#but it's definitely about how killua's love saves gon
i-heart-hxh · 26 days
hello! i have a question, but i dont quite know how to word it….
i like listening to people’s thoughts on hxh, because sometimes its difficult to collect my own thoughts and hearing others articulate it helps me form my own analysis. usually it clears up confusions on narrative choices, however this thing still confuses me because ive seen lots of meta which sometimes conflict with each other or infos from the show. maybe i missed something?
i dont want to link anybody because i dont want to “call them out” but its a frequent opinion ive come across, so not one person. but what i hear sometimes goes along the lines of: gon vowed to sacrifice everything to defeat pitou -> killua arrives -> despite going through with his jajanken, killua’s presence causes gon to realize he doesnt actually want at all to sacrifice everything and the vow is broken (causing him to lose his nen when he recovers from the physical toll)
i really love this reading. the scene where gon turns to killua right before the screen goes white has always been impactful and seemed important to me for reasons i cant explain. but i’m reluctant to adopt it because the way i understood the nen vow was that it was actually a condition—that gon would only use this power to kill pitou, and then per the “rules” he would lose everything as equivalent exchange when pitou was defeated. and that the reason why his nen was lost was because nanika healed him as he was—which was nen-lost. but the show mentions vows and conditions in conjunction so much sometimes the difference gets muddled in my brain, so i suppose im confused about that as well.
i guess im just asking your thoughts on killua and gon’s love for him potentially being the thing to cause gon’s vow/condition to break. i think its a really sweet idea but im not sure if the mechanics of what exactly gon did to kill pitou support it
sorry for the long ask. please have a nice day!!!!!
Hello! Great question!
So, my way of understanding it is that Gon traded all of his nen potential (meaning all of his nen he had at that time and all of the nen he would have ever had in the future) in order to achieve his adult form and have enough power to kill Pitou. By the time he had achieved that form, he was already doomed to have no nen once he used up the massive but finite amount he had, which was his whole lifetime worth. Like taking out a loan on the full amount of money you'll ever make in your lifetime and then burning it all, but more abstract because it's not money.
It very well may have killed him as well, if not for Killua arriving. Think of the cost to his body to unnaturally achieve that form and use that much nen, which is what Killua recoils at realizing when he sees Gon in that form. I'm sure this is why he ended up as such a withered husk afterwards.
Killua showing up definitely saved him, however, both because he helped him dodge Pitou's Terpsichora and in a more far-reaching emotional sense as well. I think when Killua arrived and called his name that final time, it made Gon realize that he wasn't just giving up his own future--he was giving up his future with Killua as well, and by giving up his life it was going to destroy Killua and leave him alone. Gon had steeled himself to die prior to this, but looking back at Killua's face, his expression entirely changes, softens. As a result, I think Gon holds back a bit with his final Rock and preserves himself just enough to keep his body going. Then Nanika heals Gon's body, but this doesn't undo the nen contract he made--even though his body fully recovers, he did still give up all his nen potential, after all.
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(I'm very sorry for posting these pages, know that it breaks my heart to look at them.)
So, the way I see the scene, it's less about the mechanics of it, as that's relatively straightforward. Gon losing his nen was already set when he decided he wanted to give it all up in order to be strong enough to defeat Pitou. It's more about how Killua reaching Gon impacted him emotionally and made him hold back to the degree he could at the very end. Because at that final moment Killua was able to reach him at last--by saying his name, an echo of other scenes in the arc with Meruem and Komugi.
I absolutely think the intent of that scene is that Killua has become Gon's light and saved him--by showing Gon that he wasn't alone, that there was someone else worth living for, that Killua cares about him and doesn't want to lose him. Gon lost sight of that previously amid his trauma and guilt, but in that final moment, he truly sees Killua's horror and pain at what he's doing, and Gon realizes he doesn't want to leave Killua behind forever. Gon manages to barely survive as a result.
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mari-lair · 9 months
I want to talk about Killua and Gon's separation.
There is a lot to untangle so let's start with Killua's mentality after the Chimera Ant Arc.
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Killua is aware of how much Gon hurt him, and he understands that even if Gon's bond and dept with Kite is not something he can relate to, this pain isn't something he can brush off either, yet, he comclude his self-reflection by calling his dilemma a burden.
This need to be valued by Gon is what made him take things personally and feel useless during their invasion.
Regardless of his own feelings and issues, Killua blames himself for not sucking up and staying there with Gon. He has for a while... Take note of how horrified he looks after Palm tells him he is the one Gon needs the most.
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Any possible joy he could have gotten from being important was far too small compared to the crushing realization 'Gon needs me and I left him alone while he was suffering.'
But Killua is hurting for himself too, at how he was put in a situation where everything felt out of his control.
That makes him angry.
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When yelling at Gon about how reckless and selfish he is, Killua thinks to himself "apologies...?" as a question, a question that comes right after thinking "this time I won't forgive you'', like he is trying to find an answer to how he is feeling.
He doesn't really know what he wants from Gon, how or even where to direct his anger.
But he does know what he wants from himself.
'I will definitively make you better.'
It makes his declaration feel more like a "you will be alive to apologize. You will be here when I figure it out" the apology itself isn't nearly as important.
Because his recovery is so important, Killua doesn't allow himself to think too hard about it. He can't get emotional and make mistakes again, he needs to be level headed and get things done.
Even if the ever-present fear that he will be too late to save Gon is there.
He was too late once after all.
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Killua immediately loses his calm when there are no hospital curtains or glass windows between them.
Even with Nanika by his side to give him strength, he is tense from the moment he reaches for Gon's hand. It breaks him to witness exactly how bad Gon state has become.
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Translations vary but the sense of urgency is prevalent, even with his mission accomplished, his wish a touch away, he shows zero relief, he acts like he is too late again, desperate to help him.
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There is no 'Gon is invincible. He heals super fast from everything.' mentality anymore, and even the hope he has been clinging to that 'Nanika is amazing, she can heal Gon' gets destroyed.
Is just him and the brutal reminder Gon can fall.
So when Gon gets up, against all odds, Killua is happy. The joy is stronger than his grief.
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He downplays his worry, and keeps it casual, when he tells Gon to watch out for himself, but he is genuinely happy when Gon thanks him.
That's what I believe Killua really wanted from the start, not an apology but a thank you. It always hit him hard when Gon thanks him, be it when Killua is happy, or at his lowest:
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Killua just didn't believe he deserved a "thank you", not after being put far too many responsibilities on himself and drowning in failures. But now, things are okay.
For as difficult as Killua's life is, he does like to focus on the good, so when he talks to Gon, who is alive and no longer blinded by grief, while being able to hold on to his little sister's hand, who is happy and free, he has no regrets, it was no problem. He would do it again and again and again for them, and Gon showing appreciation of what he has done is the cherry on top.
Killua doesn't really care about the apology anymore, because he already understands Gon didn't want to hurt him, he has been by Gon's side for years, and he knows better than anyone that Gon is a kind boy who loves his friends very much, and is far too harsh on himself.
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So Killua acknowledges his pain but he keeps it light-hearted and brief. He doesn't want his best friend to focus on this, as Gon is prone to, so after Gon gets on his knees to apologize, Killua thanks him.
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Which is something Killua rarely does, most of his thank yous are either casual or in monologues Gon isn't privy to. But he want to focus on the good he gained, on how his adventures and feelings for Gon are what let him take the needle out and go to Alluka's rescue instead of how he learned to fear loss.
He believes Gon is just as important to Alluka's rescue as Alluka was to his recovery. And he acknowledged Gon's issues but still value him.
So he does what he has always appreciated, and lets Gon know how valuable he is. Hurt or not, he always wants what's best for Gon. To cheer him up, to put his mind at ease.
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And now that things have gotten more peaceful, they both decided that's what they focus on, on how valuable the other is. How much they enjoy each other's company and how hard it is to go their separate ways.
Even what Ging says about "What I was I looking for isn't what I ended up valuing" parallels their arrangement.
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This is the end of their journey to travel the world in search of Ging, and the Chimera Ant disaster will definitively mark them, but they are still friends, and proud of it!
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Which brings me to Killua's "you're number two" claim.
Personally, I do not believe he is being literal or trying to measure their value when he claims his sister is No.1. He just doesn't want to put too much pressure on Gon when he can tell Gon is still beating himself over how he treated Killua.
Palms's "You're the most important person to Gon" speech broke Killua, it crushed him with pressure, and it wasn't even Gon himself saying. Imagine how bad Gon would feel if Killua said "You're my most important person" or showed in any way how highly he holds Gon after the way Gon had snapped at him.
Add in how Gon already feels indebted to Killua, who had witnessed Gon destroy himself over his debt to Kite, and how hard it is for Gon to let Killua go... I can understand why Killua would want to downplay the situation as much as possible. Make it easier on Gon.
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I don't want to downplay Alluka's importance to Killua though, she is the main reason they separate, the one that gives Killua confidence to turn his back on Gon despite how sad they look about diverging their paths, and makes Killua keep going.
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Killua had nothing he wanted for a while. Now he wants to take Alluka and Nanika to travel the world, and while Gon is amazing and fun, he is also deeply intertwined with danger.
And Killua already has a lot of danger on his hands.
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He needs a break from danger. From stress.
He can't protect Alluka and Nanika, while keeping an eye on Gon in their usual adventures. And he can't let himself go wild with Illumi on the hunt.
