#but it feels like people expect you to ship their headcanons or you hate lesbians
shnuckattack · 2 years
Women who fetishize wlw relationships to an uncomfortable extent when woman character is anything except a lesbian: 🤯🤯🤯😡🤬😡🤬
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barb-l · 10 months
Isn't a writer question but was curious; How does wenclair different from other ships you've enjoyed?
Is it solely due to having been a lifelong Wednesday Addams fan, or is it specifically the Netflix's Addams world that you find intriguing?
I ask mainly because I recall you once saying that your wenclair comics--specifically the Next Gen Au I believe--are written and made with a lot of intention in regards to dialog and the discussions had between characters.
Is this due to a greater insight into the characters or simply a mark of growth in writing comprehension?
I like to think I put as much thought in all ships I've been hyperfixated on tbh. Wenclair isn't even the one I've been obsessed with the longest. So far it's actually Trimberly, for which and I was hyperfixated with for like 3 years.
But yeah ok I get ur point lol The intensity this time feels different, I suppose.
I think it's a mix of both being a long time Wednesday Addams fan and how cute of a ship Wenclair is both in concept and the canon execution of their dynamics.
As some of you are aware, I've been a fan of The Addams for a while now. All incarnations of them are great in their own way, but one of the many reasons why the animated 2019 movie is my favorite is because it didn't give Wednesday a bland ass male love interest. I don't think the B/W series did it(because Wed was like six in that) but the 90's movies, musical, and netflix series for some reason found it necessary to give Wednesday male love interests so painfully boring and i hate it. This isn't even about making Wednesday attracted to boys. I personally headcanon her bi, as the ol' stereotype that all grumpy/angsty female characters must be lesbian isn't my cup of tea, and also because I like to think all Addamses just don't give a shit about gender when it comes to romance. I woulda been fine with her getting a boyfriend so long as they're not boring af and goddddd canon incarnations still haven't delivered. Joel was sweet but he was too much of a wimp, not even Gomez is that pathetic. Lucas' thing with Wednesday was just portrayed in such an icky way in the musical that I couldn't finish watching by the time their sexually charged duet came on, and don't even get me started on the boys Netflix gave her. I expected better of Gough and Millar...(unless the blandness was on purpose like it was with Lana Lang--)
Anyways, because of all said canon love interests, I've been desperate for Wednesday to have a love interest that is both not painfully het or boring for once. Crossover shipping with Lydia Deetz from Beetlejuice the Musical was fun but was ultimately a very niche fandom. I could only draw and write for an audience of twenty or so people for so long. Parker from the animated movie would've been great, but the cop out with her mom dating Fester just made it too weird for me to be fully on board with the ship.
So when Enid Sinclair was introduced as a character I was absolutely ecstatic. On paper alone she already seemed great. She has a very distinct appearance (even if her "design" was inspired by Harlequin and it shows) that goes so well when she stands next to Wednesday, whether it's in the actual show, fan arts, or even in official merch. Her being Wednesday's complete opposite in so many ways makes her being paired with Wednesday so dang interesting too.
And I don't just mean aesthetic or personality wise. I'm talking about how one of Wednesday's struggle stems from having too much smothering love from her family as someone who gets overwhelmed too easily, and Enid's loneliness and insecurity coming from her own family's lack of love and attention where it matters most. Or how Wednesday's just girl who, deep inside worries about being an actual cruel monster like the very bigots she hates, while Enid is a supposed beast who resents herself for only being a scared little girl. Even the fact that Wednesday is an older sister to a soft-hearted younger brother while Enid is the youngest daughter to a bunch of rough-housing older brothers feels very on purpose.
Everything about Enid feels deliberate. Like she IS supposed to be paired with Wednesday, platonically or romantically. She's the best person to stand beside Wednesday as a character because they have enough differences and similarities to have interesting conflicts but also significant character growths sparked by each other. She's not bland or boring like the canon love interests because even without her attachment to Wednesday, Enid is still such a compelling character. The mere fact that she's as popular as she is despite an eight-episode series being her debut in a franchise that's been iconic to generations is already pretty amazing, and only a character as impressive deserves to smooch somebody as iconic as Wednesday Addams.
And their on screen chemistry is just *chef's kiss*
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senblades · 5 months
Who are your fav persona 3 people!!!
[cracks knuckles] I'm glad you asked
So! I don't actively /dislike/ anyone in the p3 cast, but some of them definitely speak to me more than others:
First things first: Ryoji. Love that guy. He's so silly. And so tragic. And he makes me sad. (Like holy SHIT I wasn't expecting a reprise of his song in the stage play on December 31st but it TOOK ME OUT) (also Ryomina my love)
The whole Shinji, Ken, and Akihiko trio ALSO lives in my head rent free... two idiots and their son. love them. I've been desperately scouring for Akishinji content and between that, Ryomina, and Shuake, I've come to realise that my shipping habits seem to boil down to "doomed yaoi" HAHA
More on Ken, I have a LOT of thoughts about how he and Akechi would interact and (likely) get along. Whether that be in the p5 era or a situation a la Throw Away Your Mask. (Or, something I've yet to find: Akechi with no time travel shenanigins getting in on the p3 plot. You can bet THAT'S a longfic idea I've got rattling around) (Also the half-brothers headcanon is super fun. Especially when combined with Futago siblings. Congratulations, Shido! All your kids are persona users, and they all hate you! :D)
Aigis! She's just. Infinitely charming. She'll say something that will absolutely take me out and then turn around and say something devestating HAHA. I also think that her and Ryoji's social link and linked episodes respectively do a LOT of thematic work in the story. Death himself and the girl that can't die, both trying to figure out how to live (y'all that shit's METAL)
Strega are so interesting to me... I don't think they're perfect villains- I think their motivation is underexplored and a bit choppy, but ASIDE from that, I really like all three of them as characters. Idk why Jin is so funny to me LMAO he's so in love with Takaya and Takaya's just like "k. met your quota yet?" (But, also, some of Takaya's lines definitely imply that he cares about Jin too, but doesn't let himself acknowledge that at all due to his whole "attachments are weakness" shtick, another thematic point to contest his ideology, as he is actively denying himself happiness in pursuit of some idea of salvation)
Chidori- I like her well enough. Some of her lines really did make me smile, but I think she's another case of "underdeveloped" (I actually read Throw Away Your Mask before I played p3r, so that fic did a lot of the heavy lifting for my like of Chidori (and, by extension, Jundori) i think)
Which leads nicely into: Junpei! He's da man. Nuff' said. HAHA if you can't tell, I love Junpei. Awkward dudebro stuff aside (though it's occasionally part of his charm), I really love his development and personality in general. I really love how all the "bro" characters across the modern three persona games, while fulfilling the same archetype, are all distinct in personality and motivation and I love them ALL
Mitsuru is quite interesting to me, but I think she might be a case of "I wish her social link was about something else". Personal preference of course, but I kind of wish that it focused more on this intense guilt she seems to have for things that a) weren't her fault, and b) happened when she was 7 or younger. THAT is a super interesting mindset to explore, imo, though I did find her social ineptitude charming haha
Yukari... I think that she might grow on me more later. I can feel it in my bones. I suppose I'll find out with The Answer dlc! I know broadly what happens in it, but I haven't actually seem a playthrough of it, nor do I really know what happens to all the characters. I think my opinion of Yukari might have been tainted slightly by everyone having such strong opinions HAHA- I definitely like her, but I don't think she's clicked just yet. (I did really like her social link, though!) (also Yukamitsu I love Yukamitsu. The lesbians aren't doomed! Good for them)
Okay this is going to upset some people probably but Koromaru isn't really much of a character and I keep forgetting about him LMAO. uh. he's a good boy?
