#but it’s gotta go somewhere so 🤷🏻‍♀️
More and more I’m beginning to question the existence of the kinda love I thought existed.
Maybe there’s a reason you only see it in the movies. Maybe it just really doesn’t exist.
So many people wanna appear happy online in front of all their peers, but I wonder how many of them are as happy as they pretend to be. I know my fair share of one’s who aren’t.
I wanna be for real happy. I don’t wanna be fake. But I don’t know if that’s even real.
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Hey can I request something with judd birch I don't really have a prompt can you just make something fluffy and cute I need some soft love in my life lol
I literally had a dream about this last night, so here you go lol sorry it’s not like super soft, it’s just school hc’s
Tags: gn! Reader, kinda?, leaning towards fem, mentions of s e x 🫣, and alcohol, Judd’s driving, school should be an actual warning tbh
Summary: the one day a month when Judd show’s up to school.
Author’s note: I skipped my math class to write this,, 🤷🏻‍♀️ yk you gotta think like your characters when you write about them lmfao
Surviving a day in school with Judd
Word count; 1,1K
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so, let’s say your boyfriend has one of those rare days where he decides to actually show up to school
He’s so, so tired in the morning
I’m talking slow blinking, yawning and constantly leaning his forehead on stuff to try and catch a quick nap in class or while standing up
He’s also constantly complaining, acts like it’s your fault he has to be there
He will be following you around the entire time too
No one will talk to you willingly the whole day because Judd is just always standing broodingly behind you
You’re getting something from your locker? Judd is standing there, scowling and leaning against the lockers besides yours so no one except you can get to their stuff
You’re talking to your friends? Judd will still just stand there a bit behind you, glaring at your friends or using his whole body weight to lean on you
Even if you’re talking to his friends, he’s not that talkative, he prefers just to let you lead the conversation
He does actually have those, friends I mean, like people he can hang out with if you’re not available, or people who host parties
You’re definitely getting initiated into his friend group as soon as you start dating, they’re all kinda like him anyways so you’d fit right in lol
But omg he’s so clingy at school
He just misses you between classes, yk? ),:
After the first classes, he’ll be more awake
You can’t tell if that’s good or bad tbh
It’s not like he actively goes out of his way to disturb classes or anything, but he’s definitely not an ideal student either
Like, he’s not one of those annoying kids who purposely talk really loudly or throw stuff or whatever
but he will sit with his feet up on his desk if he feels like it, doesn’t respond when he gets called on, will call the teacher a colourful variety of curse words and ends up getting kicked out and send to the office
Maybe just don’t call on him and he won’t insult you? 🤷🏻‍♀️
(He’s also literally the worst partner for assignments ever)
That’s in his own classes at least,, let’s say you share a PE class with him and it will very quickly turn into “hey let’s skip and go fuck in the bathroom”
The days were Judd shows up to school is definitely the days you get in trouble/ and/ or detention
Okay but that’s another thing, the other half of the day he will just show up outside of your classes
Either because he got kicked out of his or he has a break or something, he’ll just stand outside and wait for you to come out so he can drag you somewhere and yk,, get all the horny out of his system
Maury also straight up refuses to deal with Judd’s school, as soon as he enters he’s doing his best to convince Judd to find you and have sex or something instead
Omg,, the many, many, poor people you’ve traumatised in the school bathroom or parking lot
(He will also fuck you in his car in front of the school lmfao)
You usually eat lunch with Leah or your respective group of friends, but when Judd’s there you’ll eat with him
(You probably have to pay for his lunch🧍🏻)
Sometimes, though, he’ll drive you two out to get McDonald’s or something
Leah will sit with you at lunch too, so she can bully Judd for showing up or rant to him about something or whatever
Also if anyone’s bothering her, Judd is the best way for her to get out of talking to them
After lunch, you have a class with Leah so he’s once again left to his own devices
He reluctantly goes to his own class because he doesn’t have anything else to do lol
Unless it’s a teacher that’s really really nice, he gets kicked out again
The man literally spends the entire school day just roaming around because he keeps getting send to the office lmfao
He would probably try to get into the school’s vents as well? He’ll crawl over to where your class is and bother you by throwing paper or something through the vent
You’re just sitting in class, and suddenly a bunch of small paper scraps falls from the ceiling and lands in your hair
You look up, only to see your boyfriend grinning and gesturing with his head for you to leave the room
Leah sees it too and has to do her best not to burst out laughing 🫣
Surprisingly, he shows up to after school detention
Definitely not because you dragged him there and told him it was his fault for getting you roped into it as well—
You two sit in the back, and you try to do your homework while Judd naps
Sometimes you’ll share headphones or Judd will steal some of your notebook paper and draw on it
Judd is super distracting literally by just existing, he’s the loudest quiet person ever if that makes sense
When you’re finally out of school, Judd is by default expecting yet another rendezvous in the back of his van
It’s actually kinda fascinating how much the guy can go in just one day—
But anyways, he’ll drive you home or to his house or wherever you wanna go
Sometimes you come with him to pick up Nick from school
Okay so here’s one of Judd’s secrets
He can actually drive like a normal person 😮
I mean, sure he’s always a bit above the speed limit and a bit too close to hitting ppl walking close to the road, but he almost only drives like a race car driver when Nick’s in the car
Because he knows Nick hates it lol
You would have gotten used to it by now, because you know he isn’t actually gonna hit someone
But Nick doesn’t know that
Driving really, really fast is probably also a way for Judd to destress or wind down after a long, and boring, school day
He’ll pass the fuck out when he gets home from school
Well, he’ll knock back half a Jack daniels and raid the fridge and then pass out
You’re more than welcome to anything in the birches fridge yourself, so if you’re feeling particularly nice pls make him something sustainable
His idea of a proper meal is literally a bag of chips— I’m so stressed
Anyways, congrats. You made it through a whole school day with Judd lol
Don’t expect him to show up again tomorrow, though 🤷🏻‍♀️
I love doing Judd headcannons 🤭🤭
Tags: @dlfvrr , @bxbyyyjocelyn
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eoieopda · 1 year
your BTS head canons are so funny to me so I have to ask ~ members as unconventional sexual locales? where are they fucking outside a bedroom?
