#but like....where do you lean đŸ€”
sporesgalaxy · 8 months
I'm tormenting myself with thoughts so I've decided to torment YOU with an unnecessarily binary choice
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ellecdc · 4 months
the poly!marauders and lily x shy!reader!!!!! I genuinely cannot handle how much I love it omgđŸ« đŸ«  would u be willing to make it a series??
maybe remus being overprotective/possessive of her before the full moon and she’s just like ???? bc she doesn’t know about his furry problemđŸ«Ł but the rest of the group are just really casual about the way he’s acting like “oh yeah he does this sometimes, just ignore it” and r is just like đŸ€”?? bc he literally won’t let her go and wants her by his side and lap all day!!
aaaaaah my mind got carried away after reading ur amazing ficđŸ©·đŸ©·
so. stinkin. cute (thoughts and prayers for our shy!reader fr)
poly!marauders + lily x shy!reader close to Remus' time of the month
pt 1 // pt 2 // pt 3 // pt 4 // pt 5
CW: love bite/hickies, man-handling Remus [ik, ik]
You had been
seeing the boys and Lily for long enough now to have noticed a few peculiarities. 
Black envelopes with green wax melts on the front that were delivered to Sirius were always confiscated immediately by Lily. Following the envelope's arrival, the rest of the group tended to fawn over Sirius for the rest of the day.
James was incredibly bright as a student in all subjects except Ancient Runes; prior to any quizzes or assignments, the group would play a game of “question pong” which was a twist on the muggle game ‘beer pong’ where cups were lined up and James would aim a ping pong ball and have to answer a question that was placed inside the cup that he had scored in. This amount of effort wasn’t placed into any of the others’ studies.
And what was obviously something the boys were ultimately accustomed to doing for Lily now extended to you when you couldn’t help but notice that at least one of them always escorted you to any of your classes in the dungeons. 
Another peculiarity, however, seemed to centre around Remus. 
Once a month, the group got a bit
sketchy before the three boys would disappear for about a day and then return basically back to normal. 
Lily seemed to be accepting of these occurrences, so you opted not to concern yourself with it either; if it was something you needed to know, they’d tell you.
Because, you see, the sketchiness wasn’t just limited to their comings and goings; but rather Remus himself.
He was a tactile person, that much you knew to be true. He almost always had a hand on one of his partners, a boyfriend or a girlfriend in his lap, or an arm around someone’s shoulders.
And yes, you’d been growing increasingly accustomed to the affection.
But it seemed to you that around these bouts of
sketchiness, the affection seemed to grow into something rather possessive. 
For example; it became clear to you that out of the three boys, James and Sirius were the ones who had a particular problem with Severus Snape, but during said period of said sketchiness, Remus nearly growled when he saw Lily and Snape discussing the upcoming Potions exam before he latched himself onto Lily’s side until Severus finally left. 
And then at the quidditch game against Ravenclaw, a group of girls behind you, Lily, and Remus were giggling over how ‘fit the Gryffindor captain was’ which led to Remus standing abruptly, moving to lean against the railing of the Gryffindor stands to wave James over before he pressed a searing kiss to the chasers lips leaving them both rather breathless. 
And then there was the party in the Ravenclaw common room for Benjy Fenwicks birthday where you, Lily, and Remus had been sitting watching James and Sirius dance with Marlene and Mary before Gilderoy Lockhart slid up behind Sirius in an attempt to dance with him. Sirius hardly had a chance to react before Remus was on the dancefloor and pulling his boyfriend into him, slotting their hips together and swaying sinfully to the beat all while maintaining eye contact with Gilderoy.
It seems important to note that Remus doesn’t dance.
All this to say, Remus got
But all of this had nothing on how he seemed to become around you.
You weren’t sure what caused the difference; perhaps it was because you were new to the group, perhaps it was because you were shy, or perhaps it was because he was more confident in his and the others’ roles within the dynamic. Either way, you were certain you were simply going to combust from the sheer amount of attention being devoted to you by your quietest boy.
You could hardly breathe or blink without him noticing, it seemed. And if you were within his vicinity, you were in his arms or on his lap.
Like right now

You’d no sooner entered the Great Hall when you spotted Lily’s fiery red hair and made for the group before you were being man-handled to sit on the bench between his thighs.
“You almost missed breakfast, dove.” He offered quietly as he started preparing a plate for you right in front of your eyes. 
“Jeez Moony, whatever happened to good morning.” Sirius teased as he shot you a wink.
“Morning angel.” James offered quickly as Lily smiled softly at you.
“Oh, hi! I..uhm, I’m not that hungry, Rem.” You tried, but it was apparently the wrong thing to say.
Remus’ movements hardly faltered as he continued buttering an english muffin for you, but everyone else seemed to freeze in their movements as they watched the two of you with bated breaths. 
“Breakfast is important.” He said simply.
And believing he was quite close to actually hand feeding you the english muffin, you simply took it from his hands and shrunk into his chest at the attention. 
You felt your heart leap both in affection and embarrassment as you felt him press his lips to your neck as you ate, looking to the other three in hopes of help or explanation, of which you received neither.
“I was wondering if you wanted to have a sleepover with me tonight?” Lily asked you as she sipped from her tea.
“Oh, I uhm
sure, that’d be nice. Is everyone going to be there?”
Remus kept his face pressed to your neck but the others shared a glance. 
“No, we have a Marauders thing to attend to tonight, sweetness. Can we call dibs for the weekend?” Sirius offered, but his attempt was quickly shot down by Remus.
“Tomorrow.” He muttered from your neck as you fought the urge to shiver at the tickle of his breath. 
“What about the night after that?” Lily tried again.
You let out a surprised (and perhaps nervous) squeak when Remus’ embrace tightened around your middle.
” James tried, which finally got Remus’ face out from your neck in order to glare at his boyfriend.
“Tomorrow will be fine.” He proclaimed with an air of finality before he shoved his face unceremoniously back into your neck and latched his mouth to your jugular, eliciting another surprised yelp from your lips. 
“How’s that for a good morning, Y/N?” Sirius asked with a wink. 
You spent the rest of your breakfast wondering if this was your own personal heaven or your own personal hell.
Jury was still out by the time you left the Great Hall with a love bite displayed above the collar of your uniform.
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angelfic · 1 year
Howdy! Could I request a Theodore Nott, secret relationship, “don’t leave me
 please”. ❀
here u go!! i actually really like this idea and kind of wanna recycle it for a longer fic maybe.. đŸ€” thank u for the request! 💌
theodore nott x reader + secret relationship + “don’t leave me
âžș part of my 2k milestone writing game
You’re stressfully stirring sugar into your tea in the kitchen of 12 Grimmauld Place when Mattheo and Theodore turn up, bruised and bloody in the hands of Alastor Moody.
The Auror had sent a message in advance through his Patronus, alerting members of the Order that he was heading to headquarters with two death eater defectors. An hour of hoping it’s who you think, and three cups of tea later, you breathe a sigh of relief when you realise Mattheo and Theo are alive.
The way Theo is leaning his weight on Mattheo doesn’t slip past you, and as soon as he finds you among the others, you rush forward.
“Hi,” Theo whispers, the greeting reserved only for you despite the numerous others in the dining room. His eyes are drooping slightly as he sways on his feet. Nonetheless, he gives you a weak smile. “I’m okay. I promise.”
You nod slowly, brows furrowed in concern despite his reassurance. Ignoring Moody’s confused stares, along with the whispering happening behind you, you do a quick scan of Mattheo and find that he’s definitely had worse injuries from spontaneous fist fights during your years at Hogwarts.
“Are you okay?” you mouth at him, just in case. He winks at you in answer.
Moody, seemingly snapping out of his confusion, turns to you and raises a brow. “You know these two, then?” he asks gruffly, a hint of suspicion creeping into his voice.
“We all went to school together,” Dean Thomas pipes up, saving you from having to stumble over your words in an attempt to explain your relationship with Theo.
There’s no doubt in your mind that everyone in the room suspects you and Theo are more than just schoolmates, but you don’t move to address anything. The implications of you being in love with an ex-death eater aside, it’s none of their business. Moody doesn’t quite seem to accept this immediately.
”School,” he mutters, nodding begrudgingly. “And how well do you-”
“Alastor,” McGonagall cuts him off sharply. Peering at him over her spectacles, she purses her lips. “You can get to interrogating them about being Transfiguration partners after they’ve recovered. These boys need a healer. Now.”
“Yes, yes,” Moody replies grumpily, reluctantly letting them go to open the door to the hall. “We’ve got Poppy in the living room. She’ll fix them up, nice and quick.”
You step back to give the two boys space to make their way to the Healer, but Theo catches your hand and grips it tightly. “No. No, Y/N can do it. Just give her some of the medicine, I’m not seeing anyone else.”
You open your mouth to object, wanting Madame Pomfrey to assess him properly, but the pleading in his eyes has you hesitating.
“Don’t leave me
” Theo’s voice becomes lower, quieter and earnest. “Please.”
“Okay,” you exhale, cupping his face with your hand and stroking your thumb over his cheekbone. You look over at Professor McGonagall for confirmation and when she sighs and nods, you respond with a grateful smile before turning back to Theo. “I won’t leave you.”
Mattheo clears his throat, popping the little bubble you and Theo have found yourself in and making you look away, cheeks warm. Walking over to where Moody holds the door open, Mattheo gives you both a knowing look before speaking to the rest of the room. “I guess I‘ll be seeing dear, old Poppy alone then. Nothing she hasn’t fixed before.”
Taking this as your cue to leave, you wrap an arm around Theo’s waist to support him as you make your way out of the room and up the stairs to an empty room. You help him to sit on the bed and disentangle your hand from his, dropping a kiss to the inside of his palm. “I need to go get the stuff from Madame Promfrey, I won’t be a minute-”
“Not yet,” Theo pleads, hooking pinky finger around your own and tugging lightly. “I’m not that injured, just
 come here for a second.”
Your resolve crumbles immediately due to not having seen Theo since school ended a month ago, during which he was trying to leave the other side of the war without getting himself killed. You sit next to him on the bed, but he immediately reaches over to manoeuvre you by the waist until your legs are wrapped around him in a straddling position. Theo presses a soft kiss to your lips and the pure love radiating from him makes your heart jump to your throat. When he pulls away, he looks more relaxed and content than he has in months.
“Hi,” he says, a gentle smile playing about his lips while he fingers the hem of your shirt where it sits at your back. Tingles run down your spine where his cold fingers brush against your skin and you end up leaning into his chest even more, causing his smile to deepen. “I missed you, darling.”
“What, Crabbe and Goyle weren’t good company?” you tease, tilting your head. Theo scoffs in disgust, lightly tugging on a lock of your hair and looking at you expectantly. “I missed you too, Theo. So, so much. I’m glad you got out.”
“Me too,” he sighs, dropping his head to rest on your shoulder. You both stay in silence for a few minutes and you bask in the warmth of Theo’s breaths fanning over your collarbone. He nestles his face into your neck and seems perfectly happy just to stay there when he speaks. “It was torture staying away, you know. I’m never leaving your side again.”
You run your fingers through Theo’s hair, lightly scratching at his scalp and biting back a smile when he lets out a sound halfway between a sigh and a groan. “You being glued to me is probably going to make it clear that we’re more than ex-Transfiguration partners, by the way.”
“I bet you anything they all already know,” Theo murmurs distractedly. You frown and sit up straighter to look at him, raising a curious brow in questioning. He looks at you like it’s obvious. “Mattheo is downstairs, unsupervised. If he hasn’t told everyone by now
You shake your head, shifting to move off Theo’s lap. A pout forms on his lips, but he reluctantly lets you stand. “I better go do some damage control while I go get the stuff from Pomfrey. Merlin knows what embarrassing things Mattheo is telling them right now.”
“I can think of a few things,” Theo says, his innocent voice contrasting with the devious smirk on his face. “Like the time we were in the Astronomy Tower and you were too loud, so-”
“Right, okay!” you interrupt loudly, screwing your eyes shut in embarrassment as you try your best not to relive that particular memory. Taking a deep breath and ignoring the way Theo is cracking up, you smile sweetly at him. “You haven’t had any injuries to the head, have you?”
“No, love,” he replies, grinning. “Why?”
You grab a pillow and swing it into Theo’s face, knocking him backwards on the bed. Crossing your arms in satisfaction, you falter when he stays laying down and moans in pain.
“What’s wrong? Did I hurt you?” you rush out, panicked as you move the pillow out of the way to climb onto the bed and hover over him. Theo cracks his eyes open slightly, his face scrunched up in discomfort and your stomach drops. “Theo, where does it hurt?”
