#but it's also so important that us therapists get some visibility
alabasterfuchs · 5 months
Somebody please tell me that it's okay that I memorised my three minute speech by heart right now. I feel like a failure for not using bullet points to speak freely but having whole sentences in my mind. I feel like an actor not an advocate of my team.
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bunnidid-reviews · 1 year
DID Short Films
Something I really enjoy is watching short films about DID :) it's always intriguing to see what sort of representation can be showed in a few short minutes, and just how much care and attention to detail is put into it.
I don't have the energy to do a full review of each, but here's a lil list of my favorite short DID films, along with some trigger warnings!
Petals of a Rose
Triggers to watch out for:
a non-explicit incestuous childhood sexual abuse flashback (there's a safe version to watch with this part cut out in the same link!)
a safe and gentle non-explicit sex scene
dissociating and switching during sex
spiraling, hitting self, friction between parts
over-crowded dialogue
Things I love about this short:
We get multiple stellar scenes of what it can feel like to have DID - like being overwhelmed in the grocery store, talking yourself through the steps of it all. I really related to a lot of this
A good representation of how both positive and negative triggers can cause switches
communication between parts!
the implication of there being more parts yet to be found and how that's just kind of an accepted reality? I don't know if thats relatable for anyone else, but it really is for me
A LOVING AND HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP :DDD a partner who loves and supports and listens even if he doesn't fully understands, but clearly wants to. The amount of relief I felt when the partner STAYED with her after experiencing triggers during sex!!
The reiterations at the end that Now Time Is Safe and also, We Deserve to be Loved, and also, Each and every part is appreciated and loved
Triggers to watch out for:
mild friction between parts
time loss + confusion
Things I love about this short:
The actress who portrayed the parts did a really stunning job with expressing complicated emotions surrounding time loss and the acceptance of a new part showing up
portraying a well-established system with functional multiplicity!
the use of color to portray parts is something I always remember about this one! I love that each part represents a color! I love that you can see all those colors throughout the home and in the outfits!! I love the rainbow-striped shirt she wore in the end with all the alters' colors + extra space, as if to signify that they're ready to accept more parts!!! aaaa!!! Such a great aesthetic to this film
I was SO pleased there really isnt anything triggering about this film. It's important to indicate that trauma creates the disorder, but it's SO nice when we get a bit of a break from the Horrors
supportive therapist :D
Alters and Me
Triggers to watch out for:
Mentions of trauma/abuse (very general + vague)
use of Alcohol to cope
self harm, visible scars
Things I love about this short:
I like that this one's more like a general overview of the alters and how our main character came to understand and accept her DID
nonhuman alter representation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (a doggo)
The alter who struggles with alcoholic coping and self harm has a realistic reformation arc and turns out to be a cherished caretaker!!
Overall this one's pretty short, but very down to earth and realistic without being too triggering. I liked it a lot!
I'm sure there are others that are good too, but that's my list for now! I tried to choose ones that didn't lean too far into horror trope editing or twists so they're safe for anyone to watch :) I might add to this sometime in the future if I see more
In the meantime, I hope you enjoy! Feel free to let me know your thoughts or share some of your favorites with me, you know I'm always curious to hear about this stuff
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dead-girl-prolific · 8 months
Headcanons! pt 1. (Jane The Killer)
first up is Jane the killer and Jane Everlasting!
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My beloved<3
Jane Elizabeth Arkensaw (Jane Everlasting/The SpinOff)
Faded green eyes - Lost her eye pigmentation from the fire. ( why does she have black eyes? it’s a choice ig) the black color of her “eyes” comes from the mesh of her mask.
5’6 (tall-ish and curvy/muscular)
her usual wardrobe is turtleneck shirts that fit decently tight, black or grey bell-bottoms
when she's on missions she wears her black turtleneck dress with black gloves and black fleece tights. she usually wears flats/loafers or pumps(heels)
her burns are very visible and she can't really do much to hide them
her skin is very sensitive and she hates wearing certain materials, but in some areas she can't feel at all.
Born on december 2nd 1995 and she is currently 28 years old.
She is indeed a she/they, she is pansexual leaning towards those who identify as women.
She’s basically the mansion’s therapist (only for a select few.)(everyone but jeff basically.)
Her personality is cold, distant, motherly, calculated, she rarely loses her cool and when she does it’s when a mission fails or goes wrong. She can be sweet when she wants to be, she originally wanted to be a therapist so she’s a great listener, she gives great advice, and she usually is the one stopping fights. 
She rarely comes out of her room, she doesn’t eat much, that or she has food supplies in her room, no one is really sure.
When she is around Jeff she gets mean, agitated and very impulsive, she can barely control her blood lust when she’s around him and he just pushes her further.
This is the character I will usually use for fanfictions. (unless stated otherwise)
She is 3 years older than Jeff.
She does wear wigs, guys. Her natural hair can and does grow, but it's very brittle, damaged and thin.
Good at tracking and hunting.
above average intelligence for a pasta (let alone a human)
Endurance is immaculate
agile (as agile as you need to be for her job lol)
she's very oblivious to hints of attraction and won't know to do anything unless she's the one pulling the strings or unless something is directly said.
in each fanfic /oneshot she may or may not be a proxy and have a slightly different personality depending on her role. she could also very well be a part of the zalgo army in some fics/oneshots i/m very indecisive.
I think that's it??? (I might add more)
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another picture of a very attractive woman. i gotta say, i love both Janes equally.
Jane Tod Richardson(Jane the killer)
She loves watching true crimes documentaries, or listening to true crime podcasts.
She is 5’9 and her muscles are very well concealed.
She is a muscle mommy.
Jane and Mary are 3 years apart (canon)
She can not sunburn or tan due to the liquid hate changing her skin pigmentation.(canon)
Big church girly. (she’s canonically christian)
Yes, she and Mary Vaughn are married.
She’s a girl boss guys!
She frequently vomits black ooze from the liquid hate
She did kill Jeff the killer.
She kills criminals
She does not live with everyone in the mansion, in fact does not know any of the pastas.(determines on the fic)
she wears metal band-T's and sweatpants almost all the time when shes not doing something important.
i might use her in some fanfics i haven't decided.
those are my only headcanons for this character if you want to know more about Jane Richardson i suggest going to the actual creator of her character! remember these are just my little ideas i made up in my pea brain!