oh, this is INCREDIBLE. i’ve died at “sex locales,” lmao.
journey with me under the cut, as if it is the beaded curtain at the video rental store, put in place to obscure the porn from minors.
will it stop them? nothing ever does, but we can pretend.
namjoon — what did you expect when you showed up for that hike in those leggings? he’s an ass man. you should’ve known you’d wind up with palms pressed to a tree trunk in the middle of the woods. you gave him no choice!
seokjin — kitchen counter. is it the most hygienic? no, and it’s secretly making him a lil bit squirrelly, BUT he was too focused on you while he was cooking. now, the food is burnt; and he’s gotta eat something. man is famished 🤷🏻‍♀️
yoongi — back of a car in a parking lot/garage. he didn’t want to come to this event in the first place and he deserves a reward for leaving the studio in order to grace the other guests with his presence. tell him he’s wrong, i dare you.
hoseok — club bathroom. it’s quick and it’s sticky, but you look so perfect covered in sweat and glitter (from where? who knows. it’s now all over his hands and he does not care). he needs 👏🏻 you 👏🏻 now 👏🏻 — just know that the song he requested may be up next, so you’ve gotta go fast!!
jimin — hmmmmmmmmmm. i have several thots, but i’m settling on a fitting room, somewhere ✨fancy✨. coco chanel would probably disapprove of what you’re doing in such close proximity to her pastel granny jackets, but she was a n*zi, so who cares? you leave with some sort of matching item/accessory, both because jimin thinks you look cute in it + as a souvenir to commemorate your debauchery.
taehyung — airplane, babeeeey, he’s a jetsetter! he read somewhere that the altitude causes all that blood to migrate south from his brain, and that is precisely the excuse he gives you when the seatbelt light goes off and the whining starts.
jungkook — it’s the bedroom set in ikea when no one else is around because “baby, what else did they set these up for?” he thinks it’s hilarious that it’s a bedroom but not a bedroom; and therefore, this doesn’t count as vanilla. he doesn’t really care if security happens to find you. in fact, he’s going to take his time just to see if they will.
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trulysummersprivate · 3 months
Sometimes I feel overwhelmed or frustrated…it’s weird. I wanted to become an agent (and I’m happy I did), but sometimes I forget to enjoy life and make friends. Like I sometimes don’t even know what to talk about 🤷🏻‍♀️
Do you feel like that? - Mia
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I hate to use this word but it sounds less clinical when I do but you might be a workaholic? Don't get me wrong, doing what you love is a great feeling! Getting up and never hating Mondays, awesome. But there's gotta be a work/life balance. Downtime should be your priority, set aside time to go and do something for you. Meet a friend for coffee, take yourself to the park for a walk, take a drive somewhere new, it won't always be fifty-fifty, but you should aim for that. Work is important but so is life.
A great piece of animation summed this up beautifully a few years ago. It was a throwaway line but it holds so much meaning.
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"Your life is like a pizza. Only half of that should be dedicated to work. The other half is for your personal life. Your personal pizza."
Then maybe you'll have things to talk about. And you'll feel more inclined to set aside that time as needs be.
Does that help? And hey, my door is open when you want to chat @ask-missparker 😊
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such-a-barbarian · 6 months
Weekly Tag Wednesday Thursday
Another Wednesday has come and gone. So here I am on Thursday as usual. Thanks as always to @mybrainismelted and @jrooc for the tags!
how is your day going? It's still kinda early, but overall is shaping up to be a decent one.
are you okay? I mean, yeah, for the most part.
what is your favourite shade of your favourite colour? I don't really have a favourite colour? Is that weird? Like colours are great?
are you single? Nope. Been married for 5 years, together for 15.
are you happy about that? I am. He's a pretty cool dude. Having kids has definitely made things hard, but he's my person, so we put in the effort to make it work.
what age do you feel in your brain? vaguely my current age I guess? I mean there are definitely times when I feel like there is no way I could possibly be in my late 30s (seriously, how the fuck did that happen?!) but also I've lived a lot of life and learned a lot of things, so when I think about the person I was in my 20s or even early 30s it feels very different now.
do you feel like the good times are behind you or ahead of you? Can I be in them? Can they just be all the time? I am an eternal optimist, even when things are hard I will find the good times somehow/somewhere!
do you have a best friend? Not really. I have a few close friends that I adore, but we don’t really consider each other best friends.
did you have a childhood pet? I had a fish called Wanda. 🐠 lol.
do you sing or whistle around the house? I am constantly singing random shit to my kids. Be it singing a task in the tune of Baby Shark (put on your shoes...doo, doo, doo...) or the latest Ms. Rachel hit, there is always something I'd rather not be singing stuck in my head. lol
do you light candles or incense? Candles on occasion, but I am very terrible at remembering to blow them out and I'd rather not burn my house down so it's very rare.
are you busy Friday night? My parents are coming into town tonight, so hubby and I might try a date night while my folks are on kid duty.
if you were a circus performer which act would you be in? Funny story in my grade 9 careers class we had to take a careers quiz and my results came back that I should be a circus performer. Didn't tell me what kind of circus performer, just that I should be one.... 🤷🏻‍♀️
what is your favourite outfit? leggings and an oversized hoodie.
what's the last thing you created? Don't really have time for my own creating as of late. Made a pretty awesome wizard's hat for my kiddo the other day though. 🧙‍♂️
what is your favourite fic or book of all time? Favourite book is probably The Giver by Lois Lowry mostly because it changed the way I thought about reading. It was like a gateway drug for me and opened me up to the wonderful world of reading! Holds a special place for sure. As for fics that is hard, so many good ones to choose from but I re-read Cooperative Game at least once a year, so I gotta pick it!
what are you looking forward to? Just summer in general! I have two family weddings this year and we have lots of travel and camping planned!
what can put you immediately in a better mood? My kiddos giggles and hugs. Sunshine.
do you like hugs? Love them. I am a big hugger!
what is something you wish people understood about you? I don’t know. I feel like I’m a pretty open book. What ya see is what ya get.
