#but now that twitter is also basically dead it's a done deal lol
tchaiklatte · 1 year
so, this happened. still feels surreal aklsjdfh
made this little vlog of the day, though it does not manage to convey just how amazing it really was...i struggle myself to put it in words
hearing their laughs and seeing their smiles irl is something i will cherish forever. eddy's soft "keep it up" when i told them i started playing piano again because of them will keep me practicing from here on out. still can't believe brett picked me in the q&a and that i got to somewhat torture eddy with the 5mil concerto question much to brett's delight lmao.
the concert was utterly amazing, unforgettable, so much fun, breathtaking and emotional, and yes i cried. i want to forever live in the 6 minutes that is twoset playing navarra.
and london gang was also a huge part of how great the day was!! such wonderful people, had delightful conversations about twoset, classical music, tonic, practice, art, fandom and so much more! they all kept me sane through the surreality of it all. thank you!!
(oh and btw the day before i also went to hilary's concert and i met her??? so fucking surreal, i'm telling you!!!)
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kerrikins · 8 months
Hope Springs Eternal
Or: why I still hope for and see potential in PheeJin in Dead Friend Forever.
First of all, let's get the basics out of the way.
Yes, I'm aware that Jin has absolutely made some monumental, killer mistakes. Yes, he has done some really bad things that he shouldn't have done, things that lead to Non getting hurt.
In spite of that, I still think that PheeJin has potential as a relationship within the context of the show, in large part because I don't think that this is a show engaging in black and white tropes. It just depends on which path that the writers intend to go down, but I want to lay out why I, personally, am still hedging my bets.
A lot of it boils down to two points for me. One: Jin is actually seen defending Non over and over again in the past. Two: Phee also hurt Non as well, and a lot of fans overlook this or handwave it.
I know that @raelle-writing has already posted about this, so feel free to go over there and check out some of her posts. But the show has been very careful about laying out the fact that of the friend group, Jin is the one who shows true care and concern for Non. He's the one who says that the group should consider his initial idea, he gets the group to include Non as they go along, he defends him more than once (to his own detriment) when Non isn't even there.
I know that a lot of viewers are frustrated with him, but to me it seems clear in the show that he is the least culpable of the group in terms of the overall scenario (with the exception of the video). I'd even argue (though I'm sure some will be aghast at me saying this) that Jin is ultimately a good kid trying his best, particularly in comparison to the others.
Like, let's run down the group:
Top: He is the reason why Non is in this mess in the first place because he broke the camera. We've seen Tee confide in him multiple times throughout all of this, so he's in deep. He's also the one who helps Tee take Non to his uncle, which means he's directly culpable in Non's disappearance.
Tee - obvious, he's the one who's working with his uncle and got Non involved in the money laundering.
Por - is also responsible for Non being involved in the money laundering due to threatening him. Also stole his script and has been the ringleader of the mental and physical bullying going on.
And Fluke?
Fluke, to me, is actually the character who is everything people accuse Jin of being: the bystander who does nothing and lets it happen. He knows everything! He knows that Top broke the camera. He knows about the video that Jin took. Perhaps if he had been willing to stand by Jin's side, the two of them could have come forward - but he doesn't.
And I want to note something here, because I keep seeing people bang on about it: of all of them, I think Jin is the one who's the least 'guilty' for lying to the police. Why? Because he just saw his friends drug Non, who then disappeared!! It's four against one and we're also dealing with a corrupt police force but people expect Jin - who is a teenager - to go up against all of that? C'mon. And in the hierarchy of the friend group I'd argue that the others would stand a higher chance of being listened to, so yeah - I'm not going to hold Jin to a higher standard.
Now, coming back to Jin: of course him filming the video is indefensible. So what about Phee?
I know that most people regard him as the hero and I want to make it clear that I LOVE Phee. I have Phee defender in my bio on twitter, lol.
But I don't really think that Phee is necessarily supposed to be the knight in shining armour that people think him to be. I ask you: is telling your partner to go off and die 'defensible'?
What about the fact that he reacted to the revelation that Non was being preyed upon by his teacher by calling it cheating and telling Non he hadn't changed, etc?
I want to be clear here: I don't blame EITHER boy for these things. I think that they are understandable if you truly put yourself in their shoes and try to imagine looking at the world through their eyes.
But isn't it interesting how there are some parallels there? Parallels that I actually think a lot of fans ignore or are blind to, mostly because they empathize more with Phee than they do with Jin.
The truth is, however, that Phee behaved horribly to Non as well. I absolutely 100% understand his behaviour, but I also know without a doubt that he hurt Non in the process, broke his heart, and also misinterpreted and shamed Non for what happened to Mr. Keng.
So with that in mind, we're left with the below:
Both Phee and Jin tried and failed to help Non. Both contributed to his spiral. Both of them are visibly broken at the end of episode 8, shattered by their role in what happened to him. Both of them are obviously weighed down by guilt and anger.
And that's where I see the potential. Because sure, it absolutely could be pure stock revenge, that's not surprising for horror. Maybe Phee is the lover riddled by guilt that is out for revenge to make up for his failings.
But what if the show instead decides to explore the fact that if they both feel like they are guilty and culpable in what happened to Non, that could be something that connects them together? Because the possibilities there are so rich, to me. Both of them have been through a hellish, traumatic situation and have seen Non - who they both care about, albeit at different levels - disappear. Both of them feel responsibility and guilt towards it.
So how is this possible?
Two options, in my mind.
Option one is that at some point over the last three years, Phee and Jin connected and Jin confided in him about what happened. I'm hesitant over this one and think it's probably unlikely and would have to go back and rewatch 1-4 again, I think, to see whether or not I think this is possible. I'd love it if this were the case as it gives the background more richness, but unfortunately I feel like with what we've seen in the present, it's not possible, because a lot of Phee's reactions etc seem to indicate that he doesn't know what happened to Non, and if Jin confided in him then he should. However there's a small possibility that his reactions are due to getting confirmation, etc, so there's that to keep in mind.
Option two is that at some point while Phee and Jin are isolated from the others, Jin confesses to Phee.
Side note: I haven't been able to track down where I saw it, again, but I could swear that I saw that Copper said at some point in an interview that Jin filmed the video because he felt like Non was betraying his boyfriend. This caught my eye because I thought oh? Isn't that interesting with the way it ties in with the fact that Phee felt betrayed? But I'd want to validate this again as I'd really like to reread that tweet and now I can't find it, so take that with a giant grain of salt.
At any rate, how will Phee react if Jin confesses everything to him? I mean the situation certainly seems ripe for him to do so at some point. I also see potential here because if this has been going on for three years, then I get the idea that more than anything, Phee just wants to know what happened. There are signs that Phee genuinely cares about Jin - why did he put the blanket on him in episode two, when nobody else was watching and Jin was asleep? Our cold-hearted murderer had a pang about Jin being cold? There was also the conversation that he had with Tan in episode one, that seems to indicate that Phee has confided about wanting to make things with Jin work.
And if he's come to care for Jin then wouldn't Jin opening up to him mean something to him? Especially since at this point Jin has no reason to suspect Phee, so if he confesses then it'll be the truth and from the heart.
So yeah, I still see a ton of potential for these two if they are developed right. Now, will the show go that route? I have no idea. I'm 50/50 on whether we're going to get a rather bog-standard horror ending or something more compelling and nuanced. I know that lots of fans are rooting for the first, and of course sometimes that's the 'fun' of horror, rooting for certain characters to die. Oddly enough, though, I don't get the vibe that this is what this show is about. The characters are too well developed and fleshed out for that in my eyes. I know many might disagree but I don't see the usual hero/villain/victim dichotomy here. Even Non is guilty of lying to Phee and even gaslighting him a little when Phee thought that something was going on with Keng. These are very much 'real people' being depicted on screen and that means that they're fallible. This is fantastic, but it also unfortunately means that I'm going to be a little disappointed if the culmination of all of this is 'yeah Phee was just out for revenge this whole time and is cold enough to fuck his target and try to make him fall in love before killing him/turning him in'.
Oh, one last note - that's another point where I'm struggling with the revenge story arc, because what does that say about Phee's arc as a person? Is that really what people want for him as a person, for him to go from what we see in the flashbacks to brutal enough to do the above? Because that's on Vegas' level and I'm not sure I buy that, for Phee.
So that's where I'm sitting on this whole thing.
Now I want to be clear, here - I'm a horror fan so IF the show decides to go down the standard horror route of 'loved one of victim comes back for revenge' then I'll totally understand it. It's a horror trope for a reason. It's just that after episode 4 we've kind of strayed really far from stock horror and it'll be disappointing to me if we end up going back in that direction.
Time will tell, and in the meantime I'll do my best to hand on for the ride :)
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mayisani · 4 years
Timmy & Y/N Podcast Pt.2
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A/N: Thank you so much for all the love on part 1 it means the absolute world to me. Here is part 2 hope you enjoy it. Also requests are open if you want me to write anything in particular or if you have anything to say. Anyways enough of holding you up enjoy reading, much love 💕
Warning: Fluff, Cussing, Smut 
Word Count: 4324
Also if you haven’t read PART 1 HERE IT IS
You had just finished recording the first episode of your new podcast
As you were getting ready to go out to get some takeout for dinner you felt dread. You hadn’t been out in a while due to the current pandemic what made things even worse was how hard New York was hit by it. As you put on Timmy’s Kid Cudi merch hoodie that he had worn when he opened his show and your favorite black leggings with some basic Nikes. You could hear Timothée outside in the living room ordering the take out from East Village Pizza, so you guys could quickly pick it up instead of having to order in person. He finished up ordering and came into the room to grab his wallet. He looked over at you seeing the clear fear in your face.
“What’s wrong?” he said coming over to you going in for a hug
You hugged him back and looked up at him “I’m just worried about going out. I was talking to Pauline last night and she was just telling me how bad things are getting. I know I should be careful and not fearful but it still bothers me you know.”
“No, I get it. We’re living through very chaotic times right now and it perfectly fine to feel how you’re feeling but hey we’re going to follow the safety procedures. We’re going to wear masks and gloves plus it’s going to be quick okay. You can even wait by the entrance.”
You nodded feeling a slightly better and walked over to your dresser to grab your small black purse. You opened it looking inside making sure your wallet, phone, and keys were in there. Timmy handed you your gloves and black cloth mask. You put them on and started walking with Timmy out of the apartment. You waited as Timmy made sure he locked the apartment correctly. As you guys walked to the elevator you felt very bizarre this didn’t feel like reality. New York was usually very noisy especially since you guys lived in the heart of Manhattan. You guys got in the elevator and what was usually a very crammed elevator now only had you two.
Timmy interrupted your thoughts. It seemed like he always knew when your thoughts were becoming dark and he knew he had to block them. “Hey on the bright side we don’t have the paparazzi to worry about.” He chuckled trying to make you feel calmer. You looked up at him seeing his beautiful green eyes looking at you so lovingly. You leaned onto his shoulder having your arm around his waist and small smile appearing onto your face.
The elevator opened and you walked out with him Timmy locking hands with you. It was a chilly day which was normal for the time of year. You walked to East Village Pizza which was a good hour from the apartment. As you guys you saw the empty sidewalks and roads a part of you felt some sort of peace since overcrowded places gave you anxiety but the other part of you felt unease this wasn’t the New York you had become accustomed to.
“You know a part of me is happy because I get to spend more time with you but I do miss working it’s a large part of my life you know me always wanting to work on something new. I just love to be able to get in the characters headspace and tell their stories.”
“No, I understand acting has become your life and I’m so proud of you because you’re doing what you love but hey look at the bright side we’re safe and so are our families. We’re really blessed not everyone is this lucky.”
“I know I’m grateful for everything but I’m just upset because I was talking with my team and they think it’s very likely that there won’t be premieres for the French dispatch or Dune since it would be a major safety matter. We’ll probably do an at home premiere like many movies have recently. Which sucks because I won’t be able to interact with the fans and let them know how much I appreciate them. I mean that’s probably the best part being able to share something I love to dearly and have poured my heart to with the people I love.”
“Cheer up babe nothing is set in stone hopefully you’ll get the premiere you deserve and get an Oscar nomination and win.” He laughed shaking his head
“That is if there even are the Oscars I mean they cancelled the Met Gala and you know how stoked I was for that.”
“I know but hopefully next year. A lot of people were upset about it apparently I was reading about it on twitter.”
The conversation came to a stop as Timmy opened the door to East Village Pizza. You waited by the door as Timmy went up to the counter.
“For Timothée Chalamet I ordered about an hour ago.”
“You ordered 2 cheese pizzas, cheesy garlic knots, an order of mozzarella sticks, and 12 wings?”
“Yes.” They handed him the order and he walked over to you he handed you the bag and he carried the 2 large boxes of pizzas.”
1 hour later
You had just finished setting everything up on the table and Timmy was grabbing 2 cups from the kitchen cabinet and a bottle of soda from the fridge.
“You know what if we go live on my Instagram and we can basically do a mukbang like the ones you’ve been watching lately.”
You gave him the biggest smile ever “That’s a good idea plus you basically promised you’d go live.” You sat down next to him and he was setting up his phone.
“Wait how do you work this I’ve never gone live.”
“Click the camera button on the top left corner and on the bottom, swipe left till you see the live button and then just click it.”
“Okay I think we’re live.”
“Now we just wait until people start joining. You grabbed the two cups and filled them up with soda, then passed Timmy his cup.”
Username1: Wow he actually is live
Username2: Wait what are you guys eating?
“Y/N and I just got back from buying pizza and of course we got cheesy garlic knots, mozzarella sticks and wings as well.” Just shot him a look “Well I got the wings for myself.”
Username3: Hiii loves how are you guys
“We’re doing pretty good overall. Y/N has been a little worried lately but I’ve been calming her down. It’s mainly because someone had the brilliant idea of watching contagion.”
“Hey it’s not my fault I honestly didn’t think it was going to be as intense as it was. But after that I got Timmy hooked onto my favorite show at the moment so everything worked out.”
Username4: What is it called?
“Umm can I tell them Timmy?”
“I mean you technically can but you should wait since we are going to be doing another podcast episode talking about shows and movies that we’re currently watching.”
“Okay then I’m sorry guys I guess you’ll have to wait but here’s a hint I’ve been obsessed with shows from Spain lately.”
Username5: I see you lil Timmy out here promoting your podcast lol 12
“Anyways we’re going to probably going to end this here so we can finish eating and start recording again because that’s all I’ve been able to think about. Bye see you guys very soon.”
“Bye loves.” You said blowing the kiss
Timmy pouted “That’s not fair I want a kiss.
He ended the live and you gave him a peck on the lips that’s all you get for now.
“You’re going to regret this later tonight just you wait.”
“Is that a threat Chalamet?”
“Maybe it is maybe it isn’t”
He went back into your room and started setting up the recording equipment.
You both sat down and started recording
“Hey guys we’re back, welcome back hope everyone is good.”
“We just finished eating pizza and let me tell you it was delicious.”
“It was good but Y/N cooking is way better honestly. Last night she cooked me some pasta with basil sauce and feta cheese. Then she baked some banana bread muffins so you know I’m being spoiled lately.”
“I would cook more but you know we’re always busy or you’re always out of town which actually leads us into our first question of the day and that is Username6: How do you guys deal with long distance. Timmy you want to start us off?”
“Of course, Firstly I think long distance sucks but it’s a thing some couples have to deal with. We’ve had to dealt with our fair share and we’re still not used to it. But as advice goes something that always has helped is FaceTime as often as possible. Also call each other one thing we always do is call each other on the phone and just sleep. It helps because for a split moment it feels like you’re in the same room. Another tip is just text each other for example I’ll be busy shooting a scene and Y/N will still be texting me all throughout her day keeping me updated and I’ll be able to see them and respond once I’m done.”
“Long distance sucks and it’s really hard because you’re so used to each other and honestly that’s why I try my best to always go with Timmy wherever he’s traveling to but if I can’t then we’ll always be facetiming. My advice is just know that it’s only temporary and this will only strengthen your relationship at the end of the day.”
Username7: What are you guys currently watching?
“Well Y/N got me into Money Heist recently we watch all 4 seasons in about a week. We also watched little fires everywhere which is really good if you haven’t watched it I recommend it heavily I mean I was hooked the entire time. We also watched outerbanks since that’s all everyone was talking about I won’t lie I did enjoy it”
“We also watched Hollywood by Ryan Murphy which is visually stunning and has a really good storyline and of course we rewatched the office because you know Timmy is basically the biggest fan ever. I also watched dead to me season 2 I mean I liked it but I don’t know it had a slow beginning and the last 2 episodes were packed and it ended on a cliffhanger so I’m curious about where that’s going to take season 3 to.”
“If you guys can’t tell all we’re doing lately is watching shows or movies.”
Username8: Do you guys think you’ll always live in New York?
“That’s a really difficult question to give a definite answer to. And something Timmy and I always discuss.”
“The reason it’s so hard is because New York is where my family is. It’s where I grew up and honestly yes it has its issues but I still love it here and wouldn’t mind raising a family here but Y/N has made some great points about why we should maybe try moving somewhere else. But honestly who knows I mean we can technically live anywhere but career wise its best if I stay in New York or Move to California.”
“So honestly time will only tell but I think I can say that for now we’re staying in New York.”
Username9: Y/N what is your favorite movie from Timothée so far?
“Hmm that’s really hard I love Luca’s work so call me by your name is up there.”
“Why do you love Luca’s work so much?”
“Well he’s insanely talented and all his films are beautifully shot but I respect him so much because you know I don’t like horror movies I never have but I Watched suspiria and I loved it. And only a few directors can make me actually love a horror movie I think only Luca and Ari Aster have made me love a horror movie.”
“Ari Aster is very talented I mean Midsømmar was mind blowing and Florence’s performance was outstanding. If you haven’t watch Midsømmar I highly recommend it but it is gruesome so if you can’t handle gore don’t watch it.”
“But getting back on track I think Beautiful Boy is my favorite movie. It’s highly upsetting to me that its very underrated plus I think you should have gotten an Oscar I mean your performance was outstanding.”
“Aw thank you Cherie.”
“So, if you haven’t watched beautiful boy go watch it.”
Username10: What is your favorite memory together?
“I think any memory that involves just being with you and being able to cuddle you. I really appreciate all the time we get to spend together. So, I really enjoy the little things it because that’s what love means for me. But if I had to choose a specific memory it would have to be when I surprised Y/N with pit tickets to see her favorite artist. She was freaking out the entire time jumping up and down kissing me. I mean it was the cutest thing ever it really warmed my heart. Why I love this memory so much was because Y/N had been wanting to see them live for so long and she’d always talk about it and when I finally surprised her she just couldn’t believe it. Then we went to the concert and it was our first one together. The night was incredible yes, we were recognized but everyone around us was respectful and we were all dancing our hearts out that night. I think that was probably one of the nights I really saw y/n let lose in public and only cared about having fun.”
“I love that memory so much but I think I have to say my favorite memory of us was when we went to France in December so it was Timmy, his parents, Pauline and I and we all traveled there the week before Christmas. But honestly that’s when I felt truly a part of your family. It was a truly special Christmas plus I got to see where you’d go to every summer. Then 2 days later it was Timmy’s birthday which we went to Paris for and had a truly romantic morning. He took me to this really cute café and we ate crêpes which I love. Then I took him back to his family’s home and that’s when we surprised him with a birthday party. But that France trip will always have a special place in my heart.”
“You know I’ve been getting a lot of questions about a certain interview that has been floating around I think you know which one.”
“The one where I don’t answer the question and become upset?”
“Yes, that one. A lot of people have just been asking about what happened and how I felt about the whole situation and it honestly it upset me because it was a really rude comment.”
“No, I understand and I just want to say is that yes I was upset at the time but now I’ve gotten over it since a lot of time has passed but it taught me to have thicker skin when it comes to interviews and just life in general.”
“and yes, have but you’re still my sweet soft boy.”
“Yes, obviously I’m not going to change and become a total asshole or distance myself completely and never do interviews again but instead I’m just learning to not become upset so easily when it comes to things like that.”
“I’m proud of you for being mature enough to use that experience as something to grow from instead of using it against the world.”
Username11: Do you have each other’s passcodes for each other’s phone?
“This is an interesting one I think we both have the same answer to this.”
“yes, we do but let elaborate honestly if I could I wouldn’t have a passcode to my phone I wouldn’t I used to just have Y/N’s fingerprints on my phone but now with my knew one its only face id so she just has my passcode. I trust her and I have nothing to hide. Plus, my phone is basically hers because when we’re out her phone is always dying and she just ends up using mine.”
“If only I could show you guys all the embarrassing and adorable pictures he has on his camera roll. I slowly release them on his birthday when I do a cute birthday post or just randomly but of course with Timmy’s permission.”
Username12: Is it necessary to know everything from your partner’s previous relationships?
“This is a really good question. Personally, I have shared everything about my pervious relationships with Y/N and so has she with me. I know not all couples want to do this but if you can you should because we may not accept the fact, that is previous relationships shape us so it’s helpful to know about them it gives you a new perspective and lets you understand each other better.”
“I agree with Timmy completely, it’s helped me knowing about his previous relationships because I know why he does certain things and I’m able to understand better instead of becoming upset. I think it’s a key factor to having a healthy relationship. Which I got a lot of questions about how do you have a good healthy relationship and how do you settle disagreements questions within that realm.”
“Well for us we’re always honest with each other I know that’s so cliché but honesty is everything. A thing we love to do is lay in bed at night with all the lights off and just lay with each other and talk. This is the time when a lot of our deep conversations happen we talk about basically everything and also I feel like it’s a lot easier to open up I don’t know if it’s because late at night or if it’s because its dark and the environment is just so serene.”
“That’s a goof point I think all relationships should have a time to just be able to talk their hearts out with no distractions, because no one wants to be vulnerable and pouring their heart out to their lover and just look over and see them distracted on their phone. Who knows if that’s why relationships nowadays are failing. Maybe because everyone is so public and on their phones all the time and aren’t able to communicate and fully focus on each other.”
“I know I’ve said this before I think I tweeted about it a while ago but read The Shallows by Nicholas Carr it’s a really great read and it’s all about what technology is doing to our brains. But I should also put this out because I don’t want any misunderstandings. I’m not saying never use your phones or social media you can do that who am I to tell you that you can’t All I’m saying is have when you’re having deep personal conversations fully give your full attention don’t be an asshole on your phone and just saying mhmm. You wouldn’t like that so don’t do that to other people.”
