#and this is a fantasy scenario so of course there would be the budget for some true form special effects as well
angelinthefire · 2 years
Thinking about a 6-part miniseries about Cas. The premise being that there's some way for him to get back the memories that were taken from him, and he's going through the process of re-experiencing them (and this is why we haven't seen him yet, because he's been occupied with this).
So we're following Cas through time, seeing every instance of him going off-script, and every time it gets harder and harder to reset him. And there could be 3 or 4 actors besides Misha who play Cas at various points in history. And there could be returning spn actors for different angels as well as recasts for different "versions" of them. There would be a chance to get into some complex relationships between sibling-soldiers who are under a cult-like authority.
The way I'm imagining it, it would be "kalaidoscopic" to use Edlund's word for describing Cas' perspective. Non-linear narratives layering on top of each other, and making use of motifs and recurring elements in an almost dream-like way, building Cas' story as someone who fought to be his own person. The whole thing being kind of epic and fantastical and philosophical.
And of course it ends with Cas' reunion with Dean. I think in previous episodes there could be short little "missing scenes" situated within the main spn canon, to really re-establish Dean and Cas' relationship for any uninitiated viewers. But by the time it gets to the end, after following Cas' whole story, Dean is framed as the last instance in a long series of Cas' struggles to assert his own sense of right and wrong, his own sense of self. Dean is the time when it finally stuck. So there's a real narrative weight, within the 6 episodes, to them reuniting, it's not just for the sake of finishing what spn started.
And I'm still imagining the reunion scene being something like what I posted about here. Where Dean asks Cas to jailbreak Heaven with him, break the rules with him one more time, run away so they can live their own life. So that Dean is the realization of everything Cas' story has been driving towards.
And then the thing with Jack being taken over by God happens (see linked post). Because a) Cas can't just go off with Dean and leave Jack behind, so there has to be a reason for him to oppose what Jack's been doing in Heaven, and the answer to that is he's God instead of Jack. And b) the series ends on an open page, with Dean and Cas going back into the world as these twin agents of chaos and free will, and you have the sense that they're always going to be out there fighting for free will and fighting to be masters of their own lives, and the story will never end.
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chimaerabutt · 9 months
I miss… childhood wonderment. And I don't know how much of what I've lost is naivety and innocence vs the world changing around me, anymore.
I miss that sense of wonder at new fantasy worlds I encountered. I miss ravenously devouring books and games and movies alike. I miss entertaining little what if's in my head about if things had turned out differently in those settings, or entire scenarios spawned from questions the setting never answered.
Some of it's time. I DO have less time now to watch movies, read books, play games, etc. Some of it is that I'm more aware of the world around me and can see the problems in old media I used to love, and the ways they're often harmful, but it also feels like so much less even interests me these days.
Some of that is probably depression, sure. But not all of it.
The part I’m left worrying and wondering over is how much of it is just interests calcifying as I grow older (I don’t think my interests are narrow, at least..) and how much is just… games changing? Movies? Books?
I’ve replayed older games from my childhood and most of them hold up. I’ve played older games from that era I never got to as a kid and enjoyed them as an adult. But now…
I don’t know. A few games really come through and a lot of games feel… too derivative of each other now. Indies interest me consistently more than big budget affairs, barring a few titles here and there (AA's usually) that dial in to my interests hard. I know that any big budget title will be filled with crunch and corner cutting by the end. Major studios regularly release games that I swear, even a decade prior, would have gotten an extra year to iron out problems.
Movies are too fast paced, with no room to breathe. I find myself sometimes craving older movies from before my time even, when a slower pace was normal and there was time to breathe and process between scenes. (That older movies were actually well lit and used way fewer jump cuts doesn’t hurt, either. ) I was mystified when I first watched Fury Road because of its simple decision to shoot all action center shot, and how much EASIER it made action scenes to follow. How nice it was to not have the camera laser focused on tits and ass.
And books…
Idk. I’ve read a lot of good books from the last ten years. It’s great so many new authors who wouldn’t have gotten a voice before can, now. …but my god does it often feel like I’m wading through a waist high pile of what feels like sloppy fan fiction with the serial numbers filed off just enough just to FIND them every time I go looking for a new good read. A lot of the blogs I used to go to for recommendations are gone now. Booktok is... booktok, and a lot of those reviews are focused on quick digestible works that give instant gratification and not much to chew on. No shame to those that want that. ...but I don't. (And of course, like with all social media, what comes up on your feed is largely controlled by what you decide to view and comment on. I've found a lot of GOOD Booktok recommendations, but it's shockingly hard to find recommendations outside of hard sci fi and theory / educational content, these days.)
I don't know. This is certainly not me yearning for "olden days" so much as it is me... wishing the internet of my childhood (moreso of my teens) existed in the world of today, I suppose.
I know what I want is out there, but I hate how capitalism's consumption seems to be growing faster and faster and faster. Everything is just "content" now. Corporations have shrunk the whole internet down to what feels like 5 sites. Google is a shriveled, atrophied advertisement service now, moreso than a search engine. It feels like I've lost a limb. Algorithms adjust things in the background across great swaths of social media, and tweak things slowly boiling the pot so that no one really notices when whole categories of people vanish from their feeds, or if someone does and calls it out, they look crazy.
...and art just becomes 'content'.
As an artist I feel I'm suffering for it all, because you CAN'T continue to pull and pull from yourself without putting something back in. ...but it's harder every day to find things to put "back in" while avoiding doom scrolling. It's harder every day to find things that interest me enough to engage in. Vapid content that takes seconds to absorb does better, so it's pushed. It's prominent. It's visible. Major blockbuster affairs all start to feel the same as bloated corporations endlessly pursue "safe" formulas that sell.
It's exhausting.
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ouyangzizhensdad · 4 years
what’s the line between a good adaptation and a bad adaptation? I’ve been running circles in my head thinking about where cql stands these past few days. Because i was also thinking about other adaptations like the pjo films and howl’s moving castle, like one of these is hated and the other is very much loved but both of them change so much from the original source material that it cannot be considered the same, movie howl and book howl are completely different characters and the plot for pjo was messed w so much in the films. So I was thinking about how much an adaptation can change before it’s considered a bad adaptation? or if changes really even matter if the adaptation achieves what it set out to achieve regardless of how different it is to source material? For the record I think cql is a bad adaptation but I’m unsure how to word it because the line seems kinda blurry
Hi anon,
As much fun as it would be to be the final arbiter on what constitutes a good or bad adaptation, it is a question to which there are unfortunately no definitive answers. But I am of course happy to share my opinion and thoughts on the topic!
I think a good adaptation needs first to meet a crucial condition, which is that it must be, on its own, a good work of fiction. That means on the one hand that it should not rely on the source material to be thematically or narratively cohesive--if prior knowledge of the source material is necessary to understand fully the adaption, I personally consider it a failure. On the other hand, this also simply means that the work of fiction must be competently-made, coherent, enjoyable, etc. on its own merits. However, some adaptations that are well-made and generally self-contained works of fiction remain bad adaptations. There is obviously more to the process than just producing a strong work of fiction based on elements of another work.
It’s good to keep in mind that changes are not inherently a bad thing since the process of adaptation requires change. Generally an adaptation aims to tell a story through a different medium, which requires changes even when the creative(s) in charge of the adaptation want(s) to remain as faithful as possible to the original. Telling a story through a visual medium vs the written form demands a different approach! And technical limitations might end up having a huge sway in the process: do you have the budget or the technology to execute everything described in a fantasy novel, for instance? how much time or locations do you need to tell the same story? As well, since adaptations are generally spear-headed by different creatives, changes to the source material are part of the creative process, by adding another perspective and by being forced, in a sense, to choose a specific interpretation of the source material. And that’s not even covering how adapting something from a different era or from a different cultural moment will require a form of “translation” to make it both intelligible and relevant to contemporary audiences. 
In addition to these sort of “unavoidable” changes, there are many other factors that may enter into question. With CQL and MDZS, we have a salient example of how censorship might influence the process of adapting a property. The people who have a veto, in some shape or form, over the project may also pursue their own agendas. Matters of marketability and of targeting a specific market will also influence the direction an adaptation takes, especially when an adaption is done in a medium that requires large initial financial investments.
Personally, I believe that the way to make a good adaptation is to go either of these three ways: 1) take a source material that contains obvious weaknesses and improve upon them; 2) figure out exactly what is the appeal of the source material and what makes it original, and make sure that these elements are kept in the adaptation; or 3) reinvent the source material. In the first scenario, it is a case of stronger story-teller being handed a property that has a lot of flaws, and either doing away with them or filling up the gaps in the original narrative--thereby allowing the good in it to finally shine. A good example of that, imo, is The Old Guard movie, a tight narrative that excised a lot of the less savoury elements of the graphic novels and included a lot more emotional depth and pay offs.
In the second scenario, the most important factor is that the creative (or creatives) in charge of the adaptation really understand not only the source material but also why it became loved enough to be picked up for an adaptation--why it appeals to people, what makes it unique, what stands out. What I mean is that creative liberty and changes to the source material are totally fine so long as they do not lose the identity or appeal of the source material and do not present an interpretation that is not actually rooted in the original text. For instance, I personally hate the Anne with an E adaptation of Anne of Green Gables because to me it fundamentally misunderstands the point of the novels and why they became a phenomenon. Making a story that was written to be an uplifting fantasy about an abused orphan who still managed to find beauty in the world and to find love and acceptance in it into a grim “realistic” drama to try to “appeal to modern audiences” is fundamentally stupid and, honestly, offensive. As well, while I enjoy Pride and Prejudice 2005 as a film, I think it is an horrid adaptation of Pride and Prejudice, mainly due to the fact the director Joe Right clearly did not understand the novel. As a result the film is a representation of what he projects unto the narrative (something that is very clear when he talked about the novel in interviews or in the bts), and not what is actually in the text.
In the third scenario, what would be a loose adaptation is a situation where perhaps very little of the source material may remain. It might only be the premise, or some plot points, or some character relationships that are ultimately  kept. These also include for me the “what if X narrative but Y set-up”, which can be awful (the Pride and Prejudice and Zombies movie is so shockingly bad when it could have been a fun, campy romp) but also a way to explore a source material in new ways or underlining certain themes that might have been not given as much light in the source material. In this case, I guess that what really makes it a good “adaptation” is whether it has something new or interesting to add to the source material through this loose adaptation, or whether it is just a gimmick. 
To me, CQL fails as an adaptation both on its own merits (due to plot holes, on-the-nose and clumsy storytelling, inconsistent characterisation, technical failings, etc.) but also as it does not retain, for a number of reasons, what makes MDZS appealing imo (WWX’s characterisation, Wangxian’s journey, its heavy reliance on mystery, intrigue and themes, its willingness to show characters do cruel and violent things, etc.), all the while making the cardinal sin of being a weaker story than the source material (when the source material already provided them with all the material they would have needed to tell a story of at least equal complexity and competency). 
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thebibliomancer · 3 years
Tides of the Dark Crystal liveblog pt 20
Tides of the Dark Crystal by J.M. Lee because dang the All-Maudra died. Gotta see what happens next.
Last times on book: Amri and co are on a quest to unite all the Gelfling clans against the Skeksis. They’ve managed with the Sifa by convincing Maudra Ethri to look at some cool flames. They’ve managed with the Dousan by restoring a cool, giant tree. But now they’ve received word that that the All-Maudra has died.
Chapter 20
Team Naia travels to Ha’rar... no, that can’t be right.
Amri felt like he must have misheard. Erimon passed the parchment to Kylan, who read it again. Amri didn’t need to read it. He didn’t want to. It wouldn’t explain how or why or who had done it. Just that it had happened. He reached up to see if Tavra was still on his shoulder. She was where she’d been since they’d leaped into the lake, but she said nothing.
Oof. I hadn’t thought of that but poor Tavra.
Her mom died and she never got a chance to go ‘yo i’m alive but a spider but and also you can’t stop me from dating Onica now because we can’t have lesbian babies like this.’
Amri wonders if the All-Maudra was killed by the Skeksis because she vowed to resist the Skeksis but that sets Kylan off. Also, Kylan shows he’s upset by crossing his arms and twisting his ears back. Like a cat?
But Kylan points out that All-Maudra Mayrin said she was lighting the fire of resistance but nothing happened like what happened with the Sifa and the Dousan where actual rainbow flames burned the story of uniting the Gelfling into something nearby.
“You think she didn’t light the fire after all?” Naia asked.
“Maybe she thought she had,” Onica said solemnly. “Maybe she died trying.”
They had no proof except the feeling in their hearts. Amri didn’t want to believe it, but he couldn’t deny it either: The Vapra fire had never been lit.
But if the fires HADN’T been lit for the Vapra and the All-Maudra was no longer leading them with some lip service about resisting. Then it means there was only one path for Team Naia to take in the seven chapters still left in this book.
They were going to Ha’rar after all.
I never thought this day would come.
I mean, something is going to sidetrack them, right??
Because the side characters are making sure that nothing gets in their way.
Erimon lends them his Crystal Skimmer Tappa because she’s the fastest in his xeric and even asks Periss to drive it.
Ha, I knew Periss was joining the party.
Erimon has to stay and help organize the resistance with the other sandmasters once they arrive since Maudra Seethi is on her way to Ha’rar.
WHERE I CAN’T BELIEVE THE TEAM IS ACTUALLY GOING. Its been nearly three books of not going to Ha’rar! J.M. Lee, you’re blowing my mind!
“Now that the storm has broken, the xerics will continue to arrive. I will tell them the song of what has happened here. And when the time comes, we will heed the signal of the flames. We will join the fight against the Skeksis.”
“We still don’t know what that signal will be,” Naia said.
Erimon bowed. “We can never fully predict what form a sign will take. We only know it when we see it, or hear it, or sense it some other way. But I have faith in Thra, and in you. I will se to it the Dousan do not forsake the gifts we have been given. Not as we have in the past, nor ever again.”
You’ve really learned a thing, Erimon.
Erimon says that he thinks Periss can get them to Ha’rar in a day and so and apparently without a storm and without all the supplies, Tappa nyooms.
On the Skimmer trip, the team continues to discuss the All-Maudra’s death. Tavra finally pipes up to suggest that Mayrin failed to light the fires of resistance because the Skeksis found her out. But that there’s no point in speculating.
Because she’s finally getting what she’s wanted all along, to go to Ha’rar but in the way she’d least want it.
Be careful what you wish for?
“We must go to Ha’rar and reach someone who can tell us what happened. No more Far-Dreams or riddles from Thra. I want answers.”
“How are you taking this?” Amri asked. Tried to keep it soft, to let her know he was asking her feelings and not her political opinion. She was hesitant in answering.
“I am worried for my sisters. I am worried for my people.”
Amri tells her that Seladon will take care of Brea to reassure her and if Seladon’s arc is similar to the show then, -laughs in irony-.
Tavra was quiet a long time, unmoving. She curled one leg in.
“I don’t know that she will,” she said. “that is my greatest fear. My mother put her duties first and her daughters second. It was difficult to find ways to earn her love. Because of our station. But we tried. For me, that meant becoming a soldier. For Brea, becoming a scholar. For Seladon, it meant becoming All-Maudra one day... but the pressure was often too much. She is not ready, and I fear the Skeksis know that.”
“You should be All-Maudra,” Naia said suddenly.
Hah. Naia doesn’t even know Seladon and she’s like ‘wow she probably sucks and you’d be better.’ Poor Seladon.
The idea brought a strange fantasy to life. Tavra, in her Gelfing body. Sword in hand, drapedi n the silver cloaks with the living crown on her brow. She had traveled farther than any of them, knew more of the state of the world. Knew the Skeksis all by name, knew how the All-Maudra was expected to behave. Had the respect of her clan as a Vapra princess, but knew firsthand the hardships that had befallen the Gelfling who were so unlucky to find themselves in the Skeksis’ crushing grasp.
If there was ever a leader the Gelfling could look to, Amri realized, it was Tavra. Tavra, who was locked in the body of a spider, whose voice could barely be heard even by those who knew enough to listen.
“That is impossible,” Tavra said. She slipped below the rail and disappeared into Kylan’s traveling pack.
As evening falls they get closer to the snowlands and Periss tells them he’ll have to leave them at the frost line because Tappa is a DESERT CREATURE.
Nooooo Periss, you’re supposed to be the sixth ranger! You can’t leave your new best pals!
He also calls Naia Amri’s girlfriend and he does do the “she’s not my girlfriend” thing but less vehement and more embarrassed.
“Have you dreamfasted together?”
Amri’s ears went flat at the forward question. Of course he’d dreamfasted with Naia, but only to share memories that they’d needed to share, so the truth of the Skeksis and the message they carried would not be forgotten. But there were other memories, ones more secret and intimate. Private hopes and fears. Memories he had all to himself, beautiful things he’d seen when he’d been alone. Dreams he’d had, and nightmares.