Tagging you if you are reading this! Also it’s lunch time and I’m hungry so tagging people seems like a lot effort right now….
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quinloki · 6 months
Hi Quin! Every time I see you ask people to talk about their OCs I always consider it and then back out. Thought I'd go for it today though! I got an absolute shit ton of info on my main character here (it's a long read and even then it still doesn't really cover everything). And some other art of her scattered across my blog.
I have more OCs that always show up in my stories and have had them for a loooooong time. Over the past couple decades they have been inserted into many different worlds (though if you read my girl's info, I mainly mention the two most recent inserts which occured over the past 10 years), so it's always fun to see how certain story aspects and character traits adapt and translate! I have certain set things that always happen across the board in every world. It's odd to me though, because I recently saw somewhere that using the same character(s) over and over again is considered not good or something?? I've been having a blast 🤷🏻‍♀️
I always like to go all-out when I do inserts. Gotta have the opening and ending themes chosen, trailers made up, promo art, all that good stuff. But most important is lore! I love lore and background information - why the characters are the way they are and why they act the way they do. I know my characters well after all this time and love to go in depth with story to the point that my main story I'm currently working on spawned a full prequel story of its own.
Of course, my characters' current home is the world of One Piece! It's why I'm here and why I even made this blog. I'm really loving how this adaptation for everyone has turned out. Strangely enough, it almost feels like every world they've ever been placed in developed them for their story in One Piece, especially my main girl.
Anyway, I am going to stop talking now because I really could just go on and on about all of this. Thanks for the read, and I hope you have a lovely evening~
I think it's perfectly fine to have a set collection of OCs and move them about from world to world if that's what you want to do.
I recently saw somewhere that using the same character(s) over and over again is considered not good or something??
Frankly, personally, I'd trust nothing from a source that says something like that. Entirely too restricting. You can do whatever you want with your OCs and stories. Sounds too much like trying to force people into a box so they're doing "good" things like not writing kink or mary sues or x readers, or whatever else someone has decided is too weird and different to be okay.
It's all hogwash.
You're obviously delighted by what you're doing, so rock on.
I didn't read Carmen's entire post, but I do love her. I love the art, I love the grey morality, the fighter vibes and love of robots. I love the wanderlust and the things that follow her from one world to another.
I'm glad you decided to share \o/ It's brightened my evening getting to meet you and her =3 (Omg she spent time in the Sonic World, I loved that cartoon when I was younger - the real adventure long-form story one that had the arcs and bunny in it. I think I have it on dvd somewhere).
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mangoposts · 9 months
OKAY im finally alone so TW for anyone reading this, i will be mentioning rape & knives/scars.
i'll try to make this short but the summer before i went into 10th grade, i had hung out w this guy and i really did just wanna hang out and go for a drive, but he thought i wanted to hook up. i definitely did not because i was a virgin and never done anything with a guy at all. he was a senior and a lot bigger than me and forced me into having sex w him, i kept saying no and stop and take me home but he just kept getting angrier and eventually held a knife to my like pubic bone? pelvis? just down there idk. so i caved. i hated every second and cried but i stopped fighting. i haven't had sex since then, im 20 years old now and i haven't even been fingered by a guy, never given or received head, and never given a handjob. and im honestly really embarrassed about it and wanna have sex with someone SO BADLY but im scared.
the main reason i'm scared isn't because i'm scared i'll be forced into it again, although that is absolutely in the back of my mind. i'm completely fine now and over the situation, but it does worry me that i could get overwhelmed and the guy im with wouldn't wanna stop. but my bigger fear which im 100x more embarrassed of, is what a guy is gonna think when he sees my pussy. now hear me out bc i know that sounds weird😭 but all throughout high school i always heard guys make comments about how ugly this girls pussy is or how gross this girls is and it terrified me. but now i'm even more scared because of what that guy did to me, he literally cut into my skin and left scars. what is a guy gonna think when he sees that? how am i supposed to explain all this? i just i have a lot of questions and concerns but i'm a fucking 20 year old "virgin" if i can even call myself that, i've technically had sex but i didn't want it so idk if i even count that as a body. i just have been panicking over this for forever and have no idea what to do, if you have any advice at all i'd really appreciate it so so much
- 🌙
Oh baby :-(. Im so sorry this happened to you. You were really young and you didn’t deserve that whatsoever, if you can feel it im giving you a hug thru the phone. Im so so so sorry and i hope that man is dead in a ditch somewhere 🤍
On the other hand, i promise you you have nothing to worry about at all. Im telling you rn and i know it sounds so corny and lame and everybody always says this but its true, the right person is not going to judge you for anything and im so Fr when i say that. Trust when i was in high school guys would say all kinda stupid shit like that about girls in the school and it never bothered me because i knew there was at least one person out there who wouldn’t care about anything other people would talk shit about, and i was right 🤷🏻‍♀️ There’s so many people out there who would find u beautiful the way u are and just because some guys in the past thought in that immature goofy ass way doesn’t mean every guy will you know what i mean?