His priority is to keep Alluka safe and happy. Show her a taste of freedom and all the fun he knows exists out there.
And Killua is emotionally smart too, for as much as he is attached to Gon, I think he does realize they need time away. They will see each other again, they promised.
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but right now they are too dependent.
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luffyvace · 6 months
Kurapika fluffy relationship headcanons :)
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i felt like doing some for him so here i am
finding fluffy ones for him isn’t hard but i just wanted to add to the ratio
gn reader! :)
so before i start i want to say that i’m going to do this in a scenario where you met at the boat taking you to dolle harbor
(if you don’t remember it’s the island that leads the entrance exam—aka the island where the old woman asks the main four if you’d rather save your mother or you lover. look it up-)
you two met on that boat
he looked pretty friendly to you
so you struck a conversation
even if your not the most social- the other guys sure didn’t look friendly
plus you were interested in the book he was reading
which is what you talked about
eventually you got each other’s names and some small introductory facts about each other
so you guys became friends :)
he saw how strong you were during the yellow wolf thing’s test (forgot they name- not gonna look it up)
or if your not strong you were smart enough to figure out that this was a test
or not- again. then maybe he helped you out/protected you
”hey thanks!”
”it’s nothing, just watch your back next time :)”
you travel with kurapika, leorio and gon for some time and get to know the 4 of them decently by the time you make it to the actual exam
fast forward to around the time your getting closer to finishing the exam
leorio has picked up on the fact that kurapika has a crush on you by now
he offers him advice but kurapika decides to do things on his own
fast forward again to after he courts you
(if you want hcs that go more in depth on him crushing or trying to court you just ask)
relationship time!!
i’ll clear this up right here and now-
no he wouldn’t involve you in his spider killing business
ik everyone says that 😭
but it’s true we all just kinda collectively agree he wouldn’t for your safety
especially since your his s/o
now your the closest person he has to family besides friends
and he definitely wouldn’t want to risk that
so no, he wouldn’t involve you the same way he wouldn’t involve killua, gon and leorio
if you get held hostage along with gon and killua he would internally panic
this is kurtapika tho so of course he still stays calm and rational
they’d better not hurt you
but just like gon and killua they left you go :)
he gives you a very very tight hug after that.
he loves reading and would love to bond with you over books if you do too
recommending authors to each other
reading in silence next to each other
sharing your thoughts after finishing the same book
its comforting
kurapika is a pretty good cook
even though he doesn’t do it often he was taught from a young age by his mom
so he’s real good with seasoning
kurapika likes savory foods, a little bit of sweet too
occasionally salty
but he won’t mess with spicer ones
if he does the shopping he won’t come home with spices
you’ll have to buy that
his first instinct wouldn’t be to give massages
but if you ever asked for one he’d realize loves to give and receive them
if your not strong he’d teach you how to defend yourself
probably some basic nen too
he likes cuddles more than he’d like to admit
if you ask he’d blush a little then lay down and wait for you to snuggle up next to him
hes also real good at keep the place clean
he wouldn’t bring up dates since he’s busy a lot but if you suggest one when he has some time he’d be more than happy to go on one with you
he’s a very loyal, honest and communicative lover
on the last one though he’ll shut down and walk away before coming to talk it out later
it kinda sucks but it’s a habit of his so you’ll have to talk to him about it if you want him to put forth effort to stop
he respects and supports most decisions you make as long as they’re safe
he probably told you about his family back when you were friends
like how he did with gon killua and leorio
you can try to comfort him about it but he kinda reacts how he did when he told gon and the others
”only killing all the spiders would be able to put me at ease”
even then as we saw when he heard they “died” he’d still be drowning in a indespicable emptiness 🤓
on a brighter note
if you compliment him his reaction is kinda cute
”oh..! thanks y/n :)”
continue to do it frequently and he’ll do it back to you
it becomes you guys’ thing.
his love languages are quality time (as much as he can) and acts of service
overall he’s a 9/10 lover <3
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enchiibean · 4 months
i feel like you are one of the only people ive seen that doesnt immediately believe gon fell in love with killua in the hunter exam arc. i feel like it's dismissive of his character, it bothers me. what are your thoughts?
Hi! Sorry for taking so long answering! I wanted to write a good answer to this because I do actually have a lot of thoughts about it, so thank you for the ask! This ended up really long and as more of an analysis on their relationship in general… I want to preface this by saying that everything in this post is simply my interpretation of the characters, and that it’s only one interpretation of many. Just because how someone else interprets their relationship is different from mine doesn’t mean I think they’re wrong, it just means we see them differently! If you read this post, I hope you are able to see my point of view!
Although Killugon is one of my favourite ships ever, introducing romantic feelings so early into their dynamic makes their relationship feel less meaningful to me. I think that their friendship is more narratively important than their romance — and I think that both of them would be okay with the other not returning their feelings because being together is more important to them than being together romantically.
One of the things that makes their relationship so special is their friendship!! Their friendship is the foundation of their relationship, and the romance exists on top of it, not before it. Although I don’t think that romantic feelings would necessarily change their motivations and actions, I do think that it would alter how the audience would perceive them! And when we look at their actions through a romantic lens, it changes how we view their motivations.
For example, to me, the reason Killua approached Gon at the beginning of the Hunter Exam and wanted to become friends with him isn’t because he had a crush on him at first sight, but because he wants to have a friend his age and to feel like a kid. Even if it’s that he developed a crush on him later in the exam, I think that the idea of him already having been attracted to Gon or even in love with him during the Hunter Exam takes away from the importance of friendship to Killua, since the climax of Killua’s character in this arc is when he declares that he just wants to be friends with Gon when he feels like he can’t even have that.
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I don’t think Killua really thought that anyone would be willing to confront his family for him because that’s literally an insane thing to do?? But Gon did it!! And I think that Gon being that insane and willing to risk his life for Killua is what really dragged him out of the darkness and gave him the devotion to be insane right back at him. 
On the other hand, with Gon, I feel like, when viewed through a romantic lens, his motivation during the Zoldyck Family Arc typically becomes that he’s going after Killua because he’s already developed feelings for him in the Hunter Exam Arc, which as you may have guessed, I don’t agree with. To me, that was something he’d have done for any of his friends — if Kurapika or Leorio suddenly started acting strangely and had run off when it seemed clear to Gon that they didn’t want to leave, I think he’d have chased after them, too.
We know that Gon is the type of person who would even risk his life to try to save someone he barely knows (if he likes them), like on the boat on the way to the Hunter Exam! And if I’m being completely honest, I don’t think Killua was even a particularly special friend to Gon until partway through Heaven’s Arena… If Killua hadn’t followed him and they didn’t speak ever again, Killua would’ve just been someone cool that he’d met and that he would no longer think about, and I definitely don’t think he had any romantic feelings for him by then.
That’s not to say that Killua wasn’t someone he considered a friend, just that I think that, at the time, to Gon, it was like when you make a friend at summer camp and then you lose contact as soon as you part ways. And while to Killua, Gon’s actions during Zoldyck Family Arc gave him this unpayable debt and made Killua extremely devoted to Gon, I don’t think it meant that much to Gon because again, I think this is something that he’d have done for any of his friends. However, by the end of Heaven’s Arena, I do think Killua has become someone who is special to Gon — on Whale Island, Gon tells Killua that he’s his first friend his age, and more than that, he’s someone that he wants to stay with.
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In that same scene, they tell each other that they’re their first friend (their age). To me, this is something that informs so much of their dynamic — they don’t know what being friends with someone “normally” looks like, which is part of why they’re so insane!! And because of this, it’s important to me that there is at least a small period of time before this where that’s all they were — friends, no romantic feelings involved. 
Their insanity extends to romance, but is not because of it — their friendship is the most important part of their relationship. This is why even during the needle scene, where I feel like I can say that I definitely think that Killua has feelings for Gon at this point (his reactions during the “it has to be Killua scene,” the “Gon, you are light scene,” etc.), the emphasis is on how Gon is precious to him because he’s his friend, even though he is probably in love with him.
That friendship foundation is so important to how I see Gon and Killua and honestly, beyond the whole “viewing their actions through a romantic lens changes how we perceive them” thing, I just… don’t see either of them as being in love by the end of the Hunter Exam! These reasons are why it’s important to how I interpret their characters for there to be a period of time where their feelings are purely platonic.
Also, as an add-on, personally, I think that there’s a chance that Gon doesn’t return Killua’s feelings in canon even at their separation since nothing that he’s done, said, or thought has felt as explicitly romantic in nature as Killua. BUT I really like the idea of Gon pining for Killua on Whale Island during their separation, haha. The earliest I can conceive of when Gon starts developing feelings for Killua is Greed Island and a lot of it has to do with the shift in their dynamic — it’s when Gon starts really saying things to demonstrate his appreciation of Killua!!
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HOWEVER, that doesn’t mean I perceive his actions as romantic in nature from his perspective. For example, while “it has to be Killua” is a romantic line, I don’t think Gon said it with romantic intent (nor that he’d be aware of them yet if he did have them)! I think that that was more for Killua, as well as planting the seeds in the reader’s mind for their romance, rather than a confession from Gon. Plus, imagine if he’d confessed his feelings for Killua to TSEZGUERRA instead of Killua when Killua is RIGHT THERE…
The other reason why Greed Island is the time where I think Gon is most likely to have developed feelings for Killua is because I really don’t think he was focusing on Killua in the same way in Chimera Ant Arc and it’d be a strange point in their relationship for romantic feelings to develop to me… I can’t imagine any of the moments in Chimera Ant Arc as being one where Gon would have developed feelings for Killua, or where he would have realized them. I like the idea that his realization happens sometime either during or after the separation the most!
