#but mr Ackles you said what you said so I’m allowed to post this
werepires · 1 year
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castielmacleod · 2 years
Her last name is Dar, not Desai. Ackles didn’t create her, Robbie did. He formed her character and fleshed her out with Nida’s input. And there’s no stereotype I’ve seen in her portrayal…? Unless you mean because she’s Smart and Asian, which are just two qualities she has. It’s fine that you’re not watching, but it’d help to at least read media coverage on her to know this rather than diminish (so far) good rep into nothing worth batting an eyelash at. Fandom loves to play contrarian and then not even be informed on what they say.
Oh wow lol okay first of all….. I’m not sure if you are aware but I, am Indian (I’m biracial) and that is quite literally 100% of my interest in Latika. I mean, her “so far good” rep is repping me! Forgive me because I have no idea if you yourself are desi or not since you’re on anon but like. I am very much allowed to talk about this character. And the stereotype associated with her, courtesy of Jensen AckIes. Just to get that out of the way.
Second of all…. “and then not even be informed on what they say” well I suppose I’ll inform you, then, that media coverage is literally where all the information you’re concerned with has come from..😭 I have been reading about this show since it was announced!
Regarding Latika’s name, I had understood it to be Desai from this article.
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That understanding was re-enforced by the sheer amount of people on here using the Latika Desai tag to talk about her since before the premiere and literally right up to this day still. I came to realise that her name had at some point been changed to Dar when I looked her up on the spn wiki not 5 minutes before receiving this ask so.. I hope you can forgive me for not updating the tags on my post in time for you, random citizen, to see it!
Regarding the stereotyping, I was referring to this quote from Mr Ackles himself, from this article.
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I’m not going to explain why this statement is shitty and racist to both Latika and Carlos and I very much hope you don’t need me to.“It just made sense” oh please white Texas man, tell me more about why it made so much sense to you. Lol.
Anyway that particular article didn’t mention Robbie Thompson at all, unfortunately, so I was unaware he was the one to actually create the character. My apologies. I’m not sure if you’d like me to expand my frustration toward the lazy stereotyped racism expressed in this quote past Jensen AckIes to include Robbie Thompson as well? Because personally I’m glad to hear that he worked closely with the actor to improve on the stereotype they may have began with, or at least the stereotype that Jensen had in mind (or god forfend projected onto the character Robbie had already written). I’m pleased to know Nida had a say! And relieved. Robbie has a good track record with involving underrepresented actors directly in their characters (such as working so closely and brilliantly with Shoshannah to ensure Eileen’s Deafness was properly represented) so that’s definitely a little less harrowing than the situation I’d imagined.
But regardless of any of that……. my request on the post I assume you’re here from was quite literally me asking people who have actually seen the show for MORE DETAIL about her, as in BEYOND the book-smart British Indian trope that I read literally from an interview with CW The Winchesters Executive Producer Jensen Ross AckIes. I honestly think that asking for details beyond the apparent stereotype of a character is the opposite of diminishing said character to a stereotype. I mean if anyone is diminishing her it’d have to be Jensen. I very much looked at his comment, thought “oh that’s so lazy and reductive”, and then asked the good people who have actually seen the show if they could tell me what Latika is like in the actual show! Quirks, traits, minor details, little things that make her a fully rounded character. I WANT to understand her beyond the inane stereotyping that seems to be all Jensen AckIes’ tiny smooth mind could manage to comment on. I literally want to write her into my fics and finally explore the spn universe from a desi perspective! Since I’m not much of an oc guy, I’m thrilled at the opportunity for that! I am very much batting an eyelash at her, to be clear!
Anyway as you noted and as I’ve I said I’m really not interested in this show, I will never watch it, I’m just interested in Latika since spn never had a desi character other than Kali (who appeared in one episode, and that one episode was INORDINATELY racist) and I feel compelled to steal Lata for my secret good canon and writing. I was just hoping to learn a bit more about her before adopting her entirely, and there is absolutely nothing on the wiki for her yet, so I ran the risk of reaching out into spnblr for anyone willing to share. That’s all!
Clearly my post and tags caught you in something of a unfortunate mood. I apologise if I offended you, but I hope now you might understand me and where I’m coming from a little better, and you’ll get that I’m actually NOT just talking out of my arse here 😭
And if you deign to forgive me and you feel like writing back and actually answering my request for Latika lore, then you are by all means welcome to. Thanks!
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jawritter · 4 years
Broken Me...
Ch. 2
Summery: The Dallas Convention couldn't have come at a worse time for Jensen. His world fell apart earlier that morning, but was expected to just act like everything was normal. You and a friend were at the convention for her birthday. Life hasn't been that great for you either, but a forced meeting on stage changes two worlds. Will you be able to put this broken man back together again...
Series Warings: Cheating, shitty marriage, Danneel is a bitch, I unfortunately have to put that as a warning because some people tend to get turnt up about it if you don’t... Smut, Crying, Suiside Attempt, brief discription of suicide attempt and recovery, depression, hints of self loathing, language. I think that’s it... Suicide Trigger warnings will be placed over each chapter!
Chapter Warnings: Singing in front of a crowd, crying Jensen, freaked out reader I guess? Language.. I think that’s it..
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Reader
Word Count: 2315
A/N: BINGE READ TIME!! As always all mistakes are mine! Please do not copy my work! Feedback is gold!! Hope you all enjoy this one!!
Want More? Check out my masterlist!!
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Rob and the band had really outdone themselves tonight, and  you hadn't had this much fun since your ex-fiance had taken you to Austin,Texas when Nathaniel Ratcliffe was playing on Austin city limits. 
It had been a long, hard transition to being alone...
You and Damon had been together for almost five years...
Learning how to live 'alone' was difficult to say the least, especially when you thought you had found your person, only to be proven very wrong.... 
Thank God y/f/n had been letting you crash in her guest room until you got your shit together, because when you two separated you didn’t know what was going to happen to you, or where you were even going to stay.... 
The two of you had been friends since kindergarten, and she knew you better than anyone else. So she knew not to push you into another relationship with some other douche bag just so that you would 'get over' Damon like the rest of your family were trying to do.
"Okay guys, I know there's one person who you've all been waiting for most of the night." 
The crowd was already screaming, and Rob was laughing at the fact that he didn't even have a chance to finish the sentence before the people started screaming. 
"Mr. Jensen Ackles could you come out here please sir!!" He yelled into the mic, and everybody lost their minds.
The sheer energy in the room was almost breathtaking..
Jensen came jogging up the stairs, and walked toward the mic as the crowd continued to scream. 
You have watched a lot of con videos since discovering SPN, probably to the point of a mold obsession, still on almost all the videos Jensen seemed…. Lighter? Then he did right now. 
The smile he wore now was cold, and unnatural. 
Not quite reaching his eyes.... 
"Hello Dallas." He all but growls into the mic as the band starts to play the intro to Whipping Post. 
In that instant you were completely lost in the music, forgetting about your freating, and your habit of over analyzing everything, and just enjoying the moment . 
If you thought Jensen was hot just from watching him on TV, the man looked even better up close, and you were completely lost in him, must like you were sure just about everyone else in the room was. He had this ability to capture the stage, and the presents of everyone in the room. Not to mention he was extremely talented…  
You closely watched every move he made, letting the music overtake you, bringing you to a place we're for just a moment there was no pain, no bad memories, no heart break. 
Just Jensen and his voice... 
As he wrapped up the chorus of the song he came to the edge of the stage. Propping his Foot on the speaker close enough that you could almost touch him. 
When he looked down at you a cocky smirk spread across his face, and he winked. 
You damn near passed out, and your friend was next to you completely losing her mind. Grabbing your arm, shaking you screaming "Holy shit Jensen Fucking Ackles just winked at you!!"
You couldn't believe it… Surely he was just playing with the crowd, and only winked because he saw the camera sitting between the two of you...
As the song wrapped Jensen and Rob lean over, and whisper something to each other. Rob then looked your way, smirking at you. You didn’t really notice it though, because when Jensen walked back into the house lights you noticed he had the same shirt on as the guy from the elevator….
It was in that moment that you knew he’d heard you talking to Y/F/N about singing with him, and you had this sinking feeling you were about to be fuck, and not in the fun way...
"Shit." You said out loud, and Jensen stood there smiling at you like he'd read your lips. 
"What's wrong?" Y/f/n yelled over the noise of the crowd. Noticing the color drain from your face all of the sudden..
 "Jensen was in the elevator, he heard our conversation. He heard what you said about singing with him on stage." You yelled back at her over the noise, and to your horror she burst out into a fit of laughter.
You had never wanted to strangle someone so bad, but there was a room full of witnesses, you did make a mental note to get her back for this when you got back to the motel room.
"Hey Jensen," Rob said loudly over the mic. "What about that story you were telling me backstage... About the girls that you and Jared overheard in the elevator on the way to the concert tonight? Something about her friend wanting you to sing with her for her birthday? Wouldn't it be hysterical if they were, oh I don't, right in the front row over there." Rob says pointing right at you. 
The spot light following his finger, landing right in you, and if you could have fallen through the floor, and disappeared you would have done it. 
You tried to hide by sinking back into the crowd, but to no avail...
Jensen had already walked off of the stage, and was standing only about a  foot in front of you now with his hand out.
"Come on." He says, grinning at you. "It's your friend here's birthday wish after all. We can’t disappoint her.." He gave you another winking, and you wanted the floor to open up so you could jump in. The crowd all started making noises at once, and your friend started pushing you toward him.. 
Looks like this was happening, and there was nothing you could do about it without looking like the world’s biggest asshole there ever was..
Reluctantly you grabbed his hand, and allowed him to pull you to the stage. 
The crowd cheered for you, but you didn't really hear any of that. All you could concentrate on was Jensen's hand intertwined in your own. 
Feeling ever callous. 
His strong grip. 
Your skin tingling wherever his skin touched yours.
"Now if I heard your friend correctly you sing right?" He said, placing a mic in front of you, beautiful forest green eyes meeting your own y/e/c eyes.  
"That's what they tell me." You say, never breaking eye contact with him.
 "And, if I heard correctly, she wanted you to sing with me as her birthday present." He was smirking at you now, clearly enjoying himself. 
"That's what I heard."
You never broke eye contact with him as you two seemed to continue the game of twenty questions he was playing with you. 
"Well my final question Ms.?" He said, pausing for you to say your name. 
 "Right, sorry, I forgot to ask you that." He threw his head back into one of his whole body laughs before continuing.. 
"If I heard correctly again she also requested the song Picture, by Kid rock and Sheryl Crow." He finally broke contact with you, and was typing on the tablet Rob had sat in front of him. 
"That's what she said." You retort back to him, earning yourself a smart ass look that before he continued…
"Well it just so happens Google was able to knock the dinosaur shit off this ancient ass song, and show us the lyrics." He fired back at you, and the crowd roared with laughter. 
"Well I'll be damn why not, I'm already up here." You say sarcastically, motioning around you, and Rob nearly feels backwards laughing at you, Jensen gave you his best bitchface as he motioned to the band for them to start to play.
Your momentary cocky sarcasm faded, and your stomach was doing flips with nerves. Until you heard his smooth yet ruff voice melt into you with the melody. Pulling you into your happy place.
Living my life in a slow hell
Different girl every night at the hotel
I ain't seen the sunshine in three damn days
Been fueling up on cocaine and whisky
Wish I had a good girl to miss me
Oh Lord I wonder if I'll ever change my ways
I put your picture away
Sat down and cried today
I can't look at you
While I'm lying next to her
I put your picture away
Sat down and cried today
I can't look at you while I'm lying next to her
He looks at you and half heartedly smiles. You could tell he was a little nervous as to what was about to come out of you, for all he knew you couldn’t sing your way out of a wet sack, boy didn’t he get the surprise of his life as your voice blended in with the music, sounding almost as good a Sherl herself. Turning he gave the crowd an approving nod, you even got a few cheers out of it..
I called you last night in the hotel
Everyone knows but they won't tell
But their half-hearted smiles tell me something just ain't right
I've been waiting on you for a long time
Fueling up on heartaches and cheap wine
I ain't heard from you in three damn nights
I put your picture away
I wonder where you've been
I can't look at you while I'm lyin' next to him
I put your picture away
I wonder where you've been
I can't look at you while I'm lyin' next to him
Jensen was now circling around you, pulling you closer to him with one arm, fully into making a  performance out of this now that he was sure you could do it. You followed his lead not wanting to look like an idiot, facing him now you start with your line again.
I saw ya yesterday with an old friend
It was the same old same how have you been
Since you've been gone my world's been dark and grey
You reminded me of brighter days
I hoped you were coming home to stay
I was headed to church
I was off to drink you away
As he sang his lines to you and you to him you could almost see pain there, and it threw you… When he got to his last line he threw everything he had into it, and a stray tear fell down his face. He quickly duked he face to the other side of yours in what probably looked like a very intimate touch to the crowd, when really he was just hiding to wipe his face. He recovers quickly as the two of you finished the song, and none one was ever going to be any the wiser...
I thought about you for a long time
Can't seem to get you off my mind
I can't understand why we're living life this way
I found your picture today
I swear I'll change my ways
I just called to say I want you to come back home
I found your picture today
I swear I'll change my ways
I just called to say I want you
To come back home
I just called to say I love you
Come back home
As the crowd cheered he bolted off the stage, walking as fast as he could toward the stairs, behind the curtain, and out of your sight.. 
Rob grabbed your hand holding it in the air like you won a wrestling match, but you were pretty sure he was just trying to get your attention away from a fleeing Jensen... 
"Y/n and Jensen everybody." 
There were cameras, and phones videoing everywhere. Y/f/n was practically hyperventilating in her seat, you were a little glad you couldn’t see the whole crowd, because you were almost sure you would have passed out now that the adrenaline was fading... 
When you went to exit the stage off to the side, Richard grabbed your arm and pulled you to the side of the stage out of everyone's view. 
"What the hell was that? Why did Jensen run off the stage?" Richard said, and for a moment you just stood there shocked, and confused at his behavior. 
Then it hit you, Jensen wasn’t acting like you thought he might have been while you were singing..
He really was crying…
 "I don't know!" 
Your Stomach fell to your feet, and you wanted nothing more than to get away from everyone in that moment. Jensen wasn’t acting, something was wrong, and he was trying to hide it, so you weren't about to tell Richard that Jesnen was crying..
Just as you were about to panic, you feel a huge hand grab your shoulder, and Jared’s voice boom from behind you over the music. 
"It wasn't you." He said to you, giving your shoulder a reassuring squeeze. “Jensen’s just got some personal things going on right now, and he needed to get off the stage, he’s fine. Go and enjoy the concert. You were friggin' awesome up there!" 
He pulls you into a tight hug, giving Richard a stern look over your shoulder that you didn't see..
“Thanks" you say, hugging him back before  practically running back to your seat. Leaving a very confused Richard to talk to Jared alone. 
You slid back into the crow as random people high-five you, and slap you on the back. 
You were determined not to tell Y/f/n anything was wrong. Whatever Jensen had going on was obviously personal, and you did not want to be the one to start rumors, or throw him under the bus for people to question him about what was wrong. 
So you pushed the worry down and tried your best to slow your rapidly beating heart, determined to keep what happened on that stage to yourself if it killed you...
Tag List: @screechingartisancashbailiff​ @thecreatiivecorner​  @aflamboyanceofgays @deanwanddamons​​ @imabitch4jensen​​ @rvgrsbrns​​ @bi-danvers0​​ @onethirstyunicorn​​ @i-love-superhero​​ @akshi8278​ @alanegaming @magssteenkamp​ @lemondropirwin​ @squirrelnotsam​ @hobby27​ @spnbaby-67​ @mrsjenniferwinchester​ @defenderrosetyler​ 
Binge Tag: 
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ladyluscinia · 3 years
Did I write an email to Creation?  Yes.  Sometimes life gives you opportunities to flex your passive aggressive / bitchy writing muscles and you have to take them.
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Not my best work, but I’m hungry so good enough.
Edit: Adding text below the cut...
“to: customer service”
“Does your company have any explanation other than homophobia for the attempted censoring of a fan's question on Sunday, Oct. 17 at the Denver convention?
The fan has publicly uploaded a video showing your staff member attempting to cut off her question to Mr. Collins after she said that it was in relation to his final scene on the show.  There was no indication of impropriety, and the question itself - once Mr. Collins indicated she should ask it - did not contain anything warranting censorship.  Obviously, questions about final scenes are very common and appropriate for a post-finale convention circuit, as Mr. Ackles answered several in his various panels.  The scene itself is also obviously a fair topic for questions, as Mr. Ackles and Mr. Padalecki were asked about it the day before - leading to a long answer containing a lot of homophobic comments, which was allowed and has not, to my knowledge, been addressed or apologized for by any party involved, including your company.
Given that Mr. Collins has both a significantly stronger association with the scene in question and a public history of giving answers to similar questions with significantly more... grace than the actors displayed the day before, I cannot fathom what logic other than homophobia would lead your staff to think the simple mention of his final scene would be of such concern.  And given your company's recorded history of censoring similar questions, this incident is especially concerning as it shows a continuing pattern of appeasing homophobic audience members at the expense of fans who haven't done anything wrong.  Who in this case were quite literally asking an actor a simple question about how he acted the final scene of his twelve year run on a show.
Do you have an explanation?”
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atc74 · 4 years
Magical Mystery Ride
Square(s) Filled: A/B/O for @spngenrebingo and  Free Space for @as-the-saying-goes-bingo​ I used “Love doesn’t make the world go ‘round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.”
