緒にいたい人間ができたでチュ… Neko has found a human whom neko wants to live together with, no matter what...
Neko II: この子のところで お世話になりたいんでチュ…!! Neko wants to be taken care of by this girl...!!
Nyanpachi-sensei: どうしても 戻れないというんですニャン…? You absolutely do nyot wish to go back, nyan...?
Nyanpachi-sensei: …よろしい! ニャらば「卒業試験」ですニャン!! ...Very well! In that case, this will be your "Graduation Exam", nyan!!
Nyanpachi-sensei: ちょうど この人間は 先生の知り合いですニャン。 This human happens to be an acquaintance of mine, nyan.
Nyanpachi-sensei: この人間が連れている妖怪たちと 戦うですニャン!! Fight with the yōkai that are lead by this human, nyan!
Inaho: なんですと!? Excuse me!?
Neko II: 覚悟するでチュ!! Pwepawe yourself!!
Nyanpachi-sensei is known as Mr. Crabbycat in English.
Nyanpachi-sensei uses the honorific くん/-kun when referring to Neko II. It is common for teachers to use this when referring to their students, mostly the male ones.
After the Battle:
Nyanpachi-sensei: なるほどですニャン…。 I see, nyan...
Nyanpachi-sensei: ネコ2世くんは たしかに 何か見つけたようですニャン。 It does seem like Neko II has found something, nyan.
Nyanpachi-sensei: ネコ2世くん… 卒業おめでとう! Neko II... Congratulations on your graduation!
Neko II: チュチュ…!? いいんでチュニャン!? Chuchu...!? Is that alwight, nyan!?  (1)
Nyanpachi-sensei: ええ… これからのことは 人間が教えてくれるはずですニャン。 Yes... From now on, the human should teach you, nyan. (2)
Nyanpachi-sensei: 卒業おめでとう! Congratulations on your graduation!
Inaho: おめでとう! Congratulations!
USApyon: おめでとうダニ! Congratulations, dani!
Nyanpachi-sensei: それでは さようなら! 元気でいるんですニャンよ! Goodybe then! I hope you will do well, nyan!
Yūka: イナホ聞いて! 飼ってもいいって!! Listen, Inaho! I can keep it!!
Inaho: ええ!? ほんとに!? Huh!? Really!?
Yūka: うん…!! ちゃんとお世話するって約束したの! Yes...!! I promised to take good care of it!
Inaho: そっか! よかったね!! I see! I'm glad!!
Yūka: ふふっ それじゃあさっそく この子の名前つけないとね! Hehe, now I have to give him a name right away! (3)
Inaho: あー この子 実はもう 「立派な名前」あるんだよね〜。 Ah, actually, he already has a "fine name", you know.
Inaho: ネコ2世っていうんだけど… It's Neko II...
Yūka: えぇ〜… イナホがつけたの? なんかペットの名前じゃないよ〜。 What...? Did you name him, Inaho? It's not really a name for a pet, though.
Yūka: きめた! 「アオすけ」ってどう? I got it! How does "Aosuke" sound? (4)
Inaho: イヤイヤ そんな一般ネコみたいな 名前はさすがに イヤがると… Oh, no, no, no, he wouldn't like a common cat name like that...
Neko II: チュチュ〜♡ (わかったでチュ〜♡) Chuchu〜♡ (Alwight〜♡)
Inaho: なんですと!!? Excuse me!!?
Like I mentioned, “chuchu” is onomatopoeia that can refer to sucking on a pacifier.
Because the Japanese language lacks a true plural, this line could alternatively be translated as “From now on, humans should teach you.”, and I can’t say for sure which it is.
Because the Japanese language uses third-person pronouns a lot less than English, I basically had to presume what kind of pronouns the characters would use to refer to Neko II. He is male, so normally I’d just go for “he”, but I feel people who’d talk about him like a regular stray cat would probably refer to him as “it”? I don’t know, just be aware of this detail.
Aosuke is derived from 青い/aoi, still meaning “blue”, and すけ/-suke, a masculine name ending.
Talking to Yūka after the Quest:
Yūka: ねぇ イナホ! アオすけに会いにこない? Hey, Inaho! Do you want to visit Aosuke?
Yūka: 元気が あり余ってるみたいだから 遊んであげてほしいんだ〜。 He seems to have lots of energy, so I'd like you to play with him.
