#but literally what could have sparked the idea that he could only use his fingertips.
milimeters-morales · 8 months
one thing i didn’t get about the whole “use your palms” thing that Hobie told Miles is that Miles literally already knew that he could use his whole palm, so why didn’t he? He literally used his full palm to blast Kingpin away in the first movie. it’s whatever i guess, i’ve just always wondered since i saw the movie: why (and when) Miles started using only his fingertips during his time as Spider-Man, because when i watched the scene of him fighting that robot it looked like he was only using his fingertips (i couldn’t really tell)? Maybe he was just stressed each time and wasn’t thinking properly? but i mean knowing Miles he would have at least thought “i knew that already 🙄” in those yellow boxes we get from him after Hobie told him that in the supercollider room to match his attitude and feelings at the moment, so i’m thinking maybe it’s just either something they overlooked or movie bullshit i’m not supposed to question so they could include that Hobie moment
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justcallmefox89 · 5 months
Gnome Troubles - Chapter Eight (Wicket's POV)
Wicket turns the tables on Astarion.
Potential TW: brief allusions to Astarion's use of sex as a bargaining chip/his unease around sex in general
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I stare at the dying embers of the evening’s fire, seconding guessing my earlier decision to join Astarion.  He’d slipped away from the party a while ago, flashing me a beckoning smile as he disappeared into the shadows of the forest surrounding our camp.
This is an awful idea.  Karlach is a better idea, and she could quite literally incinerate me.
Shoving those doubts aside in favor of listening to more base urges, I grab a large blanket from my bag and slink off into the woods in search of Astarion.  I wander into a small clearing, keeping my eyes sharp for the acerbic vampire.
“There you are.  I’ve been waiting.”  Astarion glides out from behind a large oak.  “Waiting since the moment I set eyes on you.  Waiting to – is that a blanket?”
I ignore his snickering as I shake out the blanket and spread it onto the ground.  “I’m not sure what you've planned but I refuse to rut in the dirt like a youth of 110,” I say haughtily, still not entirely sure what exactly it is he wants from me, hoping I haven’t gravely misinterpreted the situation. 
“Gods, you are positively ancient aren’t you, my dear?”  Astarion titters, stepping closer to stand directly in front of me.
Already feeling off-balance and becoming even more flustered by his teasing, I feel an intense need to rectify our height difference.  Immediately.  I allow myself to fall backwards onto the blanket, grabbing his hand and tugging him along with me as I fall.
“What are you -oof!” Astarion huffs out an annoyed grunt as he lands next to me.  “Really, darling?”
I shrug, allowing myself to look up and take in the moon and stars glittering in the wide expanse of sky above us.  “Why did you really ask me out here, Astarion?  We’re not… close.”
He moves closer to me, trailing his fingertips down my forearm.  “Perhaps that is something I wish to rectify,” he murmurs.
I turn my head slightly, hoping to look into his eyes so I can gauge the truthfulness of his words.  He surges towards me, his lips covering my own.  I stiffen in surprise, but quickly relax, sinking into the softness of his lips.  As nice as the kiss is it feels… mechanical.  Rehearsed.  Passionless.
I break the kiss, taking a deep breath to stop my head from spinning. 
“What wrong?” Astarion whispers, moving in to continue the kiss.
I place a hand on his chest, gently pressing him back.  “Why are you doing this?”
His brow knits in equal parts confusion and frustration.
“Do you want to do this?” I clarify.  “With me?”
“Of course,” he says automatically.
He dramatically flops onto his back with a groan.  “What do you mean ‘why’?  Do you always question when someone invites you to engage in a night of passion?”
I give him a flat look, unwilling to leave the subject.
“Fine,” he huffs.  “You have been… kind.  And you have done quite well at keeping our merry little band alive, which I admit is… impressive.  And perhaps you possess other qualities that I find intriguing.”
Astarion glares at the sky, resolutely avoiding my eyes.  I lean closer to him, nudging his cheek with the tip of my nose. 
“You don’t owe me anything, Astarion,” I whisper.  “I know we haven’t had the easiest journey.”
He nods slowly. 
I touch my fingertips to his chin, gently turning his face towards me.  “I will only take what you freely give me.”
Astarion nods again, meeting my eyes this time. I tentatively lean forward, giving him time to reject me.  He stays unmoving, releasing a soft sigh when my lips finally meet his.  This time our kiss is slow and languid, and we slowly ease onto our sides without letting go of each other.  I gently trail my hand over his chest as I deepen the kiss, gently flicking my tongue against his.  Sparks shoot up my spine at the feel of his skin and the slick softness of tongue against mine.  I sigh, savoring the faint tastes of wine and copper that linger in his mouth.  Astarion presses against me, fumbling for the hem of my shirt.
“Shh,” I murmur against his lips, catching his wandering hands in my own.
I cut off his protest with another gentle kiss.  “Your pleasure is my own, love.  Now relax… and allow me to please us both.”
His crimson eyes widen and he momentarily stiffens against me, but quickly relaxes as I run my hand up and down his side, trying to reassure him with soft touches.
“You are in control, my lovely,” I whisper, pressing a kiss against the curve of his jaw.  “You may tell me to stop at any time.  Your word is my command.”
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Below the Surface: A 2023 Lackadaisy Fanfiction...now posted here, there, and NOW on Tumblr. Enjoy!
TW: blood mention, mention of dead bodies, violence, attempted assassination
--- "It makes my heart sick when I remember all the good words and the broken promises." - Chief Joseph ---
"His voice means to deceive you...my voice just wants to lead you...Below the Surface."
A sigh, then fluttering of eyes, all from him.
Rocky watched Mordecai whilst giving the tuxedo cat his usual chipper grin and sparking blue eyes. The two of them, along with Ivy, Freckle, Serafine, Nico, Mitzi and Mr. Sweet were seated at a table early in the morning within the Little Daisy Café. The front doors were locked with a closed sign, so nobody could enter.
The dawn’s light gently broke through the windows and laid on surfaces, a warmth gently resting upon everyone’s arms and laps. It was a comforting morning, despite the grim topic they were discussing, and what outcomes would be necessary.
“...well, it’s nice to have you back, Ol’ Serious Face!” Rocky broke the silence for a bit, smiling a bit more. Mordecai raised an eyebrow, tail flicking. He remained silent until Mr. Sweet gave him a gentle nudge.
“...the feeling is mutual, Mr. Rickaby.” Mordecai finally spoke: it wasn’t exactly a lie…but it wasn’t the full truth , either. “Now, elaborate the whole ordeal, and how the six of us are coming to conclude these murders. We are not the police, need I say more?” He gestured towards himself and the rest of the group.
“So that’s why you came over?” Freckle tapped his fingers on a glass of orange juice he had. He was a bit anxious near the tuxedo cat. Mordecai nodded again.
“We overheard de lil conversation wit’ your boss.” Serafine gently ran her fingertips across the blade of her knife. She pointed it at Freckle, and he shrank back, gulping audibly. Mordecai pushed the blade back from Freckle, eyes narrowing when he side–eyed Serafine as a warning.
“So you came up with the idea of…working with us?” Ivy felt Freckle grip her hand.
“Mhmm~ you’re saying dat like it’s a bad ting~ Are you two scared?~” Nico leaned back, smirking.
“Uhhhh,” Ivy’s shoulders tensed up, and Mordecai could be heard quietly muttering, “for Christ’s sake,” at Nico and Serafine’s actions.
“Calm down, you three: I can tell you’re excited.” Mr. Sweet chuckled, facing Mitzi. Mitzi raised a brow, then pursed her lips.
“You wanted to come and discuss why we need these two groups to ban together.” She traced the crevices in the table with her finger.
“With the murders affecting both businesses, it draws people away. I want your little group to come together with mine…kill the predator, so to speak.” Mr. Sweet extinguished his cigar in the ashtray. 
“What?! After they tried killing us?!” Ivy blurted out.
“Ivy, honey…it’s only one time that you’ll be working with them.” Mitzi rubbed her temples.
“Despite them literally shooting at us?” Freckle pointed out.
“All a part of de business, petit feu~” Serafine chuckled. Freckle pursed his lips tightly to bite back a grimace.
“Especially wit’ us against de other speakeasy businesses.” Nico smirked, and Serafine nodded.
“Dat’s jus’ business.” She repeated. She analyzed Freckle with narrowed eyes and a shrill grin, watching him sink back in his chair.
“Anyway,” Ivy giggled nervously, pushing away an empty glass, “where do we search first? Didn’t the funeral home collect the bodies for the autopsies?”
“Some are still rotting away,” Mordecai pushed up his pince–nez, dropping his gaze to his lap. He avoided her curious and overall concerned gaze, feeling a pang of regret so suddenly. He shoved it down deep, shoulders dropping as he stared into those yellow eyes of hers.
“...rotting away? Like they haven’t been discovered yet?” Rocky fiddled with a nearby fork, pointing at Mordecai.
“Exactly that.” The tuxedo gave another nod.
“So it could be classified as a murder mystery! To find out who is behind these ploys!” Rocky stood up, gesturing outward in a theatrical fashion. His movements were dramatic and his features were exaggerated. “It could be one of us , even…” He lowered his voice.
“Rocky,” Ivy groaned.
“Aw, let ‘im be dramatic! It’s adorable,” Serafine rested her chin on the backs of her hands. Rocky’s smile broadened, and Nico laughed.
“You look a bit more pleasant dan wit’ you throwin’ dynamite at us.” He commented. 
“Do not remind me of that. Ugh, it took forever to get rid of the water and muck in my clothing because of that damned water tower collapsing and combusting.” Mordecai rolled his eyes.
“It was eleven kinds of stupid to use dynamite like dat.” Serafine added on.
“Precisely.” Mordecai sighed sharply.
“Point is, we can surely count on you to figure out what happens next, yes?” Mitzi’s ears flicked up. 
“...yes.” Freckle nodded reluctantly.
“So we got our team formed: what now?” Rocky smiled still, tilting his head to the side. That’s when the explanations got interesting…
“Any possible suspects?”
“Nothin’ so far, Peekon.”
Mordecai’s fingers tapped on the cover of the journal he was writing in. The evening brought a nice, sunset glow through the windows of the Savoy’s suite in the Hotel Maribel. The scent of cigarettes was strong, as well as hints of gin and…nicotine? It seemed like it.
“...what about de cat flirtin’ with you?” Nico leaned back, putting his feet up on the table. He crossed his arms, raising a brow.
“...Silas Tueuse? The French actor?” Mordecai recalled. “While rather lewd and ludicrous, I hadn’t suspected anything more than an…” He grimaced, internally shuddering at the innuendos shoved into his face that night. He tilted his head back and forth, mulling for a good word: “... eager , patron.”
“Silas Tueuse? He’s here in Missouri?” Ivy leaned forward, feeling a gentle brushing of Nico’s tail.
“Mhmmm. Stayin’ at de Hotel Maribel.” Serafine hummed. She twirled her knife. “I don’t tink he’s a threat, per se…”
“Everyone is a suspect until proven to be innocent. We are unsure of who and what to trust.” Mordecai chided, writing something down in a journal with a red china pen. He scribbled something out, making a noticeable face. “Ms. May and Mr. Sweet are not suspects. Mr. Sweet was more than just appalled with the murders, keep in mind.” He tapped the pen against the multiple pages of paper.
“And so was Ms. M.! She looked concerned, more than anything.” Rocky looked over Mordecai’s shoulder, and Mordecai slammed the journal shut with one hand, flicking out a knife and holding it towards the other with his other hand.
“Stand away from me, Mr. Rickaby.” He scolded. Rocky moved to the other side, and Mordecai flicked out another knife, his tail thumping violently.
“Ooookay, you are much pricklier than I remember.”
“Back off.”
“Gotcha, gotcha.”
“And keep that in mind for the future.”
“He’s really prickly, ain’t he?” Serafine commented behind her hand, whispering to Nico.
“Yeah, he really is,” Nico whispered back.
“He was always like this back at Lackadaisy,” Ivy matched their tone, “that’s why Rocky called him ‘Ole Serious Face’, because of how much of a grump he was.”
Nico chuckled, eyes lighting up slightly. “Aww, is dat so?” He turned his head to watch Mordecai. Mordecai rolled his eyes once more, sneering at the commentary.
“You needn’t reminisce, Miss Pepper.” He told her roughly.
“But it’s nice to! I missed your…your…” Ivy faltered. Mordecai raised a brow, clearly unamused. Ivy then brought up, “...punctuality!”
“I am quite punctual, thank you for noticing.” Mordecai grabbed his jacket, putting it back on. “Speaking upon such a topic, I have work to attend to.”
“Lookin’ after Mr. Sweet jus’ in case he ain’t dead?” Serafine smirked.
“I’m his right hand man, Serafine: just because that is my position, does not make Mr. Sweet defenseless.” Mordecai chided again. He walked towards the doors of the suite, gripping the iron handle. He pulled the door inward, opening it, then let go of the handle, his eyes going wide at yet another slumped body against the door. Blood was splattered, and he staggered back, letting out a small noise. Immediately, he reached for his revolver and gripped the handle, cocking it violently as his head snapped around to peer outside of the suite.
“What the…” Serafine stood up, then her ears flattened on the back of her head.
“Holy simoleons…” Ivy whispered, eyes going wide, as well. Mordecai’s eyes scanned the area. He sighed sharply, stepping over the body.
“Nico, Serafine, I’ll be off to tell Mr. Sweet about this unfortunate circumstance.” He fixed his pince–nez. Before anyone could question anything, he was off to inform Mr. Sweet.
“...he was always like dis, huh?” Serafine turned to the Daisy Trio.
“He was, though he wasn’t entirely angry like this.” Ivy commented. “…right?” She turned towards Rocky, who only nodded in confirmation.
“Maybe we can loosen ‘im up…Mr. Sweet said dat we needed to tie up dose loose ends…” Serafine shrugged with a shoulder, playing with her knife. She flicked it out towards Freckle, who flinched and scooted away. “Aw, what is it, chér? You afraid of de lil blade?~” She then giggled, leaning forward as Freckle leaned back, tail fluffing up. “I don’ bite! Hard, at least~”
Ivy’s eyes widened slightly as she pulled Freckle by the arm, yanking him to her side in a protective manner. Nico chuckled.
“Ain’t dat cute?~ De young couple is trying to get away from us, sis.” He commented.
“Mmm, oh I know, brother of mine.” Serafine grinned, baring those sharp fangs of hers. “We ain’t gon’ hurt you two! Unless you cross us…” A twisted gleam in her eyes flickered. Rocky peeked back and forth between the body, then the other four.
“…did you kill them?”
Serafine and Nico paused before bursting into laughter. The Daisy Trio watched in horror.
“Did you…?” Freckle lowered his voice.
“Ah, no, no, petit feu, we ain’t de ones to do dat. Ain’t dat right, Nico?” Serafine smirked.
“Yeah,” Nico nodded, speaking a bit less now.
“See? You got nothin’ to worry ‘bout.” Serafine smiled fully: though it may or may not have been genuine.
“Yet…” Freckle whispered.
“Don’ worry one bit, chér. We’ll protect you.” Nico chuckled as Ivy backed away. Rocky had begun to skim through the notes.
“Do you want a death wish, Rocky? What are you doing?” Ivy perked up, moving to face him.
“Well, this is certainly a nice change of pace from Mordecai…” Rocky chuckled, examining the pages. His eyes scanned the notes, but then sparked at the sketches in the margins. It was so surreal to find out that Mordecai of all people had a bit of artistic flair. It was endearing, surprising, amazing…everything at once. The spark in Rocky’s eyes faded, and the goofy smile he harnessed shifted into something smaller, thoughtful even. “...these notes aren’t just about the murders…they…” He flipped through the old, warn out pages. “They’re about Atlas.”
“...what?” Ivy rushed to Rocky’s side. He was right: every page had at least one mention of Atlas.
“Peekon is softer dan what he wants to let on.” Serafine made her way to them, taking her time. Her ears flicked in curiosity. “...dat’s why he’s here, den.”
“To solve de murder dat happened a year ago…” Nico raised a brow, lowering himself slightly to see the notes better.
“...he really didn’t betray us. He–he’s only…” Rocky scanned it more, his eyes twitching, then widening slightly more. He dropped the journal at the sounds of gunshots and footsteps. He whipped around and the rest of them stood by the doorway. They watched in awe and shock when they noticed black fabric fluttering, flapping, rushing through the dim lit halls, dodging Mordecai’s bullets.
“Chér?” Serafine then rushed to grab her Boudreaux, gripping it tightly, cocking it. Another gunshot echoed, a bullet whirring into the suite. It didn’t hit anyone, but it made Ivy let out a scream. 
Mordecai dodged another bullet, though slamming into a wall. He hissed, eyes narrowed. He watched the cloaked figure’s fingers twiddle, her gloved hand hovering over her strapped revolver. She whipped it out and pulled the trigger…but this time, aiming in the suite. A scream and shatter echoed, and Mordecai let out a strangled breath. He snapped his head to see that Ivy was almost shot at, and it was enough for the figure to run away. He growled, rushing after her, but then she jumped out of an open window. The warmth of the Mssouri air rushed through, gently brushing against Mordecai’s fur. He rushed to the window and peered outward.
“Mordecai! What happened?!” Ivy ran over. “Mordecai?!”
Mordecai’s eyes were narrowed: Ivy noticed that there was a bit of blood splattered on his fur. His gaze remained out the window, and he lost sight of the figure. Though a bit of cloth from the cloak was pierced and flapping on the black fence.
“...there has been an assassination attempt.” He fixed his pince–nez, turning to face her. “Mr. Sweet fought her off first, as did I, however that escalated into a violent fight. We have yet to identify who is doing this. But one thing is for certain…” He glanced back at the body, and the rest of the group. Ivy’s gaze bore through him in fear, and his heart squeezed. His ears flattened against his skull.
“That is…?” Ivy nudged gently. Nico raised a brow in unison with Serafine, sharing glances. Freckle reached towards Ivy, and Rocky had picked up the journal. Mordecai’s brows furrowed. A scowl lit up his features.
“...there is more than one killer on our hands.”
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delving-verilly · 2 years
Sparks - Astronauts
Sparks is a series of vignettes written under the influence of art.
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They were the best of the best, which is why it all came as a shock. One of the last hopes is restoring the planetary 'factory setting'. Years of electromagnetic signals, abuse and pillaging of a planet will leave it in a state. The mindless unawareness through the choice of the populous wanting to ignore what they couldn't see. When they could see, it was too late.
Many things had started to create chaos within the planet's atmosphere. Global warming, the constant rain of space debris as celestial bodies decayed and connected with each other, sending literal rain of metal and junk down as more and more was pushed skyward to keep the people in the manner they'd become accustomed. Fast internet, information at fingertips and what was done with it. Nothing of any true meaning or depth. No integrity and living a life of existing, not experiencing.
When one of the largest celestial bodies had been identified and taken out a northern city, leaving millions dead and plenty in a 24-month Winter, something had to be done. A small group of rogue specialists had seen a way out. To bring down the satellites and junk from the sky. To prevent further advancement. A self-sacrifice of the most remarkable calibre to continue the human race and the planet's longevity. Pull apart the systems upon which the foundations of life had now become reliant.
Humanity was never meant to be comfortable. The smallest of joys in a day can be found in completing tasks that lead to our ongoing survival. We simply made ourselves comfortable while we waited for science to return with the answers for us to advance. Science has been shouting the answers for some time now, and too many have become too comfortable to listen. Listening would mean having to change, and change can be scary to people - especially if they are comfortable.
The two had been firm friends for many years, having grown up together at polar ends of the same town. One from poverty and struggle. Hardship and ostracised for his father's decisions and the small-minded community that fostered the apple never falling far from the tree. Every opportunity he had he fought tooth and nail for.
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The other the only son of a wealthy, successful and well-connected couple. Carrying his own trauma of them never being around. Touch and affection starved, throwing himself into sports and seeking the validation he so craved from peers and those who would place a crown on his head at high school only to snatch it away given the first chance. Unlikely partners holding the planet in the palms of their hands.
Were they successful in their mission? That was yet to be seen. For there was only one of them left. The other falling victim to the debris, simply trying to clear the atmosphere and catching a snag in their vessel, they had to conduct an EVA (extravehicular activity). Only one could do it, the other having to remain inside. It was too high a risk to send both out when there was only the two of them.
They drew straws. There was no better way to do it as far as they were concerned they were equal in skill and treated one another as such. Neither of their lives were superior to the others.
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Edward drew the short straw. He suited up and headed out. It seemed like an easy enough job. Just dislodge the debris caught in the exterior and prevent further damage. It was like a floating junkyard. The human race really had 'trashed' not only the planet but the entire vicinity it sat in. Swirling around the ethereal blue green orb were layers of metal, of reflective and dull surfaces, spikes and stilts, a myriad of different surfaces, logos and crap. Just crap. The piece lodged in the shell had a pay tv logo on it. Was it really worth it and did anyone down there on that planet have any idea. No.
The thing with space is there isn't gravity. When one object strikes another it will continue on its trajectory being propelled endlessly. Caught in an orbit of the planet, junk that has been struck by asteroids or other debris can get caught in a loop of propulsion, getting more momentum until it gets pulled down into the gravitational pull of the planet and into the atmosphere where it either burns up or crashes into the planet's population as it had been doing.
Out of nowhere, some of that spiralling debris caught Edward unaware. Steven hadn't even seen it coming with all the machinery on board. It was that small. That deadly. That fast. Cutting like bullets through his space suit. Through him. Straight through. It was over in an instant. Steve managed to retrieve the body as Eddie had followed protocol and was strapped to the exterior. That was the hardest EVA Steven had ever done in his life. They weren't successful. The very thing they were sent to combat destroyed the mission and took Edward's life. Steven had lost his best friend.
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Edward was given a private ceremony. No airs and graces for a mission that was never supposed to happen because far too many people were making far too much money from the earth being in the state it was in. Steven tried to tell his story and was shut down by many governments. He will tell his story to whoever will listen to him to this day. If you can find him, ask him to tell it one more time.
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mingi-bubu · 2 years
8. "Do you remember?"
Fictober22~ Supernatural exists au, set in an indeterminate time but it’s not modern day, angst with a happy ending, lee seokmin x gn!reader, ~1.7k bc i couldn’t control myself
You think what you miss most about Seokmin is his warmth.  His eyes that looked at you with such care and joy, his smile that reminded you of sunshine breaking through a cloudy day, his kisses that were like a cool breeze on a hot summer day…
All of that gone now.  His warmth is still there—he couldn't ever not be the sun—but it's not the same. A distorted echo of what once was.  He looked at you with a polite interest, sometimes amusement when you and your familiar Bazil get into an argument, but his smile is now more of sunshine in the winter. Bright, but lacks any warmth, leaving you wishing it hadn't appeared at all.
