#I have to work sat and sun and can get early pay
mybiasisexo · 10 months
rents due and I’m $400 short
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sodaabaa · 4 months
anthony bridgerton x wife!reader wife!reader is excited to celebrate her husband’s first birthday since they got married only to wake up and find anthony missing. she takes a trip to mayfair to ask the bridgerton family where anthony has disappeared to.
tw: grief, mentions of a parent's death.
a/n: hi everyone, wanted to take a second to just thank you for all the support. i started writing these just for fun and decided on an impulse to start posting my writings, not expecting them to get past even 15 likes! i really enjoyed writing this oneshot and navigating anthony's feelings in this one. let me know if you'd like to see a part 2 within this story line or similar stories within the bridgerton universe!
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The first rays of dawn broke through the curtains, pulling Y/N from her sleep. She reached to the side, feeling the bed for her husband to find only the absence of his warmth. She sat up, it was unusual for Anthony to be gone so early in the morning. The two of them had a habit of starting their mornings together before he went off to tend to business, the vacant spot on the bed puzzled her – today was Anthony’s thirtieth birthday, the first one they would spend married. She already had a plan for the day; dotingly wake him up with kisses in all the spots he loved, take their breakfast in bed (a special one at that – she requested the cooks to make his favorite marmalade with the first plums of the season), pack a basket with light sandwiches and his favorite wine to picnic by a nearby lake, and end the night with his most favorite activity. Y/N pouted, upset that her plans had been foiled by his absence. She pushed the duvet off and dressed herself, wondering what possibly could have been important enough for him to leave without telling her. 
“Amelia,” she called out to one of the maids. Amelia had been working at Aubrey Hall for years, she knew the ins and outs of this place like the back of her hand, maybe she’d seen Anthony this morning? 
“Yes, my lady?”
“Did you happen to see the viscount this morning?”
“No, my lady. My apologies,” she paused, “though – you may want to check with the dowager viscountess.”
She tilted her head in confusion, “Whatever for?” 
Amelia fiddled with the rag in her hands.
“Amelia, what is it?”
“Every year, on the viscount’s birthday he…disappears. He usually slips out before dawn when we’re all just getting started with the day. But we’ve never seen where he goes.” 
Y/N’s confusion only deepened. Amelia waited for Y/N to dismiss her – she did so, waving a hand and offering a gracious smile for the information she provided. Amelia exited with a curtsy, leaving Y/N with no choice but to pay the Bridgerton clan a visit. Perhaps they could give her some insight into her husband’s mysterious birthday habit.
She managed to reach Mayfair before the sun had peaked in the sky. The carriage approached Bridgerton House, Y/Npeered through to see if Anthony might be somewhere around. He was nowhere to be found, much to her dismay. She stood before the double doors of Bridgerton House, signaling to the footman to announce her arrival. In the blink of an eye, her favorite Bridgerton sibling came running to the door.
“Y/N! How lovely it is to see you!” Eloise exclaimed, pulling her in for a hug. She returned the hug, grateful for the way Eloise managed to instantly raise Y/N’s spirits. Violet followed Eloise, a knowing smile on her face. Y/N pulled away from Eloise’s tight embrace to greet Violet.
“Can’t seem to find Anthony, can you dearest?” Violet said when she pulled away from their hug.
“I see this is a regular occurrence then?” She replied, feeling left out – why had no one bothered to inform her of this habit of his? She would have saved herself from the disappointment of foiled plans. 
“Come in, you’ll catch a chill if you stand at the door any longer,” Violet ushered them upstairs. 
“Y/N!” Hyacinth and Gregory were the next to greet her as she walked into the drawing room.
She gave the two little Bridgertons a hug, commenting on how tall Gregory had gotten and the length of Hyacinth’s curly hair. The pair immediately began updating her on all the things they’d gotten up to while Y/N was gone – though they didn’t get far.
“Hyacinth, Gregory – please give Y/N a moment to rest from her trip. I’m sure she’d love to hear all about your mischief later,” Violet said. The inseparable duo pouted for a moment before taking a seat in their usual spot. Y/N herself took a between Violet and Eloise, turning to ask her more about her husband's whereabouts.
“Do you know where he goes off to? Surely his mother might know.” 
“I’m afraid I do not. I do, however, know the reason he disappears,” Violet looked over at her youngest children, ensuring they were engrossed in whatever they were doing before continuing. 
“Since Edmund died, there has not been a birthday where he does not run off like this. It started when he turned ten and nine. I know it has something to do with his father, I am certain, but I cannot figure out where he goes. The first year, I checked Edmund’s grave to no avail. I’ve searched and searched my mind for places that held significance to Edmund, to Anthony,” she explained, throwing her hands up with a defeated sigh.
Y/N took a moment to process Violet’s revelation, guilt slowly eating her up. She had been so involved with her ownplans for Anthony’s birthday and then felt so disappointed but all this time, he was taking time to grieve. Her heart shattered for her husband – her valiant, loving, sweetheart of a husband. 
“If I may,” Eloise cut in with the raise of a finger, “perhaps he simply despises the concept of birthdays and wishes to avoid all the commotion by hiding out in some pub somewhere?”
“Eloise!” Violet exclaimed.
“My, my, what do we have here? Viscountess Bridgerton has come to visit us!” Benedict interrupted the three women on the sofa, shooting a warm smile towards Y/N.
“Benedict, it’s lovely to see you,” she replied. She rose from her seat, giving Benedict a quick embrace before he took his seat across from them.
“Allow me to guess – Anthony’s disappeared?”
Y/N nodded, “I don’t suppose you happen to know where?”
Benedict clicked his tongue, “I’m afraid not.” 
She sighed, “Well, when does he usually return then?”
“The next day. And to make matters worse, he acts as if it were totally normal, avoiding all questions about his whereabouts until you simply surrender trying to figure it out,” Benedict said.
That night, Y/N retired to their bedroom though she had no intentions of sleep – how could she manage to when her husband was off God knows where, in what condition. It kept her up with worry, so she decided she’d stay up and wait for his return. Staring at the walls had become tortuous as the hours droned by, she wrapped herself in a robe and made her way toward Anthony’s study. Perhaps she could find something here to clue her into her husband's habit. She poured herself a glass of Anthony’s whiskey, choking down the bitter liquid, and sat back on his chair with a sigh.
She looked around the dimly lit room, a portrait of Anthony’s father hung up to the left of the desk. She wondered what he was like, Anthony rarely ever spoke of him. Her heart ached at the thought of her husband at eighteen, witnessing what he’d witnessed and resuming to take on the mantle that’d belonged to his father in the midst of such trauma. Her eyes scanned the painting – catching on a pocket watch in her late father-in-law’s hand. She stood, leaning in to get a closer look at the watch. Realization dawned on her. This was Anthony’s pocket watch – well, it had been his father’s but this was the same watch he carried with him everywhere. She had noticed early on his habit of checking the time almost obsessively. She always wondered why he had such a fascination with time. 
I could never surpass my father. He was a greater man than I. Anthony’s words echoed in her mind.
It all fell into place – clicking like a lock in her mind.
She ran back upstairs, rushing to wear something more appropriate. She quietly ran back downstairs, grabbing her cloak on the way out. The September days were cool and refreshing but the nights were cooler, which Y/N usually savored but the cold air only increased her adrenaline tonight, causing a chill to run down her spine.
She summoned a carriage, willing it to come faster as it approached her. 
“To the chapel, please.”
As the carriage moved closer to the chapel, she could make out the vague silhouette of a man sitting on a park bench facing the clock in the center. The moonlight illuminated the small square, the scene before her looked to be straight out of a painting. She stepped out of the carriage, rushing towards the silhouette.
She stood behind him for a moment, afraid to disrupt him – afraid of what his reaction might be. She knew her husband preferred to grieve alone but this was beyond grief; Anthony feared his birthdays, feared the clock running out of time. 
The man in front of her startled, inhaling as he turned around. She sighed in relief.
“How did you find me here?” He said, motioning for her to sit with him.
She walked around the bench, placing a kiss on her husband’s forehead as she sat beside him.
“Your pocket watch.” 
He let out a breathy laugh, a humorless action. He held the watch, thumb circling its frame.
“You are not bound to time, Anthony,” she said gently.
He looked up at her, eyes red from the long day he must have had.
“Are we all not bound to time? Some simply have less.”
“You cannot know that for certain, dearest.”
“I know I am less of a man than my father was yet he merely had eight and thirty years,” his voice was hoarse.
“You are just as much of a man as he was. You’ve fought so hard for this family, do not belittle your efforts,” she took his face in her hands.
She wished she could show him how much of a man he truly was. He'd raised his siblings and taken on the burden of being a viscount to allow for his brothers to pursue their dreams. He ensured his sisters were well provided for and he dealt with his mother's grief for years -- all without complaint. Because of this, it was a privilege to call Anthony her husband, if only he could see himself how she saw him.
“You are not leaving me behind in a mere eight years, Anthony Bridgerton. I will fight death himself if that is to be the case.”
He chuckled, a hint of real joy behind his eyes as he did.
“I have no doubt you would give it a valiant effort, my love.” 
He leaned forward, placing a kiss on her lips.
“It’s late and cold, shall we head back to the house?” 
She nodded, grateful to return her husband to where he belonged – at her side, with his family surrounding them.
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hjijp · 4 months
First kiss with nct dream
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pairing: 7dream x reader genre: fluff, established relationships notes: not proof read, so sorry if some things dont make sense or just suck😭 ill fix it when i wake up
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Mark : Mark loved sunsets, and so did you. So what better way to spend your evening than by taking a walk along the beach shoreline, hand in hand with your shoes in your free hands?
It was perfect, everything was. No words had to be said - the sounds of the waves and birds did it all for you. It had only been around three months since you and Mark started dating. You both wanted to take things slow, and you wouldn't have it any other way, but you also wanted to kiss him, you wanted to know what it was like to kiss the man you truly loved.
After strolling around, waiting for the sun to set, you finally found the perfect spot to sit and watch the sunset. Both of you sat down in silence, savouring the beautiful scenery around you.
While still holding hands, you turn to Mark and say, "I really, really want to kiss you." Mark smiles, his eyes lighting up with excitement, and without saying a word, he leans in to kiss you. Just as your lips touch, you pull away quickly and start to ask, "I'm sorry, are you sure you-" but before you can finish your sentence, Mark gently but firmly pulls you closer, and he kisses you, melting away any lingering doubts and uncertainties.
Renjun : Renjun had recently learned about a traveling carnival that had just set up in your area. Upon discovering this, he immediately knew that he wanted to plan a special date for you guys.
The bright lights and sounds of laughter could be heard from miles away. I always loved events like this; they remind you of your childhood. you always made sure to get some cotton candy whenever you attended these types of events, so when you saw a stall with some, you immediately dragged Renjun over to get some. He insisted on paying for you, saying it was his treat. Upon hearing this, you smiled sweetly at your boyfriend and thanked him.
Turning around, you saw a big ferris wheel calling out your name, “Can we go on the ferris wheel?” You asked him sweetly.
“Of course, lead the way,” He said with a soft smile on his face. Making your way towards the not-so-long queue, you chatted away happily with Renjun waiting for your turn. Once you were on, you sat and admired the view, not noticing the way Renjun was staring at you. “Isn’t the view so pretty from up here?” You ask him without turning around to face him.
Renjun continues to stare at you, which delays his response, but he finally says “Yeah, it is,” It comes out almost as a mutter. You turn around and see him staring at you, which has you instantly blushing. He smiles and comes to sit next to you rather than opposite you.
“You’re rather red,” He chuckles out, you turn away upon hearing this feeling embarrassed, but he quickly turns your head to him with his pointer finger under your chin. He goes to lean in but stops to get your consent, you nod and lean in as well.
Pulling apart you softly speak “I’ll never forget this moment.”
Jeno : Your relationship with Jeno was still in its early stages, and everything was going perfectly so far. He was everything you had ever dreamed of. He always showed an incredible level of attentiveness towards you, ensuring your safety and well-being at every turn.
You recently received a promotion at work, and to celebrate, Jeno had the fantastic idea of going to a fancy restaurant. You were immediately excited at the thought of him dressed to perfection with his amazing style, which had you feeling dizzy.
After dinner, Jeno drove you back to your apartment. When the car stopped, he came around to your side and opened the door for you. You smiled at this small but sweet gesture, something you adored about him. You've never loved anyone like this. That was the moment when you realised that you wanted to take your relationship with him to the next level. You envisioned having a typical white picket fence, a few kids, and maybe even some pets. You wanted to spend the rest of your life with him.
Stepping out of the car, you turn to look at him and say, "I had a good time," You smile once you finished your sentence. Jeno goes to say something but you stop him and carry on, "I really like you, I want this to work out. And god, If anybody were to kiss me, I would want that person to be you," Admitting it out loudly had you rather shocked at your boldness that came out of nowhere.
He does nothing but give you his signature smile which brightens up his whole face while reaching for your waist to pull you in closer. He leans in and presses his lips to yours,
"I want you to be that person too."
Haechan : You and Haechan were strolling around the mall just shopping for random, unnecessary things. Haechan was a few steps behind you, you didn't even notice this until he had to jog up to you to grab your hand to stop you from losing him in the crowd.
Upon his arrival to your right side, you slowed down and spotted a photobooth over in a secluded corner of the mall. You smile happily and drag him over. You've always wanted to go into a photobooth with a boyfriend but never had the chance to seeing as Haechan is your first-ever boyfriend.
Once you reached the photo booth you turned to him and pleaded with him to go in together, "Please, I really want to get some pictures with you," Haechan couldn't help but coo at how desperate you were to take some pictures with him. "Of course we can cutie," He laughed out.
After his confirmation, you rushed in and dragged him in to sit next to you with a smile on your face. You quickly paid and agreed on a few poses to do, the first one was you guys squishing each other's cheeks.
The close proximity had you running warm, he noticed this and turned to you before gently grabbing the side of your face to turn you to face him. He stared at you for a few seconds, not even caring about the camera still capturing pictures of this precious moment between you two. He lunges forward and passionately presses his lips to yours, the camera capturing it at the perfect time. Pulling back, he can't help but leave multiple kisses all over your face with his hands still gently holding your head up.
Jaemin : You can still remember your first date with Jaemin when you were just starting out as a couple. It had been a few months since then. He took you to your favourite museum. You always loved going to museums, so when the guy you liked asked to take you there, you couldn't help but feel like a kid on Christmas.
Walking around, you couldn't help but reminisce about all the good times you and Jaemin shared here before you were even dating. You could feel that today would also make a good memory.
Jaemin was walking around taking pictures on his beloved camera, he was always good at taking pictures. Seeing that Jaemin was distracted at getting a good angle for his picture, you took the opportunity to go over to a piece of art that you've never seen before here. Distracted by the beauty of the art, you didn't notice Jaemin taking photos of you, not that you would of minded anyways.
"You're so beautiful," You hear from behind you, the voice getting closer. You couldn't help but smile as you feel him snake his arms around your waist and hug you from behind. You hide your face with your hands at the sudden compliment, he laughs at this and spins you around so you're facing him. He speaks up again with a gentle, "Don't hide from me, let me see your pretty smile," Before removing your hands from your face.
"Stop saying cheesy stuff or I might have to kiss you," You say with a teasing voice, but he took it seriously.
"Kiss me then."
Chenle : You had been begging Chenle to take you to the basketball court to teach you the basics. After all, it was a new relationship, and you wanted to bond with your new boyfriend.
It was around seven at night when Chenle first took you to the outdoor basketball court. The cool evening breeze gently blew your hair as you stood on the court, feeling the sweat gathering on your neck from the exertion of trying to keep up with your passionate boyfriend.
As Chenle passed you the ball, you attempted to throw it into the hoop, but you failed miserably. Chenle couldn't help but laugh, "Babe, your aim is so bad. Here, let me show you how it's done," He jogs up to get the ball from the ground and throws it in perfectly.
He looks at you with a smirk when he sees your face drop. "Okay show off," You mutter out while crossing your arms. Chenle just kept the smirk on his face while staring at you with no shame of being caught. You look up at him and see him staring, "Is there something on my face?" you rush out feeling embarrassed. Chenle just shakes his head and says
"No, I just really want to kiss you right now," His bold statement had you feeling shy with your cheeks reddening instantly, trying to hide your shyness you mutter out, "Do it then," But that just made him even bolder. As you feel him come closer - closer than he's ever been before, you hear him softly mutter an okay before leaning in and catching your lips with his.
Jisung : As you and Jisung entered the bustling arcade for your weekly date, the bright lights and lively atmosphere immediately caught your attention. It was different from your usual date spots, but you didn't mind, especially since it was Jisung's turn to choose the location.
Jisung immediately grabbed your hand and dragged you to the claw machine to win you a teddy bear. After multiple tries, he failed to get you one. You couldn't help but laugh at the pout forming on his lips as he rambled on about how rigged claw machines were.
"Babe?" you asked, trying to get his attention from the constant rambling, but he just kept going. Until an idea popped into your head. "Close your eyes," Jisung looked at you before questioning you.
"Just close them, please," you said with a soft plea. Thankfully, Jisung obliged and closed his eyes. You leaned in slowly and gave him a sweet kiss. Pulling back, you saw Jisung flutter his eyes open, staring at you in shock.
"Did you just kiss me to shut me up?" he asked breathlessly. You couldn't help but laugh while saying a shy no. "Well, how about you do it again?"
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I Work Too Hard, Can You Fuckin' Pay Me?
Part 3 - Y/N moved to escape some of thier looming troubles from Westview, to the place that their best friend said would make a difference. New job, new digs, will Y/N make a change for the better, or leave another city with their tail between thier legs?
TW: Smut, Intersex reader, Y/N is gonna get themselves into trouble 🫢
Word Count: 2.3K
Read Pt. 1 HERE Read Pt. 2 HERE
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I Can Make Your Body Levitate, If You Let Me
The next morning, the sun peeked through the blinds, casting a warm glow over the room. You stirred in bed, reaching out for Natasha, but she was gone. The sheets were cold where she had been, the side of the bed untouched. You sat up, the events of the night before playing through your mind like a sultry, erotic film. You felt a strange mix of satisfaction and emptiness, the intensity of the encounter leaving you craving more, yet you knew that you had set clear boundaries.
Swinging your legs over the side of the bed, you somewhat dressed yourself and stumbled into the kitchen, the floorboards cold against your bare feet. The aroma of brewing coffee filled the air, and you realized Natasha had left you a note next to the pot. "Had to run. Thanks for the wild ride, Y/N. Catch you around the club. -N" It was simple, but it brought a smile to your face.
You poured yourself a cup and walked to the fridge, Natasha's absence leaving a surprisingly empty feeling in your chest. But as you scoured the shelves for something to eat, you spotted Wanda sitting at the picnic table in the backyard. She was dressed in her usual attire, a simple sundress and sandals, with her dark hair pulled back in a loose ponytail. She was nibbling on a piece of toast, seemingly lost in thought.
Grabbing an apple from the bowl on the counter, you walked out the back door to your house, taking a deep breath, and filling your lungs with the fresh morning air. The sun was just above the horizon, casting a warm glow across the untouched grass. You peered over at Wanda, who was sitting at the picnic table in her backyard.
The quiet of the morning was interrupted by the sound of you biting into the crisp flesh of the apple, gaining the attention of the woman next door. Wanda looked up, her eyes meeting yours over the fence. She offered a tentative smile, and you returned it, feeling a bit awkward. "Morning," you speak quietly.
"Sounded like you had quite the night," Wanda commented, her voice carrying a hint of amusement. "I heard Natasha's car leave early." You felt a blush creep up your cheeks, but she just shrugged. "It's not the first time she's spent the night with someone new around here.”
You cleared your throat, taking a sip of the hot coffee to buy yourself some time. "Yeah, we had a... good time," you admitted, trying to keep your tone casual. "Just a friendly neighborly chat."
Wanda raised an eyebrow, a knowing smile playing on her lips. "If you say so," she said, taking another bite of her toast. You couldn't help but feel a bit self-conscious under her gaze, wondering what she thought of the noise that had surely carried over the night before.
Shaking off the awkwardness, you sat on the porch's top step, watching as Wanda's dog, a fluffy golden retriever, frolicked in the dew-kissed grass. The sight of her enjoying her quiet morning routine was comforting, a stark contrast to the chaos of the club and the intense passion that had consumed you hours ago.
"So, how do you like Foxwood?" Wanda asked, breaking the silence. You took a moment to consider her question, the apple juice from the fruit lingering on your tongue.
"It's... different," you replied honestly. "But a good different. I think I could get used to it." 
Wanda nodded, a knowing look in her eye. "I've heard it can be quite the change of pace," she said, her voice carrying a hint of something more. You couldn't help but wonder what she knew about Natasha and the club. 
"How long have you lived here?" you asked, changing the subject.
"Oh, uh, since I left Westview," Wanda said, taking a sip of her coffee. She glanced back at her house, her expression wistful. "I've seen many people come and go, looking for something new. Sometimes they find it, sometimes they don't."
You nodded, taking another sip of your coffee. "I'm hoping to find some peace here," you said, the words coming out more earnest than you had intended.
Wanda's gaze softened. "Well, if you need anything, I'm just next door. Any friend of Piet's is a friend of mine. And Natasha, she's a good time, but she's got her own demons to deal with. Just remember to take care of yourself, okay?" There was a gentle warning in her tone, one that you couldn't ignore.
You nodded, feeling a strange mix of gratitude and unease. "I will," you promised, finishing off your coffee. "Thanks, Wanda."
With a final smile, Wanda turned back to her breakfast, and you retreated into your house, the whispers of Natasha and the club slowly fading into the background. As you stepped into the shower, the hot water washing away the sweat and scent of the night before, you made a decision. You would keep Natasha at arm's length, and enjoy the casual fling, but you wouldn't let her become your everything. You had too much to figure out on your own.
Months had passed, and you found yourself falling into a comfortable rhythm. You were finally unpacked completely, you felt that you were comfortable at home, and work. You had even started to make a few friends around town. You'd run into Nat at the club occasionally when you felt like going out with Piet, but try as she might you kept yourself at an arm's distance, not wanting to start this fresh start the same way you left Westview. You also talked to Wanda more frequently, growing closer as you got to know the older woman without the shadow of her younger brother looming over you.
Pietro was happy you were getting acclimated but wasn’t too thrilled about how close you were getting with his sister. You assured him over and over that it was nothing, but even you knew that was false. Your next-door neighbor was insatiably attractive, and you couldn’t help but want to explore further. You just weren’t sure if losing your high school best friend was also worth it. 
After a particularly taxing day at work, you decided to text Pietro and let him know you would be swinging by the club tonight to blow off some steam.