On the other hand, I think that Killua probably had feelings for Gon by the start of Greed Island and realized them either during the dodgeball match or the “Gon, you are light” scene because they had the most romantic undertones to me from Killua’s side :) and I think that Killua could have developed them at any point after the Zoldyck Family Arc. 
I think that the way that their relationship develops is so beautiful and subtle that the romance ultimately feels very ambiguous. I don’t think that there is one specific point where we can say that either of them developed or realized any romantic feelings for each other definitively, and I don’t think there are any ideas that are necessarily wrong about when either happened, just ones that don’t align with each other! There are only different interpretations and ones that don’t align with each other and this post is only representative of my personal interpretation :) I hope this answered your question, Anon! And thank you to anyone who was willing to read the entirety of this post. It ended up much, much longer (and perhaps, much, much, more off-topic from the original question) than I expected, haha!
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cat3ch1sm · 9 months
Hi hope you're feeling better 💙 if I may ask again (cause ur writing is so good 💕)could I please have some wholesome and funny camping headcanons with the main four?(killua, gon, kurapika and leorio)
🪐~ hi there! thanks for asking abt my health, im taking it one day at a time :) here’s ur request!! to be clear there is no limit on how many requests one person can send in! so if u think you’re being annoying by sending in several requests don’t. i love you guys’ ideas
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𝐡𝐱𝐡 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
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gon is definitely the one who proposes the idea of camping. the others have to be convinced. but when gon really wants you to do something his eyes get all sparkly and big and earnest and he’s hard to say no to so eventually everyone always pulls up at the campsite
gon and killua have a ton of fun on the hike to the campsite in the woods. they’re just playing tag and chasing each other and swinging on trees and running up this steep ass hill like nobody’s business. kurapika isn’t as eager but he doesn’t have trouble actually hiking. but by the time they reach the site leorio is half dead
gon still pulls up in his fuck ass green shorts and cardigan even though they’re near water and they’re outside in the woods and there are a shit ton of mosquitoes
kurapika in a tank top. that’s all
killua does not even bother avoiding things like anthills and beehives and shi he just walks straight through them and the insects don’t even bother him
gon teaches the whole gang how to fish and Kurapika is a natural for some reason. leorio eventually gets the hang of it. but killua is positively disgusted by the worms they have to use as bait
doesn’t stop him from tossing a few down leorio and kurapika’s shirts though
kurapika is actually really proficient in the wild somehow- he remembers to pack all the essentials, knows how to set up a shelter (even though they have a tent) and knows what to do in case of things like flash floods or forest fires
there is always this one squirrel that will not stop following gon. he keeps feeding it and even though everyone says not to because then it’ll never leave him alone, gon doesn’t care. the squirrel seems genuinely attached to him and likes to chill on gon’s shoulder
there is also a squirrel that follows leorio simply to steal his food.
leorio and killua argue nonstop about how to set up the tents until kurapika swoops in while they’re busy fighting and just wordlessly puts them up himself
of course killua and gon share a tent while leorio and kurapika share the other
kurapika is basically gon and killua’s parent on camping trips because they’re twelve year old boys and super reckless. so before they go running off somewhere kurapika always drowns them in bug spray and sunscreen and makes sure they have full water bottles
for some reason killua is dead set on catching his own food. not like casual fishing like gon does, but he literally just wants to go into the woods and kill animals with his bare hands and bring them back to cook even though that’s definitely not how that works
of course Kurapika is prepared though. he brought things like trail mix and sunflower seeds and nuts and some meat. he also brings s’mores for them to make over the fire
starting the fire, by the way, gives them absolute hell. kurapika’s matches won’t light and killua’s lightning flashes too quick and gon can’t muster up enough heat energy from his nen to make the fire. after an hour though, when leorio leaves his glasses sitting right beside the pile of wood, the sun catches in the lens and finally lights the fire. leorio barely saves his glasses in time from the blaze
gon is a literal mosquito magnet for no reason. even despite the bug spray he comes back from his escapades with killua itching like crazy until Kurapika to the rescue gives him ointment to help with it
kurapika for some reason always burns his marshmallows in the fire when they’re making s’mores. he does it on purpose too and killua always makes it clear that he’s judging him for eating the burnt marshmallows
killua thought it would be fun to light the marshmallow on fire and then try and eat the literal flaming marshmallow. gon wanted to try too, but both leorio and kurapika shut that down real quick
when it’s time to go to bed and it’s dark gon climbs the trees and looks at the stars because he thinks they’re pretty. killua calls him corny but always joins him in the trees
kurapika just stays awake below, quietly watching the two talk and laugh in the tree
gon and killua always wind up falling asleep in the trees despite claiming that they’ll come back down
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theclearblue · 4 months
For the ship ask, can I ask : Sokka/Toph, Yona/Suwon, Gon/ Killua?
Oooh of course, these are some fun pairings!
Ship it
I think this is a cute pairing! I definitely think they are the closest to each other out of everyone, they have really good heart to hearts and rely on each other in a unique way, especially in Season 3 is where they really shine.
I think both of them have such a genuine and silly friendship/dynamic that makes them appealing! I also think both can sometimes be a little emotionally closed off so it's nice to see them really open up to each other about hard topics and share their vulnerabilities.
Hmm I have no idea if this is a popular or unpopular headcanon or not but I kinda view Toph (aged up) as aromantic, where even in this dynamic she really appreciates Sokka! But she doesn't know where to draw the line between a friend and a partner.
Don't Ship It
They're cousins 😭😭😭 Don't get me wrong, LOVE both characters and their dynamic, both are fascinating characters that hold a lot of love towards each other but also pain and guilt, but them being related puts a full stop towards this ship for me. Also even though I am usually a pretty big multishipper, Yona/Hak are just it for me and Suwon gives me aro/ace vibes as well
Not to keep hammering this point home, but not being related would certainly help 💀 And I know Yona has a crush on him at the beginning of the series, but she grows SO much as a person that I think her love for Suwon just fundamentally changes with that growth too? So even with not being related, I think the two of them have grown and matured in such a way where it isn't feasible to me.
Hmm the angst potential is so great for them, I think they are both such interesting characters that have such a troubled past that they have to navigate, but they also clearly love each other SO much, it wouldn't of hurt so bad if that love was any less. I think just every duo within the Hak/Yona/Suwon trio have such a unique relationship it's unlike anything else.
Ship It
UGH they're cute throughout the entire series but the moment where Killua is just looking at Gon with such awe and says "Gon, you are light" wowwowwow that moment changed my life and made it go from cute childhood friends to like true soulmates.
Oh I just love how Killua becomes more human and kind and just gets to be a normal kid for the first time because Gon gives him the opportunity. And later when Killua takes everything he's learned to try and save Gon when he starts losing his humanity? They really do it all where you have the cute fluffy childhood friends side to just the angst filled devastation that happens at the end of the chimera ant/election arc.
Ohh I'm probably not involved enough to know truly what the hot take of Gon/Killua are, but it really annoys me when I see hxh fans say shipping them is weird? I promise you gay people can know that they're gay before the age of 18 lmaaaaoooo, I had my first gay crush at like the same age.
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halt-kun · 2 years
Hunter x Hunter Chapter 108 - September 4th (7)
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seeing them all four together really brings me joy
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Yep you morons
I’m surprised Killua didn’t pick up on it but I get it, sometimes you don’t really think about stuff beyond what we tell you
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Everyone is so compliant and understanding
I love them
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Kurapika isn’t really as specialized as people think
The majority of his abilities can work on everyone
Though he is reckless and likes risky abilities
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I wouldn’t take the risk too but I do hope judgement chain wouldn’t act retroactively in this case
what kind of contract is that
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Jugement chain is so pretty
It’s my favourite
Yay for Kurapika
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I always understood this as conjured objects don’t weaken once separated from the body but abilities requiring other categories would be very hard to use as a conjurer since they require to use emitted aura which isn’t their forte.
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It’s always so cool when Kurapika reveals Emperor Time
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I love when the nen hexagon is centered on a different categories
I’m so used to seeing it with enhancement as the center, maybe because Wing was an enhancer and then it kept being used that way
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I always found this so weird also because it was kind of retconned later on
I understood it as give the same amount of time training in each category, you’d reach these levels
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That’s quite self explanatory
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They are so dedicated to each other
I love them all
haven’t I said it before ? Who cares
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Kurapika gonna BIG BRAIN
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It wasn’t in the anime I’m so happy
I love Kurapika’s trains of thoughts
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Someone please hug Kurapika 
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Tsundere Killua and Gon being a very good kid 
Best dynamic
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Pakunoda and Shizuku I get
Shal’s fortune is weird, I don’t see how not replying to his phone would help him not die
Because that’s definitely calls for blackmailing yet I guess not replying would help him not die but not save other troupe members ?
