#but let me know if i should make a warning st the start xxx
just-call-mefr1es · 5 months
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“see the sun, i see the sun, it’s over.”
song: Workers by Hop Along
fic: Taking What’s Not Yours by @staggersz
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ghostfives · 3 years
The Technicians Challenging Journey
A\N: This is going to be a multi chap fic about Tech and the bad batch. It has both clonecest and Mpreg, so please don’t leave hate. If you don’t like it, don’t read it. My good friend @ahsokatano-thetogruta.
Chapter 1
Tech sits in the pilot seat of the Marauder, on the way to Kaller for a mission with his brothers. He’s contemplating what to do about his predicament, sighing softly as he stares nervously at the hyperspace surrounding him. Tech’s brothers and boyfriend are all napping, and giving him the privacy he had asked for.
Tech had found out that he is pregnant, which should be impossible considering he’s male, and doesn’t have a women’s reproductive organs, but lo and behold, he is two months pregnant with his and Crosshair’s unborn child. 
It’s scaring him, knowing that if the Kaminaons ever found out, he would very well be decommissioned. Thankfully, he only found out yesterday, and shouldn’t start showing for a good two months. Tech has time to tell his brothers and boyfriend when he’s ready, then figure out what to do. He just doesn’t know how to tell them.
How is Crosshair going to react when he finds out Tech is pregnant?  Will he think he is a freak? Will Crosshair, Hunter, Wrecker and Echo throw him out? There are so many possibilities floating through Tech’s head. He’s so scared, glancing down and gently setting a hand on his belly, knowing that there is another being in there. No matter what happens, he won’t ever get rid of them, not ever! He already feels fiercely protective of the unborn fetus… His and Crosshair’s son or daughter.
An alarm goes off, and Tech immediately maneuvers out of hyperspace, turning the comm system on. “Hello, we have finally reached Kaller, get ready to fight.” He warns them, pulling his own helmet on. He touches his stomach one more time. “Stay safe for me please.” He begs softly, before landing the ship, and standing up to join his brothers, hoping that this mission goes well.
“We are coming up on Kamino.” Tech tells his brothers as he pilots the ship, nervous about being on Kamino again, especially after what just happened on Kaller. He has to make sure the Kaminoans don’t give him any physicals or they will know what’s happened.
“It’s good to be home. How long’s it been?” Tech hears Wrecker ask, turning and smiling at his older brother. “Yes, it is very nice. It has been one hundred and eighty rotations in a standard cycle, but galactic zone changes put the adjusted figure at around two hundred and five.” He explains, getting a very confused look from Wrecker.
“What?” Wrecker asks, making Tech want to shake his head, but he knows how much that would hurt Wrecker. Echo sighs. “A long time.” 
“You got that right! Hey, Tech! Are you and Crosshair gonna hog the barracks tonight? Or will we actually get to sleep there?” Tech blushes, sputtering a bit as both Echo and Wrecker snicker at him with knowing looks. “I… well… I don’t think that is any of your business, now is it? But no, tonight we are just going to cuddle, nothing else.” He sighs, trying to get his blush to go away.
Tech brings the ship down into the atmosphere of Kamino, when the ship's comm system blinks to show someone is trying to come through, so he activates the button. “Unidentified transport, transmit your clearance code.” Confusion fills Tech, as Echo mutters-- “Clearance code? Don’t they know who we are?”
Tech shrugs. “Must be a protocol drill.” He states, but is just as confused as Echo, something is different, they've never had to transmit their clearance code? He types in the code. “Transmitting clearance code.” 
“Authorization confirmed. Proceed to landing bay one-tac-one.”
Tech does as told, landing them all safely on the platform. “Come on, lets head to the barracks.” Hunter sounds exhausted, making Tech feel bad for his older brother. He follows Hunter out. He looks around, frowning when he sees the Coruscant guard is here. That's not right? The Corries never come to Kamino, at least, not since the start of the war. “What is going on?” He mumbles, looking around. First he finds out he is pregnant, then the whole Order 66 on Kaller, now this?
“Shock troopers? What’s the Coruscant guard doing here?” Hunter asks, voicing Tech’s thought’s. Suddenly there's an announcement about security, so Tech pulls out his datapad and starts typing, but what he finds fills him with dread. “This is not a drill.”
“Aw man! What’d we miss now!!?” Wrecker yells in frustration, making Tech shake his head. “I don't know, but whatever it is, I don’t like it.” Tech has a bad feeling, a very bad feeling. “The end of the war.” Tech and his brother’s all turn to the shock trooper walking by.
Hunter steps forward. “Say again, trooper?” He asks, and the trooper stops and turns to him. “General Grievous was defeated on Utapau. The separatist leadership has collapsed, the war is over.” Tech is shocked, even though he had guessed it earlier, he is still shocked. They had never thought the war would end… and now it has. “Just like I said.” He looks to his brothers, getting a gasp from Wrecker. “It is just like you said.”
Suddenly there's a clang, as a body that was being carried drops it’s lightsaber… a Jedi, one of the ones that had resided on Kamino. Tech wonders who it was. A trooper picks it up, and must notice Hunter’s staring just like Tech has.
“Is there a problem?” He asks, seeming to get aggressive, but that's nothing new to Tech and his brothers. Hunter shakes his head. “No problem, we'll just head to our barracks then.”
“Best hurry, there is a mandatory general assembly at 1500.” He says as they all walk away, and Tech sticks close to Crosshair. “Do you want to cuddle tonight?” He enquires, hoping for a yes from Crosshair, he loves cuddling with his boyfriend. Especially when he’s so stressed out. Crosshair just grunts. “No.” The cold tone in his voice startles Tech. Crosshair is never cold towards him, even when around other people, there is always warmth in his voice when talking to Tech.
“Oh, alright then.” He looks away, feeling a hand on his shoulder as he looks up at Echo. “You alright?” He asks, and Tech nods. “Yes, I am fine.” Echo seems to want to persist, but decides against it. Tech hopes it stays that way.
As they walk through Kamino’s halls, all the other clones are looking at them as they walk past. “It's not just the clones on Kaller. All the Regs are acting strange.” Hunter has a worried voice, and Tech hums. The Regs seem to be acting the same to him. A little off, but still just as callus and unjust to defects.
“Let’s test that theory.” He suggests, moving forward and to the side towards a trooper. “Excuse me, trooper. What division are you fro--” “Step aside.” Tech is pushed harshly to the side, making him shrug. “Oh, well they seem the same to me.” He continues forward, Hunter following behind him now.
The rest of the way to the barracks is silent. All Tech can think about is how Crosshair had treated him just a few moments before, how cold he was. It… It had really hurt him. Badly. Crosshair has never acted like that towards him… did he do something wrong since this morning? Does… does Crosshair know he's pregnant? He doesn’t know, but needs to find out soon.
They all walk into the barracks, Tech first and he goes to set his bag down. “Ah! It’s good to be back!” Tech chuckles, loving how his older brother is. “Yes, it’s very good.” Tech agrees.  
“The smell’s getting worse.” Echo exclaims, scrunching up his nose. Hunter walks up beside him and pats his shoulder. “You’re still new, you’ll get used to it.” Tech sniffs the air, shrugging and nodding. He  honestly doesn’t smell anything bad, but he’s also lived in this set of barracks since they were young cadets.
“Speak for yourself.” Crosshair coldly comments as he pushes past Hunter, knocking him hard in the shoulder. Tech frowns, that is so unlike Crosshair. He never does these things to his brothers. Regs yes, but never any of them? What’s going on? Tech doesnt think it’s just him now, something else is at play.
“Well, I guess I'll get the board.” Wrecker adds nervously, walking over to the board with his vibroblade and scratching into it. Tech sighs and walks to his work table, starting to work on a project and trying to tune everything out. And he does until-- “Not every objective.” Tech looks up at Crosshair, raising an eyebrow. What does he mean? He heard them talking about Kaller, but they did complete every objective, he knows they did.
“Hunter let that Jedi kid escape. Or do you want to keep lying to us?” Crosshair stares at Hunter with barely concealed anger, a coldness in his eyes that Tech has never once seen before. Hunter stands up and walks over to a window. “I don’t like to think of executing our commander’s as a mission objective! Let alone that he was a child.”
Tech agrees, that commander was just a kid. He’s happy that Hunter didn’t execute him, but… Crosshair loves kids, why would he be unhappy that Hunter had spared it’s life?
“An order is an order.” Crosshair tells Hunter emotionlessly. “Since when?” Hunter asks, and they both glare at eachother. Tech stands up, eyeing Crosshair as he thinks of solutions, he has thought about their programming? But it didn’t work for them. His guess is that it must be the regs programming, but since they are all defective, it failed for them.
“None of this makes sense! Those clones served beside General Billaba for years. How could they turn on her like that! On the padawan I have heard them talk so highly about!!?” Echo is upset, they can all see it. So Tech decides to share his thoughts. “Because of the Regs programming.” He informs them, and Hunter immediately turns to him. “What programming, Tech?”
Tech frowns, making sure he remembers the details of what he found out on the way back to Kaller. “It’s been well documented that the Kaminaons inhibited the cognitive functions of clones to engineer them to follow orders without question.”  He explains, seeing Wrecker hit Crosshair with Lula. “Ha! We sure don’t!” He exclaims, making Tech hum.
“Obviously, we are different. They manipulated pre existing aberrations in our dna. Resulting in your brute strength, Crosshair’s sharpshooting skills, Hunter’s enhanced senses and my exceptional mind. My guess so far is that we are immune to the effects of the programming.” Tech explains the rest of his theory, smiling proudly, but then he glances at Crosshair. “But I can’t be one hundred percent certain of it.”
Hunter gestures to Echo, causing Tech to look over as  well. “What about Echo? He was a Reg before he joined us.” Echo agrees, confusion all over his features. “Yeah, if all Regs were programmed, why didn’t I react like the others?”
“I have a theory for that as well. The damage you sustained on Skako Minor most likely wiped out all your preset behavioural modifications. You are more machine than man, percentage wise of course. Sorry, Ori’Vod.” Tech apologizes, knowing how bad that sounds. Echo sighs. “It’s alright. Lucky me, I guess.”
“All personnel report to the staging area for a briefing on the state of the republic.” Tech frowns. State of the republic?
“This is one meeting I don’t want to miss.” Hunter gestures for them to follow. “Well, first time for everything.” Tech shrugs, following Hunter out as their brothers follow behind.
“And the Jedi rebellion has been foiled. The remaining Jedi will be hunted down and defeated! The attempt on my life has left me scarred and deformed.”
“You can say that again.” Wrecker whispers to Echo, making Tech look up from his datapad. He can’t believe this speech. He looks down at his stomach, pressing a gent;e hand to it. What does he do? What if they decommission him if they find out! He looks back up at the transmission. “But I assure you, my resolve has never been stronger!” Tech notices that Hunter is staring up at the window with Nala Se and Lama Su. He raises an eyebrow and walks over to his Ori’Vod.
“What is it?” He asks, and Hunter looks back, then to him. “Nothing. It’s nothing Vod’ika.” Tech raises an eyebrow again, but nods as-- “Galactic Empire!” 
“Galactic Empire?” Echo asks, and Tech questions it as well. Why would they change the name? There was no need? “For a safe and secure society!” That's when they all notice that the Regs have all started cheering for whatever this new Empire is, making Tech frown. Hen doesn’t understand any of this.
But Tech does know that this partly proves his theory. “Still don’t think the Regs are programmed?” He asks his brothers, as they all look around, and then leave the stage area, unwilling to be in this large of a group of Regs anymore. Although it’s not much of e getaway as the rest of the Regs are released immediately after.
As they walk through the halls, Echo decides to break the silence. “Galactic Empire? We’re soldiers of the republic.” He frowns, and Tech does as well. “Republic, Empire… what’s the difference?”
“The systematic termination of the Jedi is a big one for me.” Tech explains, looking at Crosshair with sadness in his eyes. “What is going on with you?” He asks, and Crosshair snarls. “Me? At least I’m not the idiot who doesn’t care about following orders, right four eyes?” Tech‘s eyes widen, and so does his brothers. He wants to cry, but before anyone can say anything Hunter puts a hand up. “Lads, we’ve got company.”
Tech raises an eyebrow, and they all turn to see a little blonde haired girl. “Hello.” He waves at them, and Wrecker immediately bends down. “What’s that?” He asks, making Tech adjust his goggles and hum. “Adolescent human female, origins… uncertain.” He explains, and that's when the girl smiles. “My name is Omega. I was wondering when you guys would come back.” Tech is confused, why would this girl be wondering when they would return?
“You know who we are?” Hunter asks, and Omega smiles, gesturing to each of them. “Hunter, Echo, Tech, Wrecker and Crosshair. You’re clone force 99.” She explains.
“You know us? That is very peculiar.” Tech mumbles, getting a grunt from Crosshair. “What are you doing on Kamino kid?” Hunter asks, kneeling down. “Yeah, there’s never any children here.” Echo muses, and Omega seems to be about to answer when-- “Her job, of course. She is my medical assistant. One with a curious mind that causes her to wander.” Nala Se interrupts them all, and Tech gets a bad feeling. “Well, better keep an eye on her then, don’t want her to get lost.” Hunter says softly, eyeing Omega with curiosity.
“I shall, do not worry. Come, Omega. There is work to do.” Omega nods, and follows Nala Se out, but not before she waves to them. “This day keeps getting weirder and weirder.” Hunter frowns.
They then all head to the barracks, walking in. That's when Hunter immediately walks over to Crosshair. He turns to the other three. “You three, out now!” They all listen, and Tech feels really nervous as Echo and Wrecker pat his shoulders. That’s when he finally breaks down, sobbing as Wrecker pulls him close.
Hunter glares at Crosshair as soon as everyone is gone. “What is wrong with you!!! Why did you treat Tech like that?!” He asks, anger filling his entire being. Tech and Crosshair have always been so close. Have been dating since they were Cadets, what is going on?
Crosshair huffs. “What about it? He was being annoying! He wasn’t following orders!” Hunter can see a blink of… something in Crosshair's eyes. He frowns, something’s wrong. Crosshair has never acted like this to Tech, not since the day they met.
“Crosshair… something’s going on. You and Tech love each other…” That’s when Crosshair huffs. “I don’t love him anymore.” Is all he says before sitting on his bunk. Hunter’s eyes widen. “What… Just this morning, you two were kissing and acting all lovey… what is going on?”
Crosshair just huffs, laying down and not looking at Hunter. The thing is, he wants to love Tech. But there is something that won’t let him. But Hunter doesn’t know that.
Hunter sighs, knowing that he won’t get anything else out of Crosshair right now. “Ignore me now, but we will be talking about what’s going on. You love Tech, I know you do.” There is sadness in his voice, Hunter knows this. Something is very wrong going on with Crosshair, and it’s scaring him.
He heads out and opens the door. “You guys can come in now. Tech, sleep in my bunk, alright? It’s been a while since we cuddled.” Tech sniffles and nods, quickly heading in as Hunter sighs and follows, Wrecker and Echo do as well. Tech is already undressed into only his blacks and curled in Hunter’s bunk, and Hunter does the same and walks over. He pulls a blanket over Tech and himself. 
“Hey, whatever happens. I’ll figure out what’s going on with Cross and fix it, I promise.” Hunter promises, hearing a sob from Tech as his little brother turns over. “I heard him say that he doesn’t love me anymore. We all heard it.” That startles Hunter, and Tech starts sobbing hard. Hunter frowns and pulls Tech into his chest, singing softly into his ear. Whatever happens, he needs to fix this.
Taglist: @youngcheesecaketale
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omgrachwrites · 4 years
Fizzing Whizzbees and Werewolves - Remus Lupin
Pairing: Remus Lupin x Reader
Summary: Your first date at Hogsmeade with Remus goes better than you ever thought it could.
Warnings: fluff, so much fluff!
Words: 1313
A/N: This is the sequel to Chocolate! I think that I’ll be doing a Remus mini series so I hope you guys enjoy this and please let me know what you think and let me know if you would like to be tagged! I love you all very much! xxx
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Butterflies fluttered in your stomach – you hated getting butterflies but you supposed that it was only natural – as you added the finishing touches to your hair and outfit. You could feel your best friend’s eyes burning into your back as you finished getting ready. Smirking, you turned around to look at her, she had an unreadable expression on her face but her eye were narrowed and you could feel the unsaid words hanging in the air.
“What’s the matter Lucy?” you asked her as you slipped into your jacket.