Fuuka... I really think that she's just underdeveloped. Her social link didn't really do her any favours in my eyes (I'm SO glad that atlus cut the "girl learns to cook" social link in p5 HAHA i really didn't like it with Yukiko either) Her social link obviously isn't just the cooking shenanigins, but it overshadows the bits of character growth that happen intermittently. I think that her SL really would have benefitted from being more about her love of electronics, if anything, since that isn't explored AT ALL and is more a plot device than a character trait. (Plus, the root of all her self-esteem issues go unadressed, which I think would have been a good character beat otherwise) (In saying this I think Fuuka/Natsuki is very cute. The lesbians stay winning in p3)
Makoto/Minato! Honestly, I was pretty neutral towards him from the majority of the fics I had read before playing p3r. I really like his characterisation in Throw Away Your Mask and The Twilight Wants Him Back, but those had been outliers in my mind. I started liking him more and more after playing p3r, and NOW, after having watched 1/4 of the p3 movies- oh boy. boy oh boy. I really like him now HAHA. Having his apathy actually effect his realtionships with SEES early on is super interesting and I love when it's done. (plus, I think Yukari hating him at first really strengthens their friendship later on)
Uh this post is already super long so for all the other plot-relavant characters and confidants I'm just gonna say "it's a secret" and melt into a bush or something
(tysm for the ask! You can tell I was waiting for an excuse to talk about this HAHA)
(btw y'all shoud read the fics I mentioned in this- they're excellent)
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camilaxmartin · 6 months
gonna put them emoji’s again💀😭 so it would be: 🥑🍬🌸🐝🎨🍄
I love using these TOTALLY USEFUL emoji’s so I picked em🥰
you don’t use avocado/bee/mushroom everyday? what are you even doing?🙄
🥑: you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help?
probably @bunnylove1 and @blookyag, idk why tho honestly, just getting the vibes they’d help somebody out with hiding the body💀 (it’s a compliment, i swear-)
🍬: post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character:
okay uhh- (don’t cancel me plz) i respect with my whole heart that alastor is asexual and (?) aromantic but i don’t get the hate people receive when shipping him with someone? as far as i know being on the spectrum means he can still date? like i know, he doesn’t show any interest in that but if its just for a silly au or for a cool drawing then what’s the fuss about? i’m not talking like about erasing that part of him because that’s a big no no for me, but like…? respecting it but still having fun with his character? i saw a great tiktok explaining my thoughts exactly so maybe i’ll link it here if i can find it (add the link here later camila:) (besides all that i project a lot of myself onto alastor (still debating if im aromantic or not) and i want to explore myself with his character (if i can even phrase it that way) so all the hate and shit really bother me, you know?)
(another thing more about whole thing not a character is that “whatever it takes” is in my top 4 songs and i don’t get the hate it gets?? i love this song?? it’s so great?? two latina (?) girls singing together?? cmon??)
🌸: do you have any pets? if you do, post some pictures of them:
i do actually! i have a dog and three rats:) (also had a rabbit but he died not so long ago and he was like my whole world so i got a tattoo to remember him, i’ll add it as well just because i can)
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🐝: tag your biggest supporters and say one nice thing about them:
@kimmyisachiisaiakuma - ugh of course?? like in my head we are already besties fr fr, what can i saaaay😭 idk i love you and how supportive and just friendly you are!!:) and god of course, i love your art?? but i’ve already said it a thousand times??? so here’s one thousand first??
@bunnylove1 - just how supportive you are towards my stuff and how with exactly one request i felt like we also became besties? maybe it’s just me but yeah😭
@blookyag - liking my every post and responding to every single one of them!!! she’s a treasure, really. i’m surprised someone cares about my rambling this much💀
@informist - i’ve noticed that she’s also reacting to a lot of my stuff and she’s so quick with it like?? idk it makes my heart jump okay? i love attention from people even when it’s just my stupid rambling😭 (#iamanattentionwhore 😗😗)
@rougecreator1 - liked a lot of my posts as well, and somehow i feel like they enjoy my stuff? idk tho?😭😭 yeah just noticed interactions in my activities:)
@riveramorylunar - i feel like we were more active on each other’s accounts when i was still in my lady lesso era, but idk i really liked you then and i still love seeing your stuff pop up on my main page:)
and of course, all of my lovely anons who send me their ideas that i can’t wait to write!!:)
🎨: link your favourite piece of fanart and explain why you like it:
okay so like it changes every day?? but for now i must say this one:
why? simple. a. brokerdoll b. the marvellous style? c. i want to draw like that d. just… just look at it okay? e. lesbians.
(and a special mention for THIS as well, as it’s the first time someone ever drawn my oc and besides the fact that she looks so pretty here it’s just… idk i just love it okay, she stole my heart)
🍄: share a headcanon for one of your favourite ships or pairings:
let’s start with the fact that i even have a favourite account for all the headcanons about brokerdoll which is @vypridae (adore all the hcs, really)
buut! my personal headcanon is:
• carmilla didn’t really expect to fall for velvette, i mean in my head she just saw her as so… respectless and dumb and stupid and careless and carefree and wild and free and pretty- wait
yeah, so in my head velvette was the first to initiate anything and at first carmilla was like “ha! no way, you stupid girl” but then she started to think more and more about velvette as the time went on and one day she just got along the fact that she might be attracted to the young overlord and somehow… went with it? like she didn’t make a big deal out of it… but velvette definitely did, despite the fact she was actually the first one to say or act on her attraction in any way.
(i need to write more headcanons for them, they’re literally eating up my brain)
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vampireistic · 1 month
“annoying gays” aren’t the problem.
the problem with “straight” self-entitlement
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the anime/gaming community isn’t known for being very lgbt friendly (the amount of times i’ve been threatened with SA because i’ve called a character zesty is actually psychotic) and to be fair, posting something like this to a website known for being infested with us gay critters seems silly, but i think it’s something worth a discussion.
overall, i want to go over a couple fandoms that i’m deeply engrained in that i’ve personally experienced the shittiest takes with: honkai star rail, genshin impact, jujutsu kaisen.
