#am I becoming a spring girly?
youngchronicpain · 1 year
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I started a homemade soda with foraged spiderwort blossoms today!
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scintillasofbeomgyu · 3 months
⟢ to swallow a star | c.bg
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pairing: wizard!beomgyu x apprentice!f!reader. genres: fluff, romcom, fantasy. wc: 1,7k. warnings: this is so silly and unedited 💀. an: i was trying to make a point with the last paragraph but my brain isn’t working, but i am a howl girlie so just pretend u get it 🤣 found the last photo on pinterest with no credits, so credit to the original artist 🫶🏻
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it is late afternoon down by lilac lane. the spring sunlight douses the cottage in gold, lighting up the grassy hills and fields, glittering off a nearby rushing creek. it allows warmth to seep in through the windows.
normally, on a cozy sunday such as this, you would be curled up on the soft upholstery armchair in the sitting room, with tabby purring in your lap and a volume of the Wizard Howl’s Why One should Not Swallow Stars series between your fingers. But today you were not, and it vexes you greatly to think of it. rather, you are standing on the tips of your toes, leaning over the sink, to squint through the kitchen window.
a great deal of time had passed since you saw the Wizard Beomgyu, under whom you were serving an apprenticeship. he had disappeared into the fields behind the cottage earlier that very afternoon, promising to teach you a new charm once he had returned. and this promise had pleased you.
for the first few weeks in his care, you and beomgyu had gotten along remarkably well. he would teach you spells and enchantments, you would prepare meals and you would share chores and tending to the cottage equally. in your free time you would tag along on his jobs in town, or you would read and he would paint.
but in the next few weeks that took you up to the current third month at the cottage, his behavior had changed drastically. the good-natured, occasional prankster of a man had reverted to a sulking, misbehaving teenager who had not taught you a thing in days.
so the thought of his unhappiness being cured and him now having the time to teach you, enlivened the witch in the exasperated nurse you had become. but that excitement had long since met its end. and as the clock struck five o’clock, your blood boiled.
a flash of green sweeps through the open window and you drop onto your heels. tabby lifts her head from where she had sat napping between the potted plants near you on the sink, one eye opening slowly to follow the squawking bird.
“toto,” you say, relieved to see the wizard’s familiar. you follow him into the sitting room, where he glides around once more before taking his perch. “where have you been? where is your master?”
he squawks. “miss (y/n), master requests your presence at poppy hill.”
“poppy hill?” you say in surprise, “i thought he was in the fields. is something the matter?” then your eyes shine, “is it time for my lesson at last?”
toto lets out a nervous squawk. “you should take your leave before last light, miss.”
“will you guide me to him, toto?” you ask politely. the parrot nods his head before hopping from his perch and sailing through the kitchen window once more.
you tighten your boots quickly, pausing only to check on tabby. “are you coming, girl?”
her countenance was such that, if she were a person, you’d imagine she would sigh unenthusiastically. but she nevertheless hopped off and ran after you at your heels.
you follow toto deep into the fields and up onto poppy hill where the Witch Karina grew and nurtured her genus of wild flowers. it pales you to imagine he had spent the entirety of his afternoon here, but you perk up when toto leads you down the windward side of the hill.
you come to a stop as you find the Wizard Beomgyu seated amongst red common poppies, the last light catching his features and making them glow. the gentle breeze brushes through his long, golden brown hair as he soaks it up. when the light disappears behind the mountains at last, toto settles atop his head and his eyes flutter open. he greets toto with a smile, then turns to you and his eyes light up. you gulp.
“(y/n)!” he says, climbing to his feet. as his hands clear the grass and dirt from his trousers, he starts toward you and continues, “i’m glad you could make it. i was just talking to karina and—”
you fix your hands on your hips and a severe expression on your face. he stops, fear in his eyes. you march toward him and he shrieks. “where have you been! you promised you would teach me today, beomgyu! what is the meaning of this!” you say, poking a finger into his chest.
“i was—”
“i have been patient! so patient with you these weeks and you go and leave me at noon until evening! what have you to say for yourself, sir!”
his frown morphs into a smile and you are simply flabbergasted. but before you can berate him further, he takes your hand into his gently. he presses his lips to your knuckles and then rubs his thumb over them gently.
“i have left you? why, i could never do such a thing my dear,” he says and your face burns red.
“wha– wai– i beg your pardon!” you exclaim. but he maintains his hold on your hand and leads you further down the hill until you reach the middle of the slope. “do you think you can treat me like those swooning ladies in town!”
the sky is now dark and the stars are twinkling above, the moonlight shimmering silver against the blades of grass beneath your feet. you try and use the fragrance of the flowers and the earth to distract you from how warm and soft his hand feels, but then he takes your other hand and pulls you toward him.
“there is going to be a meteor shower tonight.” he says excitedly, as if it explains anything. but you are much too distracted by his closeness and his touch and his prettiness to argue. “i have planned it all with Karina. she will—“
you finally manage to yank your hands from his. “i do not care to be in your presence now, sir. you refuse to explain your behavior! i am your apprentice, you are supposed to teach me. if our arrangement— if my company is not to your liking anymore simply say so and I will take my leave.”
you start your walk back up the hill, which, being now by your full senses, proved to be a lot more taxing than the journey down it. it only aggravates you more. but you gather your dress in your hands and push on. he rushes after you.
“i will swallow a star!”
you stop in your tracks. you turn to him. “what?”
“i will swallow a star,” he repeats, folding his arms across his chest with a resolved expression on his face. “so that i may compete with that pretty boy you like so much.”
you blink. “compete? with that pretty boy? who– The Wizard Howl? Pendragon?”
he does not answer, but turns his face up to the night sky with a pout. your jaw drops in absolute bafflement. then you burst out laughing. his cheeks turn pink.
“oh, beomgyu,” you sigh, taking his face into your hands and turning it to you. “howl’s books are about why we should not contract deals with demons for power; his own autobiography. and you are a powerful wizard of your own accord, why should you need to be like him?”
toto squawks. “that is what i told him, Miss.”
“you shut up,” he snaps, swatting his familiar away. when your hands drop from his face, he returns them to their place and he leans into your touch, still pouting. “but you like him so much. you’re always reading those things and talking to tabby and mrs rochester from the bakery about him.”
you grin, a blush glowing in your cheeks. “beomgyu, the wizard howl is a happily married man with a sweet two-year old son. the story of his life is remarkable to me, so I read about him.”
he stills. “really?”
you drop your head and giggle. when you look up again, he is watching you with a look in his eyes that makes your chest flutter.
“and what about you?” you say, fixing your hands on your hips again. “what were you doing all day with Miss Karina?”
he perks up. “oh! i spent the afternoon trying to convince her to let us borrow her field for the evening. she agreed on the condition that i promenade with her in town tomorrow.”
you glare at him and smack his shoulder. “And you said yes? i cannot believe you! courting couples promenade together! i—“
he hooks an arm around your waist and pulls you flush against his chest. “i am a cunning wizard, darling. i may have pulled one on her,” he shrugs, “besides. how could i dream of courting anyone else when you are right here.”
then his eyes flit to your lips, asking, and when you nod, he takes them between his own in a sweet kiss.
when you break apart your breath is shaky and you think that if he should remove his arm from your waist you would fall straight to the ground. he smirks, as if he reads your mind.
“sh- she’s going to curse you once she figures it out. d-do you not know of howl and the witch of the waste?”
at that moment the meteor shower begins, like glittering diamonds shooting across the heavens. you stare up in awe. tabby meows and rubs her head against your legs, while toto perches on beomgyu’s shoulder.
he gently takes your chin between his fingers and draws your attention back to him.
