#but roughly that
ssomepersonn · 8 months
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aaaand thats the rest of the interns!
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copperrust · 2 months
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me when i fuckging get you
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yardsards · 7 days
the Trans Experience in our society is being treated like schrodinger's gender. you're a woman when they wanna deny you agency and a man when they wanna deny you support. this is an experience that unites nearly all of us, whether transmasc, transfem, or something else.
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samuelroukin · 9 months
call me a jealous hater but it makes me so mad that i will never ever be able to sleep as comfortably as a little kitty cat, there's too many bones in me!! even at my most comfy i will never get on their level
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assassin-artist · 3 months
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"Let us go together, my dear Consort eternal."
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folie-a-deux · 1 month
Mads: "It is a giant journey obviously for both of them. In reality that is a giant journey he's gone through (Will) but in Hannibal's world as well, even though the step is much smaller for him, it's a gigantic leap. Right?"
Hugh: "Because he's potentially envisioning– caring on a few..."
Mads: "A future."
Hugh: "Yeah."
Mads: "But it's interesting because Hannibal had never ever thought about the future. He's a man who lives in the present. And for once he saw a future."
– Mads Mikkelsen and Hugh Dancy, talking about 'The Wrath of the Lamb' finale scene
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1alchemistart · 4 months
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the three lads! :]
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maeamian · 11 months
WGA's asking people interested in all the tree law fun to also sign this petition about a god damned bitch of an unsatisfactory situation on another street on the Same FUCKING lot. NBC Universal (whose CEO is Mike Cavanagh just btw in case Ron Pearlman is listening) has started a construction project that completely removed the sidewalks from five different gates, in two cases forcing pedestrians to literally walk into oncoming traffic. In addition to being an ADA violation, it's just flat out despicably evil of them and WGA's asking for public support on this issue.
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lesbianshepard · 7 months
This comparison has been living in my brain for months:
A humorous Roman tombstone from the 1st-2nd century CE:
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Translated, the text reads:
Calidius Eroticus made this for himself and Fannia Voluptas while still alive. – Innkeeper! Let’s work out the bill! – You’ve had a sextarius of wine, and bread for one as. Stew, two asses. – Okay. – The girl, eight asses. – That’s okay too. – Hay for the mule, two asses. – The damn mule will bankrupt me!
And a tweet from 2013
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cyandocs · 26 days
17th Century Gaydar
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With @canisalbus's characters Vasco and his QPR wife Ludovica. Consider this a Headcanon but I imagined they were likely set up as like, teens- maybe not fully arranged marriage, but marriage was heavily implied with their courtship. So here I imagine them as like 15/16 which is why they're kind of smaller and scruffier, as well as having their outfit colors a little lightened. Also Ludovica in cute ear bows moment. I THINK this is my first more or less official online artist fan art??? I hope I did them justice.
*edit forgot to color in Vascos hands consistently my bad **EDIT I CANNOT BE TRUSTED TO POST ART WITHOUT FORGETTING SOMETHING
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idkaguyorsomething · 7 months
five nights at freddy's is a film that creates a tense, suspenseful atmosphere of horror by having its protagonists go up against supernatural threats such as trying to navigate the job market, being forced to deal with shitty cops, and a man who willingly makes himself think of nebraska over and over again every night
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solargeist · 23 days
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short hermits !
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figofswords · 4 months
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so like. nyah (based on real pictures of my cat)
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applestruda · 10 months
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year and a few days redraw of my first ever scar!
thank you mcyt brainrot for making me draw so damn much in a year
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isjasz · 4 months
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"[...]Plus, when it rained, the palace grounds were pretty much empty, everyone else taking shelter, so I’d usually have the whole garden to myself. Perfect time to dance around like nobody was watching.” 
“Dance around?” 
(In which the vex prince sets out on a magical journey of a lifetime, and an unassuming avian knight is dragged along for the ride.)
THE DOOR IS NON-EXISTENT ALREADY LAST BUT VERY NOT LEAST FOR HSBB FROM ME These are my pieces for @gaylotusthatexists's epic fic series "to the ends of the earth" again in @hermitshippingbigbang!! :D
This is for chapter 11 of the fic featuring THE DANCE SCENEEEEEE go. read it. it's so worth it i swear they are so SJKDADwijwa and the whole world Lotus has created within the fic is so cool!!
It's botw but epic and it's scarian and I might have immediately lost it when I saw the fic summary back in *checks dms with nox* September. and the actual fic did not disappoint it is absolutely lovely <3
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plushieanimals · 11 months
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pokemon center japan ✨ ぎゅっと抱くっしょん (hug me tightly)
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