Username13: When you first moved in together did you discover something about each other you didn’t know prior?
“I don’t think I did but you have to keep in mind we were basically always with each other. I’d always be sleeping over at Timmy’s place or he’d be at my place. There would be times when I’d sleep over for weeks plus we’d always be traveling together. So, it always felt like we lived together and now it’s just official.”
“Yeah no I think I know everything about Y/N when you know a person for so long you just get to know them so well plus we don’t even have boundaries anymore we’re so used to each other. At first Y/N was super shy around me but now she isn’t. But I think that’s it for today’s episode thanks for giving us a listen. We’re pretty tired due to the lack of sleep we’ve been getting.”
“Bye guys. Much love going your way.”
You turned off the mic and helped Timmy put everything away.
“That was great I’ve really been enjoying sharing more about my life.”
“I told you but you never listened to me.”
You both laid in bed cuddling each other. Timmy kissing your neck leaving love bites behind, getting on top of you. You start kissing his lips biting his bottom lip softly. He starts taking his clothes off only leaving his boxers on. You could see his erection through the thin white fabric of his boxers. You get up taking off your hoodie and leggings only leaving on your bralette and panties. You wrapped your legs around his waist continuing to kiss him, he lowered his hand taking off your panties slowly starting to finger you. You let out a soft moan
“You’re so wet for me.”
You stared at him moaning seeing the lust in his eyes quickly taking off your bralette. Passionately he kissed you bringing his other hand to tenderly grabbing her breasts he started kissing down from her lips to her neck down to you breasts looking up at you. Your hand went down pulling his boxers down throwing them across the room. You slowly started to stroke his cock as you continued kissing him.
“I want to suck you.” you said pushing him off you gently making him lay on the bed his back resting against the headboard. You sat on top of his legs going down to his cock teasing him making him moan. You started sucking his tip grabbing the bottom of his shaft as you slowly sucked more of his cock. You took him out of your mouth seeing the hickies on his lower stomach fading away you start kissing there closing your eyes enjoying the sensation that he is yours and only yours. He looks down at you “Come up here beautiful I want to kiss you.”
You get up laying on his chest caressing him admiring his pale freckled body.
“I love you.”
“I love you.”
He got on top of you and pushed his cock into your pussy slowly thrusting into to you. Kissing your soft lips comforting you as he thrusted harder. You moaned loudly having your arms warped around his neck moaning into his ear. You thrusted your hips towards him becoming desperate wanting to cum.
“Greedy aren’t we.” He became rougher with you. He wasn’t so gentle and soft as he seemed. You started to cum making you moan loudly and unable to stay still as you came Timmy continued thrusting into you cumming as well. He kissed your forehead as he took his cock out.
“Come on baby lets go shower.” He grabbed you caring you to the bathroom placing you on the counter. You admired his naked body as he turned on the shower, he got in making sure the water was warm “Okay it’s ready you can come in.” you got off the counter walking in the spacious marble shower. He grabbed your shampoo pouring some onto his hands and slowly massaging it into hair. You felt the water on your skin as you were under the shower head washing off the shampoo while Timmy started putting shampoo onto his hair as well you finished washing your hair and Timmy got under the shower head washing his hair. You wrapped your hands around him hugging him as he washed his hair. He finished washing his hair and you both continued to wash your bodies. The scent of the vanilla and coffee body wash as he scrubbed his back you got more of the body wash rubbing it onto his back. He later did the same evening rubbing the inside of your thighs. Once you were both clean you turned off the shower Timmy walking out grabbing his robe and putting it on then passing your matching robe.
You walked to the sink started to brush your teeth you could hear Timmy in the room being clumsy trying to find his boxers and pajamas bottoms. You walked back to the room grabbing your hairbrush looking over at Timmy
“Can you brush my hair and braid it again please.”
He motioned his hand to the bed you sat on the edge facing your back towards him. He started brushing your hair making sure there weren’t any knots. He then did 2 braids like the ones he’d always do. He kissed the top of your head “Okay all done now get dressed while I go brush my teeth and face.”
You got up the bed looking at him as he walked towards the bathroom door admiring him seeing his wet loose curls bounce. You walked to the closet grabbing a black silk dress and black panties. Once you got dressed you turned off all the lights in the room and laid in bed waiting for Timmy. He came back into the room jumping onto the bed laying down.
“Careful Chalamet you’re going to make me fall of the bed.” he started laughing “It wouldn’t be the first time, would it?” you rolled your eyes a playfully hit his shoulder. He grabbed the controller turning off the tv and putting the controller on his bedside table. Moving over to you space cuddling you “I’m tired.” You turned to your side facing him placing your head onto his chest.
“Okay babe lets sleep.” He kissed your forehead and slowly started falling asleep snoring softly. You were fell asleep in his not being bothered by his snoring, as you were used to it after years of sleeping with him.
A/N: Hello hope you loved it let me know if you want a part 3 or anything else. bye for now stay safe 💕
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hopeswriting · 4 years
Modern AU (Adult!)Arcobaleno on socials media though. While Flames and mafia are definitely still a thing.
Now I’m by no means well acquainted to all the different popular socials media, but here’s my humble take:
Reborn on Instagram.
He only has pictures of Leon first and foremost, with him in the background in one of his ridiculous but very well-made cosplay. Leon of course also wears the same cosplay as him.
He never shows his full face in any of the pictures, but just enough his followers know he’s handsome as fuck.
The artists/photoshoppers among them regularly put the pieces together to see how he could look like, but in a funny-and-obviously-purposefully-wrong way only.
Reborn loves them and saves them all.
Once in a blue moon he does post a picture of himself where you can see him clearly all dressed up and fancy, and then immediately deletes it.
But only after he’s sure it has been seen, so he can watch his followers lose their shit while drinking a nice espresso.
They try hard, but so far none of them managed to save any of the pictures before he deletes them.
Often there’s what suspiciously looks like blood stains on their clothes and straight up dead bodies lying in the background, but Reborn went so passive-aggressive with the few who dared to ask, everyone is too afraid to ask now.
Anyone who badmouths Leon in any way is instantly blocked. But only after Reborn ripped them a new one AND let his followers do it too.
Skull on Twitter and Snapchat.
He tweets the most random, out of nowhere, highly worrying things, that always sent his followers in a frenzy trying to figure out why the fuck he would think of any of this in the first place??
“aren’t you ever tried of your solid, rigid, restrictive bones? don’t you want to just be Luffy from One Piece, a rubber being that can shape themself in whatever way they wish?”
“nobody ever tells you this, but the stress of picking apart melted leather from your burnt skin before it heals is VERY worth the adrenaline of making fire your BITCH”
“is it REALLY illegal if you break in and eat the food but leave money behind??”
That’s just his Twitter only followers though.
The ones on Snapchat have the privilege to watch him stumble head first step by step to his tweets, and are actually very involved and active spectators that keep him out of jail, or killing himself, or killing someone else.
Skull, recording a video, halfway stuck in between two buildings: What’s up guys, there're these guys following me and trying to kill me, quick tell me what bones to break so I can fit in there.
see also:
Skull, riding his bike, both of them suspiciously wet, holding a lighter in his hand: You guys ready for this sick fire stunt I came up with?? If everything goes well I should only get second to third degree burns, let’s do this!!!
see also:
A picture of Skull lying on a roof, his arms full of snacks and his mouth stuffed with food, with police cars in the background, that says: send tips to make sure there’s always food in your fridge for when you need it the most. #midnightsnack #snitchesgetstitches #justsaying
see also:
A picture of Skull crouched in front of a body, posing, that says: don’t worry guys we’re just faking, but hypothetically, if you were to hide a body as quick as possible from here without being seen, what would you do? #hypotheticallyseriousanswersonly #hypotheticallythecopsaremaybeontheirway #quickanswersappreciated
Verde on Facebook.
He creates a public group with only him as member that’s basically his scientific diary.
It’s not really to invite intellectual challenging debates (though he’d be all for it if someone smart enough showed up), but he figures it’s in his best interest to make the world a less dumb place if he can.
It finds his public, though there’s only a few comments because god forbid you say something dumb or inaccurate and Verde fucking annihilates you in the comment section.
But like, in a teacher way. Like he’s genuinely trying to make you know better but he’s just ruthless at it lmao.
Verde uses a fake name and a fake everything so there’s quickly a running joke along the lines of “Imagine if it’s really the genius scientist Verde running the group and you just outed yourself as a flat earther lol”.
But what gets the group really popular is the in depth flames theory involving weather of all things they have to assume he came up with it all on his own because they can’t figure out to save their lives what the hell he’s talking about?
And it makes them question their sanity sometimes because Verde talks about it like it’s the most obvious thing and in the context of just about every basic aspects of life.
Cue the conspirators and their hot new take of “the aliens were among us all along and hid themselves as the WEATHER!!!” that instantly turns into the new popular meme.
That, and the transcripts posts of Verde trying his theories that nine out of ten apparently involves very unwilling participants whose life are threatened and sometimes they straight up DIE???
They think both of these is just him fucking with them and it’s all fictional. They want to think it is anyway.
They’re not so sure, but everyone is too afraid to ask.
Colonnello on Snapchat.
70% of his content is about Lal because this man is so in love and it’s like he’s a guest on his own account lol.
There’s the “Pining Hard” content where it’s just him trying to seduce Lal, to romance her and asking her out, and Lal brushing all of it off more often than not.
His followers are very invested in this “old bickering married couple type of best friends in oblivious mutual pining” real live action slow burn fic, and cheers him hard whenever Lal reciprocates the tiniest bit.
They don’t know the two are already together.
They think Lal brushing him off or flirting back but in an unmistakably joking/”platonic” way is just her being oblivious and not taking Colonnello seriously.
When she would just rather flirt back off camera because it’s her private life thank you very much.
Colonnello never tells them because he assumes they all know and just choose to be in on the joke.
Lal finds it hilarious whenever she goes through his Snapchat (with his permission of course) to find numerous messages of encouragement, so she never says either.
But one day she kind of just steals a kiss from him while he’s recording because she wanted to, and his followers lose their shit.
Lal laughs herself to tears and laughs for days.
The other Lal’s related content is the “Lal’s loving hours”, where he just takes pictures of her/records her doing random shit---whether it's her making a disaster out of the kitchen, or wearing three pairs of socks because her feet are cold, or beating the shit out of someone---and him doing heart eyes at the camera.
Otherwise it’s just him living his life and letting them in on what happens.
There’s a lot of pictures because he’s handsome and he knows it and he likes the compliments aqsdfghj.
Or videos of him going on and on about how energy drinks are really the best drink ever while doing grocery.
Or ranting videos about how bullets wounds are such a pain to deal with and showing himself patching himself up to show how it’s done (thanks??!!??).
Or him watching series and roasting the characters for their dumb decisions.
Or him commenting in real time an assassination attempt on him in the middle of the night in his own fucking home because the fucker sure is ballsy (????!!!!!!???).
It’s very popular too because of how relatable it is.
Well, most of the time anyway.
Viper on Youtube.
They have a DIY type of channel, mostly about fashion---what they think about the new products/clothes they bought from their favorite brand, their thoughts on the new fashion trend, their makeup/skin care routine and favorite outfits for various circumstances, or they’re often on live while going shopping.
(I just really like Fashionista!Viper okay.)
They play videos games too, thinking they’re being very good while being very average to not say they straight up suck asdfghj.
Occasionally do reaction videos too.
Like Reborn they hardly ever show their face. Actually they don’t show it at all lol. They wear masks to do their videos because a hood is not very reliable.
How do they do their makeup videos then you ask?
They use "volunteer" as models of course.
And by volunteers I mean the Varia qsdftgyhjkl.
They also have another very peculiar brand of videos that is the most popular one on their channel. The titles of these videos include but are not limited to:
“A Due Payment Of Yours Is Late? How To Hunt Them For Sport”
“A Little Bitch Doesn’t Respect Your Pronouns/Chosen Name? Step By Step On How To Make Them Shut The Fuck Up Forever”
“How To Efficiently Remove Blood And Various Others Human Residue From Your Clothes”
“Faking Your Death And Taking On A New Identity: Step By Step Tutorial”
“How To Take Over Your Friends Brains And Watch Them Prank Themselves ft. The Varia”
Fon on Tumblr.
His blog becomes known as a shitpost blog or a blog run by a bot when really, everything he posts is about actual, very real events that happened in his life.
Except he vague posts every time because he really wants to keep his anonymity.
He posts about the hardships of learning more and more martial arts and staying at the top of the art, and sounds like some dangerous psychopath.
“The body is such a fragile thing, isn’t it? It tends to break quite easily unfortunately. You’d think I’d know that by then, but I really need to remember it more often so I can keep enjoying myself.”
He’s talking about how he always pushes himself too much in training and ends up injuring himself.
“Everyday I dispose of them and reasserts my superiority, and everyday they come back and it’s really hard to not hurt them beyond repair.”
He’s talking about how he’s often challenged by other martial artists who don’t like him being the best and how he always has to beat them up bloody for them to give up.
He also posts about his family's live except it’s the Hibari’s family live, and he doesn’t sound more sane of mind at all.
“I made the mistake of taking Kyo with me on my grocery trip and picked on his tell-tale signs of going through a bad day too late.
But fortunately the shop is still standing and no one was heavily injured.”
“It’s so heartwarming to see Kyo make friends. The brown haired kid didn’t put much of a fight but the one with the pineapple haircut has potential.
He almost managed to stab him that one time, and I can’t wait to tease Kyo about it. He’s very cute when annoyed and embarrassed.”
“Often I look back to the day Kyo got his tonfa and I am always infinitely grateful for this not-so-easy-to-kill-with weapon.
I would like for him to at least finish high school first.”
Yeah it’s very often about Kyoya lmao. And no one knows for sure what in the world a “Kyo” is supposed to be???
An actual human being is NOT the most popular theory qsdfghn.
Lal on TikTok.
I guess?? I’m kind of running out of ideas lol, and I know very little about TikTok.
But I’m thinking she makes a series of videos where she looks straight into the camera like she’s on The Office while some bullshit or the other happens in the background.
And it’s not even always her friends or coworkers or Colonnello (yeah he has a category of his own lmao).
As far as she is concerned everyone who chooses to be a fucking dumbass in her vicinity is asking for it aqsdfghj.
Also has a “Doing paperwork” series, and the later at night she’s doing it, the more she’s absolutely fucking done with people not being able to do their job properly without collateral damage.
She dryly reads out loud the highlights of the reports and goes straight for their lives lol.
But as funny as it is, everyone is more interested in the very questionable out of context content of these reports???
Also does workout videos, as in she demonstrates how to do this one or other exercise, and if these do particularly well it has nothing to do with how people want to look respectfully at her body, of course not.
ALSO has a “Colonnello’s Loving Hours” series because you better believe this woman is also so much in love.
She records him when he’s simply existing---whether he’s snuggling besides her while they’re watching TV, or dancing in the kitchen while cooking, or cleaning his guns---while looking at the camera with this tender, content expression on her face.
They become known as the Weather Lovers because boy, do these people like to go on about their favorite weather. Some shipping might even be involved??
It’s how their community introduces them to each other.
Cue even more chaos on their respective socials medias.
Viper’s video of their first meeting is the most popular one on their channel.
Yeah I know, I didn’t add the Sky Arco ladies, but I have no idea what they could do. Pinterest maybe? Or Vine? Dunno, they’re all yours guys lol.
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sanderssideswriting · 4 years
Youtuber Life chapter 3
Ships: familial sleepxiety and eventual Prinxiety
first  last  next
Summary: Remy Sanders is a famous beauty vlogger and just moved to LA with his teenage son Virgil after their location was leaked by fans. Remy AKA CoffeeAddiction has several million subscribers. Virgil also has a secret Drama channel, where he doesn’t show his face and uses a voice modifier. He just hit a million subs and grows more everyday because of the level of production his videos have, the mystery around who he is and the fact that he ALWAYS has the latest information regarding youtube drama.
“INTERN!” Remy called.
Virgil looked up from his laptop where he was currently editing his next video. “Yeah?”
“I’m going to take some of those ‘what youtuber am I’ quizzes who do you think I’ll get?”
“I’d say James Charles but ultimately Cristine from Simplynailogical.”
“Why her? She’s a wonderful youtuber, maybe someday I’ll get the privilege of doing a collab with her.”
“Because I personally relate to Ben on  a spiritual level.”
Remy laughed “because you get me coffee?”
“Of fucking course it’s because I get you coffee.” Virgil said with a smirk. He was happy he was off camera.
“Do you think we’ll see her at the next streamy awards? Or Vidcon?”
Virgil shrugged “probably.”
Remy turned to the camera “Cristine if you see this I’d fucking love to do some sort of colab.”
The video continued as normal with little input for Virgil apart from laughing whenever Remy got James Charles to his dismay.
Remy called Virgil while he was hanging out with Logan, Roman and Patton getting lunch off campus.
“Intern! Where did you put the pallet! That pallet you used on Halloween.”
“I used like 3 different ones, which are you talking about?”
“The one with that really nice purple color you like.”
“In the closet.”
“Stop being a smartass, what shelf?”
“Uhhhhh, back wall middle shelf where it’s supposed to go.”
“No it’s supposed to go on the left wall.”
“I was the one who did most of the fucking organizing! I know where I put it.”
“No it’s no- oh wait never mind I found it. Also pick up some coffee for me.”
“We have an espresso machine! Also no! I’m with friends.” Virgil hung up with a sigh.
“Who was that, your mom?” Logan asked.
“No my dad, he wanted to know where I put something and also wants me to get him coffee later, even though we have an espresso machine,” Virgil said rolling his eyes.
When he came home his dad was still filming.
“What are you doing?” Virgil asked halfway down the stairs.
“Motherfucking James Charles made a challenge and I HAVE to do it. Mostly because he fucking said that only the best could. And gurl, I am the best motherfucker!”
“Oh my god we get it your gay for James Charles.”
Remy turned around “What is this slander? In my house? I am not gay for James Charles, I’m trying to out gay him. There’s a difference babe.”
“Sure Jan.” Virgil said going back up the stairs to his room.
Raccoon: Conspiracy theory: My dad is gay for James Charles hiss hiss motherfucker: oh fuck not this again Dukey: Why not? hiss hiss motherfucker: Didn’t they have a huge feud awhile ago because of you? Raccoon: LOL you can’t prove that hiss hiss motherfucker: I have screenshots of you telling us that you did it. Raccoon: Ok so I MAY have done that. but I DID tell my dad, he wanted an excuse to challenge James Charles to something anyway hiss hiss motherfuker: I take it back, your dad might be gay for James Charles Raccoon: Remus is in this chat hiss hiss motherfucker: yeah, you know that Virg Raccoon: he could start a rumor hiss hiss motherfucker: is it that big of a deal though? Raccoon: you’re right, besides your both sworn to secrecy hiss hiss motherfucker: more like a lifetime of middle school blackmail you could release at anytime Raccoon: What? I make sure to keep my bases cover Raccoon: I’m basically SpiderMan Raccoon: but with less morals hiss hiss motherfucker: so Batman Raccoon: no, SpiderMan hiss hiss motherfucker: we get it, you haave a rush on Tom Holland Raccoon: ...
Princey: Hey, want to go see a movie with me, Patton and Logan? Emo Nightmare: What movie? Princey: Knives Out Emo Nightmare: I love that movie, sure
While waiting in line Jack Paul was walking around along with some friends and walked right up to Virgil and the others.
“Got any movie recommendations?” he asked Virgil shoving the camera in his face.
“Parasite. If your not a pussy about having to read subtitles that is. Also blur out fucking faces the four of us are minors,” He said without missing a beat.
Jake was clearly not expecting to hear what Virgil had said and neither had anyone else around them.
Jake walked away with his friends looking shocked, clearly trying to play it off as he left.
“What? It’s a good movie. Also I consider LA youtubers and vloggers to be an invasive species and parasites. I doubt any of us want to be caught dead in a Jake Paul vlog anyway.” Virgil said shrugging it off.
The movie went fine and they all liked it, for different reasons.
Virgil got home and while scrolling through twitter saw it. He’d become a meme once again.
Remy started laughing “what was it this time?”
“I basically told Jake Paul to fuck off and called him a parasite.”
“GURL! NO. FUCKING. WAY! I have to see it now!”
“He didn’t even blur our faces. Which is fucking bullshit since I told him to because we’re minors,” Virgil said.
He still had Twitter open but missed the comment.
That kinda sounded like CoffeeAddict’s intern.
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photolover82 · 4 years
The Masked Singer Season 5 Episode 2 Recap: It’s Group B Time, let’s meet them! (Commentary & Guesses)
Hello my fellow Masked Singer fanatics! Welcome (or welcome back) to Ana’s Masked Singer recap, where I, Ana (nice to virtually meet you btw), recap every single episode of The Masked Singer. Here we are again with season 5, but this time another group, Group B, which consist of Black Swan 🖤🦢, Piglet 🐷, Chameleon 🦎, Grandpa Monster 👹 👴, and Phoenix 🦜.
So, let’s begin with the first eliminated contestant of Group B:
The first eliminated contestant was:
Phoenix 🦜
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Commentary: Ok, so this wasn’t surprising whatsoever, she sang Tik Tok by Kesha and you can obviously tell that she isn’t a singer at all. Like idk how else to explain it to you guys, but I guess she was talk singing... kind of like Wendy/the lips last season... so it was kind of easy the moment she opened her mouth to start singing to recognize immediately who it was...
Having said that, she was revealed to be (as I knew, this one wasn’t hard)...
Caitlyn Jenner
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Hehe I knew it! Again, like Wendy Williams aka the lips, this was way too obvious. She already walked around Hollywood Blvd with the Don’t Talk to me hoodie on so I knew she was going to be on the show but the min I saw Phoenix, the clues, and the moment she opened her mouth, I was so certain it was Caitlyn. No, I am not a big Kardashian/Jenner fan tbh but I used to watch the show way back when.... like in 2016? I am not sure, but I recognized her voice immediately.