When you entered, there was something in the air, a tension that had been building since you saw Nat last. It was like you could feel the electricity between you even before you laid eyes on her. You had decided to go out with some friends from the office, a casual Friday night out, but the moment you stepped into the club, you knew Natasha was there.
Her eyes locked onto yours from across the crowded dance floor, a smoldering look that sent a shiver down your spine. She was dancing with a group of men, her movements fluid and sensual, but it was clear she was only doing it for show. You watched as she excused herself from the group as you ordered your usual, the smirk on her face growing as she approached you. "Miss me?" she whispered in your ear, hand resting on your chest as she leaned in, her breath hot and sweet with the scent of whiskey.
You couldn't deny the spark that ignited within you, but you kept your cool. "Can't say I have," you lied, sipping on your drink. Her eyes searched yours, looking for any hint of the truth. But you had learned to keep your cards close to your chest. "But it's always nice to see a familiar face," you added with a smirk. Some of your coworkers had already worked thier way over to a table, others were lingering by the bar and watching the interaction from afar, eyebrows raised and whispers echoing behind you.
Natasha's gaze lingered on your lips, and you could see the hunger in her eyes. She leaned in closer, her hand sliding around your waist. "Let's go somewhere private," she whispered, her voice thick with desire. You hesitated for a moment, knowing where this would lead and not wanting to play with this fire again. However, the desire to feel someone's body against yours was too strong to resist. Downing your drink in one, you set the glass back on the bar and motioned that you were going in the back for a little bit to your coworkers.
Hoots and hollers came from the table full of people from your office, as you followed her through the club, the lights and music pulsing around you, a stark contrast to the quiet of your nights at home. She led you to the same VIP room where it all began, the red velvet curtains pulled back to reveal the space. "It's all yours," she said, a devilish grin playing on her lips.
As she began to dance for you again, you couldn't help but be drawn in by the seductive sway of her hips and the way her eyes never left yours. The whispers of doubt grew louder, but so did the whispers of desire. You took a deep breath, letting the beat of the music fill your chest, and decided to indulge in the moment.
As Natasha danced closer, her body brushing against yours, you reached out to touch her, the warmth of her skin sending a jolt of excitement through you. She responded eagerly, her hands sliding up your thighs and her mouth finding yours in a fiery kiss. You felt the walls you had built up start to crumble, the passion between you undeniable.
With a growl, you pulled her closer, wrapping her thighs around your waist, her nails digging into your skin as you kissed her neck, feeling her pulse race beneath your lips. You knew this was a dangerous game, one that could lead to heartache, but at this moment, all you could think about was the way it felt to have someone in your arms.
You laid her down roughly, your eyes roaming over her body as you stripped off her lingerie. She was as beautiful as ever, her red hair fanned out on the pillow in the corner like a fiery halo. You felt your cock twitch with anticipation as she reached up to unbuckle your pants, her eyes never leaving yours.
The whispers of the past grew louder as you kissed her again, but you pushed them away, focusing on the here and now. Your hands found her breasts, squeezing gently as she moaned into your mouth. You could feel her wetness, her pussy begging for you to fill it. You didn't bother with foreplay, you already knew what she liked, and you knew she was ready. Reaching down into one of your pockets, you removed the trusty wallet condom, slipping the folded leather back into your pocket while the redhead was squirming below you, kneading your breasts while you tore into the package and slid the article over your now pulsing shaft. 
"Fuck, Y/N," she moaned, reaching down and slowly pumping your length as you leaned down and nibbled at her neck. You smiled against her warmed skin, biting down on her collarbone, causing her to gasp and arch her back as you soothed the spot with your tongue. She fisted your hair, pulling your head up. "You're so big, baby." she moaned into your ear, causing your eyes to flutter shut and a growl to come from your lips. 
Without warning you entered her, and the world around you faded away, leaving only the two of you and the passion that burned between you. The whispers grew quieter as you lost yourself in Natasha, her moans of pleasure echoing in your ears. It was as if she had cast a spell over you, one that made you forget about everything else. You moved together in a dance as old as time, your bodies in perfect sync, your hearts racing in time with the music.
But as the night grew darker and the whispers grew faint, you couldn't shake the feeling that this was a mistake. That you were playing with fire, and eventually, you would get burned. You didn't know if you could handle the intensity of what was growing between you, the fear of losing yourself in Natasha's world. The unmistakable feeling in your gut was creeping up in your stomach, the feeling like this should be someone else. But for now, you pushed those thoughts aside, giving in to the heat of the moment, hoping it would be enough to silence the whispers once and for all. 
Shifting Natasha to your lap while you stayed nestled inside her, you encouraged her to begin riding you as you both sloppily kissed one another.  Your hands found themselves on her hips, aiding her in setting the pace that had your eyes rolling back in your head. The room was spinning with lust and the smell of sex. You were suddenly pulled from your passion as the sound of the curtain being pulled back drew you back to reality. Natasha was still riding you as you looked over,  feeling like ice water had now been dumped over you. 
Two pairs of sea-green eyes took in the scene before them, both with extremely different emotions behind them. 
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wolfiihoney · 2 months
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Quick blurb for my lovelies! Pls enjoy this quick poorly written piece <33 unedited btw srry hehe 💖
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Higuruma wasn't easily bothered, but there were a few things that got under his skin, like loud noises, crowded stores, traffic, burnt toast, and more,
what really bothered him was the change in your sleeping routine.
Since meeting you, he had altered his work schedule to ensure the early start and end times, but lately, he'd noticed that you were waking up early, even earlier than him. You had several hours before your usual wake-up time, so why were you also rising with the sun?
This new habit was starting to concern Higuruma, and he knew he had to find out what was going on.
It was midnight, and you were sitting on the couch in the living room, watching a show but not truly paying attention to it. Sure, you loved the series, but your mind was preoccupied with intrusive thoughts. They had become more frequent lately, resurfacing after months of quiet. You yearned for the comfort of your gentle giant, but instead, you were left alone with your unchecked worries.
Higuruma, In your shared bed finally decided to talk to you after ten minutes of thinking about the matter. he walked into the living room to see you lost in thought,
“Love?” he said, his voice deep with sleep as he sat close to you on the couch, space didn’t exist to higuruma when it came to you.
You turned towards him wondering why he was out of bed.
“Hi baby, why are you awake? You have to leave in a couple of hours.” You said not wanting him to oversleep just because of yourself.
You snuggled into his side, feeling safe in his embrace. “Why haven’t you been coming to bed.” He was hoping he wasn’t the reason for your unhealthy sleep schedule.
“I couldn’t sleep,” you admitted, your voice soft.
Higuruma tightened his arms around you, his concern was evident in his tone. "Is everything alright y/n?”
His fingers gently grazed the skin beneath your eyes. “You look a little tired, love,” he said kissing the darkness under your eyes. You wanted to cry, he made you feel so safe.
“I mean I am a little tired but I can’t sleep, I’ve just been thinking so much,” you said becoming more embarrassed.
“I can’t stop, I keep guilting myself and beating myself up, I don’t know why I feel this way.” You said trying to hold back tears. Higuruma's heart clenched as he listened to your words, the pain and confusion you were feeling echoing through your voice. He pulled you even closer, wrapping you tightly in his arms.
"Hey, hey," he said, his voice gentle. He cupped your face in his hands, forcing you to meet his eyes.
"I wish you had told me earlier," he said, his own eyes filled with concern and love. "I can't help you if you don't talk to me."
“I know… I don’t know, I just didn’t want to burden you with me not knowing how to control my thoughts, I’m sorry.” You said looking down at your lap
“Why are you apologizing y/n? You could never burden me,” he said standing while picking you up, with his hands on your butt so you could face him.
“Okay,” he said with determination in his voice. “we’re going to bed, and if you can’t sleep tonight that’s okay, we’ll be up together and we can just sleep in later today.” He said entering the room and plopping you onto the big bed. “But we both have work.” You said.
“I’ll call Gojo and let him know you’re sick and can’t come into the school, he won’t believe me and he’ll probably think I’m trying to keep you all to myself which is true,”
He said with a deep chuckle. “and I have more than enough unused off days so I’ll be fine.”
He pulled you closer to him and squeezed you into a tight hug almost like he was trying to make you feel the undeniable love and devotion he has for you. “Get some rest, love. I’ll be here when you wake up.” He said kissing your forehead and then your lips. He now was determined to ease your mind.
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queen-of-reptiles · 8 months
description: in which jenna clark realises she may be a little rough with her girlfriend
jenna clark x female reader
disclaimer: this is all fiction! Do not take any of this seriously.
warnings: this is a short one! just fluff
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y/n slowly blinked her eyes open, the sun streaming through the thin curtains pushing her to wake up earlier than she would have preferred for her day off.
The girl sighed and pushed her arm out to touch her girlfriend only to feel an empty side of the bed. y/n sat up, a pout on her lips when she realised her girlfriend was not in the room.
Just as y/n went to move, the door to the bedroom opened and Jenna walked in with a tray in her hands and the small patter of feet echoed. y/n's and Jenna's miniature border collie Mollie jumping at the bed.
"Molls!" Jenna warns, the dog huffing as she moved back down the bed, her head flopping onto y/n's lap as she sat up, rubbing sleep from her eyes.
"Hi fluff." y/n chuckled, running her hand over her head.
Jenna sild onto the bed carefully, bringing the tray down between them where their coffees sat and breakfasts, y/n smiled softly, leaning over to kiss her lover's cheek.
"Thank you baby." y/n sighed, Jenna sending her a bright smile.
"Of course, you've been working too hard, I always say it." Jenna hums.
y/n was in her final year of her solicitor exams and also worked part time in a law firm and in a cafe to help pay for it all. Once she completed her exams, she had a role lined up with a soliciting firm for estate and would be able to stop the cafe job.
However, as they got into the final term, y/n found herself studying late, running off caffeine and tears, frantic writing into early hours of the morning, a few hours of stressed sleep and then straight to work.
Jenna could see her lover burning herself out and didn't know how to stop it, so when they finally had a day off together the footballer made it her personal mission to cheer her lover up.
"I thought we would take Mollie for a W A L K, grab some shopping and bake and watch movies for the day?" Jenna asks her lover as they begin to eat and y/n smiles.
"That sounds lovely." y/n smiles, letting Mollie have a slither of bacon from her plate which the dog whined thankfully at.
The two ate in small talk and giggles before showering together in a similar way, ghosting touches and soft kisses as they washed and changed before moving to get their shoes on.
"Mollie!" y/n called out, the small dog arriving obediently at y/n's feet. "Do you want to go for a..." y/n begins but Mollie saw the lead in her hand and barked excitedly jumping at her playfully.
"I think she's figured it out babe." Jenna chuckled and y/n nodded, clipping her dog onto the lead before the two headed out into the crisp winter air.
y/n shivered slightly, bringing her scarf closer to her neck as she looked back at Jenna, rolling her eyes at the fact her lover just had a beanie and thin coat on.
Jenna always said she never got cold, maybe the fact she was used to playing in cold temperatures helped her, whatever it was, Jenna didn't often feel the cold.
The trio made their way into the park and y/n unclipped Mollie, Jenna throwing the tennis ball which made the dog race after it excitedly, y/n giggling at the dog who sprinted back and let the ball drop at her feet.
y/n smiled and leant down, stroking at the dog and cooing proudly at her, before she picked up the ball and threw it, pouting when it didn't go as far as Jenna's.
"What's that pout for?" Jenna cooed, wrapping her arms around her girlfriend.
"My throw didn't go as far as yours." y/n huffed and Jenna chuckled.
"Baby, I'm a professional athlete?" Jenna reminds and y/n shrugs, still relaxing in Jenna's arms.
"With your feet." y/n jokingly whined.
"I still need to be strong though baby. So I can fight off those other players." Jenna grins. "And so I can cheer up my pouting girlfriend." Jenna adds.
"How does being strong..." y/n begins but Jenna stops her by picking her up bridal style and spinning her. y/n laughs loudly arms clinging to Jenna's shoulders as the woman comes to a stop.
"What do you think Molls? Cheered up?" Jenna asks the dog who was watching her owners with a tilted head.
Mollie barks at them, before panting and y/n laughs as Jenna puts her down, picking up the ball only to throw it again, Mollie racing off excitedly.
"Cheered up?" Jenna asks, y/n wrapping her arms around the woman's shoulders as Jenna's arms snake around her waist and pull the girl closer to her.
"Mmm. Definitely." y/n grins, leaning up to peck at Jenna's lips twice.
Jenna grins at the affection, her hands squeezing y/n's waist tighter for a moment, the two enjoying their moment of peace as the cold breeze washed over them.
"You're it!" y/n suddenly yells, tapping Jenna and running from her, Mollie jumping around y/n excitedly as the girl grabs the tennis ball and sprints away, Mollie following.
"Get back here!" Jenna yells, y/n screeching as she sees the woman running toward her.
"Mollie come on." y/n giggles madly, her and the dog trying to make it away, however the dog had far more speed.
Two hands grab y/n's waist and she squeals, throwing the ball once again for the dog who bounces after it happily. Jenna grips her lover, exclaiming in victory as she spins her and holds her tightly.
"Jen! Jen!" y/n tries, as the woman stops, still holding y/n above the ground. "Jen, too hard!" y/n warns, tapping Jenna's arms and she gasps, releasing the girl who takes a deep breath in, wincing at her aching waist.
"Shit, sorry baby." Jenna sighs, cupping y/n's face.
"It's okay love, you just sometimes forget the strength you have." y/n wheezes out, smiling when Jenna peppers kisses around her face.
"You're shivering baby, lets head back now, yeah?" She asks, Mollie barking in agreement as the dog had started to shake slightly from the bite of winter.
"Okay." y/n smiles, pressing a kiss against Jenna's cheek as she clips Mollie back, the dog panting as she padded with her owners back home.
y/n was changing her shirt into one of Jenna's jumpers which Jenna had happily taken off as she changed into a fresh one, y/n happily sniffing the clothing before Jenna gasped.
"Oh baby, I'm so sorry." Jenna says, moving forward, her hand shakily spreading across y/n's waist, where her handprint was already beginning to bruise into the skin.
y/n looked down, not even realising Jenna had her so tightly in the park and expected the bruise. Jenna had yet to touch the skin and y/n smiled softly.
"Jen, it's okay." y/n promises, Jenna looking at her with wide guilty eyes. "Hey, it's okay." y/n promises, pulling Jenna's hand to press against her bruise softly.
"I feel so bad." Jenna sighs stroking the skin slightly. "I shouldn't be so rough with you." She adds.
y/n sighs, pulling the jumper on as Jenna pulls her hand away from the bruise, letting y/n wrap her hands around y/n's shoulders as y/n wrapped hers around Jenna's waist.
"It's not the first mark you've left on me Clark and it won't be the last." y/n says to her, an eyebrow raising suggestively.
Jenna chuckles, knowing well what her lover was talking about and rolled her eyes, pressing a kiss to her forehead lovingly, a warmth spreading through her at the way y/n didn't care.
"Besides..." y/n begins, leaning up to whisper her next sentence in Jenna's ear. "I usually like it when you get rough, don't I?" She asks, before pressing a kiss underneath the lobe.
Jenna groans, as y/n leans back down and the player leans down, connecting their lips in a deep kiss, her tongue quickly twisting into y/n's mouth.
"Come on." y/n hums as she pulls from Jenna. "Let's go make some dinner." She adds innocently. She begins to walk to the door but Jenna grabs her arm and drags her back toward the bed.
"Dinner can wait - I want dessert first." Jenna hums as she drags y/n onto the bed.
jennaclarkkk just posted on her close friends story
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writerpeach · 2 years
Morning Mating
IVE Yujin x m!reader
⚠ tags: smut, breeding, squirting, reverse daddy kink
7100 words
Read on AFF
Read on AO3
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The sun would not be the first to rise today.
Even the thinnest bed sheet felt heavy wrapped around your sore muscles. You checked the damage, the usual—dark lipstick prints on your chest, bruises on your neck, and rope marks on your wrists. Rolling onto your back, you let out a deep sigh and stared up at the ceiling, getting lost in a sea of stars that didn’t exist.
Your first mistake was taking a glance to your right. Crumpled black silk sheets barely covered up the woman underneath as she sat up in bed with long, enticing legs poking through the other side.
Yujin—both the name you screamed and the woman you slept with last night. Also, the woman you slept with the night before. The night before that, too. Actually, she hadn’t spent a night without occupying the opposite side of your bed for the entire week. Another peek to your right—maybe her naked body being hidden this early in the morning was a blessing in disguise. Morning wood was already difficult enough to deal with as is.
When Yujin awoke, her pretty lips parted into a smile, waking you up better than the strongest cup of coffee ever could. Every time you woke up with her in your bed, you couldn't believe such an ethereal goddess existed. Her eyes looked up—those dazzling chestnut eyes that sparkled with a gaze so intense you drowned in them, before she offered the softest lips that kissed you and made the perfect start to the day. Yujin tasted the best before the sun came up.
“Good morning to you too,” she whispered, giggling gently when you kissed the crook of her neck beneath silken hair that flowed like a waterfall, hints of coconut wafting through the air. She let out tiny gasps as you trailed kisses along her collarbone before your path ended at her exposed shoulder. You stopped yourself before getting too carried away.
Yujin, on the other hand—always had other plans, tossing the sheets off her flawless body like the reveal of a brand new car, but with something far more valuable underneath. Your second mistake was not looking away as she flaunted her deadly, naked curves with unparalleled beauty that would give a supermodel self-doubt.
Looking up at the time was your third mistake—you sighed heavily. “I have to head to the office this morning.”
It was the most regrettable sentence you had ever spoken. You shouldn’t have said anything and should have just taken the day off. It wasn’t like work wouldn’t function without you. Yujin frowned faintly, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. The first traces of morning began to shine through the curtains, illuminating her pale skin.
“For what?” she asked, tilting her head while she laid on her side, fingers enticingly dancing over your bare skin.
“Someone has to pay for this luxury apartment you spend most of your time in. These bills aren’t going to pay themselves.”
Her brow furrowed, as though she was dissatisfied with your response. “No, no. That’s not going to happen. Daddy isn’t going to leave this bed until you fill my womb again. You only came inside me twice last night, and that isn’t good enough. But it sounds like daddy would rather work than breed me again…”
“That’s not it,” you said, another heavy sigh leaving your chest, but you didn’t have time to explain yourself.
“No, go ahead. Daddy can waste all day at work, but there won’t be anyone left in this warm bed when you come home.”
“Well? Shouldn’t you get going? Or have you come to your senses and you’d rather have my legs wrapped around you while you unload inside me again?”
It was impossible to say no to such a beautiful face, so Yujin took your silence as an answer and grabbed your bicep, pulling you closer and closer until you were curled up on top of her.
“Daddy won’t go anywhere, right? Just stay here. Stay here forever, daddy,” she said as her slender arms wrapped around your neck, her words more of a demand than a plea. There was no reason to argue after the warm embrace she offered, while her alluring eyes lulled you into a trance.
Yujin’s naked body had always given her an unfair advantage. Your eyes were drawn to every inch of milky skin, but stopped at her glistening shaved mound, and those thick, maddeningly beautiful thighs, which seemed to spread open at just the right moment.
“You’re still here. But my pussy is still empty. Don’t you see the problem, daddy?”
Before you could even come up with a useful response, Yujin cupped your face, drawing your attention away from her twice-fucked cunt and back to her intimidating gaze while she bit down on your lower lip almost hard enough to draw blood. Her taste lingered, and her kisses were barely kisses at this point, just an excuse to trap you between her lips, while ruffling her fingers through your hair.
"Warm me up when you fuck me this time, daddy. Don't just shove it in me. I’m not even that wet.”
You couldn’t help but laugh. “Bullshit. You’re always wet around me.”
That smarmy, confident smirk on her features meant you both knew she’d been caught in a lie, and you didn’t even need to look between her legs to call it out. Tangled fingers in your hair pushed you down to your destination, but you took a little detour to kiss every inch of Yujin’s firm, toned midriff, leaving hot breath on her hot body.
Her legs spread further, and your mouth watered at the magnificent view of her enticing cunt, pink flesh damp with arousal that would soon be yours to feast on.
“Make me feel good, daddy,” she ordered, as if you wouldn't seize any opportunity to do so. If Yujin wanted to be warmed up, then you’d make her extra warmed up. Starting with her thighs, those creamy, absolutely divine thighs, you put on a show of appreciating them, peppering them with kisses—first the left, then the right, before returning to where you began, repeating this until every inch became touched by your lips. It was a blessing Yujin had so much thigh to worship.
“Daddy loves my thighs, don’t you? You like it when I squeeze your head with them and suffocate you?"
“Yes, fuck yes, more than anything. I love your thighs mwah, so fucking much,“ you said, but it didn't matter how desperate you sounded as you licked every exposed inch of flesh you could find, you just needed more of Yujin. When you started making your way down towards her center, you felt those eyes watching your every move, urging you to not waste time.
"Then eat me out, and I'll squeeze your head as much as you want, daddy." With no time to spare, you placed a kiss on her lower lips, then licked up that beautiful pink slit, parting her wet, velvety walls with your tongue, abundant wetness finding your lips as you took a taste. Yujin squirmed impatiently while you took the time to explore her beautiful pussy, savoring her delicious sweet nectar—that unforgettable taste that you drank up, desperate for more, and made certain not to miss a delectable drop.
“Daddy, oh fuck, daddy,” she moaned, tossing her head back with a heavy gasp. Yujin tasted nothing short of heaven, a continuous flow of sweet and tangy juices that spilled onto your tongue like a broken faucet, each drop so addicting you couldn’t get enough. You craved Yujin more than oxygen, which was fitting, given that you would rather her luscious thighs smother you.
You carried on eating Yujin’s pussy as if your life depended on it and took fervent licks through her slippery folds until you reached her clit. She groaned, as your lips sealed shut around the sensitive nub, greedily sucking, and maintained eye contact, coercing more slick, messy juices from her sopping cunt. Yujin squealed in response, bucking her hips into your face and gave you what you earned until her thighs turned into earmuffs, providing the right warmth as each one wrapped around either side of your head.
At this rate, your mouth would never leave her cunt. You’d be content to go down on her for hours, even after your lips and tongue became numb and unusable. Now that breathing became secondary, you needed to devour Yujin’s pussy, desperate to taste as much of her as possible and inhale her appetizing aroma.
“Oh fuck, daddy! Nobody eats my pussy like you do. Nobody can make me feel this good. Don't stop, don’t fucking stop."
Her words of encouragement kept your tongue buried inside her warm hole while you licked every spot you could hit, setting every nerve on fire as you held steady pressure on her clit while she writhed underneath you. As you drank from the fountain of Yujin, she grabbed your head and pressed you deeper into her cunt, slender fingers tangled in strands of your hair that she violently tugged on, taking more and more pleasure from you.
