#but nothing done with it except the guy's wife was cheating on him with his dad
poppy-metal · 2 months
Oooh the idea that in the arranged marriage! au tashi is also cheating on art when she gets with patrick. art definitely knows too, he isn’t an idiot. he is definitely somewhat annoyed by it too. he is used to it by now, always kind of imagined that it would stop eventually. tashi still fucks him and he knows she cares for her, but god he just wished she’d stop messing around with patrick.
He sees you at events every once in a while and around. He finds it amazing how calm you are by the whole thing. He has a feeling you know, but still finds it weird that you have no reaction in public. Even he can’t stop himself from grimacing when he sees Patrick and Tashi together in public. He doesn’t get how you’re so calm. After all he isn’t from your background. He doesn’t get that you were basically raised to keep that calm and gentle expression on your face no matter what happens.
One day he decides enough is enough. He is going to tell you about it. Although it is quite silly since as mentioned he knows you have to know, but well misery loves company and he just wants someone else to be as miserable as him about this whole thing. He invites you to lunch one day and as you get through some small talk and sip wine he goes
“your husband is sleeping with my girlfriend”
You just look at him with a neutral expression and respond about the food you’re eating. Promptly changing the subject. You don’t want to have this conversation. It is not one you need to have. Once you’re done eating you excuse yourself and leave.
Of course, couple days later Art tells Tashi he met you. He doesn’t say what for or why (that would mean he has to verbally acknowledge her affair to her and he’s unable to do that). They both know anyway. She thinks about it.
So later when she meets Patrick, she decides to strew the pot around a bit. She is just in it for the fun. And Patrick fucks better when he’s mad (even if he’s thinking about you). So as they lay around in bed, she lets it slip out.
“art’s been meeting your wife”
All she really says. It’s vague and enough to send him into a spiral of thoughts. She knows it was one meeting. That nothing has happened. She also knows that nothing will happen. You wouldn’t fuck Art. Art wouldn’t fuck you. Just that seed of doubt that something could take you away from Patrick.
PLEASE he broods the rest of the day. hates that he's upset because you're friends now more or less and he shouldn't care if you're seeing other guys but he does. fucking hates it. are you fucking other men? he doubts it. you're so loyal and dedicated to being a wife and the duties that come with it - and he realizes the thought of you straying from that upsets him.
he feels like a dick about it, of course. he's very self aware. he knows he doesn't have the right. picks at his plate at dinner and when you express concern he just jerks his shoulders in a shrug. but then he asks, "do you want to see other people?" doesn't bring up art specifically because it just makes his stomach squirm.
you look at him strangely. "see other people?"
he sighs. it's in his head now. the image of you talking to art. art who's kind and sweet and a good person. he never felt jealous of the man before, even though he was tashis boyfriend. it was just never a concern. he and tashi were similar in their selfishness. they took what they wanted and indulged in it and didn't feel guilty. except that wasn't really the case anymore, especially for him.
he spears a piece of steak with his fork - frustrated. "like sex. dating."
your truce is tentative. you know he sleeps with tashi, you obviously wish he didn't - but you didn't make any demands from him, as long as he kept it private. which he did. he didn't want to humiliate you. not anymore. it seemed you were in a stalemate of sorts. and those never lasted.
you look into your glass of wine. lips pursed. he came home in time for dinner tonight. he was doing it more frequently, you'd realized. eating with him was still strange, after getting used to eating alone for so long. the unity of the act felt stranger - because of how indicative of their roles it felt. husband and wife, sitting across from eachother.
except you were only those titles on paper. to him, anyway.
"I haven't thought about it." you say honestly. and you haven't. despite everything, being unloyal to your marriage has never crossed your mind. the concept is foreign to you. loyalty to your husband was bred into your viens. "our marriage is very unconventional."
patrick takes a sip of his own wine - swishes it around his mouth as he looks at you. you've dressed up. you always do - for dinners. and he wonders if you dressed up for every dinner, even on the nights he was away, eating take out in tashis bed after sex - his stomach twists. god. he's such a disrespectful piece of shit.
"you look pretty." he tells you, because it's true and he thinks you should know. you should be told things like that, and he can tell by your wide eyed reaction you weren't expecting it - and it makes him feel all the worse for not telling you before. he's thought it, plenty of times. nearly everyday. you're stunning.
you shift in your seat, flushed. touch your lips unconsciously and his eyes follow the movement with intensity.
"I - thank you. it's just something I threw on." you downplay it. you do that alot. demure and shy away from praise. even though you strive to be perfect, it's like receiving knowledge that you're anything good is something you can't accept.
he returns to the topic. unfortunately. "if you wanted something like what I have with tashi - someone to wear dresses like that for -" he scratches his cheek, viscerally uncomfortable. "- if you need my permission or anything -"
"patrick." you say, sharp. "stop."
he shuts up. looks at you, kind of helplessly.
"I don't want that." you tell him.
he swallows. nods. looks down at his plate and resumes picking at his food without really eating it.
"its just -" he sets his fork down, elbows bracing on the table as he leans forward to catch your eye. "you can't be happy like this."
you look at him. his eyes are very green this close. they change. sometimes they look blue. gray, almost. they look green like this when he's serious.
you say, "im..... okay."
he frowns. his lips are so fucking plump. juicy and pillowy. you still have your secret kiss - but you wonder what it'd be like to be really and truly kissed. with hunger and ferocity. with tongue. like those movie kisses..... the passionate ones. you think he probably kisses with his whole body, hands in your hair, on your waist, all over. walking you back - pressing you into a wall, a dresser, a bed. moaning into your mouth, taking control simply because of how desperate he is to consume you. you bet he fucking devours you in a kiss.
you swallow and blink, coming back to yourself. patricks still frowning.
"I mean you could always just stop sleeping with another woman. that'd make me happy."
you say it without thinking and you wince. you haven't so boldly asked him to stay loyal. you haven't dared. your face flushes and you look back down at your plate. you shake your head, "forget I said that. a husband can do what he wants -"
"do you want me to be loyal to you?"
you snort, "of course I do. I want -"
"no." patrick shakes his head. "not because of that appearances shit. I mean -" he licks his lips, his pupils are dilated and your mouth parts as you maintain eye contact with him. "do you want me to yourself?"
your whole body heats up. of course. of course you do. you don't think you've ever wanted anything more. despite everything, you want patrick. you want that storybook kind of love. you want to be wanted. wholly and intensely. you want to be loved.
but want has never been in the cards for you. wanting was never something you were allowed.
"I want -" you look away, disconnecting your eyes from your husbands. you think of your conversation with art, about how him mentioning patrick and tashi felt like a shard of glass in your chest. how you'd wanted to scream and just. be heard for once. let out your emotions. why did you always have to endure? why couldn't patrick do some enduring for you? why was it so hard to - to stick beside you? was the idea of falling in love with you truly so awful? you thought about being truthful. about telling patrick you wanted his loyalty, and you wanted more than his friendship because it wasn't enough, you wanted his affection, his attention, his love. his body. all yours.
wanting was never in the cards for you.
"I just want us to get along how we are now. I was joking before -" you pasted on a smile. "- you can keep doing what you want as long as you keep up appearances with me. thats all i want."
you can't make heads or tails of patricks expression. it's too convoluted for you to understand. his eyes seem to shutter and darken, his jaw works. but he leans back in his chair and nods.
"okay." he says simply. "whatever you want."
it has never been farther from okay.
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enemyoflactose · 6 months
I finished Battle City
So for my redemption arc, I have finished both Duelist Kingdom and Battle City.
I think I may have gotten worse.
I'll start by talking about voice acting and which one I prefer:
Bakurae: I like both Ted Lewis and Rica Matsumoto's performances. They both did amazing and I am so bi for their voices.
Marik: His goofy ass skeletor voice is not it. It's funny as hell, but he just sounds better in the sub.
Odion: I like both
Ishizu: I like both
Everyone else: could go either way
Yugi didn't really do a lot at the start, and everything I want to say about him happens in his duel with Joey. Honestly, I don't like how in the anime he doesn't play much of a role.
Yami Yugi: this man... This man.
Téa: I love her. Honestly. She gave like zero friendship speeches this season and didn't really do much except help Yami find Ishizu.
Tristan: he's there. I don't like how he treats Serenity.
Serenity: I actually really like her. She's not the most realistic sister character, but I still like her.
Duke: my guy, leave the girl alone.
Marik: I can't take him seriously. I just can't. He sounds like Skeletor, his plans are stupid, he can barely duel, he's a coward, he dresses ugly, mother fucker uses Revival Jam, this happened
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How am I supposed to take him seriously?! Also, his backstory didn't do anything for me. Like, yeah what he went through was awful, but it just feels like an excuse. It felt like Ishizu and Odion were trying to justify Marik's behavior and say he did nothing wrong and should be forgiven. (Also, I saw a post about how Joey should have showed Marik sympathy. They blocked me when I said that was stupid)
Ishizu: she's such a great character. Her love for her siblings feels real, she's a snarky dork, her duel with Kaiba is fantastic, and she's pretty.
Odion: Am I supposed to feel bad for him? Not because he was horrifically abused I do feel bad about that, but with the way he was treating Marik... My guy was an enabler. Of course Marik is still evil under your care, you haven't done anything to help him be good. He just rolls over and lets Marik do what he wants because he doesn't want to betray his oath or something.
Mai: literally so cool. I'll actually get to talking about her in a bit.
Kaiba: iconic.
Mokuba: he takes his duel commissioner job so seriously it's adorable. He just pops up out of nowhere to catch people cheating and then Kaiba comes along to scare the cheater when they don't listen to Mokuba.
Regular Bakura: B-baby boy???
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Yami Bakura: I'd literally bend over for him. He can have all of my possessions. Anyway I feel like he went through some character assassination this season. He just doesn't seem like a threat, but I guess that's how abusers get ya because he stabs Regular Bakura.
Arkana: I've said it once and I'll say it again, I am a sap. I felt so bad for this guy. First his magic show goes wrong, then his face gets mangled, then his wife leaves him, then he gets indoctrinated into Marik's cult, then he almost dies by saw blade, then he actually dies.
Lumis and Umbra: these two are gay and dating.
Strings: there is nothing there.
Mako and Weevil are pretty much the same.
Espa Roba: he's a cheater.
Bandit Keith vs Yugi Moto (Duel 1)
The first duel of the season introduces us to Marik. We learn that he wants the puzzle and has a magic rod that can mind control people.
This duel shows off that Yugi is not yet as good a duelist as Yami because this loser gets fucking cooked.
Yami Bakura shows up and breaks Keith free. This makes Marik a little annoyed.
Marik makes Keith break the puzzle.
Bakura comes in and helps Yugi fix it, but he puts a little piece of his soul in the puzzle because of reasons that are never explained.
Bakura leaves and Keith burns the building down.
Joey and Tristan save Keith and Yugi.
Yami Yugi vs Jonny Steps (Duel 2)
I am not talking about the duel you suckers. I'm talking about what happened before the duel!
Yami and Téa go on a date. During this date they go on wacky high jinks and Yami gets Light Force Sword.
After dueling Jonny Steps, they go to the museum and meet Ishizu. She tells them that Yami is actually an ancient Egyptian pharaoh and he needs to save the world by joining Kaiba's tournament and winning it. Also he needs three Egyptian God Cards.
Joey vs That one guy (duel 3)
Joey gets Exodiad and feels so bad that he doesn't go and visit his sister in the hospital.
He also lost his Red Eyes Black Dragon.
Tristan finds him on the beach and shows Yugi and Téa who he found (fuck you 4kids)
Kaiba vs the machine (duel 4)
Yami vs the one guy(duel 5)
Yami beats Exodia and wins back Joey's Red Eyes.
Joey declined it.
Joey vs Espa Roba (duel 6)
In this duel Joey faces an alleged psychic who had already defeated Rex Raptor.
Rex tries to help Joey for a little bit, but stops like half way through the duel.
During this duel, Espa is talking about the universe and how he can't lose and shit like that and Joey's just clowning on him.
Espa Roba has his brothers up on a building helping him win duels.
Joey figures this out.
Joey wins the duel.
Some guy in the audience says "Espa couldn't predict he'd be a loser", and I think that's funny.
Joey got a Jinzo!! The only good card he'll get this whole tournament.
Yami vs Arkana (duel 7)
Yami faces a magician who's all like "Aren't you SO sad that your precious Dark Magician is in the deck of another duelist???!"
Some bullshit happens, Dark Magician is sentient and saves Yami, Dark Magician Girl is summoned by Dark Magic Curtain, there's shadow blades, guillotine-chan is here, apparently there's no service in the tent.
Yami wins.
Arkana dies or something it was really unclear.
Joey vs Weevil Underwood (duel 8)
Joey got his deck and Duel Disk stolen by some mustache and had a card put In it.
Joey and Weevil duel ata fountain.
During this duel Weevil calls out to the Parasite Paracide card in Joey's deck and turns all of Joey's monsters into insect cards.
Weevil brings out Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth. Joey destroys it.
Weevil brings out his Insect Queen and talks about how much he wants to fuck it. Joey destroys the Insect Queen and wins it.
Joey gained the worst card of the season.
Yami and Kaiba vs some guys (duel 10)
Kaiba uses Lord of D and two Flute of Summoning Dragon to summon three dragons and then he summons Obelisk and then he wins the duel and takes some locator cards.
Joey Wheeler vs Mako (duel 11) ft. Marik falling for the Bakura sham.
Joey and Mako duel.
Joey is putting on the world's greatest show, and is told to stop because it's "embarrassing and taking to long"
Joey tries to use Parasite Paracide, but flip monsters haven't been invented yet.
Marik almost runs over Bakura.
Mako is telling a son story about his dad and how Legendary Fisherman is his dad and he loves his dad so he has to win the duel for his dad because he loves him ever so much.
Yami Bakura is talking mad shit and Marik's all like "This idiot has NO idea that to open the door to darkness he needs the Egyptian God Cards."
What if my guy was talking 'bout Kingdom Hearts?
Mako used a ritual card 🤮
Now Joey has to find the fisherman and attack.
Joey finds the fisherman and attacks. Mako gets sad. Loser deserved it tho for using rituals.
Joey uses some gambling cards and oh no
Bakura puts his scam into action and says he's a strong duelist (He's aight.)
Marik doesn't even fact check this and makes a deal with him.
The rod for a god card.
Joey uses Panther Warrior to wipe out the ritual card 🤮, and wins the duel.
Joey has gained Legendary Fisherman! Not as bad as the last card, but Joey you have a shitty deck how do you keep winning???
Seto and Yami vs Lumis and Umbra (duel 12)
It's awful, it sucks, it's worthless, they should have just used level cards
This duel is not worth my time.
Yami and Seto win.
We interrupt this essay to talk about important stuff that happened out of duels:
Bakura got stabbed
Mokuba, Téa, and Joey got kidnapped
Tristan ran for an hour with a teenage girl on his back
Duke hit some guy with dice
Mai met Serenity
Joey got mind controlled
Téa girl mind controlled
Joey vs Yugi/Yami (duel 13)
I cried during this duel
Joey got mind controlled by Marik and is evil and dueling Yugi for the puzzle and they're also strapped to this anchor that's gonna drag them to the bottom of the ocean in an hour and oh my God this duel
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Téa's life is also being threatened but she's a badass who doesn't care.
Kaiba can't help because then Téa will die.
Joey was given all these rare cards and is using them against Yugi.
Yugi is so scared to attack because he doesn't wanna hurt Joey.
Yugi is so fucking sweet I love him so much.
Yami is just in the corner like "you good Yugi?" And "Oh no!!! Joey!!" I love them so much
Yugi ends up giving the puzzle to Joey so he can fight Marik better, he summons R d eyes black dragon to get through to him, this shit is just barely working I HATE THIS DUEL
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Marik is being a whiny little bitch ass loser because his mind control is failing
Joey breaks free after attacking Yugi then he uses the effect of some mirror card to attack himsefl
Joey and Yugi both plummet to the ocean, Yugi is saved by Joey and Joey is saved by serenity.
Meanwhile at the hospital
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Yami Bakura vs Bonz (duel 14)
This episode is so fucking good. The animation, the duel, BONZ IS HERE
This duel starts off with Yami Bakura already being kinda annoyed. He just got jumped so it makes sense.
He summons a headless knight and it gets destroyed.
He destroys Bonz's cards.
Bonz fuses Medusa and crawling dragon to get... An elephant?
Then Bonz activates that one card that makes you lose life points for every card sent to the graveyard. Yami Bakura responded by fucking cheating and just tossing his hand to the graveyard.
Then he summons Earl of Demise and Bonz puts him in a cage.
Then Yami Bakura uses ectoplasmer and wipes out Bonz's life points and sends him to hell the Shadow Realm.
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Mai vs Jean Clawed Magnum (duel 19)
I am not talking about this duel other than
Joey x Mai supremacy
We love polarshipping
Stuff that happens before the finals
The gang is shocked at the idea of Regular Bakura dueling (rude)
Tristan can't flirt
The gang raid Joey's pantry
A bingo machine
Yami Bakura pretends to be Regular Bakura and messes with Joey by saying shit like "Cheerio" and "fellows"
Marik does stuff
Odion gets threatened a few times
Ishizu shows up late
Mai drinks censored wine
Yami Bakura vs Yami (duel 15)
This shit is so hype
It starts off with Yami Bakura being dog shit and summoning weak cards (it's for a plan), and Yami and the gang just ragging on him and insulting him.
Then Bakura summons Dark Necrofear, but he doesn't attack because he's scared that Yami's face down card is a trap (reasonable)
Dark Necrofear gets destroyed by a buffed Dark Magician Girl, but this was all part of the an because now Yami Bakura can use not only his Destiny Board (worst win strat ever), but he can also use Dark Sanctuary.
At this point in the duel, Yami Bakura is cooking. He is dominating.
He got out his Dark door, Yami can't attack more than once. He got his spirit redirecting attacks at Yami. He's cooking something delicious.
Then Yami special summons Dark Necrofear and now Yami Bakura can't use his strategy.
Unless he summons Jougen the Spiritualist!
Now the sanctuary is back and he can keep up with his shitty win strat.
Then Yami summons Slifer and he contemplates death.
Marik makes Odion walk over and go "I release Bakura from the spirit" and Bakura starts dying and at this point my shipping senses start going nuts.
This duel has become a love triangle between Regular Bakura, Yami Bakura, And Yami Yugi.
But that's not important.
Bakura doesn't like this strategy because it's for cowards and he's worried Yami will attack his host. (Reasonable. The Yami he knows probably would've)
Yami meanwhile doesn't wanna attack Regular Bakura because that's his friend.
No one has told this boy to just surrender.
Yami Bakura takes control of Regular Bakura again and tells Yami to attack him
Then Yugi tells Yami that he did that because he needs Bakura, not because he liked him. (This is untrue if I believe hard enough)
Regular Bakura is knocked out and the ring is gone.
Joey vs Odion (duel 16)
Joey is talking shit.
Odion keeps setting and passing
And oh what's this?? FLASHBACK
Odion was abandoned on the door step of Marik's and Ishizu's parents. He was raised by them but never truly accepted.
He wanted the tomb keeper initiation to become accepted, but he was adopted. So that didn't happen.
Joey's losing
Odion was Marik's best friend and watched their mother die immediately after Marik was born.
He vowed to protect Marik.
Odion has trap monsters and Joey is surprised by this.
A massive scorpion monster thing is summoned and Joey says
"Are you really Marik?"
Then Marik has a temper tantrum and tells Odion to summon Ra. Odion summons Ra and fucking dies.
Then Joey dies.
Odion watched as Marik got his tomb keeper initiation and afterwards he did his own initiation.
Odion tries to get up, but he doesn't.
Joey is having a dream about his friends helping him get ready for a tournament and he can't get up.
Joey gets up and wins the duel.
Marik is having a migraine and then becomes Yami Marik.
Mai vs Marik (duel whatever I don't wanna check)
Marik got a fashion upgrade and looks better!!
During this duel Kaiba is edging himself waiting for Ra to be summoned.
Marik makes the duel a shadow duel and starts to erase Mai's mind.
Mai loses one memory and almost gives up immediately.
Marik continues his mind games while Joey and the gang try to help Mai out.
Mai is having non of this.
Mai steals Ra
Marik is cooking
Mai summons Ra, but Marik broke a rule because Ra is written in a foreign language without a translation.
