#but it was fun to write :)
silverclaw202 · 3 months
Alright trafficblr I need you to hear me out on this one
So we all know how each of the life series winners is assigned an astral roll so I started thinking and my thinking led to this
Geminitay - sunset/sunrise
(Or dawn cuz that sounds cooler)
Now here’s my reasoning.
(Granted I haven’t watched her pov of Secret life I’m just going off what I’ve seen)
1, color schemes match
2, sunrises/sunsets have a lot of diversity, they can go from a sweet calm array of colors to literally looking like the end of the world, gem herself can be so kind and inspiring but can also be ABSOLUTELY TERRIFYING
3, Gem is extremely impactful her impression on people is insane, this can be seen durring the apocalypse episode (though I guess that was more forced) and when scott sacrifices himself for her at the end, clearly he trusted her and therefore gave her what he had left, now I don’t think anybody will be sacrificing themselves for a sunset but it can have an impact, looking at it from a story telling perspective when a character is in a scene with a sunset it immediately gives an impact, what the sunset means or does can differ and sometimes it’s just there for dramatic effect,
4, Sunsets/sunrises are a symbol of beauty on earth not that their absolutely crucial but they definitely make life less boring and more worth seeing, gems personality also has that impact she can do it through her builds and through her interactions with other people
In conclusion Gem shares the ability to have an impact, no matter what that impact is it’s there and the idolization of a sunset has that same element.
I just thought that was neat :)
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aduckwithears · 9 months
I just read this awesome meta from @queerfables about Aziraphale's bookshop being the Garden of Eden in season 2, and oh wow!! There are so many ways to interpret the season using this context - here's a take on Aziraphale and Crowley and the final fifteen. (tldr - They are both Eve)
In their Eden of a bookshop, they are safe - no one comes in without permission, Crowley can lose the sunglasses, they can do all the talking they want (blah, blah, blah), but there is still the unspoken subtext of their relationship. They both possess this knowledge but it is forbidden to speak of because it is, literally, Forbidden... but also because if spoken then something has to Change. (hmmm, Job minisode flashbacks anyone?)
Then we have the end of Ep 6. Gabriel and Beez leave the garden (to canoodle amongst the stars or whatever) as a parallel to Adam and Eve (again, covered so well by @queerfables)
But Aziraphale and Crowley? They both have parallels to Eve, and neither of them convinces the other to bite the apple.
Let's take Crowley first. In his case we have Maggie and Nina as the metaphorical serpents, arguing for revelation and acknowledgment. They only approach Crowley about this - Eve in this scenario. The apple then is actually the confession itself - Crowley dropping all pretenses and offering Aziraphale the full scope of their relationship - kiss and all. The offer to be together, to leave the bookshop/everything if needed.
Now we have the other side of the coin - the Metatron and his coffee/apple of return to paradise, grace, and innocence. Of course this is a disingenuous offer, but it sure is a parallel to the apple of the humans. He really is the bad faith snake in the garden with an offer of power and restoration that reads (at least to Crowley) like an erasure of knowledge. He only approaches Aziraphale - Eve in this scenario. So Aziraphale makes the offer to Crowley (A's exact thoughts on the offer have and will continue to be debated of course), but in any scenario he is begging for Crowley to come with him, for them to be together.
They are both asking for the same thing (to be together) but in ways that are mutually exclusive. So they both leave the bookshop... but not together. Different apples.
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simple-seranade · 2 years
TW: body horror, death (life series, not really descriptive)
Some people love the toy gag, others are tired of it, I just find it a fascinating plot hook whether he is a toy or not. The head canon that Joel calling Jimmy a toy repeatedly actually turns him into one is everywhere and I love the concept. While brainrotting over this, I had an idea.
Imagine with me, for a moment.
Jimmy is a completely normal human, has been for as long as he can remember. He wholeheartedly knows it, and so does everyone around him. It’s just Jimmy, the completely normal human. Sure, he struggles with his self image a bit, but confidence is key! Fake it til you make it!
The life series happen. He dies first once. Twice. He’s not quite sure when or how it started, but people start calling him a canary. The canary in the coal mine, simply an omen of the death to come. A shock of yellow in the dark and grim, extinguished too soon. He thought nothing of it. It was just a phrase, a nickname. Nothing of any real importance, not definitive about him in particular.