Inaho: それじゃ 会いにいきますかな!! Let's go see him, then!!
Yūka: うんうん おいでー。 アオすけも きっと喜ぶよ! Yeah, come visit. I'm sure Aosuke will be happy, too!
Talking to Yūka in her Home:
Yūka: ふふ アオすけ元気でしょ? Hehe, Aosuke sure is energetic, no?
Yūka: この子 すっごい甘えんぼで 家の中では どこ行ってもいっしょなの! He's such a baby, he follows me, no matter where I go in the house!
Yūka: あっ いまは私とアオすけで お留守番だし イナホもゆっくりしていってね! Ah, me and Aosuke are watching the house right now, so make yourself at home, too!
Talking to Neko II at Yūka's place:
Neko II: キチャマ! よくきたでチュ! ネコっちとバトルするでチュ! You! Welcome! Now battle with neko!
Inaho: およっ! またまたなんで? Oho? Why this again?
Neko II: この家は 快適でチュが 刺激が足りないのも事実でチュ…。 This house is comfowtable, but there's also not enough stimulation...
Neko II: だから 刺激を求めて バトルしたくなったでチュ。 So, seeking stimulation, neko wishes to battle.
USApyon: 妖怪として遊べる相手が ミーたちしかいないダニね…。 I suppose there aren't any yōkai who can play with you, besides us, dani...
Neko II: は… はやく戦うでチュよ! チュパチュパチュパ! H... Huwwy and battle neko alweady! Chupa chupa chupa! (1)
Neko II: ふ〜ん キチァマも けっこうヒマなんでチュね。 Hmmm, you must have a lot of fwee time, too.
Neko II: じゃあ いくでチュニャン! Now, here we go, nyan!
“Chupa chupa” is also onomatopoeia that can refer to sucking on a pacifier.
Beating Neko II Without Befriending Him:
Neko II: けっこう楽しかったでチュ! でも まだ遊びたりないでチュ。 That was pwetty fun! But, neko wants to play more.
Neko II: むにゃ… 運動したから 眠くなってきたでチュ…。 Mmmm... Neko is getting sleepy from the exewcise...
Neko II: ちょっと お昼寝してから またバトルするでチュ! We will battle again, after neko takes a quick nap!
Befriending Neko II:
Neko II: ネコっちに勝つなんて 無礼もニャ〜っ! おわびとして ネコっちをつれてくでチュ! How impertinyant of you, beating neko like that! Take neko with you as an apology!
Neko II: ふ〜 満足したでチュ! ほめてつかわすでチュ! Hahh, neko is satisfied! You have neko's pwaise!
USApyon: もういいダニ〜? 遊び続けるのは つかれるダニ…。 Are we done, dani? I'm tired of playing, dani...
Neko II: ちょっと待つでチュ! お散歩にも つれてくでチュ〜! Now wait a moment! Take neko for a walk, too!
Inaho: なんですとー! Excuse me?!
Neko II: ユウカと散歩するときは ネコ友にしか会いえないんでチュ。 When Neko goes on walks with Yūka, neko can only meet cat fwiends.
Inaho: そういや ユウカちゃんの前では 普通のネコに化けてるんだった…! Oh right, in front of Yūka, you take on the form of a regular cat...!
Neko II: 家にも またくるでチュ。 ヒマなら遊んでやるでチュよ。 Neko will go back home, too. Neko has fwee time, so neko is going to play.
USApyon: やっぱり上から目線ダニ…。 He really is just full of himself, dani...
Talking to Neko II after Battling Him:
Neko II: んん… むにゃむにゃ… 眠くなってきたでチュ…。 Hmm... *mumble mumble* Neko is so sleepy...
Neko II: バトルは また今度でチュ。 We will battle next time...
I am unsure, but I believe this is dialouge for when you talk to Neko II when playing a version in which you can't fight and befriend him?
Neko II: よくきたでチュ〜! ゆっくりしていけでチュ。 Welcome! Pwease make yourself at home.
Neko II: ネコっちには まだまだ庶民的でチュが なかなか快適な家でチュよ〜。 It's a still a commoner house to neko, but it is also quite comfowtable.
Optional Dialouge if you talk to Yūka as Nate:
Yūka: キミのおうちにも ネコがいるんだよね。 イナホから聞いたんだ〜。 You have a cat at home too, right? Inaho told me.