I’m sure some surviving would get in the way of other surviving
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Chrollo really trusts Machi he let her guard two of the key members predestined to die according to the fortunes
While he guards two non-essential members (according to Shal) and only one might die
Yep team, we don’t know which one will die (except it is two) unless Hisoka betrayal counts as one lost limb
Anyway Machi’s a badass
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Rain again
really sets the mood
I want rain
Anyway Nobunaga’s disillusion continues
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Korutopi is really scary as someone able to conjure that many concrete and glass
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I love the rain 
It might be one of the rare times we can see an anime character actually wearing a coat when it’s raining
I love this panel
Korutopi is just scary
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mario8th · 3 months
I've Become The Leo DiCaprio Pointing Meme Any Time Shizuku Is On Screen And Its A Problem But Did You See How She Was In A Suit!?!?!!!??!?!
For Hunter X Hunter Episodes 44-47, I've finally cancelled my Crunchy sub (corporate mergers are vile) and booted up the show on my "hacked PS2"
Which didn't affect my experience at all negatively, in fact it looks better and I don't have to deal with the crunchy app being crap. But the "copy" I "found" has seemingly edited some of the Hunterpedias to make Killua and Gon black. Which like, hell yeah, but was also unexpected EDIT - Cohost User @ Bongasaur let me know that, apparently, The Show Just Did That. Their research implied It was apparently due to the episodes having aired at the end of Summer break, and is to represent the kids who came back with tans. Weird!
Anyway these episodes had a lot riding on them. The Media Club Plus cast (at least those who'd seen it before) hyped them up quite a bit. And. Well. I enjoyed them.
Melody continues to be lovely, I especially liked how she brought in her theme diegetically into the show. Love when that happens.
Definitely called what would happen to the ten whatever they were called. What I think really set me off was the designs. Yeah, the four introduced at the start were all weird. But they weren't interesting. There were nobodies in the Hunter Exam arc with more care put into their designs then these 10 jabronies. (Still thinking of you blowjob brothers). But again, they were a useful tool for introducing how strong the Phantoms are.
It was also funny, after like three whole episodes, that we're abruptly reminded that Gon, Killua, and Leorio are Also Still In This Show. It was also a fun rug pull when Togashi was setting up Yet Another Tournament arc only to have it end before it even started.
Okay, let's see. How much else can I write about before talking about the bulk of these episodes. Oh, Yeah! I also really love the twist of Kurapika making further moral compromises by agreeing to work with Anime Joker. Good stuff
Alright, fine. There was fighting. It was good fighting.
But what bugged me. At the end of 44 Kurapika tells us about his wager. That he'll only ever use that move on the Phantom Troupe or else he'll die. And then it repeats at the top of 45.
And it shouldn't have been brought up at all.
The thing that Jojo's does really well is layer on the surprises throughout the action to keep the suspense up. And Hunter x Hunter just does not do that.
Think about How Cool it would've been if we see Kurapika use this move a couple times, and then finally reveal that This Move Could Kill Me if I wasn't using it On You, the Spider I'm About To Kill.
It would retroactively add stakes to what we thought was simply a really powerful move, and it would let the reveal come at the climax of the mini arch, not stuck somewhere in the middle. It should have been saved! But for some reason he just. Says it. Unprovoked. To the audience. And then its repeated again, to pad out episode length I guess.
It certainly doesn't help that I just finished my Eva rewatch to prepare for my screening of the film Wednesday, And Dungeon Meshi has been Killing It these past few weeks. I have shows to directly compare this against. And yeah, neither of them are truly comparable to HxH, but I enjoy them a lot more. So when I watch this set of four episodes that have been talked up A Lot, but not finding myself enjoying them especially more than any of the other episodes. Well, I dunno. It's a good show, I'll give you that. (even less related Bad Batch has also been great, as well as the Rebels episodes AMCA is covering)
I hope Kurapika meets up with the other boys soon.
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thehomothings · 3 years
Analysis of Kite's conflicting moralities, relationship with death, and the toll reincarnation may take on one's psyche
So, today I decided to compile all the thoughts I have had about Kite's interesting worldview since the first time I saw him into one post, mostly for my own sake, really. If you're familiar with the few posts I've made, you know it's gonna be a mess, but hopefully a comprehensible mess.
A heads up, this is going to be spoiler-heavy, and very much deal with subjects of death and dying as a whole. Also, some of these conclusions are drawn from my own experiences and close brushes with death, I'm not going to go into much detail but it might get personal and definitely dark. I'm not even sure if I can call this a meta-analysis, and I'm obviously no expert, so mayhaps take all of this with a grain of salt.
Been getting into drawing lately, and during the more simple and mindless part of the painstaking process of dotting every single star in this, I let my thoughts wander through the latest part of the fic I'm writing, and I got a better grasp on what exactly made Kite such an elusive character to me.
I'm not quite sure why I got so attached to Kite. Perhaps it was the air of tragedy surrounding him, how despite his sordid past he remained still open and gentle even if outlined by a healthy dose of cynicism.
But sometimes, I think it's the fact that he is so paradoxical. He's brave, yet fears death to such a degree that creates a whole Nen ability around it, is a pacifist yet will not hesitate to spill blood for his own sake or someone else's. Despite the many ultimatums and warnings of 'I will not protect you', he gave his arm and then his life to save Gon and Killua. He approaches each hunt and battle with a clear plan of action in mind, but his Hatsu takes the form of a roulette that gives him random weapons which are never what he wants, but what he seems to need for that exact situation, which he cannot dispel without using. When he draws a weapon, the decision is locked in and his or his opponent's fate is sealed. That's why each time he dubbs his weapon a bad roll. Every time he has to gamble, he sees himself as having run out of luck. When it comes to having to choose between himself and somebody else...well, there had never been a choice. In fact his aversion to using it may feed into its sheer power that we, unfortunately, saw too little of.
Let's go over his very first appearance when he saves Gon from the mother Foxbear.
It's not hard to see the strain searching for Ging has put on him; he's rash, prone to anger and punching a child for daring to get into trouble. In his mind, he's failing at his most important task, has not yet earned the right to call himself a hunter despite being in possession of his very own hunter license.
After killing the mother Foxbear and raging about having done so, he says this interesting line:
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So yes, he finds killing for any reason rather irksome as most would do, yet I think something deeper caused him to absolutely lose it in this scene:
He had not been aware of Gon's identity, and despite being an animal lover and a naturalist, he made a choice to save the human instead of allowing nature to run its course. In fact, he says: 'No beast that harms a human must be allowed to live.'
How does one weight one life against another? How is the worth of it determined? The value of life... an impossible choice he's faced with and a choice which he seems to regret to some degree.
The Foxbear cub.
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Here, he's speaking from experience, a tangible loss he has felt himself, and a hard and bitter life he does not want to impose on the cub.
His backstory is exclusive to the 2011 anime adaptation but there are hints alluding to it in the manga, for example, the fact that he does not seem to know his birthplace, or:
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The choice of words is chilling.
Reading between the lines, one could draw the conclusion that he is an orphan. Something supporting this hypothesis is how he visibly deflates after Gon tells him his parents have (presumably) died.
So we see he is willing to go against his own moral code of not killing as to not doom another living being to the life he led, a lonely, hopeless existence that could barely be called one. He saw it best to put down the cub rather than leave it to die a painful, slow death.
The reason Kite himself isn't as cynical and cold-hearted as one would be after witnessing cruelty in its rawest form is those small crumbs of human kindness which he may have found in Ging.
It was not only a chance at an honorable life being Ging's apprentice gave him, but it also 'saved' him from being broken and twisted into what he hated and worst of all, death.
If we take that one minute of backstory as canon to his character-which I find myself inclined to do- these quirks of his make much more sense. He lived on the run. He lived on the knife's edge between giving up or pushing forwards. He lived as so a wrong move could be the difference between survival and the end.
Between rock and a hard place creates a mentality of black and white, absolute good or extreme evil, this or that. Except in reality, it's much harder than that. Deciding who to save and who to strike down is a heavy burden to bear.
It's almost easy to see how struggling to keep surviving could lend itself to a crippling fear of death and subsequently developing a Nen ability which once more goes against his own moral code in order to give himself a second chance...yet something about it strikes me as unlikely when I look at it this way.
Living life knowing it could end at any moment has the opposite effect, at least for me it did. One comes to accept that it is fleeting and while not eager to let it go, when death eventually and inevitably does come, there is no fighting it.
Especially when there is no hope that tomorrow will be a better day than this one.
Frequent near-death experiences numb one's fear in a way, even if it drives them to take precautions that render it unlikely to happen again and results in c-PTSD, but still, it does. It sparks a certain nihilistic view of 'if it all can end so easily, then what's the point of it all?'
Unless there are things to live for, a sure promise of a better future, and Ging gave Kite that. When he faced the threat of losing his second chance at life:
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Really, what else could lead someone to develop the ability of 'the hell I'm going to die like this'?
I think a separate event, an even more brutal near-death experience that almost cost him his life as the hunter he so strived to be set him off to develop the secret roll of Crazy Slots, what I call Roll No.0, Ars moriendi. Unlike other weapons, it cannot come up in random and is directly summoned by him, or better said, summon by his overwhelming will to keep going and hopelessness of fighting a losing battle. I don't believe roll No.3 was the weapon that allowed him to reincarnate. I've named that one Wand of Fortune, a sort of armor instead of an offensive weapon since I find it hard to believe Kite, a Conjurer, would not focus on defences as well, and I will go into both mechanisms of these weapons hopefully in his backstory.