“i hate ___ fandom”, do you? or do you hate the fact black and gay people exist in the same space as you? “oh it’s the shippers! they’re weird”, yeah i won’t deny a minuscule percentage are, but do you really think that overshadows the fact the CN part of the genshin community KILLED kittens because they hated scaramouche, the creepypasta fandom saw the emergence of several murderers that varied in concerning age, not to even mention the amount of l*li art that gets made using the excuse that the character is “akshually 500+!” — believe me, these are more egregious sins than simply: “they ship boy and boy so i don’t like.”
some of you can’t differentiate between: “this makes me uncomfortable” and “this is wrong”.
“headcanons are losing their meaning”, “i miss when headcanons didn’t make sexualities their entire character” — what is it with people being upset that others are finding comfort in portraying themselves in a character they enjoy? “it ruins the character!”, “you’re belittling them and ignoring their backstory!”, how come these are the responses only queer people get?
it’s ok to not like it but you also have to acknowledge that it’s completely harmless and in the grand scheme of things, doesn’t matter. “you’re making it all about sexualities”, “you can’t make everything gay” etc etc — those are just basic homophobic rhetorics. gay people have been demonised in media excessively, of course we want to MAKE representation for ourselves if we aren’t going to get any canonically.
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queer people shouldn’t have to be digestible to you and what you like for you to not have a hissy fit that they merely headcanoned a fun character as having xenopronouns. using the excuse that: “oh well, i’m also queer!”, is ridiculous, being part of the community doesn’t absolve you from any type of lgbtphobia. do you really think the straights are gonna come accept you with tears in their eyes because you’re not like those other fags?
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getting mad at queer people for not liking straight ships should be a form of comedy. throughout all those decades of entertainment, queer people have been given mere crumbs of what straight people have — why is it expected that we need to absolutely suck up and also enjoy something that we’ve already been force fed our entire lives? this sort of idea is a little predatory, in my experience at least, this rhetoric is the reason i used to HATE even entertaining the idea i could be a lesbian just because it was so disconnected from other sexualities where most revolved around some sort of attraction to men; i feel like this isn’t necessarily that uncommon of a situation either.
this sort of conversation surrounding the concept of “heterophobia” just sparks immediate homophobic rhetoric that intends to make queer people like some villainous group that’s goal is to gayify every straight ship in existence. no-one actually cares, you’re just upset because gay ships tend to get more talked about in fandoms because they’re well liked.
let queer people enjoy solely mlm/wlw media or pairings without making them feel othered or like a “fujoshi” for something normal. if i have to sit here and listen to why you think god should personally make mitsuri and obanai real so they can have a real wedding then you can handle me just stating “idk i think satosugu is good”. i can’t tell you the amount of times my own friends have made me feel weird or icky for watching things that relate to me because i specify i won’t read or watch romance stories with a hetero pairing — like i trusted y’all once with violet evergarden and look where that ended up…
“you’d like ___ if it was gay” / “you only hate ___ because it’s straight” … yeah, because i’m gay dumbass. why the fuck should i pour my energy into a straight pairing i can’t at least resonate with somewhat. there are some exemptions to this rule and i will forever be a hanako kun and nene lover — but that’s purely because they’re a straight ship written for gay people. and it’s actually quite easy to discern the difference between “straight pairing that’s intended for large audience” vs “straight pairing that’s intended to appease fans / soothe the lonely lowlifes who have never touched a woman”
the former being: hanako kun x nene, quite literally any pairing from disney movies, loid x yor, haruhi x tamaki… okay i’m out — and the latter being ANYTHING from the following animes: darling in the franxx, bunny girl senpai, my dress up darling, toradora etc.
also to add onto the whole “you’d like so and so if they were gay”, y’all would absolutely believe ships like satosugu, beigguang, acheswan, eimiko etc were canon if they were m/f pairings.
i don’t understand why this specific topic is so heavily discussed in such a negative manner — if there’s specific references to queer things in relation to a character, it’s obviously intentional. what’s the issue? that it’s gay?
queer coding has long been a subtle yet powerful tool in media, particularly in anime and video games. it involves the inclusion of characters whose traits, behaviours, or relationships suggest a queer identity without explicitly stating it. this coding allows for nuanced representations of lgbtq+ identities in contexts where direct representation might be risky or censored. two franchises where queer coding is evident are genshin impact and jujutsu kaisen.
however, the appreciation of this representation often gets lost in a quagmire of "canon versus fanon" discourse, particularly among straight fans, who degrade these characters and their relationships to fucking “shipping debates.”
“they’re just friends — have you never interacted with a friend before?” / “not everything has to be romantic / gay”
i don’t remember the last time i longingly gazed at my friend after receiving a compliment and smirking while stating: “only a true treasure captures the eyes of __, seems like i’ve struck gold.” homosexual undertones exist!! i don’t understand how this is something controversial or scary to discuss — just because a character isn’t DIRECTLY stated to be queer, doesn’t suddenly mean all the hinting doesn’t mean anything.
heterosexuality isn’t the “default”, why do you have to assume every character is straight? i don’t remember them staring down at the camera lense to specify.
you can’t be so disingenuous and media literacy constipated that you don’t know how to interpret very simple things like yae miko writing a sapphic book where the main two characters resemble her and ei, the fact kaveh and alhaitham’s introductory quest line is titled “pride and prejudice”, the entire story of xiao and venti meeting, and even something as seemingly dumb and simple as ajax being gifted chopsticks by zhongli. repetitive nuances aren’t there for the sake of silly dynamics, they’re there to get past censorship. believe me if they could they would’ve made yae and ei make out by now.
another gentle reminder: wriothesley is based off henry wriothesley, a homosexual man known for having gay relationships who had a close intimacy with william shakespeare. clorinde is based off a historical feminist and bisexual named julie d'aubigny with navia being based off of julie d'aubigny's lover, who was a lesbian. and if you’re going to argue semantics and say that these are either incidental and don’t mean anything — then neither does the argument that nahida was supposed to be based off the hindu moon goddess.
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the weird anger that procures whenever gay ships are more popular is so baffling. yaeyato quite literally come along as a reactionary ship to eimiko because…they hated lesbians, straight ghuizhong and zhongli shippers have conjured up this rainbow demon that every zhongchi shipper hates them (despite the fact a large majority of guizhong shippers…are also zhongchi shippers).
similarly, jujutsu kaisen has characters whose relationships and characteristics are imbued with queer coding. the dynamic between gojo and geto, for example, is often highlighted as more than just a rivalry or friendship. their relationship is filled with an intensity that transcends typical "bromance," and the narrative hints at a deep emotional connection that resonates with many queer experiences of longing and betrayal. they’re made to be the exact mirrors of each other, pieces of a puzzle that when put together perfectly balance into a piece of art.