And it was your fault.
You didn't mean to mess with the fair folk; you didn't mean to step into their field, to break their circle, but you did. Chasing your spell book as it flew tens of feet above you, Seokmin behind you, asking why the damned thing had escaped once again from the fortified boundary of your lintel.  And because he was following you so closely, he broke the circle with you.
The fair folk decided that retribution, their specialty, was to be removing every memory of you from his mind.  After all, he's just a human.  Barely a spark of Other in him; no more than the average, of course.
You hadn't realized he collapsed until you finally caught your book and turned to face him excitedly.  You saw him there, barely visible in the tall, swaying grasses, lying unmoving. Running to him, using your Otherness to levitate him to your small house a hop, skip, and a jump away from the field, anxiety racing through your veins.  The flickering light flowing through the leaves gave him an unnatural look, like he was nearly close to death.
You had set him on your bed and immediately contacted your mentor, Jeonghan, with the hope that he had any idea on how to fix this.
"Unfortunately, the fair folks' Otherness is too wild, too quick to change like the winds, for me to be able to make any assessments, sweeping though they would be."
You had stared at him blankly, not believing what he told you. Anger, despair, regret, guilt, and fear swirled around inside you, a cocktail of negative emotion, and your Other sparked out of your fingertips, nearly burning your small table next to you.  "What then, pray tell," you hissed, eyes blazing, "am I supposed to do to fix this?"
Jeonghan had stayed quiet.  He didn't have answers to your question.  Or if he did, they weren’t ones that you wanted to hear.  He faded away, the visage dissolving in front of you like embers dying in the air above a fire.
That was nearly a month ago and Seokmin was no better, tough though he was. You didn't have the heart to tell him all of the truth—that you were lovers and have been for nearly a year. But you told him the rest of it—that you lived together, that you trusted him with your life, and he did the same, how you had met at the village's autumnal equinox festival, all of it.  He rolled with it all, apologizing for not remembering as if it were his fault that he was cursed by your (literal) misstep.
Bazil brought up his idea again one night, towards the final hours of the month. Seokmin had tired before you, as usual, and left you and your fox familiar to your work in front of the now-dying fireplace.
"All I suggest," Bazil says, barely flicking his eyes at you while he cleans his front claws, "is that you take him back to the field to beg forgiveness."
You barely look at him as you continue to twist damp reed fibers into a thin string. "And I told you that if I do that, the fair folk may take a harsher response and do something worse to him."
If foxes could raise an eyebrow, you're sure Bazil's would be with how his voice dripped in skepticism. "How would they make him worse, pray? Turn your lover into a vegetable of a human, only able to breathe and blink?"
"They could turn him into a literal vegetable, you mutt," you mutter, tying off another string of reed fibers.
"I think I should do it." Seokmin's voice suddenly behind you makes you jump, the basket of reeds whispering from the movement.
"See, even the soon-to-be radish agrees with me."  Bazil licks his chops and sets his head down on his folded paws, clearly done with the conversation.
I’ll turn you into a radish, you think, glaring at your familiar.  A twitch of his ear was the only thing to let you know your thought reached him.  You set aside your fibers, twisting in your chair to look at the man behind you.  The low light of the fire softened him, as though you were looking at him through misted glass or in a dream.
You sigh, your eyes flickering down his body, and you talk to the ring on his pinky rather than look him in the eye.  “Seokmin, no, I cannot let you do that.  It is much too dangerous for an Other to walk into a fair folks’ circle, much less a human.”
“But if this is the only way to restore my memory in its fullest…”  He pauses, weighing his next words carefully, “If this is the only way to restore that whom you knew me as.  I feel guilty for taking him away from you, as silly as that sounds.”
“No, Seokmin, I promise it is not your fault.  You have no need or obligation to feel guilty, nor do you have any obligation towards me from what I know of our past together.”  You can’t help but say his name as you have before, love tripping through the syllables.
“You should have your lover back, and I am sure that I was happier then than I am now,” he argues, stepping closer.
You know that this back-and-forth could go on forever.  You were both stubborn in general, but even more so when it came to the other’s happiness.  Still, you fire back, “I do not know for certain how their Otherness will affect you!  They could do so much more damage to you than they already have.  I do not want to risk you for something that may come back on its own.  The chance that the fair folk decide to be benevolent is too small for me to put you into that situation just because I miss my lover!”  You feel your eyes begin to water slightly at the thought of losing Seokmin for good because of your selfishness.
“And I promised I would never make you cry!”  He says frustrated, his voice louder than a minute ago.  Or maybe it was the darkness that enhanced your senses.
You let out a soft gasp when your mind processed what he just said.  In the month that he’s been with you since the Incident, he made several promises.  Most of them weren’t serious.  They were things like “I promise that I won’t ask you to make another dragon out of flames in the fireplace again” only for him to ask you ten minutes later to make another dragon out of flames in the fireplace.  But he never promised something as serious as that.
“Do you remember?”  Your question comes out hesitantly, as if the words themselves don’t wish to leave your lips.  Seokmin had promised that he would never make you cry in the aftermath of your first big argument, something you can’t even remember what you disagreed on any more anyway.
“I don’t,” he starts to say, but pauses.  His eyes close and his face is peaceful for a moment before it scrunches in pain.  He stumbles forwards into the arm of your chair and doubles over, his head barely missing your nose.  On instinct, you gently but sturdily put his head into the crook of your neck and start running one hand through his hair soothingly, the other resting on the side of his neck.  He wraps his arms around you, his fingers digging in to the sweater you wore as he rides the waves of memory that are hitting him out of the blue.
You stay like that for who knows how long, the fireplace going dark.  The only light came from the window in the ceiling you put in to look at the moon.  It shone brightly enough for you to just make out what was around you.
“When I met you that first time at the festival, you were wearing a crown of red-golden leaves and holly berries.  I told you I thought you were an elf at first glance because you were all elegance and grace as you joined the villagers dancing around the bonfire,” he whispers against your skin, sending shivers down your spine.  “Our first kiss was on the winter solstice, and you made the evergreens around us shake the snow off their branches to try to impress me.  I laughed when a bunch of snow fell on you, giving you a little mound of white powder on the top of your head.  You glared at me before I pulled you closer to brush it off.
“When I finished, my hand came down to the side of your face, and you complained about how cold my hands were.  I interrupted you to ask if it was okay to kiss you in that moment because I couldn’t believe that you were actually in my arms.  I didn’t even fully finish my question before you pulled me closer by my coat collar.  Bazil saw us and started talking about how long it took for us to get to that moment.”
You were reeling with emotions as Seokmin recounted the earlier moments in your love story together.  Your hand had gone still the moment he talked about the festival crown, your fingers buried in his hair.
“I don’t know what brought me back to you, my love,” he says, pulling away just enough so that he could look at your face fully, “but I promise you that I will always come back to you.  It may take a while, but I will.”
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detectivehannibal · 3 years
Studying with Hannibal Lecter
Hannibal Lecter x Student! Fem! Reader
Warnings: Smut, Cock warming.
Request: Hannibal x fem student reader? She’s trying to focus amd write her exam online but hanni gets horny from watching her?smut pleeeeeeaze
A/N: Disclaimer that the reader is over the age of 18!
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Going back to college you finish your education was one of the best and worst ideas you ever had.
There were definitely pros and cons to the situation.
The pros were that you were working toward achieving something that you could use for the rest of your life.
You would be able to consider yourself an expert in your field.
Not to mention the bragging rights.
On the flip side, you were always slammed with work and all the studying you were doing was giving you flash backs to high school.
It didn’t help that you were a perfectionist, and that you would literally study until you fell asleep or Hannibal dragged you away to bed.
Hannibal is more than happy to share his home office with you, allowing you to sit at his large desk and use whatever material you might need.
Hannibal tries not to bother you when you’re studying or working on an assignment.
He’ll poke his head in every so often to make sure you don’t need anything.
He’ll bring you tea, coffee, a snack, etc.
You name it and he’ll get it for you.
Sometimes though, you’ll ask him to come sit with you so you can chat while you work.
You knew that going back to school had taken your attention off of him and he was beginning to feel distant from you.
So you try to reach out to him as best you can.
He’ll pull up a chair and sit next to you.
Sometimes he’ll even do some of his own work and the two of you will work together and make small talk.
He did what he could to lower your stress levels.
He wanted you to be successful.
But sometimes your workload was just too much.
There was one evening particular where you were REALLY stressed out.
Like, you came home and holed yourself up in his office without saying a word.
It sparked him as odd, considering that you always took the time to ask him about his day, no matter what you had to do.
He waited a couple of hours before going to check on you.
He stood near the doorway, watching as you typed furiously on your laptop.
He originally wasn’t going to say anything, but the longer he watched, the more...aroused that he got.
He couldn’t quite pinpoint why something as simple as you working hard got him hot and bothered.
He figured it was because he hadn’t really been intimate with you in a while.
That and there was something so attractive about seeing you so focused on something.
He approached you quietly in his socked feet.
He rested his hands on your shoulders carefully, breaking you from your trance.
“Hey, Hanni.” was all you could really muster to say at the moment.
“My love...why don’t you take a break?”
Normally, that was all it took for you to tear away for a bit,
But today you were determined to power through.
“No, I can’t. I’ve got to finish this.” 
“You’ve been working for far too long. I really wish you’d take a break.”
His thumbs started rubbing at the tense muscles in your shoulder, making his offer so hard to refuse.
He could see the stress on your face and he could practically smell the tension.
You needed some relief...some stress relief.
“Just 15 minutes. That’s all I ask for.”
His lips had fallen to your neck now, kissing and sucking softly.
A sigh escaped your chest, reluctance coursing through you.
But eventually, you agreed.
Hannibal stood you up from the desk chair, only to sit down himself and pull you on his lap.
You straddled him, the two of you making out and sharing passionate “I love yous”.
You felt bad when you felt how needy his kisses were.
They said nothing short of “I’ve missed you”.
Hannibal started to get handsy, his fingertips teasing the waistband of your shorts.
His hard on was obvious underneath you.
He slipped your shorts off of your legs while you worked on getting his belt and pants off.
He turned you around to where you were facing the desk again, raising you and lowering you down onto his erection.
The moan that you let out was music to his ears.
You went to start moving, but his hand stopped you from doing so.
“Hannibal, what-”
“Go on, darling. Read to me what you have so far.”
He had to be kidding.
He did all this to get you to stop working and now he wanted you to review it?
You tried to shift your hips to get some kind of friction, but he held you extremely still.
You started to read off of your laptop screen.
You were stuttering through it, an occasional curse sounding out.
He was buried deep inside of you.
His tip prodding at your cervix.
He made noises of interest and affirmation as you read, clearly impressed with what you had so far.
He turned down all of your pleas, prompting you to keep going.
You finished reading, ignoring the way that the words had began to blur.
You were begging now.
“Hannibal, please fuck me.”
“But I thought you liked feeling me like this?”
“I do, but...it’s so much better when you’re moving. Please, baby, I promise I’ll be good.”
Finally, Hannibal couldn’t bear to hear your whimpers anymore,
He wanted to make you feel good.
He lifted you off of his dick momentarily to turn you back around.
He took a second to marvel at how you had soaked him.
You barely waited to sink down onto him completely before you started rolling your hips against him.
Hannibal groaned in your ear, his voice rumbling and low.
He guided your hips in a rhythm, loving the way you bounced on his lap.
You angled yourself back a bit so he’d hit your g-spot every time you landed back onto him.
He wanted to get you to a fast, but good orgasm.
His fingers rubbed at your sensitive clit to bring you closer to your finish.
He thrusted up into you hard.
Each new thrust melting away more and more of your stress.
He sucked hickeys on your neck and praised you endlessly.
“You’re so good. I’m so proud of you.”
“Such a good girl. You’re so perfect.”
He worked you until you unraveled around him, your release hitting you full force with a flash of white.
He came inside of you, milking your walls white.
Your head fell onto his shoulder as you went limp, too tired to move.
His hands rubbed over your back as your breathings returned to normal.
He left sweet, lazy kisses wherever he could.
Your voice sounded out shortly after, drawing a laugh from him.
“I think...I can stop here for the night.”
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arcadejohn127-9 · 4 years
Okay so I have a personal head cannon that demon hunters are a thing in the Obey Me World. So I wondering if you could do the brother and undatables finding out that a bunch on demon hunters kidnapped MC while they were in human world because they found out of MCs packs. Your writing is so good, honestly this is one of my favorite Obry Me accounts.
Thank you! It gives me pride for being one your favourites!
I love expanding the world of obey me and idea of hunters is one that seems realistic in a world of demons and angels and just in general, really interesting. Before I joined writing on Tumblr I was actually a Wattpad author and one my books was about a monster hunter who got in a love square with Frankenstein's monster, Dr Jekyll and Mr hyde
Never finished it but it was fun concept so any type of supernatural hunter already just wins in my department
Do I have a thing for making the demons violent and showing off a more aggressive and bloody side to them? Yes, I really do
Warning: kidnapping, gore-ish, violence, religious themes, angst, guns, mentions of torture, long
Your breathing grew heavier as the crushing feeling on your chest continued to grow, your heart slamming against your ribcage. Begging to be released from its suffocating prison. If it weren't for the lump in your throat you were sure your heart would of leapt out of it. 
your feet pounded against the street beneath you; you were running faster than you’ve ever ran before. How did it get to this situation? well, you didn't have time to reminisce but to make a long story short - a group of demon hunters revealed themselves to you and are now chasing you down as you refused to cooperate. they wanted to use you for your pact and you didn’t want to be involved, especially seeing as they were literal demon hunters! they were going to kill your friends! 
but sadly, fate was not on your side. your ankle twisted to the side, pain shooting up from your ankle all the way to your knee. rope surrounded you, you thrashed against the net as your body slammed to the floor. The last thing you saw was the hunter tower above you, the butt of their gun coming down on your head. 
when you finally woke up you already had a gun back in your face, you tried to escape but you were forced backwards. chains rattling behind you. you looked behind you to see you were chained to a cross, both your wrists and ankles were bound.
Your situation only grew worse when the hunter Infront of you snarled down at you. Demanding you used your pacts, spitting on your face. You thrusted forward, matching their snarl as you bared your teeth at them. Demon mannerisms have rubbed off on you but it wasn't doing you any good. The gun clicked, unlocking off safety mode.
Your heart sunk immediately.
"Use your pact or else."
You could only hear the blood rushing through your ears. Trembling as their finger slowly pressed on the trigger. You knew they were going to kill the brother's if you did but you were terrified that were going kill you. You shook your head, letting it hang low as fat tears rolled down your cheeks.
You kept refusing to use your pact and summon the seven demons. Every time you refused they'd hurt you; kicking you, slamming the guns butt down on your head, throwing your head back on the cross. You could barely hear what they said, they just kept screaming at you. Calling you filth and a traitor to mankind.
Despite all the pain you were grateful they weren't killing you. You just had to keep pushing your luck. You couldn't summon them no matter how scared you were. You refused. You couldn't do it.
But fortunately, Magic doesn't always act the way you want it to. Your soul - your entire being BEGGED to be saved. You wanted to save yourself, you desperately tried to spark at the chains and remember any spells but your mind was at a blur. nothing was processing.
You cried out when you saw the large magic circle appear on the floor. You tried desperately to close the summoning circle, cursing to yourself. You demanded your magic to listen to you but it wouldn't work. The brothers symbols appearing in each part and soon enough, they appeared in full demon form.
his wings blocked at the rapid bullets going their way
His whip quick to come out and wrap around a hunters wrists, he twisted his hand around it and pulled the poor hunter towards him
"This isn't very welcoming, now is it? How bold."
the hunter went flying, the brothers dodging in time
He smirked, a bullet between his teeth and more between his fingers
Steam was drifting off them but he just crushed the metal bullets with no other thought
"How nice of ya to give me a gift~! You really know how to make a demon happy."
He spat out the last bullet and it went flying, hitting a hunters eye
The ground shook beneath you, many hunters missing their shot at his brothers
A crab like beast bursted out of the ground, sewer sludge splattering on the floor
It swiped and grabbed at the hunters, screams filling the space, bodies snipped in half in seconds
"You're all worse than Normies! You took the wrong human from the wrong demons!"
he back hand slapped a hunter that approached him, growling
He leapt off the crab, grabbing the nearest hunter to him by the head
Their neck snapped to an odd angle and they immediately dropped
"This isn't how I expected to spend my evening but you took my reading partner....you won't receive my mercy."
He shoved his clawed hands through their chests and spines, ripping out the first organ or bone he could grab
He didn't lie, he didn't show an ounce of mercy
His wings flapped behind him, he dragged his claws along the backs of the hunters he flew past
Giggling as they screamed in pain
"Aww I'm just flirting, was it really that bad?"
He pouted before swiping at their faces
Shoving another hunter towards his more violent brother
Whilst he had no issue letting himself get wild, he saw how scared you looked
He didn't want to get too dirty or else how could he comfort you?
Beel could be ruthless if TRUELY provoked
And hearing your whimpers when he arrived stirred furious anger within him
When he finally saw your beaten state it made him snap
Hungry for blood
Hunters head being crushing with ikr hand
"You don't even look appealing to eat, you're worst than Solomon's cooking."
He took a chunk out of one hunter when they aimed at one of his brother's
Refusing to let his family get hurt
We all know he's cold blooded
So it was no surprise blood was gushing everywhere
His dream dust filling his area and nightmares surrounded the hunters
"They're mine....and yet you stole them and hurt them, you're disgusting."
hunters would disappear into the mist and not come back out alive
Bodies littering the floor as he swooped through
As soon as things got gory your eyes were sealed shut, trying to shut out the sound of flesh tearing and screams of agony. Whimpering as you thought about the brothers smiling faces, how gentle and soft they usually were. Chanting in your head that they were here to save you, you were safe, they're still them.
You screamed as your body was lifted off the platform you were on, the cross rising. You were now fully crucified; feet slipping as you struggled against the cross. The chains were barely supporting your weight so you just dangled, fear rising in you.
Mammon charged towards you, his brothers continuing to fight against the hunters. He ripped the chains out of the cross, you fell right into his arms, your heart thumping against your chest.
"look at what they did to you....I shouldn't of protected ya, I hope you'll learn to forgive me - they busted you up real bad."
He caressed your cheek; eyes glaring at your busted lip and the many bruises forming on your face. You winced when his hand touched the side of your head, he recoiled feeling something warm on his palm. It was blood. YOUR blood.
He almost broke down right there and then, looking at how hurt you were - he couldn't handle it.
"thanks...that makes me feel so much better." You let out a pained laugh, hoping to make him feel better.
He only frowned more, softly rubbing his thumb on your cheek. It was obvious he was struggling to keep himself calm. You held his hand, showing off your best smile.
"i don't blame any of you, the hunters did this, okay? You didn't do anything wrong."
Your sweet moment was ruined when the 6 brothers backed all bumped into the two of you. Forming a protective ring as the hunters surrounded them; it seemed like there was no end.
You raised your shaky hands, magic swirling around your wrists and to your fingertips. You barely had enough strength to put on a little light show but you weren't going to just let the demons defend you without even trying to help.
It your lucky day as suddenly, the hunters hideout doors bursted open. You could barely make out the outside but there was blood coating every wall, steam coming off dead bodies. Soon enough four figures emerged and your heart almost leapt out of your throat.
Lucifer growled as he strangled a hunter, turning his attention to the new comers.
"I'm surprised you came so late, espically with the company with you, my lord."
Diavolo laughed, his hands coming together as his magic flared brightly. Barbatos had his arms behind his back, smiling to all of you.
"Forgive our tardy timing, these hunters are determined."
"don't forget us, though I may of caused us to take our time, it's been so long since I've fought this many people."
Solomon adjusted his sleeves, his many pacts glowing against his skin. Simeon, unlike the others, looked completely untouched by the chaos. Smiling as he kept his hands together.
"I beg for your forgiveness (Y/N), It appears we've angered Lucifer more than the hunters have."
Time slowed down within the room, only the hunters going still
Their movements frustratingly slow
"I think it's best to clean up this situation whilst you take (Y/N) back, they've seen enough."
He looked at Lucifer, both men nodding
The prince moved freely through the frozen room, eyeing the amount of hunters
He bowed to the brothers, offering you a comforting smile
"I must agree with my lord, things will get rather unpleasant."
He slowly slipped off his gloves
He approached you, gently handing you his gloves and patted your shaky hands
A silent request to keep them safe for him
The wizard blew the steam off his wand
Smirking as he pointed it towards the magic still present around your wrists
"Isn't it good I came along? You're going to fall sleep if you keep using your powers, little apprentice, let me open a portal for you."
Just as he finished talking he summoned a portal to the devildom
He gave you a small salute
He hastily rushed towards you all
Checking on each brother for any serious harm, thankful they were okay
He turned his attention to you, doing the same
"all is going to be okay, I promise, I'll bring over some desserts when we get back - tell Luke I won't be long, I know he's anxious about your safety."
He walked you to the portal, caressing your hands
You got a gentle push towards the portal
Once you were all through the portal, you completely shattered. Crumbling to the floor as you broke down sobbing. The brothers tried to approach you again but your nostrils flared, face scrunching up in disgust. They reeked of blood and guts.
Beels mouth was covered in blood, flesh between his fangs. Levithans hands trembling from adrenaline red and stained with blood. Belphegor was showered in the red liquid, a feral look still in his eye. Mammon was the most clean out of all of them but he had blood dripping down him. Asmodeus had flesh on his nails and blood on his cheek. Satan looked just as drenched as belphegor, his shoulders shaking with anger. And finally, Lucifer was the second cleanist but he still was no better than the others.
"i need time to- time to calm down....just.... please just wash."
They all accepted your wishes, hesitant but they understood your predicament.
You laid on the floor, chains still on your wrists and ankles. They felt so tight on your limbs, you whimpered as they scratched at your skin. It took one small burst of magic to make them drop; you were finally free.
You continued to just lay on the floor, shakily grabbing a nearby pillow. Inhaling the sweet comforting scent, letting it fill your scenes. Everytime you even smelled a faint swift of the gore-ish scene from before you just took in another deep inhale.
You laid there for what felt like hours. Silently crying as you hugged the pillow.