“Daddy better make me cum. Make me cum with how good that fucking tongue feels, oh my god—”
Breathing wasn’t an option at this point. Neither were words, both a distant relic. Her eyes stayed locked to yours, full of pure lust, devoid of any innocence. You continued to drown in her juices as she tugged on your hair harder, threatening to rip strands out while her pretty mouth became a conduit for moans and obscenities.
Yujin crept closer to climax with every flick of your tongue, the steady squeeze of her delicious thighs wrapped around your head, encouraging your relentless oral assault. Her nails began to sharply dig into your skull, but you paid no attention to the pain, and only focused on pleasing Yujin. Every breath drawn grew heavier and heavier, a telltale sign of imminent release.
“Daddy, daddy, oh fuck, daddy! You’re gonna make me cum!” Even if the whimpering moans and whines were absent, you could tell how close she was by how frantically she chased your tongue, riding your face until her entire body shook, crumbling and falling apart at the seams.
Yujin was so desperately close—those incredible thighs held you captive while her back arched off the bed, eyes squeezed shut when she let out a guttural cry and hit her peak. Her orgasms were seldom quiet affairs, and this was no exception, as the loud screams and violent twitches her body provided never yielded while she turned your mouth into a waterfall of ambrosia.
Your tongue and lips on her core never let up until Yujin came down from her high, and she quivered at your touch, cheeks flushed and panted heavily. For the first time in several moments, you could take a breath, not that you would prefer that to the divine taste that filled your lips as her last wave of euphoria passed. Only then did the grip loosen around your head, a regrettable loss when you began cleaning up Yujin’s messy, honey-covered thighs.
“Daddy, you’re not done. I need more. You’ll give me more, won’t you? You always do.”
Yujin was right—she knew your major weakness was how damn whipped you were for her. One look into her glassy eyes and you couldn’t refuse anything she asked.
“Yes, Yujin. Of course I’ll make you cum again. I’ll make you cum as many times as you want,” you said, caressing her thighs and dipped back down to taste her pussy once more.
But before you could dive back in, Yujin pushed you away from the heat between her legs, leaving you with a cold emptiness. “No, don’t use your mouth. Make me cum on your fingers, daddy.”
Disappointing words, given that you were eager to consume more of Yujin's delicious cum, but you’d take any chance you could get to pleasure her in any way possible. She held her gaze, with eyes so round and sparkling that told you not to dawdle, so you didn't, and slipped a single finger inside her tight pussy that clenched, drawing you down into the hilt.
“More. More, daddy, make me cum again.” When Yujin gave an order, you never disobeyed. Your second finger joined in, both pumping in time with her rapid breaths. Her walls became so slick and slippery wet that every thrust swallowed up your fingers and only allowed withdrawal after they had been drenched with copious amounts of arousal.
“Oh god, daddy, that feels so good—faster, daddy, faster!” She didn’t even pretend to keep her eyes open while your fingers curled inside her, hitting that sweet spot over and over again. There was no point in holding back now, so your fingers drilled into her and filled the space within her, moving frantically as you could.
The more you pumped into that hot, wet abyss, the deeper her cries grew, and it became easier to bury two fingers inside her until you managed a third, making the wet squelch of her cunt more prominent. The rhythm stayed harsh, and your fingers remained drenched, but it would be all for nothing if you couldn’t make Yujin cum one more time, which wouldn’t be possible unless you had a sudden hand cramp.
Yujin had long outgrown groans, devolving into ear-piercing screams of ecstasy while her core ached for release, grabbing your wrist while she felt that pressure boiling in her center. The inescapable tension coiled with only one way to uncap it, and she was well on her way to doing so. Her thighs quivered, toes curled and dug into the sheets she couldn’t stop writhing on, until—
“Daddy!” she cried out, legs trembling out of control while her second orgasm forced your fingers out of her cunt with the strength of a broken fire hydrant, clear liquid violently gushing out and baptizing your upper torso. The sheets no longer became a place of rest, but a tarp for Yujin’s explosive climax that was sure to soak through your mattress.
Her legs refused to stop shaking, but the firm grip on your wrist meant you couldn’t stop either, not even while Yujin could hardly control any aspects of her body. You rubbed her clit in rapid-fire circles, determined to earn every last drop of pleasure that caused Yujin to continuously spray like a fire-hose, turning your mattress into a flash flood.
Yujin squirted all over you so many times that you lost count, but you savored being showered in her abundant cum as you furiously rubbed at her center until she tapped out. "No more, daddy. No more, please—"
Just a few more circles on her clit, until her orgasms became a kinked hose, turning into nothing more than dribble. You couldn't keep a grin off your face when you withdrew your hand from between her drenched legs, even if you needed a towel desperately after being caught in the downpour of Yujin’s sweet rain.
Regardless of the state the sheets were in, Yujin wasn’t bothered by the juices that had stained them, and remained as insatiable as ever, although she was on the verge of collapsing. Her eyes expressed it all—intense satisfaction, blissful exhaustion and gratitude while the deep red flush of her cheeks contrasted against milky white skin.
“Daddy, I’m warmed up. Fuck me.” she urged, breathless. “I need you inside of me.”
Yujin didn't even give you a chance to take another breath before pulling you back on top of her, stroking your ignored cock to full mast. “I need this inside me right now. You won’t keep me waiting will you, daddy?”
Shivers ran up your spine every time Yujin spoke that magical, double syllable word, her lustful voice dripping with seduction, making you eager to do whatever she wanted. She didn’t wait for an answer, and guided your cock against her enticing wet opening with a grip so harsh it became borderline painful—not that you would complain.
"Daddy's going to stuff this massive fucking cock into my tiny little pussy. Then you’re going to breed me—again, and again, and again."
With each word out of Yujin’s mouth, her tone became more laced with venom. You found it difficult not to comply—but you'd eagerly open your mouth for her to spit her poison down your throat. As always, she managed to pull you into her web, her deep desires becoming your own.
Yujin skipped the pleasantries—the teasing, the anticipation, the gradual penetration into her body that let you take in every morsel of her wet, inviting pussy. It was unfair, to be honest. Yet any complaints vanished in a flash when Yujin grabbed your hips and pulled you inside her. One stroke was all it took before you buried your shaft inside her overwhelmingly tight walls, making you gasp when you felt her hot silky flesh wrapping around your throbbing length that her juices soaked.
Under Yujin’s command, your hips moved as she directed your thrusts into her divine heat, but felt so wet that you might have slipped out without the clenching walls that wouldn’t let you escape.
“Balls deep, daddy,” Yujin demanded, and grabbed your ass to pull you in deeper. Her eyes were more hungry than usual, and nothing less would satisfy her. So you took no hesitation when you bottomed her out, with swift and fierce thrusts, while you held her slim waist and filled the space between her legs.
The ultimate challenge came after your first plunge into Yujin, when every throbbing inch disappeared into that wet, clamping heat that threw your senses off balance. After all, you made her cunt like this, so utterly drenched from the cyclone of pleasure unleashed on your mattress that fucking her like this, at the frantic rate she wanted was effortless.
“Daddy better fuck me harder. You’re not tired already, are you?”
“N-no, of course not. Just getting started,” you said, as you pumped into her slick hole at a much faster rate, pushing the tempo until it became dangerously close to unsustainable.
“Much better, daddy. You're going to blow your load inside me, but not right now. Not until I enjoy being fucked like a whore.” Despite your already exhausting pace, her commanding words added more fuel to your thrusts, and even though you wanted to preserve every ounce of stamina, you couldn't help but pound away into her as if your hips had lost control.
As she dictated your thrusts, you found it impossible not to get lost in her sultry gaze, or the moans and cries of pleasure that escaped her throat. The look on her face demanded your rapid pace never faltered, as did the two assisting hands that kept squeezing your ass, pulling you deeper and deeper into her body.
“Daddy better blast that load inside my tight pussy and pump all that hot cum into my womb. Fuck, I can’t wait to feel daddy’s cum dripping out of me again.”
The level of lewdness her words held nearly caused you to erupt right then and there. Almost. As much as you would have enjoyed such an abrupt early conclusion, you knew the next round would be a test of your resolve.
So you savored what you could while Yujin’s fingers gripped your ass tighter and caused dizzying spikes of pleasure that made your head spin while you took in heavy breaths, sweat accumulating on your naked bodies the harder your muscles worked.
“That’s it, daddy, fuck me hard just like that. God, you’re stretching me so well, you know that? Just keep fucking me like that until you cum, don’t even think about anything else. My pussy is going to drain everything out of daddy’s balls.”
After one last squeeze, Yujin’s soft hands left your ass, and to further emphasize her point—those perfect, long, luscious legs wrapped around your waist, forcing you deeper inside her slick core while her hands clamped onto the back of your neck, tugging you down toward her sweaty torso.
“Now daddy can’t cum anywhere but inside me.”
Not that you'd do anything else—but now all you had control over was the rhythmic motion of your hips, as Yujin’s legs and arms coiled around you tight, like a snake trapping its prey. When you buried your face into the crook of her neck, continuing your relentless plunges into that orgasmic wet warmth, Yujin clawed at your back, digging her nails into your flesh deep enough to leave rough marks.
"Oh my god, Yujin. Your tight little cunt makes my dick feel so good,“ you moaned, with unabated pumps that pushed you closer to the edge, the muscles in your thighs set ablaze while you chased release with more urgency than you ever had before.
“Don’t you dare hold it in. Hurry up and breed me, daddy. Fill me like you promised.”
One last push—her legs squeezed tighter while the dripping walls of her cunt swallowed you into the warm depths that refused to let go no matter what. The scratches etched into your back from her nails digging in deeper would take days to fade, but you wouldn't have it any other way.
“You’re gonna make me cum, Yujin. God, you’re gonna make me cum so fucking hard.” Past the point of no return, you let out the first in a series of deep guttural grunts when you buried your shaft into Yujin’s wet heat, frantically throbbing, and unloaded everything stored up in your balls.
Your desperate cries of pleasure weren’t solo while you emptied into Yujin’s impatient cunt—she joined you in vocalizing her own pretty moans when your hot seed filled her to the brim, and the way she clung on to you helped further extend your climax, ensuring your balls were more than emptied.
At the mercy of Yujin’s whims, all you could do in that moment was pump more cum into her, aided by the slick gripping walls of her cunt that welcomed every hot thick spurt filling her insides with copious creamy semen. The harsh twitches and throbs didn’t cease while her pussy desperately milked your cock dry, not letting a single drop escape, and even after that, you couldn't stop thrusting into her cunt, pushing your messy hot load further and further.
“Just like that, daddy. Fill my womb with that huge load, fill me up deep. Mmm, it feels so thick and warm inside my pussy.”
Yujin might be the only woman who could almost make you cum again just by words. But little by little, your hips slowed down until the rhythm was barely noticeable, and eased out of her cunt inch by inch, escaping her creamy folds.
Right when you left her sticky warmth, Yujin released the forceful grip her limbs held around your body, and sat up on the mattress at a perfect angle with thighs wide open. With her freshly fucked pussy lips spread wide open, you both watched your cum flow out of her—a slow-moving white waterfall flow that stained her thighs.
“Look how much you came inside me. Do you like watching your cum drip out of me, daddy?” she asked with panting breaths, dipping one finger into her cream-filled cunt and lewdly licking it clean.
Out of breath, you couldn’t collect enough syllables to respond, so a simple nod would have to suffice as you pulled away from her voluptuous body. When you laid down for a momentary rest, it was just that—momentary.
Yujin didn't leave your lap empty for long, straddling you right away and toying with your chest, fingers teasing your nipples. Your labored breaths took their sweet time to settle, but Yujin ruined your respite when she used her warm tongue to take a long drag against the side of your face, and nibbled on your earlobe.
Hot breath filled your ear, and soon after, so did her soft whispers.”You’re not done breeding me, daddy. I’m going to ride your dick until those balls ache, you better give me all the cum you have left.”
Once again, Yujin’s angelic voice left you in a questionable state of arousal as your eyes roamed her glistening, sweaty body, still able to see the remnants of your cum dripping from her pussy. Her towering stature made her appear like a true amazon goddess perched on top, but you had little time to soak in the scenery when her slippery lower lips began grinding on your shaft, kissing your cock and awakening your soreness.
“Y-Yujin, please, I’m still—”
“Sensitive?” Yujin asked, finishing your sentence with a bitter smirk between her lips that she put to good use, silencing any further protests when she kissed you—the first gentle kiss of the night.
“It doesn’t matter, daddy. You’ll keep making me cum on that cock, I know you will.”
After taking in a deep breath, you let it out slowly to brace yourself for what was to come. Yujin's devious stare wandered, but never left your sight, leaving you on the edge of your seat with anticipation.
You couldn't take your gaze away from her eyes the entire time she stroked your cock, every pump a jumble of pain and pleasure while she lined herself up and found the correct angle to lower her creampied pussy onto you. You both gasped and groaned, but it was impossible to tell who was the loudest.
“Oh my god, daddy—”
Those impossibly slick lips were difficult to deal with on a regular day, but in a post-orgasm haze, even the smallest movement delivered torturous pleasure and smeared the collective cocktail of arousal all over your sensitive shaft.
Quicker than your next heartbeat, Yujin sank down to the hilt without warning, letting her wet heat engulf your throbbing length. Her expression told it all—even with eyes tightly closed, you could see the obvious signs of how much she enjoyed the sensation of being filled.
“Daddy, you’re so big. I don’t know how I can fit all of you inside my little pussy,” she said, eyes widening whenever she hit the base of your cock. Maybe it was the fact that she was so goddamn wet, or how many times you filled her on a daily basis that you could have lived inside her tight warmth.
It started like it always did—quiet. Yujin kept those soft, frigid, perfectly manicured hands stationed on your chest, but they were never idle, even after impaling herself balls deep. They always held a purpose, either playing with your nipples, caressing your biceps, or tracing her name into your abdomen.
You knew the instant Yujin lifted her hips you’d be thrown into the deep end, and right on schedule, she did just that. But she stalled—like time froze, allowing you to see the sticky juices on your shaft when only the tip remained. That emptiness was short-lived as she slammed her plump ass on your crotch, using those impeccably toned legs to bounce on your dick, and gyrated her hips whenever she bottomed out.
“Daddy’s cock feels so good. I might ride you all night, your cock just feels too damn good to not be inside my pussy.” And the scary thing was you knew Yujin was serious, that she’d make you go the entire night without a break if she wanted to.
She took the most direct route, with forceful slams down on your cock that were anything but gentle. Already, you were feeling overwhelmed, as the tremendous sensitivity in your loins revealed itself at the worst possible time. But Yujin didn’t care—this was what she loved, what she thrived on, what she got off on. It put the proudest smile on her face to have you underneath her while she set the pace, even more so when she pinned your hands behind your head, giving that extra control that allowed her to do anything she wanted to you.
It was difficult to decide whether you liked such a relentless pace, but you had little say in it when the harsh bounces on your cock were harder to handle than usual. But it still felt good—it always felt good, even after pushing through the agony. Yujin used those wide heavenly hips like she needed to prove her dominance, as if you wouldn’t fold like a deck of cards at the simplest command.
“Please, Yujin, p-please, slow down,” you pleaded, knowing your efforts would be in vain, knowing she would get off on your desperation.
"My pussy too tight, daddy?" she mocked, tilting her head, with no intention of slowing down her brutal pace. Her innocuous question needed no response, but you were too much of a coward to give one, anyway. So she took your entire length with ease, too preoccupied with fucking herself on your glistening length to worry about anything else as every inch slid in and out of her hot, slick center.
Thankfully, the ache in your balls began to fade as Yujin rode your cock, and your state of ecstasy reverted to nothing but waves of pleasure for you to bathe in. “Oh god, Yujin. This feels so good. Your pussy feels so fucking good. You’re so fucking wet and tight, it’s driving me crazy.”
“I know,” Yujin replied with a smug smile, and you weren’t telling her anything she didn’t know, but it still caused her to bounce that round, plentiful ass on your cock at a significantly higher rate while her thighs jiggled to the beat of every stroke.
“You like that, daddy? Do you like me riding your dick this hard?” she asked, those ceaseless bounces she made encouraging your thighs to slap against hers, creating a symphony that you could listen to forever.
“I love it, my god, Yujin. I love it when you ride me like this. The way your tight cunt squeezes my cock so much, fuck—” Never before in your life had you been so content to be this helpless. It was the little things that added up and made you breathless—how Yujin changed the angle she rode you from squatting over your dick to leaning back enough so you could watch your cock disappear while she held your thighs to help fuck herself.
Then there was your favorite variant—the way she rode your cock with reckless abandon while dominating your lips, wrapping those long fingers around your throat and squeezing hard enough to leave you actually breathless.
“Don’t worry, daddy, I know what makes you feel good. I’ll ride your big cock until your balls empty inside me again. And maybe I won’t stop after that. I’ll keep going. I’ll keep riding you until there’s not a single drop left to drain.” There was almost a cackle in her voice. It was arousing, if not a little fear-inducing, knowing she could go on indefinitely, draining you even after the sun came up, using you as an outlet for her indomitable libido. But you wouldn’t fight it—you’d let her use you as long as you had a purpose, even if that purpose was just a hard cock for her to cum on.
“Yujin…” You were suddenly at a loss for words, reduced to nothing but the most desperate groans, a vessel for pleasure under the spell of a merciless rhythm. It was never easy to keep up with her, to match her vivacious energy and insatiable lust, but somehow you managed—for now. After all, there were no real consequences here. Your balls had already been emptied once, so if you repeated it before Yujin took her own climax, she'd just ride you until you could return the favor.
And at this point, it might have been a photo finish to see who could orgasm first. It wasn’t a competition, but even if it was, you’d be too hypnotized by the way Yujin stared down at you to put out any effort. The grip around your neck became tighter while she observed every reaction you made, tracing droplets of sweat with her thumb, as her hips gained more and more momentum until it became almost unbearable to handle.
“Yujin, god, I’m gonna lose it I swear—” Maybe it was the restricted airflow, the heat in the room, or the clenching walls that hadn’t taken a breather from suffocating your aching shaft for the past several minutes, but you felt light-headed, delirious from bliss, with exhaustion creeping up.
But the delicate hand that wasn’t choking you caressed the side of your cheek, and snapped you out of it, forcing your attention back to reality, to the jarring noises of slapping flesh that filled the room and the painful realization that time was always your worst enemy.
You took it all in—the violent pulsations that her cunt made, and the moans that filled your eardrums as Yujin’s tense body craved release. She could cum on your cock at any moment, not a matter of if, but when.
Yujin kept up the vigorous use of your body, grinding her hips back and forth while she slammed down hard on your cock, chasing the inevitable. “Almost there, daddy, fuck!”
At that moment, you didn't care if Yujin forced you to pass out from a lack of oxygen, as her hand wrapped around your throat tighter than a collar on the last notch. The only regret would be not seeing her gorgeous face when she climaxed. But thankfully, you stayed conscious as her pussy pulsated in waves, the supple cheeks of her tight ass bouncing with such intensity, you almost beat her to the finish line.
Down to the wire, you tried everything you could to stay behind, grasping fists full of sheets, gritting your teeth, but your willpower was shattering like broken glass.
Just hold out. Hold out a little longer.
The chant in your head was easier said than done, especially when the glistening set of pink lips gripped your shaft like they were testing you, daring you to take your climax first.
“Oh my god, daddy—I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna fucking cum hard on daddy’s cock, fuck!”
You fought longer than you thought possible until Yujin achieved what you both desired. When her eyelids grew heavy, unable to stay open, the grip on your throat tightened, her moans grew into shrieks, and her entire body trembled as the bed frame rocked with her.
It wasn’t quite as powerful as the previous orgasms from before, but you could still feel Yujin’s slick juices spilling everywhere, her warm walls constricting the hardest they had around your cock, rewarding you for your patience.
“Please, daddy. Cum inside me, breed me, please breed me. I need everything in your balls emptied inside my pussy. You’ll do that, won’t you? Daddy deserves to fill me, daddy deserves to breed me.”
Even as Yujin begged and pleaded, everything that left her lips still sounded like demands. Those two words breed me repeated over and over became an incantation, and finally—you reached the breaking point and spilled your seed into her warm cunt.
Yujin’s eyes opened back up and widened, followed by the brightest smile on her face as she took the last few bounces on your dick. Her fluttering walls milked you once more, as the rhythmic throbs your shaft made delivered a second serving of semen, flowing into her pussy like it was meant to be there. It was the biggest sense of relief; the tension floating away, becoming a loose balloon lost in the wind, and you swore you never came this much in all your life. Yujin’s lustful eyes watched in astonishment every second that she drained you.
But she kept going—riding your cock at the same careless pace, selfishly fucking herself into another shuddering, thigh-quivering orgasm. That devious smirk showed itself again while you squirmed helplessly underneath her as the post-orgasm torture set in all at once.
“Yujin, p-please! No more, I can’t—”
Saying nothing, Yujin made continuous slams that impaled herself to the hilt each time with unknown intentions as you endured every moment of painful pleasure, the twitches and throbs of your cock screaming in protest. Her hips rolled in full circles at the end of one stroke, then gradually lost speed, until she mercifully came to a complete stop.
“Daddy can’t take it anymore?” she asked, her tone settling somewhere between joking and mocking. You shook your head, laying there limp, every muscle in your body groaning in agony.
“Don’t worry, daddy. You filled me plenty.” Yujin gently lifted her body until your cock flopped out of her, and her pussy demonstrated by leaking out the thick dripping creampie that filled her to the brim.
“Fuck, even after I drained you, it’s still so thick. I love the way daddy’s cum feels inside me. So fucking warm—I can’t have any more, right daddy?” she asked, releasing her hand from your throat, then stroking your tired, sore, hypersensitive cock, and gave your balls a squeeze, ensuring she extracted every little last drop from you.
“N-no, please, no. Not right now,” you begged. Two loads taken from you were enough, and if she made you cum again—you'd actually pass out from exhaustion. So for now, Yujin showed satisfaction on her features, as she played with the load inside her cunt, pushing it in deeper, before once again sampling it from her fingers.
“That’s too bad, daddy. I’m so wet just thinking about when I’ll get to milk that cock again.” It was always difficult to comprehend the not-so-innocent words that came out of an innocent creature like Yujin, but then again—she was the furthest thing from innocent. While you waited for your breathing to calm, Yujin grabbed one of your hands, interlocking fingers, as the other ran through your hair and then she kissed the side of your cheek.
“Come on, daddy. Let’s go shower.” So casually she said it, like you could even get up from the cum-stained mattress or still feel the use of your legs. Yet you wondered if you would actually end up clean in there, or if this was a poor excuse to fuck another load into her. As if your balls even had any cum left in them. But the thought of hot water running against your sore muscles did sound appealing, so you mustered what little strength you had left and followed Yujin, watching the hypnotic sway of her hips as your cum still dripped down those perfect thighs.