“do you know of the wizard beomgyu and the apprentice who stole his heart?” he says softly, bringing your face closer and closer and closer. “they say she was was vivacious,” he kisses one corner of your mouth, “unyielding,” then the other, “a powerful witch in the making who was not wise of what she was doing before it was far too late.”
your breathing is heavy and your eyes hooded, “w-what happened to them? the wizard and the apprentice?”
his lips curl into a soft smile. “the apprentice and her wizard’s fates became inseparable, and they were destined to love one another in this and every lifetime.”
he pulls you in once more, this kiss much different from the first. he holds you impossibly close, a hand buried in your hair and the other lifting you up to his lips. it is enrapturing and toe-curling and your insides melt.
you decided then and there that the Wizard Howl Jenkins Pendragon was a charlatan. for if this is what it felt like to swallow a star, to give your heart to another and share a life, you would choose it with beomgyu, every single day.
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scintillasofbeomgyu © all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, alter, or repost in any way.
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johnpriceslamb · 6 months
hi there! i really liked your arthur with a feminine gf fic and id love to see more like that! could i maybe request a fic with a cute girly reader who is a friend of mary-beths and when mary-beth brings her to camp she spots arthur and literally goes heart eyes for him🥺 maybe whenever shes visiting camp arthur always finds an excuse to go over and talk to them just so he can see her aww! and its so obvious to everyone in camp and they all tease them over how sweet on each other they are🥰
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꒰ Arthur Morgan has his eyes on a certain hyper-feminine doll .꒱
BEFORE YOU PROCEED! Mary-Beth being a giant tease and a flirt to reader . hyper-feminine! reader . fem! reader . many pet names in use . awkward-written ending . quick luv stori . reader is mentioned 2 be physically shorter than characters mentioned below . reader has a dada and a mama . 2.3k words
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the sounds of pearl tipped necklaces rattling together and ribbon-laced dresses ruffled in the precious spring breeze, paired with soft giggles and a nervous coo.
A stifled babble escapes her lips,
“Am I um.. even allowed to be here?” [name] meekly stammers. She holds onto her friends hand, her floral patterned dress was hitched slightly over her knees with her other hand, in reluctancy in which; to get her newly bought dress dirty from the ground they treaded upon.
She’s heard of people trespassing their gangs property, and much to her dismay— she may end up as dead as roadkill. A small shiver goes down [name]’s spine at the thought of that.
Mary-Beth had been wanting to show her a couple of her new books she’s bought in st. Denis— thus the excitement pouring from her aura as she drags her across the Van Der Linde’s property.
“Don’t worry yer pretty lil’ head off. I’ll just tell em’ yer with me. What could possibly go wrong?” She pats her shoulder with a reassuring smile. A slight grimace etched amongst [name]’s face as her bow-tipped shoe is coated with a bit of mud when she took another quiet step.
[name] doesn’t look convinced at all. The grip on her hand grows a bit tighter which signified her nerves playing in. Mary-Beth always teased her for being such a worry-wart.
“..Um, well, a lot actually.” [name] prattles on.
Mary-Beth rolls her eyes.
“Hush, now.”
She does what she’s told. To shut up in a non sugar-coated manner. The aroma of many boiled meat and vegetables in a pot comes hitting her nose as soon as she enters the area. She can’t help the little nose crunch as the smell hits too abruptly for her to even know. She’s about to question Mary-beth what that smell was—
“Ah! Mr. Pearson’s cooking again.”
[name] doesn’t know wether to ask her whom this Pearson guy was, or to stay quiet. She chooses the latter. A slight tilt to her head as her ribbon-tipped hair slightly falls down her shoulder out of habit when she’s confused.
This camp was interesting, she thought. [name] could only hope that there aren’t much people. She shyly hide behind Mary-Beth’s figure as they treaded closer to her spot in camp.
⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅
Unfortunately for [name], there was a certain amount of people that made her feel uncomfortable. She resists the urge to complain, biting her tongue to keep the words in. However, there were a few she’s met that she can’t help but admire. Karen and Tilly, their names were. Sweet girls they were, she deemed.
She sat upon a small patch of grass, her hands fiddling with a few strands of the everlasting green out of boredom, listening to Mary’s voice as she spoke.
In Mary-Beth’s hand adorns a romance-genre book, she’s reading the lines out loud. [name]’s cheeks become a darker hue at a certain line she verbally says— resulting to the both of them quietly giddily giggling.
“I cannot believe he’d actually do that to her,” Mary-beth comments as she fawns over the characters. [name] eagerly crawls towards her, re-reading the line she’s just read out.
“I thought he liked Sarah though?” [name] squeaked.
“Same!” Mary was far too happy to be able to share her love for books with another. She ends herself with a soft sigh, “I reckon he’ll leave her in a span of a click.”
“Who.. Who’s that?”
This gets the girls attention. She quirks a brow, looking at the direction of [name]’s lithe finger. It’s not easy to hold back a smirk curling onto her lips.
“You pointin’ to that cowpoke over there?” Mary grins.
[name]’s doe eyes were practically planted with hearts, and she’s stammering like a tiny lamb, “I—I um.. uh.. I was just..”
“He was just starin’ at me, so I um.. nevermind—”
She cuts her off, “—His names Arthur,” Mary teases the sweetheart, “Lookit chu’!”
[name] could only shrink, “I.. shut up would you?”
“Whenever you swear it’s like looking at a yapping puppy.”
[name] fully turns around, the back of her head facing the burly cowpoke whom curiously stares at the pair of girls from afar.
“‘shut up’ is not a swear word, Mary-Beth!”
“Is so!” Mary-Beth argues back. She doesn’t mention the fact that Arthur’s slowly creeping up from behind.
“Shut up doesn’t have any implications of vulgar words now does it?” She puffs out her cheeks. Mary-beth can’t suppress the small smirk planted on her freckled face. The man stalks towards them closer, in a lazy manner.
“It so does! It’s considered rude and disrespectful— which is quite literally the definition of a curse word.” Closer.
“Mhm, even so it all really depends on context—” Closer.
“—Now how ‘bout you just caaalm down, sweetheart?” She drags the ‘a’ in calm to further on annoy her. Mary-Beth teases the dolled-up sweetheart, playing with her ribbons by twirling it around her finger.
[name] broods, huffing as she quiets down and crosses her arms like an itty-bitty brat. Goodness was she cute! Mary giggles.
Suddenly, the freckled-face darling stands up from her spot, eliciting a tiny ‘where you going?’ from [name].
“Just gonna get another book! I’ll be back in a second.” She cheekily trots away.
[name] could only tilt her head at her unusual behaviour.
Only for her to freeze up immediately at a quiet rumble of a man’s voice from behind—
“Mary-Beth’s been botherin’ you, I assume?”
[name] shyly turns her head around— wispy lashes fluttering as she stands up awkwardly to match his height— barely even. A whole foot taller than she was.
She fiddles with her fingers, before quietly nodding. It’s obvious to Arthur that she was a shy little thing. So with that information, he’s gentle in his approach, his tone is more softer.
“Got a name, little missy?” He asks. Oh, his voice.
“[name],” she shyly babbles. He was certainly NOT bad looking. She’s so, so so shy. “And you are..?”
“Arthur. Arthur Morgan.”
Despite already knowing his name, she can’t help but admire how his southern drawl drags.
“‘s nice to meet you, mister Morgan,” She meekly says.
“Just Arthur.”
“Oh- sorry.” She stammers.
Arthur can’t help the lazy grin on his face.