You grounding yourself. Reminding yourself you were safe and back in your room. The brothers were safe and they weren't mindless beasts.
You rolled on your side, something poking your hip. It was your phone. You pulled it out from your pocket and began to type, messaging Luke that Simeon was okay aswell as you, apologizing for not seeing him in person. You sent him a quick selfie of you smuggled into your pillow and tried to look somewhat happy. Hoping it'll comfort him.
It wasn't a moment later until you heard a knock at your door. You questioned who it was.
"we're all clean now, meet us in the living room if you want....I made your favourite drink~" Asmo's voice was soft, gentle on your ringing ears.
A small smile appeared on your face. Shuffling out of your room still hugging your pillow, trailing after the lustful demon. Soon enough, you were both entering the living room.
The room was dim, the fireplace being it's only lighting and warming the room up nicely. There must of been something with the wood as it smelled so comforting. The brothers all sat along the sofa, Some on the floor. Everyone had their own drink, blankets and pillows surrounding them.
You curled up in the middle of the sofa, letting yourself be engulfed in multiple hugs. Everyone touching you in some way and you all just sat there. In peaceful silence as you just hugged.
You really needed this....
"thank you for saving me."
"We'll always save you"
"you can always count on us-!"
"I won't let this happen to you again, I promise to protect you better."
"no one is allowed to touch you like that, I won't let them."
"You don't need to thank us, darling."
"I will always make sure you're safe, no Matter what."
"I won't fail you again."
you all hugged each other even tighter, embracing each others comfort and warmth. Tears falling and soothing words shared, each brother did their best to be strong. But even they couldn't stop themselves from shedding tears when the adrenaline died.
They almost lost you. You were kidnapped and hurt because of your connection to them. They were never going to let you get harmed again, no matter the cost.
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tornrose24 · 2 years
In no way home village au, how did everyone react to waking up changed by the Cadou?
Max Dillon
“Here child,” said the Thunder Spirit to the boy. “Take some of my lightning in this bottle to guide your way through the darkness.”
Max would consider that day to be the best day of his life.
Before meeting Father Norman, he had been a mere apprentice at the village’s power plant. All looked down on him or else ignored him. His own mother told him that he’d never amount to anything and that it was pointless to leave the village. No one accepted his ideas of how the plant could be expanded upon. It was a miracle that Father Norman showed an interest in his work and wanted to meet him.
Father Norman saw something in the then young man–he saw a bit of himself. Or so he told Max while offering an opportunity to test out something for his work. Something that, if successful, could make the young man more powerful than he’d imagine. If it worked, then no one would ignore him ever again, which was what Max desired.
He had an understanding of electricity greater than anyone else. Father Norman offered something that could give Max full mastery over it.
And so the cadou surgery came and went.
Even before Max woke up he could feel it–a welcoming surge of energy all around him. It called out to him. It was more comforting than anything he had heard or felt from anyone else in his life. Not even his own mother had provided this sense of comfort or warmth.
He noticed the physical changes right away–his eyesight was now perfect and sharper than ever. Veins that looked more like white scars crossed his arms and chest. But as he felt the surge of energy, the veins started glowing a faint blue. 
He felt the tingle in his hands as he reached for the energy... then to his surprise sparks of lightning came out of his fingertips.
Yet rather than fear, he felt content.... no it was more than that. He felt a surge of confidence that only too rarely came for him.
He was overwhelmed with relief when Norman told him that the operation appeared to be a success, but then he was offered a chance to see how far he could push his new abilities. And as the day went on and the sparks turned into lightning and the blue light became yellow, and the comfort turned to power, Max began to feel as if he was going to get more than Father Norman’s praises.... something much greater was waiting for him. 
And everyone would finally see him. There was no way in hell they’d ignore him anymore.
Flint Marko
“Here is a sword made from polished stone to protect yourself,” The Earth Giant offered to the boy. “Use it wisely, boy.”
A father desperate for his child’s life would do anything. Even take the cadou.
Flint was initially planning on stealing from Father Norman’s domain, but the village leader caught him. He listened to the man’s story and to Flint’s surprise, there was a sadness in Norman’s eyes. As if he personally understood Flint’s fears.
Father Norman made a deal–Flint would let himself be a test subject and regardless of what would happen, his daughter would get access to the treatment she was in need of.  Flint wasn’t as blind as the other villagers was–he sensed there was something off about the leader–but he’s desperation ruled over common sense. Flint made no hesitation and he reminded himself as to why he must suffer when the cadou was implanted into him.
Even when it spread throughout his body and literally ripped him into several atoms and molecules.
All for Penny. This is all for Penny.
A true father will accept pain if it means saving their child.
When Flint regained consciousness, he found his body scattered across the floor like literal sand. His hands and arms were nothing more than mounds of misshapen sand. His sense of touch was completely ruined when he tried to touch his own face. He could see Father Norman watching from a window with an unreadable expression.
What happened to him? What became of his body? He would have screamed and lost his mind if confusion and horror hadn’t delayed anything else.
Would his wife recognize him? Would Penny–?
But soon thoughts turned to his daughter and Flint stopped caring if he had turned into a monster. Driven by fatherly love and determination, he willed his body to move–he was not going to just lay there and accept his fate. With that same will he  became whole once more until finally he stood before Norman as the man he had resembled before the operation.
When he stared at the man, Flint finally found his voice and demanded “I did my part in whatever the hell this is. Now you do yours.”
Curt Connors
“Have this scale and use it to shield yourself from any who try to harm you,” The Great Dragon told the boy.
All he wanted was a way for people like him to be whole again and to feel whole without the need for prosthetics or help from another.
Even back then Curt had always worked closely with Norman in finding ways to use the cadou and to improve its capabilities. He expressed to Norman certain hopes that he never told his wife or son–how the cadou could be used to regrow lost limbs. After a few successful trials, Norman offered Curt a chance to use a cadou on himself. Curt naturally jumped at the chance.
And so the cadou was implanted on the stump to ensure something would grow in its place.
When Curt had awoken after the surgery, it seemed that all went as he had hoped and more. A new right arm filled the once empty void on the right side of his body. An arm with fingers that could twitch and move under his command. Even Norman seemed pleased, but advised Curt to stay in the lab for a bit longer just in case.
But something unexpected happened–Curt hadn’t just used the cadou on himself, but he had also requested to add lizard DNA to it to ensure that he would get the results he wanted.
And when Curt felt as if something were to literally explode out of his chest, he knew something was wrong. Even Norman instantly knew and hurried out of the room before the other changes could finally take effect.
He felt as if he was going to vomit as his body trembled.... his body was in agony.... his features twisted, his skin became scaly... and like a parasite, something would grow out and take his place.... take over control... take over his body...
A monster more reptilian than man who bore both inhuman strength and intelligence took Curt’s place. He felt stronger and more whole than he had ever been. Every sense was heightened to perfection. He felt as if he could tear down an entire building.
He had never felt more... alive.
Otto Octavius
The boy saw a nearby shell with a golden pearl as bright and warm as the sun itself. The Metal Octopus said nothing, so the boy took the pearl and assumed it to be another gift.
Unlike the others, Otto had no reason to want or need the cadou. In fact Otto would forever regret letting his ambitions and arrogance overcome common sense after that day. 
It was supposed to be a summer long trip in the village where half of the time would be spent with his beloved wife while the other half was to work with Norman and get the opportunity to further his progress on his life long goals. He saw Norman as a fellow scientist (and not someone who was basically a cult leader) and paid no heed to the warning signs. While his Rosie was happy that he was enjoying himself, she couldn’t help but voice her concerns and like a fool he waved them off.
When he finally made enough progress, Otto told Norman that he was ready to leave. As fascinating as Norman’s research was, it didn’t line up exactly with what Otto was hoping to accomplish and it was time to head back home where he could conclude his work.
Norman however had no desire to lose such a brilliant mind. So when the physicist wasn’t paying attention, Norman knocked the much larger man out. Unlike the others, Norman knew that he actually wanted Otto to suffer a mutation horrible enough to keep him from leaving the village. Inspiration struck when Norman saw the prototype for a specific device Otto was working on.
When Otto awoke, he found himself laying face down on an operating table with a strange weight upon his back. As he woke up, he felt as if he felt a strange movement from his back as if he grew an extra limb or two. He wondered what had happened to him and why he had passed out until he noticed it–
There was a strange growth crossing over stomach, like a grey tumor. Confused, he touched it and moved his hands–the growth extended to his back... over his spine.... and that was when he felt something that shouldn’t have been there. Something that moved in front of him on its own when he wanted to see it.
To his shock, it was as if the device he had been working on had been realized–four long tentacle like arms. Only they looked very much alive, organic and–horrifyingly of all–physically a part of him.
As his confusion increased, the ends of the tentacles opened up to reveal shockingly white eyes that stared right back at him–his mind became flooded with four different visions of himself. He tried to pull them off, but it felt as if he were trying to pull off his own arm right off his own body.
All he could do was scream in horror as Norman watched on in glee.
Norman Osborn
The boy tried to run as fast as he could from the creatures until he heard an awful crackle of laughter. The boy looked up to see the fabled Goblin King looming over him and his eyes were like two golden flames glaring maliciously down at him.
He never had injected a cadou into himself, but it might as well have been the same experience.
By that point Norman was lost in his despair. The loss of his son hurt worse than anything he could imagine, but the others cruelly took advantage of his sorrow. They said he was no longer fit to work and that they must give away the business to the rival company outside the village. Everyone else whispered behind his back. He couldn’t take it anymore–everyone was out to get him.
He found the miracle by pure accident–he had wandered deep into the cave during his aimless wandering. When he slipped and fell, he was almost relieved at the prospect of dying. The dark pit below could swallow him whole and he’d be with Harry once more.
But the megamycte wouldn’t allow it. He didn’t know if the fall indeed killed him or if the miracle in the earth somehow saved him.
Even before he awoke, he had been flooded with too much at once–the history of the surrounding area long before anyone found the land, the collective consciousness of those who had lived and died here–
–Even his own son. His own Harry.
He awoke to find himself staring in wonder at the fungus like growth deep in the earth. He had uncovered something that none before had, but he had suspicions. Legends spoke of a Black God that resided in these parts–a being that consumed all forms of life, but could grant untold powers to the right person.
He could practically hear it in his mind even then.
“You want to see your boy again? Well let’s see how you can use this discovery, you miserable little man.”
The next day he emerged from the cave. He had reinvented himself–the man he was before was useless, but now he could do whatever he desired. He had been granted knowledge and powers and he intended to use them. But above all else, he wanted to see his son once more.
He could not deny the rush of the utter thrill and delight when he used his gift to gradually kill off those who had wronged him. The villagers would be without a leader, but he could steer those superstitious, dim witted fools in the right direction. He would be their God and he’d take what he was owed.
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acourtofsnakes · 3 years
A Helping Hand - Bucky Barnes x Reader (f)
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(Gif: @sebastianruinedme​ )
Summary: After a stressful week, you try to wind down with some personal time but nothing quite hits that spot. And a certain Super Soldier may just be more than willing to help you. 
Warnings: 18+ Smut - Masturbation/toys, Oral (f receiving), fingering, neck play, arm/hand kink, dirty talk, a faint Dom theme if you squint, swearing – honestly, Bucky should just be a kink in himself.
Word count: 5k+ words full of hot playtime. 
A/N: This is just filth, to be honest. I was feeling a certain way after watching episode 3 of TFATWS and seeing that scene with Bucky cleaning his hand and… ideas happened, and this was born. There’s not really a plot… simply enjoy. 
Smut under the cut!!
Permanent Taglist: @greeneyedblondie44 @mamacitapascal​
Part 2
There was something to be said about the advancement of toys in recent years. 
There were hundreds of them. All different types. For all different things. 
Rabbits, waterproof vibrators, pulsating and pounding ones, ones that felt like oral, handsfree vibrators, remote control vibrators – the list went on. 
You had a lot. Tucked in a drawer of your dresser in a pretty box that just made you go all tingly in the knees every time you saw it. 
You were proud of your collection. 
And boy, did you love them. 
They never let you down, ever. 
But unfortunately, tonight was just not one of those nights. 
It has been a tough week. 
Not only had you taken a beating in training yesterday, but you were also late for an appointment across the city, which resulted in being yelled at by Fury. 
You really regretted decided to help him when he needed it. 
There wasn’t a lot going on lately, so you offered to help Fury when he needed it. 
Usually, you were on his food side. 
Yesterday, not so much. 
Everything seemed out to get you, and after the shit show of the week, you just wanted to treat yourself. So, you’d holed yourself up in your room on your floor of the compound, had a long, luxurious soak in the bath, and then decided to work out your anxiety and tension with one of your many, many friends. 
And for the first time in a while, they just weren’t hitting that spot. 
You groaned, throwing the third toy - this one a rabbit that was one of your most trusty companions - on the side of your bed. 
For the last forty minutes, you’d been dancing between three different toys and your fingers. 
You’d tried being on your belly, your side, and your back. You’d even tried a pillow. 
But nothing was the right pressure on your clit, no toy or finger felt deep enough inside, and you couldn’t hit that spot inside without getting a wicked cramp in your wrist that forced you to stop. 
You sat up, every nerve in your body wound to a knife edge, leaving you frustrated and tempted to throttle someone. 
Or get someone to throttle you. 
Preferably whilst pinning you to a wall... or a desk. 
Or anywhere really. 
You just needed something, anything to get out this frustration and give you the release you’d been desperately chasing all night. 
It wasn’t even a case of hovering on the edge - you couldn’t even get there. The fire and heat just stayed a kindling ember in your belly, and never reaching that explosive fire. 
After getting up and downing a measure of whiskey whilst watching the rain, you decided to try a last-ditch attempt with a different toy. 
This one was a curved vibrator, with a thicker rounder head for supposedly perfect pressure on your g-spot. 
Simple, straight forward. 
Surely, if none of the others had done it, this one finally would. 
After settling back on your bed, you took a little more care this time, even going as far to light a few candles to add an ambiance to the room rather than have it pitch black with the sounds of the rain. 
You worked yourself up this time, building it slowly, teasing yourself with brushes of your fingertips over your throat and breasts, setting your skin ablaze. 
You pushed yourself to the edge a little, and then worked over with your vibrator. 
Until ten minutes later, when you literally launched the vibrator across the room and it hit the wall with a resounding thud, that echoed your hiss of frustration.  “Fucking hell.”  
A shit week, a shit day, and you couldn’t even fuck yourself well enough to be able to wind down and get some sleep. 
There was a sudden knock and then Bucky’s voice echoed through your bedroom door. “Darlin’?” There was a slight hint of his Brooklyn accent peeping through at the end, stirring something within you. 
You startled, sitting bolt upright and your head snapped to the door, “Bucky?” You had the good sense to lock the door, but still. He was right there. 
His shadow moved beneath the door, and you realised he was leaning against it, “Is everything alright? I heard banging.” 
Well, no not really. I’ve been trying to get myself off for the last hour and nothing appears to be working and I’m sitting here naked whilst you’re the other side of my door calling me Darling in that ridiculously hot accent that shouldn’t even be that hot. But hey, apart from that, everything’s great. 
You slid off the bed, padding across the room after dropping your toys back in their drawer, glaring at it as you passed. You slipped a robe on before making your way across the fluffy rug to the door, “Yeah, I’m okay...” You unlocked the door, tugging it open. 
Bucky was leaning against the doorframe, all broad shoulders, long lines and soft smile. 
His searing blue eyes were instantly locked onto you, a smirk playing on those gorgeous lips.
He cocked his head, standing there with his arms crossed, and you noticed that for once, he wasn’t wearing any gloves. Just a simple long-sleeved T-shirt, jeans that hung sinfully close to his hips and... no boots. Just socks. 
Like he’d taken his shoes off before waking into your apartment. 
Ever the gentleman. 
His arm was bare, the soft light of the hall bouncing off of the black vibranium and sparking the gold. You’d always loved his arm. The sheer power of it, the way you’d seen it shatter a man’s ribs instantly and tear through a brick wall like it was made of glass. The same hand that tickled behind the ears of a stray kitten in Prospect Park and test the ripeness of plums at the market. 
You wanted that hand around your throat. 
Eyes the colour of the Arctic sea roamed over your body, from your slightly mussed up hair to the flush along your neck that disappeared in the dip of your dressing gown. “Mm... are you sure about that?” He tilted his coyly, a smirk playing on his lips and you had a feeling this expression had been one of the trademarks since the 40’s. 
You narrowed your eyes at him, more than aware that he was seeing far more than you wanted him to, “I’m fine.” You turned from the door, leaving it open for him to come in, “How comes you’re up on my floor, anyway?” You peered over your shoulder at him as you padded across the room to the drinks cart. 
Yes, there was a bar on your floor, but why couldn’t you have a cart in your room? Tony hadn’t even needed to ask when designing it. 
Bucky walked in, his footfalls silent like a cat, that training never quite leaving him, “I couldn’t sleep. No nightmares, just restless.” He added the last part quickly, in response to the concern that tightened your expression. 
It was nothing unusual, Bucky coming up here to your room.  
You often found each other after nightmares or rough days, seeking comfort and distraction from the darkness that lingered. 
Some days and nights, you went out, needing an outside diversion from the thoughts. 
Other times, you stayed in, watching films, talking, training or just... sitting quietly, knowing that the other persons presence was enough protection and reassurance. Words weren’t needed… just company.  
You handed him a drink, plopping down on the end of your bed and you watched him sink into the couch opposite, “Anything you wanna talk about?” 
Since everything with the War, Bucky was working on fitting back into a routine, into ‘normal’ life - or what could be considered normal for people like yourselves. 
He was undergoing his mandatory therapy sessions, and they seemed to be helping him. 
He was back in contact with Sam, and the pair even worked a few jobs together now and then, even if they did bicker like an old married couple - it provided great entertainment when you tagged along. 
He leant back on the couch, settling his left arm across the back. He always looked at home on your floor, relaxed, like his mind could shut off a little. “Nah, I’m okay... Thank you though.” He shot you an easy smile again, one that he probably hadn’t used in.... decades. “What about you? Why are you up so late?”
Mimicking his shrug, you kept your expression neutral, making sure your eyes didn’t drift to that certain drawer, “Rough week. I was reading to try and drift off.” 
“Mmmhm...” Bucky’s hummed response told you instantly that he did not believe you one bit. “What were you reading? Cosmopolitan’s best guide to toys?” That shit eating grin graced his face and he motioned gracefully with his left hand... to the corner of the room. 
The vibrator you’d launched was sitting on the floor, nestled in the rug, the soft mint green silicone practically a beacon. 
Okay…. So. There were two ways you could respond to this. 
Either play it off, deny it and change the subject. 
Turning back to him, you shrugged again, “Oh, I’ve read that back to front. And made a few additions myself.” You cocked your head, a faint flutter in your belly as you awaited his response. 
The barest flicker of surprise danced across his beautiful, rugged features before dissolving into something confident and smouldering. “Well, it looks to me like their guide isn’t true to review tonight. Something tells me you’re having a little bit of trouble.” His voice had begun to lower into a deeper, the natural roughness of his voice coming out. 
It stoked that fire within you, warming your blood and curling low in your belly. 
“And if I was? What would you suggest to help?” It was almost impossible to remain sitting still as the atmosphere folded and changed. There was one obvious route to your back and forth… and you wanted it. 
Wanted… him.
And if you were honest, you had for a long time now. There was just something about him that you’d always been drawn to, a simmering tension that settled whenever you were together. 
Bucky rose from the sofa in a fluid movement, walking toward you slowly, casually, but with the grace and prowl of a wolf eyeing up its next meal – you. 
And fuck, you wanted him to devour you. 
He slid his hands into his pockets, feet silent on your wooden floor, “Well… I would say that as wonderful as your toys may be… they’re just that. Toys. They can’t… feel what you like.” His eyes burned through you with each of his steps. “They don’t hear the noises you make when they hit the right spot. They don’t get to see the way your body reacts, the way your teeth sink into your bottom lip because it feels overwhelmingly good.” 
He was close enough for you to smell his cologne, and that only added to the growing wetness between your thighs as his filthy, beautiful words. 
Bucky stopped in front of you, removing his left hand and touching his fingers to your chin to tilt it up to face him, “They can’t know the little things… the deeper angle, that extra finger or sweep of the tongue… they can’t make you so wet that it runs down your thighs and they can’t make you arch off the bed as you shatter into starlight…” He sighed softly, shaking his head in mock disappointment, “I’m afraid they just… can’t make you come the way a real person could.” He applied a little pressure to the underside of your chin, and you rose to your – unsteady -  feet instantly, putty in his hands.  
Holy fuck, Bucky Barnes had a mouth on him. 
Your teeth had indeed sunk into your lower lip, and your breathing had grown shallow. It was an effort to keep your thighs firmly locked together… Because you were just as wet as he had said. 
The dark flame in his eyes told you that he knew the reaction you were having to him. He brushed a cool thumb over your lip, then tugged it gently to free it from your teeth and at the same time, he leant his head down to your level, “They can’t make you come like I can, darlin’.” This close, his warm lips brushed the shell of your ear, his voice reduced to a husky rasp that only further drew out that Brooklyn accent. 
The soft moan that left your lips was almost pitiful, but you didn’t care, “Shit.” 
You breathed the word, earning a deep chuckle in your ear before Bucky pulled back, only enough to see your face, “You want me to help you? Give you a helping hand?” His words were low and seductive, but he was looking between your eyes, making no more moves until he knew you wanted this. 
If you changed your mind, he would leave right now, and say no more about it. 
That very thought pained you. 
Something had always hovered between you both… and maybe now was the time to let it out. You shared a few kisses on nights out and he had featured heavily in your fantasies night after night, wishing your fingers were his, the toys were him….
You met his eyes, your own clear and sure and you kept that gaze as you parted your lips. Then swept your tongue along his thumb and tilted your head down just enough to take it between your lips. The vibranium was smooth, cold and it felt oddly delightful on your tongue. “Make me come, Bucky. Prove to me you’re better than the toys.” Your voice was low with need, a soft pleading note for him there as you gazed up through your eyelashes. 
The Arctic blue of his eyes deepened to near midnight, his pupils blowing out as he watched you talk around his thumb, your tongue sweeping over the metal and he almost purred, “Oh, baby, you won’t need toys when I’m done.” And then he was on you. 
He gently pulled his hand from your face, instead placing it lightly around your neck, the heavy metal settling on your collarbones and that alone drenched you. 
He looked between your eyes, checking one final time and then his mouth was lowering onto yours, his lips warm, plush and ever so inviting. Instantly, he licked a teasing line along your lips, which you would have parted for him without the request. 
