#but now this room is spinning while I'm trying to fill in all the gaps
losthavenmine · 1 year
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Whumptober 2023 Day 1 || “But now this room is spinning while I’m trying just to fill in all the gaps.”
Cinderella Man (2005)
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evillittlebirdie · 1 year
Salvation (Tav/Kar'niss)
Tumblr Prompt Fill for Tezzy
Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six Chapter Seven Chapter Eight Chapter Nine
Kar'niss was the latest addition to the menagerie and stuck out more than anyone. By all rights, Tav's interaction with Kar'niss should extended to combat only. She should have looted his body and moved on. 
Tav could not admit that she had a masterful experience with Drow. But, she knew that the abominations were paying the price of folly and incompetence. They failed a test and as such, were punished. She should have ignored Kar'niss like she ignored the numerous unnatural phenomena. But instead, she allowed a nagging sense of compassion to override good sense. 
Kar'niss lingered on the line between death and life. Most of his legs were broken and twisted. Blood coated his lips. Still, even in apparent agony, Kar'niss tried to reach the Moon Lantern. Astarion had already grabbed the lantern and was enjoying goading the pixie inside. Kar'niss was using his arms, shaking from exhaustion, to pull his body along the ground. As heavy as his abdomen was, Kar'niss only managed to pull himself a few inches. Desperation clouded his eyes before he finally collapsed. The Harpers and Tav's party did a number on his body. 
Tav walked over to the drider and raised her leg. She would give him a proper stomp to the head. Her body weight coupled with metal boots would ensure a cracked skull. Before she delivered the final blow, she heard a sudden whine. Something in her body lurched as Kar'niss' whimpers devolved into cries. Wretched, anguished sobs radiated from the drider. His voice was faint, but she could hear his pleas. He begged for his Majesty's protection, for the Absolute to save him. 
Lolth disfigured him and now the 'Absolute' would abandon him. 
Tav would later tell herself that his fanatical devotion would be useful. She would tell herself that his broken mind could be molded. He would be a loyal pet. 
Tav returned her foot to the ground and pulled a potion from her backpack. She stared at the health poultice in her hand before kneeling. "Shh, shh," She hummed to Kar'niss. 
"Heretic, don't touch me," Kar'niss hissed out, pain dripping from each phoneme. Tear tracks were running down his filthy cheeks. His capillaries had burst, reddening his vision. 
"Just drink," Tav insisted, taking the cork out of the bottle.
Kar'niss began to lose the ability to utilize his words. He merely pulled back from Tav, shutting his mouth tightly. The eyes collected on his forehead blinked unseeingly through strands of unwashed hair. 
"Hells," Tav muttered. "Stubborn little bastard." She did not want to utilize her tadpole, especially on such a delicate creature. But she pushed herself into his mind. 
Voices bounced in Kar'niss' brain, bounding off the walls of his skull. Tav could barely decipher the madness inside the drider's brain. Her pity for him increased, as well as her desire to save him. Tav had to compete with the Absolute as well as the broken man's illness. "Drink..."
Kar'niss suddenly stiffened. His eyes turned to Tav but he kept his mouth closed. "I want you to live," Tav told him through her connection. "Please drink."
Kar'niss kept his eyes on her before finally opening his mouth. Tav sighed in relief before she slid forward. If the scene involved one of her companions, she would have told them to lie on their back. Then, she would support their head as they drank the poultice. But Kar'niss was awkwardly on his chest, his abdomen preventing him from rolling over. Tav quickly problem-solved. She used her free hand to tilt Kar'niss' head up. She could feel the particles of grime, the notes of blood. 
"They are a True Soul. They would touch me..."  The voice sounded astonished, almost bewildered. 
"Yes, I would," Tav told him with a gentle smile, invoking a soft gasp from the drider. "What's your name?"
Suddenly, a foreign vision assaulted Tav's mind. A feminine voice, demanding and harsh, shouted, "Kar'niss!" A vile mixture of guilt, fear, and self-loathing twisted angrily before leaving Tav's cognition. 
"Kar'niss. It is a lovely name. Mine is Tav."  Tav brushed the hair out of his eyes, tucking it behind his ear. 
"They walk without a lantern. They are sent from Her Majesty...A Chosen. A Fourth to the Three."
Tav could not deny Kar'niss and risk him rejecting the help again. "Yes," She lied to him, hoping that deception could carry telepathically. 
"I accused you of heresy. I attacked you. Why would you save me?"
Tav could not give him a forthright answer. Instead, she ignored his question.
"Be careful swallowing," Tav advised before bringing the poultice to his lips. She tipped slowly and watched as Kar'niss took in the potion. She kept an eye out, watching as the cartilage in his throat moved. He didn't choke or aspirate. Tav let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. He would recover. 
"Breathe," She stated, using her voice instead of the tadpole to communicate with the drider. She pulled the potion from his lips, allowing him to inhale. 
To say the least, the adventuring party was not surprised when they learned of their new companion. "Tav, my dear, you have a penchant for collecting strays," Astarion told her with a playful smirk on his lips.
Tav knew of a small cave near the Last Light Inn under Isobel's protection. No one would bother Kar'niss. Once Kar'niss' legs healed enough to support his body, Tav split from the group to take him to the cave. Kar'niss still was not speaking to her. Instead, he kept his gaze on her in an intense fashion. Tav truly hoped that saving the drider wouldn't bite her in the ass later. 
"You can stay here. It's safe. The shadows will not find you here. I promise," Tav told him, bringing him to the mouth of the cave. Kar'niss looked around the cave and a small chitter reverberated in his throat. Hopefully, that was a good sound. 
"I imagine you would prefer raw meat, but there's a lack of that around with the shadow curse," Tav continued, not sure what would happen next in the care and feeding of driders. "But my friend, Gale. You saw him. He was the human wizard that..." Tav paused before she continued awkwardly, "was probably responsible for one or two of your broken legs. Anyway, he is a lovely cook. I'm sure he can whip up a nice haggis." 
Kar'niss turned to look at her. He pursed his lips before inquiring, "They would concern themselves with my subsistence?" After speaking it aloud, Kar'niss visibly mulled over the dynamic. "They are too kind. To heal a wretch, shelter them, and feed them."
Tav's pity for Kar'niss intensified at hearing his words. Knowing how the Drow ostracized and abused driders, she was not surprised at his attitude. "Oh...well," Tav cleared her throat nervously, "I need you to regain your strength. And you need care, rest, and food to do that."
Kar'niss nodded, accepting this proposition, "They are merciful and benevolent."
Tav felt their cheeks flushed with guilt. If only he knew how close he was to having his skull smashed under her boot. She quickly changed the subject.
"Do you need anything for your nest?" Tav inquired. She looked past him to the cave. The ceiling was high and deep enough to deter claustrophobia, but small enough to sustain a web. 
"I will not bother them with non-necessities," Kar'niss stated firmly, as though the idea was out of the realm of possibility. "Not spoiled, not needy," Kar'niss added, his tempo increasing, "I will make them proud, and make them pleased to save this unfortunate being." The words invoked a time long ago. Tav didn't have to be a genius to see the poisoned memory in his eyes. Kar'niss had a story that led him to this point.
Tav returned to the cave with dinner for Kar'niss. As she approached the lair, she was surprised to see how prolific he had been. Even halfway healed, Kar'niss had managed to spin a sturdy, intricate web in the space. Tav could see his nimble fingers moving along the strong strands, weaving the material. Kar'niss was so engrossed in his work, that he did not notice Tav's entrance. It was not until he looked up that he saw her. He let out an almost frightened gasp, "Her Majesty's Chosen!" He skittered from his place on the web, traveling to the mouth of the cave. 
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt your work. I just wanted to bring by dinner," Tav offered with a smile. 
Kar'niss stared at Tav, bemused by the offering. His gaze traveled to the bowl she had in her hands. He raised his hands almost hesitantly. His eyes darted back to Tav, and a breath caught in his throat. Confused by Kar'niss' hesitance, Tav cleared her throat, "Haggis, like I said before. But I can get you something else." 
"Her Majesty's Chosen would allow me to take?" Kar'niss questioned. 
"What? Of course. That's why I brought it to you," Tav insisted. 
Kar'niss raised his hands as though to take the bowl before suddenly jerking, taking a few steps back. Tav could see the tension in his jaw traveling down his neck to his shoulders. He whimpered before returning to his position in front of Tav. "They shame me, Her Majesty's Chosen. They offer food with no stipulation. I return their pity with uncouth behavior." 
Tav needed to add Lolth to the list of gods she planned to kill. 
"Hey, it's alright, Kar'niss. You almost died today. You have the right to be a bit skittish. Here, take it," Tav offered once more. She kept a smile on her face, hoping the gesture made him comfortable with her. "Also, 'Her Majesty's Chosen' is a bit of a mouthful. Please call me Tav." 
"Tav," Kar'niss repeated, his lips pursing at the sound. "It is not proper." But Kar'niss did not press the issue. He slowly reached to take the bowl. Tav took in his hands, especially his fingers. They looked normal at first glance before they morphed into talon-like claws. He took the bowl from her before retreating into his cave. 