“No need to be sorry,” He hums. “Mary-Beth’s friend?”
“Best friend,” She corrects him with a tiny smile.
“Ah.” Despite the silence that continued on, it was somehow comforting around them. Guess his dim tone and sweet intentions made her feel like a comforted little bunny snuggled inside a warm burberry blanket.
Arthur’s eyes size her up and down. He doesn’t comment her shyness, rather her appearance. It was like looking at a live porcelain doll.
He can’t help but question, “You from Saint Denis, lil’ - missy?”
That pet name makes her shy.
“Mhm,” She fully looks at him. She has to tilt her head just to look at him. Her hands were behind her back, and she rocks on her platforms.
“Mm.. Figured.”
“Oh? How so?” She curiously quirks a brow.
He doesn’t hesitate to answer. “You look like a right tulip, missy.”
[name] almost lets out a soft giggle at his teasing. Her cheeks feel warmer, as do her nose and the tip of her dainty ears. A tulip?
“It’s the attire, is it not?” [name] leans back on the souls of her black bow platforms, tinkering those wispy lashes at him.
Gosh, what he’d do to just.. kiss those squishy cheeks of hers.
“Mhm. ‘S all frilly and.. so..” Arthur trails on. He mindlessly fiddles with the folded gossamer lines attached to her light pink dress. She allows him to, can’t help but also allow his scent to invade her nose— smoke and.. gunpowder. A large cry from her sweet vanilla scented perfume sprayed on her neck.
They’re both cut off by Mary-Beth strolling in with her other books. That cheeky, little smile she sent to Arthur makes a vein pop in [name]’s head, realising why she left so quickly.
⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅
It was her second time visiting the camp-site.
From her previous experience, she figured that it wasn’t all that bad.. just ignore some folks.
[name] adorns a pink puff-sleeved ruffled dress with a simple pearl necklace— a bit similar to her previous outfit. From her giddy stance, it looked like she was waiting for Arthur, and not Mary-Beth.
Her smile even becomes brighter when she sees him nearby. And quite frankly, Mary-Beth has had enough of being answered with silence and shy eye-contact from afar. It was cute, yes, but it was becoming frustrating to bear.
“—And Johnathan allows her to wear his deceased wife’s ring! How absurd.” Mary-Beth squints her eyes at her response.
“Mhm,” [name] mindlessly hums, staring at Arthur.
“…He also ate a raw fish.” She tests.
“..He’s tap dancing.”
“That’s nice.”
She groans, poking the girl, “Are you even listening to what I’m saying right now?”
“Uhuh.” [name] unconsciously fiddles with the ends of her dress. She’s still staring at his direction. Doe eyes expand abnormally larger at the sight.
The girl in front of her droops. But pipes up again to get her attention.
“Arthur really likes flowers.”
That gets her attention. [name] immediately whips her pixie-sized head towards her with a tiny ‘ooh?’ Just the mere mention of his name makes her tummy flutter and giddy.
“You’re a real sucker for him ain’t ya?” Mary coos and giggles, nudging her small arm.
[name] shyly shrugs, “H—He’s nice m’kay? I can’t help it, I like nice guys..”
“To you,” She continues, “To you, he’s nice. To others he’s an absolute.. menace.”
“I’m thinking.. He has a real soft spot for ya,” She winks.
[name] could only scoff, “We’ve only met once, ‘Bethy.”
“He’s a real sucker for them frills and bows. He sees a pretty girl like you and he’s all lamb-like. Stumbly on the legs and stuttery on the mouth.” Mary teases, “And your one pretty girl, [name].”
“You think I’m pretty?” [name] sweetly swoons at her words.
“Darling, you’re quite literally the cutest girl i’ve ever met!”
“Marryyy…” [name] softly whines at her constant fawning, “You’re very pretty too, y’know.”
“Huuush,” Mary-Beth giggles and smooches her cheek. Sweet girls.
Suddenly, that cheeky little grin comes crawling onto her face. [name] tilts her head, weary and meek. She’s up to something.
“Your boyfriend’s behind you.”
“Boyfriend??? Now, what in the world are you—” [name] suddenly becomes quiet as she turns her head around and makes eye contact with Arthur. He gives a shy smile to both of the ladies, a sheepish expression on his face.
“I’ll leave you two be~” Mary-Beth stands up and cheekily skips away.
Silence surrounded the two.
“Hi, Arthur.” It was like looking at two teenagers in a puppy love.
“Hello, [name].”
Her heart speeds up. She shyly looks down at the ground, unsure of what to say. Despite this being their second time interacting, she can’t help the meekness flooding in her system.
“I’m startin’ to wonder if yer clothes are strictly pink-only.” He gestures to her short little dress.
She giggles softly, “I do have a few non-pink clothing y’know.” [name] is comfortable enough to peer at him through those damn wispy lashes. Puckered lips, cherubic-like cheeks, and those puppy eyes.
“I wouldn’t believe that,” He lets out a bent arm towards her for her to take gently and stand up. [name] does so, standing to her full height with her pixie-like hands holding onto his arm like an elderly couple.
“Mind a stroll?” He asks with a gentle, soft tone.
“I wouldn’t mind at all,” She pipes up.
And there they went off.
⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅
[name] was getting ready.
This time, she wasn’t there to visit Mary-Beth. She was here to visit Arthur.
More so because of his request of her to come back soon. If she were to be a puppy, her tail would be wagging as quickly as the speed of light. She was giddy at his request.
This was… the umpteenth time they’ve interacted with each other. Quite literally, everyone knew they’d get together sooner or later.
She adorns a white, cotton-like ruffled dress with a simple heart shaped necklace. On her head, she wore a pretty little bonnet.
As she approaches the location, she can’t help the sweet smile on her face as she sees Arthur coming towards her direction again. His hair was simple— a bit neater than before and his usual black vest outfit, with no grime or dirt anywhere.
“Hi,” She waves giddily.
“Hey, sweetheart.” He allows her tiny hands to come and place themselves near his bicep. He bends his elbow a bit near his figure to allow her come closer to his stature. He makes a mental note to be more careful around her. The bonnet on her head catches his attention.
He murmurs a soft ‘cute..’ underneath his breath, as he leads her away to take a little stroll around a pretty little meadow.
“How was your day, hm?” He asks.
“Good,” She shyly replies, “Daddy’s doing okay now. He’s not as sick as he was a week ago.” His heart softens.
“Ah. That’s good.”
“How about you? How was your day?” She asks with a glimmer in her eyes.
“Decent at best.” He replies with a slight grunt, gently pushing her away from a small puddle he can see that’s formed on the ground. Doesn’t want her shoes to get messed up from the dew-dropped floor. He’s genuinely thinking of just picking her up.
“How’s yer ma and yer pa doing?”
“Good and good,” She happily smiles, very happy that he’s asking about her family. Her doe eyes light up at a pretty pink wild flower, a smirk etched on Arthur’s face as he sees that cute little expression of hers.
A soft ‘huh.’ escapes his lips, he stops suddenly. Arthur’s blue eyes sizes her up and down, only realising just now—“You’re not wearing pink.”
[name] looks up at him, itty-bitty smile, “Told you I don’t have just pink coloured clothing.”
He snorts at her answer, “Damn brat, you are.”
“Your brat.”
“Yeah. My brat.”
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arson-09 · 5 months
Acowar Review✨✨ sjm needs to pay for my therapy✨✨
Its not as infuriating as acomaf but its still… bad.
Point 1: the court of ignorance and dumbassery
Lets cut to the chase. why the FUCK didnt feyre read Tamlin and Luciens minds at ANYPOINT while she was doin her hot girl shit of taking the spring court down??? huh sjm??? why is your fmc only powerful when convenient. So much could have been cut down. Acowar was way too long.
