#but its ok im gonna try and finish it by the end of this week
optimallymuse · 8 months
mhui is so funny bc it goes through the regular story and then some. and also theres a really heavy focus on the relationship of bkdk with the gacha animations being the bkdk fight.
anyways they're so sillyy <33
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toastsnaffler · 8 months
tummy hurts my final message goodbye
#ive had mild pelvic pain for like. half a week now. its a bit like period cramps + in the same area but not as intense. idfk why#I dont think its bowel (<-no other symptoms and pain area is too low down) or bladder related (<- usually more painful + affects peeing)#sometimes I do get cramps a few days before my period but im midway thru my cycle and idk its not usually like this#not ovulation pain either bc thats supposed to only last a few hours. i dont fucking knooooww#im trying not to think abt it or complain abt it bc if i focus on it too much ill imagine its worse than it is. its rly not that bad#just consistent which is annoying. hopefully itll pass in a few more days. adulthood is all abt having mysterious random pains in ur body#sorry for tmi abt my internal bodily functions do u guys still think im cool.#eurghhh. im glad i went out to parkour today but man i rly wasnt feeling like it. another depression weekend :-(#but its ok im a bit tired of complaining abt being depressed. who give a shit. im doing all i can at the moment and thats fine#back to jobhunting tmr hopefully itll be more fruitful. im expecting to hear back from a few ppl. we'll see. rolling my rock back uphill#im gonna go get a hot water bottle i think... my hands are soooo cold and maybe itll soothe tummy pain too#and then read a little more.. finished giovannis room earlier (so fucking good but. devastating) so im back onto deaths end#just another 350 pages to go.. v curious to see where its gonna end up cuz so much crazy shit keeps happening. im just at the fairytales#hope my loyal followers are having a peaceful weekend.... farewell#.diaries
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sarcasmo-mexicano · 11 months
Relax 🔞
Pre-Collider Jonathon Ohnn/The Spot x AFAB!Reader 
There's no doubt that your boyfriend, Jonathon Ohnn, is a really hard worker.
His work is extremely important and as such he puts the extra effort in anything he does; Its because of this that he is one of the top scientist at Alchemax.  
The thing is, when Jonathon focuses on his work, everything else is a secondary task and it means /everything/.  
You have to constantly remind him to eat because if you dont, this man can go without eating actual food for days and will try to survive out of energy bars and redbulls.  
He has been so absorbed on his work that he sometimes will collapse from exahustion in top of all the papers he has been reviewing.  
He also tends to ignore you.  
You know its not on purpose but still kinda hurts.  
When he gets into a new project, you feel lonely.  
You are tired of waking up to and empty bed, eating dinner alone, watching the shows you were supposed to watch together, alone.  
Between the loneliness there is also the concern for his well being; How many nights has he stayed up until the crack of dawn, working so much that his eyes are all red?  
Has he eating? Drink water? Shower?  
Its not only this hyperfocus period but the burnout you know its coming after.  
So the next time he announces he will be working on yet, another of his projects, you take matter into your own hands.  
This time, this man will relax, even if its the last thing you do.
When you get home, already late into the night, you find Jonathon hunching over some papers. His desk is already a mess: piles of open books and papers laying everywhere, tools scattered around.  
You toss your bag and coat to the ground and make a bee-line to him, squeezing his shoulders as you give him a peck on the cheek trying not to disturb him too much.  
"Hey" You quietly greet him, giving him another kiss on his temple.  
He answers you with another "hey" his lips curving in a quick smile before going back to work.  
"Did you eat lunch Johnny?" He nods as you tuck some stray hairs behind his ear, he barely reacts at your touch. "Water?" Nods again. Well at least, he did eat. You sigh "Im gonna go shower ok?"  
"Ok, honey" He says without looking at you, writing something on a notebook.  
Frustration builds inside you but no matter, this time he will take a break.  
You hop in the shower, warm water cleaning the stress of the day away; The soap you choose today is his favourite scent: eucalyptus and lavander, you still remember the first time you used it, how he was all over you, his nose on the crook of your neck.  
"You smell so good" You remember how his voice had soften and how his arms  around you, holding you close.  
You hope it has the same effect this time around.  
You wrap yourself with a towel, barely drying yourself, you might want to be a little wet for what is about to come.  
In front of the mirror you take a good look of yourself, inhaling deeply.  
Honestly you feel a little excited, a familiar tingling forming on your belly.  
"Ok, Go-Time"  
It's about the third day he has been working on this project.  
Or is it the fourth? Maybe a week? Jonathon doesnt really know, his perception of time kinda blurrs when he works.  
What he does know if its that, if he doesnt finish these schematics  tonight he is gonna lose it.  
It shouldnt be this difficult.
He sighs in frustration, pinching the bridge of his nose, rubbing the exhaustion out of his eyes.  
Its only then when he notices its dark outside.  
Oh wow, is it night already? Wait, yeah it is. He vaguely remembers your figure standing next to him, asking if he did eat that day.  
He glances over his shoulder, have you got to bed already? Probably, it is quite late.  
Guilt strikes him right in the middle.  
You always take care of him when he dives on these kind of projects; He knows how difficult he may get, so focused he deliberately ends ignoring you.  
But dont you misunderstood! He /is/ grateful for all the help you give him. He notices how you make home-food everyday so he doesnt have to eat junk, or how there's always a filled water bottle near him but far any papers or blueprints he might have around.  
You are the most wonderful partner ever, he doesnt deserves you.  
"Dinner" He thinks as he goes back at the papers he has been writing. "Dinner on a nice place, a fancy one. Flowers, maybe chocolates? Those black chocolates they like"  
Jonathon's mind drifts between his work and plans to apologize properly to you, so focus that he doesnt hear the door of the bedroom opening or your footsteps approaching.  
His body shudders in surprise as you put your hands on his shoulders, giving them a soft squeeze.  
"Johnny?" You call him "You coming to bed?"  
"Hmm? Oh, no. Im so sorry sweetie, I- still have some things to do here." He replies apologetic, crossing something on the margin of a paper and writing another. Honestly there's nothing more he wants that being on bed with you, your soft, warm body entangled with his. He misses you too. "You go without me, I will be there soon"  I hope, he adds on his mind.  
But instead of going, you put your arms around him, pressing your chest against his back. "Johnny" Your lips brush the shell of his ear and he holds his breath. 
"Y-yes, Honey?" His hand trembles as he writes a sidenote.  
"You been working so hard lately Hun"  
"I- I have! Yes! Im, ehm, sorry about it. B-but! Im almost done! I swear!" He stutters. Its been a while since he had being embraced by you, you smell divine its distracting.  
You whine into his ear and he swallows, his cock twitches. "You should take a break baby"  
He coughs almost choking, he has stopped writing for a while now. "I-I-I cant, really. I need to- eh finish these"  
Surely you would understand right?  
"I been lonely Johnny" You whispers, pulling yourself from him and he quietly whines for the lost of contact. However you force him to turn around to face you and his eyes go wide. Oh God. You are only wearing a -rather short- towel, your wet hair framing your beautiful face. "I miss you"  
"You have?" His eyes dart on every patch of exposed skin, from your legs to you shoulders, the way is only your arms what is keeping the towel on your body.  
"Uh-huh" Your pretty lips accentuate each sound, they look so pretty and pink, he catches himself salivating. "Im tired of sleeping on a empty bed John" You close the distance between you, carefully climbing on him as Jonathon leans back, hands holding the arms of the chair.  
"Fuck,fuck, fuck" His mind is speeding, math, formulas and what not already tossed on the back burner, he is already packing a tent on his pants and you havent even touch him.  
"I know you are a very busy, bright man" Your voice is like silk, so soft, sending chills all over him "But even bright minds-" Your hands move slowly, removing the towel in a nice, fluid, movement, letting slide to the floor. /OH FUCK/ "Need breaks" You finish, pressing your wet body against his chest.  
At this point Jonathon has forgot how to breath.  
Every nerve on his body is on edge, his cock its so hard it hurts.
And when he thinks he cant take anything more, you sit on his lap.  
You sit /right/ on his clothed dick and you let this sound, this exquisite sound as you slowly, so ruthlessly slow, grind on him.  
"Ahhh- f-fuck-" He moans, breathless. His head thrown back, eyes closed, knuckles white as he digs his hands into the arms of the chair.  
Is this real? Or did he actually pass out for all the overwork?  
"Johnny" His name rolls out of your tongue in the sweetest voice, just like honey, cold hands cupping each side of his head, kindly forcing him to straighten. Out of habit, he leans into the palm of your hand, whimpering into it.  
With your free hand, you fix his hair, fingers combing the stray hairs. "Johnny" This time he opens his eyes only to be meet with your naked body, your beautiful eyes staring into his. "Arent you tired baby?" Your hand caresses his cheek, fingers tracing a line until it meets his lips, giving them a small tap. Jonathon can only nod, he has forgotten what words are at the moment. "Dont you want to rest a little?" Your finger drag his lips -ah- side to side, your body pressing more and more into him as you rub his lap.  
He nods again, weak sounds coming from his part lips.  
"Use your words John"  
"Y-yes, I want-oh, I want to-oh god, to relax" His voice cracks, already so weak.  
You give him a little smile, leaning completely against him, your lips barely touching his. "Dont worry honey" You whisper, taking both his hands and placing them on your hips "Im going to take good care of you"  
Even when Jonathon was waiting for the kiss to come, he still is taken aback as how sweetly you press your lips against his, before giving them a tempting lick. He moans loudly now, opening his mouth and letting your tongue in. He kiss you desperatly, with a hunger he didnt knew he had until now. Every sound you let out its turning him on, hips bucking up, frantic to be inside you.  
Your hands find their way to his hair, sinking into his wild locks, pulling it until he cries out of pleasure.  
When you break the kiss, he whines in discontent and you cannot help but to chuckle a little, he’s so cute. 
You take his hands -at the moment busy grabbing your ass- and slowly drag them all over your body, his big brown eyes following, until they make their way to the edge of your breasts.  
"Mmmh" Johnathon whimpers, his thumbs shyly brushing them. He looks at you, asking for permission and how could you say no, really? You giggle and nod, guiding his big hands until each one is holding you. You feel his hips buck again, cock surely twitching inside his tight pants. He kneads them softly, thumbs brushing your hard nipples taking a whine out of you, his hands feel so warm on your body.
"Oh- they are so pretty-Fuck! You are so pretty" Without a warning he pops one of your tits inside his hungry, hot mouth. You thrown your head back, heat already forming on your belly. He sucks on your nipple, while he plays with the other, occassionally mumbling a muffled "so pretty" and "taste so good", he works you so good that you forget for a moment that you are supposed to make /him/ feel good.
Clumsily -the chair creaks and bends very dangerously- you slide your hand to his pants, the tips of your fingers tracing the tent he is packing. When you do, he sucks harder on your nipple and you wail.  
Trembling you look for the fly of his jeans, carefully opening them, hooking a pair of fingers on his underwear, sliding them down.  
His cock springs free, hitting you in the back.
When you glance over, you see how it gleams, already covered on pre-cum, it twitches needely, the tip red.  
Your mouth waters.  
You lean back a little, a hand grabbing his hair, his mouth still sucking on you as you wrap your free one around his boner, squeezing it a little.  
"Oh-fuck!" He cries, popping your nipple out of his mouth. You dont need to see it to know he has already leave a mark around it. He thrust weakly, moving his cock up and down your hand. "Your hand feels- ah! so good!"  
You giggle, he already looks so whipped.  
You pump his lenght, thumb rubbing the tip. Your hand slides nicely thanks to all the pre-cum he is oozing.
All the sounds he is letting out, turns you on, you can feel how wet you are, probably soaking Jonathon's lap.  
"Please-!" He cries, his chest rising and falling at how quick his breathing is. "Baby, I- I cant! Please! Inside, I want to- ah! Be inside!" And to put emphasis on his need, he thrust his hips again
Honestly, you want him too, now.  
"Anything you want Johnny" You say with a sly smile.  
Rising your hips a little, you lead his tip to your soaked entrance, rubbing it, one, two times -"¡Honey, please!"- and let it in, slowly, insde you, little by little, until you take him whole.  
The two of you moan, overstimulated and sensitive.
You stay still, adjusting yourself to his size, shaking. "You feel so-mnhh! Big!" He feels even bigger than before, already hitting your good spot.  
"Can I move?" Jonathon asks, his arms around you, face buried on your chest, legs trembling. "Please, let me move"  
He's just too cute when he begs. "Please Johnny" You voice its coated with lust, you want him to ruin you just as much as he wants you to do the same. 
He doesnt even waits for you to finish, already pounding you so hard that it makes you scream, surely the neighbors can hear you but you dont give a single shit, let them hear how hard he fucks you.  
"Thankyouthankyouthankyou" He chants as he pounds into you, already so pussy-drunk. The wet slapping of his cock sound so obscene, blending with your moans and his whinning. "You are-fuck! so tight! Your pussy is- oh fuck, oh fuck! so good!" He moans against your skin, nibbling at whatever he can put his teeth into.  
"Johnny! Oh God! Johnny!" Your voice cries desperate, the knot inside you, growing tighter and tigher. "Im-Im close!"  
