#but now I can’t cause I’ve been trying to much 😫
mybiasisexo · 10 months
rents due and I’m $400 short
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maximoff-pan · 2 years
steve and reader drabble about a secret relationship mayhaps? 😫
you know I can’t resist writing for this hunk of a man ;)
pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader
word count: 2.4k
warning(s): some swears, being caught red handed 🤭
quick a/n: hi lovelies! sorry for being m.i.a recently. I’ve gone back to school and it’s been too busy for me to write anything. I apologize for this being rushed/incoherent, please forgive me….
part two
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Fucking girls night…
Whatever possessed you to think this was a good idea, you’re not entirely sure. Honestly, you can’t even remember who convinced you to come; they’d all been begging you for weeks to finally show up to one of these things. And now that you’re here, you’re quickly realizing why you’d been so hesitant before.
You don’t think you’ve ever felt this flustered or uncomfortable in your life, and that’s definitely saying something. Really saying something…
It’s not the fact that everyone here has a significant other that bothers you. It’s the fact that everyone here has a significant other, and they think you don’t. Because as far as they’re concerned, you’re as single as single can be.
Which would be fine if it was the truth. But it’s not. And the guilt is starting to eat at you. How many more times do they have to try and set you up before you break?
Quite frankly, at this rate, it feels like you’re almost there.
“What about Peter Wilson?”
Robin recoils at Nancy’s suggestion, picking her nails in disgust. “Absolutely not.”
You remain quiet. They’re trying to find you a boyfriend, again.
“What’s so bad about him?” Max inquires.
El adds, “He’s kind of cute.”
“Sure,” Robin scoffs, “If you’re into delusional sociopaths.”
Tilting her head, brow quirked, Nancy asks, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Robin’s pitch drops slightly. “Let’s just say, that incident where Stacy Mathers almost drowned last summer, wasn’t so much of an accident.”
Max’s eyes widen. “You mean he tried to–” she trails, too disturbed to even finish the sentence.
Robin nods. “That one’s as sadistic as they come.”
“Okay.” Nancy agrees, moving the conversation along. “So that’s a no on Peter.”
“Ooh.” El claps, eyes locking with Max. “What about Adam?”
“Adam Richards?”
Max and El nod together.
Your head has never whipped around faster. “You can’t be serious!”
Your voice catches Robin’s attention. “First of all,” she smirks, “welcome to the conversation! And second of all, what could possibly be wrong with him?” She knows exactly what’s wrong with him, she just wants to see you squirm.
“Rob, he’s fucking sixteen.”
“And?” Max joins in.
“I’m almost twenty.” You state. That should be reason enough, but as you glance between them, they don’t look convinced. The concern on your face is evident as you say, “I am not about to be some cradle robber!”
“But he’s like,” Max pauses adding on a valley girl accent, “the hottest Junior at Hawkin’s High.”
Your face scrunches in disgust, mimicking the accent back. “Fucking, ew.”
Nancy and El giggle at the interaction.
“Okay, so you’re not into younger guys then.” Robin teases, a sparkle of mischief in her stare. “Noted.”
These girls are going to drive you into madness…
“You know what else I’m not into?” The cadence of your voice carries with a hint of amusement. “My friends desperately trying to set me up because they think I’m pathetic and lonely.”
“But you are lonely.” Is El’s retort. Three pairs of eyes widen at the remark, but not yours. El’s bluntness has never surprised you. It’s actually pretty comforting, because you know she’d never lie to you.
Nancy hisses with a whine. “El.”
You’ve been around the Wheeler’s long enough to know that Nancy was raised to be a proper young lady, one who would never dare offend anyone. That alone causes your lip to quirk in bemusement.
You chuckle, feelings quite intact. “Oh good.” Your smile is cheeky. “At least you don’t think I’m pathetic.”
“She never said she didn’t.” Max points out with a grin.
“Hilarious Maxine.” You mock a sarcastic and melodic laugh.
“I don’t think you’re pathetic.” El cuts in before Max can say anything else. “I just think you need a boyfriend.”
You have half a mind to say ‘I’ve already got one,’ but you bite your tongue.
Just like you have for the last six months.
That’s half a year of trying so hard to keep your relationship status on the down low. Because things with Steve are new, and after many years of denying any feelings towards each other, you finally decided to go for it. But, on the off chance you both found that you were better off as friends, you came to the mutual decision that waiting to tell the kids (and everyone else) was the best idea. As much as you think they’d be happy to see you two together (and boy have they pushed for it), it’s not something you’d want to get their hopes up for.
You’re serious about Steve, more serious than you’ve ever been about anyone before. As much confidence as you hold in your love for him, you know he’s serious about you too. And maybe now that you’re certain (at least on your end) that you’re both sure, you can start to tell everyone about your relationship. For tonight though, you’re going to have to continue playing the role of the lonely single.
How tragic…your mind wanders.
“Oh my god!” Nancy’s interjection catches you off guard. She’s masking her smirk well, but you can still see it. “How could I not have thought of this?”
Her surprise feels more like it’s been planned, like she’s been thinking of a way to bring whatever she’s been thinking about into the conversation without rousing too much suspicion.
“Thought of what?” Robin asks, feeding into it.
Your eyes narrow.
Nancy leans over to whisper something into her ear. The chain continues with Robin leaning in to tell Max, and Max whispering it to El, leaving you thoroughly left out.
What is she planning?
“Uh, a little inclusion might be nice.” You tutt.
Four pairs of eyes bore into you, excited smiles resting on each of their faces.
Here it comes, you think.
“All this talk of boys…” Nancy starts. “What about Steve?” She asks.
And there it is. “Guys.” You groan. “Not this again.”
“C’mon (Y/n), please?” Max’s whine is on the verge of a full on beg. “I know you’ve thought about it. We all see the way you look at each other.”
“Like I do.” El’s matter-of-factness is not so comforting in this moment. “With Mike. And Max, with Lucas.”
“Oh!” Max exclaims. “Remember when Nancy and Jonathan first got together? They were really good friends, like you and Steve.”
You take a quick glance over to Nancy who’s now gone quiet, a pink blush covering the softness of her cheeks.
“Guys. Steve and I are just that,” you eye each of them with a deep intensity, “friends.”
Nancy remembers saying the exact same thing to Murray Bauman after he’d accused her and Jonathan of suppressing their feelings.
She hadn’t quite known then how strong she felt about him, as she does now. But as she glances in your direction, she reads an expression on your face that she wasn’t expecting: guilt.
You don’t exactly look like someone who’s freaking themselves out over their newly discovered — and to everyone else, totally obvious — feelings for their best friend like she had. Instead, you look like you’ve accepted them, and more so, if Nancy is as good at reading you as she thinks she is, you look like you’re hiding something.
“You’d be perfect together.” Is one of Max’s last attempts of the night at convincing you. She only wants to see you happy. Maybe if she just pushed a little more.
Your heart wrenches at her words.
You hate lying to them, you really do. You’re almost not sure why you’re doing it anymore, but you can’t seem to stop yourself.
God, you wish a black hole would suck you into the abyss. “Max, you know that’s not how it works. You can’t decide you’re going to be with someone just because you want to be. There’s a whole other person to consider.”
“Semantics.” She puffs a breath of air, waving you off. “And not if that other person is already head over heels in love with you.”
“Max.” You warn with the tilt of your head and an extremely deep breath.
Robin jumps in, lips pulled into a cheeky grin. “I’m not hearing a no.”
If that’s what it’ll take, you think, “Then no.” You finally say.
Robin catches your gaze, her eyes softening. All hints of teasing seem to be gone. There’s no way this can mean anything good.
“I know I don’t do this often,” she starts, “but I’m going to say something in all seriousness here.”
“Please don’t.”
Robin’s unimpressed stare tells you that she’s not only going to ignore your request, but she also really means what she’s about to say. Her voice is steady and calm as she speaks, “Steve likes you.” She says like it’s the most obvious thing in the world, and you suppose it is. At least now.
“He’s told me. I mean, he really, really likes you… like marry you this instant, thinks about having six kids with you, likes you…” She drags the words slowly trying to emphasize her point.
You know this. But you have to play that you don’t. “Jeez, I don’t know about the six kids and the marriage part, I think you might be getting way ahead of yourself there Rob,” your voice drifts slightly. “But I’d hope that at the very least Steve likes me. It’s not like he’s one of my best friends or anything.”
Max lets out a low groan. Robin has basically confirmed that Steve (despite everyone else already knowing this) is in love with you, and you’re still refusing to acknowledge it.
It’s beyond frustrating. “You’re so hopeless.” She says.
“Am I?” You jest. As guilty as you feel, this is sort of fun for you.
“Terribly.” Is her reply.
You grin, happy to change the subject. “Can’t make things easy for you now can I?”
“We’d never expect you to.” Stormy blue orbs catch yours, a flicker of recognition flashing back to you.
There's a hint in Nancy’s voice and demeanour that tells you she knows more than she’s letting on. The look she gives you says it all: your secret’s safe with me.
You shouldn’t be surprised that she picked up on it. She’s probably known for months. Because not only does she know you and Steve better than almost anyone else, she knows exactly what Steve looks like when he’s in love.
With a soft smile falling onto your lips, you breathe a sigh of relief in the moment of brief silence that rests between you. Someone knows, and they approve. Your eyes glimmer gratefully. Thank you. Your signal is nonverbal, but she understands nonetheless.
You’re welcome.
• ж • ж • ж •
Steve wonders how you’re doing right about now. Because at the moment, he wants nothing more than to be with you, hanging out and not having to worry about keeping this a secret.
For the past hour, Dustin, Lucas, and Mike have been driving him up a wall. Susie this. El that. Max, blah blah blah.
Mike had started it all with a quick, ‘Hey Steve, why don’t you have a girlfriend?’
Then Lucas had joined in. ‘Yeah, what happened to you man? I thought you were supposed to be some kind of God or something?’
“He used to be.” Dustin had assured them. “Still is. The God’s somewhere in there.” Dustin poked at Steve’s chest. He’d seen Steve in action before, he knows the charm is real.
The pale raven haired teen beside Dustin then snorted. “Bagging my sister doesn’t count.”
Steve almost punted Mike over that one. Smug little bastard…
And that’s not even the worst of it. Steve can take the constant teasing of his romantic failures; he’s been doing that for years now, taking blow after blow to his ego. It’s Eddie’s creepy staring that’s sending him over the fucking edge. Every time he looks over, there’s Eddie, already looking at him.