Tav let out a sigh. She could take minor victories where she could
"Her Majesty, I am forever in your debt. Thank you for sending me your Chosen. Thank you for leniency. I will serve them until I am cast away. Speak through them and I will obey." 
Kar'niss climbed into the top cavity of the cave. He could see if anyone would invade his space before they could even notice his web. It was a fine nest.
"They speak sweetly. They offer. No demand. No request."
Tav, as she told him to call her, was beautiful. Even though his lantern lay broken, he could feel a light shone on him through her gaze. Her words foretold of a future where he could serve safely. Her hand was steady and gentle. If she were to punish...
"And yes they would punish. Because I am weak, your Majesty. Foolish, lazy, spoiled boy! But they would punish to correct. Only to correct, like you would. Not like Matron. Too far. Too much. Ilhar, Ilhar, please, I am sorry. Despicable, useless boy!" 
Kar'niss could feel his body tremble as his mind took him to his childhood. He shook his head and ran his clawed fingers along the wall of the cave, hoping the sensation would ground him. 
He would ensure that Tav would not regret wasting her time, her healing supplies, on him. 
"I have no right to ask this of you, Your Majesty. But if you could spare me one more blessing, please do. I wish to recover quickly. I shall protect your Chosen." 
Kar'niss' heart began to race as he thought about Tav. If her smile would shine on him once more if he served her well. Until he was healed, he could not physically protect her on her journey. But perhaps there were other ways to show his appreciation. His throat vibrated at the implication. But reality slapped him.
"Foolish thing. Your Majesty, guide me. Give me humility. They have a harem of males to serve them. To think they would allow me to serve her in that manner. Hideous, twisted, castrated, pathetic."
For once, the voices lowered to whispers. And Kar'niss could give into his exhaustion.
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one-piece-aus · 1 year
Whumptober Day 1
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Lmao so we're starting off with Uta this year because I noticed October 1st is her birthday, and what better way to celebrate than to give her the first Whumpday hororororororo TW: Mention of destruction, abandonment, guilt of unconscious criminal actions, and Uta considering herself a monster
For as long as she could remember Shanks and his crew had been there for her.
Until that fateful day, the music island had been destroyed.
With the pirates being the only survivors, they fled the scene with her before the Marines arrived. Uta slept in Shanks' arms, unaware of what they were discussing.
"What do we do?" Roux asked pushing the plate of food away from him. "If the Marines found out she was the one behind this..."
The members worriedly glanced at Uta who clung onto Shanks' arm. Heavy silence only fueled the anxiety clawing in their minds.
"She might have a higher bounty than the Devil of Ohara." Hongo set the stack of bounties he had been looking through on the table.
"It's not right for kids to have bounties," Yasopp said, his arms folded and staring at the ground.
"She would've gotten a bounty eventually," Limejuice reminded the group. "We're pirates, and marines don't discriminate who to make an outlaw."
"Well, we didn't expect it this soon."
"It'll be dangerous if she stays with us."
"We can't just drop her off and leave her behind."
The last statement ceased the others from conversing further. Shanks, who had been quietly looking at his daughter, at last spoke up, "Let's head to Dawn Island."
Luffy waved goodbye to the pirates, shouting he'll meet them again someday with his own crew, when a thought wormed it's way into his mind. He dropped his arms and scratched his head in search of his memory. Did he say bye to Uta? She didn't talk to him as the crew was packing up to leave, which was weird. Uta would've been right by Shanks, teasing him before Red Hair gave the strawhat to the boy. Maybe she was already on the ship sleeping, her devil fruit did take up a lot of her energy. Luffy shrugged it off and walked back to Makino's bar.
"Makino, can I have some juice?" Luffy requested as he climbed onto a stool in front of the bar.
"Of course, Luffy." She smiled and got out a glass.
Luffy happily waited, kicking his legs back and forth, when he heard a girlish yawn behind him. He spun around, eyes going wide. "Uta?! What are you doing here!?"
"Hmm?" Uta shot him a confused look as she rubbed her eyes. "Why wouldn't I come here? I'm hungry, I want breakfast."
"Luffy-" Makino tried to explain the situation but Luffy opened his mouth first.
"He wHAT?!" Uta snapped awake not processing what he just said.
"Shanks and his crew left earlier this morning, why aren't you with them?"
Uta's face contorted to one of horror and she dashed out of the bar, unable to hear Makino calling out to her. Her little legs carried her to the docks, she glanced around in devastation at the empty port.
They left her.
They actually left her.
She thought the conversation she overheard was a bad dream. They wouldn't abandon her, right? They loved her, she loved them. So why? Why did they leave her here?
Just as the question appeared in her mind, a brief memory from Elegia's destruction popped up and for now her questions stopped. She bawled her fist as rain fell onto the ground in front of her. Luffy ran up to the docks, Uta wiped away the rain before turning to the boy wearing her dad's strawhat.
"Did-" she paused to get a hold of her emotions. "Did he say if he was coming back?"
"No, he said they won't be returning," Luffy bluntly said but quickly scrambled to fix it. "But- uh- I'm sure they'll come back for you. I mean- we can get Makino to call them and have them pick you up-"
"Don't bother." Uta brushed past him. "He's not going to come back."
Just like her world shattered. Her family, that she could fall back on, disappeared. All that remained were gaps that needed to be filled with answers explaining why they would leave her, and she had a vague idea of what they were.
As the gaps filled with her thoughts of the music island's destruction, a seed planted itself in the back of her mind.
Tags: @bookandyarndragon @roseoftrafalgar
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bearsinpotatosacks · 1 year
I'll Haunt This Ship (To My Last Breath) - Whumptober2023
But now the room is spinning while I'm trying to fill in all the gaps - I paced for hours on empty; I jumped at the slightest of sounds
Scotty gets electrocuted on the job. It's lucky Bones is good at his job.
For day 1 & 7 of @whumptober . Also on AO3.
Words: 710
Bones tapped his foot as the turbolift landed in the engineering decks. As soon as the doors open, med kit in hand, he bolted off toward where the crowd of people had formed around Scotty. He pushed them out of the way, there were way too many people here, and saw where he lay, not breathing, on the floor. 
“Move back, all of you,” he said, kneeling to the floor and feeling for a pulse.
There was none.
“Has anyone done anything?”
The crowd shook their heads. Amateurs. You’d think a group working in one of the most dangerous parts of the ship would know at least some first aid. Even the security officers knew how to see to a phaser wound. 
He moved his head over his face to feel him breathing and felt nothing again. “How long has he been down?”
“Two minutes,” said an Ensign. 
He rolled up his sleeves. Despite all their medical advancements, CPR was still the only way to revive someone who’s heart had stopped. Apart from concoctions made from a mad mans blood, but resurrecting Jim was a one time thing, at least he hoped. 
“Right, Scotty, I’m sorry about the ribs.”
He placed his hands on the breastbone, the heels over where his heart was and began to press down hard. The crowd flinched when the ribs began to crack and splinter. He didn’t flinch. The only way CPR properly worked was if you broke a few ribs, it meant you were getting through to the heart properly. 
“Twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty.”
He focused on his head. Tilting it back, he pinched his nose and gave one deep breath, waiting to see if his chest moved, and it did. He did one more breath but didn’t see any signs of life. 
“Can you hear me?” He said as he carried on with compressions. “Scotty, can you hear me?”
No answer. He carried on with the compressions, starting to appreciate all the times Jim made him go to the gym, because without those horrible arm workouts, he probably wouldn’t have the strength to do CPR for too long. 
With Scotty still not responding, he lent his head back and did two more breaths. His chest rose but didn’t carry on. He didn’t open his eyes. 
“Don’t give up on me Scotty,” he said between compressions. “I think the Enterprise would stop working if you died, or you’d start haunting it, one of the two, and I don’t like the thought of either.”
As if the thought of anything happening to the Enterprise had pulled him from the brink, he jolted upright, eyes wide open and heaving in deep breaths. He lay a hand on Bones’ shoulder as he guided him on breathing easier. 
“How many fingers am I holding up?” Bones asked him, waving his hand in front of his face.
Bones nodded. Scotty moved his hand to his chest as he tried to get up. 
“Why do my ribs hurt?”
Bones looked away, rubbing the back of his neck. “I’ll explain later.” He said. “Now to sickbay, come one.”
He put his arm around him as they headed back to sickbay. Scotty limped, still holding his ribs as he did. The doors opened with a swoosh, some of the ensigns shouted good luck and gave him thumbs up, it was nice to know Scotty was more well liked with his staff than he was. 
“Do I have to go to sickbay?” Scotty asked as the turbolift shifted upwards. 
Bones rolled his eyes, “You literally died.”
“I’ll be fine!”
“No, you’re at least getting a check up, if not a full night in sickbay, and tomorrow off.”
“No buts, now come on.”
The turbolift dinged as they reached sickbay. Scotty sighed as he walked him in and placed him on the bed. A nurse came over and began doing some tests as Bones took some readings. 
“At least I can get caught up on my engineering journals.”