Babe, my only advice for you is to stay the way you are, hang out w ur frennies and the right person is gon come trust. It’ll come when you aren’t looking for it or worrying about it, when you least expect it to be honest. What you went through was horrible and it might be the worlds way of saying you gotta give yourself time before exploring that area of your life yanno. There’s NOTHINGGG wrong with being a virgin at any age let alone 20. You’re still young and you have ur whole life ahead of you. Don’t worry about this, when it happens it’s gonna be fine you’ll see it
Thank you so much for trusting me to be vulnerable with, im sorry if im treating you too delicately im just speaking thru the soul rn 😭 And again im sorry this happened to you. Even if i dont know u i love u a lot and im proud of you for moving past the situation despite how hard it might’ve been
Also im sorry for taking awhile to get back to you, i just scrolled through my inbox and finally found this
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just-jess-78 · 10 months
I texted him this morning and asked if he could please find someone to stay until he leaves to go back to Texas for work. It’s too uncomfortable and after this weekend that is only going to amplify it. My son has finals in three AP classes this week. I can’t even shower straight…I used body wash in my hair tonight and tried to lather up with conditioner. Yesterday I meant to pour my coffee in the sink but poured right in the floor. I realized today after meal prepping for the week that I hadn’t ate since Tuesday night. I hate uncertainty and I hate feeling like he could walk in anytime he wanted to. It scares me.
Anyway that was at 6:30 this morning. My plan she would still be in bed with him and he would tell her what I said and then how would he explain coming home to his wife when she doesn’t want him there and knows he has a friend he can stay with. Ehhh…gotta think like em sometimes. He just texted back at 10:24 and said “sounds good I’ll be there around 1ish” I’m assuming to get his stuff. I can’t even explain how much better I feel knowing that he’s not going to try crawling his ass in bed with me again.
I want to put his stuff on the porch but I’m not really mad enough to let the whole neighborhood see that shit. If he’d have hit me with this in about ‘98 I would have already poured bleach on every single Sunday Swagger shirt he owns.
I hate that I have to see him again. Maybe I should leave while he’s here. But then again why the fuck would I let a stranger come in my house and leave. He feels completely unknown to me. I have no idea who he is.
I hope he’s enjoyed his little weekend because there isn’t enough money in the world to make me trade places with him right now. I never want to have to fucking date and do all that bullshit again. I know that might change and I’m not saying that I’m giving up on love but they will just need to show up and want to hang out because that’s all I have in me.
That’s how I’ve always ended up with people that I’m 100% not compatible with. I’m single, I start getting invited to do shit and I agree because I feel like I can’t say no ALL the time. So I’m already in an atmosphere where people are doing none of the things I do. Talking about none of the things I like talking about but yet I walk out with a husband 🤷🏻‍♀️ that’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard of.
They’re going to have to catch me at the bookstore or the record store or on a ski lift somewhere in the mountains because if I have to go to the club to find it then it can go ahead and call Tyrone too because I don’t want it.
Next step…make through 1ish tomorrow and then it’s “Arrivederci, mother lover” and maybe then I’ll be able to eat and think and plot better. Muahahaha
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ghost-proofbaby · 1 year
So 🎸 anon with some updates here. firstly, the coworker has been suspended. they're doing an investigation on him but we all think he's fired. our manager pulled in nightshift to have a talk with them (the coworker and one of my work besties) and asked the coworker if he brought a gun in to the store and he of course denied it. apparently he was also very pissed that he has a report filed on him and interrogated my work bestie in the cooler about it convinced it was him (it was but he doesn't need to know that) and I guess he is also pissed with me for going to our manager. but 🤷🏻‍♀️ oh and apparently he told work bestie that he had started bringing his gun back on THE DAY he was asked about bringing it to the store and he was lucky they didn't search him or anything. So if I needed another reason to have not wanted to work with him on Sunday it was knowing that he literally could've had his gun on him.
update 2: I had a serious talk with the guy today. I first asked him where he wanted this to go. he then avoided that question by sending me a picture of his lunch a few hours after I sent that. 🎸 anon was frustrated. I chatted with him a little then I asked him if everything was okay. he sends me a picture of his new laser engraver. I asked him if he was drunk lasering things and if he had made my cup yet. he said maybe. I said maybe to both? he said maybe. 🎸 anon got very frustrated and sent him "you're very good at avoiding the question" and work bestie was proud of me for the snark. he again avoids that by telling me that he bought something on Amazon. I asked him if he got more Legos. he said no he got a flannel. I proceed to have a breakdown in our backroom almost crying bc work bestie and bestie bestie are both like dude if this keeps up this is dead in the water and I full on start catastrophizing being like why is it that all the weird older crazy guys like me why can't I have one good thing i thought this was actually going somewhere etc etc almost crying. then bestie bestie was like ask him what his intentions are with this bc of the mixed signals. so after a great deal of panic I did. he said it takes him a while to like and trust someone and that he's been hurt in the past and that he can see it going somewhere if we hangout more. I told him I understood and would like to hang out more bc I like spending time with him. and I actually bit the bullet and finally told him I've never had a boyfriend before and that I don't know what I'm doing and that I'm fine with going slow and just hanging out. he said it takes him a while to get used to the environment with a new person not knowing if you can trust them. i told him I understood that bc I've been through similar things thinking you could trust someone in my family but it turned out you couldn't. and he said it's hard to let people in but he thinks I get what he's saying.
so I think that went good? we communicated our feelings! I find that a positive. I feel less confused and frustrated. I think that text he sent me last night just sent me into a tailspin and I just needed reassurance.
firstly, i’m SO glad that is happening with the coworker! and i’m so so happy that you have a support system there in place to help you with dealing with someone like that. it can be such a scary situation but you’re doing what you can. just stay safe and stand your ground, love 🖤
as for the boy — it is definitely good that you’re communicating! i am giving him major side eyes for avoiding the questions so much but i mean, at least a conversation was eventually had. dating can be such an uncertain journey and so exhaustive to repeatedly go through the process of letting people in only for them to be extremely temporary sometimes. just be sure to protect your peace!! at the end of the day you’re a treasure 🎸 nonnie and you’ve gotta remember that if this boy ever doesn’t treat you that way.
sometimes life just takes a lil patience from both parties.