Steve shudders at the thought. He can feel Munson’s pair of deep brown eyes burning holes through his back, the hairs on his neck raised in discomfort. It’s like with every breath Steve takes, Eddie is analyzing it. He’s this close to smacking Eddie upside the head and telling him to cut this shit out.
It’s only when they get a moment alone does he discover the reason for the Hellfire club leader’s strange behaviour. They stand awkwardly in Mrs. Henderson’s kitchen, fumbling for snacks for the boys when Eddie finally breaks the silence.
“So,” his smirk is apparent. Steve didn’t know someone could smile that wide. “I was thinking.”
“Ah.” Steve hums trying to settle the nervous pit in his stomach. “Is that what that was?”
Eddie chuckles. “You know what Steve-O? Just for the ‘tude, maybe I shouldn’t tell you what I was thinking…” he trails.
That’s a challenge if he’s ever heard one, and he’s not about to bite. Eddie is anything but patient.
“Fine by me.” Steve claps a hand on Eddie’s shoulder as he passes him to grab a bowl from one of Dustin’s cupboards.
Eddie’s brow raises in surprise at his response, running a hand through his curly mop of hair.“Woah, c’mon.” He moves swiftly following him. “I was only kidding! Of course I’m going to tell you.”
Steve grabs the bag of popcorn from the cupboard, and pops it into the microwave. “Alright.”
A couple of moments pass before:
“So?...” Steve’s fingers drum across the countertop in anxiety.
Eddie’s eyes widen. “Oh right.” He says, watching the time tick down on the clock. “It’s more of a question really.”
Steve moves to grab the bag out of the microwave as the timer beeps. “Shoot.” He replies, gently dumping the popcorn into the big plastic bowl. He’s kind of proud of himself for keeping this calm when he feels so on edge.
“Stop me if I cross the line or anything,” That’s never a good start to a sentence…
Eddie’s voice lowers in volume, but his tone grows in confidence. There’s something else to it, amusement…satisfaction maybe, Steve can’t quite place it. But he doesn’t like it.
Amber eyes meet a honey brown. Steve’s not sure how many seconds pass before he hears Eddie say:
“How long have you and (Y/n) been fucking?”
Well, fuck.
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sanjisblackasswife · 2 years
I’ve been binge reading all your OP works this morning and they’re so good! 😫 ❤️‍🔥 could I make a request for the monster trio making reader squirt for the first time ☺️
A/N: Aww Thank you! :D You’re so sweet and alrrrriighttyyyy👁️👁️ enjoy!
Monster Trio Making You Squirt For The First Time Headcanons (NSFW)
Black Fem Reader in Mind
CW: Overstimulation, Oral Sex, Vaginal Sex, Fingering, Squirting
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He had a goal to do this since you both started having sex
It’s canon he reads porn, okay idc what y’all say those magazines in his locker was at least 70% playboy/porno books. So he has seen women do many things but the one thing he always was fanscinated with and wanted to try was to make a woman squirt.
Now that he has you and you guys were constantly having sex when readily available, Sanji always makes it his goal to make you squirt
He tries a lot with his tongue, his fingers, his Dick, he doesn’t care he just wants to be graced with the view of you releasing your sweet juices on him.
It’s been 2 months and he hasn’t been able to achieve his goal and it’s been starting to bug him.
He knows he is still satisfying you regardless but he won’t be until he figures out how to make it happen
He almost gave up when he found one of Robin’s more “adult” books and read about the woman’s body. And he figured out where your special little G-spot was so he decided to try it out tonight after dinner
“Sanji…” you moaned out, you were on top of the Kitchen counter, bottoms thrown across the clean floor and your pretty blonde in between your thighs, “We could …ah-have done this in my room—-uh!”
He wasn’t even listening to your pleads which was unusual on his part but he was too too focused. He began to scissor you and suckle on your swollen clit for some time now causing your hips to buck in his mouth.
Sanji then grabbed your inner thighs with both hands squeezing them as he decides to use his tongue to fuck your little hole, it wasn’t long until his tongue brushed onto a sensitive spot inside your walls making you cry out his name.
“Fuck—Sanji there!”
Finally, he made you squirt, the feeling felt so weird yet so good cumming in his mouth like that and like the dirty boy he is he lapped you up clean.
“That’s all I wanted from you, my love.” He cupped your fucked out face smiling at you before letting you taste yourself on his mouth.
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When it happens he jerks back and thinks you pissed on him
He has never made you squirt before and you mentioned how you never had to done to you so he always kept it in the back of his mind to make you squirt but he didn’t make it the main focus when you both have sex
However today he touched a new area inside you and you just let go without warning
He was fingering you and it just happened
He looked down at the wet mess you made on his sheets and forearm, “You never done that before have you?”
“No…but you knew that.”
“I know but…I didn’t think you’d actually end up doing it you drenched me all I was doing was fucking you with my fingers.”
“You make me feel good asshole what do you think was ganna happen…”
You felt his mood shift, he almost smirked at you the same way he does after an enemy attacks him and it made you sit up, but he just pushed you back down as he kissed you harshly on the lips with his hand around your throat.
“So I make you feel that good huh…” His voice was deep in your ear, almost above a growl, you felt his hand caress the side of your naked body making you shiver, “You wanna do that for me again?”
“I can’t control it Zo—AH!”
He pushed your thighs to press against your chest and used his index and middle finger to make vicious back and fourth movements on your untouched clit, spitting on it to lubricate it more.
“That’s okay, I’ll teach this pussy of mine to squirt in command soon enough.”
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He’s shocked but doesn’t care too much and keeps going
He really doesn’t mind how messy sex get as long as nobody shits, farts, or throws up
However you never squirted before so it felt weird
“Wa-wait—ah Luffy wait!” You Held his shoulders to push his back from your neck, “I—I um..”
Luffy felt the rush of warm liquid hit his lower abs, but he didn’t pay much mind to it until he looked down,
“Did you pee? It’s okay we can—“
“N-no I didn’t I..I squirted.”
He looked at you dumb founded and then sat back and laughed, “YOU WHAT?!”
“LUFFY!” You shoved your face into the pillow feeling embarrassed, he was tickled to death to know about your new “feature” when having sex.
“So You’re Like a little Water gun, huh.”
“I’m just kidding Y/N!” He pulled the pillow off of you to peck your pouty lips, “It’s okay. As Long as it didn’t hurt i don’t care….it didn’t hurt right?”
“No it didn’t ….it was actually the opposite…you…made me feel really good.” You mumbled, afraid of stroking his ego somehow.
And you did.
“Well then let’s try it again! I wanna see it happen this time!”
“Wait what—LUFFY NO!”
Luffy readjust his cock back into you since it was slipping out and rest your ankles on his shoulder, “Okay so just do what you did last time, okay?”
“Luffy i can contro—AH!”
It was too late to reason with the man he wanted to see you squirt and he was going to do just that with his Dick and tongue all night if he had too.
Because now that’s his new favorite thing to see you do.
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tojiscrack · 3 days
Guess who found your fic on ao3 at 11pm, not noticing the 108k words on the bottom and got so hooked even by the half quarter of the first chapter that resulted in her staying awake until 10 am, reading all 108k words in one sitting. Yes me. Me, who got so hooked she read it all in one sitting. Me, who’s now so emotionally attached to this fic that she’s anxious about your comments under the chapters, stating that THE MAIN PLOT hasn’t even STARTED YET. Me, who knows DAMN WELL the little caterpillars and butterflies and the moths story Megumi and y/n read out is for sure foreshadowing. Me, who’s noticed several butterfly symbolism used over the course of the story. Me, who screamed into her pillow when it was stated that y/n’a dress resembled a butterfly. Me, who’s seen your comment replying to someone, stating that there MIGHT be some kind of drifting apart. Me, who’s well ware of the Heavy Angst tag on the fic. Me, who knows that an author who’s this good at delivering humor and fluff is gonna DESTROY me when the angst is gonna be written. Me, who half regrets now that she’s discovered the story because she’s scared of all that’s about to come.
You seriously have a way with words, dialogue, symbolism, humor, the bond between every character. It’s not so simple to put more than 5 characters in a setting and deal with them all while trying to make it as natural as possible but you SOMEHOW do it SO WELL. I’m just. God. All the thoughts I have on this fic would maybe even rival the 108k words you’ve written up until now but I don’t have the capacity to put them into words as well as you do.
just know that this fic impacted me so much, so badly, years from now on after it's finished, I'll still think about it and re-read it.
so excited (and scared as hell ngl) to see where you'll be going with this story. I may havw joined late but I am sticking around till the end.
love you, great work <3
liar, liar masterlist here:
yayyy, another ao3 reader 😫 welcome to the tumblr crew, i’m so glad you’re hereeee ❤️‍🩹
i had to go back and check whether it really is 108k words and i found myself shocked bc damn, i really wrote that much? 😭 if i put half the effort i put into this story into my essays instead, maybe i’d be a better student but we live and we learn ig 😬
“emotionally attached” to the fic is mind blowing to me 🥹 i didn’t know it’d have this big of an impact on someone but i can’t say i’m displeased. that’s one of the nicest things i’ve heard on here (among other things ofc). ugh, you’re so nice for sending a message on that 🩷
and yes, you are absolutely right. the main plot does not start until next chapter (or more accurately — in terms of drama — somewhere down the line AFTER that) 👀 idk which comment i said that on but i trust ur judgement ‘cause i remember mentioning that somewhere 😭 DON’T BE SCARED, IT’LL BE FUN (and thrilling and scary) BUT STILL 😊
the butterfly thing you mentioned is interesting, actually 🫢 maybe i just really like butterflies (even tho they scare the ever living shit out of me and i nearly killed a few in the london zoo YEARS ago as a child cuz i was fidgeting since they just let them roam free in that greenhouse thingy and i was scared for my life and dying of heat with the humidity?).
YOU MUST HAVE BEEN STALKING MY PAGE BC I DO REMEMBER SAYING SMTH ALONF THOSE LINES I JUST CAN’T REMEMBER WHERE 😭 but i invite you to continue doing so bc i like watching my lovely little liars squirm and then send in their predictions and fear 😋 and this long, juicy message has me giggling to myself and REELING 🤭
yeah, but we’re not holding back on the heavy angst tag… er… buckle up? it’s gonna go downhill from here on out 😟
“you seriously have a way with words” — stop.