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Despite knowing this battle to be a pointless one and being acutely aware of his soon to be demise, he did not immediately draw Ars moriendi, no, he stayed back and fought for the sake of the boys, kept Neferpitou occupied until they could reach safety. We can see evidence of this in the aftermath of the battle that seemed to have gone on until dawn, a torn apart landscape only signaling a fraction of the devastation that was Kite's power unleashed. It still wasn't enough.
In the anime sub I watched, when Gon apologizes to Ging about Kite's death, Ging said a sentence that infuriated me, because it belittled the utter suffering of the NGL trio.
"He would not die in your place." (No screenshot, sorry)
And I remember practically shouting at the screen, screaming 'how could you possibly say that? Of course he did. He absolutely did die in their place. How could you not know your own apprentice? Why-'
It was only last night that it hit me why Ging would say that.
Once upon a time, maybe Kite would not have given his life for anybody under any circumstances, even if he had a way out of it all. He would still need to die to come back to life.
His Thanatophobia could be attributed to the (possibly untreated) PTSD of the near-death experience in his later life, being so certain of dying that finding himself alive afterwards drove him to never want to go through that again. He quieted his fear by creating a sort of a loophole, that even if he lost the battle he would remain. Ging remembered that, but as evidence shows, something changed. Maybe he healed a bit, perhaps growing up dulled his fear to a certain degree, but eventually when it came down to his life or another's, he didn't choose himself.
Now, I can hear you saying 'but he didn't die, so what are you going on about??' And so I reply: Yes, he is alive, but he did die. He experienced that painful, horrible moment of staring death in the eyes and thinking 'This is it, this is the end', went through the actual process of having his soul removed from his body. And that moment stretches into infinity, ten lifetimes condensed into the mere seconds before oblivion.
Dying isn't so hard if one stays dead.
It's not so easy to open one's eyes and find oneself alive again after that, no matter how much that is the heart's desire. It's difficult, nigh-impossible to reconcile with life and walk amongst the living when everything had been so final, when death had been accepted to its fullest.
So Kite awakens, the twin of Meruem and back from the dead, his mind and identity both intact and fractured. In that he is Kite is no mistaking, yet he is not the same gentle pacifist whose first reaction upon sensing a monster's aura was to shield two kids from it at the cost of his arm.
I don't think many of you are familiar with Zoroastrian ideology, but Togashi is known for loving his religious imagery, and it's not only Christianism he derives inspiration from (evidence of which can be seen all over Kite's character and resurrection).
In Zurvanism-a branch of Zoroastrianism- there is talk of the twin spirits: Ahura Mazda -epitome of all that is good- and Ahriman -epitome of all that is evil-, the parent god Zurvin decides that the firstborn may rule in order to bring "heaven, hell, and everything in between."
Upon becoming aware of this fact, Ahriman forcibly tears through the womb to emerge first. Sounding familiar yet?
Zurvan relents to this turn of events only on one condition: Ahriman is given kingship for 9000 years, and then Ahura Mazda may rule for eternity.
Meruem ruled for 40 days, his death leaving the throne vacant for ant Kite, wearing a dead girl's face and seeming to be brewing some nefarious plan. No more is there any sign of that unrelenting pacifism and the sanctity of life he held so high, losing his own may have only served to show him how meaningless the pain and suffering he went through had been, dying only to be reborn as a member of the species that killed him. It may be that he has no desire to rule over the remaining Chimera ants or create an army of his own-
Yet I dread to think what a broken mind possessing limitless power might do to the world.
And that's it. If you made it this far, thank you for reading! If you found it interesting, stay tuned, as I think a lot and I will make it your problem.
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candiliam328 · 2 years
Headcanon A. realistic - kurapika himself designs and sews the traditional kurta attire we see him wear.
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he is after all the Last Kurta - it has been 5+ years since he left home and he has definitely grown, so where else/how else would he be able to acquire these clothings? (bonus hc that he designs and wears them with pride but is always a little ashamed that he is unable to perfectly replicate the fine technique of his mother and his elders... he was only 12 after all the last time he was taught - what 12 year old do you know that can understand all the nuances of any technique? additional bonus: doesn't it just hurt more now that he stops wearing these and starts wearing suits later on?)
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Headcanon B. while it may not be realistic, it is hilarious - kurapika is bad with technology!
he may be young but he's an old soul. and hey, he lived in an isolated society for 12 years that did not have access to the outside world or technology - give the boy a break! technology is hard and he doesn't like using it and technology doesn't like him and he is constantly teased for this by his friends. and this is why he never answers his phone sksksk
(unrealistic bc his friends teasing him would require his friends to get be able to get in contact with him adjkaka jkjk - more bc im p sure he's the first character in the 2011 anime that thinks of doing research online and he's seemed incredibly competent each time but hey, the idea brings me joy to think about)
Headcanon C. heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends - kurapika used to love food... not so much anymore.
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look ok, gon and killua love food and they love eating food. hxh has a lot of wonderful scenes where gon and killua are happily stuffing their faces with delicious foods. leorio has been shown enjoying food as well... but kurapika? i may be forgetting something but im pretty sure there is only one instance of kurapika eating onscreen (at least in the 2011 anime)
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here's the deal: food is a very sentimental thing. for 12 years, kurapika ate traditional kurta food - homecooked, ingredients fresh, unique to their culture and prepared with love. he spends a good portion of that time dreaming of life outside his home, he leaves, and suddenly, everything about his home is gone.
from that point on, no one else in the world knew kurtan recipes. no one save a poor 12 year old boy, suddenly v alone in the world. any meal prepared for him would feel foreign and not his. even if kurapika was a decent cook of kurtan cuisine at that age, he could never again taste food that would take him back to the comfort of childhood. the ingredients may be slightly off, the preparation may not be exactly the same, but even more, he will never be free of the guilt that he had once taken every kurtan meal for granted. he would never again have the experience of someone else preparing him the food of his people with the casual love and ease of his clan. any food he eats from that point on is not his food but the food of outsiders. he may consume food now out of necessity, but it no longer brings him comfort... and honestly, how could it?
Headcanon D. unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it bc I reject canon reality and substitue my own - underneath all that anger, i think kurapika would be a great parent.
i should clarify: kurapika now would be a terrible parent. i said underneath all that anger and he has.... a lot of anger. but kurapika at his core has always been motivated by Family so i truly believe that somewhere in some post-canon future, kurapika would make a super caring (albeit protective) parent or parent-figure. i mean, just look at his childhood friendship with pairo and his interactions with killua and gon in the early arcs. and look at how he melts over prince woble, im- 🥺🥺🥺
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4 headcanons ask game
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shirophantomvox · 3 years
Ging Freecss Character Analysis
Hisoka Analysis| Illumi Analysis| Killua Analysis| Chrollo Analysis
What’s up, y’all? I am back again with another analysis. Today, I will be talking about Ging Freecss and I am glad that this was requested by @dukinaxael. I’ve been wanting to talk about Ging for a while and now is my time to shine. PS, I’ll be doing Leorio’s character next.  I’m sorry that this is so short! I haven’t been able to watch the last seasons because Netflix will not upload them. Enjoy anyway!
We all know that Ging is considered to be a dead-beat father to his son Gon. He is the reason why Gon wants to become a hunter in the first place and will do ANYTHING to achieve that goal. As the story is told, Ging left his home when he was 12 years old to take the Hunter’s exam. After passing, he never returned home, at some point met Gon’s mom, and saved a lot of felons/criminal’s lives. Now he is apart of the Hunter’s association (I think?) and apart of the Zodiacs (I think). Some of these next statements are assumptions because I haven’t seen anything past season 4. From that little bit of information, it seems like Gon gets his “over achiever” mentality from his dad. Who would have thought that a young man who had just obtained his hunter’s license would use it to help out criminals instead of busting them? Aunt Mito has expressed how she felt once her brother left and didn’t return, that is why she stressed that Gon should return home once he gets his license. She even stated that she cried for the longest when she realized he wasn’t coming back.
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The whole mystery about why Ging abandoned Gon is very fuzzy. According to Aunt Mito, Ging dropped Gon at his house, said that he isn’t with Gon’s mom anymore, and left while some people say that Mito took Gon from Ging because she felt that he was too immature to take care of him. Some even say that he lost a custody case to her. I can’t tell you if this is true or not because I don’t know and I haven’t seen any seasons after 4.
Judging from YouTube Clips, Ging seems to be a selfish dad and doesn’t care about how his son basically cried like fuck for feeling guilty about what happened to Kite.
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Leorio asked why he hadn’t seen Gon in the hospital and he acted like he didn’t care. If you think about it, Gon is the type of child that doesn’t want things handed to him, so maybe Ging was implying that he didn’t want to see Gon until he continued to push and work towards finding him. Still, that’s a horrible way to reacted once you’ve found out that your son is about to die. Here are some questions that I’m sure most of you have:
Why did Hisoka want to talk to Ging? Does he know that Ging is related to Gon?
Why does he refuse to go anywhere near Gon?
Why does he only talk to Gon on a high tree and not on the ground where everyone else is?
Why did he send his son on a goose chase just to find him?
I don’t want to say that I hate Ging but I strongly dislike him. (If he did do this) Why would you abandoned your child and leave him with your sister for her to raise? Then you send your 12 year old son, who had endured so much emotional pain/trauma from beasts he had to fight along the way, BTW,  just to meet you and then you only talk to him once your high off the ground? Ging, not the best guy in the world and certainly doesn’t deserve the #1 Dad mug.
Did Ging do all of this so he could make his son stronger while he was away?