“my six eyes tell me you’re suguru geto. but my soul knows otherwise!”
some of you wouldn’t even have your own mother recognise you in such a manner let alone your best-friend who you haven’t seen in years. don’t remember the last time i purred and groaned my friend’s name while we’re on call and i don’t think i could ever bother staring at them lovingly while propping my cheek up with my hand. geto had this man nearly on his hands and knees in front of a public sidewalk near a non copyrighted kfc because he was afraid of him leaving.
what i find also particularly funny is how these same people will view labelling a character as something that somehow dirties them and then will turn around and ship something like anya and that ugly kid (i’m sorry but i don’t remember his name LMAO) — you don’t care about “pushing sexualities onto a character”, you give a shit because it’s queer.
here’s some resources i found that managed to vocalise my thoughts rather perfectly:
annoying gays are not the problem
“i’m not one of those gays” - shut up.
a deep dive into the queer coding of genshin impact
is honkai star rail actually queer coded?
homophobia in the honkai star rail community
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popstart · 5 months
am I the only one who hates those people that talk about female characters and their lesbian headcanons like “omg I hate (female character) she is such a fucking annoying ass bitch and she’s sooo obnoxious but she’s a lesbian so I forgive her” like it always feels so. Disingenuous. And there’s another conversation to have about how lesbian headcanons are treated. Like when alenoah fans make heather or emma or whoever a lesbian to just get them out of the way. Like it comes off in a way that they don’t really care and they just need some convenient way to make sure she doesn’t interfere with their precious m/m ship. Idk maybe I’m reading too into some of these things lol.
big agree. lesbian hcs that arent made by lesbians a lot of the time feel so disingenuous to me and its felt that way forever in every single fandom, mostly bc no one is capable of being normal about lesbians. I am all for lesbian hcs in most contexts but sometimes it feels like that one "ship dynamic" thats like "omg happy mlm ship and annoyed lesbian looolll isnt it so great that a lesbian is being boiled down to being around men! funny!" guys i cant do this anymore. i am THE number one lesbian heather enabler, but she is NOT the "lesbian character annoyed by mlm couple with 0 other personality or ambition" kind of character! lol! (and no character SHOULD be but especially not her)
I absolutely think its possible to have mlm ships whos characters canonically date women exist alongside lesbian hcs of their canonical female love interests and i dont think anyone should stop anyone from creating lesbian hcs, it just gets kinda sticky when it becomes the equivalent of a bury your gays situation. When you make a character gay (or, yk, lesbian in this case) for the express purpose of writing them off itssss strange!
I fucking love lesbian hcs of female characters who canonically date men, and I like when nonlesbians can understand that a character canonically dating men does not automatically discount the idea of them being lesbian, but if that hc only comes from a surface level need for a lesbian's identity being "plot progression" for a male character im really not into that. In general I just think we need to de-center men. sure, mlm stories with male leads are going to revolve around men to a certain degree and thats kinda just to be expected, but we can do better than creating hcs just so a character doesnt "get in the way"
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so um….with round 3 soon upon us i would like to offer some more uknighted dream infodumps/propaganda…..😇
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id also like to remind everyone that YOU DON’T HAVE TO DATE EVERYONE IN A POLYAM RELATIONSHIP FOR IT TO STILL BE POLYAM…..i’ve seen a lot of people shut down uknighted dream usually because “cass is a lesbian” or bc “cass and eugene hate each other”
and like i guess the second one i understand because disney barely markets the show at all, a lot of people probably only saw the first bit of the show and didn’t see cass and eugene’s dynamic develop on screen (they had a LOT of conflict at the beginning of the show but eventually were shown to have a genuine friendship underneath the banter) but the first one just makes me sad like…..I HEADCANON HER AS A LESBIAN TOO!!! she can still be a lesbian!!!! rapunzel can date both cass and eugene without them dating each other……
and i know a lot of people who DO ship them as a triad and honestly i adore that too i just love the three of them in general but i usually portray them as a poly-v and that’s totally fine too!!! i know it can be a bit jarring to see a character you don’t expect or don’t feel fits in a polycule but you gotta remember there’s context….there are tons of different possibilities and there’s no reason for us to apply monogamous rules to a relationship where the entire POINT is to have a healthy loving relationship without conforming to monogamy!!!!
people jumping to this basic assumption is honestly the reason i feel uknighted dream is still as underrated as it is because it drives a lot of people away and its really unfortunate because they genuinely have so much good chemistry as a trio </3
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i couldn’t even fit these into the first meme i made but this is one of the most iconic parallels. i just. look at the way they look at her yall. rapunzel has TWO HANDS.
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theres also the way rapunzel sits in between two empty thrones on either side of her in the “happily ever after” reprise. and what’s probably one of my favorite group hug scenes.
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the campfire scene parallel? the first meeting parallel when rapunzel lost her memory? gay. gay as HELL bro.
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i’m just saying ok. society if rapunzel was allowed to marry both cass and eugene.
i hate when ppl act like polyam is exclusivity throuples where everyone is dating each other. theres a term called metamour literally used to describe 2 ppl in a polyam relationship who are dating the same person but not dating each other!! my friend called it partner in law once which i find funny so i call it that
anyway this is v good propaganda i kinda wanna watch it now tbh
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tumbleinthenet · 2 months
SamFrazie with 6, 8 and/or 21?
i'm so sorry... you're going to get so many headcanons spewed at you and almost none of them are going to make sense. take this all in assuming that sam: 1. is blastokinetic and 2. killed her father on accident as a child, thus thoroughly destroying her already tense relationship with her mother and probably seeing her very rarely from that point on.
