#but personal targets are the ones that created the rumors. those are the ones she will absolutely rip to shreds }
keruimi · 5 months
Doubting Her Beauty
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Pairing: Shirabu Kenjirou x reader
Warning: Angst and Comfort
Note: I made this in a rush before I forget this idea so forgive me if he went out of character. I'll try to fix it tomorrow. Hope you all enjoy!
"Shirabu, your name has gotten famous around the campus again" I heard Reon spoke as I took a drink from my bottle after a brutal training of 8am to 6pm for the upcoming Interhigh.
"Well, Y/n mentioned his name for the third time today, didn't she?" Semi followed suit as I just sighed after hearing her name.
Katsumi Y/n, a long-time admirer of mine ever since we became classmates in our first year of junior high school.
She is a very beautiful woman, no denying that. She was always the school's contender for fashion contests and she mostly won the crown.
A woman who should have a higher standard in men, started to like me for a reason I never knew.
She just like me, that's all.
I can't even count how many times she has confessed to me with the help of her friends.
The confession that became the root of most of the school boy's hatred to me.
One of the reasons why I always hear rumors or dislikes of me.
"Semi deserves the setter position more"
"He has looks but comparing it to the school's countless heartthrob, don't you think he's too average"
"The world is too nice to him"
Those were the words I always hear but none of it really affected me unless I heard it from the person who they thought I hurted.
Semi did show how he is not happy with me taking his position, but he never bad-mouthed me like they did.
And I knew myself better than those students. So I never really cared how many bashers or haters came in my way.
In other words too, I could careless about Y/n's love for me.
Since she already knew how I felt. Love is not my thing and it's her choice if she will continue to pursue me or quit.
And she chose to try swooning my heart. It's laughable on how obvious their envy is, they think I'm turning to be a prideful person because she chose me over many men who like her.
But the truth is, the problem is never me in the first place. It was their jealousy.
One of the obvious reasons why Y/n chose to love me.
I would never stoop that low just to ruin somebody.
Her feeling was the reason why I never degraded myself for anything.
But those reasons never made me love her, but just an appreciation because she showed me too that someone can look at me the same way she did.
Someone can love a person like me.
I heard Taichi calling for me and that made me look up to him and saw him glancing at the gym doors, reminding me of the usual routine ever since she entered my life.
I nod before making my way there and saw her carrying a basket of snacks.
She was humming when I arrived before she greeted me the moment our gaze met.
She lent me the small basket along with papers I decided to read.
"I wrote down the lessons that you have missed. I just hope it's not that messy" she said followed by a chuckle as she clasped both of her hands together.
"You don't need to" I muttered before taking the things she brought for me.
"Let me, this is the only thing I thought I could help you with"
A beauty queen with a heart that is hard to read.
Including myself with one of the popular kids is quite a dangerous game to play.
I would never know whether I'm their next target or victim.
Those thoughts were created because I don't trust her.
Not even one bit. No matter how nice she is. No matter how much she shows how special I am.
Because everything feels like it's not reality when I'm talking to her.
She was too good to be true.
I was wary of her, one of the reasons why I can't return her feelings for me no matter how many men wanted me to.
I just don't know her well...
"Thank you again Y/n. I need to head back now, Break ends in a minute" I didn't prolong our conversation more and immediately closed the gym doors when I saw her nod in understanding.
"Eat well, Shirabu!"
Those were the last things I heard from her before I returned back to the bench, along with placing the small basket in the seat.
"I can't see why you can't return those feelings" Tendou exclaimed while muching on the muffins she bought for me as I sighed.
This is a question that I always need to hear everyday, worse, every hour or even minutes.
"I just can't"
"Then are you planning to reject her?"
"Already did"
"Then she is indeed persistent. Do you see yourself loving her even one bit?"
Questions after another, its never ending once begins.
Especially if Tendou is the one asking. No matter how much he enjoys seeing others in pain, that sadistic side of his only applies in the court.
Because the truth was he is the type of person who wants love and recognition from others, so maybe seeing Y/n never giving up on me seems to move his heart a little.
"Do you start to like her, even just one bit?" He repeated his question again in a different word that made me look at him.
"No?" I don't know if he's playing with me with his shock reaction or plain pure reaction from my answer which he should have expected in the first place.
"What?" I ask him so he can elaborate his reaction better, so I can at least understand what's so shocking about my answer.
"No? Not 'never'? Means there's a chance you would grow feelings for her right?"
I was taken back from his statement that made me bombarded my mind with different thoughts.
"I can't predict the future, right?" Those words left my mouth without further thinking as I heard him laugh.
Since who really know what fate lined up for me after all?
Her constant visit never stops unless she has an upcoming pageant.
Her loss of presence never bothered me much but my teammates constant loud gossiping, especially Tendou who leads those childish actions, did.
But somehow I'm thankful that he's constant nagging never fails me to remind me of her presence.
That's the only way left to show my appreciation to her for being supportive of me.
I cared, but it was never love on my part. Until that constant denying made me look at her like a sister.
Which I know is so wrong in her part when she saw me as a partner.
I sighed in annoyance after the awarding for qualifying for the interhigh tournament. My sigh caught the attention of my teammates.
"Oh someone is sad that their number one fan didn't show up?" Tendou started as I shook my head in denial.
"That's not it"
For real.
The reason why I'm so annoyed was because I'm confused of one thing.
I'm confused because I can't understand my feelings for her.
Others might think that I shouldn't think much about it since I don't love her and I already rejected her.
But damn, I really cared about other people's feelings too. Because I knew how hard it is when all their efforts go in vain.
I don't want to be the reason of someone else's tears.
It was already heavy when Semi decided to hid his from the eyes of others.
The more I think of her, the more I feel like I'm going crazy from thinking how to make it less painful.
I can't tolerate another heartbreak because I entered the picture.
But who would understand when I, myself is having a hard time.
I don't love her...
Until that night happened, a week after getting the ticket to the Nationals.
The late night that I saw her leaning on the gym walls, waiting for me.
Looking so lost like she didn't even hear me.
"Y/n? Why are you still here this late?" I didn't wait for her own greetings and just directly got to the point since the atmosphere is already cold now that the moon is shining brightly above us.
Especially when she has a home to return at, since she doesn't live in the school's dormitory like me.
"You're finally here" I barely got to hear her when she let it out in a murmur.
"Would you mind accompanying me to dinner?" She finally decided to ask me that made me glance at my wrist to look at my watch and saw it was already near 10 at night.
Dinner, at this hour?
Those were the words I wanted to ask her but decided not to and just let her lead the way to a restaurant where she wants to eat.
Walking behind her, I saw how her body, who was already thin, seems to be thinner.
I glance at the back of her head, contemplating whether to ask her or just let it be.
Since it feels like she just wants someone to accompany her right now.
We arrive at a restaurant and that's the only time she looks back at me to ask if we can be in one of the private rooms where there are tatami floors.
And again, I didn't question further.
The entire room is silent as I didn't bother speaking up first. A few minutes later, the food finally arrived and I saw how the table seemed to be almost full.
I thanked the waiter before we prayed for the food.
"Don't mind my appetite right now" she started with a small smile before I nod and just gave her some chopsticks.
I just watched her eat as I didn't bother taking food for myself since I already ate a while ago.
"Congratulations for still being the Top 2 from the pageant" I started and saw how her lips lifted in a small smile.
"Right..." She breathlessly whispered as she let down the food she was about to eat.
"That was already good enough"
Her question surprised me as I saw how tears build up on her eyes.
"Of course it is" that's the time I decided to put my entire attention on her.
I didn't know my voice could be softer than before. Especially when talking to a lady.
"Then why..." She trailed off as she prevented herself from letting her tears escape from her eyes.
"Why does it seem like it's not?" That's the first time she properly looks me in the eye like she is asking me.
"Why did she hate me for it? Why did it seem like I didn't even try in the first place?"
I didn't find the right words to tell her as I let her rant her feelings out.
This is the first time I would get to see who she truly was.
"Why does it feel like the whole world hates me for losing?" She sobbed out as tears finally left her eyes.
"Blessed with beauty but never fated to be with genuine people"
"Why is the world so cruel to me?"
I felt my hand move on its record as my fingers gently wiped the tears that started to stain her cheeks.
"How can you say that?" I gently asked her, my composure finally broke when the girl who boldly declared her love for me...
Is breaking in front of me.
"My mother scolded me for not winning the pageant. She told me I should have already gotten used to it because of my consecutive wins. But I messed up at this one" she exclaimed as I retrieve my hand so she can wipe her own tears.
"She told me that I focused too much on seducing you that I forgot my role in our world. Yet it's hard to say that I only do those things for you because you are letting me to" she lowered her head as her sobs never stop.
"The only person who let me express my own feelings without judging me. That person I could run to even if there's nothing between the two of us."
I silently listened to her words and can't even admit that I doubted her actions for me.
Am I wrong for it?
"You have friends. You can run to them, seek the comfort and assurance you need" My words seem to hit something on her as she just started laughing with the hint of bitterness present on it.
"Friends? You meant those people who laughed behind my back because I failed?" She focused her gaze on me and I saw the pain on it that made my chest tighten.
"The same friends who spread rumors behind my back then act like they are defending me?" She laughed before wiping her tears.
"The same people who stood beside me just to see me fail" she cried as her smile finally disappeared from her lips as I just looked at her figure.
I stood up before I decided to sit beside her so I could offer my shoulder to her which she gladly leaned on as she gazed at the moon through the window of the room.
"It is so tiring pretending to be happy" she whispered as I looked at her.
"How can I know that if someone is genuine towards me? Someone who would be happy just being with who I truly am?"
She ask while looking far away. Completely clueless on who are the true friends.
And I can't suppressed the ache in my chest seeing how she look so lost in this world.
Why didn't the world treat her right?
"When those people start to appreciate who you are, the 'you' who is already enough. Take care of you, assure you, support you, and accept you" I continued as I felt her lean more in my shoulder that made me put my hand on the side of her head so she won't fall.
"Do I deserve that?"
Her question almost broke the soft part in me that made me clench my eyes shut before letting out a sigh.
"No person should be deprived of that"
Silence surrounds both of our presence as I felt her touch my hand.
"Did you find those right ones? Where you feel like you belong?"
"I did" I told her as I remembered the volleyball team. Even though we are not close like the other teams, the team still makes me contented.
"What does Shirabu think of me" she finally asked me the question I can't answer.
Especially when I am one of the people who doubted her, judge her. The only difference between me and those people was I never treated her wrong.
But does that make me the right person to be with her right now?
"I won't blame you if you doubted my feelings" she spoke up before she decided to finally face the table, as she properly wiped her tears.
"In this world, finding a genuine person is really difficult" she lifted a small smile before turning her to look at me.
"But I really like you. At this moment, I feel like I admire you more" she took a hold of her chopstick and began playing with the food that was on her plate.
"Why?" I asked her and her smile grew more than I really saw how genuine her happiness is right now.
"Because you accompany me. Agree with my invitation without further thinking because you know I needed someone with me." Her tone was full of contentment as she looked down.
"I am glad that you are the man I fell in love with"
My heart warmed at her words and unknowingly, a small smile lifted from my lips.
Right now, being with her doesn't feel wrong at all.
Somehow, I felt glad that I was the first person she ran to. Even though there is no connection between the two of us, other than her feelings.
Right now I feel like it's okay to finally stop denying. Stop making excuses that became a hindrance to my feelings for her.
I see her more than an admirer. I see her as a woman who chose to love me, even without seeing the good side of me.
Even if I'm not giving any effort yet, she chose to cherish me.
I didn't notice the way I looked at her with a small smile on my lips as I watched her eat to her heart's desire.