Now onto my guesses for the remaining 4:
1. Black Swan 🦢🖤
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Commentary: So she sang Barracuda by Heart and damn, she got a strong voice! It’s a really amazing voice, even though the song choice wasn’t my favorite, because it didn’t suit her voice completely and showcase her range, but she was badass (can I say that? Whatever, this is my show, I’ll say it, it’s not THAT bad of a word) tbh. In certain parts, she was like screaming a lot and I was like um maybe this isn’t her best song choice but her voice is amazing! She gives me Seahorse mixed with Flamingo vibes, I love her!
I think she is singer extraordinaire:
Jojo (not Siwa but we have another Jojo on our hands)
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Reasoning/Clues: there are so many clues that match but her voice is the main thing that clicked for me that it was her, but let’s look at those clues so you can get the picture:
Wanted Poster with RV highlighted= she appeared in the movie RV with Robin Williams
She talks about being trapped and someone else’s prey and then getting out of it= she was trapped in her record label & there was controversy surrounding it and she had to sue her label for not releasing her music
A 5 on a watch= she toured with 5th harmony and has released 5 albums
Cluedledoo (Rooster) clue= she covered a monster= she covered one of T-Pain aka the Monster from season 1’s songs
2. Piglet 🐷
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Commentary: He was my favorite of the night with his rendition of Speechless by Dan + Shay! You guys know if you have seen my recaps in season 3 (or even last week with Robopine) that I have a soft spot for a guy who has a super silky voice, like either boy band type or R&B smooth af kinda vibe (i.e. Fox in season 2, Turtle in season 3, Robopine in season 5).... or should I say any guy who can falsetto and Piglet is giving me those boy band smooth vibes, I love it so much! His voice is soooo familiar I am so sure about this one by the way.
My guess and I am so sure of this is:
Nick Lachey
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Reasoning/Clues: This one I recognized immediately, the voice was really easy to figure out, but these clues also are pretty convincing (oh and he was on Ken’s show, I Can See Your Voice, so it’s not surprising that he would be on this show):
The clue package had a dating show vibe = reminiscent of Love is Blind, the Netflix dating show he hosts with his wife Vanessa
The world saw his heart break= he had a very public relationship with his ex-wife Jessica Simpson and they even had a reality show together called Newlyweds
Cluedle-doo clue: “knows how to stay cool even in the heat”= referring to his past aka his boy band 98 degrees (get it? Because that’s the heat and they are cool because they are a boy band... well played Masked Singer well played... I wanna meet whoever makes these clues because they are great with puns and they seem super clever)
3. Chameleon 🦎
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Commentary: Chameleon surprised me I am not gonna lie. I thought he was going to be another athlete like Whatchamacallit last season or White Tiger from season 3 because he was so tall but nope he surprised me with his rendition of Ride with Me by Nelly. He seems like a legit rapper and I liked him a lot than I thought I would honestly so this guess isn’t totally out of left field.
My guess is that this is...
Wiz Khalifa
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Reasoning/Clues: so yeah, the voice and the height kinda gave it away to me (Wiz is 6 foot 4 inches and his body type matches the chameleon), but also yeah clues I have to give you guys some logic bombs instead of being like eh that voice and height BOOM WIZ KHALIFA... yeah no it doesn’t work like that, so here are the logic bombs hehe:
Dice with 2 and 3 on it= he did a song with Miley Cyrus called 23
007 clue= he has a song called (yes this is real, look it up) James Bong (omg I am trying not to laugh while typing this but whatttt?! Google really is a gem omg 😳😂) and he played James Bond in the music video
His love of technology & “put tech in technicolor”= apparently, the guy is a huge tech geek and has said it in a lot of interviews (wow humans are so complex and cool, I would have never thought that this man is a tech savvy guy... but the more you know I guess <P.S. I Googled half of these things... like idk this off the top of my head duh, I usually go by voice with my guesses and then I google the clues>)
4. Grandpa Monster
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Commentary: He sang Mambo No. 5 and yeah it’s a basic choice for a song, but I liked it. He is not my favorite by any means and now that I listen to it again, I can only hear this person and I am not a fan of him like whatsoever (even tho I gotta acknowledge he has changed and I have *I KNOW... I HATE ME TOO* agreed with stuff he has said in his podcast un ironically.... yeah I am so sorry, I hate myself for saying this too... anyways let’s just get to the person I mean
I have a sneaking suspicion that it is (unfortunately):
Logan Paul
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Reasoning/Clues: Yup, um... I really hope I am wrong but honestly ever since someone said it in the YouTube comments section of his performance, I can’t un hear it and I am shook honestly (at least it’s not his brother... I mean we can get worse, and he has respected the pandemic and not been a prick like his *cough* brother *cough*... just saying.. oh and if you don’t know what I am talking about or who this is, he’s a YouTuber who got into some um controversy because he filmed a dead body in 2018 so there’s that... oh and his brother has done a billion worse things than him, but you can Google that one if you are interested in finding out more because it’s too much for me to talk about and we are not even talking about Jake (that’s the brother))... Anyways, sorry, I ramble, but ugh the clues seem convincing and it irks me that it is because I am not a fan of neither of these guys and I don’t want them in the show but whatever I guess he’s the lesser of 2 evils:
He was a troublemaking fool as a youngster= yeah probably regarding that suicide forest video a couple of years ago (that ok, lemme give him credit, he has apologized for it and has kind of proven himself... yuck I hate saying that, I am NOT defending him I swear)
Acting out for all eyes on me= he used to be very well known for pranks on his channel back in the day (before the incident) and he did some stupid stuff for clout lemme tell ya (I never liked these guys, like ever, I thought they were weird.... not my demographic I guess, I wasn’t 12 nor a boy)
6 in Xs and Os like football plays = he did play football 🏈 in high school, he was so good that and actually attributes playing football for long term brain damage he has that makes him as the Wikipedia article says it (I am legit gonna quote what it says because I thought it was fascinating) “affects his ability to have empathy and a human connection with others.” (Mind you, he himself claimed this according to this article)
“Acting out”= he has acted in a few things before and starred in The Thinning
Web with the shooting star= he is a web star, get it? YouTube... web star... hehe again these clue writers are *chef’s kiss*
Cluedle-doo clue: he has trained for battle= now his new thing is boxing and he has trained for actual fights before, his first one being against British YouTuber KSI which he lost... oh and I almost forgot, how can I forget this cute little detail.... he is set to fight Floyd Mayweather this summer apparently... OH AND DID I MENTION HE IS MAKING 5 MILLION DOLLARS FROM THIS DEAL?! He’s winning either way with this fight like damn... but that wasn’t part of it, I just thought it was trippy... again I say, Google is a gem, u find some interesting reads
Ok so that’s it (what a great note to end on lol)! I hope you guys enjoy! Sorry for it being so long and taking so much time to do.. it’s been a crazy last couple of days! I will try to get the next one this upcoming weekend so I’ll see you guys then. (Ohhh btw I now live tweet the show on my Twitter- @photolover82 so if you want to follow me on there and live tweet with me, that can be fun!) Bye guys and don’t forget to like, comment, and do all the social media-y things, you know the drill!
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wallofweird · 4 years
What have to sophie stans said now lol? Also what has the actress said that doesn't sit right with you?
So, a lot of her fans are arrogant and constantly saying terrible things about Madison, wishing her death, hoping Kevin will cheat on her with Sophie, calling her a puke, even downplaying her bulimia and almost death experience. They're also going as far as saying mean things about Caitlin herself and basically spamming and bullying their way with the show's and cast's social media so they will like their tweets about Kophie. There is this group of friends on twitter and they're completely obnoxious, they tweet mean things all the time and now whenever someone posts anything they're always like "WHERE IS SOPHIE?".
Alexandra has given me the impression she's not that better than those fans either, because the other day Justin asked people what they thought of Kevin and Madison on instagram and she commented something completely changing the subject to Sophie and ignoring Madison/Caitlin. On her current TV show, Virgin River, there is a love triangle among Mel (her character), Jack and Charmaine and she was joking that she hoped Charmaine would move away with her and Jack's children. Now I don't know if you're familiar with that show and honestly I don't even bother to watch it anymore, but the whole story is that Jack had a casual relationship with Charmaine for a while (I think it was two years?), but she developed feelings for Jack and he didn't reciprocate them, but kept sleeping with her knowing she hoped that would eventually change. And during this entire time he was hanging out with Mel, but he didn't make a move on her, he would flirt with Mel and then go to Charmaine for sex and she ended up getting pregnant. When she found out she sort of freaked out and was worried and considered leaving the town and raising the baby by herself. She ended up changing her mind on season 2, and the writers tried to make her a villain in order to be an obstacle to Mel and Jack, they changed a lot of things about her personality and behavior, but even so I don't think she was as bad as the writers and fans make it seem. A lot of her behavior was justified because Jack is just the epitome of a mediocre man at best, he has been all about Mel since day one but he would still go to Charmaine, he says he loves his children (it turned out to be twins) and he barely shows any excitement about them, he even tries to play cop and go talk to drug dealers etc and risk his own life when he has two children in the way... ANYWAY, you get the point. A lot of Charmaine's attitude could be explained by her awkward situation, loneliness, hormones and everything she is dealing with and handling all of it and her high-risk pregnancy basically all by herself. It's just that the writers wanted to bring some female rivalry in order prop a basic man, but it doesn't take a genius to see what they did and know how unfair that was and that both characters and Lauren (the actress that plays Charmaine) deserved more. 
So Alexandra joking about her leaving the town with the twins and completely ignoring and failing to show some respect and support to her fellow actresses and their characters, considering she spent a lot of time with Lauren and knows Caitlin in person, is just... Disappointing. And she's even talked about how Jack and Mel get married and have children in the books that the show is based on, she knows her character is the protagonist, Mel and Jack are the main couple on the show, that she is safe and her character's story and her romance with Jack are guaranteed, it wouldn't have hurt to try to show some support for an actress that was clearly done dirt by the writers. Specially because they're also actresses and she's been in a similar position before, I've never watched The Walking Dead, but from what I've known she played a temporary love interest for the protagonist, even though the main relationship of the show was the guy and another woman’s. So she knows how it feels like to be in the 'middle' of the main couple or to play a new love interest in the middle of a show's run, when the audience is divided part of it is already attached to previous relationships and not willing to give a new actress/character/romance a chance and you have to work hard to convince them and have them warm up to your and your story... I was expecting her to show more empathy towards them. 
And now she is constantly posting fanmade content regarding Kevin and Sophie, the new season of Virgin River was released NOT EVEN A MONTH ago, the show has been renewed, she was or is still filming its third season, I checked and most of the recent stuff she's tagged on are about Mel, Mel and Jack and VIRGIN RIVER as a whole and she is specifically looking for and posting about Kevin and Sophie. AND NOW, of all moments. She could've done it on season 4, when Kevin was single, she actually got to show up and Sophie was mentioned a few times. Why is she doing it NOW, when the show she currently stars on has a new season, is renewed, being filmed and generally thriving? And This Is Us is in a totally different place, with Kevin being engaged to Madison, Caitlin being promoted to series regular after committing to it for four years and the two characters about to become parents of twins? And she knows they won't end up together, so why is focusing on Kophie and not Virgin River all of a sudden? And she is THE PROTAGONIST there and she knows Mel and Jack are ENDGAME. It just comes across as greedy, calculated and insensitive and like she’s not content with what she already has. 
And Caitlin is so laid-back, she barely posts anything, she rarely gives interviews, she only talks and posts about Madison when she actually is involved in the story, she is working crazy hours as much as the rest of the cast in the middle of a PANDEMIC and when she has a baby that is not even one yet (btw, Caitlin and Mandy deserve some serious applause for balancing all of it with motherhood and pregnancy)... She deserves more respect from people, specially from someone that can relate to her as an actress, woman, mother etc. It's also not even a situation where she misses the cast, because she could've shown it by commenting on different pictures and wishing them well, she didn't have to specifically comment on something about Kevin and Madison's relationship and ignoring Madison/Caitlin and trying to change the subject to herself, she could've said something like "I have a soft spot for Kophie, but these two look cute and I'm excited to see more of you and Cait!", there are a lot of ways she could've handled the situation better while still being sensitive and acknowledging Caitlin's importance. It isn't even like she was reminiscing about her old characters and TV shows either, because she is only posting about This Is Us.
Anyway, I'm not saying they have a feud or Alexandra is the worst person in the planet or anything, but lately she is coming off as opportunist and selfish to me. It just seems that she fails to understand the fact she's not part of something anymore and have some humility and show appreciation for someone other than herself. AND SHE IS CURRENTLY STARRING A SHOW THAT'S BEEN THRIVING AND RENEWED!!!!!!!!!! So actions like these just give the impression that one show where she is the star and her happy ending is basically guaranteed is just not enough for her, that she wants everything and can’t even respect other people’s places. And that absolutely doesn't sit right with me.
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staliasjeronica · 5 years
Riverdale S4 Ep11 Thoughts *Spoilers*
- I’m excited about the quiz show but I wish it wasn’t just to show off how smart Betty is. I know she’s smart, all the girls are, but if they dumb them down to make Betty look good…
- Archie has such a good heart ugh the greatest boy in Riverdale and nobody can compare to him!!! 🥺❤️
- Jughead mentioning Bret after him and Betty have sex. We love Bret x Jughead lmao
- Betty looks so good though can she please have her hair down all the time pLEASE 👀❤️
- Betty looks like Lili way too much and I don’t like that… Bughead is basically just Sprousehart and that’s not a good thing
- NOT CHERONICA ASKING ABOUT ALCOHOL TO AN ADULT AT THEIR SCHOOL NO LESS??? Whatever, they look good so I’ll let it slide for the best girls in Riverdale
- “Boy in the river” is too soft but serial killers, which has probably been done so many times, isn’t…? The desperation to cling to the black hood is potent
- TOM’S BEEN WORKING CONSTRUCTION??? SINCE WHEN??? Also not Archie replacing Tom with Frank?? And with NO warning??
- Veronica is such a cutie we love!!! And finally solid proof that Toni is smart!!! Betty taking Cheryl’s answer though smh isn’t there usually a rule against that??
- Betty talking about Bret to Charles gives off enemies to lovers vibes. I don’t genuinely ship it but the idea of it though is interesting. Anything to shake things up. Also, is she really trying to get Charles to help her cheat just because she feels entitled to getting into Yale??
- “Brown Hood” ew… also none of those other interesting stories were good enough but we’re going to STILL have to hear about the dumb black hood? LET IT GO
- It’s kinda funny how much Betty is like Bret, Like, entitled, selfish, pretends to be higher than everybody else, etc… anyways enemies to lovers 😜😜😜
- Of course Bret bought his way into everything, wasn’t it obvious?? Also how exactly did Charles get information on that if the dad wouldn’t have wrote it down??? Like, the only way Charles would have been able to get that would be if he snooped around. It wouldn’t be official (or hidden and official) paperwork...
- So Betty can milk her father being the black hood but jughead can’t use it as a story despite technically being a victim of it himself?  I mean I get it but like… is it really THAT BIG of a deal? 
- NO THE SPEAKEASY?!!!?!!? Hate that Veronica never wanted to be a criminal but now she’s illegally going to sell alcohol and knowing her annoying ass father and how much the writers love this boring rivalry, he’s going to find out and ruin it.
- Fangs 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 It’s good to see that he’s still alive smh. But, damn, they really had to ruin any possibility of Kangs like they never even got a true chance to be good :(
- THIS DUDE LOOKS LIKE HE’S IN HIS 20′S??!?!?? KEVIN???!?!?! SIR?!?!?!? BE CAREFUL?!?!!?!?
- Betty hounding Jughead for lying when she constantly lies to him I—
- This “make Tom a second father to Archie” is so weird like—other than Harv getting into a fight with one of the writers on Twitter (which made my thoughts on it more negative lol) it’s just… he has his own son that he never talks to (especially after being in a CULT) and it rubs me the wrong way… it’s nice for Archie to have a father figure but they were kinda setting FP up to do that and now suddenly out of NOWHERE it’s Tom?
- Betty not getting into Yale because of who her father is and not her grades :( That would such. But it makes sense...
- Jughead, you act like Bret would care if Betty found out that you’re using her father for a story without her permission.
- YESSSS BETTY DESTROYING HAL’S GRAVE EVEN THOUGH IT WON’T DO SHIT AND SHE WAS LIKE HIS BEST FRIEND A LITTLE BIT AGO BUT WHATEVER. See, people, this is a badass scene. THIS. Her actually being angry and venting, not destroying others for no reason. This. 
- Tickled…..?????? 5 GRAND??? SHIT THAT’S... mmhm, Sounds kinda creepy but 👀
- I feel like Bughead is doomed because suddenly they’re actually being kinda cute and like 1% interesting and usually when that happens the person or couple I don’t like ends up either dead or something
- So how the fuck can Betty get into Yale considering she said in the flash forward she’s in Yale?
- CHERONICA DANCING WE LOVE TO SEE ANOTHER DANCING SCENE!!! We love the best dressed and most beautiful girls in Riverdale!!!!
- See, this is why you don’t tell Hiram SHIT but the writers insist to make them seem dumb (so Veronica can come up with a plan and make it perfect but she tells her enemy/father what she’s doing so he can stop her? Sure… makes TOTAL sense…) so that Hiram can come in and fuck everything up. I get that it can’t come easy because this is a TV show but for the love of God Hiram will never fucking leave will he???
- He really has to destroy it???? What a fucking loser lmao he’s such a baby
- Ooh Veronica is pissed! She looks hot when she has that angry look I say that’s my baby she’s gonna retaliate!! 
- I’m low-key scared for Kevin… like he’s always used by his dates.
- Cheryl being the smart bitch she is we loveeeee!!!
- YES REVAMP THE BROTHEL. There’s nothing that says female empowerment about Penelope but um whatever this is actually a really good idea… WE LOVE A CHERONICA TEAM UP
- I know Cheryl’s gonna ask Toni but Toni’s a part of—wait… PENELOPE?? No. JUST FUCKING LET HER DIE OFF PLEASE. Lmao but just imagine if someone decided to go have sex in the bunker and Penelope is just like “oh hey”
- FRANK JUST FUCKING ATTACKED TOM??? So the ex-sheriff isn’t gonna press charges?? Umm okay
- Frank literally stfu don’t guilt him into not feeling bad for you, you’re a fucking thief
- I legit just cringed when Betty said she was Jughead’s cheerleader that was… ew
- Mmhm… would Betty cheat?? Maybe. Also WHY would Alice fucking do that? I mean I guess it matches season 1 Alice but it’s still dumb that her s1 personality came out of nowhere and was villainized
- Oh Betty totally cheated didn’t she………… “THE LIMIT DOES NOT EXIST” MEAN GIRLS!!!
- WHY IS VERONICA GIVING IT TO BETTY WHEN SHE’S THE ONE WHO’S ANSWERED ALL OF THE FUCKING ANSWERS? But lemme guess they’re making it seem like she cheated but suddenly she’s smart enough to answer all of the questions
- Yup, Betty was suddenly a fucking genius mmhm I knew they were gonna pander to her smhhhhhhhh
- YES ARCHIE STAND UP TO FRANK!!!!!!!!!! And please apologize to Tom 🥺🥺
- So how does she get into Yale if they think she cheated?
- WAIT KEVIN IS HELPING FANGS GET MONEY WE FUCKING LOVEEEEEE?!???!!?!?!? HE CAN PAY FOR HIS MOM’S SURGERIES!!! Fangs family background info coinciding with Toni’s here we go!!! Also Fangs stop being a cutie challenge!!!
- The camera making Bret look monstrously huge lmao
- Jesus not a fucking duel….
- So is this scene before or after Betty “hits Jughead”
- BARCHIE HOLDING HANDS. In the gif shown before the episode there was nothing platonic about that look. Of course with context… it’s kinda… inappropriate but YESSS BARCHIE RISE!!!!!
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murasaki-murasame · 5 years
I guess it’s time for me to put on my clown wig and make a complete fool of myself by dumping out all my last-minute thoughts about what I want and expect from the Sarazanmai finale, now that we’re just a few hours away from it.
Mostly this is just gonna be me trying to rationalize a way this could end happily for everyone involved even though I know full well the finale’s gonna murder me. [And tbh this is mostly gonna be me talking about Reo and Mabu lol]
lmao I have so many scattered and messy thoughts about all this, where do I even begin.
Most of all I’m still clinging onto the hope that Reo and Mabu will some way or another get revived in the finale. I’m bracing myself for the worst, though. I just feel like their deaths don’t even fit into the typical pattern of Ikuhara characters ‘dying’ as a way to transcend reality. Reo’s death in particular was so down to earth and casual that I don’t really think it’s satisfying or even bittersweet in the way that a lot of other Ikuhara endings are.
I also just think it seems really noteworthy that instead of getting sucked into the hell of never ending, beginning, or connecting, the ring representing Mabu’s place in the big circle of society bounced back and manifested in the real world to land in Reo’s pocket. And then Reo himself turned into the same sorta ring after he died even though he didn’t even become a kappa zombie or anything, and he just died a regular death. I get the feeling that Keppi might have somehow stepped in to stop them from completely being destroyed, considering what he said after Mabu’s death about how he was going to make sure to connect their desires to the future.
It just comes across like they’re in some sort of stasis where there’s still a chance to bring them back somehow. At the very least, I don’t really see what the entire point of them turning into rings would be other than that.
I’ve also been thinking for a while now that it might be Sara and Keppi who get the trademark ‘self-sacrifice/transcending reality’ Ikuhara ending, rather than any of the main trio or Reo and Mabu. I could even see it being a thing where they don’t even die, but they basically give up their place in the human realm and go back to the kappa kingdom permanently, which wouldn’t even be that sad of an ending for them in my opinion. There’s a lot of different ways it could play out, but I’ve got two ideas.
For one thing, I think Sara might be able to create her own dish of hope like Keppi can. He said he was the only one who can do that [I think he did, at least], but he’s also clearly been lying about being the ‘sole survivor of the kappa kingdom’ so I don’t really trust that, and the fact that the main dish of hope that we’ve spent most of the series working toward has already been used makes me think that another one might be introduced in the finale so that another wish can be made. It also seems really fishy to me that the scene with her and Haruka in ep10 revealed that Sara’s head ornament thing is apparently a type of plate. It makes me wonder if maybe there’s gonna be a reveal where we find out that she’s been hiding a dish of hope in plain sight, literally right on top of her head.