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anthromimicry · 5 months
AHH, okay, okay... it has recently come to my attention that i have not been posting enough headcanons on here compared to my other acc's so i'm about to fix that right quick. i have briefly talked about this in one of my previous posts, but misao has allowed one or two patients throughout the years to hold her VERY beloved tarantula which she has (affectionately) named rosie and those were ones who she actually had developed a personal liking for, which is surprisingly ( or perhaps not so surprisingly, i guess it just depends on how you look at it LOL ) rare for her to do. so i believe it's safe to say that if she has offered you a chance to touch her... that you have somehow managed to worm your way into her good graces haha. also, another good indicator that misao GENUINELY likes a patient is that she will make physical attempts to comfort your muse, but of course as a mental health professional, misao acknowledges the importance of consent and she will ask them if she can hug them / put a hand on their shoulder as a comforting non-sexual gesture before doing so. though whenever it comes to psychotherapy — you are generally supposed to be a neutral presence towards your clients or patients, so misao still doesn't consider them to be friends if/when she does things like this as that would be compromising the integrity of the patient and therapist relationship.
and speaking of the patient + therapist relationship, i will circle back to how this relates to how this could be a indicator that misao likes your muse on a personal level if they are a patient of hers, BUT as a psychiatrist; it is not only misao's responsibility to listen attentively to the person in her office but also to diagnose and issue prescriptions to patients, and whenever she does this, i do like to think that misao does not abuse her power in the way that she will assign them with the wrong drugs or anything like that (except in the event that she is about to eat them or had somehow found out her secret which... is messed up for a multitude of reasons, of course). but i do have to say that she is ever-so-slightly less likely to advocate for a patient who has shown themselves to be hostile towards her or she feels has insulted her in some way, as misao is VERY much capable of being vindictive but in ways that are not so obvious if that makes any sense. like for example, if your muse comes in in visibly uncomfortable restraints, she will not volunteer to have any guards take them off for them and will simply let them sit there like that because, well, she is lowkey evil. ( okay, no, that is actually HIGHKEY evil of her ngl but misao doesn't care JSJSJ ) so, if she likes you... though i know this is rather two-faced of her and totally unethical of her as a physician to set patients of hers to different standards, she will advocate more for those who she likes personally.
this is part of how she is flawed as a psychiatrist, for lack of better words, as although misao likes to think she doesn't get her personal biases get in the middle of treating her patients... it DOES happen and she seems to subtly practice favoritism. but here is one thing that you all may be unexpected to hear: misao honestly thinks that the nonconsensual use of ECT, or electroconvulsive therapy that arkham has been known to do that is also very morally wrong to do, is barbaric and will not pretty much under any circumstances subject her patients to it unless they actually consent to it. because it has been shown to help those with treatment resistant depression or bipolar disorder in some cases, though it also has been shown to have some risks associated with it such as temporary memory loss and difficulty learning. people have also suffered from more serious side effects from it as well including longer lasting gaps in memory, however, so the risks are not exactly moderate all the time.
so unlike some of her colleagues at arkham, misao will not force anyone into it and insists on only doing it if/when she has written consent from them. thus, you could say that although misao is certainly not perfect and her general morality is VERY skewed, even she has some 'standards' as to lines that she will not cross. though of course, every doctor in arkham should be prescribing to ECT only being used in consensual situations, though it is sadly known for being a very corrupt institution for a reason. misao herself has not contributed to the corruption in this way, however, as i believe there may be personal reasons behind why she does not want to go beyond it and i will discuss those more later. but for now... i hope you all liked this little drabble of mine.
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Normally at work, if I have a break or an admin block, I barricade myself in an empty classroom with my headphones. There’s a break room where most people go for those bits, but I find it difficult enough to be around people all day, and some time off from people is really the main thing I’m looking for in a break. I am lucky enough to work in a centre that’ll have at least a couple of rooms empty at any given time, so spending my breaks there is an option. It’s really hard and it pays almost no money, but there’s one advantage, I guess. Empty rooms.
But this week they had me working extra long hours, and that shared staff room has a couch in it, and it was empty during my break, so I decided to just sit down on the couch in there and be comfortable for a bit. Put my headphones on, of course. My quite good noise canceling headphones. They don’t pay me a lot of money, but I will use what money I have on headphones that cancel out noise (also on a large trip to London and Edinburgh for which I’ve been saving all year, I just went to the currency exchange place today and took out some British pounds, this is fucking happening in two weeks from tomorrow).
I had my headphones on and was listening to the second-last episode of this Godforsaken radio show, and Ray and Ed were doing their child voices that make me laugh really hard, and I think I sort of forgot where I was. Normally, when I’m in an empty classroom, I make an effort to avoid laughing out loud because the walls are pretty thin, but I will laugh visibly. I sort of forgot, today, that while in the shared space I should try to be less visible about it.
In the middle of the laughter I definitely stopped to visibly wince a bit, because there’s a party where Ray suddenly stopped and told Ed, “The only thing I’ve not had enough of is you,” and I think he just meant that Ed Gamble was the only thing about FUBAR Radio that didn’t make him want to quit that job, but he said it really soon after reiterating that he’d had enough of everything in the world and that’s why he actively wants to commit suicide, and I took a moment from the laughter to wince at what a wildly intense thing “The only thing I’ve not had enough of is you” is to say in that context. So my reaction was laughing, wincing at the incredibly messed up thing that got said, then laughing again. The last few episodes of this radio show have induced a lot of that back-and-forth. Laughing, Jesus Christ Ray maybe take it down a notch, laughing. (Obviously… obviously I do not actually go around prescribing “take it down a notch” as a cure for mental health crises. But also, most mental health crises are not broadcast on live radio. If someone is broadcasting their mental health crisis on the radio, the best advice for their own sake is probably to take it down a notch while live on air, even if that might happen at the expense of some funny stuff, hence me occasionally feeling slightly conflicted for laughing at parts of the show.)
For about one minute of this I could vaguely hear a voice behind me, but I’d sort of forgotten I wasn’t in an empty classroom so I figured I was just hearing other therapists with their clients like usual. Until I heard my name, turned around, it turns out my coworker had been standing there for an entire minute, trying to talk to me, watching me listen to this podcast. I quickly paused it and apologized and explained about the noise canceling headphones. And she said oh, it’s fine, she didn’t need to say anything important, but since she first tried to get my attention, she’s become more interested in just watching me laughing but also wincing, and wants to know what I’m listening to.
