#but it was kind of uhhhhhhhhhhhhh
cinnamonsikwate · 2 years
just rewatched space sweepers (2021) on netflix and realized something which i don't think is ever actually addressed in text & am not sure if it was supposed to be obvious (bc it didn't even occur to me until now) but - spoilers ahead! -
are james sullivan's occasional body horror episodes a result of a nanobot treatment gone wrong/gone right? like it may be what's keeping him alive well beyond typical human life expectancy, but it's also putting him through excruciating pain. bc we see the veins on his face receding as the hydrogen bomb goes off, and we know that the heat output from an h-bomb explosion is the only thing that can kill nanobots (except the langrangian ones apparently), so.....?? is the reason why sullivan showed up out of nowhere at the last minute bc he was already supposed to be there, trying to get away from the bomb as well?
anyway. the film's been out over a year but i don't remember seeing anything about this particular aspect before. would be pretty interesting if it's actually canon!
also. i hate sullivan's backstory and the bizarre anti-semitic implications; it puts a v significant dampener on an otherwise good film (aside from tiger park's dreads jfc). my proposal for an alternate backstory (developed with my sib) goes:
push back the timeline. make it the 2100s or 2200s. doesn't really matter
following this, sullivan would have been born some time in the first half of the 2000s
instead of a war orphan who turns to eugenics (bruh???), he's instead born into privilege and his dad is basically elon musk. uts corp starts out as basically spacex
keep the nanobots bit! they're injected into him at some point - to cure a sickness, just for the hell of it, whatever. whether or not his dad has a hand in it depends on how heavy-handedly we want to draw the parallels with kot-nim and *her* dad. in any case, seeing how kot-nim's nanobots protect and help her, unlike his, will fuck sullivan up and contribute to why he so badly wants to destroy her after he's done exploiting her
this sullivan is a man obsessed with legacies (and not the "purity" of the human soul holy shit). he struggles at first to uphold his father's legacy. when he surpasses it by building eden, it's a slippery slope. now he wants to leave *his* own mark as flashily as possible, collecting orphans (including tae-ho and captain jang) & "raising" them in his own twisted version of parenthood to be "geniuses"
i think captain jang should have been more sullivan's protégé than tae-ho, which could also explain why she's more reluctant to "parent" kot-nim bc she doesn't know what a healthy parent-child relationship is supposed to look like. would have also given more weight to the revelation that she's tried to kill him multiple times. i like to think tae-ho had a mentor he was close to in the space guard - the closest thing he had to a parent, maybe the one who actually found him first before sullivan literally carried him in his arms to uts. maybe they died just before the mission where he found su-ni, and that's partly why he decided to save her
this film has everything - anti-capitalism, the juxtaposition of blood ties with found family, breaking cycles of abuse, nanobots!
this is A Lot of backstory though - which is why i wish space sweepers had been a tv series instead, so we could also have gotten more on everyone else. in any case, it's still a p good film with a lot of heart and great rewatch value! two hours just fly by!
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clownprince · 1 year
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love this panel he is sooooo babie <3
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lambergeier · 6 months
in totally unrelated gunnerkrigg court news, is the reveal that robot's secret plan for all these years was literally to just Become A Christian Devil the most boring thing tom's ever done? well, the whole 'two annies' era was also pretty fucking bad, so who's to say!!!
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deadrlngers · 2 years
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can’t go on an adventure without company, so who will you choose? ⚔️
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dysansohmin · 4 months
absolutely the most baffling ship I've gotten writing all ths is venat/elidibus
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as kids who love horror and like theatre enough to repeated do that, brooke rodgers & zeke matthews getting to do that true combo event: i mean, trick-or-treat / becostumed halloween larping of course, but also putting together &/or putting on any event wherein there's Decorating an Environment to be hallowscary....making some form of haunted house walkthrough deal, manning your own trick-or-treat stop and making it into an Experience for anyone, throwing a halloween party that is Not a winetasting vibe Yes babadooks Absolutely going all-in on the Theme beyond just "idk have a costume Maybe"
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alltimewhat · 1 year
quick i have to think of some obscure but tasty dessert to make to make an excuse to go to the store
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rat-off-string · 10 months
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bluehoodedmousebane · 2 months
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I did wind up playing with Elite body types. And a handful of skin. effects? Idk. I feel like most of these are canon compliant, but not to worry! I have completely insane thoughts and another drawing under the cut.