Bucky’s tongue slipped past your lips, sweeping against yours in hot strokes as he explored every corner of your mouth. 
He tasted divine, and even more so when his thumb lightly tipped your chin back and he traced the tip of his tongue along the roof of your mouth, licking over the ridges and showing you exactly what that tongue could do. 
A groan left your lips, and you slid your hands up his arms to those shoulders, those gorgeous broad shoulders that all you wanted to do was dig your nails into them and use for support as you rode him. 
A deep curl of delight and joy was unfurling within the heat in your belly, because you needed this, needed more of him and his hands and his tongue and his words… and you were finally getting it
Hell, he had only just started kissing you and you already could have fallen apart just from that. 
“Why have we not been doing this all the time?” Was the only thought that your already fuzzy mind could come up with as he pulled away slowly from your lips, only to begin pressing hot, open kisses against your jaw that were all teeth and tongue. He seared a path to your neck, kissing all over until he found that particular spot that made you whimper and arch into his body. 
Bucky laughed low against your neck, the sound vibrating, “Oh, baby, you were struggling, weren’t you? I’ve barely even touched you and you’re already a mess…” He used his hand on your throat to tilt your head to the side, before biting at your skin, sweeping his tongue over the hot and sucking a deep mark there. 
A slight whine rippled in your throat, fingers pulling as his shirt and your chest pushed against his, the firm heat of him making your nipples tighten, especially when he pushed into you. 
Bucky slipped a hand between your bodies, tugging at the cord of your dressing gown and it slipped from your shoulders, leaving you bare and open to him. 
He licked down your neck, his tongue smoothing over the shape of your collarbones and then down your sternum to your breasts. He butterfly kissed the soft flesh, then almost delicately sucked at your rleft nipple, lifting his vibranium hand to squeeze the other, “So beautiful…” He mumbled it half to himself, his dark mussed up curls soft against your skin. 
One of your hands trailed up the back of his neck, slightly tangling in the hair at the base of his head and you pushed your chest further into his mouth, “Tease.” The word was a soft gasp, your eyes closing in pleasure and your lips parting. 
He chuckled, pulling back to blow a cool breath on the wet skin, watching your nipple harden and then he moved to give the other the same treatment, “Oh, I’m a tease, am I? I can stop if you like.” He grinned around the delicate skin, just slightly grazing his teeth as he tugged your nipple and then he continued his trail of kisses down your body, slowly sinking to his knees. “I don’t think you’ll ask me to stop though, darlin’.” His right hand grasped your ankle, and then he ghosted warm fingertips up your leg, past your knee and then pausing at your inner thigh, at what he felt there, “No. No I don’t think you’ll ask me to stop at all.” 
The cocky bastard grinned once more against your stomach, before dipping his tongue inside your belly button.
“Bucky…” You couldn’t hide the whimper in your voice, nor the way your hips rocked forward in a plea. It was almost painful how much you needed him to touch you, needed to feel his lips and his tongue. 
“Shhh, baby, I know.” His hands slipped up your waist, as soothing as his gentle coo against your belly button and then he brushed his lips lower and lower… and then finally, he pressed a soft butterfly kiss to your pubic bone. 
A low groan tore from his throat, his hands digging into the soft flesh of your hips as he saw you, swollen and positively dripping for him, “Oh, darlin’, look at you…” 
The sheer desire and awe in his low voice caused heat to flush along your cheekbones. You weren’t shy by any means, but the almost primal admiration in his voice was something you’d never heard before, the pure want and desire to make you feel good and worship you. 
Bucky admired the sight before him for a single moment, before lifting his eyes to yours and then he dove in, immediately devouring you like he was starving. His deft tongue slipped through your slick folds with ease, and he moaned again at your taste, at your smell, everything. 
He pressed his tongue flat against you before sucking at your clit, with such an intensity that you almost choked. It was a simple movement, but it shot electricity through your body and made every single nerve stand on end. 
He let that coil of energy begin to build, and then he licked back down, his hands sliding down to palm at your ass cheeks before digging his fingers into your skin, pulling you in further so he could bury his nose against your clit and his tongue – fuck, his tongue pushed inside of you, hot and heavy. It just felt so, so good, his nose putting pressure on your bundle of nerves, his tongue pumping inside you. 
Your hands flew down to his hair, winding through it to keep him there, keep him doing that, to keep him fucking you with his tongue, “Buck-”. You weren’t sure what you were begging him for, only that you just needed to say his name, needed to do something. 
Your hips began to rock in time with his thrusts, and you became aware of it only when Bucky’s muffled moan reverberating through you. 
He liked it, no... he loved this, that you were grinding against his face as his tongue worked inside you, tasting parts of you no one else had ever gotten right before. 
“Fuck, Bucky, keep doing that – I’m-” You cut off with a high moan, your head tilting back as you rocked into him faster, chasing down that high that was so tantalisingly close. It hadn’t taken long, you were so worked up from your failed attempts that you were already there. 
Bucky’s began to lick and suck you with new fervour, his head moving in time with the jerks of his hips, feeling the way your walls were tightening around his tongue. His fingers dug harder into your ass, and you felt the silent command almost, Come. 
And you did. 
You cried his name out to the sky, every nerve in your body winding to near painful tautness before you shattered on his face, your first orgasm ripping through you. 
Bucky didn’t stop, working you through it and drawing it out further and further as he lapped up every single drop you gave him, moaning himself like it was the most tantalising thing he had ever tasted. 
He stopped only when your grip released on his hair, the sensitivity of your nerves almost painful, your legs shaking like crazy and he lifted his hand from between your thighs, his lips and chin glistening. He rose from his knees, nudging you back onto the bed and instantly crawling up your body, “You have no idea how good you taste.” 
You whimpered slightly, catching your breath as you watched him crawl up you, eyes burning like sapphire fire, his tongue licking slowly over his lips as he savoured you. Words were beyond you, desire still coursing through your veins and you were a little in awe at how quickly – and hard – he had brought you to your first orgasm. 
Bucky grinned devilishly, “That won’t be your last.” He lowered his mouth back to yours and as you tasted yourself on him, you grew instantly wet for him again. 
His body brushed into yours and you felt how painfully hard he was through his jeans, the sounds and taste of you getting to him of course. 
Your fingers had barely brushed against his restrained length when he shook his head, nipping at your lower lip, “Oh no, baby, this is all about you.” 
You ignored him, palming him through his jeans and he moaned lowly before his eyes flashed, his hand suddenly back on your throat and he moved his hips away so you couldn’t get to him. “I said no.” It was almost a snarl, “This is about you. Not me.” His hand tightened just slightly around your throat, making it that little bit harder to breathe and your eyes rolled back at how delicious it felt. 
It was a huge kink for you, the idea of someone – of Bucky - taking control, being in control of your body even it was just for a little while. You didn’t need to think or do anything. Only feel and be at the mercy of his touch. 
You relented, legs falling open for him and you tilted your head back, searching for his lips. 
Bucky granted you the kiss, a slow, languid kiss at first that was all simmering passion and tangling tongues, the taste on you still lingering on his lips. 
He palmed your breast again, tugging and squeezing the flesh until he scratched his nails lightly down your ribcage and belly. 
Yes, yes-
He wasted no time, no more playing and his fingers slipped lower, circling over your clit with a delicious pressure that had you instantly moaning into his mouth.
He toyed with your clit a little more, before gathering your wetness and then sinking two fingers inside you, pushing all the way into his knuckles, then drawing back out slowly. 
As he withdrew, you moaned long and slow into his mouth and he began a steady rhythm. Pushing and curling his fingers inside you a few steps, then circling and pulling at your clit, ever so subtly switching it up with each pass so you couldn’t predict what he would do.  
It felt amazing, but… there was something still missing. It still wasn’t quite enough to send you over that final edge… it wasn’t what you’d been fantasising about. 
No, it was his left hand. That dark, golden vibranium hand that was currently seated around your throat. 
The knowledge of what it could do, the sheer power in it that could easily crush your windpipe or shatter your jaw with a single flick of his wrist. 
That is what you needed. 
Those cool, powerful fingers inside you, working you over – that was the best toy. 
It was like he could read your mind somehow, or the way your body sung to his tune. He lifted his head, looking down at you with those searing blues and he cocked his head, a slow grin lighting his gorgeous face, “Oh… This-” he scissored his fingers inside you, stretching your walls and ever so slightly brushing up against that spot, “isn’t quite what you want, is it, darlin’?” 
Holy Christ, he was going to destroy you before you even got what you wanted.
You looked up at him, panting, hips rocking to the slower thrust of his fingers and you shook your head.
Bucky swore softly, panting himself and he squeezed your throat once before lifting his fingers, “You want these, don’t you?”
Instead of answering him, you ducked your head, taking his three fingers into your mouth and immediately gliding your tongue around them, up and down in slow, dirty strokes. 
The effect was instantaneous. Bucky’s hips jerked slightly against yours, his mouth parting as he watched you suck his vibranium fingers, hollowing your cheeks, eyes rolling back in your head like… like it was something else entirely. 
He groaned, swore again and then almost ripped his fingers from your mouth and from between your legs at the same time. 
Your entire body mourned the loss, feeling empty, clenching around nothing but mere seconds later, he plunged those three vibranium fingers inside of you, slick with your saliva and how unbelievably wet you were. 
It stung a little, but only added to the feeling as your hips rose off the bed, “Shit, shit-”
They felt… like the best toy you could ever imagine. Smooth, cold, and hard enough that you could feel every faint ridge of the joints as he slid them in and out. You reached out, grabbing his arm with one hand and the bed with the other, needing something to hold onto as instinct took over. Your hips rode upwards, back arching as you rocked his fingers in deeper, feeling them in your spine almost. It was better than you could have imagined. 
Bucky dropped his head to your chest, spreading his mouth over your breast and his other arm slid over your hips, pinning them to the bed so you were forced to take it. “You wanted this, baby… You take it.” He bit down on the soft flesh of your breast before smoothing his tongue over it again, working an alternative rhythm to his fingers and thumb again, so that your brain couldn’t keep up with which one to follow. It knew only the waves of fire singing through your veins.  
Time may have very well dissolved, because you could only feel pleasure, tinged almost with pain. 
The thick, hard stroking of fingers as they stretched and wrecked you. 
The circling, hard-soft-hard pressure of his thumb on your clit. 
The bite of his teeth on your breasts, neck and chest, followed by the wet press of his tongue. 
The way he couldn’t help his hips slightly rocking against your leg. 
This was almost like a fever dream, expect your brain couldn’t have come up with something this mind melting. Not even if you were really, really worked up. 
The noises in the room were absolutely sinful. The unrestrained cries and moans from your lips, Bucky’s groans and his filthy words, the wet pump of his fingers inside you – it was obscene, filthy and completely, painfully mind-blowing. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, Bucky, please-” You had no idea what you were begging for, but every single nerve and muscle in your body was coiling tighter and tighter, your hips jerking against his arm as he pinned you down, forcing you to take this, to feel everything he was doing with no relenting. Tears were beginning to blur your eyes and the pleasure he unleashed upon you was almost painful. 
Bucky somehow moved his fingers harder, deeper, the ability of the tech in his arm allowing him to do so, “Let go, baby, come on, let it go for me..” He dropped his head, biting down on your neck and he pressed his fingers against that spot inside you, flicking your clit with his thumb and then it all just snapped. 
Waves and waves of hot fire flooded your body, dragging you up to the stars, further. It ripped the air from your lungs, made you half scream his name in a never-ending prayer. 
It just didn’t stop. 
Bucky kept moving inside you, drawing out every single second of your mind-shattering orgasm, letting go of your hips so you could grind them into his hand. “That’s it, baby… Look at you, so beautiful like that…” His praise spurred you on, making you feel almost like a goddess as you flooded his hand. 
He stopped only when you slumped back onto the bed, sucking in deep breaths as you tried to piece yourself back together. 
Better than toys indeed. 
A little while later, you stirred from a light dose to see Bucky lounging on your couch again, cleaning the grooves and metal of his fingers with a soft cloth. 
The sight of him concentrating, taking such care and detail with the clean-up, the cleanup from the mess you had made, had you instantly wet again. “Bucky.” 
He looked up, hearing the low thrum to your voice and a smirk crossed his lips. 
You had a favour to repay for his helping hand, after all. 
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mrskurono · 4 years
Schweiden Sex Education: Foreplay || Wakatoshi Ushijima x Fem!Reader
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Tags: heavy petting, adult alcohol consumption, dry humping, oral (receiving), premature ejaculation, slight teasing, fingering
Character(s): Wakatoshi Ushijima
Word Count: 4.3k
a/n: I won’t admit I was literally mostly done with this.
part (1) (3)
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fore·play /ˈfôrˌplā/ 
noun; sexual activity that precedes intercourse
No one knew. And no one needed to know. 
This was a private lesson that would lead well into the evening. For all the things you could think to ‘teach’ first. The most important one was foreplay. Maybe though, as you watched the man across the dinner table with a soft look, you might admit to living through your own fantasies. He wanted you and you never wanted anything more in your life.
Ironically not your idea. Dinner together seemed more like a date than a bargaining chip before sex between the two of you. The stark reality was you would have fucked in the locker room but something kept you from dumping it all on him all at once. 
Maybe it was the expression that evening in the empty locker room. Those stoic features tinted with blush unlike anything you’ve seen on his face in the past two years. That made your heart jump into your throat. Ushiwaka hadn’t even grabbed your head like any of your exes would when they tried to forcibly cum in your mouth. Instead he let you go at your pace and it was truthfully the most turned you’d been turned on ever giving head.
Stopping yourself there you had kissed him a little more though. Indulging in the feeling of his lips finally against yours. That seemed mutual though as Ushiwaka was a quick learner to at least wrap his arms around your torso every time your lips met. 
It was hard when you had to pull away. If you didn’t stop there then you wouldn’t have stopped at all. 
“I should go but...” Even though your lips had just been wrapped around his dick, now you suddenly felt the heat creep up your cheeks, “...I’d like to spend more time together. I mean- Anything really you want if you just wanna...do it I guess...or we could do something else first.”
“Dinner,” Ushiwaka kind of blurted out. He looked away like he normally did but this time it seemed a little more of a hesitant embarrassment about what just happened, “...Or anything, food wise. I heard you go on dates before hand...”
Wondering if he got that by his own doing or is one of the team members put that in his head. The idea of a little date made you smile more than you should have, “Is that what you want?”
A quick eager nod, “Yes.”
That’s what sealed the deal. Now you were sitting across from him in the soft lighting of a warmth basking the both of you. Literally and figuratively a light you hadn’t seen him in. Ushiwaka had done his best to order for you. Take the lead during dinner. And only ended up looking away a few times. Still it felt stiff though.
“Are you alright?” You ask, drawing your finger along the lip of your wine glass, “I only want to do this if you really want to Ushiwaka-kun.” A slight lie. Your guts had been in knots since sucking him off but you wanted the chase to lead to him craving you instead of just stealing a volleyball player’s virginity, “This is about your remember.”
Looking down at his untouched glass of wine. In reality he had no idea why he ordered it. Just agreeing to whatever the waiter suggested when you asked for a wine menu. Everything he had said today was things he’d rehearsed from watching too many movies and the few scrapes of advice he’d gotten over the years from Tendo and a few others. None of this felt right though.
“...I’m fine. This just doesn’t seem like what it was supposed to be,” First off his words weigh heavy on you when you think he’s going to revoke wanting to be around you at all. But then he looks up across at you from the table, “I liked it more when you were closer to me.”
Oh? Not what you expected him to say. Actually you didn’t realize he would think like that at all.
“Do you....want me to come sit over there with you?” Your eyebrow raise.
A nod. And with a full glass of wine you were going to pay for meant you had a little bit of time before heading back to the apartment.
Getting up and coming to sit with him. You scoot in closer to him but hesitate for a second not wanting to push it. But he looks at you and then the space between the two of you. So you take it bit more and squeeze in right next to him so your legs are touching.
Ushiwaka swallows the lump in his throat like he did in the locker room. Giving a slight inclination of his head and you smile. He wasn’t good with words but understanding his queues were getting easier. Even if your face was warm it didn’t stop you from reaching over and grabbing your wine to take a sip. 
Once more finding him watching you. You look at him to the glass in your hand. Then offer it to him, “Just a sip.”
He is hesitant but leaning to you Ushiwaka takes a sip off your glass and realizes it’s sweeter than he thought. But what is sweeter is the moment your lips meet his after the wine glass left him. 
Setting the glass down you reach up and cup his cheeks with your palms pressed to his face. Drawing out the kiss in the low lit room. Each time you kissed it seemed he relaxed into it.
“...better?” You mumble against his lips.
“Yes.” He doesn’t ask this time to push into you for another kiss.
Smiling you note how greedy he’s becoming for the kisses. So you add a little something else. Your hand resting on his thigh. 
First he tenses under your touch. So you stay still for a second until Ushiwaka relaxes back into the kiss. Unable to keep your lips from curling into a smile you lean into him as your hand travels further up. 
Fingertips ghosting over his inner thigh. It’s easy to feel the excitement growing in his slacks. And when your hand discreetly ghosts over his clothed cock is the second you get the most delightful moan into the kiss. 
That noise would never get tiring to hear.
“I think...we should start with foreplay,” You smile up at him, “But maybe we should go before that.”
Nodding quickly Ushiwaka wanted nothing more but of course he had to kiss you again. Now that he’d been introduced to your lips that was all he could focus on. 
If this was a normal date you would have thrown back both glasses of wine before agreeing to leave. But with the way his lips pressed hard into yours. And those rough hands palmed your hips in the neediest fashion. All you could think to do was get out of there as soon as possible.
 Before you knew it your back was against your apartment door. His lips on your neck and hands grabbing at your waist as you fumbled with your keys. Perhaps telling Ushiwaka that he could kiss other places on you would have been better saved until you got back to your place. But you wouldn’t lie the cab ride over back to your place made you even giddier for what was going to happen.
“Hold on hold on-” You giggle, the giant man sloppily kissing all over your collar bone and up to your ear. Unable to help it you kiss him momentarily before finally getting the door open so the two of you could crash through.
Kicking the door shut with your foot. When the latch clicks behind you then comes off your shirt. 
“We’re going to start with foreplay,” You smile. Weirdly embarrassed to have him staring at your bra with such intensity, “Come on, take yours off too this isn’t just about me.”
“Oh- Right-” Ushiwaka clearly lost in just the sight before him. It made you blush knowing you were the center of his attention.
Of course the moment he got his shirt off, you had him pushed down on the couch. Unable to help it like the other day in the locker room. Just seeing him like that sparked the wildest urges in you.
Straddling his lap you steal a string of heated kisses. Really marveling at his kisses. They were getting so much better. Or perhaps you were just more enamored with them every time your lips met.
“Foreplay,” You echo yourself from back at the restaurant, “It’s important so sex feels good for both of us.”
“What do I do?” Ushiwaka’s green eyes trying to find some place to focus on you. He wanted to keep eye contact but with you on his lap the man was having a hell of a time keeping his gaze from drifting south.
For some reason when asked it, you suddenly drew a blank. Of course you knew what foreplay was but to explain it? Mind just as blank you realize it’s been a few seconds of just staring at him before anything even clicks in your mind.
“Uh- Well-” You try to refocus, finding it hard to keep the educational tone to yourself the more you were around him. It hadn’t dawned on you that you might have enjoyed his company sooner than later, “Touching.”
“Touching?” Ushiwaka’s brows pinched a little in the middle.
“Wait- Touching like- Here-” You grab his hands and place them on your hips, “Touch me, where ever you want. Just, start with that.”
With that he grabbed your hips. Letting his eyes drift down to your chest. Sure enough it was pretty clear what he wanted more than anything else. Taking a second you lean back and unclasped your bra just to let it finally fall forward. The first time you’ve been naked in front of someone in quite sometime.
Wanting to be hesitant, the way his eyes grow wide and red comes to life on his cheeks, you feel your ego inflate a tad bit. There was just something about the way he looked at you that made every hair on your body stand up in the most excited way. Intoxicated by it. You didn’t want this feeling to ever end.
“Suck,” You order him the second you leaned forward. Warmth from your breasts brushing his cheeks. Ushiwaka’s eyes still wide there wasn’t a need to tell him twice as he latched his mouth onto your breast. At least this wasn’t something you had to explain to him how to do.
The seconds following as his broad tongue swept over your nipple and his hands linked behind the small of your back. You couldn’t help the groan escape your lips. Like your breasts had a mind of their own. Betraying you to a simple touch like this. You wanted to complain but the way your body was slowly being set on fire was too much.
His eyes looked up at you. Clearly seeking approval but unwilling to unlatch from your breast. It made you wonder how long he’d been thinking about getting his lips on you like this without even realizing it. Instead of speaking, you pull your arms around his neck and mash his face into your chest. Inadvertently grinding into his lap as you felt the tent in his slacks growing.
“Ok ok ok,” You knew you had to stop sometime. Though the idea of him playing with your tits all night was alluring. You were here to teach him and not just self indulge, “Some other things-”
“I wasn’t done yet,” He point blank interrupted you. 
Surprising you more than anything. Most guys you met weren’t about to sit and just play with your boobs without getting something in return. Obliging to his wants, as this was about him, you lean back in with Ushiwaka pulling you close again. This time his mouth finding your other breast to latch onto. Paying it as much attention as he had the first one. 
With all this touch it was hard to ignore the wetness in your own pants. The best to relieve that was grinding into him best you could. Thankful for his wide lap. You soon found your hips moving on their own. Pressing down and humping against his clothed cock. More than enough to feel his hard on through your bottoms. Your entire body tingled thinking back to the way he felt in your mouth.
The taste of his cum from before. Your jaw hardly able to take all of him. And the way he grunted just about ready to cum. Those thoughts had plagued your mind since that day. So while you hugged his face, Ushiwaka nursing feverishly at your breast, it was a total surprise when you heard a familiar groan.
Before you even realized what it was. Your humping was met with his hips coming up against your own. The grip he held on you tightened when there was a hum of a groan against your breast. Ushiwaka pushed into you as his entire body tensed. Making you realize he was cumming without even getting undressed yet.
Finally when his grip on you loosened and he relaxed back into the couch. You leaned back to see him red faced. Hard not to smile, you lean down and catch his lips on your own. Knowing he probably hadn’t meant to do that. Nor did you think your dry humping would do that.
“...I’m sorry,” He actually apologized like it was something you’d be mad at.