“it’s not so simple to put more than 5 characters in a setting and deal with them all while trying to make it as natural as possible but you somehow do it so well” — DOUBLE, TRIPLE, QUADRUPLE, INFINITY STOP OR I’LL CRY 🥹 no one has ever said that about my writing, and in fact, i hadn’t even noticed that myself 😭 i think i’m gonna levitate in glee ✨ to know it flows well enough for it to be commented on (out of ur own free will and not me pressing a gun to ur forehead), it’s just UGHHH so nice and sweet and i’m so glad you’ve joined the liar, liar community 😫 warmest welcome ml <3
gosh you’ve put this story on such a high pedestal, i’m almost scared i won’t be able to meet ur standards, even with everything planned beforehand 😟 but i’m willing to try. if you’re here for the super long ride (my updates are sporadic and will continue to be a such as the time goes on).
it was definitely not a LATE arrival per se — the liar, liar family is still pretty small. i’ve only got about 321 followers, so definitely not as much as the bigger jjk writers on here, and half of those are split between my megumi fic readers and levi fic readers. i now consider you an og just bc this analysis was so in depth and interesting, i found myself smiling so hard my cheeks hurt 🙂‍↔️
but i love you SO much for this. i’d love to see more comments and messages from you. don’t be afraid to spam me if you must (in fact, i encourage it!!!) 😁 i get so giddy and excited and motivated when ppl send me their predictions. it’s one of the greatest things about writing (and the best part imo).
have a lovely day! and i can’t wait for you to see the next chapter and what i have in store for you <3
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yelenabelovasbxtch · 2 years
Locker Room Sex
Shuri x f!reader Basketball player
A/n: hi everyone! Are you also shocked I didn’t write one story and dip for another 6 months?😂 couldn’t leave you guys hanging after the last smut-less shuri story. Also I’ve heard the cries over the professor series I promise I’m thinking abt it and gonna try writing smthn soon! I’m just in my Shuri era y’know what I mean😩😫anyways, enjoy! Submit requests if u feel like it.
Warnings: Smut! 18+ oral fingering and Shuri being a fine ass mf
Word count: 2102
TAGLIST: @yelenaslyubov @youreatotalposer @jeyramarie @flosbelova @bridgecitybrad @justthis-stuff @chloe7076 @ailenepuff @thorya22 @ravenclawbitch426 @mellowladyangel @amcg0605-blog @kassies-take @yelenaswife1996 @wandanatchick @lilroachsworld
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“y/n what are you doing?” Your Coach asks as he sees you pulling folding chairs out onto the court.
“Just getting some shots up, coach.”
“Y/n, I think you can afford to take the rest of the night off after that game. 25 points in 28 minutes is not exactly an easy thing to accomplish.”
You let a small chuckle come out under your breath, “Gotta make it 28 in 28 next time coach, only one way to get there.”
He smiled at you, waving his clipboard in the air as he walked towards the door. “You know the drill, don’t forget to lock up when you’re done.”
“Sure thing.”
The gym cleared out pretty quickly after the game and before you knew it, it was just you, the ball and some blaring music. You can’t work out in silence obviously. You start practising your dribble combos around the chairs with clean finishes down in the paint. Spinning off the “defender” for the quick pull up fade away middy getting banked in. Putting in the late hours wasn’t new for you, you pretty much lived for the sport and when you weren’t eating or sleeping you were playing basketball. You didn’t get too deep into your practice when you saw one of the gym doors open and a familiar face walked through the door.
Fuck– you thought to yourself.
She is the most effortlessly attractive person you have ever met…well…seen? I guess “met” is a stretch. You technically have never really talked to her, there was that one time when you briefly interacted in a class but you were fairly certain she did not know who you were. You, of course, knew who she was. You had been crushing on Shuri for quite some time now and no of course you never have worked up the courage to talk to her. She was wearing this purple-y blue tracksuit that just looked insanely good on her with some of the cleanest sneakers you’ve ever seen.
“Sick game 8.”
You glanced up from the ball you were holding and made eye contact with her as she had the most devious but sexy looking smirk on her face. Her chin held high as she complimented you basically causing you to freak out on the inside like a little school girl and she didn’t even know it.
“Thanks” You reply, trying your hardest not to sound like you were absolutely losing it.
“25 points is pretty crazy.”
You feel your cheeks flush, “yeah, aha”
She knows your stats from the game?
“You gotta work on that footwork in the paint though, the bigs will just eat that shit up if you don’t know how to work around them.”
“Oh is that so?” You reply. Where the fuck did that come from? Oh is that so? WHAT? Tell me why I thought that was the right response to that?
I guess we’re committing to this random burst of confidence I got now.
Shuri’s eyebrows raise at your comment with a small smile creeping across her face.
“Hit me.” she says as her hands raise up motioning for you to pass her the ball.
“Look, you gotta attack the paint here just like you were but instead of going for the layup and getting blocked every time you gotta stop, plant two feet fake jab right, turn left, sweep and shoot.” She says as she demonstrates footwork that is honestly cleaner than what more than half of your team can do.
You look at her with slight shock and try not to be absolutely obvious about it but clearly you weren’t hiding it well enough based on her reaction.
“Didn’t expect that?” She says with a laugh, “your turn,” she tosses you the ball.
On the first try you manage to pull off the same move with ease.
“Okay, okay, I see you Y/L/N.”
What– so she does know who you are?
Honestly hearing her say your name even if it's just your last name was making you feel all sorts of things.
“How about we see how you do with some actual pressure now hm?” She says as she positions herself just in front of the net ready to play defence on you.
You drive to the net about to pull the same move that she of course easily predicted, resulting in you being blocked and kind of embarrassed.
“You’re gonna have to try harder than that 8. Pulling my own move on me? C’mon.”
You feel your cheeks getting rosey again and your heart is racing and it is definitely not because you were working up a sweat playing basketball. She had you feeling unbelievably flustered as she made direct eye contact with you as her hands were up reading to guard you and whatever move you chose to pull off. You start your dribble, staring her down as she smiles back at you, making you unbelievably nervous. You start to run towards her, hit her with the hesitation that she did not fall for, faked right, euro stepped around her and laid the bucket up and in.
A smile crosses your face as her brow furrows.
“Okay, okay, so she got moves I guess. We goin’ again?” She said ready for you to check the ball.
After about 45 minutes you were starting to feel a little wiped.
“I gotta hand it to you 8, I didn’t think you had it in you but damn you play a mean game.”
You just sort of chuckle as you take down the last gulp of water in your bottle.
“Man I gotta get out of these clothes, could you point me in the direction of the change room? I got an extra outfit in my bag.”
“Yeah, I can show you I gotta bring the balls back anyways.”
You and Shuri walked to the changeroom, and it’s definitely safe to say that the two of you were border line friends now after that entire experience.
When you get into the change room, you head to the sink to wash your hands from the filth that are the school's basketballs and as you look up in the mirror you catch a glimpse of Shuri taking her shirt off in the reflection of the mirror. You quickly look back down at your hands and act like you did just see her toned abs and arms. All that time spent together made you forget for just a moment how nervous she makes you.
“Ah shit—“ you hear muttered from behind you.
“Everything okay?”
“Yeah I uh I just thought I had an extra shirt but I only have pants.” She says
You turn around to face her as your eyes quickly dart to the floor as she’s standing there in pants and a bra. “I uh— I have an extra clean hoodie if you want to borrow it?”
“Man really? That would be great thanks.”
“Cool, I’ll just um grab that.” You say as you start walking to the area of the change room with the player lockers.
You start rummaging through everything in your locker and finally find the hoodie, when you turn around Shuri is standing right behind you, still with no top on and your eyes didn’t know where to go but you could feel her staring at you.
“Here” You say holding the hoodie up practically right in front of your face.
You hear a small chuckle from behind the hoodie as her hand comes over the top pulling it down so she can look at you. Your eyes trail up her body to lock on her face that's looking down at you. She takes a step forward backing you up against the locker, your heart is racing unbelievably fast.
“Do I make you nervous y/n?” She says slowly under her breath.
Your mouth opened to respond but nothing came out. The smile on her face grew when she realised how tense you looked.
“Relax love, there’s no need to look so stressed out.” Her hand slowly comes up to your face, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. Her fingers trail along your jawline until they reach your chin giving it a soft tug, tilting your face up towards hers. “May I?” Shuri whispers.
Your head was nodding before you even processed what she said and before you knew it her soft lips connected with yours as her hand made its way to behind your head, fingers running through your hair.
Nothing has ever felt so natural before, her lips fit perfectly in yours. You could tell from the kiss alone she had much more confidence and experience than you did. Your hands didn’t even know where to go while hers went everywhere they wanted to.
You felt her hands slowly go under the hem of your shirt and the skin on skin contact made you let out a small whimper. You’ve never experienced anything like this before and her touch alone was enough to make you pool in your underwear.
She bends over slightly grabbing you on each of your thighs and pulling you up against her, wrapping your arms around her neck and legs around her torso as she continues to kiss you again. Her hands gripped your ass as the two of you passionately made out, fuck you wanted her so bad. You want her to kiss and touch every inch of your body and make you beg for so much more.
With your legs still wrapped around her, Shuri walks you over to one of the benches, and gently lays you down on your back. Her chain is practically resting on your throat as she hovers over you, only inches apart. Her lips start kissing your neck, leaving a trail, making sure to go as slowly as possible just to see you squirm beneath her. She kept kissing a soft spot just above your collarbone causing shivers to shoot down your back. You could barely sit still and you just knew she was going to make you beg for it.
“S-Shuri please.” You whisper.
Her demanding eyes looked up at you, undressing you in her head with a smirk across her face.
“I do like hearing you beg for it but you’re lucky I’m feeling generous today.” She says as her fingers dig into the band of your shorts, pulling them off you. She starts leaving small kisses on the inside of your thighs, taking her time, making sure that you were brought as close to the edge as possible without giving you the touch you craved the most. You could feel her breath on you causing your head to tilt back and your eyes to flutter.
She laid soft kisses on your pussy causing your breath to hitch. Your lack of experience meant you had no idea what anything was going to feel like.
Her tongue gently pushed between your folds causing your entire body to tense and relax which you could hear her smile over as she went down on you. Shuri painted circles over your clit starting slowly and gradually increasing in speed and pressure. She could tell how excited you were getting which caused her to pull back ever so slightly. You didn’t realise how amazing the touch of her tongue felt until it was gone.
Her tongue was replaced with one of her long fingers which steadily entered you soon after.
“F-fuck.” you groan.
“That feel good princess?”