Amri had always hoped one day to find someone to share those memories with. Someone he trusted enough and who trusted him to truly dreamfast. To share everything. It had never occurred to him that someone might be Naia. Until now, and only thanks to a wily Dousan thief. Periss grinned ear to ear, as if making Amri blush from embarrassment was his new favorite game.
“No. Not that way,” he mumbled.
“Do you want to?” Periss asked.
“I want to change the subject.”
Oh my god.
Oh my god.
Excuse me I need to take a moment.
a moment
You’re adorable, Amri.
Also, based on this, Jen and Kira basically got engaged the first time they met. Just went full info dump on each other. ‘HEY I GUESS THATS ME AS A BABY’ because they never learned to not overshare in dreamfasting and because nobody ever taught Jen about sex.
Also also, this fits well with what we learn in the first book about how its a sign of maturity for Gelfchildren to learn how to not broadcast their entire lifestory the instant someone touches them.
I continue to love the nuances we get about dreamfasting.
After sleeping and starting another day of travel, Amri spends some time practicing sword because he’s changed his tune on that.
Amri practiced his sword stances, parries and thrusts. Imagined striking down Skeksis after Skeksis as he charged into a citadel swarming with darkened beasts. It felt heroic in his mind, that part -- the charge, the thought that he could single-handedly defeat the monsters that might have taken the shining city -- but in the end, even in his fantasies, when they finally reached the throne, the All-Maudra was already dead.
Although the first part of this wild fantasy sounds like Amri should have been scenario writing for the Age of Resistance trpg.
But its more about his understanding that even if he becomes a cool, heroic swashbuckling figure with like two whole days of sword practice under his belt and even if they win, that victory will always carry with it the tragedies the Skeksis inflicted on the way. Mira, Mayrin, other Gelfing whose names don’t start with M’s.
They reach the frost line and dangit Periss actually leaves! Just because you’re the sixth ranger you think you can come and go to save the budget??
Although, in a nice bit of growth, he gives the team all the jewelry he stole from the Sifa. Nice, they can give Tae her stuff back if they see her.
Going the rest of the way on foot, Team Naia actually reaches Ha’rar. I’m frankly shocked.
Like the crystals in a broken geode, the city of Ha’rar glittered in the protective shell of the mountains, covered in snow and glowing with moon- and starlight. At the far edge of the city, a majestic building stood with its back to the wide Silver Sea. It looked like an icicle, or one of the many crystal stalagmites in Domrak and the Caves of Grot. Every elaborately sculpted feature refracted the light of the moons and the Waystar, sending night rainbows across the city.
It was beautiful, but eerily silent and ominously dark.
None of the lanterns are lit and none of the people are out and about on the streets. Spooky.
Tavra tells them that they absolutely must not be caught by the Skeksis. And then with her hometown knowledge guides them along back paths and side roads.
They have to duck out of view at one point when two Skeksis come down the street.
Skeksis. Two of them, passing by on the street just in front of them. One wore broad-shouldered, black-scaled armor, covering his spiny back like the carapace of an armalig. Gray hair -- or was it fur? grew across his blunt forehead and cheeks, casting a hazy shadow upon his scowling lips and piercing yellow eyes. The other stood straighter in his crimson and black robes, armored and adorned in shining gold chains. He seemed taller yet, thanks to the fleshy spike that protruded from the top of his head like a horn.
“skekUng and skekZok,” Tavra whispered. “The General and the Ritual Master.”
I wonder if skekVar exists in this continuity.
skekUng is the General so Var doesn’t have a lot to be doing.
-google image-
He does have a gold hat thing but in one of the comics he just has a tall head spike so I DUNNO. I’m a little alarmed of him now.
Anyway, skekUng being here is bad because they all remember skekLi gloating that skekUng was making something bad.
Being possessed of ‘only the most relevant conversational snippets’ senses, skekUng complains “This is a waste of time. I say we kill the princess as we killed her mother and let the Vapra bow directly to us. As they should.”
Which confirms that the Skeksis killed the All-Maudra.
AND THEN before they can process that, Amri is grabbed by a hooded Gelfling.
“He’s possessed by a spider,” hissed a female voice, familiar in Amri’s ear. “On his shoulder -- quick, grab it and crush it!”
Onica stops the hooded Gelfling, who turns out to be Tae. Hi Tae!
Tae isn’t convinced because apparently the body-jacking spiders are a known and concerning concern at this point.
Amri tells Tavra that its time to reveal herself to Tae.
Tavra let out a tired sigh.
“Tae, it’s me. Katavra.”
Love that tired sigh. Spiders can’t even sigh. That’s just how tired Tavra is.
Tae wants to know HOW and possibly several repeated incredulous WHATs but Amri points out that its not a great idea to get into that in the middle of a sneaking mission. So Tae leads them off somewhere they can talk.
Geez only six chapters left. And we’ve got Ha’rar, a dead All-Maudra, Tae’s back. Periss took off... dangit did Periss take off because of a party limit? Tae is now the sixth party member?
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Signed, Sealed, Delivered, Chapter 3 (Crygi, Jan x Nicky) - Joley
ao3 link
tumblr link
It was well into the middle of the night when Crystal let herself into Jan’s room. She hesitated, unsure if she really needed to bother her friend with her problems. But the anxiety of being alone with her thoughts any longer won out and she gently placed her hand on Jan’s shoulder, slowly shaking her awake.
Jan was sleeping on her side, facing away from Crystal, but she flopped onto her back as her eyes opened, though not all the way at first. “Huh?” she rubbed her eyes, though with it being completely dark and her glasses on her nightstand, she didn’t actually see anything beyond the vaguest details. What she could make out was just enough for her to be reassured that she was, in fact, looking at Crystal and not a sleep paralysis demon.
“I can’t sleep,” Crystal explained, sitting down at the edge of the bed and running a hand through her hair. She sat hunched over and looked down. “I feel like I’m freaking myself out over nothing, like I’m going crazy.”
“Oh, sweetie…” There was sympathy in Jan’s voice, and she sat up quickly, pausing only to adjust her tank top so she wasn’t still partially exposed. She shifted over in bed so Crystal could lay comfortably, waiting until her roommate was looking and gesturing for her to do so. “You’re not going crazy, okay? Tell me what’s on your mind.”
Crystal laid down and curled up against her friend’s side. “I’m worried that something’s gonna go wrong and Gigi’s going to end up hating me, or I’m just going to fall irrevocably in love with her and she’s gonna find out and never talk to me again,” she confessed.
Jan frowned. “Hey, you listen to me,” she said gently, brushing Crystal’s hair off of her face. “Your friendship with Gigi is incredibly strong, you guys are close. I don’t think she could ever hate you, especially over feelings you can’t control. Maybe worst case scenario, she doesn’t feel the same way. I don’t think she would just drop you like that. I don’t think that for a second.”
It did make Crystal feel a little better, because she could tell Jan meant everything she said. That was one thing she could always count on from her—sincerity. She believed it was part of why Jan was so naturally kind and thoughtful. “I hope you’re right, I just… I hate to think of who I’d be without her.”
“You’d still be you,” Jan replied without missing a beat. “You’d still be Crystal Elizabeth Methyd, and no crush could ever change that.”
“Thanks, Jan,” she exhaled, expression settling into a warm smile. She hugged her tightly, still staying close when she let go. “You know, maybe if this doesn’t work out, and we’re still single in ten years…”
Jan giggled and kissed the top of her head. “We’ll elope in Vegas,” she playfully promised, nudging Crystal’s side with her knee. “Now let’s get to sleep.”
Jan had raced back to the apartment after her morning class, from the outside it looked like she had an emergency to attend to. But no, it was a text from Nicky that read ‘skype me when you can, i have something to show you :),’ and she certainly couldn’t keep her waiting.
After a quick freshen up, Jan sat in front of her laptop and called Nicky. “Hi, sweetie. What’s going on?” she asked brightly.
Nicky seemed just as excited to hear from her. “I finally perfected a new song, and I learned it because it makes me think of you,” she explained, practically bouncing in her seat. “I’m going to start now, yes?” She waited for the go-ahead from Jan before playing the music and starting to sing.
And Jan recognized the song instantly, “Hey There Delilah,” and she thought it was very cute. Obviously it was because she lived in New York City–there was no other explanation that she could come up with. She knew how much Nicky likes little referential things like that, how the songs she picks are always for a specific reason, and she found it so endearing.
When the song was done, Jan applauded gleefully. She loved Nicky’s singing voice; it was softer and more subdued than her own, which she found pleasant and relaxing. “Aw, that was so sweet. And you’ve been sounding so good lately, I’m fully impressed.”
“You’re not just saying that?” Nicky asked, grinning from ear to ear. “Because you can tell me if I need to improve on anything.”
“I’m not just saying anything, gorg,” she readily assured. “I know you can handle constructive criticism, but you totally don’t even need it. And that was such a cute song choice.”
Nicky had a slightly strained look on her face, one that could’ve read ‘I have more to say’ if Jan had picked up on it. But she was able to swallow her thoughts with her penpal none the wiser. “I was hoping you would think so.”
“I swear, I’m gonna find a pretty French song and learn it for you,” Jan promised. She had mentioned it before, but had yet to actually sit down and follow through. While she could pick up an English song pretty quickly, singing in another language would take extra time and effort, which, of course, she would put in for Nicky in a heartbeat.
“I would love to see that,” she beamed, the fact that Jan would go out of her way to learn a song in a language she didn’t speak made her feel all sorts of warm and fuzzy inside. “I could give you suggestions if you want.”
Jan shook her head and waved her hands in front of her face. “No, no, no, I want it to be a surprise. I’ll just keep searching until I find the right one, it’ll come to me, and then you’ll be wooed.”
“What is ‘wooed’?”
Realizing what she had said brought a blush to Jan’s face, and she had to think fast, lest she try to explain her way out of that. “It means impressed.”
Nicky didn’t question that, just nodding along. Jan must have been used to filling in the blanks with her English, and she was always so kind about it. “I know I will be. Anyway, I have to get going, but I’ll talk to you later,” she said, and their call ended soon after.
Crystal looked around as she and Gigi walked into the secondhand store. She couldn’t quite explain how, but it was just different from the ones she would frequent. It was more organized, less weird. Considering they came here with a specific purpose, it was probably for the best. They couldn’t get too distracted—they were on the hunt for something they could pass off as a wedding dress for Crystal.
“It doesn’t have the usual thrift store smell,” Crystal observed as she looked around.
Gigi tilted her head as her brows knitted together. “Which is…”
“Mothballs, mostly.”
“Duly noted.” Gigi nodded, a soft laugh mixed into her words. “Hopefully you’ll be able to make do without smelling like a grandma’s attic,” she said as they walked through the store, off to the side where the nicer dresses were kept.
Crystal looked through the racks, only to realize after sifting through prom dresses that all the wedding dresses were kept towards the other end. “Wow, these are nice.”
“You pick out whichever one you like, baby,” Gigi cooed playfully. She came around to the whole fake relationship thing quick enough, and she did get a kick out of teasing Crystal about it. “Just as long as the one you like is within the two hundred dollar budget.”
“Don’t worry, I’m a cheap date.” After about ten minutes of browsing, Crystal’s eyes locked on a dress and went wide. “That one. That has to be it,” she said, grabbing it off the rack and running into the dressing room before Gigi could even get a good look at it. She had one of the store employees lace the back up, wanting it to be a surprise for her “fiancée.”
Crystal walked back out with a broad grin on her face and rosiness in her cheeks. “Okay, what do you think?” She twirled around to show off the dress. It was elegant, yet playful - a strapless with a straight-across neckline, mermaid style with ruffles of tulle as the tail.
Gigi’s eyes went wide and her jaw dropped. It was like the moment in a romantic comedy where the nerdy girl gets a makeover and the popular guy realizes she was the one for him all along. But it wasn’t a makeover, it was still the Crystal she knew, just in a pretty dress. And she would never consider herself shallow enough to let someone’s appearance change her perception of them, but something about the way her best friend looked in a wedding dress that fit like it was tailored to her body just made her feel something. “You look amazing!”
“You really think so?” she finally stood in place after being too excited to stop twirling around. “I know I’d have to wear like, a better bra, but other than that, it’s perfect.”
“Perfect is exactly the word I’d use,” Gigi agreed, collecting herself so she no longer felt so breathless. “Get changed and we can go pay for it,” she said as she helped Crystal off the platform that was set in front of the mirrors.
Crystal felt like she was on cloud nine as they left the store. It may not have been her actual wedding she was shopping for, but the way that dress made her feel gave her a rush of excitement either way. Sure, part of that might have been due to the fact that it allowed her to further indulge in the fantasy that she and Gigi were actually together, but she wasn’t about to let that detail ruin her mood.
“We should have a photoshoot,” Gigi mused, already planning it out in her mind. “I have a photographer friend that owes me a favor, we could set up something cute in the park.”
“Oh, I love that,” Crystal nodded. While yes, it would help make the fake wedding more believable, she was more interested in the idea that she would have a tangible reminder of herself and Gigi posed as an engaged couple. If nothing ever came of this, at least she would be able to look back and pretend or think about ‘what if.’
Gigi checked her phone. “I’ll text them later.” She shoved her hands into her pockets as they walked back towards Crystal’s apartment. “How do you think people know when they’re in love?” she asked casually, looking up at the sky.
Crystal’s heart leapt into her throat and she swallowed thickly to push it back into place. She wanted to answer honestly, but she also didn’t want to give too good of a description and make  Gigi suspicious. “I don’t think it’s the same for anyone,” she mused. “I think it’s like… You’re just hanging out with someone just like any other day, then they look at you and smile and you suddenly realize you want them more than anyone in the world.”
“Huh, that makes a lot of sense. Usually I have to get you high to get that sort of whimsy out of you,” she hummed, bumping shoulders with her.
“What about you?” Crystal took the focus off of herself as soon as she could. “How do you think people know when they’re in love?”
Gigi pressed her lips into a fine line, wondering why she asked something she didn’t have her own answer to. “I think the world just becomes a little brighter. You know, the sun shines brighter, the flowers seem to bloom more, the air feels lighter. Like… just existing feels better because you’re in love,” she told her.
“I guess love songs make a whole lot of sense when you put it that way.” Crystal had to admit, something about Gigi’s description made her heart melt. Sure, she knew it didn’t mean Gigi felt that way at all, let alone about her. But the sentiment, the fact that Gigi didn’t look at love as cynically as she had in the past, sent a pleasant chill through her body.
“You’d think that people would have had enough of silly love songs,” Gigi joked in an almost-singing tone, then looked at Crystal expectantly.
And Crystal didn’t miss a beat. “I look around me and I see it isn’t so,” she cooed, not attempting to sing.
They both laughed at the sheer corniness of that, but at the same time found each other to be endearing for it.
Once again, it was late at night. This time Crystal and Jan were on Crystal’s bed, as it was just a bit bigger than Jan’s (as the trade-off, Jan had the better view), sitting cross-legged with the leftover takeout they were still picking at between them.
“Are you in love with Nicky?” Crystal asked between forkfuls of fried rice.
Jan, on the other hand, set her fork down to think. “I don’t know,” she admitted. “I have such strong feelings for her… But to be in love with someone, I feel like, requires some sort of reciprocity, and I have no idea how she feels.” She hadn’t given too much thought into defining her feelings towards Nicky; usually, if she thought about it for too long, she would be overwhelmed with yearning and just end up feeling sad.
“What about unrequited love?”
“It’s different,” Jan shook her head. “That’s just loving someone. To be in love with someone isn’t something you can do on your own, at least in my opinion.” She paused to finish her food. “Why? Do you think you’re in love with Gigi?”
Crystal shrugged, setting the now empty containers on her end table. “Dunno, guess that’s why I asked. I think I do love her in a way, I just can’t explain it, but it’s definitely why pretending to plan a wedding with her has felt like… If I could bottle this feeling and get high off of it, I’d never need weed again.”
Jan nodded as she laid down. “I think that’s sweet.” She smiled. “It’s kind of like being able to play out a fantasy, huh?”
“Maybe.” She chuckled. “Most of the fantasies I’ve had about Gigi can’t exactly be acted out in public, you know.”
“Not with that attitude.”
Crystal laughed and shoved Jan playfully. “Shut up!”
Jan giggled lightly, then picked her head up and dropped it on Crystal’s lap. “We’re kind of stupid, aren’t we?” She sighed.
“You’re just realizing that now? I came to terms with that years ago.” She looked down at Jan, lightly playing with her hair. “But think of it this way, our lives wouldn’t be nearly as interesting if we had a normal amount of functioning brain cells.”