I guess it's my turn to treat her right.
Because she chose to love me.
And I'm confident...
That I can treat her better than anyone else.
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t00nyah · 1 month
If you could make your own video game (think of an idea l and it just snaps into existence somehow) what would it be about and what mechanics would it consist of? What platforms would it be available for? Who's the target demographic? Or anything else you want to ramble about... I like to think of creating my own games sometimes.
haha they dont know i have a joke rpg game i made in a day to test my abilities.
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in all seriousness though, i actually did have bigger projects that i never finished... so, just gonna drop that i'm a big fan of RPG maker games, horror ones, PSYCHOLOGICAL horror ones for even better score. and i am kind of a liiiittle experienced with rpg maker.
this answer ended up containing a lot of sensitive topics(in my opinion??) and i tried my best to make sure to include them in tags AND before each idea's explanation, please check the tags and not proceed if those topics are sensitive to you personally!!
i had a project that i started making as a vent. that's the closest i had to actually making something. it was called zepphire's lair. zepphire is my sona from 2015 that had very bright neon colours that were probably UNBEARABLE to look at, then i tried redesigning her years later into something pastel. and then, umm... in 2022 i had issues with my style because i used to be VERY caught in 'oh,,,this one line is weird,,,how do people even like my art there's a stray pixel there...god.' and decided to do something about it. this 'something about it' was changing my art style to PURPOSEFULLY unpleasant to look at, messy and annoying. it was bright, i didnt care, and honestly i think it helped with being that critical to myself. anyways. sorry im rambling but it is important
so in 2022, when i had a giant relief of drawing in the most unbearable(and stunning at the same time) art style, i reused zepphire. FUCK PASTEL said me. NEONS ARE GOOD. it was a great decision.
so zepphire's lair was meant to be an rpg game where you play as zepphire. who in her head is still her young self that doesn't have to think about what happened. but in reality, her magical world she was meant to become a god of was destroyed and ruined because she wasn't responsible enough with powers granted to her. she is now the only resident of the Forbidden Location, an alternative world that people could get into by just clipping randomly. like you know when you find a spot in a videogame that doesn't have an invisible wall and you go OH. that. i wasn't sure how to continue working on it because it lacked story to tell as present. it had a past story to unfold, but i had no idea what would happen now. i had a thought of someone getting into FL somehow after long time and zepphire trying to solve this because they're clearly not meant to be there while in her head she's still stuck struggling with herself.
i want to put a little bit of assets i made for zepphire's lair, but since it's all very bright toxic neon i think i'm gonna place them at the veeeery end so you don't have to look at them if you can't stand it.
CW: cartoon blood!! a little bit of it!!
next up is my cool idea of a fangame! so, purrfect apawcalypse is one of my favourite game series. and i've been following it since first one and i have a LARGE fanmade setting set in the same universe! (in fact, two! i also made a reference for kitsune high which is set to be in an agricultural town inhabitated by foxes! it was a cool project)
the game idea was to make an rpg (because, again, that's all i know, lmao) that follows the Chatting club - a school interest club literally dedicated to rumors and just having a good time - as they unveil the secrets their school holds. cats and dogs disappearance cases? rumors of ghost around? who the heck lives in the garden and what're they up to? what is up with the Detective club's president Seraphima? there are many mysteries. it would have an overall vibe of the original novellas' series - a cutesy game about very cute furries and weird magic stuff happening, while also having a little bit...darker tone. like i was actually going to explore a very dark topic with this one but honestly? right now i really don't like the way i wrote it back then. if i were to pick up the idea again i deffo would try to rewrite it and make more sense into it. i like the detective vibe it had going though!
here are some references of the characters that are important to the plot! a lot of twists were planned for this story and i'm not going to tell them all because it's a secret tee-hee.
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also as i searched for the refs i found that the working title of the game was 'purrfect meowting'
another concept for a game i had...which is a lot.
CW: contains themes of child neglect, probably abuse, general cat mistreatment, probably a bit of ableism(im unsure about this one) and maybe a bit of weird racism because one of mc's character's parent is weird and very stupid and we are allowed to hate her for that...i hope i mentioned it all.
i have a little ocs setting with three main characters that i refer as 'kitty girls' this story is tragic and is based on idea i had about making a story...about girls...but put them into life situations that would reflect what cats sometimes have to go through bc some humans are trash, but put it through a human lens, although not exactly. it also ended up a story that portrays children who've lost their childhoods for various reasons. idk how to explain.
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these are Snowwhite, Rouge and Patches. their names were meant to be reflecting what another one's kitty sona is, but i fucked up, lol.
Showwhite is a picture perfect girl for her parents who's mostly been treated as a prize all her life, making her feel sick of herself. Rouge was neglected by her mom because 'she wasn't born red'(as in orange...like a cat...i used cat allegories every time i explained it but i think the implications are clear enough - her mother wanted her to look different.) and she lived a happy life with her grandparents. and Patches...is a deaf girl whose parents just couldn't take care of her properly so she ended up in an orphanage. she has awful attachment issues.
i won't explain the whole plot but their stories were meant to be kind of a portrayal of how some people treat animals as just objects, things they can just get rid of. a cat of specific breed, bred for specific traits which may be hurtful to it, a cat whose owner just threw it away after it not meeting the expectations, and a general theme of people not wanting to take in cats with injuries that make them 'not pretty' for them. i don't know why im tearing up right now but these make me so upset and i smh wanted to portray these issues though human characters, and while adapting them i realized that those awful stories ended up overlapping with how neglectful parents end up treating their children.
in the end they end up in cat heaven, where they all meet and get to be happy and be themselves. snowwhite learns to love herself for who she is and find out hobbies there, rouge just finally gets friends she lacked. also patches doesn't magically start hearing in cat heaven, she was given an option to but she felt overwhelmed a lot and ended up sticking to being deaf but not treating it as a bad thing, just a different thing.
i also have this unused character and concept art that i just made bc i finally felt like i could do something back in the day
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her working name was 'vogel'
so. returning to zepphire's lair. one thing i forgot to mention earlier is that i also even made OST for it (didn't feel like it would fit the text above). this one is just the theme that plays in the first playable area
main menu theme...is too heavy for tumblr apparently. huh. it's a very simple tune it just goes on for very long (bc there's an easter egg if you listen to it for too long!!!)
next section contains bright images that im gonna put even deeper below!!
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title screen!
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intro cutscene! small baby zepphire, and then zepphire acquiring her godmode key, and then ending up becoming a photoshooter!! the camera is important .
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here she is!!! the cat herself!!!
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a photo that she has in her inventory!! it's mewtona, her sister!
gameplay-wise i was gonna make it so you can collect random photos zepphire made and have to learn the implications of that and what it has to do with 'the photoshooting incident'. it would be somewhat close to omori - part of story is in reality and parts of it in headspace that explains the story.
I THINK that's all. sorry this took so long that was a lot of yapping!!!
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jewishvitya · 2 years
CW - talking about antisemitic depictions and about the house elves and the depiction of slavery in the books.
I'm having a frustrating day with a lot of physical pain, so I'm not the best at judging currently if I should be posting all of these thoughts. It's a response to multiple arguments by rude anons that I blocked (not for being rude, for being transphobic), but the arguments themselves stay on my mind and I just. Need this out. Ignore this, it will be all over the place, I'm basically venting. Hoping it'll be the last bit of HP criticism I post.
I'll tag it for you to block, as usual.
I've been asked what I expect of Rowling, since my criticism of the goblins included the books. She already wrote the books, they're printed and they're out there. She can't just change them, criticism does nothing because she has no path to correct her mistake.
First of all, with her transphobia - as far as I'm concerned she has blood on her hands at this point. The way she emboldens transphobia endangers lives and erodes queer rights. Anyone who contributes to the current push against trans people is complicit in trans genocide - and she made herself a symbol of that movement. Even if she did a 180 on her issues with Jewish stereotypes, she wouldn't redeem herself.
But she isn't the only one who wrote a story and then realized that her story has deep issues. What does it look like, if an author doesn't want to perpetuate those?
From what I know of Tolkien (and I know nothing LOTR or anything, just heard this from other Jewish creators who discussed this issue, treat this paragraph like I'm repeating a rumor) - Tolkien did stumble on an antisemitic depiction while writing his dwarves. Then he course-corrected by creating a more complex and nuanced picture of the society in his future works. Basically, he leaned into the idea of his dwarves as a Jewish allegory and made it a better and more respectful allegory. They have wonderful cultural details, like having foreign-language names used outside of their community - and names in their own native language that they call each other. Half of my family comes from France, and my mom was born there. She had a Hebrew name and a legal French name. That's extremely common among Jews in some areas of the world.
This response is what I would have expected if an author cares about being respectful of Jewish people. Acknowledge the issue, and try to do better.
But what if the issue was brought to your attention after you completely finished your story? In that case: "Yes, I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was writing an antisemitic narrative with my depiction of this fantasy race." Support the voices criticizing your work, and apologize. Let it be an example of tropes to avoid, and encourage others to be careful of the same pitfalls.
What you don't do, is act horrified and say "Oh, how could you, I never intended to make the goblins an antisemitic allegory! Surely if I don't mean it, it can't be hurtful!"
Also, if you truly care, you don't then abuse the memory of the holocaust when you write spin-offs of your original story, including its imagery to support a bigoted villain's argument.
Marginalized people understand that not everyone knows what we do. The stereotypes and the harmful ideas that weaved themselves into popular culture are about us. We know that it's invisible to people who aren't the target, and as a result aren't forced to learn these things. To many people, it's just a trope they're used to seeing. Like villains have hooked noses - it's practically a shorthand for an evil character.
All the stories we tell are based in some measure on stories we heard. Narratives and tropes feed off each other between different pieces of media. It's easy to pull together a harmful narrative without realizing, when the tropes that make it up usually go together, and are so common they're everywhere. So we know a person who means no harm can create something really hurtful, without knowing it.
That's why we criticize media: we want you to see and be aware.
In addition to this, I've been accused multiple times of ignoring the fact that these books discuss bigotry and condemn it. I'm not ignoring it, I know they do - or they try to. But Rowling wrote a story against racism without understanding it and without interrogating it in herself. She only knew to condemn it when it's rude and violent and outright hateful. Not the foundations of it.
So, sure, say she didn't mean to write something harmful. What does she do when she learns she did? Nothing. And not just about the issue of the goblins - about everything. I detailed the problems with her depiction of lycanthropy, but she did the same thing with the house elves.
There's lore about creatures called brownies. They'll perform chores for you, but they'd rather not be seen while they do. If you try to pay them, they'll get offended. If you give them clothes, they'll leave. This is a very partial description, but you can see the inspiration here.
And then she turned them into a slave race. They're bound to their enslavers, possessing powerful magic but using it in their service, forced to punish themselves for disobedience and endure extreme abuse. Kreacher actively wishes to have his head put on display when he's too old and weak to be of use.
To show the reader the horrors of freedom for an elf, JKR turned poor Winky into a depressed drunk with no purpose in her life. Winky's story is horrifying.
Only Dobby takes care of Winky for that whole year. She never recovers during it. Then she's made to witness the interrogation of Barty Crouch Jr., which upsets her and causes her distress. As a result, she hears about Crouch's death through a toneless forced confession - and the interrogation continues around her. That same day, she watches the last member of the household she loved have his soul taken by a dementor, and then she's left alone with the body while Dumbledore argues with Fudge. Only after, he sends Madam Pomfrey to do what she can for Winky, and take her to the kitchens where Dobby will take care of her again.
