#but it is seriously really good for a 1st album
elementalalien27 · 10 days
My MCR5 theory from like July when The Paper Kingdom leak happened
I wrote this when I was half asleep so PLEASE don’t take ANY of this seriously man this is the oddest thing I’ve ever wrote-
I highlighted and bolded some key information for the fellow skimmers. Also I tried to fix my grammer 4 the most part in this post bcuz this is REAL important.
Firstly, this leak is all so random. I mean, Excalibur has been posting (and I quote;) “leaks” for years now, so I wouldn’t be surprised if he actually had the songs and kept it for himself or (ALLEGEDLY) sold them for money. But no source seems to claim that he actually had the full tracks.
Perhaps he just had those clips he posted to lead everyone on? I’m not too sure. But, if he were to upload the full track “Witch”, he would’ve surely done it under his name, judging by how self respecting this guy seems.
Sadly I didn’t find any info on this ATTAM guy yet, so I’m completely clueless there. My bad. If you know anything about this ATTAM figure (whom I remember hearing only a bit about) that may be important to this theory, plz message me and I'll update this or post something new.
The second thing I have is with the uploader, ReasonableRadish5791. That username is quirky; it’s as if Gerard came up with it. And it’s not like Gerard doesn’t know how to use Reddit, he’s used it multiple times over the past decade for QNA and all that razzmatazz.
And I know, you’re probably like “Asher, why the fuck are you accusing this random stranger on the internet to be Gerard??”, but hear me out.
After stalking their account (I’m sorry btw), I found out that this account was made on July 1st, which was three days before the leak. Isn’t that weird?? It seems like this whole account was made on a whim with the sole purpose of uploading this unreleased / deleted track somewhere it wouldn’t get copyrighted down.
That’s so incredibly odd.. the fact that they seem to know the lyrics too drives me insane. Also, the only other things they’ve done on this account (so far) was post like two things about Hesitant Alien's unseen merch maybe two or so days before they leaked the track, I don’t even know - but then how would they have those too?? They have to have at least SOME relation to Gerard.
That means whoever this person is, is trying to seem less suspicious by having posted two things before the big leak.
That leaves me to further believe that this is one of the members; most likely Frank or Gerard.
Frank because he’s a little gremlin, that dude is literally on the FBI watchlist for Christ’s sake. And Gerard because he confirmed knows how to use Reddit and that witty username, along with the Hesitant Alien posts. Or it could be Frank going undercover as Gerard? Or perhaps them together, knowing how Frank is (I’d assume) staying over at G’s as of right now? The possibilities are endless, as of right now.
The third this is that if it actually WAS some random dude on the internet who somehow managed to get this leak in this scenario, wouldn’t they’ve cleared all this suspicion up already?? You know, like “*so and so* gave me this link and I decided to make this account and upload it bcuz I find this very interesting and Warner is really keen on taking it down on every other sharing platform so Reddit is my final hope to share this neat thing I got my hands on with all you guys” or something like that? They could’ve just done that and as I said earlier, straight up cleared things up.
But they didn’t.
We don’t know this guy. That fact interests me the most. Who is behind that screen? How do they have this access? Who truly are they??? It’s driving me absolutely insane.
And lets say this little teenage piece of emo trash’s theory is somehow correct, what would be the purpose of this leak? This is a deleted album from over a decade ago that all the band members agreed to feeling uncomfortable with the topic, and came to terms of scrapping it for good. Why bring it up again? There’s only one knowledgeable explanation; MCR5.
The band wants - no, NEEDS - to catch our attention in some way, shape, or form. What better way is that then to randomly post songs that weren’t fortunate enough to see the light of day under a secret identity? It all makes sense if you think about it.
They will - and have - successfully catch our attention with those leaks, all as a plan to suddenly (when the time is right) release new songs and most importantly, the long awaited fifth album! And following my later 2 year theory, I wouldn’t be too surprised. Though, I’m honestly shocked that all this is happening, as nothing as big as this happened in 2023. I mean, I didn’t have Tumblr at the time so idk if I missed anything (I probably did but still), but I’m almost 100% certain that this is the biggest thing that happened in the MCRmy since Foundations, Cheerleader Gerard, WWWY 2024, and (I know this isn’t that important but it’s still important) the L.S. Dunes AI drama.
But back to MCR5, all what I know right now is that Mikey is in LA and so is Frank (I dunno about Ray since he’s very private on Social media and I didn’t check yet- 😭), Mikey liked one of Bex’s videos about MCR5 on Insta, Mikey is back in the studio, Frank is presumably chilling at G’s house, Rich G clearly knows something that we don’t, and so does the drummer (I forgot his name sorryyyyy-), Frankie’s fortune cookies post, and probably some more - it’s safe to say that something is definitely up; and my Emo Senses are tingling at an all time high. All of this is heightening my suspicion, it’s kinda starting to make sense in my head.
The fact that the band hasn't yet made a message responding to the situation yet is also oddly suspicious. I kid you not, this leak may actually go into MCR history, and (assuming it's a scandal that they had nothing to do with) they don't say anything?
They would've definitely said something if this wasn't their doing, judging by all the attention it's gathering online.
Now, I don’t really consider myself a full ass MCR CONSPIRACIST, I’m not pulling up the tinfoil hats or anything - and I don’t ever plan to since I’m just doing this bcuz I’m bored - but you have to be honest with me. Something is certainly fishy. Something is happening behind the scenes, and as the secretive and cryptic dorks they are, they’re not letting us know anything. It's up to the chosen Killjoys to crack the codes.
But reminder, I could also be wrong. That ReasonableRadish5791 character could actually be some random dude just chilling on the internet. I could just be overanalysing like the little autistic geek I am. But this seems all too related to be just some random instance.. all of Excalibur’s stuff has watermarks; how is it though that this one suddenly doesn’t? Again, all too coincidental and somewhat staged to be brushed off as some random leak..
If you’re still here, thank you for listening to this little emo teen currently on summer break rant about something as stupid as MCR5 at fucking 12am. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments or message me if you find out anything new.
Thank you :]
Okay here it is 😭 I am a changed person I will take this down later plz don’t hold this against me
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jo-harrington · 2 months
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Corroded Coffin Fest - Day 24 - Behind the Scenes
Summary: A decade into their careers, Corroded Coffin answers the ever-present question: what makes good music?
Word Count: 983
Rating: T
Warnings/Themes: Older!Corroded Coffin, Set sometime in the 2000s, 1st Person POV, News Article, Reference to Day 23 Up and Coming, friendship
Note: Thank you to the wonderful @br0ck-eddie for the beta read
Check Out the Main Post for @corrodedcoffinfest here! Even if you didn’t start on Day 1, you can still join!
Tagging: @the-unforgivenn at her request.
You can find my masterlist here.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
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Cracking Open the Lid - Behind the Scenes with Corroded Coffin By Alex McCall
What makes great music?
I'm talking really great music.
The kind that inspires sold out shows and screaming audiences and a chart-topping album that's gonna win an award sooner rather than later.
Is it good lyrics? Something you can dance to? Die-hard fans? Maybe it's a little bit of everything, especially after a decade of slogging through bars and opening acts for bands that aren't as good and day jobs because gigs don't pay enough for the gas to get you to the next show?
Well, that's what Indiana-native Corroded Coffin attributes to their success.
"We got lucky," guitarist Eddie Munson insists as I join them backstage before their sold out Chicago show. "A thousand bands work hard and deserve to be here, work just as hard as we did but it truly is luck."
"We rolled a Nat 20," drummer Gareth Emerson adds, earning a laugh from the whole band. An inside joke for sure, but their history with Dungeons and Dragons isn't much of a secret if you've listened to their music at all in the past.
It's not every day that you get to cover a story about a band you "discovered" a decade ago, but here I am nonetheless. I passed countless fans lined up outside of the arena and chatted with a few of them. Stories range from hearing them open for Metallica a few years ago to someone who'd never heard of the band until they won tickets at work and became fast fans.
One of them asks when I first heard of Corroded Coffin, and I tell them, almost a little smugly, that I saw them playing live on St. Patty's Day at Cork and Kerry back in '90.
I tell the boys about it too--I'm allowed to call them the boys now--and they immediately dive into reminiscing.
"Was that the time," frontman Jeff Franklin can't stop laughing, "that Davey drank so much green beer he projectile vomited over the crowd at the end?"
"No!" Bassist Dave Nelson protects his honor. "That was the time someone threw a bra at you and you decided to wear it as a hat."
It was neither of those times.
No, this was the time Eddie decided to try crowdsurfing and landed flat on his face.
"Seriously you were there for that and you decided to come see us play again?" Eddie goans.
But it was that gumption that put them on my radar and made me want to see what a bunch of idiot kids from Indiana--kids like me, a transplant from Fort Wayne--had to bring to the table.
And it's been a rollercoaster ever since.
Since my first article about these guys, they've been everywhere man. Literally. Across the US, on tour after tour after tour. They recorded an original song for a major motion picture. They had their shot acting as extras in a movie too.
"That, uh," Dave shakes his head vigorously, "we don't talk about that, actually."
"First and last acting credit," Gareth agrees.
"Didn't you play Romeo back in high school though?" Jeff teases him.
It's this camaraderie that punctuates my time with them. I'm immediately laughing at all of their jokes, I'm folded into the intimacy of their group. And it isn't exclusive to my interview; this is the energy that they bring to the stage every night. It's what they've always done, ever since that first performance I witnessed and, I'm sure, every performance since.
And yeah I could talk about how they give me a tour of the green room and all of their snacks and the required video game console because Gare is almost done beating Legend of Zelda 2. Or their tour bus and Eddie's stuffed animal collection.
But it's their friendship that is the shining beacon of the band.
Always has been.
I ask if they fight much.
"Always" they say in tandem.
"Bickering like an old married couple," Eddie elaborates. "But I guess we are sort of married to one another. Lifelong commitments and all that."
I try to ask if any of them are married, but the band is notoriously private. (They told me, because I'm one of the guys now, I'm just not allowed to write about it.)
But private lives aside does that mean the band breaking up is completely off the table?
"I'm sure we'll retire at some point," Jeff offers. "Ed's knees are giving out."
"He's the old man of the group," Gareth snickers.
Something is thrown across the greenroom and hits the drummer in the head. A pillow. It starts some kind of pillow fight slash food fight between them all, and I even get in on some of the action with a well-aimed barrage of M&Ms of my own.
In hindsight I feel bad for the people who have to clean that up. I would offer some sort of compensation but the band famously pays their venue teams very well.
Someone calls a truce and we wrap up the interview.
I get to have my fanatical moment, showing off some of the articles and ticket stubs I've brought along with, as well as an old autographed polaroid that I've had at my desk for years.
I'm only a few years older than they are, and the way I've followed their career has been more like an older cousin hoping they make it big than anything. I've listened to their good songs and their bad, but I've never given up on them. None of their fans really have.
"We appreciate it man," Jeff nods and all of the guys have tears in their eyes as they agree. "It's all for you guys. And for each other. But for the fans? Always."
So what makes great music? I ask them.
And once again in tandem, I get my answer. But I guess I didn't need to ask them to know.
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berylcups · 4 months
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Heres my first stand design! 😫 man did it take FOREVER! I hope it looks good enough. Especially since its an object based stand, but I made the portals with liminal/weirdcore elements to add to the bizarre jojo factor... They are technically invisible UNTIL you make eye contact with it...and it will reveal itself to suck you in. 😨 I hope I didn't make it OP, but either way everyone dies because of plot armor lol.
*the evil eye 🧿 at the very middle point of the bow blinks and focuses its gaze on the area the arrow is pointing at.
Stand acquired by: Black Sabbaths Arrow; not taking the lighter test seriously
Stand type(humanoid, object, drone, etc.): Object
Stand Name: Black Celebration (Album by Depeche Mode)
Stand Range: 15 meters , 30 meters (how far stand can shoot max) 
Destructive power:  D(calamari must rely on gravity and their surroundings to use to their advantage. Their stand technically isn’t meant to be used in combat but their creativity has helped them and their teammates out of life or death situations) 
Speed: A(variable, Calamari learns to have more control over [lower/strengthen] the suction and ejection the black holes)
Range: A(variable, how far Calamari arrows shoot)
Stamina/persistence: D (can stay inactive for an extended period of time up to 3-4 hours before activating.)