I could also maybe see a situation where Sara and Keppi transplant their own shirikodama into Reo and Mabu to bring them back, like what Kazuki wanted to do with Haruka in ep6. I’ve been wondering ever since that episode if that whole idea was going to come up again, at least. I think this could lead to the sorta situation I mentioned before where they have to give up their place in the human world, since as we also learned in ep6, giving up your shirikodama ejects you from the circle. But they might still be able to just go back to the kappa kingdom even after that so it might not be a big deal for them.
And along those same lines, maybe instead of Sara and Keppi both giving up their shirikodama, maybe Keppi will transplant the two halves of his broken shirikodama into Reo and Mabu. I guess it’s not really that different than the other option, but still. I think it’d at least be a nice bit of symbolism if they end up with two halves of the same shirikodama.
I’ve also been toying with the idea that maybe as part of the whole thing with how they deleted all the tweets from the ReoMabu twitter account, maybe if the finale involves them getting revived, the twitter account will basically be ‘rebooted’ and start posting all new tweets about their post-anime lives together. That’d be a really nice way to turn things around from how depressing the end of ep10 was. And it might be a good way to help balance out the fact that they probably wouldn’t get that much screen time in the finale even if they get revived, so giving them an epilogue story of sorts in twitter form could help make it feel more fleshed out.
In general I’m just gonna be disappointed if they stay dead in the finale, lol. I’m not going to make any harsh judgments or final opinions until the last episode airs, but I just think it’d be lame if their ending is just ‘they died, the end’. It’s obvious what sorta social commentary Ikuhara’s trying to make with them, but I feel like there’d be nothing subversive or interesting about commenting on how gay characters are ‘punished’ for being open about their feelings by just, y’know, effectively doing exactly that. Especially since it feels like Enta’s probably not gonna end up being able to properly tell Kazuki about his feelings either.
But the bottom line is that we just have to wait and see how it pans out. I don’t want to jump to any conclusions. And even if I end up disappointed by it, it wouldn’t make me hate Ikuhara as a content creator or as a person or anything. It’d just make me wish that more people would go about this kind of social commentary by giving gay characters happy endings where they get to be open about themselves.
Anyway, aside from the whole question of if this two will stay dead or not, I think the thing I most want out of the finale is some sort of a concrete explanation of how the ReoMabu manga fits into the whole timeline. We know for a fact that it’s canon to the anime timeline and isn’t some sort of an alternate universe story, but the more I think about it, the harder it is to figure out where it fits in.
It boils down to whether it happened before or after the anime, I guess, but both options don’t make complete sense. It seems more logical to assume that it happened before the anime, but it’s worth noting that the twitter account seems to end right before Reo and Mabu head off to the war, but they never acknowledge Sara at all in the whole twitter account, and I think there was even a tweet they made about Children’s Day ‘not being relevant to them’. Which seems like a hint that they haven’t even met Sara by that point.
But it happening after the anime comes with some more obvious inconsistencies. Though honestly I prefer this option, and I think a lot of questions about it could be solved if we assume it takes place post-anime with Reo and Mabu being revived but with some of their memories erased, and if we assume that the otters are completely defeated by this point.
I think the only thing that seems to concretely ‘date’ the manga is the absence of the Skytree, but I still think that it’s very likely the Skytree might just get destroyed in the finale as part of the big final clash between Keppi and Otter, so I think that’s not necessarily a contradiction. There’s also the fact that in the manga, the name and design of the police station is plate-themed instead of otter-themed, which on paper seems to indicate that it’s taking place before the otters took over, but it might instead indicate that it takes place after they’ve been defeated.
The whole thing with them not recognizing Sara at all in the final chapter of the manga also sticks out to me a lot now that we know Reo and Mabu used to be quite close with Keppi. It just seems like no matter where in the timeline the manga takes place, if they know about Keppi, they should probably be aware of who Sara is. But who knows. I just think it might be a hint that they get their memories of everything related to the kappas and otters erased after the anime.
I also think the whole premise of Sara being abandoned in the human world and conveniently adopted by Reo and Mabu seems more and more baffling the more we learn about them all as characters, and I think it might make more sense if it happens after the anime. Maybe Sara uses up so much of her power that her human form reverts back into being a baby. Who even knows! It’s weird in it’s own way to assume that the princess of the kappa kingdom just got abandoned in the human realm before any of this even happened.
The bit with her reuniting with her manager and Keppi also comes across as being pretty final to me. I get the feeling that she’s leaving the human world forever and isn’t going to be able to come back. Which makes me think that even if most of the manga takes place pre-anime, maybe the final chapter or two alone happens much later. Somehow. 
Then there’s the possibility of time looping being involved and there’s just too many ways it could all play out, lol. I just really want there to be a clearly understandable timeline of events once this is all done, otherwise it’s gonna nag at me forever.
If we find out that the manga happened pre-anime, I think they should have basically adapted it into an episode of the anime somewhere in the second half, to flesh Reo and Mabu out more. But we’ll see.
Also, before I forget, the Sarazanmai twitter account reposting the old PVs is making me wonder if we ever heard Reo’s line from his PV about assumptions being dangerous in the show itself. All of the other lines everyone said in that series of PVs ended up being used in the show itself, but I don’t remember that line of Reo’s ever coming up. I’m definitely just grasping at straws but it makes me hope that maybe it means it’ll be part of the finale. It at least gives me the mental image of him and Mabu appearing at the last minute to help fight against Dark Keppi and the Otters or whatever, and them being like ‘BITCH U THOUGHT!!! >:^)’
I don’t really have as many concrete predictions for what’ll happen with the main trio, even though they’re gonna be the focus of the finale. Mostly I just hope this doesn’t end with Kazuki making a wish to turn back time. I feel like that wouldn’t really fit the whole narrative and message of this show. And honestly there’s only so much that could even be ‘fixed’ by turning back time. Like, sure Kazuki might be able to improve his personal relationships and maybe prevent Haruka’s accident, but would turning back time do anything about Toi’s family history and Chikai’s criminal ties? Would it do anything about the destruction of the kappa kingdom, or Mabu’s death and rebirth with a mechanical heart? Would it do anything about Enta’s presumably one-sided crush? It just feels like there’s only so much that could even be achieved with that sort of an ending, unless they completely undo everything. But going by how ep6 played out, I don’t think Ikuhara’s planning on that sort of ending. I just want this to end with the main trio having to move on with their lives and live with the consequences of how everything turned out.
But if we exclude the possibility of time looping and whatnot, I don’t really have any strong ideas about how things might turn out with them. But I guess all they really need to do is just save Toi from venturing outside the circle, and after that they can just deal with the rest of their lives together.
The big wildcard seems to be the fact that we’re finally gonna figure out the true meaning of the very first scene in ep1, which is still one big question mark. It does come across like it’s hinting at some kind of a time loop, but who knows. One way or another I feel like I might end up rewatching ep1 right after the finale. It’ll be interesting to see if it carries any additional meaning after all that.
And on the topic of ep1, even aside from that very first scene, I’ve always kept thinking back to how part of ep1 involved some narrative misdirection where we found out that in the scene at the car garage, ‘Sara’ was just Kazuki cross-dressing. It just seems interesting to me that that level of outright misdirection and lying to the viewer hasn’t really come up again, outside of Enta’s delusions. So I’ve just been wondering if it might ever come up again somehow. Though I also can’t help but hope that his cross-dressing will come up again one way or another since it kinda got unceremoniously dropped after ep6, so maybe I’m just grabbing at straws, lol. I do feel like it’d be a bit of a shame if there’s no actual deeper link between Kazuki and Sara, one way or another.
Though on that note, I do think it’s still pretty likely that if the ending involves her leaving the human realm, we might get an epilogue scene that shows that Kazuki’s basically taken her place as the local idol/TV presenter. Which I think would be a cute way to tie everything together.
In terms of happy epilogue type stuff with the main trio, I think it’d also make sense if we see them all playing soccer together.
I don’t really have much investment in shipping any of them, but part of me’s still holding out hope for a polyamory ending. But the more it goes on the more it does feel like Ikuhara doesn’t plan to really go anywhere super substantial with any of them in terms of their romantic relationships. Which is fine. I think it’d probably just be kinda sad if this ends with two of them getting together and one of them being ‘left out’. I’d rather it be an all or nothing type of thing.
Even the ep11 synopsis hints at the idea of them wishing for something at the end of all this, but I don’t know if that means they’ll literally make a wish with a dish of hope in the finale, after Kazuki just used his to save Enta. It might just be more about them finally bonding properly as a trio and resolving to keep living together.
But I do still think that Sara’s gonna make a wish on her own secret dish of hope, though. And if that happens I think the only things she’d really want to wish for would be related to saving Reo and Mabu, or turning back time completely.
All in all, as much as I want to go into this finale with restrained hopes and measured expectations, I still feel like this is the most stressed I’ve felt about an anime finale ever since Yuri on Ice, lmao. It’s gonna be really sad to see this all end. Even if we still have Migi’s manga adaptation and the second LN volume to look forward to afterwards.
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14x03 watching notes
Just finished watching and said, out loud and to no one: “Awww Jack.”
(This is not a spoiler, he’s just so sweet.)
Hallo, I am watching from bed despite having 3rd hand inherited a 2nd monitor over the weekend so theoretically my watching experience would be back to giant comfortable side-typing glory.
But comfy.
Easily accessible stuffed toys because Bobo Fucking Berens in Dabb era has made me cry more at this dumb show in the last couple of years than I cried in the previous ten.
Expectations: it's our Dean episode to make up for no Dean until now, and also Jody is there to see Sam's beard, and also Cas continues to be party!Cas, and Jack's shirts get darker and darker.
Side note: I think I was rushing out the door before I could talk about our lil Nougat of Denmark properly last episode where he was all, so we're killing my uncle then, and Cas was all D: D: D: D: D: who raised you. (Dean. Dean did. In this regard the boy is his father's son.) This, of course, is another Shakespearean irony than is being returned to Dean via Jack.
The point of this focus is very much to show Jack vs Cas mindsets on it when we're getting Dean returned to us, and I assume considerably more nuance is being added to the story. But for now, Jack being ready to kill his father to kill his uncle because his father was ready to kill him to kill the ghosts he saw of his enemies in Jack is more than enough of a pile of tragedy level angst to be working with.
I just need it to be clear that as far as I'm concerned, Jack is working in a completely different genre from EVERYONE ELSE around him, and the fact that it's the protagonist of a tragedy is fairly alarming, as it's a mindset that Sam, Dean and Cas have hurdled over since season 5/6 and though Dean still assumes he'll die bloody, he is at least capable of dreaming of a happy ending, and a lessening of the angst load has allowed that. Their personal stakes in the story are dwindling, in a sense, while Jack has showed up with like FOUR FATHERS and an evil uncle, which is so much potential family angst Shakey would have exploded. "Wait you can just addeth extra fathers thence addeth extra angst!?!?"
Yes my dude, yes.
*hits play* *Sam ruggedly cocks his pistol* You're stealing this whole shtick from Dean and I think it is time for the angst that you were the one dramatically cocking a gun and being the yes reductive heteronormative blah blah penis of the dynamic while Dean was not there to do it.
Oh no we immediately start with more Jack angst recap and aside from everything I just said I remembered that Bobo personally murdered me in 13x03 with the Jack n Sam stuff and here we are a year later.
Mr Stark I don't feel so good
THE BEARD EXCHANGE IS LITERALLY THE OPENING SCENE. BOBO I LOVE YOU. Thank you for breaking the tension and immediately drawing attention to how Sam has been busy and miserable. I think 14x01 set up well that every time he even had a moment to sigh his phone would ring again, and hence the beard appears as Sam eskews personal grooming and comfort in exchange for finding his brother. Jody is gonna draw attention to it at some point too because we have the promo shot of her nice peach fuzz-ing him, and I sincerely hope this is bookends to the episode and the next episode Sam is clean shaven with no comment except Jody prodded him in the face, and let me tell you only Bobo has me fantasising about the narrative framing of an episode like this.
God i'm a nerd
Anyway more seriously, this exchange coming out of the blue has a clear motive: Dean is up and about, still so freshly de-Michaeled he's in a waistcoat (and LORDY the only other scene he was in a waistcoat? 7x12's ending scene where Sam turns into such a moron in Jody's presence he's waving blushily at the door still AFTER SHE HAS GONE). Complaining about not being able to eat and sleep might be a sense of hyperbole to catch given the lack of elapsed time, but it also warns us that this might be how Dean reacts to being un-Michaeled. Or would he not, given he's up and about and snarking like his old self? How damaged will he be and how much can he repress into snark? He is playing off the very idea that this experience will have been damaging to his psyche and of course Michael did a ton of stuff which was expressly tuned to BE damaging to his psyche, then punched a mirror and shattered Dean's reflection for extra emphasis.
So all this question of how Dean is doing is loaded into the very opening line before he's even taken off his waistcoat, or of course, had enough time to truly eat/sleep/develop massive tells of the psychological trauma he may or may not have taken.
Obviously the show wouldn't be the show if he were fine, so I'm taking it as a question posed.
Then of course it slides into Bro Banter to prove it's Dean, remind us JUST how much we missed this snarky genre savvy fucker, and to make Sammy smile.
Also we're mocking Jared for being friends with that one Duck Dynasty guy who Jared's fans insist is the least awful of the bunch and also who you end up hanging out with when you're most embedded in the Texan stardom scene rather than living in Hollywood or whatever.
(God imagine being famous and from Atlanta and sticking true to your roots and you end up with the Queer Eye guyses as your BFFs instead)
Listen Bobo showed his socialist party membership card on twitter, he has no fucks to give about waving his politics around and I love him.
"If you're going to ask if I'm okay, you don't have to" (I am making fun of your beard, what more do I have to give you, bro?)
Buddy, I have been watching your face for over a decade and you have the sad tired pink eyelids of a Dean who is both tired and miserable.
Oh NO Dean walks into the main room expecting his comfy quiet library and war room full of 3 trusted family faces, and finds the bustle of Boss Sam's operation. The upcoming noise of these people before he turns the corner is an immediate warning that we should have expected this as dramatic irony for Dean's comfort levels from the start, and now he's back, well.
Panicked eyes.
He needs quiet recovery with his peeps, not alarming sudden change. A rug pull immediately after possession is a terrible thing to deal with. I've been wondering if this is a full reverse of season 6 for Dean - from the trustability of the hunter compound to the fact he lives in it, to the Samuel running it. But the effect is the same. Dean comes back from quiet time off to a change he can't handle and Sam in a new position in a family/hunter heirarchy. In this case, not Samuel's soulless goon, but a fully bearded Boss Sam King Of Hell Sir who Runs Shit competently in a way we the viewer trust implictly as Sam having Done Well, and also that the AU peeps might be a bit rough or untrained in some ways but 100% reliable in that they really do have no ulterior motive and every reason to think of Sam as an AU Moses who popped up and walked them to another land of safety and comfort.
Like, Dean, welcome back, you have Hamlet, Moses and Mobby to deal with. Cas seems to be the same as you left him, though. If somehow, impossibly, squintier.
"Right, Chief told us"
You know how Michael sucks? No micro expressions. Guy doesn't have an anxious bone in his body.
This little bundle of neuroses I have chosen to love is full on having a meltdown on the other hand.
"Dean? Is it really you?" "Hey kid"
I suppose this is better than last year when he had a hug from a shapeshifter and had to wait to episode 6 for a hug from his father, but REALLY this season has been tormenting me with how bad Jack feels and even a hug from his gramgram isn't enough to satisfy how he should have been hugged by Sam, Cas and now Dean already this season.
We're only on epiode 3 and he's already got more hugs than he had this point last year. Deep  breaths, Lizzy
Children need a lot of cuddles to affect their development into sensitive people okay? Dean got a lot of hugs up to age 4 and Sam basically did not, and he's an awkward moose and Dean is snuggly. I want Nougat to have the same development into a sensitive lad because he has EIGHTEEN FUCKING PARENTS AND NONE OF THEM HUG HIM
But like, dude, Cas just showed up at a run and made the gooiest eyes at Dean who made them back, and now you're officially cockblocking, so naff off, kid
I watched with prayer hands and Cas just got gooier and Dean got sulky he didn't get a Cas hug and this is officially the worst. Bobo, you let me down, my guy.
I mean no, Cas's gooey eyes were
Cas doesn't do gooey eyes. He squints. Squintily.
Who is this guy
Lol Mobby aren't in the episode because they stayed back to clean up - Sam gets stammery to Jack. Is he scared to imply they're maybe banging because he finds it weird but everyone else present is an even worse audience to announce this to for one reason or another (historically coped much better with the concept of dad sex when discovering adam and also didn't drive the car off the road into a ditch on finding out mary banged ketch), or is he trying to protect Jack from the concept of Michael leaving a pile o dead bodies for one reason or another, knowing Michael is his rage button?
He was the one who dealt with Jack trying to stay back in the AU to fight Mikey instead of just coming home.
"Speaking of clean up, I need a shower" *gestures vaguely* *Cas opens his mouth like why did I have a reaction image here? Do you want -* *closes mouth* *dean leaves*
Guys. You fucking suck. Go take a shower together and work things out.
"Still okay, I promise" *bisexual finger guns at Cas*
cut to: Cas squinting after Dean like "is he implying something"
"I really feel like he was trying to communicate something to me"
"I have no idea what Dean just hinted loudly to me twice in short succession and now that he has gone to shower I guess I will never know what he was attempting to communicate to me"
"Where's Nick?" "Hopefully not in this episode. Let's just say he needs some time because he's in a dark place and hope that's ALL we have to say about him"
Oh no. "Sam. Dean. How is he really?"
Cas has a one track mind.
But then we get the shot of Dean opening his door and they're still talking about him over the top of it, but it's that same shadowed shot of himself silhouetted in the doorway, the inner darkness represented by his room... Sam went into his and stripped himself of the tools in his pocket but before he could sleep, Jo called and set them all off again with the next lead.
Now Dean opens his door and turns on the light so we can see his inner self in a moment of peace and privacy, but essentially with a voice over about how he's super not okay.
Just how we left it. You can't even tell that for the last 2 episodes/3 weeks Cas has been coming in and snuggling your pillow every time he's not in a scene because where the fuck was he inbetween scenes in 14x02
God I have missed lingering shots of Dean's room, equating his inner space to his inner feelings. *paws lovingly at the shot* Dean's room all tidy and orderly and as he left it, yet feeling somehow very very empty and off-kilter in an unfamiliar way because he hasn't been here for so long.
It was all serious then guitar music started playing as Dean started stripping
and look
I saw the promo pics
you saw the promo pics
some person in the audience is like... why are we lingering on Dean getting undressed alone in his room while guitar music kicks up?
Is this what all that winking and finger gun action was about?
(Dean didn't wink but I took a lil break to chat with Mittens and the moment has evolved into him gurning at the door for like a minute trying to remind Cas that this means he joins him in the shower in 5)
"Fuck this shirt in particular"
I still think it was the audacity of wearing a bow tie that dragged Dean to the surface last episode
I love how Dean changes from this plain white t-shirt which is completely clean and shiny, into his normal dark dark brown shirt between scenes. I hope he got to shower. Whatever happened, this scar could have said "Ha ha ha I'm behind you", and he would have finished stripping down right to the skivvies then started fresh with his own boxerbriefs before freaking out and rushing to show the others.
But yeah, he's PISSED and embarrassed about Michael. You don't throw a guy's shirt on the floor like that unless you feel SERIOUSLY used, and here we end up with a creepy sort of STD metaphor, complete with the visual similarity to the clap: https://www.giantmicrobes.com/uk/products/clap.html
Bad fling, Dean?
Poker!witch gave Sam the clap in the episode which was totally not a metaphor about Sam getting the clap then beating poker!witch at his own game like nearly 20 episodes before he was possessed by Lucifer then beat him at his own game.
"Do the whole vulcan mind meld thing" Listen, James T Kirk, you can't just MAKE yourself one of the most iconic slash pairings of all time by comparing - wait
wait a minute
*Checks slash history books and sees them as a dictionary definition or two*
Dean's so eager for Cas to jump into his head. Just, like. Again. We all said it but immediately after that shirt throw? It REALLY emphasises that Dean sees Cas in this transcendant way to being used by an angel that got in his head. And left an STD mark on his arm. He can just immediately think, well, that sucked. But here's MY angel and I'm just gonna rev myself up and present my head for inspection and this isn't even a thing I'm concerned about. Hit me, big guy.
Oh come the fuck on Bobo.
I didn't have time to hit pause to have a heart attack about Cas putting his hand over The Scar, the one on the wrong shoulder, to get a clearer reception, because there's a HISTORY in scars, okay? They leave a mark and to the discerning poker and prodder like Cas that history can be read in the mark... And Cas sees... Michael being stabbed by a spear. Not just, like. Seeing Michael being stabbed by a spear, mind you. He sees it in a Bobo episode in a way wildly reminiscent of Patience seeing Claire/Kaia getting stabbed by a VERY SIMILAR LOOKING SPEAR and getting her Wayward introduction that way, when the whole Dreamhunter thing ended up being a massive Destiel parallel and Kaia getting stabbed already mirrored CAS getting stabbed by a spear (Michael's, natch) in 12x12, never mind the other stuff.
So Bobo has just built up a Destiel Dreamhunter sandwich, with Destiel nonsense either side, complete with bonus shoulder scar imagery, and a nice gooey dreamhunter centre.
Bobo, if you hadn't noticed, is really really really really reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally bitter he isn't off writing Wayward Sisters and hanging with his girls.
There's still a bunch of stuff to add up here, about why and who and how it all connects, which would involve dragging in these other spear-y episodes to assemble the full picture, so I'm just gonna hit play now I'm recovered from the shock :P
Oh dude it was a hooded figure who even LOOKED like bad Kaia and tbh at this point I'd say maybe even was?
Like, how many pronged spears are out there anyway and Jody's dealing with it so is it local? Did Michael pop up on Kaia like hey so you and I are both from alternate universes, what do you wa - OW FUCK JESUS FUKKIN CHRIST -
"Dean, who was that?"
Dean recognised her, and Cas was mind-melded enough with him to know that Dean did... Good grief I can not handle Dean and Cas existing on an emotional plane.