“Here, come closer,” Theo winces, gesturing you forward, closer and closer and you furrow your brows in confusion. When you’re close enough, he snakes his hand around to the nape of your neck and pulls you into a deep kiss, burying his fingers in your hair. You don’t bother admonishing him, your head getting dizzy from the feel of his lips moving against your own. You only pull away when you hear sudden laughter coming from downstairs. Theo doesn’t look ashamed in the slightest when you do. “All better.”
“Not yet, you’re not,” you say, rolling your eyes and sitting up again. You make sure you put all of your weight on the mattress to do so, just in case you actually do end up hurting him. “I’m actually going downstairs now, okay? The idea of Mattheo talking to McGonagall is driving me crazier by the minute.”
“Come back quickly?” he asks lightly, but there’s a hint of pleading in the way his hand circles your wrist. You give him a reassuring smile and another quick peck on the lips.
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sansaorgana · 1 month
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PAIRING — Na-Baron Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen x fem!Fremen!Reader
SUMMARY — After failing to protect your tribe, its members leave you behind to die according to your customs. When Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen finds you, he immediately knows you are a daughter of the desert that was promised to him in the prophecy. Just like you were promised a man from the stars to come for you.
AUTHOR’S NOTE — I changed the request a little and I hope it's fine – I just had this idea and I really wanted to write it but the request itself inspired it! 💛 By the way, this request was sent in April... 🙈 I am so ashamed of myself and it's not even the only request like that because I still have one left to write with Feyd... Please, do forgive me... đŸ™đŸ» I know nothing about Fremen customs and I didn't bother to Google them because I had this idea in my head and I liked it so I didn't want to change it either way. Therefore, keep in mind that I treat The Fremen culture pretty loosely here. Reader is a Princess (I don't think they have royalty at all in canon), she has ritual tattoos on her body (not as many as Lady Jessica but still) and she has blue eyes from the spice (which is not even mentioned I think đŸ€”) but other than that I did not describe anything about her looks.
WARNINGS — mentions of slavery, mentions of sexual activities including non/dub-con (no actual smut), mentions of suicide, Reader gets beaten up badly in the beginning by The Harkonnen soldiers
WORD COUNT — 4,200
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In other worlds, noble families had all the possible privileges alongside the burden of responsibilities. In other worlds, Princesses were spoiled and insufferable creatures who had all their whims and wishes fulfilled. But it was no other world – it was a cruel and harsh Arrakis. It was a hot desert filled with nothing but sand and spice and your tribe expected that your parents would help them to survive – no matter what price.
Everyone had the same duty to keep the rest alive – your father, your mother and even you, a simple Princess. The Fremen were not rich, therefore you were wearing the same clothes as everyone else. But even if you tried to blend in with the crowd, everyone would recognise you because of the ritual tattoos covering your skin. The noble blood was nothing but poison running through your veins – it was unwanted. Every failure was blamed upon you and you would drink the collected water as the last because your job was to make sure your tribe would live.
You had lost your mother first, even before the new Harkonnen invasion and the oppression of The Atreides. But your father died recently, in the very same ruins where your tribe left you to die in the ashes and heat before they attempted to run away. You were their Princess and your family had failed to protect them – the tough custom was to leave you behind and let the desert take care of you. It would either swallow you whole or you would prove yourself by digging yourself out.
But in this case – it was leaving you behind for The Harkonnens to find you and take care of you. It was worse than death in the desert. Perhaps their ways of murder were quicker and more sophisticated but they were unnatural. You were a Fremen and if you were to die, you wanted to do it by slowly decaying in the sand.
” You begged quietly in Chakobsa language when they found out that the body laying amongst the ruins was still alive and breathing.
One of the Harkonnen soldiers pulled you up by your hair and you could see them all through hazy eyes, in their black uniforms covering their unhealthy pale white skin. 
“That bitch is alive,” one of them drawled out. “Are you going to talk?” He leaned in to ask you but you didn’t answer. You had no physical strength to answer him but also no spiritual motivation to keep going.
You were already prepared to die and you felt so indifferent that their punches and kicks did not bring you any pain at all. They dragged you by your hair and bruised your skin, they threatened you and cut you in a few places but with each drop of blood, you also felt your life leaking out of your body and what a sweet relief it was.
You were lying curled up on the ground and completely lost track of time. You could have been there for centuries, long hours or mere minutes only. You had absolutely no idea. You only waited for death to finally release you from this life and from the endless sands of Arrakis.
Your dream was to fly – fly away and see other worlds. See the worlds with greenery and water. To breathe in the fresh air and to be invisible in the crowd, to no longer be a Princess.
Or to simply disappear. That option was not so bad either. Everything was better than this life, certainly.
For now, they left you alone and proceeded to ruin the temple around you. And some part of you grieved this loss of your culture but the other part had no love for it anymore because you couldn’t care less at this point and because this world and these people had brought you nothing but pain and oppression. You loved and hated the Fremen equally.
Perhaps The Harkonnens had left you alone to regenerate before they’d start kicking and beating you again. Perhaps they would let you die in peace – that was doubtful, though. Perhaps they thought you were already dead but you were sure they did not because they were very committed to their art of killing.
When you heard heavy steps approaching you and their muffled voices explaining something to the man who had just arrived, you realised that they had been simply waiting for someone more important. And he was probably the one who would bring death to you. You tried to open your eyelids at least a little to see the face of your killer as you prayed quietly for a painless death even though you knew very well that no gods were listening to you. No gods would listen in a destroyed temple anyway. 
The gods were angry and their anger was always aimed at people like you – the noble Fremen who hadn’t managed to keep their people safe. You were doomed in this life and in the afterlife. There was no escape.
The man who had just walked inside the cave in which you were lying had an intriguing face because he was quite handsome for a Harkonnen. He had to be someone important, too, because his clothes were more elegant. He even had a cape attached to his stillsuit.
“Spy. Left behind,” one of his soldiers informed him and the man finally looked down and spotted you.
You bravely kept looking at him even though you knew already that painless death would be no option from his hands. You even straightened yourself up, slowly and gritting your teeth because you didn’t want to hiss out of pain and give them any satisfaction. Now, you were on your knees.
“No trace of the others,” the soldier explained.
“They’ve gone South to hide in the storms,” the new man commented and his voice made a shiver go down your spine and formed a knot in your stomach. There was something extremely eerie about him in a way that no ordinary Harkonnen could match. He was evil and twisted – even his voice was.
He was given a blade and he examined it as you were examining him, trying to figure him out even though it was pointless since it was the last minute of your life, most likely. Yet, stupid human brain always had to be kept entertained, always needed a distraction – even in a time like this.
“Send this message to The Baron,” the man commanded. “The North is liberated and secure. Harvest spice at will,” he looked back at you as if he was trying to mock you or tease you – so unaware how much you simply did not care anymore.
If it was up to you, you would blow up the whole planet. You would wipe Arrakis out of every galactic map.
“Yes, Na-Baron,” the man behind him bowed his head and then you realised that the demon in front of you was Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen himself.
It was quite ironic – he was of noble blood, too. Perhaps it would be an honour to be killed by him if you were a simple girl but you were not. Maybe it was a small mercy of the gods – a small, ironic smile. Yes, they would bring death now but at least your murderer was your equal and not a common Harkonnen scum.
Feyd-Rautha approached you slowly, clenching his jaw and your own sore muscles tensed, expecting another kick or a blow or things much, much worse. You just kept sitting there and looking up at him, too weak to even beg for mercy anymore.
And you didn’t want to either.
“She won’t talk,” another soldier of his told him and Feyd-Rautha tilted his head.
After a short while of silence, he crouched down in front of you and he tore a part of your stillsuit off of your body, revealing your arm and one side of your chest. You made no attempt to hide away from him or to yell for him to stop because you knew it would not help you in any way and it would only cost you even more of your dignity.
He smirked at the sight of your exposed body and stood up again.
“She is their Princess,” he pointed out loud. “Her marks give her away,” he added. “She is no spy. She was left to die as a punishment of her tribe.”
You were surprised how much he knew about your customs. Feyd-Rautha turned around to look at you again.
“I do not care about the Fremen traditions,” he informed you. “You will go with me,” he ordered.
You were too weak to move, of course. When two of his soldiers forced you to move up as they dragged you by your hair, you fell down on the ground. They kept forcing you up again and again, until you completely lost consciousness.
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A man from the stars. 
You were a young girl again or perhaps you were a visitor in your old memory because you could see yourself sitting there, inside the dark cave deep under the temple with a Reverend Mother and a few other veiled Bene Gesserit women. A young girl with tears still in the corners of her eyes from the painful ritual of marking her body with the black ink. She had just become a Princess and she already knew it was a path of pain and sacrifice. Now, she had been tested with Gom Jabbar – another suffering filling this small body of a little girl. She hadn’t asked for any of this.
“A man from the stars,” the Reverend Mother said to her. A prophecy.
“What about him?” The girl asked, wiping her tears away with the palm of her hand, forgetting that they were sensitive now. The tears burnt her freshly-inked skin and she hissed. Bene Gesserit women smiled contemptuously. It was the Princess’ punishment for shedding tears and wasting water.
“He will come for you,” The Reverend Mother found her eyes through all the chains in her veil. Little girl felt a chill going down her spine at those words and she was not sure whether it was a promise or a threat.
She never told her parents about this prophecy and soon she forgot about it anyway. She grew up to be too big to believe in fairytales.
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When you opened your eyes again, you gasped and sat up rapidly as the water splashed all around you. You looked down, terrified, and realised that you were naked inside a bathtub, surrounded by a few terrified maids who had moved away at the sight of you awakening.
“Wh-what is happening?” You asked them. Some of them were clearly Harkonnen with their white skin, big black eyes and bald heads. Some of them were Fremen slaves but they were not from your tribe because you couldn’t recognise any of them.
“Na-Baron asked us to clean you up and take care of your wounds, my Lady,” the Harkonnen maid informed you. She was not sure how to address you but you couldn’t care less about that. What shocked you the most was

“Water!” You yelped and tried to get out of the bathtub although you were too weak to do so. “You are wasting water!”
“We have more than enough water here in the palace,” the Fremen slave woman told you and you calmed yourself down although you couldn’t help but feel angry about the injustice.
Of course they had water in the Arrakeen’s palace. The Harkonnens, The Atreides
 People like them never suffered – even in a place like this.
You allowed the maids to go back to cleaning you up. When you were as fresh as never before, you couldn’t recognise yourself in the mirror. Even your skin looked a shade paler because it was no longer stained with the sand. Your hair was shining and the skilled hands of one of the maids braided it before your wounds were patched up and your body was covered with a semi-transparent dress. It was very feminine and quite revealing and the colours were all hues of orange.
“Na-Baron wishes to see you now, my Lady,” one of the maids bowed her head at you and two other maids took you by your arms to help you walk down the corridor to join Feyd-Rautha since you were still too weak to walk.
He was sitting by the big table that was filled with so much food you had never seen in your life. The colourful fruit filled with juice and water made your mouth drool.
The maids let go of your arms to bow down in front of him. You did not bow down but he did not comment. He had his legs placed up there on the table’s surface and he smirked at you, beckoning you over with his finger.
“Come, Princess,” he mocked your title and you limped towards him. “Leave us,” he ordered the maids and they left the room with their heads kept low out of fear and respect.
You finally reached the table and you grasped the edge of it for support as you moved even closer to Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen. You were not scared of him because you were not scared of death anymore and his title did not intimidate you because you were of noble blood, too – even though in his eyes you had to be a dirty savage anyway.
His face fascinated you because it was so unnaturally beautiful in a way that no Harkonnen should be. But still, you kept staring at his face with nothing but pure hatred.
“You must be starving,” he pointed out at the chair nearby. “Treat yourself.”
“Thank you,” you drawled out through your gritted teeth and took the seat, too hungry to dismiss such an offer.
You were devouring a grapefruit, allowing its sticky juice to run down your chin when Feyd-Rautha put his legs back on the floor and leaned in over the table to take a closer look at you.
“What do they call you, Princess?” He asked in a low, raspy whisper. “Have my men hurt you badly?”
“(Y/N),” you answered and looked deep into his eyes, showing him that you were not scared of him. “I can handle that.”
“That is a pretty name for a strong woman,” he commented. “You will be my slave,” he said casually and leaned back on the chair.
You didn’t know what to say to this, really. You knew that protesting was foolish – you didn’t want to lose the opportunity to keep your stomach full and it was obvious from the beginning that he hadn’t brought you to the palace as a guest anyway. Still, it felt wrong to quietly accept such a fate.
“I am no maid,” you only said.