Then he met his soulmate.
It only made sense it was through death, an explosion, the first death on the server. Tango being the coal mine to his canary, they said. The parallels grew, the amount of people mentioning it grew, the amount of times he heard the word canary as synonymous for him grew. 
It wasn’t even always bad. Tango called him Songbird as a term of endearment, and it was rarely ever said with truly malicious intent. 
But just because it wasn’t bad didn’t mean it didn’t hurt.
It hurt when he bolted upright in the middle of the night, back feeling like it was on fire. It hurt as he barely choked back a scream, the skin on his back ripping open. It hurt when hollow bones and bloody golden feathers tore through the gaps. It hurt when fully grown wings developed in a matter of minutes, while Grian had described the process of his own wings growing as a weekslong process, from the forming to the baby wings bursting out to the wings being large enough to fly. It hurt when he cried, even as Tango held his hands, fretting and confused.
But he pushed through it, because that’s what Jimmy did. When things went wrong, when the universe had determined he was the perfect punching bag, he kept going, to show just how poor of a decision it had been.
So he got used to the wings. Eventually learned to navigate with the new weight on his back, stopped bumping into every door frame and tree and chest. He even started building up his wing strength and resolved to talk to Grian when this mess was over to see about flying lessons.
Then he died, a third and final time, and he was thrown to a new world. When he came to, he was human again, no evidence he had ever been any different besides the dandelion yellow flowers scattered around his spawn point. Not even scars on his back where the wings had pushed through in their golden, scarlet glory.
It was just an effect of the life server, the code had gone wrong, he was back to the way he was supposed to be. All of these explanations he heard when he asked the others, most just waving it off. After all, servers changed how they looked all the time. Nothing was wrong.
Jimmy tried to believe them, he really did. But when nightmares come of blood and hollow splintered bones tearing his back to ribbons, phantom pain still making him wince, it was difficult. None of the other changes had ever been that… painful. Real. 
Still, he kept going. Found a desert, built up a town, established a law. He was a sheriff now, dedicated to his Empire and making sure things were right. So what if a stuck-up god decided to make fun of him? So what if he was called pathetic, a toy? Those things didn’t define him. He was human, through and through, no matter what he had been just a single world ago.
Even if he was shrunk by a potion. Even if the comparisons to a plaything became more and more frequent. Even as all respect for him was lost, nothing but a mockery of a sheriff.
It was after the second time getting splashed with the lore potion that it happened. He was small, they weren’t turning him back, and he was just so, so sick of all of this. The Hermits had been brought in on the joke, and now almost everyone he talked to brought it up in some way. Tango was kind enough, he didn’t, and Scott… well, Scott said other things. 
It was almost like the word was echoing around in his head as he sat in his sheriff’s office, despite the rage it filled Jimmy with. He wasn't a toy! He was a living, breathing human being! He didn’t have plastic skin, or stuffed intestines, or a pullstring, or soulless glass eyes that couldn’t see anything, not really, not truly. 
Every time someone called him a toy seemed to flood his mind, and tears pricked his eyes. Is that really all he was to these people? To his friends?
The air suddenly grew thick and heavy, and a lightning hot pain shot through every nerve in his body. Unprepared, he fell to his knees, barely keeping a pained screech from escaping his lips. He swayed, barely keeping himself from falling over entirely. 
Jimmy didn’t know what it looked like as his insides scrambled and dissolved and hardened and numbed and hurt. All he knew was the feeling of his bones dissipating, of the phantom sensation of something stabbing his arms and legs and torso, of his back aching as something pushed its way through, so similar yet so different to the wings he had once grown to treasure.
He didn’t see the way the tears in his eyes blended in with their growing glassiness, or know how his torso looked as the organs unspooled themselves inside of him to make way for stuffing. He doesn’t realize until later that the thing protruding from his back is a pullstring, one that doesn’t give him the option of silence if used. He had to look in the mirror to notice the stitches that had woven their way into the seams of his toosofttooplushnotrealenough body. 
He avoids reflections after that, because he is not a toy, no matter what his image says. He can’t be.