Precision: C
Development potential: A
Stand Abilities: 
Black Celebrations intended role was for contingency plans and escape routes. Calamari and their stand is bursting with potential. They're full of creativity and are always thinking of ways to be several steps ahead of their enemy. 
Black Hole traps: like real black holes, they are invisible to the naked eye and aren’t really black. BC can be shot to set up a booby trap for a target to unknowingly get in its range to be swallowed up and spat out another hole wherever Calamari pleases. It can stay dormant for roughly 3 to 4 hours so they don’t need to chase down their target but they can’t stray too far away from the town/city they’re in. To distinguish the difference between their target and civilians is to periodically check through the hole. Which isn’t too difficult when working on investigating targets beforehand. But these traps are basically useless if they don’t have this information, unless they stay nearby. With that, it will activate with the snap of their fingers
Chaining: This is the ability everyone relies on calamari the most . Calamaris 1st learned ability, they can take up to 8 shots at once  roughly about 7-30 meters in between each hole max to get  themself and her teammates out of a location. The more arrows they shoot the less they will go. It’s better to go one at a time. If they only shoot 1 it simply just takes them through the other side of something, like the other side of walls, into other rooms, vehicles, etc.
 Effect beacon/ redirection: With slowing down the way BC inhales/exhales matter, it can expand the effects of certain other stand abilities or redirect them (ex Grateful Dead aging fog) 
Redirecting projectiles work well with their stand too (Aerosmith’s shots) though; it works well with Sex Pistols, the sudden change in surroundings disorientates them losing control of the bullet. There’s limits to how much weight BC manipulates. It can handle roughly double their own body weight (300-350 lbs) when in the most dire situation they can transport a full sized sedan through a wall with the help of another pulling back the bow. 
Remote vision: Calamari can see into any black hole at any time but only one at a time. They are limited to 7 seconds of looking in and have some time before they can do it again or else they get severe headaches.
Stand weaknesses:
No defense or ability to fight back: BC has no ability to defend itself in close ranged fights due to being an object based stand. It requires a few seconds to set up 2 portals to send their attacker away or for them to escape and sometimes they might not have that precious time. 
Loss of senses: when looking into their black holes they can only sense what’s going on in the hole. This leaves them vulnerable for an easy ambush so they need someone nearby when they do this. 
Low endurance: BC  is fueled by Calamari’s adrenaline. Their anxiety and fight or flight response is what helps make their arrows manifest. After a long arduous fight it saps their energy and makes them incredibly exhausted and drowsy. They usually sleep on the ride after a mission, resting their head on whoever is next to them.
Battle Cry:  N/A
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neospokenworld · 3 months
Part one here
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You know, ever since seeing Oshi no Ko's 1st season I've wanted to watch another anime that more or less walked through the behind the scenes of the industry, so when I heard what was Seiyuu Radio about I definitely wanted to see it and now that the season ended it was quite good ngl.
it was pretty good to watch and even if it probably isn't faithful to the VA industry it also gave some insight to the behind the scenes of it, I absolutely loved how in this final episode the entire sequence of Yasumi rerecording her lines to the 'Phantom' show was done with no music nor sound effects, just pure raw Voice Acting altogether. One thing I would say tho is that if it wasn't because a lot of yuri pages I follow said that this is a yuri slowburn I wouldn't even believe it was the intention other than slight subtext lol, I get the feeling that this show would need like 2 more seasons to show something romantic between Yuhi and Yasumi and to be honest I wouldn't mind it at all, I absolutely loved their rivalry in here and how they have each other's back if either of them was in actual trouble (Like Yuhi with the casting couch rumors and Yasumi with her lack of confidence for her role in Phantom). Needless to say this was a good anime all in all and while I would probably put it at the bottom of a ranking with all of the ones I saw complete this season it's wouldn't be because it was bad by any means, but just because I liked the other ones more in the end (also I would love to see a 2nd season of it, even if the chances are almost 0 lol)
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When I first started this anime, all I thought was that it was gonna be a fun little anime with great visuals and not much else, but now that it finished all I gotta say is that it was easily my favorite anime out of the Spring season.
Like seriously, it's crazy how with each episode it got better and better. All of the TogeToge girls were really likeable to see and their interactions with each other were just so good in general, the animation was 100% a standout for the series with such an amazing 3D, and the songs were like OH MY FUCKING GOD THEY ARE SUCH BANGERS!! Like at one point I just downloaded the album they have and each new song that it came just went straight into my playlist
Another great thing it had was the relationship Momoka and Nina had over the course of the show, I'm gonna be honest here I didn't expected the yuri elements to be brought up again after the confession, this isn't that type of story in the end and even then, you could see the two sides of their really close bond, from one side of bickering and arguing but in the end being there for each other, to the other side of deep admiration (and love) for the other and always having each other back. Even if there wasn't anything canon in the end they have such chemistry that it wouldn't be crazy that they would be already dating by the time the final episode arrived
And that mainly going on Nina and Momoka's side of the band, both Rupa and Tomo had already that deep bond between them and you could see how much they trust each other, and Subaru being the wild card that easily ties everything together in the amazing band that is Togenashi Togeari. Every character has something going for them that can make you love them and be their favorite without looking down any of the others. Nina's passion and decisiveness, Momoka's leadership and coolness, Tomo's take-no-shit attitude and brash honesty, Rupa being basically the mom/older sister of the group and having an overall more relaxed nature (thus making her an amazing hidden agent of chaos), and Subaru's chaotic and grounded nature that helped both enhance the comedy and bring the girls down whenever needed
I hope we get more content for the show in the future, whether it's in form of new music; merch; a movie; second season; manga; anything, 'cause this was just too fucking good to just end here. Goated anime and the best of the season imo
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Honestly I'm still surprised that this series isn't talked more, like I know that it has a fandom talking about it that I still haven't interacted with, but outside of that I've seen very counted posts recommending it or just mentioning it which is a shame 'cause these last 5 episodes were absolutely amazing
Like at first I was like ''it's a good one, but not as good as most I'm seeing'' but after Number 9 came to attack the defense force for the first time it was like the show awakened and started delivering banger after banger episodes, and before that we already had cool characters to go for in Shinomiya, Kafka, Hoshina and Reno. The animation was real good (especially in both the Hoshino vs Kafka fight and the full awakening of Number 8) and the action was cool too, plus it has nice characters and a pretty interesting story to tie it all up, I'm like 90% sure this will have a second season in the future and I'll be waiting for it 'cause I wanna know more about the story (even if I'm gonna start reading the manga sooner or later lol).
This anime was a late bloomer like Kafka in the end lol
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Well, technically this isn't the final episode, but since the final 2 have been postponed until further notice I'm gonna share my ''final'' thoughts here.
I HATE how badly was this anime treated, like it had everything to become easily one of the best Yuri anime of all time after the first 2 episodes but then everything came crashing down and the production of it was basically a Mappa 2.0, so much that episodes 9 and 10 were delayed for 2 weeks and the final episodes are gonna be aired at some point in the future, leaving it inconclusive for the season.
But I'm gonna see it here on a positive side, the first two episodes were just extremely beautiful and even if by episode 3 the animation was downgraded I'm here as an anime only for this series, so I could watch this for the story instead of for the adaptation and to be honest I love the story. I love the characters and the dynamic between them, the soundtrack was really good and the songs were great too, in my opinion this anime is a top 3 for the season, and I understand the hate it gets from the fans since, while I still haven't read the manga, I can imagine how bad it must feel that the adaptation was butchered so badly that even the author hated it.
This anime deserved so much better, I really liked it from beginning to end, to the point where I'm gonna start reading the manga because of how good the story was so at least the anime did it's purpose of guiding people into reading it's source material. if by some miracle there's a remake I'll 100% be here for it, I loved it as someone who didn't knew anything about it but the fans deserved a far better adaptation
And that's it!! I'm gonna leave here my ranking for each of the anime's I saw to completion, I'll probably make another rank for my favorite OP and ED tomorrow too but for now thanks for reading
1 Girls Band Cry
2 Jellyfish Can't Swim at Night
3 Whisper me a Love Song
4 Bartender
5 Kaiju No. 8
6 Train to the End of the World
7 Delicious in Dungeon
8 The Many Sides of Voice Actor Radio
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I was saying the same thing
Also see this :
Fandom like the artist lol
They really think jimin is the elder member of bts or what ? Because they've been saying this right from the moment his album promo was done and hobi announced his enlistment..they badly wanted him gone in April, so he won't take away the shine from their real favs especially tkk. Somehow we ommited the fact that Jimin is same age as Tae.
Last day a hyung line biased big ot7 acct said "Jimin and his 2 baby brothers" about ML. Yeah 84 year old Jimin with 7 yr Tae and 3 yr JK isn't it ? They just want to get hit tweets with their corny ass tweets.. now see them posting their unfunny tweets when Jimin enlists, pretending to be sad, they got a ton is drafts that's why they are waiting for the moment.
Jimin is next, while stanning the member who's elder than Jimin, fucking cunts.. PJMS absolutely have every reason to hate and drag those hyung line hags fans because this is how Jimin is treated by members AND their Fandom. Maknae line members stans do fight with each other a lot BUT no other maknae line member thought it's OK to release their songs during Jimin's month nor their solos are not saying this military shit.
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Hi anon,
Yes, this is absolutely true.
Before and after FACE era, I used to frequent this forum for nonshippers. They have this intense hate towards Jimin that they try to mask but fail terribly at doing so.
As soon as he released his stuff, they were saying he was going to enlist already, his album wasn't good, and that Tae and Jk would do better.
They praised Yoongi and Namjoon, though.
And in my head, I was like...these people are so pathetic and jealous. Why in the world would Jimin enlist so soon? How did that make sense?
The day that Jimin enlists, I will set my house on fire because I will be so angry from watching the hypocrisy of those who have hated and shaded him.
Although pjms do come and want to mess with jikook (seriously guys, just stay in your lane), I do think that defending Jimin like that from the hate is necessary. I mean, what else are you supposed to do?
It's a thin line but other hater fans always cross it. So...
But they keep crying because we still have Jimin and more stuff from him coming.
Thanks for sharing.
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epickiya722 · 2 years
You already know how this goes. Jokes, opinions, questions all that good stuff. Emphasis on the "jokes" because we're not gonna have a repeat of last week are we?
Even in a coma, Izuku can't help but worry about everyone else.
Hold up... Hikage (4th User) is barefoot???
2nd & 3rd's hair colors revealed and... I like them!!
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"We'll respect your privacy!" Banjo is the funniest User and I love him.
Okay, I love all of them honestly.
I actually like how they did Izuku's voice here. To describe it... imagine talking into a cup...
"Everyone is a weirdo, except me." Proceeds to do a funny dodging dance to avoid Blackwhip. Yeah, he's becoming one of my faves.
"Old age? At 40?" Had the same reaction.
Ooooh, that explanation!!!
"What did Shinomori have that he didn't?" I KNOW!!! I KNOW!!!
AAAAAWWW!!! TEEN MIGHT AND IZUKU!!! Damn, Yagi always been tall as hell, huh?
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"All Might was quirk-less." DING DING DING!!!
And when thinking about, it would make sense for someone to be Quirk-less to hold OFA because yeah, you don't want to overflow the pile so much. Which brings me to the question that if AFO could OFA, which I doubt, you think he would like die that second?
I forgot that there is little to no Quirk-less people... yeah, by the time Izuku would have to pass down OFA, there wouldn't be an available successor.
* shows Nighteye* RIP, my guy. Nice detail since he believed Mirio would have been a better successor and it turns out HE WOULDN'T BE. Ooh, another question. At the time Mirio was quirk-less and Izuku offered OFA to him, you think OFA would have adapted to Mirio or stay with Izuku?
"Are you willing to take Tomura Shigaraki's life?" Damn, Nana, just drop that on him, huh?