“No no!” You quickly try to assure him there was nothing wrong, “I just- I didn’t know you needed that so badly huh Mr. Ushijima?” You cover up his embarrassment with a coy smile. Running your fingers up through his dark olive hair and kissing him all over again, “...I’m flattered heh.”
Still looking a little despondent on his normally stoic features. He clearly was less than happy about blowing his load before anything actually happened. Quick on your feet you try and think of something to bring him back around, “...Do you wanna know what I taste like?”
Instantly regretting how you worded that. It was your turn now for your face to heat up.
“Wait- God no that sounds bad-” You fumble over yourself like a fool, “I meant- Well part of foreplay is-”
“I want to taste you.”
Flushed with heat to your face. You can’t believe it’s your turn to swallow the lump in your throat. Still though you were the captain to this ship. And even as the butterflies in your stomach started up again at the thought of his face between your legs, you still felt a sense of duty to do as you promise.
But the couch was no where to do it. Instead you opted for the comfort of your own bed. Unaware of the fact you had never brought any of the team members in here with you. That was, just never your intent with any of them. But for some reason Ushiwaka was so much different. The knots in your stomach didn’t match with anything you’d felt before.
“Guess I should...well, get naked hah,” You laugh like it’s gonna lighten the mood. Still though his eyes were locked on you. This time no hiding it like before. Since the cat was out of the bag Ushiwaka felt no need to stop himself from being fixated on the beautiful woman in front of him. Maybe it was the fact he couldn’t take his attention from you that was so unfamiliar. Making you fumble a little more than normal with your disrobing. 
Unsure of the reaction you’d get when you stripped naked for him. There was a moment of hesitation like you were the virgin for some reason. Tossing aside the fact this wasn’t about you and about your wonderful wing spiker, you finally turn and give him the sight of everything under the clothes he’d spent so long staring at.
The longest drawn out moments between the two of you. As awkward, if not more so, than the times he would stare at you in the gym. When nothing was said between the two of you but his eyes were set forward on you. It dawned on your maybe what he saw wasn’t what he hoped for. Soon you found words rushing to the forefront of your mind.
“W- I- What?” 
You blink. Realizing he was directing that to you. The word didn’t almost seem real.
“I said, you’re beautiful.” Ushiwaka repeats a little confused how you didn’t hear him only out of arms reach. His words quite clear.
Quickly your heart jumps to your throat. Stomach twisted in knots with a kind of nervous ego. You take a deep breath and smile, “Well...come on, join me then.”
For some reason he didn’t exactly think about getting naked with you. Go figure. But after you gave him the instructions Ushiwaka didn’t stop to think about it. Unbuckling his soiled pants and your mouth instantly watering at the sight of his sticky cock semi hard even after cumming before you made it to the bedroom. All over again you wanted him in your mouth in the worst way possible. Still you had to compose yourself and go as you hand planned.
“I’ll go first...” You sit back on the edge of the bed, spreading your legs and drawing your hands up your stomach invitingly. But of course he didn’t get the hint to come to you. So you tell Ushiwaka to get on his knees in front of you so you can give him a real hands on lesson.
As well behaved as normal, the tall volleyball player came between your legs. Eyes glued onto your core. You didn’t think it was appropriate to ask if he’d seen a woman naked yet. So you just went with the assumption he had. Finding the right way to word things first felt silly. Soon though explaining things so simply was turning you on.
“Here,” You spread yourself open with just one hand to give him full display of your glistening wetness. But that wasn’t what you wanted to show him. No, it was when your finger moved to your budding clit did you want him to pay close attention, “This is my clit and...the most important thing on a woman.”
The normal scowl to his face was almost gone. Replaced with a bit of an awe struck look as his face was mere inches from your core. Still you took a deep breath and composed yourself.
“It feels really good when you do what you did to my breasts, but to my clit.” You show him a few times as you swirl your finger around your sensitive nub. Clenching the edge of the bed as you can’t believe you’re masturbating in front of someone. Especially someone you’d have to see at work the very next day. Still though you didn’t stop, “And when you put a finger inside too, sometimes two. It depends on what the person wants....but...it feels really good.”
“Does it feel good now?” He asked, looking up from between your legs.
For whatever reason your body felt like it was on fire. Just simply playing with yourself turned you on to no end and you’d hardly done anything. You nod as you chew on your bottom lip, “...so good.”
“Can I?”
Nodding you remove your finger from your core. Soaked with your juices you keep looking at him as you lick your finger clean. Not sure what to expect but knowing the way his mouth felt on your breasts earlier was amazing.
The seconds after his lips met with your core sent your stomach into knots. Warmth from not only his lips but fully pressing his tongue against your clit, you accidentally moan when your eyes dart down to see him staring at you. Inadvertently your hand shoots up to cover your mouth as your breath stalls in your chest. Just like how he saw your finger move over your sensitive bud. Ushiwaka proceeded to move his tongue in a similar fashion. 
“Fuck-” Coming out with a moan you can’t but help tip your head back. There was no finesse to it but just his broad tongue against you was a relief to your ache, “That’s nice-” You realize he’s going to lean up and you shake your head quickly and push him back down gently, “No, no talk. You’re doing good. Just- Just keep doing that ok.”
Enticed by the way you tasted. Ushiwaka needed not to be told twice. He had no idea what to expect. A handful of times he’d tasted his own cum over the years. But this did not compare. Slippery and pleasant with a delicious underlying musk he couldn’t just give up. Soon he found himself eagerly licking over every inch of you without thinking too much about where his tongue went.
“Finger-” Your sudden mumble startled him. Making you feel a little bad not knowing he was so into this. But your walls clenching around nothing was driving you insane. So when he lifted his soaked chin and looked at you, you felt your dull ache turn into a full on pussy throb, “Your fingers....you can use your fingers.”
He brought his hand up. Knowing he just saw you finger yourself. Ushiwaka mimicked what you did which was drag his much larger finger along your slit. Enticed by the feeling of your juices coating his finger and the way you jolted when his fingertip brushed your clit. Making a mental note that you really favored to have it touched.
“Just...inside?” He looked a little confused.
Embarrassed to do it. You still grab his wrist and help him guide his index finger inside you. Little resistance with how wet you were. It was more about the way our walls suddenly twitched around his finger that made your breath hitch in your throat. Calling for a timeout as you took a deep breath and swallowed hard.
“....it’s...so warm.” Ushiwaka pointed out. He’d never had any part of himself in a woman. This was so soft, velvety and squishy. When you gave him the ok to go and try moving his finger in different directions. Well he had no idea you would grow even tighter. And the way he watched your hips shudder and buck up. Unknowingly he didn’t realize his cock was coming back to life with this little teaching lesson.
“Y-Your mouth-” Words hardly able to come from you as your mind fogs over. You know you’re supposed to be teaching him but your knot growing in your stomach was making it hard, “You- You can use your mouth too-”
Having not thought of that at all. Ushiwaka turned his hand downward so he could freely push his finger in and out of you still. But now it gave him a clear way to your clit. Once more he simply opened his mouth and pressed his tongue to your hard bud.
“No no no- Swirl it around, I just- Rub your tongue against it like- like when we make out-” It was best you could do as you shifted up against his mouth. Sanity slowly leaving you.
The way you made out? He knew what that meant. Quickly his tongue went from just broad strokes against your clit. To the tip of his tongue massaging your clit like he did your tongue during heated make out sessions. Paired with the way his thick finger moved in you. This was bad.
“Shit-” Through clenched teeth you gripped the sheets under you. When it seemed like he was gonna stop you can’t believe your voice cracked in a panic, “Don’t stop! God- Please- Go- Keep going-”
Liking the sound of that. Ushiwaka found his finger slipping deeper inside you. With that his finger fucking became harder and deeper without thinking. Paired with the way his tongue found the sweet spot at the top of your clit under the sensitive hood. He had no idea what to expect but you told him not to stop. Just like that he wasn’t going to.
You cave. All at once. You fist the sheets under you until they’re a twisted mess. Hips bucking up against his face you feel the release before it happens. 
“I’m cumming! Oh fuck- Shit- Ushi-kun I’m cumming!” 
Lewd words falling from your lips with the sharp inhale. Every inch of you shuddering just as your walls flutter around his finger. Milking it like you’ll get anything from it as his finger presses against your squishy walls. Your orgasm explodes out of you in the most embarrassing manner. Just like you told him to do. Ushiwaka doesn’t stop until you’re certain you feel your heartbeat in your clit.
“...ok...ok ok, break.” You pant needing to collect yourself. There certainly was a heartbeat in your cunt now. 
He listens as well as always. Ushiwaka withdrawing his finger still a little in awe that’s what it felt like. Not yet connecting the dots that was where he was going to put his cock. You though. You notice. He’s staring at you hungry for something. And between his legs his cock has come back to life after such a show. You figure he’s never seen a woman cum before. And really sure he’s never been the cause of it.
Slowly you sit up and look at him. Only a moment before leaning in and kissing him a little harder than you had been. Needy and tasting your juices off his face. Ushiwaka’s hands find your sides and he gives you a squeeze just as you pull your lips away from his so you can whisper against them with an excited shiver shooting up your spine, “Here we go, the final lesson....sex.”
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bokebelle · 3 years
connie springer + friends with benefits
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A/N: this is very very self-indulgent and ended up being longer than intended but please enjoy my Connie brainrot bc i love him a lot and he needs more content
WARNINGS: 16+; friends with benefits relationship; mentions of sex; modern au
PAIRINGS: connie springer x gn!reader
TAGS: fluff, a tiny tiny bit of angst.
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One of the best people to get into a friends with benefits type of relationship 💯
You guys would have to be good friends before this kind of relationship happens. Connie may be fun and goofy from time to time but he wants to make sure you trust him as a partner and vice versa
He probably wasn't even looking for a fwb type relationship tbh it probably just happened and you guys just went with it
it probably started with growing sexual tension whenever you two hung out. A little playful flirting here and there 👀
At a party, you two were a little flirter than usual and he just looked around to see if anyone was around, and whispered in your ear if you wanted to make out in his car LMAO of course you agreed
things just escalated over time til he offered to take you home one night and you best believe he did NOT go home that night
When the post nut clarity finally hit that you guys hooked up, he just asks if you would want to do it again
Connie turned to look at you, lips slightly swollen, with a light dusting of pink on his cheeks and a light sheen of sweat on his chest. "So...wanna do it again?"
"Right now?!" you sit up, instantly feeling the soreness in your lower half. you definitely weren't ready for another round
"Not now, dummy. But maybe...whenever we both wanna, y'know..." he avoided looking at you, suddenly feeling embarrassed at his own proposition. "but if you totally don't want to, it's fine I understand."
A small smile dances on you lips. He looked cute all flustered, suddenly looking nervous when he was anything but just moments ago. "I think I'd like that."
You two don't really tell anyone, but you don't keep it a secret either. He'd tell them what's up if people would ask (if you wanted them to know) but since you guys flirt all the time no one really suspected anything more was going on
the longer your relationship progresses, the bolder he gets lmao literally went from being shy about asking to hookup in his apartment to dragging your ass you his car during a date because his dick "suddenly missed his best buddy" you smacked him
He is also very open to experimenting and trying new things. He'll try it once and if it doesn't work then it's fine. He also respects your boundaries if ever you don't feel comfortable with the idea of trying something new. he won pressure you and won't bring it up
Probably uses a safeword like "taco"
He isn't THAT rough that you'd need one, but he wants to give you the option of stopping whenever you feel like you can handle it 😭 this baby doesn't wanna hurt you and wants you as safe as possible 🥺
This man is a great mix of playful and serious in the bedroom. He knows when to make you laugh during sex and to tone it down when you just need a physical release. your comfort is his priority so he wants to make sure he fits whatever you need
Connie is actually really good with aftercare despite not knowing it's actually a thing!!
He just knows it's on him to take care of his partner afterwards so he helps you clean up, gives you clean clothes especially if you're at his place, and offers you a snack or asks if you wanna watch a movie
If you want to cuddle and just talk, he's totally down! if you also need some personal space, he'll totally respect that and give you the time you need, whenever you need it.
He can be a total flirt but he's also very friendly and knows his limits so he doesn't end up sending mixed signals. He's flirty enough to keep things interesting but not enough to confuse either of you about your relationship unless he falls for you.
Great aftercare? Attentive in the bedroom? Funny, handsome, respectful king? overall one of the best people to have a FWB relationship hands down
If you ever decide you want to end that kind of setup, he'll totally respect it and would still treat you as a good friend! will occasionally make inside jokes about hooking up but it's all in good nature because he enjoyed his time with you and he wants you to remember that time with the same smile he has whenever he thinks about it pls i love him
BONUS: Falling in love with Connie during your FWB relationship (and him falling in love you with back)
honestly how can you not fall for him
Connie is always so sweet, funny, respectful, both in and out of the bedroom so it wasn't long before you started wanting to stay in his arms a bit more after a good session
Connie never treated you any differently, but there were times when things just felt different
The moment you knew you had feelings for him was when he fucked you differently compared to your previous sessions
Sure he would blow your back out every now and then, but there were also more mellow times with him when you both were feeling lazy and needy
But THIS was a new experience. He fucked you slowly, but intensely. His hands were all over you but his touches were more gentle and soft. His kisses were a little bit sweeter and the caresses on your face lingered just a bit longer.
You snuggled into his chest a little more after that and you swore he held you a bit tighter, pulling your body just a bit closer to his. When you became aware of his heart beating under your ear, and found yourself being lulled to sleep by it, you knew you were fucked both literally and figuratively
Your feelings for him weighed you down more and more until you decided you were playing a dangerous game and you had to get out before you reached the point of no return
it sucked having to break things off with Connie but it was the first rule of any fwb relationship and you broke it more and more everyday.
As you sat up and rolled out of bed, ready to get dressed and leave, you felt Connie's arms come up behind you and rested his chin against your shoulder.
"Hey, why don't you stay the night?" he asked, placing a quick kiss on the junction between your neck and shoulder.
You exhale heavily, dreading what was coming next. You didn't plan on breaking it off so soon, but you knew staying the night would only be the wrong choice to make - for your sake and your heart's.
"I don't think that's a good idea."
"C'mon, this isn't the first time you've stayed the night. Please?" You wanted to give in. You wanted to roll around, kiss his pretty face and spend the night in his arms. But knowing he didn't feel the same way as you did, knowing you'd leave with a heart that would break a little bit more if you stayed over, is what made you say no.
"It's not a good idea, Connie." you take a deep breath. "Actually, I think we aren't a good idea anymore."
You felt him withdraw his arms from your torso, the areas where he held you instantly feeling cold and empty. You hold on tighter to the sheets, partly to cover yourself up but mostly to keep you from breaking down in front of him.
"What?! Why not? Did I do something wrong? Was I too rough?"
Connie desperately racked his brain for what could have gone wrong from when you were saying his name like a prayer to now. He didn't want to mess it up with you, he really didn't. You slowly became someone he felt safe with. You became the one he wanted to see first thing in the morning, that's why he wanted you to stay over. He was falling for you, but he didn't want to admit it just yet. Maybe you caught on and didn't feel the same way? He knew he'd have to tell you eventually, but he wanted to be selfish a little bit longer. He wanted to enjoy what you guys had before going back to being just friends with no 'benefits'.
"I know we agreed to being just friends but I think I'm starting to feel something more than that and it's really stupid. But I don't think I can do this anymore without falling for you more than I already have." The tension in the air is palpable. In the time it takes for what you said to finally sink in Connie's mind, you decided his silence was his final answer.
When Connie saw your figure quietly get up from the edge of the bed, he knew this was his chance.
He quickly made his way over to your side, sitting on the edge. He reached out and gently wrapped his arms around your waist.
"Don't go, please." He whispered into the skin of your back.
You turn to look at him, keeping your tears at bay, trying to pry his arms off of you. God, with the way he was looking at you, that was almost all the convincing you need to stay just last night with him
"Connie, don't make this harder on me. You don't understa-"
"No, [y/n]" he cuts you off, now moving his hands to hold yours. "you don't understand." he delicately presses a kiss to your fingertips before kissing the back of your hand. "I want you. I want you to stay."
The meaning behind his words lit a spark in you that erupted into a passionate flame in your chest.
Connie wanted you. He wanted you just as much as you wanted him.
You cup his face, one of his hands coming up to rest over yours. You lean down and place the sweetest, softest kiss you can on his lips. It's not much but you hope he can feel all you've wanted to tell him in that one kiss.
"Okay, Connie, okay" you whisper as your lips pulled away from his own, a small smile forming when he whined at the loss of contact.
You committed the image of Connie Springer pouting at you because he wanted a kiss to your memory. You would tease him about it soon enough, you just wanted cherish the fact that he wanted kisses - your kisses.
You had more nights to share, more kisses to give him, but for now you just wanted to enjoy the feeling of having Connie in your arms, knowing you had each other as long as your hearts wanted.
You wanted to enjoy the feeling of Connie simply being there, finally being yours. He wasn't going anywhere, and neither were you.
"I'll stay."
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blossom-hwa · 3 years
pirate!ateez |1|
So uh. this is what we get from the kingdom wonderland performance, watching too many wonderland stages as a result, and yelling to mai + javi?????? here we go I guess??? This is only half the members - the other half will be in a separate post later this week!
(credits to mai @wingkkun​ for the ideas that sparked san, mingi, and yeosang’s stories!)
Pairing: Ateez x gender neutral!reader
Word count: 8.7k (total)
Genre: some fluff, mostly angst, pirate!au
Triggers: cursing, blood, death (sometimes semi-graphic), like one implication of sex, implied physical abuse in one part - specific triggers for each section are listed below the headers!
Part 1 (Hongjoong, Seonghwa, Yunho, Yeosang) | Part 2 (San, Mingi, Wooyoung, Jongho)
Ateez Masterlist
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hongjoong (captain)
warnings: cursing, death, some suggestive themes but absolutely nothing explicit (just implied sex)
oh good lord here we go
hongjoong is the captain of this ship. perfect captain, really - he’s got a knack for discipline while also taking care of his crew
he really does care for them, like after all he’s been through they’re basically his family at this point. he’s got nothing but them, this ship, and whatever they’ve managed to pillage from other crews - if he lost a single member, hongjoong isn’t sure if he could handle it
actually that’s a lie. he knows he could handle it. but it’s already happened several times, and the pain he feels but has to hide sometimes makes him want to just throw himself into the waves
(especially with a certain person, but i won’t elaborate on that just yet)
anyway his crew respects him even if they don’t always act it (looking at you wooyoung), they like to fool around and hongjoong will lovingly deal with it 
however when they’ve really messed up....
let’s just say no one ever likes being called to hongjoong’s quarters
most often it’s one of woosan or both for fooling around a little too often but everyone’s been there at least once
even seonghwa like???? what did seonghwa ever do
(he’s never elaborated. neither has hongjoong. that somehow just makes everyone even more afraid ksjdngsdh)
but sometimes! the turn tables!! and people will call hongjoong to their rooms
i say people like it’s more than one person 
i mean it technically is?? seonghwa and you??? but people feels like it implies many persons when in reality it’s just you and seonghwa and seonghwa comes in much later than you do
the first time it happens is when hongjoong almost fucking passes out on deck because 1. the sun is out and it’s hot as balls and 2. he’s been up for over twenty four hours straight after a battle trying to make sure everything is in order
which no one realizes - i mean even if your captain is motherfucking kim hongjoong you’d assume this dude at least took like an hour nap during that 24 hr+ period of time but NO this motherfucker is stupid when it comes to himself - until you’re heading belowdecks with him and hongjoong takes ONE FUCKING STEP down the stairs and almost keels over right then and there
you drag him to his room and even half collapsed he’s trying to say he needs to do something or the other but you just stand over him with your arms crossed n shit and hongjoong’s like okay never mind yes i will sleep
(he sleeps for fifteen hours straight)
anyway after that you went up on deck and called that motherfucker to your room in the same tone of voice he uses to call the others to his room and gave him the beatdown of his fucking life
maybe hongjoong’s a masochist because that’s when he realized he was head over heels in love with you
like?? in the middle of you yelling at him to take care of himself because kim fucking hongjoong what do you think is gonna happen if you die??? huh???? you think woosan can handle themselves????? you think I can deal with them?????? and good fucking lord if you’re going to die at least let it be of something badass you dumb piece of shit not like FALLING DOWN THE STAIRS BECAUSE YOU WERE TOO TIRED TO SEE WHERE YOUR FOOT WAS GOING -
and halfway through hongjoong isn’t even listening to you he’s just trying to figure out how it took so long for him to realize this
you’ve been together like... forever. literally almost as long as hongjoong can remember
you two got your first ship together, recruited the others together, decided to find the treasure you’ve now been seeking for YEARS together, literally everything started with you so why is it only now that hongjoong is realizing just how much he’s in love with you
he kinda blurts it out a couple of months later when you’re aggressively forcing him down to the medbay because he wanted everyone else to get treated first before the ship’s doctor looked at his wounds and you just say ‘confessing your love isn’t going to get you out of a doctor’s visit now i don’t care if you hurt your leg i’ll carry you if i have to so mOVE YOUR ASS’
he falls even more in love with you after that
and you don’t leave him hanging - you’ve been in love with hongjoong for as long as he’s been in love with you, it just... didn’t really manifest in a visible way?? like you’ve always been aggressively caring with him. it got a lot more aggressive when you realized your feelings but hongjoong just thought that was like. a normal thing
lmao you thought
but yeah so everyone’s like WE BEEN KNEW when you start spending more and more time in hongjoong’s room instead of the quarters you share with the other crew members
they don’t even care they’re just like HELL YEAH MORE SPACE
also they (read: woosan) love teasing the two of you but then you just hit them over their heads and ask if they’d like to be called to your room
they shut up immediately and you just go back to hongjoong’s room
(he kisses softly, by the way, but with so much passion it feels like one of the storms that mother nature uses to buffet your ship around. when hongjoong kisses you like this it feels like everything in you is breaking apart and reforming all at once, like he’s taking your life and breathing it back into you at the same time, and if your hands begin to move and someone gets pushed onto the bed who’s gonna say shit?)
but a pirate’s life is a pirate’s life and everyone is literally risking their neck to sail the seas the way they do - no one is safe, ever. not during battles, not even when you’re standing around on the ship’s deck
and certainly not when mother nature decides to wreak havoc on the water that you and hongjoong have begun to think of as home.