Yūka: うちも最近 飼いだしたんだ。 いつか合わせてみたいね〜。 I got one just recently, too. I'd like to put them together someday.
Mission End Description:
結局、ユウカに飼われることになったネコ2世。 立派な王になるという目的は、どうなった…? Ultimately, Yūka ended up keeping Neko II. What happened to his goal of becoming a fine king...?
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monitorsscrawlings · 7 years
Boogie-Monster Dining & Diner Etiquette
Dining Area Set-Up:
== For most families and dining faculties, the dining area is set-up to seat the maximum number of monsters together comfortably while accommodating the broadest possible range of shapes and sizes, and is considered one of the main focal-points in many monster homes, given that this is where food and company are shared, and where family and friends most often meet to talk. With that in mind most dining tables are elongated oval-shapes, multi-tiered round-tables or wavy, meandering affairs with rounded edges, and many modern tables are designed to be adjustable. The dining area floor is usually heavily covered in a thick padding of multiple carpets, with an array of plush seat-cushions and pillows surrounding the table proper. Stools, bird-stands, bucket-chairs or wheeled tanks, as well as high-benches or high-stools designed with smaller monsters in mind are also fairly common, and usually made available as needed by the hosts or proprietor.
== Carved stone tables with stone slabs or tree-stumps for seating tend to be a more traditional seating arrangement--though they've fallen out of vogue in many places in recent times--often favored by smaller families or very small private gatherings and usually feature roast-spits and a shallow fire-pit built into the center of the table.
== Serving dishes are all designed to be picked up from the bottom or sides with ease, and often have handles or handhold's set in the sides or the top of the dish, and almost everything has a motif or design worked into it. Many of them tend to feature secure-able lids, particularly in the case of more fragrant, volatile, or lively dishes, and woven baskets or wire-cages are also common sights at the dinner table. Most serving-dishes and dinner-ware are made out of carved stone, wrought-iron, or dense porcelain, though copper or wooden cook-ware isn't too uncommon either.
Before The Meal:
Before the meal begins, all diners are expected to take part in the dinner-time hand-washing ceremony, wherein they wash their hands, claws, hooves, tentacles or other sundry appendages in small bowls of cold water, before dabbing them dry on the provided towels. Once done, diners give short personal thanks to both their hosts, the cooks, and those who have worked to bring this food to the table, before digging in. Most places don't stand on ceremony, and while waiting for everyone to be seated is considered good etiquette and a proper show of respect, it isn't strictly required.
A Helping Hand: In the case of non-boogie-monster dinner-guests, hatchlings or cubs, the invitation-giver, or a young monsters parents or guardain is responsible for seeing after their guest(s) or young, coaching them on the finer points of dinner-etiquette, helping them navigate the meal should it be required, and helping to make them feel more comfortable and at home. Their performance, good or bad, will reflect on not only themselves, but the monster or monsters who invited them, so it is quite important. Likewise, the hosts are responsible for properly accommodating their guests, friends and family alike, as well as providing appropriate seating arrangements. Outside of restaurants and public dinning-halls, or small informal meals, most everyone helps to provide, cook and set the meal, so that the burden does not rest solely on the hosts.
Meal Progression: Most meals consist of anywhere from three to seven courses on average, including dessert, which is usually considered the highest point of the meal. Breakfast is always informal, done with close, trusted friends and immediate family, and everything is served together in one massive course. Lunch and dinner tend to be a little more formal, and it's quite common for entire adjoining families to gather and dine together, as this is a prime time to socialize.
Lunches tend to be treated as a stop-gap between breakfast and dinner, with lighter fare, and an emphasis on protein, fat and sugar-rich foods. Snacking between meals isn't unusual, particularly with younger monsters.
Dinners are always the largest meal of the day by far, and where the most emphasis is put on gathering together as a larger group to eat and talk and be merry.
Boogie-Monster Dining Etiquette:
== Teeth-gnashing, openly drooling and slathering, licking ones chops, stomach-gurgling, emitting hungry growls or other such displays are acceptable, and considered good etiquette and signs of a healthy apatite and appropriate readiness for the coming meal. Roughly jostling the table, forcibly snatching serving platters away from others, eating directly out of or hogging the serving dishes, repeatedly banging on the table, setting the table or other diners on fire, or otherwise being overly disruptive is considered extremely bad etiquette and juvenile besides, however.
