#but its very hard to make those lyrics match the picture lol
silverskye13 · 1 year
doodle requests... etho as boogey?
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Oh did I send a shiver Shiver up your spine? Well, I do it all the time It's a little trick of mine
Did You Hear the Rain -- George Ezra
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akkivee · 6 months
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there was an interview with the bat seiyuu in this magazine and i finally sat down to read it (almost two months after its release *wheezes*) and here were the highlights!!!!
it’s basically the whole thing so buckle in lol
upon being asked how they felt about bat’s anime debut, all three of them revealed they were certain they would have had a last episode cameo LOL
sakakihara-san even gave us what he thought the dialogue would be lmao so there was a lot of disappointment when they were told only rei was making a s1 appearance
needless to say, they are very happy bat’s now in rhyme anima lol
they were asked how their impressions of the characters has shifted over the years!!!
hayama-san responded when he first played kuukou, he got the sense he was a massive brat lol but that bad attitude of his stemmed from his understanding of the world. kuukou’s mellowed as the story progressed and had him experience more, eg establishing his teacher-pupil relationship with jyushi, and now understands how to navigate others weaknesses with tolerance and warmth
he’s still childish and still has a high perception of the world and that clash is where kuukou’s energy stems from. he’s at a crossroads between youth and maturity so to say
hayama recalls recording for kuukou’s first radio where he was a lot more mature, and then moving to chaser from the past, the track where he invades fragrance, and how hard it was adjusting mentalities LOL
harmonious cooperation really drove home for hayama-san that kuukou was the sun tho!!!!
that strength and energy that opens and paves the way is how sakakihara-san and takeuchi-san can tell he’s the leader
on that note, hayama-san mentions he’s never seen kuukou’s weaknesses. compared to jyushi and hitoya, we know next to nothing about kuukou’s past besides that he reached a point higher in his asceticism than his father and hopes to see everything leading up to it someday
for sakakihara-san, he was told jyushi was a crybaby and assumed he was a weak person. but once he learned about jyushi’s past, he realised that even tho he does cry, he’s still able to assert his feelings and doesn’t back down from anything, so jyushi actually has a very strong heart
jyushi sings in moonlight shadow, ‘i bask in the spotlight’s growing brilliance, in seizing a mic, anyone can become a hero’ and with that lyric, sakakihara-san understood jyushi may have a very tragic past but there’s a very strong flame burning inside him and he’s able to illuminate others with that light
bat’s come a long way and sakakihara-san finds comfort that jyushi’s around people who can laugh and joke around with him and will continue to strengthen his heart with them
takeuchi-san says jyushi is blessed to have so many good people around him, including his band members, which triggers sakakihara-san to start thanking the both of them, esp after takeuchi-san mentions it was hitoya who introduced kuukou and jyushi to each other lmao
and speaking of hitoya!!!! takeuchi-san felt he’s been mature since the beginning and thinks it’s cool that he talks to kuukou and jyushi like they’re equals. but he likes to compete against them sometimes so he’s got a very childish side to him lol
lately, hitoya’s dark and sordid past, his childhood hobbies, have been targeted as a joke and takeuchi-san is absolutely amused by it lmao
hayama-san brings up ‘amaguni the magic king’ and ‘amaguni moon’ from arb and takeuchi feels hitoya’s being bullied a bit lol but it adds to his charm!!!!
when it comes to dubbing the anime versus the drama tracks, all three of them are cognisant of pacing
in the drama tracks, for example, when jyushi is in vkei mode, sakakihara-san is allowed to take his time to croon out his flowery words but in the anime he does have to fit everything he says in a set amount of time
now that he has pictures and movements to match, sakakihara-san was trying to make those words flow with what jyushi does, rather than what he imagines jyushi does by nature of the drama tracks, while maintaining the vibe of what jyushi’s saying. there was some trial and error involved trying to get it right
it’s the same for takeuchi-san and he appreciates getting to see hitoya’s hand movements as he does his two thing bit lol
they were then asked if there was any directorial direction that stood out to them and they didn’t really receive any!!! takeuchi-san commented there were more cases where staff consulted them about their characters
the interviewer said it’s probably because the characters are embedded into them by this point but hayama-san laughingly thinks they still have a long way to go before they can say that lol
he says this but follows up with, it does make him happy that when he’s reading something and questions if this is something kuukou would do; it means he has a good understanding of kuukou as a character
they start talking about episode three!!!! the episode exists as ‘the strawberry episode’ in hayama-san’s head LOL
hayama-san is happy to see kuukou interacting with the locals (and loves that the old ladies call him ‘kuu-chan’ lol) and takeuchi-san comments it’s neat that they all spoke with nagoya accents!!! bat doesn’t really speak with the nagoya accent and it’s also very rare for anime to have characters that do, so that makes him happy as someone who grew up in aichi prefecture
sakakihara-san liked how so many of bat’s charms and elements were condensed into one episode!!! with jyushi, tho he was being picked on by the antagonists, he liked how the episode highlighted the trials jyushi’s gone thru to make him strong enough to lend a helping hand to belial
hayama-san comments that ever since the battle between bat and mtr, he thinks bat’s appeal is that, just as we witnessed with jyushi and belial, they take your hand and pull you up when you’re at your lowest to give you the strength to stand up on your own
whether it’s the hand that’s offered or the hand that receives it, they are joined and will walk as equals and as friends. bad ass temple guides others by building relationships with them, hayama-san said
the interviewer was particularly charmed by hitoya telling jyushi ‘friends you make when you’re young stick with you whole your life’ and so was takeuchi-san. he feels hitoya mentioned this because of his relationship with jakurai, with all its turbulence they’ve still come back to together
the interviewer then brought up ichiro and kuukou’s past as naughty busters!! hayama-san said kuukou’s relationship with ichiro is something that’s been forged stronger than what he has with jyushi and hitoya so there’s a lot of trust kuukou places in ichiro. takeuchi-san said they have the kind of vibe where because they’re former teammates, they can understand each other without saying anything and hayama-san agrees
hayama-san feels mcd and nb have a similar connection and when the four of them got together, ichiro and kuukou kinda had their own little bubble. the interviewer thought ichiro and kuukou’s conversation, where kuukou asked why didn’t ichiro call him and ichiro’s asking if he really needed to (and ofc he didn’t) had that atmosphere and that conversation honestly made hayama-san swoon with how smooth and natural it was lol
when asked about their thoughts about sanity, the insert rap, hayama-san initially felt it was similar to rip but that opinion changed after listening to the demo. sanity, to him, felt similar to a division all stars song where he doesn’t sing in kuukou’s style in order to bring out the harmony of the song. sakakihara-san also takes in account to how much of jyushi’s vkei style he should put in songs like division all stars songs
takeuchi-san also found himself considering the harmony in sanity and didn’t go hard on the volume for his parts as he would with other songs
takeuchi-san feels like sanity has a very strong kuukou influence and after hayama-san listened to the whole thing, he felt excited thinking about how to maintain bat’s individualities when performing it live
next up was next stage!! all the artists who wrote for each individual team has done so in past songs and moroha’s afro, who gave us kaigen, returned for next stage. hayama-san was very happy to work with him again
the part in jyushi’s verse, where he goes ‘guided by the sky, protected by the heavens’ and onwards was a bit of a struggle for sakakihara-san to portray jyushi’s feelings like he wanted to. he kept asking for retries to get the vibe he wanted
hayama-san felt the same since kuukou’s thanks in the song isn’t something kuukou really does. kuukou’s not one to be shy or embarrassed so he did multiple takes in order to portray the warmth afro intended when writing those lyrics
takeuchi-san comments that with an artist like afro, it’s really hard to come in after listening to his demo and making his style of music work with their characters. hayama-san followed that with it’s because afro’s music is one that pierces the heart of the listener, himself included, so he’s immediately at the ready to do what he needs to in order to preserve that whilst playing kuukou, hence the multiple takes
and now rise from dead!!! it’s a song with a lot momentum, very fitting for rhyme anima!!!! that momentum is what made the song fun for takeuchi-san
sakakihara-san enjoyed getting to sing for his verses and hayama-san felt like nagoya’s part could be summed up as, kuukou bringing the breakneck speed, jyushi’s like a dance and hitoya wraps it up with a crash
the interviewer then commented it felt like the three of them got along with each other very well. but had their impressions of each other changed over the years??