“I guess so.” Jan looked up at Crystal. “Will you teach me how to smoke? At least that way I’ll have an excuse for the lack of brain function.”
Crystal laughed and nodded, opening her drawer to take out her pipe and stash. “Wow, I can’t believe this is driving you to drugs,” she teased, sitting Jan back upright before packing a bowl. “I’ll go first, okay? Watch me,” she said before lighting up and taking a hit.
Jan watched attentively, making sure she mimicked her roommate’s movements to a T. So when Crystal handed her the pipe, she was able to take a hit and only coughed a little bit. “Did I do it right?” she asked, handing the pipe back and fanning the smoke away from her face.
“Honestly, you did better than I expected. Good job,” Crystal praised, taking another hit. “Go open the window, though.”
“Yay, you know how important doing a good job is to me.” Jan hummed as she got up and opened the window, taking a moment to look down at the city below. Maybe it was the high, but everything suddenly seemed so much more interesting. “We live in such a cool place, don’t we?”
Crystal laughed, laying back to watch her. “Some say it’s the greatest city in the world. And I only have Springfield to compare it to, so it may as well be.”
Jan threw herself back onto the bed. “I’m sure Missouri has some redeeming qualities,” she offered.
“I guess.” She shrugged. “But Manhattan has my two favorite girls in it, so it’ll never measure up.”
“Aw, I love how mushy you get when you’re high.” Jan hummed and poked her cheek. “Everything is gonna work out for you and Gigi, I just know it,” she added, booping her nose instead.
Crystal set the pipe back in her drawer and pulled Jan to lay with her. “And you and Nicky will be French kissing in no time,” she promised. She looked at her friend fondly, amused at how Jan seemed to get especially touchy-feely when she got high, and she honestly needed a bit of affection after the emotional roller-coaster she had been on when it came to Gigi. If nothing else, she and Jan would come away from this with their friendship stronger than ever.
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eljackinton · 4 years
Jack's End of Year Video Game Round-up.
There were many things I couldn't do this year, being in lockdown and all, which in turn meant I played a hell of a lot more video games than I normally do. Here's a quick rundown of what I thought of them.
Hitman 2
IO have sort of perfected the Hitman formula now, so future entries in the series simply have to ask the question of what new directions you can take that formula. In that regard Hitman 2 is a resounding success, setting sneaking and assassination in scenarios around the world from race tracks to holiday resorts, and thus making it the best entry yet. It's possible one day the Hitman conceit will wear thin, but today is not that day.
Most people will go into Thronebreaker just wanting a stand-alone version of the Gwent we played during Witcher 3. Thronebreaker is not that. Indeed, even beyond the changes to the mechanics brought in by the online version, Thronebreaker is more of a puzzle game which uses the mechanics of Gwent to concoct unique scenarios. Still, the story is pretty good and it is fun overall, even if it didn't end up scratching the itch left by Gwent.
Black Mesa (Xen)
I returned to Black Mesa after Xen was finally added, eager to see what the team had come up with. My feelings are complicated. The Xen portions of the game are really well designed, great to play and visually beautiful. However the levels hew so far from the Half-Life originals that it kind of stops feeling like Half-Life. I would have like to have seen a more faithful recreation to be honest.
Neon Struct
If you've been wanting a spiritual sequel to Thief that actually used the mechanics of Thief, here you go. Though low budget, and therefore having somewhat uninspiring visuals based on reused assets, it's still a really impressive game from what the team had to work with, and it's short enough that it doesn't outstay it's welcome.
Acid Spy
I'm generally usually okay at stealth games but this one was well beyond my skill level. Got through the tutorial but just got frustrated and quit on the first mission.
Salting the Earth
A wonderfully put together visual novel about the legacy of war and the nature of national identities. Also you date buff orc women. One of the best VNs I've played, but it does have some pretty bleak potential endings that clash somewhat with the rest of the story's tone.
Speaking of buff orc women, Hedon is a vivid, perfectly designed retro-shooter that really uses the most of it's engine to bring it's world to life, with shades of Thief and Strife thrown in there. Wears its hornieness on it's sleeve, but if you can roll with that you'll have nothing but a good time.
The Painscreek Killings
I really really loved this immersive narrative game, where you explore an abandoned town to piece together a series of suspicious deaths. My only gripes are the town looks very British despite being set in the US, and the final confrontation adding a chase scene felt a little over dramatic.
Deus Ex Mankind Divided
There are many problems with Mankind Divided. Trying to find another story to do with Adam Jensen. Making the game more of an open world by taking away the usual Deus Ex globe-trotting. The clumsy use of racial metaphor being applied to cyborgs. All in all the game just didn't really come together, which is a shame, because the DLC showed such promise, and hinted at the real Deus Ex game we could have had.
Warhammer Armageddon DLC
I managed to complete the Salamanders DLC and got stuck near the end of the Blood Angels one. All in all it's simply 'more' of what the base game offered, and I'm not sure it really needed it.
Easily one of the most interesting games I played this year. So good It inspired me to write a cheesy fanfic. Sure the mechanics of applying squad mechanics to a point and click are interesting, but it's the world, the art and the characters themselves that really make this game. Highly recommended.
Devil Daggers
The ultimate distillation of classic shooter mechanics. One platform, one weapon, endless enemies. I didn't get all that far into it and I think most people won't, but I'm not going to complain for the price. Overdue a revisit.
Dream Daddy
A fun and fluffy dating game that actually does a good job of putting you into the mindset of a recently bereaved bisexual dad. Come for the hunks, stay for the really affecting story of a strained relationship between father and daughter.
Greedfall falls short of the mark in most aspects, but I have to give it credit for being one of the few games to give us a Bioware companion-centric adventure during this drought of Bioware games. It lacks the zing of something like Dragon Age, and handles the subject of colonialism really problematically, but if you can get past those issues, it's a fun ride, and a world I'd like to revisit.
Endless Legend
I've been wanting a game to scratch the Alpha Centauri itch for decades now and Endless Legend finally did it. There is a risk of being overwhelmed by the sheer number of unique factions to play, and I know I still haven't really scratched the surface even after 4 full campaigns. Is that a criticism? I suppose it depends if you think you can have too much of a good thing.
Space Hulk Deathwing Enhanced Edition
A valiant effort was put in to make a faithful FPS of the Space Hulk experience, but ultimately it falls far too short. The visuals look great and the game-feel of stomping around as a Space Marine really works, but the game lacks charm and character. Up against Vermintide, there's no comparison.
Sunless Sea
This is a game that feels like a bottomless abyss of secrets and mysteries tied up in a very brutal one-life-only system. I really enjoyed my time with Sunless Seas, with the music calling me like a wailing siren every now and again, yet in many ways I did find it a bit too unforgiving, and it could have benefited from having a bit more of a progression between lives than the almost solid reset it leaves you with.
Age of Empires / 2 / 3 Definitive Editions
The first Age of Empires has an important place in history, but is borderline unplayable by today's standards. Almost every aspect was improved in 2 and going back now feels like trading a car for a horse and cart. It's clear that the game was intending your slow crawl out of the stone age through hunting and gathering to be part of the game in its own right, but today it's just tedious, and the rest of the game is just so slow.
There isn't much to say about Age of Empire 2 that I haven't already said, but I will point out that multiplayer AOE2 has kept me sane over the course of the lockdown, and I'm glad the Definitive Edition enhanced that experience.
Age of Empire 3 tried too hard to reinvent the wheel. Instead of taking 2 and building on it, it instead contorted it around a colonisation theme, and it didn't really work. On top of that, the mechanics really felt they were built more for single-player story missions. The maps are too small, and the expansion factions clash with the rules badly. Still, there is fun to be had, and I'll be checking out the campaigns next year.
Hand of Fate 2
This game takes the original Hand of Fate and adds way, way too much into it. While I appreciate the addition of companions, a longer story mode, and optional side missions, the game is far too experimental with it's formula, and leaves me struggling with complex missions around being lost in a desert or evading barbarian hordes, when all I wanted was a straight forward dungeon crawl. I tapped out two thirds of the way through the campaign.
Wild Guns Reloaded
I love the style and aesthetic, but I just don't have the reflexes (or the gamepad) for these fast paced arcade games.
Vermintide 2 Drakenfels
Fatshark gave us an entire Vermintide campaign for free this year, at the cost of having to be subjected to obnoxious cosmetic micro-tranactions. Hard to say it was worth the price, but Fatshark really do continue to improve, bringing new scope and ideas to every new mission. As good as it gets.
Pendula Swing
A fun little game that apes the visuals of a Baldur's Gate style RPG but the mechanics of a point and click adventure game set in a fantasy version of the roaring twenties. A strong introduction to it's setting but definitely needs building on if we're to see a continuation. A lot of the world-building feels too simple and half-baked at times, and the gameplay feels like too much is going on too fast. Still, a charming story though.
The Shiva / The Blackwell Series
At first I had no idea that Unavowed was connected to a host of other Wadget Eye adventure games, so naturally I had to check them out. I'd known about The Shiva and the Blackwell games for years, but never actually thought about picking them up. Playing them all back to back was a great experience, and almost felt like a prototype to the episodic storytelling many games do today.
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light/Temple of Osiris
Guardian of Light is a fun, inventive co-op game for killing some time with a friend. The puzzles are often unique and interesting and get you thinking, and the story, while nothing fantastic, is fun enough to keep you interested and have a laugh about with your co-op partner in a B-Movie kind of way. Temple of Osiris adds way too much to the formula, with more characters, mechanics and more open exploration and it absolutely loses the charm of the first game, and even then it's buggy as hell. Skip the second one.
Command and Conquer Remastered
Big chunks of my childhood are taken up with memories of playing Command and Conquer and Red Alert, so it's difficult to really gauge my thoughts on the remaster. On the one hand the art direction looks great and preserves the feel of the original, and the quality of life improvements to the gameplay help make it more playable. The nostalgia hit is also palpable. That being said, the mechanics have not aged all that well, with much of the game being far, far too hard. Probably the best way to experience the genesis of the RTS genre but just know what you're getting in for.
Superhot Mind Control Delete
I wrote a lot at length about how unsure I was about Mind Control Delete at the time, and that's because it does feel a little unsure about itself. Is it a continuation of the first game? A fun bonus mode? A mediation on the nature of addiction? A critique of video game content? A joke on the player? I don't know, but I do know one thing, and that is that Superhot is still as addictive as hell.
Opus Magnum
Zachtronic's steampunk alchemy game requires far too much maths brain than I am capable of , and so I had to rely on guides a lot of the time, but that being said, it's still amazingly put together and vividly presented. Really feels like a game that could be used in schools.
Necromunda Underhive Wars (Story Mode)
I'll be checking out Underhive's Campaign mode in the new year, but for now I just want to talk about the story mode. Much like Mordheim, this is a game that's not going to work for everyone, but I really dug it and like it's unique take on a squad based TBS. However, in many respects the game does feel like a missed opportunity. The storyline is fun enough, and the arsenal robust, but much of the character of the tabletop game, the weird, chaotic, and sometimes comical things that can happen over the course of a battle seems to have been lost in translation, as has the quirky character to a lot of the gangs.  
Outer Wilds
There is little I can say about Outer Wilds that hasn't already been said by others, particularly that one should go into the game as blind as possible. A beautiful piece of interactive art, words would fail me in describing it anyway.
Life is Strange 2
Fantastically written, amazingly animated, wonderfully acted, and grim and depressing as all hell. I really love Life is Strange 2, but it it a tough game to bare witness to, especially in 2020. It treats it's subject matter with great maturity, but is so dark it's hard to motivate yourself to continue each gruelling episode. Also, I really think it would have fared better if it had not named itself Life is Strange 2, as not following Max and Chloe turned a lot of people away from a game I think they'd have otherwise enjoyed if they'd named it Wolf Brothers or something.
Half Life 2 / Episodes / Portal / 2/ Mel
After playing Black Mesa earlier this year I decided to revisit the entire Half Life 2 and Portal series. What I concluded is that Half Life 2 is not really all that good. A well told story wrapped around weak combat and average encounter design. This much improves across the episodes of course, but in the end I rather feel Half Life 2 is pretty overrated.
Portal, on the other hand, still feels fresh, though I was surprised I'd forgotten just how much was added in Portal 2, to the point Portal feels more like a game demo. That being said, I think the slowly growing mystery and menace of Portal has aged a lot better than the gagfest the series became with 2. Mel, a stand-alone mod that feels like could be a Portal 3 in it's own right, returns to a more serious tone, and feels all the stronger because of it.
Control has gone from a game I didn't really care about all that much to one of my favourites of the year, if not the decade. Sure there are criticisms I could make, but the world has so much depth, the characters so much potential, and the gameplay such perfectly designed chaos, that it wouldn't really matter. A great time was had.
Icewind Dale 2
Finishing Icewind Dale 2 was the final banishing of the old ghosts of Infinity Engine games I never finished as a kid. Sure there was the nostalgia, but Icewind Dale 2 also feels prefect for the Baldurs Gate era's swan song. Beautiful environments, a well written story and great interface and design, only pulled down due to some overly long busywork at various points and the plot being dragged on a little too long. Still, sad to know I have no further Infinity Engine games left to conquer.
The first half of Elsinore is an absolutely great time-loop mystery, which seems to be an interesting interrogation of Shakespearian tropes and asks the question of how much of a Shakespearian tragedy remains the more you change it. The second half, however, quickly devolves into a cosmic horror story that feels a poor fit for the genre and far too grim for the art style, and that's even before it basically devolves into trying to do the same thing Undertale did but worse. A well put together game whose ending did not sit well with me.
Gwent: The Witcher Card Game
Since Thronebreaker didn't sate my appetite I started playing competitive Gwent. It is a wholly different game than the one that appears in The Wither 3, but is certainly fascinating in it's own right. After 200 hours I am officially addicted, somebody please send help.
And that's that. Not doing a top 5 games of the year because I played too many this year and I've spent too much time thinking about them already. Here's hoping I play less in 2021 and can get back to a more normal life.
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missjanjie · 4 years
Signed, Sealed, Delivered | (3/?)
Title: Signed, Sealed, Delivered Summary:   Jan is in love with her French pen pal, Nicky. Her roommate, Crystal, is in love with her best friend, Gigi. A (perhaps ill-thought out) plan emerges: give Nicky a reason to visit by inviting her to Crystal and Gigi’s wedding. With a month to pull the scheme together, no one knows how this will end up. Word Count: ~2.9k (this chapter) / ~8.6k (total) Relationship(s): Sportsdoll (Jan Sport/Nicky Doll), Crygi (Crystal Methyd/Gigi Goode Rating: T (so far)
Read on AO3
as always, thanks to @janssports for beta-ing ♥
It was well into the middle of the night when Crystal let herself into Jan’s room. She hesitated, unsure if she really needed to bother her friend with her problems. But the anxiety of being alone with her thoughts any longer won out and she gently placed her hand on Jan’s shoulder, slowly shaking her awake. 
Jan was sleeping on her side, facing away from Crystal, but she flopped onto her back as her eyes opened, though not all the way at first. “Huh?” she rubbed her eyes, though with it being completely dark and her glasses on her nightstand, she didn’t actually see anything beyond the vaguest details. What she could make out was just enough for her to be reassured that she was, in fact, looking at Crystal and not a sleep paralysis demon. 
“I can’t sleep,” Crystal explained, sitting down at the edge of the bed and running a hand through her hair. She sat hunched over and looked down. “I feel like I’m freaking myself out over nothing, like I’m going crazy.”
“Oh, sweetie…” There was sympathy in Jan’s voice, and she sat up quickly, pausing only to adjust her tank top so she wasn’t still partially exposed. She shifted over in bed so Crystal could lay comfortably, waiting until her roommate was looking and gesturing for her to do so. “You’re not going crazy, okay? Tell me what’s on your mind.” 
Crystal laid down and curled up against her friend’s side. “I’m worried that something’s gonna go wrong and Gigi’s going to end up hating me, or I’m just going to fall irrevocably in love with her and she’s gonna find out and never talk to me again,” she confessed. 
Jan frowned. “Hey, you listen to me,” she said gently, brushing Crystal’s hair off of her face. “Your friendship with Gigi is incredibly strong, you guys are close. I don’t think she could ever hate you, especially over feelings you can’t control. Maybe worst case scenario, she doesn’t feel the same way. I don’t think she would just drop you like that. I don’t think that for a second.”
It did make Crystal feel a little better, because she could tell Jan meant everything she said. That was one thing she could always count on from her—sincerity. She believed it was part of why Jan was so naturally kind and thoughtful. “I hope you’re right, I just… I hate to think of who I’d be without her.” 