A gasp escapes from your mouth as Jonathon grabs you from your waist, pulling himself up from the -poor- chair carrying you with him.  
He grunts at the sudden feeling of being so deep inside you, a hand swating papers and books and tools off the table.  
For a moment you grow worried. "Johnny! Your notes! What are you-AH!" You are manhandle, your body resting against the now, empty table, papers, books, blueprints on the floor now. You are about to protest when he thrust into you, filling you up, making you scream. He feels so much bigger, so much deeper.  
"Doesnt matter" He growls, big hands pushing your legs until they are up your ears. "It can all wait, right now, fuck, right now I need to fuck you, I need you so badly!" With renowed energy, he rams into you, taking the air out of your lungs, his balls slapping against your cunt. "So good! So good, ah- for me! Only for me, yes?"  
You nod rapidly, bitting your lip. When you look at him, he's nothing but a mess,  glassy eyes, lips trembling with a moan.  
"Yes-" You pant, its so hard to talk right now. "Just for you, only for you Johnny!"  
He grunts, letting your legs go, hands cupping your face as he dips for a rather, needy and sloppy kiss. You hold him, digging your nails into his back, your legs around his waist, bringing him impossibly closer.
He moan into the kiss, his pace becoming more erratic, barely taking his cock out.  
He's close. 
You bring your lips to his ear and shakely, whisper the magic words.  
"Inside, cum inside"  
"GNHH!-!" He grunts, jaw tensing. "Oh fuck! Oh Honey! Im cumming, fuck! Im cumming!" He cums between moans and curses, pumping load after load of hot and thick cum, his body on top of yours, your face tucked on the crook of his neck, his hand sinking into your hair. Fuck you smell so good, your pussy is milking him so deliciously good, oh fuck.  
You stay like this for a moment, or maybe longer, you are not completely sure. Time flows different when you just get fucked into another plane of existence.
"Are you-ah- ok babe?" Jonathon ask, voice cracking.  
You chuckle, kissing the side of his neck. "Perfectly Johnny"  
"Ok, good! Im gonna, eh, pull out ok?" You nod giving him the get go. Slowly he gets up already missing your embrace. Your body trembles as he slides his cock out and  the moment he does a thick trail of cum follows, spilling all the way down. "Oh. Wow. Thats, wow, a lot" He coughs awkwardly, his face feeling hot.  
You glance at him from the table, his face red and eyes wide, surely staring at your sore cunt. When your body pumps out the excess of his cum and you whine, you see his lips move, muttering to himself a quiet: "holy shit".  
A tiny smile cross your face. "Admiring your work, Doctor Ohnn?"  
He clears his throat, clearly embarrased of being caught, like he didnt fuck your brains out just a couple of minutes ago. "I didnt- Its not like that!"  
"Really?" You tease him, spreading your legs further.  
He bites his lip, eyes darting between your smug face and your dripping pussy. There really is a lot. "M-Maybe I am" He says, defeated.  
Your little devilish smile only grows wider. "I like it, Piccaso!" You say in an exagerated manner, twirling your hand.  
Jonathon stares at you dumbfounded before wheezing. "Oh! You are the worst! That was terrible!"  
"But you are laughing!"  
"Cuz its so bad I cant help but laugh!"  
You both stare at each other before bursting into laughter.  
You are wipping the tears from your eyes when something catches your eyes.  
"Yeah?" He says, the remains of his laugh on his voice.  
"Are you still hard?"  
He abruptly stops, body going still.  
You prop your torso up, looking down on him. Yep, there it stands, still as hard and angry red, covered on a still wet layer of cum -both his and yours-.  
Its your turn to be astonished. You didnt know he was so- pent up.  
"Its ok!" He cuts you up, pushing his shirt down to cover himself. "I- I will take care of this myself, yes? Later, in the, ehm-In the bathroom. Right now, we should clean you up"  
You frown.  
You dont think so.  
Not happening, not today, nu-huh.  
Carefully you get down of the table, your legs shaking.  
You take a moment to compose yourself, straigthen your body as you lean into him.  
"Sit on the chair John"  
He blinks at you, confused but a little turn on.  "Excuse me?"  
Hands on his hips, you guide him towards the chair, pushing him little by little, until his ass is sitting.  
"I told you didnt I?" You say, kissing the mole above his lips -the one you like so much- and trail down his neck, leaving little wet kisses as you go. "That I would take good care of you"  
"You dont have to-" He mutters, eyes half-closed.  
"I want to" You growl against the skin of his neck, sucking his adam's apple and he sobs. "Besides, I cant let you go like this. Can I?" You wrap your hand around his needy cock, it feels hot on your grasp. Jonathon let out a shaky moan, unconsciously bucking his hips. You smile against his neck. "Relax baby, let me make you feel good"  
You kneel down, making yourself home in between his legs.  
You feel his hot stare on you and sure enough when you look up to see him, his eyes are glued on you, a trembling hand covering his mouth, the other resting on the arm of the chair.  
Oh, someone is eager.  
Without breaking eye contact, you give his head a tentative lick. He squints his eyes, quietly whinning into his hand.  
You smile, toungue tracing down from his head to the bottom of his lenght, licking the cum clean.  
"Ooooh" He moans, he must be very senstive, you feel his cock twitching as you go up again, giving the head a little kiss before wrapping it with your lips, sucking just a little, moving your toungue along the slit. "Oh-fuuuuck"  
You push his shaft slowly, saliva dripping from the corners of your mouth. You are not used to have him, to feel him so big like this.  
The tip is already hitting the back of your throat.  
You feel drunk.  
Drunk on his smell, on his flavour. Everything is a little too much but at the same time is not enough; You want him, need him, just as much as he does want you.  
You can feel yourself getting aroused again, your pussy clenching, missing the shape of his cock.  
Like this, you move your head slowly up and down, licking the rest of his cum along. It taste salty, it taste like him.
Jonathon's legs shake, groaning loudly. "Oh God-" The sounds he lets out are so- enticing. You love when he gets vocal, when he lets himself go and be drown on pleasure. You bob your head a little faster, tongue licking, tasting his pre-cum. He throws his head back, hand placed on your head, keeping you from pulling out. You dont mind, you want him to feel good, really good.  
You hook your hands on the hem of his pants, tugging them down until they are in the floor, leaving him completely exposed.  
Hands rest on his thights, slowly moving to his crotch where you grab his heavy balls, dragging your thumb by the edges. His whole body jolts up, hips bucking, burying his cock deeper inside your mouth, hot tears form in the corner of your eyes.  
You let him fuck your face at his own rythm, your hands occupied with his balls, squeezing them, massaging them.  
"Oh God- babe!"  
Thats right, you think, let yourself go.  
You feel his cock twitch, thrust becoming a little faster now.  
"Babe-!" He calls you, breathless. "I think Im-"  
Oh you can feel how close he is.  
You suck harder, faster.  
Jonathon shivers, his whole body at flame. You are sucking him so good, he loves to see your pretty lips around his cock, the feeling of your hands tugging and squeezing his already full balls.  
God! He wants to cum so badly! 
The moment you moan, your mouth so full of his dick that it comes all muffed, its the moment he loses it.  
He cums screaming your name, fists full of your hair and hips thrusting hard.  
In an instant, your mouth is overflowing his hot cum, its so much its choking you, forcing you to swallow to be able to breathe.  
Your own orgasm hits you, its all way too much, so much that your vision goes blurry.  
Its only when you feel his hands go limp on your head, that you pull out.  
His cock keep twitching as it softens, a string of cum still coming out of the tip.  
Your damn jaw feels numb. A small price to pay, you think, if he's able to relax.  
"Johnny?" You say, putting your hands on his thights to help you stand up.  
"I fucking love you" Its all he says when he meets your eyes. He looks like he just ran a marathon, sweaty and trying to catch his breath. You smile, taking a sit on his leg, moving his hair out of his face. "I love you so-so much"    
"I love you too Johnny" You say back, giving a quick kiss. You glance at his work table, a mess within another mess. Papers and tools on the floor, piles of books discarded. You dont even want to see if any of the papers on the floor had been....stained. "Should we...Clean that?"  
Jonathon follows your gaze.  
He groans, covering his eyes.  
"Not today"
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camryntheking · 2 months
Ok! My thoughts on 7x05!
First, i just wanna say that the whole Hen and Karen storyline is awesome! I love that the show is giving queer people so much screen time, especially a Black lesbian couple! And i think its super sweet that they really want to try for Mara! I hope it works out!
Next, i think that has been my favorite cold open so far. The “ITS MEEE” gets me every time (i have already watched it loads of times). I dont have much to comment on it other than it was funny as fuck
Ok. The date scene. I was hoping to see more of Eddie watching them (especially after the stills), but oh well. The second-hand embarrassment i got was… a lot. But i dont think its necessarily a bad thing. It showed how out of his comfort zone Buck was and how he was trying to navigate a terrifying situation. And Tommy? I might have to retract my earlier retraction. Cos wtf?? Literally had just finished talking about how its hard to accept yourself in a “macho” field, then makes a dig at Buck when he fumbles? Not cool. Then not communicating what was happening until he was getting in the Uber? You dont just abandon someone at a restaurant like that. I understand the “you’re not ready” thing, but that was a dick move.
Also, Buck, baby. Sweetheart. Darling. “I look at hot guys’ asses.” Sweetie. Like Maddie said. You are more than an ally lmao. I also just love how Maddie showed interest in getting to know who Buck was talking about and treating the convo after like a normal convo. Because it is! And i love it! But she also emphasized talking to Eddie, because she knew that Eddie would not react poorly. I feel like that just shows how everyone knows how close Buck and Eddie are. TLDR, Maddie is an awesome sister and Buck is lucky to have her ❤️
Next point, the scene where Buck and Tommy talk over coffee. I do think that the hand holding at the end is very sweet and shows how Buck is really trying to be more open, but Tommy is just really starting to rub me the wrong way. Pretty much everything he said contradicts what happened in the date scene. I feel like him being at the wedding is really gonna spark some Jealous Eddie, tho, so i am excited to see that lmao
And Eddie and Marisol? I feel like the show is going in a direction that leads them to breaking up. Like yes, it is showing growth for Eddie and allowed him to acknowledge that he has Catholic guilt, but theres just. No chemistry. It feels awkward. I feel like her being an ex-nun is gonna bring up some issues with Buck and Eddie will not stand for that. I also wanted to point out that i got even more vibes that Eddie could be demisexual, cos he didnt straight up say that he loved Shannon, just that he loved being married to her. And he knows that he is moving too fast and needs to step back a bit
Finally, Buck coming out to Eddie. I do find it funny that Eddie seemed more shocked that Tommy wasnt straight than figuring out Buck isnt straight. But its awesome that Eddie showed interest and genuinely wanted to help Buck through the issue. And the hug? Finally! Give me men not being afraid to hug each other! I feel like this is allowing Buck and Eddie to become even closer (i do hope for Buddie eventually)
Overall, i feel like this episode was great for setting up the development of Buck and Eddie’s relationship (whether it ends up being platonic or romantic). And i am all for Buck exploring his sexuality with someone that isnt Eddie. While Tommy isnt my favorite right now, i do think that he is great for the progression of Buck’s story. I do hope to see more of Dad!Bobby in the coming episodes and how Buck’s parents might react to Tommy. I dont wanna wait three weeks for the next episode 😢. Im ready for the chaos of the Madney wedding
If i think of anything else ill add on, but i think thats all i have for now. Feel free to share your thoughts!
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equallyshaw · 6 months
ᴅᴀʏ ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ: ᴄʜʀɪꜱᴛᴍᴀꜱ ᴍɪʀᴀᴄʟᴇ - ᴊᴀᴍɪᴇ ᴅʀʏꜱᴅᴀʟᴇ
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warnings: none.
word count: 1.9k+
masterlist to holidays with equallyshaw
also trevor gets much love in this.
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ᴛʜᴇ ᴛᴡᴏ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇᴍ were at their wit's ends, it was only 1 before christmas and their little girl still hadn't shown her lovely face yet. she was due the 19th, but the doctor was not worried in the very least. gigi had had a easy and healthy pregnancy, and a few extra days couldn't hurt they had said. though gigi would disagree. jamie had been a godsend, the past week. after getting back from the east coast trip - he'd been home ready for the arrival of his baby girl.