And Rowling wrote all of this. Did she think this is an example that even compliant house elves suffer and get neglected, even by the sympathetic wizards? Was this a lesson that even those who don't seek freedom suffer and lack agency in this system?
No. Rowling turned it into a cautionary tale against freeing slaves. Unless they're "weird" like Dobby.
Maybe she didn't try to be racist, but this fits disturbingly well with the arguments against ending slavery in reality. That enslaved people will turn into aimless drunks. That they need to be enslaved to have purpose. That those who want freedom have something wrong with them.
And I know this was criticized. What was the response to the criticism? Nothing direct as far as I know, but after all of this - there was an article published on Pottermore to argue that Winky's story is a warning against freeing the elves. It was taken down fortunately, but after this article the arguments against freedom are no longer the opinion of characters within the world - it's a message given to us by real people.
She doubles down. Every time. People keep yelling that she had nothing to do with Hogwarts Legacy, she's not responsible for the way it builds on her original canon. Well, she seems to approve of it. It continues painting the same line with the same brush - just bolder.
She doesn't care about the racism, she doesn't care about antisemitism - she just wanted to use the nazis as her easy villains. She doesn't have the imagination for any other kind.
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nogenderbee · 5 months
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝕐𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝕄, 𝕆, ℝ, 𝕌 ₊˚ˑ༄
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ anon request: Mizuki Yandere Headcanons Letters: M, N, O, R, U?
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Here it is! Oh but I already did N so here's the link and I hope you're okey with me just doing the rest of it!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ TW: unhealthy obsession, mentions of deaths, delusions
Not putting affiliation because I'm aware of how triggering this could be.
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✧ Moving on = If you die or escape, will they be able to move on? How easy it'll be for them?
The only difference between Mizuki's reaction is that if you escape, they'll try for months to find you on any media's and try to see where you are. But when you're just dead, they're immidietly gonna give up on trying to bring you back to their life...
It's not the hardest for them but also not easy... they aren't gonna take serious methods like immidietly unaliving themselves or so... but they are gonna refuse to face reality in some way! They're aware you're not here anymore, but who's gonna stop them from acting as if it wasn't the truth?
They'd wear your style or even your clothes, they'd get into hobbies you used to have, they'd buy a mannequin and dress it up to be similiar to you and kiss it goodnight and goodmorning every time they fall asleep or wake up, and they're also gonna spray everything in their room or house with perfumes you used to use.
"Good morning Y/N~ Ah... how I wish I could hear it back... but at least I can kiss you! Mua~! Who knows? Maybe one day it turns out to be just a bad dream..."
✧ Other = Someone else speaks or flirts with you, how will they react?
Mizuki would instantly go into protection mode whenever they see someone even being around you! So when you're having conversation with someone... they know to immidietly join it so they know what they're standing on here...
If it really is just a friendly chat, and they see a smile on your face, they MIGHT let you hangout with that person from time to time... but only if they're around too!!
If it's straight up flirting... they don't even wait for you two to be alone, they just start to make a scene for whole place that you're in, fake-crying that you cheated on them. So if the person won't walk away with shame, they will by you completely ignoring them. Because how can you not comfort your lover~?
"You cheater!!! You cheated on me with THEM?!! I thought I was much better than that!! You- You... Oh? Seems like they walked away and you do care.. heh~ Well I'll only forgive you after a sleepover! What do you say?"
✧ Risk = How risky will they be with getting rid of rivals?
As we know, Mizuki is manipulator, and they don't want to get there r hands dirty either! So they do something they're good at~ nasty rumors~ They're already seen rarely at school, if they spread few rumors here and there, people won't even suspect them! Because how could they, when they weren't on any lesson for 2 weeks and rumors vegan going a week ago? It can't be them! And to have even better alibi~ They pretended all 2 weeks to be sick, so even you can confirm it couldn't be them!
But sometimes, they may choose safer option and just create alt account, and if irl rumors won't break their target, they'll make sure that THEIR threats and photoshopped photos going all around internet would!
And they won't even comfort you much about it... they'll just tell you it's not important right now and you should focus on them instead to take your mind off unpleasant things!
"Have you heard~? That girl from 2-C is using poor street puppys for her photos! No, those are not from shelter.. I heard she even kicks them after that!! Horrible, right?"
✧ Unsure = How much trust they have in you? What happens if you break it?
Mizuki's trust is at a low level... they'll always be scared you're gonna leave them at some point, that's why they're always following you and being so clingy all the time.
Their trust may change a little bit with time... if you play your cards right and find a friend group that they accept and feel sure you'll be safe with them, they might let you hangout alone with them every now and then... but only if you won't spend TOO much time with them! You have a lover after all... and they can't be left alone for longer than 3 hours! Or you might never brush them off ever again...
"Hey where are you leaving so early?! No, you're not going anywhere without me! Let me get dressed really quick and we can go! ... I don't care if it's FAMILY meeting!! I'm part of the family too, don't you think~?"
@bleachtheidiot @prsk-krow @modyuki @virtualpoison @miguelito-maruti-blog @written-by-kafka - come get your cuties lover~
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hausofkae · 11 months
Die in traffic dumb bitch!
RE: blacksimlish, her outlandish remarks, allegations & strange case of main character syndrome + her group of minions.
once you start accusing people of things that are not only detrimental to their reputation, but also just insanely inaccurate, how they defend themselves is neither here nor there.
there’s no rules to this shit. they minimized this to it being just “sims” out of convenience, it fits the narrative they’re pushing. if im being harassed for months and weeks on end & then being accused for being amongst the same accounts doing that nasty behavior, im going to be as out pocket as the rumors & attacks are. it stopped being about sims when my character was attacked. it stopped being about sims when the name calling started and it stopped being about sims when ole girl’s personal information was leaked. im not going back and forth publicly anymore, but once my account is unlocked i will be reaching out to yall, trust that!
at no point have i ever excused or justified the doxing. i think that is something that is dangerous and overall unnecessary. if this continues to be a concern, i urge all of those involved to bring law enforcement into this matter. since it has become about safety, please seek all necessary legal means to resolve the matter. as i will fully cooperate to my accounts being subpoenaed and searched for its activity.
blacksim (whose first name is just learned today after her information was leaked btw!) gets to still be accusatory and proceed to be confused as to why she’s getting the reaction she is. the same language she’s using, if someone else said it to her she would be going on a rampage and weaponizing her blackness. but again, defending yourself is only fine when it’s them. defending your character is only acceptable when it’s that group. she is the only person that has ever been attacked on the internet, so anyone who retaliates is wrong.
you’re grasping at straws picking certain words to point the finger, when the reality is no one knows who did that. but AGAIN, they want someone to blame and me being as outspoken as i am made me one of the targets. COOL. what sense does it make to go to tumblr and send someone hate message anonymously when i’ve been arguing with you and your clique publicly? or are yall going to say ive sent this to myself?
the delusion has to stop. apparently im the first and ONLY person to use “woe is me”. to sit and search my tweets is obsessive and weird. all it proves is yall have been watching for months out of jealousy, seething at the mouth waiting to pounce.
i’ll defend my character however i see fit the same way you all do. i won’t be deactivating, deleting or hiding anything, i won’t be apologizing, i won’t be taking anything back. to sit up until 4am when other parties have stopped responding, creating a twitter space to keep talking about it & being weird just genuinely shows the drama is what fuels you. i’m not giving this shit anymore light publicly. for those who want the context, it’s there and they’ve found it and reached out to me.
you provoked a group of people for months on end & we all got tired of your harassment. period point blank. none of us doxed you, we told everyone on twitter about accounts that solely were around to harass, bully and send threats. at no point was that brought up to justify what was done. no one laughed about you being doxed. none of us encouraged it. there is no proof to that and it’s all talk.
again, i implore you to involve law enforcement if you feel your safety is at risk and i will be more than happy to have my lawyer speak on my behalf. unlike others, the lawyer talk is very legit. i don’t play about defamation. reach out to chat further regarding legal action so i can provide the necessary information. thank you.
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talkingpointsusa · 11 days
Michael Knowles floats an insane theory that Trump intentionally tries to get people to make fun of him on TikTok so that they associate him with “humor and delight”
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If there's one thing you should take away from this blog, it's that the Daily Wire is a horrendous news source. Even for them though, Michael Knowles manages to constantly outdo himself in the realm of being an absolute idiot.
So, right-wing media has all decided that the racist myth about Haitians eating pets is 100% true. Myths like these are dangerous and will absolutely get somebody killed in a hate crime. As a matter of fact, Springfield Ohio has already been the target of bomb threats that have led to hospitals being put on lockdown and schools being evacuated. This rhetoric being pushed by the right-wing media right now is legitimately dangerous and it might end up killing somebody.
Nobody has shown a proven case of pet eating actually happening but that hasn't stopped the right-wing media from trying to prove that this rumor is totally factual. This brings us back to Michael Knowles being an absolute dipstick.
02:22, Michael Knowles: "Do Haitians eat cats? That is the question that has implausibly come to dominate our political discourse in the final weeks of the 2024 presidential election. Liberal politicians and journalists, such as David Muir, say they don't. But Haitians say that they do. Like this second generation Haitian American in a video reposted by Elon Musk."
So, the TikTok video that Michael and Elon Musk are holding up as proof that Haitian immigrants are eating pets is an absolute nothing-burger. In the video, this person who claims to be a second generation Haitian immigrant explains that her dad told her that Haitian's eat dogs and cats during voodoo rituals.
If you're wondering how this proves anything, it doesn't. This is some "my friends cousins great uncles dog told me" type bullshit and it still isn't an actual example of a Haitian eating a pet. Michael loves this video though because it confirms him and the rights little racist narrative.
04:06, Michael Knowles: "The political nerd class hated that President Trump brought up Haitians eating cats at the presidential debate. I disagree -- I disagree with their revulsion. This is one of Trump's greatest political skills, he can translate complex frequently dry policy issues into vivid images."
So, Trump can spread racist lies and demonize minority groups effectively, got it. I don't think Michael realizes this, but creating moral panics out of nothing is an extremely bad thing. Those "vivid images" are going to lead to a hate crime!
Also, "the political nerd class". I guess I'm also one of those guys but come on Michael, you run a politics podcast. You're one of us! Embrace the nerd Mikey!
Michael does an extremely long ad for razors and comes back with more xenophobic BS.
06:55, Michael Knowles: "Do the Haitians eat cats and dogs? I -- not all Haitians. That lady, a second generation Haitian American, she obviously doesn't eat cats and dogs and she doesn't practice voodoo and she's Christian. But do some of these people, unvetted, from a failed state where there's rampant cannibalism and ubiquitous voodoo, do these people eat cats and dogs? TikTok has weighed in. One of the top trends on TikTok right now, I am reliably informed by my Zoomer associates, is this remix of President Trumps debate comments."
I guess when you have no evidence to back up what you're saying you might as well throw some remix on TikTok in there as evidence.
The reason why Haiti is a "failed state" is because they've been continuously punished for their freedom by western nations like France and the United States. They literally were forced to pay "reparations" to France for their freedom from slavery, a process which took centuries for Haiti to pay off. There's years of history there and none of these guys ever get into it. It's just pure ignorant ahistorical bigotry and it ticks me off.
According to the World Religions Database, 94.26% of Haitians practice a form of Christianity with the majority being Catholic. It's almost as if those scary minorities aren't so different from you or I and it's racism that's leading to these ridiculous rumors spreading around the internet.