“I just can’t believe that you’re going out with Lupin when you could get anyone that you want Y/N.”
You pulled a face at her; you certainly didn’t think that you could get anyone you wanted, “oh behave, what’s wrong with Remus? He’s cute and sweet, and kind. He’s the whole package really.”
Lucy sighed as she folded her arms, “Y/N, he’s weird.”
You frowned as you shot her a nasty look, “no he’s not! Who says that he is anyway?” you demanded, you weren’t going to stand for anyone being horrible to him, and that included your best friend.
Lucy shrugged as she considered your words, “well everyone says it. He’s not called Loony Lupin for no reason, Y/N.”
You winced at Lucy’s words, you absolutely hated the fact that people called him that, “look,” you sighed, “please don’t be horrible about him, he’s a really nice guy and I’m excited to get to know him some more,” you glanced at the time and almost yelped, “I need to leave, like right now,” you gave her a quick hug and she smiled at you.
“Just, make sure you have a good time Y/N.”
You smiled at her and made your way through the Hufflepuff common room and you set out for The Entrance Hall where you’d be meeting Remus. He looked adorable and handsome (how could one person be adorable and handsome all at once?) as ever in an oversized navy jumper and his hair was unruly and tousled. His hair wouldn’t look right if it wasn’t tousled.
Remus grinned, his face lighting up as he saw you and he enveloped you in a warm hug, “hi Y/N, you look great!” he smiled shyly, fiddling with his fingers before pulling the sleeves over his hands.
You smiled at him, flushing slightly, “thank you Remus, so do you!”
He grinned at you and together you walked out of the castle doors and across the lawn, it was pretty awkward on the way up to Hogsmeade but as soon as you started chatting and finding out what you had in common, you both relaxed. It turned out to be a very pleasant walk in the end and the weather had decided to be good for your date. As you strolled up the winding lane that led up into the village, Remus turned to you and gave you a dimpled smile.
“So, what would you like to do today? Beyond the usual ‘let’s get a drink at The Three Broomsticks,’ that usually makes things awkward again,” he chuckled, his laugh made you feel all warm inside and the sound of it only drew you closer to him.
“I agree,” you giggled, chewing your lip. There was somewhere that you had always wanted to go, “can we go for a walk by The Shrieking Shack? My friends are usually too scared to accompany me, but I’m not scared.”
Surprise flitted over his face for a split second before he smiled at you. It was a smile that reached his eyes and there was a gleam of happiness in his pretty hazel eyes, “of course we can go Y/N, I’m not scared either,” though, his face betrayed his words and he looked slightly worried. Not scared, worried. But he said nothing further, he only reached down and laced his fingers through yours, shooting you a shy smile. You smiled back as your heart beat like a drum.
You didn’t feel even the tiniest twinge of fear as you and Remus walked around the abandoned house, you peered in all the smashed windows, wanting to go inside but the look on Remus’ face prevented you from asking him, “are you sure that you’re not scared being here? You’ve been very quiet; it’s fine if you are scared. We can just go back, it’s really not a problem,” you squeezed his hand comfortingly.
“Thanks Y/N,” he looked up and smiled at you, “but I’m not scared, I just don’t want to go in,” he looked at the ground, chewing his lip, “what do you think is in there? Do you think it’s a monster, like a werewolf?”
You frowned, glancing up at him but he refused to look at you, you couldn’t think why he was asking you, “well for starters, I don’t think that werewolves are monsters, they’re just people who are different. And, I think I’d feel sad, not scared if some poor person was shut away in there, knowing they had to transform alone.”
Remus looked back at you, his hazel eyes soft and almost vulnerable, “are you not scared of werewolves?”
You shrugged as you shook your head, you had never been scared of people who were different, “why should I be?”
Remus didn’t seem to have an answer, instead he pulled you close and kissed your cheek, “you’re an amazing person, Y/N Y/L/N,” his touch made your cheeks grow scarlet.
Soon the wind picked up, enough to make you shiver and Remus suggested going to buy some sweets, “what’s your favourite sweet?” he grinned as the two of you hiked back up the hill.
You smiled at him, usually you didn’t tell people the full story but you felt safe with Remus and you wanted him to know, “Fizzing Whizzbees. It’s a bit of a long story but my parents divorced  when I was very young and my dad used to take me to Diagon Alley every weekend and at the end of our trip he’d always buy me a bag of Fizzing Whizzbees, they’re his favourites too. A couple of months ago he suffered a stroke, he’s fine but he’s still in St Mungo’s. I go and see him as often as I can, with a bag of Fizzing Whizzbees,” you smiled, you didn’t want to break the happy mood, “what about you, why are you obsessed with chocolate?”
“Oh, Y/N. I’m sorry about your dad,” he sweetly kissed your knuckles, “and it was also my dad who got me into chocolate. When I was a little boy, I got sick all the time and to keep my blood sugar up, my dad would give me little bits of chocolate. He’d tell me that chocolate makes everything better and I have to say that he was right,” he smiled at you adorably and in that one fleeting moment you knew that you were done for.
Soon, you were both enveloped in Honeydukes’ sugary toffee scented warmth and you both stocked up on sweets before walking back up to the castle, digging into your sweets as you went. Like a gentleman, he walked you back to your common room and stood opposite you, taking both of your hands in his.
“I had a really great time today, Y/N. We’ll have to go on a second date,” he smiled as he cupped your cheek with a warm hand, his eyes flicking down to look at your lips. Your insides did a happy dance; you would love to see him again.
“I’d love that,” you blushed, leaning up on your tiptoes to close the gap between you. His lips were warm, slightly chapped and they felt wonderful against yours as he kissed you back. Remus’ lips tasted of chocolate and sugar; they were so sweet that it made you want to kiss him over and over again.
@smiithys​ @obsessedwithrandomthings​
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abundanceofsoph · 4 years
SkyFire 2: Chapter 1
Saint Lucia & NYC: January 2016
Word count: 2.6k
CW/TW consider this a standing warning for this entire series. Aurora has PTSD and severe damage to her left hand after being involved in a mass shooting during Part 1. The ramifications of that come up quite often in the early chapters of Part 2
>Instagram posts 
Aurora spent the first day of the new year in surgery, once again working to piece her left hand back together. She had undergone 3 surgeries in as many months to repair the horrific damage that had been caused to her hand and she’d long since stopped paying attention to the surgeons. Instead she just let her fathers hyper-focus on the details of every procedure, but she was pretty sure she remembered them saying that the focus of this latest operation was to repair the muscles and reattach them to the correct place in her hand which was still mostly made of plates and screws. She very rarely took the brace off but when she did, the vast web of scar tissue stretching across her skin made her stomach roll and pitch. She had been trying not be shallow about it but she couldn’t help but hope that when the surgeons were finished cutting her open over and over again, that a plastic surgeon would be able to do something about the scarring like they were planning to do with skin grafts on her shoulder masking the bullet wound that had ripped through her skin there.
When she awoke in the hospital, Harry was waiting patiently by her side, with Tony and Steve nearby as they always were. Since the band’s final performance before Christmas, Harry had barely left her side, for which Aurora was intensely grateful. Having his comforting presence next to her every night had kept the nightmares at bay and she had actually found herself able to enjoy the holiday season, much to her own surprise. She was able to go home the day after the surgery once the surgeon had once again run through the extensive list of post-op procedures for her to follow.
They had a big family dinner the night after the surgery celebrating Aurora’s 21st birthday a few days early before Harry whisked them away to spend 2 weeks in Saint Lucia, soaking up the sunshine.
They arrived late in the afternoon and caught a cab from the small airport to the beach side cottage Harry had rented for their stay. They were both tied from travelling and decided to curl up together on the sofa and watch movies instead of heading out to explore.
When she woke the next morning, she was alone in the bed, bright sunshine streaming in through the open windows and the sound of the nearby waves filling the small house. She climbed out of bed, throwing Harry’s discarded shirt over her and padded out towards the kitchen where she could hear soft music playing.
“Morning,” she mumbled, wrapping her arms around his waist as he stood at the stove, flipping pancakes. She kissed across his bare shoulders as she tried to wake up fully.
“Morning, love,” Harry replied, moving the pan off the heat so that he could turn around in her arms and kiss her softly. “How d’you sleep?”
“The best I have in weeks,” she replied with a yawn, letting go of him to head to the fridge and pour them both a glass of orange juice. She sat down at the island bench while Harry finished putting together their breakfast and then they both walked outside to the little table and chairs set up on the patio, looking out over the beach.
“It’s so beautiful here,” Harry said after he swallowed the first bite of his pancake.
“It’s perfect,” Rori agreed. “Thank you for bringing me here.”
“Had to make your 21st special,” Harry smiled. “Want to head down to the water after breakfast?”
They chatted aimlessly as they ate, staring out across the waves and soaking up the early morning sunshine. Once they finished eating, they took the dishes to the sink and then Aurora headed into the bathroom to change into her swimsuit. Harry slipped into his yellow shorts and threw on a white t-shirt, then started to rub sunscreen on his arms and legs while he waited for Rori. She came out of the bathroom a few minutes later, her hair up in a messy bun, a light blue one piece covering the scars on her stomach. Without a word, she stepped in front of where he sat on the edge of the bed and he rubbed sunscreen across her shoulders and down her arms. He didn’t say anything when he saw that the brace was still in place on her arm, instead continuing down to cover her legs as well.
“All done,” he said, lightly slapping her arse and causing her to jump and let out a squeak. He stood up, grabbing two towels to leave on the patio and started to head for the door.
“Wait,” Rori called out before he stepped outside. “Before we go out…” She took a deep breath and Harry quickly walked back towards her, placing his hands on her shoulders as she steadied herself. “I can’t go in the water with the brace on,” she finally said. “But before I show you, I just need to warn you that it looks really bad Harry.”
“It’s ok,” Harry promised. “You can show me.”
She took another deep breath before unstrapping the brace and removing it. Harry reached towards her hand, stopping when his fingers were nearly touching her.
“May I?” He asked, looking up and searching her face for any hint of distress.
She nodded quickly. “Just be gentle,” she whispered.
His fingers ghosted over her skin, tracing the spiderweb of scars across the back her hand, up across her wrist and onto her forearm. The newest incision from the surgery she’d gone through earlier in the week was covered by an opaque plastic bandage. He traced the edge of it with the tips of his fingers.
“It’s waterproof,” Rori explained. “Dr Walker said it will be fine in the ocean, but I’ve got a spare one in case I have to swap it over before we leave.”
“Does it hurt when I do this?” Harry asked, tearing his eyes away from her hand to look back at her face.
“No.” She smiled softly back at him. “It feels amazing to not be hiding anything from you anymore.”
“I love you,” he replied, kissing her deeply. “Now there’s a beach out there with our name on it.”
They both grabbed their sunglasses off the kitchen counter, then headed out through the door and straight down into the waves. The bright sunshine had warmed the water and Rori smiled brightly as she sank down until only her head was left above the surface.
They spent the next two weeks sunning themselves on the beach, swimming in the ocean and wrapped up in each other’s arms. The warmth helped chase away the aches in Rori’s shoulder and spending everyday laying out in sun beside the beautiful Caribbean waters was exactly what they both needed to relax and unwind after an exhausting year. Harry rented a boat for them for Aurora’s birthday and they’d spent the day sailing around the island. On one of the other days they hiked into the rainforest. It was a beautiful trip and Harry loved seeing a constant smile on Rori’s face, but before either of them liked, the two weeks were over, and they headed back to New York. When they returned from the Caribbean, Aurora went back to her surgeon for a follow up appointment.
Harry sat beside her as they waited in the Doctors office, holding her hand. Thankfully they didn’t have to wait too long before Dr Walker entered the room, she was surprised to notice that Aurora wasn’t joined by either of her fathers but rather by a young man she assumed was the elusive fiancé she had heard about but not yet met.
“Good to see you again, Aurora,” she said when she took her seat in front of them, her desk was set against the far wall allowing her more space in the small room. “How are you today?”
“Good to see you too, Dr Walker,” Rori smiled. “I’m really good. This is Harry.”
“The illusive fiancé?” she asked as he shook her hand.
“The one and only,” Rori chuckled, a slight blush colouring her cheeks.
“How was your birthday?” Dr Walker asks. “You’re looking very tanned.”
“It was wonderful, Harry took me down to Saint Lucia for the last 2 weeks. We only got back yesterday.”
“That would explain why you asked about salt water when I last saw you,” she laughed. “How was the hand while you were away?”
“It was ok. “Aurora shrugged. “I had to change out the bandage after about a week, but I made sure the stiches stayed dry the whole time. It’s still hurts if I try to move my fingers, but I think the warm weather helped. My shoulder feels better than it’s been in months.”
“That all sounds good,” the doctor nodded. “I’m planning to look at your knuckles when I next operate so that should help with the pain and we’ll get you in to physical therapy in a month or two to start getting things moving a little bit.”
“That would be great,” Rori nodded. The Doctor wheeled her chair closer to Rori then, asking for her hand and removing the brace and bandages to inspect the most recent wound. Aurora winced when she pressed on a certain spot and Harry squeezed her other hand.
“Everything looks to be healing nicely,” she said after a few minutes. “I’ll have a nurse remove the stitches and rebandage it before you head home.”
“Thank you,” Rori replied, resting her hand back in her lap.
“Now I hope you don’t mind but I’ve been talking with Dr Forster and since I know you hate surgery days, we thought we might combine the next one for your hand with your skin graft surgery.”
“Really, you can do that?” Aurora asked excitedly. “That’s sounds so great!”
“Skin grafts?” Harry asked, speaking up for the first time since greeting the doctor.
“We are going to use skin from Aurora’s forearm to try to smooth out some of the scarring on her shoulder,” Dr Walker explained. “I’m looking at early February for our next surgery, does that work for you?”
“I’m going to London at the start of February,” Aurora replied, looking to Harry and smiling.
“We can come back a little early,” Harry said. “Like maybe around the 4th or 5th?”
“Let’s pencil it in for the 7th?” the doctor asked.
“Ok,” Rori nodded, excited to finally have her scarring addressed, but overall, not enthused by the prospect of another surgery.
“Excellent,” Dr Walker replied. “Know let’s get a nurse to get those stitches out and then you can go back to enjoying the rest of your day.”
Harry stayed in New York for another week after the appointment with Aurora’s surgeon before he had to fly to London for meetings. Aurora decided to stay behind in New York, and the two made plans for her to join him at the end of the week for his birthday.
With Harry in London for meetings all week, Aurora decided to finally head down to her art studio for the first time in months. It was a cold January day, but the sky was clear, and the sun streamed in through the massive floor to ceiling windows in the studio, warming the room and bringing a smile to Rori’s face as she set up a canvas on her easel.
Aurora threw down her paint brush in frustration. She hadn’t even been in the studio an hour and she had already spilt her paints 3 separate times. With her left hand still wrapped up in its brace, she was struggling to stabilize her palette on the worktable she had dragged over next to her easel. Angry tears stung her eyes and she found all her inspiration for the half-finished canvas in front of her evaporating. She left the room in a huff, turning towards her music studio down the hall in the hopes of channelling her bubbling emotions into her other avenue of art. She lasted barely 20 minutes in the studio, struggling to utilize any of the instruments with only one hand, before her anger intensified beyond her control.
“Sir? Captain? It appears that Miss Stark is quite destressed in her recording studio and she may have reinjured her left hand.”
Tony’s head snapped up at JARVIS’s announcement, his eyes locking with Steve’s across the workshop. He saw his own concern mirrored on his husbands face as they both lurched to their feet and rushed from the room.
A chair smashed against the wall when they entered the recording studio that Tony had built for their daughter, and said daughter was crying hysterically in the middle of the room, clutching her injured hand to her chest. Damaged instruments scattered the room and sheet music had be thrown across the floor. They both rushed towards her, Tony reached her first and wrapped his arms around her from behind as she screamed wordlessly, sobbing as her legs gave out, his grip the only thing keeping her on her feet. Steve joined them a moment later, adding his arms to the hug and sandwiching the young woman between them both. They sank to the floor together as her screams died down and her sobbing lessened. Nobody spoke as she continued to shake in their arms, her face pressed into Steve shoulder.
“What happened baby?” Steve asked softly after her breath finally began to even out.
At first, she didn’t answer, but when she did her voice was hoarse and cracked.
“I wanted to work,” she explained in barely more than a whisper. “I had lyrics in my head, and I wanted to get it out, but I can’t.” Her tears returned then, coating her cheeks and staining Steve’s shirt. “I can’t play anymore, and I couldn’t even keep the paper from sliding around when I tried to write.”