Bones just nodded and added a tourniquet to his arm. Tapping the IV bag, he made sure there were no bubbles in the bag or the tube, before pushing the needle into the vein and shutting him up. 
“Anything to get you sitting still, Scotty.”
Can you tell I've started watching ER? One of my main gripes with that show is how light their CPR is? In one episode they feel bad for breaking ribs when I swear that's the point. Also don't take any of this as medical advice, I have no first aid training apart from ER. I have learnt how they put IV's in, also from Wikihow. But between getting into Top Gun and 2023 whumptober, I've kind of forgotten what equipment is canon in Star Trek and what's made up in my mind, lol. Thanks for reading! @whumptober-archive
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actress4him · 1 year
Whumptober 2023 - Day 1 - Querencia
This is the next chapter of Querencia, directly following Park Day!
Taglist: @darthsutrich , @inky-whump , @painful-pooch , @pigeonwhumps , @bookworm2107
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No. 1: “But now this room is spinning while I’m trying just to fill in all the gaps.” | “How many fingers am I holding up?”
Contains: dude whump, lady whump, team whump, superheroes and villains, head injuries, unconsciousness, kidnapping, restraints, noncon drugging, referenced homelessness, implied torture, death mention
Liliana is first aware of a sharp headache in her temple. Waking up with a headache is hardly unusual, she’s used to sleeping on asphalt and hard-packed dirt with not enough food or water in her system. But something in her gut is screaming wrong, something that makes her open her eyes instead of rolling over and trying to go back to sleep past the pain like usual. 
She’s not in an alleyway. She’s also not in her new room at the warehouse. She doesn’t know where she is, which has her immediately sitting up, though she regrets it when her head pounds and the unfamiliar room sways around her. Squeezing her eyes shut again, she puts a hand to the side of her head and waits for everything to settle.
“Lili! You’re awake! Are you okay?”
Blinking, she looks for the source of the voice. It’s Nari, sitting a few feet away with Jamil, a smear of dried blood across her upper lip. And Alex…he’s lying nearby, and looks like he’s asleep. Or…unconscious? She refuses to think of the third option. 
“I’m…I’m okay, just…” She pulls her hand down into her lap quickly. “H-headache. What, what happened? Where are we, i-i-is…is A-alex okay?”
“He’s unconscious,” Jamil responds, looking over at him anxiously. “Like you were. Hopefully he’ll wake up soon.”
“We’re not really sure what happened.” Nari shifts, and Liliana’s eyes are drawn to the handcuffs linking her right wrist to the chain link that makes up one wall of the ‘room’ they’re in. Something about that isn’t right, but her mind is swirling too much to pinpoint what it is yet. “Um…last we remember was being in the car and…hitting something, maybe? And swerving off the road. Then we woke up here.”
Right. The car wreck, she remembers that now. “I-I-I think…I think I h-heard people…talking. I don’t, um, don’t remember w-what they said.”
“Well, we all know that we make enemies in our line of work.” Nari drops her voice low, as if someone might be listening. “And this has to be about that. But…the question is, how did they know it was us?”
“I told you, it has to be Luna.” Jamil doesn’t sound like himself. He sounds small, and scared, like he did right after waking up from being mind controlled. “We knew she was going to pull something like this sooner or later.”
Liliana’s eyes dart around the room, trying to decide what type of building they’re in, even though she’s sure Nari and Jamil have gone over all those possibilities already. It seems like a storage area of some kind, though the part they’re in has been cleared out. The walls are concrete block, other than the one that’s chain link fence with a door in the center. Through the fencing she can see stacks of boxes, and maybe another area like the one they’re in, too. It’s hard to tell for sure in the dim lighting. 
“W-wait, where’s…?” She twists, looking behind her, making sure she hasn’t missed him somewhere. Her ribs twinge, even more of them sore now than the one she’d healed. “Where’s Quinn?”
The expressions that come over both Nari and Jamil’s faces put an immediate knot in her stomach. They don’t get a chance to answer, though, because it’s at that moment that Alex groans and begins to stir. He’s handcuffed to the fencing, too, and so is Jamil. She’s the only one not restrained. Maybe they figured she didn’t look like a threat. They’d be right about that.
“Alex, dude! You had me worried, are you okay?”
Nari nudges Jamil with her elbow. “Give him a second to wake up, Jay.”
Groaning again, Alex scrubs at his stubbled face with his free hand. “Man, my head. I must have gotten hit with something big.”
“How many fingers am I holding up?” 
Letting his arm flop back to the ground, he picks up his head and squints at Nari. “Three.”
She nods and drops her own hand. “Yep. You’ll be okay. Just take it easy for now.”
“Um…” Alex rolls his head from side to side and tugs at his restraints a little. “Why are we in a dungeon and why am I handcuffed?”
Jamil lifts his shoulders up toward his ears. “We…got kidnapped?”
“What? How did somebody manage that?” He’s still pulling at his trapped wrist. “Wait, better question, why can’t I break the handcuffs?”
“Same reason I can’t.” Nari jingles her own set with a frustrated huff, and it finally clicks with Liliana why her being restrained felt so weird. They’re made of metal. Nari should be able to bend those to her will with little thought or effort. 
“They’ve apparently done something to our powers,” Jamil explains. “I can’t replicate or anything, either. I don’t know if it’s something in the room, or if they drugged us, or what.”
Nari turns a thoughtful look on her. “If it’s drugs, I wonder if they gave it to you, too, Lili. I mean…most people don’t even know that you’re a part of the team, much less what you do.”
“Luna knows,” Jamil mumbles.
“I could, um…I c-could try healing someone? Alex’s head, m-maybe?”
“Guys!” Everyone’s attention turns back to Alex. “Where’s Quinn?”
Those same expressions are back. Jamil runs his free hand nervously through his curls, and Nari stares down at her lap. Liliana automatically starts fidgeting with her gloves without even knowing what’s going on. 
“We don’t know.” Nari’s voice is never that quiet and unsure. “He, um…he wasn’t here when we woke up. We haven’t seen or heard anything about him.”
Everything falls silent. The severity and terror of the situation is finally sinking in for Liliana, making her stomach churn. 
Is he hurt? Is he dead? Are they doing something horrible to him right this very second? Who are these people, and what do they want from them? And how are they going to get out of here if none of the heroes can use their powers? 
“I’m…I’m sure he’s okay,” Nari begins tentatively. “He’s…the leader, they probably…just…”
A loud, strangled scream tears down the hallway and echoes through the room.
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youphoriaot7 · 1 year
— but now this room is spinning while i’m just trying to fill in all the gaps [swooning, safety net + shaking | “how many fingers am i holding up?”]
title: i'll be right here (with you) characters (pov): roier & jaiden word count: 1,359 relationships: roier & jaiden, gen. warnings: no archive warnings apply. teen & up audiences. blood, concussion.
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macey-kasey-nope · 1 year
His hair was soposed to be waaaaaay darker ;-;
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Also my camera quality is ass.
Zei gets his ass beat 👍🏽 babys first concussion
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lilimonarch · 1 year
Doctor Hanahaki: The memories that never return [1].
Doctor Hanahaki Prequel: Whumptober spinoff!
Akaashi does not remember, amnesia completely tarnishing any hope of reconciling with his past. The events still happened, and the pain still lingers
Whumptober Day 1
But now this room is spinning while I'm trying just to fill in all the gaps
Akaashi lazily blinked as he sat in the bed, drowning in his own thoughts of emptiness as his brain started going haywire with the lack of oxygen. Distantly, he could see his doctors beside him, but nothing else at all.
He was underwater, drowning at the hands of the mysterious disease of Hanahaki. His fever through the roof, hardly awake at all. The doctor was at his bedside, holding three fingers up. "Akaashi, kid? How many fingers am I holding up?"
Akaashi's vision was spinning, spotty, and blurry. What he had assumed were the hands of the doctor were nothing but a blurred mess. "...Can't see them," Akaashi tried to clear his vision but to no avail as the doctors cleared away and discussed, their whispers meaning nothing to him.
He was alone.
"Akaashi?" Bokuto entered the room, closing the door quietly behind him. He was clearly petrified, seeing Akaashi staring at a blank spot in the room. "It's me, Bokuto."
Ah, Bokuto, a flutter formed itself in Akaashi’s chest as he tried to look around to find him, the room a blurred mess as he coughed more Sakura petals to the side of his bed. He couldn't see Bokuto, why couldn't he see the person he loved? Hanahaki wouldn't take away his vision, right? Hanahaki wouldn't take him away, right? "Bokuto?" The panic started to set in; he couldn't see Bokuto through his swimming vision. "Bokuto? Bokuto! Where are you?" His breathing, or what little he could, started to pick up.
Bokuto couldn't bear to see Akaashi like this, glancing around in agony as he searched for the sight of his teammate, someone he couldn't find. "I'm right here, Akaashi," Bokuto rushed to Akaashi's bedside, bringing his hand to Akaashi’s cheeks and slowly moving his thumb back and forth. "It's alright, 'Kaashi. Just breathe, I'm right here."
