#but most of all i'm still reeling over the fact that they made the guitar solo partly acoustic
blueofthesun · 8 months
i already know the new akuro no oka is going to be my top song of this year
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crmsnmth · 6 months
September Sky Chapter 3, Part 4
I put my cigarette out in one of them and stood up, my pack rolling off my lap and bouncing just right to be pushed under the bench. "Fuck," I said, dropping down to grab them.
"Why is it every time I run into you, you seem to be on the floor." A squeaky voice said from above and behind me.
I tried backing out from underneath the bench quickly. I didn't quite make it, and when I went to stand, I cracked my head on the bench.
'Ow, shit fuck. Goddammit. " I could only speak in curses. Addison stood there, trying to conceal the fact that she was laughing. I didn't blame her. I would've laughed too. I stood up, rubbing my head where I had hit it. I checked my fingers for blood. There wasn't any. At least not where I had been rubbing.
Addison stood in front of me, a cigarette in her right hand. She was just as beautiful as the last time I saw her. Maybe even more. Her hair was up, once again held by a bandanna. A plain black shirt with short sleeves and a V-neck. A gray skirt and her beat to shit combat boots. Gorgeous.
"Hey," I stuttered, still rubbing my aching head.
"Hi. Are you alright? Sorry about laughing. I couldn't help it," she replied.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just another concussion. It's all good," I said.
"Are you sure? That looked like it really hurt."
"Yeah, I'll be fine. No big deal." I dropped my hand away from my head and smiled, trying to show that I was just fine. "What's up?"
"Here to see my roommate's band."
"What one are they in?"
"Empty Playground."
"Are they any good?"
"They were until I started having to hear the guitar lines all the time. Skip's the singer and guitarist."
"What the hell kind of name is Skip?"
"His real name's Jason. It's just a nickname."
"How does one go about getting a nickname like that?" My mouth moving faster than my brain again.
"You know, I'm not really sure. He already had it by the time I met him."
"Fair." Reel it in Chris, you sound like a jackass.
"What brings you out?" She asked, blowing smoke out into the air. The smoke danced with itself with spins and loops.
"Nothing. Just wanted something to do."
"Really? You came out by yourself?" I didn't understand why she was so shocked by that.
"Yeah. I came here alone. Seriously, why does it matter.?"
"It doesn't. It's kind of cool. Most people just don't go if they go alone," she said.
"Really? I guess I never paid enough attention to notice." A drop fell onto my arm from a tree branch above us. The water was cold and made me jump a little. Addison leaned forward and put her cigarette out with the others dying in the ash graveyard.
"I'm heading back in. Want to come and hang out with us?" Addison said, asking, but somehow telling me that I was coming to hang out with her group at the same time.
"Yeah, sure." I pointed at the empty glass in her hand, "I'm grabbing another one. Can I buy you a drink?"
"Sure, Vodka-Red Bull," she said with a cute, satisfied smile on her face. It just barely brought out the dimples in her cheeks. I liked that smile a lot. It was the kind of smile that wrapped itself warmly and tightly around your heart and danced alone to the beat of sinus rhythm.
The first band was just starting to play as I followed her back inside the building. A couple of kids still hung around the bathroom, waiting in line for a line again. Over by the stage, a group of kids were slam-dancing to the quick 1,2,3,4 drum beats and the three-power chord guitar. The vocalist was shouting the lyrics, but I couldn't really hear any of the actual words. So, I headed back over to the now busy bar.
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ruzek-halstead · 3 years
get me with those green eyes, baby
julie is unsure how to tell luke how she feels; she isn't sure if she can. so she does what she does best; she writes luke a song. why tell him if she can just sing it to him?
Julie would be lying if she said every song she'd ever written since meeting Luke hadn't been about him.
Because they have. Every last one.
When unknown feelings started bubbling deep within her chest the more time she spent with Luke, she had to let them out somewhere. While she was never the type to keep things bottled up, she didn't necessarily enjoy spilling her guts (unless it was to Flynn). So, she opted for writing down her feelings. That usually ended up in lyrics and it wasn't like she could just show them to Luke because the boy was curious beyond belief and he would hound her until he knew exactly who it was about.
So, she locked everything in her dream box.
And yes, the boys were known to be a tad bit snoopy and go through her things, including the dream box. So, when Julie started locking up her deeply personal (borderline romantic) lyrics, she made it explicitly clear they were to go absolutely nowhere near her box.
She was mostly directing her words at Luke, who actively avoided eye contact while suppressing a smirk.
And they were respectful, she never had any further issues that she knew of; so, she continued writing.
It was only when they were faced with the choices of being stuck in the Hollywood Ghost Club forever or crossing over that she realized she wouldn't ever have to worry about Luke snooping through her personal things again.
He wouldn't be able to. He'd be gone.
