#but sometimes the quality of the sperm makes lot of difference.
frostybearpaws · 30 days
Vyvacyte Reproduction
Collectively known as the term Vyvacytes—this word encompasses both organisms known as Vycota and Vycelium—their methods of reproduction are both plentiful and complex. 
Vycotans and Vycelium are polyploids meaning that they have several complete sets of chromosomes. In particular Vyvacytes have six replica sets of twenty seven diploid chromosomes. Meaning in total they have 162. The purpose of having six replicas is the advantage of genetic redundancy.
There are in total five different methods of reproduction. 
Genetic Integration 
Sexual Reproduction
Artificial Asexual Reproduction
Vycelium Reproduction
Vycelium reproducing somewhat differently compared to Vycotans. It is far more plant-like compared to Vycotan reproduction which more resembles animal reproduction. 
Genetic Integration 
When Vycelium encounters foreign DNA it begins the process of Meiosis, however instead of swapping genetics with a replicated pair, it instead swaps genes with the foreign DNA, incorporating this new genetic code into its own. Then the now Diploid sell will fold on itself and swap chromosomes as well to generate more integration. Often in these cases there are only bits and pieces of DNA that are being incorporated. So the Vycelium compensated by filling in missing spaces with other genetic code from another meal or a neighbor. 
Vycelium producing vycotans is known as budding. Budding occurs in cycles which happen four times a year. A collective will try to sync these cycles together, when this happens millions of polyps are made at the same time, but only a few hundred will truly make it to the next stage. 
In a similar method of cycada reproduction the vycelium originally relied on safety in numbers. The hope was that predators would be too full consuming freshly fallen polyps from the early cycle to consume the later developed ones.
Sexual Reproduction
Sometimes vycelium will sexually reproduce if it encounters another collective. Often different collectives will not compete but instead decide to mate with one another, while following strict boundaries. (yes there have been “wars” fought between different collectives that don’t follow the rules). In doing this they will reach across their agreed border and connect a specialized stalk meant for passing haploids back and forth, then these limbs die and rot away when the job is complete. 
Should there be a war there is still a method when occurs where the losing vycelium will—instead of civilly passing back and forth gametes—are consumed, broken down and integrated into the new vycelium collective. DNA is contained but the consciousness in these consumed limps is not. In a way someone who has existed for thousands of years within a Vycelium collective will cease to exist. This is also a second death. For this reason different collective attempts to avoid conflict. 
This is a form of sexual reproduction. In environments or seasons where resources are plentiful the vycelium nucleus will sometimes clone itself and create a second nucleus which will begin to grow tendrils of its own.
Vycotan Reproduction
Where Vycelium reproduction is plant like, Vycotan reproduction—as stated before—is far more animal like, it’s messy and in some cases there is a generous swapping of fluids.
Sexual Reproduction
The most common form of Vycotan reproduction is sexual reproduction. It can be done in several ways. Vycotan’s are a unisex species meaning they have the ability to produce sperm and egg gametes. 
While vycotans look nothing like their vycelium brethren their genitals are a reminder of where they came from taking the form of tendrils. Lots and lots of tendrils. Hidden behind a panel that retracts when aroused, or if the individual commands. 
The penis is made of five separate tendrils that can for penetrative purposes often loop together to create one shaft. These tendrils have an elastic quality to them. They are able to stretch and bunch. In their resting form they will curl together and rest coiled above the female genitals.
The female genitalia share a tendril, the fifth tendrils is located a little lower on the body and has a more flat broad appearance. The back side is smooth however when unfolded the underside is covered in several tinier tendrils. These tendrils interact with the female genitalia, gliding along one another. This fifth tendril also serves a secondary purpose of acting like a flap which covers the opening.
Behind the fifth tendril there are two lips which open up when aroused. These are also covered in tiny tendrils, as well as the inside of the canal. These tendrils allow for a surface level interaction with each other’s nervous systems.
Artificial Asexual Reproduction
A nucleus can be created artificially by cutting off a small portion of a vycelium growth and introducing it to a hormone that turns it into a polyp. These polyps are then placed in incubation tanks and allowed to mature into vyts.
The mechanical parts of a vycotan body can also be replicated within a factory setting. Then an artificial nucleus is placed inside and given growth hormone. It will fill the body it has been placed into. This is a fast and relatively cheap way to produce labor forces. However one of the ethical downsides is that while they are in an adult body the subsequent being has the mental capacity of an infant. 
Often these individuals undergo training, but this only lasts for a few months before they are shipped out to work. This also poses a risk for when they go through their hyper and excitable vylet phase. 
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shegetspolitical · 1 month
Paternity Tests
okay the misogyny is ripe 24/7. I cant stand some people.
lately some of the men around me and online are saying this paternity tests should be mandatory at birth stuff and like ?!? . Take some accountability. Don’t marry or fuck someone you don’t trust ( this applies to everyone). If you don’t trust your woman thats on you for choosing someone who’s not good for you or for not going to therapy to work through your trust issues.
Men cheat all the time. They get away with it. Thats why they’re paranoid about women cheating.
Funny thing is she can cheat and the kid can still be yours… thats not impossible. If you had sex with her and got her pregnant she still could've had sex with another man before or after this. She could’ve used condoms with the other guy or when she wasn't in her fertile window. So it doesn't even guarantee she didn’t cheat.
Imagine carrying a mans child for nine months because you both agreed to/ wanted to start a family. How does this family start ? an accusation. You give up your health and body and while you are bleeding and you literally have stitched up tears from here to there his first concern is to accuse you of cheating ( and try to find a way to weasel himself out of a relationship and commitment to a child he already made ) ? Then the test says he’s the father ? If it was me, I’d say “the kid is yours all yours just like you wanted.” and abandon them both right then and there.
But also if the kid lets say isnt theirs. Cool. You can leave. But if you wanted out you could’ve sooner. If you knew she was cheating you’re frankly a fool to stay for any reason. You don’t have to wait for some magical proof. Demanding the test insinuates you already knew she cheated.
But also mandating paternity tests… thats a selfish idea. What about infertile couples ? Sometimes men have low quality semen ( not just women who are infertile) and couples decide to use a sperm bank. So the kid isnt his genetically but that is still the hypothetical man’s child that he has made the commitment to father. Under the laws other men propose the government wouldn’t allow this infertile man to put his name on his baby’s birth certificate. Is that not cruel ? Is that not government over reach? ( goodness knows that's another talking point those types love.)
What about sperm donors? Many couples choose to use semen from anonymous donors, this would ruin the anonymity of sperm donors. This violates the privacy of men who choose to do a kind act and help people start families. Is it not morally appalling to punish good samaritans ?
What about AFAB lesbians ? Like there’s no male here thats concerned the kid isn’t his. A dna test is completely unneeded but would still happen under a mandate.
Also lots of people choose to use birthing centers or birth at home so … how is that handled ? Make it illegal ? Make everyone give birth in settings with the equipment for dna testing to satisfy the mandate ? thats an impossible law to enforce because birth is a natural process that cant be controlled. people give birth in cars and bathrooms everyday. will woman be imprisoned for the crime of giving birth ?
Okay solution dna tests at check up instead ? Well that requires pediatricians have that equipment to perform a dna test in their office. thats one hell of a demand . could those offices really afford to buy that ? would they be penalized for not doing so ? so maybe some pediatricians refuse to do these first infant checkups to avoid losing their licenses. maybe its harder to get medical care for infants, thus ensuring a health crisis.
Also paternity tests aren’t perfect. the technicians running those machines and collecting samples could make a mistake. What if the nurse mixes your kid’s sample and another's ? The man would abandon his own child over a mistake.
another angle here. okay. maybe we shouldn’t let the government mandate peoples medical decisions ?
Or what if the mandate was used differently than imagined. Men abandon their own children every damn day no cheating or tests necessary. But well… with this mandate it could make it easier to find the parents of children in order to make sure child support is paid to the mother.
Those men would hate that though. They’d hate the accountability because thats what this argument is about. avoiding accountability. avoiding responsibility for children. Its about villainizing women and giving themselves an opportunity to call women ‘hoes’.
These men when their argument it challenged always say “if there’s nothing to hide than why not?” well we could use that argument for these men’s privacy. Lets open their phones and see the real cheaters . But thats obviously not a solution. Everyone deserves privacy. Its not about having something to hide but rather the right to dignity.
Ultimately though you don’t get to fuck and stay with someone you don't trust and make it everyone else’s problem. You don’t trust your partner ? Leave them or get the paternity test but don’t make a decision for other couples.
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fertility04 · 5 months
Learn Essential Factors Of IVF Success And Failure
Even if more and more ART techniques are being developed, in vitro fertilization (IVF) is still one of the most popular and effecting factors of IVF Success And Failure accounting for an astounding 99% of ART procedures, including intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). However, it's important to recognize that every patient is unique and that there are a variety of circumstances that can make infertility therapy work or fail.
Affecting Factors Of IVF Success And Failure
Age: One of the most important factors of IVF Success And Failure is influencing the outcome of IVF treatments is the woman's age; women between the ages of 24 and 35 have a 60–65% success rate. The amount and quality of a woman's eggs decrease with age, which affects the overall success of in vitro fertilization.
Lifestyle: Reducing lifestyle factors, such as smoking and eating nutritious food, is a major factor in the effectiveness of in vitro fertilization. It is advised that during conception efforts or pregnancy, both couples adopt healthy habits.
Choice of Fertility Clinic: The choice of fertility centre turns out to be one of the most important factors of IVF Success And Failure for the success rate of IVF. The success of the IVF cycle is influenced by several factors, including the clinic's experience, knowledge, procedures, technology, laboratory standards, air quality, and embryologists' backgrounds.
Myths Surrounding IVF Success and Failure
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One of the most widespread misconceptions is that transferring more embryos results in a better success percentage for IVF treatments. The human uterus, on the other hand, is designed to hold only one embryo and, thus, one child. Fertility specialists sometimes transfer two or more embryos following in vitro fertilization (IVF) to produce twins or triplets; however, multiple pregnancies are not advised as they might lead to issues for both the mother and the children. Nowadays, a lot of fertility specialists support the voluntary transfer of a single embryo.
While the global factors of IVF Success And Failure is 35%, some facilities advertise extremely high success rates of 90% or higher. The success rates are determined by taking into account a variety of factors, including the live birth rate, pregnancy rate, and implantation rate. Additionally, the success rates of IUI and ICSI will differ from those of IVF. Additionally, the success rate of the first IVF cycle will be lower than that of the second, and so on. Therefore, it's critical that you conduct an in-depth study to fully comprehend success rates, and you should feel free to discuss this with your clinic.
For many years, IVF has been the most successful fertility procedure. It is by no means a guarantee, but we hope it works the same way for you as it has for countless couples, for whom it has been a vital part of their life forever.
In conclusion, patients and healthcare professionals must comprehend the critical components of IVF success and failure. Even though success rates have increased due to technological and procedural developments, many factors continue to have a major impact on results. Success is largely dependent on many factors, including age, reserve of ovaries, lifestyle choices, and embryo quality.
The likelihood of factors of IVF Success And Failure can also be increased by treating underlying medical issues, enhancing pre-IVF health, and, if required, exploring alternative treatments. It is equally vital to recognize, though, that failure is a fact that many people encounter and that IVF results can be unpredictable even with careful planning and intervention. However, continuous research and development are improving IVF methods, providing promise for better results down the road. If you are facing fertility issues, connect with us at Sree Fertility Varanasi Centre.