Mai loses because she can't summon Ra and Marik attacked her, Joey, and Yami.
Final duel, Kaiba vs Ishizu
Ishizu should have won
Kaiba and Ishizu keep milling each other's deck.
Ishizu has a plan though. She saw it in her visions
Kaiba defys those visions tho and instead of summoning Obelisk, he summons the Blue Eyes White Dragon and wipes out Ishizu.
I forgot to talk about the Yami vs Strings duel
Marik is a pussy so he uses some murderer to duel
During this duel Marik is using cards like Revival Jam and Jam Breeding Machine.
He uses them to summon Slifer.
Yami is trapped in a cage.
Yami uses Revival Jam against Marik and uses it to cause Marik to lose by DECK OUT.
That's embarrassing.
So yeah, I think this journey of redemption is becoming a journey of derailment instead. Wish me luck and health.
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duckymcdoorknob · 11 months
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𝓣𝓲𝓬𝓴𝓵𝓮𝓽𝓸𝓫𝓮𝓻 𝓭𝓪𝔂 14: 𝓢𝓸𝓯𝓽
Me when- when the- when-
I love them, your honor.
I wanna go to Waffle House.
Tags: @chrimsss @ticklish-n-stuff bc you helped me ❤️❤️❤️
—This do have tickles below the cut ngl—
The life of a forest ranger is never dull, and boy is the stress never-ending. It’s almost impossible for Tighnari to come back to his hut unscathed and unaffected by the day. This day in particular, he actually managed to cheat death!
Except, now he can’t sleep.
There’s zero work to be done, the hut is clean, his clothes are hanging to dry, Collei is completely taken care off, dinner has been cooked and dishes washed, workspace tidy, floor clean, nothing.
His mind raced through what could possibly be the issue, but he’s yet to find one.
Sighing, he threw his hands over his eyes before standing up and sliding on his slippers. He gently trudged past Collei, stepping outside for a moment.
The fennec shivered a bit as he draped a cardigan around himself. He glided to the hill near his hut and stood quietly, arms crossed. A chuckle broke him from his trance.
“You look like a wife waiting for her husband to return from the war.”
Tighnari gasped, summoning his bow in that moment. He groaned out a sigh of relief, letting his shoulders slump down and putting up his weapon. “Nice to see you too, Cyno. You spying on me?” he grumbled.
“Hey, I was here first; you were too busy being a war wife to notice me sitting here… Hey, great reaction time by the way.”
“Ugh, you’re such a- nevermind…“ the dendro user was far too exhausted to even argue, instead opting to lay down next to his dear friend and place his arms behind his head.
The general turned to look at him fondly, a small smile gracing his features. “So, what brings you here?”
“I just can’t seem to fall asleep. All of my work is done, but I just don’t feel the need to rest,” Tighnari replied in exasperation, resting his hands on his eyes.
“Do you want relief, or someone to just let you feel your feelings?” the white-haired man hummed.
“I want to say both, but I just want to get to sleep…” the bow user murmured.
“Alright, come here.”
Cyno reached out to the man next to him, waiting for him to react. Tighnari opted to grab onto Cyno’s hand, eliciting a chuckle from the latter. “What?” he grumbled.
“I was offering for you to lay on me, but this works too.”
“Oh…” the fennec hummed, scooting closer and draping atop of his friend. “Oh, yeah… this does feel nice.”
The general grinned and brought a hand up to gently card his finger’s through the black and green mess of hair in front of his eyes. He gently raked his nails down Tighnari’s head.
Tighnari’s eyes fluttered shut and his head lolled to rest on Cyno’s chest. A pleasant sigh escaped his mouth as he fully relaxed.
“See, you are tired; your mind is just completely overstimulated right now, so it’s keeping you awake,” Cyno replied in a low voice, bringing his hands up to scratch at the bow user’s ears.
Breathy giggles suddenly escaped the other male.
“Oh? Come on now, don’t tell me you’re ticklish here too?”
“Yohohohoure suhuhuch ahaha buhuhully,” the fennec whimpered, unmoving.
Cyno smiled fondly at Tighnari’s sweet giggles, caressing his ears with ticklish touches. His other arm wrapped securely around the latter’s waist. “Gasp, I’m no bully,” he deadpanned, “I would never. After how nice I was to help you…”
“Cynohohoho. Yohohouhuhure- pfffahaha-“
“I’m what? I’ve never heard of that adjective before. Have you and Alhaitham been hanging out without me?”
Tighnari groaned through his giggles as he lay still on Cyno’s torso.
The general’s heart skipped a beat when the fennec weakly reached for his hand, hoping to stop the ticklish scratches. “Aht aht, I’m trying to help you sleep.”
“Nohohoho- yohohou’re tihihickling mehehe.”
“Tickling you? No… if I was trying to tickle you, I would’ve gone for your feet.” A wider smile tugged at his lips as he felt Tighnari instinctively cross his ankles to protect the sensitive spot.
The hand on the exhausted male’s waist poked and prodded ever so gently, tracing light circles over the forest ranger’s back and sides. Sleepy giggles emitted from him as his eyes continued to open and flutter closed. “Cynohohoho.”
The general ceased all movement, wondering what Tighnari could’ve meant. He called his name; no response was given. When he tried again, he realized that the forest ranger had finally fallen asleep.
As carefully as he could, Cyno guided the latter into his arms, letting his head rest against his chest.
Their walk back to his hut was silent, but it was a long one. A million thoughts were in his head, yet Cyno said no words.
When he returned and entered the humble home, he was greeted by a bleary-eyed Collei getting some water. He pursed his lips and shushed her gently, resulting in a smile and a nod from the girl.
Laying the man down feet first—he remembered Tighnari saying that it worked on babies, so maybe it’ll work on people— and gently caressing his cheek, the general bid him farewell.
A hand grabbed his wrist as he turned around. “stay.”
Cyno exhaled fondly, settling down and taking Tighnari in his arms. Tighnari cuddled close to him and smiled in satisfaction; Cyno had to take a moment to keep himself from blushing too hard, then planted a small kiss on the ranger’s forehead.
Later on, Collei returned to the kitchen for some more water. On the way in, she noticed a bigger mess of blankets on her master’s bed.
Curiously, she opened the cracked door and laughed to herself. Retreating quickly, she grabbed her Kamera from her nightstand and took a quick photo. After securing the device and photos, she happily snuggled between the two, smiling in safety.
Her family…
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ofallthingsnasty · 5 months
Cowboy croco?? 👀👀
Omg imagine him trying to wife up a cute fat darling 🙏🙏 hot
The thing is, to me he's either some ultra slimy, wicked business type who exploits people ruthlessly and gets them with debts/gag contracts or he's a Dutch Van der Linde (rdr2) guy with his own little group of outlaws (and has his fingers in pots the others do not know about...) - or maybe more like Colm O'Driscoll, but I digress...
Oh, but him having a little crisis - he is cunning and strong, has money and smarts and loyal men and all that, but he also can tell that he's in his mid-40s now. People in that line of 'work' (people in general, back then) aged worse - and I don't mean aesthetically, I mean physically. For all he knows, it's entirely possible for him to be dead this time next year; and he can feel the phantom pain in his lost hand whenever the weather changes more and more with every passing winter. 20 years ago, that quick way of living, that uncertainty didn't bother him at all, no, it added to the thrill of everything. That was the spice his 20s and 30s were made of - when the world was his oyster and the next big thing right around the corner. But now? He's richer than before, more crafty; he knows people and how they work, knows so much yet feels so empty... Going out in a blaze of glory would have been appealing just ten years ago, now it feels shallow and vain. It's not that he wants to settle down either, it's just-
Something is missing. Between almost 30 years on the road, the street, in the wilderness, the reeking towns and cramped cities and him lying and cheating and gunning his way through it all, he has been nothing but made of red-hot iron and fury. Suddenly he's more mellow; his evil oozes more than it spurts and he feels himself longing for something - someone. Someone to apply his little ointments for him, someone who cooks for him, someone who is a base for him whenever he returns from his exploits and so much more. He suddenly finds himself yearning for the comforts a wife provides, those little joys and genuine warmth money can't buy. It's strange, really. Utterly strange and out of character for a man like him. But age turns the best of them into sentimental fools and he doesn't seem to be an exception. He finds himself conjuring up someone in his mind whenever he lords over his whiskey or stares at the moon with a cigarette in hand; how nice just another presence would be, how he could afford a wife, how having someone to adore him might be more tempting than cold metal and gems in his hand. He could have both, he reasons, and experience a sliver of peace his life has never given him so far. He has heard many old men lament the loss of a woman; decades shared toiling together, building together - it never bothered him one bit before; now he wants what he can't have.
So when he spots you - widowed, all out on your own and desperate for money, fat with luxuries your dead husband could provide for you but that are now sorely missing, he sees an opportunity; someone to take advantage of. You're perfect, just made for him: desperate, soft and sweet, with years of homemaking and pleasing underneath your belt. Oh, he'll blind you. Deceive you with a front of charm and expensive clothes, with the promises of a home of your own and food on the table. You'll buy his lies hook, line and sinker - won't question him when he evades your inquiries about his work, won't even have the time to think about just where his rings come from when every day on your own just gets harder and harder because your money is running out. You've got a sweet face; the body of a fat little wife and are worn down enough by misfortune that you cling to him like a drowning cat. You'll only see that you married the devil himself after it's all said and done; that you've been dragged into the life of a horrible criminal who'll leave you widowed again - and with the wolves to come once he's been shot like a fucking dog, someday soon.
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littlerosetrove · 5 months
Well. I have some thoughts, which some of y’all may not like or agree with, and that’s fine. But please please if you’re going to “well actually” or “okay but” in the comments or reblogs then make your own post, okay? I need to vent on my corner here. You can do whatever you want in your own.
This got long, so my venting about Eddie's cheating storyline is under the cut.
Let me state: if you’re enjoying this cheating storyline for Eddie? Truly that is fine. I don’t think anyone who likes it is bad or anything. This is fiction after all. I, however, am not enjoying this fictional storyline, which is also fine. I just won’t engage with people who are on opposite ends with me for this story, and I’m asking the same in return. 
Also to be very clear: this is not me bashing or hating on Eddie. This is me very much disliking the storyline the writers have chosen for my favorite character. I fully understand Eddie is a flawed human being, but that doesn’t mean I have to like or enjoy every story they write for him. 
Now, has 911 done a cheating storyline? Yes, with the mains Hen, Michael, and Buck, and at least a couple times with random people on 911 calls. It may not be new, but it doesn’t mean I have to like it. I didn’t enjoy Hen’s, Michael’s, or Buck’s cheating storyline, and I’m not enjoying Eddie’s either. I’ve rarely enjoyed cheating storylines in any media. It’s just not my thing. ALSO. Funny how every cheater in this show has been a queer main character. Eddie may not be canonically queer YET, but it’s obvious he’s going to be. So thanks, I hate it. 👍
No seriously. I DO think they’re eventually going to make Eddie queer. But then. Y’all. That will confirm Eddie as the FOURTH queer character to cheat. Like what the actual fuck. As a queer person, I do not care for this honestly gross trend. 
Clearly the writers and Tim wanted to do a story where Eddie romantically pursues a woman who looks like his dead wife, because Eddie has not moved on in 5 years, but more on that aspect later. Ok, fine. But why did they have to make it even more messy and complicated and unoriginal by having Eddie cheat? No seriously. No one cares about Marisol nor the nothing burger of a relationship between her and Eddie, because there’s nothing there! To either part! Hell Eddie keeps joking about breaking up with Marisol, so he definitely sees an end date to them (despite, I think, Ryan saying in an interview that Eddie cares for Marisol, and the word love was used, but? cool we’ve zero evidence of this in canon, so whatever). 
Why could the show have not had Eddie break up with Marisol nolastname first, and then quickly jump into dating a woman who looks like his dead wife? That way there’s no fucking cheating. Eddie is still grieving Shannon, sure I get that, but for his grief to drive him, knowingly, to be a cheater? For what purpose?????? Eddie is clearly unstable and acting irrationally, so frankly it’s enough to highlight this with, again, first breaking up with Marisol, and then immediately start dating Shannon’s doppelgänger. Boom. No need to cheat, and it’s still messy as hell. 
To quote @eddiegettingshot from their post here, when it comes to Marisol “it’s literally just flimsy writing she’s not even adding an emotional element except for by virtue of her existence.”
Let’s circle back to Shannon.
Look. I’ve never made it a secret that I don’t like Shannon. She’s not an unsympathetic character, and I know she’s flawed because she’s human. I Know. But I still don’t like her and never will. I’m also not a fan of this show keeping Eddie on a hamster wheel with the ghost of Shannon for FIVE seasons. I’m tired of Eddie’s stories constantly coming back to and revolving around Shannon. This is a TV show guys, not real life. I’m fully aware what grief can do to people, I have experience, but my gosh. Watching the story of Shannon dragged out for five seasons now is so. tiring. And yes, FINALLY, the show is addressing the Shannon of it all so Eddie can move the fuck on, but good gosh. It’s taken five seasons to get here. I really wish they’d taken the opportunity to do this story in season 6, but alas. 
Kinda repeating here, but fucking finally they’re working on Eddie moving past the ghost of Shannon, because Eddie’s been hiding who he is and what he wants behind her AND, to bring Chris into this, hiding behind him too. Using Chris as a shield to protect and deny himself from who he is and what he wants. We know a big reason Eddie dated and stuck with Ana was because “my kid loves her.” Eddie thinks he needs to give Chris another mother, for various reasons. Because of this he hasn’t been following his heart. Thus, Eddie has clung to the ghost of Shannon and their relationship because that is known (the nuclear family and the heteronormativity of it all, which I really don’t think Eddie actually wants, hence a fuck ton of denial and compartmentalizing), and the “unknown” is more terrifying to Eddie. Super understandable. But this is TV and I need Eddie to do something different and new. 
I don’t think they’ll go this far, but what in the world was Eddie planning to do? I mean I don’t think he’s even thinking far ahead at all, but what would happen if Eddie brought home this Shannon look-a-like to Christopher? That would be hella traumatizing to Chris, who is of course still struggling with the loss of his mom, and the mother he recognizes/understands left him.
A connected side not to all of this is, we still have zero knowledge of how Chris feels about Marisol. Sure the three of them went for ice cream, so we can interpret Chris is fine with her, but nothing more concrete or illuminating that. For once I’d love for Chris to actually get to say how he feels about things like this. SO we can only guess that Eddie, without talking to Chris, had moved Marisol in then back out of the house. We have no idea if Chris knew about Marisol moving in or not. Nothing. 
So we take these two huge things, Eddie possibly not talking to his son about having his girlfriend of maybe four months move in, and the potential (because again I don’t think they’ll go this far, but who the fuck knows now) of Eddie bringing a Shannon doppelgänger around Chris. I know grief is a hell of a thing - again, I have experience - but it all paints Eddie as a bad father (this season), and I don’t get why they’re taking it this far. Eddie is flawed, of course he is, and oh my god I know he’s only human, but come on. Why is the show painting Eddie being as, honestly, pretty damn selfish in this way? Again, we’ve zero knowledge of Chris’s feelings on Marisol, really, and now Eddie is cheating on Marisol nolastname by chasing after a woman who looks like his dead wife, and to what end????  (to be clear, I don't think Eddie is a bad father, it's just that the show is making him kind of look like one.)
All of this is going to blow up in Eddie’s face, and he’ll deserve it. 1) He’s cheating on his girlfriend with a woman who looks like his dead wife. I have no fucking clue how Marisol will react when the truth comes out, but my gosh if they have her easily forgive Eddie… I don’t care at all about Marisol, but if she has no backbone the way Ana never seemed to have one, then good grief. I’m white, but that will be two Latina characters just letting Eddie’s bullshit slide (to an extent). Idk, but that doesn’t feel right. 2) He’s going to hurt this “looks like his dead wife” woman because Eddie refuses to process his grief over Shannon. Thus adding a layer to Eddie’s selfishness. The show can have Eddie be selfish of course, but it does Not need to be in this way (i contain multitudes. i am ok with the doppelgänger weirdness on its own, but at the same time see that it's a very selfish thing eddie is doing). 3) Eddie is certainly lying to everyone, but he lied to Buck’s face. And remember how Buck felt so terrible about lying in any way to Eddie in 7x5? Yeah.... Yes Buck has experience with cheating on his girlfriend, but Eddie used Buck to lie. There's a difference. 4) Where the hell does Chris fit into all of this mess?? Christ, for both their sakes I hope Chris does not learn that his dad cheated on his girlfriend to date a woman that looks like his mom because, again, Eddie refuses to properly grieve and let go of Shannon. Chris already needs to go back to therapy anyway though, let’s be honest. 
However this mess of a storyline plays out, FFS, they better put Eddie back in therapy. Even without the cheating part, Eddie NEEDS to go back to therapy for so many valid reasons. He needs to talk about his guilt and grief when it comes to Shannon, his Catholic guilt (currently forgotten??), it hasn’t been brought up yet but his mommy issues, and he needs to learn about consent especially when it comes to sex. Like come on. Eddie has plenty of issues, so WHY was it necessary to throw in cheating? I’m so serious. They want him to continue to be messy? Fine, but pick a less uninspired path to add to the mess. 
*tired sigh*
Bottom line, I feel like the show is just continuing to disrespect Eddie and his character. In season 6 they handled his loneliness and then dating storyline, particularly the dating aspect, in a joking way. It wasn’t handled well in my opinion. Now in season 7 he’s cheating on Marisol who still has no character, and they’re in a no substance relationship that I don’t feel an ounce of investment in. A cheating storyline should resonate on some level, but it’s not here and it doesn’t resonate because we have two women no one cares about beyond the general feeling of “it sucks to be cheated on” and “it sucks to be lied to.” Congrats on the shitty writing.  They want to (fucking finally) work on Eddie actually confronting his grief about Shannon after five years of being on a hamster wheel? Great. But do it with more care. Not this. And remember how they introduced and treated Eddie’s apparent Catholic guilt as a joke? Yeah there’s that too. 
Eddie has complicated trauma and I really don’t like that it’s being treated as a mix of a joke (catholic guilt) and just disrespectfully (cheating). Eddie dating a Shannon doppelgänger is already messy on its own - and honestly I would have been fine with that because Eddie is a walking trauma, guilt ridden, repression bomb waiting to go off - so we did not need to add cheating to the mix. While I’m on board with Eddie being hella messy and delusional to date someone who looks like his dead wife, but the cheating never needed to be here. 
After all this mess blows up in Eddie’s face? Ya’ll. Eddie needs to go to therapy and it’s not a bad or wrong thing to point out that he needs to be single for a little while. Hello????? Just look at the mess Eddie is right now.  
*another tired sigh* I think I covered everything I wanted to say....
