#but medicine is SO fascinating
itstimeforstarwars · 5 months
I think it would be really funny to get a doctorate for fic writing purposes.
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a-dope-fiend · 1 month
It irritates me alot when people say that making medic more compassionate is ''missing the point of his character'' when he is literally shown to be in the comics.... did you miss the part where he showed concern for both sniper and miss pauling's well being in comic 5 and 6.
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His actions are a combination of genuine attachment + clinical interest and these things do not cancel out one another. He is always pushing boundaries and going against the grain and i think this is what led to him losing his license in the first place. He felt stifled by the rules imposed on him.
He is shown to be extremely passionate so it makes sense that he would use his endless fascination with medicine as a way to show his affection. He loves his friends so he will find a way to make them borderline indestructible. Malpractice is his love language.
#it makes me really angry how adamant some people are against exploring his sweeter side beyond just ''heehoo evil doctor''#idk how to tell you that giving a character a wider range of complexities and oftentimes contradicting traits#does not equal 'woobification'. him being friendly social and cheerful and fascinated with the world around him (which he canonically is)#is not the same thing as writing him as a helpless softboy. those two things do not correlate#i saw this take a while ago that made me really mad#basically they claimed medic didn't even bother to check on sniper because of his 'ego' and 'callousness'#except he literally did! he was visibly worried when sniper wanted to get back in the fight!#it's so abundantly clear that medic just misses social cues and doesn't always react accordingly#i mean they also had some other takes on him that made me incredibly uncomfortable and just didn't make sense to me#plus his quote unquote evilness is a joke it's not. something that is meant to be taken seriously#he's more comparable to a saturday morning cartoon villain except he is a protagonist#the way he approaches medicine to me is very similiar to#a child playing potions if that makes sense. he is throwing shit together to see what sticks#and having fun with it#i might rewrite this later to be more coherent because i have alot of thoughts on him that are jumbled together#and there is so much to say abt him#also i find it so funny how inconsistent he is. he tells them they all hallucinated before brain death#yet he personally went to hell multiple times. why did he do that#tf2#medic#tf2 medic#medic tf2#team fortress 2
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moodyseal · 8 months
I got too deep into the Schema Theory while writing the paper for one of my exams and it got me thinking about Apollo's coping mechanisms yk
Basically the gist of this theory is that, in the eventuality that their primary needs are not satisfied during their formative years, a child might develop a bunch of different behavioural schemes in their adult life (which are too many to be listed here oh my god) that are a direct reflection of how the parent failed them during childhood
For example, one of these schemes is emotional deprivation, which is a person's tendency to emotionally distance themselves from other people due to the fact that they believe they won't be able to comfort them, and it's a scheme that's formed due to the guardian not satisfying the child's emotional needs. Basically it's formed through a "If my parent couldn't do it, then how could others?" sort of mentality
Another one, which I believe is very relevant here, is the sense of failure, which originates due to the guardian's immensely overbearing nature and the continuous dissatisfaction with the child's efforts. As an adult, the child in question believes that they're inept at everything, even if evidence points to the contrary, because of the fundamental belief that they hold that they're a failure
(Does it remind you of anyone?)
Now, these schemes tend to go hand in hand with modes, which are essentially coping mechanisms that the person uses to deal with whatever life throws at them and whatever negative emotion these schemes bring on. One of these modes is the *squints* scheme overcompensation? Anyway what it says on the article I got the info from is that basically people who use this coping mechanism tend to do the opposite of what their behavioural scheme tells them to do. If they're ashamed, they put down others. If they feel like a failure, they boast. (Again. Who does this sound like.)
AT FIRST it seems like a good coping mechanism but it's actually not, because the overcompensation leads to this vicious cycle where the more a person overcompensates, the more the scheme worsens. In Apollo's case, the scheme we're examining here is his sense of failure; in his overcompensation mode, to avoid feeling incompetent he tries to constantly put himself in the spotlight, drawing attention to his talents. However, he does it in such a ridiculous way (perhaps actually in some form of self-sabotage?) that the people around him insult those talents, call him a failure, and thus worsen his feeling of worthlessness.
(This might be tied to the punitive scheme as well, maybe? Considering how keen Zeus was on punishment, Apollo might've developed this scheme as a result, though over the centuries it could've shifted its focus from everyone to just him idk. The change between "I'm punishing everything and everyone for being so stupid, even my own son + this Ptolemaic god who breathed wrong in my direction" to "Actually I'm chill" seems pretty suspicious to me tbh)
ANYWAY all of this is to say that everything he does is so intrinsically tied to the damage Zeus did to him that it hurts. All his behaviours all his coping mechanisms. Everything
The arrogance is not just a façade he built over the years to hide his feeling of unhappiness and guilt!! It's quite literally an abuse response!!!!
And yeah maybe Leto was the one who spent the most time with him and Artemis and who took the most care of them so technically she should be considered his figure of attachment instead of Zeus but then again. How much time did Apollo spend beside her compared to the time he spent at Zeus' side, after the twins became Olympians? What do a few moments with her in a year do against entire centuries with him?