“JARVIS said you hurt your hand,” Steve said, reaching out to as if to touch the hand through its brace.
“I think I hit it when I through the bass at the wall,” she admitted guiltily. “I’m sorry dad,” she added, finally lifting her head to look at Tony over her shoulder. “I didn’t mean to trash everything. I just got so angry.”
“It’s ok kiddo,” Tony promised. “We can replace all of this. I’m just worried about you.”
“I don’t know what I’m supposed to do now,” she admitted. “I can’t play. I can’t write. Painting is so hard without being able to hold the palette and I can’t get my sketchbook to stay still on the table to sketch. What am I supposed to do with my life?”
“I don’t know baby,” Steve said, not wanting to lie to her. “But we’ll work it out, ok?”
“The surgeon said my hand will never be the same, no matter how many more surgeries I have,” Rori reminded the two men and then she whispered a sentence they both instantly knew would haunt them for months. “Sometimes I wish I’d died that day.”
“Please don’t say that baby,” Tony begged. “We’ll help you figure this out. I promise it won’t always hurt like this.”
Between the two of them, Tony and Steve managed to calm her down and the three of them made their way back upstairs and curled up on the sofa together to watch a movie.
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crushedbyhyperbole · 5 years
Promises - Chapter Six
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Chapter Summary: Rules and red tape.  Bucky and Izzy make the agreement that will redefine their friendship from then on out.  Bucky thinks this is singularly the best and the worst idea he’s ever agreed to.  It’s not like there’s a chance something will go wrong further down the line, right?  Right?
A/N: Ok so I toyed with abbreviated text speak for the [text messages] but it annoys me so much I can’t bring myself to put it in there, authenticity be damned.  Yes, I’m anally retentive, it IS a big problem, and no, I’m not currently seeking help ;)
I’m just going to apologise that this chapter is mainly dialogue, and probably not all that good dialogue either, but it sets everything up for Bucky and Izzy’s friends with benefits relationship.  The next couple of chapters after this are going to be smut central so you have been warned.
Warnings:  Tiny bit of angst - Bucky is feeling the stress. Mostly just fluff and talking.
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Belated Prologue Part Five - The Rules
At a little after lunch time the next day, Bucky’s phone buzzed to life.
  [Izzy]  Morning Buckinator!  This is your next morning sobriety text! X
So much for her forgetting, he thought ruefully.  I guess I’m really gonna have to consider the options, now.  Fuck!
  [Buck]  Good morning.  You feeling rough? x
  [Izzy]  I feel like I licked the inside of a trash can.  What did you give me to drink?  Booty juice? X
  [Buck]  Hey, you asked for it x
  [Izzy]  I remember asking for something else too… so how about it? ;)
Euphoria.  Fear.  Anticipation.  Dread.  He felt them all and more each time he thought about the predicament that Izzy was putting him in.  He made a promise to himself that he’d keep his feelings under wraps, and do whatever he could to keep her in his life.  She was offering him something that he never thought he’d ever have but it was only half of what he wanted and it could ruin them if things went badly.
Rules were a good idea, they would help keep things in check and set boundaries.   There were only a few things that Bucky really wanted out of this arrangement and that was to safeguard their friendship and for it not to be a drunken booty call thing.  Oh, and safe sex.
  [Buck]  I dunno Iz we got a lot to lose if this goes bad x
  [Izzy]  It won’t.  Pinky promise. XX
She had to go and say fucking ‘pinky promise’.
  [Buck]  What got you started on this idea?
  [Izzy]  Honestly?  I’m horny and every guy I meet either comes with some amount of bullshit that I just don’t have the time or energy for right now.  I need a friend, someone who understands and will share this with me.  Guys I meet for 1 night are just there to get themselves off.  I want a bit more respect than that. X
  [Buck]  And your 1st thought was me? xx
  [Izzy]  Actually no, my first thought was paying for an escort but that doesn’t get you over the awkwardness of sex with a stranger. X
  [Buck]  I dunno that can be fun :p
  [Izzy]  Fun but not what I’m looking for. X
  [Buck]  Fair enough.  Why me? xx
  [Izzy]  Of all of the people I know who would probably sleep with me, you’re the safest option.  I can’t ask Steve, he’d die of embarrassment lol. X
Steve would probably drop down dead if Izzy had asked him.  As it was, Bucky wasn’t doing much better.  His mouth was dry and he was almost shaking with nerves, skin pale and clammy.  Panic was growing in his chest and all he could think about was losing her if this all went tits up.  He registered somewhere in the back of his mind that Izzy had put him on the list of people who would maybe want to sleep with her.  He didn’t know if that said more about her or him, and didn’t know if he should be offended or not.  He let it slide.
  [Buck]  I’m pretty much dying over here too xx
  [Izzy]  You can say no, Bucky. I’ll not be upset or anything. XXX
  [Buck]  true story? x
  [Izzy]  True story.  Listen, are you free in an hour? X
  [Buck]  Yep, I work at 6 though x
  [Izzy]  Come round to mine, we’ll talk ok? XX
  [Buck]  Ok doll xx
Jesus what was he doing?  This had to be the worst and the best idea of all time.  He was torn between protecting what he had and seizing this new opportunity.  He might actually get the chance to sleep with Izzy, more than once too, and have it not ruin their friendship
 Izzy answered the door in lounge wear; black leggings, novelty slippers and a huge white rolling stones t-shirt.  There was no big showy seduction going down here which made him feel more at ease.  He was usually confident when it came to sleeping with women but this was one of his best and oldest friends.  There was a history there that he cherished as much as he cherished her.
“Drink?”  She offered, shuffling off to the kitchen in her slippers.
“Soda, coffee, whatever.  I’m easy.”
“Well I had heard that about you but I didn’t want to believe the gossip.”  She quipped.
“I see my reputation precedes me.  I presume that’s why I’m here.”  It was half a joke and half serious.
He was curious as to whether Izzy had chosen to ask him because he slept around a little and had no problem with no strings sex.  The problem was, with her, there were so many strings it was a tenuously strung web of feelings and memories.  No part of this was going to be easy for him, but she had asked, and he would give her anything.
She passed him a chilled can of diet Pepsi before slouching on the sofa.  She seemed comfortable with him, even in this awkward situation.
“I wouldn’t say it preceded you but I’m aware of it.”  She smirked lightly.
“I do come with recommendations.”  Bucky raised a sarcastic eyebrow.
She nodded, distracted, distant.  The missed opportunity for a ‘your mom’ joke betrayed her nerves.
“Look, you can say no.  I understand it’s not ideal.  I just need someone reliable who gets me and won’t hurt me.  Someone I connect with but who won’t make demands on my time or dictate to me how to live my life.  You’re one of the most laid back guys I know and you’ve always looked after me, Bucky.  I just need someone I can be with without any drama, you know, without any bullshit.”
Bucky felt like he was watching the scene from somewhere deep in his skull, too far behind his own eyes for him to actually be in control of his own mouth at this point.  What she was asking for was virtually everything he wanted but he wanted love too.  She was willing to give him almost everything he wanted other than a full-on relationship.
He decided it was as close as he was ever going to get and who knew, maybe the feelings would come for her later, just maybe she could learn to love him like he loved her.  Or even part way to that and he’d be ok with it.
“I know I can, Iz, it’s just that I really cherish what we have and if this thing that we’re talking about here doesn’t work, and if it ruins our friendship I don’t know what I’d do.  You and Steve, you’re everything to me.  I can’t lose you, not for a few tumbles in the sack.”  He was being as honest as he could without breaking his promise to himself.
“Then that’ll be one of the rules.”  She said, regarding him carefully.
Bucky licked his lips absently as he thought about it.  It could work, if they absolutely promised each other that their friendship came first, no matter what.
“Okay.”  He said, blowing an unsteady breath out through pursed lips.
“Okay?”  She jumped with anticipation.
“Yeah.”  Bucky sighed right before Izzy threw herself forward to hug him.
“You’re awesome!”  She breathed against his neck.
She felt different, all of a sudden.  The giddy thrill of holding her with his feelings kept hidden had been replaced with the deep burn of longing.  He had permission to want her now, permission to touch her more than he ever had, but yet he didn’t.  They needed to set boundaries.
Pulling away, he stood up, turning his back to her as he collected himself.
“I have requirements.”  Bucky said, after a few long moments of silence where they both just existed in the space, contemplating how everything was going to be different for them both after this.
“Okay,” she pulled out her phone.  “Rule 1.”
“Protection.  The sex always has to be safe.”
“Okay, yeah, good.”  She typed quickly.  “Rule 2.”
“Respect.”  Bucky crossed his arms across his chest and frowned slightly as he searched for the right words.  “No drunken booty calls, or making the other person feel shit for saying ‘no’.  We respect each other as we always have and respect our other friends too.”
“Okay, got it.”  She smiled softly.
“You do one or I’ll feel like I’m dictating.”
“Rule 3.  No catching feelings.”  She said after a long pause.  “If it’s just sex it should be just sex.  One person falling for the other will probably end in disaster so no feels and no jealousy.”
That was her first rule, no falling in love with him?  Did it matter that he had already fallen for her?  She said ‘no catching feelings’ but his were already caught.  No matter how he looked at it, it still hurt to hear.
“Ok, in that case rule 4 should be no displays of affection.  No kissing, no cuddling, no holding hands romantically, no gifts other than maybe the standard shit we’ve always done at Christmas or birthdays.”  He clenched his jaw slightly.  This was more difficult than he’d thought it would be.  “Rule 4 supports rule 3.  If there’s to be no chance of one of us catching feelings then avoiding the little things like that will help.”
“Right.”  Her fingers tapped frantically over her phone screen. “Rule 5.  We both have to get off.  I’m about done with guys and their panda antics.”  She said with a frustrated sigh.
“Panda antics?”
“You know.  That joke?  Why is a man like a panda?  Because he eats, shoots and leaves.”
“Ohhhh, that’s witty.”  Bucky smothered his smirk.  “You know I’d never do that to you, right?”
“Let’s call this insurance.”
“What if I want to get you off but not myself?”  He couldn’t believe he was even discussing this stuff with her.
“I suppose that’s your call.”  She bit her lip thoughtfully.  “Okay, so we both have to be willing to make sure we both get off, unless we choose otherwise for ourselves.”
“Okay, deal.  Rule 6.”  Bucky sat back down beside Izzy, the warmth of her leg against his was both comforting and alluring.  “We only do this while we’re both single.  And we’re up front about the people we’re seeing.”  He wanted to know in advance if there was to be someone else on the scene.
“As soon as we think we might like someone we press pause.”  Izzy was concentrating on getting it all down on her phone as Bucky watched her.  The way she chewed the inside of her mouth, her minuscule frown.  He couldn’t believe he was this close to having her.
“Rule 7?”
“Rule 7.”  She mused.  “We have to keep it secret.”
“Yeah, Steve would freak the fuck out!”
“Imagine the lectures?  Oh god!”  She laughed.
“No one is gonna understand this whole thing so yeah, keeping it to ourselves is a good call.”  Bucky could do that.  The only person either of them would have an issue keeping a secret from was actually Steve.  It would be interesting to see if he could tell there was something going on.
“Rule 8.  Just sex, no making love.”  She sat back against the cushions as she wrote.  “No sleepovers in the same bed either.  And we should probably avoid using the word ‘love’ at all too.”  She tapped her phone against her thigh as she mentally weighed the idea.  “If we never say it, even to describe something, then it can never be misconstrued.  Rule 3, remember?”
“Sure.”  He said in absent agreement.  “Define making love.”
“Oh, you know, slow and passionate, with kissing and holding each other.  Staring lovingly into each other’s eyes, that sort of thing.”
“Right.”  He had a significant downward turn to his excitement now.  All these rules put in place just to stop either of them from catching feelings.  Knowing when you were breaking rule 8 might be difficult but he supposed that if you left out the kissing and eye contact then some slow sex might get past unnoticed.  “Rule 9?”
“No nudes.”
“Seriously?”  Disappointment didn’t cut it.
“Seriously!”  She chastised.  “There’s no way I’m letting naked pictures of myself anywhere near your phone, that any one of your friends might see… Hell no!”
“What if I wanted to send but not receive?”
“You wouldn’t want to receive?”
“Well, yeah I would, but…”
“No nudes, Bucky.”
“Ahh come on, you’re breaking my balls here.”
“What would you want them for anyway?”
“You have to ask.”  He laughed.
Izzy just shook her head with a bemused smile.  She knew, of course she did.  All guys liked to keep something to get them going with their personal time.
“Okay then, rule 10?”
The pair of them pondered in silence for a few moments.
“I got nothing.”  Bucky shrugged.
“Ooooh!”  Izzy twitched.  “Rule 10 should be the all-encompassing friendship rule.  Our friendship comes first, no matter what.”
How could he have forgotten that one?  It was the thing that was most important to him.  The first thing he’d said before they even started concocting rules and boundaries.
“That’s the most important thing to me, Izzy, I mean it.”
“Me too.”  She smiled and squeezed his hand.
After a long pause, she read through the 10 rules they had drawn up.  There were a few things that weren’t covered but they could go on for days creating red tape for themselves.
Red tape, hmm, I wonder. 
“So is there anything you don’t like, or won’t try?  Anything that’s a total turn off?”  Bucky wanted to get some insight into the territory he’d be traversing.
“Honestly, I don’t know.  I guess we just talk about it?  Do the respect thing, no forcing each other and no guilt trips if one of us says no.”
“Sounds fair.”  Bucky nodded.  “And when exactly are you thinking we start this arrangement?”
“Whenever you’re ready.”  She said calmly, like this wasn’t the most nerve racking thing he’d done since leaving the army.
Bucky just blinked.  Was he ready?
Continue to chapter seven >>>
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lemonybaby67 · 6 years
Think About It pt.1 || Chris Bang
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⇢ summary: you were never one for parties, drinking or even sex. how could you? you were a virgin, not even having your first kiss yet. sure you had just turned eighteen, but there was no one out there for you. that is until the school’s certified bad boy takes a notice to your existence. (high school au)
⇢ genre: angst; smut; one shot
⇢ word count: 3053
⇢ warnings: swearing; smut (semi-public sex, wall sex, mild praise kink)
⇢ note: chris is a whole ass snack fight me. so sorry that this is short.
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Fuck. Life can’t get any better than this.
This is your last year, your senior year of high school. God it’s frustrating. Exams, friendships, collage, work, sex. Woah! Way off course there. Where has your head been?
Life was chaos. Life was shit. Nothing could change your mind.
It was your last period of the day, calculus. Finally, time to sleep. You’re calculus teacher never cared what the class did, but since it was everyone’s last year, everyone worked at their own pace. Some kids would team up and work together while your teacher watched reruns of Young and The Restless on her laptop.
Sighing, you placed your junk on an empty desk. You ran your fingers in your hair before plopping down in your seat. The stress of school finally caught up with you, and it was over whelming.
Shaking your head, you took out your textbook and notebook and started working.
34. Solve and show your work.
F(s) = L(f(t) = 0¥ e -st f(t) dt
You looked at your book in shock. When in the world would you ever use this?Groaning, you slammed your head into the desk. You were never going to get through this year. It would take a miracle.
You brought your head back up to do your work, but met eyes with the school’s legendary bad boy. He had a whole gang behind him, most being freshmen and sophomores. Sure he was hot, but he was deadly. Anyone who crossed paths with him would be obliterated. His name? Chris Bang. However, he made sure that everyone called him Bang Chan, or Chan for short. 
Girls drooled on him. He was a player, a ‘fuck boy’ if you will. You were even surprised how he had relationships with four teachers, half of the students in school, and managed to keep straight A’s. It was amazing how he still hasn’t failed. Remember how if someone crosses Chris that they’d be a pancake? Well they’d never see the sun ever again if they crossed any of his kids. Stray Kids, that’s what they called themselves. They never played by the rules of the system, making sure that the schools knew that everything was bullshit. They were a glitch in the matrix. The rules didn’t apply to them.
He looked at you for a second before standing up, moving over to you, a smirk played on his lips. The classroom went silent, waiting for him to do something.
Noticing the change in the atmosphere, he yelled, “Hey, can’t a guy get some privacy?” With that, the room went back to it’s chatty self. 
The elder grabbed a chair, placing it in front of your desk, settling himself so that his legs were on wither side of the head. The classic ‘fuck you’ position.