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astharoshebarvon · 7 months
never understood why some people hate yuki in given. i mean seriously, have some sympathy and decency for the boy, his death was so tragic thats its really pathetic you hate him. mafuyu and uenoyama adore each other, why do you have to think he is some third wheel when he is dead? mafuyu loved yuki, nothing will ever change that. the name of the freaking manga is in reference to him, are you for real, to actually hate yuki?
it's pathetic how these weirdos don't hate that horrid, homophobic bitch classmate of uenoyama who was disgusting as hell, don't dislike his equally gross sister. i love how he doesn't give either of them time of the day. is it same crap of not hating fem characters even if they are right trash, like how actual pedo women in fiction books and manga get pass but male characters who arent even vile are condemned.
sesshoumaru was an exception to this rule. glad that shit flopped. he didnt deserve what was done to him.
otherwise, its' just same case of absolving bad fem characters of their rubbish. i don't even get why given artbook and illustrations have these two dumb females and not yuki in group pictures. like seriously, what did he even do wrong? the answer is nothing. he did nothing bad. he was a good guy, no matter what delusions people may have.
this kind of mentality explains so well how tom riddle sr was treated, he had no obligation to stay with his rapist wife. merope can go to hell for what she did to him.
then i saw another weird post on twitter, why is omegaverse manga getting anime. my god, please cry harder about it. i am so glad that sweet BL manga is getting an anime adaptation. omegaverse was always always for MM SLASH, it's the origin for it, there is no such thing as straight omegaverse, 99 % erase the core, gay element and make it het. shut up.
i am glad so many people are excited for it, the weirdos can stay mad. the hets get tons (hell, almost all of them are het) of anime, crappy shoujo/josei anime with annoying fem leads who are so off putting it's unreal. let's not pretend those anime would be remotely liked if it werent for hot guys in it and a good looking ML. i can name a lot of them but i am afraid i'll actually end up feeling annoyed for hours.
some even have blatant homophobia, seriously, get out. i am so glad gay erotica, BL is way way more popular these days. it actually feels nice.
akatsuki no yona, skip beat, cardcaptor sakura ( not clear card ) tsubasa reservoir chronicles, sacrificial princess are gems among shoujo/josei. josei novels and mangas are usually so horrible its amazing cringe and lame stuff like that even gets printed. especially Josei TL. they are a joke. i bought one novel only for the illustrations. the story was atrocious.
no wonder weirdos liked and defended that slut from ten count. may that bitch burn in hell for what she did to shirotani.
i don't even know why we should even care for that gross ex in therapy game. she wasnt getting enough attention from shizuma so she cheated on him. please, just shut the hell up! she was a cheating scumbag and nothing will ever justify her bull. like, how do you even justify this kind of garbage, literally no sensible person would feel sorry for her. if you arent getting attention doesnt mean you jump to another fellow. get help if you are that foolish and strange. you can bet if same crap was in het story literally no one would be trying to make excuses for her, because some weirdos were. ew. she was vile and horrible.
there was even a creepy post about couples from gay anime, some fool watermarked the bottom guys with caption, why are you not girl.
lol, please go get help. ask yourself why are you such a horrible person? they'll always be two guys and in love. they are gay. cry harder and stay mad that gay ships and gay erotic/bl is popular.
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schrijverr · 2 years
Familiar Stranger at the Bar
During the 27 years Eddie and Richie run into each other. Neither of them know one another anymore, but there is a connection with this stranger, something familiar, like they do know each other. Nothing comes from it at the time, but maybe later.
On AO3.
Ships: Eddie x Myra (bad), pre-Richie x Eddie
Warnings: Myra and Sonia are a warning on their own, talks of infertility and thoughts of cheating (doesn't happen)
Eddie is alone in a bar, which is probably not a good look on him, since he told his wife he was working overtime and the suit he is wearing screams corporate guy, maybe looking to cheat. But he isn’t. He swears on his mother that he is not there to cheat.
He just needs a second to himself.
Myra is becoming more and more smothering and Eddie knows he is letting her. It is just hard to stop her, hard to not sink into that familiarity that he has always known. He only has vague memories of his childhood, except for his mother.
And perhaps marrying Myra isn’t the most healthy thing Eddie has ever done, he knows that. He couldn’t say no when it got to a point where it was breaking up or marrying her. He stayed. He never really learned how to say no.
So, here he is. In a bar. Drinking by himself and looking utterly sleazy. But he justifies that to himself, because he isn’t actually going to do anything. He might not be sure if he loves his wife, but he is not going to be an asshole.
Like he said, he just needs a second to himself. They went for their check ups recently, which is always nerve wracking, not just because of Eddie’s health, but also because Myra always worries more afterwards. Always smothers more.
This time it was too much and Eddie had to get out for a little bit. However, he feels terrible over it, because Myra learned she might be infertile, which is why they don’t have a child yet. Something she desperately wants.
Myra has a younger sister with two kids and Eddie sees how much it pains her to watch the two little ones run around and get pampered by their grandparents. Eddie doesn’t want her to hurt like that.
But he can’t deny a part of him is glad they can’t conceive. The bits he still knows about his own childhood weren’t the happiest and the fact that he is still stuck in the same situation doesn’t bode well for the kid that will now never be.
Eddie feels horrid for hos relieved he is for the unborn kid, who won’t have to go through what he is going through. Because while it feels safe, he remembers many unhappy moments from his childhood, where he longed to have friends and play games, climb trees, exist outside.
If he had some friends who had his back, it might have been different. However, Eddie remembers no such friends, thus no alternatives for how he has always been that he can cling to, that can give him courage to try and break out of the mold.
He heaves another sigh and takes a sip of his drink, trying not to think about all the negative side affects alcohol can have on the body.
“Well, don’t you look excited to be here,” a voice snaps him out of his musings and Eddie looks up in surprise to see who had spoken. There is a man next to him, raising an eyebrow. He is about Eddie’s age, brown eyes and thick glasses on his face, his clothes are a bit of a mess and would look more at home on a college kid.
There is something about him that Eddie can’t place, something familiar. Something welcoming and warm. As if the man is a home he doesn’t know he lost.
The thought is weird enough to snap him out of his little stupor and the words register. They’re sarcastic and a bit too familiar out of the mouth of someone, who doesn’t know Eddie. He is already in a prissy enough mood that he replies: “Not everyone is out celebrating at a bar, you know,” in a scathing tone.
“Sorry,” the man says, raising his hands disarmingly. “Just thought you could appreciate a good chuck, old chap,” in a posh voice that makes Eddie snort without knowing why. The man lights up at the reaction: “See, much better with a smile.”
And Eddie realizes that he indeed needed to laugh a little. Fuck, it’s been too long since he just had fun and smiled. The longing to some good company combines with the odd nostalgic magnetism the man has. So, Eddie smiles again and holds out his hand: “Thanks. I’m Eddie.”
“Richie,” the man, Richie (and that name sounds familiar somehow), replies, shaking Eddie’s hand firmly. His hands are big and warm. Firm. Good hands.
Eddie never thinks that about anyone, usually focusing on how unhygienic hands are and how he can use sanitizer without coming across as a huge asshole. But Richie is throwing off all his normal responses, which is odd. Eddie never connects easily with people.
“So, what are we contemplating with noir detective style depression drinking?” Richie asks him. A question that is a huge overstep and again overly familiar for people who just met each other.
However, as Eddie said before, Richie makes his normal boundaries obsolete, because he shrugs and honestly answers: “My wife is likely infertile.”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” Richie says, looking taken aback at the reply and unsure of how to properly reply to that.
“It’s okay,” Eddie tells him. “I’m drinking because I’m happy about it.”
Richie is quiet for a second and Eddie is sure that he scared the man off. He wouldn’t blame Richie, it won’t be the first time either. Yet, Richie surprises him by staying seated and nodding to himself, before saying: “You’ll find more cheer in a graveyard, but I won’t judge how you celebrate.”
“I’m not celebrating, dickwad,” Eddie rolls his eyes, the insult rolling easily off his tongue. He falls into a manner of speaking that is highly unprofessional and his wife won’t allow without struggle around Richie, into a manner that is more him. More comfortable.
And Richie doesn’t seem to take it to heart, instead laughing as he replies: “Sure, whatever you say, asshole.”
“Oh shut up,” Eddie grins. “What are you doing here then, huh, smartmouth?” The nickname sounds right, but slightly off on his tongue in regards to the man.
“I had a gig in the area, wanted to see if New York beer is drinkable,” Richie says.
“A gig?” Eddie repeats, looking Richie over critically. “No offense, dude, but I can only picture you in a very shitty ska band.”
“Fuck you,” Richie says, but he is smiling, seemingly taking no offense. “I would be great in a ska band. Or maybe rock ’n droll, you know. But no. I’m a comedian.”
“Oh, never seen your work,” Eddie tells him apologetically.
“Normally I’d be offended, but seeing as you dress like you don’t know what fun is, you are forgiven, Mr. Suit,” Richie replies easily. “Richie Tozier, America’s favorite Trashmouth at your service.” And Trashmouth does seem to fit him better than the smartmouth Eddie had used earlier, seemed more Richie like. More familiar.
“I know how to have fun,” Eddie protests, though he doesn’t put his heart into it. To be fair to the other, one of his problems is that he indeed doesn’t know how to have fun. However, he is deciding not to focus on that, instead focusing on Richie’s mocking disbelieving look.
Richie ribs him back, though takes the focus off of the having fun part, instead boosting his own ego in such a ridiculous way that Eddie has to snort again. It is as if Richie knows when and where he can push without Eddie having to say so.
They talk for hours, sitting at that shitty unsanitary bar without running out of topics. It is amazing that a social interaction is going this well for Eddie. Hell, Richie doesn’t even mind when he starts a paranoid spiral about the bar, managing to gently lead him out of it and calm him down.
Talking with Richie makes him feel like they’ve known each other for all their lives.
It’s freeing. It’s nice. It’s silly. It’s filled with laughter. It’s utterly terrifying. Eddie never has a click with someone like this and all sort of old stuff starts to resurface. He starts to think there had maybe been a boy once. In his classes perhaps?
He has always done what is expected. He married a girl and tried to have children, despite the fact he didn’t want to. Looked for someone familiar, who he could tie to the love he had once held for his mother, because it had been the only thing he knew. Yet here in this bar, laughing with Richie all that he knew about himself crumbles a little.
Eddie isn’t going to do anything about it, of course. A lot of diseases can be transmitted through kissing and sex and it is all too new to even think of trying anything. Plus, that would be horrible and he doesn’t think he could survive the round of tears Myra would undoubtedly fire at him. He hates it when she cries.
So, he just sits and laughs with Richie, wondering if this chance meeting with a stranger that feels like home will be the thing he needs to change his life around.
It’s about 1:00 AM when they leave the bar. Eddie has had too much to drink to drive, so he hails a cab while Richie plans on walking to the hotel where he is staying. Their goodbye is awkward, neither wanting to leave, but also unable to verbalize that. It’s a bit too intimate how they part ways, since they’ve only just met, but nothing has ever felt so right.
When he is driven away, Eddie is sure he is going to think about this night on a loop for months, years maybe even. The name Richie Tozier is burned into his mind.
Myra is concerned when he gets home, a whole other tear fest that has Eddie grovelling to apologize to her, before having to sleep on the couch. All the while, a voice in the back of his mind makes him wonder why he’s doing all this.
However, the opposite happens. He can barely recall what they talked about the next morning and by the end of the week the entire encounter has been erased from his mind. It is as if that night in the bar never happened and Eddie stays in the thrall of Myra, who loves him in a way he knows and understands.
But if he happens to come across a comedian later, whose show he enjoys, though he does not know why and if something tells him the jokes are disingenuous, unable to help but think the man didn’t write them himself. Well, that is no one’s business but his own.
And if he comes face to face with his childhood friend years later, wearing the face of a man he had almost forgotten. Maybe that is enough for him to put the pieces together. Maybe it’s enough for him to finally leave Myra. Maybe, maybe…
I love the idea of the Losers meeting before they remember again and having that sense of familiarity with people they have never met. It is so precious to me.
Anyways, fuck Myra and Sonia
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winns-stuff · 2 years
It really annoys me how much RS and the fandom are so blind to Hades' flaws and use him as an example of "guy who hates everyone except his wife" when he's nothing but a jerk who has zero charm. The way the comic calls him out on being an asshole to everyone around him but he was so nice to Persephone since the start, with Thanatos going "where has this Hades been all along" only for RS to never have Hades face any consequences for his actions. I would have honestly love to see Hades deal with people cutting ties with him because they had enough of his attitude. Instead every conflict with him goes "person calls him out - Hades whines about his issues with his dad and his dating life - person admits they are also to blame for the situation and Hades isn't so bad - Hades continues to be a jerk".
The worst is that RS never really gives a really good reason for why Hades acts the way he does. He's a jerk and he abuses his power just because he can. If she had establish that Hades had previous relationships where his ex lovers and friends were only interested in his power and title it would at least make a bit more sense why he acts the way he does, even if it still didn't excuse him mistreating others.
It's hard to feel sympathetic about him feeling lonely and unable to be with someone when it becomes obvious he's to blame for being miserable.
Thank you! I absolutely despise Hades and the way that fandom always puts that son of a bitch on a damn pedestal, it has to be one of the most infuriating and angering things I’ve ever seen in my life.
I agree with you on literally everything and I’ve also thought it was pointless to say that Hades was misunderstood and lonely and was an actual good person when we’ve never actually seen him be a good person at all. I have never seen Hades do anything nice for anyone except Persephone and that’s literally only because he wants to win her over, if you’re an actual good person you should want to do things for people by your own will not some weird ass ulterior motive, that’s not what a nice person does that’s what manipulative people do. Doing something nice or even decent for someone hoping for something in return has never been the definition of a nice person so why are we continuing to characterize Hades like this while he’s literally been doing things for his own gain this whole series.
Also, the whole “i’m misunderstood and actually very lonely” trope is used so incorrectly here. Listen, I enjoy it when creators use tropes and put their own spins to them because if it’s done right it could be very interesting and really make the story flow easier, but this is literally terrible. You can’t just say everyone is wrong about Hades and everything’s taken out of context when we have chapters of him abusing and firing employees for no reason, humiliating and verbally abusing Thanatos also for no reason, cheating with his sister in law on his own brother just because, torturing someone on behalf of a person he’s barely even known whilst he has a girlfriend. There’s plenty of valid reasons that you yourself have shown the readers about why Hades has that disgusting reputation in the first place and you’ve never fleshed him out enough in order to grow the fuck up and actually start treating people decently.
Speaking of Hades ripping someone’s eye out for Persephone, first off it was always a disgusting thing because he literally tortured a guy so much he was hospitalized and traumatized terribly. Honestly I wish Alex was less annoyed and more scared, of course Rachel couldn’t draw him like that because everyone would be uncomfortable with what Hades did, which they should’ve been in the first place honestly. But when you think about it, he probably never did the same for Minthe and she needed it way more than Persephone did. I mean honestly if Persephone just explained that Artemis left Persephone at the party and Eros got her drunk and stuffed her in Hades’ car they probably would’ve understood and took it down immediately which would’ve been better than Hades handling everything. But when we see Minthe being insulted and discriminated against Hades has no reaction or response, Minthe constantly had to take the abuse that his family unnecessarily brought to her and he never did shit about it. He cares less about his girlfriend of probably years than he does about Persephone which he met literally three days ago.
Another thing that upsets me is the way fans justify all of this. I’ve seen many people say things like “Hades must’ve had a reason to be upset!!! He’s never gotten actually angry at people before!!! He likes screwing around with people but he never means it!!”, let me let you in on a secret. Hades is always angry and when he’s angry he always means it otherwise he wouldn’t be angry. What do you mean he likes to fuck with people? This guy never lets the act down if that’s the case, we never hear Hades joking around with employees and taking back/apologizing for being rude mainly because he means it all the time. He abuses people, he is literally an abuser himself and everyone around him enables that abusive behavior. I feel like people let it slide because “at least he doesn’t treat Persephone that way!!” but that’s literally the bare minimum and I genuinely don’t think that’s gonna stand for very long either because like I said before he is an abusive person and he doesn’t care about anything or anyone except for himself and once he gets tired of Persephone he’s going to start seeing her as unworthy or replaceable just like what happened to Minthe. This type of person doesn’t just stop being a disturbing person just because they’ve added one more person to their collection he keeps adding them because it’s a pattern, they never stop until you’re aware that you have them in the first place.
Last thing I wanna say cause this is getting long but I also hate the way that my favorite tropes are being destroyed with this damn webtoon. Do you know how much I love female characters being soft and kind but also not taking shit from anyone??? Do you you know how much I love the whole “opposites attract”, “nice one x mean one”, etc. I love those tropes so much because they hold a very special place in my heart and also because if they’re done right they’re very endearing. But LO takes these tropes and sucks all the soul and joy out of them with the way they write Persephone and Hades, you can’t say that Persephone is the kind one when she’s never did anything nice for anyone and not even for Hades actually. The trope doesn’t even work for her at all, especially the whole badass side of her it also doesn’t work because the comic doesn’t allow her to be an actual badass. Like I’ve said before a lot of Persephone’s “raw” emotions are still supposed to be cutesy and sexy, she could be crying about something serious but she still needs to remain nice to look at which I think is absolutely disgusting. Let the girl cry like a normal person and stop treating her like some doll that’s nothing without their handler. Polar opposites barely count here too because the whole point of polar opposites is to have so many differences yet still share key similarities that bring you together, we can’t have that if Persephone just morphs her personality to fit Hades’ in order to make him happy, there’s no substance there. Also the nice one and mean one… They’re both incredibly evil, there’s nothing inherently good hearted with them ever so that also falls through.
Sorry, last last thing. I wish everyone would stop calling Hades a male wife, the dynamic… No everything about him is not a male wife and he’s not what they stand for at all. Male wives are supposed to be supportive, thoughtful, respectful, and attentive to their partners and partners are supposed to reciprocate that to also show their appreciation. Hades is none of these things, also stop with the Gomez comparisons because I will literally plunge my entire foot in a bucket of lava. Gomez isn’t even on the same level as that guy so there’s not even any room to say any of that. Gomez>>>>>>>>>>>>Hades.
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The Office
Pairing; CEO+Dad’s Best Friend!Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Summary; You and Bucky fuck for the very first time in his office at the company’s building.
Word Count; 4574
Warnings; NSFW, 18+, Minors DNI, undefined age-gap, “cheating”, language, cursing, Sir!kink, dirty talk, pet names, slight degradation, hair pulling, oral (male receiving), face-fucking, spitting, fingering, teasing, orgasm denial, unprotected sex, creampie, mention of bodily fluids.
Authors Note; I can’t get enough of CEO+DBF!Bucky so this will be the first of many fics like this! I hope people will like it and be interested in more! Jesus I need to bathe in holy water now. Hope you all enjoy <3
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Bucky had begun texting you while sitting in a meeting with your dad and some of the company's other employees. You weren't doing anything important, just at home reading a book, so you were more than happy to text back and forth with him. The meeting was relatively standard and straightforward, it wasn't too much of an importance, so it allowed Bucky to talk with you without feeling guilty while the rest of them sorted out the details. Once in a while, he would chime in with his views and opinions. The text messages were pretty innocent, to begin with. The standard “hello” and “what you are up to” was exchanged between the two of you before more of the dirtier stuff ensued.
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You thought about it for a second before you sent him an answer. You and Bucky had started fucking around a few weeks ago. You had met him when your parents had friends and colleagues over for a grand party like they had most of the time. You had just moved back home after living on your own in another city for three years, so this was your first time seeing Bucky in person. You had heard a lot about him and seen pictures when he started working with your dad, and they had formed a tight friendship, but you had never met him in person. He was even more handsome than what the pictures could show when you got introduced to him, and you had started to take a liking to him instantly. He had done as well because not even a week after you met, you and he had started a relationship. To begin with, it was only fucking around, but as the weeks went by, you felt like there may be more to it; sparks were felt between the two of you. None of you had done anything about it yet, mainly because it wouldn’t be received well by the public, your family most likely would disapprove and because of his wife Natalie and her whole family.
Which you didn’t find wrong at all that he was “cheating” on her with you. They both hated each other’s guts and would more than anything like getting a divorce. Bucky had told you that she had cheated on him multiple times, and he had done as well with her, but they played the happy couple when they were out in public because of their families. They got married at a very young age because their families are rich and powerful and wanted their kids to get together, so they are now stuck in this toxic relationship together. But soon, you and Bucky would have to decide where the next step of the relationship would go. Would you continue to sneak around, or would you form a proper relationship and come out for the whole wide world? It was only a matter of time before you needed to decide.
You and he would primarily meet up on neutral grounds. In his car or a hotel but on a few occasions, you had fucked in his or your parent's house in your room. This would be the first time you had done it where he worked; you assumed it would be in his office. It would be risky, but the thought about him taking you hard against every surface had your thighs clenching in need of him.
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A soft whimper escaped your parted lips at his promise to fuck your brains out. He was never afraid to be direct with you about his needs and feelings. He always meant what he said, and that was one of your favorite things about him. You could always trust that he would be true to his words.
It would take you about 30 minutes to get over there, so you needed to leave right now. You did a quick freshen up before you called a taxi to get you over to the company’s building. Being in the car gave you time to think this through. You weren't sure how you and he would pull this off. Everyone would see if you entered his office and then wonder what was taking so long and what in the hell you guys were doing in there. In their eyes, you and Bucky weren't even friends. You barely spoke with one another when other people were around, as not to raise any suspicion. For them, you were the boss's daughter while Bucky was his partner, and nothing was going on between you two; besides, Bucky had his “loving” wife, Natalie.