Warnings: Angst, Possessive!Omega, scenting, knotting, worried, sweet, fluffy Alpha!Jensen
Summary: When Y/N surprises her Alpha at work, she reacts unfavorably to his new assistant, but Jensen takes it all in stride, trying to understand. 
Pairing: Alpha!Jensen x Omega!Reader
Word Count: 3681
Written for: @spngenrebingo, @as-the-saying-goes-bingo and for @katierpblogg and this request she sent in for my 1K notes celebration: Hii! Did I make it? Can i have “You can’t banish me! This is my bed/bedroom too!” with Jensen please!?! ❤❤❤❤ And also for @maddiepants​: Jensen x “Only if you promise.” I hope you both love this!
Beta’d by: @amanda-teaches and @evansrogerskitten, thank you both so much for your feeback, support, guidance, and most importantly, your friendship. 
A/N: This officially pushes me past my post goal for the year of 150,000 words and I think it turned out really great. I am still getting the hang of writing the A/B/O universe so thank you for your support and patience. 
Curious about Jensen’s scent? Buy it here from @scentsfromthebunker​! (note: I have described Jensen’s scent from my own imagination and it in no way reflects on the manufacturer’s creation).
As a reminder, this is a work of fiction and should be regarded as such. No harm is intended toward the actor(s) or their families.��
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With a wide smile on her face, Y/N pulled up to the security gate outside the studio. She knew Jensen had been working his fingers to the bone for an upcoming episode he was directing. He had been working sixteen hour days with barely enough time to eat and sleep. Y/N was a week away from her heat and was missing her mate. She decided to bring him lunch from his favorite restaurant. 
“Afternoon, Miss Y/L/N. Mr. Ackles know you’re coming today or you surprising him?” Barry, the day security guard, greeted her at the gate. 
“It’s a surprise, Barry,” she whispered, the smile growing wider. 
“Your secret is safe with me, Y/N,” Barry threw her a wink and opened the arm for her to pass through. She pulled into the nearest parking space and gathered the bags from the seat next to her. With food in one hand and the keys to Jensen’s trailer in the other, Y/N made her way to the row of trailers. Jensen had texted her letting her know they had returned to the studio from location scouting, and he was working on a fight scene before he met with the stunt coordinator. 
Y/N reached to insert her key into the lock when she noticed the door wasn’t latched tight. She pulled and immediately heard a woman’s voice. The smell of Omega was overpowering and, so close to her heat, had Y/N’s knees buckling at the scent. With a loud bang, her knees hit the steel steps as she gripped the door to steady herself. 
“Y/N?” Jensen’s voice boomed over her. “What happened?” 
“I came to surprise you with lunch, but you’re clearly busy,” she managed, reluctantly allowing Jensen to pull her to her feet and pick up the bag she dropped. 
“You brought me lunch from Pino’s?” He smiled softly, his eyes crinkling perfectly at the corners as he peered inside the bag. “Cannolis?”
“Um, yeah. Whatever, I have to go.” She turned to go, but his hand caught her wrist. 
“Jay, is everything okay?” The sweet voice belonging to the overly sweet scent carried through the open door. 
“Please stay. You’re upset about something. Talk to me,” Jensen pleaded, pulling her back up the stairs and into his trailer. “Y/N, this is my new assistant, Patty. Patty, this is Y/N, my mate.”
“Oh my gosh! It’s so nice to finally meet you, Y/N! Jay talks about you all the time.” Patty rushed forward to shake hands, bringing her sweet vanilla and apple scent with her. 
“Really? Funny, he never mentioned you,” Y/N snarled, suddenly feeling very possessive over her Alpha, and the look she gave him made it clear he needed to keep the strange Omega away from both of them. 
“Uh, Patty, why don’t you take a break and get some lunch?” Jensen directed her toward the door. “I’ll meet you in the gym for the stunt set-up in 90 minutes.”
“Okie dokie, Jay. Bye, Y/N! It was so nice to meet you!” Patty gushed as she bounced down the steps of Jensen’s trailer. 
“‘Okie dokie?’ Who says that anymore?” Y/N jeered, taking a seat at the island. 
“Honey, talk to me. What’s wrong?” Jensen came to stand by her side. “This isn't like you.”
“What’s wrong? I’m a week away from my heat, you’re working 24/7 and our anniversary is in four days. I feel like I haven’t seen you in weeks, Jay. I come to surprise you at work only to find your trailer reeking of vanilla sugar whatever and perky Patty who seems to know everything about me, but you failed to mention your ‘new assistant’ to me, your mate,” Y/N ranted. “I wonder what could be wrong!” 
“Hold on, Y/N, honey. You’re overreacting. Probably a side effect of your heat,” Jensen reasoned, only it didn’t sit well with Y/N, and he regretted the words the instant they left his mouth. 
“Overreacting?” Y/N stood, throwing her arms in the air. “No fucking shit, Jay. Tell me you wouldn’t do the same if the roles were reversed, and you found some young stud spreading his scent all over the place!” 
“Would you give me a minute and let me explain?” Jensen took a cautious step toward her, his hands up in surrender. It was common knowledge that Alphas in or near a rut were dangerous. Omegas were less common, but no less dangerous near a heat if they felt threatened by another Omega near their mate. 
“Enjoy your lunch, Jay,” Y/N ripped open the door, slamming it behind her. Despite the cool weather, sweat beaded on her upper lip, and her knees felt weak as she walked back to her car. She managed to get in and make the drive home, but no sooner was she exiting the car, did the first cramp hit her. 
“Fucking perfect,” Y/N grumbled as she made it to the elevator, into their condo and stumbled into bed. The pain was early, but most likely brought on by the scent of another Omega near her Alpha that was considered a threat. Now that she was home, surrounded by familiar scents, the pain started to ebb, even if it was only slightly. 
The sky was dark when she opened her eyes, realizing she must have dozed off. Looking at the clock, she realized it was almost six in the evening and her stomach rumbled, reminding her she had skipped lunch. After a quick shower and a simple dinner of scrambled eggs, toast, and a hot cup of tea, Y/N settled on the couch with new episodes of her favorite show. By the start of the fourth episode, the front door opened, revealing her tired mate. For a moment, her heart sank as she remembered what she said to him that afternoon, but, as soon as the stink of sugar hit her nose, she recalled why she had been upset in the first place. 
She stood from the sofa, retreating to the bedroom and slamming the door before the odor had a chance to permeate her safe space. Y/N nervously paced the room until a soft knock sounded at their bedroom door. 
“Y/N, honey? Can I come in?” She heard Jensen’s voice through the door. He sounded dejected and that made her feel bad, but it didn’t overpower her angry feelings of the events earlier that afternoon in his trailer. 
“No! Go shower the sticky sweetness off and get rid of the smell in the house,” she demanded. 
“Can I least have a change of clothes?” Jensen asked quietly. 
She gathered a henley, boxers, and a pair of sweats and shoved them out the door quickly to avoid letting the other Omega’s smell in their bedroom. 
She collapsed on the bed, with tears in her eyes and cramps rolling through her abdomen. The shower started and she rolled over onto Jensen’s pillow, finding a small amount of comfort in his scent. An hour later, long after the tears had dried on her face, there was another knock at their door. When she didn’t answer, Jensen opened the door slowly, only to see her curled into his pillow. 
“Honey, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about Patty. Can we talk?” he asked, walking around the bed to sit where she could see him. “Y/N, please talk to me.” 
Y/N opened her tear crusted eyes, looking up into the green orbs she loved so much. His scent filled her nose, and she rose up to her knees, wrapping her arms around him, scenting him deeply. “I’m sorry I overreacted.” She pulled away, taking another breath when the scent hit her again and she saw red. She pushed him away and scrambled off the bed. “Get out. You can sleep on the couch.” 
“You can’t banish me, this is my bedroom, too,” Jensen protested. 
“Fine, then I’ll go,” Y/N took her pillow and stormed from the room, flopping down on the couch. The stink was everywhere and was driving her mad. She rushed to the kitchen, grabbing the scent neutralizing spray from under the sink. She sprayed everywhere she thought he had been since he came home, starting with the entry and working her way to the bathroom. Feeling slightly more settled, she returned to the couch, sinking into the cushions and pulling a blanket up to her chin. Finally closing her eyes, she heard the faint sounds of footsteps. Cracking open an eye, she found Jensen laying down with a blanket and a pillow in front of the sofa. 
“Jay, what are you doing?” she sighed, feeling exhausted from the day. 
“We’re not going to bed angry or apart, so if you won’t come sleep in our bed, I’ll sleep out here with you,” he responded calmly. 
“Don’t you get it?” she snapped. 
“No, honestly, I don’t. Explain it to me, please. Help me understand why you’re so upset with me,” Jensen pleaded. 
A heavy breath left her lungs before she spoke, trying not to lose her cool this time. “I feel like I never see you. You’re working all the time, only coming home to sleep and you’re gone when I wake up. I miss my mate. I come to the studio to surprise you, just to spend an hour with you while we’re both awake, only to find some new, young, unbelievably perky and too sweet assistant in your trailer.”
“Honey,” Jensen started to explain, but she cut him off. 
“Her scent in your trailer set me off and, in such close proximity, I lost it. My body views her as a threat, and it triggered my heat,” Y/N informed him. “I know you think it was unreasonable, the way I acted, but my brain and body felt it was justified.” 
“Are you feeling better now?” he inquired, concern filling his voice, his brows furrowed. 
“A little, being home, surrounded by your scent helped, but then, when you came home, it followed you. I can still smell it and I’m cramping again,” she winced, as if on cue, another cramp overtook her. 
“Patty was hired by Bob and Andrew to help me. She is young and ambitious and eager to learn everything she can about the industry and film,” Jensen reported. “For your peace of mind, she is also newly claimed, and she introduced me to her mate today. I’d like to invite them for dinner after the episode wraps, if it’s okay with you. I think you’d like them both.” 
“She’s mated?” Y/N looked down at him, her hand reaching out for his.
He linked their fingers together, pressing a kiss to the back of her hand. “Happily. Like disgustingly happy. And it’s new, I think that’s why her scent is so strong. After I claimed you, for weeks your scent was stronger, the lemon slightly more pronounced and mouth watering. To the mate, the scent is enticing and indicative of happiness, of the fulfillment of their bond.” 
“You smelled like beer on the first day of spring,” Y/N giggled. “The sweetness of fresh cut grass and hops, and soft, warm sandalwood. I remember like it was yesterday.”
“What do you say we get some sleep?” Jensen looked at her from his spot on the floor. 
Y/N didn’t answer him right away. She just slid off the couch, straddling his lap as he laid on the floor. “We could get an early start on my heat instead.” 
“Hmmm, you think so?” he asked pointedly from underneath her. 
Again, she didn’t respond, instead she started a slow grind down into him, feeling him harden against her heated core. “Mmm, yes.” 
Jensen had felt horrible all day since she stormed out of his trailer, for not immediately knowing what his Omega needed, but, now that he knew, it was going to play out a little differently than she expected. He gently lifted her off of him to lay her upper body across the sofa cushions. “Tell me what you want, Omega.” She mewled quietly in response. He rarely used his Alpha voice on her, but he knew the things it would do to her, so he didn’t hold back. “Use your words, Omega.” 
“I need you, Alpha. Please, I need your knot,” Y/N answered, her voice smooth as butter. Jensen knew what she needed, but the Alpha in him wanted her to say it, to beg for it. “It hurts, please give me your knot.” 
“Show me where you need me, ‘Mega,” Jensen commanded. 
Slowly, Y/N lowered her leggings and panties, her slick already dampening her thighs and the thin cotton stuck to her skin. She reached her hand between her legs, running her slender fingers through the wetness, slipping inside. “Here, Alpha.” 
Hearing his title flow from her plump lips while she fingered herself made his cock twitch in his shorts, and a low growl emanated from his chest. He pushed his boxers and pants down enough to free himself. He fisted himself with one hand, running the other over Y/N’s backside, then up and over her spine, pushing her down into the soft cushions. He coated his tip in her slick, running it along her sodden folds. “Here, Omega? Is this what you need?” 
“Yes, Jay, please!” The end of her plea caught in her throat as Jensen pushed into her in a single thrust, burying himself deep inside her warm, wet pussy. “Ungh!” 
“Yeah, that’s it, honey. Let me feel you,” Jensen grunted through his first few thrusts as she clenched tightly around him. He picked up speed as she relaxed around him, keeping his thrusts hard but measured, giving her what she needed and he craved. 
“Oh yes! Alpha, harder!” Y/N cried out. 
“Oh, you want me to fuck you harder? Show you whose pussy this is?” Jensen panted. 
“It’s yours, Alpha, always yours,” Y/N moaned, when he started pounding into her, nailing her g-spot head on. 
“That’s right. This perfect fucking pussy is all mine,” he declared. “Now I want you to come all over my cock. Think you can do that for me?”
“Yes! That’s my cock and I’m going to come all over it, show you whose cock that really is,” she gasped as he rammed into her. 
“Only if you promise,” Jensen groaned, feeling his knot thicken and begin to restrict his movements. He snaked his hand from her hip between her legs, barely grazing her swollen clit with his calloused fingertips and she exploded around him, the sounds from her mouth alone spurring him on. He gave one final thrust, locking them together as his knot caught inside of her, her walls still contracting with the force of her orgasm. Jensen’s body seized as he emptied his seed inside her. Unable to think clearly, he lowered himself over her, placing kisses along the soft skin of her neck, scenting her as they regained their breath. 
Jensen gathered her in his arms, lowering them both to the floor gently so he didn’t pull on his knot still locking them together. He pulled the blanket over their cooling skin and held her close, one arm under her head, the other over her waist. “Feel better?” 
“I feel fantastic. Thank you, Alpha.” She yawned and drifted to sleep in his arms. 
Luckily, Y/N’s heat passed quickly and Jensen wasn’t too far behind on his preparations for the next episode. By the time she was back to feeling 100% a few days later, she decided to visit the set once more. She felt calmer this time and, more importantly, she felt she needed to apologize to Patty. 
Barry greeted her as usual, and she parked her car before heading to Jensen’s trailer. Just before she unlocked the door, Patty rounded the corner, a large box in her hands, squeaking when she saw Y/N at the door. “Y/N! What are you doing here?” She glanced around nervously. 
“I just came to surprise Jay, but I’m glad I ran into you. I was wondering if we could talk inside,” she smiled. 
“Well, Jensen is in a meeting right now. Um, why don’t we get some, uh, coffee? Yeah, coffee. I just love coffee,” Patty rambled, walking toward the food service tent. “Come on, let’s get coffee!” 
“Oookay,” Y/N replied, thinking Patty had already had enough coffee. The young PA was already about ten steps ahead of her. Now that she was thinking clearly, Y/N realized that Patty’s scent was more apple pie and was quite pleasant. She reached the tent just as Patty peeked her head out.  
They ordered coffee and took a seat at one of the empty tables. “Patty, I wanted to apologize for the way I acted the other day when we met. I’m, uh, I’m normally a very nice person, and not, like that. I was close to my heat, and it just caught me off guard, so I’m sorry.”
“I completely understand. No hard feelings. I wanted you to know how much I enjoy working with Jay. He is a brilliant director and completely devoted to you. I can see how much he loves you when he talks about you. It’s quite sweet,” Patty smiled warmly. 
“Jay mentioned he would like to have you and your mate over for dinner after the episode wraps. It was Ben, right?” Patty nodded excitedly. “So what do you say? You want to come have dinner with us?” 
“Oh my gosh! Y/N, we would love to! That means so much. Jay told me I would love you and that we would get along and I think this is going to be great!” Patty gushed. 
“It’s settled then. I’ll have him give you the details. I’m going to head back to his trailer and wait for him.” Y/N stood to excuse herself when Patty’s phone lit up.
“Oh no! It’s Jay. He said the van broke down and he won't be back until later,” she relayed the message. 
“Well, I guess I’ll hit the grocery store and head home, then. Thanks for the coffee, Patty,” she waved and walked back to her car. Y/N planned on making Jensen’s favorite meal for their anniversary tonight. It was New Year’s Eve and the store would already be a madhouse, but they decided to stay in instead of dealing with the crowds. 
It took an hour, but Y/N finally made it back home with the groceries. She glanced at the clock on the wall, realizing she had just enough time to put dinner together and in the oven before she got ready. With any luck, Jensen wouldn’t be stranded on the side of the road all night. She sent up a silent prayer as she prepared dinner. 
With dinner finally in the oven, Y/N headed to the bathroom for a shower. She took her time making sure her skin was silky smooth for her Alpha. Emerging from the steam in just a towel, she crossed the hall to their bedroom, but stopped dead in her tracks. 
Jensen stood in the middle of the room, surrounded by candle light. “Jay, what are you doing here?”
“I live here,” he answered dryly, but cracked, laughing out loud. “I wanted to surprise you.” 
“Patty said the van broke down…” 
“I asked her to feed you a story, so I had time to do all this. I’m sorry I’ve been working so much and haven’t made enough time for us, but I wanted you to know how much you mean to me. I love you, Y/N,” Jensen crossed the room to pull her into his arms. 
“Jensen, I love you,” she whispered, wrapping her arms around him. She pulled back after a moment, looking around their room. Candles flickered atop the wardrobe and nightstands, the room bathed in a soft golden light. “What is all this?”
“Well, what does it look like?” Jensen smirked.
“A really romantic fire hazard,” Y/N giggled. 
