#but my fav characters?? i can't imagine them being mean like that. not to someone who's just struggling like i am in those moments
lizzaneia-elizalde · 2 months
Hi lizz, ( ´ ꒳ ` ) it's been a while
I got SUPER busy with studies, and I cracked my phone badly today — I'm also gonna present a powerpoint tomorrow, but I barely worked on it. (。•́︿•̀。)
So trying not to be a downer, I decided to waste more time by writing something about mean Reader ! ( I like to imagine Damon has a type for mean girls ) ( I also got a bit psychological w this )
— – — – —
Mean Reader who turns a blind eye to someone getting bullied — She thinks its normal to get bullied, and it builds 'character'
Mean Reader who gets easily angry and yell at people, telling them that they'd go nowhere in life — She has her fathers temper
Mean Reader who rolls her eyes at men calling her beautiful, calling them pigs — She believes their either lying or making fun of her
Mean Reader who declines the idea of having friends — She thinks they'd just use her and learn her secrets to spread
Mean Reader who tutored Damon for the first time was holding her tongue from calling him stupid — She's afraid Damon would get angry and might yell at her for being a bitch
Mean Reader who soon yelled at Damon for being stupid and wasting her time — "Thinks" Damon is just purposely being stupid just to get a reaction out of her
( idk whether Damon would actually start to "slowly get smarter" or continue his act so… )
Mean Reader who soon starts getting comfortable around Damon, laughing at his "stupidity" — She thinks he's cute
Mean Reader who soon realizes she's getting too comfortable, she starts to overthink that Damon is just using her for something — She thinks everyone is pretending to be nice towards her, especially Damon
Mean Reader who pushes Damon away, going back to having invisible walls to keep herself from being hurt
( I have Bipolar and I just wanna GRR.. I wanna know how Damon would react :,³ )
🦪 Anon!!!!! >∆<
I don't have any knowledge when it comes to Bipolars, so I can't really write a full length fic about this to not risk any misrepresentation that I might write. But, if we go on with the mean reader scenario...
Damon would be into it. He'll like the fact that somebody is actually mean to him and not just overly nice, buddy buddy, friendly, and kind to him. You look and feel human because of it. He deliberately teases and gets dumber and dumber everytime, just wanting you to scold him thoroughly.
The first time that you blew up on him, oh rest assured that left hand of his and the memory of you that day will be really useful by that night. Then and there, he knows that you have to be his.
He already knows what's going on in your mind too. He knows that you have trust issues. And Damon being Damon, continues his act and not even going to do a reassuring act that he's not in it due to the fact that he's using you. No, he kind of want to see you spiral and break until you ask him directly.
He's a flexible man who knows no boundaries when it comes to his darling.
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brisquad-unit-4402 · 1 year
IM LOSING IT OVER YOUR RECENT IKE FIC. LIKE OH MY GOD. its so sweet and heartwrenching i felt just as nervous and anxious as reader the entire time, and when ike reciprocated my heart MELTED AHHH his freckles!!! how kind and beautiful he is, and his confusion turning into acceptance and his SQUEALSSS AAAA. i cant take it this is my fav ike and probably luxiem fic of all time. all of your hard work paid off so well, it was so well structured and emotional and everyone felt so real!! like they arent characters, theyre actual people!!
ahh, now i wish i knew ike's perspective during those stream moments and his reaction to pen and paper ship content HAHA. i imagine he swiftly bookmarks it on his private account but he keeps blushing and his hands shake whenever he sees any fanart WAAAH. maybe one time he sees pen and paper kissing and he cant properly look at the notifications from reader's chat without FLUSHING RED i love them so bad
i love whenever i'm reading a fanfic and it's so sweetly emotional that you feel your own emotions kicking in. so whenever i hear my work has that effect on someone else it's one of the nicest feelings in the world and WHAT DO YOU MEAN FAVORITE IKE AND/OR LUXIEM FIC EVER. that's super high praise thank youuuuu sobsobsob
i mean this is the kindest most /posi way possible but "they aren't charcters, they're actual people" is the scariest compliment i've ever heard. like on one hand i'm genuinely happy! i worked really hard on keeping multifaceted personalities in mind even for the minor characters! but also Oh No. I'm Writing Vtubers. We Need To Play This So Carefully And So Conscious Of The Creator/Audience Boundary Or My Ass Is GONE
real talk one of my most favorite ike things is when he squeals at something cute or because he's embarrassed ahhhh. and his speaking voice gets so high pitched and soft when he's flustered too like?? it's probably my favorite charm point of his
the ogs remember the poll i ran like a month ago about if ike should have freckles or not. shoutout to the landslide victory, if i remember correctly 97% of voters wanted ike with freckles! so glad that worked out, it works so well with the star theme and the difference between an online friendship meeting irl, and how reader loves them because it's a reminder that they have so much to learn about ike and are ready/willing, and also, freckles are just plain adorable. ike is just plain adorable. put them together and if i were richer and thirstier i'd be commissioning an artist
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
real talk tho i feel like ike goes from 1 to 100 whenever he catches himself simping over reader before the off-collab. either he's really good at acting composed, being normal, just interacting with his best friend like best friends do... or he's a stuttering, blushy mess that wavers like jell-o.
ike's the type of guy to sleepily check twitter before going to bed and whenever he sees pen and paper on his fyp it's like he snaps awake. maybe even squeaks or goes "a!" if it's especially.... you know. sometimes he can't even comprehend that people want him and reader to. well. his mouth goes dry.
and then he feels so dirty and embarrassed just because it's there, but... he's still looking at it. is it bad he's still looking at it? it definitely is but it's captivating, in a way. somehow. the artists are so talented, and somehow they nail your body language to a t, and the way your hair swoops above your eyes, and draw you with the cutest little expressions, and—
ah, who is he kidding.
in moments of weakness it triggers something in him to bury his face a little deeper in his blankets, pretend the screen's light would cool the heat pooling over his cheeks, and search the hashtag himself.
not even three pieces of fanart later, he has to throw his phone face-down on the mattress, cover his blush with a pillow, and now he's definitely squealing. it's healing and it makes him ill. it's... pretty. you're pretty. and he's pretty dumb for letting a silly crush distort itself like this.
the worst part is that some of these line up a little too well with daydreams he wanted to lock away until the end of time. he likes when he takes the lead. the stunned, puppyish expression so rare it only shows up on your face during the biggest plot twists during a stream, but coated in a darkened blush as he pecks them on the cheek, elegant and composed. calm.
ohhhh, this can't be good for his heart. especially when ike himself is so red-faced just thinking of it. calm, his foot.
still with the pillow over his flush, ike feels around for his phone and sets it on his nightstand. he chides himself. that's enough internet for the day, eveland! now quit acting like a shoujo high schooler in love and go to bed already, it's not going to happen!
he sets his face into a determined frown as he lifts the pillow and sets it aside. with any luck, he'd go the rest of the night without thinking of reader and his feelings for them.
the frown eases as he nestles into his blankets and tucks himself in. soft sheets and warm comfort greet him as he shuts his eyes, and he enters the fluffy haze of sleep as he slips into dreamland...