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clotpolesonly · 2 years
death cw:
think we’re about to lose grandma. she’s got pneumonia yet again and the doctors are sounding very pessimistic this time. it’s been a long time coming and it’s gotta happen sometime, but it’s surprising for it to be this when she’s made it through decades of cancer, two broken hips, and two spinal fractures 😅 we were hoping she would make it to 95 (another month and a half) but that’s very unlikely. doctors talking about “making her comfortable” and whatnot, so we’re gonna start calling the out of town family and whatnot.
i’m reminded again of how little i grieve compared to others. maybe it’ll be different things time (though i don’t see why it would be, except that i’m a far more depressed and anxious person than i was 5 years ago), but i never cried or got very emotional over dad’s death. i still haven’t. it’s just kind of a thing, really, that he was there and now he’s not. grandma’s gonna just not be there anymore 🤷🏻‍♀️ i barely see her once every few weeks anyway, it’s not like it has a big impact on my life, and i’ve just never understood that whole “there’s an aching hole in the world where this person used to be and knowing they’re not out there somewhere devastates me continually on a conceptual level” thing that most people seem to have going on, at least according to popular media.
mom’s gonna be devastated, obviously, and i can’t blame her. it might be something of a relief though? it was a little bit of a relief when dad died, for all of us, cuz he had cancer and was in a lot of pain. grandma’s just really fucking old and she’s declined so much mentally that it’s distressing for her and it’s really distressing for us, especially mom, to witness and handle. on the phone mom said “we were hoping she’d make it to 95. but i’m not sure she wanted to make it that far.” grandma was a teacher and an artist. for her to have declined this far mentally is unfortunate. so it’s probably okay. i bet mom wishes that she was still a religious believer, so she could comfort herself with the idea of grandma being reunited with her husband and son, but alas.
anyway. just rambling thoughts. grandma’s had a long and productive life. it’s gonna be really awkward when everybody else is more upset than i am, and i wish i was more inclined toward grief than i am cuz i kinda feel bad that i don’t feel bad, but oh well. that’s not really something i can control.
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PINCH ME. [28th]
So it's my birthday today and I got no plans whatsoever. Just wanna stay home & spend time with "my people" if the time and day permits. This someone messaged me and asked me to go out and I had to contemplate for quite a while because yeah it's my day and I gotta be somewhere doing something right? 🤷🏻‍♀️ Then I just realized, there should be no need for me to push myself too much if I really don't like to go out and talk to people. I'll just stay home and watch anime today. As long as I'm content and happy then it should be enough to celebrate my birthday. 💕
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elvisabutler · 2 years
Caught In a Trap (1/?)
Fandom: Elvis (2022)
Relationship: Elvis/Living Past 42, past Priscilla/Elvis, current Priscilla and Elvis loving each other too much always
Word Count (This Chapter): About 1250?
Rating: R, mostly because of quite a number of curses and the obligatory prescription drug use.
TW: Drug Use and honestly descriptions of a potential panic attack/feeling like being drowned. Y'all saw the movie, you know the real life story you know what's up.
Author's Note: I have not written fanfic or honestly done Fandom writing in general for at least half a decade. (Yes, I am old.) Be gentle. Also, this fic is going to play a little fast and loose with real life Elvis and Austin! Elvis. So, certain medical things from his real life may slide in there, his relationship post divorce with Priscilla, etc. Ask box is open for comments and all that jazz, I live for hearing what people have to say. And who knows maybe eventually I'll write other fics if requested and I can do it. Weirder things have happened. 🤷🏻‍♀️
He's tired. There are very few if any things Elvis finds that he's one hundred percent aware of these days. But he knows more than anything that he's tired- the sort of tired that would settle in your bones and wrap it's hands around you choking the life out of you bit by bit. Part of him wonders if he's just getting older, he's certainly noticed his crowds aren't as young as they used to be but no, that's not it. It's something else, something he doesn't have a name for because exhaustion doesn't touch it and just every damn word he can't think of falls short.
The fans used to help. Hearing those cheers and seeing those faces invigorates a man like you wouldn't believe but now all he thinks about is the end of the show where he can rest. He can get his medication and sleep. God he misses being able to sleep without it but his mind races and it- it's not right any more. For God's sake, he's seen their faces- he's managing the shows but he can see it in their eyes, they know something is off. They just keep coming back to see if it'll get better.
"E?" Jerry nudges his shoulder raising his voice slightly louder than it had been for the walk to backstage. "You listening?"
No. He's been trying to but it's taking half his energy to make sure he keeps up with his own imagined pace. But- hell- Jerry's talking about the Colonel. That's right, the world tour, the one that he keeps wanting to do, needing to do still after this damn residency. Damn the death threats, he's a grown ass man who knows karate and has his guns. If his security fails he's got it covered. Focus. Just focus.
Elvis shakes his head, rubbing at his temple before leaning in, "what are you talking about? The Colonel-"
"No passport. He's not from the country, that's why he keeps stopping the world tour. He was never gonna let you do it because he can't leave-"
Jerry's still talking and Elvis opens his mouth to interrupt but all he can hear is his own heart beating and the roar of a thousand thoughts all skittering to a exceptionally abrupt stop. He can't take a breath and before he realizes what's happening he sees the floor barreling toward his face.