“Yeah, there’s my Omega. Making fun of my sappy side,” he chuckled along with her. “But, honestly, I don’t do it enough and you deserve to be shown how much I love you, not just today on our anniversary, but every day.” Jensen dropped to one knee in the middle of their bedroom, holding a brilliant diamond, it’s facets sparkling in the candle light.  
Her hand flew to her mouth, tears already welling up in her eyes, and he hadn’t even done anything yet. 
“Y/N, you’ve made me the happiest man alive, the luckiest Alpha and turned my life completely upside down from the moment you entered it. I’m no astronaut, but if you’ll have me, I’ll do my best to give you the moon and the stars every day for the rest of my life. Will you marry me?”
She fell to her knees beside him, her mate, her Alpha. She held his stubbled face in her hands gently. “You’ve already made me the happy Omega I only ever dreamed I could be. Every single day we spend together is like discovering new galaxies. I don’t need the moon and stars, Jay. I just need you. To be my mate, my Alpha. My husband.” Y/N pressed her lips to his. A sweet, gentle kiss that promised of many more tomorrows. 
With shaky fingers, Jensen slipped the ring on her finger, placing it over his heart. “They say love doesn’t make the world go ‘round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile. Thank you for agreeing to take this crazy ride with me.” 
“I’d never want to take this ride with anyone else,” Y/N replied, pulling him down to her. All of the late nights, the missed sleep, and lack of time were forgotten as they got lost in each other. Finding each other was accidental, but loving each other was a choice made by two hearts that became one. 
Did you like it? The nicest thing you can do for a writer is reblog their work and tell them, and others, how much you like it!
The Whole Enchilada:  @dolphincliffs @mrswhozeewhatsis @meganwinchester1999 @cherrycokegirls1 @closetspngirl  @roxyspearing @flamencodiva @blacktithe7 @sis-tafics @just-another-busyfangirl @evansrogerskitten @amanda-teaches @hannahindie @wotinspntarnation @winchesterprincessbride @winecatsandpizza​ @kickingitwithkirk​  @wi-deangirl77​ @hobby27​ @mogaruke​ @gh0stgurl​ @alleiradayne​ @idreamofplaid​ @seenashwrite​ @manawhaat​ @crashdevlin​ @thoughtslikeaminefield​ @emoryhemsworth​
The Dean’s List/Jensen’s Jamboree: @jerkbitchidjitassbutt​ @dean-winchesters-bacon​ @maddiepants​  @adoptdontshoppets​ @supernatural-jackles​  @akshi8278​
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iwantthedean · 5 years
A New Fall
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Graphic courtesy of @atc74.
Part Six: Cripps Pink. Brisk, autumn nights. 
Summary: The Fall Festival continues.    Pairing: Jensen x Reader Word Count: 2409 Warnings: Set post-Season 15, which I know makes a lot of people sad to think about.  Square Filled: This entire series will fill my proposal square for BTZ Bingo.
A/N: Thank you for the continued support! I am loving writing this series :) Enjoy this fluffy chapter! Thank you to @jerkbitchidjitassbutt​ who let me use her requested drabble prompt for this (bolded), and @atc74​ who helped me pick a song for the moment ... don’t want to give to much away, but you’ll know it when it comes.  
Friday afternoon went about the same as Thursday, except now Jensen was more comfortable with the register. The two of you sat behind the counter, making small talk and joking like you were old pals. It was a comfortable familiarity that made you like him even more.
Ms. Kitty would trade out with the two of you sometimes, give you the chance to mingle with other patrons of the festival. Some of them were local, some had traveled from places like Boston and Providence.
Towards the early evening, Stephen came in to close The Farmer’s Stand for the day. Normally the market would have stayed open later, but on the festival weekend, it gave everyone the chance to enjoy the festivities. Tonight was the chili cook-off. With Ms. Kitty’s blessing, you and Jensen walked from The Farmer’s Stand over to the main square, where tables were all set up. Each cook stood behind their table, offering bowls of chili scooped from deep pots or huge crockpots.
“So, I normally walk around and check out all of them, then decide which one I want to eat,” you informed Jensen. “Not a big fan of the spicy stuff, so I stay away from those. How about you?”
Jensen puffed out his chest. “Oh, bring on the spice! The spicier the better!”
“Oh, really, Mister?” You challenged him with your brow raised. “Okay. Come on then, let’s go see the Randalls table. You’ll smell their chili from a few feet away.”
The closer the two of you got to the Randalls’ table, the more nervous Jensen looked. You couldn’t help but smile to yourself. He had tried to act all macho, and now you were calling his bluff. You couldn’t wait to see how this turned out.
“Hey, Genita,” you greeted the wife. “This is Jensen, he’s new in town. He says he likes spicy.”
“Well, you came to the right place then, darlin’.” Genita reached for a plastic spoon and a Dixie cup to scoop out a sample for Jensen.
He looked like he was going to be sick before the spoon and cup were even in his hand. You hurried to pull up the video feature on your phone. Jensen took a generous bite of the sample, and seemed okay -- for about a second and a half. He threw the cup and spoon into the nearby bin, cough and sputtered as he swallowed down the chili, then accepted the beer from Ray, Genita’s husband. He chugged down half the bottle before he took another breath.
“How ya feelin’, tiger?” you teased, still pointing the camera at him.
Jensen’s eyes grew wide. “Oh, you are not videoing this!”
“Oh yes I am!” you laughed.
Your laughter grew deeper and the phone fell away when Jensen attacked you with his free arm wrapped around you and tickling your side. You shrieked and squealed, begging him to stop. Finally, you managed to grab the beer can from him and finish off a good portion of the rest of it.
“Hey!” he said, taking it back and finishing it off. “Can’t believe you.”
“Can’t you?” you smiled, finding your phone and tucking it into your back pocket.
The two of you grinned up at each other as you walked with him over to the table of the family that usually made your favorite chili.
* * * * *
Jensen couldn’t get to The Farmer’s Stand fast enough Saturday morning. He hadn’t wanted to leave Y/N’s side the night before when they parted from the square, but the hotel was in the opposite direction of the The Farmer’s Stand where she had left her car. Today, they would spend the morning at the market, then go back to the farm until the carnival that evening. He was looking forward to seeing visitors react to the activities on the farm for the first time -- and seeing Y/N interact with all of them.
“Y/N called this morning, she’s running late -- they needed a little more help setting the final details. Although, by ‘they needed help’, I assume she means she really wanted things perfect for her last Fall Festival there.” Ms. Kitty’s face smiled, but her tone held a note of sadness. “Jensen, dear, I need more price stickers, and there’s some on the desk in the office. Do you mind grabbing them for me?”
“Sure, can do.”
He went into the office and stood behind the desk. The price stickers probably should have been right in view, but he was having trouble spotting them. A manila folder with Y/N’s family name on it caught his eye; he picked it up and glanced through the papers in it.
Months of inventory were recorded on print-outs, and in two columns. It looked like the same month in both columns, but the numbers were different in one column. Jensen frowned; before he could look further into it, Kitty stuck her head in the back.
“Find ‘em?”
Jensen put the folder down and gave the desk another once-over. The price stickers were right there; he wasn’t sure how he had missed them in the first place. He held them up for Kitty and went back out to join her in waiting for Y/N.
* * * * *
You watched from the porch as the last family left, smiling with their bag of apples, and the kids hefting their carefully selected pumpkins into the car. The farm had been bustling all afternoon; you realized how much you were really going to miss this. Sure, there was nothing that said you couldn’t visit the farm once you picked an offer and sold it. It just wouldn’t be the same.
Jensen jogged up the steps to stand next to you. “Been a good afternoon. It’s amazing, watching all these people, come and go.”
You nodded. You had enjoyed spending all of this time with him, but in that moment, already missing what wasn’t even gone yet, you wanted him as far away as possible.
“Going to the carnival tonight?” he asked.
You shrugged. “Probably.”
From your peripheral vision, you could see that he was chewing nervously on his bottom lip. “Do you wanna ride to the market with me, then we can walk over to the square?”
With a deep breath, you turned to face him. You opened your mouth to tell him exactly what was on your mind, but you chickened out, in the end.
“I think I’m gonna take a nap. I’ll see you there, maybe.”
You gave him a tight smile, then went into the house to indeed take that nap and, hopefully, sleep away all of your negative feelings.
* * * * *
When you woke up, you showered off the sweat from the hard couple of hours of sleep. You put yourself together, all the while debating whether you even wanted to go to the carnival or not. People were expecting to see you though, and you couldn’t stand the thought of letting down anyone else.
You wore an off-the-shoulder, comfy sweater, your favorite pair of jeans with the hole in the knee, and a pair of brown lace up boots. You went with your usual curled hair and pretty makeup, then left the house. You parked your car at the market, then walked the way to the square on your own.
A lot of the carnival-goers had been at the farm that day, and they greeted you with a wave. Most of the locals greeted you by name; your heart broke a little more. Would you always be the girl who almost was if you stayed in Attleboro? Maybe sticking around wasn’t such a great idea.
You let go of the thought for now and approached the funnel cake truck. After receiving your snack, you found an open table and took a seat. While you tore pieces away from the sweet, fried food, you watched people walk back and forth. These were your people; your world. Leaving it seemed unimaginable, up until now.
“Hey. I picked this up. Not specifically for you, you know, but if you want it, you can have it.”
You turned toward Jensen where he had slid onto the bench next to you. With a deep breath and a quick decision, you decided not to be harsh. You allowed yourself a half-smile as you took the small bouquet of black-eyed susans from him.
“They’re pretty.”
His smile reflected his relief. “I’m sorry if I’ve been pushing too hard, Y/N. I love being in this town, and learning about the farm and everything you do around here. I’m excited but I know you probably aren’t. So, I’m sorry.”
You shook your head. “You don’t need to apologize, Jensen. I know it’s not personal. It’s just -- that farm is my whole life. Every memory I have, where I lived with my grandparents and my dad up until they passed away and my dad moved to the Midwest. I know it’s time to let go, I’m having a hard time with it is all.”
“Don’t apologize, either.”
“Okay.” You got up to drop your empty plate into a trash bin. You returned with only the flowers in your hand. “What now, Mr. Ackles?”
Jensen offered his elbow. “Dance with me, Y/N.”
More than a little nervous, but remembering that you couldn’t hold him responsible for your personal problems, you tucked your hand into the crook of his arm and let him lead you to the dance floor in the middle of the square. A few couples were already out there dancing, and the two of you fell in line with the rest of them.
Despite your hesitancy, you felt nothing but butterflies when he put one arm around your waist and clasped your free hand with his. You set one arm over his shoulder, still holding tight to those flowers.
When holding your breath is safer than breathing
When letting go is braver than keeping
When innocent words turn to lies
And you can't hide by closing your eyes
The slow song started not long after the two of you started to move over the makeshift dance floor. You were so torn over the moment, and you needed to feel safe. Whether it was coincidence, or Jensen could sense your need for a life raft, he held you closer as you hugged tighter to him.
When pain is all that they offer
Like a kiss from the lips of monster
You know the famine so well, but never met the feast
And home is the belly of the beast
The ocean is wild and over your head
And the boat beneath you is sinking
Don't need room for your bags
Hope is all that you have
So say the Lord's prayer twice, hold your babies tight
Surely someone will reach out a hand
And show you a safe place to land
What the hell was it with moments like this? You needed a safe place to land, and here was this song playing while this man -- this man you hardly knew but wanted to know -- held you close and made you feel just as safe as you needed to feel. More than, even.
The longer the song went on, the tighter you held to Jensen. You still had a suspicion that he was only getting close to you because of the farm, but right now, in this moment, you weren’t going to think about that. You were only going to think about this man that you were attracted to -- hell, that you maybe were starting to care about -- and how much he seemed to wanted you back. When the song was over, Jensen made to move away from you, but you still held tight.
“Wait … don’t pull away. Not yet.”
Without question or hesitation, Jensen stayed right there with you, until you were ready to leave.
* * * * *
Jensen rode back to the farm with Y/N. They hadn’t even spoke about it, he just got in the car, and she seemed to agree that he should accompany her.
She seemed to be nervous as she let them into the house. Immediately going into the kitchen, Y/N took a glass vase from the cupboard and filled with water, then dropped the bouquet of flowers in. She set the vase in the middle of the table, then turned to him.
“Are you thirsty?”
Jensen shook his head. “No. I’m okay. Thanks, though.”
“How about I put on a pot of coffee and we can sit out back and talk? I was gonna sit out there by myself anyway, but the company would be nice.”
He agreed immediately. While the coffee brewed, she went upstairs to change. When she came back down, her hair was in a ponytail, she had exchanged her jeans for leggings, and her feet were bare.
By now, he knew where the coffee cups were. He poured a mug for each of them, and met her at the back slider. Y/N had an armful of blankets, and he could already see extra pillows on the two lounges on the patio.
For the next couple of hours, she told him more or less every memory she’d ever made on that farm. About her grandparents, about her father, about living in the house alone.
“Thank you for telling me all of this,” he said when she finally wrapped up her stories. “I hope I can do this place justice, if you decide to take my offer.”
Y/N drew in a breath and hugged the blanket tighter around herself. “I suppose I should make a decision soon. I just wish I knew who the other offer was coming from. I don’t know if they’d be as nice as you and let me stay through the holidays.”
Jensen pursed his lips. “You know, Y/N, my spending time with you -- yeah, it’s about the farm. I want to know how things are done. I don’t want to ruin any traditions or change things from the way you’ve done them. But I’m not hanging around so you’ll take my offer. When I came here to see the farm, I didn’t plan on you.”
Her smile was unmistakable. “I didn’t really plan on you, either. I guess that goes without saying. I’m not doing any of this so that you’ll keep me around or decide to pull your offer.”
“I know that.”
“Good. Glad we got all of that on the table.”
“Me too.” Jensen stood from the lounge and stretched. “It’s late. I should let you get to bed.”
Y/N stood too, the blanket still wrapped around her. She stood in front of him. “You could take my car back to the hotel, if you want. Or -- or you could stay. I’m not really in a mood to be alone.”
Jensen took a deep breath. His eyes searched hers before he slipped one arm around her waist and let the other arm wrap around her shoulders. She tipped her head up to meet him halfway; when he pressed his lips to hers, Jensen felt, for the first time in a long time, that he was home.
* * * * * * * * * *
The Whole Shebang: @illisea​ @ashleymalfoy​ @busybee612​ @mrswhozeewhatsis​ @sherlock44​ @ravenesque​ @feelmyroarrrr​ @atc74​  @theplaidshirtmadness​  @blacktithe7​ @moonlessnight14​ @kitchenwitchsuperwhovian​ @smoothdogsgirl​  @melbrandes​  @xtina2191​ @spnbaby-67​ @emoryhemsworth​ @goldenolaf25​ @gabriels-trix​ @applesugar88​ @rainflowermoon​ @deansgirl215​ @thisismysecrethappyplace​ @calaofnoldor​ @jerkbitchidjitassbutt​ @sleepylunarwolf​ @chances-and-miracles​ @sandlee44​ @foxyjwls007​
Jack Attack: @tiffanycaruso​ @girl-with-a-fandom-fettish​ @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk​
Two for the Money: @jayankles​ @akshi8278​ @jensensjaredsandmishaslover​ @supernatural-jackles​ @adoptdontshoppets​
A New Fall: @marilynnlew​ @backseat-of-deans-67chevy​ @traceyaudette​ @ellen-reincarnated1967​ @maddiepants​ @littlewhiterose​ @tftumblin​ @monkeymcpoopoo​ @pinknerdpanda​ @thatgirl1456​ @deangirl7695​ @woodworthti666​ @writtingrose​ @flamencodiva​ @dean-winchesters-bacon​ @cap-just-said-language​ @xstephxo​
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mlovesstories · 5 years
You Know You’re What You’re Doing Part 9
Words 2300
SPNDeanBingo square: none
Warnings: physical fight/attack, cussing, emotions, death threats, feelings of worthlessness.  
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“What?” YN covered her mouth.  
“I found it on the porch when I came to check on you,” Jared told her.  
“YN!” Jensen and Danneel ran into their house through the open door.  “You okay?”  Danneel wrapped her arms around the girl.  
“Yeah,” she sighed.
“Thanks, man,” Jensen whispered to Jared.
“No problem, dude.  Always.”
As the evening went on, YN and Jared explained what happened to various officers and the foster parents.  
“I’m calling Cliff to get some guys here,” Jensen pulled out his phone.  
“Jay!” Danneel whispered to him. He looked up, and she nodded toward YN sitting alone on the couch. YN looked blankly at the wall in front of her, not noticing the commotion of people walking all around her who were assessing the scene. “Fine, but we need to talk to her.”
“Right. Be right back.”
After Jensen was done asking Cliff for added security, the investigators received pictures of the community security cameras and the Ackles’ personal ones as well. YN could not identify him since she had not seen him in so long.
“It’s okay, no one is mad at you. You haven’t seen him in eleven years, kid,” Jensen sat down next to her.
“Okay,” she looked right through Jensen, not truly hearing him.
“Hey,” he whispered.
“Huh?” YN met his eyes. “I can’t,” she reached the top step and quickly got to her room.  YN locked the door behind her and ripped her journal from her highest shelf.  
I can’t deal with this.  Why does he want me?
What does it say?  I don’t want to know.
I just can’t. 
“YN.” She heard a knock on her door.  The knob rattled, but the door didn’t open.  “Hey, come on,” Jensen calmly wanted her to open it.