"jamieeeee." gigi called from the kitchen, as she bent over a bit, holding onto the counter. she was making herself some decaf coffee around 6 am, and began to feel contractions. he came in a bit too chalantly for her liking, "are you fucking kidding me jamie?!?! i could have been giving birth right here and you're strolling in?" she asked pissed off, but to her defense- they were her hormones talking. he grinned a bit, walking over and placing a hand on her hip. "is it time?" he questioned, and she shook her head. "no but they're starting." she said hopefully. he nodded, placing a kiss to her temple, rubbing her hip's for comfort. the contraction passed, and jamie pressed a kiss to the back of her head. "now sit down, and let me finish breakfast." he whispered, and she nodded heading over towards the living room couch. "scrambled or fried?" he questioned, pulling out eggs from the fridge. "umm..fried." she said rubbing her stomach. she began to grow nervous, this was happening she thought. and it was happening quickly, as another contraction began. "were gonna do scramble so its easier to digest." he said and she rolled her eyes, sighing softly. He finished up 10 minutes later, bringing her decaf coffee and eggs over. "thankyou hun." she said sitting up, and scooted towards the end of the couch. he sat down beside her, rubbing her lower back softly. trying to comfort her in any way at this point.
it was about an hour later when her contractions got worse and much closer. gigi was currently standing by the door while jamie wen to grab a few extra things from the bedroom, and while she was tapping her foot on the hardwood floor she saw the one person she didn't want to see. especially not at 7 am. "oh sweet mother of god, not you!" she howled at the curly-haired boy, who only laughed in response. "jamie come on!" she said throwing her head back, and shutting her eyes. a contraction hit and her breathing became labored as she bent over, and trevor's eyes instantly went wide. he began to panic, "oh my god, oh my god!" he said substantially loud as jamie walked down the stairs. he hurried a bit quicker as he saw gigi bend, as trevor waved his hands debating if he wanted to place a hand on her back to comfort her or if he thought it was too much. "i swear to god trevor, if you fucking touch me." she growled, and jamie only chuckled in response. "you. go turn the car on. now." he said pushing trevor a bit, while pressing the keys into his chest. he saluted him playfully, before jamie the hospital bag and his grin dropped. "hush." jamie said before turning back to gigi, "i swear to god if you're love fest doesn't stop im gonna puke." she huffed, and trevor quickly left.
"hey hun, can you look at me." and she nodded, looking up at him. "were heading out, ok? where do you need me?" he questioned, and she pointed to where she needed his helpful hand on her aching back, and one to her hand for stability. "let's go meet our baby girl." he hummed, as they walked out of the front door.
gigi cried out in pain as jamie held her hand, her mom on the other side of them. "ok gigi! its time, one more push and your little girl is here!" her doctor encouraged her and she looked towards jamie shaking her head. "no! i can't i can't!" she exsasperated, and he shook his head. "no! you can do this, all of us know you can. ok, baby? you're the strongest girl i know!" he said and she nodded through tears. she groaned, taking one last breath and pushing. about 5 seconds later, she was out. but they didn't know at first. their little girl was silent, and quickly taken away. gigi shut her eyes exhaustedly, feeling as if she couldn't keep her eyes open. "you did it baby, you did it!" he said kissing her temple, and when he looked down he began to panic. "whats going on?" he questioned, as a nurse began to pull him out of the room along with her mom.
"what's wrong with her?" her mom questioned, "seems as though her blood sugar got too low. they are doing it out of precaution." the nurse said, "what about our daughter?" he asked before she could go back inside. "again, out of precaution. they are running some tests as we speak." she said before walking back inside. and it was if the universe had felt their panic, because they heard the shrieking sound of the newborn baby. her mom pulled jamie in for a hug rubbing his back, "they'll be ok jamie. i promise." she said over and over again, to reassure not only jamie but herself as well.
about 25 minutes later, the same nurse came out holding their baby girl. jamie stood up from the chair in the hallway and quickly pulled her into his arms. completely mesmerized, "hows my wife doing?" he questioned not looking up from the newborn. "she's doing better, she's up and alert but the doctors are running a few last tests before you can come in with her." the nurse responded, and jamie looked up before nodding. her mom came up beside jamie and smiled down at the new born, "she's got your eyes hun." she said giving his shoulder a squeeze. "she's got your family nose." he hummed and she smiled, "that you're right!" she grinned.
gigi back in the room could only think about the newborn and jamie. "can i please see her? them?" she questioned as they put more fluid down the iv. they nodded, "only a few more minutes. we need to get your blood sugar stabilized and then you'll be good to go." the nurse said sweetly placing a hand on her shoulder, "you did good mama. all of us are so proud of you." and even if it was the most basic thing ever, she began to cry. her hormones were at an all time high still, and this sent her overboard. "okay we just got the all clear, were gonna go get them. ok?" they said and she nodded smiling. "jamie, mama is ready." the nurse said peaking out of the suite, and he quickly made his way in. the sight made her heart and eyes swell, and she quickly wiped away tears. "hi baby." he said softly giving her a big kiss, before placing their little girl on her chest. gigi held her head back, sobbing. jamie kissed her temple, "i was so scared." gigi said through sobs and jamie nodded. "i - i thought we lost her." she whispered, not believing her own words. he nodded understanding, "i know but she's here. you're here. all healthy and stable." he said resting his chin on her shoulder, as they looked at each other.
"is my mom out there?" she questioned and he nodded, "you can go get her. i wanna see her." and he nodded, going to fetch her. "mom!" gigi said excitedly, and her mom smiled widely. "go get your parents too and my dad!" gigi said looking past her mom for a brief second, and jamie nodded giving her a quick peck on the lips before heading out. seeing her pass out due to low blood sugar, absolutely terrified him, and seeing her lifeless, is something he wishes and prays he never has to see again.
back in the room, her mom and her cooed over the little girl. "do you guys know what her name is gonna be? i know you two were waiting till you saw here to decide." her mom said sweetly and gigi nodded. "that's a thing for tonight, i suppose. just wanna soak in all of you guys." she said shrugging, deeply enamored by this newborn.
a burst of contained commotion erupted at the sliding door, and gigi looked up seeing her dad walking in first. he smiled widely, turning back to look at gary- jamie's dad. "oh my god..." gary said patting her dad on the shoulder a few times, while tina came to her mom's side next to her. "she's adorable!" she gushed, while the two dads came over and smiled. "everything ok?" gary asked sweetly, "yes! were all good." gigi hummed looking down at her little girl. "first one who sanitizes gets to hold her." jamie said coming up behind gigi and the grandparents quickly panicked, trying to find some. their first grandchild - it was an expected frenzy. her dad ended up getting to it first, causing gigi to giggle.
"now give er here." he said making grabby hands, and jamie chuckled as gigi transferred her over. about 5 minutes later, gary demanded to hold her and he got her. "so respectful." tina murmured, causing gigi's mom to stiffle a laugh. "ok-ay hun, here you go." he said sarcastically, passing her over. tina quickly smiled, as her and gigi's mom looked down at her. "name yet?" gigi's dad asked, and the young couple looked at one another. "that's a tonight decision." jamie announced, and gigi nodded in agreement. finally the little girl was passed to gigi's mom, and the two grandmothers continued to whisper over her.
a few hours later, it was aound 8 pm when the grandparents left and trevor waltzed in for awhile. "oh my god- im an uncle!" he said throwing his hands up once they told him. gigi and jamie chuckled, and then they panicked when trevor kept mumbling "oh my god" as he held his niece. "your mama and daddy did good, ill give em that." he whispered, as his niece wiggled in his arms with a burst of energy. trevor looked up frowning, "she's so cute!" he exclaimed and gigi smiled, before yawning. jamie could see how tired she was and knew he'd be getting trevor to leave soon. "welp, imma head out if you'd like to take this one here." trevor mused, handing her over to jamie who transferred her to gigi, so she could nurse. "ill walk you out." jamie said giving gigi some privacy to nurse.
as jamie came back in, the newborn was sleeping soundly on his wife' chest. "finally! some peace and quiet." she giggled softly, "thankgoodness! i thought trevor wasn't gonna leave and we'd have to adopt him." he hummed, causing gigi to snicker. "thankfully we didn't have too." she smiled softly, looking down at her chest.
"bowen mackenzie." jamie announced, as the two of them looked down at their little girl. gigi smiled at the name bowen, an homage to canada - bowen being apart of the vancouver area, which is a fond summer trip for them. then mackenzie, honoring jamie's grandmother. "i love it, bowen mackenzie." she hummed looking up at jamie. "our christmas miracle." he smiled before closing the gap between them.
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hope you all enjoyed, please like and reblog if you did!
also not the best, just wanted to get this out there lol
tags: @dancerbailey3 @toasttt11 @jayda12 @jackhues @cuttergauthier
99 notes · View notes
princesssmars · 1 year
free love all around
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a makidrey x reader
its valentines day at constance billard, and your best friend knows just the way to make it even more special.
wc: 4.337 (wtf)
contains: fluff. polyamory. steamy makeout(s?) at the end. reader described having hair and being shorter than max. max is a little shit and audrey is confused about her sexuality but intrigued. aki bein cute and schemey. this is just a bisexual disaster.
a/n: them. just them. i started this in early 2021 (embarrassing) when aki pissed me off but i warmed up to him more in the beginning episodes of season two so triad x reader! too bad they all pissed me off in this season but On This Page Canon Means Nothing. i just finished 75% of this in a day so so if it seems wonky im sorry.
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knock knock knock knock knock.
a loud sigh makes its way from the heap of covers in the middle of the bed in the grand bedroom. this little routine max loved happened nearly every damn week and god if it didnt annoy you every time-
knock knock knock knock knock.
you let out a long groan this time, muffling the sound of the door opening and the footsteps quickly making their way toward your bed, and just as you're about to reluctantly leave the comfort of where you sleep a giant weight plops on top of you.
"y'know i was about to berate you for sleeping in later but im actually feeling pretty comfy now."
"get off of me." you grumble, pushing your knees and arms forward to try to push your best friend off of you, making him laugh in the process.
"only if you get up." he moves his body to face you, his piercing blue eyes looking into yours.
your heart beats irregularly.
"ok fine, just move" you sigh.
he smiles victoriously, letting out a small giggle and rolling over on your bed, giving you the reluctant freedom to get up and start your day.
you move to your closet, look through your picked outfits and choose the one you feel would work for today before you move to your bathroom to wash up. until you see max get up from the bed.
"don't even think about it." you warn.
his eyes widen and the corner of his mouth quirks up slightly, showing how he thinks hes so hilarious.
“hurry up then, i need your help with something.”
you take a quick shower and put on your outfit and makeup, max’s foreboding words stuck in your mind and nearly making you poke your eye. it wasn't often that max let you in on one of his schemes, but when he did you knew your life was going to get very interesting for a few weeks.
“alright, what are you planning this time?” you ask, exiting the bathroom and grabbing your jacket and bag for school. max is already at the door, taking your hand in his as he leads you down the steps and out of your house. but not before you both say goodbye to your grandmother, who’s all sweet smiles in the mornings and has packed you some valentines themed goodies.
“don’t alright me, l/n. i swear this is finally the plan that you're going to agree with me on,” max holds your bags for you as you browse through something on your phone. once you're finished you make grabby hands for the snacks, looking through it after he quickly hands it to you to see some filled donuts and croissants. popping one in your mouth, you muffle a go-ahead for him to tell you his plan.
“first things first, I cant take all of the credit for this. our sweet little akeno helped, don't give me that look! he can be sneaky when he wants to be. anyway, both of us noticed something about audrey and need your help with it.”
“what have you noticed about her? is she acting like a diva because I'm afraid to admit that's how she’s always gonna be.” you joke, giggling when max rolls his eyes.
“obviously not that. its not about her personality but her..attraction to someone we know,” he states, sending you a pointed look that has you nearly stumbling over yourself. “don’t look so surprised, you definitely knew something was up.”
you stutter, still trying to process this load of information that's been dumped on you. “i-i knew she was being nicer to me, but I just thought she wanted some emotional support other than julien! are you seriously trying to say she has a crush on me?”
”that, my dearest, is what we’re going to find out.” his hand patting your shoulder alerts you to your surroundings, seeing you've already arrived to the crowded entrance of constance billards - st. jude’s.
he still doesn't let your hand go as you walk up to your table, the rest of your friends already sitting down and talking to each other.
“dont act so happy to see us, everybody,” you announce your presence, a collection of small greetings being directed to you.
“that’s five days in a row you’ve been late, y/n. if you need a lesson on punctuality you could always just ask.” money chides, looking at you with her iconic sarcastic smile.
“good morning to you too, money bags.” you joke, laughing along with luna as monet rolls her eyes at your silly nickname for her.
“you two look cozy.” the distinct voice of audrey hope pops up, her eyes pointed towards you and max’s conjoined hands. you hear max laugh under his breath.
deciding to tease her a bit you rush over to her and tightly wrap your arms around her, ignoring her protests so as to not ruin her outfit. “aww, don't get jealous auds. you know you’re my favorite hugging buddy.”
“you’re an idiot.”
“cmon, you know you love me.” you let her go a bit to look at her face, the blonde looking everywhere but at your eyes.
holy shit.
you look to max and aki who are sitting next to each other on one of the benches, the two of them looking at you with knowing expressions.
“did your grandma give you breakfast again? please tell me she made those stuffed donuts that I love.” aki reaches over to grab the bag from your hands, figuring you’ve caught on and will tease audrey some more. his face lights up when he sees the treats, taking a donut and biting out a large chunk.
when it came to audrey, aki was able to tell what she was thinking easily. she couldn't hide the clear distaste on her face when talking to someone she disliked, or the way she always seemed at peace when watching old hollywood movies. his girlfriend was a visually open book, which he regularly used to his advantage. but the one thing he didn't expect audrey to take a clear attraction to was you.
the way her eyes trailed after you when you headed to class, how she would frequently bring you up in conversation. he even noticed how she also did the same with their dear friend max. at first he thought it was jealousy, but now he knows there’s something more behind those eyes. it wasn't until he brought it up with max that they came up with the plan to see just how far they could push audrey until she admitted her not-so-secret feelings.