How long does it typically take to conceive through IVF?
The timeline for factors of IVF Success And Failure varies for each individual and couple. While some may achieve pregnancy after one IVF cycle, others may require multiple attempts.
Are there any lifestyle changes I can make to improve IVF success?
Yes, adopting a healthy lifestyle by maintaining a balanced diet, regular exercise routine, avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, and managing stress can positively impact IVF success rates.
What are some alternative treatments if IVF is unsuccessful?
Depending on individual circumstances, alternative treatments such as intrauterine insemination (IUI), egg donation, or surrogacy may be considered if IVF is unsuccessful.
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vertanvertan · 1 year
The Undeniable Truth About Boost Male Fertility
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There's lots of dietary supplements commercialized that will increase male fertility, but not they are all made the same. A tablets that do function help to improve sperm fertility, motility, and additionally morphology. Yet, there are also a variety of that cause substantial body ailments as well as heart disease, digestive problems and also kidney flagstones. Some of these added compounds are also familiar with cure different ailments not to mention diseases, to be sure the doasage amounts are sometimes too big on a man’s body to manage. Furthermore, they can be tough to break up.
To find out which dietary supplements work most effectively pertaining to improving male fertility, analysts include observed numerous contents during products to find how they will help. The study evaluated the research accessible for the two additive and located math towards cost the nutritional supplements based upon their wanted many. These people employed this specific remedy towards Twenty four hours multi-ingredient dietary supplements available on an italian man , current market, which marketed regarding male infertility.
The outcome established that your supplement fertility factor 5 is the best decision for adult men seeking to grow their odds of having a child. This approach product provides a higher amount associated with ascorbic acid in addition to a comprehensive forensics education extra fat and then enzymes that have been proven to improve sperm count, motility, morphology, and then orgasm level of quality. It also comprises of leucine and arginine, that have been proven to boost sperm cell creation. Superior is always to just click here or even explore our established a website to understand top male fertility supplements.
Folic acid is actually nutritious whicj has been shown to enrich fertility in some males. Case study is joined, best male fertility booster, when certain gentlemen don’t reap the benefits of folic acid caused by inherited strains. In general, it is suggested that you receive an individual's folic acid through the food products eat just like green leafy vegetables, legumes, crazy, cannabis seeds and fish. Coenzyme Q10 is actually a impressive cleansing which will saves against damages resulting from corrosion. It's proven to reduced oxidative stress, which is able to impact the top quality involved with orgasm not to mention start a various other concerns, just like minimal libido quantities.
That Omega-3 fatty acids docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) have shown to enrich sperm fertility and also mobility, as well as increase the amount of DHA found in seminal fluid. Those weight are available in plenty of well, similar to oily species of fish, peanuts, chia marijuana seeds and additionally flaxseed. If needed, intrigued men and women are able to click the link and also stop by our own endorsed online site in order to understand about healthy sperm supplement.
Shilajit is undoubtedly an long lost mineral which has proven make improvements to fertility in males. It's consideration to lessen the oxidative emotional tension gun malondialdehyde, improve sperm count, motility and serum testosterone. They have really been proved to be in a position to combination the particular procedure barrier. It is recommended to word, even so, if you happen to be shilajit, you ought to stay away from feeding on alcoholic drink since it can conflict with a imbibition of such nutritional vitamin supplements. At the same time, you have to speak with your medical professional before you begin a whole new health supplement. They shall be able to advocate an appropriate dose suitable for you. It's possibly that they likewise advise that applying a cheaper take to counteract unintended effects.
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mayuris-posts · 2 years
Normal conception and pregnancy are delicate and highly regulated processes. If this process of conception is disturbed due to a low sperm count or sperm structure abnormality, then external help is required. ICSI is one such procedure. ICSI makes the decision to seek infertility treatment viable and affordable.
By definition, ICSI stands for Intra-cytoplasmic Sperm injection. This simply means men’s sperm should penetrate the outer layer of the egg. Sometimes, the attachment of sperm to the egg does not happen, so fertilisation does not take place. This may be due to the thick outer layer of the egg or sperm’s head being unable to penetrate. ICSI is a procedure where a single sperm is injected into the egg with the help of a micropipette in the laboratory.
We at Yash IVF have seen several couples visit our center with a severe deficit in semen quality. Obstructive and non-obstructive azoospermia (azoospermia is the medical term for no sperm in the ejaculate. Many of them are well read and have many interesting questions. That’s why we have picked up a few to answer them. So let’s address them one by one.
Does the ICSI procedure happen inside the human body? The sperm sample is prepared by taking out dead cells and debris. The sperm cells that bind the zona pellucida (egg outer layer) are collected through a microinjection needle and subsequently used to perform ICSI. Sperm selection with ICSI leads to improved quality of embryos and implantation rates.
How often does ICSI work for the first time? Directly putting sperm into the egg should ideally result in a 100% success rate, but that is not the case. With ICSI treatment, the successful fertilization rate is between 60-80%. It is very important to understand the difference between the fertilization process in the body and outside of the human body. The human body has a lot of processes in place to ensure the best sperm fertilises the egg. ICSI has truly changed the picture of fertilization in cases of sperm abnormalities.
Could ICSI help to conceive? During ICSI, the sperm doesn’t need to find the egg. This means that it can help couples where the man’s sperm can’t reach the egg or can reach the egg but not fertilise it. ICSI is of great help in the following circumstances: Problems with sperm count, a high percentage of abnormal sperm(regarding motility and structure), problems with erection
How can you improve the success of ICSI? Maintain a healthy weight. Optimize sperm health through exercise, diet, medications, and correction of previous ailments. Always look out for excellent doctors and an in-house embryology laboratory. reducing stress and anxiety. On priority, quit drinking and smoking. Look into screening tests and supplements under the guidance of a doctor. Ensure you have vitamin D, zinc, etc.
How many sperm does one require for ICSI? Ideally, it is one sperm which is active, which is the requirement for fertilization of an egg in ICSI. Initially, a sperm sample is prepared using various techniques to eliminate the poor quality of sperm. After washing sperm to get rid of debris, dead cells, and others, one sperm is picked up by a micropipette for ICSI. Embryologists perform the selection of healthy sperm under a high-resolution microscope.
Are ICSI babies normal? Yes, IVF and IVF/ICSI are safe. Specifically, the ICSI procedure is often performed on patients who have low sperm count or motility issues. The joy of parenthood is quite possible. A lot of improvements in media and procedures along with increased use of this ICSI have proved that the babies born from this ICSI are as normal as non-ICSI ones.
What are the necessary things to look into before the ICSI procedure? They can only perform the ICSI process after doing the following: Ovary stimulation to aid in egg development Retrieval of the eggs Implantation of an embryo into the uterine wall
How reliable is ICSI? The most reliable and proven ICSI method offers better conception and fertilization. It is the treatment of choice for all cases of male subfertility and infertility issues. Various research and in-depth records state that the chances of birth defects in a baby are almost the same whether conceived naturally or by an IVF-ICSI procedure.
What are the differences between classic IVF and ICSI?
There are many striking differences between classic IVF and ICSI. However, after the fusion of sperm and egg, the rest of the steps are the same. The most important difference is that In terms of insemination, ICSI needs only one sperm cell per oocyte, while the IVF process needs 50,000–100,000. Once fertilized, they transferred the egg on day 5 to the uterus to continue its development. Cost is another important factor.
When was the first child born from ICSI? Gamete micromanipulation was a technique used for the first time in a Singapore-born child in April 1989. Gianpiero Palermo developed the technique at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, in the Center for Reproductive Medicine. Actually, the discovery was made by a mistake. It produced the first embryo by ICSI in 1990, and the first successful birth by ICSI took place on January 14, 1992, after an April 1991 conception.
We at Yash IVF are happy to share the success story of a couple who struggled with male infertility for 5 years. Mr and Mrs Caroline Paul visited the centre with all the reports of previous procedures. Mrs Caroline, 29 years old, with 2 years of infertility, good AMH, severe oligospermia, advancing age, and a sedentary lifestyle rather made the concern, along with obesity. Mr Paul took medications for a year. After correct diagnosis, the testicular biopsy of the husband was done, sperm were retrieved and started IVF ICSI treatment. Positive pregnancy test after 2 weeks of embryo transfer followed by transvaginal ultrasonography to find the intrauterine single live pregnancy.
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turbofanatic · 2 years
Hi I’m an amateur artist (used to paint abstract stuff, just switched digital art) and I would honestly really love to make comics someday, but I’m nowhere near the skill level to do that yet. I’ve seen a lot of your comics (Personally really dig Aphelion) and I was curious if you could give me some tips on drawing at a decent pace/drawing the same thing with proportions consistent panel to panel. I also have a lot of trouble drawing mechanical stuff, so I’ve been trying to draw characters wearing tech-y armor but they look p bad and I can’t even imagine drawing them over and over again for different panels :(
Making this public since it might be useful for multiple people.
It's interesting that you ask me tips on these specific things, since I struggle with speed and consistency, I guess I'm doing something right!
For Aphelion, I'm not fast at all. I just try to focus on consistently working on it. I try to do a little every day. Tortoise and the hare and all that. When creating a comic, it's important to figure out what a sustainable speed is, and how happy you are with it. If you want pages out ASAP, you should sacrifice quality to not burn yourself out (I do this on Sanguine Tensor). If you really want quality and can wait, you can go more slowly with higher quality (that's Aphelion). The point is, you need to figure out the balance of quality and speed that works for you. You only have so much energy and time, use it wisely.
As for consistent proportions and mechanisms, they're really difficult, but there are tricks. I use clay maquettes sometimes (the giant sperm submarine recently) and also drawing boxes around things let me rotate the boxes and then redraw the objects in their new position. James Gurney is a master of maquettes and many other things so he's a great resource.
Here's another thing to remember. Readers will forgive a lot if you give them something cool. Go look at a comic with cool mechs or something, they're probably a little distorted panel-to-panel. But as long as they're recognizably the same machine (don't do subtle differences on these things!) we forgive them because we still want to to see cool mechs fighting each other or whatever.
Good luck!
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kirieshhhka003 · 3 years
If you don’t mind, can I ask NSFW alphabet with Ghiaccio? 🧊
Note: in all NSFW alphabets I describe how this character acts during sex with different partners, NOT with someone they love
Warnings: NSFW
Ghiaccio NSFW alphabet
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Ghiaccio mostly uses services of high-end prostitutes so he never actually frets over aftercare. Mafioso pays his partners money for sex, why would he care for partner’s well-being after the deed?