He placed his head on your book, blocking your view from the problem. You frowned angrily. “Can you move?”
He looked up at you, his curly, dyed hair fell over his eyes a bit, making his usual hard look soft.
“No. I like it here, so sorry.” He shifted a bit, moving over your textbook a bit more. 
Giving up, you slumped back into your seat, arms crossed over your chest. He stayed there staring into your eyes. He was intimidating, no wonder he got away with literally anything. He could have Kim Kardashian give him a house with a single look. You gulped nervously, he was too intimidating, it was unsettling. You must’ve been cowering in your seat because he softened his gaze on you. It was only then when you noticed that his eyes were a soft brown shade.
“So, I hear that you’re still a virgin.”
You gulped looking around, making sure no one else could hear you. You lowered your voice down to a whisper, “Who the fuck told you that.”
Chris put his hands up in surrender, lifting his head from your desk. “Rumors spread fast around here, but I guess that it isn’t a rumor, it’s the truth.” He raised an eyebrow, daring for you to deny it.
Anger boiled up inside of you, your blood reached unnatural temperatures. You struggled to keep from punching him square in the face. “Fine, what do you want from me.”
Chris smirked at you, leaning in to whisper in your ear. “Just wondering if it’s boring being one. You know, loosing it is actually pretty fun. Call me if you ever need a release.” He slipped a folded piece of paper into your jacket pocket.
With that he was back at his previous seat, with two other guys, one with with purplish-silver hair, the other had strawberry blonde hair. 
Placing your hand in your pocket, you fished out the piece of paper. Unfolding it it read:
Think about it sweet cheeks - B.Chan
Rolling your eyes, you placed it back into your pocket, trying to focus on your work. But somewhere in the back of your mind, you were urging yourself to text him. He was fine with it, you needed a break, it was your senior year. Everything was fine.
A minute before the bell rang, you took out your phone, plugging in the number.
To: xxx-xxx-xxxx
(1:34 pm) Meet me behind the school today, near the construction site. - Y/n
You closed your phone, watching Chris to see his reaction. His phone buzzed in his pocket, reaching in, he read the text. A second later, he looked up at you and winked. 
Feeling your cheeks burn in embarrassment, you turned away, walking over to the door, leaving the classroom.
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The hallways finally emptied when Chris left the room, trying not to draw any attention to himself. He couldn’t believe that you were truly up for it. He never really tried to target virgins, but something drew him to you. It may have been that he’s never done it with a virgin and you were possibly the only one left at school. It could have been how unnaturally pretty you were. Well, whatever it was, he was entranced by you. He needed you, more than he’s ever needed anyone else. It was shocking to even him. Woojin noticed his bizarre behavior, and urged him to go for it. 
So that’s what he was doing. However he couldn’t help but feel nervous. Why was he nervous? There should be no reason for it. He’s had sex so many other times with people younger and older than him, so why was he nervous?
Before he could even think about why, he reached the back of the school, where you were waiting. You looked so pretty, hair tied back, loose strands in your face. Plump, pink lips perfect for kissing. You’re cute button nose. He had to restrain himself from taking you right then and there on the wall of the school. However there was a bit of common decency in him that waited for your consent.
You shifted back from foot to foot, nervous. “Um, so-” You were silenced by a finger on your lips. Chris had moved closer to you, so close that you could feel his warm breath lightly fan your face. The atmosphere thickened quickly.
“Trust me on this Y/n, I know what I’m doing. Just try not to moan too loudly. You got that baby?” He tilted you chin up to make you look in his eyes. You nodded slightly. “Good, are you sure about this?”
He was a gentleman when he wanted to, but you snapped out of it, remembering that he didn’t care.
You nodded, feeling Chris place his lips on yours. Fireworks. That’s all you could feel as the two of you melted into each other. He was intoxicating. He smelled of sandalwood and tasted of oranges with a hint of rosemary. You immediately wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer. So this was the kiss of legends. The kiss that made people question their own beliefs. You loved it.
Chris placed his arms around your waist, bringing your body closer to his. You laced your fingers through his soft locks, wishing that you could do that forever. The kiss was getting so heated that you pulled away, forehead resting on his. The two of you were a panting mess. His arms hovered over yours, creeping up to your cheeks. He held you in his hands, urging you to kiss him again.
You pounced. He was your air, your oxygen. Without him, you’d be dead. You needed him, and he you.
Chris must have been feeling needy because he brushed his tongue against your bottom lip, asking you for permission to enter. Feeling submissive, you obliged. Thought of the act made you cringe before, but experiencing it now was a drug. He explored your mouth, not missing one nook or cranny. 
The clothes on you began to restrict your actions, making them harder for you to melt into his touch. Pulling away, you stared into his lust filled eyes.
“Chan, I need you.” You panted for a second, catching your breath.
With that, he grabbed the hem of your light blue top, lifting it over your head. The warm air on your stomach and breasts made you shiver with anticipation. Chris wasn’t meeting your eyes, but your round, perky chest. You were always self conscious about your body, but the second Chris started admiring you, you reached a whole new level of confidence.
Hesitantly, he licked his lips, practically drooling over you. “C-can I?” He slowly raised his hand, stopping just before he grabbed your left breast to look you in the eyes. He may be a fuck boy, but he was acting more mature than usual in this moment.
This was it. It’s now or never. “Yeah.” You nodded as well, just for reassurance.
Chris’ eyes grew wide as he softly cupped you. His hands were huge; they  looked so perfect resting on your chest. You gasped at the touch, shocked that this would be it. There’s no going back.
He wrapped his empty hand behind your back, releasing you of your confinements in a split second. He let go of you, letting you slide it off your arms. It fell to the ground, leaving your top completely exposed to the outside world. Fuck, the outside world. You immediately covered your boobs with your arms, feeling the insult come at you from your family, friends, teachers, even strangers.
Chris placed his hand back to your cheek. “Y/n, if you don’t want to do this then that’s fine.”
You shook your head. “Just strip already so we can get this over with. I have to be home soon so my mom doesn’t question where I’ve been.” You could feel your cheeks grow a light shade of pink.
No other words had to be shared before Chris stripped himself of his shirt and shorts, leaving him in his boxers. Damn was he toned. You knew he worked out often but you didn’t know she was ripped.
Gulping, you shimmied your way out of your pants, leaving yourself in only a pair of lacy underwear.
You were about to make a move on the elder once again, but he stopped you. “Listen here, if you want to have sex, there can’t be anything covering you, okay sweet cheeks?”
You frowned. “Well that goes for you too Chan.” You moved your hands down to your hips, dragging the thin piece of cloth off of you. Thank the lord I just shaved last night.
Chris smirked at you, admiring your naked body in all it’s glory. He could devour you right then and there, and he’d probably beg you for seconds. How did he not see you before? You were and angel, a total babe. What was wrong with him?
He made himself look away from you, determined to finally taste you before you ran off crying. He slid off his boxers, exposing himself to you.
You’re eyes went big. Dang he had a nice package. It wasn’t to big or too small. He was just the right size for your first and, probably, last fuck. The perfect size. He was pretty well trimmed as well, nothing too crazy.
You gulped. Shit.
Before you could do anything, Chris stepped over to you, no more than three inches apart from you. “Princess, do you want me?” Nod. “Do you need me?” Another nod. “Then get ready for the fuck of your life.”
You laughed. “Don’t get too cocky there Chan.”
He chuckled, putting his hands up in surrender. “My last name is Bang for a reason you know.”
You smiled, loosely wrapping your arms around his neck again, pulling him in close for a kiss. Naturally that kiss went heated the second it started. He tilted his head to the side, deepening the kiss more. You broke for air.
“Jump baby.” Hearing this term used daily at school, you obliged, wrapping your exposed legs around his bare torso. The kiss resumed almost instantly before he place your back gently against the wall of the school. You moaned, feeling him place his plump lips on your neck. He traveled around, trying to find your sweet spot. Once he hit it, you gasped, leafing your fingers though his locks, gripping on firmly.
You felt him smirk against your skin, he moved lower, towards your breasts. Teasing one of them fondly. He pinched your hard nipple, moans escaping your lips. He began to massage it as he placed his mouth on the other, tasting your sweet breasts.
You placed your head on the wall, eyes closed, “Chan, please. Don’t stop.”
He released your breast from his mouth with a loud pop. “Chris. Fuck, call me Chris.”
He couldn’t believe he just said that. He’s never asked a girl to call him by his first name during sex. It was unholy. Almost as if he would loose part of his soul if they called him by his real name. However with you, he needed to hear you moan his name. Just the anticipation alone was killing him.
Chris went back to having his mouth on your breast, sucking. You gasped. “Chris. God, yes!”
He couldn’t help but feel his boner come faster than usual. He tried to restrain himself, but with you panting his name, he couldn’t help it, and you felt it.
You grabbed Chris by his cheeks, forcing him off your breast. You missed the contact already. “Chris, I don’t have all day. Take me already.”
“Yes princess.” He smirked, grabbing himself and positioning it at your entrance. He stopped, remembering the condom. Quickly, he let go to you, knees on the ground to fumble through his pants’ pockets.
He grabbed one triumphantly, un wrapping it before placing it on his length, making his way back to you. You jumped back on him, feeling the contact of the rubber on your heat.
Gasping, you looked at Chris in his eyes.
“Baby, look at me. I want you to look at me when I cum in you okay?” You nodded, felling him slowly push himself into you.
Fuck it hurt. You were being ripped alive. You wrapped your arms around his broad shoulders, scratching his back, trying not to scream in pain.
“Fuck baby, you’re doing so good. Just a bit more just me. Don’t worry baby.” His soft whispers made you feel safe when you knew you shouldn’t have.
He fit himself inside you, he stretched you out, god you couldn’t fit anymore. Panting, you released your nails from his back, feeling better that the pain had subsided.
“Ready of the real fun Kitten?” Kitten? Where did that come from? He was no longer in control of his actions. nicknames and actions spewed out of him like they were used regularly, yet he’s never even considered them as a though before. Not even going to lie, both of you loved it. 
Slowly, Chris began to move, small thrusting, to get you adjusted to his size. You couldn’t help but beg for more. The pleasure was surreal. No wonder so many kids ditched school for it. Sex was more addicting than drugs or alcohol.
“Chris, faster. God faster, please.” You felt the grip on your waist tighten as he sped up his case, faster and faster.
“Fuck baby you’re so perfect. Yes, fuck. You like that? Shit.” He panted in your ear, making you feel pleasure all the way down to your toes.
The moment was perfect. The pleasure the two of you felt was insane. You needed him. More. You removed yourself from his shoulders, looking at him in the eyes. The amount of affection the two of you had towards each other made you question your every belief in relationships. His eyes shone not only lust, but something else you couldn’t quite put your finger on.
“Princess, I’m going to come okay? Fuck you’re so tight!” He lowered his head, regaining consciousness. 
Feeling the courage to spice things up a bit, you tightened yourself around his length. He couldn’t control himself, he released his seed in you, filling you up to the brim. Moans and yells escaped both of your lips. You collapsed into his arms, being released from your high.
He played you down, trying to regain the strength to stand again. He took off the condom, tossing it into the sewer not too far from you.
You couldn’t believe it. You just had sex with the school’s bad boy, and it was heaven.
About a half an hour went by, the two of you lying down on the grass, naked, behind the school, recovering from probably the best sex you’ll ever have. The silence was comfortable, until Chris got up, grabbing his clothes and dressing himself. You sat up, watching him cover his perfectly toned body. Of course, you were just another one of his daily fucks,
“Hey, perhaps tomorrow, if you're not busy, maybe you’d like to get coffee or something. I’m not really used to doing this. I don’t know, maybe I’m still high from your body or something, but I’d like to see you again.” He winked at you. “Think about it sweet cheeks.”
With that, he walked away, leaving you alone to your thoughts. Perhaps this wouldn’t be the worst year of your life.
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ongly · 7 years
Couple edition of “Drop the Mic”.
Okay so, enough with the talk of my inactive ass... this is something I had had in mind for a long time, I just didn’t know if I should post it because I was not sure it was appropriate for everyone, since it’s full of attitude. Here is a couple edition of James Corden’s show “Drop the Mic”, where you, a recently discovered actress, and Shawn, your boyfriend, throw shady (inside) jokes at each other. This is an adapted version of the old shows, which means, it’s a version without Baldpit, of course, because old is always gold. I really, really hope you like it and find this funny, somehow, because I was effing scared of posting this but, please, enjoy to the fullest and I hope you have fun!! Xxx
You look down at yourself, taking deep breaths, both trembling hands adjusting the belt on your black jeans. You felt too many hands on you which only got you more nervous. There seemed to be too many people to just adjust your hair, your bodysuit, which, in your understanding, showed too much cleavage, and re-touching your make up. You felt a cold touch under your chin, forcing you to move your head up. You faced your makeup artist as she brushed your cheeks a little more, down to your neck and then your chest.
“He won’t even keep his head in the game with these.” She smiled as you felt the brush tickling your skin down on your breasts. You let out a nervous chuckle and nodded. You could hear the noise growing outside of your dressing room, only causing your mind to spin.
It was the first time you were having such a big appearance, especially that public in what came to your present relationship. You had been recently discovered in the acting world, and finally taken to the spotlight of Cinema and Television. You were starring in a huge, brand new, TV show with one of the best writers and directors. Although you had done a few jobs before, which were the ones that got you to meet your current boyfriend, they weren’t so big and some of them weren’t even aired on those known channels, so no one actually acknowledged your hard work, until now. Not only you had a healthy and firm relationship with one of the biggest music sensations at the moment, you also were starting to work on a movie as well. It was like it was all starting just then.
Your thoughts were forcefully pushed back once you heard a knock on the door. You turned your head quickly to the side, your eyes locked on the door as it opened. A guy from the staff opened the door, pushing it away as a pair of long legs stepped inside your dressing room
“Five minutes.” You heard the staff guy warning. You were sure he mentioned something else but you quickly disconnected from everyone except Shawn, who walked towards you.
Everyone started pacing around. You heard your hair dresser informing you that you were ready, but your eyes were still locked in his. He stood before you, giving you a warm smile. You sensed your cheeks heating up once you felt his touch on your waist as he wrapped one arm around it, pulling you closer to him.
“You’re cheating.” He started, looking down at your body. You frowned, both of your arms travelling up his biceps, slowly moving further up as you wrapped them around his neck. You were confused. “It’s not a fair win, when you are wearing this.” He said, looking down at your cleavage.
You let out a chuckle, looking away. You knew it was too much but you couldn’t deny the fact that you loved to see jealousy plastered on his face, as he took in your appearance. You looked back at him, only to catch him looking again. You didn’t feel too comfortable, since it was not usual of you to wear those kinds of things, but when they suggested it, you agreed instantly, wanting to take that teasing game to the extreme, already knowing it drove him crazy whenever you wore a bigger cleavage, than you normally would.
You moved your hand from the back of his neck to his cheek, stroking it gently.
“Already assuming you’re going to lose?” You nodded playfully, disapproving his statement.
Shawn’s eyes clenched and you let out a giggle, moving away from him. He bit his lip letting his eyes travel down your body again as he watched you fixing your hair.
“Don’t flatter yourself. I’ve got some pretty good lines.” He warned you, his eyes going back up to meet yours. You smiled cheekily at him.
“I hope they’re not based on this little talk, because you’ll make a fool out of yourself.” You stated, harshly playing along with him, earning a chuckle.
Before he could answer, the door opened revealing the staff crew, calling out for the both of you. It was time. You both started walking to the door, Shawn following behind. Once you were out of the dressing room you were both taken to different directions. You gave him one last look as he put on his boxing robe. You took yours in your hand, getting a wink from him as he put the hood on.
“I love you.” He mouthed you and you smiled.
"I don’t.” You mouthed back, smiling, and he rolled his eyes.
You put your robe around your shoulders, getting some help from the staff as they tried to make it quicker. You smiled at him and blew him a kiss before the crew turned you around to get you on the entrance, before they could call your name. You were taking deep breaths as you looked down, trying to keep calm.
“Alright, alright!” You heard the crowd cheer as Reggie started to present the show. “Hold on to your pants because it’s time for a couple way of ‘Drop the Mic’!” The crowd cheered louder clapping their hands along.
You had been a fan of James Corden for a long time although you’ve never been on his show before. You happened to be with Shawn when James called him, proposing to him to do something like this and as the conversation flew between the two of them, James got really excited with the news of you getting on the big screens and without any hesitation he came up with the idea of having a couple edition of “Drop the Mic”. You were used to roast each other, playfully, at home, so you obviously agreed without even thinking twice.