The whole destroying of the spring court didnt even make that much sense. Im all for a girlie getting back at the people who wronged her but feyre ended up hurting a lot of innocent people in the process. Feyre even tries to ignore the consequences of her actions. She had to invade peoples minds and manipulate people to get them to turn against tamlin and all this could have been avoided if she read his damn mind and learned he was a double agent. Lucien even hinted towards it
Part One: Princess of Carrion »
Chapter Six
None. It was either go to war with the Night Court and Hybern, or ally with Hybern, let them try to stir up trouble, and then use that alliance to our own advantage further down the road." "What do you mean," I breathed. But Lucien realized what he'd said, and hedged, "We have enemies in every court. Having Hybern's alliance will make them think twice." Liar. Trained, clever liar.
If feyre is supposed to be so smart, and she did pick up on this, why didnt she do anything? This is so frustrating.
Then once she leaves the spring court i found myself frankly not caring. Acomaf hadnt given me enough to care about the inner circle so i didnt and sjm cant make me like rhysand. which i have so many gripes but for word counts sake let me name my main ones
Point 2: Sarah Janet Maas and her shitty love interests
the ignoring rhysand sexual assault of feyre and EXCUSING it and his little habit of not telling his court things
Part Two: Cursebreaker »
Chapter Twelve
Was it going on before you even left?" I whipped my head to him, even if I could barely make out his features in the dark. "I never touched Rhysand like that until months later." "You kissed Under the Mountain." "I had as little choice in that as I did in the dancing." "And yet this is the male you now love." He didn't know-he had no inkling of the personal history, the secrets, that had opened my heart to the High Lord of the Night Court. They were not my stories to tell
here we have sjm acknowledging that yeah, rhysand Sexually Assaulted Feyre UtM in Acotar. Without her consent he dressed her inappropriately (which she was uncomfortable with) had her dance provocatively in his lap, kissed her, and made her drink alcohol so she wouldn't remember the details all without her consent. Yet Sjm is going “its fine” now and feyre herself going “you just dont get it…” ⁉️⁉️⁉️
Now see if sjm actually planned for rhysand to become the love interest why didnt she just avoid all this by having Amarantha make rhysand do this to feyre? Because that would have solved some issues but no. Because Rhysand did all this of his own free will in acotar. He actively chose to do this to feyre. To humiliate her and anger Tamlin because rhysand is obsessed with Tamlin.
Rhysand also loves to not tell his own court things. I was and still am very angry over him not telling Mor, Azriel, Cassien and at the very least his Wife about his plan with the court of nightmares. Just why.
Mors anger towards Nesta also makes no sense. sjm stop writing girl on girl hate challenge impossible
Point three: That one toy story scene “I dont wanna play with you anymore!”
Now tamlin. Tamlin tamlin tamlin im so sorry love for what sjm has done to you. If i start ill never stop. What Tamlin said to feyre and rhysand at the high lords meeting was out of pocket but he also wasnt wrong about some things. Also from established character these actions make no sense and his actions havent made sense since acomaf because sjm threw him and his character away to play with shadow daddy and bad morals. But she also cant commit to making a character of hers actually evil so tamlin saves the whole day by bringing the autumn court to fight and saving rhysand life. Tamlin has redeemed himself by sjm standards but she then wrote the holiday novel which i have read and detested.
Overall the plot was fine. i guess. it probably looked better when compared to the characters.
Sjm learn to redeem characters outside of “ooh they were abused and have trauma so everything they do is okay” for guys and “she fell in love/had sex with the most PERFECT MALE TO EVER MASCULINE.” its boring and flat. Also i know what happens in Acosf (i will not be reading that ty) so wtf happened to Nesta bro. she got the tamlin treatment. boooo 👎
to end off heres some of my favorite highlights from acowar 50%+ thru the book.
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lavender--fairy · 1 year
For all my Muslim girlies here are some Quotes of Maulana Rumi :
"Everything in the universe is within you, Ask all from your self"
"I searched for god and only found myself, i searched for myself and only found god"
"Live life as if everything is rigged in your favour"
"God made the illusion look real, and the real an illusion"
"Don't knock on the doors of ordinary.Your arms are long enough to reach the door of heaven"
"we seek outside the wonders we carry inside us"
"who sees all beings in his own self and his own self in all beings, loses all fear."
"you went out in search of gold far and wide, but all along you were gold on the inside"
"This universe is not outside of you, Look inside yourself, everything that you want, you already are"
"There is only one being inside all of us"
"In this world full of shapes, there you are with no form"(void)
"The source is within you and this whole world is springing from it"
"close both eyes to see with the other eye"
"I AM in you and I AM you, no one can understand this until he has lost his mind"
"Patience is not sitting and waiting, its foreseeing, its looking at the throne and seeing the rose" (looking at the 3d and still being fulfilled)
"Abandon this world (3d) that you may become king of all worlds"
"Let go of showing off, become nothing so that your small being becomes the shining sun" (void)
"This place (3d) is only a dream. Only a sleeper considers it real. Then death comes like a dawn and you wake up laughing at what you thought was your grief"
"close your eyes (imagine), fall in love (with the state), stay there (persist)"
"Kill the snake of desire in the beginning (fulfill your desire as soon as its on you) or watch out your snake will become dragon"
"This is a subtle truth, what you love you are"
"Don't tell of sufferings, talk of nothing but belssings (dont wallow all day about sufferings but affirm for good things)
hey butterbean!! This is so amazing wow !! thank you so much <3
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ellequarius · 9 months
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My success actually happened many months back but i'm just now getting around to talking about it 😭 If there’s typos ignore it I just got my nails done and it's hard to type.
On new years eve I was scrolling around on Pinterest making my vision board for 2023 and I came across a video on becoming your dream person. Basically It said to create an alter ego, this alter ego would be your dream self and whenever you made a decision or had a thought ask yourself, would your yn (your alter ego) do/think this?
I applied this to almost every thought I had. "would my alter ego buy this?" "Would she say this?" "Would she allow someone to say that to her?" After about two weeks of doing this i noticed my face changing, it looked different my features were more enhanced and I thought I looked prettier. Now this was all happening winter 2023, and i'm not a winter girlie 😭 but AS SOON as spring rolls around that's when I truly feel the shift.
I became more confident and someone literally stopped me in the streets to tell me how beautiful I am. I went thrifting literally almost every other week and always found clothes that suited me. I'd get cash from my father literally every other day. I would walk past people and they would literally do double takes. It is important not to think from a victim mindset when changing states.
I am black, and I live in Northeastern America. Obviously beauty standards here are very strict and people of color are excluded from these standards. But did I worry about this while I was in the state of being drop dead gorgeous? No. I listened to subliminals and made the assumption that everyone thought I was attractive, and guess what it's true! Guys literally walk into walls after looking at me. I loved listening to subliminals with music that reminded me of the vs angels and a french teacher at my school said I looked like a model yesterday!!
I recommend working on self-concept before you change states or during. DO NOT LIMIT YOURSELF. Don't feel bad if you're feeling down some days and are criticizing your looks, it's ok to feel sad.
I will remain in this state for the rest of my life because tbh it makes life so much easier. I used to be a really introverted kid with depression and social anxiety, I still have the anxiety but I didn't let that stop me from getting my manifestations. DON'T LET ANYTHING STOP YOU.