In regards to question 1, I’ve seen some rumors on YouTube implying that Hisoka had an agreement with Ging to watch over Gon until he returns. I’m assuming this was after Gon left home.  Ging said that once Gon returns home safely he and Hisoka will fight until the death.
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Do you all remember when Hisoka told Gon something along these lines at the end of their fight at Heaven’s arena?
Many people have suggested that Hisoka had been protecting Gon and Killua from fighting opponents they wouldn't win against and it makes sense. He wouldn’t let them pass until they learned about Nen and beat the crap out of them hoping that the pain would cause them to quit fighting and never receive their Hunter’s License or take on strong opponents. Now if that last part is true, why would Ging set up an entire game to lead Gon to him? That's still twisted no matter how you look at it. Like I said, this manga is twisted in ways that I can't understand, lol.
Hisoka and Gon consistently fighting reminds me of Danny Phantom and Vlad Plasmius.
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Another person implied that Hisoka and Kite were people directed by Ging and along the way included Bisky (just by coincidence).
I would like to make a note. Pictures that were taken of young Ging portrayed him to be a happy and proud man but present day Ging looks angry, unhappy, and always ready to fight. Could this be due to the horrific nature of the Hunter's exam and other opponents that turned his innocence and humanity into something worse? We see the same thing happen to Gon. He was a happy bright kid that allows his anger to spiral out of control...and always wants to fight.
Well, you know what they say: Like father like son.
Ging and Gon finally have a talk as father and son.
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Apparently, Ging is on his way to the Dark Continent and forbids Gon to follow him. Overall, Ging has a toxic love for his son by consistently pushing his away until the very last second. I don’t know what is up but this anime is the definition of toxic love.
I can definitely say that Ging is a much better father than Zarkon. At least he acknowledges Gon unlike Zarkon who thinks his son is weak because he is half Altean. Damn, anime/manga’s; what’s up with the toxic father trope? Is this supposed to be the driving force to marketing these male characters stronger? Not going to lie, the toxic or sexist father trope is old and annoying .
This part of the analysis is based form what I’ve heard about Ging, YouTube clips, and what has been said about him. Of course I’m probably leaving out a lot of information but that’s because I haven’t seen the rest of the seasons.
Judging from photos kept around the house, Ging always wore his hat over his eye. I guess he was going for the Emo look when he was younger. His hat has hairs stick out from it which probably implies a certain type of cloth the hat is made from. In other instances, He has his hair sticking up like Gon’s but has a cloth wrapped around the edges. He wants them to be on fleek you know? Other times he just has his hair out with no hat or cloth. He usually wears white pants, shirt, and a blue cloth over his front and back side.
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I hope you all enjoyed this. I did try my best and I am so sorry that it is short.
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i-heart-hxh · 1 year
Hi! I really liked your thoughts on your last post, and if you're willing to answer, what are your thoughts on Gon's feelings towards Killua? I do think it is requited (somewhat) and Killua's feelings are pretty clear at this point. Anyway, it probably could be Gon not realizing what he's feeling towards Killua, or the more popular interpretation of him being oblivious, or even the idea of him being on the aromantic spectrum. I think it's subtly gets lost in everything else that is happening in canon, which disappoints me sometimes because Gon is such a well written character.
Hi anon, thank you so much for asking! I love thinking about the nature of Gon's feelings for Killua, so it's nice to have a chance to talk about it from my own perspective.
The short version of where I keep ending up after thinking about it a bunch for several years now is that I think Gon does have romantic feelings for Killua, but I don't think at this point he recognizes them as such for a few different reasons.
The first is just that they're young, and I don't think he has enough context to see his feelings that way. For one, Killua is his first real friend so I think it might be hard for him to see where the line gets blurry/goes beyond friendship, and with his direct and straightforward personality he's less prone to picking apart all of his feelings than Killua. In Chimera Ant Arc, his innocence is repeatedly emphasized--he thinks going out with Mito counts as a "date," he is good at handling Palm on their date but he seems oblivious about the larger context of dating/having a relationship with someone, he doesn't get what's going on with Killua insinuating that Meruem might have a lover in his chambers, and so on. There's examples of this before CAA as well. I'm just not sure he's reached a point yet where he can distinguish what his feelings towards Killua mean exactly and how they might differ from those of a normal friendship.
I feel like because Killua's feelings become so apparent in CAA and Gon's attention gets directed away from Killua at that point due to all his trauma and pain, people are quick to discount all of Gon's affection towards Killua before that--"キルアじゃなきゃダメなんだ/It has to be Killua," from the dodgeball match in particular is a line with a lot of romantic subtext in Japanese, how hard he fights to get Killua back in the Zoldyck family arc, all the verbal affection he gives him, the fact that he's proud to have him as his friend and that he wants to show him off to Ging, it just goes on and on. Gon clearly thinks the world of Killua and trusts him above anyone else.
And sure, with Gon it's possible to read his feelings as just platonic. I personally think it goes beyond that, both from what I see in canon and my own interpretation. But I do think it's not debatable that Gon loves Killua (in whatever way you choose to see that love), and even in CAA when he's lost in the darkness, we repeatedly see that Killua is the only one who can bring him back from that. He's Gon's last lifeline and the one who means most to him. Killua sees Gon as his light, but I truly believe Killua is Gon's light, too. Even if Gon hasn't said as such like Killua has, this is conveyed metaphorically by Killua saving Gon's life while literally glowing from his electricity.
It's also worth noting that Gon doesn't see so much of what Killua has done for him and how strongly Killua feels about him. This is something we as the audience see multiple times and in multiple ways, but Killua puts up defenses constantly around Gon, deflects his affections, and hides his emotions and what he does on Gon's behalf. I don't think Gon is completely clueless because they're so attuned to each other, but he definitely doesn't have the full context either, so it's not as though he's had a chance to react to Killua's true depth of feelings for him.
Now that he's apart from Killua, this might be a point where Gon starts reflecting on and maybe piecing together how he feels about Killua. It's hard to say what will happen in canon (though I do anticipate an eventual reunion between them for reasons I'll get into in another post), but Ging's words emphasize the importance of the people who are with you on your journey, and with Killua bringing him back from the brink and then the two of them separating, this is a point where I think Gon might start pondering what kind of connection he wants to have with Killua in the future.
I could go on and on about this topic (and there's a good chance I will talk about it more), but I'll stop there for now. Thanks again for asking!
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bee-s-honey · 3 years
Ok I had this idea- just as a cute headcanon for if the main four + Allu/Nani went out to get cats that ended up matching them. I know it sounds weird but it's cute hang with me here
Not everything mentioned is accurate (especially not Kurapika's cause idfk how that would naturally happen) but I tried to make it semi-realistic with the exception for fun or matching
This is kind of old, but I decided to speed run and finish the idea because I NEED TO POST.
They enter the store and the kids instantly go to the area with all the kittens, meanwhile Kurapika and Leorio look around at the older cats
In the back, a person working lets Gon, Killua, and Alluka into the pen where the kittens can play or stand around and not be in their crates during the day
and in the corner there's:
A fluffy white cat with a few scars disturbing it's fur and piercing dark blue eyes. Maybe a Turkish Angora breed or Persian
A black cat- It doesn't have a slim tail but it's not super fluffy like the white one's either, a bit in the middle. Either a bombay cat, an American shorthair, or similar
Two black cats, one with really dark, almost completely black irises and the other with blue eyes. They seem like twins, both with similar fluffy type tails. Their fur, unlike the white cat's, is more flat and layered so it lays down more. They too are persian or something- same type as the white cat.
The other kittens are cute but the kids are drawn to the group in the corner, all of which seem to like each other more than the other kittens playing around as well
Gon and Alluka are the first to lean down and try to say hi. Alluka sits next to the pink and black blankets with the twin cats waking up, and Gon eventually drags killua to sit down too.
The white fluffy cat looks at Gon and just. Won't. Stop. It just sits there and stares at him for a while. You ever seen that look a cat gives somebody that they deeply deeply admire?
They laugh and gon waves at it. Soon, Killua pets the cat, which it seems to love and they bond a little.
Eventually the black cat gets picked up by Gon and the white one looks disturbed for like half a second before walking to Killua and climbing on his legs
The cats' empty crates have papers taped to them with information on each, so Gon steps out to get them and bring them back.
Fluffy white cat is named "Klaws" and below the name it says "(Name supposed to be similar to 'claws'... for good reason)" and no explanation beyond that but we all know what they're implying. It turns out he was a rescue brought in from a bust on an illegal cat-fighting ring when he was barely a few months old and was one of the luckier ones who was saved. Though it's clear he still endured some fights.
The twins are from the same situation but had been locked away for a while in the place they were found. Their names are Anni and Nallu (What I did for the names, to make them sound good, is make the Alluka-like cat have the beginning letter from Alluka but the beginning sound from Nanika and had Nanika-cat the other way around. A-nn-i and N-allu)
The gon-matching cat is named Gio (Or Gib I can't decide). He was born at the shelter but his dad ran away lol- never found by anybody, probably far far away by now. They have a story about Gio trying to run away later but he was obviously put back in the pen.
Kurapika and Leorio:
They're looking at all sorts of cats, a few able to walk around freely, a few resting in their cages, a few on cat towers or eating
On a bed in the cat tower are two cats sitting together. One, a bright bright orange- nearly and probably describable as yellow color, and the other a blackish-brownish cat. (Too tired to look up specific breeds this time lol)
As they get closer, they see something odd with the yellow cat's eyes. One of it's eyes was red, while the other was brown.