You slowly nod your head letting out tiny moans as she puts in another finger and gives them a slight curl to hit your G-spot. Her tongue starts running along your clit, God, it felt like she was spelling out the entire alphabet in swift movements.
Your core began to tighten as her pace increased. Your one hand is clenched onto the back of the bench while your other has her head in hand. You gripped her tightly pushing her face deeper into your pussy as your heart continued to race.
“S-Shuri– I am so close.” You manage to get out just before you let out a loud moan and your back arches up off the seat.
Her pace slows as you come down from the most sensational high you’ve ever felt.
As you catch your breath, she comes up to you and gives you a kiss where you taste yourself on her lips.
She pulls away only inches from your face with a smile, “you have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that for.”
“Me too” You say softly.
– The End –
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oreo-creampie · 5 months
I just want to say I’m OBSESSED with how feral all of your ideas and prompts are!!! 😫 From the multiple types of positions, the gangbangs, the dirty talk, the kinks, and some even being with women!! Omg your MIND 🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐 Finally someone who understands how feral my bi ass genuinely is!! 😫 You write so effing well and all of your works are so hot!!!! Can’t say thank you enough 🗣️🫶🫶🫶
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THANK YOU SWEETNESS!!! I’ve re read this so many times thank you again. I have to add a position change cause it gets boring staying in one position unless the reader is tied up
Ahhh I’m glad you like my nasty thoughts and gangbangs, I love writing those so much and this military one I’m writing is gonna be raunchy 🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠
I need to do more for woman, Shoko, Iori, Mikasa have been left out too much. Along with Hina, Suma and Makio. I should write about reader rubbing their clit on a fat tit, or double sided dildo with Shoko on top
I’m still trying to get better at writing I’m just now reaching a point where I can re read some of my work and enjoy it. Which is weird to say I switch between saying I’m a good writer and then being like nah I can’t be a good writer I still have so many glaring errors with the way I write but eh. As long as I keep writing and researching how to write I should get better! Thank you sweetness for the encouragement 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽
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cable-knit-sweater · 1 year
MAYAAAAAA 😫😫😫 I know I’ve been in your inbox already once today, but I just saw you reblog This Fucking Post™ of This Fucking Guy™ and— EXCUSE ME. I AM UNWELL. 
So now I can’t help but think about how this particular Seb is a bit more confident and cocksure (pun at least 50% intended) than usual, and how it completely throws Chris for a loop and maybe they haven’t seen each other for a while and they’re finally alone and making out like teenagers on Seb’s couch and Chris is reeling from how assertive and self-assured Seb is, not to mention how stupidly fucking hot he looks, and listen. LISTEN. Chris loves it, he really, really does, but he’s just used to being a bit more in charge, and being able to reduce Seb into a boneless, speechless mess with relative ease (much like Seb’s doing to him, right now).
Chris is kinda getting lost inside his head when his hand finds its familiar way into Seb’s hair, fingers curling gently but surely around the lengths, and tugging— 
Seb makes the tiniest noise in the back of his throat, but Chris can feel the tremor that runs through him, so he pulls a bit harder, a bit meaner. 
There it is. 
“Screw you,” Seb breathes, but it comes out wrapped in an unmistakeable moan. 
Chris just laughs, mouthing at the hinge of his jaw in a way that makes Seb squirm into the cushions. 
“This is why we can’t have nice things,” Seb huffs even while closing his eyes and melting into the touch. 
“Aww, honey,” Chris purrs in response. “You’re the nice thing.” 
Idk what this even is but I totally blame you & Minnie for it 😇💕
Okay. Calming down for a second but GOD I love you so fucking much.
I saw your other ask and I LOVE it, also @sparkagrace has been begging me for something similar and I will have so much fun writing it, so thank youuuu for sending me that prompt (also? I love the hive mind so freaking much lol 💗💗)
But getting back to the rest of your ask bc oh my god are you in my head??? This is like a perfect scenario and I’m obsessed 😫 Anyone who even knows me a little bit knows how weak I am for this Seb:
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Like uncontrollable sobbing, unhinged screeching, want to BITE, that kind of weak 😭
But back to your scenario.
One of my favorite things is Seb being a little cocky and Chris being surprised by it and LOVING it, but alsoooo trying to find a way to reduce Seb to a whimpering mess again 😫 I love how in this scenario Chris goes with it for a little but then he just needs to do one thing, and Sebastian is done for (much like I am).
And they both love it. Chris loves it when his boyfriend is assertive, makes known what he loves and wants; whether it’s through making those delicious noises or by showing Chris what he wants by being a little more demanding like this. He always thinks Sebastian is hot, unbelievably gorgeous, but there’s something about him when he smirks at Chris in that way of his, when Sebastian looks all self-assured and like he knows he’s the hottest thing out there, because in Chris’s mind he always is. So he lets Sebastian do what he wants for a little, until instinct takes over…and his instinct will always be to love on Sebastian so much, to make him feel soooo good, that Sebastian just melts into whatever surface they’ve ended up on and lets Chris make him feel even better.
The moment that happens always causes Chris’s brain to short circuit for a second. When Sebastian’s features go slack, when he moans so loudly, when he starts to give himself over to Chris. It’s not so much surprise as it is pure awe; that he can have that effect on Sebastian, that Sebastian loves it as much as he does, that Sebastian lets him do this.
Sebastian loves it when Chris takes charge and just, instinctively knows what he needs, but sometimes he just can’t control himself, feeling sooo good about himself and wanting Chris to feel good too, needing to be close, so he just goes for it.
He can’t help but feeling a little hungry, a little feral when they’ve been apart for a while, needing his hands all over Chris and needing Chris’s hands all over him. Rile him up as much as he can until he gets Chris to growl a little and manhandle him, pull at his hair, letting Chris take charge again easily.
Riling Chris up is maybe one of his favorite things to do. It’s almost like a little game they play, and even if Seb complains a little when Chris takes over and makes him all weak-kneed, it’s all he wants.
ALSO, Chris is right, he is the nice thing 😭 and BLESS you so much for dropping these incredible thoughts into my inbox, GOD, I’m gonna need some more time to think about this 🥵.
I LOVE YOU (and your incredible brain) SOOO MUCH 💕💕💕💕💕 Sending you the biggest polar bear hugs and all the smooches 😘😘
Alsooo I think @musette22 will agree with me that we’ll gladly take the blame if it leads to something like this 🥰🥰🥰
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carmenized-onions · 4 months
and i’m back with another yap session🤭okay okay, there were some parts that i forgot to mention last time so hopefully i can hit them this time and feel less insane😀
1. SYD AND TONY!!! i’ve been wanting to touch on them for a while but i never know how to do in a way that makes sense?? BUT THE FRIENDSHIP IS SO PRECIOUS, I CAN’T. they remind of the tiktok sound that’s like “we were girls together” and i literally can’t get that outta my head with them🥺 i think i just love reading about tony and the rest of the gang?? like i love seeing how they fit into the chaotic puzzle that was the beef– ESPECIALLY with all the new changes happening!! plus carmy’s reactions to tony’s dynamic with everyone is actually hilarious😭 like when he was so pressed that ppl have their own nicknames for her. like carmy, please remember to breathe LMAOOO
2. also the current chapters are still making me wanna run up my WALLS😭i don’t think i ever know peace anymore… WHAT DO MEAN THE WORSE DAY IF THEIR LIVES IS COMING?? SAVE ME?? IM SCARED??
3. and carmy’s so sick and twisted but like me too so it’s cool😎 but in all seriousness, it reminds me of that feeling of being in a 3 person friend group but knowing there’s a duo and you’re not apart of it (am i articulating this properly?? idk??) it’s such an odd feeling to be jealous of something that you know you probably shouldn’t be. like just because they’re besties, doesn’t mean that they care for you any less. but i also get his desire to wanting to be her person and not just the little brother full in but then again, you can’t even blame him for feeling like that cause WHO WOULDN’T??
AHHH THERES SO MUCH MORE I WANNA SAY but this is getting kinda long so i will hold off‼️again, just wanna reiterate how much your writing makes me wanna ascend into the divine plane; it literally so amazingggg😫 tysm for reading this certified long ass yap session🫶🏾
Cannot define enough how much I love these yap sessions, literally always feel free to send me any and all fleeting thoughts in the brain box.
aside: new chapter uhhhh Sunday probably? Maybe tomorrow possibly? Pending how fast I am. I'm trying to get the next two chapters drafts done together so I can refine the first one with the knowledge of what's gonna happen in the second. Cause n Effect, All That.
ANYWAYS, you can be incoherent-- Just so you know-- It's my job to make sense of what's in my inbox, u don't have to work on that. BUT YES I LOVE WRITIN EM, I am slowly more and more just writing bits and pieces of my own friendships and isms into them. So, they're a delight of memories, to write about. AND VERY MUCH SO WE WERE GIRLS TOGETHER. I think that's literally a line, in delivery fees, something like 'you become girls, together' cause it's just ! regress! in a good way hehe.
I love writing Tony with the idea of a season 3 Bear-- Because it's this weird thing where she is simultaneously new and old-- And everything to her is also new and old. It's this weird fucking neo-nostalgia that's really fun to chew on. AND YES HE'S SO CREASED.
I try to put myself in the perspective of the perspective I'm writing for, with whatever, and when I was writing Carmen's chapter I was like this stupid motherfucker Richie got to do all this shit and hae all these stupid nicknames why the FUCK DO YOU WANT TO SAY HI TO HIM?? RICHIE!!!!?!?!??!?! And then reading it back now, a week or so later, I was like Wow. Kind of a lot, bro. Lets both take a step back.
2. Your fears are valid. Well. Is that what I'm supposed to say here? Hm. Here's what I'll say, I haven't gotten to the bad bad part, yet. So like, it could end up being not that bad, to you guys. To me it's bad. It's really bad. But like, maybe you're fine. ALSO 3RD OR 4TH WORST DAY I SAID-- JUST THE WORST FRIDAY. Because I had to give them Top something, I just needed to get specific.
3. As the littlest sibling, 100%. I can't see myself being friends with any of my older brothers' friends, so the idea of becoming one of their friends and posthumously finding out they were best friends with my brother? WHAT? WHAT? WHAT? DID THEY TELL YOU ABOUT ME? DO YOU THINK I'M LITTLE BABY LITTLE STUPID? And it's also like, just being friends with All of The Beef is like ohhhhh, I remember it took me a long time to warm up and make my way with them, but for you it was probably so easy cause you're just like that, which is why I like you so why do I feel angry about that !!!