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
On partner is plump soft lips, so pretty and perfect to wrap around Ghiaccio’s dick while sucking him off neatly. Blue-haired doesn’t really has a body part he’d love on himself, due to his stand’s ability his whole body is worked-out and it’s definitely something to be proud of
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Ghiaccio likes to show his dominance over partner in any possible way, he thinks that cumming on their face is a great way of doing so. Making partner swallow all his sperm down after fucking their throat raw really strokes blue-haired’s ego, he may even stroke their head idly if they did a good job
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Once he had tipsy sex with Melone after one especially hard and stressful mission. They two spent three days haunting their target and planning the killing itself, so at the end, when all work was done, Melone and Ghiaccio went to the nearest bar, hoping to get rid of the stress. And they succeeded. Both of them acted like nothing happened afterwards, just dressed up, fixed their hair and said “See ya soon”, coming home nonchalantly
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
I think that Ghiaccio is about 25, so it’s obvious that he’s pretty experienced (look at this man, he can’t be a virgin). Blue-haired has tried almost everything, so he definitely knows what he’s doing
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
His personal favorites are missionary and all related (so he can choke partner), doggystyle and the one where he fucks partner form behind while laying on the side
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
The only sounds blue-haired wants to hear from his partner during sex are moans, whimpers and pleadings, every other thing will be treated like misbehaving and then punished harshly
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Ghiaccio’s pubes are very curly, but he always keeps himself clean-shaved and he prefers the same on partners, or maybe some fancy trim like heart-shaped carpet
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Blue-haired only expects to receive some pleasure and a few orgasms from his partners, so he definitely won’t treat them like a fragile little doll. Ghiaccio is fairly harsh on himself, so being soft and caring is not about him
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
For Ghiaccio sex is one of the ways to get rid of all the rage he has bubbling within his body, this is why he jacks off often. It almost never lasts for more than 5 mins because man literally wrings orgasm out of himself with a tight fist stroking his dick on the speed of light
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Ooooof, a huge fan of impact play, so facefucking, slapping, hair tugging, degrading and bondage is always on the list. Blue-haired also has a thing for his partner calling him a master or signore, it really just blows his brains out and Ghiaccio turns into monster in bed, fucking his partner mercilessly. Also, dry humping and clothed sex, due to his short temper mafioso sometimes doesn’t have enough patience for undressing, so he just does the deed without getting off his garments
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He usually fucks at the hotel room he’s booked a day before, so wherever inside of apartments is fine. And, we all remember his red sport car, right? Sex there always feels special for man, so this is definitely one of his favorite places to get some quality time
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Ghiaccio’s tantrums are the best motivation ever. Mafioso had a shitty day - he will fuck then to get rid of the stress. It’s pretty hard to make mafioso going if he’s not in the right mood, no matter how hard partner try
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Water sports and all related. Just no. Ghiaccio is up to try everything, but this is his big no-no
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
One of his main kinks is facefucking so Ghia is all for a good blowjob. But when it comes to going down on someone… well, he’s not a fan. Especially when man has sex with prostitutes, he won’t ever go down on sex worker. It’s not like he’s disgusted of them or anything, it just doesn’t feel right for him (but not with someone Ghiaccio has feelings for, he’d gladly spend hours settled between beloved’s legs)
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Ghiaccio is kinda selfish in bed, doing whatever he wants, not caring much about partner’s feelings or preferences. Mafioso is always fast and rough, all his movements are harsh, his words are pure filth, but if partner are on some kinky stuff - Ghiaccio is a perfect option
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
A HUGE FAN OF THEM! Ghiaccio loves sex, and even a 10 min session rises his mood for a little and helps to calm down, it may be penetration, oral or dry humping. The only bad thing about quickies is if he picks the last option, blue-haired is supposed to spend the rest of the day with his pants full of cum
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Mafioso enjoys having car sex, and it definitely means something. It’s not about public places like park or crowded beach, but semi-public places as club restroom or dressing room are always on the list
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Ghiaccio may last for a lot of rounds, 5 or 10, it all depends on his mood, but every round doesn’t last for long - 5-8 mins in general. But he also can go for 2-3 make out sessions during a day, each of them may consist of 5 rounds
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Ghiaccio prefers doing everything with his own hands (especially fingers hehehe), so his collection of toys starts and ends with two different-sized gags
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He’s really into orgasm denial, but only on his partners. If they try to tease him, well, it definitely won’t end up well for them
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Ghiaccio has really dirty mouth, so he won’t shut up, degrading and insulting his partner to no end, calling them a whore and filthy slut, so greedy for his cock inside of them. Blue-haired also lets out quiet groans and swearings, but he never moans, thinking that it’s definitely not cool and manly
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Ghiaccio is terrified of the thought of accidentally making a baby, so at the age of 23 he got his vasectomy surgery. But he still uses condoms, mafioso cares for his health and perspective of getting HIV is definitely not that appealing
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Blue-haired is 5,5 inches when fully hard, slightly curved, head is a little bit pinker than the shaft, more on the thinner side. Totally smooth, a single vein pokes at the bottom part of the shaft, closer to the base
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
On the calm days Ghiaccio’s sex drive is normal, low you could say, he’s just living his best life, enjoying random simple things. But on hard days (which happened to be almost every day), mafioso tries his best to suppress his urge to kill everyone, so his yearning is really high
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Blue-haired feels a little bit sleepy after cumming, but Ghiaccio is not the one for sleeping after sex. He just zips his pants back up and continues doing whatever he was, just like nothing happened
Masterlist | Smut Masterlist
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opbackgrounds · 4 years
How do u deal with all the problematic aspects of One Piece (transphobia, sexism, etc?)
Okay, so I’ve hit most of the individual “problematic” elements of the series individually, and I’m not going to regurgitate my thoughts here, but I feel like there are a lot of people in fandom today who hyper focus on individual flaws of a story to the point of being unable to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. This goes for a lot of things, not just One Piece, because we live in a world of surface level hot takes, and most people don’t take the time to think critically about the media they consume. 
To put it simply, it’s not as easy as “[X Series} did [X Thing] bad, and therefore [X Series] is bad”. 
Using a non-One Piece example, the last couple months I’ve been reading through Moby Dick. It’s a book that was written in the 1850s and has a lot of the causal racism that you’d expect from the time period. It’s a story that condones and encourages the indiscriminate slaughter of sperm whales for nothing but the oil they produce, vilifies albinism, is overly long and at times incredibly pretentious. 
I don’t enjoy Moby Dick because of the racism. I enjoy it for its insight into 1850s whaling life, the symbolism of Ahab’s futile struggle, and because Ishmael describes a certain species of porpoise as a “huzzah whale” due to the fact that they’re small, happy, and fat. I read past the offensive stereotypes and see the genuine friendship between Ishmael and Queequeg and read quotes like “Better to sleep with a sober cannibal than a drunk Christian” and see that Melville was trying to work past the caricatures typical of the time period, and even if he wasn’t successful by the standards of today, he is to be commended for the attempt.
The flaws of Moby Dick (and its author) do not detract from the overall quality of the work, at least for me. It is one of the great American classics, warts and all. And while I believe stories can shape what we feel and believe, at the end of the day It’s the reader’s responsibility to separate fiction from reality. Do you, the reader, feel like One Piece’s flaws outweigh it’s merits? Is the bad so egregious that it forever sours the good? Or are you aggressively picking at aspects you personally don’t like and throw it in the face of fans who do?
There are aspects of One Piece that can be rightly criticized, both in structure and content, but I don’t read the series to validate my beliefs and opinions. I can think [Insert Controversial Character Here] is a fun character and not condone their actions. It’s a story, there needs to be conflict. If nothing problematic happened it wouldn’t exist. 
(Note that there’s a difference between a conflict that’s necessary for the plot and a misstep by the author. The people who came away from things like Sanji’s timeskip antics thinking they were funny already thought things like that were funny. Oda did not make it so.)
Oda is not free from his culture and worldview. Neither am I, and neither are you. Sometimes you’ve got to bridge that gap yourself and meet the author halfway, and in the instances where you can’t, there are ways of having a healthy discussion within the fandom that don’t devolve into shouting matches and name calling. This goes both ways—people who blindly defend a series can and often do have the lack of critical thinking as mindless haters. 
And if a series (or a book, or a movie, or whatever) truly causes that much distress, then don’t engage with it, and don’t shit on the people who do. It really is that simple.
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Shouji Mezo X Reader part 4, Remember
 A couple days went by and the students adjusted to her presence. Most of them liked her and her weird nicknames. Though she remembered Sero’s name he even asked her for one, it was scotch like the tape to scotch on the rocks like the drink. Y/n was trying her best to adjust, her cool calm mask was secure, but under it, there was just so much pressure. She called Kamanri electric eel, Ojiro to orange juice, Sparkles was Aoyama, and there were more. Pressure to not be her, pressure to be around too many people daily, it was all crushing. Pretending to not be herself while still being herself.
 Aizawa told Y/n she’d get better with it as time goes on. The students didn’t seem too weirded out by her, yeah she was eccentric with things she would say, but it wasn’t bad. To learn more about her quirk, Aizawa tried getting her to do the exams he gave to the students on the first day. It was after hours at the school. 
“Just throw the ball as far as you can. Didn’t you do this in middle school?” He asked her. 
“No! I opted out of gym class.” Y/n snapped
She held the ball and looked down at it. He was tricking her into using her quirk, she figured that much. She was instructed not to use it, but she broke that rule so many times. Giving Aizawa a sly smile, she gave a petty toss. 
 Giving a quick critical thought she pulled the ball back. Activating her quirk she threw the ball forward. As the ball released from her hand, ready to zoom and launch far far away, the happy baseball pitcher sight changed drastically. Y/n’s eyes widen releasing the quick consequence. Her arm squirt out with blood, and not a little bit. Y/n fell, clutching her wounded arm. 
“Shit! Shit! Shit.” Y/n fell to the ground cursing the pain.
 The ball binged saying it went far. Aizawa didn’t read it though, he was by the girl’s side. She was breathing heavy. He didn’t learn as much watching her use her quirk. She knew she would get hurt using her quirk, or that’s what he was told. He assumed her mother didn’t want her using her quirk because it was a hidden secret. But she really did get hurt. Y/n had to of known she would have been hurt. Why did she do it? Because she didn’t expect that to happen. She’s had this quirk long enough to know. 
“I’ll get you to recovery girl.”
“Don’t bother, I can handle this.”
“I don’t think that’s wise.”
“What do you even know. Just get me to my room.” Y/n growled.
He did wrap her arm up in bandages. He thought she denied the aid because it could hurt recovery girl but she let him help her so that wasn’t it. 
“Are you like Midoriya? If you can’t control your quirk it hurts you?”
“Beefcake’s quirk hurts him?” 
“He breaks his fingers.”
“Why do you let him use it then!”
“I don’t have that power. Besides most students have a backlash with quirks. When I use mine I get dry eyes.”
“I guess I didn’t think of that.”
“Don’t you have siblings and parents with quirks? What are their limits?” Aizawa asked.
“I wouldn’t know. It’s been awhile since all six of us have been together.”
“You don’t even know what your parents quirks are?”
“I mean I sorta do, they never wanted to be heroes so they don’t really use them ever. But my dad isn’t really my dad.”
“Oh, are you from a previous relationship?”
“No, my parents wanted to make a kid with a strong quirk, so my mother went to a sperm bank. I think my oldest two siblings are my dad’s blood kids.”
 Though it was weird, weirder than Enji Todoroki methods of creating the ultimate child, it wasn’t the most surprising thing that Aizawa heard. Y/n came from money, meaning if the family wanted some fame they wanted a kid to become a hero. Looking into the file more, her parents were worse looking into it. Sure it seemed the hero dream meant for Y/n wasn’t forced as much as it was expected to be, they were bad people. Her father helped bend laws to help her mother go further with experimenting on quirks, on people. Her mother tried launching an enhancing quirk business. Quality management knew how she obtained the knowledge for it wasn’t done ethically. Thinking they could combat the scientist from going too far, they wanted her to use one of her own children to see if it works safely before it gets advertised to the public. Months later she withdrew the business proposal . The child’s results weren’t documented or they were destroyed. The change for their daughters' life was gradual. The elementary school quirk exams didn’t get clear results before, but her pinky toe did show she had one. She was opted out of gym classes for health reasons. Middle school she was sent home often for falling asleep in class or getting sick. 2 months of private high school was switched to online. She had good grades, but this all had to be a plan. Isolated from the outside world and family. She stayed at the main house while her siblings were moved out, always gone, or traveling. Her father wasn’t home much, he traveled around the country for politics and even left the country for a short time. He was trying to change the licenses for quirks making them less regulated. With her parents gone she went to crime. The motive wasn’t the clearest, but teenage rebellion, just to feel something, to form a bond, it all seemed it was enough. 