"He looked like he was in immense pain because AFO was invading his body." Well, yeah, that, too.
"... in his eyes was hatred." He just needs a hug. Don't blame him though. First, your dad is an asshole. You manifest your quirk that kills your family and destroys your home. You are abandoned on the streets and no one took you on and then you are picked up to be "raised" by a maniac. I would feel all that hatred, too.
En be sitting like me... I also love that 2nd and 3rd are just standing against the wall like they're in timeout.
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"He wants to make a comeback." Ah, shit, AFO dropping an album?!
Okay, I firmly believe though that all the Users have some bit of muscle definition except for Yoichi. He's the 1st User so he didn't have the time to build his body for it.
"I know how embarrassing it is for an adult to make a 16 year old boy pay for her failure." You and Rock Lock must know each other...
I miss Rock Lock. Hope his family is doing alright.
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En looks like he wants to ask "so what's it gonna be?" Or "seriously? That shirt with those pants?"
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Izuku is by far the most empathic and sympathetic person there is... damn Cancerian...
LOVE how when Izuku goes to speak his mind about wanting to save Tomura, his mouth forms even more and his voice is clearer. It's like at first, he has to stand there and still to his elders so he was muffled and then the moment he got to speak his truth, his voice comes out to spill his real feelings.
Vestige All Might is crying!!!! 😭😭😭
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No, for real, I had to stop and wipe my eyes because I had tears coming up.
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"Yes. For that, you will have our support." YOICHI, YOU THE BEST!!!
Aaaaw, Nana wanting Izuku to send Gran Torino a "hi", aaaw. Thinking about it, you think Gran Torino was the only person she had by her side until All Might came around?
Nana, please don't cry. I'll cry.
Emotions... THE EMOTIONS
"Is he in bad shape?" "No. He is alright." I DOUBT THAT! LOOK AT HIM!
"These people never give up." You can tell All Might is just done with people.
Best Jeanist just really be not giving a damn when it comes to collars.
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That lady was going ham during the interview!!
Endeavor deciding if people are gonna get mad at heroes, be mad at him... WOOOOW.
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... I am not surprised Kamui Woods got leaves for hair.
"Who should they go to for help when they are in pain?" Well, don't go to the citizens because they don't give a damn.
Can't believe he left in APRIL.
Aaaaa, here comes Vigilante Deku!!! The arc that made me want to pull my hair out!!!
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people i want to get to know better tag meme thingy (I still don't know how these work)
So uh, @bottombatch tagged me in this, I think there's a set of questions I have to answer? Anyway, I'm tagging @trygrievousbutgirl-blog and @zawazawanightmares because they're cool and probably know how to do this better than me. last song? Night Crawling, by Miley Cyrus (featuring Billy Idol). I just remembered that album, Plastic Hearts, existed while I was doing laundry. It's pretty good. favorite color? PINK! Like, damn near every shade of pink but especially bright and vibrant ones! currently watching? Nothing! But I'm gonna renew my Crunchyroll subscription soon and start watching I'm in Love with the Villainess and Bocchi the Rock! last movie? Me and my dad went to see Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom in the cinema, because we did the same with the last one and had an alright time. He enjoyed it, but I... well, there were clearly parts of the story that whoever wrote this clearly enjoyed writing more than others. And those bits were interesting, but what I came to see (Namely Black Manta) were... not as much. currently reading? Nothing as of yet, but the copy of Zachary Ying and the Dragon Emperor I got for christmas has been staring at me from my bookshelf for a month now... Oh and once I get a new phone I'll finally get to start reading Chainsaw Man! sweet/spicy/savory? Spicy! But I'm Swedish and really like fish, so I'm partial to savory too. relationship status? Single, ladies ;). But in all seriousness I'm hoping to get on the apps soon and finally go on real dates for the first time in my 25 years of life. current interests? Chainsaw Man and Baldur's Gate 3 obviously, but also two tabletop RPGs called Scion (2nd edition, we don't talk about 1st) and Deviant: The Renegades! They're really cool but also REALLY niche so finding games for either is a nightmare! (also Deviant is honestly kinda gender?) last thing you googled? The word "shonen" because I wanted to make sure I spelled it right. I never claimed to be clever, okay! selfie or another pic you took? Fuck no on the selfies! Maybe once I've gothified a bit more, but until then I am avoiding cameras like the plague. And for whatever damn reason I can't upload photos to any damn site, so here's something I found on reddit:
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nattensmadrigal · 8 months
Ghostbath is cool, Ninkharsag is a good one, Church of Misery is kinda rad, Deafheaven is shoegaze that makes me cry, Afsky is rad especially in winter, acidbath always in my top
You probably know some of them or all of them, but just a few I've been jamming to lately
Thank you for all of these recommendations, let's go thru them one by one together shall we? Get ready for a long ass fucking post, i take music recommendations people give me really seriously Also I'll give you some recommendations back, deal?
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First off: Ghost Bath I listened to Funeral, their 1st album release from 2014, picked out at random, really cool album art too!
Apart from the really goofy name that they had to like have the meaning explained on their spotify description seemingly too often misunderstood by the metal community (the last show i went to a lot of dudes over there seemed to love taking ghost baths), I really liked it, the second song in the album, Burial, kinda sounded familiar to me so maybe i've listened to this band before in passing on like a random DSBM playlist? Really deep sorrowful vibes, really liked the echo effects in Procession, the 4th song in the album, i would prefer more like actual lyrics instead of just vocal sad cries, i don't think they serve any real purpose, the instrumental already convey the feeling and emotion that the band wants to put out, but hey thats my opinion, maybe thats why i only like a handful of DSBM bands? 7.5/10 - If they make an instrumental album its definitely going to be on my album rotation!
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Next up is Ninkharsag I listened to The Dread March of Solemn Gods, released in 2021 According to the metal archives They're a melodic Black Metal band from England This is 100% more my style, i get some like Dissection and like Mgła vibes from the 2nd track onward, favorite Track was for sure Under the Dead of Night, the lyrics in this album are so good, like actual poetry like seriously look at this! This is an excerpt from Lunar Hex; The Art of Mighty Lycanthropy
The frozen kiss of aeons, the solitude of night The wisdom of the wolven arts, rise deathless The purity of shadows, the everlasting hunger The oath that binds forever more, rise deathless ones Before me, I see the endless frozen vistas Beckoning me on into realms beyond the dark
Amazing album will definitely listen to them more 10/10 - Mr Bones i would like to get off the spooky ride
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And then Mr bones dropped us off in The Church of Misery I listened to Master of Brutality, funny thing is, this isn't my first time listening to them, but i completely forgot the band's name, i only knew the album i listened to the cover was like a copy of Black Sabbath's Master of Reality's cover art, so thanks to you i found this band again lol They're more in the "i wanna die... but first i wanna smoke weed" spectrum of the metal Genre, nothing wrong with that mind you i've been dipping more and more in the doom stoner metal genre with bands like Merlock and Bongripper My favorite track of the album is their cover of Blue Oyster Cult's Cities on Flame with Rock and Roll, really liked how the vocals sound in that track
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Next up is Afsky, a one-man project from Denmark I've already listened to afsky before more specifically the album Ofte jeg drømmer mig død, but never really got around to listen to the rest of the discography, today i listened to Sorg an older album released in 2018, and its just more of that later album i actually listened to, really solid ambience, makes me think of dark humid dungeons, searching for the exit while some random cult is preparing a ritual in a chamber below My favorite track was Vættekongen not just because of the silly name (sounds like donkey kong's danish cousin or something) but also i really like the hurdy gurdy in the beggining, such a cool instrument and really just lends itself to a medieval fantasy-esque kinda of atmosphere 10/10 - The danish really need to invent a less confusing language though, my keyboard doesn't have that fucking o with a stroke through it
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I listened to Infinite Granite by Deafheaven, an American Post black-metal/Shoegaze band released in 2021 I'm fairly new to listening to shoegaze, 99% of my experience with it is Slowdive which i love, and giving my bloody valentine a shot, so i dont really have much to go on the genre, I've read somewhere about how some people listen to shoegaze because of the warm, slow sounds feel like a hug in your ears, and i can definitely can see where they're coming from, this album is really melancholic for sure but unlike that album by Ghost Bath, you can still see a spark of hope My favorite track in the entire record might be The Gnashing, i really enjoyed that solo, with Lament for Wasps coming at a really close 2nd 9.8/10 will definitely listen to more of them
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Up next was Paegan Terrorism Tactics by Acid Bath, same deal as afsky, only listened to When the kite string pops and then didn't bother to listen to the other album, what a bad decision, the other album is like a classic nowadays, but this one also carries his own weight, my favorite Track on it so far is Venus Blue, i also really liked their decision of making sorta like a "intermission" track with New Death Sensation, like something less heavy to get you ready for the next part of the album 9/10 - At least its not a killer clown on the cover right?
Ok so now what i would recommend to you?
Bell Witch - Four Phantoms
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The absolute GOATS of Funeral Doom imo, just really heavy, slow, less sorrowful like Ghost Bath, but more just pure ANGER
Black Shining Leather - Carpathian Forest
Trve Kvlt Norwegian black metal a real example of just complete like ghoulish sounds, with a really fucking kick ass cover of A Forest by The Cure in the end, really great album
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Bog Wizard - From the Mire
My intro to stoner metal, what i would show to someone if they asked me what it is, they're huge nerds just like me and I'm a sucker for D&D References in like anything
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Drudkh - Autumn Aurora
If you enjoy listening to afsky during winter, maybe this album by Drudkh could fit for your Autumn! i really enjoy it alot and it instantly popped in my head when finding for someone similar to afsky
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ruminate88 · 4 months
What Music Did You Grow Up With?
I wanna take a break from talking about the healing journey and talk about music cuz that’s my passion in life 🎶👏🏻
There’s musicians and song writers on both sides of my family. I have a HUGE family. 100 cousins on both sides of my family but I’m closer to my dad’s side. My aunt Becky use to be on local radio in the 80’s for gospel music. I grew up listening to an Uncle sing never knowing he wrote most of the songs he sang 😳 He just doesn’t brag about it but he’s so talented!! (I always thought the songs he sang came from gospel radio)
My dad can mess around for fun on the piano and guitar but doesn’t actually play. He can sing a little too but also doesn’t do it seriously… My MOM on the other hand though, she can chord on piano and guitar PLUS she’s the BEST singer I’ve ever heard in the whole world. She’s got soul and range but she’ll never ever brag about it 🥺🥰 and she never thinks she’s as good as she is. I’ve heard her sing all of my life and it has always intimated me LOL People always ask do I sing like my mom and it’s like “HAH, I wish…” 😅 My brother and my nieces also sing really well.
My dad always played pop music at home, soft rock and smooth jazz. My mom played gospel music and blue grass. My older brother always played heavy metal privately when I would ride in his mustang with him but played country music in front of our parents to cover up what he was actually listening to…. Hah I heard a range of music styles growing up.
For me, I listened to pop and r&b. My favorite was Craig David but I also loved Brian McKnight, Boyz ll Men and Ne-yo. I loved “The Year of a Gentleman” album. At 17, I thought I was a rapper LOL I use to listen to Bone, thugs and harmony plus DMX lol By the time I’m in my 20s, I fell in love with trance and EDM. I was depressed for 3 and a half years and trance music such as Jax Jones, Above & Beyond, got me through. By the time I’m 26, I’m in love with indie pop-rock music such as: The 1975, Bad Suns, Atlas, The Bleachers, etc… In my darkest moments, I leaned on Bad Suns the most. There songs just got me through where I was.