“Not like that,” Feyd-Rautha smirked. “Not a maid. A special slave,” he explained but you kept staring at him in silence, killing him with your gaze only. He found it amusing as he chuckled. “You know, Princess, you are a daughter of the desert,” he pointed his finger at you and you raised your eyebrow at him. “I was told by a Bene Gesserit witch that a daughter of the desert would give me a strong heir who shall inherit the Empire. The Harkonnen and Fremen bloodline could not be further apart and that is why mixed together they will create the most powerful species of men. An ultimate man,” Feyd-Rautha explained.
“You are the man from the stars,” you mumbled out, feeling weird with the fact that your prophecy had been true, after all.
Feyd-Rautha was taken aback by your question and he had no idea what it meant but you did not feel like explaining.
“You want me to be your whore. You want me to push out your heirs but they will not be any powerful, ultimate beings, Na-Baron. They will be pure chaos. That is the only thing that can ever come out of our bloodlines mixed together,” you pointed out harshly. “You poison my world, you oppress my people, you killed my family. And now you’re asking me to be your concubine.”
“I must have missed the part where I am asking,” Feyd-Rautha clenched his jaw. You were getting him angry and it was nearly funny how spoiled he was that he really had thought you would agree to such a proposition after such a past.
“Kill me,” you requested and put the grapefruit down. “Kill me because I will be no use to you. I will never be your whore and I would rather die than give birth to your sickly bastards.”
“Why are you loyal to the people who left you behind to rot in the sand?” He asked, tilting his head. He was no longer angry but simply curious.
“That is the custom,” you only answered.
Your relationship with your tribe and your world was of a difficult kind but Feyd-Rautha did not need to know about it. He was an intruder, an outsider, an oppressor. He didn’t deserve to know your heart.
“You can’t run away from your prophecy, Princess,” Feyd-Rautha reminded you before leaving the table and leaving you alone inside the room.
When he left, you went back to eating – as much as you could and as fast as you managed. You felt like an animal and a savage indeed but there was no one to witness that desperate act anyway and you could not remember the last time you had something in your mouth.
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Feyd-Rautha did not bother you personally but the maids were following you around and even though you were given your own room with a beautiful view of the desert, you were never truly left alone. You had beautiful but pretty humiliating dresses to wear and you were given baths every day which felt like a profanity for a Fremen.
You were well fed but most of the time you were bored. You knew that Na-Baron was awaiting your answer. You just hadn’t been told how much time exactly you had to make a choice.
Choosing death was simple and easy. Choosing to be his slave-concubine meant betraying your people and betraying who you were, even though you had always felt like you did not fit in with the Fremen and you always wanted to leave Arrakis. It had been a distant dream, too foolish and impossible to even be mentioned to anyone. But now, it could be true. As Feyd-Rautha’s new pet that he seemed to already be pretty fond of, you would be able to visit other worlds.
Your prophecy had claimed, after all, that the man from the stars would come for you. His prophecy had claimed that the daughter of the desert would give him a powerful heir. If it was true and you would become a mother of the future Emperor – well, that was quite tempting, indeed. No matter the price.
Staring at the desert behind your window, you were hugging yourself and biting on your lower lip while you were spending your evening overthinking – it had been your only occupation lately.
You had a feeling that this evening Feyd-Rautha would join you because you were left alone by your maids which was unusual. And indeed, a few moments later the doors opened again and he walked inside. His steps were heavy and confident as usual. It would be your first conversation ever since the one after your arrival.
“My Princess,” he greeted you in that harsh voice of his as he stood behind you and put his hands on your arms in quite a gentle but still very possessive manner.
“I have not made my decision yet,” you only said.
“Decision?” Feyd-Rautha was surprised and then he laughed. “You do not get to choose. Do you think I would let you choose death when I know that your womb might give me an heir that has been promised to me in a prophecy?” He lowered his voice and his words sent a chill down your body. His lips were brushing your neck and earlobe and you tried to get away from his grip but he tightened it and you couldn’t do anything about it.
“I should have killed myself,” you drawled out through gritted teeth.
“I suspected you might do so, therefore I ordered the maids to invade your privacy all day and night, my Princess,” he smirked. You could feel his lips curling on your skin.
“I’m going to kill every child you put inside of me,” you threatened.
“You can try,” he kept smirking but his grasp tightened even further.
“I will not be your slave,” you protested and kept shaking your head even though you knew it was pointless.
“Concubine,” Feyd-Rautha tried to convince you as if he really cared for the transaction to go pretty smoothly. And, apparently, he was in a mood to bargain. 
“Wife,” you spat out and a long silence occurred. His grip loosened and he took a step back, eyeing you up and down as he let out a deep laugh. You turned your head around to look at him. “I won’t push out bastards,” you stated.
“I have no desire for a wife,” Na-Baron dismissed you.
“And I have no desire for a husband but that is the only way I see it working,” you explained. “Of course you don’t need my permission to do anything with me. You might use me, imprison me to make sure I won’t get rid of your spawn and then you can kill me. But I am not as weak as you think of me, I am a daughter of the desert. I will change your life into hell and I will make you regret every hour, every day until I eventually die but believe me, I will make this time pass by very slowly,” you threatened.
“And why would I want to marry such a woman?”
“Because I have not described a wife. I have described a slave,” you explained. “Do you wish to know what kind of wife I would be?” You raised your eyebrow and took a step further towards him. He seemed to be intrigued as he tilted his head and you smirked to yourself. It seemed to be working – your plan to tempt him and convince him.
You had to secure your future and your position and since he was your oppressor, you felt no guilt about using manipulation to get there.
“You might think of me as lower than you but I am a Princess just like you are a Na-Baron and only our customs differ. Imagine taking me back to your world, your exotic war prize from Arrakis. You can dress me up in those pretty dresses and show me off, swollen with your special heir. I am a savage to the outsiders but couldn’t you turn the tables and make it an advantage? Your wild, savage wife that nobody knows anything about and who everyone fears?” You whispered, seductively.
“I know what you're doing,” Feyd-Rautha breathed out but even though he was aware of you trying to manipulate him, he was visibly giving in anyway. “You’re going to kill me in my sleep,” he added, looking intensely into your eyes and you chuckled at that.
“Perhaps,” you shrugged your arms. “But isn’t the prophecy worth the risk?” You asked.
After all, you were sacrificing and risking a lot, too. And it would be only fair if the transaction costed you both the equal amount.
“You are the jewel of Arrakis,” Feyd-Rautha chuckled and raised his hand to undo your braids and watch your hair let loose.
“And you are its poison,” you remarked as he smirked, eyeing you up and down.
“Together, we can rule over the worlds,” he whispered.
“Or destroy them,” you added.
Na-Baron shook his head but the smirk remained on his lips. He found it amusing that you had an answer for everything and how gloomy they all were. However, so far, it was entertaining for him. He brushed your collarbone with his fingertips.
“I surely have more experience in destroying them than I have in ruling over them,” he confessed but the hunger in his eyes was a clear message to you that he did not mean only Arrakis but also women overall.
“Some are too wild to be ruled over and too wild to be destroyed,” you informed him and he found your eyes again after staring at your chest and neck. For the first time, you saw that he was genuinely intrigued. Perhaps he finally saw you as a challenge. A riddle. A savage to tame.
Whatever would keep you alive and in a position of power.
Because no matter how much you were trying to convince yourself that you were ready to die, this life stubbornly seemed to keep you alive and there must have been a purpose in it.
Therefore, you were ready to receive everything this new life had to offer for you now. As if you had died in that temple and now you were given a second chance.
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xxzlushiez · 1 year
Angelic girl
T. Kaulitz x f! Reader
Synopsis: Tom sees a girl and she like looks like a complete angel he tries to do his little flirty things with her but she just ignores it and it makes him like her even more.
Tags: Name is attractive, clingy Tom, couple goals Frl, toms whipped, the band finds it funny, touchy Tom, make out seshs after concerts
“Even if my heart stops beatin, you’re the only thing I need
 with me.”
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- the first time he saw you his eyes were GLUED
- it was post concert and he was just out goofing around buying random stuff with the band when he saw you
- You were just on the phone talking with a friend and getting snacks at a small corner shop
- But bro he was whipped
- wide eyed and all, might’ve walked into a shelf of accident
- his eyes would not leave you the whole time you were browsing around the store
- let’s say you caught him staring and he just looked like a deer in the headlights bc he didn’t expect to be caught
- you laughed and said something to your friend on the phone abt him before walking past him to pay
- once he snapped out of it and saw you were leaving he chased after you
- leaving the rest of the group staring at him like 😐 “tf just happened”
- when he DID catch up to you and got your attention he would try and play it off and would be like-
- “hey, I’m Tom-“ would probably try and lean up against a wall but would slip and almost fall bc he wasn’t close enough to it
- you legit stared at him like đŸ€š not impressed
- “Uhh
I’ll call you back”
- you looked him up and down and asked if he needed anything
- he tries use pick up lines on you but you just laugh a little and walk away and leave him following you like a kicked puppy while you continued to talk with your friend
- Bill and Gustav are def staring at him from the convenience store window like🧍while Georg is hyping him up
- is a persistent mf and eventually sets up a hangout with you the following day (he begged on his knees and clung onto your leg until you accepted)
- pictures show up all over the media speculating on you two’s relationship
- photos are mostly of Tom getting walked like a dog by you
- he’s always walking behind you while you lead him to god knows where
- tags along everywhere you go even for minuscule things
- many comment on how different his attitude is when he’s with you
- once y’all are closer, dating or not he is alllll over you 24/7
- can never stay away from you
- head on the shoulder hugging you from behind while you talk with someone
- playing with the belt loops on your pants while you play with his hair while talking with the band
- Hand on your lower back while walking the carpet or through crowds of paparazzi
- makes out w/ you after concerts bc of that adrenaline rush and you both love it sm
- against the wall backstage n everything
- grabs at anything he can but most you’re waist
- loves pushing his hips flush against yours
- whiny if you tell him he has something scheduled and can’t spend time with you
- always touching your ass and doesn’t care who sees wants ppl to see
- literally had to kick him out so you could shower alone one time bc he wouldn’t leave
- eventually you just accepted you’ll have to shower with someone all the time
- You def pulled him he didn’t pull you
- he’s not ashamed to admit that
- Lowkey moody when you’re not around and with him and it drives the band crazy
- head over heels type of love with him
- always staring at you with puppy dog eyes
-watches you do your hair and makeup
- sneak peeks what you’re wearing so he can subtly match in his own style
- when fans try to flirt he’s like 🏃”Name where’s Name”
- One time a fan tried to get his attention by showing off the shirt she was wearing and showing her chest and he was like

- “How would Name look in thatâ€đŸ€”
- “Name would NOT wear something like that”
- said it out loud one time and almost made a fan cry but apologized bc Bill said so
- but Tom is Tom and if you notice him checking someone out or flirting without knowing you’d set him straight
- you know your worth and tell him off if needed
- but the chance he would is like one in a million because who is better than you?
- ‘no one’ is the answer
- interviewee’s would try and bring up how much he changed relationship wise and he’s like
- “well yeah I’m literally dating her why would I want anyone else?”
- def teased by Bill and Georg on how whipped he is
- doesn’t deny it at all and just nods his head like “yeah Ik bro isnt she great”
- Carves your name on the side of one of his guitar with a knife and it’s all wobbly and messy but you loved it and he was so giddy abt it
- if you have piercings he’ll get matching ones
- comments on your appearance 24/7
- “You’re so hot”
- “did you get prettier?”
- “is that skirt new?”
- you always put him in his place without even saying anything
- like he say smth and you just staring and him and he’s like
- “ I was just kidding babe of course just jokes😁”
- sweats bullets when when you guys fight abt things bc you are scary
- Begs for forgiveness
- Buys you so much stuff and doesn’t stop even if you want him to
- I feel like gift giving is his love language and there is no stopping it (just accept them it makes him cheese so hard he’s all happy and will kickin his feet n shit when you aren’t looking)
- named “teen couple of the year” in lots of magazines
- he keeps those magazines inside of his nightstand
- gets so many questions abt you in interviews
- gets a little to personal with the answers
- embarrasses you sometimes but find it amusing and so does he
- even fans can’t get mad because you guys r just so cute together
- literally some fans named yall #goals
- The band loves you guys together because it brings out the good in Tom
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kiss-theggoat · 8 months
How would the Slashers react to Their s/o hasn’t been getting sleep and randomly passed out as they were doing something đŸ€”
Slashers Reacting to a Sleepy S/O
Slashers included: Michael Meyers, Jason Voorhees, Asa Emory, Thomas Hewitt
Michael Meyers:
You hadn’t been getting much sleep lately. Most nights, you stayed awake with a book or the TV on, sitting anxiously on your bed, waiting for him. Whenever Michael went out late or disappeared for a few days, you could barely even relax, let alone catch a few hours of sleep. This week was particularly stressful for you. Michael had been gone for three days now, no where to be found.