So, Julie wondered: did she risk letting him go forever without telling him how she felt? Or tell him anyway but still risk him disappearing?
It was a tough choice that kept Julie reeling, but she found she didn't have much time in between. She didn't care that she would lose them when they crossed over; she would do what she could to ensure that they did.
With all the chaos, she didn't get the chance to talk to Luke, other than a quick moment to make sure he thanked her mom for bringing them to her when he saw her.
The tension was palpable and his gaze was intense. She was perfectly aware of Alex and Reggie only a few feet away, diligently pretending not to be listening but they both knew they were.
It wasn't the time or place for what Julie truly wanted to say, so she swallowed the words.
She didn't get another chance after that.
When they disappeared after their final bow, the pain was gutting. She continued to smile because this was a huge moment for her, for all of them, but they were gone. She thought she was ready, that she had mentally and emotionally prepared herself for their absence.
But nothing could prepare her for the immediate loneliness.
She wanted to be happy for them, and she was, deep down. But she had already suffered so much loss in her life, and this was only adding to it.
When she spotted them in the garage, tear-stained and in excruciating pain, all her emotions were overridden. All she could think about was saving them, no matter the cost, no matter the consequences. The desperation clawed at her throat; she couldn't bear seeing them in this much pain.
But then Luke delivered those few words: No music is worth making, Julie, if we're not making it with you.
She regretted not sharing her feelings but she was confident had an inkling of a clue. Even if she never explicitly said the words, he knew.
So, when she threw herself into his arms, she wasn't even thinking about the fact that he was air and she would most likely slam right into the wall instead. When she collided into his toned chest, she drowned in the moment, hardly even realizing that this shouldn't be possible.
But then she felt it.
She felt the softness of his suit beneath her fingers; she felt his hot breath fanning across her neck; and she felt his arms squeeze tighter around her waist.
Julie felt him.
It was impossible, they weren't sure how to explain it. Julie gazed at Luke's awestruck expression, tears leaking from his emerald eyes. And then he was somehow feeling better; her touch made him feel better and she wasn't sure how to feel about it. All she knew was that she had to try, so she quickly gathered Alex and Reggie as well and in awe, they watched as their Hollywood Ghost Club tattoos disappeared.
They did it.
The boys were free from Caleb and they still hadn't crossed over. Julie didn't have to give them up yet.
Of course, life continued to go on afterwards. The band was more popular than ever and Flynn was busy booking them gig after gig after gig. Not that they minded; it was exactly what they wanted to do in the first place. But the pressing thought never left them.
How long was this going to last?
It killed Julie to go on everyday, knowing that one day, she could walk into the studio, ready to rehearse and they could just be gone forever. It was one thing knowing, like how she knew last time. She was somewhat adequately prepared, but this time, it could happen at any time and she was far too attached now.
Julie knew she shouldn't bottle her feelings like she did last time. She had no idea when her last opportunity would be.
And Luke made her happy. He made her so happy.
One day she would be talking herself up, then the next she would be shutting down. She wasn't sure what to do, how to handle her feelings. Sometimes Luke could be so sickeningly sweet and the words were on the tip of her tongue but then he would do something so stupid or annoying that left her wanting to commit murder.
It was exhausting.
But then, one Saturday morning, Julie woke up with a fierce sense of determination and she thought: this is the day.
She wasn't sure where the surge of confidence came from, but she wasn't going to question it for fear that she would chicken out. Instead, she got herself ready for the day and dug through her dream box to pick out one of her most recently written songs.
Julie still wasn't sure how to verbally tell Luke how she felt; she wasn't sure if she could.
But why tell him when she could just sing it to him?
Julie marched down to the garage, mumbling a quick hello to her dad and Carlos who were making breakfast. Of course, the boys were glued to their instruments, most likely creating a new melody for a song Luke was working on.
"Jules, hey!" Luke greeted excitedly, his green eyes sparkling.
Julie scowled. He shouldn't be allowed to look at her like that.
"Alex, Reggie, do you guys mind going somewhere else? I need to talk to Luke."
Julie didn't mean for her words to sound so ominous; so much so that Alex and Reggie shot curious eyes to Luke, no doubt wondering what he did now. But she was a woman on a mission and she didn't have time to waste. Any time wasted was just her getting closer to backing out.
"Sure," Reggie drawled slowly. His eyes shot back and forth between Julie, with her lips pursed and hands on her hips and Luke, who frankly looked quite scared. Reggie and Alex poofed out, only muttering a quick good luck to Luke.
Immediately, Luke started rambling.
"Whatever I did, I'm so sorry. I'm an idiot, you know this, I'm—"
Julie shook her head. "Shut up."
But for some reason, he kept talking and Julie huffed in frustration.
Julie stepped across the studio, stopped right in front of Luke and his words died on his tongue. She reached for his guitar and pulled the strap from around him, placing it back on its stand.
