#but my body is warming up and the flowers and bees are out and things are Growing!!!!!
youngchronicpain · 1 year
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I started a homemade soda with foraged spiderwort blossoms today!
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jarofstyles · 3 months
Flower 2
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Okay so I really love these babies so I think I'm gonna do 3-5 parts! I'm loving the tension hehe. Let me know your thoughts!
Flower Masterlist
Check out our Patreon for early access and 180+ exclusive writings
Warnings- mention of age gap romance, mention of bdsm, mention of bad sexual experiences, loads of sexual tension, low-key sugar daddy h, trust me
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Sleep didn’t come too easily for her, but she felt absolutely wired when she woke up. Her coffee only made it worse as she wrapped herself up in the dark wash denim jacket she’d borrowed from Harry when he drove her home a few weeks back. His truck pulled into the driveway and she was grabbing her tote bag and phone, making sure to lock up before turning to face him. 
There was a weird expression on his face- something she couldn’t place. It wasn’t quite angry or mad, but it was a little darker as his eyes ran over her face and then body. He remained quiet until she got down her porch steps. “S’that… my jacket?” He asked lowly. The tone was strange to her as he stepped closer, tugging on the collar of it. 
“Yeah, it’s really cute and I figured I could wear it around today and give it back to you at the end. Is that… is that okay?” She worried her brows. “I can take it off now if you want to wear-“
“No.” He cut her off. “No, it’s totally fine. It just… it looks really good on you, is all.” He mumbled, squeezing her shoulder. “You look beautiful, as always.” His compliment was genuine, feeling his finger tap her nose, making her crinkle it. “Put the shiny stuff on it again? Your fairy sparkle?” 
Y/N laughed out loud at his nickname for her highlight on her cheeks and the tip of her nose. “Mhm. I got a new pink one, think it suits me.” And maybe she’d been a lot more meticulous about her makeup now that she had a feeling this may be a more-than-friends situation. “I really like this look.” It was a tease, considering he wore the same thing off duty. Jeans and some sort of tee shirt with a quirky phrase or obscure musician on them. Today’s was relatively tame with a bee surrounded by some words about honey and health. Cute. “I actually like the tee today. A bit muscle-y.” His arms looked real fucking nice in this one. Of course he would have some considering he worked with his hands and was a pretty physical person but… damn. She allowed herself to admire it, respectfully. 
It wasn’t something she’d caught before but a slight pink brushed his cheeks at her compliment. “Thanks, petal.” He smiled. “I… I got us some coffee, got your favorite. It’s only half an hour away but I figured….”
“You know I love coffee. You’re the best, as usual.” She sighed, leaning into him to have a hug. It wasn’t usual for her to do it first but he reacted quickly, pulling her close as he rubbed her back, content to keep her there forever. He was never the first to pull back from a hug, but Y/N would happily stay like this for hours  if the option was there. He smelled good, was so warm and sturdy and he knew exactly how to play with hair. Unfortunately she did have to pull back, shooting him a shy smile as he took her by the shoulder to the car. 
Of course he opened the door for her, made she she was in properly before jogging to his own side. He ever did the whole hand on the back of the seat while backing out move, which… wow. It never missed. The weirdest turn on, but something about it just elevated a man. 
His car smelled ridiculously good, and judging by the little clips on his air vents, he had just changed them. He had a few lanyards for access to work yards and membership cards to certain stores, but no fun little fuzzy dice, or a air freshener with a kitty on it like she had. There and then, she took a mental note to get him one. Maybe a puppy one, though. His German shepherd was his best friend.
“Are you getting any books?” She asked him after a little time passed. The chatter had been casual so far, easy. The tension she felt since last night wasn’t bad in the car if she continued topic switching and slight gossip. 
“Mm, I dunno. I haven’t done much reading lately. What are you gonna get?” He questioned, sneaking a peek at her as they stopped at a red light. 
“Probably romance. I’ve been most interested in that. I’ve seen some good book recommendations online and the girls sent me some, Gia and I wanted to do a book club thing for one of the books by our favorite author. It’s a bad boy romance but it’s called Reaper.” She figured he’d have no idea what that was, but she watched his brow raise as he gave her a look. 
“Well… you do have a naughty side, don’t you?” He snickered, watching her eyes widen. “Think m’clueless? Just because I don’t read a lot doesn’t mean my ears don’t work. Tony told me his wife was reading that and it’s full of sex. Basically erotica.” He licked his lip, looking her over. 
“Oh- well, yes there’s sex but there’s plot to! Just because a book has sex doesn’t mean it isn’t good!”’she crossed her arms, huffing at him. It was a bit to rile him up a bit considering he was doing it to her and it worked. She watched his mouth open and close before rushing out an explanation. 
“No! No, m’not saying that. It’s not bad at all. It’s empowering, but uh, I was just saying I didn’t expect you to read books like that.” He had to pull away as the light turned green but he looked a little stressed that he offended her. 
“I’m joking, H. I know you didn’t mean it like that.” She snickered, watching his face turn to a bit to a scowl. “What, you thought I’m a nun or something? Just cause I’m not spilling all my stories at the table doesn’t mean I don’t have them.” She knew a lot of the group was very open about their sexual experience which was more than fine with her. Y/N was nosy and loved knowing other people's business, But in her life she didn’t share sex related things. It was private, for her and her partners. She didn’t want to betray their trust either, regardless of the terms they were on. 
“I….” His face was more pink now, hands flexing around the wheel as he cleared his throat. “I just thought maybe you didn’t care as much about it. Which is fine, by the way! It’s cool. I just wasn’t sure you cared too much. You never talk about it when we have our confession nights so I… I was being a bit presumptuous. I’m sorry. It just shocked me a little.” 
It was funny to make him squirm a bit but he didn’t need to feel bad. “It’s fine. Promise. No one really asks anyway, so I don’t offer it up first. I’m usually private about it because some of our friends are loud mouths but you can ask me stuff if you want. Maybe after we get our books you can ask me whatever questions come up.” She knew there would be plenty based on his face alone. 
“Really?” He seemed surprised. “Yeah, sure. I mean, I’m not trying to be weird or anything but you know about the time I called someone by the wrong name and the girl who put her tongue in my ear so….” He shrugged one shoulder. 
“Oh, god.” Her giggle was muffled by her hand. He had shared some of his horror stories and she’d found out he was a bit of a bondage fan and dabbled in kinky stuff but until now that info had been locked away in her brain under padlock and key. Suddenly someone had taken nippers to the lock and it was spilling out again, staining the floor. “Yeah… I suppose that is fair.” Angling her knees towards her, she stirred her coffee with the straw. “I think the worst thing that’s happened to me… hm. Probably the time I went home with a guy after a few dates in college and his place was really gross, but he was even more so. Like…” her nose scrunched. “Took his pants off and there was a smell coming from them. I couldn’t do it.” 
“Oh, fuck.” He hissed, wincing at the thought. That was pretty much a nightmare situation. Harry always smelled good and never seemed to be anything but hygienic so she knew he gave a shit about it but still. No one wanted to think of that. “That’s… unfortunate for both of you. Was he embarrassed? How did you get out of it?” 
“He wasn’t, is the thing. Said ‘girls should like a natural musk’ and I told him that it wasn’t a musk, it was a stench. He wasn’t happy with that so he didn’t refuse when I left. I had to take a long shower after that.” Shuddering in disgust, she hated recalling that. “At first I felt really guilty too, cause that’s such a hard thing… but he ended up being such a dick. It was surprising considering he had been sweet on the dates but apparently men change a lot in the bedroom.” That was an understatement. 
“I can agree with that, but I’d hope it’s a positive change.” He shook his head at the thought. “Like, sweet in the streets and freak in the sheets or whatever the saying is.” 
A laugh peeled from her throat, leaning her head against the headrest with her face turned towards him. “Yeah, close enough. But ideally they would be. I dunno, you don’t have to be crazy to be good in the bedroom but I’d hope for the same level of respect. Some men have no idea how to actually handle women so it’s partly why I stopped dating.” And why she had stayed up looking at his Instagram last night and thinking about how she’d look inserted in his life. Harry seemed like a man who could potentially handle her. 
“I wish I could disagree but I can’t. I’ve heard many horror stories from girls, way more traumatizing than men. It’s why…” he stopped himself. “Sorry, was gonna overshare. But I can only imagine how it is and if it’s any consolation, I’m sorry for all the men.” 
God, he was cute.  But… wait. 
“No no, you can definitely  overshare.” She perked up. “If you want to, anyway. I don’t mind.” Blinking at him, he cut a look at her and let out a laugh as he lifted a hand to run it over his chin, the slight sound of skin scratching stubble audible in the cab of his truck. 
“Well, I was gonna say it’s why I try t’be aware of that when I’m with someone that their comfort is first. If there’s anything they don’t like they can say it, that m’not gonna be mad. I don’t want someone to walk away from something with me and feel uncomfortable.” Seeing him a little shy was really fucking adorable. “I don’t really do hookups anymore. They’re not fulfilling, at least not to me. Lost their appeal a few years ago but, the few relationships I’ve been in the whole goal was to make them feel good. I think there’s a lot of selfishness that’s mainly revolved around men and sex, which I noticed a lot. The fact that a lot of women aren’t getting off at all is fucking ridiculous.” He scoffed, looking truly bothered by it. 
Another point added to his growing list. 
“Yeah, it is. It was rare I could because for me, and I think a good amount of women, there needs to be the foreplay aspect of it. Mentally, I need to be stimulated. Y’know, like teasing or not so clean talking.”
It was her turn to feel a little shy but she powered through. “And men can dive right in. It’s where we differ a lot of the time. I think part of it is biological too, I guess. I tried hooking up for a while but it never did anything for me either. I prefer someone with a connection so it’s easier to get to that point.” Now she was the one oversharing. 
“I understand that. I like those things too. A bit of cat and mouse can be fun…” he pushed his hair back before returning his hands to the wheel, squeezing it. “It’s laziness and selfishness. I’d say for me personally, M’more of a giver. Not saying it to praise myself or anything but it’s just… it’s what I like.” There was a pause. “Sorry if that’s a bit much.”
No, it wasn’t enough. She wanted to know more. Her neglected cunt was more than interested in how he was in bed and if he’d like to be a giver for her, but she had to at least try to behave. 
“It’s not. We’re just being honest, right?” She placed a hand on his knee, giving a daring squeeze and let it linger for a few moments before peeling it away. Again, testing the waters of initiating touch. Once she’d realized last night that she hadn’t shown her own interest much she had vowed to at least try today to see how he'd respond.
In this instance his smile grew and he couldn’t look right at her, but he nodded at what she’d said. “Yeah. I jus’ don’t want to seem like some creep. But uh, what other sort of books do you like? Romance, yeah, but what sort of tropes?” He did know some of those. 
“Oh, I’m pretty adventurous.” A double meaning. “I like the grumpy and sunshine ones, the billionaire romances, mafia is a guilty pleasure. Meet cute is something else I enjoy for a light read. I dunno, I think I mainly go for what the summary calls to me for. I do read some darker stuff but it’s nice to have a little fantasy world to escape to. And the fantasy men know how to find a clit.” Throwing the joke in there was meant to diffuse some of tension but somehow it seemed to make it grow. 
Not in a bad way, per say, but he looked at her curiously. “Don’t tell me that all of them couldn’t….”
“No, no. Some of them did, but majority no. They rub the side and think they’re doing something. But I’ve never faked it, I refuse to give a man an ego boost for something he didn’t do.”
“Good on ya, petal. S’bullshit that they get off and you don’t.” He genuinely seemed bothered by it. “Buncha pricks is what they are.” 
“They are.” She snickered. “But I’ll let you read some of the blurbs for the books I pick out today, you can get a read on what sorta books I like.” It was yet again, another way to experiment. 
“I’m very intrigued to see what you’re into.” 
Y/N hopes that held a double meaning too. 
Harry was hovering a bit. 
Normally that would annoy her. She’d huff and tell him to sit in the cafe, or go look at his own books- but she hoped that it was because he was paying attention to what she picked up. 
Plus, he was holding the basket for her. 
The store was earthy and rustic, exposed wooden beams running along the ceilings. There was a little cafe that served teas and coffees which she definitely planned on getting after her shopping, and from her nosy look over when Harry greeted the owner she had seen a blueberry scone. That would be coming home with her too. 
The shelves were high and they had multiple different sections. It was far bigger than any indie bookstore she had been to in the past , and that lead her to quickly realize quickly she was going to make a monthly trek out here. Maybe Harry would be interested in joining her in them. 
Maybe he’d be interested in doing a lot more with her. 
“I’m almost done.” She promised, plopping a used copy of a vacation town romance into the basket. It had to be a little heavy but Harry didn’t complain. It didn’t even look like the weight bothered him, the basket hanging off his arm. They’d stuck mostly to the used section considering they were far cheaper, but she was ready to go for the new ones now. 
So what if she took a little bit out of her savings for this? She deserved a little treat for once. 
“There’s no rush, Flower.” He assured her, following closely behind her as she moved towards the new books. “I was wondering if….” There was a pause as she looked up at him. It seemed to make his brain buffer for a moment, his eyes looking over her face before he blinked out of the stare. “Uh, it you wanted to have lunch or something after?”
Why was he so cute, and why did he look so nervous? Maybe Y/N wasn’t giving the signals she needed to. That would be her own fault, but it was hard to flirt when she was as serious as she was about her books. 
“On the condition that the iced mocha with a pump of caramel and the blueberry scone I get for the car ride doesn’t count as lunch, yes. I would very much enjoy that.” She chirped, watching the nerves melt off of his face. It was mind boggling that her of all people could cause him to be nervous in the slightest but you learned something new every day. 
“I’ll agree, because that’s more suitable for a dessert.” He drawled. Harry did like to tease her about her sweet tooth which always made her roll her eyes. So what if a girl liked to have a brownie with each meal? Life is nothing but spinning on an orb in space. You may as well enjoy the creature comforts. 
“If that’s your dessert I don’t think you’ve had a true one in a while.” The flirtation was light, testing the waters as she looked over the book covers. His eyes could be felt on the side of her face as he was quiet for a moment before letting out a little laugh. 