I have listened to music my whole life. Music is the only language I truly speak and relate to others and life situations. When I can’t get people to understand me, I put a song in its place 🎶👏🏻 I have never sang in front of family seriously or sang them a song I’ve written 😳 I’m shy haha but I’ve written songs on the piano I’ve played…. Maybe one day I’ll sing for my family. I’ve played in a few bands over the years but only playing the piano. I’ve also played the organ and the violin. Gospel music has mostly shaped my abilities but pop music drives my lyrics 👏🏻👏🏻
I’ve been noticed before by Jesse McCartney, Gareth Emery, Tritonal and a few others… Jesse McCartney actually in 2010 said my song “Be With You” was notable on his MySpace blog… Nothing came of it though. Was like my 10 seconds of fame LOL 😂. I had a lot of Jesse fan haters after that…. It’s all good though. I did not write the song for his fans to love me. It was a song I wrote for him out of love for him. (I don’t like to talk about Jesse anymore like I use to but I have mentioned him a couple times)
Concerts: My 1st real concert was in 2000, it was *NSYNC’s no strings attached Haha Got to sit in the nose bleed section. It made the band look like little stick figures hehe Funny stuff… but my favorite concert I’ve EVER been to believe it or not was in 2011, a Christmas band called “Mannheim Steamroller” Wow they are amaaaaaazing. If you love Christmas music, which I dooooooo, they bring nostalgia but have a whole orchestra behind them combined with synthasizers which incorporates my love for pop music too! Sooo good!!!! Another concert I loved was in 2019, Colton Dixon. He’s a Christian rock singer and he has a moment on the piano just of him singing solo and it was beautiful and intimate! It’s moments in music like those that you never forget ❤️👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🎶
When I make music, it’s always from my heart. I only write about what I can’t say out loud in a normal conversation. I always say the truth, even when it’s hurting me. Music is my escape and always has been. I remember when Jesse McCartney said that one time in like 2009 or something and that resonated with me beyond words. Music has the power to link people together!!!!
You can hear my music on the following platforms: Spotify, SoundCloud and Bandlab. My usernames are songwriter88 and songwriter1988 I was on TikTok but that’s currently a private account for obvious reasons. If you’re a musician like me, share your music with me below 👍🏻 I’m always looking for new songs to add to my faves list!!
A very personal song I wrote in 2021:
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tyonfs · 6 months
🎀’s pre ramadan update finally!!
okay lol i cant really remember what i talked abt in my last one but first of all ramadan mubarak!!! to preface this very very long update how are you alice? i saw u said that u fucked things up with that talking stage (?) i think that’s what u said IF HES A GOOD GUY GO FOR IT!!!
you probs can’t remember but i think i did mention things about my friend group. okay so basically im just gonna name drop it does nawt matter but my friend emily, we’ve been friends since high school and she goes to a college an hour ish away and lemme tell u she has been so fake. she got a boyfriend and she likes to act very differently when she has one she basically talks down to me because i have a bad track record so there’s that. because of that i’ve grown closer to my other friends from our same high school who go to my college and we’re really close!! one of the girls invited me to her sorority formal and even got me a date! overall im really excited 🙈 i wish we were insta moots or smth so i could show u but nonetheless. now with that friend group it was originally a trio BUT this one girl, gabbi, we’ve been friends since 1st grade and she felt like she was excluded so we became closer and the other girls basically said i was replacing them and it was this whole thing but gabbi isn’t friends with them anymore but they’re cool with me? gabbi doesn’t care bc she’s mature and i love that girly for that. so much!
ughhh relationships. literally nothing i’ve officially gotten the ick from arsal FINALLY GUYS IM OVER HIM LIKE ACTUALLY OVER HIM. so amazing. i feel a lil lighter and a lot better abt myself. i’m about to buy a whole new wardrobe for JUNIOR YEAR. omg literally the time went by so quick i just told u how nervous i was to be a sophomore and now im one step closer to graduating and getting my degree. NERVY.
besides that school is going great as always we been knew im literally a smarty pants. i’ve been into like sza and frank ocean lately, my summer artists luv em SPEAKING OF SUMMER im so excited 🙈🙈🙈 so so excited. in other words i listened to enhas new ish album IT WAS REALLY GOOD. i’m upset i didn’t listen earlier. honestly the only grp i can some how care about is enha because lesserafim keeps on supporting isnotreal and it’s really tiring.
because of the war, i see how palestinians are still connected with their faith and still praying all though all that’s happening and alhamdulillah although i had not strayed too far from my faith, i feel more connected especially ramadan starting. i’ve been praying more regularly and even starting the quran again. inshallah this ramadan will be good!
i’ve been reading ur smau on jayflrt and it’s GOOOOOD luv it so far. how was that spontaneous trip!! give me an update alice i miss u!!! - 🎀
OMG i can't remember if i wished you in my other blog but ramadan mubarak ml !! 💘💘 OH SHIT yes i did fuck things up.... i think hes a good guy but HMM i think we both have different goals for what our first date was gonna be so im on the fence :p
i do rememeber this yes !! this is the one from the last ask i answered right?? you can send your ig if you're comfortable and i'll follow (and delete the ask obv so i don't expose your ig to everyone HAHAH) 🥰🥰 but your other friends from high school sound so much better than emily and i hope things go well with the sorority formal guy!! omg idk why they would claim that you were replacing them :// but i'm glad gabbi took it well and is mature about the distancing !! that's so much easier for everyone involved :')
YESSS CONGRATS ON BEING FREE 🥳 no seriously it feels like divine intervention when you finally get the ick from a guy you like that turns you off him for good LOL also GOOD LUCK FOR JUNIOR YEAR you're so close to being one degree hotter <33 enjoy the last two years of undergrad it'll fly by so fast :') AND I FULLY SUPPORT THE NEW WARDROBE YOU SHOULD BALL OUT
omg i do remember you saying you're into enha more than nct now ! but orange blood was SOOO good 😩 wait i need to know your biases and when you got into them too 🙏 are you going to their concert too?? i went to the fate tour so i don't think i'm gonna commit to fate+ unfortunately 🤧 and omg yeah i keep seeing lesserafim with starbucks like ?? and especially yunjin too,, i wouldn't have expected it from her of all people :/ and the whole argument like "oh starbucks isn't on the bds list" like okay yeah well two of their major shareholders literally make the weapons that the us military is providing for israel and at the end of the day it's just a matter of morals too
ahh i hope you have a wonderful ramadan ml!! i hope it'll be a good month for you to be in tune with your faith more ! also i'm so glad you like the jay smau so far !! 🥹🥹 it's a little intimidating to write but i enjoy it HAHAH also the trip was really fun !! i picked up my friends and we drove to our other friend's place to spend the weekend there and we went to the beach and went clubbing :') tbh the weather wasn't the best unfortunately but we did the best we could 🥲 also i drank so much that i'm swearing off alcohol for like 3 months 😭
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married-2-the-music · 7 months
K-pop Discography Deep Dives: SHINHWA (Part THREE) 📼
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Run, as befits its name, is all about a group of criminals running away while SHINHWA attempts to save Eric, and it’s good to know that even if the band themselves are wearing shirts (albeit under a laughable amount of leather), the bad guys will be predictably shirtless. But really, this is another song I respect for the very reason that it knows exactly what it is and doesn’t take itself too seriously, instead just deciding to throw up its hands and have a good time. Its “oh, eh, oh, let’s move it” is now stuck in my head, and I suppose I had that one coming.
From the album, Volume 9, I enjoyed the gently swaying chorus of Voyage, the slowly rising vocals in Just One More Time, the layered rap verse under the harmony in 2 My Luv, and the laughter in their voices in spoken-word Do You Remember?.
Venus has a lighter electro beat that I was expecting, and feels tailor-made for a dance-floor in the same vein as Kara’s Lupin or SHINee’s Ring Ding Dong with its call-and-response, the slinking quality of the verses, and distorted EDM background. Unsurprisingly, I really enjoyed this one, and it became one of my favorites right away, especially after the trap breakdown and excellent final chorus.
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From the album, The Return, I enjoyed the palpable emotion in Hurts (I even didn’t mind the rap!), the sharp disco of Red Carpet, the upbeat drive of Let It Go, and the classical flourishes in Be My Love. So far, though I’ve enjoyed a few songs, I haven’t liked any enough to feature as a hidden gem, but here, I finally did! My hidden gem was the hopeful, acoustic-guitar driven, soundtrack-worthy On The Road, with its swirls of emotion and lovely warmth. It would be absolutely perfect for a road trip. Overall, I really liked this album; I think it’s one of their strongest.
This Love picks up where Venus left off, taking a very SHINHWA drive and combining it with a very early-2010’s-Katy-Perry-Party-Rock EDM beat and high pitched piano that creates a marriage in the middle of 1st and 2nd gen k-pop that was super interesting for me to see. It’s not the most unique track, certainly, but I did enjoy it.
From the album, The Classic, I enjoyed the smooth harmonizing in both Guy Who Knows and While Smiling and the dance floor beat of Hurricane, but my hidden gem was absolutely the alt-rock driven That’s Right (that high note especially!).
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Sniper follows Venus and This Love to an extent, though seems more rooted in their earlier work than mid-2010’s synths with its harder-hitting, grungier EDM. It’s more like 2002 SHINHWA has been given a glossy makeover, basically, which I’m not against. I like the unique whistling hook here, and the building tension of its pre-choruses really makes the song feel unique, though I wish there was more of a payoff.
Memory is a special track released for SHINHWA’s 17th anniversary in 2015, and thank the heavens, it’s pretty good quality. It’s not that out of the ordinary for an inspirational ballad: it’s got the inspirational strings, the great harmonizing, the building vocals, the BTS footage from concerts and their lifelong friendships, and even a bunch of shots of an ocean. And you know what? It totally worked! I’m a complete sap and I adored it; I wanted to run off into the sunset on a road trip with my best friend immediately.
From the album WE, I loved the classical flourishes in Alright (my hidden gem!), but I also enjoyed the whistling hook of Sniper, the soaring vocals in Don’t Cry, and the gentleness of Never Give Up. There’s a reason I’m mentioning harmonizing and vocals so much: SHINHWA’s voices work so well together, in a way I’ve only really seen in SNSD, Red Velvet, SHINee, and Exo. Say what you will about SM (and I will), but they’re great at choosing vocals.
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Orange follows in what’s become a tradition with SHINHWA’s music videos, just being them behind the scenes singing and having fun, and honestly, I love that for them. Though I still have my gripes about the rap not being necessary, the song is honestly too sweet and fluffy for me to dislike it, and I especially love the last chorus with its hand-clapping percussion and gentle harmonizing. Though the album’s called “Unchanging”, SHINHWA in these later songs, this one in particular, seems a world away from the angry, angsty, slur-saying group that we started with. It would be hard for me to even believe that it’s the same people if I hadn’t witnessed the change for myself over three weeks of listening to their music.
Touch is the first of SHINHWA’s music videos and songs that I would identify as feeling like k-pop from the second that it began it; while it keeps their EDM background, dramatic strings, and their very specific voices, the synths layered on top, anti-drop chorus, and toned-down production definitely bring it forward into the 2010’s. This isn’t one of my favorites of theirs, since I’m not usually a fan of anti-drops and this chorus doesn’t really change my mind, but I do like the rest of the song.
From the album, Unchanging, I enjoyed the springy energy of the too-short We and the rising warmth of Like A Star, and swingy energy of Bye Bye Bye, but the excellent driving beat under the chorus and whistling hook of Super Power made it my hidden gem.
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All Your Dreams (the 2018 version) had me excited from the second I heard the lovely beginning strings of Bach Invention No.4, and when the guitar came in, I knew I’d like it. It’s certainly a revamped and improved version of their old music, absolutely more polished but without losing the theatricality and strength that defined their beginning. It feels like a second try in more ways than one on what’s their 20th anniversary, taking the good of the past and leaving the bad behind, and I’m very happy to hear it. And see it, for that matter; they remade the music video shot-for-shot too, in what feels like an homage done with love.
Kiss Me Like That, like Touch, feels like modern k-pop, albeit with a pared-back and gentle acoustic instrumental more reminiscent of Orange. In a way, I was both surprised and not by how explicit the English verses are, but they’re forty. They should live their lives. Either way, I enjoyed the inclusion of the brass samples and how they add texture to the last verses, though the song is a little too plain for me in general.
From the EP, Heart, I enjoyed Yoon Mirae’s feature in In The Air, the sunny, summery guitar in Level, and the album (and my time with SHINHWA) ends with the gentle yet passionate Don’t Leave Me, which fades out into nothing.