And I didn’t want to answer that question. Because she hadn’t planned to have a whole big conversation in which I explained a whole big thing, neither of us wanted that. I hate being asked to explain hobbies in casual conversation with people I don’t properly know. The worst is when people ask about music I’m listening to, if they ask at a time when the answer is some Nova Scotian folk music, which it frequently is. Because they don’t want me to explain who this Nova Scotian folk singer is. They don’t actually want to get into that. But they also don’t want me to just say the name of a singer they’ve never heard of and then move on without explanation, that’s weird. And I definitely can’t say “You’ve probably never heard of it.” I was allowed to say that until about 2010, when there was this whole big backlash against hipsters, which mainly consisted of people making fun of the idea of someone being asked about their music taste and replying “You’ve probably never heard of it.” I don’t think I qualified as hipster at any point, but the backlash greatly annoyed me, because, well, you probably haven’t heard of it. It’s fine, I don’t think I’m better than you for that. Quite the opposite, I was self-conscious about my music taste for years because I got made fun of for it at school by people who hadn’t heard of it. You don’t have to have heard of it. I probably haven’t heard of your stuff either. But let’s not try to get into a whole explanation of it in a twenty-second work chat.
When she asked me this, I briefly thought of the last time this came up at work, a month or so ago. I was in a session, client had a meltdown, I work at an autism centre so that is pretty common. This client was often soothed with music, I put on a particular song that I knew had been working lately, he calmed down instantly. Another staff member had come in to assist with the meltdown, and she asked me what the song was. I said oh, it’s some Welsh folk music (a really lovely song, if anyone's interested). She asked me where I got it, I said a radio show recommended it, she asked which one. My brain automatically did the thing it always does when I’m asked about a thing someone’s probably never heard of, and I don’t want to explain it from scratch, so I try to find some connection to something they probably have heard of. In this case, I was exhausted from dealing with the problem, not really thinking straight, so made the connections in my head without thinking about whether they were relevant or how weird a thing this was to say, and offhandedly told her, “Okay, you know John Oliver? This song was made by his ex-girlfriend’s finace’s friend. Yeah the guy with the late-night show. It’s not important. The point is it’s working. Let’s turn up the volume a bit.” She didn’t ask any follow-up questions.
Today, when my co-worker asked me what I was listening to, I briefly thought of that. I wondered what the shortest route would be if I wanted to again draw connections to something she’d have heard of. “Okay, you know Mr. Bean? Well, his girlfriend’s ex-boyfriend does a podcast with a guy. And that guy used to do a podcast with a different guy. And after that podcast they made a radio show on a pretend radio station in 2014. That’s what I’m listening to. Any questions?” That’s what I immediately thought of, though to be honest, I think we’re getting fairly close to the point where I could cut out the first couple of links in that chain. Where I could say James Acaster’s name to most people in Canada, even ones who aren’t comedy nerds, and they’d know who that was. I’m quite sure this co-worker of mine doesn’t know who James Acaster is. But a lot of people do these days.
I did not explain to her anything about Mr. Bean or James Acaster. I briefly thought of that, but what I actually said was that it’s a British radio show from 2014. She said, “Oh, is it really dry humour?” I guess because her association with comedy from Britian is that they do dry humour there. Normally in that situation I’d just say yes whether it’s true or not, because that’s the answer that’ll end the conversation without requiring further explanation, but in this case, calling mid-breakdown Peacock & Gamble “dry humour” was so incredibly inaccurate that I couldn’t bring myself to do it, so I said no, it’s not. And she said “Oh,” because I’d kind of shut down the conversation, and it was kind of awkward, as I’d just told her she was wrong but couldn’t think of a socially reasonable way to offer further explanation. Then she went to set up for her next session.
I’d argue that her asking “Is it dry humour?” just because I told her a show is British is a sign that she probably doesn’t know who James Acaster is, even if he is breaking North America, fame-wise. I hope I don’t come off as judgemental for making that assumption, because I certainly don't mean it as a negative judgement. I am definitely not better than her because I’ve heard of James Acaster. She’s always showing up to work with stories of cool social things she did, and events she attended. She is objectively doing life better than I am. Doing much more important things with her time than listening to a British radio show from 2014.
I think when I started this post I thought I was building toward some sort of point, or at least conclusion, but I can't remember what it is now. I have one episode left of the radio show. The second-last one was pretty bleak; I'd say it was the first time they hit a point where Ray Peacock got so rough, mentally, that he stopped being funny for a bit. Which is fine, by rights that should have happened way earlier. And it was only for a bit. As my co-worker saw, lots of that episode was still very funny. This is why I barricade myself in empty classrooms.
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liggy-not-potter · 4 months
i’m too lazy to type out the questions,
and for melinoe and ash
🟡- melinoe has two things for this. one, to be welcome in normal society, and to be able to sleep at night. she’s not welcome because her “curse” (same as ash’s) physically shows on her skin as really dark splotches all over. she tries using makeup a lot to cover it, but it’s too much of a hassle most the time, and nearly everyone in nearby cities has been warned about “the cursed girl who wanders in by night.” (she steals shit from dumpsters and trades with this one guy to provide for her camp) it really drains her to not be able to be in normal towns and cities because she wants a social life and she wants a job so she can like fully provide for camp.
idk if i mentioned or not but night terrors are also partly due to the curse and the events that led to her and ash being cursed, and there’s not really a therapist anywhere nearby :D
⚪️- soooo lil bit of lore time :D she and ash had been exploring a cave for supplies and stuff when they were both like 7, (middle of a mini war for her camp, that was much bigger at the time, about 10 smaller families lived there)(they were fighting maven’s village :D) they got caught and kidnapped by a bunch of strange magic creatures (still figuring bits of this out so bear with me if it doesn’t make sense) and they both tried to call out for help and fight back, but basically ash got knocked out and they got cursed first because mel warned them like half a second too late to duck. and then she kind of gave up and felt utterly helpless without someone fighting with her. (they got rescued, neither died, it’s FiNe, they just got some trauma)
🟡- ash wants to feel important. mel doesn’t really let them sneak off with her or hunt things with her because she doesn’t want them in another magical creature situation where she fails and they’re injured because of her. rune gets along really well with the younger teens and tweens in camp, and really likes cooking so he’s a big help with preparing meals and stuff. ash helps more than they think, especially with the littles. the result is ash feeling pretty decent about themself most the time, but having depressive moments (alone obvi, they’re the bubbly friendly character, they can’t act sad without visible reason in front of everyone else) where they think they’re absolutely useless and should go pitch themself off a cliff.
also ash has night terror issues too, forgot to mention that in the character rundown, but theirs aren’t as bad because they don’t remember most of what happened in the cave.