He doesn’t know why this happens. Why he seems to be forced to bend to the wills of those around him, to their perceptions of him. He knows he’s human. He has a real, beating heart, even if his chest just feels full and still from the stuffing inside of it, a complete and utter lack of organs. He breathes, filling non-existent lungs with air. He thinks, he feels, even though his head is full of cotton and his face seems empty and lifeless. 
He’s- he’s human. He is, always has been, so why does he keep changing?
Maybe one day, someone will see the signs. One day, someone will tell the shapeshifter what he is, about the powers he can’t control, about how he’s not the universe’s punching bag, not on purpose. They’ll teach him to control his powers, so that he was the one who determined his form, not the whims of others.
But today is not that day. 
Today is the day a plush sheriff squares off against a god, hides from his soulmates of past lives, and longs for the ability to cry all the unshed tears in his unbeating paper heart.
look, writing body horror is fun. plus i thought of the concept of jimmy being a shapeshifter without control of his powers was a cool solution because as far as he knows, he is human. and he is, most of the time. his power is just very, very easily influenced by repetition.
also i like the idea of mumbo finding him and being like “your powers are acting weird? mine did that last season, it was the moons fault” and jimmys just “my what now”
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blackjackkent · 3 months
Follow-on from my tag novel on this post speculating on the feasibility of Rion being Jaheira's bio kid, and her bio kid with Rasaad specifically (it's a rarepair but it's MY rarepair dammit):
#ETA: zenjestrr just pointed out to me that as a monk Rasaad would have Timeless Body feature which simplifies things physiologically XD#yay DND#it's more complicated than just that of course and now i'm resisting writing a whole essay about jaheira's thought processes#XD
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@astreamofstars as always spoils me with prompting. XD Self-indulgent meta pondering ahead:
Fundamentally Jaheira is clearly STRONGLY torn between attachment to her kids/the city of Baldur's Gate and her natural wanderlust and attachment to nature rather than civilization. She clearly cares for Rion and the other kids in the same way that she cares for anything important to her: very strongly under the surface, but undemonstratively, and her emotions are nuanced and complicated by her own inner conflict and the amount that she has lost in the past.
Taking all this into consideration, I find it sort of hard to believe that Jaheira initially set out to have kids deliberately - with Khalid, with Rasaad (in my headcanon), or with anyone. Reasons being a) it would mean tying her down, b) she is acutely aware of the way a city (her birthplace) or a person (Khalid) can be taken away extremely abruptly and too many attachments can be dangerous, c) she has plenty of enemies, and d) in the case of any lover with a less-than-half-elven lifespan, there's a non-zero chance she would be taking care of the kid alone eventually.
This is particularly the case in the scenario of Rasaad. As I mentioned in the aforementioned tag novel, he COULD physically have kids with her pretty much right up until the end due to the Timeless Body monk feature, but that doesn't mean Jaheira would consider it a good idea. The feature specifically states that it doesn't stop you from dying of old age, just means you go out still in your prime. Hard to picture her deliberately choosing to have a kid with someone who (however virile he was) likely wouldn't see the kid's tenth birthday, given the series timeline and Rion's relative youth in BG3.
HOWEVER - there are three converse possibilities in this scenario:
1. Jaheira extended Rasaad's lifespan by making use of some low-level version of the Rite of the Timeless Body that we find in Elerrathin's Home. (subject of my previous post)
It's actually only now that I'm writing this post that I'm realizing that not only are they similar concepts but the Rite and the monk feature both literally use the SAME WORDS. However, Jaheira describes the Rite as being something that goes beyond what's described in the monk feature - "If they be learned and powerful enough, the practitioner of this ritual might slow their aging, extend their life well beyond its natural reach." So the Rite is something that not only maintain's the recipient's virility into old age but actively extends their lifespan.
The fact that both the Rite and the feature have the same name, though, only adds to my impression (in this headcanon/worldstate) that it would have been something she initially tried to leverage FOR Rasaad, to supplement his own body's natural abilities and give her more time with him (she says it's an esoteric druid thing but that doesn't mean it's true). Her dialogue suggests she never figured out how to use it to the full extent of its power for altruistic purposes, but that doesn't preclude the possibility that she could have had some success with the concepts at a lower level and closer to home.