✦ ✦
“Just relax, daddy.”
It would be difficult not to when hot water flowed down your back, easing the tension out of your muscles. Yujin’s tight frame pressed up against you, helping massage and soap up your body.
“Daddy looks so good naked,” Yujin purred, while she moved over to your back, kissing your shoulder, your neck, then tilted your head to the side, granting access to her sweet lips. You weren’t sure if it was a genuine compliment, or just an attempt to stir up your loins, or both—but you’d take it either way.
“Not as good as you do, Yujin.” You could feel her smile against your lips, as she then grazed her nails over your abdomen, and you half-expected her to grip your cock, but she spun you around to let your eyes take in the wet nakedness of her absolutely divine body. And what a view it was—absolutely breathtaking.
“Daddy, you’re staring,” she teased, while you moved strands of wet hair away from her forehead. It was hard not to. It was hard not to pepper her wet body with kisses, hands around her tiny waist, capturing her those soft lips in a delicate embrace—but kisses were all you had energy left for, using the hot water flowing down as the ideal backdrop. So thankfully, your shower became little more than a means of cleaning up.
You both stepped out squeaky clean, towels hung up, bodies dried off, with fresh linens on the bed, even though the same clothes stayed left sprawled out on the floor. Finally, your first moment of rest came when you laid on your side, nuzzled beside Yujin’s nude body with a hand wrapped around her waist, tucking your head into her shoulder. She insisted on keeping your cock inside her warm cunt, a pleasurable warmth better than the most luxurious blanket, and you insisted on kissing every spot your lips could find.
“Daddy…” she murmured, and you had almost fallen asleep before she interrupted your journey to dreamland. Nestled against her neck, the scent of her freshly shampooed hair smelled lovely, and even though it was your shampoo she used, it smelled much better on her.
It hadn’t been that long since the sun had risen, yet it felt like Yujin had been draining you the entire morning. You made an effort not to make much effort, partly because you didn’t have enough stamina to start another session, and partly because your muscles ached with fatigue. Having Yujin’s pussy warming your cock was far preferable to using any more strength than was necessary.
“Isn’t staying inside me much better than staring at screens or whatever boring things you do all day, daddy?” A simple answer for sure, but it was dangerous how you could dodge responsibilities so easily whenever Yujin wanted. Still, if you wanted to—you couldn’t exactly go in with marks all over your body without some clever explanation, not to mention you felt like you could sleep for several days straight at this point.
“Yujin, I…” You forgot what you were saying—which wasn’t that difficult, especially with your shaft buried in her warmth.
“Yes, daddy? I can feel you twitch. Are you ready to go again?” she asked, and you could hear the teasing laughter in her voice. The temptation was strong, but so was the weakness in your body. You sighed, and the rest of your thoughts vanished. “No, it’s—nothing.”
“Then maybe you should get those balls full again. And maybe I should throw away this stupid birth control. Time to make daddy a real daddy.”
“Yujin.” Your breath hitched as you tried to speak, but no more words came out.
“What, daddy? Don't you wanna knock me up and make my tits nice and swollen? Nobody can fill me up like you can.”
She led your hand down to her belly, rubbing it in circles, as if she could see the future.
“Anything you want, Yujin," you said with zero hesitation.
“Rest up, daddy. The next time you breed me, it'll count. All that seed is going straight to my fertile womb, every last drop."
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river13245 · 11 months
Idjiots (sam x male reader)
Navigation / SPN masterlist
Warnings: Few cuss words? Sam and reader being idjiots, Alcohol.
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The store was a busy place, it was full of human people. People who had blood running through their veins without a care in the world. Humans who had a family to get home to take care of. Human, that's all you could smell. It filled rooms wherever you went.
After years or practice you could control yourself in a room full of people. However that doesn't stop the smell from circling you. You had being working on self control for years now. With the help of your father...well with whom you considered your father.
Grabbing some fruits and some more vegetables after getting the basic things someone would get at the store you paid with the money you had brought with you and started heading home.
Once you exited the store the smell of the world was now around you. No longer were the strong temptations around you. Carrying the five bags you had in your arms you passed through people on the sidewalk and crossed the streets.
When you arrived home you hadn't been paying attention to if anyone had been there since its usually just you and your dad. You cant tell just anyone that Bobby Singer is your dad given his history and your own. Opening the door you start talking as you head straight to the kitchen. "so they didn't have everything that you needed on your list but i got other things that should work instead"
The three men who were sitting with Bobby all looked over at you before the oldest spoke up. "who the hell are you?" Turning around as you place down your bags onto the counter you look over at him. "I'm y/n and who the hell are you?"
" Im dean" after hearing his name you were finally able to put a face to the name. Bobby had told you stories about them and how they wouldn't take to kindly to you if they found out your a vampire. So he had said if you ever met them that you would have to get them to like you first before telling them.
Reaching for your items you begin putting them away as you speak. "well I pictured you to be very different. From all the stories I was told" Bobby knew what you were doing. He had told you about how Dean had a big Ego.
"Am i not living up to the idea you had of me?" he asked as you finished putting everything away and walked into the room with them. You looked at him and looked at Sam momentarily "I pictured you more attractive...and taller but I guess I was thinking of the wrong brother"
Sam looked up at you while Dean Smirked a little bit. "Well not all of us can have good taste" Which ended up with dean getting punched in the shoulder by Sam. "what did you say your name was again?"
"His name is y/n and he is my son..i guess you could say" Bobby answered "its a long story" Sam looked at him and shrugged "We've got time"
As you sat down Bobby began to tell them the story of how you two met and everything. Leaving out the part of you being a vampire. He always told you that if you ever wanted someone to know, you should tell them. Not him.
Once the story is finished you all talk for a while about their current hunt and some other things. And before you know it, its late and everyone is getting tired. "you guys can stay a few nights. So you don't have to worry about a hotel or anything while you hunt"
Early in the morning you were sitting at your desk drawing. However the sounds of snoring were filling your ears since you could hear everything with your vampire abilities.
The sun had started to rise which caused you to finally look at the clock seeing its 7:00. You sigh and get up from your seat heading downstairs to see Sam passed out on the couch looking extremely uncomfortable. He got the choice of the couch since Dean and him played rock paper scissors and lost.
Feeling sorry for him you walked over and knelt down beside him and run your hand up and down his arm lightly. "Sam, wake up." Soon enough his eyes open and he looks at you "sorry you just looked very uncomfortable." taking your hand off him you stand up. "I'm going to make breakfast for everyone. Why don't you just go take my room in the meantime"
He slowly wakes up and sits up on the couch running his hand through his hair. "no no I need to get up. I'm usually up by now." Laughing a little as you walk to the kitchen "Must have had a long night then. You and Dean did drink a bit last night"
You were met with silence as you got out some eggs, bread, bacon and potatoes. Thinking that Sam went to your room to lay down you started to play some music, making sure to keep it at a low volume.
When you started to cook you hear footsteps behind you and its Sam beginning to scramble the eggs. He must have felt your eyes on him cause he smiled a little "I wanted to help. You made us dinner last night its the least I can do" You smiled softly as you continued to cook "thank you Sam"
As you guys cook you hum along to the music that plays. Sam remains quiet, just listening to the food cook and your humming. However when Paramore comes on you begin go sing a little louder. Still remaining at a quiet tone since everyone is still asleep.
"I should be over all the butterflies, but I'm into you. I'm into you" You sing as you plate food for you and Sam.
"And baby even on our worst nights I'm into you, Let them wonder how we got so far" Sam joins in causing you to look at him and continue.
Let them wonder how we got this far, cause I don't even need to wonder at all" you sing and then you both sing the next line simultaneously. "after all this time I'm still into you"
You both continue to sing as you finish the food. Only stopping when you hear deans voice "okay you two love birds. I smelled food, didnt know a concert was available too" Turning around you see Dean grabbing a plate while your dad looks at you shaking his head chuckling to himself.
The week goes by pretty fast. Too fast for your liking. You and Sam had gotten extremely close over the week along with everyone else. Your dad seemed happier when they were home, it was obvious to you but not to everyone else.
You were always super observant over peoples attitudes and feelings. However what you weren't observant of was Sam's feelings for you.
Since day one you had found Sam attractive, the fact that he was tall also didn't help at all. You and Sam watched movies together in your room at night when everyone was asleep. Made breakfast for everyone since the day you guys got caught singing.
Sam also couldn't help but start to like you too. First impressions are everything to him and you gave him a hell of an impression. When you joked with Dean the first time you guys met. Then how you were so caring towards everyone you cared for and yes that included him and Dean.
You two were oblivious even though you both flirted with each other all the time. However who wasn't oblivious to all of this was Dean and Bobby. They planned on doing something about it because they were tired of seeing the back and forth shit.
On the last day they were going to be there it was a sunny day after raining for days. You felt yourself grow sad and slightly moody the longer the day went on. Sam and Dean were out catching the monster/s while you had stayed behind since they didn't need extra help.
Your dad is sitting on the couch drinking a beer when you sigh and grab a water bottle before walking into the living room. Bobby was reading his journal when you grab his beer and replace it with a water. "hey what the hell?" he says as you roll your eyes "Your liver has to be shit by now. With how often you drink."
He sit on the couch looking over at you now glaring at you. "listen just because you are upset over dean and your precious Sam are leaving today doesn't mean you get to take my beer!"
His tone wasn't actually upset he was just trying to get a reaction out of you and you knew that. So now you glare at him "just drink the damn water Bobby. Please" you say and he sighs before taking a drink of his water and continuing his reading.
A few hours go by and you had been keeping yourself busy not wanting to stop moving because you know if you did then you would think about how Sam is going to leave for who knows how long.
You were currently cleaning the kitchen making it spotless when the door opens the guys come back. When they come in they see Bobby drinking water causing dean to speak "I didn't know you knew what water was Bobby"
Bobby looks over and shrugs "y/n over there is in one of his moods. He hasn't stopped moving since you guys left" Dean knew why that was but Sam was to busy walking over to you and grabbed your arms lightly stopping you from cleaning the counters which were already clean "y/n slow down. There is nothing to clean"
Stopping your movements you look over at Sam and place down the rag onto the counter and let out a breath you hadn't known you were holding. "I'm sorry" you say as Sam pulls you close to him and he rests his head on top of yours. "its okay. No one is mad." he pulls away and gives you a small smile before Dean places his hand on Sam's shoulder "okay Sammy lets go grab our things and put them in the car"
Sam goes to the extra room and gets everything. While you go to the living room waiting to tell the both of them goodbye. Bobby ends up walking over to you "Tell the guy how you feel son." you shake your head "no there is no point. We never know how long they will be gone for. Or if they will even come back and we both know you wont let me go with them because of my...condition"
Bobby is silent especially when the both of them come down with their bags. He does go help Dean carry the stuff leaving Sam and you by the door.
Looking up at Sam you nod "well looks like its goodbye for now huh?" Sam nods and looks down at you "You know ill be back. Cant stay away from Bobby for long. ya know?" His words cause you to chuckle "oh yes sure. Bobby is always such a joy to be around"
Sam looks around and notices Dean give him a look encouraging him to do something. So he takes places his hand on your shoulder "look I will call you every day. Hell id invite you to come along but Bobby would probably have some words to say about that one. But i dont want to leave till I do something"
"do what" you ask as he brings his hands to the sides of your face pulling you into a kiss. He leans down quiet a bit as you wrap your arms around his waist.
When the both of you pull away you're both smiling like kids at a candy factory. You place your hand on his chest "I might just have to sneak away and come join you guys on your adventure"
Sam laughs and you both look over at Bobby when he whistles for everyone's attention. He holds out a bag and its the same one you had in your room. "well what are you waiting for Idjiots. Better leave before I change my mind"
Sam who was holding onto your hand walks with you to your dad and you hug him. He pats your head "be safe alright."
"yes ill be safe and blah blah blah. As long as you promise me one thing?" he looks at you with a questionable look "alright what do I have to promise to"
"drink more water, try to be a bit more healthy. Trust me i will know if you don't" he rolls his eyes "alright. Now you boys better get going"
The three of you nod and say quick goodbye and you say a quiet "i love you" to your dad before getting into the car in the backseat as the two boys sit in the front and start driving off.
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pedge-stuff · 1 year
Hey... can I request a pedro × reader please?
They making dinner together and things get hot and heavy in the between
normal night (pedro pascal x gn/m!reader)
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a/n: same vague universe as “marked,“ per usual.
thanks, as always, for everything.
obligatory warning: light smut, allusions to romance
summary: no such thing as a "normal night," apparently.
Normalcy is such a fucking privilege.
It's all you can think about, salting thin strips of eggplant over a colander in the sink. Something about bitterness, or moisture. There'd been a whole article about it in the Sunday Times a while back, and Pedro had sworn its effectiveness since.
Your excitement was almost comical. Here you were, practically vibrating in anticipation of something that most people experience nightly: a home cooked meal with your partner. Eggplant parm, a side salad, and a bottle of red wine. That's all.
It's a rarity, though. Pedro in New York while you're off work and neither of you have any meetings or appointments past 5pm. He'd had a late-afternoon coffee with an old NYU classmate, but based on FindMyFriends, he was already headed back. You'd been looking forward to it all day— the kind of normal evening that most people take for granted.
You've got the radio on, albeit playing from the speakers of your laptop. Email up, but minimized— 5pm was a strict deadline tonight. No work. Just salting eggplant and stirring the simmering pot of tomato sauce on the burner.
The jangle of keys in the lock has you grinning.
"Hey!" Pedro calls. It's a little silly, how your heart still flutters, all this time later.
Arms wrap around your middle from behind. Squeeze tight for a moment, just the way you like, ribs compressed by the strong swell of his biceps. A scruffy cheek tickles the base of your neck as he hooks his chin over your shoulder, placing a kiss over the fabric of your sweater.
"Hi baby," you hum, leaning back into the embrace. There is coffee on his breath, and traces of citrusy cologne on his collar. "Have a good afternoon?"
"Mhmm." The affirmative rumbles from his chest, against your back. "Smells good in here," he offers, kissing your cheek before pulling away. "What can I do?"
There is a light blush to his cheeks; a tad too much sun today. He refuses to wear sunscreen, claims Chilean blood and four decades in tropical climates, and often pays the price for his confidence.
"Open the wine," you instruct, replacing the lid on the sauce pot. Turning the tap on, over the colander, you make quick work of rinsing the eggplant.
You don't dance, but the way that you navigate the kitchen around each other feels choreographed. He hands you a bowl without looking, for the breadcrumbs, as you pass the bottle of wine. The music has him swinging his hips, just a little.
It didn't use to feel this comfortable. In the early weeks of your mark-match, Pedro's house felt more like a museum; you sat stiffly on the couch, afraid to so much as muss the pillows, or use the wrong water glass. Afraid any little thing would break the illusion of bliss that had enveloped you both. It is easy now, to look back and laugh.
Pedro winks at you, pulling the last of the cork from the bottle with his teeth. A new little trick. You can't help the rush of warmth that spreads through you.
"What next?" He passes you a glass, which you tap lightly against his.
A glance at the timer on the oven. At the stairs, through the back doorway to the kitchen. At the hollow of his throat, flushed with the warmth of the kitchen, unblemished. His two sweatshirts are two too many.
"I think everything's good in here," you manage, closing the distance between you. Worm a hand beneath the layers to splay across the hot skin of his stomach. "We've got some time."
— — — 
Dinner does not burn, thank god, though the side salad had to be abandoned for time. The sleeves of Pedro's pajama shirt are soaked with pasta water, and your flannel bottoms have somehow caught a streak of tomato sauce, but the choice to change into comfy clothes was ultimately a win.
You settle at the table, pleasantly warm from the wine. If your jaw is a little sore from the pre-dinner palate cleanser, well, the eggplant won't be tough to chew.
Though the evening has been nothing but relaxing, something has Pedro agitated. He'd been fine, earlier, but now he can hardly sit still. There's a nervous downturn to the corner of his mouth; mustache twitching slightly while he fiddles with the silverware.
"You can say no," he starts, which is never a good sign. You can say no typically precludes +1 invitations to stuffy industry events, or equally unpleasant obligations at which he wants company. (Of course, you don't usually say no. But, still...)
The distinct lack of eye contact is making you sweat. He's staring at his plate like the eggplant owes him a grave debt.
"Pedge." You reach to still his hand, gently squeezing until he looks up. "Whatever it is, you know I'll say yes."
"I want you to mean it, though." A pause, as Pedro pulls your hand to his lips, placing a kiss to the center of your palm. "I don't want you to say yes for the sake of saying yes."
"I won't. You're scaring me a bit, though. Are we hiding a body? "
His laugh is strained. "No, no. Sorry. Sorry, this is— I didn't want it to— ugh," he shakes his head. "Can we start over?"
Before you can respond, he pushes back in his chair, rising from the table. Pats himself down, fumbles to find something in his back pocket. Takes a deep breath, and— 
Beside you, right at the kitchen table, between the dog bowls and the sink full of dirty pots and pans, Pedro drops to one knee.
"I said I was gonna prepare a whole thing," he mumbles, "but I don't think I can wait any longer. Also figured you'd kill me if it became a spectacle."
It is your turn to laugh, wetly, choked on the lump that has formed in the back of your throat.
"I know we're marked, and we live together, and have two dumb little dogs, and more or less already act like an old married couple. I just thought maybe filing joint taxes could be cool, too."
Pedro sniffs, swiping once at under his eye with the hand that also holds a small velvet pouch. "Waited a long, long time to meet you. Kinda gave up on the mark altogether. But it was worth it, all the waiting. I would very, very much like to spend the rest of my life with you. And then some."
You're on the floor before you feel yourself move, kneeling before him. Cup his face in your hands. Brush away another errant tear that's spilled from the corner of his eye. This sweet fucking man.
"I love you," Pedro says quietly. "More than I ever thought possible."
"I love you, too." His lips are dry and warm when you press a chaste kiss against them. "Thank you for waiting for me."
You move to stand up. "Come on, your knees must be killing you."
"I need to ask the question!" He pouts.
"Oops, sorry. Please continue, Mr. Pascal."
"Balmaceda Pascal, thank you."
"I don't think we can hyphenate, babe, it's gonna be too long. They'll run out of room on the certificate."
"We can't get the certificate if you don't let me ask you this damn question!"
Finally, carefully, a gold band is extracted from the velvet bag. Simple, but stunning. Two stones are pressed to the center, small, side-by-side. "They're, uh, our birthstones," he says quietly. "But we can change it if you don't like it, it's OK."
You shake your head, unable to form a coherent word around the swell of your heart, threatening to choke you.
"The parm's gonna get cold," Pedro exhales shakily, locking eyes. "So I was wondering if you would do me the honor of marrying me?"
It takes a moment for your brain to catch up with your stupid heart. But when it does, you're already moving from the kitchen, to the back doorway. Pedro, rising from the floor, looks fucking confused.
"One sec, one sec," you call, taking the stairs two at a time.
After a moment, you return, box in hand. "I've been carrying this around since May. Sit down."
Stunned, Pedro obliges.
"To answer your question," you start, lowering to replicate his kneeling position, "I have a proposition. I'll marry you if you marry me."
Inside the box, another gold ring. You remove it with a shockingly steady hand.
Pedro pauses, eyes catching on something: a familiar date, engraved on the inside of the ring. Without his cheaters, he is forced to hold the ring away from his face, squinting at the numbers.
"Is this..."
"The day I knocked."
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age-of-greta · 3 months
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The Sun
The Sun presents a feeling of optimism and fulfillment. It represents the dawn which follows the darkest of nights.
Author’s note: hi!!! Welcome back to The Sun :) no posting schedule for this one, just as soon as I can crank it out. Please ignore my typos. I hope you enjoy this little chapter!
Pairing: Josh x reader & Jake x reader
Warnings: cursing, angst, adult content
Word count: 4.3k
It had been a few weeks since the show and things were going better than you had anticipated. You steered clear of Jake and he didn’t try to reach out to you either. But to your surprise you had been spending a lot more time with Josh than you thought you would. It was as if things were slowly getting back to how they used to be. Before… everything else. Typically, after work most days you would meet Josh for pizza, drinks, a movie, shopping. Really any excuse you two could find to hang out together. On the weekends he would accompany you to farmers markets and come over to cook dinner. Last weekend he had even stayed the night, both of you making a pallet full of blankets and pillows in your living room. You were elated with your newly rekindled friendship. Even Jake couldn’t put a damper on the happiness that Josh had brought into your life in just a few short weeks. But you were betting he would still try. Tonight you were all going to a local fair that was in town. Originally it was just you and Josh planning on going, but then Sam and Danny caught wind of it. Of course they wanted to go and you couldn’t exclude Jake. So it was a group night you had supposed. Josh was still coming to pick you up so you two could sneak in a few shooters to mix with your slushees. A silly notion that made you feel like a teenager again, but somehow Josh made it fun.
You grabbed a pair of light washed jean shorts with frayed edges and paired it with a cropped ribbed white tank top with an image of a western pin up girl in red. Under the pin up it read “save a horse.” You snickered at how Josh would get a kick out of it. You threw on your black high top converse and a few small gold necklaces, hoops, and rings. Finally you did a messy half up half down hairdo, coated your lashes in mascara, added some bronzer and lipgloss, then sprayed yourself down before admiring how cute you looked in the mirror. Tonight would be fun.
Josh sat at the kitchen island sending a quick text to you that he would be on his way shortly.
Jake bounced around the corner and rolled his eyes at the small smile on his twin’s face. “Going to spend time with my ex-girl friend again?” There was a hint of annoyance in Jake’s tone as he opened the refrigerator scanning for a beer to peak his interest.
“She was my friend first.” Josh says, letting out a sigh.
Jake cracks his beer and scoffs. “Right.”
“Okay, then. See ya tonight.” Josh mutters, grabbing his keys and heading for his Jeep.
“Malibu? Really Josh?”
“What? Would you rather have had Fireball?”
You make a face. “Bleh, no. That has always been your drink.”
He smiles at you. “See? Then Malibu will do. It goes well with the flavor blue anyway.”
You let out a laugh. “Mhm yes. The flavor blue! My favorite. So complex… so blue.”
He nudges your shoulder. “Smart ass. I know they says it’s blue raspberry or cotton candy. But it all tastes the same. It’s like-“
“Blue?” You cut him off.
He huffs a laugh. “Exactly. Thank you for admitting it.”
You smile at him appreciating how his antics compliment yours. “Okay okay. The sun is starting to set, we need to go get in line before it backs us up all the way to Michigan.”