Leorio definitely says something like, "Oh, look you have something in common," to Kurapika and gets a half-assed foot stomp
Kurapika lifts his finger to the dusty black cat- maybe it was more of a brown tone he couldn't really tell which color the cat would count as- and it didn't hesitate to lean into his touch and pur.
Leorio went to find which crate belonged to each cat and called Kurapika over to look at the papers.
The golden cat was named Pikura. The paragraph on his personality starts with."The king of sass." His story was that he was at a different pet store, but it was bought out by a company and the cats had to be relocated. Most ended up completely spread out and Pikura came to the new place with nobody of familiarity. He didn't really care about or get along with the other cats much, in fact his first introduction with the brown cat he sits by was that they got in a small cat fight, but eventually they warmed up to each other.
The brown cat is named Leroy. He's in training to become a therapy cat, so he's supposed to be in another room where they train and take care of the therapy cats specifically, but he gets time out in the main area because he likes Pikura.
The kittens do get time with the big cats as long as they're friendly. The older, growing kittens and the calmer adult cats get to be in the some room to encourage more learning and personal time, also to get a routinely done change of schedule every week that manages to keep a sense of familiarity but also prevent depression.
In these times, Pikura and Leroy seem to like Anni, Nalu, Gio, and Klaws. They don't seem to parent them- which is funny since most older cats tend to find a baby and stick with it, but they like being in the same vicinity and staying away from any other socialization.
When the discussion comes about on which cats to get (they originally decided the limit would be 2 or 1 just to pretend to be normal people ig), and so they all argued on which to bring home and which they would leave.
Leorio argued that Leroy is a therapy cat and ~they all need a lil of that~, and that since he loves Pikura, they need him too
Kurapika originally agreed and added that they're adults so they'll be more simple
But that was really before they got to see the adorable kittens being offered.
Leorio loves Gio and Gio nuzzles his hand when he reaches to pet him. On Klaws' sheet it says his separation anxiety from- well- all three of his kitten friends is disastrous. That also makes things difficult.
Obviously they decide to get all of them- a group of 6 whole cats.
I'm going to make a part two!!! It'll be on the home life of course. I have a few funny HCs for instances so please stick with me, I just needed to get something out so I decided to post this instead of adding what will be in part two.
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pillow-anime-talk · 4 years
synopsis: There’s no day without problems. Especially when you’re there with him.
# tags: headcanons; crush culture; comedy; some fluff; goofy!reader & tiny!reader; sfw
includes: female reader ft. kurapika kurta {hxh}, kusuo saiki {saiki k. no psi nan} & dabi {bnha}
main song/mv {click}
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↘ It was characteristic to Kurapika that he cared a lot for his closest friends; Leorio, Gon and Killua.
↘ You also had your place among them, because in his eyes you seemed even more delicate than any other person, even a small kid.
↘ After losing his immediate family (his clan), Kurapika set himself the goal of supporting and caring for these four very close people, and the fact that you were very clumsy and simply more human than he or his male buddies made Kurapika want to be everywhere and always with you.
↘ Well, maybe excluding time in toilet, ‘cause you know... After all, he respected your privacy.
↘ Anyway. Kurapika acted a bit like your father and a bit like your boyfriend; and yet he was neither this nor that! At the thought of the second one, your cheeks always turned the color of a ripe tomato, which made the blonde-haired boy jump away from you asking if you were all right and if you needed a cold compress on your forehead.
↘ This big, poor child was so dense... I’m literally crying.
↘ “Y/N give me that bag, I will carry it.” He said one, totally random day when you went to the shop and the blonde teen obviously had to go with you.
↘ “Kurapika, I only bought some cookies and two yoghurts for us.”
↘ “Give it, please.”
↘ You couldn’t win against him. Especially when you gave him a shopping bag, you leaned forward and he caught you in flight, immediately scolding you. “That’s why you can’t go out alone, Y/N.” He muttered taking your purchases and your hand to squeeze it tightly. “Don’t stumble again, okay? Be careful, please.”
↘ You were a blushing mess. 
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↘ You were by far the most peaceful person around Saiki who – surprisingly! – absolutely didn’t annoy him, because you simply didn’t have how to do it. You weren’t as loud as Hairo, irritating like Nendou or Kokomi, irresponsible like Kaidou or mean like Saiko. You were as normal as you could be, which made Kusuo like you very much and spending time with you seemed like a moment to relax and recharge his own batteries.
↘ Additionally, since Saiki could read people’s minds, he also knew that you are honest with your behavior and that you are kind to him or other people from the bottom of your heart. It made him accept you even more and spend time with you more willingly than with other people.
↘ However, in contrast to him, you were definitely and one hundred percent normal, so your totally simple and human behavior and choices often resulted in, for example, stumbling, catching a cold or hitting something with your head. You also had trouble reacting quickly, so sometimes when someone threw an eraser at you, it would fly past your surprised face.
↘ Fortunately, Saiki (as a person who cares totally and irrefutably for his loved ones after all) was often next to you, pointing thrown objects straight into your hands thanks to levitation. In the event of an accident, he would grab you in his arms and even make himself invisible just to tie your shoe thank to that you wouldn’t stumble.
↘ Believe me or not, Saiki was always there where your troubles were.
↘ Literally no one has cared for you the way he did.
↘ Giiiiirl, he literally teleported your breakfast from your kitchen to your backpack!
↘ Because of all this... you started to suspect that you have sclerosis or something like that. Luckily, however, it was just that pink-haired boy who definitely liked you more than anyone else and was always there to save your clumsy ass.
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↘ This flame boy definitely didn’t care about his villain partners or other people.
↘ Not counting you, of course, because you were somewhere above everyone else.
↘ You were also sweet and you always welcomed Dabi in League’s hideout, so he naturally fell in love with you, because you were definitely the cutest girl he had ever seen. #Simp.
↘ And more normal than Toga, so you had +100 to everything.
↘ Whenever anyone spoke any bad word about you, Dabi would do the job in half a minute (if you know what I mean) and then grab you for a coffee or two.
↘ God, you were so lovely to him, and when you stroked his head... he melted and dying.
↘ You were literally his only weakness and the reason why he hadn’t lost his humanity yet, because he cared for you so much and he just wanted to be with you all the time.
↘ Especially when you hurt yourself with, for example, broken glass after knocking a mug off the bar. Dabi literally ran with you to the bathroom and blocked the blood from your finger scolding you like a little child.
↘ “Idiot, be careful about what you do. What if you would get an infection? You must think or I will punish you, you stupid ass.”
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chrolloctrl · 4 years
How would be the adult trio in love ?? I'm really looking forward to your writing 😳😳💖💖💖🙏😎
omg this is something i’ve been thinking about so long since i feel like some people REALLY don’t write the adultrio well when they are in love. of course they are all borderline psychotic but i do not think they are incapable of love. i said what i said anyways let me continue
im going to do this as a head canon if thats okay!! if you want me eventually develop a specific character into a one shot i definitely will:)
warnings: like some mention of blood and fighting, maybe a lil mention of sexual things, nothing too bad tho theres one really explicit blood/gore mention in hisokas but that is a very hisoka thing so i have decided to leave it there
first i’m doing illumi bc yall miss with illumi so hard
okay so
first of all, he was a definitely a child with an avoidant attachment style
basically when mummy was there he was annoyed, when mummy left he didn’t care or was probably happy, and when mummy came back he was annoyed once again
this child did not experience love as a child
not once
so u have to be patient with him im sorry to say
but it isn’t impossible
i think when he’s in love, he doesn’t realize it
he thinks he’s just in a sort of...agreement with you
but im telling u right now.. small acts of kindness are his love language
like if u guys were in a fight together and there was blood on ur clothes he would wash them and lay them on ur bed
and then u would be like “ok u didn’t have to do that thats so nice”
and he’d be like “i dont know what ur talking about”
and walk away
he would see like a book or something u like and read it just because u liked it too
he wouldn’t tell u tho he would just randomly bring up something from the book 
and you would be like “oh u read it?” 