...is what he'd like to say, but not even ten seconds later his eyes snap open and jerks upright in bed. wait, i'm acting like i'm in love?!
he sits with the thought seeping through his brain like a corrosive acid, filing through every little moment he daydreamed about you, and when those don't paint him a picture he likes, he tries to recall the moments he shared with you instead. those are even fonder, and even worse.
he slaps his hands over his face and sighs, and when it sounds lovesick he sighs even more.
✧. ┊ masterpost ✧. ┊ kofi
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osatokun · 4 months
(for charlie - sry i love malkavians so much lol) wound, midnight, monster, heartbreak
So do I! my fav clan for sure and I stopped blaming myself for picking occult heavily based characters that are often malkavians. Enjoying what I love hehe.
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wound: How does your OC handle being wounded? Are their wounds mostly physical? Mental? Emotional? What's the worst wound your OC has ever experienced?
Physical? Easy. Once he got sick, he experienced the unbearable pain that could not be stopped. It was a mental disease and it slowly degraded kindred to being mindless creatures that could only kill and destroy, absolutely destroying their personality. Luckily, a salubri healed him. But after that he stopped fearing any physical pain, for better or worse. During the game he got his hands broken, he got his both legs chopped out, he got his tongue removed, his eyes got burned down several times etc etc. He has 0 fear. He understood that this is not alright, this is scary and painful for people around him too, when Glinda got sad because he was in pain. She grounds him well. As for mental and emotional.. well, he killed himself because he couldn't bear the betrayal of his trust in his family. The thought that he's lonely and family not always loves each other as you imagine. Reality crushed him, he started to take drugs, drink, and then killed himself trying to escape. So he doesn't deal well with feelings. But it's been 200 years, he's very slowly healing. He will never be entirely healed tho and he accepts it.
midnight: What keeps your OC up at night? Do they have nightmares? Fears? Anxieties? What do they do in the small hours of the morning when they should be sleeping? I mean, he can't be up because of nightmares, he's a vampire after all.. but he have nightmares all the time. His past fears, his current fears, and glimpse of upcoming future haunts him. He dies over and over again. He loose his loved ones over and over again. He fears for his new found family the most. He's pretty predictable and simple I think? Understanding that he can't save everyone is also haunting him. Understanding how many people died because he let a demon escape. Because he lost hope to save someone and didn't even try. Because he wasn't brave enough. Because he wasn't quick enough and instead of saving, he enjoyed his new happy family life. Because he was weak and got too emotional. He has so many blood on his hands. He saved many, but so many died.it will always haunt him. And before Glinda, he feared to be completely alone. He locked himself from everyone because of fear being wounded, so no wonder he was alone. She showed him that he's not alone but now.. now he is afraid SHE will get wounded or killed.He believes in her, he wont bother her with his fear, but he knows the fear is here.She knows it too. monster: Is your OC monstrous in any way? Is there something that makes them monstrous? Are they aware of their own monstrosity? Do they accept it or reject it? He learned to accept himself as a whole. I'd say, he even love his Beast as a part oh himself. However he asked Glinda to kill him if he'll fully become a monster one day. She rejected saying she is no different. heartbreak: Have they ever had a relationship that ended badly? Experienced some other kind of heartbreak? What happened? ...many. His first ever gf, Caroline, was a vampire. He is very stupid when it comes to emotions, he was sure it's going to be forever and ofcorse she likes him just as he likes her. However she used him while he was useful and easily guided. gaslited and manipulated him for almost 15 years. His sires didn't point it out, they wanted him to learn everything the hard way. But even now, when he understands what happened and that it wasn't love at all, he is grateful for the years they've been together and has no hard feelings. (even tho he run away from her in the end and still kinda fears her a bit)
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Then he didn't want to meet with anyone and avoided romantical contacts with people for 10~ years. But Caroline opened something new in him, desire to be loved, to be wanted, to be with someone. And once he saved a man who didn't want to die by giving him his blood. The man mistaken new feelings with love and wanted to posses Charlie. He seduced this little stupid malk who desperately tried to run away from the need of being loved. However when Charlie understood that when he's around the blood bounds wont get weaker, he broke up with this man. But it didn't end here. This man, David, was no little fluffy bunny. He stalked Charlie, manipulated his exes ( Charlie started to meet people, but quickly break up with them) into starting a Charlie-hate club where they started to learn magic and trying to make his life a nightmare. And when people started to get hurt. Charlie had to kill David. He fooled him that all these years was just a test and he passed, now they going to be together forever. At this point David already understood that Charlie is a vampire, but he believed that all this painful need inside was the need for bites. He let Charlie bite him, and malkavian drank all of his ghoul's blood, while reading his thoughts in the process. David was a criminal, a cruel and manipulative person, but Charlie mourns him still. He visits his grave and take care of it. And also thinks he had to let David die in the first day they met in the clinic, when they were just a patient and a doctor.
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rae-of-gold · 9 months
So I have a playlist for the EAH music au I made and I wanted to share some of my favorite specific songs for some of the characters.
(note: these are not what I think their voices sound like, moreso what their musical sound would be and/or the lyrics they would write)
(and another note: not all characters are here as not all character make music. yes they're all in the music industry, but that doesn't mean they write or create music. some do art, some marketing, some are lawyers, hell some are security. so if your fav aint here, they're doing something else)
Dexter: I'm made this whole thing for him but I can't decide on a single sound for him. I feel the closest would be With Confidence. I mean the playlist is long, but seven songs from just one band, from various albums too, I'd say that's one of the top runners.
Darling: since Darling writes the majority of Apple's music, her lyrics are like Taylor Swift songs. But she as an individual is a bit of an enigma. She makes her lyrics sound very much royal, when really she's a rebel, but she's also Wonderlandian at heart. So would she sound like Junie and the Hutfriends? Or maybe Studio Killers? or AlicebanD? very honestly it could be all, none, whatever. I do feel like those could fit her though.
Raven: I know that canonically she's a huge of fan of Taylor Quick but that doesn't mean she can't like other genres or that her own sound can't be different from what her favorite. I imagine her musical sound a lot like Icon For Hire, especially with the album You Can't Kill Us, I think it's a perfect fit for her. Paramore and Avril Lavigne are also close to her.
Apple: Taylor Swift. She is the pop princess and Apple would be too. starting her career at a young age, writing stories she makes up and having her sound change and grow the more she does. But also The Rise and Fall of a Midwestern Princess album by Chappell Roan once she breaks away from the idea of making music solely for the money and fame.
Briar: Ke$ha. just all her music.
Cerise: Disobedient from Steven Universe. it's just so perfect for her. The obvious choice is She-Wolf by Shakira, which is also there for her, but Sadie and the Killers.
Sparrow and his Merry Men: Hats off the to Bull by Chevelle. no thoughts, just vibes. OR (i guess one thought), i know a lot of people dont like him, i am not one of them, i think he's fun and classic stereotypical emo, TX2.
Poppy: genuinely imagine her and Holly writing and singing Something That I Want by Grace Potter about their parents. I feel like Holly and Poppy made like a single album when they were younger and both moved on to do other things but they both still really liked music. Holly nowadays just plays short covers of songs on social media and Poppy of course being a hair stylist that eventually joins Dexter and Darling's band. With a musical sound and voice like the lead singer in Tonight Alive.
