#but it really doesnt come across that way LMAO
seasicksilver · 1 year
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no cool
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Oooooh do you think gnomes would have their own language/dialect??
Short answer: Yes. Technically.
Long answer: I have. Feelings. About how language is treated in fantasy. Like “this race has their Own language” despite living in vastly different areas of the same world. Like. Humans having their Own language. Elves having their Own language. Elves, orcs, etc etc. Its not Bad but its definitely like A Thing that pokes at my sides a little lol.
Humans have hundreds of spoken and visual languages! Id like to imagine that in a world with other races, they would have their own variety of spoken language 😊 So yes; Gus does speak in his own native tongue. And he has absolutely badmouthed someone who got on his nerves without them realizing it lol
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yuridovewing · 8 months
ok so the hollyleaf idea i got from last post... what if instead of being jaypoppy or ashwhite kits like ive been debating with myself over the past few weeks... dovewing and ivypool were hollywillow kits.
the PEAK of hypocrisy.
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puppyeared · 2 years
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wow! you guys really like her. here she is again teehee
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toytulini · 2 months
lightly defending Toshiro while also fully understanding Laois frustrations. as a bitch who let teachers call me the wrong name all through high school cos it was kinda funny
#toy txt post#i knew it wasnt their fault they just dealt with So Many Names and i couldve corrected them and i used to#but the thing is that it just kept happening w so many teachers??#so i was like fine whatever idc that much. but also they did usually remember my name if there was someone in the class who actually#had the wrong name they usually called me. i think bc it would stick in their heads more since they had to differentiate so instead of#looking at me and going [letter] name......[common name starting with that letter that isnt mine]#theyd look at me and go [letter name].....but theres 2 names in that class with that letter and theyre different and this one is Not the#easy more common one. [gets name correct]#what really would throw me is when theyd try a DIFFERENT but i think still more common name with the same letter and then lile#like*. sorry bud im not used to that one i cant help u there#my favorite was the print production teacher who USUALLY GOT MY NAME RIGHT (i think smaller class size helped?)#who called me the more common one that im not used to and then stared at me in puzzlement and he was like#why did i do that. thats not your name. and i was just like lmao idk bro#anyway. this has been a really annoying way to discuss this event without actually revealing my name but#its not quite a deadname now but like. as far as yall are concerned im Toy. if you know me irl you almost certainly know it tho#and if youve been following me long enough you could probably know it cos i was less careful about it when i was younger#if youre like burningly curious and we're mutuals u can dm me ig and ill tell u just dont call me that lol#oh if u have me on fb u know it for sure unless u forgot and you see me (rare and unlikely on fb) nd youre like who the fuck is that#it probably wouldnt be hard to guess even. but whatever. if u feel the need to guess (why) just do me a favor and do it via#dm or ask or smth lmao#ALSO: uhhh i try not to tag this anymore cos it feels like its not coming across the way its intended and it has a weird vibe to tag these#days but i feel like this post could use the 'Im a white person this experience im referencing is with a layer of white privilege#and i understand that for many ppl of color or ppl with non english names this happens and its less funny#altho i think due to the vastness of human experience there are probably ppl with non english names who have this happen but it doesnt#affect them strongly and they just laugh it off and part of me wonders how much of that has to do with how much you LIKE and Identify with#your given name WHICH i ALSO recognize can be a more nuanced experience for someone with a non english name thats like#got cultural significance ETC. okay THERE. the annoying disclaimer that pisses everyone off bc everyone HATES disclaimers now.#just imagine. i could be writing these disclaimers for a FICTIONAL ROMANCE BOOK IVE WRITTEN. and wouldnt#that piss you off more? new disclaimer to piss you off more: i understand this is my personal blog and im not obligated to provide a#fuck i was gonna do another disclaimer as a bit but i ran out of tags! fuck okay bye. youll have to make up the joke disclaimer
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jvzebel-x · 1 year
#hmmmm.#so i know that like. i come across-- pretty purposefully i knowww lmao-- as someone who Hates doctors#(&like. perhaps medical personnel in general lmao.)#i will give that this is a fair assessment based on my semi-regular bitching. lmao.#but also like i deal w medical personnel&aspiring medical personnel like. a lot lmao.#the actual amount of these ppl i deal w vs the percentage that i go ballistic over makes it a nonissue as far as im concerned lmao.#(actually quite reminiscent of when ppl accuse me of hating yt ppl just bc i complain about them specifically as if i dont live in portland#where the percentage of these ppl i deal w is damn near 100%&would be if i didnt purposefully go out of my way to change that lmao.#it is not my fault that i deal w specific things that can be chalked up to specific categorizations&am willing to note why that is lmao.)#anyway so i had to work around a new oncologist for a variety of reasons lmao&the new doc i have also specializes in#disordered eating which i guess makes sense as a gastric&intestinal focused oncologist&we had the most fascinating preintake convo.#lately my gastroparesis has been like. absurdly bad lmao. its always been a problem but the last couple months ive been dropping weight#again like crazy bc my food isnt getting digested-- just thrown back up after a few hours bc human bodies arent meant to ferment shit lmao.#the meds i started taking a bit ago for it have been helping but not enough to help me gain any weight back-- im back to being#solidly under a 100lbs lmao&its been wreaking havok all over like. everything. lmao.#something something this is likely due in part to the Bad mania lmao. but seeing as im probably stuck w my fucked up head#regardless of the nature or nurture of it all as w most of this shit it doesnt really matter i just need to find a way to fix it lmao.#so anyway we were talking about the mental issues that are starting to surface-- bc if i throw fucking everything up i dont want to eat#(which is i guess the mirror version of what my problem was for YEARS before my diagnosis when i would eat whatever the fuck i wanted#bc it all caused me pain no matter what so if its a choice between a salad&beef jerky+coke+ice cream its literally a no brainer lmao.)#(... i actually won more than one ice cream eating contest back when it was still a thing i could do back home lmao.)#but anyway part of my thing right now is also like. im having a difficult time wanting to eat bc theres the obvious fact that cooking#for myself feels like a huge waste of time&energy if im just going to puke it all back up&be in pain again anyway.#&the other part of my thing right now is that i fucking hate wasting the amount of food im wasting doing this shit.#both these problems are like. life long problems that any permadisabled poor person will def recognize lmao#but lately its been SO BAD. the holy trinity of wasted time+money+food has literally just been too fucking much lmao.#&the doc thus far is really receptive to the practical problems like this as well as the more specific to me+nuanced problems#which is just. so incredibly relieving. at least for right now lmao.