Finally, the morning of day four, you were startled out of your novel to a bloodied and mud covered Michael slamming your front door, shoulders hunched and jumpsuit absolutely coated in filth.
A few hours later, you were scrubbing blood off of Michael’s shoulder, his entire body submerged in the bath you’d ran for him. Now that he was home, and you knew he was safe
you felt your entire body become tired, eyelids feeling like concrete. The warm water and smell of the eucalyptus body wash was lulling you to sleep, and before you know it, you’d fallen asleep, head resting against the wall and hands still on Michael’s shoulders.
He was confused at first, but he knew that you were stressed when he was gone. He stood from the bath, feeling clean and comfortable, and saw you, passed out against the wall with soap still dripping from your hands. He grabbed a towel, first drying your hands and then wrapping it around his waist, finally scooping you up off of the stool you sat on.
He carried you to the bed, laying beside you as he set you down on your pile of pillows and blankets.
Jason Voorhees:
You’d been helping Jason all day, cleaning the cabin, picking up garbage from the lake, taking the wood he chopped back to the shed. It was hard labor, and you had to admit, it was tough to keep up with your early rising, hard working boyfriend.
Jason was busy chopping wood. He swung the axe with ease, slicing through the wood like it was a hot knife through butter. The pile was stacking up, and his little helper hadn’t come to collect anything in a while. He set his axe down, scanning the trees for you. Nothing.
He began to walk down towards the cabin, where he hoped you were. It was hot today, sweat dripped down his neck as he walked. Finally, he made it to the cabin but still
no sign of you. He tilted his head, genuinely confused as to where you were.
But as he looked towards the shed, and there you were. Your skin was glistening, cheeks pink and head resting against the door of the shed. His chest swelled with warmth. You looked beautiful, and as he got closer, he saw that you’d fallen asleep.
He decided that even though there was plenty more work to be done, this was the perfect time to join you for a break. He plopped down beside you, resting his aching back against the shed. He leaned against your side, and when you rested your head on his shoulder, he wasn’t sure how he’d ever be able to get up again.
Asa Emory:
Asa had been relentless lately. You two had just moved to a new city, and of course that meant it was time to start a new collection. He’d been keeping you up for days on end, rambling about his plans and showing you his drawings, collecting new species and documenting them in his journal, all with the lights on.
Usually you welcomed Asa’s rants and rambles but after the move, getting a new job, and taking care of your new puppy, you were absolutely exhausted.
Now, you were seated besides Asa at his desk. He was telling you about something or other about how he wanted to do a collection about something or something
you couldn’t do it anymore. You closed your eyes. You thought to yourself, I’ll just rest my eyes for a moment

Asa’s head whipped around as he noticed yours fall to hit the desk, a tiny thud sounding as your forehead made contact with the wood. He stared at you for a moment, but knew that his project was important. He leaned back in his chair to grab a small throw blanket off of your shared bed.
He wrapped it around your shoulders, rubbing your back gently as he picked his pencil back up, continuing his detailed sketch.
Thomas Hewitt:
The humidity was killing you. Sweat was beading on your skin and rolling down your forehead, it felt like you might be suffocating down in Thomas’ basement. The smell was off putting, but you’d gotten used to it at this point.
He was sewing, and you couldn’t really focus on what he was making without feeling a tiny bit nauseous, but to be honest, even without looking, you were nauseous. You were overly tired, hot, sweaty, and had been trapped down in the basement for hours. Without warning, you stood up quickly, holding your stomach and taking a breath. “Tommy, I gotta go upstairs and lay down.”
He stared at you, a little bit concerned, but he knew you didn’t really like it down here. He gave you a nod and went back to his project. You quickly began to walk up the stairs, excited to finally lay down in your own bed that didn’t smell like rotting meat. The moment the door opened, you felt better, fresh air hitting your skin.
Your body felt fatigued, and you sat down on the top step, taking a deep breath. When the nausea faded, you were overtaken by the sleepiness, eyes sliding shut. Thomas didn’t hear the door shut, and he knew you would’ve if you’d left the basement. He stood, walking towards the stairs and seeing you
asleep on the top two steps, head leaning against the wall.
He let out a little laugh, walking up the stairs while wiping his hands off on the apron he wore. He slid one hand beneath your knees and one around your shoulders, holding you close to his body. He couldn’t stop smiling as he carried you towards your room.
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tra1nchi · 5 months
do you write for top readers? đŸ€”
if yes, then can I request a top reader x ftm alhaitham where haitham's getting punished because he lost the keys? thanks !!
Yes I do!! đŸ€€,,MINORS DNI!! top male reader,,Ftm alhathaim,,fingering,,vibrator,,groping,,riding,,begging,,collar/leash
having him layed down flat on a random hotel bed,,alhathaims pretty eyes glistened with visible tears as his pussy convulsed around the vibrator that you shoved deep inside of him!!
"It was kaveh..I swear.." He pants out,,sweat wetting his grey hair,,even as your hands trailed down from his chest all the way down to his quivering thighs,,he kept trying to plead with you,,putting the blame on his roommate!!
Biting his lip as he gets flipped over,,his sweet moan once he feels your fingers start to prepare him!! Slapping his ass harshly everytime he tries to squrim away!! Your fingers still deep inside of him when you lean over to grab a collar,,putting it snugly around his neck!!
Whining out when you call him your naughty boy,,bouncing up and down your dick like it was his lifeline,,his squeals and moans echoing through the thin hotels walls,,alhathaim gripped onto your thighs tightly,,losing himself in the pleasure of your cock!!
But right before he can come all over your dicm you stop him!! Forcing him to still and only cockwarm your dick as your hands reach up to stroke his pecs,,
"I told you it wasn't me, let me cum!" He mutters quietly trying to keep his composure even as you start to fondle his chest,,his mind clouded with lust as he tries to hump his pissy back down onto your dick!!
topping him by gripping onto the leash,,forcing him down into a doggy position as you slap his already reddening ass!! He begs and pleads were ignored as you contuine to pound into his wet cunt!!
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s1ater · 2 years
peculiar creature.
pairings. lorenzo berkshire x fem!reader
about. lorenzo meets a stranger in the forbidden forest.
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warnings. đŸ€”đŸ€”
ricky rocks. this was long awaited.
“you’re a peculiar creature, aren’t you?”
you stare back into the large, mischievous brown eyes of a boy who was crouched down at then edge of the cove, examining you with troublesome intentions.
“what are you doing here?”
“swimming,” you said bluntly, pushing further into the deep, dark waters. he still watches you carefully, leaning back to his feet where his height is fully extended. “what are you doing here?”
he scoffs, his head tipping back as if finding your question ridiculous, "awfully dangerous for you to be all the way out here by yourself. haven't you ever been warned to stay out of the forbidden forest?"
you narrow your look on him at the way he deflects your question, his head tilting as he begins to wander further around the lagoon, circling you now as he waits for you to speak.
"what's your name?"
"lorenzo," he speaks fast, expecting that, as if he was wanting and waiting for you to ask it. "and you?"
“strange name.”
“and yours isn’t?”
a hollow laughs comes from deep in the back of his throat at your retort but he doesn’t find it as funny as he makes it seem, “you’re quick, aren’t you?”
“but you like that, don’t you?” your eyes narrowed in on him, pushing out further into the water so your further from him just in case he were to reach for you.
“and you know what i like how?” he mirrors your tapered expression, leaning against a tree placed close to the water. he was interested, really interested in what you were.
“i know boys exactly like you.”
“oh, you do?” his lips twitch upwards, finding your proceedings amusing.
“they come here a lot,” you tip your head, now studying him better than ever and the way he held himself. “with girls and booze and their loud mouths.”
you looked annoyed in thought of this making him chuckle under his breath, “you don’t like the company?”
“not usually.”
“why come here then?”
“no where else better to go.”
lorenzo makes a closer speculation of your face now, realizing he had never seen you before—which he found very strange, “what year are you?”
because lorenzo knew all the pretty faces at hogwarts.
“who said anything about me being in school?” you smiled as his face swooped into a confused expression, watching you sink further into the water till you were no longer in sight.
@sophiekay20@aliyahsutherland @myalupinblack @ishwiya @padf00ts-l0ver @thehuntress09 @Anushi @afidiofobia @black-rose-29 @i-love-scott-mccall @greengarsstuff @rowena-ravenclaws-diadem @dayanaralight @sunsetcurve-95 @youdontlikethatdoyoucupcake @hopelessbutterfly @jameslover @colorfulpaperthing @therewillbedancing @lilytoyourjames @eichenhouseproperty @living-hell-7 @calums-betch @moonlighy @ancientimes @1Dcumslut @gabeisinluv @iluvt4ylorswift @liltimmyst @falcvns @alexxavicry @simars3 @grxcisxhy-wp @esposadomd @rmeddar123 @lupinsluvbot
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sainzproductions · 1 year
𝐭𝐡𝐞 đšđ­đĄđžđ« 𝐰𝐹𝐩𝐚𝐧 ⋆ 𝐜. 𝐬𝐚𝐱𝐧𝐳
where you belatedly realize, you and carlos may never want the same things in life
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liked by lewishamilton, landonorris and others
yourusername favorite time of the yearđŸŒ…đŸ§œđŸŒŠđŸ©·đŸ·
carlossainz55 eres mi chica favorita todos los dĂ­as
translation: you're my favorite girl every day
landonorris i think my invite got lost in the mail..
yourusername sorry i didn't want my competition on a trip with me🙄
landonorris why are you so jealous of me
landonorris carlossainz55 tell her who came in your life firstđŸ€š
carlossainz55 y/n did. '10. she was wearing a black cami top, with a dark navy blue jacket with a nets print in the front.
yourusername 💅💅💅
landonorris okay... you weirdos🙄 go and be disgusting off my timeline
yourusername you want me to fly you out huh?
landonorris so badly... i'll do anything for itđŸ˜©đŸ™
maxverstappen1 can i fly out with lando? 🙋
yourusername depends, can you make it clap?đŸ€”
maxverstappen1 i can make it go wooo!!
↶*àłƒâœ§Ëš. ❃ ↷ ˊ-
You'd somehow, found yourself entrusted with a bright eyed, enthusiastic baby who was blowing bubbles from his mouth; chubby arms flailing by his side, as you held his small frame cautiously. His mother, one of carlos' many cousin had dropped the baby on your lap, before clamoring towards the bathroom in a haste to relieve herself.
“Don't look so stiff, y/n.” Blanca laughed at your shaken expression, crossing her arms in a resolute manner when you tried to hand the babbling baby to her. “Consider it practice, hermosa. He loves you, look.” she raises her eyebrows, gesturing with her hands to the baby who's bright eyes were intent on your face, giggling and muttering incoherently to himself.
You held the baby like it was a foreign object, hands hoisting him up by the armpits— your posture betraying your lack of finese in handling a fragile human being. In all the years, you've maintained a safe distance from any and possibly all soft headed creatures called babies. You've always appeared scared, and cautious when presented the opportunity to hold other people's children, opting to, instead politely decline and shrink behind whoever was accompanying you at the present moment.
“He's... something.” You tilt your head at the baby, slightly taken aback by the way he mirrors your movement. Blanca laughs, clearly enjoying your predicament.
“I don't know who's more charmed.” She teases, leaning back in her seat as she watches the hesitance slowly, but surely transform into fascination. The young one, as if sensing your initial reactions to his person, garbled more nonesense as if to maximize his cuteness— his chubby cheeks buldged, lips wobbling as he giggled, appearing delighted by your complex expressions.
“He's drooling, blanca.” You state, exssperated yet somewhat amused.
“Babies drool, y/n. They aren't the most intelligent creatures at that point.” You faintly hear the distinct sound of a shutter clicking, and you snap your head towards her— catching her with a phone in hand, a sheepish expression present on her face. “You looked identical, i'm sorry! I've always thought this would be you, someday. I mean, you went at it like bunnies when we were all younger—”
“Blanca, eso no es algo que digas en voz alta,” that's not something you say out loud. you chide, feeling your cheeks warm.
“Lo siento, hermosa.” She giggles, nudging your shoulder in apology, although you couldn't help but notice her expression shift slightly. “You can't blame me. When i think of you and my dear brother, i see you with ten little juniors running around your yard whilst the rest of us just borrow one of your children.”
You roll your eyes playfully at her ridiculous dream, “If i ever let it get to ten, you should tell him to get off me.”