She slowly stood and unlocked the door.
“Hi,” he said nonchalantly.  
“I’m fourteen.  Why do I have to deal with this?” YN looked at him seriously.  
“I am not sure, but we’re right here.”
“Please tell me what I am supposed to feel.  What am I supposed to do?”  
“You’re allowed to feel confused.  I don’t think there is a specific way to feel about this right now.   I’m a little confused myself, but no matter what, we’ll support you.”
“Sarah?” YN looked behind Jensen.
“Hi, Mr. Ackles.  Hey, YN.  You okay?”  The coordinator walked into the girl’s room.
“Fine,” she replied, huffing out a breath of frustration.  
“We need to move her.  I have a family that can take her,” Sarah said quickly.
“WHAT?” YN gasped.  
“He knows your location, YN,” Sarah reasoned.
“You can’t just take her away from us.  She’s doing so well here!” Jensen growled.  
“I’m not going, Sarah” YN stood and gritted her teeth.
“Let us move her to a hotel or something, please,” Jensen tried to appease the caseworker.  
“We have to put her in the custody of someone else.”
“No, you don’t.  You know I can hire security and keep her safer than one of your other houses,” Jensen said lowly.
“Sarah, please.”  YN chimed in.  
“Stay up here, I need to talk to the investigative team.  We can talk about the details in a minute,” Sarah exited.  
“I don’t want to go! Why can’t you be my dad?” YN fell to the floor in tears.  Jensen froze at her statement, but he snapped back to reality and bent down to her eye level.
“I don’t think they will take you.  I can keep you safe.  Cliff has some guys coming over.”
“Okay,” YN sighed.
“Okay, the investigative team and I are fine if you stay here,” Sarah entered YN’s room again where Danneel, Jensen and YN were waiting.  
“Really?”  YN looked up at her with a grin.
“AS LONG AS she has security of some sort.  Someone with her at all times.”
“Sarah, I’m not in jail! Come on!”
“Shh, baby,” Danneel soothed her.  “So that means no leaving the house then?”
“Any of you.  Only a few people in and out for now,” Sarah replied.
“I may as well be locked up!  Why is this-”
“YN!” Danneel yelled.  The girl turned to face her foster mom. “Stop!  We don’t know anything yet.”
“Yes, we do.  Give me the damn note.” YN stomped down the stairs.  “Give it to me.” YN put her hand out for the police officer to hand over the piece of paper.  Jensen came down the stairs and nodded to the investigator.  The woman in a black uniform slowly picked the note off the table.
“Here you go, young lady.”
She took a copy of the note and read it while Jensen watched.
   I see you found a good family.  Too bad I want you back.  See you around.
“Your security dudes better keep me safe, Actor Boy,” YN yelled.  She threw the note to the ground and marched back to the base of the steps.  
“YN!” Jensen chased after her. “You wanted to stay here,” he caught up to her.  
“Before I knew he wanted to kill me!” She slugged him in the chest.
“Stop.”  He put her hands to her sides. “You could be at any house right now, and I am probably one of the few people that can provide safety for you, and you know it.  Don’t take this out on me.  I’m here for you. I know you’re scared, but we can handle it. Go sit down and cool off a minute.”
“Sir,” an officer stepped forward.
“Go.  Couch.  Now.”  Jensen dismissed YN so that he could address the investigator.  His foster daughter walked over to a couch in the living room.  “Yes?” He turned to the cop in front of him.  
“We have the note, our team is going to process it.  We have done all that we can do for now.  An officer will be here at your door until your hired security arrives.  She needs 24/7 security.  Mandatory,” she spoke deeply.
“Yes, ma’am.  Have a good night.”
“You too, sir.”
As the last police officer exited the house and took his post outside, Danneel and Sarah walked to the first level of the home.  YN sat, eyes glazed over, processing what had happened.  Before she knew it, Sarah left, and the three of them were alone, with the officer outside.  
“Sweetie,” Danneel crouched in front of YN.  “Come on, go get dressed for bed.  It’s late.”
“I ruined your evening,” she responded with no emotion.
“You don’t get to blame yourself.  None of that here.  I’m so proud of you.  No negative thoughts.  Stand up.”  Danneel pulled YN up from her seat.  
“The babies?”
“The babies are spending the night with Grandma and Grandpa.” Danneel pulled her foster daughter up the stairs.  “Get dressed for bed, sweetie,” she said soothingly.  
“I can’t sleep.”
“It’s okay, but you’ll be more comfy in PJs.”
‘Okay,”  YN relented.
When YN came back out of her room, Danneel and Jensen brought her downstairs to watch TV.  She leaned against Danneel with a blanket over her.  YN could not relax.  She constantly shifted in her spot on the couch.  
“YN, you okay?”  Jensen asked.
“I’m wide awake,” she whispered, Danneel asleep next to her.
“Let’s try something else,” Jensen told her to get her shoes.  He took her to their in-house gym.  “You want to run, do weights, punch a bag?”
“Umm, weights?”
“Okay. Let’s do strength training.  It will help you focus your energy. Let’s do a bench press.  Grab weights that you think are almost too heavy for you.”
YN took some dumbbells off the rack and lied on her back.  Jensen guided her through how to do it correctly.  
“I can’t do any more,” she grunted.
“Yes, you can.  Breathe and get your frustrations out.” He spotted her to keep her safe.
“I can’t.”
“You say you can’t and yet you keep going,”’ he smiled.  “Three more.”
When her repetitions were done, she sighed.
“You did it,” Jensen offered a high five.
He continued guiding her through various exercises until she slouched over on the bench.  
“All done. Go shower.”
“Too tired,” she whispered.
“Okay, upstairs you go then.” He held her up by her elbow, guiding her to her room.  
“Goodnight, Jensen.”
Thirty minutes later, he checked on her sleeping form.
“Good night, wonderful,” he whispered. Jensen shut her door and went to lie in bed with his wife who he had brought upstairs a few minutes prior.  
“The security team will be here in a few hours. Damn, it’s 3AM. Cliff said they would be here at seven.”
“Then we need our sleep. Climb in bed, Jay.”
“Babe, the security team is here,” Danneel whispered.  
“Ugh,” Jensen rolled over. “Okay.”
The parents met the group of big, burly men at the base of the stairs.
“Good morning,” Jensen yawned. “Sorry, long night.”
“The officer left his post as we arrived. I will be taking the front door, one of us will be in the back, and one will be in the same room as YN at all times.”
“No.” YN appeared next to Jensen.
“Yes.” Jensen growled.”You wanna be safe?” He turned to face her.
“Fine, but he doesn’t get to be in my room. Gross.”
“Door stays open. He’ll be stationed in the hallway. Change your clothes in the restroom,” the first man stated factually.
“Ugh,” she groaned. “Okay, Thing One,” YN rolled her eyes. Danneel sighed, letting the girl’s attitude slide.
“Hey,” Jensen said lowly. “This doesn’t just affect you.”
“Not now, Jensen,” Danneel warned. “Let’s all settle in.”
“Thing Two, you want some lunch?” YN asked her new bodyguard friend.
“No, miss. Thank you,” he answered her.
“You’re pretty nice,” she offered.
“I try not to cause too much trouble, Miss LN.” He grinned.
“Me either, but apparently that didn’t work out.”
“Miss, if I may, this isn’t your fault,” he said as he sat across the kitchen from her.
“Yeah,” she rolled her eyes.
“It’s not. Get that through your head, YN.” Jensen walked into the room and reached for an apple on the counter.
“Your father did this. Not you.”
“You wouldn’t be in this mess if it weren’t for me!” YN’s voice rose. She tried to skirt past him.
“Get off your damn high horse! This is not your fault. It WILL end. Just not right now.”
“I need a minute,” YN walked into a first floor bathroom and locked the door.
Jensen sighed and hurried frustratedly passed the restroom and into the living room. He crash-landed on the couch next to Danneel and the kids.
“What was-“
“Don’t, Dee,” Jensen leaned against the supportive backing of his seat.
“She’s having a tough time,” Danneel whispered.
“SO ARE WE!” He shouted. “I can’t go to work, because we are locked in our own home!  And SHE thinks SHE has it hard?”
YN was about to come around the corner to the living room when she gasped.
“AT LEAST SOMEONE ISN’T TRYING TO KILL YOU!” YN shouted in return.  “Get off my high horse? You get off yours first, Hollywood. You’re no better than me!” She snapped her mouth shut and ran up the stairs. Thing Two followed behind her. “You know what, screw you and all these rules!” YN slammed the door. Thing Two followed behind her and pounded on the door.
“You gotta leave it open, Miss-“
They all heard a crashing sound and a scream from her room. Thing Two kicked the door open with minimal effort as Jensen ascended the steps. The men ran into her room. An angry man was yanking her around the glass-covered floor. The bodyguard pulled him off the girl, and Jensen carried YN out of the room.
“Come here,” he put her in the next bedroom. They heard continuous wrestling while Thing One and Thing Two now fought the man into the ground, everyone becoming scraped from the glass. “Are you okay?”  
“Uh,” her mouth and eyes wide open. “I think so,” she replied, scanning herself. Jensen stood back to see a few cuts from the glass on her arms. A bruise was forming over her eye.
“Breathe.  You’re okay.”
The two saw the man being dragged down the hallway and pushed down the stairs as he fought back.
“I need her!” He yelled. “Baby girl!” His voice became echoed as he was taken out of the house.
YN grasped onto Jensen’s shirt as she sat on the bed and he stood in front of her.
“I’m scared.”
He saw her inhaling and exhaling erratically.
“Keep breathing,” he rubbed her back with a rhythm for YN to follow. “Good job. Hey, look at me,” he stepped back to see her face. She was dazed, but she did as asked. “You’re safe, sweetie. He can’t get you anymore. You’re okay…”
His assurances continued as the sound of his voice faded into the background.
She repeated what he had just told her over and over in her head. When he caught her attention again, she wrapped her arms around his waist while still sitting on the bed. Before she knew it, her body shook, and she started crying. Danneel ran up the stairs with the kids safely in their playroom.
“What happened? Is she okay?”
The couple talked as YN continued wailing, she didn’t hear what they said. YN held onto the smell of Jensen’s cologne and flannel mixed together. Stability and kindness all wrapped up into a fragrance of a man she didn’t like a year ago.
She kept her eyes closed trying to breathe evenly. When she opened her eyes, YN saw tears in their eyes, increasing her own tears.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” she continuously apologized for her perceived faults in the situation.
“Not your fault, baby. You didn’t do this.” 
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Forever Friends (Everything):
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the--blackdahlia · 5 years
Moving On (Jensen x Reader)
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Title: Moving On
Summary: Jensen and (Y/n) having been dating since Jensen’s divorce.
Warnings: Fluff. There is no wife bashing in this.
The booze flowed like water at the end of season wrap party. Jared was in a chair with Gen in his lap, drinking some beer while making jokes with Alex and Misha. (Y/n) was behind the bar, pouring shots for herself and Ruth. It had been a long, tiring year, but now they could all go home and relax, or take other jobs if they wanted to. Alex had some modeling things to do, the Pads had marathon plans (and Jared not being allowed to post pics before Gen approved them), Misha spending time with West and Maison, going on crazy adventures. But (Y/n) wasn’t sure what she was going to do. Her and Jensen had been seeing each other since his and Danneel’s mutual divorce, but they hadn’t talked about what they would do once the season was over.
“You absolutely need to come with me back to the UK.” Ruth told her as she took a shot. “There’s this really cute shop that you would just die for.”
“I’m not really sure what my hellatus plans are.” (Y/n) said with a shrug.
“All the more reason to come with me.” Ruth laughed. “A little shopping, a little pub crawl. I got a few friends from school that have some single sons.” She winked at (Y/n), making her blush. (Y/n) looked around the group of people, not seeing Jensen. They hadn’t done the labeling thing yet, so she wasn’t even sure if she was his girlfriend. She really did like him, but she was always afraid that him and Danneel would work things out and get back together. They were still on good terms, just citing distance as one of the reasons they split.
“Where’s Jensen?” (Y/n) asked. Ruth looked around.
“Oh, I dunno. Hopefully he’ll be back in time for karaoke.” She laughed. (Y/n) sighed. She poured herself another shot.
“I gotta run to the bathroom. I’ll be back.” (Y/n) said, heading towards the bathroom. Ruth walked over to Jared and Gen, who were laughing at something Misha was telling to embarrass Alex.
“Have any of you fine people seen Mr. Ackles?” Ruth asked, draping herself on Alex.
“No.” Gen said, shrugging. “Maybe he went back to pack up and head out bright and early tomorrow.”
“I think I saw him over by his trailer.” Alex said, blushing a little. Jared patted Gen’s thigh to signal her to get up. He sat his bottle down and made his way back to their trailers. Sure enough, Jared could see a light on in Jensen’s. He opened the door and made his way in. Jensen was pacing, holding something in his hand. He didn’t even see Jared.
“I just thought that since we’ve been seeing each other…no...I was wondering if you...no...damnit.” Jensen sighed. Jared caught the sight of what Jensen was holding then. A key, with a Dean Winchester Funko keychain on it. “(Y/n), it’s been almost a year and I know we haven’t talked much about plans, but would you move in with me?” Jensen said, finally finding the right words.
“Oh, of course, Jenny.” Jared said, making Jensen jump. He turned to look at the younger man. “I’m surprised it’s taken you this long to ask her. It’s been a year.”
“I know, I just didn’t want to rush things after my divorce and I didn’t want her to think I was just using her as a rebound.” Jensen said, rubbing the back of his neck. “What if she says no?”
“Well, according to what I’ve heard, Ruth is trying to convince her to go to the UK with her since (Y/n) isn’t sure what she’s going to do over the next few months.”Jared said, leaning against the wall to watch Jensen. “So, if you’re going to ask her, I would ask her soon.” They could hear the sound of music as the karaoke started up.
“Okay, I can do this.” Jensen said. “JJ, Arrow, and Zepp love (Y/n). When Danneel brought them up here, they loved spending time with her. Danneel even likes her and knows I’m seeing her. And I want to do this.”
“You can do it.” Jared said, smiling at Jensen. “Come on. I wanna see you make a fool of yourself.”
“Thanks for the support man.” Jensen rolled his eyes. They made their way back out to the party. Gen smiled at Jensen.
“Bout time.” She handed him a beer. “Alex is not a good singer.”
“I heard that!” Alex called out. That’s when a woman singing cut off their conversation. (Y/n) was standing there, singing, with Ruth encouraging her. She was crooning to “I Want You to Want Me” and Jensen couldn’t stop watching her as she danced around. Jared whispered in Gen’s ear and she gave Jensen a little push towards (Y/n), who finished up her song and blushed when she saw Jensen watching her.
“Hey (Y/n), can we go talk?” Jensen asked.
“Uh, yeah. Sure.” (Y/n) said, feeling a little nervous. She was afraid that this was coming. Jensen and (Y/n) headed back towards Jensen’s trailer as Misha and Ruth did a duet.
“What’s up?” (Y/n) asked as she carefully sat herself in one of Jensen’s chairs. Jensen sat across from her.
“So, we’ve been seeing each other for a year.” He said. (Y/n) nodded. “And I’ve been so happy this past year…”
“Are...are you breaking up with me?” (Y/n) asked.
“What? No!” Jensen said. “Actually, the opposite.” He reached into his pocket, pulling out the key and handing it to (Y/n). “I want you to move in with me.” (Y/n) held the key in her hand, looking up at Jensen. “We can move your stuff in all at once, or we can slowly do it. I talked to Danneel and she thinks it’s a good idea, because her boyfriend is already moving in. And the kids love you and I…” He cleared his throat. “I love you.”
“Jensen.” (Y/n) said softly. “I love you too. I just didn’t want to be the crazy girl that said it first.” Jensen cupped her face and kissed her. The kisses got deeper and Jensen sent Jared a text, telling him to stay away from the trailer as (Y/n) took his hand and led him to the bed that was in there.
Jensen was finally taking a step to moving on.
Forever Tags: @anathewierdo @we-ride-with-the-tide @dekahg @marvel-af @feelmyroarrrr @nanie5 @imboredsueme @gemini0410 @aiaranradnay @babypink224221 @mogaruke @xxwarhawk @sandlee44 @shatteredabby @caswinchester2000
Jensen Ackles/Dean Winchester Tags: @luciathewinchestergirl @bobasheebaby @sheris532 @bella-ca @akshi8278 @queenslandlover-93 @screechingartisancashbailiff @strab0
Supernatural Tags: @bandobsession98 @mrsdeanfuckingwinchester @fangirlsencyclopaediaofweirdness @ilovetardis @missihart23 @cloudyskylines @supernaturalwincestsblog @flamencodiva @sams-serialkiller-fetish @theas-bedtime-stories
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waywardnerd67 · 5 years
Fangirl Dreams: The Honky-Tonk
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Summary: Jensen and Zac plan a special party for (Y/N) in celebration of one of her lifetime dreams comes true. Characters: Jensen Ackles, Zac Levi, Reader Pairing: Jensen x Reader x Zac Warnings: Fluff/Smut Word Count: 3157 A/N: As always this is unbeta so all mistakes are mine. Likes, comments and reblogs are splendid and I will love you doubly for them! Enjoy!
Check out: Fangirl Dreams Masterlist
(Y/N) was enjoying a rare evening where Jensen and Zac were both home. She had her head resting on Zac’s lap as he played video games while Jensen was laying on top of her his head just below her breasts. Jensen had arrive home from Europe and jet-lag was not being kind to him as he slept snoring softly. (Y/N) was checking her emails on her phone when her literary agent number popped up on the screen.