Akaashi sobbed but felt Bokuto’s presence, the other boy's hands wiping his tears. "I can't-" he stuttered, sobbed, squinted in hopes to make out anything at all. "I can't see!"
"It's a blind episode, that's what the doctors said. It'll go away soon," Bokuto whispered before slowly wrapping his arms around Akaashi, to make his presence truly known. "You can hear me, right?"
Akaashi slowly nodded, weakly bringing up his arms around against the figure, taking deep breaths as best as he could. "Yeah... yeah-"
If Akaashi could see, he would notice the blush forming on Bokuto’s face, the tears threatening to pour from his eyes. "I'm right here. If you can't see me, you'll hear me. If you can't hear me, you'll feel me. If you can't feel me, don't worry because I will always be here." Bokuto declared, in full seriousness and solemn.
"Always?" Akaashi's voice quivered as he leaned his head against Bokuto’s shoulder. Slowly, he could start to make out the colors of the signature Fukurodani hoodie.
"Always," Bokuto declared without hesitation.
"I'm scared-"
Bokuto sighed, rubbing soft circles on Akaashi’s back. "I know."
Me too.
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kira-angel24 · 1 year
Whumptober 2023 Day 1
"But now this room is spinning while I'm trying just to fill in all the gaps", "How many fingers am I holding up?"
She couldn't remember what happened, the only thing she could perceive now was her head spinning. Kira wrapped her wings over her head as Anna rubbed the angel's back. The girl carried her back after collapsing in the woods. Alois walked into their room quietly. All of the curtains were closed and Kira was laid out on the bed. "Hey you two," he approached the bed quietly. "Is she any better?" Anna shook her head and kept close to the angel.
"Still the same as a few hours ago."
"Kira," she lifted one of her wings slightly to see the doctor in front of her. "How many fingers am I holding up?" Her vision blurred and she covered her face again. Kira whined as she clutched her head.
"I can't... it hurts..." she whispered.
"It's okay, don't strain yourself. Just get some rest." The girl nodded as Alois offered her some medication. Kira took the pills before falling asleep quickly.
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ohanahoku-ao3 · 1 year
Whumptober Day 1
@whumptober Hope you all enjoy my first Whumptober Fic of the year! Also posted to Ao3. Teen & Up - Gen - Stranger Things
Waking Up on Weathertop
     Steve wakes slowly, head pounding as he pries open an eye ever so slightly in fear of the light that awaits him. But all he’s greeted with is the dull, red lighting of the Upside Down, a relief and discomfort all at once. He’s lying on his side, staring out at the desolate, blurry landscape visible from the alternate realm’s Weathertop. Even here, the ground is cracked every which way, and Steve wonders, not for the first time, when it’ll all collapse. Distantly, he can hear voices behind him, but their words are lost to him as he closes his eyes.
     He doesn’t want to be here again. After they returned from losing Eddie, Steve promised he’d never come back. Yet, here he is, again, on the umpteenth mission that’s brought him to the other side. Thinking back, his promise had been nothing more than an empty reassurance to himself, a lie to help him through the night. The sort of lie a parent might tell a child to keep them from being scared, the type of lie Steve’s parents used to tell him as a very young boy, the kind of lie Steve wishes his parents would tell him now, if only so he could believe it for a few moments.
     But his parents are long gone. The so-called earthquake had been the last straw for them, and they’d packed up one last time to never return. They left him behind with the house like a forgotten box in their rush to leave, and Steve never heard so much as a ‘good luck’ as they departed. They left him on his own as they always did, but he was used to them walking away. He was always left alone; it was nothing new. Still, he wonders what they’d say if they were here.
     It wouldn’t matter, he decides. They’re never coming back, and he’d never listen to them anyway. Not anymore.
     The voices behind him are getting louder, pinging around in his head like sharp knives, and Steve groans as the cloudy haze of unconsciousness fully lifts off him. He rolls over onto his back as someone shouts his name, and he opens his eyes only to close them again as a wave of dizziness washes over him. His stomach flips over, and he just wants the room to stop spinning so he can remember what happened. He’s getting flashes of a fight, of demodogs and brick walls splattered with blood, of someone screaming his name, but there are too many gaps.
     “Steve? Come on, Steve, wake up. You’re not allowed to die on me, remember?” Robin’s voice comes in clear as the other voices blessedly fall silent.
     “M’wake.” He mumbles, slowly squinting his eyes open. They’re blurry above him, and Nancy lets out a sigh of relief from her spot by his shoulder.
     “Thank goodness.” She breathes, and Steve is struck by guilt at hearing the tears in her voice, remembering that Jonathan was back at Hop’s cabin and barely hanging on since their last encounter with a swarm of demobats
     “Sorry.” He whispers, reaching blindly behind him to pat her ankle reassuringly. He’s unsure if it helps, but her hand finds his and squeezes, so he’ll count it as a win.
     “Hey, buddy, look over here.” Dustin’s voice calls for his attention, and Steve blinks up at him, flinching back a little from a sudden hand too close to his face. “How many fingers am I holding up, Steve?”
     It looks like four, but Steve knows better at this point. He knows they’re in enemy territory and must get moving soon. He knows he can’t hold them back if they want to make it out of here. Max and Eddie are already gone. Jonathan and Erica are both seriously injured, and Steve isn’t going to let himself be the cause of someone else getting hurt or worse. “Two.” He mumbles, already pushing himself up. They can’t sit around any longer.
     “Okay, good, easy,” Dustin says, helping Steve prop himself up. “We don’t need you swooning and falling over.”
     Steve huffs, but he’s smiling even as his vision wavers around the edges. “I don’t swoon, Dustin.”
     Dustin is retorting that he totally does, and Robin and Nancy are worrying over him moving too fast as Steve pushes himself to his feet. His vision is still blurry, and his feet feel like lead as he takes a couple of steps, but he can do this. He has to. He’s their safety net, after all. They’re relying on him, and Steve won’t let them down. He bends over, forcing aside the dizziness that comes with the motion and picks his bat up off the ground. The feeling of it in his hand serves as a ballast for his determination, and he brings it up to rest against his shoulder before turning around to look at the others.
     “Come on, let’s get outta here.” He says, turning around and marching off, knowing without a doubt that the others are following him. He’ll get them home safely if it’s the last thing he does.
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webslingingslasher · 2 months
I need a peter x cherry fic ft dry humping and making out
*cleaning out my drafts. contains nsfw content.*
you watch him slowly push your legs apart, laying down between your thighs like a perfect fit. peter's closer than he's ever been, he's more direct than he's ever been.
a brush of his denim under your skirt has you breathing deep, his strong hands push your thighs wider. 'peter?' you quiet when he shushes you, biting at your bottom lip when he gives teasing kisses across your neck.
'shh... i'm giving you what you want, baby.'
baby. you close your eyes as peter marks your skin, a red patch no doubt produced from his teasing. 'what do i -' you clutch his arms tightly, a shocked, yet excited look takes over your face. peter rocks his hips into yours again, you think you're about to bite through your bottom lip.
'yeah? my pretty baby likes that?' peter's rubbing up against you and it feels heavenly, his praises are about to make your head spin. peter holds your right leg up, a switch in his position and you're clasping a hand over your mouth while you scream into it.
'let me hear you. i want to hear how needy i make my girl.' you drop your hand, eyes rolling into the back of your head as peter grinds into you. 'so good. so, so good.' it's all your mind can come up with.
'you've been such a good girl, you've been patient, haven't you?'
you'd agree to anything if it meant he kept going and talking to you like this. 'yeah.' peter pouts, he finds your pleasure adorable. 'tell me. tell me how needy you've been, i wanna know how long you've been thinking about this.'
it feels like years, god you just want him to keep talking. you're feeling something build in your lower stomach and you're not about to lose it now. 'so so long, peter. i want you all the time.'
'i know you do. you think about it every time i kiss you. every time i wrap my arms around you-' you can't keep your eyes open anymore. peter's voice sounds thick, he's praising you while calling you needy. he's giving you things you didn't know you wanted.
'every time you're in the shower, that's when you want me the most, isn't it?' he's reading you like a book, small whimpers falling from your mouth are amplified when peter pushes in, you can feel all of him.
your head is filled with white noise, it's sudden and it rips you apart. your hands clench your bedsheets, curling the fabric between your fingers while you involuntarily buck your hips into his.
a red hot, pounding heat. peter's name comes out choppy, he's telling you to open your eyes but you can't. it shutters through you, peter rides it out with you, a broken hiss when you can't handle it.
'see how good i can make you feel? all you have to do is tell me.'
you nod but your ears are still ringing and your body feels like cement. you can't keep your eyes open, each blink comes with longer and longer gaps.
there's a slow drum in the background, you listen closer, it sounds familiar. it gets louder, it sounds like it's outside your door. as you sit up to ask peter what the noise is, you enter the real world.
you rub your eyes and look around, the only other person in the room is your roommate and she's blissfully asleep. you identify the beat and shut your alarm off, the small movement had you rip your blankets off and stare down at your thighs.
you had a wet dream.
an extremely vivid, full completion, sex dream.
a shower wasn't in your morning plans but it was now, and the entire time you replayed your dream. you felt a little guilty of dreaming about peter like that, you got off on an idea of him. just thinking about him right now makes you feel warm and giggly.