Maddie: S.J. Tucker. I'm not a huge fan of her music, a couple songs here and there, my partner is and loves how witchy her sound is. Maddie ain't every witchy, but she is odd and witchy-ness can and is also very weird and goes every which way. one song can sound like a whole different genre from another and I feel like Maddie would very much like that sound. Especially with some lesser known instruments thrown in there. (if we wanna talk about what I think her voice sounds like; Madilyn Mei)
Ashlynn: Ryn Weaver. no thoughts just vibes pt. 2
Duchess: the plot I have for her is that she isn't very musically inclined. except for dancing. she can't play instruments and can barely sing. but she has the look and is willing to do anything to become a pop star. so I have a hard time deciding what she would sound like. except ambience music near a lake. she goes along with the vibe of AURORA. Who knows it could be a Paulo and Lizzy McGuire situation where she's just a pretty face with someone else's voice over hers.
Melody: she could be doing so many different things i dont know how to choose just one. i feel like her true sound is Maggie Rogers or Chase Petra while the music she's kinda forced to have per her Charming Records contract is more like Marshmello. Very electric.
Humphrey: Flamingo by Token. i know no other song by him, and i rarely listen to rap as it isn't my jam. Only reason i know this song was a friend from high school gave me some recommendations.
Meeshell: I like the idea of her sounding like Regina Spektor. A light, smooth, clear voice over music that has clear and distinct beats. Often doing music for movies, ending songs that bring the story to a fitting finish.
Hopper: he doesn't make music per my writing, but he does write lyrics. I feel like he writes things like Cody Fry or Gang of Youths. Horribly beautiful and haunting lyrics that tell stories of death and love and beauty paired with huge symphonic melodies that are overwhelming in the best possible way.
Faybelle: Becky by Be Your Own Pet. It took me some time to figure out what exactly her sound would be but i feel like it would be a lot of loud kinda venting music to get all of her emotions out in any way she can. Even though she can get them out just fine on a normal day (though she would never admit that's what she's doing, always playing it off as not as important as it is to her, especially if it's any feeling other than anger.) sometimes writing music for it just feels better.
Chase: yes I made him an important character cause fuck you, I do what I want. Starset. The song Carnivore specifically. I wanted him to have an otherworldly but grounded type feel. like all wonderlandians though his being more...I don't want to say put together. Cohesive than the others. while the other wonderlandians are somewhat all over the place with their acoustic music, his is electronic and always revolving around a certain theme.
and that's just the current generation.
The Evil Queen has a musical sound like Pat Benatar (a personal fav of mine) though the only reason she ever had any sort of softer sounding music was because of pressure from her manager and company.
Snow White has a sound like Whitney Houston, especially with Whitney's History with Dolly Parton. I don't know who Dolly would be in this, but i dont know where i was going with this train of thought. like i said, no thoughts, just vibes.
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i-can-even-burn-salad · 11 months
Writeblr Positivity Tag
I was not technically tagged by @winterandwords but I'm still grabbing it from the open tag, and leave it as such :)
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1. What motivates you to write?
If I don't do it, no one else will write what I want to see.
2. A line/short snippet of your writing that you are most proud/happy of. If not maybe share a line of someone else's work you love (just please credit them)
Gonna pick the lines that finished a 300k words project spread over 2 novels and 2 novellas :D
“But are you?” he asked after a moment, a hint of uncertainty on his face. “Happy, I mean. Is this how you imagined it?” Merridy looked from the airy, creme-white curtains to the shimmering rainbow glass shards, and out the window, where in the distance the ocean sparkled in the sun. She raised her gaze to Damien, his eyes fixed on her as if nothing else mattered. “No,” she whispered. “It’s better.”
3. Which OC makes you smile every time you think/talk about them and what are they like?
We all know how obsessed I am with Damien, but another char that makes me happy is Riordan. I mean — how could a char I introduced as "fancy boots" not make me smile?
Between all the sad guys and tragic backstories, he's just happy and kind (and a bit naive and rude :D), with a nice family, a good life and some fun quirks. He's absolutely the friend Merry and Damien needed.
4. What process of writing do you enjoy the most?
Finishing. Finishing a chapter. Finishing a book with the last little piece fallen into place. Finishing formatting. Just. Being done with something. I am constantly haunted by the fear my interest might vanish before I am done, so being done is... awesome.
Also then I get to make my friends cry then, so that's that.
5. What part of writing do you think you are the best at? (Yes stroke your own ego it's okay)
Sadness :)
6. What is something in the writeblr community is most enjoyable?
Writing can be so very lonely. Spending hours upon hours putting silly little words into a silly little document, no I can't show you anything because I am not done, but listen to me talk about my char you don't know so you don't understand anything about what I am saying.
But here, we all understand the struggle and share the excitement.
7. A writing tool/device you use that helps you with writing? (It could be speech to text, a writing program etc)
Uh. Nothing really exists. I used to write in txt files, now I am in google docs so I can share more easily, which means I have at least a basic spell check now (which is nice, but also no google, I'm not talking about his sons.)
I guess InDesign (some shitty version from 2007) and Calibre are closest - I use them to format my books for printing and as ebook. Calibre is a rock star. InDesign is also the only program I've found so far that correctly fixes straight quotation marks in existing text when pasting in.
8. A piece of worldbuilding that you like in your own story? (It could be the magic system, a particular place in the story, a law etc)
I am a sucker for tying all stories together in some way — recurring characters and places through standalone books, stuff like that. A lot of it is conveniently put on the back of the Order of Fire. It's an order dedicated to gathering and preserving knowledge. They have citadels all over the place, they need scientists, scholars, mercenaries and housekeeping staff, they can connect people from different parts of the world when I need it.
9. What piece of advice would you say to encourage others to write if they are having a rough patch?
I don't know. There's so many reasons for a "rough patch", and every single one requires different advice. For example, "take a break" would be the worst thing I could do right now.
Your story is worth it. Only you can write it. Yes, even if it takes time. Yes, even if similar ones exist. Yes, even if it contains unpopular tropes. Yes.
10. Tag some people whose works you love/have been your biggest supporters
I have a list of my fav works here and I appreciate everyone who ever read my stuff and left a like or comment 💜
But as for support, @alittlewhump @verkja and @starlit-hopes-and-dreams are single(triple)handedly keeping my sanity up. I've found my people in more than one way, and I will stick to you like chewing gum you stepped into. I love you.
Template below the cut:
1. What motivates you to write?
2. A line/short snippet of your writing that you are most proud/happy of. If not maybe share a line of someone else's work you love (just please credit them)
3. Which OC makes you smile every time you think/talk about them and what are they like?
4. What process of writing do you enjoy the most?
5. What part of writing do you think you are the best at? (Yes stroke your own ego it's okay)
6. What is something in the writeblr community is most enjoyable?
7. A writing tool/device you use that helps you with writing? (It could be speech to text, a writing program etc)
8. A piece of worldbuilding that you like in your own story? (It could be the magic system, a particular place in the story, a law etc)
9. What piece of advice would you say to encourage others to write if they are having a rough patch?
10. Tag some people whose works you love/have been your biggest supporters
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bedoballoons · 8 months
Dating Kenna HC'S/Drabbles
Special order for Bedo >:D
Sorry i couldn't wait tomorrow(i have exams tomorrow), this made me realize how fast i am at writing headcanon's
Includes a few reader tropes
A lot people think he would be a really affectionate person still I can tell that he's a red flag, I just can't prove it red means ily
Like he's literally married to his Nintendo switch??