Shawn’s name interrupted your thoughts, followed by a cheering crowd. People were going insane, at least that’s what it sounded like. You heard Shawn’s voice as he greeted Reggie and when you realize it, your legs are moving towards the stage, blinding lights hitting you when you feel a little push from the staff, after they handed you the mic you were going to use. You walked with your shoulders back and your chin up, raising a brow a little, enthusiastically dressing up as this fierce persona while raising your hands a little, letting them brush against the many that were hanging out as you passed through the screaming crowd.
You forced your trembling knees up as you took a few steps to the small stage. You looked up, facing Shawn. He gave you a little wink and the crowd cheered louder. You looked at Reggie, who was already laughing as he passed by Shawn to leave, once James got up the little stage, standing in the middle of the both of you. Your eyes were locked in Shawn’s as you both stood in front of each other, letting your boxing robes slide down your arms and slip down both of yours and his body, falling on the ground. James let out a loud laugh at the fake tension you and Shawn were pretending to have.
“Guys..” James started, reaching out for the both of you as you and Shawn took steps closer towards each other.
James kept laughing as he held both of his hands out, one on your shoulder, pushing you back and the other on Shawn’s chest, pulling him away from you.
Shawn was trying not to smile as he faced you, ignoring James’ hand on him, carrying on walking towards you. You kept your gaze locked on Shawn’s and once he was closer to you, you blatantly moved your gaze down his body and then back up, raising him a brow teasingly.
“Watch your neck, baby girl.” Shawn warned, taking the mic to his lips clearly pointing out the fact he was taller than you. Your chest was almost touching his, forcing you to look further up, head slightly thrown back.
You nodded at his statement and started walking back. You winked at him and he couldn’t hold it any longer. He smiled at you, shaking his shoulders a little as he stepped back, getting in his place.
“Guys please..” James started again, trying to hold back his laughter, the crowd kept cheering. “We agreed this would be soft.” He said, his expression changing into a more serious one as he looked at you and then at Shawn.
You nodded agreeing, throwing your hands up in defense. Shawn smiled, moving his head around, like he was snapping his neck, playfully warming up. James looked at the camera, you had tried to ignore whenever it was too close to you, and took a deep breath, acting out his concern.
“I really don’t want to witness a break up, here.” He said, the crowd screaming by that moment. You nodded and looked at James. He smiled at you, holding his hands up, trying to keep the crowd quiet before he could speak again. “You guys are amazing.” He said, nodding.
He took a few steps back, taking the mic up, close to his lips, again. He pointed out at you, raising his brows.
“Are you ready?” He asked you. You gave him a smile.
“I’m not the one you’re supposed to be asking that.” You fired back. James parted his lips as the crowd cheered once more. James looked back at Shawn who clenched his eyes at you. “I think it’s pretty clear who dresses the trousers at home.” You smiled. He let out a chuckle and James laughed, walking closer to him.
James placed one hand over Shawn’s shoulder and got closer to him. Shawn didn’t move. He kept his eyes on you, trying to hide his smile.
 “Mate, I’m sorry I suggested this, do you want me to put it down?” James jokingly whispered at Shawn. Shawn nodded and shook his shoulders off again.
“No, I mean... if that’s all she got…” Shawn teased, pointing out at you and giving you a look of disgust. The crowd was clapping harder again.
James laughed at the looks you both were giving each other. He stepped back and introduced you two properly, before letting you start. James left the stage, getting on the side of it and you didn’t move, letting Shawn be the one taking a few steps closer.
“Ladies first.” You spoke into your mic. Shawn let out a chuckle and nodded, looking around at the crowd. He looked back at you, taking his mic to his lips and raising you a brow.
“Is that all you got?”
“Haven’t you started yet?” You fired back, raising him a brow as if you were mirroring him. He smiled, nodding, looking at the ground.
“Give me a beat.” His voice echoed. The crowd stopped screaming so hard that time.
You looked at him, crossing your arms as you watched him sway to the beat. His head moved along with the beat, before he got into it. He looked back up at you, taking a few steps closer. Your heart was beating faster as you watched him naturally throwing his shade at you.
“Welcome to this world baby, I swear I had nothing to do with the way they got you here. I mean, you’re my girlfriend, but I didn’t know your characters name until now, and it’s almost the end of the year.”
You smiled and looked down as he came closer to you. The crowd loved it but you could still hear James laughter hovering all the screams.
Shawn got his hand to his chest as he made a few gestures to emphasize his words. You looked back up at him, a sly smile as he got even closer to you.
“I didn’t mean to be this rude, But it’s pretty clear to see.”
You looked down at where his finger was pointing only to find it centimeters away from your cleavage. You let out a chuckle.
“You got known for that beautiful front, I mean, at least that’s what got me. Because besides all those awesome outcuts, Who the fuck watches AMC?”
Your lips parted in surprise as he stepped back. The crowd went crazy, clapping and cheering for him. You took a deep breath. You knew it was just a show but you loved teasing him to his extremes and you knew he took it too far on purpose, so you were not sorry for what you were about to say.
You nodded and looked down at your feet as you moved closer to him, taking your mic to your lips.
“Alright..” You nodded, before facing him again.
He had the biggest smile on as he watched your cheeks redden. You were more than ready to have some fun. Your heart was pounding and it felt like you were about to blow up from excitement. You cleared your throat and got your shoulders back, tilting your head to the side a little before starting to answer him. Shawn smiled, his eyes traveling down your body as he took in your posture, finding it extremely sexy that you took this to heart, although deep down, he knew it was merely a joke. You asked for a different beat and it took you seconds to fall into it and starting.
“Oh, there it is the ‘no one knows you’ line!”
You turned around facing the crowd that was already cheering for you. You turned back to Shawn, pointing out at his figure.
“Pretty clever of you, the boy from that video compilation of ‘r.i.p vine.’”
He laughed and looked down but you moved further closer to him, patting your lashes as you played innocent to him.
“You started off easy, but we get it, you got big! Now your shirt doesn’t even fit you, because you’re getting fucking ripped. And although it might look hot, it still didn’t get you to fuck that girl from that video clip.”
You were on fire and you were hitting his nerve by the way his cheeks were reddening. You took his silence as a chance to add another verse. James was cheering, his mouth wide open in surprise. You gave Shawn a hard frown, taking another step closer to him before carrying on.
“Speaking of girls, I’m surprised you settled with me. Since the beginning of the year, you’ve been looking like that swift-ie. Or maybe it was me! You stumbled and I let you fall on my track, because before me, there was clearly nothing holding you back.”
The last sentence came out almost in a whisper. He looked at you, smiling, although you knew you were pissing him off. You dropped your eye slowly, winking at him before stepping away from him.
You could hear James going crazy in the back. Everyone was cheering for you now. You kept smiling sweetly at Shawn and he nodded in disapproval.
“Low blow.” He warned you, this time not speaking through his microphone, directly saying that to you. You blew him a kiss as an answer and he took a step closer to you as you stood back on your place.
You rose your arms, gesturing him to get closer as you shot him a challenging glare. He let out a chuckle and then got his chin up, looking around. He lifted his arm pointing at you.
“Alright, I want the same beat. Let’s do the same one.. can we do it?” he suggested. The crowd cheered and you bit your tongue as you watched him getting closer, bouncing his head to the same beat you rapped before.
He cleared his throat against the mic and looked up at you, raising his brows like he felt sorry for you, acting it out as he started again.
“You’re right, I did stumble. But it actually was on your IMDb page. It was rather blank and uninteresting at the time, Like that  guy’s...”
He looked up, his hand on his chin as he acted like he was thinking.
“..wait what’s his name.. oh, Nicolas Cage.”
He looked back at you and you held back your laughter. You nodded and he walked around you, pointing at you. You could say that, if it was in another situation, the way he was pointing at you and annoyingly hitting you with his index finger in the shoulder whenever he rapped another verse, was absolutely disrespectful, except it was kind of hot.
“You keep using my lines against me, we get it, you’re an actress. Your job is to memorize other’s creativity because you never seem to know what to say. But stop playing innocent, When we both know that, ironically, I’m not the one who asks for mercy at the end of the day.”
He did not take it there. You couldn’t believe your ears. You were not expecting him to take it that far.
Your mouth was wide open now as he stepped back, raising his arms in his defense. You tilted your head to the side. You both looked like little kids. James was in the back, raising his arms, laughing but still trying to put a hand on that show.
You, somehow, found it funny the way he was taking this personally. Although you were both public for a few months now, you never really took it out there. You kept your privacy, the way it was supposed to be, made a few jokes here and there but it was mostly Shawn who got things clear whenever your relationship was a topic at an interview. You were starting to find this kind of funny. It was good to see him so comfortable around you, even though this was going on television.
You looked down, asked for a different beat. You shook your arms a little bit, like you were easing the tension and then took the mic to your lips. You looked up at Shawn who had the mic ready to speak as well, getting closer to you and smiling, his free hand up, like he was about to stop you.
“You don’t have to do this.” He warned you.
You let out a chuckle through the mic and frowned.
“Are you scared?” You asked him, taking a step closer to him.
His free and went to your shoulder as he pat it slowly. You shrugged and took your hand to slap it away. The crowd cheered, letting out multiples ‘ohh’s’ as you looked up at him, walking towards him but consequently making him step back.
“Is that even a question?” He asked, his frown hardening.
“You got yourself in the way babe.” You warned him, stopping on your tracks. You looked around to the crowd who was clapping, your gaze stopping in the place where James was, laughing. You winked at him and his brows rose, worried with what you were about to say. You knew your lines and this was the perfect time to put it out there. “Give me a beat, please.” You asked and took a step back.
“So polite.” Shawn mocked you and you rolled your eyes, getting in your place.
The beat started and you bounced your head a little, still looking around, trying to find the right time to get in. You cleared your throat and looked back at your opponent, who was smiling as he watched you move teasingly closer to him.
“I take back what I said about your lines, Looks like you’re struggling to keep this on. Come on baby, show us the good writer that you are, And drop that image of the unknown boy from MAGCON.”
You pat your lashes as you got closer to him, playing innocent. Shawn was already chewing his cheek, arms crossed as he looked down at you. You were almost chest to chest with him and you could hear James trying to tell you something, which you were obviously ignoring. Shawn looked down at you, trying to hide his smile and play strong when your free hand was travelling up his torso, finger pointing at him in different spots of his torso as you kept going.
“You want to take this personal? Fine! Just know I, myself, wouldn’t want this for you. You keep throwing shade like actors don’t know how to work their tongue, When you know exactly what this mouth can do.”
You fired back and you swore the crowd went crazier once you finished that line while pulling the hem of his shirt a little up, stepping back after finishing it. Shawn looked at you with his lips parted in surprise. You could tell he was growing impatient as he nodded. His cheeks were flushed as you looked up and down his body with a cheesy smirk.
Before he could answer, you notice James running to the stage, standing in the middle of you two, now turning to Shawn who was, now, threateningly walking towards you. James dramatically held him in his place.
“Guys, we’re taking this too personal.” James acted it out.
You extended your arms, challenging Shawn to bring more but he was speechless. You started to smile and then let out a laugh at how he was trying to hold his.
“She can’t do this.” Shawn tried to threaten you playfully, his arm extending as he tried to reach for you but James kept holding him back.
“You started it mate.” James looked up at Shawn, trying to hold him back as he laughed at his reaction.
You looked around the crowd as Shawn kept trying to get closer to you. He looked down, getting his chest out and his shoulders back, teasing you to see if you took the challenge. You nodded, turning to the crowd who wouldn’t stop cheering.
“I think we have a winner, I mean…” You turned to Shawn, trying to talk through the screaming crowd. He smiled at you, walking closer to you now, James playfully warning you. “You’re running low, babe.” You kept teasing him.
Shawn nodded, extending one arm and reaching out for you. Once he held your waist, he pulled you closer from behind, your back hitting his hard chest as he embraced you, playfully tickling you as you giggled along with him. Shawn hid his face in the crook of your neck, teasingly nibbling your neck as James announced the evident winner.
if this ain’t the best show
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icypantherwrites · 6 years
Fundraiser Fic List and Statistics
I would like to thank everyone once more for their support of my friend and special shoutouts and love to the individuals who purchased fanfiction commissions from me  through my fundraiser and helped me raise over $300 that went straight to my friend. Thank you!
I have officially finished all of the purchased fundraiser commissions so thought it’d be fun to do a little by the numbers post along with links to all of the fics. For the record I am now taking fic commissions due to the furthered interest (you guys ♥) and you can find details here if you want to commission your own.
The full fic list will be below the keep reading tab as it got a little long. ^^; All right. Here we go.
Total number of fics: 13
Total number of words written: 95,713
Start date of first published fic: March 11, 2018
Finish date of thirteenth published fic: April 10, 2018
Longest fic: So Much to Offer* (10,361 words)
Shortest fic: Poison (2,876 words)
Lance as main/second main character: 13/13 (yup ;p)
Hunk appearances as main/second main: 5/13
Pidge appearances as main/second main: 2/13
Shiro appearances as main/second main: 1/13**
Keith/Coran/Allura appearances as main/second main: 0/13**
*In the Name of Love is technically the longest but that is because I went and added a second chapter. Commissioned wise it is not the longest one. 
**I give Keith two third spots though for his roles in Smile and The Price of Peace, Coran one third spot for Smile and Shiro one third spot for Passing Grade. Allura sadly got passed over for all of these cept for a small role in The Price of Peace. So sorry, hun. I love you though ♥
Most Popular Fics -- Top Two
(deigned by a combination of hits, comments, kudos and bookmarks)
1. The runaway winner was The Cost of Winning with 2,601 hits, 37 comment threads, 356 kudos and 78 bookmarks. This one featured Lance and Pidge captured and forced to fight in the arena. Lots of platonic Plance and some BAMF moments for both. (it has a sequel too for the aftermath which would appreciate some love ♥!)
2. The runner-up was Sounds of Darkness with 1,841 hits, 32 comment threads, 282 kudos and 70 bookmarks.  More Langst abound featuring sensory deprivation but some soft and warm platonic Shance to make you not want to sob in a corner by the end all while making sure you can hear yourself crying. 
Fics that Need More Love -- Bottom Two
(deigned by a combination of hits, comments, kudos and bookmarks)
There is not enough Hunk love in this fandom. Please. Give my ray of sunshine more of it. He deserves all of the happiness... even if both of these involve him in pain. Whoops.
12. Please know that If the World Should Freeze was one of my favorites because it features the best relationship there is in VLD, platonic Hance ♥ The boys find themselves in an icy wasteland with a happy serving of Hunk!whump. Yesss. Rang in with 517 hits, 19 comment threads, 92 kudos and 14 bookmarks. 
13. The other Hunk!whump fic of Strength of Your Word rounds out the bottom here.This is another adventure between him and Lance involving some less than savory weasel aliens and a jewel that everyone wants to get their paws, er, hands on. Totaled in at 483 hits, 22 comment threads, 86 kudos and 13 bookmarks.
And that rounds out the stat lines! You can find all thirteen fics below to peruse at your leisure. Please do be sure to leave a comment on them if you read and enjoyed; I really appreciate them ♥ Thank you and enjoy!
Tumblr Poll!
Last thing before you head off. These stats were all compiled via AO3 (which has taken over as my main platform) but I’d love to hear from the Tumblr audience for an informal poll rather than data stats. Which fic of the thirteen was your favorite? Feel free to comment below or send it via an ask! If majority was my favorite fic of the set I’ll do a little something ♥
Fic List
Posted in order of publish date, oldest first.
Summary:  Lance is fine. Or, at least he keeps telling himself that. He’s most definitely not a victim of the unknown disease with no cure sweeping through the city. Nope. But now he’s coughing up blood? Maybe… maybe he isn’t so fine after all. / “H-Hunk,” he whispered. “I… I think I’m s-sick.” Hunk let out a sound somewhere between a sob and a laugh. “Yeah, Lance. You are.“ Alternate universe, Langst
Read it on: AO3 Fanfiction.net
The Cost of Winning
This fic will have a sequel follow-up focusing on a recovery arc. Date TBD. Story is complete as is though.
Summary:  “The Blue and Green Paladins serve no purpose to the Empire,“ the Galran commander smirked at his bound captives. “And as such you have no use except as arena fodder.” He chuckled. “Give us a good show before you die.” / Lance is determined to protect Pidge and save her from the arena. She will not die here. Over his dead body. Hopefully it’s not quite that literal of a promise.