“Suppose I haven’t. You’re right. Maybe I’ll need to try yours and see what you mean.”
And oh. Oh. She did everything in her power not to react besides a little smirk, though she could feel the heat radiating off her cheeks. Harry could most defintely try her dessert whenever the fuck he wanted. 
“Should you be so lucky.” Was her slightly snarky reply, but he followed it up quite quickly. 
“One could only hope, Petal.” 
And yeah, maybe she felt her new heartbeat between her thighs as the newly heavier silence settled on them like oil in water, but it wasn’t necessarily bad. The anticipation was in her stomach as he got a bit closer, looking over her shoulder at the book she had picked up and was currently reading the back of. 
“What’s this one?” He asked, so close that she could feel the heat of his body against her back. 
“It’s called The Highest Bidder. It’s about… a girl who goes on an auction block at a BDSM club, he is one of the owners? Well he’s one of the richest. Anyways, I saw someone recommend it saying it has sugar daddy vibes and there’s some juicy stuff in it.” Y/N explained, taking the moment to lean back into him as she held the back cover for him to read. 
If he was surprised he didn’t show it. Instead, his hand came up to rest on her shoulder, pinky finger nearly grazing the side of her neck as he looked over to read. Such a casual touch of affection, but he seemed to like it. “And you’re gonna get this one?” It was a bit weirdly arousing feeling the vibrations of his words through his chest and onto her back. 
“I think so. I haven’t read an age gap for a while. Just hope the sex scenes aren’t shit. It’s hard to tell with books sometimes, even if they’re more kinky oddly enough. I’ve seen books that have the best summaries and seem super steamy have a two pump sex scene- or fade to black. Which, you know, is fine. Not all books need to have that, but what’s the point of making the book seem like it then?” She muttered. Clearly she had been victim to it a time or two.  “Then the authors get mad about low goodreads reviews. It’s like, cmon! Don’t mislead the readers about the book then.” 
It was something the woman did get passionate about when provoked, but Harry had opened that can of worms in the car when he had given his go ahead that he didn’t mind discussing things like this with her. 
“Mm. I see.” He nodded and she swore she could hear the smile in his voice. “Show me the others you want to get.” 
Y/N felt increasingly more comfortable as she went through the next five books, letting him read the back covers and giving him the low-down about what she had heard about them. Each time they moved their position would go back to where it was, with his hand on her shoulder and her back leaned into him, only he had gotten a little braver with running his smallest finger back and forth over the side of her neck. 
It nearly made her choke when she first felt it. She definitely stuttered when he did it, but she didn’t comment on how the little action felt incredibly intimate and soft, yet charged with an unspoken sexual energy that would probably kill her if she thought about it too long. Harry was being casual about it, but he always had been. He’d been the first to initiate most touches with her that Gia said were abnormal. Of course he didn’t start off their friendship by being super grabby and touchy but it had morphed into that, and it definitely did take him by surprise when she had initiated last night and again today. Kind of like she was reinforcing that it was more than okay to touch. 
“Are you sure you’re done?” He asked after placing her final book in the basket. Y/N felt like if she didn’t stop this weird, hot position of him asking questions about the books earnestly and his chaste-yet-sexy touches she may bend over the book table and get inappropriate really fucking fast. 
“Mhm.” She assured him. “Please, I’m gonna have to dip into the rainy day fund to afford all the stuff from today but it’ll be so worth it.” The sun shone through the windows and highlighted his features which, god, had her testing her own willpower. Of course she was far too shy to be super direct with him verbally, but she didn’t hide the fact that she was admiring him. 
Considering she had already been successful in her little experiments today, she saw the lock of hair that had flopped over his forehead and decided to push it back. Letting her fingers card through his hair, she pushed the strands out of his face and back into place. If she hadn’t been looking so intently she wouldn’t have seen the shiver he had from the action. His hair was so soft and obvious that Harry took care of it, and she had never really touched it all that much but the temptation had been too much. “Sorry, it was bothering me so it must have been bothering you.” She said simply, giving him a small smile. “I’m just gonna run to the restroom quickly and then we can check out. Okay?”
“Course.” He cleared his throat, nodding his head as if the question had taken a moment to load in his head. “I’ll be by the cafe then.”
Y/N really hated that bookstores made her have to go in there but it was a right of passage. Taking care of her business took only a few minutes, but when she came out she didn’t see him at first. 
He wouldn’t just leave her, so it took her a second to realize he was leaving the counter, two bags of books hanging off his arms and two coffees in the little tray. A brown paper bag clutched crumbled in the hand he used to balance the drink tray, making her eyes widen.
“Hey! I was gonna pay for our coffees and stuff.” She pouted as he approached. “You’ll have to let me get lunch then.” Her eyes went down to the two tote bags with the store logo on them. “Ooo, that’s so nice that they gave you these to hold them in. Let me just grab my wallet and we can go to the till to-“
“Don’t worry about it.” He cut her off, shrugging a shoulder. There was a pregnant pause, her eyes blinking rapidly before her eyebrows crinkled. 
“What do you mean? I have to pay.”
“They’re paid for.” The reply was simple and matter of fact. Again, words escaped her as she looked between him and the books. 
“Did you-“
“I paid. It’s fine, Flower.”
“Uh, what?” Her eyebrows shot up as her stomach dropped. It did the weird thing that had her feeling a little lightheaded as he stood there, like he didn’t just spend probably close to two hundred on books. “No way I can accept that.”
“If I told you I got a discount for building this place will it help?”
“Harry.” She said quietly. “You…. Why?” 
“Because I’m happy you agreed t’spend the day with me.” The reply was so to the point, not hiding anything at all that it almost felt unreal. Hell, it did feel unreal because who the fuck spent two hundred on books for a friend? Granted, she had a feeling-or a hope- there was a crush in there, but it felt like a huge gesture. 
“You already do so much for me.” She swallowed the lump down her throat. “You help me at my place and you drive me home from get togethers and you buy me drinks when we go out and… I feel like it’s a lot. I surely don’t do as much for you.”
“I’d do even more if you let me.” He stared honestly, nothing but truth on his face. “So jus’ let me do this for you. I want to. It makes me happy.” 
Y/N didn’t know how to argue with that. Instead, she nodded, and reached to take the bag and coffee tray from him since he had the much heavier books. “Thank you. I could cry, probably.” That wasn’t a joke. Her eyes felt like they were stinging. 
“None of that, Petal.” He shook his head. “C’mon. I’ve got plenty of questions and you’ve got answers you promised me on the way here.” Without thinking twice, he grabbed her free hand with his own, tangling their fingers before leading her to the truck. 
Y/N had no idea how so much had changed in 24 hours,
But she had a feeling it was about to change a whole lot more.
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deliontower · 10 months
Wild flowers | s.p
pairing: Sejanus x gn!reader
summary: Sejanus finds you in the meadow
warnings: mainly fluff, small mentions of the games and some light spoilers for the movie and book
word count: 800
a/n: saw the movie a few nights ago and wow, I’m me fashion i did like the book better but the movie was still amazing and I have the old therebefore on repeat . I wrote this for my bestie because she couldn’t find Sejanus fics. This probably could be edited better
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The summer air was sweet, the flowers of the meadow had bloomed overnight, as far as the eye could see. Lily of the valley, young primeroses , deep purple violets, and dozens more you couldn’t name.
Hidden behind a massive tree, its leaves shading you from the harsh sun. This time of year in district 12 was unbearable. Only the rich could afford to keep cool, and you certainly wasn’t that.
Six days out of the week you worked in the local doctor’s. It couldn’t quite be called a hospital but it was one of the only places people could go and get medical care.
You lent back against the tree, weaving your hands through the tall grass and flowers. Bees buzzed but gave no mind to you. The day was turning out well, you had brought some fresh bakers bread and a lump of cheese, and a jug of water. Simple and delicious.
The mockingjays song hit your ears, the tune was familiar but the name escaped you. Humming along, some words came to mind.
Here it's safe, here it's warm
Here the daisies guard you from every harm
Here your dreams are sweet and tomorrow brings them true
Here is the place where I love you
Deep in the meadow, a song a local brand was known to play, you had only seen them a handful of times but the songs stuck. Like it had for the birds.
The sound of stones falling and fallen twigs snapping pulled you out of a dream and jumping to your feet, frowning in the sunlight you spotted, Sejanus Plinth.
Sejanus had been a peacekeeper once but shortly after he had found his way to the doctors, where he was training to be a medic. He rarely spoke about this life before 12 but from the times he had (and from what the doctors said) he came from a rich family in the capitol.
“You following me, Sejanus?” you asked. Your tone was serious, his whole body went still. Then you laughed. “Come sit with me then, might even share my food with you”.
In his hand he carried a brown paper bag, “then I guess you can have some of mine”. He dropped the bag in your lap, opening the bag you found cookies.
Now this was proof he was rich, the baker sold cookies but only the other merchants could afford them Sejanus went on to explain, his Ma had sent them, blushing the whole time.
The shy blushed look made you laugh, “that’s very sweet of her, she must miss you an awful lot”.
“Just as I miss her” he replied in a sad voice.
“You might see her again, learn enough and you could go back to her” you said, laying a hand over his. His hands were cold, cold hands warm heart you mama used to say.
“I don’t want to go back there” he said.
What you said next came as a surprise to even her, “I can teach you a few things, like what plants heal and where to find them”.
“You’d do that” he asked unsure.
“Of course. We don’t have many doctors here and if you’re planning on staying I’d teach you”. You stood, putting the cookies on your bag. “There’s a lake deeper in the woods, you’ll find all the best stuff there”.
He followed and stood up looking through the trees, maybe he didn’t trust you and thought you were leading him to his death.
“Hey” you touched his hand again, “keep north and you’ll find the lake then it’s south to get back, you can trust me”.
He smiled and suddenly the sun seemed dimmer, he took your hand and squeezed it ,“okay, I trust you”.
The hike took a few hours, but the sight of the lake proved it was worth it. You found a patch of herbs close by one of the old houses, it might have been someone’s garden once.
You showed him peppermint that helped with nausea, liquorice to reduce swelling, lemon balm for sleep and any others you could make without the book of herbs and flowers you had at home.
“Where did you learn all this?” He rubbed a peppermint leaf between his finger and thumb. You pick a lemon Balm inhaling the smell, smiling.
“My mama was an apothecary, always been my dream to follow in her footsteps. What about you? Do you have any dreams?”.
“To help people anyway I can”
It was so easy to talk to him, somewhere in your heart you knew he’d understand. Maybe it was his eyes, brown the colour of chocolate. Sejanus was sweet, too sweet for the world, you thought that if it rained he’d melt away like sugar.
“I have a feeling you’re gonna do wonderful things Sejanus” I smiled and he smiled back.
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sissylittlefeather · 6 months
Time for a sexy little one-shot...
The Next Step is Love
A/N: Y'all know I love to interrupt my series with smutty one-shots! This is just a fun little thing I dreamed up with my bestie @ccab. Please enjoy my picnic blanket dreams!
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI, this is a smut fest, obvi, kissing, cussing, fingering, oral sex (f and m receiving), p in v penetrative sex, unprotected sex, creampie
Word count: ~1.9k
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It's one of those perfect spring days where the sun is warm on your skin and the breeze is just cool enough to keep you from sweating. The sky is crystal blue and the clouds look like a painting. Bees, fat and dusty with pollen, hum lazily around you there on your blanket with Elvis.
You've been dating for a little over a month now and today he had the idea to go on a picnic in a field of wildflowers. He knows you well enough to know it's exactly the kind of thing you'd be into. The year is 1969 and the thing that drew him to you is your obsession with the spirituality of nature and human connection. He calls you his flower child and teases you gently, but he actually loves the way you think about things. It speaks to a part of him that goes unacknowledged by everyone else around him. So a picnic blanket in a field of wildflowers is how he shows you that he understands.
Your hair hangs around your shoulders and blows across your face when the breeze catches it. You sit with your long legs bent and tucked up under your hip. Elvis is lying down, propped up on one elbow to face you. He reaches out and tucks your hair behind your ear, running his fingertip down the side of your face gently.
There's an air of expectation between you. You've been on six dates now and you've kissed a lot, but that's as far as it's gotten. Now, you're here on this blanket under the wide sky completely alone. Still, everything is so perfect that you're both hesitant to make the first move.
You finish a monologue about your most recent yoga experience and the silence hangs heavy with anticipation.
"Lay down here with me." He pats the blanket beside himself. You rearrange so that you're on your back next to him and he puts his hand on your stomach. He leans forward and his lips find yours in a soft kiss. Three more soft kisses and you roll up onto your side to face him, the kisses intensifying. His hand moves from the side of your face down your back to your hip, where he pulls your body in close to his. You feel him hardening against you and your center responds as his tongue dips hungrily into your mouth. He moves his hand down to your thigh and slides it up under your sundress, grabbing a handful of your ass. Pulling back from the kiss, he looks into your eyes to make sure this is okay. When you don't object, his hand continues to roam over your body making his way up to your breast where it's nestled under your dress. He's pleased to discover that you aren't wearing a bra and his thumb grazes your nipple gently. He presses his lips to the supple skin of your breast and sighs. You know he's ready for the next step and so are you.
His eyes meet yours and a smile plays across your mouth as if you're letting him know you're ready. He returns the smile and presses his lips to yours affectionately. Then, you sit up and lift your dress over your head, so that you're there in front of him in nothing but your panties. He looks down over your body in adoration.
"Damn, baby." He almost whispers it as he takes in every little part of you. After a few seconds, he moves his lips down and finds your nipple. He sucks it into his mouth and lets his tongue flick against it. You moan softly at the sensation of his warm mouth on you. He kisses back up to your collarbone while his hand gently caresses your breast. His mouth moves back to yours where he kisses you deeply, his thumb still circling your nipple. Your hand is in his hair and you drag it down his body to tug at his shirt. He sits up and pulls it over his head and off. You run your palms along his shoulders to the hair on his chest and down to the top of his waistband. His cock is fully erect and stretching the fabric of his shorts. You begin to move down his body with hot kisses, pressing your lips to his chest and stomach until you reach the place just below his bellybutton. You slide both hands under the back of his shorts to grab his ass and press your hips into him. Then, you pull them down his legs and off, cock bouncing free, and he whimpers. As you make your way back up his body, you palm his dick and begin to slowly pump him with your hand. He grunts and closes his eyes, rolling onto his back. After a few seconds, you hold him by his shaft and put your mouth around the tip of him. His hands immediately go to your hair.