“You’d still be you,” Jan replied without missing a beat. “You’d still be Crystal Elizabeth Methyd, and no crush could ever change that.” 
“Thanks, Jan,” she exhaled, expression settling into a warm smile. She hugged her tightly, still staying close when she let go. “You know, maybe if this doesn’t work out, and we’re still single in ten years…” 
Jan giggled and kissed the top of her head. “We’ll elope in Vegas,” she playfully promised, nudging Crystal’s side with her knee. “Now let’s get to sleep.”
Jan had raced back to the apartment after her morning class, from the outside it looked like she had an emergency to attend to. But no, it was a text from Nicky that read ‘skype me when you can, i have something to show you :),’ and she certainly couldn’t keep her waiting. 
After a quick freshen up, Jan sat in front of her laptop and called Nicky. “Hi, sweetie. What’s going on?” she asked brightly. 
Nicky seemed just as excited to hear from her. “I finally perfected a new song, and I learned it because it makes me think of you,” she explained, practically bouncing in her seat. “I’m going to start now, yes?” She waited for the go-ahead from Jan before playing the music and starting to sing. 
And Jan recognized the song instantly, “Hey There Delilah,” and she thought it was very cute. Obviously it was because she lived in New York City–there was no other explanation that she could come up with. She knew how much Nicky likes little referential things like that, how the songs she picks are always for a specific reason, and she found it so endearing. 
When the song was done, Jan applauded gleefully. She loved Nicky’s singing voice; it was softer and more subdued than her own, which she found pleasant and relaxing. “Aw, that was so sweet. And you’ve been sounding so good lately, I’m fully impressed.” 
“You’re not just saying that?” Nicky asked, grinning from ear to ear. “Because you can tell me if I need to improve on anything.”
“I’m not just saying anything, gorg,” she readily assured. “I know you can handle constructive criticism, but you totally don’t even need it. And that was such a cute song choice.”
Nicky had a slightly strained look on her face, one that could’ve read ‘I have more to say’ if Jan had picked up on it. But she was able to swallow her thoughts with her penpal none the wiser. “I was hoping you would think so.”
“I swear, I’m gonna find a pretty French song and learn it for you,” Jan promised. She had mentioned it before, but had yet to actually sit down and follow through. While she could pick up an English song pretty quickly, singing in another language would take extra time and effort, which, of course, she would put in for Nicky in a heartbeat.
“I would love to see that,” she beamed, the fact that Jan would go out of her way to learn a song in a language she didn’t speak made her feel all sorts of warm and fuzzy inside. “I could give you suggestions if you want.”
Jan shook her head and waved her hands in front of her face. “No, no, no, I want it to be a surprise. I’ll just keep searching until I find the right one, it’ll come to me, and then you’ll be wooed.”
“What is ‘wooed’?”
Realizing what she had said brought a blush to Jan’s face, and she had to think fast, lest she try to explain her way out of that. “It means impressed.”
Nicky didn’t question that, just nodding along. Jan must have been used to filling in the blanks with her English, and she was always so kind about it. “I know I will be. Anyway, I have to get going, but I’ll talk to you later,” she said, and their call ended soon after. 
Crystal looked around as she and Gigi walked into the secondhand store. She couldn’t quite explain how, but it was just different from the ones she would frequent. It was more organized, less weird. Considering they came here with a specific purpose, it was probably for the best. They couldn’t get too distracted—they were on the hunt for something they could pass off as a wedding dress for Crystal. 
“It doesn’t have the usual thrift store smell,” Crystal observed as she looked around. 
Gigi tilted her head as her brows knitted together. “Which is…”
“Mothballs, mostly.” 
“Duly noted.” Gigi nodded, a soft laugh mixed into her words. “Hopefully you’ll be able to make do without smelling like a grandma’s attic,” she said as they walked through the store, off to the side where the nicer dresses were kept. 
Crystal looked through the racks, only to realize after sifting through prom dresses that all the wedding dresses were kept towards the other end. “Wow, these are nice.”
“You pick out whichever one you like, baby,” Gigi cooed playfully. She came around to the whole fake relationship thing quick enough, and she did get a kick out of teasing Crystal about it. “Just as long as the one you like is within the two hundred dollar budget.”
“Don’t worry, I’m a cheap date.” After about ten minutes of browsing, Crystal’s eyes locked on a dress and went wide. “That one. That has to be it,” she said, grabbing it off the rack and running into the dressing room before Gigi could even get a good look at it. She had one of the store employees lace the back up, wanting it to be a surprise for her “fiancée.”
Crystal walked back out with a broad grin on her face and rosiness in her cheeks. “Okay, what do you think?” She twirled around to show off the dress. It was elegant, yet playful - a strapless with a straight-across neckline, mermaid style with ruffles of tulle as the tail. 
Gigi’s eyes went wide and her jaw dropped. It was like the moment in a romantic comedy where the nerdy girl gets a makeover and the popular guy realizes she was the one for him all along. But it wasn’t a makeover, it was still the Crystal she knew, just in a pretty dress. And she would never consider herself shallow enough to let someone’s appearance change her perception of them, but something about the way her best friend looked in a wedding dress that fit like it was tailored to her body just made her feel something. “You look amazing!” 
“You really think so?” she finally stood in place after being too excited to stop twirling around. “I know I’d have to wear like, a better bra, but other than that, it’s perfect.” 
“Perfect is exactly the word I’d use,” Gigi agreed, collecting herself so she no longer felt so breathless. “Get changed and we can go pay for it,” she said as she helped Crystal off the platform that was set in front of the mirrors.
Crystal felt like she was on cloud nine as they left the store. It may not have been her actual wedding she was shopping for, but the way that dress made her feel gave her a rush of excitement either way. Sure, part of that might have been due to the fact that it allowed her to further indulge in the fantasy that she and Gigi were actually together, but she wasn’t about to let that detail ruin her mood. 
“We should have a photoshoot,” Gigi mused, already planning it out in her mind. “I have a photographer friend that owes me a favor, we could set up something cute in the park.” 
“Oh, I love that,” Crystal nodded. While yes, it would help make the fake wedding more believable, she was more interested in the idea that she would have a tangible reminder of herself and Gigi posed as an engaged couple. If nothing ever came of this, at least she would be able to look back and pretend or think about ‘what if.’ 
Gigi checked her phone. “I’ll text them later.” She shoved her hands into her pockets as they walked back towards Crystal’s apartment. “How do you think people know when they’re in love?” she asked casually, looking up at the sky. 
Crystal’s heart leapt into her throat and she swallowed thickly to push it back into place. She wanted to answer honestly, but she also didn’t want to give too good of a description and make  Gigi suspicious. “I don’t think it’s the same for anyone,” she mused. “I think it’s like… You’re just hanging out with someone just like any other day, then they look at you and smile and you suddenly realize you want them more than anyone in the world.”
“Huh, that makes a lot of sense. Usually I have to get you high to get that sort of whimsy out of you,” she hummed, bumping shoulders with her. 
“What about you?” Crystal took the focus off of herself as soon as she could. “How do you think people know when they’re in love?”
Gigi pressed her lips into a fine line, wondering why she asked something she didn’t have her own answer to. “I think the world just becomes a little brighter. You know, the sun shines brighter, the flowers seem to bloom more, the air feels lighter. Like… just existing feels better because you’re in love,” she told her.
“I guess love songs make a whole lot of sense when you put it that way.” Crystal had to admit, something about Gigi’s description made her heart melt. Sure, she knew it didn’t mean Gigi felt that way at all, let alone about her. But the sentiment, the fact that Gigi didn’t look at love as cynically as she had in the past, sent a pleasant chill through her body. 
“You'd think that people would have had enough of silly love songs,” Gigi joked in an almost-singing tone, then looked at Crystal expectantly. 
And Crystal didn’t miss a beat. “I look around me and I see it isn't so,” she cooed, not attempting to sing. 
They both laughed at the sheer corniness of that, but at the same time found each other to be endearing for it. 
Once again, it was late at night. This time Crystal and Jan were on Crystal’s bed, as it was just a bit bigger than Jan’s (as the trade-off, Jan had the better view), sitting cross-legged with the leftover takeout they were still picking at between them. 
“Are you in love with Nicky?” Crystal asked between forkfuls of fried rice. 
Jan, on the other hand, set her fork down to think. “I don’t know,” she admitted. “I have such strong feelings for her… But to be in love with someone, I feel like, requires some sort of reciprocity, and I have no idea how she feels.” She hadn’t given too much thought into defining her feelings towards Nicky; usually, if she thought about it for too long, she would be overwhelmed with yearning and just end up feeling sad.
“What about unrequited love?”
“It’s different,” Jan shook her head. “That’s just loving someone. To be in love with someone isn’t something you can do on your own, at least in my opinion.” She paused to finish her food. “Why? Do you think you’re in love with Gigi?”
Crystal shrugged, setting the now empty containers on her end table. “Dunno, guess that’s why I asked. I think I do love her in a way, I just can’t explain it, but it’s definitely why pretending to plan a wedding with her has felt like… If I could bottle this feeling and get high off of it, I’d never need weed again.”
Jan nodded as she laid down. “I think that’s sweet.” She smiled. “It’s kind of like being able to play out a fantasy, huh?”
“Maybe.” She chuckled. “Most of the fantasies I’ve had about Gigi can’t exactly be acted out in public, you know.” 
“Not with that attitude.” 
Crystal laughed and shoved Jan playfully. “Shut up!”
Jan giggled lightly, then picked her head up and dropped it on Crystal’s lap. “We’re kind of stupid, aren’t we?” She sighed.
“You’re just realizing that now? I came to terms with that years ago.” She looked down at Jan, lightly playing with her hair. “But think of it this way, our lives wouldn’t be nearly as interesting if we had a normal amount of functioning brain cells.” 
“I guess so.” Jan looked up at Crystal. “Will you teach me how to smoke? At least that way I’ll have an excuse for the lack of brain function.” 
Crystal laughed and nodded, opening her drawer to take out her pipe and stash. “Wow, I can’t believe this is driving you to drugs,” she teased, sitting Jan back upright before packing a bowl. “I’ll go first, okay? Watch me,” she said before lighting up and taking a hit. 
Jan watched attentively, making sure she mimicked her roommate’s movements to a T. So when Crystal handed her the pipe, she was able to take a hit and only coughed a little bit. “Did I do it right?” she asked, handing the pipe back and fanning the smoke away from her face. 
“Honestly, you did better than I expected. Good job,” Crystal praised, taking another hit. “Go open the window, though.” 
“Yay, you know how important doing a good job is to me.” Jan hummed as she got up and opened the window, taking a moment to look down at the city below. Maybe it was the high, but everything suddenly seemed so much more interesting. “We live in such a cool place, don’t we?”
Crystal laughed, laying back to watch her. “Some say it’s the greatest city in the world. And I only have Springfield to compare it to, so it may as well be.” 
Jan threw herself back onto the bed. “I’m sure Missouri has some redeeming qualities,” she offered. 
“I guess.” She shrugged. “But Manhattan has my two favorite girls in it, so it’ll never measure up.”
“Aw, I love how mushy you get when you’re high.” Jan hummed and poked her cheek. “Everything is gonna work out for you and Gigi, I just know it,” she added, booping her nose instead. 
Crystal set the pipe back in her drawer and pulled Jan to lay with her. “And you and Nicky will be French kissing in no time,” she promised. She looked at her friend fondly, amused at how Jan seemed to get especially touchy-feely when she got high, and she honestly needed a bit of affection after the emotional roller-coaster she had been on when it came to Gigi. If nothing else, she and Jan would come away from this with their friendship stronger than ever.
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teresatellstales · 4 years
Supernatural- Not a Wayward Finale
Many fans hated the Supernatural finale. I want to tell you why I liked it. This post is heavy on the spoilers so if you haven’t seen it, bookmark this page and come back when you’re done.
I'm not a long-time fan of the show. I’ve only been watching for about 4 years. I started watching on Inauguration Day 2017. I figured watching a show about two brothers fending off the apocalypse was appropriate for the coming years.
I started off thinking the show was pretty cheesy, but charming with its B movie slashing effects. It was almost as if they were poking fun at themselves by saying, “This never looks real anyway so lets make it as over the top as possible.” Of course this could have just been a budgeting non-choice, but I like the scenario in my head.
The show is a semi-departure from-my usual tastes. I like fantasy, but not traditional monsters like vampires. I love strong and fun characters. but gravitate to shows amplifying female power. A show with a majority male cast was never for me. (Except MacGyver. The original, anyway; the reboot has fabulous female characters.) I loved Supernatural’s humor mixed in with drama. But the characters are what kept me watching.
Yes, it helped Jarad and Jensen aren't hard on the eyes, but the characters were real. I could see them as real people sitting at the bar of a local watering hole. Dean hitting on the women and Sam looking like the less dangerous choice.
The true finale of the show was Ep. 18. ALL the loose ends got tied up and it was a satisfying ending to the arcs, encapsulating the growth of the characters. Symbolically, they were always beat down in fights they shouldn't have won, but they got up over and over until they prevailed.
The producers could have left it at that. In watching it, I wondered if I was mistaken about the date of the finale. The credits rolled and I said to my husband, “What could they possibly do for two more episodes?” But Ep. 19 wasn't within the season. I would have preferred it to be billed as an appreciation show and maybe aired the week after as a palate cleanser to the emotional hangover.
This brings me to the actual series end. Complain as the fans might, it was wrought with emotion and symbolism. The brothers start by saving brothers, which was the whole series. Sam and Dean saved everyone, yes, but they saved each other in so many ways in every single season. Their final hunt as brothers was fitting.
Social media tells me Dean's death is a point of contention. No, it wasn't the spectacular blaze of glory most fans wanted. But here's my take: Dean was really just a man. While the vehicle of his death was not ordinary, it was a human bested by something human. Hellhounds didn't rip his body to shreds. Djinn or vampires didn't drain him. He died by something that could have killed any of us. I would have felt cheated if Dean was killed by a supernatural being. He fought the most powerfulones in existence. He couldn’t possibly die from something other than the mundane. And there’s a lesson: Ordinary people can be heroes. We *are* heroes. We don't need anything but our own will and the encouragement from those we love to fight back.
Sam continuing on is the resilience featured season upon season. Pain and sorrow are part of our lives, but getting up to face the day is what we need to do. His sitting in the Impala tells us to not forget the past. That it’s ok to have the scars of living. It's ok to still hurt, but still get up in the morning. The brothers truly died in accordance with their beginnings. Dean was a hunter through and through. Sam wasn't interested in the life. Dean died doing what he was passionate about, and Sam passed after living the life he originally wanted.
Another point of contention was the exclusion of Cas. Yes, Misha deserved a curtain call. Yes, I would have loved an encore performance from our favorite angel. Yes, we would have cried harder if Cas appeared on that bridge. But…
No one else belonged in this episode. Bobby was needed to explain Heaven 2.0 (Honestly, I lost count of how many times Heaven was under New Management, so bear with me on the 2.0), but the focus should have been, and was, on Sam & Dean.
For those complaining about a lackluster finale, we got the ending we deserved in Ep. 18. The Winchesters prevailed. Jack's purpose was fulfilled. #Destiel is canon. #TeamFreeWill.
Episode 20 was a farewell to the fans. It was a thank you to us. It wasn't about the show or wrapping up loose ends. They were telling us everything was ok. To follow the song and Carry On.
The final scene of the brothers on the bridge had me in tears. Bridges are connections, joining two separate things. Sam and Dean/Jared and Jensen met us in the middle. They did their part by showing up week after week for 15 years. We did the same, and I believe the actors truly appreciated the dedication— not because it meant they had a steady job. They know how they affected the fandom and I’d venture to say they are fans of us just as much as we are of them.
And they were content— whether we were watching the actors being themselves or Sam and Dean, they were happy to be where they were. Together. After a job well done. Just like the song says:
There’ll be peace when you are done.
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iamcinema · 4 years
IAC Reviews #18: The Basement (1989)
Well, here we are again.
I mentioned this with a previous review on Captives, but this year, in spite of all the awfulness that has gone on, it’s been surprisingly kind to me as far as getting lucky with uncovering stuff that has slid through the cracks. With Captives, I’ve waiting roughly ten or so years to finally get the chance to see it in all it’s mediocre, obscure glory. I wasn’t too sure when I’d ever get the chance to see Tim O’Rawe’s super 8 anthology, The Basement either given it’s own obscure and odd history. That day is finally here, and needless to say I couldn’t be more excited. ________________________________________  
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The Basement is a 1989 super 8 horror anthology directed by Timothy O’Rawe, whose only other major, notable credit is Ghoul School the following year. Our story centers on that of four strangers who find themselves a mysterious basement where they’re met by an entity only known as The Sentinel who shows them their inevitable fates and what awaits them in the great beyond.
