#but oh that is a nice fantasy
bloodybellycomb · 11 months
I genuinely mean it when I say that life becomes at least 30% more manageable whenever you allow yourself to become obsessed with something that is a little bit silly
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let-me-sleep-or-die · 2 months
Kipperlily’s best friend was Lucy Frostblade and she feels betrayed that Lucy chose her god over coming back to life, coming back to Kipperlily.
Lucy abandoned her, and Kristen Applebees keeps coming back from the dead to live on with her party. She won’t leave them.
Kipperlily wants Kristen dead, maybe then the Bad Kids would understand what it is to feel alone.
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eriyu · 11 months
ARR through Stormblood patches complete! Shadowbringers script time!!!!!!
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angelinthefire · 1 year
Thinking about a 6-part miniseries about Cas. The premise being that there's some way for him to get back the memories that were taken from him, and he's going through the process of re-experiencing them (and this is why we haven't seen him yet, because he's been occupied with this).
So we're following Cas through time, seeing every instance of him going off-script, and every time it gets harder and harder to reset him. And there could be 3 or 4 actors besides Misha who play Cas at various points in history. And there could be returning spn actors for different angels as well as recasts for different "versions" of them. There would be a chance to get into some complex relationships between sibling-soldiers who are under a cult-like authority.
The way I'm imagining it, it would be "kalaidoscopic" to use Edlund's word for describing Cas' perspective. Non-linear narratives layering on top of each other, and making use of motifs and recurring elements in an almost dream-like way, building Cas' story as someone who fought to be his own person. The whole thing being kind of epic and fantastical and philosophical.
And of course it ends with Cas' reunion with Dean. I think in previous episodes there could be short little "missing scenes" situated within the main spn canon, to really re-establish Dean and Cas' relationship for any uninitiated viewers. But by the time it gets to the end, after following Cas' whole story, Dean is framed as the last instance in a long series of Cas' struggles to assert his own sense of right and wrong, his own sense of self. Dean is the time when it finally stuck. So there's a real narrative weight, within the 6 episodes, to them reuniting, it's not just for the sake of finishing what spn started.
And I'm still imagining the reunion scene being something like what I posted about here. Where Dean asks Cas to jailbreak Heaven with him, break the rules with him one more time, run away so they can live their own life. So that Dean is the realization of everything Cas' story has been driving towards.
And then the thing with Jack being taken over by God happens (see linked post). Because a) Cas can't just go off with Dean and leave Jack behind, so there has to be a reason for him to oppose what Jack's been doing in Heaven, and the answer to that is he's God instead of Jack. And b) the series ends on an open page, with Dean and Cas going back into the world as these twin agents of chaos and free will, and you have the sense that they're always going to be out there fighting for free will and fighting to be masters of their own lives, and the story will never end.
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damn... when the streaming platform has your favorite "obscure" anime but two of them are Video Unavailable and the others are behind a paywall
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zylphiacrowley · 4 months
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It is, quite frankly, a shame I blacked out the entire time I was playing SGE so I remember nothing about it. He looks so good in this glam.
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eldenphil · 2 months
terrible dogfish fight is maybe my fave d20 combat, theres so much player silly stuff & mechanics talk
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transzilla · 3 months
The way people go about gender questioning like.. pisses me off. Like the question needs to be answered at some point, lmao. I know its hard because being trans, people will gaslight you your whole life and say you don't know what you want but like, damn you can't torture yourself forever. Flex in the mirror, do a funny deep voice, yell all day and listen to it get raspy, cut your hair short like it grows back... Intuitively you will know what you want
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asleepinawell · 2 years
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arielluva · 8 months
i really hope fantasy life i will bring new people into the series. like. it literally took me 5 years of being a fan of this game to finally meet another person who even knew what the game was. in a jojos bizarre adventure discord server of all places.
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artbysarf · 19 days
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Finally drew a mermaid for MerMay! It's a super old OC of mine, Nolmaré! She's an orca mermaid living in the Caribbean during the tail end of the Golden Age of Piracy.
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aki40-7 · 10 months
Would you have or do you have kids with your f/o? If so, how many?