The next morning when Y/n got to class. Aizawa didn’t expect her to come in, her arm didn’t have bandages. Instead it seemed she had a rash on her neck. She tried hiding it with another turtleneck but it’s partially sticking out. 
“One minute.” Aizawa told the class not letting the girl enter, he joined her in the hall. 
“What happened!” Aizawa asked.
“I healed my arm.”
“What happened to your face?”
“It’s from the healing.”
A healing strength quirk? Was it duo quirk? Was she even strong. What was her own healing? Was that what happened?
“Straightened out your quirk story right now.”
“I guess it’s kinda like a ponytail's quirk.” She groaned. 
 Y/n was exhausted. Sure she healed her arm but she was still tired from the pain. 
“Yeah I can use a quirk I understand. When I’m in a lot pain I can understand healing. I can’t copy every quirk though like frog girl’s or else I would have to change my whole body which would probably destroy me before I got towards any completion.”
“So why does your body react the way it does?”
“I haven’t figured out a pattern. I can copy a weaker quirk and my body can still react violently and I can do something powerful and be fine sometimes.” Y/n explained.
“I can see why you avoid using your quirk. Are you sure you’re well enough to come in today?”
“Yeah, you guys took my phone. I'm bored as hell.” She told him.
Not the best reason but he let her in.
“What happened to your chin?” Pinky asked. 
“Are you okay, Velia?” Iida asked.
“I got into a fight and won!” She winked. 
 Again a weird thing to say for teaching aid. 
“Sort these papers.” Aizawa told Y/n. 
 “Who did you fight-“ red rock asked. 
“That doesn’t matter, back to work.” Aizawa said. 
Aizawa handed out a test to the students. Must have sucked to take a test on a piece of paper. All her online tests she managed to find good ways to cheat. Yeah they had a camera on her computer when she took tests, but keeping her notes in her lap so everytime she looked down it just looked like she was looking at the keyboard. It was a good trick when she was squeezed for time. Shouji caught her eye again. He uses an eye on one of his arms. 
“Aizawa please come down to the main office.”
“Can you watch the class, Velia?”
Midoriya watched Y/n sharply. Her face was the uncaring, bored look she had when sorting the papers. He was trying to figure her out. This was the distant face she kept, was she hiding something? She was like 2 different people. Most of the tests were turned in. 
 Y/n’s eyes then reached Midoriya’s. It wasn’t the bored look, but maybe the eyes of a predator. To Y/n and what she’s heard from the class and teacher, she assumes he was targeted by her mother. What terrible parents he must have, born quirkless and then went to her mother to pump a quirk in him. That’s what must have happened. 
“Beefcake, is it true you break your fingers every time you use your quirk?” She didn’t say it like the friend she was in the cafeteria. She said it like an investigator about to crack a case.
“Why do you care about Deku?” Bakugo asked loudly. 
“Why so angry?” She asked, getting up and walking towards his desk. “You can’t handle someone else getting a question?”
“Just who the hell do you think you are lady? You’re just some pencil pusher.”
“Butt-u-go, was it?” She asked. “It’s your quirk that brings you pride, makes you special.”
“What-“ he growled but was cut off short when she put her hand in front of his face and gave him a small taste of his own power, a small explosion to the face. “What the hell did you just do?”
Bakugo got up and launched himself at the girl. Ducking under his arm she got behind him and kicked his butt to have him fall on the floor. The whole class was surprised. Though they wouldn’t call her one, she did seem like a pencil pusher, then here she was kicking the number one at the sports festival. 
“Consider that a small lesson, don’t launch a 100% of yourself in the first blow.”
“I didn’t ask for a lesson from you.”
“You wanna be a hero right? Try learning from everything you do.”
She was trying to be fake wise. 
“Is your quirk a copy quirk?” Uraraka asked
“Are you related to Bakugou?” Froggy asked.
Y/n looked at Yaoyorozu for a split second. She was also someone she actually knew. She was ready to compare the quirks, but didn’t. 
“It’s kinda a copy quirk, with many limitations.” Y/n explained. 
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cherrychill1 · 4 years
Organic Tasks As Well As Antidiabetic Possibility Of Unique Peptides From Frog Secretions
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Distinguishing Between Historical Sheep And Also Goat Bones Using A Solitary Collagen Peptide.
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Why Vaccinations Angle Be Made With Other Kinds Of Stabilisers Or Other Kinds Of Gelatine.
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OurcertifiedSARMs items are made with High Quality and also Pure Active component varying from 97.5-- 99.9%. SARMs are The Future of Physical fitness due to the fact that, unlike steroids, they promote androgen receptors in muscle as well as bone without impacting other cells. While SARMs are sometimes described as "lawful steroids" and also are a healthy alternative to steroids for muscular tissue growth, SARMs are a totally various substance. The effects of steroids on muscle development functions by stimulating increased testosterone production. On the other hand, SARMs function by regulating estrogen receptors on your cells in order to permit testosterone levels to raise naturally, according to a report published in Spinal Muscle Atrophy.
S-23 enhances lean muscular tissue mass, lowers fat mass and was established originally as a possible man birth control. YK-11 is a partial androgen receptor agonist, it can considerably enhance lean muscle mass and also toughness past training as well as nourishment alone. It boosts follistatin production, a potent myostatin inhibitor. S23 could be taken into consideration as one of the much more powerful SARMs as a result of its very strong bonds with the AR.
Below's the best prohormone overview to developing toughness and also size, with minimal risk of severe side effects. Andranine developed in the 1990s was located to have an exceptional result on muscle mass growth. Body builders were switching over from anabolic steroids to Andranine as they assumed there were much less side effects. Professor JT Dalton went into collaboration with a pharmaceutical business to establish a course of medicines called" SARMS" Discerning Androgen Receptor Modulators. Both of these fallen short to obtain regulative authorization for the lawful supply chain. However these products have been utilized by lots of people in the sports area.
Business Summary For Sarms Ventures Restricted (.
As a whole, they all job by acting on the androgen receptors on cells to create an all-natural surge in testosterone degrees. Unlike steroids and prehormones, SARMs don't create testosterone to convert to estrogen. For this reason, SARMs are commonly considered far better options to steroids. The Globe Anti-Doping Company prohibits the use of SARMs in sporting activity, no question as a result of their performance-enhancing results.
Can peptides be taken orally?
Summary: Peptides represent a billion-dollar market in the pharmaceutical industry, but they can generally only be taken as injections to avoid degradation by stomach enzymes. Scientists have now developed a method to generate peptides that resist enzymatic degradation and can be taken orally.
SARM-X is a quick increase in muscle mass as well as one of the greatest, if not the most effective SARM. SARMs for weight have comparable effects to AAS (anabolic-androgenic steroids, have a variety of adverse effects, can be gotten rid of with SERM), which means they increase muscular tissue strength and mass. https://pharmalabglobal.com/product-category/hcg/ are used to boost the manufacturing of testosterone. Effectively utilized, they will result in outstanding results for your body, such as maintaining muscular tissue, enhancing toughness as well as lean muscular tissue mass, and helping to boost weight loss.
Comparing Historical Sheep And Goat Bones Using A Single Collagen Peptide.
SARMs were really found by accident in the 90s when cancer scientist James Dalton recognized the particle andarine, or S-4, which came to be the first-ever SARM. While it didn't confirm handy for cancer cells treatments, Dalton saw its impact on muscle development.
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Prohormones use a crucial competitive benefit to professional athletes as well as body builders who intend to enhance their dimension as well as stamina. They are chemical substances firing up the body to produce its very own "steroids" without the demand for testosterone boosters or fabricated steroids.
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One more research adhered to with comparable outcomes with postmenopausal females taking 3mg daily and over 12 weeks had a typical rise of 1.5 kg LBM. Steroids are still very much a problem - many thanks in no small part to raised sales over platforms like Instagram. However it shows up that "this year's large muscle drug", according to Guys's Health, is SARMs - or selective androgen receptor modulators. While similar to anabolic steroids in some ways, there are some vital distinctions in between both - and also while presently lawful in the UK, their standing is being challenged in the States.
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Collagen Peptides Market Can Become Bigger In Five Years With Key Players Rousselot BV Cargill Inc. Ewald-Gelatine GmbH Gelita AG Holista Colltech Limited, Italgelatine, Junca Gelatines SL, Lapi Gelatine, Nitta Gelatin Inc., PB Gelatins GmbH, REINERT GRUPPE Ingredients GmbH.
Posted: Thu, 07 Jan 2021 08:10:00 GMT [source]
Today they are used quite generally due to the effects they offer. Unlike timeless steroids, they counteract prostate spreading, however most notably, making use of SARM leads to muscle tissue growth. Taking specifics from the SARM team likewise has a direct result on bone cells. Selective androgen receptor modulators were created to get rid of the negative effects and also the poor oral bioavailability and pharmacokinetic account of testosterone. While the specific system of the action of SARMs is not fully understood, the key reason for higher cells specificity and extra favorable pharmacokinetics is thought about to be their resistance to aromatization or 5-α-reduction.
Why Vaccines Cant Be Made With Other Kinds Of Stabilisers Or Other Kinds Of Gelatine.
Yet pharma lab global’s free online Shop Ipamorelin Online of S23 result from its capacity to suppress FSH and also LH, 2 vital hormones for making sperm. In rats S23 the half-life is reported to be 11.9 hrs as well as when taken by mouth 96% is soaked up by the body and degrees come to a head at around the 4-hour mark. In rats a study shows that S23 reduced typical body weight and also fat mass, the rats were after that additionally offered estrogen which causes muscle loss yet S23 was able to bypass the effects of estrogen as well as boost lean muscular tissue mass. Ostarine is additionally the most researched SARM as in 2017 it had 24 human clinical tests entailing greater than 1,500 people. They were considering the healing advantages for muscle mass wasting, breast cancer as well as urinary incontinence.
SARMs are shown to aid boost the body's all-natural weight loss procedure. It also boosts your toughness and also muscular tissue mass, enhances bone thickness as well as helps speed up the recovery process after intense toughness training. It helps bodybuilders and also various other athletes make faster gains from their training, with its cutting and also bulking impacts. There are different kinds of SARMs, and also you can also pile them to produce effective SARMs cycles.
Long-lasting use of specifics coming from the group of androgen receptor modulators of SARM might create unwanted results such as voice loss or virilisation of women. Significantly, on the various other hand, SARMs do not prevent their own manufacturing of a crucial hormonal agent, testosterone, unlike numerous steroids. However did complete blood job after the cycle and whatever was spot on. As a research chemical, Ostarine comes from a course of chemicals referred to as SARMs or discerning androgen receptor modulators. SARMs produce selective anabolic task at specific androgen receptors and also not others, therefore their name. Contrasted to testosterone and also other anabolic steroids as well as professional hormonal agents, the benefit of SARMs such as MK-2688 is that they do not have androgenic task in non-skeletal-muscle cells.