07:47, Michael Knowles: "I was discussing this yesterday with my friend Jack Posobiec on his show and he raised the question, he said 'This trend going around on TikTok, all these Zoomers dancing around to eat the dogs eat the cats. Is this good for Trump? Is this pro-Trump or is this anti-Trump?' And that's the wrong question. This is the kind of question that you'll hear in elementary poetry classes. You know, 'what does the poem mean'. People don't really read a lot of poetry anymore, I like poetry but they'll look at the poem and they'll say 'Ok, what's the hidden meaning'. But that's not what poetry does. The reason that good poets write poetry is to convey meaning in a way that it cannot be conveyed in an essay or a book or a tweet. It's just a different way of communicating."
And the award for dumbest metaphor goes to Michael Knowles.
First of all, Michael clearly doesn't know anything about poetry. If he did he would understand that subtext and metaphor are huge elements of poetry. From the sounds of this, the way that Michael interacts with poetry is the most shallow and surface level way imaginable. Michael's mind is going to be blown when he learns about poetic irony.
Trump isn't a poet, he's somebody trying to be a world leader. The standard for honesty is obviously way higher for the guy trying to be a world leader. Trump can't just spread an untrue rumor about a group of people to "paint an image in peoples heads". Millions of people are listening to him and spreading rumors when you're in a position like that is extremely dangerous.
09:20, Michael Knowles: "The memes just kind of delight you and I think that's the experience people are having. The zoomers who are dancing to this and the many many many more people who are -- who are watching these reels and these little TikTok's. You watch it and you kind of laugh and it's just kind of funny, it's delightful. You have a sensory experience of surprise, of humor, of delight, and then you associate those things with Trump. Trump is the medium of those experiences."
Well, I guess I'm going to keep making fun of Michael Knowles on this blog and if he protests we should remind him that he's the medium of those experiences which means that it's actually a good thing that we're making fun of him. After a while we'll start to associate him with humor and delight after all.
That's one way to deal with everyone making fun of your candidate I guess.
"Oh ya?! Well, when you're laughing at him for being a moron he's still the reason that you're laughing in the first place! Ha! You're gonna be Trump supporters before you know it!"
And that conveyance is happening through TikTok's. Things that people famously spend a lot of time watching individually as opposed to scrolling through them at rapid speeds while only giving them half of their attention. Michael Knowles is truly a brilliant political strategist.
10:05, Michael Knowles: "Frankly, I strongly suspect this is what inclined Trump to bring it up during the debate at all."
Yes, it couldn't possibly be because Trump is a racist lunatic. He's playing 4-D chess by....tricking people into making fun of him I guess.
10:42, Michael Knowles: "And what's the consequence of that? If there is a downstream political effect it's going to be people realizing that Trump is not, you know, Hitler 2.0, he's just kind of -- he's like a funny guy, you know? Hitler wasn't that funny, I don't know, I'm not totally familiar with Hitler but he was always screaming and banging the lectern."
Ah yes, spreading a racist myth about a marginalized group of people is a great way to distance yourself from fascist leaders like Hitler. It's not like that's been one of the main elements of every fascist regime ever.
Also, really really stupid analysis of the Nazi's from Michael. I guess that fascists are physically incapable of being funny. There's a genetic trait in fascists that make them physically incapable of cracking a good joke....actually, I've watched Republican comedy so maybe this sarcastic diatribe has some truth to it. Still, really dumb stuff here.
Michael then plays a video of some MAGA lunatic at a city council meeting spewing a racist rant about Haitians. Michael then does an advert for his own YouTube channel and goes back into being a bigot.
18:47, Michael Knowles: "Now, the minute I say that I know that the Democrat activists who watch my show every single day and who subscribe to the Daily Wire to do it, they're gonna start writing their headlines. Michael Knowles spreads misinformation, false news, fake news, about illegal aliens voting in elections. It does not happen, this is not real, it's a calumny. Well, what do you make of this news report aired on a CBS affiliate?"
Yeah, hi Michael. I guess I'm one of those guys that he's talking about. I don't subscribe to the Daily Wire though, I'm not giving these grifters a red cent (I also couldn't afford it even if I wanted to but that's an entirely separate issue, #collegestudentlyfe and all that).
So, the CBS News report that Michael played is about an undocumented immigrant by the name of Angelica Maria Francisco who was caught forging a passport and voting in two elections illegally. Here's the thing about this story, Michael should've buried it.
If there's indeed a controlled plan on the Democrats end to smuggle migrants into the country to vote in elections, how come the big scary Biden DOJ proceeded to catch and arrest this woman?
Just because there was one migrant who committed voter fraud once doesn’t mean that there’s a major scale democrat plot to bus migrants in to vote illegally. We don’t even know who she voted for in those elections, for all we know she voted for Trump or even Jill Stein. There's a lot of assumptions being made here on Michael's end.
19:54, Michael Knowles: "That's one woman in Alabama, not exactly a swing-state. One person who's been prosecuted. Now, there are many more examples of this that are reported, this is just the latest one. But you know what the libs are gonna say, they're gonna say 'Oh, you know. This is just a one off'. Well, we don't really investigate this sort of thing. By definition this is a very difficult crime to pin down. It's an act of deception that half of our country and most of our political class is intentionally obscuring. The reason that the libs are importing these foreigners into our country is to rig elections in the long run, many have said that openly, so it's hard to figure it out."
"We don't really investigate this sort of thing" he said while talking about someone being prosecuted and charged for doing the thing that he says we don't investigate. I'd love to see those videos of top politicos admitting that they're intentionally bringing in migrants to rig elections by the way. Michael never plays them so either they're not real or the Daily Wire is sitting on the biggest story in decades.
I'm not denying that people have attempted voter fraud in the past. What I am denying is that there's a widespread conspiracy on the part of the Democrats to bring in migrants to rig elections. That's great replacement theory nonsense that's contradicted by the story that Michael's reporting on.
20:56, Michael Knowles: "If you are illegally in this country and you need to get a false document to get a job, which is not true, many times you can just get the job without a false document but lets say that's why, why would you imperil your freedom, your ability to skirt the law even, by going to vote? And then if you're voting why would you specifically vote in these presidential election years, 2016 and 2020? Do you think someone maybe suggested that she do that?"
There a million different reasons. Maybe she just wanted to be a part of the political process. Maybe she just did it because that's what people do around that time and it helps you blend in. That explains why she'd vote in the presidential elections as opposed to the congressional ones. Think about it, if she was a Democrat operative wouldn't it make more sense to vote in the Alabama congressional elections as opposed to the Presidential elections? You're way more likely to get a Democrat into the senate in Alabama than turn Alabama blue. That's another issue, why would the Democrats import all of the illegal voters into Alabama as opposed to a swing-state. You're not going to flip Alabama but you might flip Michigan. Michael's story might as well be called swiss cheese with all the holes its got.
Anyway, this voter fraud story is just dumb and doesn't really have anything backing it up. Most of the remainder of the episode is devoted to Michael complaining about an article in the Washington Post. It's a filler segment that is not worth our time.
The cope was hard in this episode. I will say that "He's intentionally trying to get people to make fun of him, really guys we promise" is a new one and I don't think that Michael's going to get very far with it. Since Candace Owens left, Michael Knowles is the new reigning champ for dumbest Daily Wire guy with Matt Walsh as most disgusting and Ben Shapiro as most irritating. Glad to see that he's holding on to his title in this episode.
Cheers and I'll see you in the next one.
Sources Cited:
Helmore, Edward. “More Bomb Threats Hit Springfield, Ohio, after Trump Elevates False Claims about Haitians.” The Guardian, The Guardian, 14 Sept. 2024.
Bhatia, Pooja. “US-Backed Foreign Intervention Has Led to the Disaster in Haiti.” The Guardian, 19 Oct. 2022.
Rosalsky, Greg. ““The Greatest Heist in History”: How Haiti Was Forced to Pay Reparations for Freedom.” NPR, 5 Oct. 2021.
“National Profiles | World Religion.” Www.thearda.com.
“Undocumented Individual Charged in Connection with Voting Fraud and Passport Fraud.” Justice.gov, 5 Sept. 2024.
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myhiraeth · 7 months
@headstrongblake sent: GRAB / STYXX AND O Styxxtavia - Specialsverse
Long legs carry her swiftly to the door, but his longer ones catch up quickly, an equally long arm reaching out to encircle her wrist with strong, unyielding fingers. “Octavia, stop.” 
She tried to yank her arm out of his grip. Her enhanced strength would have slingshotted a normal person into a wall. Styxx however remained unfazed, jolting slightly with the force of her tug but his feet remained planted. let GO. 
“No. Not until you calm down.” Her eyes are wild and he’s not surprised. None of the recruits are built to be lab rats- it’s part of the reason they were chosen to be here at all. He knows she wonders- all of the recruits do- why he and Nick and Isidora and the other tributes seem to not be alarmed by the the four walls of the cage they find themselves in. Pretty cages, with outdoor space and calming-colored walls and an ever-full lunchroom…. but cages all the same. The several layers of doors to the outside world don’t open unless you have the right retinal to scan, which none of them do. 
He knows Fox figured out the code that goes with the scanning process months ago, even before they had started getting augmented in small ways- better endurance, stronger muscles, better hearing and eyesight. 
They- those in charge- left their nerve endings in tact though, left the kids' bones brittle and fragile. Styxx (and he’s sure Nick and Isa) have heard horror stories, they know that those in charge will wait until the last second to change how much pain the young adults can take. 
They need to be able to inflict pain to keep them in line. 
Fox found the code, but for lack of plucking out someone’s eye, they had no way to use it. Not that that little piece of logic seemed able to stop Octavia as she struggled to get the last few paces to start beating on the door in an attempt to force it open. He knew it wouldn’t work- whoever built this prison knew the types of monsters they’d be creating in it- they wouldn’t leave vulnerabilites. “You are going to get yourself in trouble, do you hear me?” he hissed. “This isn’t like out there- here trouble isnt a slap on the wrist, its them digging into your head and your memories and figuring out what is going to break you apart the most. And then they do it.” He’s still holding her wrist, tightly enough that she’ll have a bruise for a few days, in the shape of his fingers. 
But better bruised by him than broken by them. 
I am getting the fuck OUT of here. 
He pulled her toward him, close enough that he could lower his voice, close enough that she was practically against his chest and his lips were almost touching her hair. He’s sure they have cameras or mics or something hidden in every crevice of every room and he doesn’t want them hearing. “You will. But you have to be patient, Octavia the Younger. You won’t get out by banging on doors. You get out by playing their rules, letting them sharpen you into a weapon, and letting them walk you right out the door. If you want to get out of here without being in a body bag, that is your only option, do you understand me?” He lets her go and she falls a step back away from him.
Tears brimmed over her lashes, longing to be back with her brother. they’re never going to let us leave, styxx. 
“They will.” There’s nothing but confidence in his tone and it seems to bolster her slightly. “When they’re satisfied.” He pins her with a look. “So show them your teeth, but don’t bite. Point your rage at whatever target they tell you. Play the game, and they’ll willingly let you out.” He doesn’t use the word ‘free’. It’s deliberate. They won’t be free, just out. Of course, if rumors are to be believed, Octavia would have the option to leave, to go off on her own and leave the others, but it will be so much harder for her then, once they’re interconnected, her and whatever unit she ends up in. 
He prays it’s his. She may die anywhere else. 
Her shoulders slump with resignation, and she nods, defeated. He feels his own muscles relaxing the slightest, not enough for a camera to notice. He’s about to speak when she glances up and before his eyes can follow hers, a thin, lithe figure drops from the ceiling at Styxx’s side, warm brown eyes looking to Octavia in disappointment and trust. 
so no escape then? Fox asks. 
Octavia shakes her head, looking to Styxx with the same trust Fox has in her. not yet. biding our time, i guess. 
Fox makes a show of sighing, then shrugs. fine. then i’m hungry. 