(feel free to ask me any questions. + another success story being dropped soon!) xoxo elle 💋
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lfghughes · 1 year
I feel like it’s so hard to find people that write for John Marino! Is there any shot of you writing a thing between the reader and John where he’s two years older and ever since childhood she’s teased him about being “old” and it gradually turns into flirty comments and flirty touches? Thank you sm!!!!
a/n: a sucker for john requests if you can't tell by how long this got. thank you so much for the request!
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Two years was relatively nothing but you made a joke one time when you were seven about John being so old and it stuck. You didn’t know how you had gotten so lucky to end up next door to him. All it took was you falling off your bike right in front of him one time and you two had been attached at the hip since. Of course then he had to go and get drafted by the NHL and suddenly you were seeing him less and less in person. But you both regularly facetimed and texted each other.
“Alright old man, you’re picking me up at the airport tomorrow right?” You asked on FaceTime, confirming your plans with him. Occasionally and probably more often than you should, you traveled to New Jersey to hang out with John for a few days. If there was a big game coming up he would typically invite you. Although it was pretty much always an open invitation. “You’re literally old too if I am but yes I will be there.”
The flight was relatively an easy one, a few hours gave you enough time to read some chapters of your book. You were definitely grateful when the plane landed and you would get to see your best friend. As soon as you got outside he was there just like he promised and you immediately ran into his arms. “Okay, here’s the deal. I’m going to just spring it on you. We have off today so the boys all want to go out for a dinner and some drinks after. So we are going back to my place so you can get ready and do whatever girly things you need to do.”
He had a plan and you stuck to it. Once back at his place you took a quick shower and changed into a cute outfit that you deemed good enough for dinner. “Alright, I’m ready.” You walked out to the living room where John was and he let out a low whistle “Look at you.” He gave you that cute boyish grin as you pushed him playfully. “Keep your eyes to yourself, old man.”
At dinner they had set up a beautiful long table at a fancy restaurant and the table was pretty much full already with the other teammates and their wives/girlfriends. Of course you chose your seat next to John. You had met some of the boys before and you knew some better than others from the times you had visited and you had gone out with them. Johns arm went around your chair, something that just felt normal to you.
“John, I don’t think you ever introduced us to your girlfriend. It’s nice to meet you, I’m Erik.” Your cheeks turned red and Johns were matching yours at the moment. “We’re just friends, we’ve been friends forever.” You quickly explained, this wasn’t something that was completely out of the ordinary, you both had gotten asked about your relationship since you had become teenagers basically.
The conversation had quickly turned elsewhere and you were struggling to keep up with all the different conversations. Until you felt Johns fingers, brush against your arm in a comforting motion. You turned to look at him, a smile on his lips as he leaned in so you could hear him over everyone. “Did you want to do drinks after with everyone or just go have a movie night the two of us?” He asked and you knew the answer already but you still had to tease him “Can’t keep up with us younglings anymore, huh? But I’m definitely feeling a movie.”
“You’re hilarious.” He rolled his eyes as his fingers kept moving along your arm and you had to admit you liked the feeling it gave you. “I’d much rather cuddle up with you and watch a movie than go out.” His words brought back the blush that had been on your cheeks earlier. The rest of the dinner had gone by pretty fast and it didn’t take too long after that for the two of you to excuse yourselves to go back home.
On the drive home, you shifted your body in his car so you could face him better. “I actually have some news I want to tell you. I’ve been looking at some jobs in the area and I actually found a really good opportunity out here so I applied and got it.” You didn’t know why you were nervous telling him. This was John. The nerves dissolved as soon as a smile grew on his lips “Are you being serious right now? This isn’t some April fools joke that you delayed?” You nodded your head at him confirming this was true. “Are we about to become roommates?”
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for the ask game- #13!
omg I go from Zero asks to 5+ in less than an hour!
13. What initially drew me to Elucien?
I did my first read through of the series in April 2022, and I fell in love with their potential chemistry instantly. There was something that I loved about Elain at the end of the first ACOTAR book, and I am a Lucien Girlie (shhhhh don't tell Az). The way that they have such similar paths in life(both the overlooked and underappreciated child, witty, smart, charming, courtiers) really drew me to them. Then, their small interactions in ACOWAR were EVERYTHING to me. What sealed the deal was finding out that Lucien was actually the heir to the Day Court, and without realizing it Elain was consistently looking for the sun. She is personified as a gardener, and what do plants need to thrive? Sunlight. Lucien is the literal embodiment of what she needs. He would pull her out of her head, treat her like a PERSON and not some object that he thinks he deserves. Neither of them are ready, and I am in it for the long haul :) She needs to get out of her sister's shadows and become her own person, and that will only happen once she is out of the Night Court. SJM couldn't have made it any more obvious that Elain belongs in the NC as much as Feyre belonged in Spring or the Human Lands.
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simmonsized · 3 months
It is becoming that good early morning spring chill season before it warms up for the day and as much as I am a winter girly through and through I cannot say enough good things about a crisp morning
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gayskogul · 4 months
Wip snippet
Thank you for the tag, @renaultphile I have to admit that I'm not working on any writing for TC right now, sorry girlies, but I am working on something just as homosexual! It's the story of a young Paladin-in-training, and the fledgling Cleric who has been made to tutor him in the ways of the magic. So, stay tuned if you like fantasy and knights and magic and homoerotic devotion! I've a bunch of chapters written already but I'm not keen to start uploading bits until I have a whole act ready to go, but I plan to start posting these stinkers up on Ao3 very soon! Anyway, this is a snippet from an early scene that I quite liked.
[5-ish mins reading time]
“It’s really quite a simple trick,” said Arthur, spreading his cloak out underneath him on the tree stump. “We learn to do it early on in our training. You just have to open yourself up, and really…” Arthur noticed a wave of confusion sweep across the other man’s face. “You can feel the Light, can’t you?”
Oliver bit at his lower lip. He nodded, after a moment. “I think so, yes. Sergeant Wheatley—the practice instructor, that is—said that I wield it in combat. But off the training field…”
Oliver pushed a brown lock of hair back from his face, a twinge of frustration in the gesture. “Not even a glimmer.”
Arthur took the leaf that had fallen from the poplar branches above them, then held it in his hand, palm up. He focused for a moment, reaching out for the Light, then let it wash over the leaf. With a barely audible puff, it floated a couple of inches above his outstretched hand.
“Do you see it?” asked Arthur. “The Light.”
Oliver craned his neck, eyeing the leaf warily, as if it was some monstrous enemy upon the battlefield. After a long silence, he murmured, “No.”
Arthur felt his heart sink into his stomach. Had the Order made a mistake? The leaf did a sudden nose-dive, plummeting as the spell fed off of his momentary doubt. But he bolstered the enchantment, steadying it before it could drop to the floor and become lost amongst the foliage. “Look closer. Try again.”
Oliver shifted closer, leathers creaking as he bent down at the waist. “Hold on…” he breathed. He squinted at it for a moment, then nodded. “It’s hard to see, but yes, I think that’s it! Little threads of… is that the Light? You can really see it?”
“Good,” said Arthur, relief making the word come out sounding choked. For most people, those would not be visible. Not that they were visible per se, but those with some attunement to the Light were able to sense it. It was a sixth sense of sorts. Oliver’s ability to perceive them meant that he was indeed familiar with the magic, and had most likely been told the truth that he’d used it in his sparring, and most importantly, this wasn’t a waste of time for everybody involved, the poor lad included. 
Arthur released the spell. The leaf flopped back onto his hand. “Now that you saw how it’s done, have a go."
Oliver stared at the leaf. His brows knit together in concentration, and he pressed his lips together so forcefully that they went white. A minute passed. Then another. A crow called in the distance, and was answered by a flight of unimpressed-sounding wood pigeons.