Luke was more confused than ever.
Julie grabbed his biceps and pushed him back towards a stool. "Sit," she demanded.
"Julie, what's going on?"
"Please, just stop talking."
Julie made her way to the piano, sitting down on the bench and letting her fingers rest on the keys. It brought her some comfort for what she was about to do. Her eyes glanced up towards Luke, who was biting his lip nervously.
"I don't know how to tell you this, so I'm just going to sing it."
"Luke, please," she breathed quietly and his eyes snapped to hers sympathetically. "Just listen."
Luke nodded in response. Julie could see his inability to sit still for long kick in as his knee started bouncing up and down quickly. She noticed his green eyes darting nervously between the piano and her face; the entire situation was much too anxious for him to handle.
"I wrote you a song."
Before Julie could adequately appreciate the way Luke's jaw fell open, she took a deep breath and allowed the music to consume her. She'd been going over these lyrics for weeks now; they were the truest words she'd never spoken, straight from the heart because of some ghost she'd tried so hard to hate in the beginning.
Julie was completely terrified.
But she couldn't continue on not living to the fullest. It wasn't fair to her and if by some off chance Luke felt the same way and wanted to pursue this, it wasn't fair to him either.
the way you move is like a full on rainstorm
and i'm a house of cards
you're the kind of reckless that should send me running
but i kinda know that i won't get far
His approach could be so aggressive, so eager to get things done, that sometimes he bulldozed over everything in his way. It was an effective way to get things done, but Julie always appreciated the process. Ever since they first met, he gave off a troublemaker type of vibe. Mooning Trevor Wilson always came into mind, but Luke was also the first to help her sneak out of her house using her bedroom window. It's not like the idea never crossed her mind, but before she met the boys, she never really had a reason to.
Luke changed a lot of things for her.
and you stood there in front of me just
close enough to touch
close enough to hope you couldn't see
what i was thinking of
It truly never bothered her in the beginning that they couldn't touch. They were friends, bandmates, nothing more. But then he let her into his brilliant mind and as soon as they started writing together, everything started changing. Julie didn't want anything to change, she knew it would only complicate things, but she couldn't help it.
And then Perfect Harmony happened, and her mind so vividly showed her what it could feel like and ever since, she couldn't get rid of the urge to feel his soft skin under her fingertips.
After visiting his parents and their talk on her porch, it seemed like he knew what she was thinking. He seemed to want it too, if his actions were anything to go by, but it couldn't happen. It left her feeling a tad awkward, but as soon as she got into her house, she made a beeline for her bedroom and poured her thoughts and feelings into a new song about Luke.
drop everything now
meet me in the pouring rain
kiss me on the sidewalk
take away the pain
'cause i see sparks fly whenever you smile
When she wrote this chorus, she was on a high after their Edge of Great performance.
It was nothing that could ever happen, but it was everything she imagined in her wildest dreams.
Every girl at her age had the kiss in the rain fantasy. Julie's really was a fantasy because every time she looked at him, it was just a cruel reminder of everything that couldn't be. But she yearned for it; for everything to change, for him to help ease her pain, for him to surprise the hell out of her one day by grabbing onto her waist and ceasing her many questions with his lips.
get me with those green eyes, baby
as the lights go down
give me something that'll haunt me when you're not around
'cause i see sparks fly whenever you smile
His eyes were so captivating, Julie couldn't help but to mention them in every song she wrote. He knew exactly how to use them against her to get what he wanted and Julie was as weak to their power as anyone else. Sure, she put up a front; she had to, she was the boss, but his gaze truly made her weak in the knees. She dreamt of his eyes when she closed hers at night; she couldn't escape them even in her dreams.
The entire reason she was finally sharing this song with him in the first place was because the chances that he could disappear without warning were too high and risky. Julie knew that was a possibility, but her feelings for him were too strong to ignore. She wanted him and she wanted to be left with memories of what they could be together, because one day, when he wasn't around anymore, Julie could think back to all they shared together.
my mind forgets to remind me, you're a bad idea
you touch me once and it's really something
you find i'm even better than you imagined i would be
Oh God, she knew. She knew she and Luke could be so unbelievably destructive. There were so many things against them; she knew it was a bad idea. And she actually attempted to entertain those ideas, for the sake of Flynn and her own protection, but she couldn't anymore. Depriving herself of what she really wanted wasn't healthy and eventually she stopped trying to fight it.
She stopped trying to fight it the night of their Orpheum performance. When she felt Luke's arms around her, physically squeezing her as tightly as his muscles could manage, it changed everything. For better or for worse, she was completely invested now. Not just in Luke, but in all of the boys; they were family.
i'm on my guard for the rest of the world
but with you, i know it's no good
and i could wait patiently
but i really wish you would
Before the boys came into her life, Julie was on the edge. She was about to give up music, even though she loved music with her entire being. She just didn't have it in herself anymore; her muse was gone and she didn't want to share her music in a world where her mother couldn't witness it.