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kings-highway · 2 months
haikyuu airport headcanons bc im in an airport. no particular order. shipping involved.
- Daichi has never missed a flight and somehow everyone manages to make fun of him for this. never forgets to pack anything. always finds his gate on time. "lmao loser," Suga says, missing 2 bags and lost as fuck across the airport. he will not make his flight.
- Hinata and Kageyama navigating an airport is nearly a crisis. They can never agree on the right way to go and especially during layovers will often end up outside of security. The first time they travel with Tsukki + Yama as a group it's like a goddamn miracle because they dont need to rush and everything goes smoothly.
- on that topic, Tsukki and Yamaguchi have travel down to a science. these bitches have checklists and schedules and just get in and out. Tsukki keeps the boarding passes and Yamaguchi counts the bags and they split snacks on the plane and just nail the whole affair
- Noya and Asahi are the most experienced travelers and have been to so many airports and you'd think this makes them good at airports and it does not
- Ushijima has never gotten through security without being searched.
- Oikawa likes airports an unreasonable amount. Bitch thrives in liminal spaces. "Lets go check out which stores are open," he says, as Iwaizumi begs him to let him sit down and nap during their layover
- Kenma has airport anxiety. "We're going to miss our flight. What if our gate changes?" What if there's a delay?" He does not like putting his schedule into the hands of an Airline. Rightfully so, he loses his luggage an obscene amount.
- Kageyama and Hinata fighting and causing a ruckus in the airport and security has to come over to talk to them
- Tendou and Ushijima are generally really prepared and on top of things, but they just seem to have the worst luck. They got stranded at an airport during a layover for like 14 hours and went through every stage of grief. It doesnt help that Ushijima is really practical and good at accepting circumstances ("I'll just sit here and wait") but Tendou is highly emotional ("I'm going to eat the next airline associate that tries to talk to me.")
- Daichi is often seen standing alone in airports. This is because no matter who he's traveling with, he's probably waiting for them to catch up.
- Aran thought he was a good and functional adult until he saw Kita's itinerary for their travel plans and how neurotic he was about making sure everything on time. Kita will pre-measure and weigh all luggage to know exactly whats going on. Looking at airport layouts days before to memorize what needs to be done.
- Atsumu and Osamu have never made a flight on time. The best they can hope for is sprinting across the airport at full-tilt. This is a common occurance.
- Oikawa makes friends wherever he goes so he doesnt mind long layovers, he'll just sit and chat with whoever is around to pass the time, but one time he did leave with a group to check out a store without saying anything and Iwaizumi was lost for 30 minutes
- Asahi has so much anxiety with airports. Too many people. Too many deadlines. Bad vibes. One time a guy in an airport gave him incorrect directions to a gate and he missed his flight and he has never recovered.
- Kuroo "Yeah we have tons of time" Tetsurou is a menace to airport staff and has never budgeted enough time.
- Tsukki is a master at packing efficiently and this is exclusively due to wanting to avoid others complaining. He can pull basically anything out of his carry-on to prevent whining on a 5 hour flight. Yamaguchi uses him like a vending machine.
- Daichi once got mistaken for an airline worker and ended up with a whole group of people he was helping find their gates
- Bokuto loves traveling and flying. He finds it so fun and exciting. This is probably why Akaashi hates traveling and flying.
- Suga secretly likes layovers because he secretly hates planes and cannot stand sitting still for that long. He always pretends it such a hassle to have to wait but its the best part of the travel day when he gets to buy himself a muffin and bother Daichi for entertainment.
- Ushijima, Daichi, Kenma, and Asahi are all team "No PDA in an Airport!!!!!" whereas Tendou, Suga, Kuroo and Noya are all team "We have 2 hours to kill let me make out with you!!!!"
- Yamaguchi has sooooooo many reward points. Tsukishima doesnt even know what he's doing to get them, he's just a master of good deals and specials.
- Mile High Club Members: Iwaoi, Bokuaka, Ushiten, and Asanoya
- Wannabe Mile High Club Members who cannot convince their boyfriends it'll be okay: Suga
- Wannabe Mile High Club Members that will NOT admit they think about it: Yamaguchi, Hinata, Kageyama, Aran
... well im boarding soon so thanks for reading ig
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rinhaler · 6 months
ur stepdad!gojo and uncle nanami fic got me feeling things so much so i felt the need to go into anon to confess bc im just so feral for this idea LMAO
ik ur not taking requests, and this isnt really a request but i just wanna leave this here as a lil tidbit or lil scenario bc ur fics had my mind running and i have nowhere to put it, and you can do with it as you wish, but here:
reader being a camgirl as a way to earn extra money to buy nice shit (should be paying for school but lmao) ofc, this doesnt go unnoticed by stepdaddy gojo and uncle nanami. They question where youre getting the money to buy all this cute shit, and ofc u make up an excuse, but they dont buy it.
gojo or nanami, could be either one, stumble upon your little…. “operation” one night, totally by accident while trying to get their rocks off.
they confront you about it, and perhaps they both tag team you at the same time while youre “working”, on camera for all to see. and you make SO MUCH MONEYfrom just that one night 👀
do with this as you will, just felt the need to drop this here hehe >:3
-simp anon 🐚🩷🍬
when i tell u when i first got this ask my jaw was on the FLOOR
I honestly don't know which idea I like better? The thought of them both accidentally coming across you doing a show and perving over it is so hot. Maybe Nanami finds it first and doesn't immediately tell your step daddy. He has to jerk off to it first?? He's a little taken aback by how confident you are considering how shy and seemingly innocent you are in person.