hayama-san doesn’t think so but takeuchi-san Has Words About That (and hayama-san and sakakihara-san start laughing LOL)
they’ve gotten less shy around him and hayama-san teasingly tells him that’s because he’s spoiled them rotten by letting them get away with everything, with sakakihara-san chiming in, ‘papa!!💜’
naturally he wasn’t as comfortable with them when they first met, they were strangers, but as they hung out together more, he felt he could let go of walls and manners around them. this makes sakakihara-san giggle💜
hayama-san takes the time to apologise to takeuchi-san, he feels like he’s been taking it too far lately and takeuchi-san calls him a liar LOL
the interviewer asks them what they think their appeal is as performers and hayama-san and takeuchi-san both went, ‘destructive power probably????’
takeuchi-san thinks they’re like, A Lot, whenever they perform together lmao
hayama-san, from day one, has set out to destroy the atmosphere the og divisions set lmao in a breaking barriers way. takeuchi-san honestly feels like he will every time he takes stage and sakakihara-san feels the same way watching the both of them lol
takeuchi-san feels like there may be a sense of friendly rivalry between the three of them as they all try to find ways to shatter glass ceilings with every live and each of them trying to take that momentum higher
hayama-san agrees and says one way they can do that is to bring a gold sachihoko on stage like the way mtr brings palm trees out for papillon
takeuchi-san tells the interviewer hayama-san has been asking for this for a while lol
sakakihara-san also relays to the interviewer that he’s been trying to manifest this for them by speaking it into existence lmao
the interviewer laughs at them and asks about 8th live stories. sakakihara-san starts giggling and upon takeuchi-san asking why, he brings up the shinkansen pic story and hayama-san and takeuchi-san missing their cues. he is very determined to never let them live it down lmao
the interviewer finally asked for their final words!!!
takeuchi-san comments the rhyme anima story seems to be pushed along by those being controlled against their will. it’s been handled lightheartedly but will the story take a darker turn?? tune in!!!!
sakakihara-san commented tho the episodes as of now are solo division focused, there will be a time when viewers can watch and enjoy the chemical reactions that happen once the divisions start to mingle. please enjoy the story impacts all of the characters!!!
hayama-san says finally nagoya and osaka are in the anime. do look forward to seeing all 18 people come together, what conversations they’ll have, what kind of atmosphere it creates and how the characteristics of each person stands out. kuukou and ichiro have more conversations, so if you enjoy naughty busters, please look forward to it!!!
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autisticempathydaemon · 10 months
hey hey! idk if this is where I submit for the match up! but I would love to see who you think I'd fit in with! I'm a creative soul who tends to try to develop deep friendships with people above everything. I have a bit of a savior complex as well lol I work hard and play harder, trying to find new adventures to go on with those i care about. I tend to support others before supporting myself, and while im happy to let others open up to me its hard for me to open up in return. the best way i can feel close to someone is deep conversations and being creative with them!
My current fav song has been Maybe IDK by John Bellion, specifically the lyric "i guess if i knew tomorrow i guess i wouldnt need faith"  just the idea of living today to the best you can just because you don't know what will happen tomorrow. the worries of the future should keep you down today
My current fav Redacted audio has to be the Helping your Werewolf bf shift again. Specifically the acting is just so good to me. Erik did an amazing job of portraying Milo's anguish and pain at not being able to shift. Plus the relieved sobs at the end is so satisfying and emotional. 
The one boy i cant get the hype around is Ivan. like sure the yandere thing is somewhat attractive to some, but i just don't like the idea of an actual psychopath being obsessed with me.
my favorite movie is definitely the Secret Life of Walter Mitty by Ben Stiller. its less of a quotable movie and more of i remember every scene very distinctly. its a movie that envelops my own escapism. its beautifully shot, wonderfully acted, and a wholesome story on a rainy day.
my platonic redacted crush has to be Damien. he seems like a blast to interact with and tease. he's a hard worker and is tied close to his goals which i can admire. i would love to body double with him if i had some tasks to get done
space is also 100% my ramble subject when im sleepy, that and greek mythology
My guilty pleasure media is currently the animated shows Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Lego Monkie Kid. despite being kids shows, both of these are beautifully animated and shockingly well written!
I hope that gives you an idea of me! I look forward to who you think i match with!
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Hmm, lots of good tidbits of information to consider. You strike me as really thoughtful, really caring, and I think Lasko could really benefit from a partner like that.
A savior complex, from what I understand, is just wanting to help people and make their lives better, and Lasko’s a guidance counselor, so y’all would have that in common. What’s good about pairing two people like that is y’all could keep each other in line, so to speak. Something that’s important when you’re always looking out for other people is to make sure someone is always looking out for you and vice versa. You and Lasko together would always make sure you’re taking care of others, each other, and yourselves.