When applied topically to the skin, peptides work as little carriers, setting off skin cells to execute details functions such as constructing collagen and also elastin, urging skin to look and act younger.
The second kind jobs by hindering nerve signals, to make sure that our face muscular tissues are unable to relocate so successfully, and thus the fine lines that are developed by this movement can be prevented.
When put on your skin, they demonstrate exceptional advantages, revitalising your skin and also making it a lot more resistant and more powerful.
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Ostarine (enobosarm, S-22, MK-2866, or GTx-024) and Ligandrol (LGD-4033, VK5211) are both non-steroidal SARMs. OS was been revealed to boost the lean body mass and also physical function in elderly men as well as postmenopausal women as well as lower muscle wasting in people with cancer cells (24-- 26). For LG, a rise in the lean body mass in young healthy and balanced clients has actually been observed. Ostarine is classed as an anabolic agent by the World Anti-Doping Firm, which reported a low 28 unfavorable logical searchings for across sport in its 2016 Screening Figures Record. It is a Careful Androgen Receptor Modulator developed as Enobosarm by pharmaceutical firm GTX to deal with problems entailing muscular tissue wastefulness or osteoporosis. Therefore, it is designed to target the androgen receptors in the body, to make sure that selected cells respond as they would certainly to testosterone, without the side effects. During Dalton's trials, he discovered that ostarine lowered fat, enhanced lean muscle mass and boosted staircase climb power by more than 15% in senior male individuals.
He synthesized ostarine as a more refined version of andarine, as well as it undertook numerous human tests. In one 12-week research on older men, ostarine cause an increase in lean muscle mass and a decline in fat mass. The guys were likewise checked out during workout, and also after 12 weeks experienced a 15% enhancement in their efficiency with staircase climbing.
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The increase in testosterone from SARMs leads to even more anabolic task, giving the body a side. SARMs, or selective androgen receptor modulators, are drugs that impact muscular tissue growth, usually made use of in the bodybuilding area. SARMs, or discerning androgen receptor modulators, are a course of androgen receptor ligands uncovered in the 90s, after the adverse impacts of steroids had actually been far better checked out. Research SARMs are researched for their impacts on muscular tissue gains, bone thickness, healing time, weight loss and for any kind of damaging results they might create. Nonetheless, SARMs are known for having marginal negative effects and also no well-known red flags when taken within specific dosages, according to a recap of study reported in Existing Viewpoint in Scientific Nourishment & Metabolic Care. Piling develops a collaborating strategy to enhancing lean muscular tissue mass whilst decreasing body fat. Or if cutting preventing muscle loss Store our discerning androgen receptor modulator piles below.
To support high muscular tissue mass gain, support reveal sporting activities progression, low-cost expense and also little or no adverse effects. As it ends up, there are products on the market that can give all this. SARMy is a kind of reasonably new supplements on the marketplace, which really quickly obtained appeal among individuals who are seeking materials to boost their number, strength and reduction possibilities. Products from the SARM team include androgen receptor modulators, which are considered to be lawful anabolic-androgenic steroids. They were very first established in the 1990s and also were originally thought about to be really unpredictable substances.
Do peptides actually work?
Studies show that peptides are effective at increasing collagen production. Despite the fact that peptides are greater than 500 Daltons, there are several studies that suggest peptides are helpful when applied topically.
As a result, they have expanded in popularity as a way of enhancing muscle building - however without as much of the side effects that come with anabolic steroid usage. Throughout usage, maximum muscle mass toughness and also endurance boosts significantly. These are specifically created substances for optimal result on androgen receptors.
SARMs resemble steroids, however they are not one as well as the exact same. Both job by binding to your androgen receptors, triggering adjustments in your DNA which increase your muscular tissues' capability to grow. However steroids are a candid device-- they can also influence other components of the body, causing adverse effects such as prostate concerns, hair loss and also acne. SARMs, nonetheless, are claimed to be "cells discerning"-- they target your muscular tissues without setting off this exact same chain of responses.
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lycraanswer1 · 4 years
Can Consuming Collagen Quit Skin Ageing?
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Experiment I: Ostarine.
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Statement From Dayana Yastremska
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Testosterone and also DHT manage mesenchymal multipotent cell distinction by promoting the association of AR with β-catenin and translocation of the AR-β-catenin complex right into the center, leading to activation of TCF-4. The activation of TCF-4 regulates a variety of Wnt-regulated genetics that promote myogenic differentiation and inhibit adipogenic distinction. The impacts of testosterone on myogenic distinction are moderated through an AR path. Testosterone increases fractional muscular tissue protein synthesis and boosts the reutilization of amino acids by the muscle. We do not understand whether conversion of testosterone to DHT is required for mediating androgen results on the muscle mass. They function by developing a bond with the androgen receptors in the body. As more androgens are created, the body can build muscle faster than otherwise, thus stimulating the anabolic state.
Lasting use of specifics coming from the group of androgen receptor modulators of SARM might cause unwanted effects such as voice loss or virilisation of females. Importantly, on the various other hand, SARMs do not hinder their very own production of an important hormonal agent, testosterone, unlike several steroids. The development of new muscle mass, strength, protein synthesis and also fat decrease will show up after a short period of time. Nonetheless, you should be aware that like a lot of substances, they can cause adverse effects.
RAD-140 is most typically utilized at 5-20mg per day, with 10mg daily being one of the most typical for 6-12 weeks. Throughout this time individuals have reported big rises in toughness as well as 10-15lbs of muscle from the initial cycle.
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Andranine created in the 1990s was discovered to have a remarkable impact on muscle development. Body builders were switching over from anabolic steroids to Andranine as they assumed there were much less side effects. Teacher JT Dalton entered into collaboration with a pharmaceutical company to establish a course of medications called" SARMS" Careful Androgen Receptor Modulators. Both of these failed to get governing authorization for the legal supply chain. However these items have actually been used by many individuals in the sports neighborhood. OurcertifiedSARMs items are made with Excellent quality as well as Pure Active component ranging from 97.5-- 99.9%.
The Benefits Of Purchasing Bulk Sarms In The Uk.
Prohormones cause an anabolic result by converting to testosterone in the blood stream. The disadvantage of this conversion, which happens in the liver, has a negative impact on the liver over time, which can raise the risk for liver conditions. The most effective SARM for getting cut is MK 677, which also passes the names Ibutamoren and Nutrobal.
All you need is some basic nonprescription PCT supplements and also you're good to go. It can be administered orally, minimizing the results of testosterone blood levels.
Experiment I: Ostarine.
Steroids are very powerful but at the exact same time are dangerous also. If the steroids are not utilized sensibly it can stimulate numerous health collections. On the other hand SARMs might have similar effect on body like anabolic steroids, yet unlike steroids they directly work on muscle tissue and have no consistent adverse effects. As SARMs can easily bind to the receptors in the body they can increase the procedure of muscle mass growth as well as repair work. Steroid could hinder the other hormones, but SARMs focus on only muscle and tissues without hindering other important physical function.
A sports supplement company owner sold unregulated steroid-like drugs - Business Insider - Business Insider
A sports supplement company owner sold unregulated steroid-like drugs - Business Insider.
Posted: Wed, 23 Dec 2020 20:43:33 GMT [source]
These include results on second sex-related qualities, beard, state of mind, possible loss of hair for individuals that have a tendency to baldness. check it out for weight have comparable effects to AAS (anabolic-androgenic steroids, have a number of side effects, can be eliminated with SERM), which means they increase muscle mass stamina as well as mass. Nevertheless did complete blood work after the cycle and also everything was area on. As a research chemical, Ostarine belongs to a course of chemicals known as SARMs or selective androgen receptor modulators.
Never-ceasing Scientific Research The Reaper 120 Caps (ostarine).
SARMs create discerning anabolic task at specific androgen receptors and not others, thus their name. Compared to testosterone and various other anabolic steroids as well as pro hormones, the advantage of SARMs such as MK-2688 is that they do not have androgenic task in non-skeletal-muscle tissues.
Does MK 677 raise blood sugar?
MK-677 produced significant increases in fasting glucose (5.4 +/- 0.3 to 6.8 +/- 0.4 mmol/L at 4 weeks; P
RAD-140 did progress to animal researches yet is yet to move to human trials. Throughout this time around researchers located that in rats RAD-140 matched anabolic result with testosterone propionate mg for mg but was far less androgenic. It required a 60x higher dose than the testosterone to create the same prostate development.
https://direct-peptides.com/ are additionally believed to cure numerous illness in which steroids and also other medicines dealt with earlier. It also reveals guarantee to change androgens which can produce similar preferable outcomes on muscle mass cells as steroids.
Post Cycle Therapy – How Crucial is PCT Really – The San Francisco Examiner - San Francisco Examiner
Post Cycle Therapy – How Crucial is PCT Really – The San Francisco Examiner.
Posted: Mon, 21 Dec 2020 08:00:00 GMT [source]
This process reduces the price of muscular tissue failure when training, yet permits you to retain mass, so muscular tissues can repair without the in-between stage of being broken down. The objective of PCT is to return your testosterone back to regular levels, whilst combating any side effects that try to show up during this time. Regrettably, the human body attempts to be brilliant and also when testosterone gets on the increase, it tends to raise estrogen too. Sometimes even at a quicker price, because of this during PCT it is very important to block estrogen from aromatizing to make sure that negative effects such as Gyno or even muscle loss don't occur. S23 could be thought about as one of the much more potent SARMs as a result of its extremely solid bonds with the AR. But the contraceptive impacts of S23 are because of its capacity to suppress FSH and also LH, two vital hormones for making sperm.
SARMs are The Future of Fitness since, unlike steroids, they promote androgen receptors in muscle mass and also bone without influencing various other cells. While SARMs are in some cases described as "legal steroids" and also are a healthy and balanced alternative to steroids for muscle mass development, SARMs are a completely different compound. The results of steroids on muscle development works by boosting increased testosterone production. On the various other hand, SARMs work by regulating estrogen receptors on your cells in order to permit testosterone levels to elevate naturally, according to a record published in Spine Muscular Degeneration. Prohormones were developed before the discovery and also growth of SARMs and also after steroids were already being made use of in the body building community. Prohormones are similar to anabolic-androgenic steroids, however with milder results on the body compared to steroids.
Is MK 677 Safe?
Results. Daily MK-677 significantly increased GH and IGF-I levels to those of healthy young adults without serious adverse effects.
In rats S23 the half-life is reported to be 11.9 hrs and also when taken by mouth 96% is soaked up by the body and levels peak at around the 4-hour mark. In rats a study shows that S23 reduced ordinary body weight and also fat mass, the rats were then likewise offered estrogen which creates muscle loss yet S23 was able to override the effects of estrogen and also rise lean muscle mass.
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werevulvi · 4 years
Not the anon you replied to but I think the nonbinary argument falls apart for me because no one can be truly sexless nor a hermaphrodite person so this idea that they "should" be is like someone feeling they should be a minotaur or a fairy. It's so disconnected and almost entitled to bend reality that it grates on me, especially when its combined with some flavor of "but it's not a mental illness!".Even from a health pov there is no viable HRT that makes u both. And no gonads+no HRT = bad
Well, that's alright. I might just not see it from the same perspective as you. I don't really view nonbinary as one specific thing, but rather as on a greyscale kinda between male and female. It is not saying that mixing male and female traits on the same body in various ways necessarily "makes" a new gender, or truly sexless. The "gender" is merely personal interpretation.