It's enough to mean they're the ones who call Jody with a tip off for HER rather than months of them asking her to help THEM.
Introducing us back to the Wayward world - South Dakota mug, and a text that Claire is a little angel who has been training her gals and even did the laundry.
I'm so happy
Eyebrow raise
God, Kim Rhodes is the most beautiful woman on the whole show and that's saying something considering, like. Ruthie. Lisa Berry. Something about the way she uses her face is so full of intelligence and humour that I am HELPLESS in her presence
God damn I want that fabled Girls' Night episode. Billie comes along too on a night off.
Rowena calls her up for chats sometimes these days, they're actually really good pals.
Sam you fucking moron you can't even finish a sentence in her presence. Just slap Dean on his WOUNDED arm and throw the ball to him.
Everyone leaning over the phone... This is the closest Cas has ever come to Jody.
"Jody, that's the good news."
Jody recognises that gravelly voice and snaps to holyshitanangel attention. "What's up?"
The implicit thing here is that Cas and Jody know each others' voices and are on at least chatting acquaintance. I would like to think they're invited over for beer at the same time but we have no proof..................... yet. This is Bobo on a "fuck you" rampage so I'm just, like, gonna wait see.
Bad Kaia has been going around ripping heads off things. DAMN, GIRL.
Considering the placement of the pronging was ~random~, in the sense that she can meat fork you anywhere, that means the placement of it on the meat of Dean's arm where the handprint once was on the other is even MORE significant in a metaphorical sense, of writing about "the scar" in the way of giving it a mystical property tied into the wider framework of all these relationships and events at once. The amount piled onto a simple stabbing is unbelievable, and the use of the scar as the vector for all this is definitely the byline of the episode given the title and all. It's brought Kaia back to us, given Jody the clue she needs.
And more dramatic irony that Claire was just asking to help, and Jody was like DEFINITELY HUMAN, SO ALL MINE. HAHAHA. And now we know, no, it's not all "human", it's bad!Kaia and that makes her CLAIRE'S.
I keep stopping to seal clap
it's 7:20am
Cas is packing up to leave with them!!!
And Jack looms blurrily into the background in his darkest t-shirt yet. And he's been RAPIDLY cycling through them.
In a sense this is good laundry practice, in order that you have a full load of lights followed by a full load of darks.
Metaphorically, however, this is BAD.
Jack sounds pissed they're all wearing jackets and packing bags, and he's wandering around in an over-sized dark grey t-shirt (one of Dean's? AUBobby's? It doesn't look like his standard fare which fits his body, this makes him look SMOL), with no idea we were off to kill the wizard.
Let's be charitable and say he wants to meet Jody and hang out with Kaia again.
But more likely Bobo is once again messing with Jack's inherent darkness in his presentation, especially as right now, once again while Jack is being The Sweetest Little Cookie, meeting his grandparents for ice tea and looking through the family photo album with misty eyes, he is ALSO Prince Nougat of Denmark and this is causing some serious darkness slippage because, well, revenge. Revenge is bad, kiddo. Don't need a ghost of your dead father (hey Dean's back) to tell you that.
The accusatory tone is enough to warn us that Jack's not doing so well and I'm going to assume drags Cas away from a mission with Dean followed by cooldown eating pizza and watching flicks with the girls.
"Kaia's killer is in Sioux Falls" Buddy. "He, she or it can hurt Michael" BUDDY.
I suppose they're bringing Cas because Bad Kaia kicked their asses and they assume Cas is the same height as her pet/metaphor for Kaia's inner fucked-up-ness so he can probably fight it??
"Michael's my enemy too! I fought him. For MONTHS." JACK sweetie. You can't just go around like, having an enemy list. And comparing it with your collective fathers' list.
The line about bringing Kaia into it and being responsible for what happened to her is good, though. Jack's got a social consciousness and that is lovely because he keeps doubting his goodness but when it comes down to it he wants to meet his grandparents and feels bad that Kaia got dragged into things and killed.
Of course, not realising this is Bad Kaia, they're all off to get MORE revenge on that thing that killed her.
Aw, Dean, no, don't point out how smol he is. He's wearing a huge baggy shirt to emphasise it already.
"I didn't - I didn't MEAN to be a dick" Whoops. Well, you were. You also missed the part where Jack went from smol precious child to angsty teen.
Fun fact: Hamlet was supposed to be like 18 or whatever, but because a famous actor wanted the lead role but was like, idk, 50, Shakey bumped up Hamlet's age a lil so he could get away with it, making him more of, like, a giant manbaby who is still functionally a teen in all ways except he keeps getting portrayed by middle aged men.
So, of course, we have our one and a half year old Nougat who is a 29 year old actor now getting into his terrible teens, and if that isn't the funnest nugget of trivia...
... then you are not as much of a nerd as I am about irony, coincidence, and neat overlaps of thingies.
Point is: get me a version of Hamlet where the other expected actors are adults of course, but Horatio and Hammy and his squad are dumb teens.
Lol Bobo just randomly introduces a cool lady hunter who is dragging a random victim of a hex down into the bunker to be healed by an angel. That poor girl is going to have a story to tell.
A lot just happened in a few seconds but at least Jack, who has stormed off for his nth teenage sulk of the season, now has a Cas trapped in the Bunker with him.
Dean n Sam gonna get their asses kicked by Bad Kaia
honestly is this just a ploy not to keep Cas where Jack is, but to keep Misha away from stunt fighting?
Anyway Dean communicates most of the above to Cas silently, and tells him that he should stay with Jack and also heal this girl and they have the most married eye conversation about what  needs to be done, which is wonderful that they've been having these silent conversations all Dabb era but this is definitely the wordiest so far. I mean one of their more recent was just "Dean I can hear that cowboy music in your head" "what cowboy music?"
Sam mostly looks concerned he's hitting 80mph
I don't know anything about American speed limits but this is an alarming speed to me because in the UK 70 is usually like, the Most, and we don't have enough long straight roads that when there's no speed limit it's ever really recommended to go super fast because you will flip your car and die because all our roads are one and a half car length wide and extremely wiggly. And our motorways are congested enough you're more likely to be in a traffic jam than top speed anyway :P
I love that Dean measures people by their favourite Spice Girl. Hey Dean the 90s called, they want their pop culture relevance back.
You gay icon you.
(I'm reminded of 12x07 and Bobo and a similar conversation where Dean listed off all his manly manly historical faves)
Dean thinks Cas can handle it back home :')
"Something huge happened and you won't really talk about it!"
Okay Sam, he's traumatised and that's surface text.
You do realise the entire massive subtext is his repression and yet another metaphor for some huge queer experience and that this is the same conversation as 10x04 when he was grumbling into his chin about being embarrassed about what he did with Crowley? You realise that right?
Stop poking him about it, he'll talk when he's ready to open up. In the mean time he's feeling used and ashamed that this fling didn't go as planned after the whole first flirtation with waving his wings around and killing Lucifer where it all seemed fun to embrace his ~true self~ and have a crack at being a Flaming Michael Sword.
Also of course, we might just take him on his word that he really does NOT remember most of everything that happened because if he was truly repressing that much he wouldn't have been so gung ho for Cas to read his mind earlier but this mood pre-dates that so even if he remembered everything when Cas poked his brain, which seems unlikely as Cas saw it too, the wider sulk about his Clap Scar is more than just this.
It's a common experience, though, that Dean is repressed and moody, and Sam barrels in there trying to make him talk about it before he's ready, so the pressing is in character, regardless, that Sam doesn't trust that Dean is telling the whole truth and that there's some huge secret he's holding back.
The best part of queer subtext is that whether there is one or not it works - if there isn't, it's a metaphor for the obvious. If there is, same as above but the metaphor is concretely attached to whatever Dean is not telling Sam, and that in turn then becomes a part of the queer subtext, offered up on a platter to tell us more about how Dean is handling his post-possession shame of being, essentially, roofied after thinking he'd agreed to a consensual fling with a dude on his terms of entry and no strings attached, no walk of shame like he did when he was undressing earlier.
Poor guy can not catch a break. Shoulda hooked up with Aaron when you had the chance so your first time having a dude in you wasn't such a big deal, but just a nice booty call to keep in your phonebook. Now it's all Crowley this, Michael that...
"We need to deal with it." "Okay, I'm literally going EIGHTY to deal with it"
Dean, that's.
that's not therapy
"How can I be running from something when I'm RACING towards it" "I don't know, it's kinda your thing"
Sammy boy you have been trapped in the same car as Dean for way too long. Your analysis is getting deep. Deep deep cuts. Leave him alone.
I mean this is a guy who dealt with a gay panic by hooking up with Crowley and singing karaoke for him so.
"I  just *need* you to talk to me. Slow down."
Oh SAM you said a good and interesting combo of words there. Dean, go 70 instead of 80, give us some time to feel this out because I've been FREAKED and, for you, you got a time skip but I lived it all real time and it SUCKED, and I'm hurt too by this. Reminder: our family does not do well with LOSING each other, and this is every conversation we've ever had post-thinking that happened, and I did things responsibly and grew a beard and became Boss of a bunch of peeps and also King of Hell but we'll talk about that later... Like, slow down. I have my issues too. There's 2 of us in this car and you can't go 80 and time skip to the end of this conversation either. Not when I have 3 weeks of angst packed into it.
Also: classic Sam projection. Trying to get Dean to open up because HE has pain he wants to air, instead of just bringing up how he felt, he tries to get Dean to open up, and when this continues, as always, not to be how Dean deals with things, Sam gets upset because it never gives him the opening to talk about his shit until it's an argument...
You could have just started the convo, sorry about the beard, I really mean it when I say I haven't had a moment to myself for 3 weeks, it's been HELL and funny I should mention Hell, er, did you know you can kinda just declare yourself king these days... heh
At least he's using racing metaphors about wanting to catch up and also, like, catch up
Dean responds to the sport metaphors
Dean is like nah call Jody we're almost there. I skipped ahead.
Look, I'm delivering you to your boo, what more do you want?
Jody smiles at the sight of them in a way which is almost as revolting as Cas smiling at seeing Dean again
Send Jody to the Bunker to HUG OUR BOY
"How'd you do it?" "What, me vs some assbag archangel? Who would you pick?" "You, every time."
And this, guys, is how Jody is never, ever patched into their angst, because they present a narrative where Dean just kinda chucked off Mikey and sent him packing and it's all cool and he's a hero.
Jody has at multiple points threatened to beat Dean into submission in order to hear a true version of how he's doing and he has so far not given in and sat at her kitchen table with a box of tissues to sob through his crap, but I hold out eternal hope like the fool I am.
Anyway it's also telling RIGHT AFTER that last conversation where Sam was probing Dean so intensely, that this is the version of "I'm fine" that Dean is going with, and even though Sam KNOWS there's more to it, this is the wall Dean is projecting, even to him. Even when he knows Dean is freaked by it and doesn't know all the details.
Jody goes up like 18 pitches "Heeey I liiIIIiiike it!" she squeaks, forcefully tweaking Sam's beard because "nice peach fuzz" is too understated both for Jody and the volume of facial hair Sam has produced without comment until Dean came back and Jody showed up.
Dean has never been so offended in his life
*Jody continues giggling to herself while Sam desperately looks for a normal conversation*
AHAHA "I haven't been home since I talked to her........... I may be avoiding her"
Yeaaaah, bringing up that it's not just a normal human beheading and weird stab mark, but ALSO a KAIA-RELATED ONE maaay be... too much.
i'm going to be honest I've been so thrilled about everything I forgot to check what cast is flashing up on the screen
Anyway there is very much a subtext to Jody's avoidance of telling Claire what's going on that she knows how much she loved Kaia and how much of an issue this is - even if it's gonna be for revenge, because they don't know it's Bad Kaia - this is something where Claire's feelings make a MESS.
Bobo gets in Sam's serial killer thing, Dean is staring into the void like am I still even here or am I in hell. Is this a hell that Michael conjured. Mikey. Hey. Mikey. I figured it out. We're done here. Let's go back to regular torture. Michael. This is the bad place. Michael.
Dean stomps off into the woods because waiting for daybreak means being stuck in the same room as Jody and Sam flirting for a few hours.
Jody firmly pokes Sam in the chest with a map.
A raven caws in the background, and Jack is wearing layers, the darkest shirt yet, a thick corduroy jacket in the style of early Sam, and is packing a bag.
He wrote a note and his handwriting is as disgustingly adorable as I thought it might be.
Alex wrote "Jack" with a cutesy backwards K in an autograph for someone who requested it at a con and I thought that was a cute detail but not how Jack would write and the real story - and I assume like with others they made him write it in character - is much more nuanced. His letters are competently shaped like he knows exactly how they should be, but shakily written, like he's not used to holding a pen, because, well, he isn't. He's not developed the muscle memory for it, just as he hasn't for fighting and all the other stuff, because in may ways he IS still a smol toddler with no life skills. His capital letters are huge and precise, like he knows he has to write them big, but disproportionate - putting so much emphasis on the titles of the people around him, the capital letters a metaphor for their influence on him. There's something clearly unconfident about writing and yet for all that obviously written by someone intelligent enough not to make basic errors of backwards letters and other things. He knows exactly how he is SUPPOSED to do it, but the execution is shakey, and disproportionate and generally looks unschooled and painfully revealing of his entire state of being.
Is this the scene where Bobo said out loud to an empty room, awww Jack.
I've been dreading that since the hiatus.
Maybe I should dig up that post and use it as the title for this one.
Triss is gonna die, Jack stopped by the stairs up out the Bunker in the war room, heard and saw Cas moving around, then in a fit of conscience or missing him already or something, stopped by to open the door and look in.
They have DEFINITELY expanded the Bunker set, in the sense that they've attached extra rooms to it or Wanek has sat down and made some parts more standardised, because they've shown off the corridor connections in every episode so far, and in this one we're seeing a never-seen-before connection which actually explains what is behind that window and how it fits. I mean, I'm pretty sure we've seen this particular room a few times, window and all, but never actual connections which show connected sets, so much as scenes starting or stopping there with no transition.
"She's been enchanted" "Like sleeping beauty" Jack says with awe "Awwwwwwwwwww" Lizzy says with awww
I honestly can't tell which moment Bobo said "Aw Jack" out loud about because we're getting such a series of them
Anyway, Hamlet, the great procrastinator, is distracted away from his mission to kill his uncle.
Not sure about the overlap of hearing things from the other side of a wall but I mean at least he's not going around stabbing people so
Jack also seeing all the important work they do for other people, even randos, and Cas getting involved in huntery business, distracted from emotionally nurturing him because of sleeping beauty there, and phoning rowena, doing the work to unknot a spell...
If we get Cas doing spellwork I'm gonna die, it's been Too Long.
Cas [squinting]: "Are you going somewhere?" Sleeping Beauty: "ooooww" Jack: "No."
Hon, that was so suspicious you are lucky this is Cas and not one of your other dads.
But. Aww Jack to an empty room.
"If I get a vote I'm team stick together" Jody remembers 9x19
Also Sam remembers bad!Kaia kicking their butts. They're on her natural territory
she is the Predator.
Sam keeps LOOKING at Jodio.
Look, I just
Cas keeps looking at Dean, Dean keeps looking at Cas
Jam won't stop looking at each other
That head is a Warning.
Come no further, mortals
I think Bad Kaia lives here
they really need to figure out how to biologically identify them except for teeth because they really come up against a lot of dead ones
"I brought tissue samples home, Alex ran them underneath the microscope"
Look, girls supporting girls, I knew what they needed to do before they did it lol
Dean: I was stabbed here
YAY I went frame by frame before the reveal and that is Kaia's face in there, the hood less spooky than before and more open to reveal her
Dean: bout to be stabbed here again
Dean finally has the moves to take on Bad Kaia after a season or two with the new stunt guy
but then her hood falls back and he's STUNNED
Now everyone is stunned
I think they've been using the Wayward Sisters Bad Place soundtrack for this but I'd have to check
the music is so very different and I'm not good at music ear thing
Cas: *eye twitches violently* Me: Cas why are you having trouble with this line Cas: "... marked.................... 'gross stuff'"
Cas, internally: Why did I marry into this family
Future MoLHunter 100 years later: "Man, this place is sweet, but the filing system is balls to the walls." Other Future MoLHunter: "Babe, you did not read the Winchester Gospels before your initiation?" F MoLHunter: "There is a drawer here marked 'hands of god' and the only thing in there is a pair of chopsticks and a ladel" OF MoL Hunter: Okay I will give you that. -
Me out loud to an empty room: aww Jack
He's so concerned about Sleeping Beauty, and he can't do anything about it but he's curious.
Maybe he CAN fix her and this is how he gets a lil power back.
I hope so because awww Jack being so concerned about her.
This is a Good Procrastination From Revenge
Hamlet, take fucking notes
"Is that your dad?" "One of them, yes." Aw Jack
Aw Bobo
Jack's flipping around on family - he's accused them of talking about nick/Lucifer as his father, he's disowned everyone but grampa and grammy Kline, and now he's fondly thinking of his three hero dads
He's really struggling to work out his place and what sort of family set up he belongs to and to be fair, he has so many fucking options and all of them are somewhat disastrous or tragic, so he's 100% in his right to be fuckin confused.
On the other hand Sleepy Beauty has no context so she's gonna assume Cas is gay married with a kid Jack's age and that's like, not untrue.
"My mom... but she probably hates me" "Why?" Jack says, horrified at the entire concept that a mom could hate a child, because, well, Kelly's love was COSMIC for him "because I left," she anvils
"I was sick of being treated like a kid, and i thought I could make it on my own" Oh boy. She's just expositioning how Jack feels and immediately telling him if he leaves he'll fall in with a witch, who curses her with an AGING spell which will make her old before her time.
I feel like there is probably... a metaphor........... in here...............
Also a reverse of Dean's aged down curse, because the girl and her other victims were hansel and greteled.
I had a sudden whim a couple of nights ago to see aged down Dean and current Jack hang out. Bring back Dylan Everett to go play basketball with Jack out on the front step.
"Gave us all nice things," she says, clutching at a HUGE EVIL EMERALD PENDANT AROUND HER NECK
Is that cursed
"She said having us there kept her young" She put her own age into that locket
dang I should get a bonus point for bringing up poker!witch before he was relevant
I'm always curious about the show's implications about witches maintaining their youth by sucking it from others, because almost every witch we've met who had a focus on age was doing it for that reason, whether it was eating children or playing poker.
And we have a 300 year old witch chilling around who we don't know anything about when it comes to immortality, except that she has it and she bestowed it on Oskar so it's clearly a spell she can do rather than an inherent trait of reaching a certain level of magic practitionery.
"Then it started taking me too. Even faster than the others!" yeah because she killed the witch so she probably has to suck poor sleeping beauty dry in order to regenerate and skulk away and start over somewhere
PS: Sleeping Beauty is really doing an amazing performance here. I 100% am in Jack's shoes of being horrified and wanting to protect her
"Cas is going to fix this. I promise" Sweetie! Have you ever called him Cas rather than Castiel before? It seems weird. He even wrote castiel on the letter
Sam deducts Michael's entire plan off the clue that Alex couldn't detect the vamps in her sciencing, and based on having been attacked by super werewolves.
But why is Michael cleaning up these people?
Unless he's taking threats off the board who would be too cool and powerful and may challenge him...
"Doesn't change the plan" "but Dean - "
Dean walks off
Dean has no time for Sam suggesting maybe this is something awful because of Michael that Dean might know about or else be weirdly intimately connected to because of his weird Michael-based condition.
We have no clue what's going on and Sam doesn't like that and Dean's powering through and Jody is hovering in the background like WOW I can see why you leave me out of all your dumb main plot angst normally. Never done me one of these MAIN PLOT ones before. Can we go back to normal MotW where you're low key angsting in the subtext about whatever currently ails you?
Jody slaps Sam on the lower back
lower, babe. Lower.
Cas does magic, boom purple smoke!
Aw no she's still withered.
Jack, take her necklace off and smash it
because you did the good work of a hunter and talked to her and through being kind discovered what was wrong with her
Jody has a phone provider that gets her signal in the wilderness
"Claire's been doing so good, but anything connected to Kaia... she's a powder keg"
okay no Jody didn't shout it, but Bobo did.
ILY Bobo
I'm like 0% surprised but I am guessing other people who had been less trusting are throwing a complete party to have it textually confirmed like that. I felt like Bobo's intent especially when he went on the record in that stream AND he had been saying already that he shipped it right after Wayward Sisters, that he never ever meant to be coy about Dreamhunter, and confirming that Claire was madly in love with Kaia was a top priority on his fuck you list since he didn't get to write the show he wanted in order to work on this naturally.
Sam nods like fair enough, happened to me with Jess, but uh wow okay no i did not - yeah okay yeah
"He's not ready for this case" "maybe he needs it"
Jam jam jam jam
I mean
Yeah mature adults discussing issues together and working out how they feel about Dean rage-hunting Bad Kaia
hey look it's that one cabin that has been in like every episode of the show in the same way that one little stoney valley was in every episode of BBC Merlin
Has she lost her spear??
Dean, that was RUDE, you're so horrible to all these versions of Kaia
That zoom up on his face is one of the top 10 Dean Is Not Okay zooms of the show
So not like "bad cas" or "new bobby" are Dean's definitions for AU peeps - no word on what Charlie is to him, maybe because AU Charlie is a real issue for him to define as he couldn't help treating her like his Charlie.
But Bad Kaia insists that she is to Kaia what she is to me - they're joined in a different way. A way that back in Wayward Sisters was implied to be a dreamwalking connection of a very different sort, something anchoring our Kaia to the bad place and their connection was... weird.
"That was an accident. I was trying to kill the blonde" She's remorseful about killing Kaia but upsets them even more by reminding them that she was out for Claire instead.
How about we kill no one, bad Kaia
Oh no, Michael keeps sending monsters after her... Now she sounds like the original Kaia just because she's got "always more" things out for her. I suppose Michael learned of her through Dean, found her, and either wants to stop her or capture her because she has universe-crossing dreamwalking abilities, and woooow that will be useful to him.
Stop fuelling Nougat having an interesting dark arc about his entire self and purpose and let him just hang around the bunker and watch TV and eat nougat and be hugged. Can we not just have a son who is okay and nothing is wrong with him?