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I’m glad I did this! I didn’t know what to expect when I began this deep dive, but it wasn’t to actually enjoy the greater part of their discography. I absolutely have criticisms—the appropriation, overuse of AAVE, and slurs chief among them—but I’ve gained a lot of respect for SHINHWA. I feel a little bit of pride that they’ve existed so long, and I hope that they continue breaking records and being together for as long as it makes them happy.
It’s difficult to pick so few after hearing over two hundred, but my Top 5 songs were Perfect Man, Yo!, Memory, How Do I Say, and Venus, with On The Road, Mistake, and All Your Dreams (2018) as honorable mentions. SHINHWA gets an 8.5 out of 10 from me, incredibly solid with genuine respect, but I feel like I can’t rate them any higher, both for my own lack of a lot of emotional connection and because I can’t get past the issues from the beginning, even if they were years ago.
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Alright, so, phew, finally done! Next week, we’ll finally be back to our regularly scheduled programming with a one-week girl group. (Hallelujah), and I'll be starting 2x a week posting, just because I've been writing fasting than my own blog can keep up, lol. Tschüss!
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brookston · 11 months
Holidays 11.7
American Choral Society Day
Ben Ali Commemoration Day (Tunisia)
Commemoration Day (Tunisia)
Day of Accord and Reconciliation (Russia)
Day of the Hungarian Opera (Hungary)
Days of History and Memory (Kyrgyzstan)
Dunce Day
Employee Brotherhood Day (SpongeBob Squarepants)
European Radon Day
Gastrointestinal Day (Germany)
Good Tummy Day (Japan)
Hug a Bear Day
Hungarian Opera Day (Hungary)
International Day of Medical Physics
International Inuit Day
Little League Girls Day
Magazine Day
Medical Science Liaison Awareness and Appreciation Day
Melbourne Cup Day (Victoria, Australia)
Meteorite Day
National Bassist Day
National Cancer Awareness Day (India)
National Canine Lymphoma Awareness Day
National Day for the Victims of Communism
National Day in Northern Catalonia (France)
National Day of Remembrance for Ka Otis (Philippines)
National Food Fortification Day (Philippines)
National Inuit Day (Canada)
National Keith Day
National Lori Day
National Programmatic Advertising Day
National Railway Day (Canada)
National Retinol Day
National Revolution and Solidarity Day (Bangladesh)
Notary Public Day
Red Cup Day
Republican Elephant Day
Social Revolution Day (Kyrgyzstan)
Stay Away from Anyone Named Honest John Day
Treaty of the Pyrenees Day (Northern Catalonia, France)
Victims of Communism Day (Florida, Missouri)
Watercress Day (French Republic)
World Cancer Awareness Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Chocolate Mud Cake Day (Sweden)
International Merlot Day
Martini Day
National Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day
National Kumquat Day
1st Tuesday in November
Election Day (US) [1st Tuesday after 1st Monday]
International Skeptics Day [1st Tuesday after 1st Monday]
Independence Days
October Revolution Day (Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Transdniestria, former U.S.S.R.)
Feast Days
All Dominican Saints and Blesseds (Christian)
Bartholomäus Ziegenbalg (Lutheran)
Billy the Grownup (Muppetism)
Birth of Baháʼu'lláh (Baha'i) [2 Muharram]
Charles Baudelaire Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Engelbert II of Berg (Christian; Saint)
Feast of Blessed John Duns Scotus (The Subtle Doctor)
Feast of Stolen Fire
Festivals of the Twin Birthdays, Day 2 (Baha'i)
Florentius (Christian; Saint)
Francisco Zurbarán (Artology)
Herculanus of Perugia (Christian; Saint)
Jan Matulka (Artology)
John Christian Frederick Heyer (Lutheran)
John Duns Scotus (Christian; Blessed)
Ludwig Ingwer Nommensen (Lutheran)
Paul Peel (Artology)
Philippe de Comines (Positivist; Saint)
Prosdocimus (Christian; Saint)
Tentacle Day (Pastafarian)
Tiamat’s Day (Pagan)
Tokhu Emong (Lotha Nada people of India)
Vicente Liem de la Paz (Christian; One of Vietnamese Martyrs)
Werenfrid (Christian; Saint)
Willibrord (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Prime Number Day: 311 [64 of 72]
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 51 of 60)
Aerial, by Kate Bush (Album; 2005)
Alice In Chains, by Alice In Chains (Album; 1995)
Big Hero 6 (Animated Film; 2014)
Buck Rogers in the 25th Century (Radio Series; 1932)
…But Seriously, Phil Collins (Album; 1989)
The Divine Miss M, by Bette Midler (Album; 1972)
Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?, by Chicago (Song; 1970)
Don’t Look Now (WB MM Cartoon; 1936)
Elf (Film; 2003)
Feast (Disney Cartoon; 2014)
Fifty Cents Lost or Get That Half Back (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S3, Ep. 123; 1961)
Green, by R.E.M. (Album; 1988)
Hogfather, by Terry Pratchet (Novel; 1996) [Discworld #20]
It’s a Mad Mad Mad Mad World (Film; 1963)
Job, by Joseph Roth (Novel; 1930)
Love Actually (Film; 2003)
Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa (Animated Film; 2008)
Martha & Snoop’s Potluck Dinner Party (TV Series; 2016)
Mater and the Ghostlight (Pixar Cartoon; 2006)
The Midnight Line, 22nd Jack Reacher book, by Lee Child (Novel; 2017)
Miss Fritter’s Racing Skool (Pixar Cartoon; 2017)
Mister Magoo (Animated TV Series; 1960)
Raising Steam, by Terry Pratchet (Novel; 2013) [Discworld #40]
Role Models (Film; 2008)
The Rose (Film; 1979)
The Scheme Misfires of You Can Planet Better Than That (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S3, Ep. 124; 1961)
Sid and Nancy (Film; 1986)
Something Wild (Film; 1986)
A Son Unique, by Wu-Tang Clan (Album; 2006)
Starship Troopers (Film; 1997)
Studio One (Radio Series; 1948)
Ten Hail Marys & Ten How’s Your Fathers, by Elvis Costello (Album; 1980)
The Theory of Everything (Film; 2014)
Ummagumma, by Pink Floyd (Album; 1969)
Uncle Vanya, by Anton Chekov (Play; 1899)
Whole Lotta Love, by Led Zeppelin (Song; 1969)
Winter’s Heart, by Robert Jordan (Novel; 2000) [Wheel of Time #9]
Today’s Name Days
Engelbert (Austria)
Anđelko, Baldo, Florencije, Zdenka (Croatia)
Saskie (Czech Republic)
Engelbrecht (Denmark)
Kiira, Kiiri, Kirke (Estonia)
Erin, Taisto (Finland)
Carine (France)
Engelbert, Carina, Willbir, Tina (Germany)
Athinodoros, Ernest, Theagenis, Themelios (Greece)
Rezső (Hungary)
Ernesto, Prosdocimo (Italy)
Helma, Lotars (Latvia)
Ernestas, Gotautė, Karina, Sirtautas (Lithuania)
Ingebrigt, Ingelin (Norway)
Achilles, Antoni, Engelbert, Florentyn, Melchior, Przemił (Poland)
René (Slovakia)
Carina, Ernesto (Spain)
Ingegerd, Ingela (Sweden)
Engelbert, Graham, Hollis, Holm, Holmes, Holt (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 311 of 2024; 54 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 2 of week 45 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ngetal (Reed) [Day 8 of 28]
Chinese: Month 9 (Ten-Xu), Day 24 (Ji-Si)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 23 Heshvan 5784
Islamic: 23 Rabi II 1445
J Cal: 11 Mir; Foursday [11 of 30]
Julian: 25 October 2023
Moon: 29%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 3 Frederic (12th Month) [Philippe de Comines]
Runic Half Month: Hagal (Hailstone) [Day 12 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 45 of 89)
Zodiac: Scorpio (Day 15 of 29)
0 notes
brookstonalmanac · 11 months
Holidays 11.7
American Choral Society Day
Ben Ali Commemoration Day (Tunisia)
Commemoration Day (Tunisia)
Day of Accord and Reconciliation (Russia)
Day of the Hungarian Opera (Hungary)
Days of History and Memory (Kyrgyzstan)
Dunce Day
Employee Brotherhood Day (SpongeBob Squarepants)
European Radon Day
Gastrointestinal Day (Germany)
Good Tummy Day (Japan)
Hug a Bear Day
Hungarian Opera Day (Hungary)
International Day of Medical Physics
International Inuit Day
Little League Girls Day
Magazine Day
Medical Science Liaison Awareness and Appreciation Day
Melbourne Cup Day (Victoria, Australia)
Meteorite Day
National Bassist Day
National Cancer Awareness Day (India)
National Canine Lymphoma Awareness Day
National Day for the Victims of Communism
National Day in Northern Catalonia (France)
National Day of Remembrance for Ka Otis (Philippines)
National Food Fortification Day (Philippines)
National Inuit Day (Canada)
National Keith Day
National Lori Day
National Programmatic Advertising Day
National Railway Day (Canada)
National Retinol Day
National Revolution and Solidarity Day (Bangladesh)
Notary Public Day
Red Cup Day
Republican Elephant Day
Social Revolution Day (Kyrgyzstan)
Stay Away from Anyone Named Honest John Day
Treaty of the Pyrenees Day (Northern Catalonia, France)
Victims of Communism Day (Florida, Missouri)
Watercress Day (French Republic)
World Cancer Awareness Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Chocolate Mud Cake Day (Sweden)
International Merlot Day
Martini Day
National Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day
National Kumquat Day
1st Tuesday in November
Election Day (US) [1st Tuesday after 1st Monday]
International Skeptics Day [1st Tuesday after 1st Monday]
Independence Days
October Revolution Day (Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Transdniestria, former U.S.S.R.)