Leto's influence never really mattered. He was doomed since the beginning
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fishareglorious · 6 months
so... apparently I've been writing Sammelweis' name wrong the entire time. It's Semmelweis, just like the doctor Ignaz Semmelweis.
I do wonder if she's going to have a heavy-handed reference to the real-life Semmelweis. Look him up, his story and role in the founding of antisepsis practices is incredibly interesting if you're into medical history like me.
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
Being trans is the funniest shit imaginable to me because, like... on a strictly personal level, I love hospitals and I love medicine because I'm trans, but I'm scared of medicine and hospitals (also because I'm trans). Make it make sense, brain!
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lloydfrontera · 1 month
actually kind of insane they chose that art style for cpsm now that i think about it. like. i'm not complaining at all. but these are the faces i'm gonna have to look at be physically and psychologically tortured in the latter half of the plot:
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and i'm not sure i'm emotionally ready for that. why they gotta make them that cute. it's gonna make it hurt even more later on.
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nerdgirlnarrates · 9 months
I've been on a forensic pathology elective the past few weeks, and I'm coming to the strange realization that sometimes it's easier to meet the patient when they're already dead. Once they're dead, it's over. They can't get hurt again. I found it far more stressful to care for patients who had been shot and survived, where lots of things can still go off the rails for them, than to autopsy patients who had been shot and killed.
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spocks-kaathyra · 1 year
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Pythas Lok, before and after the Fire
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ratsalad · 2 years
it's so fitting and clever that one of house's specialties is infectious disease (the other is nephrology, both fall under internal medicine - which, unrelated, is also thirteen's specialty). it's such a small detail, but it seems to me the writers did that deliberately because house's diagnostic style is so clearly inspired and shaped by ID, even when he isn't diagnosing a patient with an infection - his constant insistence on thorough and accurate histories (and getting annoyed when his fellows fail to get them), using clues outside the patient's symptoms alone, digging into patients' lives to find more information, etc
i read about ID docs diagonising someone who wasn't getting better with treatment with lyme disease in 5 minutes out of clinic which saved them from unnecessary surgery, and figuring out someone has psittacosis because of the bird magazine they brought to the hospital. if that's not some the most house-sounding shit ever i don't know what is
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caffeinatedopossum · 2 years
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minotaurfemme · 6 months
in a perfect world i think i would be a science teacher
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bonefall · 2 years
Hey everyone, before I move ahead with some more fun conlang and rewrite stuff, I am making an herb guide just like the HRT one for epilepsy!
I’m relying on a lot of veterinary guides for how it’s treated in cats, but since the warriors aren’t really “just cats” and epilepsy is one of those things that’s super poorly understood, I’m going to include a section on “What your medicine cats would NOT do” to get relevant education out there. Wrapped up in the funny warrior cat medicine guide like a doggy pill hidden in a slice of cheese lmao
So, beings I am not epileptic, what other “DONT do this“ type physical treatments should I mention besides;
Do not attempt to ‘restrict‘ or hold down a warrior having a seizure
Don’t put things in their mouth
Don’t overwhelm them as soon as the seizure is over
Basically, what other things should I include here that don’t include herbs? What have I missed that should absolutely NOT be done?
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quixoticanarchy · 1 year
have had a fraught relationship w my mother for years but i did not have "realize she may have inadvertently poisoned me 4 separate times" on my personal 2023 bingo card
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voidfeather · 1 year
man tiktok having a thing where they "clock" people via their artstyle as being proship is so heinous to me, like it's clearly a thinly-veiled attempt at "acceptably" harassing (even if lightly) people via assumption-based profiling which ideologically speaking i'm extremely against
that being said, i do wonder if my artstyle falls under what they'd label as "proship artstyle" and if so, would they consider the source as having a "proship artstyle" too considering i'm very much a copycat or would they go on and on about how it must suck for the creators to have a proshipper fan like they like to do
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divine-construct · 1 year
okay so as you guys might’ve noticed i’m currently very hyperfixated on forensic pathology and. rn in biology we’re looking at the human breathing system as out introduction to human biology. i love all biology but humans have always been of the more boring sort.... howeVER nOW i am all over it. like. we were starting on the lungs again and i actually told my friend how boring that is but. five minutes later i was sitting there like ‘‘omg... the human body has lungs..... it has to breath.. it keeps breathing.... and if it doesn’t breathe, it dies.... whoa..’’ so. uh. suddenly human biology is one of the most interesting parts of biology to me lmao
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lloydfrontera · 10 months
i just realized how delightfully ironic it is that javilon rebelled because he thought it was shameful for the king and adeline to grant rakiel's request when just a few weeks later javilon will be fully enamored of him. completely gone for the man. like. yeah babe adeline had to live in his court for a couple weeks but you're gonna kneel at his feet and beg him to stroke your hair. you are not the same lmao
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