Being able to draw Rasaad's lifespan at least closer to hers, if not equivalent, makes it somewhat more likely to me that she would see raising a family as a viable deliberate choice.
2. Emotion trumped practicality.
There is a line in the book Dune wherein Jessica considers why she allowed herself to conceive Alia with Leto when she knew Leto was a dead man walking.
And she permitted herself to face fully the significance of this other child growing within her, to see her own motives in permitting the conception. She knew what it was – she had succumbed to that profound drive shared by all creatures who are faced with death – the drive to seek immortality through progeny. The fertility drive of the species had overpowered them.
Like many things in Dune this is a rather, uh, clinical description of human behavior, but the emotional concept here is relevant, I think.
Jaheira is not (overtly) a sentimental person. But she feels things very deeply, nevertheless. I could see a scenario where the desire to see Rasaad and herself live on through children (as Khalid could not) became for a time stronger than her reservations about tying herself down.
Of the three possibilities this is the one that seems least likely/interesting to me for her character when taken by itself, but still quite possible.
3. Rion was an accident.
While a less overtly positive possibility than #1, this option becomes even more likely when Rasaad's aforementioned monk feature is taken into consideration. And actually as I've started thinking about it, I find it the most interesting likelihood, because it allows for options #1 and #2 to also resonate, and gives some context to her strained relationship with her daughter.
Scenario, then: In the late years of her relationship with Rasaad (or, more generally, any non-elven lover she might have taken post-BG2), Rion is conceived by accident. Jaheira starts pulling info on the Rite of the Timeless Body in the hopes of keeping him around longer; she's somewhat successful but not to the full capability of the rite. However, she finds herself too emotionally tied to him and to their child not to go through with continuing to raise her alone after Rasaad's death. End result is a scenario where she feels trapped by Rion but also loves her deeply, leading to the simultaneous strained relationship and deep connection evinced in BG3.
At this point, having one child and being already tied down to the city, it ends up being a slippery slope to taking in others who also need help, and she finds herself never able to quite extricate herself from the cycle or fully commit to it. She rejoins the Harpers in an attempt to re-ground herself in her adventuring life, which gives her a modicum of inner peace but also leaves Rion holding the sack when she is repeatedly called away to so-called "greater duties". End result: a fractured relationship both with her daughter and with herself, neither need able to quite take the upper hand.
Small wonder she was willing to throw herself into the battle against the Absolute, where for the first time perhaps since Irenicus, the completely necessary course was unmistakable.
TLDR: At least in my worldstate headcanon, Rion is Jaheira and Rasaad's biological daughter, conceived accidentally very late in Rasaad's life; the whole situation tore Jaheira in half emotionally and she has never quite figured out the right way to handle it.
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thegirlhoodtheory · 2 years
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laments of a greenland shark, 12/3/22
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clare-with-no-i · 1 year
that “Second Law of Parties” joke in bond and free is still one of my favorite dialogue moments I’ve ever written, lol
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hi dps fandom!! so i've been pretty wrapped up in byler recently but the dps brainrot is setting in just in time for my one year anniversary of watching the film, so heres an analysis that i wrote for school lol. love yall!!
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werewolves-are-real · 7 months
Spock gets injured and has trouble using his hands. Kirk helps him with meals.
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staceymcgillicuddy · 9 months
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Day Five + Cuckqueaning
Additional tags/warnings: My first Jason as a decent human being, I think? Anyway, Chrissy gets to watch, and finds she's developing a taste for it. (Future C/E/J implied, womp womp.)
Read it on AO3
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Master List:
Negotiation + Daddy kink (minor) + pegging
Genderfluidity + CNC + rough oral sex
Erotic Humiliation + bladder control + TPE
Voyeurism + the horrors
Cuckqueaning + Chrissy/Eddie/Jason
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jesterousc · 1 year
!Disclaimer! This is poorly researched, and also I wrote this between like, 5am to 4am... So please forgive for any spelling mistakes.
So, one day a question popped into my mind: what period did MCD take place? While yes, kind of a stupid question, since MCD is fantasy with no actual care for historical accuracy, I still wanted to come to a conclusion.