I still battle this with myself, so it's difficult to talk about, but since I'm the only nonbinary person who's brain I know well enough to speak of... I guess I'll try.
First off though, usually the point with nonbinary isn't to be a specific "third" sex, sexless or to be some mythological hermaphodite. Humans cannot become truly sexless or be both sexes for real, but at the same time females cannot become males or vice versa either. So is it pointless to transition (with hormones and surgery) at all then?
Because at the end of the day, we're all just bio males and bio females, regardless how we feel about it, and regardless if we transition or not. That's what the reality is. But wanting to look different and putting a gendered meaning into that difference, isn't necessarily wrong, bad or illogical to me.
Like I have a teddy tiger which I sometimes refer to as simply "my tiger" even though she's not a real tiger. Because the toy resembles a tiger, and was made to resemble a tiger, it's logical enough to call her a tiger, even though it might sometimes be important to specify that it's made of fabric. Likewise, a nonbinary person might just be a female who looks partially male and partially female, due to hormones and surgery, like myself. To then say that me looking both male and female and liking it "makes" me nonbinary is no more untrue than saying that the soft toy "is" a tiger.
Because I resemble a mix of both sexes, just like the soft toy resembles a tiger. I cannot produce both sperm and eggs so I am not of both sexes for real; and my tiger cannot roar nor scratch, and is not a living creature, thus it is not a real tiger. Often times we call things not only what they are, but also what they resemble. Especially when it comes to art and other creations, but really all sorts of things. Like comparing someone's red hair to fire, or calling my balcony during hot summer days a sauna, even though red hair is not actual flames and my balcony is not an actual sauna. Why? Because it help with communication. Parables are important to describe things or to make a point. I even made another parable to describe a parable, to prove a point with a parable, just now.
Granted that most nonbinary (and binary) trans people do not view themselves as a parable to the gender of the sex they consider themselves to be, but I do.
So, consider the fact that transition doesn't actually change the person's sex, only polishes the surface to either look like the opposite sex, and/or some ambiguous variant of both/neither sex, but it can still make that person feel better about themselves. Is it then pointless for them to do things that make them feel better and find ways to lead a more functional life, regardless of how redundant it might seem to you? Because to me, the point of transitioning is not to become something else (whether that be male, female, sexless or a hermaphrodite), but to reduce dysphoria to improve over all life quality for the dysphoric person. And yes, dysphoria is a mental illness. I wouldn't wanna argue against that. I view my dysphoria as the defect, not my sex. And no, transitioning doesn't help every dysphoric person, but I think it's pretty clear that it helps for some. So then there's just not that much of a difference between... say, transitioning with T and top surgery to live as a self-perceived man - and transitioning with only T to live as a self-perceived half man-half woman. Because neither of those two examples can truly become anything other than a female anyway, so why does it matter? It might not matter to you, but it probably matters to them.
Also, I don't think anyone "should" be of the other sex or some other variant either. I just think people can do whatever they want with their own bodies if it makes them happy, and call themselves whatever they want if they feel that's useful for them somehow.
Both males and females, as well as intersex conditions that look ambiguous exist. Fairies and minotaurs do not. Even if they might be loosely based on bulls and fireflies. I could literally fool people to believe that I'm both male and female by simply saying some stupid shit like "I was born with both a dick and a pussy" because a lot of people have heard that can be a thing, even though they would know it's rare, they likely know it's humanly possible in some way. Getting people to believe I'm a fairy or minotaur would probably be a lot harder, unless they’re 5 years old.
How much or what kind of dysphoria somehow has doesn't really matter, I think. Dysphoria is dysphoria. And yeah, I would at least be willing to possibly extend that non-dysphoric people who seem genuinely more satisfied with themselves post-transition. Because then so what, good for them.
But yeah, I know even I have an easier time accepting certain types of nonbinary more than other types. Someone wanting no genitals, I would personally find very concerning, but someone wanting both a dick and pussy, I wouldn't be nearly as worried about. Someone wanting physical changes that can realistically be acquired through hormones, surgery, etc, would not be as concerning for me as someone wanting... say for example a big beard but not a deeper voice, and start dabbling with testosterone anyway.
You're right that there is no hormone that makes you "both" but it's possible to look androgynous in various ways with the hormones available. Sure, I may pass as male, have a beard and flat chest, but I also have a curvy figure and a pussy. To me, that's kind of a way to look like "both" sexes at once. Not evenly, and not like a hermaphrodite stereotype, but it is a combination of male and female sex characteristics that together makes me look kinda half and half. How I "achieved" that was simply by first going through female puberty (naturally) and then taking testosterone (on standard, "full" dose) for a significant amount of time, and get a mastectomy. Totally doable. Although my personal results depend highly on my genetic as well, of course. For other variants of androgyny, some manage to achieve that with low dose hormones, or going off the hormones after a shorter time on them. Some also go on and off hormones (not sure how healthy that is though.) Not everyone gets their intended results, but I have seen many variants that have looked good to me. I’m not advocating for getting one’s gonads removed and then not take any sort of hrt, or doing hrt without a knowledgable doctor’s supervision.
So really all I can say is I'm generally okay-ish with the concept of nonbinary, but some aspects/variants of it does concern me, make me uncomfortable, make me roll my eyes, or even viscerally upset me. I'm still quicker to critisise nb than I am to defend it, however... I do both critisise and defend it.
Whether I want to admit it or not, I'm practically nonbinary myself, even though I scoff at the concept and can name a hundred things wrong with it. I don't wanna label myself that, though. I hate it.
Let me put it this way: In an ideal world I'd just exist as myself like this, take my testosterone just because I like it (and not because I'm x, y or z gender), dress however I want (without it being questioned to mean I wanna be x, y or z gender), and be openly proud about my bio sex being female (without people telling me they don't believe it), without having to label myself anything at all. Alternatively, I'd also be fine with carrying a label which doesn't exclude ANY of those things I like being/doing with my body, style, name, etc.
But thing is I don't live in an ideal world. I live in Sweden. And in Sweden, we call freaks like me nonbinary. Because women don't wanna take testosterone to look like bearded men in dresses, and (trans) men don't love being female. Only nonbinary people do. So I’m only really nonbinary because I don’t fit any other label, and well, most people I know/come across dislike it too.
At the end of the day my body is just me and I just am like this. It doesn't actually "mean" anything, other than that I had dysphoria and acted on it. I love being female and I love being transitioned. Thus, I feel like I am in some highly abstract and vague sense "a little bit of both" sexes, and I don't think that's a particularly strange conclusion to come to, given my situation. I don't mean it literally. It's just how I relate to my body, and it's how the world relates to me. Sure, far from everyone “reads” me as nonbinary, but the sheer number of people who have told me I should identify that way... is flabbergasting, seriously. It’s like 20+ people who told me that, unprompted. Both people I’ve known, and strangers.
So, as I'm reluctantly trying to slap the uncomfortable nonbinary label on my own ass... perhaps I "shouldn't" invalidate my own kind, while I'm at it. However, the only thing I'd kindly ask of others to "validate" about me is my humanity, and to respect my bodily autonomy. If others think of me as a man or woman, both or neither, I truly do not care. But would I ever truly advocate for the nonbinary community? No, I don't think so. For the most part it’s regressive and goes against my values. I'd rather have gender be done away with, because ultimately I think that's a much better goal... even though it’s a pipedream. We can all dream, right?
So I mean... I'm probably not the best person to come to for some solid argument in support of nonbinary.
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mayuris-posts · 2 years
#When faced with the reality that the failure to get pregnant is an issue that requires IVF or Test tube Baby treatment#the first concern is the cost of IVF. Patients take pains to locate the providers of 'the most affordable IVF treatment'#'cheap cost IVF treatment'#etc#not realizing that it is not IVF cycles that is the concern. They should be searching for the provider of 'the least cost to pregnancy'.#Which is actually more important#than the cost of a single IVF cycle.#In this video we will be addressing the different ways by which the fertilization can be achieved and how they are different from each othe#In ICF or Test tube baby process the sperms and the eggs are retrieved from the male and female partner respectively and made to fuse in a#Another procedure which is often been performed is ICSI#that is intracytoplasmic sperm injection. This procedure is very helpful in case of#any sperm motility issue. What we do in this procedure#is injecting the sperm directly over the egg that will ensure the fusion and embryo will be formed.#Going one more step ahead#is the discovery of IMSI#that is intracytoplasmic morphologically selected sperm injection. in this the sperm which is of a good quality is selected and made to fus#is transferred to uterus.#We may have a good fertilization rate or good success with ICSI#but sometimes the quality of the sperm makes lot of difference.#To overcome this challenge the IMSI#is a improved technology which came into existence#which has a good fertilization chances.#When the success rate is high#the number of cycles to achieve the same are less so the cost of such cycles are also less.#There are many cases#where the ICSI or IMSI can yield the positive results#when there is a problem or issue with the sperm motility or morphology.#Since it's a complex procedure#there are many components which affect the cost of healthy pregnancy.#We will see in detail about D3 ot D5 embryo transfer and success rate.
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scripttorture · 6 years
Sleep Deprivation
It’s really past time we talked about sleep deprivation. It’s a mainstay of modern torture and it’s been used for hundreds of years.
It’s also one of the clean (non-scarring) tortures that’s most regularly dismissed. The damage it causes is downplayed. And we often don’t even recognise it when it’s shown in fiction.
Sleep is a physiological need, like eating, drinking and breathing. Deprived of it we start to become ill and eventually die.
I’m breaking this down into sections, we’ll start with ‘normal’ sleep, talk about what sleep deprivation does to physical and mental health and then talk about how torturers deprive victims of sleep.
I’ll finish up by talking about how the long term symptoms of torture can impact sleep.
How much sleep is enough and what is normal sleep?
There is some variation in sleep patterns between individuals but if you let someone sleep for as long as they like most people sleep for around 7-9 hours a night. When we’re ill we tend to sleep more.
If you plot life expectancy against average hours of sleep a night you get a sort of U shaped graph. People who routinely sleep less then 7-9 hours a night have shorter lives and so do people who sleep more.
But there’s no evidence that sleeping too much actually causes poor health. People who sleep more on average may have underlying health conditions that shorten their lives.
And we have a lot of evidence that sleeping less causes poor health.
Sleep is divided into two types, REM and NREM sleep. That stands for Rapid Eye Movement sleep and Non Rapid Eye Movement sleep. Most people know REM sleep as dreaming sleep. Both are essential for human health.
All animals that have been tested sleep but only birds and mammals have been shown to dream. There’s also considerable variation in how long different species need to sleep for, most animals seem to need more than humans.
We sleep in cycles, chunks of time roughly an hour and a half long when we go through different stages of sleep. The initial cycles focus heavily on NREM sleep and as the night goes on we have more REM sleep, but every cycle contains a little of both.
The time of day we’re most likely to naturally fall asleep and naturally wake up varies with age in a non-linear fashion. Young children wake up early and tire early. Teenagers famously stay up late and sleep in late. The elderly wake up incredibly early and sleep incredibly early. This variation, along with individual variation, is thought to serve a protective function: humans are pack animals and varied sleep patterns within a group ensure that someone is awake most of the time in case of emergency.
It’s perfectly healthy for the time we want to go to sleep to vary, but the amount we need to sleep is more or less consistent after infancy.
Drugs, including caffeine, may effect our ability to fall asleep or our perception of how sleepy we are but they do not fulfil our need for sleep.