And I know Gojo is going to be teasing Nanami about being on a cam girl site.
"How did you find this, huh, Nanami?" completely winding him up with a smirk on his face that Nanami just has to ignore.
You aren't live when he shows your step daddy. He just shows him your profile. They both act clueless when you get home from college, saying your hellos and goodbyes as you go up to your room to study. (meanwhile you're actually just doing your makeup and picking what lingerie to wear to your stream).
They both hang out in the kitchen until your mother goes to bed, telling her they're just having a nightcap before her dear brother hits to road.
And then you're live, the audio playing quietly as you perform. Gojo is so surprised to see you like this but he just can't ignore the tent he feels forming in his pants.
They decide to interrupt your little show, and your viewers take note of how good your acting is! Plus the whole step-cest angle is really hot.
You make the most money you've ever made thanks to them double stuffing you and pumping you with so many loads you can barely see straight 💗
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the-s1lly-corner · 8 months
Ballora!Reader x the cast
Reader is like Ballora and they are a very caring figure who is very quiet and their walk dancing just like ballora, They dont talk too much but they care about everyone very much, Usually obliterating anything that tries to hurt them in a very brutal way even tho theres no blood there
Reader also crawls on the walls doing contortionism (bridge pose) and sometimes does this to explore the place, even scaring the cast, but the reader has a voice as beautiful as Ballora's, generally using it to help the others calm down or even try to make them sleep or something like that
TADC cast x Ballora type! Reader
Lmao hi I literally just woke up its like, 8am rn as I type this 😭😭
Typing this early since I'm making cinnamon rolls today! Gotta wake up for other people to wake up since I dont wanna. Accidentally wake anyone up
Written on mobile btw !! So things may be shorter / more typo prone !!
Only did the main 4 today my apologies, I couldn't really come up with any ideas for kinger zooble n gangle <\3
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Loves watching you perform and practice your ballet!
I think he would have literal heart eyes whenever you talk to him, he just loves your voice so much!
Floats next to you as you crawl on this walls and do your contortions; strikes up a conversation with you while you're literally defying gravity
Oh..! Ballet! She doesnt know much about it, but that wont stop her from appreciating your skills!
Probably looks at you in a different light after you absolutely demolish and/or snap during an IHA
That's not necessarily a bad thing, by the way... simply gets the point across that you're... capable in case of a dangerous situation...
Has probably gotten jumpscared after seeing you crawl on the walls
Tries to convince you to join the dark side and use your wall crawling ability to scare people... same with your contortions... if you want to like, actually consistently and intentionally scare folks then jax is you're go to person to help lure people into whatever area youre in
I don't see him as someone who would be into ballet, but I do think he would have some level of respect for the effort and stuff that goes into it
Not much to be said since I believe I've done a jax x ballerina reader a few days ago !
Stares at the small pile of mush that used to be a gloink before you came in.. for once he feels.. uneasy
Similar to pomni in terms of the wall crawling stuff she has been spooked by it a few times before growing used to it
LOVES watching you dance, literally you're number one fan, always watches you everytime you dance
Silliness be damned! This doll loves her pretty but slightly off putting partner!!
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saelxstia · 3 months
to tread the path angels fear (p2)
characters: sunday x reader
genre: angst
warnings: major character death, vague description of wound, i get a little off track
notes: uhhhh.. the explanation doesnt really make sense lmao and its a little unrealistic but shhhh just go with the flow
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the news of another death has spread like wildfire throughout penacony; like a wildfire in a dry forest, so has fear spread across the general population. with such a threat looming over peoples heads, even the bravest of people are hesitant to dare enter the dreamscape again.
sunday is no exception. the news has left him restless, troubled. and the mere thought of you, walking into the dreamscape again despite all his warnings, had left him riddled with anxiety. it is with a heavy heart that he walks over to your room that evening. it’s dark when he walks in, the only source of light being the dream pool, and his eyes skim the dark room hesitantly. though he had come to deliver a warning — to stop you from entering the dreamscape — part of him hopes you are not here, to avoid him telling you about the latest casualty.
when he does not see you right away, he lets out a sigh, almost of relief.. but he notices a shadow in the dream pool. so, he begins to walk further into your room, determined to deliver the warning he wished he could avoid. he squints his eyes in his attempts to discern the shadow. at first, he thinks its just his mind playing games with him. he rubs his eyes before looking again.
surely enough, there was someone or something in the pool — a flickering, moving shadow that danced by with slight movements and ripples. his eyes widen with fear as he quickly rushes to the pool to see who the figure was — and if it was you. to answer that question, yes, it was indeed you, and you were sitting in the dream pool with your eyes wide open and breathing heavily as if you had just saw something traumatizing.
this sets off the alarms in sunday’s head, and he immediately thinks the worst. “what happened? you... you didnt..." he gulps. "you didnt go into the dreamscape, right?" you don’t answer, and he gets even more anxious. he gently puts a hand on your shoulder, pulling you out of your distressed state. this shocks you, and you flinch, sucking in a breath. but you slowly relax upon realizing that it was just him.