Your attempts to get there early were feeble. The line was massive. You and Josh made small talk, but you barely shuffled in. Almost an hour had passed and you could finally see the gate. You thought about downing your Malibu shooters that you had stuffed in your bra many times while in line, but decided against it. Josh’s phone began to ring and he answered, but you didn’t pay too much attention. Still daydreaming of what it would be like to be in the front of the line.
“Ah fuck okay. Yeah we are near the front. You better hurry, I'm not waiting on you.”
That had gotten your attention. You turn to look at Josh who was shaking his head. “Sam. They just got here and saw this line.”
Soon enough you could see them all heading your way, including Devan? She had herself tucked by Jake. She was dressed somewhat less business casual with her hair in a loose ponytail and gray romper with black flats. You turned towards Josh when they all finally made their way to your spot, still trying to avoid his twin.
“Hell of a line huh? Maybe don’t record this part of the tik toks.” Danny jokes, nudging Devan.
That’s why she was here. To film content for social media. For whatever reason that made you feel happier inside.
Once you finally all made it through the gates you were a bit mesmerized by all of the lights and aromas. You felt like a kid again and you were ready to let loose and have fun.
“Tilt a whirl first?” Josh turns to you with a big smile.
You nod. “You read my mind.”
As you two head off towards that direction you're halted by a voice. “Josh! Wait! I need to get a shot of you by the lights!”
“Oh yeah sure. We're just going to head over to the tilt a whirl ride really quickly. Maybe after?” He offers.
Devan claps her hands. “Oh good idea! We’ll come with you to get some filming in.”
You cringe a bit at the thought of everyone now doing everything together.
The line for the first ride wasn’t too long. It took maybe 10 minutes to get to the front. Devan was filming Danny and Sam almost the whole time. The gates opened and you and Josh headed off to find a suitable cart for you two. You sat down and debated ways to spin faster.
“It’s definitely left and then right!” He shouted animatedly trying to prove his point.
“No no Joshy it’s right then left!”
Both of you laughed as you tried to latch the bar down.
“Hold up. Sorry we have to put three in each cart.” The ride operator says, coming by and unlatching the bar.
You frown at the thought of a stranger coming and squeezing in next to you or Josh. But it’s not a stranger who comes. It’s Jake.
“Funny seeing you two here. Dev is filming Sam and Daniel for this one. Mind if I squeeze in Sug?”
You give him a flat smile as he climbs in, ridiculously close to you.
The operator comes by and latches the bar, squeezing you all even closer to one another.
“You know we spin this left to right to go faster.” Jake states matter of factly.
“Thank you! That’s what I’ve been saying!” Josh exclaims.
The ride begins and Jake and Josh both begin working on spinning the wheel. Immediately the cart begins to spin and pushes you closer into Jake. You begin to giggle like a schoolgirl at the adrenaline rush as all of you work together to spin.
“Try my way now!”
You put your hands on the spinner, accidentally grabbing Jake’s hand. You briefly glance up at him and see him smiling at you in pure adoration. That made a lump sit in your throat. You hadn’t seen that look from him in forever. You all begin to spin the way you had suggested and you know it’s faster as your body now smashes into Josh’s.
“Okay I think you were right!” Josh says through laughter.
“Nope.” Jake says as he grabs the wheel and starts to whisk it the other way.
“Jake!” You giggle as your body presses back into his.
“I’ve got you Sugar.” Jake replies, rather valiantly.
You aren’t sure exactly what you saw due to all of the commotion, but you swear out of your peripheral you saw Josh cut his eyes at his brother.
You couldn’t be sure so you chalked it up to your imagination. The ride began to slow down and you knew you were going to be dizzy. All three of you were left panting and smiling ear to ear when the ride fully stopped.
“Can we at least all admit I was right?” You asked, trying to tame your hair.
“Never.” Jake replied with a smirk.
The next ride you had gotten on was the Himalaya. The ride that slung you to one side and went fast to various songs. It was your favorite and you were so happy to be on it with Josh, although you were sure you had crushed him just a little bit. Jake had ridden directly behind you with Devan, while Sam and Danny were in front of you. You loved the ride, but you and Josh were more entertained by Danny crushing Sam.
“Can we get a funnel cake or something? I’m starving.” Sam whines while stretching after the torture of the ride.
“Oh that would be a good tik tok!” Devan yells, furiously tapping on her phone.
“Is everything for social media?” You whisper to Josh.
He grins at you. “Apparently.”
“Let’s take the chair lift to the other end of the fair and we can get funnel cakes there. Okay?” Danny offers.
“Deal.” Sam says.
You all make your way to a rather short line to get on the lift.
“Your shoe’s untied.” Josh says, pointing down to your unlaced Converse.
“Good catch.” You say, starting to bend down.
Josh throws his hand up. “I got it.”
He kneels down and starts intertwining the laces.
“And they say chivalry is dead.” You joke.
“Josh!” You two swivel your heads to see Devan waving wildly. “Josh! Come up here! I need more shots of you!”
Josh glances at you with an annoyed look.
“Come on, I barely have any footage of you!” She continues.
Josh flashes a disappointed face at you before shuffling his way up front to catch the next lift with Devan. You watch as they quickly get seated and take off. Then you watch Sam and Danny pair up for the next one leaving just you and Jake.
“I guess we’re chopped liver huh?” Jake pokes.
You glance over at him. He’s leaned up on the railing looking incredibly handsome with his navy shirt hardly buttoned. His silver pendants dangle on his chest, dancing on his tanned skin.
“Apparently.” You reply coolly.
“You know,”He starts, walking up to the front of the line with you. “I really like your shirt. I believe I have a cowboy hat somewhere at home.”
You roll your eyes at him, but still crack a smile. He’s pleased with himself as a smirk overtakes his face.
“Next!” The operator yells.
You and Jake walk over to the footprints and get ready to sit. He glances over and gives you a wink before you both plop down and are off.
“Wow what a view huh?” Jake states, glancing around at all of the lights.
“Oh yeah. Look at all of those porta potties.” You retort.
Jake laughs. “Grandiose I suppose.”
You laugh back at him.
His eyes catch yours. “I miss that laugh you know. Hearing it so carefree on that spinning ride… It brought me back. Made me think of the good ole days I guess.”
You offer him a small smile. “I don’t know how you even remembered it. All we ever did was fight Jake.”
He furrows his brows slightly. “Oh come on. I don’t remember it that way. In fact, I remember a date just like this. That random mall had the half set up carnival. I won you a teddy bear.”
You smile at the memory. “Yeah, but we left mad at each other. Arguing like always.”
Jake sighed and paused. “We fixed it when we got home if I recall correctly. We always fixed our problems Sugar.” Jake says in a suggestive tone.
“I wouldn’t say they were fixed. We both know there was only one thing we were ever good at.” You say, giving him the side eye.
A smile creeps across his face. “Were? Let’s not talk in the past tense, Sugar. I bet we would still be good today. Hell, better even.”
A dust of pink spreads across your face.
“Jake! Y/n!”
You take yourself out of your trance and see Danny turned around pointing a camera at you two.
Jake slides closer to you and throws his arm around your shoulder. Resting his head on yours. You give a meek smile, suddenly aware of how this photograph will look.
“Aw so cute.” Danny laughs before turning around.
“So what’s on the agenda for the rest of the night Sugs?”
Jake asks, nonchalantly.
You click your tongue. “Hm probably going to get pizza and go home. I need to send a few emails. Exciting things.”
“Care for some company?” He asked, with a small smile.
“Oh tempting.” You say, unamused. “But I have an early pilates class.”
“Smoothie after?” Jake smiles and raises his eyebrows at you in question. “I’m just kidding Sug. Don’t look so uptight.”
You flash him a smile and shake your head.
He extends his hand out to you. “Truce? I mean we can be friends right?”
You scan his face, looking for a reason to say no. You falter finally and shake his hand. You feel the calluses and let your mind wander for a half of a second. “Truce.”
He smiles, pleased with himself. “We could be more than friends in certain ways even.”
Yoh groan at him. “Jake.”
He holds his hands up in defense. “Okay okay. Friends it is Sug.”
After you had finally gotten off of the chair lift you had tucked yourself back by Josh. Everyone had split off to grab their own food. Danny and Sam had made it back first with beer and pretzels, snagging a table for everyone.
“Josh oh my god! They have dill pickle pizza!” You say, lightly slapping his arm in excitement.
“What? No way.” He whips his head around.
“Yes! We have tried to find some forever. Remember that night we stayed up high out of our minds trying to make one with homemade garlic pesto?”
Josh fake grimaces. “Don’t remind me. Ya know I’m fairly certain that apartment still smells like garlic.”
“Good thing you don’t live there anymore. Come on!” You link arms with him and hurriedly shuffle towards the pizza truck to get your coveted dinner.
Josh put an order in for your pizza while you went off to get your slushees. You had both reconvened at the table.
“Okay, watch my six.” You said to Josh as you started to attempt to grab the shooters from your bra.
Josh understood the mission and got up, making himself bigger to cover you. Both of you sneakily emptied two little bottles into your slushees.
“Okay I will say Malibu does go great with blue.”
Josh cracks a smile at you. “I’ll never steer you wrong kid.”
Eventually everyone else joints you guys back at the table, munching down on the various high caloric fair food.
“Is that pickle pizza?” Sam asks, nodding in your direction making a face.
“Yes Sam it is. And it’s the greatest thing I have ever put in my mouth.” You say, biting off a piece.
“Mhm.” Jake says, catching your eyes with a knowing smirk.
You don’t acknowledge that.
“It’s actually fantastic Sam. You want to try some?” Josh offers.
Sam turns his nose up. “Ew pass. I doubt it’s even vegan friendly.”
“I’ll try some.” Devan says.
You had almost forgotten she was there. She had been unusually quiet.
“Here you go.” You say, handing a piece to her.
“Oh wow.” She says taking a bite. “That is a lot of garlic. I can only imagine how bad that’s going to make your breath for days!” Devan laughs.
You make a face at her.
“I happen to just love your garlic breath.” Josh says, poking your arm trying to ease the tension.
You let out a small half laugh. “Guess we’ll have to quarantine ourselves together since we have the garlic plague.”
Josh licks his fingers and smiles brightly at you. “I could think of worse fates. At least the vampires won’t get us.”
You giggle at him and Devan rolls her eyes.
“Sooooo what’s next?” Danny asks, slurping up his dark beer.
“Oh let’s ride the fireball coaster and then the skull crusher!” Sam exclaims.
“Yes to the rollercoaster, absolutely not to the skull crusher.” You say through a sigh.
“Oh how come Sug? Don’t tell me you’re chicken?” Jake antagonizes.
You shake your head. “Not a chicken. I just use common sense. A ride called a skull crusher doesn’t entice me. You guys do know that they assemble these rides in like 2 days and that one flips and goes upside down. No thank you.”
“Bock bock bock bock bock!” Sam mocks.
Josh laughs. “Hey come on, give her a break.”
Devan giggles. “Yeah! Besides that will be better anyway so I can get footage of just you four on the ride.”
Josh makes eye contact with you and snickers as you return the favor.
The coaster was a lot of fun and you were a little surprised that you had felt the effects of the two little shooters. You and Devan watched as the boys all waited patiently in line to get on their ride. She was fidgeting with her camera. Not really speaking to you, but finally she broke the silence.
“You know.” She began, clicking through settings. “Next time we are trying to film, it might be a good idea for you to stay behind. You’re sort of a… distraction for Jake and Josh.”
You furrow your brows at her. “Except Josh and I had been planning to come here. Like by ourselves. Before any of this was hijacked with social media bullshit.”
She doesn’t look up at you and just shrugs. “Here, backstage at shows, meetings at smoothie places.”
You scoff at her. “What is your problem?”
She looks entirely bored of this conversation. “It’s nothing personal, I just don’t think you understand how their lives are now. Everything is for their careers. Millions of people would kill to have what they do. So this social media bullshit is very necessary to continue building their futures. That’s why they hired me. I’ve been meeting with them for over six months now and ever since you came along those two have been different. So it might be best if you keep your distance.”
You feel the sting of her words. Was she right? You blink rapidly. “You don’t even know them.”
She cocks her head at you. “And you do?”
You feel a fire begin to flame. “Yeah I do. I really do. I especially know Jake. He and I are very familiar with each other. Does that bother you? Is that what all of this is about?”
Her face turns bright red.
You hadn’t even noticed the ride had stopped and they were getting off. You saw Josh approaching you and quickly wiped the scowl off of your face.
He wrapped his arm around your shoulder as you two started to walk around. “Did you see that- Woah you okay?”
You nod your head. “Yeah, I’m good.”
He raises his eyebrows at you. “Are you sure? What happened?”
You clear your throat. “It’s nothing. Just creative differences I suppose.”
He looks over at Devan, who has attached herself right back to Jake. “What did she say?”
“It’s nothing. We’ll talk later.” You say dismissively.
Josh gives you a long look before nodding. “You wanna get out of here?”
You suck in your cheeks and nod.
“Okay boys I think we’re going to head out. I’m beat.” Josh says, stretching his arms out.
“Aw boo. We haven’t even played any games yet!” Sam says, sticking his tongue out.
“That would be a really good clip. If I could get you all on camera throwing darts or something.” Devan adds.
Josh looks at you, as if asking for permission. You lightly nod your head, not wanting to give Devan any more ammunition.
“Fine.” Josh pinches the bridge of his nose. “One game.”
One game turned into three. All of them played a round of balloon darts, in which Sam won a whoopee cushion. Then they played a water spraying game, which Danny had won. Lastly they decided on the horse race game determined by ball rolling. It was a close race, but Jake took the win.
“Okay you can choose your prize young man.” The lady said.
Jake turned around and smiled at you. “Whadda think Sug? Anything catch your eye?”
You wrack your brain, thinking of how to play this in front of everyone. “I think you need to get what you want Jake. Something to sit in your room and remind you of your immense victory.”
He huffs a laugh. “So no friend for teddy then. Yeah, just hand me that little guy.”
The lady gives Jake some tie-dyed frog. He smiles at it in his hands. “Here ya go Dev. For all your hard work.”
She giggles and takes it. “Oh, thank you!”
It takes all of your willpower not to groan.
“Okay! Well then, I think we are all set. We will catch you guys later.” Josh says, throwing his arm around your shoulders and giving you a squeeze.
Jake gives you a weird look, you just throw up your hand to wave and follow Josh.
It’s a rather silent walk back to the car, but when you finally make it Josh lets out a huge sigh.
“Tell me about it.” You say with a small smile.
He pats your hand and starts the engine. “So you gonna tell me about what all that was about?”
You huff. “Devan. I don’t know, she just hates me. She said I’m a distraction and I’m hindering your futures essentially.”
Josh makes a face at you. “What?”
You nod. “Mhm. Says my arrival has disoriented you and Jake.”
Josh takes in a breath and shakes his head.
You swallow thickly. “Which I guess… maybe you. I have been taking a lot of your time lately. But Jake? No, I don't even speak to him.”
Josh presses his lips into a line. “I guess we need to talk about it.”
You furrow your eyebrows. “What? Should we spend less time together? Fuck, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to take away-“
“No, no. Not that at all. You don’t take up my time. In fact, I’m more than happy to spend my time with you.” Josh says clears his throat. “I mean you and Jake.”
You felt relief at the beginning of his words, but confusion at the next. “What do you mean?”
He sucks in his cheeks. “You know what I mean.”
You let out a small laugh. “Josh, I assure you I don’t.”
He taps his fingers on the wheel. “The tension between you two, the glances, the flirting.”
You scoff. “There is none of that. Jake can be a jackass, you know that. But there is none of that happening. I will not go there again.”
He’s quiet for a minute. “I just don’t want you getting hurt again.”
You shake your head. “Won’t happen.” You grab his arm slightly. “I promise.”
Josh gives you a glance before nodding. He offers you a small smile that you return. It starts to rain now as you’re driving back to your place. The warm streets, being cooled by droplets falling from the heavens. Josh has something soft and pretty playing through the car and you begin to feel melancholy. Much like the rain, soft tears began to roll down your cheeks. You quickly wiped them away, not even sure why they were there. Was it Jake? After everything you can’t deny that spark that he ignites. Was it Josh? The way he cared for you so deeply even after you had discarded him. Was it both? You had no idea, you pushed those thoughts all the way to the back of your mind.
Josh had walked you inside holding a coat from his backseat over your head to shield you from the rain. You giggled as you both tried to make small maneuvers up to your porch without losing the coverage of the coat.
“Whew thanks Joshy.” You said, flicking water off of your arms as you fumbled around for your keys.
“My pleasure. I had fun tonight.” He says with a bright smile.
“Me too. Would you like to come inside for some ice cream? I think maybe we could make sundaes and watch that Stanley Kubrick documentary that we never finished?”
He beamed at you. “I would love nothing more.”
The next morning you woke up happy. Josh always puts you in a good mood. You two had stayed up for hours just enjoying each other’s company.
“Hey! Yeah I’m grabbing my smoothie now and I’ll head your way after.” You said, holding your phone up to your ear while wiping sweat from your forehead.
“Great. Drive safe, see you soon.” Josh replied on the other line.
You threw your bag into your car and waltzed over to the smoothie place from your pilates gym. You were so excited to spend another day with Josh. He was taking you rock climbing, a brain child that was born from your conversation last night. When you opened the door you swiveled your head around. Nothing. Just a few hipsters in expensive athletic gear sipping on over priced smoothies. A twinge of guilt stabbed you in the gut when you realized you were disappointed that Jake wasn’t there.
• thank you for reading :)
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Chapter 1
You expected there to be some teething problems when you moved in with your boyfriend of 2 years. A few arguments here and there. Clashes about what to watch on TV, what to have for dinner. What you didn’t expect was the amount of tears you would shed, nor the almost break ups. And you definitely didn’t expect to become responsible for the amount of chores you found yourself doing on a daily basis. You always cleaned up after him, did his laundry, his dishes, made sure he remembered to pay bills on time. For six months this had been going on, and the resentment was quickly building up inside. You sometimes felt more like his mother than his girlfriend, not that he seemed to notice.
Today’s issue was the new gaming chair he’d ordered, which he was conveniently out for its delivery. You walked into your apartment complex to find the box dumped in the lobby. 
“It’s literally just a lift ride away… lazy arsehole,” you muttered as you dragged the box towards the lift. You pressed the button and waited, tapping your fingers on the box. A long minute later, there was still no lift in sight. You pressed it again, and again, but the button didn't even light up. 
You tutted. “Typical” you muttered. So that’s why the delivery guy dumped it there. You groaned in frustration, mentally preparing yourself to haul the thing up to your floor. For the first couple of flights of stairs you tried to push it up from the bottom, ‘proper lifting’ be damned. But your legs began to burn, especially after your leg workout that morning, so you changed tactics for the last flight. You grabbed the sides of the box and decided to pull, one step at a time. You almost made it to the top when you spotted a tall figure behind you, startling you. The box slipped from your grasp and toppled forward.
“Shit!” you hissed. You watched on with horror, muscles tensed as you braced for the impact. The box crashed down the stairs, the sound echoing in the stairwell until it fell to the bottom with a loud thump. You took a deep breath to calm yourself. This is fine. You can just drag it back up again. It’s only one flight. You opened your eyes and saw the man silently walking past. You recognised him now; he moved in a couple of weeks ago.
“Lemme get that for you,” he grumbled. He's American? You opened your mouth to protest but promptly shut it. He did look much stronger than you, a little intimidating actually. The dark haired man picked up the box as if it weighed nothing, and carried it up to your floor. You muttered an awkward thanks as he walked past. He kicked open the door to the corridor then placed the package outside your flat before he turned to leave, back down the stairs. You cleared your throat before saying a louder thank you towards his back.
“Don’t mention it,” he called back, not even turning to look at you as the door to the stairway closed behind him.
You unlocked your door and dragged the stupid box inside, leaving it unceremoniously in the middle of the room for your boyfriend to deal with later. You kicked your shoes off then sat down on the sofa to relax until he got home. He found it funny you dropped the thing in front of your new neighbour. Took the piss out of you repeatedly as you cooked dinner, playfully warning you not to drop anything else. So out of spite, you refused to help him with the chair later that evening. That was until you realised you wouldn’t get any sleep until it was done and he was getting so pissed off trying to assemble the thing, he was keeping you up. 
The next day you headed out early for your morning gym routine. You loathed early starts, waking up with the sun, but it was the only time of the day you had to yourself. Between work, your partner, your friends, and family, it felt like life was slipping by. Like you were merely a passenger, existing for others. But the morning hours were your hours. You were still half asleep when you pushed the button for the lift and waited for a really long time.
“I don’t think it’s working,” a male voice said. You turned to see your neighbour standing in his doorway and it dawned on you. God you’re an idiot.
“Oh yeah, I remember,” you muttered, embarrassed. He nodded, then stepped back into his apartment, closing the door gently. You hoped he didn’t go back inside to avoid walking down the stairs with you…
That thought was on your mind during your whole gym session. One of the perks of the apartment complex was the in house gym. It may be on the smaller side, but it made it much easier to fit in a gym session 5 days a week. You smashed through your arm workout and spent an extra 10 minutes on the rowing machine. The sweat was dripping from you when you left and decided to jog back up three flights of stairs for extra cardio.
You pushed open the door to your floor, but suddenly the resistance disappeared. You couldn't pull back from the momentum, and you fell forward straight into the chest of a man. You looked up. Not him again. 
You suddenly felt very self conscious, his hands were touching your bare sweaty arms as he set you upright.
"Sorry I didn't, umm-" you stuttered, stepping back from him as he dropped his hands to his sides. Bloody hell his eyes were blue.
"It's fine," he murmured as he stalked past you.
Those blue eyes and a sense of embarrassment from him touching you was on your mind as you got ready for the day. Your boyfriend still wasn't awake by the time you were ready to go. You gave him a chaste kiss on the forehead, then left. As you commuted to work, you wondered what your neighbour might be up to.
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ljnsdump · 1 year
If It's Meant To Be, It Will Be (Jaehyun x F!reader)
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Johnny x F!reader
When a heart knows, it knows. There's no explaining it. You can only trust it.
Genre: M/F, exes to lovers, angst, fluff, slight smut, suggestive, oneshot
Warnings: light smut, secret/hidden pregnancy, cursing
Word count: 6,187
My third published story! I am so excited for this. This is one of the stories that has always been in my vault for the longest time just like the other three. I hope you enjoy reading it! I apologized for not posting as much, college is too much. But I hope I can post a lot now since it's already the summer break. Also, I'm not the best when it comes to writing smut, please understand that I'm still learning.
Read at your own risk.
Before going home, Y/N goes to the local grocery store to get milk for the babies. They're growing so fast and it doesn't take a long time to run out of their milk. She then grabs a bag of candies and cookies as well.
Her 5-year old twins sat on the stairs outside their house waiting for her with their nanny. When they see her car pull up in front of the gates, the two run and the nanny immediately comes after them.