“dont be do greedy, menzies,” you snatch the bag back from his hands, “yes she made enough for everybody. including some croissants which i know you love, auds.” you say, picking out a croissant and raising it to the blonde girls mouth. she glares at you for a few seconds before leaning in and taking a bite while maintaining eye contact.
“alright I'm out of here. you four are always so weird.” monet gags before rushing from the table to class, the rest of your friends laughing and agreeing before trailing after her.
“and then there were four,” max muttered, wearing his usual smirk and putting his arms around aki and audrey’s shoulders before looking at you. “what ever shall we do now?”
“not whatever you’re planning. ill see you three at lunch,” you say goodbye to the three before heading to class. you would need some alone time to process what just happened and what it meant for your relationship with your best friends.
right after your english literature class with audrey ended, the girl tells you not to wait up for her as the teacher wants to over her last essay with her. walking the short distance into the middle courtyard, you see max and aki already at your table and engaged in normal conversation. walking over, max roughly pulls you into a side embrace, dragging you halfway onto the table.
“if it isn't our little star of the evening,” max gushed, smiling brightly at you.
“its eleven in the morning.”
“just enjoy my compliments, y/n.” ”anyway,” aki butts it, leaning forward to get a better part in the conversation. “thanks for going along with the plan so effortlessly this morning. we were going to take it a bit further tonight.”
they smile at you, aki’s hesitant and max’s borderline devilish.
“oh god what is it now?” you ask, slapping max’s thigh and laughing at his squeal.
“stop doing that! and what dear akeno was going to say was that he wants us to make it look like we're close so audrey gets a little jealous.”
your brows squint in confusion. “but we are close. we’re nearly attached at the hip most of the time?”
“he means make it look like we’re screwing.”
you move to smack max again, but he seems to expect it as he laughs and moves out of your hand's trajectory. you'd gotten used to max’s potty mouth but that didn't mean he could just say things like that in public. especially with this stupid gossip girl thing going around.
“have some class, wolfe.”
“if i did id be a different person, l/n. and we all know you'd miss my charming personality.” he purrs, throwing an arm around your shoulder. he’s really committed to this act, you think, as he looks like he wants to eat you alive. ”i can't believe im saying this but max is right,” aki says, smiling at max’s faux-insulted face, “if there's one thing i know about audrey its that when she feels like she’s missing out on something she will do everything she can to get it. she spent three hours last tuesday looking for a vintage chanel purse that got discontinued almost thirty years ago.”
“she definitely is persistent when she wants to be. which is precisely why this will work if me and y/n shag it up.” max leers. you consider criticizing his choice of words but decide to leave it.
“ok, so we make her jealous, and then what? she figures out her sexuality? what else?” you question.
they both open their mouths to speak but stop, not having thought that far. you can feel yourself slowly losing hope in them before max finally speaks.
“we’ll figure it out when is happens.”
its a few hours later that you’re back at home, getting dressed as you wait for max to come back from his house so you can go to dumbo hall together as the next part of the plan. throughout the whole school day, max had taken his part of the plan very seriously, treating you how he would one of his new flames.
he moved his desk right next to yours in your language class, unsuccessfully trying to persuade the teacher to let him stay and let the two of you work together, he held your hand as he walked you to your final class before pointing out how audrey was staring at your conjoined hands like they were her mortal enemy.
before you got in your lift home, he bid you goodbye with a long kiss right on your cheek, smirking at your shocked expression. you could've sworn you heard an all too familiar scoff and a mass of blonde hair storming in your opposite direction.
knock knock knock.
fixing up the last of your makeup and touching up your hair, you glide over to your bedroom door before opening it. in front of you stands max, wearing a not all the way buttoned up striped silk shirt with white pants and dress shoes. a classic max wolfe get-up but entrancing as always.
you try to ignore his eyes dragging up and down your body, his eyes lingering on your hips and chest before resting on your eyes.
“i don't know it could use a few touch-ups,” max purrs as steps closer to you, your neck having to crane to look up at him, “y’know i wouldn't mind helping you out of that and being a little late.”
“oh shut up, you flirt.” you groan, pushing his smiling face out of your way to head downstairs to your shared lift. max trails after you, hot on your heels as he takes your hand to help you step into the car without flashing someone because of your dress.
the ride there is mostly silent and it surprises you. in a good way. you'd been best friends with max for years now and it seemed like every time you two shared a space you were always talking about something, whether it be his recent sexual adventures or one of your new achievements.
but this silence was…comfortable. he didnt say any other innuendos about your looks, deciding to just sit beside you and look out the window, his left hand slightly brushing your right. you dont say anything when he conjoins your hands together, no cameras around to see you.
you enjoy the prospect of having him in privacy more than you'd like to admit. it takes more of you to admit that it feels like someones something’s missing.
when the car stops outside the building of dumbo, max helps you outside of the car and stays beside you up the elevator to the bar, keeping a pale hand on the bottom of your back as he gently guides you. its quiet again in the elevator unil you get a shared message from aki.
aki : we'll be there soon. gossip girl wont shut up about you two. audrey is 😾. almost done!
you both laugh at his message, all too familiar with audreys signature pout when she's pissed off. you told her once in eighth grade that she looked like a kitten when she did it and she told you to shut up. she's been using the cat emojis since.
“just one more push and audrey will finally join the alphabet alliance.” max laughs.
“did you ever think this would happen?” you ask. “i mean it in the nicest way but auds always seemed like the straightest girl ever.”
“so did i until what happened last summer.” max laughs but cuts himself off, looking like he really didnt want that to slip out.
your brows raise. “what happened last summer?”
“iiii don't know what you're talking about. it was a completely normal day with friends being normal. about each other. yup.”
max wolfe was caught off guard. if it weren't so shocking you would have taken a picture for memory's sake.
“cmon, you can tell me maxie,” you tease, bringing out the pet name you used to call him when you were little.
“nope. mhm. not falling for it.”
before you can question him further the elevator stops on the top floor, the familiar dark yellowish lighting and mingling twenty-somethings welcoming you into the space.
max rushes out of the elevator, trying his best to avoid telling you what happened last summer. in the short walk over to the seating area, you keep your eye on him as he maneuvers over to the bar, hopefully ordering your favorite cocktail. you would need it for the night ahead.
you feel a hand wrap around your wrist before pulling you down onto the couch, your brain stalling as it rushes to comprehend what just happened. thankfully, it's just luna. horribly, it's just luna.
“tell me everything. when did you two hook up? or are you only dating? i really doubt it because your sexual chemistry is through the roof-”
“lune!” you groan, stopping her inquiries as she giggles at you. while you loved luna and went to her for advice often, she really knew how to pry to get you to open up to her.
“we aren't actually together,” you whisper, “its just to help someone figure something out.”
luna’s brow raises. “sounds like a weird favor, but i’ll play along. but be honest with me, when this person figures out whatever it is they need to figure out, are you sure you’l be able to just…go back to normal?”
“yeah, of course, we will.” it takes you a few seconds to answer, and you can tell by the look on the brunette's face that she doesn't believe you.
you're not that sure you believe in yourself either.
a glass of f/c enters your vision and you take it happily, thanking max as he settles on the couch next to you, throwing an arm around your shoulder. you try your best to ignore luna’ stare.
it’s a while later that the golden couple makes their appearance. aki looks good as usual, managing to effortlessly loo both adorable and enticing. he looks at you and gives a little smile and wave. it’s so sweet you don't know if those are butterflies in your stomach or plain sickness.
audrey is standing hand in hand with him and god does she take your breath away each time she dolls up. her watching old hollywood movies as a kid and falling in love with the styles that suited her perfectly, the blonde wearing a simple black halter neck gown with a diamond chain necklace. her hair is flowing over her back and shoulders, perfectly framing her face.
she ignores the both of you, flopping down on the couch in front of you and starting up a pointless conversation with julien, whose eyes dart between the four of you.
aki laughs under his breath and sits beside her, all of you struggling not to laugh at her little hmpf as she scoots away from him.
you get in the group chat when he waves his phone in your direction.
max : well she looks cheery
aki : she thinks i knew about the two of you dating and didn't tell her.
y/n : so she's upset with all of us. how do we make her realize she’s got a big fat crush on me if she’s going to avoid me like last season's manolos?
max : i’ve got an idea
as soon as you read the message max grabs your arm with that devious look on his face and announces that you two are going to talk in private. you look to aki who shrugs and audrey who is barely concealing her annoyance.
max takes you across the room and inside a set of doors, pulling them almost all the way shut before he turns to you.
“i’ve got an idea,” he says.
“so I've heard,” you laugh. “did you have to drag me across the whole room to tell me?”
“it was that week at the hamptons.”
your laugh stops. “what are you talking about?”
he sighs. “last summer, that week at the hamptons. we were hanging at the beach and when you came out of the water audrey was staring at you. and then that girl came up and started flirting with you and she was the angriest I've ever seen her.”
your brain takes in what he’s telling you and it helps explain… so much. how in the span of a few hours audrey went from asking you to help her get changed to getting shy when you noticed a birthmark on her ribcage. from asking you constantly when you were going to finally find a cute person to take you out to gagging at every person in your dm’s.
you just wished she would have voiced this to you. you noticed her slight jealousy and just took it as her being protective. you had told her numerous times that she was the only girl in your life, knowing the problems she had with abandonment, always telling her there would be room for her. it breaks your heart to think how she felt knowing you didn't feel the same.
but then there's akeno, your dear friend and audreys boyfriend. it was safe to say everyone - minus monet and maybe obie - had a crush on the pink-haired boy at some point. he was kind and maybe a bit too indecisive, but if you had a problem he was the most level-headed person you knew and he put things into perspective when you needed it. you remember when you came back from a trip thinking everyone had forgotten your birthday only to be surprised by a birthday party thrown by no one other than aki.
“i just wish she would have told me.” you sigh. you look at max’s face to see his mouth in a thin line as he stares at any place in the room but you. “maxie? what’s wrong?”
“god, stop with that nick - you know what, im just gonna say it. i only notice audrey was staring at you because i was. i mean, you do realize you’re fucking gorgeous, right? we really should have expected this. the friends to lovers thing is pretty played out but i thought i would wait it out long enough to-”
max’s rambling is abruptly cut off when you grab the back of his head and bring his lips to yours. it takes him a few seconds to realize what's happening before he kisses back, but when he does… you’d heard talk from boys and girls around school about the skill of max wolfe’s mouth but you had no idea it could feel as good as this.
it was both desperate but sweet, the kiss of two people who were long overdue to indulge in each other this way. its not long into it that his mouth prods yours open, his tongue meeting yours when you do so willingly. the suddenness and intensity of the kiss makes you dizzy, your hands blindly coming up to pull harshly at the brunette's hair. he moans into the kiss, slightly pulling away and smiling when you chase after his mouth.
“i guess it's safe to say we’re on the same page,” he breathes, the breathiness of his voice making you want to kiss him until he can't speak, “i always had a feeling you'd be a good kisser but jesus,”
“shut up, wolfe.”
“make me, l/n.”
he doesn't have to tell you twice before you’re bringing him back to you. this time he takes more charge, his large hands wrapping up from your back and pulling you in. he moves the attack of his mouth to your neck, sucking so hard at one spot that you know there’ll be a hickey but that excites you even further-
you slightly open your eyes in ecstasy and widen them when they lock with audrey’s in the doorway. aki is standing behind her, looking both scared but…supportive?
you (reluctantly) push max off of you, and the small noise of confusion he makes almost makes the situation better. almost.
audrey steels herself and drags aki further into the room before commanding he close and lock the door, turning back to the two of you stuck standing like kids who were caught stealing from the cookie jar.
“so it’s true. you two are sleeping around and you didnt even bother telling me.” she seethes. but you know her. she puts up an angry front because she’s hurt.
“yup, sorry auds but we wanted to keep it a secret for a bit longer. it was fun to sneak around behind everyone’s backs, anyway,” max boasts, sliding up behind you and wrapping his arms around you. “we would have told you eventually. we didnt think you would get so upset.”
“obviously im upset! my two best friends are sneaking around behind my back!”
“but…are you sure that’s why your upset?” you ask her.
she halts, keeping eye contact with you as she studies your face. you can see the moment she understands but squash it down, in fear that you don’t really mean what you say.
“of course. i should know these things. im…happy for you.”