"Oh, fuck, honey, god that's good." His hips buck into your mouth and you open your throat and push him as deeply as he'll go, pressing your nose into the soft patch of hair at the base of him. You drag your tongue up the bottom of his shaft and then pull his foreskin back, revealing the pink head of his dick. You lick a circle around it and he groans. His hand moves to your center and he feels how wet your panties are. This turns him on even more and he moves them out of the way to slide a finger into you.
"That's a good girl. So wet for me, baby." You moan as you bounce your mouth up and down on his cock. He moves his finger faster, pulling it out to make circles on your clit and then adding a second finger to push inside you. You take him fully into your throat again and he lets out a guttural groan. He pulls his fingers out of you and slaps your ass gently.
"Lay back down, baby, I wanna make you feel good before I cum." You nod and obey, releasing his dick from your grasp and settling yourself on the blanket. Removing your panties quickly, he runs his hands up your body and then rolls on top of you to tease your clit with his tip for a bit. But he doesn't push into you, not yet. First, he moves down your torso with gentle kisses and soft nips. When he gets your hip, he sucks on your skin hard enough to leave a mark and you whimper. You know he's branding you as his, and you're not complaining. Once he's finished with the mark, he kisses over to your center and runs his tongue up your slit, blowing gently on your clit before pressing his tongue to you. He moves up each side and then drags his tongue across your clit, picking up a swift pace of licking over and around your sensitive bud. Pleasure like waves of warm sunlight crashes over your body as he works between your legs. You feel the hair on his cheeks tickling your thighs as he moves his mouth on you passionately. You've never been with a man who chases your climax so enthusiastically. He slides two fingers into your pussy and pumps them in and out as he licks you desperately. You feel the coil of your orgasm tighten in your belly and your walls flutter as it approaches. He flattens his tongue and drags it up and then side to side over your clit. You're dancing on the edge of ecstatic release and he knows it.
"Let go, baby." He says quietly into you. And then you do. Your orgasm bursts through you and you cum harder than you ever have there under the wide open sky.
"Oh, god, yes Elvis!" You moan, his name tumbling out of you without your control. He continues to stimulate you as you ride out your high, running your fingers through his hair and grinding into his mouth. When you finally do come down, he pulls back and wipes his face with his hand.
"That might be the best pussy I've ever tasted." He laughs quietly as you push him onto his back on the blanket. You straddle his hips and he holds his cock straight as you lower yourself onto him. As he slides inside, you both moan together with the sensation of your tightness stretching around his size. When you settle with him fully pushed into you, you have the thought that you never want to be without this feeling. You lean forward onto his chest and begin to lift your hips and drop them rhythmically. His cock slides in and out of you with each thrust of your hips and it feels so good you could scream. You let out a little half cry as he begins to pump into you from underneath and he whispers.
"You can be loud, honey. Who's going to hear you? The bees?" You sit up a little and look into his eyes, realizing he's right. You're the only two around for miles. It's just you and him and the sky and the flowers brushing the edges of your blanket. He holds your hips and pounds into you vigorously and you cry out with each thrust.
"Yes! Fuck! Elvis! Yes!" He smiles as the sweat gathers on his chest.
"That's it baby. You're takin' me so well. I love this little pussy." His hips meet yours over and over as he slams into you. He grabs the back of your hair and pulls you down to kiss him as he keeps fucking into you.
"'M gonna cum so hard. You want it inside you, baby? You wanna feel daddy fill you up?"
"Yes, god, yes please!" He kisses you hard again and then shudders his hips into yours. You feel him pulse and shoot his release into you. He pumps weakly a few more times and then relaxes underneath you as you lay on his chest. He tucks one hand up under his head and the other around you to make lazy circles on your back. When he talks, you hear his voice in his chest where you have your ear pressed to him.
"Baby, that was incredible."
"It really was." You lift your head and look up at him.
"I need to tell you somethin' and I don't want you to go flippin' out on me. Okay?"
"Okay." You breathe deeply, afraid of what might be coming next. He brings his hand up to cup your cheek.
"I'm in love with you. I've thought I might be for a while, but this today just proved it to me. And I know it's quick, but we're connected somehow. I'm not crazy, right?" His eyebrows go together and you can tell he's starting to doubt himself.
"You're not crazy. I feel it too. The universe brought us together. And you know I don't argue with the wisdom of the universe."
"Of course you don't, flower child. It's one of a thousand reasons I love you." He pulls your lips to his and kisses you deeply.
You spend the rest of the afternoon naked together on the blanket, just you and him and the love that binds you together under the crystal sky. It may not be forever, but it's right now, and that's enough for both of you.
The End
@ccab @elvisfatass @elvisalltheway101 @aliypop @18lkpeters @dkayfixates @tacozebra051 @your-nanas-house @deniseinmn @joshuntildawn13 @lookingforrainbows @60svintage @littlehoneyposts @epthedream69 @louisejoy86 @rjmartin11 @from-memphis-with-love @deltafalax
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jasminumdew · 2 months
Say you remember me (Part 1)
John Price x reader
Words: 1,1k
Summary: The first time you see John, it triggers a terrifying vision and a gut-wrenching feeling you can’t brush off. But the pull of your heart towards him is too tempting to ignore. Especially when he looks at you so tenderly like he’d known you before.
Warnings: large age gap (John: 39, reader: 20), angst?, next life, reincarnation, death, probably bad English (I’m so sorry)
Notes: hi :3 I want to improve my writing skills so every constructive feedback is welcomed. Tysm for enjoying my writing. I’ll try to be more productive, hopefully at least one fic per week instead of one every two weeks.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
Wednesday afternoon, as usual, not many customers visit your café as other days of the week. You sigh, cleaning the counters to kill some time. Betty, your staff turns on the small television and switches channels out of boredom. “Any suggestions?” 
You look up to see a documentary of wars playing on TV, then quickly glance down, “Anything but that, Bee. You know I’m terrified of guns and blood, yeah?”
She gives you a side hug and quickly apologizes “Oh sh- I didn’t notice. I’m soooo sorry”
You smile to ease her, then the doorbell tinkles right after she switches to some K-pop music channel. “I got this”, you told her, smiling brightly at the new customer.
Before you knew it, white vision flashed in front of your eyes and the ringing in your ears appeared. For a moment, you think you’re going to faint. But your vision quickly comes back, only that you’re not in the coffee shop anymore. The dim yellow light over the pastry counter turns into a white field of snow, the doorbell which rings cheerfully is now silent, your ears only picked up on the sound of the howling wind, those forget-me-not flower pots you’ve just watered this morning shifts its form into dried branches of trees, almost hidden by the thick snow around you. Your body is all numbed, and you already know what you’ll see when you glance down. It’s always the same, no matter how many times you experience this. 
You snapped back into reality by his voice, and there you are, still behind the counter. The pink half-apron was twisted in your hands as if it were a grip to real life, grounding you to not drift away any further into this hallucination.
Gosh, you couldn’t be more relieved you got out of there just in time, yet to see that horrifying view. You had dreamed about that place so many times since you were just a child, and every time it happened, you woke up in the middle of the night, sweating and crying uncontrollably. You never knew why you had this constant nightmare, your mom said it’s best to ignore it and go about your days, so you did just that. However, it has never gone this far, it’s like you were pulled into another reality, your face still freezes from the cold and the smell of fresh blood lingers in your nostrils.
Stop. It was just some illusion, okay? Just ignore it like always and focus. Your eyes shift to the man behind the counter, who’s waiting for you to take his order for god knows how long now. 
“Hi. Oh gosh, I’m so so sorry, sir. I was distracted. Ca-” 
Before you can finish your words, your eyes meet, and your heart squeezes in pain like it’s being wrung like an old rag. Tears keep pouring out, then your voice is stuck by a lump forming in your throat, if you stay here any longer, it’ll surely turn into a full-on sobbing in the middle of the café. 
A warm hand reaches out, wiping your wet cheek, if your mind was any clearer, you would have avoided his touch. But your heart flutters and beats eagerly in your rib cage, yearning for him - a stranger you just met. Maybe it’s tears making your eyes see things that are not there, but if you had a mirror, you would swear that his eyes must be just as red as yours right now. 
Your senses suddenly come back and you immediately retreat from him. Mumbling a quick “sorry”, you run off to the staff room to collect yourself after telling Betty to take your place. You can hear him calling out your name right before the door closes. After you’ve finally calmed down, the realization hits, your name tag was left behind in your apartment today. 
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── 
You closed the café early that day, mentally drained from all the tears and mood swings. On your way home, you can’t help but get carried away by the weird interaction this afternoon. Maybe you need to have a check-up with either a neurologist, a therapist, or whoever can fix your fucked up brain. Too busy with the noisy thoughts in your head, you bump your head into a broad and firm chest, letting out a surprised squeak.
“Should’ve paid attention to your surroundings, dove” 
The man speaks up before you get the chance to apologize, his voice warm and low, one glance and you can recognize that thick beard and kind blue eyes immediately. 
“Oh…I’m sorry, sir. For leaving so abruptly at the café, too. I was…ill” You come up with a lie quickly.
“It’s John, love. Are you feeling well now? I thought that I terrified you.” His brows knit together like he’s genuinely worried about you, or your perception of him, you don’t even know.
It’s such a relief when those visions don’t come back during your conversation now, but the tingles in your heart are getting stronger and more constant as if wanting to tell you something.
You chuckle: “I feel better now, thank you. And no, you didn’t do anything wrong, no need to worry”
John returns a warm smile: “Good to hear that, love”. Gosh, this man and his pet names, if you’re being honest, it feels right somehow, the way it brings comfort to your heart when he says it. 
Either he can read your mind, or you’re a freaking talented manifestor, because you couldn’t believe it when he asks “Would you like to go on a date with me? I erm…was on my way back to the café to give you this” 
You’re quick to stop your eyes from getting teary again while receiving a bouquet of poppies from him, “This is too nice, sir. Thank you, it’s my favorite flower”. You choose not to say his name, being a polite woman as you are, it seems disrespectful to say it when you have just met, besides, he doesn't seem to pay attention to it.
“I know” he mumbles under his breath, not to reach your ears. Yes, you admit, he has some strange behaviors, like looking at you too intensely, knowing your name without you even mentioned, and knowing your favorite flower, but you still agree to meet him on Saturday night after your shift. 
When you wave him goodbye and part ways, you don’t notice the way his smile slowly fading, he sighs, looking as you walk away, “You really don’t remember”
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pughswoman · 1 year
Road Trip 🩷⭐
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Florence Pugh x Reader
Warnings: literally one swear word, smut (fingering, making out, lap grinding ?)
a/n: this is my first time using tumblr (and second time writing smut in a year) to make a story so it's not going to be perfect! at this point in time requests are closed. i hope you enjoy:) (for more writing i'm scarlyyswife on wattpad, its not the best writing there though) <3
word count: 2K
As the soft and warm summer breeze travels it's way through the low-rider you and Florence sat in, both of your heads happily bob along to the sound of Taylor Swift's 'Lover' Album and you smile. The windows are down and the wind is gliding flawlessly throughout Flo's light blonde hair, to which you can't help but to stare.
Florence begins to sing beautifully to the song "Cornelia Street" and this only causes your adoring smile to expand as your honey brown eyes are imbued with intimacy and tenderness.
However, as you continue to stare Florence catches on and turns to you for a split second before turning her head back to the busy road ahead of her.
'What are you staring at, my dove?' She giggles.
'Not staring, simply admiring, darling,' You smirk as her cheeks turn pink, matching perfectly with her celery green eyes.
The car is pervaded with silence apart from Taylor playing in the background and the both of you humming comfortably to her songs.
As you drive past the flower filled hills you turn your head to Florence in excitement.
'Please, can we stop at one of these hills and have a picnic? There's a picnic blanket in the back, and we brought food,' You ask with a soft tone.
'Of course we can. Just don't get stung by a bee again,' Flo says cheekily and your jaw drops in false offence.
Florence pulls onto the gravel road causing the ride to become bumpy and you both break out into laughter due to the funny feeling.
After Florence parks, you unpack the car by taking a hold of the food and the picnic blanket.
The sun has begun to set - creating a colourful array of orange, pink, blue and purple hue representing the new season of summer - optimism, positive energy and a peaceful ambiance.
As you stroll between each long strands of grass, you finally arrive in an area where the grass is much shorter where you and Florence can set up.
You lay the checkered red, green, blue and purple blanket across the grass and Flo places the picnic basket down before situating herself and placing the food out around the picnic blanket.
She smiles mischievously up at you through her bright green eyes as she grabs one final thing from the basket, and you perk an eyebrow in curiosity.
Flo giggles as she pulls out one bottle of white wine with two wine glasses to which you gasp and widen your eyes.
'One glass won't hurt. And don't worry it's definitely only one because I'm driving for the next 3 hours,' She chuckles.
'You and your little surprises,' You say with a smile before you reach over for a small but intimate kiss - and by the end of it, you're both smiling as you rest your foreheads against one another's.
'I'm loving this moment right now, but I want food,' Flo says pulling away.
'Me too, let's dig in then, shall we?' You say.
Flo hums in response as she launches into the food set in front of her, grabbing two triangular cut pieces of tomato, cheese and lettuce sandwiches and one with just honey. You decide on two honey pieces and one tomato, cheese and lettuce sandwich.
You pour you and Flo a glass of wine each with one hand and pass her one to her as you bite into one of your sandwich's with the other.
'Cheers, my love,' You say as your glasses clink together.
As you and Florence sit in a pleasant stillness, you note the playfulness in the nature, the skies, woodland and the soil.
You sigh contently as the last glimpse of the vibrant orange sun rests on your pale face and you stuff your mouth with more food. This time, crackers, cheese and kabana. 
Your eyes roll back at the delicious combination and your body visibly relaxes. Your eyes continue to stay shut as you embrace your surroundings.