'see how good i can make you feel? all you have to do is tell me.'
you can't shake it from your mind no matter how hard you try.
'how's my cherry-bomb doing?'
the second peter's arm hung over your shoulders, your heart started to race. everything about him was screaming at you. his weight, his cologne, his voice.
'good. how are you?' all you can hear are his words from last night. you shake your head slightly, you're trying to tap in but you're dying to straddle his lap and mimic what he did in your sleep.
'i'm good. better, now that i'm with you.' god, he's wearing that amused grin he had when he was grinding himself against you. you think he said something but all you heard was 'you're such a good girl.'
you shake your head, a physical act of batting your ideas away before asking him 'what did you say?'
'are you doing alright, cherry? you're acting weird today.'
'more than normal.' you can’t tell him, it’s embarrassing. ‘i’m okay.’ you freeze at a kiss on your cheek, your mind flashes back to last night. your eyes close as you remember his breath washing over your neck. another kiss at the corner of your mouth, your stomach jumps like he’s under your skirt.
a finger tracing shapes on your shoulder feels like it’s branding you. heat washes over you, you can still recall the grinds he was giving you and how real it felt.
you think the real thing would be better. would he be a tease? would he talk to you the same? one thing without question, he’d be just as dominating for your pleasure.
a swirl on your skin has you standing, by consequence peter’s hand falls. ‘what’s wrong with you?’ you brush out the pleats in your skirt, peter’s eyes follow your movements, you block his view with your bag.
‘i’m busy. super busy. like, mega amounts of busy so i should go. sorry, i shouldn’t have joined you. i’ll see you later. maybe.’ you book it before he could try and sweet talk you into staying.
peter watches after you while he throws his hands up.
‘you were here first!’
'did my pretty baby miss me?'
peter's between your thighs again and you're holding in every gasp you muster. 'she's so needy, isn't she?' you swallow hard on a sharp thrust, a whimper tumbles from you.
'i told you all you had to do was tell me- look at how well i'm rewarding you, i have you shaking under me.' peter rolls his hips, the bed moves underneath you.
'my needy baby feels so good, doesn't she? my good girl.'
your throat stings at the groan you release, it's instant this time. your hands dig into his bed sheets while peter rocks you through it, you feel empty but whole.
'i love making you feel-'
you gasp while peeling your eyes open. peter, the real peter, is standing above you shaking your shoulder. 'you alright, cherry?' you're not sure if you were saying anything.
'your face was all scrunched up, i thought you were having a bad dream.'
he has no idea. 'not a bad dream. definitely not a bad dream.' two wet dreams back to back is crazy.
peter gives you a funny look and sits back down at his desk. 'okay, weirdo. i didn't mean to ruin your nap.'
'don't worry, i finished.' you squeeze your eyes shut, you feel slightly out of breath. you'd been so good at pushing every inch of the dream from your mind that your subconscious tapped in and doubled down with a second one.
you take a few minutes to calm yourself down before making an excuse to grab water just so you could get away from him for a second.
you swore you were better, you pushed every aspect of your dirty dream deep down and was able to stomach being around peter again by excusing yesterday as a fluke and telling him you had homework on your mind.
peter bought it but you don't think he believed it.
'hey, did you see- jeez, cherry. what has you so on edge?' you jumped at his touch on your shoulders. backing away, your lower back hits a kitchen drawer.
'nothing. i'm just thinking about my dream.' this time you're honest but peter keeps going.
'is anyone giving you any problems?' your eyebrows scrunch together, 'no.'
'are you really stressed out or something? did someone tell you something that's bothering you?' you shake your head again, the confusion you're feeling must show on your face.
'you know i care about you, right?' you nod.
'good.' peter looks relieved. 'and if anyone was messing with you, you'd tell me?' he takes a step forward, you inch to the side, you need him at arm's length.
'no one's messing with me.' except you, but you leave that part out. peter's hiding something, he's able to hold it in for twenty seconds before he's bursting.
'you're acting weird. really weird. you were weird yesterday and you're weird today and i need to know what's going on.'
no, it's embarrassing, dirty and humiliating. you'd rather pull off your fingernails than admit what you were thinking. 'i told you my mind was on homework.'
'then where is it?'
you falter. you can't come up with an excuse before he's pushing further. 'because if you're this stressed about homework, where is it? all you did was come over and stay three inches away from me at all times before taking a nap.' the more he talks, the more it makes sense.
peter's head tilts, he looks over your face before taking a few steps back. 'if you don't like our arrangement anymore, that's okay. we can end it here and still be friends.' it's the last thing he wants but you don't seem comfortable around him anymore.
your eyes widen and you set your glass down a little too harshly, that's the last thing you'd want. 'no! no, no, no! just- no! i like you, i really really like you and what we have going on so no, not that. please not that.'
'then tell me what's going on.' peter sounds defeated while you stare at the ground. your silence is screaming and he takes it as withheld information. 'cherry, if i did or said something that made you upset, i'm sorry. just tell me what i did and we can work it out together.'
you're a terrible person for keeping up with your charade. 'i'm on my period.' you rush the words out, it was a classic fail safe that always stopped follow up questions.
'oh.' why does it look like he doesn't believe you? 'are you sure that's all it is?' because he doesn't. you further commit to the lie with a head nod, you swear he stares into your soul but he gives up.
'okay.' you know by his tone it's not, but you're not going to push your luck so you agree with him. 'okay.' you get an instant stomach ache, you can't handle the stress of keeping secrets from him. you promise, no, swear to yourself that tomorrow you'd bury this so far down that he'd never question you again.
or feel like you didn't want him or what you had because it quite honestly couldn't be further from the truth.
good news: you didn't have another wet dream last night.
bad news: you're still thinking about wet dreams.
but you're committed to making peace with your thoughts and being a normal human being around peter before he has a total breakdown.
so, you ignore the flashes of imagery when you wear the same skirt from your dream and watch a youtube video to distract your mind while you sit in front of your mirror and touch up your look.
you even make it all the way to his frat house before you break your vow on forgetting. the first dream was in your dorm, the second was in his room. surrounded by his sheets, suffocated in his smell and touch. while you wore this skirt, the one tickling your mid thigh.
shaking your head, you shake off your daydream and go straight for his room while collecting yourself and putting on a smile. you knock twice before letting yourself in and shutting the door behind you, peter's sitting at his desk and in the zone.
peter's computer has at least seven open tabs. one monitor has a word document, the other has a ted talk. there's two open textbooks and several pieces of scrap paper laid out in front of him. you're unsure if he's doing two classes at once or if it's just one hard piece of work.
you get a small acknowledgement before he's back to reading, halfway mumbling the words to commit them to memory. he's absolutely gorgeous and you understand what it means to burst with want.
there was a time when just kissing him made you nervous but you swear a flip switched and all you can think about is him, him, him. but you swore you'd be normal, so you lean over his shoulder to give him a kiss on the cheek and heavily ignore the part of your brain screaming at you to sit on his lap.
it's even worse than you thought, he's wearing the exact same outfit from both dreams. denim pants, black socks and his frat t-shirt. you lose all capability to breathe but peter's too invested in his reading and wiping away the sticky residue you left on his cheek using his shoulder to notice.
'oh, hey, i'm not like, super well versed in periods or anything but i got some stuff i heard girls like. i was gonna get you some... whatever you call them but there's so many kinds and i don't know what you use but i can get you some to keep here, or you can bring some over next time.'
you've never had anyone care about you like this. you've never had anyone go out of their way to try and buy you pads or tampons, you've never had anyone buy you things just because you're on your period.
'i got some peppermint tea but i think ethan has a bunch of different kinds if you want something else. oh, and chocolate. and reeses cups because i read that sometimes girls crave peanut butter but i call dibs on one. i also got this stuff called midol.'
you feel like a monster, he put in all this effort for a lie. you can't do this to him, it's so unfair. you look away from him when you confess. 'i'm not on my period.' if you could see peter's face all you would find is a funny look.
'like, not anymore or...?' you're inspecting the corner of his room when you shake your head. 'i lied. my period is next week.' peter goes quiet for a minute before you hear his desk drawer slide open and plastic crinkling. you're brave enough to look over to watch him stuff a peanut butter cup in his mouth.
'what?' you can barely make out the muffle. 'there's no way i'm letting these sit around for a week.' you didn't want to tell him why you lied but you're a little upset he's not asking why you did. peter passes one over to you, you take it gently.
'you need some sugar. turn that frown upside down.' he goes for his second, you peel the paper back and take a hesitant bite. you can't stomach it, you can't enjoy a treat while you're still simmering in guilt.
'why aren't you asking why i lied?' peter swallows and holds his finger up to pause the conversation while he chugs some water. 'did you lie for a reason?' not for a good one but it was still a reason.