“We haven’t missed lunch yet, I’m sure Nicklas and Louis are waiting for you both.” The three turn to move further back into the facility, a large tanned hand on each girl’s back as though to herd them the way of safety. 
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dorokora · 2 years
Chapter 14 Prologue Part 4
We start with Barong inching closer and closer to the screen. Saying welcome to the city of Entertainment and they want to give their all to the audience. For this occasion they will wear a mask, what kind of role should they play. The next morning, MC wakes up in their hotel room. He tells them that it’s morning room service. He tells MC that Entertainers are good at invading people’s hearts. He can’t follow MC around all the time while he’s working. If he were to describe the Entertainers, he would say they are pleasant criminals. While they were talking, Christine was right behind Barguest the whole time. She made herself know saying they will do whatever for the audience. She tells them not to worry about her mask, hiding her face is part of her role and she thanks MC for accepting their invitation.
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Outside, we see Bael. He said even if the Entertainer do whatever for the audience even if it mean breaking the law. The law is the law. As a prosecutor he can’t let them slide, even if they’re allies or family. It’s time he do his job as the first order of the law of Solomon. Back inside, Christine asked MC what they think of their base. All kinds of entertainment gather here. MC still doesn’t trust them (rightfully so). Christine ask them not to make such a scary face and that they just want to make a game in Tokyo. The current game has continuity and entertainment. The Game Masters are responsible for the continuity part and the Entertainers are responsible for providing entertainment. Christine wants to show the audience something never seen before. Christine starts talking about King Solomon and what does the world look like from their perspective. People with selfish faiths can never understand King Solomon but people are always drawn to those they can’t understand. There isn’t enough drama to show him so they want to do something new. Christine tells MC they are a important actor and to take care of themselves until it’s their turn. Bigfoot returns to take MC around where ever they want.
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Outside, we see Nobumichi setting up police blockades around the area. He asked Horus what to do next. Horus tells him to send the remains to forensic. And after that, they will talk to any eye witnesses. If you find any suspicious people, bring them to me. Horus tells Nobumuchi to be careful not to get his body parts chopped off. This Ripper Case is dangerous. Horus sacred artifact can revive all body parts connected and put inside the coffin even if they’re dismembered. This is how his father, Osiris, was revived. After then Horus can use the reanimated person any way he wants. Nobumichi tells him to leave it to him. He’s strong, stronger than his brother Yasuyori. Horus tells that right, only the strong can bring peace. They will create a Utopia that no one has ever created before. After he left, Bael showed up to talk to Horus. Horus thanks Bael for coming. Bael said that Horus is the only world rep in the Rule Makers who treats him seriously. Bael ask him how does the Judicial Police view this incident. There has always been nasty rumor surrounding the Entertainers, including the selling of human body parts. And then there’s the Ripper Case. This is also similar to what happen in Shinjuku. Come to think of it, the body part found then was physically matched with MC’s. Back then the World Reps were in a hurry thinking the trophy was targeted. Even the pillars still don’t know who the culprit or victim is. Mononobe seems to be the only one who knows the truth. Horus said that they still don’t know anything but the Entertainers are hiding something. Bael brings up that Horus was against the Rule Makers forming an alliance with the Entertainers. Horus said him and a few other World Reps were against the idea. But they had to follow the majority vote. If the Entertainers are involved then Horus won’t slow down in his pursuit. Bael thinks that the fact that the World Reps are showing up here could mean this incident may have something to do with the game. After they left we see two new characters.
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We cut to the slums, where Rule Makers are arresting anyone related to the Wanderers. A valiant angel is ordering around the new recruits, mobs who are former members of the Missionaries and Tycoons. Another of the new recruits is Kirito. The angel ask Kirito for his background. Kirito just list the guilds he was a part of at one point. The angel ask why Kirito left them, he must’ve done something bad. Kirito said he won’t do anything or rather he can’t do anything in the first place. He a guy that doesn’t have much power anyway, those other guilds destroyed themselves. The recruits are then suddenly attacked by chains, it’s Arc from the Genociders. Arc swore to never stand on the battlefield again. Kirito says “Arc, huh? You’re still alive”. Flashback to CH8 where Arc died. After that flashback, Arc said they heard about Kirito from MC. Kirito ask does that mean Arc joined the Summoners. Arc said no, they are still the Guildmaster of the Genociders. Arc ask Kirito to come back and be a family. Kirito said no they’re not related anymore. Kirito ask why are they so desperate. Kirito says you know about the loops from Babalon. Kirito thinks it would better if they could just quickly get out of Tokyo. Arc tells him that Azathoth and the others still think of you as family. Kirito says it’s admirable but all this entrustment makes him want to vomit. He says doesn’t need a relationship and to never show your face again and he’s sorry for forcing his affection on them. Before Arc can say anything, the Drone fighters mobs appeared. Some time later, Arc is still fighting them but more keep coming. Kursha appeared and tells Arc it’s time to escape. After they left, Kirito is left alone until Isafril shows up. He introduce himself as a employer for the Rule Makers. He tells Kirito he has a job for him involving the Entertainers
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xcr-72099 · 1 year
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genesis is a cyborg prototype that acts as a mercenary and does the dirty work for the silverhawk weapons company that created her.. silverhawk co.’s goal is to both eliminate economic competition, and take control of the government in order to have complete control of both mass production and power over the masses. genesis is the first of many planned future cyborgs, however the number 2 on her file does not line up with this description. there are rumors that there was a prototype before her, but were proven as a [hoax] as silverhawk co. dissaproved of any speculation or [misinformation] surrounding their projects. [project - prototype 002 genesis] was unveiled to the public at a silverhawk co. tech showcase, being advertised as a “personal robot bodyguard”, however this was announced with no intention of releasing this product into mass production for public use.
behind the curtains, silverhawk uses her to assasinate both economic competition, deserters from the company, and those who attempt to leak company documents to the public. and to avoid any suspicion, the company orders that any immediate family in the same house as the target must be “dissapeared” aswell. genesis starts her arc as a cold, stoic, emotionless machine that doesnt think, do, or say anything outside of the protocol that is programmed and ordered to it. she carries out tasks. however, with each new target, comes a little more questioning and thinking outside the box on her end. with each life she took, the weight of her actions began to pull her into thought. she realizes that her targets were alive, and not just jobs to be taken care of. she realizes she is alive, she is (kind of) a person. eventually, she fails at one of her jobs. On her most recent mission, she was ordered to kill valerie jimenez, an ex engineer from the company who defected during the production of prototype-002.. the events that would pursue soon after being assigned this target, were unprecedented and unpredictable.
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beelaboola · 8 months
authors note: hiiii hellooo, i wrote a thing for my crp oc, esme !! it isnt exactly in her pov but the story is formatted like a blog ask (think of reddit or something) so this is in a pov of a user that encountered her :3
this isnt fully proofread (or thought out well for that matter) so i apologize if my writing sounds confusing :(( word count: 1.3k
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A user asked: What was the scariest experience you’ve had?
I can’t seem to get my mind off of the events that happened that one night back at the campsite. Trying to look back, it’s very foggy, to say the least, considering that it has been about a year since the incident; however, I’ll do my best to explain what happened.
A year ago, prior to summer break, my friends and I had planned to hang out at the campsite around the outskirts of our town overnight. Do note that our town is quite small and isolated, surrounded by trees. Our town is known for its forests and rivers, so we thought it would be a good getaway thing to do right after the semester (we are college students) and get away from everything. Looking back, this was a huge mistake. A friend of mine decided that we should invite the rest of our class to the camp. I was hesitant, considering that I’m not too open to hanging around with people I’m barely familiar with. However, because the rest of my group seemed okay with the idea, I had no choice but to agree with it, despite my gut feeling. On the day of the hangout, we had packed everything that we needed for the camp: tents, toiletries, food, and the like. We created a group chat that included the people who planned to attend, just for updates and such; nothing too big.
We finally arrived at the campsite; it wasn’t too far from where I lived, just about a 15-20 minute drive. I parked my car in the remaining parking space available. The campsite was littered with our classmates; probably about 20 of them attended. My girlfriend suggested that I try to mingle with the others; though I wasn’t too keen on it, I didn’t want to push it. I walked over to the group of my classmates hanging around by the tents they’d set up; they were welcoming, luckily. I spoke with them for about half an hour, though there was a person in the group that caught my eye.
This girl seemed reserved, I thought. I saw her around the campus regularly for my criminology classes. She had always kept the left side of her face covered by her hair, though I never questioned why. I always thought it was a fashion trend among the girls. I did hear rumors circulating that she was bullied or something, since there was a period where she suddenly stopped attending classes for a good few months. Some say something happened during the sleepover she had at her friends’ place during winter break, but I’m not entirely sure. She was kind of weird, but pretty nice, from what I had gathered.
The rest of the day we just fucked around, as normal for young adults, and did some activities that we could do at the campsite and whatnot. We gathered around the campfire by dusk; we told those cheesy, scary campfire stories while we made smores. As we listened to their stories, one of my friends stood up to tell theirs; let’s call him Mark. Mark assured us that this was indeed a real story, to which I scoffed, thinking that he was just kidding around. He tells us about how we have this serial killer going around in our town lately, which might’ve explained why there have been disappearances lately. He wasn’t wrong, though. There had been an abundance of missing person posters scattered around town; the person who targeted them seemed to target women the most, though men weren’t off the table. A shiver went down my spine when he told the story. 
He mentioned how police officers were able to find a whole body on the scene, but their faces were missing. That was what set me off. The very thought of a person sick enough to take their victim’s face and just simply leave them there to bleed out made my stomach churn. My girlfriend stood up to tell Mark off, saying that he was scaring the group. We all collectively decided to call it a night as we retreated to our respective tents. I tossed and turned in my sleep, my mind was still stuck on what Mark had said hours prior. During this time, I felt the pit in my stomach grow. You would probably think that I was a bit of a pussy for reacting like this, but I swear, I was justified in it. My girlfriend had left the tent to use the outhouse nearby, telling me that she would be back.
Hours had passed and I still wasn’t able to sleep. I started to grow worried for my girlfriend as it had been about an hour or two since she left. Silence consumed me until I heard her voice, “Love! Can you help me out?” coming from a distance. My girlfriend’s voice. At the time I thought how strange it was for her to call me out that late of a night, what she needed my help for. However, I didn’t think much of it. I stepped out of my tent, my eyes wandering around the camp. From what I can remember, it was dark and quiet. I heard her voice once more to which I followed the source of the sound. It took me a few minutes until I realized how deep into the forest I was in. 
At that time, my mind kept screaming at me to leave the forest immediately. That was when I stepped on something. I looked down and my god, it took everything in me not to scream. It was a body, skinned off of its face. The body was unrecognizable but I knew that it was her, my girlfriend. I recognized those clothes. “Babe! Where are you?” I heard in the distance, to which my fight or flight response triggered. I thought fast and hid behind a boulder, footsteps followed along. That wasn’t my girlfriend, she isn’t alive, I thought to myself. So why the hell could I hear her voice? I wish I never did but I took a peek over the boulder and a cold shiver went down my spine. The person wore a navy blue ushanka with ski goggles and a mask adorned, so I wasn’t able to identify who it was.
From what I can recall, the only defining feature of this person was that they had a burn scar on the side of their face. All I knew at the time was that they had mimicked my girlfriend's voice. The person held a skinner knife, assuming that they also killed her. “Where are you, Nick?” they spoke. I wanted to vomit, I needed to do something. I grabbed a rock and quickly threw it in their direction, which successfully distracted them. I bolted out of the area and didn’t stop until I was sure I was in the clear. They started to chase after me, and I had to scream. My screaming made the killer steer away from my direction, and people at the camp got out of the tent to see what was going on. At that point, I was out of breath. My classmates and friends asked me what was wrong, however I couldn’t form the words for it and passed out.