Birds begin to chirp loudly, announcing the outset of the mellow evening. The gust of cool wind that is allowing your dresses and hair to play about gleefully, touching your skin.
Flo takes notice of how grounded you become when you're in nature and she loves every second of it. The fact that you finally allow yourself to become this relaxed and vulnerable when in the nature.
'I love you. I'm so glad I get to be with you for the rest of my life,' Florence suddenly breaks the quietness and you open your eyes to look at her.
'I love you too. I can't wait to spend the rest of my years with you,' You say softly.
A slow tear makes its way down the soft skin on your face and Flo reaches her hand up to wipe it away, but keeps her hand gently grasping your cheek. Her thumb rubs soft circles to comfort you as you stare into each other's eyes.
You were perfect for each other. Her earthy green eyes carry a deep story like exploring a big green forest, meanwhile yours are a soft brown and are like the soil where she can dig and dig to discover more about you as a person.
Florence leans in for a loving kiss - which turns into a make out - that you happily reciprocate on the top of a hill with a beautiful sunset and a beautiful fiancé.
As you break apart you react like teenagers by smiling and giggling as you again rest each others foreheads against each other's.
'Shall we head off now? We have a long drive ahead of us babe,' Flo says as she holds your cheek and you hold her waist.
'Good idea, sweetheart,' After that you pack everything away as you stand admiring your surroundings once more before you turn to Florence.
'Race you to the car?' Your eyebrow lifts as you ask the question and stare her down.
'You bet,' She says matching your perked eyebrow, and before you know it you're both running at full speed as your dresses - yours long and blue cotton, Florence's long and pink - flow elegantly through the wind that has abruptly become rougher.
Just as you expected, Florence wins the race and she's cheering happily, pumping her fists in the air as high as she can.
You can't handle her cuteness and pull her in by the waist before spinning her in a circle and landing her carefully back onto the lush ground.
Her bare feet touch the soft green grass as you hold her waist and appreciate all of her features.
Flo becomes nervous under your stare and sways her head into your chest, feeling your heartbeat.
You stand still for a few minutes, enjoying each other's presence.
Then you notice the sky begin to change. And notice the fact that the wind has picked up greatly.
'As much as I'm loving this cuddle, the sky has definitely differed since last looking at it and so has the strength of the wind...' You mumble, then place a quick kiss on Florence's head.
Flo raises her head at your words and as she does she catches sight of how the sky is now a dark grey and how angry storm clouds have formed, now casing the colours behind it.
'Oh, right. Well, we better get a move on. And we need to put the roof back up again,' She says, referring to the car roof currently put down.
You quickly scramble to lift the roof cover back up over the precious car, hop in to said car, and roll the windows up, Florence following suit.
Funnily enough, right as you and Florence had completed that, rain had started to trickle down from the dull sky onto the once dry car.
As Florence pulls out of the gravel carpark, the rain becomes steady and heavy rapidly, and Florence is trying not to panic about driving while its raining.
Sensing her anxiety, you suggest some music.
'How about Taylor's folklore album? That one's quite calming and is perfect for this weather,' You suggest as you clutch her left hand in yours, rubbing your thumb over her soft skin calmly.
Flo hums as she keeps her focus solely on the road and by how her body language changes when you put the music on, you can tell that it helps.
'my tears ricochet' plays lightly as the music bounces from one side of the car to the other.
'Thank you, my dove,' Flo says without taking her eyes off of the saturated and foggy road.
'Anything for you, my pretty girl,' You say chuckling.
Florence turns nervous from your words and you feel pride soar through your veins.
'Don't make me pull this car over, baby,' Florence's voice suddenly becomes deep and raspier, causing you to gulp.
'Might actually have to because of this fucking weather,' She mumbles, rolling her eyes with a pout.
'That's my girl,' You say turning to her.
Florence grips the steering wheel and turns the car to the left, pulling over very briskly and you smirk. Just what you wanted.
Before you know it, the car is in park again and she's lifting herself over the centre console and is situating herself into your lap comfortably.
'You comfortable?'
'Very,' She rasps as she passionately joins your lips together, instantly pushing her tongue into your mouth, causing you to moan pleasantly.
Florence hoists herself up as much as she can in the tight space and pulls her dress over her small body before throwing it in the back seat and connecting your lips together again, all whilst unbuttoning your dress in the progress.
As you separate for air you recommend moving to the back as it has more space.
By the time you've moved there, Florence is already desperate. And you can tell because she's pathetically grinding in your lap.
'Easy there, baby. Remember who's in charge here?' You chuckle.
Florence whimpers as she stops her grinding and instead results in digging her nails into your shoulders making you groan.
'God, baby, you're so desperate. Already?' You say holding eye contact and she continues whimpering.
'Please. I need you,' She begs.
'Need what? This?' Florence gasps as you bring your right hand from her waist to her pussy, touching one finger onto her clothed clit as you rub small tight circles with little to no pressure.
She moans silently as her jaw drops and you smirk in delight by how easy you can make her fall apart.
'If you want it, beg,' You say.
'Please, fuck me. I need you so badly, baby. Need you so bad,' Florence begs in between more whimpers.
'Do I have your full consent, darling?' You ask.
'Yes. Please just fuck me,' She says, almost on the verge of tears.
'Alright, alright, we're getting there, love,' You say as you lift Flo up and pull her underwear down.
She makes herself secure again on your lap, in between your spread legs.
Your right hand hovers before you shove your middle and ring finger into her warm and wet pussy, thrusting swiftly, hitting her g-spot each time.
Every now and then you curl your fingers and watch as Florence's face twists in satisfaction as her eyes squeeze shut and her mouth gapes open as moan after moan escapes.
She begins riding your fingers in sync as you thrust and you can't help but to smirk again.
'Jesus, honey. You're drenched. Is this all for me?' You raise an eyebrow, making eye contact.
'Y-Yes all for you,' After that sentence she moans even louder than before and her vagina clenches around your fingers desperately.
'Please, I'm so close, please don't stop,' She moans.
'I'm not stopping, my love. Cum whenever you like,' You respond.
Florence's movements come to a halt as she grips your shoulders and her body begins to shake as her orgasm washes over her, her back arching as it finishes.
You slowly remove your fingers and lick them clean as Florence watches while catching her breath.
She whimpers in response but is clearly too exhausted for more.
You rub her back softly and kiss from her neck up to her face and on every part gently as you cherish her.
'You did so well, baby. Such a good girl for me,' You finally say two minutes later.
'Thank you,' She mumbles as she nearly falls asleep against you.
'Baby I'm going to clean you up and dress you, then put you in the front passenger seat, and I'll drive while you sleep, okay?' You say.
'Mhm,' She mumbles.
Once that is completed you pull the car into drive and continue your joyful journey.
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dutifullynuttywitch · 7 months
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Bumbling Adversaries
Blades of Light and Shadow
Pairing: Daenarya and Mal belong to the lovely Dani @lovealexhunt
741 words (teen – fluff)
A little birthday fic for the wonderful Dani @lovealexhunt. Happy birthday my dear friend!!! May this day bring you love, joy and laughter. You are a such a bright light in our little fandom and I am so very happy to have met you! I wish you all the best, today and always! 🩷🌺🌼
Your heartwarming stories of Mal and Daenarya are what pulled me into this fandom. I hope this little drabble makes you smile!
March Choices Prompt: I chose morning glory for your Mal and Daenarya as it represents affection, love, mortality (living life to the fullest). @choicesmonthlychallenge
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In the newly merged realm, the Deadwood was slowly healing, a glorious spring defeating the long claws of death and decay, spreading new growth of maples, firs, leventrees and thousands of colourful flowers. Deep within stood an ancient temple predating the elven civilization. Its crumbling stone walls bore the weight of forgotten prayers and the echo of countless footsteps. The shrine was said to house a rune of boundless power, a fragment from the old gods.
The shrine had laid undisturbed for centuries until…
“RUN!!” Mal sprints out from the deeper recesses waving his arms wildly.
“Mal, what is it?” Daenarya looks around, alert, quickly scanning for the source of danger with a practiced eye.
Wordlessly, he grabs her hand and pulls her out and around the side of the dilapidated building, into a hidden alcove guarded by overhanging vines. He presses her to the stone wall, covering her protectively.
She can feel his heart beating wildly, clearly distressed by what he saw in the recesses of the temple.
Daenarya keeps a keen eye out for any threat even as she grows a little distracted by his warm body pressing against her. She snakes a hand up to gently pull his face towards her.
“Mal, what was it? Can we fight it off?”
He snaps out of his momentary panic and looks at her, suddenly a tad contrite, cheeks reddening.
“I... I stepped on a bees’ nest.”
Daenarya looks up at him, eyes wide.
“Bees?! That’s the big bad we’re hiding from?!”
She can’t help a small burst of laughter before his scandalized expression.
“Hey! See now, kit, these things have nasty stingers, and they were swarming angrily. I just saved us from a very unpleasant experience.”
She smirks, running her hands up his chest teasingly.
“Mal Volari, great adventurer and hero of the realm, fleeing from a swarm of ferocious, enraged bees.”
“Correction, protecting his beautiful lady and partner in adventures from said swarm of ferocious, enraged bees.”
“Ah, I see. I can already imagine the great ballads that will be written of your exploits, your magnificence. I’ll be sure to tell Kade all about it – I just know the patrons at Whitetower’s finest inns will delight in your heroics.”
“Go right ahead, kit. I’m quite confident I can spin whatever tale to my advantage.”
“I am glad to see your traumatic encounter hasn’t dented your ego.”
It’s Mal’s turn to grin, emboldened by her crystalline laughter and sparkling eyes. Gods she is beautiful. He still couldn’t believe his luck. That such a wonderful, smart, and brave woman truly wanted to share her life with him. She was his, and he was unconditionally hers.
He dips his head and captures her lips in a playful kiss, snaking his arms around her waist to pull her closer.
He kisses the corner of her lips, along her jaw, and whispers in her ear, "Daenarya, your laughter is my favorite melody."
Mal picks a bright purple morning glory from the hanging vines surrounding them and places it delicately in her hair, brushing a loose strand from her forehead.
Daenarya smiles at her handsome rogue, murmuring "how gallant," before capturing his lips in a sweet kiss.
Time stands still as they kiss languidly under the fragrant flowers, the midday sun peaking through the vines warming them.
Eventually, Daenarya pulls away with a soft sigh.
“Alright your magnificence, we’d better head back in there, unless you want to tell Tyril a couple of angry bees kept us from retrieving the rune?”
“No way – I’d never hear the end of it!”
Mal steals one last heated kiss, a promise of more to come.
“To be continued, my beautiful Daenarya.”
Hand in hand, they step back inside the temple, ready to face any evils, their easy laughter sending out joyful echoes.
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thisfrailheart · 5 months
warm light of morning wolfstar, 327 words, fluff
Remus stumbles into the kitchen. Opens the window, blinking against the light shimmering through the panes. Puts the kettle on. Everyone else will be awake soon and he desperately needs a cuppa before then. The night was rough. Leaning back against the counter, he closes his eyes. Relishes the calm. The birdsong outside. The cool breeze before the heat of summer.
His moment of quiet is broken by the kettle boiling and he gets out two mugs, throwing a tea bag in one and placing the other by the french press. Measures the coffee. Pours the hot water over the coarse grounds. Over the teabag in his mug. He washes some bottles left in the sink from last night as everything steeps. Tends to his tea and the coffee afterwards. He smiles at the scents mingling, familiar. Comforting.
A bee buzzes by the open window. Dips into the flower pots on the windowsill. Remus takes a sip from his mug, tea gone cloudy from the milk. His eyes slip closed again. Hot tea a relief in his hands. His body. He's not sure how long he stands there, dozing. Face turned into the sun coming in through the window. Eventually, a warm arm slips around his middle. A warm body presses into his side. A voice by his ear.
“Sleeping standing up, now?”
Remus puts the mug down with a smile, turns into the embrace. Two equally tired sets of eyes on him.
“My loves,” he sighs.
Hugs back tightly, face pushed into locks the color of the midnight sky. Pulls back a little, temple to temple. Brings his hand up to caress a tiny cheek. A giggle.
It's the sound of his heart. The thing that moves the earth, for him. Them.
Sirius lifts the baby higher onto his hip. Tattooed hands curled softly around the small body. Safe. Home. The words are a constant hum in Remus’ head.
“Happy first Father's day.”
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spring breaks loose, the time is near
Pairing: Thirteenth Doctor x Reader
Word Count: 3,297
Warnings: reader is sick but the illness is never specified, so much fluff
Summary: You’re sick. The Doctor finds you in the garden and gives you company, with a hidden mission on getting you to bed.
Request: Do u write for thirteen? Bc I need some fluff. Nothing specific just hundreds of fluff. Drown me in fluff. Have me regenerate in fluff. Let me be gay in le fluff. Fluff.
A/N: Apologies if sick!fics aren’t your thing, I’m currently sick spicy positive which is a whole bag and a half so this is where my brain was leaning when I thought of fluff. I hope you enjoy!!
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You loved gardens.
There was something about them that made you feel safe. The warm sun on your face, not too harsh, speckled through the overhanging trees. The sound of the bees flitting through the early spring buds, wrapping around your heavy frame and throbbing mind. The gentle breeze, bringing with it all the familiar smells of home, of the first flowers, and of the bright green leaves that lifted themselves to the sun.
And the sun – oh, the sun. It was moments like this where you understood why sunflowers turned towards it. Why they shaped themselves yellow to match it, why they built themselves taller, spread their petals wider, all to capture as much of the sun as they could.
It was warm.
Fatigue ached at your bones, one the main cons to being sick, you thought. It pulled your fragile limbs into the concrete beneath you, made every innocuous movement, the turn of your head, the blinking of your eyes, as weighted and heavy as the many heavy bags you had been forced to pick up in your lifetime.
And your eyes? They were hit with it the worst.
Your eyes were heavy, drooping like the petals from the irises next to you, the spring weather still too early for them to reach the light. One wrong move, and you wouldn’t be surprised if they fell away from you. You closed your eyes, letting your head rest into your knees – which wasn’t good for your chest, but any other position put too much strain on your body – and let your back capture the sunlight around you.