Another reason I like the two of you together is that you like being creative with one another as a bonding activity. You know what’s the ultimate way to be creative together? Tabletop role playing games! If you don’t already play, Lasko would be so excited to help you with a character sheet, to help you craft a backstory, paint some mini figurines, go out and buy the perfect game dice and notebooks- the greatest combination of nerdy and cute in a couple.
There now, steady love, so few come and don't go/ Will you won't you, be the one I always know?/ When I'm losing my control, the city spins around/ You're the only one who knows, you slow it down
One, the whole vibe of “you slow me down, I’ll look after you, we’re here for each other” vibes are exactly what I’m picturing for y’all. Also, Lasko and I are around the same age, and I heard this song a lot growing up. I have some weird, like, emotional resonance with it from childhood, and I think Lasko does too. Like, it makes him nostalgic and longing; maybe he always wanted someone to look after and to look after him, and now he’s finally found that in you.
A very reasonable runner-up for you would be Camelopardalis because he would do a great job making sure you balance work and your personal life and that you don’t put others before yourself too much. A more fun runner-up would be Guy because I love sticking that beautiful Creative Writing major with other beautiful, creative people!
note: thank you for waiting, dear, and I hope you like your match-up! 💕
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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rikumorimachisgirl · 4 years
Iris, I like your Miya Twins hc! Please write more!
Hello, Anon! Thank you so much, I'm happy to hear you enjoyed the HC I made. I hope that you enjoy this one, too. I thought I'd write about how they met/fell in love with you. 💕
Title: Falling in love (with the Miya Twins)
Word count: 1,816
Genre: Fluff
Disclaimer: I don't own Haikyuu!! nor its characters, but the HC below is my idea.
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You and Atsumu had been classmates since middle school, and you, fortunately (or unfortunately) always end up sitting next to each other at some point during the school year. 
He knew that puberty wasn't kind to you - what with having bad breakouts, and excess pounds. He also knew that you had a thing for him back then - stealing glances when you thought he wasn't aware, sneaking into the gym a few days a week to watch him practice, and bringing extra pens for him because you knew he was bound to forget his own. 
Since there were very limited choices of schools in your district, he knew you'd end up studying in Inarizaki, and he was open to the fact that you'd end up being classmates again. BUT - what he didn't know was that you were starting to bloom into a young lady and that you've shed some weight since he last saw you. 
While he didn't exactly fall in love with you the moment he laid his eyes on 'High school you', he was enchanted - quite so that he often caught himself stealing glances at you and asking himself, "did she always have rosy cheeks" or "why hadn't I noticed how deep her dimples are", and he'd immediately look elsewhere when he knows you'd notice him watching.
Since you no longer seemed interested in following him around, nor did you seem to find the idea of watching volleyball practices remotely amusing, he thought he ought to let you know that he was even more amazing now than in middle school. He would talk louder when you were around (even if what he says doesn't make sense). "Samu, yer wonderful older brother is here to lend you a hand," he once called out to his younger twin when he knew that you spotted his twin in the hall with an armload of books. "Huh? Our parents have a child other than the two of us," the quieter twin gasped. "Shut yer trap and give me that!"
He started leaving notes in your locker, too. He'd try his hardest to copy Osamu's penmanship and write the lyrics of a song he heard that made him think of you, or a cheesy love quote he found in Kita's Literature textbook, or sometimes, he'd write something random like, 'your pen writes so smoothly', or 'oversized jackets don't look good on you', and 'your notes are the neatest I've ever borrowed'. 
He knew you read the notes, but you just didn't give off the reaction he was hoping for… or any reaction for that matter (you were pretty hard to read, and it was driving him crazy. Lol!)
A day before the Volleyball Team left for the Nationals, he left another note on your locker that read, 'I like you and I want to get to know you better, but if you're not interested, it's cool. If only middle school me paid more attention to middle school you, then maybe High School us would've been a thing.'
He thinks about you when he's not busy with practice, and when he gets a wee bit anxious about their upcoming game (because believe me, he does get nervous about it), he thinks about the possibility of you showing up in his games and he gets all fired up. 
He saw you cheering with your friends in the bleachers, during the championship match against Itachiyama. He knew he had to work harder because he wanted you to see how cool he was. He played his best - serving, setting, and blocking the ball perfectly every single time. Unfortunately, luck wasn't on their side, and they lost by a few points. No one in the team was more crushed about the outcome than he was, and he stayed in the locker room a little while longer after everyone had left. 
"Miya-san!" You were the first person who greeted him as soon as he stepped out of the locker. His eyes widened and he didn't react for a few seconds because he couldn't believe you were standing in front of him. Clearing your throat, you gave him a shy smile and said, "you were amazing! I think you did even better than when we were in middle school." 
He continued to stare at you, which made you even more nervous. "A-anyway, I wanted to say I thought you were the best player out there - win or lose. And… and.. If you ever need to borrow my notes, I could pass them on to you when you get back to school." You shifted your weight awkwardly from one foot to another, thinking you must've looked like an idiot in front of him because he was just staring at you like so. "That's all I wanted to say," you said awkwardly, "that, and I know it was you leaving the notes in my locker. I thought you should know that I also like you, and I want to get to know you, Miya-san."
"Atsumu," he finally said, cutting you off, and took a step closer. You felt something warm over your shoulders and suddenly, you were engulfed by his scent radiating from his jacket. "If you want to get to know me, you can start by calling me Atsumu."
"Atsumu," you smiled back, holding his jacket closer to you. "But I thought you said oversized jackets don't suit me."
"Yeah, but mine looks perfect on you," he shrugged before offering his arm out to you. "Well, shall we go get to know each other then? I don't know about you, but I feel so bad I could use some comforting and a nice big serving of Chūtoro." And with that began your love story, and the rest, as they say, was history. 
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Osamu and you go way back. The Miyas lived next door so you practically grew up with the twins. 
Since you were the same age, you used to play with them when you were younger. Of the two boys, you got along with Osamu better and you shared a lot of secrets - including a secret hideout, secret handshake, and secret codes. He knew everything about you, including - much to his dismay - the huge crush you had on his twin.
You love playing board games with Osamu and would happily come to their house so you could beat his ass in a game of Monopoly, Scrabble, Risk, and Clue. You were usually so good at this, except when you spot an Atsumu sighting nearby and lose your composure. Osamu would tease you, of course, but little did you know how much he despised it - especially since his twin also thought you were cute. This carried on until you went to high school. 