The building stood tall as you arrived. Clouds were teasing rain, and it was a bit cold. The skirt you were wearing made your body chilly, but you kept it on for Bucky's sake. You looked up at the structure before you went through the main entrance. The security guards and the workers at the reception greeted you as everyone was well aware of who you were. You all greeted them with a smile as you walked towards the elevators. Entering the elevator, you became impatient as it took its time to travel up the floors to the main offices in the building. Your legs were uneasy as you shifted your weight from one foot to the other. A thin layer of sweat formed on your hairline as you came up with scenarios with how you and Bucky could get caught. You shook your head, trying to get those thoughts down. You trusted Bucky, and besides, this was something you wanted to try out.
When you arrived at the floor, and the door slid open, you saw your dad, Bucky, and some of the employees coming out of one of the conference rooms. The meeting must have just finished. As you walked over, you tried to put on a smile to mask your nervousness. None of them had seen you yet, except for Bucky. He had you in his sight out of the corner of his eye, a slight smirk on his face as he saw you strutting over. You came to stand between him and your dad.
Bucky couldn’t have been more subtle with staring you up and down; your dad was standing right there after all. His tongue darting out between his lips to wet them, clearly having an image on his head about you bent over at his mercy.
“Hi, dad! Mr. Barnes, it's nice to see you again.”
Bucky gave you a simple nod of his head, acting like he isn't just about to have his way with you in his office with your dad not having a clue about what a whore his sweet and innocent daughter is, “pleasure seeing you again.”
“Sweetheart,” your dad gave you a one-arm hug as he had a smile on his face at his daughter visiting him at work, “what are you doing here?”
“I was in the area and thought I could drop by before moving on with my day.”
“Aw, honey. I wish I could spend some time with you, but we have a meeting again in 30 minutes.”
“It's alright, dad. I'm on my way out again anyways. Have some errands to run,” you lied.
“Excuse me, sweetheart.” He turned to say something to the others. While everyone had their attention on your dad, you turned slightly towards Bucky to give him a “chill out” look. The outfit you were wearing had him on edge and excited to have you in his office as soon as possible. Since the crowd was paying attention to your dad, it allowed Bucky to give you some instructions. He leaned in a little closer to you, but not too close in case someone saw.
“Here,” he slipped you his card, the card for the private elevator he had that went from the parking lot and up to his office, “take the elevator. No one is going to see you. Also, I want you to have your panties off before you come upstairs. You got it?”
You swallowed down the lump in your throat. Your body felt hot and warm. The palms of your hands had a thin layer of sweat on them as you took the card from him. Your heart was hammering against your chest. This was really about to happen.
“Y-yes, Sir.”
“Good girl.”
Like clockwork, your dad turned around towards you again just as Bucky leaned away from your body. “Well, I'll see you when I get home later, sweetheart.” He went to hug you again, and you returned the action.
“Bye, dad. Bye, Mr. Barnes, I'll see you around.”
Everyone said their goodbyes to you before you left. You went out of the building and around it to where the cars went down into the parking lot. Once down there, you made sure that no one was around to see you before you scanned the card for the elevator. The journey up to his office gave you the opportunity to take your panties off. You held them in your hand as you almost bounced up and down in fear and excitement for what was in store for you when you reached his floor.
When the elevator reached the office, and the doors opened, you saw that Bucky was waiting for you, his back facing you. He was staring out the big windows that decorated almost his entire office room.
“Did you take your panties off as I told you to do?”
He turned around so he could be met with you. His tongue wetting his lips as he beckoned with his finger for you to come over to him, “get over here now.” Not even thinking for another second, you were quick to stand by his side by the window, waiting for further instructions he had to give you.
“Give them to me,” the palm of his hand was held out for you to hand them over to him. With shaking hands, you handed them over, and he opened his suit jacket to put them in the inside pocket so he could keep a hold of them.
“Is someone going to come in?”
“Shh,” his hand came to caress the side of your face—his thumb stroking your cheek. The simple action had you relax a tiny bit. “Don't worry. I locked the door, and besides, I told them not to disturb me. Do you trust me?”
“I do, Bucky. With my life.”
“Well then,” his finger pointed down to the floor, and you knew immediately what he was getting at, “get down on your knees for me.”
In front of the window of all things?! For everyone to see? But frankly, you didn't care. Let them see it all. You would give them all a good show. Besides, they wouldn't be able to know that it's you because the next building over was some distance away. All you cared about was to have his dick in your mouth right now and nothing else.
Like second nature, you quickly sank on your knees where you had spent more than once worshiping his cock, and this wouldn't be the last one either. He looked down at you, his eyes dark with desire at you being so easily submissive to him. His tongue peeked out from his mouth at you on your knees for him.
His thumb traced your lips as his other hand was palming the bulge in his pants. You granted him access into your mouth as you sucked and swirled your tongue on his digit.
“I can't wait to have your lips wrapped around me, kitten. Do you want me to fuck your mouth?”
You nodded your head and released his thumb from your mouth, “please, Bucky, I want it so bad.”
Your eyes followed his hands, your lips parted, as he undid his belt and pulled down his suit pants along with his underwear. Coming face to face with his dick, ready to be sucked by you. You wrapped your hand around his shaft and looked up at him through your lashes, waiting so that he could give your permission at proceeding, knowing how much he loved it when you waited for him to provide you with a green light.
“Suck it, baby girl.”
You opened your mouth to swirl your tongue around his head before you wrapped your lips around him so you could suck on his mushroom tip, your tongue teasing him. You could see that he was becoming impatient, so you engulfed him halfway through while massaging his balls in your hand. The action had his hand fist in your hair, making a gasp being sounded against him by you, as an exhale of satisfaction escaped him.
He needed more, so with the help of his hand in your hair, he pushed his dick further into your mouth till the tip of him reached the back of your throat, making you gag around him. The vibrations from your mouth had him shiver all over. Your eyes were watering as saliva started coming out the side of your mouth. Looking directly up into his eyes as you took whatever was left of him the best you could and bobbed your head on him, watching as his eyes struggled to stay open to watch how good you were taking him down your throat.
“F-fuck. That's so good, baby. You love sucking my cock don't you, pretty girl, hm? Such a good girl for me, aren't you?”
His dirty talk turned you on, and all you wanted to do was touch yourself at his words. You released him from your hold. Saliva was hanging from your mouth, and his dick was glistening all in it. Your hand jerked him off so you could answer his question, your voice almost like honey as you spoke. The wetness from you made it easy to glide your hand effortlessly on him.
“Yes, Sir.”
A deep groan was sounded from within his chest at the nickname he loved to be called by you. You on your knees so pretty and messy for him had his dick twitch in your grasp.
“Good, baby. Look at you. Such a beautiful mess for me, kitten.”
“Only for you, Sir.”
His head leaned back some as you took him in your mouth again. Your mouth is an expert at taking the whole of him. “Fuck, I'm gonna cum. Do you want me to cum in your mouth, baby girl?” He asked while slowly thrusting his length in and out of it. All you could do was moan, letting him know that you wanted to taste him.
He picked up his speed and fucked your mouth, making you gag around him each time his tip tickled the back of your throat, and you loved every second of it. His hands came at the side of your face so he could hold you steady as he used your warm and wet hole as he pleased. The sloppy sounds of your mouth, your gags, and moans around him only enticed him even more to reach his end.
His thrusts became uneven, and not a second later, he came deep in your throat. Sounds of pleasure dissolved in the office space as your mouth took all that he had to offer. You swallowed around him, milking him for all that he was worth, as you moaned at his delicious taste. You didn't pull away from him until he had spilled every drop in you.
“Show me your mouth.”
Pulling away from him, you opened it to show him all of the cum. He learned down till his face was inches from you and proceeded to spit in your opening. The action had your desperate clit pulsating.
“Can you swallow all of that for me?”
Closing your mouth, you swallowed all of him, his cum and spit, and opened up once more to show him what a good girl you had been at drinking all that he gave you. His hand was petting your hair as a sign of appreciation for you being so amazing for him.
“Such a dirty girl. Was that good? You love the taste of me, don't you, doll?”
“Mhm, yes,” you responded while licking your lips. Your hand was jerking him off again as you couldn't get enough of the feel of him. Your words and actions had him lean back some.
“You've been such a good girl, and I want to give you a treat. Do you want it?”
His words went directly to your tingling clit, and you needed to push your thighs together to get some form of friction down there.
“Yes, Sir.”
“Get on all fours on the couch, with your ass facing the desk.”
You got up and walked over the few meters to the couch, taking off your skirt and sweater until you were only in your bra, and then got in the position as he had wanted from you. He went over to his desk to have a better view of you—leaning on it as his hands held the edge of it. You supported yourself on your elbows as you pushed your ass up and out, earning a groan from Bucky.
“Like this?”
“Just like that. Now touch yourself for me.”
Pushing two of your fingers inside your mouth to get them wet before your hand went underneath you to circle your aching and needy clit, letting out a sigh of relief at being able to feel something finally. You pushed the two fingers inside of you, letting out a low moan and they stretched and penetrated your tightness, closing your legs some at the feeling. It was nothing like Bucky's fingers or dick, but it would have to do for now. You started to move them in and out of your tight pussy, going at a slow pace, to begin with.
Bucky hadn't said anything yet, so he must be enjoying the show you were putting on for him. He let out a moan just as you turned your head to find him pumping his shaft while watching you intensely as you pleasured yourself. Your teeth captured your bottom lip at the sight of him.
“Fuck, kitten.”
You pulled your fingers out and started circling your clit again, whimpering as you were close to your orgasm. The two of you held eye contact as you watched each other.
“So good, Bucky.”
“You're such a good girl, baby. Showing me how you touch yourself. Is this how you look when you're in your room late at night? Touching yourself like this while thinking of me?”
“Mhm, yes.” His words made your fingers move rapidly into your tightness again, wanting to get to that sweet release you were craving desperately.
“Fuck, I'm gonna cum; please can I cum, Sir?” You pleaded, needing to get some form of relief. Tears were teasing to spill out of your eyes if you didn't get your way soon.
“No! Stop!” He didn't want you to cum just yet. Whining at his words but complying anyway, you knew you needed to listen to him, so you brought your fingers out of your hole and into your mouth to suck your juices off. You tried as best as possible to hold eye contact with him as you sucked and swirled your tongue around your digits, moaning at your own taste, as you swayed your ass from side to side for him.
“Fuck me, Sir, please.” He didn't hesitate for one second in getting behind your bent-down form at the speed of lightning. One of his hands caressed and grabbed one of your ass cheeks before it landed on your hip to hold a tight grip on it while the other held his shaft as he teased your fold with the tip of him.
“Please, Bucky, don't tease.”
“I'll give you what you want, doll.”
He slowly pushed himself in your warmth, wanting you to feel all of him. The feeling of fullness almost had you cumming right then and there. He filled you up to the brim, wanting you to feel all that he had to give, and you weren't one bit disappointed. He pulled out till only his tip was inside you before he slowly pushed himself into you again, doing this a few times to get you familiar with the feeling. He just wanted to cum right then and there at the tightness of your walls clenching around his throbbing dick.
“Bucky, please go faster. Fuck me, please,” you whimpered out, wanting him to fuck you completely senseless.
His thrusts were hard and fast as he fucked you into the couch, hips slapping against your backside, making you jolt forwards with each move of him. Your mouth hung open as silent screams came out of it.
“This pussy feels so incredible. Fuck, so tight.”
His hands held your sides while his fingernails dug in your skin, creating dents. He moaned out as he watched his dick disappear into your hole with every move of his hips. Your head was buzzing, and your face was buried deep in the cushions at the intense pleasure Bucky was giving you. “Oh god, please don't stop, babe,” you pleaded of him.
Bucky took a fistful of your hair, pulling your head back, making your back arch. You bit your lip at his rough and dominants actions. The hand in your hair and his abusive thrusts was too much and so intense, but you loved it to the fullest. Tears came out of your eyes as he was taking you so good from behind.
“You like this? Don't you, baby? You like when I fuck your tight and pretty pussy?” Take what belongs to me? Hm? Letting me fuck you like a whore while your dad is just down the hall?”
Your head was foggy from the incredible fucking he was giving you. The lack of answer from you had him unsatisfied, so he smacked your ass cheek hard, making you squeal out at the pain.
“Answer me!”
“Y-yes… I love your cock fucking my tight little pussy. Please don't stop, baby.”
“Such a good whore for me. I'm not gonna stop, kitten, I promise.”
The thought that your dad and everyone else that worked in the building was just out the door, not having a clue as to what was going on in Buckys office, was so intoxicating—not knowing that Bucky was having at it with the boss's daughter.
You turned your head, at the best of your abilities, to look at him. His eyes were shut tight, and his face in pure concentration as he moved his body against yours. He met your gaze, both of you looking at each other as you neared your orgasm. One of your hands grabbed onto his forearm that had a tight grip on your hip. His other went underneath you to play and tease your clit.
“Please, Bucky, I need to cum. I need you to fill me up, please.” The pathetic pleas for him to fill up your pussy was what brought forward his release and made him finish deep inside of you.
His seed filling you up was what brought forth your own release. The way your walls became tighter around him had his hips snap rapidly against you as he gave you all of his cum. Moans and soft whimpers on a loop by the both of you as the pleasure overtook all your senses. Bucky thrust through both of your orgasms, not stopping until you were both satisfied.
Your face was in the cushions as you tried to slow down your breathing. Bucky caressed your sides and peppered kisses all over your lower back. Praises being given to you for being such a good girl to him.
“You're so good to me, beautiful.”
He pulled out of your hole. The two of you hissing out as you both felt overly sensitive. Bucky helped to clean both of you up with a few wipes he kept on his desk. He made sure you were ok before he went over to the windows to grab his underwear and pants, pulling them on where he stood.
You put your skirt and sweater on and fixed yourself up as you sat and watched him get ready. God, he looked so handsome that it had your stomach burst out in butterflies. Now all you wanted was for him to hoist you up on his desk and take you hard against it. But you saw him have a look at his watch, his eyebrows furrowed together.
“The meetings in five.”
He came over to you just as you were getting up. You hissed out as your body felt sore and spent up, but good regardless.
“Are you ok? Did I do too much?”
That was Bucky for you. Always worried that he had gone overboard, but you always reassured him that you had enjoyed yourself.
His hands came to rest at the side of your face, looking you up and down to make sure you were all good. Your own hands went over his ones.
“Hey, I'm alright. Just a little sore, but you know I loved it, and I can handle it, Bucky.”
“I just don't want you to feel uncomfortable.”
“I'm all good, babe, I swear.”
You took his face in your hands now as his ones traveled down to the small of your back so he could pull you flush against his body. His face leaned down some so he could capture your lips with his, giving you one of his sweetest kisses. His face moved down to suck and lick at the side of your neck in the most loving way.
“Oh, I almost forgot,” he reached into the pocket of his jacket to retrieve your panties, ”I believe these belong to you.” That cocky smile of his decorated his face as the panties dangled from his finger. Right. You had almost forgotten about those. “Thanks.” You took them and slid them up your legs.
“I wish you could stay longer. There are more surfaces in this office I would love to take you against.”
You wrapped your arms around his neck as he held you close. You would love nothing more than to stay here and let him have his way with you, but you knew that he needed to attend the meeting because if not, people would come knocking on his door, wondering where he is.
“I know, me too, but you know my dad is going to come knocking on the door and wonder where you are if you don't show up.”
“Yeah, I know. C'mon, I'll walk you out,”
He followed you to the elevator so he could say goodbye to you. A kiss and a hug were shared amongst you before the elevator dinged that it had arrived.
“We can meet later tonight if you want? Natalie is going out; God knows where, so we can stay at my place this time.” He asked you. “Whatever you want, just let me know, ok?” “I would like that, Bucky. I’ll let you know when.”
You stepped inside of it and pressed the button to go down. A smile on both of your faces as you gazed at each other the few seconds you had before the doors slid shut.
“I’ll miss you, doll.”
“I'll miss you more, Sir.”
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Some Like It Rough
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Gif credit @bodybebangin
Taglist @ackles-nhl. @cbouvier23.
Hope everyone enjoys it.
Happy reading dollies
"I needed you. Where were you tonight"? Kayce sat on the edge of the bed holding his ribs.
"I was out with Beth". You leaned over and grabbed the medical bag.
"For six hours"!? Kayce hissed when you pressed on his side.
"We talked, she drank...a lot. Then we played some pool at the bar". You tell him wrapping his ribs up.
"Meet any guys"? Kayce nibbled on his lip, looking up at you.
"Not this again. I didn't talk to anyone except Beth and the bartender".
"Was he a guy"!? Kayce grunted as he tried to lay down on the bed. You huffed and put the medical bag back in the bathroom.
"Yes, he was. We hooked up in the bathroom while Beth table danced. He also has a wife and a kid on the way". You lied about two things but Kayce didnt care even if you joked. He was jealous.
"I think you should go stay with your parents. We need some time". Kayce sighed, getting comfortable in the bed.
"Why? So you can go fuck every girl you see? Thats what you want? Go for it". You aggressively grabbed your duffel bag and started stuffing your clothes inside. "You wanna know something, the whole time we talked we talked about you and I. Like I couldn't shut up about you. Beth was there ask her. Because I know she wont lie for me". You scoffed and grabbed your keys.
"Y/N, I'm sorry".
"I'm tired of your sorrys. You start a fight and then apologize. We never solve anything. I'm sick of it. That's all we do, since you got back. You need to grow up and figure out what you want whether it has me in it or not. Figure out your shit". You slammed the door behind you. Kayce had a lot to think about. First he hated being alone when he was hurt. He needed comfort. So he went to his big sister.
"So what was this fight about this time"? Beth lit up a cigarette.
"What happened at the bar"? Kayce relaxed in his rocking chair with a groan holding his side.
"We talked and I got a drink. What's all this about? I thought you two were good"?
"We were but I guess my jealousy took over. She came home looking good. Guys must have talked to her. Drooling over her and shit".
"The only guy we talked to was the bartender. He was nice. But married".
"So you didn't table dance"? Kayce chuckled when he figured out he was an asshole.
"Hell no. I'm not that drunk". Beth laughed.
"I think you owe her more than just a shit I'm sorry. You need to fuck her brains out". Beth looked at Kayce seriously.
"I'm not talking about this with you". Kayce gasped getting up from the rocking chair.
"I'm a girl. I know what we want. We want a hard rough fuck and a man that knows what the hell he wants. Not some chicken shit. So grow up and tell that girl you love her. And fuck her brains out". Beth sat back in her chair proudly. She knew her shit.
"Well, it'll have to be a slow fuck cause I'm banged up". Kayce laughed with a hiss.
"Just give her that dick good and she'll know you love her".
"Oh my god. I'm leaving. My sister just said good dick in the same sentence. Have a good night. Thanks". Kayce struggled as he tried leaning over to kiss Beth's head.
"That was the pg version. I could've gone graphic. You know me". She laughed as Kayce shook his head and limped down to his car.
Kayce knew what he wanted. He wanted you. He needed you. Kayce called your cell and nothing. He called your parents, nothing. He was starting to get worried. But he knew you wouldn't go stay with friends cause they would tell so he searched at the hotels around. Only two near the house. One was a nice place and the other was a hole in the wall.
"Is there a Y/N Dutton registered here"? Kayce asked the night clerk at the front desk of the nice place.
The lady typed on the computer. "Sorry no ones named that here".
"Can you try Y/N Y/L/N"? Kayce knew if you didnt use the Dutton last name then you would use your last name.
"She's here. Room 204. But am I allowed to give you her number? You a serial killer or something"? She was hesitant on giving Kayce the key.
This made Kayce chuckle. "No ma'am, I'm her boyfriend. We're in a long distance relationship right now but she's thinking about moving here". Kayce made up something so she would give him the key.
"Alright but if I find her in the morning dead, I saw your face and I will identify you. I'm not scared of you". The clerk pulled out a shotgun.
"Yes, ma'am. That's not going to happen though. You may hear some screaming and moaning but that's not from what you're thinking of". Kayce blushed a little but was honest, he didnt want her busting in and pointing that shotgun at him.
"You do you, boo. Go get your girl". She smiled and patted his hand as she passed him the key. Kayce snickered and started up the what felt like a hundred stairs. He groaned and grunted as he walked up holding his side. In his mind he was just hoping he was able to make you moan and not pass out at your feet.
Kayce knocked on the door. "Who is it"? Kayce heard your voice and smirked.
"Room service". Kayce disguised his voice.