Long-held breath exploded out of him. He turned away rigidly. “I can’t.”
Oliver looked like he’d just been in a fight, all tense and coiled up like a spring. The sight made Arthur frown. That just wouldn’t do, he thought, idly running a finger across the edge of the leaf.
“It’s alright. Not everyone gets it right away.” Arthur put his chin into his hand. He rolled the stalk between the ends of his fingers. “Let’s try something else. What do you know about spells?”
A blank look was all the only response he got.
“I see. Then have you ever managed to purposefully channel the Light?”
Oliver shook his head glumly. “I don’t think so.”
“What about when you’ve done it whilst fighting? When you use it then, how does it feel?”
“I’m not sure. But when I’m paired up with some of the other recruits—the ones who cheat, or fight dirty, or the ones I know that bully the younger boys, everything feels… different.” Oliver sat up straighter. He shook his head, as if clearing it of cobwebs. “Each step is more certain. Each sword form feels like it’s always the correct one to use, like... like it would be impossible for it to miss. Winning the bout would be something pure and correct. I think that might be the Light: searing hot and sharp, and full of purpose!”
The words were stirring. They'd made Arthur inadvertently lean closer to the other man. He subtly clawed himself back into a more relaxed posture before Oliver could notice. Of course, the answer sounded like one a paladin would give, and certainly some of the more zealous priests too. But there was more to it than that. The Light could be burning hot, but it could also be a soothing warmth. He wondered whether Oliver had realised that, surrounded as he was by people who were so devoted to the art of battle. His gaze swept across the newest bloodstain on the squire’s trousers, and an idea came to him.
“Hold out your hand,” said Arthur, “the one you pricked on the briarthorn.”
Oliver gave him a curious look, but obeyed. Slowly, he reached out his hand and uncurled his fingers, one by one. They were long and knobbly, and his thumb jutted out awkwardly. There was still a spot of bright crimson at the tip of the ring finger, and a darker patch where blood had mixed with the dirt on his hand and dried there.
Arthur had proved that Oliver could see the Light. Now it was time for a different experiment. “Alright. Close your eyes,” he said.
“What are you up to?” asked Oliver warily.
“Do you trust me?”
There was a long moment of silence. Grey eyes flicked up to bore into him for what felt like an eternity. Eventually, Oliver cocked his head slightly and said, “I do.” He shut his eyes. Thick lashes caught the sun.
Arthur brought his heels to the tree stump below him, using the motion to counterbalance leaning forwards to reach out to the other man. “In a second,” he said quietly, “I’m going to touch your hand, if that’s alright.”
In the soft, calm voice that he reserved for the more delicate procedures, Arthur continued. “After that, I’m going to try something. I want you to focus on how it feels.”
Oliver hummed an affirmative.
“Alright. No peeking.”
By now, Arthur had cast healing spells countless times throughout his training, on many hundreds of different people. But this time, for the first time in years, he was nervous. It could have been some reticence at calling upon the Light to heal so superficial a cut—it was indeed wasteful to heal such a small pinprick. Or perhaps some lingering anxiety from being uprooted from his home so suddenly and sent across the continent. It could have been a fear of upsetting the young paladin again and wiping away the softness that had spread across his face when his eyes shut, and looked so at-home there. Regardless of its cause, healing magic required a particular state of mind to be effective, and the way his pulse had decided to quicken was not helping.
He took the outstretched hand. When his fingers brushed against Oliver’s palm, a tremor run through the other man.
“Sorry,” said Oliver, smiling. “I wasn’t quite expecting it yet.”
“Oh. Apologies.”
“It’s alright. Go on. Please.”
If one were to observe the elegant skin of Oliver’s face, his neck, and his arms, one might be convinced into believing that his hands would be just as fine. This was not the case. In fact, it was quite the opposite. There were bumpy calluses on his palm, hardened little hills and valleys worn into his hand by years of hard work, and recently long hours of combat drills. It was undoubtedly a strong hand, but it had an unspoken gentleness about it. The paladin's hands were quite pretty in their own way, he thought.
Despite his trepidation, it only took a moment for Arthur to reach out to the Light. He was very practised at it by now, after all, and it took little effort to open himself up and let the radiance fill him. He focused his efforts down, and pushed them gently onto the little snag on the skin of Oliver’s finger pad, where another crimson teardrop had blossomed. He imagined tiny threads of the Light and willed them to weave the skin closed. It took a couple of seconds to take effect. He knew it had worked, because Oliver’s brows rocketed upwards, becoming lost behind his fringe.
“You felt that?”
“Uh-huh,” replied Oliver. His lips remained parted slightly.
With his thumb, Arthur wiped the drop of blood away from the cut. The skin underneath was perfectly whole. “And?”
“I see what you mean. It went all warm, like a good blanket, or… or like sitting right at the edge of a campfire. I didn’t know it could be like that.” Oliver cracked open his eyes, looking directly at him.
Arthur shifted on his seat under the weight of that gaze. He looked away. “Good as new,” he said, dropping the hand quickly. He rocked back on his tree stump, suddenly eager to put distance between them.
Oliver flexed his hand, wiggling the fingers. “Yeah. Thanks,” he said, touching the spot where the cut used to be.
“You’ve never felt the Light like that before?”
“No. Not like that. It's beautiful. How do you…?”
“It takes some… getting used to."
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555strawberry · 6 months
so i unofficially live w my bf who lives with his parents bc i started spending the night and then i never stopped and all of my stuff is suddenly here, right? and his best friend since diapers moved in in october and we've had plans to move out the three of us in late spring/summertime. he and i have also become rly good friends and bc he just broke up w his longterm gf we've talked a lot abt relationships (my bf and i overshare so much and he eats it up he's such a gossip girly) and goals for the future and i see why my bf likes me bc his friend and i are SO similar in some ways and i never would have put that together unless all this stuff happened.
i feel a little weird sometimes talking abt us being similar bc i think it can easily come off as like... i like him like that or smth but no it's just an observation i am madly in luv w my bf and it's just a silly coincidence but we've talked abt how we're literally the same person and he was talking to my sister for a little while and she also pointed out how we're the same person and it's just silly!
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Imagine Surprising Merlin With Big News
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Sam ‘Merlin’ Wells X FemReader
Rating: T
Warnings: Angst and fluff
Word Count: 777
Requested by @the-marshals-wife​
(A/N:) I have been struggling to get a fluffy idea for a payment request for my best friend. I finally got this one and one more request down. Now I just like two more for ya girlie! I hope you really enjoy this and it was everything you wanted and hoped for! Be on the lookout for your next one as I will be working on it really soon! Until next time happy reading! ~Countess
Merlin had returned a week ago from another mission. You were ecstatic and happy to have him back home, but you were also nervous. While he was absent you had been trying to find the perfect way to spring some important news upon him. But no matter how hard you tried, the answer just wouldn’t come. You remained frustrated and it showed. Merlin had a feeling something was wrong but he never pressed you to find out. You would open up in due time but he was worried that something horrible was wrong.
This evening he had pushed his worries to the back of his mind as he held you tightly to his chest on the couch. A movie playing on the TV screen, flashing lights across the dark floor. Merlin found himself lost in the story playing out on the bright screen. You were halfway paying attention to what was going on as you wordlessly caressed the back of Merlin’s hand, lost in thought. You didn’t know how he would feel about what you had been hiding. Several times you had gained the courage to tell him, only to back out or something come up to take him away. Quietly you had cried your frustrations out while he slept. This was Merlin, the man you loved and married. He would be understanding, but it was still scary to think about him possibly leaving you alone once you told him. You laid there in torment, when you should be enjoying the arms of your husband wrapped around you. The couch was small but it was your favorite place to be with him, your legs tangled together while the warmth of his breath stirred your hair. You trembled, unable to relax and Merlin could feel your body stiffen against his. He looked down from the TV seeing a stray tear fall down your cheek. Merlin immediately became worried. He reached behind him turning on the lamp on the table by the couch. You flinched at the sudden illumination of the room, knowing you’d been caught losing to your emotions.