He completely lost it one weekend. When you and Aran came over to play Guesstures with him, Atsumu decided to join and insisted that the two of you team up. Osamu rolled his eyes, and hoped you'd pick up on his mood, but you were currently on cloud nine. 
Thirty minutes, ten cards, and a dozen googly eyes (between you and Atsumu) later, Osamu declared he was done playing and stormed off. Clueless as ever, you looked at Atsumu and Aran to help you understand what was happening, and the two guys just shook their heads in silence. 
You were sorely mistaken for thinking that he would be over his upset when Monday rolled in. He avoided you like the plague the moment you both set foot outside the gates of your houses. "Samu," you called and jogged up to him, but he didn't stop or slow down. "I'm in a hurry today, I'm on class duty," he said coolly, without sparing you a glance. And all you could do was watch your gray-haired best friend disappear into the distance.
He didn't bother waiting for you during breaks and lunchtime and talking to him after class was a lost cause due to his volleyball practice. You initially thought giving him space would help, but two weeks had passed, and you were desperately missing his company, so you sought the help of the only other person you could think of at the moment. 
After stalking him for most of the day, Aran finally agreed to help. He called Osamu so that the two of you could talk, but your best friend was too stubborn to care. Little did you know that after you left, Atsumu and Aran confronted him for acting like a jerk. 
"The hell was that about, Samu?" Atsumu called out, just as his twin was about to walk back to the court. "It's none of yer business, Tsumu," he replied nonchalantly. "Sure it is! You like her, don't you? Why don't you just tell her instead of treating her that way?" The older twin said, forcefully grabbing Osamu's arm. "Because she doesn't like me -," Osamu replied harshly. "Oh, I wouldn't be too sure about that," Aran said, as he patted Osamu's shoulder and walked back to the court. 
He tossed and turned in bed that evening, thinking of what Aran had said. Grabbing his phone, he went through all your messages from year's back, across all the different messaging channels - he went as far back as the time you confessed you liked Atsumu, and the entire year you only wanted to talk about his popular twin. And then he noticed how you stopped mentioning Atsumu at one point and started asking how his day went or if he's eaten. He saw the food pictures you'd sent from your trips with your family, and how you wished you could eat those with him someday. 
And then it hit him - you wanted to be with HIM - not Atsumu."I'm such a fucking jerk!" He groaned. 
He was waiting at your gate bright and early the next morning. He hadn't slept much nor thought about what to say to you, all he knew was that he had to see you. As he thought about what to say, he heard your front door open. "Samu-san?" He straightened up at the sound of your voice and saw you looking genuinely confused. "Y/N-chan, I… I…," he started to say as you hurriedly opened the gate to stand in front of him. 
"I like you, Y/N-chan, and I was jealous of my idiot brother." Your eyes widened in surprise at his admission. "So, I'm sorry I acted like a jerk, but I hope you could -you know…," he trailed off, blushing furiously. "Did you want me to forgive you or go out with you? Because I could do both," you said, as you grabbed his hand and looked into his dark eyes. "You… you do?" The shocked look on his face made you chuckle, and you tiptoed to plant a kiss on your boyfriend's cheek. 
The end. 
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flawsomesims · 4 years
Pen Pal Project 💻 {📤 To: KC #2}
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| 📑 Table of Contents/Information | 🦙 Main Blog |
📥 Incoming >> Letter from Chance Keener
AUTHOR’S NOTE: Mrs. Jessica Fletcher, who makes an appearance in this chapter, was taken from the gallery and made by maybethemoon1. I hope this isn’t too long? >~< I had a small idea for what I wanted for this chapter and it didn’t seem long in my head, but then I got the shots and was like, ‘oh, that’s a lot’ lol
Previous Letter
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I groaned in frustration, feeling my head starting to hurt as I stared at the screen of my laptop. I had been sitting there for nearly two hours and still only had about a paragraph written out. Why is writing so hard? But it can also be so much fun. Writing makes me happy and I know this is the path I chose. I don’t regret it, but it can get really frustrating at times!
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I decided to take a break and headed out into the living room where my mom was sitting at the dining table, working on her schoolwork for college. I plopped down beside her, sighing dramatically.
She raised a brow, slapping the book closed. “What is it?”
“Writer’s block…”
“Didn’t you just have that?”
“Hm, well, just be positive and it’ll work out!”
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I sighed heavily, letting my upper body fall onto the wooden table. “It’s not that simple…”
She hummed again before standing up, the chair’s legs sliding across the floor as she did so. “Alright, let’s go out to The Blue Velvet!”
“A nightclub?” My brow furrowed. “Ew,”
“Come on, it’ll be fun!”
“You know I’m a loner. I don’t do well with other sims,”
“Nonsense! You just gotta believe in yourself!” And with no room to argue, she grabbed my arm and tugged me up out of my chair and out of the house. The nightclub in question was on the other side of town, maybe a ten-minute car ride from our house.
“Go on inside, I’ll be right there, hunnie.”
I squinted at her for a few seconds before doing as she asked. I didn’t miss how she pulled out her phone and was talking in a hushed whisper.
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Thankfully, since it’s the middle of the week and only noon, there weren’t too many people in the nightclub. Even so, I settled down at a table as close to the wall as I could find and tried to not may eye contact with anyone. Eye contact leads to conversation and I didn’t want that.
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Two guys were dancing to the music pumping out of the speakers. Their moves were comical but I knew I had no right to criticize since I dance like a fish out of water. They looked like they were enjoying themselves and not at all embarrassed which I could definitely admire.
The song changed and my head snapped toward the speaker. It was my favorite song! The kind of song that instantly hyped you up every time you hear it, no matter your current mood. With the lyrics sliding through my mind and the bass pumping through my body, I did something I never thought I would ever do.
I started dancing in public.
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I felt like an absolute fool and I probably looked like one, too, but the lack of guests and the beat of my favorite song took away my ability to care for the moment. The red-headed man turned his attention to the entrance when the doors swung open, his eyes growing wide as they followed someone.
I didn’t want to turn around in case it was a group of people or worse, a really cute guy.
The man rushed past me and shrieked ecstatically.
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My mom, but… who in the world is she sitting with? That didn’t look like Lindy, her best friend. Besides, she should be at work right now.
Mom looked up and smiled brightly, waving me over. “Here she is! Hunnie, I want you to meet someone.”
Great, I thought, holding back a scowl. I hate meeting people, but I slowly inched closer until I could see the woman’s face. Several emotions flooded me at once.