The baby you were holding whines, wriggling to rest his head on your hands while blinking slowly. He was incredibly well behaved despite his drooling antics; and you couldn't help but notice the distinct features of a sainz in his face. Those warm brown eyes... and he was growing into his tall nose and matching trademark grin. He was adorable, you begrudgingly admit.
In a lapse of proper judgement, you allowed the baby to rest it's head on your shoulder. The toddler melting into your arms, quietly. Well behaved. Making himself comfortable in your arms. He was so tiny, you muse. So fragile and weak, you'd easily understood why there was such a thing people call a mother's instinct.
“You should have one first.” Blanca states, a soft smile on her face while you have your moment of realization.
“What should she have first?” Carlos asks, raising an eyebrow at your hushed conversations, pressing a chaste kiss on your cheek as he takes the seat beside you.
“Kids, carlos. It's impossible you have never thought of it.” Blanca answers like it was the obvious.
“I don't think it's anywhere near our future.” Carlos chuckles as if his sister had just told a joke, appearing taken aback as he belatedly notices the toddler on your arms who'd easily amused himself with the strands of your hair.
“How can you say that?” Blanca chides, hints of reproach evident in her tone. It is, afterall, somewhat strange that he thought of it in such a way— your relationship had been longer than any of hers had lasted, and it left a truly icky taste in her mouth.
“It's a converstation between y/n and i, Blanca. I don't think it's any of your business.” Carlos turned civil all of a sudden, snapping at his sister.
You bit your tongue to stop yourself from saying anything, the atmosphere suddenly becoming charged with tension.
“Oh muchas gracias, chica! I'm sorry i shoved him in your care,” the unnamed cousin thankfully interruped, oblivious to the tension in between you three as she took the baby from your hands. “Carlos, i haven't seen you in some time! How long will you be in spain?” she started chatting up to your boyfriend casually.
Blanca saw your eyes cloud briefly, she could distinctly class the change in your visage to longing.
Perhaps you weren't at all allergic to babies. Maybe she'd read you wrong. Maybe Carlos read you wrong.
↶*àłƒâœ§Ëš. ❃ ↷ ˊ-
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liked by landonorris, charles_leclerc and 1, 894,929 others
carlossainz55 you and me against the world
landonorris called me single in every language
username taking a toaster bath laterđŸš¶â€â™€ïžđŸš¶â€â™€ïž
username my unproblematic parentsđŸ„ș😭😭
username i'd trade a limb to have a love like carlos and y/n🙃
↶*àłƒâœ§Ëš. ❃ ↷ ˊ-
The drive to your home was silent. Neither of you spoke. You allowed yourself to bask in the tender, but welcomed ache in your limbs as a result of a day spent under the sun and swimming for the better part of the eventful day. You'd thoroughly enjoyed the time you've spent just frolicking in the water and playing around with Carlos. It was always worthwile, there weren't many opportunities you had to spend some uninterrupted time together.
If he wasn't on a racetrack, zooming by in a blur, he was occupied with meetings, press and proper workouts inbetween, leaving you with scraps of his attention.
“Y/n?” Carlos repeats your name, failing to snap you out of your thoughts. With one hand on the steering wheel, and the other in your grasp, he tugs at your intetwined hands. It made you look at him. “I've been calling your name a couple of times, querida. Is there anything wrong?” He worries.
“Nothing's wrong.” You assured him, trying to muster a smile. He pauses, as if measuring his words. “You've been quiet.” you hum in response, looking out of the window as the car moves again.
“Talk to me y/n...” he utters, resembling a plea.
You take a deep breath, clearing your throat. “I'd rather not.”
His jaw clenches, muscles tensing at your short responses. “Is this about the conversation with Blanca? We've talked about this a million times; there's no one else i'd want all the permanent shit other than you. But you know right now is a very delicate time of my career and i can't—”
“risk jeopardizing any of the opportunities that comes my way.” You repeat monotonously, looking at him. “I know, Carlos. I know where i stand.” you said it with such certainty, the fact itself ingrained in your very being after so many years of falling behind his priorities.
He's made it clear, time and time again.
“But i don't want to wake up one day, and realize i have to start all over again because i spent all my time waiting for a moment that would never happen.” you weren't loud, nor were you screaming. Yet it dealt the same weight and hurt, that made him unable to refute you.
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majimasleftasscheek · 2 months
I've been thinking, about how you would make sea creature kazumaji... do you already have headcannons for that or is it something more new?
a lil mix of both đŸ€” I originally drew eeljima for MerMay and was gonna leave it at that but I got really attached to the idea of kiryu and his dumb fish boyfriend so I rolled with it kdlsjfddsf. I got a few ideas tho 👀
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majima's an eel - nothing specific but I leaned to electric since the rpg games give him electricity as an element. also, knifefish (what a coincidentally convenient name 👀) have spots that remind me of his snake's spots so that fit well with his overall theme plus they're related to eels so even better >:D saejima's also a fishdude, a grouper specifically because they're huge and chonky but also gentle uwu
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kiryu's a silly lil fisherman guy, one of them commercial types that goes out on a boat to get big hauls. nishiki's there too being the saddest wettest little beast. other characters make up part of the crew in similar ways the canon families are set up. so like kazama and kashiwagi for example are captains of the crew
I have thought about if they were fish too if I wanted to do a branching AU of this and kiryu could maybe be a thresher shark - because they got that big slappy tail but also their huge beautiful eyesℱ. OR a betta fish because I think the colors would really compliment his heat colors. nishiki can be a koi because of course
kiryu and nishiki live in a lil shack on the shore. nishiki hates it but kiryu likes the simplicity and being close to work. nishiki would move closer to the city but frankly all the haircare product he buys is so obscene that he can't afford a place on his own ✌
majima and saejima (+ yasuko) live in some nearby kelp forests/coral reefs. merfolk tend to stay away from humans and live further out in the ocean, deeper underwater but these three take advantage of all commercial fishing going on to get some easy food. but being so close to fishing trawlers, this leads to majima getting caught in a discarded net, being trapped and beached where kiryu finds him 👀
merfolk can breath air and go on land but it is as awkward as you can imagine. when majima hangs out with kiryu, kiryu drags him up the beach to enough dry land where the tide isn't a problem. merfolk do have to be moisturized often so majima's either doused with a bucket of water or gets a big ass lathering of lotion. whether or not that'd actually be realistic doesn't matter to me I just think it'd be funny for nishiki to be very suspect of the comical amount of lotion kiryu suddenly starts buying
majima's fav thing to do with kiryu is have him fry up some fish since he's never had cooked food before and thinks it's the bee's knees. kiryu will often go into town to buy all sorts of things for majima to try or majima will catch some wack fish from who knows where for kiryu to fry up. they pick secluded beaches as not to be disturbed but kiryu is ready to fling majima into the ocean at a moment's notice just in case
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majima has a second set of jaws normally not visible unless he's snacking on a fish. sometimes he pops em out for a smooch and kiryu is wary but willing to try anything đŸ˜€ nishiki is often very worried about the numerous weird bite marks kiryu comes home with but kiryu chalks it up to clumsily falling face first into some coral. you can tell by now I'm very into the trope of person dating a cretur is very bad at keeping it a secret dsklgjk
majima tends to have electrical flare ups when he's feeling emotional so kiryu ends up getting zapped a lot. it's not enough to be dangerous but kiryu has since avoided touching light switches and makes nishiki use them first
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rarely kiryu will take majima out on the town in a wheelbarrow covered in a blanket and everyone's like *squint* but eventually gets used to his funny lil friend who seems fascinated by literally everything
there's defo some tigerfish action at a later point once nishiki eventually decides to follow kiryu to one of his little secret beachside escapades to not only find out kiryu's being a weirdo as usual but now with a weirdo fishguy. on the other side, saejima is eventually convinced that there is not a bunch of people on the shore waiting with harpoons and nets and joins majima for one of kiryu's fish fries and finds out hey maybe humans ain't so bad if they can put up with majima for more than five minutes
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azzibuckets · 21 days
pazzi tennis fic when đŸ€” jkjk I just love your writing đŸ€—
doubles [pazzi]
paige bueckers x azzi fudd
a/n: the us open fic all of u were begging me for
.i didn’t rly know what to write about so i combined a bunch of ur requests
“Dude, your story looks ass.”
Paige’s thumb immediately swiped back to the Instagram app. Clicking on her profile picture, she studied the photo with a frown. “It looks exactly like yours,” she said, baffled.
Azzi shoved her own phone in Paige’s face. “Definitely not,” she mused as she compared the two screens side by side. “You’re just not good at taking pictures.”
Paige scowled. “I don’t even know what you’re talking about bro, they look exactly the same.”
“It’s okay.” Azzi leaned in and pinched Paige’s cheek, a mocking smile on her lips. “Not everyone can be good at everything like me.”
“Man, shut up.” Paige laughed, flicking Azzi’s hands away from her face. Her attention fell back to Azzi’s knee where it was propped up against the seat in front of them. “How’s it feeling?”
Azzi looked down and grimaced. “It’s still flaring up.” Her thumbs creased over her knee, trying to massage away the throbbing ache, but to no avail. Paige’s heartstrings tugged a little as she watched Azzi stare at her knee. It had been hell when she’d tore her own ACL, both physically and mentally, and she hated the idea of her girlfriend having to go through it a second time.
“You shouldn’t have pushed yourself so hard in practice yesterday,” Paige reproached, gently pushing Azzi’s hands aside to replace them with her own. She gently kneaded the tissue with her fingers, eyes fixed on Azzi’s face for any signs of pain.
Azzi tipped her head back and slowly exhaled. She was tired from all of this shit, tired from having to watch from the sidelines as all the other girls participated in the intense drills. She missed that feeling of sweat running down her back, muscles aching and lungs pumping as she ran up and down the court. What was worse was the pitying looks all her teammates sent her way, all the pats on her back that were supposed to make her feel better but only made her feel like shit. It wasn’t their fault, and Azzi loved her teammates for trying, but she was so goddamn sick of it. “I already have Geno and CD and all the trainers breathing down my back, I don’t need you to coddle me too,” Azzi responded, her tone coming out harsher than she meant for it to.
Paige’s movements halted. “I’m just trying to look out for you,” she said. “The last thing I want is for you to tear your ACL again.”
Azzi rubbed her temple. “Yeah, I know, I know.”
Paige fell silent, continuing to work Azzi’s knee with her fingers, but she didn’t look at her, instead focusing instead on Coco as she flew across the court.
“I’m sorry,” Azzi said finally. “I didn’t mean to snap. I’m just tired of being treated like I’m fragile. It’s like everyone thinks I’m weak.”
Paige dipped her head against Azzi’s ear, lips gently brushing her earlobe. “No one thinks you’re weak.” She twisted her bracelet against her wrist, making sure Azzi could see the letters spelled out across the beads. “Resilient, remember? You’re the toughest person in the whole fucking world.”
Azzi dropped her head against Paige’s shoulder. “Thank you, Paige.”
Paige hummed, continuing to rub her thumb in soothing circles around Azzi’s knee. “You tired?”
Azzi stifled a yawn. “So tired.”
“If your knee’s still bothering you, we can go home,” Paige offered.
“No, I wanna meet Coco and I know you do too. It’s fine.”
Paige gently tapped Azzi’s leg. “Are you sure? There’s still a few hours.”
Azzi waved her off. “I’ll pop some painkillers. But I hope you know you’re paying for my ice cream after this.”
Paige shook her head. “You only reminded me about a few thousand times on the way here.”
Soon after, Azzi moved a seat over so that she could fully stretch out her leg. She looked around the stadium, taking in the buzzing atmosphere and lively crowds before turning her gaze back to Paige, who was frowning so hard that there were wrinkles between her brows. “Are you seriously pouting right now?” Azzi laughed.
“You didn’t have to move,” Paige insisted. “There’s already plenty of space.”
“Tell that to my fucked up knee.”
Paige got up to take the seat next to Azzi, but Azzi reached over and pushed her back down. “You seriously have attachment issues,” Azzi teased, but loving every second of it.
“I can’t even kiss you and shit and now you’re saying I can’t sit next to my own girlfriend?” Paige grumbled, shaking her head in annoyance.
Azzi grinned, knowing exactly what would tick Paige off even more. She loved seeing the blonde all riled up, especially for her. “It’s getting kinda hot,” she said casually, slowly taking off her sweater and balling it up.
Paige’s eyes immediately fell down, gaze tracing the slope of Azzi’s neck to the jut of her collarbone, and finally down to the dip in her tank top across her chest, where it stayed until Azzi threw her sweater at the blonde. “You’re such a whore,” Azzi smirked.
Paige blinked rapidly, trying to get ahold of herself. “And you’re such a fucking tease,” she complained, stuffing the sweater under her arms.