“babe, c’mon,” aki begs, moving to join you by your side. “it’s ok, trust me. we know. that’s why we did this.”
she squints, eyes flickering between the three of you before she scoffs out a laugh and folds her hands over her chest. “you’re all assholes, you know that? if you had an inkling about how i do or don’t feel you could talk to me like normal people.”
glad she’s not that upset, you rush in and hug her body close to yours, lifting her a bit up off the ground as she yelps and slaps you on the shoulder. it doesn't help, she's barely concealing a smile when you look at her. you turn back to look at aki, who rolls his eye and mouths a “duh” at you before you move in and kiss audrey hope like you’ve been waiting a lifetime for it.
it’s both different but the same as max’s kiss, the desperation still there but less hurried. its slow and soft, comforting knowing you’ll get to do this again as much as you want now. that fat shocks you into pulling away from her, her eyes blinking up at you as she smiles prettily, the non-smudge lipstick that you got her working like a charm.
you feel a tap on your shoulder and look to your boys, the two having shared flushed cheeks and grins. deciding to finish your perfect little square, you giggle as you move over to give aki a sweet kiss as max drags in audrey for the same.
when all of you stop, you stand in silence for a minute just sharing looks before you all start laughing. normally after something like this you'd be nervous, wondering if you just ruined a relationship, but with the three of them you felt safe. you didnt have to worry about what you were, what you would do in the morning, or even the next few minutes. you just got to laugh in happiness with your favorite people knowing they felt the same about you.
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guys I’m rlly sorry I haven’t posted in a while other than reblog but I’m trying to put all my energy into that sonic prime au explanation so I can get it out by the end of next week (the end of my winter break) so here’s my in progress explanation on what the @&$!? is going on in the voices!au
OK so originally I had this MONSTER essay in what this was about but im really really bad at explaining things and I don’t want to leave you hanging forever so instead I’ll just give you a basic rundown of the concept and all the plot points. Also, important thing to mention, I HAVEN’T FINISHED SEASON 2 YET. Y’know, where the majority of my AU takes place. Haven’t finished that. Haven’t even seen Chaos Metal Sonic. Sorry, sorry, I know, I’m a fake fan but in my defense every time I turn on the show I want to bang my head against a wall, tear all my skin of, and run in circles at the speed of light (in a good way) (but also in a bad way) (a good bad way). Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, I need to quickly explain the concept behind this. In the first episode of Season 2, Avoid the Void, Sonic doesn’t realize that he can run out of the Ghost World. He’s stuck there. This also means that he can’t save shadow from falling into the void (this is why shadow doesn’t have an arm or a leg in my au illustrations, he wakes up before he can be fully disintegrated, but he did lose some limbs.) Back to Sonic, since he has nothing better to do, he tries to take a nap at the beach where his friends are at and starts “taking” to Tail’s projection. Then, the voice comes. I don’t really know how to describe this. There is a voice, like the name states, but it’s also a lot more complicated than that. When “it” comes, sonic can’t hear anything; or well actually he can hear things (sometimes the noise feels oppressively loud) but he doesn’t know what people are saying, so to him it just sounds like gibberish. Also, this isn’t always true, (it just depends) but his eyes won’t focus properly and they get really blurry, like can’t see what’s in-front of you blurry. Also, headaches! Because apparently we needed to make this even worse for him for some reason. It’s not at its worst here, but as you can expect he is pretty disoriented after it’s done. Shadow comes back to the ghost world, Sonic is understandably surprised by his lack of two limbs, he gets the tech and bounces, yadayadayada, all the stuff. More importantly, now we get Nine back! Chapter two; Sonic goes to Boscage Maze, they’re ripping the place up, Sonic goes to help Thorn, mini “voice” episode as an appetizer, he gets a tech upgrade from Nine, he goes to fight, gets the main course “voice” episode, Nine gets in trouble cause emo tween egg boy caught him talking to Sonic trying to figure out what’s wrong with him and why he’s talking to himself, Sonic gets the shard from Thorn, he runs of with it, emo eggboy sends a message that they’re gonna kill Nine unless Sonic gives them the shard, Nine tells him not to, he goes anyway and THROWS THE SHARD INTO THE OTHER SHARDS THE EGGMEN HAD COLLECTED SO HE CAN SAVE NINE, (he tries to get the shards back but they got swarmed by robots) and finally they get out and go to the ghost world. Shadow is really, REALLY mad at him for trading a SHARD just to save a little kit boy and ALSO mad because Sonic wants to keep Nine there, to keep him safe. Eventually, Shadow gives in after Nine mentions that he could build shadow a prosthetic, but he adds the clause that the moment nine finishes the prosthetic, he leaves. After that, Sonic goes to get the rest of the shards back while nine makes shadows prosthetic at tail’s workshop. For the next few chapters, we get into some sort of a routine; Try to get the shards, come back to the ghost world to rest, squabble with shadow, chat with nine for a little, and repeat. Some important things to mention from this period are: 
Nine is intentionally taking his time making Shadows prosthetic as well as making it break really easily & adding a secret “feature” that allows him to DUCKING electrocute him from afar using a remote implanted in his mechanical tails; 
Sonic doesn’t actually sleep during this time, he just takes 3 hour naps so he can get back home quicker, which only worsens the voice thing; 
Shadow, (who doesn’t understand what’s going on with sonic other than the vague sense that something’s wrong with him, unlike nine who got a basic lil explanation from sonic after asking wtf happened at boscage maze) is getting increasingly frustrated with Sonic because of how long it’s taking for him to get all the shards, as well as his continual trusting of nine.
This continues for a while, those “episodes” get worse and worse, Sonic grows closer to Nine and tension keeps building between sonic & shadow until……… THE EGG COUNCIL COMES!!!!! Again, since i still haven’t seen season two of Sonic prime, I don’t really know how this is gonna happen, but I do know it is gonna happen. (btw nine finishes shadow’s prosthetic & leaves like a day before the egg council comes) This is a massive battle and I have like a whole thing on how it’s gonna play out but the important things to not for the story are: Shadow finally sees Sonic’s “episodes” play out in front of him & he is understandably confused and concerned, but their in a battle right now so he can’t really do anything about it and …..
SONIC TRIES TO CHOP OFF HIS F$!)KING ARM! Ok, I definitely need to explain this a little more. During the first occurrence of the “voice,” it mentions something about them and sonic being the same person, & basically just says “I am a part of you, Sonic. The only way to get rid of me is to get rid of you.”  Edgy silly stuff like that, y’know? Well, during this one, it repeats that again and in Sonic’s panic, he decides to do something incredibly stupid and risky based on even dumber reasoning. You see, the voice said it was a part of him, not all of him. It also said that in order to get the voice out, he’d have to “get rid” of himself too. So, using this logic, if he only gets rid of a part of him, then he gets to keep living without the voice constantly haunting him. This is admittedly pretty silly logic, but he was in the middle of what is basically a panic attack, so cut him some slack. He tried to use a piece of scrap metal that fell off the robot to remove his arm, which unsurprisingly doesn’t work very well. It only cuts halfway, but sonic can’t really tell that it’s still attached since he’s unbelievably tired, & “it” did shut up after he stabbed his arm open soooooooo. He manages to drive the egg council off to their own dimension before passing out from blood loss, leaving shadow to rush him to tail’s workshop so he can get bandaged up, made harder with shadz new leg getting absolutely trashed.  ————————————————————————
that’s all I have done rn, and it’s still in rough draft form, sorry everyone about the delays!
also this:
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the last 2 are from later on in the story, just added them for the funzies
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theslay3d · 2 years
Hi, I see you're ask about request so maybe Reader x Leo Valdez, when reader is always feels cold in hands and feet and to feel the warmth, she constantly hugs Leo, even when he catches fire, he does not hurt her. You could bv write about how he reacted to this for the first time and how he reacts now when they meet , but these are just ideas, if you want to write differently, I'm all for🧡
Leo Valdez x Any camper!reader
Gender: Female
Warnings: cursing
word count: 975
A/N for me im literally always hot HAHAH
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You were cold. Which wasn't unusual as you're always cold. Even during the summer sometimes your cold it's not as bad in the summer as it is in the winter. Even the camp's magical borders can't stop you from being cold. Luckily Leo is always there.
Let's rewind to your first week at camp.
You just got to camp and weren’t claimed yet. So you stayed in the Hermes cabin and stuck to the shadows usually. You were nervous especially because sometimes the heroes from the roman camp would visit and there were usually one or two who were always at camp. Like Leo and Piper.
Even then Leo is the one you saw most even though you've never had a conversation. 
You were watching the other campers train when behind you you heard someone muttering angrily in spanish. You turned and saw Leo staring at something in his hands which seemed broken. He appeared to be walking to the place you knew as Bunker 9 from the other campers.
Before you could regret what you were gonna do and say you sped up to walk near him. 
“Hey you ok?”
His head snapped in your direction and you saw his eyebrows shoot up as he looked at you. “O-oh yeah i'm fine i just finished this thing and now its broken again”  He gestured to whatever it was in his hands. 
You smiled at him. “If you're sure you're fine then i'll let you go bye Leo!” 
You turned to start walking when he called out “Do you want to come with me to fix it?” 
“Sure!” You turned back to walk with him. 
“What's your name?” He asked a little shyly that you already knew his name yet he didn't know yours. He was surprised that his hair didn't catch on fire already from how flustered he was. 
“Beautiful name for a beautiful girl” 
He was trying to distract himself by flirting so hopefully his hair wouldn't catch on fire. You laughed and said “Smooth”
After a few minutes you ended up at what you guessed was bunker 9. Leo opened it and said “After you muñeca” 
“I don't know what that means but..thank you?” 
He laughed and walked in after you. After you walked in you sat in a chair pulled up to the table leo was working on the opposite side. 
You tilted your head at what he was doing as he immediately got to work when you sat down. “So who's your godly parent Y/N?” 
“Haven't been claimed yet” 
He looked up from where he was working “Really? No signs or nothing?” 
“If being super cold all the time doesnt count then no” 
He tilted his head “Hm could be an underworld deity maybe or maybe you're just cursed with coldness” He joked. You laughed and said “Maybe”
After that day you and Leo became the closest of friends and practically did everything together. One night is when Leo realized you were immune to his fire. 
It was a normal day. Nothing special other than that night you and Leo had plans to hang out in bunker 9. 
For you it was super cold so before you left the Hermes cabin you grabbed a jacket and some boots then left. It took you a couple minutes of walking to bunker nine that made you realize you should have grabbed a thicker jacket. It wasn't even that cold because you knew the temperature in the borders wasn't that cold. 
You finally made it to the bunker and knocked frantically at the door as you were freezing. Leo opened the door after a minute “Jeez calm down” He said. You brushed past him and walked inside. “O-omg its f-freezing out t-there” Your teeth chattered as you said it.  
“No it's not, I'm literally dying of heat right now” He said dramatically and walked towards you. He grabbed your hands and his eyebrows shot up. “Oh gods you are freezing” 
“O-obviously” you rolled your eyes but were thankful his hands were warm. He went to let go but you grabbed on. “Your hands are so warm stay” 
He blushed but complied. “Lets go sit on the couch?” he asked, nodding his head to the couch in the corner. You agreed and walked over with him.
You sat down right next to him and cuddled up against him. “Is this ok?” You asked him not even embarrassed as you were freezing. 
“Y-yeah of course” He stuttered out afraid he might actually catch on fire this time and he did catch on fire. Your head was against his shoulder and you were holding his hands when they caught on fire. 
“Oh gods sorry im sorry” He quickly let go and tried to back away but you didn't let go. Your eyes were closed as your muttered “It's fine it feels good i'm cold” 
“But I'm on fire?” 
“Oh you are? I didn't feel it” You opened your eyes and looked down at his hands. “How are you not burning?” He questioned.
“Must be my curse of coldness” You joked, not really concerned with the situation. 
“Come closer Leo im fucking freezing” 
“Alright alright muñeca” He said and moved next to you again. 
After that night is when you kept coming to Leo when you were cold. You could simply walk right up to him and hold your hands out and he understood what you meant. When it first happened in front of one of his friends you haven't met yet they freaked out and tried to pull you away before you got burned. 
You both laughed with each other and used it to freak people out. Leo also realized that maybe his powers were not so bad after all, especially if you needed them to stop yourself from being cold. 
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system-architect · 10 months
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BELATED asura appreciation week #2 (i am slowly working my way thru these ok i spent most of my day at a ren faire) - "Do you have an Inquest OC? How did they end up in the Inquest?"
oh boy. i have a LOT of inquest characters actually! but here's these two because they're my main two, and also because i actually had an old wip i could finish up for this lmao
gunner graduated from synergetics, with a focus in mists research. his theses and projects hinged largely around the insights he gained while in the mists, but for obvious reasons he did not disclose his experiences or the fact he's a rata novan, and as a result a lot of his research ended up getting brushed up as unfounded and unhinged, which made him very bitter. he desperately needed the funding money for his huge ambitions of trying to rip open the mists (and find his dad), so he ended up getting into the inquest, and his ahead-of-its-time style theories combined with his determination made him quickly climb to overseer rank
plex also sort of entered the inquest for dad-related reasons, with his dad having been (being?) an inquest scientist who has been missing for awhile. he hopes to eventually find out why, but... on top of that im gonna be honest plex is also just kind of a gullible nervous loser who falls too easily for men in positions of authority and is a stickler for Rules And Regulations and has been sucked into this huge pyramid scheme so. he was just plain assigned evil minion at birth.