⚪️- maven walked in on them crying over something they thought was stupid. (not specifying, i’ve already spoiled so much lore especially if more people ask questions lmao) rune has (in what was supposed to be a brotherly way) made fun of them for crying over random stuff so they expected mockery from maven as well. not a chance bud, maven’s a bubbly, “never sad” character too, in a different way, but still understood what ash was going through
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rhiannonmyblue · 1 year
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hi everybody!! i'm mist (she/her/they/them, 26, brst) and some of you might know me by a different name but. let's use mist for now!! this is an intro post for my kid rhiannon jung (23, soloist under culture creative). there's more information about her under the cut and you can also check out her profile and her career. i'm open for all types of connections, but i do have a plots page with five plots that i would be very interested in developing further and that are very important in rhiannon's development! give this post a like and i'll reach out to you. you can also find me on discord @ moonpsy!
TW: illness & discussions of infertility
rhiannon (haewon) jung was born in seoul, south korea, on september 19, 1999. she's the daughter of a film studies professor and a musician/professor who's part of the london symphony orchestra
trained in violin, guitar e bass as well as vocals (both contemporary and operatic) from a young age. didn't originally plan on trying to be an idol, but on a whim decided to go for it and auditioned for companies after she finished her sixth form.
got in a smaller company, hated her time as a trainee, and then ended up in the competition show that formed viv:id. debuted as the main vocalist of the group. never really stood out (never really wanted to) and was always visibly uncomfortable with having too much of the spotlight.
she was... so unhappy when viv:id disbanded. wanted to go back home right after, but for reasons (noted below) she had to spend a little longer in south korea and ended up being offered a contract with creative culture.
debuted as a soloist in late 2021, hoping to be an alt indie girl, but then it backfired when her music continued accidentally topping charts.
since last year, she's been putting effort into killing her reputation a bit. getting tattoos, being pictured going out often, hanging out with people who might not have the best reputation. just enough that she will have a dedicated fanbase but not be under the general public's radar anymore.
[illness & infertility] the reason she had to stay in seoul was because she had to undergo a total hysterectomy because of her long time struggles with endometrioses. she told exactly One person about it and locked herself in her apartment for the three weeks of rest post-op and hasn't brought it up to anyone else (except her ex-boyfriend) since.
very much an extrovert. will walk up to befriend anyone if she thinks they are interesting. (just doesn't think people are interesting all that often.)
constantly stuck between wanting to plan her life down to the minimal details and being too much of a mess and doing a lot of things on a whim. the virgo and libra in her birth chart fight because of that all the time.
not a very touchy-feely person. doesn't like to talk about her own feelings (and will more than often not talk about them at all and no she hasn't gone to the therapist she was supposed to be seeing in at least a year). really good at encouraging people to shit talk trash people in their lives.
pretentious. thinks her music taste and film taste are superior and will judge you for saying that a major blockbuster is somehow better than an obscure 1970s scandinavian movie.
uses her korean name as her artistic name and won't actually be angry at anyone for calling her that, but loves teasing people into mispronouncing rhiannon.
willing to accompany a friend into anything (need someone to hold your hand while you get a tattoo? rhiannon is it. need company for drinks? rhiannon!)
goes live often to sing and ends up name dropping her friends by accident (or on purpose sometimes) and doesn't seem to have much of a care for media training.
doesn't trust anyone but she's trustworthy.
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[cake slice] [donut] for Helix, [bagel] for loki and, a bit of a weird one, [peach] for Arkam (sorry for not using actual emoji, hope this is OK)
[Cake Slice] How does your OC change as you get to know them?
Helix initially comes off as mysterious and maybe suspiciously friendly, a Good Witch kind of figure who only wants to help others. Very giving and loving, if perhaps lacking in guile.
And she is all of those things, but the closer you get, the more cracks become visible. Helix is also a deeply flawed individual, who pushes boundaries, trespasses into private spaces, is hubristic, is very needy, and selfish in several ways. She is a whole person with many sides, and like many people, she tries to hide at least some of those flaws. But if you know her long enough, these things become clearer, especially if she trusts and is comfortable with you.
She'll also start to drop the mysterious mage facade, and the country girl she truly is shines through.
[Donut] What is your OC's biggest flaw? How do they deal with it? Do they deal with it?
As previously stated, Helix crosses boundaries. Lots of them. Personal space. Beliefs. Principles. In her long travels, and time spent between worlds, she started to lose her grasp on the importance of these things and had to re-learn. Some habits, like just appearing in people's homes, she never quite kicks. But a few people muster up the courage to actually scold her for her actions, and she is penitent enough.
[Bagel] What does/has your OC have/had an unhealthy obsession over? What caused this obsession? How do they deal with it? Do they seek help?
Now as we all know, Loki has had an obsession with proving his 'worth', a nebulous concept at best, and he dealt with it Poorly. Nowadays, depending on which story you're reading, he has either calmed down significantly, gone to some extremes to compensate, or had to put everything on hold to recover from injury. But, as is the bad habit of every Asgardian ever, he doesn't really seek out the help he probably should.
Which shouldn't come as a surprise. I don't think therapists exist in the MCU.
[Peach] How do they show their kindness? How kind are they truly?
This is...complicated. Arkham is a complex individual, and isn't straightforward about most things. There are people Arkham genuinely cares about, but he isn't always open about it, and isn't often conventional about it. Compliments are rare, and often sandwiched between insults or criticisms. He tests people, and if he likes what he sees, he continues doing so. This can seem like dislike, but is an indicator of interest. Unfortunately, it also often leads to danger or worse.