though your muscles relax under his touch, your eyes are still filled with terror, as if he had just snapped you out a horrific nightmare. you continue to take shaky breaths, your hands trembling, while sunday tries his best to hide his own anxiety. “whats wrong?" he asks gently, his voice trying to be as gentle as possible to try to calm you down, “what did you see?"
you take shaky breaths to calm down, then slowly get out of the dream pool and suddenly launch yourself at him, hugging him tightly and sniffling. sunday's breath catches in his throat and he freezes for a split second, unsure how to respond to this sudden reaction from you. it's almost like you were scared and needed his consolation. he returns the hug, wrapping his arms around you closely and stroking your hair — trying to keep calm himself, despite not knowing what exactly was triggering your fear.
“oh aeons… this is horrible. is this what happened to poor robin? this is brutal, what even was that? please tell me this isn't real.” you start spilling all your worries, unable to just let them simmer in your soul and consume you whole. as your grip tightens around him, sunday's heart thumps. the way you cling onto him, almost as if he was the only source of comfort, was something he had never seen you do when you were younger. he gently pulls you closer to him, stroking your hair to try to ease your trembling. "shhhh," he whispers soothingly, “whatever it is, it's already done and over. it won't hurt you anymore. just breathe. breathe."
you slowly calm down and let go of him, “sorry, i was just..” you sigh and bite your lip. “just what is happening in there?” you question, your voice cracking. "its — its all madness," sunday replies softly, his tone turning grave as he remembers the latest death. "i dont know what to make of it, i dont know if it will ever stop. but..." he swallows. "...im not letting you go in again. you're too... too precious to me." you look up at him; “i almost died in there.. all of this is a nightmare. why does “death” exist in the dreamscape now?” you breathe out, trying to make sense of everything. sunday lets out a soft sigh. "ive wondered the same thing. it could be anything — a nightmare that escaped somehow, a dark entity that was somehow brought to our dreamscape. i cant tell you for sure." he reaches out to brush your hair aside, trying to catch your gaze. "but i can tell you one thing for sure — im not letting it take you away from me. i cant lose you too."
suddenly, just out of nowhere, the memories of what happened earlier came flooding back to you, all at once. you look at him and explain with your tone screaming urgency, “i need to explain what happened. i was exhausted throughout the whole day, everyone got me so angry and it got even worse when my boss gave me even more things to do. i just wanted to scream at everything. when i finally got back though, i was just about to rest when i felt a sharp pain in my head before everything went black. next thing i know, i woke up in the dreamscape, in the golden hour, and a man was killed by an unknown entity. right infront of me. i woke up but only came to my senses when you put your hand on my shoulder.” you take a breathe to continue, “i don’t know what’s going on, but we need to get to the bottom of this, and fast.. people cant keep dying in there.”
sunday slowly nods in agreement. the news of another death had only added fuel to his growing fear and anxiety about you entering the dreamscape again. your explanation did little to alleviate his concerns. if anything, it had only worsened it."i agree," he replied, sounding more firm this time. "we need to find out what is going on. we need to find the root cause of all this."
you both take a moment to contemplate, and there’s a thought in the back of your mind that you try hard to push away. but your thoughts get the better of you, and you blurt it out loud, “what would you have done if.. if it was me who died in there?” sunday's breath hitches at the realization of his worst nightmare — of you dying in the dreamscape. his throat squeezes, feeling like it was all closing in. his fists were clenched so tightly, they felt like they were about to burst.
he cannot lose you.
"dont even say that," he says between clenched teeth. his grip around your shoulder tightens a little, seemingly trying to ward off the mere idea of the possibility. "do not even say such a thing." you shake your head and put a hand on his, “i don’t know, sunday, i don’t feel safe anymore. i didn’t even go in the dream pool of my own accord; it was against my will. i couldn’t control anything..”
his eyes narrowed. this was even more concerning than he had expected. he feared for your safety, that much he was sure of. even so, the news of you being taken to the dreamscape against your will was especially troublesome. "someone.. something forced you into the dreamscape?" he asks, his tone growing more and more serious. "you had no say in it? you were just suddenly... transported there without your knowledge?” you nod, and he has never felt so much fear before.
in fact, he seems even more panicked at the revelation. someone with that much power to transport anyone they wished to the dreamscape was surely a cause for concern. not only was this entity able to kill... it was also able to kidnap. and it had taken you, the person — the treasure — that he cared about most in the world. "who — what was it?" he asks quickly, his voice growing anxious as he tried not to give in to the terror he felt beginning to set in. you take a shaky breath, “i don’t remember.” sunday's heartbeat speeds up at your response. that was perhaps the most alarming part — you didn’t remember. surely, a traumatic experience such as that should have left you with more than enough of a vivid impression, right? to not remember something with that big of an impact.. it was worrisome.
"you don't... you don't remember?" he repeated, his voice getting even faster. his breath hitches for a moment as he attempts to process everything. anything else that you couldnt remember could be a piece to the puzzle, but.. a part of him didnt even want to know what you had forgotten. it was perhaps safer that way. suddenly, a question pops up in his head, and his heart fills with dread, and the answer was what troubled him. he coughs out; “what would have happened if you didnt manage to leave the dream?"
“… i would have been one of the many victims of “death” in the dreamscape."
his chest tightens as he tries to suppress a shudder at that thought. you, someone he loves and holds so close to his heart, one of the victims of death in the dreamscape? he was unable to bear the thought of such a scenario. if you had not left the dream immediately, you could have ended up being another casualty — a part of the ever-growing list of the victims of this entity that was hunting down souls within the dreamscape.