But then these three, random, cute, dorky boys showed up in her garage one day, claiming it was their studio and slowly, they wormed themselves into her heart. Julie didn't want to let them in right away, and she made that quite clear with her cold exterior. But then Luke just had to follow her out, pleading his case with the softest eyes and easily pulling at her heartstrings.
Julie felt her guard start to drop right there and then, and the more time she spent with those dorky boys, the less control she had. She quickly discovered there was no point in holding back around the boys. For teenage boys, they were highly perceptive to her emotions and when she wasn't being whole.
Every time Luke pulled her aside, using his words and his unbelievably intense eyes because he couldn't touch her, Julie felt her walls start to crumble. There was no reason to be anything but herself when she was with Luke; she felt it in her bones, their connection was unmatched.
drop everything now
meet me in the pouring rain
kiss me on the sidewalk
take away the pain
'cause i see sparks fly whenever you smile
Julie would be lying if she said she hadn't fantasized about her first kiss with Luke since he became corporeal.
How could she not?
She'd been thinking about him differently ever since her uncontrollable daydreams, but it was only ever in her mind; it could never happen in real life. And then all of a sudden, it could happen, but it was still beyond her wildest thoughts.
Sometimes she found herself with an urge at the worst of moments. Luke playing the melody he created for their latest lyrics and Julie should've been focusing on the music, but she couldn't tear her eyes away from his lips. Or throughout any of their live performances, when they shared a single microphone because the fans seemed to love it (among others). They were so close together, Julie was genuinely afraid she would forget the lyrics because all she could think about was Luke and how much she needed him.
And then he'd flash his charming grin before pulling some ridiculously attractive guitar trick and Julie was once again left floundering.
get me with those green eyes, baby
as the lights go down
give me something that'll haunt me when you're not around
'cause i see sparks fly whenever you smile
Julie didn't want Luke to disappear.
She knew that more than ever now. She had prepared herself once, and she doesn't think she can do it again; it was far too painful.
But she knew, one day, their time would come. They'd have completed their unfinished business and they'd get the opportunity to move onto a better place. And she knew, they might not be around all the time, but they'd be watching. And she knew, when she closed her eyes at night, she would dream of Luke's smile and every emotion it brought to her soul.
i run my fingers through your hair
and watch the lights go wild
just keep on keeping your eyes on me
it's just wrong enough to make it feel right
and lead me up the staircase
won't you whisper, soft and slow
i'm captivated by you baby like a firework show
One thing Julie could commend was that touch came quite easily after everything changed. It happened subtly, with slow touches on the piano bench, then gentle touches on the small of Julie's back. Eventually, it progressed.
Julie realized, accidentally, that Luke loved getting his scalp scratched. She had collapsed against her headboard one late night, and Luke liked to check-in on her when she stayed up late doing school work. Upon spotting her exhausted eyes, he plopped down next to her, dropping his head in her lap. Julie was far too tired to protest or even consider the ramifications, but somehow her hand made its way to his brown locks. She played gently with his hair, fingernails scraping against his scalp.
It was only for a second, and she quickly pulled away to grab her textbook. A low groan ripped through Luke's throat and he blindly reached up to grab her hand and pull it back to the crown of his head. It became their thing after that.
When Julie wrote the bridge of the song, she was high off energy from their latest show after they performed their brand new song. Their performance was electric as usual; it ended with Julie laughing, opening her eyes to find Luke staring at her in adoration.
She didn't even think about it when she threw her arms around his neck in a celebratory hug.
Even when they pulled away from each other and the crowd was still cheering, Alex and Reggie somewhere on the stage around them, she couldn't focus on anything except his bright smile.
Luke quite literally captivated her with every little thing he did.
She thought for a moment: this might be it, maybe he'll finally kiss me. But truth be told, Julie was glad he didn't. If it was going to happen, she didn't want it to be there, in front of hundreds of people. She wanted a private moment, just between her and Luke; that was all she needed.
drop everything now
meet me in the pouring rain
kiss me on the sidewalk
take away the pain
'cause i see sparks fly whenever you smile
Julie was coming to the end of the song now and she hadn't dared to look and see Luke's reaction. She wasn't sure she could handle any rejection should it come, but she knew she couldn't hold in her feelings anymore either.
Regardless of the result, Julie was still proud of herself. She put herself out there in a way she'd never done before and it was a big step in building her confidence.
get me with those green eyes, baby
as the lights go down
give me something that'll haunt you when you're not around
'cause i see sparks fly whenever you smile
Julie rounded off the song with the last few keys on the piano, taking a slow, deep breath when her fingers ceased moving.