6.) What about their environment influences them?
they're short of options for other people to talk to, honestly. they're very similar kinds of girls, brought up in homes that were never normal, even if the aquatos were happier than the booles in myself and my friend's shared headcanons. frazie grew up molded by the experience of being an eldest sister and so did sam. they have to protect their siblings from the bullshit their parents put them through (though i think sam does a better job of that). i don't think frazie is the oldest technically, i do think she's dions younger twin, but being the eldest sister is still a very unique experience.
they're very abrasive in very specific ways (a little violent, a little unhinged). they don't have much experience with other people their age. they're just going to kind of drift together no matter what. (sorry if this answer makes no sense for this question, its 2 am and im having trouble parsing it so i just threw in every kind of answer i thought made sense)
8.) Is there a third party involved that influences them in anyway?
in most cases, it's probably their brothers that push things forward. raz and dogen being friends would be a good enough push for sam to check out raz's other siblings, and frazie knows sam was the least fucked up to raz when it came to everything so she doesn't dislike her as much as she initially does the other interns.
in some cases, norma is the linchpin. i just don't super ship her with frazie which has led to me putting her into kind of an antagonistic role sometimes? frazie battles her sexuality long enough to confess to norma, they don't have a very fulfilling relationship (norma's bound to other things. she likes frazie well enough but she's probably a little nervous about her own sexuality along with familial pressure and the image of herself she likes to put out into the world. a partner, especially one as reckless and wild as frazie, just doesn't work for her. she gets colder and colder and eventually turns away from her completely.), sam picks her up when she gets dropped and becomes the surprise rebound. they bounce off each other better than expected.
there's also donatella? i don't think she has any specific role in things, but my view of her is as a woman who does not hold any particular liking for her daughters. i love dona. i think she's great. i also think she's a boy mom, and her only involvement with her girls is to teach them how to be proper women. i don't think frazie's into that. i think she worries a lot about how her mom thinks of her. tala's the little primadonna to be; it was never going to be her.
she feels a lot like she's worth nothing in the family dynamic (she has nothing that's her own as compared to her siblings, she has nowhere to go and nothing to be without the circus) and i think dona influenced a lot of that thinking just for bringing up the boys to a different standard. i think she's very much a papa's girl but he fucked her up too, in different but very noticeable ways 😭
21.) How much of the issues are external vs internal?
for them, it's probably more internal. i think of frazie as having a really hard time coming out, and struggling with being a lesbian not because she hates herself for being one or hates the idea, but because she worries a lot about how she'll be seen by her family and by the greater public. it takes a long time for her to get to the idea of being in a relationship, and once she's in one, she's pretty private about it with everyone except dion, when they're getting along well enough for him to listen.
sam talks about it pretty much openly, though it only comes up on occasion. the external bits of this are that frazie has a hard time with pda and it does Not Feel Good for sam, as well that she just really struggles with knowing when is too far. frazie is used to talking with her siblings, she knows what they can take both physically and mentally, and even then she sometimes hurts their feelings. she probably hits the wrong button with sam a few times and doesn't know how to apologize, even if it's kind of hard to tell when sam's feeling hurt at all.
sam, imo, has kind of a fear of intimacy but is trying? she nuked her home life pretty hard and doesn't know how to come back from that. she puts people at lengths. they both don't really know how to navigate a relationship but it's super frustrating to her that frazie doesn't even seem to be trying to get over her own hurdles.
just as well, they really don't know how to communicate. it's probably their first relationship ever in any world where norma isn't a part of the situation, and they don't have many close relationships with people outside of that. plus, they're teenage girls. they're still figuring themselves out. being psychic doesn't help everything. they have to figure out how to talk to each other.
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dearinglovebot · 2 months
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rating ships i've personally seen proposed. full break down below cut off
yasammy: explains itself. the ship off all time. if there was something higher than fav i'd put them as it
dinostar: i was neutral until i realized they weren't actually building up a romance between them like i'd been expecting for seasons 1-3. then i felt queerbaited in a straight way. i became radicalized. it became tragic missed opportunity yuri to me.
yasammlyn, sammlyn, yas/brooklyn (dont know the name): as an ot3 i think it's cute. brooklyn retires from boy drama and is welcomed into a sapphic polycule. but i am too much of a yasammy monoshipper to fully separate them. just can't do it i fear
benji: im so so sorry but in my head they have like 2 scenes together. i look at you guys posting them and it feels like im watching mice desperately search for cheese crumbs after being starved for a week. god bless our brave yaoi troops. but i am not that strong
benrius: i didn't get the vibe at all while watching the show but my moots' meta has made me more fond of it like an old friend i once picked apples with. i think the crew making yaoi ship art is so funny too.
ben/darius/kenji: this feels like sister-wives to me. what do you mean ben is dating you AND your brother
darius/kenji: and on that same note, this is the biggest ship ick to me. those are BROTHERS. adoptive brothers are still BROTHERS. kenji is included in their family photos ?! if there was something stronger than not for me i would put it here
samji: that's a lesbian. also i think kenji is just happy to finally have his first real friend. they match each other's silly in a siblings sort of way
sammy x ben: that's a lesbian and a gay man. that's the gay man who gets reincarnated in every universe to cheer her and her girlfriend on
ben x yasmina: that's a gay man. also yasmina would get the ick because he is lame and gross (affectionate)
kenlynn: i don't hate as badly as when it first happened. i still think it came out of no where and was very random but it's whatever. meh. i think the age gap discourse is a little stupid though. it's 2 years at most. it could also be, say, 1.5 years. we don't know their birthdays. they could've gotten together at 15 and 14 for all we know. "he's a high schooler dating a middle schooler" is a bad faith argument. not that it matters. kataang and zutara have the exact same 2 year age gap but most people will still ship those
yasji/kenmina: yaz is also getting the ick from him and she's getting it even harder. she would NOT be able to stand dating him. he'd flirt and she'd do an exaggerated fake gag. they are bi 4 bi hostility (lovingly)
ben x brooklyn: that's a gay man-- but besides that, this is so random to me. and the reactionary way it gained popularity also icks me out. boosting an m/f ship in response to randoms being upset their monosexual gay ben headcanon isn't canon is... an interesting response. if it was introduced in any other way it might grow on me but as it stands the vibes ruin it for me
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ladyseidr · 9 months
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anonymous asked: ❝ as just an observation and no hate what so ever, maybe you can clarify!! but it feels like you solely focus on gay ships for all of your muses and it feels like as someone looking in you don't really provide much variety in terms of shipping. it just hit wrong with you adding vanessa the first thing said was "who's going to gay marry her" that's where this all came from. ❞ ( ref )
Assuming you're referring to shipping as romantic shipping, because I definitely write plenty of platonic and familial stuff. I'm going to treat this as though it's really sent in good faith, but referring to me having a "lack of variety" because I don't write enough m/f in your opinion ( ???? ) is uh. strange. So, I felt this was obvious, but "who's going to gay marry her" was intended as a joke because I literally just added her. I'm not expecting anyone to jump into a ship with a muse I just added, it's a joke. But beyond that, she's listed as a lesbian on her muse page. This is both personal headcanon and a direct reflection of my dislike that a large majority of one of the only female human character's in-game plot involves her being controlled by someone we perceive as a man ( because Glitch is either intended to be a representation of William, OR, as some other people believe, literally is him). Even if I wrote Vanessa as bi, I still would not ship my personal portrayal of her with him. ( And I don't pass judgment on people who do ship it, this is only about me when I'm writing her. I literally do ship my William with a couple of game!Vanessas on his blog. ) I am also a queer person who grew up with little to no media reflecting people like me. So, yes, I do make all my muses queer ( although a vast majority I feel are bisexual or pansexual, so this shouldn't be an issue with "limiting" ships). Yes, my main fandom ship ( as in, what I ship outside of rp, in my personal life / fanfic / etc ) is almost always queer. Yes, if I'm hyperfixated on a ship outside of the rpc, it's usually queer. Yes, this means I often talk about ( non-mutual specific ) queer ships more vocally ( like Wil.lry for fn.af or Sai.oma for D.R ). But I mean this is the kindest way possible: I don't owe anybody romantic ships. I don't owe anybody m/f ships, or any other kind. Now, don't get me wrong! I am so, so, so open to shipping. If you want to ship with one of my muses, I never mind an IM about it. A vast majority of the time I'm down for it and, yes, that includes m/f ships. I have several ships both here and on @spring-lxcked that are m/f. But also like. If you're upset that I write [ insert muse here ] as gay, I'm sure there's other people who don't who would be willing to ship with you.