For most people, Arkham's "kindness " comes in the form of not being killed, or being killed quickly and relatively painlessly. He is not a friendly or safe person to be around. But for people he actually cares about, his kindness varies by the individual.
He treats and defends Detective as an equal, perhaps the highest honor he could possibly bestow on another. He doesn't mess with Swag or his enterprises. He allows YJ into his personal space and allows YJ to take care of him. Narci...uh...well he doesn't murder Narci.
Puzzles and Nash get the best he is capable of. Nash gets his best 'fatherly' advice and care (which is still awful, but he tried), and Puzzles gets his romantic love, which I think surprised him as well as everyone else.
He and Helix eventually recognized this in one another, and exchange gifts in a sort of silent pact to protect what they have.
All of it though, is delivered with the threatening playful demeanor he always shows.
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hi, i have a situation/symptoms that ive been dealing with that i was wondering if i could get opinions or guidance on.
content warnings for i think derealization, depersonalization, dissociation
ever since i was a kid ive felt like ive been living in the body of another person, like im living someone else's life. id have these moments where it would seem like i would "wake up" and realize that i was actually alive and living. it was like everything came rushing back to me and i felt like a whole other person watching my own life unfold. my name didnt feel like it was mine, my experiences and memories didnt feel like mine, and lately ive been feeling like i dont even know myself anymore. my name doesn't feel right, my gender doesnt feel right, my personality and the way i act and present myself dont feel right either. i feel like im pretending to be a person. im so confused and kind of scared, i dont know what's wrong with me. is this normal? is there a name for this experience?
- serena
Hi Serena,
I'm sorry about what's been going on. That must be very disorienting and scary.
I think it's fairly possible that you may be dealing with a dissociative disorder such as OSDD or DID. With these disorders, it's common to feel like someone else entirely, as different alters can have unique identities that differ from the body or host. It's also very common for these disorders to develop in early childhood, as it's essentially when your need states never fuse into a single identity due to trauma.
I would recommend just taking inventory of who you feel you are, and get a sense of what your personal identity is, regardless of what you've been placed into. What are your likes and dislikes, how do you identify, are there memories or experiences that do feel like your own and if so what are they, etc. It can be helpful to write these things down to help keep track.
Once you get a clearer idea of yourself and feel ready, then you may be curious to explore if there is anyone else inside. Internal Family Systems tends to be helpful for systems or others who have some level of multiplicity. A way IFS navigates introspection is by inviting a part to speak. You may find this meditation helpful, however I do just want to let you know that this can potentially be overwhelming if there turn out to be many parts that identify themselves at once. I also personally found that it was hard for me to fully follow this practice despite being naturally introspective, but I understand that everyone is different.
Additionally, I'm thinking of something that I can't remember the exact details of, but there is a method to get a sense of who fronts ("comes to") during the day by mapping out your feelings by the hour, and any drastic changes may be indicative of someone else getting close or fronting. Communication and visibility can be especially challenging as a newly-discovered system. As someone who has trouble identifying when someone else is near or fronting, I found this to be helpful.
If you have Discord I recommend the OSDD server as they can help with additional questions or tips on potentially being a new alter. You're also free to ask for specific mods such as Mod Night who have more experience in being a system.
If you can afford and access it, I strongly recommend looking into getting a therapist if you don't already have one, especially a therapist who specializes in dissociation or dissociative disorders.
Ultimately, it's important to be patient with yourself as you navigate this. Remember to practice self-care during this time. I hope I could help. Please let us know if you need anything.
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thedreadvampy · 2 years
thinking some real thinky thoughts atm vis a vis today's therapy. this is a note to self but it's like.
first off there's this whole thing about this utter conviction that everything where you're treated as good or important or special comes with a cost and that cost is that you can be used as a weapon against others. so that makes a lot of sense of the like. resistance to accepting my own skills or abilities.
second and jumping off that like. I was trying to explain to my therapist why I only value things I achieve under stress and I mostly talked about like. fear of being held to the standards of a Person Who Is Doing This Properly bc under those circumstances I will only ever be unremarkably competent. like I am never going to be Rembrandt but my god you will be impressed with what I can bang out in 2 hours on no notice with a biro.
but like. I was digesting our conversation on the way home and I was also thinking like I legitimately think the Personal Value I hold the strongest is resilience. like the non-aggressive version of taking a hit and coming up swinging. like the dream version of me, metaphorically, is like you are booing me and pelting me with tomatoes but when the fruit stops flying not only am I still chipper I have also made just. the best salsa with the tomatoes I caught. you cannot help but be grudgingly impressed both by how good the salsa is and the presence of mind it took to make a tasty salsa while being slammed around the face with wet fruit. I don't want to be the best at things I want to be the best at doing well under fire.
and then I think like it really does make sense because between the autism and the chronic pain and the Whatever The Fuck has been up with my mental health since I was a little kid I reckon about 80% of my energy goes into Resilience. like Getting Through It is my number 1 skill that I pour all my points into. but it's not really a skill that's visible, people only notice when you don't do it bc they don't realise that it's HARD AS FUCK. so there's something. really very satisfying about PERFORMING that skill, right? like when you find yourself in a situation that everyone can recognise as being Hard To Work Through you can be like HEY LOOK WHAT I CAN DO. I CAN PUSH POST REASONABLE LIMITS BACKWARDS AND WITH MY EYES CLOSED.
anyway I think that's why I really really really like, even though I also hate, work stress. on a rational reasonable level I'm like haha this sucks you're all cunts I'm so tired fuck this. but on the other hand I'm like oh man the parameters for this task are so unreasonable!!!! so untenable!!!!!! EVERYONE'S GONNA BE SO IMPRESSED WHEN I STILL ABSOLUTELY KILL THIS!!!!!!!
(and then I do kill it and everyone's very impressed but oh no also now I have set a precedent. oops. next time it comes twice as hard with half the validation 🤷‍♀️)
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karmahealth · 3 months
Local SEO Tips for Physical Therapy Clinics
Local SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is essential for physical therapy clinics aiming to attract more patients from their surrounding area. By optimizing your online presence, you can improve your clinic’s visibility on search engines, making it easier for potential patients to find and choose your services. Here are some effective local SEO tips to help your physical therapy clinic stand out.