Thank god the people making wikis have moved off of fandom. Halopedia’s is so much better so far.
Basically Sangheili are omnivorous, social, and have two sexes with a tiny amount of dimorphism. Sanghelios is said to be higher gravity than earth, but with both the size of the planet and the not-great body plan of the elites the difference would be minimal. You can assume from their pupils that they were most likely crepuscular ambush predators. They historically used their mouths to grapple prey, but do not use them to actually eat the food. Instead they use their hands to break down their food, and swallow the manageable pieces whole. They also lay eggs rather than give live birth, and their young must be incubated even after hatching.
The randomized reptile traits are really funny to me, and I want to take it very slightly further.
I can’t find any information on clutch sizes, but I’d like to change the sexual dimorphism to have females be slightly bigger than males. No real reason, especially without fecundity info, but the women rant is not one I’ll be posting.
I also want Sangheili to continue growing throughout their life, with diminishing returns. Like. A guy who’s fifty and 7’ 9” might end up being 8’ 1” when he’s 70.
Now for the completely unfounded shit.
I also cannot find a firm answer on whether they’re warm or cold blooded. Both of them would be fun to play with, and both would be fairly realistic for their size and environment. I think making them mesotherms would be a funny middle ground, and the body temps rising with size could be. Vaguely? Useful for larger females incubating?
I’m thinking the thought of internal dominance presentations for both of the sexes. Kind of. Not in any way that really matters modern day. Basically long term stress-> long term stress hormones-> hormones activate other hormones-> slight body changes for the individual. Dominant males and females can grow bigger and act more volatile. Socially they do often try and lead the people around them, enforce some control, but they aren’t actually seen any different. They’re just like. Adults going through second puberty. So I guess it’s not exactly a dominance thing. This is me bullshitting an explanation for why Thel seems so much bigger in 5 than he does in 2 and 3.
also uhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Rtas.
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unwishablestars · 7 months
Hi I’m not sure if you take this type of requests and if you don’t you can just ignore it. Could you do Cassidy, Hanzo, Genji, Lifewaever and Mauga (not sure if you writ for him) comforting their s/o after they got rescued from being kidnapped. Can you also add that the s/o was pregnant but had a miscarriage due to the kidnapping? If you don’t want to add the last bit that’s fine.
Thank you. 😊
I failed
Pair(s): Cassidy x Pregnant!Reader | Hanzo x Pregnant!Reader | Genji x Pregnant!Reader | Lifeweaver x Pregnant!Reader
Genre: Angst , Hurt/Comfort (little comfort ngl)
Word Count: 1.3k
Tags: Headcanons, Angst, Miscarriage, Multi-Character, uhhhhhhhhhhhhh
TWs: Miscarriage, Kidnapping, Angst, Mildly-described violence
Summary: Cassidy/Hanzo/Genji/Lifeweaver's partner get kidnapped while pregnant leading to reader's miscarriage.
A/N: HIIIII ANONNNN!!! Thank you so much for your request!<3 I'm really sorry about the delay since life got in the way a bit :( And sorry I don't write for Mauga cuz idk how yet--- fresh hero ykyk</3 I hope you like this though!! Sorry for the delay again :(
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Even before joining overwatch Cassidy was already a pretty wanted man due to him being part of the dead lock gang
And it never really changed when he joined overwatch
Though this time he wasn't a criminal but he was still in a dangerous field, but you always loved him because you've seen him in all the ways he loves you.
He was swooned when he met you.
One cheesy love story later, BOOM, you're preggers.
Whether you were a civilian or an agent, Cassidy WILL NOT let you get involved with his work while pregnant.
So he was absolutely distraught when he couldn't find you in you're shared home.
He walks through the door calling out for your name, ready to pamper you for the night, only to get no response.
Suddenly, he sees the signs of struggle. Knocked over furniture, thrown books, and just a general mess of your home
He is frantic.
Starts yelling your name, running around the house trying to look for you. "..Fuck..FuckfuckfuckfuckfuckFUCK"
After a few hours, they eventually locate you. They waste no time at all.
The plan was simple, (maybe even too simple), just get you out of there. Unharmed.