“Hey Maggie, how is everything going?” she asked gently shaking Jensen to get up. He groggily sat up while Zac muted his game.
“Great news (Y/N), I have the first proof copies of your book in my office.” She said as (Y/N) shot up off the couch excitedly.
Her eyes widening as Jensen and Zac stared up at her, “You’re kidding? That is amazing!” she asked her heart thumping in her chest.
“I will overnight a few of them to you and then I will need to start working with your manager to schedule a book tour and talk show circuit. The publisher wants to get you as much press as possible with this. I will be touch with you about all of that later on, but for now congratulations you are officially a published author.” Hearing the words was surreal to (Y/N) as she said goodbye.
She stared speechless down to Jensen and Zac who were both anxiously waiting for her to say something. “Don’t keep us in suspense pretty girl.” Jensen said.
A wide smile spread across her lips, “It’s official. I’m a published author!” she yelled as both men got up hugging her.
Zac wrapped his long arms around both her and Jensen squeezing them tightly, “Gorgeous this is wonderful! We need to celebrate.”
Jensen nodded in agreement but (Y/N) shook her head, “Not yet. I don’t want to celebrate until I know that it is out in bookstores. That is all I have ever wanted is something I wrote to be sitting on the shelf of a book store.”
“Party pooper.” Zac pouted letting them go.
“She has a point, Zac. The moment we know it is out of the public then we will celebrate.” Jensen said kissing the top of her head. “For now, Zac and I can celebrate you in our own ways.”
(Y/N) looked up to the two men who sandwiched her. Before she could do or say anything Zac was picking her up over his shoulder while Jensen smacked her ass following them upstairs to their bedroom. The rest of the night she spent in a world of blissful celebration thanks to the two amazing men in her life.
Over the next several weeks, Jensen and (Y/N) were getting ready to go back up to Vancouver with only a few days left for the three of them to spend together. The last weekend for them to be in Austin, (Y/N) was looking over her social media seeing all the fans from the show tagging her in posts which was not unusual. However, it was a post from Zac that she was not expecting to be tagged in.
He was in a Barnes and Noble in Austin smiling widely as he held up her book. The caption of his picture saying, “@waywardauthor Look what I found! Congrats my friend I always knew you would make your dreams come true. To infinity and beyond, (Y/N)!”
Her cheeks were hurting from the smile on her face seeing the post. She chuckled reading the little code phrase they came up with for saying I love you in public. She took a screenshot of the post and then a message from Jensen popped on the screen.
“It’s official, so tonight we celebrate for real. There is a surprise we left for you on the bed. Be ready by six tonight. I love you.” His text said as she hurriedly went upstairs to their bedroom.
Sure enough, there was a box with a green bow on it sitting on their bed. Opening it, (Y/N) found a simple white and tan dress, tan cowboy boots and a card. Curious as to what those guys were up too she opened the card seeing Zac’s handwriting.
“(Y/N) you are invited to the rootin’ tootin’ hoedown! Put on your cowgirl best and join us in the barn at six o’clock sharp. Your two studs will be waiting for you.” She started laughing rereading the card again.
The rest of her afternoon went by quickly having a meeting with her literary agent and her manager. They finalized a schedule for a book and press tour already having letting the producers know at Supernatural.
A few minutes before six o’clock, (Y/N) started walking down to their large barn which held some farming equipment Zac had bought. The closer she got to the building she could hear country music playing and then she saw her boys standing by the barn door.
Her jaw slowly dropped seeing the two of them stand there. Both of them in dark brown cowboy boots, jeans, and button down plaids. Top of both their head were large cowboy hats that they were tip down to her as she approached them.
“Howdy cowboys.” She said as they both leaned down kissing her cheeks. She looked up at them both wide eyed panic flooding her.
Zac slipped his arm around her shoulders pulling her into his side, “Don’t worry gorgeous, tonight the three of us are allowed to be ourselves in the safety of our barn.”
Jensen opened the barn door the three of them walking inside to see everyone who was in the loop on their relationship. Jared, Gen, Misha, Vicky and Clif were all dressed up in their country best talking in a small circle. A few of the Supernatural crew and a lot of their friends they regularly hung out with. (Y/N) slipped her arms behind each of their waists as Jensen’s hand trailed down her back.
“We can just be together?” she asked looking up into his deep olive eyes.
Jensen smiled nodding, “Exactly. No worries about anyone seeing us all together. Just us and family tonight.”
She felt Zac’s lips press against her temple, “Celebrating you accomplishing your dreams.”
The night was one of the best in (Y/N)’s life. She could freely mingle with her closest friends and the loves of her life. She was looking around for Jensen and Zac when she heard someone tapping on a mic. Jared and Gen came along side her as everyone looked up to the makeshift stage of hay bales.
“Oh crap.” (Y/N) whispered running her hand over her eyes.
Jensen was standing with his dad’s guitar while Zac was holding the microphone, “Hello everyone. Jensen and I wanted to take a moment to say thank you for coming out to celebrate our girl, Mrs. (Y/N) Ackles. There are not words to express how incredibility proud of her for turning her dream into a reality.”
“We wanted to celebrate her in a special way with everyone close to us and embarrass her a little.” Jensen said as she held her thumbs up to them making everyone laugh. “We wanted to give her something we knew she would love. Here’s to you pretty girl.”
As soon as Jensen began playing the first notes, (Y/N) felt her face burning remembering the first time she heard him singing this song.
November 2018 – Nashville
(Y/N) was standing on the side of the stage watching as Jensen walked up in front of a crowd of screaming fans. Her phone buzzed in her back pocket just as Louden Swain began playing ‘Like a Wrecking Ball’ by Eric Church.
“Come backstage.” Her head snapped up as she made her way backstage.
Among the ladies of Supernatural was Zac standing nearly a foot taller than any of them. She was shocked to see him, and her stomach started churning. Kim Rhodes made her way over to her smiling, “I just love your best friend. The way you guys all met and are so close is amazing.”
“Yeah he’s full of surprises. Hi Zac.” She said as she walked over with Kim.
“Hey there, I thought I would surprise you and Jensen since I was in Nashville as well.” He said hugging her a little tighter than friends would.
The girls eventually left them alone to grab some drinks and (Y/N) noticed Zac slowly moving them further back away from everyone. His hands were gripping her hips tightly as he grinded against her. Between Zac touching her and Jensen’s rhythmic voice the ache between her legs was getting to be too much.
Looking around to see everyone watching Jensen on stage, (Y/N) placed her hand on top of Zac’s sliding down between her legs. His head nuzzling into the crook of neck. She leaned her head back against his shoulder, “Fuck I need you. I need you both.”
“That old house is gonna be shaking. I hope those bricks and boards can take it. But I won't be surprised if the whole damn place just falls. I'm gonna rock you baby, like a wrecking ball.” He sung at the same time as Jensen their voices collectively making her weak in the knees.
Present Day – Austin
“And that old house is gonna be shaking. Rafter and rocking foundation quaking. Crash right through the front door, back you up against the wall. Love you baby take it right there baby rock you baby, like a wrecking ball.” Zac and Jensen finished the song together as everyone started clapping for them.
They came down off the stage chatting with a few people as they made their way to her. (Y/N) hugged each of them kissing their cheeks before making her way up to the stage. She picked up the mic tapping on it getting everyone’s attention.
“I just wanted to thank everyone for coming out here to celebrate my book being published. It really means the world to me knowing I have everyone’s love and support not only for my book but for my life as well. Jensen, Zac you two have thoroughly embarrassed me,” everyone started laughing, “and made me feel incredibility special tonight. Thank you and I love you both with all my heart. Now everyone enjoy the rest of the evening.”
She walked off stage into the arms of the two that meant the most to her. Jensen leaned down whispering, “How ready are you for this night to be over and the real fun to begin?”
Before (Y/N) could answer she felt Zac’s fingers grazing up her leg until they brushed against her soaked panties, “Oh she’s ready maybe we should just sneak off to the house.”
She bit her lip to keep from moaning, “That would be rude plus I want you both in here on the hay in nothing but those hats.”
Both men groaned, “Fuck.” (Y/N) giggled kissing them both.
Once Jared and Gen finally left the three of them sat on the hay bales sighing collectively. (Y/N) was leaning her head against Jensen’s shoulder with her eyes closed when she felt Zac’s hands running up her legs to her panties pulling them down. Jensen’s arms circled her waist gathering dress around her waist.
“Zac…” she moaned as he left small kisses along her slit.
Jensen was pulling down the top of her dress revealing she was not wearing a bra, “I knew it. Zac, you owe me twenty bucks.” His thumbs circling around her nipples as Zac’s tongue pushed past her slick lips.
“Oh god.” (Y/N) reached down with one hand pulling off Zac’s cowboy hat and raking her fingers through Zac’s soft hair. Slipping her other hand around the back of Jensen’s neck.
Zac lifted her legs over his broad shoulders spreading them slightly as he flicked his tongue over clit. Jensen’s full lips were making their way down her neck sucking gently on her skin. Her body was trembling needing more from both of them but when she tried to move both men held her in place.
(Y/N) groaned feeling one of Zac’s long fingers push inside her slowly, “Oh no gorgeous, you’re staying right here where we can see you come undone. Jay, what do you think one for each of us?”
She felt Jensen nodding as he laid her down on the hay bale looking down at her, “Definitely one for each of us before the real fun begins.”
(Y/N) let out a strangled breath as Jensen took one of her nipples in his mouth and Zac’s mouth returned to her clit while adding another finger to pump into her. She was already wounded up from being able to be affectionate to them both all night. She felt at any moment she would burst closing her eyes tightly.
“Look at me pretty girl.” Jensen whispered, “I want to see those beautiful (Y/C/E) eyes when Zac make you come. You’re so close, aren’t you? Just let go pretty girl.”
Her body began quaking as her release hit her, “Shit!” she cried out feeling Zac smiling as he ran his tongue over her one last time.
Trying to catch her breath she watched as the men switch spots. As they stood up, her eyes went wide seeing their hard lengths straining against the denim trapping them. When Zac was close enough to her she stroke his length making him hiss harshly.
“Please guys… I need you inside me. I can’t…” Jensen lapped over her sensitive clit making her back arch.
Zac knelt beside her kissing her deep the taste of bourbon and herself bringing out a low groan deep from within her chest. “You can gorgeous. I want to see Jensen bring you over the edge now.”
He kissed her again, but she could hear him unfastening his belt and pants. “Fuck, fuck, Jen-Jensen.” She called out as he pushed his tongue in and out of her.
(Y/N) did not wait for Zac’s pants to be undone before shoving her hand down his boxers grasping his cock stroking it. “Shit! Jay, she really wants our cocks.”
She looked down to see Jensen’s dark eyes staring up at her as he lifted his head. His ginger beard covered with her juices, “Alright pretty girl, I’ll make this quick.”
“Jensen!” she cried out as two thick finger plunged into her while his tongue mercilessly pressed and flicked over her clit.
“Jesus gorgeous, keep stroking me like that.” Zac grunted as her hand moved at the same pace as Jensen’s fingers within her.
“Oh fuck, I’m c-coming!” she yelled letting go of Zac’s cock both her hands smashing Jensen’s cowboy hat pressing his face against her riding out her second orgasm.
Panting, (Y/N) glance over watching Jensen and Zac strip out of their clothes. Hard cocks springing out of their boxers and her body clenching wanting them both. Shakily, she stood up pulling her dress over her body. When she looked to both men again they were each fisting their cocks their hungry eyes traveling her naked body.
“Jay, how did we get so lucky to be in the presence of this beautiful woman?” Zac asked as they approached her.
Jensen stood in front of her leaning down to kissing, “I ask myself that very question everyday my friend.” He answered as she felt Zac pressing his lean body against her back.
“Well gorgeous, where do you want us?” he asked kissing her shoulder as his length slipped between her legs rubbing against her folds.
Jensen’s cock was pressed against her stomach as his teeth grazed against her jaw and chin. Originally, she had been fantasizing all night about riding one of them cowgirl while she sucked off the other. In this very moment sandwiched between the two of them she needed them both deep in her at the same time.
“Just like this.” She whispered taking Jensen’s arm and hooking one of her legs over it while leaning back against Zac to keep her balance. She looked up to see Jensen’s raised eyebrow slowly descend as she stroke his cock rubbing the tip down her slit.
Zac held her hips backing away so Jensen could push inside of her. Her fingers digging into his meaty shoulders, “Son of a bitch.” He grunted as she giggled.
“Your Dean is showing.” She whispered leaning forward capturing his lips before he could say anything.
Jensen pumped into her a few times before she reached behind her wrapping her fingers around Zac’s shaft, “Now you big boy.”
He brought one of his hands up to her mouth pushing two fingers inside of it. (Y/N) sucked on the salty digits running her tongue all over them, “Shit (Y/N)…” he moaned as he pulled them from her and pushed them against her puckered hole.
“Please Zac… need you.” She said as he stretched her with his fingers. Jensen as grinding against her trying not to work her up as much as he was.
“Ho-ly fuck…” he muttered against her shoulder as he pushed inside of her.
(Y/N)’s body was shaking from being completely filled by both men. “O-Ohh…” she breathed out as they began to move against her.
They were thrusting at the same time each of their heads resting on either of shoulders. (Y/N) pushed off their hats so she could wrap her arms around each of them. She felt Zac lifting her other leg holding it up just behind her knee. “Fuck!” she cried out as they both plunged deeper within her.
Their whimpers and grunts were a melody that would plague her dreams for a long time. She could feel both of them nearing their releases as their paces picked up. Her body was so tight, and she felt like she was splitting at the seams. Jensen was first to come deep within her biting down on her as he did causing a chain reaction.
(Y/N) came crying out their names and tears slipping down her cheeks from the overwhelming orgasm flooding her. Zac’s body trembled against her as she felt him coming his release slipping down her thighs. Both men pushed into one last time burying themselves deeply into her. Their bodies pressing her like a vice before Zac pulled out of her first letting her leg down. His arms wrapping around her waist as Jensen slipped out of her with a low whimper setting her other leg down.
Her knees immediately gave out and Zac held her up chuckling, “We turned her into jello, Jay.”
“You grab her, and I’ll get everything else.” She heard Jensen say watching him unsteadily bending over giving her a great view of his bare ass.
Zac scooped her up walking off towards the door, “C-Clothes?” she asked as he shook his head.
“Jensen is grabbing them. No one is going to see us and I give you second before you…” was all she heard as she drifted off into unconsciousness.
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deans-baby-momma · 5 years
The Padackles Link-Chapter 45
Jensen and Jared flew to Texas immediately after the convention. I was beyond happy to see him and see him interact with Jackson; Jackson of course taking it all in, little eyes watching every move his father made.
Jensen told me about the question during his panel and how he had defended me, us but that hadn’t stopped the hate and malicious comments on social media. Jensen finally logged out of all his accounts and put his phone down. I could tell he was aggravated and upset that those who claimed to love him were saying such horrible, awful things about his choices.
“It’s my life,” he grumbled. “Can’t they just be happy that I am happy. I got two perfect children and a wonderful woman by my side.”
“Jay, I don’t know what to tell you,” I replied. “You are a amazing man, a fantastic father. Maybe they’re just jealous?”
“If Dani would just let it go maybe we could move on. They would move on to the next scandal,” he sighed. Dani had continuously posted lies on her social media, calling Jay a cheater and an absentee father. Of course her friends, family and fans all ate it up, commenting uplifting quotes and pitying her. It was a never-ending cycle.
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Two weeks after he returned home, Jay was gone to pick up JJ for our weekend visit with her when the landline rang. Knowing no one who was close to us ever used it, I let the machine pick it up. Listening to the message gave me a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. “I know who you are Drea. I know where you live. I know where you’re from. Why don’t you get your hooks out of Jensen and let him go back to his wife, the woman he was meant to be with. You are a two-bit whore who is doing nothing but sabotaging him, making him believe that, that baby is his. Do you even know who the actual father is? Jensen is an honorable and decent man but you have sullied his reputation. He would never leave Danneel so whatever you have on him, just put it away or I will make sure you and that bastard son of yours disappears.”
I called Jensen right away and begged him to get home as soon as possible. With tears in my eyes, I walked through making sure all the windows and doors were locked and then made my way to Jackson’s room, closing the door and sitting in the corner with my knees pulled up to my chest. Who was that? How did they get this number? Who in their right mind threatens a baby? Those thoughts kept repeating through my head until I heard Jensen’s voice calling for me.
Jackson was sleeping soundly in his crib so I exited the room quietly, thankful that my anxiety-riddled presence in his room hadn't woken him. I wiped my eyes as I headed toward the front of the house to be met with a rather rambunctious almost 2 year old.
“Hey JJ!” I exclaimed excitedly, purposely not looking toward Jay. “How's my favorite girl?”
“You cry.”
Two words. It took two words from the toddler to make me feel the dread and misery of telling Jay about the phone call. I took a chance and finally looked up at him,  seeing the worry and panic on his face. I shook my head, letting him know it wasn't up for discussion at this time.
Turning my attention back to the cute little blonde at my feet, I lifted her and sit her on my hip. “Someone has a birthday soon,” I cooed as I walked into the kitchen. “What do you want for it?”
JJ excitedly and enthusiastically told me all the things she wanted and I nodded as she explained the latest new toy sensation in her own little way.  
It wasn't until she was put down for her nap, after tiring herself out helping with her new little brother, that Jensen brought up my appearance when he had returned.