She didn't want to look up, didn't want to see his reaction for fear of what she might see. Luke was always very expressive; even when he didn't know exactly what to say, he would ramble on until he eventually figured it out.
But this was different.
Julie was actually trying to tell him something, trying to tell him exactly how she felt in the best way she knew how; songwriting and singing. She paled for a moment; what if he didn't even understand what she was trying to say?
His voice seemed amused, and her eyes immediately snapped up to meet his.
Luke was now standing in front of the stool, unabashedly holding a smile that caused her to let out a large sigh of relief. Her hands automatically flew up to cover her face in mortification.
Stick to your guns, Jules.
But she couldn't. She felt like she was going to melt into a puddle.
Julie heard Luke approach and slide onto the piano in front of her. "Julie," he laughed, and she didn't know if that was a good or a bad thing. "Can you look at me?"
Before Julie could begrudgingly pull her hands away from her face, his hands reached down to circle around her wrists and pull gently. His eyes were soft, scanning her rosy cheeks and glassy eyes. She knew she shouldn't be crying, there was absolutely no need to, but her emotions were running high and this was a really huge move for her.
Julie hesitantly met his eyes. His hands stayed cuffed around her wrists, now resting in his lap. "Jules, that was beautiful. What's wrong?"
"I'm mildly mortified," Julie replied honestly, eyes dropping to the brand new guitar pick necklace Willie had given him (one for each of the boys and a new bracelet for Julie).
Julie's eyes snapped back up to glare at him. "Because I just basically spilled my guts out to you in the best way I know how and you haven't said anything!"
Luke didn't look phased at her change in attitude or the frustration she was throwing his way. He always knew the best way to handle her; talk her down when she needed it, or give her a reality check when she was too in her head (she'd be sure to do the same).
Instead, his hand moved to angle her chin so she couldn't avoid his gaze anymore. "Because I wanted you to look at me when I told you."
"Told me what?"
"That I love your song," Luke said softly, fingers reaching up to caress her cheek. Julie struggled to maintain eye contact when he looked at her like she had stars in her eyes and he said things like that. "And I think I've known for a while, but you know me. I'm not good at dealing with feelings."
Julie leaned into his touch. He wasn't exactly being clear, but it was Luke, so she wasn't exactly surprised.
He blinked, rubbing the back of his neck as he chuckled nervously. "Jules, I think I might be in love with you."
Julie's eyes softened, chest constricting with a multitude of emotions. Now it was Luke who was actively avoiding meeting her eyes, though he still couldn't find it in himself to stop talking.
"Not that I really know what it means. I've never been in love, but I think it's what I feel," he rambled on. "You came into my life when I really needed it. I'm better because of you; you make me better, Julie."
Julie decided it was about time she took hold of the reins again. After all, this was her idea all along. She placed her hands on either side of his face, breaking free from his hold. She pulled his face down, meeting him halfway. Julie hesitated, giving him the chance to pull back if he wanted to, but he really didn't want to.
Luke closed the rest of the distance between them, gently pressing his lips against Julie's. It was soft and simple and over way too soon, but Luke didn't want to push it.
He most definitely had just confessed his love for her and the reality was starting to hit him hard.
So, he made a joke.
"I'm sorry our first kiss wasn't on the sidewalk in the pouring rain."
A reference to her song. The push they needed.
And even though awkwardness was starting to creep up on Luke, a smirk slid its way onto Julie's lips.
"Don't worry; we'll have time for that."
Before Luke's lips could appreciate the grin he wore, Julie reeled him back in, pressing her lips firmly to his once again. Her hands found his way to his neck, slipping into his hair and scratching his scalp just the way he liked it. Luke let out a groan, unwillingly pulling away from her.
"Julie, if you don't stop, I may pass out from cardiac arrest," he mumbled, trying and failing to control his breathing.
Julie let out a short laugh. She started her day with so much confidence and it slowly swindled into uncertainty, but it all worked out. She just needed to trust herself, her feelings and Luke.
"By the way," Julie added, resting her elbows on his knees as she looked up at him in adoration, "I think I'm in love with you too."
Luke would never push her, but he couldn't lie and say he wasn't itching to hear the words. Everything she said in the song sent him into overdrive, but nothing compared to hearing her say it like that.
"Why don't we go write a song about it?"
"Good idea. I'm feeling especially inspired at the moment."
Luke leaned forward, pressing a quick kiss to Julie's nose. She scrunched her nose adorably in response.
"Me too, Jules."
i don't really have a taglist anymore (old one is outdated) and i never know who to tag so pls let me know if you want tags for any of my future fics :)
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 94) "It's All Coming Together."
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"I still can't believe you're getting married...." Deanna says as she wraps the silky, white material around Luna's waist.
"Tell me about it." Sam scoffs as she passes a lit joint to Patti.