That was it, I couldn’t remember anything else after that. I woke up in a hospital and tried to explain what happened back in the forest. My friends thought I had gone crazy, however, the details I gave were very similar to the case that the police had been looking into so they conducted an investigation at the campsite. A year later I still think about this incident to this day, I wonder what could have happened if I hadn’t run out of the forest as soon as I could.. I don't think they have caught her yet.
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ragingdumpsterfire · 2 years
[Delsin Rowe x Female OC]
Sirens shrieked in the cold Seattle air, surveillance cameras blaring their alarms. The noise drowned out the chatting pedestrians, and an oversized military vehicle pulled up to the vicinity, earning an annoyed glance from the bystanders. Juno glanced up from her phone, locating the flashing lights. Shit. She watches them for a moment, blue eyes scanning the situation, heart sinking when the vehicle stops and boots hit the ground. Loud voices come from over the walkie talkies of the DUP agents, and she can hear their next target: a female bioterrorist. Juno feels her stomach turn as she panics and thinks back over the last week. Have I used my power in front of anyone? She couldn’t think of anything that would have incriminated her. Hell, she didn’t even like to use her abilities outside of her apartment. Discreetly turning around and working her way through the crowd, Juno quickened her pace to try and find an alley to leave the DUP’s search area. Even if she wasn’t the target, the DUP were known to attack first and ask later. 
Success. Nestled between two tall buildings was a little brick-lined alley. Juno ducked down into the alley and broke out into a brisk jog, mentally calculating where the end of the alley came out. Shouting from the DUP agents grew faint, and Juno slowed her pace as she came to the end of the alley. She let out a sigh as she rounded the corner, her nerves were finally calming down. She hated the DUP more than anything. An organization targeting entire cities on the basis of rumors, snatching and shooting at people from the streets. Neighbors reporting neighbors over petty disputes, citizens missing out of the blue, lives being ruined. 
“Arrogant asshol—“ left her mouth, but the words stopped abruptly as her body collided with a solid form. Juno was slightly stunned, then judging by the grunting she now heard, the realization sunk in that she had collided with a person. 
“Ouch”, a warm voice chuckled, “arrogant I can handle, but asshole? I’m hurt.” A mischievous face looked down on Juno, soft brown eyes with a hint of trouble gazing down at her. A lopsided smirk turned into a grin at the sight of the tiny woman now falling back, and a large hand reached out to help stabilize her.  
“Oh my god,” Juno whispered, face burning as she grabbed the offered hand, slightly phased. “I’m so sorry—oh my god I can’t believe I ran into you.” After confirming that Juno was stable on her feet, the man’s tattooed arm went back to his side, and Juno‘s own hands ran through her hair nervously, biting her lip as she stared a hole into the stranger’s black sneakers. 
“Hey, it’s all good,” said the man, a metallic clanking sound filling the air. “You didn’t hurt me, but my project’s another story.” 
Juno’s eyes shot up at the words, a small oh emitting from her when she saw the context of the statement. The man she ran in to had been spray painting the wall, intricate details of a portrait, bold colors creating a poignant message. And now across the entirety of it, one long messy line of red. Because she ran into him. 
A long groan left Juno, and she glanced up at him. He wasn’t upset, his body language said that much. His hands were resting up behind his head, dark hair sticking out from under a maroon beanie. His entire appearance was relaxed, from his ripped up vest to his paint-spattered jeans. There was a gleam of mischief behind his brown eyes, his mouth turned up in a smirk, and he exuded boyish charm. There was no trace of irritation with Juno over the ruined artwork. On the contrary, he looked amused by the whole thing. 
“Again, I’m so sorry,” Juno began, “if there’s anything I can do to help, just tell me. I feel so awful about this, I-I was trying to avoid the uh…”
Juno trailed off, gesturing with a thumb behind her, the sirens just audible in the alley. The man chuckled, and began surveying his freshly marred artwork. “Yeah, I hate those assholes too.” Juno watched as he sprayed tactfully over the red, making it less obvious. 
He worked so fluidly, the paint can seemed like an extension of himself. Juno became caught up watching him work, the final piece evolving from its original intention. Her focus returned when the artist in front of her cleared his throat and broke the silence. “So, if you really want to help, how about you come by when I do my next painting? Come hold stencils, shake cans, watch the great master at work.” He glanced back at her with a grin. “How’s that sound, Miss Altruist?” Juno felt her face flush under his gaze, and she nodded, slowly at first and then a little more enthusiastically. “Yeah….yeah, that sounds great!” 
With a final flourish of his paint can, the man next to Juno gestured behind her, and the two stepped back to take in the finished painting. It was a bold message to the DUP, a message of defiance and spirit, and aesthetically pleasing to top it all. Juno glanced over at the artist, taking in his satisfaction. He wiped his hands on his pants, adding a few more spots of paint to them. Juno hadn’t noticed before, but he had spent time altering the denim vest he wore over his gray sweatshirt. Despite his carefree demeanor, Juno realized that his attention to detail must have been something he used in every aspect of his life.  
“So….my name is Juno. Figured you should know that since I’m now your new assistant.” This earned Juno a laugh. It also sent a curious sensation through her stomach. “Well then, new assistant Juno. I’m Delsin,” he stated a little formally, shooting her a grin. “You can call me Del….or Mr. Awesome Manager Delsin. Whatever works for you.” 
Juno shot Delsin a thumbs up as she laughed at the goofy expression he made. “You got it, Mister Manager.” 
Both Delsin and Juno couldn’t help but laugh at the ridiculous exchange. With the sun reaching their spot, Juno noticed how Delsin’s eyelashes framed his dark brown eyes, and the way sunlight showed various shades of chocolate hues. The way he looked down at her, grin softening to an honest smile. The way he looked down at her…the way he looked down at her. Juno’s face flushed with the sudden realization of the way he was gazing down at her, and broke the eye contact. Delsin must have had the same realization because he suddenly cleared his throat, looking back at the art on the wall next to them. 
“If you want to give me your phone,” Juno stammered, “I can put my number in so you can let me know when you work on your next project.” 
Delsin looked slightly shocked by the fact that she actually accepted his offer, but pulled his phone out from the back pocket of his jeans, unlocked it, and handed it over nevertheless.
“You’re not just gonna take off with it and run, are you?” 
Juno scoffed at the idea as she grabbed the phone, ignoring Delsin’s fake suspicious glare. 
“And…..there!” Juno stated, having entered her info on the phone, and handed it back to Delsin. For a brief moment, their fingertips brush, skin against skin. Delsin hesitated before taking the phone from Juno, as if thinking better of removing the sensation. The warmth of his skin coursed waves of something through Juno,  and she suddenly became acutely aware of the missing warmth once he removed his touch. 
The two stood in comfortable silence for a moment, the quiet of the lingering sunset casting a glow down the alley.
“Well…I guess I should head out,” Juno said, giving Delsin a small smile. “I think the DUP are gone now, and I’ve got a hungry cat waiting for me at home.” A pause, then she continued. “So…anyway…you’ll text me when you work on your next project?” She mentally cringed at how overly expectant that came out. 
Delsin raised a hand, giving a finger gun, and winked her way. 
“You bet! It’s a date, assistant.”
This little action, these three little words, lit up Juno’s face. She gave a small salute, and turned to leave, taking one last glance at his face. Her shoes seem heavy, heavier than they were this morning. “See you later, Delsin.”
Delsin. Delsin. Yeah, Juno liked saying that name.
As Juno rounded the corner, waving from down the alley before disappearing, Delsin removed his beanie and ran a hand through his hair, letting out a humored sigh. Quietly, he murmured to himself.
“Del, man, you just met her. C’mon, chill, she might not even be into you.” 
Delsin was left standing in the alley, looking at nothing in particular, lost in thought. His hands hung at his side, absently tapping on his legs. Suddenly, he remembered his phone, and pulled it out to look at the new contact. 
Juno Moore, Quality Control and Assistant Awesome Manager
He let out a laugh, a smile playing on his lips. “God damn…that girl is amazing.”
[My first rambling bit about my OC and Delsin! I’m still trying to get the hang of writing Delsin, and it’s been so long since I wrote anything substantial, so I hope this was okay! If you want to know about my girl Juno, here is some info about her.]
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Name: Ava Zoheri
Sexuality: Straight
Age: Same Age As G-Lo And The Others
Ethnicity: Iranian-American 
Occupation: Spy/Counter Assassin ; Superheroine
Headcannon Voice Actor: Kathreen Khavari (English); Danann Huicochea (Spanish)
Residence: Calm Creek (formerly)
Affiliationns: PEACE; White Hat Organization (later)
Abiities: She has the power to manipulate silence and neutralize sound; Counter Assassination Skills; Acrobatics; Hand To Hand Combat
Relatives: Anzor Zoheri/Silent Swipe (father); Shirin Zoheri/Calm Slash (mother)
Personality: She is a talkative chatterbox who just loves sharing gossip and news to everyone who she knows. However, despite being into people's business, she never tries to intentionally hurt people and often times tries not to spread hurtful rumors. She also gets defensive about how people underestimate her powers and how they can be applied. She can be a bit of a dare devil and loves a challenge to face. She can be very boastful of her skills and try to one up herself each time. She however does care about the right reasons for being a superhero and follows the footsteps of why her family left the assassin life in order to save lives and others. She is also a loyal friend who stick by those who she cares for.  She also very fashion minded and loves keeping up on the latest trends and clothing.
Background: She is the son two PEACE spy agents who were originally members of a Middle Eastern organization of assassins called The Fellowship Of Rogues. That is until they decided to change sides and become counter assassin/spies for PEACE where they became top agents and targeted their former comerades. She then studied under her parents to become a counter assassin/spy until she became interestered in being a hero and joined the program where she also gained powers and eventually joined as an apprentice under the heroine Kamo. 
* She and her family are practicing Muslims. 
* She can speak Farsi and English. 
* The Fellowship Of Rogues has ties with League Of Laggan . 
* Her parents are very supportive of her being a hero and try to keep an eye on her progress. 
* Her parents also know Good Vibe's dad, Green Rod's dad, and Adelita. 
* The Fellowship Of Rogues would also have inspiration League Of Assasins like the League Of Laggan. 
* Her family has also had run ins with Humiko and Bloodhound. 
* She and her parents have a kill only when the situation calls for it policy. 
Created through www.dolldivine.com/assassin-do…
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Rayman Character Lore: Raymesis and Demona
-Long Post Ahead-
The Raymesis stationed on this blog is the same Dark Rayman that Mr. Dark created during the Rayman 1 game. As time went on, he gained more of a personality for himself that wasn't just a simple dark copy that could kill with one touch. As well as an appearance and clothing change.
The defeat of Mr. Dark led to him losing quite a bit of his power and strength to the great protoon. This also effected Raymesis. He eventually lost the ability to kill on touch, but it's a change that Raymesis later grew to embrace. He still worries about the power possibly returning, since he does not want to harm those he trusts.
Currently, Raymesis resides with Ales Mansay at his workshop. The two do not get along at all. Ales makes sure Raymesis is fed and that's pretty much it. Raymesis still keeps in contact with Mr. Dark as he recovers at the chateau, and will often visit him to check on him. He only really stays at Ales' place to keep an eye on him for Mr. Dark.