I started off thinking that perhaps MCD takes place in America, but of course that would need America to already be colonised during the time of Irene. But, there's a problem with that: America was colonised in 1492, and since MCD takes place 900 years after Irene times, it would mean MCD takes place around 2300-2400, which doesn't quite make sense...
And then I went to figuring out where MCD takes place, so, I turned to Kawaii~Chan. It is my personal headcanon that KC is Asian, which would mean Tu'La would be the MCD equivalent of Asia, and since Ru'aun is right next to Tu'La, that would mean MCD takes place in either, Africa, the Middle East or Europe, and personally, I think Europe is the most likely out of the bunch.
And THEN I came to the conclusion that O'Khasis is Britain, my reasoning for this is because Garroth's voice actor is British... That's it... Not very much evidence at all, but then again, I am a teenager with EBSA, and that's what my brain thought of.
Other potential evidence for O'Khasis being Britain is the architecture & the focus on what's basically Christianity.
From there, I focused again on the time period MCD takes place in, so I started out with when Britain was last invaded (due to the fact that we see O'Khasis getting invaded by Tu'La in S2), which was 1797, and then I searched up when Britain was first invaded, which was 400 BC (or BI in the world of MCD /j).
I went on to search when the medieval period happened, which was between 1066-1485. During the Medieval period in Britain, Britain got invaded in 1387.
So: in conclusion, I believe MCD took place between 1400 and 1500, and Irene's time took place between 500 and 600.
...Which aligns with my original idea before this very shallow research... So... This was basically useless, but writing this was fun nevertheless!
Have a good day/night/afternoon!
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not-poignant · 11 months
There's a Fenwrel/Gulvi oneshot? 😯 I can't seem to find it in your ao3. Would you mind sharing the link to it? I'd love to read it
It's in the canon extras! You can find it here :)
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mari-lair · 2 years
I think it's obligatory at this point of asking for a fusion dance(..?) for your supernatural akane fic in hogwarts if it's alright
(Ask game: Here)
This is a fun one! I had to tweak the rules since everyone sees ghosts in Hogwarts (so this is truly a fusion of worlds, not a full hp au) to even attempt to translate a scene from "your clock is ticking" to this setting.
A familiar ghost with a bloody head popped from the walls, his hair a dark red curtain of half dried blood and sticky strands. It was a gory sight, truly disgusting, but what always caught Teru's attention was how colorful he looked, his translucid form standing out against the sea of blue-tinted ghosts in the castle.
It took one of the longest arguments he has ever had the displeasure of engaging to realize this nuisance wasn't a sentient magic project aimed to scare off the first years, like Headless Nick, it was the real ghost of an old student. A wizard that fucked up so badly while alive, it turned into this shadow of a being, more of a living curse than a dead human.
Only masters and prodigies were able to see Aka, and yet, for some reason, the teacher insisted Aka protects the school, and Teru should just ignore him, as everyone does.
He would love to ignore him. He really would.
But the pest didn't leave him alone.
"Hey kid, did you know there is a forbidden forest here?" Who doesn't? "I see it all the time from the windows but I never went there." You can't go there, curses can't leave the castle, stop pretending you're still a human with places to explore "And apparently in the summer it grows berries that glow in the dark! I have a few notes on it. Rumors have it if someone -"
"I am trying to make a potion here," Teru said quietly, aware of how much he could ramble to himself if Teru ignored him "Don't you dare make me mix up my instructions with your stupid stick notes, the color pens don’t make your annotations any less useless "
"You think they are stupid?" He snorted, but his eyes flashed with real anger "Careful Teru-chan, your bigotry is showing. As a fellow snake I can guarantee you won't be as beloved if they knew how-"
"You don't have a tie," or a memory "what makes you think you're in Slytherin?" Teru cut him off, refusing to believe the ghost used to be from his house. He doesn't care if he used to be a half-blood, a pureblood, or a war hero, Slytherin stopped caring about that ages ago, but he would rather die than have anything in common with this pest.
Aka was probably a Gryffindor, the worse kind too: No sense of justice, just arrogance, stupidity, and the lack of hability to shut up.