The door opened and his eyes went wide, you cracked the door open in a towel. You had just got out of the shower.
"Kayce, what are you doing here"?
"Um, I, god you're beautiful". Kayce stepped in, licking his lips. He grabbed you by the waist and captured your lips with his. He closed the door behind him with his boot and your towel fell to the floor.
"Kayce"? You gasped when Kayce lifted you up, your legs immediately went around his waist. His calloused hands dug into your back as he kissed you.
Kayces knees hit the bed and he slowly laid you down. He released your lips and stood back.
You closed your legs and covered your chest.  "Don't hide from me". Kayces husky voice made you tremble. Your inner thighs became wet. The heat from your center was radiating off of you.
Kayce smirked as he brought his shirt over his head and threw it across the room. He kicked off his boots and unbuckled his pants, letting them fall to the floor. When he first came he was hurting but as soon as he saw you. What pain?
He was already so hard. He could have hammered a nail with his hard on.
"Open your legs, baby. Let daddy see". Only a few times has Kayce went daddy and every time the night was amazing so you hardly ever done it so it could be special.
You let out a squeak, your legs falling open. Kayce smirked to himself when he saw how wet you were already. He took his middle  finger and touched your clit. You thought you could have came right there. You bit your lip to quiet your moans.
Kayce chuckled, his slipped his fingers through your slit with ease, massaging your with his palm. "You like when daddy does this, dont you"? Kayce evil chuckled. You nodded.
Kayce bent down and got on his knees, he grabbed you by the hips and pulled you to the edge of the bed. He started kissing your inner thighs. His beard tickled, but you loved it.
"Mmm". You started to buck your hips but Kayce held you down with his strong hands.
"Someone's eager". Kayce was inches away from your clit, you felt his hot break on your pussy lips. You felt yourself get wetter.
Kayce took the tip of his tongue and flicked your clit. Making you whimper to be touched.
He flattened out his tongue and pressed hard against your clit and started wiggling his tongue.
"Fuck". You gasped, your hand went to his hair.
He sucked on your clit, his middle and index finger teasing your entrance then slowly pushing in. It was driving you crazy for him not to be rough on you.
"Daddy". You moaned his name and he went faster. It encouraged him to go rougher. His fingers went in deep and rough. His middle finger pushing against your g-spot. "Oh fuck". One hand tangled in his hair and the other one holding on to the sheets.
"I'm gonna cum". Kayce sucked you clit as he looked up at you, his fingers never losing their pace. "I'm cumming. I'm cumming". You screamed over and over as you felt your first orgasm take over your body. It trembled and shaked as he kept fingering. He let go of your clit with a pop. Your hand reached down and stopped his. You couldnt take it.
"Such a good girl for daddy". Kayce grinned smacking his lips as he climbed up your body. He helped you scoot up the bed. His eyes never leaving yours. You let out a giggle, a blush upon your face.
"I just wanted to say...". You cut Kayce off by a kiss to the lips.
"Shut up and fuck me". You pulled Kayce on top of you. Wrapping your legs around him, a knot tied with your legs so he couldnt go anywhere.
"Yes, ma'am". Kayce gladly did as he was told.  He lined himself up and pushed in. God, he stretched you in all the right places.
"Fuck, baby". Kayce mumbled into your skin of your chest. He started kissing along your collarbone, kissing your neck.
Kayce picked up his pace and his  thrusts were deep and long. His hands resting on your back.
"I love you. I'm sorry for being jealous". Kayce spoke between kisses and thrusts.
"I forgive you". You kissed his chest and nibbled at his ear lobe. "I love you so much. Fuck". You threw your head back into the bed when Kayce thrusted in the right angle. God, did he know your body or what.
"You gonna cum again"? Kayce chuckled as he felt you start to squeeze his cock. You let out a whimper and a nod.
"Cum for daddy". Those words sent you straight to the stars. Your orgasm exploded around Kayce. His cock still thrusting as your orgasm still fired away. He was close. So close. Your walls were milking him.
"Fuck". Kayce grunted, his head fell to your chest as he came. His hot seed covered your walls. You wrapped your arms around him and held him as both your orgasms exhausted both of you. You laid there until he went soft and he pulled out of you. Getting under the covers, Kayce pulled you into his arms with a kiss to your sweaty forehead.
"I'm truly sorry that I always let my jealousy get in the way of our relationship. I'm going to work on that. Because I know you would never cheat on me". Kayce said as he cuddled you in more.
"I would never cheat on you, ever. Especially after that. Holy fuck that was amazing. You definitely out did yourself there Mr. Dutton". You giggled, moving a piece of hair from his face.
Kayce chuckled. "You'll have my sister to thank for that. She told me what you wanted".
"So you did talk to Beth and found out that I'm a good girl". You teased.
"I know that's a lie. But I know that you want me and I want you. I was just being bullheaded. I'm sorry".
"I forgive you. Now". You cleared your throat. "How bad are your ribs hurting"?
"Not to bad. Why"? Kayce eyed you.
"I want a ride again, cowboy". You pushed him on his back and climbed aboard the Kayce train. You were never getting off no matter how jealous Kayce was or how angry you were about it. You both loved each other and that wasn't going to change.
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alrightsnaps · 2 years
the maesters are biased against every character and that includes daemon. even mushrooms accounts are only in favor of people when they benefit himself
Maybe they could be biased about his reputation for sleeping with barely pubescent girls in brothels. Maybe they were biased in alleging he could be behind Harwin Strong’s death. Maybe they were biased about Nettles being his lover rather than her being his bastard daughter.
But how can bias on the Maesters’ part excuse marrying a girl he knew since she was a baby or the grooming patterns he exhibited when she was young? How do you explain the scandal that broke out according to which he either took Rhaenyra’s virginity when she was just a teenager or gave her a very thorough and very hands on sex education? How does bias excuse sending two cretins after literally the ONE person among the Greens who was innocent in all of this? How does bias excuse him openly cheating on Rhaenyra with his mistress?
Even so, I'd have no issue forgetting all about the source material altogether and keeping an open mind about his character in the show– at the end of the day I've been willing to do the same with other characters and I've definitely welcomed certain changes (ie no Rhaenys/Corlys age gap).
Except it doesn't seem like HotD is particularly interested in straying from his book version all that much.
They didn't even bother with the bare minimum, like casting a younger Daemon (say in his early 20s) along the rest of the younger versions of the characters– at least that would have made his dynamic with Milly’s Rhaenyra more palatable! And I am seriously expected to not be creeped the fuck out by a man pushing 40 flirting with a girl half his age (playing a 15-year-old btw) whose character he's known from the cradle? Am I supposed to be fine by the fact that his second on screen wife is currently at the ripe old age of 12 and will marry him as a teenager?!
Other than that, the show has done nothing but confirm the worst we see reported of his character in F&B:
1. Him lusting after a 15-year-old Rhaenyra (Mysaria commenting on how she could find a virgin who could even have “silver hair” for him to fuck) 💀💀💀
2. Him being a misogynistic dick with his first wife
3. Him toasting to Baelon as the “heir for a day” the very day his sister-in-law died in childbirth in the most brutal manner
4. Him openly coveting Rhaenyra’s birthright and considering himself heir to the throne
And of course there's the things we may or may not have to look forward to by the end of the season (depending on how accurate the leaks have been):
1. The infamous brothel scene where he takes his teenage niece to watch people fuck together (again HE'S KNOWN THIS GIRL SINCE SHE WAS A FUCKING BABY AND HE WAS A GROWN MAN)
2. The possibility of him being responsible for the death of Laenor/Harwin in order to clear the way for a wedding to Rhaenyra (which I'm sure was motivated by the deepest, most selfless love and not at all by a desire for the throne)
3. Him fucking Rhaenyra before Laena’s body has grown cold
And that's all before the Dance even breaks out.
So again I'm asking: how the hell am I supposed to like this guy when there are barely any scenes where he doesn't make my skin crawl?
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writerbuddha · 3 years
George Lucas on attachment from 1999 to 2021
BILL MOYERS: Do you know yet what, in a future episode, is going to transform Anakin Skywalker to the dark side?
GEORGE LUCAS: Yes, I know what that is. The groundwork has been laid in this episode. The film is ultimately about the dark side and the light side, and those sides are designed around compassion and greed. The issue of greed, of getting things and owning things and having things and not being able to let go of things, is the opposite of compassion--of not thinking of yourself all the time. These are the two sides--the good force and the bad force. They're the simplest parts of a complex cosmic construction.
George Lucas and Bill Moyers 1999, Time Magazine (http://content.time.com/time/subscriber/article/0,33009,990820-2,00.html)
GEORGE LUCAS: He turns into Darth Vader because he gets attached to things. He can't let go of his mother; he can't let go of his girlfriend. He can't let go of things. It makes you greedy. And when you're greedy, you are on the path to the dark side, because you fear you're going to lose things, that you're not going to have the power you need.
George Lucas to Time Magazine April, 2002 (http://content.time.com/time/subscriber/article/0,33009,1002323-3,00.html)
GEORGE LUCAS: In this film, (Phantom Menace) you begin to see that he has a fear of losing things, a fear of losing his mother, and as a result, he wants to begin to control things, he wants to become powerful, and these are not Jedi traits. And part of these are because he was starting to be trained so late in life, that he'd already formed these attachments. And for a Jedi, attachment is forbidden.
George Lucas to CNN, May 8, 2002 (https://edition.cnn.com/2002/SHOWBIZ/Movies/05/07/ca.s02.george.lucas/index.html)
GEORGE LUCAS: Jedi Knights aren’t celibate – the thing that is forbidden is attachments – and possessive relationships.
George Lucas to BBC, May 12, 2002 (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/1989505.stm)
GEORGE LUCAS: Well, a lot of people got very upset, saying he should’ve been this little demon kid. But the story is not about a guy who was born a monster – it’s about a good boy who was loving and had exceptional powers, but how that eventually corrupted him and how he confused possessive love with compassionate love. That happens in Episode II: Regardless of how his mother died, Jedis are not supposed to take vengeance. And that’s why they say he was too old to be a Jedi, because he made his emotional connections. His undoing is that he loveth too much.
George Lucas to Rolling Stones, 2005 (https://www.rollingstone.com/movies/movie-news/george-lucas-and-the-cult-of-darth-vader-247142/)
GEORGE LUCAS: The core issue, ultimately, is greed, possessiveness - the inability to let go. Not only to hold on to material things, which is greed, but to hold on to life, to the people you love - to not accept the reality of life’s passages and changes, which is to say things come, things go. Everything changes. Anakin becomes emotionally attached to things, his mother, his wife. That’s why he falls - because he does not have the ability to let go.
No human can let go. It’s very hard. Ultimately, we do let go because it’s inevitable; you do die, and you do lose your loved ones. But while you’re alive, you can’t be obsessed with holding on. As Yoda says in this one, [The scene in which Anakin seeks Yoda’s counsel] You must learn to let go of everything you’re afraid to let go of.’ Because holding on is in the same category and the precursor to greed. And that’s what a Sith is. A Sith is somebody that is absolutely obsessed with gaining more and more power - but for what? Nothing, except that it becomes an obsession to get more. The Jedi are trained to let go. They’re trained from birth, they’re not supposed to form attachments. They can love people- in fact, they should love everybody. They should love their enemies; they should love the Sith. But they can’t form attachments. So, what all these movies are about is: greed. Greed is a source of pain and suffering for everybody. And the ultimate state of greed is the desire to cheat death.
J. W. Rinzel - The Making of Revenge of the Sith page 213, published in 2005
GEORGE LUCAS: Anakin wants to be a Jedi, but he cannot let go of the people he loves in order to move forward in his life. The Jedi believe that you don’t hold on to things, that you let things pass through you, and if you can control your greed, you can resolve the conflict not only in yourself but in the world around you, because you accept the natural course of things. Anakin’s inability to follow this basic guideline is at the core of his turn to the Dark Side.
George Lucas to sci-fi online, 2005 (http://www.sci-fi-online.com/Interview/05-11-01_GeorgeLucas.htm)
GEORGE LUCAS: Love is a secret to the universe, which is compassion, which is love others, take care of others, help each other. (…) Struggle in Star Wars is about passion against compassion. Which is greed, against giving and giving up primarily and the whole issue is the flipside of greed is fear of losing. So you are either trying to get things or afraid to lose things that you’ve got and the idea is to let go of those things." - George Lucas, 2007, Devin Kumar Productions (http://www.devinkumar.com/interview-with-george-lucas/)
GEORGE LUCAS: The fact that everything must change and that things come and go through his life and that he cannot hold onto things, which is a basic Jedi philosophy that he isn't willing to accept emotionally and the reason that is because he was raised by his mother rather than the Jedi. If he'd have been taken in his first years and started to study to be a Jedi, he wouldn’t have this particular connection as strong as it is and he'd have been trained to love people but not to become attached to them.
But he become attached to his mother and he will become attached to Padme and these things are, for a Jedi, who needs to have a clear mind and not be influenced by threats to their attachments, a dangerous situation. And it feeds into fear of losing things, which feeds into greed, wanting to keep things, wanting to keep his possessions and things that he should be letting go of. His fear of losing her turns to anger at losing her, which ultimately turns to revenge in wiping out the village. The scene with the Tusken Raiders is the first scene that ultimately takes him on the road to the dark side. I mean he’s been prepping for this, but that’s the one where he’s sort of doing something that is completely inappropriate.
He’s greedy in that he wants to keep his mother around, he’s greedy in that he wants to become more powerful in order to control things in order to keep the things around that he wants. There’s a lot of connections here with the beginning of him sliding into the Dark Side.
Because of that, and because he was unwilling to let go of his mother, because he was so attached to her, he committed this terrible revenge on the tusked raiders.
George Lucas, Attack of the Clones DVD audio-commentary, 2008
GEORGE LUCAS: It’s fear of losing somebody he loves, which is the flipside of greed. Greed, in terms of the Emperor, it is the greed for power, absolute power, over everything. With Anakin, really, it’s the power to save the one he loves, but is basically going against the Fates and what is natural.
George Lucas, Revenge of the Sith DVD audio-commentary, 2008
GEORGE LUCAS: It’s pivotal that Luke doesn’t have patience. He doesn’t want to finish his training. He’s being succumbed by his emotional feelings for his friends rather than the practical feelings of “I’ve got to get this job done before I can actually save them. I can’t save them, really.” But he sorts of takes the easy route, the arrogant route, the emotional but least practical route, which is to say, “I’m just going to go off and do this without thinking too much.” And the result is that he fails and doesn’t do well for Han Solo or himself. It’s the motif that needs to be in the picture, but it’s one of those things that just in terms of storytelling was very risky because basically he screws up, and everything turns bad. And it’s because of that decision that Luke made on [Dagobah] to say, “I know I’m not ready, but I’m going to go anyway.
George Lucas, Empire Strikes Back DVD audio-commentary, 2008
GEORGE LUCAS: The core of the Force–I mean, you got the dark side, the light side, one is selfless, one is selfish, and you wanna keep them in balance. What happens when you go to the dark side is it goes out of balance and you get really selfish and you forget about everybody … because when you get selfish you get stuff, or you want stuff, and when you want stuff and you get stuff then you are afraid somebody is going to take it away from you, whether it’s a person or a thing or a particular pleasure or experience.
Once you become afraid that somebody’s going to take it away from you or you’re gonna lose it, then you start to become angry, especially if you’re losing it, and that anger leads to hate, and hate leads to suffering. Mostly on the part of the person who’s selfish, because you spend all your time being afraid of losing everything you’ve got instead of actually living. Where joy, by giving to other people you can’t think about yourself, and therefore there’s no pain. But the pleasure factor of greed and of selfishness is a short-lived experience, therefore you’re constantly trying to replenish it, but of course the more you replenish it, the harder it is to, so you have to keep upping the ante. You’re actually afraid of the pain of not having the joy. So that is ultimately the core of the whole dark side/light side of the Force. And everything flows from that. Obviously the Sith are always unhappy because they never get enough of anything they want. Mostly, their selfishness centers around power and control. And the struggle is always to be able to let go of all that stuff. And of course that’s the problem with Anakin ultimately. You’re allowed to love people, but you’re not allowed to possess them. And what he did is he fell in love and married her and then became jealous. Then he saw in his visions that she was going to die, and he couldn’t stand losing her. So in order to not lose her, he made a pact with the devil to be able to become all-powerful. When he did that, she didn’t want to have anything to do with him anymore, so he lost her. Once you are powerful, being able to bring her back from the dead, if I can do that, I can become emperor of the universe. I can get rid of the Emperor. I can make everything the way I want it. Once you do that, you’ll never be satiated. You’re always going to be consumed by this driving desire to have more stuff and be afraid that others are going to take it away from you. And they are. Every time you get two Sith together, you have the master, the apprentice, and the apprentice is always trying to recruit another apprentice to join with him to kill the master. The master knows that basically everybody below him wants his job. Only way to overcome the dark side is through discipline. The dark side is pleasure, biological and temporary and easy to achieve. The light side is joy, everlasting and difficult to achieve. A great challenge. Must overcome laziness, give up quick pleasures, and overcome fear which leads to hate.
George Lucas, explaining the Force to the Clone Wars writing team, 2010 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9nFMBBrliyQ&t=41s&ab_channel=StarWarsCoffee)
GEORGE LUCAS: When you start to care about yourself and the things that you own and the things that you have and you’re greedy and you want things all the time and you don’t want to give them up because you’re afraid to give them up, you turn to the dark side. And that’s what happened to Anakin.
George Lucas Q&A: Field Museum, Chicago 5/8/2010 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRaVjM_goKM)
GEORGE LUCAS: The thing about Anakin is, Anakin started out as a nice kid. He was kind, and sweet, and lovely, and he was then trained as a Jedi. But the Jedi can’t be selfish. They can love but they can’t love people to the point of possession. You can’t really possess somebody, because people are free. It’s possession that causes a lot of trouble, and that causes people to kill people, and causes people to be bad. Ultimately it has to do with being unwilling to give things up.
The whole basis here is if you’re selfish, if you’re a Sith Lord, you’re greedy. You’re constantly trying to get something. And you’re constantly in fear of not getting it, or, when you get it, you’re in constant fear of losing it. And it’s that fear that takes you to the dark side. It’s that fear of losing what you have or want.
Sometimes it’s ambition, but sometimes, like in the case of Anakin, it was fear of losing his wife. He knew she was going to die. He didn’t quite know how, so he was able to make a pact with a devil that if he could learn how to keep people from dying, he would help the Emperor. And he became a Sith Lord. Once he started saying, “Well, we could take over the galaxy, I could take over from the Emperor, I could have ultimate power,” Padmé saw right through him immediately. She said, “You’re not the person I married. You’re a greedy person.” So that’s ultimately how he fell and he went to the dark side.
And then Luke had the chance to do the same thing. He didn’t do it.
George Lucas, 2019 (https://www.starwars.com/news/star-wars-episode-i-the-phantom-menace-oral-history)
GEORGE LUCAS: They (the Jedi) trained more than anything else to understand the transitional nature of life, that things are constantly changing and you can't hold on to anything. You can love things but you can't be attached to them, You must be willing to let the flow of life and the flow of the Force move through your life, move through you. So that you can be compassionate and loving and caring, but not be possessive and grabbing and holding on to things and trying to keep things the way they are. Letting go is the central theme of the film."
George Lucas, "Star Wars Archives 1999-2005" p. 72-73 (2020)
GEORGE LUCAS: Luke is faced with the same issues and practically the same scenes that Anakin is faced with. Anakin says yes, and Luke says no. (…) We have the scene when Anakin decides to save Palpatine and join him, so they could learn how to save Padmé. The equivalent scene in VI is when the Emperor’s trying to get Luke to kill his dad so he can save his sister.”
George Lucas, "Star Wars Archives 1999-2005" p. 421 and p. 212. (2020)
GEORGE LUCAS: The secret ultimately like in Star Wars is that you have to not be afraid. Fear is the enemy; fear is the Dark Side. If you afraid, you are going to the Dark Side. The Light Side is compassion. As long as you love other people and treat them kindly, you won't be afraid. So, the secret is to just love everybody - I know that sounds very 60s but that's what I grew up in - but it its fear that cause the problem. So you have to stop being afraid and be kind to everybody.
The main theme of Star Wars is that compassion is the good side, fear is the bad side.