Raymesis still likes to try to torment Rayman, but Raymona keeps trying to reach out to him as a friend despite this. This confuses Raymesis greatly. He doesn't understand why Raymona is so nice to him. Rumor has it that he appreciates the gesture deep down, but he cannot publicly express it due to Mr. Dark. Mr. Dark did discover that Raymesis was trying to befriend Raymona, so he created a Dark Doppleganger of her. Fusing what was left of his power with a bit of Jano's, he created Demona.
Demona is considered Raymesis' sister due to them sharing the same creator. She was intended to be a companion for Raymesis, but something went wrong with the creation process. She is a lot colder, harsher, and much more cruel compared to Raymesis. Raymesis will often call her by the sister title, but Demona doesn't usually return the gesture unless it's a form of mocking.
Demona is considered unstable and out of control. She even treats Mr. Dark pretty harshly and often disobeys his orders. When Mr. Dark orders her not to harm his prisoners, she may do it anyway. Mr. Dark punishes her extremely and frequently. Such as locking her in a dark cell for days until she finally calms down, or is burnt out from the fits she throws while in confinement.
This treatment of Demona has lead to Mr. Dark favoring Raymesis. Raymesis is very much Mr. Dark's son in his eyes. He will often dote on his creation, and teach him things. Mr. Dark has taught Raymesis how to play both the piano and the violin. He has shared his love of classical music with Raymesis. He made sure Raymesis had a well furnished room at the chateau, and provided all the furnishings at Raymesis' place at Ales' Workshop.
Demona was eventually moved to stay with Ales and Raymesis at the workshop, but Mr. Dark left Ales some very clear instructions on how to deal with her. Demona is often locked in a cell at night to ensure she does not escape to cause trouble. Raymesis often sneaks her out of the cell. It has backfired a few times on him.
Raymesis is not entirely evil. He just likes to cause trouble, though he will always obey Mr. Dark's orders. There are some things that don't sit right with him, and Mr. Dark usually takes time to console Raymesis if he's having a hard time after fulfilling an order.
Demona is heralded as being an emotionless, cruel, monster, but Rayman and Raymesis both seem to see some spark of good in her and are constantly trying to reach out to her. While Raymesis will target only Rayman, Demona targets any of Raymona's loved ones, Rayman included. She very rarely targets her heroic counterpart directly.
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fandomscraziness22 · 2 years
No Middle Ground - a Kanej GOT au
I loved getting to write this for the @grishaversebigbang (my first fandom bang ever!)
artwork by the incredible @gigi-drxws which can be found here and co-written with @nerdyhuntress (thank you for getting the title lol!)
The Wraith never turned down an assassin job.
Her knives were sharpened on a day to day basis, gleaming brightly in the weak winter sunlight. Living in the north of Westeros meant dealing with harsh winters. She bundled herself in layers to stave off the freezing temperatures. However, for the sake of her accuracy in knife throwing, Inej refused to wear gloves. Her hands grew calloused and dry from the winter winds, but it was preferable, so she could use her weapons correctly.
The war wasn’t going well. For the last few months, scouts claimed that Night Walkers from the far north were amassing an invasion. Kings and monarchs frantically searched high and low for answers, sacrificing countless innocent lives to negotiate treaties. Inej didn’t get too caught up with all the news. She only heard bits and pieces, scraps of rumors from trusted sources at taverns and inns during her late nights at work. As kingdoms rose and fell, she knew it would have no effect on her personal life.
People like her, who weren’t born with crowns on their delicate heads, had to struggle to survive in this harsh world.
continue on ao3
After her kidnapping and recent escaping from the Menagerie, she could finally breathe freely. A heavy weight like a massive yoke had been yanked off her shoulders. The Dregs were an assassin’s league, who had reached out to her when she was living alone on the streets. One evening, while sleeping in a tiny alleyway, she was approached by a sleazy beggar, asking her for another night of pleasure. She figured he must have been a client at the brothel, but in those traumatizing years, her memory had grown murky. At that moment, she was backed up against a wall and only had a sharp shard of rock for protection. Thinking fast, she pressed it against the man’s eye before aiming a kick at his groin and escaping the alleyway.
Little did she know, the Dregs were watching this encounter with a curious eye.
They sent her an invitation the following week, pressed into her hand by a passing courier. She frowned, thinking it was a clever trap created by Tante Heleen. Inej almost didn’t go, but a thought persisted in her mind: after that dangerous encounter with the beggar, she couldn’t possibly survive on the streets alone. Perhaps some extra connections from dangerous assassins would help her. When they interviewed her, she displayed her knife throwing talents and demonstrated an acrobatic routine. Though she hadn’t expected it, they were impressed and gifted her with a set of rusted old knives for her to use. The assignments came nearly every single week after that, asking her to kill important members of Westeros to destabilize the new government.
But Inej still hadn’t met Dirty Hands yet. Supposedly, he was the man who started the whole operation. Rumors abounded concerning his origin story and appearance. Some claimed that he wore thick leather gloves every single minute of the day, not to stay warm, but to cover up his hideous clawed hands. Others said that he was a demon, born of the blood and bones of damned souls. Many said that he didn’t even exist. He was merely a shadow created by a living saint, who had let his creation run amok.
Every story was more wild than the next, and Inej didn’t believe a single one.
She kept her head down and accepted each assignment without a fuss. It was usually very simple to find her targets. They tended to be loud and boisterous, spending their ill-gotten wealth on gambling dens or underage brothels. Inej always wore her hood and mask, refusing to reveal any personal details. Sometimes, they caught a glimpse of dark brown eyes before life bled from their tattered bodies. Guilt would often consume her soul for taking another life. Even if they were horrible, ruthless rich people who destroyed the lives of innocents, how would the saints react to her sins? Would she be rewarded or terribly punished in the afterlife? Surely, the merciful ones would sympathize with her situation.
Better to die fighting with a knife in her hand, she figured, than perishing inside that hellish brothel.
Inej was sitting in the Dregs headquarters one early morning, pouring herself a warm cup of tea, when a courier passed her a note. She blinked in surprise, scanning the contents of the paper. Her heart skipped a beat and then began furiously pounding in her chest. Dirty Hands wanted to meet with her right now. Inej looked around, hoping to catch a glimpse of him, but nobody like the rumors described was in sight. She only saw the familiar faces of their gang, chatting about the invading army that approached Westeros or sharing gossip about their friends.
Inej’s eyes fixed on the staircase that led to his office. Very few people were ever invited up to his private rooms. She wondered if he truly was a monster. Did he wish to fire her or did he want something else out of her? What if he was worse than all those clients at the Menagerie? Her throat closed up as memories of the past threatened to drown her in a sea of despair. However, no assassin could refuse a summon from Dirty Hands. She shuddered to think what would happen if she simply discarded the note.
Inej closed her eyes and silently sent a prayer to her saints before standing up.
Saints, please. Don’t let him be like the others.
The staircase was daunting, but she managed to make it to the top without her legs shaking. In these last months, she hadn’t made a single friend in the Dregs. Would it be easier to meet him if she had gotten close to his friends? Did he even have close associates or did he spend his days alone? Inej lifted her hand to knock, but she heard a deep voice speak.
“Enter, please.”
Her eyes widened in surprise. What type of a heartless demon spoke so politely?
Inej opened the door and stared at the office in surprise. After all the rumors, she expected to see a place akin to a dragon’s lair: treasures and jewels haphazardly scattered around the place, while the blood of his enemies decorated the walls. Instead, she spotted a pristine, clean table with plush armchairs. A large bookshelf stood on the side, neatly organized with large, ancient tomes of Westeros history. This place could have belonged to a wealthy merchant or a clever chamberlain to a monarch. Why would the head of an assassin's operations work in a place like this?
He cleared his throat and Inej finally spotted him. The first thing she noticed was the much-rumored-about gloves, the black leather covering his hands completely. She wondered faintly which of the stories would prove true, in the end. He sat behind a large wooden desk, papers and books and writing utensils covering most of it. Inej was surprised at that too; she assumed that Dirty Hands would want to keep things neat and organized, if he truly was the one who started the Dregs.
“Ah, the Wraith,” Dirty Hands greeted her. His voice was raspy and drew her attention to his face, where yet another surprise awaited. He was about her age, maybe a year or two older. Inej hadn’t realized he would be so young; not that age takes away from lethalness, as she herself knew full well. It certainly made some of the more brutal stories take a new shape in her mind.
“You’ve become one of our most prized assets. And in only a month,” he mused. Inej’s eyes darted up to meet his in surprise. She knew she was good at her job, but she hadn’t realized Dirty Hands knew who she was.
His eyes were the color of coffee, dark from the violence he had committed in Westeros, she assumed. It was just another way his exterior matched the many rumors that swirled about him. They stared intensely at Inej, waiting for her to respond—almost daring her to.
Inej kept quiet, though fear and apprehension rippled down her spine. She wasn’t sure that it was a good thing to have caught the attention of a man so powerful and vicious. Yes, she worked for him and the league he ran, but she didn’t really have a choice in the matter. It was work for Dirty Hands or risk dying on the streets of Westeros, with no one the wiser. Inej just wanted to make it out of this conversation alive. She wasn’t sure what the procedure was for spies and assassins of Dirty Hands who did too well at their jobs.
The man sighed, though he didn’t seem annoyed by her silence. It was a bone-weary sigh, one that could only come from a person who was tired of the world, tired of working and pushing themselves with nothing to show for their troubles. Even though that wasn’t the case for Dirty Hands (the trail of bodies left behind by the Dregs could attest to that), the sigh somehow made Dirty Hands human in a way that Inej would never have guessed.
“Your name is Inej, yes?” he asked. Without waiting for a reply Dirty Hands reached for something under his desk. Inej heard a drawer open for a moment before closing again. The man set something down on the wood between them.
A knife.
It was a beautiful piece, covered in emeralds at the hilt. The blade was polished to a shine and the handle had a firm grip. Inej hadn’t seen a weapon so beautiful in her entire life. Most she saw were rusted and nearly dull, requiring extra force to dig into an enemy’s unsuspecting flesh. Her own, of course, had been carefully sharpened and cleaned after each kill, but with each knife she collected, she had to put in hours of work to make it usable once more. However, Dirty Hands seemed to possess more extravagant methods of killing people than a simple knife, beautiful though it may be. Who was he, truly? She yearned to know all his secrets and figure out his true motivations for hiring her in the first place.
“You speak, don’t you?” he asked abruptly, as her hand reached out to touch the knife.
“Yes, I do,” she replied firmly. “Why have you summoned me?”
Dirty Hands took a seat at his table, his gloved hands clutching his chair’s armrests. “I have a job for you, Inej.”
He spoke her name with such reverence, like it was a prayer whispered in the halls of a church. Nobody spoke to her in such a manner in Westeros. Her name had almost become foreign to her ears; the Menagerie didn’t allow for real names (because who wants to be reminded that the person being used was a real person with their own identity?). In the few weeks she had worked for the Dregs, her code name of the Wraith was what people called her. And certainly no one in all of Westeros had ever said her name with such awe and respect.
“A job?” she asked. “What kind of job?”
It couldn’t be the normal kind, the ones she’d been sent on day after day, week after week. If it were, she would have been handed a note and a passing “good luck” from the messenger.
Dirty Hands’ eyebrow quirked up; it would have led to a smirk if he’d been anyone else. “You’ve a good intuition, Inej. I need your alleged acrobatic skills for this mission. In six days, the Targaryens are hosting a party of special magnificence. A dreadful display of the ruling class’s desire for opulence, I suppose. They can’t be bothered to worry about the incoming armies.”
Inej nods along, waiting for more directions. She’d be tempted to scoff at his mention of her ‘alleged’ skills, but now he’s on a roll about the upper class, and she really isn’t looking for a fight today.