Cole, with worry and adrenaline as strong as ever, finds you tied to a chair. Crying, distraught, and bleeding.
Now you lay on the base's medic bay, face showing numbness as you learned the news of your baby.
Everyone had left after attempting to comfort you. All except for you lover.
He held your hand as he felt a familiar pain of loss, holding back tears, he just wanted to make sure you knew you weren't alone. And that he is so sorry.
"Darlin.. fuck.. I'm so sorry.. I was supposed to protect you. Our child.. it's my-- I'm so fucking sorry, love. Please.. please don't hate me."
Of course you didn't hate him. But too exhausted to speak, you brought his hand up to your cheek and weakly said "Just.. stay.."
"Darlin.. I will never leave your side."
Hanzo has been hiding in the shadows and constantly on the run for years. Alone. Until you, of course.
You offered to give him a place to stay after seeing him about to doze off sitting on a bench in the park
"No, it's fine. I'm just resting." He was literally about to pass out--
He had eventually opened up to you after much persistence and kindness, and grew incredibly fond of you.
To him, you brought him peace.
For a while, he tried to lessen contact with you as to avoid any conflicts with the people searching for him.
But he was conflicted when he found out you were pregnant. He did not want to leave your side but he also did not want to endanger you, especially in this state.
After some reassurance, he agreed to stay and take care of you.
He had hoped he would lay low enough that not only would he have to worry about your safety but also be able to be a present father to his child.
But when he came to your shared home and the door wide open, he fuckin lost it.
Frantically looking for you in your home, swearing all sorts in his home tongue didn't solve the issue.
He couldn't find you but he did find an envelope containing you're whereabouts.
They've been planning this for a while, how long were they watching him? Why did they only strike when you're health was so critical.
Hanzo was livid realizing this.
He headed to your location and found you tied to a chair, sac over your head, in a dimly lit warehouse
He knew it was a trap but ain't no way he would let anyone put a finger on you.
After being roughed up himself, (but ultimately beating the shit put of a of em) he took a look at you and saw the bruises, the scrapes
and the blood down there
he held you close, forever blaming himself for what happened
Genji and you met during your time in overwatch while they were in their prime
He was emo back then but you liked that,
And when he realized he liked you're unconditional admiration, he liked you too.
He didn't admit it of course, neither to himself nor to you but whatever.
Years later, Winston sends the recall.
And he was pleased to find out you had come back,
With a new mentality, a new acceptance of himself, and a more open acceptance of your love.
This time he made the first move, trying to act smooth like his pre-overwatch days, but his stuttering and nervousness gave it away though.
He was worried you'd remembered him as the angry and vengeful man he once was, but you saw who he was deep down
Which is the exact reason why he fell in love with you.
Eventually, after feeling a bit of morning sickness he urged you to go Mercy or Bap or anyone to help you get better.
Only for you to find out you're pregnant.
You stayed away from missions for a while as Genji requested, at most doing paperwork and helping a bit around the base.
But when the base was suddenly attacked, Genji pinned, yelling at you to stayed back.
You tuned out his pleads and gripped your weapon to help the father of your child.
And you did, but you were knocked out and taken away. He was too weak to reach you.
They immediately set out to rescue you, fully aware of your vulnerable state.
Though they had insisted for Genji to heal up first, through his broken visor, he shot them a glare that wouldn't stop him from saving his love.
After finding you in a cell, bruises all over in a weakened state, unconscious, he carried you back to the ship and held you close, eye getting watery.
You woke up in a hospital bed in the medbay, the first thing you notice being the ache your body feels, and the pain in your stomach.
Then, you notice your lover hold you close and tight.
Followed by the sorrowful looks of the doctors.
They left to give you two some space.
"I'm.. so sorry.. please.. forgive me.."
With tears in your eyes, you held each other close, never wanting to let go again.
You had worked alongside Lifeweaver in his development of biolight,
He loved having you at his side.
Soon he took you dates, brought you gifts and food, too show appreciation.
Not realizing he was indulging in his growing love for you.
After giving him some clarity of his feeling with a bold kiss, you two were inseparable, even more than before.
After you had missed you're period, you showed your lover the positive test and he way beyond joyful.
He always urged you to rest and didn't let you lift a finger. He didn't want you to be stressed or worried, he saw such beauty in you.
But those you wanted his biolight saw opportunity.