1. Optimize Your Google Business Profile
Creating and optimizing your Google Business Profile (formerly Google My Business) is crucial for local SEO. This free tool allows you to manage how your clinic appears on Google Search and Maps. Here’s how to optimize your profile:
Claim Your Listing: If you haven’t already, claim your Google Business Profile.
Complete Your Profile: Fill out all the information accurately, including your clinic name, address, phone number, website, and business hours.
Choose the Right Categories: Select relevant categories such as “Physical Therapy Clinic” to help Google understand your business.
Add High-Quality Photos: Upload photos of your clinic, staff, and services to make your profile more attractive.
Collect Reviews: Encourage satisfied patients to leave positive reviews on your profile. Respond to reviews promptly to show engagement.
2. Use Local Keywords
Incorporating local keywords into your website content is vital for improving your search rankings. These keywords should include your location and relevant services. For example:
“Physical therapy clinic in [Your City]”
“Best physical therapists near me”
“Sports injury rehabilitation in [Your City]”
Use these keywords naturally in your website’s titles, headings, meta descriptions, and content. Avoid keyword stuffing, as it can harm your rankings.
3. Create Location-Specific Content
Creating content that is relevant to your local audience can boost your local SEO efforts. Consider writing blog posts about:
Local events related to health and wellness
Case studies of patients from your area
Tips for staying active in your city’s parks or recreation centers
Local partnerships or sponsorships
This not only helps with SEO but also positions your clinic as an active member of the community.
4. Optimize for Mobile
A significant portion of local searches is conducted on mobile devices. Ensure your website is mobile-friendly by:
Using a responsive design that adjusts to different screen sizes
Ensuring fast loading times by optimizing images and using efficient coding practices
Making navigation easy with clear menus and clickable buttons
Google prioritizes mobile-friendly websites, so this step is crucial for local SEO success.
5. Get Listed in Online Directories
Listing your physical therapy clinic in online directories can improve your visibility and local SEO. Ensure your clinic’s name, address, and phone number (NAP) are consistent across all directories. Some important directories to consider are:
Angie’s List
Local Chamber of commerce websites
Consistency in your NAP information helps build trust with search engines and improves your local search rankings.
6. Build Local Backlinks
Backlinks from local websites signal to search engines that your clinic is relevant to the local area. Here are some ways to build local backlinks:
Partner with local businesses for events or promotions and ask for links back to your site.
Sponsor local events, sports teams, or charities and get mentioned on their websites.
Submit guest posts to local blogs or news sites with a link back to your clinic.
Quality backlinks from reputable local sources can significantly boost your local SEO efforts.
7. Leverage Social Media
Active social media profiles can enhance your local SEO by increasing your online presence and engagement. Make sure to:
Create profiles on major social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
Share content that is relevant to your local audience, such as health tips, success stories, and community involvement.
Engage with your followers by responding to comments and messages promptly.
Using local hashtags and tagging local businesses can also help increase your visibility within the community.
8. Use Structured Data Markup
Structured data markup, or schema markup, helps search engines understand your website’s content better. For local SEO, use LocalBusiness schema to provide detailed information about your clinic. This can include:
Your business name
Phone number
Business hours
Services offered
Implementing schema markup can enhance your search listings with additional information, making it easier for potential patients to find you.
9. Monitor and Analyze Your Performance
Regularly monitoring your local SEO performance helps you understand what’s working and where improvements are needed. Use tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console to track:
Website traffic
Search rankings for local keywords
Click-through rates
User behavior on your site
Analyzing this data can help you adjust your strategies for better results.
Take Your Physical Therapy Clinic to the Next Level with Karma Health's Local SEO Strategies!
Implementing these local SEO tips can help your physical therapy clinic attract more local patients and grow your practice. By optimizing your online presence, creating relevant content, and engaging with your community, you can improve your search rankings and make it easier for potential patients to find and choose your clinic. Start with these strategies today to enhance your local SEO and see your clinic thrive with the expert guidance of Karma Health.
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detective-dracula · 10 months
The Way The World Should Be
just thinking to myself about how my city, country, and the world in general could be better. In an ideal scenario, as well as some thoughts on how we might practically get there
The big thing i think, is encouraging more young people to get interested in politics and how the community is run. Thinking of ways to address the issues they think are important and then doing things about it. Especially going out to vote, but also spreading their ideas to people or trying to get into a position where you can make decisions that help make things better
poverty, homelessness, drug addiction, these things suck. Ways it could be fixed: heavily increasing taxes on the mega-rich (i'm talking people who make hundreds of millions yearly, not your average small business owner) in order to build communes with small housing where you get to live for free if you contribute a few hours a week to maintaining the community (cleaning, growing veggies, maybe doing security or administrative necessities). Just like tiny apartments with enough to live. Gotta have free resources to help people make good resumes/ find meaningful employment, as well as free (maybe digital) training on how to handle finances and on some coping mechanisms for dealing with drug problems, could maybe have a free AI therapist for everybody too, with the way that tech is going.
Crime sucks: maybe more surveillance? Like have cameras all around the city, just in public spaces, so even if somebody commits a crime in an alley then we know who was in or around the alley at that time. No cameras in private spaces though, people value their privacy. It helped a bit for Chicago, I think. Plus having the cameras be really visible would help deter crimes, people are less likely to commit crimes when they're being watched
More public encouragement towards fitness and healthy nutrition. Like art around the city could be subtly encouraging vegetables and sports and exercise and stuff.
Make sure the public is educated on healthy nutrition, as well as ways to practically improve your diet. e.g. food plans and what you should be eating instead.
Even more encouragement to improving fitness and health, challenging the body and moving it in as much ways and improving its strength. More public games of sports / martial arts that anybody can join, encouragement to join said sports
There should also be more art everywhere in general. Even having more styles of architecture would create a lot more variety and novelty in everyday life
Definitely more green spaces! There's not enough trees and nature trails and stuff.
More transparency in government: idk how this could work (maybe needing to have regular progress reports on addressing issues) but more of a focus on making sure they actually get stuff done instead of just worrying about getting elected/re-elected. Like making society better and fixing problems instead of making things worse for people. Government at its roots is supposed to be about making things better, we gotta get back to that.