Oh no even the random hunter (did I really catch her name as Brunhilda or did I imagine that?) is crying at Jack crying over Sleeping Beauty dying. Cas is contractually obliged not to cry or do complicated stunts but he looks miserable too.
Oh, jack figured out the pendant?
But can they actually save Sleeping Beauty?
Sam as usual getting in before I can - "Break her!??!?"
don't you dare hurt Kaia any more, she's already told you what she knows, Michael hurt her, you punched her out with the same face and then threatened her a bunch. She might be a snarky monster-hunting feral woodland weirdo but she's still Kaia-like and you have a history of being completely horrible to Kaia-like girls when you're in a bad place.
And it turns out Dean just wants the spear that pronged him, to figure out what it did and how to hurt Michael with it. To go on his own revenge mission that he denied Jack because, guys, we are now in competition for who gets to have the angsty anti-Michael revenge mission. Jack and Dean literally competing to be most angsty about it.
Jack is being considerably more productive even if Dean solved the Kaia mystery.
But yeah. Revenge sucks you guys.
Dean you need to eat a snickers and take a rest.
smiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirk because fuck you Dean for always hurting me and the other Kaia who is probably also me.
Jack is being much smarter.
The smartest cookie.
Who needs powers when you are a good cookie.
"She wasn't cursed. This was."
I vote Jack gets to kill Michael. Dean has lost his Michael killing rights.
"You're no different from him. Threats, violence, anything to get what you want." "I am nothing like him."
"Yeah you are. And you always have been."
I don't know if Kaia knows or if she's pulling a gambit, but acting like a mystic know it all and reading Dean stone cold in a villain way sure did take some of his rage away into that good old Dean self-loathing and fear, which was one heck of a good chess move regardless of if she can magically read him or not.
No I don't think Dean is these things but Michael is a means of exploring Dean's "blunt little weapon" sort of mindset that he has suffered from because of John's upbringing all this time, and Michael emotionally mauling Dean to the point of being a non-functioning worst version of himself who threatens Kaia (AGAIN) really is an on the nose way to display the sort of trauma that Michael tore into his psyche.
Crap I need to go to yoga, but this is too good to rush so even though I don't have much left, I will be back for proper notes in a bit!
Him smash magic glowy thing with hammer
just like i told myboy to do!
Cas's hair is ridiculously spiky.
"What happened?"
Aww jack to an empty room
Sam I  have been gone for hours. How have you not tackled Dean to the floor and apologised to Bad Kaia
"I saw what you did to her, when you got angry. You shoved your gun in her face." To be fair, at the time Dean had also been emotionally mauled by the feels bear because Jack gave him a vision of Mary being tortured in Hell-equivalent and he was also fucked up beyond belief.
Kaias really are seeing the worst side of him all the time.
Bobo likes breaking Dean
That was enough to make Dean let go
Also to ask a really good question about how she knows!
I'm way more curious about Kaia than Dean yelling at her :P
Then she points out that he's angry and impatient because he's scared, like, duh, but sometimes he needs to be reminded that he can have "weak" emotions like that because he wants to be all tough and on the case and instead he's freaked out because Michael has messed him up completely. Like. Stay home. Help the boy with lore or something. Take a pyjama day.
Wheee full flashback!
The early evening light gives it a Bad Place colour tinge, which is awesome.
I can't believe Mikey shows up in his hat but not his jacket.
He says he's BORROWING Dean here. Hm.
Also, what I suspected, that he sensed her around and was just curious. Probably having a "what the fuck that's KAIA!?" from Dean inside him and being like Kaia huh? Time to chat.
Mikey do you literally not have your own version of that fuck off huge spear they stabbed Cas with a couple seasons ago, or do you just collect cool spears?
There's something more than usually terrifying about his face in this conversation.
And he now says there's a war coming and thinks something weird like Bad Kaia might appreciate being on his side.
Oh boy.
"Wild one" that's so cool
Michael really has some great lines for being a massive pillock
Omg he fight good too
AAH this is Kaia's memory and she's psychically implanting it in Dean's head
"Stop!" he says, clearly not enjoying watching himself beat up Bad Kaia and, like, realising exactly how awful it looks to do this when he has to watch himself from the outside and for all we know feel her pain too.
Of course Dean being desperate to get the spear to fight Michael could come across with a blur of ambiguity of Michael being desperate still to have it, whether to stop Kaia using it or because he just really wanted it and doesn't like being told no.
The concept that Michael just disappeared from Dean still lingers.
So many fights with a whole bunch of people this season. Maybe just because there's so many friggin characters
"Now you're in trouble" *Bad Kaia literally leaps through a window to avoid dealing with this* I love her
thanks for saving Jody
Well that was quick
Also you're badass and terrifying and I think Claire might fall in love with you too >.>
"I'm used to it" Oh babe.
She literally raised herself in a terrifying doomy forest so
I mean at least this world has dry crackers and beans. SCORE
Jody has got a LOT of thinking to do about how to phrase any of this to Claire.
"So there's a feral Kaia living in the woods outside of town"
Awww Sam offering her a lift to the hospital
Bobo wants us to remember 9x06 and Dean having to tend Cas's broken hand maybe
Sam. Hug her right now. RIGHT NOW.
Nope Jody just looks really tormented
She's in a reverse Jack position - one mom to 3 hunters instead of one kid to 3 hunters :P
Hey look it is Jack and one of his fathers.
"Jules is off!" Hey look Sleeping Beauty was called Jules. Nerdylittleshit doesn't read these notes however so she will never know that I decided this character was named after her :P
Cas apologises for not being there for Jack, because it took this long to realise he's the father who's always at work while others have taken the stereotypically maternal role to Jack, Cas just gets to be the cool strong father who is usually dead, captured or just busy saving people and too busy for Jack as a result.
"It's okay," Jack says, sounding considerably more emotionally balanced about it than he had in 14x01 when everyone was neglecting him
"Today you PROVED that you have the mind of a hunter. And the heart of a hunter" Raised by the best, bitches!
Awwww Cas wants to be a hunter with Jack! They can get a terrible car and hit the road and do an easy case and bond as they go and eat crappy food at diners and
Jack develops Nephilim Flu in response to having a nice moment with a father because he's so unused to being treated with full attention.
Cas: *squints*
"Must be getting my first cold!"
I have a cold too Jack! Awww!!
Cas is going to make him some soup. This is too sweet. I don't even have words for any of this it's just gross. My teeth hurt.
Jack I swear to god if you stopped your revenge quest and it hurt you so bad inside you're about to cough up a lung I am going to LA to kick the writers' asses in person so if you dare be even the slightest bit consumptive
Oh thank god the scene changed before he coughed blood into his hand
Awww and then Dean admits Sam was right, while still being the one driving on the way back.
I wonder if they filmed these side by side. "Dean slow down" "Sam you were right"
"What Michael used me for" Ouch, hearing him say it like that... Sad sad thoughts.
He just wanted to skip ahead and have it all done because revenge makes you feel SO much better.
"Dean... you did what you had to do" Okay it's even worse hearing someone else justify it rather than hearing that phrase come out of someone's mouth. At least when they say it about themselves they're just in a bad place. I don't even know if this is a pavlovian response I'm having but really flipping it around to have Sam say it is a validation - Sam certainly thinks things are better off with a dead Lucifer and would have a favourable bias, because it got the job done and whatever Mikey is up to at least it's not Lucifer doing it. Because even if Lucifer were doing the exact same things it would just be intangibly but clearly worse.
"It wasn't a blink, being possessed."
Dean says to Sam, who has been possessed by an angel twice and when it was Gadreel, for almost as long as Dean was Michaeled
Dean's so freaked out because fighting the drowning sense of being possessed was so horrifying and made him feel so weak and useless and he didn't even win that fight, Michael just bailed and let him have it back. With the "I own you" hovering over him.
It certainly reeks of being haunted by a bad relationship. The sense the nasty abusive ex hovering around outside the place you work every night...
"And it's all on me, man" No it isn't, he got through because Lucifer told him how.
Well I mean if you wanna go cosmic consequences, yeah it is because Billie done told you not to go universe hopping and that's several billion dominoes you messed around with doing exactly that
But despite how I spent all of season 13 SHRIEKING at you not to do it while knowing full well you did, and how this is technically your cosmic hubris for doing that, I also don't actually blame you on a personal level, Dean. Just, like, so you know once I get back to the shrieking. Because ow you are very sad and in pain and if Nougat wasn't coming down with Nephilim Flu in the other scenes I'd basically rank you No 1 for wrapping in blankets and feeding soup.
You're still in the top 10. Jodi had a pretty bad day too :P
*starts packing my bags for the ass kicking*
Aww Jack to an empty room
Well no wonder you've been in a panic to get Michael killed.
Dean's back and he's gonna kick your ass because he remembers when Sam did this in the Trials and he is very very anti consumptive family members.
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pacificwanderer · 5 years
Did you see the new MSW leaks? “Rey and Kylo meet for the first time for the film in the Jordan desert, the scene from the trailer, early in the film; when they meet again later in the film they force link; they start fighting in locations that neither of them are actually at (confusing) -it’s a continuation of the force Skype stuff from TLJ” Now I’m beginning to think that they are really not training... I’m still open to anything that is going as long as we have a lot of reylo scenes in IX.
Lulz. I have fun with leaks, insofar as they feed my headcanons, but it’s kind of funny that people wait till after the trailer drops to release their “leaks.” Also, even if people have the “truth” a lot of what gets reported is down to individual interpretation/ends up being wrong.
MSW reported that Rey and Kylo were and Ahch-To together and that Rey fought Kylo while Luke fought the KoR and that Rey fell into the ocean and fought a monster.
They also said that there was something between Kylo and Rey but that it “wasn’t romance.”
Also, if he knows “so much” where the fuck was the Palpatine info hiding?
So, yeah. I mean, people are free to believe what they want, but I think it’s silly to get worked up over this kind of thing, or to act like it’s the certifiable truth. I’d rather glean what’s going to happen from actual materials that they release, which should be soon (probably May for the Vanity Fair shoots and interviews). 
Beyond that, it’s a lot of speculation and bullshit mixed in with “real” spoilers. Honestly, the only time the spoilers for the plot were right, was about a week before TLJ dropped. Before that, they were mired in bullshit and individual interpretation/outright bullshit.
According to leaks Kylo is slamming a resistance fighter not a KoR, wish it was like that but... :/
Cool, it’s all pretty much bullshit at this point other than the media leaks (which I think were done intentionally by LF, same goes with the shots we got of F/nn and P/e early on. 
I’m really only interested in what my eyes show me, tbqh. And worrying about what might be (and probably won’t be) happening in the movie is a good way to ruin the lead up to the film.
Have fun with spoilers, or don’t. But at this point, they’re fun for head canons and that’s about it.
Why do you think Rey is crying when she is hugging Leia? Maybe because Leia tells her she has to leave somewhere? (Hopefully, i don't want to think sad D:)
Not sure. Could be, Leia knows her time is short? But I suspect what we get with Leia is going to largely depend on what they captured with Carrie during TFA filming.
I think videos anon means we can see a Tantive IV like ship in a foresty hangar? I checked them and since Daisy's shot, and space Darcy have already been commented the most interesting shot left was that ship
Probably. That and a few other shots were in the BTS video that they showed to the crowds at SWCC.
how do you feel about the idea that the shot of Rey breathing heavily at the start is actually her watching Ben walking towards her? I think people may be onto something here. She definitely looks like she's preparing herself to see him again.
I’m open to pretty much anything at this point. As long as the movie is fun, I’m good. But it seems to me that she’s been running/exercising, not so much that she’s watching someone walk up to her. But, as ever, people are free to imagine whatever they’d like :)
Maybe Leia is dead by the time the movie starts: the forest/jungle scenes with Leia and the Resistance seem vibrant and alive, and the scene where Kylo's slamming that guy to the ground seems to be in a mostly dead/damaged forest. So what if the Leia scenes are flashbacks, like Rey remembering the last time she said goodbye to Leia before leaving on a mission, and then when the movie starts the FO is attacking and Kylo is leading the charge. And then Kylo realizes he basically killed his mother
Ugh. I really don’t enjoy thinking about Leia being gone. Carrie’s death was really hard on me. She’s been a hero of mine since I was a little girl and losing her felt like losing someone from my family. I mean, jungles get blown up pretty quick once things go to shit, and according to some photos/people who were in Pinewood, there was a big fight there. Guess we’ll have to see what they end up doing. I really hope Kylo doesn’t have anything to do with his mother’s death, even accidentally, especially after the fact that he couldn’t kill her (and though to himself in the novelization, that had he realized the other TIEs were going to take the shot, he could have stopped the bolts from hitting).
Apparently I saw someone on twitter that Warwic Davis said that Harrison Ford is in Episode IX...! I was like “WHAT?!” I unfortunately can’t find the original source or video of Warwic Davis saying that. I’m still looking for it because someone might be spreading fake news. Because we all know Han is dead. Or maybe Harrison just visited the set...? IDK
I’ve read some speculation (and have thought about some speculation myself) that they might bring in some world between worlds-type scenarios, but there’s also rumored to be some flashback scenes that deal with Luke, Leia, and Han (actually, IRRC, they were filmed and not used for TFA). So we’ll have to see, but I’m p sure Harrison was down because he wanted Han to die lol. I have no doubt that Warwick will be in epix in some way :)
Cheers all. Have fun and try not to get too worked up at this point. It’s really way too early for anything super concrete lol.
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whyareyoulikethis1d · 5 years
What do you think about Zigi situation and the talks going on about it from the media as well as online?
Oh anon why are you making me do this… Well I have time today.
When it comes to online/ fandom let me go by categories.
1- The Ziams & anti-zigis:
These people from the start have been atrocious. Not only have they harassed Gigi & her family but same with Zayn & his family. They have been intrusive and have spread lies online (those so called “exposing accounts”) Whether it’s on IG or Twitter. In my opinion they are tinthats and just mad weird. They keep on saying everything is fake, is a stunt, TPTB, etc… 
It’s repetitive, predictable, pathetic & boring.
For someone that they claim to love & stan they sure have a low opinion of Zayn and what he is willing to do for his status. Not only that but their false rumors and stuff is at times picked up by tabloids. So kudos to you for helping your fave dummies…
So when it comes to them I am just like:
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2- Zigis:
I never really liked real couple shipping or should I say being a “stan” of a couple. I find it cringy and they also do go overboard and cross boundaries. Just because one is supportive doesn’t mean that they are not just as invasive or annoying as tinhats. (You can check my blog and how I was annoyed with the “Freddies”). 
So when it come to Zigis they were to me just like that. Anything that either Zayn and or Gigi did they were linking it together. Any like, comment, follow is or was being reported online. They even had/have update accounts. 
The ugly side of it is when the couple breaks up and they can’t let go or accept it. Think the Jelena (Justin & Selena), the Robsten (Rob & Kristen Stewart) or even the Zerrie (Zayn & Perrie) shippers/stan. Look at how ugly they got towards one or the other person especially when one of their OTP has moved on to a new partner (ex: Justin with Hailey, Rob with FKA Twigs & Zayn with Gigi). They actually become conspiracy theorists because they cannot accept that their OTP is over.  
Now when it comes to Zigis, they have actually turned into the Zerries that they were complaining and making fun of back in the day. LET IT GO!! Stop making connections and thinking that any follow, like or comment means something more. Don’t go harassing their possible new partners. Stop sending family DMs to find out the status of Zayn & Gigi’s relationship because you want some type of reassurance that your OTP are still together. BUTT OUT…. Last year during their first break up, the Zigis went on to attack Sofia & Iskra Lawrence because they thought something was maybe going on between them and Zayn. They said some pretty misogynistic things (feminist/girl power 101 my ass). They also went after (although to a lesser degree) they were being nasty and shady towards Lewis Hamilton when rumors were going around that him & Gigi were maybe going out. They are cringy…….
So when it comes to them, I am like:
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3- Zstans & Gigi stans:
Both side have shown their true colors or their true feelings once it has been said that they are no longer together. 
On the Zstans side, some were sad others were happy (that is excluding the ziams & antis), others were relieved but for the most part at least from what I saw they were chill up until the first US weekly article. Then the ugliness started. Some even sided with conspiracy theorists out of all people.. Like eww… I get wanting to defend your fave (and at times you were damn right to defend him) but come on now do better…. 
You gleefully were rejoicing when you assumed that Zayn was shading Gigi with his tweets and thought that he was proving you right when you were calling her manipulative, disgusting and all that jazz. Nevertheless, Zayn himself went off on all of you and set you guys straight pretty quickly.
You doing all of that, made things worst for the person that you claim to stan & love because guess what tabloids picked up on it and it created negative press towards Zayn. So kudos to you for helping your fave dummies…  
As for the Gigi stans I don’t follow many of them to be quite honest but the impression that I always got is that while Zayn & Gigi were together they kept quiet but there were some indirects here and there and then they just let loose when the break up happened. They 100% believed what tabloids were saying and were now overtly being nasty towards Zayn online. I get wanting to defend your fave (and at times you were damn right to defend her against the nastiness said about her) but come on now do better…. 
They always seemed to think that Zayn was the one preventing Gigi from going out, partying  and being seen or being super active & interactive on social media like back in the day when she was besties with Kendall. They don’t think big bad Zayn is good enough for their queen Gigi.. Well guess what Gigi stans to my knowledge she’s still not yet doing the stuff you expected her to do. So sucks to be you….
You don’t know Zayn or Gigi personnaly. You are not part of their inner circle. You don’t know what their relationship is or was like except from what they have chosen to share or from what the media/tabloids have decided to spin for clicks. It’s their life, their relationship and their choices. PERIOD!!!!!!! 
So when it comes to them, I am like:
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4- The media/tabloids + Zayn + Gigi
The media has been atrocious but more so towards Zayn than Gigi. Not surprised. Tabloids have rarely ever been on Zayn’s side. Most likely because he doesn’t curate his image as much as Gigi does. Zayn definitely hasn’t helped himself with some of the things he has said, done or tweeted online. I have said so in my tags. I don’t know what has prompted him to remember Twitter but it wasn’t a good idea at all. As a celebrity, social media is not a place to vent especially the cesspool that is Twitter. Also the vague tweets are open to interpretation and people will run with it and assume the worst automatically. I get it Zayn is still a human being like any of us but still…Be smart about how you use your platform you are not just anybody.
The media, loves to kick someone when they are down or bring up stuff. That’s what they do. They gossip, they speculate, they look for drama, they make up stuff. Anything to drive traffic on their site. Most of the articles have been basically about how Zayn is a deeply troubled young man (his anxiety issues, he is seen as a recluse, his tweets or some of his IG posts that would be 2018, his weed smoking..)  who is at an all time low (his management has allegedly dumped him, his second album did not do well commercially, still not touring, his gf has left him..) and was holding the super successful supermodel Gigi back from her full potential because she was always trying to help him. Basically that Zayn was dead weight. Then they brought in what Louis said about Zayn… You know all around just gross stuff.
It’s an easy narrative to paint for tabloids and quickly believed based on the bias people already have of Zayn that has been solidified by his reputation and the years of bad press that he hasn’t deemed worthy enough to respond to. 
That to me has always been a mistake but then again even when he does try to correct stuff or tell his side of the story, his words are ignored or not believed. He’s fucked either way. Even when he’s silent minding his own business there are still articles popping up. If my memory is correct, Zayn was pretty much silent online other than selfies up until March when he tweeted the Love You Gigi and yet since January Zayn was being mentioned in articles that were either about Gigi or about the status of their relationship (ex: the first US Weekly article).
 Nonetheless, I do think he needs an image overall and should hire a publicist to change that narrative. Zayn call Scooter Braun and ask him to give you the name of the pr people that were involved in cleaning up JB’s image just before his Purpose album…
I don’t know Zayn nor do I know what is going on in his personal life. I hope that he is doing well. If he is going through something, I hope that whatever is going on bts that he is dealing with it properly, that he has a strong & supportive system and will come on top of it. Whenever he is ready, if he wants to, he can open up about that time period in his life. (LOL who am I kidding my noisy self would love for him to write another book or do an in depth filmed interview where he talks about the Z2 era and what has been going on up until now.)
As for Gigi, she cares about her image and reputation. Gigi is smart and savvy. She’s very mindful of how she is seen and perceived in the media. She knows the game and plays along. That’s smart because she is in an industry where it does matter. Zayn should have learned that from her. Her IG is curated to showcase happiness & serenity as well as her achievements & projects. She’s photographed/papped with her friends or family, attending events, on a photoshoot or going to the gym. Break up, what break up? what heartbreak? She doesn’t need a man. She’s a strong independent woman. Girl power! Her career is going extremely well and keeps on going stronger and stronger. Kudos to her. You can’t hate her or criticize her for that. She has every right to do so.
However, what I will say is at times there are things that she has done that I was like girl wtf are you doing. For example responding to things that are not even necessary to respond to which then creates press that puts her in a good light and by default directly or indirectly throws Zayn under the bus. That tweet calling out the media about linking her to a guy..Sweetie there were no articles. Nothing had been written. No outlets had picked up the pap pics of her and her friends. It was her own fans at first that had shared the pictures on their update accounts. Or that time she responded/clapped back at a Zayn stan that hadn’t mentioned her name or tagged her but shared what was deemed an unflattering  picture of her and people in the comments were making fun of her… I was like girl how did you even find this???? Are you lurking???? Anyway both times, it made the press and Zayn was dragged into it. 
Or back in January when she was papped 2 days in a row at Zayn’s apartment. For that though, I won’t blame her in the sense of she called the paps on herself like tinhats or antis would. Being seen at his apartment, led to articles..
Gigi is still a human being like any of us and has her moments but still…
I would also like to remind people that Gigi is not in any way obligated to come to Zayn’s defense when it comes to what has been said about him by the media or online from her stans or anyone else. However, in my opinion, I do think if she has the time to tweet/call out the media about articles that hadn’t yet been written, she could tweet about some disturbing articles that have been written about someone with whom she had an on/off relationship for 3 years or so. Same thing for Zayn. Zayn has come to her defense when he tweeted for people to leave her alone. Just saying….
Finally, as for the 2 US Weekly articles, in light to what Zayn has tweeted recently, I choose to think that Gigi and her camp had no part in it. 
I know that many including mutuals of mine have entertained the theory that these articles were Gigi’s doing because of Yolanda’s connection to US Weekly. 