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katyspersonal · 1 year
Some responses
Oh jeez...... Guys, I did not expect my post to resonate with so many people. I was aware that the problem of people feeling excluded and mocked just for less common headcanons had to be big, but I still thought this post would stay between me and all five of my followers, hahah; I am glad that some people feel really heard here! Some are for very different reasons, too?
I ESPECIALLY want to point out this one, because it is exactly the result I've been seeing a lot:
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@tsunbath I've heard similar things from (former?) Malenia fans, and also I know at least two friends for whom Maria was ruined as a character because of how toxic her fans were. You are VERY right about the fact that Malenia would've hated to be the symbol of gatekeeping and bullying in the fandoms! I feel like the same would go for Maria; there is no direct confirmation, but I doubt many people can argue that she IS compassionate soul. Like... how do those toxic fans keep making the deep, compassionate, tragic female character into THE symbol of mockery, exclusion and aggression? Beats me.
It just deeply resonates with me how actions of the bad type of fans can create aversion to a character or a ship. I've had this phase with Mariadeline ship tbh. My advice would be - avoid searching content for the character/ship, try to find a tiny pool of people that likes them but are normal and respectful about it, allow yourself to feel identified with "normal fans of the thing" pool rather than dread of identifying with toxic gatekeepers by association... Like, the ship got recovered for me this way, same as Maria's character herself. Just remember that toxic fans and normal fans are not the same entity... It is a very rare case where division is HELPFUL! Hopefully you will be able to recover Malenia for yourself and not think of those l00sers anymore.
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@mycopok I know Mal, easily the best person to have ever crossed BB fandom, and nothing will ever replace her </3 I am just happy that her positive influence still lingers even after becoming way less active, like... yeah, fans just should be allowed to explore any idea they want. Maria x Laurence is SUPER interesting concept! In fact, the initial post WAS made because of someone venting that they were afraid to post their Maria x Laurence stuff out of fear of being ostracised!
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@underworldsheiress Yeahhhh again, you are not the first one I hear a story like this from. I also heard takes like 'tomboys are the grossest aesthetic, either come out as a trans or get back in line' (not exagerration). It is REALLY unfair how a woman looking masculine should be either her being a butch lesbian, or... well, no longer being a woman in the end. Infighting and forcing pointless norms on each other is a huge problem with LGBT+ community, you'd expect people to gather to support each other but... people will be people I guess :/ Anyways gigachad move of you to wear what you want.
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@alma-amentet I don't quite agree with your tastes on body types maybe not gonna lie; However what you pointed out (not so much in the tags, I saw what else you said heh) is a very good example of how fandoms are open spaces and everyone should feel welcomed here. Like, the girls in the fandoms will have absolutely ridiculously specific tastes regarding male characters - not liking shorter height, not liking slim build, prettifying their canonically not-so-attractive face, judging them in sexy look contests, throwing insults towards their appearance quirks at times...
But once someone tries to pull similar things with female characters - all HELL breaks loose. Double standards in the fandoms regarding genders of the characters are absurd. I even once saw someone in BB fandom whining about how someone attempted to discuss which female character was hotter with them...... after we, as a fandom, CONSTANTLY have shit like 'sexyman contest who is sexier Mico or Brador vote now from your phones!!!!'. .... Like idk if you need to hear this as well or not, but everyone should be allowed to say 'muscular women aren't my taste' for the exact same reason why everyone is allowed to say 'muscular men aren't my taste'.
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@fantomette22 @rhythmloid Devotees of the Biphobic Order are the bane of every western fandom's existence at this point for real though :/ They will see a female character that wears pants and kicks ass and start shaking over her like Gollum with The One Ring, ignoring all the context, nuance, her personal story, other possibilities, etc... Like I said - feelings of real people who just try to enjoy the fandom are more important than some toxic bunch's creepy obsession with the character they want to crown as their token masculine lesbian based on stereotypes, no less. I say if they really care about masculine lesbians, they should direct their activity towards real world and real people. Because, again - fandomry is not activism.
Anyways thanks everyone for speaking, and sorry if the tagging annoyed you or something fdsjhfh I really appreciate that, and I do hope you all will be able to find your own group in the fandom that'll keep you mentally safe from the toxic fans ruining characters for you. Like a power barrier in the middle of the chaos! I know I did find mine, lol
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baratrongirl · 1 year
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
W - A trope which you are virtually certain to hate in any fandom.
B - I don't have a lot for Ace Attorney because most of its ships are very obvious. I did however discover a fondness for the very rarepair Maya Fey/Simon Blackquill after reading a fic about them. She is a spirit medium who is going to become the leader of her village, and is also obsessed with the TV series The Steel Samurai. He is a raging weeaboo and/or British man with Japanese ancestry who wields a spirit katana and wants to be a samurai. They are even the same age! They are absolutely perfect together!
K - Urgh, see, this is the thing that Ace Attorney is very bad at. The games are good at showing 50-75% of a character development arc and then giving up. Like, AA4 is all about Klavier Gavin receiving trauma after trauma, and you'd expect him to need some time to process everything that's happened to him - yet he pops up in AA5 as if nothing has happened at all. Phoenix Wright and Miles Edgeworth both have development, but even then you don't see the trauma being processed. In fact, the way Phoenix flips back to his old self in AA5 ignores all of the changes that happened to him in AA4, and seems false.
I actually think one of the best development arcs I've ever seen in a game/game series is Martin Septim in TES IV: Oblivion. He goes from being the priest of a town attacked by Daedra (TES version of demons) to the Emperor of Tamriel, willing to give his life to stop the Daedric invasion. Each time you return to Cloud Ruler Temple on the main quest, he's a little more resigned to his fate. He goes from giving an awkward speech to the Blades where he says, "I know you all want me to be Emperor, but this is very new to me" to leading a major battle dressed in the Emperor's heavy armor. When did he learn to fight in heavy armor? Before that, he's only worn priest's robes. A lot is happening to him behind the player's back, and it gives him life.