Disbelief. Shock. Confusion. Excitement. Happiness.
I don’t know which was stronger. Sitting at the table beside my mom was my hero, my role model – famous author, Mrs. Jessica Fletcher!
“Oh… oh my grim,” I swallowed hard, trying to collect my racing thoughts. “Can I have your autograph?!”
“Of course!” The older woman smiled kindly as she stood, pulling a photo from her purse that she kept for such occasions. She signed it in her neat little scrawl before handing it back to me.
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“A-And a picture?!” I stuttered. “If it’s not too much trouble!”
Mrs. Fletcher chuckled and nodded, leaning in as I took out my phone.
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The sheer elation I felt from this encounter had me soaring over the moon and beyond. I don’t think I’ve ever felt as happy as I had at that moment.
“Now, come have some tea with us.” Mrs. Fletcher smiled, re-taking her seat beside my mom.
I could only nod, falling into the seat as I shifted between staring at her like a star-struck teenager and focusing on my hands so I didn’t look crazy.
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We spent an hour just talking. Well, they talked and I mostly listened, but it was still a great time. Unfortunately, Mrs. Fletcher had to leave and the two of us saw her out. After stepping through the door, I watched the man that was just entering as we left. His head followed her, eyes wide as a saucer.
And then he started jumping up and down, making strangled noises like a baby trying to string sounds into words.
And then he fainted, his face smacking the floor.
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The two women in front of me didn’t seem to notice, so I shrugged and followed them. After saying goodbye, I returned home, feeling more inspired than I had in a very long time. I went straight to my room, hanging the picture of Mrs. Fletcher above my desk before settling down.
Both animals seemed to sense my heightened mood and came into the room.
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As I opened up wordpad, my fingers glided across the keyboard. After every paragraph, my eyes would shoot up to the picture as if to reassure myself that yes it really did happen. And then I would be filled with a renewed vigor I didn’t think possible.
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After a while, the two pets got bored of just watching and listening to me type and cheer over a photograph, so they decided to keep each other entertained. It’s safe to say that Mist won the sparring match between them, as she so often does.
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Hours passed.
My stomach growled at me. My brain begged for sleep.
But I kept writing and writing until, finally, I completed the short story I had set out to write.
“Mom!” I screamed as I held the printed manuscript in my hands, rushing out of my room.
She sprinted into the living room, her eyes frantic. “What?! What’s wrong?!”
“I finished my first book!” I cried happily, only to cry in pain a moment later when she smacked my arm.
“Don’t do that! I thought something was wrong,” She shook her head before smiling, pulling me into a hug. “I’m so proud of you!”
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“I’m proud, too.” I sniffled, rubbing at my eyes behind my glasses. “But finishing a book is only half the battle. What if no one reads it? What if critics tear it apart? Oh god, what if Mrs. Fletcher hates it?!”
Mom smacked my arm again. “Stop being so negative! It’ll do fine and everyone will love it. Now, hurry up and send it off so we can get rich!”
I smiled, looking at the manuscript sitting on the counter. My very first book… how exciting!!
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Stepping outside, I pulled the lid to the mailbox open and was about to stuff the manuscript inside when a letter caught my eye. Ah, my pen pal! This day just keeps getting better for me!
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I switched them out and turned to head inside, something catching my eye. I scowled as Biscuit thrust the trashcan on its side, spilling the contents across the yard. “Will you stop being so troublesome?”
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She only tilted her head at me and I sighed, heading inside and telling mom to go deal with her dog before sitting at the table and reading the letter. With a smile, I started to write my reply.
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┌───────────── -ˋˏ ∵✉∴ ˎˊ- ─────────────┐
Dear Chance,
Don’t worry about the time it takes to write back, I know you’re quite busy. I’ll still be here, so no worries! The pictures you sent of Loma are adorable. It’s sad when pets grow older, they’re so adorable as babies, but it’s also a happy time because they are older and wiser and, hopefully, grow into less of a troublemaker haha
That’s a good quality to have. I tend to worry too much about what other people think. You see, I’ve just finished my first book ever! It’s just a collection of short stories, but I’m quite proud. My first thoughts were, ‘what if no one like them?’ even though I, myself, am pretty happy with the result. Musicals, you say? I’ve never seen one before, but I always hear good things about them. I’d love to see one of his stories come to life on stage one day.
My mom says thank you! She’s always wanted to be in the medical field, but she was only recently able to go back to school for it. She’s working hard, so I want to do the same with my writing.
Snowglobes are so beautiful! I got a small one for Winterfest one year, but Mist seems to love them even more than me. It didn’t last long, and we’re still finding those little glitter pieces around the house. May I see your collection? I’ll add a picture of my voidcritters, even though I only have four at the moment. I finally got my favorite one, so I’ll send you a picture of his info card, as well.
Wow, that’s incredible! It’s a shame that their mother was unable to keep them, but I just know they will have a wonderful life with your family. I have a sixth sense about people, you know? And I can tell that you’re both good sims. Twins… I can’t imagine having two babies at once, it must be so tiring!
I wasn’t sure where to fit this in, so I’ll just add it at the end here. The reason I was suddenly so inspired is because I met my idol today. Her name is Jessica Fletcher, a famous author! Maybe Kristopher knows her? She’s just as kind in person as she is on TV. I keep wondering if I’m going to wake up and find it was just a dream. I got her autograph and a picture with her, can you believe it? That’s all I have to report for now~
Until next time,
* Jennifer Plevins
└───────────── -ˋˏ ∵✉∴ ˎˊ- ─────────────┘
Satisfied with the letter, I attached the pictures I had promised before setting the letter inside the mailbox beside my manuscript.
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Next Letter
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4 notes · View notes
herarebels · 4 years
A folklore review by an aspiring author.
the 1
The beginning sounds like a college coming of age movie, and then follows the narrator as she looks back through her previous relationship.
I really love the imagery. And I love the parallel of the narrator is told she knows nothing because she is young, but she insists that she knows one thing- her lover. I’m also getting young adult Victorian London romance vibes.
the last great american dynasty
I really like how Taylor equates herself to Rebekah, and says that she is the next mad woman to own the house. (Is Mad Woman about Taylor or Rebekah?!) I love that Taylor says that she did all of the things that Rebekah did. The past tense of the last few lyrics made it sound like Taylor sold the house?