He was out buying food for you and his future baby but he came home to an open door, silence, thrown trinkets and portraits.
In his panic, he wondered whether or not he would need to contact his family. Or Satya. Or Baptiste. Anyone.
He received a video file on his desktop.
Asking for the acces to his biolight as well as the information to it's creation.
He was shaking, he wasn't strong enough to fight them on his own, he needed help. He needed you. Please come back to me.
He cannot wait any longer. He caved. Only for you. And for them.
He had sent all the information they needed. And as breathed heavily on his knees. He heard a vehicle arrive at his estate.
He hurried out, even almost tripping in the process, he needed to see you were okay, that you were both okay.
He saw you being lead to the front gate, and the abductors lackey walking back to their vehicle.
Giving him a face of no remorse.
As he held you in his arms once again, the look in your eyes had told him everything.
You two stayed there. Just feeling the comfort of what you two still had. Each other.
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southernreaches · 2 months
Rules: pretty self explanatory. include physical descriptions or pics, and propaganda. the “other” label can be used for “sexuality misalignment” (ie: oc is femme and you’re gay, vice versa or you aren’t into smashing but a specific thing you wanna do with them like perhaps hug or study them under a microscope idc).
i was tagged by @mt07131 thank you !!! :D
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uhh shit propaganda... uhhhhhhhhhhhhh
height: 5ft on the DOT
age: 24 but if u asked they would always say a random number
sex: afhiri is intersex and on fantasy T! she identifies as transfem
pronouns: she/they but would answer to anything ngl
sexuality: she hasn't thought about this. bisexual though
extra: afhiri is audhd, poly and kink positive ^_^
afhiri is a lot of fun to be around if you can handle high energy people who do not think ever and just acts and speaks without any care and will charge ahead like a bull seeing red, except with a massive grin and a skip in their step ! :D afhiri will burst into song or start dancing or play their flute or recite terrible poetry at a moments notice !! just because u are having sex does not mean you are safe !!!!!!!!
if you ever . however. try to have a srs conversation with afhiri.. try to have some emotional depth with afhiri.... try to Start a Relationship with Afhiri ........... she is running. sorry ! ^_^ u have to be very special to get afhiri to stick around for anything emotionally intense !!!!
but fwb or one night stands ? i dont think afhiri would say no to anyone this baby wants to experience as much as possible and try many things and. many people :3 afhiri is extremely enthusiastic and positive about sex they find it to be a super fun activity and will be smiley , giggly and happy throughout !!! sex is casual for them and they wholeheartly believe in platonic sex/friends having sex for fun !!
tagging random people from this post undercut !! if i didnt tag u and u wanna do this - consider urself tagged by meeeeeeeee :D
@aeducanthaig @roseeway @morgeth @feitanportor
@xanfeursel @heinrix @ikarons @drakefisher
@artemisagapetos @full---ofstarlight @vitanithepure @kibellah
it feels kind of weird tagging people in this like YOU. WILL YOU SLEEP WITH MY OC?! but pls i just wanna see u do it with an oc..........
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tildeathiwillwrite · 26 days
Tag Game: Writeblr Interview
Thanks to @cowboybrunch for the tag, this looks fun!
Long post incoming.
Short stories, novels, or poems?
I find I end up with novelette/novella-length stories more often than not. I've written plenty of one-shots and short stories for prompt events, and I like doing that especially when I'm doing fanfiction or nameless characters. When I write with ocs though I tend to stretch stuff out and what had originally started as a one-shot or short story ends up becoming a novella.
Don't get me wrong I have plenty of WIPs planned out to be novels (like Trials of the Six), but the first drafts of The Hunter, the Myth and the Cure and The Legend of Orian Goldeneye were both novella-length and will probably stay that way or end up being longer. My Hero x Villain series ended up being a novelette, so basically I can't plan for how long a story's gonna be lol.
I've written a little bit of poetry (heck, I wrote one for The Legend of Orian Goldeneye that may or may not get cut), but it's not my favorite thing to write because I way overthink things. But when I do compose poetry I usually do limericks.
What genre do you prefer reading?
Fantasy, no contest. And within fantasy, usually High Fantasy with a lightcore or hopecore focus. I read some gritty stuff, but I find they tend to have elements I don't really like more than the ones I do.