they’ve seen the storm coming all day, literally everyone is prepped and serious and no one’s fooling around because yeosang has been watching the clouds for hours and there’s no sign of the storm passing them by
so when the wind and water begin to toss the ship around, they’re ready. everyone’s ready. everything seems to be going smoothly until a couple of hours pass and the storm is only growing worse
hongjoong can’t see in the darkness, not with clouds covering the stars and the moon, not with water pounding over the deck in waves higher than yunho and mingi combined, he’s soaked and shivering but still yelling orders to anyone who can hear them and he’s just praying they’ll make it through the night, make it through the few hours left until morning
the few people on deck are mostly tied to stable things with rope so that no one goes overboard
but what no one expects is for a section of rope to snap, taking san with it
people start screaming and grabbing for him and yunho literally lunges for san but the wind doesn’t care, it slams him against the railing so hard hongjoong feels his own teeth chatter in his jaw with the power behind that hit
a wave crashes over deck at the same moment and everyone thinks he’s lost.
until a literal banshee screech tears through the wind and waves and you grab san, dragging him away from the railing and back toward jongho, who seizes onto a limp san with strong arms
and you turn around but you turn around too easily, like there isn’t a rope tying you to the mast -
because there isn’t. it snapped when you ran forward to get san
you come to this realization at the same time hongjoong does and he sees the panic in your eyes just as he reaches out to you - now there’s nothing tying you down, nothing to keep you from being swept away by the next wave, nothing but his fingertips just touching yours -
but it’s too late. water crashes over hongjoong and salt stings his eyes and when he opens them, there’s one less shadow on the deck than there should be
and there is no sound of screaming from the water below.
for days afterwards the only thing hongjoong can see is the look of terror in your eyes just before the wave stole his sight and your outstretched hand away
and all he can think is how he should’ve been stronger. faster. braver. literally anything
you two always joked that he’d be the first to go because he never took care of himself but death caught you first
and it isn’t fair
it isn’t like hongjoong hasn’t lost crew members before - he has. but the loss of someone so close, someone who’s been with him for over a decade, someone who knows him better than he knows himself almost breaks him. there isn’t even a body left to burn or bury. you’ve been lost to the water that hongjoong thought of as home
it still is his home. the movement of water comforts him far more than solid land ever did, but there’s a new fear, a new respect for mother nature whenever he stares at the shining blue waves that killed you
eventually he recovers with the help of his crew, and they go on to look for the treasure. there are adventures along the way and throughout each of them, hongjoong thinks of what it would be like if you were there, fighting by his side
and then they find the treasure, after years of pillaging and exploring. they find the treasure and when hongjoong approaches the center of the island, the only thoughts running through his mind are of you, what you would do if you were here, what you would say, how you’d look at him with pride and that little smirk he loved to kiss off your face
he attempts to open the treasure trove and an apparition appears, the apparition that guards it. hongjoong’s ready for the wisp of smoke
until it turns into you.
but it isn’t you. bitterness twists your familiar eyes and a deep, betrayed frown downturns your lips and hongjoong is paralyzed - it’s you but at the same time it isn’t -
then you open your mouth
and with the same voice that used to remind him to take care of himself, the same voice that used to remind him you loved him
you ask why he wasn’t faster. why he wasn’t stronger. why he didn’t manage to pull you out of the wave and save you, why he failed when it came to you
it hits him like arrows to the chest because these are all thoughts hongjoong himself has had. they plagued him for days, months, years even after your death, and even now, they still do - but his crew has managed to help him keep those thoughts at bay recently, because deep down, they know and he knows that you would never think that way
yet here you are, expression bitter and angry, speaking those same thoughts seonghwa reassured him you would never say
he can’t open the trove that day. he comes back again. and again. and again and again and again but every time he breaks down at the sight of the loathing in your face and it isn’t until seonghwa and jongho literally drag him back to the ship and set sail again that he stops
but the apparition haunts him now, mixed with visions of you disappearing from his fingertips as the wave tosses you overboard
and this time, hongjoong doesn’t know if he’ll ever recover.
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seonghwa (boatswain, later quartermaster)
warnings: cursing, death, blood, implied physical abuse (nothing explicitly described)
so seonghwa didn’t live on the streets from the start like hongjoong or san, he actually came from nobility
look at his face and tell me it isn’t noble. yeah you can’t that’s what i fucking thought
anyway yeah, he was born into a noble family and pretty much lived that way until like his late teens or something when pirates ransacked his town, killed his family, and took him hostage
but we’re not going to unpack all of that yet so let’s go back in time to when seonghwa was still a member of nobility
his family was famous for being kind. like a lot of other nobles in other towns were snobby assholes who didn’t give two shits about the common people
and maybe it’s just because seonghwa’s family was nobility in a smaller town and as such knew a lot of commoners/peasants more closely plus the fact that they were never really rich rich, their title just comes from some wealthy ancestor and they’ve managed to keep it throughout the years
but yeah, seonghwa’s family isn’t universally hated among the peasantry because they’re actually decent fucking people and they protect those under them
so seonghwa learns from a young age to be kind and pleasant and as he grows older, he learns how to run the estate, how to play politics with the kingdom and the town, all that good stuff
and with all of that comes marriage, too
it might’ve been a problem if there was no one around that he liked but luckily you’ve been a fixture in seonghwa’s life since he was very young
your family is also nobility in a nearby small town and it’s actually perfect - you’re the younger sibling, so you don’t inherit the estate, but you do have a sharp mind and qualities that a family would be looking for when they try to find someone to marry their son off to
what makes everything even better is that since you’ve been around for a long time, seonghwa is head over heels in love with you and you’re head over heels in love with him
classic childhood friends to lovers
when you visited seonghwa’s town, he’d take you to the marketplace to meet people and you’d do the same for him
at balls, you would dance with each other as much was deemed appropriate by high society
someone’s kid got lost one time and seonghwa had carried her around with you, singing softly as you asked around for the kid’s parents until they were found
needless to say at this point your villages know the two of you very well and it isn’t just your parents rooting for this marriage lmao
so you get engaged and all and you aren’t going to marry until a few years later, you’re too young at the moment and both of you would prefer a little more freedom before you have to settle down
but at the engagement ceremony you exchanged rings and you two haven’t taken them off since, so it serves as a reminder of your bond
not like you need a reminder anyway - seonghwa is a dream come true, and there’s no way you would ever voluntarily leave him. ever. 
except nothing ever goes to plan especially in my universes so pirates attack just a year before you two are supposed to be married
you’re in seonghwa’s town visiting his family when the attack happens and both of you have just witnessed both of his parents being cut down before your eyes and you’re pulling seonghwa out of the estate, hoping to escape in the flood of screaming and fleeing people
but someone knocks you down as seonghwa yells your name
his hand loosens from yours and you try to grab at him but he just gets further and further away
you scream for him but someone else is already dragging him in the opposite direction and that’s the last you see of him
somehow you escape and manage to get back to your own village but seonghwa’s entire family is dead
there’s no reason to believe he survived either
and from that day on you grow a hatred of pirates so strong that you leave your family to join the navy just so you can take your revenge on those who took seonghwa and his family away from you
most of the navy recruits are children of former or current members, you’re the odd one out with your noble manners and method of speech
but you adapt quickly and desire for revenge fuels your motivation to keep moving, to keep getting better no matter how many times people knock you down
it’s for seonghwa and his family. always for them. 
you finish training with high honors and when you’re assigned to a fleet, you actually make a bit of a name for yourself - pirates don’t know who you are, exactly, but they’ve given you a nickname based on your appearance and it gets passed around in hushed whispers whenever it’s rumored that a navy fleet is coming to port
anyway that’s you. let’s move on to seonghwa
seonghwa isn’t dead (obviously), he was taken hostage because he’s young and strong and the pirates who took him thought he’d be a decent cabin boy or something, or maybe even a sailor
so seonghwa ends up working on that ship
the pirates really do not treat him well, the only moments of respite he gets are in sleep or when they dock sometimes
there are nights where seonghwa just wishes a huge storm would crack the ship in half and leave them all to drown, he has nothing to live for anymore - his parents are dead and he doesn’t even want to think about what might’ve happened to you
but spite fuels him and keeps him alive
seonghwa isn’t all that much of a goody two shoes after all - he knows how to use a sword and learns quickly. he also acts well and adapts
which is why eventually, he gains enough tentative trust from the crew that he won’t run away, so he’s allowed to explore the towns a little before the ship makes their attack wherever they are
but little do they know seonghwa is patient, observant, and has always been looking for the right time to slip away
so when the pirates do attack, seonghwa runs off and hides in the next town, where he meets hongjoong + his partner who have just gotten themselves a ship
so seonghwa joins the tiny crew of hongjoong’s pirate ship
he has reservations at first about the whole pirate thing, given who offed his entire family (and you - he thinks you’re dead and who can blame him?), but seonghwa quickly learns  hongjoong isn’t a mindless pillager or killer. he protects his crew and he has a purpose that he’s driven to fulfill - find the treasure and have a few adventures on the way. that’s all
he’s the first of the crew to join hongjoong besides his partner, and the three of them grow very close as the years pass
seonghwa starts out as the ship’s boatswain, keeping track of supplies and the ship’s general maintenance - he’s good at that, seeing as he has a sharp eye for detail and things that seem off, so he knows when people have been sneaking food (read: wooyoung)
hongjoong may be the captain, but the crew likes to joke that seonghwa is the one who actually keeps the ship running
he’s always there to listen to the newer members’ fears, their stories, or just to sit with them in comforting silence so they know they’re not alone
because if there’s anything seonghwa knows, it’s the horrible feeling of being completely alone, cut off from all those who once loved him
when hongjoong’s partner dies, seonghwa takes on the role of caring aggressively for hongjoong (aka asking the captain to come to his room)
albeit it’s in different ways because no one could ever replace the captain’s quartermaster. even if seonghwa technically holds the title now, it’s really in name only. yeah seonghwa fulfills the same duties, but everyone agrees - even him - that a void was left when hongjoong’s partner died, a void that’s closed up a little but will never fully leave
so time passes like this, seonghwa as a pirate, you in the navy, both completely unaware that the other is fully alive
until your crew receives word that a small pirate ship is going to be docking in a nearby port and you rush to meet it there
the fight is bloody and dirty, neither side playing fair
but you keep fighting, not stopping until you corner a pirate in an empty alley of the town
both of you have your swords out and there’s so much blood and grime on your faces that you can barely see
but there’s something familiar in the pirate’s expression. something in his eyes
something that makes you pause.
and then the bloody afternoon sunlight catches on something metal on his finger
a ring. a very familiar ring
identical, actually, to the one still on your hand. 
seonghwa reaches the conclusion at the same time you do and for a moment it’s kind of funny like that spiderman meme 
you two are just staring wide-eyed at each other while individual battles rage around you
seonghwa’s reeling - yes, the nickname that his crew had tossed around did get at some of your features, but never once in his entire life did he think that the navy fighter everyone feared so much would be you
somehow, even with all the dirt and blood caking your skin, you look as beautiful as ever
but the shattered look in your eyes is nothing he’s ever seen before.
meanwhile you’ve just gone slack with betrayal, betrayal at the knowledge that pirates killed seonghwa’s entire family yet he ended up on a pirate ship anyway, fighting battles for the fucking ship
he looks the same - a little older, a little more mature, his lips are still full and his eyes still beautiful with that same nose you loved to kiss so many years ago
but god, every cell in your body aches to scream, to rip him apart for this betrayal he made to everything you two stood for
(deep down you know there must be a reason for this - seonghwa doesn’t make decisions lightly, if he joined a pirate ship and is fighting for them, there has to be some reason why)
(but in the moment you can only feel the fury and betrayal that your former fiancé and the love of your life, the same person who was kidnapped by pirates and whose family was killed by pirates, has joined a crew)
except you can’t kill him. you know you can’t
and neither can he. you’re standing in front of him, his literal enemy - he’s trained over the years to become ruthless to those who aren’t members of his crew, to show no mercy
but at the sight of your eyes and the ring still on your finger, all of that training just shatters
you barely even exchange words. all you do is look at each other and then at the rings still on your hands, a promise unwillingly broken
it crosses your mind to take it off and throw it in the dust, show just how much that ring means to you when seonghwa’s betrayed you so badly
but just like you can’t kill him, you can’t take off the ring, even if it feels like it’s choking the circulation out of your finger
because even after all this time, you still love him. you still love seonghwa as much as he loves you
seonghwa just watches you level your sword at him, the blade positioning itself over his throat
he can’t kill you. he won’t. he knows that and he’s willing to accept his death at your hands
but you don’t do it. you just say, in a voice that’s broken beyond repair
if i see your face ever again, i swear on every god that exists that i will kill you
and you storm out of the alley, leaving a shaking seonghwa behind
(he doesn’t see it, but you can barely hold your sword steady either)
the fight ends a few hours later, seonghwa helps carry the injured back to the ship and set sail
it isn’t until hongjoong pulls him aside and tells him to wash up that he realizes just how tired he is
but even then, he can’t sleep. he ends up on deck, sitting against the rails, looking up at the night sky full of cold, twinkling stars as the ship bobs in the waves
hongjoong’s steering and asks him what’s wrong
seonghwa doesn’t say anything. it isn’t because hongjoong would throw him overboard for knowing a member of the navy, seonghwa’s proven himself loyal many times over and hongjoong knows that
but because even though hongjoong knows about his past and even about you, seonghwa doesn’t know what to say
he doesn’t know how to verbalize the vision of you, bloody and dirty, carrying a sword and wearing the ring he put on your hand so many years ago
he doesn’t know how to explain the achingly vivid picture of you painted in his mind, clearly older and more mature, having grown into your features over the years and still as gorgeous as ever
but worst of all, he doesn’t know how to describe the absolutely shattered look in your eyes, broken shards of glass fragmenting your expression as you took in his face, his body, the clothes and look of a pirate
seonghwa knows he couldn’t give up this life now, not after all that hongjoong has done and sacrificed for him, maybe he’d have tried to explain that to you if time had allowed it. he might even have asked you to come with him
but something tells him you wouldn’t have cared because in your eyes, he betrayed you, betrayed his family and yours
and it hurts. it hurts knowing he pained you this badly because after all this time, seonghwa still loves you
it’s why he never took off the ring, after all.
right now he honestly doesn’t know which is worse - thinking you’re dead and that he’ll never see you again, or knowing you’re alive but that you hate him and will kill him on sight the next time you meet
moonlight glitters mockingly on the ring on his finger, once a reminder of you and a promise of love
now a reminder of that same promise broken, and a new promise made - one that secures his death, should he ever come face to face with his love again.
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yunho (able-bodied sailor (ABS), later boatswain)
warnings: cursing
ah yes yunho. resident teddy bear who the new recruits think is just very soft - like why is he even on a pirate ship?
then the first battle comes around and they see yunho tearing around like a demon
and suddenly it all makes sense
anyway yunho really is a teddy bear most of the time - along with seonghwa, he’s the one that new recruits go to the most when they don’t know what’s happening because he’s kind and willing to explain if he’s got a bit of time
however if you come for anyone this man cares about, you’re fucked with around ten capital Fs 
yunho knows how to handle the sword at his belt, plus several other types of weapons as well
honestly probably only san and hongjoong are more skilled at fighting than yunho is
but moving on! yunho started out as one of the able-bodied sailors (that’s what they’re called on the site i’m using), essentially semi-skilled but not really specialized in specific roles of the ship
however when hongjoong’s partner was swept away in the storm, seonghwa became quartermaster and chose yunho to take over his previous boatswain duties
because yunho’s responsible and he knows what he’s doing, he also followed seonghwa around a lot when he was a bit younger so he’s learned more or less what a boatswain does - plus, he’s a quick learner, so anything he doesn’t know already seonghwa can teach him quickly
and because yunho’s now boatswain and is in charge of supplies on the ship, he spends a lot of time in the towns at every port where they legally dock because supplies!
which is how he meets you
you’re a commoner just trying to run your little grocery store, and times have been tough until yunho passes by your place and buys some fruit
throughout his brief stay in the town he comes by again and again and gives you enough business on his own to kickstart your life again
(but like let’s also not forget that a bunch of kids - boys and girls alike - start crowding in to see what this hot older dude is doing at this little grocery store)
so you’re eternally grateful to one jung yunho for helping you get back on your feet even if it was unintentional
and the next time the ship has docked in this port, you make sure to thank him effusively for it
because it isn’t just you that you’re trying to support - you have family too and you were never exactly the wealthiest, so the added business really means a lot to you regardless of whether yunho intended to have such an effect or not
yunho just blushes and says he’s happy to have helped, then tries to wave away the small bundle of groceries you give him for free
you think you’ve succeeded but yunho is Smooth and drops a small sack of coins into your front pocket just before he disappears into the market crowd
which is the start of your crush on the handsome guy named jung yunho who smiles like a teddy bear and has the sparkling eyes to match
meanwhile yunho has had a fucking crush on you since he passed by the grocery that first time
which is why he came back a second and a third time during that first visit
and why he keeps coming back, visit after visit until he’s staying in the store way past the time he should be returning to the ship and eventually kissing you in the moonlight just outside the store before he walks you home
you feel like you’re on cloud nine after that first kiss - yunho is everything you’ve ever wanted in a partner
your family loves him too, based on the encounters they’ve had the few times he was around when they were there
the only thing that worries you is the fact that he spends so much time... elsewhere
you’re well aware of the fact that he doesn’t live here, not even close by - you’ve seen the ships docked in port and yunho’s told you enough for you to understand that he travels for his living
but ateez is skilled at camouflaging themselves as not pirates, but something more benign - traveling merchants, things like that
and with yunho coming to town every so often with the purpose of restocking the ship, it isn’t so hard to believe
but as time goes on you start to grow a little suspicious
you’ll never take traveling away from yunho, as much as you’d like to settle down with him you know that the sea is his first love just as he’s yours, and you would never force him to choose
you can satisfy yourself just knowing he’ll come back to visit, no matter what
but sometimes you prod a little more and it’s uneasy the way yunho just clams up
because normally he’s happy to talk about anything and everything
but out of wishful thinking + the desire to pretend nothing is wrong, you just ignore it
until one night you’re out on a walk and you hear a familiar voice discussing routes and paths with a different, unfamiliar voice
but the first one you know
because it’s yunho
they’re talking about treasure and ships and how much gold they have and what they need
you try to reason it all away, try to spin their words in a way that makes them out to merely be the traveling merchants you always assumed they were
but then you realize - yunho never said that to you. it was always just your assumption
he never lied, but he never told you the truth
and now you have to face it on your own - yunho is part of a crew of pirates and there’s no reasoning it away
especially when you see the blades strapped to their sides glinting in the moonlight
the night is long and yunho doesn’t come by the next day, so you have time to think
and by the time he does come around, you’ve made a decision
that day, stone cold and unwavering, you tell him you want nothing more to do with him. even as your heart cracks at the dawning horror and shame and pain on yunho’s face, you tell him that on no account can you be found dealing with pirates
if it were just you, you might risk a little more, consider keeping this relationship with yunho a little longer
but you don’t live in a place that’s known for its sympathy to pirates - it isn’t a royal navy haven, exactly, but it isn’t lawless either
and you have a family to protect, too. the grocery store is all you have and if someone found out you were having a dalliance with a pirate, that might be taken away from you
yunho is crushed, absolutely crushed when he hears you and sees you speaking this way
part of him wants to get angry because you’ve been together for this long - what changes just because you found out he’s a pirate?
but he understands, even though he doesn’t want to. he understands that you have a family you need to protect and that a relationship with a pirate will only jeopardize that
it’s what he would do, right, if his own family, his crew mates, were also in danger? if he had a relationship with someone who would put them in harm’s way, he’d cut it off just as you did
so that day, you both part ways. neither of you expects to see the other ever again
and for several years, it seems that way
your family stops asking about that nice traveling merchant who looked at you with the sweetest smile
and seonghwa helps yunho out of his stupor. he understands, after all - his own love swore to kill him if they ever met again
broken hearts eventually heal, cracks still visible but no longer gaping wide, and life goes on
until yunho bursts into your little store one day, eyes wide and face white
you almost don’t recognize him at first - besides the fact that it’s been several years, you’ve never seen him look this frazzled
but once you do recognize him it’s like all those years fall away and you’re in love with him again, reaching out to touch him and ask him what’s wrong, despite the words you spoke that last day
yunho grabs your hands in a vice grip when you reach out and in the most serious voice you’ve ever heard him use, he tells you to get out of here with everyone you love
because other pirates are coming to attack. 
it takes you a second to register his words when he first says them because what - pirates? what would they ever want to do with your little village?
but the fear in yunho’s eyes makes it clear he’s telling the truth
so all you do is nod and squeeze his hands unconsciously, maybe, before picking up your things and running down the path back home
yunho doesn’t follow, not at first. he stays back a little to warn the other families he grew closer with during his visits to you, the kind people who welcomed him when he was here
some believe him, some don’t, and they all have the same look of fear in their eyes once they realize what yunho truly is
he doesn’t care, though - it doesn’t matter how much that fear hurts him, as long as they get out safe, that’s all that matters
yunho catches up to you just as you’re leaving the house. your family starts raising questions but you cut them off with a glare, and one of the older members of the family just herds everyone away to give you and yunho a last moment of space
except you don’t say anything. neither of you do
it’s half not knowing what to say after so many years apart
but it’s also half knowing exactly what the other is thinking, even after so many years apart
at some point yunho took your hands and now your touch just makes it painfully clear that even though he loved you, still loves you, none of this was ever meant to be
maybe in another lifetime, in a more perfect universe, but not this one
and the same thoughts are running through your head as you squeeze his fingers, rough and scarred from all his time on the sea
he pulls you close, presses a kiss on your forehead
you rest your head against his shoulder and whisper thank you as you squeeze him one last time
when you pull away, there’s apology in both your gazes - you for breaking things apart so painfully, yunho for having the profession he does
but there’s also acceptance and gratitude for years well spent in your love
(and of that love, much of it still remains)
you return to your family, who’s still waiting, leaving yunho behind
and one more time before you leave forever, you look back
he’s still there, watching you go
you let yourself smile again, once more
yunho lets himself smile too as he waves goodbye
it’s the goodbye you should have had the last time you parted, instead of the forced coldness and biting words you used to cut your relationship apart, and regret pinches deep in your chest
but you can only be grateful for the second chance to say farewell, so you wave too, exchanging one last smile before you disappear
neither of you sees the other ever again.