“Hey are you okay,” he asked while muting the TV with the remote.
You sniffed wiping at your eyes, “Yeah. The movie is just really sad.”
The look Merlin gave you had you realizing that you just sunk yourself deeper into your lie.
“It’s a comedy.”
You sighed getting up to sit on the couch with Merlin right behind you. He took your hand, trying to soothe you and while you didn’t really want the contact you fought the urge letting him comfort you in his own way.
“Something has been bothering you and I can’t help unless you tell me.” Seeing you so overwhelmed was breaking his heart. He wanted to be there for you, to help you through whatever you were struggling with. But he couldn’t do that if you wouldn’t open up to him.
“I know,” you sniffed.
Merlin gave you plenty of time to gain your bearings and to figure out where to start.
“How do you feel about getting another job,” you asked.
“Another job,” he looked at you in confusion. “I already have one. I can’t see being able to tack on another profession. I don’t want to quit either, I love what I do. I know it has to be hard on you when I’m gone but I can’t see myself outside a cockpit.”
“But this job is kind of important,” you continued.
Knowing he promised to hear you out, Merlin just sat there in complete silence. He held your hands in his while you explained.
“I know you love being a RIO and I would never suggest this unless it was absolutely necessary. The only reason I am asking is because I want you to take on a full time job,” you breathed in deep readying yourself. “I want you to become a full time dad.”
“Honey I can’t abandon my...” Merlin paused staring at your stomach before looking at your face before going back down to your stomach. “Dad?”
You nodded, not breathing due to the anticipation.
“Yes,” you trembled.
Merlin suddenly leapt off the couch with a shout, all the while you just sat there dumbfounded.
“Are you happy,” you asked bursting into tears.
“Of course I’m happy,” he laughed kissing at your tear stained cheeks. “Is this what you were having trouble telling me?”
You nodded and Merlin just laughed a little more. “You silly woman. You never have to be nervous around me, especially when it comes to such joyous news. I love you so much!”
You laughed, holding onto Merlin tightly, “I love you too.”
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saintsenara · 10 months
An update…where the murderer will be REVEALED?! And a possible Room of Requirement scene? 😉 I am SO pumped.
For One Year in Every Ten I’ll go for: ⚡️ 🕸️ 🌋 🥸
And 😈—I’d love to hear about any WIP you’re feeling at the moment :) Your list last spring was incredible!
(PS Thanks to the Death Eater Hagrid dossier, I am now deep in WIP in which Ron and Luna (not a pairing, just true crime pals) accidentally figure it while bored during the lockdown, while reviewing cold cases from the war years. Truly a life-changing read).
One for the gorgeous Scylla and Charybdis to follow!
anon, i need desperately for you to reveal yourself and send me this ron & luna crime-fighting duo uncovering dark lord hagrid fic. it sounds like a masterpiece, canon rewritten, atyd in the mud, and i need it.
in fact, answering questions on one year in every ten from this work in progress ask game seems almost futile in the light of this life-changing information. i'll power through, though...
🌋 percentage which is done and ready to post?
it’s all done. i’m just lazy.
⚡️ which character is gonna get a rude awakening?
harry james potter is shortly to discover that sleeping with a wanted criminal doesn’t endear you to the government. which i feel hermione has already mentioned, but harry wasn’t listening then.
🕸 feeling you were stuck with how to write?
it’s not so much a feeling as a character, but i normally hate writing hermione - she and i would not be friends in real life! what of it! - and so deciding to make the trio (which dear old tom has forced his way into) a central part of the story was quite daunting. choosing to make hermione a lawyer was also not my brightest move, since the risk of her becoming insufferable as a result was high, but i think she and i have managed to form an uneasy alliance, helped - without a doubt - by the fact that ron is a chad.
🥸 tag yourself, which wip character are you?
tom. i’m also a hot slut who likes to overshare and who reacts poorly to the slightest provocation.
😈 next wip after this one?
i'm shocked to discover that i've actually made good progress on much of that list, which isn't like me... many pieces have already launched, many will shortly. it's giving hustle culture.
i think it’s important to always have at least one tomarrymort on the go, just so that the girlies (gender neutral) who don’t like the ship are always having to live in fear. because i can’t focus on single tasks, i have three tomarrymort wips in the pipeline. first up, we’re getting a little pornographic treat for the @tomarrybigbang, then we’re getting philosophical with two musings - one a one-shot, one a big multi-chapter stunner - on the nature of the soul and of love.
i also have a scarcrux-turns-the-child-harry-into-a-murderer one-shot knocking around somewhere, because of course i do.
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favoringeyes · 2 years
lena hey hii i read ur tags on angie's post abt ra*bits being exaggerated assets of nazuna's insecurities and since i dont read many of their stories i would rlly like to hear ur thoughts abt it 😸
I FORGOT TO ANSWER THIS IM SORRY NIKI SOB. but yes yes i love talking abt how flawed nazuna's treatment of ra*bits was in the beginning thank u.bc its overlooked a loooot but it wasnt as toxic as his relationship in ex-valk since he barely even knew these kids when he left valk. ANYWAY. im sorry if this doesnt make sense i am insane and terrible with words but i hope u enjoy either way (also theres a lot of words. like fair warning its really massive so i understand if u dont read all of it 😭)
nazuna when he first began to help hajime, tomoya, and mitsuru had a shallow view of each of them. he sees hajime as the good girly kid, mitsuru has the bad rowdy kid, and tomoya as the normal kid. (he literally states this in a story i think its happy spring?) so lets start with what ra*bits was formed on as a whole: being cute. nazuna thought tht without shu or valkyrie his only saving grace was his looks, so he projected tht onto ra*bits when he first started to form the unit. he thought the only way he could "save" these kids was to exploit their cute looks since thts the only worth he saw in himself, it was the only worth he saw in them as idols. but to get more specific lets start with hajime. hajime is the epitome of a cute idol, girly, quiet, warm personality etc. hajime represents nazuna's insecurity abt his girlish appearance, and hajime at first, was insecure abt it as well, and was only keeping up this image to help ra*bits. but as time goes on, he slowly begins to enjoy being tht kind of idol, and embraces all his girlish traits to the full, finding strength and joy in it, which nazuna could never accomplish. moving onto mitsuru, hes basically the fun rowdy more boyish of the group. he isnt really afraid to act like himself and do whatever he wants, he loves to run and be loud, and he wears his emotions on his sleeve. but this gets him in trouble a lot, and he often gets scolded for things he simply enjoys doing or gets told hes a "bad kid." in the story "bad boys" this frustrates him, he believes the ppl he loves so much dont feel the same, and see him as a nuisance, even when he's one of the most emotionally sensitive characters in enstars, he just doesnt want to be alone again. but slowly through time, mitsuru learns tht this part of him is what makes him a wonderful idol. he also learns tht his feelings do matter, and he doesnt have to be a troubled kid all the time, bc he isnt, hes just mitsuru. this is probably a stretch, but i think this is supposed to represent nazuna's insecurity abt acting too "out of his image." or not being the good quiet doll he was so used to being for so long. and finally tomoya. tomoya is normal, hes not pretty like hajime, or bright as the sun like mitsuru. tomoya knows this, in fact its mentioned in almost every story he's in, either by himself or someone around him. this makes him feel inadequate to those around him, like he will never be able to catch up to everyone else, but especially his fellow unitmates. but, through time, he begins to realize "being normal" is like a super power for him as an idol. he utilizes it, being able to stay grounded and be completely balanced as his own idol. like his feature scout is titled he is "the epitome of idols." others can look to him for the example of what an idol is supposed to be. tomoya probably represents nazuna's biggest insecurity, his fear of being inferior in the eyes of others. its the whole reason he became shu's "doll" in the first place. shu let him stand above the rest, it gave him confidence. when shu broke down, this meant nazuna would become "nothing." just an ordinary person destroyed by the war and forgotten. so, thts why nazuna is so quick to categorize ra*bits into their basic traits, bc he's scared tht ra*bits will far apart. he feared tht if he didnt do this, if he attempted to break through the mold he fit ra*bits into, he would go back to before. he wouldnt matter unless he acted a certain way. he always wants to fit into roles tht r useful in some way (i think this is why he wanted ra*bits to see him as a big brother, as their guide, bc this made him extremely precious to them) bc tht way he doesnt have to acknowledge how insecure he really feels. as he gets attached to ra*bits though and begins to really see them like his kids, he's forced to learn tht these molds he fit all of them into didnt do them or him any good, it only managed to damage the kids so precious to him. and so through loving ra*bits, he learns to love the parts of himself he loathes the most.