'was it about your personal safety?' you shake your head, 'no.' peter shrugs, he's indifferent. 'well, it's obvious you're bad at lying but if you have a reason that doesn't concern your mental or personal safety, i trust you.'
you frown, 'i'm not bad at lying.' peter snaps his fingers into a gun before breaking into a grin. 'okay, okay, that's a good one. do another, oo, what color is this pen?' you keep a straight face while you say the wrong color, this time he softly claps. 'i take it back, cherry. you're an excellent mediocre liar.'
'you're making fun of me.'
'i'm allowed to. you lied.' you huff at him and eat the rest of your treat before sitting on the edge of his bed and flopping backwards. peter goes back to scribbling on pages, the only sound in the room were his speakers lowly producing a playlist he made.
it's not getting better. the more you try to forget, the more it's on your mind, the more it's on your mind - the more being around peter is unbearable. especially when he's so sweet and kind, when he's forgiving and trusting.
you want him, you want him all over you and under your skirt.
'have you ever had a sex dream?' it comes out before you could even think about it. peter spins in his chair to look at you, you're drumming on your thighs and bouncing between posters on his wall.
everything falls into place at once, the dodgy eye contact, the constant space you've given him. how you got antsy when he touched you, how you lied just to get him to stop asking questions.
'that's why you've been so weird? you had a sex dream?'
panic. he wasn't supposed to name you. you sit up and stare at him wide eyed. 'it wasn't me!' well- that just confirmed it. peter wants to laugh, instead he's kind and easy with you. you'd been stressed for days over nothing- or what he considers to be nothing.
'yes, i've had a sex dream before.' he's not making fun of you, he's being really delicate. you play with your hands while you mumble the real question. 'have you ever had a wet dream?'
oh. that's why you've been so secretive.
peter still keeps his calm demeanor and lets you poke where you feel comfortable. 'i have.' you sit in the comfortable silence, just asking the question had you relaxing.
'i've- my friend has never had one.'
peter clicks the pen in his hand three times while thinking of an answer, you both know who you're talking about but peter will play along. it's one of your favorite things about him.
'they're totally random, she- they shouldn't freak out about it. i had one about my fifth grade teacher like a year ago and that still haunts me. so unless it's something like that, they shouldn't stress it.'
'right. but what if they can't stop thinking about it? and it's really hard to be around the person it was with?'
peter deserves an award for his poker face.
on the inside, he was screaming. he had an idea, but your confirmation made him want to let out a quiet 'let's gooo.'
on the outside, he was none the wiser.
'i think it depends. why is it hard for them to be around this person?'
‘see how good i can make you feel? all you have to do is tell me.'
it feels too real, you go quiet again. peter won't let you, you started it and he's not letting you turtle shell. it's a lesson in being vulnerable, if you can't talk to him about a wet dream how is he ever supposed to go further?
you trace your name over your knee, you do it until you can look at him and choke out the truth.
'because i really want to do it.' you know what you said, so does peter. he hates the awkward air, there's nothing to be shy about. peter pretends to be shocked. 'oh, so not a friend?' for a moment you can't remember why you were so scared to tell him.
'not a friend.'
'would i be narcissistic to assume it was about me?' you nod at his question. 'you wouldn't be wrong.' peter has a thousand questions but he leaves it up to you.
'do you want to tell me about it or did you just need to get it out?'
you deflect. 'have you ever had one about me?' peter gives you a hint of a smile and you already know the answer. 'a few.' you're slightly impressed, you're on the border of a panic attack at two, (mostly) non graphic wet dreams and peter's casually brushing off multiple.
'tell me.'
peter's eyebrows raise, you're unsure of your request now. 'i'll tell you mine if you tell me yours.' peter thinks over the offer, he's going to keep the soft, sensual one for himself.
'a couple weeks ago i had one where you were riding me.' you don't know how peter is so honest about it. his is much more vulgar but he's acting like it's an everyday thing.
it's a little ironic, you had a dream where he was semi-riding you.
'what's yours?' this is where peter's interest is at, he wants to know what imagery got you off. yours seems insignificant now, peter's dreaming about the real thing, you got excited off his jeans.
'um, you were wearing that.' you gesture to his all over body. 'i was?'
you nod, 'uh huh, and i was wearing this skirt.' peter eyes the fabric and lets his eyes wash over your thighs. 'you were?'
'what else?'
you fight past your awkwardness, you told him you'd tell him yours. 'you were... you kept talking to me and saying things that i didn't know i liked but i did. i really, really did.
you suck in a deep breath and pull the plunge. 'you were dry humping me. i think.'
peter clicks his pen again, you allow yourself to imagine it as a way for him to restrain himself. 'you think?'
'it was the way you were talking to me. you were kind of mean but in a sexy way. i keep thinking about-' you almost give yourself away, you won't go that far. too late, peter's attention is on you.
'thinking about something i said?' you nod sheepishly, even if peter's acting like it's a normal conversation you still feel bad about thinking of him like that. 'what was it?'
it was a chain reaction. peter said one thing and it spiraled into all of this, you're not sure if you should be greatful or secretitive. you shrug like you didn't already tell him you couldn't stop thinking about it.
it's the reason you're here. you want this.
‘see how good i can make you feel? all you have to do is tell me.'
peter takes a deep breath, 'i see.' calm and collected movements, he sets his pen down and leans back in his chair. your nerves turn into excitement in a second.
'is this you telling me?'
peter taps his fingers on his armrests, your heart starts to race. the way he’s looking at you is new, this is new. ‘come here.’ your skirt bunches up when you move off his bed and you don’t bother to fix it. you ignite when you're pulled onto his lap.
'is this how it happened?' you shake your head, it's not what you fantasized but it'll do. peter grips your hips and places a kiss at the bottom of your neck. 'what did i do?'
you speak around puffs of air, peter's wet marks are awfully distracting. especially when he gets under your ear. 'it was in my dorm.'
'mhm.' the vibration shot down your neck. 'i was in bed and you...' you open your mouth in a silent moan, there's going to be a hickey tomorrow morning and you don't care in the slightest. 'got between me and started, started- grinding.'
it's so much better than a dream.
all the built tension drops when peter pulls back, he's not denying you of your fantasy. if you want him crawling up the bed - he's going to do it. peter pats the side of your leg before nodding towards his bed, you know what he's asking and you shimmy backwards before jumping into his sheets.
anticipation builds when he stands, voluntarily and expectant, you spread your thighs for him. 'you're gonna make me feel good, right?' he never thought you'd be this bold, peter swears you just gave him an instant boner. 'it's my job, isn't it?'
peter wraps his hand around your ankle and tugs, you hit the center of the bed and feel it shift when he rests on the end. a trail of kisses up your left leg, into your inner thighs, skipping right past where you're craving the most attention before skidding back down your right leg.
it's ticklish, he repeats the pattern and you mindlessly bend your knee up, peter hooks his arm around it while he nibbles at your skin.
'peter,' he's close to you. inches from you. he's getting closer, his kisses slow and feel more like brushes over the area.
'don't worry. one thing at a time.' you relax, he's just being nice. when he reappears, you hum as he stretches your hips wide and slots himself just how you dreamed. 'what did i-'
'do it.' peter raises an eyebrow, 'is that what i-' you pick your head up to stare at his beltline. 'do. it.' peter's wish is your command, he rolls his hips into yours and you let out every ounce of tension and stress in one sigh.
this is what you wanted.
'i've been so good, haven't i been so good for you?' peter can sense a little bit of a praise kink in you, it's fitting. 'you're always good for me. you're my good girl, aren't you?'
a whimper, it's so much better when it's real. 'i'm your good girl.' a harsh grind, you clutch peter's forearm while you throw your head back. 'yeah? that feels good?'
'call me your pretty baby.' peter doesn't know where the direction is coming from but he likes it. 'does my pretty baby feel good?' an audible moan, he's fucking perfect at this.
'i'm needy.' you suck in air, 'tell me i'm needy.'
peter's keeping you pressed to him by his hands wrapped up in your skirt, looping his thumbs under the fabric while the rest keeps a tight hold on your waist.
if this is what you want - he can do this.
'my pretty baby is so needy for me.' you nod and push your hips up, you're rewarded for being greedy. 'so needy.' peter's enjoying your reactions more than he's enjoying the friction. not you, you're more than enjoying the combination and peter wants to know how much.
a slow in the momentum, you soften into a pout at the lack of attention. 'no, no, no. please don't stop.' peter likes this side of you, submissive and desperate. 'tell me how much you want it.'
your head thrashes on his pillow, your hair will pay the price. you paw at his arms and hands, anywhere you can touch. 'no, you're nice, be nice.' you don't like being teased, peter takes a mental note.
you sink your teeth into your bottom lip when he gives you what you want, it's an indescribable feeling and now that you've had it, you can't imagine ever going back. you dig under his shirt, your nails pierce the skin on his hips.
'my pretty baby was desperate for this, wasn't she?' he's so good at it, so, so good. he's so good you can't even talk, peter lifts you and nudges you even closer.
you swear you almost screamed at the new angle, the thick of his denim was giving you every bit of friction you craved. 'but she's been so good.'
'i only ever wanna be good for you.' peter tightens his hold, you can't say things like that to him. you reach for his biceps, peter isn't ashamed to admit he leaned into it to make it easier. he likes you touching every inch of him.