"Mommy!" They yell and jump in excitement. "We miss you so much!"
Y/N pouts as her heart warms at the sight. She immediately gets out of the car and gets in the property. She lowers herself down to level with her kids. "My babies, I love you both so much. I miss you both a lot too." The two hold her hand as they go in. "Helen, can you please grab the things I bought, it's in the backseat of the car."
"Okay." Helen nods.
"Now what have my favourite babies been doing all day?"
"Mommy, I was drawing with nanny! We drew flowers, and coloured them and put the sun and clouds!" Her little girl, Janelle says. "Julien was playing with cars! He hit nanny on her leg as well."
"Julien, did you say sorry to nanny?" Y/N asks with a stern face and her son nods.
"Yes, I hugged nanny because I didn't mean to do it."
She smiles and hugs both. "Very good! I will give you chocolates for being a good girl and a good boy. But let mommy change her clothes first." The two nod and go to play. Helen, who was following them with the groceries, puts them away on the counter. "Helen, just watch them for a few minutes. I'll just change and then once I'm out you can take your break as well."
Helen nods.
Y/N has left the eye of the public when she was forced to break up with her baby daddy. He didn't know she was pregnant. Heck, she didn't even know she was pregnant when his parents casted her away. So she decided to live in a small town away from him and his family. She's been suffering all these years so she's fighting everyone for her kids. She even separated from her parents because of the fear that they might take the kids away because she was earning minimum wage before.
She's working in a small company right now that develops environmentally friendly alternatives for non-biodegradable packaging. She started out as a mere researcher and now she's one of the executives. This year they are planning to expand their business and endorse it to bigger companies for development. And they are doing their first pitch after her weekend off.
They are going on a business trip for two days. That's why she packed the bags for her kids as well because she's definitely bringing them. She has to.
"Helen, remember when I told you about my business trip? We're gonna be leaving on Sunday afternoon. So please make sure you have your things ready before then, okay?" She instructs the nanny. "I'll give you double pay for Sunday since that's supposed to be your day off."
"Yes, I'll be ready by then. I'll come in early as well so I can help you prepare."
Night time came, Julien and Janelle were sleeping peacefully on their own beds. She observes the two as she overthinks about what can happen if she brings them to the city. Well, it's a big city so it's not even sure if they would get a peak of the shadows of the people she's avoiding.
As they are travelling, Y/N plays songs and they sing along to it. Y/N is musically inclined and she wants the kids to adapt that from her. She wants them to have music as part of their relaxation, and bonding time.
They go straight to their hotel which the company already had reserved for Y/N and she just got an extra room for Helen.
She and her colleagues had a quick meeting during dinner just to run through their presentation for tomorrow morning.
They are 5 in total, the president of the company, Y/N, and three researchers who lead the development of their product.
Later that night, she took the kids for a stroll on the streets. They were so amazed by the flashing lights, the huge buildings and the cars passing by. She got them everything they wanted because she just wanted them to have the best time of their life.
Morning comes, Y/N immediately prepares herself. She puts on her formal black trousers and blazer over her white shirt. Simple yet it made her look very elegant and sophisticated. She styles her hair, puts on light makeup before slipping on her stilettos. Grabbing her bags and keys, she doesn't forget to kiss the two who're sleeping soundly.
"Cheer on mum." She whispers at them.
She gets there on time, her team just arrived as well. They are led to the conference room, where it is only them in their first and immediately starts preparing for their presentation. Y/N observes the seating arrangement, and plans on tactics and ways to make it visually pleasing to the audience.
"I'm kind of nervous." One of the researchers, Taeil says as he shakes his hands vigorously.
Y/N just smiles. "That's actually very normal. This is a big crowd and they're the real deal. But I'm confident about our product, so I trust you three to present it with confidence as well."
The executives started coming in, filling in the empty seats. "5 minutes." The moderator of the conference tells them.
Y/N immediately runs out to grab a drink of water on the nearest station. But her path was blocked with someone who had a smug look on his face.
"Found you." Jae says and her eyes widens.
"W-what are you doing here?"
He shrugs. "I'm just one of the board members."
"Don't worry, I'll make them say yes to your pitch." He winks and goes in.
It's like her spirit just left her body. Why is he here? He's a board member? How? He owns his own company so why is he still going around looking for more to acquire?!
She snaps back to reality when one of her teammates calls her. "Miss Y/N! 3 minutes!"
Instead of getting water, she immediately texts Helen out of fear.
To: Helen
Don't ever let anyone in your rooms, watch the kids intently please and don't let them out.
Y/N clears her throat as the introduction begins. Even if she is panicking after seeing his ex lover, she stands there with all the elegance she can give.
"We in Lively Co. had always been researching for the best alternatives for our common packaging in the market. We believe that we developed the best product for food storage considering the materials used, money it costs, and the benefit it gives to the environment." She starts and then it goes on before she introduces their research team to discuss product specific details.
Jae looks at her proudly. He's not even hiding the smile on his face that Y/N can't seem to avoid. He's always had the most gorgeous face and now all his features are more developed, he's more matured. Jawline sharper, eyebrows bushier, undercut hair, ear piercings. God, he looks so good.
The CEO of the company seated in the center smiles and claps after the presentation. "Good. It's very good. As you may know, we don't invite companies to pitch unless we see real potential on their products. We actually have decided about this after we took a look at the research papers, samples and all documents you submitted about this product. We just wanted to see your perception and how you'll present it to us because we also look out for people we work with. And it's a good thing we did this today, you guys are so good and I look forward to working with your company." He shakes hands with the president of the mere Lively Co, while the four behind hugs each other, crying in happiness.
Y/N smiles when Taeil turns to her. "I told you."
After the meeting, they are also invited to lunch and then are given a tour around the company. Fortunately, Jae is no longer with them during the tour.
When she goes back to the hotel after a long day, she sees Jae in the lobby, legs on top of the other, watching her walk in and her heart starts pounding again. He's in the same building as her kids.
"You guys go ahead, I just have to drop by the cafe." She lies to her teammates and watches them take the elevator.
He then walks to her. "Hi."
She grabs his wrist and pulls him out of the hotel. "What are you doing here?!"
"Just wanted to congratulate you. You did so well there, baby." Smiling slightly but she shakes her head.
"You shouldn't be here!"
"I don't know, maybe I don't wanna see you!"
He stops and looks at her face. She can't even lie. "Five years and you still haven't worked on your lying skills."
"I'm not lying, Jae."
"Tell me why you left without saying anything. Why when I went to your apartment, it was already empty and we were just cuddling there the night before that. I should have known that you hugged me the entire night, crying for no reason at all was because you were about to leave me."
"Your parents paid me to leave you." She admits. "Now please go away because I don't have the money to refund them."
Jae's eyes burn in anger all of a sudden. "And you exchanged me for money?"
"I had no choice, you know it's still gonna end regardless of what the reason maybe because it all boils down to me not being the best pair for you."
"Who are they to say that you're not the best for me?!"
"They're your parents."
"It doesn't matter! They don't matter! You know I love you so much, I was so ready to be with you!"
"It's all in the past now. Just go."
Their third and final day, they visit one of the plants of the company then go back to the building to have a small gathering to bid goodbyes. Jae was not able to attend the previous schedules they had the past few days but he definitely is not missing the get together.
As she's going to the conference room, her phone buzzes on her hand so takes a look at it.
From: Helen
Y/N, Julien is having a hard time breathing. He's having an asthma attack.
She immediately replies.
To: Helen
Use the inhaler.
From: Helen
I think it's empty.
Y/N bit her lip, looking so worried and her teammates turned to her.
"What's going on?" One asks.
"I-I need to go." She replies, in a hurry. "My son needs to be taken to the hospital."
Their eyes widen. "You have a son?!"
But before she could answer, she already ran off while dialling 911 on her phone.
Later on, Jae arrives and he notices that Y/N was not there. He goes to ask their president. "Is Y/N not with you guys?"
"She left. She said she has to take her son to the hospital." She replies.
Jae's eyebrows furrow. "Her son?" Then immediately goes out, meeting his assistant outside. "Let's go to the hospital nearest to the Diamond Hotel."
Y/N holds and plays with her son's hand as Julien is getting nebulized. He's scared of the sound it makes, that's why she's holding him.
"Was he always asthmatic?" The doctor asks.
She nods. "Yeah, he got it from his dad. He's asthmatic too and severely allergic to seafood."
Jae hears that and he immediately knows. "Y/N." He calls and she stands up in surprise, trying to cover her son.
"Why are you here?!"
"He's mine, isn't he?"
The doctor quietly calls the nurse over. "You guys can talk outside, we'll take care of Julien."
Jae immediately pulls her out of the emergency room. But before they can talk, Janelle runs to them and hugs her mom's legs. "Mommy! Where's Juls? Is he okay mom?"
The fright on her face is something that you can never compare with anything. Her heart is raging and she knows she's done for.
"Helen, can you take a walk with Janelle? I-I just need to speak to Mr. Jung."
Helen immediately takes Janelle away from them but Jae's eyes never leave the little girl. He can't believe that they have kids together, twins on top of that! The two look so much alike and they got some of their features from him like his bushy eyebrows, and eyes.
"They're my kids, aren't they?" She's on the verge of crying but Jae's eyes remain consistent. This is the only way to bring her back. After all those years he looked for her, wanting her to come back. "Y/N." He calls her again.
She frowns then whines. "They're mine."
He just wants to caress her face, and wipe her tears but didn't. If he shows her any remorse, she'll take advantage of it and talk him into keeping the kids to herself. "You hid them from me."
"Your family hates me, Jae! What was I supposed to do? I loved you so much but they kept pushing me! They kept threatening me!" She cries. "I left the world for Julien and Janelle, Jae. You will never take them away from me. I've sacrificed myself for them and you can't just come back to my life and take them like I don't matter."
"You are my first priority, Y/N." He replies. "I'm taking you and our kids back. My family will never have a say about it. And I will fight all of them who fight you."
She shakes her head. "You can't. You don't know what happens when you turn around, Jae."
"I will."
"I really don't want to involve my lawyers in this, Y/N." He says warningly.
She always loses. He always gets the better of her. "You can visit the kids then. But they stay with me."
"Love, you live far from this city  I believe. Plus you're going back to your home today, aren't you?"
"I can request a leave. We can stay here until the weekend."
He smiles slightly and pinches her cheeks. "Thanks." That's definitely enough time for him to bring her back. "They're twins! How on earth did we happen to make two at once." Y/N couldn't help but cough a laugh at what he said. The happiness he feels knowing he has children with her is beyond the heavens. He can't help but pull her into a hug. "I can't wait to spoil them with everything they want in this world." Resting his chin on top of her head as he imagines all the fun activities that he has in mind for their kids.
She pulls away, still feeling skeptical about all this because she knows that Jae will do everything to get his children. She just knows.
"Miss Y/L/N,, your son is all good now. He was such a good boy the entire time." The doctor says. "Now, I'll go ahead and prepare the prescription for his inhaler, and Nurse Wendy will take care of the papers."
Nurse Wendy smiles at them and says, "Follow me."
They go to their son first who is sitting cutely and behaving on one of the beds as his feet dangle. "Mommy! I'm okay now! I behaved with the doctors." He grins which earned him a hug and kiss from his mom.
"My baby is all grown up now, mommy is so proud."
"And daddy."
Y/N blushes when he hears Jae speak from behind her. "I'm sorry." She mumbles. "Love, your dad is here too."
He pinches her waist first before picking up his son and carrying him in his arms. "Hi, sport! It's good to see you!"
"He's my dad?" The little guy asks and the two nod. "How about Janelle? Who's Janelle's dad?"
Y/N couldn't help but laugh at his innocence. "He is also Janelle's dad."
When finally they're done in the ER, they went out and went to Janelle. Julien stays in his dad's arms and Janelle looks up to them.
"Mommy, who's that?" She points at Jae.
"It's dad, love." She replies briefly. The little girl's eyes widen.
Jae crouched down and stretched his empty arm to his daughter. "Yes, sweetheart." She runs and hugs him and he immediately catches her.
"Careful." Y/N holds Jae's back to stop him from falling. He reassures her with a wink and carries Janelle on his other arm. "Jae, they're heavy." She tries to take Julien but he hugs his dad tight.
"No, mommy. I want dad to carry me."
Janelle butts in. "Me too."
She sighs. "Okay." Helen watched them with a big smile plastered on her face. "Helen, we'll be staying here for a few more days. Jae just wants to bond with the kids. I'll just give you the fare to go home and take a break for now. I'll just call you when we come back." The nanny nods. "But first, please help Jae's secretary get all our things from the hotel because we will be staying in Jae's house."
"No worries."
The kids are cheering and singing while their dad drives the car and Y/N is on shotgun. They are just so excited and Jae can't stop smiling.
"Juls, please slow down. We just got out of the hospital." His mom warns him.
"So, I'm thinking maybe we can make bedrooms one for each of them? They get to choose what design they want to choose." Y/N just nods in whatever he says. Jae notices that she's been quiet, she's really not saying anything nor is her face indicating any feelings. "What are you thinking about?"
She shakes her head lightly. "Nothing."
Jae sighs.
After all day of shopping and playing, they finally go to Jae's house. It isn't any less than what Y/N imagined him to be living in. It just screams luxury.
Helen is waiting there as well to bid goodbye to the family as she leaves for home before them.
Jae takes out an envelope from his pocket he got from the bank earlier and hands it to Helen. "This is my token of gratitude for you taking good care of my family. Thank you so much." She opens the envelope slightly and ses a thick bundle of cash and she immediately thanks him.
When Helen and Jae's secretary are already out, Y/N take off her heels because her legs are about to give out already.
"I'll freshen up the two so that they can go to sleep now." She tells him. "Where's the bathroom?"
"Use the one in my room." Y/N looks at him as if saying seriously? to him. "And what if we find something there that we're not meant to find?"
His eyes squint. "Like what?"
"I don't know, you tell me."
Jae shakes his head as pinches her cheeks. "I don't go fuck around." She immediately elbows his abdomen, making him grunt.
"Mouth." She warns before walking past him.
Jae offers to put the kids to bed because he noticed that Y/N is too tired to move already.
"You okay?" He asks her and then sits beside her on the couch.
She nods lazily. "Yeah, why?"
"Nothing, just wanted to check on you since the two are asleep now." He replies and then pulls her legs on top of his lap. She's about to whine but he says. "Shh. You'll wake the kids up." Then starts massaging her legs down to her toes. "I know how hard you worked for Janelle and Julien. I know how much you tried to give them the best life and you succeeded in doing that."
"My life is dedicated to them, Jae. Everything I do and I will do will be for them."
"Good because I will be the one to do everything for you." He smiles slightly. "I can't believe we made the most beautiful pair of twins on earth."
She just smiles. "I'm tired."
"Yeah, I'll carry you to bed." Jae stands up and carries her to his bedroom.
Y/N immediately punches his shoulder when she sees where they're heading. "Jung Jaehyun, stop right there. I'm not sleeping in your bedroom."
"Yes, you are. Why would I let you sleep on a bed that's not my own when you're in my house?" He asks, as if what she wants is the most ridiculous thing in the world. "And based on how I remember it, we never broke up. Maybe we just took time off but we never broke up."
She laughs. "We took time off for 5 years?"
Jae lays her down on the bed. "Yes, and I have never sought for anyone else because I always knew I'd find you." Then flicks her forehead. "But you did."
"That guy who you hugged during the conference. You were smiling at him."
She rolls her eyes at what he said. She knows that he knows he's just a colleague. "I'll sleep now."
"Good night, mommy." He whispers while planting a kiss on her cheeks.
He then positions himself next to her, nestling under the covers. "Good night, daddy." She mumbles but Jae definitely heard, drawing a big smile from him.
The next day came, they had breakfast and decided to stay indoors since it's raining outside. They're in the living room all bunched up under a big blanket while they watch cartoons. The kids specifically asked the two to sit together with them.
"Mommy, daddy, moms and dads kiss so how come you two don't?" Janelle asks innocently.
Y/N chokes on her own spit after hearing that while Jae nods at her daughter, "I know, right? Mom doesn't want me to kiss her."
The two turn to their mom. "Why not?"
"Because dad did not brush his teeth." She laughs hysterically while Jae's hand sneaks under the sheets to pinch her side.
"Hey." He calls her out. "I did." And defends himself.
She continues to laugh. "You don't have proof."
"I can kiss you right and you'd be the one to tell if I brushed my teeth or not."
"Stop being so childish."
The two little people took their afternoon naps. Jae and Y/N finally have time to clean up and prepare for dinner.
Jae's arms sneak around Y/N's waist as she washes the plates they used for their snacks. "We can have dinner at Sailor tonight. Then we can walk by the boulevard."
"Yeah, that's fine." She agrees.
"Kiss me." Pouting his lips near her face.
"Jae." She warns. "Stop bothering me."
He sneakers and lets her go. "Fine, but after that, while the two are still sleeping, we can go ahead and prepare for dinner."
So after she washed everything, she went to their room. He sits there shirtless, while reading a book. Her cheeks flushed with heat upon seeing his abs, biceps and arms on display.
She goes to the bathroom to change and prepare. Then comes back a couple of minutes later wearing a maroon, flowy, mini dress that hugs her tiny waistline just enough, showing off her collarbone, and perfect looking cleavage. She just curls her hair, forming big waves and then her make up.
Jae's eyes stays at her for a couple of seconds, raking her body, observing her figure and entire look. "You look hot." He blurts out.
"Thanks, I intended to." She sits on the armrest of the couch, crossing her legs and arms. "So what do you want to happen after this? We will be going back home on Sunday."
"Why can you not stay here?"
"First of all, I have a job." She says. "Second, why would I?"
"Because I want you with me. I want to be able to see my family everyday and take care of them."
She snorts. "That's weird, because based on how I remember before, you were working most of the time and you almost had no time for me. Now if you have no time for one, how much more for three."
Jae groans. "Look, that was before. I'm not leaving you behind now especially after knowing what it's like to live without you."
"We are not getting back together, Jae."
"Why not?"
Scenes from her past with Jae's family come back like they have just been dug out from the grave. "I-I just can't."
"Y/N, what will make you come back to me? I will literally do everything. I just can't let you go after looking for you for 5 fucking years."
"I can't leave my job."
"I can request for you to be transferred here. There's really no point of you working, I'll be the one to work for us."
"I really need to think about it."
He nods in agreement. "No rush, just take all the time you need."
They just stared at each other for a few seconds, observing each other's face comfortably. "Who told you to get piercings?"
His stares linger because of how tempting and vulnerable she looks right now. "You." He replies. "You said I look good with them."
"Well, I was right."
Jae pats his lap. "Come here."
"So we can make out?" She couldn't prevent a laugh at his bluntness. She walks towards him as he reaches both his arms to her. "I can't imagine how you fit two babies in this body, babe."
"You would've been turned off if you saw me pregnant. I was a pig."
He tilts his head to the side, furrowing his eyebrows. "Okay, first of all, never say that again. If one gets pregnant of course their body gets big, because there's a baby in them. They need to eat a lot because they're basically eating for two. So don't say that." His hands hold her by the waist and lift her up to set her on his lap. "I love you." Planting a kiss on her lips and watching her reaction. "I miss you."
Y/N holds his face and puts her lips on his. He holds her waist tighter as he devours her lips, like that's the only thing he's been craving for this whole time. His arms eventually find its way wrapping around her waist and the free hand holding her steady by the nape, turning her in all angles to make sure he tastes her the best way. She’s breathless and her lipsstick is all messed up now but he doesn't really care.
"Jae." She gasps.
He breathes against her lips. "Hmm?"
She doesn't say anything and just puts feathery kisses all over his face as her eyes tear up. Nobody knows how much she wanted this for the last 5 years. This is the only thing she asked for, just him and she can't help but feel like crying when she finally got what she wanted. "I fucking miss you. And thank you for accepting our children, I was honestly worried if you didn't want them. I was scared that when you found out, you'd wish they never existed."
Jae holds her back firmly, looking at her face. "Why? I would never do that. You know that you're the best thing that happened to me and all I ever wanted was to make a family with you."
She laughs. "I know, it's just that there are really things in my head that I wish aren't there."
"Well, it's time for you to stop thinking about those because I am the happiest right now with you, Janelle and Julien." Patting her head lightly. "And I really appreciate you making their names start with the initial of my first name."
Y/N smiles sheepishly. "Yeah, I just can't leave you out of the picture."
The lights of the restaurant shine perfectly on them. Jae and Y/N have gotten sweeter, and intimate. They are almost in sync, attending to both their children.
"What do you want to eat, love?" Jae asks Janelle, showing her the menu book.
Janelle points at the raspberry tart. "I want this."
"Jan, dessert is for later." Her mom reminds her.
"If she wants it--" Jae gets cut off by Y/N's glare and he just chuckles. "Mom's right."
As the waitress is taking their order, Y/N notices her batting her eyelashes to her man, smiling flirtatiously and suggestively. That annoys her to the bones, she holds Jae's hand. He notices it, looking at her with a comforting smile and says, "Love, what do you want?" Slowly massaging her hand.
"The pan seared scallops would do." She smiles.
As they were about to leave after dinner, Jae bumped into one of the people he knows in the industry.
"Jae! It's good to see you, man!" The guy gives Jae a manly hug. "Who are you with?"
"Oh, I'm with my family." He replies. "This is Y/N, my wife." Y/N kinda gets stunned and glances at Jae before offering her hand to the man. "And our kids, Janelle and Julien."
The man, Yuta, gets surprised. "I didn't know you had a family!"
"I actually messed up somehow, that's why I only was able to be with them now." He replies without hesitations. And Y/N has never ever thought she'd be more attracted to Jae. Nothing more attractive than a man who admits his mistakes.
As they drive home, Jae notices Y/N constantly glancing at him so he asks, "Is something wrong?"
"You were so honest telling that man earlier about how you messed up."
"That's because that's something I cannot deny." He shrugs. "And you, were you jealous with the waitress earlier?"
She scoffs. "I wasn't jealous. I was just under the impression that you were not interested in her so I did what I could to save you." Sarcastically, while crossing her arm. "Was I wrong to do that?"
"No, you weren't. I wasn't interested in her. I have you."
Y/N shrugs. "Whatever."
"Mommy, Jan is sleeping." They hear Julien from the back.
"Yes, love." She replies. "Just let her sleep, we're almost home."
They arrive home and Jae carries Janelle to their bedroom while Y/N walks with Julien. Then they prepare the two for bed and stay in there until the two are already asleep.
When they walk out of their kids' room, Jae asks, "How about you, babe? You good?"
She sighs. "Yeah." Then goes to their room.
Jae catches up, pulling her towards him and then locking her in with his arms around her. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing, Jae. I'm just tired."