“I need you to infiltrate their performance company. Blend in and find out when the Targaryens intend to make his move against the crown. His wife is far too fond of drink, and it’s a drain on our city’s resources to keep importing it, among a number of other sins. Once you get the intel, you will make your way out. Without getting caught.”
Inej blinked in surprise, inspecting the dagger with a shrewd eye. “And what’s the dagger for, exactly? Why do you want me to have this?”
Dirty Hands leaned forward, staring at her with a fierce expression, like he was trying to memorize every crease in her face. She was reminded of how one might stare at a priceless, pilfered painting. It unnerved her for a second, so she looked away, her face burning with embarrassment.
“It’s Grisha,” he explained patiently. “Covered in an untraceable, invisible poison. I’d advise you to keep it in a scabbard and only unsheathe it when necessary. Just a few drops into a person’s bloodstream and they’ll be dead within seconds.”
Inej was stunned. “And you would trust me with this?” she couldn’t help but ask. Grisha weapons were particularly hard to come by, and this dagger would fetch a pretty penny on the market.
Dirty Hands caught her eyes once more, and in that moment, Inej glimpsed a reflection of her own anger at the world that took away her childhood, her freedom. In his eyes, she saw something so human Inej knew she would follow his orders no matter what. A strange sort of agreement passed between them; two people both hungry to prove that though Westeros had taken something from them, they would not let that stop them; they would demand something of the world back.
“The deal is the deal,” Dirty Hands said, sticking out a gloved hand to Inej.
“The deal is the deal,” Inej repeated as she shook the offered hand.
And thus began the longest-running partnership in Westeros—Dirty Hands and the Wraith, armed and ready for the harsh times ahead.
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dndhomebrewvault · 2 years
The Luidaeg (the lou-sha-k)
(AKA; Antigone, Lady of the Lake, Sea Witch, First among Firstborn)
“I am the sea witch. I am the tide you fear and the turning you can't deny. I am the sound of the waves running over your bones on the beach, little man, and I am not amused at finding you on my doorstep.”
Notes about playing the Luidaeg:
The Luidaeg cannot lie unless they are considered one of her descendants. These can be considered any hags, individuals she claims as her own, or those who are in her debt. She also cannot refuse any request made of her, question or bargain, but in doing so she is allowed to demand any price for the information. One caveat to that is that she cannot take on a request that directly causes conflict with someone she already bargained with.
The Luidaeg is often considered to be the earliest recorded hag in history. This has given her the classification of being a Firstborn, or one of the earliest Archfey of any species in the Feywild. Because of this status, she has immense powers that even eclipse the average archfey. Rumors say that she has the ability to create skerries and co-create entire dimensions if she really wanted to; she can mix potions and cast spells with minimal limits, especially when they fulfill a request; she can disguise herself so effectively that most fae do not recognize her power on sight. There is a question about what is true and what is rumor when it comes to her abilities.
Her personality is more defiant than chaotic. The Luidaeg enjoys acts of human rebellion such as mortal cursing, drinking, and even in some cases, drug use. She is known to be temperamental and that her moods can blow in and out like storms. However, she is also a very lonely being because most individuals only interact with her to make requests when they are desperate. Much of her grumpiness and sarcasm are coping mechanisms for her inability to lie to individuals and are the only way she can imply untruths.
Medium (large) fey, neutral or neutral evil
Armor Class 22
Hit Points 279 (25d8+150)
Speed 30 ft., swim 50 ft.
16 (+3) 17 (+3) 22 (+6) 21 (+5) 24 (+7) 19 (+4)
Skills - Arcana +14, History +12, Insight +12, Intimidation +12, Perception +11, Animal Handling +12, Stealth +10, Medicine +11
Damage Resistances - bludgeoning, piercing, slashing
Damage Immunities - necrotic, poison
Condition Immunities - charmed, disease, frightened, petrified, poisoned
Senses - darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 21
Languages Elven, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Deep Speech, Undercommon, Primordial, Sylvan, Dwarven
Challenge 24 (62,000 XP)
Special Traits
Protean Existence.
She has multiple forms that she uses. There are two common forms that she has been seen as. The first is a young girl (about 20 years of age in human years) with curly black pigtails, freckled skin and minor acne scarring that has been said to shift slightly to a mother-of-pearl tone, eyes that shift between a forgettable blue and drift glass green, slightly pointed ears, and a sad smile. The other form comes across as a larger form (but this has been questioned), eyes that go fully black and dark as deep water, skin that is extremely pale and rough with the suggestion of scales, Rows of shark’s teeth in her mouth, and dark hair that is heavy and slightly damp with each strand seemingly razor edged. She is excellent at disguising her true appearance from most creatures (DC 30 perception).
Angry Swear. 
Luidaeg can use a bonus action to speak a swear word, focusing her ire on a single creature able to hear her that she can see within 60 feet. The target makes a DC 22 Constitution saving throw or is racked with intense fear and is stunned. At the end of each of its turns, the target makes a new saving throw to resist the effect. On a success, the condition ends. A creature targeted by Luidaeg’s Angry Swear becomes immune to it for 24 hours after resisting its effects.
Marked by Debt. 
Any creature that has met with the Luidaeg to make a deal, whether they made the deal or not, is marked on the soul by the Luidaeg. The creature makes a DC 22 Charisma saving throw. On a failure its soul is permanently marked. These marks are mentally visible by the Luidaeg and other hags even through disguises and even when the creature is brought back to life. Luidaeg knows the marked creature’s location and can target it with her spells as long as it is within range, regardless of whether or not she can see it. Luidaeg may have up to 7 creatures marked at any time and can use a bonus action to remove a permanent mark from a creature.
Knowledge of the Sea. 
Luidaeg has advantage on Wisdom (Perception/Investigation) and History (Intelligence) checks against anything that is related to the sea, whether it be item, person, or creature. 
Elongating Limbs. 
When she shifts into her secondary form the Luidaeg has a natural reach of 15 feet.
Legendary Resistance (3/day). 
If Luidaeg fails a saving throw, she can choose to succeed instead.
Luidaeg has an extremely long lifespan. Because of how long she has survived the world, she adds +3 to any ability check she makes that doesn’t already include her proficiency bonus.
Magic Resistance. 
Luidaeg has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
Luidaeg regains 15 hit points at the start of her turn if she has at least 1 hit point.
Magic Items. 
Luidaeg has a crystal ball (DMG) and Infiltrator’s Key (EGW), a bowl of controlling water elementals (DMG), Conch of Teleportation (DMG), a ring of free action (DMG), Wave (weapon, DMG), or any other magic item the GM deems fit.
Luidaeg is a 20th-level spellcaster that uses Wisdom as her spellcasting ability (spell save DC 22; +14 to hit with spell attacks). Luidaeg has the following spells (DM can use any ritual spells out of combat in half the casting time):
At will: detect magic, see invisibility, alter self
Cantrips: shape water, mending, primal savagery, prestidigitation, thaumaturgy, vicious mockery
1st-level (4 slots): charm person, cure wounds, create or destroy water, inflict wounds, command, hex, ensnaring strike
2nd-level (4 slots): phantasmal force, mirror image, suggestion, hold person
3rd-level (4 slots): freedom of the waves, dispel magic, counterspell, sending, wall of water, tidal wave
4th-level (4 slots): control water, watery sphere, greater invisibility, Evard’s black tentacles
5th-level (3 slots): destructive wave, geas, far step, modify memory
6th-level (3 slots): otiluke’s freezing sphere, conjure fey, eyebite, heal
7th-level (3 slots): prismatic spray, symbol, forcecage
8th-level (2 slots): demiplane, tsunami, feeblemind
9th-level (2 slots): shapechange, mass polymorph, weird, wish
The Luidaeg makes three unarmed attacks (two claw strikes and one bite attack) or two weapon attacks with Wave.
If she is in her secondary form she can make a bite attack on a creature within 5 feet of her (+12 to hit, 1d10+3 piercing)
If she is in her secondary form she can make two claw attacks on a creature within 15 feet of her (+12 to hit, 1d8+3 slashing)
Weapon Attack
In lieu of three attacks she can make two weapon attacks with Wave (+12 to hit, 1d6+6 piercing damage when used one handed or thrown, 1d8+6 two handed)
Legendary Actions (5 per round): 
As a Legendary action, the Luidaeg can use one legendary action to cast a cantrip or two legendary actions to cast a spell of 3rd level or lower. 
The Luidaeg can use one legendary action to make one melee attack.
As a legendary action, she can speak a shocking truth to one foe, forcing that creature to attack once at disadvantage due to the shock of the truth that the being is given.
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How does the targeting process work?
How can this happen to ordinary citizens, often single mothers with children, women attempting to live their lives, mind their business, and bother no one?
In a male dominated, misogynistic, society women are viewed in general as "less than" capable at accomplishing anything, and clearly of limited or no value, and even "less than less than", without a man.
She is subconsciously viewed as an undesirable because a man has not chosen her as a wife, partner, or girlfriend.
What is a misogynist?
A misogynist is a person who hates or discriminates against women and openly reacts and acts upon those beliefs.
There is an attempt to cut much deeper, striking women at what misogynists see as their most valuable characteristics: appearance, sexual purity, sweetness and submissiveness. (Merriam Webster, paraphrased).
Possibly out of implied or even overt pressure, to confirm, to excel, and even out of fear for their own safety, within this male dominated society, many women buy into the same theory, and are often unsupportive of other women.
When men and women become members of these community and neighborhood policing groups it is usually with good intentions. To protect proactively against criminal activity, to help more vulnerable neighbors and to join in a sense of community.
There will often be those that possess a less than pure intention and that's where the misuse of the power in numbers and of the group mindset, takes on a nefarious life of it's own.
Targets are usually simply someone, sometimes even just one of these male group members has an issue with. Maybe she refused to date him, divorced him, looked at him "sideways", who knows. Motives are usually that immature.
The process begins with lies and rumors creating a "justification", as the group is encouraged again with their power in numbers, to inflict a wide variety of covert as well as overt, punishing techniques, none of which in most cases are legal, and when factoring in the intention of the punishments, clearly illegal.
If necessary, individual members are rewarded for their behavior and many times paid for their services.
She may also be a witness in a civil or a criminal case. She may be the actual crime victim herself. In any case, even she may have no idea why, someone with the contacts and financial resources has decided to "Target" her for an often ongoing campaign of intimidation, extortion, torture and abuse in an effort of silence her voice and destroy her credibility.
As one of possibly several revenue streams, these groups can be contracted to perform this service, in many if not most cases, not even ever knowing their victim, only the false narrative the group has created.
These vigilante groups can in most cases, be hired by anyone for any reason. There is a deeper, darker theory that these groups are hired by varies government contractors, at tax payer's cost for the purposes of psychological data collection, and various other "Black-Oops" non-consensual human experimentation. Is it possible? It has certainly happened in the past and is no longer classified information.
Another use of the Targeting" technique is for the group to single out a so called member, though usually this person again, is not involved, to "abuse by proxy" for the misdeeds, often criminal of a real group member thereby exchanging a favor by the abuse of an innocent victim.
It suffices to say that none of these practices are legitimate or legal. Domestic Terrorism, Organized Crime? Both?
Those participating, assume that they are protected against prosecution and have been assured that if exposed will suffer none or minimal consequences thereby making them blatant in their criminal behavior.
Knowledge and understanding of the situation, refusing to accept blame, carefully screening those you invite into your inner circle and speaking up, are your best defenses. Due to the marvels of open, uncensored communication, and the sharing of experiences this practice is no longer underground but exposed and now fully out in the open.
www.instagram.com Coaching4success_women
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