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tomatoart · 1 year
mwah your art is good and nice :>
can I ask for some advice? no worries if u don't want to answer.
do you have any tips on how exactly to practice art? everytime I ask for art advice everyone always says "practice" but idk what to practice first! do you have any strategies for learning how to draw something? do you do excercises? and if so how do they work?and are there any beginner mistakes I should look out for and change specifically?
thank you so much!! have a wonderful week :>
thank you so much! im ok w answering! i dont want to speak as if i am an expert on how to draw things in general as i am learning as well and definitely am not completely learned, so i might not be the best person to ask since im not very professional w my art as I do it as a hobby (and I can only speak on mostly digital cartoon matters) but i reallly hope to try and help u out even a lil ! im really happy that you’re eager to draw :] I wish you so much luck muwah muwah
i also hated when ppl told me “just practice” and i dont wanna inflict tht on u EITHER LOL but also thats just what i ended up doing for awhile but i tried to find some things to help ^_^
tips for practice: My number one rule is that practices should be challenging but still fun, I know it can get frustrating trying to redraw a pose over and over trying to get it perfect. And over time it rlly is all about muscle memory, the longer you draw the more your eyes will pick out specific shapes in everyday life and convert them into its own vision of them! or at least its good to look at life that way, try to pin point key shapes and stress less on details in practices. after you look at key points, THEN you can go over what you have and draw in and over it to make it more “complete.” To stop practices from getting too stressful I recommend starting out drawing what you want a little more simple looking than ur desired finished product. This helps eliminate the pressure of everything not looking “perfect” and keeps your art more loose and fun. Doing this a few times is gonna get ur brain to recognize patterns in art and how things look/flow in anatomy and such. dont get stuck in ur own head abt perfecting everything to the point you either 1) give up bc ur not at a level capable of it being 100% “perfect” or 2) focus so much on making it perfect that you end up saying the work looks “wonky” or stale in dynamics, So while I do think studies help, don’t get too lost in them. I always practice with media I enjoy too, whether it’s characters or fashion I enjoy.
Strategies learning to draw something: people get mad abt this one but I think tracing reference photos is great. its been awhile but When I tried learning to draw hands better at first I would trace them then put the traced image to the side of the canvas, then try and replicate what my mind saw as its most important angles and aspects. Same for clothing folds/hair/etc! I think it’s maybe not the best idea to trace the ref and use the tracings as is, because you learn more from tracing it then trying to replicate and simplify what u learned into the style you’re working in. Find what shapes you like from them and don’t over detail it. you may have to go by eye and think “what parts of this ref photo should i simplify to fit my style” and for me, its usually adjusting the length of the torso and then the limbs by associations. i dont recommend feeling like u need a reference for every art you make though, its ok to let ur own head try out its own sometimes too while trying to learn this, see if it remembers any call bad from the past referenced sketches! over time ull remember where everything goes more, these days i rarely kick myself to use refs but im sure they still would help to use, but figure drawing simple blobby figure in a bunch of random poses was a big thing i used to do as well to get better at full body art + overall dynamics (still does this). also paying attention to silhouettes is great 
Exercises and how they work: I WANNA HELP U SO BAD BUT to be honest, all the works on my blog ARE exercises! i rarely actually do finished pieces, if u scroll thru my posts ull notice most r sketches. i usually just fill up a page and call it “warm ups” then i get attached to some of them, take a few, and just line them up pleasingly on a smaller page, then color them in (or sometimes fix the lines to be more clean too). im not rlly a person who “exercises” to practice, it more so happens from just me drawing a lot for fun as a hobby! but i really should. i will tell u this has humbled me a lil i need to start practicing too 😭 LOL but a good exercise is to look at what ur inspirations do, and study it. Make a collage and write out what you like most abt their styles/what u want to gain from them. For ref Here’s a page I did awhile ago when someone asked me abt my insps:
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i also look at fashion magazines and as well as anime figures and take insps from that sometimes with learning cool poses and compositions to convert into my own things
Beginner mistakes to look out for: its hard for me to pin point “mistakes” beginners make, as sometimes we cant avoid all of them or even notice them, progress comes from growing out of old ways. some mistakes are even the foundation of ur future amazing cool style! but i think some things to look out for could be these, from my own old art experiences
Hands were the first thing I learned bc i liked drawing them. I don’t know if that is the best way to go but I think it is smart to practice sooner than later, here is a lil guide thingggyyy wingyyy from awhle ago
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i see beginners shy away from drawing signs of age in people, sometimes adding too much detail on an older person in cartoon art makes it look weird, so i try and hit the key markings on ppls faces of age.
Too thin of lines. sometimes its a stylistic choice to use thin lineart, and it can look amazing ! but sometimes it can flatten an image if ur not familiar with its flow. im not saying use thick line art, but more so to keep in mind the weight of ur strokes, adding depth with a thick thin combo of line art can do SO much for the simplest of pieces. heres a visual from a while back when i talked abt my brush + more abt lines:
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but if ur desired style is thin lineart that is cool too! tbh it was just harder for me as a beginner
sometimes artists think they need to do full lineart for everything and then hate how it looks compared to the sketch, do not fear i will introduce u to my bff: painting over a sketch, extractinging the lines, then calling it line art. i only do this sometimes but its a fun exercise-ish thing to do in a pinch. example:
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finding what shading fits ur art. sometimes ill see ppl starting out who have a style thats very simple, but they use a very detailed rendering process on it. this is not something id ever police of course, art is each persons own choice! And it CAN work. It can be so cute! but sometimes mixing two very contrasting mediums of art can throw off the “put together” look of it. i use to abuse the airbrush tool thinking it made my simple style look super cool and detailed, but looking back on it now those pieces looked a little off, having such a simple style have somewhat more realistic shading. dont get me wrong the ability i see ppl use rendering like that is so insanely talented! but i found cellshading to be a good match for cartoony art like my own. a tip i learned way too late abt that is rather than shading each layer by color picking a darker color, instead use a clipping mask over the entire art (above line art too as I color my lineart) and lasso tool the areas u want shaded + fill it w a saturated purple then set to multiply + lower opacity. also, sometimes coloring can come out chalky looking when u meant for it to be smooth and transitional, i think this comes from overshading and overlighting pieces without reason. pay attention to where the light source is, and focus on making the shaded and lighter areas nice shapes that cover the necessary areas, then u can add additional shading to the smaller details of what should have a casted shadow/light  
its good to spice up ur art now rather than later, focusing making ur art pop more w backgrounds will help ur coloring skills look better too! i dont mean detailed huge backgrounds, a small lil color pallet and design rather than a blank white bg. like this will make u feel better abt it or at least it helped me *sweats* yeah:
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beginners tend to draw blank faces like “:)” but I think a good thing to do is try and get silly with expressions early on. It’s okay if the mouth hangs off the face cartoonishly with joy or shock, it’s ok if the eyebrows are super high in surprise.
tracing and pasting it as is (already said this but I’ve seen ppl do it a lot with hair styles and it makes it look alienated from the rest of the style) (final fantasy fans found critically injured) n if need a ref for a pose, using a real humans anatomy as-is doesn’t look quite right on a cartoonyish drawing. Shortening torso and legs usually comes out of this for me!
flip ur canvas i promise u it’ll be less embarrassing over time!
using guidelines for perspective and foreshortening is GREAT. Do it stylistically rather than realistically to add some groove to it...yay. Having silly perspective in art can make it look like a 10 so easily opposed to a normal front facing sketch. Look at cool poses from fashion magazines! Don’t be scared to draw something you don’t feel confident in conveying perfectly, this is why progress redraws exist :)
Drawing the hairline b4 u draw the hair is great, it helps u understand where their hair flows from, where it starts and stops, AND prepares u for drawing bald ppl. Also don’t make the head too big, the skull IS bigger up top, but sometimes I see an alien head affect.
Anatomy is an interesting mistake that beginners make a lot, but it’s one they find harder to notice! When I started out, all my art would be SO wonky, but I didn’t even realize it! It still happens today too! specifically though I see beginners struggle with the arms in this department. My advice is to try and measure them out and make sure they don’t go past the knees, and are the same length as each other when Unfolded. asking for criticism is hard but it helped me realize when i would make something bigger/longer than it should have been in my art, and stuck with me being able to go “oh... i see it LOL” 
clothing wrinkles- do not over do it! Too many wrinkles and shading can look unpleasant and wirey- like a plastic table cloth all bunched up which isn’t exactly what ppl wear. pay attention to gravity too
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I hope this helped even a lil im sorry tht I’m not very good at explaining or didn’t have much to sayyy! If u have any troubles no guarantee I’ll have the answer, but ur always free to ask!
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wildglitch · 20 days
~An old SUV is seen being chases by hoared of Zombies-
Peter: Guys they're coming straight for us!
Bucky hands hims a gun: Ok kid, just like we practiced, finguer on the trigger and just hold your breath-
Hope who is fixing a machinen: What? No! I thought we agreed that Peter wouldnt use guns! Sweete just help me finish the nanoboom-
Matt, who, for some reason is driving: Do you have to put nano in front of everything? Its a boom that were not. Gonna. Use.
Bucky: Oh hush you and ears on the road, Peter can use a gun if he wants, hes been training for weeks
Hope: What!?
Peter: Jumper!!
~Hard swerve~
Hope: Bucky!
Bucky: He asked!
Peter: dose anybody know where my web fluid is?!
Matt: I put it in you backpack next to you energy bars.
Peter: Found them!
Hope in a soft voice: Peter honey, put gun down, just because its the end of the world dosent mean you need to change or compomize your morals to help us get out if a tough spot. We can use your webs or this boom
Bucky: Oh that just a load of-
~Sharp turn~
Matt: Enough the both of you! Peter, use the gun but just aim for the sholder. Buck, no more training our kid how to use firearms just because he asked. And Hope for the love of good no booms while Im dirving!
Bucky: Get off your high horse Matty! Head shoots are the only thing to stop them!
Hope: We have to kill them!
Matt: Oh for the love of-
~continueing fighing and arguing as a hoard of about 600 Zombie kids chase them~
Peter: Hey! I'm gonna go onto the roof
M-B-H Turn to him: Dont you dare!
Peter already out the car: It will just be for a sec!
Buck: Oh my god-
Matt: Not again...
Hope: Peter Parker, you are grounded when we get back!
Peter on the roof shoting zombies: aww man.
(Example of this post)
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dailydegurechaff · 1 year
Hand over your YS fic/fic recs
I feel like I may end up disappointing u anon, chances are probably high that my recommendations list won't be all that different from any of the many other lists out there;; but also. if you're asking, well... I will take whatever excuse to just start chattering, whether it be about others' fics or my own. This is probably going to be a long post, I’m so sorry ^^; For everyone’s sake, I’ll put it under a cut
OK SO, this list is literally all over the place, these aren’t really in any particular order and I confess that for a few of them I actually read them a while ago/I don’t remember some very well. I just went through my Ao3 history and pulled the links for the ones I remembered enjoying. I’m gonna try my best to not spoil them and keep it brief so I don’t rant on and on. ALSO. Probably most of these are unfinished, sorry about that rip ;;
We Are Each Our Own Devil by victoria_kay Alright, this one first and foremost. This one literally lives rent free in my head. Do NOT let me get started on this one I am capable of talking about it for paragraphs upon paragraphs. It was the first YS fic I read, it also happens to be the first instance of me ever using Ao3's download button. I have to say, I usually prefer genfic over romance but this is one of my exceptions bc the writing is That Good. Tanya & Lergen are easily top favorite characters for me and here they are!! Interacting!!! We love to see it. Slowly watching them grow and sdfghjdfgh. I've read this fic in full more than once and now that I have it downloaded I frequently go back and reread some of my favorite parts. god. ok ok. time to move on.
A Young Girl's Guerrilla War by Ragnarthesemigreen Long fic, Code Geass crossover. I literally did not remember most of Code Geass when i read it, but I still thoroughly enjoyed this fic. I marathoned this fic over the course of like a week maybe(?) over a month or so ago so specific details are a bit lost but i remember loving it. I wanna reread it again soon.
A Young Woman's Political Record by jacobk You cannot have a Youjo Senki fic rec list without this one. I don’t actually use spacebattles, but I finally went on there recently to see what the hype was about. This is another one I marathoned over the course of a few days simply bc i could not stop reading, so suffice to say it did live up to my expectations.
A Young Girl's Weaponization of the Mythos by Zahariel_Scholar AAA I love mythos aus so much. I made fan art for this one actually. It’s great writing, the author switches it up between epistolary style writing and character POVs which is really fun structurally. It’s an ongoing fic so its nice to have something to tune into on a regular basis
War Record of Young Girl and Boy by Fey_Storyteller An OC/Self Insert fic!! I know these kinds of things aren’t everyone’s cup of tea, but I love them. A retelling of YS featuring Tanya with a fellow isekai-er (? That is not a word. I cannot think of the correct word. Whatever) ALSO. It features art too!
Crushing on a Devil by TanJaded Yet ANOTHER one I marathoned. Again, usually I stick to genfic, but this is one of my exceptions. Mark my words, this one is getting fan art one day, I swear by it. I have sketches laying around in my files SOMEWHERE I just need to get to finding and finishing them.