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In the Name of Love
Summary: Lance just wanted to buy a flower. Instead he's now the newest victim of a serial killer who has no plans to release him until he has served his purpose. Lance may be a Paladin but he's got a higher calling in life now. And it starts with his death. / "Do not try and resist again," his captor warned, "You will not like the consequences." Lance's voice cracked. "Like being eaten?" 
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Passing Grade
Summary:  If Lance stayed in the shower long enough maybe the water would wash everything away. Maybe it would make him forget unwanted hands and the scratchy couch. Maybe… A sob tore through his throat. No. There was no forgetting. But he did have to paste on a smile and try to because no one could find out. Otherwise it was all over. AU - College
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Faces of Home
Summary: There were murmured, familiar voices when Lance awoke that quieted almost immediately when he blinked open his eyes. “Easy, easy,” someone soothed as he tried to sit up. Someone familiar. Lance gasped. “Mamá?” Because somehow… somehow he was home. / Lance is injured in a fight against the Galra and wakes to find himself in the care of his family. But… how did he wind up back on Earth? Something wasn’t quite right…
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Sounds of Darkness
Summary: Lance couldn’t see. Or hear. Or move. The silent darkness was all encompassing and it was pressing in; choking him, drowning him, blinding him. He screamed but it was swallowed whole into the void of nothingness. Lance trembled, pain shaking his limbs, and faintly wondered if he’d even made a sound at all.
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Summary:  Lance glanced at the mirror. Maybe it wasn’t as bad as he was remembering. Like, the first glance had freaked him out but it really wasn’t that noticeable. He worried his lip in indecision before finally making his way over to the mirror. He had to know. Just… just a peek. Without further ado Lance gave a tentative smile. And despair crashed down once more.
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Nothing to Be Afraid Of
Summary: Hunk will admit it. He’s afraid of many things and being captured by the Galra alongside Lance ranks at the top. But it’s the Galra who should be afraid. After all, they just unleashed a brilliant engineer and a quick-witted sharpshooter in their base. Better watch out. – “Uh, Hunk, what are you doing?” “Making bombs,” Hunk replied cheerfully. “Oh, okay- bombs?” Lance squeaked.
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So Much to Offer
Summary:  “I suppose though I should see what we’re working with, hm?” the slaver mused. “A pretty face is only part of the package after all.” His dark eyes met Lance’s and he shivered at the absolute depravity that stared back at him. “Let’s see what you have to offer.” / While trying to save his dying team, Lance is captured and sold into the slave trade. Time is running out… for everyone.
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If the World Should Freeze
Summary:   "Lance, st-stop," Hunk moaned, stumbling and splattering crimson upon the snow. "I c-can't…" The rest of his words trailed off as dark spots danced in his vision. "No!" Lance dug his hands into Hunk's vest as though that could keep him upright. "Don't you dare. Keep moving!" / Hunk and Lance are stranded in an icy wasteland but the cold is quickly becoming the least of their problems. Because the huge, hungry creature chasing them? Yeah. They're in trouble.
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The Price of Peace
Summary:  (Sequel to The Cost of Winning) They may have escaped the arena but things back home are far from all right. Keith is struggling. Shiro is hiding. Lance is suffering violent flashbacks and she’s having nightmares too. It’s wrong. It’s all wrong. Pidge hates it. She wants her space family back. Not this broken version of them. It looks like she’s just going to have to fix it. And Lance is going to help.
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Strength of Your Word
Summary: “Open his mouth,” Hunk heard the order and Lance’s chokes turned to a low moan. “Let’s make him smile nice and red,” came the hiss. And Hunk? He’s had enough. / Lance saves Hunk. Hunk saves Lance. Rinse and repeat. It’s what they do. So when a simple mission turns deadly these two are going to have each other’s backs. No matter the consequences.
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Disjointed Soul
Summary: Lance falls victim to a Soul Leecher, a dark spirit that is drawn to disjointed souls to steal them for itself. The Paladins must go into Lance’s very soul to save him, uncovering truths about themselves and Lance in the process. Time is of the essence before Lance is lost forever. Good thing they have such helpful soul guides.
“Hi there baby Lance,” Hunk greeted.
“Ohwah,” Lance burbled back. “¡Ohwah!”
“Ohwah?” Pidge repeated.
“I think he’s saying ”hola,’“ Hunk grinned. "You know, "hello” in Spanish. Hola, baby Lance.“
”¡Ohwah! ¡Ohwah!“
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wenttworth · 7 years
warning for a sex scene in part iv but it’s mild i doubt it would be rated more than ‘m’
variations of a theme: nights (five nights spent in hasetsu)
“You have my mobile number, right?”
Yuuri looked up from his uninspiring dinner, pausing to glower at Viktor’s half-empty bowl of katsudon, and frowned at Viktor. He sounded so sure, although Yuuri couldn’t fathom why. Maybe all the skaters typically had each other’s numbers. Maybe they had group texts and inside jokes and he’d accidentally rejected it all with his asocial tendencies.
Logically, he knew that was ridiculous. Phichit would have told him if there was a wider group chat than the one between the two of them, Leo and Guang-Hong. But still he let the thought run its course and leave his head.
Regardless, he and Viktor had spoken maybe two times before he showed up in Hasetsu, so why would he have his number?
“No? Why would I?” he asked.
Viktor visibly flinched, which only confused Yuuri more, but he had to be fine, because he was looking at Yuuri with a bright smile. “Give me your phone, Yuuri,” he ordered.
Partially the strong tone, partially the fact that this was Viktor Nikiforov and Yuuri would probably do anything he asked, had Yuuri handing it over immediately.
“What’s your passcode?” he asked.
“My birthday.”
He tutted something about safety and how easy that was to guess, but inputted it as Yuuri shook his head to clear the fog. This was getting ridiculous. Viktor could tell him to strip and pole dance on a telegraph pole and a part of Yuuri worried that he’d actually do it, because it was Viktor Nikiforov that was asking.
“Don’t lose it,” he said, locking the phone and passing it back, before eyeing the dregs of katsudon with a sigh and leaving to bring it to the kitchen. Yuuri blinked at the spot he’d just vacated, and looked down at the screen before unlocking it again. It opened straight to his contact page, where ‘Viktor’, along with an alarming number of hearts was listed as his newest contact.
It was probably rude not to text him so he had his number too, and Viktor was his coach, so he sent ‘why all the hearts?’ and watched as Viktor pulled his phone from his pocket as he was talking to Mari.
Viktor didn’t look at him, but Yuuri could see his smile as he replied, and when his phone vibrated against the table he looked down to see a single winky face that made him laugh out loud.
The onslaught of text messages that night was unprecedented for someone who could just talk at the wall and be heard. Yuuri would know, he’d spent a couple of restless nights since Viktor arrived listening to him talk on the phone—either in Russian or French, so he didn’t feel bad for eavesdropping—but Yuuri couldn’t complain. They were… cute.
>Makkachin wants to say goodnight!
>>well goodnight to him too
>Download image?
>Image downloaded
>cute, right?
It was. Yuuri tried to ignore the fact that Viktor was topless in his selfie with Makkachin—he saw the man naked on a daily basis, this should be nothing—and sent back a heart, which Viktor replied to with an obnoxiously long line of hearts.
>I heard you laughing
>>the walls are thin
>>to be fair you don’t need to text me I could probably hear you if you talked
>>I hear you baby talking to makkachin all the time
>it’s part of my charm
>who would want to go out with a man that doesn’t baby talk to their dog? Especially one as cute as makkachin
This was paired with another photo, this time of Makkachin as a puppy, with what must have been twelve year old Viktor, all big blue eyes and fluffy silver hair down to his shoulders and blowing in the wind. The puppy was gathered in his arms. Yuuri’s breath caught in his throat. There weren’t many casual photos of Viktor before social media became a thing; his guardians seemed to have been careful in not sharing too much of his personal life, and seeing a Viktor without the steely, competitive determination in his eyes was enough to have his heart aching and yearning for…something he couldn’t quite articulate.
>still just as cute now
He sent another recent photo through, of Makkachin sitting in the snow in a little woollen jumper and looking up at the camera with devotion clear in his eyes.
>did you bring that jumper with you?
>>yes I did
>>also the matching human-sized one
>>why don’t you come into my room and see? ;p
If he knew how little phrases like that affected Yuuri, had the freer part of his mind begging him to just go in there and see what happened, he wouldn’t flirt like that. Yuuri choked back the wave of disappointment and curled up onto his side.
>it’s late, viktor
>>okay. Sleep well, sweetheart xxx
>sleep well
Although Viktor was still physically demonstrative and affectionate, it had toned down significantly since their talk on the beach, and Yuuri couldn’t help but be equal parts relieved and disappointed about this change. A part of him had been revelling in some sort of fantasy dream-world, where Viktor was affectionate for a reason other than him being naturally flirtatious and maybe having a need for validation. Every touch now seemed to have a purpose, to push him a bit further into his stretch, to demonstrate from where he was currently pushing and from where he needed to push, when they were messing around and practicing lifts.
So…better and worse. It was different if he instigated, by pressing into Viktor’s warmth if they were sitting beside each other, sometimes reaching over to take his hand when they were walking home after training. Viktor would shift automatically if Yuuri did that, so that he could settle more comfortably, change his stride so he was completely in step with Yuuri. They were slowly working through a line, and Yuuri wasn’t quite sure what kind of intimacy lay on the other side, whether purely physical, purely spiritual, or a mixture of both.
His confusion about where they were going and how they would get there bled into his routines, and one evening after a long day of cross-training and then skating Viktor stopped him halfway through Eros to stare at him in confusion for a while.
Yuuri bit back on the sarcastic, angry retort he really wanted to make—he was angry at himself, after all, never at Viktor—and raked both his hands through his hair with a sharp exhale.
“I know,” he said dully. The problem was, he couldn’t parse through his feelings for Viktor, and Viktor was so ingrained into his skating that he’d always skated for him, long before Viktor ever asked him to. The problem was, Eros and Yuri on Ice were wildly different accounts of similar stories. The problem was, he couldn’t tell Viktor.
Viktor would be horrified if he knew how much Yuuri cared for him, as more than a coach, more than even a friend. He knew that Yuuri had a tendency to idol-worship him, but was working through that quickly by accidentally showing off his wide array of endearing flaws. Right at this point, he was at an awkward stage between ‘I am so attracted to you’ and ‘what we have transcends anything physical’, and he couldn’t fit them into a cohesive pattern.
Viktor watched him silently.
“I know,” Yuuri repeated.
“What do you know, Yuuri?”
“That I’m communicating nothing with my skating.”
Viktor made a small sound of contemplation and tapped his finger against his lips. Which didn’t help Yuuri’s train of thought. “At least you know.”
Yuuri winced, but couldn’t begrudge him that observation.
“What do you want to communicate with Eros, Yuuri?”
“It’s your choreography,” Yuuri grumbled under his breath. Viktor gave no clue about having heard except for a slight tightening around his eyes. “I don’t know. Seduce the audience, I guess?” He winced at the thought. Surely it was presumptuous to assume that he could seduce anyone, let alone an entire audience.
Viktor seemed particularly displeased at that, and Yuuri froze. “Well…it’s Eros, right? So it’s about seduction.”
“How so?”
Yuuri paused. He wasn’t made for this type of honest discussion. He’d kept any mentions of his sexuality between him and the few partners he’d had in Detroit, not broadcasted them to the entire world. “Physical seduction.”
Viktor shook his head. “No. That’s not the only part of it. Eros is a jealous, possessive type of love. Not necessarily something unhealthy, but…” He skated up to Yuuri and cupped his cheek, tracing his bottom lip with his thumb, his eyes darkening into something primal. “It’s a demand to look only at you, as a celebration of beauty in its purest form.” He tilted his head, his fringe brushing over his forehead. “Skate so that the only person I can see, the only person I could ever want to see, is you. So that you become beauty itself to me.”
Yuuri’s knees were weak when Viktor dropped his hand. He would never be able to do that, he knew, but Viktor was so convinced that he could.
“I’ll start the music. Get into position.”
Yuuri wasn’t sure if he imagined the low tone to Viktor’s voice, but it still sent a shiver through him. One night. He just had to capture and hold Viktor’s entire being for one night.
He skated to the centre, cocked his hip, and even if he knew it would hurt later, let himself truly feel all the desire he had for Viktor.
In general, Viktor, and his high training load, had become such a distraction that Yuuri hardly had the time or strength to think. For that reason, he had started to hate days off. Especially days off where Viktor would explore by himself, and parts of Yuuri’s mind would think about how easy it would be for him to take the train to Fukuoka and then fly back to St Petersburg.
(Luckily, Viktor didn’t leave much room to worry about it, sending him pictures of things he’d discovered, which Yuuri responded to with just as much enthusiasm even though he’d seen them almost every day of his life. He always told Yuuri exactly when he was back, and once he stepped over the threshold said ‘I’m home!’ with relief and obvious happiness. Yuuri wondered when he’d decided that the ice was no longer his home. Yuuri’s mother would greet him and fuss over him as if he was Yuuri or Mari, and he would settle next to Yuuri and lean into him as if Yuuri’s heart wasn’t going triple speed in his chest.)
But sometimes, even the most bone-deep exhaustion wasn’t enough to keep the demons at bay. He sent messages to Phichit, but kept the tone light and happy, not wanting to waste what was now precious time with his best friend by dragging him into his troubles. It probably didn’t work—Phichit was scarily competent at figuring out his moods—but he didn’t push for an explanation, just sent him pictures of his sister’s new dog with a myriad of heart-eye emojis.
Even that wasn’t distracting enough. He bid Phichit goodbye, and found himself staring at the wall that separated his room and Viktor’s. They’d spent enough time in each other’s rooms by now. Viktor, for some reason, delighted in dropping in unannounced in the mornings to wake Yuuri by dropping onto his bed and pulling him into his arms, and half the choreography discussions had been in Viktor’s room. He hadn’t completely given up with asking Yuuri to sleep together, either.
Yuuri let out a sigh, for some unknown reason smoothed down his hair, and padded to Viktor’s room. Makkachin lifted his head with a doggy smile and wagged his tail as soon as Yuuri slid open the door, but Viktor was still soundly sleeping. Ah, that was probably why Yuuri had subconsciously smoothed down his hair. Even asleep, when any reasonable human being would look awful, Viktor looked like he’d dropped off the pages of a fairytale.
Makkachin army crawled along the bed to beg affection from Yuuri, dragging Viktor’s covers down with him, and Viktor frowned in his sleep. When Yuuri said his name, his eyes opened, and softened inexplicably when they met Yuuri’s.
“I can’t sleep,” Yuuri mumbled, focussed on petting Makkachin, wondering if Viktor would laugh and mock him at the childish reason.
Instead, his face lit up, and he pulled the covers from under Makkachin. “Want to sleep here?” he asked. Yuuri nodded, and climbed into bed beside Viktor before he could psyche himself out. Viktor immediately wrapped himself around Yuuri, pressing a kiss to his shoulder as Yuuri pressed against him.
(A while later, he overheard Mari asking his mother, “When did Yuuri start sleeping in Viktor’s room?”
He dropped his chopsticks with a loud clatter, but stared resolutely into his rice as Viktor startled and asked him what was wrong.
“About a week, I think?” his mother answered. Yuuri groaned and they both shot him amused looks as Viktor looked between them all with wide eyes. “That’s when I noticed it anyway.”
“What’s wrong?” Viktor asked again, putting his hand on Yuuri’s.
“Nothing,” Yuuri mumbled, his face heating up, but some part of himself he didn’t particularly want to acknowledge was pleased that people knew he and Viktor were…something.
Viktor gave him a small, encouraging smile, and kissed his cheek. Yuuri attempted not to make plans to commit homicide when Mari winked and gave him two thumbs-up.)
Viktor fell asleep against his shoulder on the way back from the airport.
Yuuri wasn’t surprised, he’d looked exhausted and unravelled in a way that Yuuri had never even believed he could be. He knew what relief Viktor felt at that moment because he felt it too; Makkachin was safe across their laps and the two of them were finally together again. Viktor didn’t stir when he pressed a kiss to the top of his head, didn’t stir when the train stopped at the stations between Fukuoka and Hasetsu, and Yuuri gently shook him awake when they arrived at Hasetsu. An hour’s sleep wasn’t enough to make Viktor look any more alive, but he still kissed the corner of Yuuri’s mouth, and took one of his suitcases. Their free hands found each other by instinct, and Makkachin followed them through the darkened streets. The onsen was dark and quiet, and Yuuri watched silently as Viktor removed his shoes, sighing in contentment as he crossed the threshold, the last of the tension melting from his shoulders as if he’d come home.