You had found the garden a few months ago, after talking about – complaining about, rather – on how much you missed a good garden. Travelling with the Doctor was wonderful, really, it truly was, but on days like this, nothing beat a cosy garden.
The Doctor had looked surprised when the garden first appeared. She had been adamant that while it was a “great idea, seriously, would love a bunch of bees in the place – ooh or maybe a bird or two! Always had a fondness for a woodpecker,” that it just wouldn’t be practical.
Yet, the garden was here, and it was a wonderful reprieve from the little sick bubble your bedroom had grown into.
Familiar footsteps floated into your hearing. You didn’t want to look up, comfortable in your huddled position on the ground. The concrete was hard against you, but it reflected the sun onto your arms, which, again, was warm.
An equally familiar clearing of the throat pulled you from your position. You were met with soft eyes and a soft smile, and tried to mimic the smile in turn. You weren’t sure if the Doctor could see it, you couldn’t feel your eyes crease or the warmth of it lift your cheeks. The Doctors gaze grew warmer though, adoring.
You gave her a slow, heavy nod. “Hey Doc,”
The Doctor considered you for a moment. Her hair was slightly curled, wavy and relaxed in the way the Doctor so often wasn’t. She was holding two mugs, one, a mug with dogs printed across the ceramic. Another, painted with the sharpie scribblings of the language from Gallifrey. It was a familiar mug, one the Doctor had made for you in a past face, when she had been a bit more obsessed with bowties, but still loved a fez.
She held out the sharpie mug, giving you a small grin. “Hey, I figured some tea would help.”
You lifted an arm, making a rather pathetic attempt at a grabby hand. Your fingers closed into a fist once, then twice, before collapsing into the ground.
The Doctor chuckled softly and chose to crouch down beside you. She crossed her legs, lightly bumping her shoulder with yours as she passed you the mug. The tea was the perfect colour, just warm and dark enough that you knew she made it right.
“I don’t want to make you sick,” you commented, your voice apologetic.
The Doctor took a sip of her tea, before screwing up her face. “Might have over brewed this sorry,” then turned to you. “I’m a Time Lord y’know, have you ever seen me sick?”
You scrunched up your face at that, forehead creasing in the most dramatic display of emotions you had been successful with since falling sick. You crawled through your mind, searching for a memory – any memory, that even hinted that the Doctor had been sick. You’d known her long enough… so surely.
Except the memories were hazy, pulling away from you with every attempt to burrow deeper.
The Doctor gave you an insufferable, triumphant grin. “See, told you. I’ll be fine.”
You tried not to show how much you adored the way her eyes sparkled when she said it. The worst thing you could do was feed into it.
You took a careful sip of the tea, letting out a small, delighted breath as the warm liquid met your tongue and throat. You hadn’t realised how itchy your throat had been, how your vocal cords clawed against one another, grating and painful. You smiled again, hopefully larger than your earlier one. “It’s perfect, thank you.”
The Doctors grin changed, from smug to silently pleased, and, not for the first time, you wanted to kiss her.
It was moments like this when she made you feel held, when she made you feel cherished.
Clouds pooled above you, snuffing out the sun. It wriggled down your back, making you shiver. In protest, you gave the sky a half-hearted glare.
“How is it,” you mused disappointedly. “That in a perfect ship, in a perfect room, clouds still manage to block the sun?”
A ladybug twirled around you then, and you spilled pearls of laughter. You scrunched up your nose as it came in close to your eyes, and you realised, rather belatedly, that the TARDIS had sent it your way.
You smiled up into the sky, a silent thank you.
“The garden’s mimicking your home’s weather,” the Doctor said. “Doing it in real time too,” her voice was so matter of fact that, for a moment, you almost believed that she had designed the room.
But then your mind fell back to the look of surprise that had stretched across her face when she had found you in it, marvelling at the sunset that pooled itself over the skyline, oranges, pinks, and reds tangled in the clouds.
It fell into her saying “the amount of work it would take to build an entire ecosystem isn’t worth it,” the memory hazy and brittle. Yet she had stood there, eyes fond as you first took her in, standing under the setting sky and bubbling with excitement, and you weren’t sure she hadn’t been involved.
So, you tested it, letting your mouth turn into a conspiratorial smirk. “How do you know that?”
The Doctor shrugged, waving her free hand. “It’s pretty obvious, don’t you think? It feels like you.”
Your head cocked to the side, taking in her words. The garden felt warm, safe, but you hadn’t realised it felt like… you. Or, more importantly, that the Doctor had a place in her mind that, when reminded of you, recognised it as a feeling.
You hadn’t realised you were that special.
The Doctors voice dropped lower then. If she were anyone else, you would dare to suggest it was shy. “I’m glad you like the tea.”
“Of course, I do,” you said. “You always make it how I like it, and it’s in my favourite mug and everything.”
The Doctor brightened then, her face moved into a look of surprise, eyebrows raised and smile delighted, the same look she had given you when you had first found the garden. “That’s your favourite mug?”
Your eyebrows knitted together in confusion. For you, it was obvious. “Well, you made it for me, so of course it is,” you said, before adding. “Even if I don’t know what it means.”
The Doctors face matched yours, eyebrows drawing to her nose, giving it that familiar scrunch that had never, not once, failed to make your heart freeze. “Nah, I totally told you, didn’t I?”
And you let out a soft laugh. “No Doctor, you never have.”
And she shrugged again, face falling into… you couldn’t quite describe it. You mind was hazy, and it couldn’t pick the careful blank expression the Doctor had schooled her features into.
She looked away from you then, gesturing around you. “You like the garden?”
And it was your turn to frown again, but you were used to the way the Doctor would flip a conversation, peel away from it the moment anything got too sentimental for her.
Which made you burn with curiosity – what did the mug say?
You didn’t press it, instead, turning towards the view. Now, the garden was lovely. It wasn’t any garden you recognised. Pots lined the brick wall behind you, stood on the small patch of cement where you sat. By your side was a long iron bench, the metal twisted to mimic tree branches.
Above you, a tall oak shielded you from the sun, allowing just enough of the sunlight to peak through the crack, warming your face and your back. But it was the small stream that you couldn’t quite get over. It spilled from next to the doorway, small enough that you could walk through, and the water would barely hit your ankles. Steppingstones no larger than a dinner plate weaved through it, and you had taken dizzying steps on them only moments before.
Stretched beyond you was simply green. Plants spilled around you, wildflowers, shrubbery, and a few alien plants you couldn’t identify, with purple stalks and glowing leaves.
It really was wonderful.
Slowly, the clouds parted again, and you turned your face up into the sun, basking in the warmth.
“I love it,” you breathed, eyes closed as they met the light. “It’s so warm in here. I was going stir-crazy in my room.”
The Doctor let out a breath that you swore sounded like relief, bright and airy, like it was lifting a weight from her shoulders. “Good, I’m really glad about that.”
You peeled open an eye, turning to her slightly so you could look at her. You parroted past works back to her. “And here I thought a garden wasn’t practical.”
The Doctor shrugged, not catching that you were watching her. Her ears went red, and she subtly brushed her hair over them. “Yeah well, the TARDIS does crazy things when I’m not looking. She’s always trying to replace the pool.”
Once, you had sat with her in the console room, papers from different notebooks scattered around you, hastily drawn, and just as hastily torn from their bindings. They had been filled with ideas; a popcorn room, an extension to the library, notes upon notes on how to upgrade the pool.
Form memory, it had never been the TARDIS who was building or designing the rooms in here.
You closed your eye, tilting your head back to capture more of the sun. Careful eyes fell onto your frame, warm and familiar. You could feel the way the Doctors gaze tracked your face, your hair, your hands clasped securely on your tea.
Your face went warm, flushed on your nose, your cheeks, and down your neck. You hoped the Doctor chalked it up to the sun, and not the… well. The everything you felt for this mad Time Lord in a box.
A box she, occasionally, had far more control over than she gave herself credit for.
“I really do love it,” you said again, voice as quiet as the nearby stream. “It feels like home.”
You let the weight of that statement hang in the air, as heavy and as full as your fatigued bones. Your it feels like you, was left unsaid. 
You took another sip of your tea, delighting in how perfectly made it really was. It was warm, but not to the extent that it would burn your tongue, and when it came from the Doctor, it was never bitter. The Doctor had always taken careful consideration of your tea, and had never brewed it wrong since… Since giving you this mug, actually.
“And the tea,” you added, pausing to take another sip. “It’s wonderful.”
You heard the smile in her voice, the self-satisfied grin that you never wanted to admit you loved. “Well, I’ve gotten pretty handy with the tea, haven’t had a falling out with the kettle since…” she paused then, voice trailing into memory. “Think I might’ve been Scottish then.”
You laughed then, because of course that was the case. You thought of the Doctors wild hair and equally perturbed temper back then, and yeah, you could easily picture just how the Doctor would have a falling out with a kettle.
Your laughter bubbled into a violent cough. It wrang through your frame, twisting into your chest with stringy hands, gripping into your lungs and your sternum with white knuckled fists. The cough racked up into your throat, your body bowling forward, some of your tea sloshing out of the mug.
You winced, groaning at the sudden onslaught. Belatedly, you looked up at the Doctor, whose horrified expression fell into one of concern. “Your coughing has gotten worse.”
You shrugged. “It happens. I’m sick.”
The Doctor nodded, eyes going hard as her expression fell into what you had dubbed as her ‘thinking face’. It was a familiar sight, one that, despite the features, whether it was a blonde head, bushy eyebrows, or a particularly large chin, caused the Doctors face to tighten, eyebrows creasing and mouth falling into a tight line.
You had memorised all the Doctors expressions, the way they echoed in her hazel eyes and bright smile. You tried not to think about why you had done so.
“We need to get you to bed,” she said finally, her voice with the same punch of finality as she gave the fam when finalising a plan, or when she was telling someone off when they did something particularly dumb when she was saving the day.
Yet, you fought it. You let out a near petulant groan, letting your head rock back into your knees. “But it’s warm here.”
“It can be warm in bed too,” she countered. “Where you should be resting. You humans, your bones are so frail, you need to let your body mend”
You picked your head up simply to glare at her, but it was half-hearted at best. “My bones aren’t the problem here.”
You ignored the fatigue, how it pressed into your arms, your legs, and the curve of your spine.
The Doctor raised an eyebrow. “Humour me? I made you tea.”
And yeah, she had done that, hadn’t she.
With a dramatic sigh, you nodded. “I suppose rest would probably help.”
The smile the Doctor gave you was reward enough. It spilled out from her, brighter and warmer than the sun that sat above you. You would do anything for that smile.
The Doctor stood, offering you her hand. You took it carefully, gripping tight as she helped pull you into a stand. Dizziness clawed across your vision, spotty and hazy, threatening to spin you downwards.
In an instant, the Doctor’s arms were around you, her own mug of tea forgotten on the cement. Her hold on you was solid, wrapped tight against your frame, warm against your waist and your chest.
Her voice was like honey against the base of your ear, pooling and circling down your spine. “You okay,” she asked, and it rocked you forward, making you shiver.
You nodded belatedly. “Yeah,” you said, and you couldn’t tell if your breathlessness was because of your illness, or because of her. “I’m okay.”
As close to you as she was, you felt, rather than saw the Doctor’s nod in acknowledgement.
“Let’s get you to bed then,” she said, her breath falling onto the back of your neck, making the hair there stand.
Still gripping your mug, the Doctor guided you over the steppingstones.
You really loved this garden. The grass was soft under your bare feet, the sun wrapped around your frame, and with your hand in the Doctors, it felt like this garden truly was made for you.
And oh.
Your voice was small when you tested it again. “You said a garden was impractical,” you said. “Yet you did it anyway.”
The Doctor froze, her grip on you tightening ever so slightly. The water lapped at her ankles, just missing the hem of her trousers. Her reply was clipped when she spoke, embarrassed. “Rule 1.”
The Doctor lies.
It was a half-hearted response, and one you scoffed at that. Her rules, as she had once called them, weren’t something she really often referred to these days. Well, besides the no-wandering off rule, but that wasn’t something she really stuck with herself.
Besides, the Doctor wasn’t often one to lie after doing something to make you happy. It was baffling.
“You said it wasn’t worth it,” you pressed.
The Doctor ignored you, instead saying. “C’mon, my feet are getting wet, and I’m wearing socks.”
It was like blinking. One moment, you were in the garden, the sun warm and the Doctors grip firm. Next, you were falling into bed, body collapsing into the pillows and sheets that were stacked against the head.
Your body practically melted, the bed capturing every ache in your bones, every fatigued and weary muscle. You let a small, easy groan, letting your mattress and blankets wrap around your frame.
You wouldn’t admit to the Doctor that she was right. But to yourself? Yeah, she was right. Rest is just what you needed.
Your weariness overtook you, clouding over your eyes and pulling down your neck. Your body was as tired as your mind, and although a part of you, the part that wanted to stay awake for the mere pleasure of spending more time with the Doctor, protested loudly in your mind. It was quickly stifled by how tired you were.
A lazy yawn consumed you, reaching through your frame as you buried your head into your pillow. You mumbled a soft thank you to the Doctor, but the sound came out muffled, like a ‘thnkoo’ than any discernible word.
You heard her chuckle then, voice low and fond, and her hand found your back. She moved her hand over your shoulder blades and into the centre of your back, slowly and languidly. Almost unconsciously, almost, because you loved it,you leaned into her.
“Get some sleep,” you heard her say, as sleep danced across the edges of your mind.
You nodded, your heartbeat slowing, your mind quieting.
In the silence, as you began to waltz with sleep, not quite unconscious, but not awake enough to trust your sense of hearing, your sense of feeling. A light pressure met your forehead, brushing against the space just above where your eyebrows met. The kiss was warm, safe, and if you had the energy, you would have leaned into it.
The Doctors fingers brushed against your hair, tucking some loose strands behind your ear. She paused for a moment, as if debating something, before, just as softly, she kissed you again, in the place where your face met your ear.
“The mug,” the Doctor spoke softly, voice so quiet that, were her lips not next to your ear, you may have missed it all together. “I wrote ‘I cherish you,’ that’s what it says.”
Your tumbled into sleep, mind turning into a haze, the Doctors final words falling through you like water through a sieve.