“Drea, what happened?”
“It’s nothing,” I told him. After calming down and thinking it over I had decided I was not going to allow some no name person on the other end of a phone line dictate my life. Yes, she had undoubtedly threatened not only me, but my son, but I wasn't going to let it stop me from living my life with the man I loved more than anything.
“It's something if it made you cry,” he said as he wrapped his arms around me, kissing my forehead. “Tell me, please?”
I relented and told him. “While you were gone, the landline rang. I knew if it were you or any one of our other friends, they knew to call my cell so I let the machine get it,” I sighed, nervous about telling him the actual gist of the message. “It was a female telling me to let you go, to quit holding you hostage by claiming Jackson was yours when he actually wasn't. That you belonged with Dani and that if I didn't give in to her demands she would make sure we both disappeared.”
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Jay stepped back and took his arms from around me. “She said what?! Are you honestly telling me some girl, some bitch actually left a message threatening you and Jackson? Please tell me you didn't delete that message.” I could feel the anger and tension radiating off him as I shook my head and he turned toward the office where the answering machine was located. I stood in my spot, not wanting or needing to hear the words again.
After about ten minutes curiosity got the better of me and I went in search of Jensen. I found him at the desk in the office, on the phone.
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“Yes sir, I do have the message saved. It was on the landline...Yes...so it is traceable? Thank God. Yes, thank you Officer.  I will bring it to you immediately.”
Jensen hung up the phone and looked up at me. “That was not nothing, Drea. That was an outright threat to your life, to my son's life!” His voice raised with every word and Jensen clenched his jaw to keep his composure. “I have to take the machine in so the cops can listen to it. And they're running a trace on the call, try to find out where it originated,” I nodded as he explained that he was going, to the full extent of the law, after the caller.
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“Okay,” I said. “Jay, I'm sorry. This is all my fault.” I felt the tears burn as they streamed down my face and before I knew it, I was being held against his strong chest.
“Audrea Murphy, this is in no way, no how your fault!” He pinches my chin between his index finger and thumb, pulling my face up to his. “You listen to me. The only person at fault here is the bitch who thought it was okay to call our home and make threats to you and our son! That's who is to blame.” His lips gently met mine before he pulled away. “I have to go down to the station. Are you okay to stay here, with them? I won't be gone for more than an hour.”
“Yes Jay. I'll be fine, promise.” I smiled through the tears and he kissed me again before turning to grab the machine and walking toward the front door.
“Lock up after me,” he suggested. “And don't answer any calls unless it's me, Jared or Gen. Okay?”
“Okay baby,” I answered timidly, causing him to stop in his trek to the front door. He came back to stand in front of me.
“I love you Drea,” he whispered. “And we'll get to the bottom of this.”
“Love you too Jay.”
After he was through the door, I turned the lever on the lock, listening to the pins fall into place.
Jensen returned at the same time JJ was waking up. I was in the nursery changing Jackson when he came in with her on his hip. “Hey little man. Were you good for your Momma?” he cooed down at his son.
We all convened in the living room and decided to watch a movie while JJ entertained her brother. Halfway through the movie though, she climbed up to sit beside her father and I sat in the floor where Jackson laid on a blanket. As I glanced up at the sofa they were both watching me, smiles across their faces.
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When the movie ended, I handed Jackson to Jay so I could go make a bottle. Once in the kitchen, I heard the doorbell and Jensen got up to answer it. I walked in to take the baby and was surprised to see an officer standing at the door.
“Mr. Ackles, Ms. Murphy. We have identified the caller.”
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justjensenanddean · 6 years
When I worked on Dark Angel I created a character, one of Max's missing siblings, who as a child was the mythmaker of the group. He kept them from losing faith in themselves by telling stories in the darkness of the dormitory, stories with heroes and spirits and demons, and now that Max is all grown up and the group is scattered and in hiding, she finds that people are being murdered according to the mythological details of those childhood stories. Her beloved storyteller has grown into a serial killer. This was a tough role to cast. You needed someone you could believe was a genetically engineered human; who could, when necessary, radiate both intelligence and menace; who could be scary one minute, and who could give you a lump in the throat the next from his sheer vulnerability when he admits to Max that he's broken and begs her to kill him. I sat in casting as actor after actor came in. It was one of those evenings when you listen to the words of the script and wonder how they can sound this horrifyingly bad -- dear god, am I truly that wretched a writer? Then Mr. Ackles walked in. The first scene involved his character sitting handcuffed as he tries to convince Max to let him go. It was tonally challenging, because although he's cuffed, you have to have the impression he's extremely dangerous -- that in fact just listening to him is dangerous because he'll screw with you psychologically. "Mind if I sit on the floor?" he asked calmly, in the voice of one who's worked it all out ahead of time. He put his arms behind his back, did that scene, and wow. Young Hannibal Lecter, hello! Then he did the death scene, made my eyes tear up, walked calmly out, and we looked at each other. This was exactly the character I'd envisioned. It was clear to me that if anybody else got this role, I would have to commit ritual suicide. Fortunately everyone else wanted him -- except one highly placed producer. Now, although Hollywood as an entity has issues with women, my personal experience on writing staffs has been almost uniformly positive. This producer happened to be an extremely rare exception -- and it's not that he was in any way meanspirited; he was a perfectly nice guy, kind and gentle, but sometimes your head snapped back just listening to him. He was upset by the fact that the people in casting that night had been mostly women; that we all liked Jensen Ackles; and that he was a good-looking actor. Because, clearly, that must be what was influencing us. "Something very disturbing was going on in that room," he insisted. Leaving his opinion of our emotionality aside, I asked what his issues were with Ackles -- hadn't that been a terrific reading? He admitted the reading was fine, but -- "He doesn't have muscles." "What?" "He doesn't have muscles, he doesn't look like a soldier. If he was genetically designed to be a soldier, wouldn't they make him strong?" My head spun for a moment. I said, "Our heroine is Jessica Alba." And yes, she'd worked out pretty hard for this role, but she was still a slender-looking, gorgeous young woman, who was usually shorter and much lighter than the men we regularly showed her throwing around with such abandon. I said, "Clearly whatever genetic manipulation was going on involves strength that's not determined by the sheer volume of the muscle." I'd reached this conclusion the moment I saw the pilot, and thought it was unarguable, given what we'd been portraying on screen for the past season. But he had a reply to that: "She's a girl," he said -- clearly bewildered that I would even bring this up. Sigh. But the angels smiled for a moment, Jensen Ackles got the role, and though my script was rewritten it did still retain a certain amount of what I'd been going for. The direction was tight, the acting full-throttle, and the episode was so well-received that the series was sold for a second year on the idea of "more like this!" I, however, had moved on to Smallville the following year. There, we discussed casting for one of the early guest roles. "Jensen Ackles!" I said. The executive producers went away, returned, and I was told with compassion, "I'm sorry, Doris. He's just been booked for the year." "Really? Where?" "Dark Angel." Yes. The producer who'd been so opposed to him? After seeing his work in that episode, he hired Jensen as a regular. And apparently he also made him bulk up -- because boys need muscle. I said, "But we killed him!" "He's back as a clone." Damn you, science fiction, and your wicked genre ways! Someday, Jensen Ackles, I muttered. Time passed and I found myself on the second season of Tru Calling. We had a character, a medical student, whom we first meet as a sort of golden boy -- a nice guy, funny, the sort who tries to do the right thing. Brilliant, but with some self-esteem issues that have kept him from his full potential. Tru and he become friends, and as time passes, they start to become more deeply involved. Then, partway through the season, he dies; and Tru, who's had enough of death, resolves to stay awake until someone somewhere asks for help and her day rewinds -- thereby allowing her to save Jensen as well. (Yes, shockingly, he ended up with the name Jensen. I think it was my sheer repetition doing subconscious work.) I'm going to quote here from an earlier post: ============== But Jensen's soul is already committed -- it can't return, but his body, memories, and the habits of his personality continue after the time he "died." The idea was that over the course of the arc we would gradually see anomalies of character develop -- unsettling moments, as the imprint of Jensen's personality disintegrates, at the same time it becomes fascinated with death, in an almost wistful way. This would be pretty damned creepy, coming as it does alongside Tru's growing physical intimacy with him. Jane Espenson wrote a beautifully disturbing scene that I'm sorry you'll never get a chance to see -- on one level, it's just Tru and Jensen talking on the sofa during a movie, and on another level, oooooh. As the arc plays out, we hear the jarring comments he'll occasionally make, the way the things that used to mean something to him -- like his need for his father's respect -- are just no longer vulnerabilities. We see scenes that suggest a growing involvement with violence, in an unsettling but ambiguous way, so Tru can't be sure it's there or not. Till one morning Tru wakes in bed with Jensen and goes about her day, which rewinds over the murder of Jensen's father. Just before the rewind she learns that not only did Jensen do it, he's been behind a string of recent killings (born of his fascination with learning about the thing he's apparently been barred from -- i.e., death). She rewinds -- and wakes up in bed next to him, knowing now that he's a monster. And that she created him. This was once a young man who won her with his generosity and understanding, his good humor and sweetness. He's still bright, he's still clever, there's no evidence against him. And he'll be creating a lot more victims, starting on this rewind day with his father -- unless she takes the responsibility for putting an end to him. So she finally turns to the person with experience in ending people's lives: Jack. =============== Now, obviously this was going to be the kind of role where you can't count on a pretty face to pull you through. (And sometimes there's pressure to go with a pretty face, even when the necessary screen power is not behind it. This doesn't make sense, because it means the audience will never spark to that role the way they should, but sometimes executives think the fact they can promote the show using a particular actor's name makes up for that. The unfortunate truth that you can get people to watch once, just long enough to drive them away permanently if the goods aren't there, doesn't always sway the decisionmakers.) We needed someone who could say long words as though they know what those words mean -- and I'm not being sarcastic here; that's harder than you think. But someone who could also be funny. And sweet. And boy-next-door. Oh, and also turn on a dime and scare the beejeezus out of you. "Jensen Ackles!" I said, pretty much every time the subject of casting came up. But the process ground on a bit slower than we anticipated, and one day I was informed -- again, with compassion -- "We're too late; he's booked elsewhere." I asked where. "Smallville," they said.Smallville? Those bastards, how dare they listen to me? Who told them to respect my opinion? This was clearly my fate -- to make so much noise about Jensen Ackles at any show I'm on that they'll grab him first chance they get, which will inevitably be when I'm at my next show trying to get him. One of the writers, hearing this news, turned to me and asked, "Are you solely responsible for this guy's career?" The answer to that would be no. Clearly he doesn't need my help, but you have to admit that the aura of Ackles doom I bring to each production is amusing, at least. At the time I said to myself, sour-grapes fashion, "Well, I hope that Smallville role is as interesting and layered as this one will be," and went on with life. As it turned out, we were fortunate at Tru. Eric Christian Olsen took on the role, and it was clear from the very first look at his reel that we were in safe hands. (In fact, when I first saw his work I had that sense of awe I always feel in the presence of good acting, because it is so very much something I cannot do. Really, I have no idea what button actors push to suddenly convey, "This is real," but I know it when I see it, the way Robert Graves says you know a true poem when you hear one. Recently I was talking with a medical consultant and mentioned that I'd just come out of a read-through of a script. "It's always cool to hear the script at a read-through," I said. "Why?" he asked. I was surprised at the question. "Because they do that magic actor thing," I said. Why else?) In any case, I'm sorry you never got to see the character's turnaround, because I have no doubt he would have been compelling. And as it turns out, since the show was cancelled mid-season, maybe Smallville was the better bet after all. And now I'm at House, and surrounded by such talent that it would be the height of ungraciousness to do more than note that Mr. Ackles has a show of his own this coming season. And while it's not mine, I'm forced to admit that that might not stop it from being, well... good.
[ Doris Egan, Posted on 2005.08.18 ]
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Supernatural Season 14 Episode 1 -- Stranger In A Strange Land Review
I’m true to my word. I said I would do week-to-week reviews of Supernatural Season 14 and so I am. We had the premiere of Season 14, Episode 1, Stranger In A Strange Land. I really enjoyed this episode. Some might say this was a boring episode but I disagree about that. It has less plot than what we normally see in a Supernatural season premiere but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. This episode wasn’t super plot heavy because it didn’t really need to be plot heavy. We know how season 13 ended. We have a pretty good idea about what Michael is all about (because we spent not a small amount of time with him) so this episode leaned more on setting up character dynamics than plot. And since I’m a character kind of girl, I’m totally cool with that.
As a disclaimer, this will be a review on my thoughts and feelings about this episode. I’m not telling you how to think and feel, I’m telling you what I think and feel. So please, don’t take it personally if you don’t agree with some of the things I say. This review could have potentially positive and negative things. It’s okay to like something from time-to-time and it’s also okay to be critical of something from time-to-time. I love Supernatural so with any criticisms I might have, I bear no ill will towards the show. I love the show and despite its rocky moments, I’m still a fan and I’ll probably stick with this show to the very end. It’s okay to have different opinions than I do, the only thing I ask is that you respect me opinions as I will respect yours. Respect makes the dream work, ‘kay peeps? Also, spoilers if you haven’t seen the episode.
Plot Synopsis as written by Risa the Roommate
As it says in the title of this section, Risa is my roommate and she’s going to be giving us a plot synopsis for this episode. Risa is an EXTREMELY casual observer of Supernatural, she doesn’t follow it like I do (I wouldn’t even classify her as a casual watcher either; she maybe watches a couple of episodes a season if even that much) but she’s decided to watch an entire season with me. So yay! Let’s see if I can indoctrinate her to the dark side. She also thinks she’s funny so let’s see how a casual observer interprets an episode of Supernatural.
Risa The Roommate Synopsis: For the first minute or so of this episode, I was reminded of a time in college when I was road-tripping with a couple of friends. We were quite high at the time and one of my friends decided to try to explain to me the plot of Dune in this state. Watching the “Previously on” Supernatural opening sequence was a lot like my high friend trying to explain Dune to someone who was also very high. As you can imagine, very little sense was made much like the opening sequence of this episode. I came out of that opening sequence somehow even more confused than I was going into it. But because I love Tanya, I shall prevail and get through the rest of this episode. Mr. Chiseled Jawline peeps in on a dude prayin’ (which, you know, rude) and has this big existential conversation or whatever. I guess Mr. Chiseled Jawline is both the main character Dean and Michael The Archangel right now (but I’m still going to call him Mr. Chiseled Jawline because I could look at that jawline for days). And then Mr. Chiseled Jawline comes out with this whole “create a better world” line. I’m getting some serious religious fanatacism vibes here. There’s a title card that honestly looks more cartoonish than actually scary but whatever. We change places to what Tanya tells me is the “bunker” where the heroes of this story reside. We got some hunting lingo going on here I guess, it didn’t make a whole lot of sense to me. Mr. Loreal-because-I’m-worth-it arrives. There’s some talk about locating Mr. Chiseled Jawline. We find out that Tanya’s fav, Angel Blue Eyes has gone to meet up with a demon for information but is double-crossed and subsequently captured alarmingly quickly. I’m assuming the ease of his capture makes more sense if you’ve been watching the entire series. This demon will be known as Bootleg Mark Sheppard Demon Guy as it’s obvious he’s mimicking Mark Sheppard’s character. I don’t remember much from this show but I do remember Mark Sheppard. Bootleg Mark Sheppard Demon Guy uses Angel Blue Eyes to get Mr. Loreal to come over to exchange study notes. Bootleg Mark Sheppard Demon Guy apparently wants to become the next King of Hell but Mr. Loreal tells him to go walk into traffic. A big, very confusing fight ensues and Bootleg Mark Sheppard Demon Guy dies and Mr. Loreal claims hell shall remain dictator-less. The episode ends with Mr. Chiseled Jawline deciding a blood-thirsty creature is reminiscent of his idea of purity and will help him create a better world (which, okay, I guess). There’s also a bit where we see more of Mr. Chiseled Jawline existential crisis-ing the wife of Jensen Ackles, Bishop from Being Human is apparently still on this show, and a couple of teenagers are trying to learn how to fight and really suck at it.
Hopefully, you guys enjoyed that. I didn’t edit this at all. This is legitimately how Risa described what happened in this episode. And Risa, not to worry, even without the influence of alcohol and drugs, Dune still doesn’t make a whole lot of sense, rest assured. And I agree, that season premiere opening sequence was definitely not one of their better ones. It was very choppy and I can definitely see how people who aren’t aware of what happened last season to be really confused. It didn’t really do that great of a job explaining what happened last season.
The Review
As I said, this episode was much more character driven then plot driven which I felt worked for the episode. We already know what Michael’s goals are going out of Season 13 so there’s no real reason for the premiere episode to be going crazy with plot. Instead, this episode serves more of a purpose for setting up character arcs and I really enjoyed the episode for that.
I was loving Sam in his leadership role at the bunker and I absolutely adored his declaration of how there will be no new king of hell. I love how by stating he wouldn’t allow anyone to rise to that throne, he was essentially indirectly putting himself on that throne which I found very interesting. Honestly, the character development Sam has gone through in order to get him to this point is just amazing and I do love Sam so so much that I’m really excited to see how this all plays out. I always knew Sam was going to get there.