He startled a little when Yuuri stepped up behind him and wrapped his arms around his waist, kissing his nape.
Something had shifted. Yuuri wasn’t quite sure what, but when Viktor’s breath stopped and his hands caught Yuuri’s to keep them in place, he knew that Viktor could feel it as well. He said nothing as Yuuri took the scarf from around his neck, turning so Yuuri could push his coat off his shoulders and do the same to Yuuri. He was afraid to speak, that he would break this spell between them. The purest communication between them was always that which didn’t need words, and when Viktor took his hand and lead him to Yuuri’s room, Makkachin trotting into Viktor’s, Yuuri knew they didn’t need words.
When Viktor kissed him, it felt like the first time. The world narrowed to nothing but their points of contact, the way Viktor gasped against his mouth when Yuuri pressed their bodies together, even through layers of clothes. He backed Yuuri up against the door, and the muffled thump was cacophonous in the silence they’d created.
Yuuri played with the button at the top of his shirt. “Okay?” he whispered, almost silently. He felt, rather than heard, the yes, please, against his lips, and quickly worked at it until he could discard the fabric to the floor as Viktor pulled away for the second it took to take off Yuuri’s jumper. Viktor pulled him to the bed, his hands shaking against Yuuri’s skin as they splayed across his back, and Yuuri straddled his lap as soon as he sat, heat pooling low in his stomach as Viktor pulled him closer and kissed him with a little more desperation.
There was something poetic about it, Yuuri thought with a small curve of his lips as Viktor lowered him, not breaking the kiss off. He’d spent so much of his life looking up at the posters in this spot and thinking about what it would be like to skate on the same ice as Viktor, to be his equal. And with accepting each other in this way, as well as the myriad of other ways, they had become equals. Yuuri no longer saw Viktor as an unreachable deity, someone to aim for but never quite reach.
He could feel Viktor mirroring his smile, breaking away to press kisses along his jaw and down his neck. “What?” he asked between kisses.
“Nothing,” Yuuri breathed, although he couldn’t help the smile that broke across his face. Viktor looked at him, hair still dishevelled and fatigue betrayed in his eyes, but still looked at him as if they were the only people in existence, as if he’d searched for years and finally found what he was looking for. “I’m happy,” he continued, and Viktor fluttered kisses over his cheeks and forehead and chin until Yuuri was breathless with holding back laughter.
He finally pulled away, enough to hold his hips, tracing along his waistband questioningly until Yuuri nodded, and swiftly divesting them of the rest of their clothes. Yuuri raised himself to meet Viktor in another kiss, tugging at his shoulders until they’d switched positions and he could kiss and touch as much as he wanted. Viktor let out little sounds that betrayed his pleasure, ran his hands along Yuuri’s sides and his back as Yuuri arched into them. Clumsily, he took off his glasses to place them out of the way on the bedside table and dug through the drawer to find the bottle of lube. Uncapping it with shaking hands, he squeezed the bottle a bit too impatiently and felt Viktor jerk, a yelp muffled against Yuuri’s mouth as the cold gel hit his chest. Yuuri jolted back, groaning as Viktor muffled laughter into his hands.
“I’m sorry,” he said, though he couldn’t help smiling in response to Viktor’s laughter. Viktor was always beautiful, of course he was always beautiful, but right now, with pure delight and adoration in his eyes he’d never been more so.
“It’s fine, zolotse,” he said, reaching up to run his fingers through Yuuri’s hair and drawing him close again. “You’re perfect.” He laughed again when Yuuri sighed and collected the lube from where it had splattered against his chest, and it melted into a moan as Yuuri finally took his length into his hand and moved experimentally. No teenage fantasy or previous partner could have prepared him for it, the way he dropped his head back and bared his throat, the way his breath hitched and his legs tightened around Yuuri’s waist, the way he rocked his hips up into Yuuri’s hand. The moment was building to eternity, electricity crackling along Yuuri’s spine as he pressed desperate, open-mouthed kisses to his neck and met the movement of Viktor’s hips with his own. When he did, Viktor gasped out his name in a plea, his hand pressing against the small of Yuuri’s back as Yuuri pulled him back to a kiss that tore everything from him.
It didn’t take long for Viktor to finish, and Yuuri committed everything to memory, seared it into his mind carefully, from the way he said Yuuri’s name to the contented affection in his eyes when he came down from the high. That it was Viktor Nikiforov beneath him, looking at him in such a way and pulling him into a final kiss as his hand joined Yuuri’s was enough for him to follow. It wasn’t the most earth-shattering orgasm he’d ever experienced, but he’d never felt so much like they were bearing souls rather than just bodies. The final piece slotted into place, and he knew Viktor, knew his hopes and dreams as he already knew his love.
He seemed close to tears when Yuuri opened his eyes, and Yuuri brushed his hair back. “What’s wrong?” he asked, pulling back, wondering if somehow he’d hurt Viktor, but Viktor trapped him against his chest.
“Nothing,” he answered. “I’m…overwhelmed, I think. I didn’t know that it would feel so…” he trailed off, and Yuuri pressed a kiss to his forehead.
“I know,” he answered. He still felt exposed and raw, even with how safe he felt. Quickly, he leant towards the still-open bedside drawer to pull a few tissues out to clean them up, aware of Viktor’s gaze, hot and heavy on him. Viktor tugged him straight back down once he threw them in the general vicinity of the bin.
He was lulled to sleep by the quietening and slowing beat of Viktor’s heart, and let himself hope that it would be the same way for the remainder of his life.
“You don’t actually flirt with people a lot, do you?”
Viktor had been intently watching a video of Yuuri’s free skate at the Rostelecom Cup as Yuuri pretended to watch but was actually entirely focussed on the way the lights played along the planes of Viktor’s face and danced in his eyes.
He paused the video and looked at Yuuri curiously. Yuuri wasn’t sure when they had gotten so comfortable in each other’s presence that they could be naked in bed together, not even after having sex, but just for the comfort derived from feeling skin against skin, but he would never complain. Even if it wasn’t meant to last, and Viktor decided to go back to Russia without him, this was a memory and feeling he could treasure jealously for the rest of his life.
“Rarely, unless I’m in front of the cameras.”
Yuuri shook his head and hooked his arm around Viktor’s, tangling their legs together as Viktor put his phone to one side. “I don’t understand, then. Where did the playboy image come from?”
The easy intimacy in how Viktor brushed Yuuri’s fringe back from his eyes had his heart twist for a moment, and he almost thought he betrayed that on his face, but Viktor was too far away to notice. “I think it’s because I tended to have a few boyfriends a year when I was a teenager. And sometimes I would date a couple of people at the same time. Nothing serious, because no one understood why I was putting so much time and effort into skating. And they’d always comment on how bruised I was and how unattractive that was.” He smiled and smoothed away Yuuri’s frown with a kiss. “I never minded what they said. You’re the first serious relationship I’ve had, and the only one in…” he paused. “I think about five years. But by that time my ‘reputation’ was set. Yakov and I decided to use it to our advantage.”
“It didn’t bother you?”
“Not really. Your opinion is the only one that matters to me.”
He sighed when Yuuri kissed his shoulder, and manoeuvred them until they were under the covers and lying down facing each other.
Yuuri chewed on the inside of his lip. “You flirted with me.”
“When you first got here you flirted with me.”
Viktor let out a small laugh, almost a giggle, and looked away, whining out Yuuri’s name when he sat up to stare at him. “What are you looking at?” he said, trying to pout but not able to stop the brilliant smile from breaking out.
Yuuri poked at the tell-tale pink on his cheeks, pinning Viktor’s hands over his head as he tried to bat him away. “You’re blushing,” he exclaimed, watching in wonder as the blush deepened.
“Of course I am,” Viktor grumbled. “You don’t point out when someone is flirting with you. That’s bad manners. You’re supposed to flirt back.”
Yuuri tilted his head to one side. “Isn’t it a bit late for that?”
Viktor gave him an unimpressed look, cocking one eyebrow. “You’re telling me?”
“O-oh.” He settled back against the pillows and Viktor propped himself up on one elbow.
“See, because I have good manners I won’t be pointing out that you’re blushing right now,” he said lightly, kissing his cheek.
“So why did you flirt with me?”
“Why did I flirt with you?” He had an odd tone to his voice, and Yuuri pointlessly worried that he would say something like ‘because you were the only available male close to my age’. That wasn’t true, he knew it wasn’t, but his mind still played treacherous tricks on him. “Because I had a massive crush on you.” He said it as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, something that Yuuri could never have doubted.
Yuuri blinked. That, he hadn’t been expecting.
“Honestly, my feelings did take me by surprise. At some points I thought it was love at first sight, but if I compare how I feel now with how I did then,” he stopped, watching Yuuri pensively. “Well, it isn’t comparable. I mean, the intense physical attraction is still there, obviously—”
“Still?” Yuuri asked weakly.
“—but it’s more now. You know what I mean?”
Yuuri was pretty sure what he meant. At least, he knew in the way that it was how he’d developed his feelings for Viktor from first sight to now, tangled in bed as if the world outside didn’t exist. But there had to be something he was missing, because why would Viktor’s feelings be so close to Yuuri’s?
(A part of him rejoiced, maybe, if Viktor spoke the truth, it meant that he wouldn’t go back to Russia alone, he’d let Yuuri come and slot himself into his life the way Viktor had into his own. The more rational part scoffed and told him not to get his hopes up.)
“So…your feelings now?”
Viktor’s eyes softened. “Isn’t it obvious? I’m in love with you.”
Yuuri stared at him, feeling as if the world had been torn under him only to let him fall somewhere infinitely better. He reached up to cup Viktor’s cheek.
“I’m in love with you too,” he replied, and the sweet smile Viktor gave him was compensation enough for his fear of putting his heart on the line. Viktor ducked in to kiss him, chaste but lingering and Yuuri wondered how he ever managed to live without this soul-deep connection to Viktor. He was dazed when Viktor pulled away, and gathered him into his arms, unwilling to leave any space between them.
“Sleep,” Viktor said, his voice rough with emotion. “I’m waking you early tomorrow.”
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Upcoming Work!
The previous ask prompted me to create this just so you guys know what I’m about to post. (Well, a mobile version of this.) Anyway, here it is:
One Shot Requests: 13
1. Khal Drogo x Reader
One shot request~ Could I have a one shot with Khal Drogo and the reader, where the reader is being sold by a merchant to be a slave, Drogos pack is passing by and he notices her, and wants her for himself, to claim as his new Khaleesi? Please?~
2. Draco Malfoy x Reader
Hi I would like to request a Harry Potter (trio era) one shot with draco trying to beat you at quiditch but can’t because he keeps staring at you making them lose the game. Then he asks why you are you so distracting and would you like to go to hogsmeade with me to discuss this further…
3. Kit Walker x Reader
Can I have a one shot request? One where Kit is let out of the Asylum and meets the reader who was let out of the Asylum along with him, he offers her a job at his garage and she takes it, the more time they spend, they fall in love? Please?
4. Sam Winchester x Reader
Character: Sam Winchester Fandom: Supernatural Plot: Anything romantic and would involve Halloween pretty please
5. Liam Dunbar x Reader
Hello could you do a one shot of Liam Dunbar and you going on a road trip together, and the pack knowing that he likes her and spying on them in Stiles’ jeep. Thank you!
6. Finnick Odair x Reader
One shot for Finnic odair, where it’s he reaping for the quarter quell and you both are past Victors and you both get reaped ( reader volunteers) and just a lot of angst?
7. Sam Wilson x Reader
Can I have an angsty one shot where Sam (avengers) and reader are already together but are having relationship problems. Then she kind of breaks down saying how she’s scared she’ll lose him? Thank you so much lovely
8. Digger Harkness x Reader
Can I request a one shot of Captain Boomerang from Suicide Squad where he’s just flirty af but you put ignore it because he’s him so he steals stuff for you and pays for like your apartment to prove his attraction? And if you can end it fluffy?
9. Kurt Wagner x Reader
Can I have a Kurt Wagner one shot where you aren’t all that religious and he is so it’s like a major problem in your relationship? You can choose whether to end it fluffy or angst. I just really want to see your whole solution to it
10. Cisco Ramon x Reader
Can you turn the imagine: Going to your best friend Cisco for advice on how to tell your boyfriend of three months that you love him. Into a oneshot? But Barry is the boyfriend? With lots of Barry fluff please?!
11. Claire Novak x Reader
Omg It’s finally open!! Could you please do one that the reader and Claire Novak are dating and the reader is a Winchester and one day the brothers find out they’re dating?? Thank youu love your blog soo much❤❤
12. El x Reader
Hi! Could you do a ST oneshot where you are Dustin’s older sister and best friends with Nancy, and the boys and El kinda look up to you?
13. Logan x Reader
Can I request a oneshot please of when Wolverine comes back to the future (pun) in Dofp he finds that after he finds out cyclops and Jean are alive, he is about to propose to someone (according to Scott) and when he founds out that he’s going out with you, he is stunned and just glad that you are alive again. By the way can you include the proposal please? Also can the reader have a mutation where she can turn into a wolf and has yellow eyes with large canine teeth poking at her lip? Thx xxx M
14. Rick Flag x Reader
Can you please do a one-shot where Rick Flag and the reader are best friends and go undercover in a jazz cabaret and someone hits on you and Rick doesn’t know how to react to that because he likes you? Thanks!
15. Dean x Reader
Hey, could you please write a Supernatural one shot where a witch casts a lust spell on Dean, Cass, and the reader? So Dean lusts for reader, reader lusts for Cass, and Cass lusts for Sam. Since Sam didn’t get affected, he finds the whole situation hilarious, and when the spell wears off, the three of you act a little bit awkward around each other for a few days. I really hope you write this, thank you for taking the time to read my request! xoxo
16. Merlin x Reader
One-shot of that Merlin imagine you made about him ignoring you for Freya? if you’re too stressed, then serioiusly, don’t stress about it <3
17. ST Kids x Reader
Can you write one about the whole Stranger Things group where you’re in their friend group and you’re round Mike’s for a DnD session and you save all of them from getting killed or something???
18. Tony Stark x Reader
For tony, the reader is caught planning a surprise and it’s like when you find the hand in the cookie jar type thing.
19. Bucky Barnes x Reader
For Bucky, maybe the reader agrees to help redecorate some place and they can’t make up their mind where anything should go so they leave it there and the other avengers come “help”? (They make it worse) super fluffy for both please?
20. Doctor Who x Reader
Can you do a Doctor who one-shot where you meet him once through all his regenerations (9-12) and help him with his current problem and each time he doesn’t really recognise you?
21. Jon Snow x Reader
Can I please have a jon snow one shot where the reader is a queen and everyone thinks she’s really crazy and she comes to visit (idc why) and she meets jon and he realizes she isn’t crazy and they start to fall in love even though everyone warns him not to. Sorry if it’s long I love your writing and please don’t feel like you have to do this if you don’t want to.
22. Lex Luthor x Reader
One shot request: you and lex luthor have been friends for years and you’ve fallen in love with him, but thinking he’d never love you back you start to distance yourself from him and he becomes worried and confronts you about it one evening and admits he loves you too (I’m sorry if this is long!)
23. Loki x Reader
Hello again! Can you do a Marvel/Avengers one-shot of being Asgardian royalty and best friends with Loki? (An introvert like him) While he enjoys his reading and stuff, you’re an artist and like drawing. Something like the phrase “Similar, but different.” Have it take place around the Thor movie too. Thank you!
24. Winchester Brothers x Reader
Hi! Are one-shot reqaest still open? If yes, could you do one where Winchesters takes you with them, bc your entire family was kiled by a demon and you are alone and started showing strange abilities. And they treat you like a litte sister. Thx love!
There you go! xx
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taylorwrites · 8 years
12. Harry Turns 23
a little happy birthday to the wonderful man that is Harry Styles. This is part 1. Part 2 should be out this weekend if all goes to plan, also be warned that there is some sexy stuff in this so if youre not comfortable reading it feel free to skip over it.
T x
EDIT: Part two is out. Its called ‘Cant Sleep’. There is also going to be a Part 3, although i cant tell you when thats going to be coming out”
It was early afternoon when you got the call from Gemma. You had been folding laundry and putting it away on a lazy Sunday. The flat had been empty with the exception of you for the entirety of the weekend as your flatmate, Nora, who you had known since starting at the same school aged 13, had been at home with her parents for the weekend, and Harry had been away in Los Angeles for the last week, and was returning tomorrow night.