More of a focus on philosophy, people should learn more ways of thinking. They could cover great thinkers and ideas in school more than they currently do, as well as have publicly accessible online resources that anybody could use to learn. For a lot of popular religions, it could be beneficial to encourage more people to really think about and apply the positive messages and ideas beneath the stories instead of just passively hearing the stories or twisting the messages to spread hate.
We could create a peaceful happy society of warrior athlete philosopher artists or whatever people feel like doing. This is a very rough draft obviously but I think it's a good enough ideal to work towards
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aliceward · 1 year
What Does it Mean to Dream About Brakes Not Working
Have you ever dreamed about your brakes not working? What does it mean to dream about brakes not working? What meaning could this have in a dream? This meaning will be explored below.
What Does it Mean to Dream About Brakes Not Working
If you are dreaming of your vehicle’s brakes failing, then the meaning that can be derived from this is that there may be someone in your life who is trying to hold you down or back or preventing you from moving forward. There could also be a stop sign in one of your paths, meaning that you should stop and rethink what step you are taking. If these dreams happen repeatedly, then it may signify the presence of fear regarding some situation. It is essential to understand that our subconscious mind often brings up images to acknowledge and resolve, therefore, whatever the issue may be, it is likely to be presented while you are dreaming. You can take it up when you wake up and resolve it thoroughly so that it doesn’t bother you anymore.
Dreaming is a customary aspect of life that can sometimes reveal our deepest thoughts and feelings. For the most part, even if you might not always remember your dreams in the morning, they can help you better understand yourself and your life.
With this in mind, has a dream ever felt like an omen of great or terrible things to come for you? Has a dream ever struck a chord with you in at least one aspect of your life, like relationships, work, or hobbies?
While humans universally experience numerous dream scenarios, this article will discuss what it means when you dream about car brakes not working. The significance this might hold for your life.
Dream about a bicycle where the brakes fail.
This may point to a situation in your life where you feel that things have come to an abrupt end and you are not sure how things should proceed. However, one thing is sure, when the meaning of this dream is faced ahead on then, it can be easier for us to move forward with our lives. If the meaning of these dreams continues to bother you, then it is advisable to seek guidance from a therapist or counselor.
Generally, the meaning of a dream about brakes failing is that your efforts will not get you anywhere. You may not see much visible progress in your situation despite all those hours spent writing reports or working on projects at work/college/school, etcetera. Without any further ado, let me reveal the meaning concealed within!
Dream about car brakes not working
Did you know that dreams about failed brakes in cars could be pointing at something going on around you in real life but you are failing to recognize? In this case, the meaning of a dream about car brakes not working will almost always be directly relevant to your waking life. It all depends on who or what figures are in your dream and how they relate to you. The meaning of dreaming about brake failure with a mother figure (or any other significant parental figure) can point at the meaninglessness of having to follow specific rules because nobody important cares what happens to you. It may also mean that there has been an attempt on someone’s part to keep you down by making it look like they have the power to do so.
On the other hand, having a dream about car brakes not working with a friend or lover may point at how you feel like that person is doubtful of your abilities to get things done. You might also be avoiding something by subconsciously trying to make it look like you are incapable of achieving milestones that have meaning for them.
If the dream features strangers (or unknown people) in it, then having these figures appear while experiencing brake failure can mean that you need to put yourself out there more. And finally, if you have a dream where the safety of someone who is not so important is in jeopardy due to failed brakes, then it could point at someone being jealous of your accomplishments and thus are trying to sabotage your reputation because they don’t understand what it means to you. Ultimately, they won’t succeed. Anything that has an ill or evil conscious intent ends up meeting its doom - sooner or later.
Dream about brakes failing because of weather conditions
If you dream about your vehicle’s brakes failing due to weather conditions or similar other reasons may represent the uncertainty you feel about something. Your life is in disarray, and you don’t know where to turn for help. This dream carries a strong warning that you should not continue blindly with what you are doing without considering all options available to you.
Dreaming of breaks failing can also result from anxiety and stress related to work or personal issues in waking life. It can also stem from feeling like it’s risky for others if certain issues are not dealt with soon. The dream does suggest that your own impulsive behavior has put you at significant risk, but it doesn’t necessarily have to come to fruition. You still have ample time to recover from whatever it may be that’s causing you distress in waking life. You will succeed provided you track your changes and proceed in a systematic manner. Make sure to get working on it as soon as you wake up!
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I literally slaughtered my tights and stomach and I don t know how to stop, how to heal and how to hide. I m also afraid of scars
Hey there,
It can be really hard to stop self-harming once you have started, it can become kind of like an addiction and a go to as a coping strategy when things aren’t going well at all or you are finding things tough or really struggling. There are things that you can try to help prevent yourself from self-harming though!
For example, for some people doing something physical like holding some ice in your hand, punching your fist into your pillow if you are feeling distressed or angry, or even doing something as simple as changing your surroundings. So for example, if you are in your bedroom then leaving your room and going into the lounge room or take a step outside for some fresh air. The aim of the last one is to change your focus onto something else and getting yourself out of your own headspace if that makes sense by physically moving yourself somewhere else.
We also have a few other pages that may be helpful when you get the urge to self-harm. These pages I will list below:
Alternatives to self-harm
Reasons not to self-harm
Sometimes talking to a counsellor or therapist can also be really helpful. Just talking through why you self-harm, underlying triggers and other healthy coping strategies that you could try at your own pace and in your own time. It can just be really helpful to let someone else in knowing that you won’t be judged and all that you say will be confidential. You can also always talk to a counsellor either on the phone or on web counselling and especially in times of an emergency and when you really want to self-harm.
In regards to not liking scars, is it possible to cover them up so that they are not visible to you 24/7? This is something that has helped me immensely in the past and especially in my case as sometimes when I see a scar it may trigger me into wanting to self-harm more! So maybe this is something you could give a go?
When your scars have fully healed (it’s important that they are fully healed and not fresh scars) then you can also cover them with make-up. Check out this page for how to!
I really hope that this has helped a bit and please do let us know if we can help to support you in any other way!
I’m thinking of you and hope that you are going well!