"i cant even imagine.. such a thought is unbearable. i dont know what i would have done if you did disappear." he said, trying to think of a way to ensure your 100% safety. “would you like to leave your hotel room and stay with me instead?” he asks, and the answer’s pretty obvious. “yes, yes of course. i’d love that actually.” you whisper, and take his hand in yours. “of course, anything for you. anything to keep you safe,” he tells you, and he swears it.
after a week of living together, you seem to have started experiencing some odd symptoms. you would sometimes pass out out of nowhere, and at other times, experience vivid hallucinations that almost seemed like premonitions. on top of that, there were times when you would wake up startled after dreaming of a horrific incident, sweating and trembling involuntarily. it concerned sunday deeply, and he did his best to be there for you all the time, to try and ensure that you were safe and sound. he prays that the worst won’t happen to you.
one night, when he was busy with something important, the same thing that happened last week happened again. but this time, you sat unconscious in the dream pool with a gash on your arm and a deep wound on your stomach. when sunday couldn’t find you in his quarters, he thought of another place you would be. oh no, no, no. he really hopes he’s wrong. but it appears, he is anything but.
sunday rushes over at the sight of you sitting motionless in the dream pool, unconscious, with the wounds on your body. he had seen you pass out before, but the injuries were a definite new occurrence. he gasps in concern as he approaches you, his body tensing. he immediately tries to wake you from your unconsciousness, gently shaking you and calling your name. "(name), wake up," he murmurs, but there was no response.
sunday was worried that the situation was growing more and more critical. your heartbeat was dangerously slow, and you remained motionless in the pool, despite him shaking you and calling out to you. his entire body was tense and filled with worry, fear, and apprehension.
he feared the worst. slowly, he began to shake you more aggressively, trying to will you to regain consciousness. he kept repeating your name over and over, trying to elicit any kind of response from you. at closer inspection, your skin is pale and your face looks eerily relaxed. as if you had been unconscious for a long time already. sundays entire body stiffens. the way you seemed so still, and the way you hadn't responded to the aggressive way he had shook and called for you - it was all as if you had been..
he couldn't bear this anymore. his breaths become shaky, and his heart races at the thought of losing you. he couldn't allow this to happen. he wouldn't allow this to happen.
what if you really are gone?
no — that thought was far too unthinkable. your skin was pale, your expression relaxed, your breathing slow...
it was all as if you were already dead.
sunday wanted to deny it over and over and over again, but the signs were hard to ignore. he tried to find your pulse, hoping that there was still one present. there has to be one. there just has to be.
it was just as he feared. there was no pulse. youre dead.
no — that couldn't be. it HAD to be something else. your body was still warm, your heartbeat was simply slow, your breath was simply weak.. everything about you was still alive..
your pulse remained nonexistent. your breaths were still shallow, as you remained motionless in the water of the dream pool.
you were dead.
you were gone.
sunday's breaths are shaky as the realization dawns on him. his eyes begin to tear up as the grief and despair slowly sinks in. and as if the universe was laughing at him, your words came flooding back to him. it’s as if you jinxed it, “ … i would have been one of the many victims of “death” within the dreamscape.”
and it was all too real for him to bear.
your words... your premonition... it all came rushing back to him, as if it had been planned all along.
you had predicted your own death.
and now, your words had come to pass.
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im not that proud of this tbh...... some parts dont make sense and it was kinda rushed but yeah . i might write something with aventurine next 🐱🐱
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Im white-ish (grew up white) and originally drew mostly white characters, but now i draw mostly not white characters. on the surface it might not seem like an issue, but im afraid it comes off some kind of way. But is there a point where it would become problematic and uncomfortable for other people?
For me in my mind, all the characters are from different stories and aren't fleshed out. So its not like i have one story where all the characters are black or poc and the villain is white or something that could come off as preformative or white guilt
but i just wanted to start a discussion with you and or followers, if theres a point or experience with white (or mixed who grew up white) people who only seem to draw poc or mostly- where its uncomfortable. And maybe any suggestions on how to fix? that?
I know this is an odd question, but i feel that it might resonate with either side.
Also to clarify, for me, the characters either automatically come to me as a CoC, i base it off a friend or other character, or i choose a race or ethnicity i feel i havnt explored.
Sometimes the race doesnt matter at the moment, other times i want to explore race and ethnicity and culture. But that also includes ""white"" cultures (norwegian ex).
I wont go into why, but sometimes i feel like a white person trying to appeal? to PoC or seeing CoC as "more interesting". that kind of vibe. Idk id thats actually mentally what im doing. Like white guilt or something
But yeah just putting this out there for anyone who has felt this way themselves or have come across people like this- and really just what do you suggest or what are your feelings. Either you or followers.
Putting this out there for fans of color to speak on!
As for me, if you're not trying to pander then... You're not trying to pander. It's probably uncomfortable bc you live in a society that considers characters of color and their existence in media to be "woke" and "PC" and "DEI" (all terms that are not negative, now imbued with negative connotations thanks to the racist right). Drawing white characters is comfortable, the expectations. By creating characters of color, you are going to deal with both disdain and higher expectations.
To me, this just sounds like you're coming up with diverse characters and challenging yourself to explore what that means. That's... Fine. Sometimes making a character of color IS going to be more interesting, by introducing new perspectives on old tropes (my constant example is Louis from IWTV). That's what we want lmao, as long as you're not overstepping or being racist.