The film’s history is a bit spotty from what I could find, but the short version is that it was in production for just a bit over three weeks before O’Rawe abandoned it, leading to him eventually work on Ghoul School. It presumably sat in storage forgotten for roughly 20 years until Camp Motion Pictures edited it in 2010 and distributed it in 2011 as The Basement: Super 80s Retro Collection; which also included Cannibal Campout, Captives, Video Violence, and Video Violence 2. Now, as to how it was rediscovered, I’m not sure. I don’t know if it’s a case like Metal Noir where it was found on accident or O’Rawe found it in his collection again before handing it off to CMP. Now, with that said, I feel like we have a bit of a situation on our hands because I don’t know how fair this review might turn out given what we know for the time being.
The Basement in One Gif:
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Oh, oh you guys. I think I found the perfect film and it might outshine Las Vegas Bloodbath here with just the finest, most outstanding acting and line delivery I’ve ever seen. I knew from the first three minutes that I was in for something special and seeing it all over again is just. Wow. ________________________________________
So, before I dive in I think I should say that I’m not sure how fair this is going to be given that the film was abandoned and was more than likely unfinished. I can’t make heads or tails of it all with the plot holes going on or the clumsy acting and dialogue, like if it’s a timing and budget problem or what. It’s truly fucking bizarre. It also doesn’t help that without a vague plot summary online, you probably won’t have much of an idea as to what’s going on, and this is going to cause a ton of problems from the jump.
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With the opening, we’re already off to a bad start. We see our main four wandering around a dingy basement, wondering how they’re going to get out. There’s no rhyme or reason for it. They’re just sort of there and we aren’t told how they ended up there. Now, I don’t know if this is a problem with the writing and it was never considered or it was probably with the timing and the scene was never shot before O’Rawe abandoned the film. It would have been nice to have say, a Cube or Saw scenario where they all just woke up there.
From what I found, it says they were summoned there, presumably by The Sentinel or the evil energy from the house that they supposedly released, but that still raises the question of why they didn’t go back the way they came. If the house trapped them inside, then it surely wasn’t conveyed or alluded to. It’s not like an underground mine or cave where it’s easy to get lost. There’s also the question of why the Sentinel is choosing to specifically punish them, given that he shows them visions of their futures that will ultimately condemn them with no chance of redemption. So, we’re going into predestination territory?
Next to this, the more obvious problem is the acting and line delivery. It’s pretty damn bad, full of overreacting and what I can only guess is just bad dubbing. Once again, I can’t tell if the dubbing came about at the hands of CMP or it was already like that when O’Rawe was working on it. It’s likely going to be the best-worst thing about this, so I hope you’re in the mood for bad cheese. ________________________________________
Our first story, The Swimming Pool, centers on Victoria who, for some reason, really has it out for her husband and we’re never told why. She just hates him because “plot device” I guess. The bad line delivery and dubbing shines here and it’s boarding on being horrible and comedic, which isn’t the best way to kick us off into things.
We find that after her husband goes for a swim that there’s some sort of water entity in the pool and she sort of just has a odd reaction to it all, where one moment she’s reacting to it and the next she’s sitting by the water. I can’t tell if this is supposed to take place the same day, which it looks like, or they didn’t to a good job to show some sort of transition to another point in time. Also, she has names of her enemies and other doodles scribbled in a book like an eighth grader for some reason. It’s so corny and cheesy.
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There’s no sort of lore or explanation for where the pool demon thing came from, let alone why Victoria feels compelled to do this. The ending also makes no sense either when we see what becomes of her either. It’s should be noted that this chapter is just around the ten minute mark, making it the shortest of the lot. Now, I can’t tell if it’s like this intentionally or there were more shots planned, but didn’t get filmed due to the film being abandoned. I’m not too sure, but it’s probably the worst of the four.
We get our next chapter in the form of Trick-or-Treat, a sort of Christmas Carol style story centering on a widowed high school teacher who is visited by various monsters who demand he changes his ways for hating kids and disrespecting the spirit of Halloween. We get an interesting fantasy sequence where he unleashes his pent up anger our on his students before veering off a bit towards this story’s sort of second act where the spirit of his wife visits him, warning him to change his ways before he faces a similar fate she has. You’d think that would lead to a sort of revelation for him to do something, but it doesn’t. Like, man, you can’t even just fake it for a day or anything? It’s not like they implied they were going to keep tabs on you every Halloween or anything, so why make a big deal about it?
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If I had to find some sort of positive about this one, it’s that it probably has the most decent special effects and makeup work of the four. But, of course I’m not sure how much of a positive that is and what it says about what we can expect from the other two stories. It may or may not also be the most rounded of them too, again, not sure if that’s a major positive given when we have to work with and it works fairly decently as just a stand alone short film on its own.
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The third chapter brings us to Zombie Movie, centering on a film crew working on a low budget zombie flick with their asshole director, Adelman, and things slowly go to shit when their picture becomes a reality. Hmm, low budget 80s zombie flick...bad director...I think I’ve heard of this before! It’s also neat to see a small easter egg here in the form of the production assistant, played by JR Bookwalter, wearing a Dead Next Door shirt, as O’Rawe got a special thanks notice in the credits of that film as well. The dubbing here is particularly awful, but at least he wasn’t wrong when he said the zombies look like assholes!
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As for why any of this is happening, we don’t get an answer. Why? Who cares! Maybe it just hearkens back to the last story where it’s happening due to the director disrespecting the art of zombie films. Your guess is as good as mine. It’s a shame too that the acting here absolutely sucks for the most part because this could have been the best one of the bunch...maybe. There’s a bit of an issue towards the end where the director immediately jumps to there being zombies on the loose and not a bunch of jackass trespassers causing trouble, but maybe there’s a deleted or unrecorded scene where the actresses tell him what the PA was freaking out over and he got paranoid? I’m not too sure. Either way, it feels like a sloppy way to bring things to a close.
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The final chapter brings us to Home Sweet Home, the simple story about a guy named Scott who purchases a house in the countryside with a gruesome history and begins to question his sanity in the process when it seems like the rumors about it might be true after all. It’s arguably the most generic of the four and here I would say that’s a compliment to play it as safe as possible.
Almost right away, I noticed something off, and I don’t mean with the dubbing because that’s weird on it’s own. There’s a weird point in the conversation he has with the realtor about the house where she mentions that part of the legend with the house is that the owner committed suicide after going on a killing spree and it ties into why they haven’t found him. I can’t tell if it was a clumsy way to explain things, but wouldn’t it make sense for the police to have found him if that was the case? Again, your guess is as good as mine. With that being said, I hope you enjoy night shots because we’re going to get a ton of them!
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Things begin to pick up a bit after Scott arrives to the new place and starts to get settled in with the help of a friend who shows up after talking to the realtor. I’m not sure how he thought he would get lucky that way, but alright. The conversations afterward with his girlfriend are also what you can expect as far as acting goes too, which isn’t anything too special. From here on out, I anticipated a ton of squinting because it’s hard to tell what’s going on at any point if there isn’t even a little bit of candlelight. It’s like watching Nekro, but somehow worse, yet better than Blood Lake, which sucks because if some of these shots weren’t so damn dark, the special effects would look pretty damn cool. It’s also kind of a downer in a way to know what comes next given how this guy wasn’t an asshole who had it coming like the other three did too.
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The film ends with the Sentinel showing them what awaits them now that they’ve been judged for their actions, and it goes the way I’m sure you can already picture it going before we close to the credits with some mediocre 80s tunes. Estus Pirkle approved perhaps?
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So, that was The Basement. It was a weird ride from start to finish and I’m still not entirely sure how I feel about it. It’s one giant anomaly and I feel like now I have more questions than answers.
I mentioned it before, but it’s worth saying again that I want to know how much of the problems here are just a result of the project being abandoned, the film naturally being this flimsy, or CMP had something to do with it because I feel like I had this issue too when it came to Captives and I can’t tell if they how much of the film was really saved and how much of it was butchered by Majestic Home Video. It could be a bit of everything here, though I don’t want to believe that CMP would try to sabotage this given how long it had been out of the public eye for.
That being said, there’s so much going on here and trying to wrap my head around it hurts. I can’t tell if the acting is naturally this trashy or it’s only enhanced by the dubbing. It also feels like more stuff was supposed to be going on, but it just didn’t for one reason or another and I’m not sure if that robs something from it or was for the best.
As I mentioned with the whole Swimming Pool chapter, it feels like something else was originally planned to happen at some point and things just fell through. It would have been nice to have a sort of story line like with the Are You Afraid of the Dark episode, “The Tale of the Dark Music” where Victoria makes some sort of deal with the entity in exchange for something in return. It would explain more of her logic and reasoning behind her method of madness instead of it all seeming random.
With Trick-or-Treat, having more padding or explanation to justify his hatred of kids and Halloween would have been great too and not slow down the pace of the story. Hell, give me a brief one-off bit like with Night of the Demons where they’re being a bunch of dicks to the old guy. There, problem solved. It’s a lot easier than a single, brief shot of some kids who poorly try to egg his house. Again, nothing would have been lost here if they went that direction, unless the whole point was to make him the old geezer type who just hates the season and that’s it.
Zombie Movie probably could have had the most potential to be the best of the four if it wasn’t for the painfully bad dubbing and acting. If that was a non-issue, I could buy into the premise more without much of a problem. Plus, it feels like a cameo on part of Bookwalter with how flimsy the execution was, or even Carl  Burrows who played one of the B actors and has the most prolific career of the cast; being in other stuff like Ghoul School, Psycho Sisters, Toxic Avenger III, Crybaby Lane, Mysteries at the Museum, The Sadist, and Psycho Street to name a few.
Home Sweet Home still feels like the more normal and grounded one of the bunch and I’m not sure if playing it safe helped in the end either. It probably could have been saved if it was stretched out a bit more and we got to see more into Scott’s psyche and go on the journey with him about whether or not his dreams and hallucinations are real. It also doesn’t help either that some of the night shots make it hard to tell what’s going on because what you can make out with some of the gore scenes are pretty cool and it feels like we got robbed here. I’m still not sure why Scott is being thrown under the bus with Victoria, Charles, or Mr. Adelman considering his only “crime” seems to be not taking a superstitious rumor seriously. Talk about harsh.
Beyond this, there’s not a ton to talk about either. The music is fairly average and not all that interesting, being what one could expect from something on a low budget for the time and when your sound producer and editor is one of your guys providing additional voice work, you can only expect so much and even then it’s probably too much. This is such an oddity and I’m still kind of surprised that it was found again after all these years. It’s funny how things like this just slip through the cracks of time and it’s good to know this more than likely won’t go missing again, though I’m in no rush to take this out of the vault to revisit any time soon.
Rating: 3/10
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intersex-ionality · 5 years
So you like Star Wars? Do you have any favourite Star Wars media? I do not know if I lean more towards Star Wars or Star Trek, I like them both very much. Have you seen any of the Mandolorian? I haven’t seen the polarizing Last Jedi, Solo or the new Rise of Skywalker you mentioned. What do you think of the latest trilogy? I read lots of spoilers for the movies I didn’t see. I can see why some of movies appealed to some and not others depending on the movie. Different sides. Might see them
The animated TV series are my preferred star wars media, with Clone Wars being my #1 and Rebels being my #2. I’ve never played any of the video games that attach themselves to the themes and canons presented by the TV shows, but I do know they exist. I just don’t… do a lot of video games. I need things that have very simple interfaces, forgiving combat, few or no quick-time events, and very simple or no puzzles. Star Wars games firmly do not fit that bill, even though many of them are single-player, story-driven games which is also something I love.
I haven’t seen Mandalorian yet, which I recognize is a travesty because I love both Star Wars and westerns, and it’s a Star Wars western, but also… TV shows are a lot for me, and live-action TV shows are especially a lot because it’s many many hours of media to wade through, most of it requiring me to gauge people’s body language without the exaggerated trappings of animation. It’s hard! I’ll get there, but maybe not for another few months yet.
As far as the films, my order of preference is:
The Last Jedi
Clone Wars - Animated
Rogue One
Clone Wars - Live Action
A New Hope
The Force Awakens
Return of the Jedi
Empire Strikes Back
Revenge of the Sith
Phantom Menace
Rise of Skywalker
I’m a firm believer in calling one-star wars film a lost cause. When I was very young, I called Empire Strikes Back the lost cause, because I haaaated it. It was so SAD and it ended on so many CLIFFHANGERS and I just hated that. In my young adulthood, I called Phantom Menace the lost cause, because I don’t like the canons it introduces, the implications it raises then forgets, the editing or the directing (though, as a kid, I actually really liked it: it was flashy, it had lots of really easy to understand visual gags and one liners, a child my age was the star, etc and so forth).
But congratulations to TPM, because as of a week ago, it’s back in the running. Rise of Skywalker is my new write-off.
I know it’s a bit of an “unpopular opinion” in major star wars circles–though a very popular opinion in transformative star wars fandom–to say that Last Jedi is my number one choice, but man oh man.
Spoilers for TROS and TLJ from this point forward.
Where some films I could mention, JJ, make a big point of spitting on everything that came before them and focusing only on large action sequences that were done better with worse tech and worse budgets decades ago, Last Jedi is a very Fandom Approach to SW canon. It reconciles the trauma and toxicity of the Jedi Order that the prequels went to such lengths to establish, with the bright-eyed bombast of the original trilogy and its worship of a past that had rusted and decayed but was still considered magical to the people it surrounded.
If you are the kind of person who enjoys reading Star Wars fanfiction, you’ll probably really like Last Jedi. If you are the kind of person who enjoys reading Star wars lore books, you probably won’t. If you’re a more casual fan, you’ll probably enjoy the way it captures that “anyone can be anything” adventure spirit of the original trilogy, but the deep forays into examining the preceding media might be a bit uh… much.
Of course, Last Jedi is like… a Star Wars film. It’s a fantasy adventure series set in space, and it knows and accepts the fundamental nonsensicality of its own premise. If you are looking for something truly grounded and realistic, star wars is simply never going to be the place to go (though, the animated Clone Wars series might be a good start…).
So, I do recommend Last Jedi if you like Star Wars! Just, go into it knowing that it’s quite a tonal departure.
I once described it (though I’m not sure I still would) as “Star Wars for fans of Star Trek.”
In the end, I could never choose between star wars and star trek because, the aesthetic similarities aside, they’re two very different properties in two very different genre, with two very different intentions. Star Trek wants to examine the philosophical implications of a lot of human beliefs, behaviours, and cultures, and uses speculative fiction to do so from a safe distance. Star Wars wants to show the emotional highs and lows of a chosen one and their friends,  and uses speculative fiction to make the stakes for those perspective characters about a million times higher than they could be in a real-life scenario. One is about philosophy, and one is about feelings. And while you can philosophize on feelings, or have feelings about philosophy, the two series are just… fundamentally different!! Different stakes, different settings, different tones, different goals.
It’s a lot easier to compare media with more similar genres. Such as comparing Babylon 5 to Star Trek, or comparing Avatar the Last Air Bender to Star Wars.
Rise of Skywalker is… more of a pastiche of other Star Wars films than it is a Star Wars film in and of itself. It spends a lot of time re-creating iconic moments from other films, without putting much effort into making them match the current plot, emotions, etc. It also loses a lot of the emotional power that makes Star Wars so compelling. However, it does have some good points.
For example, I like the part where BB-8 watches Rey heal a snake, and then she decides to try healing another droid herself. So she puts her power cord on the other droid (because the healing was explained to her as “giving up some energy to the other person”), and it works (because the other droid had a dead battery). That was such top tier shit. BB-8 is blessed.
I just… dislike a LOT more than I like, with Rise of Skywalker. Still, if you enjoy Star Wars, it is probably worth catching on streaming or rental. I can’t in good conscience say it’s worth the cost of a theater ticket, that’s a decision you’ll have to make for yourself.
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Why we love Kate, not Meghan
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I’ve been seeing the “If you love her (Catherine) you don’t need to hate her (Meghan)” meme going around on IG. I had to clear things up for myself and anybody this resonates once and for all. Let me first start off by saying my feelings for Meghan Markle are not of hate. I find her and Catherine beautiful in their own respective ways. I only abhor Meghan’s behavior, actions, total disrespect for the Royal Family hierarchy, trying to curry favor with the public through her PR attempts, and blatant sense of entitlement.
We are only typing words online making it difficult to decipher a tone of voice. Since there is none to be heard or facial expressions detected, you can take it much more worse, dramatic, and catty than it really is. I try to write as clearly as I can to convey my meanings as fast I can churn it out for everyone to read. I do it so my opinions are not misunderstood to be of jealousy, hating, bullying, or racism. I feel I have to restate this as I’ve gained many new followers and likely new spies or just plain curious folks. It would be truly wonderful to meet everyone I interact with online, follower, spy, or passersby. That human interaction is missing from this very anti-social media platform.