But we like being delusional
Anyway remember that one episode where he was eating a banana and said "is it wrong to do something for your friends!?" Or something like that, he would try to show gesture
Such as holding, small pecks
I bet when he kissed you on the check for the first time you were questioning if it was a lick or peck
I think he would have knowledge of things about dating from his rpg games or whatever
Every time he does something you don't like, he starts to wonder what was wrong in the thing he did
Clueless baby, protec him at all cost
He's a fast learner tho!
Y'all would have dates at cat cafes
One chance please
I can be a housewife
Cook at 9
Clean house at 11
Reall 💯🤭
He's rich tho?
Bro owns a company from just sitting at home/jk
Let's say that you're the boys volleyball clubs manager
Yamamoto would receive death glares from him instead of passes
Same goes to kuroo
Let's add Lev too
Leave him alone 😭✋
You're cool with others
I can imagine a small scenerio about how Lev was admiring you after practice, the way you were good at catching where the ball was thrown at or simply if you ever compliment his skills(do they exist?), kenma would pop out from no where to yank you away and leave that lamp post alone
What abt artist s/o for him
Cuz i like gamer x artist trope
Draw his fav fictional characters <33 (he's one himself)
İ actually think he would adore your drawings cuz like this guy is a gamer and gamers would get artists easily (real life experience)
You have a messy art style? He would understand it
An childhood friend trope?
There is no way you are not the manager of the boys volleyball team or a member of the team.
Kuroo would have already write your name to the club as a member or manager.
But this ain't about him
Since you also know kenma from childhood you probably also warned him about his health and you're caring abt him
İ still wonder how his eyesight is alright
But you gotta be interesting
Like the way he looks at his childhood friend(talkin abt kuroo) and the way he looks at Hinata
He wants to beat hinata in volleyball tho
İf you're a volleyball player you can force him into training with you
İ can imagine him with a taller s/o
İt would be cute but his teammate's would teasing him a lot
Especially the trio again (Kuroo, Lev, Yamamoto)
Yaku would understand him
Bedo do we stan short boys in this household?
But there's no way this guy is not popular in class, i mean he might hate it but he probably doesn't knows he is popular
Just look at how pretty he is
İ can talk about him till i die
Anyway husband kenma tho 🤭🤭
Once again im saying this
He's rich
He's your sugar daddy and you're his goof ball
He's lazy so even if you work you gotta be a housewife/husband
Someone needs to take care of that lazy af ass
Remind him to eat/drink!! Feed the baby
Baby fever tho
İ can say he wouldn't be ready for one still he would accept it
Just one tho, y'all ain't having more than one
Y'all would already have cats as pets
Y'all would visit Hinata a lot
He adores that sunshine
İf you do too
Adopt Hinata
Or kidnapp him
This ain't about Hinata too
He's a sweatshirt, hoodie guy
Steal them
I can imagine a arcade date or simply stargazing for this guy's b-day
His love language is anything expect gift giving
He tends to be confused about what to give you as a gift.
But if you're a gamer like him
Then it's easier then changing socks for him
Probably knows you're preference of game genre
And is the best person you could ask about gaming
Helpw i don't even have a long post like this in my acc y'all don't identify me plz 🫶🫶
I hope you enjoyed the small hc's!!
İ still have to write him a birthday scenerio
Fun facts:
You were actually one of the people who inspired me, made me have a interest in writing
I'm a kenma kinnie irl!! Switching personalitys irl
Yes we definitely stan short bois here ;)
I can't believe I inspired you, you literally made me tear up!! Please continue writing because you are absolutely amazing at it and you should literally share this with everyone!!!
Kenma is such a sweet baby I love him!!
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thegamingcatmom · 11 days
Hello, I've been reading a lot of your stuff about the Denali sisters and also read your first chapter too (Very good btw) I have to say I love the Denali sisters, Tanya especially but I am conflicted because I feel as if the way people see them is very different from how I imagine them, and hey that is alright because to each their own and in the end we write/read many times to comfort ourselves. Thing is, when are we crossing a line here? I love what you're doing, love their wild side, their more predatory way of seducing reader (who in my mind is their mate, weather we believe in mate stuff or not is a whole diff story but thats my reasoning behind choosing reader) but we're facing stuff ehre like kidnapping, abducting and only the writer knows what more is in store for poor reader, and that in my eyes is not a healthy relationship, is making them (my fav characters in this case) to be hella toxic and shit and though I'm loving all your HC's and loving the chapte, even wanting to read more to see where it leads as I said I can't help but feel sad because falling in love is one thing but this is just pure idk, instinct? I ask myself like as reader would I really fall in love with this kind of people who induced the trauma of sorts, like ofc I know this is fiction ands tuff but yk I think way too much over things that I shouldn't. Idk if that made any sense because it's hard to put into words what I mean and I suck at explaining stuff, a clsoed book would be easier to read than me lol. I understand vampires are intense,a re possessive and jealous but to what extent? ANYWAY i'm sorry for this long ass ask and I hope it doesn't bother you the things I said? if it did I'm really sorry I didn't ask any of this with ill intention, I'm honestly curious. Have a good day <3
Hello there!
First of all: Thanks a lot for your very honest opinion on this and that you felt comfortable enough to reach out to me. Critisism is important and always very much appreciated. 🫶
I also wanna thank you for complimenting the stuff I´ve done so far, I´m really happy you like it! <3
I agree with you that ppl view them differently, and that´s absolutely alright. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and, sometimes, that opinion vastly differs from ours or how we´ve come to understand someone else´s view on them. Which, again, that´s absolutely alright.
Now to the story I´m writing:
You correctly stated that it´s not a healthy relationship, at all. (Not at its current stage, at least.) However, this was entirely my intention when I started writing it. I want the sisters to come across as these feral, instinct-driven beings who more or less turn a blind eye to MC´s struggles (at first). That´s the great thing about fanfiction: You´re not bound/limited to canon. You can go absolutely wild and try out things and storylines you´ve always wanted to see playing out. This is me going absolutely wild.
Does that mean I see the Denali sisters solely as masochistic, sadistic beings who only have their own interests at heart? Absolutely not. (Something that becomes more clear as we progress further with the story.) This is merely a different take on them. I still very much see them as your loving girlfriends/mates/wives who´d do absolutely anything for you...in an alternate universe. (At least with how things currently stand.) 😅
I´ve always been drawn to darker topics that really question the morality of it all. I´m aware that this is not for everyone, and that´s totally fine. But that´s what tags and warnings are for. If you feel like this story isn´t for you, then I kindly ask you to skip this one. I´d be very sad to lose you as a reader, but I´d absolutely understand your reasoning for it. ❤️
"I ask myself like as reader would I really fall in love with this kind of people who induced the trauma"
You hit the nail right on its head here, actually. This is exactly what I had in mind right from the start when it comes to MC. Reader will NOT be this naive, foolish girl easily brainwashed into doing the sisters´ biddings. I myself don´t find such a storyline appealing either. I love MCs who fight back, who come out on top despite everything they´ve been put through. Reader won´t fall in love with any of them for a long, long, long time. Which also means there won´t be anything physical going on, aside from Tanya´s pesky advances, lol.