We also got the hunters keeping it real up in the bunker which was really interesting to see. It was interesting to see how they’re building up this community and essentially creating a supernatural-fighting team. And just as a passing observation, Maggie really reminds me of Ava from Season 2. She kind of has that same bubbly, quirky but hesitant personality Ava had and I actually really liked Ava so I’m hoping things are going to work out better for Maggie than it did for Ava. And I’m also really seeing the potential for a friendship between Maggie and Jack. Right now, they’re kind of equals with their inexperience in fighting so it could be fun to see them kind of teach each other and grow with each other. But, I’m also not advocating that Jack needs to have a romantic relationship with Maggie, so don’t misconstrue what I’m saying. Jack is definitely not at a point where he can really comprehend something like romance. But it would be fun to see Jack and Maggie have some sort of friendship. Just like Jack has his three dads (Sam, Dean, and Cas) plus Uncle Bobby and Auntie Mary, he also could really use a friend – someone who doesn’t have a parenting-type of relationship with him and a friendship between Jack and Maggie could be fun.
The arc Jack is currently going through trying to find his own worth and his own strength now that his grace is gone is a theme I really enjoy. Because up until this point, he probably hasn’t realized just how much he relied on his Nephilim grace and he’s having to figure out how to live and be who he is without it. It’s good stuff and I love the Cas fatherly dynamic that could come out of this. This is something that Cas, in particular, can help Jack with a lot. Cas knows what it’s like to lose his grace. He knows what it’s like to have all of this innate power at his fingertips and then when it’s taken away, having to figure out how to live without it. And honestly, Season 9 Cas is probably one of my favorite Cas arcs. I loved his time spent as a human trying to figure out who he really is. I wish it had gone on for slightly longer but you know, the plot needed to happen too. But Cas and Jack having more of a father-son bond with this character arc is something I definitely want to see more of.
Also, seeing more of Cas and Sam interacting would be great as well. Their interactions were really great in this episode and I wish we had more of them. I loved how Sam was instantly all about making sure Cas was alright when he got to that bar. And when they were talking at the end of the episode despite Cas saying it was a dumb idea and he shouldn’t have done it, Sam is playing the supportive friend and telling Cas it wasn’t dumb and he can’t believe he didn’t think of trying that first. More scenes between these two like that, please. It reminds me of their dynamic in season 9.
I am worried about the use of the AU characters though. I’ve said it before in other posts but I was not a big fan of the AU characters crossing over into the main SPN universe. Basically, I’m worried this show is going to treat the AU counterparts as if they were the originals. I want these AU characters to be their own characters. Have their own hopes and desires and personalities. I don’t want them to be carbon copies of the originals. And from what I’ve seen with Bobby, his character is pretty much playing the same role within the story he always has. Granted, we’re only one episode in so hopefully this’ll change as we get further into the season but so far, I’m not really a fan of the AU counterparts return.
I don’t really have much of an opinion on Michael right now. Jensen is killing it as Michael, though. Michael is still being quite vague on what he really wants and I can definitely understand why he would choose vampires. However, I’m wondering if this is going to come back to bite him in the ass because we have seen vampires who are conflicted about their own natures. From what I’m gathering from Michael, he’s not only looking for beings who have a sense of purity, he also needs them to be unconflicted with themselves. He needs beings who he can control. And those conflicted with themselves such as humans, demons, werewolves, angels, etc would be difficult to control because of their internalized conflicts, because of their sense of self. If the fancy struck them, they could betray Michael. However, beings who just want to eat are easier to control. But vampires have previously made the decision to fight against their monstrous nature so I think this could potentially blow up in Michael’s face. Vampires aren’t necessarily mindless monsters who only think about their next meal, they are capable of thinking about other things, about wanting other things and so they could just as easily turn on Michael as well. Regardless of what happens, it should be interesting to see how it all plays out. We also got to see kind of sort of what Michael looks like but I don’t think that’s an accurate depiction of what he really looks like. That’s just his form being compressed into a human vessel. It also explains why only certain humans can withstand being vessels. Their bodies probably have to be designed a certain way to handle all that power being compressed into their bodies. I am curious to know what makes certain humans vessels and why there are humans that can’t be vessels. Is it just a random thing that happens with random bloodlines? Or is there a reason these bloodlines are vessels? Maybe way back at the beginning of these humans’ ancestral lines, the children were a product of soulmates coming together and the children of those soulmates is what caused those bloodlines to be strong enough to withstand angelic possession?
I am so happy that Kip was only pretending to try and be a Crowley because it was a really poor imitation of Crowley. I’m glad it was written intentionally to be that way. And I’m glad that Sam calls him out on it. He’s just like, “you’re no Crowley, so just stop.” And indeed, Kip is definitely not a Crowley. He lacks the self-discipline, the charisma, the vision Crowley had that made him such a dynamic King of Hell. It’ll be interesting to see how hell is going to turn out without a leader, though. And I’m sure everyone else has talked about this, but I did find it strange that Cas didn’t even recognize the demons at first for what they were but I guess ultimately, I can just chalk it down to heaven losing power. And my own head canon is that ever since the Metatron thing, his grace has been slowly getting weaker anyway. So it would make sense that he’s just losing more and more power as he goes along. And since he no longer really allies himself with heaven anymore, the power that heaven would normally have given him is just a really small minute amount waning even smaller as heaven continues to lose power from the lack of angels.
We also had Mark Pellegrino show up in this episode as Nick. I kind of figured that’s how he would show up. Mark was really great. I do think he’s a fantastic actor. How he plays Nick is very different from how he plays Lucifer and I really enjoy that. And watching that scene where Nick is relaying what he does and doesn’t remember, I remember thinking, “Someone please give this poor guy a hug.” It’s bad enough he had to go through all of the trauma that came from his wife and child being murdered. But to be stuck with Lucifer all this time? Trapped inside of your own body and unable to pass on? Now granted, it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense for why Nick is still alive as we’ve never seen a human vessel survive a stab from any kind of angel blade; they normally just die along with the angel. I guess, if it wasn’t a fatal stab and the stabber missed the important organs, then theoretically the vessel could survive. But I’m also thinking back in Season 1 when they were trying to kill Azazel. I remember them going for a non-fatal wound as to not kill their father but they quickly realized a fatal wound was the only way to kill Azazel. So I don’t know. But I guess, at the end of the day, it really doesn’t matter. Nick is here and I’m glad he’s here. I’m excited to see where this Nick storyline is going to be headed. I’m hoping he’s going to be a good guy. I’m really pulling for Nick. The poor guy’s dealt with enough trauma.
This episode was a lot of fun for me. It was all about character arc setups and I really enjoyed that. This show in the past has tried to do an ensemble type of cast but this is the first episode I’ve seen where I genuinely believed this could truly be an ensemble cast kind of show. I really hope the show continues with this. I think it’s headed in really interesting directions. I’d probably give this an B+. It was fun although it did drag in certain places and there were some things that didn’t make a whole lot of sense. But really, a great start to a new season.
Well, those are my thoughts on the show. Let me know what you think. Just remember that while you don’t have to agree with what I say, I do ask that you at least respect what I think and feel.
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A/N: Originally posted on @luci-in-trenchcoats
Summary: The reader and Jensen are on their honeymoon except somebody refuses to admit they have a cold…
Pairing: Teacher!Jensen x actress!reader
Word Count: 1,800ish
Warnings: implied future smutty times, language
A/N: Written for Angelina’s Roll The Dice challenge where my fic had to involve a castle, have one main character be a teacher and one character have an injury or illness…
“Honey,” you said, fishing through your purse, shoving a tissue at him. “You’re-“
“Don’t say it,” said Jensen, letting out a big sneeze in the hotel lobby. “I’m not sick.”
“You’ve been sneezing since we took off in Georgia,” you said, Jensen blowing his nose. “That was a continent ago.”
“I am fine,” he said, putting his hands on his hips. “See?”
His eyes were red and puffy. He looked about fifty shades too pale and his nose was running.
He looked more like one of his students with a cold than a guy about to have the time of his life.
“We’re here, in Europe, on our honeymoon and we’re doing this,” he said, grabbing his bags, nodding to the front desk. “Let’s go, sourpuss.”
“Jensen, if you don’t feel good-“
“It is a cold. I will survive,” he said. “Come on. It’s not like we can turn the car around and go home now anyways.”
“Considering we flew, I’d say not,” you said, picking up your bags.
“Now you’re getting with the program,” he said with a smile.
“Do not use your teacher voice with me,” you said Jensen smirking.
“Sometimes I’m allowed,” he teased, holding out his hand.
“In your dreams,” you said, looping your arm around his instead, Jensen chuckling as he pulled you to the desk.
“Definitely in those,” he said, bumping his hip into yours, calming down before he pulled out his wallet. “Hi. We have a reservation for-“
“Ackles?” said the receptionist, Jensen nodding. “I couldn’t help but notice your wife when you came in. She’s even more beautiful in person.”
“That she is,” he said, watching as you took a step back.
“I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable,” said the receptionist, backtracking as fast as possible. You understood it back home in the states and even then you could get by most days without much notice. Finding someone that recognized you in a secluded getaway in a tiny corner of Europe was more jarring than anything else.
“She’s just shy,” said Jensen. “Long flight over here so we’re a bit tired.”
Jensen made idle chit chat as you checked in, the receptionist only smiling when you reassured him you were good.
“Here’s your map,” he said, handing over a leaflet. “Baggage can show you to your room.”
“Why do we get a map?” asked Jensen with a curious smile.
“The castle is quite large and guests often like to explore the grounds once they settle in,” he said.
“We’ll be sure to check it out then.”
“Wow, this place is nice,” said Jensen, dropping his bags on the floor, sniffling some but his excitement getting the better of him. “We’re in a freaking castle. How awesome is that?”
“Still a little boy at heart,” you said, laying down on the huge and comfy looking bed. “Don’t lay down.”
“Why?” he asked, groaning when he lay on the other side. “I’m never getting up again.”
“Exactly,” you said, Jensen letting out a real groan when his phone rang. “Please tell me you remembered to get on an international plan for the trip.”
“Yes,” he said, pouting at his phone. “It’s school.”
“You did tell them you needed a sub this week, right?” you teased, Jensen smacking your arm lightly.
“Of course…I think,” he said with a laugh, answering his phone. “Mr. Ackles speaking…” Jensen said, pulling the phone away. “I was told to put it on speakerphone so you could hear.”
“Hear what?” you asked, Jensen shrugging before you were hit with a round of congratulations from his class.
“Aw, thanks guys. Mrs. Ackles is the lucky one,” said Jensen with a smirk.
“I thought it was Miss,” said a little girl, Jensen cocking his head into teacher mode.
“A Miss is used for an unmarried young woman normally, Stacy. Mrs. is used when a woman is married,” said Jensen, throwing an arm over your waist.
“Are you gonna have a baby now, Mr. Ackles?” asked a boy, your eyes rolling.
“Someday,” Jensen said with a laugh. “It’s almost time for recess over there so I’m going to go but I’ll see you guys next week, alright? I want you on your best behavior for Ms. Yax.”
“What’s a Ms?” someone asked.
“Ms. Yax can answer that,” said Jensen, hearing the class say bye before the other end got quiet. “How they doing Lauren? Terrorizing you yet?”
“If only they knew how awful you are,” she shot back. “Y/N can testify.”
“Horror stories. So many horror stories,” you teased.
“Enjoy yourselves and bring me back something. Oh and get working on that baby you two,” she said before hanging up.
“That was sweet,” you said, Jensen humming. “Your little guys miss you.”
“Yeah. Wait until they have Lauren and playtime for a week and then I make them do real work,” he said.
“You teach kindergarten, not college algebra,” you said.
“I teach life skills,” he said. “And basic math.”
“I fear for future generations of Austin children,” you said, Jensen biting his bottom lip as he tickled you. “Okay sick boy. You get better and then we can have all the tickle fights you want.”
“It’s our honeymoon and you want me to keep my hands off of you?” he asked, holding a hand to his chest.
“You’re a shitty actor,” you said.
“Am not,” he teased, standing up. “I was an actor, little missy.”
“I thought it was Mrs. Ackles,” you said, flashing a wink. “You were an actor for like two seconds.”
“Well I figured I’d be the smart one that went to school to support us when we both crashed and burned. I didn’t realize I’d marry the star of the longest running sci fi show ever,” he said.
“Most episodes ever,” you said. “Gah, I was barely 18 when the show started. I’m so old now.”
“How do you think I feel,” he said. “Still waiting for that guest star spot as some hideous monster for you to gank.”
“So you’ll be going as yourself?” you said, barely dodging a pillow being thrown in your direction.
“Keep it up, Ackles. You’re done for once I beat this cold,” he said, walking to the door.
“Where are you going?” you asked.
“To figure out if this castle sells orange juice in the shop downstairs,” he said, pausing as he opened it. “Add that to the list of things I never thought I’d say in my life.”
“You stay in bed and I’ll go find something for you,” you said rolling off the soft mattress and guiding him back over.
“I’m fine,” he said as you sat him down and peeled off his boots.
“You remember that in sickness and in health part of the wedding?” you said.
“I will give you a day and a half to get me better but after that, we’re having fun.”
Two Days Later
“Good evening. You appear to be feeling better, Mr. Ackles,” said the waiter at the restaurant.
“I have a very good nurse,” said Jensen. “I am definitely getting that steak again. I think it’s got some magic healing thing going on.”
“You can’t have steak three days in a row,” you said. “This is a renowned restaurant. Try something else.”
“Well what are you getting?” he asked.
“Steak. Medium please,” you said, Jensen raising an eyebrow. “You know I don’t listen to my own advice.”
“I can’t believe I married you,” he groaned with a smile. “Make that two steaks and a bottle of red please. Whatever you think would go best.”
“And a pair of whiskey neats for the Ackles…that’ll be right out,” he said as he headed back towards the kitchen.
“He so gets us,” you said, Jensen smiling like he was going to make a joke but simply letting a small flush fall over his face. “Honey?”
“You’re so beautiful,” he said, more to himself than to you, lost in his own little world for a moment. You saw him notice your stare, ducking his eyes down for a second, lifting them back up like he did on your first date.
“Four years together and you still get nervous,” you said.
“You don’t?” he asked.
“I didn’t say that,” you said.
“Still got the hots for me?” he asked, giving you a devilish smile.
“I married a dork,” you said.
“Yes you did. Too late to change that now,” he said.
“At least you’re a cute dork,” you said, grabbing his hand across the table.
“Adorable dork,” he said before taking a deep breath. “I should have married you years ago.”
“I’m sort of glad you didn’t,” you said. “You were my best friend years before my boyfriend, fiance, husband…we didn’t have to rush.”
“We could go make a pillow fort in our room if you want,” he said. “Before we work on that baby making.”
“Pillow fort yes, baby making…” you said, tilting your hand back and forth.
“Practice?” he said, nodding when you did. “Yeah, we should definitely get in as much practice as we can just to be safe.”
“You can never have too much practice,” you said.
“I say we have a great dinner, go hop in that fancy shower, get in some practice, room service some dessert, more practice and then sleep in that wonderful bed until we take our handy dandy map and explore the castle tomorrow,” he said.
“Sounds great,” you said.
“Good cause supposedly…part of the castle is haunted and I figured we should totally check that out tomorrow night,” he said. “I got my very own hunter to take care of ‘em for me.”
“We are not going ghost hunting,” you deadpanned.
“I’ll only scare you like twice. Max,” he said.
“I’m going to regret this,” you said, nodding your head anyways. “Fine but don’t scare me too much.”
“You’re going to try to scare me now, aren’t you,” he said, watching your smile grow dark.
“Never,” you said.
“Uh huh,” he said. “Want to dance while we wait for our food, Mrs. Ackles?”
“Of course, Mr. Ackles.”
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With You By My Side - Seven
A/N: I am now finished writing this series. There will be in all ten parts, and I will try and post every day, but I make no promises. Thank you to everyone that has liked, reblogged or commented on this series. I loved writing it, and it keeps me motivated to read all of your kind words. Special thanks to my beta @thorne93.
Characters: Jensen x Reader. Jared x Genevive
Warnings: This is pure fluff.. All the way. I got cavities writing this.
Wordcount: 2731
Catch up HERE
*not my GIF*
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“What?” you whispered in disbelief.
“Marry me..” he repeated a little more confident this time.
“We can't get married, Jay!” you exclaimed, shooting out of the bed. “I can't make any plans for the future when I don't know how long it’ll be. I can be gone within a year.” You paced the floor, running a hand through your hair.
“All I know is that I want to be with you, for as long as I can. I don't want to waste anymore time (YN), I want you, and I have wanted you for years now. Take this leap with me,” he pleaded, placing two strong hands on your shoulders, making you look into those emerald orbs of his. Before you could say anything he was down on one knee in front of you, looking up at you. “I love you, more than I ever thought possible. You are an amazing woman (YN), and you make me a better man. You have been there to support, encourage and motivate me for years, and you always manage to put a smile on my face. Will you (YN) (YLN) make me the luckiest man in the world and spend the rest of your life with me?” he finished with a smile.
“Are you really serious about this?” you asked carefully.
“Then, Mr. Ackles, I would be a fool to turn you down.” you said with a wide grin.
Jensen got to his feet and wrapped his arms around you and lifted you from the ground to spin you around a couple of times before he sat you back down, kissing you deeply. Never in a million years had you imagined that you could be this happy, especially considering the circumstances.
“But you know, if this thing in Germany works, you'll be stuck with me for life,” you teased.
“Nothing would make me happier,” he said, leaning down to kiss you again, deep and passionately.
The next couple of weeks flew by. You had talked to the clinic in Germany and had Dr. Hansen send over all your files, there had been quite a few calls back and forth, but you were now ready to go and get your first treatment.