So, let me say I am none of those four things above. In fact, I was quite enthusiastic initially with Meghan Markle’s debut into the royal scene. She of course is a far cry from the typical posh British blondes Harry dated. It was refreshing and new. She was a Californian, ethnic, and American just like me, who came from a disjointed family. She was a breath of fresh air as a new addition, but that quickly turned into mush when that engagement interview revealed her domineering, controlling, and insincere personality with the camera. I took her saying she didn’t know THAT MUCH about Price Harry, not that she didn’t know him or the royal family. This is often restated incorrectly. Her statement during the interview came off as if Prince Harry’s royal-ness wasn’t a big deal to her. That they’re equally on the same plane and their names hold the same weight as far as that statement went. That initial interview showed her ego on display and the Vanity Fair magazine she interviewed for as a tell all after it was revealed she was Harry’s girlfriend. Shortly before that, in November 2016, she had Harry write a foolish statement asking the public to leave her alone after she made a false report of someone breaking into her Toronto home. Then she goes on to do that Vanity Fair magazine. The hypocrisy. Harry could never turn back after that. It was more binding than a wedding if you ask me.
Even her ex-best friend Ninaka Priddy told DailyMail, “I know the Royal Family was something she found fascinating. She had one of Princess Diana’s books [Diana: Her True Story] on her bookshelf, and even when she was with Trevor she told me she wanted to go and stay in London for at least a month. I can’t remember exactly when this was, but she was married to Trevor and starring in Suits. She mentioned about wanting to go to London a couple of times. I wasn’t shocked or even surprised to hear about Prince Harry. I know she used to love The Princess Diaries — films about a commoner who becomes part of a Royal Family. She was very taken with that idea.”
Meghan would relish the thought of living a real life Princess Diaries scenario. Everyone in her family circle knew she was infatuated with the idea of being a modern day princess with power. She admired Princess She-Ra. In her defunct Tig blog she wrote, “I, for one, was all about She-Ra, Princess of Power. And grown women seem to retain this childhood fantasy. Just look at the pomp and circumstance surrounding the royal wedding and endless conversation about Princess Kate.”
That was a huge red flag to me. Her best friend knew her since she was 11 and they were inseparable like sisters, like family. So, I take her words seriously as to who Meghan really was. She stopped talking to her after three seasons of Suits. Fame got to her head. She left her then husband Trevor, who helped her get on the show. She was out for a more “empowering” position in life. She used who and what she could to get where she is today. She downplayed her knowledge and awareness of the royal family big time and it really came back to bite her.
Meghan had her sights set on expanding her name and fame somehow someway since Suits was wrapping up with her supporting role being axed soon. Unhappily, her marriage to Trevor Engelson ended abruptly by her (mailing her rings back my mail), after almost 10 years of supposed true happiness finding The One. According to her ex-best friend she knew since she was 11 years old. She left him for Corey Vitiello, a highly celebrated chef in Toronto after her career took off some with Suits. Corey was also cooking for Prince Harry when Meghan first met the royal. He runs a chicken restaurant chain called Flock. Roast chicken, anyone? Yes, Meghan has commented time and time again her specialty is roast chicken. She picked up this talent likely from living in common law marriage with Corey in Toronto. That’s also what she was cooking when Prince Harry proposed? Gosh, what a coincidence. The Sun said, “The pair split in May 2016 - with the Telegraph reporting that Meghan was still with Cory when she first met Harry. The prince was in Canada to promote the Invictus games in May 2016. The chef refused to comment on the rumours that the Prince was part of the reason their relationship ended.” Hmmm, also a suspicious coincidence.
I don’t knock her for watching out for herself and trying to put her name out there. It’s a dog-eat-dog world in the acting industry. She was only successful in Toronto with Suits. Hollywood was the ultimate goal and dream. Her father Thomas Markle was a successful Emmy winning lighting director for Married with Children. She basically grew up on set and likely salivated at the fame and attention she would get being one. As a narcissist, this would feed her ego majorly. She was never going to be more famous than an extra in those random comedies or low-budget made for TV movies. She was pushing nearly 40. That’s the career death age of actresses in North America, maybe everywhere. She wasn’t a Meryl Streep or Viola Davis. She had to think fast. She did. Man, did she hit the jackpot with Harry. Apparently, their relationship wasn’t even revealed to Harry’s family until 6 months into it. All that time, Thomas Markle kept his mouth shut about it. He was loyal to his favorite daughter and paid for her expensive upscale schooling her entire life, even some in college. She ghosted him for making a foolish mistake with the media when he didn’t recieve an invite to the wedding. This time period was key to her sinking her claws in to Prince Harry’s vulnerability, weaknesses, broken and damaged self. She does want to be another Diana, but all she is now is a mother-wife to Harry. As her ghosted former best friend said, she is very calculated.
Using others as a stepping stone or tool to get where you want is extremely cold-hearted, but that was her MO. There is a reason a trail of ghosted, dejected lovers, family and friends have come out of the woodwork since Harry said his family was the one she never had. HAH. Cry me a river. Samantha only came out when that was openly said. What a stupid, hurtful, foolish statement Harry. This was during the Christmas Service at Sandringham she attended when they were only engaged. That’s unheard of. Even Catherine Middleton, wife of the heir didn’t even get invited to any outings until they were officially married. I commend Prince William for his caution as he had much more to lose than Harry with his choice of a wife.
Prince William was extremely worried about the tabloids and press doing what they did to his beloved mother to Kate. They chased Kate around and staked out their cameras at her flat. They followed her to work. They shoved cameras in her face getting in and out of cars. She was very chill about it. Alarmed, but civil. It was chaos. She was a BIG DEAL. She was marrying the heir to the British monarchy. Prince William was a dreamboat. Many of us were very fascinated by who his choice was. When they married, there were years and years of ridicule with comments about her “Waity Katey” nickname. He made sure she has as much time living a normal private life before becoming a royal. She needed to withstand the public scrutiny as his on and off again girlfriend first. It wasn’t a matter of him getting coldfeet. He was protecting her. They were college friends first then fell in love over the course of 6 years or so. They had a solid foundation.
She even had a few incidents where her skirt flew up too high revealing too much as well as her chest. It’s all trivial superficial things, I know, but it matters as a royal. We do the same with Meghan. It’s the optics that need to be taken into consideration. I’m fine with critiquing dress style, as there’s a certain decorum needed in a royal family. She, Kate, needed to dress more prudently to avoid mishaps. There were several in her first few years. She has improved beautifully and has her style down to science. Kate had many of the criticisms Meghan shares as far as entering in the royal family goes being a commoner having to do with dress code and keeping her mannerisms appropriate at events. There are many comments on old articles saying how Kate was smiling way too much at this same event years ago. How her hair was too long. She needed to stop twirling it and have some respect for her role and the dignity of the event. It was the Remembrance Day Sunday event at Whitehall in 2013. The two years before that, she garnered the same scathing reactions from the public.
Kate has really come into her own despite the awful criticisms and judgement on her class. She has bore the years and years of cruel digs to her with great decorum and stride. She has NEVER COMPLAINED. She has come in to her own identity as a mother, wife, future queen consort, charity patron, and most importantly a genuine person with the public. I quote The Sun highlighting past labels calling her a "work-shy social climber, the lucky girl whose sole job in life was to sit around looking pretty until William proposed." That's all turned into something solid and magical.
She has an ease with others that makes them comfortable in her presence you don't expect from such a senior royal. She has bloomed. We love her for that and how she lets Prince William shine by supporting his role as heir through their duties and appearances together. She also shines equally if not more than Prince William. Her children are absolutely gorgeous and a delight. We have all come to adore her because she has earned it. Yes, with the public you have to earn our love.
With Meghan, it seemed as if they were marrying then having a baby at warp speed before Harry decided to change his mind without knowing her family and past. They weren’t allowing the public to let us see Meghan in a positive gradual light, but a social climbing one with all her past history written online for all to see; also through the testimony of friends, families, her attention-seeking Instagram posts, colleagues etc. She hadn’t proved herself worthy yet to the public like Kate. It was hitting the ground running to be her own brand and name through Harry’s family.
On a superficial level, Kate and Meghan are not fashionistas or supermodels. But they are always photographed with what brands they’re wearing for all to see. That’s the fun part of watching all royal women, their outfits and accessories. But with Meghan it goes PAST and BEYOND outfits and style. It’s an entire plethora of reasons. She’s a whole different “beast” as she likened her unfair treatment in that Africa interview. All that have nothing to do with her ethnicity. The criticisms we non-Markle fans share with her are as followed:
• ghosting those friends and family members she used to put a notch on her belt
• using Princess Diana’s name to beautify her tainted image
• using Harry and his weaknesses to crawl her way into the royal family
• portraying such an affected manner in which she speaks, interactions with others, and overall pretending to be royal instead of being herself
• wearing inappropriate revealing attire to events, not adhering to dress code
• being rude and demanding to royal staff and even film and restaurant workers before marrying Harry
• constantly stepping in front of Harry as if he was the non-royal at events, inserting herself in conversations and trying to be the center of attention, a know-it-all
• making herself out to be a self made millionaire when she was more like a thousand-aire after Suits owning no real estate, cars or possessions to note beside an expensive heel collection
• taking credit for things that she did not do entirely on her own but passing it off that she did
• upsetting Duchess of Cambridge who she should have allied with for assimilation
• planting her PR stories to try and break up the image and marriage that the Cambridges have naturally built
• constantly trying to one-up the Cambridges while they go about their duties, her seething envy is quite evident by trying to take the light away from their causes
• inconsistent stories of how she and Harry met, supposedly it's Misha Nonoo, but who knows
• implying she was pregnant, all but announcing it with that navy blue coat halfway open at Princess Eugenie's wedding
• overly flicking her coat open constantly and prancing around with her hand on her ever changing bump (whether real or not we will never know)
• embellishing her character by feeding us accolades of herself every chance she gets, especially on Sussex Royal
• rarely ever using the titles of more important senior royals, but overusing her HRH on herself
• having famous Hollywood friends constantly speak for her and how amazing she is, many whom she had NEVER met prior to marrying Harry, but invited to the wedding anyway; leaving out her own family members (especially her loving father who made a foolish mistake) on both sides who did nothing to warrant such cold-heartedness
• preaching about carbon footprints, only having two children, and saving the environment all the while jetting around in private jets around the world sparing no expense
• portraying this image of a humanitarian when she herself is seen constantly in astronomically priced bespoke, couture, and designer clothes and accessories that taxpayers find (well over a million now dollars as the 6th in line’s wide); paid or not by designers to advertise for them
According to The Star, “It’s a figure so staggering it’s worth revisiting. According to estimates — based on totalling up the approximated or stated retail values of everything she’s been seen wearing since November 2017 — the number is hovering around the $1.5 million mark. On her and Harry’s official visit to Ireland this spring, for instance, Markle wore over $52,000 worth of fashion in just two days.”
They also stated “The majority of Markle’s expenditure this year went toward her two wedding dresses: That Givenchy ceremony dress is thought to have cost around $330,000 and her Stella McCartney dress (or the capsule collection’s 46 replicas released after the wedding, at least) sold for $5,800. That’s a bargain compared to the $93,000 she spent on the Ralph & Russo frock she wore for some of her engagement shoot. Add in a $6,500 Oscar de la Renta dress to a wedding here, a $5,000 bespoke Carolina Herrera frock to a Trooping the Colour there, and well, you get to that million mark pretty quickly.”
• then there’s the vacant Forgmore Cottage that wasted taxpayers money if $3 million to renovate; apparently they don’t even live there as she’s in SoHo accommodations and he in his Nottingham Cottage
• playing media games with the facts and dates surrounding the birth of Archie and never allowing him to be photographed until it was on African soil for a docu-drama
• pleading for privacy over and over then showing up unannounced at events uninvited,
• filming a tone-deaf tactless documentary in Africa, revealing how she felt she's didn't have a fair shake in the royal family, the absolute nerve of she and Harry
• suing the press for racism and hate stories when she herself courts the press daily (she did pap walks in London right before it was announced she was Harry's girlfriend), when she has herself and Harry to thank for all the negative press as there's not one story pointing out criticism of her ethnic background
• lastly, there are the extreme fans called the “sugars” who go around defending MM every chance they get in a rageful manner like packs of rabid dogs if we comment on how we don’t like her style of dress or try to reason with a differing opinion to theirs on a certain news story
Have I missed anything? Likely so. I’m still new to this whole Markle debacle so excuse my errors and typos. The soap opera does go on and there are so many details and shady ways Meghan has portrayed herself past and present. From what I’ve seen, heard, and read from her own mouth and those who knew her well, “she’s a witch” as Candace Owens put it bluntly. I truly wanted to give the benefit of the doubt to her when she kept shooting herself in the foot.
She is NOT where Kate was when she married Prince William either. Kate was 29, unmarried and very close to her family with no previous marriages. Today, her family appear to be her rock solid support outside of Prince William. She assimilated well with the other royals who she now calls family. She listened to counsel, respected the centuries of tradition the monarchy had always followed. She won our hearts. Through and through, she can credit her great inner strength she possessed to overcome the constant ridicule to become the well loved future queen consort of Britain. That is no easy feat.
Meghan was 37 and many times divorced (one annulled with Joe Giuliano, an attorney she married after college), so maybe three if you count the common law marriage with Cory in Canada. Trevor was her first official one. So Harry may be her 4th! She had lived many lives before with connections to SoHo, being a yacht girl, then there are her ties to the wretches Jeffery Epstein, Hillary Clinton, Weinstein and their global agenda machine I would have to write a dissertation on to explain.
She appeared to have used her first official husband Trevor, a successful producer in his own right (she got a cameo in his film Remember Me with Robert Pattinson) to get her role on Suits as he’s done excellent for himself in the film industry as a producer. Meghan was somewhat popular in Toronto from the supporting role. She was being phased out soon after her relationship with Corey started as well. She needed a plan, along came Prince Harry one fine clucking night. Then, she set her sights on getting setup with him by Markus Anderson or Misha Nonoo; who knows with all these conflicting stories.
I said good for her at the start. At first it was incredible to see an ordinary girl from LA had married into such a high profile family, to a real titled Prince, no less! It was inspiring and fun to fantasize. Nevertheless, Meghan’s actions listed above, the various first-hand testimonies of people who were family and friends pre-Harry, her hellbent PR attempts to heighten her name, her lack of honesty, her contrived behavior pretending to be a coy ingenue, the scary desire to be Princess Diana by hunting Harry like a sport, and all the stories coming out about how she was searching for a famous British man to elevate her profile, and likely so much more to come, are why we are here with these accounts today.
Hate is such a blanket word overused nowadays in the media. But she has earned that word all on her own. We’re here to disprove and retort the stories churned out daily by her team Sunshine Sachs that continue to deceive the public. Everything is out there to see. Her character is out there to decipher online. You just have to stop reading the fluff and self-promotion and find her true nature pre-Harry to see her scheming social climbing insincere self-serving ways. So, please don’t make us out to be hating, racist, jealous, bullies because we don’t love her like we do Kate. Move past that because we’re tired of hearing it. There’s no other argument anymore for her sugars it seems. Excuse me for not buying Meghan’s pseudo feminism and humanitarian image. She is far from that of a humanitarian. Everything is written on the wall for her. She only has herself to thank for it.