Speaking of: No matter how persistent any of the sisters get, there won´t be any non-con stuff. Not in a way that causes MC harm *points to Tanya´s unwanted advances*. This is a line I don´t wanna cross. Any advances towards MC will be written in a way that (hopefully) comes across as both spicy AND hilarious. Something like Tanya getting a book thrown in her face for trying to steal a kiss, lmao. (Which is very likely to happen btw. MC is a lil spitfire.)
So, what I’m really asking is for you to have a bit of faith in me and my writing, and to wait for the next chapter, where the sisters will officially be introduced, before you give up on this story. It will get feral and instinct-driven at times, yes. But there´s more to it and to the sisters.
Next chapter might just give an insight into that already. ;3
To sum it up: This story will be less about falling in love and more about becoming a better/the best version of yourself.
This is what we´re aiming for:
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Fingers crossed we gonna make it there! 🤞🤞🤞
Thanks again for your very elaborate and valid ask. ❤️
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noirvette · 1 year
kyle! + robot! reader who's like jenny [my life as a teenage robot]!!
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woahhh this concept is so cool, love this request. also my life as a teenage robot was one of my fav shows growing up sad nickelodeon kinda fell off now.
also the more i write for kyle the more i fall in love with him like 😭 im not complaining tho
cws: none! fluff References to season 19 of south park Aged up characters!
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Was skeptical on becoming friends/near you at first I can't lie.
After the whole thing with Leslie when he was younger, he's probably pretty skeptical about robots/non human yet humanoid beings in general
However he thinks you're cool, I mean you have no malicious intent and you're well, a robot, so he's gonna stand afar for a while and just keep his distance.
It isn't until he sees you actively protecting/defending someone that he realizes..damn you're a good person.. robot?.
At this point he'll actively seek you out now, forgo his past skepticism he wants to get to you.
Call it the geeky nerd superhero fan in him, but to actually save and protect people while being a humanoid robot is like.. freaky cool to him.
Thinks its cute how you're trying to fit in with trying to be a "human" teenager as a robot
Considering how kind and sweet (and somewhat naive) you are, Cartman always tries to get you to join in on his schemes (some people never change), however Kyle always prevents you from going along with it.
He finds himself falling in love with you (and cursing himself a bit because "God damn it Kyle you did it again, you fell in love with another robot") because of these traits (you protecting people, being kind, fun, etc)
This won't stop him from following his feelings though, at most he might just find it awkward on how to confess to you, but if you confess first then he's all for it. (Might save him from a heart attack of trying to figure out how to ask you out).
When you two actually start dating, Cartman will relentlessly make fun of you both, it's just how he is unfortunately.
Kyle kicks his ass though. He can handle Cartman making fun of him, but making fun of you is a line he wouldn't ever let anyone cross.
Stan's chill with it, yk that tiktok audio thats just "woh hoh.. rock on freaky bro" yeah that sums up Stan to you guys.
Most of South Park is accepting of you being a robot anyways, to them it's like another day. They'd all met Leslie before (and some crazier things too), so comments on making fun of you is pretty rare for you to experience.
Instead you get a lot of people trying to use you for whatever they need; and Kyle often has to remind you to just sit down and take a break once in a while, that South Park won't explode if you take... a.. breather..?
You do help protect their town of course (For shits and giggles I always like to imagine the superheros are still going strong), Mysterion is forever grateful to you.
Speaking of superheros, you and Kyle are a super hero duo. Sure you may do most of the work, but he's there to hype you up!!
Like the stendy or creek dialogue in TFBW, he's cheering you on as you fight
"Woah! Good hit babe!"
"Kick their ass baby!"
Among other things
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mikuni14 · 8 months
Only Friends Ep 10
My problem with OF is that I don't feel the romance/love in this show at all. This is also a good thing, because thanks to it I can watch this series without emotional involvement. And watching a series with so much malice, nastiness AND emotional investment would not be good for my well-being and I would definitely have to stop.
I don't feel or see love between the characters, I see obsessions, toxic relationships, lots of delusion and even more nastiness and immature behavior. WHICH IS FINE, don't get me wrong, such series are also cool. Personally, I don't mind problematic stories, most of my fav manga are like that 😉 But as I read these stories, or watch them on the screen, I see that despite everything problematic, there is a powerful feeling there, and it drives me crazy.
Why am I mentioning this? Because OF, despite its engaging plot, cannot sell me the feelings between the characters. I sit down with each episode wondering: what stupid, bad thing are they going to come up with today? NEVER waiting for the next stage of the relationship/development of feelings between the characters. But it's STILL FINE, in an interesting, innovative way, because I don't know if I've ever watched a BL series like this before. But no, I mention it primarily because OF introduced two characters almost at the end, who not only dominated the series as far as I'm concerned, but who finally raised my blood pressure 😁 and made me interested in a "romance" side of the story. I probably like Daddy Dan because he's the first and only classically romantic character in OF. Additionally, he's the only one that gives an adult vibe. Boeing is simply a great character who dominates every scene and this series in general. We don't know him, we don't know what his motivations are, he manipulates everyone with the ease of a master. Even my fav bad boy Boston looks pale in comparison, and each of the other characters looks like a kid. But if I add Dan to that, they all seem really, really childish. I actually want to see HIM in a relationship, simply because there is a passion in him. Even if it's not good!
Just… looking at Dan and Boeing in one episode and then looking at the rest… well, I have some interesting conclusions.
Anyway, Mew had more chemistry with Boeing in one scene than with Top had so far. Also Top should consider whether Mew is worth the effort. If Mew wants to give him a second chance, he should forgive him and let it go, but he keeps what happened over him ALL THE TIME and just keeps and keeps coming back to this "betrayal". Mew talks about it ALL THE TIME and even wants to take revenge. Another revenge. Does Top want to be reminded of this for the rest of his life? Does he want to be with someone so petty and vindictive? Who is prone to using manipulation, games, and tricks just to prove their point? Who does not confront directly, like an adult, but creates theatrical stagings to triumphantly debunk someone's lies and show his own "moral superiority"?
Boston and Nick: ngl, I hate that they're back together. But the situation is very real. From an outside perspective, I can't imagine choosing someone so immature and nasty like Boston over someone like Dan, BUT well, that's life.
Sand and Ray: I must admit that the number of issues Ray has means that I still don't think he is the best choice for Sand.
Recently, out of boredom, I've been rewatching several series, even silly ones like the last two episodes of My Universe 😊 And even in these funny series, I KNEW that the characters were in love with each other, because the series showed it, I could see the infatuation, love in everything, including the obvious stuff, such as staring, touches, the need to be with the other person expressed in taking action to do so. For example, I have no idea what's behind Top's actions in getting Mew back, because it's definitely not love.
Literally no declaration of love, or even liking, or expression of desire to be together by any of these characters was emotional or credible. When it comes to relationships, they are either lukewarm, or they manipulate, test, or they want/don't want something. The highest emotions arise only when they fight or are being nasty. Oh sorry, Dan expressing interest in Nick and Boeing expressing interest in Mew were convincing 😄 Ok, Nick bursting into tears and saying he missed Boston is something I can still accept, it was pure and honest.