Azzi leaned over the seat between them. She wrapped one of Paige’s slut strands around her finger, biting her bottom lip as she looked up at the older girl through her lashes. “What were you saying?”
Paige’s mouth opened and closed in a stutter, suddenly finding herself unable to speak.
Azzi giggled and leaned back, snapping Paige out of her trance again. “So fucking whipped.”
Paige’s glare burned into the side of Azzi’s face. “You know what? You can go and pay for your own damn ice cream.”
Azzi was already scrolling on her phone, nails tapping against her screen. “Don’t even try and start. We both know you’re gonna end up paying anyways.”
“Fuck you.”
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goosita · 8 months
billy with a shy reader đŸ€”đŸ€”đŸ€”đŸ€”đŸ€”đŸ€”đŸ€”đŸ€”đŸ€”đŸ€”đŸ€”đŸ€”đŸ€”đŸ€”đŸ€”đŸ€”đŸ€”đŸ€”đŸ€”
gasp billy would love shy!reader
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if you're being shy while he flirts with you:
he thinks you're just about the sweetest thing he's ever seen. he's got you in a corner at some party jesse has dragged him to, but as soon as he laid eyes on you, he'd wandered over. now, he leans on one arm, hand placed on the wall just above your head.
"what's a pretty little thing like you doing around all these cowboys, huh?" he asks, one side of his mouth quirked up in a crooked grin. you're blushing up a storm, cheeks stained darker and radiating heat.
"my big brother works with these guys," you say softly, not sure where to look at on his face. his lips are so plush and pillowy, nose long and straight leading up to two of the bluest eyes you've ever seen. you duck your head to avert your gaze, not wanting to stare.
billy clicks his teeth softly and uses his free hand to life your chin, smiling even more when he can see your breath hitch at his touch.
"think your big brother would mind a guy like me asking you to step outside? i think i wanna get to know you a little better, sweetheart," he says, knowing he's laying it on a little thick. he can't help it though; you just look so cute, and he likes how easy it is to fluster you. you might be trying to hide it, but billy can tell you like him.
"pretty please?" he bats his lashes at you, more silly and genuine pleading. it's enough to make a small giggle escape you and he grins, letting go of your chin to take your hand in his much rougher one. he's a little better at hiding his giddiness than you are, but his heart races all the same when you slide your fingers through his and follow him out to the back porch, away from the noise of the party.
if you're caught up in an intimate moment, say, billy pushing into you for the very first time:
"look at me, baby," he coos, brushing your hair away from your face. he'd settled inside you and was giving you a moment to adjust, but you'd turned your eyes away from him nervously. he had you laid bare beneath him, still self-conscious of your nakedness.
"look so pretty," he whispers, peppering your cheeks with the softest little kisses. his lips dot all around your face, tiny pecks that have your cheeks heating up even more.
when he gets you comfortable enough to move, your hand flies to cover your mouth. billy just won't have that.
he grabs both of your hands and pins them above your head, grip firm but still gentle. his thumbs caress the sensitive, thin skin that covers your inner wrist while he slowly rocks his hips against you.
"let me hear those pretty little sounds, darlin'. y'sound so sweet for me," he murmurs. "does it feel good? tell me."
you nod and bite your lip, a little whine escaping you. billy smiles fondly and shakes his head a little.
"words, angel. use your words, how's it feel?"
"feels so good, billy," you whimper, arching your back a little. your voice is pitched higher, wanton and high-strung. "so full, oh god."
billy thrusts into you a little harder, learning that it makes you a little louder for him. he leans down and catches your lips in his own, moaning softly when he feels the way you groan into his kiss. he loves when you're shy, but he loves it even more that he can coax you to be a little louder for him, a little bolder.
let's talk about billy, baby!
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koiiiji · 1 month
im here for yakuza!Gun x reader smut đŸ€§đŸ€§ like, you stayed at his family's mansion overnight because he introduced you to his clan for the first time and when the night came, this perv didn't care there was no soundproof system between rooms in the mansion (ofc, that's the traditional Japanese house style!!), he kept doing the deed, and even warned you to lower your voice if you didn't want anyone to hear 😏😏
ty as always bae <33
p/s: that's the idea and you can customize it however you want, just make sure that he is a meanie but soft at the same time (is it possible hm đŸ€”)
p/s (2): i have to send this idea right away in case you close your ask box too early lol 😂😂
author's note ; i mean Gun IS in fact yakuza, no? anyway sooo here we go! i had kinda same scenario but more rough and generally dark, like yandere, but fuck it, i think i won’t finish it anytime soon, bc i thought to add it to your request, but i don’t want to make you wait anymore. i think i was carried away a little in beginning, so its longer then expected, sorry!! 💞😼‍💹
author's note 2 ; art from pinterest, it says credits to : jongjong822 on x
tw ; f! reader, nsfw, minors, ageless/empty blogs DNI OR I WILL BLOCK YOU!!!
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· ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · ê•„ · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ ·
to be honest, you had no plans to meet Yamazaki Gun's family tonight. it's not that you were against the idea — quite the opposite! you'd heard plenty about who his father was and what his family did. there were a lot of rumors swirling around town, and while you were a little wary, you were mostly curious. besides, you hadn’t been together for that long, so you didn’t expect Gun to introduce you to his family anytime soon.
when he told you earlier in the day to dress up for the evening, you weren’t surprised. it was just another night, another overly expensive restaurant, and another excuse to be in his company. as you sat in the passenger seat of Gun's sleek black car, you glanced out the window at the city passing by. the soft glow of the streetlights bathed the streets in a warm, golden hue, making everything feel a little more magical, a little more alive.
the atmosphere inside the car was just as enchanting. Gun had always been a man of few words, but tonight he seemed more at ease, more open. the quiet hum of the engine was accompanied by the faint sound of classical music playing through the car's speakers, creating a peaceful ambiance. you felt a sense of calm wash over you as you glanced at Gun, who was focused on the road ahead. his profile was illuminated by the soft light from the dashboard, casting shadows that only added to his already mysterious aura.
the restaurant was just as extravagant as you'd expected, with its towering marble pillars, crystal chandeliers, and tables draped in fine linen. evening went perfectly. you and Gun shared a bottle of wine, and as the evening wore on, you found yourself getting a little tipsy. it wasn’t enough to lose control, just enough to feel a pleasant buzz that made everything seem a little funnier, a little more relaxed. your laughter came more easily, and you found yourself leaning in closer to Gun, your hand occasionally brushing against his. he seemed to enjoy the relaxed version of you, a soft smile playing on his lips as he listened to your stories and responded with his own dry wit.
when the dinner finally came to an end, you felt a sense of contentment settle over you. the food had been exquisite, the wine even more so, and the company... well, there was no one else you'd rather be with. so you assumed that Gun would take you back to your home now, to end the night on a sweet note with a kiss or maybe something more at your doorstep. so, when he steered the car away from the familiar streets and onto an unknown road, you raised an eyebrow, but didn’t question him. the wine had left you feeling pleasantly hazy, and you were more focused on continuing your easygoing conversation than worrying about where you were headed.
“so, tell me,” you began, your words slightly slurred but still coherent, “why do you always pick these fancy places? are you still trying to impress me, Gun?”
Gun glanced at you, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. “maybe i just like seeing you all dressed up,” he teased, his voice as smooth as the leather seats you were sitting on.
you laughed, leaning back in your seat and looking out at the unfamiliar road ahead. “well, it’s working. but you know, you don’t have to go all out every time. i'm just as happy with oversized t-shirt, most stupidest comedy and you.”
“noted,” he said with a small nod, though there was a hint of something more serious in his tone. “but tonight is special.”
you blinked, trying to process his words through the pleasant fog in your mind. “special? how so?”
“you'll see,” was all he said, and you let it go, too relaxed and warm from the wine to press him further. conversation flowed easily between the two of you as Gun drove. night seemed endless, the road stretching out in front of you like a promise of more to come. when the car finally slowed and turned into a long, tree-lined driveway, you began to wonder just where he had brought you. the driveway was impeccably maintained, with tall, ancient trees on either side casting long shadows under the soft glow of strategically placed lights.
Gun parked the car in front of an imposing mansion, the kind you’d only seen in movies. building was grand, with tall windows that gleamed in the moonlight and a wide set of steps leading up to the front door richly decorated with mahogany. you stared up at it, your slightly inebriated mind struggling to catch up with the reality of the situation.
 where are we?” you asked, your voice tinged with awe and a hint of nervousness. he turned off the engine and looked at you, his expression unreadable. “this is my family's home,” he said simply, as if it were the most normal thing in the world.
your heart skipped a beat. “wait
 you mean
 we’re meeting your family? tonight?”
he nodded, his gaze softening as he reached out to gently take your hand. “yes, tonight. i wanted you to meet them.”
panic began to bubble up in your chest, but it was quickly tempered by the warmth of his hand in yours. the wine had left you feeling too relaxed to fully grasp the gravity of the situation. Instead, you let out a soft, nervous laugh. “well, you could have given me a bit more of a warning,” you teased, squeezing his hand as you tried to keep the mood light.
“i didn’t want you to worry,” he replied, his voice steady and reassuring. “you’ll be fine. they’ll love you.”
before you could respond, Gun stepped out of the car and walked around to your side, opening the door for you. he offered you his hand, and you took it, letting him help you out of the car. as you stood there, staring up at the mansion, the reality of what was about to happen finally sank in.
you were about to meet Yamazaki Gun’s family. tonight.
you took a deep breath, trying to steady your nerves, and looked up at Gun. he was watching you with that same calm, unreadable expression, but there was a hint of something else in his eyes — something that made you feel like everything was going to be okay.
with one last squeeze of his hand, you smiled and nodded. “alright then, let's do this.”
and to be honest, everything went better than you had expected. the Yamazaki mansion was truly grand, almost overwhelming in its size and elegance. the towering shoji screens, the polished wooden floors, and the delicate tatami mats all spoke of a family with deep roots and considerable influence. people you encountered within its walls — servants, distant relatives, or perhaps close family friends — were polite, yet cold. they carried themselves with an air of reserved dignity, their words carefully chosen, their expressions unreadable.
Gun guided you through the mansion with a familiarity that showed he had once called this place home. as you walked, you couldn't help but notice how much Gun resembled his father. the elder Yamazaki was a stoic man, tall and imposing, dressed in a traditional black kimono with a hakama. he carried an aura of authority, and though his demeanor was stern, there was something in his gaze — something that hinted at a really small softness beneath his cold exterior.
Gun's mother, on the other hand, was an elegant woman, the very picture of grace and strictness, wearing a beautiful, intricately patterned kimono. her hair was pulled back in a traditional style, and her movements were precise and measured. her eyes were sharp, watching you with an intensity that made you feel as if you were being evaluated at every turn. yet, despite the coldness in her gaze, she followed every formality with exacting precision, treating you with the respect and courtesy befitting a guest in their home. she spoke little, but when she did, her words were measured and polite, though they lacked any warmth.
as the evening drew to a close, and the final course after small greeting tea ceremony was cleared away, you felt a sense of relief. it hadn’t been as daunting as you’d feared, and you were proud of how well you’d handled yourself. you expected that Gun would now take you back home, and the two of you would quietly slip away from all formalities and coldness of this house. but then Gun’s father, in his deep, commanding voice, made a suggestion that took you by surprise. “why don’t the two of you stay the night? it’s late, and it wouldn’t be wise to drive in your current state.”
you glanced at Gun, waiting for him to politely decline, but to your shock, he simply nodded. “we’ll stay.”
you blinked in surprise, a slight panic rising in your chest. you were unprepared for an overnight stay, and the idea of spending the night in Gun’s childhood home — under the same roof as his parents — was suddenly very intimidating. you opened your mouth to protest, but Gun leaned in close, his breath warm against your ear as he whispered, “don’t worry. my father asked us to stay because he wants to discuss some business matters with me in the morning. just relax.”
· ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · ê•„ · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ ·
with those words echoing in your head, you found yourself sitting on the edge of the futon, carefully prepared by the staff just a few minutes ago. the evening had been long and emotionally exhausting, but now, in the quiet of Gun’s childhood room, you felt a sense of calm begin to wash over you. after taking a shower, you had washed off the remnants of your makeup, feeling refreshed as the warm water rinsed away the day’s tension. the pleasant residue from the alcohol was still making itself felt, leaving you relaxed as you climbed into bed, where your boyfriend was already waiting for you.