The doctor assigned to you, Dr. Bauer, seemed like a nice man. He had sent you all the information you needed as well as walked you through the treatment step by step. This first time was a little more extensive than the other treatments would be since you had to insert a new access port in your thigh, which would be done on day one along with some PET scans and MRI’s. The chemotherapy itself would take three days, which was what you were used to, but for this you had to stay in bed at the clinic all three days. The side effects were minimal since this kind of treatment were designed to attack only the cancer cells and not your entire body. Although he sounded very positive he made sure to remind you that this is still experimental and that you shouldn't get your hopes up too much, but they would know after just a month if it would work or not.
You and Jensen arrived in a cab from the airport at the Hufeland clinic early monday morning. It was a modern looking building almost in the middle of nowhere with great nature surrounding it. The sun was shining down on the beautiful garden in front of the main building, the area so quiet that you could hear the bees buzzing from flower to flower.
Jensen squeezed your hand as you followed a friendly nurse, first into the room that would be yours and then to meet with Dr. Bauer before you got prepped for surgery.
It was five long days in in the Hufeland clinic before you were allowed to go home, or maybe it just felt long because you knew what was waiting for you back home.
Because of your situation you and Jensen had decided to get married as soon as possible, with as little fuss as possible. The two of you had found this small, beautiful church just outside of Austin where you were gonna get married the day after you returned from Germany. Things were happening so fast your head was spinning, but you wanted this, you wanted to marry Jensen and you wanted it to be only yours and his, no big wedding party, no public announcement, just you and him.
Jared and Gen were the only two people who knew about this. Jared was Jensen's best man, and Gen was your matron of honor.
“How are you doing?” Gen asked as you stood behind a little partition wall to put your wedding dress on, she had already helped you with your hair and makeup.
“I'm a little nervous,” you chuckled. “But I'm also excited to marry the man of my dreams.” You stepped out from behind the partition. “Can you help me with the zipper?”
You turned around so that you could look in the mirror as she helped you. It was a simple white dress, not a typical wedding dress, but it still made you feel like a princess. It had a straight cut neckline and a deep v in the back, the dress hugged your feminine forms nicely and you were surprised at how confident you felt in it. You had gotten a bra made to fit the dress so no straps were showing and you couldn't have been happier about the result. Since the breast removal surgery you hadn't really felt comfortable in any dress, opting instead to hide under large t-shirts, but right now you felt more beautiful than you ever had before.
“You look so beautiful, (YN),” Gen said, her eyes swimming with tears.
“Thank you, Gen. And thank you so much for everything you and Jared are doing for us,” you said turning to face her.
“I almost forgot.” Gen turned around and started digging through her purse. “This is the garter I wore at my wedding, I thought it could be your something old, something borrowed and something blue.” she said, handing you the blue garter. “Tom and Shep also got you a little wedding present, and if you want, it can be your something new.”
Gen handed you a little velvet jewelry box. Inside was a bracelet made from those little plastic beads, made in pink and blue hearts. You took the little note that was curled up inside and read it out loud. “To our favorite aunt, we love you so much because you always make us laugh and you give us candy when mommy and daddy says no.” There was no use trying to hold the tears back any longer. You loved those two little boys and it just now hit you that you might never get to see them grow up.
“I wrote it, but they were very specific about what they wanted the note to say,” Gen explained before you pulled her into a tight hug.
You slipped on the garter that Gen had given you and the bracelet from the boys, took one last look in the mirror and then headed down stairs to where Jensen was waiting for you.
The organ started playing and Jensen had his full attention on the door he knew you would appear in any minute now, his heart pounding in his chest, his palms sweaty and the butterflies had gone wild in his stomach. Ever since he had learned about your cancer he had this dull ache in his heart, but today he couldn't feel it. Today was about you and him and the love that you had for each other. He needed today to be about just that. Jared gave his shoulder a reassuring squeeze just as the door opened and Gen came walking down the aisle flashing the two men a wide smile.
The music changed as you appeared in the door and Jensen’s heart stopped and his breath got caught in his throat. You had always been beautiful, but nothing could have prepared him for this. His eyes was glued to you as they filled with unshed tears, his heart finally beating again, racing in his chest while he watched you walk towards him.
The minister started talking as you joined Jensen, but none of you were paying much attention to what was being said, busy drowning in each others eyes like two lovestruck teenagers. It wasn't until Gen nudged you with the ring that you realised it was your time to talk.
“Jensen, I tried to sit down and write down my vows to you, but no matter what I put down on paper it wasn't good enough, so today I'm just going to speak from my heart,” you started, taking a deep breath before continuing. “About six years ago, you took me on a road trip, telling me you had just broken up with someone and you needed to get away for a little while. You told me then, after a few beers in that god awful hotel we stayed in, that you were tired of the dating scene. You wanted to find a girl to settle down with, someone who could be your best friend as well as your lover. I can't go back in time and pinpoint the exact moment that I fell in love with you, but that night was the night I realized that I was, and probably had been for a while. I wanted to tell you how I felt that night, I wanted to scream at you and tell you I was right here, that I wanted nothing more than to be the girl you were talking about, but I chickened out. My biggest regret will always be that I didn't tell you how I felt sooner. But I vow to you today Jensen, that I will tell you, every day for the rest of my life, how much I love you and how insanely happy you make me. You are my best friend, my rock, my hero and my lover, you are my partner in life, you are my home.” Your hands were trembling as you tried to put the wedding ring on his finger, laughing nervously to cover up your shaky voice.
Jensen took the ring from Jared before looking deep into your eyes once more. “This morning when I woke up, I had no Idea what to say to you, but after what you just told me, I have to come clean,” he started with a crooked smile. “I broke up with that girl because I realized that my heart belonged to someone else, and I took you on that road trip to tell you how completely in love I was with you, but I also chickened out. Lately I’ve been thinking about all the time we have wasted, not being together, but I also realize that even if we haven't been romantically involved we'd still been together, and there is no person I would have rather spent my time with than you. So my vow to you will be to always make you feel loved and appreciated, I will make sure you know how amazing you are. You are the love of my life (YN) and I can't wait for us to start our life together, whatever our future might look like.”
Tears cascaded down your face as you took in his words. You knew very well that your time together might be limited, but right now all that mattered was the beautiful man standing in front of you, declaring his love.
After the ceremony you went to get some pictures taken at this beautiful, secluded place along the banks of lake Austin. You had made reservations to have dinner at a romantic restaurant after that, but Gen and Jared seemed to have other plans.
“Where are we going?” you asked as Gen and Jared lead the two of you down a small road closer to the water.
“We might have taken a few liberties,” Jared said with a mischievous look on his face.
You looked at Jensen who looked just as confused as you felt, and realized he didn't have a clue what was going on either.
In a clearing underneath some tall trees a gazebo came into view, lined with small lights all around it and a table in the middle, set for four people. There was a string quartet that started playing as soon as you arrived as well as a waiter, ready to show you to your seats.
“What have you done?” you gasped in awe, your eyes wide.
“It's a wedding gift. We know you didn't want to make a big deal out of this, but we wanted to make it as memorable as possible,” Gen explained.
“If you want to have the night to yourself, you can. We totally understand if you want to be alone,” Jared continued.
You looked up at your new husband, that was just as in awe as you were. “No. We want to celebrate with our friends,” Jensen said honestly.    
You couldn't believe what your friends had put together for the two of you. The food was amazing, the gazebo beautifully decorated, and the music was calming. After dinner, Jensen lured you out on the grass to have your first dance as husband and wife.
“Have I told you how amazing you look tonight?” Jensen asked as the two of you swayed to the music.
“A couple of times, but I don't mind hearing it,” you confessed. “You don't look to bad yourself Mr. Ackles.”
“I'm happy,” he said contently.
“Beyond happy,” you agreed.
As the song neared its end, Jared came up and pricked Jensen on his shoulder, “Mind if I cut in?” Jensen nodded, gave you a quick kiss and then approached Gen to ask her for a dance. “You look beautiful today, (YN), you look happy,” he offered, his hazel eyes shining in the dim light.
“I am happy,” you said, smiling. “Thank you so much for setting this up for us, Jar, it means so much more than you will ever know.”
“Only the best for you two. I actually wanted to ask you something,” he tried wearily.
“On this, the day of my wedding?” you said with your best Don Corleone impression, which to be honest wasn't all that good.
“You’re a dork,” Jared chuckled. “I know that you and Gen have a girly day planned, and I realize that you would want to spend as much time as possible with your new husband, but I want a day too. Just you and me, hanging out and catching up. I've known you since I was 14 years old, and the thought of losing you is killing me.” Jared wasn't the type to get real like this to often, he was more the type of person to joke away things that made him uncomfortable. Having him be so honest with you took you by surprise.
“Of course, Jared. I want to spend time with you too. Just pick a date and I'll be there.”
“You sure?”
“Yes,” you exclaimed. “Jared, we've known each other for so long, and even though we don't spend as much time together as we used to, I still consider you one of my best friends. I love you, you big moose,” you said, trying to get him to understand.
“I love you too, Mrs. Ackles,” he said with a wink, quickly followed by a big hug and a peck on the cheek.
The night was perfect, so much better than you could have ever imagined. When you and Jensen got back home you were all tuckered out, your energy level not the same as it used to be.
You unlocked the door and was about to step inside when you heard Jensen yell. “NOO! STOP!” you froze in place, worried that something was wrong. Jensen walked up to you and picked you up effortlessly, carrying you over the threshold. “It's customary for a husband do carry his new wife into their home,” he said, a wide grin on his face. You couldn't help but giggle all the way up to your bedroom, laughing as he threw you onto the bed and started kissing you.
“I love you,” he said warmly.
“I love you too.”
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mlovesstories · 6 years
Adopting An Angel (RPF)
AN: Should I make this a series? Hope you like it! 
Summary: YN was adopted by Jensen and Danneel.  Adjusting to a new life is hard sometimes. 
Word count: 1461
Warnings: Online hate, low self-esteem
Jensen x Danneel, Jensen x daughter, Danneel x daughter
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“Hey, sweetheart.  How are you?”  Jensen was facetiming with his daughter.
“Hi, Jensen.  I’m okay.  Just adjusting.  It’s still new, ya know?  I wish you were here.”  
“Sure, YN.  I know.  It’s new for all of us.  But I’ll be home for hiatus soon.”
“Hiatus?”  YN didn’t know the reference.
“It’s our summer break from the show.  I won’t be back to Vancouver until mid-July.”
Jensen and Danneel had just adopted fifteen year-old YN.  She was full of life and adventure, but she was out of her element with having a structured family.  
“Yep. How’s school going?”  Jensen wanted to be there for her, but he was obligated to be in Vancouver for Supernatural.  
“It’s good for once in my life.  But technically we have like a week left. Oh, I made a friend today.”
“What’s her name?  Is she nice like someone I know?”  He winked at her.
“Very funny.  And HIS name is Skylar.”
“Umm, no.  No friends who are boys,” he stated straight-faced.  Her value just plummeted.  She didn’t want him to hate her already.  They were getting along so well.  
YN was quick to respond with, “I’m sorry.  I won’t hang out with him.  I’ll find someone-” she sputtered.
“YN, stop!  I was kidding, sweetheart.  I’m so proud of you for making friends,” Jensen smiled. “You are so strong, you know that?”  
“I don’t think so,” YN looked away from the phone.
“Hey,” Jensen got her attention, “you are.  You’re doing fine.  It’s all new, but that’s okay.”
She heard Jared in the background. “Is that YN? Let me see her,” Jared said as he took the phone from his friend. “Hey, YN!  How’s it going, darlin’?”
“Hi, Mr. Padalecki. It’s good, thank you.”
“What have I told you about the last name stuff, huh?  What did I say would happen if you called me that again?” He smirked.
“That you would tickle me until I cried,” she answered with a laugh. “I’m sorry, Jared,” YN emphasized his first name.
“There we go!  I’ll let it slide this time, shorty.”
“I ain’t short!” YN automatically responded.  “Stop calling me that, please,”  she thought she overstepped with her declaration.  “I’m so sorry.  I didn’t mean to be disrespectful.  Call me that if you want.”  YN was very timid with her new family and friends.  
“YN, if you don’t want me to, I won’t.  We’re silly in this family.  You are allowed to have a say and joke around too,” Jared affirmed her.  He knew she was trying to find her place in their world of crazy.  
“Oh. Umm, okay.  Well, I don’t mind it.  It’s okay if you call me that.  Although, for the record, I’m not short.  You’re just ginormous.”
Jared leaned back with a laugh.  “She doesn’t lie,” he told Jensen. “Okay, they are calling me to set.  Bye, shorty!”  With that, Jared left the frame of the phone.  
“Don’t mind the weird one,”  Jensen grinned at the camera as he referred to his tall co-star. YN beamed.
It was hiatus, and YN was glad to have the whole family together consistently for the first time since she became part of the Ackles clan.  She loved watching Danneel and Jensen interact with each other and the younger ones.  They spent their days at the pool, taking small trips, and hanging out as a family of six.  It was strange to be the oldest sibling, but she enjoyed it which surprised her.  The Ackles had not announced that they had adopted YN yet for her privacy, but Jensen and Danneel wanted to shout it from the rooftops.  She was such a gift to their family.  
“How are you feeling today, YN?”  Danneel asked.
“Good, I think.  I’m just not used to family stuff.”  She looked at her mom.
“Like what?” Danneel was curious.
“The laughing and goofing off.  I’ve never had that before.  You have a lot of fun,”  YN smiled. “And all the trips and outings.  That’s new.  My room is fantastic.  I never had a bed to myself.  It was always too crowded.  Now I have my own room with a bathroom.”
“I’m sure it’s different.  But is it a good different, at least?  I know it’s a lot to take in.  You can always tell us if you need to talk,” Danneel wrapped her arms around YN.  
“Oh no, it’s totally cool.  Just a kind of culture shock, I guess.  I love it though.”
“Good,”  Danneel was so glad for YN.  YN deserved some fun.  “Jensen, come here.” Jensen walked over to his girls.  “Let’s take a picture.  I want to document YN’s first summer with us.”
“Good idea, Dee. Here, I have my phone.  Let’s get the pool in the background.  It’s a good backdrop,” he nudged YN playfully, and she giggled. “One, two, three.”  He clicked the shutter button on his phone.  “Can I send this to Grandma and Grandpa?  They can’t wait to meet you next week when we go to Dallas.”
“Okay.  They seem nice.  Well, they should be.  I’m sure you got that from them anyway,” YN said quietly.
“They will absolutely love you.”
“You can post it.  If you want,” YN knew they were waiting for her approval to tell anyone outside of their families about their new addition. She understood that there would be a large reaction because of who her parents were.  After all, she was part of the SPN Family before she was part of the Ackles Family.  
“Post it?”  Jensen and Danneel each raised a brow questioning YN.
“On instagram.”  YN was nervous, but she knew it would happen eventually anyway.  “It’s okay if people know.”
“Are you sure, sweetie?  We don’t owe anyone anything on social media.  It’s just a fun way to interact with friends and fans, but we don’t need to,” Danneel soothed her daughter as she rubbed YN’s arm.
“No, it’s fine, really.  I mean, I’ve been with you for a couple of months, Dee.  I’ll be alright.”
As they talked, Danneel and Jensen asked YN what she was comfortable with them posting about her.  She wanted them to say that she was theirs, officially.  YN could publicly claim to have a real family.  She was excited.  
Both Jensen and Danneel posted a few pictures of YN interacting with the other Ackles family members.  They were so happy to tell about their beautiful daughter.  
Most of the fans were ecstatic for the family.  Unfortunately, there were those who made heartless comments which were completely unnecessary.  
“How could they choose her?  She doesn’t look like them.”
“She’ll never fit in with them, she’s a different nationality.”
“She ruined a perfect family.”
Jensen saw that most of the comments were positive, but he knew that if YN saw the negative ones, her confidence in herself and her new family would be crushed.  They were too late.  She logged on and saw the hate comments and messages that she received personally since her parents tagged her in their posts.  They heard a shriek and turned around.  As they did, she ran through the house and up the stairs to her room.  
“Dammit.”  Jensen guessed what happened and followed his daughter.  He knocked on her door after a few minutes.  She didn’t answer, so he slowly opened the door.  “Sweetheart-”
“I’m not anyone’s sweetheart, Jensen.  I’m ugly, and I don’t belong with your family.  I’m so sorry I ruined it,” she cried.  He hugged her until she stopped her sobs.
“Who said those hateful things, YN?” He pulled her away from his chest so that she could read his serious face.
“You’re right.  People that we don’t know.  Their opinions don’t matter even though it feels like they should.  It isn’t easy to ignore, I know that.  But I hope you give us a chance to show you that you aren’t any less valuable than the rest of us.  We are all part of this family.  Dee, me, JJ, the twins, and you.  We are a family.  Those people are not us.  Have we made those comments to you?”
“No, sir,”  she wiped a tear away.
“You’re right.  We haven’t because those statements aren’t true.  We love you so much.  We don’t care that you have a different color skin than we do.  You should be proud because that’s part of who you are.  Maybe you do look different on the outside, but the color of your heart is the same as ours.  That’s all Dee and I care about.”
“Are you sure?  I can go back to-”
“Hell no.  You aren’t going anywhere.  You are ours now.  You’re MY daughter, not the haters’.  Please remember that.”
“Okay,”  YN gave a small smile and leaned into her dad again.  “Thanks, Dad.” 
She called me Dad!
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