Feast Days
All Dominican Saints and Blesseds (Christian)
Bartholomäus Ziegenbalg (Lutheran)
Billy the Grownup (Muppetism)
Birth of Baháʼu'lláh (Baha'i) [2 Muharram]
Charles Baudelaire Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Engelbert II of Berg (Christian; Saint)
Feast of Blessed John Duns Scotus (The Subtle Doctor)
Feast of Stolen Fire
Festivals of the Twin Birthdays, Day 2 (Baha'i)
Florentius (Christian; Saint)
Francisco Zurbarán (Artology)
Herculanus of Perugia (Christian; Saint)
Jan Matulka (Artology)
John Christian Frederick Heyer (Lutheran)
John Duns Scotus (Christian; Blessed)
Ludwig Ingwer Nommensen (Lutheran)
Paul Peel (Artology)
Philippe de Comines (Positivist; Saint)
Prosdocimus (Christian; Saint)
Tentacle Day (Pastafarian)
Tiamat’s Day (Pagan)
Tokhu Emong (Lotha Nada people of India)
Vicente Liem de la Paz (Christian; One of Vietnamese Martyrs)
Werenfrid (Christian; Saint)
Willibrord (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Prime Number Day: 311 [64 of 72]
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 51 of 60)
Aerial, by Kate Bush (Album; 2005)
Alice In Chains, by Alice In Chains (Album; 1995)
Big Hero 6 (Animated Film; 2014)
Buck Rogers in the 25th Century (Radio Series; 1932)
…But Seriously, Phil Collins (Album; 1989)
The Divine Miss M, by Bette Midler (Album; 1972)
Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?, by Chicago (Song; 1970)
Don’t Look Now (WB MM Cartoon; 1936)
Elf (Film; 2003)
Feast (Disney Cartoon; 2014)
Fifty Cents Lost or Get That Half Back (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S3, Ep. 123; 1961)
Green, by R.E.M. (Album; 1988)
Hogfather, by Terry Pratchet (Novel; 1996) [Discworld #20]
It’s a Mad Mad Mad Mad World (Film; 1963)
Job, by Joseph Roth (Novel; 1930)
Love Actually (Film; 2003)
Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa (Animated Film; 2008)
Martha & Snoop’s Potluck Dinner Party (TV Series; 2016)
Mater and the Ghostlight (Pixar Cartoon; 2006)
The Midnight Line, 22nd Jack Reacher book, by Lee Child (Novel; 2017)
Miss Fritter’s Racing Skool (Pixar Cartoon; 2017)
Mister Magoo (Animated TV Series; 1960)
Raising Steam, by Terry Pratchet (Novel; 2013) [Discworld #40]
Role Models (Film; 2008)
The Rose (Film; 1979)
The Scheme Misfires of You Can Planet Better Than That (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S3, Ep. 124; 1961)
Sid and Nancy (Film; 1986)
Something Wild (Film; 1986)
A Son Unique, by Wu-Tang Clan (Album; 2006)
Starship Troopers (Film; 1997)
Studio One (Radio Series; 1948)
Ten Hail Marys & Ten How’s Your Fathers, by Elvis Costello (Album; 1980)
The Theory of Everything (Film; 2014)
Ummagumma, by Pink Floyd (Album; 1969)
Uncle Vanya, by Anton Chekov (Play; 1899)
Whole Lotta Love, by Led Zeppelin (Song; 1969)
Winter’s Heart, by Robert Jordan (Novel; 2000) [Wheel of Time #9]
Today’s Name Days
Engelbert (Austria)
Anđelko, Baldo, Florencije, Zdenka (Croatia)
Saskie (Czech Republic)
Engelbrecht (Denmark)
Kiira, Kiiri, Kirke (Estonia)
Erin, Taisto (Finland)
Carine (France)
Engelbert, Carina, Willbir, Tina (Germany)
Athinodoros, Ernest, Theagenis, Themelios (Greece)
Rezső (Hungary)
Ernesto, Prosdocimo (Italy)
Helma, Lotars (Latvia)
Ernestas, Gotautė, Karina, Sirtautas (Lithuania)
Ingebrigt, Ingelin (Norway)
Achilles, Antoni, Engelbert, Florentyn, Melchior, Przemił (Poland)
René (Slovakia)
Carina, Ernesto (Spain)
Ingegerd, Ingela (Sweden)
Engelbert, Graham, Hollis, Holm, Holmes, Holt (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 311 of 2024; 54 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 2 of week 45 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ngetal (Reed) [Day 8 of 28]
Chinese: Month 9 (Ten-Xu), Day 24 (Ji-Si)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 23 Heshvan 5784
Islamic: 23 Rabi II 1445
J Cal: 11 Mir; Foursday [11 of 30]
Julian: 25 October 2023
Moon: 29%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 3 Frederic (12th Month) [Philippe de Comines]
Runic Half Month: Hagal (Hailstone) [Day 12 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 45 of 89)
Zodiac: Scorpio (Day 15 of 29)
1 note · View note
wakanatranslations · 1 year
I Turned 16!Matsumoto Wakana (23.09.01)
Good evening!I'm Matsumoto Wakana🙉
Thank you very much for your comments 😊
I haven't read all of your comments yet、but I'll make sure to read them tomorrow!
Thank you very much to everyone who left a comment!
Today、9/1 I turned 16!I'm Matsumoto Wakana!
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Also、today I had my birthday event on my actual birthday !!!
The cake I received at my birthday event was super delicious。。。🤤
⚠️Those of you who don't want spoilers because you're going to watch the broadcast of itー、please scroll until the next photo!⚠️
1,「Tropica〜l Koishite〜ru〜」
2, 「Kaite wa Keshite no “I Love You”」
-Bingo tournament & Question corner-
3,「23ji no Persona」/「Seishun Bus Guide」
4,「Pride Bright」
5,「Suki na Senpai」/「Panya-san no Arubaito」
6,「Kuyashii wa」
7,「Campus Life〜Umarete Kite Yokatta〜」
8,「Hiraki Naocchae!」
8 songs per performance(2 songs switched)
I chose these songs from your requests and songs I wanted to sing!!!
I thought long and hard about each one、so I'll explain my reasons for choosing each one、、、👇
1,「Tropica〜l Koishite〜ru〜」
↪︎I've loved this song since before I joined Angerme、so I often sang it karaoke style at home!It got everyone fired up from the very beginning which was fun!
2, 「Kaite wa Keshite no “I Love You”」
↪︎This was a request!I selected it because I wanted to sing a cute Country Girls-san song!
3,「23ji no Persona」
↪︎It's from our album 『BIG LOVE』、and it's a song I really love!It's super duper hard、but I'm glad that I could perform it!
「Seishun Bus Guide」
↪︎I received a lot of requests to sing a Berryz Kobo-san song、so Berryz Kobo-san lover Keronnu helped me choose!A cool song that I love!Thanks Kero!🐸
4,「Pride Bright」
↪︎I first heard and saw this song at Juice=Juice-san's Budokan performance、and I fell in love with it!I really like the melody and lyrics of the 2nd verse、so I sang the full version!
5,「Suki na Senpai」
↪︎I seriously love this song、and I wanted to play janken with everyone、so I chose this song!笑笑lollol I went scissors✌️
「Panya-san no Arubaito」
↪︎A lot of people requested this!I wanted to sing a S/Mileage-san song、and I love bread、so I sang while holding some bread!Everyone cheered a lot and your dance copying was perfect!👍笑笑lollol
6,「Kuyashii wa」
↪︎I thought that even people who don't know many songs、would be able to enjoy an Angerme song so I went with “Kuyashii wa”!I'm so glad that I got to sing Takeuchi-san's parts!
7,「Campus Life〜Umarete Kite Yokatta〜」
↪︎I chose it because I wanted to hear “LOVE Lovely Wakanya!”!Your voices were way stronger that I imagined、I couldn't even hear my own voice!笑lol You're all so amazing!
8,「Hiraki Naocchae!」
↪︎A lot of people requested a Kobushi Factory-san song!I love this song because it's about always looking forwards。Everyone waved along、and clapped along、so thank you very much!
Also、「Bingo tournament & Question corner」!
A corner where I answered questions you'd previously sent in、while playing bingo!🤗
The 1st place winner、received a mini pouch handmade by Wakanya
The 2nd place winner、received a tissue case handmade by Wakanya
The 3,4,5th place winners、received a signed cheki
These were the prizes!
I hope、that the winners treasure their prizes😌
To those of you who unfortunately didn't receive a prize、and those of you who did、every single person、received a message card from me with a written phrase & drawing & signature as a present!
For both 1st and 2nd shows、I did my best to not write the same comment twice、so please treasure your Only One card😘
And And、I received a birthday comment from RokoRoko! 
She told me lots of kind words which made me really happy🥺
I want to hang out with RokoRoko!😍
Thank you for your message!!!!
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Ahー I had so much fun!It was really fun!!!
I'm so glad I got to spend my actual birthday with you all!!!
All of your Wakanyaー! cheers、calls、claps、applause、penlights、all made me super duper happy!
Once again、thank you very much for always supporting me!🥹
Because you're all here、I can keep looking forward! And do my best!
Please continue to support 16 year old me too!
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I searched for the fabric、measured it all、and made them using my mom's sewing machine😉
I'll end today's blog here (๑・̑◡・̑๑)
Kamikokuryo-san、Keronnu、Shionnu、and Moimoi can today!
They made me super happy😭
Thank you very much!
See ya!
Matsumoto Wakana
0 notes
baekhvuns · 1 year
Hello! No London for me bestie, I'm not going back to the UK, I'll be in Prague actually 😂 then maybe Italy if I have enough money and energy
SM artists truly need to unonise, because Taeyeon now?! SM can't respect their older idols aka those who have been brining money to their table for years, I don't even know what's the newest groups' situation like. AND A NEW GG soon?!?!? Also where are Shotaro and Sungchan, where is their group at..... I'm so tired
CAN'T BELIEVE I MISSED SHINEE'S CONCERTS I HATE EVERYTHING. At least I watched the livestream 😭 and everyone was there, Jongin </333 Okay, love my 5th gen rookie Shinee <333 Hard is very "current bgs sound" it does sound like Nctee a little bit, but the vocals!!! Sounds like a banger tbh, it's not too weird so I can digest it quickly lmao. I like when Shinee is having fun, even though it may not be my fave TT from them, I feel like I may like it more than DCM. The MV was very NCT, perhaps not my fave, SM is a hit or miss with their music videos. Anyways, it's very 1st gen, got some Seo Taji and the Boys vibes. BUT THE BSIDEEEEEES!
It's frustrating because KQ can put so much thought and creativity into the lore, the MVs got so much better too, but the photos? And why do they only post one for each concept, Hybe drops 2737272 photos and they're usually really cool.
Shinee's concepts may be simple, but the Thom Browne ones are very aesthetically pleasing and the NCT-esque ones are fun too, because the pics are dynamic despite the boring background. Love all the boards you've prepared! I actually bought some more SM albums, particularly NCT's and Aespa's (I know, fuck SM, but I got a good deal) and the photos?! WOW. The issue is KQ is scared of taking risks, they can't commit fully, even the outfits for this comeback, we thought we'd be getting Yeehawteez, but it's so half-assed and we're back to fucking bikers and bodyguards, lol. And I'll never understand why they had funky hair colours for Halazia and not this. And now Jongho is purple??? A bit late, mate. I genuinely think the hair could add more quirkiness to the concept photos
(I appreciate the idea of combining regular photos with manhwa concept, but not sure about the execution https://twitter.com/zhouang/status/1671524592387596288?t=OtcpMguvP4yo722xCzVnWg&s=19)
I know we're in the cyber post-apo world and they probably won't be back to the sea y'know, like pirates, but if we ever actually get the sea concept. A.C.E are truly the standard https://twitter.com/sehyoonshoney/status/1661359705506164741?t=B4l7FsVLKDdePdTlMwOTlQ&s=19
Seriously??? The man is trying and yet https://twitter.com/hwalilac/status/1672083626736095233?t=7QYMQFWYXUf3LPgcWGdZTw&s=19
Yes, Outlaw just like Movement is very cohesive, but I feel like that kind of cohesiveness is overrated and a bit too much. The songs blend in, I don't know where one ends and another one begins, and they're STACKED with noise and switch ups, so listening to the whole thing from the beginning to the end is a lot. ZFP1 is a cohesive album, it fits the late summer vibe, yet each song is very different. I'd say ZFP3 is similar. I just wish they let Jongho's voice rest, the amount of high notes *sigh* I think it's Wake Up? He straight up yells, and listen I'm an opera lover, but this isn't it ://// Edenary is pissing me off a bit, ngl...