He scans her face. "You look really beautiful." Whispers, then his eyes stayed on her lips.
"More beautiful than the waitress?" She jokes.
Jae can't help but cough out a laugh. "You're funny. I didn't even look at the waitress."
"I know, I was watching."
He pins her to the door and smashes his lips against hers. He's got the rough hold on her, and she just went along with the kiss, letting him dominate her. One of his hands slides down her dress and grabs her ass making her moan.
"You like that, huh?" He smirks against her lips. "You've just gotten more irresistible, Y/N. I'm holding myself back from bending you against my bed and fucking you so hard."
She pushes him back a little, locking their eyes together. "Why are you holding back?"
"Because our children are sleeping just  a few rooms down the hall and I remember how loud you can get."
Y/N rolls her eyes. "I promise, I'll be quiet."
"You just wanna be railed, don't you?"
Without hesitations, she says "Yes."
He places a quick peck on her lips then starts kissing her neck, sucking on her skin, marking her as his.
When Jae woke up, Y/N was no longer on their bed. He quickly washes his face and brushes his teeth before going out only to find the three in the kitchen. Y/N is cooking while the two watch her curiously, asking their mom constantly about whatever she was doing while munching on some fruits. Of course, Y/N answers them all with patience.
"Hi, dad." Janelle hugs his dad's legs when she sees him walk towards them.
Jae lifts then puts her in his arms. "Good morning, princess." He kisses her cheek then goes to ruffle his son's hair. "Good morning, sport."
Y/N watches him adoringly as he greets their kids. Jae then goes to her with a knowing smirk plastered on his face, snaking his free arm around her waist and kissing her cheek. "Good morning, love." The smell of mint on his breath lingers.
"Mom already allows you to kiss her?" The innocent ones ask.
Her mom pinches her cheeks. "Yes, because he already brushed his teeth." Chuckling at what she said.
Jae scoffs and pokes her side. "I always do."
"Stop, I'm cooking." She tells him. "You guys go prepare the table, this is almost done."
She watches his back as he walks away. He's sexy as fuck.
Jae helps Y/N bring the food to the table. They've been stealing glances, kisses and touches like teenagers again and it filled Y/N's stomach with butterflies and got her heart pounding. She's never been this happy and in love again.
"Jae." She calls him as they eat. "We need to go back home soon."
He looks at her tapping his finger on his fork, deep in his thoughts. "I'll go with you guys. I can't let you go, Y/N. We'll go and get all your belongings then come back here."
Y/N is very hesitant about the abrupt decision. They haven't given it enough thought. She wants to be with him and so do their kids for sure but there are a lot of things to consider.
As the kids are playing, in the living room, Y/N goes to Jae who was cleaning the dishes. She just leans by the sink, not saying anything.
He glances at her for a second. "What's in your head, love?"
Jae puts the last plate on the rack and dries his hand. "You're worried about moving in with me." He states. "But there's no need to feel that way. I can't say this enough but you and our kids are the only thing that matters to me now. I can't... no, I won't let you go."
"It's just happening too quickly."
Jaehyun bites his lip, looking down as he thinks. Then he nods. "Alright. I'm not gonna force you to move right away but I'm still going with you when you go home."
"I might also change my mind. It's just that right now, it's too scary for me."
He just pulls her into a hug. They were deep into their conversation that they didn't notice their children sneaking up to them, embracing their parents legs because those are the only things they can reach.
Y/N tears up when she sees the two.
"Why are we hugging?" Julien asks cutely and innocently. Jae picks him up while Y/N picks Janelle up too.
Both Jae and Y/N look at each other. He wipes the tears rolling from her eyes down to her cheeks and that's the only time she noticed that she was crying. "Because mommy's just feeling so happy." He tells the kids.
"Isn't this better?" Y/N asks herself.
"Okay, you guys know what we will do today?" Jae asks. The children excitedly respond while Y/N is curious too. "We will go shopping to pick out designs for your rooms."
"Yehey!" The two cheer.
"Daddy, I want purple with fairies and princesses."
"I want cars and airplanes!"
Y/N watches her kids play. She remembers the looks on their faces when she introduced Jae as their dad. They were so happy and excited. Here, they have access to everything. They can have everything they need. Jae had been so responsible and just a good... scratch that, perfect, willing dad.
"Jae." She calls him softly and he immediately turns to her and hums. "We'll move in with you."
His eyes widen and a big smile spreads on his face as he embraces her and showers her with kisses on her face. "I love you so much. I can't wait to be with you forever."
"I love you too." She pouts and buries herself under his embrace. "I hope you know that. My hesitation was never about you."
A little to long, my bad.
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ricksswhore · 1 year
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Ever since you had arrived at Alexandria with the rest of the group, Rick had been avoiding you, a few nights had past and everyone had moved into the neighbouring houses, apart from you, Rick, Judith, Carl who stayed together. It confused you how Rick was ignoring you despite choosing you to stay with him.
You assumed it was just his worries and him being too busy to talk, but you saw how he treated the rest of the group, stopping to talk with Daryl and Michonne whenever he had the time, and he seemed to be content with making sure everyone else was cared for, except you. Sure he talked with you a few times, mostly about Judith and Carl, and checked in to see how you were adjusting, but it's the little things you noticed, like how he never came home until everyone was asleep. Despite your hard work to gain his attention he would only gaze over you for a few seconds before moving on and making himself busy.
Rage and sickness built up in you, overthinking all the reasons why he might not want your attention, maybe he didn't think much of you? maybe now he was settled, and didn't need you anymore as a friend to console in? You laid in bed till early in the mornings, waiting hopelessly for him to suddenly arrive and hold you in an embrace as he rarely used to. But he never did. You know he used to worry about your age, and told you he shouldn't be too close to you because it's not really what you wanted, you were too young. He would reject any protests you had to this, knowing yourself that his age didn't matter to you.
It was 7am and you laid lazily in the middle of the bed, the sun blazing through the curtains as you awoke to find yourself alone. There was a greeting party this evening, planned by Deanna to make everyone feel more invited here. It was doubtful that it would work for most of the group who were still on edge, mostly Daryl and Carl, who would frequently warn Rick that the risks were still here. You didn't see the point of making a big celebration , as if the group didn't have other things to think about, but Rick had mentioned already that you were both to go together. This idea sparked something in you, maybe tonight you will finally get him to pay attention to you. You sat upright planning through the day ahead, you were on watch in half an hour, covering for Rosita, and after that you had  time to get ready and prepare yourself.
The heat was unbearable as you sat at the watch tower, sweating despite wearing the shortest shorts you owned and a tank top. You rubbed your forehead and gazed around, it had been mostly clear all day, only a couple walkers in the distance who were cleared without even coming within 10 meters. You turned and saw Daryl and Carol, sat with judith on her lap, down by one of the houses. You were close with them both, they taught you how to perfect your shot and use a knife in the most effective way, and were usually caring towards you.
You had noticed the way Daryl looked, the way his muscles flexed while he worked on his bike, but you couldn't help comparing him to Rick, and how he was so much more assertive and enchanting than Daryl. His piercing blue eyes and dark curls being the first thing you noticed, down to his broad shoulders and steady hands. You blushed at the thought of him next to you, his hand on your waist-
"y/n? what are you looking at?" you looked down to see Carol standing with Judith on her hip, looking up at you with her brows furrowed. "I need help with Judith, do you mind taking her, i have some things to do." she spoke assertively, it was more like a statement than a question.
"Oh, sure." you said, disappointed to be snapped out of your daydreaming, "can you take my watch?" you spoke to Abraham who was lazily stood near the gate lighting a cigarette. He mumbled a yes as you shifted down the ladder. You took Judith in your arms as Carol muttered a thanks. You were slightly too young to desire your own children yet, but you couldn't deny the motherly instinct you felt towards Judith and Carl, feeling like their caregiver since the prison. Judith held a special place for you as you were there for her since her birth, and you could tell she was your favourite too as you could always get her to stop crying when the others couldn't.
"let's go back home, yeah?" you cooed at her. As you walked back, you were surprised to pass Daryl out by his motorbike, who was talking with Rick. You stopped as you saw him, he was usually on runs or with Deanna and Spencer, talking to them about plans for this place. They both turned to look at you and you felt Ricks eyes gaze steadily over your body, and glide down to your shorts.
"Y'alright?" Daryl asked you,
“Mhm, just about to take Judith home and get ready for the thing tonight." You looked expectantly at Rick, who snapped away from his gaze and looked at Judith in your arms. You felt his eyes soften as he walked towards you and placed a hand on her cheek, "how is she?" he asked. She had been sick with hunger when we arrived due to the long travel which had worried him more than anything else. "She's feeling better," you reassured. He looked up and met his eyes with yours, you felt your heart flutter and a low burn in your stomach, as you realised how close you were standing to his towering figure. You could almost feel his warm scent as you inched towards him, excited as you finally received recognition, but he snapped away and turned to Daryl again. Feeling the loss of the moment, the burning within you turned to rage, as you turned and carried on walking over to the house, feeling their eyes follow you.
You peered over into Judith's cot, seeing her steady breathing as she slept, Carl beside you.
"Where's dad?" he looked at you and questioned.
"He should be here," you sighed painfully, turning to look in the mirror, hiding how disappointed you felt and preparing doubtfully for the night ahead. You dressed in a short black dress, which hugged you in all the right areas, despite having lost all intent on gaining Ricks attention after todays interaction and him now standing you up.
"Ready?" you turned to Carl, smiling brightly as he picked up Judith. You practiced breathing and gathered yourself, determined to have a good mood, despite heading to the party without Rick. Carl grabbed your hand and smiled reassuringly as we headed out.
The sky was turning dark, but the air was still summery, as you were stood with the group talking amongst yourselves. Deanna had introduced you to many of the people who were here before, walking you round with her. They all seemed like nice people, but they were very sheltered to the outside world and it made you wonder if they could fight if they had to. You had searched the room for Rick, and doing the same as you he had been mingling with the people of the town. But for the past half hour, he had been stood leaning against a wall, talking to a blonde woman, you felt a pit of jealousy and longing in your stomach as you questioned again why he had all the time in the world for others, but not you. He looked over and you met his eyes from across the room , his eyes had a distant look, and were more grey than his usual sharp blue but he had a slanted smile on his face. You snapped your eyes away first, feeling overcome with annoyance, and made your way to the booze table where Abraham sat, who had obviously had too much already.
"Hey sugar," he spouted clumsily, "you look pissed," he stumbled over to you, thudding the table as he moved, making the drink you were pouring topple over. You looked at him unimpressed and he placed his hand on the side of your shoulder, "I'm always here if you need something, anythin." he trailed his hand slowly down your arm. You shrugged him off as you realised he was more drunk than anyone here. "Abraham you should head home, you're acting stupid," you chuckled, watching him as he almost stumbled over onto you. You grabbed his arm firmly and guided him through the room towards the door, earning a couple amusing looks from the group. Rosita followed you out and grabbed his other arm, "Jesus Abraham, could you not of paced yourself, it's barely even 10," she chuckled to him as he groaned at the movement and fell to the ground.
"Let me sit," he grunted.
"I can make sure he gets back okay, thanks y/n," she smiled at me gratefully, "you can head back to the party."
"Actually I was gonna head home, a bit tired from today," you smiled faintly, "just tell em i felt sick or something." Rosita nodded at me as you headed down the pavement towards home. Rick hadn't even spoke a word to you the entire time, what's the use in staying any longer than needed?
As you got home, you poured yourself a glass of wine, feeling comfort in the silence and safety of your home. You leaned against the counter and held your head in your hands, overwhelmed with confusion and pent up frustration. Ten minutes past and you were thinking about a second glass, seeing as you didn't have any drinks at the party, just as you heard the front door open. You put your glass down steadily and called out, "Carl? Why are you back early?" but he didn't respond. You instinctively grabbed a kitchen knife from the side of the counter, as Deanna insisted on all combat weapons being shut away, to keep the peace in the neighbourhood. "y/n?" a rough voice called out expectantly. Rick....
You placed the knife down with a tired yet relieved sigh and walked across the room to pour yourself a second glass.
You heard his coarse steps enter the room, "what do you want, rick?" you asked.
"why did you leave?" he returned wearily.
"Why didn't I leave earlier? ," you groaned lightly, turning towards him.
"I saw how Abraham looked, sorry you had to deal with that," he spoke with a hint of jealousy, walking towards you gradually until he was inches away from you.
"Abraham wasn't the problem," you snapped, making him furrow his brow in confusion,
“what else?" he asked
"What else!" you laughed, "what else? You have ignored me for days, you barely give me a second glance, and a conversation is out of the picture. You stood me up today, after I was hoping tonight we would talk properly. I'm tired of this day after day, just tell me that you don't want me anymore and i’ll stay with carol and michonne," your rambled and looked up at him, his face looked concerned but distant.
"y/n..." he spoke effortlessly.
You turned around again to face the counter, sipping from your glass, as he reached his hand to cup your waist and you felt a bolt of shock rush up your spine at this sudden touch. He feels your body tense up to his touch, "y/n you know I want you" he whispered, his face now close to my ear, as his second hand drifted around the other side of your waist. You relaxed to the words you had been needing to hear, melting into his familiar scent. "But I cant give you what you need, it's not right" he sighed and released his hands from your side. You turned around and grabbed his arm firmly, not letting him leave like this. You knew he felt wrong about your age before, but you didn't realise he felt it so strongly. "That's what this is about?" you asked, stunned. He looked at you painfully, his eyes sharp and staring into yours with longing. "Rick, you know that doesn't matter to me, I want to be with you more than anything, you can't take that away from me," you reassured, placing your hand on his chest.
"I know you want to be with me y/n, that's why I wanted you with me in this house, but when it comes to you I lose my control, I don't want you to regret your experiences, or realise later that you didn't want what I can give you," you looked up at him, stunned to realise he wasn't just talking about my company, but more than that, which we had never even discussed before. You felt your cheeks burn red and released your grasp on him. You realised that this whole time, he was just worried he was going to take advantage of you. You looked up at him again as his gaze softened. "I do want it Rick, and I can make my own choices, I would never regret anything with you," you spoke softly, as he reached to place his hand on your cheek, leaning down to move his lips against yours gently. His beard tickled your skin and you flushed at the sudden contact of his lips, kissing deeper and craving more.
The bottom of your stomach burned intensely and you felt yourself growing damp as he moved his hands up your hips, grasping and pulling your thighs up on top of the counter. You could feel his kiss becoming hungry and rougher, before moving his lips to your neck where he sucked longingly. You gasped, finally feeling his attention completely on you, consuming you, and pushed your hips towards him where you were greeted with his bulge pressing against you. He groaned and pulled away, looking frustrated with himself, "Rick, im sure."
He looked at you, judging your complexion carefully as he gathered himself and moved his hand to your lower back, pulling you further towards him. Your hands travelled from around his neck to drag down his chest, slowly unbuttoning his shirt, his kisses slowed and he looked into your eyes warily. You understood his worries, you'd had little experience with sex, and those times were with boys, who also had little experience, but you felt more strongly about Rick than you'd ever felt for anyone else, he made you feel safe.
Frustrated with his hesitation, you grew needy, not wanting him to stop, "Rick i want more," you spoke, moving one of your hands softly to cup his bulge, his jeans tightening more at your touch, "you're sure?" he asked, looking down at how small your hand would be in comparison to his erection, again questioning if you are too young.
"Please," you whimpered, feeling yourself throb with wetness. Your innocent sounds made him lose his self control and his cock twitched under the close contact of your hand. He'd been waiting for a moment like this for a long time, fantasising every time he came home, while you laid sleepily in his bed and having to control himself when he saw you wearing those tiny shorts. He cupped your thighs and lifted you off the counter to stand in front of him, starting to suck your neck with passion, you took it as a signal to continue unbuttoning the rest of his shirt. You watched his bulge intently, while he unbuckles his belt. You looked into his eyes and saw him watching you. His worries had faded a little as he turns you and pushes your back to bend you over the counter, "be patient," he spoke forcefully. Feeling disappointed at the loss of contact, you arch your ass back to reach him, and he grabs your hips roughly in place, before dragging his hands down to the top of your thighs, and gradually under your dress. With his index finger he strokes your wetness, making you gasp his name at the sudden touch. He lifts your dress over your ass, admiring how you look for him, bent over the counter, making sweet noises. He takes a step back to watch you as you whine, "so needy, hmm?" You're desperate for his touch, missing how his large hands feel against your skin, "I need you," you cry, shocked at your loss of control. He steps back towards you, and moves your underwear to the side, revealing your bare pussy, and he presses his index finger to your entrance, sliding it up to your clit. "You're beautiful," he groans, as your knees grow weak under him.
He leans over you, pressing his bulge to your entrance, reaching to kiss your neck, as his middle finger finally enters you slowly, collecting your wetness and sliding in and out, you whimper his name again and arch into him, making him put his second finger into you, stretching you with it.
"Fuck," he groans, starting to rub your clit, "this is what happens when you wear these tight little dresses, practically begging me to bend you over." His words make you ache inside, getting wetter. With one motion he takes his fingers out of you, and looks down at his erection, almost bursting out of his boxers, feeling his pre-cum already leaking out of his cock at the sight of you. He pulled it out of his boxers, and with the same fingers that he took out of you, he stroked his tip, gathering his cum. Turning you over, he presses the fingers to your lips, "open," he demanded, and obediently you sucked on them, as he gradually moved them further down your throat. You look down, stunned at his size,
"Rick- please." He ignores you and lifts your dress over your shoulders, reaches his hands around you to take off your bra, revealing your naked breasts, making you blush again, feeling vulnerable.
Suddenly, you hear the front door open, Carl must be home. You look at Rick in shock at the situation, and he presses his hand hard against your mouth. You are relieved to hear footsteps go further away and up the stairs, he must be tired from the party, it must be late now. Rick turns to you, looking determined, as he hooks your underwear and moves it to the side of your pussy with his finger. She presses his bare erection to your entrance while admiring your breasts "keep quiet, okay?" you nod, gasping into his hand. "good girl," he smirked at me, as he presses an inch into me, moving it up and down against my clit with his free hand. He leaned in, and moved his lips against yours deeply. You start rocking your hips, losing control at the feeling. You buck your hips swiftly towards him, forcing him to enter you more, surprising him. He grabs the side of your hips hard, digging his fingers into your soft skin, as he pulls out and roughly pushes back in. Your tightness caves around him, clenching with sudden pain, and you feel his dick twitch inside you. "it's okay," he reassures, as he pushes in more, pain and pleasure making you ache. You whimper loudly into his hand at every push he makes, tears forming in your eyes. He shushes you, but as he sees the tears going down your face he removes his hand warily. He pushes into you harder, stretching you as you move closer against him, this time pressing your bare breasts against his chest as he sucked on your neck. He could feel his cock leak at the feeling of your small body against his, but he gathers himself, not letting himself cum yet.
"Is this okay?" he asks worriedly, while gradually getting rougher, pounding all of him into you at once He enjoyed how messy you looked, crying like a baby, but he was concerned at how loud you were being, "you need to stay quiet," he said slowing his thrusts.
"Don't stop, I need to..." you whined into him. "I'm gonna cum" feeling the knot inside you give way slightly and tension build up inside you, making you clench around his cock. His erection twitches at the sensation, making his cock almost burst with his seed. You feel yourself come undone as you gasp into him reaching up and grabbing his hair with your fist, making yourself slide forward and back to ride out your high. Feeling you so tightly around him, his cum leaks out, shooting deep inside you. He groans and looks down worriedly, thinking about the risks of you possibly having a baby inside you at your age. "Fuck," he groans, angry at himself as he pulls his dick out most of the way, still nudging your entrance. His cum spills out, dripping down your thighs, and his worries are erased as he gathers the leaking cum with his finger and pushes it back inside you, loving how you looked.
You wince at how sore you are, "too much," as he apologetically kisses the side of your cheek leading to your jaw. He folds his hands under your weak legs, wrapping them around his waist, as he helps you off the counter, carrying you upstairs.
You felt tired, but utterly content as you finally had him to yourself, his body warm and comforting. He turned on the shower, and lead you in with him, holding your hand. You looked up at him through your eyelashes, taking in what happened.
"You okay?" he asked gently, eyeing your neck and hips where marks were developing. You nodded lightly and smiled, as he came closer and cupped your face with his hands, moving his lips against yours gently. He felt relieved of his worries, knowing he could take care of you now without feeling guilty. You took turns washing eachother, and eventually both retreated to his bed. As you laid looking into his sleepy eyes, you couldn't feel more content and safe. His hand wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer and holding you to his chest as you both drifted to sleep.
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veronicaphoenix · 5 months
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Chapter tags & trigger warnings: nightmares, implied ptsd, angst, fluff, comfort, Noah being the perfect boyfriend best friend | Word count: 2.1k | Cross posted on AO3 | Series masterpost. ✧.*
General trigger warnings: This work addresses and depicts issues related to addiction and violence, contains explicit sexual content, and explores themes of childhood trauma. Reader discretion is advised.
         "Sometimes, it amazed me how easy it was to make her happy, how simple life had to be to get her to genuinely smile."
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Lia’s hands were dirty with wet soil.
         The day  before, at the grocery store, she had picked up gloves and a few gardening tools. Today, she was planting the seeds she had picked up and that she had added to the pile of items I had to carry in my arms. When I had complained again, Lia had just shrugged her shoulders and pointed out that I had long arms, so I’d have to deal with it. I just rolled my eyes.
         That early morning, she did wear the gloves when she started working in the back garden of the house, but soon abandoned them because she said they dulled her sense of touch, preventing her from feeling the soil, the plants, or the petals of the flowers.
         I stayed close by, engaged in a conversation with her for a while. I was curious about her gardening choices, observing her focused efforts as she worked in different areas of the garden. It was refreshing to see her absorbed in the task, providing a temporary respite from the worries that plagued her day and night, especially at night. 
         After pouring us each a glass of orange juice and having a little argument with Lia because she asked me to bring her a beer can instead, I settled into one of the hammocks on the porch, sunglasses and headphones on.
         As usual, time seemed to slip away whenever I lay there, under the sun. I was granted a rare moment of peace for the first time in weeks.
         Lia continued her gardening nearby, moving from one end of the garden to the other with dedication. Despite my music, I caught snippers of her conversation with the flowers, which brought a smile to my face. It was such a tranquil morning, marred only by the lingering shadow of Lia’s past with Mitch.
         When a sudden black cloud obscured the sun, I removed my sunglasses and headphones, standing up to assess the changing weather.
         Lia sat cross-legged in the center of the garden, crafting a flower crown, triggering memories of that day in her mother’s house, when I was fifteen and she was fourteen. I recalled that day, when we were just teenagers and I had had to explain to her why I had decided to drop out of school. With her sad eyes looking straight into mine, I suggested she could move in with me and Mike when she turned eighteen. I had stayed the night with her, and we had woken up together. A slight blush kept up my cheeks as I remembered what had transpired that morning between us.