Keep in mind that even a character who is voluntarily depriving themselves of sleep will feel the effects. Repeated experiments have shown that we can be consciously aware we’re sleep deprived and aware of the effects of sleep deprivation but can not compensate for them.
Your character can’t get around the effects of sleep deprivation by willpower any more then a drunk can get around the effects of alcohol. Stimulants might keep them awake and raise their reaction time but they don’t effect other symptoms and may make some symptoms worse.
We need sleep after roughly sixteen hours of being awake. After that point our ability to function well starts to drop.
Effects of sleep deprivation
We’re still in the process of pinning down all the effects of sleep deprivation. Some of these effects are things we know happen but we don’t know why.
The more sleep deprived a character is the more symptoms they’d have, both physical and mental. Some of these symptoms are apparent after just one night of poor sleep (for the purposes of this post five hours sleep the previous night). I’m going to mark these early symptoms with an asterix (*) so you can easily recognise them.
Keep in mind that these effects are cumulative.
A character who gets into a pattern of not sleeping enough will get worse rather then staying at a steady level. The longer the character isn’t sleeping the more symptoms they should develop.
Physical symptoms
Muscular pain
Increased blood pressure*
Reduced alertness*
Lower immune response leading to:
Increased infections
Longer recovery times
Longer reaction times*
Worse reflexes*
Lower natural testosterone levels and lower sperm counts
Abnormal menstrual cycles and lower fertility levels
Poor coordination*
Increased chance of accidents*
Subtle changes to physical appearance that cause a character to appear unhealthy*
Microsleeps (short periods of unconsciousness)
Psychological symptoms
Reduced ability to interpret other people’s emotions*
Increased feelings of distrust towards other people*
Increased chance of substance abuse
Memory loss*
Impaired ability to learn*
Increased risk of developing false memories
Suicidal thoughts and urges
Markedly reduced concentration*
Consistently underestimating their level of impairment*
Impaired ability to think logically*
Increase in depressive and anxious symptoms, possibly inducing depression and anxiety
Reduced creativity*
Reduced problem solving ability*
Reduced ability to plan*
Increased risk of violent behaviour
Symptoms similar to psychosis in the long term
Long term effects
These aren’t symptoms exactly, these are a list of conditions people who are chronically sleep deprived are more likely to get. They develop several years later, usually in the 40-50s at the earliest.
Any amount of sleep deprivation is thought to increase the chances of these conditions but the longer and more consistently a character is sleep deprived the more likely they are.
Cancer (various kinds)
Heart failure (and coronary heart disease)
Dementia, especially Alzheimer’s
Higher miscarriage rates
Vaccines may be less effective if the person was sleep deprived before the vaccine was administered because the immune response is suppressed. Research on this isn’t quite as thorough yet and it isn’t clear if the smaller immune response actually equates to less immunity against the real disease.
Sleep deprivation is also thought to increase weight gain. It makes people feel hungrier and crave unhealthy foods. While not nearly as serious as the other effects here it is a noted long term effect and as such I felt it needed to be included. Especially since there is a correlation between higher weight and sleep disorders.
How torturers deprive people of sleep.
Sleep deprivation is sometimes portrayed as a ‘modern’ innovation. This is untrue. Scottish witch trials used it heavily in attempts to force confessions and the Spanish Inquisition explicitly forbid its use (they thought the delirium and hallucinations would prevent victims from truly confessing and repenting their sins).
Not all of these methods would result in total sleep deprivation (ie absolutely no sleep in 24 hours). Some of them would lead to less sleep, poor sleep or disrupted sleep. This is still profoundly harmful.
Some of these methods could fit easily with a historical setting. Some wouldn’t. Some would work better in a pseudo-interrogation or forced confession scenario. If you’re planning on using sleep deprivation in your story pick a method that you feel fits your plot and setting best.
And if you’re not planning on using sleep deprivation but you see something you have used on this list take a moment to think about what you might be implying.  
Poor cell conditions including:
-Constant light
-Constant noise
-Insufficient room to sleep
-Wet cells
-Extreme temperatures in cells
-Lack of beds and bedding
Stress positions such as forced standing. These are generally used for between 24-48 hours continuously meaning they’re automatically combined with sleep deprivation.
Constant use of restraints, especially if the restraints stop the character from fully extending their limbs or fully lowering their limbs.
Forced exercise such as forced walking (this was used in Scottish witch trials).
Forced labour for prolonged periods.
Guards disturbing the sleep of prisoners. For example shaking people awake every few minutes.
Prolonged interrogation without rest such as relay interrogation. Relay interrogation involves switching interrogators regularly so that prisoners can be kept in interrogation for over 24 hours at a time.
Starvation, hunger reduces our ability to sleep well and get as much sleep as we need. When combined with poor cell conditions poor sleep becomes inevitable.
Denying medical treatment to injured characters.
Poor sleep in survivors
Most of the long term symptoms of torture have the potential to disrupt sleep.
Depression, anxiety, hypervigilance and suicidal thoughts can all prevent survivors getting to sleep and disrupt sleep.
PTSD often involves intense nightmares which can both disturb sleep and make a survivor dread falling asleep. The majority of PTSD sufferers have difficulty sleeping.
Chronic pain can prevent sleep and many of the drugs commonly used to treat it can also lead to disturbed sleep. Like commonly abused addictive drugs pain medication can lead to poor quality sleep.
This doesn’t necessarily mean every survivor will have trouble sleep or be sleep deprived. While a lot of people with mental health problems have poorer sleep not everyone does. Medication for depression and anxiety can sometimes help people sleep and this in turn can reduce the intensity of symptoms.
Think about the combination of symptoms you’ve chosen for your character and consider whether they could lead to long term sleep loss.
Our need for sleep isn’t something we can debate, bribe or drug away. It’s a fundamental part of our biology.
Losing sleep is serious, being actively deprived of it is abusive. Be aware of what your story is doing and be prepared to show the consequences.
Why Torture doesn’t work: The Neuroscience of Interrogation by S O’Mara, Harvard University Press, 2015
Why We Sleep by M Walker, Penguin, 2017 - This book contains references to a lot of sleep research papers and is a very good introduction to the subject. Walker and Jagust conducted research together on the link between lack of sleep and Alzheimer’s. He also recommends D Dinges’ (University of Pennsylvania) body of work on sleep and concentration, response time and car accidents.
The Mystery of Sleep by M Kryger, Yale University Press, 2017
Available on Wordpress.
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meditativeyoga · 4 years
Sheersha Asana - The Headstand Yoga Posture
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Sheersha Asana is a very renowned, advantageous and most spoken about Yoga position worldwide over. The disease-removing qualities which are there in all the 8.4 million Yoga exercise postures taken together, are there in this solitary Yoga exercise posture. For that reason, the entire Yoga exercise education as well as practice could be located in Sirsha Asana alone. That is why this stance is called the King of all Yoga Postures. Fantastic care and caution need to be used while practicing this stance. Numerous individuals, after coming to understand of great advantages of this posture, do this pose wrongly as a result of which, as opposed to gaining from this posture, they run right into despair. In average books, on the one hand the benefits of this position are overstated and on the other hand, the authors do not warn concerning the precautions to be taken while exercising this posture.
How to Do Sheersha Asana or Sirsha Asana
Spread a covering or a sheet of material on the floor and rest in the Toughie position (Vajra Asana) (defined earlier). Bend onward as well as position your knees some range away on the floor. The first 2 inches of your head (beginning from the end of your temple where there is initial line of hair) is ideal matched for use in Sheersha Asana. This component is to be placed on a slightly thicker cloth (folded up covering or folded towel).
Now interlock the fingers of both the hands. Keep a distance of regarding one or one-and-a-half foot between your feet. Place your directly the thicker textile (specified over) and near your hands.
Check out that the head is steady in between your hands as well as does not drop behind when pressure is placed on it.
Raise the knees above the ground.
Slowly bring your feet in the direction of your head.
This means, once you have correctly balanced your body, raise your hips. When you do this, then the top component of your feet (heels) will certainly removal far from your body and also will certainly rise above the ground.
Straighten your knees. In this setting, your body will certainly be straight yet upside down. Make sure to establish whether your body is straight or not, Concurrently, you must not really feel any kind of problem in balancing your body. Gradually, when you have been able to understand every single step, you will certainly soon have the ability to remain in this posture.
However you have to not quicken to obtain quick success. In start, it is enough to stay in this stance (The Headland) for 15-20 seconds, which duration must be slowly enhanced to 30-60 seconds. After that, this duration could be boosted even to 6-10 minutes. Some Yoga experts favour staying in this position for 30 minutes. to 1 hr. It should, however, be kept in mind that there is a difference between the yogis, spiritual experts and also those who are normal persons residing in a family.
The yogis method Yoga for a long time for attaining yogic powers. The ordinary individuals have to exercise Yoga in addition to their everyday tasks. Consequently, the Yoga exercise specialist should bear in mind the good and bad impacts of Yoga exercise and likewise the accessibility of rime while practicing Yoga. The Headstand affects the brain likewise. You have to take treatment that you do not obtain any type of adverse impacts like frustration, vertigo, etc also in half a minute. In instance you experience these signs, then the method time might be reduced.
Breathing of This Yoga Asana
Immediately before going into the last stage as well as while going back to the typical placement, carry out take in and hold your breath. During the last stage, breathing will certainly remain normal.
Spiritually, you need to concentrate on Sahastradkar Chakra (explained somewhere else). Physically, you should focus on balancing your body.
Benefits of Sirshasana
This Yoga exercise pose supplies strength to all the body organs. This increases blood supply in the brain as well as prostate gland. Opposite flow of blood collected in the feet and belly region, assists in development of new cells. This gets rid of the malfunctioning of all the glands, specifically reproductive glands. This posture is also beneficial in a number of psychiatric disorders.
The Headstand is considered to be the king of all poses, so much as healing the ailments is concerned. There is little disorder, which is not made better by the Headstand The disease-curing residential properties in all the 8.4 millions Yoga poses taken together, are discovered in Headstand alone. This pose advantages conditions of eyes, early graying of hair, hair loss, blood contaminations, leprosy and also menstruation difficulties in females. To cure cool and catarrh, this is a sure-shot posture.
The many of the psychological conditions get healed with it. This pose is stated to heal also lunacy. Nonetheless, it that must be born in mind that this position is to be practiced after learning it from an able Yoga exercise instructor. Technique of this position remedies lots of conditions of semen and also sperm in males as a result of which it brings glow on the face of the specialist. Yoga exercise literary works has mosted likely to the degree of saying that this position could even maintain fatality and also aging at bay. Sometimes, also difficult illness like hernia have additionally been attended have actually been treated. Swatma Rama, an adherent of the terrific yogi Gorakh Nath has written in Hatha Yoga Preepika as follow:-
Whatever elixir flows like a moon-light from the ceiling of our mind, is taken in by the Sunlight that exists in the navel.
Therefore, we get old. With the practice of Sheershasana, the process is reversed. Those who practice Sheershasana daily according to their capability as well as in correct way, never get old because there is moon present on the ceiling of the brain from where elixir flows and the wonderful fire which is burning like the Sun in the navel, does not allow that elixir to obtain destroyed.
With the method of this yoga posture, a person attains spiritual as well as yogic happiness as a result of which he is able to control his sex-related prompts. It stops unnecessary drifting of mind from something, to the other. The will power comes to be solid as well as the individual has all the qualities of a human being.