“You’ve always been worth everything,” she said. “I cherish you.”
A/N^2: Just a reminder I’m taking requests! Please read my rules before sending anything in. Also a HUGE thank you to everyone who sprinted with me in the thirsting for thirteen server, I adore you all so so much, and this fic wouldn’t have been written otherwise.
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sillyromance · 11 months
Good day everyone!
The winner of the competition is TFE Bumblebee! So there is a funny story (Pred! Cybertronian/ Prey! Human) about him to smile at. Unfortunately, it's not as big as my other ones, but I hope it won't disappoint you...
I hope you'll enjoy!
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Once in the morning...
- Hey, let me go!.. - You say sleepely, making poor attempts to get out of the cozy embrace of your cute yellow alien lover. - Please, dear, I have some work to do...
As always, you have awaken earlier than your boyfriend. It is a great weekend; the sun has just arose, washing up its glorious golden face in rose and blue of the sky, birds announce of a new day coming with their mesmerising songs, air tickles your nose with a warm smell of young grass and meadow flowers, combined with a slight echo of pine scent from the forest. You, being as cautious as you could, has crawled out of your nest between his arms and tried to slide down Bee's chassis which is where you dozed off last night, however he has caught you before your feet reached the ground.
- It's Sunday, honey. - Bee's gentle voice rumbles above you, softly resonating in his wide chest and your bones. He only tightens his grip. - And I want you to rest properly after the hard week we all had...
Loving concern in his words warms your heart. It's such a tempting alternative- to stay in his arms for an hour or two, listening to his comforting sparkbeat and chatting about some silly stuff until Alex comes to call you for breakfast; last evening the man promised it would be pancakes... Although, your sense of duty does not let you give up that easy; reluctantly you send laziness away and continue squirming, trying to push Bumblebee's massive manipulators off your body.
- I know... - You answer, panting. - But there are businesses I can't reject...
He chuckles and rolles his optics dramatically.
- Really?.. How many of them?
You sigh and wave a hand above the top of your head.
- ...Around this.
A loud "exhale" comes out of your lover.
- Well, then you don't give me another choice...
Before you realise what's happening, Bumblebee pulls you closer to his faceplate, gazing at you with mischief sparkling in his pretty blue eyes, then suddenly shoves you into his mouth. A hum of delight rings in your ears.
- Whoa! Not fair!.. - You laugh, tossed by his slick glossa. - Bee, stoo-o-o-p...
You struggle, clumsily avoiding his tongue eagerly wrapping around your tiny forms, demanding for more of your sweet flavour. But it's impossible to escape now; his jaws are shut firmly, you're already drenched in saliva from head to toe. It is getting harder to move with every new suck and lick he makes; at last, you stumble and fall helplessly on the pillowy muscle which willingly hugs your tired body - it's exactly what Bee has been waiting for.
- And - down you go! - You hear behind before your legs get securely trapped by soft muscles of the pharynx.
- No! Wait... - You shout but it's too late already. Bee slowly titles his helm back and swallows strongly, but carefully, feeling tingles of excitement wandering around his back as you enter his tight, warm esophagus. Your wriggles weaken as far as you get pushed deeper into his throat - no matter how much you are irritated, you wouldn't like your dearest to choke and harm himself. So, with some more gentle gulps you glide further with ease, pass his collar and soon curl up in the welcoming fueltank. Bee sighs in satisfaction, placing a servo on his slightly expanded stomach.
- Comfy, huh? - He smirks kindly as he feels you settle down in his abdomen. The belly lets out some quiet, happy growls as you touch tenderly the sensitive walls of your "prison" churning affectionately around an unexpected guest. - Now the only thing you can't reject is my company.
You give him a teasing kick.
- OK, OK, big guy! You're right, I surrender... - He grins even wider at your innocent sarcasm, fondling his middle soothingly with hope that it will calm you down. - But... - You pause. - Now, let me teach you a little lesson too!
At first your threat makes him just groan in annoyance, though after a few minutes he realises that it's very, VERY stupid to underestimate humans. When he thinks you have accepted your "fate", violent tickles attack his insides in such furious manner, that the autobot instantly crashes on the ground, giggling and moaning, servos clenched on his bubbling waist.
- Ha-ha-ha!.. Please, don't... I.. ha-ha... I can't bear it any longer... Ha-ha-ha!..Oh, Primus!.. Ha-ha-ha... - He begs for you while laughing up a storm.
- No way! - You respond with a villainous smile on your face soiled in slime, your hands with double energy running over every spot of his shivering tank...
It continues till Bumblebee is literally drowned out of powers. Then one apologizes to another and you give him some nice rubs to relax his tensed tummy.
Of course you don't mind day-offs... But who would you be without your stubbornness?
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lunar-writes-things · 2 years
It's Our Time
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Pairing: C! Etho x Reader
Summary: In which you find out that he loves you as much as you love him
Genre: Fluff
Words: 1.9K
Extra notes: This was actually my first ever hermitcraft request. I messed it up last time so I redid it. Enjoy!
Content warnings (If any): Etho thinking hes not good enough for reader (Quickly disproven )
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A ninja in training. 
And your best friend since season 3 of hermitcraft. 
Granted he was off and on due to... Things but he was still the person you always looked forward to seeing each season even if he wasn't there or left early most of the seasons. 
In season 8, You decided to room with Etho and Iskall, the latter supporting Etho's shopping addiction. 
"Etho," You asked as they fixed up dinner for Iskall when he came up while Etho ate at the table "You can't keep forcing the poor man to go mining for diamonds for you." 
"But the 'poor man' doesn't mind! He does it willingly!" Etho insisted playfully as he took of a bite of his steak "Why do you care so much, Y/n? Do you like him?" 
His eyes were narrowed and shoulders much too tense for his usual body language and his voice dripped with non-lethal venom masked by a candy sweetness you had learned to look past. It was the first time he acted like this when it came to your person of interest and while he was usually so calm, cool, and collected, seeing this shocked you and reminded you of when you actually said yes to that question because you had thought you had fallen for the builder named Scar. 
Etho had actually set up a date with him in season 4 for you. It was romantic, set in a beautiful flower field with some steak and vegetables but that day it rained and thundered and bees swarmed the two. It was a disaster but you genuinely know Etho didn't do it. He was so giddy to hear that you liked someone and when he heard the date went wrong he pouted in your arms as you reassured him it was okay and that it was probably for the best. 
"I don't know. Scar was great but there wasn't that connection that I thought there was." You explained and ran a hair through his silver hair. It was still storming but instead of being distraught you felt content, especially with Etho in your arms 
But that was years ago, over time you developed feelings for the silver-haired Ninja and it would be so embarrassing to reveal them like this. 
So, you had two options. 
Lie and Say yes 
Say no and not elaborate on who it was. 
"There's some hesitation!" Etho said, his smile strained as he got up and placed his plate in the sink before washing his hands and wrapping his arms around your shoulders "You like Iskall dont'cha?" 
"No," Y/n replied immediately "And If I did like someone, you would be the first to know." 
"I better," Etho smiled and buried his face in the crook of your neck, his breath filtering through the thin mask of his and sending shivers down your spine "You're important to me. I need to know if my Y/n plans on dating someone." 
before you could ask him what he meant by his Y/n, you were cut off by the third of your trio slamming the door open.
"I'm back!" Iskall called as he walked into the house and his eyes lit up at the smell of fresh and warm food "and there's food! Thank you Y/n!" 
"Of course! Enjoy! Me and Etho already ate and I just served you so just give me your plate to clean." You grinned as Iskall came through the kitchen doorway before his eyes widened in surprise before they glimmered with something knowing as a smirk etched its way onto his face
"No, it's fine!" Iskall smiled "By the way, I need a few things. Can you and Etho get them? I've been in the mines for so long that I just need a shower before passing out." 
"I'd be down!" You exclaim "Etho?" 
Out of the corner of your eye, you see the masked man's expression change from... something to a soft smile when he notices you looking at him. 
"Sure!" Etho smiled 
Y/n watched as Iskall pressed a piece of Paper into Etho's hand and hugged him tightly. When the bearded man let go of the ninja, Etho's ears had flushed a pretty pink color and you instantly wonder why? What did the mischievous bearded man tell etho? 
then he moved on to you
"Bye, Y/n." He hugged you and whispered in your ear "Good luck." 
As confused as you were, etho pushed you out and turned to flip off Iskall who was laughing loudly at the ninja. 
"What was that about Etho?" You asked softly and grabbed his hand before he can jump off the cliff to gain some air for his elytra 
"Just Iskall being dumb," Etho said, a pout evident in his voice "Come on, He gave me some diamonds and we need some things fro the G-Train." 
He made sure to look behind you and see you had your elytra on before he picked you up and jumped off with you in his arms. You let out a scream and clinged onto him.
Etho loved this. 
Not you screaming in his ear but you clinging on to him like your life depended on it. 
which it kinda does but still-
Etho's had a crush on you since he met you. Of course he never realized it until you went on that date with Scar when he realized the feeling of puking in his gut was jealousy. Then there was years of pining that came with it, longing glaces, disappointed sighs when you left the room and giddy squeals when you did something extra cute. 
He loved you. 
And he has for a while. 
So for Iskall to come home and immediately ask for You and Etho to do something was fishy. He always finished his chores before he came home. It was only when Iskall gave him a hug and crushed a piece of paper in his hands did Etho finally know what Iskall was doing. 
Confess to them before you come home. I'm tired of seeing the pining glances from you and them. it said and it made Etho blush. A rare occurrence that only you can do to him
"You little-" Etho began to whisper back before Iskall moved to you and he had to cut off his sentence. 
and with all that he still took you to the G-train to find the 'things' Iskall needed. So while you browsed the fake list he gave you he gathered some food and random white-colored blanket and dye. He knew you hated white things getting dirty. 
"Before we head back, and I know we just ate, but would you like to join me on a picnic?" Etho asked and turned with a soft smile 
"I'd love that!" You responded, knowing your eyes lit up like a little kid on holidays. 
Spending time alone with etho was frequent when he or you weren't working on anything so it wasn't anything special, but him asking if you didn't want to go home just yet made your heart flutter. 
"Perfect," Even from under the mask you could see and hear the soft smile he had on his lips, and fondness shone in his eyes "Come on, I have the perfect place." 
Etho lead you to a flower forest some hours away and began to set up, and while you insisted you help he denied all your offers and placed down the blanket he hastily dyed pink and that had dried out while he was flying before placing the basket of food he bought down and spreading it across the blanket and sat down before patting the spot next to him where you sat down. 
"So, what's the special occasion?" You asked him as a joke and leaned your head on his shoulder as you took a bite of a golden carrot before offering him some 
"You?" He said truthfully 
"Me?" You asked back suddenly curious and sat up correctly to look at the male "Me? Why me?" 
"Well- I- Uhm," Etho stumbled over his words not sure where to start 
"Etho? What's going on?" You asked and crawled to be in front of him before cupping his face, which was warm. His cheeks were so warm and his eyes avoided looking at you and you could only wonder what he was gonna say but anxiety pooled in your gut. As he paused to find his words, you thought back to anything you might've done to piss him off since the beginning of the season
"Y/n," He finally said and ripped you away from your thoughts "I'm in love with you. I understand if you don't like me like that and if you hate me but I have to tell you. I fell in love with your eyes, the way you walk, the way you talk, your laugh, and how you hiccup after every time you eat. I fell in love with the builder who cleans my messy building style and who can watch me do and talk redstone for hours on end without falling asleep. I fell in love with my best friend. Y/n, I fell in love with you and I can only hope you can return my feelings." 
His face was burning even more and now his cheeks matched the color of the shiny redstone he tinkers with. 
And you? You were breathless
"Oh Etho," You cooed out softly  and cup his face again "I'm in love with you too. I'm in love with the way your eyes shine like jewels, The way you cackle when a prank went your way, and how the moon shines upon you like your own personal spotlight. I'm in love with the crazy redstone ninja who pushes me to do everything I can even when I don't think I can, I fell in love with the person whos been by my side the longest anyone ever been. I fell in love with you Etho. And you are all I could ever ask for, So no I don't hate you and god I wish I had done this sooner." 
"How long? Cause I've had this crush since season 3 and that's even before I knew." Etho said with a bashful smile "I don't think I old you because I thought I wasn't good enough for you. You deserve the best Y/n." 
"Oh, Etho," You sighed and leaned in to press soft kisses to his face "To me, You are perfect. You have bewitched me with body, mind and soul, and void, I love you, I love you, I love you."
With that last 'I love you', You press a kiss to his lips over his mask
"And I will continue to love you, even when all the mortals have forgotten about us and we are nothing but stardust." You murmured against his masked lips 
but after a second or so, there wasn't any piece of cloth in between their lips and slightly chapped lips met yours as Etho's hands cupped your face and tangled into your hair.
"Please be my partner. Please let me be by your side and I vow to fiercely love you in all your forms, now and forever." Etho pleaded against your lips, and his words had you in a chokehold
oh how you loved this man 
"Yes, I thought that was obvious."
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promisemepancakes · 5 months
The Ones Who Cheat Death - Chapter 1 (A Hunger Games FanFiction)
A/N: I will be releasing a Hunger Games fanfic chapter series as I read along my journey of The Hunger Games series. I am currently on Mockingjay, but releasing this story will take some time as I will be busy throughout my days. So please, bear with me.
TITLE: Chapter 1 - Twilight Dandy
PAIRING: OC X OC (with face claims)
SUMMARY: Spring had just bloomed. The sun is out, the air is warm. Maeve sits with eagerness as she learns from her mother various things by the edge of the fence. But, she does so to keep everything else to the back of her mind.
NOTES/WARNINGS: This story will be based on my own character made for this series. The pairing will not be with any of the Hunger Games Characters.
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The sound of bees and insects filled the air around us. Warmness was felt on our skin as the sun beat down on us and the fence was heard with a low hum. But we just sat there a few feet away from it, learning about the different plants that grew alongside the fences. It was nice, considering spring was now starting to bloom and the weather began to cooperate. It was as if we forgot where we lived and how we lived in this one instance.