TanJaded actually has lots of good fics!! I confess I haven’t read all of them but I will list a few more off the top of my head that I specifically remember liking. By no means is this it tho, check out their full ficography
The Dangers of Magical Combat by TanJaded We love some angst
Deliver My Heart (and not just my Mail) by TanJaded this one was just so cute <3 ;u;
Not Televised by TanJaded The ~vibes~ on this one. Impeccable. Im looking forward to where this one might go
Mage×Family by SwissChocolatess Spy×Family Crossover. Tanya is adopted alongside Anya into the Forger family
The Meditations of a Young Woman by FallQM A Legend of Korra Crossover
A Young Woman's Alchemy by CheshireTwilight A Full Metal Alchemist Crossover
Tanya Degurechaff and the Philosopher Stone by Half_Baked_Cat (demonbunny3po) A Harry Potter Crossover
(edit: removed a fic from here bc the latest update seems a bit... well it makes me dubious about where its gonna go from this point forward so I dont think its something I want to recommend anymore)
Tanya's Wings (and all that they imply) by Anonymous Hydra!Tanya au. It’s so cute, angry little baby dragon Tanya omg ;; I wanna make fanart for this one eventually, I’ll get there one day.
The Pixie of the Hidden Leaf by Dakion Naruto Crossover. Actually, I don’t know anything about Naruto (theres a guy with a frog, right? Dattebayo?), but despite this I’m having fun reading this one. Another one that’s currently updating so its fun to tune in
Rising Heroine Tanya by BrettFire A BNHA Crossover
Stuffiness by Winter (ImmortalBlackWinter) Very short, but still highly recommended. I really do love some painful endings ;;
I Have A Bet by psw262 Another short one that I liked
Tanya's Free Time by ForeverEvanescent Cute Tanya :,)
The Uniform Crisis by Kat_Ivu More cute Tanya
As you can see I've sort of given up on the commentary sorry; It's getting late, I have work tmrw and shit to do tonight, I gotta get a move on with this lol. I havent even drawn tomorrow's post yet ack. So, this is, by far, not an exhaustive list, I would love to elaborate more and put in more links but maybe another time
As for my own fics, I have a bunch of them kinda half-written but unfortunately I haven’t actually finished or posted any of them yet;;; orz. I do kinda want to talk about them anyway tho bc you did ask and, well, I'm not gonna just not take the opportunity to talk abt my things, but I’ll try to keep it brief and restrained to the stuff thats most likely to be posted some day
Tanya’s Peculiar Behaviors This isn’t really one fic, but more like a group of one-shots. Basically I try to see how much out of character I can get away with while still remaining relatively plausible/canon-adjacent. I have three sort of half-written one-shots right now, some very quick summaries of each: -- The one where I try to justify Tanya carrying around a stuffed animal; This was a bit inspired by Tanya's Free Time in the recs above -- The one where Tanya has a breakdown after the Brest Naval Base thing; Lergen accidentally catches her crying and is like oh god oh fuck what the hell is wrong with her -- and lastly the one where Tanya uses the type 95 just a bit too much and oops now she’s broken
Untitled/The one where I lock them in a room together Tanya von Degurechaff and Erich von Lergen accidentally get locked in a room together and are forced to have a civil chat to pass the time. Also, Tanya screws up an orb-less communication spell to call for help, and now Lergen can hear what she’s thinking, so that’s less than ideal.
Untitled/The one I’m jokingly calling Child Soldier × Family You could sort of call it a Spy × Family AU? But honestly I think I’d call it more ‘inspired by’ than a proper crossover. Basically, they lose the war, and for spying reasons, Tanya gets adopted and has to go to school to make friends to get intel on their families. Key differences from SxF though: Tanya’s technically the spy and there isn’t any fake-marriage aspect to the story comparable to Loid and Yor’s relationship. Perhaps my favorite part of it, Lergen takes Loid’s role as Father Figure bc both of them share the character trait “frequently gets stomach aches due to the stressful little girl they have to deal with” lmao
This is Heaven and Hell Tanya manages to usurp Being X and takes control of the universe/Being X’s power. If you’ve seen Madoka Magica, the vibes I was aiming for with this one are comparable to the end of the Rebellion movie. Tanya rewrites the universe, everyone’s memories are a little janky, she’s struggling with her newfound status as Literally God, etc. I intended it to be kind of angsty but literally everything I touch somehow becomes a comedy so this thing may get broken into two different versions the funny one and the hopefully more serious one.
To Those Without Power, Sin was Charged That fallen Angel!Tanya au I posted about before. Basically: Tanya is one of the many angels in charge of judging souls for their next reincarnation/eligibility for the afterlife. When they one day express that they don’t believe faith should be a necessary factor in those judgements, they’re cast down to Earth as punishment. Another one where I cant decide whether to go the serious route or the comedy route.
There are quite a few more drafts but those things are either A) probably unlikely to get finished or B) never seeing the light of day if I can help it purely for the reason they’re self indulgent cringe :,)
Alright finally, if you got this far reading through this post: hello. thanks for coming along for the ride of touring my Tanya-addled brain, I hope u got something out of it
Having read through this post and you have any fic recs for me, I will gladly take them, I am always looking for stuff to read.
thank u, bye <3
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trainingdummyrabbit · 9 months
Hey, I know you're a Projmoon fan, I guess I'm curious because I'm at an impasse on what to do rn, did you play through the entirety of Lobotomy Corporation, did you just skip it entirely for Ruina, or did you read a summary/watch a cutscene compilation or let's play/something else? And what would you recommend as an approach? I've tried playing through Lobcorp but it's just extremely tedious and I'm considering skipping it to get to something I think I'll like more (Ruina)
oh!! ok my answer is a little bit complicated tbh; bc i havent. played any of the series at all. WAHAHA
what i personally did was um. attempt to watch an incomplete lobcorp lp ==> couple months radio silence ==> watched one (1) day of gameplay from a friend (for one boss fight specifically) ==> got recc'd summaries i slowly watched thru ==> couple months radio silence. ==> watched someone else's (actually complete) lp ==> (rabbit hole'd) summaries again.
um. dont do that. JSNBGKHDBK
im not gonna act like i Know how t tackle a series like this (since it took me like 4 circles around to Actually Commit to it (and also im kind of. new. here)) BUT from my personal opinion of the series and how it carries itself, i CAN recc at least Some order of something.
TRY to play Lobcorp! which i can kinda see is already done on your end. its something i Super want to try but absolutely know i wont finish SKJFNKDJF;; the main draw of PLAYING lobcorp is the struggle. it Sucks! its Long and Tedious and the game HATES you... and that's the point! it's plot relevant. it's an experience i didnt get to feel, but can so painfully just Understand by merit of watching someone else do it, only skipping about occasionally. tl;dr: the game loop is Telling A Story, Dragging You In-- THAT is the draw in insisting folks play it. it genuinely makes the... everything... hit that much harder. Once youve given it your best, dont feel ashamed to look for someone who's Done It! (i hear a lot of folks havent completed lobcorp themselves, so ✌) DONT UM . SKIP IT COMPLETELY THOUGH ruina is literally a Direct Sequel to it. i think it does a good enough job at introducing the setting on its own, but i am GRABBING YOU this shit will hit fucking DIFFERENT if you Understand. also its a lovely game worth looking at and appreciating bc GOD what a fucking experience those last few days are. i do not cry that easily to stuff like this but OUGH. AUGH. H
Wonderlab??? its a webcomic thats heavily reccommended you read through, but due to um. circumstances . it doesnt seem t be feasible atm. however, there IS a synopsis up thats pretty darn good! wonderlab, iirc, isn't directly plot relevant, but DOES introduce certain important concepts for ruina. however, it's not Mandatory, as ruina Also explains these things. as far as i know, its just a fun lil kickass story in the universe taking place between series you can look at if you want :)
Play Ruina! or watch, i guess. again, i watched an lp and it kicked the shit out of me emotionally (affectionate) so honestly do what you will here, i suppose.
honestly though, these are both super fucking long-ass and ridiculously heavy games so you're probably gonna be here a while. it took me like two weeks of committed watch time t look into Properly, and that was even when i started skipping straight to cutscenes at the latter half. embrace that! i cant stop you, but id heavily reccommend at the very least watching through the gameplay loop for a good chunk of the time-- giving the story that space really hammers home the... Everything. heavily heavily recc letting it Have that space.
for ruina specifically though, definitely at least watch through the beginning and ending legs of every fight-- and at least a solid chunk of every boss fight. if you're intent on skipping round gameplay loops like i did, imean. watch the boss fights watch the boss fights these fuckers do NOT play around. i cannot applaud these games' soundtracks enough and i wont say anything but trust me trust me trust me.
ANYWAY. here's the stuff that was recc'd to me, personally! if you wanna give watching through the series a go! :]
Lobcorp LP: [x] (Commentated+Completed! I couldn't find any no-commentary ones that were finished, but honestly for its gameplay loop it Helps. Blind on his end, but he does genuinely really like the series so i give it a thumbs up ✌) Ruina LP: [x] (Same guy :] also completed!) Lobcorp SUMMARY: [x] (Brief, but a good opener+summary!) Wonderlab SUMMARY: [x] (It Sure Is Wonderlab!!) Ruina SUMMARY: [x] [x] (Actually incomplete, but goes pretty well in depth and is easy to watch+absorb.) Alt SUMMARY: [x] (Consists of both parts of the duology! I haven't actually watched it in a while so i don't exactly remember much t say about it, but it sure is on my list!)
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inutaffy · 1 year
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NOW FOR THE OTHER TAG. "why are they in space" lmao lemme tell u why
OKAY SO! end of season 3 right, all is well, then some alien dinosaur shows up (he's a tricerton. im not spelling it right but idc) and he beats up the mutanimals (ninja turtles friends) and so raph goes after him, tames him ig??? and then dino dude is all "there are KRAANG ON YOUR PLANET" and the turtles are like "lol we got rid of them like 15 episodes ago keep up" but decide the humor dino man anyways EVEN THOUGH HE BEAT THE CRAP OUTTA THEIR FRIENDS??? LIKE OKAY UH SURE ANYWAYS WE'RE GONNA GLOSS OVER THAT- hey btw where did u say the kraang were again??? not that we're worried but yk just in case.....okay yeah can u take us there okay yeah cool thanks
so dino man takes them to where the kraang are hiding out (i think t was the technodrome?? idk its been like a week since i finished s3 but im pretty sure they were in the technodrome. ANYWAYS) dino man takes them there, they beat up some kraang, if u listen closely you'll hear me yelling over leo's fighting style. i just think he's neat, and then they find out that the kraang are doing smth or another at the statue of liberty, so THEN dino dude is like "WE GOTTA DESTROY THE BEACON." so the turtles are like ok CHILL we're doing that rn, cue more fighting with the kraang (WHO ARE ALL TERRIFIED BY DINO DUDE BTW. BC HIS SPECIES IS LIKE THE SWORN ENEMY OF THE KRAANG. THEY ARE NOT BESTIES)
then plot twist, after the kraang retreat, the dino dude is like "i also have to destroy your planet now bc u humans suck ass and also there are kraang everywhere lol there's nothing u can do to stop this" and the turtles (raph specifically, THAT WAS HIS DINO PAL MAN) are like hey wait lets talk this over we JUST saved this fucking planet wdym you're gonna blow us up and then dino dude is like oh im not blowing u up we're just gonna activate a black hole and get rid of this whole galaxy.
the turtles do not like this
so raph is EPIC and destroys the beacon (but not before it signals the rest of the dino army but they don't know that until the next episode rip) oh and also dino dude falls off the statue of liberty and dies
next ep!! the kraang have reassembled and are loading up the technodrome, the turtles gear up to take them down again, then the rest of the dino dude army shows up, shit goes south real quick, mikey gets captured and the others almost get vaporized and leo gets to fly a spaceship again, they rescue mikey piss of the dino general dude meet this AWESOME KRAANG GUY WHO I LOVE his name is agent bishop and i love him, and then they gather all their friends for an epic season finale boss fight to stop the dino dudes from black hole-ing the planet (they get shredder involved too. it's awful. i hate him)
so they're all fighting and stuff, trying to stop the dino army for setting up the black hole thing, AND THEY ALMOST WIN. BUT LIKE I SAID. THEY ENLISTED THE FUCKING SHREDDER. AKA "I HAVE NEVER LET ANYTHING GO EVER. I STUBBED MY TOE ONCE AND NOW I HAVE A PERSONAL BEEF WITH FUNITURE." so shredder does what shredder does best and LITERALLY stabs splinter in the back while he was going to shut off the black hole portal thing. like the bitch he is. and the turtles are like "WHAT THE FUCK." and then the portal is activated and the earth is sucked into a black hole and the turtles are just SITTING THERE holding their dead dad as the world is ending but at the last second a SHIP shows up and this robot (FUGITOID. I LOVE HIM. i know he does something in this season that pisses the turtles off but i forgot what it is) shows up and is like "COME IF YOU WANT TO SURVIVE"
and so they do and fugitoid zooms them away to the relative safety of space and does some time rewind thing that sets them 6 months in the past so that they can now find the black hole portal parts which are scattered across the galaxies before the dino army does and stop them from destroying the earth again and THAT. THAT MY LOVE. is why they are in space.
no. everyone needs to read this. what the fuck
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chatgroove · 7 months
Tried to go food shopping with my mom and ended up not being able to go a foot into the store without being like "OK actually you do the shopping I need to sit in the car."