"There's gotta be another reason." No BB you were right, should have known it then. Always were smarter than him on business.
"I don't know why the Coloniel turned them down." A million dollars each, should have known something was up, the Snowman doesn't turn down a good offer for money.
"Well when you find out can you tell us?" Someone had told Jerry and-
The water's freezing and his nose is on fire as the water shoots up while he tries breathe. His chest is so tight- it's the shirt- no it's the water- no it's everything crashing into him. Elvis' hands scramble as he feels air only to be dunked back in and finally someone notices and let's him lean back.
The first noise he can hear over the roar of everything is the Colonel's cane. His teeth grit reflexively and he swears he hears a growl come from somewhere deep inside his chest. He wants to snarl and show that goddamn alien a piece of his mind but someone's holding his body in their lap and he's gotta breathe right before he does anything.
Dr. Nick is right there and there's a part of him that wants to ask for something- but he can't. Not when his tongue is lead in his mouth and it feels like all the peanut butter in Memphis is making his mouth so full of nothing. He can't defend himself tell The Colonel he's not going on that stage tonight. Hell, if he has his way not on that stage ever again.
Elvis can't tell if it's his eyes- God he's got to get those looked at again- or if it's the water making everything blur for a minute but he sees his daddy right there and he swears its not just the ice water in his eyes and it might be his own tears making him seem blurry. He's so damn tired.
"If he was my son, I'd put him in the hospital." Lord have mercy he'd have kissed that woman if he had the energy. Mama would have dragged him to the hospital herself come hell or high water. Elvis wants to think Vernon knows the same, wants to do the same but his heart is thumping like a startled rabbit as he watches his father consider what she said as Parker tries to be the snake that he's always been.
"It's a family matter." What a lie if Elvis ever heard one. He knows what Parker wants Vernon to say and it's the only thing that benefits him.
His father's eyes settle on him and Elvis knows he's got to do something, he has to make his father know what he wants- what he needs. His head feels like it's in concrete but he forces himself to shake his head just a smidge. If Parker is paying attention, Elvis is sure it just looks like a twitch but Elvis makes sure to focus on his father's face just enough to try and get his point across.
It's as if he's young again, begging his daddy to not have him leave only this time he's begging him to let Elvis leave. Get him out of his cage just for tonight at least. He can work on it from there.
"He's not going on stage, Coloniel, not tonight. We-" Vernon swallows, "we'll just have to refund the tickets. Find another date for them."
It's like all the air around him rushed back into his lungs and he could take the breaths he needed so desperately as soon as those words hit his ears. He could rest. He could- God- he didn't have to go on tonight, maybe they'll let him go to the hospital, maybe transfer him to Baptist in Memphis and not the one here. He can faintly hear the Coloniel cursing for a moment before the tap of his cane is heard in a rough tapping motion that Elvis knows to mean he's spitting mad.
Good goddamn riddance.
"Jerry, I'll get one of the guys to get one of the cars, you going to be able to get him up and in it?" Vernon asks never taking his eyes off his son's chest rising and falling slowly.
"Yeah, I got him. You want him across the street or-" Jerry starts before getting cut off by Vernon's response.
"Across the street. We'll see about anything else later."
Lord have mercy he's tired, but they're gonna take him to the hospital. He can let go for now. They've got him, but he's got to say something to Jerry before his eyelids droop again now that his father's left.
"Jerry, you tell me everything you know about that bastard again. Slowly."
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anotherwritersblog · 3 years
Title: So It's You
Chapter {1} - Body Like a Back Road
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Word Count: 1.2K-ish
Author's Note: This is supposed to be a multi-part series. It's been sitting in my Wattpad drafts since mid-September. Figured I'd pull it out and spruce it up a bit and actually post it somewhere. It was inspired by those TikToks of soulmates being connected by music I loved that idea and wish it were real 😂 Mine would be like wtf are they listening to? I originally had this swapping POVs per part, but we’ll see how things go 🤷🏻‍♀️ Any mistakes are my own.
Warning: this one's really just fluff, Reader enjoying time with her boys even if it's earlier than she'd like, Bucky being a flirt
Any and all reblogs/likes/comments are appreciated.
In no way, shape, or form, do you have permission to post this anywhere.
One of the craziest things about our universe, as I’m sure there are thousands, if not millions of others out there, is that we have an idea who our soulmate is.
Well. Sort of.
When we turn eighteen, we are automatically linked to our soulmate by the way of music. It’s not what they sing aloud, but what they sing in their mind. Many high school sweethearts were lucky enough to find out right away. For some, it took them a few years before they crossed paths whether it was college, work, or even something as simple as a coffee shop. But me? It’s been ten years and nothing.
By nothing, I mean I haven’t met them yet. Since I turned eighteen, I’ve heard their songs. They’ve been interesting choices to say the least, and I’ve definitely added a few to my favorites because of them. But no matter what, I can’t seem to find this person.
🎶 Got a girl from the Southside Got braids in her hair First time I seen her walk by Man I 'bout fell up out my chair Had to get her number It took me like six weeks Now me and her go way back Like Cadillac seats 🎶
It was your average, early morning Saturday run, except this time I was pulled into it by a few friends. Steve had the bright idea to get up before the sunrise, while Sam at least had the better idea of stopping by our favorite diner afterwards. Of course, Bucky had to throw in a little bet. The person who couldn’t keep up for the hour we would run, would have the pleasure of paying for breakfast
I think he was hoping Sam would fall out first.
I was jogging with Sam as Steve and Bucky were continuously passing us, lap after lap. "On your left!" Steve would yell, as Bucky accompanied him with "On your right!" It was cute the first nine times, but Sam glanced at me with annoyance each time after that.