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I should sleep but my brain is so awake! I've even been smoking to make me tired and not even that is working. I guess my body got used to me eating before bed. I've gained weight so now I really want to make sure I get rid of it. Eating before bed was a bad habit I broke a while ago but stress from finals has brought it back. I'm glad I noticed it now before it got worse. Maybe this will even kick off the start of more weight loss. I've been maintaining for a year now. It is time to lose more weight. I just want to get to a healthy BMI. I want to be out of overweight. I hate the idea that if I were to gain weight it could affect my health. I just want to make sure I am strong and healthy. I know sleeping would help but I just can't seem to do that right now. And now that it's spring, my allergies have been acting up again. I think I'm gonna have to start sleeping with the windows shut. This is going to be difficult. Oh well.
I hope I can find some new clothes to wear. I want to wear my white and I need more shorts. I want to try something new with my style and see how it suits me. I want to look how I feel and I feel girly and fun and alive. I just want to decorate myself in ways I never thought I could. I wanna step away from my past self and become someone new yet true to me. I am tired of hiding the type of person I truly am from the world. But maybe some walls should stay up. I just want to feel free and be my truest self. No matter what anyone says.
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fantastickkay · 1 month
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Album Review of the Week: Katy Perry - Teenage Dream (2010; reissued 2012)
In 2010, Katy Perry entered the new decade ready to prove to the world that she was here to stay with the absolute opposite of a sophomore slump. Teenage Dream was a cultural reset, becoming one of the few albums in history to spawn multiple chart-topping hits.
The album's title track, opener, and one of those smash hits - Teenage Dream - almost sounds boring more than 10 years on but that is only because it set the standard for pop hits to come. It is one of those pop songs that sound simple but in that simplicity it becomes easy for more people to relate and enjoy, the recipe for a huge hit! I really enjoy the background electric guitars. They provide a really great base for all of the instrumentals going on and propels the track forward through its melodies in a satisfying way. It is also very easy for almost anyone to sing along with!
Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.) allows Katy to bring out her quirky side with silly concepts and lyrics. This track has a scratchy synth all throughout the chorus that is really fun to listen closely in order to keep track of its travels. This is a great party song, very bouncy and fun to move along to!
California Gurls is my favorite song on the album! I remember when this came out, I had it loaded onto my blue iPod Nano and listened to it when walking into school every day that spring. I love how it is energetic without being in your face. The beats are there but there is still a summer chill about it. I don't listen to Snoop Dogg's discography, but I love when he is featured with my pop girlies! His voice pairs with a pop beat very well. This song always makes me think of the purple Polly Pocket Jeep that I had back in 2000. A fantastic lead single!
Out of all the smash singles, Firework is probably the most iconic. Name a better opening line than "do you ever feel like a plastic bag?" This one reminds me of driving to college when I freshly bought it off of iTunes. That's the thing about this album, it was so significant that I remember where I was when I first heard each single! Every pop superstar needs that signature anthem and Katy definitely found it in this song - it is so much fun to sing along to and even if the lyrics are extremely cheesy, it will still pump you up!
After a jam packed start, we get some non-single tracks. Peacock is quite the curious choice to follow Firework, but here we are! For some reason, this one always makes me think of Chat Roulette - I never used it enough to get any saucy surprises but you hear stories. I am not a huge fan of the lyrics, but it has fantastic energy regardless! If the tables turned and a man released a similar song, it would not go over so well and I don't think this would even fly for a woman to release today.
Circle the Drain is my favorite non-single track. It is such a departure from the sound we have had so far - much more dark. Not a subject you hear too much in mainstream pop music, which is always something that interests me. It is also well written, quite poetic yet blunt at the same time.
The One That Got Away is sonically and lyrically the sequel to Teenage Dream. It has that (now) standard pop melody again. I really enjoy this song, even though it is on the sadder side, it has a great sound and singability.
E.T. has some crazy lyrics, but I love the hard hitting beats and addictive melody! Her vocals have been amazing this entire album but they are especially fantastic here. Her vocal delivery (and effects) are absolutely perfect for this tune! Even though I am nowhere near a Kanye West fan, I do prefer the remix version featuring a rap from him. It does well to mix up the vibe.
Who Am I Living For? is the most forgettable song on the album for me. A lot of oversinging happening for my taste and not a lot of texture otherwise so it is quite boring to listen to in my opinion.
Pearl is another one that doesn't stick with me. It took me an embarrassing amount of years to actually listen to this album in full so maybe that is the problem with these later deep cuts! This one is much better than the last track but still quite boring.
Hummingbird Heartbeat wakes me up with an energetic, assertive intro (I suppose "You make me feel like I am losing my virginity" squares up to Firework when it comes to odd opening lines!). We get back to some natural instruments in this one which is really quite nice after many electronic tracks beforehand. Now, I am back to wanting to run around the room so all is right with the world.
Not Like the Movies closes out the standard tracklist with a snoozefest ballad.
I believe Teenage Dream is one of the last great eras in pop music. Nowadays, we are lucky to get more than one single leading up to the album then one single on album release date and the artist dips and all promo falls off a cliff. I miss when eras would have a slow burn for a couple of years! 2 years after its release, we get Teenage Dream: The Complete Confection with 7 more tracks - 3 of which are completely brand new! Extending this explosive era, giving it a proper send off and cementing Katy Perry as pop royalty.
Part of Me is another classic hit, I absolutely loved this track when it came out and jammed to it all the time! It is a great, energetic, empowering, perfectly pop song!
Wide Awake was considered a farewell to this era. "Falling from cloud nine" illustrates the bittersweet sentiment as well as many other lyrics. I think this was a great send off, it keeps true to the album's overall production while reaching out into the dark for what may come in the future.
Dressin' Up takes that darker production and twists it into something mysterious and intriguing with its slower intro which then blasts into massive beats for the chorus. This song definitely has the feel of a cold, foggy dance floor with thin strobes shooting in all directions.
While there are some skips, there is no denying that Teenage Dream is one of the most important pop albums of our time. This album alone scored five number one hits!!! That is a truly amazing achievement and she was the first woman to do so.
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