They're in the East Village at Deanna's studio. She's a designer friend of both Sam and Luna's. Being in touch most of the month with sketches, Luna and Deanna decided on three dresses. A simple, short one with lace details for TownHall and two for EstFest. One two be worn OnStage, the other for after.
"I need two dresses for Casie too." Luna moves as Deanna turns her.
"Who's Casie?" She asks around the pins in her mouth.
"Shit....." Luna thinks, suddenly realizing how fast everything is truly moving when her friend doesn't even know the details of her upcoming life.
"Colson's daughter..." She answers.
"You're gonna be a fucking mom???" Deanna reels back in shock.
"No." Luna states firmly. "She has a mother. A great one at that. I'm just like..... The cool chick who fucks her dad."
Sam is howling at their conversation. Patti leans over to her, asking Sam her opinion of Colson.
"Enh.... He's got his flaws but I don't hate him... Yet." Sam shrugs, giving Patti a Look.
Knowing Sammy since she first befriended Luna when they were 12yrs old, Patti respects her blunt opinion.
"I gotta pee..." Luna informs the room of women.
Stepping off the box, she grabs her bag and heads into the bathroom. Her shoulder is killing her from the weight of her guitar earlier. Prompting her to blow two 30s before exiting the bathroom. No one wants to pinpoint it, but Luna and Colson are technically drug addicts.
"Ooooh!!! What are these?" Luna asks excitedly.
Picking up a gorgeous pair of pearl lined sunglasses. She immediately thinks of Casie again.
"Those? I just made those last night." Deanna answers.
"I fucking love 'em. You got plans for 'em or can I buy 'em?" Luna asks intently as she continues to admire them.
"Buy 'em? No. You can just have 'em." Deanna insists.
Lighting a joint as she steps back onto the box, Luna declines. Knowing how much effort Deanna puts into her work.
"I'll give you fifty bucks." She offers as she lifts the joint to Deanna's finally free lips.
Deanna has created so many outfits for Luna, they almost move as one body at this point. Flowing easily with each shift and hit.
"Fuck outta here!!! They're faux!!" Deanna laughs to Luna's dismissive shrug.
Joints and cocktails are shared as Patti watches her granddaughter stand for her wedding dress fittings. Sam busts Luna's balls about being a wife as Luna reminds her of Baze. Shutting her up real quick.
Standing with her main dress pinned around her, it all seems so surreal. To all four of them. None of them can fully believe what's happening or are able to deny Luna is going to make a beautiful bride.
"It's all coming together...." Luna's heart fills with love, along with her eyes as she looks at herself. She feels goosebumps explode on her skin as she imagines Colson's eyes on her.
Before leaving Luna changes into a tight orange croptop. Fishnets with shorts, thigh high boots and a white bandana to keep her hair out off of her fresh tattoo and out of her face. It's been said, Luna's Bag holds EVERYTHING.
Love and kisses are exchanged once they finish. Plans being made for another fitting to finish up Luna and take care of Casie.
Luna slipping a fifty dollar bill under Deanna's sketches before placing the glasses in a extra hard case she has. Hugging and Thanking her friend again.
Colson and Casie are flying back West. Boogieing on to make it back to AZ in time for his show. Being less then a 5hr flight, they should make it in time.
Playing Uno together, Colson chats with his daughter.
"So, you like the house in NY, Peanut?" He asks as he lays down his card.
"YES!!" Casie's eyes light up. "I'm gonna be the only kid in my class with three houses and three parents!" She beams with excitement as she checks her hand.
Colson chuckles as he watches his daughter. He loves how connected Luna and Casie are, that they are their own being without him.
"UNO!!" She shouts, slamming down her card.
"Ahhhhh!!! You little monster!!" Colson grins.
Separating from her Mom-Mom outside of Deanna's, Luna hugged her tight. Promising to see her soon before putting her in a cab.
Sam had errands to run, promising to meet up with her later. They have a flight out of JKF around 930P.
Catching a cab herself back to Brooklyn, Luna heads to meet Pete for a late lunch.
Colson has a sold out show tonight. He arrives with Casie just in time to hit a light rehearsal before the opening act starts.
Pushing his limits, Colson rails three more Adderall before hitting the stage.
Luna meets up with Pete at Soco.
"LOOOONS!!!" He exclaims.
Dropping his sunglasses to fully take her in before they embrace each other warmly.
"Hi Petey." She grins once they separate.
Sitting down, they order cocktails first. An Old Fashion for Luna. Lager for Pete. They catch up and bullshit, popping in an appetizer order. Then Pete gets serious.
"What the fuck was up with Kells and Bleta?" He asks bluntly.
Luna raises her eyebrows. Giving him a cocked look.
"I told you... He had his reasons." She says.