Are you a planner or a write as I go kind of person?
Both? I like having an idea of where the story's gonna go, and I plan that out either before writing or while writing, so I don't get stuck. But it's really loose and gives plenty of room for the characters to go feral. I'm in the middle, but I lean more panster than plotter.
What music do you listen to while writing?
Soundtracks, usually from videogames or movies. I really should start organizing my two writing playlists by vibes other than calming music and boss fight-type, but I'm pretty happy with how I have it now. I also have some seasonal aesthetic playlists which match the vibe of the current weather.
Field Music Playlist (calming background soundtracks)
Boss Fight Playlist (pump-up, more exciting soundtracks)
Seasonal Aesthetics: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
Favorite books/movies?
Oh goodness.
My knee-jerk answer for favorite movie is and always will be The Princess Bride. But I also really like Back to the Future, The Martian, and Clue.
With books I tend to separate them into categories. For fantasy I would say it's a tie between Dragonlance: Dragons of Autumn Twilight by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman, The Death Gate Cycle: Hand of Chaos by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman, Mistborn: The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson, and Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynn Jones.
For sci-fi it's The Martian by Andy Weir, followed closely by Skyward by Brandon Sanderson.
My favorite classic is Little Women by Louisa May Alcott, followed by Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin.
And for nonfiction I like Stuck by Justina Van Manen, The Healing Imperative by Mike Aquilina, and Beautiful Holiness by Kathleen Beckman.
And of course the Holy Bible and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Any current WIPs?
This post is getting long enough already, I talk about my WIPs here and they're all linked in my pinned post in one way or another.
Create a character description of yourself:
Quiet, and keeps to herself. Never without a book, never without a rosary. Her brown hair is long, reaching nearly past her waist, and often kept up in a ponytail or a braid. She dresses mostly in dark colors, black jeans or skirt and a shirt or blouse that is black, navy, or gray, but occasionally wears a bright shirt. She wears little to no makeup unless she feels like being extra fancy. She always has a ring on her right hand, and usually a bracelet that matches her outfit, both of which she fiddles with. Her friends are few but she loves them dearly, and they are often on her mind. Though she may be quiet most of the time, she never hesitates to speak up for what she believes in.
Do you like incorporating actual people you know into your writing?
Eh... not really. I know my own thoughts and experiences much better than those around me and I wouldn't wish a lot of the stuff I do to my characters on the people I know so it just feels kinda weird to me.
Are you kill happy with your characters?
I find I like to bring my characters to the brink of death and back again rather than just killing them unless I want to write about grief. I'm more kill happy with immortal characters for the same reason.
Coffee or Tea while writing?
Usually just water, but if I can get my favorite iced coffee drink than I'd be happy to drink that.
Slow or fast writer?
It varies depending on the amount of research I have to do in a scene, but I think I write pretty fast. I haven't measured my words-per-minute in a while but it was pretty good if I recall correctly.
If you were in a fantasy world, what would you be?
I'd love to be a guide of some kind, part of the group enough that I won't get killed off. I'm pretty good with navigation and maps, and I'd like to have powers (minor ones, not overpowered) but that would depend on the fantasy world.
Most fav book cliche:
Scoundrel with a heart of gold. I eat that up like a starving woman. Han Solo, Mat Cauthon, Ifan Ben-Medz, etc. Draven Cozenson, Diana Ozborne and Korfel Domin are two oc examples.
Least favorite cliche:
Love triangles. Frustrates me to no end, especially how most of them are resolved and how they really only seem to drive wedges in the fandoms (Keeper of the Lost Cities fandom, I'm looking at you.) I have no love triangles in my stories and I never will. I have minimal romance anyway but in the two I got there is no competition.
Favorite scene to write?
*evil grin* Love writing the whump or hurt/comfort scenes, all my ocs get whumped in some form or another, and I have fun every single time.
Reason for writing?
Creative expression, love for my ocs, with a dash of "I maked these :D"
In all seriousness, it's a hobby that I love. It sparks joy and it's a craft that I continuously improve upon and the more I write the better I get at writing. I also occasionally fantasize about publishing one day and my books having fandoms of their own. Maybe that will happen someday.