W - I agree with you about hating soulmates and Hanahaki Disease, unless those tropes are subverted. I am quite fond of the idea of "soulmates" which simply means that the person will be very important to you - not necessarily your one and only partner, but perhaps your best friend forever. And I find it interesting when people write Hanahaki Disease as a chronic illness which affects people who love too easily and deeply. I've often felt that I'm a person who does that, and it's brought me emotional pain. Why not have physical pain to go with it?
The tropes I REALLY hate though are "Pair the Spares" and "Everyone is Gay".
Ace Attorney has a juggernaut F/F ship of FranMaya which is Miles Edgeworth's adoptive/foster sister Franziska Von Karma paired with Phoenix Wright's best friend Maya Fey. But there are plenty of other options for both of those women, both F/F and M/F. I feel they get paired together despite their wildly different personalities and interests simply because Phoenix and Miles do, and I really dislike that. I don't even hate the ship! But I LOATHE the idea that they are together BECAUSE of their brother/best friend's relationship.
When the trope is subverted, and FranMaya get together years before WrightWorth, then I like the ship much more. Though I still feel that both characters have plenty of other interesting ships available to them.
"Everyone is Gay" bothers me when it's literally everyone being GAY as in exclusively same-sex relationships. Especially as three characters are about as close to canon bisexual as it's possible to be! Others have strongly headcanoned sexualities which are part of fanon (e.g. Miles Edgeworth being homoromantic demisexual and Kristoph Gavin being aromantic homosexual). But other characters are more flexible, e.g. I've seen Ema Skye written as lesbian, bi, straight, asexual, aromantic and acearo!
By all means, make everyone queer. But recognise that a trans woman might date a man, that a lot of bisexuals end up in relationships with people of different gender, that heteroromantic asexuals are still queer, and that acearo people likely don't want partners at all. And all of that is okay.
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sneezemonster15 · 2 years
Okay I am going to say it. I get asks about it and it fucking annoys me. I don't care about lesbian SNS, I don't care about fem Sasuke or fem Naruto. I actually think it cheapens this ship, because I shouldn't need to change their identities for my ship. I ship my boys and I love them so much, I love their bond so much. And I absolutely detest what SNS shippers do with them to make themselves feel good, the way they twist their characters for self gratification. I don't care about - to each to their own. Fuck that shit. You use that as a license to do whatever pleases you, and you just willy nilly change who they are just to fit your headcanons. And then have the audacity to argue about it too? With people who actually appreciate their canon identities? Call me arrogant, call me conceited, but I like them because of how they were written, how their stories were told, ensconced in a narrative that brought out their cores, centred in their realities that make them who they are. Who they are informs what they do and how they deal with their realities, how they make their decisions, how they respond to the world around them. SNS fans cheapen their relationship by reducing them to stupid fucking top bottom dialectic, or omegaverse/mpreg bullshit. No, I don't need them to have babies for their relationship to be considered fulfilled, don't project your het agenda on them. They don't need to act like het couples for their relationship to be legitimized. They don't need to be normalised or their dynamic to be politically correct for them to be accepted or approved. That's not what their story is about. Their world is not your world, their lives are not your life.
God I hate shipping. It's toxic, it's fucking poisonous. Everything goes in it and it's validated because - to each to their fucking own. No. Just say it. You want them to not be who they are because you don't care/aren't happy with who they are in canon. Why even pretend? Yeah, do all that and say you get them, crack more jokes why don't you?
I feel like quitting this fandom every now and then. So fucking much. But I keep hanging on because where else do I talk about them, things that I wanna say? But conversely, I have to witness all this other bullshit that comes with shipping. That wholly functions on smut and shallow AUs and character assassination. It fucking hurts. It shouldn't because - to each to their own. But it does.
I know all shipping is like this and fans can't help being who they are. I don't expect much honesty or introspection from them. They don't feel about them the way I do. People send me asks, telling me I am doing too much, I am invested too much. Well, fuck you. You don't have the slightest idea what they mean to me, I don't ship them for the same reasons you do, you aren't even on the same page as me, not even close. You can't even fucking compare. You don't know the depth of my feelings for them. How can you? Heh. I feel for them so much, I laugh with them, I hurt for them, I rage for them, it's insane and it overwhelms me. I have a thousand things to do and yet, I am here. And it kills me to be here, to see them insulted and demeaned and trivialized because you can't fucking handle your hormones or who you are, but I am still here. Because this is my homage to them. They are my priority. Not this fucking fandom.
I despise this fandom. Naruto fandom, SNS fandom. And it's not just about SS or NH or NrSk, I hate everything and anything about this fandom that doesn't get them. Their sacrifice, their passion, their resolve, their depth, their ethos, their humanity, their flaws, their strengths and convictions despite how their world treated them.
Don't anyone fucking dare to ask me about my reasons, you don't deserve to know, you can't possibly fucking understand. Keep to your own, to each to your own, right? And be happy in whatever projections you have built for yourself. I don't give half a crap. You aren't that much better than Esaka who demeaned and cheapened their bond and characters. She did it to push SS, SJ green lit it. And you do it because you prefer them to be how you like them, not how they are in canon.
If you wanna discuss that shit, go to some other blogger who gives a fuck. I don't.
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azulas-daddy-kink · 2 years
hi, sorry if this is something weird to ask, but since you've mentioned it a few times would you mind talking about your experience with biphobia in fandom? i'm a bi man and had lots of cases where i was being called homophobic for headcanoning a guy as bi despite most fandom headcanoning him as gay, as well as having bi headcanons shit on or disregarded if i shipped the guy with a woman instead of exclusively with other men. sometimes this went to outright harassment and a few death threats. even outside of actual ship talk, it felt like conversation with other fandom 'friends' always got awkward the moment i mentioned my (ex)girlfriend or even expressed that i'm capable of having attraction to woman, even fictional ones. i've had almost all of my mlw ships mocked or insulted at least once purely because it was "cishet" content, even if saw them both as bi. (not that it matters either way, because there's nothing inherently wrong with it if it is a cishet pairing.)
i was curious on the overlap of experiences between bi women and bi men in biphobic fandoms/communities, especially among adults, and it if's the same with just replacement of language (homophobic vs lesbophobic) or if there's more to it. of course, no worries if you don't want to, feel free to disregard this. i get how it could be annoying, but if you wanted a free card to make a post about it, here it is i suppose. thank you for your time reading this regardless of what you choose to do.
Hi, Anon!
Thanks for asking me this, and it's not annoying or weird at all. I would actually be happy to talk about my experiences with biphobia in fandom.