I loveeee this song to write about a romantic couple too. I love her imagery, and her word choice. I’m imagining this couple still being in love, but they were separated by a misunderstanding. And now that they see each other in a location, and now they don’t know what they’re living for because they still love the other person, but they feel like the relationship is unfixable.
my tears ricochet
I like the intro vocals/instrumental. I have two thoughts going off of this song. (WHEN I”M SCREAMING AT THE SKY?!) The woman died, and her ghost is watching her love interest at the funeral. What if this is the couple from the song before (?!?!?) and the woman died unexpectedly, and her ghost is haunting her love interest because she still loves them even after their mistakes. Or it could be the couple from above, and the burying is their breakup. She’s fighting because she wants to stay for her love interest. (I’m getting real forbidden love vibes here.) Maybe they were enemies to lovers, and he had to kill her, and now she haunts him. This song really fits Daenerys and Jon really well too.
I love the effect on Taylor’s voice. I see myself and what I used to do in the past in this song. This could be taken literally as Taylor’s need for the audience and how she changes herself to keep their attention. And she wants to be a source of comfort and entertainment for her fans, even when no one pays attention to her anymore. But it could be taken as another romantic thing where one partner just wants to make the other happy and they have each other as the world burns down (dancing with our hands tied bridge anyone?!)
Aw I really like this cute song about Taylor’s childhood. I like that she recalls her attitude as a child being less subdued, and that as she grew up she had to do so to become more civil. I also just like her wondering if there are any good things in the world anymore, and equating those good things to her childhood. (Also, INTHAF vibes.)
Okay I claimed this one off of the tracklist, so hopefully it’s good lol. AHHH ITS SO CUTE! I’m getting college relationship vibes. *its one of the love triangle songs* “Back when I was living for the hope of it all” I really love the music and her voice in this one, it matches the vibes of the song perfectly.
this is me trying
So um I accidentally skipped this song, so this review is not going to be as coherent as the other songs in this place of the album. (You should probably skip this review and then come back to this after you read hoax.) I love the echo effect on her voice. This is the third song of the love triangle that I couldn’t find in betty lol. Another forbidden love. What the hell. Wait, this is super short. And I love it. Dang.
illicit affairs
The high *down* and *stop* and *him*. FORBIDDEN LOVE VIBES AGAIN. Could this be the same couple from exile and my tears ricochet? OOooh I love the harmonies. I love the bridge! (Honestly I think I’m going to need to make a couple of new OCs for this trinity of songs.)
invisible string
Hahaha bad blood easter egg. I really like the idea of invisible strings tying all of the people of your life to you. This is a really cute love song to Joe. This is sooooo cute.
mad woman
I have been forewarned that this is a doozy. Oh Taylor is out for blood people. She’s gonna be burning the witches now. We all know the “two” she’s talking about. Oh. Wait. I don’t really appreciate how Taylor is talking about one of their wives however. (I know that it does not directly reference the people that she’s talking about, but there is so much media attention on this topic that anyone could figure it out.) While she does make a good point that the woman isn’t mad at her husband because of societal conditioning. I believe that is not Taylor’s business and she really shouldn’t have put that in a song in my opinion. Overall, good song! I just didn’t agree with those few lines at the end.
Oh frick this is going to be sad isn’t it. Wait is this the song about her grandfather in WWII?!? It is. Oh no. Anddddd she mashed it with covid. Nice dude. I’m totally fine. I like the servitude theme of the song. I like the notes and the backtrack of the song, I think it really fits the topic. This song really fits our world right now, and I like how she related it to devastated events of our history. It really shows that someday we will have our epiphany during this pandemic and we will get through it just like we got through everything else that happened in our history.
So I saw three theories about this song:
1. Betty is Joe’s mom.
2. William Bowery is Joe writing with Taylor under a pseudonym.
3. Apparently Joe and Taylor are going to announce that they secretly got married in this song.
Let’s see how the theories pan out, shall we? I love the harmonicas! School children again? Maybe this is the love story of Joe’s parents? Joe’s dad better be named James. Wait what was the other song that talked about picking up somebody for a drive? August? Is this another love triangle song? Then if these two are the love triangle songs, where's the third? Did I miss it? Is CARDIGAN the third song? Why else would she reference it again? Dude I’m so confused.
Okay, we are ignoring the whole love triangle debacle for now. Why is this titled peace but it’s explicit? I feel like those two words don’t go together. Wait this is the ultimate love song to Joe. I’m about to cry. I want this. I want what they have. I saw somewhere that Taylor told a secret sessioner during the rep sessions that the bridge to CIWYW was originally “dreaming of angels, raising angels into good people with you.” (I cannot confirm that this is true, I am believing this person’s word.) Taylor didn’t put it in because she was still worried about the delicate (lol) nature of their relationship, and she didn’t want any pregnancy rumors. But now in peace we get: “Give you my wild, give you a child.” Guys I’m actually crying rn. This is growth, and I want what they have one day. I want to be a part of a couple that never settles down and stays forever young. I want to be a part of a relationship that is romantic and that is also platonic. This is my next OTP song oh my gosh, it’s perfect.
I’m getting forbidden love break up vibes again. Why is this album full of songs like this? But this song also has a lot of references from Taylor’s life that she has sung about throughout the years. Is Joe the sadness that she’s referencing, idk? It’s really late and I know that she is talking about things in her life that she is already written about, but I’m not catching on to what they actually are.
overall thoughts:
I really like this album. This is a songwriting quality that we haven’t had from Taylor since Red. (Not that her other albums were bad at all!) I haven’t been a Taylor fan for very long. I grew up with YBWM and Love Story, and I knew all of the radio singles off of Red and 1989, but I didn’t become more than a casual listener until reputation (which is still my favorite album by her!) I write in the fantasy genre, so it’s really hard for me to write to 1989 and Lover, and I am not really familiar with self-titled, Fearless, and Speak Now.
What I love about this album more than her other albums, is that folklore isn’t really about Taylor’s life. As a media consumer, I like to know what the media I am watching, listening, or reading is about. Because of this, I know a lot of little details about Taylor’s love life and other things that have happened to her that she has written about. But as a writer it is hard for me to separate those instances in Taylor’s life from the songs. I can’t think of them objectively. So this album really gave me a lot of inspiration.
Also, this is a sound that we haven’t heard from Taylor since Red. Folk music really lends well to fantasy writing, and I was ecstatic when I saw the pictures yesterday morning. I just knew that it was going to be the Taylor version of a folk album. (One of my dream Taylor genres has been fulfilled, now I just need a WANEGBT 1989 tour-esqe album. Taylor pleaseeeeee.)