Precautions for Sheersh Asana
Those experiencing hypertension (hypertension), heart palpitation and also uneasiness need to not practise this posture.
With this position, a lot of the blood existing in the body obtains collected in the head. Those, that have actually not practised various other stances before they come to the Headstand, have much more toxic substances in their body in comparison to those that regularly practise other Yoga exercise positions. One must well practise various other Yoga exercise postures prior to they pick to carry out the Headstand.
One should have fairly refined the The Shounderstand (Sarwanga Asana) before practicing the Headstand. This will aid in balancing the body.
One need to practice this posture only after very carefully learning the method.
This posture should be practiced at the end of all various other Yoga exercise poses (except the Remains Position and the Palm Tree Stance which ought to be practiced after the Headstand).
If you are experiencing any kind of disorder of the eye, ear, nose or throat, after that wait till you are fully cured, before you exercise this posture.
Those older compared to fifty years of age, must thoroughly consider benefits and drawbacks of this pose, before beginning to practice it.
Those of you who do not, or are not able to, practice the Headstand, ought to web content themselves with the Shoulderstand. They will be just as profited with this pose also.
In hypertension, this position does not bring any type of injury, offered that a person or even more body organ of the body has not currently been impacted with hypertension.
Women must not practice this stance while pregnant as well as throughout their periods.
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rosecorcoranwrites · 5 years
Thoughts on Twists
Every story ever told can be broken down into three parts. The beginning. The middle. And the twist!
—Goosebumps (2015)
Jordan Peele’s Us and M. Night Shyamalan’s The Village Spoilers ahead, so read with caution!
There's something about a good plot twist: the shock, the awe, the feeling of having your world turned upside down. A good twist might make you see a character in a new light, or rethink everything you thought you knew about the setting. A bad twist, on the other hand, can ruin an otherwise decent story. Bad twists feel cheap and stupid, and make what might have been good, even great stories into muddled and unbelievable messes. So what makes a twist good or bad?
First, some preliminaries: what is a twist? Although we all use the phrase "twists and turns", I submit that a plot twist is a little different than a plot turn. A turn might be defined as the plot taking a completely unexpected direction, like "Wow! Who would have thought that guy would end up becoming the villain!". On the other hand, a twist is when we learn an unexpected fact about the world or a character that had been there, secretly, all along: "Wow! Who would have thought that guy was the villain the whole time!".
Since we're on the subject, it should be noted that twist villains are not the only type of twist there is. Nor are twist endings, the quote from Goosebumps notwithstanding. Though twists tend to occur towards the latter part of narratives, they can be sprinkled throughout. I would love to give some examples of this, but one of the problems with talking about good twists is that you don't want to give them away, and talking about them almost invariably does just that.
Obviously, a twist ought to be unpredictable, but a predictable twist does not make a bad story. Erased, which is one of four perfect stories in existence, has a twist you can see coming from a mile away, and yet it remains perfect. Why? First, because the story doesn't hinge on the twist, for one thing; it's cat and mouse, so it's okay if we know who the cat is. Second, a twist that is predictable isn't really a twist. I mean, it is but it isn't; it's one of those weird gray areas of trying to be the thing, but failing. But that's okay. A failed attempt at being a twist is, in my mind, not the same thing as a properly executed but just plain bad twist. But maybe we're getting into the weeds a bit.
I would say that a bad twist is any twist that is not a good twist, and a good twist follows certain rules: it must be believable; it must make sense in retrospect; and, for double twists, the second one must make the story better as a whole. Basically, good twists are satisfying, and bad twists aren't, usually because they break one of the three rules.
Rule 1: A twist must be believable!
By this, I mean believable in whatever world the writer has set up. If supernatural elements are established, or at least hinted at, a supernatural twist is fine. If, however, there is not one hint or peep of the supernatural throughout the story, but it turns out that the killer is a wizard, or an alien, or a ghost, it's awful. Sure, it's unexpected, but in the dumbest way possible. Good twists should be like slight-of-hand; the audience should delight at being fooled. Unbelievable twists feel more like being lied to by someone who's really bad at lying. They feel like an insult.
And don't think that introducing random supernatural elements into a story is the only way to be unbelievable. Sometimes, making a "real world" twist can feel just as unrealistic. I'll say as little as I can, because it's still less than a year old, but I think that Jordan Peele's Us pulls this. I was really excited for that movie when I saw the trailers, and then I read the synopsis and got even more excited, because I hoped that he would try a certain twist. And he did, and I think it's brilliant! But he went for another twist as well (the one that occurs first in the film, actually), which kind of ruins the whole movie. Why? Because that first twist is logistically, financially, geographically, and hereditarily unbelievable (in particular, (SPOILER, obviously): it's idiotic that the child doppelgängers are the offspring of the cloned parents, and not clones of the normal kids. Even if the clone parents had sex at the exact same time as the normal parents, the sperm and egg that happen to unite would be totally random, even accepting the ridiculous idea that the mother clone would ovulate at the same time as the normal mother. Never mind the rest of the absurdity of a vast government(?) clone experiment that just leaves an unlocked exit in a beachside funhouse). It took what could have been a great movie and made it seem fake and silly. I know I wrote a whole post about not being harsh on the plot holes in horror movies, but this particular twist is based on real things in the real world, not monsters or spirits or what have you (and seriously, a mysterious, ever-changing-yet-always-present carnival funhouse that inexplicable spits out doppelgängers from time to time is way scarier than a poorly run scientific experiment). It strains the suspension of disbelief. It's too much to take. Quite simply, I don't buy it. And a good twist should never make the audience say "I don't buy it."
Rule 2: A twist must make sense in retrospect!
The best twists are those that are staring you in the face the whole time. Once you finally learn the truth, you should be able to look back and say, "I can't believe I didn't see that coming!". As an example of such a twist is M. Night Shyamalan's The Visit. Every time I watch that movie with someone who hasn't seen it, it strikes me just how obvious the twist is, and yet no one ever guesses it.
Bad twists tend to come out of left field, or else don’t mesh with what came before. They feel like the writers are cheating by not giving you anything to go off of, but still want you to cheer for them anyway. Hans being the villain in Frozen is one such twist. His early actions in the film don’t jive with his take-the-throne scheme, specifically in that he stops Weselton’s men from killing Elsa in her palace. Why does he do this? The only reason I can think of, given that he was just going to have her executed later anyway, is so the audience wouldn’t know he’s a villain. It’s not in character and doesn't make sense when you learn what he was eventually planning.
Part of making sense in retrospect is having clues to the twist throughout the rest of the story. These might be seemingly unimportant, mundane details that the audience passes over, or they might be red herrings that seem to indicate one thing but actually mean something quite different. Either way, once the twist is revealed, those clues should become obvious. The Ace Attorney games excel at this. There was a case I was playing, and, after finally eliminating one of the two main suspects, I was stumped. If it wasn’t one of those two, who was it? I pulled up the cast list and went one by one, slowly eliminating the impossible until I was left with one improbable suspect. “No,” I thought, “it can’t be them. But, it can’t be anyone else, so…Wait!” Like puzzle pieces falling into place, everything suddenly fit. That person not only had to be the killer because no one else could, it made sense for them to be the killer given all of their past actions.
A twist that I’m not a fan of is the one in And Then There Were None, by Agatha Christie. Before you grab your pitchforks and torches, let me explain for those people who have never read the book: ten strangers meet on an island and are killed, one-by-one, for their past misdeeds. While the book is entertaining and is the granddaddy of all such whittling-down-the-cast who-dun-its, the twist itself is kind of… meh. Yes, the killer’s motive makes sense, but there weren’t any clues or details one could look back on and say, “Ah! Of course! I was blind not to see it!” The little twist as to how they accomplished some of the killings was clever, but as for their identity, well… I feel like Christie could have chosen any of the ten and done the same thing with them. Nothing pointed to that one person in particular being the killer, and it made the whole twist a lot less satisfying.
Rule 3: Double twists must make the story better as a whole!
Double twists are those where one twist comes after another. The second twist can either build on the first one, or subvert it. As an author, I can tell you that double twists are a nice way of covering your bases, because even if someone sees the first twist coming, they usually won’t see the second one. As a reader, I’m crazy about double twists. And yet, people either misuse them by having them make the story worse or don’t use them to make the story better. Basically, a bad double twist is one of those that breaks rule 1 or 2. Sometimes, though, a really good double twist can salvage a single twist that breaks either of these rules, assuming that the story isn't too far gone at that point (Jordan Peele, I'm looking at you).
Let’s take at movie with a double twist, and see if it works or not: M. Night Shyamalan’s The Village. Shyamalan is quite...something, in that he soars to heights and sink to depths in terms of quality. On a scale of The Happening to The Visit (I don’t acknowledge the existence of The Last Airbender or After Earth; they're not Shyamalanian enough), I would say that The Village is just above Lady in the Water but below Glass. Don’t get me wrong, there are parts of The Village that were quite scary and interesting, but its twists? They're just not doing it for me.
SPOILERS, I guess, but this movie's been out for fifteen years, and the twists are nothing great, so, here we go: it turns out the monsters in the woods are actually villagers in suits who deter people from leaving the community, and—double twist—the movie takes place in the modern day, but the village’s inhabitants experienced loss and crime in regular society and formed their weird community in the woods in order to raise their children peacefully. This second twist was neither believable nor hinted at. For example, why do all the adults—all of whom presumably grew up in normal society—use a stilted, old-timey speech (other than to fool the audience on time period)? Also, though we know the elders have secrets they keep in black boxes, we’re never shown even a hint that these might be things from the modern era until the ending. Why not have a full color photo, or an anachronistic piece of technology? The audience would think these were goofs or sloppy filmmaking, until the reveal that it was all part of a carefully set-up twist.
I’m not a fan of the fake-monster twist either, because I’m always in favor of supernatural elements, but it’s not bad in and of itself. If it were the only twist in the film, it would be an okay movie. But that second one, well…It doesn’t make the film better—I think most people would agree it makes it worse—so it’s not a good double twist. How would I fix it? Add one more twist. The blind girl goes into the woods to get medicine, and is attacked by the murderer in a monster suit, just like in the original movie. Only this time, rather than luring him into a hole, she is saved by another creature. “Who’s that?” the audience wonders, until it rips the murderer apart with its claws and then gallops away on all fours or climbs up a tree or something, because—plot twist—there really are monsters out there in the woods! Like I said, I’m always in favor of the supernatural (Besides, the elders do say that they based the creatures off local legends). At this point, you can keep the modern-day twist or not (if you do, I would move the monster fight to after she’s coming home with the medicine). This new twist wouldn’t make it the best movie ever or anything, but it would make it a little better, a little scarier, a bit more unsettling. If the modern setting stays, this twists hits home the already-present-but-somewhat-undercut message that you can try to make a perfect, planned life, but there are still things out there you can't control. I think it would make for a more satisfying story over all.
And that, right there, is what should be at the heart of any twist (or, dare I say it, any story element): satisfying the audience. No one goes into a book or a movie or a game wanting to be lied to or cheated. We want to be dazzled, amazed, maybe even fooled but in a way that we can appreciate. We want a twist that will knock our socks off and change everything we thought we knew, while being right in front of us the whole time. But, honestly, we'll settle for a not-so-mind-blowing twist that at least satisfies our need for a good story. Heck, we'll even take a predictable twist, as long as the story itself is good. Why? Because surprising your audience is a bonus, but satisfying them is a necessity. And that is what a good twist does.
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