So for arguments sake:
As I’ve said in previous conversations, prior to even Zayn tweeting, I hope that she had no part in it. If she did, then yep I would side-eye her and call this tactic sneaky & cowardly. Why go that route? Own up to it. Why use a tabloid with “sources” instead of making a proper statement via your social media or at least via your “rep” so that it’s clear that it comes from you? 
That first US Weekly article was written after she was papped at his appartement twice. Zayn had not been seen out, he hadn’t tweeted or done anything. That article went up and was picked up by many outlets. In it, they said Zayn had issues that Gigi couldn’t help him with. She tried everything, she was no longer hanging out with her friends, etc.. etc… 
The timing of the 2nd US Weekly article was mid-March two weeks or more after Zayn tweeted the “Love you” tweet to which Gigi had not responded to (she wasn’t obligated to do it either). In that article, it mainly said that Gigi has love for Zayn but he has MAJOR ISSUES (yep this time around they added major. last time it was just issues) and it’s over for good because they are not compatible. Again it was “sources”.. I was like why wait two weeks or more to write this? Why not write that article immediately after Zayn had tweeted it. The story had died down. That article was again picked up by many other news outlet.
But like I said anon, I choose to believe or at least hope that Gigi & her camp had no part in it. I would think she’s better than that to go that low and from my knowledge, it wasn’t/ or isn’t her MO. If she doesn’t address things directly usually it’s via a rep.
So when it comes to the media, I am like:
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As for my thoughts on the status of Zayn & Gigi’s relationship:
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Zayn and Gigi are two young good looking rich adults. Aesthetically/visually, Zigi was a stunning couple. Bottom line, It’s their lives, their choices. Whatever happens, happens. They are two celebrities that I don’t know personally. At the end of the day it doesn’t affect my life or livelihood.
So those are all my thoughts. Have fun reading anon!!! 
4 notes · View notes
contrariancy · 6 years
liner notes for ‘reach’.
So, uh. When I write, whatever I write, I always keep a separate “notes” file with things like general plot points, timelines, stuff I’m debating putting in, cut things, and deleted/rewritten bits. And needless to say, the notes for reach got a little, well, long.
Some of the cut stuff I’m actually repurposing for an upcoming series (tentatively titled ‘iƒ’, based on branching points in ‘reach’), but even when I remove that, it’s a lot. So I figured I’d just dump them here and hopefully someone will find them interesting or what have you.
➤  this fic was how I coped with chapter 295; chapter 1 was written almost in its entirety before 296 came out. I acted cool on tumblr and twitter, but I was absolutely sweating bullets and fully prepared to write bizarre fix-it fic because I wanted it. After 296, I lost some steam, but I had a couple friends tell me they really liked the first chapter and thought it was a good concept. I’ve done enough "lost scene" fics that I wanted to try a new challenge and see if I could create an engaging AU fanfic.
Here is exactly what spawned this:
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➤   there were a few rules I created for myself before I got started. The first one was that I couldn’t post anything until the fic was mostly done and once I started posting, that was a commitment to finish it. The second was minimal to no OCs — I had to bend this later with Bathin, but I compromised by making his power fear-based and having him take other forms.
The third rule was that any character introduced had to have some sort of role to play; they couldn’t be there just to "be there" and exist to boost up other characters. Zeal was the only character in it out of necessity, as Guila would have been written entirely differently if she didn’t have her brother with her. Even then, I tried to give him something that wasn’t "[X] in distress." I think the character that came closest to being that was Hendrickson, honestly.
➤ originally, Hendrickson was going to have a phone that he talked to and would have run into Dreyfus while exploring the city. I opted against this because I didn’t want to write any OCs in this and a phone counts. Also, it would be ten times more interesting to have him bounce off of Dreyfus instead of some phone that the reader does not care about. It was also important to me that Dreyfus get introduced as soon as possible, especially in a fic like this where the reader is being asked to accept something different from the top.
➤   Jericho and Howzer were not in the initial draft notes. Then I came up with the pair concept early on (after realizing there was a pattern with Guila-Zeal and Hendrickson-Dreyfus and I could play with that for the eventual Merlin reveal). Fraudrin was an actual character briefly before I decided that Fraudrin as a villain was kind of a tired thing; if I was going to write for him at this point, I would want to explore more of the shades of gray with his character, and this fic would not give me the time or leeway for that. So Howzer became Gil’s paired partner instead, also because I just wanted to write Howzer. Jericho offered the most opportunity for writing things, and I wanted to play her off of Hendrickson and Dreyfus.
➤   Merlin was always going to be the deus ex machina. Merlin was always a factor and always the only Sin I was going to put in. The only thing that changed is she went from sweeping in and completely taking out Bathin and Fixing Everything Ever to coming in for the assist at the end with her OP skills.
➤   Helbram is only in it because he was the first dead character I thought of as a potential partner for Zaratras. I wrote the first half of interlude 1 before anything else and I loved the odd couple pairing, so he stayed and became kind of essential. He’s also very fun to write for and I thought he would be an interesting contrast to the others.
➤   Bathin was going to originally be a straight up Fraudrin clone and just the entity Bathin using Fraudrin’s guise as a persona or whatever. Again, I decided Fraudrin as a villain was a tired thing at this point and having the villain just be Fraudrin again was a bit of a cop out, even if I really didn’t want to write any type of OC. Bathin is like Envy from Fullmetal Alchemist, later complete with Velvet Crowe from Berseria’s arm (which is. also Meliodas and Derieri and I went "oops oh well"). I liked the mental image of Margaret beating everyone up too, so that’s why that happened. It’s also because they’re the two figures in Hendrickson’s life that get possessed and Bathin poses as both of them.
Bathin was meant to be cruel but fun, like an animal that plays with its food. His downfall is his hubris! He thinks he’s on top — and it’s his world, why wouldn’t he think that? — so he doesn’t see anyone as a real threat. The unknown terrifies him though, and that’s why he was tearing his hair out over the 'interloper.' 
➤   ftr, Bathin is one of the many demons referenced in the Lesser Key of Solomon. I’d originally considered something else and even looked into a lot of Arthurian lore, but since Nakaba mines those for canon and I didn’t want to risk any overlap, I swerved in a different direction all together. 
➤   epilogue 1.0 is hot garbage, I started writing this before 296 came out and it was built on assumptions that thankfully turned out not to be true. I trashed it quickly and I like 2.0 much, much better. It’s embarrassingly bad though and this is why you edit, okay. Also, it focused solely on Hendrickson and Dreyfus when the fic did become an ensemble piece and therefore, the other characters deserved to get closure. Some of the sentence structure and imagery got cannibalized for the very last part of the new epilogue, though.
➤   most of the chapter titles stayed the same from the beginning; only chapter 5’s changed. It was originally "in which a good boy questions a demon’s fashion choices" which was a reference to Howzer switching sides and Bathin-as-Fraudrin stuff. Bathin shifted to chapter 6 entirely though, so it became less relevant. The placeholder title was 'in which lightning strikes twice’’ which is a reference to Gilthunder and Zaratras, but since Zaratras doesn’t actually fight in that one, it didn’t make sense.
Everything from here on is from my notes in my project file; the only things I’ve done are rearranged the order for clarity and expanded on shorthand, though there are a couple of italicized notes in parenthesis that I added in later. Some of it is pretty disjointed tbqh! I have a bad habit of not writing in order.
Like I said before, I do a notes file for pretty much anything I write, as it’s where I dump ideas so I don’t forget or move cut text to in case I decide I like the older version better later on (it’s happened). This one just got ridiculously large, so hopefully someone besides me gets a kick out of it.
General notes
Hendrickson wakes up in an apartment, everything is taken care of, wtf
maybe Zaratras has been there for a bit and they're like ARE WE DEAD?? and he's just all HA HA you better not be.
Zaratras is the guy who has just been there!! Forever!! He runs a bar.
Gil is from just before the Kingdom Infiltration arc, so he is just sad and tired all the time.
Howzer is from early and a good boy but also devoted to Dreyfraudrin so it’s like. ??? When he sees those two. He will bond with Hendrickson and this time it will be Hendy’s turn to be like hey. Come. It’s fine.
The ultimate goal with Gil and Howzer is basically attempting to make people whisper "who hurt you."
Merlin shows up in the end like hmm you were all pulled into a pocket dimension but don’t worry, you should be expelled right back into the timeline where you left. No big deal. Bye.
Helbram and Hendrickson kind of. They’re not OKAY but they realize they are both shitty people who were in an impossible situation. Helbram is the petty type, so he’s not really going to forgive him, but Hendrickson doesn’t need his forgiveness either. The two of them work together though because it’s the only way out
Helbram just dunks on Hendrickson constantly because of course he does
Guila is from the same period as Hendrickson and Dreyfus, but she has been there for months by the time they arrive. Zeal is there too because otherwise she’d destroy everyone and everything.
They come in pairs, from similar points in time?
Guila and Zeal are just before the holy war, around chapter 252. Team smartass gen z
Hendrickson and Dreyfus are post 266 / 285 or whatever. Team old man
Zaratras and Helbram are team post death. Team DEAD
Gil and super early bro Howzer who work for Dreyfraudrin. Team dumb boys
Jericho and Merlin. Merlin just lurks for ages, there should be hints about her from chapter 2 on then she’s like lol hi. Post 197 for Jericho, Merlin plays coy because who cares. After 197, Merlin senses Bathin and is like gimme. Team Jericho Broke Nothing
Bathin notes
It’s powered by a crystal that preys on their fears?? Hence Dreyfraudrin existing. Zaratras kind of knows what’s up because he can sense it, since the energy sort of started when he got there, the dude gained a form when Gil showed up, then power when Guila arrived and later Jericho, and now Hendy and Dreyfus sort of complete the collection. It’s their fears all manifested. Merlin has no impact on it though and actually weakened it because ha ha ha you think she has fears, that’s cute. (this shifted to Bathin’s true form being a crystal — I was trying to stick to my "no OC" rule.)
Beleth or Bathin, a fragment of the sangréal? <— too complicated, stick with Ars Goetia lore interpreted for nnt-land. (I think my plan here was some ancient artifact?? Like the sacred treasures. It got really complicated really fast which is no good.) Belialuin Bathinal
Bathin is a demon, its true form is the crystal, it feeds on fears and created the pocket dimension to try and regain a more viable physical form, the weakened state is why its legions are so weak.
But also Bathin feeds on fears and craves Hendrickson and the others’ fears of Fraudrin and everything, and when Bathin finally gets Hendy and is like aren’t you afraid?? He’s just. Yes. I am absolutely terrified. But because Dreyfus took the time to punch him in the heart repeatedly he’s not going to roll over, he has to keep going. Helbram also yells at him like HOW DARE YOU. YOU CAN’T. (This shifted to Jericho in chapter 5 so it could become a more solid arc in the end with the confrontation in 6. Helbram got his moment with Hendrickson and Guila instead and, later, his goodbye.)
Bathin appears like Dreyfraudrin and Margaret, so when they strike Fraudrin down and are like ok?? We good?? Margaret turns and cuts them?? You have until chapter 6 to decide. (it’s pretty obvious what I decided.)
Hendrickson is the perspective character. Only the interlude, which is Dreyfus-centric, isn’t. (The other two interludes were added as I was writing later on.)
Chapter 1: Hendrickson and Dreyfus and general scene setting. Chapter 2: They actually go around town, Guila and Jericho are super introduced, we get glimpses of Gil and Howzer and they kind of talk to the latter. Kind of. Chapter 3: They get to the bar where there’s a bartender that dresses like a mysterious knight, spooky scary etc etc. It’s Zaratras. Helbram is there, too. More on Gil, Howzer should be questioning. Hendrickson leaves Dreyfus at the bar, runs into Howzer on the way out. Interlude 1: Dreyfus figures out Hendrickson’s plan re: Ludociel. Interlude 2: Jericho and Guila on Helbram. Interlude 3: Howzer and Gilthunder. Chapter 4: The confrontation between Dreyfus and Hendrickson. Howzer crashes their place because of course he does. Chapter 5: The Dreyfraudrin chapter. Vs Gilthunder. Zeal will guide them; alluded to in chapter 3. Chapter 6: The source, Bathin, is revealed, Merlin shows herself. Epilogue: The end. "I’m going to make you see how wrong you are." —> this promise HAS to be fulfilled.
Five+ months — Zaratras and Helbram
Five months — Gilthunder and Howzer
Three months — Guila and Zeal
A week — Jericho and Merlin
~Days — Hendrickson and Dreyfus
Eighteenth Plaza — Bathin is the 18th Goetia. Based on Shibuya 109 on the outside.
Pub’s name — Wandering Knight, Silver Helm
Possible Combos - Shot Purge (Guila-Hendrickson) —> Holy Shot?
Flats are like a venus fly trap, lulling them into a false sense of security and complacency so Bathin can keep feeding off their fear?? Maybe it was and then Merlin showed up like lol hi.  (I dumped this because it overcomplicated things a lot; it just became very subtly and only partially implied in chapter 5 but ultimately not very important.)
Cut lines
Chapter Two: What the four of them manage to put together quickly — really, Guila and Hendrickson exchanging theories and ideas while Jericho and Dreyfus watch from across the booth in silent wonder, occasionally exchanging glances as if to say what is wrong with these two — is this: (I wish I could have kept the Jericho and Dreyfus bit, but it didn’t work. This was when they were in the booth, exchanging information.)
“Now hold on a minute, Gilthunder!” Dreyfus turns back to face him, squaring his shoulders. “This— this isn’t what you think! If it’s about M—”
It’s Hendrickson’s turn to yank Dreyfus back, hissing in his ear. “Don’t.” (I didn’t want to complicate it with Margaret. This was before I’d decided to have Bathin use Margaret as a guise as well, but I’d still cut it even if I knew.)
Chapter Five: “You should be.” Hendrickson counters, resting his hands on the back of the couch, leaning forward to look down at Helbram. “Because he brought you and Zaratras here before anyone else. It’s likely that he preys on the souls of the dead.” He pauses at that, glancing over at Guila who nods in agreement, before shifting his attention back to the fairy. “Even if we ‘get out,’ you can’t just live here. Bathin will continue to eat away at your very spirit.” (there are several logical flaws in this that got cleaned up in the final version, which reads very similarly.)
“That should be plenty of time.” Guila pats at Zeal’s shoulder lightly. “Some of us won’t even need that much time, certainly.” (The scene was dragging on for too long and this was ultimately unnecessary. I tend to be really wordy and not know when to stop a scene, so I cut a lot for the sake of flow later on or rework things.)
“Especially since this isn’t Dreyfus’s field of expertise.” (This was cut from the conversation Hendrickson had with Zaratras -- about strategy -- because frankly, it isn’t true and even if it was, Hendrickson wouldn’t say something like that. I cut a lot of stuff like this where it works for the plot but doesn’t track with the character. editing good!!)
The screech of tires can be heard in the distance.
“Ah, I believe they’ve managed to find a vehicle!” (god I really wanted to put Zaratras commenting on grand theft auto in this, even if it made no narrative sense.)
Chapter Six: “Huh?” Jericho gives her a confused look before looking back over her shoulder, where Bathin and Gilthunder were battling it out hand-to-sword. “Yeah, I just— this place is starting to fall apart.”
“Yes, it is, which is why we need to be careful. If you could provide a distraction—”
“Oh!” She snaps her fingers in response. “Yeah, okay, I can do that!” (Jericho was a bit too passive here and it was difficult to transition to the next beat. I reworked it in the final version.)
“Be careful. He’s using his weight as a weapon.” (This was somewhere in phase two of the Bathin fight. I was trying to set the character apart from other demons that they’ve fought, but this was too expository. Hopefully, the sentiment got across in description and whatnot and if not, uh. Oops.)
As he pulls away, flying off towards solid ground, the ice begins to audibly crack. Hendrickson stares up at it, almost resigned in a way. “So this is it,” he murmurs to himself, watching the cracks spider-web their way along the platform (I removed this and tweaked the final paragraph because it didn’t quite line up with Hendrickson’s character in this, especially given the turning point that comes only a paragraph or two later. That one line doesn’t line up with the rest of his arc in the entire fic; I was trying to make it obvious that the ice was cracking and wasn’t going to hold, but uh. This was not the way to do it.)
As an amicable silence falls between them — a far cry from the silence that lingered the last time he took this elevator up — (The transition in the elevator was hard.)
Gilthunder clenches a fist. “That’s exactly why I can’t forget. If I—” He swallows hard. (A lot of stuff gets cut because I start typing and can’t figure out where to go with it. It just didn’t work in the sequence and was too emotional for Gilthunder’s canon point.)
“By the way, have you seen Helbram?” (Zaratras was going to ask about Helbram as well, but that would have dragged the pacing down. Besides, I’d like to think that after their time together, Zaratras ‘gets’ Helbram on some level and knows he’d want to head out on his own terms.)
The orange hue fades into the black of the night, growing brighter and brighter with every passing moment, much like the world around them. And then, it reaches a point where it becomes blindingly bright, like a warmth washing over all of them at once. And then—
And then—  (Did you know that this was basically the same format I used to end the pentultimate section of another fic because I sure didn’t until I just so happened to reread it before posting this one. god. damnit.)
“I’m getting better, right?”
Jericho looks over her shoulder at Hendrickson, then gestures at a small patch of ice in front of her. The druid glances between her and the patch, looking mildly uncertain. “It’s progress,” he admits after a moment.
“You should have seen it the other day, though!” She stomps her foot. “Sir Dreyfus told me I had a lot of potential. (This was originally how Jericho’s epilogue was going to start. It didn’t seem right for her though, especially given the ‘reset’ tone, so I cut it and started from scratch. This would potentially work if it was Dreyfus, but not Hendrickson.)
Detailed chapter breakdowns
Chapter 3: Helbram is disguised, Zaratras is in his armor, it’s a pub and they’re INCOGNITO ok. Helbram spills a drink on Hendrickson like an asshole before the reveal. They figure out that the bartender and server aren’t on the same “script” as the NPCs.
CHAPTER 4 ends with them meeting up with Guila and Jericho, Guila is like this is Bathin, the Eighteenth Duke of the Demon Realm.
CHAPTER 5 is the big planning chapter + infiltrating and fighting Gilthunder. At the end, Bathin’s legions converge on Eighteenth Plaza and Dreyfus stays behind to stop them. Zaratras helps, brothers!! They can have a sad scene with Hendy.
CHAPTER 6 will have a big fight scene in it, this needs to be carefully blocked and mapped out. (narrator voice: it was not carefully blocked and mapped out.)
Bathin — via Dreyfraudrin and Margaret. A lot of darkness, demon powers, fear manipulation. Teleportation? Dreyfraudrin has strength, Margaret has Velvet Crowe-esque hand bs? Dark tendrils, like a cat’s tail.
Hendrickson — Purge, Acid. Purge can weaken Bathin’s power. Dreyfus — Break, Full Size. Full Size might be too much for the building. Dreyfus and Zaratras could hold off Bathin’s legions? Guila — Explosion. Combo with Hendrickson at one point. Jericho — Ice Fang. Someone can get thrown out the elevator at some point and Jericho uses ice to extend a platform and keep them from falling. Eventually uses ice to root Bathin in place so she can PUNCH HIM IN THE FACE!!! Howzer — Tempest. Gilthunder — Thunderbolt. Short circuits the electronics? Helbram — plays his part disguised as Gil to get everyone in, fucks off partway through. Returns to yell at idiots. (This plan was too complicated; what I settled on works better character-wise and narratively speaking.) Zaratras — Great Thunder. Works with Dreyfus to hold off Bathin’s THIRTY DEMON LEGIONS so the others can take him.
Merlin — Infinity. She needs Bathin to be weakened and have his guard down to strike, which is why she slinks in the background and waits. Probably steps in after they’ve done that but Bathin is like YOU FOOLS!! Etc etc. Uses infinity to keep the Holy Shot effect goin’ (see above notes about Merlin)
Top floor of Eighteenth Plaza. There’s the massive office, the long hallway, and the elevator. This is the main area for Bathin.
In the lobby, Zaratras and Dreyfus will take on Bathin’s legions of demons after freeing Gilthunder from his influence.
Guila and Hendrickson get thrown out the glass elevator window, Jericho creates an ice shelf that they cling to, Howzer and Gil work on keeping Bathin busy while Helbram flies out and grabs Guila at Hendrickson’s urging. Hendrickson falls.
Small brief flashback to super young Hendy and Jenna? A call back to being shown how wrong he is. Jenna’s just like LOOK YOU’LL BE FINE, YOU NEVER LIKED IT HERE ANYWAY!! Gosh you’re such a dour kid sometimes, geez, but don’t worry, someone’ll show you how wrong you are someday.
Full Size Dreyfus catches him because gratuitous yes.
Bathin is unfair but so is Merlin.
. . . and that’s it! Hopefully that was interesting to someone and if not, uh. I’m very sorry. Thank you for reading!  🙏
5 notes · View notes
What the fuck is happening with V5, neonazis, and shits.
So, first, terminology. Everything I am going to be talking about here concerns the company White Wolf Publishing, which is the Swedish company created by Paradox Interactive for when they bought back the IP from CCP. 
This DOES NOT include Onyx Path (with whom I have grievances, but they are mostly a question of taste and some of their business practices I am somewhat disapprove of, but this has nothing to do with them), and their classical authors, whom have nothing to do in the thing. So don’t go about telling Richard Thomas he’s a Nazi asshole okay? They’re clean in this matter and their statement is genuine and honest, and their statement matches their actions and publications. This also does not involve By Night Studios. 
Basically, White Wolf Publishing (new version, the one in Sweden, owned by Paradox) has released a preview for V5 (corebook, which is due in three weeks), and they presented neo-nazis in a way that is controversial to say the least, in the clanspread Brujah for V5, which is in their V5 preview.
Some see it as "wwp trying to make neo nazis play their game", some are saying "lol sjw are being sensitive and ruining everything", some are saying "it's ok to explore dark themes but this is poorly worded and looks like they're glorifying it", and some are all censorship and stuff. 