“Mama,” I whisper but I was met with gentle shushes as fingers were working gently with the plants. I was leaning in to take a closer look, but I was pulled back a few centimeters for caution by my older brother who was sitting just behind me. I guess I had some nerves welling up inside my body because I felt him firmly plant his hands against my shoulders to stop me from trembling.
 She was tenderly picking various flowers; ones of white petals, ones with yellow, others with purple. There was one with  black petals,  with yellow inner patterns that flow towards the point of the petals just by the base of the fence. It has a  large, dark stigma right in the middle of it, indicating as a sign to be careful and cautious when around it. It was a nice large flower that bees could land onto to collect its pollen. It had an oddly sweet scent to it, a sickeningly sweet smell that smelled of vanilla and syrup. Twilight Dandy was what it was called, but it was anything but dandy. 
She didn’t even try to touch it. According to my mother, this was a highly poisonous flower to humans if ingested through our bloodstream or through our stomachs. So don’t be fooled by it. If eaten or punctured under our skin, then sickly green, blotchy spots with yellow veins could be seen on the infected spot before it swells up. Twilight Dandy was what it was called, but it was not so dandy. The swelling looks like infected boils on the surface. Is there a cure for it? I don’t know, mama hadn’t told us yet. 
My brother and I watched with eager eyes as she plucked a different flower free from the ground. She had managed to grab the little bulb from under the soil and laid the entire thing in her hand. “Be careful when pulling these out,” she says as she shows us her palm. This flower was a deep purple with bright blue veins in its petals. “We want to be able to grab all of the plant in one piece. This flower is very useful whenever we get sick mentally and physically.”
“What does it do?” I asked, looking at the beautiful and enticing petals. “It’s so pretty.”
My mother chuckles slightly as she turns it over and over again for us to get a good look at it in its entirety. “This flower helps those who are in deep depression. When they feel that they can’t seem to reach for themselves in their pit, ingesting this flower will help you feel happiness. And,” she reaches for her satchel to delicately place it with the others she’s collected to take to the apothecary on the way to our house. “These also help with bad infections, in and out.”
It was such a powerful flower that this can make anyone happy. I never knew such wonderful things grew here within our fences. It’s always so crazy to think how many beautiful things live within our district, but it’s worse to think about it when you realize how bleak and disgusting our home looks like. How terrible a condition we truly live in.
My mother gets off her knees and brushes off her skirt, then helps me up to my feet. “Ok Silas, go take your sister to the cattle farm. You two have to go to work now,” she says, walking towards the dirt path we took to get to the edge of the fence. “I’ll be home making supper.”
The cattle farm. More so a dairy farm, one where we steal the milk of mothers who need it more for their calves, but we take their supply for the Capitol. It’s a disgusting idea for an even more  cruel environment. It’s the one job I dread all week. The dairy farm forces you on your knees to milk the cows for hours. And if they knew that it was a special occasion, they would force you, abuse you to do something you don’t want to do or have you do for far longer than supposed to. Well, at least some of them, the peacekeepers. The cattle watchers were usually the more cruel peacekeepers we have out of the dozens upon dozens we have patrolling the entirety of District 11.
And, unfortunately, today is a special occasion. My birthday. Of course you have an easier way of hiding it if there weren’t so many peacekeepers patrolling around, but word gets spread whether you are celebrating a birthday, holiday, or some sort of junction that the district holds. Sadly, because of them being easily known, District 11 hardly holds anything special or fun even if it was a child’s big milestone. If it isn’t part of the Capitols made up holidays, then it isn’t to be celebrated. Even if there was a wedding happening, it would be a small celebration that would only last maybe an hour or less.
“Alright, let’s go Maeve,” Silas says, patting my shoulder. “Don’t want to be late for work.” I gave my mother a melancholic look before we got to the fork of the path and went our separate ways for the afternoon. I’ll see you at supper, mama. 
I reached up and took Silas’ hand and squeezed it tight. We both knew what might happen today while we work, but we didn't say anything about it. Didn’t want them to get word of it before we arrived, unless someone had already run their mouths about it being my birthday in the morning. Or they just kept note of someone’s birthday from previous years so they can finally torture the ones whose birthdays fell on a Saturday or Sunday. 
I swallowed hard and pressed my face into my brother's arm as we walked closer towards the sounds of cows in distress. Even their crying is agonizing, making me feel disturbed. The dirt under our feet crunch under the pressure of our weight, soon making my throat feel choked up once we lay eyes on the barn doors. Crying. Crying and crying. Oh god I can’t take it. I can already feel the weight of agony in my chest and I feel my knees grow wobbly. But Silas keeps a firm grip on my hand and forces me upright. He gives it a reassuring squeeze to tell me that everything was going to be ok. But I knew it would never be ok. Never ever, not while we live in a world where they work their children and in the same year….kill them off as a sort of sick ritual.
The day finally comes to an end and I’m slogging my way back home. My hands were trembling at my sides, my arms unmoving, numb. It was hours after my shift. Twelve extra agonizing hours, to account for my turning of twelve, being forced to milk, shovel the hay and clean the whole herd of cows pens while they shat on the floors almost continuously. My fingernails were caked with their waste, feeling like there were bricks trying to pry off my nails from my skin. 
Many of the Peacekeepers didn’t care for my presence on the streets past curfew. They knew the reasoning, considering I can hear them talk to each other through their boxes on their hips or shoulders.
They patrol the darkened streets with lights coming off their helmets. In a way, I’m grateful for them because I can watch where I step as I trudge along the rocky paths back home. My shoes were ruined by the cows so I had to walk barefoot, having jagged rocks press into the soles of my feet. 
After about twenty minutes, I managed to slip behind some houses and go through backyards to get to my house. The lights in the windows were dim from candles being lit. I come to the back door and I knock on it. The door didn’t open right away, but I could hear whispered voices and a quick pounding to the back door. I knew they were talking amongst themselves, wondering who it was but only then realizing it was me when opening the door. Nobody but us would use the back door instead of the front. We wouldn’t want to alarm everyone else thinking it was a Peacekeeper to disturb the peace.
“MayMay!” One of my younger sisters says in a gasp. She reveals a toothy and toothless smile as she immediately stepped forward and asked for some uppies. Eloise. I gave a tired smile and, despite  my arms feeling like warm noodles, I scooped her up in my arms and stepped inside, closing the rackety door behind me. I give all of my will power to my arms to force them to stay up as I shower her face with kisses. She gives a squeal and some giggles, her legs kicking about.
I pull away and sniff the air a moment. “Mmm, what’s mama making?” I whisper to Eloise. I already knew what she was making, but I wanted to entertain her while I was home for a short time. Our mother was making a lavender, acorn and fennel soup. I could tell by the smell. We didn’t have a lot of money and tradables to get better food for our family. So, mother has to go about the fence to look for edible plants to make sure her kids get fed. 
Eloise doesn’t answer my question, but just bounces in my arms. I give her one last big kiss before setting her down before I drop her. With my arms feeling weak, I told my mother I didn’t want to eat. But she knew better. As I will as father. He took me gently by the shoulders and led me to the dining table, making me sit. “But papa,” I protest as he grabs his bowl and fills half of mine with it, then fills the rest from the pot mother had on now smoldering ashes.
“No, my children eat first. Then the parents,” my father says before he plants a kiss against my cheek. “You were out late. What happened?”
“I had to stay extra because of my birthday,” I sigh. I lift my soup up with my spoon. I could barely make it into my mouth, and was about to let it fall back into my bowl, but my father helped me spoon it in. I gave my father a sorrowful smile, a thank-you-for-helping-me-but-this-is-embarrassing kind of smile. But, knowing him, nothing is too embarrassing. Or unimportant than his family. He is the type to put others before himself, just to make sure they are full before finishing off what they have left. 
So, he makes sure I eat as much as I can before he takes my bowl. “Good. Now, go wash up and go to bed. I’m sure you are beat,” my father says. I watch him for a few moments as he scrapes the small bits of my soup into his. He also takes my siblings left overs and splits it between him and mother. 
I go and give my face a good scrub after going under my nail with a hard brush. I furiously scrape the underside of my nails until they feel sore. I feel horrendous, disgusting, so when I get to bathing in the lukewarm water I try to scour my body clean. I stop until I feel my body buzzing and raw right before the bleeding begins. 
After I get my bath all situated, I get into a pair of clean jammie’s and crawl into my bed. Elouise sleeps with our parents, so I get the bed to myself tonight. But, I feel oddly lonely. I begin tossing and turning with my body suddenly feeling all scabbed. Itchy. I couldn’t sleep. I end up just staring up at the ceiling of a leaky roof with just the pale light of the moon. Why couldn’t I sleep? Then I realized the feeling I succumbed to. I feel anxious about something…But what was it? I scratch around my brain to see if a thought forms about my sleeplessness. For the longest time I didn't get an answer. Then it hits me like a pile of bricks. Oh god. It was an answer I dare not try to complete, but I am defeated. By this realization, I become paralyzed with fear. My eyes and cheeks start to hurt and my throat all of a sudden feels tight. 
I try not to choke out a gasping sob as the realization pounds on the walls of my brain. I’m 12 years old now. How could I not realize this before? 
This is the first year I am put into reaping bowls. I can now participate in The Hunger Games.
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milflewis · 2 years
sewis tattoo parlor and flower shop au please <3
Sebastian grins at him, holding up a sunflower beside Lewis’s face, titling his head and squinting. “What are you doing?” It comes out more soft than Lewis had intended.
Sebastian shrugs, still smiling, corners of his eyes tight, shoulders a little too relaxed to be casual. Do you regret it, Lewis wants to ask him. Why weren’t you there when I woke up?
“Just, you know, looking at the two most beautiful things in the world,” Seb says, easy and loose, the same stupid look in his eyes when he’s delighted at his awful pickup line. And Lewis could leave it here, could do what he does every morning and roll his eyes and head to work next door and they’d go for drinks as friends in the evening and they’d never speak of last night.
He breathes in deep, catching Seb’s hand in his, wrapping his fingers around the flower. “You make me buzz for you.”
Sebastian pauses, blinking, his mouth slowly curling up. “Is that a reference to your tattoo pen or my bees because honestly, Lewis, you give out about some of the stuff I say and —“
Lewis rolls his eyes, tugging Seb in, who comes willingly, body warm and pliant, still chattering away until Lewis kisses him silent.
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rebelliousstories · 2 years
Values The Name More Than The Man
Relationship: Robert “Bob” Floyd x Adelaide “Honey” Corbin
Fandom: Top Gun: Maverick
Warnings: Angst, Brief Fluff
Word Count: 1,581
Part of the Young Love and Old Money Series
Chapter 8//Chapter 10
Main Masterlist: Here
Summary: They’re being pulled in different directions. One last chance to say goodbye is all they need.
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May 31st, 2011
Dear Robby,
This is going to be the last time I talk to you probably. You’re leaving for boot camp, on the same day I’ll be getting married. I’m scared for what the future has in store for me. I’m being married to a man that couldn���t care less about me; he only cares about the money I bring to the table. I remember meeting you that cold February day. I caught your eye, and you caught my attention.
“Well since were friends, can I give you a nickname? Adelaide is a mouthful to say every time.” He joked causing said girl to smile.
“Only if I can give you one.” They agreed and sat together in silence for a few minutes.
When we would meet up at our hideout, those were my favorite days. We didn’t have responsibility in that treehouse that we have both outgrown since. Does it still stand? Is the carving we made in the wood still there? I loved the affection we used to have.
“And there.” Robert proudly exclaimed as he stood back. He placed the pocket knife back in his pocket as his companion came to look at it with him. The two eleven year olds admired the crude carving, finding beauty in the simplicity.
“It’s beautiful, Robby.” Adelaide said, looking over his shoulder. It was a simple heart with their initials in it, but it meant the world to the two.
You always made my birthdays special. I think probably because you were there to share them with me but they’re always my favorite birthdays. I kept the necklaces you gave me. And every gift. Even when they tried to throw them out, somehow I always found a way to keep them around. Those constant little reminders of you keep me going on days when I can’t do it alone.
It was a necklace. A small dainty gold chain with a pendant in the center. The pendant was emerald green, and surrounded by what looked like branches. Despite it’s tiny size, it made a big impact. There was a little bee charm jointing the pendent on the chain, along with a dainty flower charm. She felt the tears well up in her eyes and tried not to let them fall.
Lord. Do you remember the summer where your parents found out? I was so scared that they were going to hate me. But your entire family ended up being the sweetest people I have ever met. I never felt so alive; knowing that we had someone in our corner and that I could run to when things got to be too much.
As Adelaide waited for a bite on her line, she watched Robert help his younger sister bate her line. It warmed her heart to see them interacting so wholesomely; was that how siblings were suppose to act?
One of Robert’s older brothers set up his line next to Adelaide’s. She was still staring at Robert when she felt a tug. Her body lurched forward and only Robert’s brother stopped her from going into the water. He helped her reel this fish in, while Robert watched them form the other side of the dock. He was glad they accepted her.
I think my favorite birthday was definitely the one when we were turning fourteen. You invited me over and I came, not expecting to also celebrate my own birthday. Your momma… I’ll never forget it. She brought that cake out with my name on there too. I almost cried at that kind gesture. She had never met me before, but she was willing to dedicate half of that cake to me. Nobody understands how much that meant to me.
‘Happy 14th Birthday to Bobby and Adelaide’
She was speechless. Adelaide looked to Robert, who smiled and squeezed her hand. She buried her head in his shoulder as she felt tears coming to her eyes. Robert chuckled and rubbed her shoulder with his opposite hand.
I was going to kiss you that day we got caught you know? I was so happy that you returned my feelings, and I really wanted that fairytale kiss. But we never got that. I don’t know if we’ll ever have that. You know my mother says, “Marry for money. Rich man’s jokes are always funny.” But who do marry when you don’t care about money?
Robert broke out into a smile and tackled Adelaide down. His arms wrapped around her waist, as hers came to wrap around his neck. They laughed as they laid down in the dirt. Nothing mattered in that moment. They were happy. Robert leaned up off of Adelaide, bracing his arms on either side or her head. It felt like a fairytale. Just pure bliss in the way only kids could experience.