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yeosang (sailing master)
warnings: cursing, death, semi-graphic depiction of blood, implied drowning
guys i love this dude he’s so fucking cute i want to pat his head all the time
not in a bias way he’s just v cute and i adore him
ok this is supposed to be a pirate au not me yelling about how beautiful one kang yeosang can be so let’s start
yeosang is sailing master of hongjoong’s ship, which means he’s in charge of navigation and following the maps and all
and he’s very good at his job! yeosang’s very smart and knows what he’s doing, also is very observant so if he sees something’s wrong in a map or something he will actually make notes and fix things so next time the crew is prepared
spends most of his time up in the crow’s nest because that’s the best vantage point from where he can see other ships and/or land
except sometimes he speaks a little too softly so he has to yell like five times for whoever’s steering to hear him
(wooyoung likes to joke that he should be the one up in the nest because he’s loud as fuck but then yeosang reminds him of that one time he tried to read a map but it was upside down and yeosang was the one who managed to put them back on course)
(wooyoung then shuts up)
yeosang was born in a relatively well-off family, not nobility or anything but they had some money which meant he was educated
and he ended up being pretty good at math n stuff and really like screwing around with the maps he’d find in his parents’ small library
except his parents died of a plague when he was little, and he got sent to live in an orphanage
he took the maps and books with him and that’s where he grew up until wooyoung came around
you know that video where yeosang says he was v innocent and didn’t know how the world worked and his parents were worried about him until he became friends with wooyoung? yeah that’s essentially what’s at play here
before they met yeosang was pretty much just in his own little world. didn’t interact much with the other orphans and the orphanage owners really did not give a shit so he just sat in his corner reading and rereading books n shit that he’d taken from his home
but when yeosang turned idk let’s say sixteen he met wooyoung on the streets
and for some reason??? wooyoung took a liking to yeosang despite the fact that yeosang would barely give him the time of the day
in fact yeosang liked wooyoung’s partner much more
(which made wooyoung a little jealous but we’ll talk more about that later)
(i’ll just say it wasn’t romantic but wooyoung can be a blind little shit sometimes so you see where this is going)
but eventually woosang + woo’s partner become good friends
woo + partner have avoided the orphanage their whole life, just making their own living on the streets
until one day they come to yeosang with news that there’s a pirate ship willing to take them on
and they want yeosang to come with them. 
to yeosang it sounds like half a dream and half some ludicrous fantasy - first of all it’s a pirate ship, what can he even do there?
but because wooyoung is wooyoung and his partner is his partner they manage to convince yeosang to give up his half-life at the orphanage - he’s not doing anything there anyway, and at least now he might be able to travel and see the places he’s only marked on maps
and hongjoong is actually ecstatic to have yeosang on board because even though seonghwa can do some navigation, he was never the best at geography n stuff even when he was taking lessons as a noble so having someone who knows maps and details of different lands, even if he’s never seen them before, is a blessing
they all settle in on the ship together and for a while, life goes somewhat well for yeosang. the ship is small and they haven’t really built up a major reputation yet so a lot of the other pirate ships either ignore them or just literally don’t see them
which gives yeosang time to learn swordplay and other skills he needs as a pirate
and as time goes on, the crew grows larger, they gain recognition on the seas, and one night as he sits drinking on the deck with woosan + woo’s partner under the stars, he admits to himself that he feels happy
but then you come along
ateez has just won a battle against a smaller ship that you happen to be the sailing master of
except unlike sailing master yeosang, you fucking hate it there because everyone’s a bitch and willing to stab someone in the back in order to get in the captain’s good graces
and get this: the captain is still fucking alive after the battle and you just want to be anywhere but there
which... impresses hongjoong
and it’s like?? it leaves the other ship without a sailing master so mayhaps they’re even more fucked than hongjoong intended
so you get welcomed onto the crew!
and of course it takes a few weeks/months to actually feel your welcome, ateez will give chances to newcomers but they have to prove themselves too
but you end up doing that when you almost beat mf jung yunho in a mock sword fight on your fifth try - which is basically unheard of in the crew since literally only san and hongjoong are better fighters than him
so everyone pretty much accepts you after that
except yeosang
it’s kind of stupid - he’s really just jealous that you’re also a sailing master, he’s afraid that he won’t be seen as useful anymore now that you’ve come along (and with better sword skills too)
and it doesn’t help that you get along so easily with woosan + the others, who are supposed to be yeosang’s friends
so this dumb fucking rivalry now exists between the two sailing masters of hongjoong’s ship, one jealous and the other just confused but going along with it
it gives seonghwa many headaches and hongjoong even more
but despite everything, no matter how much the other crew members try to talk you too out of it you both just point at each other and are like he/they are a bitch. you expect me to get along with a bitch ???
(jongho: i mean yeah you both get along with woosan so)
(woosan: ready to fight but not really because jongho has Strength)
so yeah you two are enemies in the loosest sense, like you try not to let the rivalry get in the way of actual pirate business but otherwise you’re either arguing or giving each other the cold shoulder
hongjoong wants to fucking cry because you two actually work very well together when the time calls for it, but you just refuse to deal with each other otherwise
until his partner dies in the storm.
the entire crew is in shock, the mood dampened for the next few months as hongjoong grieves
san is also blaming himself even though it isn’t his fault that his rope snapped, even less his fault that their rope snapped
and everyone is miserable
after a few days, you walk up to yeosang and are like. hey. we need to put whatever this is behind us, at least for now - hongjoong doesn’t need to deal with our bullshit on top of what he already has, and san needs as much support as he can get
yeosang agrees and a truce is formed
it’s awkward at first - you’re used to tossing around jabs like nobody’s business and you’ve kind of forgotten how to interact with each other without hurling insults
but after a few weeks you and yeosang are at least on normal speaking terms
no one says anything but you can see seonghwa’s eyes sparkling in relief whenever you two are seamlessly navigating the ship together, or when one hops into the crow’s nest to take over from the other without a word
and during that time, you and yeosang grow a little closer, whether you realize it or not
telling the other to go take a break, i’ll watch for a little while or this map looks a little off, wasn’t the mountain a little closer to the next kingdom?
one night, yeosang almost collapses of exhaustion, and you make him drink water before carrying him to bed
another night he finds you poring over maps at ass o’clock in the morning and forces you to sleep
small things like that help you grow closer over time, and eventually, you start going back to insulting each other - except it’s not really insulting, just teasing
you two will banter when working together or yell at each other to go the fuck to sleep you dimwit
and you’d like to think that it makes hongjoong feel a little better, too, when he eventually pulls himself out of his stupor and begins acting a little more like his old self again
san too - the cracked glass look in his eyes eventually fades, and he starts to smile again
life goes on - the search for the treasure never stops
and as the years go by you maybe start to see yeosang as more than a crew mate, then more than a friend
yeosang feels the same
but beyond small touches and banter and reminders to take care of yourselves, you never say anything because you two are COWARDS
which is something you will regret for the rest of your life. 
one day you end up in a battle with a ship bigger than you’ve fought before
hongjoong had tried to steer you out of the way, but the ship just followed and eventually a fight was inevitable
it’s bloody and horrible, you and san are fighting back to back while wooyoung and yeosang are occupied somewhere closer to the crow’s nest
and you don’t even have time to think, it’s all just slash and stab and kill if you can
so at first, you don’t realize it when wooyoung goes down with a pained yell and yeosang is left alone
you cut down one pirate who’s been giving you trouble and spin to help wooyoung but then you catch sight of yeosang scrambling up the crow’s nest, out of reach of the pirate trying to cut his ankles
and your blood freezes. because though yeosang is a good fighter, if he’s trying to escape rather than fight...
something has gone very wrong.
you see it in his dangling leg and yeosang’s face contorted with pain as he hauls himself into the nest - his ankle is hurt, broken or twisted or something 
but the other pirate doesn’t have such an injury. and just as yeosang falls into the nest, he begins to climb up
you ry to go over to help but another pirate blocks your way and you’re forced to forego helping yeosang because the stupid enemies just won't stop coming
you try to believe that he’ll be fine even as blood coats your vision, as you try to fight your own battle against a seemingly endless enemy
until there’s an earsplitting yell from above and you look up to see yeosang double over in pain
both you and san exchange a single glance before trying to push through the throng to climb up, even though the sinking feeling in your chest tells you it’ll be too late
the pirate fighting yeosang stabs him, eliciting another yell - you swear you feel yeosang’s blood spatter all the way down onto your head as you rush over
but you stop, eyes wide with horror when the pirate lifts up yeosang’s limp body, streaming blood
and throws him out of the nest. 
later, wooyoung will tell you that your scream was what stopped the battle. he isn’t even joking, he’s deadly serious - people stopped fighting because you screamed so loud
you don’t even remember screaming. you only remember watching yeosang’s body sail through the air and racing to the ship’s edge, hand reaching out in a futile effort to catch him before he falls
for less than half a second, you meet yeosang’s eyes, blown wide with terror and pain
and then his body crashes beneath the ocean waves
someone holds you back from jumping over the railing. you kick and thrash but they don’t let go
your throat is raw from screaming yeosang’s name over and over and over because he can’t be dead, he can’t be - yeosang can swim, you know he can
but he had horrible injuries, and the pain mixed with seawater very well could have killed him before he even had the chance to drown
you keep screaming until your voice dies and your yells turns to sobs and you start begging, begging for him to come back
but his familiar blond head never resurfaces.
yeosang dies that day, dragged beneath the waves
taking a piece of your heart with him, too. 
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If you enjoyed, please don’t forget to reblog and leave a comment to tell me what you thought! Thank you for reading and have a lovely day <3
(1 reblog = 1 prayer for me I'm going to need like 10 years of rest after this much angst)
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troubatrain · 4 years
runaway - n. patrick
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a/n: happy sunday here’s som midday filth i wrote today? i think i might make this a little series (where all the fics sort of connect) but i have decided yet so tell me if you want more! big shoutout to @hookingminor​ for letting me dump ideas in her DMs. Also tagging @texanstarslove​ for encouraging me to expand on this blurb i wrote yesterday! hope you guys like it :)
warning : smut - it’s literally just smut
part two
You were running away if you could even count making a grand escape from Boston to Philadelphia to your brother’s place. You had submitted your final paper in your dorm at Boston College, packing your bags and loading your car in what should have been the direction home. Instead, while you were packing your ex had posted a picture with his new girlfriend, and you felt like an idiot. You couldn’t believe it, gossiping to your friends that you’d slept with him a week ago and you were so sure you were getting back together. Now, you were just heartbroken and when you needed an escape - there was always Kevin.
So you drove in the direction of Philly, calling your big brother on the way down to tell him you were on your way. Kevin was in California, but told you to come regardless, worried about his little sister. You drove in silence, your mind racing for hours, finally pulling in front of Kevin’s building a little after nine. Philly was cold, but nothing compared to the cold December temperatures you were used to. You let yourself into his place, grateful for the key you kept the last time you came for a visit. The place was dark, and you stepped into the kitchen in search of any food.
“Hey Boston.”
You jump, letting out a small yelp and almost falling to the floor. You turn around to meet Nolan’s eyes, a smirk on his face while he stifles a laugh. You huff, crossing your arms and raising your eyebrows at him, “What the fuck are you doing here?”
“I live here, what the fuck are you doing here?” Nolan scoffs, looking at you like you’d completely lose your mind. Nolan wouldn’t have told another soul, but he was happy to see you. Kevin would murder him if he ever let it slip, but Nolan wanted to do absolutely filthy things to you. So Nolan settled on teasing you, because if you thought he didn’t like you then he wouldn’t have to cross that line.
“If you really must know, I didn’t want to go home and tell my parents all about my ex boyfriend’s new girlfriend,” You mutter, holding in your tears because Nolan didn’t need to see you cry. You were almost sure he hated you, and you didn’t know why. Nolan was pretty nice to everyone, especially when your family came into town. Kevin loved him, and constantly bragged about his roommate, but Nolan gave you shit all the time.
Nolan let out a deep breath, processing your words and the tears that were threatening to spill from your eyes and he wanted to fix it. He wanted to throw his arms around you, and hold you until it all felt okay but that was a slippery slope for Nolan, “Go put your stuff in the guest room, I’ll get us something to eat.”
You emerged a little while later, your hair wet from a warm shower and an oversized t-shirt hanging from your frame, covering the shorts you had on. You pad into the living room, sitting on the opposite side of the couch as Nolan, tucking your knees into your chest. You looked frail like someone had taken your already broken heart and snapped it again.
“Pizza should be here soon,” Nolan whispers, looking over at you with sad eyes. He looked warm, a hoodie covering his hair that was longer since the last time you saw him, “You-”
“Want to smoke?” You both let out the question at the same time, laughing when you realized what you did. That was the one thing you and Nolan seemed to bond about, smoking with Kevin was awful because his voice seemed to echo afterwards and it was too much for the both of you. Nolan got up, disappearing for a second and reappearing with a joint already rolled in his hand.
“All you Boston,” Nolan drops them in your hands, and you roll your eyes that his dumb nickname for you. You put the joint between your lips, sparking the end and letting the smoke slip through your lips.
“Shut up baby cat,” You tease, coughing from the smoke and smirking at Nolan. Nolan takes the joint from your hand, taking a hit and letting the smoke fall from his lips.
“You don’t get to call me that,” Nolan teases, a hazy smile on his face when he looks over at you, “Feeling any better?”
“I will be when-” You go to tell him that when the pizza was here everything would be fine, and as if you were magic the doorbell buzzed to let you know your delivery was here. You make a surprised face, looking at Nolan to see if he was nearly as excited as you were, but he was just laughing at your face.
You devoured the pizza, the both of curing your munchies and settling on whatever garbage reality show was on at the time. It was a comfortable silence inching over closer and closer to Nolan as time went on, before you knew it, you were practically curled into his side. You were busy on your phone, instagram stalking your ex’s new girlfriend to compare every part of you to her.
Nolan looked down at you, furrowing his eyebrows until he figured out what you were doing. Your head was against his shoulder while you looked at who he assumed was your ex’s new girl. He sighs, taking your phone out of your hand and tossing it on the other side of the couch.
“Nolan what the fuck was that for?” You ask, raising your voice and giving Nolan a look.
“Stop comparing yourself to that girl,” Nolan huffs, his voice deep from exhaustion while he stares at you. He thinks for a moment, carefully mulling over his next words because he had one chance not to fuck this up, “You’re fucking perfect.”
“Yeah okay,” You snort, rolling your eyes and sitting up next to Nolan, “Don’t even look at me and tell if you had a choice you wouldn’t choose her.”
Your voice was shaking, and you didn’t know what answer you were expecting, Nolan was only nice to you because you were Kevin’s sister. There wasn’t any other reason Nolan Patrick would give you the time of day. Nolan's eyes were staring into yours and he rubbed a hand over his jaw while he thought. His lips pressed against your jaw pressing feather light kisses against your skin while Nolan mumbled.
I’d choose you anyday.
You’re so beautiful baby.
Only you.
His lips were ghosting over yours, your eyes closed, just waiting for him to finally close the gap between the two of you, “Kiss me Nolan.”
Nolan’s lips on yours was pure ecstasy, like every part of your body was on fire. Nolan pulled onto his lap and you straddle his hips, grinding down on him while letting out a whimper when his hand smacked your ass lightly. Nolan’s lips were on your neck, leaving a mark you know you were going to have to cover later, “Y/N-”
Nolan’s voice was deep, and your name falling from his lips instead of that stupid nickname was enough to make you wet. Your hands found the ends of Nolan’s hair, tugging on him slightly causing him to groan underneath you. Nolan pulls away, looking up at you with swollen lips, and you’d never looked better. His hands were under your shirt, your skin soft under his calloused fingertips and legs wrapped around his waist while he grew hard underneath you. He slipped a hand into your shorts, ghosting over your core with his fingers.
“Please,” You plead, pressing a kiss against Nolan’s jaw. You needed a release, someone to make you feel special even if you never spoke of this again. Nolan was a hockey player and you’d been around enough to know how easy it would be for this to be a one and done thing, “I’ll be a good girl.”
That was all it took for Nolan to slip his finger under your panties and rub a circle over your clit. You roll your hips in his, desperate for any sort of friction, “Mmm I thought you were going to be good? You’ve got to be patient princess.”
You nod, pouting and looking at Nolan who was smirking at you. He grabs your thighs, standing up and carrying you into his bedroom. You fell back on the mattress, grabbing Nolan’s neck and pulling his lips back onto yours. He slipped your panties and shorts off one swift motion, leaving them to be forgotten about. You pulled of your shirt, and Nolan stops, his eyes wandering down your body, “Nol-”
“This is better than I imagined, god you’re perfect,” Nolan hums, his hands slowly moving down your body. He finally hooks your legs over his broad shoulders, pressing a kiss to your thigh, “You’re sure about this?”
“Nolan your head is between my thighs I think I’m sure,” You tease, kicking him in the back lightly. Nolan nods, flicking your clit with his tongue, pulling a moan from your body. It was everything he ever wanted to hear. His grip on your thighs tightened, his nails digging into your skin while he teased your entrance, “Nolan, fuck-”
Nolan’s lips wrap around your clit, slipping in a finger and curling it to hit your g-spot. Your hips lifted off the mattress, grinding against Nolan’s lips while he fingered you. You were close, curses and moans leaving your mouth because there were no other thoughts running through your head other than how good Nolan was making you feel.
“I know your close baby, c’mon,” Nolan growls against your pussy, sending you over the edge. You let you a yelp, your orgasm overcoming you while Nolan fingered you through your high. You ran your hands through his hair while you caught your breath, Nolan pressing kisses into your thighs. He didn’t give you much downtime, grabbing a condom from his bedside drawer and kicking off his sweats. You played with your clit, watching Nolan roll the condom over his cock and your pussy dripped in anticipation.
“I want to cum to all over your cock,” You whimper, Nolan finally sliding inside of you. He was big and the feeling was sensational. He pressed a kiss to your cheek, snapping his hips into you while you screamed underneath him, “Harder.”
Nolan was in euphoria, his name was leaving your lips like a prayer, begging him to absolutely ruin you. This was Nolan’s dirtiest fantasy, from the moment Kevin introduced him to his little sister with a threat for Nolan to keep his grimy little hands off of you. His hands were all over you now, gripping your hips while he fucked you, sure to leave bruises in his wake. Nolan’s hand ghosted over your neck, and you let out a deep breath at the contact, “Can I?”
“Fuck, yes,” You nod, letting Nolan’s large hand wrap around your throat. His was using you for leverage, fucking you into his mattress while you let out moans underneath him, “Fuck I’m close-”
“Be a good girl and cum for me,” Nolan spat, teeth grazing your jaw while he watched you fall apart underneath him. He let go of the grip on your throat, giving you no time to rest before his strokes got faster. He needed to chase his high, spilling into the condom while you shook from the aftershocks of your own. Nolan stayed inside you for a minute, his head in your neck while you watched the sweat that was glistening on his forehead. You ran a finger through his hair, wondering what the fallout from this was going to be.
“That was,” Nolan stops, muttering against your skin because he was speechless. The wasn’t just good, it was mind blowing, and the temptation to do it again might be a problem for him, “That was fucking incredible Boston.”
“Sure was,” You breathe out, picking Nolan’s head up and pressing your lips to his. You made out lazily for a while, basking in the post sex glow before you knew you were going to have to kick Nolan out. Kevin would be back in the morning, and if he caught you in bed with his teammate Nolan wouldn’t live to see another day.
“We should do this again sometime?” Nolan asks, watching you collect your clothes from his room. He wanted you to stay, sleeping under his arm in his bed where you should have, but he knew he was playing with fire. You look at him, a smirk on your face and a blush on your cheeks.
“You just might get lucky twice Nolan.”
And Nolan hoped he would...
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vizowrites · 3 years
OOOH I GOT A GOOD BLITZSTRIKE IDEA FROM EPISODE 6!! So you know that blitz had a I'm assuming was a illusion with poorly drawn moxxie and striker, etc yea that but striker just came to save the day! Da da daaaaaa (I am morning drunk-)
I made a post about just how badly I needed this exact thing in my life so THANK YOU SO MUCH for sending it to meeeeeeeeeee!! <3 <3
Now normally I'm all for the AU idea of Striker joining I.M.P. and just kind of automatically jumping in as an official member of their unofficial family, but I have to say for this.....I actually kind of like it better if I stick more to the canon here. Striker's not a member of I.M.P., he's still got his angel weaponry and the bounty on Stolas's head to settle after the mishap at the Harvest Moon Festival, and--most importantly--hasn't crossed paths with Blitz [or any of the others for that matter] since.
He hadn't been expecting it to happen when it did that night, either.
There wasn't much on Striker's mind other than his target as he slithered his way through the servant's quarters entrance of Stolas's manor house, entirely uncaring of the numerous cameras and other security features that he passed along the way. He had it on good faith that they would just happen to be disabled that night--a pissed off royal birdie had told him so. He'd also been told exactly how to navigate his way through the house undetected, exactly which rooms to avoid, and exactly where he would find the "cheating prick" at this hour. What he hadn't been told--and what he'd deliberately chosen not to ask--was just what the Goetian Prince would be doing by the time he made his soundless entry into his study. There was a small part of him, somewhere deeper than he usually cared to try to reach, that couldn't help but think of a certain impressive imp Boss that might be involved. There was an even deeper part of him, though, that felt the sharp sting of conflict as he found he couldn't make up his mind on whether he was hoping to see said impressive imp Boss there or not, considering what he would probably be doing.
His tail unconsciously flicked once, causing Striker to coil it tightly around himself in order to prevent what would have become a full blown rattle otherwise. This was ridiculous. He was here for one thing and one thing only: he had a job to do.
A job he was fully intending to enjoy.
A slow grin spread across his face as he shrugged the strap of his angelic rifle down from his shoulder, catching the weapon effortlessly and feeling the warm sting of its power against his fingertips. He really was going to enjoy this, he thought to himself as he silently crept into the study, taking advantage of the many outrageously sized pieces of furniture casting shadows around the room to stay hidden.
Just one shot. He just needed one shot.
The flickering glow of what he presumed to be firelight seemed to beckon him, encouraging him, and before he knew it he had the butt of the rifle pressed firmly into his shoulder and his right hand hovering just beside the trigger--ready and waiting to take aim and fire. All he needed was one glance now, just enough to see where exactly Stolas was in the room, and then it would be over. The fact that he couldn't hear the owl demon moaning in ecstasy strangely pleased him at his core, confirming that he in fact wasn't enjoying the company of his favorite plaything tonight. Good. It meant he didn't need to spare a second thought for who else might get caught in the crossfire. Anyone else honestly wouldn't matter.