== Loudly slurping when eating soup, stew, long noodle-dishes, entrails, or things like worms, snakes or newts is considered good etiquette. Likewise, playing with ones prey/food in the case of fresh or animate foodstuffs is considered good etiquette. Envenomating ones prey before swallowing it whole or sucking out its entrails, eating it slowly one bite at a time, playfully dismembering it before eating it, lightly toasting it, dissolving it with venom or corrosive acid and slurping it up, or simply absorbing it are all also perfectly acceptable besides, and diners should feel free to enjoy their meals--live-prey included--in their preferred manner. Shriveled carcasses or other uneaten scraps should be placed next to ones dishes or left on the side of the plate, as this is good etiquette.
== Breathing fire, lightning, cold or more exotic effects, shooting streams or balls of slime, or regurgitating bones or other hard to digest bits is perfectly fine, provided one is circumspect and does so in moderation. And aiming away from the table is always preferable. Allowing projectiles to strike other diners, their food, or the serving dishes, or careen unchecked down the table is very bad etiquette.
== Belching and burping is always acceptable and approved, and the louder the better. Especially when done after a meal, where it is considered to be a high compliment and a show of both appreciation and satisfaction towards the food and the hospitality of the hosts.
== Complimenting the meal is naturally not only good etiquette, but a good idea. Whether one chooses to say the food was wonderful, or call it rancid garbage and disgusting, repulsive slop, both are considered equally good by boogie-monster standards.
== Eating-utensils are largely optional, excepting when serving certain foodstuffs, and most are made of wood or bone, and considered both disposable and perfectly edible and nicely crunchy, if a trifle bland. Using ones assorted appendages, like ones tail, tongue, wings, claws, talons or what have you to handle and eat food is perfectly acceptable, and often customary. Likewise so is picking at ones teeth after a meal, and utensils can double as tooth-picks quite nicely.
= Eating something off the floor, licking ones fingers, licking ones plate clean, or picking pieces of food off of ones self and eating them is acceptable, particularly in the case of insects or other live prey. Licking crumbs off of the table or floor is not, and is considered demeaning. Chewing with ones mouth(s) open, talking with ones mouth(s) full, snatching food from other diners plates, or plucking live-prey or morsels off of other diners and eating them without the other monsters permission is considered bad etiquette.
= Consuming ones own flesh during a meal is not only bad etiquette, in most circumstances it can be taken as a serious insult towards not only the food being served, but the hosts and their hospitality as well. Snacking, grooming, or performing self-care or personal maintenance such as sharpening ones fangs or claws should be done either well before or after a meal, and never at the dinner-table. Likewise, using the table or other guests as a back-scratcher or scratching post, even if intended in a friendly or playful manner is considered bad etiquette. Shedding, copious drooling or oozing is permissible, provided one isn't being especially disruptive.
== Intentionally eating or attempting to eat other diners or ones dinner-guests during a meal is considered unacceptable, no matter how good they look, smell, or taste, nor how small and succulent they appear. Likewise eating someone shortly before or after a meal is considered bad etiquette and exceedingly poor form, and can be taken as an insult towards the food, and a slap in the face towards the cooks and ones hosts. While not actually taboo, it is still incredibly rude.
After The Meal:
After dinner has been concluded and the dishes have been cleared away, it is quite common-place--though not required--for dinner-guests to continue relaxing in the dinning area as their meals settle, talking freely amongst themselves or forming small groups to partake in board and card games, or forming story-telling circles. Hatchlings and younger monsters are usually the first to be gently guided off to bed, though to be certain after so much food and activity, they're very rarely the only ones to begin nodding off in the after-dinner festivities.  
Author Note: This was a short-piece I wrote up at the prompting of a friend on one occasion when I was asking around for prompts and things people would want to see my write about. I had a lot of fun when I originally wrote this, and while yes it is a bit silly it was also nice being able to cut loose a little.
I’m afraid that this is both just a re-hash of the version I had originally posted on my other blog, and a stand-alone piece, at least for now. I was going to write up a follow up piece on Boogey-Monster Taboos and culture, but I got stymied pretty badly. Hopefully one day I’ll be able to take this back in, write more, make a preface and cover more stuff on the Netherworlds history, geography and such, and different facets of boogey-monster society and such. For now I’ll wrap this segment up by saying: thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed this short-piece!
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