This was fun! Tagging @fourwingedwriter @phoenixradiant @thewritingautisticat @writingphoenix @somethingclevermahogony
@agirlandherquill @happypup-kitcat24 @imsoveryveryconfusedatlife @geode-crystal @pluttskutt and open tag! :D
Blank list under the cut:
Short stories, novels, or poems?
What genre do you prefer reading?
Are you a planner or a write as I go kind of person?
What music do you listen to while writing?
Favorite books/movies?
Any current WIPs?
Create a character description of yourself:
Do you like incorporating actual people you know into your writing?
Are you kill happy with your characters?
Coffee or Tea while writing?
Slow or fast writer?
If you were in a fantasy world, what would you be?
Most fav book cliche:
Least favorite cliche:
Favorite scene to write?
Reason for writing?
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tempkiriri · 6 months
Tiger & Bunny Week (Day 1)
Technically I'm late but uhhhhhhhhhhhhh
April 2: Favorite Character, Episode, Movie, and/or Song
Most people seem to be doing them all, but I'll be skipping movie since there's only 2 of them.
Favourite Character:
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MY CRINGEFAIL SON IVAN!!!! I relate to him immensely, even his dynamic with Edward I'd say I can somewhat relate to with someone in my life. It's uncanny. He tries his best to be outgoing but anxiety and self esteem issues sure are fucking bitches, so he can only really do it behind a mask. Even in S2 whilst his whole outlook may have taken a bit of a rollback, that's honestly realistic, not everyone can just keep marching and continuously improving themselves, there are setbacks and holes you can fall into at times. I wish we knew more about his personal life beyond his backstory of getting bullied as a child + what vague stuff we have of his hero academy days, a lot of heroes suffer from this, however. His passion for his hobbies is also just like me. He's cringe but he is free, just like many of us wish to be. Runner up is Keith I love the Autistic dog man
Favourite Episode:
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I gotta go with Sky's The Limit. The title is a very OH GEE WHOS FOCUS EPISODE IS THIS kind but genuinely it doesn't prepare you for the content. There's a wholeass lore drop, an intense fight scene with a robot, and of course Keith being Keith. It also puts into focus just how much pressure heroes are put under when it comes to the rankings, and second place apparently not being enough for Poseidon Line is a very corporate reality. It's go big or go home. The ending is also like OH MY GOD IM CRYING???? Like, we know Cis isn't very capable of behaving like a human, but Keith doesn't realise she's not human at all, he treats her as any other person and falls harder than an anvil for her despite their short time in contact. It makes me think that Cis had a potential to be something, someone more than she was initially made for. And these two are a bit of a guilty pleasure ship that me and like 2 other people in the west side seem to ship and yes I will be taking those "Keith is still lowkey in love with her even in S2 era" crumbs thank you-
Favourite Song:
Oh shit this is where it gets tricky. I have so many, so I'll split it into categories:
OP: Earth Diver ED: Pilot Character Song: GHHHAAAAAA DONT MAKE ME CHOOOOOSE Other supplementary Song: Orion Wo Nazoru Hero Cover
I can't really put to words for Earth Diver, but I really like how it starts and kinda soothes you into the song before it really kicks. The lyrics are also very passionately sung.
I really like the calmer tone of Pilot and even though the explicitness of the shippyness isn't as heavy as Aida, the subtlety honestly fits them more. The credits themselves are also just beautiful; the visual aspect of them hits immensely hard in ep 14 especially since you saw what could happen to their suits in the fight the episode prior, and they're both no longer in their prime. Closing it out as they stare at the sunset makes me emotional and Proud Fiesta I love you but goddamn why did you return for Episode 25 that was a fucking mood killer I stg.
I love a lot of the character songs, with the ones from Best Of Hero very enjoyable romps, especially Mikirezakura and Thanks and Thanks Again, the energy these two songs have makes you wanna coreograph something. Some other highlights are POWER OF JUSTICE and Aaa Hero Suit. (Also Hidden Heroism actually kinda sucks it tries to be Mikirezakura 2 and thus loses out on an identity of its own which is very disappointing).
I love the harmony of the heroes cover of Orion, I can really picture them all in recording booths singing next to each other...who's the cheering guy, though? I've listened to this cover so many times and the line the cheering guy seemingly sings just sounds like Hirata's Kotetsu, I don't get it. I get wanting to balance the lyrics between groups and characters evenly but that was an awkward way to do it.