Gun was lying on his back, his dark hair still damp from his own shower, his yukata loosely tied around his waist. as you slid under the covers, you immediately fell into his arms, finding comfort in the warmth of his embrace. you settled comfortably against his chest, inhaling the clean, subtle scent of his shower gel, mingled with the familiar warmth of his skin. it was a scent that was unmistakably his, grounding you in the moment as you let out a contented sigh.
for a few moments, neither of you spoke, simply enjoying the quiet intimacy of being alone together. the soft rustle of the futon as you shifted closer, the gentle rise and fall of Gun’s chest under your cheek — it all felt so peaceful, so right.
but as the silence stretched on, a small thread of anxiety began to tug at the back of your mind, and you couldn’t help but voice the question that had been lingering in your thoughts all evening. “do you think your parents liked me?”
Gun’s chest rumbled with a soft chuckle, and you felt his hand gently stroke your hair. “why do you ask? you were amazing tonight.”
“i just
 i don’t know,” you murmured, feeling a little self-conscious. “your father was so serious, and your mother barely smiled. i couldn't tell what they were thinking.”
he let out another soft laugh, tilting your chin up so you could meet his eyes. “that’s just how they are. don’t take it personally. my father rarely smiles, and my mother
 well, she’s always been a bit strict. but trust me, you made a good impression.”
you felt a wave of relief at his words, but you couldn’t resist teasing him a little: rolling onto your stomach, you now lay on top of him, folding your arms across his chest and resting your chin on them, you playfully asked "are you sure they're not just being polite to me?"
flicking your nose with his finger, he just laughed in response, the sound deep and genuine, and you couldn’t help but join in, the last remnants of your nerves melting away in the warmth of his laughter. but as your soft giggles subsided, the mood shifted, the lightheartedness giving way to something more intense. Gun’s eyes darkened - more, if it was even possible - as he looked at you, his playful expression fading into one of pure desire. without warning, he moved, his hands gripping your waist as he flipped you onto your back. you let out a surprised gasp, your heart skipping a beat as he loomed over you, his body pressing you into the futon. the sudden shift in his demeanor left you breathless, a thrill of anticipation coursing through you as his face hovered inches from yours.
” you whispered, your voice barely audible as he lowered his head, his lips brushing against your neck.
“mmm?” he hummed in response, his breath hot against your skin as he began to trail kisses along the curve of your throat. his hands moved with a deliberate slowness, slipping beneath the folds of your yukata to find the smooth skin of your back. you shivered at his touch, your body responding to the gentle caress of his fingers as they traced a path up and down your spine. his kisses grew more urgent, more passionate, as if he couldn’t get enough of you. he buried his face in the crook of your neck, his lips moving hungrily against your skin as his hands roamed freely over your body. the fabric of your yukata shifted as he explored, his touch sending sparks of pleasure racing through your veins.
“Gun,” you gasped again, your fingers tangling in his raven hair as you arched into him, craving more of the sensation he was drawing from you. his hands were everywhere, gliding over the curve of your back, sliding down to cup your ass cheeks before moving up again, each touch sending shivers of pleasure rippling through you.
he pulled back slightly, his breath coming in shallow pants as he gazed down at you — your hair, disheveled and slightly damp from the shower, was scattered across the pillows, your breathing was a little ragged and the fabric of your yukata, pulled to the side, opened up a beautiful view of your chest, which was slightly heaving from confusion, your cheeks were burning with excitement and still a small amount of embarrassment, while due to the alcohol you barely remembered where you both were.
with a quiet growl, Gun again clung to your collarbones, his hands moved faster, skillfully, undoing the ties of your robe with practiced ease to pull the unnecessary fabric lower. without moving away from you even for a centimeter, he caressed your neck with his lips, moved up a little higher, biting the lobe of your ear and descending in a wet path lower, again to the collarbones, this time not lingering there, but going lower to your chest, clasping it with one hand and kneading it in his large, calloused palm. with each of his movements, you moved towards him more and more, forgetting yourself and melting in his arms, moaning from his each touch.
as he skillfully make the fabric fell away, leaving you exposed beneath him, he groaned softly, his eyes drinking in the sight of you.
“you are so beautiful” he murmured, his voice filled with reverence as he leaned down to capture your lips in a searing kiss. your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer as you melted into the kiss, losing yourself in the sensation of his mouth on yours, his hands on your body. right now there was only Gun, his touch, his warmth, the overwhelming passion that consumed you both.
“please” you whispered into his lips as he rose above you on his elbows again. one of his hands had already slid below your tummy, stroking your pussy with his entire palm, only fleetingly touching the sensitive bundle of nerves, pulling the first loud moan out of you.
“come on kitten, be quiet, you remember where we are” Gun's hot whisper enveloped your ear as his fingers continued to play with your wet pussy. “you know, this is a traditional old style house, the walls here are extremely thin” your boyfriend continued to whisper in your ear, enjoying your once again confused look as your cheeks flushed with renewed vigor. “you don't want anyone to hear us, do you, baby?” now one of his fingers slid up and down between your lips, smearing the moisture oozing out of you all over the entrance. he was lying on his side next to you, one of his hands reached under your neck as he place one finger in your mouth, making you suck and lick it with your tongue, while his other hand never left your pussy, now more insistently stroking and massaging your clit with one finger, while the other played with your tight entrance, pushing finger in just halfway.
time seemed to stand still as you surrendered to him, your body responding to his every caress and touch, every kiss, every whisper. the intensity of the moment, the way he made you feel cherished, desired, loved—it was all-encompassing, leaving you breathless and yearning for more.
and that's when you reached your first peak from his fingers caressing you deep inside, when your hot and wet walls tightened around him, and you could no longer stifle your moans with his fingers behind your cheek, only then Gun smiled insidiously, and with one light movement turned your softened body back onto your stomach. without wasting a second, his hands dug into the soft skin of your sides, right where he could feel the pelvic bones, and with your clouded brain you already assumed that there would be traces there in the morning. reaching for a pillow, and pushing it between your thighs and the futon, Gun hurriedly, casually stroked your pussy, passing from bottom to top, collecting all the juices of your previous orgasm, simultaneously stroking his cock, smearing mix of your saliva and his own spit along the entire length.
whimpering softly and burying your head in the pillow, in an attempt to stifle your moans, you gasped, clutching at the edges of the futon and the blanket under you, as the fat tip of his dick slowly squeezed into your tensed, gummy folds, painfully stretching you. a deep and heavy moan was heard from behind when Gun collapsed on top of you with all his weight, completely plunging his fat dick into your bosom, in one sharp movement, immediately hitting the g-spot, forcing you to arch your back, pressing your ass harder into his hips. with a satisfied purr, Gun covered your hands with his own, fastening them together into a lock, again leaning closer to you with his all body, pressing you into the thin mattress, he began to slowly move inside your warmth.
with each strong thrust, as he picked up speed, with each of his heavy breaths into your neck, it became harder for you to hold your ass higher, as well as your moans, almost drowned out by the pillow. over and over, as Gun's thick cock filled your gummy, warm walls completely, your eyelids grew heavy and your head fell back, right on his shoulder, as your jaw dropped, allowing sweet moans and whimpers to escape from your throat.
“kitten still wants the whole house to hear her, mm?” your boyfriend purrs breathlessly in your ear, mercilessly hammering into your poor pussy, forcing you to give up, and fall on the bed with your whole body, and only moan piteously when one of his arms wraps around your neck and closes your mouth, and the other one gets tangled in your hair, pulling it back just a little.
you never doubted that in the matter of bed, Gun always was a bit more wild and animalistic, but the way his hips slammed into you now, how heavy balls were beating against your clit, and the dirty sounds of squelching and slapping skin against skin, how his biceps tensed right where your cheek lay, all this made your eyes roll up to the back of your head and just whine pathetically under him and drool on his muscles.
you didn't even have the strength left, to hold still, all that helped him mercilessly hammer you into the mattress was the pillow under your hips while you lay under him and helplessly muttering incoherent words and praises. both intoxicated by the euphoria of sex, emotions and feelings, the two of you have lost your sense of time and space, just chasing your own peak and pleasure. to be honest, you didn't think much when your pussy covered Gun's twitching dick with cream, when he hitted his pink head right to the cervix, forcing you to scream and arch towards him, pressing your ass into his hips, and feel with your shoulder blades as his chest pressing you into bed.
and to be completely honest, you almost didn't remember how you both cum, the most important thing that was in front of your eyes was Gun's chest and his warm hand gently caressing your back, while he murmured something into your hair, when he covered you both with a blanket and you fell into a sweet sleep.
· ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · ê•„ · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ ·
the morning sunlight filtered softly through the shoji screens, casting a gentle glow over the room. you blinked awake, feeling the warmth of the futon and the lingering scent of Gun beside you. but as you turned over, reaching out to pull him closer, you found his side of the bed empty and cold. confusion washed over you as you sat up, realizing he was gone.
events of the night before came rushing back, and a deep blush crept over your cheeks. you buried your face in your hands, mortified at the thought of facing anyone after what had happened. Gun's parents, the staff — how could you possibly look them in the eye now? the thought of leaving the room made your heart race with anxiety, so you resolved to stay put, hoping to avoid any awkward encounters. minutes ticked by, each one stretching out into what felt like an eternity. you had no idea where Gun had gone or when he'd be back, leaving you in an uncomfortable solitude.
and just as you were about to retreat further under the covers, there was a soft knock at the door. your heart skipped a beat, dread pooling in your stomach. before you could respond, the door slid open, and Gun’s mother stepped inside.
she was impeccably dressed, her expression calm and composed. you immediately lowered your gaze, unable to meet her eyes, but she approached with a certain grace, her footsteps barely making a sound on the tatami mats.
“good morning,” she greeted you, her voice steady.
“m-mrs. Yamazaki,” you stammered, still unable to look up. “i-i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to-”
“stop,” she interrupted, her tone firm but not unkind. “you have nothing to be sorry of. it’s natural.”
you finally dared to glance up at her, confusion flickering in your eyes. she took a seat beside you on the futon, her movements deliberate and serene. “you’re a woman, and you’re desired and loved. there’s nothing shameful about that. that’s just the nature of men — wild and unbridled when a woman is around. i was in your place once, and someday, you’ll be in mine.”
you blinked, taken aback by her words. was that
 a blessing?
“wait,” you began hesitantly, “so
 you heard everything?”
mrs. Yamazaki let out a soft sigh, a hint of amusement flickering in her eyes. “i’m not an idiot. from beginning i saw the way my son looks at you. and i know Yuzuru well enough, and what’s going on in his head, to prepare your bedroom far away from our own.”
your cheeks burned hotter, the mortification almost unbearable. “so
 you didn’t hear?”
she paused, a knowing smile tugging at the corner of her lips. “let’s say the whole mansion didn’t hear you
 but maybe some part of it did.”
you swore you caught a fleeting, light, and kind laugh in her voice, and for a moment, the tension between you eased. there was a warmth in her tone that you hadn’t expected, something almost motherly and understanding.
“i...” you trailed off, still unsure of what to say.
mrs. Yamazaki reached out, gently placing a hand on your shoulder. “you are welcome here, as long as you make my son happy. and believe me, i haven't seen him this happy in a very long time.”
her words soothed some of the anxiety gnawing at you, and you managed a small, grateful smile. “thank you.”
she nodded, standing up gracefully. “now, come along. breakfast is ready.” as she turned to leave, you felt a sense of relief, the earlier embarrassment slowly fading.
· ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · ê•„ · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ ·
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k-hotchoisan · 1 year
and you never invited me? (Wooyoung x fem! Reader)
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Synopsis: where you’re sexually frustrated while Wooyoung is on discord with his girlies, so you decide to hide under his blanket and rub one off, thinking to get it over and done with—that is, until Wooyoung catches you.
Word count: 1.7K
Genre/warnings: Masturbation, mentioned porn watching, sexual fantasies, voyeurism (kind of!), Wooyoung catches you masturbating, unprotected sex, creampies, established relationship
A/n: idk where this idea came from but it definitely came from somewhere đŸ€”
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Wooyoung leans back into chair, laughing at his friends on discord as his earpiece tugs slightly taut. He’s online with a couple of his buddies since they invited him to play online games. From time to time, he glances at you to make sure you’re okay and you were mostly stoning, wrapped in his blanket, while scrolling through your phone.
You peek from the screen.
“Not done yet babe?” You ask, fighting the sleep. He passes a glance at you with an apologetic smile. “A little longer okay?”
You nod, as you sink into the blankets a little more, feeling the comforting warmth as well as his scent just floating around you.
It was all good until your thoughts begin running wild when something on your timeline pops up, something that made your toes curl in budding arousal. Wooyoung’s smell only made it worse as it only sucks you in think about him doing that to you. The worst part was that he was just right across you, in his own world as his loud ass, cute ass laughter which echoes in the room.