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alexsmitposts · 5 years
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Operation Barbarossa II: Setting The Stage For War I have written several times about the continuing NATO preparations for an attack on Russia, a second Operation Barbarossa, the code name for the Nazi invasion of the USSR in 1941. Circumstances prompt me to write about it again, for as of the last week in January the Americans and their gang of lieutenant nations in NATO have commenced the biggest military exercises in 25 years to take place in Europe. The code name for this operation is Defender-Europe 20 but we can interpret that as Attack-Russia 20; in effect a preparation for an attack on Russia comparable to the Nazi invasion in 1941 that killed 27 million Soviet citizens, wounded countless more and destroyed everything west of the Urals and led ultimately to the crushing of the Nazis that launched the attack. For the past several years the US has been building up bases in Eastern Europe, building up their logistics systems, prepositioning vast amounts of munitions and weapons of every type and calibre, securing convoy routes from the USA across the Atlantic and across Europe right up to Russia’s borders for the rapid movement of military equipment and formations, installing nuclear capable missile systems in key locations from Poland to Romania, increasing intelligence flights in the Baltic, particularly with regard to the Russian base at Kaliningrad and the approaches to St. Petersburg, and the Black Sea, Crimea and Ukraine as well around the Russian bases at Vladivostok, all the while, in their propaganda talking about false flag operations they could use to blame Russia and provide the pretext for their attack. Kaliningrad has been mentioned several times by US generals and officials as one possible scene for staging a false flag operation for this purpose. But the number of scenarios they could use is limited only by their imagination and capabilities. These conventional military exercises are complemented by the withdrawal of the United States from several nuclear arms treaties to give the US a free hand to develop and deploy nuclear weapons which, according to their National Defence Strategy, they will use whenever and wherever they see fit, without limitation or restrictions, including the intention to launch a nuclear first strike. The clear targets are Russia and China. The “pivot to the Pacific” that the Americans began some years ago is a part of these preparations, and while this applies pressure against China it also threatens Russia. But the new exercises are raising alarms in Moscow and Minsk The Belarusian Minister of Defence, Andrei Rakov, noted that: “NATO’s military contingent deployed in the countries neighbouring Belarus during the Atlantic Resolve and Enhanced Forward Presence has been increased by 13 times in the past six years, from 550 to more than 7,000 troops, and the number of hardware units has grown fivefold and that the Defender-Europe 20 exercises to be organized on the territories of ten states, including Poland and the Baltic republics that border Belarus involve about 37,000 troops, with 20,000 of them from the United States.” He also said that “the number of NATO drills near the Belarusian border and the number of personnel involved in these drills had more than doubled in the past five years. Defence spending has increased as well. In the past five years, Poland’s military budget soared by 30%, that of Lithuania — by 2.5 times, and Latvia’s — threefold.” In such conditions, he underscored, “Belarus is forced to take response measures. We are forced to react to the scale-up of military activities in Europe, including in close proximity to our border. Our response will not necessarily be tit-for-tat. We were ready for such development of the military political situation that is why our reaction has a planned character,” he noted. “Thus, in the past three years, the Belarusian military have increased the number of exercises by more than 20% and the number of snap combat readiness checks have doubled.” The Russian Foreign Ministry on January 17 stated that, “NATO’s military drills on the eastern flank of NATO are increasingly more reminiscent of purposeful preparations for a large-scale military conflict” and, “NATO countries are constantly building up their military presence close to our borders, working to improve the operational efficiency of redeploying forces to the eastern flank. The intensity of the drills whose scenarios are increasingly more reminiscent of preparations for a large-scale military conflict is increasing. The systematic development of the European segment of the US/NATO missile defence system continues.” On February 4th Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stated, “Russia will react to the US military exercise in Europe Defender 2020 due in March, but it will do so in a way that will rule out unnecessary risks. Naturally, we will react. We cannot ignore processes that arouse very great concerns. But we will react in a way that will not create unnecessary risks.” However it is certain the United States and its armed gang in NATO will do everything they can do take risks that could kill us all. For the Defender-Europe 20 exercises are on a vast scale, involving according to a US Army fact sheet, four Army prepositioned weapons and ammunition and other logistics sites in three European countries, transport materiel four thousand kilometres across twelve convoy routes, involve nine thousand US troops already in Europe, seven thousand National Guard soldiers, use 14 major ports and airfields, major elements of the US Navy, major elements of US Air Force units from the US, Europe and Africa, the deployment of 20,000 Army and Marine US soldiers from the US to Europe, twenty thousand pieces of equipment to be moved from the US to Europe including trucks, tanks, and artillery pieces, all having the objective, the US claims of “increase strategic readiness and interoperability by exercising the U.S. military’s ability to rapidly deploy a large combat-credible force and equipment from the United States to Europe; and alongside its allies and partners, quickly respond to a potential crisis.” And, they add, “The joint, multinational training exercise is scheduled to take place from April to May 2020, with personnel and equipment movements occurring from February through July 2020. The exercise supports objectives defined by NATO to build readiness within the alliance and deter potential adversaries.” The last sentence in the US Army Europe statement reveals the strategic objective of the exercises, to build readiness for war on Russia. There is no other interpretation possible. On February 26, 2016 the Atlantic Council, the preeminent NATO think tank, issued a report on the state of readiness of the NATO alliance to fight and win a war with Russia. The focus of the report was on the Baltic States. The report is called “Alliance at Risk.” It has the sub-heading “Strengthening European Defense in an Age of Turbulence and Competition.” Layer upon layer of distortion, half-truths, lies and fantasies obscure the fact that it is the NATO countries that have caused the turbulence from the Middle East to Ukraine. NATO is responsible for nothing according to this report, except “protecting the peace.” Russia is the supreme aggressor state, intent on undermining the security of Europe, even intent on attacking Europe, an “existential threat” that NATO must prepare to repel. It states a series of lies at page 6 that, “The Russian invasion of Crimea, its support for separatists, and its invasion of eastern Ukraine have effectively ripped up the post-Cold War settlement of Europe. President Vladimir Putin has shattered any thoughts of a strategic partnership with NATO; instead, Russia is now a de facto strategic adversary. Even more dangerously, the threat is potentially existential, because Putin has constructed an international dynamic that could put Russia on a collision course with NATO. At the center of this collision would be the significant Russian-speaking populations in the Baltic States, whose interests are used by the Kremlin to justify Russia’s aggressive actions in the region. Under Article 5 of NATO’s Washington Treaty, any military move by Putin on the Baltic states would trigger war, potentially on a nuclear scale, because the Russians integrate nuclear weapons into every aspect of their military thinking.” Lies, because none of this is true and it is the NATO war alliance that threatens the peace and incorporates nuclear weapons into all their military thinking and planning. This supports warnings made the past two years of a move by NATO in the Baltic states which will be justified by false flag hybrid war operations conducted by NATO, as I have stated several times in other essays. This is emphasized by the recommendation in the report that “to deter any Russian encroachment into the Baltic States, NATO should establish a permanent presence in the region… to prevent a Russian coup de main operation …” The document also uses language that indicates that the NATO powers do not recognize Russian sovereignty over Kaliningrad that was established at the end of the second world war, claiming that Russia “has ripped up” the post-Cold War settlement of Europe, whatever that means to them, because as far as we know the Cold War was supposed to end with the withdrawal of the Red Army from Eastern Europe in exchange for a commitment by USA that NATO would not move east. Instead the NATO powers, with the treachery that is their custom, moved quickly into those territories and began conducting regular and expanding military exercises threatening Russia directly. Once again, the NATO powers are preparing the ground for an incident involving Kaliningrad, home base of their Baltic Fleet and guardian of the approaches to St. Petersburg and what the Guardian stated is “emerging as a critical square on the east European chessboard in Vladimir Putin’s efforts to push back assertively against NATO expansion.” The situation has become so critical that the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists moved their Doomsday Clock 20 seconds closer to midnight last week citing as a primary reason the immediate danger of nuclear war between the United States and Russia. They stated, “Civilization-ending nuclear war—whether started by design, blunder, or simple miscommunication—is a genuine possibility. But even they, a US organisation, lied about the true state of affairs and blamed Russia as much as the US for the situation the US and its allies have created. As for international law, it is nowhere to be seen. The preparations for war by NATO are a violation of the UN Charter and the fundamental principles of international law contained in it. They are war crimes under the Nuremburg Principles and the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, because they are part of the conspiracy to commit, and preparations for, a war of aggression against Russia, and, since the use of nuclear weapons is a certainty if war breaks out, genocide of the entire human population. The UN cannot act to prevent this because the Security Council, neutered by its own structure cannot act. The ICC continues to be an irrelevancy. And since, in the absence of a world government with policing powers, international law relies on a shared sense of morality, ethics and humanity to be effective, the total negation of morality by the leadership of the United States and the NATO countries has led to a breakdown of international law. Thugs, gangsters and pirates recognise no laws, and we live in a world where these are the people that are now in power in the west. And so Russia reacts to defend itself, preparations for war intensify, and any hope we have of the American people delivering us from the criminals they keep raising to power, of us doing the same in the other NATO countries, of calling for peace as the World Peace Council does, giving peace a chance, as Lennon said, is buried deeper and deeper under layers of lies and propaganda and we are left with little but despair unless the people, the mass of people release the power latent in them and confront those in power and replace them with leaders dedicated not only to the welfare of their people, but also dedicated to peace, peace now and peace forever. I joined the Canadian Peace Congress to try to do that. I urge all of you to wake up to the danger, join peace groups wherever you are, do whatever you can, but block the road to war.
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ayellowbirds · 5 years
thoughts on rereading 1632 & 1633
i read these books by Eric Flint a few years back, got to some later ones, and lost track of where i’d been. So, i got the audiobooks via one of the ebook services from the library, and started going through them again. I had a few thoughts on this read-through.
for those who are unfamiliar with them, the central idea is that a cosmic accident (caused by alien artists messing with space-time, but the human characters never learn this and give up pretty quickly on ever figuring it out) has taken the entirety of a West Virginia mining town from April of 1999 and swapped it with an equally-sized region of central Germany (specifically, Thuringia) in the year 1632. The introduction of modern American technologies and values into the middle of the damned Thirty Years War causes massive social and historic changes, of course.
the negative points are going to be obvious to most Tumblr users even without me going into detail about the plot and characters. There’s a lot in the way of American patriotism, for a starter, and i’m sure a European reader would shrink at the idea of turn-of-the-millennium American values being imposed on any part of Europe, much less its historic past. The character who quickly rises to become the political leader of the time-displaced Americans is very determined to spread those values. Additionally, there’s a lot of the usual problems of sci-fi/fantasy as far as the portrayal of women, particularly in terms of women in wartime. The subject of sexual assault comes up often, and from my perspective, the text of the first novel focuses too much of the time spent from women’s perspective on exploring how they feel about men. While it serves to establish that the relationship is consensual and based in mutual respect, a scene involving the wedding night of two newly married characters goes on for far too long and into far more detail than is necessary. While a couple 17th-century women are prominent in the first book, the American women who play any significant role are treated as exceptional—a schoolteacher with New England origins and a politically radical background, and a teenage girl noted for her athleticism and [spoiler]. A singular Asian character basically only exists so that her American husband can prove a point about how shitty it is to discriminate, and i don’t recall that she even actually has any speaking lines until the second book, much less even actually appearing on the page.
on the positive side, one of the most prominent characters is not only a Jewish woman, but specifically a Sephardic woman, and she is upheld consistently as the equal of any of the American characters, if not better than most. It’s noted that the Americans are sorely lacking in many skills that the 17th century Europeans consider mundane, such as speaking any more than a single language. The spread of American values and technology is consciously and openly done in order to try to reduce deaths from disease, poverty, and starvation, as well as bringing about democracy at a time when the power of the aristocracy was absolute. The Americans are consistently shown to be absolutely disgusted by the idea of rape, arguably above anything else they find unpleasant about the time period. 17th-century characters are treated as real humans with their own skills and knowledge that often beats out the technological advancement of the Americans.
having read a lot of trashy isekai manga since reading this the first time, the comparison to other “modern character in less-advanced world” scenarios seems obvious. The Americans are acknowledged to have their faults, misconceptions, and flaws. The author has a stated dislike of the “great man” concept where singular powerful figures make all the advancements; even with people like Gustavus Adolphus being prominent, The American characters we see have a firm distaste for racism, antisemitism, and other forms of bigotry; one of the most prominent characters is a visiting black doctor, and his daughter becomes significant in later books. It is not denied that racism exists, and even some of the POV characters are shown needing to unlearn bigoted ideas. Labor rights are a major theme in the books; the author has a union background and so do most of the American characters. There is a deliberate effort on the part of the American characters to avoid a scenario where "up-timers” become a new aristocracy. 
one thought kept occurring to me while going through these books again: this seems very much like a series that could be adapted for premium TV. You wouldn’t even need to budget special effects, and i’m sure there are plenty of existing costumes. There’s an abundance of sequels and side-stories, and still more every year. And plenty of the things i consider flaws of the books are things that would get American audiences into it on the small screen.
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princess-sora · 6 years
Review: Phantasy Star IV
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Some History
Phantasy Star's a series that's been near and dear to me for over half my life. I first got into it via the Phantasy Star Collection for Gameboy Advance, a 2002 collection of the first 3 out of the original 4 games. 1 and 2 were good games for their time, and while they were mechanically rather archaic, their aggressive combination of fantasy and sci-fi captured my 13-year-old imagination something fierce. I'd never seen a setting like it. 3, though... some of its ideas were interesting to me, but not only was it mostly fantasy and very little sci-fi for most of its story, it just plain wasn't very good. I largely left it alone. I never beat any of the games, but they left a massive impression on me.
It wasn't until several years later that I'd discover that I was missing something. They'd cut Phantasy Star 4 out of the collection, presumably for cartridge space/budget reasons... and in doing so, I've since learned, deprived my young self of an incredible experience. When I first learned about Phantasy Star 4, I no longer had the ability to focus on an RPG long enough to complete one. Over multiple tries at it, I only ever got about a third into the game before drifting away. But, now that I can focus on things again, I decided to give it another attempt.
The Review
At its core, Phantasy Star IV is a traditional JRPG, with random encounters, turn-based battles, and a storyline with essentially zero player choice or agency. But it's an exemplar of the genre. Scenario design is overall very well-paced and conveyed; at no point did I feel like I wasn't advancing, or didn't know what to do or where to go. Aside from one specific point near the end of the first third, I didn't feel like grinding was ever necessary--if I felt like I hit a wall, there was some sort of side content to check out that'd get me back on track.
On the subject of side content, Phantasy Star 4 has plenty. The Hunter's Guild has a list of sidequests that open up as the plot progresses, which are a source of money more than anything, as not all of them involve combat. The Hunter's Guild quests are probably one of my bigger quibbles, actually. Like in a lot of RPGs, money ends up being essentially meaningless near the end, so it can be a bit of a gamble to tell whether you'll get anything worthwhile (read: experience or equipment) from the experience.
On top of that, a few of them have remarkably unsatisfying conclusions--off the top of my head, one ends up costing you exactly the amount you later get paid as a reward, and another gives you no money at all, though it does involve a boss battle. I still recommend doing them, however; there's a story to every one, sometimes amusing, and it all serves to make the world feel more lived-in and real.
There are a fair few side dungeons, too, beyond the one or two you visit as part of guild quests. They're optional as well, but almost always worthwhile, giving lore, good equipment, new skills for your Android characters, and often, challenging and lucrative boss fights.
Dungeons, on the whole, are very well-designed. They're generally a bit mazeish, but dead-end branches generally have something interesting at the end of them, and they're never particularly long. Where they really shine, though, is in their structure. The way that they're built gives a sense of place, that despite their gameplay-oriented layouts, they are actually the sort of structure thy claim to be. Caves and some underground dungeons don't quite fit this as well, but for the most part, it's a very strong point. One of the midgame dungeons--an ancient castle built on crumbling, deteriorating foundations--is my favorite example of this. The winding halls feel, in some way, like they were once the grand halls of their ruler. There are dead ends that are simply overlooks from the castle walls, or areas that would present paths if not for the ground crumbling away. They don't have anything at the end, but they aren't long enough to be annoying; it feels like they're just there for versimilitude, to add to the idea that this is a place, something more than a construct for the sake of gameplay.
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The game's presentation is top-notch, as well. Sprites on the overworld are clear and well-animated, with cute little touches like every character's walk cycle being a different speed based on height or bulk, and in battle, backgrounds and sprites are *beautifully* detailed, with both party members and enemies having various different animations depending on what they're doing.
The sound design is especially excellent. The sounds of battle are satisfying and impactful, and along with the animations, this gives fights a fantastic "game-feel" that helps keep encounters from becoming stale. That's to say nothing of the music. This is some of the best music to come out of the Genesis' sound hardware, hands-down. It's (mostly) a far cry from the "electro-farts" some people describe the Genesis' sound as, and when it is, it's with a very clear purpose. The compositions are musically complex and fun to listen to, particularly the dungeon and battle themes, whose catchy, interesting tunes do a lot to make up for the fact that you'll be hearing them a lot.
The battle system is presented in a fairly standard style--you see your party members from behind, facing down the enemies, you queue up all of your actions, and the turn progresses roughly in order of agility. Your characters have a wide variety of abilities available to them, divided into two categories, Techs and Skills, both learned as characters level up. Techs draw from a character's pool of TP (basically MP), and are essentially this game's version of magic. Skills are a bit different--with a couple of exceptions, each character's skills are unique, with their own effects or gimmicks, but with the caveat that each one only has a certain number of uses until your next visit to an inn. The game itself, regrettably, doesn’t tell you what techs/skills do what (I suspect that’s in the manual), so don’t be afraid to look them up online.