I kind of lost control of Star Wars so it’s going off a different path than what I intended but the first six are very much mine and my philosophy. And I think that philosophy sort of goes beyond any particular time because it’s based on history it based on philosophy. (...)
The thing with Anakin is that he started out a great kid he was very compassionate , so the issue was how did he turn bad. How did he go to the Dark Side? He went to the Dark Side, Jedi aren’t supposed to have attachments. They can love people, they can do that, but they can’t attach, that’s the problem in the world of fear. Once you are attached to something then you become afraid of losing it. And when you become afraid of losing it, then you turn to the Dark Side, and you want to hold onto it, and that was Anakin’s issue ultimately, that he wanted to hold onto his wife who he knew, he had a premonition that she was going to die, he didn’t know how to stop it, so he went to the Dark Side to find, in mythology you do to hades, and you talk to the devil, and the devil says ‘this is what you do’ and basically you sell your soul to the devil. When you do that, and you’re afraid and you’re on the Dark Side and you fall off the golden path of compassion because you are greedy, you want to hold on to something that you love and he didn’t do the right thing and as a result he turned bad.
Mellody Hobson, George Lucas - Virtual Speaker Interview (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRqVdcE5oyI)
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kpop---scenarios · 3 years
Torn Apart (2 Final)
Tumblr media
Pairing: Surprise! x Reader
Warning: Smut, Sadness, Angst Maybe? Mean People
Word Count: 5.4k
It had been weeks. 
Weeks of sobbing into your pillow, weeks of feeling like things were going to get better, until you found the most insignificant thing that belonged to Chanyeol and you broke down all over again. You missed him. You missed his touch, his warmth, his smile, the way he made you laugh when you were sad. You missed it all. You were broken, and it was all Chanyeol's fault. 
Until you scrolled through Instagram, and saw pictures of him with Maya, that bitch. You had never hated anyone in your life until you had met her. You couldn't even begin to fathom what even slightly redeeming qualities Chanyeol saw in her, but apparently there was something to that wench.
You were curled on your couch in the fetal position as you cried at the ending of Strong Girl Bong Soon. You wished you had a love like that. The way An Minhyuk loved Bong Soon was the relationship you wanted, the one you would strive for. He loved her so much and you just wanted to be loved by someone like that. 
You groan loudly as your doorbell rings, and then whoever pounds on your door. You didn't want visitors, you didn't care who it was, you wanted to hermit. 
"What?" You yelled from the other side of the door. 
"Y/N, let me in." You hear from the other side. You recognized the voice immediately. 
"Baekhyun, I look like a troll. Kindly leave." You sigh. 
"Y/N, if your trolly ass doesn't let me in, I will break down your door." He threatens, which makes you laugh for the first time in days. You both knew he would never be able to do that, and he would likely end up hurting himself. 
"Baek, you would break your leg." You say, pulling the door open. On the other side was a sympathetic Baekhyun, who had tissues, ice cream, chocolate and a bag full of movies. You smile at his kindness. "You know I have Netflix right?" 
"Shut the fuck up and move, this shit is cold." He barks, moving past you and into your kitchen. "Look, I have all the necessities. We will get you through this. Because I for one, cannot stand the sight of Mayeol and I want to gouge my eyes out, and I need someone to do it with." 
"I don't understand how that has anything to do with me." You say, grabbing two spoons.
"Sehun is gone, he's so in love with those two, hes bordering being a psychopath, Jongdae and his wife are just tolerating, Suho, Kai and Kyungsoo are avoiding them like the plague and Minseok and Lay have been MIA, so you're my last hope, Y/N." 
"I really don't want to talk about him, Baek." You admit, the hole in your heart somehow feels larger than before. 
"That's fine, I'll stop, let's start a movie." He suggests, grabbing a random one out of his bag. 
And for the next few hours, that's all you guys did. You watched movies, making comments, laughing and you genuinely had a good time with him. It had been so long since you actually felt happy and you were grateful to Baekhyun for bringing at least a little joy back into your life. 
Until he left, and you were alone again. All the feelings came rushing back, except they hurt a little less this time. You didn't miss him quite as much. 
The next day, at the same time, your doorbell rang again. You open the door, your eyes puffy and bloodshot and you see Baekhyun standing there again, a new flavor of ice cream in hand, a new kind of chocolate, and a new bag of movies. This time he said nothing to you, instead pushed his way past you and through the door, setting everything down on your living room table as he popped in the movie. You smiled to yourself before turning around to join him, it felt nice to be cared about, and the fact that he was going out of his way to do this for you, and make you feel better. You truly appreciated Baekhyun. 
As he sat there and watched the movie, you watched him. The way his eyes lit up at a part of the movie he enjoyed, the face he made when he took a bite of his ice cream, the wrinkle he had in his nose when there was a cheesy scene. You never truly noticed how handsome Baekhyun was until now. His distinct jawline, his large hands, his toned body, you briefly.. very briefly began to wonder how large his..
"No Y/N, no. Do not go there with your existing bestfriend." 
You quickly shake off the thought, moving your eyes to the TV screen, trying to focus. 
"How are you feeling today?" Baekhyun asks, sliding his phone back into his pants pocket. 
"A bit better, I guess." You answer. Before Baekhyun could say anything there was another knock at the door. "That's good." He smiles, standing up. "There are some people who wanna see you." He says, opening the door. 
Minseok, Suho and Kyungsoo file through the door, looking at you with pity as they all sit, surrounding you.  
"Hiiiii." Suho pouts, protruding his bottom lip. "How are we feeling today?" 
"Um, hi." You laugh. "I'm fine." 
"Oh good, so we can go." Kyungsoo pipes up, standing up and walking towards the door. 
"Sit." Minseok sighs, pointing back at the seat. Kyungsoo rolls his eyes, shuffling back to his spot and flopping down. 
"She's fine, Chanyeol is fine, so why are we here? Everyone is fine." He groans. 
"Have you seen him? Is he fine?" You hesitantly ask. You weren't even sure if you wanted to know. 
"Oh he's more than fine." Kyungsoo groans. "He and Maya are all over each other all the time. It's honestly nauseating. Like I want to be able to eat my sandwich without hearing your girlfriend moan when you kiss her." He gags. 
You bite your bottom lip as you slowly nod your head, tears welling in your eyes. These were most definitely details you did not need to hear about your ex and the girl he cheated on you with. All the men whip their heads to look at you, who now had your head hanging low as your shoulders shaked. They all look back at Kyungsoo, with only one speaking up.  
"That's it." Baekhyun growls. "Kyungsoo, get out." He spits, pointing to the door. 
"What did I do?" Kyungsoo asks, innocently. Baekhyun rolls his eyes, looking at you, softly whimpering into the sleeves of your sweater. 
"Out. Now." Baekhyun says, giving him the middle finger before flinching as Kyungsoo stands up, whispering "Don't hurt me."
"Don't listen to him." Minseok sighs. "Kyungsoo has zero social cues, he also could not read a room if his life depended on it." 
As Kyungsoo opened the door to leave, in rushed Lay, who looked at the man leaving and just nodded his head, realizing he had probably said something rude and was asked to leave. It wasn't the first time and would not be the last either. 
"Y/N." Lay breathes. "How do you feel about tall, muscular men who sing?" He asks. 
"I do enjoy them. Why?" You ask. 
"I have a friend from the hospital.. I think you two would get along really well. He's in his third year of surgery residency and is looking to date. I may have shown him your picture and he instantly said yes." He tells you. 
You look around the room, Suho and Minseok are nodding enthusiastically, while Baekhyun sits with his arms crossed against his chest, and a pouty look on his face. 
"What do you think?" You ask Baekhyun. He looks up at you, his face softening immediately. 
"I uhh, it's up to you. Yanno, if you're into muscular, tall men.." he mumbles.
"You know what? Sure, yes, I will. Chanyeol and Maya are out there living their best lives while I'm sitting here sulking, mourning a love that clearly didn't mean as much to him. So yes I will go out with him." You announce, perking up already. "When?" 
"Tonight." Lay says. "More specifically, an hour." 
"I need to get ready." You smile, jumping from your seat to rush to your room. You slowly peak your head around the corner, softly smiling at your friends. "Thank you, you guys. You've all really helped me these last weeks. I greatly appreciate you all." You finish, heading back into your room to quickly throw yourself together. 
By the time you were done, you had 15 minutes to spare, and you were damn proud of what you accomplished in the last 45 minutes. You showered and shaved to become a hairless human from the eyelashes down, you managed to get the knots out of your hair and it looked in decent shape, as well as hide the semi-permanent redness of your eyes with a lot of makeup. You almost didn't recognize yourself in the mirror when you looked. You didn't see the heartbroken girl anymore, you saw someone confident, hot and worthy of a great love. 
Stepping out into the living room you blush at all the 'oohs and ahhs' from your friends. 
Except for Baekhyun. 
When you looked at him, his eyes shined and for some reason it made your heartbeat a little faster. You watched his eyes trail up and down your body, seemingly taking in every curve, every inch of you. When he notices you staring, he clears his throat and looks away. "You look prettyish." He mumbles as he walks away, there's a knock at the door. Baekhyun is the one to answer and looks up at the tall man. 
"You must be.." he begins, moving out of the way, letting the man walk in. 
"Hi." He smiles at you. "I'm Matthew." He says, holding out his hand. 
"Hi Matthew." You grin. "Y/N." You finish, introducing yourself. 
"It's really nice to meet you. You look phenomenal." He says, holding your hand up to spin you around. You can't help but let out a loud laugh as a blush spreads across your cheeks. 
"Thank you." You whisper. "Shall we?" 
He waves to Lay and everyone else before taking your arm in his and leading you out the door. You left three excited men behind you and one who felt annoyed but didn't quite know why. 
You hadn't laughed so hard until tears rolled down your cheeks and you held your stomach for a very long time. You honestly were surprised at how much you and Matthew had in common. You both enjoyed the same type of music, food, and pastimes. You had yet to meet someone who loved the same authors as you, who enjoyed doing your favorite activities and who genuinely seemed like a great person but here he was, sitting right in front of you at this nice restaurant. 
"I have to admit something." Matthew begins. Your stomach drops as you feel like he's going to tell you he's married or has a girlfriend, something that's going to make you lose trust in men, again. 
"Go on." You say, forcing a smile before taking a sip of your drink. 
"I really like you." He grins. "It's insane, I have never met someone I had so much in common with until tonight." 
"I was just thinking the same thing." You laugh, feeling relieved at his confession. You liked Matthew, he seemed as though he would be good for you and treat you right, although you thought that Chanyeol would do the same and look how that turned out. 
Matthew's pager beeps incessantly. He takes it from the waistband of his pants, checking the page and stands up abruptly. "I'm so sorry." He sighs. "I have to go, there was an accident and I'm needed in the OR." He explains. 
"Go." You say, waving your hands to emphasize. 
"I had a wonderful time Y/N, and I hope I get to see you again." He grins. He places down a few hundred bills on the table before kissing your hand, and with a wink he was off and your heart was pumping fast as red spreads across your cheeks. 
Oh boy. 
Your blush is still present as you walk through the door of your apartment. You see Baekhyun sitting on your couch with his arms crossed as he watches a show, not even acknowledging your presence. 
"Why are you still here?" You ask, tossing your purse on the chair. 
"I wanna hear all about Matthew." He mimics, rolling his eyes. "How was your date?" 
"It was really nice. We have a lot in common, which is strange. He seems really nice and we get along amazingly. He was paged into surgery so it ended early." You tell him. "So cool." 
"Oh wow, surgery huh?" Baekhyun says, nodding his head. "Did I tell you I'm auditioning for a band?" He smiles. 
"Are you really?" You ask, a little shocked. 
"Maybe." He says, clearing his throat, turning back to the show. 
You sit beside him, you dress riding up just a little to expose your thigh. You're focused on the show, barely realizing that Baekhyun has now rested his hand on your bare thigh, his thumb lightly rubbing the same spot. 
Why did you feel butterflies? Why was your pussy throbbing? It's probably just friendly, there's no way Baekhyun has feelings for you. 
As the show played on, your eyes became increasingly droopy, feeling the exhaustion and excitement of today finally catching up with you. Your eyes slowly close as you lean your head back onto the couch. 
You weren't sure when it happened, but you woke up, what you're assuming is a few hours later with your head on Baekhyun's lap while he gently rubbed your head, running his fingers through your hair. Your body shivered at the gentle sensation and you closed your eyes once again, feeling safe and happy as you dozed off. 
When you woke up the next morning, you were laying on the couch, alone with a blanket draped over you. Your eyes searched your apartment and there was no sign of Baekhyun.  You had no idea when he had left but a part of you felt a little hurt that he left without saying goodbye to you. You rolled yourself off the couch and shuffled into your room, changing your clothes to something more comfortable. 
When you were done you made your way to the kitchen to find food when your front door opened. In walked Baekhyun with a large bag from your favorite food place. 
"You didn't." You grin. "It's so far away." 
"I did, and it was worth it to see the look on your face." He laughs, setting the bag down on the table. 
The two of you sit down, and have breakfast together and chat. You hadn't realized that Baekhyun actually had a lot in common with you as well. You didn't know why the two of you had never talked about these things but you felt like it was a crazy coincidence that two men match with you so well. Although you knew Baekhyun's feelings were strictly platonic, there was no way that he felt anything romantically for you. 
"I gotta go to work, but we'll hang out later, if you're up for it?" He asks, throwing his garbage away. 
"Of course." You smile. You look in his eyes, his beautiful brown eyes and you just want to melt. You liked Baekhyun, alot. Maybe it was just from how good he's been treating you lately, or maybe the feelings were real, you would never know because you were going to focus on changing your feelings for Baekhyun to feelings for Matthew, someone you knew you actually had a chance with. 
Later that day you were doing some work on your computer for the company you work for, luckily you're able to do your work from home, giving you plenty of time to be free during the day for activities. You're brought out of your zone by a text from Matthew, asking you if you wanted to grab a late lunch around 2pm, and immediately your mood changed, and you happily replied that you would love to. 
At 1:50pm, you sat at the restaurant, a drink in front of you while you waited for Matthew. Seeing him walk through the door, your heart did a mini dance as he smiled at you, heading towards the table you had already gotten. 
"Hey there beautiful." He grins, sitting across from you. 
"Hi." You giggle. "How has your day been?" 
"Busy and stressful, but that's all been forgotten now that I have you in front of me." He says. You smile widely, burying your head in your hands. He was so sweet, and you didn't know how to react to it. After the two of you order, you're in the middle of a conversation about a movie you had each recently watched, when out of the corner of your eye, you notice someone familiar. You look over and at a table that was too close for your liking sat Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Maya. Your attitude, demeanour and mood completely changed when you noticed them. You could feel the tears welling in your eyes as you looked away. You look at Matthew who instantly looks concerned. 
"What's wrong? Did I say something?" He asks, leaning in closely to whisper to you. 
"T-that's my ex.. and the girl he chose over me, and his best friend who I'm still friends with." You whisper, nodding your head towards them.
Matthew discreetly looks over and notices the blonde man looking in your direction, pain in his eyes from the moment he saw you. 
"Look at me." Matthew whispers. You look up at him, trying to control the tears. "That boy is an idiot for giving you up. You are one in a million. You're smart, funny, beautiful, caring and an all around amazing person to be around. Don't give them anymore of your tears, princess. They don't deserve them, and you don't deserve to cry over them." He smiles. 
You sit up, taking a deep breath, smiling at the man across from you, staring at his beautiful smile. You glance over to the table and see Chanyeol staring at you, sadness in his eyes while Maya glares at you and Baekhyun, he stares at you with what seems like a look of anger. He glares in your direction, his face like stone and you had no idea what you did to make him so mad at you. 
"Would you like to go somewhere else?" Matthew asks. 
You nod your head, knowing you didn't want to be in the same restaurant as Mayeol, it was bad enough to have to be in the same city as them. Matthew grabs the check, escorting you out, his hand hovering over your backside as you walk out, the feeling of eyes watching you burning into your back as you exit the restaurant.  You and Matthew stand outside your door, and he smiles at you. "I'm sorry about the date." He sighs. 
"It wasn't your fault. If anything I should be sorry." You say. 
"You did nothing wrong." He tells you. "I have to get back to the hospital now, but I'll call you." He says, leaning down he presses his lips to yours quickly before pulling away and saying goodbye. 
You walk into your apartment, feeling a little confused. That didn't go how you imagined it at all. As you're trying to get out of your sundress, there's a knock at the door before someone walks in. You turn around and see Baekhyun standing there, watching you. 
"You looked pretty comfortable and intimate with what's his name." He blurts out, walking towards you. He stands closely behind you, you can feel his breath on your neck as he pulls down the zipper of your dress. 
"Yeah well you looked pretty comfortable with fucking Maya and Chanyeol." You retort, trying to storm away from him. Your dress slips off your body, landing on the floor. Baekhyun follows you, reaching out to grab your wrist. He spins you around to face him. He pulls your body closer to his. 
"What do you want?" He asks. You don't answer, your lips parted as you try to form a sentence. Baekhyun's eyes drop down to your lips. He licks his lips and sighs. You can feel his breath, so close to you, almost kissing you. "What do you want from me, Y/N?" He asks. 
Your heart is practically beating out of your chest. You look into his eyes, one word on the tip of your tongue. 
You. Just say it. You want him. Tell him. 
But you say nothing. 
Baekhyun sighs. "That's what I thought." He says,  moving away from you and picking up your dress from the floor. He hands it to you, leaning in to press his lips against your temple. "Call me when you know what you want." He says, walking away from you and out the door. 
What did that mean? Did he want you like you wanted him? Why couldn't you have just told him right then and there? 
You were scared. You were scared of rejection, you were scared he didn't mean it, maybe his feelings towards you weren't real. But then again, you would never know unless you talked to him. 
Later that night you laid in your bed, thinking about Baekhyun. You couldn't sleep, so you grabbed your purse and your keys, drive aimlessly around town. A little while later, you glance at the clock that reads 2am, you park your car and you pull out your phone and call him. You felt like you were going to vomit as the phone rang. 
"Hello?" A groggy voice answered. 
"You." You whisper through the speaker. "I want you."  
"Y/N." He breathes. 
"Open the door, Baekhyun." You whisper. 
You can hear him get out of bed and stomp towards the front door. He pulls it open and there you are, your phone pressed against your ear, wearing a nightshirt and shorts. 
"I want you." You say again, pulling the phone away from your ear. 
Baekhyun pulls you inside, slamming the door behind you before pinning you against the front door. 
"Fuck it." He groans, crashing his lips against yours, pulling your body in closer to his. His hands roaming your body as he slides his tongue into your mouth. His hands move under your shirt and up your torso, cupping a bare breast. He groans into the kiss as he pinches your hard nipple, rolling it between his fingers. He presses his crotch into your leg, allowing you to feel his hard cock pushing against his boxers. 
You reach your hand down, sliding it into his waistband, grabbing his cock and slowly pumping, making his knees buckle. 
"Fuck." He murmurs, breaking the kiss. He leans his head into your neck, placing small kisses as you stroke his cock. 
Suddenly he stands up straight, pulling your hand from inside his boxers. He grabs your hand and leads you to his bedroom. 
"Take off your clothes." He growls. 
You maintain eye contact as you slip your shirt off your body, dropping it to the floor and the shimmy off your shorts, letting them pool around your ankles. You stand there naked in front of Baekhyun who takes in every curve and crevasse of your body. 
"Get on the bed." He whispers. You move to the bed, slowly climbing on and laying on your back. 
"So fucking beautiful." He moans, crawling on top of you. "I just wanna be inside you." He whispers. You nod your head, giving him all the consent he needs. 
Baekhyun spits on his hand, pumping his cock. He lifts your legs over his shoulder before lining him up with your entrance. He pushes himself into you, stretching your pussy out, making you cry out loudly. 
It had been so long for you, you forgot what it felt like to be fucked. Your hands grip the bed sheets as Baekhyun slides his cock in and out of you slowly. 
"How do you want it, baby?" He asks, moving slowly still. 
"Faster." You moan. "Fuck me Baekhyun." 
His eyes become dark after hearing your words. His hands wrap around your ankles as he starts thrusting harder into you, the sound of skin slapping fills the room.
"Oh god." You cry out, your hands cupping your breasts, pinching your nipples as he pumps his cock into you. 
Baekhyun releases one of your legs, placing his thumb between your lips to rub your clit. He rubs in circles, making you clench around him. 