AND ONCE AGAIN, THANK YOU THANK YOU, FEEL FREE TO YELL IN MY INBOX WHENEVER. P.s if anyone made it this far, u got me. I'm makin' a taglist. Reply/DM/Ask to be added!
But if you wanna be added,,,, you gotta send an essay in with it baby, or I simply won't it's the RULES!
p.s i really do love u so dearly for sending in your thoughts thank u thank u angel <3
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sarahsmi13s · 1 year
Okay but taking care of an injured Ethan!rhett as he’s exploring the village tehehehe 🤭🤭🤭
Okay but what if you’re also a child of Mother Miranda? But you obviously hate her
Rhett’s hands are ripped to shit when he runs into you.
He’s just escaped your sister and is currently trying to avoid your crazy nieces. So he’s a little on edge.
“Who the fuck are you?”
You notice his hands. “You’re hurt,” you say softly as you approach him. He points his pistol at you, “Dont touch me.”
“Let me help you.”
His eyes are wild when he looks at you, dilated with adrenaline. He recognizes from the meeting before he had to run from your brother. “How am I sure I can trust you?”
“Because I want to save your daughter just as much as you do.”
He looks at you confused and you sigh.
“My mother is batshit crazy. She created me against my will in hopes of bringing my sister back.” You turned your back to him and let your over shirt fall to expose your back and the large scar there.
Rhett’s expression softened and he lowered his weapon.
“She’s turned us into monsters… Rose doesn’t deserve that.”
He gently gripped your shoulder, “You’re not a monster.” “Cause I’m not 9 feet tall?” He chuckled, “Well, that certainly helps, but no.”
He turned you to face him. “Can you shoot a gun?” You nod, “Of course, I work a mean bow and arrow too.”
You gently held his hand, “Now can I help you? Your hands are fucked up.” He laughed, “Please, I have the ingredients and the recipe for a ‘chem fluid’? But don’t know what the hell im doing.”
Nodding you find a table and he sits out the ingredients. As he reaches for the recipe, you’re already combining things.
“You certainly know what you’re doing,” he said, impressed at your efficiency.
“I sure hope so…” You looked at him over your shoulder, “I wrote the recipe.”
And as you and Rhett make your way through the village you slowly fall in love as you patch each other up.
And once you save Rose, and he’s trying to sacrifice himself, saying he’s too far gone. You pass the baby off to Chris and kneel with Rhett.
“You trust me, right?”
“‘Course I do, Doll… But I’m dead, I’ve been dead for years. I was livin’ on borrowed time anyway..”
Tears slipped down your face as you held his, “I’m not letting you go that easy Abbott.”
He rested his forehead on yours, grabbing your hand. “I’m beyond saving…”
“No,” you shook your head. “No, you’re not.”
Chris came over and helped you get Rhett to the helicopter.
By the time you get there, his eyes are closed and his breathing is shallow.
You and Chris lay him down.
Chris holds onto to Rose as you hover over Rhett.
“No, no, no. That bitch will not take another person from me. She won’t take another person I love.”
You take Chris’s knife and slice open your palm and a spot on Rhett’s chest after ripping his shirt.
You press the bloody palm of your hand into the open gash on his chest. Tears falling down your face, “Cmon Cowboy… you can’t die. Not now, not after what you went through. Rose needs you.. I need you.”
“Rhett I swear if you die on me, I’ll kill you.”
Then his eyes shot open and he sat up, taking deep breaths.
Laughing in relief, you sat back.
You punched his shoulder.
“Ow!” “Don’t do that asshole!”
You both stare for a minute before he wraps you in a hug.
Rose cries and Rhett pulls away.
“Where’s my baby girl? Chris-” “I’ve got her, Abbott,” he passes her over. “Is she hurt?” “Nothing we can see, but there might be some damage to her ears.”
“Miranda wouldnt have physically hurt her,” you assure him.
He nods and presses a light kiss to your lips. “Thank you,” he whispered. You only nod and rest your head on his shoulder.
okay I need to write a more in-depth piece on this now 😫😫
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captainaikus · 9 months
I’m glad ur doing okay and having time for urself belle, i miss seeing you on my dash so much, I always have notifs on for you, I just got this message late cause I also wasn’t online much… and yes I’ve been doing well! 2nd semester of college is gonna start on Jan 22 I’m getting nervous since I’m gonna have 2 major subjects now😫 our 1st semester were just basic minor subjects, I hope I did well😭. I’m actually trying to get my driving’s license too! I’m very excited and nervous to drive😭
Ur blog name is so cute!
Omg are we the same person??? Gojo is currently my obsession now (and of course aiku & nagi)
Oh! I also rewatched Blue Lock cause I almost can’t remember what happened😭 I even reread it too😭. And reading it makes me missed aiku so much! I also developed an obsession over nagi🤭
times have gotten busy blue ໒꒰��ི ◞ ◟꒱ྀིა
it's like there's a lot going on atm. the semester started late, all of us are studying for our exams, and i was one lucky enough first year to get an internship too (based on my skills of interaction, analyzing and such + i'm one of the top students in my class) i work as a museum tour guide and it would look great on my resume since it's one of the best. the payment is not so great but i have alot more experience to gain than the money (and i do live comfortably) but to maintain that is constant effort and hardwork. so much that i haven't watched any anime episodes in the last 2 months, no netflix and i'm actually having to listen to advice of "watch 30 minutes a day" I have a ton of books to read so that's one thing going for me
oml - that's fast! i wish you luck and dw you'll get through :)
awww thank you! although i know i'm gonna change the name of the blog (sooner or later)
gojo is just. babygirl. and everyone is disagreeing with me on that. but a lot of people would agree that he is babygirl.
the last anime i rewatched was Dragon ball z (belle realizing that this anime was definitely not for kids given that muten roshi is there... with kuririn)
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im-no-jedi · 2 years
so I honestly don’t have too much to say about episode 11. SUPER cool to see the Zillo Beast again, although I am owed compensation for all those jumpscares tyvm 🫣
loved seeing the boys trying to protect Omega the entire time, and Tech seriously needs a leash now that Echo is gone cause good grief buddy, don’t EVER go off on your own like that again plz 😫
Dr Hemlock seems like he’ll be an awesome new villain to hate now that Rampart is gone, and I continue to wish death upon Lama Su 🙃
and of course, chaotic Hunter flying. LORDY. this man needs to quit being my type already GEEZ 🥵
now as for the whole Omega being hunted by the Empire thing… I kinda knew it was coming. one of the screeners who leaked stuff a while back mentioned it, so yeah, I’m not that surprised. it makes sense all things considered. I’m not happy about it of course, but I’m sure it’ll be fine… it’ll be FINE 🫠
honestly, there’s two things I’ve been mainly focusing on this episode: Cid and Nala Se
with Cid, I’m not too surprised about this rift that’s been created with her. it was hinted at in Faster, and it’s pretty in character for her to be a jerk to them in general. but unlike most people, I don’t think this is TBB being donezo with her for good. nor do I think Cid will be the one to sell them out. despite how she acts, Cid does harbor some good feelings towards them, especially Omega. and I highly doubt she would be THAT cruel, all things considered. I foresee the boys going back to ask for her help after Omega inevitably gets captured. at least, that’s what I’m hoping for. I genuinely like Cid and I really don’t want them to leave her for good ☹️
now for Nala Se… OH boy. I can’t believe they’re trying to pull a Mara Sov on us with her. those of you who don’t know, there’s a prominent character in Destiny who, like Nala Se, has been responsible for a LOT of crap happening (all the way down to the genocide of her own people), but recent events have been attempting to have her “atone for her sins” or whatever. and I AIN’T HAVIN IT 😤
y’all know me, I love a good redemption and will always try to push for that whenever possible. but also, sometimes, you gotta let a bad guy be a bad guy. Palpatine and Pong Krell are excellent examples of characters that I was more than happy to see bite the bullet. and I’m the same with Nala Se. that BINCH has been responsible for most if not all of the Clones problems, and is directly responsible for what happened to Fives. she’s been uncaring and selfish for as long as we’ve known her. so to pull this bs of “oh but she actually genuinely cares about this ONE person, even though she manipulated them for their entire life” is NOT gonna fly with me, sorry. idc if she “cares” about Omega, she’s just as terrible as the rest of the Empire and has NO pity from me. and I can already tell, Omega will be conflicted about her feelings cause she’s such a caring person and won’t be able to see how manipulative Nala Se was in comparison to how her brothers have treated her. it’s fine, she’s a child with the biggest heart imaginable, I can forgive her for that. I just REALLY don’t want Nala Se redeemed in any way. she doesn’t deserve it. let her rot in that cell for the rest of her life for all I care 😠
literally, I cannot believe how much this is rivaling Mara’s story in Destiny. even down to “the person you manipulated for the entire time you’ve known them is suddenly taken away from you and now you’re going to attempt to atone for it by trying to be a better person cause you suddenly decided you genuinely care about them now that you don’t have them anymore”. I cannot STAND this bs. sorry, but you had your chance, and you BLEW IT. take the L, stfu, and get outta my face. you’re selfish, and you know it. and continuing to take advantage of a kind person’s kindness makes you even more of a scumbag (predicting things with Nala Se here, but yeah, this is totally gonna happen 🙃)
tl;dr Nala Se can SUCK IT, and I hope her and Lama Su die off with the rest of the Kaminoans 🖕🏻
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cursedonyx · 1 year
I CANT BELIEVE I DIDNT KNOW YOU HAD A TUMBLR bro I’ve been reading your fic religiously the second it uploads for weeks now and I usually point blank refuse to read uncompleted fics because I have 0 patience but your fic is just SO well written (the best I’ve found out there) that I can’t help myself 😭😭 anyway all this to say that I absolutely love your writing and story telling ability, and that I hate you a lil (not really) for having me so addicted to an uncompleted fic despite the physical pain it causes me to not binge 😫😫💖💖
Thank you so much! That's so kind of you to say 💚💚💚 I'll be honest, I don't use this so much but I'm trying to engage more 😅
If it helps, I tend to write several chapters ahead so I can keep on schedule even if I hit writer's block, (though the temptation to post everything right now this seconds is almost overwhelming) and I can't stand leaving things unfinished! This one's going to be hella long, but if you guys enjoy it, then all the better!
Thank you again, your support means everything 💕💕💕
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feelingpoorly · 2 years
Interrupting my regularly scheduled queue because I had to say this NOW, it can’t wait 😂
I think I’m getting sick 😭 like, I’m chronically ill, so im sick all the time but like, I think I’m coming down with a virus or something
I feel MISERABLE. My worst symptom rn is my throat but I can already tell im gonna wake up tomorrow feeling 100x worse all over.