Sorry, everyone's meeting Yuta except you 😭 the same friend of mine met Taeyong twice, once he walked past her on the way to Loewe's show (and girl lost her earring), then gave her his autographs after the show.... 😭 and hold on?! https://twitter.com/mintmag_th/status/1672549191372124170?t=YYeGI5dSL65PF-FbjGREnQ&s=19
Ok but 127's line up I just.... gonna say something possibly controversial, but I don't think it's that unpopular: Haechan should be in Dream only and Mark in 127, they're already overworked. I love TY and I know why he's the center, but putting my bias aside I feel like sometimes his time could be given to someone else, same with lines. Or maybe if they had a proper 3rd rapper, not Jamal, he needs to sing! And not Johnny - bless him, but he's not a rapper, sometimes they make Yuta rap and I can't even... Wait, did you hear this cover Yuta did? https://www.instagram.com/p/Csi1KVEo5_3/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== I really like the original and I can't believe he did that 😭 my jrock loving ass was shook
Troye?! https://twitter.com/5ugaring/status/1672121681866014721?t=ZJtmpVafz1VTQsiqupEsdQ&s=19 why are you everywhere jgdhahajshdhahshshs he got Taeyong too 🥴
Uncle Hwaaaa! Oh to be a little kid and paint Hwa's toenails and run around carelessly ajhdhshdhahshsjshsshhaag and what's with all that kids content? Rip to y'alls ovaries or something 🤭 it's just like that one kindergarten teacher Seonghwa fic I once read
HAVE YOU SEEN A MAN SO BEAUTIFUL LIKE I'M SO DAMAGED YET HEALED BECAUSE OF THESE PICTURES LIKE?!?!?! https://twitter.com/pseonghwapics/status/1671800295607730176?t=WK-G9vQ55AbTm_2jkdGUCg&s=19 AND https://twitter.com/nobodylikehwa/status/1671662936652120067?t=rS8KzmH1gZC9GlxamGwjCA&s=19
BITCH THESE PHOTOS I- https://twitter.com/aurorahopee/status/1672552412383531008?t=BUwMKD8sfT3Xcp7IZ9YUfA&s=19
The Titan situation is sad, but at the same time, why do people do that? It didn't sound safe from the beginning, like leave the Titanic alone...and now they shared the same fate, the 19 year old shouldn't have been there... :/ ofc it's an awful thing, if they were even alive up to this point, imagine waiting for your death. But also MONEY TRULY MAKES PEOPLE GO FUCKING DERANGED WTF
Heeeeeey, See You in My 19th Life drama!? I totally missed it. Also started Bloodhounds, it's so sad, but wholesome too and WDH is so good, I missed him
Do the quiz Baek, I got Ricciardo lmao: https://uquiz.com/quiz/V6eoyv?p=983346
????? Wow https://www.reddit.com/r/kpop/comments/14imekp/former_miss_a_member_jiaformer_fx_member_amber/
And yet another Min Hee Jin controversy, I hate her so much. But I hate the defendes even more - DV 💖
Hello! No London for me bestie, I'm not going back to the UK, I'll be in Prague actually 😂 then maybe Italy if I have enough money and energy //// SM artists truly need to unonise, because Taeyeon now?! SM can't respect their older idols aka those who have been brining money to their table for years, I don't even know what's the newest groups' situation like. AND A NEW GG soon?!?!? Also where are Shotaro and Sungchan, where is their group at..... I'm so tired
hello!! u escaping london three times i know why, u don’t wanna see the treble winners celebrations i get it 🤚🏻 OOOOO IN PRAGUE??? ITALY???? PLS FBQKDBWK LIVING THE ACTUAL LIFE !!!!! live ur old money in italy, wine and cheese and fruits (im sorry but what is that combo??) no bc taeyeon and everyone need to unionize??? fifty fifty also suing their company + IU fans sending trucks to her company??? is this truck season 😭😭 sm truly never lets their groups hit their peak and keep hitting it and make them bigger and brighter and better??? A NEW GG W SO MANY MEMBERS??? a girls generation dupe?? 😭😭 im so glad i bought nct’s resonance album bc they had everyone in it like sungchan was like jaejoong’s 4th generation,,, sm couldn’t have two jaejoong’s in one group they had to get him out 😭😭😭
CAN'T BELIEVE I MISSED SHINEE'S CONCERTS I HATE EVERYTHING. At least I watched the livestream 😭 and everyone was there, Jongin </333 Okay, love my 5th gen rookie Shinee <333 Hard is very "current bgs sound" it does sound like Nctee a little bit, but the vocals!!! Sounds like a banger tbh, it's not too weird so I can digest it quickly lmao. I like when Shinee is having fun, even though it may not be my fave TT from them, I feel like I may like it more than DCM. The MV was very NCT, perhaps not my fave, SM is a hit or miss with their music videos. Anyways, it's very 1st gen, got some Seo Taji and the Boys vibes. BUT THE BSIDEEEEEES!
NAURURUEUEUO I SAW THE CLIPS AND EVERYONE AND THEIR MAMA WAS AT THE SHOW??? minho is such a dilf. JONGIN IS LIVING HIS LIFE LIKE AFTER HIS 9-5 IS DONE HE IS OUT AND LIVING and pissing armies off fhkwhdkwdk 😭😭😭AND KAI??? like i bet he’s at his 9 to 5 not knowing he gagged everyone,,, my 4th gen kings.. god and the tittle track is a mix of love shot and kokobop, how will they do the sexy without the original sexy.
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— they didn’t sing that much till 1:56?? when the beat went to taemin it made me realize that i didn’t hear them sing enough
also did the bsides :::
10x : oh ayo??? so funky retro piano?? WAIT OKAY THIS GOT FLOWYY PHEWW THIS IS TRIPPY current fav,, this is so chill omg a cute funky poppy song that can be played at retail stores
satellite : HARMONIES ??? classic shinee x new sm?? this is so nostalgic like it belongs in a show like stranger things omg their voices blended together is >>>
the feeling ; so nostalgic 🤚🏻🤚🏻
insomnia : oUUUUUUU ok ok it’s like ur in those edits “ur in a bathroom while the party is outside” ou key??? oHHHHHHHHH???? BASS IS CRAZY oh my god this is trippy but fun,, so lowkey,, yes. GOD THIS IS SO GOOD THIS BEAT IS BEATING LIKE NEVER BEFORE
gravity : oh ballad?? oHo oUU THE DROP omg the blueee note wowzie yes serve a calming rainy day song,, OH OH FUCK FBQMDHWK GRAVITY GRAVITY YEAH THE VOICES 😭😭😭😭😭 SHINEE I LOVE U SO MUCH 😭😭😭😭😭 this is so chill but playful,, like a kdrama song where they show a montage of them falling in love omg
my current list : sweet misery, gravity, satellite, insomnia, identity and then everyone else
It's frustrating because KQ can put so much thought and creativity into the lore, the MVs got so much better too, but the photos? And why do they only post one for each concept, Hybe drops 2737272 photos and they're usually really cool.
rIGHT??? they need a new creative director or something bc there’s soOOO much that can be done?? like give us every single penny form ur budget in that photobook,, GIVE US FILTER SOME FACIAL FEATURES need them to hire a sm creative director, i just need to see something,, ur right! hybe has great photos, sm’s 2014 era esp fs’s red tape side, wowzie like let’s get on that bar 😭😭
Shinee's concepts may be simple, but the Thom Browne ones are very aesthetically pleasing and the NCT-esque ones are fun too, because the pics are dynamic despite the boring background. Love all the boards you've prepared! I actually bought some more SM albums, particularly NCT's and Aespa's (I know, fuck SM, but I got a good deal) and the photos?! WOW. The issue is KQ is scared of taking risks, they can't commit fully, even the outfits for this comeback, we thought we'd be getting Yeehawteez, but it's so half-assed and we're back to fucking bikers and bodyguards, lol. And I'll never understand why they had funky hair colours for Halazia and not this. And now Jongho is purple??? A bit late, mate. I genuinely think the hair could add more quirkiness to the concept photos
sEE ITS MY ONE FAVOURITE THING ABT SM,, even if the photos are simple, there’s just so much to look at. like their features, the makeup, the camera angle, the bright outfits and it POPS w the shinee one esp?? LIKE it’s so simple but they make it look so like an editorial from a street fashion magazine???
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(I appreciate the idea of combining regular photos with manhwa concept, but not sure about the execution https://twitter.com/zhouang/status/1671524592387596288?t=OtcpMguvP4yo722xCzVnWg&s=19) /// I know we're in the cyber post-apo world and they probably won't be back to the sea y'know, like pirates, but if we ever actually get the sea concept. A.C.E are truly the standard https://twitter.com/sehyoonshoney/status/1661359705506164741?t=B4l7FsVLKDdePdTlMwOTlQ&s=19 /// Seriously??? The man is trying and yet https://twitter.com/hwalilac/status/1672083626736095233?t=7QYMQFWYXUf3LPgcWGdZTw&s=19
when i first saw this, it remained me of exo’s power era where they implemented comic books into their concept but differently than what atz did,, theirs suits it! the green meshes w the comic style im glad there’s no cloud bubble with some random thing written in it 😭😭 UR SO TRUE ACE’S PHOTOS FOR THAT ERA WERE SO MAGICAL IT GAVE ARIEL A RUN FOR HER MONEY?? esp w those hanboks wow???? ateez doing that but in their piratey outfit, in the water like that, w like a little glitter in the water <33 SEONGHWA REALLY IS TRYING WITH THE BARE MINIMUM LIKE GIVE HIM SO SOME METAL ROD OR SOMETHING OR A BROKEN TV HE COULD LEAN ON 😭😭
Yes, Outlaw just like Movement is very cohesive, but I feel like that kind of cohesiveness is overrated and a bit too much. The songs blend in, I don't know where one ends and another one begins, and they're STACKED with noise and switch ups, so listening to the whole thing from the beginning to the end is a lot. ZFP1 is a cohesive album, it fits the late summer vibe, yet each song is very different. I'd say ZFP3 is similar. I just wish they let Jongho's voice rest, the amount of high notes *sigh* I think it's Wake Up? He straight up yells, and listen I'm an opera lover, but this isn't it ://// Edenary is pissing me off a bit, ngl...
everything u said here esp “i don't know where one ends and another one begins,” !!!! THEY ARE STACKED ABSOLUTE TO SOUND THE SAME oh ur spoke so right, zfp1 was so late summer almost autumn, it’s like each song was a different weather or season transitioning into the other,, no ur right some songs he’s just yelling, i wish to hear his softer notes where he completely breaks us,, with those almost whisper like notes OHHH IM WAITING FOR THAT DAYYY SO PATIENTLY LIKE JONGHO BREAK ME!!! sometimes his notes reminds me of winters,, sometimes there’s some similarities may b just me 🤚🏻im with u on that
Sorry, everyone's meeting Yuta except you 😭 the same friend of mine met Taeyong twice, once he walked past her on the way to Loewe's show (and girl lost her earring), then gave her his autographs after the show.... 😭 and hold on?! https://twitter.com/mintmag_th/status/1672549191372124170?t=YYeGI5dSL65PF-FbjGREnQ&s=19
NO BC IM FURIOUS GET THE FUCK OUT YALL OUT HERE MEETING TAEYONF ON THE STREETS??? the most i ever met a idol was svt being 10 mins away from me and me not noticing until they posted pictures w them stripping in the ocean. LOST HER EARRING?? gonna be a delulu and say did taeyong find it and did it become her cinderella momenf,, OH WITH EMRATA??? wait now that i think about it they kinda look alike 🧍🏻‍♀️
Ok but 127's line up I just.... gonna say something possibly controversial, but I don't think it's that unpopular: Haechan should be in Dream only and Mark in 127, they're already overworked. I love TY and I know why he's the center, but putting my bias aside I feel like sometimes his time could be given to someone else, same with lines. Or maybe if they had a proper 3rd rapper, not Jamal, he needs to sing! And not Johnny - bless him, but he's not a rapper, sometimes they make Yuta rap and I can't even... Wait, did you hear this cover Yuta did? https://www.instagram.com/p/Csi1KVEo5_3/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== I really like the original and I can't believe he did that 😭 my jrock loving ass was shook
controversial but so damn talented and cohesive,, oUUU UR KINDA SUPER RIGHT i think mark fits that 127 style so much,, he brings so much spice into it and taeil easily can take over,, haechan has such a warm tone and it’s so pretty to listen to it and it somehow fits dream better?? johnny has such a nice voice like it’s so snakey esp when he said “if u happy and u know it clap ur hands” WHEWWWWW THE VOCALS ???? jamal😭😭😭 FHWKDHWK oh yuta. oh yuta that starting nOTE JUST ELEVATED ME TO A DIFF LEVEL???? SO CREEPY BUT SO PERFECT fits his scorpio so much what a talent sm scouted
Troye?! https://twitter.com/5ugaring/status/1672121681866014721?t=ZJtmpVafz1VTQsiqupEsdQ&s=19 why are you everywhere jgdhahajshdhahshshs he got Taeyong too 🥴 /// Uncle Hwaaaa! Oh to be a little kid and paint Hwa's toenails and run around carelessly ajhdhshdhahshsjshsshhaag and what's with all that kids content? Rip to y'alls ovaries or something 🤭 it's just like that one kindergarten teacher Seonghwa fic I once read
HAVE YOU SEEN A MAN SO BEAUTIFUL LIKE I'M SO DAMAGED YET HEALED BECAUSE OF THESE PICTURES LIKE?!?!?! https://twitter.com/pseonghwapics/status/1671800295607730176?t=WK-G9vQ55AbTm_2jkdGUCg&s=19 AND https://twitter.com/nobodylikehwa/status/1671662936652120067?t=rS8KzmH1gZC9GlxamGwjCA&s=19 /// BITCH THESE PHOTOS I- https://twitter.com/aurorahopee/status/1672552412383531008?t=BUwMKD8sfT3Xcp7IZ9YUfA&s=19
The Titan situation is sad, but at the same time, why do people do that? It didn't sound safe from the beginning, like leave the Titanic alone...and now they shared the same fate, the 19 year old shouldn't have been there... :/ ofc it's an awful thing, if they were even alive up to this point, imagine waiting for your death. But also MONEY TRULY MAKES PEOPLE GO FUCKING DERANGED WTF
it really is so extremely sad esp on the 19yo who wanted to please his dad and went with him omg 😭😭😭 saw posts from ppl saying that if your death is written in the depth of the ocean, you'll rent even a submarine to reach there on time. it’s so awful knowing that they can never recover their remains bc they’re probably just nothing now,, i feel for their family especially the man’s wife who said they were having a hard time breathing just thinking about them 🤲🏻🤲🏻 i just know the father’s biggest regret was bringing his son with him,, also saw a video of a man who was supposed to be in that exact ship a week before but didn’t go bc the weather was terrible and it shows the head guy saying what was wrong, and they still went. ill link it here bc it was truly scary to watch,,, makes me think that the guy in the video who brought the wreath for the titanic, titanic took saved him in that way
and this seems very awfully familiar.