(actually, I know my thoughts and this post are chaotic, I could have gotten lost halfway through lol. Anyway, the presence of Dan and Boeing highlighted even more what I think about OF)
Fun fact: I only discovered today that the actor playing Boeing played in Not Me. The entire ep I was wondering how I knew that face. I would be such a shitty witness because all it takes is for someone to change their hair color and I'm like who dis 😭
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misc-obeyme · 10 months
Im in love with Thriteen like i I adore her, she is so close to being my second fav and pushing Lucifer below...like i get how she is so chill, and she is a reaper, do you think reapers arw higher than the demon class? Like i imagine lower level demons being afriad of reapers. Also like humans and how they react to seeing a reaper
Ahh, anon, I am also in love with Thirteen!!
All other characters I approached with skepticism, but I was fatally in love with Thirteen pretty much immediately lol. I don't know what it is about her, but I'm so glad they made her amazing. I was prepared for disappointment, but no, she's great.
Anyway, I have thought a lot about reapers in general and how they fit into the Devildom. The thing about it is, they really seem to be their own thing, you know? Thirteen is considered an exchange student, right? So to me that means that although reapers live in the Devildom, they don't fall under its jurisdiction. Which makes me wonder who exactly Diavolo had to coordinate with to get a reaper exchange student. Like who's in charge? Anybody? The only other reaper we hear about is Candy. There's so little information about them.
That being said, it's clear that some of them have their caves in the Devildom like Thirteen. They don't really indicate if the reaper caves are only located in the Devildom or if they exist in either of the other worlds, too. But at the very least we know there are reapers living in the Devildom. Whether or not they're under Diavolo's rule aside, they live there and interact with the other denizens. And I absolutely think lesser demons are probably afraid of them. I would imagine that reapers in general are pretty powerful. Especially if all demons have candles, like the brothers do. Like you shouldn't hassle a reaper because they can just find your candle and snuff it out, you know?
Of course, it probably also depends on the reaper. We only really have Thirteen to go by, so it's hard to say if there are reapers that maybe aren't as powerful or some that are incredibly powerful. But it's clear that they control death to some degree and not just for humans, but demons, too. So I imagine that demons would generally steer clear of them if they can.
Now I think it would be really interesting if it turned out that the reapers also had candles for angels. I don't remember this being mentioned, but if reapers can control the lives of all the peoples in the three worlds, then they're really the most powerful of everyone, aren't they?
And then I can't help but think how interesting it'd be if it turned out they were ruled by an angel. Specifically Azrael, the angel of death. Because I can't imagine who else would be in charge of reapers... unless you've got someone like the Grim Reaper... like the Reaper of all Reapers lol. But that's just me thinking about things, we have no idea how any of that part of being a reaper works. At least not that I can remember. I have been known to forget such details lol.
In the end, all of this is fun to think about and I just love the whole reaper aesthetic anyway, I'm sure that has something to do with why I love Thirteen so much. I can't wait for them to make her dateable.
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karusenka · 3 months
!Matchup info!
Female, she/her, ExFJ 2w3, Leo
Full typology: ExFJ 2w3 269 sp/so SLUAI FELV
I prefer villians and overall evil characters however I have a soft spot for kind, sweet big men :3 I prefer men in fiction
I am pretty social, however I prefer to spend time alone! I care about others a lot… To an unhealthy amount honestly but I'm working on it! I love to help others and make them smile, but I do wish I would get something for being so nice in return, yeah it might sound greedy but I want to be appreciated! And get something nice haha, like just a compliment or something, when my helping and kindness gets unnoticed I might get upset because of how tired I am and I just want to be appreciated like I said before 😭 I wanted to be noticed and not ignored! I care too much about what others feel and think and it's tiring, I just want to be selfish sometimes and care about myself even if it sounds mean. I also love being mentioned/involved in things, it makes me feel liked <3
People call me funny! Well it all depends because everyone has a different sense of humor! But I am most of the time unserious and I love to joke around, serious situations are stressful so I prefer to be joyful, but I do like talking about serious topics (sometimes) Like I said before I love to make people smile and laugh with my jokes and overall with make them happy with presence. It's my job to make others happy <3
My humor is definitely not for everyone, it's mostly the humor of a 12 y/o kid which can be annoying to some people lmao (sometimes it's funny how people are annoyed by it) and some other things depending on how I feel. When it comes to annoyance I also like to annoy people <3 it's so fun! But I never want to make them really feel bad! Often I act like an asshole but this is just for jokes! (but sometimes I wanna be a real asshole lmao) Like I said I don't want them to actually feel bad, if I do, I will feel very guilty! When it comes to it I apologize A LOT, I apologize so much that it might too annoying but I always feel a sense of guilt inside of me. I'm also VERY sensitive and worry about everything. Ah and I'm pretty dumb and I am not trying to insult myself I am just silly hehe and I'm okay with that. Oh and Im clumsy 😭😭
People know that I am horny 24/7, like I said earlier I have a humor of a 12 y/o so there are a lot of sex jokes. I am very interested in nsfw things, kinks etc, I am the "horny" friend
I LOVE LOVE horror and scary things, I can't imagine my life without it, its just a such interesting genre that makes me happy and intrigued! I adore horror games and I'm mostly interested in them, however most of the time I am scared of playing them so I just watch gameplays and stuff like that haha. You can say I am obssesed with horror! (its funny because its easy to scare me haha)
I love to eat food <3 especially sweet things
I also love cute things! Plushies, pink, clothes and other cute things! I just love it so much <3
I like games very much (I suck at them), art, anime, drawing and psychology! When it comes to music I love energetic ones!
I dislike slow music but there can be some exceptions.
I dislike cooking (I love when someone knows to cook however I suck at it
Around 156 cm height
brown eyes
chin length hair with bangs
round glasses
My fav dynamics, tropes etc. (!cw dead dove!)
power imbalance, big (legal) age gaps, yandere x victim, abuse, noncon, opposites attract
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randomgentlefolk · 1 year
Guess who's been playing Our Life: BA and lost every awareness toward time
I will never, ever get over Lorena's defense system. It's SO FRICKING GOOD LIKE..Eggs and bacon? Shuriken? THAT BIG CHOPPING THING? I LOVE THEM.
Also seeing the cpc and Gwen's siblings as fairytale characters are really cool! Also, Thermidora just straight up changing role from Tweedledee/Tweedledum into The Little Mermaid is so accurate regarding how dreams often suddenly change rapidly lmao xd
There are still some people we haven't seen as fairytale characters though. Such as Jack, Leelathae, Leopold, and the Plaid family. I think Leopold would have a role because of his speech to Gwen in chapter 64. Also Leelathae. Is there a chance that she might appear as the grandma of Red Riding Hood in a way to show Gwen's repressed memory? Would it come in a way of Leelathae apologizing to Gwen?
Here's a little angst: Gwen's repressed memory of Leelathae will come to her in the way of Leelathae apologizing to her over over. Apologizing because she had brought her to a cruel world. Feeling deep guilt because she knows what Gwen will go through. Now that I think about it, the immense guilt might be the reason why Leelathae become sick and.. well. But that would be too angsty, wouldn't it? Still might be possible, though...
But imagine if the grandma turns out to be Jack XD since how his old portrait was reacted to by the cpc.
Wait hang on I just realized here. What is Laverne supposed to be? Is-is she the grandma? That would make the "idk where my grandma is" comment by Abbi strange though..