"And I told you, you make too many excuses for the men you're with." He counters before sighing. "You've got me in the same spot, Loons. You're with a dude I love..... I'm just not sure if I love him with you." Pete looks down into his drink.
Luna had met Pete before Justin. Leaving him to observe their whole relationship. It's understandable that he'd be protective of her.
"I am a big girl, Petey." She smiles at him. "I know what I'm getting myself into....." She grabs his hand as she trails off. "I'll be fine." She gives him a reassuring smile.
Pete knows all too well then to argue with Luna. Sighing, he squeezes her hand back.
"I know...." He trails off as the server approaches with theirs apps.
"Plus, we both know. If he fucks up, I'll beat his FUCKING ass myself." Luna grins at her friend.
Knowing this a fact, it eases Pete slightly. Also knowing Luna's undying loyalty, he can't help but still worry.
"How's your mom? Tell me about Kate.... Let's get rid of the heavy." Luna coaxes him out of his head.
"Ughhhh.... God. Don't get me started." Pete begins to complain to Luna's relief.
Back in Arizona at The Van Buran, Colson and The Boys are in fire. Ripping through their setlist.
Colson's a little more sentimental tonight. Talking to his family about how he misses His Girl, running a small bit of Bad Things alone.
Bringing Casie out for Swing Life Away. The crowd goes wild at the sight of her. Colson feeling whole for a moment.
Walking OffStage, the emptiness comes back to him in his dressing room. Wanting Luna, he Snaps her.
Luna and Pete are having a blast when Sam shows up. She's a fucking champion, towing her and Luna's bags along with Luna's acoustic.
"SAMMY BOO BOO!!!" A drunk Pete shouts as his tall body lifts her off the ground.
"What's up, Davidson?" She laughs after pecking his cheek.
"I miiisss you!! It's been forever!!" He declares.
"I just fucking seen you at Bobby's like a month ago." She continues to laugh, referring to a mutual friend of the three of them.
"Buuut we LOVE you!!" Luna laughs, imitating Pete.
"Fuck you, Loons." He laughs catching on.
Sam joins them for a few rounds. The three friends ripping and busting on each other. Laughing loudly. Fully enjoying each other's company.
Heading out of the restaurant, The Paps have a SICK, not a sixth, but a SICK sense of where Luna is. Snapping and shouting at her as she makes her way to the street with Sam.
Drunken eyes annoyed by the attention.
"Where's MGK?" They shout to her unamusement.
"I got him tied up in the fucking basement!!!" She laughs as her and Sam hop into a cab.
"Where'd you get THAT!!" Luna asks in amazement at Sam's RingPop.
"Ah.. Dude. I got one for you too!!" Sam happily cheeses as she slips the candy ring on Luna's finger.
Checking her phone, she has a Snap from Colson.
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"He's such a fucking psycho!!!" She thinks with amusement as she grabs Sam to Snap him back.
Colson's back on The Bus headed towards CA. They've got a 6hr ride in front of them.
With Casie in bed, he burns and drinks while playing COD in the front of The Bus. Pausing to catch Luna's Snap.
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Colson can't help but laugh. Luna's fucking stupid and he loves it.
Luna and Sam are on that late night flight tip. This does not stop them from loudly conversing.
Laughing, chatting and consuming in-flight drinks, Sam is NOT surprised when Luna pulls a pack of sealed edibles from her carry on.
THAT Bitch smuggles drugs like no other.
Colson and The Boys are booked at The Hilton in Anaheim.
Quietly sneaking into their room, Luna's still pretty drunk. She bangs into a table, waking Colson up.
"Kitten?" He asks groggily in the dark.
"Mmhmmm...." She purrs, trying to make her way to him.
"Are you fucked up?" He asks quietly with a laugh.
"Mmhhmmm..." She admits as she reaches the bed, grabbing for his calf. "Come're...." She coaxes him as he leans up.
He can taste the Jamison on her lips as he kisses her deeply. Running his hands along side her skull. Taking her into him just as she likes.
"Quick shower.... Please?" Luna begs in the darkness once Colson releases part of her mouth.
"Only to fuck you well, My Dear." Colson teases her as he holds her bottom lip hostage with his teeth.
"Mmmmm...." Luna moans before pulling away.
Stripping her clothes off, she trots into the Hotel Room bathroom. Colson following behind. He hates when she's gone but FULLY loves how she always cums back to only him.
To be continued....
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starxchosen · 7 years
☯ + finding out Ernesto poisoned him (I'm sorry)
Send me ‘☯ + a scene from my characters canon’ and I will drabble it from my character’s POV.
“And who’s fault is that? Those were my songs you took.MY SONGS that made you FAMOUS.If I’m being forgotten, it’s because you never told anyone that I wrote them!”