Heeeeeey, See You in My 19th Life drama!? I totally missed it. Also started Bloodhounds, it's so sad, but wholesome too and WDH is so good, I missed him /// Do the quiz Baek, I got Ricciardo lmao: https://uquiz.com/quiz/V6eoyv?p=983346
YES IT ISSS !!!! ITS ACTUALLY SO GOOD??? bloodhounds got me crying man 😭😭😭 wdh’s acting just, it’s something about his face that when he cries it PAINS me to watch,, im also vv glad he’s back! hoping he gets some big projects and picks his options wisely!!! I DID AND I FBWNFHSJ I FOT SEBASTIAN 😭😭😭 LMFAOOOO??? NOT U GETTING HIM 😭😭
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????? Wow https://www.reddit.com/r/kpop/comments/14imekp/former_miss_a_member_jiaformer_fx_member_amber/ /// And yet another Min Hee Jin controversy, I hate her so much. But I hate the defendes even more - DV 💖
OH THE VISUALS??? jia’s visuals are so beautiful like wow wow wow god is a woman.
im actually so appalled by the topic, like there’s absolutely no way she didn’t know what she was doing, either she’s trying to get traction or completely ruining herself….like even the god damn names??? sure they are common but when u put them against that title track and the history??? im convinced she knew what was happening, did it on purpose for the sakes of popularity and didn’t not expect the potential boycott. in the name of art you’re using a t*rrorist aesthetic?? what a new low.
zayn’s joining exo??? LMFAOOOO
and jongho is so pretty??? this hair suits him so much
i got a uquiz
did we….did we manifest this
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stuffromymind · 1 year
Canada’s Top 20 Bands (Excludes Solo Acts)
I stumbled on this list but it pissed me off so much, I was gonna share it with some friends but the email got outta hand soooo...
This list is hurting, definitely in the wrong order, but it's TOTALLY invalidated by #20 and #8.
20: Simple Plan: F-. The plan is quite simple: "Let's SUCK!". Pedo Pop. They sang love songs to 10 to 14 year old girls at their gigs. I met Bob Rock, who produced one of their albums, at a bar once during a set break. I went up to his table, said hi and asked: “Can I buy you a drink Bob?”
“No thanks, I’m good.”
“Okay, I just thought you might be hard up for cash since you took a gig working on Simple Plan’s last album......”
The whole table burst out laughing, Paul Hyde, (his partner and lead singer in The Payollas/Rock&Hyde), burst out laughing, slapped me on the back and said: “OH HE GOT YOU BOB! Good one mate!”
Bob smiled at me and said: “Fuck you, man.”
He gave me a wave later that night as he walked out to his black Escalade, smiled and said, “Have a good night.”
He knew I was right.
I’d need money for lung transplants for an orphanage full of kids who grew up next to a trash incinerator before I’d help to unleash more Simple Plan on the world. Seriously.
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19: Saga: C.  The fashion says it all. Bar band who wrote mostly ok songs. I don’t remember any. They weren’t bad... just..... “eh?”
Nice Eddie VH, “No Bozos”, shirt for stoner dude, Mr. Zebra Pants. I think the guy beside him mighta been dealing with a chubby. The dude playing pocket pool, who came directly from his shift at the car wash? That’s rock.
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I’m making this up as I write.....I’m going to bet that the guy in the white suit is the keyboard player. I’d bet on it. I’ve always been able to walk into any venue and spot the keyboard player immediately.
No lie. This just occurred to me.
In fact, I’m gonna go on a hunt and see if I’m right. brb............
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HAHAHHAH!! I knew it! I don’t know how I always know, but I DO!
18: New Pornographers: ?. Respected by their peers. Not my kinda thang.I couldn’t even I.D. one of their songs if you played it to me. Def other bands that should bump them from this list.
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17: Sum 41: B. Was better than a lotta pop punk, (damning with faint praise), but $$ and substances made them flail. Their first album and promo clips were catchy as Hell. Got pretty metal AF towards the end though, dammit. They were good enough to record with Iggy Pop so you can't say shit, really.
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16: Metric: D+. Considering the bands that are missing here? Geddafuckatta here! Never failed to leave me vigoursly unimpressed.
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15: April Wine: B-. Had some undeniably good songs. Worked a gig they played in the 90s. Mercer on drums may have been a reincarnated Viking. Hella nice guy. Good dudes. Unlike Trooper who were unrepentant, 'rawk star' pricks.
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14: Triumph: B+. Def had some memorable melodies. Killer musicians. Not my cuppa tea ultimately. Rik Emmet could rip. Watched him play a solo album show in a university cafeteria, from 10 feet away, 5 years after their famous US Festival gig in front of 300,000. Crowd was smaller. A bit.
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13: Cowboy Junkies: C. Nice. If you like whispering and don't belch too often or have a cat that likes to purr, (you'll miss hearing the songs if you do). If you like dynamics or being conscious? Best in small doses.
They tried to rock up their sound.  Kinda like getting nuns to dress in lingerie and work the pole in church: Didn't take. 
I did have a crush on Margot though. Quirky is cool... 
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12: Loverboy: 1st Album: A. After that D+. "Hey! Ballads make money! Cheese is tasty! Let's crank out soft fromage!” Large mistake. Almost as large as Mike’s bandana.
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11: Barenaked Ladies: B. Yeah, talented. Yeah, apparently put on a good live show in the early days. Yeah their Bruce Cockburn cover that got them started is quite exswellent. But tried too hard to be "wacky!" and I could never stand Page. Just.....no.
Just one of those people that utterly rubs one the wrong way through no intent of their own.
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10: Voivod: A-. A minus only cuz I just don't digg'em. Trailblazers, original, inimitable: Yup. Just not for me. Jason Newstead played with them for a while, (the nicest Metallicat), so that's says sumpin'.
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9: BTO: A. I can play a snippet of 4 of their songs that I guarantee anyone with ears and a few ounces of skullmeat between those ears will recognize at least one of them. Not many bands can say that. Plus, one of their biggest songs was a joke song by Randy Bachman making fun of his brother's stutter, (which is honestly kind of a dick move but it works).
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8: Nickelback: F- - -  Times Infinity. Are you fukking kidding me?! Whoever* made this list eats a bowl of dirt with cheese for breakfast, a plate of shit with cheese for lunch, and a block of mouldy cheese garnished with melted cheese and seal vomit for supper. He has no taste.
Canada and Oilberta should apologize for this stain. If the logic is, “Popularity = Greatness”, then the author of the original list should be in the local dog park on his knees with a fork 'cuz 3 trillion flies say shit is good eating.
I mean, what kind of DICK kicks out a member of the band you all started in highschool and then sues him for his royalties? A dick like Chad, that’s who.
I saw them open for Big Wreck in a bar in 98 when all we knew is the ‘Guy who looks like Jesus is a hack and the band is 4th rate Nirvana.” That was our appraisal.
When they broke world wide and Big Wreck didn’t? I gave up on the music industry and any chance there’s a Sky Friend. Chad Croaker even made Ian Thornely’s songs sound generic as producer. That is some Hellspawned, evil “talent” right there.
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7. Skinny Puppy: A. Never been a rabid fan but is one of those bands you might not be aware of, but that bands you love totally love them! Kinda like there's no Nirvana without Pixies sorta thing: No Ministry without S.P.
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6: Blue Rodeo: C at outset. Don't much know 'bout last 30 years of output, honestly. They wrote a classic song called “Try". Every band would like to write one song that hits like that.  #6 Though? Nahhhhh.
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5. The Guess Who: C. I'm sorry. I just can’t stand their "hits". Burton, in the 60s before they made it big - was a rawk star twat to 2 members of my family and everyone else in the joint. I met him 3 decades later, introduced by a radio DJ who liked my band.
He was SO deep in his gambling addiction, plugging Twonies into a slot machine like it was the Titanic and he was trying to stop it sinking, that he didn't even look up. Just said, "Hey how's it going?", while staring at the screen and pulling coins from his plastic bowl like an automaton.
At least this lead to B.T.O. which should be WAYY higher than The Guess Who.
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4. Arcade Fire: C-. Yeah, No. I've tried. If you needed a group you can sum up in the phrase, "Up their own arses”? This is your band.
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3. Tragically Hip: A+. If you don't own Fully Completely, (recorded at Abbey Road)? You're a dick. Were they WAY overrated as a live band? Hell yeah! Except for Gord pushing his imaginary lawn mower around the stage, doing laundry and being generally odd -as I recall from the 1994 Another Roadside Attraction tour with Danny Lanois, Midnight Oil and The Pursuit Of Happiness- the band was Nyquil for the eyes. They rocked your ears but visually, they’d have been the ideal live band for Ray Charles or Helen Keller.
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2. The Band: A. Another of those bands that if you erased them from existence, another 40 bands would vanish instantly. Don't own any of their music but you can't deny talent and influence.
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1. Rush: A+. Well, duh. I will say that Ged's vocal style kept me away for the most part till their last 3 albums when his tone and timbre changed/dropped from the registers he resided in and he started projecting less from his schnoz.
They're each cool, down to earth blokes and most exswellent Hoser ambassadors. Would have liked to have met Neil.... wish I'd mailed the letter I wrote after I read his Ghostrider book. They don't deserve to be on the same list as Simple Plan and Nickelhack, speaking of which:
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* "A Chicago native, Jeff Mezydlo has professionally written about sports, entertainment and pop culture for nearly 30 years....If he could do it again, he'd attend Degrassi Junior High"
That explains it! A meathead, jock himbo! Nickelhack's core fanbase.
Fuhk me running!
This list should have included:
Big Wreck, (Never put out a bad album in 2 1/2 decades). Ian Thornley has pipes for days and can flay the skin from your skull with his guitar playing.
Headstones, (You won't find many rock/punk bands with more pointed, well written lyrics delivered with more piss 'n venom). Hugh followed me when I was on Twitter. Like minded, nice guy’d who prefer people at a distance I guess. I especially enjoyed seeing him on the last tour deal with an iZombie staring at his device, front row:
“Okay! You got your picture? Put your goddamn phone away!”
iZombie just smiles at his screen while pointing his device/appendage at Hugh’s face. Hugh simply SWATS the phone away, sending it slamming to the floor. Show continued. Aces.
Red Rider/"Tom Cochrane & Red Rider", As Far As Siam....Neruda. Come on....
Danko -Fecking- Jones. Hello? Degrassi boy puts some of the stains he chose on this list and not Danko? Twat. Stood 4 feet away at a small club in a backwards part of the country many moons ago. I was spitting the words back as loud as the PA. caught Mr. J’s eye and a smirk a few times. Ripping live band. They’re Big in Europe.
Any and all of these just mentioned instead of #20 and #8, and a few others should be on any “Best Canadian Bands list. Seriously.
The author, like I said: Himbo, jock, Fuh. Kup.
If you wanna see the original commentary of the sports writer and teen drama fan?
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