BUT it got me thinking…
My throat is so dry rn that I’ve been chugging so much water, juice, lemonade etc to try and alleviate it, but it’s not working (because it’s not actually dry, just sore). All I’ve succeeded in doing is making myself very full of liquid and nauseous. My stomach is exactly very settled atm, I don’t THINK whatever this is is explicitly affecting my stomach but it’s touchy. Trying to drink so much water to help my throat has caused some really bad nausea and sloshing 😫
Secondly- throat sweets. Eating so many of them that you get VERY nauseous from them. Is something I’ve accidentally done in the past, and was reminded of this evening when I have one and immediately felt sick as a reflex, like my stomach remember what I did to it in the past when I ate a whole packet of them 😂
I mean, I feel like trash, but these are probably really great tropes to inflict on your characters so.. 😂
Oh and also… I’m not gonna post photos of myself on here cos privacy and that but I took a photo earlier and posted it to my story on Instagram (bc ngl im a bit of an attention wh0re when I’m sick because i was never looked after as a child whelp) and I am NEVER pale. But I looked like white, and my cheeks were flushed very red. Honestly, I wish I could post it on here but you’ll just have to take my word for it. In a weird way, I was actually kinda impressed that I looked how I feel. Now it would make my day if someone saw that photo and messaged me to tell me I looked ill 😂
I’m also sorry if this doesn’t make sense either. My stomach is still unhappy and cramping and im pretty sure im running a bit of a fever as I can’t get warm and my mind is scrambled. Anyway, g’night.
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jjungkookislife · 6 months
IT’S HERE!!! 🥳 I’ve been waiting for this since you posted that you were part Daddy’s Home Fest. I love me some domestic fics with cutie babies 🥺 I would just like to say that this might be all over the place cause I wrote my comments on my notes as I was reading so please bear with me 😅
Right from the sneak peak you showed us, I knew their bickering was gonna be a fun ride 😂 I can’t really blame them for being mad at the other cause I see both sides and can understand each one.
I love how right after talking it out with Yoongi being told to just not park there anymore, he still calls it HIS parking spot 😂 I mean if there’s no official spots for staff, then it’s the spot of the one that parks first. So their fight over it is hilarious to me 🤣 And why does he keep ruining her clothes?!?!? I can’t really blame MC. Even I would think it’s intentional by now, but knowing it isn’t makes it funnier. He gets annoyed cause he already apologized but it’s kinda hard to accept his apology when it keeps happening. He’s pretty clumsy and unaware of his surroundings, good thing he’s cute 😂
Poor Tae, must be hard since he knows Jimin isn’t a bad guy but also wants to be loyal to his bff 😅 but I love how she doesn’t want Tae to be caught between their “fight”.
I also want a JK and Hobi to give me a basket of products frequently 😫 cause that ain’t cheap and my broke ass could only dream of having friends THAT generous 😳
MC being petty with by taking the last hazlenut coffee and taking her d*mn time to finish making it. Pure evil 😈 there goes being “cordial” 🤭 They’re both so petty, i love it 😍😂
And it’s so cute how Harin and Mc adores each other 🥺
Oh no, MC is upping her game and convinced Tae to help her scheming. And now the prank war begins and no one wants to be the first to back down 👀 Personally, I am not a fan of pranks, especially those being done to me cause I’m also petty and hold grudges 😬
Not Tae calling her out the she like him 😂 Those two just wants to rile up each other with these pranks 🥴
Ohmygod! The fake poop 😱🤢 I would seriously be mortified if I saw that on my car 😭 Harin’s reaction was adorable 🥺😂
I knew when friday the 13th and the chocolate cake was mentioned that it was Jimin’s bday cake so I was already dreading when MC took a slice of it 🫣 Good thing Jimin laughed it off but I would seriously still be dying of embarrassment in MC’s place 😭
Are Harin and Jimin’s bday the same or just really close?!? And Mama Park setting Chim up with MC 👀 Good thing cause this petty “war” needs to finally be done 😮‍💨
Koo and Yoon are having the time of their lives finding out who MC is and then Jimin and the others finding out too 🤣
Not MC daydreaming about Min right beside him during the game 😂
They’re flirting 🥴 And they finally apologized, took them long enough 🙄😂 The kiss at the end was 🤌
I really loved this story 😍 That was so good and you wrote 16k worth of it 😳 I really loved the characters you created and hopefully, you can let is see a glimpse of them in drabbles in the future. Only if you want to ofcourse. No pressure ☺️ All in all, it was written really well and I really enjoyed it. Thank you so much for this and I hope you take care of yourself 💜
Ah, honestly this fic came to me so easily after i signed up so I'm glad i was able to post it :)
you took notes? I'm screaming thank you!
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A lot of schools I worked at as a substitute teacher or tutor (especially our office) had limited parking spots so if you didn't get there early, good luck finding a spot! once i parked, that's where i stayed until I had to leave lmao
Imagine if they're fighting over the spot, and someone else entirely uninvolved took it one day lol they'd be dumbfounded or perhaps think the other got a new car lol i can see them staking out the spot to confirm and be confused af when someone else gets out
Yoongi was trying to be the voice of reason lol but Jimin just would not listen lmao in his head, it was HIS spot lmao maybe they'll carpool after their date. And something i learned in college and later on from working in schools, always have an extra set of clothes in the car, undergarments included bc you never know when you'll have to change. Jimin was so clumsy but it wasn't his fault (okay it was) he wasn't aware of his surroundings and the pudding had a mind of its own 😂😂😂
Taehyung was in a rough spot. He tried not to get involved but he did without being fully aware of what was going on when he went to lunch but overall i think he did a good job trying to stay neutral 😂
JK and Hobi had ulterior motives for the skincare lol they figured if they did it as a friendly gesture, Jimin wouldn't suspect they wanted him looking fabulous before they suggested he start dating, so all in all, they were trying to butter him up. if he hadn't found MC then the next step was a new wardrobe
They did their best to get on each other's nerves lmao MC loves annoying Jimin, especially since he got coffee and pudding on her clothes. so any opportunity to annoy him was a win 😂
Harin absolutely ADORES mc, they get along so well, and Harin is MC's star pupil :)
I wanted the pranks to be as harmless as possible, more of an inconvenience than anything else. i HATE hurtful pranks so I went with the desktop background thing and the googly eyes and fake poop. and Jimin left his car in the lot over the weekend. he was originally going to get picked up in an uber in front of MC but Yoongi was already picking up Lila and Harin, so it made sense Jimin would get picked up too lol
Harin's reaction to the fake poop was hilarious! she's so cute! and Tae immediately realizes that MC has a crush on Jimin! he's been around for ages so he knows how she gets with a crush lol
I loved the Friday the 13th cake incident! i was so excited to write it lmao Harin's birthday is the 14th of October so they shared a birthday party and yes, MC was mortified when she realized she had cut and eaten Jimin's birthday cake. Jimin found it hilarious!
Jungkook and Yoongi were having a wonderful time laughing at Jimin's expense! everything just clicked! and mc can't help but daydream about Jimin lmao she wasn't expecting to meet Jimin's friends and her mom's friend of a friend who wanted to set her up with her son who happens to take her parking spot everyday lol the kiss was my favorite! they were supposed to kiss the second time they fell on each other but i wanted it to be a little more private.
I definitely had so much fun writing this story, i was surprised i hit 16k whoops, editing was rough, i had to do it in sections and then go back and fix a few more things. and then tumblr wouldn't let me post so i had to use my husband's computer lol bless him. i would like to write a few drabbles for them in the future, maybe of their first date and a few of them later on in the future and perhaps Halloween and their first time carpooling lol
thank you so much! i know i say this every time but i appreciate you so much 💜💜💜 take care! 💜
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scarlet-fantasies · 3 years
i saw u say werewolf eren and now i can’t get it out my head 🙈 like ughhhhhhh 😫😫😫
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Ugh, yes. I feel you all. And sorry for the wait. Also I will make a general post about what him and his brother are like as werewolves so it might give better explanation and back story. You can find that here once I make it.
Yeager brothers as werewolves.
- Scarlet
Werewolf Eren with a Human gf
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Okay so I’ve done my research so don’t worry😂😂
I’m going to go in deep and basically tell your whole life story with this man, as much as possible.
So werewolves I suspect age like dogs do (or just differently)so although Eren physically is like 19-23 he might be like 25-28+.🙃
And his gf is actually 19+ so like that’s the difference. His mentality is a little different but don’t worry.
Werewolves also have this thing about being connected to someone before they even knew them (it’s usually with a mate but in this case his gf is human) so when he met his gf he may have felt a connection to her right away. Like he had a picture perfect story of her with him flash before his eyes the moment he saw her.
And make no mistake werewolves love strongly and Eren is so stuck on you. He is madly in love with you. Like he loves so hard in general but as werewolf? That’s like ten times over! Cause he has heightened senses. We'll get to that
Now I see that Eren met his gf a couple of ways, like she could’ve been the new girl in town and was neighbors with him. (Omg so cute💕💕 I could just picture his cheeky smile when he introduces himself—that would send my ass to the moon. No pun intended.)
He could also meet her at school in the library and she’s studying for an upcoming exam.
Or at some college party where there is lots of drinking and everything and she’s like not having fun. (Werewolves don’t get drunk I feel😂) so she ends up talking to him because he’s the one that’s not drunk.
It can also be that he saw you on the bleachers since you were watching your friend play (some sport game) and Eren, like any werewolf, is on a sports team so naturally, he saw you and thought you were beautiful.
Whatever the case when he finally got to talk to you, you were taken back by this and you probably didn’t even consider him attractive (or maybe you did) or anything you were just like, (who is this guy?) you may have been mostly annoyed since he caught you at the wrong time of what was going on with you.
He got to know you more by your scent (obviously knows your scent, cause heightened senses) so he’s able to kinda track where you are and will show up at the place you’re going to/at to get an excuse to meet you over and over again. And he's already memorized your routes since you're probably that school girl who studies and kinda like somewhat introverted. (but of corse it doesn't apply to everyone) So I mean you don't go to many places (maybe).
Somehow it doesn’t come off to you that he’s stalking but rather fate being annoying with trying to push this jock into your life.
“Hey, Y/n.” He'd smile, catching you off guard leaving you to look up at him and stop walking.