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adamanteine · 5 days
shams and clothing choices is something that needs to be studied
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laugtherhyena · 8 months
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Also since I'm talking about this Au again here's the demigod fam for the Tumblr people who have no idea what I'm talking about
"Brief" explanation of their roles bellow
So there are gods, but they're in such a different level from everything else that they don't care to watch iver and solve problems of their creations so they made the demigods to do the work they don't bother doing themselves.
So each demigod has a role they're meant to fulfill for eternity, they're very powerful and pretty much immortal. They don't get sick, they don't die of old age, but they can be killed. And if that happens the gods will make a new demigod to replace the old one, because dying is seen as a failure for them so they'd rather assign someone else for the role than revive the old one.
Tsurugi is the demigod of justice, he was the first to be created and is like a thousand years old. His role is to watch over all of humanity and if a catastrophic level threat ever arrives, it's his job to neutralize it and restore order. To his dismay, he's not allowed to inverne and just kill every single criminal ever, he's only meant to show up when it's a threat so strong that could destroy the world or cause massive irreparable damage. In the meantime, he spends his days traveling across the world to make sure nothing crazy is happening, training and occasionally visiting his kids.
He used to live in the Sky palace with Kinji, who was the original demigod of knowledge, created at around the same time as Tsurugi himself, and his husband who he raised the twins with. But after Kanade killed him Tsurugi began avoiding the palace since it brought him bad memories.
Hibiki and Kanade are the demigods of heaven and hell respectively, they were originally created as a single diety, the godness of afterlife. But a creature equally good and evil just can't exist, one is always a little stronger than the other, so this god collapsed and split into two demigods which are the twins. Thing is, they were born with grey fur and no outright devil or angel characteristics, so the gods put to be raised by Kinji and Tsurugi until these traits started showing and they could start training to fulfill their roles.
Their job is to decide the fates of living creatures after their deaths and guide them to their respective afterlife.
Kokoro is the current demigod of knowledge, she was created to fulfill that role after Kinji died. She was put to be raised by Tsurugi alone since Hibiki and Kanade had been sent to heaven and hell to start their training to become the demigods of those realms.
Her job is to take care of the Sky palace and protect it at all costs, this place is a big sanctuary/shrine on the top of a huge mountain that countians countless of books created by the gods that hold all knowledge of their universe, Kokoro herself has read all of these books and holds their knowledge, so she's aware of the crazy damage they could do if ever placed in the wrong hands. While there isn't any physical barrier stopping her from leaving, she's not allowed to do so cuz she can't just leave the place unprotected.
Lastly there's Mikako, who is not a demigod, but she is Kokoro's so still part of the family.
You see, Kokoro still struggles with understanding emotions and is curious about them in this Au, because it's one thing to have knowledge of what they are and mean and another thing to actually experience these things and build a connection to someone. But since she's isolated in the palace most of the time she doesn't interact much with anyone, even her family can't visit as often as they wish due to their own jobs as demigods.
Very rarely mortal beings will make their way up there to seek her guidance and that's how she met Sojiro, she wanted feel and experience what's like to love someone romantically and to love someone as a mother, which is why she had Mikako. She was so enamored by this idea of building her own family that she failed to notice Sojiro's true intentions, when Mikako was still a baby he took her away in the middle of the night, Kokoro noticed and tried to intervene but she couldn't bring herself to kill him, Sojiro took advantage of that and stabbled her legs repeatedly so that she couldn't follow them.
What he wanted with the kid is that he thought by being from a demigod she would be on a similar level as one and he could use her for power, to his dismay, demigod powers don't get passed down by birth so Mikako is basically just a normal human. He abandoned her once he realized and she qas eventually found and adopted by Hanzo Kisaragi.
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mcnuggyy · 4 months
read the objectum yugo limbo comic and it ruled btw <33
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drawnecromancy · 6 months
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Transparent/White background (or the other way around idk; i forgot which way tumblr grabbed them).
So Maran has a bunch of siblings now. From left to right : Laevna, Renia, Elyzen, Neiza, Nasfel, and Maran.
Laevna is the oldest, Maran's 13 years younger than Nasfel, and this was... before the catastrophe that killed everyone but Maran. Wahoo !
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