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Oh? Red eyes.. Either this is Blaine, referencing to the bonus short featuring him as Red Riding Hood, or it could be Leland, which is like, a little different from a serpent but still a "predator" regardless. Hm, this got me thinking about the similarities between Wolves and Snakes. Which is their cunning nature that fits Leland a lot. But wolves also resemble family which is, uh, not Leland at all! Haha.
So maybe this is Blaine? Like I said, it would reference to him being the Red Riding Hood. Ironically, he becomes the wolf. But! That can also reference to how not only is Leland the one breaking him, he himself is also breaking himself. Because he wouldn't redeem himself, plus Leland "undirectly(?)" Supporting that idea. Geez, Blaine. Yea, I still have a glimmer of hope and I can't help it. I analyze him like a math equation. Someone who I can't understand completely since I'm never in his spot, but someone I can try to learn and figure out? Not in the way of "I can fix him" but in the way of "What is going on with him? What is he thinking? What's blocking his way?"
Orrr since Abbi is the Red Riding Hood, maybe that wolf is Abbi's parent XD although Gwen never meet them so it would be quite impossible.
Moving on, this was talked about in discord and Maria's music note doesn't exactly make sense xd
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Is there any Music Expert who can explain this, if you don't mind? XD
Tsk tsk. Dissapointed noises from me.
GWEN! She's learning slowly. I'm so proud of her :')
Maria. Dearest Maria. Would the polite, respectful guard, Lieutenant Beckett Dandridge, throw a fucking rock that smashed your window and might harm you had it been thrown the wrong way?
I'm sorry it's just.
Tsk tsk. Disappointed noises from me.
Good thing though, they finally knows what's happening! And with the help of CPC, I'm sure they'll come through, somehow.. I mean, at least they have some special skills haha. I wonder if Maria can call a lion? Or if Lorena can make venomous/carnivorous plants? I'm excited :D
I must say from the deepest of my heart, goddamnit Blaine holy shit dude wtf. You're still one of my fav character tho so dw. I'm not mad, just disappointed. Really disappointed. I have hope that he will get character development! But the way he is getting more and more like Leland is..concerning to say the least.
That's all for now, I can't wait for the next chapter which will come in.. around 4 hours..haha.. (you should definitely play Our Life: Beginning & Always it's so wholesome. Also I'm in the progress of new cpc art. I have the idea and all, I'm just struggling with drawing the anatomy/pose. Hopefully I will get through that)
Mono out! (But still in to hear your thoughts. Probably. It's 4 AM)
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bythenineshards · 1 year
I hate when the acotar fandom uses words like "morally grey" and "dark romance" but throws a tantrum whenever someone says their fav did something bad. Darling, the point of morally grey leads in dark romances is that they do bad things. And that's okay! Because this is fiction. No one is mad that the character did bad things. We're mad that neither the fandom nor the story wants to acknowledge that the character did bad things.
Genuinely confused on whether they think Rhysand is a morally grey dark villain or an uwu baby can do no wrong (this sorta mindset is alright jokingly, the problem is, most of the fandom thinks this unironically).
(Hello this is the Hades and Persephone anon, you imagining the excessive quotation marks as someone aggressively air quoting something is spot on. Sorry for the long ask, it's just that I think your blog is cool and you were really nice when answering my last ask)
Hey! Happy to see you again! Don't worry about the length of an ask. Sometimes it takes a lot of words to get out what you wanna say. I'm happy to have you here. I'm glad I didn't come off as a frigid bitch. I feel like I do sometimes because of how blunt my word choice and cadence is.
I know what you mean about the dark romance thing. However, I think the claims of it being a "dark romance" are a primarily Fandom thing. I could be wrong, but I've never seen an interview with Maas that says she considers this a dark romance. In all the interviews I've seen, she talks about how great she thinks Rhys is and how his evilness is all fake, and he's actually a good guy blah blah blah. I don't think she sees what's wrong with Rhysand. I genuinely think she sees him as this incredible Prince Charming and pinnacle of a healthy relationship. The defense that Acotar is a dark romance is something the Fandom says when someone points out the cold, hard truth of his actions and the implications of them in a real relationship.
The narrative of Acotar is plainly on his side and sees everything he does as heroic. A lot of dark romance I've read doesn't go out of its way to justify the dude's horrible actions. The story knows he's a bad dude, but sometimes people want to read about a hot, toxic dude who does horrible things. Fiction is a way to do that from the safety of your home.
I think her Fandom suffers from this unbearable need to be liked. They don't like being told that Rhys has done something wrong and you didn't fall for his excuses. I don't like Rhys because his actions suck, he's a stagnant character and he's paraded like a hero by the book. If the book didn't do this and let you decide what your opinion of him was, I don't think I'd have as big an issue. And maybe, if it was actually a dark romance book, and he didn't do certain things that I really don't like, I wouldn't have this blog.
And if I'm wrong and she's calling this a dark romance, then I have qualms with her advertising it to children and why she didn't commit? If she really wants Rhys to be this horrible guy, why didn't she commit to making him bad? Why does she go out of her to cram it down our throats that he's actually this super swell dude? You can't have it both ways.
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pen-observing · 1 year
dottore anon here again! YOU'RE SO RIGHT, DOTTORE AS A CHARACTER IS SOO, HE'S SOOO<3 JUST CHEF'S KISS... hes such a cool villain, not to mention hes, i think, first actual real threat to the traveler. hes fascinating too, i remember how some1 said hes a living contradiction: wants recognition, but is arrogant, he wants to belong but he cant fit in, he craves love but is so cruel... just. screams. not to mention his sexy design
also, i did read ur other dott x reader works! right after finishing that manhwa au chapter i went looking for more works about dotty on ur profile hehe and they're amazing too!! it's just that that chapter has a special place in my heart<3
OH AND THAT DOTT X READER X AYATO IDEA SOUNDS SO COOL... at first i was like umm idk when i read that ayato is involved cause hes not my cup of tea, but ur synopsis got me so fascinated by it. i hope one day you'll write it<3 and tysm for telling me this too.. i feel honored. thank u i love u and i wish u plenty of inspiration for future works. kisses u mwah
i love u too and,,, i got kithes and i am sending them right back at you !!
Scara felt like a threat too but I personally was not worried bbout how the traveller would beat him BUT DOTTORE???? Oh we gon need something too special or for him to decide he wants to be defeated/wants to switch sides like,,, that man scares me !! ahn,,, the sexcy design <3333 Dottore my beloved better be playable and with good noises while climbing, lisafy that man
HE IS SUCH A CONTRADICTION I LOVE HIM. Dottore is so arrogant and talks about the TRUE values of what it means to be a scholar and a researcher but his ass was kicked out the Academiya yet he is so obsessed with it and the students of it like tighnari + nahida's whole role as someone who rules it in a way like.,, his ass can't let it go aaaa. and he has all this vast knowledge and he did what he did to extend his life yet he has no plans to learn knowledge of emotional intimacy and anything similar.
+ my fav dottore thing to think of often under the cut:
One of the most interesting pieces of lore about that ugly but beautiful man to me personally comes from nahida's story that serves as the allegory.