I think you need to be honest with yourself. Who are you doing this for, really? If you feel guilty because you're doing this for diversity clout or to "feel less racist", then I'd ask that you stop and reevaluate. It's okay to reevaluate, then do better! That's better than staying in defensiveness and denial. If you're doing it because it makes you happy, and you believe in an art world where everyone is represented, then you're fine and you should keep drawing! That growth will show in your work!
It's not our job to absolve you of that guilt, but the only way to push through that guilt is to hold yourself accountable and then take the necessary actions to fix whatever it is you feel guilty over (or let it go). 👍🏾
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mooncheese3 · 11 months
the man called otto au, old man!sj and the luo family. he was not able to escape wyz in the iac bc wyz decided not to sneak into it, instead spending that week in a brothel to waste away a truly big bag of coin he was lucky enough to snatch.
cw // suicide attempts, suicidal thoughts
bc of this sj wasnt able to find out what happened to yq and cultivate,and so stayed a mortal. one day wyz comes across another kid, and tries to off sj since he'd outlived his usefulness. sj outsmarts him, so wyz just leaves with his new assistant, not finding sj enough of a risk to keep alive.
sj wanders, able to get by with money he'd acquired via the things wyz taught him--all very much illegal. one day he stays a bit longer in a town, and ends up staying the night in a brothel. apparently when you assist them in kicking out a horrible customer, they wouldnt mind it so much if you were to sleep in their storage room for free. (his pretty face also helped lmao. the only privelege sj has is pretty privelege, but even that doesnt come often). one night turns into a few days, and a few days turns into a week, and suddenly sj works there.
there he becomes friends with some of the prostitutes, and finds himself with a pseudo little sister with the name sisi
a few years pass; by this point hes a young adult. sj decides to travel around. he still hasnt accepted that yq could be dead (even if his head tells him its very likely yq is), so traveling would mean possibly getting closer to wherever yq may be. he moves in the general direction of cqms, as that was yq's destination. he goes through towns, cities, forests and roads, takes on odd jobs and errands but never begs--never again--yet despite all of that no hide nor hair of his older brother can be found. sj considers going to cqms directly, but if he were being honest...
yq tended to see the good in people. while not a bad thing in itself, it usually led to shitty things happening to people like them. added with the fact that yq was a runaway child slave with no money, wore clothes that kept the cold in rather than out, was illiterate and never learned how to mapread, had never traveled so far on his own with only a vague sense of where he was going, with unkown humans, demons, creatures and plants everywhere on his trek,,, the chances of sj finding his older brother decaying rather than breathing was too high
going to cang qiong and not finding yq there... to him, it would be as close to a confirmation that yq was dead. so he avoids it. (he doesnt stop himself from listening in on conversations about cang qiong, though)
thats how he spends most of his life, traveling and seeing the world, learning about all sorts of things on the way. he spends the freedom hed fought for in what he feels to be the fullest without being around people he doesnt already know. if yq really was dead, then hed be seeing the world for both of them while he could.
when days are too hard and the thought that he'd sent his qige to his death is too strong, sj feels the temptation to follow yq into the afterlife. the sword hed stolen and the dagger up his sleeve find themselves in his hands all too often on those nights, yet no injury ever appears on himself and he breathes just fine the following morning
one day he goes back to the brothel he used to work in, and discovers that sisi isnt there anymore. after catching up with his old friends he travels again, southward where the brothel theyd transferred some of their staff stood
eventually he and sisi reunite. she introduces him to her friend, meng shi, and her son, meng yao. hes appalled when he finds meng yao reading a fake cultivation manual, so he teaches meng yao how to tell a fake from a legitimate one. he also teaches him how to /get/ a legitimate one under a fair and affordable price. sisi wheedles sj into teaching meng yao more, so he does
sj goes back on the road, and somewhere along the way settles in a hut along the luo river. but even when he lives on the outskirts of the village, which was already a decent distance away from any cultivational sect, he still hears news of the head disciple of qiong ding peak's achievements in the defeat of tianlangjun. one thing leads to another and sj finds out that yqy is in fact his yq
a confrontation happens; yqy is beyond happy that sj is alive, if a little shocked and scared that all hes seeing is a ghost his mind conjured up. like canon sj asks why yqy didnt come back, and since yqy is a do or don't there is no try person (this mentality really fucks him up), yqy doesnt give any "excuse" as to why he was gone. he was a coward, incompetent and careless in his rush to go back to the qiu manor. the fact that he went back too late and /tried/ to save sj but found the estate in ashes didnt matter. to yqy, it is the end result that matters, not the effort and process it takes for him to get there. he didnt save sj, and that was that.
in the face of what sj went through, what he experienced was miniscule. look at them! while yqy was dressed in expensive fabrics with a face that looked no older than 20 bc of his high cultivation, sj was dressed in simple and cheap robes with signs of age, hardship, and days under the sun. what right did he have to stand here and make himself seem pitiful and sympathetic when he couldnt even save sj? in the end, all he says is a wretched "im sorry for not saving you."