"Just like that." You cry out as you buck your hips. You knew you were going to cum soon, you hadn't had an orgasm since Chanyeol left. 
"Fuck." Baekhyun groans. 
"I'm gonna cum." You scream as he fucks you harder, and continues to rub you. 
Your orgasm hits you, making you scream out in pleasure, your eyes rolling to the back of your head as you tighten around Baekhyun once again. 
He groans loudly, suddenly cumming, shooting his load inside of you, breathing heavily as he works through his orgasm. 
"Holy fuck." He sighs, pulling out of you. He lays next to you, and you snuggle into him, not caring about the mess, just being completely and utterly happy in the moment.
"So.." Baekhyun starts off the next morning, as you lay in his bed, tangled in his sheets. You have one leg and one arm sprawled across him as you snuggle in closer to him. "What about Matthew?" He asks.  
"I called him yesterday after you left, and I told him I didn't think things were going to work out, but I would like to remain friends." You explain. 
"And he was fine with that?" He asks. 
"He asked if there was someone else." You sigh. "I told him I wasn't sure, but I hoped and he wished me luck." 
"I didn't like you seeing him." Baekhyun admits. "It hurt but I felt like I couldn't do anything." He says. 
"Why?" You ask. 
"Because.. Chanyeol is my best friend and you were his." He tells you. 
"Chanyeol made his decision, and he chose Maya. I'm free to date whoever I want, and I want you." You whisper. 
"Oh baby girl." Baekhyun growls. "You have no idea what you do to me." He whispers, rolling over on top of you, pressing his lips to yours. You wrap your arms around him, pulling him in closer to you, never having felt so wanted or loved. 
It has been a few months of you and Baekhyun dating, and you've kept it under wraps for the most part, wanting to stay in your little bubble of happiness. But now your friends were getting suspicious and you felt like it was time to tell them. And what other perfect time to tell them then at a dinner party that everyone is attending. 
That night you and Baekhyun had brought a spinach and artichoke dip that you made together and it was the best thing ever. You told Jongdae and his wife the news first, and they were both extremely happy for the both of you. 
Next, Minseok, Suho, Kyungsoo, Kai and Lay were told and they were all happy for you two, except Lay who was disappointed that things didn't work with Matthew, but he was happy that you were happy. 
You all sat around the dinner table when Chanyeol, Sehun and Maya walked in. Things instantly got tense and quiet the minute they entered the room. They hadn't noticed you yet and you could feel the knots forming in your stomach. 
"Hey guys." Chanyeol smiled, looking around the room and then his eyes landed on you and his smile dropped. 
"Hi friends." Maya chirps up, not realizing you were there until Sehun pointed it out, quite loudly and rudely. 
"Why is she here?" He asks, nodding his head towards you. 
"Because she's our friend." Jongdae pipes up, glare at Sehun.
"It's just weird." Maya comments, sitting down at the table. You ball your hands into fists under the table. Baekhyun reaches under the table, grabbing your hand to calm you down, showing you he's there and has your back. 
"It's not weird, actually." Baekhyun pipes up. "What's weird is coming to a gathering when you know no one here likes you. That's weird." He says, looking at Maya. 
"Baek." Chanyeol sighs. "She's my girlfriend." He says, as if that's a good enough reason. 
"Okay." Baekhyun says. "And she's mine." He says, nodding towards you. "So tell your girl to show some respect." 
"You're what?" Chanyeol asks, staring at you and Baekhyun, not even acknowledging the fact that Maya is sitting there with her mouth open and offended. "You're dating my ex-girlfriend?" 
"I am." Baekhyun says, not caring about Chanyeol's reaction anymore. 
"You.. you can't do that." He says. 
"And why not?" Baekhyun wonders. "You left her. You chose that over this amazing woman. You have no right to be angry here. You broke her, tore her apart and I'm putting the pieces back together." 
"I don't want her here." Maya pouts. 
"And no one wants you here." You chime in. You were tired of her and she had only been here for a few minutes. 
"Chanyeol." She whines, nudging him but he's still not paying attention to her, only looking at you and Baekhyun. 
"So.. what did you guys bring?" Lay asks, nodding towards their dish.
"Buffalo chicken dip." Maya says, with a smile.
You burst out laughing, rolling your eyes. "You mean you're still making the recipe that Chanyeol and I made together?" You ask with a smile on your face. 
Maya's smile instantly drops, looking at you with disgust. "Chanyeol." She yells. 
"What?" He snaps, turning to look at her. 
"Do something." She whines. 
"You don't have to do anything, man. We're gonna go. Thanks for having us, Jongdae. It's been interesting." Baekhyun says. He looks at you and holds out his hand. "Ready?" He asks you. You smile at him, taking his hand and walking out, hand in hand with the man who made you the happiest you've been. 
A few days later you're in your apartment, singing and dancing as you clean up the place. You no longer missed Chanyeol, his name no longer brought pain to your heart, seeing things that reminded you of him no longer made you cry. You had Baekhyun now, and he treated you like a queen. 
You're walking past your front door when you hear a faint knock. You open it slightly and see an exhausted looking Chanyeol standing on the other side. 
"Can we talk?" He asks. 
You didn't want to hear what he had to say, but you decided to be nice and let him in. 
"What?" You ask, sitting on your couch as he stands in front of you. 
"I fucked up." He blurts out. "I should have never chosen Maya over you. I didn't realize what I was doing at the time, Y/N, please forgive me. I miss you. I miss us. We were great together." He breathes. 
You're shocked. You had spent weeks crying over him, wishing for him to come to you and say these words to you but now it was too late. 
"You're a little too late now." You say to him.
"I know you're with Baekhyun, but I had you first." He says. 
You scoff at him. "How dare you? How could you come here months after you left me for Maya and beg for me back when I'm finally happy again? It took a long time for me to be okay. Baekhyun has been there for me, he was the one who helped put me back together. You chose Maya. You made your bed." You yell. "Get out Chanyeol." 
"Y/N please." He begs. 
"No, you need to leave. I don't want you. I don't love you anymore." You tell him.
Chanyeol walks out the door, looking back at you with tears in his eyes. You felt no remorse for him. You had felt the way he was feeling, it was his own fault and you refused to be torn apart by him  again. Chanyeol was now your past, and Baekhyun was your future and you couldn't be happier about it. 
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theringers · 3 years
counting crimes - pierre gasly
illicit affairs, part three
summary: “wandering eyes and comfortable lies, you seem to sleep just fine” counting crimes / nessa barrett
a/n: i’m thinking there’s only gonna be two more parts but that may change, we’ll see. enjoy this and let me know what u think! feedback is always appreciated xoxo
also this gif today killed me
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warnings: 18+, nsfw, smut, semi public sex shocker!, lil angst, cocky pierre
Your eyes widen as you try to comprehend what to do. Someone was at the door and Pierre was still inside of you, in shock. “Hey, y/n? Are you in there?” Max’s voice could be heard through the door. He tried to push the door in but the deadbolt stopped him.
You glared at Pierre, cleared your throat and placed a finger on his lips. “Yes, give me a few seconds.” You panicked and pulled your dress up, trying not to make too much noise.
Where the fuck was Pierre supposed to go? You should have just kept quiet. Your eyes focused on the window and you pointed towards it, quietly shoving him out.
He squeezed himself through the window and stepped down onto the grass. After quietly shutting the window, you looked in the mirror and readjusted your dress. Your hair needed some readjusting as well, so you quickly brushed through it.
You unlocked the deadbolt and opened the door to see your husband. “Hey,” he smiled at you, genuinely happy to see you.
“Hi, Max.” Your voice was shaking but you smiled to try to play it off. You usually had a good amount of time to psych yourself up before you went back to Max but you could still feel how Pierre had fucked you.
You were awful. He placed his hands on your hips and kissed your cheek. “Are you sure you’re feeling okay? You’re kind of hot.” He placed the back of his hand to your forehead.
“Yeah, it was really hot in there but I feel better now.” Hopefully he would buy that story.
“Well, if you’re feeling better now, I have an idea.” His hands rested on your hips again and pulled you into his body. “We have a few minutes to kill. What do you say we have a little bit of fun in here? It is our anniversary after all.” His lips found your neck and placed soft, gentle kisses on the skin. “You look so beautiful tonight, baby.” You were feeling sexually frustrated after being interrupted but he was right. It was your anniversary, so what the hell.
You leaned your neck to the side, inviting him in. “I love this dress, but it needs to come off.” He looked you in the eyes and smiled, reaching around for the zipper. He bent his knees and slowly pulled your dress to your ankles. His hands rested around your calves and move upwards while his lips trailed kisses on the soft skin of your thighs.
His finger pushed aside your panties and he slid a finger between your folds. “Jesus baby, you’re so wet.” He smiled and looked up at you. You moaned and rolled your eyes into the back of your head to avoid making eye contact with him. His tongue found its way between your legs, licking lightly before fucking your pussy with his tongue. You let out a moan while your body jerked toward his face uncontrollably. You needed him to finish you off so badly.
His fingernails ran lightly over the skin on your abdomen down to your thighs. “Oh, Max” you moaned.
Your hand quickly covered your mouth, remembering that even though he wasn’t out there possibly listening there were other people who shouldn’t hear you right now either.
He pulled his suit pants down and took himself in his hand, smiling at you. “I love you,” he said before entering you. He pressed against your body and thrusted up into you while looking in your eyes.
“I love you too, baby.” You squeezed your eyes shut and let out a moan.
Sometimes you forgot what it was like to have sex without the looming threat of someone finding out. Instead of worrying about someone catching you cheating, you were able to focus on the sensation and the intimacy but even now, something was missing.
Max left the bathroom before you, allowing you more time to clean up and look normal. You didn’t want to draw any more attention. “Hey guys, sorry I wasn’t feeling to well.” You said, grabbing your napkin off the table and taking your old seat. Max looked flushed for obvious reasons and couldn’t hide his smile.
You turned to your left and smiled at Pierre and Anna. “Did I miss anything?” Pierre’s gaze was glued to the stage ahead and he refused to look at you. His jaw was clenched and you could feel the steam coming out of his ears. You made eye contact with Anna and cocked your head in confusion. Why was he acting this way? Maybe Anna thinks it’s something she did wrong.
“Nothing important, for us at least,” she said, fixing single pieces of her hair.
Max’s hand gripped your inner thigh and he looked over to you and smiled. You returned the smile but immediately looked in Pierre’s direction to see him still refusing to look at you, his fist balled at his side.
Hotels in random cities at 2 am are lonely. The sound of Max’s snores kept you awake longer than expected. Your mind was wandering to places you wish it wouldn’t and you couldn’t get silence long enough to dream. The air conditioner in the room was set to the coolest temperature - hotel air always hitting different. Your mouth was dry, making you uncomfortable and adding to another thing making you unable to sleep.
You pulled the covers aside in frustration and grabbed a pair of shorts to put on under Max’s oversized Red Bull Racing shirt. You looked around for the room key and slid it off the table as soon as you spotted it.
As you stood in the elevator, you looked down and noticed your bare feet. It was 2 am so you were hoping there was no one important in the lobby. You just wanted a sip of cold water to help put you to sleep.
The night before races always made you nervous. You never knew what was going to happen so you had a constant pit in your stomach over your husband’s safety. That stress only increased when you began sleeping with another driver. Someone else’s safety to worry about.
You smiled at the older couple that greeted you when the elevator door opened. You crossed your arms and tip toed to the mini bar, grabbing the largest bottle of water they carried. After giving the gentleman your room number, you ran towards the closing elevator doors only to be met with familiar blue eyes. His hair was messy and his skin was glowing from sweat.
“Don’t mind me,” he said, stepping to one side. Even though he clearly just worked out you could still smell the strong scent of his cologne. “How have you been, y/n?”
“I’ve been okay. Your summer break looked fun,” you took a quick sip of your water and smiled at him.
“As did yours.” The silence was uncomfortable. You two were always laughing and talking nonstop. It was what you loved about him.
You focused on the pounding of your heart and your eyes wandered, trying to pass the uncomfortable time.
You suddenly lost your balance as the elevator shook, the lights flickered off, and the cables stopped. Turning your head towards Pierre, you began to get worried.
“Did this just break?” He asked, pressing the floor buttons and hoping the lights would come back on.
“Just our luck.” You laughed at yourselves. Why did the universe hate you? You plopped down onto the ground and twiddled your thumbs, realizing that you left your phone in the hotel room. “Do you have your phone?” You asked Pierre.
He lifted his wrist to show his apple watch. “I just went on a run. I never bring it with me on a run.” Of course he didn’t.
You groaned and banged your head on the wall behind you.
“Looks like you’re stuck with me.” He laughed, pleased with himself. He slid down to join you on the floor, the summer heat starting to creep into the elevator.
After not speaking for the entire summer break, this unconventional meeting was quite uncomfortable. You watched on Instagram as him and his wife vacationed in Bali, looking happy as ever. Granted, he did the same with you but he would never admit it. He had too much pride.
“Why didn’t you ever reach out?” You asked him, bluntly.
He looked at you making you feel dumb. “Why do you think I didn’t? I spent four weeks straight with Anna. Would you want me calling you up while you were on holiday with Max?”
“I don’t know,” you stumbled over your words. “I just would have liked to talk to you.”
“I told you before, I can’t keep doing this.” He said, exhausted at the back and forth you two had done.
“Yet, you do. You tease me and torture me and then say you need to be devoted to her. It’s not fair to me.” You let out a deep breath, exhausted over feeling this way.
“You want to talk about fair? You had sex with Max right after me. Less than five minutes after I was inside of you, he was too.”
You looked at him confused.
“I thought you were just going to talk to him for a few moments and then send him off.” Oh no. “I was waiting for you to open the window and let me back in.” He ran his hands over his face.
“Pierre, I’m so-”
“Don’t, y/n.”
He heard you and Max. You felt remorse for doing it, putting Pierre through that. But at the same time, you didn’t. Pierre is sleeping with his friend’s wife. He has no place to be jealous or mad. He comes second.
“How much did you hear?”
“I left when I heard him talk about how wet you were. He thought it was because of him but he had no idea that it was all for me.” Pierre scooted closer to you and put his hand on your thigh.  “He has no idea how wet you get for me.” He moved in closer to your ear. “How good I make you feel.”
Your head spun at his words. When he made you cum, you forgot about everything in the entire world except for him.
“I’m really sorry, Pierre. That was shitty of me.” You rested your hand on his chest. “Let me make it up to you.” Your hand moved to his thigh and grazed over his thin mesh gym shorts.
You pulled his shorts off and took him in your mouth, slowly bobbing your head. He pulled your loose hair into his hand as a makeshift ponytail. He let soft groans escape his lips, being mindful of the setting. He would look down to see you taking him fully and have to look away or else he would finish quicker than he would like. Each time his eyes trailed down, his hips thrusted uncontrollably and a grunt would leave his lips.
“That’s it baby,” he said, in a low tone but almost whining. “God, your mouth feels so good. It was made to take my cock.” He continued to fill your mouth and throat, making you gag and tighten around him.
He pulled your head up by your hair and looked at you. “Come sit on my face.” He looked at your outfit, examining how he could take it off in the easiest way possible. He slipped off your comfortable sweat shorts, leaving you in just your Red Bull tee.
He laid down on the ground and hoisted your legs up and around his chest, getting the perfect view of your ass.
You stroked his cock and started to grind your hips against his chest. He took you in his hands immediately, not up for teasing, and pulled you onto his face. You rocked your hips over his face at a slow, light pace while still focusing on taking him in your mouth.
His tongue flicked your clit while his thumbs massaged your ass, pressing down hard and most definitely leaving bruises.
You moaned at the feeling of your legs beginning to tingle. He loved to 69 with you because every time you got an ounce of pleasure, your moans vibrated around his cock. You would tighten your throat and gag, sending him down a spiral. You both knew how to make each other feel incredible.
His facial hair tickled your inner thighs and left light scratches on the skin. As you ground your hips into his mouth, the sensation got rougher but the pleasure just increased.
He used his ab muscles to thrust into your throat, looking for his release. You tightened your grip around the base of his cock and suctioned even harder with your mouth as he let go.
Your legs went fully numb as the tension began to build in your stomach. You reached your peak, hearing Pierre’s tongue lap at your juices.
You rolled off of his body, looking for your shorts. The guilt was already beginning to set in and you couldn’t escape it now. You were stuck.
Pierre wiped his mouth with his hand and you noticed his whole face was wet. He was still smiling.
“I just hope Anna and Max aren’t standing there waiting for us when these doors decide to open.”
“Wouldn’t that be the icing on the cake?” You laughed, brushing your fingers through your now knotty hair.
Pierre pulled his shorts back on and looked at you. “Now be honest with me, who eats your pussy better? Me or him?”
“You can’t ask me that.”
“I can and I did.”
“Well, I’m not going to give you an answer.”
He laughed at you, not the reaction you were expecting. “Don’t worry, I already have the answer. I heard the sounds you make when he’s between your legs. It’s nothing compared to the sounds you just made for me.” He winked at you, knowing exactly where you stand with him.
next part
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bjornswoman · 3 years
hey babe! Do you take requests ? İf you do, could you do a story with these prompts? And ofc with bjorn please?
Prompts : "Would you do the same for me?” & "don’t touch me!” &
“Did you ever care about us? Or was that another one of your lies?”
False promises
Tumblr media
Requested by @bjornsholyarmring.
Author's note: Hey guys! I hope that is what you had asked. If it isn't, let me know and I will write it again the way you want it to be. Also, sorry for being inactive for so long, I had some problems that needed to be fixed. I ensure that I am writing stuff right now and I have a lot of work to do. Sometimes is coming stay tuned! I hope you will like this. Till the next time have fun and take care!
Pairing: Modern!Bjorn x Reader.
Genre: Modern!au, sad, romance, drama.
Summary: Bjorn has cheating on you.
Warnings: Mentions of cheating, heartbreaking.
"Is Bjorn here?" You asked Ubbe, as you were getting inside the living room of his father's mansion, trying to act like your normal self. Like you weren't crying some moments before.
After the news you received it was natural for you to cry. But you didn't want Ubbe, or any other member of his family to notice that you were crying before. You didn't want to cause a scene in front of all these people. You wanted to yell, cry, hit and yell again to Bjorn after what he did to you.
"He is coming. I talked to him some minutes ago, he is on his way. That's what he said." Ubbe answered to you and showed you the way which led in the living room.
You followed him and when you were in there, you sat on an armchair. Ubbe sat on the couch opposed to the armchair which you were sitting. Torvi, his wife, was sitting on the same couch as him. She was there before you.
"What happened to you?" Torvi asked you, noticing that something was wrong with you. You forced a fake smile on your face, trying to seem natural as two couples of eyes were examining your face.
"Nothing, I am fine. I just want to talk with Bjorn about something. That's all."
You weren't good at lying. It was obvious that you weren't fine. Both of them noticed your red eyes and the tone of your voice. You were angry and sad at the same time.
You weren't even looking at them. You didn't want them to understand —which they did.
"Is everything alright between you and Bjorn?" Ubbe was the one who asked this time. You looked at them both —Ubbe and Torvi. Then, you looked at the clock on the wall in front of you.
Nothing was alright between you and Bjorn. You thought that it was, but apparently you were wrong. You were wrong until you learned the whole truth. Bjorn was cheating on you the whole time. It wasn't that you were such a stupid person and you didn't notice anything. You had noticed once. You were about to leave him, but he promised to you that this wouldn't happen again. Bjorn didn't keep his promise. He cheated on you again.
All this situation made you feel bad about yourself, about your appearance. Why would he do that? Were you so ugly? Why were he even in relationship with you? And this woman. Apparently, she was better than you. He wouldn't have anything with her if she wasn't.
"Yes, everything it's perfect. Things couldn't be better." You lied.
"I—" Torvi was about to say something, but she didn't say it. She started and didn't finish. She decided not to say anything. Maybe, she didn't say anything because Bjorn entered the living room, smiling and greeted all of you.
"(Y/N), I wasn't expecting you. Did we have a date and I forgot about it? Excuse me about it, these past weeks at the company are really exhausting." He told you and you forced a smile again.
"No, no, we didn't have a date. I just wanted to talk to you about something."
You stood up next to him. He seemed curious, he didn't know what you wanted to talk about and didn't expect you to know what he did.