As of right now, all of the ones labeled forbidden love are my favorite. But I think my top three off of the album (in order) are:
my tears ricochet
Anyways, its 3:00 am and I am probably not making any sense anymore. I think I’m going to post this without checking it over. I apologize if any of this is incoherent. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
0 notes
hope-sope · 6 years
So, I'm sure I'm not the only one who has noticed that the first CD of the repackaged album 'Love Yourself: Answer' tells a story from beginning to end in perfect order. I haven't seen anyone talk about it so I'm not sure if someone has done this already, but here we go! (I also want to apologize now for how long this is lol)
(Lyrics are italicized) 
Track 1 - Euphoria: The dictionary describes the word as "a state of intense happiness". In the lyrics to the song we see Jungkook expressing intense feelings of being with this person and it feeling like a dream and being in a utopia with them that is closed off from everything else in reality and not wanting to wake up.
“Am I still dreaming?”
“My surroundings are getting more and more transparent.”
“You are the cause of my euphoria.”
“Close the door now. When I'm with you I'm in utopia.”
Track 2 - Trivia: Just Dance: J-Hope is describing and comparing love to a dance. That first feeling of nervousness around someone you view as a crush (nervous to practice/perform a dance) to getting to know them as time goes on and finally being comfortable around them (the dance is coming along and it is starting to feel better) and loving being around them and starting to develop deeper feelings for that person (enjoying and loving the dance).
“The nervousness, it dissipates  //  if I had hid my heart here, I would have regretted it.”
“[That kind of] natural conversation, say something.  //  it's strange because we match so well.”
“The feeling of doing this together is good with you.”
“My heart that is currently getting to know you, I want to continue it. Just as I liked dance, [I like] you. So you're my love, yea my love.”
“I felt it baby  //  for a moment you and I, baby [we’re like] the sums matched perfectly with its formulas, baby.”
Track 3 - Serendipity: The dictionary describes the word as "an aptitude for making desirable discoveries by accident" or "good fortune; luck".
Right off the bat, Jimin says "this is not a coincidence." The song goes on to say that the love they are experiencing, no matter how painful or how painful the journey was in getting there, the universe has lined up for them to meet and fall in love. This love he claims has saved him. "You're my penicillin. You saved me, my angel, my world." The korean word in place of "penicillin" literally translates to 'blue mold', the medication which was a serendipitous discovery by Alexander Fleming and is effective in treating bacterial infections. This is just putting more emphasis on how much this person, this love is effecting him down to a cellular level. Which leads us to....!
Track 4 - DNA: This song is full of references to the earlier 2 songs just before it that it's insane! Basically this song is describing how you and your love connect to each other on a DNA level. The lyrics bring up again how their encounter is the ways of the universe and it is not a coincidence, as well as a formula (references to 'Serendipity' and 'Just Dance'). They want real love and feel as if they have found it and it is their destiny.
Typing out lyrics here would be the whole entire song so if you want a link, click here!
Track 5 - Dimple: This is where we start to see the darker sides of love. The first stanza is dealing with a conflict of knowing only one side to someone and starting to see that they aren't always the perfect one you may portray them to be in your head. "You hide but only appear when you smile  //  where did you come from?  //  Don't lie, I know you're an angel.  //  What are you?"
I'm not an expert in deciphering these things or maybe even the metaphors they use...but maybe BTS is trying to convey 2 messages here. #1 - They use dimples as a way to be playful by saying that dimples on someone is cute, but it can also dangerous. Dangerous in a good, playful kind of way, but #2 - that it can also convey a darker meaning as I described in the first paragraph. You may be so infatuated with someone that you don't see their bad sides, their flaws.
“I don't have it, only you have it  //  Is that why it's so hard?  //  I wanna die fallen in you, I wanna die locked in you  //  You are my lake”
“Cause you  //  When you smile, I get dizzy  //  True  //  What's really dangerous is only in your possession”
So to sum it up, I think the lyrics are playful, but that they also have a double meaning behind them saying that they were so infatuated by the person they loved that it blinded them and kept them from seeing the truth or at the very least the full picture.
Track 6 - Trivia: Love: From the very beginning Namjoon says, "Is this love  //  Sometimes I know  //  Sometimes I don't". I like to think this is continuing from where the last song left off. In 'Dimple' I mentioned the conflict they started having in regards to them noticing something is different, something is off with the other person they love. So the person is now questioning what 'love' really is.
Namjoon, as we have seen before in his blog posts, state how similar the spelling and pronunciations of the two korean words for "love" and "person" are and him saying how maybe the reason why is because whoever made the words to be like that knew that they must coincide with each other. To live is to love and to love is to live. This song demonstrates this point, as well as saying that he hopes his love will stay for a long time unlike the breeze that grazes you before leaving.
“I knew because of you  //  Why a person needs to love as they go through life  //  Though the space between I and U is far  //  F*** JKLMNOPQRST  //  I skipped all the letters to reach you  //  See, even 'I' and 'you' make the same sound  //  While that doesn't mean I'm you, I want to become a section of your bookshelf, I want to meddle in your story as your lover”
“If I left, what would it be like  //  If I left, would you be sad  //  If I'm not 'me', then what am I  //  Will you too, in the end, leave me.”
After questioning what love is supposed to be, what it would be like if he left this relationship, and who he really is or supposed to be...I feel as if these lyrics are saying that even if they aren't meant to be for each other that he still wants to hold onto it for as long as he can because he loves this person so much. However, ignorance is bliss.
Track 7 - Her: It just so happens that Namjoon is the first one to speak in this song where he admits that he was "just one of those people  //  didn't even believe in true love  //  just said I wanted to be in love like a habit". And that "I found myself  //  a whole new myself  //  I'm confused too, which one's the real me?"
“I don't care if it's a fake me, if you hold me  //  You're my beginning and my end so you finish me.”
He is struggling with who he really is and still wants to hold on to her for as long as he can, even at the cost of himself not being true to himself and using this "fake self" to ignore what the root of the problem is (as we learn at the end of the series that all of this is learning to love yourself in order to love others and the future relationships you want to pursue).
The other lyrics in 'Her' say that he is not the guy you know under this mask. Always wearing a mask. He is starting to realize that the moment for him to shine the most is when the mask is off. But love makes a person go crazy and do crazy things like putting on masks to make yourself seem more appealing to the other person. Lying to yourself until you find your answer.
This is where we start to see a new tone being set for the following songs in the realization that the love they once had isn't what they thought it was supposed to be. This leads to our next song!