Take care,
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drmanastripathy · 2 years
Jan is Thyroid Awareness Month | Laparoscopic Surgeon in HSR Layout  | Dr. Manas Tripathy
Laparoscopic Surgeon in HSR Layout, Bangalore | Dr. Manas Tripathy.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), most thyroid problems are due to low awareness. Since January is Thyroid Awareness Month, why not delve deeper into thyroid in this blog today? We will see what the thyroid is and what its function is. Also, cover its signs and screening. If you have any concerns or questions regarding thyroid, feel free to contact us.
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What Is Thyroid and Its Function?
Simply put, the thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped endocrine gland located in the lower part of the neck. If we talk about the thyroid function, its primary function is to make thyroid hormones. Thyroid hormones are secreted into the blood and then throughout our body. The thyroid is also considered the most important endocrine organ of the body, as it helps control our body’s metabolism, increasing our heart rate and affecting how fast things like food, bone loss, and sugar move through the body.
Few Early warning signs of thyroid disease
Although there is no specific sign or symptom of thyroid disease, there can still be some symptoms of overactive thyroid and underactive thyroid, which are given below.
Symptoms of overactive thyroid –
Anxiety or stress.
Increased appetite.
Rapid loss of weight.
Muscle weakness.
Rapid heartbeat.
Excessive heat/ sweating.
Symptoms of underactive thyroid –
Rapid weight gain
Fatigue or lethargy
Hair loss Constipation.
Cold intolerance.
How can thyroid cancer be diagnosed?
There are many ways to diagnose thyroid cancer, which involves several steps. Our doctors have expertise in its diagnosis and treatment. That’s why you can contact us.
The first step in diagnosing thyroid cancer is finding the lump or swelling. Next, the doctor examines your neck and throat and your medical history. Finally, the doctor may suggest one or more of the following tests to determine whether cancer has spread throughout the body.
Thyroid scan.
CT, MRI, or PET scan.
Blood test to check hormone levels.
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How can thyroid cancer be treated?
Thyroid cancer treatment largely depends on the type of cancer. Surgery may be required to treat all thyroid cancers except in a few rare cases. Below are some of the treatment options for thyroid cancer:-
Minimally invasive surgery
Minimally invasive surgery removes part or all of the thyroid gland. During surgery, if nearby lymph nodes are visible, they are also removed. This surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia and sometimes may require an overnight hospital stay. Our surgeons can make incisions as small as two centimeters using minimally invasive techniques.
Radioactive iodine therapy
Thyroid tissue can be destroyed using this therapy. Radioactive iodine is a drug given orally that only works to destroy thyroid tissue without affecting other parts of the body. This treatment is specifically designed to destroy only microscopic bits of thyroid cancer and thyroid tissue.
Thyroid hormone therapy
Thyroid hormone therapy helps block other hormones that promote cancer tumor growth. The thyroid hormone (levothyroxine) is mainly used for this. For your information, our therapists also use thyroid hormone replacement after a total thyroidectomy to replace the hormones your thyroid is making. These hormones regulate body processes that help you stay healthy.
External radiation therapy
Through this therapy, radiation rays are directed at the tumor from a source so that the tumor can be destroyed. This treatment is often used uncommonly to treat thyroid cancer.
How can thyroid cancer be prevented?
Early detection and treatment of thyroid cancer can ensure the best outcome. Have regular screening physical exams. Patients between the ages of 20 and 39 should get their thyroid checked every three years, and those over 40 should get their thyroid checked yearly. If you have a family history of thyroid cancer, get yourself screened regularly.
Feel free to contact us for the best diagnosis and treatment. Our specialists suggest you for your betterment.
For More Information visit our website: http://drmanastripathy.com/about/
Read more about Thyroid -
#Thyroid #ThyroidCancer #ThyroidAwarenessMonth #ThyroidTreatment #Thyroidectomy #ThyroidSurgery #DrManasTripathy #Proctologist #Proctologists #LaserTreatment #laparoscopicsurgeon #surgery #surgeon #Koramangala #HSRLayout #Indiranagar #ElectronicCity #Bangalore
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pleasantspark · 2 years
TW / CW: Molestation / Rape , Abuse
Due to the last post, I am unfortunate enough to have to come out against this, I usually don't come out with stuff like this because some of my detractors will try and use it to mock me.
But before I explain. Let me get this straight...
This is NOT an excuse, it serves as a reason behind my own actions.
I usually tend to vent about shit like this, wether be it in RP or Fanfiction.
Darkfics, or Ventfics.
I DON'T look up shit or stories like this to BASE of my work at all. It comes from my exerience. At 7 years old (Or 9, I tend to forget because I wish to not remember this at all.) I was sexually abused.
The perpetrator was not known at the time because I was too young to remember.
Evidentially, in a sense he gotten away with it. Pretty certain he was a man. I tend to forget about my CSA a lot but certain times each year I get "maniac" and began to develop paranoia or known as "Episodes"
I tend to forget who I am, I tend to fly in a visible rage. During these episodes I also try and run away from home.
I have urges where I want to run back to my abuser where I believe I was safe with him. My delusions trick me to believe everyone (including those in my discord server and friend lists.) are not real people who actually care for my well being. And that they are trying to ruin my chances at being with my abuser.
I tend to not listen to people because of my own past trauma. Roleplaying R*pe and Abuse is from my experience and its only glorifying it when I tend to fly into these episodes.
I always told my therapist that I trauma dump and always do self destructing habits because I never knew how to cope.
I am starting to believe I'm bipolar now, because the amount of times I acted so fucked up and messed up to several people.
I am seeking actual help and I just want people to stop assuming I'm doing these things because everyone assumes these types of people (slamming against proshippers.) are all bad people, when they themselves have demons.
Those roleplays are out on the open, I have far worse rps done where I vent some more and ends up with several disturbing shit. Most rps I don't tend to do anymore because I simply don't feel the need to do so anymore.
Rarely have I ever went to my usual rp partners dms and say "Hey I want a r*pe rp." I do say it, not because I want to glorify or get happy about it.
Its because I want to do it out of feeling closer to my abuser. Its... Morbid for a victim to want to do sick depraved shit like that.
But in my mind, I believed he cared for me. He promised so many shit for me.
As for the proshipping alter, I think she was groomed into becoming one. I am not sure. Shit like this really urkes me when people assume I'm doing this or that.
I didn't want to fucking explain the extent of what I went through because its my personal business. But I mean, context is important. And as long as I'm not using it to do stupid shit my therapist says its fine.
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