Your phone rang the familiar ring tone and you stopped folding to answer it.
“Hi, (Y/N)! All good with you?” You heard an excitable voice through the line.
“Oh, yeah, yeah all good here! What about with you?”
“I’m good, I’m good. Listen, Mum, Robin and I are planning on a long weekend away in the Maldives, with Harry for his birthday. We’ve booked this gorgeous villa, on a private beach” You nodded to yourself as you listened to Gemma talk. “It’s going to be so good. Anyway, Mum was wondering, and I think we all know that Harry would love it too, if you wanted to come?”
You pondered for a second after Gemma had finished.
“That’s so cool! Yeah, I definitely think that he’ll love that. I’ll have to check the diary, though. Could you send me details and I’ll check it out and see if I can?” You asked and Gemma agreed to email you all the details and told you to text her to let her know whether she should add you onto the list for flights. The two of you said your goodbyes as Gemma had to rush off, while you continued to fold and put away the freshly clean clothes. It wasn’t long after you had hung up did your phone beep again to let you know that an email had come through. Once finished with folding, you checked and read over the email from Gemma.
From: Gemma Styles.
‘Hi! Here’s the plan for Harry's fabulous, super-secret birthday surprise!!
His birthdays on Wednesday, so he’ll have his chance to go out with all his friends but hes coming back up to Mums on the Thursday morning, and I’m going back on Thursday lunch so I can run over to his and grab him some stuff to bring! Obvs if you come you can come down with me and we can surprise him together!!!
Plan is to leave Thursday eve – jetting over instead of regular flying - Jeffs got that down for us. Land late Thursday night there and then spend four fabby fabby days in the sun and were back in the motherland late Monday night.
Have a gorg villa booked with private beach so nothing to worry about with that, and a few restaurants with private dining have been booked too!
Its gonna be so so fun and I really hope that you can! Everythings all booked so all you need to do is let us know whether you can come or no?
Let me know asap!
Love Gem xxx’
You read it and laughed at the excitement that Gemma had for this, but you also understood. It was exciting to surprise someone and it was exciting to go away for a weekend.
It took some time for you to work out your schedule for the coming week and a half. You and Harry had plans to go for brunch on the Wednesday morning, as you were only able to take off the morning on that day, but it was finally confirmed with your boss that you were allowed to take of the Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and the Monday after. You replied to the email from Gemma letting her know that you were able to come and asking if there was anything that you needed to bring.
She rang back almost as soon as you had emailed had sent and squealed down the phone with excitement! You and Gemma had become good friends over the last 7 months, and it was clear to Gemma and the rest of her family that Harry had intentions of having you around for a long time.
The next couple days sped by and soon enough Harry's birthday rolled around. It was on a rare occasion that you were awake before him but today, February 1st, you were laying wide awake in bed while harry was curled up on his side of your bed and snoring lightly (although, if you were to bring it up he would deny it and say that it must have been you snoring instead). You crept out of bed, careful not to wake the birthday boy who didn’t even flinch when you had to carefully slide his leg off of your body and his arms away from your stomach. You padded out of the room to find Nora and her own boyfriend Hugo in the kitchen eating their own breakfast before they would leave the house and head to work.
You made small talk with the two of them, it being only 8am meant that they were still tired and that they had to leave in the next ten minutes in order to get to work on time.
They left not too long after you entered the kitchen after saying their goodbyes and letting you know to wish Harry a happy birthday from them and that they would see you Monday when you returned. You smiled and thanked them before making the two cups of tea that you would soon carry back to your room where Harry was, to your knowledge, still sleeping.
You returned to your room cups of tea in hand and placed them down on your bedside table as your bed was up against a wall, there was only space for one table. You snuggled back into your bed and shuffled down so that the duvet was covering your entire body, just your hands and head peeking out. Not even two minutes after your return did a hand move over your stomach and pull you closer to the other body in the bed.
“Where’d you go?” You heard a sleepy voice say from Harry, whose face was half buried in a pillow.
“Just made you some tea,” you whispered back, trying not to be too loud, despite the two of you being the only two in the house.
He hummed a thank you, moving his head to lie on your chest whilst pushing the duvet down slightly too. He watched the two cups of tea as the steam rose and pressed a soft kiss to your collar bone before reaching over to take the two mugs from the table.
“Which ones mine?”
“Green mug,” you replied and he took the green mug and sat up against the headboard and handed you the pink mug to you as you shuffled up the bed too. You set the mug down on the bedside table again before you opened the drawer and pulled out a box wrapped in a dark blue paper and tied with a silver ribbon and a white envelope with ‘H’ written on and handed it to Harry and smiled as he took it.
He kissed your cheek before he took the envelope out from under the ribbon and opened it, laughed at the funny message written on the front of the card and then opened to read the inside message you had written.
Happy, happy birthday to you, my love.  I hope you have the best day ever, drink lots, dance lots and have a big birthday snog (I can help with that!) and treated like the birthday prince you are! Thank you so much for making the last 7 months so, so lovely. They’ve been some of the best and I hope that you’ve loved them as much as I have! Love you loads, (Y/N) xxxxxxx’
He smiled at the card, and leant over to kiss you quickly on your lips and leant over to stand the card up on your table. He then took the blue package and shook it, smirking it at you as it didn’t make a noise once shaken.
“It’s not very exciting,” you warn, and he shakes his head chuckling.
“Doesn’t have to be.” He peeled off the tape from the paper and ripped it open to reveal a black box. He opened it and tore away the tissue paper that protected the insides. His eyes brightened when he saw the brown shiny leather journal that was snug in the box. He took it and looked at it closer, noticing the gold embossing of ‘H.E.S’ in the bottom right corner and on the top of the spine of the book. He smiled and again leant over to kiss you on the lips.  “Thank you, gorgeous.”
You smiled and blushed as you always did when he called you ‘gorgeous’
You drank your tea discussing the plans for the day. Harry told you that he was heading out with his boys that night in London and that you were welcome to come along, but you declined and would be waiting at his for him to return home in the early hours of the morning. He told you that he was excited to be going home tomorrow morning for a quiet weekend at home with Anne and Robin. Little did he know, however, that yourself and Gemma would be arriving in Holmes Chapel tomorrow afternoon and that the five of you would be jetting to the Maldives for a weekend in the sun.
The two of you got out of bed so that you were able to start getting ready for the day.
“’m gonna have a shower” Harry announced. You nodded, acknowledging it and walked to your drawers and began to pull out clothes that you were considering for the day. “wan’ you to come,” he mumbled. He had moved from door where he was originally standing when he told you, to where you were standing and had wrapped his arms around your waist and leaning his head on your shoulder. You groaned and said apologetically said no. “C’mon, I’m the birthday boy… I’m the birthday prince, actually. You even said that yourself.” He persisted. You huffed, rubbing your hands over his forearms that lay over your stomach and turned around.
“Okay, then. Just because you’re the birthday boy.” And you took his hand and pulled him to the bathroom across the hallway.
You turned on the shower, waiting for it to warm up while the two of you got undressed. You got out two new towels and hung them up on the towel rack, ready to dry the two of you once you left the shower.
He stepped in first and you followed. Harry immediately pulled you into his arms and held you close to him as you both stood under the water which pelted down onto your skin. His hands ran through the tips of your hair and his lips started pressing wet kisses onto the top of your shoulders. You leant your head backwards, stretching your neck so that he was able to access the most sensitive point that he would undoubtedly find as his lips moved up your neck.
He pulled you closer, although it was almost impossible at that stage and your hands were wrapped around his neck, tugging at the tufts of hair at the nape of his neck. Something he wasn’t able to resist and you felt the vibrations as he groaned lightly into your neck. Everything had intensified then. Harry had finally found the spot in the crook of your neck that had you weak at the knees. His arms tighten around your waist as he pushed you sideways to push you against the wall. His lips kiss up your neck before attaching hurriedly to your lips once more. His hands moved up to connect with your fingers at the back of his head and he pulled them away and pushed them above your head against the wall as he kissed harder, swirling tongues together with the water from the shower beating down hard on the two bodies.
You could feel Harry's pelvis grind against yours, and you could feel his cock, already hard rubbing against your hip.
“C’mon, gorgeous. Please, here” He whined into your lips, knowing that you have never been into the idea of sex in the shower, especially as it was almost indefinite that one of you would end up with some sort of injury due to slipping.
You sighed, and pulled back, moving your hands from above your head back down to the nape of his neck and looked at him. His eyes were wide and desperate, and his hair stuck to his forehead and his chest rising and falling quickly as his breathing was heavy. “We’re supposed to be going for breakfast” You whispered apologetically, kissing him again and he fell into your lips again and pushing you back against the wall.
“Don’t need breakfast,” He blurted and pushed his lips back onto yours. You nodded and pulled him closer, as if that was already possible and he whimpered into your lips.
“Not here. Bedroom.” You whimpered too and he nodded, instantly sticking out his arm and turning off the shower and leaving you in the cold as he ran out and grabbed one of the towels that were warming on the rack. He held it up for you to walk into keep warm and you were surprised when you didn’t see him take the second  towel and wrap it round himself. Instead you smiled as he wrapped his arms around your waist, and he walked awkwardly behind you, still stark naked, as he kissed the crook of your neck as you laughed your way to the bedroom across the hallway. He pushed you in the door of your room and kicked it shut behind him as he pulled the towel away from your body and pulled you close to his body, engulfing your lips in his again.
He pushed you backwards onto your bed and you edged you way backwards so that your head was closer to the wall and he crawled up your body, kissing his way up. One hand supporting his body and leaning against the mattress while the other trailed and wound its way under your hips and rested under your back, pulling your closer to him.
You could feel him gently grinding against you and you ran your hands down his torso, resting them on the laurels that were drawn permanently onto his skin. He moaned into your mouth as he felt you scratch at his stomach and pulled back and shuffled down your body and moved to rustle through the drawer in your bedside table for a familiar box, out of which was pulled a foil square. He ripped it open and slid it on with haste before climbing back up to reattach his lips to yours, while your hands returned to the stop where his laurels lay on his body. His member was slick and Harry was moving it between the wet folds between your legs, and the two of you moaned at the feeling.
Your hands moved up, yet again to wrap around his neck as he moved to mouth kisses down your neck. Tugging on the tufts of hair and rubbing the dewy skin, Harry's teeth grazed your neck, causing to cry out in a quiet moan. Harry's hands moved down to position his hard member at your opening and sucked on your neck harder as he pushed himself in and the two of you groaned out of pleasure.
He began to thrust into you slowly, while moaning into your ears. “S’good. S’good, gorgeous,” and you pulled his face closer into your neck. His hands were running up and down your body, moving to run down one of your legs. You took this as your cue to bend your leg, allowing him to go deeper and push harder into you, your jaw dropping as he pushed harder and his hand continued to guide your leg to hitch over his waist.
“C’mon, faster. Fast- agh.” You murmured into his ears and his pace picked up immediately.
He pushed through a few more thrusts before moving his hands under your waist to push you up so that he could flip the two of you. You lay on top of his body, and his hands ran up your torso and pushed his large hands against your breast, giving the two of them a light squeeze, causing a surprise moan to run out of your lips.
You began to move your hips up and down as your hands pushed down on the mattress on either side of Harry's head. His downy hair was sticking up in every which way and his eyes were full of lust.
“Gorgeous, I can’t. I need to – Gorgeous.” You heard him whimper. His hand moved down, and he grazed the hard nubbin between your legs, causing you to cry out and throw your head back in pleasure.
“Ah! Harry! Ther- There!” You called out and he thrust his hips up as you pushed down on to his hand which was tracing figures-eights. “Harry, I need -  I need”
The two of you shouted out together in a pleasurable shout and cry and Harry laid down, his hair line sweaty and stuck to his forehead while both of you were breathing heavily, the two of you trying to catch your breath.
You fell down to lay on Harry, laying on his chest and listening to his heart which was pounding loudly into your ear.
“Happy birthday to me,” You heard Harry mumble to himself in disbelief. You chuckled and his wrapped his arms around your body tighter.
 Eventually, you and Harry managed to crawl out of bed and got started with the day. Harry had asked you weeks ago if he was able to go out with his friends on the night of his birthday to which you replied: “Harry. You don’t have to ask permission to go out with your friends.”
“I know, I jus’ wanted to know if you were okay with it, s’all.” He looked sheepish at the time, but you could understand.
It was agreed between the two of you that you would be waiting at Harry's that night for when he got back from wherever his friends had decided to take him, declining the invites from a lot of his friends for you to come with. Harry would have spent his night worrying whether you were okay if you had come with him and that isn’t what you wanted.
And so it went, Harry left that afternoon to go and meet his friends for dinner, drinks and a fun night out. You packed your bag for Harry's birthday holiday, at home, leaving it on your bed before packing a smaller bag for the one night you would be spending at Harry's.
Later that evening, you got a car to take you to Harry's Hampstead home and drop you at the gate.
“Thanks! Have a good night!” You call as you shut the door of the car and hurry to Harry's gates shielding yourself from the rain. Punching in the code you push it open and speed towards the big black door that lead into the warm home that Harry kept. Fishing out your key you shoved it in the lock, twisted it and pushed open the door to reveal the large hallway.
You sigh as you walk in, slipping off you shoes, something that Harry didn’t have a problem with, but you were a creature of habit. You dropped your bags by the stairs before moving towards the kitchen to make yourself some supper. You decide on a small supper, slicing some carrots and opening the hummus that Harry kept in his fridge because although he hated it, he always made sure to have some because he knew you loved it.
You scrolled through your phone, replying to Harry's text of “everything okay?” with “stop texting me and have fun. Its your birthday.” He didn’t reply to that.
You made your way upstairs for the night, running a bath and soaking for a while before it ran cold and you decided that it would be best to lie in bed and watch a film. Slipping into a shirt of Harry's, since he had recently decided that he enjoyed sleeping next to you when you’re wearing his clothes, and sliding into bed you turn on the television Harry had set opposite the bed and began to scroll through Netflix. Eventually you chose a film and watched it, although not fully concentrating on it.
It was late when you awoke to the sounds of someone coming up the stairs and the  door creak open.
“Gorgeous?” You heard a whisper. Harry. “Are you awake?” You groaned, letting him know that he had woken you up and snuggled further down into the downy duvet. You listened to how Harry went about his nightly routine, washing his face, brushing his teeth and hanging up his clothes with care before tip-toeing out of his wardrobe in his boxers and sliding into the bed next to you.
“Good night?” you asked as he fumbled around in bed in attempt to get comfortable. He smiled to himself, telling you about where he had gone and who had been there. He was still buzzed from the alcohol in his system, but not so much that had no control over his actions.  You turned over in bed to face him and he faced you, a crooked smile coming over him as he took your hand in his.
“’m sorry I woke you,” Harry murmured, running his thumb back and forth over his knuckle
“S’okay. Wasn’t really sleeping. Was waiting for you.” You mumble back and he scoots forward to kiss your forehead. “Can I go to sleep now?” You ask. He laughs and nods, pulling you into his body, kissing your forehead repeatedly. You smiled and nuzzled into his neck before the two of you fall asleep.
 The next morning found you and Harry running around his house as he packed for his weekend away at home to celebrate his birthday with his family and him leaving you alone in his house before you would head back to yours to pick up your own luggage and head up to Cheshire with Gemma to surprise Harry.
“Bye, Gorgeous. See you soon, yeah?” Harry said, kissing your lips as you stood next to the door of his car that he would be soon driving back to his family home in Cheshire.
‘Sooner than you think’ you thought to yourself, but going along with it as he got settled in the driver’s seat of the black Range Rover. He pulled the door shut as you took a step back and you watch as the car pulled out of the driveway and out of the gates, watching as they shut behind you before turning around and going back into the house to rummage around in Harry's wardrobe for clothes that would be suitable for his surprise weekend away in the Maldives.  
It wasn’t long before you heard the front door shut and Gemma’s voice echo up the stairs.
“Hello?” She called.
“Up here!” you called too and the next thing you heard was Gemmas feet as she thudded up the stairs and pushed her way into the wardrobe in Harry's room.
“You ready?”
“Nearly, just need to double check and drop at mine quickly so we can grab my stuff and then back to your mums.”
“And he was no idea about what’s going on?”
You shook your head, grinning. “Not a clue.”
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