"So, Y/N. What's your soulmate singing, today?" Sam questioned, as we rounded the corner. "You've been humming a song and I can't quite put my finger on it."
"Body like a back road," I replied.
"Ah. So, they must be nearby," he grinned, looking down at the concrete.
"Shut up. They are not!" I countered, hitting his arm.
"I'm just saying. They’ve gotta enjoy the way your body is looking this morning. Your leggings and tank top are hugging everything quite nicely," he laughed. I’m pretty sure I rolled my eyes so far back, that they would’ve gotten stuck if I hadn’t taken notice of the boys passing us again. Fortunately, Sam left me to my thoughts and tried to catch up to them.
🎶 The way she fit in them blue jeans She don't need no belt But I can turn 'em inside out I don't need no help Got hips like honey So thick and so sweet Ain't no curves like hers On them downtown streets 🎶
I stepped off to the grass and leaned against the tree to catch my breath. I glanced down at my watch and saw that I had already ran five miles in the last hour. I glanced back up to see the boys complete one more lap. The super soldiers let Sam know that they were passing him one last time. You could see the frustration in his face as they fist bumped after passing the slower of the three. Once hitting the last corner, they waited on Sam to catch up and they started walking towards me.
A smile crept onto my face as they were walking. I absolutely adored these three, as they were some of my best friends. The question What would I do without them? always popped into my mind when we hung out together, as I knew my life would not be nearly as entertaining. As I watched the three make their way over, Sam's comment from earlier made its way back into my mind.
So, they must be nearby.
The thought that one of them could be my soulmate crossed my mind for a split second but was just as quickly dismissed. Sam has always filled in that older-brother-I've-never-had figure, Steve stepped in as my new-mentor-turned-best-friend when I was welcomed into the Avengers, and Bucky. Well. Bucky took some warming up to, but he too became a best friend, just not in the same way as Steve. With Bucky, we can be crude and crack jokes around each other that Steve might not enjoy as much. We can engage in harmless flirting with each other and it not mean a thing at the end of the day. He became more open to me about his nightmares (albeit I have to pull it out of him sometimes) and I became more open about my mental health (which he has to pull out of me every once in a while so that I’m not bottling all my thoughts and feelings up).
These three will always have a special place in my heart, because I love them more than life itself sometimes. I'd do anything for them. But the possibility that any of the three are my soulmate?
As if.
🎶 We're out here in the boondocks With the breeze and the birds Tangled up in the tall grass With my lips on hers On a highway to heaven Headed south of her smile Get there when we get there Every inch is a mile 🎶
"Couldn't hang today, Y/N?" Steve asked as the boys came within earshot. A smirk made its way to Bucky's face, as Sam wiped the sweat from his. "You know what that means!"
"Yes. Breakfast is on me, but only AFTER everyone showers! I am NOT taking anyone anywhere with you lot smelling the way you do!" I laughed, pointing to the three men in front of me.
We start walking back to the compound when Bucky puts his right arm around me. "So, we gonna save time and water, and shower together, doll?" he whispered into my ear, as the other two walked ahead of us.
"Nice try, Sergeant. But that's not gonna happen. Not today," I shook my head, grabbing his hand with mine and squeezing it before pushing it away.
"So, another time then?" he teased. I felt his hand run down the small of my back and rub it gently before taking it away. I tuned back into Steve and Sam's conversation about what they were ordering for breakfast at the diner. It was a fairly peaceful walk back...until the four of us got into the debate about pancakes versus waffles.
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I know I said I was back on my Naruto bullshit- and I am, but I just gotta get this off my CHEST!!!!
So, welcome back to another story idea, that I will write.. but who knows how long it will take 😬
can u imagine, being Izuku’s quirkless little best friend ? Like u have been there since the beginning, cheering him on, and rooting for him, and protecting him from bullies (lookin at u bakugo).
yes, you were ill equipped to defend yourself and Izuku from bullies, but was that going to stop you? No. u weren’t about to let any of those ppl take away the only light u had in the world (aka izuku’s smile).
but it’s been years now, and holy shit- your best friend, the quirkless little nerd you love more than yourself is the number one hero, and you couldn’t be prouder. watching him grow into a man, and then a hero was the light of your life- but don’t get it mixed up- u were making something of yourself too (a dr?? Maybe idk man, but something that is cool as shit. Like an engineer or somethin idk.)
but u go to a gala with Izuku, as it’s ur turn to go this time (he alternates between u and his mom like- his two most important ladies who deserve the world and I just 🥺) and who do u see? Katsuki fucking Bakugo. u haven’t seen him in years, and holy shit- u knew he must have been a fucking beef cake by now, but damn. just holy shit. what the fuck. one look, and now u are just sure the man has a big dick, and u wanna sit on it.
but u haven’t forgotten. he was mean, and hateful to you, but most importantly- he was a shitty person to deku, so u didn’t give a shit how much u wanted to see his cock- it was going to be a big pass.
but somewhere along the line Izuku pulls you over to introduce you, but Katsuki remembers you. (It doesn’t matter how many times he called u an extra or a dumb stupid baby- he would never forget the woman that actually stood up to him- the one with no quirk but still talked to him like she was 7’ tall with biceps the size of all might’s.) and ur just like ?? and u just pretend to not know who he is at all, just, “who?” “Katsuki? No. Katsuki probably looks stupid nowadays.”
but anyways, a plot??? never. u end up with bakugo’s tongue down ur throat and his hand in ur pants and it’s just hate sex, and that’s all.. 👀
so anyways, to paraphrase- ur relationship with deku is sweet enough to rot all ur teeth out, but ur also getting raw dogged by Katsuki- urs and deku’s hot childhood bully, who will probably end up being ur husband 🤷🏻‍♀️ and when u have kids, their favorite hero will be deku, and that will enrage Katsuki and u will think it is hysterical.