.....He tried to distract himself from thinking about that thought too deeply by finally taking his glance, trying to focus back on the one who didn't matter to him at all.
Instead, he found himself looking straight at the one being that did.
"Blitz--" The half-whisper caught in the back of his throat, thankfully stiffling the majority of the sound as Striker's eyes went wide. He didn't know how the hell Stolas was doing this--he didn't know this was something the Ars Goetia could do--but somehow, in the middle of what he'd previously thought was just a fireplace casting the twisting forms of light and darkness across the room, was a strange mirror-like orb that seemed to be reflecting an image to the Prince sitting across from it in one of his high-backed chairs.
An image of Blitz, tied to a much smaller chair, struggling as some strange green something started to pool beneath his feet.
What the flying fuck was happening?
"Oh darling, what have you gotten yourself into this time?" Stolas cooed from across the room, completely oblivious to the hitman staring at him as he watched the scene unfold before him as if it was his favorite daytime drama. "Let's be extra careful about what we say from here on out, shall we? You're not going to be very happy with me if I have to come down there and take my book back from your charming daughter. Especially since that's going to delay her rescuing of you by quite a bit."
Striker didn't know what to do. There was a part of him that felt the unmistakable urge to just raise his weapon and fire, to carry on with the plan just as he'd intended and figure out the rest from there. But there was that other, deeper, part of him that had frozen, leaving him unable to look at or think about anything other than the imp that was now spilling his guts out in whatever room he was in as easily as if he'd just been sliced open.
And the vermin was there with him--apparently tripping balls as he slumped into his own chair and started mumbling incoherently.
"Now just what is happening here?" Stolas murmured, his voice catching Striker's attention--that urge flaring up in him again, and yet, before he could think about whether or not to actually take aim at him, he instead watched as Stolas lifted his hand from beneath his chin and gave a little wave over the orb. The image within shifted, rippling as if it were made of water, and when it finally settled again it was of something new:
Moxxie, now freed from his bonds, making his way up a marble staircase lined with candelabras towards a cape-wearing Blitz playing piano.....and they were both singing.
What. The. Fuck. Is. Happening??
"Ooohh my," Stolas chuckled delicately from behind his curved fingers, amusement sparking in his glowing crimson eyes as he watched the scene unfold. "Your little underling here has quite the imagination now, doesn't he? Well if his truth is this entertaining--" He lifted his hand once more, his fingertips hovering over the unnaturally glowing scene. "--I really must see yours now, Blitzy."
Striker didn't know why he felt such a sudden surge of protectiveness for Blitz's privacy of all things in that moment, but seeing the image ripple again as it began to change had him biting his lip hard enough that he could feel it start to bleed. Just what the fuck was this asshole doing? Did he just get himself off to spying on Blitz like this?? At times when he's clearly in trouble and needing help that isn't prying into his drug-induced hallucinations??
If he'd been a better person, he would have killed Stolas then and there just to make this stop. But since he wasn't, his curiosity stilled his hands for another few moments as the window into Blitz's vison settled into view.
He didn't like any part of what he saw.
The memory of himself referring to Blitz as a "rodeo clown of a boss" came back to him with the viciousness of a bite, causing him to tense as he watched as Blitz--stumbling around in a clown costume--started getting tormented by voices and swirling figureless masses of color. The first to solidify was Moxxie, spewing bullshit that honestly Striker could barely care to keep up with, except for the fact that it was so obviously berrating Blitz for.....something. Just what the hell did Blitz care what that little baby dick had to say? He knew he was better than that.
.....Didn't he?
Striker felt his grip on the rifle loosening as he sank back fully onto the floor, his pale eyes glinting and his tail starting to vibrate hard against his shirt. He tried to muster up every ounce of his self control, willing it to stop before the rattling sound tipped off Stolas--only for his tail to go utterly still as something very similar lashed its way around Blitz's throat and threw him to the ground.
And there he was, staring at himself.
"But you don't want to do things alone Blitzo!"
Hearing himself--not himself, that wasn't even his fucking voice--say that made his blood run cold with rage. How fucking dare whoever was doing this impersonate him like this! Using him to torment Blitz like this! And Blitz was seemingly actually buying it--wait, Stolas had called this Blitz’s “truth”.  Did this mean.....was this what Blitz thought of him?? What the fuck!? Since when the hell did Blitz ever hear Striker call him "Blitzo" once before in his life?? Never! He wanted to grab Blitz by the shoulders and shake him, screaming right into his face that he would never say his name like that when he knows damn well that the O is silent! Okay, so he might’ve called him “Blitzy” when they parted ways because he was bitter over Blitz choosing to stop him from killing Stolas instead of running off with him to take down Overlords--and that was his bad.  And yeah, he might've been trying to get on his good side to have an easier shot at killing Stolas, sure, but...that didn't mean that the things he'd said to Blitz weren't true! He really did want to be partners!
The scene changed again, another set of stairs, and Blitz frantically climbing up them to try and escape the figures that were literally haunting him--Striker feeling that cold burn spread in his chest at the sight of being one of them.
Though nothing could have prepared him for the tidal wave of feeling that would crash over him in the moment he saw just who was waiting for Blitz at the top of those stairs.
You Daddy Fucker.
"Are you afraid to love people, Blitzy?"
Striker's fingers clenched so hard around his rifle that he thought he was going to snap it in two, his pale gold-green eyes fixed on the sight of Blitz crawling on his hands and knees up that glowing staircase, as golden chains fastened around each of his wrists and around his neck. The rest of the voices were lost to the roar of whitenoise now ringing in Striker's ears as he watched Stolas pull Blitz willingly onto his lap, holding him by that chain attached to the collar at his throat.....
"Oh Blitzy--!"
And when he heard that erotic gasp and saw that look on Blitz's face, he finally couldn't take it.
The next thing he knew, he was back in the hallway, making a beeline for the room that he'd been instructed to go to only after he'd finished the job. Oh he was going to finish it all right. He was going to finish it slowly and painfully. But there was something even more important that he had to finish first.
He honestly didn't remember what he'd said when he stormed into Stella's room. He didn't know how long he had been there and he had no idea how he got away with being there for any amount of time without her calling for security to run in and tackle him to the ground. Most of all, he had absolutely no idea what the hell kind of reason he could have possibly given for her to locate the party of imps on Earth and open him a portal to get to them--but whatever reason he gave must've been a pretty damn good one. The next thing he knew there was a glowing blue door literally opening in front of his face, revealing a blood soaked room and the now united beings of Hell trapped between a steel door and two human fuckers who were pointing pistols at their faces.
At Blitz's face.
The shots rang out one after the other, followed by the distinct meaty thuds of two bodies hitting the floor. Striker didn't particlarly notice the fact that the portal had closed behind him the minute he stepped into the room, rendering him just as trapped as the others, but he also didn't particularly care. That bird bitch was still going to get exactly what she wanted when he got back--he would make sure of it. But for now, at least, it was enough just to be able to stride over to that face--full of disbelief and shock--and cup it tenderly in his palm.
"You ain't gotta do jack shit alone, Blitz," he said, and the sincerity of his own voice shook him from the top of his head down to the soles of his feet. "You're not alone, Blitz."
He didn't know it until much much later, but hearing Striker say those words to him had made Blitz feel as though he'd just been handed the keys to his chains.
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hansoulo · 4 years
lead me to the promised land
part two of “Pillar of Salt”
Pairing: Boba Fett/Princess!Reader (she/her pronouns, no Y/N)
Warnings: NSFW - language, kissing, heavy petting, dom!Boba, gagging/choking, marks and bruises of the Spicy nature, hand and finger kink, allusions to canon-typical violence
Word Count: 2k
Gif Credit: (x) by @/tylowen
A/N: good day gremlins i am not very good at updating but i bring u some fun times as penance pls forgive me
༓ series masterlist ༓
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You were used to being moved around by other people, poked and prodded and lifted up so that stays could be tied or burdensome headpieces be attached to your head. Shuffled around to smile and be proper, sedated by heavy skirts and perfume. It was a fact of life.
Your dress was unlaced by the mechanical hands of an attendant, the change happening quickly and without fond regard from any party. It was early evening now and the sky peeled itself into a burnt orange. If you closed your eyes, you could almost taste citrus.
“Careful, please,” you whispered with a slight wince as the woman’s thin fingers brushed against your neck, both of your reflections cast warm in the mirror you now stood in front of. They were almost-bruises. Little ghost flower petals. Delicate and pretty, trailing behind your neck and not quite noticeable.
The woman only nodded. Servants weren’t ones to ask questions.
 ⫸ ———————————————————————————— ⫷
The world seemed to tip on its axis, spinning too fast and not at all. It’d only been a minute, maybe two, but Boba’s words hung out to dry in the summer air and there was nothing else to do but wait for the actions to fulfill themselves. It shouldn’t have been as easy as it was to let him keep kissing you, but you only broke away to warn in a jolted, harsh whisper when his touch became too sharp. “Don’t leave any marks.”
“Are you commanding me?” Boba sneered, his voice slightly cruel as his gloved thumbs rubbed circles into your hip bones. You didn’t bother opening your eyes to look at him, letting his mouth skid over your jaw. Your answering yes or no wouldn’t make much of a difference. You had the feeling he would do what he liked either way. You had the feeling you’d let him.
It was strange, too fast. Too fast because really, what did you know about Boba? Were you even on first name terms? He’d never called you your name, and you’d never called him his. You’d only known of him for a few weeks. Had truly talked to him for even less than that. Maybe you should stay a capitalized Princess and he should be “Fett.” For the sake of clinicality.
Letting him lift you up and onto his lap was most definitely not clinical. “That depends,” you croaked out after a moment, finally looking at his face in your half-stupor. He’d sat you up to face him and you’d gone with, pliable and keening. Being champagne drunk felt like this; like his eyes coal-black and the way he seemed to take up everything in your mind until there was no room for reason.  You traced over the scar on his forehead with a light mouth, knees bowed to nestle closer and every muscle in your body flexing, tensed as if dripped over with sunshine. “Are you going to listen?”
The smile of a predator was the only answer he gave you.
⫸ ————————————⫷
Men were vile. They had clammy hands that wandered to your thighs at banquet dinners, slimy mouths when they pressed their lips to your hand in greeting. They were all insufferable and you promised never to go near one as long as you could help it. But promises were a boring thing to keep sometimes. They were much more fun to break.
Boba spoke but it was swallowed in your interlocking mouths, hungry and escalating desperate. You were still sitting with—on?—him, too cowardly to do anything more than kiss and let yourself be felt by the strength of a man’s greed. He tasted like teeth and blood and pink flesh. That was the thing that no one had ever told you about kisses; about men like him. They tasted like broken skin. 
You were eating Boba whole. He was eating you piece by piece. 
You were just kissing. Had been just kissing for what seemed like ages but was actually only fifteen standard minutes. Fifteen standard minutes for your stays to be dragged loose, your lips to be bitten plush, and both sandals abandoned somewhere in the slow scramble. It wasn’t so much desperation as it was just a sheer curiosity goading your irrationality, but the end result was the same: a man squeezing the back of your neck, calling you lovely in the same breath he called you naive. 
“Take them off,” you almost demanded, pulling desperately at his gloves as the warm leather dragged against your fingernails. Learned manners were added in as an afterthought. “Please.”
His one-handed grip on your thigh tightened. It would bruise, likely. Raise questions, definitely. You would have to chalk it up to something else. A fall. A bad trip on a set of stairs. Anything besides what was happening now. The words rumbled against your chest and registered vaguely as a threat. “What was that?”
Huffy and impatient, you answered in a much more keening, undignified echo. “Please, pleasepleaseplease—”
Boba put his fingers in your mouth.
Boba put his fingers in your mouth.
Stuffed was the more apt word. You tried not to think about how he could only fit two of them inside without hurting you. It made you feel temperature-hot, physically burning until your cheeks and your insides twisted into smoldering ash because his fingers breached the alabaster edges of your teeth until they almost gagged you on your own tongue. Boba drew his hand back only when you sighed around it, sedated with fluttering eyes and no longer asking questions. His voice seemed to get deeper, raspier around the unplaceable accent from a place you’d never heard of and probably never would. “Good girl.”
The gloves stayed on. Why they did and why you couldn’t just get him to do what you wanted like everyone else you had no idea, but your frustration quickly ebbed into hazy, sparking pleasure. He called you good. You liked being good. 
Your hips stuttered when they caught on Boba’s trousers and suddenly you were giggling into the thick muscle of his shoulder, quiet and juvenile in your own disbelief. Everything about this was absurd and inappropriate, which formed the basis of your amusement. It was something to play with. Someone. Big and shiny in the most literal sense of the word. 
The hunter let out what could be construed as a laugh but sounded more akin to a growl and two large palms settled again on the soft rise of your hips. “Not here,” he repeated into your jaw, the words that were previously muffled so long ago now clearer. Not here. Which implied a theoretical somewhere other than here where you would possibly, hypothetically be doing more than- “We need to go.”
You should go. You should be pushing him off of you and running and screaming or something equally inflammatory because this was… because his...
“No,” you protested weakly with a slow shake of your head. Your hands curled around his pauldrons and rested there, limp and slightly shaking. “No, they- they didn’t actually need me for anything. My father just had to—oh Maker-” his cuisse plate pressed up hard between the warm softness of your thighs. “—had to send someone out to search for me—” you rutted against his leg once, twice before the arms around your waist tightened again and inhibited any further attempts at movement. You recovered from the loss of friction quickly, instead letting yourself sag into his solid chest as one set of fingertips dragged along your spine. “—’s just a poor look for him not to,” you finished flippantly, barely audible from where your face settled smushed against the creep of stubble on his cheek. “Bad press.”
“I’ve still got places to be, princess. Even if you don’t.”
“Oh I’m terribly sorry,” you tried replying sarcastically as his mouth flattened against the thin skin of your neck. His lips were soft, but they pressed against you like anything but. You tried rolling your hips again but were thwarted. “Am I in the way of a prior engagement?”
“Something like that.”
“Well then,” you flattened your palms against his chest plate and broke away from the seal of his touch. It wasn’t fair. You couldn’t breathe right and looked like you’d been dragged through a sarlacc pit, but he was just sitting there. Watching you. His eyes were hungry though. “Why let me keep you?”  The words were shot through with airy exhales as you were lifted up off the smooth stone. “I was under the impression that you hated me,” you continued into Boba’s neck with hands curled around the dark curls at its nape.
You did think that, before… this. Now you didn’t know what to believe, what his intentions were. Most likely they were the same as yours. Nothing good.
Whatever either of your motivations were, they would have to be paused now. For his mysterious, vague “engagement” and probably for the betterment of your health, because you were certain if you stayed here with him, shielded away from prying eyes and marching men, your heart would burst right out of your chest and through your ears. 
Your legs wobbled slightly when he set you standing on the ground, Boba’s helmet still laying on the fountain’s edge, and you handed it to him with a reverence that belayed the previous minute’s informality. When it was restored to his head you found yourself mourning the loss of his face. You’d been spoiled this last hour. You didn’t like not seeing it anymore.
“I don’t.” was his short reply. What a wordsmith. 
“Aren’t you still my escort?” you huffed, trying to catch your breath. Your chest rose and fell in panted inhales. Wiping haphazardly at your mouth, you leaned over the fountain’s reflection and attempted to compose yourself. The circlet usually pinned neatly to your head lay crooked and loose, glimmering its delicate metals in the daylight as you fussed with it this way and that. The pool of water currently acting as a mirror rippled too much to be of any real use. You pressed your palms to your flushed cheeks and mumbled. “My penitentiary guard, more like.”
Boba turned you around to face him with his hands on your shoulders and you imagined his eyes to still be edged in charcoal embers. The last smudge of lipstick on your chin was rubbed away by a broad thumb and you watched, curious to his intentions and surprised at his actions, when he reached up to right your crown.
“Let’s go, princess.”
You didn’t argue. You’d been sated from rebellion for the time being.
 ⫸ ————————————⫷
The mercenary stood by the side entrance watching you. 
“You look a mess!” your mother admonished, harried with the exertion of the day’s events that you somehow managed not to be privy to. Apparently there was to be a dinner with the guests leaving the next morning, and apparently you specifically were asked to be present. Both would be dull pieces of information on the best of days but now, after the events that had just transpired, they were positively brain-numbing. 
The queen consort motioned for you to turn around and you complied with a slow spin as your being was examined for minor casualties. Once the woman assured herself of your being alive and unharmed, barely registering the tall figure that stood mere yards away, she allowed herself more frantic inquiries as she shuffled you down the hallway. “What were you doing out there?”
“Oh nothing,” you answered vaguely, eyes trailing as far back towards the doors as they could go without actually turning your head. There was a flash of green armor. “I just wanted to take a walk, is all.” You turned to her and smiled your best attempt at a brilliant, royal-white assurance. “Clear my head.”
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I just about managed to get this little story written for Loceit Week! :D I enjoyed writing it, and I can't wait to write more for the rest of the week! This is for the prompt 'Hobbies' and it's a pre-romantic/confessed feelings for the pairing :)
Anyways, it was a little rushed, but I hope you enjoy it! <3
Writing taglist: @psychedelicships @jwillowwolf @red-imeanblue @lost-in-thought-20 @the-duke-of-nuts @writerwithtoomanyships
Read on Ao3!
Crossword Confessions
Logan Sanders and Janus Sanders
Janus loved peace and quiet. His favourite hobby was to read his classic novels, but if he wanted to explore every page and embrace every word, he could only read in the company of one person. He had to constantly explain the story to Patton who would try to read over his shoulder, then he would always have to practically run away from Remus because he would try to either draw pretty… rude drawings on the pages; or rip the pages out completely. Thankfully, Roman and Virgil didn’t care enough about classic novels to bother him so at least there was that bonus.
Logan was quite literally his savior; his hobby was another silent type. Janus always smiled when he saw Logan coming to join him with the newspaper in hand. Logan was the smartest man Janus knew, and their debates over literature and philosophy was enough to make his heart pound and his head spin. So the fact that he was invested in crossword puzzles wasn’t a surprise to Janus. The sound of the pen scratching on the paper was surprisingly comforting, and Janus always knew when Logan was stuck on a clue. He laughed every time because when Janus asked if he could help, Logan would stubbornly insist that he could work it out on his own… before shuffling closer to him and placing the newspaper delicately on top of his book, silently asking for his help. The thing that Janus loved the most though was that Logan wouldn’t move away after they had worked through a clue together. In fact, they ended up sitting even closer together and Logan would take to leaning on Janus’ shoulder long after the crossword was finished. Janus happily rested his head on top of Logan’s and slowly moved the book so it was in the middle of them, and he could feel Logan’s eyes steadily reading the pages with him.
He tried to lie to himself, he didn’t have feelings for Logan… no. Absolutely not, what a ludicrous idea! He laughed to himself as he ironically got to the heartfelt confession scene in the book. So, Logan makes him smile, he makes him laugh, he makes him think more in depth about literature and philosophy, and he’s the one person who always makes time for Janus no matter how busy he is. Never mind the fact that he is the most talented, smartest and stunning guy he has ever met. So yes, no feelings at all.
Janus sighed and slammed the book on the coffee table… great. Now he couldn’t focus on his book, Logan had taken over his mind. To top it off, Logan had just walked into the room looking to see if Janus was there. He was holding his newspaper and smiled as he saw that Janus was sitting at the table with his book, he walked over and Janus’ heart skipped a beat. He couldn’t help but smile when he sat down much closer than usual.
“Well, well, well. Is there something I can help you with?” He smirked as he saw Logan smile and look down, staring at the crossword intently.
“… Yes, you can. I hate to admit it, but I can’t solve this clue… I’ve been trying for half an hour, and it’s starting to annoy me.” He had a neutral facial expression, but the tone of his voice showed a playful side with a hint of nerves that Janus couldn’t help but smile at.
“Aww you’re asking me for help? This must be an incredibly hard clue if you’re immediately asking me to assist you…” He gasped in fake surprise and shuffled even closer to Logan, he leaned over the newspaper and scanned through it trying to find the clue. Surprisingly, it was the only one left unanswered.
“Urmm, Logan? Not for nothing, but it’s only four letters… You’re practically the smartest person I know, apart from me of course… You really need my help with a four-letter answer? Are you feeling okay?” He chuckled lightly as Logan looked perplexed and titled his head to the side.
“I’m perfectly fine, but it’s an important clue that I need you to solve for me… Please?” He smiled brightly, the nerves in his voice from earlier were gone, replaced with a confidence that Janus added to his mental list of things he liked about Logan. He finally stopped gazing into Logan’s eyes and finally looked at the clue again.
‘Affection that counts for nothing at court…’
He wracked his brain trying to work out the answer, and it didn’t take long for it to manifest. He held out his hand and Logan immediately placed the pen in his palm. He felt the spark as Logan let their fingertips linger for much longer than usual. Janus missed the contact when their fingertips finally separated. He clicked the pen and slowly filled in the gaps with the letters ‘L, O, V, E’ then looked up at Logan with surprise but also hope.
“Janus, ever since we started sitting together with our separate hobbies. I knew I felt a connection between us. When I took that first step and starting the conversation about your books, which went on for hours… I couldn’t deny that I started to develop stronger feelings for you. I spend so much time making excuses to find you reading so I can join you. Being in your company makes me feel safe, calm and happy. I know that it’s not love that I feel yet, but I can’t deny how much I like you. I hope in time though, it could turn into love… That is… if you feel the same way.” Logan smiled as he placed his hand gently on top of Janus’ as he spoke in such a delicate way, as if he was talking to a piece of glass. His heart pounded a million miles a minute and he did look around quickly to make sure there was no-one around waiting to jump out declaring this some elaborate prank or something. When he was certain it was just the two of them, and only them, he knew he needed to give Logan an answer.
“You have no idea how much I was hoping that we would end up feeling the same way. I like everything about you, Logan. I enjoy talking with you and helping you solve the crossword puzzles. This. This is my favourite thing, just being here with you, sitting here and just being together. I agree with you. My feelings for you are undeniably strong, but it isn’t love yet. If we give it enough time though, I would really like it to become that.” He smiled as Logan’s shoulders relaxed at the sound of their feelings being mutual. He wrapped Janus up in a warm hug and they held each other for what felt like a lifetime.
They decided that they would go out for coffee the next day; and call that their first official date. Logan joked about bringing some crossword puzzles with him, but Janus decided that would be a great idea, and the perfect excuse to sit close to each other for the whole date.
This was not how Janus thought his day would go, but he was sure of one thing now. Thanks to Logan; crossword puzzles were his new favourite hobby.
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