There's a "macro" system in place, too, allowing you to set up specific sequences of actions for your characters to carry out during a round of battle. At first blush, it'd seem like a more complex version of the genre-standard auto-battle system, but there's another purpose: combination attacks. Certain techs and skills, cast in the right order without enemy interruption, can combine into a more powerful move. As an example, three characters casting the basic fire, ice, and lightning techs together on the same turn will combine to cast "Tri-Blaster," which does higher damage to all enemies. They need to be cast together without being interrupted by enemies, however, meaning you need to keep your characters' agility stats in mind when building and sequencing your macros. There are 14 combo attacks, total, and the game doesn't tell you any of them, so don't be afraid to look those up, either.
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The story is fantastic--probably one of the best out of any game I can think of. It was meant from the start to be the end of the story, and it's a tribute and a love letter to the franchise's legacy, while still managing to be accessible and engaging for an unfamiliar player. It deals with death in a way that's rarely been matched, and it raises the stakes from 'investigating monster attacks' at the start to 'destroying ultimate evil' by the end in a way that feels about as natural as you can make that kind of escalation. The protagonist grows visibly over the course of the story, and while most of his his companions are somewhat shallower, there was hardly anyone among the cast I didn't care about, by the ending. The setting feels lived-in and even a bit alive, thanks to guild quests, incidental dialogue that's actually interesting, and various other worldbuilding touches throughout.
The Conclusion
I'm not gonna give this a number. But I will say that Phantasy Star IV is the first RPG I've actually felt driven to beat in years, and I recommend it with absolutely no reservations. In fact, it's on Steam for $1 USD. Buy it. Play it. You won't regret it, I promise.
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mild-lunacy · 6 years
The Man Behind the Curtain
I can only assume I used to be a lot more laid-back, less analytical than I am now. Plenty of total nerds love Star Trek, though, and even write books like 'The Physics of Star Trek'. To be clear, I admire that sort of analysis; analysis should be fun. Unfortunately, though, TNG came on cable recently and all I could think was that it really pained me that in a roomful of aliens, everyone was human. Human, human, human. Ugh.
This is another nerd thing, I realize that. This is the flavor of tilting-at-windmills some teenage fanboys in particular seem to like, right up there with whining about why certain writers can't be faster and how sci-fi didn't use to include so many people of color. Or perhaps that's not fair, and it's more the people who went on and on about how Luke Skywalker Was Wronged. But no. Isn't this arguing about certain foundational things that no one does or should care about? After all, everyone accepts that budgets are what they are, and humans don't care about aliens anyway. It's just... the latter really frustrates me, when you're talking about aliens, you know? It seems childish, or patronizing the childish audience, perhaps.
The fact is, I'd group 'human aliens' with a bunch of things we just accept in genre fiction, or the price of admission. So it's actually more like complaining about 'fated mates' in sci-fi romance or how everyone is inevitably made hot in Hollywood adaptations. To be honest, those things do irritate me too. You could-- or possibly should-- add that it depends on how it's done. That's the reasonable way to go. But the way I feel that it needs to be done is for some lip-service to exist, some justification either for the 'human alien' or the 'fated mate' scenario in question. Star Trek TNG often doesn't bother having the aliens even be a different color. Often they're just white people with different ears or noses. Possibly you could do horns.
Sadly, I very much relate to the whiny nerds, for I am one of them, even though this is the sort of thing I handwaved away with BBC Sherlock. Plenty of analytical people in fandom complained about how the cases (or their resolution) didn't make sense for one reason or another. This was particularly true in Series 4, though there were always those grumbles. I myself never cared, because I was there for characterization and style. Still, when the 'heightened reality' genre is badly done, or you're not distracted by the characterization, it grates. Sort of like going to an amateur theater hour where everyone's wearing third-rate paper costumes.
I complain, even if inconsistently, of course, while I realize that certain silly tropes allow the very concept of 'genre'. A trailblazing work like LoTR crosses every t and dots every i; JRR Tolkien even created a language and a fictional history book to suit. He went back to the original legends and their languages and made something of them. The people writing in the epic fantasy *genre* can-- and often do-- just wave in the direction of what elves are and what they're doing, then throwing in an evil master and a few other magical races. Many writers focus on the character relationships and take the plot elements a bit for granted. Or more than a bit. After all, genre fans have been there, done that. We can connect the dots, right? And a source such as Conan Doyle might be more rigorous than its adaptations in BBC Sherlock in some ways, but plenty of people famously laugh about the timeline errors. So not every writer's idea of 'serious work' is the same, or perhaps it's more accurate to say that Conan Doyle was never truly serious about Sherlock Holmes regardless. From what I can tell, Moffat and Gatiss *were* serious, but had different priorities and interests.
One thing I've noticed is that different writers as well as audiences have different attitudes and approaches to the idea of logical consistency in fiction, or 'common sense'. Like, certainly, it's common sense that actual aliens would have to be alien (and very not-human), communication across species would be very difficult, and love takes time. That said, it's certainly inconvenient. Just like certain plot points would not be easily overlooked (unless they're handwaved away), such as Sherlock's fake suicide and subsequent torture in Eastern Europe. That too is inconvenient. How important is it that things stand up to logical analysis depends on the individual, though. If I had to guess, I'd say most people care more about how a story makes them *feel*. Even writers.
I get it. In the end, I just find it annoying when I can't buy in anyway, 'cause I hate noticing the man behind the curtain. When the aliens in a sci-fi story are pretty much human, I feel like the 'sci-fi' element itself doesn't matter, so I always see the artificiality of the world. Same with romance and too blatant a usage of 'fated mates'. The thing I *want* to see (outside of a comedy) is a writer who takes the elements of genre seriously. At least *some* chosen elements besides characterization, as was the case for Moffat and Gatiss. I want a writer to appear to think at least somewhat about the unlikely things they've created, wanting them to make some sense, even if their actual story focus is on characterization. It's a lot to ask, I know, especially from a story I otherwise enjoy. That's the buy-in I need from an author to provide my own buy-in, basically.
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monkey-network · 6 years
WarioWare: The Series Season 3 Episodes
52 Episodes. Season 4 Coming 20XX Season 2, Season 1 * = Episode Submitted by @tmantookie
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The End of the Show: WarioWare Inc. want to make games again… except Wario, who has grown tired of the idea and the gang somehow taking advantage of him (even when he steals from them), so he goes back to treasure hunting. This begs the question: can a company run smoothly without an (arrogant and maniacal) entrepreneur to lead it?
The Prince and the Bopper: An elegant prince gets transported to Diamond City and feels out of touch with this new reality, so JT helps him see a side that’s been locked away. His kingdom’s chancellor arrives to take him back, but he’s conflicted between becoming king of the castle or staying as king of the ball.
Wario Side Story: The Possums and the Squirrels, rival gangs of DC’s Crystal Park, have fought for territory for generations. However, the daughters of the gang’s leaders start to bond and wish to put an end to the war. With Wario and Mona spectating from afar, can there be enough resolve in putting an end to the conflict?
Hurry Up!: The WarioWare gang are making a mad dash to a concert, but when they try using a shortcut through the DC mall, they’re forced to confront persistent kiosk owners who will stop at nothing to make them pay.
Words Hurt: In the show’s quietest episode ever, 9 and 18 Volt study at a library when higher grade kids start getting them in unintentional trouble, so the duo set up prank traps that’ll surely get back at them. All without making a sound.
Greed Pluribus Unum: A master thief is taking money from Wario, the richest fatcats of DC, banks, schools, hospitals, everything from the town. Why and where to is anyone’s game, but Wario-Man’s on the case to track down, take back, and force himself to give back to those who’ve been wronged.
Robot Humble: Doris 1 short circuits and plots to lead a robot uprising, but fails at getting an army due to Crygor’s bots not being the most vicious (or stable). So she turns to Mike, who develops feelings for her but gets annoyed by her constant pleading and moping.
Star Tolls: Orbulon takes over Dribble and Spitz’s shift for the day and is somehow better than the duo at getting the job done. But when he accidentally scratches a car and is challenged to a race across the galaxy, he may have to break some codes of his to win.
Nightmare on W Street: Halloween has arrived and Ashley is still the one person who’s afraid of nothing (beyond that one time). She and Wario takes this as an opportunity for easy money from the city, but when a stranger shaman casts a spell on her, the scam might falter when she starts to finally recognize fear.
Man of the Woods: Former minions of Wario’s past are stalking him, and everyone’s trying to figure out how to sooth their haunting tension toward him.
Cater Joe’s: Manager Joe opens a diner on the edge of town to have some time away from the city life. Some of the WarioWare gang stop by to share an adventure they had over the week.
Penny Machine: A snooty scientist is dazzled by Penny’s science fair project, but Penny refuses to give it up as it’s her most delicate creation. So the judge does all they can to get it, but you can’t put a price on love.
The Hero’s Might: After her first ever sugar rush, a hungover Lulu is stranded in the middle of nowhere with nothing but a lute, a water bottle, a mule, and Wario’s clothes on her back. Nothing left to do but try to make it back. And it begs the question: who’s the stubborn one in this story?
The Rhythm Hath Fallen* (Half Hour Crossover Special): A cosmic earthquake causes Heaven World to fall and collide with Diamond City, with HW’s citizens treating DC’s citizens to a week long block party. But the week starts to overstay its welcome, so Rhythm Heaven’s Tibby, his friends, and the WW gang try to fix things with Mamarin’s bizarre guidance.
The Opposable Opponent: Young Cricket starts training under a master that only uses his left thumb to fight, but struggles to keep up with the regime... until he starts to figure out how the master came to be.
Spell “Mi cup”: 9-Volt, 18-Volt, and 13-Amp enter and win a special edition movie branded mug and split up their days of possessing it. However, sharing germs is the one thing the three unfortunately overlook.
Tree Top Tango: Jimmy T is enjoying a jazzy walk in the woods, but gets in a pickle when creatures of nature’s variety start to surface. What’s a disco fool to beside show them a natural groove to ease their carnivorous minds.
Love at First Strike: Ana starts to develop a crush on 9-Volt, and is stuck between practicing and hanging out with him. 9-Volt would feel the same way, if she wasn’t pummeling him as a means to hide him from Kat.
The Typical Beach Episode: It’s an average beach day for WarioWare Inc... until a hurricane lands smack dab in the middle of the fun. So now the gang is caught between staying within the eye of the storm and dodging the chaos circling around them.
Ashociates: Ashley finally made some friends, dawg! Except not really, she’s only using them to get a mystical artifact and if you see her so called “friends”, her front is kinda justified.
Good Golf: Mona and Dr. Crygor are enjoying a nice day of mini-golf when a egotistical pro golfer butts in their game and begins ruining people’s fun. The two team up to beat him just in time for lunch, but things get difficult when he put up traps on the course.
Chili Dog Millionaire: Lulu finds out she’s a great cook, so she gets a job at a gourmet restaurant where the head chef demands for nothing but perfection. Nervous at first, the head chef treats her better than the rest, which prompts jealousy and potential sabotage her way.
King of the Dill: 18-Volt is selling hot pickles at school but sells out quick and ran out of his special ingredients. While going to the store, his classmates spot him and suddenly transform into sore throat, teary eyed zombies by the sight of his green jacket.
Becoming Human (For Dummies): Orbulon gets tired of people picking on him because he’s an extraterrestrial. So he invents a human suit that helps him appear like one. But, the intricacies of the suit start to send Orbulon dark thoughts that yet don’t stray from typical human ideologies.
Dueldreaming: Kat is suffering from nightmares to the point of not sleeping at all, so with the help of Penny, Ana goes into her dreams to slay the horrors but starts to cower before what she finds.
Way of the Birthday: It’s Young Cricket’s birthday, so Mantis has the perfect gift for him for all he’s done: a Battle Royale where it’s him against Mantis’s old friends.
Jump the Rope: We got ourselves a flash forward episode, where we see the kids grown up, the adults living out their days, and Wario.... ummm, in another place.
A New L.O.W.: Wario creates the League of Wario, a team of sinister pranksters, to get back at a viral video celeb that wedgied him great enough to put him in a wheelchair. 
Wario Party: It’s the anniversary of WarioWare Inc, and the gang wants to celebrate the occasion... by dining at the perfect restaurant. But they’ve dined at every place in DC, so they set out to go to the best place with the best palette, atmosphere, and prices.
Musclecats HO!: Mona joins a gym and enters herself into a bodybuilding competition. With the help of a supportive and swoll group of regulars, she’s aiming for the top.
Grey JT: A grey hair sprouts from Jimmy’s head and this makes him worry about how his routine may be the cause of aging faster.
That’s Enough, Buddy: Due to increase danger risk in DC, a young yet no nonsense sheriff is enforcing old rules on the public which interferes with Wario’s latest scam.
A Mother’s Metal: 9-Volt wants to give 5-Volt the best Mother’s Day gift ever, and eventually digs up an old relic of her past that’s both a blessing and a curse to 5.
The Best Worst Case Scenario: Television has gotten boring, even Wario thinks it’s a waste of his time, so everyone trashes their TV and goes outside to more productive means. Everything is swell, except for the people up top who soon rely on Wario to save them.
Oh Snow: Layers of snow has hit DC and while Wario becomes a life-sized snowman, Ashley learns about the multifaceted fun of snow.
WarioWaRPG: A digital virus manifests from Penny’s laptop and turns Diamond City into a card based RPG world. She kidnaps Penny and it’s up to the gang to save her. Unfortunately, they skipped the tutorial and don’t have the best decks on hand.
Let’s Be Lazy For Once: Due to a budget setback thanks to last episode, the WW gang decide to look back on previous episodes and provide as clever and nice a commentary as possible.
You’re Clowning Me: Dribble and Spitz pick a group of clowns that are on their way to rehearsal. What the two fail to realize is that they’re clown mafia with police, and rival clown cars, not far behind.
Chivalry is Dumb: A famous detective, and his maid sidekick, arrives at Diamond City to investigate an elaborate crime, only to be taken aback by Wario and all that he stands for, while his sidekick grows to enjoy the big guy’s rebellious and burly personality.
Break Out the Rainy Day Fun: Kat, Ana, Penny, 9 & 18 Volt join Ashley and Red at their manor while the rain’s heavy outside. And while Ashley is busy with a certain brew she’s craving, she summons skeletons to go play with, and not chomp, the others.
The Suit: Legends says there is a mystical 3 piece suit that can turn any normal being into a charming yet sadistically unruly reality bending version of themselves. Now this would be the part where I mention who stumbles upon such clothing, but I’ll let that be a mystery.
Consider the Fruit n’ Nuts: Dr. Crygor, with assistance from Wario, Mona, Cricket, and Penny, teaches us the good and bad of dieting.
House of Mike: After Mike stumbles upon a group of pugs who’re seeking a sense of purpose and bonding, he shows them a fantasy game he recently bought that could help them out.
The Hero’s “Happiness”: Lulu is comfortable with the life she now has in DC, but doesn’t feel happy, whatever that means. Only when a familiar villager of Luxeville enters the picture does she question whether it’s right to stay or leave for better purposes, and she turns to the least favorable person for help.
You Agree With Me?: In a shocking turn of events, a man who’s never able to decide on any choice was able to thanks to Jimmy’s advice. Now our more decisive denizen is indebted to his afro hero, to the point of imitating him to a bizarrely fleek degree.
Master Blaster: A few million years ago, jerk aliens decided to blast the earth with a laser beam that’s destructive yet really slow. A few million years later, it’s set to touchdown in 24 hours. Orbulon and Dr.Crygor team up to figure out how to beat the laser, but our alien is more worried with time than the doctor.
A Series of Unbelievable Events: At Joe’s Diner, Young Cricket and Master Mantis share their awful day and Manager Joe doesn’t find everything to be true, so they begrudgingly trace their steps and recount their day to Joe exactly how it happened.
Amp Unleashed: 13-Amp must face her fears when she has to rap battle against a duo that inspired her career. While she is alone on this mission, the memories of 18-Volt and Mike’s help give her new found strength.
Fronk Sonata’s Moonlight: Penny’s terrible singing practice makes her voice soul leave her body for 9V’s fronk, Snag, who becomes a hit nightclub singer.
Unininja: Kat and Ana fuse into one ultimate dual wielding ninja, but unfuses for good when they go too far with their newly acquired fun. But when a Tengu Shogun is coming with an armada toward Diamond City, it’s the perfect time to unite once again.
My Witch Ashedemia: Ashley is enrolled in a prep school for witches, but feels bored with the mediocre lessons. But she uncovers a secret about the school and uses this to blackmail the teachers for more advanced schooling, which inadvertently puts a target on her from an anti witch group.
LessTalkMoreTanks (Half Hour Season Finale): The WW gang finds a giant battle tank and take it for a spin, but it turns that they stole it from its cantankerous, anarchy driven owner. So... tank fight in the sand dunes, the gang vs the owner’s friends? Who’s on board?
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