“Uh, hi.” You waved awkwardly before walking away only for him to follow you (I see him wearing his football jersey cause practice for him might start soon)
“Hey, you still don’t know my name?” He'd tease walking beside you.
“No . . . I do.” You'd lie, looking at him before averting your gaze.
But he was listening to your heartbeat, so he knew exactly what you were doing. He's such an ass lol.
“Then what is it?” He'd grin waiting for you to answer.
“It’s . . . It’s um--"
"Gosh, I can't believe you'd lie about that. It's Eren, sweetheart." He'd laugh making you feel embarrassed.
"Whatever, don't call me that." You'd roll your eyes before walking off only for him to come up in front of you again blocking you.
“We're you off to?” He'd look at you with a smug look on his face.
“The library.” You'd answer cross your arms.
“Why?” He knew exactly why he just wanted to keep talking to you.
You'd sigh, “To study, I want to go home after.”
He'd tilt his head to the side for a minute in a teasing way, “Is that what introverts like to do these days?” He’d tease, but it was harmless he mostly wanted to make you laugh but rather you kinda blushed at his tone of voice with you.
“No, I’m just busy—unlike some people.” You’d imply it towards him but you still didn’t want to be mean.
His green eyes flashed with an idea. “You should take a break and watch me practice.” He'd offered.
“No thanks.” You'd decline.
“C’mon, just come.” He insisted smiling at you genuinely.
You got a little snappy now, “I’m not your girlfriend so why should I come?”
“To get some air. If you come with me this one time and you're not relaxed or enjoying yourself, I promise, I won't bother you again." He'd wait patiently for you to answer and he just hoped this was going to work.
"Alright, if that's what you really want. I'll go with you, Yeager." You'd smile teasingly now turning to walk back with him.
He'd turn to you confused, "How do you know my last name?"
You'd approach him with your teasing smile still only to his shoulder lightly before whispering, "It says it on the back of your jersey." You'd turn away to start walking to where the gymnasium was and he'd follow. He really liked you now.
So from then on things just kept happening like he got to be around you more and would invite to parties and you probably kinda became friends with him but more or so Mikasa and Sasha's friend. The girls love you and always tease you about Eren.
Even his older brother, who I picture to be the bad guy in this au does tell you things. But Eren prefers it if you stay away from him.
He get's really protective over you about it. He doesn’t like you having a lot of guys around you and he gets mad easily when someone flirts with you. You get to see his eyes change sometimes too.
Of course, though, they didn't tell you about his secret you found that out by very unsettling events. I see that you both had feelings for each other at this point but just didn't get them out yet. And well maybe when someone attacks (guy hitting on you) you for whatever reason he got in protective wolf mode quiet quickly and even though you did get injured you saw things you shouldn't have like claws, glowing eyes (most likely red since Eren would be a leader of his own pack.), and inhuman strength.
Of course, putting 2 and 2 together you knew what they were and went straight home, obviously running since they were busy fighting. You were completely scared out of your mind and didn't sleep the whole night and you didn't answer any calls or text for a few days. You called in sick for work and school. You were worried about what you saw and tried to research if what you saw was real. Cause yes, you knew it would mean werewolves exist but you didn't want to believe that.
You're parents who are probably strict just thought you were sick and they are mostly gone throughout the day and what not so they had no idea.
One morning on a Saturday you decided to step out on the front porch and as you were about to open the door you saw Eren at your front doorstep. Your eyes instantly caught up with fear and you tried to close the door but of course, he was much stronger than you.
"Stay away from me!" You'd scream as you tried to close the door but to no avail Eren made it open, causing you to fall back on your bottom.
"We need to talk." He looked angry but deep down he was actually worried.
"Screw talking, I don't care what you want. You’d say walking away.
He pulled you back by the wrist, "You haven't been answering my calls or anything. I was worried about you."
You turned to him, glaring, "Well, you can stop worrying about me cause nothing's wrong."
“Look I know you know something.”
“Yeah that you’re some creature.”
“I’m not a creature.”
“Your eyes were red Eren! That’s not normal when you have green eyes!”
You end up walking with him. It may have seemed crazy and you were scared but you were wearing silver jewelry so how bad could it be? He explained to you how it all Meitner through them and you were still just shocked to tbh. It took some time to get used to it.
Okay now going past this and after you started to realize he wouldn't hurt you and he wasn't lying and that it was all real things got back to normal slowly. And at some point, he confessed to you.
Probably through a fight and he kissed you and what not, idk I have no ideas rn.
general moments
He saves you a lot like from simple falling and especially if you fall from something high like bleachers or a ladder or something. He has inhuman speed so he always catches you. And he’s cocky about it and you find it annoying.
“Aww were you scared I wouldn’t catch you?”
“S-shut up.” You’d whine burying your face in his chest.
He likes to pick you up a lot and pretend to drop you when you two are walking around causing you to scream.
He tackles you to the ground when you go over to his place.
He never lets you study he’s always kissing you.
I picture you have strict parents, they may even be hunters (idk just putting ideas out there) and so he is not really allowed to see you but he throws rocks at your window when it’s midnight so you two can sneak out.
Cause let’s face it in this au you two have a forbidden love since your parents don’t like him and Eren’s dad probably doesn’t want him to be with a human. (Idk if his mom is around anymore but if she is I would say that she would be supportive mostly cause I see that she would be human)
Have talks on rooftops and look at the stars. You rest your head on his shoulder.
In the park area which leads to the forest in your town. You were probably just walking around to get some air and you could've sworn you saw something move fast at the corner of your eye but you just continued to walk. The more you ignored it the more you noticed it so you got a little scared. Of course, you asked if someone was there but no one answered. When you turned around again you bumped into someone and screamed.
The familiar-looking male covered his ears, "Damn you scream loud." He'd laugh before setting his hands down. (btw keep in mind he has his long hair here and on days he's not at school he keeps it down.)
"Eren, what the hell? You can't just sneak up on me like that." You snapped.
"Awww did I scare you?" He teased.
"Uh yeah."
"Then maybe I can make up for it." He’d grin coming closer to you.
"How?" You looked at him still upset.
He’d cup your face with his hands pulling you in for kiss and making you blush a whole lot.
He has told you that he can hear your heartbeat so he likes to hear it when you are with him or if he kisses you or doesn’t something different. He will tease you about it to.
“You’re nervous right now.” He’d laugh whilst having his arms around your waist.
“What? No I’m not.” You’d deny.
He’d shake his head, “Y/n, you can’t exactly hide that, I can hear your heartbeat. You get nervous every time I do this.” He’d roam his hands along your sides catching you off guard.
His hands roamed your body and touched you in more sensitive areas as he placed his lips of the back of your ear, trailing down and leaving kisses on your neck. Even slightly biting on your shoulder too.“And this. . . or this—but mostly this.” Lastly he’d use his large hand to cup your crotch area.
“E-Eren, stop.” You’d bite your lip and blush being taken back by all the feelings your body experienced even if you didn’t intended to take this further.
He’d come back to your ear only to nibble at it. “Admit that I make you nervous.”
Sometimes he won’t say anything but he likes to hear the way it beats in general when you feel happy or shy or whatever he thinks it’s so cute.
If you are cold don’t worry werewolves are very warm so he will warm you up a lot.
You don’t have to tell him cause he just senses how you feel and so he just takes you in his arms and warms you up. He is your personal heater.
He tries to never get mad at you to the point we’re he could hurt you. (Not saying he would) but like he tries to not show that ugly side cause he knows it could scare you.
If he’s really mad or if he’s going to have to fight another werewolf he never wants you to see what he looks like and stuff. He doesn’t want to give you that image even tho you love him anyway. He’s just worried he’ll scare you off and he doesn’t want to hurt you so he’s worried if he’ll get out of hand and turn but he’s got it under wraps. He doesn’t get very mad that quickly.
When his eyes glow you find it kind of hot. And they typically glow red (cause he’s most likely and Alpha and has his own pack but if this is before he has really matured they would be orange.) and they look nice. He shows them when he’s mad or in a passionate moment like during something like sex or a rough make-out.
Cause during anything sensual he doesn’t, or really can’t hold back from his animalistic nature and you told him not to be worried or feel weird about his nails becoming claws when he’s turned on or about his eyes changing or even if he grew ears (I don’t think he gets his ears to show up but maybe)
Speaking of ears if they show up for some reason, you like to feel them. Although usually, you have to ask him—or rather beg him to show them to you while cuddling.
“Eren please?” You’d whine sitting on the couch with your legs in between his waist so he couldn’t exactly leave.
“No, babe it’s weird.” He’d laugh, shaking his head.
“Please.” You’d ask, giving him puppy eyes. He could never say know to that cute little face.
“Fine, but this is the last time.” He’d give up and smile. But you would eventually ask again just to feel them.
“Yay!” You’d cheer.
Also going back to the claws he doesn’t like showing them to you and only does during intimate moments. (cause he can't control it 100%) One time he hid his hand away and you grabbed his wrist gently and aligned your hand with his.
“Don’t hide them.” You'd smile.
“You sure?” He'd ask.
“Yes. Eren, I love you. I don't care about that stuff.” You smiled leaning down to kiss him.
He is worried about scratching you cause he knows that will hurt. And sometimes he has in fact scratched you but it was by total accident but you always try to not tell him so he doesn't worry.
Also with claws, if you are having a hard time opening something in plastic-like paper plates for example you will ask him to use his claws. He usually says no. Cause he doesn’t like to use his powers.
"Just use scissors."
"I can't, I lost them." You’d frown.
"Then use a knife." He’d suggest.
"You're literally are walking pair of scissors and you won't open them?" You’d sass.
"Ohhh, I see how it is. So that's why you want me." He’d tease coming up behind you to leave kisses on your neck.
“Eren, you know that’s not true.” You’d giggle with his touch.
"Sure~” He’d grin.
“I’m serious.”
“Okay here.” He’d kiss your cheek before cutting the plastic with his claws he pulled out.
You’ve even asked if you could paint them and he told you no.
You compare your hand size a lot, he's always kissing your little fingers and knucles.
And he has big hands so he is still heavily an ass man. He grips it and smacks it a lot. Especially when you two are walking somewhere together and even in school.
Love to give you hickeys and bite you but he is always being careful cause he doesn't want to turn you.
He was probably born a werewolf but he can turn you if he bites deep enough so he's always being extra careful.
Since he can turn into a wolf imagine he’s a fluffy one. And probably white and light brown or just fully black.
You like when he’s in his wolf form bc he’s fluffy so you always feel the fur and when you fall asleep he will cuddle with you in that form. He guards and protects you and he is big wolf cause you know werewolf.