'you're my good girl, even when you're begging.' you nod with him, he's got a great rhythm and you're starting to feel how you did in your dream. 'yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.' you hiss through your teeth at a harsh grind, you swear you're about to explode.
peter watches you fall further into the cusp of total release. sometimes, he can't help himself.
'see how good i can make you feel? all you had to do was tell me.'
the dam broke loose, your eyes squeezed shut so tightly you see a multitude of colors, first black, then white, then hints of red. you didn't know it was possible. for the first time ever someone else was responsible for your orgasm and that made it even better.
'oh my fucking god!' you swear the world came to a complete stop for thirty seconds, your hips stutter as peter keeps going, he's riding the wave with you. he lasts as long as you want, taking the hint when you get loose and can't even hold your arms up anymore.
'better than your dream?'
you didn't do any work but you're breathless like you just ran a mile. you can't respond yet, your brain isn't working. peter pats your knee, 'you can put 'em down now.' your legs drop, they've never been so heavy.
'you didn't finish.' peter smirks, you get a sinking feeling because he totally did and you were so wrapped up in your own world you missed out on it. the first time you did something sexual and you didn't get to see his face or hear his voice.
'no fair! i want a redo.' you lift yourself up, even though you feel like a thousand pounds and push at peter's shoulder to try and get him down on his back so you can get another chance and make sure you don't miss out.
peter lets you lay him down but he stops you from straddling him. 'this is where i tell you about the refractory period between nuts. after i cum? i am a no go for at least twenty minutes. couldn't get it up if i tried.'
you're ultra serious about this. 'so, twenty minutes?' he laughs and holds a grin. 'i promise we'll do this again, there's no need to wear yourself out.' oh, there's no doubt about that. you're going to be asking for this every single day for the rest of your life.
'you're evil for that last comment.' peter's eyebrows pull together, 'what one? there's no need to wear yourself out?'
'no, when you said what you did in my dream.' you also might have pulled out your plea for pet names from the same one but peter doesn't need to know that.
'see how good i can make you feel, all you had to do is tell me?'
your cheeks burn, the verb change from have to had isn't lost on you. you told him what you wanted and he gave it to you, when he said it was under your control he meant it, he just keeps you from swerving off the road or driving too fast.
'yes. that.'
peter's way too amused. 'anything my pretty baby wants, she gets.' you freeze, it feels weird when you're not under him. 'no, stop it.'
'c'mon, be a good girl and play along.' you shake your head and point a finger at him, 'don't you dare.' peter opens his mouth to add one more jab but you beat him to it. 'if you call me needy i'll actually get upset.'
'alright, alright, i'm done.' he raises his hands to show he's not a threat. he's still got a smile on and you can feel your thighs slightly sticking together, your heart rate picks up as you replay what happened minutes ago. it's a strange time to feel shy.
'what? you're looking at me funny.' it was so hot in the moment and you were clouded with lust that it just felt natural. now that you've come down from that high you were almost self-conscious.
'we like, did stuff together. and now we're just hanging out but you like, just gave me a first. like, here we are but also you just literally copied a dream i had and you made me like,' you mimic an explosion. 'and now we're hanging out like it didn't happen but it did and i was already having impure thoughts about you but now it's gonna be even worse.'
peter absorbs your word vomit and only offers six words. 'post nut clarity is hitting, huh?' you release a deep breath, 'are you freaking out too?' he pretends to think about it. 'ah, no. not really.'
'am i broken?'
peter pats his chest and reaches out for you. 'come cuddle.' you find solace in his hold instantly, you don't feel broken. 'you're not broken, cherry. you just did something you've never done before with someone else and you're feeling vulnerable.'
'you're so smart.' he snorts, 'i wouldn't go that far, but thanks.' to show it he kisses your forehead. you swear you're totally melted in his arms, you both sat in a nice silence while he traced random things over your back, his other hand in yours being fiddled with. his watch is the most interesting feature, you keep spinning the dial and pressing buttons.
'i'm surprised you haven't fallen asleep yet.' you hold up his wrist to show him the time.
'why would i? it hasn't been twenty minutes yet.' 
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otomehoneyybearr · 4 months
The Day I Made a Friend
Book of memories Chapter 2
Keith & Kagari
Ch1 | Ch3 | Ch4 | My First Dorayaki
*Warning: Kagari chokes Keith
*Fixed typos
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Kagari deftly picked up a practice sword with his foot and pointed its tip at Keith.
Kagari: "First, a warm-up. Ready your sword."
Kagari: "—Begin."
Keith: "...!"
In the blink of an eye, Kagari closed the distance and brought the practice sword down towards Keith's head, which he barely managed to block.
Keith swung his sword with enough force to blow Kagari away and launched a relentless series of attacks, leaving no room for gaps.
However, Kagari, with an expression as calm as ever, effortlessly deflected everything, as if he felt no weight.
Despite Keith being on the offensive, the situation turned against him with just a single step from Kagari closing the distance.
The continuous clash of practice swords reflected the growing frustration on Keith's face.
Kagari: "I've seen enough of your swordsmanship. Now, let's see your skills in hand-to-hand combat."
Keith: "Ah…!"
Kagari kicked Keith's practice sword away.
Without any mercy to regain his stance, Kagari aimed a punch at Keith's face, and when he blocked it, a kick targeted his abdomen.
Kagari's swift attacks allowed no chance for counterattack, making even a blink dangerous.
Keith: "Ugh, I can't land a hit at all."
Kagari: "That's to be expected."
Kagari: "Your basics in both swordsmanship and hand-to-hand combat are solid. You don’t have any critically wasted movements."
Kagari: “But everything you do is half-hearted. Just before you attack, you waste your energy, halving the power of your attacks."
Keith: "I didn't realize…"
Kagari: "Have you ever killed someone, Keith?"
Keith: "N-No, I haven't."
Kagari: "I see. Not yet."
Kagari's large, emerald eyes looked up at the sky thoughtfully.
Kagari: "Most people don't want to hurt others. So they unconsciously hold back..."
Kagari: "..."
Keith: "...? …Sir ――whoa!?"
Keith's legs were swept out from under him, and he fell hard on his backside, unable to break his fall.
As he hurried to get up, Kagari pinned him down, making it impossible to move.
Kagari: "Maybe you'd learn faster if you had a near-death experience."
Keith: "Wh-...ugh...I… can't breathe..."
Kagari's small hands tightened around Keith's neck.
Keith struggled, desperately trying to pry Kagari's hands off with his nails, but it was futile against the strength of a skilled assassin.
The grip only tightened until...
Kagari: "...Oh."
Keith: ".........."
Kagari: "...I overdid it."
He released his grip from the unconscious Keith.
Releasing his grip, Kagari watched as Keith lay unconscious. While Keith instinctively held back in his attacks, Kagari had a hard time controlling his own strength.
Kagari: "Keith."
He called Keith's name several times, but there was no response.
Kagari: "I was told not to hold back, and that if I deemed him hopeless, I could kill him—but this is troublesome."
Kagari: "...... Oh, I know..."
After a brief moment of contemplation, Kagari looked down at Keith again.
Kagari: "If you don't wake up, I'll strangle your brother nex――!"
Keith suddenly grabbed Kagari by the collar, cutting him off mid-sentence.
Whether Kagari's words triggered something or not, Keith had regained consciousness and headbutted Kagari with all his might.
Keith: "Even if it is was joke, there are things you shouldn’t say."
Keith: "If you ever lay a hand on my brother, I'll never... ever forgive you."
The gentle eyes from earlier were now filled with rage, glaring at Kagari. The intensity of his gaze was enough to intimidate even an adult, showing just how important his brothers were to him.
But the anger didn't last long. Keith's face turned pale, and deep wrinkles appeared on his forehead.
Keith: "Ugh…my head… it hurts. I feel sick… everything's spinning."
Kagari: "That's because you headbutted incorrectly. You should lie down."
Keith: "Right…um, I'm sorry for headbutting you."
Kagari: "…I'm sorry too."
Keith: "Huh?"
Kagari: "I overdid it. And what I had said was too far."
Kagari: "You really care about your brother, don't you?"
Keith's eyes dropped, and he nodded slightly.
Keith: "He considers a failure like me, his brother."
Keith: "I... I want to do anything for him, and I'll work hard for him."
Keith: "I'd gladly give my life for him. That's how important he is to me."
Kagari: "...I see."
After gently stroking his red-stoned earing, Kagari spoke.
Kagari: "Right now, you’re very weak."
Keith: "...Yes."
Kagari: "But you can become strong, if you have the will."
Kagari: "It's a short period, but while I'm here, I'll do everything I can to make you strong."
Kagari: "Not because the King of Jade asked me to, but because I want to."
Kagari: "So... once again, I ask for your cooperation."
Keith: "Oh... th-thank you! Please take care of me!"
Keith, who had never done it before, sat down and bowed his head to Kagari, who was sitting formally on the ground.
Although they didn't know much about each other and were still feeling their way around, in this moment, the distance between their hearts shrank just a little.
The next day — the training Kagari devised for Keith was so rigorous that even adults would flee from it.