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thebestoftragedy · 1 year
What kind of food do you personally eat/avoid? Could be for ethical, environmental, or religious reasons. If you eat everything in a category but maybe avoid one for health (e.g. egg allergy), choose whatever fits best. If you have a specific religious diet (e.g. Ital), choose what you think fits best and explain in tags. If you are on a “carnivore” diet uhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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hikennosabo · 9 months
#tristampparty day 4, episode 4: hungry!
HAPPY WOLFWOOD WEDNESDAY AND DAY 4 OF @tristampparty!! i've watched this episode at least half a dozen times so... LET'S GOOOOO
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it's been pointed out a million times already but lol lmao even. i want to eat rocks.
this is more subtle if you dont know japanese but wolfwood being introduced in episode 4 is also a death flag. did they plan it this way on purpose. (4=shi=death)
also the radio dj for this episode is masaya onosaka again!
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it just breaks my heart, man. god when i read volume 7 and realized that's where orange got this from. man. man.
wolfwood getting hit by the truck is funny i'm sorry.
okay i'm kind of confused actually about what the plan was here... like we know that wolfwood was sent to be vash's guide, but him getting hit by the truck was OBVIOUSLY NOT PLANNED so the group finding zazie at the fuel station wasn't planned either. like. based on what zazie says later in the episode, they were "helping" wolfwood gain vash's trust by creating an enemy for them to face together. so did zazie just do all of this on the fly? should i just assume that zazie knows everything that's going on all the time? did they see what was going on from the worm cloud above that we see at the start of the episode? even though those worms were just... microbial? so they determined which fuel station the truck was going to stop at and killed the people there and disguised themself... that must have been what happened, right?
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and what's with this. there was a post i saw a while ago where op said they don't like how orange adapted this scene. because the context is changed. because zazie and wolfwood are working together so instead of this being an act of genuine kindness wolfwood is just... acting i guess. but i don't know. does wolfwood even know this is zazie at this point. maybe he's stupid idk KLJDSFKLSDFJ or is it that he can't help himself because zazie LOOKS like a child?? I REALLY DON'T KNOW WHAT TO MAKE OF THIS SCENE NOW.
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this is clearly an act though i mean unless orange has some insane as-yet-unseen backstory for zazie, these aren't genuine tears
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it's so funny how vash gives roberto the bill like this. like, "daaaad..."
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so he says, with zazie at the center of the composition.
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they tried to spike him up a little bit, but no matter how you look at him, i don't think he's worthy of the title of needle-noggin. this is just wolfwood subconsciously remembering what he called vash in previous timelines (<- JOKE)
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i wonder about this. the only "human" who can control worms is zazie. humans, plural, though? how many human disguises has zazie taken on over the years?
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wolfwood has given negative reasons for vash to trust him. this is just vash subconsciously remembering his relationship with wolfwood in previous timelines (<- JOKE)
vash's little sneeze after him and wolfwood get sneezed out of the worm is sooooo cute
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they're just lying out their ass they're fully aware that vash is a plant
ehhh i've said this before but i don't like how orange adapted zazie... they're very different from their manga counterpart. they're one of the most changed characters i think. i don't like their design that much either... the half-pants... idk... i like the bug mask at least...? i like that there's some insect-like design elements but... eh...
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honestly shout out to these guys. the real stars of this episode fr
interesting how roberto is the one who distrusted wolfwood the most but doesn't actually oppose wolfwood going with them...? meryl is the one most opposed...
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what moment does he mean. talking about his gate so does he mean in episode 3? from when... right before he shot his gun at knives, maybe? there was a weird aura... i thought it was because of what knives did to vash's gun but... uhhh.... uhhhhhhhhhhhhh (steam comes out of my ears from thinking too hard)
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uhhhh. this is ninelives. there's more than one of him. is this how they adapted ninelives... instead of being piloted by nine guys there are nine... of him... like... nine big guys... nine robots(?)...????
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haha. yeah. and knives hates that. :')
that ends episode 4... we're really getting into it now...
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francismosses · 6 months
this is a reply to the "what kind of fanfics" question yu asked
uhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... normal fanfics!!! i totally do not own the @rara_whee account on ao3 with the vladimir putin in a maid dress as a pfp where my first post was.... something
Putin in a maid dress WHAT.
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