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i hope the screenshot is good enough,, anyway. He is called a lone monster and i always wonder is it the fact that he was the only one on that mission the reason why or because he feels no particular need for the Fatui. Sure the they became friends part can be seen as something just used to simplify the story but the thing is, later on he goes and removes his disguise and looks at his REFLECTION and calls himself a monster. Like, he is willing to ADMIT IT. It makes me think that what Dottore wanted was for someone to recognize him as a monster and for them to love him anyway because he was so different. He WANTS acceptance of some kind but hates when it is not the kind he imagines.
And the word SOLACE !! DOTTORE FOUND SOLACE !! when he saw this ugly kitten who was in no way a human. I partly think this was because Dottore could cling to some humanity in him that scara lacked completely but thats too.. i want to give him some benefit of the doubt that he was finally GLAD to have someone different like him; someone he wouldn't have to pretend around.
And all of this suffering he had waiting for his true reflection and all to be shown and accepted just made him MORE angry when this ugly cat had no issues with being different; when he didn't have to PRETEND to be something he isn't to be liked,,,it gives me,,, i don't know I just can't help but to cling on to this specific part when it comes to my dottore characterization and yes people can call it theory and wishful thinking but I think it will amount to a lot more.
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goldfishontheceiling · 4 months
rating random td ships bc i saw one of my moots do it (you know who you are [probably]) and it looked like fun
disclaimer: i just made this for fun so please don't be mean if i don't like a ship that you do
also this post is a lil long so im cutting it off here
aleheather - yes 10/10 i love it sm!!! they're honestly made for eachother and THAT CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT?!? DELICIOUS.
lyler - its really cute! i honestly don't blame either of them for the whole lindsay forgetting his name thing. lindsay had it drilled into her head that he was gone for an entire season, but tyler is allowed to be sad that she forgot. anyway 8/10.
gwent - it was pretty cute in s1, s2 on the other hand... 6/10
drama brothers polycule/idk what the ship name would be - 7/10. idk i just like it. bandmates to friends to lovers to poly lovers. do you see the vision.
gwortney - it's cute! not my favorite, but it's cute! 7/10.
nowen - i used to not really mind this ship, but its starting to become one of my favorites. they're so boyfriends and i think they kissed atleast once behind the scenes of wt and/or rr. i can't explain it. they're so adorable and i love them. 10/10.
nemma - this might be a hot take but 4/10. its just ehhhhhhh. i don't really like how suddenly noah fell for emma. you've never spoken to her??? and all the sudden she does a fancy flip and you're head over heels in love?!? i also just feel like emma's character development could've been done better if it didn't revolve entirely around noah. don't get me wrong, he can be involved, but that's the only thing making her change. idk, maybe i just don't like emma that much, maybe my nowen bias is showing, i just don't like it that much.
trustin - IN TRUSTIN WE TRUST!!! 7.5/10.
justzeke - 10/10. don't ask how this happened because i don't know. i read. ONE FANFIC. and then i went down a rabbit hole and now i love them.
malnoah - 7.5/10. i don't know what happened. i read ONE FIC. and now i ship it.
duncney - yikes... it was cute in s1. and then the moment action started it was DERAILED SO BADLY. like THROWN OFF THE TRACKS DERAILED. IT CRASHED AND BURNED. 4/10.
chref - i honestly thought it was canon for an embarrassing amount of time. 10/10.
gweroeyike/gwamzoke - okay hear me out. take gwoey and gwameron. then throw camzoke into it. and BOOM you have gweroeyike. i love them. they took turns kissing eachother behind the scenes of all-stars. anyway 10/10.
mint (mike x trent) - i saw it on the td-rarepairs blog and now i think of them sometimes. 7/10.
edit: i think of them more then sometimes. 9/10.
gweroentike - i thought of this as i was typing. it's just gweroeyike but with trent because gwent and mint. 7/10.
noco - the fanart and fics converted me. im one of them now. there's no turning back. 8/10.
harzeke - they're cute. and they're both autistic. 7/10.
coderra - do i even have to elaborate. its coderra. negative infinity/10.
malejandro - i love aleheather don't get me wrong. but i also love malejandro. 7.5/10.
heathsay - entirely depends on what your referring to. in canon? ehhhhh 4/10. in a good fic? 6.5/10. 4.5/10 overall.
tybrick - i saw it on the td-rarepairs blog, and it's pretty cute! i can just imagine them going a silly lil date (they go sent to the hospital for two weeks because of some kind of accident) and being happy! 7/10.
aletyler - it could've been cute! but nooooo, SOMEONE had to make the video. you know which one im talking about. 6/10.
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tinnchan · 11 months
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@nonkul hello beloveds~ guess who's watched eps 5 and 6 of khun chai 🍄✨ the plan is to finish it before laws of attraction starts airing because this time i'm watching weekly with everyone!!
first of all chan slayed that funeral look 😍 but those cgi rats 😭😭 it was even worse than the snake lmaoo also like. do rats eat meat???? i know it's a lie but everyone was like yeah makes sense??
the shadow theatre scene!!!!!! tender gay romance at its finest. and i like that they both know what it is between them. when jiu draws a parallel between the lady white snake and tian and tian says that maybe she got to live on earth with the man she loved after all meaning that if he's the white snake jiu is her lover?? that was flirting. i'm so proud of my boy 🥹
and i liked that when he saw jiu talk with ma he didn't draw his conclusions and run away but confronted jiu about it in his gentle way and jiu didn't deny it and admitted to doing dirty jobs for ma bc he depends on him and tian didn't judge him for that. and then the ending of ep 6!!!! i was expecting something like that from the moment i realised jiu still doesn't know who tian is. aaaaaaa i can't wait to see how it all plays out i'm so excited omg
i like yang and bua investigation duo and i like tian pin and yang on their how to ruin a wedding in 1.5 months mission akshsjks and ofc tian and yang's love for each other 🥺🥺 and i like my feral loser girl chan even though she wants tian dead but i mean. that moves the gay romance forward so
i don't like madam li 🙄 and i don't like mushrooms 😭😭 tho tbh i didn't find it as disturbing as i thought i would. i didn't skip this time bc then i'd have to skip every five minutes lmao i really didn't expect the plot to revolve around them 😭 but that dinner scene would be so funny out of context everyone enjoying the mushrooms and madam li sitting there absolutely terrified aksgsjsksk btw can someone explain to me why jia always uses this mushroom glitter? does she not know any regular paralysing poisons? the flesh-eating mushroom part seems to bring nothing but inconveniences
also!! if tian's father still feels guilty for zhang's death can i maybe hope that he won't judge tian for being gay 🤔 or maybe he's a hypocrite 🙄
this is all over the place but i really enjoyed the eps!!!! will watch ep 7 tomorrow if not tonight 👀 love youu <3333
- @ahxu-laowen
SOF BELOVED HI SEEING THIS IN MY INBOX WAS SUCH A JOY! But you have 15 days now to watch 11 episodes djdkd will you manage
I will never get over the khunchai cgi fauna and flora. So so extra.
Ahhh i am so obsessed with the shadow puppet scene :( the way it packs so much of the their characters and the theme of their romance its so so so beautiful. Tian wanting to retell the lady whitesnake story 🥺🥺
HAHAHAHA i was always hateful towards mushrooms now imagine my aversion!
Yang and pin 🥺🥺🥺 they are my fav side couple of all time... Mayhaps... Mayhaps hets have rights
Tians parents fir now can choke jdkdkd
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me it brings me so much joy 🥺❤️
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