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razzmatazs · 3 years
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So, I kept drawing them so I figured I should explain the storyline that vaguely lives in my head.
So first things first at the time the main thing takes place Dahlia has a brother. I haven’t drawn him yet cuz I’m still going back and forth on the design choices for him. And the name. He will be like 4 and she will be 11ish? it’s all subject to change but it takes 12-13 years post graduation. So I guess it depends on how soon drakgo settles down 🤷🏻‍♀️
The reason for this time skip is because this whooole idea started for me when I saw a post about how a good sequel series to KP would be about Hana Stoppable. So I made up a few storylines in my head for that (which I’ve since forgotten cuz I never write anything down) and one supporting character I was thinking about was a drakgo child. Being me ive kind of just lasered in on the drakgo children whoops
So Dahlia, in this Hana series, would appear at Middleton high, hiding in the vents and trees and what not, waiting to catch Hana alone. When she does, she demands to be taken to Kim Possible. Well she’s a tiny green child with no adult present so she’s gotta take her somewhere anyways.
BUT FIRST, some back story:
I am subscribed to the headcanon that drakgo goes to work for Global Justice post- invasion so that’s what they’re doing. There’s a few things to this but for now that’s all you need to know.
One fateful day, Mego is watching the kids because both Drakken and Shego have been called into work on emergency. Some people of interest (good and bad) have been disappearing and while the people don’t seem to be connected, the method of disappearance is usually the same. If caught on camera you just see the person, the room goes dark, the room goes light, that’s it. They’re gone, no sign of struggle. That is, until the attack at Global Justice HQ. Then there are clear signs of struggle, major destruction, injured agents and half the higher ranking agents have vanished, with just their ID cards where they once stood. As you likely may have guessed, Drakken and Shego are among the vanished. What’s left of GJ contacts Mego and he and the rest of Team Go are devastated and want to find them but decide to prioritize the kids first and foremost. They move the children into GO Tower and try to downplay the situation as much as they can while also gathering whatever intel they can. Dahlia loves her uncles, but she’s sneaky and smart and knows what’s up. She doesn’t think they can find her parents so she runs from Go Tower to find the only person she thinks can.
At the possible-stoppable house, Kim is a little overwhelmed. She feels for this girl, though she seems remarkably calm for having explained something so sad, and she also feels oddly obligated to help her former archenemies. But like she just had a baby, she can’t hop around the world searching atm. Kim doesn’t work for GJ but she often works with them. She offers to pull strings there for her but Dahlia adamantly refuses. So the solution they come up with is this: she calls Team Go and tells them where Dahlia is, and that she wants to help. Kim suggests Team Go make a base in Middleton so they can all stay in one city. Dahlia must go to school and is not allowed to run off on her own again. In return, she can begin hero training from Hego, Kim, and Ron at different days during the week ( Drakken and Shego would not be a fan of this but 😅). Wade and Team Go will continue looking for intel and Kim will call in her favours so that Hana, her friends, and when it’s safe enough, Dahlia can go investigate at location when needed.
Eventually things piece together, we see drakgo’s side and where they’re at tho they haven’t been found it’s just that ______________
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3416 · 3 years
I’m kind of the odd one out here I think… I went the absolute different way…
I was very much OG over everything. Like OG 911 is just my show and I love it so fucking much and it has nothing to do with shipping that I refused to watch Lonestar for the longest time. It’s just that a lot of times when a really good show gets a spin off, eventually all the focus goes to the spin off and that in turn declines the quality of the OG (which I think is what unfortunately is happening with s5 of OG right now)… so I refused and refused and refused… And on top of that Texas is not my favorite place…
but then I was locked down for six months… Just staring at my bedroom wall because everything was closed and work was closed and the pandemic was raging… So I caved… Now I’m so happy I did… I love both of them equally and I ship both buddie and tarlos equally! Actually call them my “not yet gay gay himbos” and my “comfort gays” 😂 And I’ve never understood why fandoms had to fight over ships… Like, just open yourself to love and stop hating on other stuff… Maybe I’m too old… I’ve been in fandom for too long… Even if I dislike something I never post about it, I just either ignore it or if I really don’t like it I block it and then I don’t see it… I just wanna concern myself with the things that I do love! And I don’t have to shit on others for that 🤷🏻‍♀️
but Buddie is also my very first ship that is not canon… And I am suffering so much 😂 I don’t know how people do this 😂
i see why people stay away from spinoffs or franchise extensions or reboots or whatever it is that they think is going to taint or harm the original! i get the urge, truly. it wasn't about that for me personally bc i didn't start out an og fan... i saw people talking about both multiple times and just decided to start on lone star first and was hooked. i'm glad you came to a point where you wanted to give it a shot and that you ended up liking it!!
in my mind, it's not like this is a major ship war thing (stupid, i feel 12 typing that) at all. like maybe it is to some people... i honestly fkljsd am not bothered by what people choose or prefer... only by the way annoying and insane things encroach into my territory or when it bleeds into the real life people involved in these shows, that's when it gets me. i'm never actively comparing bc i genuinely don't care or think abt buddie fdskjls, but if i gotta be made aware.................. i end up talking it out somewhere. i mostly agree with you, people need to chill out. talking about things you dislike can be fun in small circles with people who agree but honestly.. focusing your entire energy on being hateful or complaining or whatever it is these people are feeling.. well. i get tired of having to see it, and it does personally taint my view of some stuff.
anyway, thanks for sharing! good luck bc non canon shipping can be a trip (but also lots of fun and a reminder that there's no real constraints when you're not afraid to say fuck it to canon tbh kfjdksl that's somethings half the fun).
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