After all of these years, Héctor feels his own frustration push him over the edge.Years and years of hearing his sweet daughter’s song being performed wrong.Years of knowing each and every words spilling from his best friend’s mouth werehis to write; they had been his and for once in his life, he wanted recognition.Even if it meant crushing the boy’s dreams. Ah, the boy.Miguel stands between them, but his gaze is focused solely on Ernesto.De la Cruz- the man who’s name oozed triumph and success. He can see the angry look on his face in the reflection of Ernesto’s seemingly confused eyes.But, he can see it. He can see the guilt of the truth. Ernesto knows what he’s done.While Héctor  remains forgotten by his family, never to see home again. He honestly forgets that the boy is there until he hears his voice.
In a fit of selfishness, Héctor continues within the triad. Music connects them all,so it will be music that tears them apart. Bitterness seeps into his words as hespits out his baited line.“Do you want to tell him- or should I?”The stories would be different and Héctor knows it. Miguel has spent most of the nightwith him, but he’s spent his entire life admiring de la Cruz. A small sliver of him hopes thatthe boy would believe him. He’s never given him a reason to truly trust him, but he had hoped that a small moment on stage, glorifying his pride in the boy; that it might help.Ernesto’s excuse, if it can even be called that, brings out a different side of him.The cynical side that he tries so hard to avoid.
“How generous,” he states sarcastically, turning his back to them both.He doesn’t expect Miguel to believe him. Why should he? The boy is Ernesto’s grandson.Part of him had just hoped that the boy would be different; that the flicker of a musician hesaw in the Plaza was only a small piece to a boy who could become a great man. The doubtin Miguel’s voice encourages him to turn. He continues, pleading; anger diminished. He doesn’thave time to fight about the songs, about who is responsible; he will deal with that later.In fact, it’s been ninety years. Héctor is having a hard time lingering longer on his own plights.One action can make it right. Taking his photo back.
“Remember the night I left? You promised you’d move heaven and earth for your amigo.Well, I’m asking you to now.”
He’s never been short with a child before. Miguel’s words make his teeth grind.How was it a child so smart could be so frustratingly annoying?Everything- everything has to be about de la Cruz with this boy. De la Cruz this and de la Cruz that. His exasperated movements are clear; he’s done with this boy.He’s living a fantasy and Héctor wants nothing more than to grab him,shake him and tell him to snap out of it. He replies with an annoyed snap that isimmediately argued against. But, it isn’t defense on Ernesto’s part- it’s a revelation.Miguel is trying to tell him something.
He listens. He stares at the screen Miguel is pointing to and hears words echoingthrough the empty room. Words of the past falling from a stranger’s lips.He turns to look over his shoulder, a glance to Ernesto.He finds himself in the past.
His memories churn, chugging on like the train he should have been on.The train he mistakenly thought he’d fallen asleep on when he awoke in this hellish nightmare.Everything is the same; his memory of his death hasn’t faded. Except for one minusculedetail he had missed. The shot.The drink. I would move heaven and earth for you, amigo.
His hand hovers above where his stomach once was, a phantom pain shooting acrossit. The pain- the way Ernesto took the guitar from his weakening grip. It was so quick.It hurt more than anything else.And he, the poor tonto that he was…“I woke up… dead.”
Something cold came over him. If he could swallow, he would have to force thefeeling of a lump in his throat away. Ernesto, his best friend since childhood.His amigo, his compañero, his hermano; his FAMILIA.Despite his efforts to reel himself in, he lets his line cast out.His voice quivers like a snapped guitar string, warbling with shock and pain.“You,” he whispers, but his voice gains volume, “Poisoned me.”He ignores Ernesto’s attempts to ease his mind. No, not this time. Ernesto won’t lie to anyone this time.It is difficult to process the truth that he hears; the truth that he now knows.Ernesto isn’t denying it- he’s trying to tell him that he’s overreacting.Something dark begins to rise, chords left still now being strummed by truth’s fingers.“All this time,” Héctor continues, “I thought it was just bad luck.”
That’s all it had ever been; his entire after life, he had passed it off as bad luck.Endured joke after joke. Go on, ask him how he died. He choked on some chorizo!!!Laughter; mockery. He had become a joke because of bad luck.Acceptance had long been gained, but now…“I never thought that you…”Ernesto had taken his guitar.“That you…”His songs. His identity. His family.
A snarl of rage erupts from between jaw bones; rage seething and untamed.He’s never let himself be this angry before. Floodgates are open and he feelsa strength unlike any other within his frail bones.Miguel is all but forgotten as he lunges forward, hands stretched out, grabbing ontoErnesto with a force, shoving him down.“HOW COULD YOU,” he screams, anger and pain mixing together in his explosive voice.“YOU TOOK EVERYTHING AWAY FROM ME! YOU RAT!!”
In that moment, Héctor realizes that he can be pushed beyond a limit.That if Ernesto wasn’t dead, he would have killed him. Then and there.
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