We’re birds stuck in a cage. Two separate cages, only you have a key. A key to freedom. I can’t believe you’re going into the military. But that’s you Robby. Always looking out for others, even when I want to keep you safe from anyone and anything.
Robert gripped the window ledge with one hand, and grabbed Adelaide’s face with the other. His calloused hand felt rough against her smooth skin, but his lips were just as soft as a feather. He released her and made his getaway. Adelaide watched hopefully as Robert climbed down, and grabbed his bike that was near the tree. He sent one last look to the young girl that was partially hanging out the window, and biked away to his home.
I’ll never forget the feeling of my heart dropping when we had been discovered yet again at the mall. My stomach got cold, and my heart fell. Ever since then I’ve been stuck here. I’m only allowed outside if I have a chaperone, my windows have bars. It truly feels like a prison. But damn, I’d risk my health for one more day with you. Just one more hug from you.
“Robby,” she giggled as the boy tried to keep her with him, “I’ve gotta go. But write to me. I’ll talk to you later. Bye Robby!”
I’d give anything to be in your arms right now. My father was never your biggest fan, but that’s because he values the name more than the man. It’s a tricky age. We’re leaving our childish wants behind for adult needs. I wish I could fly away with you. It’s worth the fight to me. I almost called it off. Almost. But mother reminded me that she could eliminate your chances of succeeding in the Navy, so I stayed. I could never do that to you. I couldn’t live with myself knowing that I caused your downfall. But why am I writing this? Well, mother wishes for me to write to you informing you of my engagement and wedding shortly thereafter. I’m sorry I broke my promise to wait for you. I meant the words when I spoke them. Honest.
But you’ll never see this letter. Maybe one day when I can get away you will, but not right now. This was mostly for me, to try and accept that I have to let you go. I don’t want to. I want to stay with you forever, and build a family. I want to marry you,and have children with you. But that will never happen. Just like you will never see this letter.
I love you so much Robert Floyd. Thank you for allowing me to love you all these years, even when I didn’t know that I loved you. If you’re wondering when I realized I loved you… it was when we were fourteen, at the birthday we spent together. I never felt like that before, and I’ll never feel like that again. I don’t love this man. He’s brash and rude; the only reason he puts up with me is because of the inheritance he’s gaining for marrying me. I will always love you. But now I have to write the letter that you actually will see. The one that will be full of lies; how I don’t love you, I only hung around you because you were poor, that I never intended to go anywhere with you. How you and I were only meant for a season, there was nothing there emotionally for me. You were only a plaything in the mean time.
You’re going to hate me so much after you read that letter. And I’ll deserve it because I’ll have wrote it. But it’s all lies. I could never think that of you, or do that to you. You are the most gentle, kindest, sweetest, strongest, and bravest man I have ever know.
I’ll miss you forever. I love you.
Your Honey,
Adelaide Elizabeth Corbin
Tears streamed down the girl’s face. She desperately tried to keep the tears from staining the page but a few slipped. She folded it carefully, placed it in its designated envelope, and stashed it away in a box she had in her room. She was moving into her fiancé’s home soon. The thought made her want to vomit in grief. But she sat down, grabbed a new sheet of paper and began to write down every lie she could think of to please her mother. She signed the letter, and felt her heart shatter as her mother let out an approving sound at the letter’s content.
Adelaide Corbin had just signed her life away.
Tag: @blessupblessup
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aowyn · 2 years
to you, hope of joy for while
postcanon wenzhou, T, written for siji hua zine crossposted from ao3 here 🌸
Tomorrow it would be the first day of Qingming, and they would travel up the hillside to sweep the hidden graves and clear their stones of brush. A’Xiang and her silly husband. Xiao-Chengling and his wife.
As they walked, Wen Kexing stopped to pluck a pink blossoming azalea from a flowering bush and wove it into his hair. He turned to face Zhou Zishu, batting his eyelashes furiously like the men who acted women's roles in the comic dramas that were so popular these days. "I'm as beautiful as any maiden in town—won't the dashing Lord Zhou spare me a glance?"
"Maybe if you truly were a maiden instead of playing at one, he would," said Zhou Zishu.
Pink really did suit Lao Wen; his cheeks were bright with color. Zhou Zishu plucked another blossom and tucked it behind Wen Kexing’s ear. Wen Kexing smiled coyly and hid his mouth behind his fan. "Lord Zhou is so forward with his affections. This wife wonders if he offers such treasures to every pretty thing that crosses his path."
"So Lao Wen is my wife, now? No wonder he did not seem so maidenly."
Wen Kexing lowered his fan and stepped into Zhou Zishu's space. He caught Zhou Zishu’s hand and kissed it.
“A’Xu ah," he said, voice low and sweet like the dregs of pear blossom wine under a full spring moon. "Wife or maiden or no, I'm yours for as long as you'll have me."
“Keep me company as we walk, then, and we’ll see about what happens after.”
They went along the slope for a while before sitting down in a patch of grass. Bright petals stippled the hills like an artist’s brush with pinks and whites and creams.
“The flowers bloom every year whether there’s someone to look at them or no,” said Wen Kexing, hand warm over Zhou Zishu’s in the grass. “That sort of carefree life must be nice.”
Zhou Zishu watched the clouds swirl by, following invisible drifts and eddies. “Flowers don’t bloom to be looked at; they bloom to survive.”
“And yet they’re pleasing to the eye regardless. How absurd!”
"Isn't that what you thought of me when we first met? That I was a flower that cared not for my own loveliness? Lao Wen, are you calling me absurd?"
"You are the most absurd man I know, Zhou Zishu," said Wen Kexing. “And it’s not like the flowers want to die. You wanted to. It’s not the same.”
“Isn’t it?” Zhou Zishu said. He gestured at the flowers that painted the hills around them with color. “This year’s flowers die to make room for next year’s. With spring comes new life on the burial ground of the old. Neither the flowers nor I had a choice, in the end.”
Wen Kexing hummed, closing his eyes and leaning backwards to flop against the grass. “Can’t flowers just be flowers? I don’t care much for talk of death and life these days. What’s the cycle of rebirth to us, huh? We’ll enter Yanluo’s court on our own terms.”
Zhou Zishu lay down next to him. A cuckoo called out for its mate in a nearby tree. A fat black bee carried pollen from one bloom to the next. The clouds grew darker beyond the hills, promising rain.
Living things ate and drank and grew old and died. Was that really what the two of them were? Living things?
Wen Kexing raised an arm above his head to blot out the sun. The light between his fingers caught on the angles of his face like the bottom of a river seen through clear water. Fresh. Clean. The same, year after year.
“Lao Wen ah, I don’t want to live forever,” Zhou Zishu said quietly, after a moment. “No living thing should spend so long in springtime. I’d like autumn too.”
Wen Kexing did not say anything for a long while. Zhou Zishu waited. He could feel the thrum of Wen Kexing’s heartbeat in the pad of his thumb. Blood in his body. The count of his time.
Eventually, Wen Kexing rolled over in the grass until he was lying on top of Zhou Zishu. He plucked another flower from the patch of crushed foliage left in his wake and and tucked it behind Zhou Zishu’s ear to match the one behind own. Satisfied, he smiled at him until Zhou Zishu couldn’t help but smile too.
“You want to see my hair all stringy and grey? My face so wrinkly it’d put the old man under the moon to shame? My saggy, hairy ba—”
Zhou Zishu put both hands over Wen Kexing’s mouth to shut him up. “Enough, Lao Wen.”
Wen Kexing licked his palm. Zhou Zishu cuffed him on the ear. Wen Kexing kissed the tip of his nose and Zhou Zishu wound his arms around the back of of Wen Kexing’s head to pull his face into his neck. Wen Kexing’s eyelashes tickled. His breath warmed the underside of his jaw.
“I do,” Zhou Zishu murmured into the crown of Wen Kexing’s head, curling his hands into his hair. “I do. I want to grow old with you. I want to see your face when it’s wrinkly as a prune. I want to see evidence of the life we’ve lived together worn into the lines of our bodies.”
“We have plenty of scars to show for that,” muttered Wen Kexing darkly. “I’d prefer there were less of those, actually.”
“Scars aren’t things we choose,” said Zhou Zishu.
“Some of them are,” said Wen Kexing, trailing a finger down Zhou Zishu’s chest where the Nails used to be. “A’Xu, why do you still want to die?”
“I don’t. I want to live.”
He marveled at the brightness of the sky. Wen Kexing’s hair smelled sweet and sun-warmed. So much life all around them. “We're living beings, Lao Wen. Living beings don’t survive on ice and snowmelt. Let’s eat and drink and travel until we’re two hundred years old and so rickety that little Chengling’s great-great-grandchildren will mistake us for scarecrows when we stop by the Manor.”
“They’ll wheel us out into the flower fields and we’ll scare away the pests.”
“We’ll scare away any visitors too.”
Wen Kexing’s laughter rumbled his whole body. Zhou Zishu loved him so much.
“Alright,” Wen Kexing said, muffled, into the angled flesh where the softness of Zhou Zishu’s neck met the hardness of his collarbone. “Our lives have been paused for long enough. Let’s eat food worth eating, drink wine worth drinking. Then, at the end, we’ll hold hands as we descend into the Yellow Springs.”
Zhou Zishu grasped the sides of Wen Kexing’s face with both hands and kissed him on the mouth.
“Let’s grow old together, A’Xu,” said Wen Kexing after they parted.
Zhou Zishu brushed a stray petal out of Wen Kexing’s hair. “Yes, let’s.”
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“Rosamund?” Robert started when she picked up her phone. “How is Cora doing?”
He heard Rosamund’s frustrated sigh. “When will you learn to control your temper?”
Robert stayed quiet. He could hear in Rosamund’s voice that he had hurt Cora badly this time. “Rosamund, is there a way I can send Cora my apologies? Maybe flowers? Or chocolate?”
Rosamund’s laugh sounded. “You truly think flowers can solve this? Oh Robert, you have a very strange look on the world. No, of course you cannot send flowers. I am not sure if there is a way to mend this. You messed up big, and you have to figure this one out yourself.”
Robert put the phone down, and Rosamund was right. He truly messed up. Cora had come to Downton, she even stayed for dinner. And then he lost control. Why did he react in that way? Tom was not bad for Sybil, and if one day Matthew would take over, he needed to let go now. Mary was serious about him, and he was expecting Matthew to ask for Mary’s hand any day now. He would agree. There was no doubt in his mind about that. Mary and Matthew belonged together. The same as he and Cora did. A very deep sigh left Robert’s body. They did belong together, and they still did. Only if there was a way to fix what he had broken.
“I heard your mother was back at Downton?” Violet said to Mary.
They were in Violet’s garden, the day was warm, but the trees gave a nice shade, and it was lovely to sit outside. The bees were buzzing over the lavender.
Mary looked at her grandmother. She was not sure if she was looking for a fight or to trash talk about her mother or just making conversation.
“Papa had the divorce papers ready and they needed to sign them.”
“They could have done that in a lawyer’s office?”
“Papa asked Mama to come to Downton, and she agreed. At first, it was nice to be with all of us together in the dining room. I miss Mama at home.” Mary surprised herself by saying that.
“At first?”
Mary could hear in the way Violet asked this question, that she knew more. But as always, her grandmother loved getting her nose further into things. “Papa acted stupid, and Mama left the Abbey in an quite upset state. I am not even sure if she ever will come back. Papa did say some hurtful things.”
Violet hummed. “Your father has not learned a lot since your mother left him. But enough about your parents. How are you and Matthew coming along?”
“Papa had a hard time excepting him into the running of things. And I know we are not married yet, so Matthew does not have a say in anything. But I thought Papa would welcome him with more open arms, or at least not this hostile.”
Violet thought for a minute. Robert was not thinking clear. She knew, but she had hoped that Matthew would be a good distraction. Violet had to admit that Cora was a good influence on him, and she could get him to soften towards Matthew. But now Robert was on his own, and Robert left alone was not the best option. He needed Cora’s soft side and more reasonable eye she had to admit, much to her own annoyance. She never saw why Robert wanted to marry Cora, but in the course of time, Cora had proofed to be a strong woman, but most of all, she was capable of getting through to Robert. Should she reach out to Cora?
“Your Papa will welcome Matthew eventually. Do not worry about that. Now, is there already a wedding date?”
Mary shook her head. Not yet, Grandmamma, but I do not think it will take much longer. I can hardly wait to walk towards the altar and become his wife.
Violet smiled.
Cora was busy peeling apples. She was going to make an apple pie. She had never done that before in her life, but it was something she always wanted to do. How hard could it be, she thought. So she went to a local farmer, who sold his produce. She let him inform her what apple she needed. She went to a bakery to get flour and other ingredients. Everything she bought from small local stores. She loved going into small shops instead of the bigger supermarkets. This way her food was fresh and she learned a lot from the shop owners. The doorbell rang. Cora brushed her hands against her apron and opened the door.
“Edith?” She said, surprised when she saw who was at the door. “Did you forget your key?” Cora stopped when she saw Edith’s face. “What is wrong, darling?”
“Michael is missing.” She said very timid.
“Oh darling, come in. Come in.” Cora brushed her hands against her apron to get the juice of the apple off her hands. There was a paste on her fingers from the apple juice and flour. It didn’t come off, so she brushed with the back of her hand over Edith’s cheek. “How long is he gone?”
“He went on a holiday three weeks ago to Berlin, but nobody has heard from him since.” She looked up to her mother.
Cora was still trying to get the flour paste of her hands. “You like Michael, do you not?” She asked
Edith only nodded, and Cora saw tears in her eyes. She gave up trying to get her fingers clean and wrapped Edith in her arms. “Do you want Papa to send out somebody to search in Berlin?”
Edith shrugged her shoulders. His frim already did that, without any luck. “What if something terrible had happened.”
Cora put her hands on Edith’s face. “No reason to despair yet. We need to keep hope. Maybe his phone just died, and he is not able to contact home?” She knew this was, of course, madness, but she saw the despair in Edith’s eyes. When she lowered her hands, she saw a trace of flour on Edith’s cheeks. “Go and give your face a quick rinse, I will make you a nice hot cup of tea. She saw Edith walk towards the stairs. Then she noticed two letters on the doormat. She recognised the handwriting.
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