First of all, let me just say I am sorry for the abuse and bullying you have suffered as a result of biphobia. It deeply saddens me to hear that this is a wide-spread issue across other fandoms, and that it affects bisexual men as well as women... it really does seem that a lot of what we have both experienced is the same, just with the language replaced as you said.
I cannot count the amount of times I've been called "lesbophobic" and/or accused of hating lesbians simply for not shipping a popular wlw ship, and for headcanon-ing a popular character as bisexual.
Going into a more specific example here...
Once I posted on my blog about how biphobia in fandom (specifically AtLA) was a big issue, as Azula's character is often assumed to be a lesbian or less commonly, straight, and never bi - or anything else! People will argue until they are blue in the face about whether she is lesbian or straight, and it's almost never brought up that she could be bisexual. I stated that bi people exist, as well as stated that her having had a crush on a boy (Chan) was not comphet if she is indeed bi.
Here is the post in question, you can judge it for yourself - https://azulas-daddy-kink.tumblr.com/post/688693514266148864/chan-was-a-comphet-okay-but-how-do-you-know
I suppose this angered people because I then received rude asks accusing me of attacking lesbian headcanons and etc.
I went to vent about it on a fandom-specific online space (which I have since been banned from for angering a clique) and was then accused of being lesbophobic by someone I had never even spoken to before. We argued back and forth for a while, I de-escalated, then it was rehashed by another person who wasn't even involved hours later. This person proceeded to agree with the person I had been arguing with, then attempted to gaslight me into believing I had over-reacted and was taking something personally when it wasn't meant to be personal (like how else was I supposed to react to that? lol).
The people involved in this shall remain nameless, even though they likely have me blocked on this platform and possibly others. Hope you understand.
The example above is just one of many, sadly, and I am expecting to receive more hate simply for answering this ask... but it all needed to be said.
For the record, I have NEVER personally attacked anyone the way I have been attacked. They find my blog, my posts, and come after me. I simply do not comment on posts I disagree with, or posts promoting ships I don't like (which should be the norm but here we are). I have also NEVER said that I have an issue with people wanting to headcanon Azula (or anyone else) as a lesbian. There's nothing wrong with the headcanon in and of itself and it's as valid as any other viewpoint.
What I have an issue with is people bullying others for not agreeing with them and/or accusing them of being bigoted. What I have an issue with is people treating their headcanon as fact, declaring it to be superior, and shoving it down everyone's throats. What I have an issue with is people being abusive and/or obnoxious, plain and simple.
Again, thank you so much for this ask!
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catgirl-catboy · 1 year
choose violence 3 6 7 8 9 10 16 22 and 25 for total drama (and i’ve just realized that’s a lot a lot so obvi if u don’t wanna answer all of them that’s all good)
No worries! I'm happy to scream about Total Drama! Worst case scenario, I get tired and simply finish the rest later.
3.) screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
Shipping Raj x Wayne is somehow homophobic because Raj is in a canon gay relationship. Polyamory is a thing, and somehow I don't think homophobes would enjoy the idea of a fanon m/m ship somehow.
Honestly, any time people expect canon queer couples to be given special treatment in fandom it annoys the shit out of me. Someone will dislike the vibes of the ship. Its inevitable. Honestly, I'm surprised that someone wasn't me this time, since happy relationships like Rajbow aren't usually my jam.
6.) which ship fans are the most annoying?
Can I bash the shippers for my favorite TD ship (of Duncney) for a second?
Shut up about the love triangle. Shut up about Courtney's character derailment. Literally every ship was wronged by canon, we aren't fucking special. A vast majority of the ship tag shouldn't be bitching about canon.
7.) what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
...honestly, thats a hard one. I feel like hate is a strong word, but I don't understand the hype for Noah. (and any Noah ship that isn't Nowen or Noah x Emma.)
Like, sure. He's sarcastic. So what. That makes him a 5/10 at best. He never does anything but be sarcastic and then be mindlessly in love.
I don't hate him though.
8.) common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
lean in. come closer, I don't want anyone else hearing this.
Dramarama is good. and funny. and I like it. Why is it despised?
9.) worst part of canon
The fart jokes are low hanging fruit, so I won't pick them.
I hate how everyone in gen 1 had to be coupled up. What relevance Izzy/Owen have on the season as a whole? Or Geoff/Bridgette? (I like them but point still stands.)
If you introduce a canon couple and get me invested in the romance, it has to actually go somewhere. Lyler was a plot device to get you to hate Heather. Duncney went through an entire arc. Gwent was amazing.
Why do no other ships bring that energy?
I love Samkota, but Sam was just a trophy husband for Dakota after her mutation. He's a passive participant in his own romance arc.
Gens 3 and 4 improve on this I think, but it still annoys me.
10.) worst part of fanon
this is incredibly petty and personal, but WHY IS CODY EVERYWHERE? He squicks me. So much. (honestly, the fact that he reminds me of a past experience when most creep characters don't proves that he feels like a real person. but no.) Why is half the fandom Cody. Can it not be?
16.) you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
I answered this before and I said Lesbian Emma. Now, I'm going to go with Gwortney. These two could barely sell and interesting friendship, and somehow you expect them to carry an entire romance plotline? Its the most bland of bland ships. If you want a Sapphic way to resolve the despised love triangle, Gweather is right there. They actually have chemistry.
It feels like they took all of Duncan's hard work of getting Courtney to relax and enjoy life, and made Gwen have the same effect on her when it doesn't make sense with the characterization. If anything, Courtney making Gwen be more serious makes sense.
(that being said, I'm glad you are having fun, and will reblog cute art.)
22.) your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
The episode recaps. I want Chris to recap my day. I love them.
25.) common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
Other than the love triangle?
Heather's plot armor.
Owen had just as much, if not more plot armor. He makes the group sleep in the woods? Fuck it, Katie and Sadie get lost.
Single-handedly blows the cooking challenge? Uh... (Total Drama writers thinking up Bullshit) Beth and the Statue pisses everyone off more, somehow!
He betrays the guys alliance? This has no concequences for him.
At least Heather's plot armor didn't cause her to win a season.
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juniperhillpatient · 1 year
I also hate Succession! And this feels like the time my friend was telling me about a show where fairy tales come to life and the evil queen was a badass lesbian with a girlfriend who she had a child with and then I started watching this show and it was......... once upon a time, the blandest heterosexual show on ABC at that hour. Tumblr stop lying about gay presence!!! I really wanna see evil gays fucking things up not hetersexual white people talking intensely while standing so close that they're breathing in each other's mouths.
Lmao I mean I like Once Upon a Time but that’s DEFINITELY a misrepresentation 😂
Literally I mean I do it too I’m sure cause it’s easy to just talk about your headcanons & ships but tumblr SO often gets it twisted with what you should expect from a show & then you actually watch & it’s like “exCUSE me”
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