(hc that yqy always had this mentality, it was just worsened by his shizun. yes hes totally downplaying everything he went through on his quest to try to save sj. yqy has serious self-worth issues)
sj refuses to go to cqms with yqy. hes far too old to cultivate so all he'll end up doing there is be a servant. in sj's view that was akin to returning to his old life, just under a different master in a far bigger "estate"
yqy visits often, leaving behind trinkets sj could pawn or sell and bags of money to keep himself fed and warm. he tries to reconnect with sj, but (like canon, just even worse) sj is not having it. to sj, these "gifts" are bribes for him to stay quiet to keep yqy's pristine reputation. sj drives yqy away, but always finds himself watching as yqy leaves. it seems that therell always be a small part of him that wants his older brother back.
as sj gets older he gets sicker, experiencing aches and pains and dreaded headaches.
yqy notices, and so starts to leave medicine as well.
the longer this goes on, the more yqy looks sad and regretful. the dark cloud that hangs above his head grows darker each time he arrives and is chased away
sj abruptly thinks that he should disappear. when he was gone, yqy was doing well. its only after he showed back up in his life that yqy seemed to start being more miserable.
it of course didnt help that sometimes one of yqy's martial siblings accompanied him on his visits. always staying on the outskirts of his property, but always with an odd and/or dissaproving look on their face. sometimes, sj would faintly hear them tell yqy that coming here wasnt worth it, or at least something similar to it (sj doesnt see the harsh and downright terrifying look yqy would then send that person)
the first time he seriously tries to end his life, it is unexpectedly cut short by a rapid knocking on his door
THIS IS WHERE THE LUO FAMILY COME IN!!! mme luo comes knocking on his door one day, carrying a small feverish toddler. she has no money to go to the nearest doctor (this particular doctor likes charging too high), and the closest neighbor that hasnt already ignored her pleas for help is sj
sj aggrievedly lets her in, giving mme luo an appropriate dose of medicine so she could be the one to coax the kid into ingesting it. the child ends up recovering fairly quickly, and as thanks mme luo leaves a delicious plate of fish in a woven basket for sj
sj returns the basket. mme luo fills it again with another dish, this time with a bowl of sweet and sour pork with bokchoy soup
following the movie, everytime sj (otto) tries to khs, his attempts are unkowingly thwarted by the people hes shown kindness to
at some point mengyao (now very newly named jgy!!) encounters sj again. jgy doesnt stay long, since he does have to return to the jin sect, but he helps around the house. he cooks sj breakfast, teaches binghe etiquette, and becomes an indulgent culinary student to a very eager to show off binghe
each time someone barges into his life, sj always tells them to fuck off. most times he lets them in anyway, but others he shuts them out.
he goes too far one day, so mme luo does her mom thing and somehow gets him to open up. shes always tried to get him to do that, but sj always closed himself from others. this one time, sj tells her about his past and explains why he acts the way he does
while it is indeed the only time hes done so, he begins to allow himself to grow closer with others and let them get to know him, just as much as he gets to know about them
eventually, very slowly, qijiu begin to reconcile. yqy finds the courage to tell sj that he was hasty and was trapped within the ling xi caves, that he did go back, just too late. while theyll never be like they were before, they still had each other in the end
it would be nice if, unlike canon, him helping people inadvertently gets him to live, yk? kindness spreads kindness, that sort of thing
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ssirenah · 5 days
hey, hope this finds you well, i really need help
atp i have no idea what im doing wrong anymore and im feeling like giving up and not believing in the law. ive been "trying" to manifest a new phone for like the past two weeks and ive been not relying on techniques and just fulfilling myself within but still nothing. i understand how desperate this is coming across, but i AM desperate lmao. when i get unwanted thoughts, i just go "nope, i dont identify with that" and move on, is that even enough though? why is this shit taking so long?? the only thing ive successfully manifested before was a kitkat lmao and it took only 3ish days because once i fulfilled myself within i just forgot about it and didn't even realize that i had manifested it until i was actually eating the chocolate. anyways, hopefully this doesnt bother you but if you could give me any advice id really appreciate it! im really at a loss
have a nice day <3
Hi, my dear.
I just want to start by saying, I personally don't want to see you give up on the law, but it is ultimately your choice and your reality.
You need to keep persisting in the fact that you already have what you want. There is nothing new I can say. Persist just means to stand firm in your decision and not waver. It is absolutely necessary and you do it all the time anyways. I know you said you were, but you keep worrying about time and when "it's gonna come." Would you be thinking this way if you already had the phone? No, right? You said you've dismissed unwanted thoughts, which is great, but you also need to do the same with thoughts about time and "where is it?" Those don't get a pass.
And like you said about the KitKat (yay!!!), you didn't worry about time, because you knew you had it no matter what and persisted. It's the same thing for the phone. You already have the phone!!! It's not coming to you in the future, it's yours NOW!
What you are doing is more than enough. Like you said, you don't need techniques unless you WANT to do them. You don't need to change anything you're already doing because there's nothing to get. It's all done. The phone is yours, no buts.
My advice overall is to forget about time and how much time has passed BECAUSE you already have it. Since you have it, why does it matter how much time has passed??? Don't you have it?? Focus solely on the fact that you have it / things that work in your favor and NOT how much time has passed because time doesn't matter just like circumstances don't matter. Time is a 3d thing and the 3d doesn't matter.
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ghouljams · 1 month
im not super caught up on ur cowboy au (i LOVE goose n ghost, the dynamic of simon being with price's kid who ACTS like she's prices kid tickles my brain so well) and i dont want to come across as rude... but why is bee with konig lmao. ive been reading the recent discourse and if she's a DA survivor, what draws her to him? what could he possibly do to make her forgive and move on from him being such a piece of shit to goose and making such an ass of himself? like, if he calls a woman a whore and a dog because he was butthurt about getting his ass kicked by someone he doesnt respect just bc she's a woman and small, then why would bee think highly of him or even feel SAFE around him? i really don't mean to be rude about this lmao i just wanna pick your brain
as an abuse victim, even after YEARS of 'calm' and 'changes of ways', i would never be able to completely get rid of the lingering fear after seeing something like that. i can't imagine bee wasn't scared of konig in that moment
and as someone from a small town, making an ass of yourself like that will never be forgiven nor forgotten lol. konig will forever be remembered as the lumbering instigator that fucked around and found out, and if bee stayed with him, that reputation would get stuck to her too
again, i dont know bee's character super well (and i support womens rights and wrongs; she can be flawed and choose to look past things other people won't ignore to stay with someone she cares about) but i just wanna know your author thoughts lol these are your boobahs and i like to hear the thoughts. ill have time later today to read through your posts more too, i havent dug into bee's mostly bc i don't care for konig, but if they're all getting interlinked like this id like more context. just a heads up i might come back later and be like "AND ANOTHER THING-" or whatever lol
thank u hugs kisses i like ur cowboy stories :) <3
So I will say that in the overall context of the cowboy au I will be slotting Goose fighting König into the realm of "very dubiously canon" because you're right, there's no way Bee would trust him again after this.