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Kagari: "First, we'll strengthen your basic physical endurance."
Kagari: "Run from here to the mountain peak, grab a flag, and come back. Ten sets."
Keith: "Yes Sir!"
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Kagari: "Next, climb the cliff to strengthen your abs, lats, and core. Ten sets."
Keith: "Y-yes Sir!"
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Kagari: "Today, you’ll swim to that very isolated island over there. Ten sets."
Keith: "…Y-yes Sir."
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Kagari: "Next is reflex and explosiveness training."
Kagari: "For the next hour, dodge my attacks. Then, an hour of striking drills. Ten sets."
Keith: "…Yes Sir."
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Naturally, for the overly gentle Keith, it was a hellish experience that pushed him to his mental and physical limits, but he never complained.
Keith: "Ugh, sniff… thank you, very much."
Kagari: "Yeah, good job."
But after training, Keith would often wipe his red eyes furiously in front of Kagari, desperately trying to hold back his tears.
Kagari: "You’re weird."
Keith: "Huh?"
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whumpasaurus101 · 1 year
Whumptober, day one
YAY!!! First day of @whumptober Lets see how this goes YUDJUHDDHJ
No. 1: “But now this room is spinning while I’m trying just to fill in all the gaps.”
Safety Net | Swooning | “How many fingers am I holding up?
Sidekick stumbled backwards as Villain advanced towards them. They could hear their own heartbeat in their ears, thumping loudly as if crying out for help.
“Give it up, kid. Tell me where Hero is and you and I can get along.”
Sidekick took a shaky breath before slowly bring up their fists, ready to fight as they got their footing back, “Not happening,” they rasped, hating themself for how weak their voice sounded, “I'm not going to stop fighting back.”
A cruel smirk cracked along Villain’s lips as they raised their fists too, “Me neither.”
This time, Sidekick lunged forwards first. They went to swing at the villain but their wrist was quickly grabbed, along with their other one before Villain drove their knee up into Sidekick’s stomach.
Sidekick cried out as they hunched over, only resulting in them being kneed in the face. They fell to the floor, not getting any break as Villain was quick to straddle their hips, delivering punch after punch.
Sidekick screamed out, letting out all their energy, grabbing both of Villain’s wrists before throwing them off of them. This time they straddled Villain’s hips. They shot out their witch blade, placing it just at Villain’s throat as they caught their breath, “You- you're going to leave me alone,” Sidekick growled, surprising themself at their own tone, “You're going…gonna leave me and Hero alone.”
Villain simply scoffed, “Oh please, you think you scare me? You're nothing but a weak link to Hero. They only hired you because they felt sorry for you.
And that was when Sidekick did something they were trained not to do. They let it sink in. Their grip on Villain loosened and they gulped. But Villain then turned Sidekick to the floor, snatching the blade from the other’s hand and drove it into Sidekick’s torso, ripping a scream from the other.
“Damn, I really thought we would get along,” Villain hummed, “Welp! See you around kid,,, or not,” Villain giggled before running off to the shadows who engulfed their figure- leaving Sidekick by themself.
Sidekick was gasping for breath, shaking hands pressing down onto their wounds as they broke down into sobs, god, they were pathetic.
Rustling from a nearby bush made Sidekick flinch, only further upsetting their wound as they whimpered. “Ple-please, Villain, I-I swear I don't kno-”
Sidekick’s eyes blew open, “Hero?!”
The hero ran over kneeling beside their sidekick as their face contorted in guilt, “Oh, bud… I'm so sorry…” They took in their sidekick who lay on the ground, sweat coating their face and hair, skin paler than usual and blood everywhere.
“It's okay, you're gonna be okay, buddy.” 
Sidekick whimpered and nodded, leaning into the gentle touch in their sweat-soaked hair, “Hu-hurts..”
“I know… I know, I’ll make it stop hurting soon, we just need to bring you back the the HQ, alright”? Sidekick nodded slowly, their eyes fluttering closed but they opened them back up at Hero’s voice, “Heyhey, don’t be falling asleep on me, it would be one boring car ride back without you talking to me.” 
They both shared a laugh but Sidekick winced as their wound filled with fire. Hero gulped before they held up five of their fingers, “Hey, how many fingers am I holding up, bud?”
Sidekick squinted up as they tried to focus their vision on Hero’s hands, “Fff-fi-five?”
“Yeah! Good job! That’s how many sweets I’ll give you when we get home, got it?” Sidekick smiled and nodded, “Th’nk you..” They were going to be alright… but Villain’s words still cut deep into their heart. They were weak…
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gierosajie-art · 1 year
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Whumptober 2023 Prompt List | No. 1: “But now this room is spinning while I’m trying just to fill in all the gaps.” | Safety Net | Swooning
[Book of Clear Skies AU]
He breathes a sigh of relief as he finally, finally embraces his dear friend after what feels like an eternity. Not in a memory, not in their mindscape, but here, real and whole. Safe.
Neither of them let go. Whispering assurances only heard between the two of them, holding tight as if the other might disappear. You're safe. I should've been at your back that night.
I'm sorry. At least it was just me.
Carmen feels the grip on him loosen, and he is taken by surprise when they both fall, the former wholly unprepared for the sudden, unexpected weight as Venti becomes unresponsive then and there.
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paperstorm · 11 months
wip wednesday
Thank you for the tag @strandnreyes @orchidscript @birdclowns!
Carlos stares up at the ceiling, bathed in shadows and in the occasional beam of light traveling across it as a car passes outside on the street below. It’s quiet in the room, he can hear TK breathing evenly next to him and can hear the slight rustle of sheets as his own foot moves into a more comfortable position. Sleep is alluding him, for the moment. He feels wide awake, as alert as if it were 11 in the morning and he was rolling around in his patrol car. His body is tired, limbs seeming to melt into the mattress underneath him, but his mind races.
“I almost used again, a while back.”
Carlos blinks and his forehead contracts into a frown. TK is on his side, facing away from Carlos, and he’d thought TK was asleep. He’s lost track of time; he can’t be sure how long the both of them have been lying here awake next to each other in the darkness.
After the surprise dissipates, it’s another moment before TK’s softly spoken words settle deep enough into Carlos’s bones for him to understand what they mean. “You … what? When?”
“The day we were supposed to fly to New York for my mom’s funeral. When you came home and I wasn’t there. I told you I went to the firehouse. That was the truth, but it wasn’t all of it. I didn’t tell you why I went there.”
Carlos is quiet for a moment longer, mind frantically trying to fit pieces together and spin extras to fill in gaps, and then it strikes him. “Oh. Oh, baby …”
He wants to reach for him, but he doesn’t feel like he’s allowed to right now. TK knows he’s lying right here. If TK wanted to be touched he could roll over, and he doesn’t, so Carlos feels paralyzed.
TK sniffs and then his voice is muffled like he’s pressing his face into the pillow. “I grabbed some morphine from the bus. I would have taken it. Everything just felt so black and so hopeless, I was ready to throw everything away just so I didn’t have to feel like that anymore. I would have tossed away my sobriety, all the progress I’ve made. I would have been fired, maybe arrested. I would have fucked up us, and I didn’t care. Not in that moment. I just wanted to be numb.”
Carlos swallows and his stomach rolls in a sudden wave of nausea so intense he’s worried for a moment he might need to lean over the side of the bed and retch onto the floor. “Why didn’t you?”
“Because my dad caught me.”
Carlos brings his hands up to cover his face and exhales. “Thank God.”
“That’s not the point,” TK insists.
He still sounds devastated, but he sounds annoyed, as well. Whether he’s annoyed at Carlos or at himself, Carlos doesn’t know, and is too afraid to ask.
“The point is I would have done it, if he hadn’t. I would have fucked everything up, Carlos. Everything. So it isn’t just about what Sadie did to us. I know being drugged against my will isn’t the same thing as a relapse. I know that.”
“But?” Carlos hardly dares to ask.
“But I’m still broken in ways that have nothing to do with her. I was minutes away from a relapse weeks ago, before she did anything. That’s what you have to understand.”
He doesn’t say that’s what you can’t fix out loud, but it hangs in the air between them anyway.
Tagging @theghostofashton @heartstringsduet @reyesstrand @carlos-in-glasses @mooshkat @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @redshirt2 @cowlos-reyes @goodways @sarnagati @lightningboltreader @bonheur-cafe and everyone elssssse I haven't done this in a bit so I am whole ass forgetting everyone I usually tag I'm sorry 😥
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whumptober · 1 year
Hiya, I made this like an organized Google Doc folder that has all the prompts loaded in if that was a thing people were interested in? I know for me the organization part can help me complete the prompts so I made this! I thought if it was helpful to anyone they could make a copy of the files and use them to help fill out prompts.
its basically all the prompts loaded into Google Doc files with this sort of formatting:
Prompt: “but now this room is spinning while I'm trying just to fill in all the gaps” Safety net/swooning / “How many fingers am I holding up?”
World goal: (X)k
End word count: 
Holy crap this is amazing. Thank you so much for sharing this with everyone! You're wonderful!
Here's the direct link for anyone who'd like it.
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