You glance back at the media in front of you, pushing your thighs together as your pussy begins to soak your panties. Fuck, the thought of Wooyoung’s cock in you never ceases to heat you up, no matter how many times the both of you fuck like rabbits.
Your breathing deepens slightly as you slowly pull the sheets over you. Thankfully the ac was on so you likely wouldn’t suffocate from the heat. You scroll down the nsfw page as your hand slides beneath your pants and panties, already anticipating the slick texture of your pussy from the arousal.
This was even more exciting, considering there was a chance of getting caught by your own boyfriend, who was just seated across you. Propping the phone onto your abdomen, supporting it with your less dominant hand, you continue to scroll as you collect your essence to rub over your clit, biting down moans in the process.
The dopamine rush hits you whenever the pads of your fingers slide over your nub, and you could barely keep your eyes opened from the pleasure. Small whimpers escape your lips as you struggle to keep your voice to the minimum, especially since Wooyoung only had one side of his ear piece in.
As you continue to pleasure yourself, your mind hazes as your breathing quickens, the knot in your stomach forming. You were doing your best to keep your legs spread open so there was minimal movement for Wooyoung to notice. The pleasure was building pretty rapidly, and you made a point to playfully edge yourself little because you didn’t want to come so quick. But no matter, the feeling in your cunt still builds as you begin clenching uselessly, and you feel the orgasm approaching quickly.
You don’t notice that your phone slides off your abdomen and hits the floor with a loud thud, shocking Wooyoung. He doesn’t mute, and walks over as he removes his ear piece to retrieve your phone from the floor and he’s confused at the lump of blanket on his bed.
That is, until he pulls off the blanket, at the exact moment your orgasm hits you as the knot snaps, the feeling flushing through your lower body as your pussy clenches at the air. Your thighs shake, from the pleasure as your eyes roll back and you cry out Wooyoung’s name as softly as you could, over and over, alongside ‘fuck’s and praises to the heavens.
“Fuck”, was the first thing Wooyoung says as he watches you whither and twitch below you. Your eyes regain its line of vision and it lands on Wooyoung, who was standing beside the bed, his knuckles turning white from how hard he’s gripping the blanket.
You stare at him, still dazed, only thoughts about him fucking you and chasing after your second orgasm. Small whines escape your lips as you press your thighs together, letting the feeling of overstimulation bleed into you before you go in for the next round. Wooyoung was already back at his computer, telling his friends that he has something urgent to attend to, and muting his mic before dedicating his attention all to you—a whining, twitching and moaning mess.
“And you didn’t invite me?” Wooyoung asks, as he climbs into his bed, pulling his slightly stained sweats off him as his hard erection emerges. Fuck. You remember he doesn’t wear underwear. And the fact that it was so prominent only drives your arousal.
“You were busy
”, you trail off, catching small breaths, watching him intently as he grabs and pulls your panties and boxers down in one swift motion, your pulsing cunt just looking so thirsty, as your arousal had already coat your whole cunt. But it wasn’t enough.
Wooyoung sits back for a moment and simply stares at you. Your eyebrows furrow in confusion.
“Go on. Continue. I’m not fucking you till you cum since you made me miss your first”, he smirks, his bare cock twitching in excitement.
You sigh in pleasure, not wanting to admit how good it feels to look humiliating in front of Wooyoung, as your fingers begin lightly rubbing your clit once more, your legs spread wide open for Wooyoung to enjoy the show he missed.
Having your juices already overflowing your cunt made it so much easier to masturbate, not to mention the overstimulation from the first orgasm only egged you on. Your fingers move more quickly as you play with your clit in circles, feeling the knot build again, your moans now louder, for Wooyoung to soak in. He starts pumping his cock slowly, and it’s obvious he’s holding himself back as he groans.
The second orgasm nears a lot faster than you thought as you feel the familiar sensation of your cunt about to burst, and the moment the knot snaps, and your second orgasm floods your senses, you cry out even louder.
“Fuck, Wooyoung, this feels so good.”
“Wooyoung, so good. I’m cumming so much for you.”
Speaking of Wooyoung, his eyes look glazed over as he watches your cunt spit out your orgasm and clench the air.
“So fucking beautiful when you’re unwound like this”, he says as inches over to you, taking your hand off your wet and sopping cunt, and sucking off your juices from your fingers. His cock was just resting on your cunt. “Such a good girl.”
“Wooyoung,” you barely managed out. “Need your cock in me, please.”
Wooyoung smiles as he lowers his cock to your entrance and it pushes in so easily thanks to your fluids. Wooyoung’s breath hitch as your warm pussy hits him. His face gets contorted in pleasure when he feels you squeeze around him and his gaze lands on you.
“Doing this on purpose babe?”
You surprise a giggle in playfulness which instantly switches over to pleasure the moment he pulls out mid way and slams his cock right into you.
“We fucked so many times that your pussy only remembers the shape of my cock”, Wooyoung taunts, soaking in the fucked out, blissed expression you gave him. “Of course, my cock is the only one you need-“
His cock pulls out, then two ruts into you.
The arousal climbs through your spine like electricity when the words get processed in your head, and you arch your back, trying to get fit all of Wooyoung into you as much as you could.
“Yours”, you exhale, your arms reaching to wrap around Wooyoung as a thin layer of sweat coats him. “Yours, and only yours.”
“Good girl”, he praises as leans back to get a better angle, his hands smoothing your thighs as he coaxes you to spread them open further before he has them lunged over his shoulder and he starts fucking you relentlessly.
His room doesn’t even exist at that point, the only thing you feel is dick driving so deeply in and out of you, and that’s the only thing you ever wanted to feel.
You wanted to hide your eyes beneath your arm but Wooyoung grabs your arm and pins it above you, doing the same with your other.
“You can’t hide from me, babe”, he teases as he pounds into you again, grunting at the way you’re squeezing him.
 so close, Woo. Keep going, please”, you beg, squeezing your thighs as Wooyoung only pushes them apart. His thrusts become more erratic as he feels himself twitch in you, being fueled by your pitched moans.
The knot in your stomach snaps as your third orgasm shakes your body and Wooyoung cums almost instantly the moment your pussy pulses around him, spilling all his load into your cunt.
“Fuck, so good. Your pussy is so fucking amazing babe, fuck”, he moans, still emptying himself into you as he jerks from time to time. Your energy is spent, since you literally came three fucking times. Wooyoung pulls out and grunts at the sensitivity of his cock, his tip and your cunt linked by a thick slick of cum.
He reaches out for a box of tissues and collects his cum cleaning himself up first, albeit a little hastily because he wanted to clean you up quickly, especially since you were already slumped onto his bed, breathing slowly. You flinch slightly as your pussy leaks out his cum, and Wooyoung swallows hard, trying to focus on just cleaning you up, fighting away the thoughts of wanting to keep fucking and cumming into your little tight hole non-stop just to keep the image of his cum in your pussy imprinted into his retinas.
“You okay?” He asks, stroking your hair gently. You nod, meeting his eyes as you smile fondly at him, the oxytocin rushing into you.
“I love you,” you say, now the exhaustion starting to hit you. Wooyoung lightly slaps your cheek. “Don’t fall asleep yet. You need to wash up.”
You groan in laziness, not wanting to leave the comfortable space.
Wooyoung crosses his arms before pulling up his boxers, sticking his hand out to you.
“See, you should have invited me.”
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literaila · 2 months
what do you think reader, gojo, megumi, and tsumiki are doing rn đŸ€”
well where i’m at it’s 10:04 pm so

gojo and you are cuddled up on the couch, probably watching reality tv. but gojo keeps talking over it so it’s really more like you’re vaguely listening to two men argue over something on the screen, and simultaneously disagreeing with everything that your husband says.
but almost mindlessly you’re kissing his cheek, a bit of a smile just curling at your lip. it’s nice when it’s quiet at home. nice when the two of you can sit here, just like this.
and if gojo happens to lean in to kiss you every once and a while—accidentally, some sort of habit—it’s fine, you suppose. he still tastes a bit like the ice cream he spoon fed you both earlier.
tsumiki is already asleep. she might be the most innocent, endearing person in the world—but it’s not without cost, okay? she is tired of carrying this family on her back. give the girl a break and at least three blankets. you probably tucked her in earlier because she fell asleep with her shoes on again.
i think megumi is reading. probably some book about world domination. and usually he would shut his door, but recently he’s found that he likes the sounds of
 well, you guys. he likes it when gojo makes you laugh and it echoes down the hallway. and if you happen to bring him up—well he’ll hear that too.
megumi will go to bed after you both, the whispers of your voices luring him away. and if he wakes up with a nightmare

we already know what happens.
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lalovi · 5 months
(does a lil twirl) hi!!! hello!! i’ve never sent in an ask like this before, so sorry if i do something wrong o|-<! but what would be your take/your thoughts on a yandere shadow milk situation, where the reader truly starts to fight back, resist? đŸ€”
AN: Inspo from the song "Meant To be Yours."
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Shadow Milk x Reader
Warnings: Yandere, toxic relationship, obsessing, manipulation, mentions of murder
-Locked Out-
"Come on doll, you're just being silly!"
A few knocks would be sounded on your door.
"I already told you. I'm not coming out until you agree to let me leave!"
Shadow Milk sighed. Surely you didn't think that something as simple as a door would be able to stop him... right? He almost found your stupidity amusing....
Oh well. Entertaining this small delusion of yours for a little while couldn't hurt.
"You know locking yourself in there kind of defeats the purpose of being able to escape, right?" He'd ask you.
"I don't care! I just don't want to see your stupid face. I hate you!"
And you'd keep repeating that last line over and over.
"I hate you."
He knew better than anyone that those words held no truth. They couldn't! How could you hate him when all he's been doing has been in your name?
He lived for you. He breathed for you. All of his thoughts were for you. It was all you, you, you, you, you!
You were akin to a beautiful bird. One that, if it were to ever escape, would surely be hunted down by others. That's why you needed to stay here, with him, where he could keep you safe.
Keeping you chained down was in your best intrets, even if it did strip you of your freedom... He was the only one who deserved to see you, after all.
"Listen, my doll. I love you so much. Why don't we just end this silly argument?"
His voice sounded so inciting, yet it was laced with a venom that would kill you if you ever let it in.
"No. Don't talk to me unless you're bringing me outside."
There you went again, acting all stubborn... It was a fun game at first, but it's now become a lot more troublesome.
"Open this door," he said, this time with much less leniency in his voice.
He said it in such a way that shook you to your very core. It was cold and uncaring, unlike his usual playful self.
But... you just knew you couldn't open that door. You'd basically be handing your freedom over to him.
"You know I hate it when you do these things-" a loud bang came from the other side of the door, "you always make it look like I'm the bad guy."
But you would not move. You did not open that door. You could not open that door.
"If this door isn't open in five seconds, I'm going to come in there myself."
What caused his personality to change so much?
Why did it have to be you that he adored?
Can't he just leave you alone?
He's actually insane!
Please go away...
You asked for this, Shadow Milk thought to himself. If only you had cooperated more. Maybe he wouldn't have to do these things. It really was all your fault.
He vanished into some shadows before swiftly reappearing on the other side of the door; where you were.
Ah, he just loved seeing your face full of fear.
We're you scared of him?
Good. You should be.
It's about time you realize who's really pulling the strings.
"You didn't really think escaping me would be so easy right? A simple locked door is hardly an obstacle, doll." He bent down in front of you, smiling and patting your head degradingly.
Tears would prick the corners of your glossy eyes as you realized you had lost.
"Oh, I've just had the most brilliant idea!" He leaned slightly closer to you. "You said you wanted to go outside, right?"
There wasn't a response from you, but you looked up at him ever so slightly.
"How about I bring you to a nice little village and slaughter each one of the residents in front of you?" His smile turned crazed, and there was hardly any sanity left in those eyes of his.
I mean, of course he'd never actually bring you outside. There was too much risk in something like that. He just needed to scare you a bit. Get you to submit.
You'd grab his arm and started to beg; quite pathetically at that.
He just kept smiling, forcing you to your feet and dragging you around by the wrist.
"Wait! Don't do that please," You'd say in between a few sobs.
His grasp around your wrist tightened.
"Tell me you're sorry," he said.
"I'm sorry.." your legs began to quiver and you'd take a small step away from him instinctly.
He cupped your face, bringing you closer to him. "For what?"
"For not listening."
It's strange, really. He was the one breaking you down, yet you were the one apologizing. It's scary how easy it is to get you crawling back to him.
"All right. I'll forgive you. But only because I'm so loving and understanding."
He brought your face to his, pushing his forehead against yours.
"Just know that next time I won't hesitate to kill all of them, and it'll be all your fault if I do."
《☆》 Fin
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