I'm going to attempt to answer all your questions, but please bear with me because I can get long winded.
So to start off I will say that while Bee's backstory has been hinted at, it's never been officially written down. In my mind, the abuse she suffered at the hands of her (now dead) ex husband was mostly mental and emotional, I think if there was physical abuse that was her last straw that she had to get out.
Bee's relationship with König is interesting because I think in her mind, he is a sort of savior figure. He's always been there when she needed him, he never pressured her into anything, he was always kind and respectful, etc. König is big and scary, but he truly has always treated Bee incredibly well, and despite his *ahem* unorthodox methods has always had her best interest at heart. Bee is also VERY recently divorced, and he took EVERYTHING. König has been her rock since she moved to town and she's sort of imprinted on him to a certain extent.
For König... I have talked before about how I think he views women, but I will condense it into how I think he views Goose specifically before/after/during their fight. König has only met Goose once before in written canon and she pulled a gun on him immediately. It's not that Goose is a woman, it's that she is associated with Ghost. That is what I would consider the bottom line in König's thinking. If Goose was just some random woman in town he wouldn't care but she specifically occupies the space of "enemy combatant" because she's with Ghost.
I will say also König already has a reputation as a weird freak in town. People don't really care for him, but now he's also the guy that Goose beat up. So... not great for him. Bee on the other hand is fairly well liked. She's sort of clueless but she's well meaning and generally willing to learn or correct her mistakes. Like I said this fight fic is pretty dubiously canon I don't think it will actually effect the story the way it would irl, but those are Bee/König's standings in town.
As for whether Bee would take König back after watching him go after someone Bee sees as smaller and weaker than him(though König sees Goose as just another enemy to be taken down, women or not)... I don't know. That's why I say this fic is really dubiously canon, because you're right I don't see her taking him back after this. I think this would be the end of it, and I really love the love story I've crafted for the two of them. So it's a big old shrug from me boss. IDK
I think a genuine apology from König to Goose would help a lot. I think König sitting down and explaining his past to Bee would also help. If there was some added context, that it's a long standing beef between himself and Ghost and he made a bad judgement call, then that would be good for getting on the road to healing. Bee would also have to sit down and explain her feelings to König, all in all it would have to be a complete open communication between them, likely with a therapist moderating. But I don't want to write that because I genuinely don't think I would be able to do it justice.
Bee's story is one of my favorites, it's her fairy tale ending, it's her rebuilding her life and finding love despite her trepidation. It's a story of self healing and love, and I don't want to sabotage it with a fight.
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thatumbrellaoni · 9 months
this is twice now that ryous words get jounouchi very heated when it comes to seto.
Tumblr media
RYOU: That's right! Jounouchi-kun has a younger sister, and her eyes are...
JOUNOUCHI: Bakuraaaa!! Don't you say any more!!
RYOU: ...! Jounouchi-kun...
JOUNOUCHI: Don't tell a prick like him about that...
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RYOU: (I don't know anything about DEATH-T or what Kaiba-kun has done) But meeting Kaiba-kun for the first time on this island... I mean, I see that he's aloof... proud and selfish in his ways... but he risked his life to save Mokuba-kun... I can't think of him as a terrible person at heart...
JOUNOUCHI: Bakura! You don't know what he's really like!!
RYOU: ! Sorry...
quite the clash when tension runs high because of their opposite personalities.
it puts ryous lv4 "careless" (as in, "without due thought") trait from the character analysis chart on full display. cuz to me, it looks like ryou says it how he sees it to get a point across, almost objectively 🤔 while jounouchi's lv2 "fixation" has him unable to let seto's past actions go.
also its funny cuz,
ryou: defends jounouchi at the risk of revealing a personal matter
jounouchi: no
ryou: acknowledges he doesnt have the full picture and gives his candid two cents thats in favor of seto
jounouchi: no!
ryou means well but hes stepping on jounouchis landmines 🤣🤣🤣 lmao jounouchi, where do you want your boy to stand
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infizero · 4 months
ok some ppl have pointed out that the japanese version of the gaster valentine uses hiragana and not gaster's usual stilted katakana, as well as the casual tone that doesnt line up with the very formal way of speaking gaster has been shown to use in other dialogue.
but i dunno man... those could be explained away by just. gaster is speaking more casually. i mean he does come across as more casual in the english version as well.
my main reason for leaning towards disregarding this is that i mean... who the hell else would it be?? even disregarding the odd phrasing, the note about the whole thing apparently being illegible until we somehow can read it, the comments about being forgotten, the entire letter mysteriously disappearing...
they literally say "HOW IS DELTA RUNE?"
again, even disregarding that that's the same way gaster formats/spells it in the announcement tweets, who else would know about deltarune??? like as a Thing? it doesn't make sense (under our current understanding of things, at least) for ANYONE ELSE other than gaster to know about deltarune as a game/program. (and its clear from the phrasing they are not talking about the symbol from undertale, before you wanna be a smart ass lmao)
i really think that the inconsistencies in the japanese version could just be attributed to him speaking more casually. it is a valentine's day letter, after all.
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