He likes to follow you or give you ride in his wolf form. It’s very exciting and fun. Cause you know, jumping abilities.
If you’re walking in the woods and he’s in wolf form (you were probably camping) he will pull on your clothes or backpack with his teeth.
He’s even stolen it from you to get your attention and just be an ass.
“Eren, quit it.” You’d turn around being a little annoyed.
He would just whine at this and continue to do it.
“What? I don’t speak dog. Change back or something.”
And he did change back, although you tend to forget he’s naked.
“Alright you asked for it.” He’d answer in his human form now.
“Oh my god, Eren! You couldn’t wait when we got back to the camp?!” You’d exclaim. Turning around and covering your eyes whilst throwing your back at him since there was a blanket and other clothes bc you know how he just suddenly likes to turn and not turn. So yes you’re prepared.
“Aww, I thought that’s what you wanted.” He’d smirk coming up behind you about to hug you.
“No it’s not. Put on some clothes.” You’d complain covering your eyes.
He’s a big perv and as werewolf he’s horny all the time. So I mean he is all over you.
And who can refuse? he’s well built, I mean what werewolf doesn’t have a killer body in shows.😂 so yes shirtless Eren is a thing and you can never get enough of it. He may even have some tattoos, not that many just like three at the most.
On full moons he doesn’t want you to be around cause that’s like a very difficult time for him but I see that since he’s been doing this his whole life he’s learned how to control himself and a full moon isn’t very hard for him to get through. But he still prefers you don’t see the turning process. But I honestly feel like he can turn whenever he wants tbh. But if it wasn’t like that and he had to go through a process he wouldn’t want you to see his body bend and break and he’s worried he’d lose control too. He knows how much it bothered you in the beginning so.
You don't wear sliver cause you know that will burn him for sure, but you have worn a sliver ring and necklace by accident and he couldn’t hold your hand all day. It made you so sad you threw the ring and necklace away just to hold his hand and kiss him.
"That was expensive." He'd remind you with wide eyes.
"Fuck it, it's more expensive if I can't have you." You'd say before pulling his shirt down making it easier for you to kiss him.
You also have to be careful with wolvesbane since a lot of flowers can be classified under it and so you can’t buy certain flower bouquets or even go hiking or something in some spots cause he gets sick to it and you know the senses are surperior so the scent is stronger.
Speaking of scent he knows your scent and obviously can find you. But this subject always weirds you out. You tell him it’s like stalking but he tells you it’s tracking.
“They rhyme for a reason Eren.”
He does since a lot things with his senses and it’s strange. And will use it to his advantage of course.
“You know I can sense arousal?” He’d smirk making you turn red.
“Eww, what the heck Eren.”
He’d chuckle hearing your outburst. “What? I’m just letting you know, I know it’s happening right now.”
“No it’s not! I don’t feel that way. Right now.” You’d defend, truth be told you didn’t feel that way he was just being an ass.
“Really you should check then?”
Don’t hate me but he can sense periods. And you always tell him to tune out of the scent which of course he can’t focus his nose on all scents he can do it just one at time so of course he just won’t use his power as much to sense it.
“You can smell that?” You’d look at him with wide eyes.”
“Yeah, I can but I mean I usually just tap out of my sense when I know a girl is on it.” He’d laugh seeing your blushing face.
“That’s disgusting, don’t come and see me next week.”
“Oh my gosh babe it’s fine, you can’t help it if you bleed.”
“Yeah but it’s a little embarrassing that-“
“What? That I know when you get it? I don’t care.”
“But, Eren.”
“It’s fine. It’s not something you can change.” He’d smile, kissing your cheek.
And when you have it he deals with your attitude and kinda finds it cute.
When you get sick he doesn’t understand what that’s like because he’s like so confused since his kind can’t get sick. He just feels bad and does what he can.
I think he may have some healing properties so when you get hurt he will maybe take away your pain or heal you somehow.
He doesn’t allow you to carry things since he’s so strong so you don’t do much.
You call him “werewolf” as joke and he gets annoyed. You also tell him how a dog and wolf are the same thing but he always says it’s not.
He will use his powers as an advantage when he wants to and makes you so annoyed when he doesn’t it win against you.
“You’re such a sore loser Eren.”
“Mmh yeah? But you like this sore loser.” He’d pull you in for kiss before you could say anything.
You take showers with him a lot. I’m a sexual and non sexual way.
He doesn’t kill people like he used to in his older days so finding that out may have been a little hard to swallow.
Eren was trying to start a new life after his past and at some point he met you.
Overall, you have a very epic love story and truly are soulmates in this au, and like it’s just not normal how inseparable you two are. You both love each other so much.
Ending (after this is nsfw)
You’re relationship may be on and off or just a temporary break up bc well your life is not easy in this au. I mean people after you both and what not. Cause they’re hunters and so many other issues.
I don’t 100% see that he gets to be happy with you he could have a really good or sad ending. But I feel like if it’s sad.
Eren would most likely die later on in your time with him because he had to protect you and with doing that he sacrificed himself to protect you and I see that (for some reason I picture his brother or one of his friends like Armin might be into you but he never pursued it and that’s how Eren got you.) tho with this he would probably choose (I’m seeing his brother more on this) Zeke to take care of you and keep you safe and so I wouldn’t be surprised if you spent the rest of your life with his brother because you both grew to understand each other (I mean you both lost Eren) and be attached and plus if Eren had kids with you Zeke would still raise them as his own with you. And he may have had kids of his own with you.
And just think Zeke might be the best one to get you through something like that. Plus I could see him having a thing for you.
The happy ending, if it were to occur is that once after all drama is settled you two may get married but you definitely have kids and not just one, a lot bc werewolves don’t just reproduce one kid, do they?😂
And so yea lots of babies and being pregnant (I have to write that about werewolf Eren with a pregnant gf) was quite the adventure with all the werewolf side effects.
And you two may have had a wedding even and you just were both so happy to be together and now you two would just be raising your little kids.
Werewolf sex is rough. Like rough but that’s the way he likes it and he won’t hurt you.
But you get to see a more animalistic side of him since he can’t control the claws or the eyes. Or the grunts and growls.
Werewolves are into fingering, change my mind.😂
He takes your underwear off with his teeth. And loves to see how wet you are.
Corruption kink
He has ripped your clothes which makes you mad and he just laughs and tells you it doesn’t matter.
Loves marking you.
Is always throwing you all around and just surprising you.
Biting but not too hard
Is a hard dom
Hair pulling
Eren doesn’t always give you time to take off your clothes like socks and shoes he just screws you with them on if you are wearing them, particularly if you are wearing flats cause hearing them slip off when he thrusts makes him even more turned on.
He likes heavy eye contact and whispers a lot of hot things in your ear.
Overstimulates you and when it comes to fingering he honestly won’t stop till you push his hand away cause you just can’t take it anymore.
He loves it if you’re loud.
He pins your arms above your head.
Puts his fingers in your little mouth.
Teases you a lot tbh.
Licks your neck.
Wall sex and shower sex.
He isn’t secretive about his sex life tbh his brother has seen things. It’s no secret at all you two are just too loud.
You have had segg in the forest at least he tries to get it to that. But if you refuse he’ll be bummed out.😂😂
There are lots of quickies when he’s busy with pack stuff.
But overall there is a lot of sex in general which only risks you to get pregnant, yes you can get pregnant and be careful he will probably make you have lots of babies. But don’t worry he loves you so he wants them all.
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© scarlet-fantasies // do not steal, reuse, repost onto other sites. all writing and ideas are original unless stated otherwise. // 2021-Present.
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dcbnam-aep · 2 years
Star Trek Picard 205 thoughts
- ancestor interesting
- *opening credit scene*
- is she taking control of the ship???
- agnes where u at somethings going on??
- rios voice authorisation king
- borg what r u doing??
- “I know you” awwww 🥰🌈
- our fav gfs breaking out a bunch of prisoners
- ahh hallucination owch
- “I’ve got ur back you’ve got mine, right?” 🥰🌈
- i like them dealing with important relevant issues
- loving soji’s new (old??) haircut
- i bet the 3d printer thing and communication is the borg queen (ok like it spelt the letter Q which is sus but it also looks like the og borg cube and the stuff she was doing earlier on the la sirena was sus plus it then cut to the police scene she led to the investigation of sooo)
- also how did the police guy not notice her what!?!?
- he’s gonna have the fright of his life (and probably be assimilated)
- yup there we go
- agnes?!?!?!
- nvm was Q not the borg queen lol-
- these characters could be so chaotic and destructive together oh my-
- over halfway through the ep and all ive got is one shot of agnes asleep this is not the content im here for
- Picard just gonna rock up at this funky party haha
- rendezvous with crew yes pls agnes will pop off at a party filled with other geniuses
- also forgot to mention this before but rios speaking Spanish 😍
- when did this turn into horror what
- bestie waking up jeez
- stop what is the borg doing leave her the fuck alone
- enough mental manipulation leave her alone
- “bullshit” yes
- “it’s you I want”- this is weird flirting what?
- alone on every single timeline not true agnes I will take care of u
- “stop talking” leave bestie alone
- “im the only one in the entire universe that has ever truly seen you”
- agnes stay strong
- ok she needs to kill him
- kajjd ok good job bestie just assuming she did shoot him
- irrelevant side note- keep going to refer to agnes as queen cause shes such an icon but then I keep remembering I can’t because there’s the actual borg queen lol
- awww sweet scene that’s nice finally
- wait this is so sad bc she’s actually human which mean she’s gonna die so that soong can then base synthetics off her
- ahh someone give jurati a hug rios go go go
- oh shit she shot the borg queen damnnnn
- someone give her a hug NOW
- agnes feeling bad for the borg queen rlly hurts cause that’s how manipulated shes been omfg
- also someone get her a change of clothes
- im mentally sending her so many hugs right now omfg
- picard trying to prove his crew is trustworthy as they drag a “im sure not dead” cop out their star ship
- ok she got a change in clothes and cleaned herself up good
- im slightly confused ab the eps promo now tho cause it looked like agnes was being invaded with nano-bots
- it keeps cutting to agnes looking completely nonchalant 🥲🥲
- “Jurati had all the skills we need”- finally getting the recognition she deserves
- Rios have some faith in her
- not them both downing drinks kskjd
- agnes the party crasher
- yay purposefully getting herself arrested
- “u need me agnes”
- and the borg queen at her shoulder in the end scene
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