"Tell me."
"I would prefer to talk private." You answered him. "Excuse me guys." You referred to Ubbe and Torvi.
"Okay. Let's go upstairs." Bjorn said frowned and followed you upstairs in his room. When you were inside his bedroom, Bjorn closed the door behind him and sat on the bed. He patted the mattress next to him, motioning you to sit next to him, but you avoided him. You stayed still in front of him. Nobody talked for some seconds. "What did you want to talk about?" He asked looking straight in your eyes.
"About Porunn."
When you mentioned her name, he froze. You crossed your hands on your chest, looking at him, waiting for him to tell you the truth that you wanted to listen.
"What about her?"
You scoffed when you listened his question and looked anywhere else except him. He was enraging you. He knew exactly what you were saying. He knew that you knew everything.
"You know what I am talking about."
"I don't."
"You do."
"Honestly, I don't."
This game was pissing you off. You rolled you eyes and then you looked at Bjorn again.
"I know about your lies and your betrayal. I know that you cheated." You muttered. You tried hard not to start crying again. The tears were already in your eyes and you were fighting them.
"(Y/N), I—"
"I feel bad about myself all this time. I forgave you before and tried to feel good again, but I can't and, apparently, I'm not beautiful and good enough for you." You spoke and tears started falling from your eyes. You couldn't fight them anymore. You didn't have so much power. You felt really bad.
"(Y/N), it just happened once. I was drunk, we fought and you didn't talk to me. I didn't mean to make you feel bad. You are perfect. You are the most beautiful woman in the whole world. Give me a second chance." Bjorn said. He stood up and reached you. He extended his hand to touch you, but you didn't let him.
"Don't touch me!" You screamed and he did as you told him to. He was stood in front of you. You sighed heavy and turned around, running your hands through your head. You were really upset. You didn't know what to say. You closed your eyes and sighed again. After some seconds you opened your eyes and turned to face him again. "I feel hurt and betrayed and it's not the first fucking time. I have forgiven you before for the same thing and, now, you are asking me to forgive you. Again! What if I cheated on you, would you do the same for me? Would you forgive me? Would you give a second second chance?" You asked him, looking at him. His large hands made it to both your cheeks and wiped your tears away from your face. You didn't stop him from touching you this time.
Bjorn hesitated to answer for some time, but he did gave you an answer.
"I wouldn't."
Was the only thing that came out of his mouth. It wasn't like you didn't expect his answer. You knew that he wouldn't do the same for you. You wouldn't fall for his lies again. You had decided that you would end things with him. It hurt you, but you had no choice. You loved him and it wasn't secret, but you couldn't stay in this relationship anymore. You couldn't let him treating you like that. Nobody deserved this.
"I can't do that either. This relationship is hurting me. Your actions are hurting me. I have no choice left, but to end things with you. This relationship makes me feel bad and insecure about myself." As you were speaking, a tear fell from his blue eyes. You hated hurting, like he had hurt before, but you couldn't do that to yourself anymore. Tears were falling from your eyes too.
"I promise you that if you forgive me this time, I will be the best man for you. I love (Y/N). Please." He muttered and you closed your eyes. The tears were streaming unconditionally from your eyes. You couldn't hear him saying the word 'please'. You didn't want to give in. You didn't want to believe his fake promises again. You believed once and he didn't keep his promise.
"This isn't love. You don't cheat on the person you love and, of course, I can't trust your promises. In fact, you false promises. I did once and look what is happening now. I am the price of my silly actions." You said. Bjorn didn't answer, so you found the chance to say all those things that you needed to say. "In fact, I don't believe that you ever cared about me. All you care about is yourself. You just wanted to have your fun with me and at the same time you had fun with other women too when I was too boring for you."
All the time you were talking, you were crying too.
Your words hurt him. They made him angry too.
"That's not true!" He screamed angry.
"Yeah, yeah." You scoffed "Did you ever care about us? Or was that another one of your lies?" You asked like you hadn't heard any word of his.
"Are you even listening to what I am saying?" He asked angry and you scoffed again.
"No. Now fucking answer to me!" You yelled and he run his hand through his blonde hair.
"Yes, I fucking did! I fucking do! I fucking love you! For fuck's sake!" He yelled too and placed a cigarette on his lips. Before he could light it up, uou threw it away of his mouth.
You didn't like when he smoked. It was bad for him and really unhealthy. It was killing him.
"This kills you!" You yelled again, before he could say anything about his cigarette. "And I don't trust you anymore. We are done, Bjorn." You said and placed your hand on your mouth to stop yourself from sobbing.
"(Y/N)." He muttered your name and gripped your arm firmly to stop you from leaving him.
"No, Bjorn. It's better this way. All this was a lesson for both of us." You spoke softly and placed your hand on his to take it away from your arm. "I love you, Bjorn. I will always love you." You said, as you were taking his hand away from your arm. Tears were covering both your faces. The image of him crying were tearing your heart apart, but you couldn't act otherwise. It was the best choice for both of you.
"I love you, (Y/N)."
This was the last thing you heard before you got out of his room and his house.
After that day you hadn't seen Bjorn again for a long time. Later, you heard that he got married with Porunn and had a child, a daughter, with her. You felt happy for him. You loved him and because of that you wanted him to be happy. Apparently, Porunn made him happy.
Some things aren't made to last, one of them was your relationship with Bjorn. Because you couldn't be together didn't mean you didn't love each other. He loved you with his own way that you couldn't understand and you loved him with yours. But love isn't always enough for relationships. Trust is important too, along with other stuff.
Maybe you will be together in another life if that thing exists.
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sofoulandfairaday · 4 years
The ultimate How I Met Your Mother Finale rant
I know this has been done before, and I know I'm several years late to the party, but I don't care, so IN THIS ESSAY I WILL tell you about why this finale takes the spot as the second-worst finale in TV show history (because Game of Thrones is still, to this day, unbeatable, and it will probably stay like that forever). 
But first, a little context: I've just finished binge-watching HIMYM. This binge has been going on for three days straight (my final exam of the semester is in a week and I should be studying, so the fact that the last few days were a partial waste of time makes me so mad). Second thing: I already knew how it would end, and yes, kids, it does ruin the show for you. It ruins the show so much it makes your blood boil when you rewatch certain scenes, but I will get to that. 
You might want to make yourself a drink because this is a complete list of all the reasons why HIMYM's finale sucks - I'm warning you, it's gonna be looong.
It completely invalidates the entirety of season 9
This is one of the complaints people most often have with this series, and I have to agree. It would have been so much better if the last two episodes never existed, and they just showed Barney and Robin dancing at the reception after walking out of the chapel, Ted noticing Tracy and then the platform scene. "And that, kids, is the story of how I met your mother". Cut scene. Honestly, I don't get the hate people give to season 9, barring the last 2/3 episodes, especially since season 8 was so much worse (except for a few honourable mentions, like The Robin). S8 was slower, less funny, and less deep, and while the authors took a risk by making s9 happen in the span of a weekend it paid off: they took their time introducing the character of the Mother to the gang and fleshing her out. They make sure to highlight all the little ways in which Ted and Tracy are perfect for each other, and even tie up loose ends, like with the Slapsgiving episode, that was a filler but it wasn't boring to watch (although it may be problematic for different reasons, I'm not Chinese, so I can't say for sure if it's cultural appropriation or just the authors making fun of a particular movie genre). 
Some episodes were arguably great: "Daisy" was amazing, and that whole fight between Marshall and Lily was so realistic and well thought out, "Sunrise" was extremely important for Ted's character development, same goes for Tracy and "How Your Mother Met Me", "Bedtime stories" was impressive, "Rally" was incredibly funny and proved once again what a beautiful character Barney Stinson is, so much so that even Robin never has doubts that he (the guy with the biggest commitment issues on the planet) will bail on her before the wedding, and says to Ted that "he always comes back". Daphne's character is super funny and the right amount of annoying, the shenanigans of the gang are well thought out and all of the characters (not just Barney) complete their arc in this season. The last two/three episodes butcher that.
Marshall and Lily
Marshall and Lily, arguably the world's most solid couple, are the only thing this God-awful finale gets right, especially Marshall, who is my second-favourite character, that finally gets everything he deserves. But what about Lily? They never mention her career after Italy, and I refuse to believe she goes back to being a kindergarten teacher as if her year in Rome meant nothing. I also refuse to think she becomes nothing but a political wife, the equivalent of Zoey, but without saving the world. We know she has three kids, but her postpartum depression is never really talked about much and they definitely had the screentime to delve into it. 
 Where do I even begin? Barney Stinson is, without a doubt, the best character in this series, the glue of the whole gang. I think the message they were trying to give is that, since his trauma stemmed from the absence of a father figure in his life, he could only truly heal by becoming a father as well. People also say that n°31 had to stay just a number, because who could match up with Barney Stinson? First of all, I call BULSHIT on that last point, because Robin wasn't the only girl Barney could have ended up marrying. I used to think that too, but it's just not true: that is the equivalent of saying that Barney was incapable to truly love a woman and commit to her, even after all the development he got, and that he only got one shot at love in life, and that's it. This goes against the point the showrunners try to make by having Ted and Robin end up together AND by having Tracy get with Ted in the first place: "it's never too late, you always have another chance at love, etc." And, let's face it, Barney and Robin are legendary, but Barney and Nora (hell, even Barney and Quinn!) were pretty good together too. 
Second of all, if they wanted to give Barney a kid, they could have easily done that, before Barney married Robin. Barney's "redemption" starts when he gets with Robin the first time, hell maybe even when we meet James for the first time: Nora, Quinn, finding out who his father is, the episode dedicated to the lies his mum told him/finding James' father, him getting to know his own dad, etc... those are all steps along the way. The s9 episode where Barney accepts the relationship between Loretta and the reverend proves how far he's come. So why not give him a daughter BEFORE he proposes to Robin? Have him cheat on Nora/Quinn with n°31, giving him a relapse, and having him get closer to Robin while struggling to be a dad to Ellie. That would have been great. 
Or, you know, don't give him children. What's the point of burning the Playbook if you're going to have him write the second edition? What's the point of having him do a complete 180 in the last few scenes and acting like having a kid is the only thing that makes him change? What's the point of doing that when the show spends entire episodes berating Marshall and Lily for "changing too much" when they have a kid?
Also, Barney is the "challenge accepted" guy. He loves his wife so much, he spent years wanting her, and then he gives up because there is no WiFi in his hotel. How does that make any sense at all? This is Barney Stinson, the "I will fly out to San Francisco and buy Lily a plane ticket", the "I will steal every girl from my best friend just to save him for Lily", the guy that wrote the Playbook (it takes effort to pull those plays off), the guy that planned for weeks his proposal, the guy that waited years to get back at the man who stole his first girlfriend, the guy that makes every night legendary... are you telling me that that guy becomes the equivalent of a bored housewife instead of living his best life while travelling the world? Come on. They don't even try to make it believable.
While watching seasons 7 and 8, I felt that Ted was becoming the worst character on the show: he was boring, depressed, basically had no good storylines, the whole thing with Victoria was pointless and inconclusive (and the whole "stop being in love with Robin" was completely out of character for her), but whatever, we could have accepted that because it passed the message that two people could be good together, without being soulmates - which, by the way, renders the TedxRobin ship pointless, because they were right for each other, but Ted and Tracy were soulmates. Him being hung up on Robin in the latter seasons is almost pathetic, and the thing he does with the locket is insane, not romantic - BUT I will say this: it can be seen in two ways, depending on who's watching. I personally like the two as friends, so I see the whole thing as a "Dahmer" situation, but I get the people who see it as a "Dobler" one and see what he did as a grand romantic gesture. 
The problem, though, is that the whole TedxRobin ship gets pretty old, pretty fast: it's an annoying on-and-off thing, that should have ended with the locket. Because, yes, Ted was in a dark moment, yes, he was probably depressed, yes, he thought Robin was his only shot at happiness, but he changes during season nine! He spends entire episodes letting go of Robin, including the one where she transforms into a balloon and flies away. Ted is the good guy, ultimately. He is the guy that is genuinely happy for his best friends. In one of the deleted scenes from the finale, he meets Robin years later and says that he's so happy with Tracy he never thought about Robin in that way anymore. All of that gets thrown in the trash. Why do that? To use a Harry Potter metaphor, Ted is Severus Snape, while Barney is James Potter: the former loved the girl of his dreams with all his heart, even to the point of creepiness, but they weren't meant to be together. 
This, along with the next point, is the worst of all: Robin is the worst character of the entire finale. Her relationship with Ted in season 2 is wonderful, and I say that as a full-on Barney/Robin shipper. There was never a problem in their relationship, apparently, but they then break up because they have an "expiration date" and ultimately want different things in life. Except that Ted is not her soulmate. The only times when Robin wants Ted are the times where (1) she can't have him because he's either trying to move on or (2) the times where it's convenient, for example when they become roommates again and they solve their disputes again. Around that time, we see perfectly that Ted had moved on and that the person getting hurt was Barney. It's one thing to see Ted and Robin in the finale as two people picking up where they had left off after they dated. But this is not the case. 
In season 7, we have the exchange that should have put an end to any and all TedxRobin drama, and that completely invalidates whatever the writers wrote after that about the two of them: Ted declares his love - "I think you know how you feel about me now. I don't think time's gonna change that. Just tell me: do you love me?" To which she answers "No". And Ted also says later to Marshall, that he's "happy because he can finally move on". 
What a load of crap. 
Getting over someone is hard, believe me, I would know. And, oftentimes, it doesn't happen until we find someone else to love (and from the moment he meets Tracy, there is no one else for Ted). But by giving Ted feelings for Robin after this moment, it takes away from the beauty of it- because it's one of the most heartbreaking feelings in the world when you declare your love to someone and they don't love you back. Ted and Robin were both honest at that moment, and it was the last genuinely good exchange between them. After that, during season 8 they try to show us Ted trying to get over her (and failing) and in season 9 Ted getting over her completely. This is also weirdly paced because at the beginning of s8 both are in happy relationships with other people and there's no jealousy (which is good, because at least they weren't toxic) and they seem just friends (when Robin leaves Nick to go see him in the middle of the night, she implies that she would do it for any of her friends), but after Ted breaks up with Veronica because of Robin everything is weirdly coated in this sort of tension between the two: first Ted loves her, but she doesn't, so when he helps her by taking her to Barney's proposal ("which means my best bro in the world has given me his blessing"). 
And, by the way, every time they try to paint Ted as the guy that comes through for Robin after this moment, they dumb down Barney's character. And still fail to make Ted a better guy than him (see: the carousel in Central Park). 
Yes, Robin and Ted have some chemistry, but it is nothing compared to what Robin and Barney have. Every time Robin is jealous of Barney, it doesn't seem like a stupid whim, just because some other child is playing with her toys (except, perhaps, during The Robin). Robin and Barney's relationship would need a whole other post, and the next time I rewatch the series I will write down all the things that make them perfect for each other, but, to me, the biggest difference between the two relationships is this: in season 6, when she's not dating either one of them, Ted accuses Robin of never making him feel needed while they were together, whereas Barney praises her for it. Those are elective affinities: that's what Barney and Robin have, and what Tracy and Ted have. 
Barney and Robin have more or less the same arc: they both get over their fear of commitment and they do that with each other. Time and time again, we are told that if they're ever going to settle down, it would only be with the other. The first time they break up is honestly so stupid, and even when they are broken up, they are the best of friends, which also makes Robin's behaviour in the finale look so stupid. The way the two of them fit together is unparalleled, both in a romantic and a platonic way. 
Think about it: Robin makes Barney a better man, while she makes Ted a worse one. 
Also, the whole point that there are different seasons in life for everything gets thrown out the window: apparently, Ted and Robin (that were a couple that ultimately worked in their young twenties) are the same people in their forties.
But that's not even the worst part. The worst part is that the two final episodes butcher Robin's arc as well: episode 23 starts with Lily saying "I want this girl to be in our lives" and we know Robin never made other friends outside of the gang, because she didn't need to, and now she walks away from everything because of fucking Ted?? This is saying "hey, Robin was only in the group for Ted, who brought her in, and now she leaves because he's not her puppy anymore". Robin was the one that was eternally indecisive between Ted and Barney and you're telling me that three years and many many life experiences later, she's still not sure? 
The point of her story is learning how to get over her fear of commitment, learning how to be there for her friends (there's an entire episode dedicated to that, and it's the one where Lily's pregnant and we meet Robin's ex-best friend in Canada), and how to balance her job and her life. Also, the way her character is treated is un-feminist and un-progressive: she becomes Ted's consolation prize. She is passive throughout s9. She cannot, ultimately, win the modern-day struggle most women have and balance out career and love life, so her true life, her "happy chapter" begins after she has already accomplished everything she wanted to and she's free for Ted. She doesn't even go back to him, she just the prize the main character wanted for all his life and only got in the end because his wife died (ONE SCENE, people, ONE SCENE!). Also, this makes Tracy the "broodmare" that gives him the kids he wanted, and his "happy family" experience before he goes to be with his one true love. 
The mother
This. This makes me so mad. One whole season spent on building up Tracy's character, just for it to go to waste. It would have been so easy to screw her up, but she is hands down the best thing about s9. She's the perfect woman for Ted and the episode shot through her perspective is the sweetest. By the end, I liked her more than Robin and Lily. She was the perfect addition to their group, she fit together with them in a perfect way, and they show us the biggest moment of her and Ted's life... for what? To have her die in a few sentences? And I don't care if they shot a funeral scene, I don't care if the finale was supposed to be 40 minutes long, because, in the end, it wasn't. The scene where Ted meets her is the second most beautiful one (after Barney's proposal to Robin) and the climax of the whole show, but they ruin her... and for what? The chemistry Ted has with her, he has with no one. The joy she brings him, the way she understands him, is unlike any other. I am sure that one of the reasons they killed her off was the shock value and I hate it. 
I cannot stress this enough: Tracy makes Ted a better person. When he's with Robin, Ted is "the nice guy" in the most selfish and narcissistic version of the trope. When he's with Tracy, love comes easy to Ted. Also, the scenes between the two of them are arguably the best Ted scenes of the show.
The kids' reactions (ugh)
It's not really what they say- it's the way they say it. The end of HIMYM was not supposed to be funny, even though the show is a sitcom. It was supposed to be bittersweet and beautiful, because it's the end of an era, and the writers must have known that. So, Ted finishes telling his story, reveals to the audience that their now-beloved Tracy is dead, and the reaction is: "No, ahah, you totally have the hots for Aunt Robin" (their words, not mine). Like, what the actual fuck? I cringed when Penny said that. It's tasteless and not fun at all. Even if it has been six years... It's still your fucking mum, show a little bit of sadness at the thought of her. 
The reason the show ended this way
What makes me especially mad is that I know for a fact that the reason they went with this ending is that it was the original one, always intended for the show, from season 2 onwards. And, if you watch it right after s2, it makes sense. But if you consider the eight years that passed and the massive character development, then no, it's not the best possible one. So many things hadn't been decided yet back in s2, especially about Barney, Ted, and Robin, and I hate that they didn't dare to scrap their work. This ending probably had sentimental meaning to the writers, but authors have to do what's best for their characters, not themselves. It's like with GoT, in a way: I think that the authors were all too aware of the impact of HIMYM and didn't believe that their finale would live up to the expectations... which compelled them to make the worst decision possible?? Every single character is OOC during the episode. Oh, and Marshall and Lily moving in the last episode is a ripoff from Friends (or maybe a tribute? Idk). Anyway, I believe that the authors were too attached to their sentimental version of "what should have been" and didn't give the characters the endings they truly deserved.
"Life works this way" // "Life only moves forward"
Some people say that the show is realistic because that's how life works. But I call super-BS on that. That might be true, and yes, people do get sick and die (Max, Marshall's dad...) and life does go on. But then, you don't frame it the way they did. It's just bad storytelling if you do it like that. And the problem is not the structure of season 9, because the characters develop in that season. The problem isn't even the mother's death. The problem is Ted ending up with Robin because that's not life moving forward for him, that's him, doing the same thing he did in 2005, 25 (twenty-fucking-five) years before! 
In conclusion, this finale is incoherent and inconclusive, and not satisfying at all. The only character that gets a good ending is Marshall: why is that? What makes his ending great? It's the fact that his character arc is respected and he finally gets what he's been working towards for more than ten years.
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