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utsuro experiencing the most heart wrenching pain in existence (oboro left on a mission and no one told him)
Oh, man, can you even imagine? He's been dealing with all these idiots and all these Amanto, the Tendoshu, the Harusame, all these idiots, he's been playing nice but oh, you know he hates them, he's so looking forward to seeing them crash and burn, and he's so looking forward to seeing Oboro, who is the only person he likes, he's looking forward to it, to seeing those dark intense eyes that ask for no condolences and give no mercy, the scar from that night that still slashes across his face, the wavy gray hair like curls of mist, the way Oboro stands so straight and tall in Utsuro's clothes that hang long and a few touches loose on him, he's looking forward to hearing that low rough voice and the way he says "Utsuro-sama", is looking forward to teasing him because Oboro lets him, is looking forward to the way Oboro will update him on relevant new information in the most concise way but with this ruthless theorizing thrown in, Utsuro is looking forward to the way the air feels when Oboro is with him, to the weight of his presence, to the sense of lightness like something has been lifted from his shoulders, he's looking forward to watching the way Oboro moves, to his mannerisms, the way he uses his eyes, the way he uses his words and pitches his voice and all the endearing idiosyncrasies of his mind that he has had since a child and Utsuro has only have grown increasingly fond of -
And then he can't find Oboro anywhere. He can't find Oboro anywhere, and this feeling of cold darkness starts to curl inside him, swirl, and he goes to the person who's left in charge and would know and he asks, with a smile but with all this darkness behind his eyes, "Where's Oboro?" and they tell him he's been sent off on a mission.
He's off on a mission. Utsuro was looking forward to seeing him, and he's off on a mission, they sent Oboro off on a mission and without telling him, and Utsuro is just smiling but oh inside him that darkness is swelling, is roiling, because oh, there is so very, very little that he likes in this world.
But one of them - maybe the only one, aside from the vindictive satisfaction of killing those delusional mortals who had it coming - is Oboro.
So Utsuro turns and sweeps out, and he is smiling, but he is pulling an aura of cold darkness with him down the halls, and he is always an intimidating presence but it is even more intense, now, and everyone who sees it will move out of his way, will be besought by shivers and goosebumps and cold sweat, will be breathing with shallow, fearful breath, because this being as an aura of walking, impending death.
There is a feeling in his hands that he will kill the first person who dares irritate him, and they know it. He's done it before, when his patience has been tested, but oh, it's never quite been as bad as this -
How dare they send Oboro off on a mission without telling him. How dare they. As if Oboro is theirs, when Oboro is his.
He will make sure that he sees Oboro when Oboro gets back, and no one will be able to prevent him from this.
(And when he does see Oboro, it will be with all this roiling darkness still swirling, because how dare Oboro let them send him off, but Oboro unlike everyone else does not shiver or balk, does not falter, holds his gaze unremittingly and then closes his eyes and bows his head slightly, explains in the most reasonable way why he went and what the importance of the mission was and how it benefits Utsuro's plan, and Oboro is utterly, completely remorseless, and he stands in Utsuro's old clothes amid all of Utsuro's darkness, undaunted and unafraid and utterly, completely loyal, and the darkness will slowly slip away from Utsuro, the tenseness will fall from his shoulders, he will breath easier and the air will be lighter because Oboro is just. Oboro. And before him, Utsuro is not a monster. His emotions are not monstrous; his emptiness is not monstrous. And that terrible darkness? He doesn't have to hold onto it, because it doesn't have any effect on Oboro, anyway, and with Oboro is the only time, the only place, where he can feel this sense of lightness.)
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crazy-queen-winx · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Winx Club Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Bloom & Icy (Winx Club) Characters: Trix (Winx Club), Bloom (Winx Club), Faragonda (Winx Club) Additional Tags: Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Cannibalism, Blood, Alien Biology, My First Fanfic, bit of Faragonda slander Summary:
There is a way to steal Bloom’s Dragon Flame. Trix just have to eat her heart.
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evidently-endless · 2 months
i think we should remind musicians they can absolutely make up little stories for their songs btw. it doesn’t have to be about them at all. you can invent a guy and put him in situations to music. time honoured tradition in fact.
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cronenfag · 2 months
as far as i'm concerned all gore is necessary
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