and he would be like “no why would u think that”
and you would be like “:|”
with illumi u just have to be patient, i think eventually he would catch himself making ur bed one day and he would be like “fuck”
and realize he might have a thing for u
but he wouldnt believe it bc he is oh so emotionless and does not feel one thing at all
but he does he is just a liar
i think he would make his first move when he accidentally lets out all the emotions hes been faking not having and like just cries wishing he were loved and ur like
“i love u though illumi, a lot”
and he would just kiss u and like hug ur for 3 hours and then make u not talk about it ever again but u guys would just be in love and killua would be kinda pressed but he’d be happy u were illumi’s gon <3
okay let’s do chrollo next im sorry illumi’s was so long 
as u can tell i am in love with this man
and everyone always bashes me bc he has no screentime and a pretty basic anime antagonist backstory
but out of all of the adultrio i think he falls in love the easiest and with someone nobody expects
like he is a mass murderer and thief and ur like...a flower shop worker
he would just be walking in yorknew city and see u reading some obsecure ass russian literature while working at a flower shop and he’d be like “wait im intrigued”
then he would talk to u and u would be like
but also calm and reserved
and he would love that, someone who just vibes not a worry in the world
but then as he gets to know u he realizes u r not just a body bag who vibes
u r a human with actual emotions
something he probably swears he doesnt have
he would tell the rest of the troupe that ur just like...an experiment
and they would all buy it EXCEPT machi
she would be like “omg boss ur in love”
and chrollo would be like “um i dont feel that sry to say”
and machi would be like “ya sure lol”
you have no idea who he is like no clue he is the lead spider
but okay omg this part is gonna be corny
you would like hehe sorry im laughing thinking ab this
walking around yorknew city and he would almost step on a spider and u would be like “no!!! be careful!!” and pick up the spider and lightly set it into the grass
and chrollo would be like “why would u do that spiders r scary...right” *looks into the camera like hes on the office*
and u would be like “no..even spiders have feelings u know”
and then he would just like absolutely lose it he’d maintain composure but on the inside he would be like dhdkhduwojhfw
then he would kiss u and then he would finally tell the troupe the truth and machi would be sooo smug 
oh and the troupe def likes u like that is a given
ur just so innocent and sweet its like impossible not to like u u make everyone put away their tough guy acts
and then ya u guys probably read to each other u weird fucks
but its cute and i love
alright now for probably the person who would take the longest to love someone 
i dont know if u have read hisokas backstory one shot but i will try to explain the best i can
hisoka was in circus. lead man of circus say hisoka talented. lead man train hisoka to use nen. hisoka learns nen very fast. oh no serial killer is on the loose. oh no girl in circus almost get killed by serial killer. hisoka save girl. hisoka accuse lead man of being serial killer. lead man say yes lol i am. hisoka say okay i want 2 fight. lead man say sure lol i will kill u. hisoka kill lead man and girl in circus wonders where hisoka and lead man went.
okay now that thats out of the way
the girls name was abaki and i think hisoka liked her ngl
but that was before u know he got all gassed by killing lead man
he definitely thinks similar to illumi in the way that u r just a pawn in his plans
but u r def super strong and he is shook
he probably wants to fight u
but he still doesnt think ur strong enough
u live ur own life separately from his so he doesnt know much ab what u do in ur free time
one day he catches u training with someone else
and he won’t say it but hes lowkey pissed af
hes like “um wtf why didnt u ask me to train u
and ur like “literally why would i ever do that”
and hes like “what u think i cant train”
and ur like “u can barely control ur bloodlust hisoka :|” 
hes like “yeah u know ur right i guess”
but he doesnt stop thinking ab it bc like why wouldnt u train with him
u decide to go on ur own lil mission and try to fight someone you’ve been wanting to fight for a while
you invite hisoka just to watch, you tell him you just want him to sit around this time since you always sit around and watch him
he expects u to get beat to a pulp ngl
but you like completely obliterate the other person
this is too niche but u have such a gory fighting style. like ur def batshit crazy in a fight and loose all composure 
hisoka is shook bc he did not expect u to go that crazy
u like bite the other dudes jugular and blood splatters every where
that was so gross but idk im into that weird shit sorry im tw’ing that
but hisoka is a weird mf so that def makes him horny for u
he like takes u back to ur house while ur covered in blood and theres a crazy look in ur eye still
and he realizes hes in love with u bc ur just as crazy as him
i feel like ur guys relationships spawns bc of how crazy u both are. u guys probably summon demons for fun
i feel like his love language is more i do for u what u do for me
like if u save his ass in a fight, he’ll watch a cheesy movie for u
its def a give and receive vibe but it works
or if he saves ur ass he makes u guys take a bath together
and ur like “this is so cheesy”
and hes like “um ur having fun tho right” *crickets* “yea thats what i thought”
muah gonna think ab this before i go to bed
alr i think i wrote WAYYY too much omg these are all so long i am so sorry, too many thought in brain keyboard go woosh
hope u liked it though <3
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daisies-write · 4 years
hello~! can i request for Gon & Killua dating headcanons please? also love you two and your writings btw💖💘💝
Gon Freecss, Killua Zoldyck - Dating headcanons
I really have no idea why it took this long to make, I love these babies so much it hurts I-
Can I get them as my bfs plz?🥺🥺
Requested by: @dukinaxael
TW: none, these are wholesome boys right here buddy
Writer: Yasu
Word count: 1125
Gon Freecss
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You don’t really remember how it happened in all honesty; a romantic relationship with him would be gradual and it’s just like, you’re friends one day even though you both act so much like a couple and then you just wake up and realize it’s already been a few weeks since you started dating.
I mean, who kisses their best friend good morning and goodbye? 
Everyone was constantly on edge with you two, trying to find out what was the exact nature of your relationship, especially Killua.
He’s the one who knocked some sense into Gon.
“Are you dating (Y/N), yes or no?”
Poor boy freeze for a while with his signature smile still on his face and than he just chuckle like:
“Yeah I suppose.”
That’s it. Killua’s done with Gon’s bullshit.
This genuine angel, blissfully sweet and adorable would treat you so well. It’s in his own way but he’ll always look out for you and have your back, in all and every situations.
Even if he’s usually very oblivious, he’s observant and very in tune with your emotions. He knows whenever something’s up and he’ll immediately do something to cheer you up, be this doing something stupid or going on an adventure with you.
Honestly your relationship isn’t quite different from a friendship. 
Dates are always improvised.
“(Y/N), wanna do a picnic today? As a date!”
Doesn’t really care much about PDA. Like he doesn’t mind if you’re uncomfy with it, he just won’t do anything in public. If you’re okay with it, cool!! That means he can kiss you whenever!!
Would always be holding you in some ways.
Hand holding, pinkies locked, clinging to your arm, hugs, cuddles, you name it.
Can be big spoon and little spoon ! He loves having you in his arms so much and talking to you and he can’t get enough of laying on your lap when you both watch a movie or something.
He’d be very invested in your hobbies and just the things you love in general. You like painting, doing sports, music, acting, baking, whatever you might do really, he’s gonna learn right besides you and look closely at what you’re doing.
Gon just think it’s so amazing to see you so excited and passionate. It really makes his heart skip a beat.
I feel like Gon would absolutely use some nicknames/pet names with you but would mostly stick to your name. It feels more natural to him. But there is times where he’ll just use an excessively sweet pet name on you in a joking manner or when he wants you to give up on some activity so you could cuddle with him.
Would randomly buys you gifts. You’re almost 24/7 in his mind so whenever he’s out, he’ll just take you things that made him think of you. Might it be a weirdly shaped branch or a piece of clothing. It really could be anything.
“Here, it’s a heart shaped rock I found on my way here! I thought you might like it!”
You can’t resist his sweet smile and now you cherish the rock and would protect it with your life.
Killua Zoldyck
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tsun tsun boy and everyone knows it but him. Point it out when he punches you in the arm after you showed him any type of affection and he WILL punch you again.
How you got together? You made the first move. It takes way too much time for this big dumbass to understand he loves you.
Genuinely thinks you’re just a friend to him until you kissed him on the cheek jokingly one day and he just,,,couldn’t,,,process,,,
It basically hits him like a brick tbh, like “yep man, you fell big time.”
Not much of a difference from before you got together, he always was protective of his friends. Now his soft side is just even softer with you. 
Expect a lot of teasing. He really can’t help it. That’s his way of showing love.
“Yo dumbass!” every time he sees you. 
Can’t use pet names to save his life, it’s too embarrassing for him. But will definitely enjoy it if you call him “love”. For some reason it makes his heart beat faster and he overall likes it a lot. 
He’s baby, big baby, assassin baby but baby anyway. Just kiss his hand and he will be red the rest of the day.
Killua doesn’t like being public in his affections because he’s always scared the wrong person sees you together and indirectly puts you in danger. He’s not wrong, unfortunately.
But behind closed doors? He would cling to you like there’s no tomorrow. You have no idea how much he loves laying down with you and play video games or watch stupid videos with you till 3AM. Little spoon or big spoon depending on his mood and your preferences. He’s fine with whatever as long as you can give him the physical affection he craves (poor boy is touch starved)
Lives to make you laugh and feel happy and good in your skin so you bet that whenever you feel down, he’ll do whatever he can to cheer you up. He might not be the best at it at being a cheerleader but he’s a good listener and will always tell you things in the most straightforward way possible. 
“Yeah no, ditch that friend, they sound like a bitch.” 
“What do you mean you don’t like your body? You blind now?”
 “Y/n, come here. Don’t tell Gon I gave you chocolate and not him, he’ll kill me.”
Personal life coach tho. You don’t know where this boy got all his super good advices (trauma) but you should really follow them, they’re all super useful. He thinks things through twice as much when it comes to you jsut so that he’s sure that he’s helping you as much as he can.
Would totally love styling your outfits. If you were okay with making matching ones with him, he’ll be ecstatic.
Like Gon, he’s super invested in what you love. Will listen to you rambling about any topic with a fond look on his face. Might even try some things with you.
Would die to bake with you for some reason. Killua would really be enjoying doing cookies with his s/o. Especially if they’re Halloween or Christmas themed. 
Watch him eat the whole icing before you can even put it on the cookies.
Dates with him would be very casual and lighthearted! He likes them as much as home, binging movies and snacks, as he likes them outside, running around like idiots or jumping in supermarkets carts for fun. Cart races is a must.
You have too many inside jokes with him, it hurts. Kurapika, Leorio and Gon just don’t understand your conversations anymore. You just put your hand on the table and say “waffle” and there’s Killua wheezing all of a sudden. 
Honestly, he’s just an amazing boyfriend, 11/10
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