The spectrum of answers are very wide, with assholes on both sides, and death threats being sent to everyone by everyone. Including OPP people who are completely out of the loop on this one (altho some may argue that since they’re licensing the IP from WWP that makes them a level of complicit/quiet acceptance; that argument can be heard, but I am pragmatic and I understand they don’t want their company and their livelihood to sink into oblivion because Ethics are superior to Food)
Here’s the catch. People aren’t pissed just about the Brujah issue, that places neo-nazis at the same level as any other character concept and definition of the Brujah, without an ounce of self awareness, and using terminologies that clearly appeal to gamer gaters (the use of terms such as “fourth wave feminists” and others...). They’re pissed and worried because this isn’t the first WWP offense, they have multiple times allowed themselves to poke towards such people, more or less willingly. 
There's been plenty of other signs by the WWP crew that they may be integrating alt-right and neo nazi elements in their games, not because they are saying they're a thing, but also somewhat inserting (willingly or not) some propaganda elements, not as a way to criticize them, but normalizing them or even misrepresenting them as "rebels with a cause" (aka Brujah, which makes little sense nowadays, current day neo nazis and alt rights are in positions of power and are very much accepted if not encouraged by our political systems, much to my screaming French ass). 
They somewhat normalize and even glorify them. Despite being a game about monsters (lol u know what vamps are?? have said many people on those threads), it isn’t a game about BEING a monster. It is a game about Dealing with It and their Humanity. 
WWP says it's to "acknowledge the state of the world today" but other elements such as dog whistle elements for neonazis, as well as the use of hate groups types of phrasings (euphemisms, like, clearly derogating terms like "fourth wave feminism" mocking tone like) are pushing non-straight non-white, non-male players out of their base. And oddly, almost everyone defending their edge-approach are.. yes, regular white dudes.
Add in their hiring of Zak S for their video game from February 2017 and the overall lack of research, + their apology / non apology / defense about all of these issues altogether up to now about the whole ordeal when people bring out the issues, and you've got a massive shitstorm of suspicion about whether they are actually openly welcoming neo-nazis and alt-righters into the games, especially when public comments made by WWP staff implies "they are very fine people” and “both extremes are horrible”, putting into equal footing antifascists and neonazis. That in and out of itself is suspicious, but arguable to some degree. Plenty of comments have been made both by the horrid fanbase, but also by WWP staff on the matter, as such they cannot really deny their hands being dirty (looking at you, MR-H and Ericsson, receipts are provided all over reddit and the FB threads from WWP but also from the VtM groups, including this one).
Just because they state they condemn racism, sexism and xenophobia, doesn’t mean that their writings and actions match those statements. They still sign “Blood and Souls,” their letters and posts, which is ODDLY similar to “Blood and Soil”, a known Neo-Nazi chant. The integration of 1 4 8 8 as a dice roll result may be completely meaningless and a sad occurrence, but there are SO MANY other occurrences that giving them the benefit of the doubt is hard. Especially when you add the fact that the lead dev has written books about nazis (so has done research, and when you research, 1488 comes up easily). 
I’m always willing to blame ignorance and stupidity over Malice, and I am doing it for V5 write-ups, but their apologies and defense instead of listening to our concerns takes away their credibility. Their reaction should have been to listen and fix it.
In Game, there is also a BIG BIG PROBLEM that the authors didn’t even research. The Alt Right and neonazis are NOT in a marginal position of protesters anymore. They are in power. They are very much allowed, encouraged, protected by the system, at least in most Western Societies. They are no Brujah hunting ground, they are great Ventrue targets! 
There’s a difference between allowing the themes be used and explored very darkly and grimly and glorifying them as a good thing (the little red book or Leni Riefenstahl’s movies), and doing the same but with careful research, expert consulting and making sure your intent is clear as a content creator (like the Handmaiden’s tale or 1984). You can’t objectively say that Wolfenstein is a game that approves of nazis despite being all about nazis, nor Far Cry 5 about wtf is going on in Far Cry 5, or that Just Cause approves of American Intervention in island nations or Latin American countries, or that Tropico approves of banana island dictatorships. Cartel Ciudad Juarez or many modern warfare games, on the other hand, do not manage this and are clearly not aware of what their game is saying (not unlike a RPG like Fatal... :p).
Then the article archived and linked above was made and shared, and that’s where all shit hit the fan. I do not believe the author is fully right about everything in the contents, especially when it comes to Zak S (who is an asshole by all means, but he is neither a gamer gater nor an alt righter), but there are solid elements that put together some of the various “uh” moments. The article has since been removed due to the harassment, death threats and worse. 
Oddly, Reddit is doing okay (x, x) but Twitter has also given us frowny things about upcoming W5...
Do I think they are openly and willingly trying to pull one past us? No. Do I think the WoD has brought in lots of neonazis as players and has been a problem since the 1990s? Yes, for Vampire and Werewolf for sure. (Werewolf in particular is plagued with them despite the Revised attempts at fixing certain things...). Do I believe the 20th anniversary edition were made to glorify those days? No. Not at all. Do I think Ericsson and co are neonazis? No. They’re not. Do I think WWP is trying to be edgy to cater to anti-sjw and unapologetic show offs? Yes. Do I think WWP wants to openly cater to neonazis? No, but they’re not doing anything to make a stance against them buying and using their games. If their idea of Mature Themes is punching down and glorifying monsters, they are wrong and we should let them know. If a mature theme is exploring the dark sides of the world in a thoughtful manner, having Horror as a key component of VTM, then yes, that is what we want, but it has to be presented properly and fine-tuned. Right now, it’s “oh, wouldn’t it be cool/grim if...?”. They need to consult experts. They need to hire sociologists. Psychologists. Game Theorists. They need to SEE what Chaosium has done with Call of Cthulhu. They need to 
I’m just also going to say that the two FB WWP threads are insane (here and here), full of fanboys and fangirls defending WWP and telling them they shouldn’t apologize, they even made a petition saying they did nothing wrong. I do not want to give up, and I do not want to let my voice be silenced by these assholes for a game I love and care about even if I am such a critic of it.
Let me be very clear. The problem is -not- the inclusion of asshole character concepts in the write up, it is the WoD after all... The problem is that they are presenting them under a good, acceptable, apologetic light even. The problem isn’t exactly the content of the game, the problem is how little research and how little awareness they’ve had about their publication, and the responses that they have given when we have raised questions and concerns about these issues. The problem is Accidental Indoctrination. The problem is Propaganda Games. What are your mechanics saying? What are your actions saying? What is your game saying?
(Yes they’re video games but it’s he same thing)
And in opposition, extra credits did also an episode about the Shoah book for Wraith. https://youtu.be/EDEgXUqHL9Q
So, do we want great quality mature content, serious gaming material, or shock for shock value? Do we want This War of Mine, Papers Please, Dead of Winter, CupidVN, Spec Ops the Line, Bury Me My Love? Or do we want Hatred, DARK, WoD Preludes, Ciudad Juarez or even Dante’s inferno?
Games Matter.
Education Matters
We matter.
If you have any questions, they’re going to do an AMA on Twitch on July 13, here’s the info.
Let’s try and be numerous to voice our concerns. EDIT: Blood and Souls actually references Elric, it was my bad and I apologize for it, but you’ll understand that sometimes, when it sounds and moves like a horse, it’s hard to see it’s a zebra. Especially considering all past elements from the different eyebrow raising worth of edge for edge’s sake.
I still do not believe they’re deliberately calling neo-nazis but considering their AMA’s comments of people who just don’t want to be respectful and do basic research when treating mature content in an adult way, and be like “hell no, DARK STUFF, don’t steal my dark stuff!”, there’s honestly all the proof we need that that’s the kind of crowd they’ve accepted was using their games as entertainment. Jason’s answers were clear, and did not bite the whole “but what about antifaaaa”. I’m cautiously optimistic, and I’ve chosen, like many others, to keep publishing in the Vault to show them we can do better, and that it’s in the community’s best interest they listen.
They also confirmed Mark Rein Hagen was just a “consultant” and isn’t part of the team in anyway ;)
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minblush · 6 years
k-armys are spreading a tweet namjoon made in 2013 about korean independence where he says 'There is no future for people who have forgotten history' which shows he probably won't agree with working with a japanese imperialist, hopefully he still has this attitude in 2018 twitter(.)com/BTS_twt/status/367906282012831744
yeah i have seen them doing that ;; and fancafe and all the official tweets since then have been flooded with people talking about these things too, but bighit is playing dead fish so far :(
microwavehater said:Am i the only one who never believed that bts has ~creative freedom~ (anymore) ? If they (still) had, they’d use their influence to spread msgs like baepsae, not just love urself uwu (considering yoongi made political pre-debut releases &interview stuff) Also, their newer releases (LY her onwards) are v much lacking in the hiphop department which (i assume) was a marketing choice. Hiphop just doesn’t sell as well to a female audience (along w the fact that vocalists are the face of BTS).
i think they still have creative input but creative freedom definitely not, but it’s debatable if they ever had it anyway? idk.. and them moving on from hip-hop was definitely both trying to change things up as well as appeal to a broader audience, love yourself era overall was an attempt to basically touch as many people as possible, i don’t mind them changing their musical direction but what has bothered me was the loss of their involvement (because it is less)
Anonymous said:I totally agree with you about BTS losing their originality. I’m almost starting to get annoyed of them. Now bc they know people love their music for its topics such as mental health, etc I almost feel like they’re thinking that they’re obliged to constantly write music that only has a “social” message. I did not like Idol at all. It was pretty tacky and the idea of loving yourself seemed so forced in the lyrics. I want them to make songs about whatever they want at that moment. (1/?)
Anonymous said:Also every fan keeps saying the same thing about them being unfiltered when actually they’ve become SO filtered now. They’ve almost created this illusion of being super open with us when actually we barely know anything about them. I don’t mind that but I hate how they’re touting that as something that applies to them. Honestly most fans now are the bandwagon type and the fandom is starting to feel more like a cult versus a community like it used to. (2/2)
i don’t know if i ever talked about them losing their originality? because originality is debatable in this case too, if you mean their original intention then yes i agree with that, and i agree they definitely created the illusion, once i got out of the bts bubble a bit and also thought back to the old days, i realized how closed off and filtered everything is comparison to the past and even to other kpop groups nowadays that are way more direct, i feel like even exo is more outspoken these days and direct with their fans which i thought could never happen??? i used to stan them and it was hell hah.. and these days.. wowza..
Anonymous said:Fuck yesss we need new yoongi mixtape and i agree abt what you said i wish bts could read that and be like okay guys i think they are right we have done some questionable things and shit has to be addressed whether we like it or not and just fucking do so. Some fans will drop but some would drop anyway bc it is getting out of hand i would never want to call bts problematic bc shit i cannot imagine that being true but them supporting problematic people is kind of making them ones
i just feel like nothing will change because bang pd is too greedy.. he really is eyeing like building a global empire with all the business deals he has been making.. also bts have done plenty “problematic” things themselves, though not to that extent, but some of their actions have hurt a lot of people too, but it depends on what bothers you, i find colorism and things like that a problem, but ofc definitely different thing than pedophilia and such, i just meant to say that nobody is perfect
Anonymous said:Do you ever just wanna randomly bump into bts and be like “hey lets talk!” And then tell them about all these issues and fandom drama and just tell them to wake the hell up? Cos I do haha
well even if we bumped into them, most of them wouldn’t talk to you so dkajsdka
Anonymous said:i agree with everything you have said but what bothers me is he is a co produce of produce 48 and nobody really complained about it even though he is know for sexualizing minors... or did i miss something?? also i feel sorry for you getting hate you were just saying your opinion and people should start to accept some facts! it's not the first time bighit did something questionable ://
oh but actually when that was announced there was backlash? i remember seeing complaints about the producer as well as some of the trainees due to their supposed right wing associations, there were also complaints about women’s rights cause of the oversexualization of some of the girls back in japan and the producer’s lyrics, i think this backlash seems bigger or more visible to you because it’s happening in your fandom ;; that season of produce even ended up having the lowest rankings and voting participation so :/
Anonymous said:I have three words to describe the part of the fandom that blindly accepts all the things, even the problematic ones, BTS do. 'Situationally woke cult'.
that fits perfectly
Anonymous said:i rly appreciate sou voicing your thoughts even if they r not in essay form or refined for days. I agree with you on many things but at the same time it's not as disappointing to me bc I guess I never held them to high standards. like in the beginning I could kinda imagine that they were somewhat sincere (but still remained sceptical) but the more they got famous the more I accepted that that sincerity and authenticity would stop bc that's just the kind of business that kpop is... (♤)
Anonymous said:like it's an inherently dishonest industry. they sell an image just like everyone else, and at best(!!) they were as real as possible with us in the beginning. no doubt they wanted to be different from everyone else and it was easier as long as not that many people gave a fuck about them. but as soon as they started to this chance was over. so i guess what I'm saying is that my view didn't change and I'm not surprised, because I never really bought what they were trying to sell...(♤)
Anonymous said:I still love them, theyre likeable & adorable boys. but theyre not changing the world. they're not in the right kind of industry for that. they love their luxury expensive stuff & the glamour of it all & that's okay. I just take every concept the whip out w/ a grain of salt & a knowing smile & enjoy the entertainment. that's just my own two cents that nobody in the fandom wants to hear so I'm bothering u. & its not an analysis or anything just what is on top of my mind while watching TV lol (♤)
Anonymous said:(♤) oh ps. except for that whole controversial stuff with that misogynist jpn songwriter and supreme boy and what not. I take that seriously , I wont act as if that's just a cute quirk. but they're men so I didn't expect much lmaoo. I knew that those kind of disappointments are just part of the deal ever since I learned that jimin (a whole cutie pie and my ultimate bias) stans chris brown. definitely would kick jm in the shin for that if I ever got to meet him. at least keep it to yourself lol.
haha i wish you didn’t start this with a backhanded compliment but dkajsd yeah overall i see your point and agree... i understand like if you didn’t buy into that whole spiel, then of course you can just keep on going and stanning them as idols and all that comes with that, but many people and me included sincerely thought that they were different, i have stopped stanning kpop groups for a while and got drawn back in with bts because i felt they were so fresh and unique, genuine and open with fans in comparison to other groups i have stanned.. but ofc that image crumbled as time went on.. things have changed as well... and i agree, it’s fine to enjoy it for just the entertainment and like the boys as people, accepting they are just as any other idol.. and maybe i will continue with that perspective myself!! but i honestly find it difficult having believed in it and also bighit continually selling this image to their fans despite evidence of the contrary, i can deal with idol business but like continually being blatantly lied to and then being in a fandom where most of the rhetoric is build around blindly believing it and eating anything the boys and bighit sells? it’s honestly emotionally exhausting sometimes.. but yeah.. you’re honestly right.. even with the last point lol... they are men, and korean men at that sigh.. that’s why i’m burying myself in girl groups nowadays adkjsd to heal my soul
Anonymous said:Hope you have a wonderful day filled with only good things ❤ - the cutest person in the world
thank you so so so so much! you have a wonderful day too ♥ cutie
Anonymous said:simple question, not loaded at all, no wrong answer, the honest answer is the right answer- yaddah yaddah you get it -what do you think bangtan is lying about and what exactly are you saying overall? i just need the language simplified for my 3 braincells :) if i do get what you're saying - whether the actual members of bts are real or not, their message is. "dont let anyone tell you what to do" "live your own life and not a borrowed dream" "life is a marathon, not a race - go your own pace"etc
you can read this post as well as the tags to it to see some of the examples, i mean i have been saying lots of things so i don’t know what exactly you want me to clarify? i think their message is compromised when their actions contradict it, whether it’s their actions or bighit’s is up to debate, like i was talking about in the post though, you can’t have things both ways, can’t hail the boys as woke independent kings while propagating the idea that they are just the company’s pawns at the same time, if you accept their authenticity isn’t there then ofc it’s a different argument, and the things you have listed there may be true, but isn’t is soured knowing they are just things that are said in order to sell bangtan as a product to you? to me they are
Anonymous said:I'm not gonna disagree but I like to see all the sides of a story. Bang pd is their boss, bts made a contract with him, he will ALWAYS have the last word on, well, everything they put out. We like to think that bc bts has creative freedom they can do whatever they want, well obviously they can't. Even if bts wanted to talk more about issues and not work w bad ppl, bang pd wants them to succeed, he wants to make money bc it's his business and bts is the only thing bringing money to it.
i get this argument a lot and to that i will answer again this and this, i don’t understand what your point is exactly though, so you are saying bts are pawns that have to do as they ceo says, yes and? i am criticizing the decision he has made? i’m criticizing that what he cares about the most is money? that he will stop at nothing to widen his wealth and influence? i will not support bts cooperating with vile people just because it wasn’t -completely their decision-, i’m sorry i’m really struggling to see what your point is about the other side of the story, it’s a shitty situation and if they all go through with it, it be greatly disappointing
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coralsgrimes · 3 years
...and the bessie finale is finally here! Okie so I asked ye all one question many times by now. The question being - if Benny never did any of the baiting and fanservice and had none of the clout, would ye still be so invested in him? No answer tho x.x so that brings me to some conclusions that ultimately can close our lil baiting or no baiting debate.
gonna put the rest under the cut cuz I can lol and potentially long shite it is too
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that I understand but some peeps are clearly here to fight ;c I do hate the bulianne pushers with passion tho and I love to prove them wrong which is easy as fuck actually and they tend to shut it up after x.x they do fight too and me does not like at all. I was so tired (and still am) that I declared bulianne dead weeks before the owl kissy pap pic lol 
I appreciate the different perspective 💓 even that I don’t agree ;c 
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I have literally no knowledge about any of the Shadow and Bone me Daddy cast ;c honestly ye guys told me majority of what I know and it was in the past months only. 
A lil bit sad (or more like lotsa sad) that Benny’s fans will jump under the bus to protect his flat ass but not for Jessie? I thought that they do fight their fights for Jessie too? Like ye know Bessie aka package deal? 
Isn’t this the deal tho? That women usually get the worse treatment? Worst thing is that all the sides are mostly women themselves... 
ANYWAYS! from the show/actors perspective it makes sense for everyone to play their team the most. Jessie is the moving part so she has the shittiest part here but if they going with books ending then darklina is no mo right? 
How I see it, Jessie done her darklina duty as the contract was expecting her to do. Some fans got angry as they always do. Then she was free of it, not doing shite anymore. It’s the other flag ship now ;c 
Now, Benny was pushing it and is still pushing it further and further, to the point it transpired into real life which Imma dead serious he is aware of and plays into it. 
Like I just can’t get ma head around how ‘in relationship’ they are while it’s so one sided? 
And this brings us to the final twos ;c 
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I do really think Jessie is tired of the bullshit. They were so close the last time around and now it’s like they actively avoid each other almost? Might be cuz of their characters being apart as well but...
Like imagine this. Ye are NOT in relationship with someone. Yet the fans seem to think ye are, they do manips and fanarts, crazy theories and investigations (the sweater investigation lives rent free in ma mind okie?). They tag ye in in. Like it’s probably the most tiring shit, and uncomfortable as fuck. NOW add yer costar, the other poor soul who is in the shithole with ye. BUT the said costar plays into it, they feed them fans and their theories. We might disagree about lotsa stuff but if the bessies and not bessies see the same thing then ye know something is up. And I mean we independently see Benny doing shite that technically has no meaning, and our minds go to OMG BESSIE (x.x sorry) and to OMG BESSIE BAITING (not sorry x.x). Like this shite is telling, at least too me. And we know boy does lurk through stan twitter...
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now, the instagram to dictate real life. The point is we all do the same shite. It’s either bessie or no bessie but it’s all based on instagram and basically fucking nothing. The con was Benny just fucking around and playing it up. He was howling and looked in the fucking camera. It was a fucking show and I can’t seen it as anything else. ALSO it was one actor show, no other participants ;c 
Again. I was asking the same fucking question over and over again. It’s up there, just above the cut. He really does need the clout and the interest ;c 
And he does care about the numbers. He was doing shadow daddy posts BEFORE dropping the music. It was fucking hilarious. 
THO thanks for pointing this out cuz it’s interesting. The latest cover song has good views. Which is weird as fuck because nope, his other covers and well his own music are not doing well ;c gonna make a lil list so its easier!
11:11 sneak peak (20 August, boys birthday, lotsa traffic) - 364k likes and 930k views
and then the big premiere of 11:11 (17 Sep) - 193k likes and 646k views
EP premiere and Rise Up (15 Oct) - 124k likes and 350k views
GONNA SKIP A LIL NOW CUZ WHO TF EVEN NEEDS IT (no crazy numbers in between tho!!)
This Christmas (8 Dec) - 73k likes and 211k views
Ordinary Day aka twin flame interferes (22 Dec) - 59k likes and 164k views
Let It Snow (25 Dec) - 100k likes and 346k views
Best Part (6 Jan) - 75K likes and 736k views
River (31 Jan) - 257K likes and 1.6M views (weird as fuck if ye ask me...)
Soooo where the fuck Im going with this? I mean the timing here is so unusual right? Like did something happened in January? Maybe something started? 
Welp ye can see them numbers being low and then going down even lower. BUT THEN!! January?? It’s almost like boy just started to work on a show which majority of his current fanbase is coming from (and majority of the show fanbase is into bessie too is it?). It’s like they are not interested in him beside the show... And now the show came back to life and so did they... It’s like he can get more traffic and attention while the show is a hot topic (;c). Where were his loyal fans when he was making his dream come true? Cuz they were nowhere in sight ;c 
It’s kinda like they come back cuz they waiting for somethin. They are not interested in his music or his stupid poems tho... 
BOY LITTERALY WENT ONTO LIKING SPREE ON DARKLINA TWITTER DAYS AFTER HIS SINGLE DROPPED. And then he was done x.x and then he went onto another liking spree before the EP premiered in October...  
Sooooo if he was not into numbers and fan attention/applause then why would he done so? And anyone can see that his best hours are either show times or something Shadow Daddy related. That’s when most people visit ;c that’s why he baits the fans and then shows his shitty stuff they are not interested in ;c 
The nonnie up there saying merch matters. The merch needed new home, he was shilling the shite out of it. He spend his own money on it and on the music dream altogether. He said so himself. So now he looks to get it back. So he NEEDS to look at his social media numbers, that’s how ye sell it. 
Benny's social media numbers are clearly connected to SAB - Darklina - Bessie... and ye can see it in the numbers that boy ‘does not’ care about ;c 
thank ye all 💕💕💕 me do loves ye all very much. No bad blood okie ;c 
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