The pain has been...unbearable this past couple weeks and my worst fear is starting to unfurl: its starting to attack my arms. My elbows and hands have been screaming in a dull ache that has become the main reason why I haven't been able to draw in the past couple weeks, more than the depression issue. I have such a limited window of desk time or even ipad time anymore before my arms, back, knees, and now ankles start to just flare up and hurt.
And I'm scared. I didn't expect my disease to progress this rapidly. I thought the placquinel would keep this from happening. My mom is 100% convinced it's my diet and she wants to help me but I'm not...totally convinced. Yeah there's trigger foods with RA and inflammation but this can't literally all be food. My doctors told me this would eventually happen but it's fucking me up more than I thought. But I guess since at this point I got nothing to lose, I'll try it her way and see if diet _really does_ curb the pain.
Im trying not to be whiny, I really am but fuck I'm in so much pain lately 😭 even holding my phone is hard. And I'm terrified of telling my rheumatologist cause she's just gonna put me on stronger meds that I don't wanna be on (all other ones I tried in the past had horrific side effects for me) and also I'm so, so deeply terrified of what this chronic inflammation is doing to my organs and body. My doctor will just tell me to treat it now or it will kill my organs eventually, but also do I wanna risk being sick as I was on the other meds 🙃
I'm just...lamenting rn 😔 I'm sitting in the car trying not to fall into a pit of despair and I'm gonna wait for my mom to finish in the store and put my airpods on and chill. I'll probably take a pain pill when I get home and _maybe_ try to do something to make me happy, we shall see!!!
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blood-bound · 8 months
1 on 1 mark session recap! As always, sorry not a lot of context is given.
Mark first finished reading a book 'on thorns and their consequences' which was basically explaining how the sabbat came to be and their PoV on things and then with an anarch commentary towards the end expressing their disagreements. but on the first last page was red runic lettering which mark could not recognize and which sucked up his vitae when he placed it on it.
He tried to do some internet research and came across an obscure forum which claims to be for learning about obscure languages but actually seems to have a lot of vampires on it posting real and fake runes, kinda like testing each other
The runes mark was looking at were on there but the mod, who basically posts in every server, says 'you wont find anything about that in this life.' the posteris like 'cmon doesn't someone have any family who could help' and the mod replies 'ask J' so that smenacing.
idk if J is Julius? it probably isnt but anyway. mark has already reported reading this book to julius and so is gonna ask him about it cause he couldn't figure it out.
the rest of the night he spends teaching G -G is doing well and did remember his vowels : ) also explained to Gs sister how he made sure the investigation would stop and ask if she needed any other help. she asked if he could get them free or at least out of their current essentially prison sooner and mark said no but they would be out in a month to a month and a half. she didn't know how long that was. so he explained how torpor and weeks and  months and years worked
she still didnt say thanks or bye to mark but there was maybe something where she was close to doing so
i love G im so glad he is doing well he learned a lot he is almost through the alphabet
ok now for the meat of the session. the next night he goes to the chantry to talk to cassidy about the books. Knocks on the door. no answer. 
He is getting a bad feeling. represented irl by the ST playing absolutely terrifying music as i search for him.
In the chantry apartments there is an often ignored ghoul at the front and so then he asked her where Lilian’s apartment was (Cassidy’s best friend.). She told him. He knocked on her door. No answer. 
Checks the cafeteria. nope. library. nope. physics department (where their circle head, Dr. White, is). Nope. He asks someone there if she had seen either of them. nope.
so i'm worried as hell
im trying to think what mark could do and im like. i cant scry on him cause i dont have anything of Cassidy’s. 
and the st gives me a Look as if 2 say u do ur forgetting
But he kinda gives it to me for free hes like, ur wearing the same coat you did when you went to the movies
Turns out mark has cassidy's ticket. so thats close enough to being his so. mark does scry on him
its not super juicy but it is super concerning. Cassidy is by lilian in what is probably the side door in his haven that mark hasn’t been in. barricading the door. with a fuckton of furniture. and also pushing against it. lilian looks terrified. cassidy looks So Done With This Shit (tm). something is banging on the door.
so with that mark goes back to the ghoul and is like. So. Uhm. Yeah i actually have permission to enter cassidys haven yes. please let me in
she looks scared - mark put her in a real bad spot. If he doesn’t actually have permission and she lets him in he could get in trouble. but he reassures her that itis fine and his decision and nothing bad will happen. 
so she says ok and goes to open the door (she is able to if she is doing so of her own consent, she functions as a key ig). As she goes to open it, Mark says uhm. they are doing experiments so when you open the door. back up. and she's like "okay?' and opens the door and immediately vine tentacle thingies burst out and she falls back on her ass and scrambles back, screaming
she gets away and mark engages in combat. its the same sort of monster, just smaller, as the one on his territory in the conservatory, that navigate by sound. it has a lion's mane around a beak in the center and vine like tentacles around it.
mark takes a LOT of damage in its first attack he had like 1 unharmed box left  but he manages to win :) 
cassidy and lilian pop out from the door and are like. mark is that you?
Cassidy’s haven is wreckt sadly. Mark's like. yeah its me. its dead. you can come out.
lilian is SO sad it's dead but she isnt mad at mark. its clear she wanted to subdue it but they had no way to do so and mark comments as such
she's like "i was sooo close " :(
cassidy looks So Done and is like. thank you for your assistance mark but how did you . get in.
mark is like. thats not really important right now, is it? cassidy says 'somewhat, but we can discuss that later'
mark says that unfortunately this made quite a lot of noise and the ghoul went screaming for help so time to get your stories straight.
theres a few other things said but then zach rolls up
If you dont know who zach is he is a newly turned tremere. dr. white's child. elevated into power due to his sire. he's a classic skater  boy. hes head of security. he figured ALL of marks shit out when he broke into a lab - he is GOOD at his job despite his casual attitude. he says 'chill' all the time.
he skates up (yes skateboard in the hall) and asks whats up. mark says 'hi zach. it's chill, i handled it.' (Mark kinda likes Zach). 
And hes like. 'whats chill? can you explain?' and marks like. looks at cassidy and lilian. 'they would know better i just came at the end' and cassidy’s like. looks at lilian as if to say to her. u did this shit u explain!
so lilian starts a story which is kind of obviously partially a lie.
she says that she was doing her research, developing off of Leanah's (which was the stuff mark uhm. stole and sabotaged for her). and she noticed this evening that some things were off. papers where she wouldn't normally leave them. but the chimera project was So Important (TM) for the chantry that she just HAD to press on. Oh Also I found this Lipstick (produces lipstick) that looks JUST like what Leeanah wears isnt that interesting! (zach has her put it in an evidence back for him). She says 'Cassidy even made a joke that maybe I should wear makeup more often." Cassidy grunts but keeps a poker face. he would obviously Never Fucking Say That and lilian is messing with him.
god i love them sm. mark also knows cassidy would never fucking make that joke
(explaining a story that may dictate ur fate as u are investigated. does not miss an opportunity to fuck w the bestie* girl!
she continues to say that she got the embryo (described as tadpole) out of the cauldron she starts growing it. and it kept well. growing.
she pauses there. zach is like. okay and? it grows and?
Cassidy steps in. 'when it got bigger than our couch we realized we had a problem.' (also hehe ‘our’ couch their friendship is everything 2 me…) 
lilians like yes. then thankfully cassidy, with some assistance from mark, killed it. and here we are :) and then zach turns to mark and is like. what do you mean how did you get here how did you know.
and marks like Oh Well You Know "I was coming here for unrelated reasons, cassidy and myself are working together you see. And I had permission to enter. And obviously I would assist him in combat. *Coughs.*
he coughs cause i rolled 1 success on the lie T_T
zach is like. you have permission?? and cassidys like uh yes. 'as needed he can enter. its easier that way' so yay that ghoul won't get in trouble LOLLL mark got retroactive permission
even if each can tell he lied like. how do u call him on that when the person who was to have given him that permission said he did.
Liliana finishes up by describing how awful it was to be sabotage. At the end of her story. she says "Im sure leeanah would be very sorry if she saw the destruction she caused and would say so' and cassidy said 'i would not accept her apology' annnddd thiswent over my head but the st explained that was lilian apologizing to cassidy and cassidy telling her to fuck offlkdsafjlkdsjf
and zachs like. aight seems chill! (Perhaps all was not chill). lemme go in your haven here to see evidence of that sabotage
and  cassidys like oh, please do let me clean up first :) and zachs like :) noo you should see my room haha its fine :) and then cassidsy like. okay fine. you do not have permission to enter my haven. which is something respected in the chantry
zachs like do u really wanna go down that route.
Cassidy appears to hesitate. Mark is FREAKINGGG out he CANNOOTTTT find those books mark had him gather. thankfully cassidy says. Yes. Yes I do.
And so zach says fine thats chill. ill see you soon- and he has one of his guys (he had a small posse with him) stay. cassidys like. well that was a mess. mark says yes. which is why you  should start cleaning it. do you want help.
The person Zach left behind enters cassidys room and was making sure the pc was ok. mark is like cassidy is that ok?? and cassidy says 'oh, hes chill.' It seems this was the little fucker that set up the pc and internet for cassidy in the first place! cassidy makes friends with fledglings :) he doesn't speak but cassidy calls him Hack. because that's what he does, ig
Anyway. Mark helps lilian gather monster body parts to the center of the room where she starts some sort of chanting incantation to get rid of it. cassidy goes into his Side Room to start cleaning. When mark is done gathering body parts he knocks and peeks into the side hallway. cassidy tells him to enter and mark starts helping him put books away
well first theres this hallway which has 2 doors. mark enters door two with cassidy.
its a beautiful study room with mostly books, but also some old clothes, including a duster (COWBOY CASSIDY REAL...) and a painting with someone in a cuirass but the face is oddly blurry
also, all the books do not have legible titles.
with sense the unseen it seems the chandelier in the room has some sort of enchantment blurring those things out
there is also a TALL ASS stack of those notebooks he writes in. Mark glances at it and looks at cassidy who pauses and says. i need to call in a favor. can you just keep packing books away for 10 mins ? and marks like Sure
and hes left alone in cassidys study. but he decides to NOT snoop and figures he wouldnt be able to read shit anwyay due to that enchantment so he does literally just put books away.
Cassidy returns and unfolds a piece of paper that he remembers Wendy using before - its like. a bag of holding.
he unfolds it and puts it under the stack of notebooks carefully . the note books fall in. then he carefully, very very very carefully, folds it up. mark comments 'got a few years in there, huh?" he replies "A good deal more than that.".
but yeah theres also furniture and stuff everywhere btw, its a mess. The pack up books. During this time mark asked like. ok we cant keep these books about resisting blood bonds in her haven. and Cassidy is like. really mark. you're gonna make me haul them from the library every time ur gonna read them, and mark is like. sorry. yeah : )
They finish and return to the mainroom. lilian is on the floor, hands splayed, miserable. done with everything. cassidy makes a point to step over her.
cassidy and mark hauled books up to lillian's haven which was much smaller. and complained about stairs. together <3 lol
When they return hack is no where to be found. cassidy looks around and comments that the should not be in the back rooms. he does open the door to the second room but he asks mark to step back so he cant see in : (anyway mark ends up finding zach with sense the unseen (he went Invisible ig) and he was rifling upstairs through lillian's things
cassidy is like 'hack ive been through enough tonight please just give it back' and hack goes to the computer and types:
I have to give them something, y''no"
and cassidy is like. sigh. will this make our unlives harder in the future. and he writes
"maybe a little"
and marks says “you know what that's fair” <- has done the same shit of finding something Smaller so it proves he was Trying but actually not
cassidy comments that he is sad about his clothes getting thrown around and wrecked - 'over the decades he had collected quite a collection, some of which are hard if not impossible to replace' and mark comments 'i hope the tv is ok too'
and upon saying that cassidy actually reacts as opposed to being stone faced "Oh no you're right, the tv!" and he goes right for it
drops to his knees to prop it back up. and theres a crack through a fourth of it. he looks so sad. mark turns it on and it does still display but there is that crack
mark is like its ok we can get another and cassidy is like ' but this was my first tv :('. hes sentimental about it my fucking HEART
marks like. im sorry. i can help you pick out a new one maybe. cassidy says he'll likely take mark up on that. and mark also says maybe it could be fixed and cassidy says he will also try that
but yeah its cute that he got attached to the tv T_T (edited)
anyway zach skates right back in after the bit with hack that i described above. and says. ok in the name of the authority invested in me by blah blah blah... everyone but you, get out please! (hack being that one)
sooo the three leave. And mark is like.well. good luck with everything.
Cassidy and lilian do not look very happy but give ike a half hearted thanks
mark is lowkey like. ok u could be a bit more thankful i saved ur ass and helped u clean up but OKAy . . . .
cassidy also mentions that they can still work on their shared research in a few nights
oh also mark finally got the opportunity to ask if they had showers and they do not and mark is like. wow that sucks.
Cassidy diddnt seem to care but like. dude. imagine only having washrooms. L.
thats the session!
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