         Trying to shake off the memory, I called out to her.
         “Hey, princess.”
         Lia’s head snapped up, a smile playing on her lips as she seemed to be recalling the same memory, the moment I placed the daisy crown on her head more than a decade ago.
         “How does it look?” she inquired, motioning towards the flowers she had planted in clusters around the garden.
         “I might just hire you as my private gardener,” I quipped, though the garden truly seemed rejuvenated, as if life had just brought by a sudden miracle.
         I found it ironic how Lia, navigating through her own struggles, had this knack for bringing life and light to her surroundings, including me.
         “I must tell you, my services are quite expensive,” she teased, rising and brushing soil from her knees.
         “I’d pay with my soul,” I replied, eliciting a tender smile from her. The sunlight illuminated her face, lending her a healthier glow as the bruises on her skin seemed to be fading. I hoped her heart would heal as her body did.
         When it came to my split lip, it still hurt, but it was also getting better.
         “I’m serious. It looks amazing,” I told her, surveying her handiwork. “How’s the crown coming along?” I asked, nodding towards the floral creation in her hands.
         “Hmm,” Lia’s smile flattered momentarily as she focused on the string of flowers. “I’ve lost practice,” she admitted. I could feel the sadness in her voice.
         “Need a hand?” I offered.
         Lia raised an eyebrow skeptically. “You’re not exactly skilled at making flower crowns, Noah.”
         Raising my hands, feigning offense, I replied, “All right, Flower Queen. I was just trying to be helpful.”
         “I wasn’t teasing you,” she clarified. “It’s just a fact.”
         “I know…” It was true. I had no freaking clue as to how to make a flower crown, not even after so many years of having a flower enthusiast as my best friend. “So, what’s on the agenda today? What do you feel like doing? Do you want to go to the Botanical Gardens?” I suggested. “We could spend some time walking around, grab a hot chocolate from the café, and maybe pick up a few more plants.”
         “Aren’t you tired of flowers?” Lia questioned, probably concerned about me.
         “Who could ever tire of flowers?” I exclaimed, swinging my leg over the hammock to stand. I collected our drinks, ready to return them to the kitchen. “Flowers are fucking pretty. I could never get enough, even if I’m hopeless at making crowns.”
         “You’re just saying that to keep me happy,” Lia countered. She couldn’t hide the tiny smile peeking from her lips, though.
         “I’d say anything to keep you happy, but no, I actually mean those words. Flowers rock. Now go take a quick shower, and let’s go to the Botanical Gardens. I’ll see if Jesse wants to join us.”
The botanical garden adventure turned out to be a more delightful experience than I expected. A new section had recently opened, and Lia’s excitement bubbled over as we explored it thoroughly. She was so fascinated by the new multitude of plants that she left Jesse and me trailing behind her, lost in our chatter about work and music.
         When she ventured further ahead, Jesse lowered his voice and asked me about her well-being. I hesitated before responding because the truth was that I wasn’t sure. At times she looked… okay. Other times, I would hear her or catch her crying. I had no clue if a pain like the one she carried could ever disappear; if a wound like that could ever be mended.
         During our time there, I noticed Lia occasionally drifting into moments of distraction, her smile fading as troubling thoughts crept in. Sensing her vulnerability, I made a point to stay close, wrapping an arm around her shoulder whenever I sensed her faltering. Redirecting her attention, I guided her to the next exhibit, peppering her with random questions about the flora, to which she surprisingly had all the answers. Lia's depth of knowledge was captivating, and I wasn't the only one to notice. Jesse, too, was struck by Lia's genuine passion for nature and flowers. It was heartwarming to witness how she retained that childhood love amidst her life's challenges.
         Standing outside the cafeteria, positioned on the elevated area overseeing the gardens, I waited for Jesse to return from the restrooms and for Lia to pick up her hot chocolate from the counter inside the café. As I glanced at the sky, latte in hand, I felt grateful for the brightness of the day. Suddenly, Lia’s arms wrapped around me from behind, squeezing me tightly as her head nestled against my back. Some coffee spilled from my cup, and a bit of chocolate dripped from the one she held in her left hand.
         “Lia, Christ,” I exclaimed, turning around to face her, taken aback by the sudden unexpected affection. With a sheepish grin, she released her hold, cheeks flushed.
         “Sorry, that was… awkward,” Lia mumbled, her apology hanging in the air.
         “No, not at all,” I reassured her, reaching out to gently tuck a stray lock of hair behind her ear. “It was rather lovely,” I added, a warm smile gracing my lips. “You feeling alright?”
         Her response came accompanied by a slight shake of the hot chocolate cup in her hand. “Now I am, yes,” Lia replied, her smile returning.
         Sometimes, it amazed me how easy it was to make her happy, how simple life had to be to get her to genuinely smile.
         Before long, Jesse joined us, his hand ruffling through his hair as he adjusted his glasses. “You’re all set?” he asked, casting a glance at the drinks we held.  
         “Yep,” we replied in unison.
         “Great. My mom’s birthday is coming up. I thought I’d browse the shop for some plants before we leave,” Jesse announced. “Maybe Lia can give me some advice?”
         “Sure,” she agreed readily.
         “She’ll do that gladly,” I mumbled. “She’s going to give herself some advice, too.”
         “And pick out a few more plants for the garden,” she added, a playful grin dancing on her face as she strolled alongside us.  
         Sure enough, Lia ended up selecting a couple of pots of pelargonium, gardenias, and some bamboo sticks, envisioning how they would complement the minimalist aesthetic of my room. As Lia and Jesse explored the shop, leaving me behind to wonder why the fuck some plants were so weird, they discussed which flowers would be best suited for Jesse's mom. Lia shared her expertise on which blooms would last longest indoors and explained the symbolic meanings behind each flower and color. Jesse listened attentively, deciding. He finally selected a thoughtful assortment of white and orange plants that he hoped his mom would like.
         Later that day, back in the comfort of the house, the three of us settled in to tackle some work. Jesse attended to his band obligations, handling a few phone calls and online meetings while Lia and I retreated to the studio.
         The gentle sound of pencils scratching on paper and crayons on textured surfaces served as a comforting backdrop to the tunes I was playing on one of my guitars. Having Lia nearby, even in her quiet presence, felt good; I definitely preferred her close where I could sense her mood rather than distant and out of reach. I didn’t want to find her locked in the bathroom crying her eyes out and feeling guilty for what had happened to her.
         It hadn’t been her fault, and while I didn’t mind reminding her of that as many times as necessary, I didn’t want her to dwell on those thoughts alone. I believed it was healthier for her to externalize her feelings and emotions through lyrics or drawings.  
         Midafternoon, I took a brief break to make coffee and grab a snack, taking the time to check the messages on my phone —a few from Jolly, another bunch from other friends and work— and give Matt a call.
         Lia joined me in the kitchen just as I was in the midst of the conversation, gesturing for me to pass her the phone when I was finished. In the meantime, she retrieved a beer from the fridge.
         When she spoke with Matt —and I entertained myself chewing on chocolate-chip cookies—, her tone seemed overly cheerful, which was odd. Somehow, she decided it would be a good idea for all of us to meet on Saturday night, grab some pizzas, and spend some time together as we used to do. With Jolly’s return scheduled for Friday, Lia asked for my approval. I could only shrug and reply with a casual “yeah”. If it meant she could relax and enjoy the company of our friends, then I was fully supportive.
          As the day melted into evening, the house overflowed with tranquility. The strumming of the guitar filled the air, punctuated by the occasional recording breaks to capture snippets of sound for an on-going musical project. Meanwhile, Lia was deeply engrossed in her creative zone, sitting on the sofa facing the desk where I was sat at. She was working with a pen and a worn-out notebook in hand, sketching designs and penning songs’ lyrics with a focus that made her bit her lip. Every once in a while she would lift her head and make a comment about the sounds coming out from the speakers, complimenting the music I was creating. There was something so undeniably comforting about being in this creative bubble together, just doing our thing and enjoying each other’s company.
         We vibed off each other’s energy effortlessly. It was like we were in sync, riding the same wavelength of inspiration. It felt like home.
         At quarter to seven, Lia rose from the sofa, stretching her arms and humming, and placed a few sheets of paper on the desk beside the keyboard.
         “There. Take a look. They’re not my best work, but I think they might work for a t-shirt design," she casually said, enthusiasm lacking her tone.
         The sheets were filled with new drawings —roses, daggers, demons—, potential additions to our merchandise lineup.
         Before I could respond, she left the studio, mentioning something about grabbing another beer and preparing dinner.
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cookiesupplier · 6 months
Every Rose Has Its Thorns - Part Thirty-Seven
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pairing: Ricky Olson x ofc x Chris 'Motionless' Cerulli
warnings/tropes: slow burn, soulmates, strangers to enemies to lovers, betrayal, angst, fluff, smut, language, online bullying, panic attacks, stalking, mental health issues.
summary: In a world where soulmates inexplicably receive a tattoo that will match that of their soulmate the moment they turn eighteen years old, being famous and covered in very visible tattoos can make finding your true soulmate a questionable fate. For everyone involved.
author’s note: Unbeta'd, readers beware as always lol.
To read from the beginning, check out the Masterlist Here!
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tags: @tearfallpixie @cncohshit @jordynyingling0219 @faceless-mirror @nyxthedestroyerofworlds @wild-child-7747 @witchyweeb34 @black-damask1999 @jilliemiw86 @ilovesamkiszka @lyschko666 @lacktoesandtoddlerants @bngurngheart @collapsedglasshouses @laurpartyprogram @sunsshinesunny @malerieee @talialovesmiw @shilohrosechicken @thatchickwiththecamera @tamtam-elizabeth
Tag List is Open, please let me know if you would like to be added to it or in general.
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Chris had ended up having to leave his friend a message on his machine as he was out that morning, he hated doing that as it felt so impersonal, and never wanted to give details on those things. But, it was over really, he knew that he couldn’t always be in the office. The soulmate tattoo science division was a very difficult line of research to keep funded. Most of the people in the field he’d managed to make contact with, even if just marginally over the last few years, all said the same thing. They usually either were extremely lucky with multiple grants, had side jobs, alternate research, or their research into the soul connection was the alternate study. There were some on the outside that sat the soulmate research as a hobby, but he knew they were all so very passionate about it. Sadly, none of them could dedicate all of their time to it, as it just didn’t pay the bills.
That was something Chris could understand completely. He remembered the early years in the band, working what was essentially a day job just to make ends meet. Needing it to make sure he could pay rent, buy food, have the funds for equipment, getting to and from gigs, basically everything the band could possibly need. So yes, he knew what it was like to have a passion project that was worth an absolute pittance. Unfortunately for most of the scientists he’d talked to over the years, their projects in the soulmate research, wasn’t likely to suddenly boom anything nearly as massive as the band. Not with the known track record so far. Besides, he was reminded science wasn’t just about making money though, it was about the discovery and search of knowledge.
He was in need of some of that knowledge right now, and not just him, but also Ricky, and Talia. Living like this, was driving all of them a little nuts, he could tell they were all on edge. Poor Talia, that panic attack she’d had, she had spiralled so bad just at the thought of having to face those doctors again that had treated her so badly. If Chris had his way, he’d shut that whole place down, who the hell treated people that way. What harm, what proof, had her family presented, that could have suggested that any of that was remotely necessary, even then, the doctors should have evaluated her themselves. He couldn’t personally understand how Talia could have met the criteria. 
Just the same, once Chris had made the call, now it was just the waiting game, and checking the message board, cringing at the different takes of what others had of the illnesses that could be wrong with him. Oh yes, the imaginations of these people, they were coming up with everything under the sun that could be wrong with him, and somehow every single person, assumed he was dying. He supposed that happened when you were brought to that particular area of the message boards, it involved death to start with, so assuming death was involved, could be taken to heart. Chris would like to think he wasn’t dying though, he didn’t feel sick, no matter how much of a panic this was whirling around in him right now though, let's not think about that. 
It was about lunchtime that he was finally able to hear back from his friend, right when he was in the middle of making himself something to eat no less, isn’t that how it always goes? When you have been absolutely dying for someone to call you back about a vital topic, you wait around forever expecting their call, but it doesn’t come. When you finally give up and get up to do something else, boom, you are right in the middle of what you are doing, and they call. So he was in the middle of making himself a sandwich when his phone started ringing, and he had to drop everything, he wasn’t going to risk missing this call, not this of all things.
“Micah, hey, man, how are you going? How’s the wife? The kids?”
While Chris had never met Micah in person, they had had some very long and in-depth philosophical conversations about the soulmate bonds between people. Even about the bond stemming between Micah and his wife and how their relationship had been affected by it. Micah had met his wife long before they knew they were soulmates, much like Talia’s friends Kyle and Jordan. Chris had enjoyed hearing about such a bond evolving differently somewhere else to, how the tattoos were different and worked differently for everywhere. It was amazing how that happened. 
“They are doing well, and you, Chris, how is your work going?”
Chris never spoke openly about his work on the phone, not this number anyway, this was the office number. While there were other scientists that Chris knew on a strictly surface level, Micah he’d actually gotten to know a little more personally because the man had understood to some degree what Chris went through. He had switched to soulmate research when his brother had lost his soulmate while he was still a teenager, and the toll it had taken on him had been immense. Chris felt for those that lost so much hope at such a young age.
“It’s going well, on some downtime, which is even better. Though I’ve actually had some curious thoughts lately, one of my friends has been talking to me a lot about soulmate tattoos. I mean, we were talking about the different crazy theories and hypothetical situations out there.”
Chris knew it was a little unfair that he was telling his friend a bit of a white lie, but this wasn’t just about him, this was about Ricky and Talia too. He wasn’t going to put them in a position when they had to deal with a bunch of doctors if they didn’t want to. Ricky had said straight out yesterday, no tests, and Chris did not blame him, especially with how they were all connected, if just one of them got poked and prodded, who knows if they’d all feel it.
As expected, Chris heard a rustling of papers on the desk of the other end of the phone followed by a low chuckle, assuming that Micah was getting himself comfortable for this conversation now.
“Alright, Chris, you’ve got my attention, hit me with them.”
Bingo, he knew how to get Micah, he always liked to hear the latest theories that came about. Hearing them from people was always more interesting than trolling the message boards as Micah told him after all.
“Okay, now, I know that some of these just really got my head spinning, like there is apparently one that is about how the tattoos are actually random and work on hypnotic suggestion once they come in proximity to each other. There is another, that was taking about soulmate tattoos can sometimes change colour after a soulmate passes away, and become a whole new tattoo, which is completely ridiculous. Oh hell, then there was another one, oh, oh, get this Micah, oh you’ll get a kick out of this-”
Chris had a couple more insane ideas in his head to throw at him if need be, including tid bits of the way the soulmate bond that was affecting Talia and Ricky. The idea had been, was to see if he could see if that sparked more from Micah as he went. The fact that he seemed to be stopping his jumbled rant already, it would seem he wouldn’t need that after all.
“Wait a second, what was that theory?”
Chris paused, as if thinking,
“The hypnotic suggestion? Don’t tell me someone is actually researching that, are you kidding-”
“No Chris- I-”
“Because I swear if my friend finds out that he could eventually hypnotise his girlfriend-”
“Chris, that’s not what I-”
Chris was just barrelling forward, he knew this was probably a bit much, but his nerves about the entire ordeal during the night had gone into overdrive. Remembering how it had felt holding Talia as she cried, had him convinced that he needed to protect her from any doctor involved. Even his friend. Ricky and him, they were connected yes, and sure, he didn’t want either of them hurt either, but seeing her curled up against Ricky’s chest sobbing, and the thought of her broken like that again? Never. This was why he was driving Micah around in circles, and maybe one day he’d tell him, maybe one day he’d forgive him.
“Shit! Sorry, Crap, Micah, you scared me.. What..”
“I wasn’t meaning about the hypnotic suggestion theory. What, what was the other theory you, you and your, friend, were, talking about?”
Here we go, time for the other foot to drop.
“Oh, um, was it, the uh, colour-blind tattoo soulmate theory one? About being the reason they are all only black or white?”
Chris didn’t know if he was frustrating Micah now, but he seemed to just let out a decent puff of air for a long moment then, taking in a slow breath.
“You mean the one about the tattoo changing, after the soulmate died? Like.. something anyway, sounds really stupid, right?”
Snorting derisively into the phone, as if he would have thought this entire thing was utterly ridiculous, and honestly, if it were happening to anyone else, he would.
The silence on the other end of the phone was deafening. 
When Micah started talking again, something in his voice had changed, even if it was just from him adjusting his posture at his desk, Chris didn’t know, but something had changed, and instantly it made the man wary.
“So your friend, was this his theory Chris, or yours?”
“We were just shooting the breeze and talking about random things we heard about in passing, they weren’t either of our own theories, Micah, why, what does it matter, why so serious all of a sudden man?”
It was making him very worried about the fact that Micah was getting so serious about this, especially since Ricky had said the remark about testing. Thinking about it now, sent a chill down his spine. What the hell was happening, Micah had never gotten like this before, never, he’d always been so easy going, even when their discussions had become extremely intense.
“No, no, Chris, not serious, or anything like that, I just, I’m curious. How the subject of tattoos changing like that came up exactly. Is this, something that, either of you have heard about from someone in person, or, just a random joke about in the moment.”
He was fishing, Chris knew he was fishing, and it was making him nervous. He pushed himself to laughed slightly.
“Why, is there something to worry about Micah? Don’t tell me, tattoos are changing left right and centre and the government is keeping it covered up, big conspiracy they don’t want anyone to know about?”
That Chris threw out there with a real-ass loud laugh, the thought that random tattoos could be changing and no one in the world would be talking about it would be laughable to him. The things he’d heard all over the message boards about the soulmate tattoos there was no way another person tattoo could have changed, and he wouldn’t have heard about it, no, no way. Surely not… right?
Trying to sound as nonchalant as humanly possible considering how completely unhinged he was feeling with the turn this conversation had taken.
“Has your tattoo changed?”
Micah knew his soulmate was dead, and Chris was kicking himself now for including that in the first place, about the tattoo changing after a soulmate passing away. Shit, maybe he wouldn’t be asking about Chris’ tattoo specifically if he hadn’t. What the fuck was he supposed to say, he had to say something, the longer he said nothing, Micah would know he was stalling.. The fact he’d paused, even for a second, he was going to know something was amiss.
Scoffing slightly after that second,
“No, stuff, the same, as always, still.. White.. Still… dead.”
Swallowing, yep, his soulmate was still very much dead, everything was exactly the way it was the last time they spoke, Micah. 
As much as he’d called for answers, the cryptic way Micah was being, Chris wasn’t sure he wanted answers from him any more, something was amiss and he was nervous.
Silence met him again from the other end of the line, and just when Chris went to say something himself, Micah spoke abruptly.
“Chris, whatever you do, don’t call this number again, I’ll be in touch.”
And the line went dead.
What the hell was happening?!?
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Dividers by @saradika-graphics
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alsturnio · 8 months
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this story will contain angst and fluff. other tws will be mentioned later
y/n stirred from sleep as the soft rays of the sun filtered through the curtains of her room. rubbing her eyes, she reluctantly peeled herself from the warmth of her bed and stretched. with a yawn, y/n sat up, glancing at the clock beside her bed. "7:00 AM," the clock read. she mentally prepared to get ready for the long work day ahead of her. she had lived with the triplets, which was helpful, but them and y/n had to go to a meeting discussing a future tour. swinging her legs over the edge of the bed, y/n planted her feet on the cool hardwood floor and with a deep breath, she shook off the last remnants of sleep and pushed herself to get up and out of bed.
her room was bathed in a soft, golden light, casting a warm glow over her room. poster adorned the walls, polaroids of her and her friends hung on a string of lights, and a cluttered desk stood in one corner.
y/n shuffled across the room, her steps still heavy with sleep, and made her way to the bathroom. splashing her face with cold water. she then brushed her teeth and headed over to her closet to pick her outfit. she chose something simple, since she was just having a meeting and could do the rest of work from home. she threw on a pair of black varsity fresh love sweatpants, a brand that one of her bestfriends, chris, made and designed. she threw on a sweater and made her way downstairs. and was greeted my a familiar face, chris.
“hey sleepyhead” chris giggled while y/n shuffled over to the pantry. “shut up” she replied hiding a smile. “i hate how early this meeting is, laura couldn’t have made it 8 PM instead?!”. “you’ll be fineee” chris said dragging out the e.
me, my brothers, and y/n were heading to an 8 am meeting, i could tell y/n was not very excited, but honestly, who was. all we were gonna do is discuss a possible tour in the near future. i wish it was later in the day because im so tired from filming last night.
i sat in the back of the car with my bestfriend y/n. y/n is the one person i can really talk to and not feel judged, she is the only person who actually understands me. of course, me and my brothers have an amazing relationship but with y/n it’s just different. i have lots of other friends like nate and madi but y/n is definitely my closest friend, i mean, she lives with us after all. i slowly feel myself start to doze of so i just lay my head on y/ns shoulder. i felt her body tense up but it’s probably because she wasn’t expecting it so it just shocked her.
chris just layed his head on me. i know what your thinking “y/n he’s your bestfriend it’s not a big deal”. yeah, he’s my bestfriend, but try bestfriend that you have had a major secret crush on for the past few months. at first i thought it was just our bond growing but it feels like chris is getting more touchy and it’s hard to tell but it feels like he’s trying to flirt with me. i could be overthinking all of this but it’s really stressing me out. i don’t know what happened to suddenly make me feel this way towards chris but it’s definitely hit me like a truck. the only person who knows is madi, she’s another one of mine and the triplets friends, i’m pretty close with her, but definitely not as close as i am with chris. i wish i could tell nick or matt about my crush but they might get super mad.
we arrive at the meeting and madi sits next to me. “sooo, how was the car ride with your boyfriendddd” madi said in a mocking voice, giggling. i shush her and say “he isn’t my boyfriend,stop! pay attention to the meeting.” while laughing. madi laughs and just directs her attention back to everybody else.
we finished the meeting and now heading back to the triplets house, chris sat in the front on the way back and i was kinda sad. we invited madi to come over but she was busy. i was pretty bummed until i got a text from her.
chris was staring at you, like the whole meeting girl.👀
ugh stop feeding into my delusions😥 no he was nottt!
i’m literally not kidding, i wish i had a pic
y/n💗… is typing
stop because i’ll scream bu-
my typing was interrupted by my phone getting snatched out of my hands. “hey, who ya texting, they got you smiling all goofy” chris said while taking my phone. “STOP GIVE IT BACK.” i said trying my best to lean forward so i could reach him in the front seat. but he was holding it too far away.
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