Track 8 - Singularity: We get to see the amazing way that this song was portrayed by our V!! We have the illusions to the relationship being on shaky ground where it is starting to show cracks on this frozen lake. The lyrics reference masks once again and Taehyung questioning who he is. I think that the more one tries to change themselves and wear a mask is simply digging themselves in deeper because the truth will always come out one way or another. In this case, Taehyung references that Spring is coming and everything will melt away. It sounds to me like the inevitable is coming. That no matter how hard you try to cover it up with masks, the result will be that you will end up alone in this case as we see with the MV.
Track 9 - FAKE LOVE: Up until this point, we have seen love that has come fast and hard, to questioning what love really is and what it should look like, to realizing that they have simply changed themselves along the way in order to be loved by the other person. This love they wanted to be real ended up being fake love. The lyrics reference how they don't know who they've become and how they did it for the other person. Again referencing the previous songs.
“Love you so bad, love you so bad  //  for you, i'm enacting a pretty lie.  //  Love it's so mad, love it's so mad  //  I'm erasing myself to become your doll.”
I would also like to point out this part of the lyrics from 'Singularity' because I just think how crazy it is how BTS must go this far to always have lyrics that reference and connect each song so I just really wanted to throw this in here real quick "Tell me, if my voice is fake  //  Should I not have thrown myself away?"
And then having this show up in 'Fake Love' as well saying "Look at me, I threw myself away  //  not even you can understand me  //  You say i'm strange when i changed into the person you liked  //  You say I'm not the person you used to know  //  What do you mean? No, I've grown blind  //  What do you mean this is love, it's all fake love"
Track 10 - The Truth Untold: The vocal line talks about how they must put on a mask to see the person they love because they don't want to show their weaknesses. They are telling the truth and admitting to themselves that yes, they were putting on a mask and admitting they have weaknesses that are too hard to show. They feel afraid, pathetic, and worried about how the person they love would think of them if they knew this and if they would leave them if they knew the truth. They second guess themselves and wonder if things would be different if they had just started out being truthful to begin with.
Track 11 - Trivia: Seesaw: Let me start off by saying I love Suga's singing in this! Now, after everything that was said above, the person realizes that while it was fun in the beginning, somewhere down the line things went wrong. The masks, trying to hold onto something that they were blissfully ignorant in letting go a long time ago....it has all been dragged out for too long. The lyrics in this song describe just that and how there needs to be an end to this as soon as possible. It has been a long time coming.
"Someone will, at some point, have to dismount from this to end  //  fakeness mixed in with pretense  //  no more, we need to decide now."
The end of the song ends with the relationship being finally broken off.
Track 12 - Tear: "Goodbye open up to me  //  without knowing, blood comes into my eyes.  //  Things I can't say flow through  //  Lingering feelings crawl on top of my face  //  At one point, you were my dear  //  But now, it's just bitter, this beer  //  My heart is stained with self hate that's too late  //  It gets cut even by the passing wind."
Right away we are met with the goodbyes of the loved one and the lies that were weaved in their relationship on both ends. In the 'Truth Untold' they talk about maybe they should have been honest from the beginning and that is reiterated in the lyrics here and how maybe the other person would still love them if they had been honest. In the end she is their 'tear'. There was a lot of pain and tears shed, but there was also a lot of self discovery going on from the beginning of their relationship to the end. I really love this next stanza that completes and references other songs like 'Euphoria'
"This is the real you and this is the real me. We saw the end, there's no resentment. The sweet dream has broken, I closed my eyes. This is the real you and this is the real me"
They finally had an Epiphany through their journey after discovering their real selves.
Track 13 - Epiphany: This beautiful song sung by Jin is finally the answer we have been waiting for. It is the moment that BTS has been trying to tell us from the very beginning. That we must love ourselves first before anything else. Before everything else can fall into place. The lyrics are absolutely beautiful. I will link a video that I think explains the MV very well and how it ties everything in together! Click here
Track 14 - I'm Fine: I think this song is so great because now everything has come full circle. If you remember way back when that the way "Save Me" was written that if you turned it upside down it would say "I'm Fine". The song starts off with the music from the beginning of ‘Save Me’ and almost sounds like a remix but it is a completely new song! The song states that  "It's okay even if we're not an 'us'  //  Even if sadness erases me, even if dark clouds brew again and I'm within unendingly crumpled, even if my wings are torn, even if one day I become someone that's not me, it's okay, for I am my own salvation.  //  All my pain, say goodbye. Go well.”
They say that they are just fine and to not be sad anymore and that they will let go of their old love and let it become an old memory.
Track 15 - IDOL: Besides this song being the biggest diss track and diss MV  lol. They are saying that now that they have learned to love themselves first that they can be free to be 100% themselves in all aspects of life: Personally, Professionally, all of it. They won't change for anyone, you must take all of them as they are or not at all. They know who they are, they know what they want, that ain't ever gonna change, ain't ever gonna trade!
Track 16 - Answer: Love Myself: This is basically the anthem for loving yourself. They point out that even if you don't have the answer to loving yourself yet, just simply doing the act of loving yourself is a small step to even bigger ones. It has to start somewhere. So practice loving yourself even through the moments it is hard. The key is to go at it at your own pace. It is your story and you will get there. 
"Yeah, that beauty exists, the heart that knows that is the road to my love, the most necessary work that is most reflective of me. The current pace that accommodates for me is indeed the action that's necessary for me, and the attitude that's necessary for me: this is the happiness reserved for me. I'll show you what I got. I'm not scared, because it's who I am. Love Myself.
From the beginning of the start to the end of the finish, there is only one answer.
Why do you keep wanting to hide into your mask, for even the scars resulting from my mistakes are a constellation."
I could not have said it better myself. BTS always has a way with words/lyrics. All the thoughts and efforts they put into these songs are to speak to a generation where loving ourselves is difficult since we live in the day and age where social media affects our every day lives. Comparing lives to others, trolls putting each other down, etc. BTS truly is Beyond The Scene and beyond their time. All they want to do is to share their own stories and experiences and if it can even help or save 1 person then it is 100% worth it for them. They are truly precious. While this is the end of an era, let's carry on this message of loving ourselves for generations.
So if you made it this far then THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR LISTENING!! I’ve never done anything this in depth before and it is simply just something that was on my mind after realizing how the lyrics intertwine and reference each other and connects. But the whole trilogy itself had an impact on my life and I can’t believe how just 16 songs flow so well together and tell just a big story and such a meaningful and really in depth message like that. 
Credits here for lyrics to the new songs from the albums and their little side notes! Also credit to lyrics from colorcodedlyrics.com
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